the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to itie ideals of Judaism
JTIIUTKII at* Second-CV'iBji Mail nutter on Jimunry zi, ivzi, K Pnginffire ni Omabn.- Nebraska, tinder the Act of liarcb 3. 1S70
'Conspircvcy of Silenced to DefvatAtiti- ^ Religion Plan
Vol. X—No. 34
PMn Clothes" Police Hitlerism in United States Being Planned to Protect German Synagogues New York <J. T. A.).—A new na-
Zionist i^onterence in Omaha November 5 r 6
tional party to introduce Hitlerism in Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Negotiations the United States will be formed unwere inaugurated "with the police department, by the Central Union of der the direction of a committee German Citizens of the Jewish Faith headed by John Franklin Carter, deand the Federation of Jewish Com- scribed as a former newspaperman munities to. protect the synagogues in New York and late an employe Popular Demand May Cause Inthroughout Germany during' the of the state department, according struction to Start to a Berlin dispatch in the" New High Holydays. • ' York Times. Early Last year, for the first time in the Mr. Carter will investigate develThe conference of the Central history, of BerEn, /worshippers were v-.jThe jschbql. of, music, which is "be^ Southwest region of the Zionist Or- • attacked on the Jewish New Year as opments of Hitlerism in Geneva and Ing'offered at the Jewish Community ganization of America will be held they were leaving synagogue serv- Lausanne before departing for the United States. in Omaha on November 5 and-6. Center -starting 'this' fail/jwiU in" all ices. . Morris Kothenberg, president of the probability" start' instruction carlieT The police department suggested Zionist Organization of America, will than the announced date" of Novemthat policemen in .civilian attire" be' be the principal speaker. ber 1. stationed-at the synagogues in order Among the Zionist leaders -who • The directors of the school, -which not to attract attention. This methwill be present in addition to Rothwill be directed by Mrs. Henry Monod .would be rimilar to that employed enberg are Professor Oustave Klaussky, are contemplating inauguration for the protection of diplomatic ner,-president of "the region; Harry buildings. -- •: . . of the studies sooner because of popFriedberg, of Kansas City; and-Rabnlar demand. The school of music - This proposal was accepted by the Vienna (J. T. A.).—Declaring that bi Julius - Gordon, • Dr. Alexander idea ~£ot the Community Center has Jewish- representatives. The details there is no racial purity, Otto Forst Wolf, and Mendel Fisher, of St. alone now remai* to be settled. •been acclaimed by many, and indide Battaglia, well known Austrian Louis. - ' cations point "to a most successful writer, declares in a new book, "SeDelegates are expected from the inrpttment. Registrations are-being crets of the Blood," that many royal various districts represented- in jthe taken now at the Community Cenfamilies have Jewish blood in their region, which includes the - states . of ter." . " veins. Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, MisThe- advisory board includes outEsther Shapiro, he asserts, daughsouri, Colorado and Oklahoma. : standing Omaha music ' teachers. ter of a vicerchancellor of Peter the The United Palestine Council, .. Tuesday evening, November Great -of . Russia, brought Jewish They will supervise the instruction which represents - the local Zionist Lewis E. Lawes, -warden of Sing blood into 20 royal families. Among and pedagogical methods of groups, "will actively participate in Sing.. them he lists the Chigis, hereditary school. , the conference. Wednesday evening, December 28 marshalla. of- the-Roman Catholic Among the music teachers on the Klutznick Chairman —Drew Pearson, co-author of t*Wash- Schedule of ActivitiesjatX-C.-€.- Church, the Polish royal families of board are Martin Bush, Cecil BerryThe Council has designated Philip ington Merry-Go-Bound.' -~ ~ f ttr Bdaness and ProLubomirski, Potocki and Lanckoronman, Jean Dufneld, August Borglum M. Klutznick, president of the Zion^W«d»esday~everiing, January 25— f essiwjal Men ski, and the dukes of Holstein. and Harry Braviroff. The board also WilTDurant, famed philosopher and The Temple Israel Sisterhood will ist district, to be chairman of arOne-tenth of high Austrian society indudes__M feyVj^ indudes__Mrsvv. Bfe author. The Business Men's Health Club, has Jewish-blood in its veins, he de- open the 1932-33 season on Tuesday, rangements for the conference. The Harry A. Wolf, Irvin, Stalmaster and Sending Such Letters Is CrimWednesday evening,' February 22 which, has been integrated into the clares, through marriages with Perei September 27, with a buffet lunch- invitation to hold the conference in Jack Marer. ... . . (. inal Offense, by Changed —Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, outstand physical education department pro- ras, Arnstein, Henigstein and others. eon at 10 o'clock at the Temple, Omaha was recently extended by the While "a" schedule of fees has not Ruling ing Jewish religious leader. Park avenue and Jackson street. j executive committee to Prof. Klaus- , gram of the Jewish Community Cenyet been fixed, it is, contemplated March 29—Philip.La Follette, govter, is already ftmcironing, and will Mrs. Harry Bosenfeld will be in ner and Bothenberg, and they read- i that a fee "of one dollar for the indi'; Montreal (J. T. A.).—Premier K. ernor of Wisconsin. be in full swing by the end of the charge. A business meeting will fol- ily accepted. vidual instruction for each period in B. Bennett of Canada has instructed : Not only Zionists will be invited month, when special classeswill be low the luncheon. each' course will be charged. This the Canadian postoffice system to reAnnually the Forum attracts the organized and conducted by Morris Mrs. Mayer L. Cohn, president of to attend the conference, but also Drill include theoretical classes. . fuse to deliver mail carrying anti- thoughtful elements of the commun- H. Sogolow, physical director. the Sisterhood, has appointed the fol- the members of Senior Hadassah, "This is not-a charitable^ project," Semitic stickers. ity, both Jewish'- and- non-Jewish. lowing circles* leaders: the Mesdames Junior Hadassah, Poale' Zion, Zeire The Business Men's Health Club explained Jack Marer, chairman- of " All' letters with such stickers are The. audiences always fill the audiHerbert Arnstein, Sam Berkowitz, Zion, and all other organizations do; is specifically, for the business and the Center committee^ "Ail who use to be forwarded to the dead letter torium to capacity. professional men, with.private lockCarl Furth, Abe Greenberg, Joseph ing work for the Jewish National the facilities ,v31 pay,-but the amount department. The use' of the stickers This year's list is especially ef• ers and separate showers. The faWeinberg and Sam Wertheimer, Sr. Homeland. charged will be . very reasonable. was'branded as a criminal "offense. fective, and the sale of tickets is exThe purpose of the conference is cilities, whcih include a social room, pected to be brisk. Classes will -be held for both chil- '"• These disclosures were made by S. are restricted to active and senior to definitely organize, on a regional 2,500 Dwellings Needed at Once dren and adults." . Jewish Education Series W. Jacobs, Jewish member of the men. Effective decorating ; and basis.* It is the plan of the Ameri* for Those Who Are 'Special classes for adults in har- Canadian Parliament. The Jewish cultural series, inaug- lounges add to the "dub" atmosphere . : can Zionist Organization to organize ; Already There mony and"music appr&cia'trdn"a5re*be- ..' Peviously the Canadian Postmaster urated ' last year and to be contin- of the social room. •" Masseurs iare district groups which will Jje^hte adinf»: planned. General,- Arthur Sauve, had vstated uedj this year; asipSrt-Vof.the Jewish j being off eied -at reasonable -prices. > ministrative units of their respective : ".". :/:TipiiJB school of mu3|c_ will follow the that he had no* authority to.curb the Educational prograjn ip| * ihe^Coim-J ^'This innovation ibr the "ComraanMoscow, (Ji. T.sA.V—33»-mass areas. • . :• • . . . * '"' :" V program of the D/£st; conservatories anti-Semites in ^his-^jcanne^uij;^ min&trCenCe9^!"itidfi'*ltiTe'Ai£»' .coow ity Center is'most ^^^ortant," stated «atlontjf'Jewish settlers in " The conference, will discuss v fe oflrimsief'and will jnoyide instruction Irvin Levin, chairman of the physical Bidjan may show a further sharp, The" anti-Semitic "sticfeers are part plete pprogram: various •- problems concerning-* g y shortly. 3ni htiffilnTipiand, cello and voice. V. of the campaign of the anti-Semites. D S work -in Palestine, political, economDr. A. L. Sachar, noted historian, education department activities. "It increase this winter unless dwellings This school is part of the expanded Only recently "Le Miroir," Goglu writer and • lecturer,, who .is professor i gives the business and professional for newcomers are provided at once> ic and social. ; educational program to be adopted at publication, devoted half, a page to of history-at the University of Illin- men an opportunity to enjoy the declares a report submitted by the New York, (J. T. A.)—The "Na- ' It is expected that both Rabbi r the Center this year. a presentation of - anti-Semitic stick- ois, is the only - definite date on the Center's facilities in a most pleasant Commission despatched to Bira Bid- tion" carries an editorial on the David Goldstein and Rabbi H. R. ers .to be used on mail and urged all list. He will appear here Decem- environmant, a place where they -can jan for investigation purposes h y the Jewish conference in Geneva where Rabinowitz of Sioux City, both of meet their friends and condition Zik of White Bussia, the local Sov- it declares that obscurantism and de- whom recently returned from a trip those who feel themselves part of ber 7. . featism will not solve the Jewish to Palestine, will actively participate their bodies most advantageously. iet authority. the brotherhood of anti-Semites to The entire. plan calling in tht conference. g rrJor the problems. We hope to make the Business Men's employ them. f 1400& Jew& J i the th Far F r J "The world Jewish conference Rothenberg will deliver his adin settlement of Health Club an important phase in Ask Amendment of Law the every-day life of our membsrs." Eastern region this year now de- which met recently, in Geneva, voted dress at the Sunday evening meeting. Berlin (J. T. A.).—An appeal for] Montreal.—The amendment of the -"Ho--extra charge is being made t pends on the ability to make "ade- to call a world congress during the the abolition of "the schechita .prohi- lavrs so that the protection of the members of the Jewish Community! quate accommodations available for summer of 1934. This congress will the- immigrants, according to the bition in Bavaria was addressed to respect and honor of the Jews may Paris (J. T. A.).