August 12, 1932

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Tlasa Mail Miillei *m J.iuunry 2J,JSm, Mt ••Nebraska, imrtprtte .Act of lUrch 35.1S78



, AUGUST 22,1932

TUna Seeks Barber Sabbath

No. 28



Rev- L. K&rz Is

"Vilna <J. T. A.).—The league Eev. L. Earz, X.OF Angeles cantor, Julian Milder, IGtyear^old mashie gatmg the -pellet around par, wiiii a of Sabbatli Observers is seeking will chant the services tonight and ibirdies "thrown in ior good measbarber who will guarantee to Saturday morning, August 12 and 13, wielder, last ^Sunday Twin "the cham- few Organized iiombing Are Among akeep ure. hi:- place of business closed at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synpionship of "fee Bigiland -Country .Despite his youth, Julian is not a. Tised by on the Sabbath. agogTie, liH band Burt. The public is Public Invited to Program TWfll ^Aflflress mass meeting art Club tgolf -tournament, blue jribbon •newcomer to ±he Highland .lmks. Ever The Sabbath observers' organi- invited. Against Sews since "the club .started on its road "to -3. C. C. Sraiday Tttomirig classic of ^the club's -season. Beth -Hamedrosh on zation promise? to secure as cusCantor llarz has been jengaged by success -eight :years ago Julian has 3Toung TMilder, His son of TSIr. ana at ID a. m. tomers foT such a barber all obtlay Afternoon :the Betti Hamedrosh synagogue for iaci orization of Jews Mrs. Dlarris Milder, is just a. sopho- -traversed its bunkers and traps. Thus, resident ,-.—The servinsJews. h coming veaT. in East Prussia is Showing no inore a t Central high, but lie display- he -took :his first miblkk lesson when Karz, who was a Chazan in The fourth annual Exhibit of the of abatement. IRabhi D. "Miller of Chicago will be ed ±he calm ijudgment and steady pre- eight ^fears Did, and eight years later, plans tf> organize a choir of J. C. C. Summer Play School will Ibe .guest of Omaha .Jewry, through cision of a IBdbby Jones in annexing a champion, can teach his maestros a Ltncreased. police guard:-, were sta- ) local boys far the Holyday services, held this coining ^Sunday morning, tioned outside xff stores owned by sfhe >hTviiation xsf. the ilocal W-aad Ihe title. few rrxicks. •wiiicfa iie -will conduct. August 14, at the Community Center, Jews in Soenigsbexg, 'where ihe situaiH'Debx, TFninn of Drfhodox 33ynaJulian in rthis tourney proved that "the finals, Mickey IKrupmsky, f starting at 10 o'clock in the niorning. He and his family have taken up tion continues Xwrwe. .gagues of JOmaha, -on -Saturday and ^veteran golfer, made a -valiant he did not win by a fluke. In ihe gg their residence iere. All parents of the children «ttenbV effort i;o rapture "the crown, but 3he semi-finals .he made sure that rthe ZNazi threats have reduced io a state Sunday, .August 3S :andd 4 p ingihe Play School and their friends, of despair Jews -in numerous East hi ' A concentrated speaking being Highland ^golf aureola would change Prussian townships. The INazis are championship "calibre are invited. Exhibits of the work 'ias ;beeri -arranged ~£or IRabbi Miller, ground -out by Milder -was -not to be hands by eliminating last year's litleOr&nmze Arab done by the youngsters at the Sumto which rthe public is cordially 3R denied. The ^core of ih.e 3G-hote; winner, Abe Urodtoey, S and 2. Dn particularly flagrant in Orteisburg, mer School will be shown on display -Neidenburg and Marienburg, and do 1 Extremist ihe cbmb upward iie also had to de-sffitea.: BaWfiay :moxjfing, August "L3 ifinal was 5 and 4. in the lobby. •not hesitate to *^^? '" 'their prosperI Mrs. .loseph Goldware Heads X.o•at J&SD m. an., ;be mill speak ^tt the lEntering tthe Tnatch with the odds feat Barry U.ulakofskv, 5 and 4, and Party tive victims of ^tJeir intentions by The program, which will begin at cal Committee to AM Pal3Bhiaii Haras! JsynagTJgue, Eighteenth against him, Milder started off jn Dr. Ireidman, 2 and 1. telephone. 10 a. m., will be composed of & minwinning "the iirst hole liand- His expeditious approach on Ihe arnd Chicago._.-fetnrday .afternoon a t estinian Children Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—The aboli- strel show, a pantomme, a sketch, a The Jews fear to appear in the & p?clock i e will •address Ihe S n a i ily. i3£rupinsky came back to square big league golf hoxizan is but the and numbers by the toy orchesJacob .^congregation, Twenty-fourth ithings on Hie second. The new cham- threshold of his golf history. More. streets lest they ije openly attacked. \ ^ &maha Hadassah, tion of the Palestine Mandate and 3>lay, & m a h a cfaa^ the Balfour declaration is demanded tra, lieva Mann, a pupil in the of and Nicholas. -^Saturday .at -6:30 ;p rpian irhen started "to gam momentum, it is predicted, will be heard of him In the evenmgs, few Jews venture j t t E i f n B a f t z.onist r^amzation ha? Or outside iheir homes. •m. lie -will speak "ijeiote "the Adass and by ^the -end of "the morning's -ex- later. received fresh impetus in its activities by a new extremist Arab party, Istik- school, will talk for the children. ' Tim,, Twenty-flitJi "and Seward. ertion over IS holes had spiled up a Lester Simon put his name on the infant welfare pro- lal. headed by Auni !Bey, former Following the program a discussion y member of the Arab Executive. will be had on ihe problems and needs zens of the Jewish Paith is planning commanding lead of "three up. Mil second flight "trophy by -winning "the j m »Qn iSunday, August 3.4, liabhi Millestme bv This demand is part of the pro- of the Play School, between ihe pariler 'will ;be the main .sppwkpr -at .a In the atternoan?E session Sxupin- championship of -that division, taking to send Tepreaen la'ti ves to .these towns •ment thatP aHadassah has estrblished in an effort to reassure the Jewish ihe "twenty-first infant •welfare sta- gram of the new party, which de- ents and the staff. juaas -meeting' to he ield .at the Beth y .at one .time ^nade :the 3H>nn± two -the finals from Ed Krause, 5 and 4. mands that Palestine become a part Tie annual picnic, which comes as THnmedrosh IHagodol synagogue, :Nine- down, but -that "was "the closest be The "third and fourth flight finals coinmunities there. tion m Palestine. In West Prussia and Upper Silesia, The newest clinir is in Hebron. of an independent Syria. a yearly climax to the month's work teenth and 31nrt, starting a t 3 p . m. could xome -to liis youthful opponent will be finished "this •week-end, with The new Arab part}" also demands of the Play School, is scheduled for The younger ^element nf Omaha Milder was -never down :to •Erupmsky | Ed TEreller meeting- Abe Goldstein, the Jiazi press is spreading the libel Hike the other Hadassah stations, it i i e "establishment of a parliament, today at Ehnwood Park. IHyman that the Jews provoke terror against s •especially Trnvited to near during tthe entire Tuay. Outside of a and Dr. M. 1. Gordon dashing sticks will give medical attention to expectpy themselvJK in order to cause disturb- ant mothers, infante and p-re-sehool with an Arab government in charge. Goodbmder, assisted by Adolph ti ii •Kim At A e mass meeting, iiie Wd couple bad iholes, the "two were mavi- |~with Max Barish. calls far the prohibition of land tm. will be in charge of games -and ances. children. Mrs. Joseph Goldware, IX states, ;as he has .a anessage of sales to Jews, and the creation of a Mysterious ared signs were painted chairman cf "the infant welfare com- Pan-Arabic iinportance. ^Federation. last week on all t i e iJewish houses in The daily assemblies continue to <be mittee of the local chapter, is plan^Rabbi Miller attended the TJriiverand ^VogifanuiPiauen is a a feature, l a s t Ixiday 3>r. M. 3Harning to stimulate interest in l i e cam.sity leS QiiEago.Tvhere ne graduated i stronghold. Tie-Jews there have paign to raise $23,000 for the year's golin gave an interesting 'address tm with ihe degree of doctor of pinoEM been so intimidated that they have maintenance of these infant welfare Dur 3Prrend, the Sun:" On 3hieBiaay <ophy, and was ordained sX ihe Theo-withdrawn iheir -children from local stations. A new idea has been adopta play -was produced by members *of logical Seminary of Chicago. Aceoxdschools, being unable to withstand ed by the San ^Francisco chapter, Miss Huth Shapiro's class. 'Wedneemg "to 'Vaad -officials, he is reputed day Mr. Judah Wolfson of the Tal-which has undertaken -i««e support of Mrs. H. OKulakafsky is general torture any longer. io fbe a fluent speaker in both Yidmud Torah spoke to the children <im one of the inlaut ^welfare clinics. chairman nf arrangements far the -Bombing Beemnmc Oi dish .and English. . . Tisha Bav, and the members of JSns house" to be held by "fee Jle- A bomb -was -exploded before the •"In its public health program in Conference on "Worlfl ''Congress "npen braska Tuberculosis association at ihe .synagogue atJEtel, ••wrecking the en- Palestine Hadassah - -lays stress on Kept T3p Till Toungsters Heach- Harriett Greenblatt'« clasE gave m tto."StHrl. pantomme. Thursday was stunt day, lions Club Children's Health Camp ix3ntce - t o the synagogue, causmg j preventive work, especially for chiled a Self-Supporting directed by Hy Goodbinder. Sunday afternoon, August 14, from 2 and dren,'* said Mrs. 'Goldwam. Per Schedule Age to o. This camp is located at 1S£h shattering SL house situated opposite sah succeeded in -lowering ..infant Miss -fiophw 3h»eiHttem .again supthe ^edifice. ~ mortality in Palestine by giving ihe -fire activitieB aof ihe 3few TTofk r'(J. -C- A.)«—Dr. Stephen and Center. Cmcinnati (J. T. A.).—Snai Brith .'&•'• Wise, Inmorary president ^of ihe iPunch and cookies will be served ,by: The bomb, whiclj; exploded at fhree most careful scienSfic care to mothers .School tthis^eHr. The entire staff obligation i o composed <nf -v»lunteer workers. They ess, sailed 'last ihe -camp committee, and ^presiding Ttt A. IS.., also cansedj amage t o t i e ad- and-children of all creedfi m PalestinE i a s tfnlnlted its Jimsrican Oewish the Jewish war orphans "of ihe punch howls-will be the presidentB jacent water wnjpp and broke the and the thousands of ixilaub; under were: The Misses Janet Graetz, Dora r ^Europe io" attend tthe "wofM Slovakia, -who have been supported t r<v; 1 Hadassah's -care will praise ifae health and cared for by the orfiei Dolgnfi, -Ruth -\PrJBch, Evelyn ^EJpstehi. isbuses. Ifewish c iPJkiitothrpjfiat Gainefl IFEwishxdnfeBence rin iSeneva, : b and r*j> *M'*•"*""*?? "^ Omaha organ- windows of .many izations which iave-given large dona•Sertrutte Orach, Bertha 'I'lH^-iy>T>iH-.l.*1iriir'My^gTTwSi J.ryf* J c W i S I S standard > of ihe new .generation. The 33197 lit was announced -ieBe. tiled -far August 33, which iis -tto ? j^~l irt i Atiilcx members of nor '**^'"_l*t****r;*"g*'""^'|1 of S^eblowite, I»wflShapiro, vass ihe nftrfsability anft JfepsibiHty. iions i o ihE camp fund. A check covering the support uT the Unchided among these "will be Mrs. ^manv ^saxts of "-uccmany. ihe splendid achievements? made so last 3&K orphans twho 'will soon ocesA Shapiro, iHwiTnifii. 'Greenblatt, rif jconstitutmg ta world Jewish 3*hilip -Scnwartz, president of the far and ^realizing ihat much mure a self-supporting age has teen ac- Sussman, !Rebecca 3KrrBh^h%Bum, Ann To Repair Damage. Ber- giess. INew e "York ((J. T. IDr. Wise is accompanied by Mrs. •Council of Jewish Women, .and Mrs. ^Berlin.—-The municipality nf "San- must still be accomplished, are doing knowtedg-ed by Dr. Jorcf Popper of Goodbindtnr, Huth IBordy, Ann iiRusbert S . iXiehman, ^prominent. Jewish Wise, who "is tiie chairman of ihe 1* Keveleff, ^president of ihe Jewish ich^Cladbach informed the Jewish active work in trying to laise OUT Prague, president of 3$nai OBrith in Iback; t i e MesdameE S. Eatleman, IF. phiianthropist and leader, h isis women's jcommittee -of the Amp-rirah Women's Welfare ^Feaeration. Brookstein, INathan Sekerman, T^rank "Gommunity ihat ihat city would -der chapter's infant weTfare quota?' Czechoslovakia. serving ZhiB'^BecoriH tterm as i a s an- Jevsish rongress. Other members of Mrs. luilak- fray "fee -expenses of repairing the Ackerman, and the Messrs. Dave Tlie Dmaha ^chapter is one of J2S7 g ; JTnai Brith .authorized the war -or- Chesnau and Hv Goedhutder. ant-governor nf 3I T foskyfe committee who will assist her throughout the country, which -raised mounced "that :he will l>e a xandidate Hn'-:B statement issued through ihe .roof of ihe synagogue broken by the phan program immediately after the ior "the past hnf ^Dvernor of- !New Jewish Telegraphic agency jrrior io include ihe Mesdames H. C. Sunmey,1 police ^when ihey searched far arms about -$500,000 a year far the support war, and planned to care for innGeorge Condon, J . E . Davidson,Senry ; of Hadassah's hearth Institutions and his departure, Dr. ^Wise .delivered a ITofk. •HecHJtty3iHirien "there. dreds of Jewish war tnphans living G61. ZLehman has fhe support of parting broadside against ihe oppon- McDonahi, W. W. Heagey, H. E. "Wm- The s^rch for arms, begun in the service in Palestine. in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Ausboth Sovernor Srariklin OD. IRtiDsevert, ents of ihe conference and the con- kelman and iEred Conrey. Jewish cemetery and continued in the tria, Soumania, Jugo-Slavia, Turkey, The committee announces that Sunihe sDemocratic ^candidate if or presi-; gress idea. synagogue, followed ihe receipt of an Czechoslovakia, and other countries. dent of &e Tnitsed States, rsaai ' ] ^Emphasizing "that ihe conference is day will be ihe only open house day .