' ~ln the Interests of the Jewgh People
Dedicated to the Ideals of . Judaism
:svi Klltrrrd us i. % *
Jass Kijui
Posioffice nt v V»V
Act of MarcB 8.1878
Klutznick Elected to Zionist Executive Philip M. Klutznick, president of the local Zionist district, was elected a member of the National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America at the recent convention of the group, held in Philadelphia. Oficial confirmation of the election was received in a letter from Morris Kothenberg, new president of the American Zionists. .
The Hazomir Singing Society will appear over radio station WOW from 11 to 11:30 p. m. on Wednesday evening. The program includes: Jewish folk songs, Huliet, Die Alte Kashe, A Malach Weint and Hemeril; Se'oo Sheovrim, a Hebrew classic; Yom Kippur, Tzu Mincha, a Day of Atonement song; Hretschaniki, a Russian folk song, and a vocal solo by Emanuel Selz. Prom now "on the Hazomir will alternate with the Center Players Guild. in presenting programs Wednesday evenings. •' *
Vol. IX—No. 25
Japanese Form New Jewish Society
Tokio.—(J. T. A.)—A JapaneseJewish Society has been formed here at the initiative of the JapIncidents at University of WashRacial Grounds Given; Roose- anese, Registration Still Open for ChilSees Ground Ripe for Growth of Tabun Sakai. ington Cause Inquiry velt Indicates Support dren from Five to Zionism in United The organization will have as for Lehman to Be Made Thirteen : States one of its primary functions support of the rebuilding of the JewSeattle.—(J. T. A.)—Aroused at Sippican Harbor, Mass.—(J. T. A.) ish National Homeland in PalesRegistrations for the Jewish ComNew York.—Morris Rotheriberg, reports of discrimination against —Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt tine. Only Japanese will be elig- munity Center Summer Play School who was unanimously elected PresiJewish students at the University of announced here that he would request ible to membership in this new are still coming in, as more and dent of the Zionist• Organization, of Washington, the national executive Lieutenant Governor Herbert H. Leh- organization. Jews who display more parents and children hear of America at the recent convention, at offices of B'nai B'rith has launched man to make the annual tour of in- special merit, will be named hon- the many benefits and pleasures dePhiladelphia, was installed in his ofan investigation into recent Universrived from attending. pection of state institutions this orary members of this group. fice at the first meeting of the newlyity incidents, summer and the announcement is beelected Zionist Administrative ComThe month of constructive play for executive secretary of the B'nai ng interpreted as Governor Roosemittee. , '•'-'_ the children officially opened last B'rith, called the investigation, which velt's manner of announcing his supMonday. The classes are by now well In an address outlining the-policies will be made through the Seattle port of Lieutenant Governor Lehorganized and progressing excellentwhich he intended to follow-during his lodge of the B'nai B'rith order. 'man as candidate for the governorly, according to Miss Sophie Rosenadministration, Mr. Eothenberg charHow the Jewish Daily Bulletin, carhip of New York State. stein, director of the Play School. acterized his unanimous selection as a rying the report of the recent SheGovernor Roosevelt has in the past mandate from the Zionists of AmeriA feature of the school is the made the annual inspection touts ca to compose all differences that may Land Is Made Available for vuoth incident at the University, health program adopted. A series caused launching of the probe, into which he inaugurated, and it is beexist within the ranks; pledged his of illustrated health talks is being, Them bv Jewish National anti-Jewish practices was revealed in lieved that by transferring the duty Confirmation to Massachusetts given every Friday, directed by vt. support^ to the Executive of the Fund Dr.: T$ubinow''s telegram here. to Lieutenant Governor Lehman he is Supreme Court Had Been "World Zionist Organisation and the Herman Jahr. Milk and crackers In his message to President Leo giving him a running start on the Jewish Agency for Palestine; prom- • New York.—(J. T.-A.-)—Ibe. Board Assured are served to the children daily. Meltzer of ' the Seattle B'nai B'rith campaign in the fall. ised "most friendly collaboration with of Directors of .the. Jewish National »ers and AdClasses for Assemblies with special features our non-Zionist partners"; and ex-Fund in Palestine has, assigned 3,000 ledge, Dr. Rubinow declared that he Boston.—(J. T. A.)—On the eve of are held every morning. This week's Lieutenant Governor Herbert H. lers on vanced I had noticed an account in the Jewish pressed the hope that Great Britain, dunams of land for colonization purLehman, widely known in Jewish the meeting of the Governor's Coun- highlights included an , address by Je Daily Bulletin of five Jewish Univerdespite the fact that she "has not, philanthropic circles, first came into cil to act upon the appointment of John Wright of the Boy Scouts and poses to the Miarachi. Youth in Pal-sity, students taking "incompletes" in yet fulfilled -the pledges contained "in estine, -Hapoel Haraizrachi, it was anThe Jewish Community Center the political limelight in 1926 when Prof. Felix Frankfurter of Harvard a stunt by the gym class, directed their work because they chose to go University to the Massachusetts Suthe Prime Minister's letter to Dr.nounced by Mrzrachi Youth headquarto the synagogue instead of taking swimming pool grows increasingly he served as campaign manager for preme Court Bench, Governor Joseph by Hjinan Goodbinder. Weizmann and the many promises ters here. Alfred F. Smith. popular a s the thermometer continues final examinations on Shevuoth. Mrs. N. Sekerman is again directgiven to the agency prior to and subOn this area, the Hapoel Hamizto hover around 100. In 1930, when running for his sec-B. Ely made public the announce- ing the activities of the dramatics The Shevuoth incident came on the sequent to the issuance of that docu- rachi, with the aid of the Mizrachi Several new classes for beginners ond term of office, his popularity ment that Professor Frankfurter had department. Volunteer teachers make ment," would act in such manner as Youth of America, will build three heels of a University ruling that, be- have been formed to take care of was attested to by the fact that in declined to accept the post. up the teaching staff. •fto re-establish relations of confidence new colonies. A large part of this •ginning in October, Jewish law stu-the large groups. All beginners are New York City his plurality was Professor Frankfurter, said GovThis is the fourth year of the between the Government and the Jew- territory is "suitable for orange plan- dents at the University will be com- given individual instruction. ernor Ely, had declined the post 607,000, while Governor Roosevelt pelled to attend classes on Saturday. Community Center Summer Play ish Agency" which had been impaired tations. from a sense of duty to his obligaAdvanced classes for those who received a plurality of 557,000. The law school rule provoked nationSchool. Classes are held for chiltions at Harvard University. in the administration preceding that wish to improve their swimimng are The Hapoel HaMizrachi will colon- wide comment in Jewish circles. It is understood that upstate leadof Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, the ize 1,260 dunams of land in Wadi The action of Professor Frankfurt- dren between the ages of 5 and 13 also held regularly. ers and John H. McCooey of Brook- er brings to an unexpected close the from 9 a. m. to noon five days! a present High Commissioner of Pales- Hawareth. "On this land the orThe summer swimming schedule: yn are opposed to the candidacy of controversy which has been aroused week. Among the subjects taught • t i n e . . . - : .:• .".,.-... ",,.-. ' . ganization will settle 70 families who Matrons, Senior Women, Business Colonel Lehman. by his appointment. While leading are included dancing, sewing, knitGirls—Beginners, Monday, WednesThe meeting also laid plans for "the have been resident in Palestine for "Some of the Democratic leaders judicial authorities such as former ting, crocheting, games, dramatics, day, 9:45 to 10:30 a. m.; Tuesday, launching of a nation-wide Zionist six to ten years and have plantaThursday,' 1:45 to 2:30 p. m. Eve-upstate," says the "Herald Tribune,' Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wen- toymaking, handcraft, swimming,' ormembership campaign to begin i i tion ^experience. ning, first group, 6:00 to 6:30 p. m.;"are" known to have sent word to dell Holmes and Supreme Court chestra, sports and soap-sculptoring. Another colony is to be-built-on September. A committee of ;five was Governor Roosevelt that the prejudice Justice Louis D. Brandeis, headed Children can still register at the second group, 6:30 to 7:00 p. m. appointed to develop a complete-pro- 1,000 dunams - located between the in their communities is so strong on the list of those who urged the ap-Jewish . Community Center for the gram.which would provide for.the en- colonies of Petach Tikveh and B'nai Novice and -Advanced Swimming— Jerusalem.^ J ? T . A.)—The re- Monday, Wednesday, 10:30, to 11:30 racial and religious questions that pointment of Professor Frankfurter, balance of the Play School. rollment of many thousands of Ameri- Brak.^ This area was purchased by they do not want Colonel Lehman an opposition had been formed on can Jews not now affiliated with the means of a loan secured from the ceipts for the first seven months of a. m. Tnesday arid Thursday, 2:15- as a gubernatorial candidate. the ground that Professor Frankfurtthe Jewish year, from October to organization, but who are sympathetic Jewish National Fund. Six families 3:15 p. m.,-7:00-7:45 p. m , 7:45-8:30 er had radical leanings. "Governor Roosevelt is known to toward the Zionist movement. ; will.be colonized there with the aidApril, amounted to 98,063 pounds, p. m. It was expected that at the meetfeel on the contrary," states the which is a decline on last year's of the. Brandeis Bank. l i f e Saving—Thursday, 8:15 to paper, "that the ticket of Roosevelt ing of the Governor's Council, the A third colony was established on receipts, amounting in the same 9:00 p. m. 800 -dunams and - is • connected with iperiod. to 117,026 pounds, the Jewish General Swimming—Sunday, 3:00 and Lehman will be no less success- appointment would be confirmed deful upstate when the head^of it is spite a measure of opposition, by a National Fund headquarters here the; colony of Givat Chaim. One hunto 5 "p.' m." . . . . dred and sixty families in all will be state. . Girls-Juniors—Beginners, Tuesday seeking the presidency than" when. he vote of 6 to 2. The decline is partly ^due t o the in- and Thursday,'3:38"*t» 4 d S p . *»»•» was running for governor and: that, settled m^ihesejwthree colonies. .Tjie colonization'plans are being carried ability '* of a number of European advanced, Tuesday -and Thursday, at the same time, Colonel Lehman ll add Teal strength to the presiJews in Russian Cities Are Betout with the aid of the Mizrachi countries to ..export their contribu- 4:00 to 4:45 p. m. General swim, dential ticket in New York. - In fact tions, resulting in an amount of some Sunday, 3:00 to 4:00 p. m. ter Off Than Those in Youth of America. 6,000 pounds being thus held up, it Men—;Senior, Professional—Begin- many of the governor's advisors beCities is stated. In addition there has been ners, Monday and Wednesday, 12:00 lieve that the Democratic party in New .York Being Bothered by New York.