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In the Interests of the Jewish People Ki.L-r.rt us c nt Oinnhn. N« ^ .
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
« 8 « e t on J a n u a r y ^ . U J . J A ' A the Act of March 8, 1878
Vol. X—No. 38
Talmud Torch 5,000 DRIVE Community-Wide Ball PhilanthrGlJ^s Budget and HOLYDAYS WILL a New Se ;jice Are Adopted to Inaugurate LAUNCHED BY at Center on Sunday CONE TO CLOSE Approval by Board of Governors a Bus System of X C . C. and Welfare •_" Interesting Sidelights
An autumn motif will be carried rahamson, Herbert Arnstein, Max out in the decoration ci ^ 3 Jewish Barish, Sam Beber, David Blacker, Community Center ballroom for the William Boasberg, A. H. Brodkey, The local Talmud JTorafi- will inFederation first annual commtmity-'wide. ball to L Chapman, M. E. Chapman, David augurate a bus transportation sysbe given under the auspices of the Cohen, Sam Cohen, Ben Danbaum, Concluding Succoth Senices to tem of its own for its pupils begin- Funds Will Be Used to Bring The adopting of .the- Philanthropies Jewish "Women's "Welfare Federation Morton Degen, Sol Degen, John A. ning October 25, according to an* anModern Orthodox Rabbi Be Held, Simchath Torah budget for 1932-33 and the initiation on Simchatb. Torah evening tliis Stm- Farber, David Feder, Harry Ferer, nouncement made today by M. M. Some interesting sidelights were Here Follows of a. new service featured the ;weHday, October 23. Dr. B. T. Friedman, Phil Gilinsky, Barish, president of the Talmud gleaned a t the Board of Goverattended meeting of the board of A. Goldstein, Dave Goldman. L F . Elaborate plans promise a color Torah. nors meeting Monday. The series of holydays (following A "rabbinical drive" to raise $5,- scheme in decorations which will "be Goodman, Eabbi D. A. Goldstein, Dr. governors of the Jewish Community Starting Tuesday two busses win For example, how many know 000 for the hiring of a modern orth- reminiscent of Nebraska "Indian M. I. Gordon, Dr. A. Greenberg, J- Bosh Hashonah will end this weekCenter and Welfare Federation held take the pupils to and from the odox rabbi by the Vaad H*OehT, or that during the past year it cost at the Center Monday evening. Greenberg, Abe Herzberg. Sam end, with the conclusion of Succoth A total of $21,038.45 for the Jew- Community Center. %hfe busses will Union of Orthodox Synagogues, was Summer" in all its beauty. Chrys- J. Herzberg, Max Holzman, William and the celebration of Simchath Toranthemums and other pleasing flowThe total budget agreed upon was ish Community Center's mainten- go from the Center to Minne Lnsa, inaugurated a t the mass meeting Holzman, Morris Jacobs, Philip ah immediately thereafter. §24,865. This "sum, to be paid out of ance alone with all due economy? to Dundee, and also to South Omaha. held a t the B'xtai -Israel synagogue ers will lend an "outdoor atmos-' Klutznick, J. This evening and tomorrow is H. ELulakofsky, Louis phere." funds obtained in the campaign of Every Jewish child will be given Tuesday evenings ) Here are some of the items: known as Shemini Atzereth, or the Kulakofsky, Ruben Kulakofsky, Dr. the spring of '32, constitutes the "Randall's Royal orchestra will f nrJanitorial service $3,675.13 an opportunity to use the bus to One thousand dollars was raised msh the rnusie. All proceeds will go Barney Rally, Dr. Philip Levey, Sam eighth day of solemn assembly. ^amounts the Philanthropies i s comcome to and return from the Talmud at l i e meeting,, attended, by five; Cleaning, laundry and Saturday evening and Sunday, Leon, Moe Linsman, J. M. Mala• mitted to pay out during, the fiscal; Torah; the busses will make many hundred who • ; enthusiastically. • «K'( supplies 1,003.52 shock, Morris Milder, William Mild- October 22 and 23, Simchath Torah, year to local, national and interna~~_ : 1,254.79 stops on the routes to pick up the ceived - the plans & r ihe furthering'•] er, Henry Monsky, Reuben Natel- or the Rejoicing in the Law, will be tional agencies. • '''-\... LCoal children of "the various Talmud Tor- of the purposes of:U»e.Vaad. i g h t .•;••,.••,;•- - . — 1,576.00 son, A. Newman, J. M. Newman, H. observed. Power „ 891-00 ah sessions. ... , ' New Service . V .^ The campaign', for funds win be A. Newman, Ben Newman, J. S. The conclusion of the Succoth holI t is planned that going .totheresumed Mcmdav- After the conclusWater „ _ _ _ : _ 517.77 Pearlstien, Dr. Philip Bomonek, I. iday ends "the Jewish ThanksgivThe new service to be worked |OUt Talmud -Torah, designated . points ion of the bolsafers- Fifteen teams "Repairs to building 2,97^27 Rosenblatt, Charles Schimmel, Chas. ing." Succoth, celebrated for eight is the acceptance by-the FedersSion Interest on mortgage — 6,500.05 will be -selected for the children to of two members^suih are canvassing Simon, Louis Sommer, I. Stalmas- days, not only commemorates the 'of remittances for transmission to gather /in jsmall groups, but in re-' the orthodox -Jewry* • ter, Moe Venger, Sam Wertheimer, harvest festival but also the successrelatives of local Jewry in" Russia tnrninrjjil^fr .home the bus will take Harry A. Wolf, Gail Margolin, Jack ful journey of the Israelites through William Milder presided at Tuesand Poland, through the' Hias (Heeach J E J | , | W | 1 U B -door. The charge day's mass meetinjit He was intro^ the Wilderness after the Exodus W. Marer. brew Immigrant Aid Soeiety). ; will ipe^Ee fares for twenty-five duced by Harry Marcus, president from Egypt. The plan was presented by Jacob cents. ~ "' "-V- • • •• of the Vaad. Eabbi N. Feldman The Simchath Torah, or Rejoicing S. Pearlstien, executive director of The = Deborah Society, auxiliary gave the invocation and- Eabbi Man* Over the Torah, has always been an the Community Center and" Welfare which helps ' in. the Talmud Torab uel - Laderman • of Chicago •'^TiveTed occasion of festivity in the synaFederation.work, is aiding this project the main address, in Ewglish. Ben gogues. Just as the little child when The Hias has for many years been In commenting on the bus trans- Zadowsky,-the-youngest-member on first carried to the Cheder received accepting.' remittances from American portation system, Aaron Katz, prin- t i e —Vaad's Board of Governors, honey and cakes to teach him the Jewry for transmission to relatives. cipal of the Talmud Torah, stated: spoke in .English,, and-L Morgensweetness of the Law, so the older The money is paid to the relatives f*Eyer since Cm^aa. Jewry became stern gave a talk in Yiddish. Aaron children were allowed to scramble in American dollars and' not in "Euro^- Affair Will Be Held at Com- scattered, tfiroujgli4 moving to .the dis- Katz, principal of r the Talmud Torfor nuts and sweetmeats on this fespean currency. The • Hias handled tant sections.of Jhe city, an urgent ah, spoke briefly in behalf of that munity Center Sunday, tal day. The rabbis and the older ; thirty million dollars for this, purDetails Being Planned for Com- men needTbAsJbeea/'felt. for "a Tadmud institution. ^ v of the congregation by tradition November 13 pose last year. .• munity Trust Fund, Bust and lead the way in the processional, Torab? bps "system,' as many people A resume ofA-ftm situation was The board, unanimously, approved Yahrzeit Services carrying1 in their arms the scrolls of Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the" refused to enroll their ' children. as given by Harry^Weirier, chairman of of the plan and instructed Pearlstien Social pupils because of .inadequate, imthe Law; then the boys follow. The the finance -comnstfce-Cantor AService committee of _the Jewto proceed with the organization of ish Welfare Federation and of the proper transportatfon. . _; Plans are going forward for the children carry flags of their own Schwaczkri: ar^ Bis choir rendered this service. The Federation office is Father and Son Banquet Committee, permanent memorials to the memory design, many of them with lighted "The situatian iias been met, .and several setecfions. '. ~- • to act as agent for the Hias. of Harry Lapidus, the late civic, candles mounted upon their staves. today announced that in order to now there is no reason" for -any par-f ;The five synagogue raembers of Mrs. A. Greenberg. communal and philanthropic leader, ent, desirous of giving his child a avoid conflict with functions of oththe Vaad are the B'nai Israel, Beth Write or Phone General Chairman of Ball Reform whose name the community will comer organizations the eleventh annual Jewish education, not enrolling him Hamedrosh Hagodol, Adass TeshurWhile there are indications memorate. Last week the committee in the Talmud Torah." Services for the close of Succoth «oward reducing the mortgage on Father and Son Banquet mil be im, B'nai Jacob, and Congregation that the Federation would serve representing the various Jewish orand tbe Holy Days a t Temple Isthe Jewish Community Center buildheld Sunday, November. 13, instead of Israel of South Omaha. a vital need in the community ganizations decided on the establish- rael, -will be held tonight and tomoring. of Sunday, November 6. The ban"The bringing of a modern orthowith this service, since so many '• • Mrs. A. - Greenberg is general ment of a community trust fund, row morning. quet will be held in the auditorium dox rabbi to Omaha," stated .Milder, send money to their relatives, it Eabbi Conn's sermon topic fcr this chairman, Mrs. Max Holzman co- the erection of a bust in the .Comof the Jewish Community Center. "will supply a necessity which has : is nevertheless important for the chairman; Mrs. H. A. Wolf, orches- munity Center, and the holding of, evening will be "Are There Any been lacking in our religious life. The Father and Son Committee is Federation to ascertain just bow -tra ." committee•• chairman; Mrs." J . memorial services on his Jewish: Yah- Values* in a Vain Lifts*' Services "Through"the "Vaad we nope to composed of the following persons: many would avail themselves of Pearistien, - advertising committee; rzeit, Monday evening, January 9, will s^tarti at 8 p. tn. :-•-' further Jewish -unity and .Tewish The seven members of the board Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; Uabbi the service. : Davjd- Goldman and Mrs. Her- 1933. . ftatt rday.\ morning • services." will consciousness among "the orthodox Frederick Conn, Babbi DaviS A. ofthe, B'nai Israelcongregation, Mr. Pearlstien, jias therefore ^ \ d d ¥ . 3o.m epeak-Details for - these- memorials are j Goldstein, Isadore Abramson, Leo. Eighteenth and Chicago streets, were dernentk, ••-• "We "iirere particularly requested that those interested g j .' K.a<Mish acitt being-worked out by the following with; fiie^HBseirfaoBfally large IJosenfiial, Ma* "Barish, Wifiiain I * re-elected t o office- at the electiejr-»f p i 1 in such a service |»fcone or-write- — Holzman, Abner Kahnan, J. M. Mai-; officers held Sunday. committees: be recited this Sabb2tK for Libbie turn-out of yramg people a t Tues- freskment committee. him About it. Unless there is a ashock, J . S. Pearlstien, B. L EosThe patrons for the ball include: . - Committee for Memorial Meeting: F r e e m a n . " " , - ' • - . ' . . • ' . " . . The-board and the duties of each day's mass meeting.*' r e i t uFmT&drthS proifect will not Messrs. Ed Gilbert, William Grodin- Sam Beber, . chairman; Dr. Philip enthal, "Miss Blanche Zimman and are: Louis Epstein, chairman; Joe Conservative sky, Henry Jacobi, Nathan Jacobs, Sher, Max Crouse, Harry Weiner be initiated. the Mesdames Louis Neveleff, Irvin Tretiak, treasurer; William Milder, Tonight, October 21, services for Victor E. Levine, Leo Unger, Fred Max Barish, Irvin* Levin, Mrs. M Shemini If the service is inaugurated, it Levin, F. J. Alberts, A. Greenberg, chairman of the cemetery commitAiereth will begin at 8 White, Justin Wolf, Harry Zimman, F. Levenson, J . Riklin. , •will be under the direct charge of B. A. Simon and Dave Sherman. tee; M. Blank, chairman of memberp. m. at the Conservative synagogue, and L B., Zimman; Mrs. Morris Committee on Besolutions: David ftabbi } >avic~ A. OoAdstein "will speak .the -family .welfare—department, - of •: The toastmaster for the evening ship; J. Katleman, Bible reading Levy; Messrs. and Mesdames I. Ab- Blacker, chairman; N. S. Yaffe, and on "Thoughts of a Gentle Cynic" which Mrs. Harry A. Wolf is chair- '•will be J. M. Malashock. Acting as committee chairman; Abraham CoPhilip Elutznick. This committee • After the services the congregaman. the representative of the Jewish hen, Bible reading committee viceJ.'X'Greenberg was unanimously prepares as a permanent record all tion will «nter the succah for Kidfathers of Omaha for the eveningchairman, and Harry Marcus, build' Philanthropies Budget resolutions in memory of Lapidus— dosh and refreshments. elected president 'of the Conservative In the Philanthropies budget,adopt- and. speaking in their behalf will be ing- and maintenance. these to be presented to the Lapidus Synagogue congregation at the third ed, the largest single contribution is Isadore Abramson, president of the Services Saturday morning will A complete wport regarding the family and also to be made part of commence for Jewish education; of Jewish .chil- B'nai B'rith. Sidney Neveleff^ son recent cemetery survey was- given by annual meeting held at the Jewish at 9 o'clock. Yizkor serthe records of the Jewish Community vices will be dren in Omaha, the';' appropriations of Mrs. Louis Neveleff, will respond William Milder. The report was ac- Community Center Wednesday eveheld at 10 a. m. Rabbi Center and Welfare Federation. ning. He succeeds J. H. Kulakof sky. The 5-A class of the Talmud Tobeing to the Talmud. Torab. arid ithe. xm behalf of the sons. Abner Kai- cepted and plans started to survey Goldstein will talk on "Looking to Committee for erection of a bust: the Future.""