July 8, 1932

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In the Interests of the Jewish People ltntt-n-d as Kfcoiid-Clrtss Mail S Postoflice nt Oninhn. Nebraska, &-

Dedicated to the ; . Ideals of Judaism 11 */ STI. I»Z1. at of March 8, 1879


Raise$609,293If ere in Five-Yearj Period New York (J. T. AZ).-rThe sum of $699,293,98 was raised throughout the country for Palesidtie endeavor during 1932, i t was announced by Louis Iipsky, national chairman of the American Palestine^ campaign, at a banquet marking the closing of the New Yorkr drive for Palestine. The occasion served for ^the presentation • 'of a - review of Palestine progress* "by; -distinguished speakers. In addresses-delivered9>y Felix M. •Warburg,"'Louis OpskyViBabbi Abba HiUel Silver, Nathan - jStraus, Jr., : add'iHabbi Wolf Morris Rothenberg RothenbergaddiHabi Gold, it was stressedttfiat Palestine is now the center d?r jrorld Jewish interest as it has heverlbeen before.

H. Monsky Makes 3minati Speech

PLAY SCHOOL AT CENTER TO BEGIN JDLY18 Registration Now Open for All Children from 5 to 13 The fourth annual Play School, one of the Community Center's most popular summer activities, is sched•nled to start this year on July 18. Miss Sophie Rosenstein will again be director of the Play School. Registration is now open at the J. C. C. for all children between the ages of five and thirteen. The number of children taken in will be limited to three hundred. Twenty-five volunteer teachers will aid in the instruction. All desiring to serve AS voluntary teachers are asked to call at the J. C. C. office. Classes will be held five mornings per week, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, for four weeks. The registration fee for the entire period is one dollar. A varied program is being planned for all the children who are; enrolled. Included in the plans are games, dramatics, dancing, sewing, toymaking, handcrafts, swimming, sports, orchestra, and soap^-sculptoring. On each day's program will be an assembly, with, the presentation of a special program. Milk and crackers will be served the children. At the close of the Play School will be given an exhibition, of the work done and the articles made.

Vol. IX-^

Nazi Party Attempts Hold in Many Lands New York.—(J. T. A.)—The ex-! tent to which the Nationalist-Socialist party of Germany is attempting I to secure a foothold in other countries of the world is revealed in the Nationalist-Socialist organ "Trustworthy Nationalist-Socialist Letters From Abroad," which is published in Hamburg. In a single issue .of the magazine are to be found letters from Nazi, correspondents in Barcelona,. Spain; Bio Grande De Ful, Mexico; Southern Chile; Hoboken, N. J.; representing North America; Holland; Haiti; South Africa; Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each of these letters purports to describe conditions in the land of residence and the extent of Nazi activity.

ROTHENBERG IS PRESIDENT OF ZIONISTS Lipsky Group Gains Control of American Zionist O j ; ganixation

Morris Rothenberg was elected head of the 'Zionist Organization -of America at the thirty-fifth annual *c<m\£ation held in Philadelphia this weeif. Rothenberg was supported by ihe Sam Beber, outstanding in loLipsky group and his election is concal communal and; phiianthropic sidered a victory over the so-called "Brandeis-Mack" group. endeavor, was elevated to the The differences between the ^wo presidency of .the District Grand groups reached their climax in 1930 Lodge No. 6 of the' B'riai Brfth when Louis Lipsky was retired as Tuesday at the sixty-fourth anpresident of the Zionist Organization nual convention held in Milwauof America, of which he had been the head for nine years. Icee. j^eber, who is only thirty The differences had accumulated years bldl js the youngest; man over a period of nine years, since the to have ever been elected presi1921 convention in Cleveland, where dent , of any' District Grand BUI Sought to Exempt Jewish the split in the .organization occurred Lodge of the order in this counCitizens from Army with and the Brandeis group left. try. ., Oraahans to Fill Important Roles In 1930': the Brandeis-Mack group Tax Instead Henry Monsky, a member of was returned to power, following-a at Ninth International Berlin.—(J. T. A.)-^An open call the executive committee of the bitter fight, in an effort to bring harConclave to self-defense against the Nazis-was international organization and mony into the Zionist ranks. At that issued to • the Jews. of Germany by himself'a former distncf presiFour members of the three local time a committee of 18 was elected to the Central - Union - of - German Citident, made' the "speech nominate A. Z. A. chapters have left for the zens of the Jewish Faith. ing his fellow-townsman. ninth annual international A. ZL A. Under the slogan, "War on the convention, which will " be held in There are only seven'"districts Entire . Front," the Central Union Winnipeg, Canada, on Sunday, Moninvited every Jew' Germany to of the B'nai Brith in" this coun^ and Tuesday, July. 10, 11 and 12. join the ranks of those' giving i resisttry. The order has thousands of William Wolfe is the delegate from ance to the Nazis.' members^ in every " part of - the Chapter 100, Hyman Goodbinder "We will hot permit ourselves to globe. The aim of the;brgamzafrom,, Chapter 1, and Joseph \J5olobe driven-into a pale of settlement tion Is the promotion of, charitmonow from Chapter 7 of Council with cleached teeth. ^We will fight able and: educational activities. Bluffs. Ralph Ndgg of the Century for every inch of our position," states ^ Beber iad; been vice president of chapter will also attend. the call. '"."•," the district'the past year. His. terSam - Beber, • president of %e sa^ ritory, includes four- Canadian provpreme-advisory-council; of-the A. Z. Berlin.—An' anti-; measure inces, North and South Dakota> MinA.; Philip M.-._: Klutznick, executive going. back_to -the.Mi Ages which nesota, Nebraska, -.Iowa^-Wisconsin, London.—(J, TV X)--Jh;w.s i r e secretary/and Julius "Bisno, assistprovides that the "Ipay-a leaving the peninsula of*"Aden en ant atIllinois andi : special tax instead of "being enrolled Beber has a distinguished record tend iihe convention.. masse and the next Iroat leaving_for in the army, was proposed in a : of seryice. Besides Tbeinglattive in radio address by the Hitlerite Deputy Palestine will carry; a large number Hyman Goodbinder w31^: Wjport at all notable communal enterprises, 'he of migrants seeking asylum in Pal^ the conclave as' chairman of the HierL is president of the supreme' advisory estine, the London office of the Jew- District Organizations committee. Hierl is scheduled to be the fucouncil of the A. Z. A., which he Sam Beber ture Commissar cf Labor and Army ish Telegraphic Agency learned Joseph Soloroonow will act as chairfounded in Omaha eight years ago.. man of the youth Good-will conferConscription should the Nazis take from its correspondent in Aden. He was president of the Jewish Phit-'ence committee. William Wolfe will The Jews axe laeving the country over the power. anthropies in "itsijilrst year, of ex- Wgtice Department because of the dangerous situation lead the discussion, with Ernest Eis"Military service is an honorary istence and led th*S community "over $Suing Nazi Organ duty which the Jews should no' which has not abated, as an -out- enberg of Milwaukee, in an open the top." He also -served as first share," the Nazi said. "Instead they growth of the attacks in the Jewish forum on the Stern-Lurie plans. for Threats Made president of the Conservative SynaAn address by the governor-genMorris Rothenberg should pay a special tax consisting quarter of Aden recently. gogue. Direct cabling of the news was eral of Canada followed by an imof 10 per cent of their income until Vienna (J. T. A.).—The police deThe convention at Milwaukee rendered impossible because of the pressive presentation of the Canadian serve as the administration of the orthey reach the age of 50. went on record favoring Omaha partment of Vienna has entered suit existing censorship. Recently des- flag by a special detachment of the ganization, 12 of whom were members as the sfte for the district con- against the Nazi organ, "Kampfruf," patches filed by the Jewish Tele- famed Northwest mounted police will of the Brandeis-Mack group. Robert Szold was elected chairman by the Berlin.—Every student fraction at graphic Agency correspondent were mark the formal opening. clave in the summer of 1933. The for threatening disturbances - against Great Indignation in Jewish Cirthe University of Berlin, including intercepted, the Jewish Telegraphic cles Over Xantag Confiscaultimate decision lies with the the police as retaliation for the \a%Sam Beber will announce the win- Committee. the Nazi fraction, undertook a writ- Agency has learned from its repre- ner of the Best Chapter contest at er's defense of the Jews against The complete list of officers are! .executive committee. tory Law ten obligation to maintain peace at sentative in Aden. The authorities the closing banquet Tuesday evening, President, Morris Rothenberg, New Other officers named at the con- Nazi attacks. Warsaw, (J. t . A.)—Tremendous the university. York; vice-presidents, Robert Szold, vention include Joseph F. Grossman, The government organ, "Reichsdid not inform either the Jewish and will present international awards Chicago, vice president; Arthur Brin, post," commenting on this action, indignation has been aroused fn Jew- As a result of this peace pact, the Telegraphic Agency Office in London to each of the outstanding members New York; Judge William M. Lewis, Minneapolis, second vice president; states that the trial will be most ish circles in Poland by *he law University which had been close or the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in the field of communal, activity, Philadelphia; Hon. Elihu D. Stone, passed by the Prussian Landtag or- two days following anti-Semitic riots Boston; treasurer, Harry P. Pierst, Otto G. Felton, Chicago, secretary; interesting. representative in Aden, that these the revival of the Hebrew language New dering the confiscation of property was reopened. York; chairman, finance comWilliam Besinger, East St. Louis, and the promotion of the Jewish reThe police department's action was of East European Jews who entered telegrams had not been forwarded, mittee, Louis P. Rocker, New York. . 