Dedicated to the
Interests of. the SJih People'
\ Nieuii-iv-iw Mull Mntiex 011 January zi, i r a . at
N iinmlm. Ni-hrngba. wider rhe Act of March 3. VS19
New York May Have Jewish Governor The possibility of a Jewish gov-
Vol. X—No. 36
Local Jewry Prepares for Yom Kippur Holyday
New York (J. T. A:).—There is no be questionable .whether it may be ernor for New York state "loomed Jewish view of life in the philosophic termed a 'religion' in the customary bright with the Democratic nomsense of the word, especially since no Five Jews Injured; All Quiet in ination this week of Lieutenantsense, according to Professor Albert creed' is demanded of Jews,-but only Governor Herbert H. Lehman, notGermany; Moscow. fiegisttation Being Taken Now Einstein. "Judaism," he says, "ap- the sanctincation of life in its- alled Jewish philanthropist and civic 1 pears to me to be almost exclusively inclusive sense. Observant at Jewish Communityand financial leader. concerned with the moral attitude in "There remains, however, someCenter Lehman, supported by both GovVienna.—(J. T. A.) — Five Jews and toward life." thing -more in- the Jewish traditions, Yom Kippur, the Day of1- p. m., there will be a children's ernor Franklin D. Roosevelt and were injured during* .Rosh Hashonah "/'Judaism,'* he explains in an ar- so gloriously - revealed - in certain of high Holyday services by Nazis who Atonement, the most sacred and service, conducted by Mr, William former Governor Alfred E. Smith, . Details for,the School of Music to ticle which appears, in the" current the-psalms; namely, akind of drunk. •• . . • • —, was nominated by acclamation afimportant day in the Jewish L.Holzman. be given at the Jewish Community issue'of, "Opinion/* "I believe en joy and surprise a t the beauty attacked a cafe on SpeTstrasse where The memorial service on Yom Kipter his opponents had made a descalendar, will start at sunset, a temnorary synagogue had been set -Center are being worked out and in- rather the content of the life-ap- and incomprehensible sublimity of this perate stand to defeat his candi- this Sunday evening', and. will pur will take place Monday afterstruction will begin, not hater than proach of the Jewish people than the world, of which ' man can- attain but up. -Eleven persons-- sustained inat 3:30 p. m., Dr. Cohn's subdacy. juries in the attack. continue until suiidbwh Monday. noon November l,.a'nd possibly before contents' of the law laid down in the a faint intimation. It is the feeling ject being "Remembering." All tire The Jewish- worshippers were atthen, according .to Mrs. Henry Mon- Torah and interpreted in the Talmud. from which genuine research draws All local Jewish Houses of urged to hand in the names of loved tacked .by the Nazis with iron bars -sky, who will direct the,school. Worship will observe Yom Kip-ones, to be commemorated at this Torah and -Talmud are for me only its intellectual strength, but which . Registrations for both' children and the most weighty evidence of the also seems to manifest itself in the and .knives as the service was in propur with appropriate services. service, in writing to Rabbi Cohn at ; adults for the various classes and governing concepts of Jewish life in song of birds. This appears to. me gress. . . This Sabbath, which comes be- once. People in the vicinity pf the tempocourses are now being taken at" the earlier times. to be the loftiest content of the Godtween Rosh Hashonah and -Yom KipConservative rary 1 synagogue and-.' a"| Socialist de, Community Center. idea. pur, is known as Sabbas Shuvah, or fense -group xametovtbe rescue of the On Shabbas Shuvah, tonight, at -Instruction will be given in piano, . "The essence of the Jewish conthe Sabbath of Return, because on "Is this then, characteristic of Ju- ews when the police failed to arrive. cept of "life seems to me to be the violinjfcello ajtid wind instruments. this day, according . to custom, the the Conservative synagogue at the daism? And does it exist elsewhere A serious battle! between the Nazis - Beginners will be'required to-take affirmation of life for all creatures. under other names? ; In pure form it worshippers in the synagogue - listen Jewish Community Center Rabbi two' 30- minute periods of individual For the life of the individual has exists nowhere, not Judaism and. the ^Socialists, developed. : Fifty to the reading of certain : portions .David A, Goldstein will speak "on instruction1 per week."-Elementary meaning only -in -the service - of en- where too much^ liberalism obscures ancestswere made including members New British Party Leader Says from the prophet Isaiah urging the "Holy . Day Interpretations." • Services will begin at 8 p. m. '...'.. theoretical' work will be included in hancing and- ennobling- the life- of the pure doctrine. But nevertheless of bojh ..groups. , . , Jewish people to return to" God. * Jews Not to Be Attacked Kol Nidre for Yom Kippur will The. Nazis charge, that shots were these periods of instruction; ' The every living thing, l i f e is holy; -i. I see in'Judaism one of its most vita: Special services will also mark the start Sunday evening promptly &t~6. fob of one dollar; per course - per e., it is the highest worth on which and- pure realizations^ • This is espe- 'ired at them.frpmL the cafe. The as Jews observance of Shabbas Shuvah. p. m. Rabbi Goldstein will.deliver week, covering- the; two required les- all other values depend. The s'anc- cially true Of its fundamental prin- Jews maintain, however, that; their a sermon on "Life's Certainties.".' tification of the life' which tran^ Reform only roje in the occurrence: was: that sons, will be charged beginners. London (J. T. A.).—The program ciple of the sanctificatiofi "of life.' Monday morning Yom Kippur serif self-defense with the assistance of of a British Fascist party to be esAdvanced students-will be required scends the individual-brings with it Tonight, on Shabbas Shuvah, Rab"It is noteworthy that in the Com-neighbors. . ! to" take one 40 minute period of in- reverence for the spiritual, a pecutablished in England under the lead- bi Frederick Cohn will speak on "Re- vices will start at 8:30 a. m., with dividual instruction, and one hour of liarly characteristic trait of Jewish mandment to keep .the. Sabbath holy ership of Sir Oswald Mosley, is out- covery," at Temple Israel. Saturday merhorial services at 10:30 a. m. the animals -were also expressly inclass, work in. harmony and theory tradition. Vienna. — The attacl| upon Jewish lined in a book written by Mosley morning his sermon will b e ' on Rabbi Goldstein's subject will be, "Lend Me Your Ears." Kaddish "What Shall We Say to the Beper week.. For them the charge will "Judaism: is not a faith. The cluded—so strongly, was felt as an worshippers in an improvised syna- and called "Greater Britain." also -be-one -dollar-per-course- per Jewish God is but a negation of su-- ideal; the demand for the solidarity gogue on Sperlstrasse occurred as the- The author openly states in his will be recited this Sabbath for Sally reaved?", .Members of the congrega.tipn are urged to send in their memweek; covering the individual and perstition and an imaginative result of ali living things. Far more strong- evening prayers were being recited, volume that the movement he plans Ziegler and Eva Kirschbraun. Yom Kippur services will be held orial cards to Mr. A. D. Frank, secclass -work. of- its elimination. - He also repre- ly yet is expressed the demand -for which marked the conclusion of the is to be organized along the lines of ; •The"Oxford piano course• will ; be sents an attempt to ground moral- solidarity of all humankind; and it is Rosh Hashonah- services, the police the National Socialist party in Ger- at the Temple on Sunday evening at retary of the congregation. Children services will be held at given beginners, in classes consisting ity in fear-—a deplorable, discredit- no accident that the Socialistic de- rer»ort establishes. -- ; '' many and the Fascists in Italy, 8 o'clock. Dr. Cohn will speak on 6 o'clock Sunday night and at 10:30 of groups no' larger " than sixtesn able attempt. Yet it seems to me mands for the most part emanated • Three Nazis "who participated in- the adapted, of course, to British re- "Progress." pupils. This will consist o£ one hour that the powerful moral tradition in from Jews. Monday morning at 9:30 a. m. a. m. Monday morning. Mr. Julius attack, were remanded for trial by the quirements. per week and the fee. is fifty cents the Jewish people has, in great meas"To how great an extent the con- country court on charges of provok- ; Although most of. the anti-Semitic Rabbi Cohn will deliver a sermon on Bisno, assisted by Mr. Abraham Katz, will conduct the children sereach week. Jean Duffield will be ure, released itself from this fear- sciousness of the sanctity of life is ing "religious disturbances. . "The Covenant of Duties." elements- in England are centered .-••..'. instructor. ... . . On Monday, afternoon, starting at vices. Moreover,-it is - clear that t o serve alive in the Jewish people,is!beauti- : Simultaneously; the Ipolice depart- about Mosley, the program itself Voice classes for" beginners and God' is equivalent to serving, "every fully ' illustrated by a remark once ment expresses, doubt jthat': tiiere is makes no mention of the Jewish Orthodox advanced studepts, at a fee of one living thing.' It is for this that the made to me by ^Walter Rathenaii: any i authenticity, to the! Nazi .charges question, which looms so large on Rabbi Manuel Laderman of Chidollar per lessen, will be given with best among ^the Jewish people, espe- 'When,a Jew says he takes- pleasure that .they, were provoked to attack af- the agenda of the German Nazis. cago, who w a s brought to Omaha f o r M-*. Nathan E. £Green as instructor. cially the Prophets, including Jesus," in the hunt, he lies!'