October 28, 1932

Page 1

Dedicated to the i&erilsvf Judaism

linlvri.il iifc -Scuoml-tv-jss Mall M; " :l'ostonioe HI Untalin.'Nebraska, <u

January 127,'J,aa. a t Act of MaTcb JJ. 3SZ8

Distribution Set for

©GTQEEE "28,1B32

, X-.No. S9

722 Jews Leave Berlin in

LuF&tteEte to


Berlin, (J. T . A.)—-A considerable Governor Philip LaFollette of The ZNeedle Guild distribution xk increase in the number of Jews who "Wisconsin will -open fee Commungarments will take place next Thurs^resigned from fee Jewish Community ity JFarnm -defies mt tfee J . C. C. during fee past year is xevealed in Still Time for Adults and Childay anflHMday, ;Nov.ember 3 ;ana 4« Affair to Be HeM at 3Hatii6Histics School tst IED on Tuesday, ^November lS,:in place Midwest Headquarters Qfficialfee statistics :for 19111 made public X C C Sunday, dren to Register for Institute ior Advanced ;at :the iOaa IFellows B a l l , OSfe sand of •Warden iLewis "32. ILawes, who 3y Sets 3)ate ifar : here. Jsovember 13 Stufly was .compelled 'to postpone -iis leeDodge. : I n Berlin alone 722 Jews left fee '-ture -tour a t t h i s 'tune ^because of a "The Jewish "Welfare federation Jewish Community as compared wife Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the 3few Tork, (J. H. .A..)—-Tire IBoard The School of Music at the Jewish surgical operation. section i s -cunder ;the direction off an average of 57f> for the last three Community Center will start or 5St. ILouis, ZMo. (Special)j PatheT and Son Banqust committee of Txnstees of rthe ilustitute i o r JAdWarden ILawes will exchange i r o m more than t e n rmiawest- 3 I r s . 33. -A. Simon, section president, \"anced Study has officially xonof "the Social Service committee of years. Tuesday. November 1. at the Cendates wife -the ^oveniar .and will i The number is also much larger ter. There is still iime t o register -em states will 1 hold s. xoriference on; .assisted :by 3ffirs. OLeo Graetz, ifirmed tto rtiie Jswidi Telegraphic "the Jewish Community Center and speak in Omaha t>n March -23. xhairman, and -Mrs. W. -A. iRacusin, : Palestine i n Omaha :on Saturday Welfare Federation, today announced than the percentage of either Protes- adults or children for tire various ;secretaiy. Directors include Miss Agency "the amtouncement carried m aiing, ^November U9, -and Sunday., that the committee has set the price tants or Catholics who left their r e - courses. cable despatches -from Berlin that Trember.20. Morris !Rotheriberg,opres-; Blanche Zinnnxm ;and rthe Mesdames Professor Albert Umstein has acof ihe eleventh annual Father and spective Communities. These courses will include specialMembership in the Jewish Comadent of t h e Zionist Organization of; IE. J . Albert, Sam Beber, cS. :Ep-cepted -a. life appointment on fee Son banquet at Co cents a plate. ized instruction in piano, violin, munity requires the payment of! .America and xsae of "the ^outstanding; stein, JS. 3?rdhm, -3. GooHbinder, Gail ^Faculty of the Unstitute. cello and voice, with some leaders of American Israel, • known' •TWwTgriifn,,J. .Kaufman, 3. iLintzman, ^Prafessar Einstein Tirill head i h e since the inception of these affairs. finest ILevey, J . J . Greeriberg, Ilrvin irom coast i d coast a s a xhanipion; Mrs. L Neveleff. in behalf of the the entire program. Dave Sherman, S a m Theo- School of Mathematics, the i i r s t of a of the -Jewish mational cause, \willlbe series of schools j>lanned by "the I n Jewish Women's Welfare OrganizaMrs. Henry' Monsky is director of i sspeaker, iit iTCas an-; dore, 3. 3£ramson, J . -Luttbeg, J- stitute established ^through a SS,O00,ition. announced their acceptance of the School of Music. Included on Ifewman, S. 'Olanaer, X Stahnaster, iiounced Isy. 3?hllip IKlnizriickV piesi000 endowment fromJLonis_"BambeT- j Rabbi Mefcler nf :Sionx 'Falls t o : fee invitation of the Father and Son fee advisory board are Cecil Berry. dent oof tthe 35ionist ^Organization ol I. EBauuziner, B. Salzman, "T. Tully, and his sister, Mrs. Tolix man. Harry BrBviroff. August M. banquet committee to assume charge 5, Philip Ulutznick, Ghaf les iChnaha. T h e amionncement uif. t h e noted as leading Jewish philanthroBorglum, Martin W. Bush, Jear, P . of the culinary arrangements for the , H. ^Rosenblatt, M . A. Bercoliolding of t h e ^.conference mas ^offipists. Buffield, Jack Marer. Mrs. Esnry banquet. The Jewish Women's "Wetcially imade =today i£rom t h e imidwest- vici, arid .Julius ;Stehu\ Professor Einstein, -who will oc- Efteen two-man teams, -represent- fare Organization has appointed thr Monsky, Irving Stalmaster, and On ZEriday afternoon there "wfll be -ern headquarters sby lErdressar GusMafeemattcal Mrs. Harry A. Wolf. iollowing committee to superintend . -tea, wixn ZMXB. tavo JElansner, president of :fee -Mid- *artea, ^ r * -««»«« i T ^ ^ " , Theoretical Physics, will take up his ing the *Vaad :B7OehT, or local Union arrangements for the banquet: I f c . On the faculty are included Jean of Orthodox ^Synagogues, started a ^ i ™ October o ^ b o r i1,. 