October 14, 1932

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Dedicated to the

k°f fit People"'. v •s.%


Kitlt-n <l as .SII.IIMI ^ r « tti Mjtlipi on. Jumi;iry ZJ. lir.il, al "' I'uRiollliT rii OrttnliA r n ' j - ' " - 1 " uinl*r rlin Hrl of March 8 1KZ9 •, e o =



]ewish Convalescent Home

Board of Governors Meeting Monday Evening Mrs! H. JL :5¥olf, Family Wd- fare Chairman,Tells «f Need

Feast ol. Tabernacles to Be ered in"With. Appropriate '. Services

The Board of Governors of-the. Jewish Community - -Center and Welfare Federation -will meet next Monday .evening at 8:39 p. m. at the Center. . — • • t - Among other business,.the Philanthropies budget for 1932-33 \rifl be ^presented. ..^The. budget; corar: . mittee has' spent -many weeks. of careful analysis and consideration in arriving at their: conclusions.

Vol. X—No. 37

Permanent lapidus Memorial Seleeted Community Trust Fund and Ere&ion of Bust In Memory of ^; Revered Leader

', The demand for clothing from "dependent Jewish" fainiiies in -'Oteatha , The'establishment of -a* community Omaha and-throughout the. -country Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles, during- the -past -year -has -teeri contrust fund and the erection' of a bust will contribute toward the ^estaWish- •, bV celebrated by Jewry for eight" siderably increased as compared-with as memorials to the late- Harry, Lap-, ment of the trust fund, although no d a y s f commencing this evening at* previoTis yearsr"" Indications are that idus, beloved civic, communal and campaign for funds is' being contems u n d o w n . •""•".-.. — • . " .•; the demand will be [even'greater dur- -.'". '-'•'• . philanthropic leader, were unanimous- plated. v - The Succoth festival is based upon ing the "coming "season.. .. ' " '.' The bust of Lapidus will be placed ly decided upon at a meeting of rept two' fundamental?jdeas. ..vlt is, first Mrs. H."A. Wolf,;chairman of the resentatives of the various Jewish or- in the Jewish Community Center. ,A.-• " of' all, the harvest. f estival^ a , period Family Welfare Departmentj ganizations in Omaha constituting resolution '"•was" "unanimously adopted' J celebrated with great joy by the Jews '. "AVe are very, happy' to. rec the. Lapidus • memorial committee, at Tuesday Tiight's meeting that <ifce~ • of long ago' in" Palestine, a period,of a; large • number 6? firms'" and' indi-. hehj at: the Jewish Community "Cen- cost of the "ptrst" "be "paid, for by the rejoicing and thanksgiving to God viduals have, helped _us. meet Jewish" organizations. of Omaha. . . . : terTJTnesday evening. - . • for His-bounteous c'ropsf problem through generous gifts' o¥ Harry 'Lapidug. was one of the j"The details for the fund and bust ; The festival has,*.likewise.^an- hisclothing. ' ^ ^ - ' '!. " will be worked out by special com- founders .of the Jewish Community ~ "During the -9jSBent_ holidays, -we torical significance. *- It commemorates The boy scout'work, at the'Jewish mittees, to be appointed by the com- Center*: ;»hfire_"Jthe,. bust will ^ be loreceived a ' quanSty of children's the successful cfqrty^year journey of Community Center is now in fall; mittee . chairman, Dr. A. Greenberg. cated, and/was its first president." clothes^ and - -w^»ei£!s'" .apparel the Israelites ".through "the^Wflderp According to the' general plan He served as heatl" of the institution swing, with two troops meeting there was used in conifecdbn db With the h famness after the' exodus' f rohV'Egypl, Agreed upon, the community trust for tJiree years. Though he was inregularly. " ilies dependent, at. A e ^present time. and -is reminiscent - of- the -fact- that No. 62, under the direction fund will be used as a means of aid- terested in every .worthwhile cause the Israelites dwelt in booths (SucThe Jewish Convalescent Home, Donated by the Jewish It enabled us to jfrrovide clothing for of Tivop >">T. David C Platt, and sponsored ing and maintaining worthy charita- in the interest of the needy or of children returning, to school and also coth) during this entire period.-•— Orphans Society to the Bikur Cholim. for adults who despite conditions, by the Center, and Troop No. 72 ble- activities in which Mr. Lapidus education, the sponsors of a perma- Local Services ' A fervent dream of the Omaha sick—flowers to its members, bring- nevertheless[had new clothes for the -under the direction of • David" Fish- was so vitally interested. The pur- nent memorial to him felt that the man, and sponsored by Al. Z. A. No. poses of the fund,' it is planned, will Jewish Community Center, -represent. " Cholim Society was realized ing with their "exquisite colors good high holydays. The local temple and synagogues will all observe;the Feast of Taber- with the announcement of'the dona- wishes' for speedy recovery^—good, • "We are now experiencing a spe- 1, are both planning an extensive be"Tery flexible to meet changing ing, as it does, the efforts of the nacles with services appropriate for tion of a Jewish Convalescent Home wholesome kosher food for those who cial need ifor men's and .Troys' suits ivr-gram. Troop No. 62 is all-Jew- conditions. It is expected that thou- entire commumty, would be the propsands of Harry Lapidus' friends in er place for the .erection of a per"by the Jewish Orphans' Society of turn wearily from *trafe" food they and xrvercoats. JFor.Bpme reason or isb. • the holiday^ "~ • ' '' '•'" manent memorial to the departed Any Jewish boy scout connected Omaha to the Bikur Cholim. The must not eat—many are the exam- other the contributions in clothing : Temple leader. home,' pictured above; is located at ples of the expansive kindliness and are not as latgej in this_ land of with another Boy Scout troop who Tonight Succoth services will start 2611-13 California St. understanding of this society. . .clothes as in women's and girls' ap- wants to transfer to Tipop .62 will Memorial Services at Tempie Israel at 7:30 p. rn. Rabbi be given an official" position. A •-•""" -; The Bikur' Cholim has averaged parel. '- •'-.-' In addition',* the' committee also deThus a double celebration will be Frederick Cohn will deliver the -serthirty hospital calls a. month, and j *The Needle Guild,- trader the series of outdoor activities and scout cided to hold memorial services on 7 I observed at. the sixth annual Succoth mon -this.eyenjng, ; on.* "Reaping :,in 'almost the same number of "home chairmanship" ot"M.ts. B. A. Simon, traininK exercises are being-planned." the Jewish Yahrzeit of his death, According to Dr. Platt, assistant Joy." KaddishrwiU be 'recited* for ! Celebration of the' Bikur Cholim Soc- calls. The friendly cheer of the has been particulailyl. helpful in proMonday evening, January 9, 1933, at iety, to be held at-the J. C. C. on Addie Gross. .' ;•.-: members of the Bikur Cholim, their viding clothing' far-Federation needs scoutmasters, are needed. Any Jewthe Jewish Community Center^ . Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. ish young luan over eighteen who is The children of the Sunday- School good will, and their' obvious pleasure for a number of-years." The Harry-Lapidus memorial comwill hold their annual harvert festiThe annual reports of the officers in their self-appointed tasks, make "The ^following firms and individ- interested in scout work and wants mittee -consists- - of delegates from val in connection" with the opening will be given at this meeting. Rabbi their visits eagerly anticipated by uals have made contributions to- our to become an assistant scoutmaster If Wins, Wffl Be First Jew to close to fifty Jewish organizations in is asked to communicate with Dr. Manuel Laderman of Chicago will the friendless or lonesome sick. Succoth services. clothing fund and- supplies since the Omaha^ I t was organized last JanuHold This Post in Pfaitt. Saturday morning Succoth services be the guest speaker. Sabbi N. Officers are: Mrs. Louis Neveleff, first of this year: ary and since that time a special New York Feldman will also give an address. will be held at 10 a. m. Dr. Cohn's president"; Mrs. S." Fish, vice-presiF i r m s : • Carman's Department committee has been at work considRefreshments appropriate for Suc- dent; "TSIfs. lu-TIIorgan, treasurer-; Store,: J. ' L. Branfieis and Sons, subject will be "Prosperity." ering, plans, for .the establishment of Services .for the close of Succoth coth will be served at the conclusion Mrs.." Leon" Mendelson, corresponding Thomas Kilpatrick ; Co., Schaeffer New York (J. T. A.).—The selec- a permanent tribute. " * secretary; Mrs. "Ml "Cohen, recording Garment Co., Nebraska" Clothing Co., and the holydays will be held; Friday of the program. tion of Lieutenant Governor Herbert Dr. -A,. Greenberg is chairman of night, October 21, when Rabbi Cohn's For seven years the Bikur, Cholim secretary,; and Mrs. ' Abramson, fi- Goldstein-Chapman- Co. H. Lehman, noted Jewish philanthro- the general committee. David Black...:-, subject will be "Religion and Philos- Society has not failed the lonesome nancial secretary. Individuals^ Mrs| David Green, pist, civic and communal leader, as er is • secretary and Dr. Philip Sher ophy," and Saturday morning, OctoMrs..- Louis: Sombvg, Mrs. Dave the Democratic party's nominee for is treasurer. ber 22, -when" Dr. Cohn will speak on Sherman, Miss "Blanche Zimman, For the eleventh consecutive year the governorship of New York state The special committee designated ".Summary." ; Mrs!; L . Chapman, Mrs. L Dansky,- the Jewish fathers and sons of Oma- has met with unusually- wide acclaim' to.-evplve the plan for the memorial •Mrs. -H. Reuben, Mrs. D. Goldman^ ha will sit down to a banquet dedi- in, the press, where editorials . prais- included Sam Beber, chairman;,-Mrs. | Conservative Morris Brick, Mrs. - Dave Green- cated, to good will between the two ing the qualities he i s able to bring WL Arnstein, David Blacker, Harry : In:.. accjpxda&ce'_,:_vwth/ custom,;„the h i b f s k y ; Mrs. generations." The" father^ "snd'-'-ewa." to Mgh offiee^-arfr fmblifilied. ^ — -. Dworsky, Dr. A. Greenberg, "Abe g 'Mrsr-Jr Conservative--Synagogue has again Peter Mozzer, Mrs. Nate Mantel, banquet this year, the eleventh in a If elected, he will be the first Jew Herzberg, William L. Holzman, Philip built a large .suecah, or traditional Mrs. Wm. Erlich, Mrs. Abe Gold- series of a progressively popular to hold this high office., in. New York Elutznick, J. H. Kulakofsky, M. F. Due to the illness of a star of booth, adjoining the Center building. stein, Mrs. E. Treller, Mrs. Herbert function, will be held in the audito- state.' . . . . Levenson, Irvin Levin, Harry Malathe New York Yiddish Players The arrangements and decorations Arnstein, Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, Mrs. rium of the Jewish Community CenHis record in office of lieutenant shock, Joe Greenberg, Harry Marcus, who were. to present "Moishele's J- J. Greenberg, Mrs. M. L Gordon, ter on Sunday evening, November 6. for the succah were taken care of governor of New York, his first po- Goodman Meyerson, Morris Minkin, by the .auxiliary, under the direction "The outstanding social event on fJJar Mitzvah" 1 under the auspices Mrs. .Mayer Bercovici and Mrs. Wm. The banquet this year, as last,' litical office, is highly praised on all Henry Monsky, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Sam of Mrs. A. D. Frank. Members; of the Jewish calendar", is the aimjirf •of tiha.Omaha Hebjcew ,Club this Bushman. will be held "under the joint auspices sides, Dy people in all walks of life. Ravitz, Dave Rosenstock, Leo Rosenthe A." Z. A. aided the building1 of the Jewish women's; welfare: organi- jSuBLday;;.eyen;ng, the presentation of the social service' committee of ' '.Oolonel- Lehman, who is fifty-four thal, Max Selicow, Dr.» Philip Sher, hap^been,. indefinitely postponed. ; the succah by gathering the brancjies zation , for their first; annual., comthe Jewish Community center and the' years old" and" a native of New York Hairy "A. Wolf, Joe Wolf, N. S. The committee in charge, has munity-wide ball, to be, given at the for the roof-.