Dedicated to the '
•;.; In the Interests Jewish nb JSeeonU-tViisw i
Postoffice nt Omahn. Nrhrn
Judaism r ' ^ 1 e t ou Jnuuary 27, 13XO. at 1g %' »r the Act of March 3. 1B7P
^ ~ "
VoL IX—No. 31
PROF. EINSTEIN TO "Taxi Dancers'' Jewry Urged to Prepare i Leader Calls for a Feature for SPEND PORTION OF Pogrom Against Jews EACH YEAR IN U. S. "Agua Caliente" for 1934 World Congress
Jewish w o r l d gathering, declared "Taxi dancers" and all the ripsnorting attractions that go with a Omaha Jewry Will Get Oppor- upon his return from Geneva, where Famed Savant Reiterates Ad- famous "gambling resort" will be oftbe decision for a World Congress Prominent in Organization Matunity to Vote on was made. herence to Germany, Despite fered at the Highland Country club's chinery of District NnmDelegate Dr. Wise returned with Bernard S. 4 "Agua Caliente" night this Saturday Swiss Citizenship ber Six Deutsch, president of the American DEMONSTRATION evening, September 3. Festivities Although definite plans have not yet Jewish Congress, and in the course Breslau. — Demanding w o r k and will start at 8:30 p. m. and will conbeen announced for the election of of a joint statement issued upon arBerlin (J. T. A.).—Announcement Omahans play an important bread-and c r y i n g , '•Death to the py p delegates to the World Jewish Con- rival, said: was made-here that Professor Albert tinue till nobody knows when. Jews!" "Hound the Jewish band from role in the activities of district No. The identity of the "taxi dancers" the G e r m a n land!" "Down with Einstein has accepted a lifelong ap- is being kept secret, they supposedly gress in 1934, it .is certain that "Let us say at once that the chief 6 of the international order of B'nai Omaha Jewry, along with the rest of value of the preliminary Geneva Conpointment as a member of the staff Bloody Jewish Judges!" Nazi bands Brith lor the coming year, an analybeing "imported" for the occasion. marched through the streets of Bres- of the Institute for Advanced Study The advertisement of the dancing the Jewish communities, will be given ference lies in the better understandsis of the organization machinery, lau in a demonstration against the in the United States, which is head- girls says: "We have arranged to the opportunity to vote for the dele- ing it b r o u g h t to the delegates just announced, reveals. __ gates from this district, as this will through authoritative information and death sentence imposed u p o n five ed by Dr. Abraham < Flexner. Sam Beber is president of the disA condition of the acceptance is have Omaha's most beautiful taxi be the first time in the history of subsequent consultation. Not since Nazi terrorists by the Beuthen speHenry Monsky, who is a memo n l y 10 cents a Jewry t h a t general elections are that his work will require Professor dancers ber of the executive of the internacial court. the Paris meeting of the committees dance, with red hot music" planned, for wherever Jews reside, of Jewish delegates of the American Einstein's stay in the United States tional order, is on the district's genJewish pedestrians were assaulted Leslie Burkenroad is chairman of for the naming of Jewish deputies eral committee, as I s Dr. A. GreenJewish Congress, under the leaderand the - windows of Jewish stores for a period of fiye months only, the committee in charge, assisted by to the world congress. leaving him free to} spend the rest berg. lrvin Stalmaster is a trustee ship of Messrs. Mack and Marshall, smashed. Alfred S. Mayer, Nathan E. Jacobs, L Morgenstern was the last official of the .year in of tne Cleveland Orphan Home, sponMotzkin and Sokolow, has there been M. L. Conn, Jerome Heyn, Hairy Omahan to represent this city at a a gathering of Jews from many lands despite his emProfessor Eins sored by the B'nai Brith. FOR EQUAL RIGHTS REASSURANCE is an ardent Kulakofsky, Ernie Nogg, Milton Liv- conclave of the American Jewish bent upon considering Jewish probSeveral Omahans are on important Stuttgart.—The collapse of the ne- phatic internal Jewish Some reassurance to the ithstanding the ingston, Ai Lew and Ed Treller. Congress, which called the conference lems, which has been comparable in German patriot. committees. Philip M. Klutznick i s gotiations b e t w e e n Dr. Heinrich Mrs. A. Greenberg is chairman of deciding upon a World Parliament. community of Germany, threatened chairman of the district membership significance and inclusiveness to the Bruening, representing t h e Centre enmity directed against him because the women's committee. with the deprivation of their equality he is a Jew, he is loyal to his Gercommittee. Dr.. .'A. Greenberg is Geneva Conference. Party, and Deputy Gregor Strasser The nominal admission charge will Every aspect of Jewish life will be chairman of the^ committee arrang- rights by Adolph Hitler and his Na- is reported here owing to differences man homeland and has refused many include a free supper and "lotsa "The World Jewish Congress that zis, was offered by Chancellor Franz reviewed and every Jewish problem is to be will thus be the first Jewish splendid offers. which would h a v e ing for the next convention, which on the maintenance of the principle Local guests may be invited will be included in the program of necessitated p e r ' a a n e n t residence fun." will be held in Omaha in the sum- von Papen in a -radio address on the of equal rights for all citizens. assembly in nistory of representato attend the affair. the World Jewish Congress to be tives of all lands to face and seek abroad, a spokesman for Einstein mer of 1933. Among his assistants government program in which he afThe Centre Party assured the JewIn advising the laughing away of called in 1934, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, on this committee are included L F. firmed the readiness of the govern- ish Telegraphic Agency that it would revealed. to solve Jewish questions. Its execThe announcement was made in trouble at the "Agua Caliente" night, the initiator of the movement for a utive committee and the larger counGoodman, Abner Kaiman and lrvin ment to use force if necessary to not enter into a coalition with the the alluring circular put out by the assure the protection of the equality Stalmaster. cil made up of representatives from National Socialists unless the prin- connection - with- the virulent anti- Highland says, "Our Monte Carlo rights of all citizens. Included on the committee caring the leading World Jewries may be ciple of equal rights for all citizens Semitic attacks a gja i n s t Professor night was a big suuceess. Everyone "Equality before the law for every was guaranteed. Einstein, who is scored because of for the Hillel Foundations, which is counted upon to act in the interim enjoyed himself and herself, but now Swiss citizenship. as trustees of a United Jewry in the part of the Wider Scope movement, German citizen I fshall safeguard, if comes a bigger and better night— The spokesman' for Professor Einmaking. are RabbiDavid Goldstein and lrvin necessary by using force. I am deBerlin.—In an effort to counteract termined to quench the smouldering the scurrilous propaganda a g a i n s t stein revealed that he has been a more excitement, more food, more " Stalmaster. "At the Congress, when summoned, fun, more gambling and the most Louis Hi Katelman of Council fires of civil war, to end the political the Jews by the Nazis, the Central Swiss citizen since the days of bis beautiful, shapely, tantalizing dancevery aspect of Jewish life will come Bluffs is a' member of the commit- disorders and acts of violence which Union of German Citizens of the professorship at the University of ing girls. Make up a party and be under review and all Jewish probtee on social service and Americanilems will be embraced within the Jewish Faith issued a new leaflet Zurich, but that this has not meant on hand to laugh away your trouzation, while Ben Kubby, also of agenda. We envision the "Congress bringing facts to light concerning the relrnquishment of his German bles." Noted Dramatist Contrasts Jew- as a forum in which there shall be a, Council Bluffs, is on the committee Jewry's many centuries of residence citizenship. Professor Einstein is now near Spa ish l i f e Here With That lor women's auxiliaries. unifying of Jewish life for the pubbc in Germany and the patriotism of on a vacation. He. encountered some In a communication' sent out by and forthright discussion of all Jewof Europe the Jews. 1 the international headquarters of the ish problems external and internal. The leaflet shows that Jews have difficulty in crossing the Belgian borB'nai Brith at Cleveland, Sam Beber David Pinski, noted Jewish author If the hopes of its founders and the resided in Germany for more than der because of hi* involved citizenstates: and dramatist, who recently returned will of its conveners are to prevail, 1,600 years; that they love their ship, but the higher Belgium authori"There never was a time in the to the United States from an extend- all parties and groups and factions homeland and defend it like other ties lifted the restrictions in favor of history of the B'nai Brith when world ed trip through Europe and the near in Jewish life from Agudist (strictly Germans. They feel like Germans the famous visitor. Moscow (J. T. A.).