In the Interests of the Jewish Purple KlllMVU MB »UCOIlU-Ct
PoBlolHce nt Omnhn. N
Dedicated to the A Ideals of Judaism
MaUcx on January » , 1BZL at inder the Act of March 3. 1B78
Vol. IX—No. 26
NEWSPAPER ESTHONIA STATE B'nai Brith Turns Down POLISHFEARS German Law May End JEWISH INFLUX RENEWS UNIVERSITY HAS Initiation to Congress Street Terrorizations "JEWISH CHAIR" DESPITE WARNING Warsaw-—(J. T. A.)—The "Gazeta Warszawska,** organ of the antiSemitic National Democratic party, and the "Slowo Pomorskie,*' broadcast an alarm against what they call the threatened invasion of German Jewish intruders. The papers point "to the danger to Poland of an invasion of German Jews, who frightened by Hitler, may seek refuge in Poland," and demand that the. government take steps to irotect Polish .interests from "the prospective iintruders." The papers; complain against "the fatal ernor!'~cn. the •part of the government in naturalizing six hundred thousand Jews of the Russian provinces. • •; They warn against ,a similar government mistake should German Jews
Berlin.—(J. T. A,)—The end of by the "Juedische Rundschau," organ New York:—(J. T. A.)—"Jewries, order with regard to participation the street terrorization of Jews is of the German Zionist Federation from 18 countries have already des-, in the Geneva conference. *Le Miroir" Calls for Funds to gnated their representatives to atseen here as a result of the decree whether it plans to use the new edicts New Study Being Added to Cur. riculum By Liberal Combat-Jews and issued imposing a heavy fine for the to suppress mass agitation against The B'nai B'rith organization, with tend the world Jewish conference in the Jews on the part of the Nazis Institution slightest disturbance. Injunction Geneva and were it not for -the at- branches in many parts of the world, It remains to be seen, however, and other anti-Semitic parties. tack upon the conference by. Dr. will not participate in the forthcomReval.—(J. T. A.)—The University The "Voelkischer Beobachter" con'Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—In defiance Cyrus Adler, president of the Ameri- ing world Jewish conference in Genewhether Chancellor von Papen in his of the warning issued by Justice X)e- can Jewish Committee,, the Board of va on August 14, according to a capacity of Reich's Commissar in tinues its attacks upon the Jews and of Dorpat has decided to establish a sanliriers who took- under -advisement Deputies of London would have communication, received from the Prussia will utilize the press decree the paper utilizes the birthday of Chair for Jewish learning as part of injunction proceedings against them, agreed to send a delegation to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency from Alfor checking anti-Semitic propaganda Max L i e b e r m a n , internationally the tercentenary celebration of the fred M. Cohen, president of the orthe publishers *of the anti-Semitic and whether he will limit the Nazi known German Jewish painter. University. ' weekly, "Le Miroir," have renewed conference," Dr. Stephen S. Wise, der. press hi this connection, it is pointed The paper declares: "After the honorary' president of -the American The Society of .Hebraists for the their anti-Jewish agitation with a out. : - - Only One German Group thirty-first of July, we will see other series of fresh slanderous accusations Jewish Congress, stated j at a': recep- ' j Berlins—The VolksparteL a nationNot Toward Hitlerism names represent German art." It Promotion of Jewish Learning at Hie against the Jews and the Jewish race tion held for! the • American/ • dele- alist organization, is the only Jewish criticizes the Prussian Minister of University has been invited to coThe martial law decree and the ap: group in Germany which has thus and religion. . . . . . . . gation. pointment of Chancellor Franz von Education for greeting Liebermann operate in the establishment of the Act As a Unit : ';. . . . . far definitely declared its intention "We will combat the injunction in Papen Reich's Commissioner in Prus- on his 85th birthday which occurred chair. all courts. It is a fight to the finish Messages of congratulation London.—The B'nar Brith here has of participating in the world Jewsia, was for the purpose of guarantee- on July 20, as well as the German tetween the Goglus and the Jews. rescinded its decision to participate ish conference opening on Aug. 14. ing order and should not be inter- press for hailing him as the King of been received by the University from Give us the ammunition and we shall in the Geneva conference after learnM. Eisenstadt, head of the Jewish The Israelitischer Gemeindebund, decide to settiejin Polish provinces. preted as a move toward Hitlerism, German art. do the rest. The Jews want to drown ing from Alfred M. Cohen, president headed by Professor Moritz SobernNo German government will rule Cultural Committee in Esthonia, in the Central Union of German Citithe voice of truth. We expect all of the order, that the majority of heim who favors the congress idea, zens of the Jewish Faith, declared. without the Nazis after July 31, de- behalf of Esthonian Jewry; Dr. J, our friends ,to. realize their, national the districts .oppose participation. will not adopt a final decision until Well informed non-Jewish circles clared Deputy Gregor Strasser, Nazi Sahl, a Jewish member of the Board duty and help u s : repel the new at- This information was imparted to August. also state that the measures were chieftain, at a mass meeting last of Professors, and the Hebrew University. tack oh Canadian liberty, just as they the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by The Central Union of German Citiaimed primarily at the Communists week. helped to kill the David Bill (on the Gordon Laverman, president of the zens of the Jewish Faith will not Adolph Hitler, Nationalist Socialist and should not be regarded as a The University of Dorpat has been Jewish School question) and the B'nai Brith here, who stated that make public its decision before Aug. move on the part of the government leader, expects to become Chancellor noted for its liberal traditions. At Bercovitch BUI," says the latest the B'nai Brith of Great Britain 1, and its position is expected to be of Germany within the next few the time of the persecutions of the toward Hitler. issue of "lie Miroir" whieh also car- cannot act independently of the whole against the Congress. The German government is asked weeks, Deputy Strasser asserted. Jews under the Czarist regime, it Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Full comries a strong appeal to its, readers served as a refuge for the young pensation will be paid to the Jewish for subscriptions towards a "NaJews of Russia who were unable te National Fund and to Jewish settlers tional Defense Fund" with which to study at other Universities in Russia whose property-will be affected by carry on the fight between the Jews because of the numerous clausus obthe pipe line being laid by the Iraq and tfie Christians. • • • taining there. Petroleum Company. '>The-anti-Semitic sheet repeats the This liberal tradition has been «onThe negotiatSjns with the Jewish calumnious .accusations abcut the tiued at the University since the murder of the Lindbergh baby and Cincinnati. — (J. T. A.) —Wide- National- Fund regarding this transLondon-—(J. T. A.)—George Lans- I collapse of the Russian Empire which boasts of its affiliations with the spread interest is being focused upon action which involves a considerable bury, leader of the Labor party, has brought independence to Esthonia. anti-Semitic and fascist press all he election campaign of Attorney area have been in progress for a con- telegraphed to Chief Rabbi Joseph The Jews there enjoy complete naover ..the. .world .which. reproduce. .artiGeneral Gilbert Bettman, the Repub- siderable time. An expropriation or- Hertz, together with the Pope and Annual Stag Frolic to Be Held at tional cultural autonomy and the Unif*Root-a-toot," a Newspaper, Is dinance had to he applied in order cles and excerpts from the Goglu lican candidate for the Senate. versity of Dorpat has become th* Highland Country the Archbishop of Canterbury asking Published by the publications. Among t h e papers If elected, Mr. Bettman will be the to make the transaction possible inas- them, in the name of religion, to Esthonian State University. Club much as the Jewish National Fund which, according to "Le Miroir," have only Jew in the upper House of Youngsters Dorpat University was founded in warmly congratulated the Goglus for Congress. Mr. Bettman's fate in the could net otherwise sell the land join together and intervene and medi1632 by King Gustave Adolph of The annual "Highland Fling," outEverything is progressing smoothate in the "senseless" dispute on which is purchased as the inalienable their anti-Jewish campaign are" to be senatorial race will, it is believed, be Sweden. In 1802, the Russian Czar arbitration between Great Britain standing stag affair on the calendar Alexander ordered the University of found the "Falastin" of Jaffa, the ly at the Summer Play School at the barometer of the presidential property of fee Jewish people. 1 "Fascist ' of London, as well as the Jewish Community Center, as the weather. As Ohio goes, so goes the and Ireland. of the Highland Country club, will Compulsory Sale Dorpat to admit Jewish students. various Hitlerist organs in Germany- children complete their second week nation, according to politicians. The Chief Rabbi would not, in all take place this year on next Thurs- The first Jewish students to be adJerusalem.—The compulsory sale Mr. Bettman whose wife is the of part of the land belonging to ten likelihood, act upon this request in- day, August 4. of the project. ' "" mitted were named Meyrowitz and granddaughter of the late Rabbi colonies has been demanded by the asmuch as he considers political acZeiler, both of whom came from Abe Brodkey is general chairman Director Sophie Rosenstein reports Isaac Wise, reform Jewish leader, is tivities of such a nature outside the of the all-day frolic On the com- Vilna. g o v e r n m e n t , ••• •• that the children have shown eager- running on a plank calling for the Acting in consonance with the land scope of his activities. mittee are included Abner Kaiman, . .There are a large number of Jewness in the various activities and repeal of the lBfh amendment. Some amusement was caused by Ed Krouse, Mickey Krupinsky, Sam ish i-toadents now at Dorpat Universexpropriation {ordinance, the governthat they are enjoying the many ment demanded \ h e sale of the land Mr. Lansbury's appeal to the Chief Leon, Harry Malashock, Joe Pepper ity, organized in their own Jewi*' for the purpose* of running the pipe Rabbi which called for the "applica- and Edward Treller. Amsterdam.