1933. western ZionistIRegion; B a r r y lEfied- sky m charge. The public is mvrted duties w beginning 19S3. P. Duffield. Miss Rose Brandeis. F . J. Alberts, chairman; Mrs. J. M.' _ . . • . • _ , iberg, prominent JEansas *CSty attor- to attend. The school -year is t o end on Apiril •Hiorougb canvass of iorthodox Jewry Malashock Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs., I n t e n s i v e P r o g r a m f o r P h y s i c a l Mrs. Jennie Levenson, Mrs. Ernest in their trabbinical aiirive" to raise Due ;to the lact that the govern3iey and member of rthe National Ad25. The remainder of t h e year will Reese, Miss Sophie Newman. E. OsIrvin Levin and Mrs. ~L. Neveleff. Education Department Be;ministrative committee of t h e Ziom-: inent lias iieleased material £ or tlie be ispent in vacations -.abroad, i t is $5,000 for t h e hrrins; of a modem car Weinstein. Miss Juliet McCune, "The eirtertainment will be of the j orthodox ^abbL ing Planned list > Organization '.of -America; iDr.:jmaMng of .garmenis l o r ihe : needy, stated. Mrs. Nathan E. Green, Harold Dallsame high caliber as in previous j .According t o initial jeports by the Alexander :S. >WoH, president of the cthere i s not such a dire meed for inger, Cecil Berryman. Dr. ^Walter Mayer, -who has served .•year a s :in t h e committees, ^the Te^onse ^ta the cam- years and if certain plans mature j An athletic committee with the tion -of S t . sLouis. celotfaes y Special attention is being called as Professor lEinstem-s assistant i o r ;Zionist Org the banquet guests will see and hear bi Donors a r e -therefore being arequest- a Tnnnber of ^years, -will acojuipany paign thus i a x lhas Sheen "gratify- tme of the best known and highest purpose of making fee members of | to a class l i children's h in group singg p g •and .Mendel _N. Wisher, executive di- \ed ito 'give ntheir directors cash iEon- him t o tire United States. B e hasing," and "fire -pledges have 'been ex~ the Jewish Community Center health- ing, to be conducted by Miss Mcpaid vaudeville acts in the country," arector. conscious is being organized. -tribulions Instead of ;^aruieuts, so ieen named an Associate in 3ttathe- reeding expectations. Cune, supervisor of music, Omaha A ^program is inow 'being worked ^ i a t tthe ZNeedle Guild can buy mucn- anatics by t h e -Institute. D r . .Ahra^ liabbi J . S. 3HelKfer<nf Sioux Falls, Dr. Sher promises. The committee will plan an intenThe committee urges that every- sive program in physical education Board of Education; an Oxford tout by ca xunuuittee of -fee jirbblems nieeded shoes, bbinkets, bed-clothes, ham Flenner is director tif t h e In- S. D . , will be i n 'Omaha tnmorrow Piano course, with instruction "by tfchat "•"• to Jbe discussed ^atrfee xon- •iltC. and Sunday, under i auspices of body make their reservations early. at fee Center, which will ,get theJean Duffield, and a music appreciastitute. In no case will reservations be actvention lieiE. Jewish leaders jEroni -year t h e .Jewish "Welfare maximum use out of the excellent tion class for adults. Professor and JSirs. Einstein ^will the leading -Jewish ^centers ,are: tto take tthe beneficiary of reside in Princeton, 3?. J-, as "the Saturday •.; 3£abbi "Mekter cepted later than Wednesday, No- faculties of fee athletic department. Beginners will be required t o take 3>art im tfeis .convention that ^promises arandreds of -garments. Among t h e School 'is -temporarily t o be housed will speak p ^~Ewnetixosh vember 9. sX iite Irvin lievin is chairman. Included two 30-minute periods of individual The banquet will be held in the ~±o 'be one of rthe -most important m ienexiciafres of "&is section this year in t h e -new Fine S a i l of Princeton Hagodol synagqgms, ^Nineteenth and T i on the committee are A. H. £aiman, j instruction ,per week. .Elimentar\ p tary Jewish Communitj' Center auditorium Hobert iiecent :years. This Js the :Drst rtime :are incuided i h e Jewish ;Old SPeo- ^University. Burt, ^at JJD A.na. H. Hooper, J . M. Malashock, theoretical work will be included in that such a xanference -will,take jplace: ples IHome" ari'd t h e IBiknr :Chdlnn Saturday afternoon mt 4 ' o'clock he Sunday, ^November !1S, at 6 p. m. Dr. David C. Platt, D r . A. A. Stein- these periods of instruction. Students t o be admitted t o t h e 3n ADiriaha. JHLembexs iof t h e - Jewish iSociety. Both a r e especially in nsed school -will be jfew in number -ana will address tthe 'JUiass Yeshurim berg, Harry Txustin, Phmeas Advanced students will be i e Agency who a r e inert ^officially amli- ; an* ilankets a n d :bed lmens. -will -be limited t o .persons who -give {.synagogue, Twen^y3Q10i and Seward, troub and Phil IFeldman. guired to take one 40-minute period ated with t h e 'Zionist -Organization 1 A Eeries of activities i o r the phys- of individual instruction, and -me promise of i n n i ^ development, o?e- iin Yiddisfa. T?ill .also i a k e part Sn rthe .confer-' gardless of -whetiier or ^nrt they have ical education department will soon hour of class work in harmonj* anil On .Sunday evening, October 30, «nce. . ...... college -ftegrees, -aHhongh 'the -Bchool startmg- a.t B D'dnck, She "V'aad i s be initiated. The committee will fur- theory 3»er k Uecent developments in Palestine is -to -be rpostfgraduate. ther promote t h e Health club, for sponsoring a anasK aaeetmg a t t h e end other Jewish problems will be IProfessor 3Einstem -will, :it is Ibe- 3J'.nai Itsraft] ~35yna®e®He7 Eighteenth professional and business -men. TJn•discussed tby a n array of prominent lieved/.wnnplfite :his work on t h e ami- and Ohicafro. ABmi^ion -is free aer t h e guidance of Morris H. Sogor Jewish leaders. A syriniosium on 5iea thteory ibef are assuming ihs -da- the ipubiic is i m t e i JEnnis ^rill tnot low, physical director, this project Berlin, (J. T . A.V—The Kazis Jewish education will also -be one of ~Hes of iiiis 3iew post and miay xomfi be solicited. - -£abbi j ^ e k t e r will be iiave managed to inject t h e Jewish bas grown in popularity and is stead"the features of t h e conference.. 1i\ -to iPasadena, California, -to w o r i -at guest speaker. • • - - . - . question even into the controversy ily adding new men to the roster >of addition t o Zionist units,- representarfiue 3Bount: Wilson 'Dbservatory -in Habbi iMekter i s t» uuiiversity grad- -with rregard ±0 t h e rfall of t h e -mon- Tegular participants. rtives of leading Jewish organizations this connection. • • uate, -having <johtains£ IPh-D. anii S . sarchy in Germany, a s p a r t nf Uieir The physical education of "fee Jew•vcill be asked to participate in thc_Exposed irn !29 After Quarter nf; ish women in Uie xitj' "will a b » "fee p p g xoriference. 'The call for the confereffective in tEnglish^arid Yiddish, BO a s to ^effect a more insence •will1!embrace Ithe -representatives; •has also -done considerable Btrcial *H!he jftazi "press, headed -participation on their [part in ^re-Season Ijeasne "to Gat : A.cttvitv "VuelkischeT Seobachter," declares of the Jewish JNational Fund, l!atier Way Tfratt t h a t "the downfall of the Eaiser -was the athletic department. flassah, Junior Hadassah, t h e Amer"The • Jewry of Omaha, -young aend xbie t o t h e shameful blood anixttrre of •Sym xbasses and intramural xonv Evening TT. A.)—One aBnenos Aires, ican Palestine Campaign, iiie Pioold, are cordially .invited t o ihear iiie Toyal family witli daughters •tif.jpetition a t the Center gym i a v e been Zhunorfid and thirty-lour members of n e e r Women, Poaie Zion and other Uabbi JHekler," Harry Jttarcns, Vaad Jewish bankers and t h e ^transfer of -enthusiastically received with t h e Basketball stock seems t c be -flie 3iwi JKgtial Society, -which -groups. ; 3>resident, --stated. "We would like t o ^Prussian trade t o the Jews. r start df fall -activities. "Basketball "booming" at the Jewish Gommunity •Ser "the jguise c£ a .mutual id Mendel 3s. Fisher, executive dK i a v e .as :manyas -possible "meet -him Today, -fee :Nazis assert, Chanboth men and women is .getting Center, with the intramural >apirit ^lector of t h e zmovement, i s taking ociefer i had been carriying on white and hear his inessage to us." celloT von Papen preferE -fee domhi- under way. giving everyone an opportunity t o charge of fee details of the xorifeF-; Slave traffic f£or a quarter of a cenStates IChat 3Hk Pariy ation of jwwerlnl Jews. Whereas the A new matrons' group has been express himself in athletic activities. "tury, :have been orderfid released by erice and has •already visited .a .Tiumold-time dukes and counts bad-feeir started i o r Tuesday and Thursday The pre-season league will start her of communities, whose -leaders ;the tJourt of the ]F±rst Unstance. conrt Jews, today the -powerful Jews afternoons at 2 p . m . A hike for Tuesday, November 1. Two league* The 3L^ onemijerE Ihad been a r iJews" ihave ^expressea -enthusiasm 3ar,rthe have their court dukes and court matron and senior women is schefl- will swing ;htto action, the '*!