—For the first Center for participation in the Commission. Thus far, however, the discuss such questions as antirSemthe Bavarian Diet by the Union -of be possible is asked by the Jewish itism, Zionism, minority rights and Health Club. There is, however, a Daily Eagle in an editorial comment- time in the history of the Jews in three-dollar charge per year for the Commission comments, adequate the economic status of Jewish life. Bavarian Butchers. _ ...... ^. France, a Jewish Socialist party has quarters have not even been found To our mind this represents not only The schechita prohibition, which ing upon the' condemnation of the use of a separate locker. has been in operation for two; yearB, anti-Semitic campaigns by Justice been created and already has several Sogolow has been working out a for the workers who are conducting a courageous but an extremely imhas-placed Jewish butchers in'a cat- Desauniers, who expressed regret hundred members. schedule which will completely fill the building activity. As a result, portant step. There were many inThe new party bears the name of astrophic position and ^as also heav- that the law did not permit him to the needs of the members of the of 600 builders, only 300 now re- fluential members of the race who The Conservative Synagogue "The Jewish Socialist Union in opposed the idea of holding a world resume its program of services toily affected the farmers,, says , the Issue an injunction against anti-Se- France," and according to its con- Health Club. With his aggressive main. mitic papers. The report further discloses the congress. Some were apparently' appeal.,program of making the Jewish com"The fight must go on," says the stitution has the "same aims and munity "health conscious," he is curious fact that a timber shortage afraid of .their Jewishness. . . . Some night, starting at 8 o'clock. Formerly. 60,000 cattle, annually The new cantor, Rev. I. Barsky of is being experienced in Bira Bidjan, believed an international congress of Norfolk, Va., will be present to lead •were required to satisfy the needs "of paper, which expresses disappoint- program as the French section of planning a varied campaign. the Workers' International." the Jewish population. Today tJus ment that the petition for an inIncluded in this program will be although <the region is surrounded by Jews would simply serve to antagon- the service. • The Jewish Union, it is pointed ize still further the anti-Semitic -number has been reduced to; 270, ac-f- junction against the inciting publicalisthenics, setting-up drills, medi- dense primeval forests. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will deout, has in addition a distinct field A total of 2,500 dwellings .are re^ forces. . . . A few of the opponents liver a sermon on "Why Is It So Difcording to.the .union..">--, ^ ;;':;c cations "was mot granted. cine ball work, reducing exercises, of work and that is to conduct So^rere merely defeatists. That all Approval of the denunciation of quired to. accommodate settlers al• The Kehiloth-of Bavaria ^puTchase pp swimming, massages, volleyball, basb Justice Desaulniers cialist propaganda among the Jew- ketball, - group games, boxing and ready in Bira Bidjan. Unless this these objections . were overcome at ficult to Be Honest With Yourself V their -meat outside of Bavaria and anti-Semitism by The new synagogue choir of fourproblem is solved -without delay fur- the Geneva., conference shows "with teen voices, directed by Mrs. Sam the Kosher sausage industry devel- is expressed by the Montreal Star. ish immigrant workers; to watch wrestling. . • over their economic, cultural and powhat.good sense the majority of the ther desertions must be awaited, the oped chiefly, for export purposes has "Every intelligent, patriotic citizen litical interests. Among the memleaders are facing the problems of Beber, -will participate in the serv-. report emphasizes. ' been' transferred • elsewhere, states ' ' will approve Mr. Justice Desaulniers' bers of the new, party is the welltheir race. . , . Only by discussing ices. the complaint memorandum.scathing strictures upon those who known Yiddish poet, David Einhorn. them in open and democratic fashion conduct anti-Jewish campaigns among The union has a weekly organ. Yiddish School System in Bidjan can the tasks before the Jewish race us, and will share his regret that the Endangered. . successfully be met." law as it stands does not permit him Moscow.—The Yiddish school systo curb their activities by means of A basket ball meeting for all those tem in Bira Bidjan is on the verge injunction," the paper writes. interested in that sport has been of collapse owing to the inadequate Leadership in the constitution of "Meanwhile t h e overwhelming accommodations, lack of text books the' world Jewish congress which is called by Morris H. Sogolow, physson of weight of public opinion condemns Marvin Fitch, M arn F , y Plans are progressing: smoothly for ical-education director, for the lodge jand a dearth of teachers, the "Em- to be convened In the summer of Mr/and / d Mrs. M L Leo Fitch,. 1600 >-High all malevolent campaigns to stir up ; -1934 'must come from America inas- the presentation of "Moishele's Bar room of the Jewish Community Cen- «ss'\ .asserts. Harbin (J. T. A.).—An ingenious street^ Council Bluffs! won a signal racial hatred. ^ ter on Tuesday evening, October 4, The report in the "Emess": which much as the representatives from Mitzvah," a Yiddish play to be sponhonpr by being awarded first place in "This anti-Jewish campaign is in method of. extracting money from at 8:30 o'clock. comes from its correspondent in Bira various lands at the Geneva confer- sored by the Omaha Hebrew club Jews by threatening to arouse White the state of Iowa junior architec- reality anti-Christian in spirit and in The meeting will be in the nature Bidjan, points out that the erection ence "failed to show that they have and to feature Mollie Cohn and Jack tural drawing contest. -• effect,' as Mr. Justice Desaulniers Russian sentiment against them is of a get-together to discuss basket of a school bonding which :was de- possibilities at the present tirne to Berlin, vath a larpe New York combeing practiced by Chinese bandits. The plans for a home which he points out. Our Jewish fellow citiyear has not even help as in organizing -* the coming pany, according: to Nathan S. Yaffe, The bandits kidnaped two Russian ball plans for preliminary leagues, cided upon last ; drew were judged the best' of all zens will take comfort from the world congress," declares Z. Tygel, general chairman. The show will be been started. . .-. 1 those submitted in the contest, .which splendid tribute to their race penned watchmen employed in the oil fac- the season leagues, and varsity secretary of the Executive Commit- staged at the Biandeis on Octoteams. was open to all high' school - students in this judicial document," the paper tory of a Jew named Jacob Kabaltee to organize the congress, in a ber 16. All interested—backers, players in the state. concludes. statement issued. The committee in charge includes and fans—are invited. The kidnapers thereupon demanded He is a junior in the Abraham Albert Kaplan, J. J. Friedman, MorBecause of this fact, "it is readily $20,000 ransom from Kabalkin. If Lincoln high school in Council-Bluff s The congregation B'nai Sholom sinderstood that most of the future ris Brandeis, Nathan Resnick, John this is refused, they threatened, the and has been active in the work of will hold High Holyday services at work is to fall to the lot of American Feldman, Irvin Levin, Louis Lipp, J. watchmen will be murdered' and the A. Z. A. chapter NQ» 7; Twenty-eighth and Farnam. The Jewry," according to Mr. Tygel, and Crounse and Allan Cohen. White Russians will be- aroused to The publicity committee, consisting public has been invited to arrange "in the present moment on the Amexcesses against the Jews. of Allan Cohen, chairman; J. J. erican Jewish Congress. to attend. Paris, (J. T. A.)—The rise of mis"There is danger that without the Friedman. Irvin Levin and Louis E. sionary activities in this city and its co-operation of the entire American Lipp, are -working on some novel Elaborate preparations are being environs is reported. Jewry this enterprise will not be ideas of acquainting the public with made by the Jewish Women's WelThe present economic situation of Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—The crea- Xare Organization for its first annual carried to a consummation," declares the play. France, the rise of unemploymen' tion of a Palestine League for the city-wide ball, to be held at the Mr. Tygel. The Cohn and Berlin company is and the need among Jewish immi purpose of establishing a customs Jewish Community Center on Simsoon to play in St. Louis and KanThe Jewish, -Community Center grants are being utilized, it is stated, union between Palestine and Great chas Torah evening, Sunday, Octo- Sunday School will open officially for Increased, efficient service is being sas City. The play they will present by the missionaries. ; Britain was decided upon at a meet- ber .23. offered by the Jewish Community here is a depit-tion of Jewish life, registration this Sunday morning at Missionaries have erected a pavil- Center library. The library is now ing of representatives' of JewisH '"• Mrs. Abe Greenberg is general 10:30 o'clock in the Center auditoand made a big hit in New York. ion in Stoen, a suburb of Paris. open from noon till late at night. groups in Palestine. chairman, and she has announced rium. where immigrant Jews from HunAn organizing committee was the following on the committee on The circulating library is growing With few exceptions, the same exnamed consisting of Dr. Chaim Ar- arrangements: Mrs. Max Holzman, perienced teachers who eerved last gary reside. daily in popularity, and more and An address on the conditions of losoroff, representing the Jewish co-chairman; Miss Blanche Zimman, more books which are in demand are Sov.'et Russia will be given on Sunyear .will : be present to greet their Miss Tillye Sigal was elected presAgency, and representatives of . the the Mesdames Irvin Stalmaster, H. being obtained. New books just off day afternoon, September 25, at 2:80 Lithuania Donates Plot ident of the Fa-Hon sorority at its Palestine Jewish National. Council, A. Wolf, H. A. Newman, Herman pupils. the press are available, or may be o'clock at the I. W. O. club room on Plans are being made for special for Yeshiva meeting last Monday. Other officers the colonists and the manufacturers. Jahr, Philip Schwartz, Herbert ArnNew York—The Lithuanain gov- available upon request, at a rental Twenty-fourth between Caldwell and are Esther Siegal, secretary and High Holyday services. of 2 cents per day. Hamilton streets, by Melrin Martin, stein David Feder, Irvin Levin, Louis ernment has contributed a plot o: They also have a general reference a student at the University of Ne- treasurer, and Sarah Kaplan, reportAnother Against Schechita Neveleff, B; A. Simon, David GoldJerusalem.—The Arab Executive ground for the erection of a' new er. A novelty program featured the library useful for various purposes, braska. man arid J. S. Pearlstien. has declined to invite Jewish repre- building for the Slobodka Yeshiva .Prague.—Schechita was; prohibited meeting. Mr. Martin has just returned from iby;the municipality of Eger; a health - It is-planned-to make the affair sentatives to participate in the Pal- it was disclosed at the third semi- particularly. for group; study. . The An active program has been out* resort in Czechoslovakia, by order an outstanding one on the Jewish estine Arab Exhibit planned for annual conference of the Alumni o: best Jewish books and macazineE are a three months' study of conditions lined for the coming season. , in Russia. available. of the municipality social calendar. 1933the Slobodka Yeshiva. Moscow, (J. TV Aii—The Yiddish press has • united "in - a conspiracy of silence"] t o defeat the anti-religious eampai^^:io;;ri^iuue^i»s::'!vithN:i3ie Jewish" high Holydays; the • "Emess" complains. - • : . . •- . -Neither. ; the "Shtern," Yiddish Outstanding Lecturers to ApCommunist /daily- ,of. Charkov, nor pear Here During the the^"Octiabr" of Minsk,. have men-] Coming Season tioned the —anti^religious _ campaign which* • it - launched,, asserts . the • - Favorable -comment has been made f E m e s s . " . ..^ -;-:•; •- - ; • > : : - - - . - • • •*- on all sides, concerning the outstand;_; Only.. two insignificant provincial ing" program'" which ' has ' been arsheets have followed, its lead, the ranged for the;-«omir<g year,-by the SEmessV;says. „.- -r •- • - i - . •>' Community- Forum, •under -the aus. 3The.;"Emessv thereupon, calls upon pices "of the Jewish Community Cenlocal Communist Unions to make re- ter. presentatibiis to .the Communist orThe only indefinite date,. that of gans J » comhaf religiousobservances. the La Fallette- lecture, has- been set .The paper cites the growth of re- for the evening, of March 29. ligious tendencies among the workers Tickets for the - series are ready, and even -in the collectives. The Jews and may be obtained at the Jewish of Zaporoszhie near Dnieptrostroy, it Community Center. They are three asserts, invited a cantor from Mos- dollars -for' a season ticket, coveringcow to come, to the colony to conduct all five lectures. The charge for inholyday^ services, and are paying him dividual lectures will again be one two thousand roubles. ' - • dollar. The complete Forum series reads:
Rothenb^rg Will Speak at Regional Conclave
One-Tenth of Austrian Society of Jewish Blood
Temple Sisterhood -Will Open Season On September 27
Conservative to Resume Regular Services Tonight
Marvin FitcH Wins Architect Contest
Hebrew Club Plans- Presentation of An Eastern Yiddish Hit
Chinese Bandits Use New Extortion Plan
B'nai Sholom
Customs Union Being Planned for Palestine
/ . W. W. 0 . Ball Is to Be Held v On October 23
Rise of Missionary Activities in Paris
Center's Sunday School to Open
Center's Library Extends Service
Address on Soviet Russia on Sunday
Fa-Hon Election
PAGE 2—THE:JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1932 Last spring he financed the production of "Precedent," with the hope that it would arouse public attention in the Mooney case. By DAVID SCHWARTZ Bern was very much opposed to the intrusion of ex-Mayor Walker in the case, feeling that the Californians would resent attempted outside BYrBYE, DEPRESSION I see by a -writer in the paper that interference. the depression is over. It's too bad. HOME BOY MAKES GOOD I -wish it had lasted at least another The city of Cleveland ought to feel week, so I could tell the story that just came to me. Not so boiling, good. One of their "home town boys perhaps, but it deserves its niche in has made good." I refer to Dr. Samuel J. Beck of the Boston Psythe stories of the depression. Perhaps you have heard it. The chopathic hospital, who recently creone about Mr. Cohen who always ated something of sensation with his took off his hat when you asked him address before a-scientific convention held in New York. about his underwear business. It is a particular satisfaction to "What's the matter, Mr. Cohen; why do you remove your hat when I me seeing Sam making good, for I ask you if you are selling much of knew Dr. Beck only as Sam, some your fine underwear, and how your years ago, when both he and myself were covering runs for the Clevebusiness is?" "I always remove my hat when I land News. Sam was the courthouse talk of the dead," rephed Mr. Cohen. and pail reporter, and if I had made any guess at the time it would have SUFFERED FROM NAME been that some day he would be It was a great little old depres- elected alderman. He seemed to sion while it lasted. On the whole, know all the politics going on there. I don't think it was as bad as we But he turned to the study of the made it out to be. It seems to me mind instead of the body politic. there was a lot of good in it, and really the worst thing about it was WHAT INK BLOTS DO its name. We should have called it The New York Times declares that after the fashion of the ancient Jews Dr. Beck presented a new method of —a jubilee, instead of a depression. analyzing character and personality A sort of return to former things. by use of ink blots on paper. And we should have carried out the "The blots are -made by folding a depression idea more completely. What do I mean by that? Well, let paper covered with ink spots, witn me see if I can make myself clear. the result that doud-likj patterns Well, now, the papers say that the form. This is a short cut to discovprice of foodstuffs has gone back to ering hidden motives or troubles that of 1913. Other things have which may be unrealized even by the likewise gone back. United States ink-gazer. Iteel went back in the recent depres"For example, Dr. Beck said that sion to the price in 1861 and A. T. a girl of excellent education who and T. to the price level in 1776. would not have been taken for a person of domestic inclinations, saw BACK TO OTHER LEVELS repeatedly in the spots pictures of Now why should we only go back in price levels? I favor a general going back—to bicycles, instead of automobiles; to full grown beards instead of Gillettes, to slot meters instead of electricity; to long skirts instead of loin cloths, and the old oaken bucket instead of coca cola.
By the Way
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year r - - - - - - • Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BliACKER •••• - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK'R. ACKERMAN - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
A mooted question in American-Jewish life which would be difficult to settle is the amount of interest shown by the Jewish people in strictly Jewish events: General questionnaires have amply demonstrated that* people as a Tule know, comparatively speaking, little of the life going on about them and depend mostly on vague, hazy impressions. It has been argued, however, that with the Jewish people this situation is different, for, feeling a kindred bond of brotherhood between themselves and other Jewish people throughout the world, they are vitally interested in Jewish activities the world over. This conception is practically enhanced by the statisticians who tell us that of the four and a quarter million Jews in the United States, more than fifty per cent read and speak Yiddish ;and over 70 per cent read Jewish publications either in English, Yiddish or Hebrew. A rejporter in New York recently decided to test this theory, and so, armed with pencil and pad, he picked out Jewish individuals who would form a cross-section of Jewish life. His results are far from conclusive because of the limited scope of his questioning, but it agrees with the generally-accepted trend. The Jewish people, it seems, score better in a current Jewish intelligence test than the general public does in a general current test. It is true that one individual told the reporter that Hitler was a Jewish Chinese general, while another figured out that Zionism is a movement to get all the Jewish people to go to the synagogue . . . or that too high a percentage did not know that Nathan Straus was dead, or that someone thought that Bialik, Charles Levine, and Eugene Meyer, Jr., formed the cast of the radio play, "The Rise of the Goldbergs." It is nevertheless fairly safe to assume that most Jewish people are fairly well acquainted with Jewish events. The Jewish person is irresistibly drawn to his unseen and unknown "breth- ROCKFELLER'S IDEA ren," and the knowledge that the fate of the Jews wherever they Mr. Rockefeller, Junior, had the may be is inextricably and mystically intertwined with his own right idea. He has set aside a great makes each want to know how world Jewry is faring. Increased fund to keep an old colonial city in believe it is Williamsinterest in the Anglo-Jewish papers, current topic classes by Jew- Virginia—I burg—preserved in all of its old ish organizations, Jewish educational programs by Community state. Centers, emphasis upon current events in the synagogue and tem- Most of man's troubles, I am convinced, are due to bis constant going ple—growing concentration on these throughout the country is forward. If he went back, he would impressive evidence that particularly now, with anti-Semitism find the peace and happiness that his gaining headway, Jewish people are keeping in touch with Jewish soul longs for. news. BACK TO NATURE
Council Bluffs A large delegation from Council Bluffs attended the annual state grocers' convention at Des Moines, Iowa, the first part of the week. Among those who attended included: Mr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross, Mr. and Mrs. George Roffman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks, Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner, Mrs. Abe Markovitz, Mrs. Louis London, Mrs. Sam Rosenthal, Messrs. Sam Bubb, Ben Kooter, Max Cohn, M. Bernstein, oJe Passer, Mrs. David Kubby, Mrs. W. Solomonow, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brandeis and Harry Krasne. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith will hold a meeting next Monday evening, September 26, at 8 o|clock at the Eagles hall. Mrs. Louis' Bernstein entertained the members of her afternoon dub at
The same idea, of eourse, has been luncheon and bridge at the Hotel expounded by many philosophers, notaily Rousseau in his back to nature Chieftain Wednesday afternoon. doctrine. In a state of nature, ROUST seau found bis ideal. Go back to the Edward Rosen, /who has been spend- Indian days, and 'yon will find the ing the month visiting friends in Min- Indian solved his rent problem very neapolis, will remain there to attend simply. , He just denied the right of the University of Minnesota this sea- ownership to land, and squatted son. •wherever he saw fit. The great storehouse of nature was his grocery Mr. Ike Krasne and his daughter, store, and the price of commodities Ida, retained home Sunday from Man- was never dependent on the amount itou, Colo., following a month's stay of gold that the "Cherokees or the there. Mohawks had. And did you ever hear of an InThe Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 dian needing an ultra-violet lamp to of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting give him a sun bath or did you ever next Wednesday evening, Septem- hear of an Indian going to a Freudian psychoanalyst to get cured of ber 28. an inferiority complex or of an Indian tafriTig Christian Science treatments and saying every morning to himself: "God is good—there is no evil—I must not worry"—every morning before breakfast?
Invitation to Omahans in St. Louis to "Kirigsway*
Walter Schimmel, one of the sons of the well-known Schimmel hotel family, as many Omahans already know, is now manager of the Kingsway Hotel in St. Louis. In a letter written to Omaha recently, Mr. Schimmel stated that he noticed several Omaha business men in St. Louis and desired that they come to the Kingsway and inspect the
2429 Dtcatur St. We want to call to the nttention of the Jewish public that we are cettintr in ? S w i T h U ? p l y >Ofnthe ^"sonable religious articles. Mncbzeirim with Jewish —^ English translations, prayer books, Toleoslm, silk and wool of the best
And maybe you are saying what the producer said, about all this argument for bigger and better depressions. I grant you—you may be right— it is tripe, but aren't we all, as they say,
Hemember our famous Kosher Boap. On the demand of a few customers 1 ordered the following articles of pure silver and plate silver candle sticks, Kj'lush cups Hadeses . e t c . Everyone who is Interested in buying one of them should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it jeady for them. I have Just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most-beautiful Esrogim and Luiovim for Succoth . . . . Anyone desiring to buy one -will
please let me know so thct I can have it ready for him for Yontif.
of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
naar wonder
*u THE
A friend of mine wrote a play and took it to a producer. The producer promised to read it over and finally did, and the author came to see him to get his verdict. "It's a good play, ain't it?" said the author, looking beamingly and interrogatively at the producer. "Well," said the producer, "you don't happen to have any salt with you, do you?" "Salt; what do you want salt for?" "Well," said the producer, "I thought if you had some salt, we could eat this tripe."
