September 16, 1932

Page 1


Inifie Interests of tfie , Jewish People

Dedicated tojhe Ideals of Judaism

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Omahans to Head Workmen's Circle

Vol. IX—No. 33

T R p G TO INJECT Tenth Anniversary, Mfosie Offered of Lyceum Sunday RACIALBUE INTO at Comihunity Center H08NER CAMPAIGN

Ofifcers of Jthe midwest district of The tenth anniversary-of the Labor the Workmen's Circle comprising NeLyceum will be celebrated this Sunbraska and Iowa.branches, who were day, September 18, with an evening elected at a Lincoln last Chicago, (J. T. A.)—An attempt banquet followed by a musical pro- Well-Known Omaha Musicians Are on the Adweek, include M. Crounse, chairman; to. inject, the racial issue into the gram. S. Lipp, secretary; and L. Witkin, visory Board; Mrs. Henry Monsky to gubernatorial, campaign b e c a u s e The banquet wfll start at the Labor treasurer: Lyceum building, 22nd and Clark, at The conference was held for the Judge Henry Hornef, the Democratic 7 p. m. The semi-annual meeting of Be Director of School purpose of planning Jthe activities of nominee, is a leading Jew, is being the stockholders of the Labor Lyceum ; the -Workmen Circle branches for the made by campaigners for_ his Re- will also be held Sunday, in the afterdren's choral work. Additional names coining "year/ A vote of thanks was publican rival for the post, former noon at 2:30 p. m. will be announced next week.' V-- ;".-'. A School of Music will be ofgiven * by the" conference. to 'Lincoln Governor Len Small. The Republican forces are spread- Reservations for plates for the ban- fered at the" Jewish Gommunity The " rates for instruction, which Branch No.-399 for their hospitality, ing throughout the State the slogan: quet" can be made with L.' Wrtkirij will also' .be. announced next week, banquet and program. . "The United .Stages went to; England president, GLendale 2744, or with M- Center this coming year, start- will, in addition to,individual instrucof Jew-' The • Community Forum, brider the last: season with his recital for its president} -,ahd Chicago went Selicow, vice-president, HArney 1606. ing the first Monday in Novem- tion, include theory courses in harr r Auspices of the Jewish' Community i s h ' r a u s i c . - - \ - t ' \ •"-.•'• ) - • ' • • . • -•'" to - Czecho-Sloyaiia; for itsrimayor. ber, according: to announce- mony and the; history "of music. ' r . : Center, has completed an impressive : .The cdiftplete list of the-series is Does; Illinois • want to Jgo to: Jerusament made today by Jack W. The school of music is part of the not yet available^ but it is expected calendar for the coming season's selem for its governor??': iW educational program to "be to b§ ready;witJiiri-tiievnext-few-days. Marer, chairman of the Center expanded ries.-of speakers, as announced-today. Judge Home .himself, has readopted at the Center this year.; T 1 : Iryin Staimaster^-is-chairman .^of The list includes: -| * ' ' mained' aloof ' f r >nr this action, but committee. Tuesday -evening, November the "educational committee which-has many adherents have jumped to his Mrs. Henry Monsky will be direc15—Lewis E. Lawes, warden of. charge .of the Foruin and Jewish lecdefense. tor of the school. ture series. . Sing Sing. »r • James Web] Linn, professor of An advisory board which includes With the announcement today, of English at the3 niyersity of. ChicaWednesday evening, December outstanding .Omaha music teachers a daily the names of members of the various go, will supervise the instruction; and 28—Drew Pearson, co-author of g who conduct ^ii" h First Service of Season to Be pedadogical methods of the Communries," discussing this ommittees that comprise the Council "Washington Merry-Go-Round." the "Chicago ^ i of Jewish' Women in Omaha, plans racial attack on Judge Horner says: ity Center's music school. Wednesday evening, January Held at Temple This for the fall season to open October 28 "'The life of Judge Homer as a Among the music teachers on 25^-WilI Durant, famed philosare well under way. public servant is an 'open' book. Evening the advisory board are Martin opher and author. . *" ; Mrs. Philip Schwartz, president, in There are only ;two-pages- iir the Bash, Cecil Berry man, Jean DufWednesday evening, February Activities of all branches of Tem- field, Duesterberg Offers Resignation making this announcement says that book. One is headed 'Ability,' and August Borglum and Har22—Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, outple Israel are swinging into full Following Attack by the Council plans one of the most amthe other is headed 'Humanity.' standing Jewish religious leader, : action, with a busy year being ry Braviroff. Nazis bitious years in its history including March—Philip La Follette,! "If I were .the managers of the planned. The board also includes Mrs. Henry ernor of Wisconsin. Monsky, Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, Irvin The physical education depart- a comprehensive and extensive pro- Democratic campaign, I would pubRabbi Frederick Cohn will resume The Community Forum has ment of the J. C.-C-is ready to get gram that will touch on all phases of lish that book of two pages and I regular services for the Temple this Stalmaster and Jack Marer. Berlin (J. T. A.).—Inquiries by the « strong foothold in the intellectual under way the first of October, with Jewish life. would see that every good woman in Although instruction will not be Jewish Telegraphic Agency with reprogram of the community through a complete schedule fitting the Committee heads and workers in- the state. of Illinois -was handed a evening, September 16, at 8 p. m., commenced until November, registra- gard to the denial issued by Major in the auditorium of the Temple, its .presentation annually of ^ an out- needs of all members of the fam- clude: copy of it by a friend^ personally. I with choir and sermon. Rabbi Cohn tion will begin immediately and will von Stepbani, organizer of the Steel standing group of lecturers. • -Both ily: Morris H. Sogolow, physical Education—Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, would utterly ignore the false 'issues' will take as the subject of his open- continue through September and Oc- Helmet convention, that Colonel TheoJews and Gentiles fill the auditorium director, will have charge of the chairman; Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, raised by the Small faction; I would ing lecture, "We Need Religion." tober. Registration for enrollment dor Duesterberg has resigned his ofto capacity at the forum "lectures, gym and swim classes. . . Mrs. Bert Herie, Mrs. Max Holzman, let the Judge himself do all the disThe Brotherhood held the first may be made now at the Jewish fice as leader of the Stahlhelm, conand its popularity is steadily in"This year,"- stated. Irvin Levin, Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. Ben cussing, in public or private, of what meeting of the season for the offi- Community Center. firm that Duesterberg tendered his he with his -wide experience and cers at a luncheon Tuesday at the The school of music will follow the resignation to the praesidium of the creasing. chairman of the physical education Shapiro, Mrs. Morris Jacobs. - - Impressive List ............ department, "we have combined an Hospitality—Mrs. David Goldman, economic training regards as the Paxton, where plans for the coming program of. the best conservatories of Stahlhelm. real political issues of the state cam- year were laid. Rabbi Cohn was music, and will provide instruction in The opening : lecturer. Warden excellent schedule and a most cap- chairman; Mrs. Morris Milder, Mrs. paign; The news that Lieutenant Colonel and I would tell the women the speaker, and Louis : Somberg, violin, piano, cello and voice. Milton Livingston, Mrs. Charles SiLawes, has had an interesting ca- able ^director. We feel confident Duesterberg, who is the defeated canof Illinois the straight, clear, warm Faculty reer. He recently authored the pop- that the community will enjoy their mon, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. M. truth, about the power, of goodness Brotherhood president, presided. didate for president of the Reich, of ular book, "Twenty Thousand Years physical education program* at the L Gordon, Mrs. Abe Greenberg. - The first meeting of . the Sister- The faculty had not been com- the Nationalist Party, had submitted of this great Jew and keep on tellNominating—Mrs.~ Mose Yousem, Center. pleted by press time, but will include his resignation to the Stahlhelm praein Sing Sing." ' ing it to them, until they became hood is planned for September 27, Miss Rose Brandeis and Mrs. Jennie sidium, .following a Nazi campaign The gymnasium schedule: •... :.,,. chairman; Mrs. Carl Forth, Miss aware that it was the truth. On*? a t one o'clock. Pearson, who appears in Decem; Alberts, The annual congregational meet- Leyenson, for piano; E. Oscar Wein- against' him because he is of Jewish' ber; has-just been revealed as co- .Men and Boys', classes::. Health HazeT Degen, Mrs. WStiam w they know the truth, I trust t£t author of -"Washington . M r ^ G o Club—Noon, -12:15, ..daily,, and 11 MrsV Ben Glazer. " ~ ? women. You can pool them ana you ing has been set for Sunday,' Sep- stein, cello; Mrs. Nathan Green, for origin, was made "known not only by voice; Cecil Berryman, for harmony; the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, but Round," a sensational expose of of- a. m. Sunday. Senior Men--7:45.p. Ways and Means-^-Mrs. Harry A. can blind them to the truth "for. a tember 25, "at 2:30 p. m. Miss Minnie Wolf has been newly Jean Duffield, for history of music, was published in the Ullstein press, ficialdom in the capitol. The writers m. Tuesday, and Thursday^ and 11 Trustin, chairman? Mrs. B. A. Simon, while; but once they know it, they Sam Frohm, Mrs. vote right.** appointed secretary of the congreg- and Miss Juliet McCune, for chil- including the "Vossiche Zeitung," were anonymous, but their identity a. rh. Sunday." High:School and vice-chairman; Mrs. . : William Racusin, Mrs. Julius Abraation. - ••.'". .^ • leaked out and it is;• rumored that Business •boysr-r6:15..p."^'Tuesday which fs known to be friendly to the ; Rabbi /.Cohn -will- open his annual because of the book Pearson was and Thursday, and 12 noon.'Sunday. Jiamsori, Mrs. L W , Rosenblatt. Steel Helmet Society of war vetElephant' ' -of * -invitational • addresses dismissed from his post with- th© Junior boy&^-i, -s- 'JO., Tuesday and Social Service—Mrs. HerberT erans. : with a talk before "Baltimore Sun.".Thursday. . t . _./ '.. • ~ ; 4tein, Mrs:H. A Sisterhood Sale Leaders of the Stahlhelm havej laR. W. Natelsbh, Mrs. Harry Rosyoung "people of the First JteffiAmong the hitherto unknown facts Over WOW Sunday the Women and Girls Classes:"Mat-: Mrs. beled as absurd that racial descent enfeld, Mrs^ J. J. Pearistein, Miss odist Church this Sunday. told in the book is the bitter opposi- rons—9:45 a. m. Monday arid* WedThe "white elephant-sale", of the should as in any way "A most cordial invitation is ex- Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held inimical.betoregarded tion by three justices of the Supreme nesday. Senior- Women—7:45 ~p'.; i Hazel Degen,* Mrs. Joseph Bonoff, Her. Leon Karz, -who has been Duesterberg's Mrs. Max "Holzman, Mrs. Manning tended to all- to affiliate themselves on September 28 and 29 at the W. O. tion in office and have not continuaCourt to the nomination of '•>.Judge Monday and- Wednesday. : Business contractedby the Beth Hainedrosh hesitated Benjamin N. Cardozo on' the grounds Gills—6 p. m. Monday and;Wednes- "Handler, Hfs/Sim Gflinsky, Mrs. Wil- Hagodol synagogue as cantor for the with Temple Israel," states Rabbi W* building. to denounce the Nazi campaign liam I^eiler, 4lrS. ISam Appelman, Mrs. Cohii. • ">?