June 30, 1932

Page 1



In the/; -;-/

Uedicat,e(£ to, the Ideals of Judaisfn

-Jnteijtistsjif the V. J.ervhh K

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the A.I <if March 3. 1KTU


Vol. IX—No. 22


Seattle (J. T. A.).^Because they refused to take final examinations •'Meshulochim" will in the future without . credentials of the .Vaad. on the Shabuoth holidays, five Unih«J2d-ths approval'of I the local Vaad These credentials will bear the Vaad ••«•«••. • >, -• . „, Local Delegates Seek to Bring H'Oehr, or Union of'Orthodox Syna- stamp and the signature of a spe- Dr. Wise Makes Counter-Charge versity of Washington students of Jewish faith took "incompletes" in Against American Jewish gogues of Omaha, before canvassing cial committee. 1933 Convention to their courses, despite their petition the .Omaha Jewish community, it was Committee Omaha _ . Since the Vaad is representative announced -yesterday: by H.. Marcus* of all orthodox Jewry and- since.the before the holy day that they be '" - -Omaha will be; the scene jof the]president of the Vaad. orthodox are. the ones • solicited 'by • ,The.advisal»ility-<}f -constituting a allowed to take the test on any day The meshulochim are representa- these agents, it is expected that the world Jewish Congress and tfie feasi- which did not conflict with their 1933 convention of the District Grand Lodge* No..6 of the B'nai BTrith,; if tives'or -agents-sent'.to the, various impositions of - the • past will be bility of" establishing-" it, if appointed religious observance. at the conference called i n , Geneva, 'the local delegation to the conclave' Jewish communities to collect funds avoided. Putting their religious beliefs for institutions,> in- all _ parts;; of _ the '' ^Before issuing their credentials the Switzerland on ' August; 14, by' the above their university . credits, the ' in .Milwaukee has its way. - .-.',-'., Berlin (J. T. A.).—A law author-, tion is not sufficient to enact a lav?, \ The contingent-.which will;.;trytp world rendering aid to hospitals, or- Vaad will make a: thorough study American Jewish Congress, is ' the five went to the synagogue instead izing the confiscation of the entire the Schechita project was deferred subject of discussion for and against, swing next June's' convention Oma- phans, widows,' old-.-peoples, homes, of each applicant, and will' be the of attending classes. 1 property of East European Jews who until the next session of the Land' ]\award includes Milton Abrahams, and higher educational schools like clearing house for the solicitations in the Jewish press in: this country and abroad. ' entered Germany .after August 1, tag. •Isadore Abramson, Sam Beber, Max of the-meshulochim. -.e ' ' Earlier in the day the Nazis also German, English,- Polish, Austrian 1914, was passed 'unexpectedly by Fronttdn,' Dr. A.' Greenberg, ] Abnei: .Many complaints Jiave been con"Omaha' has been unsuccessfully and. American Jewish, papers,.^ writ^ introduced a bill calling for the clostinually [registered that frauds are llaiman, • Philip Klutznick, ; Henry the Prussian Landtag. last .Saturday attempting to solve this meshulochim ers and leaders devote considerable ing of all theatrical employment perpetratjp^, upon the public by in: Monsky, Jacob Pearlsteiri, and • Irvin n the course of an all-night ses- agencies owned by Jews. ' dividuals:!'who misrepresent them- problem for the past twelve years," space to threshing <nit this matter. Stalmaster. Mr. Marcus stated. "These itinersion. The proponents, selves as' accredited agents of noted e-Idea see in . The decision to bid for the. 1933 ant collectors have come from every The voting took place after mid"a spokesText of Law . conclave was "made at the last reg- institutions. •Effective July 1, Mr.corner of the globe. Of course, the World Jewish night when the Social Democrats and man able and eqi Marcus states, no meshuloch will t3 speak in Berlin (J. T. A.).—"Jews, prepare Berlin.—The 'law passed by the . ular -meeting of the local lodge of have the. authority : solicit money many have been most deserving, but behalf of world Jewryy yourselves for Palestine," is the Nazi the Centrists were not fully repre- Prussian Landtag in the early hours the order, ;/ many, on the other hand, were not The opponents of the! idea see that slogan repeated on posters distrib- sented. .The Milwaukee , convention, which entitled to canvass our people. The the time is notupropiiious for theuted throughout the city. The same session also passed a of the morning requires that the is the 64th of the district, will conlatter caused a brer'-down in confi- establishment 'of . a. - -Congress and aw prohibiting state theaters from property of East European Jews who "There will be no mercy applied to came into Germany after August 1, vene July 3, 4 and 5. dence in the meshulochim. state further that-unity among Jew- the Jewish agitators of the Jewish employing Jews. 1914, be confiscated and converted • Sana Beber is first; vice, president The Communists voted with the "By the action of the Vaad this ish leaders and, communities on anpress when we take over government into means fo"r allaying the condiof the district. • Henry -Mohsky and' is eliminated. A thorough investi- international .scale has not been control, which will be soon," states Nazis for the confiscation of the tion of the unemployed. • Dr. Abe Greenberg are members of property of the East European Jews. gation will be made of each man achieved and without this -unity, the the "Beobachter." the general committee. Henry Monsky The full text of the law reads as At three o'clock in the morning and each institution, and the money Congress will be meaning-less. This sentiment is echoed by "Anis also a member of the executive follows: the Nazis again brought in their collected will be transferred. to the Others point to. the 'failure of the griff" in a long article warning Jewcommittee of the international order. "The entire property of all East Vaad and the Vaad will send it to attempts to establish a world Jewish ish journalists working on the gen- project for the prohibition of ScheAt the convention are expected Congress in 1906 and ;1921, both ef- eral press that they will be expelled chita, hoping it would be adopted in European Jews, who entered after . 700 delegates, alternates and visitors Bialik, Famed Poet, Claims the institution. "It is our hope that Omaha Jewry forts falling through- because the from the government for agitating the absence of the majority of theAugust 1, 1914, which constitutes a "Dollar Inquisition" Hidden; from four Canadian provinces, North will co-operate fully with the Vaad organizations able to • help stayed j against the Nazis, when the Nazis deputies, who by this time had left dishonest accumulation by a race Charge Repudiated and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nethe chamber. which is in itself working unproducin its endeavor to solve a most per- away. and. those requiring help were attain power. ; braska,»Iowa,-Wisconsin,- Ilinois, and The Centrist faction prevented this tively but has accumulated wealth by l i b l " problem." represented. New York (J. T. A.).—The Jewish plexing Clashes are recurrent throughout /Michigan. The headquarters for the The local Vaad was organized last Even those supporting the Con- Germany and the Nazis are endea- ruse by abstaining from the voting, enslaving the German nation, should ; conclave will be at the HotelSchfoe- Telegraphic Agency and Dr. S. MarJanuary. gress idea recognize the difficulties voring to create the impression that leaving the Nazi fraction to vote be fully confiscated and tfie Prussian goshes, editor of the "Day," are der. ....-.to make it a representative body. called upon by Chaim Nachman Biaclashes are stimulated by the Jews. alone. Since the vote of one frac- government be instructed within Registration: of delegates and vis- lik, famous Hebrew poet, J. L. Goldthree weeks to submit a law project itbrs will take place. Saturday .night, berg and Ben Zion Katz to submit setting forth how the confiscated New York.—Dr. Cyrus AdJer, Berlin.—The Nazi fraction in the to be followed by a reception and to a court in Tel Aviv, Palestine, on property may be converted into president of the' American Jewish Diet of Wurtemberg has introduced dance. means of employment for the unemthe charges of having suppressed Committee,, is charged with disrupta motion calling for the exclusion . Besides the sessions, an elaborate news regarding the so-called "dollar ployed. ' -" ing Jewish unity in the face of the of all Jewish physicians now emprogram of,^entertainment for theinquisition" in Soviet Russia. The Communist party informed the grayest emergency in Jewish history ployed in municipal institutions. delegates '..I and •'::-.:visitors is being Jewish Telegraphic Agency that i t The challenge to the" Jewish Tele- { Prague (J. T. A.).—The Czecho- in" a statement issued by the Ad- The "diet will take up the project >. planned, including-a" mammoth ban- graphic Agency is contained in a -stpvakian high tribunal has ruled ministrative had offered an amendment to the Committee of ' theat its next session, it is learned. quet and dance. project substituted the words "East communication appearing in the" "Ha against the prohibition of Schechita. American Jewish Congress. ' European property" by "baronial es'Aretz," Hebrew publication of Pal- Stating that Schechita stands unThe. statement signed by Dr. SteMrs. Morris Franklin of Omaha tates." This motion was defeated. estine, which has just reached "this der the protection of -the: constitution phen S. Wise, honorary, "president was elected president of the southcountry, and is signed by Mr. Bialik as do -other-religious "practices of of the Congress, Bernard S. Deutsch, western region of the Junior Hadas- Worthless If Present Cabinet Remain and his associates in behalf" of "a religion recognized by the constitu- president, and Nath«i "D. Perlman, committee in Tel Aviv, devoted to tion, the high tribunal brought to a chairman of its adntfiistrative -comsah at the sixth annual convention Berlin.—Ministerial Director , Dr. termination the individual * efforts of mittee, challneges the} charges made Jewish affairs in Soviet Russia. \ held, at. St. Joseph, Mo., last Satur- Herman Hadt informed the Jewish Mrs"' Sarah - Barsop- -was named In a previous statement issued re- ^various', municipalities to prohibit by'Df. ASlef in a Statement issued ' Boston (J. T. A.).—Professor Fe- day and Sunday. Mrs. Sidney Katle- Telegraphic Agency that the law head of the Omaha Ladies "Free Loan lastweeK lix Frankfurter of the Harvard Law man of Omaha was chosen corres- passed by the Prussian Landtag recently Mr. -Bialik <*t>a.rg*'^ •.fha' g^tj^ Schechitfc-.* jn. L.thejr.