A Full tine of New Year's Cards in Jewish and English
I am surprised to see in all the newspaper talk about the late Paul Bern, no mention of one very laudable activity of his life. I refer to his activity in behalf of the release of Tom Mooney. Bern had given himself-as few have to secure the freedom of this American Dreyfus. rooms and service in view of making their stay at the well-known Kingsway hotel. The Kingsway is situated on beautiful King's Highway, the main boulevard in St. Louis. I "I would be very pleased to sefe the many Omaha business men who come to St. Louis," Walter Schimmel said. "Many of them already stay here and make the Kingsway their meeting place. It is like an Omaha hotel in St. Louis. "The same high standard qt service is maintained:here that;has been established in the other SchimmiS hotels. We have tried to make the Kingsway a home away from home.'
sewing and crocheting, which led to discovery of her true interests. "Another person saw the House of Representatives assembled, with Congressman making a speech. This kind of picture-making, said Dr. Beck, came only from a superior intelligence, as sluggish minds did not see such rich imagery." Anybody that can find use for ink blots is all right with me. I believe that leaves only one thing for which no use has been found—old Tazor blades.
THIS AND THAT The Habima, Hebrew troup of Palestine, intends to establish a branch company in New York. They will avoid usual Second Avenue haunts for a Broadway site. David Loth, formerly of the late New York World staff, is editor of the Majorca Sun—new paper on that Spanish island where all the literati are escaping to, in order to beat the economic problem. Bertha Kalisch is back from the coast. (Copyright, 1932, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Latvia-Ntnnerus Clausus Riga—Of thirty-nine Jewish students who applied for matriculation in the medical school of the University of Latvia, only one was admitted. In contrast, 53 non-Jewish students were enrolled in the medical school. Among the 38 Jewish students rejected are ten Jews who received medical diplomas in universities abroad and who were willing to take the full medical course again in order to be able to practice in their native lands.
oa the campus of the New York State College'of Forestry, Syracue Univercity, and which, outside of a few details, is nearly completed, will take place early in November, according to the committee in charge of the ceremonies. Alfred E. Smith, former governor of New York State, and chairman of the board of trustees, is scheduled to be one of the participants in the dedication program.
Rothschild Land Sold for $150,000 Jerusalem—^For the first time ; inee Baron Edmond de Rothschild has evinced an interest in Palestine development a parcel of land in his colony was sold. The area sold is 480 dunams of orange groves of the colonies of Petach Tikva and Rishon Le Zion. The territory was sold to a silk manufacturer, Zachs, for the sum of $150,000.
Electric Refrigeration Show Starts October 1 Omaha distributors of electric refrigerators will hold their annual Electric Refrigeration Show this year from October 1 to 8, in th Electric Building, 17th and Harney streets. The entire first floor o; the Electric Shop will be turned ove to the show. Thirteen distributors will display their refrigerators. R. C. Geppert, chairman of the Omaha Electric Refrigeration Bureau, states that the purpose of the show was to display all of the new refrigeration models. Some of the
SHOTWELL, HONSKT, GKODIXSKY & VANCE AND HARRY B. COHEN. 73? Omaha Xatlanal Bank Bldg. Syracuse—The dedication of the NOTICE OF AMESDMEKT TO AKTI new Louis Marshall Memorial ScienT1CLES OF INCORPORATION OF BUTTERFLY PRODUCTS COMPANY tific Building, which is being erected INC. l£now all men by these presents: Tha at a duly Constituted special meeting o. the stockholders of Butterfly Product! Company, Inc., held on this 13th day o June. 1U32, all of the stockholders being present, the following resolution was uiwn iujouslv adopted : -K«>solved. thru the Articles of Incorpo ration of Butterfly Products Company, Inc.. be and the same are hereby amended in the following particular, namely, tha the name of the corporation shall be am! it is hereby chanced to SHOE SPECIAL TIES MFG. COMPANY, and Article X o saitl Articles of Im-orporation shall l>e and the same is hereby amended so as to change the seal to conform." Article 1 as amended is to read as fol "The name of the corporation is SHOE SPECIALTIES MR!. COMPANY." Article X as amended is to read as fol lows: Every month—in fact ••The corporation shall have a seal, winch shall be circular in form, with the words, every day that you "Shoe Specialties Mfg. Company. Omaha, Nebraska," around t h e circumference wait to buy your new thereof, and the words, "Corporate Seal,' in the center. . G-E you are actually In Witness Whereof, the undersigned a President and Secretary, respectively, of the said corporation, have subscribed their wasting money. To names. MICHEL KATLEMAN, wait is to waste. President. BESS L. KATLEMAN, 9-16-32-4t Secretary. •Witness : This month alone, you A. Greenberg. can save $10 by in8HOT\nXI., MOSSRV, GRODINSKY £ VASTCE, AKD HAKKY B. COHEN, stalling a General Att«r*ey«.
refrigerators will be shown for the ; first time in Omaha at the show, according to Mr. Geppert, The Home Service Department of the Nebraska Power Company, of which Madeline Bohlsen is director, will be open to the public during the show. Miss Bohlsen will make frozen desserts and other dainites so that her visitors may see the advantages of electric refrigeration.
'Everything for the AuU" 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
HARPER METHOD SHOF Specializing in Scalp Treatment MISStSS KAHLl a^> World-Herald Bullrtlna ATlnntlo 0344
Prompt Service . . . . . . . . R e a s o n a b l e Prices
1018 Farnam
Ja. 6071
Louis Marshall Memorial
You Can SAVE
Electric Refrigerator. It saves food, needless bills and protects the health of your family. Don't wait longer! See your nearest Power Company Store. You deserve a G-E.
Nebraska Power € Courtesy« Smvioe.• LoviUtet "A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve"
RABBI L L. SHAPIRO has bees a
Mohel Specialist for 20 years Attends with otmost care
1724 N. 24th S t
Ja. 0605
REV. A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs Well Known in This Vicinity as a
Phone 1059
VOTICE Ss berebv given that the underCOMPANY, with its principal place of business in Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation shall have authority to carry on and conduct a general engineering contracting business and to manufacture, purchase and Edl »ny nnd all materials and supplies of every kind and character used In or about a general engineering ana contracting business; to acqnire by purchase or subscription, or otherwise, and to hold as investments, any bonds or securities or other items of indebtedness, including Shares of the capital stock of any corporation, and to handle such real or personal property as may be reqlairedThe authorised capital stock is Siau.OOaflO, all common, par value flOO.OO, being fully paid when issued nnd nou-nssessabJe. Xne highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital. The corporation shall commence business wben the Articles are filed with the County Clerk of r>ouglas County, Nebraska, and continue until January 1st, 2033. The alfairs sliall he administered by a Board «f Directors of not less than three nor mo.e than five in number, and the undersigned Bhall be the first Board. The stockholders shall elect directors at the annual meeting to be held the second Wednesday in Jannary of each year. Thereafter the directors shall elect officers, viz., President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may toe amended. The corporation shall have a seal. Pared July 5th, 1932. CXAIlBTfCE BECK, AKTHUK BBCK, ALEXANDER BECK, HENRY BECK, 9-2-32-4t JOHN I*. SORKXSOJJ. gHOTWELl, MOXSKT, CRODISSKt & •VAJJCE AKD HARRI B. COHEN, Attorneys. • NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the name of BECK REALTY COMPANY,' with its principal place of business iix Omaha. The corporation shall have authority to maintain and operate a real estate holding company and to purchase, lease, hire, control, manage and otherwise deal in real estate end other personal property, and shall have the right to Issue. bonds, mortgages or other evidences of indebtedness. Toe authorized capital stock is $150,000.00, divided into 1,100 shares of $100.00 par value per share preferred stock and 400 shares of $100.00 par value per share of common stock, all of which when issued shall be folly paid and non-assessable. The preferred stock shall be preferred as to dividends and assets in the event of liquidation and shall be cumulative, carrying a dividend of 6 per cent per annum. The cumulative stock may be redeemed any time after one year from issuance, upon thirty days' written notice. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock, but such limitation shall not apply to indebtedness represented by notes, bonds and mortgages, the payment of which is secured by teal estate. The corporation Bhall commence business when the Articles are filed with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue until January 1st, 2033. The affairs shall be administered by a Board of Directors Of not less than three nor more than tire, and the undersigned shall be the first Board. The stockholders shall elect directors at the annual meeting to be held on the second Wednesday in January of each yenr. Thereafter directors shall elect tne officers, viz., President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be! amended. With the assent In writing «f the holders of 65 per cent of nil ot the capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding, the entire assets of the corporation may be sold for s. consideration to be determined by the Board of Directors. The corporation Bhnll have n seal. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, the 5th <lay of'July, 1S32.
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
Doctors will tell you that dry heat is unhealthfaL It irritates the delicate membranes of nose and throat, causing them to become inflamed and makes you an easy prey to colds and winter ailments. T h e remedy is healthful moist heat—
the kind that you automatically get from a Nesbit Moist Heat System.
Cleaned, Reset and Becemented
Guttering ana S p o u t i n g at special low prices.
Furnaces Cleaned $1.50
KILBY PLACE Fnrnnce anfl Sheet Metal Worts Under Management of
.109 No. 40th
fia 2096
PAGE .3—^THE JEWISH PRESS, ERTOAY, SEPTEMBER 23,19S2 president of the active fraternity, spoke. Aaron Perlis was chairman. NEW HOME phi The Chi chapter of Pi fraternity of Creighton university has, moved into their • new home at 715 North Thirty-sixth street A smoker and rush party was held last Friday, Another will be given tonight. SLUMBER PARTY A slumber party the last of this month will inaugurate a series of bimonthly social affairs to be given by the Henrietta Szold club this season. A different member of the group will be hostess for each event, according to Anne Zweiback, chairman. The annual food sale, to be given at the Brandeis stores, -will be held the latter part of October.