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. A. A, pleasures and benefits of the Play student bodies. lines""•; of \the Ijaq petroleum com- tion of Christiacn principles which Jtfusset, of Utrecht, leader of the School. A special feature will be an oldalone can save both people from Dutch Nationalist Socialist party; in pany." . . . The older groups of the school time barbecue "by Dr. Fry." In ihe an interview'witfr-a-representative of published a, miniature newspaper, •^Tae. Jewish cnlonies affected by sheer -barbarism." • • afternoon there will be a special * containing w i s h T e g p g y } d called foursome of outstanding golfers in Eastern and Central Emek and innews " about' the activities -. of:'. the that his party, as far as HolOmaha. Fifty prizes will be awardclude Kfar Hassidim, Mizrah, Jedda land" is concerned, rejects anti-Sem- youngsters and distributed among the ed- for the afternoon's golfing, prizes and Sheik Abrek. children last Tuesday. The . group itism-. r . .. being given for low gross, low net, It is untrue, he stated/ "that ac putting out the edition is sponsored the longest drives, the drive nearest . ..=..' cording to our program Dutch Jews by Miss Pearl Shapiro. the pin, etc Is"fround" Among* Ttecent London.—(J. T. A.)—The extension The daily assemblies continue to "will.become secondary citizens should In the evening there will be boxbe ot interest to the children. Among" the;Nap party come into power. of the Dead Sea Works, for the puring and wrestling matches, followed .v The.Jews hi Holland, he asserted the features last week were stunt? pose of exploiting potash and bromby cards. Jerusalem.—{J. T. A.)—Recent are Dutchmen and there will be ;no by Mrs. N. Sekerman's classes and ine deposits was considered and auMembers are privileged to invite excavations at Beth Alpha in Patesdifference between them and other the performances of \Hy Goodbinder'fi Delegation Protests non-members. Over three hundred thorized by the board of the Palestine by Dr. E. L. Sukenik, of the Israel Kulakofsky, 64, 2105 South Jewish Dutchmen. If, however, the Jews op- midgets. At the assemblies • ink Hebrew Against Projected Palestine University, have yielded are expected to attend the "Fling,' tine Potash company. Tenth street, a resident of Omaha pose National Socialism, the Nazi youngsters sing new songs, with some exceptionally interesting reEducation Ordinance which has yearly grown in popuparty will fight them as they fight Bobby Konecky of the kindergarten sults which shed new light on an- for over forty years, passed away Moses Novomejski reported that all larity. in a ilocal hospital last Friday, after Socialists and Communists, Dr.-Mus- class as the cheer leader. the potash and bromine thus far proJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Rabbis of cient Jewish art. The Hebrew Uni a brief illness. He was well known The knitting- classes are - making, versity in Jerusalem was much, inset said. duced has been sold to England. all lands, regardless of their age, will He denied that the Dutch Nazi hats and the art classes toys, terested in this discovery arid under- in Omaha grocery circles. While last year's work was conducted Services were held Friday at the be admitted to Palestine if the Chief party has concluded an agreement placques and wagons. The girls, who took to conduct the excavations. on a small scale, it has been proved Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, Rabbinate guarantees they will not either with Adolph Hitler or Mus- seem to prefer sewing to artwork, that the product both in quality and The chief find wa: a fifty-century are having classes in the former each synagogue with a remarkably well Nineteenth and Burt streets, with become public burdenssolini. price is able to compete with that burial in the Beth Hamedrosh Hagoday. of other producers, Mr. Novomejski The new policy was announced by preserved mosaic unique of-its kind. An exhibition of all the work be- Including the courtyard, the syna- dol cemetery. said. As a result the plants and the the High Commissioner, in accordance Denver.—(J. T. A.)—Women's AuxHe is survived by two sons, Dr. ing accomplished by the Play school gogue is about twenty-eight metres activities will be extended. with a pledge given the Chief Rabbiin New York, Chicago, Cleve- i at the Community • Center has been long and fourteen metres wide, and Barney Kx£*i' and Dr. Herman Kufly, nate. Under this new ruling, 37 ilaries , _ ,„ , The new capital ' -subscribed by tentatively set for Sunday, Aug. 14. consists of the synagogue proper, Omaha; four daughters, Mrs. Morris rabbis, who were previously refused land, Boston, Philadelphia and o t h e r : s n a r e h o l d e r s f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f exLevy, Omaha, and Mrs. Dave GoldNew York—(J. T. A.)—The presa basilica divided by two rows of ware, Mrs. Joe Wark and Mrs. Han- admission, will now secure visas. large eastern cities are completing j tensions was in the amount of 39,000 ent-Roumanian, government is desirpillars in three naves, a marthex, nah Shostak of Los Angeles; a The High Commissioner, after con- plans to send representatives to the pounds. Approximately 400 Jewish -ouS of developing a policy of political and a courtyard. From the south brother, Reuben Kulakofsky, Omaha, sulting the religious communities, is Silver Anniversary' Celebration of and Arab workmen were engaged. adjustment-;=and ^industrial co-operawall, ;in the direction toward Jeru- and a sister, Mrs. E. Muskin, Omaha. planning to legislate against mar- the National Home for Jewish Chfl-\ Friendly relations, exist between-the? . tiqn • which; will .provide egual opporsalem, there projects an apse, with riages of minors below the age of dren to be held here July 31 to two groups. Health- conditions are tunity to all, according to informaa platform built to contain the ark satisfactory and no cases oi malaria sixteen. tion received by the American JewAugust 2. which, always faces toward the site At the regular meeting of the Vaad have been reported in two $>ears, it New Education Ordinance H'Oehr, Union of Orthodox Synaish Congress and made public More than five hundred invitations! was stated. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The Federal of King Solomon's Temple in Jewish through the Jewish Telegraphic Council has adopted a new regulation places of worship. Stone benches gogues, a moment of silence was Jerusalem—A delegation represent- to the celebration have been sent t o J ing the Jewish Agency Executive and Agency. requiring that applicants for naturali- were placed around the. three wall observed in respect to Mr. Kulakof- the Palestine Jewish National Coun- outstanding friends of the Home in- j sky, and the following resolution was eluding national trustees, the national government The statement - of zation as German citizens must be where the people sat during -th< cil made representations to the High board of directors, and to all those policy™was:made known to/the Rou- able to proves twenty years continu- prayers. In the western wall there adopted: ; Was . found i a,, doorr leading to an- "It is hereby resolved that the Commissioner here regarding the pro- who have led the movement in the manian Legation in' the United ous-residence in Germany. jected education ordinance. United Orthodox Synagogues of ? interests of the children during the States through "its State Department This provision excludes" from Ger- other chamber, which . was for the The bazaar for the benefit of the The delegation asked that the High past twenty-five yeiirs. and is in response to the demands man citizeijihip the ^majority of the greater part destroyed, and i t is Omaha being deeply moved by the set forth""in a; resolution adopted by EastEuropean 'Jews^in Germany who supposed that there were also steps untimely death of our beloved brother Commissioner amend "those para-' Since its establishment twenty-five Labor Lyceum building will be held the American' Jewish Congress at its have.*-settled in the country, since the leading to'the upper valley for the Israel Kulakofsky, do hereby express graphs which infringe upon* the years, ago, the Home has cared for Saturday evening, Sunday and Monour deepest sorrow and regret, and autonomy of the Hebrew schools and more than 2,000 children of the vic- day, July 30 and SI and August 1. women. convention in Washington on June 27. y™* ' "'";": 'V """"' "'"" ;V " extend t o , the bereaved family our that the government subvention to tims of tuberculosis. During the The affair will be held at the It is built in the usual plan of heartfelt condolences." ; ; i ^ ; . [ in. Jubilee celebration plans will be made Lyceum building. Twenty-second and these schools be increased. . Gift to Girls School the ancient Jewish synagogues* in volve any change in the new Prussian Mr. Kulakofsky was an officer of Jerusalem.—The Jewish "commun- to meet the situation brought on by Clark streets. A committee of the : Vienna.—A gift of 1000 pounds to .aliens law which-came' intp1 force on' Palestine except that T the arrange- the Beth Hamedrosh synagogue and ity is aroused by the announcement, the present economic crisis. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club is assistthe "Second Girls School in Nathal by July i , under which, no' alien can 'be. ment" of the doors of the usual three also of the Supreme Council of the that the drainage project of the gov- Home is . being taxed, to capacity ing the Lyceum board of directors Mrs. I. R. Will, was announced at the expelled from the country wno has 'entrances are here on the site op- Vaad. ernment would cut through the while its income has suffered drastic in sponsoring the event. The public closing session of the Women's Zi resided in Prussia for five yekrs or posite to the direction to- Jerusalem, is invited. SephardkT cemetery" in the" vicinity reductions. r •whereas in .other synagogues' ~th in Germany for ten' years." " ist Organization. : of the grace of Shimon Ha'Zadid. , three -entrances are in the side ol The indignation is all the keener the wall facing'toward Jerusalem because the original plans called for A new architectural feature- in this the drainage to pass through the synagogue is the aose, which is com Moslem cemetery. Last week, howmonly known in the architecture oi ever, following Moslem protests, the ancient Christian churches. A speBerlin.