&." 3in "1SE9 Harge-i contemplated oranference :in CDmaha., p Budapest (J. T. A.).—Premier Jn-" nled for Eriday,, November 4. league l o r fee .better teams and t h e ]Large sare aexpeetea 3ronv ily through -iiie tfiSorts of the IMter- lius Goemboes, erstwhile anti-Sennt-: g delegations g members t)f the Herren Club, feey "B" league fer junior iives. "We ieel that wse 3iave arranged a juttional -Jewish Association ffor "ihe ic leader, 4s ;going ;-ont of his way Sioux City, ZDeB Moines, S t . assert, t h e Jewish bankers, Eerbert well-balanced program which will 1 The teams and their managers: y^nT^s nity t :ftt. Joseph. Xineohi .ana, Protection an* fGifls sand Wxaoeb. since ihis selection :as premier, t o inGuttman ^ n d Xleefeld, brDfeer-rn- meet "the needs tg. the entire family;" A—A. 2 . A . Ho. 1, OSCST Mayeroother communitifis. -A aramber ' rdf j War iwinty^tive .^yeaxs t h e £Sacie^ vite t h e xo-operation of t h e Jewish: law of t h e late Gustav Stresemann, stated lievin. •"We therefore are wich; X i lambda, Halph Ifagg; ML. -prominent irabbis ifrom a l l Tpaxts xa: ihafl -functioneii, xonoucting ve. ttraffic; ^Ipywwitw i n DSungary. and trfeer powerful Jews, dominate anxious that all who can, take ad- Z. A . J^fo. 100, J o e Sumrenthalj l>si Moscow, (J. T. A.)—^The Central fee rmidwest .and rioted Jewish enu-; iin Twhite slaves, ^ihe majoriljy lieing : IP-dr. tthe -feird t h n e -wifein a week> Mu :No. 1 , Jrving Broofestein; Deep control committee of -fee •Communist the von Papen government. The na- vantage of our facilities!." :rl. , \ xatars will "be 'in attendance. • -~ \ jroung aRbhsh - Jewesses. Premier sGoeuiboes, speaking before Hocks, George ivtein; Bruins, IBtex party yesterday expelled -from ;mem- tion :has submitted to t h e Tulership •&H ithe 4£o0 fmembers nf * e co^sn^Elaborate rpbms a r e 'being-made\~SBZ\ p of vfee powerful Jews. Therefore it Friedman. B—5Pa«ts Store, 3Ben E l h -delegates, d l t j d ^ iization iwerJE^ihnplicatea iin tthe iwhite Parliament, b a s made overtures i » rbership Gregory Zinoviev, iarmer i s -necessary to overthrow -fee von tthe jrecepiion arf tthe the Jews. Premier Goemboes said: ^president of "fee Communist Internakin; Mack's Market, Sam fCaekin; Bbsve jplot IThree ntmdred tQed A r committee Uufileadmg Jews xspte'!My .Agrarian rparty -is proud of t h e tional arid Ijeo IKamenev, another IPapen government and destroy fee Bawkeyes, ilied Cohn; P^i Mu 3Sfo. gentbie -when their -affilia&m .^enting all - Elements of r t h e 3 T M equality irfights at -has granted t o ^oe-' leading ^Soviet uSicial, :a Jbrofeer-in- domination of fee Jews, the- INaais 2, George Klein; Juniors, Sol IDoiin•discovered .and cannot :ever community life in Omaha xirge. biw Df Leon T r o l l y , on charges son4 Deep Hocks 2Io. 2 , George -JJHJ tig placed :in tfee xategary rif ifugi— serving Jewish citizens/' -named soon as a reception acannnittee: A t rthe same t u n e he warned -conducting counter-revolutionary :ac.Klein. •lives rand rrebels. ,.} that will welcome the distinguishfid; against the rmisusc d£ so-called' Cbris-; trvity. In the opening games Tuesday the 'Two members of iiie leaders. tiah slogans for political campaignThis i s rfee second time Sn ^recent Pants Store meets the Mack's 3Harcharged wife xorxuption, •were Calls Anti-Semitism <an '^Emor 'years t h a t Zinoviev and "Kameriev Icet, and the A . Z. A . 100 quintet enced t o :pfison ;by iihe Appeal xourt ing. tional Outhurst of ©verlast -week. !The others were released,: TThis mew ^friendliness Etoward Jews have "been expelled, iin 3227 they faces tke IXi Lambda. On Thursday OneJhuridTed and seyenty-tfive xonJiationaiism" rtw > the appeal court holding l,h;tt =Fr ** on tthe p a r t -of ithe -prenueT.drew 33se; were xeinstated Mtter ifeey i a d *"-xe- -ples xnade Site Hirst annual xommuevening, the Juniors :meet t h e Deep tfeeir "''right ^wing Jittrra: the J5novirice of IBuenos :Aires !iad wxafe ;Df M Masa. ueputy, jKesco, wla> StoefcB 3No. 2., aria -fee A. 2 . A. 1 under tH he *b Zurich (J. T. A.).