In the Interests of the Jewish Pep^!\
Dedicated to the Ideakof Judaism
cnierca HB oeconu-^-iiM , 2 - &• er ou J&uuar* 27, 1K£L at Poctofflce nt Omaha. Nebn ft « j ' r the Act of March 8. 18TO
of "WELCOME HOME" Business \V MI'S Health Open-Meeting Hebrew Club to PLANNED Club Features Program Be Held Sunday DINNER FOR WEDNESDAY of Physical Departmeiit !
Physical Education Berlin Jewish Youth Form Sett-Defense Activities at
An open meeting will be sponsored by the Omaha Hebrew club in.the auditorium of the Jewish Community: Center on Sunday afternoon, September 11, at 3:30 p.m. Harry Fleharty will be g u e s t speaker, and his address will be on a subject of general interest. A feature of the program to be presented will be musical selections by t h e Hazomir Singing Society, which under-the direction of Cantor A. Schwaczkin,,, has proven popular with local Jewish audiences. Miss Fried ; will , give r several piano selecrfeions. • The program and meeting is. open to the public, and members have been urged to bring their friends and families. At this time a drive will be started on the ticket sale for" the Yiddish p l a y , "Moishele's B a r Mitzvah," which will be presented on October 16 under the auspices of the Omaha Hebrew Club. Nathan Yaffeis chairman of arrangements for the production.
Cantor Leon Karz and Male Choir at 'Beth HamedrosW Cantor Leon Karz, eminent west
Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Gold- :oast cantor, has been secured by the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, stein to Be Honored on ReNineteenth and Burt streets, to offiturn from Palestine
Vol. IX—No. 32
Intensive Educational Program Being Planned for Community Center Confiscated Synagogue Irvin Stalmaster Is
ciate at the approaching High Holy- Treasures Listed day services. As a youth Rev. Karz received for Sale ;raining from two of the outstanding cantors in Europe, Chief Cantors Berlin (J. T. A.).—Numerous GerBerlin and Koretzsky of Magulov and man rabbis and bibliophiles have reKiev, Russia. Later he studied at ceived from Moscow an official Soviet catalogue of valuable Jewish manuscripts that are offered for sale. Rabbi Meier Hildesheimer, leading rabbi of Germany, and others are of the opinion that the offerings are part of synagogue treasures confiscated during the seizure of the synagogues throughout Russia. Rabbi Hildesheimer has issued an appeal to the world not to buy the treasures listed. He also calls upon the Rabbinate of Poland and Lithuania to excommunicate any member of the Jewish faith who makes purchases from this Soviet catalogue.
Committee Head
A "Welcome Home" dinner in honor of Rabbi David A. Goldstein and Mrs. Goldstein, will be given by the Conservative Synagogue on Berlin (J. T.- A<).—Jewish >outh An intensive educational program, Wednesday,' September 14, at 6:30 organizations in Berlin, are organizboth civic and Jewish, will be ofA Business Men's Health Club; an p. m. a t the Jewish Community Cen-. ing' defense units to protect the Bynfered at the Jewish Community Ceninnovation in the' calendar of the agogues ; during' the High Holyday ter, according to an announcement ter during the coming year, accordmade today by J. H. Kulakofsky, t physical Education department of the services services. _"' .. : ..' ' ' " 1 ' ; \ : \ ! ing to preliminary plans announced president of the synagogue. Jewish Community Center, -will be The defense units wilL be oranized today by Jack Marer, chairman of, Rabbi and .Mrs.. Goldstein have the Center Committee. .' inaugurated this fall, according to an by the Bar Kochbav a Jewish ifporili spent the past several months living Irvin Stalmaster will be chairman announcement made today by Jack organization, and the Federation of in'Palestine. Before their departure Zionist Student Organizations. of the educational committee which Rabbi Goldstein' announced his desire Marer, chairman of the Center comThe measures are being: taken "beincludes supervision of the Communto live among, the Jews of Palestine, mittee. cause of the generally disturbed sitity Forum, according to Marer's ans6" he could • learn of their mode of • The new creation will be part of uation and in view of the Nazi atnouncement. living, problems, ambitions, and the physical education department, tacks last year as Jews were leaving "This year," stated Marer, "the thoughts. ~ I n " communications reyet 'will be, "distinct. - It; will be spe- services on Bosh Hashonah. Center committee -will continue with ceived by friends, from- Rabbi Goldcifically* for- the business- and profesthe Jewish series of lectures and stein : and Mrs." Goldsteiny'. their deeional men, .with .private lockers and concerts successfully inaugurated sire has been fulfilled and they reseparate showers. These facilities, last year. The educational program turn to. Omaha fiBed with many in•which include a social room, will be will also include the popular Comteresting _experiences. They return restricted to active and senior men. munity Forum. While the two will on September.fl. r ' \ ' • The-social" room will:be effectively be integrated so that the civic forum At this' .dinner, Rabbi Goldstein decorated and lounges .will add to the will alternate with the Jewish series, 1 will deliver .the'-first of a. series of each series will be distinct." "club ? atmosphere. Wauchope Agrees to talks on His trip to Palestine. Rabbi Special attention will be paid to Will Durant, famous philosopher, may "show some of the mpEducation Demand "Goldstein the organization of. men's classes, author and • lecturer, has already tion pictures that he lias taken on under the supervision of the new been engaged for January 25.: At the trip. ' . ~ / least five speakers, equally noted, physical director, Morris IE Sogo- -Moscow, (J. T. A.)—An anti-re- Jerusalem. (J. T. A.).—Agreement "Oiir ': executive' committse and will be secured. Final negotiations low. A masseur, Mr. Rose, who has ligious holyday camnaicm is being with the demands for a more propor- board ofr trustees are of the opinion Cantor Leon Karz tionate government educational subare now being completed, and the been with the Center since its in- organized in Soviet -Russia. . a" fitting welcome should be The ?'Emess" has .issued, a pro- sidy to "the Jewish school' system that entire program will be announced the conservatory at Kiev, and then ception, will- be on duty -regularly -to accorded our rabbi and his wife," give, massages at reasonable prices. clamation urging Jewish wqrkers, made by Dr.. Chaim Arlosorofr was said Mr.' Kulakofsky. "We feel that for three" years under the Italian For the first time in its history, within two weeks. For the past four years Herman "The Health Club," stated Sogo- whether they be artisans, colonists, expressed by the Palestine H i g h Our members are' anxious to greet master of voice culture and harmony, Hadassah, the women's Zionist orlow, "will give the business and pro- employed in the factories or else- Commissioner in a statement issued the rabbi'and"-to hear about the Professor- Romao. ganization of America, will hold its H. Auerbach has headed the Comfessional man an opportunity to con- where,- not to interrupt their labors to the Jewish Agency. wonderful trip. Likewise this din- Cantor Karz was next appointed convention in New York City on Sep- munity Forum, and during that time Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope ner dition .his body'and to make himself on the Jewish New Year or on the will give -the synagogue an. op- Chief Cantor of Minsk, Russia, re-j tember 18, 19 and 20 at the Hotel he has built up an enviable communstated that he has instructed the portunity to open our year of ac- taining this position for 15 years. Commodore. More than 300 dele- ity-wide reputation for the project. more efficient, so. as to,be. a greater Day of. Atonement. asset to himself and his work, espe- "' The paper calls upon the labor un- treasurer of the: Palestine, govern- tivity with a - most •- interesting eve-Coming to America in 1910, Cantor gates from all over the country are Both Jews and non-Jews have Karz officiated at Rochester, N. Y, expected, representing -251 chapters formed overflowing crowds to hear cially during the -winter months when ions and the. Association of, the God- ment to re-examine the subsidy for ning." :• ;, . brilliant array of speakers there golf or outdoor activities." less to • regulate the campaign to Jewish education for 1933, together The Women's Auxiliary ;of- the and later in. Boston: and Los Ange- and a total membership of approxi- the brought hereanriually by the Forum. their jobs with D_r. Arlosoroff, the political .rep- Synagogue will be in charge of the les. In -the. -latter^ a t y ' he sang for mately 30,000. The program-which will be fol- keep Jewish f resentative of, the. Jewish Agency Ex- chicken dinner which its members threeryears at the Broad Street synseason. '• '; h The -i|Sofunit has been noted for lowed wilt include calisthenics, set- during .the holyday This convention "will be the first to According to the proclamation, 'ecutive in Palestine. agogue, later making a' tour of the have -present at its sessions the di- its poiidy**of-open and free discussion ting-up drills, medicine-ball-work, rewill prepare andserve. Mrs: Dave ,, . . : . . ducing exercises, swimming, mas- Jewish .'colonists "will be compelled to rector of the medical work in Pal- of vital 'public questions, and that Katleman is in- charge of reserva- Pacific coast. sages, volleyball, basketball, group join a special anti-religious march • in According to the officers of'the" estine maintained by the American idea will be continued. tions, . and members" desiring to atg games, boxing and wrestling. Class- which will "participate , all "members Preparations Start tend the 'dinner should call" Mrs. synagogue; Cantor Karz possesses a organization. Dr.- Haim Yassky has _ "The educational committee," states will be held at an hour convenient of Jewish" collectives;.who 2: for A. Z. A: Conclave Katleman- at KEr- 5590. As-a *large lyric tenor voice ' with"-a .-very'tfine been in the United States for six ed Chairman Irvin Stalmaster, "will for- the men. - ceed to the-city to sell their products crowd is expected, all members are range^of;tone from, a baritone'to a months,,-dazing which time he has continue tto bring to Omaha outin~the "collective inarketsf during the personalities who will speak j^rged'to lnake"^£heir- .reservations : : This ^program will fit in with the holyday Seasorir^r; svi- ~v^V;v:: ^f-^ •;•• studied a number of health institu- standing u are. -already onimportant questions confronting g The cajrior will be; assisted bj^ * tions In various cities, ;*mon# .which . " general;.schedule being, prep'ared by h annual interna- immediately. the public today. .-..„-All co-operatives and artels- - as . choir, of well-known Omaha voices, Physical Director Sogolow. He plaits are New York, Boston, Baltimore, ' Mr.; Kulakofsky announced that well as offices' andfactories yfill >. be "This civic forum will be co-ortional A. Z. A. convention, -to -b«s'•held among whom are included Henry to have the physical education deeach member will be permitted to Syracuse and others. At the conby brigades whose func- in JOmaha. next: summer under the bring, dinated with but kept distinct from Magzamihv Harry' Riffcln; Sam Rifpartment activities s t a r t in full controlled as the. guest of the Syna vention Dr. Yassky. will give a deit will be to establish who, is auspices of -the. ^o^Qmaha chapters gogue, a prospective member and km,"T Ed' Himmelstein,'; AV Smith, tailed account of the progress of the the • Jewish series of five or six swing October 1. A detailed sched- tion absent from work either on" the-Jew- andf the'CouncjL fluffs.