-— City, where he was.born on March Yaffe and H. B. Zimman. B'nai Brith. * requested that all.holders of tickSuccbtK services will start this eve- Jewish Community Center ,.on . SimDr. Philip Sher, the chairman of 28, 1878, comes from a distinguished : ets keep them u n t i l further *«cn-" ning at 8 "p.m. Rabbi David A. chas Torah . evening, Sunday, Octothe social service committee, is in Jewish family. A brother, Judge Irnounccment. Goldstein will give a Succoth ser- ber 23. charge of arrangements, and prom- ving Lehman, has served on the mon, and after the services everyone All proceeds from this affair will • Mrs. H. Miller of Los Angeles, 60, ises -that the banquet will be "bigger bench of New York state courts : will be invited to visit the succah go toward reducing the mortgage on formerly of Omaha, passed away and better than ever." There wili since 1908. For fourteen years Judge for Kiddusa .and refreshments. the Center building. . suddenly from heart failure on Yom be speeches by a representative fa- Irving Lehman sat on the Supreme At the regular Succoth service SatRandall's Royal orchestra will further and by a representative son, Court bench, being elected for a four Kippur eye in Xos: Angeles. Omaha, Nebr. — Three thousand urday morning; Morton Margolin, son nish the music for the affair. SevShfe"is siirviveii ojrfour sons: Art, the best food and entertainment will year term in 1923 by nomination of young Jewish men, members of Aleph of Dr. and Mrs'. M. Margolin, will be eral specialties and an excellent proboth parties, and again by nominaWilliam and Jack Joseph of Omaha; be offered, and a capacity crowd is Bar Mitzvah. After the services the gram are being planned to add to tion of both parties, he was elected Zadik Aleph of B'nai B'rith, this expected. and Henry? Joseph • of; Chicago. "winter will have an opportunity to congregation will again enter the the gayety of the event. Reservations will be taken starting an associate judge, of the New York air their views on the much discussed Funeral services | will lie held this An enthusiastic and colorful gnntp succah for Kiddush. . Court of Appeals to serve until 1938. Mrs. Abe Greenberg is general is making the Health Club for pro- morning at 10 a. m / a t ihe Jewish Monday, October 17, until the capac-Colonel Lehman came to his first world Jewish congress scheduled for Orthodox chairman, assisted by the. following fessional and business n)en >it tte Funeral .Home i\fith \ 'burial in the: ity of the auditorium is reached, but political office in 1928, after achiev- 1934, when chapter representatives in no event later than Thursday, NoAll orthodox synagogues will com- committee on arrangements: Mrs. Jewish Community Center a success, Golden Hifl-cemetery.' *] .• ing a wide reputation which reached from all parts of America will parvember S. ticipate in eight district tournaments mence the observance of Succoth at Max Holzman, co-chairman; Miss according to Morris H. Sogolow, phy"Get your reservations in early ,to across the Atlantic as philanthropist on the subject: "Resolved, That the Sofia.—The Jews ; ;of • PMlippopel • sundown. . - ' •• - • Blanche Zimman; the Mesdames Ir- sical director. and a Jew to whom nothing affecting Among" the regular attendants at were attacked by Naii rowdies, who be assured of a place," stated Dr. •the welfare of the Jewish people was Calling of a World Jewish Congress Rabbi Manuel Laderman of Chi- vin Stalmastef, H. A. Wolf, H. A. Sher. Herman Jahr, Philip the Health Club chisses are": Dr. M. -wounded izwo. , i ' ; . - ; , j . ;; • As Proposed by the Geneva Confercago, who is here under the auspices Newman, alien. ence Is Unwise." The subject for Schwartz, Herbert Arnstein, David Margolin, Philip Klutmicki' Phil of the Vaad H'Oehr, will deliver a In the four years since he first, the oratorical contest which is also Succoth sermon in Yiddish at the Feder, Irvin Levin, Louis Neveleff, Feldman, J. J. Greenberg, Sain-Beassumed office he has achieved a feature of the district tournaments B. A. Simon, David Goldman and J. ber, Rabbi David Goldstein,, <Max Adass YesHurim synagogue, Twentythrough his public acts a reputation i s : ^The . Achievements of B'nai S. Pearlstien. Barish, Al Frank, Dave Greenberg,, fifth ' and Nicholas," Saturday mornfor progress and humane leadership. B'rith." This year, the B'nai B'rith Dave Cohn, Samuel Theodore, \A. Especial concentration is being ing. • • . The complex character of his duties which sponsors the A. Z. A. under Cohn, S. Yaffe, M. Mayper, E. placed upon decorations and arrange At the Sunday morning services he which have frequently called upon its Wider Scope policy, enters the Marks, Wm. Jaffe,, Julius Bisno, M. ments. Through the courtesies of will give an address in English at him to act as governor of the state 90th year of its existence. F. Levenson, Ben Shapiro, and Abe Herzberg and David Goldman the B'nai Israel synagogue, Eighhave not caused Colonel Lehman to For the international A. Z. A. of Herzberg's and Harry B. Zimman others. An open mass meeting, to which made by the Vaad,-Harry Marcus, teenth and Chicago. _grve up his affiliations, with local, English Essay contest, the particiSogolow states that men can still of Brandeis Stores, the Center and l i e public is invited, will be held president of the unions states: —"The •national and international endeavor. As through all holyday services, pants are offered a wide latitude the B'nai Israel services will be fea- ballroom' will be appropriately deeo- join without missing any of the pre- under the auspices of the Vaad interest shown ,"t»y* the;; Jewishipeoplfr In 1930 Colonel Lehman was with the decision of the Supreme liminary exercises. ' ratedfor the social function. H'Oehr, or local Union of Orthodox of Omaha in the Vaad H'Oehr is ' tured by the chanting of Cantor In fact, the attendance at all the Synagogues, at the B'hai Israel syn- definite evidence that the modern or- awarded the Zeta Beta Tau medal Advisory Council to circumscribe the The response to the sale of patrons' Abraham Schwaczkin and his choir. gym classes at the Center are stead- agogue, Eighteenth, and Chicago" thodox movement is being "vigorously as the Jew who has done most for writers only to the extent of requirtickets has been encouraging, and the At the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Jewry and Judaism. ing that the manuscripts shall have ily mounting. streets, on Tuesday evening, October supported. synagogue, Nineteenth and Burt, Can- Women's Welfare Federation i s planColonel Lehman was one of the or- a Jewish subject. ' Among the Jewish "women who are 18, starting at 8 p . m . ning ~to care for a large attendance. • . "The organization of the Vaad fills tor Leon Karz and his male choir The latest addition to the A. Z. A. regular attendants at the matrons' A diversified program of enter- a long-felt need in the religious life ganizers of the Joint Distribution will chant the services. class; according to^ Sogolow,, are in- tainment and speaking has been ar- of our community, and the public is Committee which has spent close to curriculum is a Hebrew Essay conSuccoth cluded the Mesdames D. Katleman, ranged, by the committee in charge, urged to attend Tuesday nighfs in- $100,000,000 in relief and rehabilita- test. "The Value of Hebrew to the Leo Abramson, Phineas Wintroub, under the direction of Mr. H. Weiner. augural mass meeting and learn of tion woTk in Europe and Palestine, Jew" is the subject of the 1933 comThe Feast' of "Tabernacles is one and served as chairman of its recon- petition. William Raduziner, Frank Shames, of the most joyful of all the Jewish At this meeting the purposes of the program of the united jorthodox struction committee. L Hoberman and others. festivals and is always observed with the "Vaad and its work in furthering synagogues movement in our city," great rejoicing and gladness. ' •" " ~ He was also one of the leading Jewish unity and consciousness wili The Vaad has been perfecting its The harvest character of the fesbe outlined. Also plans will be for- organization for several months. Sim- spirits in the establishment of the tival is clearly shown in the symmulated for the hiring of a modern ilar orthodox bodies exist in most of Jewish Agency for Palestine, of On Wednesday evening, October bols which each worshiper brings to 19, at 8:15 p. m., the annual meeting whose council he is a non-Zionist orthodox rabbi by the Vaad, who will the larger cities in the country. Buffalo, (J. T. A.)—George Z. the synagogue, or which are shown of the Conservative Synagogue and member. Among the offices he holds be representative of the five synaMedalie, United States Attorney for from the pulpit. : ; are that of vice-president of the election of officers will be held at the Southern District of New York, Meyer J. Silberman, 41, of New gogues constituting the organization. These symbols are "the fruit of a the Jewish Community Center. American Jewish Joint Distribution The synagogue members of the appointed to his office by President York, formerly of Des Moines and goodly tree" (Esrog or citron), "the Committee; and he is associated with At that time Rabbi David A . Gold- well-known in this section of the Vaad are the B'nai Israel, Beth Hoover in January of 1931, was branches of_ palm trees" (Lulav), stein will show the motion pictures country for his many Jewish com- Hamedrosh Hagodol, Adass Yeshurim, the Americanization Ort, the Jewish named Republican candidate for "the boughs of thick-leaved trees" which he took in Palestine, France, munal activities, passed away last B'nai Jacob and Congregation of IsColonization Association, the Ameri- United States Senator at the State Berne, (J. T. A.)—The Federal (Myrtle) and "the willows of the Germany, and other countries which week, in New York after a short ill- rael in South Omaha. can Jewish Joint Foundation in Eu- convention. Swiss government has rejected the brook." Rabbi Manuel Laderman of Chicago appeal of the Swiss Nazi organiza- rope, the Palestine Loan Bank, the he visited on his recent trip. There have been but three Jews ness. Burial - took place in Des will be guest speaker at the mass tion, "National Front," asking that Russian Agrojoint Committee, the who occupied seats in the United These pictures are said to vividly Moines last Sunday. Agency Certificates Silberman was especially active in meeting. He will speak in Yiddish. the decision of the Canton of St. Russian Agricultural Fund and the States Senate in the history of the illustrate Jewish life in Palestine and Jerusalem.—A total, of 4,500 labor the work being accomplished there B'nai Brith work and in the drives Ben Kazlowsky -will give an address Gallen, prohibiting the importation Baron de Hirsch. Fund. countrv. immigration certificates for the next by the various organizations sup- for the National Jewish Hospital In- in English and I. Morgenstern will of their paper "Eiserner Besen" be Other organizations in which he six months has been granted to the £orted by the Jewry of this country. firmary building. The building to- speak in Yiddish. plays a role are the ITational Labor Reading R e a f f i r m s revoked. Jewish Agency Executive by the Pal- The growing enterprises and the day bears a placque on which his The Hazomir Singing society, unBecause of the viciousness of the Committee, the Cardiac Vocational British Pledge estine government, the Jewish Tel- rapid development of the Homeland name is inscribed along with those der the personal direction of Cantor incitement conducted against the Committee ,the Cardiac Jefferson New York.—The creation of a JewegTaphlc Agency learns from unoffi- are also shown by the pictures. who nobly contributed to the erec- A. Sclwaczkin, will render several Jews by the Nazi organ, the Canton Memorial Foundation, the Association ish National Homeland in Palestine cial sources. selections. "This meeting is very important tion of the structure. of St. Gallen prohibited the sale of for the Advancement of Colored Peo- is a British aim, the fulfillment of Although the number represents and all members are urged to atThe chairman of the finance com- the paper in kiosks and on the ple, the Henry Street Settlement, the which Britain has pledged, declared Six years ago Silberman moved 2,250 less than the 6,750 asked for tend," J. H. "Kulakofsky, congrega- from Des Moines to New York, leav- mittee, H. Werner, and the chairman streets. Hebrew Sheltering and Guardian So- the Marquess of Reading in an in. .- . 1 by the Jewish Agency,-the quota is tion- president stated. "In addition ing there to travel in Europe." It of the • rabbinical committee, S. RaThe Federal government, in- dis- ciety; the Bureau of Jewish Social terview with a representative of the still the largest granted by the Pal- to the business of the evening,, the was shortly after his'return to this vitz, will render reports. missing the appeal, also confirmed Research, the New York Foundation Jewish Telegraphic Agency upon hi« estine government since 1926. program will be most /entertaining." country that he passed away, T ' • ; In speaking of the progress being the •prohibition order. and Young Judea. ' r arrival in this country.