111., treasurer, dictated by the following announcewhile the representative was allowed ligion. An award is also given to Administration committee, Miss Jul«A detailed report of the conven- ment in "Kampfruf": "We have Germany after August, 1914. Berlin.—"We want no Jews in our to believe that the messages had the individual who has been the most iette Benjamin, Dr. Hie Berger, RobMany Polish Jews, including those University," a meeting of Nazi stu been duly forwarded. tion happenings will be given in the long established that the police diideal A. Z. A. member during the «rt M. Bernstein, Jacob M. Braude, •who do not reside in Germany, posnext issue. They were unavailable rectorium gets particularly nervous dents at the University of Frank past year. Israel B. Brodie, Charles A. Cowen, at press time, as none of the dele- when our weekly demonstrations take sess considerable property in Prus- furt decided. Philip Klutznick will deliver one Jacob de Haas, Mrs. M. P. Epstein, sia, it is learned. To Dedicate Monument gates had returned. of the convention addresses. place in the vicinity of the Jewish Col. Benjamin Evarts, Harry FriedThe Pjolish. government, it is stat- Vienna.—Twelve Jewish passersbj quarter. to J. Milder on Sunday berg, Edward P. Friedman, Abraham ed, is determined to take a firm were beaten up and one shot in th Cleveland.—One thousand persons "Unless the police change this at- stand should the law affect Polish Goldberg, Mrs. David P. Greenberg, The dedication of the monumen attended the ceremonies attendant Mrs. Samuel Halperin, Rabbi Max D. titude immediately and the present Nationals. It - "will not, it is under- arm when the Nazis renewed their upon the laying of the cornerstone police chiefs realize that the police stood, permit discrimination against attacks on Leopoldstrasse and Ober- for Jacob Milder by his family an of Cleveland's new Jewish Center, to Klein, Joseph Kraemer, Rabbi I. H." friends will be held on Sunday afterexist not for the Jews but for the its nationals. This legislation is the donaustrasse. Louis Lipsky, Rabbi Elias known as the Kinsman Jewish Levinthal, Margolis, Dr. S. Margoshes, Morris Germans, the Nazis will have to in- first of its kind in a non-Communist The attack occurred in the vicinity noon, the first Yahrzeit, at 2:3 be Paris.—(J. T. A.)—More than 90 spire such a conviction by a march state, it is pointed out. of the court where two Nazis were p. m. at the Golden Hill cemetery. Center. Margulies, Clarence Y. Palitz, Judge Jewish workers -left Paris to take to police headquarters," the paper on trial for attacking Ernest Hyman J. Reit, Bernard G. Richards, Berlin.—The Polish government placed up settlement in Bira Bidjan which, threatened. Klebinder, the Jewish editor of the J. I. Rudavsky, Brookly. Hon. Nel.=tm will take all steps -"within its power under Soviet plans, is to become an Ruttenberg, Mrs. John D. Safer, M-S. to protect Polish Jews residing in •"Wiener Journal," on April 14. autonomous Jewish region by the Archibald Silverman, Ezra Shaphts, Germany^ the Polish Consul, Dr. AlBerlin.—Nazi Storm troops are end of 1933. Bernard Shelvin, Simon Shet'jvr, fred ;Wiescki, declared in a stateAbraham Spicchandler, Sigmund The group is comprised for the ment to the Union of East Euro- planning a systematic raid of the Thau, Abraham Tulin, Morris Weinmost* part of unmarried men and pean Jews, in connection with the subways for the purpose of tossing Washington.—(J. T. A.)-—The 10th a world Jewish Congress should be women with a sprinkling of families. decision of the Prussian Landtag to Jews and radicals f-rm the running session of the American Jewish Con- called in some future year. Presence berg, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Leo Wolfson, Dr. Samuel Wurzel and Judge trains, was the warning issued by A contract for a .'period of two Hyman Goodbinder was installed as confiscate the property of East Eu- the Berlin "Vorwaarts." gress closed here with a vote of ap- at and participation in that confer- Francis Wyner, Carl Sherman, H. years has been signed by all and proropean Jews. proval of the action of its adminis- ence involves no commitment with Yozel, Robert Silverman. vides that the migrants are auto- new president of the Mother chapter The Polish government, it was. inof A. Z. A. last week. Other oftrative body, in calling a world Jew- reference to a Congress if it be matically to become citizens of the dicated, may counteract by confisComplete details were unavailable ficers recently elected are Harry ish conference in Geneva on August called." Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. cating the property of Germans reat press time and will be given in next Thus Rabbi Wise, in an address at Weinberg, vice president; Irving 14 to consider the convening of a The majority are specialist worksiding in Poland. the afternoon session of the tenth week's issue. world Jewish congress. ers, such as builders and mechanics, Chudacoff, senior sergeant-at-arms; AllgeBerlin.—The "Deutsche annual meeting of the American Dave Reiss, junior sergeant-at-arms; Resolutions regarding the status of who are suffering fTom unemploymeine .Zeitung," influential Berlin the Jewish people in Roumania and Jewish Congress made a final at- Alien Law Prohibits ment. A number are motivated by Israel Hornstein, .reporter, and Eiv daily, scores the action of the PrusMorris Katz was elected president Poland were adopted. Discrimination tempt to enlist all elements in purely idealistic considerations and win Wezelman, chaplain. Expelling Foreigners Oscar Mayerowich and Arthur sian Diet in. passing the law onj of the A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 in the colleges of the United States American Jewry in the forthcoming have given up employment in France. June 25th; calling for the confisca- this week. Other officers chosen in- as well as in the industrial and world conference in Geneva, SwitzerGrossman were selected as directors This group has undertaken to pay tion of the property of East Euro- clude: Dan Lintzman, vice presi- economic fields was discussed. The land, on August 14. Berlin (J. T. A.).—There is no its own traveling expenses in the of the athletic committee. pean Jews. dent;. Abe Goldberg, secretary; Art outlawry of anti-Semitism was called Dr. Wise's address followed brief At the recent regional convention: truth in the report that thousands amount of 600 francs. The paper asserts that this meastreasurer; Joe Blumenthal, for and the progress made by the introductory remarks by Judge Julian of holders of Nansen passports, ' Should they fail to find employ- in St. Joseph, the Mother chapter ure recalls the dark Middle Ages. It "Schlaifer, senior sergeant-at-arms; Louis Jews in Palestine noted with ap- W. Mack who cautioned the dele- among- them many Jews, will be exment, however, they will be reim- No. 1 was awarded the plaque for warns that Germany will sustain a Singer, junior sergeant-at-arms; proval in resolutions adopted. gates not to act hastily and to profit pelled from German;-, the Jewish Telthe best all-around chapter in the bursed partially. economic loss sliould Nate Cutler, reporter; Ralph Nogg, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise was re- by past experience. Without men- egraphic Missouri Valley Alephs association considerable Agency learns. the measure be implemented. chaplain. tioning names, Judge Mack referred for 1931-1932. Not a single holder of a Nansen elected honorary president, Bernard Kovno.—The Lithuanian governAn all-day outing is being Deutsch, president, and Dr. Joseph to those who differ on many points passport has been expelled. On the Bazaar for Benefit ment has instructed its Berlin Em- planned by the organization for Sun- S. Tenenbaum, Chairman of Executive vrith the proponents of the Congress contrary, the new alien law prohib363 Jews Entered Palestine bassy to make investigations as to day, July 17. Joe Blumenthal is in committee. movement and yet went along all the its the expulsion of foreigners who | of Lyceum Building in May whether Lithuanian Jewish nation- charge. way. have resided in Germany for ten The Labor Lyceum Association Jerusalem.—A total of 549 immi- als will be affected by the Prussian "One very able, very eminent years, or in Prussia for five years. Washington.—"In a spirit of fore' (vill sponsor a bazaar for the bene- grants entered Palestine during the confiscation law providing for the gentleman," Judge Mack declared, The law also bars the expulsion of bearance which our common needs Proportionate Subsidization fit of the Lyceum building Satur- month of May of whom 363 were confiscation of the property of East and it is understood he was rethose who await punishment should invite, the American Jewish ConLondon.—A demand that the govEuropean Jews who entered Gerday, evening, Sunday and • Monday; Jews. ferring to Dr. Cyrus Adler, "took no they return to their native lands. In gress invites the American Jewish ernment contribution to the Jewish July 23, 24 and 25, at the Lyceum Of this number 212 are reported to many after August 1, 1914. schools in Palestine be proportionate committee to have part in the in- part in the proceedings of the Paris this latter category are the Russians 22nd j and Clark. ••""' , : have remained in the country illegalThe Lithuanian government, it is hold Nansen passports. Of this, The; Board! of -directors anjd : a ly. During the same period 64 per- learned, will take strong ; measures to the taxes paid by Jews was'J voiced formal Geneva: meeting K>r conference delegation yet he accompanied . Mr. who group there are several thousand committee of the Ladies Labor- Ly- sonsUeft the country, twenty-four of to protect its citizens residing in in the House of Commons by| David at which the question is to be 5con- Marshall and gave him most excel- Jews in Berlin alone. sidered and answered whether or not lent co-operation.' Adams. Germany. ' • them Jews. ceum club are in charge.