? • Other officers chosen are Harry Sil- rab will hold graduating exercises . . ^Jewish " Community; '• teenier; T-Spcnday -man will lead the singing. the entire cemetery enclosure. A Harry Malashock, chairman; Rabbi verman, first vice-president; David This year forf^purposes• ofeconj on Tuesday evening, October 25, at Saturday ' night, Simchath Torah School. new section will be opened, the ceme7:30 o'clock at the Jewish Commun- -D. A.. Goldstein,'. J . J . Greenberg. services "will "he beld starting at 7 Other local agencies ' benefiting -oniy there will bk-iib iridiVidual let- tery will" be beautified and family ity Center auditorium. The public David Blacker, Mrs. J» H. Kula- p. m. There will be a children's from the Philanthropies are-the "Old ters sent soliciting reservations. By plots laid out. kotsky and Sam Bavitz. -eliminating individual letters and has been invited to attend. procession as part of the service. People's^ Home and jthe J3ocial:Service, Financial reports were given by Ckmanittee to draw plans for a The -women of the Conservative Synother economies the committeewill The six. graduates are Ethel AdTretiak, treasurer, and- Hymie P . Co'mmittee.. .•...••.:.!'; ;•!.;• i:.V: iilijt'Li?be able to offer this year's banquet Milder, auditor. ler, Sam Adler, Ruth Finer, Barney Community,Trust JFund: William L. agogue Auxiliary will distribute The board '••or governors'. >cc4at:lower prices. .: . _.;r.:- '.. . White, Sol Wezelman and Daniel Holzman, chairman; H. A. Wolf, favors to the children who attend. s i s t e - o f - r e p ^ • M* Finkelstein was re-elected shamHenry T&im&yi, Philip Klutznick, J . ,J Sunday rooming there will be a Miller. _ Jewish - organization ; in -Oiiiaha. - _ While the price ofjhe;jBanquet i a s mas "for a one-year term. H. Kulakofsky, -Harry Silverman, I. r ^ u l a t Shniiiatihi Torah . service at not yet been definitely^ decided upon Following- is the program which Stalmaster, Jews of..-'-all: walks, • ^presenting : . Max Barish, H. B. Zim- 9 a. ni.7 •!At"li "o'clock tb'ire wiil be the committee is rmaiing every pqs-will be presented: - every -branch j -of • Judaiamj > and \ : man, and: Jack ^W, Marer. f sihle economy liiborder that they a Epecial '•}dldren's service cf conA Hebrew lecture, "Isaiah, the ' every school of ihpughtr > arfe" «in might offer^ the Jewish fathers and secration for the school year. Specimen JProphet," by Sol Wez the board, so that it represents a sons of :Omaha the: finest Jfather.and. man; a Hebrew poem, "The Catchtrue' cross-section '•- of. local. JewOrthodox Son Banquet ever, offered at the lowe r s " by Ruth Finer; a short Engish life. . •'• The opening lecture of the Current All orthodox synagogues will obest price ever -charged. . lish talk, by Daniel Miller; "The At Monday's meeting the various serve both the conclusion of the Reservations'.'.can _ "beL niade,v at ;the Topics course to be conducted by Boy Who Made Himself Sicki" a representatives Mowed a (high xiegre? Rabbi Frederick" Cohn under the auFeast of Tabernacles and the celeHebrew playlet with a cast... includof interest in the discussions, and in Jewish Community Center until the spices of the Temple Israel Sisterbration of • Simchath Torah. Eabbi capacity of the auditorium i&Teached. ing' Judith Levenson,. Ephraim ; Gerthe questions asked ^ of the, president • The committee tirges.ihatiiie gener- hood -will be given at. the Blackstone Manuel Laderman of Chicago, here shater, Harvey ~ Burstein and Leonand executive, director concerning the al public; assist; by: ;»akijier their hotel; on Tuesday morning, Octobe: The local lodge of the B'nai Brith for the holydays under the auspices ard Lewis. work of the Federation in respect to reseTation aslearly. as .possible.:,. 25, a t 10:30 o'clock. .. _ and the mother chapter of the A. Z. of the Vaad, will conduct services. relief as well as the Community CenSpeakers will include Rabbi D.- A. "Make your.reservations-early and ', The first discussion . will concern A. will hold a joint meeting a t the He will deliver an address at the f ter activities. \ Goldsteinj Rabbi Frederick Cohn, the approaching election. All of Dr. h jjoyous h il be p part of the Jewish Community Center on Thurs- Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue that will Rabbi N. Feldman -and Dr. P. Sher. on Saturday morning: on a Yizkor l -Jewish ideal-of fath- Conn's subjects, i t is announced, will day evening, October 27. nonor the old The Talmud -Torah choir will render :£heme. be timely and interesting.; The series erhood," ^ f c The joint-meeting is for the purseveral'Hebrew, songs. • Max M. Barof ten lectures^ will be delivered the Cantor A. Schwaczkin and hfs ish, Talmud Torah president, "ffll pose of bringing about a closer spir- choir will chant the services at the second and fourth Tuesday mornings it of comradeship -between -the senior preside. •.. • • of each month. . . .;_ . B'nai Israel synagogue, and Cantor and junior organizations. ""These lectures .proved extremely The feature of t i e jprogram wil Leon Karz will officiate at the Beth J. J . Greenberg popular and successful the past year,' Jacob S. PeaTffltien,-ftxfeptitjve;&~ be the presentation by the A. Z. A Hamedrosh Hagtfdol. The children of the Community Cohn, second vice-president; Alexanstated Mrs.Samuel "E. Gilinsky rector of the Jewish CdBntmriiry Cenchapter of the second degree Titual. Center Sunday • School • will gather Talmud Torah der D. Frank, re-elected secretary; A. This is in the form of a play, defor a service: of consecration Sim- ter and Welfare Federation^ JKU chairman. "In view of ihis, the Sis- B. Alpirn, re-elected treasurer. At the morning sen-ices of Shempicting the initiation of a candidate ini Atzereth, Saturday, October 22, chath Torah morning, Sunday, Oc- dressed the board of the Y. W: C JL terhood is pleased to presenta simThose elected to the executive comilar series this year. The general Wednesday on "The Work of the by Judas Maccabeus. tober 23. This will mark the openbefore Yizkor services an appeal will mittee are Mose Yousem, Dr. A. Harry Hahn, 58, died at 7:30 p. m. Jewish • Communi ty Center and Wel- public is invited to attend." The cast of characters for the Ju- be made to local Jewry in the varing of. the school year. Greenberg, M. M. Barish and B. A. Saturday at his home, 2529 No. 18th fare Federation." Tickets may be obtained in' ad das Maccabeus degree includes Harry The service will begin promptly a t street, as a Tesult -of pneumonia. Sur- Weinberg-; Israel Bercovici, Irving ious congregations to enroll their Eecently he spoke before the Mun- vance from .Mrs. Gilinsky, Haraey Simon. 11 o^clock. children as pupils in the Talmud Forthe expiring three and four viving are his wtfe, two sons Fred and Class sessions of the Sunday School icipal University chapter of-.*. Alpha 7088, or at the Blackstone hotel a t year terms, the following" were elect- Dave, and a daughter, Miss Anna Chudacoff, Sam Finkel, Sam Turkel, Torah. the time of "the lecture. . sowill start Sunday morning,' Octb- Kappa Delta, national honorary The speakers at the synagogues are ed to the board of trustees: Harry Hahn, as "well as his father and moth- Art Lipp, Louis Minkin, Sara Mos ciological fraternity. • -; — , • '• kovitz, Oscar Mayerovrich, William Eabbi Goldstein, Conservative synber 30. . A. Wolf, David Greenberg, Philip er, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hahn; two brothHe is also scheduled as a special Klutznick, Ben Glazer, J. A. Gross and ers, J. Hahn and Will Hahn, and two Sokolof, Art Grossman. The coach agogue; Henry Monsky, B'nai Israel; lecturer for some time this winter is Stanley F. Levin. Sam Beber, Beth Hamedrosh HagoJack Marer. sisters, Mrs. Harry Swengle and Mrs. in the department of social work A member of the B'nai Brith xril dol; Harry A. Wolf, B'nai Jacob; At the conclusion of the business Kose Lashinsky,'all of Omaha. • • at the Municipal University. • Funeral services were held Monday address the meeting, expressing the Philip Klutznick, Adass Yeshurim; Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—Shlomo Nei- meeting, William L. Holzman showed sdewpoint of the older group. Hy Nathan Yaffe, Congregation of Isman, a Zionist Eevisionist from Po- motion pictures taken by Rabbi David morning, with burial in the Golden man Goodbinder, grand president of rael. Warning Against AntiA. Goldstein during his recent trip to Hill cemetery. land, was sentenced to twenty-on the A. Z. A., and Harry "Weinberg, Semi tics Tendencies Eegistration of ne-vr pupils for the days' imprisonment for blowing th< Europe and Palestine. Rabbi GoldJacob Ziegler of Los Angeles, fathpresident of the mother chapter, will Talmud Torali begins on Monday, Berlin.—"Warning against the an- shofar at the Wailing Wall at thi stein illustrated the pictures 'vrfth a er of Isador Ziegler of Omaha, passed ti-Semitic tendencies evinced by sev*peak for the youths. The enter- October 24, at the Jewish Community lecture. away at Los Angeles Saturday at the eral newspapers in the Ukraine in conclusion of Tom Xippur services. tainment for the meeting is bein Center Talmud Torah office. Over two hundred attended the The blowing of the shofar is/con M. Waldman, an instructor of Jew- furnished by the A. Z. A. The pubage of 100. Jacob Ziegler resided here connection from the Communist Parmeeting. ish, will lecture Sunday evening-, Oct. lic has been invited to attend. for a few. years two decades ago. Prof. WiHstaedter Named ty, Gregory Zinoview and Leo Ka- trary to the regulations obtaining a 23, at I. W. O. hall, 1314.No. 24th St. Mr. Ziegler came to this country in menev, was issued in a radio address the Wailing Wall. to Academy His subject will be "Why We Need Tunisia's Jewish 1846, returned to Germany for a short broadcast from the Moscow headStockholm. — Professor "Richard a Jewish. School for the Worker's time, then joined the gold rush in '49. quarters of the Communist Interna- Alarming Number of Harbin Population Grows M. Bedacht of New York City, reHe was in the federal internal rev- tional and picked up here. Tunis.—The Jewish population in Willstaedter, noted Jewish cheroisti Kidnapings puted as an excellent speaker, will Children." There vrill be no admisenue department under President Tunisia numbers 56,248 according was elected a member of the SwedHarbin.—An alarming number of talk on "The Economic Crisis and So- sion charge. The Communist International stat| Grant, then entered the mercantile ed that it is compelled to take a kidnappings of Jews has recently cial Insurance Problems" on Friday The following Sunday, October SO, to official figures of the census just ish Academy of Science. Dr. Willstaedter, who is sixty business. , ;. . the Ahamo he 'Will speak on "Is E,eligion Detri- made public stand against ^anti-Semitic pronottn- .taken place here causing much per- evening, October 21, at 1 years old, has achieved a wide repJacob Ziegler's father lived to the cpments as fthey miss the real point turbation "among the Jewish popula- Hall, 21st and Cuming street, at 8mental to the Human Progress in the The total is 2,005 more than the Twentieth Century 1" jage of 104 and his mothe* to 103. tion. figure shown by the census of 1926 utation for his contributions to tht p. m. of tile expulsion order. science of organic chemistry.