- chapter. ,-, Louis Spskfh," A. AppelSis, H. Good- work- in Palestine. Most striking events. A program of unusual merit his wife. There will be no ule will be ready next week. ish New Year or on-the Day of ; William Wolfe'has been, named tion: for membership. This invita- man and also Sam 'Karz, the can- will behis report on infant mortal- which will be a distinct contribution ; - "A well-balanced schedule,,;fitting Atonement. The •? entire campaign • •"•-"•>--'*> •-:•: ity- in. the country, which in 1925 to communal life here is being the whole family, will be presented," will be conducted under the.slogan; " general chairman; Erwin -Wezeiman, tion^ has-been extended fop the .pur tor's son: • , ; finance chairman, Jand Arthur Grosspose of ; familiarizing non-members stated '.'Soggie." "We shall attempt was 131 per 1,000;-but which in 1930 mapped* out. "Fight the Jewish • Speculator! man, publicity \chajtnnan. -Complete iwith the Synagogue and, its.>-activi"We believe that by the integrato make the community health^cpnwas reduced to 69. The Hadassah HoseGilbertWirik Fight- the Middleman! Fight .the announcement * of " cbmmittee TiSeads ties. ' these two series we will stimmedical organization has waged an tion ofcultural e ecious. Anyone who wishes a con- Private Trader r . . , activities in the Jewwill; be' made shortly^' — * *• \ * • Vaudeville Contract anti-trachoma campign among t h e ulate his or her health prob.' The ^vrice of the dinner is 6j ish community and will further the cents, and 40 cents for children. lems is most, welcome." . Jewish schools, reducing the number objects and purposes of the founders All arrangements for the dinner Sogolow-and his .wife- have just Miss Rose Gilbert has gone to New of those afflicted among the chil.are in charge of Jack W. Marer and York, where she has accepted a RKO dren from 35 per cent to 8 per cent. of the Community Center."' >: ; ' returned from the Ozarks, ,where As far as is possible, the events Mrs: J. H. Kulakofsky. they were chief councillors at. sister contract to appear in one of the The organization has-also been inthe two educational programs camps. Mrs. Sogolow had charge of vaudeville acts being organized by strumental in eradicating entirely on will be held on Wednesday eveiungs. the women's department at the CenGeorge Libby, New York director. ringworm of the scalp, which in 1922 ter four/years' ago. Miss Gilbert participated in- the re- ravished 68 per cent of the school Sogolow has been coaching footcent World-Herald RKO opportunity population. ball, basketball and baseball at the revue and made such a hit with the The Hadassah medical organizaUniversity of Illinois .for the past audiences that the contract was of- tion in Palestine has under its superseven years. He also taught physical fered her. vision four hospitals, two health ceneducation classes, and for.-fiyelyears ters and 22 infant welfare stations, Moscow (J. T. A.) .—Jews in; iSotaught the students methods in coachplus two maintained in conjunction viet Russia feel safer today thKirt) in A membership campaign for the Monument Unveiled ing 'and teaching. ; Graduating from with the labor federation, and a de- any country of Central Europe j lacConservative Synagogue was organ- to Lilienthal the University of. Illinois in 1924,' he Berlin..—rA monument to Otto. Lil- partment of school hygiene.• -During cording to Samuel C. Lamport," New ized: at, a meeting. of more ;than 40 •was "the first physical, director 'of. the members - September 1 at the home ienthal,. the. Jewish pioneer, aviator, 1931 there were registered at the 22 York Communal worker, in a stateKansas City J. C. C. in' 1924 and has been, unveiled at Karpfenteich, stations 3,549 expectant mothers, 3,- ment to the Jewish Telegrsjphic: ; of J . H . : .Kulakofsky, president. 925.,; . from ; J. ;J.? Greeirberg .was selected to near Berlin, where he made his first 828 infants ;«und~l,517 cblldren'fcf pre- Agency prior to his departure ; school ; age.' In. the same year the Moscow. ' For. six years he has had charge head the drive, and each man pres- "flight. ent, pledged: to visit the prospects as of summer camps. * Mr. Lamport, during his stay in signed; to' him during the following Russia, has come in contact with ten days. leading Jewish circles and with high "With the holidays > so close a' government officials. hand, many of our people are again While anti-Semitism is stirring in giving thought to attending services," eastern Europe as well as in Gersaid Mr. Greenberg. "We desire to many, he has found no sign of it in enlarge the scope of our synagogue New York (J. T. A.).—New York ices as now conducted do not appea Russia, Mr. Lamport stated. work, and in order to do this•', we is abo\it "to witness an entirely new to the younger generation. The JewMr. Lamport said that he found no must have additional members. And, form of " religious observance . com- ish home is- vanishing rapidly. What evidence of anti-religious persecution, Moscow (J. T. A.).—Efforts to remore-than all, there are many Jews bining, interpretation of the.. Scrip- can be done in order to revive Jew- even though religion is not encourcruit ,440 members of the Communist in Omaha who' desire to join th tures, with a. colorful ritual described ish religiosity, Modern Jewry ap- aged. youth party for work in Bira Bidjan, parently is not discouraged by the Synagogue and we desire them' as expressed the view that Judaas .resembling that of the .Ancient lack of response of the Jewish mass- ismHewill the Far Eastern region where an members."-. '-.._• eventually disappear under autonomous Jewish region is to be '.'..' • . . "'• - . .: \ es. It has continued to build magnif- the present Soviet regime, but that This committee" announced that tb T e m p l e , An important part of the' ritual icent temples and has invested untold there is no fear that the Jews as a established, .have met with failure, goal is 100 new members before the H. S. Novitsky the Jewish Telegraphic Agency corM. Bernstein high holidays. It is also hoped t provides that. members of the con- millions in structures which remain race will ever be lost in Russia, since respondent here w a s officially in- . Great interest is being shown in lo- sibility for buying at cheaper prices have many new members enrolled, in gregation attend the services attired empty. the Jewish youth still feels itself formed by. the Secretariat of the caL, Jewish, circles, in the formation and retailing to the consumer at much: time to attend the dinner in honor of as for a social function. "I suggest that we build, instead Jewish even though it does not beRabbi Jacob Sbnderling, exponent of huge synagogues, the Jewish home lieve in religion. Central Committee of the youth par- last week: of the United Food Stores, lower; prices than ever before, will Rabbi and Mrs. Goldstein on Septem Measures will be taken against Inc.i.introducing into this city the place.the members of the United Food ber .14 at the Jewish Community of Neo-Chassidism, as this form of for the congregation at large. Jewish worship is categoried,-is re"What I plan is a beautiful hall in Communist youth organizations . in largest co-operative ..buying' grocers' Stores, Inc., in a position of advan- ' C e n t e r . " " . . .'" ; • - ' • ; •' ^ . "If any member has a. prqspectivi ported to have had great success in which the congregation gathers euch centers as Kiev, Odessa, Zhito- association in this part of the coun- tage in meeting the competition of member that he desires to bring t( Germany with the unique ritual of where people replace the leader and . r ..- ' - .'." " .-'. •"•." " other grocers throughout the city. mir and Charkov, which have refused tary.. the 'welcome home' dinner in hono: his conception and to have • attracted the service becomes a social gatherPlans are under way for the United to carry out the mobilization orders. Nearly eighty leading grocers comof the rabbi, he may do so, as th to his services many of the most dis- ing." pleted organization plans at a meetFood Stores to be affiliated with a The youthful recruits be : guest of the Synagogue. While there tinguished Jews in Hamburg, Berlin AI Weiner was chosen president of despatched to Bira Bidjan to im- ing Wednesday evening, with prac- national organization. the Xi Lambda at an election of tically all members of the Associated ' The' Associated Grocers, whose will not be any membership solicita- and other places. prove building conditions there. making known these plans, Rabofficers Tuesday evening. . Not only have individual Commun- Grocers and the pmaha Handy Serv- membership was around 50* originally tion, or any other" kind, at this din- bi InSonderling explained his motives ner, it will give us an excellent op Other officers are: Oscar Mayeroice Stores merging forces to create started out in "Omaha under the name ist youths refused to go to Bira Bidwich, vice-president; Erwin Wezeiof Tip Top "Service Stores, and after portunity to have such prospectiv< and the new form of religious objan, but branches of the Communist this new organization. • man, secretary, and Sam Garrop, H. S. Novitsky was elected- presi- a study of similar associated grocery members learn about the synagogu servance he is introducing in Ameryouth party have been unwilling to . . Miss Faye Goldware, daughter of treasurer. dent of the merged group.. Other of- groups- in other cities,'-perfected their and its work," said J. H. Kulakofsky ica. He said: send their members there. "Neo-Chassidism tries to penetrate Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldware, winner The installation will take place at ficers include M. Bernstein, vice-pres- organization under the name of-Asso- president of the synagogue. Simultaneously the "Emess" com- ident; Carl Stahmer, secretary, and ciated. Grocers. .-• the channels of the five senses to of t h e World-Herald's scholarship a smoker next Tuesday evening. ..'...* plains that Communist youth bodies C. Ross, treasurer. the soul of man. It is 'sense-appeal' from Central this year, has been During the last season the XL . . The.Omaha Handy Service Stores Spanish Reward in numerous cities have notified the The board of directors includes Carl originally incorporated under the Paris.—Dr. Ariel Benrion, Zionis and it is in accordance with old Jew- awarded a $150 scholarship to the group was adjudged the best allcentral authorities that they will not Stahmer, Jr., J. J. Ronan, "Charles S. name "of Circle Grocers' Service w o r k e r and literateur, has bee ish thought Rabbi Moses Isseles, University of Chicago. around club in the Senior Council at provide a single member for Bira Ross, L. Raduziner, D. Bernstein, Ju- Sfofes, "but" it later reorganized and elected correspondent member of thi one of the great authorities of the Miss Goldware graduated f r o m the J. C. C. Bidjan work. lius Newman, Maurice Bernstein, E. has for some years until the present "Real Academia de la Historia" o middle ages, stated that the Sanc- Central with 51 credits, 46 of which In view of the situation, the sec- E. Ashley, Joseph Gogela, H. S.- No- merger operated as the Omaha Handy Madrid in recognition of his literars tuary of old was surrounded by a were As. She was on the Register Typhoid Fever Takes Toll retary of the Communist youth party, vitsky, Al Wohlner and Sainuel Mey- Service Stores. work and more particularly because walL That wall had five doors lead- and O-Book staffs, was editor of the Warsaw.—Typhoid fever is making ing to the temple corresponding with school Latin paper and was adjudged alarming inroads among the pool CSanaev, is making an effort to se- erson. . The office quarters and warehouse of his recent book, "The Zohar if. ture jrecruits <by; voluntary; enlistthe "best girl student" in the senior sections of the Jewish community Jt is pointed out that by this con- of the;,United Fobd Storesi will be;.-ldf- Moslem and Christian Spaing" ft wa; the five senses. nents. • ' [•:•• • ; here. "The synagogue and public serv- class popularity contest. solidation of thf. two groups..the pos- cated at Thirteenth and Leavenwbrth.'learned he^e.