—{J. T. A.)—Two ima serious drop of receipts from the to 1:00 p. m.; 6:15 to 7:30 p. m.;New York City might as well deNew York.—Dr. Joseph Rosen, head Annual-Recurrence at .-a United States, from 29,000 to 22,000 advanced, Monday and Wednesday, liberately announce that it does not portant steps towards the final suc- of the agricultural work of the Agro1 ••'••*-"High, H o l y d a y s > want the Jewish vote as to attempt cess of the courses in Hebrew which Joint in Soviet Russia, has arrived in pounds. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Last year's figure included an ad- Business Youths—Beginners and to take the gubernatorial nomina- for the past two years have been this city for a stay of several months. _^___:-{3. T. A.)—The annual tion away from a man so conspicu- conducted on an experimental basis Moscow (J. T. A.).—The plan of vance from South Africa of 5,750 advanced, Monday and Wednesday ously prepared for the place as in two New York City High Schools In an interview with a representative campaign by Jewish organizations to of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, pounds. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. l i f e saving eliminate the "mushroom" synagogue the Comzet to settle in Bira Bidjan Colonel Lehman is." were taken recently, according to a Dr. Rosen discussed conditions of the There has been an increase in reWednesday, 8:15 to 9:00 p. nu. Genwhich springs up during the Jewish 4,000 Jews in the course of the year ceipts in Belgium, Holland and Switzstatement by Israel S. Chipkin, Edu- Jews in the colonies and in the cities. High Holydays and disappears quite 1932 will not be realized because the erland, while there has been a de- eral swim, Sunday, 11:00 a. m. to cational Director of the Jewish EduThe Jewish colonists in Crimea are 1:00 p. m. as suddenly after the promoters have government industrial enterprises in cline in Germany, Great Britain, all cation Association, who, together better off this year than the Jews in Boys-Juniors—Beginners, Monday Bira Bidjan refuse to accept Jews, pocketed the receipts from the sale with Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Dr.the cities, because they have more parts of Eoumania and in Palestine, of seats, was begun when Judge is the charge made by the "Ernes.*" where 4,621 pounds were received in and Wednesday, 3:30 to 4:15 p. m. S. Benderly, Director of the Bureau bread and other food than is now obadvanced, Monday and .Wednesday The paper explains that the disHymen J. Reit, president of the of Jewish Education of New York, tainable in the urban districts of Sothe 7-month period. 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. General swim, Istambul.—(J. T. A.)—Many Jew- has been active in guiding the ex-viet Russia, Dr. Rosen said. New York ; Branch of the United crimination against Jews applies to The second half of the year usually ish families are preparing to leave periment. Synagogue of America, addressed a Jews who are not qualified workers. brings in a larger sum than the first Sunday, 10:00 to 10:45 p. m.j "The situation in the Crimean coloTurkey to take residence abroad, letter to District" Attorney Thomas "We want workers not colonists,' half, the statement concludes, ex- Summer director, D. J. Chesneau. One of these steps, Mr. Chipkin nies is greatly improved by the irrithe "Emes" quotes the government finding their existence endangered by reports, is the approval of the Board gated vegetable gardens which cover C. T. Crain of Manhattan and Dispressing the belief that as a result the new Turkish law which prohibits of Regents of the University of the about three thousand acres of land," trict Attorneys Charles B. McLaugh- enterprises as declaring. They make of a number of efforts in various foreigners from engaging in most of State of New York of the syllabus he stated. "As a result of the better lin and William F. X. Geogban of clear, the paper says, that Jewish countries the total receipts for the the trades. the Bronx and Brooklyn, requesting colonization does net interest them. year will not fall short of those of in Hebrew as taught in these high food situation in the colonies, one As a result of this attitude on the them to assign a member of their This action is contemplated despite schools. The other is represented by thousand Jewish families, more than last year. staff to investigate any complaints part of the government holdings, the action of the Turkish Parliament the first examination given by thelias been planned, have settled in London.—(J. T. A.)—The Revision which extended the six-month period Board of Regents to pupils who have Crimea this year. They came from which may he placed before him in many newcomers are compelled to French Law Grants Furloughs ist charges against the World Zionconnection -with mushroom syna- return, "Emes" asserts. permitted for the liquidation of the completed two years of the Hebrew the cities on their own initiative, and l A quota of fourteen thousand has on Jewish Holiday ist Executive will be heard before business holdings of foreigners to one courses. These examinations, Mr were also called by their relatives in gogues. Paris.—The French Parliament has the Congress court when the Actions year. Judge Reit stated that sponsors of been set for this year in order to Chipkin points out, mean -that the the colonies. And so instead of fifthese mushroom synagogues were al- speed up the work preliminary to adopted a law permitting furloughs to Committee meets here on July 28. successful completion of the courses teen hundred Jewish families which Jewish families consider the prosThe witnesses whom the Revision pects for the future most gloomy and in Hebrew will receive credit to- the Ag-ro-Joint has planned to settle ready active Tenting quarters, adver- proclaiming Bira Bidjan an autono- be granted to. Jewish soldiers during this year in Crimea, there are twentising and selling seats. He also an- mous Jewish region as contemplated the Passover and other Jewish holi- ists propose to call are Heshel Farb- therefore are preparing "to leave. wards a High School diploma. days. stein of Poland, member of the Jew ty-five hundred families being setnounced that with the Jewish High at the end of 1933. ish Agency Executive; Dr. Leo Motz tled," Dr. Rosen pointed out. Holydays more than two months kin of Paris, Robert Strieker of away complaints were already be"The food situation in the Jewish Vienna, and S. E. Soskin. ing received, from Jews who objected colonies in Ukraine was not as good The Revisionists charge that the to mushroom synagogues sprouting as in Crimea because the harvest in Zionist Executive failed to carry out ap in their -neighborhood. Ukraine was not good last year. Brit the decision of the Congress to reDeclaring that of late years unprospects of this year's harvest ar» constitute the Palestine office acscrupulous persons have preyed "upon 100 discussed the Stern plan good in Ukraine, just as in Crimen» Omahans contributed immeasurably No. religious Jews to their personal Berlin.—The University of Berlin for t h e confiscation o f t h e property cording to the composition of the And it is therefore to be expected « profit. Judge Reit said that these in- •was -closed for a .second time this of E a s t European J e w s who entered parties, and that this has been done to the success of the ninth inter- in the Stern-Lurie plan forum, which considerable betterment in the food was a convention highlight. national A. Z. A. convention held deliberately. As a result the distridividuals Tent halls, ^theaters, large week after being reopened. situation, not only in the colonies and Germany after A u g u s t 1 , 1 9 1 4 . A special memorial . service was the farms, but in the cities as well." stores and other places suitable for ." An announcement posted by the. Berlin.—The w a v e of Polish J e w i s h bution of Palestine immigration cer- in Winnipeg, Canada, last week* with accommodating large numbers of University Senate states that the Uni- protests a g a i n s t t h e l a w adopted b y tificates is illegal and the Revision- 275 delegates from many sections of held for the late Harry H. Lapidus Asked about the general situation people and "then sell seats for the.versity may remain closed for the en- the Prussian D i e t calling for t h e con- ists therefore demand their cancella- the United States and Canada par- who was an outstanding figure in of the Jews in Soviet Russia, Dr. RosA. Z. A. and Jewish youth work. A ticipating. " High Holyday Services upon the tire" semester if peace and order is fiscation of t h e property of E a s t E u r - tion. They also demand the appointen declared: The election of officers resulted resolution was read by Nathan Wahlrepresentation that they are spon- not maintained. •• ' opean Jews, i s seized upon by t h ement of new Palestine offices. "Well, they are just as good or as in Hyman Goodbinder of Omaha be- berg of Milwaukee. sored by a regularly constituted • T h e University w a s closed after N a z i press a s proof that the J e w s are bad off as the entire population of 1933 Conclave in Omaha ing chosen grand president. Sam congregation which is to derive the anti-Semitic attacks h a d recurred, Soviet Russia. There is no such thing The tenth international convention as unemployment in Russia. There Beber, founder of the order and benefits of any profits which may despite t h e written guarantee of t h e not loyal t o Germany. will be held i n Omaha next sumpresident of the Supreme Advisory be realized. Furthermore, in the N a z i s that peace would be maintained. are six jobs for one man. But here is Council, delivered the principal ad- mer, it was decided at the conclave. a general lack of commodities and a course of the services appeals <for The disturbances' started w h e n sevNew York.—(J. T. A.)—Morris The Omahans who attended besides dress at the concluding banquet and funds are made for a pseudo, Talshortage of products." Margulies has been named Secretary presented the awards made to the Beber, Klutznick, Goodbinder, Wolfe, mud Torah or Hebrew School, which eral wreaths placed Sunday before the University memorial f o r fallen of the Zionist Organization of Ameri- various chapters and individuals. and Nogg were Julius Bisno, assistthe promoters claim they are conThe bazaar f o r t h e benefit of t h e ca by the Administrative Committee. Philip Klutznick, executive secretary ant executive secretary of the order; ducting or are about to build. "Not students were found deserted this Labor L y c e u m , building h a s been a penny of this money is utilized morning. Mr. Margulies, who is 44 years of the order, delivered the main ad- George Dolgoff, Milton Frohm, It is believed that t h e N a z i s them- postponed one w e e k and will be held old, has been identified with the Zion- dress at the convention banquet. for the purpose for which it was Daniel Lintzman and Joseph Sologiven," Judge Reit stated. "When selves desecrated t h e wreaths f o r t h e on Saturday evening, Sunday and ist movement for three decades. Hi The Omaha Chapter No. 1 was monow. the High Holydays are over the pro- purpose of provoking disturbances Monday, July 3 0 and 3 1 and A u g . L is at present the managing editor awarded second place in the best allCincinnati.— (J. T. A.)—Twenty The two Sam Beber awards given .--••> moters pocket their ill-gotten gains against t h e J e w s . . -. The Lyceum Board of Directors of "The Zionist," organ of the New around chapter contest, first going annually to the A. Z. A. members Jews of Mulhouse, Upper Rhine, have Berlin.