Jewish Congress Approves of World Jewish Conference






Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year • - - - ; - . - - - Adyertismgrates furnished oh application


THE ZIONIST MEETING As this is being written, the Zionists are gathering for their convention—or rather, to be more accurate, they will be gathering in Philadelphia in a few days. The present gossip is-—that Rothenberg will be the next head of the Zionist Organization. That Szold wants to retire—and that Lipsky does not want the job. Prophesying what a convention will do is of course dangerous. Conventions are laws unto themselves. But whatever the outcome of the convention—Zionism will go marching on. I say this despite certain statements to the ef-, feet that Zionism is in its twilight, etc.

the Jews of America who have stomach trouble to vacation at Tiberias —we could get an enormous revenue for Palestine. (In fact, I think i l l have to go there myself). We could get better stomachs—and build up Palestine at the same time.



And for throat troubles, it is Wauchope Refuses Amnesty equally good. If all the bad cantors to 1929 Arab Rioters would go to Palestine for a little Jerusalem. — The Palestine High while—if all the rabbis whose voices Commissioner, Sir Arthur Grenfell are not as good as they might be, Wauchope, refused to grant amnesty would go there for a little gargling to the Arabs imprisoned for their part with the water of Tiberias—well, it in the riots against the Jews in the ought to prove beneficial to their summer of 1929. congregations and Palestine. But seriously, consider how im- Actions Committee Meeting ,; ^ ; portant this tourist business is. I Changed to July • ^^eetection.of S^nl Beber Tuesday to the presidency of the London.—The meeting of the Genwas reading a story the other day District Grand Iiodge of the international B'nai Brith marks anin the New York Times to the ef- eral Council of the World Zionist Orfect that the recreation industry ganization scheduled for July 25th other milestone in his brilliant career as an outstanding leader in ranks second in the New England has been postponed to July 28th. zommunal and philanthropic endeavor. The affectionate tribute The meeting will be held in London states. Think of that—for a region of our entire community is bis for his unselfish service in enrichfamed for its manufacturing indus- and will continue until August 5. It will be followed by a meeting of ing the lives of others . . .'.. gloriously rewarded, for he is the tries. And Palestine has every adTHE CAUSE the Administrative Committee of the vantage climatically, historically, youngest man in B'nai Brithihistory to ever serve as president of This talk about Zionism and the scenically—for recreation purposes. Jewish Agency which will be held a District Grand Lodge. from August 7 to 9th. twilight—well, all I can say is that The communal achievements of Sam Beber and the esteem in the delicatessen dealers have a word ZIONISM AND LADIES' Rabbinical Assembly Asks which he is held because of selflessness are beacon lights to guide for it. I do not discount the fact SIORTS Repeal of 18th Amendment I am an optimist about Palestine. that the Zionist Organization has our youth. His constructive mind, his rare analytical powers, and lost New York.—The Executive Council I do not even feel so bad about that in membership during the past hk deep human sympathies have endeared him to those who know year. I think the actual drop was Arab problem. Just as there is no of the Kabbinical Assembly of the Theological Seminary of him. Regardless of which was the popular side, he has always from 10,500 to about 9,000. Nor do absolute good, so there is no abso- Jewish lute evil. Let me explain what I America has adopted a resolution callI discount the fact that the Amerifearlessly championed what he deemed just, lending his steadfast can Palestine Campaign shows a mean in this instance. Several para- ing for the repeal of the 18th amendcourage and clarity of thought and expression to all worthwhile drop. But all of these things are graphs back, I mentioned the story ment, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency informed. causes. As founder and father of the A. Z. A. he has done much to be expected with business condi- of the New York dressmaker who was At the same time, however, the tions what they are. As far as I went to Palestine. He went because to mould the destiny of our youth, and, unwittingly, in accepting know Rabbinical Assembly emphasized that business was bad here—and he felt, the only organization which the responsibility of citizenship in its fullest sense and giving has not lost membership during the that he would lose nothing by a it is opposed to making prohibition the principal issue of the present pounstintingly of his time, efforts, and experience for the welfare past year is the Association for the visit to Palestine with business so litical campaigns, whereas more funslack anyway. But when he came Repeal of the 18th Amendment. of others he has become a model for these youths to emulate. there, he decided that there was damental and primary issues remain The fabric of our communal life depends largely upon such MONEY FROM money to be made manufacturing to be solved. dresses for the Jews in Palestine. Sobel Re-elected Head of Bar personalities. Words and deeds, the silent influences of inspira- IMMIGRANTS Indeed, from one aspect, more Well, who knows but that soon, tha. Erie.—Isidor Sobel, prominent in tional personality, are most essential for our development. And has gone to Palestine this Arabs seeing the pretty Jewish Jewish philanthropic circles, has been since so many of us lead lives of dormant casuality, we more deep- money year than ever before. That is, if dresses, may begin to buy them. And re-elected president of the Erie Counly appreciate sincerity in public endeavor which only unswerving you consider the money economically even the Arab men wear skirts. ty Bar Association. Jewish manufacturer may have Mr. Sobel is the only president ever allegiance to duty can generate. It is by following the guidance invested—not by way of philanthro- This a windfall of good business. to be elected to serve a second term. Thus, I understand there were of such men, who symbolize a spiritual and humanitarian leader- py. If I am a little facetious, I hope Head New England Zionists like 560 capitalist immiship, that our youth can most effectively flower into creative something grants from America to Palestine I will not be misunderstood, for I Holyoke.—The Hon. Elihu D. Stone beauty of the highest order. during the last eight months—and am quite serious in ray underlying of Boston was re-elected president of to get a capitalist visa, the head of asseverations. The boundaries of the New England Zionists at the 11th the family or the family as a •whole business are not racial or religious, annual conference of the New Engmust have a minimum of around and Jewish business may profit from land Zionist Region held here at the 5C92 1932 $4,000. I understand that these im- the non-Jewish population as from Hotel Nonotuck. F a s t of Tnmmuz T h u r s d a y , J u l y 21 the Jewish. Rosh CUodesh Ab Wednesday, Aug. 3 migrants took with them to PalesConcession for Jerusalem Fast of Ab Thursday, Aug. 11 tine no less than $1,600,000. Besides SO RAISE YOUR GLASS •K08h ChodesU Ellul.. Friday, Sept. 2 this, the number of Jewish tourists Water Supply Cancelled Rosh Hashonah Ratnrday, Oct, 1 And if we have had some outYoin Kippur Monday, Oct. 10 who went to Palestine shows a great Jerusalem.—The concession for the 1st day Succotb. Saturday, Oct. 15 increase. There were more than 700 breaks by Arabs against the Jews water supply of Jerusalem, dating Shemini Atzereth _. Saturday, Oct. 22 —well, at least, Palestine is one Simcath Torah Sunday, Oct. 23 tourists in the same period—that is, country, where they don't call pro- back from the Turkish regime, has •Ronh Chodesh American Jewish tourists, who reg- test meetings when outbreaks occur. now been cancelled, Sir Arthur GrenCheshvau Monday, Oct. 31 Propose to Change Name to 'Bosh istered with the Palestine Bureauu Chodesh fell Wauchope, Palestine High ComKislev -Wednesday. Nov. 30 of the Zionist Organization. And They fight back. That is worth College for High Christian missioner informed a meeting of the 1st day Chanukah Saturday, Dec. 24 something. If Palestine shall teach Education these tourists brought money to us to do without protest meetings, it Water Board. •Kosh Chodesh Tebeth Thursday, Dec 29 Palestine. Some who went there as will by that alone have justified The concession operating until now •Also observed the day previous as Roeb tourists, remained. One who went itself. } Capetown (J,,T..A.).—The bill inhas prevented the government and Chodesh. started a dress factory, employing troduced in the House of Assembly So I ask you to forget all this the municipality from arranging for 25 hands. to change the name of the Potchefffiit pj j ^ ^^g ly . A loan for "swan-song and twilight business." a sufficient stroom University College to the So that when you add it—all in Instead, I ask you to raise youi a full water supply has been arranged Potchefstroom University College for all—if the contributions from one first glass—when they repeal the the High Commissioner announced. High Christian Education, has passed side are smaller, on the other side, 18th amendment—and drink a "lac- Makes 250 Pound Gift to its second reading with a. Nationalthey are larger. And when you hayim" to the little land of David Palestine Institutions ist (government) • majority of' 63 builjd a country, the dollar which which dreads not even giants. : Trieste.—The "Assicurazioni Genervotes, to 45. , ff « j corned in 'through the ordinary eco(Copyright, 1932, by the Jewish Tel- ali," an insurance company operating nomic routes, ig just as good as that Morris Alexander, one of the Jewegraphic Agency, Inc.) in fifty lands, has distributed the sum donated. in fact, I am inclined to ish deputies, in opposing the hill believe that is a little bit better. Representatives of Various Any earned dollar, is, I should say, said: "The Potchefstroom College comes Racial Groups to Co-Operate just about twice as good as a given under the Act of 1916 and 1917 unWith Labor Department dollar. der which no test whatever of religious belief can be imposed on any Washington (J. T. A.).—A confer- ZIONISM AND GRAPEperson as a condition of his becom- ence of representatives of several FRUIT ing or continuing to be a professor, racial organizations of the United Buy for Future Of eourse, money is needed and lecturer, teacher or student of the States held in the office of Secretary Use. Buy at a a great deal of it—to colonize more University, or of holding any office of Labor Doak, on the invitation of Great Saving. or emolument or exercising any priv- the secretary, decided to form an ad- and more immigrants. It seems to ilege therein, and it is laid down visory council to co-operate with the me that as to this, the depression Buy Quality at been not without good. In the that no preference shall be given or secretary and the department of la- has a Radical past Zionist strategy has been to advantage withheld from any person bor for the prevention of frauds on seek the "higher brackets'" for conLow Price! on the ground of his religious belief. aliens, and of racketeering in con- tributions. The great masses have "We belong to a small minority, nection •with the enforcement of im- been ignored. How is money gotten and we regard that provision in the migration and naturalization laws. for Palestine in New York? What Act of 1817 as the magna charta of Secretary Doak estimated that generally happens is that the workthe religious minority of this coun- aliens are milked by the racketeers ers round up in the principal sectry. ... We say that this is the thin, of many millions of dollars each tions of the city, those who are beedge of the wedge. The next step year. He said that the department lieved to have more money than is will be the abolition of the con- thoroughly understood the deplorable good for them. They are invited to science: clause, and the next step will situation throughout the country re- a dinner, where some notable Jew be that this will be an institution. sulting from this alien exploitation, shakes their hands. Then they are for certain people of a certain re-: and that the determination was to fed grapefruit and fish—and asked ligious denomination. put a stop to the evil, and that it to contribute. "I am not speaking for myself, but was for this purpose he was asking But the hotel dining rooms are for the organized Jewish Community' the co-operation of the organizations of South Africa, representing 140 interested in the protection of the small. And you can't feed all the people grapefruit and fish. Yet I Jerrish institutions and congregations, foreign-born. dare say, there are hundreds of throughout the Union, and I speak It was pointed out by the secre- thousandss of people in New York on behalf of the whole of the Jewish tary that racketeers have been inwould make a contribution even Community of South Africa, who fee! ducing relatives of aliens to bring who without grapefruit. Maybe, they alarmed about the example this bill friends, by illegal methods, into t h b wouldn't contribute as much as the would be setting to others who want country and that when these immi- grapefruit eater—but a lot of litto bring in similar'legislation." • grants succeed in getting into the tle gifts make a large sift. THE SAVINGS ARE GREATER United States, the racketeers extort Thedepression has, I believe, THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE more money from the incomers on Wins Georgetown Medal threats of turning them over to the tended to open the eyes of Zionists New Haven.—Rolliri G. Osterweis department of labor for deportation, to the possibilities of the lower Every Man Is Enthusiastic About the Wonderful has been awarded the Nevils gold thus subjecting the alien to what brackets. If you want an illustraValues in The Nebraska's Drastic Selling medal, given annually by Georgetown amounts to a permanent financial tion of this, I point to one section of World Famous Makers' Clothes of New York, which perhaps stands university to the student in the f slavery. The secretary gave many eign service school whose work has specific instances of the kind of ex- alone, throughout the country—^that of Richmond Bill. It raised more been most outstanding. ,'; ploitation. money for Palestine this year than last. And the reason as the chairman of the campaign in that section —Sol Cohen will tell you—is that they went out after the small gifts which hitherto ha been despised. Office:' 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - -• - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL •-••• -." - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent


Hebrew Calendar



Continuing the Great Selling Event


Men's Quality Suits $ 75




ZIONISM AND STOMACH > * TROUBLE I' • -I-hope the Zionists will consider ways of stimulating the tourist movement to Palestine. I know; $ is easier'to advise'-fliati-than to- *br4 mulate plans by ..which it can actual-^ ly be done." * ;; "'' ••'.'{% K The tourist business, has enor possibilities. And Palestine has the possibilities to appeal to every type of tourist—the one seeking scenic and 'historical values or the one seeking climatic or health values. The springs at Tiberias are said to be as good "as the i best spas j in Europe: A Yfientt; of mine; swears (by the Tiberias springs for stomach trouble. If we could even get all


THINK Ofe SELECTING FROM THESE GREAT LINES! House of Kuppenheimer Clothes Hart, Schaffner A Marx Clothes Fashion Park Clothes Lord Rochester Clothes 'And Many Other Good Clothes Makers' Proud Productions Your Clothing Dollar May Never Again Buy Such Wonderful Values!



of 250 pounds to leading Jewish and Arab causes in Palestine on the occasion of the celebration of the:one hundred anniversary of its founding last month. Of this sum 50 pounds was assigned to the Hebrew University; 50 pounds to the two chief rabbis of Palestine to be distributed among any Jewish organizations they see fit; 50 pounds to the Moslem, Supreme Council; 50 pounds to Ihe supreme Christian Ecclesiastic authority in Palestine.


AT. I3OO Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances

Zionist Is Socialist Candidate for Office

Home of

Milwaukee.—Attorney Arthur Shutkin, Milwaukee Zionist leader, was selected by the Socialist Party as its candidate for state attorney general. On several occasions Mr. Shutkin has served as chairman of local drives for funds to aid the upbuilding of Palestine. He was a member of the Milwaukee city council from 1920 to 1928.

Westinghouse Refrigerators 1

Sol Lewis 2004 Farnam Street ATlantic 4486

Jew Elected to First Mayoralty Post in Burma Bombay.—A Jew, R. A. Raphael, has been elected president of the municipality of Bassein and is the first Jew to be elected to a mayorality post in Burma. A native of Burma, M. Raphael is forty-four years old and has served as a municipal commissioner for the last fifteen years. He is prominently identified with philanthropic activities of a diverse nature.



Estelle M. Sternberger Heads Memorial

4420-22 North 20

New York.—Estelle M. Sternberger of New York City, first vice-president of the National Council of Women of the United States, was named chairman of the Anna Garlin Spencer Memorial Committee, by representatives of Teachers College, Columbia university; National Board, Young Women's Christian Association; American Unitarian Association of America; National Council for Prevention of War, American Social Hygiene Association, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America and the New York School of Social Work, with which organization and institution the late Dr. Spencer was connected during her lifetime.