• disjfcrjgts. Society a^^ihfr-eleetiott:-**—officers The matter was brouht up in court The. statement of the American School, one of the most distinguished ponding secretary of the Region. Mrs. garding the confiscation of the propJewish press iiir all languages with - offIKe.group held lait weel. as a; resujtr of . the protest of the Jewish Congress denies that it is jurists in the country, was named by Franklin was president of the Omaha erty of East European Jews is meanOther oficers chosen are Mrs. F. not fulfilling their humane or Jewish Nazi: municipalities' of - Aidssig and proceeding to call a world Jewish Governor Ely as justice of the Mas- chapter of the Junior Hadassah, for inglessfco-long as the present Social duty in suppressing news concerning Epstein, vice president; Mrs. J. AdGabkmz against the decision of the conference against the wishes of sachusetts supreme court. the past year, and Mrs. Katleman Democratic cabinet remains in powfer the torture of Jews in Soviet Rusler, treasurer; Mrs. S. Zernovskyi highest political authorities who over- European Jewry as charged by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, retired jus- was recently elected as the president in Prussia. sia as part of a Soviet government > " financial' 'secretary; Mrs. J. Weiner^ ruled the municipal decisions, de- Adler and asserts that the primary tice of the United States Supreme of the Omaha chapter for the com- The ^Prussian government :may, if effort to secure from them American • loan secretary; Mrs. J. Rubinstein," dollars or to prevail upon them to claring them to be illegal. purpose of the world Jewish con- Court, urged Professor Frankfurter's ing year. it so chooses, ignpre the resolutions recording secretary. procure funds from relatives in the The high tribunal, endorsing the ference to be held in Geneva on Aug. appointment, characterizing him as Omaha was chosen as the meeting of the Diet, Dr. Badt stated. The installation of the newly-elect- United States. action of the administration, ruled 14, is for the purpose of consulta- one of the ablest and most profound place for the convention next year, Even if the Nazis secure control of ed officers will take place at the that wherever Jews live Schechita tion. members of the legal profession in The Omaha delegation of thirty-five the cabinet posts, the measure would Dr. Margoshes, as well as the Jewnext meeting, July 6. At the same time, the American the country. In addition, the ap-members passed out badges with the still have to be sanctioned by the ish Telegraphic Agency, were sin- must be permitted undisturbed, even gled out for attack on these charges, if it is possible to import Kosher Jewish Congress makes it known pointee has the endorsement of some key to Omaha, and a sign of "Oma- Reich government before being put In a reply issued for the Jewish meat from neighboring districts that it will not be deterred by theof the highest judicial incumbents in ha Next," to all members at theinto operation. veto of Dr. Adler and will con- the country, including Justice Louis convention, and it was this clever Telegraphic Agency by Jacob Landau, without undue difficulty. tinue its preparations for the con- D. Brandeis and Justice Benjamin N idea that helped to bring- the conits managing director, the assertions ference. Cardozo. vention to Omaha for 1933. New York\(J. T. A.):—The Rou- made by Bialik and his associates reThe American Jewish Congress is garding the suppression of this news Professor Frankfurter came into The new officers of the Region manian government has confirmed charged with following an ideal of especial prominence during the Saccc— are: Mrs. Morris Franklin of Omathe 'torture of Samson Bronstein, by the Jewish Teleraphie Agency is co-operation based on joint inaction. Vanzetti Case, speaking and writing ha, president; Jennie Shopmaker of Zionist -leader of Yedinez, %Bessata- categorically denied. "Whenever the Congress has urged in behalf of the two convicted men. Kansas City, vice president; Cheryl Mr. Landau expresses the willingbia, by local officials in a communiDr. Leon E. Fellman, who was action, however guarded and conness of the Jewish Telegraphic AgenSandier of Des Moines, second vice . cation sent to the- Roumanian legapresident; Elizabeth Raskin of Sioux tion in the United States by thecy to submit to a court of honor, signally honored upon graduating servative on the questions of moment City, third vice president; Mrs. SidRoumanian undersecretary of state making it clear, however, that geo- from the Creighton Dental college and urgency, it has met. with evaney Katleman of Omaha, correspondM. Tillea, and ma&e public through graphical distance will delay its im- by being appointed dental surgeon sion, postponement and interminable The second annual bazaar of the ing secretary; Ann Aronson of St. French Report to Be a Bone minence. At the same time, the at St. Joseph hospital, assumed his discussion of generalities," the statethe Jewish Telegraphic Agency. duties today. Dr. Fellman w Bikur Cholim society will be held Joseph, recording . secretary; Jeanment says. Contention at The statement of M. Tillea ex- Jewish Telegraphic Agency statement Sunday, July 3, at the Labor Lyceum, nette Kitrick of Wichita, treasurer, challenges Mr. Bialik and his assoSessions presses regret that the brutalities Tel Aviv.—Meyer Dizengoff, was 22nd and Clark streets, at 9 a. m and reporter; Sophie Waisblum of should have been instituted against ciates to submit to the public. any named once again mayor of Tel Aviv A raffle will be held at 10 p. m. St. Joseph, reporter. Board members London (J. T. A.).—Dr. Selig Brothe Jewish inhabitants of Bessara- evidence they may have against BoA program for the/evening yhas chosen were Sadie Weiner. of St. detsky has announced that the actions at a meeting of the middle cla^s exris Smolar, who is attacked in the bia; announces^ that a rigid investibeen arranged. Admission is free. ecutive. Louis, Mrs. Wm. Borowsky of Man- committee of the Zionist Organizagation is now in progress and makes Bialik statements as responsible for the misleading impressions . created illa, Arkansas; Mrs. Fannie Pess- tion will meet in London on July known that the officials in the village man of Kansas City, Grace Rosen- 25 and will be followed by a session, of Chotin, responsible for the torture concerning the situation of the Jews in this connection. stein of Omaha, Sophie Ravitz of of the administrative committee of 'i Bronstein, have been punished. Tulsa, Mrs. Rose Agron of St. the Jewish Agency. At the latter Should Bialik and his associates not respond to this challenge the Joseph, Paula Storch of Lincoln, Ida sessions the French report will be Jewish Telegraphic Agency would be Fine of Omaha, Tillie Faulks of Den- discussed and the observations of the compelled to charge Bialik and his ver, Sarah Woscoff of Sioux City, Jewish Agency considered. This is still the land of golden After this the observations of Zioncommittee with unpardonable libel, Frieda Lipsitz of Kansas City, Mary opportunity for one with ability, ist and Agency officials will be sub„ Morris E. Jacobs of JBozell & Ja- the statement says. Jacobson of Des Moines, and Miland people can still rise from rags mitted to the Palestine high comcobs, Inc., has been elected a member dred Nechemas of St. Joseph. to the purple. But merit seeins to of the board;of directors of the Public Two hundred and fifty members missioner. be a pre-requisite. Publication of the report and anUtilities Advertising associati6n, a na of the. Junior Hadassah attended this Cantor A. J. Sivowitz will chant tional group. • ! ; An Omahan whose star is in the successful convention, representing nouncement of government policy ascendency is David Lazarus, son of An article by Mr. Jacobs on "Inf.orT the services -: Saturday morning, July Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City, Sioux cannot be expected before SeptemMr: and Mrs. H. Lazarus. Young mative Advertising" appears in this 2, at 8:30 a,vm. at the Beth HameCity,, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, St. ber, Dr. Brodetsky said, inasmuch Lazarus was not so long ago a strugmonth's issue of the • association's drosh Hagpdol synagogue, 19th and Joseph, Lincoln, Tulsa, Wichita and as the high commissioner's recomgling grocery clerk. Today he seems Burt. magazine. Denver of the southwestern region. mendations for government policy destined to be another major figure The members from ~ the Omaha cannot be ready before August, when in this country's music. Dr. Leon F. Fellman chapter who attended the convention the Colonial secretary will be enYoung Lazarus has a golden voice. were: Mrs. Morris Franklin, Mrs. gaged in the Ottawa conference. recommended for this honor by Dr. His vocal conquests brought him loShould the House of Commons be Sidney Katleman, Bonnie Spiegal, Ida A- Hugh Hippie, dean of the dental cal public acclaim and as a result approached on the matter of a loan Fine, Annette Bender, Lillian Koom, college. . . . a fund was raised to send him to Jeannette Resnick, Rose Sacks, Fan- for Palestine development, the deThe yearly selection of hospital the Cincinnati Conservatory of nie Katelman, Marie Gilbert, Sarah bate could not be held before October surgeon is based on merit, and only Music. The social season at the Highland of the ladies committee, assisted, by one t Solomonow, Dora Freshman, Sarah or November. is chosen annually.. Fellman is Now, he has just signed* a nineLevine, Mrs. Peter Greenberg, Grace •Dr. Brodetsky did not disclose the f Country club is now in full swing, the Mesdames Jules Newman, Mose the second Jewish student to receivi contract to appear in minor Rosenstein, Sadie Tatelman, Estelle contents of the French report, sinci * "with many gala events holding the Yousem, David Goldman, Manning this •" appointment, Dr. D. . C.. Plat week roles this summer with the CincinHandler, Dave Ferer, Abe Brodkey, Gilbert, Ethel Stoller, Bess Swartz, the report is confidential. He did; interest of the members. . nati Opera company, an organization Philip Levey, Dave Feder, Morris being the. first. Bertha Slutskin, Ruth Slobodinsky, ho\ve%'er, refer to the Simpson report A prize golf tournament will be Milder and M. I. Gordon. Fellman, besides being, vice presi comparable to the Ravinia, 111., and Goldie Seidman, Mildred Whitman, from which it is assumed that variheld for the men the third and dent of the senior 'dental class, • i: St. Louis summer opera companies. On Monday afternoon, July 4, a Etta Tatelman, Sally Cohen, Libby ous proposals are reiterated by Lewfourth of July. There will be team a member of Psi Omega, nationa Many of opera's outstanding stars Frohm, Frimette Goldberg, Rose is French. match play, with the losing team special children's party will be held. dental fraternity, and retiring vic< are with the company. Parents are requested to bring their Spiegal, Tillie Markovitz, Lorraine hosts to the winners at dinner on president of Phi Beta Epsilon, so Last week Lazarus made his first children for the afternoon. King, Sophie Rosenstein, Minnie Arabs Stndying French Report Tuesday, July 12. cial fraternity. He also holds th< appearance singing Mephistofeles in The regular ladies' day has become Frohm, Frinette Goldberg, Rose Jerusalem.—The Jewish Telegraph On' Sunday evening,- July 3, thea popular feature this summer. Last rank of first lieutenant • in the or-the ballet in "Fanst." Rosenstein and Mrs. Max Fromkin, ic Agency was informed by the Aral Highland is planning a "Monte Car- Tuesday sixty women attended. ganized reserve corps of the Unitec David first came to notice for his sponsor of the Omaha chapter. executive that its members are care lo" party to start at 8:30 p. m. There was golf in the morning, fol- States ajTtny, being attached to th< musical talent while singing at Tech David Lazarus Miss Dorothy Mendel of St. Joseph, fully studying the report of Lewi 4 Members may bring guests to this lowed by a round-table luncheon at medical unit. high under Mrs. Fred G. Ellis. Last J Fellman is the son of Mr. &m.year the Triangle club, the World- rangements for him to sing in re-Mo., won the bathing beauty contest, French, Palestine land commissioner affair. which golf plans for the summer Mrs. Harry Fellman. The Arab executive, it was stated Leslie L. Burkenroad is in charge, were discussed. Herald and others sponsored a bene- cital here soon. Mrs. Harvey Milli- but "Miss Omaha," represented by : Miss Bonnie Spiegal, was one of the is comparing the French report wit! assisted by Milton Livingston, Nafit concert to raise enough to send ken, chairman of the program com Mrs. Dave Ferer won the driving than Jacobs, Alfred Mayer,' Ernie contest, and Mrs. Millard Krasne Close After Riots him to the Cincinnati school. This mittee of the Friends of Music, an- runners-up. The Sioux City chap- the reports of John Hope Simpsot . > Nogg, M. L. Cohn and Harry Kula- the approaching'-•and - putting conBerlin.—Frankfurt University was month he has won for the third year nounce that he will be presented in ter: won the gavel for bringing in and with that of the Shaw commis ; lcofsky. ,'•:'• concert by that .organization here the most new members in their chap- sion which investigated the Palestine tests. Mrs. Maurice Micklin had closed temporarily as a result of a tuition scholarship worth $500. ter during the past year. riots. His Omaha friends are making ar- next winter. Mrs. Herbert Arnstein is in charge low net score. riots on the university; campus.