—The w i f e of Dr. Bernhard and a committee of the Ladies Labor York Zionist Region of which he and disappear until another year to the South Bend chapter. Ralph who do the most work and best con- petitioned B'nai B'rith for a charter : Tolls around and brings with it the Weiss, "vice-president of t h e Berlin Lyceum club are i n charge of t h e the secretary. :• Nogg- of Sam Beber chapter No. tribute to the revival of Hebrew to found a Lodge. It wil be B'nai return of this pernicious and disin- Police Department, h a s started a libel affair, which will be held a t t h e 100, Omaha, was a-warded third place were awarded to Lloyd Isaacson of B'rith's second group in France. The action against t h e N a z i s who accused Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Attempt to Bomb Jewish tegrating influence." in the international A. Z. A. essay Des Moines. The Harry Lapidus Paris Lodge is only a few months her of immoral relations with a shoe Clark. contest on "What America Owes awards for communal service and for old. Maternity Hospital manufacturer. S. Abravanel, president of the to the Immigrant," judged by Isaac the best work to stimulate religious Dr. Morris Braude Professor Tangiers.—An attempt was made t Paris lodge, has written that the forobservance were given „ to Herman L. Asofsky, general manager of wreck the Jewish Maternity Hospital in Psychiatry Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—The Order Protest Confiscation Law. Hias; Mrs. Rebeccah . Kohrtt, presi- Gotlieb and Jack Cohen of Winni- mation of a third lodge in Colmar • New York.—The Executive Com- of the Western Star, which has been here with a bomb. Chicago. — Announcement is made is now contemplated, and of a fourth dent of the World Congress for pegThe outrage is laid at the door of functioning" since 1894, at its. last here of the appointment of Dr. Mor- m i t t e e of t h e Federation of Polish at Strassbourg, and that it is hoped . .The spiritual progress of the order Jewish Women, and Meyer Weisgal, ris Braude a s , professor in Psychi- J e w s in America a t - a special meeting convention here determined to con-the Communists by the local Spanish that other lodges may soon be formed atry and Mehtal Diseases !at jthe Rush? held for this 1 purpose, adopted a r e s - clude its existence and instructed press, but it is believed thatjthe act- former secretary of the Zionist Or- has not been deterred by the depres- in the French colonies and in th« sion. A full program for the coming ganization of America. • Medical Collegd of the University- of olution protesting against t h e l a w its officers to arrange for the for-ual plotters are Spanish and BortuWilliam Wolfe of Omaha Chapter year is planned by the organization. countries of the protectorate. guese strikers. . passed b» tit* Pxamdaa. D i e t calling malities in this connection. Chicago.
Hebrew Courses Are Recognized in New York City
Jewish Families Leaving Turkey
Revisionists to Get Hearing on Charges Against Executive
Omahans Prominent at Ninth AJLA. Conclave in Winnipeg
Berlin University May Close fot Tbrm as Attacks Recur
Bazaar for Labor Postponed
Margulies Is Named Secretary of Z. O. A
B'nai Brith Lodges in French Colonies
versatile. If we have singers of Zion like Imber and singers of Bums like the southern Jacobs* we also have Ludwig Jacoby. Hibben-Jarvis tells us that this Ludwig Jacoby alBy DAVID SCHWARTZ though Jewish born, was a leading Methodist preacher. So zealous in his Christian faith, that when "rowNOT A BEST SELLER dies attempted to close his meetings The probabilities are that you by blocking the entrance of his never have read Hibben-Jarvis. It chapel with cow dung" they failed is not the best kind of summer read- to daunt the Rev. Ludwig. ing. I dare say Hibben-Jarvis will never make a best seller, yet the MAKING TEN DOLLARS chances are that it will outlast most I see by the Nation, that a leading best sellers. Indeed, Hibben-Jarvis economist predicts that in four is published through the generous months, the depression will have endsubsidy of no less a person of note ed, and the beginning of the upthan Mr. Adolph Ochs. grade will set in. So we had better You will gather by now that Hib- tell as quickly as possible all the ben-Jarvis is the latest volume of remaining depression stories. Have you heard the one about the the National Dictionary of Biography, subsidized by Mr. Ochs. This unemployed man sitting on the park new volume deals with those of the bench ? Well, it seems that this pareminent whose names happen to be- ticular gentleman was resting between his panhandling periods on a gin in the H's and end in the J's. bench under a spreading elm tree. SINAI'S RABBI When all of a sudden, Mr. Cohen sat Not the best of summer reading, down alongside of him. and not particularly heavy in Jewish The man began a conversation with interest—and yet it is not without Mr. Cohen, telling how the bottom interest from a Jewish standpoint. Some dozen or so Jewish names are had dropped out even of the panlisted. The first that of the late handling business, there being so and distinguished rabbi of Sinai pul- much competition in it. Mr. Cohen listened respectfully and pit of Chicago, Emil G. Hirsch. An interesting sketch by his successor, sympathetically to his fellowman's woes, and then observed: Rabbi Louis I. Mann. "Say, young fellow, you look like Of course, that is not to be exa nice fellow. I am interested in pected in so serious and so dignified a work as this official series of you and will give you the chance volumes, but I do wish, there had to make ten dollars." The unemployed man was appreciabeen more stressing of the lighter tive. In fact, he became ecstatic aspects of Rabbi Hirsch, for he was a man who touched the entire gamut "You don't know how I appreciate of human life. His reply for in- it. Sure, I would like to make ten stance, when he was asked whether dollars. What can I do?" "I'll tell you," said Mr. Cohen, "you after all, he wasn't just a Unitarian. come down to my store at 100 Oak "No; I am a Jewnitarian." street tomorrow morning and 111
By the
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - • Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK. R. ACKERMAN - Editor FANNIE KATELHAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
It was not so long ago that a goodly proportion of the Jewish population in this country and abroad complacently envisioned the assimilationist tendencies of the present and future, secure in their unalterable belief that the Jewry of one country could get along splendidly though isolated from the Jewry of the rest of the world. The Jewish leaders in Germany were the leading proponents of this popular theory renouncing "the tie that binds"; yet, ftoday, a few years later, these theories have toppled and crashed to earth, bringing in their wake disaster. The Jews in Germany have found that they could not serenely divorce themselves from their blood brethren of other lands; they have found that there is a magnetic irresistibility drawing together the Jewish people, be they in the United.States, in Germany, in Chinar or in any other corner of the globe. Like never before we Jewish people have of late come to the realization that regardless of where our legal domicile may be, we are at a grave disadvantage so long as we have no place we can call pur Homeland. The Lithuanian national in France can look to Lithuania if his rights are violated, the Englishman to Britain, and so on. While the Czechs or the Swedes or the Turks may form a minority group in a dozen countries, yet there is always one country where they have a spiritual domicile. We Jewish people are minorities everywhere and are suffering everywhere. Millions A FAMOUS PEDIATRICIAN are starving in Poland; the Spanish haven has turned out to be hor- The next Jewish character that Hibben-Jarvis gives us is the late net's nest; South Africa has introduced "Christian education"; Dr. Abraham Jacoby. An odd comMexico's Jewish peddlers are ousted; even in this land of the free bination—political gladiator and baby social, educational, and economic discriminations mar life's beauty. specialist. One of the German Forty-eighters" and inventor of the Conditions for world Jewry have reached a desperate crisis, and laryngoscope. Probably next to Carl the fact that we are doing our best to develop in Palestine a spirit- Schurz, the most distinguished of the Forty-eighters. The kinship beual domicile, a spiritual haven, is our only solace. the two was evidenced to the Fortunately, despite the anti-homeland forces in Jewish life, tween last by Jacoby's dying at the home work has progressed steadily in rebuilding the Jewish National of Schurz. Pediatrician and statesHomeland in Palestine. Palestine is the one bright ray on the man. A mixture as rare as any of present Jewish horizon. It is heartening to know, when on all Dr. Jacoby's prescriptions. sides countries are sinking in the quicksand of economic despon- MARY PUTNAM JACOBY dency, that in Palestine reports say "the economic situation is And then there is the listing of distinguished wife, Mary Putnam booming.'V That Jewish work has constantly advanced in Pal- his Jacoby—the sister of Herbert Putestine is evidenced by statistics at the recent Zionist convention. nam, librarian of Congress. One of In Palestine the .175,006 Jewish inhabitants constitute 18 per cent the first and most distinguished of physicians. A really great of the settled population. The Jewish population has thus more women physician, one feels that without the than doubled since 1922, when they numbered 83,794. The total handicap of sex, she would have Jewish immigration to the Holy Land from 1919 to 1931 amount- achieved even greater renown in the ed to 115,296. The figures'show that the trend of immigration medical world. from the United States has been on the increase during the past A MYSTIC POET of the Russian Jews listfive years, the percentage of American immigrants now constitut- edTheis first Naphtali Herz Imber, author ing 8.1 per cent of the whole. Unemployment constitutes less than of Hatikvah. The sketch is by my 1 per cent of the Jewish population. The value of Jewish agricul- friend, the chief of the Semitic diof the Library of Congress. ture in Palestine in 1930-31 is considered to be about seventeen vision Dr. Schapiro, I note, touches upon million pounds. The total area of Palestinian land in Jewish the fact that Imber was much given possession is about one million metric dunams, and Jewish agri- to mysticism. That is a point on I had long wanted some comculture and public enterprises are valued at $220,000,000. These which ment. A few years ago, rummaging figures and the collapse of the idols of "prosperity eras" accent- among old magazine, I came across uate the outlines of the "spiritual haven" for the Jewish people one or two essays by Imber on mystical subjects—and got the feeling that is being cultivated in Palestine. Therein lies the promise of that this phase of Imber's character rest for a wandering people, a source of energyzing force and in- has been neglected by his biographers. spiration. To Vote for Education Transfer from Agency Jerusalem. — The Palestine Jewish National Council has instructed its members who will attend the Actions Committee meeting in London to vote for the transfer of education super-
vision from the Jewish Agency Executive to the Knesseth Israel. It was stipulated however that the transfer should be approved only if the Jewish Agency undertakes for a period of three years to contribute 40,000 pounds annually.