-anonymous letter by the police, -which Jewish Inventor It was decided to "hsree the American h&\i\ at ihe camp this year. Tie grab-, 3nEr ^Bovernor -Alfred JEL iSmith. -charged that i i e Jews secreted arms ^convened for ihe purpose of discus"Vienna.—-The municipality of "Vien- Bnai Brith lodges "**adogit" M ninnber Coming-iLto ihe -office tS lieutenant^ Jion -anil tthat fthere will be "mo 'sug- lie has been interested in ihe health in both these places. na announced its intention of erecting of these orphans .and support them -work ;done at this camp each Bummer .^governor ^witiiDUt havmg held any po-i gestion :of haste in summoning s. Action of ihe police in accept- a monument to Siegfried Marcus, until they should reach t i e -age of 14.' ^g Bince it opened ihree -years ago, smd ingThe a s tbonafide ihe charges in an Jewish inventoT. i I Wise W Ifcr. as- ihe INefaraaka "tubeTCulosis association litical gmst-^xreviouBly, JGOI. iLehman. Jewish sperm! orphan 'fund was cre- Almost three ihmufred golfers ipar i a s ;acnievetl" -a -wide jseputafian ^ serted ihat "the convening iff ihe ;has msketl ihe public io inspect ihe anonymous letter has had a depresThe monument is t o i e erected in ated far this purpose. excellence and demhryonic would-be i eSect upon i i e Jewish commun- the famous ~KTTT1 Platz xtt "tie expense •his ^necnrd. OQuring •hBisecond -elee-j World Ifewnsn congress wiU'nnt -be camp a s iheir guests. Guardians, often members of 32n- mashie-wieldeTB iari their "flmg" at :. postponed 'ijy -reason -of ihe ibni3it£ss iion icampaign r Ae Tolled .up :mare' of ihe city. A committee of ali faiths ropean Bnai Brili lodges, were al enjoyment on August 4 -when the It :IB now f-eared that ihe ZNazis will •will be named to supervise this un- cured far the children, -and ivotes in Jiew 3 ork 4 a n did Govern- of ihose who are nominated l>y iherr '!Highland Elhag," «rmual high «pot phmt !i™= in -the synagogues and dertaking. or ^Roosevelt. — - ;• fears in rxesnect io JewMh HfEairs; "were made i>y the various secretaries on the ^Highland Country Club calenthen lead i i e police to the ^discovery Should Col. ^Lehman be gehzcten gnv-J -Nor tcan ihe ^congress "be d t t f i i l Marcus invented the first motor car of die nrder to ^establish some ^per- dar, was ield. af the Anns. emor, he will he ihe first Jew io hold postponed pending ihe ^adherence in Austria. B E -was bom in Mecklen- sonal contacts between the sarphans, .of all local clubs as well ihe .office ?in 2>Ie\v ^(rik State. 2I ^rik S tt \ certain Jewish groups iin " this More .Assurances. burg in 1S31 and died in "Vienna in their guardians in Europe sand ihe asMembers a substantial number of ^out-of•Col. ILehman announced i i s other lands, which find it unpalata.Assurance that the German govern- 1898. adopting lodges in the United States. town contingents partook itf the day's dacy :'in ihe following statement: "H ble to meet :and take counsel with Weinberg was elected nresi- ment -will call upon all possible measIhave *been :asked -by s. ;Breat snany simple and humble Jewish Ifblk ;nf •iJent of ihe .Local -A. "Z. A. chapter 356. mres t o protectine Jews from terrorifriends and by ihe .pTess ^whether fl east European iands:" 1 act ttie Ibst -regular imeetrng of ^ie Seatures on the full prugtam in-mas given by Minister of Inintend i o inn for 'governor ffchfe a o - A Waflfl -Jewish congress, "which .group, ^succeeding Byman .Goodbmder.' •teadnr Saxon Wilhslm ^-on Gayl to s. cluSed eighteen idles on the -unks,« iumn. -As at iis impossible for ims i » he .approves, nmst, Dr. Wise t deel areil, iSam JEinkel was named Trice^residerit.: delegation ^representing i i e Central bountiful barbecue, .a f isttt program, •aseply.-- jerHonally i o all :thase who effectively appeal to the "judgment Dther off icers chosen include: Israel Xfnion -of German Crtizens of the JewpreBentation of prixes, and palatable iave <iromtnuriicated with me, and hi and conscience >of the Christian na- Sercovici, Becretar>r; ArttLipp, treaB- ish "Earth. gamefi of >ciiU-i l« i it ntcul. : nrder io lavoid :any misunderstandmg tions and ;in addition t o safeguarding urerj irvirig Chuaacaff and Dave An afternoon highlight which Mt~ Philadelphia.—(J. T. A.)—Will the fifty doHars per week for :good masof rmy istandmg, 3 make this state- ihe -security ••of the -Jews, :uuist arouse IReiss, sergeants-a"fe-arms; Erwm wae ra goK tracted -a laxge jure, the sum total is only fifteen iunianent: " : in the ..Jew a deeper and -finer -eBaxt Wezelman, chaplam, and Isadare Jewish community of Philadehihia^ dred dollars ^per -week, JHS mrniimt am foursome consisting nf Pete \Lyok, •'H do :httend i o !be a icandidate for in •behalf -of the Jewish cause. . i Sornstein, treporter. tfliird largest Jewish community estimated income of approxi Bam [Reynolds, .John Goodman and Period fmr BxtriaJ the .governor ihis auluiim. AdvisorB Elected for the coming in the country, put into effect a vdl- ten tho;isand dollars per week. tely Sen Tousem. •IQne i u n d x e d irepresent— "3 shall mot -iipsn Iheadcjuarters -or ing twenty-roie countries, will attenii term are Barry IB. Cohen, Stanley 3?. Refused by Board nhtary tax on M\ ikosher meat and These figures are based on l i e .as- Abe Brodkey ACTK general chairnum i engage rin tany iprej-convfinlion poultry in order i o meet the ever- sumption that t i e increased price for in charge of mrrangements for the ihe conference, raccardmg i o Dr. Wise.' Btsvrn, Dr. A. iGreenberg, 3Harry: Txustin, Mike lEreeman, Philip M. paign a t ihe present •iime. 1 rprefer mounting deficits that are distressing kosher meat is only two and a half *5F!Iing7' S e •swas assisted by Ainer Trenton, J. (J. 3L A.)=—The ) lOutznick, Xou liiklrn and Usauore i o stand on my record of ihe past local philanthropic and educational m- cents par pound. Actually the charge 3Kaiman, ES Erause, Mickey ^Jnipmstate board xsf health has declined a stitutionB? Abramson. ihree and -one-luilf years JIB a ipuhTir A t ILeaHOfcrt IPribliciy is much -more. It is said i o i u n some :sk^ aBam ILeon, Barrj- MB lashnck, Joe xu—The Austrian ISazi Ihead— tThe chapter will iold an open ^request ifiled iby -orthodox rabbis This Question is agitatmg the minrts wiere between two and 1E& Theller. -Gdl. [Lehman 3s 'actively lit tissued Lan -order -prohibituig meeting m t i e "near future for tflue an -extenBion of ihe maximum time of t h s Headers Df i li four cents ^per pound a t the Bourse. The prizes for low gross went to community. >w±th ihe Amefitan -Jewish jjomt the use xS public insults as well sas presentation of awards ^won .by the limit f or inlying unenibahned or nn- was brought t o "fee fore i y the deci- B p l arow are SBsking: Why should Pete Lyck, John Goodman and Bam iribution osonmiittee, of "wliicfa ihe iie threats ;ugamst ;religiaus anmnnunitieH. chapter. The trophy, .awarded t o crematfid bodies to "72 inurs. The sion of a small group -with t h e sanc- this Beynolds in the order named. l«ow Ire!? Why ihould iosher i .ii :vice prjesident. He lis ialso -vice Among the epithets ianed" i y the ^hapter 3Jo. 1 for .second ipTace m i i e bnard dia, ihowever, amend i i e sani- tion of rRabbiB.i.!Lfiviraial,ri<ead;of met _praes m-ere won by L. E. Gunderpresident ;of tthe Palestine Economic new order as that' of 'fjudaea IRefish!'. international bestrchapter contest, has tary xode to provide 48 iours niasi- the "Vaad BakashruHi to place ;a tax cost anywhere from ifive to frfteen rson, sLmcoln, Dean Glover and Jack ^-corporation, ^a mfimher.'iff ihe 'Council ai favorite 3Razi tterm 'flmployed as an .ateeady arrived. T i e chauiei1 ^placed* .mran time limit, in place xnf 36 iours, of one cent on all cbickenB ^killed xente per pound more t e the consume! Pazanowski. when the actual xost of makmg it ^was t i e rule 3rp t o now. of ihe Jewish aigency i n d m also :af- accompaniment to attacks npon Jews. first in ihe Missouri Walley Alephs, ikosher so that the Central ITalmud kosher is not Tepr^sented 3jy more 'Other :golf awards included: XongThe pcabhis had argued previously h ^association. . • ' -filiated ^wr& ihe J&mefican <Qrt, ihe Torah, which also incluxteB t i e than one-quarter »f « cent on l i e «st drive 3*o. 3—Dr. Gene Slattery, tto Represent • A team t o present the second-de-; that the SBrhoui regulation ^conflicted ava -Jewish Colonization association, ihe Mishkin Hsrael and the -Straw-; 4—Ernie Nogg, No. 5— dalk, seriously with Jewish iitual laws gov- berry Mansion Talmud Tnrah, ^are .-not pound, if tiat"? Why this sexploitaritual ;is ?ieing formed. 1 American JJewish^Joint 3Foundafion an Hungaxianllndiistry dalla, 3So. 4—tErnie 'Nog£, No. 5tion? Win vgete this extra profit ? 3erning burial when an important holEurope, tthe 3?alestine IDoan fharik, ihe, IBudapest.;—- iifijo ^on IBuday p close their -doors. 'Inciden-tUtenny 3vyan, !No. ti—Dr. Jack Gartiiday BIIHI as Passover or Succoth oc- Jurced t oquestion •Russian Agrpjornt ^committee, ttoe •berger, -Jewlsfa andustralist, was ;ap-' tfe transed: Wio prof•ner, 3lo. Ti—.Frank Garver, No. 8—Al curs. lEowever, the board, iviewmg i^i Oiaar Fails TtllCTiqi^ g|gTrirnilttTrn1 2 u n d , i h e 3*3X013 pohited to the Slungarian Senate 3jy its from ihe extra charge on kosher Cohn, ~3Ro. S—Dr. Ed McKenna. the .matter in the light of ^Ba? .gen- meatr? • de IHirsch fund -and /Xourig Judaea. , IRegentSLorfiiy. Best second shot, ~No. T<—H. Stora, in ill eral public welfare, refused to igrant .. sCol. Oielnnkn ^was ihonpred -an...H930. The Jewish member -was nanted tto, The J'ewish-Communtty -xS PhiladeljiBest second shot No. !>—Harry Koch. t i e jenuest, sanctioning, ^however, B phia, 'with tthe iZeta IBeta "Tau dU represent Hungarian indnstry. 'i it :is claimed, ctmBumeB L-approx- ~HTiT«3r-—i(3[. 1 . J^J.)—White ^Russia !lLow score first nine—Matt Zadaliii, T. A.).-^The Mmistry limit, although i t is scarcely imately four hundred thousand pounds has failed to supply the assigned S5. vLow scOTe second nine—3. Milder. of Education of lEsthonia i a s perceptible iow this will aid t i e nrnroved the Testabushment nf a ifew-; thodox -viewpoint duiing a hoDday nf Ikosher meat jpex waeek. Tife does ogunta ol Bettler* for Bha Midjan, Migh score—-Harold Cherniak, 70. not include -fEowL lsh .chair ^planned ^jy illorpat ^ triit/^T—' TJ "*93cfiabf" iin the Highscore 3C holes—J. C. Travis, 135. Hik Assumnig the Jewish butcher sity ^s part nf 2ts tercentenaiy «ete- neriod. <uf 3 G. Hickman. iLow score INo. y --of '.conuitions only two sand xt half cents additional in Brra Bidjan in the first ouarter High score 18 hole?—2. C. Travis, .136. bxa.£ion. -. per pound -far "kosher meat, i t -means Shortest drive off No. 1—J. H. HanThe chair lis to i e natt nf t h e H •Los Angeles.—(J. A. T.)—-Xillian ihat this is her "last Olympic contest Pliilosophic Eacntty of 'fee/xmiverstty, Jewish Population in 3m added income of approximately ten It points out that White Hussia ley, 2 inches. •Cqpeland, Jewish baw student of Los and that she will devote iersslf i o which .is a state Canada Totals W&$®$thousand dollars per week. Special awards went to the followm-as unable to supply the Bmall quota Dorpat -Angeles won the -world discus throw- law in the future. University thus becomes the .'first uniIK is said the "Vaad Bakasliruth of HD families and 2£P single per- ing: JVIost active cripple. Marvin Treling -women's championship at ilie versity in Europe wherE Taddish ;and l h i t Quebec (J. T. The Jewish spends approximately two ^hundred. S515. I t asks "with armety nowjier: best mixer, .lake "Milder; •Olympic games. Hebrew :h*terature -will he taught as population in Canada numberE and fifty -fioIlaiB "a week to maintain White Jlussia will be :rn a position j supper, Jake Spiesberp-cr: worst refJewish Youth Peace The ;award was bstowed upon her released by the itself, its :Rabbis, ite supervisors, etc. to supply the quota for ihe second \ eree, Long Count Abner Kaiman; best Brussels.—The JewishrrmrVniipri TCouth .'Con- part nf the course for the ^ doctorate 606, figures fOTifaibri^i f -fnr nf Teveal. "TfiTR^l jtR _iEX<*1n?;ivp. _ nf t h e j a s l L JlL nnatilp t n fight second. Abe Shotweli; loudesSt ang "her discus 1S3 tfeet jmd "2 finches. four day sessions here. ^ • The xharr as t o be maintained ;by The figures are basea fon the last slaughtering Tvhich is said to amount supply the first. The second quar- talker, Alex Brungardt; tallted be* In a statement to the -Jewish TeleJewish representatives -from twelve =frfa»n% itS IDorpat Hhiivexsity ifor the census. The Jews Teside in Ontario *D one thousand dollars per "Week. Al- t e r s quota is for 180 families and bridgp game, Harold Farlier; teeing; Braphic Agency Miss Cqpeland stated lands participated nromofion -of Jewish science. and Quebec for the mast part. additioTjal two hundred and up in ihe trough, Dr. A. Greenberg. single