—(J. T. A.)—Elihn Lewin- High Commissioner changed the cial feature, of this synagogue Epstein, Zionist pioneer and one of route. , also a small p platform near the p Detroit—(J. T. A.)—In the pres- first meal, stated in a brief address: the founders of the Palestine colony London.—(J. T. A.)—A dark pic-' representatives of World Jewry must "This is a splendid example of ence of Mayor Frank Murphy and which was the place for -"" a reade: of Rehoboth, died last week at Baden ture of the future of Jews in Ger- now deal. They must discuss the of the Torah or the preacher. Jewish social consciousness. Organa host of a five-cent many' as he sees it is painted by problem of settling. at least a part : The area of the synagogue an Nauheim following a heart attack. kosher kitchen was opened here at ized charities cannot cope with the of them in Palestine. Mr. Lewin-Epstein, who was 69 Nabum Sokolow, president of the the Beth Tepnila Emanuel Syna- situation and it is up to small neighDr. Sokolow expresses regret that the courtyard was: tessellated with '. years old and a native of Poland, gogue. Meals will be served to adults borhood groups to care for the needy. World Zionist' Organization and the the Jewish press has not adopted a mosaic floor. The courtyard and th had lived in the United States for for five cents, and to children for Rabbi Joseph Eisenman was anwere tessellated with a almost three decades. He was planJewish Agency for Palestine, in an proper criterion for measuring the marthex New York.—(J. T. A.)—Emil Lud- two cents. other speaker. simple mosaic bearing only .geometarticle which appears in "Ha'Olam." seriousness of the situation. Se ning to take up permanent settlement wig, famous Jewish biographer, is reSponsors of the project stated that The. leader of the World Zionism points out, while the present Con- rical Datterns. But an exceptionall in Palestine when he was stricken. nouncing his German citizenship and terms the Prussian Confiscation Law fiscation Law is directed only against beautiful floor is- to be found i n The deceased was the founder of has applied for Swiss citizenship, ac- they have secured enough supplies to General Zionists Ask Rejection the greatest historical outrage, and East European Jews, 95 per cent of the synagogue proper. the Carmel Wine Association, which cording to an announcement by his run the. kitchen for a month, serv- of French Report says it is but the beginning of fur- American Jewry as well as 80 per Jerusalem.—A conference of Genundertook to distribute the wine of publishers here, Little Brown and ing meals every day to 300 people between the hours of 12 noon and eral. Zionists of Palestine held her* ther hardships and difficulties in cent of West European Jewry origi the Judaean colonies in Palestine. He Company. store for German Jewry. The Jewish nates in East Europe. If the measure decided to urge the Actions Commitwas also a director of the Hias. Another famous German author, 4 p. m. world, he states, prepared is confined to East European Jews, Max L. Black, attorney, president tee to reject the proposals made by. Mr. Lewin-Epstein served as treas- Erich Maria Remarque, author of for the possibility of the. expulsion it is only because of fear of the Dr. Nathan Muskin, physician, ha: urer of the Federation of- American "All Quiet on the Western Front," of the group sponsoring the project, Lewis French, Palestine Land Comof all Jews from Germany. This is stronger governments of Western re-opened his offices at 712 Brandei Zionists and of the Provisional Zion- has likewise applied for Swiss •na-' presided at the opening ceremonies. missioner, in his report, notwitha problem with which the elected Europe, Dr. Sokolow declared. 'st Committee. Mayor Murphy, who partook of the standing possible amendments. Theatre buildinjr. turalization.
Attorney General of CHILDREN ENJOY Ohio Likely to Be Sole Jew in Senate J. C. C. SUMMER PLAYSCHOOL
Chief Rabbi Hertz Asked to Intervene in Irish Dispute
"Equality for All Is AMi of Roumania'
New German Law Requires Residence for Twenty Years
Bazaar for Labor Lyceum This Week
Must Prepare for Expulsion of German Jews-Sokolow
Five-Gent Kosher Kitchen For Detroit Jewish Poor
Ludwig- Renounces German Citizenship
Dr. Nathan Muskin Reopens Office
THE JEWJSH Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year 'I - 4 - — ''- ? ? " Advertising rates furnished on application: Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Siaox City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK B. ACKERMAN - - Editor PANNIE EATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
cite them t o you. Try that in. your parlor, if you think that i s easy. 2 Summer Months Special » • • # 30-GALLON RANGE BOILER Speaking about something else al# INSTALLED $16.00 together, did you know that Harry By DAVID SCHWARTZ Weill, stockholder, was the first partner that Whelan, United Cigar Owner WA 924S 4915 Davenport That fellow, Jack Schwartz, who is had, but Weill dropped out, because his lawyer told him the United Cigars now fighting with John Garner, DemFestive parting ceremonies were RBI Under Law's Protection ocratic vice presidential nominee, is would never amount to much? Bucharest. — Charges that for the held in Bari, in honor of the new First no relation of the present writer, but Judge. private sleuths inform me that he is Did you know that the custom of second time within less than three a Jewish merchant of Texas and anwearing one's hat at prayers does not months attempts were made by the Eighteen Jewish Artisans old crony of the Speaker of the stem of Palestinian, but of Babylon- Bessarabian police to kill innocent Receive Awards Prompt Service . . . . House. ian origin? At least, there is no rec- Jewish victims on the alleged assumpWarsaw.—Eighteen Jewish artisans
By the Way
2 Parilman Plumbing Co.
ord of the practice having originated tion they were spreading communist are among the seventy recipients of propaganda, is made by "Unser Zeit," And speaking about the Democratic in Palestine. in connection with the death of a gold medals awarded by the Ministry nominee, it so happens that Judge * • * tailor's apprentice, Chaim Le- of Trade and Industry to artisans who VAST POTENTIAUTIES Samuel I. Rosenman, who flew with Speaking about Jack Schwartz, as Jewish have successfully engaged in their vowit. cations for more than twenty-five "Die Summer Play School which is now in progress at the Roosevelt to Chicago for the Conven- we did at the beginning of this distion also hails from Texas, although sertation, did you know there are Lewit was among 18 Jews arrested years. Jewish Community Center is a testimonial to a clear-visioned so- he is now judging and residing in more Schwartzes in the New York by the police last Sunday, on the ground that they were among the Two San Francisco Jews telephone directory than Levys? cial outlook in the upbringing of Jewish children. For the fourth New York. Communist group organizing a dem- Honored As a Schwartz myself, I fail to see consecutive year our Center has offered a month of constructive San Francisco.— Two loading memwhy so many chose such a moniker, onstration in Kishineff in connection Well, we once lived in Texas ourplay during the hottest days of the summer, with a balanced daily selves. In fact, some day when our but then why did so many select with the elections. bers of the Jewish community have been honored with appointmpnt to program which enables the children to learn while busy working biography is written, the biographer Goldberg ? Right now, I should think Jewish Police Chief Ousted places at thp hrtfwl of thr two principal Ice-berg would have been much betj will discover that we were once shot at their play. Berlin.—The Nazi press is jubilant relief mnvprnnnts in the city and ter. Or think of a person choosing over the ejection of Dr. Bernhard state. It was fifteen years ago that the first experiment with a Sum- j at down in Texas, it's a great state j a name like Slomovitr. Weiss, vice-president of the Berlin Pot o l i v e a n d e t s h o t in Texas h a s Judgp M. C. RIOKR has hf>rn nnnvl mer Play School was made in this country. The success of the Isome of the e - in the coun-' * * * best shooters lice department. by Mayor Rossi as chairman of a citiDid you know that a very orthodox idea naturally spread, and after it was introduced into Omaha try and if it were up to us to choose The "Angriff" publishes a sarcastic zens' committee to campaign for a theological seminary recently was a state in which to get shot in, ouv article aguinst Dr. Weiss and tells through the Jewish Community Center other groups took up the surprised to receive from one of its him the day of reckoning for him will $6,500,000 unemploymfnt. rciiff horn) first choice would be Texas. project. In its inception, the Summer Play School was used as a graduates the "semicha" it had con-come when the Nazis take over the issue. * • * Milton Esberc has been appointed means of keeping the children off the streets and away from For one thing, there is so much ferred? The graduate has accepted power. chairman of a committee- representing a Reform pulpit in Chicago. Why he traffic when they were released from school desks. But now an space to get shot in there. It has been har5 to send back his "semicha" we Disclaim Persecutions all social and relief agencies in Calithat you could put every fornia to co-operate with the state educational value has been injected, providing wholesome recrea- estimated Paris.