Urtited Food g Largest Cd'Opgraiiye MEMBERSHIP DRIVE
- — •
' i
Says Soviet Jews Comparatively Safe,
Latest Wrinkle in Religious Service Calls for Full Dress
Al Weiner Heads Xi Lambda Group
Faye Goldware Is Scholarship Winner
THE JEWISH PRESS I By ike Way Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY \ 'Subscription Price, one year - - - « - - •;!;" ». Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor E d t 0 F R A N K R. ACKERMAN - - - - . - .- - - ' • • j * F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent A N N PILL --• - - •- -••• - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent - .
KEEP FIT On the front page of this issue, announcement is made of a Business Men's Health Club at the Jewish Community Center, •where our Jewish professional and business men can keep in "physical trim" in a most pleasant environment and atmosphere. Too many of us, in glancing at the article, will agree that the ideas promulgated therein are excellent, and then will proceed to forget about it. The necessity for scientific physical education cannot be overemphasized. We have not been fully enough impressed with the slogan, "Play so you can work," and too many of us are only "half there" physically. As a consequence, we keep going with frequent stops for repairs, operating on two cylinders instead of four. With spark plugs clogged and cylinders missing, we go sputtering through our daily routines like half-powered engines. Very often, if we only realized it, regular co-ordinated work-outs in a gymnasium would fix the human machine and enable us to do away with the 57 varieties of pills, and a diet of aspirn tablets. Morris H. Sogolow, the able physical education maestro who is now at the helm of the physical education department at the Community Center, has had eight years of successful experience in building up the health of individuals who came to him with their particular problems and ailments. He has outlined a program that will fit the physical education needs of all, and is anxious to aid us attain that invigorating, peppy feeling which means so much in our everyday work. Whether we have excessive protuberances on the equatorial belt or whether we are anaemic or pthisical, a well-balanced gym diet can work wonders. The Jewish Community Center has been especially particular to help make body-building a joy. Every effort has been expended to make the physical education program an alluring one. If we do not take advantage of these facilities—particularly the professional and business man—we can blame only ourselves for missing a "hot tip." Instead of passing up the physical education department announcement as another good idea wasted, come up to the Center and consult the new director in mapping out a constructive program of exercises that will prove a better investment than one hundred shares of Wall Street preferred.
WEbster ztza 3527 Deemtnr St. We want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting in , now a now supply of the seasonable religions articles. Madueirim with Jewish and English translations,' prajer books, ToleoBim, silk and wool of the best kind, etc.' .
A Full Line of New Year's Cards in Jewish and English Itememl>er our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers I ordered the following articles of pore sUrer and .plate silver candle sticks, Kidnsh cups, Qadeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready for them. I have just receive^ dlrectfrpm Palestine a Tery nice stock of most beautiful Ksrogim and LUIOTIOT for Snccoth . . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will please let me know so thct I can have it ready for him for Yontif.
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
TAMMAIfY JAlSfD THE JEWS, •• While T* mmahy is being Seaburied from, the angle of general corruption, I think it would be a good idea for Jews to do a little probing of certain other aspects. Of whether for instance, Tammany is entitled to the support that it receives from Jewish voters. A. J. Engleman, who has made a rather rough survey tells me that while New York Jews supply something like 35 per cent of Tammany's votes, it receives probably not more than 3 per cent of office gravy. The only Jews who get any political appointments are among the higherups, and these higher-ups, both Jewish and non-Jewish, as is well known, generally pay. Call it contributions or plain purchase.
delivered a beautiful sermon—an impressive sermon. A s he finished, he • sat down with evident self-congratulation. * These hicks never heard a sermon like that before, he was sure. At the conclusion of the services, one of the worshippers came up to him. • "Doctor, you delivered a fine sermon. In fact, your delivery of Rabbi Leon Harrison's sermon was very much better than it was delivered by the rabbi who was here last year."
Rumanian Parliament that his government would in the fall undertake far-reaching measures to meet the Jewish demands regarding the status Forsakes Wealth for of the Jewish "Staatenlose," the ori Palestine ganization of the Jewish CommuniNew York.—Joseph J. Bach, .pres- ties; subsidies for the Kehiloth, and ident, of thet National - Safety • Bank alleviation of 'the distress caused by •and Trust company -for two -years the Sunday closing law. and * identified ! with banking • circles for a. quartet 'of 'A century, lias Ire- Crises signed his office and is severing his Antwerp.—Anti - Semitic agitators connections in this country -prepara- have posted bills in the streets of tory to taking up permanent resi- Antwerp calling1 upon the population dence in Palestine. to boycott Jewish businesses. The agitation follows on the heels Jewish Glider Champion of the worst economic crisis in BelInvited by Britain gian history, in which the Jewish London.—Robert Kronfeld, Austrian population is particularly hard hit Jew, who holds the world champion since the Jews of Belgium have been glider record, has been invited by almost entirely concentrated in two Great Britain to proceed to India to branches of industry — jewelry an train gliders. diamond polishing. Mr. Kronfeld's duties would be to Both of these branches have practrain gliders at the flying stations in tically been forced out of existence Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and else- by the crisis and thousands of Jews where. are now unemployed.
And speaking of rabbis and things theological, did you know that President Wilson was a great Biblical exegete? Yes, sir, he was. You remember or don't you—that passage in psalms: "It is better to be a doorkeeper in the House of the Lord than dwell in the tents of wickedness." Of course, the House of the Lord is the synagogue or church. And Wilson asked—why was it better to be plain doorkeeper in the Unique Exchange church than dwell in a regular tent. Jerusalem.—A unique incident ocNOT MUCH OPTION And his answer was: because the curred when the Jewish colony KfarBut as for the thousands of little doorkeeper can always run out of uria, destroyed during the Arab riots offices in the administrative machin- the church. of 1929, exchanged the whole colony iry of the city government Jews with the Effendi of the district. IT'S MY MOVE barely get a scratch. The latter offered the Jewish colOf course the preceding has nothOf course, the basis of voting onists 1,600 dunams of land near hould not be what one's co-religion- ing to do with the story of the Rahleh, half being cultivated with sts receive. But it seems to me that Bronx High School girl, of whom I citrus plantations. this might nevertheless serve as a heard about this week. It seems she point from which might be rotated called up the principal and said: Honor De Haas the whole question of Jewish support "Rose can't come to school today. She New York.—The sixtieth birthday is sick." of Tammany. of Jacob de Haas, prominent figure Needless to say, all Jews do not "Who is this spreaking?" asked in the American Zionist movement, support Tammany, but without Jew- the principal. and at one time secretary to Theoish support, it would have pretty "This is my mother," was the dor Herzl, will be marked by Zionrough sailing. I am aware too of answer. ists of New York and vicinity at a the fact, that the voter generally has dinner to be held on Wednesday evelittle preference. No sooner does A PRESENT UTOPIA ning, September 4. the other major party get in, and it Some people are waiting for plays similar politics along a simi- Hoover to relieve the depression, Legal Proceedings lar low level. In New York City, some for Roosevelt to end it with the Against Coty t happens to be the Democratic ma- return of wetness, and some look Paris.—Legal action against Franchine. In Pennsylvania, it is the Re- ardently for the Communist upheav- cois Coty, anti-Semitic perfume manpublican machine which is corrupt, al. But the more disillusioned, es- ufacturer, accused of f r a u d , has and if the mayor of New York is pecially among the artist class, seem opened here. being investigated, I call your atten- all to have their mind's eye on MaThe court called upon experts to tion to the fact, that in Pennsyl- jorca, that Elysium off the coast of testify regarding Coty's financial opvania, right now a United States Spain, where, it is said, om can have erations, especially in the United Senator of the Republican wing is several rooms, a couple of servants, States. under indictment. And I have no the best of food and wine for 80 "La Liberte" describes Coty as anquestion that a Seabury could reveal cents a day. The steamboats lately other Krueger and accuses him of just as spicy doings in the Pennsyl- have been doing a rushing business fraud by falsifying balances. vania Republican household as in the to Majorca. Harbin Jews Suffer Democratic machine in New York. But it seems, that while living is From Floods Nevertheless, there is just a little cheap there, it is not as cheap as has Harbin.—u^avy losses to Jews as bit too much talk of Tammany being been supposed. Percy Waxman, the friendly to the Jews. It seems to author who escaped there to beat a result of the floods for the past me that Jews are just a little bit the cost of living writes: It's not 80 three weeks are reported here. The Jewish Community is feeding too friendly to Tammany. cents a day—it's $1.60 and we do.Vt The writer happens to be an en- get wine with it. I do however get the victims of the flood. rolled Democrat, but at the coming a tiled private bath room and three More Promises election he proposed to vote for Leh- good meals and a good bed. At a Bucharest.—Premier Alexander Vaman, not because he is a Jew, or a fonda you can live for 72 cents a ida Voevod promised a delegation Democrat, but because he is a de- day, but not very well. representing the Jewish party in the cent type. And for Tie. rest of the ticket, he proposes to go Socialist.