Mrs* Kulokofsky Heads Committee ifmrOpen Mouse



Fun Features Annual Fling ot Highland

Tax on Kodho* Poultry and Meat Agitates Philadeiphians

Has Jkmgeles Jewess Sh&ttems Mecord in Winning Utscus^Tfarmx?



Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Priee, one year - - - - - - •- Advertising rates furnished on application ; Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 . Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing EEditor d to FRANK B. ACKERMAN - » * FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - -' - ' . . - • - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

PRIDE AND DELIRIUM National fascism, in its trek around the world, has made a stop-over in this country. The first faint intonations of impending organization on a national scale have been heard, heralding the approach of a successor to the Ku Klux Klan, itself nationalfascist in motive. We do not intend to delve into the centuries-old maelstrom of theories of state. Let it suffice that national fascism has captivated the imagination of many peoples in many nations. Its manifestations have left the clearest impress in two countries in particular—Germany and Italy. Though fascism is the dominant note in both, they follow widely-divergent paths. Italian fascism demands the loyalty and devotion of its citizens to their country and to their institutions without arousing a false racial pride which would exclude Italians from association with another racial group. Thus, the Jewish citizens of Italy, it is recognized, can be good Italians and good Jews simultaneously. On the other hand, German fascism demands undying adherence to the Fatherland and certain German institutions, admitting no conception of an amalgamation of good qualities to one whose ancestor's forebears were not of pure Aryan stock. Thus, Jewish citizens, or any others who do not pass the Hitlerite rigid racial test, can never be good Germans, no matter how much they may have contributed to Germany's culture, science, education, literature, etc. The consequences of these two' views is evidenced by the internal situation. Italy has no anti-Semitism; all minorities are harmoniously satisfied. Germany is a hot-bed of anti-Jewfshness; all minorities are engaged in bloody rioting. Mussolini struck at the heart of the difference when he stated, "National pride does not require racial delirium." That is the lesson which will some day be taught to all the petty Hitlers who strut on the world stage, taking advantage of the gluttony and hatred and bigotry that abounds all too freely in this world . . National pride does not require racial delirium . . As Mussolini also pointod out, by some queer prank of fate the champions of a Germanic race are none of them Germans. Gobineau was a Frenchman; Chamberlain an Englishman; Woltmann a Jew, and Lapouge again a Frenchman. -It is a sad commentary on a German theory that makes an alien of a Rathenau . . . it is racial delirium. National fascists, i wherever they may be, would do well to logically distinguish in the manner of Mussolini between national pride and racial delirium.

the store with my . husband, and I decided I would go out for a little walk. So I said to my husband— Chayim, I am going to take a walk. You see my husband's name is Chayim. So I went out for a walk. Well, I enjoyed the walk very much, and when I came back I was hungry like two bears and a gorilla. So I goes to the ice-box and eats some fish, and dootor, I don't believe the fish agreed with me. I got pains all over, so that's why I am here! !"