KEnwood 1500

THRIFTY SERVICE 6cLb. Ja. 0243 C B. 5192

Pinski to Settle in Palestine Jerusalem. — David Pinski, noted Jewish author and playright has decided to take up permanent residence in Palestine where he is now on visit. Mr. Pinski, who was born in Russia and educated in Germany and the United States has resided in the United States since 1899. Cancels Order T r a n s f e r r i n g Tel Aviv M a g i s t r a t e s Court Jerusalem. — The Palestine Higrh School Commissioner cancelled the order calling for the transfer of the Tel Aviv magistrates court to Jaffa. The decision for the transfer emanated from judicial headquarters where the opinion was expressed that the concentration of all the courts would aid efficiency. The announcement of the transfer had met with widespread protest. May Audit Accounts of Moslem Council London.—The British Government is now deliberating the matter of having the accounts of the Moslem Supreme Council audited by the government, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Colonial secretary, stated in the House of Commons. The Colonial Secretary revealed that a request to this effect had been received from certain Moslem members of the Palestine Community .

Refuses to Assign Third for Jewish Labor Haifa. — The Municipal Council here rejected the appeal of the Palestine government urging the council to spend one-third of the public works budget for the employment of Jewish labor. The request of the government was communicated in a letter to the council and was further advocated by the District Commissioner who was present during the discussion.



Plumbing.... Heating Ventilating.... Sanitation . . . . Repair Work . » . .

at Pre-war Prices

WRAY M. SCOTT Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 2811 Dodge At. 7408

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The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA


Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers

Agriculturists to Ask Aid

Jerusalem.—A conference of Arab Jewish agriculturists in East Galilee elected a delegation to represent it before the High Commissioner. The delegation will ask the High 507 So. 12 Street Commissioner to postpone the payATlantic 1192 ment of agricultural debts, a reduction in the tithe, the remission of taxes for 1932, and new loans. iiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiimuiuuiuiiiiiiinmiiitiwiiHiiuiuimi


Innocent Sufferer Madrid.—An agitation has been initiated against Minister of Cults Faebot Toledo, by the Right Wing press, which charges him with planning the revival of Jewish religious services the country over. The papers assert that the Minister, accompanied by a Sephardic Jew, is -making a tour of the synagogues for the purpose of acquiring the necessary ritual articles for renewing Jewish religious services. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns, however, that the Minister of Cults has been accompanied not by a Sephardic Jew but by a North American collector.

This is to certify t h a t RABBI A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs, Iowa has done a number of circumcisions upon folks for whom I have cared and his work is very satisfactory. I would recommend him to anyone who is in need of -such care. . Yours truly, W. H. TAYLOR, M. D., Omaha.





weeic end with.-MrsJ Rosenberg's sume his duties as resident doctor where the picnic is feeing held. sister, Mrs. Sarah Kohn. of the -'Sea-'; View hospital, after a AH. members are urged to be prestwo-week visit, here with his - parent. The committee in charge has .By -• <* • 'Mrs. • David M. Newman -left ents',-Mr. and Mrs. 0.-Slutsky. arranged for a good time, with Mrs. David M. Newman Wednesday for Excelsior Springs, prizes awarded to men,' women and where-she will be at the Elms hotel children. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fisher of for "two weeks. From there "Mr& Kansas City spent the Fourth with The committee in charge consists Apple Buns Newman wiU go to. Kansas City to relatives here. . of Mesdames M. Crounse, L. Witkin Take 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons and S. Lehr. .visit friends, and then she will visit baking powder, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1-4 in Chicago and Milwaukee for several Mrs. William Greenstein of Green- cup crisco; _1 tablespoon sugar, 3-4 .weeks. ville, HI., returned home Thursday cup milk. Roll in a sheet 1-4 inch following a week's visit here with thick, brush with melted butter, cov; .Mr. Edward Gluck is leaving July relatives. . er with brown sugar. Sprinkle of Mrs. Joe Goldware, chairman of 10'for Toronto, Canada. On his recinnamon; 1 'quart shredded apples. the infant welfare committee of Ha'•£urn he will stop^in Detroit and ChiMrs. B. A. Simon is vacationing Roll up like a jelly roll. Cut indassah, announces the following list cago. He will be gone a month. SOKOL-NACHSHOEN slices 1-4 inch thick. Brush a bak- of workers who will serve on her at Excelsior Springs, Mo. SUMMER HOME ENGAGEMENT ing dish with butter, add 1-4 cup committee: Mr. and Mrs. William L. HolzMiss Pauline Gross of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katleman brown sugar. Put in rolls and bake Mesdames Jack Kaufman, J. MeyMr. and . Mrs. Herman Nachshoen man have moved' to their summer -announce the engagement of their bungalow at Carter Lake club. They Minn., is the guest of" her brother- motored to Excelsior Springs over in a moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes. er, Jake Robinson, Dave Stein, David Corn Fritters Silverman and Morris Wohlner. daughter, Lilyan, to Mr. Arthur will be there during July and August: in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- the Fourth. Mrs. Katleman's mother, ward Stern. Mrs. N. Wilfson, who accompanied The work of the committee is to Sokol, son of Mrs. Annie Sokol of 1 cup flour, 1-2 cup milk, 2 eggs them, will remain in Excelsior well beaten, 1 cup or more of corn, furnish visiting nurses for the chilChicago, 111. CONVALESCING Mrs. Milton L. Gaspar and son, Springs for a month. 2 rounded teaspoons baking powder, dren in Palestine, and to supply milk, Mrs. Fannie Simon is convalescing Harold Eugene, of Oklahoma City, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon pep- cod liver oil and other necessities. SHRIER-LEVINE at "her home after an illness of sev- are visiting here with Mrs. Gaspar's Beulah Belzer spent three weeks per. Sift flour, baking powder and Mrs. Goldware has received a very Mr. and Mrs. J. Levine of Lin- eral weeks. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gimple. at Minneapolis visiting with her salt, add milk and beaten eggs. Add urgent appeal' to continue her work coln,, formerly: of Omaha, announce sister, Mrs. H. Feldman. corn. Mix well and fry in deep during the summer because of the the engagement of their idaughter, SUPPER AND DANCE great need. crisco. Serve with fried chicken. Mr. Joe Dandy and son, Howard, Dorothy Francis, to Mr* Morris -' Miss Betty Gayman of St. Louis, Mrs. Leo Schlaifer and daughter, left for Chicago last week to visit ..Shrier of Lincoln, formerly of Min- Mo., arrived Saturday to spend- a Elaine and son, Howard, left Friday Mrs. R. A. Bleicher and Mrs. Morneapolis. No date has been set for week with her cousin, Miss Anna Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg and for an extended visit in Cleveland, ris Friedel announce donations from daughter, Charlotte Sorelle. They the wedding. Hahn. the following to the gift fund: Mr. will be gone about a month. Mrs. Ohio. Mrs. Schlaifer is visiting her Miss Hahn entertained 14 couples •Weinberg was formerly Miss Bess mother. A regular meeting of the Bikur and Mrs. J. M. Resnick, in honor at a supper and dance at Peony in Haspel of this city. NBESMAN-YOUSEM Cholim Society will be held at the of the confirmation of their son; Mr. honor of her cousin. Those who MARRIAGE Mr. William Lustgarten returned Jewish Community Center on Mon- and Mrs. H. Dolgoff, in honor of Mrs. J. Abrahamson announces the shared honors are Miss Mollie ZoorMr. and Mrs. Ben Finemen of Chi- to Chicago last week after a visit day afternoon, July 11, at 2:30 p. the engagement of their daughter, marriage of her sister, Miss Evelyn vill, a bride-to-be, and Mrs. Bill cago are visiting the latter's parents, with his daughter, Mrs. Sam FriedeL m. All members are urged to at-Edythe; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katelman, in honor of the birth of a son. .Yousem, to Joe Neesman, son of Mr. Greenstein of Greenville, 111. tend. Mr. and Mrs. M. Adler. Mrs. FineLibby Dolgoff spent the Fourth of and Mrs. Aaron Neesman of this city. man was formerly Miss Sybil Adler. July week-end at Lake Okoboji with The Bikur Cholim Society bazaar ,The ceremony took place Tuesday at RETURN Lincoln, with Rabbi Jolt officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lebowitz and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg her aunt and cousin, Mrs. A. Rosen was a huge success, and the committee in charge has extended its apThe young couple left immediately daughter, Grace, have returned from and son, Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- and Mollie Rosen of Papilion. WHEN preciation to their workers and also for a trip to Minneapolis, Chicago and Sioux City. They are temporarily vin Kramer, and Dr. Sol HockenYOU to the donators. The coffee set was staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. berg, all of Des Moines, were the points east. donated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkle Dave Flanchek, until a permanent week-end guests of Mrs. Mary Zalk. Dance Hannah Gossick was chosen presi- in memory of their daughter, Bluma. home i s selected. KUTLER-POLIKOV MARRIAGE Outdoors dent of the Sigma Kappa Chi soMr, Nathan "Duke" Levinson of rority at the election of officers Miss Zena Polikov, daughter _ of at the New York City, former well-known held last week. Other officers named Mr. and Mrs. B. Polikov, became the RECUPERATING Paul Spor Little Club bride of Sam Kutler, son of Mr. Miss Shirley Joyce White is re-athlete and singer of Omaha, has include Goldie Fish, vice president; 56th and Center AVA 6300 Special Kovelty Numbers and The Ladies Labor Lyceum club and Mrs. J. Kutler, Sunday evening, cuperating at home from a recent returned to New York after a week's Evelyn Green, secretary; Sylvia ParFeatures—Kefrular Frices visit here with relatives. June 19. The ceremony took place illness. Fret Parkins No Cover Charge ilman, treasurer; Dora Dolgoff, re- will have a family picnic next Sunday, July 10, at Elmwood Park. at the home of the bride's parporter. Miss Lorraine King is spending ents, Rabbi N. Feldman officiating. HIKE AND LUNCH The new members voted into the Large signs at the park will show Miss Mirriam Wiesman was hostess this week in Chicago with her grand- sorority are Ruth Shapiro and DoroThe wedding march was played by John Franco, violinist, accompanied for several girl friends last week mother, Mrs. A. Ldpsky, and family. thy Kaplan. They will be initiated by Miss Rose Spiegal, pianist. In at a hike followed by a luncheon at after a pledgeship of three months. the evening a reception was held Hummel Park. Dr. Ben Slutsky has returned to Last Sunday morning the sorority In every great ice age there .was al:. for friends and relatives at the home New York City, where he will re- gave a breakfast at Elmwood park. TREASURE HUNT of the groom's parents. ways a warm spot somewhere, where The Cee; Que club entertained at Following a two-week, trip to life could go on— Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Sam a treasure hunt * Saturday night honKutler are- making their home at oring Miss Annette Daveson of Chicago, guest of Miss Lilyan Nachoen. 1840 North Nineteenth. the opening of Prior to the wedding many af- Miss Daveson. was also honored at AND NOW a bridge party Thursday, given by fairs were given in honor of the bride; A miscellaneous showe* was Miss Nachschoen, and Miss Rose FURNACE AND SHEET METAL WORKS given by Mesdames Hyman Glicken, Dolgoff honored Miss Daveson with During any of these hot blistering Louis Kutler and Sam dayman. An- a bridge party at her home Sunday under the management of days there is always a spot where you other miscellaneous shower was given evening. l>y Mrs. J. Fleishman and Mrs. Ml BOB SWARTZ can cool off and make life a little pleasTuritz. A lingerie shower was given RETURNS TO: PRACTICE HERE and Dr. Herman E . Kully, son of Mr. by the'!bride's sister, Miss Gloria anter. LEORUSHALL . Polikov, and the groom's sister, Miss I. Kulakofsfey, has just. returned Lillian Kutler. A bridge luncheon*.: from the CincinnatiGeneral hospital 1«9 Nortii 40th "St. ~" jwaf given" by Mrs. Ben ,Wine and after* fiayiing ^pent three years there. Mrs. Richard Spiegal at the home of He will be associated in the, practice HA 0195 or HA 2096 of medicine here with his brother, ' Jhe former. Dr. B. M. Kully. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN | LUNCHEON HONORING I TO ALL WORK SOCIAL NOTES | MISSZOORWILL Mrs. Esther Rosenberg and daughMiss Sara Ann Noddle entertained at a luncheon for twenty-four guests ter, Pauline, of. Chicago, spent the on Sunday, honoring Miss Mollie Zoorwill, whose marriage to Mr. Herman Shiloff • of Sioux City takes place August 14i Among the out-oftown guests were -Mrs. William 'Greenstein, the former Reva Noddle, .who visited her family in Omaha the past week, and Miss Betty Gayman Bf St. Louis; Miss Mary Diamond of Kansas City; the Misses' Sophie Raskin, Jesse and Delia Shiloff all of Bioux City and Miss Mary Diamond »f Lincoln.