—Condemnation other rmemiers -were the ^Society ca ;cfaaxter iio Tirni»- criticized him HOT fhis a l l i;oo ggen-" clashes with rthe 3>si Mu No. 1. nf t h e Jewish "W!ameri^ 'tian a s a Jewish -nnutual .aid1 and sxous forgiveness ;of -fiw Jews^** • •• Spectators a r e welcome. No adfederation, ~at fee X"'C 'C Sim- tune t o introduce anti-Semitism into IHJoscow.—Six -Jews Teeeived t h e flay evening, 'fone^of-tfee loveliest burial society, .it xould mot be Another -anti-Semite, 'Wolff, anem-. •Switzerland was expreased ijy tfee sisssion iis being charged. charged wilii being ^an iillicit «»SBO- ber of t h e : Christian SociaUst party, enrder of "Bed Banner tS l a b o r " i n social a S a i r s given iesrs.T A xlass 3or instruction in girls' Swiss President, 3>r. Guiseppe 3Iotta. Jerusalem, (J. T. A.>—^The 3*ales- c i a t i o n . •• • '• . , and i h e ^.leafler coif tthe opposition t o jcecognition of "their services rto tfee baricetball will meet at 8:30 p . m . "The iiallroom, lobby and lounge Sp^»kingat ILucexne -on t h e acca4ine -High Commissioner 'has atecomAt t h e ttnne .*n8f-. jfee exposure iin fee tgovemment, Gastogal, Kcuretl -building of t h e DnieprobLitjy iia: -were beautiiully decorated for the sioc of the 600th aanniveisary ttf ite each Monday, l^ater a league of anended that "the ^government: include 1929, a sensation tfrsus ^ created. 'Preniiear Goemboes ifer keeping silent tfee largest hydro-*lectric ptant in occasion, mHiiijt M. pleasing atmos- annexation by -Switzerland, itB de- Srar teams will be started, with Wie bid i i n its next budget a subsidy on t h e government's plans 2OT t h e-fee -world. phere to t h e :rfaytmnie music of Ban- clared -feat Switzerland was always prospect bright for a girls' vanity Jewish "health institutions, : the -Jew-; The Jews honored » r e tthe engin- daH's IRoyal trrchestr team. 02 t h e xbsei iiu*ujsukLi£is *^ox ish "Telegraphic Agency learns. eers Uubin, ^Eaufman, Silbexstem lit i s THit ^yet known exact-: "The men's varsity basketball quint its {policy toward-tbe Jews. If carried through, this will be DPxumkhi. -and Xazman and t h e sec- ry -what t h e aiet ymceedi x£ t h e M i l ideal of -liberty -m^. *the world. 311. will have m colorful schedule, with the r :first tune rthat _the Palestine jVfl<yfcts. ~vtmptws^^**ti *TH4^Tynx JIES . j u s n ^ d t of fee Party organization: are, iiie Jewish "Women^ "Welfare Budapest.—^Premier,-Julius iGoemseveral .trips. Independent and colThe ffirst -meeting trE ?fee Senior iroes' idisavxrwal rif anti-Semrtism government has .made any allotment Xeiserson. ^expecte t o present fee sense democracy - inspires n o t only lege -teams here and nearby are exto Jewish healtli institutions. Council of Cuibs -xS; tihe Jewish 'More than 12 per cent of Hie -work- iboard of t h e XkHumunity Center countered "with -an attackupon Jewish pected to "be on the schedule. The The High Commissioner also rec- Community Genter jmH ibe ^ ers ^skilled and unskill«i, .employed rwife a handsome check l o r tfee hood.. first game will be held Sunday, Nostudents ^at the University -of ommended an increase in fee govern- -Monday, October 31, instead I n sharp tMittrast i o the spirit of vember 6. in the dam's construction, -are .Jews anortgage-Teduction JCuitd. ment's subsidy for Jewish education. "Wednesday, October 26, a s 3rrevion5-; The decorations and iurnishnigE democracy attempts a r e being marie The Jewish students "were beaten accoTXUng to assistant Chief ^EnginAmong the candidates are Phil Simultaneously the Jewish Agency ly announced. eer Xaubman. a t Sunday's affair -were thru ugh t h e t » -introduce laws ^which ami -to I B - Gereiick, Lou Weiner, Harry Eich, .up and ^thrown vat of t h e college "Executive has despatched its xeport The Beriior Council i s ,an urganra"The work at Dnieprostryo was a xourtesies of llerzbezgs, E . 