—The new govIn a press interview from bis vaJewry required leadership so much Noted Jewish German Econom- and "are Germans, the Central Union east, brought back a glowing report orthodox) to radical reform, from catijon resort. Professor Einstein has ernment decree imposing a penalty of- the Jewish development in Pales- Zionist - to non-Zionist, are- to find 'as, it does today. There is no orasserts. of ten years' imprisonment for specist Is Now in the United ganization possessed of the qualificaplace .within the wide and undogThe Central Verein has issued a reiterated his unchanging adherence ulation does not in any way affect tine. § States tions which B'nai Brith has for fur"There is sun and light for the maticArea of this democratic Jewish call 'to jews throughout Germany to Germany. the decree previously issued granting Jew in Palestine-and only darkness Parliament. No Jewish problem will nishing » t h a t leadership to world that they should immediately notify Jewish artisans the right to sell their in the other Jewish centers in Eu- be shut out from the Congress triJewry. The.B'nai.Brith is the one the; B%Bn;head office xif 'all "instances New York (J. T. own goods in the private market, the rope," Mr. Pinski stated. "In- direct bunal. No Jewry will be shut out L .'and only organization made up o f all^ Emil ^feiraJtarye~b«?ro* »ubjected-to •JewiEh"Telegrapbfc Agency corre- contrast to the healthy, vigorous life save by themselves. . _ . . . , . : , rr factionftj-^oin.-Jewry which ~ encircles political economist and pacifist, who acte of 4«^r.f office ^ f ^lie,,BexUn ^ l U ffi is i spondent was officially assured by of the Jews in Palestine, is tbe hopethe globe and which' is truly rep-v -was ousted from tthe'faculty of the open day and night and can be "Concretely we may sum up that government officials. -~ resentative of the masses, by reason University of Heidelberg after ten reached by telephone at all boors. lessness and dreariness of the Jews out of this conference came the rec. Explaining the -purpose of the new in other countries. Wherever I went, ognition of- the truth that any Jewof its wideflung lodges and its dem- years of service, owing to the pres- The local head office of the Vereih, decree, the government spokesmen in- whether in the great cities or in the ish, body :in order to deal effectively Warsaw (J. T. A.).—A -panteocratic makeup." -'.'-•• ^> sure of the Nazis, is^OW in- the it is said,.is prepared to take immestricken Jewish population'sought to formed the Jewish Telegraphic Agen- villages, I saw mainly morose and with Jewish questions, must be choIn order "to enable the diate measures todeal with all cases. United States. He attended the sesevacuate the town of Olszany -follow- cy that it is aimed at preventing the helpless Jews, sullenly waiting for sen directly by the people; again, to more effectively carry on-its "work, sions of the Sixth International ConAttacks xi p o U; Jews in different ing a riot which ensued when a stone revival of the middleman. District .Grand Lodge No.-6. of t i e gress of Genetics at Cornell , Uni- parts of the country continue unruin to overtake them. .Vilna, once the need for the establishment of a .bit » banner of a religious procesJewish artisans, however, it was a proud and prosperous Jewish cen- permanent tribunal that shall be fulB'nai Brith is planning to launch a versity. abated, reports indicate. .Nazi woms i t "was passing through the stated, are definitely established as ter, is now a city of beggars. There ly representative of World Jewry; district-wide membership campaign The pretext for this dismissal was en now appear to be actively aiding Jewish quarter. being outside the category of middle- is no hope and no future, -unless it the regime must end under which on the occasion of the ninetieth in the effort to destroy Jewish propthat he offended patriotic sentiment men. Therefore they may buy raw is in Palestine. The crying need, Jewish leaders in any land felt free The Christian reKgious procession anniversary of the international orerty. was held in the town with the par- material from private sources and both for the Jews in Palestine and to decide or leave without decision der, which will be celebrated in 1933. when, in an address delivered before ticipation of peasants from neighbor- trade their products freely in private the various countries of Europe, is the problems -of Jews in other lands; "The B'nai, Brith," he concluded, a student meeting, he allegedly de? than, ja ing villages. When a stone bit a markets without hindrance. "insures fthe' future of Judaism and dared: "A turnip is better; immigration to Palestine. If the bar- the Conference made a brave begin; Sacred Heart banner, the cry was every JeW;interested'in that future war monument, than a: «.t a t h.\e riers are lifted I am sure that there ning in helping to awaken "t"he conraised that it was thrown from the will-have the opportunity to partici- adorned by scantily clad iladies." will be a tremendous influx of Jews science of the Christian nations to In an interview which. appears in house of a Jew, Isaac Kopelovitch. pate in this work by affiliating theminto Palestine." their solemn chity to the Jewish peoThe Polish p a p e r s suggest the selves with the B'nai Brith in the the New York Times, Professor GumMr. Pinski highly praised the lead-, plej above all, it behooves Jewries bel brands as false this allegation stone was thrown by a Communist coming year." ers of the Palestinian workers and in all lands, putting aside parties and and asserts that he aroused the ire atheist, but the Jews believe that the spoke enthusiastically of the work of strife and divisiveness, to unite in of the Nazis through his books which London (J. T. A.).—The "Hibbert the Histadruth in Palestine.. He the presence of widespread menace London (J. T. A.).—The great stone was deliberately thrown in org he said proves "—•• «"---*-*- !are '-— strides made by Palestine Potash, der to-provoke riots against them. Journal" is planning a retraction of called attention to the fact that there for the safeguarding of the life, that "Fascists murderers." " This viewpoint is supported by the the charge made in its current issue is practically no unemployment in rights and well-being of the Jewish Limited, ' which is developing the The German govemmentrhe stated, Dead Sea concession, were made revelation made in the pro-govern- by a writer, Bay Knight, that ritual Palestine today and ascribed this to people. issued an official'report stating "that known at the second general meet- ment paper, "Slovo," which in an ar- blood murder by the Jews is proved the far-sighted policy of the Hista"Two years lie before us in which my facts were nearly all true." In ing of the company beld here recent- ticle devoted to the situation in Ols- by t h e i r own Scriptures, it was drutb, to prepare for the World Jewish Con; learned here. his volumes he cited 300 killings and ly, by Moses Novomejsky, Jewish zany, states that persistent efforts Mr. Pinski spoke of the enormous gress during which the Jewries of The retraction, it is understood, growth of Hebrew as the language the world will be expected and as far submitted evidence to support • his-engineer,' who i s managing director were made to compel Kopelovitch to Danzig (J. T. A.).—The merger of contention that they were committed will appear in the next issue of the give tip bis house adjoining a church. the company. of the Jews in Palestine. It is a as may be necessary enabled to or^ the world organizations, of the Poale by Fascists in order t o ' rid themquarterly, which is a magazine de- growing, Irving language, the lan- ganize, for participation in the ConThe company has been operating Zion and the Zeire Zion was decided selves of their enemies. ' voted to theology, philosophy and guage of the schools and of the gress. Whatever their views may ior Jless: than two years, having seupon here at a joint conference of religion. cured the concession from Great "One does not become popular," people, be said. He quoted the poet have been up to this time, we call delegates from both organizations. Until the publication of the article BialDc as being amazed at the prog- upon American Jews in every comhe said, "by saying that a popular Britain in 1929. Since 1921, Mr. . A program to be carried out un- policy will lead a country to catas- Novomejsfcy had been seekihg to" seby Ray Knight of India, which made ress made by the immigrants in munity to organize and prepare for der the unification plan was adopted. trophe, especially if. e v e n t s have cure a concession for extracting minits blood ritual charge against the learning Hebrew. "However," said this epochal event in the history of Ben Gurion/Palestine labor leader, shown it to be true. erals from the Dead Sea and had Mrs. M. M. Kulakofsky, 84 passed Jews in a foot-note, the "Hibbert Mr. Pinski, "Yiddish has also a fu- World Jewry." declared that the course of events in been unable to iconsummate his plans away last Thursday afternoon at the Journal," and particularly its editor, ture in Palestine, since Yiddish will "There is no question that I am a recent times has already effected a until be received the moral and finanhome of a daughter, Mrs. D. Eisman, Dr. L. P. Jacks, had been noted for be the bridge by which the Palesunification which the world confer- pacifist. .The war made me thai. cial support of a small group of 2510 Charles street, after a brief its liberal policy. tinian Jews will maintain close conAnd I am decidedly an anti-Fascist. ence here merely sanctioned. The publication of the article cre- tact with the Jews throughout the American Zionists. comprised of Is- iHness. She had lived in Omaha for I am in favor ..of the republic and The unification plan was presented rad; jB. Brodie; Kobert "Szold, Abra- the past 26 years. Surviving is also ated press comment in England and rest of the world." by the head of the Zeire Zion, Tarta- peace and. fher welfare of the work- bam Tulin arid others who more a son, Jarohm Kulakofsky. in the United States and brought kower, and calls for an intensifica- ing class. I; consider the Tepublie i s recently: nave •undertaken to foster from Professor Foakes Jackson, EngFuneral services were held at the Berlin (J. T. A.).