.: In the : Interests of the ewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
ABecond-Class Mail Mattel on JauuntyyT. j^ zP- \ Umahn. Nebraska, under the Act of March .8. 1879
Decrees Boycott Not Breach of Peace
Manufacturers and Horticultur— ists Find Most Excellent Fields
Posen, Poland (J. T. A.).—The magistrate -of- Gnesen,~near Posen, ruled that appeals for the boycott of Jewish r shops do not constitute- a breach of the peace. Everyone, t i e magistrate held, is entitled to warn prospective shoppers against Jewish shops. • • . . . . The verdist, was given in a test case submitted by the police, who arrested two; members of the .antiSemitic Rational "Democratic party, who" stood: outside Jewish 'shops and prevented; Christians from entering, ~
Former Head of World Zionists Says Occupied by Science
Einstein Thinks ike Spinoza of Religion Berlin (J. T; A-).—-My attitude toward religion | s the same as that of "Tpinoza, - declared. Professor Albert Einstein in a; letter to the "Christliche Welt" in response to the latter's inquiry. ; The inquiry [was made following a report declaring that Einstein had said God's creation of the world can be compared to an artist's creation, ust as an artist must have a plan so. the.world must have been created in the spirit of the existing God. Denying this alleged quotation, Professor Einstein <leclared: "I consider immortality only in the sense described by Spinoza. I consider the being and its .attributes and its thinking only, in Spinoza's way but not as individual existence."
CANADIAN mm SPEAKER UPHOLDS GOGLU ACCUSATION Deputy Speaker iir Parliament Supports Ritual Murder Charges
Vol. IX—No. 27
Jewish War Vets Threaten Nazi Tactics Vienna (J. T. A.).—A mass meeting of 1,000 Jewish veterans of the World. War, headed by the Jewish General Heller, was held here to protest against the persecution of the Jews in Austria by the Nazis. Speakers emphasized that Jewish soldiers laid down their lives for Austria during the war. Resolutions adopted demand the government offer effective protection to the Jews. The soldiers threatened to use the same methods employed by the Nazis for self-defense if the government does not take the necessary protective measures.
JEWS PLEASED AS NAZIS FAIL OF MAJORITY Uerman Leaders Emphasize Continuance of Fight for Jewish Rights
London.—(J. T. A.) — Dr. Chaim Quebec.—(J. T. A.)—Armand Lav, New York ( J . T . A.).—While alWeizmann, in a statement to the Jewergne, deputy speaker of the CanadBerlin (J. T. A.).—the Jews of most "every other country in "the ish Telegraphic Agency indicated that ian Parliament, in reply to an inquiry Germany breathed more freely when •world is unable- to marketi satisfache has no intention of seeking to readdressed to him by the Jewish Telethe final election results of Sunday - lorily its industrial and agricultural turn to leadership in world Zionist afgraphic Agency, denies he is an antimade clear that Adolph Hitler's Naproducts, Palestinian' producers confairs at present. ' ' ' Semite but affirms his belief that the tional Socialist party has not gained tinue 'to dispose of their goods and ews were responsible for ritual murRumors that adherents of Dr. Weiza majority in the Reichstag. For the the country continues to offer opporders. mann wouidseek t o pave* the -way for second time within four months Hittunities f or"manufacturers and hortiins return to leadership :at the Actions "1 am not an anti-Semite," M. Laler's forecast of dictatorship by the culturists, according to reports just Committee meetings Tiave been curvergne states. "I am not interested in vote of the people h i s been blasted. received from Talestine by the Amerrent. '..'.;' the Goglu campaign. I believe Jewican Economic Committee for PalesThe -National Socialists polled-13,ish ritual murder is historically provDr. Weizmann, who made an unextine.^ In addition, the reports point 732,000 votes of a total of 36,976,000 n. That is all." pected appearance at the Actions sesout that .while other governments, bevotes cast, gaining a total of 230 Mr. Lavergne aroused the indignasions stated to the Jewish Telegraphic cause of world-wide economic condiseats. The vote represents an intion of the Canadian Jewish ComAgency that he did not intend to tions, are experiencing difficulty with crease of 7,331,210 votes over the munity with the publication of an participate in the debate in the Acfinancing their operations,;. the govNazi poll of 1930 and a gain of 113 article in "Le Miroir," organ of the tions Committee. ernment of Palestine, which had a Refuse to Abandon Plans for seats. anti-Semitic Goglu brothers, wherein He attended the sessions merely to Calling of World-Wide deficit of 40,971 • pounds • in . 1930, The Nazis received 37.4 per cent he approved the accusation of the Demand Restrictions and Warn prevent any misinterpretations and to Conference showed a surplus of 61,383 pounds of the total vote cast'and even in a Goglus that the Jews commit ritual set at rest any rumors, that he is boyPopulation of Influx of on January 1, 1932. combination with thef Nationalists almurders. cotting the Actions Committee of Germany New York.—(J. T. A.)—The Amer- which he is a member. lied with Dr. Alfred Hugenberg, who I. Rokach, managing director of ican Jewish Congress has made public won 41 seats, he cannot hope to Believes Ritual Stories. Dr. Weizmann asserted that he is the "Pardess" Company and presi- a communication sent to Alfred M. Vienna.—{J. T. A.)—"Buying from control the Reichstag. Soviet to Also Lend Its Aid Montreal.—The Deputy speaker of devoting himself entirely to scientific dent of the newly established Jaffa Cohen, president of the B'nai Brith, Jewish leaders in Germany are for Erecting Own the Canadian Parliament, Armon La- Jews is no less a crime against the Citrus Fruit, Exchange, reports that refusing to abandon its plans for the work which absorbs him fully- and verne, sprang a sensational surprise Nation than is selling ammunition to pleased with the results of the Houses more than 3,500,000 cases of oranges World Jewish Conference in Geneva that he does not intend to change his by upholding the anti-Jewish allega- the enemy in times of war," is the Reichstag election to the extent that and grapefruit were exported from on August 14, challenging his state- present mode of life. boycott slogan spread by the Austrian the results failed to give the Nazis Palestine during 1931-32 and predicts ment to the effect that the B'nai Brith Berlin.—(J. T, A.)—Jews in Soviet tions of the anti-Semitic French- Nazis. a majority. Canadian Goglu Organization. Mr. that by 1937 the orange crop alone districts were unanimous in their disRussia, receiving aid from American The boycott agitation is making deIt is emphasized, however, that Laverne even approved of their accuwill be at least twice as large as it approval of B'nai Brith's participarelatives throngs the Ort, will in the cided inroads on Jewish business. The the fight for the maintenance of sation that Jews commit ritual muris at present. According to Mr. Ro- tion in the conference. future be able to build their own Nazis even demand that Austrian Jewish rights must not be regarded kach, 17,500 adidtional dunams of houses with the aid of the Soviet gov- ders, according to a report in the firms refuse to receive Jewish travel- as ended. The communication declares four "Canadian Jewish Eagle." land will be placed under orange culernment, according to an agreement The Central Union of German CitThis approval of the Goglu methods ling salesmen, even if they represent tivation during the current year. An E'nai. Brith districts in Palestine, concluded between the Ort and the non-Jewish firms. Havana (J. T. A.).—The municEngland, Roumania and Turkey have izens of the Jewish Faith, in a stateagainst Jews is voiced, according to experiment in the export of eggs has Soviet, and made public here by the The Nazi press seeks to persuade ment to the Jewish Telegraphic Agenthe "Eagle," in an article which the already been .made:with highly sat- voted unanimously to participate in ipality of Havana has adopted a Ort, the population that "a Jewish invasion cy declared that "the election reisfactory results and this experiment the World Jewish Conference and measure increasing the price of pedFor the purpose of aiding Jews in Deputy speaker of the Canadian Par- of Austria" is imminent. The paper sults confirm that, within the Gerdlers' licenses from $6 to $129 per that the Palestine District has elected may lead t o , the development of an Soviet Russia to overcome the housing liament published in the chief organ charges that many of the Jews who man nation, no majority exists for Mayor M. Dizengoff to represent it. person. important branch of agriculture. shortage, the Ort will provide 40 per of the Goglu Organization, "Le acquired right of domicile from the the desire to deprive Jews of their The measure severely affects 500 There are eight B'nai Brith districts Miroir." Mr. Laverne takes issue The building, material .and furniture abroad and seven in this country. Jewish peddlers, none of whom are cent of the building cost secured in with Judge Dejeanu, who in the pro- Socialist government are now re- rights. This, however, means nothmanufacturing industries are making valuta from American relatives. The communication calls attention in a position to pay the license fee. ceedings against the Goglu publica- turning to Austria. The influx is ing as far as the different political good progress, according to the re- to the fact .that the Jews in twentyThe remaining sixty per cent of the tions condemned their anti-Jewish largely from Germany. Joining this combinations of individual parties are As a result they will be compelled ports and the. increased activity in one countries have definitely accept- to seek new means of livelihood. cost will be granted the prospective mass migration movement are Ger- concerned. Should it come to a Naziplanting is supplying work to dozens ed the invitation to the World Con- Sixty per cent of the families of builder .by the -Soviet Government and agitation. man Jews who seek escape from Hit- Centre,.coalition, we are certain that Although he begins his article with of factories and workshops. In a ference" and have already elected Jewish peddlers will remain without the Ort jointly on long term loans reler, the press asserts. the' Centre will energetically combat the assurance that he is not and never recent statement,. Heschel Farbstein dose to one hundred delegates to rep- means of earning a living. payable over a period of twenty The exclusion of such Jews is de- any open attempts against the Jews.