./It .is impos- ter shots had bsen fired: a t them from the Holydays b y . the local Vaad In some circles the viewpoint is Children's group "singing, a course ceaselessly battled. Thus Judaism is sible to express, more simply the con- the cafe which served'as a synagogue. H'Oehr, will remain here under t h e expressed that Mosley has not yet in Part Singing which"will~acquairit not a transcendental religion. It is sciousness of the sanctity and the auspices of t h e Vaad until after made up his mind about the Jewish the class with folk music of various concerned, only with the tangible ex- unity of all life as it.exists .in the Succoth. : Rosh Hashonah Without Incident. in question. • ' nations: and other music of Toaster periences of life and with, nothing Jewish .people/' Professor Einstein ; F o r Shabbas Shuvah Rabbi Lader. ' • - . - • • • Germany :' " -Other circles see in the repeated musicians, will be given under the else. Therefore it seems-to me to concludes. . , . . , • • man. will speak Saturday afternoon Berlin. Rosh<: Hashonah passed stressing, by Mosley. of the national direction of Miss Juliet McCune. The a t 4 . p. m. a t .the Beth Hamedrosh without incident in Berlin and int-.the character', of his movement the likelife3 i s , twenty-five cents per lesson, An opportunity to become acquain- Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt, hood? that., the party ^KUI become , a '"-and tne-course will-include-tfie-rudited-''with" the creative genius•«:£ the; JjiviM^^a pilpul and a n address in . Special^ police .detachments were weapon for attack upon' the Jews. ments of slitfit-singing and simple Jewish people is being' offered by Yiddish.;, - :; i . '••; : . stationed at. the rJewish quarters and The Mosley book strongly, attacks harmony. This will "consist of one the Jewish Forum Series, part of : On Kol Nidre night, Sunday eveat temples and synagogues to prethe House of Rothschild, but only in 40-minute" period per week. ) vent" any possible attacks upon the connection with high finance, which the adult educational program of the ninpr. Rabbi Laderman will sneak in The:, applied elementary and adJewish Community Center. Yiddish at the Adass Yeshurim synJews. the author states should promote vanced harmony course is a course The list at present includes: ai?ogne, 25th and Seward. On MonThe precautions were taken in view state interests. Instead, says Mosley, designed for advanced music stuWednesday, December 7—Dr. A. day he will s^eak in English at 10 of the attacks upon Jewish worshipwithin the nation there is power, dents and others interested in learnpers last year as they were returning- largely controlled by alien elements, L. Sachar, on "The Romance of the a. m. at the Yizkor services a t the ing the structure of musical composB'nai Israel synagogue. 18th and Rothschilds." All proceeds for the first annual from New Year services. which abrogates to itself power above ition. The instructor will be Cecil Speakers During Rosh HashWednesday, January 11 — M i s s Chicago. His sermon will be on "If onah; Mass Meeting Is city-wide ball of the Jewish Women's Berryman. that of the state. Florence Bernstein, in concert of We Did Not Mourn." Welfare Organization to be held at Planned October 18 Synagogues in Moscow Crowded A class in music appreciation will Jewish and Other Folk Music. Mosley Stand the Jewish Community Center on Yom Kippur Moscow. — The synagogues here be formed upon request. Wednesday, February 8—Rabbi London.—Sir Oswald Mosley, foundThe Vaad H'Oehr, Omaha's offi- Simchas Torah evening,. Sunday, Oc were thronged with worshippers durThe faculty includes J Most observant Jews spend the Samuel Wohl of Cincinnati, on "Jews er of the new Fascist party in EngPiano: Jean P. Duffield, Miss Ross cial organization of the United Orth- tober 23, will go toward reducing the ing the Rosh Hashonah services. entire twenty-four hours of the Yom in Russia Today." Brandeis, Mrs. Jennie Levenson; vis- odox Synagogues, was formally pre- mortgage on the Community Center An anti-religious meeting arranged land, issued a statement here conKippur holy day in fasting and Wednesday, March 8—Nahum Zeolin: Mrs. Earnest Reese, Miss sented to the Jewish people of this building. by the Jewish club "Communist" was cerning the part the Jewish question mach, founder of the Habimah Play- prayer. The Day of Atonement The women are working hard to fairly well attended by the youth, but is to play in his movement. Sonhie Newman; cello: E. Oscar city during the Rosh Hashonah holibrings home with great emphasis the.1 ers, in a Dramatic Recital. Weinstein; voice: Miss Juliet~ Mc- days last week. ' Speakers in all the make this affair the outstanding the anti-religious campaign as a "Anti-Semitism," he asserted, "is This Jewish series was inaugurat- doctrine of sin and repentance, which Cune, Mrs. Nathan E. Green; brass synagogues^ throughout; the .city ac- social affair on the Jewish organiza whole made but little headway. not an issue of Fascism. We will at- ed last year. All paid up members is a basic principle of all: religions. wind instruments: Harold Dallinger; quainted their audiences with the ex- tional calendar for the year. Consid tack the Jews if they engage in sub- of the Jewish Community Center will Just as the birth of the altruistic hamiony: Cecil Berryman. istence -arid purpose;of this compar- erable interest has been manifested versive activities such as Commun- be admitted to the course without spirit marked the point of departure already. . ism, or equally if they engage in charge. Single admissions for other between man and animal, so the deThe advisory board includes Cecil atively young organization. . On Tuesday evening, October 18 at Randall's Royal, orchestra will international financial transactions will be fifty cents. velopment of the doctrine of repentBerryman, Harry Bravirbf if, AugusV ance marked a turning point in the such as those which recently have M. Borelum, Martin W. Bush., Jean 8 p. m. in the Bnai Israel Synagogue furnish the music and some special history of the human race. Judaism shaken the country. P. Duffield, Jack Marer, Mrs. Henry at, 18th and .Chicago streets* the ties are being planned for the pro has canonized this moment of history Monsky, Irving- Stalmaster and Mrs. Vaad H'Oehr will hold its first gen- gram. Many of the members of the "We will never attack the Jews eral mass meeting for the public at organization have, been selling patron which saw the birth of new hope for Harry A. Wolf. The local lodge of the B'nai Brith because they are Jews. Jews who large. - At this meeting the Jewish tickets, and from the response to has returned to its old practice of are loyal British citizens who serve human progress. people of this city/will learn in de- date it is.expected, that a capacity meeting- every • week. Meetings will this country rather than its enemies ! Rosh Hashonah Services y1-:tail-of .the work that has been done crowd will fiil;the auditorium. be held in the lodge room of the will always have a square deal from here by the Vaad in furtherance of \ Elaborate arrangements.are. being Jewish" Community. Center every us," he stated. That the material and economic Miss Rose Cohen of Milwaukee has depression has not made inroads into, Jewish unity and consciousness. made .to decorate the Center and Thursday evening,, starting at 8 assumed her duties as the new case the spiritual feeling of Jewry but Rabbi Manuel Ladermari of phicago, auditorium appropriately for the af- p. m. worker of the family welfare de- has, if anything, strengthened the . -111., held over from .the. Jew- fair. The series of interesting meetings partment of the Jewish Community religious attributes -was eloquently ish High Holydays to deliver an adwas started last evening with Sam Center and Welfare Federation. dress at. the mass meeting. . An. intestified to on Rosh Hashonah when Reynolds of "Legion bonus" fame Miss Cohen, a native of Des all Jewish Houses of Worship were teresting program, of entertainment and Johnny Goodman, runner-ap in Herman Franklin, 48, of 3311 QMoines, is a graduate of the Mil- crowded to.capacity. and speaking; has been .arranged by the national . amateur golf - tournastreet, South Omaha, passed away at waukee School for Social Work, and The orthodox synagogues found the committee in charge, under-the ment scheduled as the speakers. With the Health Club as a feahas been employed as a case worker added strength from the • recently, Nest ^Thursday evening, October his home Wednesday, afternoon sifter ture, the activities of the Physical chairmanship of the president of the for the' family welfare Association formed Vaad, which brought Rabbi Vaad,.Harry Marcus. • -; • a prolonged illness. He had been a 13, the feature of the meeting will Education, department of the Jewish in Milwaukee. resident of Omaha for the past 25 For;several months the local Vaad Laderman of Chicago here. Rabbi be a debate between two candidates Community Center swung into action The new case worker succeeds Mrs. Laderman spoke to the various orthyears. has been working strenuously to perfor Congress. Malcolm Baldridge and this week, • under the direction of If the "early bird gets ±he worm, Shirley Treiman Sivowitz, who re-odox congregations in both Yiddish Morris H.-Sogolow. - . ; fect its'organization. Founded upon then the basket ball fans at the Jew Edward Burke. They will speak on : He was a member of the Masonic signed because of ill health and who and English. Speakers at each orthBeehive lodge No." 184, the Omaha the same lines a s other similar bodelection issues and topics of the day. ish Community Center this winte The schedule for.gym classes: [ : is returning: this week-end to her odox shule explained the purposes Hebrew club, the-B'nai Brith, and the ies in ,yarious\cities of the U'ted are going .to see a well-fed baske . At the October 20 meeting the A. Health Ciul>Tri2:15- noorij: 'Tues!home .in St. Louis -to- recuperate and aims of the Vaad, and accordEitates, it, Tenresenta a cross-section Congregation of Israel. Z. A." chapter No. 1 will' present ball schedule. days and Thursdays, and 11. ai *m. of; Jewish Orthodox thought and re- ' Over fifty enthusiasts attended i the Judas Maccabeus degree. Pre- • He is survived by- his widow, Mol- from a recent operation. ing to Harry Marcus, Vaad presiSundays.' : •.• .- : , •'•'.., l»«^ons" ideals in the community. dent, the reception by "orthodoxy on lie; a daughter, Kalah, and a son, sentation of awards won by the A. plan-formulating conference at t h < Senior Men—7:45 p. m. Tuesdays ;;Future plans of the Vaad H'Oehr Center Tuesday evening and accord .Z: A." chapter .during the past week Morris J., all of Omaha, and a brothRosh Hashonah augurs well for the and Thursdays/and i l a. m. Sunwill be discussed at the. mass meet- present indication's the spor will take place at this meeting. • future possibilities of the Union of :;: er, Meyer, of Chicago. • . days. •/ " • . . . . V • ''.'.. ' ' '; • ;- ••_"-'•• >~;->.-\ ing on October 18, and complete re- will be in full swing before a rr—th Orthodox Synagogues. Burial took place Thursday afterBusiness arid High School :Boys-rports rendered bv the chairman of is over. noon. . . : • , : At the Conservative synagogue the 6 p. m. Tuesdays -and Thursdays, the finance committee, MrR. H. Wci- . Intra-mural teams will • be preJerusalem (J. T. A.).