*.Onr . congregation has "a that one Jewish justice was enough day. Junior -Girls 4 p. m.;\MotadayAttention to the sale has been at- against him. on this score as delib; Miekey'Bjupp^Mrs. M. L.: Cohn, Mrs: next year, will, assisted by his choir, proud •* record of sprty years x»f in- tracted for the benclu ' and Wednesday,. ' ''•'•' < by cut-out elephants from erate provocation. For this reason, appear on the air Sunday evening, Morris Levey." spiring service in this comnlunity -white paper, Will Durant, the January speaker, advising anyone having the praesidium of the Stahlhelm did September 18, over station WOWj The swimming schedule: Publicity and Year Book—Mrs. Ben and in American Israel. It stands old clothes, shoes, is world-famous for his lectures, phihats, .bags, jew- not accept the proffered resignation irom 9:15 to 9:30 Men and Boys: Senior men —- Shapiro, chairman; Mrs. Herbert Amfor a progressive Judaism and is elry, furniture, stoves, losophy and books. rugs, curtains, of Duesterberg and prevailed upon Among the renditions will be a 12:45 to 1:15 daily; 6 to 9, Tuesdevoted to the highest interests of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who will day and Thursday; 7. to 9, Satur- stein, Mrs. Jack Marer, Mrs. Morris solo, "Areshe Seforsenir;" "Ashere," dishes, lamps, etc, to phone Mrs. I. him to remain in office. Israel and humanity." be here in February, is noted for his day* 10 to 1, Sunday. High "School Jacobs, Mrs. B. A- Simon. Rosenthal Walnut 0999. from Slichos, and "Vechulu," by the Leaders of the Steel Helmet arc fiery eloquence and oratory. He has and! Business boys—6 to 8, Tuesday Motor Corps—Mrs. Sam Bialac, cantor and the choir, and several not desirous of acknowledging that constantly stood for his principles, and Thursday; 12 to 1, Sunday. other numbers. ... the Nazi campaign against Duester(Continued on Page 3.) regardless of the opposition. Junior boys—4:45 to 5:30, Tuesday berg has had any repercussions in Honorary president of the Ameri- and Thursday. the Steel Helmet camp. This is said can Jewish Congress, he was the to explain the silence which is being Women and Girls: Matrons — prime mover of the recent Geneva maintained on what transpired at the conference, which has decided to call 10:30 to 11:30 a. m., Monday and The Institute on Human Relations meeting of the praesidium. Many new members have joined the Wednesday; 2:30* to ' 5, ' Sunday. a Congress of World Jewry for the will be inaugurated in Omaha, un- Conservative Synagogue as a result Senior Women—6 to 9 p. m., MonDuesterberg. himself, at the meetsummer of 1934. der the sponsorship -of -the Jewish of the concentrated membership drive ing of the praesidium where he tenJ day and Wednesday; 2:30 to 5, SunThe exact date of Governor Philip Women's • Welfare Organisation and being conducted under the chairman- dered his resignation, acknowledged Business Girls—6 to 9 p. m., La Follette's" lecture in March has day. the Omaha Women's Club. Monday and Wednesday; 2:30 to that he was of Jewish descent, stathot" been' set. He is noted for his 3:30 Sunday. Junior. Girls—4:45 to "A Palestine humming with active the rabbi showed, was particularly The meetings will be held in the ship of J. J. Greenberg. "The coming year holds forth prom- ing, however, that he had only then y progressive views.* ' ,,impressive when the . country today city council' chambers in the" eve- ise of unusual growth and progress learned of it. on all sides," was the most vivid 5:30 Monday and Wednesday; 2:30 ity i — . - _ Jewish' Series impression the Holy Land made upon is compared with the country as it nings during the week of September for the Conservative Synagogue," to 3:30 Sunday. » The Jewish series' of lectures, inRabbi David A. Goldstein of the was a decade ago. . Sand dunes, 19 at 8 p._ m.. Admission is free stated Mr. Greenberg, "and our workaugurated last year, will be continConservative Synagogue, who, with waste lands, deserts and malaria In- and th& public is invited. ers have had little dimculty enrolling Zionists to Establish Mrs. Goldstein, returned Friday from fested swamps of ten years ago are Among ,the .speakers are included many new members. From the enued. ! now colonies where contented;'Jews Rabbi David Goldstein, Bishop Schay- thusiastic reception we have been rea three months' trip abroad. • Dr. A. L." Sachar, professor of his- Bilu Colony Jerusalem—A colony named Bilu is The Goldsteins visited in Germany, make a livelihood and find happiness.' ler, Judge Herbert Rhoades, Profes- ceiving, we feel certain that many adjtory -at Illinois and a speaker and author of note, has been secured. He to be established in Palestine by the Palestine, Italy, Prance and England. "The Chalutzim," continued Rabbi sor Orr of Omaha University, Dr. ditional names will be added to our is .Well-acquainted in Omaha arid-is General Zionists here. ' The colony is They spent five weeks in the Holy Goldstein, "have paid a terrific price Dishong, E.—E.- McMillan and Rev. roster by the time our many activiImpetus to the ticket sale of "the in sweat, labor and even blood in Laurence Plank. well known and highly esteemed here, to be established in celebration of the Land. ties get into full swing. play to be sponsored by the Omaha settling the land, but one who sees i Another feature will be Abraham fiftieth anniversary of the first Bilu Hebrew club on October 1G was giv"There is no depression at present their achievements knows that they W. Binder, who made a big hit here settlers. en at the open meeting of the orin Palestine," stated Rabbi Goldstein have been well rewarded. ganization held at the Jewish Comin an interview. "On the contrary, munity Center. Tel Aviv Palestine is living in a period of Harry B. Fleharty, city solicitor, steady and rapid building. Every- He was particularly impressed with was the guest speaker, his topic bewhere Jews are planting and build- Tel Aviv, the all-Jewish city of 50,ing "Things." J. J. Friedman, presing, and their outlook for the future 000. "The residents of Tel Aviv en5693-1932 is most optimistic They feel no joy every convenience of a modern - Justin R. Wolf will be in charge pated in the council tourney, won the ident of the Omaha Hebrew club, fear because they are building well, American city, from electricity to of the club work at the Jewish Com- finals of the Midwestern Community who opened the meeting, turned the v r on firm foundations." bus transportation. It has an in- munity Center during the coming Centers' debating "league from St. gavel over to Hymen Shrier, chair,• - , • . The Jfewish Press Will Issue according to announcement Louis. The XL won the all-star night man of the day. He was especially impressed with tense cultural life, with theaters year, made by Jack. Marer, chairman of feature, and was also awarded the A feature of the program was the opera, a symphony and a school systhe new type of Jewish youth growcup as the best c'.ub for the year. selections of the Hazomir .Singing the Center committee. tem as good as America's. ing up in the Holy Land. "The JewOther highlights of their program society, under the direction of Can• The club work (embraces' that of "Sabbath eve in Tel Aviv is an ish youth in Palestine differ from last year included an essay contest, tor A. Schwaczkin. Goldie Fried renthe Senior Council of Clnbs, the those of any other land. They are experience never to be forgotten. All dered several piano numbers, and sehealthy, strong, fearless and ideal- stores are closed; not a wheel turns constitutent organizations having- a an oratorical contest, dramatic mis- lections Avere given by a trio concellany and the monthly publication total membership of over 400. SEPTEMBER 30, 1932 istic. Very frequently one finds col- in the city. After the dinner hour, sisting of the Platt sisters and Joe Wolf graduated from Harvard cum of the "MegiHah." lege men and women working in the crowds of young people gather in Saxe. colonies. In fact, these youths per- the streets and walk arm in arm, laude and during his college course Nathan Yaffe is chairman of the Make Sure That Your Relawon many scholastic and forensic form most of the labor. They pave singing Hebrew songs." committee arranging for the play, tives and Friends Receive ' the streets, irrigate the deserts, drain He found Jerusalem the most honors. which will feature Mollie Cohn and Vour Rosh Hashonah Greetthe swamps, and so on." charming city of Palestine because His program will include an interJack Berlin, New York Yiddish stars, ings Through the JEWISH ... Rabbi Goldstein pointed out that in of its old city and the many places club debate tournament; oratory, deLouis Margolin introduced Miss Cohn PRESS. Just Clip the Cou-: .the country sections Jews are par- of historic interest. The new city ol clamatory and essay contests; dra- The Jewish Community Center to the audience. Louis Lipp rendered pon. Pin Your Check for Two ticularly planting m o r e orange Jerusalem, built outside the city walls matic presentations; a series of hol- Sunday School will open in mid- the report for the ticket committee. groves, and more and more Jews are by the Jews, is beautiful to behold iday festivals, and a varied recrea- October, after the Holvdays. Dollars and Send It In, NOW. The New York record-breaker, settling on the land. Palestine tional and social program, as dances, It is necessary to postpone the "Mosihele's Bar Mitzvah," will bo "Culturally, Palestine is developing oranges, he asserts, are as good or Jewish Press, Hebrew is today heard carnivals and other mass and group opening of the Sunday School until presented. All proceeds will go to better than the best California can rapidly. then because Rosh Hashonah and charitv. 490 Brandeis Th. everywhere, and the schools are most activities. offer. - • •-..--,., Omaha, Nebr. _ Last year the club work made con- Succoth fall on Saturday and Sunday. modern.s The Hebrew university in Colonies Jerusalem today consists of a group siderable progress, under the direc- It is expected that the same staff Gentlemen: : , . - . • . ' ; "The ' Jewish colonies^ which are of beautiful buildings. It is built on tion and leadership of Philip Klutz- will be ready to greet an increased Please publish the following New Year's' Greeting for me. B'ncd Brith Address prosparing, are most interesting. the top of Mt. Scopus, commanding nick. He was assisted by Julius enrollment. Mr. and Mrs.:. Some are organized on a Socialist one of the most magnificent views in Bisno, president of the senior counRabbi David Goldstein will ad(l'rint Name) cil. basis. In them there are no rich Palestine. Ticket Sale dress the B'nai Brith meeting The senior council has become a : and no poor, no exploiters and no The Shaare Zion synagogue, 1548 Industry (Address) potent factor in the Center club life. North Twentieth street, announces Thursday evening-, September 22, exploited. Everyone enjoys the fruits ; Extend Their Best WtelieB to Kelntires and ^Friends fvr a of his own labor. They have a great ^Industrially, Palestine is also pro Last year'the Center debate team ©f that tickets for the Holydays are at the J. C. C. on "Seeing Europe • . .' (Happy and Prosperous New Tear '; i William Wolfe and Joe Solomono^, being- sold each afternoon bv Mr. Through Jewish Eyes." spirit of solidarity.and mutual help." •M" picked from the clubs ssfach ©articaThe proeress Palestine's making, (Continued on P^ge.,3.)