—Writing in tba tion of Zionist and Socialist activity. in danger from -Fascism, ^[f Hitler other economic undertakings in Pal- Eisman home Friday afternoon, with lish s c h o l a r , now - in the. United publication of the Central Verein, The program calls for an intensi- ever comes into.power, there will be estine through the American Eco- burial in the Beth Hamedrosb Hago- States, who bad been quoted as the Dr. Alfred Wiener sharply criticizes fied campaign for the Jewish auton-1 a terrible slaughter," JProfessor Gum- nomic Committee for Palestine. authority for the accusation, a statedol cemetery. ' .the work of the Jewish World Conomy and the recognition of Hebrew ••bel -predicted., , ment of complete . denial and the In 1925 he -secured $50,000 from ference recently held at Geneva. and Yiddish as the two languages of charge that bis text bad been delibthis group to enable him to proceed Dr. Wiener, who is one of the the Jewish people in all countries of erately misquoted. Chicago (J. T. A.).—A merger of with bis plans and four years later the world where they reside. HeBoth in London and in tbe United existing Jewish theological semina- leading members of the Central Veresecured about $500,000 toward the brew, the program says, must be S t a t e s an apology and retraction ries, representing the same trend of in Executive, declares that neither capitalization of bis company. 1 recognized as the authoritative lanwere demanded of the editor of the thought, as a means of preventing the Central Verein nor any other Mr. Novomejsky's report goes into ; gua'ge of Palestine and Yiddish that "Hibbert Journal." duplication of work, overcrowding non-Zionist organization in Europe details concerning .the achievements ' of the Diaspora.. . _ the rabbinical field and saving finan- or America could have participated of tiie company in its various fields v .Washington (J. T. A.).—Not a sincial expenditure is urged by Dr. To- in this gathering which had as its .- Official recognition of J e.w i s b Washington (J. T. A.).—Accord- of endeavor. gle Jewish center has closed its doors bias Schanfarber, Rabbi Emeritus of basic condition recognition of memschools' where the language of iristruc- ing to an announcement issued by during the depression, according to the K. A. M. Temple of Chicago and bership in a Jewish political nation. . . t i o n i s Hebrew or Yiddish, is to be the state department, 3,313 American an issue of the Jewish Center by The writer protests at the impresprominent in reform circles. sought in all lands. , . citizens reside in Palestine. These Louis Kraft of the Jewish Welfare Messages of greeting were received figures were announced upon compleEabbi Schanfarber suggests that sion conveyed in press reports from Havana (J. T. A.).—The possibilBoard arid director of the Commun- ity that the municipality of Havana one theological "seminary," represent- the Geneva conference that there exfrom the British Labor Party, the tion of a survey, based on reports German, French and Belgian Social- from Consuls abroad, of American will change its decree raising the fee ing each phase of Jewish thought, ists a Jewish people united politically Syracuse (J. T. A.).—The Syra- ity Chest here. Jewish centers, including Y. M. H. of peddlers' licenses from $6 to $12 is sufficient.' He calls for the merger and having their own political aims. ist parties, the Palestine Labor. Fed- citizens residing in various foreign cuse University has announced that eration and the Palestine Foundation countries. ' , it will introduce this coming fall for A.s and Y. W. H. A.s throughout the a person, to the sum of either $20 of the Jewish Institute of Religion In doing so, he stresses the fact that country are continuing to adjust their headed by Eabbi Stephen S. Wise the delegates at the conference went Fund. - • : :, . The figures quoted_ for Palestine the graduate students a new course financial affairs to meet the current or $25, was indicated here. The rise in the price of license fees and the Hebrew Union College, bead- unelected by anyone and did not reprepresent a high ratio of the total in the field of religious education. situation, Mr. Kraft states. has jeopardized the economic posi- ed by Dr. Julian Morgenstern, and resent the Jewries in whose name The subject will be known as the population of the: country, and indition of 500 Jewish peddlers, who are the Isaac Elchansn Yeshiva of New they spoke. With such a means. Dr. cate the large number of American "Bible, Religion and Democracy" and unable to pay the fee. It is esti- York and the Theological Seminary Wiener says, we cannot fight antiJews who have settled in Palestine, will be under the supervision of Prof. Semitism, which requires a slow and mated that 60 per cent of the Jewish in Chicag-o. as relatively few non-Jewish Ameri- Ismar J. Peritz, head of the Bible A double expenditure is called for incessant campaign of enlightenment peddlers would be vithout means of department, who believes that deThe Omaha Hebrew Club will spon- cans reside there. livelihood should this new regulation under existing conditions, be says. on the part of every Jew. sor a Yiddish play, "Moishele's Bar • This figure does not include many mocracy is more than a political isAll those who are interested in be carried into effect. All this work could have been done Mitzvah," to be presented by the Jack additional Jews coming from America sue. joining the choir of the ConservBoston.—The Executive Council of The announcement of the new under one roof with at least half of Professor Peritz, in outlining the Berlin a n d Molly Cohn'players of who either never adopted American ative Synagogue are asked to measure aroused. sharp protests in the expense saved. In these times of the State of Massachusetts unaniNew York on October 16; the second citizenship • or lost it through expat- course, says that American democ- come to the Jewish Community crying financial distress, it is absurd mously confirmed the appointment of day of Succoth. ,' : riation on accpunt of prolonged ab- racy found its originating; source in Center on Tuesday evening, Sep- Jewish circles and brought about rep- to maintain this duplication of ef- Lewis Goldberg as Justice of thf resentations to the authorities on the Nathan Yaffe is chairman of ar- sence from, the United States, or religion, with the Bible playing a tember 6, at 8:3(> p. m. Superior Court of Massachusetts. fort. adoption of Palestinian citizenship. part of the Jewish Centre. great part rangement-11 Berlin (J. T. A.).—Under the headline, "Jews Are. to Blame," Paul Goebbels, Nazi leader, issues a call for pogroms against the Jews, writing in '?Der Angriff." "Listen, you fourteen million Hitlerite electors," he writes, "alien Galiciaris are inciting Germans against Germans, instigating -murders against Nazi workers. Jews sit: among us protected behind police cordons. "To you, comrades, I call a hundred times daily, the Jews, are to blame, until it haunts your dreams and you deliver up the Jews to deserved punishment!" writes the Nazi leader.
so greatly impede the constructive work that is the real task of the government," Chancellor von Papen said.
Private Market for Jewish Artisans in Soviet
Stone Mars Parade
Central Verein Scores Congress
Not One Jewish Center Is Closed During Depression
Over 3,000 Americans Are Resident in Palestine
Havana Licenses for Peddlers Under Fire
Syracuse Courses on Democracy and Bible
Play Sponsored By Hebrew Club
Choir Aspirants
T H E JEWISH "PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
creating the general impression that The newspaper stories of the re- Jews were loyalists than a hundred cent chess masters tournament held Jews who fought in Washington's at Pasadena reads much like an ac- army could offset. Coty Fears for His Life
count of some synagogue meeting. Jewish names one after the other. Chess continues, it appears, to remain the Jewish game par excellence. Not a little surprising too, when one remembers that we are supposed to be such a commercial people. And yet our official game is perhaps the only one that hasn't and probably can't be capitalized. How would Hitler explain this fact of Jews sticking to a game in •which there is absolutely no money ?