—The New full membership attended the Rosh and 12 noon Sundays.'' V . . * v ner. and the chairman of the RabYear was ushered into Palestine with Hashonah services, filling the audiMatrons—9:45 a. m. (Mondays and t"*jical committee, Mr. S; Ravitz ferred to all-stars, Morris H. Sogo a spirit rivaling that of the days of torium to capacity. The constant low, physical education directo Wednesdays. . ]_ ' : "The public is urged to attend this growth and beneficial progress of greatest prosperity. Senior Women—7:45 p.'_ m.- Mon- inaugural mass meeting, and learn stressed. "I want all to play,", h the Conservative synagogue in pointed out, '.'irrespective of ability. The Hebrew press published fortydavs and Wednesdays. more of the extensive program of • The opening lecture of- the current page holiday editions crowded with Omaha Jewish life has been most All proceeds from the presentaBusiness Girls—6 p. m.; Mondays the United. Orthodox Synagogues Just how much of a, program is gratifying. carried out depends upon the spirit tion of "Moishele's Bar Mitzvah'* topics course to be conducted by advertisements. and Wednesdays. rrovement in our community," stated enthusiasm,, attendance and member- under the auspices of the- Omaha Rabbi Frederick Cohn under the ausSimilarly, the response at the The economic situation in PalesA swim follows each period. The Mr.- Mai-cus. . shin." Hebrew Club at the Brandeis Thea- pices of the Temple israel Sister- tine during the past year was better Temple was most pleasing. "The temvarsity basket ball practice is held Eleven teams signified.their inten ter Sunday evening, October 16, will hood will be given at the Blackston than that of any of the neighboring ple activities are well under way and Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Hotel on. Tuesday morning, October lands, the papers comment. a successful and inspiring spiritual tion of paxticipating in the Centej go to charity. 8:30 and on Sunday afternoons at 25, at 10:30 a. m. year is confidently looked for," Dr. basket ball leaspies. Sorrolow b-3lieve The Yiddish play will be given by S p. m. • • , Cohn stated. The series of ten lectures will be that there will probably be -twelyi the Moliie Cohn and Jack Berlin According to Sogolow, the fcnthusClearing the Path iasm shown in the gym classes the The Achar Hataunis dance of the or more teams and two -leagues- i company of New York, who playe<i delivered the second and fourth Paris.—The League to Combat In Memory of Sir Monash here recently and who are now mak- Tuesday mornings of each month. first week augurs well for the phys- A.: Z. A: &o. 1 will be held at the the pre-season'loops. ' - ' ' ;-' " • Tickets may be obtained from Mrs Anti-Semitism is making, representaMelbourne.—A public meeting was The teams and managers to date ing a tour in this territory.' ical education program. . The Health Jewish Community Center. on Montions to government and parliamen- held in Sydney for the purpose of Marks Market, Herbert Marks; A • Nathan Yaffe- is genera! chair- Samuel E. Gilinsky, Harney 70S8. jjClub, this year's innovation for- bus- day, evening, following the fast oi tary circles to ease the difficulties inaugurating the campaign on be7* A. No. 3. Oscar Mayerowich; A man, assisted by Albert Kaplan, J iness and professional irien, has re- Yom Kippur. : • confronting Jewish students from half of the Monash Memorial ForBoston (J. T. A.).—Lewis GoldJ.-Friedman, Morris Brandeis, NathZ. A. No. 100. Joe Blumer+hal: Dee ceived the response anticipated. Music will be furnished by a pop A goodly number attended the ular orchestra of eleven pieces, fea- Rock Oil teams A , and 2, Georg' an Eesnick. John Feldman, Irvin, Le- berg, former member of the Massa Ron mania who seek matriculation at est which the Jews of Australia prochusetts department- of public titili French universities. pose planting in Palestine, in. con^opening session Tuesday noon and turing "Red" TfVvvley, who has been , Klein ;->'i Lambda, Art Grossman vin, Louis Lipp, and Allan Cohen. The league has the support of a junction with the Jewish National T R s i Mu No. l.,Leo Berman; Pst "Moishele'fi Bar Mitzvah" has ties and prominent in Jewish nffairs. seemed to enioy the exercises, which master of cersrronies fi-om coast, t -No. 2, H. . Gilles: Midgets,- ITeyei made a hit-at the New York Yiddish was nominated for.the Massachusetts number of deputies and the Minis- Fund, in memory of Sir John MoriIncluded msdicine ball,! calisthenics. .coasts •' Special; decori'tions Kohlherg: Hawkeyes, kFred* Cohn theaters. It depicts modern Jewisl Supreme Court by Governor. Joseph ter ©f Education in-its effort to havt ash, commander of. the Australian, »nd two "heated", gamjes of volley ja,te tothejoccasion •will^-^ had this difficulty removed. forces during the world war B. Ely. and Th2 Pants Store, Ben Elkin. life. : novel •nroErram presented.
Services at Sunset on Sunday, October 9, to Usher in Day of Atonement
Jewish Forum Series Opens in December
B'naiBrith Plans a Resumption of Weekly Meetings
Miss Rose Cohen Is Case Worker for Federation
Herman Franklin Died Wednesday
Palestine Greets New Year With Joyousness
Hebrew Club to Use
of '?•• Sisterhood's Current
Play for Charity
Hatavnis Hance Is Planned at Center
Topic Series to Open
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year x - • - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantie 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent
THE SACRIFICE The plaintive, soul-stirring strains of Kol Nidre will Sundayevening usher in the holiest of Jewish holy days—Yom Kippur. As the mellow notes Of this sanctified air echo and re-echo in the hearts of world Jewry, each member of the Jewish faith has the opportunity to prove his birthright—regardless of the intensity of his Judaism during the other 364 days of the year, on this Day of Atonement his Jewish consciousness must necessarily be awakened, if any tie binds him to his ancestral faith. Despite the deep solemnity and concentrated prayer which mark the Yom Kippnr of today, this holyday was once an occasion of joyousness and festivity. In the days when the Temple stood, the Jewish people on Yom Kippur observed the annual "Dance of the Vineyards." The maidens of Jerusalem would exchange garments, the rich with the poor—a recognition of social justice—and together they would dance and sing happy songs, while the young men looked on and frequently chose their brides from the joyful dancers. In contrast, today no happy rites or dancing or merrymaking color the observance of "Yom HaDin." Prayer has displaced gay songs, meditation has supplanted merry dancing. A holiday has become a holyday. ~ Throughout this transition, however, one idea has remained immutable—that of sacrifice. When the Temple was the hub of Hebraic spiritual activity, the High Priests of Israel sacrificed animals to the Lord. With the dispersion of the Israelites, the Jewish blood was sacrificed on the altars of fanaticism and bigotry, and as the years rolled by, Yom Kippur gained in solemnity and sanctification. The sacrifice of Israel symbolical of the Day of Atonement assumed a new form—self-sacrifices. In consecration to Judaism, Jews who could not be called very observant nevertheless fasted on Yom Kippur or abstained from something which meant a sacrifice. This sacrifice of the individual—irrespective of its form or nature—is reinvigorating to the ideals of Judaism and is invaluable for our perpetuation. Today, with want and misery darkening the lives of our brethren, with the antiSemitic phobia becoming more deadly, the present call to Israel on Yom Kippur is the sacrifice of material wealth for those in need the spirit of service must brings hope to the hopeless and strength to the feeble. ' i
ROOSEVELT AND MARX Gilbert Seldes says Mrs. Roosevelt is already planning for the closing up of her home on March 4, according to a story coming to his ears. I imagine it's just one of those stories. But speaking about Roosevelt's election, if it does occur, a man whose career may be worth watching is Judge Robert F. Marx of Ohio. He is one of the party of six, I believe, making the coast-to-coast tour in Roosevelt's private car. I once met Marx years ago, while working on a Cincinnati daily. My recollection is of a rather well groomed, well made man—with dark Semitic eyes—the type that years ago we used to associate with German Jewish stock. If my recollection serves me right, he was one of the leaders in the organization of the American Legion.
STRAWBERRIES AND THE REVOLUTION By the way, Seldes tells a rather good one about the Revolution. 'A speaker at Union square was depicting what would happen when the Revolution comes to America. "Where- do the poor live?" he asked. "In the slums," he answered. "And where do the rich live?" "On Park avenue," he answered. "But when the Revolution comes, the rich will live in the slums and the poor on Park avenue." "And -what?" continued the speaker, "do the poor eat?" "Potato soup," he answered. "And what do the rich eat," "Strawberries in December." "But when the Revolution comes the rich will eat potato soup and the poor will eat strawberries in December." "But I don't like strawberries," interrupted one of his poor auditors. "When the Revolution comes," thundered back the speaker, "you shall eat strawberries in December."
THIS COUNTRY NEEDS A JOKE President Hoover is reported as having told the Jewish old-time comedians, Weber and Fields, that what the country perhaps needed above all right now is a good resounding joke. But the trouble is, that if such a joke were invented now, it would likely be at the expense of Mr. Hoover himself. Depression jokes, like depressions, always are at the expense of the "ins." Take the case, of the Cleveland depression in 1893. That is generally blamed on poor Democratic Mr. Cleveland. And yet study the career of Mr. Cleveland and see how unjust it was for the conservatives to pin the blame on hini. Mr. Cleveland was fully as conservative as the most conservative Republican who stigmatized him. The only radicalism he had was the subject of tariff. He was inclined to be a free trader, but his ideas on the tariff were completely rejected by Congress, so that by no stretch of the imagination could the 1893 debacle have been blamed on any radicalism of his. Mr. Cleveland was in fact fully as conservative as Mr. Hoover. Moreover, he recalls Mr. Hoover in many ways. He' had the same stocky build and something of the same personal reserve, though not as pronounced as in the case of Herb.