ESPECIALLY NOWADAYS And that one of S. R. Harris—not so bad, either, for hot weather. The one about the Jewish mother who was going very far east and west. "I am getting fat from ahvayress (Hebrew for sins), she told the doctor. "What do you mean—avayress?" asked the physician. "You know," she replied, "es ist an avayreh arauszuwuarfen."

grow enthusiastic about atheism, that might be understood. But neither Christian, atheist, Communist —what then am I? And why shouldn't I be a Communist? After all, Marx certainly seemed right in some of his prophecies. For instance, in the growing concentration of wealth. His economic interpretation of history, seems also to have a lot to commend it. Why then, so chilly ? I ask myself. And I answer that perhaps it is because I am too much of a libertarian. I cherish individualism too much to care for socialism. And then I say to myself, but aren't you just alibiing yourself with empty phrases. Libertarianism, individualism. They are nice words. But pray, how much chance has the individual under present conditions, and with the economic struggle lessened, wouldn't his individualism be given more opportunity?

FISHING But talking about columns again, Sobol is right. Fishing is much better. And after all, there is a Jewish angle to everything, even to fishing. I remember the first time 1 went fishing. I couldn't get myself to stick the pin of the hook through the little angleworms. I think it must have been something Jewish in me that stopped me. Hunting, too, there is something un-Jewish about. I don't like this mollycoddle business, but I remember going possum hunting down in Texas. It's generally done around midnight and when the dogs who sniffed out the presence of the possums serenely reposing in their their slumbers in their trees began to howl and pounce on the possums, there was something in me that revolted. Nevertheless, I like fishing. Something so peaceful and lazy about it. And what's the use of leaving all those fish in the sea? They're such a dumb lot. All they can do is swim. Remember how Benjamin Franklin, who for a time was a vegetarian, began to eat fish ? He saw a fish being opened and prepared for frying. As it was opened, a smaller fish, which the big fish had eaten, was taken from its inners. If fish can eat fish, rationalized Franklin, why shouldn't I eat it? But really what I suppose affected Franklin was the smell of the frying fish.

A lot of people wondered why Florenz Ziegfeld of the Follies fame was not buried by the Chevrah Kadisha. The reason is that Ziegfeld was not a Jew, the general supposition to the.contrary notwithstanding. Nor were his parents Jews. His mother was a Catholic and his father a Lutheran. His famous press that Lee Kaplan, who just returned agent, Bernard Sobel,. is a Jew. It rom Palestine, told. It's all about is said that B. S. will do a scenario the Hadassah. hospitals in Palestine, for the films about Ziegfeld. t appears that in Palestine the Hadassah institutions have a reputa- THE TEST By DAVID SCHWARTZ ion for getting on very intimate Speaking about Long Beach, New erms with their clientele. In fact, York, that all Jewish city, where the SOLILOQUIZING I am told, too much so. Well, Miss So Louis Sobol, Hearst columnist, Kaplan tells this one anent the ex- mayor and all the officials are Jewish, they tell the one about the real says he would like to be able to go tent of this intimacy. up to his chief, when the latter calls; Mrs. Cohen was in the hospital. To estate salesman who telephoned some for his column, and say, "Go fly a be more specific, she was in the re- unknown prospect about a certain kite—I'm going fishing." But he ceiving ward, waiting for the doctor transaction and made an appointment can't afford it. Well, Sobol is lucky. to diagnose and prescribe. Along to meet the prospect in front of a certain hotel. Think what would be if he were a came the medico. "But how will I know youu?" Jewish columnist Just confined to "Well, whafs troubling you, Mrs. the Jewish field. Unless the crazy Cohen?" queried the doctor with the queried the prospect. "That's a cinch," replied the salesthing is Jewish, you can't write beaming benevolence characteristic of man. "I'll be the man with the Engabout it. You know Dana defined the staff. lish newspaper under my arm." news. If a dog bites a man, it is "Well, you see, it is this way," not news; but if a man bites a dog, then it is news. But with Jewish replied Mrs. Cohen. "You see we PRACTICE MAKES news, it's got to be a Jewish dog. used to live in Jerusalem. That was PERFECT And so few of the dogs are Jewish. a good many years ago. At that Did you hear the one about the the population of Jerusalem was Jacob Fishman, editor of the Jew- time Jew who came into an East Side a good deal smaller than it is today. ish Morning Journal, is one of the I should say, in fact, that since then speakeasy and told the bartender or fastest column writers I know. Real- the population of Jerusalem has al- speaktender that he could drink two ly, all columns should be written most doubled." quarts of Passover schnapps without fast. If they are labored, the chances a stop? "Yes, yes," said the doctor, "but are they will appear so, and who "Bet you fifty dollars you can't," what's troubling you?" will read a labored column? said the speak man. "I am coming to that very quickBy the way, one Jewish columnist "Okay, I'll be back in a few minhas dropped out—I mean Morris Mar- ly," said Mrs. Cohen. "As I said, utes and take your bet." we used to live in Jerusalem. You gulies, the new secretary of the Sure enough in 15 minutes he was Zionist Organization. He was the know Jerusalem then had none of the back—and laid the $50 on the table. tall buildings that it has today. But MeraShinHay of the Zionist, olav "Listen," said the speak man, "I hashalom, which has disappeared with anyway-—to be very brief, one day don't want to take your money from my husband took a trip to Tel Aviv. the incoming of the new Zionist adyou. This is awfully potent. Long ministration. Margulies used to be Well, you know how husbands are. before you reach the second quart, Some husbands are very good—and with the New York Telegram, then you'll be spiificated." he got money-struck and went on some should be in prison. Well, my "Here's the fifty dollars," rejoined the road selling. Now he's in charge husband, soil er gesund sein is not the Jewish "shikkur." "Pour in the so bad. So he went to Tel Aviv, of the-selling of Zionism to the publiquor. The bet is on." lic. He has initiative—he's generally and yon know how men are. Well, The speak man handed him one to make a long story short, he liked liked. He ought to make good—and quart. The "shikkur" drank it out also get married. How Can a man Tel Aviv. Some people like Jerusa- sans stop. Then another quart. This lem better and some people like Tel talk about a Jewish National Home also was drunk forthwith. if he has no home of his own? But Aviv better. It's an old story, some "You're a marvel," said the speak people like herring and some don't look who's'talking? like it. So my husband opened a man. "You're a marvel." A FISH STORY "Well, to tell the truth," said the store in Tel Aviv. Shikkur, as he pocketed the $50, "I That was a good story, by the way. "Well, one day I was staying in didn't believe it at first myself, so when I left before I went across the street to that other speak and tried, and found I could, so I came back Here."

By the Way



What is the matter with me ? Here I was standing at Columbus Circle, the Hyde Park of America. On one corner, Christian evangelists were soap-boxing for a doctrine once urged by some Jews called Jesus, Paul, ete. Nearby was standing an Irish Communist preaching the doctrine of certain Jews called Marx and Lasalle. As the Christian revivalists broke forth into some church hymn, the Communists broke into the I. W. W.: ''You'll have pie when you5 die fn'the gky, byessd-bye. ' Ai.d further over was standing a Jewish atheist, damning religion. And yet I stood, I am afraid, somewhat cpldiy to all. Well, if I don't sympathize with the Christian revivalists, that might be Understood. If I don't


awarded to J. M. Weissenberg. The Jerusalem.—The agricultural Jew- prize for the best dramatic work of The brain may devise laws for the ish population of Palestine forms 26 400 zlotys went to Aaron Zeitlin, blood, but a hot temper leaps «'er a per cent of the total Jewish popula- Kadia Maladovska won 300 zlotys for :old decree.—Shakespeare. the best poetic output. tion, according to census figures. This is an increase of 8 per cent in Jewish Youth Wins If you would know the value of the agricultural Jewish population First Aid money, go and try to borrow some, since the last census of 1922. Syracuse.—For the second time in Neutrality Toward Government a consecutive year, Gerald Jacobs, a for he that goes a-borrowing goes Bucharest.—Dissatisfaction with the Central High School student of this a-sorrowing.—Franklin. intimidation methods practiced during city, won from 400 selected experts the recent elections was expressed by from every part of the country who Deputy Michael Landau, in his first had participated in Los Angeles tests, RABBI L L. SHAPIRO address before the new Parliament. the national first aid championship. In accordance with a decision adopt- Last year he won the title in Washhas been n ed by the Jewish Parliamentary Club, ington. Mohe) Specialist the Jewish deputies will maintain a After having emerged victorious in (oi 20 years neutral attitude toward the govern- a series of elimination tests held in Attends with utmost care ment and will await future develop- the regional and state contests, he ments, watching with particular care went to the coast two weeks ago, to 1724 No. 24th St. WE. 3817 the government attitude toward Jew- compete in the final tryouts. ish questions.

Back-to- the-Land

PROCEDURE FOR DEPORTED ALIENS SEEKING RE-ENTRY Kosher and Kashruth New York (J. T. A.).—The steps to be taken by aliens seeking readmission to the United States after deportation under the new measure granting the secretary of labor discretion to permit applications for reentry on the part of aliens, are made known in a statement by the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid society. Application for permission to reapply for admission into the United States cannot be made until one year from the time the alien was deported or left this country voluntarily, according to the Hias. After that year he must apply by an affidavit, stating trat he was deported or ordered deported, the reason therefor and the date, to which country he has gone, where he has lived and what he has been doing, and if employed in what capacity and by whom. Any special reasons why he believes the secretary of labor should grant him permission to reapply must be stated It is well to attach to this affidavit other affidavits or letters from persons in this country or abroad testifying to his character, conduct and qualifications and the reasons why he should return to the United States "After the secretary of labor has granted the permission to reapply, the applicant must go to the nearest American consul for a visa just as an ordinary alien who never came to America before," says the statement. Hias has instructed its offices and affiliated organizations to be of assistance to such deported aliens and to help them to prepare the necessary documents of which there should be two copies, one for the secretary of labor and the other for the Hias files. The Hias makes known that through its Washington bureau it will intervene on behalf of every alien entitled to receive permission to reapply.

ited Luxemburg- to intervene therfc with the authorities on behalf of the •olish Jews Kving in the country. Dr. Jatzkowsky pointed out to the authorities that these Jews were lawobserving, paid their taxes and had done nothing to deserve deportation. As a result of this intervention it was announced that there would be no deportation of Jewish residents.


Paris.— The general press is criticized for its silence in the face of the anti-Jewish attacks which occurred in Tunis last week, by the Socialist daily, "Populaire." The paper criticises the Resident General Manceron, for failing to take adequate steps to protect the Jewish population. Eleven Jews were injured in the attacks which began with a quarrel beArabs to Reply to tween an Arab and a Jewish merchant French Report and culminated with an invasion of Jerusalem. — The Arab Executive the Jewish quarter. will shortly submit to the Palestine Protests Anti-Semitic High Commissioner its recommendations reg-arding the report of Lewis Posters Montreal.—The City Council heard French, Palestine Land Commissioner. from Alderman Berl The general viewpoint among the a demand members of the Arab Executive is for Schwartz for police measures to curb an acceptance of the report under cer- the activities of hooligans who plastain conditions. These conditions are ter stores owned by Jews with antithat the Development Scheme be con- Semitic posters. The Jewish Alderman was assured fined to Arab settlement and that Jewish immigration into Palestine be that the police will protect all citizens irrespective of race or creed. halted.