** was an " anti-Semite, the Deputy of Poland, member of the Executive resent them. •"'•' " » . ' - . • manded by. the Nazi organs. They The turnover and the possessions . y e a r s . / ' ' I The Central Union statement says of the Woria Zionist Organization •The Americanr Jewish Congress of the richest Jewish peddler is not The Soviet gjfvei/iiiaent will supply speaker rebukes Judge Dejeanu-for warn the populace that -unless this further that now that the Nazis hare not .believing that Jews use Christian 1 and of .the Jewish Agency, declared communication is in reply-to <a letter m o r e : t h a n $ 1 5 . ; part ^ the material ana the labor re"mass invasion of Jews ' is hatted _become the strongest single party in . .•••'-. _ that, there are -good opportunities, by Alfreh M. Cohen, pubKsTied in the quirtdrT6r-bTiaifibg -the- ileuses.. This blood for ritual purposas. Hx. La- t i e Jews will rob them of their live- the Reichstag the Central UnionTnust oijin^for the manufacture of various Jewish Daily Bulletin of July 25th in measure is considered a source of veme states that -a -Pope has can- lihood. conduct a stronger campaign against types of - metal goods such as locks, which he' formally declines -for the great relief by Russian Jews, it is firmed that the Jews ruse Christian libeious attacks upon the Jews. blood, by the fact that !*e has -conlatches, pipes, plumbing fixtures, elec- E'nai Brith participation in the constated. The "Juedische -Rundschau," organ ferred .sainthood on one of the martyrs Vienna.—The disagreement over the trical equipment, etc. *."During: 1931 ference^ arid calls -upon -the American : terms of the Austrian loan, which is of the Zionist Federation, states ediof V "ritual murder;' Mr. Laverne over 85,000 pounds worth of.,pipes Jewish Congress fto abandon its plans Berlin.—An appeal' to American takes'iidefe Svathjrthe Goglus and af- preventing a customs union with Ger- torially that the elections prove ^that for irrigation and sewerage purposes in' this direction. "Jewry t o aid the Ort and save its in- firms "they" "-are providing a "defense many is utilized by the Nazi press the Nazis .are not losing their, presalone were imported," Mrf Farbstein The American Jewish Congress comto place the responsibility on the ent strength in the. Reichstag, and stitutions from -bankruptcy was made pointed out, "and these might well: nmnication states "that- the B'nai Demonstration of Activities by byDr. David Lvovitch, member of the fight against the Jews" and that the Jews. that they may become menacing if Jews in Canada have-not equal rights have befcn manufactured in Pales- Brith letter, addressed to Bernard S The Jews, the papers charge, ruined law projects similar to the Prussian 'Wprld Executive of the Ort at a press with the Christians, since ChristenChildren at Summer tine." Deutsch, president of the Congress conference. dom is part of the Canadian constitu- Austria economically and financially confiscation law come before the Project and are now selling Austria to Reichstag. There has recently been a large arrived on July 26, a day after its The work of the Ort, which has cost tion. France for a small loan. increase in the flow of new capital authorized release in the Jewish Daily The paper expresses the hope, howSunday, August 14, is the day .set world Jewry millions of dollars, is on The Christian Socialist government ever, that the Centre party will alinto Palestine, according to a state- Bulletin when Mr. Deutsch had. al- for the exhibit of the Jewish Com- the verge of collapse. The equipment has united with Jewish capitalism to ways oppose measures aimed against ment made by Siegfried Hoofien, Teady left for. Europe. The reply in munity Center Play»SchooL of the one hundred and seven trade make Austria a French colony, they the Jews and that Hitler will be inpresident of the Manufacturers' As- behalf of Mr. -Deutsch was -signed by The exhibition will be after the schools-maintained by the Ort in Easassert. , sociation and manager of the Anglor the Executive Director of the Con- Summer Play School has been fin- tern Europe will not be able to be fluenced by the reaction of public The Nazi publication, "Mittagblatt opinion abroad which has condemned Palestine bank. Most of this new gress, Ajbrahffm H . .Cohen. ]'••'. ished land will demonstrate what is maintained unless it receives aid from has been confiscated for its attack anti-Semitism. capital has been invested in housesj done at the classes.- The Center will abroad, Dr. Lvovitch stated. Samuel Babior, aged 53, passed land, orange" groves, mortgages and Next to the Nazis the largest depu« The conference with the press was away Wednesday morning at his upon the Jews in this connection. be the scene of the exhibit. several branches of industry. Only tation in the Reichstag will be comSeveral plays and pantomimes will arranged in order to make clear the home, S523 Davenport, after a two bankrupts were reported during posed of the Socialists who won 133 be presented by the dramatic classes. present situation of the Ort. month's illness. Born in Russia, he the firstlthree months of 1932, one seats, which represents, a loss of 10 A special feature will be a minstrel resided in Omaha for the past 29 an Arab- arid one a Jew, and the seats over their representation in show by the older boys in the van years and had been a grocer for 20 number of'"unemployed in the coun1930. .The finals of the annual Highland ous classes. years. try is comparatively small. Country Clnb golf tournament The Communist party, polling 5,.There will also be an exhibition of Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—The PalesHe is survived by his widow, Hanscheduled for this coming i Sunday, the work done in" toymaMng, sewing nah; two sons, Louis and Abe, Omaha; tine Revisionist Councilj has decided 277,000 votes, gained 88 seats, an when Mickey. JCrupinsky meets tin and knitting: All parents arid friends two daughters, Mrs. H. Brown, Oma- to demand the resignation of Meie: increase of 11 over its representawinner of the Abe Brodkey-J. Milder of' the •children attending the Play ha, and Mrs. David R. Weisblat of Grossman and Robert Lichtheim from tion in 1930. . This is the largest : match. , in ,the hisSchool, are especially invited to the Los Angeles, and four grandchildren. the World Executive of the Revision- Communist reprtsentation Krupinsky gained the chance for exhibit •" tory of the Germanr Reichstag. Services were held Thursday morn- ist Union. the crown by downing Richard Hille: New York (J. T. A.).—Jewish pu ing at the home, with burial in the Adolpn Hitler's party vote exceedWilliam L. Holzman, president of The Council also demanded that in a semi-final inatch, 2 up. the Jewish Community Center and pils in the public schools of Phila Golden Hill cemetery. the Revisionist members of the Ac- ed the vote received by Hitler during The champion will be awarded a Welfare Federation, addressed the delphia excel in scholastic records tions Committee resign if the Gen- his presidential candidacy by 300,000. silver loving cup a f a . s t a g , the dat assembly last Tuesday. On Wednes according- to a study by Dr. Julius The Jewish population anxiously eral Council of the World Zionist Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A strict in- for which has not yet been set. watched the returns of the elections, day .Jack Marer, chairman of the B. Mailer, director of educational re- Eashruth Controversy Organization fails to reject thi Testigation" ;of the: administrator of Community Center committee, spoke search, Union of American Hebrew Rages Anew French report and if it negotiates which were broadcast. the .government grain trust, Ch. Gar- Dr. Fishbein Gets Italian Paterson.—The Kashrptb: contro- with the government on certain recto the children. : The teachers, pre- Congregations. on, who allegedly has refused employ- Award — The study revealed the following versy that raged here for a consider ommendations in the report. Results Gratify Hitler sented a stunt called."Pokey Huntus." _ ment to >Jewish newcomers in Stalinable length of time -and that was Munich.—Gratification with the reChicago.—Dr. Morris Fishbem, ed- Thursday morning* Hyman Goodbind- facts: dorf, lias been ordered by the State's itor of the Journal 'of s ihe Ataerican «r's gym class entertained the chilsults of the. election was expressed Jewish pupils constitute 19.8 per believed settled when a committee of. Attorney in Bira Bidjan. here by Adolph Hitler, National Socent of the total enrollment in th< prominent citizens intervened,, has Arab Gets One Year for Medical Association, was awarded tin dren with stunts. broken out anew with charges by Incendiarism cialist leader. public schools of Philadelphia. It has already been established by a insignia1 of the Commander of t b that "50 -Jerusalem.—One year's imprisonThe age, distribution of Jewish pu Rabbi William Wittenstein The Nazi chieftain expressed the special committee appointed by. the Crown of Italy. _-"-" ' Fellowship of Faiths : per--cent of the meat- sold- -H* sup- ment was the sentence imposed by certainty that the Nazis would be sapils presents some differences from Communist Party investigating, the' .Cleveland.—A branch of; the World The honor was conferred on .Dr. reasons for food shortage that mis- Fishbein in recognition of Ms serv- Wide Fellowship .of Faiths has been the total school population. The Jew posedly kosher butcher shops i s this the court upon the Arab who set preme in any coalition of the Right. "I am deeply gratified," he said, management, is responsible for; tins ices to Italian medicine and Italian organized here l>y Rabbi Abraham ish group in the elementary schools city, is not in accordance with Jew- fire to a threshing floor near Zich ish dietary laws." Ton Jacob in Jane. "younger," having "because the Communists and the situation. On the other hand,; it was physicians. Nowak of the Temple on the Heights. y Socialists together have fewer Reichslearned, that sthe Land Commisariat slightly greater proportion among the tag mandates than the Nazis alone. has ordered the liquidation of all stafive-year-olds and a smaller propor That "clearly establishes our party's tions in the- Chabarovsk region which tion among the 13-to-15-year-olds. hegemony in anv coalition of the were established to grant fbod , and Among the Jewish pupils there Right." shelter to Jewish immigrants ehroute a smaller proportion of over-age and to Bira Bidjan;-.. • a larger proportion of under-age than The building of the agricultural inin the total school child population. Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A group of stating prior to his departure: stitute at Chabarovsk was also discon-r Los Angeles.—(J.T. A.) •— While list. According to a story in the Lo This indicates a tendency among the tinued. This,according to a wire re- the Ku Klux Klan has been considered Angeles Times', these Kluxers came at Jewish pupils to be accelerated, in Los Angeles Jews who migrated to would rather stand in line for Hbov ceived by , the "Emess" endangers a dead organization throughout the the call of Jay Kellogg, a cowboy a grade higher than expected from Bira Bidjan in June with a view to er's charity soup than enjoy the so Denver (J. T. A.).