This 8 inch 4 Blade
FAN $795 Win Dneo to Color Scheme of Room for 50c additional Larger Ebns Priced Accordingly. Home Appliance Dept. rrf T? *^_ C* 2205-7^ Stanam
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Imber in the article I read, contended that the modern Theosophy of Annie Besant and others was of Jewish derivation. He contended that the founder of the Theosophist cult, Mme. Blavatsky, a Polish woman, had absorbed her doctrines from the Chassidic Jews of Poland. Dr. Schapiro also touches upon Imber's plea that Jewish poets abandon the Jeremiah models and go in for pagan songs of love and wine. I do not know whether the plea was particularly necessary. It seems to me that our Jewish poets are not as removed from those themes as he would have had us believe. The Song i of Songs, as I remember it, is even voluptuous. Heinie's Lorelei might also be included in the poems of amour—and as for the American love singers of the jazz era—they, of ) course, are predominantly Jewish.
i JOSEPH JACOBS A sketch of Joseph Jacobs, editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia and editor of the American Hebrew, when that paper was in its days of glory. There is another interesting personality for you. A folk-lorist and a mathematician. Have you read by the way, Jacob's article on Spinoza in the Jewish Encyclopedia? It is easily one of the best things on Spinoza ever written. And now that we are about to celebrate the third century of Spinoza's birth—to be marked, by the wayr by a biography of Lewis Browne, it is fitting to reread it.
Ho-ho! What is tkis? A sketch of another Joseph Jacobs. This second Joseph Jacobs was a pharmacist. In fact, I knew him personally when I was in knee pants. He was the head of a chain .of. drug stores in Georgia. Personally?; t! am a little surprised at his 'making the grade in a national dictionary of biography, but I suppose the editors know better. As a child, I remember he was particularly noted for being a great fan of the poet, Robert Burns. He could Teel off poem after poem of the famous Bobbie,* and was head of the Burnb Society of tte Souths
A JEWISH CHRISTIAN B»t *b«s' ; Jewish \ jrenias
is ' very
Summer Months Special
ParOman Plumbing Co, 2 4915
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British Think Confiscation Law of No Force
London.—There in little chance that the Prussian measure calling for the confiscation of the property of Kant European Jews, will have the force of law, Sir John Simon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated in th© House of Commons. It is accepted that Sir John Simon'* statement is based on the results of the British investigation into this matter.
icy of admitting; a percentage of Jews from abroad to help build up Bira Bidjan OH an autonomous Jewish unit.
Bread Shortage
Moscow.—The bread shortage is driving Jewish artisans, in the Ukraine to leave their co-operatives and artels, the "Emess" reports. The desertion from the Jewish artels in the villages has reached a percentage of 80, the paper declares. It explains the mass desertion on the ground that the artisans are not earning enough to buy bread in the free 100 Belgian Jews to Bira market, while they are not privileged Bidjan to receive bread from the co-operaAntwerp.—The Gezerd, society aid- tives which are now confined to laboring the settlement of Jews on land has ers only. received authorization from Moscow to send one hundred Jewish immi- Youngest Federal Judge grants in Belgium to Bira Bidjan to Trenton. — Amid ceremonies witsettle there. nessed by distinguished jurists and The action of the Soviet author- state officials Federal Judge Philip ities is in line with its announced pol- Forman was formally sworn into his new post here. Judge Forman, who served previously for several years as show you how to make ten dollars." United States District Attorney, has The next morning the man was the double distinction of being the there. "Hello, Mr. Cohen. I am here first Jew in this state to serve as a to make that ten dollars." federal judge and at 36, is the young"Hello," said Mr. Cohen. "Here, est man to hold such a post in the natry on this suit." tion. He was recently appointed by "But what's this? You said some- President Hoover. thing about making ten dollars— and now you ask me to try on a All Jewish Theatres in suit of clothes." Warsaw Close "Listen," said Cohen, "this suit Warsaw.—All five of the Jewish sells for $20. Ill sell it to you for theaters in Warsaw have been closed $10, so you'll make ten dollars!" owing to poor patronage. The closing of the theaters will cause tremendous hardship for many Jewish performers.
Persians Get Palestine Visas Istambul.—Forty-one Persian Jews of the 500 who sought refuge in Turkey have departed for Palestine, after receiving the necessary immigration certificate from the Jewish Agency Executive. Another group of 30 is shortly expected to leave for Palestine as well.
Zionist Youth Body Adds Eleven Chapters
STRAW HATS Including Our Fine
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New York.—The Zionist Youth Organization of America following a meeting of representatives from various parts of the country, has added some eleven new groups to the twelve groups already functioning in New York. The organization has a membership of 1,000. The purpose of the group is to stimulate Zionist sentiment among the youth and to inaugurate a movement of American Jewish youth as permanent settlers in Palestine.
Sir Mond Made Chevalier of Legion of Honor
London.—Sir Robert Mond, brother of the late Lord Melchett has been made a Chavalier of the Legion D'Honneur of France and an officer of the Order of Crown of Berlin. The honors were conferred upon him upon the completion of thirty years of archaeologic work as president of the Egypt Exploration Society.
1018 Farnam
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Wear Snow White Garments IF ITS WHITE IT IS RIGHT Wear White to Please Your Patrons The Results Will Please You
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Hamilton Street Window Shades SHOP Window Shades, 36x6 of unbreakable and washable shade cloth for 50c and up. We clean and reverse shades for 15c and up. WALNUT 5500 4202-4 Hamilton St.
Seek Yiddish Instruction in Public Schools New York.—A project to bring about the introduction of Yiddish language courses in the public schools of this country has been undertaken by the Jewish Culture Society. A resolution to this effect was unanimously adopted at the recently concluded convention of the Organization and its administration instructed to take such practical steps as will gain this end.
Prompt Service . . . . . . . . Reasonable Prices
Warsaw.—Jewish traders in the village of Plask near Leszni were beaten and their stalls looted on market day by a band of hooligans. A tremendous panic ensued. Police reserves were called but were unable to cope with the situation. The hooligans continued their work of beating the Jews, looting their merchandise and destroying what could not be looted. The hooligans accompanied their attack with abuses of the Jews and government leaders.
False Government Policy
50c and 65c Kig-a.—A false government policy Laundered the RENEW Way is responsible for the unemployment A New Suit After Every Wash of the Jews was the charge made at 10% Discount Cash and Carry the session of the Sejm by Deputy Dubin. The Jewish parliamentary representative stated that he is approached daily by hundreds of Jewish unemployed who beg for bread. The Jewish population has done its j 2SIS FARNAM AT. 2815 utmost to aid their starving co-religionists, but the help of the community is inadequate to cope with the situation.
German Press Lauds Rathenau Berlin.—The German press throughout the country devotes considerable space to articles on the services to Germany of Walter Rathenau, the tenth anniversary of whose death is being celebrated. Emphasizing that Rathenau was a victim of the anti-Semites, the "Tageblatt," "Vossiche Zeitung" and the "Voerwarts" laud Rathenau editorially as a Jew, philosopher, Socialist, financier, diplomat and all-sided genius.
A CONVENIENT LOCATION . . . to Have Your ' SHOES OR HEELS FIXED During the Noon Hour
DOUGLAS SHOE REPAIR "Expert Shoe Repairing"
1709 Douelas St. Across From Omaha Athletic Clob
PAGE $—THE JEWISH jried out i n ttue and -white, the A. A. colors. Julius Bisno acted as toastmaster. Out of town guests included I. Adriel Fried, San Francisco; Al Klein, Salt Lake; Al Baraatz, Denver; Iz Mirowitz, Sioux City; Ben Silver and Syd Miller, Oakland. All are en route home from the Winnipeg convention.
3, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1932
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff Sunday evening. The Maduffs will About 150 members and friends leave the first of August for Anita, of the Hazomir Singing Society pic- Iowa, to reside. They were presentnicked at LAnoma Beach last Sunday, ed with a radio by the gTiests. Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The AdminJuly 17. At the picnic a silver dish istrative Tribunal here has confirmed was presented to Harry Bender, presithe decision of the District Governor dent of the group, on the occasion Report Akaba to Be British Colony of his silver wedding anniversary. of Pommerania who refused to igTant In the bridge tournament the prize Jerusalem.—The post of the Arab a permit for the purchase of a house winning teams were Cantor and Mrs.district office at Akaba has been in the township of Brodnica to a A. Schwaczkin, and Mrs. M. Grventer Jewish woman, Ester Wiener by and her son, Ned. Norman Korney abolished and a British g-anison is name. guarding the town, according to a reand Pearl Shapiro won several racing In accordance with German law port in the "Falastin." events. whenever immovable property changes The same paper is also authority for the statement that Akaba will hands, a permit is required. The shortly be proclaimed a British Crown Polish administration is utilizing this law to debar Jews from purchasing colony. houses and other property. Ester Wiener brought her case to the Administrative Tribunal after the BY F. R. K. District governor had decided against •+ 5U92 193:! her, in order to secure a ruling. Past of Tamrotiz Thursday. July 21 Mrs. Bessie Wohlner, 39 years old, Rosa Chodesh Ab Wednesday, Aug. 3 The Administrative tribunal reFast of Al> _ Thursday. AUR. 11 died Sunday night at her home in Ta- •Uosh Chodesb Ellul_ Friday. Sept. 2 fused to give its reasons for upholdbor, Iowa. She was a former resi- Itosh Flnshonnh Siiturday. Oc-t 1 ing the decision of the District GovMonday. Oct. 10 Kippur dent of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Yoin Saturday. Oct. 15 ernor, stating merely that in the 1st day Suecoth The body was brought here for burial. Shemtui Atzercth Saturday. Oct 22 interests of the state, they must be Sunday. Oct. 23 Funeral services were held Monday Simchntb Torali kept secret. •Rosh Chodesh afternoon at Cutler's Mortuary. Mond:iy. Oct. 31 Chesbvnn .. Burial took place in the Oak Hill •Rosh Cbodesh Everywhere in life, the true quesWednesday. NOT 30 KisleT _ cemetery. 1st day Chanukab Sal unlay. Dec. 24 tion is, not what we gain, but what Chodosh Mrs. Wohlner is survived by her •Uosh Thursday. Dec. 25) we do.—Carlyle. Teberh husband, Louis Wohlner of Tabor; one daughter, Helene Shirley, and two sons, Norman, and Harold; her father, S. Cohen, of Council Bluffs; two sisters, Mrs. I. Richard Allen of Los Angeles, Calif., who is now visiting here, and Mrs. Mayer Stern of Omaha; and six brothers, including Abe and Corpal Cohen of Gretna, Nebraska; and A. L. Cohen of Tarkio, Mo., two in Chicago, and one brother However, here in the Jack and Jill, we have in Canada. created a drastic drop in the value of Heat stocks. Automatically we have forced Heat Mrs. C Wold of Minneapolis, Minn., "off the boards." arrived Sunday to visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Drop into the Jack and Jill where Coolness and Mrs. Joseph F. Gilinsky, for the Preferred is way above par. For breakfast, remainder of the summer. luncheon, dinner, or after the party—cool off and eat in comfort at the Jack and Jill. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown announce the birth of a son born Saturday morning, July 16th, at the Omaha Methodist Hospital. Rev. A. Diamond will serve as "Mohel" at the "Brith" Saturday.
Permit for House to Jewess Refused
SUMMER FORMAL DINNER DANCE A summer formal dinner-dance will be given in the palm room of GREEN-GOLDBERG NUPTIALS Schlaifer. No date has been set the Fontenelle hotel Sunday, July 24, by the Xi Lambda fraternity in celeMiss Evelyn Goldberg, daughter of for the wedding. bration of Founders Day. Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldberg, became The committee in charge consists the bride of Mr. Harry Green at a TO ATTEND WEDDING of Louis Minkin, chairman; Sam liome ceremony Sunday afternoon, IN EAST July 17: Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiatMrs. H. Wohlner ami her daugh- Finkel, and Ralph Nogg. No bids ed, assisted by L. Harris. ter, Mrs. Louis Albert, and Mrs. are being issued. The bride was gowned in pink Albert's children, Helene, Shirley and satin with blue harmonizing acces- Judy, are leaving Sunday morning SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. lieberman sories, carrying a shower bouquet of for a two-month trip to New York and Mendel, William and Rose Lieroses and larkspur. She was attend- and other eastern points. ed by Mrs. Sam Green, matron of While there, they will attend the berman, of Los Angeles, Calif., will honor, gowned in green embroidered wedding of Mrs. Wohlner*s son be in Omaha over the week end. organdy, with accessories of light David Wohlner, to Miss Esther Lobel Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin rebeige. Miss Bea D. Green, brides- of Schenectady, N. Y., on September turned recently from Beverly Hills, maid, was gowned in pale pink or- 11 in Schenectady. gandy, a Jean Carol model, with Mr. H. Wohlner and Mr. Louis California, where they spent seven white accessories. Miss MoHye Green, Albert will motor to Schenectady the months visiting their daughters, the bridesmaid, wore a trailing silk first part of September to attend Misses Cecelia and Miriam Martin, who are actively engaged in charity mauseline gown, also a Jean Carol the wedding. work at the Cedars of Lebanon hosmodel. Miss Florence Grinspan of pital, Hollywood. Miss Miriam MarDenver, Colo., another bridesmaid, ANNOUNCE BIRTH tin will be a senior at the Uniwas gowned in pale blue chiffon. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown of Out of town guests included Mrs. Council Bluffs announce the birth versity of Southern California this Harry Grinspan and daughter, Flor- of a son on July 16 at the Metho- fall. ence, of Denver. A buffet supper dist hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Giller have and reception followed the ceremony. just returned from a two-week motor The young couple left Sunday on an Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krantz announce extended honeymoon. the birth of a daughter, July 18, at trip to Dallas, Texas, where they were visiting with friends and relathe Methodist hospital. tives. LEVINE-MILLER WEDDING The marriage of Miss Euth Miller OPEN DAY AT HIGHLAND to Hyman Levine took place at 4 Miss Beatrice Goldstein of Chicago Tuesday, July 26, has been set p. m. Sunday afternoon at the home aside as Ladies Open day at the is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. Gerber of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green, Rabbi Highland Country club. Members of of this city. H. Grodinsky officiating. local and out of town clubs are corThe bride was given in marriage dially invited. The Misses Peart and Eva Wolf of by her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Reservations should be phoned to Fremont spent the week-end in Omaand Mrs. Morris Green. The groom your club chairman or to Mrs. Man- ha visiting' Miss Mina Freed man. was given in marriage by his broth- ning Handler. er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. VISITORS A. Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Al Burnstein of BAR MITZVAH The bride was gowned in white Mr. and Mrs. A. Gendler, 2021 Platte City, Mo., and Mrs. A. Burnsatin. The veil was "worn, in cap North Twentieth street, win celebrate stein of St. Joseph, Mo., were the Mrs. G. Wright left Saturday for effect, caught with orange blossoms. the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Nor-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bur-Los Angeles, Calif., following a She carried a shower bogoet of man, on Saturday, July 23, at the stein over the week end. month's visit here at the home of her white ophalia roses and white sweet- Twenty-fifth and Seward streets son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. peas. Abe Markovitz. En route to Los AnMrs. Harry Weinberg and daughsynagogue. No invitations have been Miss Goldye Levine, sister of the issued. ter, Charlotte Sorelle, arrived last geles, she is stopping to visit relagroom, was maid of honor, and Miss week from Chicago to visit with her tives i n Kansas City, Mo, and Denver, and Colorado Springs, Colo. Minnie Haspel was bridesmaid. Nor- ENTERTAINS AT DANCING mother, Mrs. Ethel Haspel. man Green was best man and Simon PARTY Green usher. Donald Green was Lowell Marcus is spending the Miss Ann Silverman, of Chicago, Mr. Jack Epstein entertained at a ring carrier, while Elaine Gerber and dancing party for twenty-five couples formerly of Omaha, is visiting with month visiting in the Ozark moun-Elaine Meyerson were flower. girls. Saturday evening honoring his cous- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Silver- tains. Other attendants were Mr. and in, Miss Evelyn Goldberg, of New man. Mrs. N. Harry Miller and Mr. andYork, who is visiting here. A numMiss Gwendolyn Meyerson left for Mrs. Meyerson. Evelyn Green sang ber of affairs have been planned Mr. and Mrs. A. Bordy and chil- Chicago, 111., for a month's visit with "Oh, Promise Me," and Miss Gerald- for Miss Goldberg. dren, of North Platte, Nebr., are relatives. ine Strauss played the wedding visiting here with Mr. antl Mrs. 15. march. The ceremony was followed CHILDREN'S PARTY Joseph F. Gilinsky left today for Lipp and family. by a dinner for 150 guests. Detroit, Mich., to be gone for several Mrs. H. Richlin entertained Saturdays. day for sixteen children on the ocGROSSMAN-LEVENSON casion of the eighth birthday of her Mr. and Mrs. L. Levenson of Chi- son, Morris. Prizes were won by About fifty relatives and friends cago, formerly of Omaha, announce Paul Crounse, Betty Abramson, Libby Fifteen delegates returning from gave a farewell surprise party in the marriage of their daughter, Es- Baker, Rose Rabin and Charlotte Hill the international A. Z. A. convention telle, to Philip Grossman of Chicago, of Lincoln. at Winnipeg were guests of the BEN E. KAZLOWSKI, Attorney at Law 4S4 Insurance Building which took place Sunday, July 17, at Mother chapter at an all-day outing Chicago. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION at Linoma beach last Sunday. BaseRECUPERATING Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders held on the 3rd day of Miss May Tucker of the J. C. C. ball, swimming, games and contests June. BAN-JOHNSON ENGAGEMENT 1932. at which ail the stockholders were on the program. of said corporation were present in perMrs. Sarah Johnson announces the staff is recuperating from an apAn informal initiation on the beach son, a resolution was unanimously adopted engagement of her daughter, Lillian, pendectomy at the St. Joseph hos- brought into membership Ben Shrier, dissolvingsaid corporation as of Jane 3, pital. 1932, and that since that date said corporato Jack J. Ban, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloch, Al Rimmerman, Leo tion hns ceased to exist as a Nebraska Joseph Ban. No date has been set corporation. Diamond and Sidney Chait. HONORED AT STAG UNITED CLOTHING STOKES, INC for the wedding. In the evening a surprise party By LOUIS GHEENBERG. Hyman Goodbinder was surprised President. was given for Hyman Goodbinder, by his family Sunday evening with ABB M. KAZLOWSKY, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED newly-elected Grand Aleph Godol. 6-30-32-4t Secretary. a lawn stag party in honor of bis Mr. Joe Slutzkyhas announced the recent election as grand president engagement of his daughter, Ruth, of Washington, D. C, formerly of of the A. Z. A. Fifty youths atOmaha, to Louis Waldorf, son of tended, and the decorations were carMrs. A. Alper, of StuenviDe, Ohio. No'; date has been set for the wedding.