ade, in immigrants from Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemberg, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Konmania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Syria. The increases over the preceding decade have been largely from North American and Latin American counInteresting Figures Are Re- tries, Germany, Scandinavia, Great leased by Department Britain and the Irish Free State, of Commerce Switzerland, France and Portugal. On April 1, 1930, the. foreign-born Washington (J. T. A.).—More than population of the United States was 30 per cent of the foreign-born pop- 14,204,149. Of this number, 4,429,ulation "of the United States came 494 or 31.2 per cent, arrived in 1900 to this counry prior to 1920 and or earlier; 3,823,694, or 26.9 per cent, less than a million persons entered between 1901 and 1910; 2,541,946, or during the five and one-fourth years 17.9 per cent, between 1911 and preceding the 1930 census, during 1919; and 2,823,399, or 9.9 per cent, which time immigration has been re- between 1920 and 1930. stricted, according to an analysis of There were 1,790,424 natives of census returns relative to year of immigration of the foreign-born pop- Italy, 1,268,583 natives of Poland, ulation issued by the department of and 1,153,624 natives of Russia in the foreign-born white population of commerce. United States in 1930. Of those The reports show that approxi- the born Italy, only 17.8 per cent armately one-third of the foreign-born rived in in the United States in 1900 or HERBERT SAMUEL QUITS white population of the country, of those born ir. Poland, only numbering 13,366,407 in 1930, entered earlier; I see where Sir Herbert Samuel, 19 per cent; and of those born in with •n 1900 or earlier. Snowden and a few others, are Russia, only 21 per cent. The newest immigrants in the leaving the British cabinet, in proUnited States, that is, those who test against England's going in for nave entered since 1920, are largely the tariff. Canadian, Italian, German, Mexican, As we advance in life, we learn Personally (not that it matters to Irish, Scotch, English, Russian, Po- the limits of our abilities.—Froude. you, of course), I clap my hand at lish and Scandinavian. . During the Sir Herbert's action. I am opposed last decade there has "been a decrease If a man is worth knowing at all, to tariffs of all kinds. I think they as compared with-the previous dec- he is worth knowing well.—Smith. are immoral in the first place. Even their most ardent supporters admit trm;t»t!»»K that they can only work to your profit by choking and repressing the WEbster 2428 profit of the people of other counJEWISH BOOK STORE Decatnx St. 3821 tries. , We want to call to the nttention of the Jewish public that we are setting In But I am one of those who believe now ta nnew supply of the seasonable religions articles. Mnchzeirim with Jewish that they do not even work to your °" , e t B l l s h translations, prayer books, Toleosira, Bilk and'wool of the best profit. I think that there is someincontestably wrong in any theA Full Line of New Year's Cards in Jewish and English i: thing ory which says that it is to the advantage of a country that its ships Bemerober pur famous_Kosber Soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 - — the following articles of pure silver and plate silver candle sticks, go loaded to other countries, with its •• .. , , cups Hadeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them products, and return empty. I can't » , should be so Kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready for them. see how ships coming back from Eu^ # . i h a v e 3"St.recelvedtdlr«ffrom Palestine a very nice stock of most beaotirope empty are going to do me any | - ful Esrogim and Lulovlm for Succoth . . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will I please let me know so that I can have it ready for him for Yontlf. good. I know the explanations that are made to prove this theory, never»»»>}t»»»8i»t:n»»;n»>s»»i;»»mimtm theless sound, but they don't explain. They violate plain ordinary horse sense. I agree with the late Israel Zangwill, who urged the general idea THE of burning down all custom houses.
FAVORITFE; of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
DICTATION AND STYLE Swope, former editor of theVWorldi and P. P. A. of the Herald-Tribune are in the midst of a heated debate. On. the question whether good writing can be dictated. Adams declares good writing cannot be dictated. Swope says it can. I incline to Adams' opinion, though I admit that the ordinary newspaper and perhaps book writing can be dictated, but I cannot imagine the classics—the pearls of expression— being dictated. I can't.imagine, for instance, Abraham Lincoln turning to his stenographer who happened to be, I believe, tie late John ,Hayt and saying, to him, *'John, take a letter," and Iheh
dictating the Gettysburg address. I imagine that part of it formed itself in Lincoln's head, as he was just getting out of bed—that another expression came to him as he was wiping the egg of his breakfast off his chin. In such ways does the creative spark work. You can't time-clock it or reduce it to the discipline of the business office. And it is rather difficult to imagine William Shakespeare turning to a stenographer and saying, "Take a soliloquy, Helen," and then reeling off his t o be or not to be.'
Lawyers Confronted With Many Clausus
ture exercises, volleyball, skating, basketball, indoor baseball and other sports fill the class program; all followed by individual swimming instruction for both the beginning and the advanced pupils. The woman lacking in strength or weight will find that our carefully graded class work willt^hd to strengthen her and to improve her general physique.
Prague (J. T. A.).—A numerus clausus for lawyers was officially announced in Carpatho-Russia, which will, it is believed, most seriously affect Jews. The decree provides that lawyers must be honest and reliable and that The athletically-inclined y o u n g only as many lawyers will be admitted to practice as the proportion of lady will be given the opportunity to their national groups to the popula- express herself in sports of her choice. Advanced swimming, baskettion of the district permits. ball, volleyball, indoor baseball and others are for her, in addition to Wadi Hawareth regular class work. The J. C. C. athletes will have Suits Won by J. N. F. competition to their hearts' content. Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—Two trials Leagues in basketball, volleyball and involving disputed ownership of 6,000 indoor baseball will be offered. Unidunams of land in Wadi Hawareth versity coaching instruction will be were concluded with decisions ren- given. A J. C C. varsity team is dered in favor of the Jewish national planned in basketball, volleyball; and fund. next spring, a baseball team. The popular demand for sports should be fulfilled.
The New York Herald-Tribune presents a rather interesting situation. Ogden Mills, the publisher of that paper, is the secretary of the treasury and spokesman of President Hoover, and the Herald-Tribune is regarded as the official mouthpiece of the president. Its editorials continually chant the defense of the Hoover administration. Yet it has a columnist whom it not only features but syndicates, named, as you recall, Walter Lippmann. His column, which appears thrice a week, is non-partisan- Nevertheless, he has been far more severe on Hoover than on Roosevelt. By And Lippmann can be very effective indeed when he criticizes. As a reMorris H. sult the Herald-Tribune has been Sogolow flooded with letters from many of its Hoover readers, protesting the apPhysical pearance of the column. But LippDirector mann keeps right on criticizing and J. C. C. the Herald-Tribune keeps right on printing the criticisms. The other day the Herald-Tribune printed a big Repetition of well established facts batch of letters from its readers, never hurt anyone. many of them Hoover supporters, If you have good health, hold fast who urged the continuance of the to it. If you lack it, go and get it. column despite its attacks on Hoover. They all admitted that irreHealth is happiness. spective of their personal predilection for Hoover, they enjoyed LippThis thing health is a jewel—the mann's column. most wonderful of all your possessions. Gnard it. Treasure it. Love MR. WINCHELL'S it. Without it, life itself is a cruel, TROUBLES dreary gift. Another columnist has been hav- THE PHYSICAL ing an experience. I refer to Winchell. His editor has just written a EDUCATION book with himself as the hero and DEPARTMENT Provides the entire family with the Winchell as the villain. Of course he uses other names, but opportunity of participating in a the masque is very transparent. He wholesome program of activities that pictures the ruthlessness and un- are based on health development and scrupulousness of the personal col- recreation—PUN. umnist, always bent on "uncovering Successful business and professiondirt, and his own superior and aes- al men the world over strive for efthetic revulsion' to it—and then goes ficiency. We plan to give them just on to claim credit for the making of that thing: increased capacity for Winchell. work and the power to resist disease. Newspaper reviewers as a whole, How? By a carefully organized and who know the inside, however are dis- prepared program of gym and athposed to be more favorable to Win- letic activities aiming for physical chell than to his editorial critic. conditioning. What are these? CalThey point out- that there has been isthenic drills, class exercises, mass a constant quarrel between Winchell games, volleyball, tumbling, apparatand his editor, and some surmise us, basketball, handball, boxing, wresthat the editor may be just a little tling and the like, followed by a jealous of Winchell's rapid rise. It shower, then a stimulating swim, and is hard to believe, but sometimes topped off by a refreshing massage by Mr. Rose. Our new Health Club even editors are jealous. (Copyright, 1932, by Jewish Tele- is the answer to your needs. graphic Agency, Inc.) The modern woman, with her everNever look for birds of this year increasing activities and responsibiliin the nests of the last.—Cervantes. ties, -whether in the home or business world, needs to insure her physSlenOne swallow maketh not summer.— ical well being as never before. derizing, body strengthening1 and posHeywood.
Soggie Says
Courses for girls will include dancing, class work, games, sports and individual s w i m m i n g instruction. Grace, poise, flexibility, body strength and endurance, as well as skill, are the objectives. Too much leisure time is one of the weaknesses in the tare of tehildren. The physical education department program will not only absorb considerable of this extra time, but will also give them hobbies and constructive and vital interests.
The human body must be given particular and careful attention in this modern day of the machine age, of sedentary occupations and highpressure living and nervous tensions. It is necessary to give the physical organism the opportunities to develThe growing boy will secure at- op and maintain itself as nature intention of a particular nature. We tended it should. The wear and tear believe that every boy, through gym- of city life must be offset. nasium, swimming and athletic experience, can develop certain wholePlan out your winter program of some traits of character: initiative, sports and take advantage of the self-reliance, determination, courage I and self-control; all this in addition gift of Omaha's Jewry—the Omahfi to developing a solid foundation for Jewish Community Center. future life—a strong and healthy To the members of the entire fambody. Fair play, sportsmanship, team play and ethical conduct are the ily the services of the physical edugroundwork upon which all of life's cation department of the J. C. C. cannot be measured in dollars and cents. If by its use it adds a few more years to your life; if it wards Bidjan Committee off sickness and disease; if it makes Is Busy in life worth living', the cost becomes really insignificant. Palestine Physical activity is necessary for Tel Aviv (J. T. A.).—Police seized documents here revealing the exist- health and happiness. An inactive ence of a Palestine committee which person deteriorates both mentally and is mobilizing immigrants for Bira physically. Bidjan, the far eastern district of Soviet Russia, where an autonomous Jewish region is to be established in 1933. The documents, it is stated, reveal Be At that the names of 300 prospective candidates for Bira Bidjan settlement were submitted, of which 140 were approved.
Chief Rabbi of Athens Athens.—Rabbi Abraham Chaviv Dayan of Salonica, has been named Chief Rabbi of Athens. The Breek government has agreed to grant a subsidy to the Jewish Community of Athens for the maintenance of the chief rabbinate.
Moishele's Bar Mtzvah With
MOLLIE COHN and COMPANY October 16 Brandeis Theater
Simons Fur Shop Mr. A. Simons has announced the opening of a new fur shop in the Omaha Athletic Club building, 1716 Douglas. Mr. Simons, who recently returned from Los Angeles, Calif., was formerly head of a fur establishment at Sioux City for seventeen years. He has made a thorough study of the fur industry as well as its latest and most modern styles and designs. He will have in his new place ready-to-wear, remodeling, specialized fur cleaning and fur storage. He will be assisted in the fur department by his son, Ben Simons.