BRESLAU-KURTZMAN MARRIAGE l TEA FOR GUESTS The'.^marriage of Miss Sarah KurtjsMrs. Reuben Kulakofsky will be "at man, daughter of Mrs. M. Kurtzman, home" at a tea from 4 to 6 o'clock to Mr. Harry Breslau, son of Mr. Saturday afternoon, honoring her and Mrs. L. Breslau of Lincoln, was daughter-in-law, Mrs. Seaman L. Kay solemnized at 3 o'clock Sunday after- of San Jose, Calif. No invitations noon at the home of the bride's are being issued. mother. Rabbi D. Goldstein of OmaMr. and Mrs. Kay and daughter, ha and Rabbi H. Jolt of Lincoln Jean, arrived last week for a short officiated. visit here. Mr. Morris Poaster of Lincoln sang RONOH MEETING "I Love You Truly," preceding the HIGHLAND The Ronoh club of Central high ceremony, and Miss Lylyan ChudaGolf winners in the women's tour- school held its first regular meeting koff assisted Mr. Emanuel Wishnovr, nament at the Highland Country club of the year at the home of Harold •violinist, of Lincoln, playing- the -wed- were awarded trophies at the closing Sommer on Friday evening, Septemding march. golf tourney and luncheon Tuesday. ber 16. The awards were presented by Mrs. The bride was goivned in a Le Nies model of burgundy chiffon -vel- Abe Herzberg, wife of the president. Z. B. T. PLEDGES vet and wore a matching turban -with Mrs. Manning Handler won the chamThe Zeta Beta Tau chapter at the a nose veil. She carried a bouquet pionship flight, with Mrs. Maurice University of Nebraska, Lincoln, has Micklin runner-up. Mrs. Jules New- pledged the following ten men: of white roses. The bride's mother wore a gown man won the second flight title, with Melvin Berkowitz, Sylvan Frankel, of black and white chiffon velvet and Mrs. A. Greenberg runner-up. Henry Greenberg, Harvey Leon and a corsage of sweet peas and tea Marvin Pizer, Omaha; Sam Fantle, roses. Mrs. Breslau, mother of the "WHITE ELEPHANT" SALE Jr., Sioux Falls, S. D.; Bernard GilitThe "white elephant" sale of the sky, Topeka, Kans.; Palmer Goldberg, groom, wore a similar corsage and was gowned in Hunter's green all- Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held Paul Bogan and Ben Raymar, Linon September 28 and 29 at the W. O. coln, Nebr. over lace. Following the ceremony, which was W. building. A unique means of attracting at- S- A. M. PLEDGES SIX performed, in the presence of the Six men have been pledged by the immediate family and friends, a buf- tention to the sale was had by cutfet dinner was served. Mrs. Kurtz- out elephants from white paper, ad- Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at Linman, honored the couple at a recep- vising all who have old clothes, coln. They are Karl Braverman, tion from 7 to 10. She was assisted shoes, hats, bags, jewelry, furniture, Grand Island; Max Canar, Omaha; . by the Misses Jean Breslau and stoves, rugs, curtains, dishes, lamps. Sidney Dasfcovsky, Emerson; William Flax, Omaha; Irving Hill, Lincoln, Marge Fink of Lincoln and the etc, to phone Mrs. 1. Rosenthal. and Harry Kuklin, Lincoln. Misses Sally Morgan, Ethel Cohen, The following officers have been lobby Blacker, Lil Steinberg, Lylyan SOCIAL NOTES Herman Goldstein left Wednesday elected for the ensuing term; Henry Chudakoff and Tobie Flax. After a brief honeymoon, the cou- for the east, where he will enter his G. Chait, Omaha, president; Jack G. ple will make their home in Lincoln. freshman year at the Wharton School Epstein, Omaha, treasurer; Dave Rosof Business and Commerce at the enberg, Lincoln, secretary; Harry RATNER-MARKOWITZ MARRIAGE University of Pennsylvania. Herman, Rosenstein, Omaha, assistant treasMiss Rose Markowitz of Sioux who is a graduate of Central high urer, and Sam Fleishman,. Omaha, hisCity, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- school, will visit in New York City torian. The honorary cups for the year ry Markowitz of Merriman, Nebr. a few days before starting' bis uni1931-32 were won by the following was married to Joe Ratner on Sun- versity work. men: Scholarship cup, awarded to upday afternoon at the home of Rabbi Miss Tobye Steinberg has returned perclassman with highest average, David A. Goldstein. Following the ceremony a dinner from a month's visit in New York won by Henry Chait; activity cup, for 30 guests was served at the home City. Miss Steinberg also visited awarded to most active upperclassof Mrs. Leo Taub, sister of the bride. friends at Atlantic City and Phila- man, won by Morris Gordon, and the freshman activity cup, awarded to Mr. and,Mrs. Ratner will reside in delphia. most active freshman, won by Sam Sioux City. Edwin N. Sommer, son of Mr. and Fleishman. EPSTEIN-MOSKOWITZ Mrs. L. Sommer, is attending the ENGAGEMENT The Sigma Omicron chapter of SigUniversity of Illinois, at Champaign, Mr, and Mrs. H. Moskowitz an- HI., and is affiliated with Bho chap- ma Alpha Ma has moved into its new nounce the-^engagement of. their ter of Zeta Beta Tau. chapter house at 1325 R street, Lin: d^i*ej^^»9e| g ^ i ^%fflB | pEpste^-^^-' ^ coln. Miss Moskowitz is a graduate at Mrs. L Grossman has returned Technical high school. Mr. Epstein from a two weeks' stay at Excelsior received his B. of S c degree i n com- Springs, Mo. merce at Creighton university. '•} No definite date has "been set for Mr. Bob Singer, son of Mr. and the wedding. . li Mrs. S. H. Singer, has left for Columbia, Mo., to enter his junior year KATLEMAN-JANOFF ; there. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. Janoff announce the engagement of their daughter*, SORORITY CONVENTION The Iota Tau sorority is planning Shirley AdeUe Janoff, to Melvin E. Katleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. a convention of the two chapters, in Katleman. The wedding will take Omaha and Sioux City, to be held place in the near future. Miss Jan- here on October 29 and 30. Ten members of the Sioux City group are exoff, who has recently returned from pected to attend. a year's absence in Grand Rapide, The program will include a pa jama will resume the teaching of dancing. party with a midnight lunch for Saturday evening; a breakfast and busiSHRAGO-FINKEL ness session Sunday morning, a bridge and tea Sunday afternoon; and ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M. Ackerman an- a Halloween party Sunday evening. nounce the engagement of their, sisThe committee in charge consists of ter, Miss Minnie Finkel, to Harry Lee Shames, chairman; Sylvia RotShrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. kovitz. and Dorothy Kaplan. •Shrago. ' No date has been set for the wedding. MONTE CARLO RUSH PARTY - The Alumni Association of the Phi BRIDGE AND DINNER Beta Epsilon, Creighton university The bridge and dinner for twenty social fraternity, gave a novel Monte guests by Mrs. Jack Levey, _which Carlo rush party last -week at the was announced hist week, was 'given home of Philip M. Klutznick. Twelve for those who entertained for Mrs. rushees were guests. Le^ey prior to her marriage; for Various "gambling devices" were Mrs. Simon Green, a recent bride, used, with "stage money" as the awl for Miss Lilyan Nachschoen, a stakes. Nathan Gilinsky, president bride-to-be. of the alumni, and Julius Bisno,
Council of Jewish Women
Greenberg are co-chairmen tor the event The organization has requested a'l its members to keep old clothes and The executive board of the Council articles for the rummage sale. of Jewish Women will meet Monday at 10 a. m. at the Jewish Community Center to discuss plans for the year, Mrs. Philip Schwartz, president, has The R-Na crab will open its season announced. with the first meeting on Sunday at The Council season will open Octo10 a. m. at Temple Israel. All old ber 28 with a tea. and new members are expected to attend. General plans for the coming year will be discussed. Una Gross is the Plans for the coming season of newly-elected president and Alma Hadassah work were outlined at a Feblowitz is vice-president. special board meeting called by Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president, Wednesday at the J. C. C. Mrs. Jake Blank, chairman of the penny luncheon committee, and Mrs. Herman Jahr, chairman of the cultural committee, are preparing for a luncheon, to be held at the J. C. C. i October 24. Rabbi David Goldstein will speak about his Palestinian This Evening trip and will also show pictures taken 'The Centenary of Walter Scott" there. ' will be the subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon at Temple Israel this evening. Saturday Morning His topic for Saturday morning Music for the Achar Hataunis will be "On Tip-Toe." dance, to be given the night of the Sunday School conclusion of Yom Kippur services, The Sunday School sessions will at the J. C. C. by the A. Z. A. be resumed Sunday morning at 10 a. chapter No. 1, will be furnished by m. The classes started last Sunday. 11 artists, featuring "Red" Towey Every child who has not enrolled as master of ceremonies. Tickets yet should be present for enrollment. are being sold by members of the chapter, and a large attendance i s expected. Tonight This Friday evening at the first service of the year, Rabbi Goldstein
Prune Whip Dissolve 1 package lemon jello in 2 cups boiling water, chill until mixture begins to thicken. Mix together 1% cups stewed
Conservative Auxiliary
staH/tec coj
AT. 1300
By David M. Newman
Asparagus With Pimento Cheese Sauce Take 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 1 cup chopped cheese, .2 tablespoons pimentos, 18 asparagus tips, 6 slices toast. Melt butter, add milk, salt and pepper. Stir until smooth, add cheese and stir until melted, add pimentos. Heat asparagus tips by placing over hot water. Arrange on toast and pour sauce over all.
Shoe Comfort
Wear Snow White Garments IF rrs WHITE rr is RIGHT
Wear White to Please Your Patrons The Results Will Please You
Omaha Towel Supply Co.
JA. 0528 ::;»»»;»»
Are Extremely Smart—and Priced at Only
Mrs. B. A. Simon headed the committee of the Auxiliary which prepared the dinner at the "Welcome Home" affair given for Rabbi and Mrs. Goldstein last -week.
Daughters of Zion The Daughters of Zion are planSox October ning .a rummage Temin and A. 25. Mesdames S»
Your frock can be rough . . . or sheer . . . but it must be w o o l . . for everyone's talking woolens. You'll know why . . , when you see our stunning models, and their very reasonable price mark. We have your size!
You'll Buy
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Street, afternoon, sportwear! Intoxicating Fall shades! The new "pencil" silhouette!
BRANDEIS—Second Floor
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500
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Combined with the
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and Scientifically Blended inOmaha
Buy shoes only when you know all about these new value achievements^—and you'll buy at The Nebraska. You'll see quality leatbV and quality shoe-inaMng d#* ^;p to a degree BL6ver attempted heretofore at t h i s low
507 So. 12 Street ATlantir U&2
Advo Coffee
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
AT REASONABLE PRICES "One* Oor Customer — Always Our Customer"
DOUGLAS Shoe Repair Co.
Stimulating for Dinner
Bostonian De Luxe, $7 Town Talk De Luxe, $6
There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
. v.W ers. for Nettleton, Dr. Reed Cushion and Other.iWorld Famous Footwear I:' ".;.!.:>• at New Low Prices • i.