Engleman, whom I have just quoted, feels than the Jews should organize some central body, and in that way, they would cure such tactics as this 35 per cent support and 3 per cent offices. I cannot see it that way. I see no necessity for it, nor do I believe that Jews can be united in the same manner as say the Irish are. Jews have not the political cohesiveness. While a great body support Tammany, if New York goes for Hoover this fall, it will probably be due in great measure to Jewish support. Certainly, he could not get New York, if Jews were unitedly against him. And even in the case of the governorship. Probably no Jew in New York could count on as united Jewish support as Lehman, and yet the manager of the boom for Davison, one of the Republican aspirants is a Jew.
Another Value Sensation at Shoe Value Headquarters
And it appears that this situation is universal. One of the New York general daily newspapers this week made the statement that Hitler, the German Fascist and anti-Semitic leader, has a Jewish mistress. Would this mistress join Engleman's proposed organization? The story of this mistress seems hardly plausible, and yet in the light of history, it may very well be the truth. We all talk for instance of the cruelty of Ferdinand and Isabella at expelling the Jews from Spain, at the behest of the Inquisition. And yet Keyserling, the most thorough student of the Jewish history of the Spanish period, declares that Ferdinand had a Jewish mother or a Jewish grandmother, I don't know which. And that it was a fact, the Jews of Spain, who made the "shidduch" between Ferdinand and Isabella, figuring that if Isabella were married to someone with Jewish blood in his veins, things wouia be better for the Jews. But Ferdinand behaved like the lest.
PAYING THE THIEF Recently George Gershwin was passing one of those too many burlesque shows. As he approached the exit,.the door was half open, and the tunes that came tingling to his ears sounded strangely familiar. He peeked in and listened at a closer range. Yes, it was one of his newer compositions now being played in "Of Thee I Sing." As he peeked in, an usher came up to him: "Say, mister, if you want to hear this music, buy a ticket around the front and come in."
FAMOUS $ FIVES -Bostonians! -Town Talks! (Always giving men tEe best s e .yalaes, and today another accomplishment, to giye you better shoe: yaliie than ever: finer leathers, finer workmanship. Nebraska Famous $ Bives, the value supreme of the shoe worlcL See them!
Bostonian De Luxe, $7 Town Talk De Luxe, $6 And Other World Famous Lines of Fine Footwear.
SHOES—Mala Floor.
And that reminds me of the story of the self-commissioned rabbi, who .took his first job somewhere out in the west. : It was New Year's day, and. he
Stockholm.—The Jewish painter Isaac Gruenewald, has been appointed professor at the Royal Academy of Art in this city. Professor Gruenewald, who is 42 years of age, is regarded in Sweden as the most significant representative of the younger generation of painters in the country.
By Acclamation Hot Springs.—Rabbi David B. Al pert of Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas, was elected by acclamation to the state chaplaincy of t h e Arkansas American Legion, the first Jew to hold that office in Arkansas, at the annual convention. Havana.—A central Jewish organization to deal with the needs of Cuban Jewry, with headquarters in Havana, will be established in line with a resolution adopted at a conference held here with the participation of representatives of various Jewish groups. The conference was called at the initiative of the Association Adath Israel.
\ Pariban Numbing Co. 2 j 4915 Daveftport
WA 9249 £
"Everything for the Auto* 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
HARPER METHOD SHOF Specializing in Scalp Treatment MISSES KAUI.l 638 World-Hernid nallatlng ATlantio 0344
Prompt Service . . . . . . . . Reasonable Prices
1018 Farnam
Ja. 6071
RABBI I. L. SHAPIRO nns been a
Mohel Specialist
for 20 rears Attends witn utmost en re
1724 N. 24th St.
Ja. 0605
Report Dr. Mayer Named to Archaeology Chair Jerusalem.—Dr. Mayer, an inspector in the department of antiquities has been named to the chair of art and archaeology of the Hebrew University, it is reported here. The chair of art and archaeology was only recently created and was announced last month at a meeting of the board of governors of the Hebrew University held in London.
REV. A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs Well Known in This Vicinity as a
Phone 1059
Kilby Place Offers Special Low Prices Bob Swartz who, with Leo Rushall, operates the Kilby Place Furnace and Sheet Metal Works, 109 North Fortieth street, reports that he has received many calls on the specials he is advertising in The Jewish Press. He is this month cleaning furnaces for $1.50, with service that includes removing the smoke pipe, cleaning radiator, painting furnace front and cleaning chimney base. The Kilby Place is also cleaning, resetting and recementing furnaces for $5. They also offer guttering and spouting at special low prices. Swartz states that his business is increasing constantly.
The following card was mailed to all the pupils of the Talmud Torah: Dear Pupil: This is to remind you that Talmud Torah reopens on Monday, Sept. 12, v at 4 p. m. On Sunday, Sept. 11, at 9 a. m., our grand Talmud Torah picnic will take place at Elmwood park. Report at the Talmud Tora office Friday, Sept. 9, at 10 a. m. to get your picnic ticket and instructions. Bring your friends with you. Looking forward to seeing you on time, I am, Aaron Katz, Principal. It is expected that the Talmud Torah picnic will prove a big success, attracting not only the 194 pupils but also a great number of Jewish children who have not yet joined the ranks of the Talmud Torah. The Deborah Ladies' Society is kind enough to furnish refreshments for all the children who will participate in the picnic. Many thanks to the ladies. The reopening of the Talmud Torah on Monday, Sept. 12, will mark the beginning of the new Talmud Torah semester, which will, let us hope, prove a success spiritually and numerically. The good attendance of the Talmud Torah this summer and the intensive attitude of the pupils towards the Talmud Torah studies warrant the fulfillment of our expectations. Fathers and Mothers! Send your children to us and let t h e m start right now, at the beginning of the new semester. Jewish Education is a great asset in the life of your child./ The work of the Talmud Torah converts the physical Jew who is so by birth into a spiritual Jew who is so by virtue of his understanding1 of, and adherence to, the culture, ideals and relijrion of his people.
Cuban Jewry Unite
The Nebraska's
Summer Months Special p
Artist Becomes Pi'ofessor
Talmud Torah Topics
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
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You can't prevent the coming of frost end snow, but you can avoid the worries caused by inadequate or faulty heating equipment. If you have a mod' era heating system like the NESBIT in your home, every corner of every room will be filled with healthful comfort.
Furnaces Cleaned. Keset and Kecemeutcd
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KILBY PLACE Furnace ana Sheet Metal Works Cnder Management of
LEO RUSHALL 109 No. 40th
Ha 2096
PAGE 3-^THE MwjSH/ VISITORS •-+ to each cup of fruit and juice—eook FOR RENT . Mr. Henry H. Rubenstein has re- slowly 45 minutes or u n t i l thick, Two large, clean comfortable turned to Denver after a brief stay stirring to keep from burning. Add rooms; -private home; young mnrhere on business. lemon juice and chopped nuts. Pour ried couple or students preferred. in sterilized jars. Seal while hot. ' Mrs. B. Grossman BY F. R. K. Miss Billie Ruth Novoson of St 3101 Lincoln Blvd. _ *. Louis, Mo., is visiting relatives here. HA. 731* • • j toB ©414 Bikur Cholim Plans have been completed for "the She is the house guest of Mr. and "Depreshun Dance",which the Coun.1 Mrs. Dave Blumenthal. A regular meeting of. the Bikur cil Bluffs Chapter No, 7 of the A; Z. Cholim Society will be held at the A. will give at the Hotel Chieftain in PHI BETA EPSILON SMOKER Jewish Community Center on Monday Council Bluffs Sunday evening, SepPhi Beta Epsilon, Creighton Uniafternoon, at 2 p. m. All members tember 11. Joe Solomonow and Henversity social fraternity, held their ry Mendelson are co-chairmen for this That Same are urged to attend. annual pre-registration day smoker unique affair and are being assisted at the Elks Club on September 1. Shoe Comfort by the following committee: Morton Entertainment was furnished by :,; Please Note—All society items WINER-GOLDBERG MARRIAGE If you have your shoes Adler, Jake Gordon, Marvin Fitch and Daughters of Zion Miss Helen Whitebook, Miss Rebecrepaired at the must be phoned or mailed to the Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldberg anJake Fox. According to the advance ca Kirshenbaum, the Hoist sisters, of fice by 5 p; in. Wednesdays. nounce the secret marriage of their STANDARD A regular meeting of the Daugh- sale of tickets, a large crowd is exand Caleb Belove. Talks were given daughter, Miss Lee Goldberg, to pected from both Omaha and Council ters of Zion will be held at the J. by Art Stark, Creighton football Harry Winer, son of Mr. and Mrs. vShoe Repair Co. Admission to the dance is 97c FRAJtK-ZWEIBACK WEDDING coach; Abe Fellman, medical senior; C. C. on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. Bluffs. A. Winer of South Omaha, last I. U KRAGE, Prop. per couple. Everyone is assured of a . Miss Minnie Zweihack, daughter of Saturday evening, at the home of and Nate Gilinsky, alumnus. Aaron 14. Plans will be discussed for the wonderful time, as the orchestra has 1619 Mr. and Mrs. Max Zweiback, be- Rabbi Frederick Cohn. card party to be held during Succoth Farnam Perlis was in charge of arrangeplanned a number of novel stunts. came the bride of Mr. David W. week and the rummage sale to be St. ments. Judges have been selected to choose Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer held early in the fall. TO BE WED SUNDAY Frank, at a private -wedding at the The committee in charge of the the "most depressed couple," who will Miss Fanne Ostrovich, whose mar•Home of the bride Sunday afternoon. card party includes the Mesdames L. be awarded a prize, judging by their riage to Sam Manvitz will take Kitchen Chats Rabbi N. Feldinan officiated. Morgan, L. Rosenblatt, A. Green- tattered clothing. The ballroom of place Sunday, September 11, at the Radios After a honeymoon in Kansas City Congregation of Israel synagogue, By berg, S- Platt, N. Levinson, M. the Hotel Chieftain will be decorated appropriately and most couples will and the Ozarks, the young couple has been honored at many parties. Mrs. A. Greenberg Braude and L. Friedman. Radios Serviced Mrs. David M. Newman the dance in costumes carrywill make their home in Omaha. An interesting program is being attend The outstanding social event of Among those entertaining compliElectrical Appliances arranged for the affair. Refresh- ing out the novel idea. mentary to her are included the the Jewish Women's Welfare OrganGreen Tomato Pickles ments will be served. Home