3B. Zhn- duee -fee status of some of iiieir own to the Mandates Commission with a ation composed of representatives nff buildings. The anti-Semites -feen great school for the greatest part of man of Brandeis, ZM. T>. Bfodkey of xitizens,- because oif -dHference in re- Iz Novak, Jim liurrouphs, John Roproceeded to ;paint inscriptipns. on t h e senblatt, IT: Mann, Bill Gerelick, Max covering letter signed by INahum each of the clubs,_who meet in the •the Jewish workers employed thereT" State JTrrnituTe, and US.. Eatzman of ligion, language OT origin. The ef-Turner, Sol Yaffe, Art Adier and walls attacking t h e premier. *3>own Sokolow as president of .the Agency: Center, and exist f o r the pnrpose .cff .More than SO per cent of ihe Jewish -fee Isational TOpholstering, and t h eforts which are ^occasionally made t o Morris Franklin. Varsity practice is The Agency report reviews politi- promoting the welfare of the Jewish with Goemboes," were among -fee in- •workers, be said, joined the shock Schhmnel -family, Blackstone hotel. raise an anti-Jewish agitation are being held Tuesday.*-., Wednesdays and cal developments concerning Pales- Community Center and of the indi- scriptions seen. brigades. Many started a s unskilled not only contrary to t h e spirit of Sundavs. At the same time anikSemitic postine in the last year and lays empha- vidual clubs. laborers and now are among the best Switzerland, but are also emotional ters were plastered on t h e doors of sis on land development policy. During ~the last year's season the Jewish homes in PolttEtoj IFalu, » mechanics. outbursts of overwrought national"It .deals also with the allocation of Senior Council successfully sponJoseph Solomonow, freshman lavr ism. employment in public works t o Jews sored the following activities: the subuTb of Budapest. President Motta's speech created a Etudent a t Creigiiton universitj-, has iin the spirit of Premier MaeDon- annual All-Star Uite; an Oratorical been named a s captain of a two- very deep impression OT; all those ald's letter t o Dr. Chahn Vveizmann. contest; a debate tournament; and man team which will represent the j present. I t was broadcast from all Reference is made -further to ten- an essay contest; fee annual Senior The J. C. C. Sunday School will Habbi Prederick Cohn leaves Sun- local university on a debate trip j stations in the country-. M. Motta open this Sunday, morning at 10 in land legislation and ad-Council carnival; the first annual day for Cincinnati t o attend the an-through Kansas and Missouri -early j has beer, Switzerland's representative o'clock at the Center. -ministrative practice -in land dis- Senior Council banquet, anfl t h e of Nation? since it '~" the "' " Leajrue ^ '^x " "t jputes; nnmigration; security and Jewish' Philanthropies Campaign— X. H a r r i s was named presiSent of nual meeting' of the Central Confer in February. A staff of ten weli-trained and excreation, and is one of its most re- perienced teachers await a large enence of American Habbis, which meets Solomonow, who is debating: for the ;goyernment subsidies tfor Jewish in- Touths' Division. the Beth ;Hamedrosh THagoddl constitutions. university for "his third year, was ! .specteti personalities. He has always rollment. Present members of t h e Senior gregation, \19th and -Burt, a t the from Kovember 2 t o G. He will also attend the meeting of elected "secretary-treasurer oi his j sho-vm considerable interest in the Council are: Julius Bisno, president; election of officers i e l d l a s t week. pPresitlent ILebrun of Tiance Other officers axe 3VI. Minkin, fee executive committee of the Con- class last week, and a t present holds j question of minorities, for whom he Bothschild Donates Groimd Joseph Solomonow, Haiph ^Nogg^ Sympathetic to X K. JR. Louis THirikin, .Abe Goldberg, Xouis vice-ijresident; Levinson, secre- ference, of which he i s a member, on the extemporaneous speaking xhsm- has frequently acted as rapporteur. i for Jewish School .November 1. D r . Cohn expects t pionship rif the university. H e is d IM Paris.—President iiebrun of JExance Canar, Morris Txanklin, S a m Pinkel; t a r y ; and IM. TVilfson, •treasurer. Jerusalem.—-B a r c n Edmond "Ai t o iiie city on Uovember "7. Beware 01 too much laughter, f or also a member of the debating .team sent a message -±o =the -Jewish I d a Blacker, Bbinche Soskin, Aim Trustees are X: Blotcky, B a r r y Him- -return in bis absence, tin INext y Hothschild has donated a large plof nf t h e Omaha Jewish Community j it deaden? the mind and produces obrational Fund expressing.tthe ideep- hBerman, Dora 3>blgiiff, ^arid TTLuyd ^merman, A. Soskin, and A.. Hich- Temple Israsl pulpit will be occupied of land for a Jewish orthodox school Genter. 'livion. sympathy wife irte aims. SisaL hv J3r. John P . JPoucher.