All Jewish People Who Entered Germany After August 1,1914, Included in Law




Czecho-Slovakian High Court Rules Favoring Schechita



Felix .Frankfurter to Massachusetts Supreme Court

Rqumania Government Confirms Torturing

Fellman Honored by Appointment

Bikur Cholim Bazaar

David Lazarus Making Bid for Fame as Opera Singer

Morris Jacobs Named Director of Ad Group

To Chant Services

Many Affairs Add to Gayety of Highland's Social Season


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, tag in the news story itself. Slander and gossip ran through all the columns of the paper. That is why, for instance, Murat Halstead, one of the great old editors, always had a gun handy on his desk and that is why Horace Greeley got so many lickings. i


Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490-Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlanb'e 1450






The recent appointment of Prof. Frankfurter of Harvard to the Supreme Court of Massachusetts reSionx City Office—Jewish Community Center calls a story, which as far as I know, DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business arid Managing Editor -has never been printed. Every one FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - Editor knows of coarse that President LowF A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ell of Harvard is rather averse to PILL - - - -„ -..-,- - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Jews on the faculty of Harvard, and when it "was recently proposed to name some distinguished lawyer to the legal school of Harvard, Lowi baffling. bffl The human equation; will forever remain That is ell emitted his famous bon not— the onlyy excuse we ^ ^ (iffer for:the bitter, acrimonious battle "one frankfurter to the pound is being waged over.the advisability of establishing a world Jewish enough." But few knew that Lowell i even went further than this, and Congress and the feasibility of calling the preliminary confersought at one time to have even ence in Geneva on August 14. Dr. Cyrus Adler, head of the Amer- Frankfurter removed. ican Jewish Committee, and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, head of the The news of the proposed reAmerican Jewish Congress, has each indulged in "mud-slinging" moval leaked out. Lowell had laid all plans and the recommendation in an effort to "enlighten" the Jewish public. The American of Lowell for the dismissal of FrankJewish Committee is strongly opposed to the idea of a world furter had already been prepared Jewish Congress, while, the American Jewish Congress is equally for transmission to the trustees of strong In its insistence on the preliminary conclave in Switzer- the university. At last, his plans devouring Frankfurter were conland . . . yet each supposedly represents the Jewish people in this for summated. country, each in the guardian of Jewish rights and Jewish causes, Lowell breathed expansively. Soon and each has rendered yeoman service in safeguarding Jewish Frankfurter would be out. With such a prospect ir sight the day equality. looked very pleasant indeed. He We look with favor upon the accomplishments of both of looked out from his palatial home these groups. Theodor Herzl lifted Jewish policy-making into the on the Harvard campus in a spirit of thanksgiving. The sun seemed light, and it was the continuation of that policy of letting the to shine brighter that day. The Jewish voice be heard unmincingly that allowed the Jewish cause birds that twittered over yon boughs to be advanced in .the case of the Kishinev pogrom, the abolition never twittered so sweetly before was in his heaven and all was of the Russian Treaty, and the revision of the Passfield White God right in the world. Paper^ Na one can deny that in protecting Jewish rights, the When in walked Roscoe Pound, leaders of the Committee and the Congress have been of invalu- Dean of Harvard Law School, probable service to us. But their effectiveness has been lessened, their ably the foremost legal mind in and the man who is largely power dimmed by a lack of co-operation. We care not which side America, responsible for the renown of the is right. . . at best that is only a matter of opinion . . . but the Harvard Law School. spectacle of Jewish leaders diverting their powers from the main In walked Roscoe Pound. He did stop for any formalities. "Mr. current into an insignificant back-yard stream is an unpardon- not Lowell," said Pound, "if Frankfurter able display of disunity. Now, when every Jew must gird him- goes—I go, too." Saying which, Mr. self to face an appalling world crisis for his people, now when Pound left. birds over there seemed now every ounce of strength is vital. . . that strength is being sapped to Those be humming a dirge. It wasn't by internal warfare. In a day when organizations whose aims are sunshine after all outside, thought similar must come to a more unified outlook, Israel becomes "a Lowell, as he looked out the window. house divided." It is not enough that the Jewish Chamber of Why, • those were dark clouds overHorros is crowded with the sinister forms of Torquemadas, Pobe- hangingMr. Lowell took the recommendadonostzevs, Petluras, Hitlers . . . the disease of internal dissension tion foT the dismissal of Frankfurter lying on his desk—and tore it must add its unpleasantness. up. W6 do not claim for a moment that all our thinkers should "Here, doggie, doggie," he said be in absolute accord; but we do think that the leaders of the to the little pup which always accompanied him on his meandering Committee and the Congress are -wrong in staging their public about the campus—''here, doggie, "worcUbrawl." It is fundamental that it is possible for some to doggie." The pup came up. for it support a project out of love for their people, and others to op- had never head any of his books.



pose it-out of as deep an affection. Division in thought is bene- COLUMNISTS ficial if it results in a healthy stimulus. But here, such tactics These are hard days for the colAccording to some reports result instead in a considerable amount of friction and difficulty umnists. that are being whispered about, , . . a delight to the enemies of IsraeL Columnist Sobol of the Hearst papers, has recently been treated to Let us, instead of thwarting ourselves, thwart the enemies a number of socks by some indignof Israel. Let us look, if not for uniformity in American groups, ant gentleman. And they say, that at least for co-operation. Let us forget that each Jewish leader is another columnist now walks about anxious to become a general—let us rather put our house in or- with a bodyguard. desipte it all, the columnists der. For in harmonious action lies our.hope in combatting the evil goYet marching on, much to the surforces which are making the lives of our brethren a ghastly night- prise even of Walter WinchelL who, when he first began his column, mare.

World-WMe Deny Refusal of Permits Luxemburg—Denial that 360 foreign Jews have been refused permits to enable their continued residence in the country, as reported, is made by Max Rosenfeld, president of the Zionist organization in Luxemburg, in a statement to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Zionist Station to Exploit Cultivation of Figs

had grave doubts as to how \ong the public taste would care for it. sity of Vienna precipitated by the He himself, it is said, predicted that election of. a Jewish professor, Ern- the public would be tired in about est Tick, as dean of the medical two years. But more years than school. that have already passed.

For 5-Day Week Asbury Park.—The three-day convention of Young Israel concluded its session here. Young: Israel, in one of the resolutions adopted, was authorised to initiate an aggressive campaign for a five-day week and to co-operate with existing agencies working toward the same end.

ALWAYS WITH US Personally, I believe, the columnist is here to stay, even those biting, personal ones. For the reason, that essentially, they have always been with as, from the earliest days of newspapering. There is only this difference. That in the old time newspapers, the spleen, and the drollery that characterize the modern columnist was distributed throughout the newspaper. As the newspapers grew more dignified, it became impossible to write news stories in the old fashioned personal way, so the columnist appeared, and all this journalistic vitamin was concentrat ed in the column. Take up any of the newspapers of forty and fifty years ago. You will find hardly any story that is told in the modern manner. Whenever the reporter could knock anyft you could see the hammer

Jerusalem.—The Zionist Agricultu- Honorary Degree on ral Experiment station has discov- Justice Cardozo ired a possibility to •. cultivate SmyrPhiladelphia. — Justice Owen J. aa figs in large quantities. Roberts of the United States SuSubstantial commercial results are preme Court bestowed an honorary expected, it is stated. degree on behalf of the University Meyer Honored of Pennsylvania upon Judge Cardozo New Haven, Conn.—Eugene Meyer, at the regular graduation exercises prominent American Jew and chair- of the university. man of the Reconstruction Finance Sonnenschein Chicago Corporation, received the honorary Alderman degree of Doctor of Laws from Yale Chicago.—Henry Sonnenschein, secUniversity. retary to Mayor Anton J. Cermak, Gifts of Gold was elected alderman in the 6pecial The estate of the late; Nathan election held to fill the unexpired Straus, Jewish philanthropist, is ap- term of the late Alderman Joseph praised at $1,302,658 net by the Cepak. 3tate tax department. 1,000,000 Roubles for The comparative smallness of the Soviet 'state is explained on the ground Moscow.—The Ozet, society for setthat during his lifetime Mr. Straus tling Jews on the land, has undergave away most of his fortune. taken to raise 1,000,000 roubles Foreign Jew in Bira Bidjan among the Jewish population as part Gets Prison Sentenco of the new Soviet internal loan. Moscow.—The first instance of Sentenced prison sentence being imposed upon Salonica.—Pandeli Kiria-Koppoua foreign Jew settled in Bira Bidjan Ios, charged with shooting a Jew, was reported here. Abraham Florentz -of- Lithuania Samuel Nefussi, in cold blood two was sentenced to three years impris years ago, was found guilty simply onment on charges of having specu- of carelessness and sentenced to 'fif- j teen months imprisonment for kill-.! lated with three thousand-roubles en- ing Nefussi and one month for car4 trusted to him for the purchase of rying arms illegally. supplies'. The judgment of the court wiis New Kosher Meat received with indignation by the Jew-" Delivery on Sunday ish population. '.'-•":'• - Boston.—A bill has been passed in Polish School Crisis the last session of the legislature New York.—Jewish schools of the lere permitting the delivery of kosh- working classes in Poland are threat»r meat by Jewish butchers on Sun* ened with destruction and their 23,000 Jay mornings. pupils and 755 teachers with dispersal as a result of the economic crisis Another Outburst Vienna- — Four Jewish students in that country, according to informawere injured in the course of an tion received by the American Jewish J ' mti-Semitic outburst at the Univer- Joint Distribution Committee.

One of the neatest bits of comeback is that of the rabbi I heard about the other day. It was at some meeting of the synagogue or temple—I didn't get all the details. Some member of the congregation had the floor and was he tearing into another member. I can't give the exact words, but it was a lacing full of acid. Such expletives—on a par with some of the language in modern movies. I oan oly indicate some of the milder terms. "Cohen," he said, "is an ingrate, a scoundrel, a hyena, a bar—" By this time, the rabbi stood aghast—or rather he sat aghast "Cohen," continued the speaker, "is the most conscionceless, nypocritical, mean, petty person around here—" The rabbi, by this time, could no more sit aghast. He rose, 'Mr. Speaker, you forget yourself."