at Governors* Meeting
J.J^Greenbergto Mead Conservative
Sisteriipod's Gurrent ; Topic Course to Open
Local B'iiai Brith, A.Z. A.PMaJoint Meeting Thursday
Gives Addresses
Gets Prison Sentence for Blowing Shofor
M. Waldman to Speak
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21,1982 sought. Tryouts will last long enough from the high costs of the modern particularly if his endurance or wind to give every man a good chance to Prompt Service . . . . is bad, if the muscles of his legs are economic system. • . . . . Reasonable Prices On Majorca, it is said, one maynot ready for the strain of hard show his wares. The following men have declared work, if his stomach is out of order, live at an expenditure of from three to eight dollars a,' week. I have an or if his vitality is low. He knows themselves: Adler, Burrows, Phil and By DAVID SCHWARTZ Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by •foe FrrtA, Mfcr. idea that if one wants to, he can do the absolute necessity of being able Wm. Gerelick, Mann, Novak, Rosen, even the same in the United States, to go at top speed for 32 or 40 min- Rosenblatt, Rich, Sadofsky, Turner, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1018 Farnam 3a. 6071 provided he has no objection to isol- utes—the entire length of a basket Weiner and taffee. More are welDEPRESSION AND come. The squad will practice TuesSubscription Price, one year - - - - - - - $2.50 ating himself in some cranny of the ball game. Under these conditions PREJUDICE country. But it takes a hardy soul it is necessary for a player to bn and and Wednesday evenings and Advertising rates furnished on application Bruno Lessing writes of his stop- to be able to bear the required isol- able to be his best and to be as Sunday afternoons. Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building ping off at an exclusive hostelry in ation. quick the last 5 minutes as well as Girls' Basketball NATIONAL Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Bavaria, reputed or ill reputed, for the first five in order to do himself A class for instruction in girls' POLITICS AND ACCIDENTS its refusal to accept Jewish guests. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center justice. A person "in shape" deACCESSORIES, INC. ball will take place Monday I asked the Republican nominee rives more substance from whatever basket DAVID BLACKER - - - .» - Business and Managing Editor Lessing asked them if it was true, evenings at 8:30. A league of four FRANK H. ACKERMAN Editor for the Senatorship from New York, he or she does, be it athletics, gym "Everything for the AuU'; that they refused Jewish guests. teams is my objective so everybody FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent "Yes," they replied, not guessing U. S. Attorney George Z. Medal ie, work, swimmiir or his or her daily can get a chance to play rather than ANN PILL - • - • . - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 that Lessing was a Jew, "in good whether his political career repre- regular routine. just six or eight. Thirteen girls times they turned the Jews down sented the fulfillment of any youthBasketball have already signed up: Ann and hut now conditions were so bad they ful hope. PERSONAL CONTROVERSIES The Pre-Season Leagues. A colEvelyn Zweiback, Esther Rosenberg, His reply was that he had never and constructive managers' Ann Gitnick, Ruth Tuchman, Ida Every- successful individual makes enemies; in fact, some were glad to have them." expected to enter politics, that it was orful meeting produced definite results. Blacker, Hazel Zavett, Lee Shames, have gone so far as to say that a man's success can be measured JEWS AND BICYCLES all an accident. REV. A. DIAMOND reminds me for some reason So was, if you remember, the dis-Two leagues will play a single round Bernice Raduzinger, Helen Chester, by the number of his enemies. I t is not, therefore, surprising or Which of Council Bluffs schedule starting November 1, TuesAnn Ruderman, Sarah Solomonow other of Lewis Browne's story of covery of America. People are genday. The teams were divided into that so colorful a personality in Jewish news, as David A. Brown the Hitlerite and the Jew in the erally Well Known in This Vicinity and Esther Weinzvag. disposed to deplore accidents, and "B" leagues, with "A" reStudy Your Weight Chart should be an object of controversy in the Jewish press of the coun- German train. as a and yet they are among the most "A" presenting the better teams. Gym members are given the op Jew was sitting just opposite fruitful means of progress. try. The verbal skirmishes raging about Brown at present seem theTheHitlerite, PRACTICAL MOHEL Each league will be administered portunity to keep their own weight which offended the The fact that they occur, it seems perplexing, regardless of whether or not one is an admirer of the Hitlerite, particularly, as he was a to me, is perhaps from jne aspect, by a Board of Managers with the records from week to week. Much 29 No. 7th St. Phone 1059 New. Yorker. . fat, beery Hitlerite who wzinted a the most consoling thing of life. The physical director as the chairman- A interest has been shown. I wonder of fundamental areements what your curves will look like at deal of place for his legs. pessimist is generally bottomed on number The match which exploded the present bomb was a purported* great were formed for the welfare of the the first of the year? Remember, "The Jews are the cause of every- facts and tendencies. The one thing interview carried by the PAT, Polish Telegraphic Agency, from thing," WE. 6161 WE. 6161 shouted the Hitlerite. "The that may be said against his con-teams. every time you corae to class weigh Brown, who was in Warsaw ostensibly to study the Jewish situa- Jewish bankers are the ruin of the clusion is that accidents may happen, Each team will be permitted eight yourself and post it. Until the playing of the M. NERENBERG Handball Tournament tion. The "Pat" is the official press organ of the Polish govern- world. Yes, the Jews are the cause and the hopeful occur. Even science players. third game, players may be shifted of all of our troubles, isnt i t so, concurs in this view today, as your The pre-season singles handball EXPERT FURRIER ment, and quotes Brown as. stating that he saw not the slightest Jew?" readings of Eddington and his school and added; but once the second game tournaments will start play Sunday, difference in the attitude toward the non-Jew and the Jew in "Isn't it so, Jew?" continued the show. The protons that constitute is played no players can be added November 6. The first week sign All Kinds of Coats Made to the atom, they tell us, may jump in without the. consent of the majority ups indicate that quite a good numPoland, that no misery exists among the Polish Jewish masses, Hitlerite in a loud voice. Order are asking yet?" returnecf any unpredictable way. Or in a of the managers. ber will be playing. Get your name and that in effect the Jewish papers have created a false picture the"You The entrance fee is 25 cents a Also Repairing and Remodeling Jew softly. "Of course Jews and homely way, you never can know, the list as soon as comfortable. contract In addition, as a bond of on of the Jews in Poland. The Federation of Polish Jews in Ameri- bicycle riders are the cause of the until you try. A small entry fee of 10c a player good faith, a deposit of $2.00 is re- will pay for the reward to be given ca immediately issued a vitriolic attack upon Brown for his utter- ruin of everything." 1805 North 24thSt. THE WHEEZE INDUSTRY quired. The latter sum is to be re- to the winners. bicycle riders?" interrogatances. The Yiddish and Anglo-Jewish press likewise took up the ed"Why turned at the end of the season. The Al Boasberg, former jeweller, now We Pay Cash for Old Furs the Hitlerite. Junior Classes cudgels and Brown has been the target of most severe criticism. "Why Jews?" returned the Jew. takes between fifty and seventy-five games will be played on Tuesday and D. J. Chesneau, whom everybody thousand dollars a year, providing Thursday evenings at 8 and 9:30 Brown is publisher of the American Hebrew, executive mem- MORE SOUP STORIES wheezes for the stage. So I gather and Sunday afternoon at 1, 2 and seems to know, is building up some nice classes among the junior boys ber of the American Jewish Committee, Joint Distribution Com- Philip Slomovitz forwards two ad- from a sketch of Boasberg in the Managers, Attention and girls. Send your hoys and girls TRY US FOR QUALITY mittee, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, a fund-raising ditional versions of the soap story New Yorker. Your next meeting will be held on and give them a chance to take adrecently printed in this column, viz: Monday evenin, October 24, at 8:30. vantage of "Dave's" fine efforts toleader, and active in a host of various Jewish organizations. His Version A. Waiter is hailed by Shoe Repairing All teams must be represented. Im ward these youngsters. present journey through Europe and the Orient is supposedly in a customer who protests there is a AT REASONABLE PRICES portant matters are to be settled Physical department closed this the interests of the Jews and whether he speaks authoritatively fly in his soup. Whereupon the "Once Our Customer — before the start of the playing scheddeclares: "What do you exAlways Oor Customer" ule. The assignment of teams into week-end. as a representative of certain elements or not, by the non-Jewish waiter pect for a dime, canaries?** "A" or " B " leagues, the naming of world he is recognized as a Jewish leader. He must therefore be Version B: When the protest leagues, awarding of contracts, seDOUGLAS unusually careful in.any press interview. If the statements at- against the fly-in-the soup is regislection of the schedule and the tim Senior Council Shoe Repair Co. of the quarters will be settled. Adtributed to him are true, he is directly contradicting the tales of tered with the waiter, the latter bends over and whispers in customers By ditional preliminaries will be re1709 DOUGLAS ST. The Senior Council will hold its misery told in the Jewish press of the world concerning the Polish ear: "Sh-sh, not so load. They'll all moved so we can start the leagues first regular meeting of the year Opp. Omaha Athletic Club •Jews; he is diametrically opposing- the versions of starvation, ask for it." off in great style. Morris H. next Thursday, October 27, in the I must perforce gather from the wholesale unemployment, and ntter hopelessness which have been board room of the Jewish CommunSogolow Varsity Basketball of these fly stories emanity Center. related by noted Jewish personages who studied conditions there. multitude The prospects for a winning Var ating from my Detrwit headquarters, The Senior Council of the Jewish. sity basket ball team to represent Physical If the statement is" true, the Jewish papers have unjustifiedly that a. screen dealer could do good Community Center is an organization the J. C. C. look even brighter than Director business in that city. blackened the reputation of the Polish government. they did last week. Thirteen men composed of representatives of each j . a c. Wear Snow White have indicated their desire to try of the clubs meeting in the Center, From the weight of evidence it is undoubtedly apparent that LIPPMANN'S COLUMN existing for the purpose of promotout for places. Speed, quickness an Morris Markly is very much Garments the Jews of Poland are in the throes of a strangling crisis and that amazed "Get in Condition" snappy, accurate ball handling are ing the welfare of the Jewish Comat the success of Walter they! iare actually in« danger of economic extermination. Indeed, Lippmann's column on politics "Get in condition"—all of you being sought for first, along with munity Center and of the individual rr rrs WHITE IT IS RIGHT Those of you who are not tested natural basket ball sense and scor- dubs. Mr. Brown! in his "American Hebrew" writing in the-September through the country. Wear White to Please Your The Lippmann column is now syn-physically do not sense the value of ing ability. As the men round into During last year's season the Patrons this recommendation. The athlete shape a bit more, team play and in-Senior Council successfully spondicated in over a hundred papers. The Results Will Please Sou can .give its, fullest interpretation