Scoutmasters fof l^eaif Troops


Father and Son Banquet Will Be Held November 6

Ball to Be


Social Event


. A.to Debate World Congress


Meeting to Be Held Tuesday

Conservative to Hold Election ' on Wednesday

Medalie Candidate for U. S. Senate

Meyer Silberman Dies in New York

Swiss Government Bars Nazi Organ

PAGE 2—THEJEWISH argument. The Republican party retary was at one time a teacher in religious issues of the various setts may claim that it represents the call Mrs. W a Alberts not later than of/ Christianity.> I have no Objection Thursday, October 20. r a Hebrew ^chooL to tb^eir' developing their religious submerged 1 even more, seeing that it The. first Bible and Hebrew class A PROTESTANT RUNS TOO knowledge. I think it is very nice, freed the black slaves. - Moreover, it will begin Tuesday, November 8, Arthur Brisbane in his column very broad, and very fine "to know iB open to question whether a minfrom 1 to 1:30 p. m., and will be By DAVID SCHWARTZ I quotes from a telegram received from the pastor- of the Baptist church, ority like the Jews would not be Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by held regularly on the second and some man in Texas to this effect: even if you are riot a Baptist your- more secure Tinder a regime dominTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY fourth Tuesday of each month. "The Democrats in New York have self, bat I think" the condition which ated by the Hamiltonian Republican Those who wish to attend these AN OLD TIGER FIGHTER nominated a Jew for Governor, and leads to the acquisition of this influence, than it would trusted to $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - classes should communicate at once the whims of the Demos. I know a Apropos of the fights both •within the Republicans have nominated a knowledge is frightful. Advertising rates furnished on application with Mrs. David A. Goldstein. and without the Democratic party in Catholic.for Governor. What is the I would be willing to swap a few good case—or rather as sound a ~The nest social event of the sea- New York, to curb the Tammany can be put up for the other Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building with the Protestants?" Jewish political candidates for thecase son will be a dinner-dance under the Tiger, it is interesting to recall that matter side. But after all, it seems to me, Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Mr. Brisbane answered the tele- removal of this condition. Joint auspices of the Conservative that if I were in charge of the DemSioux City Office—Jewish (Community Center in 1892, there was a similar effort gram rather well in his column, but I don't know what we are going to ocratic publicity for Mr. Garner, Synagogue and Conservative Auxil- to down Tammany. .' DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor I should answer it this -way. "There do about it. iary, which will be held at the Cenamong Jewish voters, I would do And the candidate who was named is a Protestant candidate for PresiPRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - Editor ter on November 8, election night, something better than that. I •would FANNIE RATELMAN - - CouncD Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent as anti-Tammany was Lewis Ein- dent of the United States on both ALWAYS COMPLAINING at 7:00 p. m. Election returns will get a picture of Mr. Garner fishing Perhaps you have heard about it, " '.ANN PILL - - •-'-, ••• - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent stein. He was the only Jew whothe major parties. And it seems to be broadcast. was ever named by one of the major me the Presidency is not such a bad but it was new to me the other day, with his Jewish friend from Uvalde when I first heard it. That one —I think his name also happens to parties for the job of mayor of New little job." FRUITFULNESS The women of the Auxiliary out- York. Einstein was defeated, howabout the patron of a Second Ave. be my own—Schwartz. Over three thousand years ago, the Bible i elates, Moses took did themselves in arranging and dec- ever. It was a bad -year in general THE CASE OF INSULL cafeteria who called the waiter in Yes sir, a picture of Garner and When the name of Samuel Insull the midst of his soup absorption. Schwartz fishing, that ought to get a census of the males of t h e Israelites he was leading forth from orating the Synagogue Succah and for the Republicans, and as you may are proving to be real artists. Mrs. "Waiter, come here—come here." Jewish votes for Jack Garner better magic, one never heard that bondage, from and over the age of twenty-one years and capable Al Frank, services chairman, has recall from your history, Cleveland was there was Jewish blood in him, but The waiter came. "What's the than any appeals to the realms of •was re-elected. of bearing arms. The count fixed the number a t 603,550. Im- charge of-.all arrangements. Co-opcerebral functioning. A son of this same Einstein was now that his whole edifice of power matter?" "Look, look—there's a fly in the mediately after t h e Israelites ha4 vanquished t h e Midianites an- erating with her are Mrs. I. W.until recently minister to Czechoslo- financing has collapsed like a house Rosenblatt, in charge of decorations; of cards, it is rumored about that soup." other census found the fighting host a t 601,730. In the years that Mrs. Sam Green, courtesy chairman; vakia. "Well, what of" it?" returned the one of his parents was Jewish. followed, the followers of Moses became a nation, reached national and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, house .EHMAN AND MEDALD3 Yet we are told that Insull was waiter. "Suppose there is one fly Wear Snow White There is this year no dearth of one of the most anti-Semitic of em- in the soup. How much can one fly glory, suffered reverses, and finally were dispersed throughout chairman, in charge of refreshments. Lehman for ployers in Chicago, that only one eat?" Garments Kiddush will be served in the succah Jewish candidates. the then-known world. The purpose of the dispersion was to wipe after services Friday evening, Sat- Governor of New York on the Dem- Jew, who happened also to have been WINCHELL WINS IF IT'S WHITE IT IS RIGHT the Israelites from .the face "of t h e globe. Yet in medieval ages, urday morning and Sunday morning. ocratic ticket. Medalie for United one of the former employees of As this column predicted recently, States Senator on the Republican Wear White to Please Your Thomas Edison, as Insull originally say the statisticians, t h e Jews numbered two million. Political the publication by the editor of a ticket. Patrons A very unusual and interesting •was—ever rose to any prominence prosecution and religious persecution, barbaric torture and cease- program has been arranged by the It is an interesting fact, too, that in the Insull enterprise. There was New York tabloid newspaper of a The Results Will Please You book in which he depicts Walter less decimations, i t seemed, would not bring about the extermina- Women's Auxiliary for their first the Jewish candidates are distinctly a virtual blacklisting of Jews in theWinchell as the villain and the auOmaha meeting, which opens the fall season, Jewish Jews. Lehman's interest in organization. tion of the Jews. thor of the book himself as a fine Jewish affairs is well known. Meon Wednesday, October 19, at 2:30 Towel Supply Co. type seems to be rebounding to the Today, the ancient conquerors of Israel are gone. But t h ep. -m. at the Center auditorium. dalie has not a little in him of thePREJUDICE advantage of Winchell. JA. 0528 While in a sense it is gratifying Jewish people, instead of becoming extinct, have been fruitful and Under the direction of Mrs. Benold "yeshiva bachur." He has that Victory thus belongs to Winchell. to see the various parties, as in New subtlety of mind, which one associShapiro, program chairman, and multiplied. In an article in "The Menorah Journal" Jakob LestDavid A. Goldstein, who hasates with that type. His father was York, Illinois and other states, pre- GARNER TELLS WHY schinsky, Berlin statistician, declares that within t h e past 100 Mrs. John M. Garner, vice presidential spent the summer in Palestine, an editor of a well known Hebrew paper senting Jewish candidatse for office, years Jewish population of the world has increased from three entire Palestinian program will be in Russia and Medalie himself knows gratifying in the sense that it per- candidate of the Democratic party, TRY US FOR QUALITY haps reveals a more tolerant sense was asked in New York by his Jewmillion to nearly 16 million. In the 55 years from 1925 to 1880, presented. This will include a Pal-his Hebrew. Medalie is running against Sen- in the political scene, it would be ish publicity man if he could give exhibit of handicraft, conShoe Repairing the Jewish numbers grew from 3,280,000 to 7,660,000, and in t h e estinian sisting of a