Sold by AH First Oasi
FittiBg Another Ketaaska Attraefioa to 6ire l o o Greatest Shoe Tatae
A. Z. A.
in the comfortable environment of the Jack and JiB . . . . where delicious foods at reasonable prices add flavor to the meals of discriminating' individuals. Palatable d i s h e s tastily served . . . . explain why you will meet your friends . whether it be breakfast, lunch, dinner or after the show . . . . at
Kitchen Chats
Plans for the coming year were discussed at a board meeting of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary held Wednesday, A gala Palestinian tea and Palestinian exhibit will open the fall saason on October 19. Mrs. David Goldstein was named sponsor of the Junior Society. This season the Oneg g Shabbos series and d with h j class will b the be resumed, Hebfew reading a. jiew feature. The Auxiliary will present fhe congregation with one hundred prayer books, as well as skull caps for the men and gowns and caps for the choir.
prunes, chopped, add 2 tablespoon* sugar and add to jello mixture; .add whites of 3 eggs, beaten stiff. Pour into sherbet glasses to chilL Serve with whipped cream and chopped nuts.
Religious Services
Famous $ Fives
Meal-Time Is Pleasure-Tiiyie
will speak on "Why Is It So Difficult to Be Honest With Yourself?" Cantor L Barsky will officiate for the first time. The synagogue choir, led by Mrs. Sam Beber, will chant the services. Selkhoth At midnight Saturday, members of the congregation and their friends are urged to attend special Selichoth services. Cantor Barsky will lead the service. High Holydays On Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur special services are being planned for the children of the congregation. It is expected that a large number of children will take advantage of these services on each morning of the holydays.
Grocers Everywhere
Ask toil lariat OB Adv» "Fanwotfar
•Main Floor
1709 DOUGLAS ST. Opp. Omaha Athletic Club
F RE E One Pair CURTAINS without charts with ererj- six pairs sent. Oiutrtuit«ed to fit and bans straight. Ko booh
Shoe Repairing:
Blended, Boasted, Ground asd Packed by
Page4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,-1932 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALK SHOTlTELt. BIONSKT, GROUIV3KY & linb? 1<ed cbmp 1 gray dresser base 1 gray framed mirror 14I» Acorn ens range 1 kit , VANCE ANIJ HAKHY B. COHEK. table f . w 8 kit chair 1 high chair 1 JiO Ib. - 737 Omaha National Bank B i d s . . Notice i s hereby given that on October Leonard ' Notice i s hereby' given that oa the 1st 1 wal cabt Stewart-Warner NOTICE BT rCBIJCATION . OX PETI- day of October, 1932, at the hoiir of 10 8. 1932, nt 10 a. m. at 2514 Lenvenworth elec rndlorefg, metal floor In nip 1 metnl TION FOR SETTIEMENT Of FINAI, A." M, at 2514 "Leavenworth street; the N O T I C E O F A » r E N D M E T f T T O ' A B T I - Street, the undersigned will sell' to the bridge lamp1aiul all dishes, linens, silverADMINISTKATION ACCOCNT. : ': • CLES OF INCOKrOKATlON OF SHOE highest bidder, for cash': undersigned will sell to the highest bidder liedding and kit utensils. : In the County Court of Douglas County, f o r c a s h : 1 vel o s dnvenport 2 vel o s arm chairs ware, ! SF4SCIALTIES MFO. COMPAM.:. v • • • . . . Covered by Chattel Mortgage executetl by Nebraska. Know all men by tbesc presents: -That 1 S».\12 Wilton rug 1 mah uprt Colombia 1' tap. uph. radio bench; 1 vel. o. • . P. MaincIIi 'nnd Anim M. Mninelli In the Matter ot the Estate of Wilbur at a dnly constituted specjnl: meeting of phono Mo. 19201 • wal davenport table 1 John davenport; 1 vel. o. »- arm chair; X on February 5. 11)32, to F. E. Tyson, doing Christensen, Deceased. ' -'.-.'. , oak writing desk;- 1 wal. end. table: the stockholders of Shot" Specialties' Mfg. bronze table lamp 6 Ax throw n i g s 1 wal business as "OMAHA LOAN COMTANY," All persons interested in said matter are 1 wal. rel. s. arm rocker; 1 green Company, held on this 20th day of'Jane, case d h Western Electric sewing machine and having been filed for record in the hereby notified that on the • 7tb day of niaeazlne rack; 1 metal floor lamp; 1 1932, all Of tlife stockholders betuiTpresent, No. 145G5C 1 oak dining table 1 oak bnffet office of the County Clerk of Douglas September,, 193'J.: Gillian 'Christensen filed the- foIJowing resolution was unanimously 4 oak lea s diners, 1 0x12 nx rug. 1 sanitary County, Nebraska. poly, bridge-lamp; 1 9\12 Ax. rug; a petition In; said County Court;..praying cot and pad 1 bro iron daybtd and pad adopted: ,"..'.,-, ; . 1" 8-8x10-6 Ax. Tag; 1 wal. cabt. SenSaid sale will \n> for the purpose of forethat her final administration account filed tinel elec. radio complete; 1 oak dress"Jtesolved, that the Articles of Incorpo- 1 Hoover elec vacuum cleaner 1 white bnby sa:d Mortgage nnd to satisfy the herein J>t> settled and allowed, nnd that she - er; 1 bro. metal bed- spKR. and tnatt.; ration of-Shoe ypecialiies Mfg. Company, corap l onk w s arm rocker 1 wai * poster closing amount thereon to-wit: Two hundred be discharged from her trust as adminis"l oak w. «. ami rocker; 1 4-b. Odin be aud the sunie are hereby amended in bed spgs and matt 1 wal dresser 1 oak one anddue tratrix mid i hut a hearing .will J>e had on , cos ranee; 1 white kit. table; 3 Avh. the following particular, namely, that, the center table 1 gilt iron tied spgs and matt i n g costs.52-100 Dollars ($201.52) and accru•aid; petition before said .Court on the 1st kit. chairs; 1- SO^lb. -Ice KiBg refg.: tiiime of the corporation shall be iliia it Is1 wal ^vattity and bench 1 oak chest of F . E. TYSON, doing business as Announcement has been made of U*X \ot October, J»3'.'. and that i f you fail 1 wal. dining table; t wal. buflrt; 6 hereby chHiiged to SUOK ACCESSOKiES drawers • l - * r o iron baby bed complete 1 to appear' before -said- Court', on. t h e snid wal. tap. ». diners and all dlslics, linMFG. CO., and Article X; of saiii. Articles gray iron bed spgs and matt 1 gilt iron OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. the committees of Mount Sinai Tem- 1st' day . of . October.' 1032, at 9 A. M.. en M, silverware, bedding and kit. utenof Incorporation shall be and the same i s ple Sisterhood, who vreie recently ap- nud 'contest said petition, the Court may s lll l , hereby - nmetided so as to chahge-'the Seal grant, the prayer of said: petition, enter n J»y. Chattel Mortgage executed by to conform." • , . '-: ' A country filled with idealism and pointed by Mrs. Louis Agranoff, decree of" heirsnlp; and -make' slich other covered Benjamin F. Moore and Jennette Moore Article I as amended: i s to read as folPreserve and Modernize. Your Property by and flintier orders,' allowances and de- on October 2, 1031, t o K : K. Tyson, doing l o w s : for the coming optimism, where the depression is un- president, to serve • • ' : " ' • '•. • ' '.-; crees, sis to'<Hirt .may., seem proper, business a s the Omnlu). X o a n , Company, . '-The name of the corporation i s• SHOE known, was Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz's season. They include-• Mrs.; Louis to the end tun' nil matters pertaining to ami hftvinc-been filed "for • rerord -U\ Ihe ACClESSOl«KS'1«rG> CO."-'•••- . ;;.*••: said estale may; be filially sen led and' ile> office of the,. County .Clerk-of'D.onglas comment on-- Palestine, in speaking Goldberg, .co-operation; Mrs, Anna ,..Article X as amended is t o rea»' JB-fol• - 'uuvnv. CUAWFOKI). -,-. County,. Nebrnskn,,. • . m i..A.i: ,. •. , lows: ' . -; : , " •"• . . .. E/E.Baron, before -members of his congregation; Levinger,.religidnjjMrs. Cojinty. Judge. J 9nid sale wilt bf for the prfrpose of fore"The corporatioti shall"linye a m l which at a ".welcome home" :banquet Sun- religious school;- Mrs. Herman Ga- 0-0-3telosin.T siitd::SIortKiiee..nnd tO-«atJsfj'<» .shall be circular In form, with the words, Comity Judge. amount due thereon, to-witt One-i-Jendred ;*"Shoe AcceBBories Mfg:, Cov Omaha, Ne* . day evening. ' linsky, house;. Mrs. T.Fishgall, sun6547 Pacific St. Phones: WA. 3438 or JA. 1535 Twentf-fl^afirt Xb/IOi) Dollnrs (fl25.00) lirnska." iiround the circumference there' Rabbi Rabinbwitz spent five weeks shine club;. Mrs. "Louis Koolish and 8HO.TIYEX.Ift MOSSRY. '. GKODINSKY * nnd- accr'uina dosts:,' j v- - • - : . » : ; . of, and-' the words,: 1-"Corporate. Se,al,". i a F. E. TXSON- Oolncr VANCE and, d ILVRlJYrB COBfEN ' ,the cenfer." "* "':" ' r -VANCE; COBfEN, in "Palestine, during his summer Mrs. Morris E. Skalovsky, memberJ • In WHness Whereof, the • undersigned as t - nOMAHA Aiorneys abroad. Part of this time was spent ship; Mrs. A. I . ' Sacks', philanthropy ; 'President and Secretary,: respectively, of the -said - corporation, have sul>scril>ed in Jerusalem, part in Tel Aviv and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock,floral offertheir unities. ' • ings; ... Mrs. Herman Miller,- union- constituted , S-TAT.MASTEK * the remaining days visiting the many MICHEL KATXEMAN. 1 holt..-. . . . . . . . . . •, • AtCo>n*y«. . • . , grams, and: Mrs.-Thepdore N.Lewis, t *it-»fc j K i i x r j \^x**-M*f - J ^ 5 - . * Jewish'colonies in the. land. > - ••-. • •• ..President. held on tbe-. . . . Uriy of-i Jiily,-10.12. a ; set S59 Omaha Nnt!onnl Bank B i d e . Omaha. r ! : BESS t . KATI'EMAS, The, rabbi was particularly im- p e a c e . ~ ' . ' ' ' , l ' \ ' ; ' \ "•'•.,;' > , " of Amejftlrd; Jang jSnbstttiifeil i Snbstftiifeil ArtiWes A r t i W c"s;i' « 9-l(t-52-4t .-.•"•• Secretary. Incorporation were /adopt ed. as the.Ainei<ah pressed with the optimistic outlook of .. Thej officer ;AYitnesf!; , i ;i:"" , : .-...OF JACK W. MAKER, Attorney. County Court House, City
•"' •' . •'. ; . 8 A X E .