Kitchen Chats


Bikur Cholim

That Sam*

Shoe Comfort if you have your shoes repaired at the

STANDARD .Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Prop. 1010 Farnain St.

TRAVEL BARGAINS DES MOINES CHICAGO . . DETROIT . . Grand I s l a n d Denver . . . Los A n g e l e s -

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Omaha Rapid Transit 306 N. 16th St.

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I Wear Snow White f Garments

Sigma Kappa Chi

Ladies Labor Lyceum



WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. M. White were honored this week on the occasion of their fifteenth wedding'.. anniversary by a card party. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. B. Garrop, Mr. and Mrs. G. Soref, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stein, Mr. ynd Mrs. M. Kirshenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dolgoff. ENTERTAINS Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher entertained twenty guests at dinner Sunjay, July 3, in honor of; Miss Ruth Miller and fiancee, Mr Hyman Levbe, and Miss Minnie Haspel and fiincee, Mr. Simon ' • Green. . Mrs. Dave -Miller entertained 36 vuests at a 1 o'clock luncheon and Sridge at the Elks club June 28. BIRTHS " Mr. and Mrs. A; A. Abrams announce the birth of a daughter, June P> at the General Hospital at Lintoln, Nebr. Mrs. Abrams was formerly Miss Anna Abrahamson of Omaha.


Values to 5>95 in

Don Cotton Dresses


Mr. and Mrs. Louis Friedman announce the birth of a daughter at l i e Convenant hospital, June 16. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sherman announce the birth of a daughter, June J8, at the Covenant hospital. BAIL FOR EUROPE Mrs. Morris Firestone and son, Kelvin, wilL leave Saturday on the Bremen, for Czestochowa, Poland, to *isit Mrs. Firestone's parents and family. ; SK> ATTEND WEDDING Mrs. H. Resnick and daughter, Helen, left Wednesday for Los Angeles, ' where they will attend the .wedding of Mrs. Resnick's nephew, Irving Perry. They will spend about :

d month there... ,__••.' .--•. > -

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"Mr. and Mrs. I. Plotkin announce Ihe birth of a daughter at the Lutheran hospital, Sunday morning, July

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HAPPINESS AND QU3ET—TWler KLCcwimck, grandson of 3shn 3). RadtefeOer, 'Sr., and 'his bride, the former "Mrs. Anne Stillman, are shown at then* oceanside cottage, at 15a3fhampton, L. I., fallowing their wedding which took place immediately after "Mrs. Stillman obtained her divorce from James A. Stillman, former president of the National City bank. New York.

BREAKING GROUND—Left to right, Mrs. E. L. Doheny, Jr., Lucy j Estelle Doheny, 16; Edward Lawrence Doheny, III, 14; William Henry Doheny; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Doheny, Sr., and Patrick AnsoM Doheny, 8, as the latter wielded a golden trowel in turning the first ground for the new library on the University of Southern California campus, at Los Angeles.

DROP IN ON HOOVER—Using a new autogyro purchased by the navy department, Secretary of the Navy Charles F. Adams climbs into the cockpit at Washington, D. C,, for a visit to President Hoover at his Rapidan camp. Assistant Secretary David Ingalls piloted the ship.

PRIZE SCOTCH TERRIERS—Billie Dove, film star, is shown with her prize-winning Scotch terriers, "Lassie Dove," "Stingy" and "The Belle of Shanty Town," all blue-ribbon winners at the Los Angeles National Dog show.

GETTING ATTENTION—Every four years the Goddess of Freedom, 287 leet above Washington, D. C , on the dome oif *be capitol, SB Visited "by workmen 'nho make a thorough examination of the ittftue. At present they are xeplacing tips of lightning rods which damaged by bolts.

THEY'RE SMALL NOW, BUT JUST WAIT—Mrs. Charles Gay, •wiier of a J i « farm at El Mwte, Cat, u jNCtured introducing nine t>f the 12 lion cubs delivered by an over-worked stork to three lionesses at Che farm within three days.


NOVEL BREAKFAST—Residents of Santa Monica, " • dipinlhe

**** gather for-



WAVES—This remarkable photograph shows the ill-fated passenger steamer Harvard, being

^ tered ^^H ^J°^rf^

tered ^



HORSEMAN AND BRIDE—Don Miller, one of Notre Dame's f a n t a Four Horsemen of several seasons ago, is mapped with his oxide, the former Mary Lynch, • « their noneynwoti at New York City. The fo«tka8 star is showing Mrs. Miner New York's famwn skyCne.


J S S S T ^ S S i ^ S j ^ ^ J S seaT^T ^




Council Bluffs 'News

BY F. R. K.

The Bar Mitzvah of Joe Wolfson, son of Mr. A. Wolfson, will take place Saturday morning, July 9th, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster street. All relatives and friends are cordially invited.

Adler-Wise Controversy Marks Two Definite Tendencies In American Jewish Life

About forty relatives and friends ion, initiative, the pioneer spirit of Mr. and Mrs. O. Hochman, honThe positive qualities of Adler are: Messrs. Louis H. Katelman and ored them at a surprise party at System, caution, love of tradition, Ben E. K.ubby are expected home their home last Tuesday evening, the patience. But •without a counterpoise today from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, occasion being their golden wedding courage becomes foolhardiness, eag- where they attended the annual con- anniversary. erness for battle is transformed into vention of the District Lodge No. 6 belligerence, system grows jejune of the Independent Order of the The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. and caution apprehensive. B'nai Brith, as delegates from the Sam Steinberg was named Arthur In these days when democracy and Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of Lester at the "Brith" held Sunday dictatorship are in the midst of anj the B'nai Brith. at the Methodist hospital in Omaha, undecided battle, when the old diplowith Rev. A. Diamond of Council macy and the new paralyze each The Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 Bluffs sen-ing as "Mohel." other, when international thought of the A. Z. A. held an election of and narrow nationalism stand in vio- officers last •week and the following Nathan E. Gilinsky, who recently lent conflict, it is quite natural for officers were chosen for the ensu- graduated Creig-hton University Law the Wise and Adler views of Jew- ing term: Joseph Solomonow, presi- school "cum laude," has announced ish life to be actively hostile. Wise dent; Morton Adler, vice president; his association in the practice of law has, to an extent, been infected by! Henry Mendelson, Secretary; Meyer with the firm of Williams and Hess tomorrow; Adler adheres timidly to Maltz, treasurer; Jake Fox, Sr., in Council Bluffs. combat The beginning, for Wise is sergeant of arms; Jake Gordon, Jr. not altogether tomorrow, and Adler sergeant of arms; Robert Cohn, reFltADEXBntG, STALMAfcTER £ BEBEB, Attorneys. no longer stands completely for yes- porter, and Bernard Balaban, chapC30 Omaha National Bank Building terday. lain. Plans are being made to or- NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF 4RThe Jewish World Congress was ganize a Jewish Boy Scout troop. TICLES OF INCOItrORATION OF SYSTEM F I U M T I R E STORES, only the cause, not the ultimate Young Solomonow will represent •CASH INC." reason of the Wise-Adler contro- the local chapter at the annual In- Notice is hereby eiven that at n special of 'lie stockholders of the "dish versy. I consider it a sign of health ternational A. Z. A. convention to nUM-tine Furniture Stores. Inc." held on the in our life than an open conflict has 1 be held at Winnipeg, Canada this System 2Nth tiny of June. 1032. at W A. M.. in the office of lrvin STnlmnster, Kin Om:iliii Nubroken out between these two lead- month. He was recently elected pres- tional Knnk Rnildine, Omaha. Nebraska, ers. American Jewry, today heavily ident of this district at the conven- Article I of the Article^ of Incorporation of K.ni<l company was duly nmended to read burdened with problems of its own, tion held at St. Joseph, Missouri. as follows will have to choose between a Mon"Article I. The name of this corporation roe Doctrine or s League of NaWord has been received here of tions in the Jewish sense. For here- the birth of a daughter to Mr. and P. M KLfTZMCK in lies the real, the fundamental dif- Mrs. Ralph Castle of Brooklyn. New It J. HOLDNBEIKi. * 32 4t ference between Adler and Wise. York, on July 3rd. Mrs. Castle is Attorney at Law the former Miss Reva Gilinsky of BE>" E. KAZlOWSKt'. 424 Insurance JBuildine Council Bluffs. Mrs. E. Gilinsky, OF DISSOUTIOV mother of Mrs. Castle, left last NoticeVOTICE is liereliy eiven tn;it :i nierting of month to spend the summer in the stockholders held on the 3rd day of June, lii'-il!. ;IT which nil the stockholders Brooklyn. of b.iid corporation were present in person, a resolution WHR nnnnimonsly adopted Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Andissolving said corporation jis of 3 line 3. Miss Fannie Katelman returned nun that Rince that date snid corporanouncement was made from the home Sunday following a ten day V.KV2. tion has ee:is**d to exist as a. Nebraska White House of the resignation of visit in Leavenworth, Kansas, and corporation. STORKS INC. A. C. Ratshesky of Boston from his! St. Joseph, and Kansas City, Mis- UNITED OI,OTHTN<; By LOL'IS GUEE.Vr.EBU. diplomatic post as Minister to souri. While in St. Joseph she atPresident. Czech osl o vakia. ABE M. KAZT^OWKKY. tended the Sixth Annual Southwest- 6^30-32 -it Secretary. Mr. Rashesky, who called upon ern Regional Convention of the JunFR.%DE\Br«r., STALSIASTER President Hoover personally several ior Hadassah. She was accompanied BEIIER OSCAR T. DOEKR days ago, gave no reason for his home by her brother-in-law and sisF H l U r SI. KLrTZXICK Attorney* at Law leaving his post as American min- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear, and 650 Omaha National Bank Bnildinc ister to that country. their small son, Aaron David, of OF BI8SOLVTION OF HOTEL In accepting the resignation, the Leavenworth, -who viisited over the NOTICEIJiTESTMEXT President declared he did so "with Fourth at the Katelman home. The Xotiee is hereby EivenCOMPACT that jit a meetof the stockholders of Hotel Investthe deepest regret, because of the Bears returned to Leavenworth inp Company, n corporation, held on distinguished service you have ren- Tuesday, making the trip by motor. ment June 27, 1S>32, in Omahn, Nebraska, it wns nnanimonsly voted to dissolve said cordered and the fine place you have The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- poration at once. been able to make for yourself in mud Torah society held a meeting IZZY FIEDLER. President. the diplomatic service." Wednesday afternoon at the syna- 7-8-3-4t. BERTHA FIE1>LEB., Secretary. Mr. Ratshesky, a Boston banker gogue, €18 Mynster street. FltAlXENBfRG, ST.VLMASTER & BEBEB OSCAR. T. DOEKR and prominent in |jie philanthropies PHILIP M. KLCTZXICK »erer~waS~"SplSol " Attorneys at Lan Miss Frances Pollman of Kansas slovakian post "by ^President Hoover City, Missouri, returned to her home 650 Omaha National Bank Boildinjr. two years ago. NOTICE OF DIRROMTTION OF Monday following a two •weeks' visit K. 111EKES & SOX, IXC. is hereby piveu tlint at n meetMoseow.—The Comzet has discon- here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ingNotice * > f tbe stockholders of S. Riekes & Jack Steinberg. tinued sending Jewish colonists to the Son. Inc.. a corporation, held on June 27th, 1932. in Omnhn, Nebraska, it vrnn unanimCrimean regions this year, it was ously voted to dissolve said corporation Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross, accom- at learned through an appeal published once in the "Ernes," Jewish Communist panied by Mrs. Gross' sister, Mrs. s. RFEKES. President. ETHliL 1MEKKS KIA'TZNICK. Cohen, all of St. Louis, Missouri, daily. Secretary. The appeal is issued by the Jewish returned to their home Wednesday 7RH4t collectives in Crimea which state that the harvesting is endangered unless three hundred more Jewish families are permitted to settle in the Freidorf region at once.