of SJMON-FAIER NUPTIALS Mesdames A. Singer, M. Cohen, H. ization is being planned by this SOLZMAN-CASTLEMAN WEDDING One peck green tomatoes, 20 large Westinghouse Miss Tillye Faier, daughter of Mr. Lefkowitz, H. E. Harris. H. White- group in the form of a conununityThe marriage of Miss Dorothy Casand Mrs. M. Faier, was united in man, H. Siegal, D. Manvitz and the wide ball at the Jewish Community onions. Slice. Add one cup salt, Refrigerators tleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. drain over night. Boil one quart Conservative Auxiliary Frank Castleman marriage to Leo Simon, son of Mr. Misses Edith Ostrovich, Eve Lips- Center on Simchas Torah night, of Hamburg, Iowa, vinegar, 2 quarts water. Add toand Mrs. Albert Simon, Sunday af- man, Bertha Holzman, Sophie Hal- October 23. and onions. Boil 15 minA tea to be held in the Succah dur- to Mr. Herman Solzman, son of Mr. ternoon, August 28, at the Beth perin and Mina Friedman. Mrs. Abe Greenberg is chairman matoes utes. Drain. Throw away liquid. ing the Succoth week will open the and Mrs. Nathan Solzman of Council Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, with Mrs. Philip Jacobs and son of of the affair, which will inaugurate Syrup: 2 lbs. or more of light brown Bluffs, took place at the home of the Rabbi H. Grodzinsky officiating. New York City, aunt and cousin of the organization's social program of sugar, a few bay leaves, 2 teaspoons fall season of the Conservative Aux- groom's parents in Council Bluffs 2004 Farnam Street iliary at the J. C. C, it was anAbe Faier, brother of the bride, the bride, have arrived for the wed- the year. An unusual program is each: whole cloves, all spice, 4 tableATlantic 4486 Sunday evening, September 4. Rabbi nounced at a special board meeting being arranged. •was best man. Ushers were Sam ding. Frederick Cohn of Omaha performed spoons mustard seeds, 2 quarts or held Friday afternoon. The Jewish Women's Welfare Fed- more of vinegar to cover. Add toBatten, Irving Ruben, and Charles Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be the ceremony in the presence of memeration last year became an affili- matoes. Cook until soft. Seal in Mogul. Mrs. A. Levine, sister of WEISS-BELZER ENGAGEMENT gnest speaker, telling of her summer bers of the immediate families. the bride, was matron of honor; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Belzer of ated auxiliary of the Jewish Com- hot sterilized jars. The young- couple left that evening in Palestine. Miss Sarah Marcus was maid of Minneapolis announce the engage- munity Center and Welfare Federaon their honeymoon trip, and upon One of the projects planned by the honor; bridesmaids were the Misses ment of their daughter, Miss Alice tion. Wear Snow White Auxiliary is the cap and gowning of their return they will m a k e their Blue Plum Conserve Eose Kelberg, Rose Abramson and N. Belzer, to Dr. Irving J. Weiss, home in Hamburg, Iowa. Four lbs. plums, 1 cup seeded the choir in time for the High HolyGarments Sarah Simon. Pearl Simon was ring son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Weiss, represent a jitney dance hall, pre2 oranges, sugar, juice of day services. Mrs. Sam Beber and bearer, Harriet Ruth Levine flower of this city. sided over by the beautiful "taxi raisins, IF IT'S WHITE IT IS RIGHT Mrs. William Alberts have charge of SUNDAY SCHOOL TO 1 lemon, one-half 1b. walnuts. girl, and Sarah Kelberg trainbearer Miss Belzer is a graduate of the girls," who turned out to be the OPEN SEPTEMBER 11 making the garments. Wear White to Please Your Wash plums, remove pits. Add The bride wore an ivory satin University of Minnesota. Dr. Weiss Misses Margery Hiller, Louise ZiegThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah The Auxiliary is also planning a Patrons gown and an ivory tulle veil caught is a graduate of the Creighton School ler, Ruth Kohn, Helen Kohn, Helen raisins, oranges that have been sliced fine and peeled. Measure card party and box supper to be Sunday School will open its new seaThe Results Will Please You with ivory roses. She carried ja. of Medicine. Cherniack, Helen Wessel, Sylvia fruit, son Sunday morning, September 11, add three-fourths cup sugar given in the near future. boquet of white gladiolas. The maid No date has been set for the wed- Zevin, Dorothy Muskin, Florence at 10 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai YisOmaha of honor wore a peach satin gown ding. Wolf, Minnie Wolf, Florence Appelroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster street. and carried peach gladiolas. The Towel Supply Co. man, Bernice Sherman, Ramona All children who wish to attend the bridesmaids wore silvery blue, sky ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Slosburg and Ruth Cohen. A buffet Sunday School classes should be there JA. 0528 blue and silvery green satin gowns, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Theodore supper was served at midnight. promptly Sunday morning for regiswith accessories to match. The announce the birth of a daughter Among those present were Messrs. tration. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan is the prinmatron of honor wore a white chif- September 2 at the Clarkson hos- and Mesdames Morris E. Jacobs, L. cipal in charge of all the classes. fon gown with print roses and ac pital. Mrs. Theodore was formerly Burkenroad, Sam Leon, Morris Mildcessories to match. Miss Isabel Graetz. er, Edward Treller, Harry RosenThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim The synagogue was decorated with feld, Herbert Arnstein, Abe HerzThe Jack and Jill offers a most deAssociation will hold a meeting next various colored flowers, and tall Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Brandt berg, David Goldman, Milton LivingThursday evening, September 15, at 8 lightful atmosphere where meals, palms were placed at the entrances announce the birth of a son on Sun- ston, M. L. Cohn, Harry Kulakofsky, o'clock at the Eagles hall. tastily served and reasonably priced, to the aisles. Paul Spor and hi; day, September 4, at the St. Joseph E. A. Nogg, Sam Herzberg, M. E. orchestra furnished the music and hospital. Handler, Mose Yousem, Jay Slosmake "dining out" a pleasure. Sam Rosenthal returned home on Donald Larson, a member of the burg, Dave Feder, Abe Goldstein, M. Wednesday from Chicago, 111., where orchestra, sang " I Love You Truly" HIGHLAND "AGUA CALIENTE" E. Chapman, Isadore Chapman, he spent a few days visiting relatives Enjoy delicious food . . . breakfast and "Oh Promise Me." Louis Hiller, M. I. Gordon, Maurice PARTY Following the ceremony, a dinner . . . lunch . . . dinner or after the A gay time reminiscent of th-2 Micklin and Abe Greenberg. Lawrence Krasne returned home was served for the immediate fam- ;famous gambling resort was had by show . . . where you know your Monday from Manitou, Colo., where ilies. A reception was held at the •the members of the Highland Coun- TO CLINIC he spent the past five weeks. Mrs. friegds will be, at the bride's home in the evening for Dr. M. I. Gordon will leave SaturClub and their guests who atKrasne and children, who had accomTHRIFTY SEBVICB .. .. . ' v • fctended the "Agua Caliente" party day night to attend the annual meetpanied him on the trip, preceded him 6cLb. ing and clinic of the American DenAfter a honeymoon in Kansas ; last ^ t v - r a ^ evening. home a couple of weeks ago. 1 f l r f .Saturday P%m;nB.. Ja. 0243 C B. 5192 tal Association to be held in BufCity, the couple are at the home of The club house was transformed the bride's parents. into an "infamous den" for the eve-falo, New York. He will return Mrs. Leo Blank and small son, Lane ;ning. Yellow and red predominated Mpnday, September 19. Burton, arrived here last Thursday ;in the color scheme, and along one SECRET MARRIAGE from their home in Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Borsky an- end of the dining room was ranged SOCIAL NOTES Minn., to spend several weeks here Mrs. Alexander D. Frank and nounce the secret marriage of their a bar, where guests drank highballs visiting her father, Mr. Barney Gildaughter, Miss Bess Borsky, to Dave of synethetic whiskey (ginger ale) daughter, Muriel, are spending ten insky. CLEANERS Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. or sipped baccardi cocktails of days in Minneapolis. Thomas Bernstein, at Fremont, orangeade. The gaming tables were DYERS The Council Bluffs Hebrew Schoo' Mrs. Harry R. Milder and son Nebr., <m August 29. After a two- in full swing, and bridge, poker and daily classes commenced its new seaHATTERS weeks honeymoon trip to Chicago, "the good old army game" held Edwin are visiting in Chicago with son last Thursday, September 1, at sway. Mrs. Milder's sister, Mrs. George the couple will make their home TAILORS the synagogue, 618 Mynster street. The ball room was roped off tc Kahn, and Mr. Kahn. They will rehere. However, there is still time for new turn home Sunday. children who have not yet attended Mrs. A. Perimeter and son, Floyd, the classes to register with Mr. J. Z. returned Monday from Chicago Stadlan. The parents are especially where they visited for six weeks with urged to send their children to Tal4420-22 North 20 Mrs. Perimeter's son and daughtermud Torah, and now is the time to in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rich" KEnwood 1500 get them started. ards. Miss Dena Meyerson of Chicago, Miss Rose Kaplan spent the weekWith the 111., returned to her home Friday, fol end in Lincoln visiting with friends. lowing a six weeks' visit here at the iiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiimitnniniuwnHiiiiniiiiiiiHiHiiii While there, she attended the state home of her cousins,~*_r. and Mrs.= / fair. Sam Meyerson. Miss Meyerson also Ohas. R. Docherty visited other relatives in Omaha and Mr. and Mra. D. B. Cohn spent Council Bluffs. Commercial Artists Labor Day in Lincoln with Mrs. Cohn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Photo Engravers Combined with the . Miss Minnie Miller and her brother, Seidman. From there, the young William Miller of Winona, Minn., left couple left by motor for an extended Wednesday for t h e i r home, after trip to Chicago and eastern points. spending a few days here' visiting Miss Fannie Katelman. They made Miss Cecelia Alloy has left for a the trip by motor. three weeks' trip to Toronto, Canada, where she will visit her aunt. Jay Goldberg left Sunday for his arid Scientifically Blended home in Chicago, HI., following an 507 So. 12 Street inOmaha Dr. Irving J. Weiss returned last extended visit here at the home of his ATlantiV 1192 week from Leigh, Nebr., where he brother-in-law a n d sister, Mr. and had a locum tenens for three weeks. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. MiiniiiitmnimiiiiiiHttmiiiiHiiimimiimiimtiniiimMiiN
Outstanding Social Jiff air Is Planned
Council Bluffs News
Sol Lewis
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Qack tmd QilL
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
Electrically The Electric i Water Heater brings fresh HOT water 24 hours a day. Never failing — abundant supply. Dish washing, like all other household duties that demand hot water, become easy little tasks instead of long-hour drudgeries.