A Numfcer of Outstanding Lecturers, " * Jewish and Nonjewish, to A on Tv C; C Rostrum





Palestine is Land of Promise? Says






Justin Wolf to Head Club Work at Community Center


Rosh Hashonah Edition



THE JEWISH PRESS Published ever; Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - -T - - . - - 12.50 Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantie 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - -^" * Editor • FANNIE KATELMAN - >; Council Bluffs, Jpwa, Correspondent ANN PILL - . - . ' - ; • » - Sioox Cityy Iowa, Correspondent

ANTIQUATED INEQUALITY • In Jerusalem this vteek the Rabbinical Court of Appeals has to decide a question which to Palestinian Jewish /w«meii is of ^vjtal importance. A Jewish woman, the wife of one of the most prominent leaders of the Yeminite community, refused to permit him to marry a second wife and demanded a divorce on this ground. The husband, insisting upon the right of Yemanite Jews residing in Palestine to practice polygamy, has brought the; to ; the Rabbimcal Court of Appeals." . . = • . -t i •. : 4 .The Jewish Women's Equal Rights Association in Palestine has interested itself in th«case, hoping to get a decis|on'^hich. wiB set a precedent that would improye the matriirionial conditions in the Holy Land: Advocates for the husband depend on the theory that the Yeminites, being Eastern Jews, are permitted to have more than one wife. At this writing, no verdict had been determined, but the Rabbinical Court would do well to keep in mind that if religious institutions and religious authorities are to carry weight and prestige in the lives of their adherents, ,they must adapt the laws to fit the vital changes taking place and meet changing conditions with flexible interpretations of religious principals. Rabbimcal law, if it is to carry weight today, must protect the rights of women. Jewish people point with pride to the fact that the Hebrews were the first to elevate womanhood to a loftier plane. Our ancient ancestors gave women the right to hold separate property and many other civil rights which pagan neighbors could not fathom as due women. In general, the Jewish outlook has recognized the equality of women and the Rabbinical Court should take that same attitude. The Yemenite's husband's view would especially be out of place in Palestine, the country of the controversy, where the Jewish women pioneers have sacrificed their very lives for the freedom and independence of Israel and have added much to the richness of Jewish life. Reconsideration and reinterpretation of any antiquated religious laws, particularly those dealing with important phases of daily life, would help keep popular faith in the Rabbinical institutions.

Council Ettiff? News BYP.ILK^ MEYERSON-WOLINSKY ENGAGEMENT , , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolinsky of St. Joseph, Mo., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Helen Wolinsky, to Mr. Leo Meyerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson of Council Bluffs. No date has been.set.for the wedding... •_....„;•„: Miss Wolinsky is a graduate of Central High school in St. Joseph and is a talented vocalist. Mr. Meyerson attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and is a member of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. About 100 couples attended the "Depreshun" dance given in the ballroom of the Hotel Chieftain Sunday evening, September 11, by the Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. The ballroom was decorated appropriately and costumes portraying the depression period were cleverly worn. Ernest Priesman and his Nighthawks orchestra furnished the music for dancing. Joe Solomonow and Henry Mendelson were co-chairmen of this affair, which was a success 'both socially and financially.

near. The one to go the furthest from home is Bernard/Balabany who left Tuesday evening for Rochester, N. Y., to enter the Eastman School of Music. Bernard, an accomplished musician, was awarded this scholar-r ship following his graduation from" the Abraham Lincoln High school 7 this summer. , -? r? ? Yale Meyerson and Ernest Ross left Monday for Lexington,"M6^;to; start their sophomore year at the Wentworth Military academy, i «> Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld left MoflA day evening for St. Charles, Mo., to enter her freshman year at Lindenwood college. Miss. Ruth Bernstein has returned to Lincoln, Nebr., to resume her studies at the University of Nebraska. At the University of Iowa, at Iowa City, will be Messrs. Harold Saks, Milton Krasne, Robert Rosenfeld and Collman Yudelson. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green are now at home at Apartment B at the Washington Court. Mrs. Green was formerly Miss Minnie Haspel of Omaha, prior to her marriage on August 21. . Miss Flora Marks has returned home, following a two months* visit in Hutchinson, Kans., where she was the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Quigley.

return month, while Mrs. ECONOMIC Krasne and children will remain in ARGUMENT Son Diego lor the winter. On the other hand, the argument urged that if the shoulder straps Mrs. M. Bernstein was hostess to is are to be removed, the the members of her afternoon club next permitted step, that of swimming in at luncheon Thursday. trunks, is inevitable. This will mean a further cut in the amount . and Mrs. Abe Markovitz have of wool used, and will only intensify moved this week to 226 Frank street the economic distress of the sheep raising farmers of the middle west, ; Miss Jeannette Baron of Kansas who will be bound to turn against Gity, Mo., will return to her home Hoover, and maybe revive dangerous Sunday, following a two weeks' visit old Populism. • . . Here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ON THE OTHER HAND Joe Baron. But, says the other side/ that is • Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenberg and only looking at the question from a daughter, sAtrlene, and Mrs. Rosen- one-sided point of view. If trunk be,rg*s father, Mr. S. Krasne, who swimming suits become -the vogue, recently returned here from Los An- the people will become healthier. As geles,. CaBf.,; are now at home at 215 they grow healthier, their appetites will increase, and they will consume South Ninth street. more of the corn and wheat proMilton Marcus of Rockford, 111., is duced by the farmers. Thus, we spending the month here visiting his may as a result, see a return to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marcus. prosperity.

S00 pounds oi more. For every; iperson blessed -with that amount of corpulence knew Henry Klein. He was a specialist in the making of clothes for the ultra-fat. I don't know what made Klein turn to this specialty of tailoring for the ultra-heavy. It must have been the attraction of opposites. He himself was six feet tall and weighed only 120. : But the heavy gentry of New York called him blessed. They lost a dear friend in him, and a useful friend. And Klein did not have to wait for his reward in passing. He was richly rewarded in life. He achieved success. He achieved prosperity. One dream of his life he never achieved. He tried so hard, but he couldn't do it. He tried to put on weight. (Copyright, 1932, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)


THE DEMOCRATIC PUBLICIST The forgotten man is Charles Michelson. Michelson likes to be forgotten. He stays behind the scenes and directs the act. Michelson, who formerly served as the chief correspondent in Washington of the New York World has been the publicity strategist behind this whole turnover which resulted in the displacement fo the Republic majority in Congress with Democrats. And now in a little office at the Biltmore, Michelson is trying to do the trick of supplanting the Republican President with Roosevelt. There probably is no more competent man in -the country for the job than Michelson. And if Roosevelt is elected: President, there are those that isay. that President Roosevelt will hive a Jewish private secretary, named Charles Michelson. -fiis brother, the late Albert MichUpny-'Was the man who discovered haw fast light can travel. w-If Charles can make Democratic light travel as fast as the cosmic rays, he should be sure of the job.

exposed the ankle, we have exposed the calves, and now they have us expose the chest. Are we all to be gorified like the Ziegfeld girls? It is immoral. It is indecent Strangely enough, their side is also taken by the burlesque producers and venders of erotica. If we permit the removal of the shoulder straps, you will kill our business, these gentry say. People will get so callous to the anatomy, that they will have no curiosity to be capitalized. You can see for yourself what a "whale" of a controversy Magistrate Jonah let loose.

A SUCCESSFUL FAILURE They have just buried Henry Klein. He belongs to that group of really distinguished who never receive their proper credit from history. He was a true pioneer, an original thinker. If you don't happen to know who he was, then it's because you don't weigh


2429 Dceatur St.

We want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting in now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Mnchzelrim with Jewish and English translations,. prayer books, ToIecBim, sflk and wool of the best kind, e t c

A Full Line of New Year's Cards in Jewish and English Remember onr famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers I ordered the following articles of pure silver and plate Bilver candle- sticks, Kltlush cups, Hudeses, etc. Everyone who i s interested in baying one ct them should be so kind and let me know ahead, of time, so 1 can have it ready for them. I hare Just received direct from Palestine a' *ery nice stock of most beautlful EBrogim and Lnlovim for Snccotb . I . . Anyone desiring to buy one wil • -please let me know so that I can have it: ready for him for Yontif.

of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today

rummage sale on October 12. The place of the sale will be announced later. All those having bundles please «all Mrs. R. Temin, Harney 0678, and ! Mrs. I. Greenberg, Harney 1687.