REV. A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs Well Known in This Vicinity as a
Phone 1059
WE. 6161
WE. 6161
Ak-Sar-Ben Show
Omaha, Nebr.—The trend of rising livestock prices and better values in general for agricultural products in the midwest will be greeted and encouraged by presentation of Ak-Sar-Bens' greatest live stock show, horse show and rodeo. Here is an exposition representing an investment of two million dollars. President W. H. Schellberg of the Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition company said in announcing October 29 to November 4, inclusive, as dates for the fifth annual exposition of agricultural resources here. "In the face of conditions which have bowed down this territory for the past three years, we are receiving assurances that entries in the live stock show, in the county resources exhibit and in other parts of the big Ak-Sar-Ben exposition will be greater than ever before. We will have an even finer rodeo than the one which proved so successful last year and which enabled us to smash all previous attendance records at the show," Mr. Schellberg said.
PREMIER GRAND Housewives! Here is an opportunity to get rid of your old cleaner/ and buy a new Premier Grand Cleaner. Trade in your old cleaner on this new machine which has a dozen new features that make it one Of the outstanding cleaners in America today! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Balance Easy Terms
Nebraska Power Courtesy- Sctvice!fUwHate*
"A Good Citizen Wherever We Se
activities are based. The program for him will stress mind-body co-ordination, mental poise, body strength, posture and skill through a regular program of gym, swimming and athletic sports.
I !
CHATTEL MORTGAGE SAtE Notice is hereby given that on the 22n<l day of October, 1032. at the honr of 10 A. SL, at 2514 Lenvenworth Street, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash: 1 velr o « davenport, 1 -velr o s nrm chair, 1 wnl occ table, 2 tap upli occ chairs, 3 metal floor lamps, 1 table model Echophone elect radio complete, 1 rel rug 0x12, 1 wal book rack. 1 wal smoker, 1 wal bnffet, 1 -wal dining table,* 6 wal tnp seat diners, 1 4b Odin gns range, 1 d 1 kit table, 4 tit chairs w s, 1 bro metal dayhed romp. 1 oak d h Singer sewing machine, 2 bro Simmons beds spgs and tnatt, 1 Inc vanity dresser. 1 lac night table. 1 9x12 Ax rug, 1 wal poster bed spgs'and mat, 1 wal chiffonier, 1 wal; vanity dresser, 1 wal cane seat rocker, 1 -nral chiffonier, 1 wal cane seat chair. 1 Cx9 velvet rug. 1 wal occ'l chair vel sent nnd brick, 1 wnl center table, 1 metal bridge lanrp, 1 mnK nprt Gnlbranseit piano ;nncl bench. 1 f)xl2 Congo rug and all dishes, linens, bedding, silverware and kit utensils Covered by Chattel Mortgage executed by William H. Lightfoot and Elva A. Lightfoot on November 13. 1031, to P. E. Tyson, doing business ns the Oronha Loan Company, and having been file3 for record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said Mortgage and to satisfy the amount due thereon, to-wit: Three Hundred and Eighty-two and No-100 Dollars (?382.00) and accruing costs. P. E. TTSOX. Doing Business, as Omaha -Loan Co. 8-30-32-3t
M. NERENBERG ' EXPERT FURRIER All Kinds of Coats Made to Order Also Repairing and Remodeling
1805 North 24th St. We Pay Cash for Old Furs
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brondeis Theatre Bldg . .OMAHA j
gage 3—THE JEWISH ERESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1932 Miss Lillian Jonish is president, will tickets are being sold, and reservagive a rush tea at the home of Miss tions will be taken in the same manLillian Miroff on Sunday, October 16. ner as for dinners. Registration for Bible and Hebrew FORMER OMAHAN WINS classes will start immediately. They LITERARY RECOGNITION may be made -with Mrs. David A. Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg of Kansas Goldstein. These classes will be liald City,* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. on the second and fourth Tuesdays Robinson of this city, has been achiev- of the month, the first to be held at ing literary recognition from Jewish the Center on November 8 from 1 publications. to 2:30. Her "Kol Nidre," a fantasy, will appear in the October issue of "Opinion," and another article by her will appear in a coming issue of the B*nai The Daughters of Zion will hold Brith Magazine. their rummage sale this month. All members and friends are requested to MANLESS CABARET save their bundles and call either of A manless cabaret is being given the chairmen, Mrs. S. Temin, Harney by the Junior Hadassah on Tuesday 0678, or Mrs. A. Greenberg, Harney evening, October 11, at 8;30 p. m. at 1687. the Jewish Community Center. Most All proceeds go to the Jewish Naof the girls plan to wear men's aptional fund. parel. Miss Toby Hertzberg is chairman of the affair, assisted by the Misses Lee Shames, Sara Baum, Minnie Frohm, Rose Rimmerman, Blanche The regular semi-monthly meeting Binstein, Lillian Koom, Sophie Oland of the Henrietta Szold Girls was and Ann Hertzberg. held Tuesday evening at the J. C. C. The annual food sale, which will be given at the Brandeis Stores on FRATERNITY SMOKER Phi Delta Epsilon, national Jewish November 127, was discussed. The medical fraternity, will hold a smoker Misses Ruth Marks, Shirley Pirsch, at the Creighton chapter's house, 305 and Elsie Lazarus are on the committee in charge. South 38th street, tonight. All women who are desirous of Many alumni and faculty members of the Creighton medical school will donating home-baked pastries, cannerl attend, including Dr. Victor Levine, goods, etc., are asked to call Miss Dr. I. Sternhill, Dr. M. Greenberg, Sarah Baum, Webster 3294. The slumber party, which was to Dr. M. Steinberg and Dr. I. Weiss. have been given at the home of Miss Miss Shirley Adele Janoff. Anne Zwieback, has been indefinitely postponed. Miss Shirley Adele Janoff,, shown Plans are now being made for the above, will have charge of dancing Rabbi David A. Goldstein will de- masquerade party which will beheld for junior members of the Jewish liver one of his interesting talks on Halloween. Community Center. The new sponsor will be announced Classes have already been formed about his'trip to Palestine and will in dancing and dramatics for juniors, show moving pictures of the Holy at the next meeting. with many more special activities Land at a Hadassah luncheon on planned. These are for children be- October 24 at the J. C. C. The talk is sponsored by the cultween the ages of 8 and 13. Miss Janoff has had considerable ture group and the penny luncheon The Beta Rho sorority elected ofdancing experience, having been pro- committee of Hadassah. Reserva- ficers for the new term at a regular tions may be made with Mrs. Jake fessionally engaged in that work for meeting held last Wednesday. about ten years. She taught dancing Blank, chairman of the penny lunchThe officers are Merriam Hollandeon committee, Harney 7332; Mrs. at the Center previously. Herman Jahr, cultural chairman, er, president; Ethel Stoler, secreA nominal fee of fifty cents per Harney 6510; Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, tary-treasurer; and Miriam Rubin, month is being charged for the danc- Walnut 1988, or Mrs. David Cohen, reporter. Many interesting affairs ing instruction. This will include Walnut 1923. are being planned. ballet, toe, tap, acrobatic, ballroom 1 The luncheon charge will be sevand all types of musical comedy enty-five cents. Those wishing to routines. Rabbi Goldstein and are unable The classes in junior dramatics are hear to attend the luncheon may come At a recent meeting Mrs. Sidney to be conducted under the general after lunch. Admission will be Katleman, newly-elected president of supervision of the Center's Dramatic twenty-five cents. the local Junior Hadassah chapter, department, with Mrs. Nathan Sekannounced the following standing erman instructor. committees: Rummage Sale It is planned to give either an opCultural: Bess Bernstein, chaireretta or a series of children's plays The annual Hadassah rummage man; Dora Freshman, Anna Green, during this season. sale will be held immediately after The classes will De held Tuesday the holidays. Anyone having bund- Marie Gilbert, Fannie Katelman, and Thursday afternoons at 4 p. m. les are asked to call Mrs. Hymie Mrs. Morris Franklin, Sarah NodA fee of one dollar, charged Milder, Glendale 0963, or Mrs. A. S. dle, Mrs. Abe Klotz, and Sophie for the "course. ' *"' Rnbnitz, Walnut 5531 and the arti- Rosenstein. Program: Ida Fine,, chairman; Lilcles will-be picked up. lian Epstein, Estelle Gilbert, Libby of the usual time and was the smallAbramson, Annette Bender, Gerest of the RKO winners there. Ratrude Rothkop, and Helen Adler. dio, voice and tap dancing lessons Jewish National Fund: Tobie were featured on the Institute curThe opening meeting of the Con Steinberg, chairman; Mrs. Jack Newriculum. servative Synagogue Auxiliary wil berg, Ruth Svengil, Goldie Seidman. be held in the form of a tea in the Ruth Slobodinsky, Molly Zoorwill. SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. M. Gotler of St. Louis is Succah at the Jewish Communiti and Sarah Ricklin. Fund Raising: Gertrude Gerber, Center on Wednesday afternoon, Oc visiting here. tober 19, at 2:30 p. m. This meet chairman; Tobie Steinberg, Lillian Ida Daytch, Ethel StolMr. and Mrs. Irvin H. Stein and ing will be open to all Jewish women Nachschoen, ler, Sylvia Olander, Anna Hahn, daughter, Rona Joan, will motor to in the city. The first of the Oneg Shabbos Rose Dolgoff and Bess Kirshenbaum. Lincoln to spend the week-end holySenior-Junior Relations: Sarah series for this season will be held days with Mrs. Stein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro. Mrs. Stein Saturday, October 22, at the horn Solomonow, chairman; Sally Cohen, Jeannette Resnick, Celia Stoller, Laand daughter will remain in Lincoln of Mrs. Philip Klutznick. The next social event of the Aux Verne Feblowitz, Gertrude Guss, and for a week. iliary will be a dinner on election Anne Greenberg. Courtesy: Rose Mandel, chairman; night, Tuesday, November 8. Miss Rae Borsky left for New York City last week. She will be gone ten days.