RABBIS AND SERMONS And speaking about rabbis, Scribe Abe Allen has been making a collection of strange subjects of rabbinic sermons. One of the oddest in this Allen collection is that of the rabbi, who took as the text of his sermon: "Yes, we have no bananas." Well, I once knew a rabbi—and if I would mention his name—many of you would know him too—who was in the habit of using no inanimate texts or subje;t for his sermon. He always spoke about peopie. Thus, if you came in late in the synagogue, when the rabbi ascended the pulpit, you would know pretty •well in advance, that the sermon would be devoted to you. I remember once hearing the rabbi "sermonize on a worshipper who came into the synagogue Saturday with his umbrella. The rabbi did some raining on him—that the umbrella could not protect him from. Of course, the rabbi didn't last very long—but I think, he must have had a good time, while it lasted. And after all suppose it didn't last Did not the ancient Jewish sages ogserve: "There are those •who make their world in one hour." The quintessence of eternities may be squeezed into a fleeting moment.

since further his knowledge of the with Hoover," but that palpably won't categorical imperative is deemed one do. of the most expert in the country, Here and now, I prophesy election there can scarcely be any question of to the presidential candidate who can the accuracy of his story. Well, it get up the best slogan. And what's seems, according to Dr. Grossman, a slogan, but a few words. that this big bank really owed its failure to a trifle. AxA that in it- NOTHING IN IT And did you hear the one that Morself should not surprise you. Even the World war, you remember, was ris Rothenberg is telling these days caused after all by a single murder about the Jew summoned for some in Serbia. But to get back to the thing or other before the Russian Commissars. Bank of the U. S. "How old are you, Taverisch CohWell, it so happened that Chayim en?" asked the Commissar. n the days of prosperity had had a "Forty," replied the Jew. rather good season, one season. He "Have you your birth certificate had saved all of $65,00, and there with you?" rejoined the Commissar. was no telling—he might make $5.00 "Sure, here it is," replied Cohen. more for the season yet had a good The commissar looks. "Why acmonth to run. cording to this, you were born fifty Chayin began to feel that it was years ago." wrong to carry all this money about "Yes, I know," replied Cohen, "but him—but- he really didn't know die letzte zehn yahr heisst auch bei where to bank it. Going along the euch gelebt?" street he peered into the windows THIS AND THAT of various banks—wondering which Abraham Goldberg is at work on a was the safest. Of course, he came across the Bank of the U. S. Look- novel. B. Z. Goldberg of the Day and ing at the •window sign, he read: Brooklyn Eagle is a son-in-law of Resources, $200,000,000.00. Well, thought Chayin, after all, Shalom Aleichem. A brother of Eugene Meyer of the two hundred million is not be sneezed at. So he didn't sneeze at it, Federal Reserve Board is a member but instead decided to bank his $65 here. A week later, Chayin passed the bank. He looked at the sign. Now their resources were increased by his sixty-five, but he looked, and looked. The resources still read: BV F. B. K. Two hundred million. "Ganovin," said Chayim. "That Dr. and Mrs. Ike Sternhill will leave means—thieves. They are liars and Friday for New York, where Dr. crooks. Sternhill will further his studies. They Immediately, he went to the bank will return about September 1. and withdrew his money. Then Chayim told others, and soon like Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg announce a snow ball the minor gained force the birth of a son Sunday, June 26 at and momentum—and whole lines of people began withdrawing their the Methodist hospital in Omaha. money. Misses Tillie Markovitz and Sara WORDS-WORDS-WORDS Solomonow returned Monday morning It would seem that when we read from St. Joseph, Mo., where they atso much, as we all do these days, tended the Junior Hadassah convenwhen words have become so cheap tion last week-end. that by their very overproduction they would become cheap. Miss Fannie Kattleman is spending But the truth, is quite the con- the week in Kansas City, Mo., and trary. For by the very torrent of Leavenworth, Kan&* and is expected words, which assails the average to return home after the Fourth of man these days, it is more than ever July. Miss Kattleman attended the necessary, if you or a movement is Junior Hadassah convention last week to attract attention—that more im- end in St. Joseph, Moportance be attached to the word which catches attention. Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Grossman, Just imagine for instance, how Mrs. Dan Hill and daughter, Ruth, of grateful Mr. Hoover would be now, if Lincoln, were guests of Mr. and Mrs you get some impressive slogan for Morris Grossman on Monday and him. I was going to say, "Keep hot Tuesday.

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OFFICERS _ Edgar A. Baud, President John R. Donley, AssH S e c James A. Lyons, Secretary d a r k W. Caraaby, Asst See. J. Herbert McMillan, Treas. Wayne C. Sefby, Ass't S e c

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You may have heard all sorts of accounts and explanations for the failure of the Bank of the United States, but I assure you, none o: these accounts are true. The real reason is out—and I have it from no less a person than Dr. Mordecai Grossman. Since Dr. Grossman i^ regarded as one of the best students that Professor Wewey ever had, and

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If you may believe Dr. Weiner, it happened tor the late Louis Marshall. • Some "schnorrer" or other came to Mr. Marshall looking for a job. "What can you do?" asked Mr. MarshalL "Well," replied the man, "I ean't do any hard physical work. The doctor told me that if I strained myself, I am liable to inflame my sciatica. "I see," said Mr. Marshall sympathetically. "Bat maybe yon are qualified for some more mental vocation. Are you a bookkeeper, do you know a trade or something?" "Well, to tell you the truth," said the mas, "I have no training at al —I don't know any trade—bat Mr. Marshall, there is one thing that I am good at." "Yes, yes," said Mr. Marshall— "what is that one thing?" "Well," said the man, "I am very good adviser. I can advise you on anything." "You don't say," said Mr. Maxshall, and pausing a moment and surveying the man: "Mr. Golstein (his name I believ was Golstein). Mr. Goldstein, you're hired. And the first thing I wan you to advise me about is how to get rid of you."

of the American Economic Committee for Palestine. If youVe got any money saved up t and business is bad, go to Palestine. You can live on half of what it costs you here.

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wtwHHUUIiUUIUUUUUUUIllllUHlUUUUIlHIlIllllUUinintl This is to certify that RABBI A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs, Iowa has done a number of circtimcisions upon folks for whom I have eared and his work is very satisfactory. I would recommend him to anyone who is in need of such care. Yours truly, 1 • W. H. TAYLOR, M, D4 ; : ; Omaha.


S—THEJEWISH PKJSS, THURSDAY, JUNE 30,1932 enbaum, Bee Levin, Lillian Slutsky "While there lhey will visit^wltS' Mr. with a summer formal dinner dance National Orthodox and Bert Wfcitebook. and Mrs. J. L. Stem, formerly of in the palm room of the Fontenelle Federation Omaha. hoteL The committee in charge conNew York.—The creation of a naA successful luncheon and card VISITORS sists of Louis Minkin, chairman; party was held by the Daughters of tional federation of orthodox congreRalph Nogg and Sam Finkel. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rice and son, Miss • Bernice Levin of Norfolk, Zion at the J. C. C. last Tuesday, at- gations in the United States and Nebr., and Miss Bernice Goldstein Donald, are leaving Friday to attend Canada, with the Rabbi Isaac Eltended by a large crowd. of Sioux City are visiting this week the wedding of Mrs. Rice's sister, After the luncheon they were en- chanon Theological Seminary as its at ^the home of the Misses Ruth who is being married Sunday, July 3, tertained by the Rifkin Sisters with main center was the outcome of the at Chicago. and Naomi Bordy. music and songs. At bridge, Mrs. two-day convention here of the repBy B. Meyers won first prize, a band- resentatives of orthodox congregaMiss Dorothy Kropman of Mason Miss Tillie Rise of Minneapolis is Mrs. David M. Newman painted china set of dishes; she also tions. City/ la., will be the house guest of visiting here. made a donation to the Jewish NaSamuel Levy, borough, president of Mr. and Mrs. Iz. H. Weiner, 206 tional Fund. Second prize, a hand- Manhattan, was unanimously elected Soft Ginger Bread Kipling apartments, for the next two The Misses Margie Kaplan, Anne rainted bowl, was won by Mrs. Phil president of the new national organTake 1 cup brown sugar, 1-2 cup Katzman, and third prize, a cake-hold- ization. weeks. Zweizack and Ida Blacker have bees dark Karo syrup, 2 eggs, 1-3 cup but- er, was won by Mrs. Sarah Cohen. vacationing at Lake Okoboji, la. GREENBERG-KRUPINSKY ter, 1-2 cup cold coffee, 1 teaspoon whose marriage to Harry A. Green Miss Rose Colick has as her guest The chairmen responsible for the The -wedding of Miss Sally Krup- will take place July 17. baking soda, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 2 cups Miss Bernice Sevit of Kansas City, SUMMER FORMAL success of the affair were Mrs. A. insky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. flour, a teaspoon ginger, 1 cup Miss Goldberg has been honored Mo. Shafton and Mrs. I. Kulakofsky. Approximately 50 guests will be in raisins. M. Kxupinsky, of Fremont, to Dr. at a number of. affairs including WHEN | They were aided by a committee attendance when the Question club Maynard Greenberg, took place Sun- those given by the Phi Beta Sigma FOR VISITORS Sift dry ingredients, add raisins onsisting of the Mesdames Max Arof Omaha holds its annual summer YOU ' day, June 19, at the home of the sorority of which she is a member, Miss Elsie Lazarus entertained 24 formal dinner dance at the Lake- and stir* Cream butter and sugar, bitman, J. Goldware, J. Abramson, Dance f bride's parents. Eafcbi David A. a. dinner given by Mr. and Jtrs. Ben- .guests at bridge at her home Mon- wood Country club on Sunday eve- add eggs and beat well. Combine L Goldstein and B. Soiref. Goldstein oficiated. Outdoors jamin Green, Mr. and Mrs. Sam day evening in honor of Miss Mollye ning, July 3. coffee and Karo, add to first mixDr. and Mrs. Greenberg are now Green and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gross- Zoorwill, whose marriage to Mr. Herat the Dinner will be served' at the club ture and lastly dry ingredients. Bake at hone at 204 Austin apartments. man. man Shiloff of Sioux City will be at 8:30 p. m., followed by dancing in a slow oven 45 minutes. Paul Spor Little Club Mrs. Alexander Berman reviewed SOth and Center 1VA 6S0« a July event, Miss Shirley Schneider in the ballroom. Special Novelty Numbers and LEVEY—MILLER "Arena," by Shmaya Levin, before a of New York, who is a house guest BAR-MITZVAH Apricot Rice Pudding Members of the Sioux City QuesrVatiireK—Kecular Prltm Mr. and Mrs. Barney Miller of Hadassah book-review group which Free rarking No Cover ('harp* of Mrs; Sam Krantz and Miss Rose tion club have been invited to the Use 1-2 cup cooked rice, 1-4 cup met last Saturday at the home of Green Bay, "Wis., announce the mar- Mr. and Mrs.A. Shapiro enter- Egerman of Cincinnati, Ohio, who is affair and a good representation is tained Sunday in honor of their son, canned apricots cut in pieces, riage of their daughter, Belle, to 3-4 Mrs. Morris Brandeis. assured from that city. Guests will cup powdered sugar, 1-2 cup whipped Morris,, who was Bar Mitzvah Satur- a gnest of Mrs. Abe Krantz. Fred Levey of this city. Assisting Miss Lazarus were Miss also be in attendance from Des Mr. and Mrs. Levey will make day at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Anne Freeman and Mrs. David Monies, Kansas City, Minneapolis and cream. synagogue. Mix rice, fruit and sugar, fold in toieir home at the Mayart apartments Hibbing, Minn. Krantz. whiped cream and serve in sherbet here. The committee in charge of ar- glasses, garnish with 1-2 apricots. HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB rangements for the affair consists Serve very cold. Sold Only at BIRTHDAY PARTY At the "open house" at the HighLIPSHITZ-SHERMAN of Bon Theodore, Harry Bishoff and | Herzbergs in Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherman an- land Country dub Saturday more Harry Ferenstein. Omaha! nounce the marriage of their daugh- than 100 guests attended. Among celebrated the eighth birthday of A picnic and swimming party is their daughter, Doris, Saturday after, Pearl, to Mr. Joseph Lipshitz those who entertained parties at the icheduled for July 4 at Venice. of Philadelphia on June 26 at that dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herz- ternoon with a party attended by 36 children and 20 months. berg, who entertained for Mr. and The next meeting of the Chesed city. XI LAMBDA INITIATION Shel Ernes will be held on Tuesday, Miss Sherman has a B. S. degree Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. A color scheme of yellow and pink from Nebraska university, and is now M. S. Livingston, and Dr. and Mrs.was carried out at the table and The Xi Lambda fraternity initiated July 5, instead of the usual Monthroughout the house. The center- two new members, Harry "Weinberg day meeting day, at the home of Mrs. studying for her Master's degree at Barney Kully. New York university. Miss Helen Cherniack honored Miss piece consisted of a 20-pound yellow and Herman Babich, on Sunday, June J. Weinzveg, 2222 Miami St. The organization is not sending 26, at the home of Ralph Nogg. The Mr. Lipshitz received his B. Sc. Ruth Kirschbraun of Leonia, N. J., and pink birthday cake. The afternoon was spent in games. initiation committee consisted of out meeting cards during July and from Temple university at Philadel- who is a guest of Miss Marjorie phia, and his Master's degree from Miller, with a dinner for forty guests Prizes were won by Elaine Lag-man, Morris Fisher, chairman; Milton August. A1J members are urged Ruth Klain, Harvey Roffman and Himelstein and Hyman Goodbinder. to attend the meeting, and also to at the club. New York university. Nelly Don's dress Dr. and Mrs. M. L Gordon were Sam Teplitsky. The fraternity will celebrate phone those who they know are The bride's mother, who went east creed has rigid members. Founders' day on Sunday, July 24, for the wedding will spend a month hosts to sixteen guests and Mr. and provisions . . . •visiting the young couple at their Mrs. Sam Leon had a dinner for 19. SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Henry Q. Marx pledging you the home on Long Island. and Mrs. Abe Goudchaux and chilutmost in fine BIRTHS n e e d l i n g , the STRATJSS-DAYTCH Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherman an- dren, Francis Lee and Leopold II, strictest care in. ENGAGEMENT nounce the birth of a daughter, will leave Tuesday, July 5, to motor fitting and the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daytch an- Reva Shirley, June 18, at Convent to their home in Alexandria, La. They have ben in Omaha since smartest of lines nounce the engagement of their hospital. May 1. daughter, Ida, to George Strauss, of and styles. These this city. are exemplified Mr. and Mrs. .Led. Miller announce Mrs. Dade Stine will leave TuesFormal announcement of the en- the birth of an 8-pound boy at the in a new Printed gagement was made Tuesday night Clarkson hospital Sunday^ morning, day for her home in Hollywood, Checked Dimity Jtt a party given by Miss Tobye June 26. Mrs. Milder was formerly Florida. with, permanent Sizes 14 Steinberg in honor of Miss Daytch. Miss Jeannette Sherman." finish organdy Mrs. Edward Rosenthal and son, Daisy place-cards disclosed the names to 44 vestee, collar and Herschel, -will leave Tuesday for New of the engaged couple. Daisies and new sleeve caps. SWIMMING PARTY York, where they will make their green tapers completed the table decFrom a new sefuture home. The Junior Society of the Conorations. lection at The Misses Sarah Kurtzman and servative Synagogue will be enterMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stern and tained at a swimming party and Grace Rosenstein, who will be brides of, the early summer, also shared breakfast lunch at Peony, Sunday, son Arnold Jay, are leaving Friday July 3. The hostesses are Ida Ten- on a motor trip to Minneapolis. lonors.