Junior Hadassah The Omaha chapter of the Junior Hadassah will hold its first meeting of the season next Thursday evening, September 22, at 8 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center, with an open meeting for all members and their friends. All members are urged to attend this meeting. Plans will be made for an active season. Mrs. Sidney Katleman, president,


Kitchen Chats Mrs.

By David M. Newman

Peach Marmalade Use 26 peaches, 3 oranges, 1 lemon. Pour boiling water over the peaches to remove skin, cut peaches in small pieces. Grate the rind of the oranges. Pour hot (boiling) water over oranges and let stand 5 minutes. Remove skin and seeds and slice oranges thin and mix with peaches. Cook 10 minutes, then add grated rind of oranges, 3-4 cup of sugar to each cup of fruit. Add juice of the lemon, cook until thick. Pour in sterilized jars and seal while hot. Chili Sauce Take 18 large tomatoes, 12 small green peppers, 6 medium onions. Chop all of these separately and then mix all together, add 3 tablespoons of salt, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 5 small cups of vineg-ar. Boil for 1 hour. Pour in sterilized jars and seal hot.

WA 9249

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REV. A. DIAMOND of Council Bluff's Well Known in This Vicinity as a


Phone 1059

FBADE.VBCRG, gTAUOASTER * BEHEK •' Attorneys. <t5O Omaha Xational Bank Bids., O n u h i . NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF UNITED FOOD STOKES, INC. Notice i s given that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of Nebraska. The name of the corporation i s United Food Stores, Inc. The principal place of business of the corporation i s in Omaha. Nebraska. The object for which this corporation is organized shall be- the buying and selling at retail or wholesale pritts all and every kind of goods, wares or merchandise usually and customarily dealt in by groceries, meat markets, fruit, dry goods nnd hardware stores, the buying, selling, owning, holding and otherwise acquiring real and personal property necessary, incident or conveuient to the carrying out of the purposes and objects for which this corporation is formed; the assuming, acquiring or purchasing of property, rights, franchises, contracts and assets of every kind of and from any person, firm, association or corporation, and paying for the same, wholly or in part, with cash, stock or other evidence of the obligation of the corporation. The statement of the powers set forth herein shall not be construed to be or act as a limitation upon the general powers otherwise necessary or convenient to the corporation. The authorized capital stock of this corporation' shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) which shall

A.young Jewish writer who likes bt Startle his readers, who in one of his books was an ardent Communist -and- now has evolved a new ism of his own to solve the economic illk of •thfe'world -recently wrote a book tryIng to prove that the American mind and the Jewish mind are identical and both bad. We haven't read this latest effusion of this writer, but we did get a glimpse of an excerpt which was recently broadcast in the weekly Jewish press. The Jew, the writer went on to say, has no spirituality. And. he points to the Old Testament. At least, he says, you must admit the New Testament has spirituality. But if he concedes that the New Testament has spirituality, then it seems to us that his whole thesis of Jewish want of spirituality is challenged, for of course the writers of the NewTestament were Jewish. And pray, by what processes of reasoning does he arrive at the conclusion that the Old Testament has no spirituality. Is there no spirituality in Job, in Isaiah, in an Amos?

be divided into shares of common stock of

Magistrate Jonah J. Goldstein has precipitated a controversy which threatens to become world wide and rock the cosmos on which we dwell. Judge Goldstein exonerated three or four young men, who were brought before him charged with having let down ther shoulder straps of their bathing suits. : At; the same time, another New York magistrate before whom several other young people were arraigned on the same charge proved less lenient. He fined them $25 each and .in the absence of money, s they are now serving out the fine in jail. : ... The controversy has now become sharp. In England, the question whether it is permissible to removs •the, 'shoulder straps has brought forth at least one strong masculine outburst ,for this fuller shoulder •strap, freedom for men. And Rose Macaulay j' the woman writer, says • If nseri are to be permitted this priyilege",: women too must be accorded the jright.

Day by day . . . meal by meal . . . General Electric Refrigerator will pay Its own way In your kitchen through the saving of food. You will «ave money by avoiding waste, guarding the health of your family and by being' able to purchase foodstuffs in larger quantities. Ton need electric refrigeration. Decide have It in your borne. .




See Our Display feiday Electric Shops


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the par value of One Hundred (?100.OO) Dollars each and when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The stock of this corporation may be issued for cash, the capital stock of other corporations, property or services. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filing of these articles of incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall so continue until Jamiary 1, 1975, unless sooner dissolved by the rote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock of the corporation. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall not exceed twothirds (2/3) of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be administered by a Board of Directors, the number of which shall be fixed by the bylaws, but shall not be less than tire (5) n o r more than twelve (12), all of whom shall be elected for a period of one (1) year. The directors shall elect from among their own numbers a President, VicePresident, Treasurer and a Secretary. Until.the next annual meeting or until a spectel meeting is called to elect a Board of Directors, the following named persons shall constitute the Board of Directors: M. Bernstein, H. S. Novitsky, jr. Gogelo, Sam Meyerson, D. Bernstein, Albert Wohlner, I t ; Raduziner, H. J. Ronan, C. S. Ross, Cmrl Stahmer, E. E. Ashley and Julius Newman. By-laws shall .be adopted by the Board of Directors for the conduct of the affairs of this corporation which shall be submitted for approval to the stockholders. The annual meeting of th« stockholders shall be held on the first Monday or January of each year at which time th4y shall elect a Board of Directors nnd on; the same day the Board of Directors shfll hold its annual meeting. Regular m< etings of the stockholders mny be held at such times as shall be fixed in the bylaws. • • • ••,•••-• • • • ; s*o stockholder shall at any time own or ho d more than three (3) shares of the ca: iltal stock of this corporation. Should th< corporation ever authorize increased ho dings by its stockholders, each stockho der shall hold no more shares than any od er stockholders. Before any stockhp der shall have the right to offer for sal e his stock in the corporation, he must fit it offer it to the corporation and give the company at least sixty (GO) days in cB t o accept such offer. All of the assets of the corporation mny be sold or transferred by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the outstanding Stock at any special meeting of the stockholders, of which notice is given to the stockholders at least five (5) days in advance of the holding of such meeting. These -articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of twothirds (2/3) of all the outstanding stock, provided notice of such proposed amendments i s given at least five (5) days In advance thcredf.

" f e ^


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Furnaces Cleaned



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j Parilman Plumbing Co. \

Anger is a bow that will shoot sometimes where another feeling will not.—Beecher.


What may, if the winds blow favorably, be turned into a veritable social revolution is thus involved' in the decision. The New York Times quotes one of the speakers before the recent Physical Therapists Convention to the effect, that while he has no particular theoretical sympathies with nudism, the fact remains that the skin is a ; breathing organism and needs air. ' . Which, we shpuld say,, is score one for Magistrate Goldstein. » .'

Sigma Rho


Summer Months Special


Daughters of Zion

COLLEGE SET RETURNS TO STUDIES This week finds m a n y of the Mr. and Mrs. Leo R- Krasne and younger set leaving home for vari- children .-have gone to San Diego, MAGISTRATE GOLDSTEIN ous schools of learning, [both far ami Calif., this week. Mr. Krasne will RULES

WEbatcr SSZ7

The A. Z. A. Mother chapter No. 1 will hold their annual Achar Hataunis dance the" night following the conclusion of Yom Kippur services, October 10,' at the J. C C. ballroom. The committee, through its chairman, Sam Pinkel,- is negotiating with a prominent orchestra, and a popular master of ceremonies. The Mother chapter is outlining a religious and cultural program which, it is planned, will surpass last year's record that brought second place to the Omaha chapter in the international best-chapter contest.

Organization News



A. Z. A; No. 1

Miss Anne Berman was elected president of the Sigma Rho sorority at its opening meeting of the fall season at the home of Miss Evelyn Green. Other officers named are Marian Robinson, secretary; Hannah Gossick, treasurer, and Libby Burstein, reporter. The sorority is planning many afThe Daughters of Zion will hold a fairs for the coming season.

<Dr. 'and :Mrs. Oscar G.reenberg and Butthe question has other angles, daughter, Evelyn' Barbara, have the moralists point out We have moved this week to 101 Frank street. *Mrs. Jack Steinberg. has returned home from Kansas City, Mo., where she spent the past week visiting relatives.