Philadelphia—A concerted effort to rid the summer resorts of this country of deliberate misrepresentation practiced by hotels in the matter of kashruth is now being made by the Union of Orthodox Rabbis, according to a statement given the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by Rabbi Eliezer Silver of Cincinnati, President of the Agudah.

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Finance Genius

Paris. — Emanuel Olsvanger was authorized by the Zionist Organization to represent it at the Congress of Esperantists now in session here. Miss Zamenhof, daughter of the Jewish inventor of Esperanto is attending the sessions. Thirty-five nationalities and 13 governments are represented at the congress. The Zionist Organization has published several booklets in Esperanto in connection with Zionist aspirations.

London.—The new Minister of Finance of Italy, Dr. Jung, is descended from a Jewish family of Hungarian origin, according to the "Sunday Referee." Minister Jung is described as a financial genius with a long practical experience in finance, which II Duce hopes will be of service when applied to the serious industrial and banking problems of Italy.

Awards for Yiddish Literary Work

Jerusalem. — The foundation of a colony of American Shochtim was laid near Natania last week. Forty-five Jews are to be settled in the colony. Speakers of the dedicatory cere monies included Chaim Nachman Pia lik famous Hebrew poet, and Rabbis Teitelbaum and Uziel.

American Schochtim Colony


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Warsaw.—The winners of prizes for the best literary productions in the past year, in the amount of 2,000 zlotys, awarded by a special committee, in which the Kehillah is represented have been announced. The prize for the best piece of fietion in the amount of 800 zlotys, was Book on California's Medical


San Francisco.—Dr. Henry Harris, leader in local Zionist affairs and for years a prominent member of the medical profession, is attracting much THRIFTY SERVTCB • attention through the publication of a 6cLb. book entitled, "California's Medical Ja. 0243 C B. 5192 History." The volume is the result of years of research. It has won commendation from medical authorities throughout the country. iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiinniiiiiiimmniwniiimiiniti

Registrar of Co-operatives Named in Palestine Jerusalem.—A special registrar of co-operatives has been appointed in accordance with the report of C. T. Strickland, Colonial Office expert on co-operation in order to promote the Arab co-operative movement. The government, it is understood will seek the co-operation of the Jews.

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Jerusalem.—The Moslem University 507 So. 12 Street Committee, in line with the decision ATlantic 1192 adopted at the Mufti's Moslem Conference late last* year, has announced its intention of establishing three fac nni mil ifinimiainiiiif HI itmn mi Hin mini u iiuiim imm mi ulties at the outset. The schools to be established are theological, technical and medical. The theological school is planned to accommodate 600 students, the medical school 300 and the technical school '200.

Unemployed Even in South Africa Johannesburg.—Large numbers of Jewish men and boys are going from town to town in search of work, according to B. Fisher, treasurer of the Durban Jewish Benevolent Society. If measures for their rehabilitation are not promptly taken, they will degenerate into tramps and useless citizens, Mr. Fisher says. The Durban Benevolent Society is deluged with requests for aid and employment.

Envoy Prevents Jewish Expulsion from Luxemberg Warsaw (J. T. A.).—In view of the measures taken recently in Luxemburg under which a number of Jewish residents, mostly Polish citizens, were in danger of deportation from the country, it is now stated here that the Polish ambassador in Belgium, Dr. T. Jatzkowsky, who is also accredited to Luxemburg, vis-

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1932 with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and the fraternity men will be declared Mrs. George Colton, for a trip the champions as they defeated the through the east. Charles Street markets last week. If the Psi Mu win and then go ahead Mr. Ralph Gross is spending two and defeat the Markets the situation will again be deadlocked, with the weeks at Fort Crook. three teams tied for first . Miss Esther Silverman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Silverman, is visiting in Sioux City with Miss Esther Ladies Free Loan Mellrin. Picnic The Ladies Free Loan Society "will VISITORS sponsor a picnic on Sunday, August Miss Ina Kroloft of Sioux City, 14, at Elmwood Park. Iowa, is the guest of Miss Saramara All members are requested to bring Katskee. basket lunches, and also the stubs of their tickets. Miss Pauline Mieches departed on Monday for her home in Joliet, I1L, after an eight-week visit among rel- Joint Picnic A joint picnic of the Poale Zion and atives and friends. An elaborate send-off at the depot was arranged National Jewish Workers Alliance will be held on Sunday, August 21, at in her honor. Elmwood Park. Miss Helen Share of Sioux City, Members of these organizations are Iowa, is visiting Miss Ida Ruth requested to' bring basket lunches. Games and races with prizes awarded Batt. to the winners, are on the program of Miss Rose Wigodsky of Sioux City entertainment. has returned home, after a twoweek visit here. Psi MuWeiner Roast The Psi Mu fraternity held a weiner Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rubin have roast at Naeve's Park Saturday eveas their guests Mr. and Mrs. Meyer ning, August 6, with fifteen couples J. Rachofsky, their children, and a attending. friend, Mr. Harry Harris, of Dallas, Leo Berman led the entertainment Texas. with spontaneous ditties and songs. Mr. Rachofsky, Mr. Harris and Mr. Sam Cohn left Monday morning for Rules Rabbinical a short stay at Colorado Springs.

day, has been postponed until August 21. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday morning, August 9, at the Jennie Edmundson hospital.