We dare sa} that Prof. Chitwood knows very little, if anything about such other Jews of the Revolutionary Subscription Price,ione year .-».-: - - - - - :- .'' • Advertising rates furnished on application days as Salvador in South Carolina, one of the leaders in the patriot cause Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building in that colony and incidentally, one of Telephone: ATlantic 1450 the first casualties of the war. Nor Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center of David Emanuel, later to become DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor governor of Georgia, who saved himFRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - Editor self by flight just as he was about to FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent be put to death by the British, or by ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent that other Jewish leader in Georgia, who when captured by the British, CHESS AND BOXING was forced with deliberate irony to think boxing next to chess might live on a diet of pork, nor of Seixas, The Jewish residents of Hungary, despite the hot-beds of beI classified as something of a Jew- the Jewish "parson" of the Spanish anti-Semitism in their vicinity with Germany and Austria infested ish sport. Of course, there is far congregation in New York, who reand infected by the Hitlerite ipovement, are experiencing the from the J e w i s h predominance in fused to hold services and swear pugilism that there is in chess, but fealty when the British took New pleasurable surprise of not having to contend with the usual dis- in another sense, it is perhaps even York and when thousands of noncriminations which had been practiced against them. This status more Jewish—perhaps the most Jew- Jews were swearing fealty. We could may vanish soon, but for the time being the Jews of Hungary are ish sport there is. I refer to the de- go on for some pages, but it is voted Jewishness of its Jewish parti- enough to say that we think Profesthus faring far better than their neighboring brethren. cipants. Thus, I read in the papers sor Chitwood, whose work as a whole This, however, does not mean that the Jews of that country that Kid Berg always wears "tzizith." we respect, is just plain damp on are not suffering—-they are grappling desperately with the threat Now, I don't think that Dr. Lasker, this subject, to use a vernacularism. chess man wears "tzizith" and it of economic extermination. But with anti-Semitism calmed down, the is probably also true that Sndney LIPPHANN AND RALLAS the Jewish population finds it less difficult to endure its general Lenz, the bridge expert, does not. The recent remarks in this column need and unemployment. In the past six month? not a single Another Jewish characteristic of pug- about the ties and relationship of ilism is the tendency to emphasize Walter Lippmann with the late Prof. Jewish deputy in Hungary has made representations, either in Jewish nomenclature — by adding a Graham Wallas are confirmed in a Parliament or from a public platform, concerning special dis- "sky" or a "witz"—something that statement recently appearing in the crimination against the Jews. In such a changed atmosphere it will make the name of the fighter press, attributed to Prof. Wallas. The Jewish. That again, you writer says: Professor Wallas frebecame impossible, at least for the time being, to create a Hun- strikingly never see in any other fields. You quently spoke of Lippmann (Walter) garian Hitlerite movement. One was recently attempted, but its would be surprised to hear that Bar- he always called him, and the very death was almost simultaneous with its birth. The impression ney Baruch for instance had chang-ed tones he used, when so speaking disname to Baruchkowsky, or that played a warmth of affection and a created by this new phenomenon for Hungary is that the masses his Franklin P. Adams, the Jewish colu- fine unrestraint not usually associatare tired of and disillusioned by the previous anti-Semitic storms mist had changed his name to Chay- ed with British reserve. His charwhich swept through the country unabated for almost ten years, im Aronson. And yet things like acterization of Lippmann's intellectgifts comes back very vividly to and which now stand revealed as an empty ruse on the part of that are constantly done in pugilism. ual me: "that he was unquestionably the
several politicians who sought to build up a political career on HOOVER'S TRUMPS the infirm foundation of anti-Jewish slogans. The Christian com- Well, we have now another supplemunity of Hungary, they are finding out, cannot be persuaded mentary edition of "merry-go-round" more gossip about officialdom. that the Jews feed on the poverty of the land when it is obvious with This latest work speaking of the justo the casual observer that the Jewish population is deeply impov- tices of the supreme court is rather erished. The masses want bread and work and can no longer be lavish in praise to Brandeis and Cardozo. fed by riots against the Jewish population. And as to Eugene Meyer, it reWe know not whether anti-Semitism in Hungary is a corpse gards Meyer and Ogden Mills as "the or is only asleep. However, the striking point in the situation is two trumps" of President Hoover. Eugene Meyer's brother, has, I benot that in Hungary anti-Semitism is a fading weed, but that in lieve, indicated some interest in Jewa day of supposed highly-developed civilization a country without ish matters—at least in some of the racial discriminations and agitations should be the exception in- economic aspects of Palestine, but Meyer himself appears to be stead of the rule. Until humanitarianism and the "brotherhood Eugene completely estranged. So I don't of mankind" is established on earth, our "highly-developed civili- know that we can "kleib much nachath," if you are out "kleibing" this zation" is a myth.
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most incisive and comprehensive critic of contemporary American political opinion."
Poor Crops Bring Refund
Jerusalem.—Seventy per cent of the tithe due the government, aggregating a Eum of 173,000 pounds, has been remitted by the High Commissioner because of the poverty of tha crops. The tithe on the citrus industry was not included in the remission.
Build from the FURNACES/
Warburg on National Citizens Relief Committee New York.—Felix M. Warburg, noted Jewish philanthropist, has been named a member of the National Citizens Committee for Welfare and Relief Mobilization of 1932. The membership of this committee will aid Newton D. Baker in stressing the need for continued and increased private charity to cope with unemployment in the coming winter. Lillian Wald, executive director of the Henry Street Settlement, is also a member of this committee, which is composed of 55.
On Verge of Civil War? Germany has the appearance of a country on the verge of civil war, stated B. Z. Goldberg, an associate editor of the "Day" and columnist on the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, to a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency upon his return to New York on Friday from a stay of three months abroad. The Hitlerites are doing all within their power to convey the impression abroad that they constitute an element to be reckoned with and feared, Mr. Goldberg said.
There is to be more decorum in the Yiddish theaters hereafter. The Hebrew Actors Union have won their point that there is to be no more selling on the floor of confectionary and drinks. Paul Yawitz has been ghosting Winchell's column for the past two weeks, but Winchell is due to return to his pillar and post next week. Bernard Sobel, until recently press agent for Ziegfield, will shortly assume the post of dramatic critic for the New York Mirror. Sobel at one time was a college professor. gBOTlVELI. MONSRY, GKOIHNSKY VANCE, AND HAKKY B. COHEN, S. W. Behrman, dramatist, who Attorneys. went Hollywoodish, is back in New NOTICE is hereby piren that tlie underYork with the script of a new play.
With all due respect to Mr. Meyer, I myself am just now more interested in the career of a Jew holding a much less notable position, that of Simon Lubin, who has just been appointed head of the State Bureau of Commerce of California. Lubin is the son of the late and famous David Lubin, and according to reports, inherits much of the idealism of his distinguished parent. Lubin has evolved a plan of economic relief, which it appears to me, has much common sense to it. It is no panacea, and is not intended as such, but it is by steps as his that this depression may at least be softened. California is confronted by a surplus of some of her farm products, and at the same time, in other parts of the country, there are potential consumers, but without the ability to meet the prices of former years. So Lubin dispatched salesmen to the relief agencies all over the country, who are offering these relief agencies, canned fruit, oranges, rice and other California products at bargain prices. If Lubin can show farmers that they don't have to burn their crops, he will have done something characteristically Lubinesque.
signed hiive formed n con.oration under the name of BECK CONSTIUXT1OX COMPANY, with its principul place of business in Omahn, Nebraska. The corporation shall have authority to carry on and conduct » penernl engineering contracting business and to mnnufnernre, purchase and sell any and all materials and supplies of every kind nnd character used in or about a peneral enfrineerinK and contracting business; to acquire liy purchase or subscription, or otherwise, and to hold ns investments, any liomls or securities or other items of indebtedness, including shares of the capital stock of any corporation, anil to handle such real or personal property ns may be required. The authorized capital stock is $120,000.(10. all common, par value $100.00. Iwing fully paid when issued and non-assessable. The hijrhest amonnt of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital. The corporation shall commence business when the Articles are filed with the County Clerk of Dong-las County. Nebraska, ami continue until January 1st. 2OXf. The affairs shall lie administered by a Hoard of l>irectors of not less than three nor more than five in number, and the undersigned shall be the first lioanl. The stockholders sh.'ill elect directors at the annual meeting to lie held the second Wednesday in January of each year. Thereafter the directors shall elect officers, viz.. President, Viee-1'residcnt, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended. The corporation shall have a seal. l>ated July oth. 1!»32.
Mo piece of equipment is more important—none Is used more regulatly— than your furnace. In this chroate you require artificial beat on »n average ot 235 days a ye»r. That's why ie U essemiat to plan four heating tystem first of ell if you are to have a comibnable home.
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Furnaces Cleaned
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THE HE/ SHOTBTELL, MOXSKY. GROB1XSKT & VANCE A > » HAKKY B. COHEN, Attorn eys. That Same NOTICE IS HKltEBi GIVEN that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the name of HECK REALTY COMPANY, with its principal place of business If you have your shoes in Omaha. The corporation shall have authority to maintain and operate a real esrepaired at the tate holding company and to pnrchare, lease, hire, control, manage and otherwise deal in real estate and other personal property, and shall have tlie right to issue i Shoe Repair Co. bonds, "mortgages or other evidences of indebtedness. The authorized capital stock J. I* KKAGB. Prop. is $150,000.00, divided into 1.100 sharp-! of 1610 $100.00 par value per share preferred sto-k nnd 400 shares of $100.00 par value per Farnam share of common stock, nil of which when St. Issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The preferred stock shall be preferred as to dividends and assets in the event of liquidation and shnll l>e cumulative, carrying a dividend of 6 per cent iiniiiiiiiniiiniiinininiiiinniinminiiimiiniimiiiiiiniiiiin per annum. The cumulative stock may be redeemed any time after one year from issuance, upon thirty days' written notice. The highest amount of indebtedness shall Chas. R. Docherty not exceed two-thirds of tbe capital stock, but such limitation shall not apply to inCommercial Artists debtedness represented by notes, bonds and mortgages, the payment of -which is Photo Engravers secured by real estate. The corporation shall commence hnsiness when the Articles I are filed with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and continue until Jannary 1st, 3033. The affairs shall be administered by a Board of Directors of not less than three nor more than five, and the undersigned shall be the first Board. The stockholders shall elect directors at the annual meeting to be held on the second Wednesday in Jnnonry of enrh yenr. Thereafter directors shall elect the offi507 So. 12 Street cers, viz., President. Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may ATlantic 1192 be amended. With the assent In writing of the holders of 65 per cent of nil of the capital stock of the corporation issued nnd outstanding, the entire assets of the corporation may be sold for a consideration to be determined by the Board of Directors. The corporation shnll hare a seal. - Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, the 5th day trf July, 1932. AL,KXAXPEIt BRCK, CXARKNCE BECK, ARTHUR BECK, HENRY BECK, JOHX L. SOREXSO>T. 9-2-32-4t JACK W. MAREK. Attorney. County Court Honse, City. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. Hnrry Mnier, also known as Margaret Miller, Deceased. The Sign of To the heirs-in-law, creditors, and all other persons interested in said estate: Good Workmanship You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in this Court on the 29th J A. 1614 day of August, 1932, by Margaret Marie Kris, alleging that Mrs. Harry Miller, also Offices' Brandeis Theatre Bldg known ait Margaret Miller died on the 29th OMAHA day of April, 1910, intestate; that at the time of her death she -was a resident of Douglas. County, Nebraska, and that sue was possessed of the following described real estate situate in Douglas County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot Nine Hundred One <0Ol) in Homestead Addition to the City of South Omaha, as snrveyed, platted and recorded. ; Lot Nine Hundred Two (no2) Homestead Addition to the City of South Omaha, as surveyed, platted and ' recorded. : That said petitioner has an interest in said real estate being an heir of said deceased and petitioner prays- that a hearing be had on said petition, thnt notice thereof be given as required by law, nnd that npon said hearing a decree of heir•Ship be entered and further administration of siiid estate be disposed with. You are therefore notified that a hearing will be had on said petition at the Connty Court Room of said County, on the 24th day of September, 1S32, at 9 o'clock A. M., and that if you fail to appear at said time "and place and contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same, enter a decree of heirship, and decree that further administration of said estate be disposed with. BIIYCE CRAWFORD, »-2-32-3t. County Judge.