Daughters of Zion

Kitchen Chats



i I


Chesed Shel Ernes



means more them, ever . . these days!

SLOTKIN-ROSENBLOOM ,. Mr. amf Mrs-'SforRosettblobm announce the engagement of their daughter, Lena, to. Mr.. Charles Slotkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Slotldn, of this city. The wedding will take place in January. FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. A. Theodore, Mrs. L Berkowiti and Mrs. J. Rosenberg entertained at a miscellaneous shower and bridge party Monday afternoon m honor of Miss Evelyn Goldberg,

Convention Deplores Utter Lack of Unity Atlantic City (J. T. T.).—A resolution congratulating the American Jewish Congress "upon taking the initiative to convene a world Jewish conference in Geneva" for the purpose of considering the advisability, feasibility and desirability of convoking m world Jewish congress" was unanimously tabled by the resolutions committee of the Order B'rith Sholom, meeting here in its twenty-seventh annual convention. " ' Instead a resolution was adopted by the convention deploring "the seeming lack of unity in the leadership of American Israel" and "callupon the recognized outstanding of the country to formulate a program and platform which will bring together all shades jof J e w ^ h opinion" in favor "of Jewish^objectives and brin about harmonious action of American Jewry-in all things affecting local and international relations to our people." ;

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\ \

AIR JAUNTING GOVERNORS—Photo * o w s Governors Rolph of California and Balrar of Nevada, after landing at Bur bank. Cal.. _ _ _ _ _ i airport, conclusion «« of an an all-day from Washington. D. v CELEBRITIES—Movie fans will easily easily recognize recognize rne the members members of a..pv*i., at »v the me vunuusioa an-aay flight mgnt irom Washington, D. uuuumHIM—mane » n s wui c « They left Washington in the morning at the conclusion of the l n i s *"•• capped* at the premier of a movie in Hollywood. Left t governors MAY DAY DISTURBANCES—RadicaU and police clash in Philadelphia as the former attempt to hold ' conference, at Richmond, Va.. and arrived in California "§**• C l a r k G « w e . Mrs. Gabie and Norma •«f r a m i d n i h t su er « mass meeting oa Ciiy Hall Plaza. Eight persons were arrested and more than a score of the demon- ™ *?* ° ^ PP - Above, left to right. Don Young, Strators were injured. mechanic; Rolph; Co*. Roscoe Turner, pilot, and Governor Balzar. .__•» ^,* ** *- ,

THEY WANT PROHIBITION—School children of Brussels, Bel- EVEN APES HAVE IT—Being an ape doesn't help you escape a visit to the dentist. Here we see YOUNGEST PREXIES—Ralph Cooper HutchinsoiTS*. left. a*4 gium, are shown parading the streets during a demonstration in favor Tommy, of the Salt Lake City, Utah, too, submitting to treatment at the hands of Frank Radciiffe. TOORobert M. Hutchins, SS, snapped in Chicago, save somethiBf <• of maintenance of the law limiting the sale of alcoholic drinks in kcepcr, and Dr. S. S. Burnham, dentist, of Salt Lake City. It took a can and a half «f ether to put common, they're both extremely youthful presidents of Major eoJ' Belgium. leges, Hatchiason has just become president of Washtagtoa « a i Tommy to sleep while a molar was X-rayed and extracted. Jefferson coUege. and Hntekins is head of the University of Cktcag*.

.WILS0N1AN APPEAL—Mrs. Jessie "Wilson Sayre, daughter of the wartime president of the United States, makes a radio appeal, at Boston, in behalf of the city's job-finding campaign. She was intro-, * duccd by E. C. Johnson, also above, chairman of the committee./

FASCIST BIRTHDAY PARTY—Commemoration ceremonies on the fifth anniversary of Premier Mussolini'3 promulgation on April'21, 1927, of the "Fascist Charter of Labor" are shown above. The charter asserts the state'sjabsolute control^of jail forces of production, acting as guardian of capital and labor.

END OF FEUD—Giulio Gatti-Casazza, general director of the Met-, ropolitan opera, takes leave of Arturo Toscanini, famous orchestra leader, as the latter sails from New York for Paris, thereby healinfc a breach of 17 years. The pair ceased to be friends when Toscanial" abruptly left the Metropolitan and remained estranged until a recent' benefit concert for unemployed musicians in which both were J «stetL'


How Jewry Won Political Equality Canadian Jewry i s now celpbrating British territory in 1760. But durthe hundredth anniversary : of its ac- ing Hie years which followed, a bitquisition of Apolitical equality. In ter political fightiraged lietween the June, 1832, His Majesty the King of French nationalistic population andj England, sanctioned the law adopted the English authorities. This poliby the Canadian assembly according tidal animosity sharpened in the year to which l i e ' J e w s of Canada were 1808 when Sir James Henry Craig I recognized as British subjects and was appointed English governor of entitled to enjoy all the rights and Canada. Craig was a soldier andi privileges of other subjects. not a politician. He ruled with an Although the history of the Jews iron hand and promptly suppressed in Canada goes back'300 years, only the demands of the dissatisfied in the twentieth century a consider- French population. able Jewish settlement established The Assembly, of which the mathere. True, when compared with jority of members were French, the 4,500,000 Jews in the United thereupon looked for an opportunity States, the 170,000 Jewish population to •wreak revenge upon their rival, in Canada is rather small. But, the English governor. Such an opalthough it is greatly influenced by portunity presented itself and as the greater and older Jewish com- usual the scape-goat was a Jew. munity in America, Canadian Jewry Ezekial Hart, (born in Three succeeds in maintaining its own Rivers in 1770, died 1843), a son characteristics and independence. of the first permanent Jewish settler "While culturally and socially it de- in Canada, was in 1807 elected to pends greatly on the large Jewish the Legislative Assembly. At the center in New York, Canadian Jewry opening of the Assembly Ezekiel has established its own life, its own Hart refused to take the oath in the press and institutions, "working in- Christian manner and form in which dependently of the central Jewish t was proposed to him. He insisted organizations of America. upon an oath according to the JewCanadian Jewry, though smaller ish custom—hand upon the Old Tesin number, has gained an important tament and head covered- On the position in the life of World Jewry. next day he appeared in the ParliaThe voice of the Canadian Jews ment and occupied his seat. Prois of late to be heard at most of tests" and objections were heard from Jewish world congresses and conven- the French majority of the house. tions. This is due, no doubt, to the The French leaders saw a good opfact that in the past two decades a portunity to .take vengeance upon rather important Jewish center has the English authorities. They conbeen built there and still more, per- cluded that the oath of Ezekiel Hart haps, the fact that Canada has of was not in conformity with the conlate (before the economic world stitution and that a deputy whose crisis) become an important center religious persuasion did not allow of taking the oath in the usual form of Jewish immigration. and on " the true faith of a ChrisLittle attention was previously tian," could not legally sit in Parliapaid to Canada as a country for ment as a representative of the peoJewish settlement, although that country had- at - the~*-Bame~4iine-~J»l>For two days the Assembly was a sorbed millions of immigrants from many lands. But a great change center of the most vehement disin this respect occurred at the be- cussions relating to Jewish rights as ginning of this century, especially in interpreted by English law. The the last years before the world crisis. English minority protested strongly While the United States has com- and energetically against ejecting pletely shut its doors for immigrants, Hart as a member of the Assembly. Canada, before the crisis, left its They fought most bitterly but their doors half open. This because Cana- strenuous opposition was of no da, whose area is greater than that avail. It did not mitigate the attiof the United States and Alaska tude of so much bitter hostility discombined has a population of only a played by the French members and little over ten million. It is possible when the resolution was taken to a that Canada might have become the vote it was carried by 21 votes most important Jewish immigration against 5. This was tantamount to center, had not the economic world a declaration by the Parliament of Lower Canada, that Jews had not crisis intervened. the same rights and privileges as The Jews in Canada have not at- Christians and that no Jew therefore tained the status of political equality can sit in the Legislative Assembly without difficulty. It took twenty- as a representative of the people. five years of political struggle on Thus was concluded the first act the part of the then very small Jewish community, numbering only 107 of the contest which the question of souls. But it is noteworthy that Jewish disabilities in Canada had Canada extended full political rights occasioned. It did not take long to the Jews more than a quarter of before the second act was started a century before Great Britain did. and with the same figure on the However, in Canada, just as in the scene. In May, 1808, new elections mother country, Britain, the whole were held in Three Rivers and Ezequestion revolved around certain kiel Hart again presented himself dvi' rights of Jews with regard to as a candidate. Despite the fact communal matters, not being dis- that Parliament had annulled his criminated against in any other re- mandate, the citizens of Three Rivspect and having from the very out- ers had the same regard for net, the right of settling whereever before and with a handsome mathey wished and of employment in jority he was re-elected. i l l vocations. At the opening of the Legislative It is noteworthy, too, that 100 Assembly, in April, 1809, Ezekiel years ago as today the anti-Semites Hart again appeared and took his had utilized anti-Jewish propaganda seat among the English members. for their political purposes, in their This so confused and surprised his fight against- the authorities in opponents, the French members, that power. Just as today, a group o: for some time he was left undisFrench Canadians are involved in turbed, but he was not allowed to bitter anti-Semitic agitation in the enjoy his success for long. Nine Canadian province Quebec, today the days after the opening of the Assemnationalistic French population in bly a Montreal representative drew Canada 100 years ago made use of the attention of the House to Ezekiel anti-Semitism to advance their as- Hart's presence, and the question as to his right. to sit there was raised. pirations. Canada, previously a French col- Motion after motion was framed and ony named " N e w Friends," became presented for adoption in order to


In the only game played last week in the Jewish Community Kitten Ball League the A. Z. A. 1 nine toppled the league leading Psi Mu from their solo possession of first place. Morris Wintroub, pitching a four-hit game, allowed the Mus only one run, while Morris Bloom hurled for the losers. The A. Z. A. men tallied four runs, one of which was walked in when Bloom loosened up on his control. Franklin tallied two of the others. The most serious casualty of the season occurred early in the game, when a hard-hit ball took a bad hop and landed on Sam Epstein's eyeglasses, breaking the lenses and causing a small bit of glass to lodge in his eye. Hurried medical attention of the eye averted any serious trouble, and all is w e l l now.