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"A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve"
Mrs. E. Weinberg spent last week in Fremont, where she was the guest of her son and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg, and her niece, Mrs. B. Webman. A surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. Weinberg by Mrs. Webman. Miss Anne Hahn left Friday evening for St. Louis, where she will spend ten days with relatives and friends. Mr. Ralph H. Gross spent the week-end in Kansas City.
Advo Coffee is
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
Mr. Henry Friedel has returned from a-business trip to New York. IRVING ACHTENBERG WINS MEDALS Among the awards presented at the closing exercises of the Citizens Military Training camp last week at Fort Leavenworth, two gold medals were received by Irving Achtenberg" of Kansas City, Mo. One was presented for the best essay on "Citizenship," the other for the best candidate in the basic division- Irving is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg, and is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson 'of this
Sold by AH First Class Grocers Everywhere
Ask for It Insist on Advo "Famous for Flavoi*
McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed by.
Mrs. E. Gilinsky returned hom< Monday from Brooklyn, N. Y., where she spent the summer months visiting her daughters, Mrs. Ralph Castle and Miss Gertrude Gilinsky. Misses Genevieve Schwab and Ann Echt of Chicago, 111., are spending the week here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal. The Junior Congregation Society has resumed its special Friday evening and Saturday morning services for the young folks at the synagogue. Commencing this afternoon, the services will be held at 5 o'dock each Friday afternoon and at 9 o'clock every Saturday moaning. All children who can read Hebrew, even though slightly, are invited to be present, whether they attend the regular Talmud Torah classes or not. Miss Dora Markovitz, who left last Friday for Denver, Colo., is expected home today and will be accompanied back by h e r mother, Mrs. Barney Markovitz, who" spent the past two months in Denver. Mrs. Sam Roffman -.7as hostess to the members of the Council Bluffs Grocers' Auxiliary at her home Tuesday evening. Cards was the evening's diversion.
Shoe Repairing: AT REASONABLE PRICES "Once Our Customer — Always Our Customer"
DOUGLAS Shoe Repair Co. 1709 DOUGLAS ST. Opp. Omaha Athletic Club
CURTAIN SPECIAL One pair laundered FKEE with every 8l-x pnir sent. Guaranteed to fit and hnng mtralgrht. No hook marks.
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1932 8HOTWELL, SIOXSKY. CROD1KSKT number 4,595 went to Europe, 2,635 come to Palestine from the United FBADESBCRG, STAL.MASTEIt * BEBEH Departures Greatly- Exceed Attorney*. & VANCE. Attorneys. > . to Mexico- and 1,161 to other lands. States in recent years have effective- 630 Omaha National IJunk IJIdg., Omaha. Entries to U. S. in June 7X7 Omaha National Bank Stag. NOTICE OF PROBATE "OS*iW«»t ly demonstrated their adaptability Washington.—Departures from the NOTICE O F INCORPORATION OF In the County Court of Douglas County, and efficiency, he said. j. JACK W. MABEK, Attorney. UNITED FOOD STORES, INC. United States during „ the month of Nebraska. . . • '.-•"•- iAs ; County Court House,. City The workers of America - and the Notice is giveu that the undersigned In the Mutter of the Estate of William June exceeded immigrant entries by formed a corporation IHUICT the laws Black. Deceased. .-„-'•• •'-•>• * Jewish youth are bound to the Ctia- have of - Nebraska. The uame of the corpora5,805, figures released by CommisAll persons interested in srtid: estate are B T PUBLICATION ON PETIlutzim i n Palestine by the commontion is United Food Stores, Inc. Thehereby notified. that a petitoin" has, i>e?n sioner General of Immigration Henry TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL principal place of business of the corporafiled in said Court, prayingrtm<rhe proneed of . both t o . create their own tion is in Omaha, Nebraska. The object, for bate, of a certain instrument now-on file E. Hull reveal. ANNA PILL, ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. In the County. Court of; Douglas County, morrow, Mr. Mereminski sai(L .••• which this corporation is organized Khali in said Court, purporting to,-be the last A total;of 2,586 immigrant aliens Nebraska; ' Hh the buying, and selling at retail or will and testament of said deceased, and • Mr. iMereminski; is wholly -in ae-be wholesale Jpriws nil nnd every kitid of that a hcuring will be had OH said- peti- were admitted in June, ;iyhile, 8,35)1 In the Matter of. the Estate of Wilbur Omaha visited in Sioux City last cord with the sympathizers « f thegoods, wares or merchandise usually and tion before said Court On the 17th day ofemigrant aliens departed." Of this Christensen, Deceased. All persons interested in said matter tire dealt in by groceries, meat September. 1932, aud that if they fail to week with friends and relatives. Histadruth and the friends of thecustomarily hereby notified that on the 7th day of raarketR. fruit, dry goods aud hardware appear at said Court on the said 17th day Gewerkschaften campaign who are stores, the buying, selling, owning, hold- Of September. 10o2. at 0 o'clock' A- $1., to FIUDENBIKG, STAT.MASTEIi t BEBES Septemlier, 1032. Lillian Cbristeusen filed C30 Omaha N a t ! Bank Bide, City. a petition in said County Court, praying Miss May and Miss Ceiia London anxious that in addition to the cam-ing and otherwise acquiring real nnd per- contest the probate of said will, the Court that her final administration Recount filed property necessary, incident or con- may allow and probate said will and of Chicago spent several days last paign for funds there be established sona! PKOBATK NOTICE herein be settled and allowed, and that she veuient to the carrying out of the pur-grunt: administration of said, estate to In the Mnltor of the Estate of Israel Kolabe discharged from her trust as adminisThe past week has seen many of week in the city, visiting with their a permanent organization of "Friends poses and objects for which this corpora- Hurry I}- Cohen, or some other suitable kofitkj-. Deceased. tratrix and that a hearing will be had on is formed; the assuming, acquiring person and proceed to a settlement thereof. the local organizations meeting forparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack London. and Workers for Working Palestine." tion Notice -is hereby given that the creditors said petition liefore said Court on the 1st or purchasing of property, rights, franBKYCE CRAWFORD; of said deceased will meet the administraday of October, 1032. and that if you fall the first time this fall and planning The Histadruth delegation will con-chises, contracts and assets of every kind S-2C-32-3L tors of said estate, before me. County to appear before said Court on the said County Judge. and from any person, firm, association Miss Elsie Brodkey spent several sider the carrying out of this proj- of a season of great activity. Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at 1st of October, 3D32, nt D A . M.. or corporation, and paying for the *ame, • the County Court Room, in said County, nnd day NOTICE. OF CHATTEfc" MORTGAGE said petition, the "Court may Members of the Ivre Club met days this week with friends in Min- ect one of its major undertakings wholly or in part, with cash, stock or on the 1st day of Noverolwr, 1832, and on grnntcontest : . • • S A L E . ••-.the prayer of said -petition, enter a other evidence of the obligation of the cor:trd day of January, lU:j.'5, at 9 o'clock decree of lieirnhlp, Tuesday evening in the Jewish Com- neapolis. while in this country, he said. Notice i s hereby given that on the 1stthe and make such other poration. The statement of the powtrs A. M.. each dny, for the purpose of premunity Center. A social hour was forth, herein shall not be construed to .day of October, 1932. at the hour of i o senting their claims for examination, ad- and further orders, allowances nnd deDiscussing the situation in Pales- set A. M•,-•" at '2JU4 L^ayenworth 'street," the crees, as to this Court mny seem proper, justment and allowance. Throe months or act as a limitation upon the general preceded by the business meeting, Mr. and Mrs. J; H. Greenberg and tine, M L Mereminski stated that the l>e powers otherwise necessary or convenient undersigiied wiirseU ra. the highest bidder are allowed for the creditors to present to the end that all matters pertaining to during which plans for the coming sons, Raymond and. Henry, visited time has come for a strong battle to the corporation. The: authorized cap- for cash : • - • . : Mieir fT.-hus, from the 1st day of Octo- said estate may l>e finally settled nnd determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 1 tap. upK. radio bench-. 1 veL o. s. ber, 1032. stock of this corporation shall be Fifty months were discussed. last week in -Omaha. for a new migration movement into ital davenport; 1 vel. o. B. arm chair; 1 Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) which shall BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. The Y. A. C. Club met Tuesday oak writlnr desk; 1 wal. end table; 0-!)-"2-3t County Jud^'e. Palestine. Politically speaking, it be divided into shares of common stock of 0-n-3t County Judge. 1 wal. vel. ». arm rocker; 1 green the" Community Center,: Miss , Sally, Ginsberg .visited with has been long since there was such the i>ar value of One Hundred <*100.00) maraxlne rack; 1 metal floor lamp; 1 Dollars each mid when issned -shall be featuring on the program a group of friends : in- lllihriea'pblis this- Week! poly, bridge lamp; 1 »xl2 Ax. ruff; a ripe opportunity for the immigra- fully paid and non-assessable. The stock : 1 8-3x10-0 Ax. rug; 1 wal. cabt; Senof this corporation may be issued for Tableau Silhouettes. P1 a n s were tion of thousands of workers and a tinel elec. radio complete; 1 oak dress-. cash, the capita! stock of other corpormade for the election of new mem- / I ' S. : Kozb&cg• yaccbm|>anied herlarge group of middle class immi- ations, property or services. The corpora- j *r; 1 bro, metal bed spc*. and mntt.; 1 oak w. ». arm rocjier; 1 4-b. Odin h bers into the club during this month. son-ihrlaw -and •"daughter,^ Mr. andgrants. . The size and character of tion shall commence doing business upon "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals'^ gas ranee; 1 white kit. table; 3 Mb. the filing of these articles of incorpora• Epsilon Phi Sorority will open itsMrs. Jack- LondonpJr., to their home the immigration movement in the kit. rhaln; 1 S»-H». Tee K i n r i*fff".:' tion in the office of the County Clerk of " Funerals To Fit Any; Purse 1 wal. dlnlne table;" 1 v o l . buffet; C season with a rush party on Wednes- in/BrookingSj S. D., after the tet-first half of the year strengthens DougLts County. Nebraska, and shall so -wraL tap. s. dlners-attd all diKhrs, lin- . continue until January 1; lOffl. nnless day evening of next'week, when new ter's visit here witTi their, parents., this impression. MI». silverware, bedding and kit. ufen-' Phdne HArney 1226 Farham at Thirty-third sooner dissolved by the vote of not-less itembers will be elected into the club than two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding For the purposes of attracting both capital stock of the corporation. The covered by Chattel Mortqaj-e e^fectited liy and new officers will be selected. Fol- . Miss Frances Rutstem spent last workers and "private capital to Palhighest amount of indebtedness or liabil- Benjamin F. Moore•'. a.nd' Jennctte' Moore lowing the elections the members will Sunday and Monday' with friends in estine, national capital is essential, ity to which the-corporation shall at any on Octol>er 2, 1931. to F. K. Tysoij. ilolng Preserve and modernize Your Property by time subject itself shall not exceed twoa s the "OnrohB-'-Ijoan" Compiiny, .adjourii to the Seville Cafe; for re^ Omaha. . ..... :; . M'K Mereminski said, emphasizing thirds (2/3) of its capital stock. The af- business nnd having l»een fllrd for recordvJln the freshments. Miss Hanna Sperling is fairs of this corporation "shall be adminoffice of the County Clerk of Douglas that the possibilities for the fruitful by a Board of .Directors, the num-County, Nebraska: ' '. in charge of-the evening's arrangeMiss Ida Berkinsky;; of St. Paul,investment of private capital are istered ber of which shall be fixed by the by- Sadi sale will be for the purpose of .forements, and Miss. Sara Goldberg has w!ho/was'_a guest, this ••week a t thegreats laws, but shall'not be less than five (5) closing said Mortgage and t o satisfy -the iror more than twelve (12). all of whom amount due thereon, to-wlt: One Hnndred arranged the- program. . , . home: of Miss Rogie. Kpzberg, deThe economic situation in Pales- .shall lie elected - for n period of one (1)Twenty-five and .No/100 Dollars ($123.00), parted-for her home Monday evening, tine is good, .well stabilized andyear. The director* shall elect from among and accruing costs. 6547 Pacific S t Phones: WA. 3438 or iA. 1535 their own' numliers a President, ViceF. E. TXSOX. Doing Business ' Miss' Beer Berkinsky will remain, here evincing progress, he "said. President, Treasurer and » Secretary. Un- »-J>-32-3t aa OMAHA LOAN CO. til the next annual meeting or until a spefor a longer visit.