—A protest against the aldon't know—but anyway he did. man in the world in Texas and give agricultural director in jretting surleged persecutions of the Jews in Per* * * tion and physical invigoration while at the same time developing him, I think, a half acre or so. You plus food products to the needy of sia was received here by the Alliance Did you know that the oldest sports moral and mental discipline by means of the most advanced could put all Palestine in Texas and California instead of letting those I it would get lost. In fact, there is, writer in the country is a Jew ? None Israelite Universelle from the Jewish products rot in orchards and farms. methods of child education. Community of Persia. other than Si Goodfriend. He stems in Thus t h e Play School in America has grown to be a recog-1 £ L y ° u k n o w ' a The protest points out that 'Persian To Settle in Palestine on back to the days of Charles A. Dana. But there are no Arabs. Jews enjoy, under His Imperial Ma- Income Bearing Groves Known as the historian of baseball. nized supplement to the public school system in its all-around phyjesty, all benefits for granting freeHe tells one about the Jew who sical, educational and spiritual development. The Jewish Summer j But returning to thus talk of the joined St. Thomas church. Shortly dom and justice to the Jewish populaNew York.—Through the hearty cotion. There is no danger to Jewish operation of Palestine orange experts Play School has especially become a source of vitality for things j Democratic presidential nominee, if after he met his friend, Mr. Cohen. and the opportunity offered by the reRoosevelt is elected, watch this felJewish. In addition to keeping the children out of mischief and low Rosenman. He will ^et an im- "Well," said Mr. Cohen to Mr. Fin- life and property." lease of groves in Petech-Tikvah and The protest denies that there is any helping to mould their character, the Play School has served to portant appointment. That's sure — kle, "I hear you joined the church." need for Jewish migration from Per- Ness-Zionah, planted by Baron Ed"Yes, and its fine," replied Mr. mond de Rothschild Agency, the teach them useful arts in a form which removed the "school- whatever it may mean to you and me. Finkle. sia. PICA, the Palestine Settlers Service, * • * "Yes—you like i t ? " asked Mr. Mrs. Lindheim to Settle taste." Whether it be dramatics, swimming, toymaking, or some have embraced the opportunity of orAnd then there is Bernard Baruch. Cohen. other handcraft, the child is learning while playing. in Palestine ganizing a group settlement of twenHe will come into glory again. Did "Yes, its great," replied Mr. Fin- New York.—Mrs. Irma Lindheim, ty American families in Palestine. But these benefits become secondary in our Jewish Play you know that Wilson offered him the kle, "and I wish you would join, too." former President of the Hadassah orSecretaryship of the Treasury, but "Why do you want me to join?" ganization will permanently settle in Bezalel School Reopened School. In a day when our attention is most forcibly directed tothat Baruch himself turned it down, Jerusalem.—The Bezalel school of ward keeping the youngsters within the fold, the Jewish Play telling the president that there would queried Mr. Cohen. "So I would have someone to talk Palestine. arts and crafts founded by the late Mrs. Lindheim will have shortly to School can serve as a most enriching influence. And though rapid be too much of an outcry because of to." Professor Boris Schatz was reopened take up her residence in the Holy progress has been made in the Play School idea, the potentialities lis speculative career on Wall Street. * • • after a lapse of several years during Land. * * » Another one he tells me is about of the project from the Jewish angle have not even begun to be which1 the activity was discontinued Roosevelt seems behind the little boy who used to get very Jew Named First Judge of owing to lack of funds. exploited. The daily association with other Jewish children is Lieutenant Governordefinitely Lehman as his high marks in his classes, when all Turin Court of Appeals The re-opening- of the school was productive of invaluable good. Jewish associations are formed. successor in Albany. And did youof a sudden, there was a precipitous Rome.—Leopoldo Maggia, presi- announced by the Society of Friends Jewish appreciation strengthened. We cannot measure with a Imow that the Lehmans originally deeline. dent of the High Court of Appeals at of the Bezalel school. "What's the matter?" asked his Bari was named first Judge of the yardstick the development of Jewish consciousness and the Jew- :ame from Alabama? These southern Jews seem to get all the gravy, papa. Turin Court of Appeals, one of the Unusual Happening ish creed because of the Jewish environment, Jewish teachers, a igure it out for yourself. Rosen"Well," replied the youngster, "the highest judicial posts in the country. Cracow.—Official announcement is Jewish Center, Jewish activities. An ideal atmosphere prevails man, Lehman, Baruch (he's from boy who sat next to me has been made here that anti-Semitic National Democratic students who attacked a and as a consequence the desired results can be more easily ob- South Carolina) even Brandeis was moved." setts and Magistrate Jonah Goldstein Jewish born in Kentucky. student summer colony in Portained. We may not have plumbed the depths of its possibilities of New York are cousins? And did you know: * * * onin, near Zakopane last week, were That the son of Roxy is writing fined 118 ilotys That Konrad Bercovici has returned as yet, but already we can glean much by carefully analyzing the And speaking about Brandeis. Did each while six were for the movies? from Spain? arrested and held for trial. contribution of a Jewish Play School to Jewish life and then in- you know that he has an almost forThat a delegation of Jewish orange "Chat the Miss Bercovici is warbling it's so. growers from Palestine are due forTo Mark Anniversary telligently applying the results of that analysis to other phases of Brandeis has one of the most remark- gypsy songs over the radio? British Imperial Conference at OtThat Mimi, the daughter of the Vineland, N. J.—Residents of AlliJewish youth education. able memories in the country. At ance, Norma and Brotmanville, pionHarvard,, it was the marvel. And by noted optician Meyerowitz, is sched- tawa? That tennis courts are being built eer settlements of Jewish farmers, the way, according to Dean Pound, uled to be another Clara Bow ? MAX FBOUKJN, AttorMy. That William Fox will soon become at the Hebrew University in Jeru- which were financed by the Baron de Insurance B l l d l Brandeis's record in scholarship at the Hebrew Calendar salem? Hirsch fund, will celebrate the 50th Harvard Law School has sever been president of Paramount Pictures? CC92 1032 VOTICE BT PVTBUCATIOS 'OS PETI- F a s t of Tainmnz T h n r s d a y ; Jhrty 2 t (Copyright, 1932, by the Jewish Tele- anniversary of the founding- of these That the chairman of the Demourpassed. TION FOB SBTTtBHENT OF R N i l l . R o s o Cfaodesb. At> W e d n e s d a y . A u g . 3 graphic Agency, Inc.) cratic State Committee in Massachucolonies, located near here, on Aug. A1>MENISTBAX»ON ACCOUNT. ' F a s t O* Al» T h u r s d a y . Aojr- 11 * « * In the County Court of "Douglas: Cannty, ' B o s k Cbodeck E H u L P r i d a y . S e p t . 2 20 and 21. The few remaining pionSpeaking about the Harvard Law Rosh Hashonah S a t u r d a y , Oct. 1 Nebraska. eers and their descendants from all Y«m Kippur' ; Monday, Oct. Iff In the Matter of the Estate of ^Frances y. school, they do say that the reason 1st day Snccotb Saturday. Oct. 15 parts of the country, are planning to Buttery, Deceased. that Frankfurter turned down the suAtservtb — Saturday. Oct. 22 All persons interested in Raid matter arc Shemini take part. Slracbath Tarah Sunday Oct. 23 preme court appointment is, that sereny notified that on the 2fith day of •no*h Cbodesh roly, 1932, Vnnl S. Sotton filed a petiUon there is a general understanding that Director of Memorial Opera ChesbTan Monday. Oct. 31 n eahl County Court, praying that his *Rosh Cbodesh •when the time comes for Pound to House Inal administration account filed herein Wednesday, NOT. 30 retire as Dean, that Frankfurter will M» settled ami allowed, and that he be dls- 1stKislev any Oianukab Saturday, Dec. 24 San Francisco.—Selby C. Oppen•harged from his trust as administrator •Hosh Chodcsh succeed him. heimer, veteran concert master and jrith -will annexed and that a bearing will Tebeth -Thursday. Dec 29 I find it hard to believe myself, >e tart an said petition before said Court impressario, has been appointed tem>n the 20th day of August. 1032. and that knowing President Lowell's attitude porary managing director of the new t yon fail tit appear before said Court en ' he gahl 20th day of August. 1932, at 9 Zambrowsky Executive Director to Jews on the Harvard faculty, but War Memorial Opera House in the •'dock A. U.. and contest said petition, the there is the rumor—accept or reject Civic Center, which will have its for?qurt may grant the prayer of said p«tt- of Mizrachi Youth it ion, enter a decree of heirship, and make mal opening with a grand opera seauch other and further orders, allowances . New York.—The national executive * * * son next October. nd decrees,; ns to this Court may seem of the Mizraehi Youth has elected Talking about memory, as we were troper, to the end that all matters pertainAlready Plan St. Louis nc to said estate may be finally settled Seymour M. Zambrowsky national difew paragraphs back, two other 1 ifia determined . rector of the Hizrachi Youth of Amer- Jews whom I had the privilege of Campaign BIVSCB CRAWFOHP, ica. ,'-»-32-3t. St. Louis.—Leo C. Fuller, promhaving at least seen, possessed most County Judge. inently identified with Jewish philremarkable memories. One was Louis anthropic activities in this city, has Marshall. Few had better memories been named chairman of the annual than Marshall. And the other is campaign of the Jewish Federation of Emma Goldman, the anarchist leader. St. Louis. Emma can read over a couple of stanzas of poetry one time—and then reThe campaign for funds for the support of its affiliated institutions will be opened by the Federation in the falL
New York Yiddish Players in Omaha
Courteous and Reliable
Funeral Directors
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
mar wonder Lour
The Mollie Cohn and Jack Berlin Yiddish players from New York will present a musical comedy, "Lovka Molodietz," at the Brandeis Theatre Sunday evening, Jury 31. Last Friday and Sunday they successfully presented "The Child of Sin" in Omaha.