tees for the coming year: has announced the following commit-


109 No. 49th

Ha 2096

S--THR JEWISH HREgfS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1932 daughter, Loraine, and son, Marvin, Reuben Brown, Mrs. William Alberts, ident, and Mrs. Kulakofsky, auxiliary Now Editor of "Shtern" Kfedical Student of Denver, Colo., motored into Omaha Mrs. Albert Kraane. head, gave addresses of welcome. desires Boom and Board in exFriday from Lincoln with their Sewing—Mrs. Morton Degen, chair- Mrs. Goldstein spoke briefly also. daughter, Mrs. J . Jay Marx of Lin- man. Charkov—The editor of the Char- change for services in home or business. Can furnish best Befercoln, and spent the day with Mr. -and Printing and Stationery—Mrs. S. E. kov "Shtern," Yiddish Communist or- ences. Mrs. Julius Newman. The Heller- Gilinsky, rTmirrnayi, Iota Tau gan, M. Levitan, has been released Call Hamey 2235. stems had been visiting in Lincoln Program — Mrs. Herman Jahr, from his duties. with -their son-in-law and daughter, chairman. The Iota Tau sorority, whose meetMr. and Mrs. Marx. Education for Foreign Born—Mrs. ing was suspended during the summer months, met at the home of Miss Mrs. Bertram Marks of Providence, Sam Beber, chairman. R. L, was the guest of Mrs. Lester Community Co-Operation — Mrs.Annette Bender Sunday, September House for Rent j 11. Meyer for the week of September 6. Reuben Kulakofsky, chairman. Travel Bargains Five-room house for rent; all Mrs. Marks will be remembered here Service for Foreign Born—Mrs. Plans were made for a rush party, modern, at 2219 Burdette; reason- l which will be given at the Green ably priced. as the former Miss Celia Rositzky William Holzman, chairman. CHICAGO $5.00 Gardens tea room Sunday, Septemof St. Joseph, Mo. : International Relations—Mrs. Abe For information call at 2123 Please Note—All items must ber 25. Miss Sophie Jacobson is in Burdette, or call We. 1673. Des Moines $2.00 , Brodkey, chairman. be plumed or!mailed in by 5 p. TEA HONORING VISITORS charge. CONVALESCING Mr. and Mrs. Seaman L. Kay and Denver $7.50 m., Wednesdays. daughter, Jean of San Jose, Calif., Miss Ethel Epstein is convalescing Detroit $7.00 will arrive this week to visit with from an appendectomy at the CoveMANVrrZ-OSTRAVICH Los Angeles $20.00 Mr. Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reu- nant hospital. Miss Epstein, who WEDDING ben Kulakofsky, for a couple of had planned to leave this week for BUS DEPOT The marriage of Miss Fanne Os- weeks. New York, has now postponed her travich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JMrs. Kulakofsky and Mrs. A. H.trip indefinitely. Edwards Hotel Bldff. Leo Ostravich, t o Sam Manvitz, son Brodkey will give a tea on Saturday, of Mr. :and Mrs. Hyman Manvitz, September 24, from 4 to 6 p. m., inTHANKSGIVING DANCE 306 No. 16th Ha 5000 (Continued from Page 1.) took place at a beautiful ceremony honor of the visitors. No invitations Plans for Junior Hadassah Annual performed by Rabbi N. Feldman at will be issued. Thanksgiving dance will be formulat•gressing. Rutenberg has harnessed the Congregation of Israel Sunday ed at the next meeting. the Jordan, which furnishes elecafternoon}. September »11, at 5 p.m.HIGHLAND DINNER-DANCE tricity and power for all Palestine. Mrs, Abe: Wolfson sang. " I Love The dosing dinner-dance of the The Dead Sea Chemical concessions You Truly" and "Oh/ ^Promise Me," Highland Country club season was are producing vast quantities of valaccompanied >by - Sam - Epstein.; held Saturday, with fifty attending. uable chemicals at considerable profThe bride -was lovely in a -white The club is planning several post-seait. American Jews, especially from gown, a beautiful combination of son parties. the east, are establishing factories Ckantilly lace and satin. The lace in Tel Aviv and Haifa. bodice - 'was made '-with long sleeves SOCIAL NOTES "The Jews in Palestine today feel and was joined to a skirt of satin, ; Miss Ruth Margolin is visiting in (Continued from Page 1.) that they can stand on their own the skirt was sunburst tucked fitted Kansas City for two weeks with Mrs. feet, as they are self-supporting. countless circular folds. Lawrence FinkeL Mrs. Finkel, forchairman; Mrs. Jules Newman, Mrs. Their sole thought, however, is for Miss Edith Ostravich, maid of hon- merly of Omaha, was the former Sam Wolf, Mrs. Herbert Shapiro, the Jews in Germany, Poland, Lithor, was dressed in an orchid gown Minnette Margolin. Mrs. Harry Shumow. uania and Rumania. They ask Amerfitted to the hips. The skirt, of Library—Mrs. Bert Hene, chair- ican Jewry to make it possible for ankle length, was made of hem- Mrs. Abe Cohen has just returned many more Jews to come to stitched ruffles. Orchid satin shoes from Cheyenne, Wyo., where she vis- man, Mrs. Morris Jacobs, co-chair- many, Palestine." man; Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mis. A. completed her outfit. ited with her father and friends. She Germany Mra. Harry Harris, sister of the also visited in Denver with her sis-M. Grueskin, Mrs. Jack Marer, Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, Mrs. Sam Bialac, In Germany, Rabbi Goldstein found groom, was gowned in a beige geor- ter, Mrs. F. B. Madison. Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky, the Jewish people greatly worried Wear Snow White gette with slippers of the same shade. Miss Eve Ldpsman wore the Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Minkin and Mrs. I. M. Weiner, Mrs. Mickey over the future. While there have Garments duplicate style of the maid of honor, two sons, Michael and Ronald, left Krupp, Mrs. I. O. Levin, Mrs. Philip been few actual physical attacks, the Schwartz, Mrs. Sam Green. economic boycott has "worked havoc except that the color was sky-blue. Wednesday for Duluth, Minn,, to IF I T S WHITE IT IS RIGHT Legislation and Civics—Mrs. Robert among the Jewish business men. Miss Reva Ostravich was dressed in where Mr. MITIVJTI has been transWear White to Please Your Glazer, chairman; Mrs. Mose Ycrasem, They especially dread the possibility orchid georgette with shoes to match. ferred. Patrons Mrs. Ben Glazer, Mrs. Jack Marer, of pogroms. Little Harvey lipsman was ring The Results Will Please Yon bearer; Elaine "Whiteman, flower girl, Miss Bluma Neveleff leaves today Mrs. H. A. Newman, Mrs. A. M. Grue- He found, however, that they are Omaha and Phyllis Holzman and Jerry Co- for Font Bonne college in St. Louis skin, Mrs. Max Holzman, Mrs. Philip facing the future with courage and hen carried the veil. where she will enter her sophomore Schwartz, Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Mrs. determination. Towel Supply Co. Dinner The groom was attended by Harry year. She is being accompanied to St. Harold L Weiner, Mrs. Moe Venger, JA. 9328 Over 300 members of the ConservHarris, best man; Phil Ostravich and Louis by her mother, Mrs. L. Neve- Mrs. Harry Silverman. leff. Herman Friedman. Courtesy — Mrs. Max -Holzman, ative synagogue and their friends atchairman; Mrs. William Feller, Miss tended a "welcome home" dinner in Supper and dancing followed the ceremony. Music was furnished by • Miss Anne Tretiak left the early Hazel Degen, Mrs. Abe Greenberg, honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldstein Wednesday evening at the J. C. Cthe Creightonians. The couple left part of this week for Evanston, HL, Mrs. Mose Yousem. for Denver, and after their honey- where she enters her second year at Telephone—Mrs. Jules Newman, Rabbi Goldstein spoke about his trip. Northwestern university. moon will reside in Omaha. chairman; Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Mrs. Jack Marer was toastmaster. J. Sam Bialac, Mrs. David Cohen, Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky, congregation presIsadore Richlin, son of Mr. andBenjamin Friedman, Mrs. Ben Glazer, ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Joe L. Kaplan of Missouri Mrs. J. Richlin, leaves next week for Mrs. M. Grodinsky, Mrs. Albert KrasValley, Iowa, announces the engage- Chicago, where he will enter the ne, Mrs. L Kulakofsky,' Mrs. Philip ment of her sister, Miss Rose Ricks, University of Chicago. He gradu- Levey, Mrs. Moe LinsmajaJ Mrs. M.3fc rj >;: 5693—1932-33 to Mr. Nathan Gimple of Omaha, son ated from North High in June with Micklin, Mrs. Albert Neiraban, Mrs* of ME. .and Jttrs. William Gimple. high extemporaneous, debate and H. A Newman, Mrs. Fre'd/^Rosenstoiekj pTEE US A KING FOE YOUR Mrs. H. D. Shapiro, Mrs. Ehflip; S&4ii No date has been set for the wed-scholastic honors. YEAR CARD ORDER Mrs. Harry Shumow, Mrs. SiitfWolf. Mr. David Robinson has returned Religion and Religious Education: Your name, address, city THRIFTY SERVICB to Omaha, after an extended trip. Mrs. Julius Newman, chairman; Mrs. RETURN FROM EAST and state imprinted. 6c Lb. Mrs. H. Wohlner and daughter, Mr. George Klein has just returned Frederick Conn, Mrs. X>avid R.,Cohn, Ja. 0243 C B. 5192 ^ Smith Bros. Mrs. Louis Albert, and Mrs. Albert's from a three months' vacation in the Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky, "Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Mrs* Bert Hene, Mrs. W& children have returned, after a seven - Rnntirigr Co. liam Holzman, Mrs. Sol H. Novitsky, weeks* trip to Schenectady, N. Y.,east. Phone WE. 4861 and other eastern points. They vis- David Lazarus has returned to Cin- Mrs. Sam Peltz. 20th and Charles Streets Membership—Mrs, -Mose Yousem, ited with Mrs. Wohlner's sisters, Mrs. cinnati to resume his studies at the chairman; Mrs. MaxAHblzmaii, "Mrs. B. lass, Mrs.-J. Handelman and Mrs. Conservatory of Music there. L. King, and their families. GLEANERS While east they attended the wed- Mrs. B. Rosenthal has returned To create a glamour to ding of Mrs. Wohhier's son, David DYERS Wohlner, to Miss Esther Lobel on .from a visit in St. PauL your order . . . that is the HATTERS September 4 at Saratoga Springs, N. Leonard White has returned to mission of these better Y. Mr. H. Wohlner and Mr. Albert Omaha, after an eight weeks' visit in TAILORS joined them for the wedding. dresses that use Shaga Among the other out-of-town California. Crepes, Velvets, and Woolguests at the wedding were Mrs. VISITORS Wohlner's father, L. Brodotsky, and ens in the manner of Chanher son-in-law and, daughter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Fine had as 4420-22 North 2 0 their house guests the past ten days el, Patou, and Worth. Their Mrs. Morris Okun, of New York their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. KEnwood 1500 City. shoulders are broad, neckand Mrs. Irwin Osheroff of Chicago HI. Mrs. Osheroff is the former Rose lines ride high . . . hips are ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Fine. Mrs. Jack Levey, formerly Miss moulded . . . and sleeves nniniiiiniiHHiimmwiimnmmmimmHMnwniHimiHini Gertrude Gerber, entertained twenty Mrs. Louis Margolin has had as mf are push-up, Dolman and guests at bridge, followed by a -din- iher guest for the past few weeks ner, Sunday, September 11, honoring Mrs. J. B. Ellison and daughter of Leg o' mutton! Chas. R. Docherty Miss Lilyan Nachsehoen, a bride-to- New York. They were extensively Better Dress Shop—Sixth Floor Commercial Artists = be. * entertained during their stay here.




Any Little Garments May Clothe You . . .