—The 28th anJewish agricultural plans. •;•..; country for the past few years, sevr evangelist. From the altar or stage the child's chronological age. permanent settlement there are either called Soviet fortunes." nual meeting of the Jewish ConTwenty-seven American Jews, inThe higher age-grade status of th returning to the United States, disap- Rashkes has telegraphed that immi-, eral incidents within the past six of this huge auditorium gleaned thi sumptives' Relief Society heard a recluding three women and six children fiery cross and three large sections o: Jewish child increases from the lower grants arriving from Germany and months in and around Los Angeles pointed, or coming, to Moscow,with the port from its treasurer showing a who landed in Leningard on their wa; the Argentine for settlement in Bira indicate that it.is still flourishing to white garbed men and women raise to higher grades. This indicates tha the roof with their applause as the the Jewish pupils have a higher rati hope of settling in Moscow, the to Bira Bidjan were not cared for b; [diminution of receipts from contribBidjan', will be housed in camps until "Emess" reports. the Leningard Ozet with the result: utors as a result of the economic dethe fall' when houses will be found for some extent in the Southwest. Some cowboy evangelist shouted, "I am an of progress through the grades. The paper mentions the Jewish fa- that for three days they remaine pression. Jewish pupils show a greater perthem. He states that better treat- time ago the police of Compton, a few all-American," and brandished two six The trustees have instituted econment must be accorded foreign set- miles west of Los Angeles, were call- shooters. centage of attendance, being absen milies.named Fitzman, Heller, Konsev without food or shelter, the "Emess omies so as to keep the credit of the tlers inasmuch as the newly arrived ed upon to tear down Ku Klux Klan "Never since the days of the nighi less frequently than non-Jewish pu and Bomart, among those who are de- also reports. serting Bira Bidjan. The first two Punishment for the Leningard Oze institution unimpaired and on a level groups are complaining. " posters urging the recall of several riders was such an exhibition of con- pils. The Jewish pupils are less fre- are already en route to the United is demanded by the Jewish Commun- with the budget. At the same time, officers for their alleged failure to verted bed sheets witnessed in on« there is to be no deviation from the ist daily. spot in a metropolitan city," said th< quently late to school, the proportio States. enforce the prohibition laws." '• Anti-Holidays. previous standard of the maintenance In this connection, the "Emess" se' of Jewish late-comers being only two On Monday more than three thou- Los Angeles Times. Moscow.—A campaign against all of the patients, as regards food, shelverely criticizes the American organithirds the proportion in the tota Grand Dragon of the Realm o; Jewish holidays was launched by the sand members of this white hooded Jewish Judge at ter and medical attention. zation "Icor" for sending as prospecschool population. Jewish Communists with the publica- brigade in all of their traditional trap- California, T. S. Moodie, stated in Gorguloff Trial tive settlers "traders and speculators talk after the sermon that the next The proportion of Jewish student: tion of an."Anti-Yomtovirn Apikoires" pings met in the Angelus Temple, the Jerusalem.—Sixty-four Je\vs> the Paris.—Eugene Dreyfus, the fa in the high schools of Philadelphia i who not only are unfit for B i d Bidinstitution, made notorious in the convention of the Klan will be held anti-holiday infidel's edition^ • majority of them Communists, have mous Jewish judge, was the presid jan, but spread counter-revolutionary Long Beach in 1934. "We expee 33.7 per cent. This is about tvnc headlines by Aimee Semple MabPherThe edition is-devoted io describing ing officer at the trial of the slayer registered for settlement in Bira Bid•ways and means of combatting the!son. Ma'• Kennedy and David Hutton, about 25,000 members to attend," hi as high' as their proportion in th sentiments there." of President Paul Doumer, Gorguloff jan. Th". naner Quotes Mr. Vit—^uin as stated. . " fiiementary schools of Philadelphia. the husband nf the woman evangeJewish holidays.
Jewish Peddlers Cannot Meet New Fee
Kie Kfajx l^anrters Come Back to Vigorous IJfe in California
Demand Resignation of Grossman,Lichtheim
Los Angeles Jewish Settlers in BiraOidjan Are Deserting Denver Consumptive
Relief Being" Pressed
THE JEWISH PRISS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor
FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . - . - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
ON A CRATER While Adolph Hitler, anti-Semitic fascist chieftain, did not ascend to the supreme control to which he aspired in last Sunday's elections in Germany, the results of the voting still leaves the Jewry of that nation precariously situated on top of a political orator. The Nazis failed to obtain a majority of the mandates to the Reich, but did double their number of elected representatives and tremendously strengthened their right to be recognized as the leading party in Germany. Daily the clouds on the Jewish German horizon grows darker, presenting a forbidding picture for future storms. Only last week Nahum Sokolow, president of the World Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency, pointed out that we have been underestimating the seriousness of the situation and that we must prepare for the possibility of the expulsion of all Jews from Germany and must discuss the problem of settling at least a part of them in Palestine. Emil Ludwig, world-famous Jewish biographer, is renouncing his German' citizenship and has applied for Swiss citizenship. The same is true of Erich Maria Remarque, noted author of "All Quiet on the Western Front," and hundreds of German Jewish citizens not so well known. The recently-enacted ordinance by the Prussian Landtag calling for the confiscation of all property of Eastern European Jews who came into Germany after 1914 is an example of the barbaric extremes to which power-drunk Nazis can go. While this throw-back to medieval ignorance and illiberality is directed against only Eastern European Jews, 95 per cent of American Jewry as well as 80 per cent of West European Jewry originated in Eastern Europe and, as has been pointed out, the only reason the measure was confined to Western European Jews is because of fear of the stronger governments of Western Europe. An insight into the unbalanced state of the Nazi outlook can be gleaned from their main slogan of "Germany Awake! Judea Perish!" Somehow they have actually convinced millions of the preposterous theory that the Jewish people are responsible for Germany's present plight. Stoecker's anti-Semitism in the nineteenth century found a Germany unprepared to act upon it. Hitler's program finds a Germany, as put by "Nordicus," which is "biting the dust under: the heel of France." Bruised, bled and economically crushed, the German people will take anything which they think might ease their hunger, even anti-Semitism. Dr. A. A. Brill has, in this connection, stated that the Jews have performed a worthy function in history by having for centuries provided the "scape-goat force" upon which man can vent his pent-up bitterness. The least we can expect if Hitler gains complete power is a second or third class citizenship for the Jewish people in Germany. The Hitlerites have foisted upon the masses the nonsense of Aryan superiority arid the idea that the "schaffendes" capital, or creative capital employed in constructive industrial work, is Aryan and is to be looked up to, while "raffendes" capital, grasping capital amassed in banks, is Jewish and repellent. They are selling- the theory that non-Germans and Jews are synonymous and that the Jews should not be given the opportunity to make a livelihood in the Fatherland. Their growing power should make us realize that it is necessary for us to rally to the aid of our German brethren and protect and support them as we did Eastern European Jews in earlier days.
By the Way ,
That gambling business down in Long Beach which is so filling the New York papers' is interesting but not for the reason that is played up. Personally, I can never get excited about the importance of gambling raids. If people want to gamble, say I—let them gamble. Jews don't get excited about gambling. Just as they don't get excited about taking a "schnapps." Those are not particularly vices to Jews. And while I don't do a lot of things that perhaps a good Jew should, still on these points, it seems to me, they have a more rational point of view. Furthermore, say I, if you really are out to stop gambling— what about the stock exchange, what about the gambling in real estate? In their social consequences, these latter types of gambling are far more pernicious than whole is Jewish. But this Long Beach business interests me for quite another reason. Here, all the time we have been talking about the 100 per cent Jewish city of Tel Aviv. Well, here is another— if not 100 per cent—almost 100 per cent Jewish city only some twenty miles from New York City. Its mayor is Frankel—a Jew, and its Chief of Police—Grossman, another Jew—and so on down the line—almost the entire outfit including the population as a whole is Jeiwsh. And in another respect, it is similar to Tel Aviv. It is a beach city. Yet compare the two. Who would think of trying to show off with Long Beach as with Tel Aviv? Tel Aviv has two daily papers published in Hebrew, and if you ask me, they are as good and better than most of the English dailies published in the United States—I mean for towns of corresponding size. Tel Aviv has art museums, concerts, lectures. And Long Beach has hot dogs, and gambling raids.
ception of baseball and the nebular hypothesis. I suppose, it could be worked. A little daring can accomplish miracles. Remember that young artist I used to room with in years gone by. He and a friend decided to take the billboards advice and see America first. But he had no currency. Well, what didn't he do, as he came to towns. But the story I remember best is what happened at Savannah, Georgia. He and his pal were advised to see the President of the Temple there. They went—and the President of the Temple busted into them with a speech a mile long, laying them sweet and pretty. All they needed was a bunch of lillies and the picture metaphorically speaking would have been complete. And after the lecture, the President of the Temple drew forth one dollar out of his pocket and tendered it to them. What did the artist do? He took the dollar and hurled it back in the face of the President of the Temple, and the twain vagabonds did an about face and left. They walked about the streets of Savannah for the rest of the day. Or rather up to late. Then they returned to the President of the Temple. "We would like to have that dollar," they said.