Shoe Comfort
Think of it! One out of every three electric refrigerators sold in the United States is a G-E. That is a tribue to this fine refrigerator. Millions of homes would never think of being without their G-E Refrigerators. G-E saves money and time. Made by the world's, greatest electrical manufacturers.
Madrid.—The efforts made to have the ancient synagogue of Cordova returned to the Sephardic Jews of the community have proven unsuccessful. The matter had been taken up by the Cortes and was referred to the ministry of public instruction for final action. The ministry has now
mar -«-- wonder
I have been glancing through a History of American Colonial life by Professor Oliver P. Chitwood of the University of West Virginia. On the whole I think it a rather good work on the subject, but the Professor makes one statement there that I think is founded on inadequate premises. Most of the Jews in the 13 colonies, he says, were loyalists. Now, that is a rather broad statement to make, and I can't see how any such statement can be made, for there was of course nothing like a census of the loyalists and no way by which even a rough numerical estimate can be made. What Professor Chitwood did was probably go by the noise made by a few Jewish loyalists and by the additional fact, that the greater number of those who were better off financially were loyalists, and since Jews were among the merchants and financial classes generally, ipso facto, they were also loyalists. I dare say that the most prominent person of Jewish persuasion in the public eye was a Jewish girl, Rebecca Franks—and it happens that she was a loyalist She belonged to the aristocratic set—the Penns and the Chews of Philadelphia. She was pretty, sparkling—one of the intellectual belles of the day. When that dashing but ill-fated English officer, Major Andre, staged his tournaments which regaled the British Commander-in-Chief, General Howe, Rebecca was one of the queens. Officers too o$ the "patriotic" side liked tcj associate with her. One of her brothers too, I believe, was a stout loyalist. She probably '. contributed iriojre - t o
Redemption of Ancient Spanish Synagogue Fails
morning from Meyer's career.
8HOTWELI, JIONSKY, CRODIXSKT * VANCE, Attorneys. 73? Omaha National Bank Bids'. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WIXX. In the County Court of Douglas County, By DAVID SCHWARTZ Nebraska. ...... In the Matter of the Estate of William Black, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are ON THE SUBWAY hereby notified that a petitoin ' has been Speaking1 of conditions there is the filed in said Court, praying for.the probate of n certain instrument now on file story of Alphonse Robins. Two in said. Court, purporting to be the last •will and testament of said deceased, and Jews,^it appears, were seated side by that; a -hearinff will be had on said peti- side in the express going to Flattion before said Court on the 17th day of bush. They rode on and on silently September, 1032, and that if they fail to • appear at said Court on the said 17th day —each seemingly indifferent of the of September, 1032, at 9 o'clock A. IT., to other—each staring fixedly in front contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probnte said will ami of him. grant administration of said estate to Finally, one of them emitted the Harry IS. Cohen, or some otuer suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. deep Jewish groan, "oL" "You're telling me," exclaimed the JiTLYCE CRAWFORD, other. B-2G-32-3t County Judge.
Paris.—The local anti-Semitic publication, "Ami du Peuple," carries the statement that Francois Coty has been compelled to ,hire a bodyguard for his protection as a result of his anti-Jewish campaign. Since he has been carrying on his anti-Semitic propaganda, the paper declares, assassins have been hired to make an attempt upon his life.
ruled that there is insufficient ground for the claim and has turned down the motion.
Nebraska Royal Club ^^2 250
Featherweight Felt Hats
The straw is fading out of sight, the new featherweight rat takes its place. The growing popularity of NEBRASKA ROYAL CLUB featherweights for early fall is reflected in t h e wide selection we have prepared in answer to the demand. New grays , , . new tans . . . never so much hat style and comfort for so little cost. New Stetsons and Mallorys Lightweight Felts
5.00 and 7.50
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AT. iao.d
Please Note—All society items most be mailed or phoned in by 5 p . m , Wednesdays.
Philip Sokolof Wins 15-Week Dancing Instruction
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ja- home of Mrs. N. Levinson Wednescobsen, and with her sisters. day, it was decided to have the first card p a r t y of the season for the Mrs. Louis Leaf and family of Dun- Daughters of Zion at the J. C. Clap, Iowa, have been visiting here. during "Chalamoid Succoth." The rummage sale will be held October Mrs. M. Schmidt of Fremont has 10. Chairmen are Mrs. S. Temin and been visiting relatives here. Mrs. I. Greenberg. Tree donations are announced from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg and Mrs. H. Dolgoff, in honor of the enMr. Charles Weinberg have returned gagement of her daughter, Edythe, to Chicago, after a short stay here. and from Mrs. L. Gerelick, in honor of the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. H. Belmont and children of Mary. Box collections w e r e anLyons, Nebr., visited here the past nounced from Mrs. Gertrude Jacobs week. and Mrs. L SternhilL
IN RECITAL A piano recital by Jeannette Barrett, assisted by Margarette MargoFRANK-ZWEIBACK WEDDING lin-Belman, soprano, and accompanied The marriage of Miss Minnie Zweifcack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Little 10-year-old Philip Sokolof, by Margaret Hurwitz, will be given Ewefback, to Dave W. Frank, son of who has frequently entertained at under the direction of Karl E. TunMr. and Mrs. Meyer Frank, will take local Jewish functions with his ap- berg at the auditorium of the Gurthplace this Sunday afternoon, Septem- pealing dancing and singing, is in rie Piano company, 2218 South Thirty-second avenue, on Thursday eveber 4, at the bride's home. New York, where he will get 15 ning, September 8, at 8:15. weeks of instruction at the Ned Wayburn Institute of Dancing as a re- JR. SOCIETY "PROSPERITY HOP" BIRTHS Mr., and Mrs. A. Meyers announce sult of his work in the World-HerSunday evening, October 23, has the birth of a daughter Sunday morn- ald-RKO Orpheum opportunity revue. been chosen by the Junior Society of Young Philip is the son of Mr. ing at the Lutheran hospital. Conservative Synagogue for their and Mrs. L. Sokolof, 4336 C a s s the annual Hop." street. He was accompanied to New Miss "Prosperity Jeanette L e v i n s o n is in Mr. and Mrs. I. Bernstein announce York by his mother and Soralee Socharge, and the group has been dithe birth of a daughter Saturday aft- kolof, 3. ernoon at the Methodist hospital. He made a big hit with his pro- vided into teams headed by Miss EsMrs. Bernstein was formerly Miss fessional manner and ability in the ther Faier and Miss libby Blacker. Anne Goldberg, daughter of Mrs. Ida recent revue and is considered as Goldberg. having a most promising future. 'Depreshun Dance" Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Denenberg NOTES announce the birth of a son August SOCIAL Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn re10 at the Covenant hospital. turned last Friday from a vacation at Lake Minnetonka and Chicago. ENTERTAIN FOR VISITOR Many affairs are being given in Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sogolow have honor of Miss Ida Lustgarten of Chi- returned from the Ozark mountains, cago, talented pianist, who is visit- where Mr. Sogolow was head couning here with her parents, Mr. and cillor at Camp Cedar Crest. Mrs. Mrs. B. Lustgarten. Sogolow was head councillor at Camp Dr. and Mrs. George Neuhaus en- Oak Crest, a sister camp for girls. tertained informally last night at the Neuhaus home in her honor. Tonight Miss Ethel Epstein, daughter of a "dutch treat" picnic group, including Mr. and Mrs. H. Epstein, will leave Dr. and Mrs. George Neuhaus, Mr. and Sunday for New York City, where she Mrs. Phil Horan, Miss Juliet Grif- will visit with relatives and friends. fin, Miss Lillian Johnson, Mr. and She expects to be gone about two Mrs. Henry Monsky and Mr. Alfred months. Mayer, will meet at the Monsky home. Miss Lustgarten will be honMrs. Benjamin Green returned on or guestTomorrow evening Mr. and Mrs. Sunday from Milwaukee, where she Cecil Berryman are entertaining in visited with relatives. her honor. Mrs. Sarah Reznick and daughter, Helen, returned last week from a two HADASSAH LUNCHEON months' trip to Los Angeles. While SUCCESSFUL there they attended the wedding of a Over 200 members of the local nephew of Mrs. Reznick, Mr. Irvin chapter of Hadassah enjoyed the suc- Periy. cessful luncheon given by the infant • w e l f a r e committee Wednesday at Mr. Jack Kaiman is visiting this Murphy's. week in Lincoln with friends. Beautiful p r i z e s were awarded. Mrs. Joseph Goldware was chairman. VISITORS Mrs. M. Seidman of Lincoln, Nebr., CONVALESCING has returned to her home, after visMr. Nathan Robinson is a patient iting here with her son-in-law and at the Clarkson hospital. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Cohn. Several informal affairs were given TONSILECTOMY in her honor while she was here. Libby Meyerson and Marion. Meyerson underwent tonsilectomies Mon- Miss Molly H. Jacobsen of Washday. ington, D. C, is visiting- here with
Hadassah "The strength of an organization lies in its strength, but only paid-up members give it its strength." Upon this theory, Mrs. B. A. Simon, financial chairman of the local Hadassah, undertook the job of bringing the chapter's members up to date, and she has succeeded splendidly. Mrs. Simon is assisted by Mrs. Hyman Milder, motor corps chairman, and her committee consisting of the Mesdames R. H. Brown, Dave Epstein, Harry Rubinstein, Dave Levine and William Boasberg.