less fanatically hostile to the Jew- life and work of European Jewry ish colonization movement in Eussia; and even take over its leadership. The WisefAdler controversy has once in the forefront of militant He is unafraid of entaglements. gripped thfe imagination of American anti-German agitation in America, he Adler is, so to speak, an adherent Jewry. Seldom have two .Jewish today professes an aggressive pacif- of the Monroe Doctrine. The probleaders opposed each other EO openly ism; he upholds individual liberty, lems in which he took so active an and ruthlessly. Reuben Brainin, one yet frequently has demanded a. liter- interest, through the Joint Distribuof the greatest living authorities on ary or dramatic censorship. Many tion "Committee or the American •world Jewish questions, analyses the other such inconsistencies could be Jewish Committee, were forced upon significance of Dr. Wise and Dr. enumerated. Often they represent him. Unlike Wise, he did not seek Atller, as the personifications of two simultaneous phases of a too fertile them. He is content with the ardefinite tendencies in American Jew- imagination, sometimes they are rangement that Centralverein of ish life.—The Editor. merely consecutive points' of view. Germany, the Alliance Israelite of But despite this unpredictable, often France, tie Jewish Board of Deputies The clash of opinion between Rabbi illogical attitude of Wise's toward of England, the American Jewish Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Cyrus Adler Jewish and world problems he is a Committee in America should each •with regard to the Jewish Work! creator, by the currents of his time. administer its own affairs. To Wise Adler is the trustee of the Schiff- these bodies are evidence of a Congress marked a crossing of swords between two definite tenden- Warburg-MarshalULehman dynasty. shtadloneth policy. He is convinced cies in American Jewish life. The To this group and its views he con- that they do not represent the JewWise-Adler conflict transcends the cedes the right of leadership. He ish masses of Europe or America. scope of the personal, though the has always been the successor. He I am almost tempted to say that differences in their views stand out is the successor of Professor Sche- Wise represents the democratic the more sharply because of the con- chter at the Jewish Theological trend in Jewish life and Adler the trast between the personalities of the Seminary. He is the successor of autocratic. That would be hyperLouis Marshall in the American Jew- bole; for Wise's democratic stand is two protagonists. Stephen S. Wise, an Americanized ish Committee. He is the successor but a gesture—a gesture in which Jew of Hungarian birth, has the of Marshall and Warburg in the he believes, but which in the final sense of solidarity with world Jewry Jewish Agency. In a sense he is analysis is an illusion. Wise has the in his blood; Cyrus Adler is an the librarian of the Marshall group, •will to great deeds. He would reAmerican Jew, a native of Arkansas, the systematic collector of docu- alize his plans in gigantic dimen•with a genuine interest in -world ments, the student of archives. Adler sions. Probably he suffers because Jewry. From these points the views was and has remained the academic he must content himself with Carof the two men depart to describe spokesman of his group. He sub- negie Hall instead of Madison Square their widely different paths. And to stantiated the position of a Schiff Garden for his sermons. He wants the historian, the student of Jewish or a Marshall, invested it with his- an American Jewish Congress of life this difference is fundamental. torical material. Never did he found truly democratic organization, but In addition Wise has an impulsive, anything—with a single exception; must do with a letterhead organizarestless, irrepressible, fanatically in- he established the Jewish Historical tion. Wise dreams of a huge Jewish dependent character, while Adler is Society of America. His inclinations institute of Religion that would overa man of system, of calm caution, are archeological. When, many years shadow all other Jewish seminaries, a lover of statistical accuracy. ago—long before Dr. Wise ever but he must be satisfied with a minThe more deeply we delve into the thought of it—he visited Palestine iature institution. Wise wants a contrast between Wise and Adler and Egypt his primary interest lay great international English-Jewish the more fascinating the discoveries in the yesterday of these lands. To- daily, but circumstnces transformed gether with Allen Ramsay he wrote his project into a local weekly pa•we make. A rabbi's son, Wise- America im- a book, "Told in the Coffee House," per. An so on down the line. His presses itself upon him as. the new a collection of Oriental tales. This •will to great things collides with the •world, the continent of /youth. The was his sole excursion into the field petty banality of Jewish life. "— European in him is • laveuuus for of-belles-lettres.- r ~ the impossible possibilities inherent Adler's principal work is, char- ne can achieve. He does not seek in this new country, His brilliant acteristically, his thorough-going bio- the titanic. Things excessively great capacities strain for action. The graphy of Jacob Schiff. For years intimidate him. The possible complifew short centuries of American he rummaged in the archives and cations frighten him. His ideal is Jewish history fail to compel his correspondence of the Sehiff family great honor with little responsibilrespect. He feels that he stands (he says, I believe, that he went ity. Little responsibility because his through more than eight thousand sense of responsibility is over timat the beginning. Because the views and discipline letters). Adler studied at Johns orous. It is the tragedy of Jewish life of Temple Emanu-El irk him—he is Hopkins University, where he obdisinclined to submit to the rule of tained his doctor's degree. For some that Wise and Adler would compleMarshall—he creates his own Free years he acted as librarian at the ment each other; and, above all, Synagogue. Perhaps the same cause Smithsonian Institute at Washington. that with each his failings gain the lies behind his creation of the Ameri- His life runs in a straight line, with upper hand. The positive qualities of Wise are: can Jewish Congress in opposition few deviations and no contradictions. to the American Jewish committee. To his mind contention is a waste of Courage, eagerness for battle, visSimilarly, he established the Jewish time. He has not fought for the Institute of Religion because he is many honorary positions he occupies neither able nor willing to bow be- in dozens of organizations and infore either the Jewish Theological stitutions; they are his due for his Seminary or the Hebrew Union Col- long years of service. His attitude lege. A vitally forceful personality, toward Judaism is religious; he has brooking no restraints, one whose little understanding for Jewish national thought. Perhaps because strength is doubled in combat. His career travels a colorful zig- even in his Jewishness he is first zag course with amazing ups and and foremost the archeologist—or. downs that defy all logic His in any case, the lover of archives. opinions are unmistakably stamped Thus we have Cyrus Adler, who •with his individual reaction to men adds to the traditions American Jewand things. He was a champion of ish tradition, and Stephen S. Wise, Weizmann and now opposes him; he who is attracted by the great probwhy suffer with the heat defended Zangwill and later fought lems of world Jewry. Wise is a Mm; a brother-in-arms to Clarence Wilsonian in the Jewish sense, adaptDarrow he shares the views of the ing the late President's stand on this summer in your kitchen? reactionary Hamilton Fish; a foe of American. affairs. He would have Jewish parasitism, he is none the. American Jewry intervene in the

By Ruben Brainin

after spending a few days here at Governing Board of World the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Union The Hague.—The governing board of the World Union for Progressive Miss Evelyn Nathanson of Esther- Judaism will hold an open meeting ville, Iowa, is spending the month here on August 5, 6 and 7th. here visiting lier uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. Mrs. David Kubby and small SOB, Leroy, returned home Tuesday folSummer Months Special fi lowing a month's stay at Excelsior Springs, Missouri. 30-GALLON RANGE BOILER f INSTALLED $16.00

Parilman Plumbing Co. \ 4915 Davenport


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fmest accommodations, exceptional food unexcelled fs^rranqond boating in beautiful Lake Maurer; sporty ^Bjoif- jtersebacfc ridincf. And the wonderful heahh-ijivincf Ibatte of world famous Excelsior "Sprint's... Mahe 'your reservations now or write for illustrated -folder.




PAGE-6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932 1'KADENBCRG, 8TALMASTEU &' BKBER FRADENBCRO. STALMASTER Si BEBER O9CAB T . DOERR > ' 630 Omaha Nat'l Bank BI<lg. EHIX.IP M. KLCTZMCK 650Omaha National Bank Building. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF. AUTICLKS OF INCORPORATION OF THE. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF THE GENERAL STATES INSURANCE COR: ARENA. INC. . •••-.'..-; rOKATION. I ' ' Notice is hereby given that at a meetHome Office. Omaha, Nebraska. of the stockholders of The Arena, Inc., ; Notice is hereby given that at a meeting aingcorporation, held on March 10, 1930, in of the stockholders of the Ueneral States Omaha, Nebraska, was unanimously, votInsurance Corporation held on the 28th ed to dissolve saidit corporation at once. day of May, JS132, Article 5 of the Articles J. ,T. ISAACSON, President. of .Iiit-orporation \v:\u amended' to-, rt'ild 3W •UOi FELTMAN, Secretary, follows: - . . , . - . • 7-8-3-4t. Article n The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be One Hundred Thousand tJflDO.Oeo.CQ) Dollars, divided into ten Iliqu-, sand C10i<H)0) .shares with a par ATiloe lof Ten > ($10.00) Dollars each, all 'of Avhfc* stock shaH be common yild shall .bi*. fnjiy pa ill for mid non-.issessiible when isstieJ. :Said stock may be issued for cash, real idr personal property, good will, personal s<bi-\ vices, or anything of any value, and ijUe. value::,of any of said Items shall be determined i>y the Board of Dlrcetorn of this said corporation, nnd when said value is so' flxwl. it. shall be final. • : <• -; • OENKUA1. STATES lNSUUAN'CK COHPORATION, By C. O. TAI.MAGE, President; J. 11. BRAIN. SR.. : Secretn ry-Trca surer. Witness: F>. V\". Tamer. ,• 0-30»4t

HHOTWELL, JIOXSKT, GRODINSKY * ¥ d N C E a n d ' H A B R f f t COHEN Attorneys. . ?3 J Omaha National Batik Bide.