Orchard and Wilhelm Announce August Sale "Thirty-nine August sales, bat never one like this" is the announcement of Orchard & Wilhelm Co. In business for thirty-nine years, the company is now starting a sale -which, according to Mr. Samuel L. Cooper, Secretary, win be remembered for the rest of your life. Furniture, especially the furniture for which the house has been famous for so many years, has 1>een lower than almost any other commodity for thirty months and, now comes a clean-up where the purpose is to convince the. community that i t is overwhelmingly profitable to buy. Inspection days are arranged for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, during which period no goods bearing August Sale tags will be sold. The sale starts Monday, August 1, purchasing to start a t 9 a. m. Omaha daily: papers will publish, lists of typical items throughout August.
i •
TheconformingquaKtycftheDr.A.Reed CuaJuonSolekeepsthefootfromMlipar tpreotSng in the ahoe.
OorCity Is Healthy One reason is Dr. A.Rced Cushion Shoes Reeds promote health and happi^ ness. Genuine cushion sole protection found only in this footwear, costs no more—butii tally and physically
NEW LOWER PRICES Invite all to enjoy the comfort
Jewish Students to Benefit by Fund Kovno. — Fifty-eight Jewish students will benefit from .the scholarship fund established in the name of an American Jew, Edward Chase, who was born in Lithuania. .Under the terms of the scholarship fund the Jewish students will be enabled to study in Kovno institutions and in foreign universities. Dismiss New Arab Claims Haifa.—The Taifa court has dismissed new Arab claims on. the Infiat land, including pasturing and wood-cutting. "Falastin" Takes Palestine Tele[graphic Agency Service JNew York,—The "Falastin" Arab daily published in English in Jaffa has subscribed to the service of the Palestine Telegraphic Agency and is tire first Arab publication to do so. The Palestine Telegraphic Agency is associated with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and is the sole distributer in Palestine of Renter's news service in addition to its oira daily newts service. Ask Withdrawal of Jewish Trading Permits Vienna. — Withdrawal of trading permits granted to the Jews for the last eighteen years was demanded by the Nads in the Bundesrat. Demands for the introduction of several other restrictive projects previously advocated were reiterated upon this occasion.
Reasonable Prices
Ja. 6071
1018 Farnam
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, I N C . "Everything for the 2051 Farnam—AT. 8524
A CONVENIENT LOCATION . . . to Have Your SHOES OR HEELS FIXED Daring the Noon Hour
DOUGLAS SHOE REPAIR "Expert Shoe Repairing"
1709 Douglas St. Across From Omaha Athletic Club
LINEN SUITS 50c and 65c Lanndered the RENEW IVay A Ntw Suit After Every Wash lOCo Discount Cash and Carry
1 Wear Snow White Garments IF I T S WHITE IT IS RIGHT Wear White to Please Your Patrons The Results Win Please You
Omaha Towel Supply Co. J A. 0528
Hamilton Street Window Shades SHOP Window Shades, 36x6 of onbreakable and washable sb*de cloth for 50c and up. We clean and reverse shades for 15c and up. WALNUT 55«C 4202-4 Hamilton St.
Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances Home «f Westinghouse Refrigerators
Sol Lewis 2004 Farnam Street ATlantic 4486
PAGE 3-^THE JEWISH PRESS,,iFRIDAY, JULY 29,1932 derweht* a tonsflectbmy this week a£ nhesed Shel Ernes Is a local hospital and is JIOW convalescing at her mother's home. to Meet at Elmwood
nounce the birth of a son, born on Thursday, July 21, at the Omaha Methodist hospital.
Council Bluffs News
RABBI I. L. SHAPIRO bns been n
CONVALESCING Due to the hot weather the next Mohel Specialist Miss Evelyn Nathanson of EstherBY F . ft. K. Mr. Marvin Treller is convalescing regular meeting of the Chesed Shel ville, Iowa, will return to her home for 20 years at home from a recent automobile Ernes will be held on Monday afternext Monday, following a month's Attends with utmost en re accident. noon, August 1, a t Elmwood park, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- visit here at the home of her uncle starting at 2:30 p. m. Torah Society will hold a meet- and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. 1724 No. 24th St. WE. S817 BEACH PARTY Because of the meeting being held ing next Wednesday afternoon, Aug. Miss Betty Tuchman entertained at at Elmwood, all members are ex-3rd, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel SynMrs. Murray Klass of Brooklyn, N. a beach party Sunday at Peony park, pected to be present. Refreshments agogue, 618 Mynster street. Y., arrived here for a month's visit honoring Miss Esther German of will be served. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Minneapolis. A picnic lunch was Mrs. Henrietta Chernes, 70 years Greenberg in Omaha, and her brothserved and games played. old, passed away Saturday afternoon er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hadassah REV. A. DIAMOND at her home at 134 West Broadway. Sam Steinberg, in Council Bluffs. with Mrs. M. M. Beitel and her two SWIMMING PARTY Please Note—All society items She is survived by her husband, S. of Council Bluffs sons, Irving and Jerome, have motormust be mailed or phoned in beMrs. Joseph Goldware, chairman of Chimes, and one daughter, Mrs. M. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 The Misses Toby Flax, Lillian ed, to Lake Okoboji and are vacation- Slutsky, Well Known in This Vicinity Ida Zoe Tenenbaum and the infant welfare fund of Hadassah, Goldenberg of Council Bluffs; and of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting fore 5 p. m. Wednesdays. ing there. Mr. Beitel will join them Beit Whitebook were hostesses to the is as a planning a large affair to be held two grandsons, Abe Goldenberg of next Wednesday evening, when plans over the week-end. Junior Society of the Conservative on Wednesday, August 31, at which Lincoln, Nebr., and Joe Goldenberg will be completed for a tennis tournaPRACTICAL MOHEL HIGHLAND OPEN DAY Synagogue at a swimming party and time she hopes to raise a good por- of Fargo, N. D. Funeral services ment and steak fry to be held on 29 No. 7th St. Phone 1059 Over one hundred and seventy-five Miss Shirley Adele Janoff is vis- lunch at Peony park last Sunday, tion of her quota. She is asking •were held Sunday afternoon at the Sunday, Aug. 7th, at Clark's Everlocal and outstate women golfers par- iting here in Oman after having com- July 24. members and friends of Hadassah to residence. Burial took place at the green farm. All members are inticipated in the open day events for pleted a successful season teaching please hold that date open. Oak Hill Cemetery. vited to attend this affair. women at the Highland Country Club dancing at Grand Rapids, Mich. She HONORED AT SURPRISE PARTY Tuesday. Golf and luncheon in thewill remain for the summer. The gift fund chairmen, Mrs. MorA surprise party was given Satarmorning were followed by bridge in Mrs. E. Berman and son, Sheldon, Jerusalem.—Five Arabs were killed ris Friedel and Mrs. R. A. Bleicher, of Chicago, 111., arrived here last day evening, July 16, at the home HARPER METHOD SHOP the afternoon. Mr. Mark W. Reiss left this week of Miss Julia Motz, by the officers announce donations from: the parents and thirty wounded in an affray Among the Highland golfers to win for a temporary stay in Chicago. and members of the Royal Elite Re- of the following confirmants in honor Thursday to visit at the home of Mr. •which occurred in the village of Koba Specializing in and Mrs. Max Steinberg. in the various events •were Mrs. Max Mr. Reiss a graduate of the UniScalp Treatment near Jerusalem Friday. lodge No. 400, I. 0. 0. F.,of their confirmation — Lottie Rips, Holzman, who had low" gross for nine versity of Lemberg and Municipal bekah U1SS1CS HA It L I The police discovered large quantiMrs. M. L. Horwich, retir- Libby Meyerson, Thelraa Gasper, holes, and Mrs. Morton Degen, who University, has been conducting honoring 032 World-Herald Ittilldinc Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Krasne an- ties of fire arms in the village. Ruth Friedman and Melvin Radman; ing Noble Grand. ATlantlc 0844 turned in low net for nine holes. classes in German at the Municipal Mrs. Horwich was presented with Mr. and Mrs. S. Riekes, in honor of University and at the Music Verein the engagement of their daughter, ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE during the past semester. He wasa beautiful gift as a token of herRuth; Mrs. Meyer Green, in honor of Mrs. Sam Richman entertained six- also lectured before the Polish Stu- leadership and co-operation. Enter- the engagement of her daughter, teen guests at a bridge party at her dents' club at Creighton University tainment included bridge, pinochle Frances; Mrs. A. Neesman, in honor and bunco, after which a midnight home last Tuesday evening in honor once a week on Slavic philology. of the marriage of her son. lunch was served. of Miss Edythe Dolgoff, and her fiance, Mr. Sam Rosenblatt, and forTO SETTLE IN KANSAS Mrs. Horwich was also presented CLEANERS her house guest, Miss Bess Siegel of After August 15 Dr. and Mrs. Mark a twenty-five year Veteran Conservative Auxiliary "Waterloo, Iowa. M. Marks will make their residence •with DYEKS in Kansas City, Mo. The couple are Jewel at a recent lodge meeting. At the Jack & Jill At the final board meeting of the HATTERS HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE at present on their honeymoon in SUNDAY BREAKFAST year, the Conservative Synagogue Miss Lillian Nachschoen entertained the Ozark mountains, having been Whether it's Breakfast, Lunch, The Cee Que Club will hold its an- Auxiliary decided that the gift fund TAILORS sixteen guests at a bridge party at married in Omaha on Sunday, July nual early Sunday morning breakfast of the Auxiliary be transfered to a Dinner or a bite after the her home Tuesday evening in honor 17. Mrs. Marks was formerly Miss at Elmwood Park, July 31. show, you will most always separate and special account, includof Miss Edythe Dolgoff, whose en- Grace Rosenstein. meet your friends or acquainting all money received by the orgagement to Mr. Sam Rosenblatt, was REOPENS OFFICE ganization since its inception. From ances at this popular Omaha recently announced. Dr. Nathan Muskin, physician, has now on all donors to the gift fund VISITORS dining place. 