Canqaaigaior i%ind« Is Cinder

^.^jLSi.'Ti^usr' ="--=?


Nazis of Kaiser Is Doe to Jewish Blood





I s HigMy Snccessfnl


Senior Council

Meads Debate Team

Harris Heads Beth Hamedrosh M«&odol

]RabM Colin Is to Attend Conference

p School -at .Center Mill Stmt


THE JEWISH Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - i - - - - - $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Off ice-—Jewish Community Center £ & ? & |L t A <99 3 R - - - - Business and Managing Editor. FRANK K. ACEEBMAN - - - . . . . . . . . Editor FANNIE RATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa,-Correspondent ANN PILL - . •-•->•;- » - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent

Jungle Rhythm Boys, a colored four- the Odd Fellow's auditorium. some. A board meeting at 1:30 TuesThe Halloween dance will be the day will precede the regular meetfirst of the weekly series of dances ing. presented by the Psi Mu Fraternity and the Jewish Community Center. Hadassah Starting Sunday, November 6, a dance will be given every Sunday Mrs. H. Hirshznan, chairman of afternoon for twenty weeks. Last the Hadassah membership commityear the fraternity sponsored twenty dances, which were attended by tee, announced the following new approximately two thousand couples. members: Mesdames Leo Waxenberg, Sam Chaperones for the dance will be Zlotsky, Morris Wohlner, Jack SoloMr. and Mrs. Irvin Levin and Mrs. L. Neveleff. The afternoon dances mon, R. M. Shlaes, I. W. Rosenare chaperoned by the Jewish Wom- blatt, H. S. Novitsky, David R. Cohen, Ida Levin, Morris Pinkel, Irvin en'? Welfare Organization. The Halloween dance will be a Levin, Morris Burstein, M. H. Pescouple affair and tickets are offered sen, T. A. Tully, Aaron Katz. at depression prices, 60 cents a The sewing group of which Mrs. couple; tickets can be purchased J. J. Friedman is chairman and from any Psi Mu member or at the door. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. A. Theodore co-chairman meets every first and third Monday of the month at the J. C. C. The first meeting will be held Monday, NoCouncil of vember 7, at the Center.

dies of old clothes. Call Mrs. J. Feldman, Jackson 5533, or Mrs. J. Richlin, Webster 1562, and they Do YOU want to -see "Jonah and will see that the bundles are picked the Whaler* up. Do You want to meet "Rebecca at the Well?" Superstition is the religion of feeCan You miss entering that mysterious tent inhabited by the "Witch ble minds.—Burke. of Vendor?" The Temple Israel Sisterhood invites the public to attend a Biblical FOR RENT Bazaar on Saturday evening, NoFurnished rooms for rent, with \ vember 19, at the Blackstone Hotel. light and heat, at 2010 Fowler ; Admission is free. avenue. Call Kenwood 0901 ? Mrs. Herbert Arnstein's circle will for information. have charge of the above booths. "Jonah and the Whale" is being directed by Miss Hazel Degen and her committee consisting of the Mesdames Bert Hene, Jules Newman, and Sam Bialac. Mr. Lester Heyn as "Jonah" will take this "whale" of a job, and promises lots of fun and entertainment. "Rebecca and her maidens" will be represented by Mrs. David ROBenstock and her committee of the Mesdames Clarence Bergman, Harry Rosenfeld, and Sam Gilinsky. "Bring your thirst and we will provide the quencher" the committee states. Mrs. Joseph Bonoff is chairman of "The Witch of Vendor" booth. Come and gaze into the crystal and learn something of your future. More about the bazaar will be given in the next issue of the Press. Each circle is planning an interesting booth for your entertainment.