display of prints, etch- ator Wagner. And while Wagner is much more gratifying if we could any reason to be used among Jewish AT REASONABLE PRICES half century from 1880 to 1930 their numbers grew to 15,800,000. ings, books, music, hand-woven tex- not a Jew, his secretary and right- sense the removal of the cobwebs of voters why Jews should prefer the prejudice in other fields. "Once Our Customer — Democratic party to the Republican. hand man is, and this secretary can This unprecedented increase seems all the more remarkable when tiles, hand-made embroideries and He answered that the Democratic throw a powerful assortment of theJEWISH GIRLS GET Always Our Customer" hand-made jewelry. A number of we recall that during the* last half century the Eastern European objects in this collection belong to old Hebrew. In fact, Wagner's secparty is the exponent of the subRELIGION merged down-trodden people, and Jews were engulfed in three large pogrom-waves, in 1881-2,1903-5, the Hadassah women and will be on DOUGLAS Yes, I am talking again of em-since the Jews were a submerged crowd enjoyed the music of the Tow- ployment. and 1918-21, with 2,000 massacres in which approximately 100,- sale at this exhibit. Shoe Repair Co. people, it followed they should vote feature will be Palestin- ley orchestra. The writer chanced the other day for Roosevelt and Garner. 000 Jews were murdered and 200,000 to 300,000 prematurely died ianAnother 1709 DOUGLAS ST. songs by Mrs. Margaret Belman, The chapter is now preparing for to be in the company of two Jewish of epidemics. soprano, accompanied by Mrs. David its presentation of the second degree girls. A BETTER PUBLICITY Opp. Omaha Athletic Club A survey of Jewish occupations and geographical distribution A. Goldstein. A Palestinian dance, ritual at the joint meeting of the "What are you when you work," MEANS Engel, executed by Miss Rose B'nai Brith and A. Z. A. on October we asked one, "and what is the name during the past century reveals changes as striking as those in by We don't think so much of the Savich and directed by Miss Shirley 27. A new class will be initiated of your pastor?" population, according tof^I^tschinsky. The migration has been Janoff will also be given. soon. "I am Lutheran. You see my name Following the program tea will be away from Europe andf tct~Ainerica, which now has 30 per cent of Kesner goes well for that, and the in the Synagogue succah. pastor is the Rev. so and so." the Jewish population. i A s i a and Africa also show a marked de- served A. Z. A. No. 100 Mrs. B. A. Simon, social chairman; "And you?" I asked, turning to crease. Further, simultaneous with these huge migrations has Mrs. Sam Green, courtesy chairman, Three vacant offices of the Sam the other. been the other prime development in Jewish life in the nineteenth and Mrs. Ivin Stalmaster, house Beber chapter No, 100 of the A. Z. "I am a Baptist. I come from the will serve as hostesses, as- A. were filled at a special meeting. South, and my drawl helps for that," century, namely, its concentration in the large metropolitan cen- chairman, sisted by their committees. Joe Blumenthal was elected secre- replied the other, "and the name of itWMUHaraay•& wrfcnnr ters, especially in the immigration countries. In t h e fourteen This meeting is open to all, andtary, Art Gerber senior sergeant-at- my pastor is the Rev. so and so." largest cultural centers in Europe and America of more than a invitations have b e e n extended arms, and Gerald Batt reporter. "Are you a hardshell Baptist or a In the belief that a good many readers of the Jewish Press the various Jewish women's In the future the chapter will soft shell?" I continued. million inhabitants each, there are now 4,500,000 Jews—almost through do their grocery shopping downtown—either in person or by organizations. meet on the first and third Sundays "Well, if you mean do I believe phone—we are soliciting your patronage for the Central thirty per cent of the entire Jewish people. In the five American A board meeting at 1:30 will pre- of every month.v . whether infant baptism, is sufficient, Market through this medium. cede the open meeting. The chapter gathered various kinds I say no," she replied jocularly. cities, New York, Philadelphia,GMcag<>i Boston and Cleveland, Yon may be assured that each of our departments will at all of branches for the roof of the suctimes satisfy your wants with quality products at reasonable 2,750,000 Jews live today, 6ve^ 60 per^ceht of the Jewish populacah built by the Conservative syna- WE WOULD SWAP prices, and will appreciate your business. tion of the country. All of this may sound jocular, but Pioneer Women gogue adjoining!the Center. —Reuben Kulakofsky there is a pathetic kernel to it. The first cultural meeting of the Through the centuries our people have shown an unusual apThousands of Jewish girls in New . titude for adjusting themselves; The latest adjustment, a s point- season for the Pioneer Women will York today know the names of the be held at the J. C C. Tuesday eveYoung Judea pastors of their neighborhood churched out by the Lestschinsky statistics, is the rapid development of ning, October 18, at'8 p. m. The Young Judea Club elected the es better than they do that of the Rabbi David Goldstein will speak the Jewish proletariat during* ifie last century. This is indicative following officers for the new term rabbis. They have found that it is CRISCO, 3-lb. Can 55c about the Chalutzos of Palestine. of the adjustment that must t^ike place for the economic order of a meeting Sunday: Josephine Lew- not enough to lie about their religThe Pioneer Women are part of theat MAZOLA, Gallon Can _...78c is, president; Eleanor Cohen, secre- ion in their application for work. the future. But the neeessa^adjustments find the Jewish people Chalutzos. tary; Beatrice Eisman, treasurer. The The employment agencies ask for the UBBY Steak Salmon, 1-lb. Flat Can 19c J. Radinowski will give a reading, program committee chairman is ready, and multiplied and living in all parts of the world they seem names of the pastors and some of and Gertrude Orach will render more immune from physical Extermination than ever—the IsraelRoyal Baking Powder, Large Can 39c Frances Blacker, and the cultural them go further and cross examine piano selections. Refreshments will group Pauline Rifkin and Molly Kelthe girls on the tenets of their soites have proven to be history*s deathless, eternal people. be served. The public is invited. berg. Miss Eisman is sponsor of the called faith, so that Jewish girls are group. getting to be very well posted on the stein will be the speaker. There will Daughters of Zion be a board meeting at 1:30. The Daughters of Zion will hold their rummage sale later this month. The Hadassah rummage sale will All members of the organization be held October. 25 and 26. Mrs. L and their friends are asked to save Hadassah rossman, chairman, urges everyone their bundles and call either of the , An invitation has been extended to call either Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, chairmen, Mrs. S. Temin, Harney to all members of Hadassah through Walnut 5531, Mrs. Hymie Milder, d€78 or Mrs. A. Greenberg, Harney Mrs. M. F. Levenson to attend the Glenctole 0964, or herself, Harney 1687. open meeting and tea of the Ladies 7153,. and bundles will be collected All proceeds from the rummage Auxiliary of the Conservative Syna- October 24. sale will go to the Jewish National QUALITY gogue on October 19. An interestCOFFEE Fund. ing program has been arranged and Palestinian articles will be on ex-Conservative Auxiliary hibit. These articles are. to be sold VAN CAMPS Midget Peas J t J t l Z Z z S ! * The first Oneg Shabbos will be later, the proceeds going to the HaThe Mother chapter of the A. Z. Whole Kernel Corn, 15c grade, per can 10c d a s s a h fund. •••-.- •'- -•::~:--^-'~?-'held Saturday, October ,22, at the'A. reports a most successful "Achar home of Mrs. Philip Khitzhick, 4307 Hataunis" dance at the Center, both Libby Black Label Pineapple Jt£"ZZ;"i£ The members of. -the. Hadassah Hickory St. Those interested may financially and socially. A large book review groupi.THoC'~3 met at libby Black Label Peaches, per can 19c luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. J. Friedman on Wednesday, October 12. WEbster Mrs. David A. Goldstein reviewed SALAD JEWISH BOOK STORE S*catnr St. S5S7 "Magnolia Street" by Goulding. A DRESSING We want to can to the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting In round-table discussion followed. now n new supply of the seasonable religions artieles. Maebseirbn with Jewish The next meeting will be on Nx* AND 1 PINT FRENCH DRESSING FREE and English translations, prayer books, Toleoslm^ sfflc and -wool of the best kind, etc. vembor 15 at the home- of.Mrs. H. S. Novilsity who with Mrs. FriedPANCAKE A FuD Line of New Year's Cards in Jewish and English § man . is eo chairman.. . ..