Daughters of Zion
ENTERTAINS AT DINNER-PARTY Miss Lillian Nachschoen entertained twenty guests at a dinner party at her home Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. David Hoberman, a recent bride. The evening's diversion was bridge. Mrs. Hoberman was formerly Miss Pauline Sokolsky of Sioux City. ' GUEST HERE Mr. Morris "Weiner of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, will be the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. "William Weiner, for a short time. Mr. Weiner is en • ronte to Los Angeles, where he will again make his home. He has just returned from a six weeks' stay in Shumsk, Poland, where he visited his mother and other relatives. Other European points visited by Mr. Weiner include Paris, France, and Berlin, Germany. SPEAKS IN SIOUX CITY Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg-, Hadassah southwestern regional president, spentTuesday in Sioux City, where she addressed the Sioux City Hadassah board members at the home of Mrs. William Lazere. CONTRACT BRIDGE PARTIES The winners for the east and west section of the duplicate contract bridge party sponsored by Mrs. David Ferer at the Blackstone were Manning Handler and Charles Martin. Second place winners were Mrs. David Cohen and Mrs. David Greenberg. Winners for the north and south section were Mrs. Fred Burbeck and Mrs. G. H. McConnell. Second place winners were Morris Ferer and Harry Perimeter. Another party will be held next Tuesday, October 11, at 8 p. m. at the Blackstone. TO RESIDE HERE Mr. and Mrs. A. Simons and daughter, Rose, and sons, Ben and Milton, recently of Los Angeles, have taken up their residence in Omaha. RETUBNSJERPJI EA&T, Mrs. L. Sokolof, her 10-year-old son, Philip, and 3-year-old daughter, Soralee, returned yesterday from New York. Philip attended the New Wayburn Institute of Dancing in New York for the past month and a half, having won the course of study in the local World-Herald EKO opportunity revue. He finished the course in half
Kitchen Chats Mrs.
By David M. Newman
To Teach Dancing
Apricot Trifle Dissolve 1 package strawberry jello in IV2 cups boiling water, add % cup apricot juice. Chill until mixture begins to thicken, then add 1% cups cooked or canned apricots drained, add % cup sugar, stir in Mrs. Joe Krestul returned Sunday jello mixture, add 1 cup whipped from a short stay in Des Moines. cream and % cup chopped pecans pour in mold to chill. SISTERHOOD DINNER A dinner will be given at Temple Angel Charlotte Russe Israel at 6 p. m. Friday evening, Dissolve 4 tablespoons lemon jello October 21, under the direction of or % package in 1 cup boiling water, Mrs. Carl -Furth's division of the add a few. grains salt and % cup Sisterhood. powdered sugar. Mrs. Mollie Cohn is in charge. Chill until thickened, then add % Reservations may be made with Mrs. teaspoon almond extract, 1 cup Furth, Harney 2522. whipped cream, % cup cocoanut. Turn in a mold lined with lady fin- RUSH TEA gers. The Pi Tau Phi sorority, of which
All the Difference in the World The surroundings and, environment make all the difference in the world in the pleasure one obtains from meal-time. That is why so many discriminating people dine at the Jack and J i l l . . . . where quality food and cuilnary art make delicious, palatable dishes.
k and UilL rHOP
Henrietta Szold
Beta Rho
Junior Hadassah
Conservative Auxiliary
With the
' • * •
Council Bluffs . News BY F. R. K.
Yom Kippur Services Yom Kippur Service, for the Day of Atonement, will be observed at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster street, commencing Sunday evening, October 9, at six o'clock, when the Kol Nidre services will be chanted. On Monday, services will begin at seven o'clock in the morning and continue throughout the day. The Memorial services, "Yiscor," "will take place at 10:30 o'clock.
The Rosh Hashonah Holiday bought a number of out-of-town people to Council Bluffs to observe the holidays with their relatives and friends. Among those here for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron and son, Herman, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Goldberg of Shenandoah, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron David, of Leavenworth, Kans.; Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane Burton, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg of Hastings, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Max Shostak and children of Lincoln, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cohen of Tarkio, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trochtenberg of Avoca, la.; Messrs. and Mesdames Corpal Cohen, and Abe Cohen of Gretna, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Maduff and family of Anita, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz of Manning, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Solzman and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Friedman of Hamburg, la.; and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan, la.
nesday evening, October 5, at the home of Marvin Fitch. Opens Office Dr. J. M. Moskovitz, formerly of Missouri Valley, la., has moved to Council Bluffs recently and opened an office at 302 Bennett Building. Dr. Moskovitz will specialize in the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology. His office phone number is 611.
Correction Through an error in the official lists, the name of Philip Kershman, no age or address, was given in the list of the Jewish people who died during the past year. The only Philip Kershman in Omaha is hale, hearty, and very much alive.
Senior Hadassah The Council Bluffs Chapter of the Senior Hadassah will hold their first meeting of the season next WednesOpens Office day afternoon, October 12, at the Mr. Joseph Lintzman has opened Hotel Chieftain at 2:30 o'clock. All an office for the practice of law at members are urged to attend and to Miss Bess Perlmutter returned 534 Insurance Building. bring their friends. ,An interesting home last week from the East where she spent the past several months program is being arranged. visiting relatives in Boston, Mass, Ruth Svengil, Ida Minkoff, and Sa- and other eastern cities. die Tatelman. Prompt Service . . . . Honor Pins: Dena Gilinsky, chairMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman . . . . Reasonable Prices man; Edith Dolgoff, Sarah Mala- entertained the members of their shock, Leah Oberman, Bertha Mar- Evening Bridge Club at their home golin, Rose Sacks and Goldie Pries- Monday evening. J«e Freed, Mcr. man. 1018 Farnatn Ja. 6071 Membership: Tobie Herzberg, William Levine of Leavenworth, chairman; Rose Rimmerman, Sophie Rosenstein, Lee Shames, Blanche Kans., spent the past week in CounBinstein, Lillian Koom, Sarah Baum, cil Bluffs visiting friends. While Betty Kotler, Sophie Oland, Mrs. here he stayed at the Hotel ChiefPeter Greenberg, Anne Hertzberg, tain. Minnie Frohm and Evelyn Kaiman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krasne and Young Judaea: Elsie Eisman family have moved to 2103 Sixth NATIONAL chairman. Regional Conference: Ruth Mar- Avenue during the past -week. ACCESSORIES, INC. golin, chairman. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 "Everything for the AoU" Happy Day Fund: Anna Kuznit, of the A. Z. A. held a meeting Wedchairman. 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
Every Mother and Every Father Should Know The Nebraska's
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See all the features in these remarkable new fire-piece Knicter S u i t s Coat, sweater restorer, 1 pair HipZip knickers and 1 pair regular golf knicker. ETerything the boys want in com ^'nation, $8.75.
Other Two Knicker Suits, $6.30 to $18
Boys' All Wool Long Pants AH wanted colors—Oxford grey, blue, tan, grey, brown aad fancy mixtures. Sizes S to 20 years. Feature Talues— !i •
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Sioux City N ews |
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tester Heeger to Head Ivre Cluti
Phone HArrjey^26;r -^ Farnarn^at Thirty-third
• 1 }\:I
The annual B'nai- Brith dance, sponsored by the local lodge, will 'be Held next Monday night, October 10, at the Rigaudon ballroom, following1 the fast of Yom Kippur. Orville Rennie and his orchestra will supply the music for dancing. The ballroom will be decorated with ; harvest colors: and favors. • Several specialty numbers will be. offered during the evening. The B'nai Brith committee in • charge of the arrangements' for 'the . affair include Leon Dobrofsky,' "Morey Jjpshutz, Lester Heegery A. 1 . •Schwartz, Abe Pill and E. N. Grue-
^ ^ ^ ^ l
.' MONSKT, GRODINSKT ft SHOTTTELX,-MONSKT, "GRODJXSKT VANCE AND HA Kit Y - B.. COKEN. : VANCE Aim BAKBI B. COHES, . Harold Farber and Phil Feldman * - 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. . 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. : : of Omaha were recent visitors in NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO AltTISioux City. : NOTICE OF .'AMENDMENT TO ARTITICXES- OF" INCORPOKATIOJ! OF CLES OF .INCORPORATION OF. SHOE '_ BPTTEBF1,Y FKOUCCTS COUFANY, SPECIALTIES MFG. COMPANT. ^ I N C . , -. • " . - . . . • • • • all men by these presents: That Know oil men b y these p r e s e n t s : That Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sherman of at Know Ida Heshelow, Miss Ruth Bernstein, n duly .-constituted special meeting of at a duly constituted special meeting of Miss Evelyn Kuntz, Miss Ida Edel- Wessington, S r D., visited in Sioux the stockholders of Shoe Specialties Mfg. the stockholders, of Butterfly - . P r o d u c t s Company, held on this 20th day of June, Company, Inc., held on this 13th d a y of City i over the holidays. .man, Miss Dena Baron, Mrs. Her1932. all of the stockholders being present, June, 1932, all of the stockholders being the following resolution was unanimously- present, the following resolution w a s unanman Shiloff, Miss Roma Wigodsky adopted : . . ' • - . • ' • imously adopted: ' ' .and Miss Jessie Slutsky. ' "Resolved, that the Articlt*s of -IncorpoHoliday; guests in the city during "Resolved,-thnt the. Articles'of Incorporation of Shoe* Specialties Mfg. Company, ration of Butterfly Product* the past week included Mrs. Theo- be nnd the same are hereby amended in Inc. be nnd the same nre hereby. Company. nmeuded dore 'Wolf and sons of Sheldon, Mr. the following particular, namely,, thnt the in the following particular, namely, that luime of 'he corporation shall be nnd it is the nnme of the corporation: ghftll be and Meyer Wolf "of Cherokee, Mr. Dave hereby changed to SIIOK ACCESSORIES it i s hereby cn&nged.'to SH"OB SPKCIALBernstein of Rock Rapids, Iowa, Mr, MFC. CO., and Article X of said Articles T I E S MFG. COMPANY, nnd Article X of Incorporation shall be and the same is said Articles of Incorporation .shall tie Ben; Margolis of. Sioux Falls, S. D., of hereby, amended so ns to change the senl and the same is hereby amended s o a s t o Rabbi David: Goldstein,; f spiritual and Mr. and Mrs.-A.- Rosen of Free- t o c o n f o r m . " " ; - • ' "' chanize • the -seal- *o conform."^ --
Miss ANNA PiLL; Correspondent:
Whai Brith Dance on Monday Night
. Dr. and .Mrs. J..M. £rigst_en, 3312 . ,There is. no, refuge-from confession There is a "period .'ofUife-when \ Jackson street, announce the birth of but suicide;'and suicide is confession. go backwards as?we advance.—Rousa daughter, on Sunday "morning, Oc- —Webster. seau. : . '. tober ll [
SLIPPERY DRIVING DAYS AHEAD! You'll need tires that GRIP. Enjoy the safety of stout new Goodyears all fall and winter. Save trouble, time, money—equip your car now.