dividual defense ability will be sored the following activities: the For a column, which makes no preannual All-Star Nite, the Oratorical Omaha is economic on the surface, but has its foundation in the hate of tensions to entertainment, but is on contest, the debate tournament, an the (Christian for the Jew . . a statement coming from representa- the contrary ultra-serious, the recTowel Supply Co. essay contest, the annual Senior is surprising. tive Polish Jewry,fpresenting_ to the world, in the form of a White ordThe Council carnival and the first annual JA. 0528 fact is plain, that the editors Senior Council banquet. Paper, the> econornuf and political disabilities of the citizens of have been underestimating the intelIt is expected that the Senior Jewish faith in Poland, would arouse not only the Jews of the ligence of the public a t large. Council under the leadership of Justin world, but millions in other countries who believe in justice and SERIOUS READING Wolf, will carry out an ambitious who insist that no injustice shall be done to any group because of Where they have made their misseries of new projects, as well as continue all those projects initiated their religious faith." And again, following is an extract from an take is in the assumption that there CLEANERS is no entertainment in a serious sub\>y the Senior Council last year. article of his in the October 14 edition: "The boycott against the ject. I know a man who would be DYERS Jew is an old institution, dating from before the war, and increas- bored reading the funny paper, but HATTERS Sisterhood Bazaar ing in intensity as the years pass by. The attitude of the govern- who gets a tremendous kick deciphering some ancient hieroglyphics. TAILORS ment is a negative one, with which every Jew in Poland is converA unique, interesting and enterWhen you see Arthur Derobitz of sant, regardless of what the government may say, for actions Gratz College, one of the famous sevtaining biblical bazaar will be presented by the Temple Israel Sisterspeak louder than words. I t is well-known that but few Jews are en readers of this column with one hood a t the Blackstone hotel Saturday those broad Quaker Oats smiles in government service, out of the hundreds of thousands—possibly of evening, Nov. 19. The entire eighth on "his face, you are likely to conAsk to See It! 4420-22 North 20 millions—employed, and that government monopolies have put clude that someone has just told floor will be used for this novel affair. over five hundred thousand Jews out of work, for Jewish workers him some story about a traveling KEnwood 1500 salesman, but it is even money that The committees will have charge ©f have been replaced by Christian workers, and the guild laws have instead, the solution of some hierothe decoration of their individual made it impossible for Jewish youth to become craftsmen. Credit glyphic script on which he was booth, and will be presided over by for the Jewish business man is practically a closed door, and the working a month ago has just flitted characters from the Bible. One of the into his head. main features of this varied and Jew is taxed to the point of ruination." novel evening will be two travelogues, The serious things are just as inFrom these articles on the Polish situation and the unques- teresting as the so-called light. A "The Indian Land of the Southwest" '•1 and "New York and Chicago," pretionably deplorable condition of Polish Jewry, one would deduce good manager, I am convinced, could as big crowds for inter-league sented by Mr. William Holzm&n m the and that David A. Brown might have been misquoted. He is now in get. debates on economics as for a base; Oriental room. The fern room vrill be Fitting the Orient and is therefore unable to give his version of the affair. ball game. And a good leporter used exclusively for bridge. "Don't could make the debate as interesting forget to be at this bazaar the eveTwo impressions can accordingly be gleaned from the entire mix- reading as Damon Runyon's column ning of November 19. There will be up. First, Jewish "leaders" must be extremely discreet in public on 'sports. plenty of fun and a good time for The Sign of and press utterances, and secondly, the Jewish press of the world IN 1492 all," the committee in charge states. Good Workmanship
By the Way
Soggie Says
A Revolutionary Idea in Men's No Button
Union Suits
should not be so prone to castigate one for alleged statements, Speaking of the Island of Majorca, without first givmg the individual in question an opportunity to as we were recently, Dr. Moses Hadas tells us that in the days of 1492. deny or explain a press interview.
Hallowe'en. Dance by Psi Mu October 30
of Leo Berman, chairman; Maurice Giller, co-chairman; Hy Giller, Herixy Ginsburg and Abe Bogdonoff. Warren Ritchie and his nine "masThe Psi Mu will open its social ters of music" -will play, and the Ueason with a colorful _ Halloween ballroom will be appropriately decorated. Entertainment and refreshdance at the Jewish Community Cen- ments will be a feature. According ter ballroom on Sunday, October 30. to the committee, "depression prices" The committee in charge consists will prevail.
that island was the Aunlclc of a noted Jewish cartographer, whose maps were used by -Columhus In his expedition of discovery. It is only fair perhaps then, that so many American Jews are now fleeing to that asylum of escape
JA. 1614
Hebrew Culture Class never seen such I elasticity as there is in this new one-piece, slip-in garment by Vassar. A new Vassar patented process knits an amazing give and take into the garment itself. Stretches w h e r e it should, contracts where it should—but never bulges or binds. A simplified garment without buttons. You never sawsuch a suit.
of Nebraska Women •
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Try a Bag Today And Others $3.50 and $5
Mr. Harry Mendelson, director of Omaha's Modern Hebrew School, has announced the formation of classes for high school and university students, as well as for adults, in Hebrew culture. The course of study, which will be given at his home, 3509 Dodge, will include the Bible in the light of modern historical research, post-Biblical history, the Bible in world literature, the social philosophy of the prophets, modern Hebrew literature, the Jew in modern culture, folk-lore, and the ethics of the rabbis.
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA Rmiiiiiitiiniii
Chas. K. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers
507 So. 12 Street ATlantic 1192
Palmer Again Running for Municipal Judge Lester Palmer, municipal judge of "L. P." radio fame, i s seeking r e election in the forthcoming election. Palmer won- widespread popularity while with station WO,^. He announces' now 6verL^TO,W itt Sundays only. Recently he! wiaffe' the hit, "Different," his ninth song and the first since taking office in January, 1929. "Fair—honest—capable." On this platform h e became judge and on the strength of his efficient carrying out of that platform he asks re-election. '•-'.] ' •'.' ) •;".+ ;': ' ! He was instrumental in the passing of Nebraska's drunken driving law.
THRIFTY A UONEV SAVER Flat Work, ^%*» Wearing; Ironed • • Apparel Flatted Dry
II 'k*'
Ktady Co Iron
Shirts Hand Finished 12c
Please Note—All Society items must he mailed or phoned in by Wednesday, 5 p. m.
Edith Whiteibook, treasurer, and Miss formed and a fourth one is under the committee chairmen to the -aadi- added to this active group and plans Thelma Berkowitz, historian. •way. Mrs., H. S. Novitsky is k enee. Eafch"gave a report for hex for an initiation party are, being names for a waiting list. made. Miss Tillie Sigal,,newly electcommittee. PROFESSOR WERKMEISTER ed president, states that Ibe group TO LECTURE to carry out an active proThe first Oneg Shabbos will be held Daughters of Israel Saturday:, October 22, at the home of expects Professor W. H. Werkroeister. of gram the, coming season. The rethe department of philosophy at the mainder of the evening was spent in A regular meeting of the Daugh- Mrs. Philip Klptznick, 4307 Hickory playing bridge, followed by refreshUniversity of Nebraska, will lecture reet. All tbjoseinterested in attendon "Whither Germany?""on Sunday, •ters of Israel Aid Society will be held ing must communicate with either ments. October 30, at 2:30-p.m. at the on Tuesday, October 25, at the Old Mrs. Klutznick or Mrs. William AlLyric building, as the first in -a series Peoples' Home, 2504 Charles street, berts. • Iota Tau of monthly lectures sponsored by the] at 2 p.m. A speaker for the after'•'"':-*\V- The ±h-st Bibte-Hebrew class of the .Omaha Liberal Open Forum, recent- noon is planned. All members are urged to.jattisnd. A regular meeting of the Iota l y organized. w31 be held Tuesday, Nov. The board, meeting "will be held at AuxiKary Tau sorority was held- Sunday, OcIts officers are L. Mclllvaine, pres- 1:30 8, at 1 o'clock. All those interested p. m. Refreshments will be are asked to register at once with; tober 16, at the home of Sylvia dressed a meeting of the Lincoln ident; D. Bleacher, secretary, and H. served. Hadassah. Eothkovitz. Plans for the convention Mendelson, program .chairman. Mrs. David A. Goldstein. which is to be held October 29 and Dr. Victor E. Levine will introduce 30 are being made. This convention Mrs. Esther Rosenberg has been the speaker. The next special event of the conGolden Hill the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sarah gregation and auxiliary will be the will bring to Omaha many of the tohn, since her return from a visit dinner-dance on election night, No- members of the Sioux City chapter. The Golden Hill society has re- vember Council of Jewish an Europe. Dancing and refreshments followed sumed their meetings and will hold broadcast.8. Election returns will be the business meeting. Women their- first meeting of the season at Mrs. Samuel Saltzman and. son, Marvin, have returned from Los" An-, Members of the Council of Jewish the home of Mrs. D. Blumenthal, Sigma Kappa Chi geles, where "they; spent the. summer: Women, under the direction of Mrs. 1021 Mercer boulevard, Tuesday aft- Ladies' Labor Lyceum ernoon, October 25, at 2:30. They saw "The Phantom President," Herman Jahr, will present "The PupSigma Kappa Chi opened its fall starring George M. Cohan and Claud- pet Show," a travesty on the organiThe Ladies' Labor Lyceum club ette Colbert, in making, and were zation's activities and a caricature of Conservative Auxiliary will hold an open meeting and proguests of Harold Schwartz, an exec- its members, at the opening meeting gram November 6. A prize contest utive at the Paramount studio. They of this group, to be held Monday, will be held. Everybody is invited. About 250 women attended the also attended the Olympic games. Oct. 31, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish first meeting of the season for the
-ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. Dave Stein and Mrs. Abe Rossman entertained forty-five guests at a luncheon held at the Blackstone hotel in honor of their sister, Miss Anne Hertzberg, -whose engagement to 'Samuel Steinberg was recently announced. Mrs. Harry-. Rimmerman entertained twenty-four guests at her homp on "Wednesday afternoon at bridge. On Wednesday evening Ida Daytch honored the bride-to-be at her home. Friday, Mrs.' Meyer Friedel entertained twelve guests at a luncheon ENTERTAIN AT BANQUET at her home. Numerous other affairs Mr. Benjamin Koben, consul of the are-being planned. : Phi Delta • Epsilonj national Jewish medical fraternity, arrived here on fe'ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Tuesday; October 18. While Tiere he Mrs. Henry SoHg an3- Miss vDoro- was entertained by the alumni memthy; Abrams entertained at .bridge bers of the local chapter, including T Saturday in honor of Miss Delia Dr. Victor E. Levine, Dr. I. SternGeijstein, formerly of Lincoln, now lli Dr. M. Greenberg and Dr. M. Steinberg. i of New York. t .j ' • _ _ _ , Dr. Koben is en route to St. Louis i ANNOUNCE BIRTHS to attend the meeting of the S. A. ! Mi. and Mrs. Lee Bograd announce C . S . \ the birth of a son, Alan, on Sep- Tuesday evening the Creighton ," tember 30 at the St. Joseph hospital. chapter honored Mr. Koben at a j Mrs. Bograd was formerly Miss Lot- hanquet at the fraternity house, 305 S tie Zavett. South Thirty-eighth street.