Council Bluffs News
A. Z. A. No. 1
Hebrew Calendar
You Can Banish All HeatinqWbrries
ck and \filL FFEJE SHOP
FISADENTHJRG, BTALMASTEB & BEBEB, Attorneys. 050 Omaha National Bank BuilOinc NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OP ABTICLE8 OF INCORPORATION OF 'CASH SYSTEM FCKMTCEE STOKES, INC." Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of the stockholders of the "Cash System .Fnrnltiire Stores. Inc.' held on the 28th itfny or June, 1032, at 10 A. M., in the office of Irvln Stalmaster, 050 Omaha National Bank Building. Omaha. Nebraska, Article 1 of the Articles of Incorporation of said company was dnly amended to read as follows: "Article L The name of this corporation Khali be "Kendis Furniture Company, Inc." P. M. KfcTJTZNICK, R. J. HOLDSBERG. 7-8-32-Jt
Here is a heating system built to give you a generation or • more of heating satisfaction. Every device which will make for healthful, economical, convenient heating comfort has been incorporated. "Whether for a new house or for modernizing your present home, be sure to install a Nesbit Moist Heat SystemLet us give you details and estimate. Convenient terms may be arranged, j
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F^ADESTBURG. STATJUASTKB & BEBEK OSCAR T. DOEBK PHIIXP ML K1.UTZJ.1JCK 650 Omaha National Bank Building. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF THE ARENA, INC. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the stockholders of The Arena, Inc., a corporation, held on March 10, 1930, in Omaha. Nebraska, it was unanimously voted to dissolve Raid corporation fit once. J. J. ISAACSON, President BOX FEI/TMAN, Secretary. 7-S-3-4t.
has been a
There's No Depression In Heat
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SCHLAIFER-CHAIKEN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chaikin announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Charles Schlaifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham
YaR«y Ced*rBtuff»
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
2811 Dodge »«*<
At. 7408
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 22,1932 -OSCAK-X. DOBKR/.Atterftey.. 050 Omaha National Bank Bids.
FBADENBVKG; ST.UuMASTKK *,BSaEK eat Omaha Nail Bank Bids.
IKVIN C. USV1N,, Attorney. SOI Elcetrlc Bide. I
. vt
. -
FRAUENBFRG, HTALMASTKK « BEHKB •--•'• OSCAR T. UOEKK > .FJB1I.IP U. K U T Z M C K j - -, Attomeytt at t a w =, . SSO Omaha Nntlonal Bonk Building. \
NOTICE BY PUnLIdATIOK ON FKTI- NOTICE OF /UlENUJIENT. OF ARTINOTICE OF ChATTEL MORTGAGE CI.CS OF .INCORPORATION OF, THE i thd Mntter of the Estate of Eric A.. TION FOR SBTTLKSIKNT OF FINAL AD3IINISSTHATION ACCOIN'T. GENERAL'STATES IMsCUANCK COK• Anderson, Jlecensvtt. Notice 1* hereby' given that on the fth -NOTICE OF DI8SOL.UTION OF HOTEL POKATION. Notice is hereby e'ven that the creditors Iu the County Court of Douglns County, day' of August, 11)32, at ten o'clock a. m., INVESTMENT COMPANTt Nebraska. , , " - •• • of 8iiid deceased will meet the executrix, Home Office, Omaha, Nrbrm»ka. the undersigned will sell at public nucA'otice is hereby given thnt nt n mret-^ of said estate, lief ore nw, County Judge of In tne'Matter of the Estate of,Hotly KulaNotice is hereby given thnt at n meeting tion to the highest bidder for cash at Ing of the stockholders of Hotel Invest'•"••• - • - • ' Dausrlas County. Nelirnskn, at the County " k e f s k y . D e c e a s e d . of t be stockholders of- the tleuernl State* l'.KKi Cumins Street, Omnhii,. Neltrnstca, ment Company, n corporation, held on . Court 'Boom, in. said County, oh the 12th' All" persons Interested In said -matter nre Insurance Corporation held on the l»th known as Shames Body & Itndiator Com- June 27, 31)32, iii Omaha, Nebraska, it was =dajr of September, 1032, and on the 12th hereby notified that on the 10th day of day of May, 1032, Article fl of the Articles pany, the following: . uiJinlniou^ly A-oied to dissolve said cor-day of, November, 1032, at 0 o'clock A. M.,July, 1032, Jerohni Kulakofsky filed a of Incorporation was amended to rend as Oiie Oldsinobile Coach, . motor number porntion at once. CO :ench day,- for the.purpose of preseiitinjr petition in said County Conrt., praying follows: IZZY FIKDI-EU, President. 3!M<KM; 3 und serial linmber F71UU3. Iteing » lheir clnlms for examinaHon, adjustment hat his final administration account filed Article ft BEUTHA FIKDLKIt, iSecretary. v 1928 model covered by chattel mortgage in which will be held next Wednesday nml allowance. Three months tire allowed herein be settled and allowed,' and thnt he 7-8-3-4t. ..' • favor of Shames Body & Itndiator ComThe authorized capital stock, of this corlie discharged from his trust-as administSt the creditors to present their clnlms, evening in the Seville Cafe. pany, signed by M. A. 1'Jlgrim and Lutrator and that a hearing will be-had on poration shall be One Hundred Thousand cille from, the 12th day of Ausrust. J932.: Pilgrim, "said mortgage being tinted FKAUENBl'RG, STALMAHTKB A BEBEtt Mr. Heeger, Mr; Baumstein and aiS petition before said Court on the 13th (SiUOvOOO.OO) Dollars, divided into ten thouBKVCE CIiA\VFQKIl. OSCAR T. DOE Kit 24th day of March, 1032. aud having day of August. 1932, and that if you fail sand (30.000) shares with a par value of the County Judge. abbi Lewis' are all active B'nai 7-22-32-3t. PHILIP M. K M J T Z M C K been filed in the office of t he County Ten (J10.00) Hollars each, all of which Rabbi Lewis' are to appear before said Court on the said Attorneys at Lnw Brith members,: and have in past 13th day of August. 1932, nt 9 o'clock stock; shall lie common and sbnll be fully Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on 050 Omaha National Bnnk Building. , STAI.MASTEK * BEBEK A. JU.; and contest said petition, the. Court paid for and non-sissessnble when issued. • he 2Sth day of March. 1032. Said sale will years taken a concrete interests in Said stock may l>e issued for cash, real or be for the purpose of foreclosing said Members of the Workmen's Circle C5D Omaha National Bank Bidemay grant the prayer of said petition. personal property, good will, personal ser- mortgage, for costs of sale and all accruNOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF ™ter >i'decree of beirship, and'mafce'sneta. vices, or. anything of any value, and the ing <-os(s nnd for the purpose of satisfyand the Auxiliary of the Organiza- the activities. of the A. Z. A. chapS. RIEKKS ti SON, INC. NOTICE is hereby given that at the Kther nud further orders, allowances and values of any of said items shall be de- in,': the amount now due thereon *<SO.SG on Notice 4 t e r . ; ' ; . -• • • - . ' " . • ( • s hereby given that nt a meettion, -will hold- their annual picnic niimml meeting of the stockholders of the decrees, as to this Court mny seem, proper, termined ny the Board of Directors-of this «iid mortgage and the sum of ¥24.00 on n ing of the stockholders of S. Kiekes & 'Leonard Hall was awarded a sil- Insnrance Investments, Incorporated, held to I he. end that all matters pertaining to at • • River view park,,: Sunday,. July Sou, Inc., a corporation, held on June 271 h, said corporation, nnd when sai<l value 1s so lien for repairs nnd work completed addion the 10th day of January, 1032. at two estate may be finally settled and de- fixed, it sh.ill be final. tional to the consideration of said mort- 1032, iu Omaha, Nebraska, it was unanim24. The puting will. begin *•! a t 9 ver, medal by the A. Z. A. chapter o'clock IV 51., the following Article was said t •ermined. ..' d ously voted to dissolve enid Corporation GENERA f. STATKS IXKUKANCK COU- gage and thnt no suit or other [ o'clock, and last throughout the for winning the tennis tournament, amended to rerd as follows: BHYCE CRAWFORD, • POKATION, injrn nt law have Ix-en instituted to re- at once. . ' - . • ' ARTICLE V. -22-32-3t. : County Judge. day, with a varied program of sponsored by the organization reS. itIKKKS. President. By C. O. TAI.MAGF-, President. cover snid deht or nny pnrt flieri-of. "The authorized capital stork of tlie ETIIKL ItIKKKS KLtTZXICK. J. 18. BKA1X. SU., SHAMKS r.ODV & KADIATOU CO. sports and entertainment.' ' ; , cently. corporation shall ite ?3."0.00<M>0, dividSHOTV» ELL. MONSliV,' GROUIKSKV Secretsry. Secretary -Treasurer. By MAX SIIAMK.s, proprietor. •••••' . He met Jack Gresnbers ir. the ed into 35,000 shnres of the par value & VANCE m>il H.ARKt B. COHKX Mr. I. Singer is the general chairWitness: IX W. Tamer. C-S0-4I 7 l - S 2 0 7-8-S-4t. of W0.00, SSEWKXl of which shall be Attorneys. final rounds, defeating him with a common stock and $100,000 of which man for the picnic plans. He has ~37 Omaha j\:itionnl Itank Tf.de. shnli be iireferred stock." IKVIN T. t,fiVXN,'Attorney'. been assisted by Mr. M. Shiloff, score of 6-1; 6-4; 5-7, and "6-2. IX WITNESS WHEHEOF, we have NOTICE BY riJH>ICATlON ON PETI301 E l t i Bulldt secretary of the committee, and * the ;i .First rounds of -the golf tourna- hereunto Ret our official Rigr^t'Tes at the TION t"Ol£ 8T5TTI.BMENT OF FINAL e o g ffi AUMLNISTItATIO.N ACCOCNT.