Summer Months Special

Mrs. E. Berman and son, Sheldon, of Chicago, 111., have returned to their Morris Rothenberg Can Count home, following a three weeks' visit on Co-operation of All here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Factions and Groups Max Steinberg. New York (J. T. A.).—That the The Council Bluffs Agndas Achim leadership of the Zionist movement society will hold a meeting on next in the United States headed by MorPlease Note—All society items Thursday evening, August 18, at the ris Rothenberg, recently elected presmust be mailed or phoned in beOur Mistake Eagles hall. ident of the Zionist organization of fore 5 p. m., Wednesdays. Because of a despicable "pracAmerica, may count on the effective Mies Toby Katelman left last Fri- co-operation of all factions within the tical joker," the Jewish Press last SECRET MARRIAGE day for Leavenworth, Kan., where she movement as well as of non-Zionists, week carried an erroneous anMr. and Mrs. D. Gerber announce nouncement of the future marriage will visit at the home of her brotheT- is apparent from assurances of supthe secret marriage of their daugh- of Clara Robinson and Max Papin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe port and good wishes which have ter, Gertrude, to Mr. Jack Levey, son erny. The report was absolutely Bear. been received by Mr. Rothenberg. ( of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey, on Febru- 'unfounded and untrue, and we Returning from a conference with ary 9, 1932. Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg and Supreme apologize to the parties concerned Court Justice Louis D. children left Monday for Excelsior Brandeis, held The following have entertained for for its appearance. at his summer resiSprings, Mo., for a visit. Mrs. Jack Levey: Mr. and Mrs. D. Though an attempt was made to dence at Chatham, Mass., Mr. RothGerber, Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey, Mrs. check this article, it was not subMax Kramer left Sunday for St. enberg made the following comment: S. Levitan of Sioux City, and the jected to the usual thorough check"I am deeply gratified at the assurLouis, Mo., for a two weeks' visit. Misses Goldie Sidman, Bess Bernstein, ing because the letter, detailed and ances of support given me by JusIsabelle Gerber, Ruth Slobodisky, Eva in long-hand, arrived late. It is our tice Brandeis in the efforts to be Schwartz, Min Haspel, Mae Tucker, error, and, again, we apologize. made by the newly elected adminisKose Mandel, Bess Rubinstein and tration of the Zionist organization of Lillian Nachschoen. America to promote the social and a motor trip to visit with friends in Mrs. Levey will entertain for these economic development of the Jewish girls at a dinner and bridge, espe- Philadelphia and New York City. She national home, and of his readiness cially honoring the Misses Min Has-will return the latter part of Septo consult and advise on Zionist tember. pel and Lillian Nachschoen, bridesproblems. I found Justice Brandeis to-be. as profoundly interested in Palestine Miss Florence Mosher, niece of Mr as ever before, and that he follows and Mrs. H. Pollack, is leaving for Divorces Are HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE RECUPERATING very closely the details of the work California in the near future. She Many affairs are being given in Miss Ann Zalk is recuperating from Binding both here and in Palestine. He is reside there with her grandhonor of Miss Fanne Ostrovich, will an appendectomy she underwent on most optimistic with regard to the mother, Mrs. R. Goldstone. whose marriage to Sam Manvitz will Monday at the Nicholas Senn hospifuture of the national home." Belgrade (J. T. A.).—The High take place on September 11. Miss tal. Court of Appeal here handed down Mr. Rothenberg, who is also chairMr. and Mrs. George Colton and Edith Ostrovicb. entertained at six son, David, and niece, Miss Blanche its' opinion that a Rabbinical diman of the administrative committee tables of bridge, followed by a din- Soskin, have left for an extended TO CONCERTIZE vorce is binding upon all members of the American section of the Jewner; Sunday afternoon Sophie Hal- tour of the east. En route they wil of the Jewish faith. ish aeency for Palestine, and known coneertize with engagement to perin entertained at a luncheon and stop at Chicago, going from there as theAnVandelle for his successful efforts to enlist The court also ruled that the string quartette throughthree tables of bunco. This Sunday Zionists and non-Zionists of diverRabbinate is authorized to deal out Europe will defer for another afternoon Eve Lipsman will be host- far east as New York and from year Joseph Harding's coming to this with all divorce cases in which the AN D gent views in Palestine activities in there north into Canada. ess to 20 girls at a miscellaneous the United States, further expressed country to visit with his parents, principals are Jews. shower, followed by a swimming parhis satisfaction with the offers of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Harding of KanMiss Esther Blumenthal returned ty at Plattsmouth and supper -at co-operation which he had received sas City, formerly of Omaha. —+ Mandan park. Numerous other af- Monday from Spring Park, Minn . The Vandelle string quartette, confrom Felix M. Warburg, leader of fairs are being planned for the bride- where she spent ten days at the sisting of only higrhly-reputed artthe non-Zionist? associated with the Hotel Del Otero on Lake Minnetonka . to-be. Zionists in the Jew ish agency for Palists, is sponsored by the French govwith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and estine, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, forernment and is booked for 130 confamily of Kansas City, Mo. mer president of the World Zionist certs during the year. The tour will LUNCHEON PLANNED BY F. R. K. organization, and Felix Frankfurter, include some of the largest colleges On August 31 • Mrs. Joseph GoldMiss Rose Brandeis, daughter of and universities in Europe. professor of law at Harvard univerSHILOFF-ZOORWILL WEDDING ware and her committee on Hadassah Mr. and Mrs. M. Brandeis, has just sity and one of the outstanding proThe marriage of Miss Mollie Zoorinfant welfare are sponsoring i returned a two months' visit in tagonists of the Zionist cause. will, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David luncheon at Murphy's, Forty-eightl Portland, from Ore., Seattle, San Francisco OTA TAU RUSH PARTY Zoorwill of Council Bluffs, to Mr. HerAlthough more than a month has and Center, at 12 noon. Reserva- and Los AngelesThe Iota Tau sorority is planning While in Los Anman Shiloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. elapsed since the Zionist convention tions may be made with Mrs. Gold- geles Miss Brandeis attended the i moonlight rush party for August Meyer Shiloff of Sioux City, Iowa, selected Morris Rothenberg as its ware, Market 2871, or with the Mes- Olympic games. She will 20. A special meeting of the group unanimous choice for the leadership, dames Jack Kaufman, Joseph Meyers piano studio September 1.xeopen her was held Tuesday evening at the will take place next Sunday afternoon, August 14, at 4 o'clock at the messages of good-will and congratuJ. Robinson, Dave Silverman, Dave home of Lee Shames. Chevra B'Nai Yisroel Synagogue at lations are continuing to pour in at Stein or Morris Wohlner. Mrs. Stanford Kohlberg has de618 Mynster street. Zionist headquarters. Over 100 reservations have already LAM OUTING Miss Jessie Shiloff of Sioux City, been made, incluuding those by Mrs parted for an indefinite stay in Min- [The Creighton University chapter sister of the groom, will be maid-ofJulius Abrahamson, 4; Mrs. Joseph neapolis. of Pi Lambda Phi held a stag honor, and Mr. Ben Zoorwill, brother Daytch, 8; Mrs. H. Ziegman, 4 outing at Linoma Beach last Sunday. man. BridesMrs. Julius Stein,, _ 4; Mrs. Morris Miss Blanche Soskin, daughter of A feature of the day was a baseball of the bride, will be best "Mr. and Mrs. H. Soskin, has departed maids will be Misses; °Sara Ann NodFox, 8; Mrs. M. Marcus of Council tilt, in which the actives routed the dle and Ida Bercovici of Omaha. Bluffs, 4, and the Mesdames M. F. alumni. Groomsmen will be Messrs. David Levenson, Sam Cohen, O. C. Golder, Kitchen Chats Kaplan and Saubel Hershelow of A. D. Frank, Allan Kohen, Max KapSioux City. Little Esther Zoorwill, lan, David R. Cohn, Mose Yousem By sister of the bride, will be train carJ. J. Friedman, Sam Frohm, B. A. Mrs. David M. Newman Project to Convert Kalinindorf rier. Simon, H. Htrshman, J. M. Erman By STANLEY F. LEVIN' The ceremony will be performed by Region Into Ukrainian Meyer Friedel, Abraham Romm; and Crumb Cake Miss Minnette Ziegman, 4. One Julian Milder, 16-year-old Central Rev. A. Diamond of Council Bluffs in One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, high school all around athletic, upset the presence of about 100 guests. A 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon each cloves, the dope bucket in the semi and final reception and dinner will follow. A Moscow (J. T. A.)-—A project to BIRTHS nutmeg, cinnamon. Mix and re- rounds of the Highland Country Club number of out-of-town guests are exconvert the Kalinindorf Jewish auMrs. Paul Bernstein anMr. and tonomous region into a Ukrainian nounce the birth of a daughter, Phyl- serve one-half cup of mixture for golf tournament when he put the pected in for the wedding. one is provoking a gTeat deal of lis Ann, on Thursday, August 4, at top. To the remainder add 2 tea- skids under Abe Brodkey, the defendThe Council Bluffs Chapter No. 1 resentment among the Jewish Comthe Clarkson Memorial hospital. Mrs. spoons dark syrup, 1 cup sour milk, ing champion and odds-on favorite, Bernstein was formerly Miss Helen 1 teaspoon soda, l cup chopped wal- and Micky Krupinsky, the other final- of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting IGHT NOW—daring the hot, munist leaders in Moscow. nuts, 1-2 cup cocoa, 2 eggs. Pour ist. Both losers are golf veterans, as next Wednesday evening, August 17, . sultry "dog days" of August— Five years ago, when Kalinindorf Altschuler. in a long pan and sprinkle crumbs Jewish golfers go and had expected to at the home of Jay Goldberg, 610 your need of a General Electric Re- was proclaimed the first Jewish auis apparent every hour. over top. Bake for 40 minutes. tonomous region in the Soviet union, SOCIAL NOTES meet each other for the title, but the Sixth avenue. The tennis tournament frigerator Food spoilage is at its peak and you which was scheduled for last Sunabout 2,000 Jewish families were to Mr. Robert Noddle, "who attended purple mashie wielder was hot and pay its price in actual dollars and Old-Time Brownies be found there. Later this number the Shriners' convention in San Francents. Why not stop wasting and start could not be stopped although the saying? Let the money you are now increased to about 3,000. cisco, Calif., is now attending the One and three-quarters cup flour, following day when he entered the losing pay for a General Electric:—and The rise in the number of Jewish Olympic games in Los Angeles. He 3-4 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, qualifying round of the state open bring your family the added pleasure colonists would have no doubt conwill also visit various points in the 11-3 cups sugar, 5 yolks beaten, 2 1-2 tournament he *;ould not make the of cool, trisp salads, chilled drinks tinued in Kalinindorf if not for the state of Colorado, and expects to re- squares Baker's chocolate melted, 1 qualifying round. Julian will make a and delicious frozen desserts that are cup sour cream, 1 cup walnuts nice tournament player when he becollectivization, which compelled the turn home in two weeks. easy to make—and inexpensive^ chopped, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift comes more consistent in his game. Jewish settlers to give up their perA General Electric Refrigerator is sonal properties and their entire liveMrs. Aaron Rips is spending two flour, measure, add soda and salt and dependable—trouble free enduring; sift again; add sugar and yolks, The Highland Country Club womweeks at Excelsior Springs, Mo. The matchless mechanism in its her* stock, was the first signal for the creaming well. Add chocolate and an's tourney will be under way, in full metically sealed Monitor Top has Jewish colonists to leave the land and established an unparalleled record for en masse to return to the towns. MrV. and Mrs. J. M. Kice and son,blend. Add flour alternately with swing, before long. My favorites for uninterrupted performance: The strict administrative measures Donald, have returned from a visit cream, a small amount at a time. the title are Mrs. Manny Handler and Add nuts end vanilla. Pour into Mrs. Micky Katleman, but I may be Cabinets are full-sized, all-steel and imposed upon the colonists by the in Chicago. gleaming white; Sliding shelves deep greased cup cake pans, filling wrong. Both women shoot a fairly Jewish Communist administration bring food within easy reach, incontributed another factor to which Miss Tobye Steinberg, daughter of two-thirds full. Bake in hot oven good game, although neither one or in crease cabinet capacity, enable yon the desertion from the Jewish coloMr. and Mrs. H.-Steinberg, 111 South 15 minutes. Cover with chocolate fact none of the club entrants can beto utilize every inch of storage space; nies may be ascribed. Strange as it Thirty-fourth, is leaving Monday on icing. gin to compare with some of the genInvest in a General Electric today. may seem, soon after Kalinindorf was tiles about town. The best of the nonSave as you pay; Prices and terms are No piece of equipment 1* proclaimed Jewish, the Jewish colodie lowest in history. $ 1O down starts club -woman players is, I believe, Mrs. more important—none Is the world's finest refrigeration service nists there came to the conclusion used more Tegularlj—than Bill Yousem of the Dundee Club. your furnace. In this cli* in your home; that they would prefer to have their mate you require artificial region not autonomous and to be unheat on an average oi 235 The Jewish Olympic contenders days a year. That's why DELICIOUS FOODS and der a general administration. The bearing the stars and stripes of our it ia essential to plan your administration of Jewish Communists heating system first of ell country did not do half bad. There REASONABLEPRICES if you are to have « comin Kalinindorf has inflicted upon the were only three U. S. Jewish entrants Down Brings a fortable home. are the dependable messengers that Jewish settlers more restrictions than and they - all finished -well up in the new G-E to your a non-Jewish Communist administra-J herald the growing popularity of the scoring. The Nordic-named George tion would. Home. Simpson of Ohio State placed in both This desertion later developed even the 100 and 200-meter sprints while JAC^ AND JILL on a larger scale when, due to the Art Ablowich of Southern California Balance Easy Terms five-year industrialization plan, many Where the environment is i d e a l . . . was a member of the championship colonists found it easier to work in 400 meter relay team. Sol Furth of SPECIAL THIS Where the air is scientifically cooled . <. the cities than to labor on the land. the New York Athletic Club placed MONTH The series of long and effective in the hop skip and jump, which was Where your friends are sure to be enjoying persecutions which the Jewish ComFurnaces "won by Japan. palatable, quality foods, tastily served . . . . munists instituted against a great Cleaned be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, or after t i e number of Jewish colonists immediThe Center swimming pool has l»een show.... • ately after Kalinindorf was prowell patronized throughout the sum$1.50 claimed autonomous and after they mer. Its cool, dean waters and well j This service intook charge of the administration, kept sanitary surroundings have prov- cludes removing 8mok e pipe, lias made it difficult for old settlers en to be more inviting to many than cleaning radiato remain and for hew settlers to .any of the Omaha outdoor beaches. tor, p a i n t i n g come, as the Jewish Communist adfurnace f r o n t , chimministration wanted to display its Henry Coren defeated Sam Cackin, cleaning ney base. BOB SWAETZ zeal and show to Moscow that it is one up, to win the A. Z. A. chapter ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR first with the collectivization. one golf crown. Earl Lapidus, defending champion, and a grad of the Sidney Franklin to Return "United States Naval Academy at Under Management «rf as Toreador Annapolis, did not defend his title. Los Angeles.—Sidney Franklin, BOB SWARTZ „ Joke, Tennyson's brook, the Jewish •Jewish toreador, here in connection and Community kitten ball league seems with the Olympic games, made it to go on forever. The A. Z. A. chapknown that he is returning to Madrid LEO RUSHALL ter one,meet the Psi Mu this Sunday to resume his toreador activities. 109 No. 40th Ha 2096 morning at 10 o'clock at Thirty-thiKl From Madrid, he will depart on a and Cass streets. If the A. 'Z. A. men two-year tour of l i e various counFurnace ana Sheet Metal Worka win, the league will be all over and tries of the world.