It Takes These Herzbers Fashions—to Make You


Foil Dresses Paris Detailed $




Mr. Nathan Geo. Rochman, son of SURPRISE DANCE Miss Tabby Dolgoff was honored at Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rochman of East a surprise dance at the Chermot St. Louis, HI., spent a week here as ballroom Sunday, September 11, bythe house guest of Mr. and Mrs. hei sister. Miss Dora Dolgoff, in hon-Reuben Ferer. or of her graduation. Fifteen couMr. and Mrs. Louis Hellerstein and ples attended.

Fpr Discriminating People The Jack and Jill offers a mdst delightful atmosphere where meals, tastily served and reasonably priced, make "dining out" a pleasure. Enjoy delicious food . . - breakfast . . . lunch . . . dinner or after tiie show . . . where you know your friends will be, at the

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when aelp is needed quJcUy—fha* Hs value *• you caimot be measured in terms of money, for only a few cents a day you receive a service that « almost KmHiess m what H w l d o lor you. WOBTMWECTWN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY

F RE E One Pair CURTAINS X*ondervd *ith«mt cliarjr*. with «very six [mire srm. (ionran*amA to fit and li«uK stnUebt. Jio hook marks.


Sioux City News Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent



8BQTWBLL. HOK8KX, GKODINSKT * V.«*CJ5AND H A B B l ' V . COHEN". ' 737- Omaha 'Notional Bank" Bide. ' NOTICE" OF AMENDMENT ' TO ' ,CIJ£S OF-INTOBPORATIOy-OF SHOE SPECIALTIES 3IFG. COMPANY. Know all men by these presents: That at k/duly constituted special • meeting of the BtockhoIders-of-Shoe- Specialties • Mfg. Company,, held on this 20th' -day of June, 1D32, nil of the stockholders l>eing present, the following resolution "was unanimously a d o p t e d : .'•••




Zionist Vote Sum for Schatz Burial

German Jewislr*Bank Bankrupt


Notice is hereby RIVCTI thnt* <Hn"the-1st - Nptlce Is Hereby.'given" that on October New I York—The Zionist Organizaday of October. 1032, at the hour of 10 8 1032, at 10 -a. «u- at -2M4 I^eavenworth BerKn—The Industrie und PriwtA.-M-', « at-.2T>14" Leavenworth"' street,- the Street, the undersigned will sell to the tion of America has voted a sum o' undersigned will sell to the highest' bidder highest bidder for cash-s -• bank, representing. the" banking bmri1 vel o s davenport 2 yel O • arm chairs for cash: • money to defray the expenses of tlie 1 J)xl2 Wilton rug 1; iftatuuprt Columbia nes3 of the firm of Jakob Michael, 1 tap. uph. radio bench; 1 Tfl. o. • . phono No. 192G1 - wal darenport tabla 1 transportation to and burial in Palesdavenport: 1 vrl. a. • . arm chair; 1 bronze table lamp « Ax ihrow rugs 1 wjal one of Germany's jtorgeStrfirms, -went oak wrltlnjr <3c»k; 1 « « l . end table: tine of Professor Boris Schatz, promcase d h Western Electric sewing machine 1 wal.- vel. ». arm rocker; 1 green : : No. l^THiC-C.-l-oak dining taWe 1 onk buffet into bankrupteyv ^X-t i • • magazine rack; 1 niftal floor lamp; 1 inent Jewish sculptor and founder of . poly, brldff* lamp; 1. 9x13- Ax." rug; ' '4 oak lei a diners, 1 0x12 ax.nig.'1 sanitary i The firm 'had - liabilities' in the cot- and pad 1 • liro! iron daybol and i>ad the Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts, 1'8-SxlO-C Ax. rug; 1 tral.cnbt. Sen: 1 Hoover"eleaTncuum.:cle«ne:r.l-w'Bite baby amount of 38,000;OOOL, marks, about tinel eleo. radio.complete; 1 oak dress-. "comp 1 oak-v? g arm ro<-ker 1-wnl 4 poster $9,036,400, as against assets*of 1,000;- whose body has remained in a Denver er; 1 bro. metal bed spg:s. and matt.; !>ed spgs and. matt "I" wal tfrtsser 1 oak 1 oak vr. s. arm rocker; 1 4-b; Odin mortuary since his death in March. (Can n n ( r ; . 1. white kit. table; S wh. . . center table X -gilt iron -lie* epgs and mntt 000 marks, or about $237,800. 1 wai vanity- and -bench J oak chest of kit. chairs; 1 50-lb. Ice King ref?.; drawers 1" bro iron lmby.bed complete 1 1 wal. dinlnt table; 1 wal. buffet; 0 gray-iron- bed spgs anil inatt-t^gllt iron wal. tap.'s. illnersjanil all rtliUw-i,-linbaby bed comp 1 gray dresser. T»«lse 1 gray ens, silverware, beddine and kit. utra-* framed mirror 1 4b Acorn gas range 1 kit »1I«, ' table 1 iv. s-kit cfifflr 1 high chair 1 HO 1b. covered by Chattel Mortqaire executed -by

"Itesolved, that the Articles of Incorpornflon of-Shoe Specialties-Mfg. Company, be and the same nre hereby amended In the following particular, nnnielyr that-the u»me of the corporation shall-be and it is hereby changed to SHOE ACCESSORIES MFG. CO., and Article X of said Articles of IncorjtQtatlon shall be nnilthe same i s The B u s i n g • Girls' club resumed hereby ianidiXJed so iip to change itlie seal its meetings' Wednesday, at- the Com- to refg, 1 walcabt Stewart-Warner P. _ SJoore and..Jeunette Mdore I^eonard !, amended ts to rent! as fol- Benj:rmln radio 1 metal- floor lamp 1 metal Members and friends of Shaare munity Center.' ; Dinner wfcs followed on October 2, 1931, to V. E. Tyson, doing elec bridge lamp arid all dishes, linens, silverbusiness as the Omnta JLonn fompiiny, Jvate. bedding-and Zion synagogue will honor-Rabbi H. by a program, ;and a idisenssioa' of feiof the corporation i s SHOE nnd utensils. ; : . having been filed for. record i n . the - Covered by Chattelkit : ! &1FO. CO.", 1 ilbrtgnge executed by •R. Rabinowitz with a "welcome the "year's'plans.' • office of "the. County. Clerk of., I>o«gias John P. Maiireili mid ' | J ,.]'" Article ;£? his; jirneDiled is to read as fol Anna M. Mninelii -. "i > •i . i • .i County. Xebrnska. " . ' '' ' home" banquet Sunday evening, Seplows:»t' on February ">. 1032..-to 'FV E. Tyson, doing ws: Said sale-will be. for the purpose of fore"The corporation shall have a senU which cIosiiiK said Mortgage .and to satisfy the. Iui8ine88 ns. "OMAHA J.OAN COMI'ANY," tember 18, at 6:45 o'clock. The The Y. A. J. club held its regular be circular in form, with the vrords, amount Ane thereon, t«-wii: One.HoiMin'd •ami- leaving- been filed for record • in the rabbi returned to the city Wednes- meeting Tuesday evening. A busi- shall of the County Clerk . of : Douglas "Shoe: .Accessories Mfg. Co.,'Omaha'.- Ke- Twenty-five.and.JiflflOO dollars ($125.00), office the thereCounty, Nebraska. . ,_ b h circumference i f h day morning, after spending the last ness meeting'was followed by a pro- _, ki*^ ''abound casts.?* " , .-."•• of, "arid • £he, words, "Corporate Seal," lu and accruing Said sale will lie for the purpose.of foreF. E. TYSO3tf..-T>olns Business three' months visiting in Palestine. gram'. the center;" ''• • closing sa^d '.Mortgage and to satisfy the. . aOMAJJAiQAXC III Witness Whereof, the undersigned ns »-5)-32-3t A. H. Baron will act as toastmasnrnount due thereon to-wit: Two hundred President- iaiitl: fSJcoretary, respectively, of nnd-ES-lOO Dollars (?20i;ii2) anil accruter and Mr. John Lansberg will "wel- .Members of the-Hawkeye club held the ssilflt I corporation, have subscrilHMl 8HOTWELL, MONSKT, •OnODINS'HT- * ; i<H^ing costs. - • '. - - " • VANCE, AXD HARKV- B." COHENV - - " come Rabbi Rabinowitz in behalf of an informal meeting this'week. There their niimes. ' '- ': '•- - • • F. E. TYSOX. doing Hnsiness ns ;' ; • MICHEL KATLE11AN, Attorneys. ' _ -" the congregation. This will be fol-was no business meeting. OMAHA LOAN COMt»ANY. ill 11'1 ! ' 1 i ' i President.


Herzoff, s'ergeaht-at-arms, and Gisela Pill, reporter: The new officers will be installed at the meeting next' week.