Daughters of Zion At a board meeting held at the
A. 2LA. TO SPONSOR "DEPRESHUN" DANCE AT HOTEL CHIEFTAIN SEPT. 11 The Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. will give a "Depreshun" dance at the Hotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs on Sunday evening, September 11. Plans are being made to have t h i s an outstanding affair for the younger set of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Joseph Solomonow and Henry Mendelson are in charge of the arrangements for this affair and tickets may be purchased from them or from any member of the local chapter of the A. Z. A. Admission, in carrying out the idea of "Depreshun," will be only 97 cents per couple. Everyone is urged to make their plans now to attend this affair. The ladies' auxiliary^ of the Talmud
Make Your Meals a Pleasure in the cool, enticing environment of the Jack and J i l l . . . . where delicious foods at reasonable prices add flavor to the meals of discriminating individuals. Palatable d i s h e s tastily served . . . . explain why you will meet your friends . . . . whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner or after the show . . . . at
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Council Bluffs News
Peacock Shoe Stock
The Aleph Zadik Aleph chapter No. Dr. Isaac Sternhfll returned Mon- 7 sponsored a special meeting Thursday from New York City, where he day evening at the synagogue for the spent the summer months taking a purpose of organizing a Scout troop. post-graduate course in pediatrics and Mr. Leo Krasne was chosen as scoutchildren's diseases at Columbia Uni- master and Henry Mendelson is asversity and the New York Graduate sistant scoutmaster. Mr. Louis BernCollege. Mrs. Stemhill, who had ac- stein was chosen as chairman of the companied Dr. Stemhill on his east- troop committee. Any boy who wishern trip, preceded him home. The es to belong to the Jewish Boy Scout Sternhills have taken an apartment troop should get in touch with them at 228 Frank street. immediately.
Velvet's the big fashion for fall . . .. and you'll be thrilled -with these new Herzberg velvets! You'll appreciate the simple beauty of the styles . . . -the softly puffed sleeves, flattering capelets, little jackets. They're very fine quality transparent velvet . . . in Brown, Beetroot and Black. "S?^
Sunday, following a two weeks' visit Summer Months Special 2 here with her brother, Mr. Sam Gold- 2 berg, and tLe bitter's daughter, Mrs. 4 30-GALLON RANGE BOILER f Saul Suvalsky. # INSTALLED $16.00 #
Maurice Katelman, who has been Jack Steinberg returned Sunday The Mother chapter of A. Z. A. is confined at the Mercy Hospital for the from Moines, Iowa, where he completing plans for its Achar Ha- past two weeks, ill with pneumonia, spent Des the past two weeks at Camp taunis dance on the evening of Octo- returned to his home at 417 Oakland Dodge. ber 10. avenue Wednesday afternoon, where The open meeting planned for the he is now convalescing. chapter and the B'nai Brith will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roffman will held the middle of October. The A. have as their house guests for over Misses Rose Mendelson and Thelma Z. A. will put on a program for the Passer the week-end Labor Day Miss Sadie spent Monday and Tuesday in B'nai Brith members. There wiy be | Des Moines, Iowa, where they played Pavlinsky of Lincoln, Nebr. a presentation of the second degree at the state fair. They are members ritual and also of the awards won of the Thomas Jefferson high school 500,000 Pound Contract by the chapter during the year. Haifa.—Spinneys, Ltd., a British Plans are also progressing for the band and orchestra. enterprise, will supply all foodstuffs formation of a Bible class, to meet Mrs. Ida Lakin and son, Julius, of to the laborers of the Iraq Petroweekly. Henry Coren defeated Sam Cackin Chicago, 111., will return to their home leum company. in the finals, to win the chapter golf tourney. "The Kibitzer" has just issued the first number of its second volume. at Council Bluffs The staff: Art Lapp, editor-in-chief; Irving Chudacoff, managing editor; A. Z. A. Chapter No. 7 of Council Hy Green, Al Oruch, Sid Chait and tM E V E Bluffs is planning a "Depreshun Sam Turkel. Dance" for Sunday evening, Septem1512 DOUGJLAS STREET ber 11, at the Hotel Chieftain, Coun- ! cil Bluffs, to which Omahans are invited. Prizes will be awarded to "the most depressed couple," to be judged by BY F. R. K. the looks of their tattered clothing.
Sheer Loveliness in
A. Z. A.No. 1
Torah Soeiety -will h o l d a meeting next Wednesday afternoon, September 7, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster street. All members are urged to be present.
Omaha Athletic Club
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Sioux City N ews Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent
IS i
HULSE & RIEPEN "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Funerals To Fit Any Purse Phone HArney 1226 . Farnam at Thirty-third
NOTICE OF INCOKPOKATION OF SPE-••' CIFICATION OIL, INC.. i Notice is .hereby given that the underauxiliary revue, "Welcome Stranger," have formed n corporation under Mrs. S. Baron of Venice, Calif., a Signed the laws of the' State' of- Nebraska. -The" from reports of the first committee former resident of Sioux City, is a name of this corporation shall be Six-t-lflmeeting held Tuesday evening. •guest fin' the home of Mrl ahd Mrs.••atlon'Oil, Inc.. with its princfpnl Vliice ot business .-it Omnh.i," Nebraska. The eenDates for the tryouts for "WelJ. Jacobson. She will visit her foreral nature of the business to be trim ficome Stranger" will be announced in a month before returning to herlleted mid the object mid purpose for which this corporal ion Is organized and estabThe Jewish Press at a later date. lished shall be to own, lease, conduct mid Max Maron was declared winner of Mr. H. H. Buntley, who will direct home. operate motor vehicle filling and service the A. Z. A. golf tournament, which the production, will judge the trystiitions; to equip nnd maintniu by piirhas been in progress for the past outs. The date for the revue has Miss Lillian S h i n e of Lincoln, ch:is»» construction, lease, or otherwise, buildings nnd equipment to be used us three-weeks. He won the final match been set for November 6, in theNebr., visited with friends here this and for such filling stations; to com me! over Martin Kozberg. week. with other persons m«l companies for the city auditorium. use of filling station facilities; nnd to do Sixteen members of the A. Z. A. all things which may be Wwss.iry nnd7or participated in the tournament. The proper to carry out Hie objects nnd purMiss Inez LeaiF and Miss Rose Al- poses hereinabove set. forth.' The authorsami-final match was played by Berbert have returned home, after a ized i-npital slock shall be flO.OOOIK) nnd nard Skalovsky and Max Maron, with iiII of said stock shall be common anil of visit with friends in Omaha*. the par value of ?1.OH per -share, nnd nil Martin Kozberg drawing a bye. of said stork shall be rally paid up nnd The winner was awarded a silver uoii-ussessnble. The rorporntlou . shall Mr.. and Mrs. D. S. Prusinar and connnonce doing business upon the filing medal by the organization. • ' Funeral s e r y i c a s for. Mrs. Idachildren spent several "days last week of its articles with the County Oerk of Hon™!rs County, Nebraska; nnd BhaU conFriedman, 57- years old, who; died jin, at Lake OkHjji tinue for « period of fifty years from wild her v home,Alast'.Friday. '.noon,* werfe date.* The highest amount of indebtedness shall hot exceed two-thirds of its enpitn! held from thie ;famUy. residence,; 916 stock but this restriction shall not apply Mrs. 1. Rivin of Chamberlain, S. Iowa street, .on'.. Sunday afternoon, to indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens upon any of the corporate property. with Rabbi M. Braver, KabbiJ. Bra- D., is visiting at the home of her The affairs of this corporation shall be parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Marsh. ver of Kansas City and Cantor J. k. male chorus, organized by the managed by ;i Koard of Hireclors consisting of not less than two memliers. The STiaare - Zion Synagogue, has begun Pliskin officiating. meeting uf the corporation shall Ite Members of the Iota Tau sorority nnnnnl .itj, praqtice* this week, under the di- Mrs. Friedman was the mother of he'.rl on the first Monday in January of year. «t which meeting the stockrection of Sam J. Passman, in prep- M. E. Friedman, who is prominent in met at the home of Miss Roma Wi- enclt holders shall elect n Boanl of Directors, aration for the High Holy Days, synagogue and federation 'activities. godsky Tussday evening. Mrs. E. J.nnd thereupon the Hoard shall elect n I'resideut. .Vice President. Secretary nnd 'ihis choir will chant the services on She was a member of the Adash Fribourg, the club's new advisor, was Treasurer. two of said offices may Kosh Hashonah • and Yom Kippur, Yeshuren Synagogue, the Sioux City present. The evening's program in- be held byAny one and the same person. cluded a talk by Miss Ruth GoldThese articles mn>* lie' amended nt nny with Cantor A. Pliskin. : Independent" Farane and the Hebrew or special meet!ng^ of the sto<-kforb of Houston, Texas, on travels regular Soloists for the choir will be SamLadies' Friendship Society. holders by a two-thirds vote of the Olitthrough the south. Bridge, a social st nidi lie stock. Osheroff and George Shulman. The . Surviving' are the widower, H. In witness whereof, the parties .have personnel of the choir includes Sovel Friedman; four "sons', Sam, M. E. andhour and refreshments concluded the hereunto subscribed their names this lBtli ivening. 2 i