Sioux City N ews Miss
Organizations Start Season's Activities
' • • " . - '
Painting and Decorating
Services to Start,: < y - at Temple Tonight
cial -meeting is called to elert'n V.onrd of SHOTWEM.; JtONSKT, GKODINSKY £ Directors, the following iiampd persons
VANCE, AVI> 1IAKK1' B. COHEN'. ' shall constitute the Board of Directors: M. Mr. . and. : Mrs". J. L. Levitt and ' • Attorneys. Bernstein. H. 8; Npvitsky, J. Uogeln. Sam • Friday evening services • at Mount children,^ David and" Lois," have re r Meyerson,- D.. Bernstein, Albert AVohlner, N0TICK IS hereby given that the under- i.. Raduzlner. H.'J.' Ronan, C. S ROBS Sinai Temple for the coming year turned hdme, after' spending several Carl Stahmer, K. E. Ashley and Julius signed have formed a corporation mider will start tonight, with a brief pray- weeks in St. Paul. the name of BECK CONSTllUCTIUX Newman. By-laws shall be adopted by er service , beginning.. at 8 .o'clock. COMPANY, with Its principal place, of the Board of Directors for the conduct o"f in O.mahn, Nebraska. The cor-the affairs of this corporation-which shall The service will be read by Rabbi .-.Julius- Mosow and Ben Marx spent business poration shall hhve authority to carry on be submitted for-approval, to the stockLewis. There will be no sermon, ( the last ! week-end, Des and* conduct a general engineering con- holders. The annual meeting of the stocktracting business aud l a manufacture, pur- holders shall tie.held on the first'Monday . The first s e r v i c e for. the. yeari Moines. ,: "'.• chase and sell any and all materials, and of January of each year a t which time which will include the sermon', will supplies of-every kind and character used they shall elect a Hoard of Directors nnd or about . a general engineering . and on the some day the Board of Directors be held on Rosh Hashonah Eve. / Nate Galinsky arid Al Friedman of in contracting business: to acquire by. pur-shall hold Us annual meeting. Rcgulitr
TRADE IN your old tires . . . for new 1932
Omah|»:.we^e'guests'in the city over Labbr/Day. ; / .
chase or subscription, or otherwise, and meetings of the stockholders may lie held to hold as Investments, any bonds e r se- at Buch times as Bhall be fixed in the by• • curities or . other Items of indebtedness, laws. • including shares of the capital stock of No stockholder shall- at any time own or njiy corporation, and to handle such real Jerome Hyman/is recuperating in or personal property as may be required. hold more- than three (3) shares of (he Members of the Junior Hadassah stock of' this corporation. Huonld his ; home, - after undergoing- an ap-The authorized capital stork is $125,000.00, capital organization will be hostesses to pronil common, par value sflOQ.OQ, being fully the - corporation «ver authorize increased pendicitis, operation last week. paid when issued nnd non-assessable. The holdings by its stockholders, ench stockspective members at- their annual highest amount of indebtedness shall not holder shall hold "no more shares than any membership..tea, which will be held exeved two-thirds of the capital. The cor- other stockholders. Before any stockMn and; Mrs. Morris Goldblatt, poration shall commence business when holder snail have the right to offer for Sunday - afternoon, - September 11,- at :he Articles nre filed with the County sale his stock in the corporation, lie mast the, Martin hotel at 3 o'clock. 1' 1515"Court"street, announce the birth Clerk of. Douglas County, Nebraska, and first-offer it to the corporation and RIVC of a son." •... ,.-., ,,.. coutlntte until January ls.t« 2035. .Xhe af- the company at least gijrtj- («0) rtay8 in A musical program . has r .been arr fairs slinll be nd-mlnistered by. a .Board ,,df Which - to -accept siich orfer.' All o f ' t h e ranged by the executive boarpf. One Directors of not less.£han : three."nor. jno/e (•Met* of, the corporation mny *l>e Bold or Miss Pauline Sokolsky visited with than live: In mimtnT. ami .the underslBfted transferred h y > the affirmative vofe'of hundred and. twenty-five invitations shall bo-the .first lioartl. The stockholders two-thirds (-2/3); of. all the outstanding have been issued. . , .,-,-.,,^< •, '•• friends in Omaha this week. . " " elect-directors. « t the -nnnnn) .jneet- stock at any special meeting of the stocknotice is given to" I he * The executive, boaiid will preside nl „ . , * be held: jtbe- :«econd ;TVed«esd«y In holders, of which at least, five ( 0 ) d a y » Tn*adthe tea tables. Miss Ida Feldman is Norman Wasserman will celebrate January of each. year.: Thereafter the dl- stockholders vance: of the holding such meeting. shall -elyct i'o^tieers,' tiz;, Preshlent, Xliese. articles may l»eof amended "Jit'any in charge of the general arrange- his Bar Mitzyah tomorrow morning recters. yice-J^reshlent, •. Secretary JIB/1 • • Treasurer. regular pr.speciaL meeting of the stockat Shaare Zion Synagogue. Follow- The Articles mny l>e amended. The corments. . . . . . holders upon the.affirmative vote-of twoing the s«ryicesi. he'1 will entertain-a poration shall have a seal. Ibihlg X-A). Of afl the outstanding stock, provided notice o£ such proposed - amendgroup of friends at his home. . '-.••• Kated July Oth, 1032. CI'AKEXCE BECK. . Jnents i s given i f -least fire- 45) -day» in A K T H t r t t H X G K , •••ndvauce, thereof. ' • Dr. and Mrsr H. A. Lazere of ChiATiKXANDBH^B&CK, ..',.-• :i- H. S. NOVITSkT, -HEXKY BECK. ............ . *L BERNSTEIN. -'.Among the first of Sioux City's cago are, guests at the home of Mr. 1>-2-32-4t JOHN Ii. SOUENSOX. In the presence of: . . . . . . . . students who are leaving this month and Mrs. William Lazere, 2614 m y i j i STAULVSTE 0-2-«»-4t.sbn'^street. . — . : , -•• HOTW£Lt, MpN8KT». GRODIJfSKI h for colleges and -universities • are - Ger»« \ r ANCB, AN»- HARKV B . COHEN, ,, MON8KY. GKODIN8KT:
GOO DYE A jl ALL WEATHERS N'T drive on thin, risky tires this Fall and Winter. Wltli tire prices so low it doesn't pay1 to take chances. Come in—get our liberal offer for your old tires. We'll do everything we can t6 help you get those thin, risky tires off your car. We'll make a proposition to you on the world's greatest tire for safety, long life* and economy'— the Goodyear All-Weather. 'Don't ta1t»? chances on thin, risky tires. Come in —see us.
Depart for School • , • . . • « • . . - • «
• .