Hebrew Calendar
—But NEVER one like this The best selections in Home Furnishings offered in this part of the country at the lowest prices in our memory with additional reductions that measure up to 50% Dining Suites from Rockford and Grand Rapids in beautiful walnut at HALF PRICE. Now 99.00, 125.00, 133.75,198.00. 3-Pc. and 4-Pc. Bedroom Suites. Now 49.50, 69.50, 89.50 and up. 2-Pc. Living Room Suites in Velour, Rayon Velour, Frieze, Tapestry, Mohair and other fine materials. Reduced to 39.50, 45.00, 59.50, .69.50, 99.50, etc. Unheard of values in Occasional Chairs in lovely coverings, 7.95,13.95, 19.75, 23.50. Several Hundred End and Coffee Tables at 2.89, 3.95, 4.95, 5.95. -Occasional tables, 5.75 and up. 9x12 Velvet and Axminster Rugs, 19.75, 24.75, 34.50. 9x12 Wilton Rugs, 37.50, 45.00 to 97.50. Many Extra Large Rags of all kinds Greatly Reduced. Prisdlla Curtains with ample ruffles in forty gay variations, 1.00, 1.25 per pair. . ' ' Inlaid linoleum, 97c, 1.15, 1.39 sq. yd. Felt Base Goods, 29c, 39c, 49c sg. yd. ' /. "| , Velvet and Axminster carpets, 1.35,1.95,'<2.75 to 4.75. ' . j •
' • -
Fast of Taiumnz Thursday, July 21 tU»sh Chodesh Ab Wednesday. Aug 3 Fast of Ah Thursday, Aug. 11 •Rosli Chodesh EllnL. Friday, Sept. 2 Kosh Hashoiiiih Saturday. Oct. 1 Yoiu Kippur Monday. Oct. 10 1st day Succoth Saturday. Oct. 15 Shomini Atzerefh Saturday, Oct. 22 Simchalh Torab Sunday. Oct. 23 •Kosh Chodesh Cheshvan Monday. Oct. 31 *Rosh Chodesh Kislev _. Wednesday, Nov. 30 1st day Chaiiiiknh— Saturday. Dec. 24 •Kosh Chodesh Tebeth Thiirsdaj. Dec. 29
That was a good rejoinder that young fellow gave to the Jewish "cultured" anti-Semite on the grounds in front of the New York library the other day. The Jewish anti-Semite, who prides himself on his culture and freedom fr6m bias, remarked: "All the persecution that the Jews have gotten down the ages they have merited—and more." And that blond young man standing around took a good look at him and said: "Well, looking at you, I think you arc right." "Aren't you a Jew?" continued the blond young man. "No, I am no Jew. I don't believe in the Bible. I don't go to synagogue. I don't take any stock in the Jewish religion." "But aren't you a Jew? Isn't your father, your mother, Jewish ? Wasn't your grandfather and grandmother Jewish?" "That is beside the point. What my parents are doesn't affect me," continued the Jewish anti-Semite. "Oh, yeah!" continued the blond young man. "Try to tell that to the goyira when you are looking for a job." The conversation then drifted to other topics—to war and peace, etc. "If I had my way," said the Jewish anti-Semite, who has been reading too many books without digesting them, present a sharp problem when the "I would place a javelin in the hand For Yiddish Text Books Moscow.—A campaign to induce the school term opens next month. of every child. Teach him war. The government publishing house of the Secures Phosphorus history of humanity is the history of Ukrainian Nationality minorities to Exploitation Rights war. Man biologically and psychologassign additional funds for the pubJerusalem.—A British company has ically requires war." lication of Yiddish text books for use secured the concession for the ex"I see you have been reading in: the Yiddish primary and high ploitation of the phosphorus fields Faure," returned another in the schools is in progress under the near Bessarabia. group. "That fellow is cuckoo and he auspices of the "Stern." The area formerly belonged to the has made you cuckoo with him. He There is a great shortage of school Mayor of Gaza, from whom the gov- talks of the pugnacity instinct as betext books and it is believed this will ernment expropriated the land. ing essential. Of course, it is, but you don't need warfare to express and cultivate the pugnacity instinct. "You and I have no javelins in our hands now. The chances are that I won't break your nose, though I am tempted to, and yet we are both displaying right now the pugnacity instinct. Business, love, sports, all SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STREETS forms of life offer expression for that instinct. War is therefore unnecessary as far as this instinct is concerned.
39 August Sales
That was an idea that Jewish poet, Blanck has. I mean his idea of going around with a little pamphlet of poems, on which is marked: "The payment for this is a meal or a night's lodging." So he plans to go all over the countryfl. One of his poems runs thus: "That man is a knave, they warned me A thief, a living lie I turned, but all I could see Was mankind passing by." He better not show that poem—-he: won't get many meals for that. Or; will he? On second thought, I be4 lieve he will. For the human being! likes tojsee mankind generally knock-! ed. Few are the human beings w,ho' have no peeve against the world, and! any knocker is generally welcome. The poet, Vachel Lindsay, by the; way,i wak the patentee of this busi-i ness .of selling;poetry for bread. AsI recollect, he gave the people noi pamphlets, however. He would knock at the door, and offer to recite some, of his poetry for a meal. It's a good idea. I wonder if I couldnt adopt a similar one. Go about a*nd get my food for telling the people some Jewish jokes, or that themayor of Pedunk is Jewish and giving them my ideas on the Jewish con-
RABBI L L. SHAPIRO has been a
Mohel Specialist
WORLD - WIDE Summarily Hanged
the organization to decline the invitation to participate in the world Jewish conference in Geneva on August 14. The refusal is dictated by the view of the organization that neither democratic representations nor principles are insured and no definite program has been arranged as yet.
Budapest.—Within six hours of their appearance in court, two Jews, declared atheists, were convicted as Communist leaders seeking the downfall of the Hungarian government and hanged. They are Americh Szalay and Alexander Fuerst. A semi-official communique states that the execution Gift at Fruit Show was hurried for the reason that the Jaffa.—The first Palestine fruit Constitution provides that no Jew show opened here last week. Four may be executed on the Sabbath. hundred varieties of fruit are on display. Arabs Launch Attack The occasion was utilized by the London.—Threats against the Jews High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Grenby Arabs of Tunis, a daily occur- fell Wauchope, to announce his gift rence, culminated in an Arab riot in of 1,200 pounds to establish a horthe Jewish quarter on Monday, when ticultural station at Farradyia, near 11 Jews were wounded. The riots Safad. were the development of a quarrel Sir Arthur also made an additional between an Arab and a Jewish mer- gift of 300 pounds for the establishchant. ment of village school gardens.
REV. A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs Well Known in This Vicinity as a
Specializing in Scalp Treatment MISSKS UAItLI 033 World-Herald ATlantie 0344
Demand 10,000 New Highland Mills.—The Jewish Na- Chalutzim
tional Workers' Alliance has shown a marked increase both in membership and in assets in the course of the past year, according to a report delivered at the annual convention here by Louis Segal, general secretary of the alliance.
Jerusalem. — Ten thousand new Chalutzim for Palestine were demanded by a mass meeting of settlers in the Emek. The meeting urged the Actions Committee to overcome petty differences within its ranks and to unite the forces in the Diaspora to Declines Congress strengthen the Jewish community, Participation Prague.—The executive committee the Jewish National Fund, the Palof the world Poale Zion organiza- estine Foundation Fund and to detion has announced the decision of velop Palestine for the absorption of all classes of Jewry.
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500
Honey-Saving Opportunities
Amsterdam.—Siegfried van Praag well known Dutch Jewish author of 1 Amsterdam, has received an award j of 500 guilders for hie new book "A Man of Respect." The award was made by the Dutch Association for Literature. 1
Dutch Jewish Author Honored
An Event in Which The Nebraska Surpasses All Previous
Phone 1059
Organization Flourishes
A Value Sensation
for 20 years Attends with utmost care 1724 No. 24th St. WE. 3817
Plumbing . . . . Heating . . . . Ventilating . . . . Sanitation . . . . Repair Work . . . .
Lodz Declines Lodz.—The Jewish community here decided against participation in the world Jewish conference. The conference is scheduled to open in Geneva on August 14.
at Pre-war Prices
Vienna Streets to Be Named After Two Jews
Vienna.—The streets commission of the Vienna Council has decided to name two streets after the late Dr. Leon Kellner, who was professor of English literature at Czernowitz University, and after the late Professor Leopold Oser of Vienna University
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
2811 Dodge
At. 7408
Palestine Bound Warsaw.—A total of 874 Jewish immigrants departed from Poland for Palestine in the first half of 1932, through the central Palestine offices. A number of persons sailed for Palestine through other agencies as well.
Yiddish Instruction
Buy your next season's suit NOW . . . at a generous savings! A group of medium weight Wool Suits in single and double breasted models. Every garment made to our strict specifications in construction, and measures up to our standard of quality. Here is an event no thrifty man can conscientiously pass by.