Community Center. A board meet- Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary at ing at 1:30 will precede the pro- the. J. C. C Wednesday .afternoon. It gram. was an open meeting and was one of Miss Sally Morgan was announced Taking part in the performance are the largest ever held by the Auxilias the new sponsor of the Henrietta Mrs. Ben Glazer, Mrs. Phineas Win- ary. Szold club at its semi-monthly meettroub, Mrs. Maynard Greenberg, Mrs. Preceding the meeting, a. board Abe Brodkey, Mrs. J. S. Pearlstien, meeting was' held. At the conclu- ing Tuesday evening at the J. C. C. Mrs. Robert Glazer, Mrs. Jack Marer,. sion of the meeting tea was served Miss Morgan is president of the Theta Phi Sigma and a member of Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. David Gold- in the succah. Theta Sigma Phi, educational sostem, Mrs. Morris Levey, Mrs. Ernest Mrs. David A. Goldstein gave -an Nogg and Mrs. Ben Newman, Mrs. address on the visit to Palestine this ciety. She succeeds Grace RosenJ. H. Malashock is the accompanist. summer, relating living "conditions stein. Further plans were made for the The meeting which is open to the [there, novel experiences and interfood sale which is to be held at the public, will be followed by a tea, in esting personalities met. Brandeis store Saturday, November charge Of Mrs. David Goldman, hosAn exhibit was had of Palestinian 12. Miss Elsie Lazarus is chairman pitality chairman; Mrs. Milton Liv- objects brought back by Mrs. Goldingston, Mrs. Charles Simon, Mrs. stein. Ida Gitlin sang a Hebrew and is being assisted by Miss Ruth Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. M. L Gordon song which Mrs. Goldstein also Marks and Miss Shirley Pirseh. The club also made arrangements for a and Mrs. Abe Greenberg. brought with her from the Holy hike on November 6. I Mx. and Mrs. Eli : Zalkin announce DUPLICATE CONTRACT On Nov. 1, the Council opens its Land. i-• the jbirth of ;a daughter. BRIDGE WINNERS sixth annual Current Topics course Rose Brandeis gave several piano The winners of the duplicate con- with an address by Rabbi David A. selections, and a dance was given by : Mfci and Mrs. Louis Fellman an- tract bridge, sponsored by Mrs. Da- Goldstein, whose subject will be Rose Savich, directed by Shirley Janj nouiice the birth of a daughter last vid Ferer, held Tuesday evening at "Why I Shall Vote for Norman Thom- off. A meeting of the Fa-Hon Sorority the Blackstone hotel, were Ethel Ack- as." pweek. The series continues the first Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss Rose erman and Mr. Milton Mandelson in and third Tuesday of each month, at president, who presided, introduced Moskovitz. .New members are being the north and south section, and! 10:30 a. m., at the Community CenSISTERHOOD DINNER ,, Mrs. Carl Purth's Sisterhood circle Mr. Ben Stiefler and Mr. Harry Mai- j ter. Tickets a t ' $3.00 to non-members, will ""give" a ' dinner"" at" Temple Israel' "ashock in the east arid "west.' The "this evening. Mrs. Mollie Cohen next evening party will be held Fri- and $1.50 to <3ouncil members, may day, October 28, at the . Blackstone be secured from Mrs. J. H. Kulakofj is ~iiL charge, ofT all arrangements, g / } } _ ; " . _ . •;"••'.•• sky, educational chairman. | ^ m g v t n e e n & f e f a m i lilyi" y i " "states Mrs Mrs. h b t e i . ' ••;•-;:(Forth. Reservations:-. may be; made ••- The winners of the Saturday afternoon duplicate contract bridge party uwith.her by calling Harhey 2522, I were Miss Hennine Hirschman and Miss Ruth Fanger, north and south, The first meeting opening the new PERSONALS . :Mrs. M. Gross >left Monday... for and Miss ^Dorothy Rosenthal- and Miss .season for Hadassah will take place New (York to beT witfci her "son, Oscar Fannie Feldmani" east and west. Mrs. Wednesday, October 26, at which time Gross,. formerly ~ of Omahaji who 'is Ferer. • is sponsor of the contract the year's program will be outlined. now "playing with ; John Johnson's bridge party every Saturday after- Reports of the national and regionorchestra at the Glen Cove Casino, noon at the Athletic dub at 2 o'clock. al conventions: will be given. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on Long Island. ; , 'your coat to Simons and let ON FACULTY "Hadassah." Tea will be served by InfliliBstyle and remodel it in tof David Newman-left yester- ri>r. Leon: E. Fellman i a s beep Mr& Meyer Friedel and her commitday's mode. A deft tcnzch here . . . day; ;idr a, week'k trip: to Chicago. appointed instructor in Orthodontia tee, the. Mesdames. M. M. Baxish,. s new fine there . . . a smart new She r will stop in Milwaukee^ before at the Creighton Dental school and William Boasberg, Martin Blass, Dacollar, and you have a NEW garat the St. Joseph hospital nurses' vid Cohen, Allen Kohen, Dave Levine returning home. •, . L; ~ ment. staff. At present Dr. Fellman is and R. M. Shhies. ~ : •' Every inember. is urged to attend ! .•-.;;ilr:.;:-iMward Glide left Wednesday dental surgeon, at the St. Joseph The styling- and designing' ability this interesting meeting, and to j forTrilsa, Okla., where he will visit hospitaL that for thirty-five years has pleased Dr. Fellman will attend the dis- bring her friends. j for lien days. the smartest women of Old Russia
Henrietta Szold
trict dental society convention, at The rummage sale is scheduled Miss Lucille Stern, of Minneapolis Hastings, Nebr., this week-end, with I spent the holy days with her sister Dr. Arlo Dunn. The convention is for. November 1 and 2. All having i - and i - ' J -"-i!—-J1.. „ „ , ! Mrs. lUTm "KMnraWt rifamily, TUTMr. and Edward to be limited to child dental work bundles are asked to call Mrs, I. and Orthodontia. Grassman, Harney 7153; Mrs. Hymie Marks. MBder, Glendale 0963, or Mrs. A, S. Rubnitz, Walnut 5531, \and- the bunMr; and Mrs. Abe Herzberg are at PI LAMBDA PHI dles-win be-called lor. i ; " the Elms hotel, Excelsior ; Springs. , PLEDGES SIX > , ...,_. . .,,_ • ;i -:_._•-.:•;-.- • - ; ^ _""''^*~yj. •' ':f':.?Vjrr-i :jThe; Creighton chapter of -Pi-Lamb-; \ Mrs. Clarence JFisher of MMneapr.; 3a • Pti» national social college fra-:: . Rabbi David Goldstein's talk on I olis, "spent the•" hbijdays" witifivJier- ternity, announces the-pledging: of the •*-1nteresting Women I Met M 'Palesinibtjier, Mrs. Sarah*-Kohn, and fam-" following six -men: Is -Liberman of: tine," together - with the showing of Sioux City, Morton Adter of Coun- his Palestinian motion pictures, is ! i i y ; [ • - ; ' - • • - " : ; ; - • • ; • " /' ' cil Bluffs, "and Melvin Sommera, Ben the .feature of the Hadassah'culi Mrs. Max Froinkin is convalescing Shrier, Dave Bernsteinrand Maurice tural group luncheon to be held at the Community Center on October 24. jfrom ^ minor operation at the "St.* ELatz of Omaha. [Mary's hospital, Rochester, Minn, The chapter will give a Halloween A special menu has been arranged. party at the house on Saturday eve- Reservations may be made with Mrs. Jack Blank, Harney 7332; Mrs. R. Mr. Carl Katleman of Los Ange- ning, October 29. Xulakofsky, Walnut 4405; Mrs. L W. les, 'formerly of Omaha, is visiting ! Rosenblatt, Webster 1198; Mrs. David U. T. PLEDGES here with friends. New "pledges announced by the U. Cohen, Walnut 1923. Those who canMrs. Joseph Rosenberg was in Lin- T. club of Central High school in- not attend the luncheon are asked to coln! Monday. While there she ad- clude the Misses Peggy Friedman, come after lunch and hear Rabbi Ruth; Friedman, Jean Pepper, Fanny Goldstein. Sommer and Phyllis Berkowitz. Kitcken Chats The new officers of the group are Great interest has been shown in Miss Bernice Yousem, president; the book review groups. So far, By Miss Bernice Sessel, secretary; Miss three capacity groups' ' have been Mrs.
David M. Newman
}. •.;-..: German Prune Soup; One-half pound prunes, enough: twater. to cover for . soup^ sugar to [taste, one tablespoon:; butter," 1% teaispoons cinnamon. Cook until prunes; i r e done and water partly boiled jdbwn. Add dumplings. Cook 15 jninutes without -lifting cover, h Djimplings: Two cups flour, % teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoons baking: powder, 1. tablespoon butter melted, m c u p miKk or water. Quick Spice Cake Five tablespoons soft tutter, 11-3 ips brown sugar, 2 eggs, % cup »ld /water, 1% cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, % teaspoon ^alt, % teaspoon cinnamon, % teaspoon each cloves and nutmeg, 1 cup i Bake in moderate oven 45 minutes.