= *
.-..-•.-• STANCE • --.' • ald 'Cohen arid ' Morris Cohen, who ••-:•:..;!-•! . , .Attorney*.•.-:-.:. : ^ , . ,:•. v K O S I C B \ I S - I 1 U 5 U K B ^ ' GIVEN, that the --. 737 Omaha N»«l Bk. Uld«., Omaha' will go early next week to Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.- Alex LasenSky, 914 ,JunitfrsisniMli;have-; formed. ». corporation d t h . name, of BECK .REAI^Tl" .REAI^T CO>f- . NOTICBOF INCORPORATION 0*'> Nebr., to enroll at the University of Iowa street, announce the birth of a nHderthe. d a u g h t e r . • • • } • • ' •->;";.•• •'-•'-*_• -^f. • . S A I R O BUILDING COMFAlnr ': ; l'ANY^with I It* i i l l of. fb i Nebraska.. . . . • . . . «.'/-•"•" imOmaha. c4The>corporation, sbnll l » ; f l j y -. • Noticei i» hereby given that the urifle'F« thorlty. t o ninlntain. an.4 • onerate a leal, es- Signed have formed a corporation under Morris. Gordon, wjio;;wUl ,sjidy in the State of Nebraska; that tate, holding company- i\iid to-, purchase, »he laws of o f 8irid the art department pf1 the university, «*n>oratioi> is UA1KD lenses hire, control, munnge n*iid otlienvige JiSwr'f^S returned recently from. Proyiiicetown, deal >Jn real estate- and ; other ^personal BUILDING COMPANY and th* principal place nf transacting its bu8lnes»1*' tne property, and-shall have the right to issue Mass., where he. studied art this sumItondu, mortgages or other evidences of City of Omahn, Douglas County, Nebraska'. mer. He was awarded a scholarship indebtedness. .The.authorized capital stock The.general nature of the business to be - The Executive. Board of the Senior is $ir;0,000.00, divided Into 1.100 slmres of transacted and the objects of said corpofor the summer's term, of I study.' par value per share preferred stock ration are to acquire, own. hold, maintain Hadassah Chapter will meet Monday ?10U.0O Gerald Cohen will enroll in the and 400 shares of $100.00 par value -per nnd operate Lot 8, Block 108, Original City afternoon to discuss the program of share of common stock, all of which when of Omaha, in Douglas County. Nebraska^ school of engineering. shall be fully paid" and" non-assess- and to own, hold nnd operate nny other the organisation for the coming sea- issued able. The preferred stock shnll be pre-real estate or personal property and any son. Mrs. William Lazere, president ferred a s to dividends Jin<l assets in the interest therein; to purchase., lease, hire event of liquidation and.-.shnll-be. cumu- and otherwise acquire any and all per-of the Hadassah,' will preside. lative, carrying. a dividend of (1 per cent 8onal property necessary or incident to" per annum. The cumulative stock may be the maintenance and operation of the above Tryouts. for : the. annual A. Z. A. redeemed any 'time-after one year from described or other real estate, with the play were held this week to deterissuance, upon thirty-days'-written notice. power to ^sell, dispose of, lease, convey, The highest amount of indebtedness shall mortgage or otherwise encumber the said mine"the "cast for the ;• presentation, not .exceed two-thirds of the capital stock, real, estate and personal property or!any which is scheduled for this month. but;such limitation shnll not apply to in- part thereof nnd t o do any and all things debtedness represented by notes, bonds necessary and proper- in • connection with Mr. Herman Slotsky was selected and; mortgages, the payment of which i s the holding, maintenance nnd operation of t« direct the play and coach [ the Sioux City will be represented by secured by leal estate.^ The corporation any of said "property: to borrow or raise cast. Announcement of the, cast!will two . outstanding students at Nqrthr shall commence business when the Articles money nnd to issue bonds, notes, mortwith the County Clerk of Poncing gages, debentures, sfock or other obligabe made .the committee in charge western University this,, year..' ^Abe areiflled Comity Nebraska, and continue until Jaji- wong-for tbat'purpose and in exchange, for uary 1st,' 2033. The affairs shall be ad-uioueys received, by i t or for property purduring the next week.;/, , , Epstein, son of. Mr. and .Mrs. L. Ep-ministered by a Board of Directors or not chased or acquired- by it or for any other stein, and , Morris Lefkovich, son ofless,, than three ; iior- more thnn-Vfl^e.: and object or purpose in and rtbout its business: to guarantee any-dividends, or bonds Mr. and Mrs. J. Lefkovich, left Sun- the:undersigned shrill be the' first Board. or contract or other obligntions in constockholders shall" elect directors at day rnora(ng for Evanston, 111., toThe, the "annual meeting to be held on the sec- nection with the accomplishment of: the enroll -at Itforthwestern for the com-ond! Wednesday in January of each year. objects hereJnabove set forth aud to make. Thereafter directors shnll 'elect'the offi- untL perform-contracts of every kind; inciing year, ,. cers, viz., President, Vice-President, - Sec- dental, to or necessary for the attainment .. £qntor Pliskin will conduct memo- . Epstein, who is a graduate: of Cen4 retary find Treasurer. The Articles may of or furthering, of any of' the objects amended. With the assent in writing herein enumerated. -The authorized capital rial services every morning • during tral high school, was. prominent in be. of the holders of 65 per cent of all of thestock of the corporation Is $1^0,000.00. all the Ten Days of Repentance, begin- the athletic department," playing dur- capital stock of the corporation issued and of which is common stock divided into outstanding, the entire assets of the cor- 1.CO0 shares of the par-value of flOO.OT ning next Sunday morning at 9 ing his whole high school course on poration may be sold for a-consideration each nnd when issued shall be fully paid o'clock at. the' Floyd cemetery, forthe football and basketball teams. to be determined by the Board of Direc- and non-assessable. The corporation shall The corporation shall have'.n seal. upon the filing of these those who .wish to' remember their Lefkovich, who is also a; Central tors. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, the Sth day articles in the office of the County Clerk departed relatives in this manner. of Douglas County, Nebraska, and the isgraduate, took an active part in the of July, 1032. suance of 23 per cent or more of its total ALEXANDER BECK,- * authorized forensic department of t h e . high capital stock and shall continue C L A R E N C E BECK, until January 1, 2033, unless sooner disschool. He was the president of the ; . : • ~ ARTHUR BECK.solved by the" affirmative vote of not less . i . HENKYBECK, local A'. Z. A. chapter last year. than two-thirds of the outstanding capital
Hadassah Board Meeting
Hare ffwi-Hatl Your Airwfeeel Rlde^aSfeTLgJIiidly filve. you a demonstration of these sxrper-
7A.IZ. A.'';'
To Northwestern University t
' .
; '
Hiis month Goodyear builds its 20© millionth tire
. '
:L5 ^U-^:.:-
®DDD7i ^''T> .?>
Cantor to Conduct- d ii; -. Memorial Services
Society News
11 11 1
Each In Pairs «j.SfEach Tube e*c 4.75-19
$^f 8S . Each in Pairs «J.S5 Each ' Tube ^ic 4.75-20
Each in Pairs £3.C$ Each Tube file
Each in Pairs «S.?J Each Tube 91c
Each In Pairs $4.»»Each Tube 94c
Each la Pairs Tube 91c
S 4 80
- ; §A$1
stock. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation JACK AV. MA KEK, Attorney. shall at any time subject itself shall not Mrs. Max Jacobs arid daughter reCounty Court House, City. exceed two-thirds of its capital stock; provided, however, that this restriction turned recently from Omaha, where In the County Court of Douglas County; shnll have no application to Indebtedness Mrs. Jacobs attended the wedding of represented by notes, bonds -or other obliNebraska. ' her nephew, Simon .Green, to . Miss In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. Harry gations of" the corporation, payment of which i s secured by transfer of real estate Miller, also known a s Margaret Miller, Minnie Haspel at the Birchwood Club or other Interest by trust deed or mortt'eceased. . " • To the helrs-in-law;. creditors, and allgage when the property so transferred in Omaha. other persons interested in said estate: shall exceed the amount of the secured Von are hereby notified that a petition indebtedness nt least 40 per cent nor shall has.been filed in this Court on the 20th such limitation apply to any guarantee Mr. and Mrs. Gale Friedman and day of August, 1032, by Margaret Marie made by the corporation for the payment son, Hubert, visited with relatives in New York (J. T. A.).—The organ- Kriz, alleging that Mrs. Harry. Miller also of any notes or other obligations transknown as Margaret Miller-died on the 29th ferred by' it where same are secured by Minneapolis last week. .. . . . ization of a strong American Cha-day of April, 191G. intestate; that at thetransfers of property or interests as nbove lutzim movement to Palestine will time of her death she was a resident • of indicated. With the assent in writing of Douglas County, Nebraska, and that she the holders of seventy-five per cent of all Miss Ida and Miss, Eva Lipton be undertaken, Jacob Mereminski was possessed of the following described the capital stock of the corporation issued spent last -week-end • visiting with secretary of the Histadruth, Pales- real estate situate in Douglas County Ne- and outstanding, or pursuant to the votes braska, to-wit: in person or by proxy, by stock•frienda in Des Moines'.' tine Labor Federation, stated in an Lot Nine Hundred One (901) in Home- given holders holding nt least seventy-five per interview with a representative of the stead Addition to the City of Sooth Oma- cent of the issued nnd outstanding slocS ha, as surveyed, platted and recorded. of the corporation which is represented H. V. Sanford flew ;hy plane from Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Lot Nine Hundred Two (902) Home- and voted upon in person or by proxy at his home in ^Philadelphia to. spend the Mr. Mereminski arrived in this stead Addition to the City of South Oma- a meeting specially called for that purpose, or at an annual meeting, the Board last week-end at the home of hiscountry last week, together with Gol- ha, as surveyed, platted and recorded. That said petitioner hns an interest In of Directors shnll have power and authorbrother, Mr. A. S.;S^ijford, and with da Meyerson, another Histadruth del- said real estate being an heir of said de- ity to sell, assign, transfer, convey or othand petitioner prays that u netir- erwise dispose of, the property and assets the Sanford family a t Okoboji. egate, in the interest of this under- ceased ing be had on said petition, that notice of the corporation as an entirety or going taking and for the purpose of help- thereof be given as required by law, andconcern on such terms nnd' conditions as that, upon said henriiifr a decree of heir- the Board of Directors shall deem fit, righl Mr. *and Mrs. Mike Grueskin of ing the" Gewerkschaften campaign. ship be entered nnd further administra- and just, either for cash or bonds, or Jewish y o . u t h , according to Mr,tion of said estnte be disposed with shares of capital stock of any corporation Mereminski, which is seeking an idea' You nre therefore notified that a hear- or corporations, or for any kind or species ing will be had on said petition at theof property or obligation or securities. The and a goal, can find both in the Cha: County Court. Koom of said County, on affairs of the corporation shall be adminlutzim; movement and its' accomplish- the 24tb dny of September, 1932. nt 9 istered by a Board of Directors, the numo'clock A. M., and that if you fail to ap- ber of which shall be fixed bythe By-Laws ments in Palestine. pear at said time and place and contest but shall be not less than three nor more the said petition, the Court may grant the than five. The Directors shall elect a finds^the present time suitable same, "We feed the multitude" for,He the enler n decree,of heirship and deVice-President, Secretary 'and organization of a strong cree that fiirther ndministration of said President,' Treasurer. ' , With T ^ t y Foods/ ; " Chatutzim movement in the IJnitedestate be disposed with. • H. MARQDARDT, BRXCB CRAWFORD. H. B. COHEN, i States,,_ The Chalutzim who have County Judge. 8-l»-32-4t --~ Incorporator*. '
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