'stein and-Mr. Hyman Hutstein have A man is never so on trial as inCampaign to- Enroll 5,000 , returned home, -after a two weeks' the 'moment of :excessive: good forNew Zionists in Chicago Vacation in Chicago.' -tune. -i i ' I V . _ : : 5 Chkagd". — A campaignto enroll : ' P H I t l P M. KI-CTZNICK Dr. Ella. Galiiisky - is a guest at Olnaha National Bank Bids. . 5,000-new members in the Zionist the | home o f h'er -.- parents,; Mr. and;•:> , 630 . • . Omaha, Nebraska • • organization of C h i c a g o 'will be Mrs. Herman Galinsky, 2301 Jackson launched-'here. • - ; • : -' - s t r e e t . .-. " • , + s -• • • • Z.
Death Claims Pioneer Resident
Male Chorus Organized by Shaare Zion
Heshelow, Harry Kanofsky, George Raymond of Sioux City, and Philip .WILUAMWBN. Shulman, Harry Shulman, Marion of Wessington," S. D.; a daughter, 1IKXUY II. WEINER. Davidson, Bernard Passman, Albert Mrs. John Abraham, of Danbury, Trees to Be Planted In the presence of: • Indianapolis. — Indianapolis Jewry Philip M. Klutznlck. 8-12-32-4t Iowa, and a brother, William K. KanHerzoff, Sam-Janowitz and Sam Oshwill plant 250 trees in the George erhoff. The music has been arranged tor of Sioux City. Washington forest in Palestine, it FRADENBCUG. STALMASTEK ft BKHKR by Mr. Passman. Pallbearers w e r e I. Chesen, M. was announced here. Attorneys. 630 Omaha National Bank B i d e Omaha. Beechen, L. Herman, L. Levitsky, A. Felk, M. Satin, M. Seligman, M. Kan- Cantor Myro Glass is chairman of NOTICE OP INCORPORATION OP! UNITED FOOD STORES.* "INC. trbvich, J. Shindler, M. Lazensky, M. the G e o r g e Washington Palestine forest committee here. Notice i s glvjen : that t h e undersigned Members, of the A. Z. A. chapter, Dervin and D.. Rosenthal. hnve formed a corporation under the laws of Nel>rnska. The name of the corpornSHOTWELL, MONSKY, GHOD1NSKT •who will leave next month'for coltion- i s United Food Stores, Inc. The £ VANCE lege, were honored at the meeting principal place of business of the corpora737 Omaha Nat'l BU. Ulilg., Omaha tion Is In Omaha, Nebraska. The object for Tuesday evening, held in the Seville which this corporation i s organized shall NOTICE OP INCORPORATION OF cafe. The members who are leav be the buying and selling at retail or BA1UI) BL'ILUINU COMPANY wholesale prices all nnd every kind of , ing include Loyal Kier, Morris LefMisu- Ann SiuloiiV daughter of Mr. Notice 's hereby given that the under- goods, wnres or merchandise usually nnd have formed n corp«rntio« under ; kovich, Bill Mosbw, ^Lawrence Sil- and Mrs. Bl H. Shiloff, 1005 West signed the laws of the State of Nebraska; that customarily dealt in T»y groceries, meat markets, fruit, dry jfoods and hardware verberg, Arnold Baron, Jack Green- Sixth "street, will be married-to the name of snJd corporation U itAIKD stores, the buying, 'selling, owning, holdCOMPANY and the principal 1 berg, Bernard Skalovsky and Ber-Samuel Kurland, son of Mr. and Mrs. BUILUINO place of transacting its business is the ing aud otherwise acquiring real and personal property Incident or conMax Kurland of Chicago, on Sun-City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. venient to thenecessary. nard Lazriowich. • .. • carry-ing out of the purgeneral nature of the business to lie Plans were also made at the meet-" day, September 4. The wedding will The transacted and the objects of said corpo-. poses and objects for which this corporai s formed;, the iissnmlng. acquiring ing for the annual A. Z. A.' play. be solemnized in the Shaare Zion ration :>ru to acquire, own, hold, maintain tion nnd operate Lot 8, Block 108. Original City or purchasing of "property, rights, franNo definite date for the presentation Synagogue at 5 p. m. Miss Freda of Onlaha. in Douglas County, Nebraska, chises, contracts and assets of every kind and from any person, firm, association has been made. Shilori, sister of the bride, will be and to own, hold and operate any other of. estate or personal property and anyor corporation, and paying for the same, maid of honor, and Jack Mogil- of real interest therein; to purchase. lease, hire w h o l l y or in part, •with cash, stock o r Chicago, best man. • • •• nnd otherwise, acquire, nny and all per-other evidence of the obligation o f the cot^ sona I property necessno- or incident to poratlon. The. statement of " the powf rfi Following the wedding ceremony, the ni:iinteu:ince and operation of the above set forth herein shall not be construed t o ; ^,, Thb Hawkeye card-"IMugufarted its the wedding ••dinner ' will be served to described or. other real estate, with rthe be or'act a s n limitation upon the general r power- to'•,sell, ^ dispose of, lease, convey, powers 'otherwise necessary or convenient ,new' season, and also Ti&dei goodbye 75 guests in the social hall of the mortgage or otherwise encumber - the said to tho corporation.! The authorized cap• to members leaving for school,,]with synaogue. Out+bf-town guests will real estate and personal property or anyital stock of this corporation shall'be Fifty : thereat^and to do nuy and all things Thousand Dollars" (Jr>0,0O0.CO) which shall a dance at Stone park, • adjourning include Mr. and Mrs. Max Kurland, part necessary 'and proper in connection, with be divided into .shares of common stock'of Miss F r e d a Shiloff, Philip Stone, the holding, maintenance nnd- operation of the par value of One Hundred (SllflO.OO) ;' late):; tp the Chicken Coop cafe. ; Dollars' «>ach and- when issued shall be r;< George Fineberg acted as toastmas- Jean Kurland, Joe > Kurland, Mr. tind any of siiid property: to borrow or raise fully paid "and non-assessable. The stock money and to. issue bonds, notes, mort^er for the evening. Harry Kanof- Mrs. Al Glick, Al Ostrow, Mary Lass, gages,, debentures, stock or other .obliga- of this corporation may be issued for 1 cash, capital stock of other corporsky', Isadore Mirowitz dnd^Joe Solo- Jack Mogill and Mr. and Mrs. Harry tions for that purpose and in exchange for ations,theproperty or services. The corporareceived by it'orfb; property pur1 jnonow of Council Bluffs'Teitilnierated Miller, all of Chicago; Mr. arid -Mrs, moueys chased or acquired by it, or for any other tion shnll commence doing business upon filing of these articles of incorporftr varibiis activities'. of_ the Hawkeye H. H. Shiloff and son, Jerome, of object or purpose, in nnd about its busi- the to gwirantee nny dividends or bonds tion in the office of the County Clerk of club: in ithe past and bade the memCanton, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave nesa: or contract or other-obligations in con-Donclns County. Nebraska, and shall s o until January 1, lIFKi. • nnlees bers leaving for school goodbye on Shuman and Mr. and Mrs. Saul Mel- nection with the accomplishment of the continne hereinabove set forth and to make sooner dissolved, by the vote of not less behalf of the club. • cher of Norfolk/Neln:.; Mr. and Mrs.objects and perform contracts of every kind, inci- than two-thirds ( 2 / 3 ) of the outstanding capital stock of the , corporation. ; -The ' Morris Lasensky and Morris Lef- Boris L e v i n e of Creston, Iowa; dental to or necessary for the attainment highest amount of indebtedness or liabilof or furthering of any of the objects kovitch spoke in behalf of the mem-Misses Edith and Esther Shumann, herein enumerated. The authorized capital ity to which the corporation shall a t any time subject itself shall n o t , exceed two'bers who are leaving.. Mr. and Mrs. William Rosin and stock of the covporntlon is $irx),000.00, all thlrds (2/3) of Its capital s.tock. ; The afof which is comcion stock divided Into Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosin of Minneap•'•."; Miss Esther Mirken was given the 1X00 shares of the par value of $100.0f fairs of this corporation shall be admin: istered b y a Board.Directors., the nrnntitle of "Sweetheait of the Hawkeye olis, Minn. Members of the ladies' each nnd when issued shall be fully paid her of which s h a l l .of b e fixed b y the. b y and non-nssessnble. The corporation shall auxiliary of Shaare Zion will serve Club;" Miss" Inez' Leaff was chosen commence business upon the filing of these laws, but shnll not be less thnn five <i>) articles in the office of the County Clerk nor more than twelve (12), all of whom as "Miss Frivolity;" Miss Katie Eas- the wedding supper. of Douglas County, Nebraska, and the is- shall be elected for a period of one (1) kin" was accorded the .title of; "Miss suance of 25 per cent or more of its total year. The directors shall elect from among capital stock and shall continue their own number's a President." Ylee.Personality;'' Miss Delia Shiloff was Mrs. J. Herman announces the mar- authorized until January 1. 