.• ;.;.:_,,- 'J
Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Sisterhood Committees
Painting and Decorating
A. Gree«l>erg. • J. • • ' 1'NITEP FOOIX STORKS, -ISfC. the Jewish settlers'in Palestine. The Sisteiiiood' Msterhood ''include: Mtsl- Lou|s A1 IUV. IK (TIVPII tha"t the nndi-rslcticd • fear for economic safety, so prevalent rariofiVT;p;^i<ifnt; c<Mil A. L. Gali Galinformefl n"oorpornfion Milder the laws of NeUraislviV Th«»—itowiP-of the corpora- FHADEXBCKO, 8TAXMA8TEB * BEBEB in other—lands; "is not-present-there, sty/ ITfcelpresident;[.•Mrs.- Morris• .A. tion IK I-*n!trd Food Stores.- InK The CM 'Onuha Natl: B u i ^ Itlde, City. according to • him. There- exists' a tvdine^," Wecretdiy,]pii(ji Mrs. Sam- _L.. prhiciprtl placc'of Imsfnoss of the <v»rp""<i1 tJnu is hi.JOmfllui.iNiVltm'ska.Tiip.oliie<-t.for peaceful feeling between the Jews and Cohen,itre^^reir,; T^e board ]of di; : PKOBATK NOTICE wlil/-h -tliio .corporation Is orsaulzfd. sbnjl Arabs, in the land. ; . • ; i-ectors fi*: ;c'oniposed ! of the pfficers porarion . . . ..,.. bo the buylnpr nnd selllnjt'nt "* * " " In the Matter of the Estate of Israel Knlarr«tntl v powers are to p'ro'toct fish :u:d Ksime in kofitky. Deceased * During -his, stay in Palestine,/RabbL arid; Mrsy J. ;Kalin,i [Mrs. L- Miller, and al>out "Carter! Lake, to detect and canst' wholesale 4>ri'-es nil d Jtrer.v kind ire is hereby given that the creditors K wares or. iroTchojidise usiuilly and of Not «aid deceased will meet the administraRabinbwitz.' attended productions'•• pre- Mj-islj A; : | ^ : Davisi ;Mrs.vM. E^ Ska-to bu prosecuted - violators of fish, nnd cnsffir.iarily .in by m<iit tors of said vstate. before tue. County y dealt d . y * Krflcprics. K game laws of the States'of Iowa, nnd Nesented ;by the Habinia Theater group, lovzky • -and.'. Mrs.. William .Galinsky. braska; to encourage, and promote- fish- tnnrkvts. fruit, i l and hardware Jnilge ?>f KoiiRlns County, Nebraska, at dry poo<ls the liuyins:. Bellintr, :»ren!iiT. hold- the County Court lltiom. 4n said .Comity, wh'ich'!t presents classic plays in the ing, boating, yachting and other amateur stores, Inc a i d otherwise nconlrinjt real and | « T - on the 1 s t day of Kftvemtier. 1032." and on field games; sports and pastimes: t o «-s-sonal property "iieoestsary. Incident Hebrew language.- "Hebrew is the or ron- the SrUTday ofTaHttary-. 1933. at 9 o'clock tnblisli ai'.d mnintnin--H Club : House, venipiit t« the. rarrylns out of th« p&r- A. M. 'f-ncli day. for the purpose of prelanguage of the land," he said, "and gronVids and other-social - elulf facilities poses "nlftl "objects for which' thtg "corporaCourteous and Reliable seritlus their claims for examination, ndfor the lire, pleasure, comfort, conven- tion i s formed: the Assuming. «if<vulrinR jusrment it is thrilling to see how instinctive nnd allawnace~. Three months ience, entertainment nnd amusement of its are allowed for the creditors t o present The reKgibus school of Mount.'Sinai ;meml»ers. It shall bare'the power In con- or purchnslnK of property, rifrhts. fran- their e'nlms. from the 1st day of Octothe Hebrew language is with the chilFuneral Directors confracts~ and"aWtM»"oT" every kind session nection with, tha maihfenance. and opera- chises ber. 1SB2: ^ dren in Palestine. They-speaW He- T^mpJe^ will hold its opening' of ami -from nny persotr. firm. axsocJ«llon ; the Club to determine the classes Phone HArney 1226 cr^rFarnam at 33d BRYCE CRAWFORD. porpora»lon. nn.d pnying.fpr the wime,, brew at their play, and in their, school next SSunday morning, September 25; tion'of nnd conditions of 'membership and t b e or 0-0-32-551 . County Judge. wKolly Or In part, with cash, s^ock or at" 9:30 o'clock.- At'this "time new iliies, fines and other charges "therefor, other »>vldpn"<» of Ihp ObllTfttlon of tbe corand shall have the" power "to suspend and pnration.- -Th««- ntjitemont of- fhe • powf>g "The Jews of Europe live in the pupils will be registered and the oldotherwise re'gulnte suck membership. The set forth .herein shall not l>e const rued t o shall have-the power, to pur- lie or net n» a llmitntloo hope of some day makingAmerica pupils.;will enroll. All pupils will be corporation npon tb« neix>ral lease, hire and otherwise acquire powers otU(»rxviiw» neopRBnry or n i t their home," continued Rabbi Rabino- assigned to tlieir classes during this chase, real and personal property and flny inter- to the corporation. The mithorliKMl p witz. "Jews of all classes and types session^ and text books wDt be dis-est or estate in either improved or unim- Itai stock of this corporation nhnll IM> Fifty proved to the extent that the same may Thoi-snml Hollars i$.TO.OO0.0O) which Khali hope to come here to better" their tributed. . The school will be divided be necessary or convenient for the accom- lip divided-into shares of common otook of into three, sections: primary, interplishment of nny of the objects of said condition." , , - ." par value of One Hnnilrt~I (S10O.0O) corporation, and to hold, own, and main- the mediate and high school. Dnllnrs pitch nnd when. issiuni Khnll lx> Rabbi Rabin owitz visited witli reltain the sanu- and to sell, dispose of, lense. fi'Ily paid nnd non-nRsc8Rabl(*. • The stock convey, mortgage nnd otherwise encuml>er of this atives for several days,in Lithuania "corporation may be ISSWHI for property or any part thereof and any cash, the Tickets for the High Holyday serv- such capital stock' of o»h.-r corporduring his trip: He also spent a week improvements thereon, and t o provide for ti property or services. The corporaices have been mailed to all memin London and a week in Paris. nud BARGAIN COME SEE IT Two hundred and fifty members and bers of the temple by the board of to Issue- notes, bonds or other evidencesand of tlftfi* hi the office of the County Clerk of friends of the congregation attended directors. Admission to the services such "6f Doncl:is County. Nebraska, and shall so f t a y y the welcome home banquet "tendered oii Eosh-Hashonah will be by ticket •%Jie»COTpOTate property or nnsecurcd, a s rohtinue until JnnuMry -1. 1073. uiilrcs Boartl of Directors shall deem for the distiolv*d by tbe rote of not less Rabbi Rabinowitz. A. H. Baron; act- only. ^ N o .charge--is-msde""for"the the best interests of this corporation. These sooner thnn tn-o-thirdn of the outstanding tickets* to the temple members. NonLook at these ed as tbastmaster_and_John-Lwist)efgv Amended and Substituted Articles shall capital stock of(2/3). tne corporation. . The effective upon the films of n copy -president"•'Bfthe synagogue, spoke; in members can purchase tickets from become c b t amount a m u n t o_f. of indebtedness or liabilliabil thereof with the Clerk.of' Douglas County. ity to which the corporation shall at any the temple secretary. features: behalf of the'membership. Nebraska, and the eorp-OKition shall eon- time 1 Rnbject itself shall not cxcewl tw«-
, . ' ' " .