Rabbi Goldstein to Address Auxiliary
Article I n s a m e n d e d i s t o rend n s f o l Article I a s amended is t o read, a s folleader of the Conservative Syna- man, S. D. lows: • .. .-•--• •" :."" •-•- - ' - - - - • ' gogue in Omaha, will;address: mem"The liaine'of'tfie corporation Is SHOE ."-The naine of the-co'rnotaMMi• J a ' S H O E ACCKSSORIRSCMFO.-CO." - - - - - - - BPEX^IALTIKS MFG. COMPANY." . bers of the - ladies'-'•• auxiliary ± f of Article X - a s - amended^is t; o rend a s :fol- Article X .as a m e n d e d - 4 B - t o ; r e a d ' a s f o l Gisela Pill, 'cellist, . appeared o'n lows: Shaare Ziori -Synagogue, their fam~ - - ' - "-v ' . . . - • •" -•"'..' -: ' lows-:' •• -•' • •. :-.:•'-. L.•'."**" '"'.i'/'/i "The corporatlon'shnll hnve a ami; which ilies, and friends, "at an Open meet- the program of the Northwest Teach"Thecprporatipn shall bave-«-«enli which ?; shall be clrculrtr" In form; with the wotds. sliall be"circular in form, With t n e words, ing October 1T.1 : .: ; ,;" •/.' ;.;."-'V :jers'•convention, held this morning at "Shoe Accessories- Mfg.-Co^ Omaha. Ne- "Shoe Specialties Mfg. -CoBipany,- Omaha £feptral high school. She was acbraskn.r aronnjl. the clrcnniference there-: N«brnakn.?." flrountl.: t h e >. circumference . Rabbi Goldstein will, speak,on his ot and the words," "Corporate Seal,"-in thereof, and the words, "Corporate Seal," trip \;i6? ;Paleatine>! and;^during j the; ctirripanied by Miss Eleanor Herman. the'centec" :=-': - * - • In, -1*e center." • iiti i r course, of-J:th'e{ey&fagllshoyrt faqwhigi '- "'"• - In • Witness AV'hereof, the nnderslgned as In Witness Whereof, the undersigned ns ' '•/ :::;-!.;-!..;'i
P.resldent.' aiirt VSecretnry. respectively, Jof pictures; taken; on • %he trip. ; : f ; ' ] ' ; E I A . . MON8KY. GRODINSKY ft (he juild -corporation, have KiiliscrlbeU 11; TiVXCE, and HAHKY B . COHEN, . their! liames.•••'••: ••••". t , •-..!"':» Th4; theme: of! thei Evening's; ;pror! i J! . • yT>: Atorney» ! '•:••?*: , : . ".•;._.AIICHBI^. KATLEMAX,; l gram will be based; on the^ Festiyaj '• ' ' ' President, i of * StJCcoth.7 Th*e\ social jhall ;o£';tHf. i tfNCrrlGlS is hereby given thnt at a duly • !. ":• ;BESS l i TMMAf nagogue; • -will. -be'' decorated Wi^n constituted special meeting of, theS stock' hOtlerst idfi CARTER iLAKE CLUB. INC., Wtthefesr '••,-• rVes^t 'offerings.* j "f ;;!>• held «5ii 'fhe 26th dayrof July, ,1932, a Bet A. Greenberg.
President and Secretary, respectively, of the, said corporation, have subscribed their
names. • • :! .: - -
MICHEL KATI-EMAN, * • I'reBUIient. BESS JJ. K.VTI.EMAN. tiecfetury.
. si : 0-lff-32-4t
A. <3ret'iit»erg.
o£-.Amended and Substituted Articles, of Lester -Heeger- was elected --presiIncorporation were adopted ns the Amend,Jent- of "the L. Ivre. Club; at the annual ed idnd Substituted Article* o t Inoorporntibii'-QtjCArter Lake Club*.'-Inc., .which" in .election held recently.- -Offier officers substance is ns follows: The name of the elected were Jack Lipman, vice-presWrporntlou shall be Carter LakeClub. I h c Tin- main offlcu. shHll l>e in Omiihn, Nebrasident; Ceon Dobrofsky, secretary; ka, but the eqrporntipu rnqy, h?re'n branch John Levin, treasurer! . . i office in' Pbttawnttnmle County, .Ipwa:'The Mrs. i M. - Lazriowich . was. elected eynernl' niitffre of the business of the cor' "Plans.-were, made for a stag party lan^T its. : objects, purposes :,npjl to be held-,tliis monthj at which timie president of ,the - Daughterhood - of poration; powers are to protect fish' and'game in the newly elected officers will be in-Tephereth Israel -Synagogue at theand about Carter Lake, to-detect and cause 1 to' be prosecuted violators- of fish nnd annual election held recently. . Other game-laws stalled. .. of the" States of Iowa anil "Neofficers; elected were Mrs.- M. •Levich.. braska; to encourage n'tid promote fislivice-president; - Mrs.; Ed Shafton, fi- Ing. boating, yachting- and. other amateur frames; sports nnd' pastimes: to os-~ } nancial secretary;. Mrs. G. C.: Levich, field t:il>lish and maintain. ^ a - Club: House, corresponding; secretary> and Mrs.- A. grounds aud other . social .club. facilities for the use, pleasure, comfort, convenBain, treasurer. ience, entertainment and amusement of its members. It shall h:ive_.the power In conThel election was followed by a re^nection The'first 'general meeting of the with the maintenance ntul opera-Sisterhood*will be held next Friday ception honoring Rabbi Louis Laz- tion of the Club to determine the classes ami conditions of membership and tbe erow of New York City, who delivafternoon, October 14, in the "annex fines and other charges therefor, o f Mount Sinai Temple. Mrs.* Louis ered a series of addresses here dur- and shall have the power to suspend and otherwise regulate such membership. The ing the past month..; The DaughterAgranoff, r.ev-ly elected president, corporation snail have the power to purhood presented him with a gift dur- chase, will preside. lease,. hire and otherwise acquire real nnd personal property and any InterA 1 o'clock luncheon will precede ing-the evening. est or estate in either improved or unimprovrd tr> the extent that the same, may the business' meeting.- Following a l>e nefcessarv or convenient for the' accomdiscussion for plans .of the:-year; the plishment of any of the objects of said following program will ,be" presented. corporation, and to hold, own. and maintain the same and to sell, dispose of, lease, ."Fourteen," a comedy skit, coached Eight new members were initiated convey, mortgage nnd otherwise encumber by. Mrs. Leon • Marx, -will -be • pre- into the.. A. Z.., A, chapter at the such property or any part thereof nnd nny thereon,"and to provide for sented .with- 'the*, following ' cast: meeting held. this." week.:- Following Improvements the expt-nses of maintaining the same, and •"Elaine Pringle;" Mrs. Ruben Miller; the formal initiation, Marvin'• Klass, shall have the power to borrow money and issue notes, bonds or other evidences of "Norah/'rMrslE. J. Fribourg;'"Mrs. president of the chapter,- welcomed to Biictindebtedness secured by. any or nil of 'Horace Pringle," Mrs. Theodore N. the new.;. memb"ers in; behalf ""of the the • corporate property or uns;»currd, as the Board;of Directors shall deem for the r ; L e w i s . •..-•'.." . " • ; " • • • - • • ' . - ' • ; . - 4 r j entire- chapter. Mr.>. A. Baumstein, best interests of this corporation. These ; ' ' Mrs/J; Tel ton; wfll present a2grob£ j advisor of the chapter, also sp'fike. " Amended and' Substituted Articles shall become effective upon-the filing of n copy of i vocal solos, • accompanied at fiie' Reports on :the play^ to be given thereof with the Clerk of Dotiglns.Coiinty, : piano by; Mrs j I Ii: S; Gbliberg. '•/> by members was- made by Morris Nebraska, and the corporation shall continue until ihe 1st day of January, 19GO, : .Mrs. -I. ;Mii?eri kndj JKr&i A.. L. q a j Borshevsky. . ! Max Marori and "Archie unless sooner terminated by law. The au•linsky are; ;in ] chfirge iof th|e -luncheon Kantoriwere in charge of* the initia- thorized capital stock o l the corporation v shall be ?IOO.00O, divided into 200 shares ; ^ a r r a n g e m e n t s ; ] ; j j ] ] ' \ ; U •' ' • '• •' f j •tion plans. ';•; of,the par value of $TD0 each, which when
LOOK A t These Features \
Husky, handsome, long-wearing tread. 2 Center Traction Safety. 3 Bui|t with Supertwist Cord —Goodyear patent. j£ Pull Oversize in all dimensions. 3 Goodyear name and house. flag on sidewall. {} Guaranteed for life, by world's largest rubber company. •y New in every way—a value you get because MILLIONS MORE people buy Goxnlyear Tires.
:Stet&rhoodto Open. %._ : Season Nexti Friday
A.Z. A.