- -. of theC Company and caused following members.— — -- •. \.: ment, sponsored by the A. Z. A., will Home Office NOTICE O F CHATTBZT»IO;BTGACE ;begin this week... . : to he heroto affixed the corporate seal, on III the County Court of Douglas County, The ticket committee includes ; Nebraska. i this 10th day of January. 1032. Notice is hereb-yf-gtven that oil. the Stb In the Mntter of the Estate of Juke FellH. P F.VKBEU. Mrs. J. Zeligson, Mrs; M. Shiloff, day of August. m ' C s t ten «£lWk A. St., inn n. Dei<asid. ' • ' President. Mrs; William' 'Heshelow, Mrs. B. All persons interested in said matter nre at 2110 So: 35th: Street. Omabai'Nebw>ka. ...:... M. L. McTAGCJART. hereby notified- that on the l s r day; of t h undtTKrgnetr iwHV sell a t -p»tl»ac"nu<<tk>H Edelman, Mrsl-'Al* Rozmofsky, Mrs.' July. 11132 Itrindel Vellman filed a petition to the h llilgh*Bt.bMjr«r.foiS^aS9lil*Vr l h ^ b M j r f S S l l * V " ' • * ' Witness JfV Shapiro,' Mrs. M. Dervin, Mrs. One liemingtOH K.ifional C'afch:; Ueglstcr. 7-22-32-3t. Mi said County Court', praying thnt-her i Irviu Stalmnster. covered by chnttel mottimRe-iu favor • of. final'administration account filed herein A. Tilevitz, Mrs; J. Zeligson, Mr. lie settled and allowed,, and that she be C K. Hnln. signed1 by Anton- S.) Turiwiuist J: Shapiro, Mr. I. Stein, Mr. A. Til- j ; - ; Mr, and Mrs.-;Abe I. Sacks- anilischarged from her trust ns executrix "and nnrt , Hl'da" K. Turiii|«isV. Vald mortgage ABRAHAMS * 4 OXONSOn, Attorneys. 1 h.at-n hearing will be had on R«W |>etittou lM?iiig dat*dthe 18th day of March. 1032, evitz,". and Mr. I. Levin. " • . i nounce t h e ; engagement '- of- -their ~ '400 Urnndf is Theater Bid before said Court on the SOtli day of July. and having been filed in the office of the The Bazaar Committee includes daughter, Rozena, to William Magid 103-J. nml that if you fiiii t« appear litrfore County Clerk of .Douglas County, .NebrasNOTICE OF INCOItPOltATION OF B.Iid Court-mi the 6nl<l 30th tiny of July. ka, on: 1 he-21st day of-Mni>eh.-1SW2. Said ofj New York City. Miss Sacks is a the-• following members:. Mr.- WilLAWKEttCE. INC 032, at 0 o'clock A. M., and Contest said ~saie will lie for the purpose of' foreclosing Notice is hereby given thnt the under- ietll liam Heshelow, Mr. M. ShUpffj-Mr. :Central High • graduate, and-a stuion HIP Court may grant-the prayer said itiortgage. for costs of .sale, ami all signed have associated themselves together i Costs -and for-the |>iH-pos« of sat• • M. • Dervin, Mr. J . . Shapiro, Mi\ A. dent; ?at Morningside College. The ta 'lorni a corporation under the laws of of «aid petition, enter a decree of lieirship. h e . nnioinitt now thereon th t i t make such otlier and. further orders, Isfylng t h to-wit: -Stnte of Nebraska. The name of the siud - Tilevitz and Arthur Shure. "; . , . \ ejate' for the wedding has not been the allowances- and decrees, us to tnis-Court JLVi.OO. that no suit or nther procctMlIiiffB corporation shall be J*A\VBKNCK,' INC. may seem proper, to the cud;that nil mat'set.; ' 'The' refreshment' committee:' .conThe principal place of transacting the ers pertaining to said 'estate may "l»e nt law have been institnled- to recover said debt or any, part therpof. business of this corporation shall IK? the inalJy settled and determined. - sists of Mis. Heshelow, Mrs. Shiloff, c _'-"•_ . . . 1 . - E - MAIK, Mortgagee. City ot Omaha. Douglas County. NebrasSeymour Cohen and Milton Yud-ka, but Mrs. Singer, Mrs. Shapiro,-Mrs. EdnitvcK n t A W . business may be transacted in any ' " " " C o u n t y .Tndg<v elman, Mrs. Titevitz, Mrs. Zeligson elson of. Council" Bluffs visited at Other city, county or state. The general "-S-.12-3t. ' nature of the business to be transacted by the ; hpmeof Dave and Alfred Albert this corporation shall be: To manufacture, and Mrs. Rosmofsky. flc/iuire. sell, pledge, exchange, mid deal "Members of the Workmen's.Circle over the week-end. generally in goods, wares, merchandise, from Omaha, South* "Omaha, De's mid .personal property of every kind iiurt Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherman and Moines and-Lincoln have been indescription ; to acquire, hold, sell, alienate Or encumber real and i>orsoii:il property of vited to attend the outing; The sons, Paul and Ben, of Minneap-j every kind and description wheresoever olis, are visiting at the home of picnic'Will be open to the public. situated, including the stocks, bonds, deMr. and Mrs. William Heshelow, bentures. i>r other evidences of indebtedness and obligations of any corporation, 512 26th St. and to issue in payment or.exch.-in^e therefOT its own ato;-k. notes, bonds, debenor other obligations: to acquire the Mrs. A. L. Pinkus and daughters, tures good will, rights and property of all kinds, : Evelyn, Bernice and Marguerite,- nud to take over tho whole or any part of TRACTION assets and liabilities of any perron, left Saturday for California, where the association or eorporation engaged' in Word has. been received from they will make an extended stay, and firm, a Similar line of business, and to pay for Rabbi H. Rll Rabinowitz,' that • he where , Miss Evelyn, will attend the the same in cash, stock, notes, bonds, deor other obligations of this has arrived in Palestine, where; he University of Southern California,. bentures, g h corbo poration: pt: i wm e y jjuiil.to . t o secure ure "borrow moiiey plans to spend four or five weeks. I
Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Preserve and Modernize Voar Property by
Painting and Decorating
Phones: W A. 3438 or J A. 1535
6547 Pacific St.
"Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Funerals To Fit Any Purse Phone HArney 1226 . Farnam at Thirty-third
Center Traction Means Safety
Rabbi Rabinowitz Arrives in Palestine
Enrpute to Los Angeles they will Prior; to" his going' to Palestine^ stop in the Black Hills" and YellowRabbi Rabinowitz; visited with rela- stone" Park. v • "> - • tives in Kovno,, Lithuania, and from there flew by; plant "to; Berlin, where Miss: Dorothy-Cohen and Miss. Na? he made -connections for.' Palestine. • omi Bbrdy of Council Bluffs .visited
Auxiliary Meeting: • - • •'- Is Postponed ."•
• "•
* ' • .
. ' ' " " '..' *
• • ' ' * • < > • '
•• The meeting of the hidies-Auxiliary-of Shaare Zion synagogue, -which—was--sched tiled- for- -Tuesday, July 19, has .been postponed until next Tuesday,'July 26, at 2:30. :
: ' Meyer Kantrovich, 80 years : old, died late'Saturday in the^h6nie>of his daughter, Mrs.' M. Turchen, 1112 Thirteenth street Mi-; VK^ntrpipch was a resident ! of *£)ioux Xity for
4 0 '• y e a r s .
' ^ '•:• ;:. ~ '•'<<':*'
th payment thereof thtf in hf i any lawful l f lmanlier, to make and perform contracts of every kind and description, and to do any and all other tilings for the purposes of the corporation which a natural person could do, and may now or hereafter be authorized bv law. The'authorized capital Stock of the corporation is $10X0000 divided futo- 100 shares of the par valne of with friends in Sioux' City last $100.00 each, all of which is common stock iuiti when "issued shall be fully paid and week. ' • - . ' . non-assessible. . The corporation shall Commence business upou the filing of these Miss Ida Shapiro entertained in Articles iu the office of the County Clerk and' shall terminate upon the first dav of her home Sunday evening, honoring August. J0S2. unless sooner dissolved fiy a her guest, Miss Lee Waiss of Min-BitfiOrUy vote of the outstanding onpit.nl -'The highest amount of indebtedneapolis. Bridge w a s t h e evening's stock. to which (his corporation shall at any entertainment, after which a lunch- ness time subject itself-shall not exceetl t«'otbirds of its capital.stock. The affairs of eon was served. this corporation Shall be conducted.by ^i Board of Directors of not less than two . Miss Anna Marsh, 509 14th nor more than five, the number to l>e fixed by the Bi>Laws.';'. The officers shall l»e street, departed this week for chosen by the ' directors and shall be Chamberlain, South Dakota, where President. Vite-Presldent. and SecretaryTreasurer, any two of which offices may she,will visit with her sister, Mrs. bt held by oner person. These Articles in?y,b6iamende<l at; any annual meeting of 1 . R i v i n . • • - . • ; ? : , ; : . • . • , ( • • : . ' , • • • } ; . • the- stockholders, or at. any speci-il meeting* of thestockholders called for that purMrs. J. Kaplan > and' Mrs. - A. Zep-ppi'e1 1>J- -a majority vote in amount .of the then outstanding. The corporation lain have .departed for New Yorkstock City, where they will visit with Shall have a seai. ALIIEKT G. KEUBEN. MILTON It. ABRAHAM!!, friends and relatives. 7-22-32-4t. . Incorporators.