By the Way*j



lib. can 35c 2lb. can 68c 31b. can 95c

Organization News




Tile first regular meeting of Hadassah will take place Wednesday, October 26. Rabbi David A. Gold

REV. A. DIAMOND of Council Bluffs Well Known in This Vicinity as a PRACTICAL MOHEL 29 No. 7th St.

Phone 10S9

Remember OUT famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 ordered the following articles of sure diver and plate silver candle sticks, Kldnsh cups, Hadeses, etc. Everyone who i s interested in boring oae of them should be so .kind and let me know ahead of time, so 1 can hare it ready for them..

With an


I hare just recelred direct from Palestine a rery nice stock of most beautiful Esrogim and Lttkrrim for Succoth . .'. . Anyone desiring to buy one Wffl please let ma know so that 1 can have it ready fox him for Xontif.




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IN YOUR HOME Whenever you. need hot water whether it is for bathing, dishwashing or laundry, it is right at hand with an Electric Water Heater in your home. Twenty-four hours every day clean, fresh and steaming hot water to in the faucet. Handiest thing in the world.

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Butter-Hut Qt. 35c Pkg.lSc Butter-Nut Butter-Nut Tea FLOUR

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ORANGES, Sweet and Juicy, Dozen___

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3 Stalks 25c



Granulated SOAP Large Pkg.

35c WHITE KING Toilet Soap Per Cake

5c A Delightful Toilet Soap Made From Pure Vegetable and Nat Oils.


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Please Nate—All Society items must be mailed or phoned in before 5 p.m; Wednesdays.

plan of organization, whereby the board of directors has been divided into subcommittees to study different problems. TUREK-STERN WEDDING Included among- these are Henry Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stern announce Monsky, on the agency projects comthe marriage of their daughter, Alia;, mittee, and Rabbi Frederick Cohn, to Mr. Jack Turek of this city, son on the child study committee. of the; late Harry Tuiek, on Wednesday, September 28. The. ceremony RABBI LADERMAN took place at the B'nai Jacob syna- TO DENVER gogue at 8 p. m., -with Rabbi H. GrodRabbi Manuel Laderman, who zinsky officiating. conducted holyday services at the loA reception for the immediate cal Orthodox synagogues, will leave family followed at the home of the here October 24 for Denver, where bride's, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. he has .been invited to address the S. Greenberg. Hebrew Educational Alliance. DurThe young couple will reside here. ing Ms stay here he has been the house guest of Cantor and Mrs. A. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Schwaczkin. Mr. and Mrs. William Slosburg of Los Angeles, Calit, formerly of Oma- DUPLICATE ha, announce the marriage of their CONTRACT BRIDGE daughter, Miss Margaret Slosburg, to The winners of the duplicate conMr. Harry Jacobs of Los Angeles, tract bridge party, sponsored by Mrs. which took place Wednesday, Octo- David Ferer Saturday afternoon ber 12th, in Los Angeles, where the the Athletic club, were Mrs. J. couple will reside. Borghoff and Mrs. C. L. Landen in the east and west section, and Mrs. H. DuBoff and Miss B. Bercovici in ANNOUNCE BIRTHS .Mr. and Mrs. Julius Shapiro an- the north and south section. nounce the birth of a daughter, NataThe winners of the Tuesday evelie Joy, on October 2 at the Nicholas ning party held at the Blackstone Senn hospital. hotel were Mrs. Allan Parmer and Mrs. Shapiro was formerly Miss Mrs. Z. T. Landsey in. the east and west section, and Mr. Michael KatieElla Altsuler. man and Mr. Charles Riseman in the Mr. and Mrs. B. Bavitz announce north and south section. Mrs. Ferer will sponsor duplicate bridge parties the birth of a son last week. Saturday afternoons and Tuesday evenings. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT

Axhitxnan, J. A-fargTHMaw^ N . Abrain- RONOH MEETING son, B. Shafton, A. Soxref, S. Temin, The Ronoh dub of Central high H. Delrogh, L Beber, A. Hirrch and school held its open., meeting for the E. Meyer. first semester at the' Paxton hotel Saturday night, October 8. Five PHI BETA EPSILON rush eea-attended. Refreshments were PLEDGES NIKE served at the end of the meeting. Phi Beta. EpsEcm, Creighion university social fraternity, announces PHI OMEGA DELT& the pledging of nine men. They are Bridge and a luncheon followed the Edward Rosenbaum, Max Resnick, business meeting of the Phi Omega Stanley Adler, Joseph Lagman, Mor- Delta sorority held at the home of ris Koom, Leo Diamond, Arthur Ad- Sarah Marcos Wednesday. Prizes ler, Julias Bothkop, all of Omaha, were won by Mrs. Jack Levey and and Lewis Lrpman of Basset, Nebr. Soph Oland. Plans are being made for a bridge HADASSAH CULTURAL and- luncheon soon- at the Paxton. GROUP LUNCHEON The subject of Rabbi David Goldstein's illustrated talk at the luncheon of the Hadassah cultural group on October 24 will be ''Interesting' Women I Met m Palestine." BY F. R. 8.. Reservations for the luncheon may •+ be made with Mrs. J. Blank, HarSUCCOTH SERVICES ney 7332; Mrs. Herman Jahr, HarSuceoth Services will be held at the ney 6510; Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Cbevra B'nai Yisroel Synaogue at 618 Webster 1198, or Mrs. David Cohen, Mynster Street, commencing Friday Wamnt 1923. The luncheon price is evening at 6 o'clock. On Satnrday, seventy-five cents. Those wishing to morning services will begin at 8:30 hear Rabbi Goldstein but cannot at- o'clock and evening services at 5 tend the luncheon may come after o'clock. Services for the second day lunch. Admission will be twenty- of Suceoth will start at 8:30 o'clock five cents. Sunday morning.

Council Bluffs News

SIGMA DELTA TAU PLEDGES FIVE Theta of Sigma Delta Tau at the University of Nebraska announce.? its officers for the coming year. They are: Judith Soboroff, Chicago, president; Shirley Horberg, Chicago, vicepresident; Roth Fox, Omaha, treasurer, and Ruth Greenberg, Omaha, secretary. The new pledges are: Betty Seigal, Omaha; Rose Steinberg, Omaha; Rosella Perlis, Omaha; Gwendolyn Myerson, Council Bluffs, and Florence Smerm, Woodbine, Iowa. JUNIOR HADASSAH HIKE Miss Ann Gitnick is chairman of hike being sponsored by the Junior Hadassah for Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. She is being assisted by the Misses Sara Baum, Ruth Swengil, Ruth Tuchman and Sylvia Oland. The hike is for members and prospective members. Each is asked to bring her lunch and be on Twentyfourth and Cmning streets at 8 a. m. Sunday.