".'. " . ' : ' •
/ • •
tinne until the 1st <l.-iy of "January. lOfiO. fhirds (2/3) of its capital stock. The afUnless sooner terminated by law. The.authis corporation Khali l>e ndmlnthorized cipiliil- stock of the corporation fairs'of hy n Bof>rd- of directors, the IIIITOshall l>e $100,000, divided into 3r> shares isteri'd f which shall, IH> tixeA .hjr the byof the par valne-of $."t)!» each, which when ber <»but 'shall not/lie less tb«u- five .(5) issued shall be folly paid nnd non-nssess- flaws, o r more than twelve (12). all of whom Solichos services at Shaare Zion able. No atockholtier shall own more, than shall he elected • Miss Sara.; Woskoff was elected -for-a - period of one (1) iyA of the capital l • stock. The fTbe directors will be celebrated next Saturday evehree p shall elect from anx»nc president' of the Business Girls' club ll • lie l l h pe.rsoua their Tijen numlier*•'.' a r*rt>sldenK YicestocUhoIderiJ shall only snch ning:, September 24, at 12 o'clock at their meeting held last Wednesday as are; the JJoarrt of l>irectoi^ rrcKid^Bf.' Treasurer ith'd a' Secretary.-TfnVvho shall be the owners I of one 5 fil fhf'Atxt annnaltpipfttns or iin'II anpeevening in the' Community Center; midnight. The service will last one and more shares, h nott d i ^ ? •ft t iithe 4-lnl WH^ing i s rMle<l,.fo elect « Uonrd tof hour.. Cantor Pliskin will\chant the Other officers include Miss Jessie Shi-f capital stock o£ -the- corporation. .Eachj I>irect<}t4- toe f(>JlQ\vlnc named persons ; seryicei^The Selichos. service is a sti:<n* of stock shaipbe trnnsferaMe by ::>$-t shall rpttstltutp the. Board of of Plirctors: Jl. lbff, vice president; Margaret Saitlhv slgtiment in tin?:iri!inner provided l»y- tlse r HS. f H. ifoyitsfey, J. <Joj»la. -Sam secretary, and Sylvia Rifkin, treas- preloite to ^the/High; Holydays and aby-laws rturt subjeci to the apprbval of thaj r.«rniaeln. Afeyerson ; P. r.eril»feln. AII>ert Uoard of Klrectori" The highest.- amount; I-. Ra4iizlner, II. X Ronan, C. Wolitner, urer. The program committee is com- service of repentance. Si Ross. of. iudebt^Oness toiwbicb this c6rporation Cart Ktalimer. E.. K. Ashlcv . and Jnlius posed of Miss Shiloff, chairman; Fann}yHimf'6W>jett itself shall noti Xewmaii. • By-laws^ shall be adopted Registration for the religious schbol ,.~r, ....ii-thirda !of its-capita! istoct. The; the Bphnl. or Directors Jor. the.conduct liy nie Cohen, Rose Berman' and Elizaof ptivpeHl'- o?i Individual istockhold-i the affairs of this corporation which shnll of Shaare. Zion Synagogue j rroll; ??e >t5»ate~ beth Raskin. " t - 11 mot'Ue [Object to-corporate "' b? Kubmitfod for. npprovaj to the sto<-fcheld next Sunday morning; f ^epteni-i •Dit-si pluilj,l«»! r.levied* le\ied' nuU.. nuU..col!e< colietttA hofdera. ;The nniiual meeting of theBtockI any -class, tts p,ra-| hoWers Khali l>e held on the- first Monday 25, from 10 to 12. Fori|i6fc |atu4 Miss Esther Wutkin'.wasr'elected ber l ; -The. affairs .of ,*hei of January of each year' at which time a s well-asVthe new"pu p3B,. 'WiH . hrntion ishalli l«s administeretV • by o? shall,elect a Rolnrcl of Directors nml president of the Epsilon Phi sorority dents, enroll at this time i a the social hall KSilnl of -Uirectdrw. consisting of nine they, on the same day the Board of Pirectors at their opening meeting of the sea-of the synagogue. members, who shall be elected l>y the shall hold its meeting- Refrulnr stockholders. The present Doard -of Di- meetings of the stockholders may l>e held son. Miss Rhoda Wolf son was electrectors nnd the expiration dates of their at such times as shall be fixed in the Uyed vice president; Miss Rose Sperlterms of. office aro as follows: William l ^ , , . . : .Ml. Holzman, Henry Monsky nnd I.lpyd Skining, secretary, and Miss Rose Rife, No stockholder shall at any time owi> or ner, term ospirlns Decemlit'r. "10C4; George treasurer. New members elected into hold more than three (.1) sharps of Ihe O. Pray. II. H. Koran and T. EJ Mustalo. term expiring December. 1933.; Albert E . enpitni stock of this corporation.. Should the club include' Rose Reznick, GerT.u IIJettman aud.AV. F. F; K nyder, C. 1^. e t m a n aud.W. Knapp^ the' corporation ever • nutboriie increased trude Reznick, Goldie Cohen and Sa- Mrs. Ann; Levy and son, Robert Snyder, erm expiring December,'J932.*~T.heT;Di- holdings• by its stockholders, each.stoikAllen of Omaha were recent guests r rectors shall elect n I'resKlent,. V|ce-Pre*- hoIde'risUali hob} no more shares than nny rah Kaplan. :. Before any-- atot-kand Treasurer frointheir own num- other 'stockholders Following the business meeting the at-the home of Mrs. Z. Levitan, 505 ident er-and a. Secretary may be elected -from holder ^hall have, the right to offer for Omaha street. . A_ number of small «ale his stock in the corporation, be-must their own number or otherwise, as the members adjourned to the Seville may determine. With the .-issent in first; offer it to tbe corporatloii nnd Rive cafe for a program and refreshments. parties honoring Mrs. Levy were giv- Hoard writing of Gf> £-3rds of the capitol" stoc-k .the own-pany at least, sixty ^(C0) days in whiclx- to.r accept such offer.' All :of Ihe The program was presented by Miss en during her stay. Among them of the corporation or pursuant to, votes flssetsof the corporation may he sold or given in person or by prosy by stockwas'a bridge tea, given by. Mrs. LevRose Rife, Miss Rose Berman, Miss holders holding C3 2-3rds' of ihe eapitil .trnusferred by , the ijffirmative ".TOIP of itan in her home. Mrs. A. .Gardner two-th-inls (2/^) oC all ^ohttdi ls (2/^) oC all tht tht ^ohtstandinR Sarah Baird and Miss Goldie Cohen. stock* the .Hoard of pirectora si^nll have tok: nt tany apw'Inl. nic*tinc-Of the stockof Topeka, Kans., and Mrs. Herman power arfd authority to sell,- nssis>>, trans- Stock: fer, convey o'r otherwise, dlspbso of i h e holders, of whirh; notice U given t o the Newly-elected officers were, in-Shiloff, a recent bride, shared'honors property and assets of • the corporation'as Stockholders .it.least five (3) dnys.Jii* n<V
G. G. News
Shaare Zion Synagogue
Society News
1 . Husky, h i n d i o m t , heary, loaft-wcarlnft tread. 9 . Center Traction Safety. 3 . Patented SupertwUt CordCarcaM. 4 . full Oreralz* In all ' dlmendon*. 8 . Good . I>9u»«-IU« o n aid*•
Cnaranteedforltfeby madfslargntmbbcr
7 . New In trery way.
Lifetime Guaranteed
nit entirety or Kolng coQw-rn,, on! siicti iv.Tiice of the toldinc of siirh • mevting. stalled at the meeting of the Debrah with Mrs. Levy. terms and couditions as to tlie Bonril tinny Those articles tuny-; l>e- nmemli'd at nnj club Monday evening. Plans were seem fit, either for c\8h, bonds, or slinres TeK\i\pc, or special; meeting of. the stock' of capital stock of n-ny corporation qr cpr- •holders upon the affirmative v»tp of. ly&r made for a Hallowe'en party to be Mrs. H. Hulman of Liverpool,' Engr pporations, or for any kind or speoiesT of Ihirds (2/3), of nil tUe ontstandini: .stock, , held next month. land, is a guest in the city-at the property, ifl t lorU t i iyeS,,, y SrTli.e Tljirovidcl' notice of such,. prnpftSw], ar_ Board not:..bave'jtlK> th poiwpr poiwpri jijpnt* ts -Riven nt least five 'I (.">) B d ot t Director*shall Di homes of her three sisters, Mrs. Samto commit the" corpornUon. to an obligation ndvauce thereof. -.f .. Kroloff, Mrs. N. Dobrofsky and the-amount-of $1,000.00 or more without EC S. ^ V I T S A. Z. A. JL BERNSTEIN. consent of the stockholders. .''•" L. Goldstein. After a visit :here, theDated In the presence ofjii . • . , • -• . July 2Cr 1932. , . Mrs, Hulman will go to California, <• ROBT. H.--KOUAN. WM. 12 IRVIN STAI.MASTEK; J>-2 ..To, fill the vacancy caused by the MAN. AVSI. ' F. K N A P F . • ,. before returning to her home. y SKINNBK,-;KnWAKl) E. N'iCHOtS, "^jpirtSfej ^ j i t S f j of'three fth A Z. Z A. A officers, ffi A. GEOltGE.O. PttAY, E. It. IUtAIJ}- ; Futurity is l;he; great ;condern of AKD and JOSEPH ROHACEK. ""a"'s"pScfal ejection was Held last week. Misses Charlotte and Doris .Rosenmankind.—Burke; ' ; ' Incorporators.•'TK'e"rie# "ofBders elected were Morris stock, daughters. of Mr. and Mrs.»-10-32-4t BoirshevsKy, vice president; Stanley Emil Eosenstock, departed last week Herzoff, treasurer, and Ernest Ep- for Madison, Wis., where, they are | stein, junior sergeant-at-arms. Oth- 'enrolled at the university. er officers are Marvin Klass, president, and Max Maron, secretary. Dave Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newly elected members of* theM. Albert, left Monday evening for chapter were introduced to _ the rest Harvard " university, where he will of the members during th'e evening'; study this year. program. They are Ed Miller, Sam Janowitz, Sam Weiner, Meyer Orli- David Levitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. koff, Sam Saddof, Milton Barreht, J.' L. Levitt, left the city .last week Sidney Baumstein and John Hurwitz. to enroll at the St. John Military The following committees were ap- academy at Delafield, V ' Vi pointed by Marvin Klass, president: Cultural; Archie Kantor, Ed Miller Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox, " Terrace Sam Janowitz; social, Al Herzoff apartments, announce the birth of a Jack Reznick; religious committee daughter. Max Maron, Archie Kantor; athletics, Max Zeligsbn, Sidney Baumstein Miss Sara Baird was chairman of Ernest Epstein; membership, Stanley the arrangements for the meeting of Amid Ae serene beouty of stately Elms, glorious Herzoff, Martin Kozberg; social serv- the Epsilon Phi sorority Tuesday bi inelr new Autumn colors, you will find the vacaice! Morris Borshevsky, Isadore Mir- evening, when new members and oftion of your dreams. Golf, ride, play tennis and owitz;, initiation, Archie. Kantor and ficers were installed. Assisting her enjoy every outdoor sport in the clear, bradng oir : were Rose Rife and Dorothy TileStanley; Herzoff. \ . ; ...... ond invigorating climate of Excelsior Springs. • .Rabbi I Theodore N. Lewis, newly- vitz. Refreshments and a social hour Drink and bathe in America's most efficacious elepted advisor of the group, spoke. concluded the evening. waters. Comfort/ Luxury/ Foocf to delight
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,.;,I;,:Auxiliary: . .
SHOIWELL, MONSKY. GKODINSKY I VANCE, Attorneys 737 Omaha National iJnnk lildg., Omaha • • •••
I! • J! A > laige group' bf women attended In. the' Matter of the Estate of Williani •; fiie 'opening meeting of the ladies' Black, Deceased. is hereby Riven that the creditors auxiliary of Shaare Zion synagogue. pt Notice saifl deceased will'meet the administraAfter 5 a brief business meeting .a tor .xvith will annexed of said estate, before" me. County Judge of Douglas County, program was presented by Mrs. Paul Nebraska, at-the County Court Room, In MacCollin, who sang a group of three said County," on the 14th day of November, 1932, nnd on the 14th day of January, 1933, numbers, and Lorraine and Pauline at .9 o'clock,. A. M,, t«acli. day,,for the_purRaskin, who presented a ' g r o u p ' of pose of presenting their claims for exam-' inrUion, adjnstjnen.t-and:allowances.Three dances;^ : •;.!- J ; .'" ^ ^ y ^ nionths rire nllowedfor the creditors- to Tea, and a social hour concluded present their claims, from the 14th' day the afternoon. Mrs: D. Baron pre- Of October, 1932.BRTCE CRAWFORD, 0-23-512-3* sided.
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