lowed by an address by the rabbi. JfOTICH is hereby ip^reu that the tinder— I I - -,i \'\\ ! • ;BB&S ' L.'KATLKMAN. WELL, MOXSKY.-GRGDIKSKY * a-aCt32-^:t] -, I j • j •' i I •_ ; .Seeretsiry. .slsned have fornip<l':r corporatioii wiitler SHOT VANCE AND RARRT B. COHEN,,( The ladies' auxiliary of the synathe name of I5BCK COX.STHUCTHJX Attorney*. ' COMPANV. with Its principal, place ,<>f. gogue will serve the dinner. Mrs. NOTICK IS IIRUICBV GIVEN thnt the business in Omnha, Nebraska." Tl>e <s>rMax Herzoff and Mrs. -John Kauffporatioii shall have authority to f-ffrry on Jniulersigned have formed a ..; corporation OROUINSKV rian are in charge of• the menu, with and conduct a gen<>rjjl 'pnglne^rinfr' con- innder the name ot BUCK' ItEALT"S COM,, TaSCJi-j^iXPiCiKKlB. COHEN. trjictinjt business anil to Tnatiufnctyire.'pnr- •l'A.VY, with its principal place of business Mrs.' Dora Baron in charge of the MissiPa\ilin<e Sokolsfcjy; daughter ol ' 7SV j Oroiilm XaHonaL Bank chiise -mill sell any «fnd all materials and in Omaha. The corporation shall have nnMr. and Mrs.. I. Sokolsky, will beT dining room arrangements. supplies of every' kind and character used thority to maintain nnd-opprnte A-real esIn or about n jriMierhl enKinpering and tate holding, i-ompnny and to. purchase, Rabbi Rabinowitz lived in the Jew- come the bride of David, Hoberman, coatractinK Imsii>c.«»; to 'acquire by pur- lease, hire, control, niana-je and otherwise ish Centers of Palestine during his son of1Mr. and-Mrs: B. Hoberman.of chase or subscription, or otherwise, and deal in real estnte nnd other' personal to hold as investments.-.any' bonds.or s e - property, and _£haJl have thi'-iieht tj).issue •stay there, studying the conditions Omaha, Nebr., next Sunday after? INC; Know jail men by, Ihese preseuts: That curities or other items of indebtedness, bonds, mortgages or other evidences of Tlie .inthorixtnl o;ipit»l stock of the land and; people, as well as noon at 4 o'clock in the home of the-at .« tluly, coiiijtituttSi special meeting of including shares of••apital stock of iml»lrte<lji("8x. the i stoilfholders H»f Butterfly l'roducts any corporation, and .to' handle such real is SiriO.tMXl.OO. Aividtd into 1.100 shnreis of the modes of living.'. He traveled in bride's parents. .C'omi>qny, Inc.j held, on this loth day of or personal property as nuty-he-required. 510:).00 par value per share prrferreil. stock company with several of his col- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Can-ijune. 3SJB2,' all of the . stot-kholilcrs being The.autluirizcd capital .stock-Is ?12Tr,0O0 0O.- siud AM shares of ?1QO.«O. pnr vnl<* per the_follo\viUs resolution was anau- nll common, par value 3X00.00,..being ftilly share of common st6ck. all «f which-when leagues. .••'• - . I; tor Pligkin .will: officiate at the .wed4 ipresent,jmously ;aUopted:.: ' puid u-hen issued and non-assessable.' The isst:ed shall be fully paid. and. lum-aRsu'KSThe preferred stock shall be preThe banquet. will'be; open to theding cerehiony,- which .will'. be wit- ' '"Hesolved. that the Articles of Incorpo- highest amount of indebtedness shall not al»!e. as t a dividends nnd .-issi-ts In-ihe of Butterfly. Products Company. exceed two-third« of tiie capital* The cor- ferred members, irieiuis and families of thenessed by 40 guests. Following the ration e.venf of. liquidation and shall lie. cumuInc.. be and the same are hereby amended poration ;Rlmll coinmeiice lxisiuess when lative, : carrying.a dividend of (> per cent synagogue. It will be given in. the ceremony, a dinner will be served to in the following particular, namely, tnat the Articles are fi><l with the County per nuuum. The cumulntive stock may be the name of the corporation shnll he and Clerk of Dongl:is County, Xcliraska, and Tedwjmetl social hall of the Shaare Zion. 80 guests at the L. Kaplan home. any. time after one year from it is hereby changed 1o SHOE SPECIAL- continue until J:inuary lst v 2033. The'nf- Issuance upon thirty days' written notice. Mr. Hoberman and his fiancee will TIES JIFO. COMPANY, and Article X of fairs shall lie administered by a l'.o.ird of The highest amount shnll reside in Omaha, after a trip to said. . Articles of Incorporation shaH be :I>irectors of not less than three nor more not exceed two-thirdsofofindebtedness capital stock, and the *jime is herebj- amended so as to than five in number.' nnd the undersigned but such .limitation shnll the not apply to inKansas City. " ' shall be the first. Hoard. The stockholders chnn^e the senl to conform."


debtedness represented l»y notes, bonds 'shnll elect directors" at the annual meet- and mortgages, the payment of which is ing to be held the second Wednesday in Becittedby teal estate.. The corporation A number of lovely social events January ~of each'ye&v Thereafter the di^ shall commence husiness wtieu the Articles recfors shall elect • ojOcers, viss., PreSiflfiit; sire filed with the have honored Miss Sokolsky during Connty Clerk of Itouglas VIee-1'resident,Sec*V«ry -nmI--TrMisnre>. County Nebraska, nnd continue until Janthe past week. Thursday evening, The "Articles may be nuiended. .The cor- iuiiry 1st, 3033i -The-ifffairs shall lie adThe local B'nai Britth lodge will Miss Sara and Miss Goldie Leyine poration shall have ,n r.Beal.ministered by a Board of Directors of not hold its first.meeting.of the season entertained 20 guests at a bridge »ated July 5th, IMS. • less than three nor more thnri five, and next Tuesday evening,,September 2.0, and linen shower, as a courtesy, to the undersigned shall be the first Board. ••- - -cf-AURxcE RECK; The stockholders shall eject directors at . « . _ . AKTHUlt KKCK. in the- Jewish Community Center. Miss Sokolsky. the annual meeting to i»e held oh the sec- - - -ATjKNuVXI^Klt S E C K , in .the- center. Burnell Koolish will speak before the ond-Wednesday in January of each year. - - - • •• B K X K Y DKCK. Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. ZelinIn Witness -Whereof, the nndersigned ns 0-2-32-4t •Thereafter directors shnll elect the offiJOHN I*. SOUEXSOX. members on "Government Control of cers, viz.. President. Vice-I'resident, Secsky was hostess to a group of President nnd Secretary, respectively, of Business." retary nnd Treasurer. The -Articles may JACK W. MAHEUi Attorney. friends, honoring the briderelect. the snid corporation, have subscribed their be amended. With the assent In writing Plans for the annual B'nai Britli Bridge was followed by a dainty names. County Court House, City. MICHEL KATLEMAX. of the holders of 65 per cent of all of the Yom Kippur night dance will be an- luncheon. President. capital stock of the corporation -issued and .In the County Court of Douglas Comity, outstanding, the entire assets of the corBESS L. KATLEMAN. nounced, and details of the winter's . . Nebraska. . • • •• Secretary. poration may l>e sold for a consideration 9-16-32-4t In the Matter of the Estate of Mrs. Hnrry to lie determined by the Hoard of Direcjrogram- will-be discussed: - Mr. Mor- /The Iota Tau sorority met Tues- Witness: ' Miller, also knownas Margaret Miller, tors. The corporation shall have a seal. ey Upshutz, president of the lodge, day evening at. the home ,o£ Miss A.-Green berg. t»eceased. . . , . - . . Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, the Cth day To the hoirs-In-lnw. creilitors,' and all,of July, 1032. rill preside! Dee Silver. Plans; for tfie seaspni 8HOTWEXI'. MONSKY, GROOTNSKY * • oilier persons interested in said cstale: and HAHRY B. COHEN. ALKXANHKK BECK. i l'pii are hereby notified' that a petition . . which include .volunteer, /.i'ejiei' work,! f• ; • •VANCE, • Atorneys CLAKENCK KECK, has been filed in this Court on the 20th werej discussed. Bridge and .rejEre^n-AKTHCitt 15BCK». . flay of August. 1032. by Margaret Marie r N O T I C S is'Tiereby-given that at a duly Kriz. alleging that Mr». Harry Miller, also . -; .- • H-RXKY BKCK, \ ments concluded thei evening.; ^constituted special meeting o f the stocK0-2-32-ft = JOHN; L. goB kjiowu as; Mnrgaret Miller die«I on the 29th holUers of CAKTKlt LAKK CLITB, INC.. <lay ,of April, 1010. intestate; that at the The first fall meeting of, the la- ,M held on.'the 26th day of July,-1932.a set FKADENBTRG, STAXHA8TER * BEB£R time of/her death she-was a resident of Helen Friedman visited with; of--Amended and' Substituted Articles of Douglas County. .Nebraska, and that, she ' •«5Ok -Omkh» N a r | : Bank Bids, l.'.jfies' auxiliary ~\of Shaare Zion, syna- relatives and friends in; Omaha this Incorporation •were adopted as the Amend- •nrii* possessed of; the. following described go'^ue will be held Tuesday, aftered -ind Substituted Articles of Ineorpora- real estate situate in Douglas County, Ne- •_ *:•<; 'MKpKATJE.IsbTiCK.Vi -;'.i •' ' tlon~of Carter I^ake Club. Inc.,- which in braska, to-wit: -.; ;• • -.• • In the Mafter of the Estate of Israri Knl»noon, September 20, in the social'hall irubstnftce is arfoI10w8: The name of the Lot Nine Hundred One <001) In Homek o f s k j r ; D e c c a i s e d ; • • ... •' - - ;-..-• :-.- •••-.' : ' of the synagogue. , shnll b& Carter Tj>te""Clul»; Inc. stead Addition to the City of South OmaNotice^ is hereby given thnt the creditors Miss Vera Bloom > f Chicago is^a corporation Xhimain office shall be in OmaBa, Nebrasof said deceased will meet the admlnistntha, as surveyed,-phttted and recorded. • . Mrs. Barney Baron announces 'that guest: in the home ot* Mr., and: Mrs. ka, but the corporation rtay have a branch tors of snid. estate. . before me. Connty Lot Nine Hundred Two <!fO2) Home- Judge ' an important business will be held Barney Baron,; 1810 Grandview. Mrs! office iDi'ottawattainie Comity, Iowa. The stead of Douglas County. NebrnskH. at AddiUoM to the City of South Oma- the County Court Boom., |n said County. nature of the business of the;cor- ha,, as surveyed, platted and recorded.". preceding the program. Tea will be Bloom, a former Sioux Cityan, will general °n the 1st day "of November. 1932. and on porafidn and ' its "• objects, ' purposes nnd 'That, snid. petitioner has nn interest In the .trd day of January, 1933, at 9- o'clock served at the conclusion,of the after- visit with friends and relatives for powers are to •protect'fish and game in said real estate being nn heir of Enid deM. each day, for the purpose of prenniVabont.Cnrter'Lake, to detect andcause ceased and petitioner prays that a hear- A. noon. •enHirg. their claims for examination, adseveral weeks. '. .'•:••[', tO'i' "Violators • of <Ish "and 1«E lie-had on said petition, that notice justment and "allowance^ Thwe months Progress of the various committees game Jaws of tha States of Iowa' nhd'Ne- thereof be given as required by law. nnd are allowed for the creditors to present Hnisks; t« encourjige nnd promote lishtheir riaims, from the Sst.'day of Octoworking on the play, "Welcome upon said hearing a decree <>f helrMrs. L» Kronich and Mrs. S. Kois- ing.vboatingi yachting"1 nnd other 'atiiateur that ber, 15132. "•'••:.• r'- • »; - '. ship* bp' entered ni«>fHrther ndministraStTanger," will be announcedduring berg were;guests 'of hJonor;,atL a .sur- fielii games, sports nnd pastimes: to es-,t»n of said estate be" disposed with. BRXCE CRAWF and maintain- a CInb House, ' ; YOU are therefore notified that a hear- »-»-32-St . County the afternoon by Mrs] .*&' • K J Shul- prise; party;^^^Thursday evening lofij the tablisli grounds: and 'other1 - social olulr' facilities ing: vrill be had on .said petition .it'life kin, general chairman of the arfowtaaMse, pltastire. comfort, conven:event of; their birthdays, /Which:;, pcr leuce. entertainment and amusement of its County Court Room -of Bald County, on Warsaw -^- Four hundred Polish rangements. . • 24th clay of Septeml>er, 1032. at 9 cur the, same day. The evening Vras ^members. ..It Khali have the power in con- ;the [o'clock A. M., and that if you fail to ap- Jews, the majority.of them chalutzim, spent at bridge, and refreshments jiection with the maintenance nnd opera- ;penr at said time nnd place nnd contest have sailed for Palestine. A throng t(on ,of the Club to determine the. classes !the said petition, the Court may grant the were served. . . •iand condinons of - membership -nnd the.same, em er a decree of heirship. and de-numbering thousands appeared at the •lues, fines nnd other charges therefor, cree that further administration of said railway station to bid the travellers and shall have the power tp suspend and estate be disposed with.. The Alpha Chi Gamma sorority farewell, .constituting a most impresotherwise- regulate such membership. The A number of students left this BUYCE CRAWFORD, shall have the power to pursive demonstration. County Judge. week for Iowa City, where they are will meet Saturday evening at theeor,porattori' chase, lease, hire and otherwise acquire 9-2-32-St. home of Miss Anne Lipton. enrolled l l d iin the h U University i i off I real and: ivrtonal property nnd:-aiiy inters cst-'orestdte' In either improved or unimAmong them are Morris Lasensky, Miss/Lillian Magaziner, who will proved to ith.e extent that, the; same; may ' Article I as nmenilvil is to read as follows : "The name of the corporation is SHOE SPECIALTIES IIFCJ. COMPANY." Article X as amended is to read as follows: "The corporation shall haven seal, which shall be circular in form, with the words, "Shoe Specialties 5Ifg. Company. Omnua. Nebraska." around t h e circumference .thereof, and the words, "Corporate Seal,"