Sioux City News ii

NOTIC'K BY TUHtlCATIOJf ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF I'INAI, ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas Conniy, Nebraska. .. In the Matter ot the Kstate of Jake FellANNA PILL, rnan, Deeensrel. . All persons interested In Bald matter are, a hereby notified that o n - t f i e ' l s t day of July, 1032, Brimlel Fellraan filed a petition the Sioux City Country club; Mr. in said County Court, praying that her administration .account filed herein and Mrs. Emil Slotsky, who gave a final lie settled and'--allowed, anil that she be family dinner, Tuesday ieveriirigj hon>; discharged from her,trust as eseciitr,ix"antl h t a JieiiriiV^ VviH be had on * i d petition hearing ^wiH *nid o'ring . their sop/j and j Miss Davidson ; tthat before. snld^Gourt on the 30th day, of July. :ilt,s. Ben; • Schuiein;;Jand, Mrs* i Sain 103"A-aiij! that if you fall to appear before saiil ICourt-on ithe sairt 30fh Cay of July, Pickus,1 iwho entertained gointlyi at a -lD32;i at-jO o'clock A, M., and coatest said .The following honor roll for. the 'Bridge , luncheon,^ Wednesday at the petitionflu* Court may fjrnnt the prayer of-sntd: petition, enter a decree of helrshlp, month; of June has been announced ;Siqux City;Country 'club. Mrs. Ledn- and; nitike/Sucht'Otbcr."aiid further orders; by Mr. Louis Schilling and Mr. laifd; Frajnk j of atos!>4Hgeles: and {Miss inllbi.vane>'sv nnd decrees, as to this Court may »pem proper, to the end that all mat•Aaron Tabai, instructors at the! Her jCh&xlbltte; \ IJosenstock,^ who is home ters ^p?rt:nihiiij>: to said estate may be ; ,brew school: : .' , finally settledanil determined. . -for the;, ^summer,;• were •: guests -at the : ;' BKYCE CKAWFOKP. Children receiving "A" in all grades latter ; p»a?ty.-• i;' . -.-, 7-8-32-31. , County Judge.




include Shirley Lazere, Jack Chauss, Ruth Raskin, Idel Mittenberg, Tillie Raskin, Jack Mosow, Esther Rivin, Rose Raskin, Paul Schwartz, Nathan Haginsky, Frances Maron, Joe Maron, ;Fredell Stillman, Esther Weiner, Anna ; Liass, iHelen. Guttlemari, David. "Tilevitz," pavid'Kuntz,' Martin' Dasp •l kovsky and', Sidney) • Shapiro.; • j' The following children receivedTB in all'gradesV Harry Leibowitz, Max Cohen, Miriam Wigodsky, Dora Wigcdsky; Herman -Weinsteiri, Martin (Weiner,. Cecil' Pill, Jrving* Pill, Max pjrostdk, Norman Rosenthal, Adeline • Stern,' Morris Bergen, Gertrude Ber.lin, Irving Levin, Betty Bain, Eunice Rivin, Eleanor. Rozofsky, Shirley 'Cohen and Ida Epstein.

Mr. and; Mrs. A. B. Friedman, 1722

Jackson :st^et, anhounce the engagement 6f; ;their rdaughter,;;Helenv to


- i •'' MAX! f-KOMK!?J. -ttorney. Insurance Building. .


"" ATIO^ rdJ^rJOBBERS FlNAjfCK COMDave Brodjcpy, son of; MrSi M. Brod- PAKY; INCORPORATED. Notice :jst'her,e,b$ given ihat the underr lcey of Omaha, Nebr. -No date fo* signed iucOipomtors have CIIUKMI to lie the weddmg has £ been i set. Miss fifed i u t h e office-of the Secretary of State the St-itiV of Nebraska nmi in the office Friedman" is well known in : Sioux of of the County "dork - of " the County of City for. her work in dramatic art. Douglas and State of Nebraska, Articles of Incorporation of Jobber's -Finance Company. Incorporated. Said Artclles provide ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Karitrpvich, an- us follows: •; :!„ ' T h e . n a m e o t the Corporation is Johnounce the engagement ot-!.' their be'rs IjMiinm'e Gtfmpnny, Incorporated.^ ~ pers E iiiauce uompniiy, incorporar« daughter, Bessie, to Arthur Slattsr - .2. - The p^incinal place of trnimnetfuj; the transact of tfie "Corporation^is Ihu 'City, of, 6f Minneapolis.;' "No date for the business t'ounty ot I'origins.-OTualin. Cbimty rrOf Iion'sltis.-wedding! has been get The announce- -3. >, The ; general-iialure'of the busim-ss to trausaefcil is to operate and eiiKiige ment was made at the silver wedding In "1Mthe general business*of collecting acanniversary of Miss Kantrovich parr counts rexvivable anil in. culllu'ClIon Ihereto purchase accounts agMinst"indvidents held recently. • •• witli uais and corporations hi:d to collect the same nland tc do any and all thlnss necessary "l- incidental to the opcrntioii of a jMrs. .D. C. Levich and- children, collection njrency.' ' To buy-, sell, .-issijpi, transfer anil collect Elaine and Bernara, left Thursday receivable and (hoses in action; for Milwaukee, where they will be accounts to purchase and seil real and personal guests at the home of the formei's mortgages? lo own. hold, ami dispose of stocks, bonds and commercial paper; to parents, Mr. and Mrs. A." Engelhart. lease, acquire, purchase, hold, sell..convey and mortgage real and -personal, property in i-oiiiieeiioii with the transaction of the The' children of the local Hebrew ;', Mr. and Mrs. C. R.' Golder and business of the Corporation. school have been_ contributing to the family of Chicago are guests in the 4 Tho authorized capital stock of I he shall lie $10,000.00, divided luto Jewish National Fund,' by. depositing city, visiting -at - the- home of the Corporation 1UU shares of a par value of $100.00 each. their pennies in the J. N. F. boxes, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. SL The'existence of the Corporation 8hjill begin on the filing of n copy of its placed for the purpose in the_Tal- Golder. Articles of Incorporation with the County mud Torah room. Clerli of Douglas. Comity. Nebraska, and continue for a period of lit) years. The instructors of the "school urge Miss- libbie Ruben stein departed shall ti. The" highest: amount of indebtedness the children to-give the pennies-they Saturday for Milwaukee, where she t.u which this Corporation shall at any time be subjected shall not exceed twosave, thereby training Jthem.'in the wilL visit with friends for a month. thirds of its capital stock. • habit of supporting the fund and 7. -The ttusiuess of the Corporation shall lie conducted by :i I'.oard of two I'irei-tors forming' the habit of fcohtributina: ' Lester. Davidson, Ben Pill and to lie selected from the stockholders. The r e g u l a t l y . ' ' ' ' • • '•"'"''.. Lawrence Baron visited in Omaha Uin-ctors from their number shall elect a President. Vice-1'resident. Secretary and During the past month that the last week end, where" they attended Treasurer Any Director may hold one or more ol the offices J. N. F. boxes, have-been -in- thethe Omaha Question club party. 8. These Articles may lie amended by a Hebrew school, the collections have m.-ijority vote of the issmd ana outstandamounted' to' $5.00." •Mr. and Mrs".'Max Tartaeoff visit- ingcommon slock ut any regular meeting meeting; ed at the home of Mrs. Eva V/os-or nt any- special MAX FItoMKlN. JOS El'11 j ; STERN. koff, over the week end, en route • liiconiorators. from Omaha ; and Carroll, Nebr.. ft-rV-32-4t.


NOTICE OF INCORPORATION: P Notice is hereby siren of the incorporation <rf Missouri V;ill<?y Automotive ,jobIUTS Association.-with; its priucipnl plrfce of business at Omaha. Douglas. Connty,: Nebraska. The general nature of (lie business to be. transacted ,by said cor|>orntfon is' to maintain nnd operate a credit bureau, to assist in the collection of accounts, to assist-in the'promotion of the bushirss -of its inemliers. to. tisslst^in the iutercha'nging of scientific and business information ,he^-; tween Us. members,' and., for the purpose aforesaid, to ncquire,* lease, hold, control, dispose. encuml>er a i d in any aiul every way deal in "and with real nnd ix-rsoiial property of every nature ami description. Said corpornlion shall Have no capital stock and the business o f said corporation shall not l»* carried on for profit: but the Hoard of Directors shnll, from time to time, assess annual membershiii fees acniiist the members for the purpose of Ciirryiiig on the. liusiness of tUe corporntion, which ' said memltership fe<-s shall never.exceed -the sum of-$3C0.06 l"'r year. Said corporation, shall commence^ on Miiy 2. 1032. arid shall terminate on May 1, IDS'-.' Said corporation shall not contract any indebtedness in excess of two-thirds of the mine-of its property. The business and affairs of said corporation shall be managed and conducted by a President and a Secretary and nn Executive' Council, of not less then three nor more than six members: said executive council nnd said officer3 shall constitute the Board of Directors of_ said corporation and have charge of the management nnd nffairs thereof. MISSOURI VALT.KT AUTOMOTIVE JOBBERS ASSOCIATION. By HERMAN UlNSltURtl. 6-24-32-4t . Its Attorney. FKADEXBCKG, STALMASTEK * BEBER C50 Omaha Natloaal Bank B1<1K.

, Ice Cream Social ^ PlannedfarSunday

Klass President of A. Z. A. Chapter -



J ' '










Minneapolis.—(J. T. A.)^-Taking his • instruction from the Torah, 76year-old Moritz Glasberg of Minneapolis has just completed a miniature replica of the tabernacle Moses, instructed the Israelites to build when

he led them into the wilderness to escape the Egyptians more than 3,000 years agpJ , . In Hiinutest detail Mr. Ginsberg has-;constructed a movable tabernacle, composed- of 459 pieces, and a" court » of sacrifice with a movable wall around itl He has duplicated the furnishings ; described by Moses .even to "a golden ball and pomegranate."