2033, unless" sooner dis- President. Treasurer.and.a Secretnry. Ungiven the title of "Miss Pep" andriage ofc her' daughter, Mollie, to solved by the affirmative vote of not less til the next annual-meeting or until a spemeeting i s called to elect a Board of Miss Marion Kdcklin, "Miss Demure- Sam Falk, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.than two-thirds of the outstanding capital cial stock. . The highest amount of indebted- Directors, the following named persons n e s s . " '-•••:'••' ' ' •/ • " shalt constitute the Board of Directors: M. Falk, on "August 21. T h e wedding ness or liability to which the corporation Bernstein, H. S, Novltsky, .T. Go'gela, Sam shnll at any time subject itself shall not George Fineberg was chairman of ceremony took place in Omaha. . J exceed two-thirds of Us capital stock; Meyerson. D. Bernstein. Albert Wohlner, the committee" on arrangements.. He L. Itaduzlner, H. ,T. Ronan, .C. S. Ross, Following a' short stay in Omaha, provided, however, that this restriction : Stahmer.--E. E . Ashley and Julius was assisted by Morris Lefkovich Mr. and Mrs. Falk have returned to shall have no application to indebtedness Carl by notes, bonds or other obli- Newman. By-laws shall be adopted by and David S. Kaplan. Twenty icou- this • city and "will make their home .represented the Board of Directors for the conduct of gntions of the corporation, payment of ples : attended. ,' : which is secured by transfer of real estate the affairs of this corporation which shall at 905 Iowa street. or other Interest by trust deed or mort-- b_e submitted for approval to the stock- I n lieu of a permanent chainnan, gnge when the property so transferred] holders. The annunl meeting of the stockshnll be held on the first Monday Harry Kanof sky was chosen; by lot Mrs. Max Glick, who departed for shall, exceed the amount of the secured holders nt least 40 per cent nor shall of January of each year at which time to act as chairman at the nextineet- tier 'home.ia Chicago, after a two indebtedness they shnll elect a Board of Directors nnd such limitation apply to any guarantee inji : George Finebferg was * elected weeks' ViBit with her. son a^d daugh- made by the corporation for the payment on the same day the Board of Directors shall hold i t s nnnunl meeting. Regular of any notes or other obligations trans/.treasurer and Secretary, of the stockholders may be held ter-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Ralph. Glick, ferred by it where same are secured by meetings transfers of property or interests as above nt. such times a s shall be fixed in the b y was the guest of honor at a number indicated. ". • • •"..•• :..-• . • • .; With the assent in writing of laws. , of. social functions during her - stay the "holders of seventy-five per cent of all : No stockholder shall at any time .own or the capital stock of the corporation.issued hold more than three (3) shares of. (he here. Among her hostesses were and outstanding, or pursuant to the votes capital stock of this corporation. - Should Mrs. E. Chesen, Mrs. S. A. Kos-given in person or by proxy, by stock- the corporation ever authorize increased by i t s stockholders, each stockCommittees, to function for the berg, Mrs. A. Kosberg, Mr. and Mrs. holders holding nt lenst seventy-five per holdings holder shall hold no more shares than nny ccaing season, were appointed at the L. Kronick and Mrs. D. Ginsburg. cent of the issued and outstanding stock other stockholders. Before nny stockthe corporation which is represented meeting of the executive board of Last Saturday evening a family pic- of nnd voted upon in person or by proxy at holder shall hnve the right to offer for sale his stock in the corporation, he must the Junior Hadassah. organization re- nic was given by her son and daugh- a . meeting specially called, for that pur- first offer i t to the corporation and-give pose, or at an annual meeting, the Board cently. • ; ; • : . ter-in-law, honoring Mrs. Glick. of Directors shall have power and author- the company nt least sixty (00) days in ity to sell, assign, transfer, convey or oth- which to accept such of/er. All of the Miss Sophie* Raskin was appointed erwise dispose of, the property and assets assets of the corporation may be sold or chairman of the membership comof thecorporation ns an entirety or going transferred by the affirmative vote of Members of the Debra'club -will concern mittee. Miss Rose Finsod will head on such terms nnd conditions ns two-thirds (2/3> of all the outstanding the Board of Directors shall deem fit. right stock nt any special meeting of the stocktha finance, committee, .with the as-entertain at a theater party this eve- nnd just, either for cash or bonds, or holders, of which notice i s given to Ihe nt least- five (5) days in ndsistance of her co-chairmeni Miss ning. The party will be, concluded shares of capital stock of nny corporation stockholders or corporations, or for nny kind or species vance of the holdinc of such meeting. Mary Rozofsky, Miss Lillian Dobrof- with dancing. and refreshments at of These articles m a y be amended nt any property or obligation or securities. The the. home of Miss Gisela Pill. The affairs sky and Miss Ruth Wigodsky. of the corporation shall be admin- regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the nffirmative vote of t w o by a Board of Directors, the numThe social affairs of the season Monday meeting of the club was held istered ber of which shnll be fixed by the By-Ijaws thirds (2/3) of all the'outstanding stock, at the home of Miss Fern Wolf son, will be under the direction of Miss but shall be not less than three nor more provided notice of such proposed amend. five. The Directors shall elect a ments i s given a t least five (5) days in * Ida Feldman. Miss Freda Albert is with Miss Lillian Shine guest of than •' - • • • • . President. "Vice-President, Secretary and advance thereof, honor. chairman of. the committee on Junior Treasurer. H. 53. NOVITSKT, Treasurer. and Senior Hadassah relationships, M. BERNSTEIN. . . H. MAKQCARDT, I n t h e presence o f : • •.• H. B. COHEN, and Miss Ruth Feldman is the pub- Mrs. E. E. Jacobson and daughter, S-10-32-4t IRVIN STAtMASTEK. 0-2-S2-4t. Incorporators. licity chairman. ; Marylin, are enjoying a monthTs 'visit ; Plans were made at the executive with the formfer's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. L. Rice of Chicago. J': V! meeting for the opening meeting of Preserve and Modernize Your Property by the season, which will be in the form of a membership tea September 11 Miss Freda Albert and Miss Anne at the " Martin' hotel/ Prospective Cohen have returned , home, a^ter: a members will 1 be; ^th'e guests of thetwo weeks' vacation at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and Chicago. ••• ' ; • organization- at that time.
A.Z. A.
Society News
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Painting and Decorating
. Committees,, \\ Working A^f Pl on Aj^tfyxry Play
, Sioux Cityans who' attended the events, of S. Al M.,day in Omaha last- Sunday included. Dave Albert, Alfred; Albert,. Sam Epstein, Bernard kaii; and BiftneU'Koolisn. ''
. , . Active „ w o r k has ^inU .been~"*started! ! j , ^ fpbriuiiittees. of, the Miss ] Tpta Epstein of New York /ladies' auxiliary [at: the %Shaare. Zion City was the guest of honor at a Synagogue,- who are. in charge of tl " social gathering Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin, 819 Wesst Seventh street.
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