Students Leave

Isadore Kantor, George Kuntz, Loyal Kier, Billy Mosow, Sol Kronick, David Kaplan, Isadore Liberman, Irving -Lunin, Joe Skalovsky and Lionel London.

he - necessary or convenient for the aeooinleave soon for Ann Arbor, Michv to plisltnient of any "of. the objects • of j pnid corporation., to Hold, own. .and maln-> ;enroll at the university there, ha? thin the same»nA nnd to Bell, dispose of.* lease; been the inspiration for several" SOT .convey,- mortgage; nnd otherwise encumber any part thereof:nnd-anjr cial events during.the^ past week. ; -such-property.;or imprbyements thereon, nnd. to pt6vide for • Miss Buth Kosberg entertaine«i ,a the .expenses of maintaining the same, and have the power to. borrow money and group of friends Wednesday evening shall to issue notes, bonds, or other evidences, of as a farewell courtesy to MissMag- such indebtedness secured by any or hll of the corporate property or .unsecured, ns aziner.... This evening, Miss Marion the Board of Directors shall deem for-the One hundred, guests attended the Eocklin will entertain for Miss Mag- best Interests of this corporation.' These Amended anil Substituted* Articles shall membership tea given by the junior bacome effective upon the filing of a.copy, Hadassah chapter last Sunday after- aziner. thereof witt ,the. Clerk of,Douglas .Cttunty, and : the -corporation; shall. con* noon, in the Martin hotel.- Miss Eli ;.Irving Widesky, son of Mr. .andNebraska, tlritie'until the 1st day of January. 1900, i abeth Raskin, president of the chap- M V ^ i l t e / W i d k y ; " ^ V c e l e l ) r a t e unless'sooner terminated by la'vr.- The-au-' ter, opened the program with a word ,his. Bar Mitzyah, a t Shaare Zion thorized capital stock of the: corporation shall be $100.000,, divided, into- 200 Bhares of welcome to the members and their Synagogue, next Saturday morning. of the par value of ?iiO0 each, ."which •when issued shall lie fully pnid and'non-assessgvwsts. • able. No stockholder shall own more than Others on the program included: George, Stoller of Omaha/Nebras- threeV-sbnres of the cnpital stock. The Miss Charlotte Fitzgibbon, soprano, ka, visited in Sioux City last Sun- stockholders shall be, only such persons as are approved by the Board of Pirectors accompanied by Pierce Wall at the day. .' . : . ' ' . . . • • • . . . ..' nnd who shall be the owners of one or more shares, riot exceeding' thrpe, of the piano; Mrs. E. L. Keiss, pianist; stock of the corporation. Each Miss Mina Slotsky, reader; Charles Mr. and Mrs. A. Simons of Loscapital share of stock shall be transferable by nsAbdo, in musical novelties, and Miss Angeles, accompanied by : their son sljrnment in the manner "provided^ by the by-laws nnd subject to the approval of. the Freda Albert," who concluded the pro- Beii and daughter Rose, visited with Board, of Directors. The highest amonnt gram with a talk on Hadassah and friends- in Sioux City, this week of indebteilnesK to -which this corporation Jnoy at any time subject itself Rhnll not its work. Theyt are former Sioux Cityans. exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The : While in^:this vicinity} ..they will private property of individual stockholders shall not be subject to corporate Ha-, spend more time visiting in Omaha bility. Dues shall be levied arid collected


"Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Funerals To Fit Any Purse Phone HArjri^ii^gG^i^^arnam at Thirty-third


A. Z. A.

against, each member of nny class, as provided by the by-laws. The affnirs of the corporation shall be hdminiRtered by a Cast for the annual fall p production ' Mrs. Sadie Dreyfoos, • a , former Boiird of Directors consisting of nine who shall l>e plpoted by the 'Sioux, Cityan, has. returned here to members, of the A. Z; A. chapter,' J The stockholders. The present Board of Di1 'make her home. ' rectors nnd the expiration dates of their was chosen after tryouts last wee terms of office "nre as follows: Williom The" cast follows: Sara Goldberg, Holzman, Henry Monsky and Liloyd Skin; Miss Helen Levitt is visiting in.'St. ner, term expiring December. iftSi: Georce "Petunia;" Al Herzoff, "Charlie;" Ed Eaul, ! G. Pray. U. H. Koran and T. E. Mustain, with relatives and.friends. Miller, "Bill Clark;" Martin Kozberg term expiring December, 1933; Albert 13. Snyder, C. L. Dettman and W. F. Knapp, "Daddy;" Marvin EJass, "Belham;" JACK W. MAUER, Attorney. term expiring December. 1032. The DiCounty Court Bouse, City Bernice Galinsky, "Mrs. .Middleton;' rectors shall.elect a President, Vice-Presnnd Treasurer from their own numMarcella Levich, "Virginia;" Katie NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OK PETI- ident ber and a Secretary may be elected front Raskin, "Ivy;" Annette Baker,"Eve- ' TION FOU: SETTLEMENT OF FINAL their own number or otherwise, as the ACCOUNT. : Board may determine. With the assent in lyn;" Stanley Herzoff, "Ralph;" Er- InADMINISTRATION the Connty Court of Douglas Connty, writing of G6 2-3rds of the capital stock nie Epstein, "Travers," and Morris . Nebraska. Of the corporation or pursuant to votes In the Mfltter of the Estate of Wilbur given in person or by proxy by stockBorshevsky, "Samuel Fowler." Christensen, Deceased. holders holding G8 2-3rds: of the capital The definite date and • place for - the All persons Interested in said matter are stock, the Board of Directors shall bare hereby notified that on the 7th day of power and authority to sell, assign, transproduction has : hot yet been an-; September, 1932,- Lillian Christensen filed fer, convey or otherwise dispose of -the nounced- Mr.. German Slotsky and a petition in said County Court, praying propertr and assets of the corporation ns thai her final administration account filed an entirety or coing concern, on such Miss Sara' Goldberg are directing the herein be settled and allowed, nnd that she terms and-conditions ns to the Board may be discharged from her trnst ns adminis- seem fit, either for cash, bonds, or shares cast. tratrix nnd that a hearing will be had on of cnpital stock of any corporation or corBald!petition before 'said Court on the 1st porations, or for. any kind or species of day of October, 1932, nnd that If you fail property or .obligations or. securities. The to-appear- before' said Court on the said Board of Directors shall not hove the power 1st day of" October, 1032, at 0 A. M.,to,commit, the corporation to an obligation and contest said petition, the Court may in-^he amount of $1,000.00.or more without grant the prayer of said petition, enter a the. consent, of the stockholders. Members of the Debra, club elected decreei/bf hjbirship, and- make snehj-other Dated July 2G; 1032. officers at their meeting Monday eve- and forther. orders, allowances and deCourt may seem proper; crees, e e , havtft this C u t ay e m p r p e ; KOBT. H. KOKAN, WM. L. HOLZning Miss Ethel Shindler was cho-to t i the th "end that nil matters pertaining to . . BIAJJ,_WM. F. -KNAPP« LLOYD sen 'president; Jean - Montrose, ;vfce- said estate be finally settled and settled, and de- - SKINNEK. EDWARD E. NICHOLS. stat may be BEYCB CRAWFORD. termid: CRAWFORD OEORGE G. PRAY, E. R. BRAINnresid°ntf Sophie Franklin, secretary; termined.: ! t <3ooBty Jjtdga• AKD and JOSEPH RQHACEK. i Fern Woolfsc*. treasurer?"Beatrice ».9:st ' County Judge. »-16-32-4t „; Ittcorporatorm. * ' '"' ' ' ~ a l s o .

.'• ;




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