Antwerp.—Permission for teaching of the Yiddish language in the Flemish municipal schools of the 6th and 7th districts, where there are a considerable number of Jews, has been granted by the authorities. Yiddish language instruction has been introduced, it is learned, with a view to induce Jewish children to continue their studies in the Flemish schools instead of transferring to the French schools.
Ja. 0243
C. B. 5192
iiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiniiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiimiiiiiiii /
Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers
You Can Banish
Worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds, All Patterns. Also Blues, Browns Grays and Mixtures! All Sizes! MEN 1 BUY NEXT SEASON'S SUIT NOW—AT A REAL SAVINGS!
507 So. 12 Street ATlantic 1102 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllimilllllllllllllim
You can't prevent the coming of frost and snow, but you can avoid the worries caused by inadequate or faulty heating equipment. If you have a modern heating system like the NESB1T in your home, every corner of every room will be filled with healthful comfort.
Iks&it MoistUeat
THE of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
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Here is a heatl: system built to gi\ •you a generation c more of heating E; isfaction. Every c! vice wibich will make for healthful, cc nomicai, convenient heating comfc has be«n incorporated. "Whether for a new house or for ir.r emizmg vour present home, be sure install a Nesbit Moist Heat Syst. Let us give you details and estirr Convenient terms may be arrang: •"
K1LBY PLAGE Under Management of
IN 1 •
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Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg
That Same
Shoe Comfort
If you have your shoes repaired at the
JShoe Repair Co.
109 No. 40th Ha 2096 Furnace and 8h«et Metal Work*
1619 Fanuun St.
J. h. KRAOE, Prop.
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1932 day from a three weeks* trip to Texas.
Please Note—All society items must be mailed or phoned in before 5 p. m., Wednesdays. LINSMAN-FERER MARRIAGE As a surprise to their friends came the announcement this week of the marriage of Miss Thelma Ferer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferer, to Joseph Linsman, son c* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linsman, on December 29, 193.1. Eabbi Frederick Cohn officiated. The bride attended Creighton University. The groom is a student at the University of Nebraska medical college. The young couple will reside at 656 North Fifty-seventh street while Mr. Linsman completes his studies. KOBINSON-BROMBURG ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Bromburg of Cambridge, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miriam, to Herbert D. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Robinson of this city. Miss Bromourg attended the school of practical arts and letters at Boston University and is now entering her senior year at the Portia Law School. She is active in school affairs. She i present chancellor of the Delta chapter of Beta Nu sorority and was scribe of the sorority last year. Mr. Robinson attended the University of Michigan and graduated from Southeastern Law School. He is now a resident of Boston and maintains his business there.
Kitchen Chats
By Miss Anne Lontzman left Sunday for St. Louis, to be gone for a year. Mrs. David M. Newman She is to be connected with a S t Louise social service agency, and in SPANISH RICE the fall will enter the University of Take 10 tablespoons of rice, 1 can Washington, seeking a master degree in social work. She is a graduate of tomatoes or 2 cups of fresh tomatoes, 3 medium size onions, 1-3 of a the University of Nebraska. pound grated American cheese, 2 cups hot water, salt and red pepper. Mrs. A. Perimeter and son, Floyd, Wash rice and drain, add all inare visiting- with relatives in Chi- gredients. Bake in a moderate oven, cago. stirring frequently to stajt. Mesdames H. Whiteman and H. LefMiss Betty Kotler, daughter of kowitz. Many other affairs are be- Mrs. Kotler, is visiting her ing planned in honor of Miss Ostro- sister,Jennie Mrs. Nathan Goldberg, in vich. South Haven, Mich. En route home she will visit in Chicago with anENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE other sister, Mrs. Louis Matansky. Miss Toby Flax entertained at bridge on Tuesday evening for Miss Miss Martha Uppett returned last Kurtzman, a bride-to-be. week from a month's visit with relatives in Chicago. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Silverman announce the birth of a son at the Mr. and Urs. H. W. Brandt of Methodist hospital on Tuesday, July Brandt, Inc., are in New York on a buying trip and will return in about 26. ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somberg announce the birth of a son at the VISITORS Clarkson hospital July 30. Miss Fantine Zucker of St. Louis, Mo., spent the past week heTe visitMr. and Mrs. Bob Swartz, 2115 ing with her cousins, the Misses LilBurdette street, announce the birth lian and Ruth Habler. of a daughter at the Lord Lister hospital July 28. Mrs. Y. Katz and son of Chicago are visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. HOUSE PARTY S. Krantz. Mrs. Katz was formerly Miss Sara Schlaifer entertained on Miss Freda Rosenblum of this city. Sunday at a house party in honor of Miss Sara Cohen and Miss Goldie Messrs. Dave Albert and Sam EpLevine, who are home on a visit stein of Sioux City spent the weekfrom Chicago. end in Omaha.
ENTERTAIN FOR VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Matansky of Chicago have returned home after a two weeks' visit with their mother, Mrs. Jennie Kotler, and with friends and relatives. Among those who entertained for the young couple are included Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Colnic, at bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Parker, at a dinner; Mrs. Sam Rips, at a luncheon; Mrs. Rose Kramer of Council APPROACHING MARRIAGE Bluffs, at a party at Linoma Beach, The approaching marriage of Clara and Mrs. Jennie Kotler, at a supper. Robinson to Max Paperny will take place on August 14 at the home of COMPLIMENTARY TO VISITOR the bride in the presence of the famMrs. D. B. Epstien entertained 16 ily and a few intimate friends. Rab- guests at a luncheon Saturday, combi H. Grodzinsky will officiate. plimentary to Miss Evelyn Goldberg Immediately after the wedding the of New York. couple plans to motor to Chicago and On Sunday evening Sidney Epstien points east. Upon their return they and Miss Evelyn Epstien entertained will be at home at 1-548 North Nine- for the same visitor at a Monte teenth street. Carlo and dancing party. Twenty couples attended. ENTERTAIN,.AT BRIDGE Miss Ruth Slobodisky entertained ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES four tables of bridge Wednesday, July Mr. and Mrs. L Rosenthal have 27, in honor of the Misses Sarah returned from Dayton, Ohio, where Knrtzman and Minnie Haspel, both they attended the funeral services of brides-to-be. Mrs. Harry Weinberg Mr. Rosenthal's mother. of Chicago, a visitor here, also shared honors. SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin and son, Robert, are motoring to Elkhart Lake, BRIDGE-DINNER Miss Edith Ostrovich entertained Wisconsin, for a two weeks' stay. 24 guests Sunday afternoon at a bridge dinner in honor of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal left Fannie, who recently announced her Sunday to spend a short time in Atengagement to Sam Manvitz. lantic City, N. J. Prizes were won by the Misses Ida Jiotler and Mina Friedman, and the Mr. Aaron Rips returned Wednes-
How's Your FOOD these Hot Summer Days ?
an ELEcfRK REFRIGERATOR Always Keeps Food
Miss Marion Shapiro of St. Paul, Minn., is the jruest of her cousins, Mrs. Abe Cohen and Mrs. John Faier. Miss Sophie Raskin of Sioux City spent a week visiting in Omaha.
DATE AND NUT CAKE Use one-half pound graham crackers, 1 cup dates, chopped; l cup whipped cream; 1 cup marshmallows, chopped; 1 cup chopped walnuts; few grains salt. Roll crackers fine, add other ingredients, cream last, and mix well until cracker crumbs are moistened. Pour into mold lined with waxed paper. Let stand 12 hours in refrigerator. Slice and serve with whipped cream.
• • : • • " '
Council Bluffs News F. R. R.
Abraham S. Allen, 62 years old, passed away last Thursday at his home in Los Angeles, Cal., according to word received here by relatives. Mr. Allen was a resident of Council Bluffs for 10 years prior to moving to California. A son, I. Richard Ailen, and his wife, who have been visiting in Omaha and Council Bluffs, left Sunday for their home in Los Angeles. Surviving, besides the son, are his widow and three daughters:— Mrs. P. H. Koolish of Los Angeles, Mrs. Ned Koenigsburg of Chicago and Mrs. Archie Krolofi" of Phoenix, Ariz. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 will hold a tennis tournament next Sunday morning, August 7, at Clark's Evergreen Farm, followed by a steak frv.
AT LEIGH Dr. Irving Weiss is taking charge Trouble in Greece Salonica.—An appeal to Greek of the practice of Dr. Bernie of workmen to combat the Jews as reLeigh, Neb., for three weeks while sponsible for the present economic the latter is on his vacation. difficulties has been issued by the Union of National Students, an organization closely affiliated with a Bikur Cholim number of national anti-Semitic A regular meeting1 of the Bikur groups. The Union of National Students Cholim Society will be held on Monday afternoon, August 8, at 2:30 p. published the manifesto, calling for m. at the Jewish Community Center. a boycott against the Jews, in June of 1930, which culminated in the firAll members are urged to attend. ing of the Campbell quarter. The appeal charges that Jews are Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.—Child. responsible for Communism and that Man is the artificer of his own Communism in turn has caused their happiness^—Thoreain ~ — - — - present-misfortunes-!* ~ — •>-
Nebraska power € Courtesy - Service.«' Low Rates "A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve"
4915 Davenport
Mrs. R. Ross and daughter, Sylvia, will return home the first part of next week, following a three weeks' trip in the east.
ATLAS PRINTING C d Joe Freed, Hgr.
Mrs. S- Zeven and her daughter, Sylvia of Kansas City, Mo., are spending the month here visiting Mrs. Zeven's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman.