Mrs. E. Marcus entertained the first of a aeries of luncheons at the Blackstone Hotel in Omaha last Thursday afternoon. The afternoon's diversion was Man Jons. Mrs. Marcus will give her second of the series of luncheons at the Hotel Chieftain next week. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. entertained its members at a Weiner Roast at the Fairmont Park Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen entertained the members of their Evening Bridge Club at their home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baron and son, Arnold Lee, of Onawa, Iowa, returned to their home Tuesday after spending a few days here visftnng Mrs. Baron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. RosenthaL


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1M. NERENBERG - EXPERT FURRIER All Kinds of Coats Made to Order

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Law Office {

SOCIAL NOTES Miss Sarah Cohen i s spending her vacation in 'Kansas City, visiting a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Daytch. She will return Sunday. ON WELFARE. COMMITTEES The Omaha Family Welfare association has adopted the committee

* r e > e o * iitad in Hebrew with ^rJSecretary *£ State. * And,, instead of the customarytranscriptfor Ifc the County *egis* trar in filing th* papers, fiurtostatie cojaies-'of'$b» .'original Hebrew incorpoxztkui '/^certificate will be placed Newark, N. J., (J. t . A.) the first time in the history of New upon the Registrar** books. Jersey, a certificate of incorporation has been filed in this state in the A trick is at the best but a meaa Hebrew language. thing.—Le Sage. Mordecai L. Li pis drew up the incorporation papers for the Vaad Ha'Kehillah, a new federation comprised FOR RENT chiefly of orthodox congregations, and in so doing, he decided upon two S Furnished "room hi prfnrte Good residential district. Ctoae t» fairly novel steps; first, among the |§ -~ street ear. rrtrnf garage. objects cited for the Vaad is aid for MM the rebuilding of Palestine; and secondly the incorporation papers

Pirjst Certificate of Incorporation in Hebrew

announces the removal «f his to

The Agudas Achim Society will hold a meeting next Thursday evening, Oct. 20th, at the Eagles HalL

Council Current Topics Course

RABBI GOLDSTEIN GUEST SPEAKER Rabbi David A. Goldstein was in Kansas City- Wednesday, where he was guest speaker at a meetirigiepening their Palestinian, drive. •

Roy Rosenthal of Gaylord, Minn-, left Wednesday for his home there after speeding the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rosenthal. .He made the trip by motor.

The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a The Jewish Boy Scout Troop held meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Oct. a hike Thursday afternoon at Rain18th, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Myn- bow Drive. ster Street. All members are urged to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Eli .*7«TiriTi announce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, SERIES OF CARD PARTIES Twenty members of the Omaha October 11th, at the Methodist hosDaughters of Zion will sponsor indipital. vidual card parties for the benefit of the Jewish National Fund, the first BAR MITZVAH to be given the latter part of this Dr. and Mrs. M. Margolin an- month. nounce the Bar Mitzvan ceremonies The twenty hostesses will be the of their son, Morton Leonard, which; Mesdames L. Friedman, N. Levinson, will take place at the Conservative M. Braude, L. Rosenblatt, J. MorSynagogue the first day of Suceoth, gan, B. Eisenberg, I. Greenberg, S. Saturday morning, October 15. 'ellman, S. Platt, J: Goldware, M. The Margolins will be at home in The Psi Ma will continue their his honor on Sunday afternoon from series of matinee dances this season 2 to 5. No cards are being issued. on Sundays at the Center. Many novel and unique ideas are being worked out for these affairs. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE - The first Psi Ma dance of the Mrs. H_ i .Crounse entertained at The Council of Jewish Women will year will be a Halloween dance on bridge Thursday, honoring Miss Rose Minkin, a November bride-to-be. open, their sixth annual Current fiie evening of Sunday, October 30. Topic course at the Jewish Commun- Extra entertainment and refreshThirty guests were present. ity Center, Tuesday, November 1 ments will be a feature. "DepresA number of affairs are being when Rabbi David A. Goldstein sion prices of sixty cents per couple planned complimentary to Miss Minleader of the course, will discuss a are announced by the committee. kin. timely and important topic, the sub- Warran Ritchie and his eight "masect of which is to be announced ters of music" will play. VISITORS next week. The committee in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Dave Becker of DeAs in former years, the course is troit, MicL, spent the hoKdays here open to both members and non-mem- Psi Mu dances this year include Leo with Mr. and Mrs. B. XIndenbaum bers of the Council. It will be held Berman, chairman, Maurice Gfller, and family. Mrs. Becker was for- each first and third Tuesday of the co-chairman, Hy Giller and Abe Bogdonoff. merly Miss Pearl Lindenbaum. month at 10:30 a. m. at the Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Garber and Admission to paid-np members of infant son, David, have returned to the Council, for the season, is $1.50 their £iome, in .Huron, -S. D., after Non-members will pay $3.00. Last spending the past two weeks in Oma- year's course, lead by Rabbi Goldha visiting with relatives. stein, proved one of the most popular offered, having had an average PRESENT PROGRAM attendance of 30 women. Miss Esther Leaf, assisted by HarThe course is sponsored by the ed ry DuBoff, tenor, presented the Sun- ncational department of the Council. day afternoon, program at the Joslyn Those planning to attend should call Memorial. Mrs. J. H. Knlakofsy, chairman of this committee, at WA. 2952.

Psi Mu to Continue Sunday Matinee Series

Illinois, is spending a. couple of weeks here •visatiag her parent*, Xr. and Mrs. H. L. Marks.

TITUS-PEARLS to help the mOHons of men and women who have lost or are losing their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research, however, he realized that the weakening' of man's glands wax also responsible for otter troubles: High blood pressure, hardening «f the arteries, physical exhaustion after work; or exercise, dizziness, depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute. L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, -married) complained of physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental powers dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titos-Pearls 3 tones a day, 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was:—General health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone; he felt fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure Bad fallen, and at 60 years of age, he had regained the physical power and virility that he had known in the prime of his life. Start regaining your youthfulness now! Today! In 2 weeks time you 'will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send $5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment. Write for Booklet C. O. D. Orders Accepted To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon: TEUTOTJIA IMPORT & EXPORT SERVICE CO.. DPT 13088 Zll Fourth Avenue, New York City,,_N. T. Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address Boxes Titus-Pearis, for which I enclose ?


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gym afid.swimming class on 'luesday and Thursday -afternoons *houl<! tell me- so immediately'. Closed Sunday The Physical Department will be closed from Friday nightfall till Monday morning,*-due to; the holyday.


. . . 7

\ New York.—Four Jews have^ beienV named to the National Executive • Miss PILL, Committee of the" League for". IndeShatters Windows g-> pendent -Political 'Action, * of •Whjclr v BerBii.—The windows of a bank Tfofessor; John "Dewey 'is "the ch'airWolf son in" charge' of the arrangein Luenenberg; Joseph and ' Wallman. ments. Assisting her will be Rose baum, whose heads'are Jews, were They are: -'B: <?. VUjdeck, manager Rife, Sara Baird, Charlotte Kantrbshattered by unknown vandals. of the "Forward;" M r s i E s t e l l e M . vich, and Sarah Goldberg. Physical Sternberger, former. executive secre^ Since the recent publication of ^a •' Miss Rhoda Wolfsbn gave a brief Director OFFICES OF FRADKNBPKO. of the .Council of Jewish:, Wpm r plea for clothes, from the Federation talk on the life of" Fannie Hurst, tary J. C. C. 8TALMASTEU * * BKBKK en. and. a t present one* of the editors 050 Omaha National Bank BldK., Omaha. of Jewish Social Service,' a number and Sarah Goldberg reviewed "Back- of the/ new-Women's : Encyclopedia; . , . . •'•• •,•;-of people have sent, bandies of cloth- street." Basketball Sidney'' Hillman, • president' of'-the' NOTIGE OF -INCOBPOBATION OF. 1Hing to the Federation..: • SVKANCE INVKSTOK8 8YNDICATK. Amalgamated .Clothing" Workers of •I -, . am -.amazed, at .the unusual inThe Maccabee 'Club, initiated, the The clothes, received .during the Notice i rt-berete rtberete gitei) gite) that the.uiider. -America; and' Max • Zaritsky, "president terest t fiiid% basljetSair at tbe,<;en-; tatd t themselves h l together sigued;have assoctattd together past week will - provide for some of following 'new'"members^ ^at . their of the Cap and Millinery Industry. fop the purpose of forming a copporation ter. ^Fhopej-'this enthusiasm is'genu-' those who have • applied ^ for clothing. meeting Tuesdays evening: !„ Henry be kuQ*n' As •.Ihsurairee. Investors .Synine 'an'd lastmcr.:.'.K:- :'*•••?'} --" i-V:. --< to Greenberg, Henry Ginsberg,^Rubin dicate. The .principal- plnce -of -bnslneBS 'Any' clothing, which can be worn 1 1 •••'- • - - • When"; 12" managers present their; shall be Onraha/ Nebraska.' The general will- be- accepted by the ,Federation Ratner, Abe Bravermah," P e r r y ' O s - 3 J e w s W i n - S e a t s i n o r ^p esr a^u er ark af ^po ^^^ e ^ns ^ r rer fQ .. . .;..': w r ri f ci tfe nc- rt e Q tb supply the, needs/of -the clients. nowitz, Joe 1Janowitz arid ^PaulSper-' Greek ElectjQns~'7J place's team inT'a;tJ)re-§ea*s6n''lieague, -«IQTI is:esrstbttshed are asfonows: To;own ling. " v,' '--../v/Vrv* ""-•_' • " ^ s ^ . 'Salonicau-^Thrpe.rJews.,wpn .Pailia1 Anyone who wishes to have the'Fedit- ihnW IIVP- A 1i«r--viHnt<»r for-tfte a n a holCthe- stock and securities, of InA large; number, o f t h e members mentary seats in the .Greek eleStibns** lt 1OOKS ilke a : ;D1^- WUlter .IOX_.tne g Wral:te , c o n , p a n tp 8 n n d other companies; eration call' for bundles: shftuld call baslcetbair'playefs"-and'~fans. What' to organize"; purchase',:lease "and/or' maril turned o u t for the first basketball 8 6 6 1 9 . •.-••• "•• •-' . ; lirillhniSnpnin-'Tftmisrv'-" ^ • - I age:Ingilrance - compwiies;' to act tf« genpractice last J Thursday. A Prospective pf eral or special. agent tot • lnsnnmce; comKnfle? wiii nappen ni January. . every ... i.^panies;" insurance come r a J o r stoc adjrisl l a l , a B e Band t iat,appraise"log**; I-pjan-'to; find:: a p l a c e for to riiembers of the team "are Sidney • Berlin.—Withdrawal pf . the ^pqlice DEADLINE / K 1 * ' • Give-netas atrent, broker ortrustee' foruny BaumsteinJ' Bill "' LahSbergy-'Rudy ftfr* three, days,and'^ Eights'- so. ihaj rheftiber ; who - .wants to " phty. • ' organization or corporanon; -to r person, •News ;for the . Sioux City , p g r Shindler,"Harry Libermarl and Mil-'Nazi ,m'e your?, name and .-location. -. I: contract and traosact business with Its .Troops; mf^hV.be"pert of the Jewish Press.MUST ."reach •'. iricifpdrators,"' stockhoiaers,' directors nn4 Grueskin. ' • .'. . ;: r:- '.'• '•••"" ted A free hand ; It is : very: likely"; that in Jexejrcising^' 'officers the same as with anyone rtse; to h J j g . ^ t e jthe Sioux City correspondent .not14. teams. , owii. lease aiid/or manage hulldlngs or f the th long l gVVtaife('' j to j^reii^e ^ ^ basketball . night 'of later,than,.Tufesday : evenihg,. 9:00/ is will, result—the ;"A" league moneys on.its-own account-or as agent or themselves' dethemselves' on on "theif "theif 'jsriemies^was'jsriemies^was de } o'clock, to appear1" in the. edition o'fr8 teams* and- the-"W league of 6 trustpe of otUcrs. and to, secure such loans manded -by :Adolph ffitl'er iii "ffik cbni of the following 'Friday.- -" by mortgaging or pledging its-own propyer^fi^n^wjith" President - Paul * ]von teams. sirty or otherwise"; to purChnse or sen«ecnr,' Mail your news to 2216 Douglas. ties or property of._any description: to Hindenburg regarding the chanceilorManagers, Attention Street, or/call 88453,. -,, . . . . . . . . Over 200 couples were in atfeHn transact "a 'general insurance, loan, real es-