G1NSBURG £ GlNSUl'RG. Attorneys. . . 4U Federal Trout Bids. Lincoln. Ntur. •

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "CASH STSTKM FT7R>fITl/K£ STOKES. INC.** Notice i s hereby clwii. that the jindersigned have associated themselves together to form-a corporation under'the'laws of the Slate of Nebraska.. The ilame. of Ine corpomfion is "Cash System Furniture Stores.-. Inc." -and the- principal plac*> «f transacting its business is In Omaha,. IkuigIns County. Nebraskn'. The " peiieral n.ir where they were guests of Mr. andFKADENBUUG. STALMASTER * BEBEB lure of tile business to lie transacted-is to purchase, sell, and illstrjbute: - whuleMrs. A. Plotkin; and Mrs.; Natef Sterl- ; , ; • K5O;First">~plionalrBank Building " (lenl. sjUe or re'tall. every kind nnd description 1 'The ladies auxiliary of ShaareZion ing, to Cheyenne, Wyoming. They 'NOTICE! O f AMENDMENT TO THE AB- of- furniture, furnishings and all accessor^ TICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ies usually handled in a furnl»itre More or Synagogue ; will; hold. its annual /.Ice will attend the wedding of their son, flDKLITi' OL1> LINK • 1NSCUANCE In the furniture businegs, and nil incidental businesses which are- usually *>ntl - Cream social;; Sunday; afternoon -ami in Cheyenne, to Miss, Julia- Shapjrp, • i -COMPANY. hereby given that at a special customarily. aUendiint upon the doinc of evening, July 10,. on the lawn' of the on Sunday, July j.0. i Before? ^e^ttii;- -. >iNbUce:is" the the stockholders ers of ofrhe the Fidelity th aforemen«ione<l things. g - The authorized r e Jnsumnce Company, held- on the capit.il stock Js $."1.080.00Mlvidert into M00 synagogue/. A" light supper- will be ing to their home in Ne\^'Yprli,';tjie* * jof May. 1932. pursuant' to d«ie and shares.ot the pur <value of f3O.(« each, all will visit in Los Angelfi; •• \\ < i j \ \ >• served during-the evening; in -addipef. hptioa-as provided In ahd-by the of which is common, stock nnd when issued Icles-pf Incorporation and" and hy law, the shall be. fully paid uii. und non-nssessable. tion to the ice cream. :•• "• '•• •' . , ; i l ; - U - j ( ! i S t i : i j i ..-..Iclespf rovalff the h B d i Board or J>irectors of the The corporation sba!| commence business Mrs. Robert Sacks is in charge Miss Sara Kaplan^? 1422||Ifeliecca i$pi>rovalf«f :*jtSSS FufeUty Fu Old Line Insurance Company upon the filing of'itslnrtiWes of incorponilng been given thereto, and the ap- tion in the office of the County Clerk and of the general arrangements. She street, is visiting at^ the ,home -6f 'hhylng 1 1 fprdt" of the Department, of Trr.de and continue, for a period of ,1IK.ycors..;iThe t":merce» will be assisted by Mrs. S. H. Shul- Miss Esther Cohen; 'in Des Moines; ;COIn Bureau- of Insurance, o f the highest amount, of indebtedness or liabilState o t : Nebraska, to such proposed ity to whidi the corporation shal Int nny .kin, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. JoeIowa. ! amendment, having first been obtained, the time subject itself shall not eifwrt twor 1 Kutcher, Mrs. Henry. Sherman,:Mrs. .following resolution was unanimously thirds of its capital «tock. The affair* of John. Levin, Mrs. Joe Friedman^ Mrs. Mr. Mose Weinberg and daughters, •adopted: - bis corporation shall, lie conducted by n ;UESOliVED by the stockholder^ of fhe Hoard of Directors of not less than two Lester Heeger, Mrs. Joe Levin; j | Gladys, Dorothy and,;Johanna,; spent !:j" ;Fidelity Old JJne Insurance Company, In memlters nor more than five who shall Barney Baron and Mrs. Eli Robinpw. b j the week end visiting with' friends • special meeting assembled, that the Arti- chosen from among 'the stockholder* Jit cles of Incorporation of the said Fidelity heir annual meet inc. which meeting -shnll The public is invited to attend in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Old Line Insurance- Company l>e and the be. held on the first Monday In January of same are hereby amended in the following ach year These articles of im-orporjiUom the ice cream- social.. particular, to-wit: may be amended by the affirmative Mrs. J. Rosen of Freeman, S. D., Amend Article II by striking out nil of of 'ZfA of the capital stock at any regular visited with friends in Sioux City said Article and inserting in lieu thereof or special meeting of the stockholders, r. M. KI.ITTZXICK. over the Fourth. She was accom- theThefollowing: corporation shall have the power to apnied by her sons, Meyer and Sam, sell service contracts for funeral supplies In the. presence ofR. J. HOI.DSUEKU, and supplies for other transactions relatIRVIN STALMASTER and daughter, Phyllis. ing lo burial benefits, such certificates may provide cash benefits during the life of the Marvin Klass, former Central High certificate, and It may also issue certifi- FRADEJ.BCKG, STALMASTEK & BEBER Meyer Levitt of St. Paul, Minn., cates Forensic - star, and ; member of, the of participation which, under the 650 Omaha National Bauk Bills. thereof, will provide funeral benefits victorious A.i Z. A., debate team in a spent the week end at the home of terms in money, services, discounts, funeral supNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF recent ^tournament: held -here, has his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. J. L. Lev- plies or services inclndinjr services of un- "KAIMAN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC." dertakers or embalmers, all as is provided KNOW ALI> MEN BY T1IKSK 1'R.lCSfc:been elected president of: the. local itt, Bellevue apartments. in Senate File No .170 of the Compiled ENTS. that the undersigned have formed A. Z. A. chapter.. .. Statutes of Nebraska for 1929. as enacted a corporation under the laws of the State the 1931 session of the legislature. It of Nebraska. The name Of this, corporaOther officers • elected • .were ;Bill: .Miss Anne Marsh, is visiting with by shall have the power to purchase, acquire, tion shall lie "Kaimnn Insurance Agency. Mosow, vice president; - Max- Maron, friends in Minneapolis. take, hold, sell, nsslgu, transfer, pledge, Inc." with its principal place of liiisini-ss mortgage or deal in all. either a s principal nt Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature secretary; Archie Kantor, •:scribe; or factor, capital stocks of insurance com- of the- business to be' transacted nnd (he Morris Lefkoyich, chaplain, and Fred . Mrs. Leonard Frank*- of Los An-panies, mortgages, debentures, invest- object and purpose for which this corporaments, scripts, stocks, bonds, securities tion is organized and established, shall lie Herzoff, sergeant at arms, v . •• geles, is visiting in Sioux City, at and obligations of every, kind and nature; to act as general or' special agent for inthe home of her daughter, Mrs. S. to issue and to underwrite shares of stocks, surance companies Of all kinds; to adjust The retiring president is Morris bonds, securities, contracts: and all manner and appraise losses; to act ns agent, brokLefkovich. • • of obligations, including certificates of par- er or trustee for any corporation,:organiticipation, collateral trust certificates. In- zation or person; to transact a general int,• ——rr— contracts, investment contracts, in- surance, loan, real estate, investment; nni' ;Margaret and Rogie Kosberg spent come stallment investment contracts; to uuder- insurance brokerage business, and to do the f last ,:^week end visiting with takeand carry out the formation, consoli- nny nnd all things ^incidental or in nny datnol, organization, reorganization, ad- way pertaining to any of the nforemen friends and'.relatives in Sk' Paul. ministration, liquidation, or financing of tiotied powers. . The- authorized, capita insurance companies; or that of any cor- stock shall be 55,000.00. nil of wlifch shnl poration, business or enterprise, nnd to be common nnd of the par value of $100.00 FRADENBURG, STALMASTER Si transact any business necessary, conven- per. share, and nil of said stock shall .be The War Eagle room v of the WarBEBEB, Attorneys. ient or incident thereto,fully paid-up and non-nssessnMe. Said 630 Omaha National Bank Building rior hotel will be the scene' of the stock may be issued for cash, real or perAmend Article I X by striking out a # o f sonal property, good will, personal services marriage of Miss Ruth Davidson,5 .NOTICE OF INCOlSrOHATIOJi OF snltr article and Inserting In lieu thereof or anything ot value. The corporal ion daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe David- "HAKE! EIJECTIUC" rue following: • Shall commence doing business upon the Notice is hereby given that the underThe company. In addition to the powers filing of its articles with the County Clerk son, to Herman N. Slotsky, son of signed have associated themselves togethherein conferred, shall lie entitled to, enjoy Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall Mr. and Mrs. Emil Slotsky. The er to form a corporation under the laws and exercise all the privileges nnd powers Of for a period of fifty yenrs from the State of Nebraska. The name of the accorded like corporations organized tmder continue said diite. The highest amount of indebtwedding will take place at 11 o'clock, of corporation is "Haney Electric" and the 6 1 8 t h e StQte o f S !! ^ ° t Nebraska. It edness to which this corporation shall subthis morning, with Dr. Frederick principal place of transacting its business shall have the right, power and authority ject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of is in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Cohn of Omaha, officiating. to issue certificates or contracts approved Its capital'stock. The nffairs of this cor The general nature of the business to be ns such approval may he required poration shnll he manngfd by n Hoard of is to carry on an electric busi- Insofar O I a (1 Mrs. Julian White, a cousin of transacted i? I K I? " "^'stance, from time to Directors consisting of not less than two m ness and such other business as in the J>y th .e Securities Department of the nor'more than five members. The annual the bride, will attend Miss David- judgment of the corporation shall be E Department of Trade and Commerce of the meeting of the corporation shall lie held,on advantageous or desirable and to son as matron of honor. Mr. W. C. deemed In i /^"""nskn, redeemable in, or con- the- first Monday in January of each yenr hold real and personal property for the vertible cash and stock, in propor- nt which meeting the stockholders shall Slotsky will act as groomsman. Fol- purpose of carrying on said business. The tions, asInto, stipulated in such certificates or elect a Board of Directors, nnd thereupon capital stock of the corporation lowing the ceremony a wedding authorized and through its authorized ofshall be Two Thousand Dollars which contracts: to do and perform all and every law- the Bonrd shnll elect n Tresident, " Vicebreakfast will be served. Forty rela- shall be divided into two hundred shares ficers act expedient or or necessary, necessary, Incident Incident to to President, Secretary nnd Treasurer. Any ct expedient par value of Teu Dollars each. This cor- tm tives and intimate friends will wit- of the ownership of real nnd personl proptwo fof said officers may be held by one of real nnd personal poration shall be managed by a board of the ownership ness the ceremony and he guests at three directors, who shall lie elected nt n rt'J1 •'! t h e . t r a n s«cti°n of business cofi- nnd he same person. These articles may the annual meeting from among the stock- • h r ^ h t h < ? e w i t h : , a n a t 0 <1° and perform be amended or added to by a vote of twothe. breakfast. holders. The officers shall consist of a through its authorized officers all nnd thirds of all the outstanding stock nt any or special meeting of the stockMr. Slotsky and his bride will president, vice-president, secretary and T H P '1^*"' net required or deemed ex- regular treasurer. Any two of said offices may be pedient for the maintenance, lperpetuity and holders. spend saveral weeks visiting in Can- held IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties by nny one person, except the office prosperity of the companv. ' e r ' H l u l t y n n a IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hnve here- hava hereunto subscribed their names this ada and Adriondack mountains be- of president nnd vice-president. The an1032. meeting of the stockholders shall be unto set my officinl signature ure nt nt the the Home Hom 11th day of June. fore returnnig here to make their nual e held on the first Monday in January of on rhl, ABNEK H KAIMAN, - hl 27 fompnny.'Omaha 0 Nebraska <ml fompnny.Omaha. thi on this 27th tiny of May, 103 each year at two o'clock I*. M. Special EVKI,Y.N KAIMAN. home. meetings may be called by the president In the presence of: Miss Davidson is a former news- at any time or by a majority of the board «-30-32-4t (Signed) H\ P. FAttBEK. : IRVIN STALMASTER 6-24-32-4t. Secretary. directors. The highest amount. of inpaper writer. She attended the Uni-of debtedness which this corporation shnll at versity of Wisconsin and graduated any time contract shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The property from the University, of Michigan. Mr. of Preserve and Modernize Your Property by the stockholders and officers of this Slotsky, who is well known in local corporation shall at all times be exempt liability for the corporate debts, and musical circles is an attorney, and from no stockholder or officer shall be held or deemed liable for "any debt, contract, liaa graduate of the University of bility or tort of the corporation. The cor•

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Painting and Decorating

South Dakota. porntion shall begin business as soon as Among those who have entertained the Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Nefor the bride during the past week braska, and shall continue for a period of fifty yenrs unless dissolved by the are Mrs. Hyman Fishgall, who wasstockholders or by operation of law. The hostess at an evening dinner party Board of Directors may make by-laws for the government nnd control of the cor^ and bridge, last Friday evening in poration or its officers as they may deem

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proper and may alter, repeal or amend the snme upon vote of n majority of the board of directors. These articles of incorporation may be amended at a n y regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon ten days'written notice hnvinc been priven. ' FRANK-FHANEY, " : 'i -• XOTTIE HANET,-'

•. . I,UCr SKABKA. In the presence of Jos. B. Fradenburg. 7-8-32-4t

i > i




Hoberman Bros., Proprietors



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