1018 Farnam
SHOES OK HEELS FIXED During the Noon Hour
DOUGLAS SHOE REPAIR "Expert Shoe Repairing"
1789 Douglas St.
Across From Omaha Athletic Club
LINEN SUITS 50c and 65c laundered the KENEW TVny A Kew Suit After Every Wash 10% Disconnt Cash ami Carry
JACK AND JILL Where the environment is ideal . . . Where the air is scientifically cooled . . . Where your friends are sure to be enjoying palatable, quality foods, tastily served . . . . be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, or after the show . . . .
AT. 2815
Wear Snow White Garments IF ITS WHITE IT IS RIGHT Wear White to Please Your Patrons The Results Will Please You
E V E R Y White Wash Silk E V E R Y Pastel Wash Silk
Omaha Towel Supply Co. JA. 0528
For This Clearance of
With the
Hamilton Street Window Shades
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
SHOP Window Shades, 36x6 of unbreakable and washable shade doth for 50c and up. We clean and reverse shades for 15c and up.
Combined with the
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Advo Coffee is
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared xvith it {
Sold by
AH First Class
Plenty of those dark blue crepes and sheers that you'll want for vacation travel -wear . ' „ . and for first Fall -wear! 3-piece knitted suits and one-piece dresses in white and pastels! Sizes 14 to 42
Ja. 6071
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, INC. 'Everything for the AuU»'; 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
are the dependable messengers that herald the growing- popularity of the
NOW. •. !
UA 9249 J
Prompt Service . . . . . . . . Reasonable Prices
Ask lor it •*
Insist on Adro "Famous fw
Sixth Floor
WALNUT 5508 4202-4 Hamilton St.
KATZ ELECTRIC CO. jtascrtf/c "LIGHT se/tv/ct co/|
AT. 1300
Radios Radios Serviced Electrical Appliances Home of
Westinghouse Befrigerators
McCOREMBRADY CO., OMAHA EoastecL Ground and Packed by.
Parilman Plumbing Co, A
Mrs. Max Steinberg entertained 20 guests at a luncheon-bridge at the Hotel Chieftain Wednesday afternoon, August 3, in honor of her house guest, Mrs. E. Berman of Chicago, and also for Mrs. Murrav Klass of Brooklyn, N Y.
Summer Months Special
Mr. and Mrs, Morris Grossman and daughters, Libby and Betty, will leave Sunday on an eastern trip by motor. Mrs. Abe Leibovitz and her daugh- They expect to be gone about two ter, Maxine, with her nephew, Eu- weeks. gene Telpner, are expected home on United States Reports Sunday from Winnipeg, Canada, fol- Mrs. Sam Lincoln was hostess to a three weeks' visit there with , 20 members of the Grocers' auxiliary on Palestine Potash ! lowing at her home Tuesday evening. The relatives. evening's diversion was bridge. New York (J. T. A.).—For the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enterfirst time the United States govsons, Sydney and Irving, left Wednestained the members of their Sunday ernment, department of commerce, Nite Bridge club at their home Sun- day for Anita, Iowa, to make their bureau of mines, in reporting on the j day evening. future home. production and consumption of potash throughout the world, included Mrs. Julius Barron and small son, Palestine as a factor in the producHerman, returned here Sunday, foltion of potassium salts, the AmeriFOR RENT can Economic Committee for Pales- lowing a three weeks' visit in Denver, Colo. tine revealed. Comfortable Room, The report, which is entitled "Potor Strictly Kosher ash," 1931, listed Palestine as one of , Joe Handler of Oskaloosa, Iowa, Board and Room the countries that produces crude po- i arrived here Tuesday for a visit at tassium salts. According to the re- the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. Very Reasonable port there were extracted from the waters of the Dead Sea in 1930, 6,000 and Mrs. Herman Meverson. 2230 Burdette St. metric tons of crude salt or 1,200 tons of potassium chloride. It is Joseph B. Katleman will leave on WE 2458 known that the 1931 production of next Monday for Detroit, Mich., where potash in Palestine was greatly in he will attend the national Eagles' excess of this amount.
August sun is good for folks . . . but not so good for butter, eggs and other foods. In an electric refrigerator, these foods are kept fresh: and sweet the year ' r o u n d . You save money, too. Drop in at youriiearest electric store and see the new models now on display. You "will see why we say that electric refrigeration is the great- • est necessity ifn the' home.
convention - ere next week. Mr. Katleman, who is vice president of the local organization of the Eagles, is a member of the ritualistic team which will compete for national honors.
Sol Lewis 2004 Farnam Street ATlantic 4486
Sioux City News Society News
Miss Ruth White was hostess to the members of the Iota Tau Soror".{Two hundred children attended the ity Tuesday evening. Plans were annual Hebrew school children's pic- completed for the sorority beach parnic - 'at' Biverside park Wednesday ty, which is scheduled for August 6 / Sffernobn. The activities of the day, and 7. Entertainment at the party, j> virh&ji ; included ;a baseball game and which will be held at Saunders beach, ir a; program' of sports^ were directed will include a midnight swim and \ jby, :Mr. . Louis ^Schilling, Mr. Aaron supper. Miss Beitha Heshelow and ', Tabai, Boy Scout troop 22 and Girl Miss Bess Harldw are in charge of ; : Scout troop 9. the arrangements. Miss Ruth GblThe school vacation will begin on farb of Houston, Texas; was a guest -Monday, August 8, and last until at" the meeting and social hour which j August: 22,.-'.on. which date! classes followed. , . : , will be resumed. ' _*••*.**".- • "' -'•* , Members of-the Hebrew Mothers' Members'of-the Pace Makers' club j j Assbciatidn served the ; chUdrdn'; sand- met "Wednesday evening at the home jvicheki ide cream 'and lemonade;. • J of 'the Misses Kate and. Ann Raskin; , | MThe school; vacation'will iJekui !on Bridge was followed by refresh^ ; fe ] d ; la$t u l nients.' " " " ~"" " ; ! August 22, on w h i c h date 'classes J •i'ill be resumed. - ; - P • ! ' Members of, the Debra club met Monday :afterrioon at the home of Miss Gisela fill. Plans were' made w ; T for a progressive "dinner party to-be given this month.
[I Auxiliary's Benefit " " Attended
bridge party in the Marygina Tea Shop, and the Misses Ida and Ruth. TeldmaniLWho gave a farewell.;party 'or their sister Friday evening. ,m theb^thome. * -•---» Aizenberg Announces fi on-Wednes-
Among the number of Omahans who spent last Sunday in Sioux City were included Mack Stein, Charles -"Mo-git;: Sam Bailin, Morris Kaplan, jEthel_Kiibe,rg. and^Rost; KiJberg,.. _,
As the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of a fool.— , Mrs. J. Jacobson, 815 Tenth street; Ecclesiastes. • is visiting in Chicago, where she is a guest at the home of her sister, tf^ BEBKlt Mrs; M. Alpert. Omaha'National Bank Bid];.
• The benefit bridge party sponsored b y t h e ladies'. auxiliary, of Shaare Zion Synagogue and given -Wednesday evening . i n t h e homes - o f t h e various members, was well attended NOTICK" O P AMENDMENT TO ABTIand added considerably to the treasMiss Frances Fribourg of New tXKS OV INCORPORATION OF "O31Aury of the auxiliary. "JJKTAIL GROCERS ASSOCIATION" York City visited this week at the IIA hereby given that Article V of T h e following acted as hostesses to home of her brothers, Mr. Ernest and huNot|t*'i8 Art'lclt'S of liieorporation of the Omsihsi the auxiliary members," their hus- Mr. Victor Fribourg. ; Mr. and Mrs.[Jetail ,.._GJCOcers". Association has been to read" as follows: bands and friends: Mrs. Barney Ernest Fribourg entertained at a imettdi^d •UKStWA'KD, That Article V of the ArtiBaron, Mrs. B. H . Emlein, Mrs. A.family dinner. Sunday evening, hon- •les of Incorporation of the Omaha Retail Grocers Association l>e ami the sarac is Slutsky, Mrs.; J.- Mosow; Mrs." Samoring Miss Fribourg. hereby amended to rend as follows: Sbulkin, Mrs. H. Levin, Mrs. R. "TMe Omaha Retail Grocers Association continue lo exist for a period of fifty Sacks, Mrs, S. H. r Shulkin, Mrs. Mrs. A. Kaplan has returned from shall ears from the 7th day of August. 11132, Milton Mushkin, Mrs.- -Morey Lip- the Methodist hospital and is recu- unless sooner dissolved by act of the tockholders." shutz and Miss Rose Lipman. perating in her home. H. J. KNCnSES, President. •" Prizes were awarded for high C. E. STCBBS, Secretary. scores and refreshments; were served. 32 Miss Ethel Fisher returned to her home in Omaha, after a visit at the OSCAR T. DOERR. Attorney. G30 Omnha National Bank Bidehome of Miss Ruth Orlikoff. •
vl . "The authorized chpltill st(H4r of Hie - corporatiori shall •int" $3!ib.Opt)M. dirid'ett info :K>,000 ghiirp"s>6Hth«'' t4ir valite; • ot -jaiUK), S2T0.t»(H)^ (if' tvhU-h Fhnll •!>» . cumiuuu 8toc k-. and ?l*)O.O0O -of which shall be preferred.stocky" IN WiTXksS WHERBOF. we have herennto set our official signatures .at.thp Home office of the Company, and causal to l>e hereto affiiert The *fori»orate seal, on tWs"19th day o f January. 193i ' H. P. FAUBElt; M. U McTAUUAK-i'. Secretary 7-22-32-4t.