Clothes Being Received By Federation

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shiprit is revealed by *hie* orlean^of Hurry to organize"', your teams. stater~inye8tinent ami insurance brokerage at the annual Bnai Britii .daxwe to carry- out all. or any part of Think of suits," practice hours and business; in tiie Rigaudoh..ball room l'ast!Mpii-j the "Stahlhelm." foregoing objects as principal, fat-tor, definite team lineups". Start practice the broker, agent, contractor "OP otherwise, day night. --A number of put 'of .town alone or in connection with another -.<.. immediately and be ready when the either guests who were in the city for the N o A p p r e n t i c e s or others; to do any and an things inci. . dental to any v of the. afore mentioned holidays, attended the affair. •!-'•'- • ^Warsaw-—Ten thousand five hun- schedule starts." . : . it l>eing expressly provided that Get your men in shape. Realize it powers, A-financial report on the dance drew. Jewish artisans, who failed to the enumeration- of specific objects and will be presented at the Bnai Brith pass,the recently, instituted compul- will be difficult to schedule practice powers herein shall not limit or restrict Jn Rabbi David GoldstfeinVOf Omaha, meeting next Tuesday night. sory crafts examinations, have been periods on Sundays. The- holidays any -manner-the general • powers of this The authorized capital stock Nebr., will - address.- an .open jneeting deprived of the right to employ ap- alre taking.away "th'e'next two Sunr corporation. shall be Twenty-Five Thousand Dollar*. of the Ladies Auxiliary df Shaare prentices.« ........ All stock shall lie common and of the par days, and* in addition there are twice Sixty members of the Junior, Havalue of $10.00 per share. Said stock may Zion Synagogue, in the social hall dassah This endangers the position of Jew- as many teams this year. organization attended the be paid fop in cash OP in any other manof the Synagogue, next Monday eve- Hard Time party, given at the. Jewr ish artisans, whose growth is thus agreeable to the Board of Directors Have your players come to the ner nnd said ' stock shall' be non-assessable. ning, October 17, at. 8:30. He will ish Community Center. Prizes wer,e checked. classes and get in shape that way jm The corporation shall commence business speak on his travels this summer the emergency. Remember the 6:00 upon the filing of its articles with the through Europe, and 61'; his five- av/arded for the best costumes. The Canada Premier County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebrasclass is for coaching. ka, and shnll continue for a period of fifty week stay in Palestine." During the hours were spent at games and years fpom date unless sooner dissolved by evening he will ShSw moving - pic- bridge, and concluded with refresh- Speaks Up Varsity .Basketball act of stockholders. The highest amount indebtedness of • said corporation shall tures of Palestine; taken'during his ments. The committees included Ida Toronto.—"The federal government The J. C. C. will be represented of never exceed two-thirds of its capital stock Feldman, Sybil Merlin and Sophie of Canada will stamp out anti-Sestay there. but this restriction shall not apply to any by a varsity basketball team this mitic propaganda in Quebec if the indebtedness secured by lien upon any of The evening's program will be in Raskin. government will not do so coming winter., The team should be the corporate property. The affairs of this the form of a Succoth Celebration. Herman Sherr of Chicago visited provincial a winner, if all the men who have corporation shall lie managed by a Board itself," asserted Premier Bennett of of .Directors' consisting of not less thnn A skit "An Accident "to tHe Esrog" his father and brothers in the Canada in a letter to E. F. Singer, been so highly recommended live up three stockholders. The annual meeting •will be presented'by'Rulh ^Bernstein, with to their friends' .kind words. Anyof the corporation shnH be held on the Jewish member of the Provincial ParMonday of each • year at which Blania Olensky, T411fe"Shindler and city this week. way, we'll probably be in there plen- second liament of Ontario. meeting the stockholders shall elec t a Eosena Sacks, j ' - 7>-'~ Z'-'T ty when the shooting is going on. Board of Directors nnd on the same day, Mr. and Mrs. Jack London, Jr., of the Board of Directors shall hold its an; i f i 'A group of Palestinian songs-will Brobkings, A formal call* for candidates Ka-s S. D!, "were'« ni'*the city nual meeting'and at that time, the nnnnal lift Ban on Anti-Semitic be presented by the following: Miss over. Jast -w.eek-endjvT-j- J-J i *. • been made. Several promising candi- election of officers shall be held. The of'Gazeta. Warszawska" of this corporation shall he presiTillie Shindler, vocal; Miss Jennie dates have presented themselves— ficers vice-president, secretary and" treas' Warsaw.—The District Court has Yaffe, Mann, Burrows, Weiner, Bab- dent, Shindler. violin. urer. They shall hold office for a term tt Guests from out of town, who were lifted "the ban against the appearance sky, piano; and Mr. * Aaron Tabai, one year or until their successors are duly Sioux City last week-end, include of ithe "Gazeta-Warszawska," organ ich. Others who are interested are elected and ' «iunlifledr. ' All assets of the concertina. 5 IT TT ]' J> I ' f IT . in ; asked to declare themselves immedicorporation may be sold or transferred by Kalin of HuwnvS. "D.y Lawrence of the anti-Semitic National Demothe affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Miss DenaM.* Baron will sing a Ben ately. The squad will practice at outstanding Dimsdale of Sioux Falls, Sy-©^ Mr. at any. regular.or spegroup of songs, appropriate for the and Mrs. Ted Fishman of Flandreau, cratic party, which had been imposed 8:30 each Tuesday and Thursday and cial meeting stock of the stockholders. These by the government commissariat. articles may be amended at any regular occasion. Accompanying her at the S. D. on Sunday afternoon. It takes many or special meeting of the stockholders uppia^o will be Miss Ssre'tta'Xrlgsten. practice sessions in the early season the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Thuringia Calls for Prohibition to build a machine-like organization. on This meeting wKfcli will take the outstanding stockv . Miss Dorothy^ jWigddskyj ©f place of the regular Tuesday afterof Schechita ; - ^ IN WITNKSS WHBitEOF, the parties Girls' Basketball hereto have hereunto «er their hands this noon meeting, wills'be open to mem- Yqrk:City* is a* gaest airthe home of Thuringian govern10th day of October. 1582. ; Girls interestid in 1playing basketbers and non-membtifs of the iAuxil- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky, Metz ment submitted to the Diet for action ECGEXK WOLFE apartments. OLTVE BOCKKE WOLFE iary. Refreshmentsatflll' conclude the a project calling for the prohibition ball this winter 1 are asked to sign A O. T. DOERIt evening's program! ' '" ' ' ' of Schechita, the Jewish method of their names on the bulletin, board. • . Incorporators. Practice will start once the girls inIn the Presence of Joseph B. Fradenburg. Mr. and-Mrs. William Lazere and slaughtering animals for food. 1014S24t sons spent the last week-end visiting . Jewish circles fear- that" the Diet form me of their interests. It is hoped enough players aie wjll .endorse-the .project. in O m a h a . . ; " ' • .•-••. .••:•••'•' • •. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE present so we can have a little 3 or 4 team league of our own. • Notice Is hereby givctt ibnt on the 22ml A fantasy..,. day of October. 1S32.- a t the hour <6f -ltt Pre-Season Handball A: M., at 3514 fieavtaiworth "Street, rfcc JeriisSlein.*—The report that Lon- A pre-season singles handball team undersigned "Members of the"A.'Z.!'*i"will hold will sell to the highest bidder 1 don political circles are debating the f o r eash:< ' ; ' • • • ••' • their second degree * Initiation -• rites nament will start shortly' after No: Y velr o s davenport, 1 velp o s nrm establishment of Palestine as a reat a meeting of the Bnai rBrith next chair, 1 wal occ table, 2 tap nph occ chain. vember 1. public is "termed pure fantasy by "Al Tuesday evening, :Octeber 'l'8^at the 3 metal floor lamps, 1 table model KchoGym Class Additional Matrons' 1 phone elect radio complete, 1 vel rug 9x12, Jamia 1Arabijah," organ of the Grand Jewish Communifr-'CeritSr.! BUT ihgthe Matrons interested in. having 1 wal book park, 1 wnl smoker, 1 wal Muiti: '. ' evening's program^'three newly elechnffet, 1 wal dining table. G wal tap seat diners, 1 4b Odin gas range, 1 d 1 kit At the same time the paper asserts ted officers of the ^ Z . A. will be Jerusalem, <J. T. A.)—The Pales- that table, 4 kit chairs w s, 1 bro metal day bed SHOTWELL, S1OS8KT, GRODINSKT the Arabs will never agree to initiated. comp. 1 oak d h Singer sewln'g machine, VAJJCE J N D HARRY B. COHEN ' tine government warned the; Jewish : 2 bro Simmons beds spga and matt, 1 lac 737 Omaha Nati Bank Bids. They are Morris _ Borshevsky, 'Aj^encj that' it. would .'nat' pWjri its Palestine's'becoming a republic with vanity dresser. 1 lac night tnbie. 1 0x12 Stanley Herzoff and^rnest'Egsteih. subsidy to" the Jewish ;schools Unless a Zionist'premier:' Ax rug, 1 wal poster bed spgs and mat, 1 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF W I U 1 wal chiffonier. 1 wal vanity dresser, 1 Rehearsals for the'-second - act- of the* schools are re^opened some ; time . i p Vif In the County Court of Douglas County, wal cane seat rocker. 1 wal chiffonier. 1 "The Nest," a '#r|te-"act Jrtay'fo be this^month. Nebraska. . . ' • > ; - s " , , . , . Muf-fi Complains of wal cane seat chair. 1 0x9 velvet rug. 1 In the Matter of the Estate of 8amnel wal occ'l chair vel seat nnd bnck.-.l wnl presented under] _theF; auspices of- the The 'government made this threat "Favoritism" Babter, Deceased. . . •table, 1"metal bridge lamp, 1 mnh Al Z. A. are uri^et; way. " Ben''Pni in - aix effort ; to settle the • dispote ^ J j . s l e m . — T h e Grand Mufti of , All persons interested in said.estate are center uprt Gnlbrnnsen piano and bench. 1 9x12 { notified that a petition: has been Congo rug and all dishes, linens, bedding, is assisting with' thS direction 6f 'the which has arisen over the control:'df Jerusalem, and the chairman of .the hereby filed In said Court; prnylng fop the pro- silverware and kit utensils the Jewish; school system. : • ; bate of certain instrument now on file production. Covered by Chattel Mortgage executed Arab Executive, Muza Kazem Pasha, in said aCourt, purporting to be the lnst by William H. Lijrhtfoot. nnd Elvn A. The Jewish. Agency transfertrje'd.; to i ^ ; received by the Palestine High will and testament'of said deceased, nnd Lfghtfoot on November 13, 1931, to F. K Palestine Jewish National Coun- Commissioner. that a hearing. will be had on said peti- Tyson, doing business as the Omnhn'1-onti Festival Jo '? the tion before said Court-on the 29th day of Company, and having lieen fllrd for recortl cil-- the responsibility of -the - budget --.. Afber-a- -period of- silence the Arab October, 1932 and that if they fail to np- in I he office of the County Clerk of DougBe Celebrated of the' school, undertaking i ^ ^ representative* ^renewed - their > com- pear at said Court on the said 29th day of las County. Nebraska. tribute 40,000 pounds. ' Wx\},,,:<... plainta .against the. Jews and against October, 1033, at D o'clock A. M., to contest • Said -sale will lie (or the purpose of the probate of said will, t.lie Court may foreclosing said Mortgage and to satisfy Services at- the = Shaare.-;Zion- Syn- • Various Jewish groups; - however what .tiiey called the favoritism allow and probate said will and grant nd- the nmnunt due thereon. • t»-wit: Three ri agogue 'and Mount ^Sinai ^TempTe wtU principally the municipality of TeJ shewj^^o the Jews by the govern- mlnistrntion of snid estate to Hannah Bnb- Hundred and- Eighty-two ar.d No-100 ior «r some other Eiiitable person and pro- Dollars (f38*J.O0) and accruing costs. tnarir the. festival * of-Succoth which Aviv and the Jewish, fanners \ object merit. ceed, to n settlement thereof. . - • - . . F. Ev TYSON. to placing the control, in the.;hands toight at at 'sunabwnV begins tonight BKTCE CRAWFORn. Doing Business us Omaha Lain 'Co. 10-7-32—3t County Judge. »-30-32-3r. • At Mount Sinai-Temple, the.ser- of the Vaad Leumi.;.:' They- demand vices will begin tonight at 8 o'clock a larger representation for. ^ Nazareth to Buy Rutenberg is-. A Succah, or booth, will be erected selves than the Vaad Leumi Electricity j Aerie ftef uses , • -; ; on the pulpit. and. decorated with injr to offer. ^ py of Ji '' municipality autumn leaves and fruits. Fruit wil The schools have remained closed Nazareth' haa'^pproved' ' a* * contract be distributed to the children who during the progress of the dispute. •', withT7'tfie Kutenberg'; Electriflcation attend the service. Rabbi-Lewis wil The government subsidy ^involved Works to isupjlyelectric; j»_wei£to' th speak on the subject -"Pessimism is in the amount of 20,000 pounds. iownT .:-'z"' "'•"'^ '"' '.r ""","'::.' ' ; . : Versus Optimism." ' ;.• The municipality of Acre has reSaturday morning, services at fused; ^Jnth'e; other'hand,"to buy its Shaare Zion Synagogue will begin electricity from t h e r same "Source: at 8:30 o'clock. On Sunday morning'services will also be held. Rabb Jewish Woman Gets H. ;R. ^Rabinowitz will speak; both niornfngs using" as" his sermon themes iBEB Budapest,. (J.. T. A.)—The appre- Italian Government Award subjects appropriate to the~ holiday • • Cleve!and.~-i^rsi Jennie K." Zwick, Cantor A. Pliskin will chant"1 the hensions of the Jewish population :active.in the creation of the Culconcerning the • appointment as Pre ritual. fnier of Juliusr Goemboes, notorious tural Gardens of Cleveland, was decas the leader of| the anti-Semitic orated by the Italian government in J. C. C. Clubs White Terror in Hungary, have recognition- of her gervices to, the Amid the seene beauty of stately Elms, glorious somev/hat been allayed by the state- Italian people in the promotion of New members _.were-elected into ment on policy issued to the. press Italian culture outside the; boundaries in their new Autumn colors, you will find the vacaof Italy.: tion of your dreams. Golf, ride, playtennisand the Y. A. J . Club .at their, meeting