Dave Bernstein
About Your
Problems, Where You Enow the Prices Are Always Right
Furnace Coils Installed $ 3 and up 2902 Laurel Ave.
Omaha Athletic Club Building 1716 Douglas Street
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Tfc«a« actual instances •bow how men ami -woman an getting work through
3 Doz. 50c
"Mj" telephone is a wage earner,'1 •una told us. MIt has proved its worth during recent months as practically all my work has through this source." A woman -who goes to homes to work •ays, "I keep busy because I have a telephone. Nearly all my work comes through telephone calls." Men and women with telephones be reached qniddr. That it why they get first chance when work develop*. BELL
man, his son and a daughter all Iort their jobs. He derided to have his telephone removed. Bat another daughter, -who was working, aaid •he would pay for it. Her father, brother and skier all got work through the telephone.
KE. 3626
Great is the dignity of labor; it honors man-
At the Jack & Jill
and America, is yours to command. Coming direct from the Pacific coast, Simons brings yon Hollywood's latest styles . . .
You'll Meet Your Friends Whether it's Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner or a bite after the show, you will most always meet your friends or acquaintances at this popular Omaha dining place. DELICIOUS FOODS TASTILY SERVED REASONABLY PRICED
of _new members. The pledges are Shirley Platt, Bess Platt, Ruth Goldstein and Iiuth Shapiro. Plans are being: made for a bridge, to be given in November, under the chairmanship of Goldie Fish.
Make Yesterday's Fur Coat
A FT!" for
season Tuesday, October 11, with aa . installation of officers and pledging
5 lb. Pail
Candy Specials EtTM AND BUTTEFc FLAVORED TOFFIES MR. GOODBAR (A Tasty Lunch) 4-Oz. Bar 8-Oz. Bar
5c 10c
FIRST FASHION SHOW Aubert, SHOW—Jeanne beautiful d e stage star, dis genuine chinchilla — valued the seafashion York. PLANES ON "PARADE"—Three U. S. army planes are caught by the cameraman, flying in close formation during the recent army air show held over North Island, Cal. Olympic athletes and spectators turned their eyes upward as 350 army planes went on "parade."
TO WED AT SEA—Because they believe their married life will be more happy if they are wed while on the ocean, Captain Albert Conti, film player, and Baroness Elsie von Koczian, just engaged, If you please, said they planned a sea trip out of Hollywood soon. They Announced their engagement following the baroness' return 'rom three years in Europe.
TIRED TRAMPERS—Footsore and weary, these members of the bonus army take advantage of a moment to rest at Johnstown, Pa., •nriiere the army made camp after being driven out of Washington, They are seen with their possessions beneath a roadside signboard,
CANADA ENTERTAINS CONFERENCE DELEGATES—Delegates to the British Imperial Economic conference are entertained at a garden party in Ottawa by Lord Bessborottgh, governor general of Canada and official host. In the photo Lord Bessborough is shown receiving Sir Robert Borden, former prime minister of Canada, left. On the right, hat in hand, is Charles Arsene Henry, French minister to Canada.
END OF LONG JOURNEY—Fraulein Fridel Meyer, orCermany, is shown he on the th Thames Th i i London Ld with her collapsible '* sh ©wn here river in **?**• m which she made the trip from Berlin to the British metropo^^ *^he photo was snapped in front of Westminster Abbey at the conclusion of the trip.
*•. f
- J
U. S, RETURNS CAPTURED FLAG—Mayor Short, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., shown to the left of the flag in the picture, and Mayor Lyons, of the Canadian Soo, are snapped during ceremonies in the Canadian city as U. S. troops return a British flag captured in 1814. A contingent of 640 U. S. troops entered Canada for the ceremony.
AT ANNUAL SHRINE FETE—Here are two grotesques appearing in the annual Shrine mardi gras. parade held this year in San Francisco, Cal. The figure in the front, seat of the car represents William H. Woodfield, Jr., director general of the Shrine, and the one in the rear Potentate John H. Skeegs. of Islam Temple.
PAGE 5—THE JEWISILPRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21,1932 to bg -completely dispensed with. chief of the Organization Speetor of faiae has spread beyond Russia; in In the military field one must the Supreme Council of Economy,; 1918 the German Social-Democrats mention Yona Emanuelovich Yakcer, Guinzburg and Gurevich are mem-invited him to e\^it the complete who is one of the most brilliant Red bers of the Praesidium cf the Econ- wcrks of Marx and Engels. He is Army chiefs and President of the omy Council, which virtually controls the greatest living exponent of the Revolutionary Military Council of the economic life of the USSR; Hol- Marxian theory, exceeding iis erudithe Ukraine as well as a member of tzman is the head of civil aviation. tion and scholarly depth even NichWe will add the name of Levitin, olas Bucharin, the famous expedrtor the Military Council of ihe Saviet Union. That to lose political favor administrator for the supply of food of the "Pravda," the official daily is whispered that Litvinoff is but a with Stalin does not iit=cessarily to the urban population of the entire of the All-Union Communist Party. Another gifted Jewish scholar who "puppet in the hands of Stalin." mean oblivion is evidence,-* in the USSR. Our list will be almrst comThis because the Soviet commissar person of Yossif Stanislavovich Un- plete in so far as the highest ranks distinguishes himself in the field of for foreign affairs cannot act with - schlicht (born in 1879), who after of Soviet leaders and statesmen are economic science is Yossif Adolfo! out the sanction of the political bu- having been acting Commissar of concerned. But the industrial and vich Traclitenberg, who despite the , reau, to which he is responsible for War until 1930 is today a leading agricultural branches of Stile under- fact that he left the Communist Parhis every step. But observers who member of the Praesidium of the takings are so numberous that this ty in 1917 is recognized as the rankknow Litvinoff intimately will insist State Planing Commission, although list could easily have been extended. ing economic statistician and is that he has a versatile mind and is a he is not on speaking terms with the Few Jews outside of the USSR, trusted vrith the most confidential By G. Bruntsky J studious man "who knows well how Soviet dictator. know that the founder and director and responsible scientific state misThe politkal eclipse of Trotzky, are today among the outstanding of the Soviet Trade Unions, Kagan- I and when to speak and how to take Salomon Abramovich La;">svsky is of the highest seat of Marxian learn- sions. He is in constant demand by Eadok, Kamenyoff and Zinovyoff was leaders of the XL S. S. R. a great ovich has reached the top. ! advantage of every opportunity in one of the most active leaders of the ing in Russia, The Institute of Karl the various Economic State CommitFor one not familiar with the j the diplomatic game. While it is ad Soviet Trade Unions and also a Marz and Engels, is a Jew. His tees and until recently was the presithe signal for a certain section of many who happen to be Jews. This the Jewish press in this country to should not, however, give rise to a structure of the Cominunirt party mitted that Litvinoff is inferior in \member of the Executive Committee nom de plume is Ryazanoff. Fifty- dent of the economic section of the begin hurling accusations of anti- renewed cry that the Soviet govern- machine it is difficult to realize the statesmanship to his predecessor, | of the Soviet Union. His views are three years old, Ryazonoff is re- Supreme Council. He is a member Semitism at Stalin, the Soviet dic- ment is Jewish. It is not. But it range of Kaganovich's influence. Suf- Chicherin, he is undoubtedly one of •widely quoted and greatly respected garded as the outstanding Marxian of the State Planning Commission tator. To the serious student of Rus- "would be childish to deny that the fice it to say that Kaganovich, a the most gifted politicians of the by the party heads. scholar in the world. His real name sian affairs this interpretation of the Stalin government is giving- gifte.-i shoemaker's son, is today second only New Russia. is (Continued on Page €.) Boris Skvirsky, head of the Sov- David Borisovich Goldenach. His elimination of the above-mentioned Jewish Communists full opportunity to Stalin in regard to actual politiet Information Bureau in WashingPolitical Advertisement Politicnl Advertisement Moyssay Yakovlovich Kalmanovich, leaders, who happen to be Jev?s, ap- and every chance to reach the high- ical power. If some Communist jourton, occupies one of the most diffiest and most responsible positions in until recently chairman of the Gosnalist were to write a Moscow Merpears ludicrous. Since then it has diplomatic posts. Te floes not ry Go Round, he would analyze Ka- bank (state bank) and acting com- cult been conclusively proven that the. the Soviet state machine. carry any official title, but is remissar of finance, is another leading ganovich as follows: "Primarily an demotion of the Trotzky group was If the exile of Leon Trotzky left ferred to, by American newspaperduo entirely to an inter-party strug- a. gap in the ranks of the Soviet organizer,. Does not possess the figure. Grigory Yakovlevich Sokol- men, as the unofficial representative j nikoff, the present Soviet ambassador intellectual brilliance of Trotzky, but gle in •which economic policies were leaders of the Jewish race, it was of the Soviet Government in the Unith* main factors. Stalin has never instantly filled by another man, La- has more stamina and a more bal- I to England, must also be mentioned ted States. On many occasions he displayed any symptoms of anti-Se- zar Moyssevich Kaganovich, who isanced temperament than the ex-Red I as one of the outstanding personali- has revealed himself a skillful diplomitic feeling; he is a fanatic fol- just as much (or rather as little) commander. Is a calm, logical and 1 ties. His influence in foreign affairs mat and tactful negotiator. lower of Lenin, who regarded anti- Jewish as Leon Trotzky. Although ruthless executive with none of Trot- j is second only to that of Litvinoff. Mentioned less frequently, but not He is the wizard "who stabilized the Semitism as counter-revolution. Kaganovich has never attained the zky's ego-centripm. Tremendous ca- Ij Russian less prominent and influential in the ruble when a collapse of the pacity for work. Does not write, It is true that since the overthrow popularity of a Trotzky outside of speak or debate well. But has figI financial structure seemed imminent. l-anks of government official?, are of the Trotzky-ites the clamor that Russia, his de facto power in the ures at his fingertips and proves | Still a young man, Sokolnikoff is Boris Antsolovich Roisonman, Mondol the Bolshevik revolution is a Jew-Soviet Union is no less than that of that he is right without sweeping ! considered a candidate for a still Markovich Chayevich, Myron Borisish movement has ceased. It was the ex-commander of the Red army you off your feet or producing any j higher position than he holds now. ovich Grossman, Simon Zaharovich generally accepted that the Jews have at the very height of his spectacular enthusiasm for his point of viev." | Nobody would be surprised if he were Guinzburg, Abraham Zinovyevich Alexander Yosiffovich been displaced from the higher coun- career. If measured in terms of j to supplant one of the key ?commis- Holtzman, Gurevich. The first two are carryThe second fig-ure in order of im-<sars in Moscow. cils of the Soviet government. A realistic political influence, Kaganoing much of the burden of the intercursory glance at a who's who among vich's power is indeed extraordinary. portance among Soviet leaders of the Republican Candidate for part political work. Grossman is the He is one of the closest and most Jewish race is Maxim Maximovieh If Moyssay Lvovich Rhukhimovich present Soviet leaders will, however, quickly dispel the notion that Jews intimate advisers of Stalin; he is onelitvinoff. Born in 1876, he joined had not clashed with a few promiPolitical Advertisement are being discriminated against in of the three men through whose the Bolshevik movement in 1903.nent members of the political bureau initiative the fi.ve year plan was conTwelve years later he took part in in Moscow he might today be the the higher political spheres. There ceived and is being carried out; hethe conference of the social-demo- most powerful of all Communist ofIf you favor government f is one of the influential members of cratic parties, where he read the ficeholders of the Jewish race. Born economy and lower taxes £ the political bureau, which functions Bolshevik declaration against war. In in 1899, he was one of the most colas the very motor of the Soviet state 1918 he was the first authorized orful and successful leaders of the Vote for Your Luncheon machine and generates the most im- representative of the Soviet Union Red army on the southern and southportant and epochal political deci- to the Court of St. James, and even- eastern fronts. From 1926 to 1930 (Orchestra) Congressman sions. Kaganovich acts as the liaison tually was chosen for the exceed- he held the post of acting president A man whose public as well as private officer between the "activists" (the ingly important and delicate post of of the supreme council of economy most active members of the party) commissar of foreign affairs. Today of the Soviet Union. Later on he belife has been one of genuine tolerance (So Charge for TaUcs) and Stalin himself. Thus he is re-he is one of the best known Com- came the commissar plenipotentiary garded as Stalin's minister extraor- munist personalities outside of Rus-of transportation. Now he occupies and sympathy. He belongs to the Congress Dinner dinary and plenipotentiary at the sia because of his participation in a less prominent position. He was Economy Block. He is against many district party meetings and po-numerous European conferences. It demoted, but is too valuable a man "government in bnsuiess." He litical conferences over which he prevoted for the Reconstruction A public servant whose every acthas sides in the absence of Stalin. Finance Corporation to protect Wedding the jobs of thousands of Omaha been marked by courage and fearlessBorn in 1893, Kaganovich is one railroad employes. Or of the youngest key men of the it ness. Any Holiday party. He comes from a worker's Baldrige represents this dis- Jj family and became active in the "Untrict better than any other g candidate could represent it. S derground" (illegal) political and Is happier when you go to A law enforcement officer whose trade union organizations as a youngComplete, at ster of 18, in the Czarist days. Aftwithtubef Political Advertisement work has been stamped with a fairness er the eollapse of the monarchy he TAX" became_ a leading political figure in in the enforcement of all laws. "Omaha's . Ijewest-tuiiC^tiuSteS7 White Russia and one of the powerPAID Betel" f n i a r Model ful members of the Gomel Soviet. In 1918 he played already an imAn attorney general to whose office portant role in the organization of Special Menus the Red Army, and a year later was all men, regardless of station in life, Sensible Prices elected to the presidency of the central committee in Nizhni Novgorod. have come and received deserved considShortly after that he was chosen The , most sensational Dancing Saturday Nights president of the revolutionary comvalue ever offered i n eration. 10:30 O'clock mittee in Voronezh. His ascent was Radio . . . Beautiful Cabinever interrupted. Now, through his nets . . . Electro-Dynamic membership in the all powerful poArt Randall A public official to whose office there Speaker,.. New High Eflitical bureau, the central committee Omaha's Favorite Orchestra ficiency Tubes . . . Clear of the all-union Communist party and are no underground tunnels for the Tone . . . Amazing Disthe praesidium of the central council tance . . . You can't equal favored few. it at anyway near its low price of $18.75 . . . But Don't Delay . . . Our recent allotment from the factory won't last long . Phone reservations acFar Such a Faithful Sermce We Believe cepted.