Witness Irvin Stalmaster.
ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorney*. 400 Brnndets Theater Bldt.
» ; ' ; • - " •
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Each $3.98 TubeSl.OS
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Single Tube SX.es
Single S5.X4 Tube S X . e s
Single • S . * ! Tube SX.OO 5M-21
est award for scholarship in a dental guests at a swimming party Sunday course. This honor also elected him as af member of the Omicron Kappa FKADEVBUKG, STAI/MASTER ft BEBER 050 Omaha National Bank BidsUpsilon, national honorary dental frai
- •'
••. •.•.:**-:
; Before
opening his practice here in the city Dr. Epstein Was'1'associated - with the cityvdeirtal clinic. <
I n , t h e County Court of D o u g l a s County, Nebraska. I n ' t h e Matter of t h e E s t a t e of Israel Kiilakofsfcy, Deceased. • .... All persons interested ih snid e s t a t e a r e hereby notified tbnt a petition lias been f i l e d : In *8niU Court a l l e g i n g that said d e J.' H. Bo&tein is .recoyering ifr c c n s e d d l e d l e a v i n g n o lust will a n d prnyn g - f o r a d t n l n i s t m t i o n upon h i s estate, a n d his home from a severely "wrenched ithat n h e a r i n g will b e h a d o n s a i d petiiion before said court o n t h e 3 r d . d a y of S e p . ankle. Mr. Bolstein "was ; injured tember. 1032, a n d t h a t If they f a l l t o a p while in Atkinson, Neb:, at the home pear a t s a i d Court on t h e s a i d 3rd d a y of el his daughter, Mrs. Harry M, September, 1032, a t 9 o'clock A . M. t o c o n said petition, t h e Court m a y grant t h e BailLn. '>•'.', ' •/•_' J *;','<-'-.'••. '•" test same a n d grant a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of s a i d ' e s tnte t o S a r n h K u l n k o f s k y a n d Morris. T^vey. or some other suitable person a n d proceed to a settlemejit thereof. '•'»••• '
Recuperating ~ .«' ' - - *•, ,
ToAttendPhi Ep Day in Omaha 8-5-32-3t
«'We f^ed tHe mulfitude" : With Tasty FWds '•
Ideal Food Products Co., Inc. OMAHA, NER Labels Redeemable for Valuable Premiums—Union Made
rresidnnt, William Racusin, vice-president and Dorothy Racusin, Secretary ' and Treasurer. These articles of Incorporation may He amended by the nffirmative vote of two-thirds of the capital stock at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders. • " • VICTOR. ZUCKEli, DOROTHT RACOSIN, WILLIAM RACUSIN, In the presence of: ' SAM BEBBW
5. Hus
6. Dee
in Fn.
7. New
Single » Tube SI.X7
Single S*.64 Tube SX»3J
Abow. Prices f oar Cash—Expertly Mounted Free Ai§o tiie F a m o u s Lifetime Guaranteed
GOODYEAR PATHFBNDER :">- Supertwist Cord Tires _ '
Tttb* • l . X S .
SinfilaSS.94 Tube SX.Of
(Each lnPr», Single * * . * » Tube « I . X S
sos-ts ~ M Ea Each tnPn. f tn 4f.
Sloftle V7.3S ' 7
M Each M lnPn. Slnftle » 7 . 4 9 Tub* t Z . 5 ) '
PATHFINDER HEAVY DUTY TRUCK & BUS 6.09-20 S EACH In Pairs Slnftle 6.5*<3S ' BACH In Pairs Slnftle «17-»t 7.M-20 EACH In Pairs Single 30 x 5-
33 X 5
Single S 5 - 4 9 Tube SX.3«
99 Eaih
In Pairs -Sinftle->17Q4
1. Lifetime;^3otardnteed
2. Goocly^llfiiiiiiW-'^and
Single S5.SS Tube SX.XS
In Fairs Sinftle SIS.-**
Single S S . 3 * Tube SX-5S
Sin&le 9 7 . e s Tube SX.3S
78 SInftleSe.es Tube SX.*4
+of the alz layers of cord fabric under the tread in this tire, two do not run from bead to bead—they are really cord "breaker atrips'Vand that'* what we call them, although some tire-makers call them extra plies. .• <:<•,•:•. •..
These Prices are for cash Other sizes equally low
TRADE IN OLD TIRES for New -Safe « n d Silent Goodyear AH-* _Weatbere.;Get our offer!
GOODYEAR - NEVf a >*^. TUBES-. "« J Inner sealed
••• ;--:L-* ----- ^S^K
ZEPPELIN Tubes Iike7.the U. S. S.
Akron. I PUNCTURE SEAL Tubes. Save " a n n o y i n g stops for .punctures. Askt<»8ee ^ RED BLACK. HEAVY DUTY Tubes. Resist rim pinching.
Expert Tire Mounting —FREE Rims cleaned; rust scraped off. Minor bent places straightened. Wheels tested for aligiunent. Tubes and tires carefully applied.* Old tires switched as desired—all without any extra charge. * .
continue for a period of. r>0 years. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation shall at any one time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds oi its capital stock. The affairs of (he corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than two members who shall be
Plans were made at the executivi meeting of the A. Z. A: chapte: Monday evening for an "outing o; chosen from among the stockholders at their annual meeting which shall be herd Sunday, August 14, at Stone Park, on the first Monday In February of each New members will be elected int< year. • Until" the"next annual meeting tht Board shall be Victor Zucker. the chapter the first week in Sep Dorothyof Directors Racusln and William Rncusin, tember. and the officers shall be Victor Zucker,
*The Pioneer Malt Syrup of America" Satisfaction Guaranteed ': ' Either Plain or Hop Flavored ••
IJUVCE CRAWFOUD, . County Judge.
STALJIA8TEK & BEBEB •Local students and alumni of Iowa FRADENBURG, O. T. DOEBB, P. H. KXCTZNICK , University, who are affiliated with th< OSt Omaha National Bank Bide. • : Phi' Epsilon Pi fraternity at the UniN O T I C E O F I N C O R P O R A T I O N 'OF versity, will spend next" Sunday in • ' Z V C K E B ' S S T O R E " ••:"•••• Omaha as guests of the Omaha mem Notice is hereby given that the nndersl^ned have Themselves togethbers. The annual event, which i; er co form aassociated corporation under the laws known as Phi Ep Day, will include of the State of Nebraska. -The, name of a program ; of meetings and soda this corporation is "Zucker's Store." The general nature of the business to be traUsaffairs. encted nnd the object and purpose for Among the Sioux Cityans who wil which this corporation is organized is to and sell clothing, dry goods and no be in Omaha for the day are Davi buy tions and 10 engage in the general mercantile business and to do all things in and Alfred Albert, Lionel London thereto. The authorized capita Sam Epstein, Dr. William Krigsten cidentul Btock ot the corporation shall be $10,000.00 Dr. Joe Krigsten, Dr. Sam Shulkin divided into 100 shares*of the par value of each, all of which stock shnll be V' Dr. Louis Dimsdale, Ephraim Baron $100.00 commou and shall be fully pnid up when issued. The corporation shall commence Sdwin Baron, Isadore Kantor, Morupon the filing of its articlesof ris and Ivan Lasensky, Morris Kope businuM incorporation in the office of the Countj Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and md Morris Slotsky.
Plan Outing
Each iaPts.
To Practice Here
' t e r n i t y . • • ! / •
Warsaw.—David Pinski, prominent
the niiderslpneil will sell at public auction to-the highest bid<ier for cash nt 1122 tol tlveiiue; Otmrhn, Nebrnskn, the fol-
5COT1CE is . hereby; given that at the annual meeting of the:.stockholders"of the Iitsirrjpce. Investpieiits. lucurporafeil, held < . *•**•*'. the 19th day of'January. W82. nt two o'vtocfe " I*; SI., i he ifoBlowing Arficle wnB nnifnded to re:d us fallows: • . • :
U * ; . STAI^IIASTICrt * BEBEU 63!) Omaliu National; Bank Bids.
NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF . LAWHEjSCK, INC. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a roriiuratkw undeT t^e laws Of the Slate of Nebraskii. The name of the corporation shnll bev MffHKSCE, INC.. The principal place of transacting1 the business, of this corporation shall'I* the City ot Omaha. Douglas County. Nehrnskn, but business may be transacted In uny other city, county or state." Tbe.ge.neral nature of the business to be transiicted by this corporation shall IK.-:TO manufactnrf. arijulre. sell, pledge, exchange, -and deal generally in goods, wares, merchandise, and personal property of every kind, arid description; to acquire, hold, Jw>"ll. alienate or encumber real and personal property of ••very kind and description wheresoever situated, including the stocks. Ixwids, debentures, or other evidences of.IndebtedPROBATE NOTICE Four A . Z . A. members.from.Balness nnd obligations of any corporation, In the Matter of the Estate of Brie A. Miss Fannie Lazinger, 511 Isabella and to issue in payment o^exchange thereAnderson. Heceasrd. timore, Md., spent the past .week in jtreet, h a s returned from an outing for its own stock., notes^ Tjouds.. debenNotice ts hereby given that the creditors Sioux City. They are.A1*arid James at Lake Okoboji, where she attended >f said dmvnsed wilt meet the executrix tures or other obligations: to acquire the if siiiil estate, liefore me, County Judge of good "ill, rights nnd iirppe.r,ty of nil kinds, Simon, Herbert Badman and Frank girls' conference. Douglas County. NVhraska. at the County and to take over the,whole or any pact ef Rose. The four ' boys started their Court Room,, in said County, on the llith the assets nnd Unbillties of apy. person, a a x ' f September. 1932. and on the 12th firm, association or corporation engaged in toqr from Baltimore,- visiting :,New Miss Annette Bender of Omaha of Novenjl-wr.1932. at 9 o'clock A. It..' » similar line of business, and to pay far York, Albany, Rochester/Buffalo, Ni- was a guest a t . t h e Home of Misses ilJty hch' i^aj": fp* : the purpose of prwfeutiiiR the same in cash. stock,.b,ot,es.'.bondi.,de. hett clafm's'for-'e'SiimiiiOiion, ndjustment benture8, or other oliligiitions of this coragara Falls, Detroit,- Chicago 'and Jessie and Delia.Shilpff this week. .IIH| >'aHowaiie«*v; :-Three months nre allowed poration; to borrow }n<>4»ej-. a'riil to secure Grand Forks, going r fro Hi 'there - to fair the creditors to present their claims, the payment thereof in any lawful mann ner, to make and perform contracts .of Winnipeg, Canada, where"'they - atth 12tli day of August. 1932. Mr. ' aijd MKS.. Jiack London _• * erf ; every kind nnd description, nml t« do any ; i • •• B B I C E CRAWFOUD.tended the national A. Z. A. convenftitd all' other things tot tbe. purposes of t , ,. . . . County Judge. the corporation which ,a natural person tion." • * •: ' -i Brookings, S., t)., a r e visiting with :-;.r;-?)o:" •'.-•'". . their" parents here this week;; i Pribr! could dp. nud may." now or hereafter.be '"- From Winnipeg - t h e • four young' N>; U^MAX^FHOMKINV Attorney. authorized by law. *; The, suthariied xnn• * •;; •' . Iasomnce JSulldine. men visited Fargo, N . D., and came to h e r marriage'.last month';M}*; •Lpn^ Ital stock of the cbrporatloo is J10.000 00 H don Was-'Margaret Kozberg&i'i H * divided into 100 shares', of the par value of to Sioux City- They are traveling NOTICE BV PlTBiaCATIOS OX PETI- SIOO.W) each, ail of which is common, stock byk car, which -is equipped with i l l TION FOR- SETTLEMENT OF FIXAX. and when Issued shall be fully paid -and ACCOUNT, non-nssessible. The corporation snail .comcamping facilities and a radio. While . Miss- Sophie Raskin h a s -returned inAUJllNISTHATION the County Court of Douglas Comity, mence business upon the filing of these in-the city they attended the A. Z; ! A. t o . t h e city, after spending, a week Nebraska. Articles in.the office of the Couiity Clerk lo tbe Matter of the Estate of Frances J. and shall terminate "upon the first day of meeting at the iSeviH^'cafe^H^'i l r ,w>th foriends in Omaha. • IJutterj*. I'eceaswl. August; 1982, anlesa sooner dissolved uy^ji i ; - From Sioux €Hy' tive > xouiBg •? mien 'Alt persons interested In snid matter nre majority vote of the putstandinK capUal drove to Omaha: They 'plan' t o Visit hereby notified thut on the "J'itU day of Stock. The highest amount o f indebtedMiss Dorothy Abrams of, Omaha July. 1032. I'aul S. Siitton filed a petition ness to which this corporation shall at any Denver, Salt Lake City and : Los Anhi snid County Court, praying that bis time subject itself shall not exceed twegeles before driving-back'to Balti- /as a guest this week at the J. Kan- final administration account filed herein thirds of its capital stock.. The affairs of be settled nnd allowed, and that be tie dis- this corporation shall be conducted by « more in time to attend school.* •'-' ofsky home. charged from his trust us administrator Board of Directors of not less than two Dave Albert and Sam Epstein vis- with will annexed nnd that n hearing will nor more than five, the numher to lie fixed lie had on snld petition before snid Court by the By-Laws. Tbe officers shall be ited with friends in Omaha over the on the 20th day of Augnst. 1032, nnd that chosen by tbe directors and • shall .be •;f you tall to appear before said Court on President. Vice-Presldent, and Secretary\ Dr. Frank Epstein, son of Mr. and week-end. he said 20th day of August, 1032, nt 0 Treasurer, any two of which office? m»y Mrs. T. Epstein, has opened his ofo'clock A. M., and contest snid petition, the be held by one person. These Articles be amended nt any annual meeting of Miss Ida Heshelow arrived in Sioux Court niny grunt the prayer of said peti- may • 'fee' here and' will" begin "the practice tion, enter a decree of heirship. and make the stockholders, or at any special meet: of the stockholders called for that purof dentistry ii Dr. Epstein graduated Jity Tuesday morning, after a visit such other nnd further orders, allowances ing dii-rees. ns to this Court may seem pose by a majority vote in amount ot the from the Creighton University school of five weeks with friends in Chi-nnd stock then outstanding. The corporation proper, to the end that nil natters pertain' ' of dentistry last June. ' cago. ing to snid estate may be finally settled shall have a seal. ALBERT ER O. . E RECBEN.7 C B . .., nnd determined. '.While at Creighton he- was h awardMILTON R ABRAHMS R. ABRAHAMS, BRTCE CRAWFORD, 7-22-32-4t. ed a gold key emblem for- the • highMiss Fannie Cohen entertained 16 7-20-32-St. ' " " Zncorporators. County Judge.
[S::i ii> , - r - ^ ,
Yiddish School Conference
Jew Gets Highest Military Award in Hungary
NOTICE 1»V PUnLlCATlOiN ON PETI- . Budapest.—The 1>iniiic trlilr, (I dining chnirs. sewing ninRegent, Admiral Jewish author, has arrived in War-chiiie, TION FOB' 8KtTI,BIH!llT, OF FIKAI. 2 rockers,-MMIR. nip, 2 table, lamps, Mrs. A. M. Davis and children are .ADMINISTRATION saw and was present at the opening ACCOUNT. Horthy, has conferred the" Signum floor iaitijt, Itoil. sanititry couch, radio, vacationing" at Charlevoix, Mich. In the County Court' of -Douglas County, of the first conference of the Yiddish 3-plcce upholstered suite, center table, end Landus, the highest militiary ; award, Nebraska. table, (smoking stnud. rug, 4 small rnfTK, In the Mutter of the Bstitte of 5IeIly Kula- on Dr. • Andor Kuhn, a .Jew. The schools which is attended by 100 del- rcfriK«Ta1or, pns store, kitchen table, Mrs. Ben CHasen of Syracuse, Neb., kolnky, I k-iensed. •. egates. kitchen cabinet, stool, dresser, dlshee, Ftc. All. persons in to rested Jit snid mutter are award is in recognition of Dr. Kuhn's is a guest at the "home of her parSitl«l fronds bfine owned by Clifford A. Mr. Pinski was elected honorary and •tftwby" noltfled I hut on ithe lUth day of Mario II. Larimer, nnd Raid sale belnc ents, Mr. and'-Mrs.'Paul' Kaplan. July;••.•1032, Jerohm . K-rthitvOfsky filed a repeated "acts o f bravery "on"the" bat- chairman of the conference. for tne inirytoFte of foreolositi? n lien for petition in said CwuMy Court, prji.viiijr tlefield during the Great War, when wrorare cliirrRvR nnd for cosls of sole nnd his finni .nlmiHistration account filed for jitv-riied costs. Miiss Rose Feldman returned to tbiit ILECSAI. N O T I C E IHTHII he witlid nnd iillowt-d. .atid Umtr he h'e served at the front as a- military KKKHIX VAN & MTOIIAOE CO., Notice I* liorebv Riven thiii on tho "nth after a three weeks' visits at the lie disrharged from his trust "as mlthinis- •toctor. By J. II. Vnn BeblK-r. il.iy i>f Aii^UKt. 1932. at. ton o'clork A. M., 7-21I-32-2t. trntor mid that ir ln*5irjtijr. will J>e. had on her home in-New )fork City Sunday, said pf til ion beforp said Court on the -lath home of,her^father,,Mr. A. Feldman. da£;*of August, \0li2. and that if you fail appear before said I'mirt on the snid During jier^Stay. here^Miss Feldman to 13th" day of August. 1!KW, at 0 o'clock was the ;recipient....of-a,,number of A. M., and coutes! saW pWitlon. tin- Couft may grant the prayer* of said petitiou. social courtesies. i*'Araong her host- enter, a thi-rwv of lieirwlil(i, nnil make such esses. w&eSihet-Misses'" Bluma and other .-n1<l further ordors." :illo'wnnn*8 aiul Sybil M&l5Larnl Ilary-Rozofsky, who •Jeerti-s. us to thi$ «:ourt• nuiy seem proper, iIn- t>ud that all. maltfrs pertaining to entertained Thursday evening in theto said estate jnay be finally st-lIlotl'm«l de' ' ' Merlin home; Miss Ruth Grueskin, termined. BRYCK CUAWFOUP. who entertained at a dinner and 7-22 3-.'-3t. County Judge.
Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent
IKVIN C. t E V l N . Attorney. SOI Blrctric Blfle.
morning i n . the .Council Oak Boat club.
ROAD SERVICE TILL 11P.M. Corner 17th and Capitol Are.
AVerfcctTooA for Everybody
Hobennan Bros., Proprietors
• • • • ' • *