DES MOINES CHICAGO DETROIT Grand Island Denver - - - - - U s Angeles

the writer is about to take a muchneeded vacation in the wilds of Minnesota and will not be on the job for the next two weeks—so till then, 111 be seeing you!

Economic Situation In Palestine Booming


Preparing for Fourth Celebration at Peony


'eatures Planned for Fourth at Krug





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for 20 yean Attends With utmost can

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Not much more news, except that


Experimental Summer School Is Being Held




of June it was promulgated and declared a law. By this act the Jews London (J. T. A.)-—The economic of Canada became recognized as situation in Palestine is booming as British subjects, who are entitled compared to the crisis in other parts to enjoy all the rights and priviof the world, it was emphasized at leges of other subjects. a reception arranged by the Jewish This statute which was subseagency here in honor of Dr. Chaim quently confirmed by other laws Weizmann, former president of the passed, in order to give it a broadworld Zionist organization and the er application established the fundaJewish Agency for Palestine, who |j mental rights of Jews in Canada, has recently returned from South and declared that every Jew, whethAfrica. er British born or domiciled in the Two thousand pounds for the KerProvince "shall have the right and en Hayesod were raised at this funcThe other games were again post- tion. deprive him of his mandate. Finally privileges enjoyed by other subjects by a vote of 18 to 3 a decision was of the King, his heirs and success- 1 poned, due to vret grounds, and will played at the close of the schedcarried and for the second time Eze- or, on all occasions and to all in- ube and purposes, and shall be al- l e f l playing season. The A. Z. A. 1 kiel Hart was compelled to leave lowed to accept and fill every public and the Psi Mu are now tied for first Parliament. But this apparently did not com- office or trustworthy post in the place. pletely satisfy the French majority. Province, of whatever importance." HaiTy Mendelson of the School of Games this week -will brinp together There was no safeguard against j (Copyright, 1932, by J. T. A.) Progressive Education has outlined the Fsi Mu and the Charles Street Hart's reappearance in the House, a unique program for his "ExperiMarkets at Gifford Park, Thirty-third should the citizens of Three Rivers! and Cass streets, at 10 o'clock Sunday mental Summer School." again entrust him with their manThe pros-ram includes inspection morning, the Thorpeians and the A. date. Presently therefore, they intrips to the newspapers, water and Z. A. 100 at Gifford Park at 11 o'clock, troduced a bill to disqualify Jews gas works, and various plants, facand the A. Z. A. 1 and the Pants from sitting m Parliament. This tories and farms; instructive sightproposed measure aroused the ire Sofia (J. T. A.).—Dmitri Kalpakt- Store will tanjrle on the Central High seeing trip to Lincoln; picnic meetat 10 o'clock the same and indignation of the Governor- chieff, terrorist leader, was sentenced school grounds 1 ings, discussions, and an open air General Sir James Craig. He could to seven years imprisonment at hard morning . program. An event is scheduled no longer indifferently regard the labor by the court which tried him twice each week. A nominal tuition Joe Cohen, manager and playeT on scandalous spectacle which was en- on charges of kidnaping prominent the Omaha Tennis Club team, wTIl fee of $1 per month is being charged. acted in the House and the arbitrary Jews of Bulgaria. take a number of the lesser lights of power which the majority sought to Kalpaktchieff was acquitted of thp the local tennis realm on a tour of assume. The third reading of the Joint Foreign Committee Has bill was fixed for the 15th of May, charge of having murdered a non- the small nearby towns for competi- Not Received Formal Invitation 1809, and to prevent this scandal Jewish taxi driver whom he nsed in tion against the native sons. London.—The Joint Foreign Comfrom becoming greater he quite carrying out his kidnaping plans. mittee has received no formal inviRadan Radeff, an official of the brusquely dissolved the Assembly on With the Center physical depart- tation to attend the world Jewish the same day, addressing the mem- anti-Semitic organization, "Radnia conference to be held in Geneva in Zasschita," was sentenced to six bers in harsh terms. August, it was stated at a meeting months imprisonment for aiding and "You have dissipated your time," abetting Kalpaktchieff. of the board of Jewish deputies. he said, "in passing acts which apA third accomplice on trial, Toma pear to be unconstitutional infringe- Stoyanov, received a sentence of ments of the rights of the subjects eighteen months imprisonment. Fireworks in the evening and a Prompt Service . . . . and repugnant to the very letter special water carnival at 3 p. m. are . . . . Reasonable Prices of the statute of the Imperial Parfeatures of the July Fourth program liament under which you hold your at Peony Park, where many Omaseats and to have matured by prohans enjoy the shady picnic groves, Joe Freed, Hgr. ceedings which amount to a derelicthe pure water swimming pool and tion of the first principles of na1018 Farnam Ja. 6071 the beautiful Crystal ballroom at tional justice" There will be a hot time in Omaha this fine recreation center. Years had passed. The spirit of over the Fourth of Jnly at Krug the time had changed. It was keen- Park, on July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Many ly sensed that in the political atmos- "ree and thrilling attractions will be "Jutt Zlround the Corner from. Everything" phere of the country and in Parlia- featured to give the jpeople of Omament a more liberal disposition to- ha one of the grandest days in the ward Jews had been born. It was history of Krug Park. evident that both Houses of the LegThe feature attractions of the day islative body had agreed to give the will be that of a beauty parade at 2 Jews greater freedom and taking the which tyf hih i TTtftgg Junior necessary steps which would place Commerce will be chosen. The finals them upon a level of equality with will be held at Ak-Sar-Ben field. The all other subjects. This psychological moment was fully taken advant- ticket that is issued at the field will admit the bearer to Krug Park free. age of. The parade at the park will be held On the 11th of March, 1831, a in the beautiful ballroom, which has bill was introduced in the Parlia- made the park one of Nebraska's 1113 ment whereby Jews would be grant- most famous fun spots. ed the same rights and privileges as those enjoyed by other subjects in the province. This bill which the Jews considered as their "Magna Charter" passed the Lower and Upper House practically without discussion. On the 18th of March it went through its second reading and on the following day, the 10th, this procedure was repeated. It seems that the Parliament wished to offer redress for its former'wrongs. Only thus can be accounted the prompt manner in which the bill giving Jews rights has been adopted in order that it might sooner become a law. On March 31, it was reserved "for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure thereon," and on the 5th

Jewry in Neighboring Country CelebratingHundredth Anniver* sary of Freedom By Alexander I. Parsky

ment closed, local interest in sports is centered around the several golf courses and swimming pools.

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-PAGE6—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 30,1932 ALLAN COHEN, Attorney. ti» Union State-Bmrtr Bid*.-

In thee Munlcit>nl"Court1 for Omaha, las County ."-Nebrnskfa . ' • :.' •

G1NSBURO * GINSUCBG. Attorney*. 413 Federal Trost Bide. : Xincoln, Nrbr.

Doug:',- ;


PILL, Correspondent

CENSUS OF SIOUX GUY JEWRY IS BEING TAKEN Under the direction of the Jewish 'Coininunity Center, the census of ' 'C • Sioux City Jewry is being taken this month. Those in: charge of the work plan to get a complete census of every Jewish family in: the city, the names and ages of the individual members, and their synagogue and organization affiliation. V:--The city has been divided.: into several " districts to facilitate the work. A number of young women are; cooperating with the Commun. ity Center, by visiting every Jewish home,- and securing the desired information. : A complete ! Record[ \ oi the" census will be kept on:;fiUU Jj i\'±e Center office. ', ' i! i Those assisting with the work are : Lillian Baker, Marion; 'Rocklint, Frances Kalin, Ann Lipton, Annette : Baker, Sarah Rocklin, i Lillian Mtagai •ziner, Marcella Levich, Rose Albert, Inez Leaf f,* Ethel Shindler, Jennie Shindler, Sophie Franklin, Ann Maron, Tillie Franklin, Bessie Zeligson, Jean Montrose. Mary Kaplan, • Beatrice Herzoff, Hose Rozofsky, Fern Wolf son and Dorothy Gelson. :


real name Is Anna : l'enrtetein, liusbiinil nnU vrtfe, whose place'of rresiUence Is un-, known and upon whom personal service uf summons c:innot lie had, Defendants: ' l o u ore hereby notified thiit on the 12tli duy of Mny, 1SI32, H. A. Kesiilek. plaintiff, tiled his petition In the Municipal Court Tu the City of Omnlni, Douglas Comity, Nebraska, and appearing On . Docket No. B-7, Page 311. the object nn<l pmyer of which, la loirecover 'the-sum of $41.60 with interest;, attorney- fee.: mid the costs of |lijs action; »tiat certain household, goods hare been iittm-hed on the ground that you are

A number Of SOCial events [have non-resident .defendants; nnO; that siiid leeri on hon- ^y^ O f Mriyf^o^'nV'fl'^viock1 A^Ml^t been — the — calendar thi^*week; ,. which t|ijnei ryou are, reflEiiIred t o ; appear oring Mrs. Sam Leibovitz, who will and . answer In ' said cause or Judgment lip iafceri againRt.-yoii In accordance leave Saturday for Oiriaha.i jto > join will with the p n i y e r o f the petition: Mr. j Mr. Leibovitz and''make theijjhome. H...A. JtESNlCK, ; Accompanying Mrs.; l'lnlntiff. Mrs; LeiHovitz j^ill b? l!-10-32-4t. her daughter, Greta, arid^sister^ Miss PHILIP H. KLCTZMCK, Attorney. Frankie Goodman. Omaha National Bank Building. Among Mrs. Leibovitz's hostesses have been Mrs. Abe Lefkovitz, ;Mrs. NOTICE':O F CHATTEL: MORTGAGE Joe MerlinV Mrs! J» i Knoix, MtfsU Stai "-!*•'• .' : ; ' " * '. .' ' SA17E ' ' •:' : Is hereby given tbsit" ou the 8th Merlin, Mrs. Paul Neivnian and\. Mrs; ;'.NotKe (Uiy lot- July, .1D32, at 10 o'clock A. M. at : 410|;Oritrid Omaha. Nebraska, ihe Ralph Glick. ;i;i ] ! J - ^ miQerslgnvd Arennei will sell nt public auction to