headers in the Soviet
C. A. SORENSEN Attorney General
Bridge Party
A Genuine
Judge Frank M.
Daring the past several years that Judge Frank M. Dineen has been in the District Court, he has been fair i o alL He is one of the nine judges endorsed by the Bar Association of Washington, Bart and Douglas Counties.
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Hon. C. A. Sorensen Deserves the Support of Our Community
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2 5 00 ROOMS $3.00 »
FOSTER DISTRICT JUDGE Backed by many years of judicial experience. Judge Charles E. Foster is one of the most capable judges in the District Court. Yonr «ote will be appreciated by Judge Foster.
CHICAGO :s "built around the Morrison." Everything worthwhile is nearby— theatres, shops, offices and railroad stations. Attractive guest rooms—all outside with bath, Servidoi, circulating ice-water and bed-head reading lamp. Automatic garage facilities. Special floor for ladies. A preof /tore*' in o great city. LEONARD HICKS Manasins Director
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a n d Cierk
erty or otherwise; to purchase or sell securo'clock, and will be followed by re-the home of his son-in-law and daughties or property of any description; to ter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman, freshments. transact a general insurance, loan, real eemaking the trip by motor. Mrs. Katelstate. Investment and insurance brokerage business; to carry out all or any part of man accompanied her father to St. SR. HADASSAH BRIDGE The Phi Epsilon Sorority will en- the foregoing objects ns principal, factor, Louis, she will visit for a coubroker, agent, contractor or otherwise, NEXT WEDNESDAY ple of where tertain its members and friends at a cither alone or in connection with another weeks. Bt F. R. K. The Senior Hadassah will give a Halloween party which will be in or others; to do any and all things incito any of the afore mentioned benefit bridge party next Wednesday the nature of a treasure hunt. The dental powers, it being expressly provided that ANNA PILL, Plans are being made by the Ladies SUCCOTH SERVICE afternoon, October 26, at the home of Misses Goldie Cohen and Bhoda the cnumcrntiuu of specific objects and Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah for a powers herein shall not limit or restrict in The last two days of the Festival Mrs. Leo Fitch, 1602 High street. The •CO Wolfson are in charge of the treas- any manner the general powers of this rummage sale to be held in the near of Succoth will be observed at the ure clues, with Miss Rose Berman corporation. The authorized capital stock date was originally set for next Tuesbe Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars. Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at day, but has been postponed until the future. Anyone who has a bundle of and Miss Fannie Cohen in charge of shall AH stock shall be common and of the par the refreshments. The regular meet- value of $10.00 per share. Said stock may 618 Mynster street, with appropriate following day. Any additional reser- old clothing to be donated for this paid for in cash or in any other man- services, commencing at 6 o'clock this vations may still be made by calling purpose should call Mrs. Abe Gilining of the sorority was held Thurs- be ner agreeable to the Board of Directors sky, phone 1779, promptly. day evening in the Center. nnd said stock shall be non-assessable. evening. On Saturday, morning ser- either Mrs. H. Marowitz, 3257 J, or The corporation shall commence business vices will begin at 8:30^ o'clock.' The Mrs. F. M. Krasne, 1440, who are also upon the filing of its articles with the Plans for a plate dinner, to bt The Business Girls clib of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebras- Memorial services, "Yizkor" will be in charge of transportation to the Mr. and Mrs. E. Marcus entertained served by members of the Mount Center gave a benefit bridge party ka, nnd shall continue for a period of fifty held at 10 o'clock. The evening ser- home of Mrs. Fitch, and cars will be at three tables of contract bridge at years from date unless sooner dissolved by Mrs. Max Mayer, noted club wom- Sinai Temple Sisterhood, were com- Wednesday- evening, following its act of stockholders. The highest amount vices will begin at 5 o'clock,-and 6 arranged for anyone desiring trans- their home Sunday evening. pleted at the meeting of the group of indebtedness of said corporation .shall o'clock will commence the celebration portation to this affair. regular dinner meeting. an and head of the Jewish Communnever exceed two-thirds of its capital stock ity Center at Des Moines, Iowa, will last,Friday noon. The date set for but this restriction shall not apply to any of "Simchath Torah." Services on Looks "Fixed" the dinner is Wednesday, October 26. Plans for a Halloween party were indebtedness Becured by lien upon any-of Sunday morning will start at 8:30 conduct a non-partisan conference on The Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of the corporate property. The affairs of this Vienna.—General astonishment was economic problems Saturday, October The dinner will be served in the an- completed at the meeting of the De- corporation shall be managed by a Board the Independent Order of B'nai Brith caused here when the prosecutor sudnex of the Temple. brah club, held Monday evening. The of Directors consisting of not less than 22. The institute will be held under will hold a meeting next Monday eve- denly ordered the release of three stockholders. The annual meeting the auspices of six Sioux City or-- The committee in charge of the date for the party has been set as three of the corporation shall be held on the ning, October 24th, at the Eagles Nazis held in connection with the dinner includes the following: Mrs. Friday, October 28. second Monday of each year at which ganizations, which include the League Hall. attack upon worshippers in an immeeting the stockholders shall elect n of Women Voters, Sioux City Junior E. E> Baron, Mrs. M. Brodkey, Mrs. Board of Directors and on the same day, provised synagogue in the Snerlgasse E. A. Goldstein, Mrs. A. M. Davis, j Mr. and^ Mrs. Nate Mabel an- the Board of Directors shall hold its anLeague, American Association of Urn-: (Continued from Page 1.) Miss Gertrude Gilinsky of Brook- Cafe on Rosh Hashanah. nual meeting and at that-time, the annual versity Women, Daughters of the Mrs.' Sam Greenstone, Mrs. A.' J. nounce the birth of a son on Octo- election officers shall be held. The oflyn, New York, arrived here last SatThe prosecutor not only ordered ' >• ficers ofofthis corporation shall be presiAmerican Revolution, Federation of Galinsky, Mrs. M. E. Skalovsky, Mrs. ber 17. dent, vice-president, • secretary and treas- and chief supervisor of the statistical urday to spend a month visiting her the release of the Nazis but the reProtestant Church Women and Mount Ben Rosenblum, Mrs. J. H. Greenurer. They shall hold office for a term of work of the highest Soviet Economic parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. turn of the equipment which they berg, Mrs. Ruben Miller,..; Mrs. Be* Sinai Temple Sisterhood. , one year or until their successors are duly carried at the time of the attack. elected and qualified. Alt assets of the institutions, which in turn direct the Sekt, Mrs. B. Courshori and Mrs. Abe Mrs. Mayer will speak at a morn- Pill. corporation may be sold or transferred by economic policy of the USSR. Mr. Sol Gross of St. Louis, Mo., the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all ing session at 10 o'clock in the Corn stock at any regular or spe- At the risk of being misunder- left Tuesday for his home after Do as much or little as thou canst, Reports from the standing commit- j Mr. L. S. Goldberg -was recentis; 'Outstanding room of the Hotel Martin, and l at a cial meeting of the stockholders.. These stood, it, must be unequivocally stat- spending several days here visiting at only let thy intention be always good. re-elected President of the.Iowa state tees were' heard at the Sisterhood articles may, bo amended at any Tegular 2 o'clock afternoon meeting;.-'; Presassociation at their an- or special meeting of the stockholders up- ed, that the Jews -play an important ent day economic problems ^will con-meeting Friday noon. Seventy-five accountants' the affirmative vote of two-thirds :of all Sle in the Government Councils of nual meeting : held in . Des: Moines. on women attended ;the meetings which outstanding stock. . • : :'Z stitute." the subject of ; both talks. e USSR. But in the new Rossia Mr. Goldberg; is'an attbrneyiat'law Luncheon will be served a t . 12:15 opened the season for the organiza- and accountant;, He is a member of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties nobody knows or cares whether they t i o n . \ •:'. ,-i\ • ' • } • ' . : . -:. •' .-•' : hereto have hereunto Bet their hands this o'clock in- the - hotel ballroom. . Mrs.are Jews, Tartars or Mongols. They Mount Sinai ^Temple and Brother- 10th day* of October,. 1832. "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals"^ EUGENK WOLPK E. E. Baron is chairman of the res- Mrs; i Charlotte Hubbard Prescott hood.'^ .,-•;'"-'••••'!•. are Party leaders. and their racial "i \ spoke on ."Preryiewingj'' Mrs. Grace ' * " ' OLYVB nOURKE WOr,FB Funerals To Fit Any Purse ° ervations for-the luncheon.: '•; ;••• affiliations count for nothing,either i V O. T. DOEKR , - .. Mrs. Mayer, is nationally" known Peltoh sang a; group of songs. The LAW OFFICES : OF FKAI>ENBCKG. *' T • • . ' • : , Incbrporators, - in their rise to ox in their eventual Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third the Presence of Joseph B. Fradenburg." for her wort in;.'the*' Jewish Com- invocation? was; offeffred: by Mrs. The- . .. .; . SXAtMASTElt & BEBER - • » , In fall from power. 10-14-32-4t . :'•••;•...: ..• .••; . , ' odore N. Lewis. . • • • • 50-OraaJia'JNatlonaJLllank Blds^Onuiha. munity Center in Des" Moines. 'She
Sioux City News Miss
Council Bluffs News
Heads Accountants
1.' I