Parilman Plumbing Co, £ 4915 Davenport

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Council Bluffs 'News




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i-AGE 4^THE J E ^ S H ^RESS, FEIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1932 AHAMS tt O'CONNOR. Attorney!. '. 400'urniideU Tlieater B l « j \ . - • '

Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent •O"

after a stay of a month. Mrs. Marx was called to Denver by the sudden death of her sister. Miss Marx attended the Summer School for Teachers at Boulder, Colo.", before stopThe musical comedy chosen for ping in Denver. presentation this year by the Ladies' Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein and Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue is ."Welcome Stranger," which will children, Bernadine and Paul Gene of - Chicago, are guests at the home be offered early in October. . : Professor Hal H. Buntley, who of Mrs. Goldstein's parents, Mr. and (directed "The Jazz Singer" for the Mrs. Louis Barony 606 Virginia street. Auxiliary last year, will also direct After a visit of several days in the cast in "Welcome Stranger." The cast for the show has not yet been Sioux City, Miss Frances Fribourg chosenof New York City has departed for Mrs. S. EJ. Shulkin is the general her. home. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Frichairman in charge of . the arrange- bourg and daughter, Barbara, accomments. Assisting also in the arrange- panied Miss Fribourg as far as Chiments are Mrs. Morey Lipshutz,;:pub- cago, where they will visit for ten licity; Mrs. I. Levin, secretary; Max days. ' ' ' '' Friedman and A. 1. Schwartz,, advertising program^ arid Mrs. Lester George Kuntz spent last week in Hcegeiy tickets. / , Omaha, where he attended th» events of the Phi Ep Day.



> Mrs. J. Kosenblurn of Chicago is.a guest at the home of her aunt and ^.Funeral services for - Mrs. Mary uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Lansberg. ; JDalevich, 65 years old, were held Miss Rose Wigodsky has returned; Tuesday afternoon from the' home ] Mrs. Dalevich, who had been a resi- home, ifter spending two'weeks with dent of Sioux; City for over 25 years.- friends in Omaha. ' died'Tuesday morning, following a brief illness. v • Sol .Lansberg has returned to St. Surviving are, they .widower, Jacob Pauly -Minn.,, after- a visit with his Dalevich;* a, son, Benjamin Dirnsdale parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lansof Oakland,, Iowa, and a daughter, berg. Mrs. Fanny Borkin of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Agranoff, 3811 ndiana avenue, 'announce the^ birth >f a daughter. "

Sally Halpern Heads r Iota Tail Sorority

'.-Word has been received by. Israel ShetT.-liiS-Eleventh'street, that,.his son, :Hermari Sherr, hasbeen gradu^ ated from the John Marshall -law school at Chicago, and-has been ad mitted- to the Illinois bar. Mr. Sherr is a graduate of Central High school here and attended; Morningside college. He ;is :also;a graduate of the Northwestern' tFni-] versity • school of commerce. ;';HeLjis associated with the-' trusfs" .iaifl1 es-tates department of' the Firs^ National bank of Chicago.

home of Miss;Inez Leaf Jfor-a jsjrimf

JlWENBrWi, STALMASTHK * BEHEJt ; «30 Omaha National Bank BlJrNOTICK OF AMENDMENT TO ART1i CtXD- OF INCORPORATION O F "OMAHA RETAIL GROCERS ASSOCIATION" N/otiieis hereby given that Article V of the Art teles of Incorporation of tbe. Omaha Betail Grocers • Association " has-, lieen amended to read us follows: •KESOL.VED. That Article V of the Articles of Incorporation of the Omaha Retail Grocers Association be nnd the same is hereby amended to rend as follows! "Tlie Omaha Retail Grocers Association shall continue to exist for n period of fifty years from the 7th day of August, 1B32. unless sooner dissolved by act of I he stockholders." H. J. KNCDSKN. President C. E. STUUB.s, Secretary. 8-5-32-«.

Hebrew Calendar neoa . IOU'2

Past of Tammuz 'i'liursday. July 2t Roan Cliodesh A!J. TTedne8dny, Anff. 3 Fust of All.. . . Thursday, Aiig. U •llosli Chodesh Ellul.. Friday. Sept. 2 Rosh Iliishonah Saturday. Oct. 1 Yom Kippur Monday, Oct. 10 1st day Suecoth—..... Saturday. Oct. 15 Shcmiiil Aty.ereth Saturday, Oct. 22 Slmchalh Torah Sunday. Oct. 23 •IJosh Chodesh Cheshvnn Monday, Oct. 31 •Rosh ChO'lesh Kislev _^. Wednesday, Nov. 30 1st dny Ohnnnkah.. Saturday, Deo. 24 *Uosh Chortcsh ._ Thursday. D e c 29 Tebeth . . ^

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Painting and Decorating

SWAN PAINTING & DECORATING CO. Phones: W A . 3438 or J A. 1535

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»Omaha f sMtistjBeautifiil Homefor Funerals" Phone HArrrey^l2«t6 -

Fiarriam at Thirty-third

NOTICK OF INCUKPOItATION OF "El'CKEH'S STOISE" Notice is hereby clven that the underl i n e d have associated themselves tojrpfher to form a corporation under the laws f the K«nte of Nebraska. The name of his corporation i s "Zucker's Store." The general nature of the business to be tratisBactcri nnd the object and purpose for ivhich this corporation. is organized is to liuy• nml sell clothing, dry goods nnd notions and lo ehsajie in the ceiieriil mer[•antile liusines." ami to do all things Incidental thereto. The authorlwd capital stock ot. the. corponition'sjiiall l>e Sip.lXXKKi ivided into lflO sharfti o ( the par value of $100.00 each, all of which stm-k shnll lie on-moii uiiil shall,bp fully paid up when Issued.:-The-corporation shall commence the-fillnc of its articleR of inetirtibfsitloii- In: the office of the County CIerk?"of I'ouplas County. Nebraska, anil niitiMu-; for'.•i,'period ..of r* yfears. Tbe Highest ••uuoitiit o£ indebted ness to which tjart foirpfrriit ion shall at noy one-time stihi-ciilteelf lihall !;not escee<l- fsvo-thlnls of



EACH IN PAIRS 4.40-21 Expertly mounted FREE

,.. ol'llie-corporation shnll be

INDIA LEADER Such^ Absence gars a Jewish and Moskni Accord in * Palestine

....*... lty H ISonrd "of .: i>ireef drs*- of .nor '(Hah two members who.'.shall . IM> -<•>>; from among, the stockholders at their .tniai.i] uieeting which *hall lie held oii the first Mondrty ^ir.-Kel/ruary Of each year; U i i t i l l u e next niinii:il meeting the !6i-rd ot IMrcctore -shall Are .Vlcfor Zucker. l»ot«ith,v. ICaciieJn and William R.icnsin. niii! :»he officers : shali t»p- Victor Zucier; l'resltUnV,- VVtllinni Uiiensiii. Tlce-presl«li»nt anil | ."Jiorolliy, Riicnsiii. .St-cretary snil '*"""'—*., These..articles of lncpri»or:i..—.._,....,. tie amended hy the nfflrnwifive vote of'l\TO-IIiircls of tlu» capttat stock at any reKiilar or Rpvcla) meeting of the sto'-kliolders. * VICTOK '/JUCKRlt. • POKOTHT UACUSIN, W1T.LIASI ItACTJSIN. tn the. presence of: SAM BEI1KK. 7-12>-3->-it.

London.—(J. T.'.A.)—If there-were even ,one forceful, first-class leader among the Jews of India and Indo'••:[\,MT. and Mrs. Charles Qsheroff of China, it would not have been a diffiLaw Offices of ; Mbline, IH., are visiting "at the hbme cult thing to reach, an understanding, P H I L I P S t KI.CTZNICK 630 Omaha Natfonal Bank Bide. of. their parents, Mr; arid Mrs. J. between the Indian Moslems and Omaha, Nebraska ^Ojgherpff, and ,• Mr. • arid- Mrs. Philip Jews with regard to the Palestine OI" INCOKPOKATIOX OF S P E question, writes a correspondent of NOTICE CIFICATION OIL, INC. Notice is hereby given that, the underthe Jewish Telegraphic Agency from . '.Miss Ida ©rlikoff is visiting with signed have formed a corporation under India. ' ' ~ ' . ' the .Intvs of. t h e State of Nebraska. The friends in Omaha. e of this corporation shall be Specifi"Such a leader could greatly offset nam cation Oil, Inc., with its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The gen; i Mr.t'andi-Mrs. Hyman Pikoysky of the strong anti-Jewish propaganda nature of the business^ to he transAberdeen; S. D., announce the en- which is being conducted by Arab na- eral acted and the object and purpose for which j gagement o t their daughter, Bert, to tionalists among the' Moslems of In- this corporation is organized and estabshall be t o own, lease, conduct and Jack Levitsky, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. dia: with regard to the situation in lished operate motor vehicle filling and service stations; to equip and maintain b y pur=Max Levitsky, 315 Iowa street: Palestine," he says. "Unfortunately chase, construction, lease or otherwise, buildings and equipment to be used as the. Jews of India and Indo-China nnd for such" filling stations; to contract Open I house will be held. Sunday, with other persons nnd compnnies for the August 14, from 3 to 5 o'clock and have not developed from their ranks use of filling station facilities; and t o do things which may be necessary and/or from 7 to 9 o'clock a{ the home of a person capable of taking upon him- all t o carry out t h e objects and pnrself such an important world-Jewish proper Mr. and Mrs. Levitsky.. , ..-. . poses herehinbore set forth. The authorized^ capital stock shall. l>e $10,000.00 nnd : , - : • •' ' ' - • „ . ' ' ' • • • ' - • . Miss Pikovsky is the house guest t a s k . " ' all of said stock shall be common und of •of J-,er aunt and uncle, Mr. and.Mrs. There are now several large Jewish the .par' ralne of $1.00 per share, and nil said stock shall be fully paid up nnd Sam Eoginsky, 1502 Jackson street. communities in India and Indo-China, of nori-asse88nhh>. Tbe corporation shall '. No date has been set for the wedr writes the correspondent," mentioning" commence doing business upon the filing of i t s articles with the Connty Clerk of ding. particularly the communities of Bom- Douglas Connty. Nebraska, nnd shall cona period of fifty years from snld bay and Calcutta, India; Singapore, tinue for The highest ntnount of indebtedness Mrs. Ellis Bottigheimer of Peoria Straits Settlements; Saigon, Indo- date. shall not exceed two-thirds ot Its capital 111., and Mrs. J. Weiss of New York China; Bangkok, Siam; Batvia, Java; stock, Imt this restriction shall hot apply indebtedness secured by mortp.Tfres or City will share honors this noon at Sumarang and Surabaya, East Indies. toliens upon any of the corporate property; The affairs of this corporation .shall .be a bridge luncheon I in the Sioux City by a Hoard of Directors consist-Country club, when Mrs. Emil Rosen Since the World War the Jewish com- managed Ins of not less than two members. The munities of these places, which-forannual meeting of the corporation shall be stock and Mrs. Ben Schulein enter held on the first Monday in Jannary of merly consisted almost exclusively of each tain. . year,, nt which' meeting the stockArabic and West European Jews, have holders, shall elect a Board of Direct ois, and-thereupon the Board shall elect Mr. and Mrs. Herman Slotsky,- who been considerably increased by the im- President, Vice President, "Secretary n Any t w o of said offices may recently returned from an eastern migration of large numbers of Jews Treasurer. he : held by one and the. same person. ' _ and Canadian honeymoon, are at from Eastern Europe. • These articles may be amended a t any regular or special meeting of the stockhome in the Sioux apartments. Mrs The older Jewish settlers in these a two-thirds rote of the outSlotsky is the former Ruth David- countries are mostly all well-to-do standing stock. ."•.'••"• * In witness whereof, the parties have son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe and some of them are very wealthy. hereunto subscribed their names this 15th Davidson, Bellevue apartments. day of July, 1932. Jews play an enormous role in the v WIIAIAM W E I N K R . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey ant internal and foreign trade of the coldaughters, Shirley and Marjorie, oJ onies in the Far East; Jews are also In the presence of:HKNUY H. WEINER. S-12-32-4t Omaha, are guests at the home o wealthy plantation owners, owners of Philip II. Klutznick. the former's parents, Mr. and Mr: big mines and real estate. STAUSIASTEU & BEBEIt The Jewish education of the young FBADENBCRO, Max Brodkey, 3251 Nebraska street 050 Omaha National Bank Bids. in these Far Eastern communities is Miss Evelyn Kuntz is visiting wit sadly neglected, according to the cor- NOTICE is hereby given that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the friends in Chicago this week. From respondent and many mixed mar- Insurance Investments. Incorporated, held Chicago Miss Kuntz will spend sev- riages ensue. Card playing especial on the 19th day of .Tnnunry, 1932. nt ttvo o'clock JP. the following Article was eral days visiting with friends i ly mah-jong, and horse racing are amended toII., read as follows: Union Pierre, Mich. . ARTICLE V. very popular among the Jewish mid"The authorized capital stock of the dle classes of British India and Indo- corporation shall be $3r>0.000.00, dividMrs.' M. Marx and Miss Ruth Marj China, he says. During the past few ed into 33,000 shores of the par value of $10.00, $250,000 of which shall be have returned from Denver, .Colo. years, however, especially since th common, stock and $100,000 of which shall be preferred stock." Palestine riots, there has been an IN WITNESS WHEKKOF, we have