4420-22 North 20 reopened his offices at 712 Brandeis - The Misses Rose Holden and Eudice will have their names inscribed in ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON Stillman of Sioux City visited with Theatre building. KEnwood 1500 DELICIOUS FOODS TASTILY SERVED the synagogue's Book of Memory. All Miss Betty Segal entertained at a Miss Rose Levin during the past past donors will also have their names REASONABLY PRICED A. Z. A. OUTING luncheon on Saturday, July 23, atweek. Sam Beber chapter No. 100 of theinscribed. the Paxton hotel in honor of Miss No specific amount is necessary Mrs. Harry Edell of New York City A. Z. A. is planning an all-day outEvelyn Goldberg of New York City. and Mrs. Harry Rose of St. Joseph, ing Sunday, July 31, at Linoma as a donation, no amount being too Mo.,' are visiting their mother, Mrs. Beach, honoring Hyman Goodbinder, small or too large. All contribuBRIDGE LUNCHEON grand Aleph Godol, and Joseph Solo tions should be made to Mrs. Mose The Misses Sara Levine, Rose Mamie Kneeter. Plumbing . . . monow, president of the Missouri Val Yousem, chairman of the gift fund. Meyer and Gertrude Perlis were Heating . . . . The total fund will remain intact hostesses for twenty guests at a Miss Bess Siegel of Waterloo, Iowa, ley Alephs association. Bill Wolf Ralph Nogg and Sam Meyerson will and reserved until such time as the Ventilating . bridge-luncheon Saturday at the Pea- is spending the remainder of the sumSanitation . . code Inn. Miss Minnie Haspel, whose mer here visiting at the home of her also be honored as graduating alumni synagogue building is commenced. engagement to Simon Green was re- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richman. All are past presidents. Repair Work Joe Blumenthal is chairman of the The beauty specialist lives on the cently announced, was honored guest. at Pre-war Prices Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter and committee arranging for the outing. fat of the land. infant son, Donald, of Des Moines, BENEFIT BRIDGE SERIES Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky inaugur- la/, spent the week-end with Mr. ated-; the series of bridge parties Kneeter's mother, Mrs. Mamie which are being held for the bene- Kneeter. Plumbing & Heating, Inc. fit of the Conservative' Synagogue Auxiliary, with an affair at-her-home Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Siegel and Dodge A t 7408 last'week. About one hundred at- daughters, Ann and Marlys, of Wattended. erloo, Iowa, returned to their home SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STREETS Prizes were won by the Mesdames Wednesday, after spending a few B. M. Minkin, Sam Beber, Isadore days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam "' .._...Dansky, Ruth Sterling and Arthur Richman. Muskin. Other parties of the series will be UNDERGOES TONSILECTOMY given at the homes of various memMrs. Harry Rose of St. Joseph, bers, during the summer months. Mo., who is visiting here with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter, un—but NEVER one like this SOCIAL NOTES Dy. David C. Platt and Messrs. I.EGAI. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 20th Sam; Greenberg, Louis Lapp and Sam day NEVER such values in Furniture of August. 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., Zacharia vacationed during the past the undersigned will sell at public auction and Allied Things. to the highest bidder for cash at 1422 week at Lake Okoboji, la. Capitol avenue, Omaha, Nebraska, the fol-
You'll Meet Your Friends
39 August Sales
lowing :
Dining table, G dining chairs, sewing maMrs. Joseph Castleman, her daugh- chine, 2 rockers, cong. rug, 2 table lamps, ter, Helen, and son, Arthur, together floor lamp, bed. sanitary conch, radio. FBADENBUBG, STAL.MASTER £ BEBER O. T. DOERK, F. M. KMJTZNICK 658 Omaha National Bank BidsNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "ZUCKEB'8 STOKE" Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of this corporation is "Zucker's Store." The general nature of the business to be transgactxd and the object and purpose for •which this corporation is organized is to buy and sell clothing, dry goods and notions and to engage in the general mercantile bnsineBS and to do all things Incidental thereto. The authorized capital stock of the 'corporation shall be $10,000.00 divided in to. 100 Shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all'."of which -stock shall be common and shall be1 folly paid up when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its articles of incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas Connty, Nebraska, and continue for a period of fiO years. The highest amount of indebtedness to -which the corporation shall at any one time subject, itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than two members who shall be chosen from among the stockholders at their annual meeting which shall be held on the first Mondny in February of eacb. year. Until the next annual meeting the' Board of Directors shall be Victor Zncker, Dorothy Racusin and William Kacusin, and the officers shall be Victor Zncker, Presidonr;-William Racusin. vice-president and Dorothy Racusin, Secretory and •Treasurer. These -articles of incorpora*ion may- bfc amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the capital stock at my regular "or special meeting of the itockholdersv.* . . VICTOR. ZUCKBK. DOROTHY RACUSIN, WILLIAM RACDSIN, 3n the presence of: SAM BEBER. 7-29-32-tt.
Brandeis Theatre Sunday, July 31 Mollie Colin and
Jack Berlin Yiddish Company
3-piece upholstered suite, center table, end table, smoking stand, rug, 4 small rugs, refrigerator, gas stove, kitchen table, kitchen cabinet, stool, dresser, disheB, etc. Said goods being owned by Clifford A. and Marie EL Larimer, and snid sale being for the purpose of foreclosing a lien for storage charges and for costs of sale and for accrued costs. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE CO., 7-20-32-2t. By J. H. Van Bebber.
Build from the FURNACEf/P/
Ja. 0243
When You Purchase a New
G B. 5192
Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers
Friday and Saturday of this week During which period no •goods bearing August Sale Tags will be eoM.
607 So. 12 Street ATlantic 1192 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHmmnmmffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii
r w M r a l f
No piece of equipment l» mote importaui uuuc Is used mote regularly—than your furnace. Inthls cli» mate you require artificial heat on an average of 235 days a year* That'« why it ia essential to plan your heating «yitem first of all if you ate to have a cam> fortable home.
ikg MoistHeat FURNACE
More than fifty years of experience in the furnace business is back of the-Nes-' bit Moist Heat System. No wonder it is famous for its HEALTHFULNESS— due to adequate moisture, automat!* cally supplied—as well as for its CON-' VENIENCE, FUEL ECONOMY AND CLEANLINESS. All are intrinsically a: part of every Nesbit System. "Whether for a new house o r for. modernizing your present home, select', the NESBIT. Let us without obligation give you full information. '
who made a tremendous hit last week will appear in a
™ "»f
A Safe it h a high' rate 61 interest accruing daily. That's what Neat, Tasty
PRINTING means to,you* • I t 903b?-no more — it's worth money in actual 'dollars and cents—and x can be obtained quickly by p j asking for our (representative.
Balance Easy Terns
Dont worry and fret witK that old; heavy and dilapidated flatiron. Here is a new iron that weighs only Z*/% pounds. Easy, to operate—aircooled handle.
with 20 numbers of song '
BOB SWARTZ and • LEO RUSHALL 109 No. 40th ,.-•;/; Harney 0195 or H a 2096 Furnace and Sheet Metal Work!
1807-1309 Howard Street^ Omaha
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
Nebraska, tower 6 17th and Harney Sis. - 2314 M St YatWy Cedar Bluff.
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA.1614
Electric Shops
Hooper North LevisvflW
Under Management of
Musical Comedy
"lyovka Molodietz"
You'll remember the Bargains bought in this Sale for the rest of your life. You'll look back on the event with joy Prices have never been so low — the lowest in our memory, but these sale values outdo them all. See them on our
Citizens Power and Light Company J
Council BlaKt
U f e f
That Same
Shoe Comfort
Iff you have your shoes repaired at the
STANDARD sjBhoe Repair Co. J. X* KRAGE, Prop.
1610 Fartuun St.
PAGE 4^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 29,19S2 IBVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney. SOI Electric Building.
OSCAlt T . DOKIIK, Attorney. ' 630 Omaha "Xntlorial -Banlt Bids'.