is ranked as one of the best authoriNOTICE OF. IKCORPOKATION OF IN- SHOTWELt, MON8KY. GRODINSKT * . 8VKANCE INVESTORS SYNDICATE. ~ VANCE ANI> HAKRY B. COHEN ties on politics among the women in Notice.'.!» iereby- given that the umler737 Omaha Kail Bank Bid*. Iowa, and was one': of the" pioneer sigmed hare associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WIIX organizers of the Parent-Teachers' beQiknoTvn a* Insurance .Inyestors iSyn^., !lnjithft,.County Court of- Douglas County,: " associations. She has conducted sev- Torah Processionals at both Mount to dlcafe. The principal place of business Nebraska. " ' ." " " \ be Omaha, Nebraska. The general In the Matter, of the Estate of Samuel eral citizenship institutes in Sioux Sinai Temple and Shaare Zion Syn- shall nntnre of the business to be transacted Bablor. Deceased. " • • • : • , • ! City in former years. Prior to her agogue will be a feature of the pb-and the purpose for which this corporaAll persons interested in.said estate are. affiliation with the Jewish Commun- ;ervance of Simchas Torah this week- tion is established are' ns follows: To own hereby notified •- that a - petition • has l>een and liold the stock and securities of infiled-in said Court, pntyhig -for the pro-' ity Center in Des'Moiries^Mrsr Mayer end. surance companies Urn] other companies; bate of a certain instrument now on file : to organize,'purchase, lease and /or manwas extension secretary of, the Uni- At Mount Sinai Temple, the servin said Court, purporting to be the last age Insurance companies; to act-ns gen- will-and testament of said deceased, and versity of Iowa. She is "also chair- ices tonight will center around the eral or special, agent' for. insurance com- that a hearing will be had on said Petiman -of the committee of the' Iowa observance of the Festival. Children panies; to adjust and appraise losses; to tion before said Court on the 21)1 h day of act afl. agent. Ureter or trustee for any -October, 1932 and that if they fail to npFederation of Women's Clubs. of the religious school will give reci- person, ~ orgnnization or corporation; to pt ir at said Court on the said Sttfe flay of tations appropriate for the day, and contract nnd" transact business with Its October. 1033. at 9 o'elaek A. »L. to contest incorporators, stockholders, directors and the probate of-saW - i?ill, the Court may the confirmation class will take part officers the same as with anyone else; to allow and probate "said will and grant adin the processional - with the Torah. own, lease, nnd/or manage buildings or ministration of said estate to Hannah"B«bproperty of every kind; to lend and invest ior or some other suitable person and proRabbi Lewis will speak on the sub-moneys on its own account or as ngent or' -thereof. .•.».. ject, "Abiding Values of the Torahl" trustee of .others,, and to secure such loans ceed to a settlement BKXCB CRAWFORD. by mortgaging or pledging its own prop10-7-32—3t ; ". . Count*. Judge. Services at Shaare Zion Synagogue tonight will start at 6 o'clock. A capacity* audience heard Rabbi Saturday morning the service will David Goldstein of Omaha speak on begin at 8:30. Preceding the memohis travels^ through Europe, and hisrial service, Eabbi Rabinowitz will stay in' Palestine, at the open meet- spteak" on the subject, "Back Unto ing of ; the *'• Ladiejs', j ^Auxiliary,,' \6f His People! <, The: evening service on Shaare ;Z|6n,; :Synagp^ue| last; Mrfnday Saturday will begin at 7 o'clock. cveningi; j-.i; j -1 ; j;:';.;j,;;', |.|] ii^il'J,'.Sunday morning the services will Illustrating fhi$; address;' Hvifh;Amov- begin at; 9:30, and will fe'ature a ing pictures- taken, pijjhisjtrip* Ilabbi prdcessionarwith the Torah and flags, ' Goldstein! . tbl(l] '^oii ihg |pr6^res3'• being in? which t W children of the Junior made in . Paleitfiie] a^idj the :work the d^gre'gation ; ;ra d V& Religious J citizens therei^afe;cfoii^i.'i]0 " ,•.:.. School'; will participate. A skit entitleki; r,'|An; sA'ccident to Cantor Ai Pliskin will chant the the Esrog" followed the address. ritual at the services. Miss Deha Baron; presented a group • lof, vocal; solosj; Mjss Jennie Shindler i 'gave a group jof; violin! solos," accom-. A. Z. A.B!nai .panied" • by ! •: Libbie ; Olensky. ; Mr. • j 4aron Tabai j played a group of HeAmid tr* serene beoury of stately Elms, glorious 'brew folk'songs on the'.concertina. hiheir new Autumn colors, you will find the vacaRefreshments concluded the eve- Over 200 people attended the A. Z. A.-Briai Britti joint meeting held tion of your dreams. Golf, ride, playtennisand ning's program. . "...-.. last/Tuesday evening in the Comenjoy ewry outdoor sport in the dear, bracing air munity Center, during which the ond invigorating climate of Excelsior Springs. new of the; A. Z. A. reDrink and bathe in America's most efficaotsus Hadassah Luncheon • ceivedmembers their Second Degree initiawaters. Comfort/ Luxury/ Food to delight to Be Held Tuesday tion,, and the new officers were forthe most jaded appetite—with special attenmally installed. / -~ • . tion fo those who must observe diet rules. Mrs. R. H. Emlein, who was in- Mr. Moray Lipshutz, president of stalled as president of the Senior the Bnai-Brith presided at the meet* NEW MODIFIED RATES Hadassah at a board meeting last ing which was open to the public. ,w,e€k, will preside at the luncheon •next Tuesday noon, October 25, which Mount Sinai Temple Itutes nre lower in .keepinjr with the times will open the season of the Hadassah '. . . An arrunpemeiits nnd reservntions for organization. ' Mrs.' Emlein succeeds your Excelsior Springs trip may lie made Children are still being enrolled =at locally. ' Complete details and free descriptive Mrs. William Lazere, who resigned : booklets . are available. • please •Mount Sinai Religious School. The because of ill- health."phone"or see Charles R. Gjirdner. classes begin their session each SunManager, at Hotel Font'pnelle. . Mrs. (Theodore N. Lewis will offer the invocation preceding" the lunch- day at ?:30. eon, which will be held in the Jew- The succah" which was erected on ELMS HOTEL-EXCEISIOR SPRINGS-MISSOURI ish Community . Center.- Miss Elsie the pulpit during the Festival of " MANAGtHEHT tPFlET KTtLT CO B.ttPnPf, PKESKKT Succoth, was decorated by Mrs. E. 1 — SESIOENT MANAGER Shulman will sing a'group of songs, E. Baron, the chairman for the reaccompanied at the piano-by Miss ligious, school. . Serreta Krigsten. -- ' ' Rabbi'" Theodore N. Lewis -will Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will . be speak before the congregation of the the principal speaker'Vof* the after- Methodist Church, at-Akron/ la., bh' noon, Calking on his trip to Pales- Sunday evening. tine' and the- work the 'Hadassah is doing .there. Mrs. Sam Passman is in charge of Shaare Zion Synagogue ." - Dry Magnus Hirsch'feld, the world-known authority on Sexothe reservations; Mrs. Sam Mosow, logy and Director of the Institute for Sexual Science of Berlin, menu; Mrs. Joe Levin, dining room, Germany, created.-•:, .Vff : . " ; , .. ' .. • _ The Junior Congregation of Shaare and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, program. Zion Synagogue will hold its first Plans will be discussed at the service of the year Saturday, Octoluncheon for . the annual-card party, ber 28. ' • which will be held November 16, The Religious School will resume to help - the millions of men and women who'have lost: or are losingand the Give or Gjsfc luncheon. its sessions on Sunday morning, Octheir vital'.phy'sical"power..' In his 35 years of practice and research, however, he realized-that the weakening of man's glands was ahso' tober 29. responsible for other troubles: Hiph blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness, Workmen's Auxiliary Dance at J.C.C. Sunday depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. NumThe Ladies' Auxiliary of the WorkThe first of the season's dances at erous cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute. men's Circle will hold its first meetL. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of ing of the season on Wednesday, the Jewish Community Center will physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. October 26, at the Jewish Community be held this coming Sunday evening, Mental powers dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been Center. A group of new members under the auspices of the Y. A. J. incomplete for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given club. Dancing will be from 8:30 to will be introduced at -the meeting. 2 Titus-Pearls 3 times a day, 2 weeks later the medical report on Admission is twenty-five ; Following the business meeting, 11:80. this man was:—General health better, more vigor; dizziness much cents. ••'.'••. •'•' Mrs. I. Sokolsky will be hostess to less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks • the club at"a social hour and fefreshlater L. S. reported again, this time to say that all weariness and •i ments, in honor of her daughter; -who exhaustion had gone; he felt fresh and.buoyant. His blood presJunior Hadassah; sure had fallen, and at 60 years of age, he had regained the phy| was recently married to Mr. Dayid sical power and virility that he had known in the prime of his life. jHoberman of Omaha. : ';\.iU "The Study Circle, recently Start regaining your youthfulness now! Today! In 2 weeks by the Junior Hadassah Chapterj time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send held its first meeting of the year $5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for-2 weeks treatment. Rehearsals Being Held last Monday evening at the home: of Write for Booklet C O . D. Orders Accepted circle chairman, Miss Ida. Hcsfor 'Welcomed stranger' 'the Jhelow. • A definite program was, To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon: mapped out for* the year's work of Regular • rehearsals! for "Welcome the circle. The group will meet the TEUTONIA IMPORT & EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT 13088 Stranger," which is scheduled for Monday following the regular meet211 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. November 6, are continuing this ing of the Junior Hadassah ChapGentlemen: Please forward to the following address.... Boxes month at the Shaare Zion Syna- ter. Mrs. Herman Shiloff will. asTitus-Pearls, for which I enclose $ : sist Miss" Heshelow in the chair^ • B °fh»"ad committee, under the lead- manship of the Study Circle. My name is : City.. ership Of Mr. Max Friedman, has 'The monthly meeting of the Board completed its work, • arid the- ticket of Directors'" of the Junior Hadassah My address is L_j_...State_ committeel is nearing the-.completion will be held Tuesday evening, the place ,to Jbe announced. • «f its work. ,
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