Mr. Kantrovich was born in Rus- Herman Herzoff of Chicago, Ilsia. When he came to the United linois, STAtMASTEIt £ BEDER visiting here a t the home FliADENBUKG, 630 First National Bank Building States he came directly to Sioux of hisisparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. City. ..-.'..•:;•' ' •'.';.,•;•••. NOTICE OF AsnSNDSIENT TO THE ARHerzoff. • T1CI>ESOF INCOUPOKATION OF THE :
Surviving Mr. Kantrovich are four sons, Harry, Abe, Joseph and Meyer and two daughters, Mrs. M. Turchen and Mrs. Abe Dishlip, all of Sioux, City. Funeral services were held from " the family home Sunday afternoon with'Rabbi M. Braver officiating.
Miss Freda Albert has,returned home after spending a month visiting with friends in Los Angeles, California.
• "Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting, of the stockholders of the Fidelity Old Liiie tnsursuice Company, held on the 27th day of May, 1032, pursuant to doe and proper notice us, provided in and by the Articles1 of Incorporution and by law, the approval of the Board of Directors of the Mrs. I. Borshevsky has returned sairi Fidelity Old,Line Insurance Company g been given thereto, aud the i:phome after visiting at the home of havin provnil of the Department of Trade and her sister, Mrs; f Pen Pass,of DnCommerce, Bureau , of Insurance, of the : _! Mrs. ^MairjfVBloo'm of Chicago, Il- luth, Minnesota. ' i •. Ktate of Nebraska, to such proposed ) amendment baring first been obtained, the linois, mother of Mr. Abe Bloom following resolution was unanimously of this city, "died in her home in adopted: Mr. A. H. Ba^-pnvhas returned to Chicago, recently, following an ill"ltESOLVEl> by the stockholders of the Fidelity Old Line Insurance Company, in ness of only a few days; : the city, after spending the past special meeting assembled, that the Arti: two weeks at Lake Minnetonka. Mrs. Mr". Abe BJborn was called to the cles of Incorporation of the snid Fidelity Baron is remaining for > a longer Old Line Insnrance Company be and the bedside' of his mother and was with are hereby amended in the following her J at the Koine of. her death. • stay at the lake in the home of her Slime particular, to-wit: • parents,,-Mr. and, Mrs- S. '; Amend. Article II by striking out nil of said Article and . inserting in lieu thereof the following: ! ' " - - • • FHADENBCKG, STAI.SIASTER t The corporation shall have the power to BEBER, Attorneys. sell service contracts for funeral supplies 650 Omaha Nntlonal Dnnk BuildinE and supplies for other transactions relatMembers of the . Phi Epsilon Pi ing to burial benefits, such certificates ma; provide cash benefits during the life of the OF Yi-aternity of Iowa university,; held certificate, and it may also issue certifia smoker recently in the Martin Notice is hereby given thnt. the under- cates of participation which, ; under the signed have associated,themselves togeth- terms thereof, will provide funeral benefits hotel," for prospective mehabers of er to-form a corporation under the laws in money, services, discounts, funeral supthe fraternity. of the State of Nehrnska. The name" of fhe plies or services, including' services of tin is "Haney Electric" and • the dertakers or embalm' ners, qtl as' is provided Plans were discussed' for the An-corporation priricip.il place of transacting its business Senate File. No• :.170 pf_: __ . the Compiled r nual Phi Ep Day to- be held in is InOmnhn. Douglas County, Nebraska. in Statutes of Nebraska for 19a>, 'as enacted The genera! nature of the luisiness to he by the 11>31 session of the legislature. It Omaha on August 7.- • transacted is to carry on an electric busihave the power-to purchase, acquire, Philip Rubin of Fort. Dodge was ness and Btich other business us . in. the shall take, hold, sell, assign, transfer, pledge, judgment of the .corporation shall be mortgage or deal in all, either as principal the principal speaker. Lionel Lon-deemed advantageous or desirable and to or factor, capital stocks of. insurance comdon was in charge : of the arrange- hold real and personal property for the panies, mortgages, debentures, . investpurpose of carrying on 6n!d lmsiness. The ments. ' ' ' .'.••• authorized capital stock of the corporation ments, scripts, stocks, bonds, securities nnd obligations of every kind nnd nature; shall be Two Thousand Dollars which to issue and to underwrite shares of stocks, shall be divided into two hundred shares bonds, securities, contracts and all manner of par vnlne of Ten Pollnrs each. This cor- of obligations, including certificates^! parporatlon shall be managed by n board of ticipation, collateral trust-certificates, in three directors, wlio shnll be elected nt come contracts, investment contracts, in annual meeting from among the stock- stallment investment contracts;-to underThirty-five members of. the Junior the holders. The officers shall consist of a take and carry out the formation, consoli Hadassah organization attended an president, vice-president, secretary nnd dittnoi, organization, reorganization, ad Any two of said offices may be ministration, liquidation, or financing o breakfast at Riverside Park last treasurer. held by any one person, except the office insurance companies, or.that of any corSunday morning. Following the of president and vice-president. The an-poration, business or enterprise, nnd ti meeting of the stockholders shall be transact nny business necessary, couvcu breakfast the time was spent at nual held on the first Monday in January of lent or Incident thereto. each year at two o'clock V. M... Special tennis and swimming. • • : Amend Article IX by striking out all o: meetings may he called by the president Plans were made to resume the at any time or by a majority of the board said article'and inserting in lieu tbereo the of directors. The highest amount of inregular business meetings in Sep-debtedness which this corporation shall at Thefollowing: company, in addition to the powers tember. nny time contract shall not exceed two- herein conferred, shall be entitled to, enjoy tnlrds of Its cnnital stock. The property nnd exercise all the privileges arid power: of the stockholders nnd officers of this accorded like corporations organized untie corporation shall at nil times be exempt the laws of the Sfjitie of Nebraska. I. from liability for the corporate debts, and shall have the right, power nud authority nr> Rtoekholder or officer shall be held or to issue certificates or contracts approved deemed liable for nny debt, contract, lia- insofar as such approval may be required to form and subst.'ince,' from time t< Mr. Lester Heeger, Mr: M. Batun- bility or tort of the corporation. The cor- as shall begin business as soon as time, by the Securities Department of th Ktein and" Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis poration the Articles of Incorporation are filed with Department of Trade and Commerce of the of Nebraska, redeemable in, or conwere' elected; advisors of. the A. Z.thp Secretary of State of the State of Ne- State hraskn. nnd shnll continue for n period vertible into, cash anil stotk, in proporA., chapter ; for the coming year. of fifty years unless" dissolved by the tions, as stipulated :\p- such certificates or and through its authorized ofPlans were "completed., a t the meet- stockholders or by operation of law. Thecontracts: Hoard of Directors may make by-laws for ficers to do and perform Jill and e\ery lawing, for the program and meeting the government nnd control of the cor-ful .act expedient or necessary. Incident to poration or its officers as they mny deem the ownership of real and personal propproper nnd mny niter, repeal or amend the erty, "and the transaction of business consame npon vote of n majority of the board nected therewith; and to do and perform of directors. These nrticles of Incorpora- through its authorized officers nil and tion way be amended nt nny regular or every lawful act required or deemed exspecial meeting of-the stockholders npojj pedient for the maintenance, perpetuity and ten days' written notice hnvln* been civen. prosperity of.the company. ;; i •'. i : FRANK" F. TTATSBY,'i IN-WITNESS WHERfiOF, I have hereunto set my official signature at the Home "We feed the multitude" Office it the Company, Omnho, Nebraska, '••';• ' r,<VTTIK HANKY. on this 27th day of May, 1031 '••••• ** : MTCY SKAttKA. , • With Tasty Foods e (Signed) H, P. FAB.BRK, in fhe presence 9% JOB. TS. Fra^enbunc..., , L 6:30-32-4t "~ ' «t 7 - 8 - 3 2 - 4 t • • . - . ..' • / • '. • • • . . . . •"
Fraternity Smoker
Jr. Hadassah Outing
SEE bow Goodyear puts in the center— big h u s k y blocks of rubber— keen-edged—deep8lotted—to dig in, grip and hold. More stop! TheAll-WeatherTread is a big reason why millions; more.people ride o n Goodyear Tires. Come in-r-we'll demonstrate!
your old fj|es— for new 1932
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Drive around and check up on this fact. And remember: Goodyear Tires are so good they outsell any other tire here in town, throughout the state, all over America . . . They've been leading in sales for 17 successive years! They're first-choice with the public by more than 2 to 1. So why take a second-choice when firsf~ choice costs no more?
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4.50*20_ *5«94 ISS.76 $1-09 *^e-2i>: 6.O3 7.03 4.75-l9_: 7.38i 5.00^19 _. 7.49 5.00-20
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Full Orcrslzc
Price ! Each of Each P
5.25-18 $••3* •S.XX 9-O5 8,78 5.25-21 _ _ 15.50-19 : 9-4X 9-X4 6.00-18 II. D. XX.82 XX.47 13.24 6.50-19 H.D.
TUBES. as low as
Each In Pair*
Full Orerelze
8X7.O4 X«.^« 43 29-42 28.31 3S.4X 31.3© 4O-4O 39.X9
6.00-20 6.50-20 7.00-20 7.50-20 _ . S.25-20
Price ot Kach
Price of Each
Each InPaifs
SXS.93 $12.55 X7.SI Xfe.*5 21.7© S2.O4 28. »4 4O.3O
t V t
i I
A: Z. A.
ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT* 6427 Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS.. Proprietors
DAVID HOBERMAN •* .11 • n ~ r"> 11 ^ - n <f J '^''-'°^- 1 ^'^*t^^^T