•j || .

thej highest bidder, for cash the following chattels; '••'-'.. . :. All shelving, oue clock; one large Ice • : box:; ; one meat display-, counter:; one block and. butcher tools; one fir'Californiai wh.ete'fehe wilr spend M! ntent, cigar case; one candy case; two cookie the! 'snirimeri Iviaitihjg \ with friends. racks; 2 scales:, one (platform scale; one meat sltoer: "one grocery display • counter.: one • elect rlc f a n ; - o n e bread and cake.case: oue vegetable rack:, 3 I! Members C&jthe jJebra jftb held d a ra tables; one stepladder; one swimming; p'ar^ ; an(ipicnicl/JttRiver- display book ucccunt nick: one uotion ense: side^ park i'Tuesday j'af,tern6<in-! • .Out one cash register: one display rack':.2 paper, cut rers and one pjiperbag rack, of town gU6^s were Miss pDella. Jzoh contained on said premises at 4104 Grand and Miss Anne; peison, _ o f Asheville, Avenue ae.& covered by n chattel mortgago executed by Meyer Meyerson in favor of "»T . i t . n _ _ t » _ _ - l . ! i : .. ' ' • North Carolina. Sam Meyeruou and Herman Meyerson. dated Deornilier .13. J02C. nnd filed In the office; of th«< County Clerk of Douglas CounMr. and Mi's. Mike Kantrovich! en- ty. Xei-raska. on August. 21. 1028, and asby Sam Meyerson and Herman tertained their, intimate friends iand signed yn Meyerson tto the undersigned on Decemrelatives last week, upon the oc-<ber 27. 1031 .Said salee will be held forr the t e purpose casion. of their', 'wedding annivers- of'foreclosing" f l i d mortgage mortgag and d for f th said the

: Miss Rose Ginsberg, 1Q9 jf M Seventeenth, i istreet,-; jeft M$t. fiviekH r


Mrs. A. Mazie left this week for Chicago, where she will spend two weeks visiting with friends and rela' T h e local chapter of the Junior tives. Hadassah organization was given-tV award of the Unit Gavel, at the Mr. and Mrs. M. Leaff visited Midwest Region convention last week in Fremont, Nebraska, this week. end in St. Joseph, for recognition of the chapter's large percentage of Miss Sara Kaiman of Glenwood, increase*~~in .membership during the Iowa, is visiting at the home of Miss past - year. The organization ; has Lucille Kronick. over eighty members. If the chapter wins the gavel three successive Miss Ida Heshelow is visiting years, they are given the award for with friends and- relatives in Chitheir permanent possession. cago. She will return to the city During the convention election next month. Miss Elizabeth Raskin, president of the Sioux City chapter, was elected • Mrs. A. H. Baron and daughter . third vice president, and Miss Sara departed this week for Lake Minne• Woskoff, twho was' a delegate, was tonka. elected to the board of directors of the Midwest Region.Miss Sybil Merlin and Mis3 Mary - Other Sioux City members who at- Rozofsky are visiting with friends tended the convention were the in Kansas City, Mo. Misses Sybil Merlin, Mary Rozofsky. Frances Jacobson,- Sadie Shulkm- and Miss Marcella Rivin, of ChamberaRuth Wigodsky. • '" '. lin, S. D., visited with relatives in Sioux City, this week. .

$400 Is Raised a t Talmud Torah Picnic

purpose of satisfying the amount now due thereon in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (JC.00O.W) and costs of s.-Ue. HYMAN I.EVTXE.


A. Z. A. Given Second Place in This District

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "HAR.VKX HOT£L COMPANY" KNOW A I A MEN BY THES5K ritKSEXTS that the undersigned hare formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall be "Hnmey Hotel Company" with its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted and the object and purpose for which this corporation is organized shall l>e to buy. sell, own iiml operate hotels, restaurants, pool halls, rooming houses, and to buy mu] sell re.il estate nnd personal property of every nature and description. The authorized capital stock shall Ite $10,000.00 and all of said stock shall tie common and of the par value of f 100.00 per share and when issued shall lie fully paid up and nou-assessalile. Said stock mny be issued for cash, rent estate, personal property or personal services. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd shall continue for n period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not «-ic»-ed two-thirds <>f its capital stock hnt this restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens upon nny of the corporate property. The affairs of this torpor*tion shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than two meml>ers. The nnmiol meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday In Fobmary of each year, nt which meeting the stockholders shall eiect Mrs. S. Marsh, 509' West Fouri il Board of Directors and thereupon the Hoard, shall elect a I'rtvsldent. a Secretary teenth street, is visiting at the home and a .Treasurer. Any two of said offices of her son and daughter-in-law in may bfe held by one jiml the same person. These articles may l*» amended nt any regMadison, South Dakota. ular or speci«l moefing of the, stockholders by a two-thinls rote of the oulstanding ',a . . • Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller of stock.' IN WITNESS? WHKItEOF. the parties Sioux Falls visited at the home of hare hereunto' subscribed their names this 1032: , the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.31st flay of May. IZZY FIKDl,KR. Ben Sherman, this week. BEKTHA FIEDUEH In the presence of SAM BKliKll. «-10-32-4t.

Appeal Wulfin

Vilna.—A hearing on the appeal against the sentence of two years "The Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter imprisonrnent imposed .upon Shmuel was given" sceond place' in jthe. Mid- Wulfin, a Jewish student, for alleged western Regional convention held part in the death of the Christian last we^k in the contest for the student killed in the anti-Seniitic best all around chapter. The con-excesses in Vilna last November, has test was sponsored to choose the been set for August 26. most active chapter. The^Gmahaj apter " The h i chanter was given the first award.' BEN E. KAZI.OW8KT, Attorney at 424 Insurance Building 'Morris.'• Borshevsky;" Isadore Mirbwitz and Morris Lefkovitz were dele- • NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION i s hereby given that a meeting of gates from the Sioux City chapter theNotice stockholders held on the 3rd day of *-• the convention, which was held in June, 1032. at which all the stockholders of. said corporation were present in perSt. Joseph, Mo. son, a resolution was unanimously adopted Isadore Mirowitz will leave "next dissolving said corporation as of June 3, aim that since that date said corporainonth for Winnipeg, Canada, where 1032, tion has ceased to exist as n Nebraska he'. will be a delegate to the na- corporation. UNITED CLOTHING STORES, INC. tional convention. ' "-••'.•

Tennis Tournament


By LOUIS GHEENBKJRG, •»' •••-' President. ABE 11. KAZUJWSKY, •.'.-• Secretary.

PHILIP J*. KLOTZNICK 050 Omaha National Bank B i d e

The Jewish Community Center NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION tennis tournament, sponsored by the • Notice is hereby given that The Bell A. Z. A. chapter, which has been Tailors, l a - co-partnership, t h i consistingii of postponed because of rain, was re-Sam j ; Albert and Sam Robins, has been dissolved; that Sam Robins has retired sumed this week, with several more from said partnership and Sain J. Albert of the teams playing. The toura- remains as the sole owner of the said Bell ment will probably be continued un- Tailors. Dated this 7th day of June, 1032, at til Sunday, at which time results Omaha, Nebraska. SAM J. ALBERT, will be announced. SAM ROBINS. , . " The winner of the local contest will C-10-32-4t. f,o to Omaha to participate in the FBADENBURC, STALMASTER ft BEBER inter-city tennis tournament. OSO Omaha > a t 1 llank Bide.

Ice Cream Social The ladies' auxiliary of Shaan Zion synagogue set the date for thei annual ice cream social, as Sunday afternoon, July 10. Mrs. Robert Sacks has been named chairman on the arrangement committee. Th members _ of the committee. have no yet bean; named. -.,- . The; ice cream social will be hel on the lawn of the synagogue, dur ing the' afternoon and evening.

"We feed the multitude" With Tasty Foods

Assignee of Mortgagee.

FR.1DENBCKU, STALJIASTEH & BEBER 630 Omaha National Bank Bids.

Five hundred people" attended'the atinual Talmud Torah picnic^ held Sunday'afternoon at Riyerview^park, and the proceeds of the' 'day^'"entertainment were around $400. Games, booths and refreshment stands provided entertainment for Mr. and Mrs. William Heshelow, those who attended. The picnic was sponsored by the accompanied by Sovel and Bertha, Mother's Club of the Talmud Torah visited in Norfolk, Nebraska, last and the Talmud Torah board. Pro- week. ceeds will be used toward the .upRabbi and Mrs. Theodore B. Lewis keep of, the Hebrew school. Mr. Philip Sherman was the general and daughter, Rath, departed Sundav for New York city, where they chairman of the picnic. will visit for six weeks.



NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OP ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OI' THE GENERAL STATES INSURANCE CORPORATION, Home Office, Omaha, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the stockholders of the General States Insurance Corporation held on the 2Sth day of May, 51)32, Article 5 of the Articles of Incorporation was amended to read as follows: Article 5 The authorized capital stock of this corporation slvill be One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollnrs, divided into ten thousand (30,000) shares with a par value of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each, all of which stock shall be common and shall be fully paid for and non-assessable when issued. Said stock may be Issued for cash, real or personal property, good will, personal services, or anything of any value, and the values of nny of said items shall be determined by the Board of Directors of this said corporation, and when said value is so fixed, it shall be final. GENKUAJ/ STATES INSURANCE CORPORATION.- • • B / C O . TALMAGE. President. J . B . BKAIN. 8K., • - . - ' . Secretary-Treasurer. "Witness: D. W, Tamer B-3O-4t



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i, •


Lowest Prices in History

Stop In Before Ton Start Out Don't celebrate your 4th of July trip with tire blowouts. Nothing wrecks the holiday frame of mind so completely as a struggle by the roadside with a flat tire. We'll gladly inspect your tire equipment beforehand.

FRADKNBCRG, STALMASTER *• BEBEB 630 Omaha National Bank NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF 'KAIMAN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC." KNOW ALL MEN I«fc" THKSK I'KESEENT>>, that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall'be "Kaiman Insurance Agency, Inc." with its principal place of business nt Omaha, Nebraska. The. general nature of the business to lie transacted and ta« object and jpitrpote for which this corporation is organized nnd established, shall be. to net as general or special agent for insurance companies of all kinds; to ivdjnBt and appraise losses; to net as ngent. broker or trustee for any corporation, organization or ptrson: to transact a general in" surarieer loan, real estate, investment nrd insurance brokerage'business, and to 'do any- 'and all things incidental or in nny way pertaining lo nny of the aforementioned powers. *Tl>e- authorised ' capital stock shall be $3,000.00. all of which'«hnll be common and of the par value of fltxi.OO per share, and all of snld stock shall IKfully .paid-up and non-assessable. Said stock may be issued for cash, real or personal property, good will, personal services or anything of value- ' The corporation shall commence doing business upon Ihe filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall conMnne for h period of fifty jyears from said date- The highest amount of indebtedness' to which this corporation shall subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock.: The'affairs of this corporation'shall be managed by n Itonrd of Directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday In January of each year at which meeting the stockholders shall elect -n Board of;-Directors, nnd thereupon the Board shall- elect a President. Vice-' President, Secretary nnd Treasurer. ' Any two of said officers may be held by one and *he same pernon. These articles may be amended or added to by a vote of twothirds: of nil the outstanding stock nt nny

regular or special meeting of the stock holders.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie« have hereunto Subscribed their n.imes this Ilth day, of Jnm\ 1JK52. ABNER H KAIMAN, '."',, , BVKLTLN KAIMAN. In the presence of: IRVIN STALMASTKR ' 6-24-32-tt.