Sioux City News Miss ANNA, PILL, Correspondent •C335S-O «CK»O-
Society Neius
Mr. and Mrs. Max Jacobs and daughters, Evelyn and Darlene Rose, .Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary have returned from Omaha, where of the Shaare Zion Synagogne will they attended the niarriage of Mrs. be "hostesses at a benefit card party Jacobs' sister, Miss Rose Miller, to to be given next Wednesday eveHyman Lavine, of Omaha,, on July yman Lavine, y 17. ning, August 3, at the homes of the M and d Mrs. M H Miller of of OakOak Mr. Harry Miller various members." The hostesses who . wilt entertain the jguests-.-. at their alndj Calif., who also attended the to visit in p honies include the following:'"•: '-Mx^iv e d g . i are •• expected Barney Baron, 1810 Grandview boule- Sioux City this week. varij;Mrs. K. H. Emlieh, 3401 NeMiss Rose Holdofsky and Miss braska street; Mrs. A. Slutskyi 2500 Eudice Stillinan departed recently for Jones 'street; Mrs.- J.- -H; -Mosow, 2S25 Sunset Circle;. Mrs; Robert Omaha, where they are visiting . Sacks; 3315 Jones street.-. The fol- friends. lowing will .also be joint hostesses: The Pacfr Makers >»ill:givej a swim, Masl' 'Ben Sherman ^and Mrs..-Sam | Shulkin, Mrsl,H. Levin and Mrs. S:' ming party Sunday!afternobn'atthe !HiJShisikin, Mrsi'Milton Muihkin"[andi Council Oak B l b * ' Mrs, • Horey Lipshuti; ;Miss Rose' • Lip-Members of ttie Debra club met man >..nd Miss; Sadie iShulkin.; Monday afternoonVat j the liome of Guests will-include members^ husbands- and friends/ of the Auspliary Miss Jean Montrose. . ;• - >•
PKOBATE NOTICE In the Matter "of the .Estate of Eric A. Anderson, Deceased. . ; • * • • • . • • • <
Notice Js hereby siren that the creditors of said deceased, will meet. the executrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas Counfy. Nebraska, at the County Court Itoom, In snid County, on the 12th 'day of September, lltt'J. nifd on the 12tli day of November, .193:1, :it i> o'clock A. M., vacli .da}', for tire purposo of-'presenting their claims for ex.-iiuiimtion, ndjiistment .stud allowance. Three mouths lire allowed for the creditors Jo present their tlniins, from, tilt? V2th dny of August, 1932. DISYCB'CKAWFOnn. T-2C-52-3t. County Judge. F::At>ENaUKG, STALJ1ASTER Jfc BSISUU. Attorneys. CSO Omatui Kntlonal ititnk Uultding
NOTICE Is hereby given thnt at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Investments, Incorporated, held Notice is hereby given that on the -8th. Insurance the 10th iday of January, 1932. at two day of August, IU32, nt ten: o'cloct A. M., on o'clock. I*. the following Article was nt 2110 So. 33th Street^ Omaha,-Nebrnska,- amended fo M., read as follows: tbe undersigned will sell at public auction o the highest bidder for cash:.: ' * ARTICLE V "The authorized capital stock of the One Iteming ton National Cash - Register, . corporation shall be $3no.000.00, dividcovered by -<ih.Tttel mert«a£<S in, favor of ed Into 33,000 shares of the par ralnu C E. Hain, signed'bylAhtoaiS-.'Turinniist of ?1O.W/52C0.O00 of which shall be nnd Hilda K. Tiirnqni*t,"-'6nkl inort-g:rcii being dated the ISth 'day-"of; March. 1082, '• common. stvtk and 5100.000 of which and having been filed in the-office of-tbe shall be preferred stock." County Clerk of Douglas County!. NebrasIN:. WJTXESS WHERKOF. we have ka, on the 21st day of March. liSPi.',S:ild hereunto set our official signatures nt the sale will l»e for the purpose- of foreclosing Home "Office of the Company mid caused said mortgage, for costs of/.;Sale* and all to be' hereto'affixed I lie corptvrnie seal, on accruing costs and for the purpose of sat- this 19th day of January, 1932. isfying the amount now thereon to-wit: H. P. FAKBER, S55.00. that no suit or^. other .proceedings President. at law have been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. M. L. SIcTAUUAKT. Secretary C. 11 HAIN! Mortgagee.
... • S A L E
Miss.Dorothy Margolin of Omaha, is a guest at the .home of Mr. and iMrs. A. B. Friedman. Miss Helen: Friedman will accompany Miss Mar1 The pupils; of the-local Hebrew golin back to Omaha, where' she school will -hold their annual. outing will visit with friends. and- picnic' at RiversidePark, next Wednesday • ajfterriopiv August 3. i A Sol Lansberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. program of games, sports arid .enterJohn Lansberg, has returned from tainment has been, arranged, by the Mothers' Association, whiclffis spon- St. Paul to spend the summer with soring the ,,Ricnic-.:. Ice. cream and his parents. drinks wiljui;be furnished by the Miss Neomi Cohen, Miss Bonny Mothers' Association. The children will be accompanied* by Mr. Louis Theodore and Jrving Green, visiting Schilling and Mr. Aaron -Tab'ai, in- in Sioux City over the week end, en route to the Twin Cities. structors of the school. r The Hebrew school vacation will Mr. and Mrs. Max Ginsberg enbegin August 8. Classes will be retertained as their guests this week, sumed on August 22. Mrs. Manesewichi and children of Milwaukee. Mrs..Ginsberg entertained thirty guests Saturday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Manesewich.
Many Attend Workmen's Circle Picnic
Over 300 people attended the annual picnic, sponsored' last Sunday afternoon and evening by the Workmen's Circle, in -Riyerview; park;.. ;,A prograinr;of-:sporti5 and; gamtis occupied the afternoon honrsii /Mr. I. Singer was in charge of; the arrahgem e n t s .
•-, •
Miss Marjorie Frieden of Los Angeles has departed for Omaha, Neb., where she will visit with,, friends before returning to California. She was accompanied to Omaha-by Miss Louise Herzoff. Mrs. S, Chudacoff has arrived in the city toi visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and/Mrs. A. Levine: Members of the Iota Tau sorority "met this week at the home of Miss Bessi Harlow. Plans were discussed for a week-end outing at Saunders Beach. Miss Rose Tesler of LeMars was a guest at the meeting.
Funeral services for Louis'. Lavine, 79,-220 South Howard street, were held Sunday from the family residence. Mr. Lavine died Friday night in his home, after an illness of six months. ^ He-had been a resident of Sioux City for 35 years. He was born in Russia, and lived in St. Joseph, Mo. and Omaha, Nebr., before coming to Sioux City to make his home. He is survived by six sons, -Ralph, Charles, Morris and Julius, of Sioux City; George,: of Omaha, and Jack, of St. Paul, Minn., and three daughters, 'Mrs. C. Garlock, Grand Rapids, Minn.; Ethel Lavine, Spokane, Wash., and Esther Lavine, of Sioux City. Joel Hattoff,; 2-year-old son of M*. and Mrs. M. Hattoff, 1001 Dubuque street, died in a local hospital Sun day morning, following an operation. ' Funeral services were held Monday ^afternoon, from the residence of- W. -Weinstein, lOil Virginia street. Rabbi M. Braver officiated. Besides his , ^parents, the boy is survived by a 'sister, Beulah.
STOIIP & SCBAEFER ; "We feed the multitude" H With Tasty Foods
7-22-32-31.' • '
County Judge.
Wifnrss .
Irrin Stalmnster.
"Notice is hereby given that at n mooting of the stockholders of The Arena. Inc.. n corporation, held on March 10. lO.'iO. in Oni!ibii,:Nebr38kn, it was irunnimoni:ly voted to dissolve said <-orporJitipii »t oncf. J ,T. ISAACSON, i'rcftldmit. ROY FEI/TMAN. SfCreiary. 7-S-.".-4t. • .
Notice i» hereby given thnt at a meeting of the stockholders of Hotel Investment Company, ii corporation, held on June 27. 11)32, in Omaha. NcbrnskB, it wn8 tn.iinimouxly voted to dissolve said corDDrutiou s:i onctv--
VMX FlUni,ER. President. BKItTIiA t"Ii:i>r>KI5, Scuretnry.
Preserve nnd Modernize Your Property by
Painting and Decorating
Phones: WA. 343S or JA. 1535
6547 Pacific St.
be. "Kendls Furniture Compnn-y, P. »!. KLUTZN1CK. U. J. IIOLDSBEItU.
For Three Days Only July 2 8 - 2 9 - 3 0
IKVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney. S01 Electric Building. v
1928 model covered by chattel mortgage in favor of Shames Iiody & Kadiator Company, signed by M. A. IMlgrim and I.ucllle I'ilgriui, said mortgage being dated the n t h day of March, 15)32. and having been en filed f e d in i the offiee of t i e C Cp C Clerfcfc of Douglas Couuty, Nebraska, on the 2Sth day of Slarch, 103S. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage, for costs of sale and all accruing </>sis and for the purpose of satisfying the amount now due thereon $U!).SD on said mortgage and the sum of $^4.00 on a Jleii for repairs and work completed additional to the consideration of said mortgage and that no suit or other proceedings at law have been Instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. SHAMES r.ODY & UADIATOK CO. P.y MAX SHAMES, Proprietor. 7-15-32-3t, ABKAHAUS & OTONNOK, Attorneys. 400 Brnndels Theater Hide.
' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OP IAWRENCE. INC. Notice is hereby giveu thnt the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shall be T,A\VRENCK, INC. The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall !>e the City ot Omaha. Douglas County. Nebrastn, hut business may be transacted in any other city, county or state. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall lie: To manufacture, acquire., sell, pledge, exchange, and deal generally in goods, wares, merchandise, nrid personal property of every kind and description; to acquire, hold. sell, alienate or encumber real and personal property of «very • kind and description •wheresoever situated, including the'stocks, bonds, debentures, or other evidences of indebtedness and obligations .of any, corporation, and to issue in payment or exchange there-: for its own stock, notes, bonds, debentures or other obligations; to acquire the good will, rights and property of all kinds, and to take over the."whole or" any part of the assets and liabilities of any person, firm, association or corporation engaged in a similar line of business.'and to pay for the same in cash, stock, notes, "bonds,, debentures, or other obligations of this corporation : '.6 borrow money and_ to secure the payment thereof in' any Lawful ih:mrier, to make and perform: contracts of every kind and description, and to do any and-all. other things for the" purposes of the corporation whlc& a hat nraJ person could do. and may now or hereafter be authorized by law. The authorized capital stock of the corporation is $10.000 00 divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of which is common stock nnd when issued shall be fully paid and rion-nssessihle. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of these Articles in the office of the County Clerk nnd shall terminate upon the first day of August. 1982. unless sooner dissolved By a majority vote, of the outstanding capital stock. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board -of Directors of not less than two nor more than five, the number to be fixed by the By-Laws. The officers shall lie chosen by the directors and shall be President, Vice-President, and SecretaryTreasurer, any two of which offices may be held by one person. These Articles way be amended at any annual meeting of the stockholders, or nt any special meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose by n majority vote In amount of the stock then outstanding. The corporation shall have a seal.
decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end al\ matters pertaining to Baid.estnte may be finnlly settled and de- •-;;•••••• U R Y C E CRAWFORD.