Issued shall be fnlly paid and non-assessable. No stockholder shell own more than three shares of tbe capital stock. The stockholders' shall be only such persons as are approved by the Board of Directors and who snail lie tbe owners of one or more shares, not exceeding three, of the capital stock of the corporation. Each share of stock shall be transferable by asOne of those who were chosen for signment In.'the manner provided by the the cast of "Welcome; Stranger," The relief department of the Fed-by-laws and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The highest amount which will be presented'" November 6 eration of Social Service is in need of indebtedness to which this corporation under the auspices of the ladies' of men's, women's and .children's may at any time subject itself shall not esceed of its capital stock. The auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue, clothing, to take care of the needs private two-thirds property of individual stockholdthe following parts have been as- that come to its attention daily. ers shall not be subject to corporate lia: bility. . Dues shall be levied and collected signed: •• Those in charge have requested ncuinst each member of any class, ns pror Mr. Abe Stillman will take the anyone who has clothing that can be vided by the by-laws. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a part of "Isadore Solomon;" "Sdyel worn to get in touch with the Fed-Hoard of Directors consisting of nine "Heshelow; "Ichabod Whitson;" Mor- eration. The approaching cold weath- memliers. who shall lie elected by the stockholders. The present Board of Diris Slutsky, "Gideon Tyler;" Morris er has taxed the clothing room of rectors nnd the expiration dates of their Bernstein, "Eb Hooker;" Sam Epthe Center, and the supply at this terms of office are as follows: William Holzman, Henry Monsky and Lloyd Skinstein, "Bije Warner;" Art Bergen, time is very low. ner, term expiring Decemlier. 1034: George "Clem Beemis;" Lee Herzoff, "Ned If those who have clothing to give li. Pray. K. H. Koran and T. E. Mustnin. Tyler;" Morris Rubin, "David Frank- cannot bring it to the Center, a call term expiring December. 1933; Albert E. C L. Dettman and W. F. Knapp, el ;" Mrs. .. Rueben Miller, "Mary to the Center will bring someone to Snyder, term expiring December, 1032. The Directors shall elect a President, Vice-PresClark;" Miss Helen Herzoff, "Essie collect it. ideut and Treasnrer from their own numSolomon;" Miss Rebecca Stillman, ber nnd a Secretary may be elected from "Grace Whitson," and Miss Dena Batheir own number or otherwise, as the ; Board may determine. With the assent In ron, "Mrs. Trimble'" • •writing of GO 2-3rds of the capital stock Several other parts remain to be of >he corporation or pursuant to rotes given in person or by- proxy by stockcast as yet. Miss Seiene Barrent holders holding G6 2-3rds of the capital will present a group ' of specialty stock, the Board of Directors 8hnll have MrV L. E . Deetz, professor i n t h e power and authority to sell, nssigri, transdances* as features between the acts. fer, convey or otherwise dispose of the Committees working pn the revue department of Sociology a t t h e U n i -property and assets of the corporation as versity of South Dakota, i n Vermilnn entirety or going concern, on such at the present time include the ticket terms nnd conditions as to. the Board may committee, headed by Mrs. Philip lion, addressed members of t h e B'nai seem fit, either for cash, bonds, or shares capital stock of any corporation or corSherman and Mrs. M. Mushkin, andBrith at their m e e t i n g Tuesday e v e - of porations, or for any. kind or species of the ads committee, headed by Mr.ning on t h e subject, " A Tour of property or obligations or securities. The Utopia." During his address h e spoke Board of Directors shall not have the power Friedman. on h i s travels i n the newer countries to commit the corporation to nn obligation In, the amount of $1,000.00 or more without of Europe, and of their efforts t o - the consent of the stockholders. Dated Jl'ly 20. 1032. ward; a practical Utopia. ROBT. II. "KORAN. WM. T^. HOLZPlans were -made a t the / m e e t i n g MAN, WM. P. KNAPP, LLOYD Services at Mount Sinai Temple for. t h e installation o f A . Z. A . ofSKINNER. EDWARD E. NICHOLS; will be held tonight, beginning at 8 ficers at t h e next B'nai Brith meetOEOROE G. PRAY, E. R. BRAINARD and JOSEPH ROHACEK, o'clock. Rabbi Lewis will speak on ing. •'•-'••':;-:.••" •-"'•-:.:- ;-;":'-- •• , 9-16-32-4t Incorporators.
PASTS ARE CAST FOR .•%Federation J&in Need "WELCOME STRANGER" of Clothes for Their Clients
Vermillion Prof essor Addresses B*nai Brith
Members of the Iota;Tau Sorority were guests of Miss j Bee Liberman at the meeting. Tuesday evening. The Kol • Nidrei service at Shaare Bridge and dancing were followed Zion Synagogue will begin ' Sunday b y r e f r e s h m e n t s . ^ i • . . ' • < ,, • night at 6 o'clock. Cantor A. Pliskin will.chant the ritual, assisted by \; Miss Sara! Eofcklin^ was hostess !to a choir of men's voices, directed by members •; <^f , the* jJUp'ha! Chi .Gamma Mr. Sam Passman. Eabbi H. E. Ral4 Sorority! ^t; i their j meeting this week. inowitz will speak on the subject'; A social hour followed the business "No Surrender." meeting. Monday morning, on the day of Ybm Kippur, the service will begin Miss Fanny Lasinger gave a reat 7:30. Rabbi Eabinowitz will speak port -of the Business Girls' conference held this^ summer at Lake Okooh "Our Shrinking Assets." .•„' The religious school' will resume; its boji.-'atf the .meeting Wednesday eyesession Sunday morning at 10 o'clock: ningi: tThV program was proceeded The staff of the school includes Miss b y d i n n e r v - ' - ' - ' v - ~ -•'•;•••••:••-
, MONSKT, GRODIXSKT SCE AND HARRI B. COHEN 737 Omaha Nati Bank Bids. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF TVIZXA In. the. County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska! In the Matter of the Estate of Samnel Bablor, Deceased. . All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filea in said Court, praying for the probate of n certain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on snld petition before said Court on the 29th day of October, 1932 and that if they fnil to* appear at said Court on the said 39th day of October, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. 91., to contest the probate of said •will, the Court mav allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Hannah Bablor or'some other snitable person and proceed to a, settlement thereof. '•"-•. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 10-7-32—3t » County Judge.
^^InPraSInfile<5>X7 Tube 0 1 . O S r -
Sinftle 94.S7 Tufce »X.OS
School -days, are the happiest in more, this time with their health any child's.'-'life* especiaUy"if his .Tnucli improved. ' ' health -is 'soch whereby rte':'itk' enr Judge Foster has given much of joy all that transpires in the every- his time, while not serving as a 1 day classroom. . jurist in court, to aid poor and But, unfortunately all children needy children who are in dire are not on an even' basis. Some nsed of medical treatment. He are crippled and in poor health. has made several personal visits to At the Shriners Hospital for homes, where neither father and Crippled Children in Minneapolis, mother have had work for months, Minn.? Hundreds of crippled chil- but always ho succeeded in senddren are given the necasary medi- ing the child in need of-medical' cal treatment to cure them. treatment to the Shrine hospital. In this tommunity more than 75 "I'm more than glad to. do all I children of: all nationalities and can for crippled children," said creeds have had treatment at the Judge Foster. "It matters not to Shriners hospital. They were all me where the child comes from, or recommended to the institution by how he is" reared. ' If he or she District, Judge Charles E. Foster, needs treatment I'll do more than chairman''^ftf- the hospital com- Ican'to have them admitted to the mittee. hospital. The above picture plainly shows Judge Foster has long presided the results physicians obtain at the Shrine •institution. In the picture on various court benches and is are four happy youngsters, .who.a held in high esteem by the law profew days ago started school once fession of this community.
^MEach «^FinPra. ' Sinftle«5.5S TabeSX.lS
•^FinPrs. Sinfile t S . * ! Tube S I ' 3 *
Tube $ 1 . 0 5 CAREFULLY MOUNTED FREE by Experienced Tire Men
$ JL67
•VEach ^^inPrs. Slfifile •6.3O Tube «X.I7
^^lnPr«. Single * • • • $ Tube » ! • » »
Also the Above and Larger Sizes in
GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Supertwist Cord Tires 4-CC-Zl
$ JL8O
: «0rioPn. Single 0*-1© Tuba < U 8 5.M-X9
^^tnPrm. Single S t > 9 7 Tube * * . 3 5 5-3S-M
#Each m lnPca. Single $7.3B " "To*o'**«3S"
^^Each ^^InPra. Single 98.35 Tube « I - 4 3
^SEach SJnftle*9-*S Tube SX-79
Society News
Shaare Zion Synagogue
lube W-OO 4-75 - I »
Mount Sinai Temple
the subject; "A Year off Jewish HisA social hour followed t h e meeting. tory." SHOT WELL. MONSKT, GRODIKSKT & ' Sunday evening, October 9, "the VANCE, Attorneys 737 Omaha National Bank Bid*.. Omaha ."Kol Nidrei" service will begin i at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis will speak on PROBATE NOTICE the subject, "Weighed in the' BalIn the Matter of the Estate of TTllIiam .Plans were made at a meeting of Black, Deceased. ance." - •'( • "•• •-.-;•• Notice is hereby given that the creditors Services on Yom Kippur day wilthe Debra Club this week for a Hal- of said deceased -will meet.the administraloween party to be given this month. tor" with'will annexed of said estate, bebegin at 10 o'clock.. Tlie sermon fore me. County Judge of Douglas County, The committee' in charge of arrangeNebraska, at the County Court Room, in will be, entitled, "Where Is' God?" said County, on the 14th day of November, The afternoon service will begin a ments includes Jeanne Montrose, Jen- 1932, and on the 14th day of January, 1933,' 2:30 and the memorial service wil! nie Shindler, Dorothy Gelson and Gi-at v o'clock A. M., each day. for the. purpose .of presenting their claims for examsela Pill. ' follow immediately- after. adjustment and allowances. Three Following the meeting a social ination, months are allowed, for the creditors to The religious school will resume its present their claims, from the 14(h day hour was held, honoring Miss Jennie J sessions Sunday morning, October 9, of October. 1932. at 9:30 o'clock. Regular classes will Shindler on the occasion of her birth- •.•-••-• BRYCE CRAWFORD. I day. ." 9-23-32-St . . . County Judge. be held during the session.
Tuhi i f to Here arc four of thn many Nebraska cripplod children who have received- treatment at the Shriners hospital for Crippled Children, in Minneapolis,: Minn. They are shown with Distrljpt" Jud,te "CHaxles E. Fostsr. Seated on tha judse's knees arc, left to right, Betty Kdsnzjzl and Mary Kose Galda. Standing left to right are Jack Mynett and Leonard Edinundscn.
*««-X0 - •
$«#7O ••: * * s a . Single SXX; OS ~ Tube S * . O 8
6 and 8 "Plies" Of the six layers (8 layer* In 6.08 and 6.5« sizes) of Supertwist Cord under the Pathfinder tread, two do not run from bead to bead —they are -really cord "breaker strips" and that's what we call them.
4F inPn. Single 89-40 Tube 81.8X ••5O-I»
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Other Sizes Equally Low
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Amid the serene beauty of stately Elms, glorious in meir new Autumn colors, you will find the vocation of your dreams. Golf, ride) playtennis'and enjoy every outdoor sport in the deat bracing oir and invigorating dimate of Excelsior Springs Drink end bathe in America s most efficacious waters. Comfort/ Luxury/ Food to delight Ihe most jaded appetite-with special attentiqnioinose who musr observe die* rules.
Kates are lower in keeping with the times . . . AH arrangements and reservations tor j-pur Excelsior Sprinps trip may be made locally. Complete detaiU and free descriptive booklets are available. Please phone or see Charles K. Gardner, Manager, at Hotel Fontenelle.
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Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave? •**•.•,';^::'.Mf . v . v O m a h a , -N'elnV
Phone AT. 6427 .
HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors
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