NOTICE OF ARTICLES O F INCORPORATION OF JOBBERS FINANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED'. . ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned incoipoVatbrs have caused to be filed In the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska and in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Douglas nnd State of Nebraska, Articles of Incorporation of Jobbers Finance Company, Incorporated. Said Artciles provide as follows: • 1. The* name o f the Corporation is Jobbers Finance Company. Incorporated. 2. The principal place of transacting the biisiness'of the Corporation is the City of Omaha, County of Douglas. 3. The general nature of the bnsines* to be transacted -is to operate nnd engage in. the general business of collecting accounts receivable and i" connection therewith to purchase accounts ngainst indvlanals nnd corporations nnd to collect the same nnd to do any nnd all things necessary and incidental to the operation of a collection agency. , To buy, sell, assign, transfer and collect accounts receivable ana choses in action; to purchase and. sell .real nnd personal mortgages; to own, hold and dispose o i stocks, bonds and" commercial pnper; to lease, acquire purchase, hold, sell, convey and mortgage real nnd personal property in connection with the transaction of the business of the Corporation. i. The authorized capital stock of the Corporation shall be $10,000.00, divided into 100 slmres of a par value of $100.0W each. 5. The existence of the Corporation shall begin on the filing of n copy of its Articles cf Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of tip years. C. The highest amount, of. indebtedness to which this Corporation shall nt any time be subjected shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. • 7. The business of the Corporation shall be conducted by u Board of two Directors to be selected from the stockholders. The Directors from their number^ shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasnrer. Any Director may hold one or more of the offices. . - • •, .• 8. These Articles may be amended by majority vote of the issued nntl outstanding -ommon stock mat e ! nny n regular meeting



The new U.tS. Tax-became effective June 21 but these tires and tubes left Goodyear before that date. Thus no tax had to he paid on them. While they last we offer them at thfeir former prices—lowest in history— quoted before the tax.went into effect. First come, first served. Limited quantities in some sizes. Hurry— don't wait.

Tubes aa low aa



New Low Prices-New High Quality . Latest Lifetime Guaranteed


Foil Orcrclze

29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x4.75-20 29x5.00-19

Each in. Fairs


S3.S9 $3*79 S .91 3.95 3.83 •9X .94 4**3 4'50 4-7O 4*57 .91 4-8S 4<7X t.OO

Price of Each

Full Oversize

Each in Pairs


30x5.00-20 •4*95 •4.S0 •1.14 31x5.00-21 5.15 4.98 1.X* 28x5.25-18 5.55 5.39 31x5.25-21 5-98 5.8* X.I* 3Ox3KR«cC3

3.39 3>30


Quality Values Only Goodyear Offers

EACH IN PAIRS 29x4.40-21

Famous Lifetime Guaranteed

GOODYEAR PATHFINDER SUPERTWIST CORD TIRES CASH PRICES Price Each Price £ach Full Full of in of in Tube - Orenixe Each Pairs Tube Oversize Each Pairs 29x4.40-21 14.79 •4.65 SI.O3 28x5.25-18 $7.53 97.3O •1.35 29x4.50-20 5.35 5.19 •95 30x5.25-20 7.S9 7.65 1.33 30x4.50-21 5.43 5.X7 1.03 31x5.25-21 8.15 7.91 1.43 28x4.75-19 6.33 6.16 I.I7 30x3 4.07 3.95 . S I 29x4.75-20 A .43 6.24 • 9 5 30x3^Rc4Cl 4.19 4.O6 «9O 29x5.00-19 6.65 6.45 I.I7 3<ht3KOSCl 4.X9 4.16 «9O 30X5.O0-20 6.75 6.55 1.33 31x4 7.35 7.O9

Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Tires GOODYEAR PATHFINDER '

MAX FKOMKIN. Attorney. Insurance BuIIdlne-

The company. In addition to the powerL herein conferred, shall be entitled to, enjoy and exercise all the privileges nnd powers accorded like corporations organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. It shall have the right, power and authority to issue certificates or contracts approved insofar as such approval may be required, as to form and substance, from time to time, by the Securities Department of the Department of TraUe and Commerce of the State of Nebraska, redeemable in, or con vertible into, cash and stock, in propor tions, as stipulated in such certificates o contracts: and through its authorized of fleers to do and perform all and every law ful act expedient or necessary, incident to the ownership of real and personal property, and the transaction of business connected therewith; and to do and perform through its authorized officers all nnd every lawful net required or deemed expedient for the maintenance, perpetuity arid prosperity of the company. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herennto set my official signature at the Home * t! 5; l o M K iii( Office of the Company, Omaha, Nebraska, or at an> special on this 27t6 day of May, 1032. JOSEPH J . STKKN, (Signed) H. P. FAUBER.



i •:

Notice "Is hereby ffiTen that the' "underilgiied have nsspciated themselves together o form a porporatlon - under the laws of the State of Nebraska: The name of the orporation is "Cash System Furniture Stores. Inc." and the principal place of ransacting its business is in Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. The general . n.-ilure of the business to lie transacted is to deal, purchase, sell and distribute, wholesale or retail, every kind and description of furniture, furnishings and nil nccessores usually handled in a furniture store or n the furniture business, nnd all incidental businesses \rblch are usually nnd customarily attendant upon the doing of the aforementioned things. The authorized •apltnl stock 18 JfTi.000.00 dvided into 100 hares of the par value of $TiO.OO each, all f which is common stock and when issued shall be fully-paid up nnd non-assessable. The corporation si will commence business ipon the filing of its articles of inrorpornion in the office of the County Clerk nnd continue for n period of 150 years. The highest amount of indebtedness' or liability to which the corporation shal lat any ime; subject Itself shall not exceed tw«hlrds of its capital stock. The affairs of his corporation shall lie conducted by n Board of Directors of not less than two members nor more-than five who shall he chosen from among the stockholders nt their annual meeting, which meeting shall be held on the first Monday in January of each year These articles ot incorporation may lie amended Iiy the" affirmative vote of 2/3 of the capital stock at nny regular or special meeting of the stockholders. P. M.-KMITZNICK. It. J. HOI..DSBEKC, In the presence of IKVIN TAL

NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE FIDELITY OLD LINE INSURANCE COMPANY. -. •, ' Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of the stockholders of the Fidelity Old Line Insurance Company,,held on the 27th day of Blay, 1932, pursuant to due and proper notice ns provided in arid b y ' t h e Articles of' Incorporation and by law,, the approval of the Board of lJireetors of the said Fidelity Old-Line Insurance Company having been given thereto, and the up proval of the Department o r Trade and Commerce, Jiureau of Insurance, of the State of Nebraska, to such ; proposed, amendment having first been obtained, the following resolution was ; unanimously adopted: . ' •, . "RESOLVED by the stockholders of the Fidelity Old Line Insurance Company, in special meeting.assembled, that the Articles of Incorporation of the .said Fidelity Old Line Insurance Company5 be : and'.. ihe same are hereby amended in-the following particular, to-wit: •• : • Amend Article II by striking out all of said Article and inserting in lieu thereof, the following: - • "! The corporation shall have the power" to sell service contracts for. funeral supplies and supplies for other transactions' relating to burial benefits, such certificates may provide cash benefits during the life of the certificate, and it may also issue certificates of . participation which* u n d e r the terms thereof, wilt provide funeral benefits in money, services, discounts, funeral supplies or services, including services of undertakers or embalmers, all ns is provided in Senate File No .170 of' the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1929, as enacted by the. 1931 session of .the, legislature. - I t shall, have the power to purchase, acquire, take, hold,' sell, assign, transfer, pledge; mortgage or deal in nil. either ns principal or fnctor, capital stocks of insurance companies, 'mortgages, debentures,' .'Investments, scripts, stocks, bonds,- securities and obligations of every- kind;and nature, to Issue and'to underwrite shares'of stocks bonds, securities, contracts and all manner of obligations, including certificates of participation, collateral trust certificates, income contracts, investment, contracts, installment investment contracts; to undertake and carry out the formation, consolldatnoi. organization. . reorganization, .administration, liquidation, or financing of insurance companies, or fhat of any corporation, business or enterprise, and to transact any business necessary, convenient or incident thereto. ••".. •




Law Office* FJIADENBURG. STALMASTER i BEBER G50 First National Bank Building

A m e n d Article I X b y s t r i k i n g o u t a l l o said article a n d i n s e r t i n g i n lieu thereof the following: • •••'•,






While They Last

• NOTICE OF iriCOUPORATION *. Notice is hereby given of the iucorporaion uf Missouri Valley- Automotive Jobbers Association with its princitv\l place of business at Omnhn, Douglas , VVanty, Nebraska. The genernl nature of thiei busiess to be transacted by said corporation s to maintain and opeplte a credit bureau, to assist in the collection of accounts, to assist in the, promotion of the business of its members, to assist in the interchanging of scientific and business information between its members, and. for the purpose aforesaid, to,acquire. lease, hold, control, dispose, encuml>er a i d in any and every way,deal in nnd with real and personal property of every nature and description. Said corporation shall have nq ; ^capital stock and' the business of said corporation sliiill not lit carried ton. for profit ::bht the iJoard . o t . Directors! shall, from ttnie? to time," assess annual membership . tees against' the members for the purposed of currying on the. business of the. corporation.- which said membership, .fees shall never exceed the sum of $300.00 \ier year. Said corporation shall commence on May 2, 3032. and shall terminate on May 3. 1082. Said corporation shall not contract any indebtedness in excess of two-thirds of the ralue of its property. The bn$iX\eto ?and;affalrs of ifuiid; corporation' «isl! naniiged- and condncted by n l'reshtetit and n Secretary and an Executive ('outirll, of.uot less then three nor mor*'thitn n i x members: said executive council -and said officers shall constitute, the 3oftjd qf Directors o f ' said corporation nnd'hnve ch, .-ge of- the manngenient unit "affaire

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE To Joe Penxlsteiii and Anna Miller, whose


80x5. 33x5. S6s6. S4xT:

Each In Pain.

15.35 14.87 it.lo 16.6O S6.5O 15-5O S9.X0 X8.X0 36.4O 35-3O


x.00 S.XO 3.X0 3.35 4'35

Full Orenize

6.00-20 . 6.50-20. 7.00-20. 7.50-20. 3.25-20.


Each ^ In Pairs



Goodyear Tube

11.65 I1.3O I.7S IS-SO I5.OO 2.XZ XO.45 19.85 .X.X7 Xfr.45 X5.8O 3 37. X5J3* 3O 5.OS

AllWest hers

Goodyears Best In Value! So the Public Thinks and So the Putelic Buys! : More people buy Goodyear Tires than any other, kind. For 17 successive years Goodyears have outsold any other tire. 'It-is the experience of the public that Goodyears give the MOST VALUE. So why buy any second-choice tire when FIRST-choice costs no more?

Also Goodyear All-Weathers, Double Eagles and ; I Tiuck Tires in Many Sizes—Tax Free While They Last :

National Tire Shop -I ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Aye. Phone AT. 6427 r Omaha, Nebr. ^OBERMAN BROS., Proprietors

, T-

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