Kystem Furniture Stores. Inc.' held on.ilu1
.Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws Morris Rueben visited last week at of the State of Nebraska. The nnme of the the ^home; of . Si Hurwitz in Vennil- corporation is "Hariey Electric" and: the" principal place of transacting its business lion, .South IJakota. is in Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted Is to carry on an electric busiJTRAI>ENBURG, STAtMASTEK * BEBEB ness and such other business as in the judgment of the corporation shall be '•...:-:.: OSCAli T. DOERR . . deemed advantageous or desirable nnd fo P H I L I P M. KLUTZNICK hold real and personal property for the • ;'• •'-Attorney* a l Law .v--.> purpose of carrying on said business. The . 650 Omaha National. Bank Bnlldlnr. authorized capital stock of the corporation '8?.! , h e T . w o Thousand Dollars which NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OP shall be divided into two hundred shares S. KIEKE8.& SON, INC. Notice is hereby given that ht a meet- of par value of Ten Dollars each. This coring of the stockholders of S. Riekes & poration shall be managed by a board of Son, Inc., a corporation, held on June 27th, three directors, who shall be elected nt 1032, in Omaha, Nebraska, It was unanim- the annual meeting from among the stockously voted to dissolve said corporation holders. The officers shall consist of n president, vice-president, secretary i and at once. .. • • -p trensnrer. Any two of said offices may be S. RIEKES. President " held by any one person, except the offiee ETHEL KIEKES KLUTZNICK, of president nnd vice-president. The an:.-•';"-• Secretary. ; nual meeting of the stockholders shall be 7-8-3-4t : . . . ' . . . . ... hem on the first Monday in January of each year nt two o'clock P. M. Special IKVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney. meetings may be called by the president S01 Electric Bide. at any time or by a majority of the board of directors. The highest amount of inNOTICE B I PUBLICATION ON PETI- debtedness which this corporation shall at TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL, any time contract shall not exceed two: ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. thirds of its capital stock. The property In the County Court of Douglas County, Of the stockholders nnd officers of this corporation shall nt all times be exempt Nebraska. In the Mutter of the Estate of Molly Kula- from liability for thp corporate debts, nnd no stockholder or officer, shall be held or : kofsky. Deceased.liable for any debt, contract, llnAll persons interested In said matter are deemed bility or tort of the corporation. The corhereby notified that on the 10th day of poration shall begin business as soon ns July, 1932, Jerohm Kulakofsky filed a the Articles Incorporation nre filed with petition in said County Court, praying the.Secretaryof of of the State of Nethat bis final administration account filed brnskn, and shallState continue for a period herein be settled and allowed, and thot he of fifty years unless dissolved by the be discharged from his trust as adminis- stockholders or by operation of law. The trator nnd that a hearing will be had on Board of Directors may make by-laws fo said petition before said Court on the 13th the government nnd control of the corday of August, 1032, and-that If you fail poration or its officers as they mny deem to appear before said Court on the snid proper nnd mny niter, repeal or amend the 13th day of August. 1932. at 0 o'clock same upon vote of a majority of the board A. U., nnd contest said petition, the Court of directors. These articles of incorporamny grant the prayer of said petition, tion may be amended nt any regular or meeting of the stockholders upon enter a decree of helrship, and make such special: other nnd further orders, allowances and. ten days' written notice hnvinc; been given
. ' . • - . ,
•JNth day of June, 1032, in 10 A. M., in the bffic-c of Irvm Stnlmaster, G.K) Omaha National IJniik liiiildiiig, Omaha, Nchrnskii, ArlJelf I of tlie Arlicles of Incorporation of s:ild company was duly amended to rend a s follow £: "ArtlcJe I. The-name of this corporation
Announcement ..was made at the A. Z. A. • meeting held Wednesday evening at the Seville cafe,- that Art Gelfand,' was: the^ winner-..x»f vthei.recenfe"- J, C . C . ^tennis,.(jtaurnament, sponsored' by the- Ideals A. Z.< A. -chapMr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt and famten -He defeated Reuben Halpern in the<-junior division^:-- ' -; : j.._;>•; ily spent the last weekend at Lake Twelve members have entered the Okoboji. golf : tournament, sponsored by the Rabbi and Mrs. Herman, Martin of organization. They are Dan Baker, Al Herzoff, Morris. Lefkovjch, Mar- New York City were guests this tin Kosberg, Bernard' Lairibwitch, week at the H. Margolin home. Fred 'Herzoff^' Max: Mafori,•:'-Morris Miss Rosanette Barrent. has reBorsheysky, Jack Reznick, Bernard turned from Ornaha; where she visSkaloysky arid Leonard Hall; Plans were made 'at the' meeting ted with friends and relatives. for a party for prospective members Archie Kantor is spending the to be held this mont^i. The program after the business meeting. Wednes-. summer at a boys' camp at Lyons, day included brief. talks by; Isadore Colorado. Mirowitz, Vfho.- attended the internaMr. and Mrs. J. Olensky and famtional contention in WinniDeg and Martin Kosberg. A novelty number ily have returned from New York City,'where they visited with friends was presented by Arnold. Baron. The following.committees were ap- for several weeks. pointed at the, .meeting: Program, '••••• A L B E R T G. R E U B E N , Bill Mosow; ^athletics, Max Zeligson, Miss Fern Wolf son visited in ChiMILTON R. ABRAHAMS. Leonard Haj£ and. Ernest Epstein, cago last week. • Incorporators. and social committee, Morris. Bor. FRADENBURG, 8TAL5USTEK A shevsky, Jack Resnick and Stanley Guests in Sioux City, from Oma- ' BEBER, Attorneys. : Herzoff. ' - 650 Omaha National Bank Building ha, last week included Sheffield Katskee, Al Friedman, Lou and":Al NOTICE ' OF INCORPORATION OF "HANEY ELECTRIC'-' . Sof and Nate Galinsky. • ?
Notice is Hereby given that at n special rmwlng of tlie slockluiiilei'S of the "C-ish
Notice Is hereby given that on the 8th day of August, llKil', at teu o'clock a. in., iha undersigned will sell at public auction to tlie hiphest bidder for cash at members. Prizes will • be: given and 1000 Cumiujj Street, Umaha, Nebraska, Mn and Mrs. .Max Merlin, 1915 kuown us Shames ISody & ii.ulialor Comlight refreshments will be' served by Pierce street, announce the birth of pany, the following: the hostesses. ' One Oldsiuohile Coach, motor number a daughter. 3O4OIXJ-3 and serial number P719^3. being n
Children's Picnic: on tyjeditesday
FKADENBURG, 8TALMA8TER & BEBEB 630 Omaha National Bank Bldff.
FRANK F . HA NET. : LOTTIE HANBX, LTTCY. SKA'KKA. In the. presence of Jos. B. Fradenburg.
r ,
- - • :
• : • • • - • •
• , . - • • - . • -
Allows ncesjon
Each Tire
4.75-194.75-20. 5.00-19 5.00-20 5^5-18
5JS-20 5J5-21_ 5^0-18 _ 5.50-19_ 5^0-20. 6.00-17_ 6.00-18.. 6.00-196.00-20._ 6.00-2L 6.50-19 7.00-18
W H A T YOUR W O R N T l RE$ W O R T H ! » » » Look
Set of 4
•7.*© SS9O •.SO
II.OO XI.2O ZI.4O XX.frO XX.4O XX.6O IX.8O X3.OO X4.OO 14. *O X4.XO I4-4O X4.6O X7-XO I7-6O 4-5O X8.OO
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4.40-2L. 4.50-20_ 4.75-194.75-204.75-2L. 5.00-195.00-20_ 5.00-2L.
allowances toward the 7 price of We are swamped with calls for new Goodyears — largest selling partly used tires. Our used tire tires in the world. If you act quickstock lias been shot to pieces. ly you can sell us the milesleft in Right now this shortage puts a your worn tubes' a t ' market value on used tires that FULL CASH VALUE enables us. to offer you tremendous more OFF than ON your car <• Now your worn tires are.worth
5.2S-1&. S.2S-30L
5.50-196.00-206.00-2L 6.00-22-
ED TIRE BUYERS! The exchanged tires go on sale to you asfast as they are taken off and inspected. Come take your pick. Dbpend on us to treat you right on prices. | .•-.
- x
1 Similar allowances on all I sizes » Exchange it L
4, or 5 tires » Free mounting
and Capitol Ave. OSIAHA, NEBR.
£f 3 ,
Hoberman Bros., Proprietors