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by the new Premier. j : Mrs. Zwick was one of the lead Premier Goemboes declares that he iijg spirits iii the establiiihinent of recognizes the equality rights of all the Italian cultural gardens, located Hungarian citizens who work for the in Rockefeller Parkway near the rte> common good of the state. brew Gardens. At the same time, he. let i t - b e known that he would fi^ht the' ex- Telegrams in Hebrew tremists of both the Right and the Jerusalem.—Tho Palestine High Left" parties. Commissioner, in a conference with Israel Amikam, a Jewish representOF OWNERSHIP. MANV ative, stated his belief that there are New members elected into the Ep-STATEMENT AfiEMENT, CII5CI JiATION, BTC, OS : ,\ no difficulties attached to the transsilon Phi ,-»Sorority. "afe'-Safa liaptart. ..THly.JK\VI8H ritKSS: / j lied 'wpokfi' rtt <)ni:ili;u Nelii'nska. mission of telegrams in Hebrew charGertrude Keznick.- Rese^Rezmck, and .i>y flH-Act o€,Attgnst 1'4, ipi2. for e Cohen'. Miss Esther 'Wutkjn Ortolicr I, ]!K>i>: lSnslnPKK'rrtsiiirtfierr I'arid acters in those places where there - -- ]S"nliraskn. Known are JeVvish .officials. "•.'-.", elected president; Miss Rhnda' Uliirkcr. r^f" ai"! olh?ry p ;TIie High Commissioner also exi 4 t Jfc E olif!-pp-.v cont pr..inore of •Volf son,.•-- vice-p.re%i4,en.t;ff Jfcss. . V,' 'lYmf '• otlirx securities, pressed his view that the difficulties Sperling, secretary^ end-Jlisi...Rose TnirT m s c r l f l lmforp""ine.' f o r p i n e . t till? i l l ? attached-to such transmission t in othEife, treasurer. ; " ' ^ ' ' T • " *~'KSvnrii .trdidnyy of October. 3052; Frank Sl.-'Aek- er,, places- where there are no .JewAt the meeting, ( plans f were mide erm.Tti. t N'ofnrjN'f T ' h ' l ' ((Commtttiou: C t i *£inh oflicials can be surmounted. i for "a Halloween party, with Miss Dirps J I I I T ' 9 . this week. They are TiUie Shindler, Jack Merling, Isadore Shindler, Beatrice Herzoff, Sophie Franklin, Betty F,einberg, Sam Janowitz, Joe Janowitz,, Leah Herman, -Rose Albert, Fern Wolf son, Perry Osnpwitz,; Dorothy Gelson and Edith Feinberg. Mr Lester Davidson is t h e new 'advisor <>f the club. - .-•,--, - ,






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