"We feed the multitude'' * With: Tasty Foods

;Syria. ..Even the gre)rt unlr^irfgcord ot the Islamic faith u gradually growing ^reiker,; Mr. Thomas said. • The United Araba is something we talked of during the war when we political officers were trying to. get the Arabs to fight the Turks," Mr. Thomas said. "Neither Lawrence nor I, nor the rest of us had enough experience "with Arabs at that time. And indeed a United Arabia was not a: thing that appealed to them particularly. "Time has proved that such a union is utterly impossible," Mr. Thomas asserted. "The fact is," he averred, "that Lawrence was never a political officer of the British government. It is true that he was made the head of the Arab army which was recruited from the ranks of prisoners taken in the field. And it is true that he had large quantities of gold to distribute. Bnt he was never given the authority to make promises to the Arabs in behalf of the British5 government," Mr. Thomas continued.

FKAOENBl KG. STALMASTKK £ BEREK O.;.T. DUEKR, P. M. KLl'TZNICK , 850 Omaba National Ilank Itldc. i


Society News



NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF . LAWRENCE. INC. , Notice Is hereby given that the niulersignetl have nssocinted themselves together Madrid, (J.T.A.) — While numto form a corporation under the lows of lie Stnte of Nebraska. The name of tbe erous churches were burned down orporation shall te I.AWKKNC'K. INC. The principal place of transacting the : under the 'republic the 'Jews were business of this corporation shnll I>e the for the City ot Omnhn. Douglas Couuty.: Nel>rns- granted a piot of land kn. tiut business may be transacted In nny erection of a synagogue for the muniMontreal.—(J. T. A.)—Colonel ther d r y , comity or state. The general ature of 1 lie "business-to'lw? transacted liy. cipality, is the keynote of: an anti- Lawrence had no authority to make his corporation shnll h e : To manufacture, Semitic lecture delivered on a tour acquire. Roll, pledge, exchange, nml donl throughout Spain by Don'JIene Der p/omises to the Arabs in the name generally fn poods, wares, •- merchandise, nd personal property of every kind arid jfense. of the British government, stated esrrlptioti; to acquire,-hold. sell, alieunte The speaker culled his source ma- Bctram Thomas, noted British exir eiicnmlier real and personal property of from the anti-Semites of ivery kind and description wheresoever terial itlilit»'(l. Including the storks, hmiils. rlo- other lands, particularly Germany, plorer, in an interview. lenlures. or other evidemvs of indeliledA United Arabia or a Pan-Islamic iess nml obligations of nny corporation. to which he tried tu add local color nd to issue in payment or exchuuse there- based on present Jewish life in Union is unlikely to materialize is or its own stock, notes, lionds. di-bpnthe opinion of Mr. Thomas, who :ures or other olilipntions: to jioqnirf the Spain. ••ood will, righfs and property of all kinds. Justifying the expulsion of the served as a British political officer ind lo t a k e o v e r the whole or any part of in various Arab countries and rehe assets and liabilities of any person. Jews, he attributes .it to - the fact inn. iissoc-i.-itioti or corporation engaged in that the Jews exploited their non- cently crossed the Arab Peninsula by t similar line of business, und to pny for Jewish neighbors. camel. he same in dish, stork, notes, bonds, deDuring his trip, he said, he gained entlires, or other obligations of this coronition: 'o borrow motu».v :md to secure the impression that the Arabs have he payment thereof in any lawful m:inMAX FUOMK1N. Attorney. neither sufficient training nor desire ier. in m-ike tind perform contracts of Insurance Uulldlns. very kind and description, nnd to ilo nny for unity with other Arabic speakind nil other thincrs for the purposes of he corporation which a nntural tKTsoii NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. PK PETI- ing inhabitants in Palestine and TION FOK 8ETTI.KMENT. OF tHXAT. :onld. flu. and may now or hereafter br ADMINISTRATION ACCOBNT. ithorized by law. The authorized <-:ipIn the County Court of Douglas Coiinly, FKADKXntJKG, STALMASTER * BEBKR lal stock of the corporation Is $t(l.(KKi (Kl Nebraska.' ivided into 1(H) shares of the par value of GoO Omaha National Bank Bldr. 10(1.00 each, all of which is common stock In tbe Matter of the Estate of Frances J . Buttery. l>ecensed. -.,, nd when issued shall be fully paid and NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION All persons interested In.said 'matter are oii-nsscssilile. The corporal ion shall comIn the County Court of Douglas County, ence business upon tbe filing of these hereby notified that on Hie 20th day of Nebrnskn July. 15)32. I'HIII S. Sutton filed a petition articles in t h e office of the County Clerk In the Matter of the Estate of Israel ml shall ierntiii->te upon the -first dny of in said County Court, prnyin/j that his August. 10Xi. unless sooner dissolved fry a final administration ncconnf filed, herein Kulaknfsky. Deceased. ajority vote of the outstanding cnplinl l»e setlle<l nnd allowed, and lhat he lie dis- All persons interested in said o a o t e are lock.. The highest amount of inilehted- charged from his trust ns administrator hereby notified that a petitlonnlar-iieen iess to which this corponitioii shall at any with will annexed and that a hearing will filed in said Court alleging that said deline snlijcef itself shall tiot exceed Urn- l»e had on said pftitiun b'efore said Court ceased died leaving no last will and prayhirtls of ifs capital slock.. The affairs of on the aitb day of August. 1032, and that ing for administration upon his esrnte. and his corporation' shall lie conducted by a if you fail to appear before said Court on that :i hearing will lie had on said petition oaTiS iof'IHreCt'o'rs' of :iior less t h a n ' t w o the said 20th day of August. 1031!. nt SI before said court on the 27th day of Augor more thjin five. tht> numl-er lo l>e fixed 6'clock A. M-. and contest said petition, the ust. 1032. and that if they fall t o npiy tUe'] By-I.nws. : The officers shall be Court may. grant the prayer of. said .peti- pear at said Court on the said 27th day of ibosfti'-' l»jj :'!»«? flirectors and shall l>e tion, enter n de«Tee nf lielrship. and make August, 1D32. at !> o'clock A. M., t o con'resident. Vice-President, and Secretary- such other and further orders, allowances test said petition, the Court may grant the rrerfsurer. any fvro of wliirli offices may and diM-reef. ns t« this Court, may seem same nnd. grant administration of said ese held by one person. These Articles proiier. to the end th;:t all mnttcrs pertain- tate lo Sarah Kulakofsky and Morris Le\ey limy l>e amended at any annual meeting of ing to said estate may 1>e finally settled or some other suitable person and proceed •/. to a settlement thereof. the stockholders, or at any special meet- and determined BKYCE CRAWl"€)ltn. UUYCE CRAWFORD. ng of tbe stockholders railed for that purCoiuity Judge. 8-12-32-3t. County Judge. pose by a majority vote in amount of the 7-2>-32-3t. tock then rutstanding. Tbe corporation hall have a-seal. AT.BEKT (}. KKUBKN. MII/TOX U. AUHAIIAMS. 7-22-3^-41. Incorporators.

Mr. and Mrs. LV Z. Kaplan 'of the Miss Sally" Halpern " was elected Storm Lake, Iowa, announce' r president of the Iota, Tau sorority birth of a son on Aigust 5. at its meeting: held Tuesday evening Fifteen members of the Debra club at the home of Miss Bernice Liberman. ~ Other officers elected were Ber- attended a progressive dinner party nice Liberman, vice president; Ber- last evening. Beginning at the home tha Heslielow, secretary, and Eoma of Misses Sopie and Tillie Franklin with the first'course of the dinner, Wigodsky, treasurer.Miss Saralie Sage of Mitchell, S. the members served the second D., was a guest at the meeting. course at the home of Ethel Shindler, ; Fifteen members of the • sorority: at- the third course at the home of Miss : tended j a. week-:end party., last Satur- Lea Herzoff, and dessert "at" the home ';day and, Sunday at Saunders beach. of* Miss Rose Albert. The members adjourned after: the dinner tcj:tlje


A:nti-Semitic Agitation in Lectures in Spain

awakening of Jewish national consciousness and an endeavor has been njade to preserve Jewish cultural values; this' is 'due' mainly to the increased immigration from Eastern Europe, declare* the correspondent.

SIX or S uPLIES'tti Of v ^ e f or 8 layers pfSupeiihriflt Coed In this Goodyear, two dd npt run from bead to bead—they «r« really cord breaker strips and that's what we call them although *6me tiremakers call them extra plies. -••





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hereunto set our official signatures at the Home Office, of the Company and caused to be hereto affixed the corporate seal, on this 19th day of January. 1032. — H. P. PAKBER. , . President. • < - • • - " M. K McTAG«AKT,

Witness^ • , ; . • Irvta. Sblmaator.




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