Biblical Reminiscences

A Jew cannot escape his; destiny.^ Sagacious Jewish thinkers have oft repeated that; even if the Jewish people of this era wished to assimilate and become indistinguishable frpni the rest of the peoples of the earth, the vast majority would nevertheless fail of their purpose. Examples in the myriads would be recounted of Jewish Women sons and daughters of Israelites "even unto the fourth and fifth The annual Hadassah rummage generations" who found the ancestor of their forbears affecting A program and tea, to which all sale will be held November 1 and 2. women of other Jewish organizations their lives. > have, been invited, will feature the This is particualrly true in Germany today. The Nazis have first meeting of the Council of Jew- The Jewish Community Center Sunday School begins its year of taken particular delight in finding traces of Jewishness in prom- ish Women Monday at 2:30 p. m. at work this Sunday morning, OctoJewish Community Center. Mrs. inent individuals whose parents had;been baptized four genera- the ber 30, at 10 a. m. at the Center. Philip Schwartz, president, will preA staff of ten experienced and tions back. It is accordingly of particular interest to read what side at both the open meeting and at teachers await a large is written by Emil Ludwig, world-famous German author! Lud- a board meeting at 1:30, to precede it. well-trained enrollment. Plans have been made wig, you recall, till the age of forty hardly knew he was. a Jew, The afternoon's entertainment will for an interesting year of study for be a play, "The Puppet Show," in the children. much less admit it generally. Education, environment, and train- which 12 members of the council preing had taken care of this. The anil-Semitic killing of Hathenau sent a satire on the organization's - ten years ago, a prophecy of what was to come in 1932, initiated activities and a burlesque of its mem- Conservative Auxiliary Mrs. Herman Jahr is director, a change. And ere long Ludwig left'the Christian church to which bers. and Mrs. J. M. Malashock, accomThe Women's Auxiliary of the Pioneer Women he formally belonged and reorganized himself as a member of the panist. Conservative Synogogue held the "race that was being persecuted more than at any time previ- Such personages of the council as first Oneg Shabbos of the season The Jewish Pioneer Women's orits card party chairman, rummage last Saturday at the home of Mrs. ganization for Palestine will hold a ously." sale chairman, tea hostess and offi- Philip Klutznick. Extracts from rummage sale in the near future. Emil Ludwig writes in "La Revue Juive" that "Not only the cers are caricatured, all in their roles Gallsworthy's "Loyalties" were read The committee in charge is requestpuppets, each of whom has her by different members, followed by a ing the public to contribute bunpolitician but also the thinker must come forward and warn the of own tale of woe to relate. people. All around usthere is danger ,and, if ever, the Jews of the The tea, to follow the program, will general discussion. world must unite now . . . All the cultural contributions which the be in charge of Mrs. David Goldman The first Hebrew-Bible class of CLEANERS Jews have given to German music, literature, theater, painting, and assisting hostesses. This is the the Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, opening meeting of the council November 8, at 1 o'clock at the Cenare despised by the mob, which knows neither this nor Germanic first DYERS and one of the few such meetings ter. All reservations should be made art, and this is happening in Germany! The German nation is during the year, so that a record at- with Mrs. David A. Goldstein. HATTERS degrading itself in the eyes of the whole world I have studied tendance is expected. TAILORS are being made steadA dinner dance will be held at many of the great men of the past and present. I have never ilyReservations for the council's current topic the Center on November 8, elec found an anti-Semite among them. From Mussolini, Masaryk, course, which opens the following tion night. The charge will be one Briand, Nansen, Edison, I have never heard anything but respect morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Jew- dollar per person, or fifty cents per PEERLESS CLEANERS ish Community Center, Mrs. J. H. person after the dinner. Mrs. B. A. for the gifts and character of the Jews. It is only in Germany Kulakofsky, educational chairman, Simon is in charge. 4420-22 North 20 that this pest dominates. If anyone compares the great number has announced. KEnwood 1500 of cultural treasures which a million Jewish Germans have pro- Rabbi David Goldstein of the Con- The next meeting of the Auxiliary servative synagogue, course leader, cured with those produced by the 61 million Aryan Germans, it will be held November 9. speak on "Why I Will Vote for will be seen that the Germans must put a spurt on to attain e:ual- willNorman Thomas" at the opening TRY US FOR QUALITY ity. We can fight this disease only if we rigidly exclude those meeting. His subjects during the seaSigma Kappa Chi Shoe Repairing: from us who proclaim that they want to exclude themselves son will deal with problems of both . ~ * * national and local interest, he has janAT REASONABLE PRICES from us." nounced. A regular .njeeting ,of the Sigma "Once Oar Customer — .Kappa Chi ssbrority -was held TuesIf the Jewish people followed the last injunction, they would Always Our Customer" day at the J. C. C. Final plans were have excluded Ludwig ^himself from their ranks. But world Jewry Jewish; Women's formulated for a bridge to be given upon his return to his .faith did not "rightly exclude him who had DOUG LAS Wednesday, November 16, at the "Welfare Federation Center. ; proclaimed he wanted to exclude himself from us." And Ludwig Shoe Repair Co. , .Prizes will be given at each table. today is a valued member of our race, another evidence that the The November meeting of the Refreshments 1709 DOUGLAS ST. a general good Jewish people must co-operatively "stick together"—though the Jewish Women's Welfare Federal time have been and promised. Rose Weinwill be held at the Jewish Com- ef was appointed ticket chairman Opp. Omaha Athletic Club shaft is not aimed at us today, it may be tomorrow . . . we cannot tion munity Center Tuesday, November and Ann Berman refreshments and must'not desert our brethren who are. in present dire need. 1, at 2:30 p. m. chairman. At this meeting the first of a Unity is unquestionably the vital necessity of the day.

In a recent speech before a group of civic workers, District Judge Frank M. Dineen declared that the present universal depression can be eliminated by such agencies as churches, lodges and ambitious individuals. "All summer long there has been a steady line of unfortunates receiving : their daily bread from the Charity" office in Douglas County court house," said Judge Dineen. "What will the condition be this winter? The' civic organizations, churches, lodges and individuals must help to ; avert, if possible, the discontent that might arise to the heights of rioting and near revolution." ; -.-.••.

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series of talks will be given by Miss Jesse Towne, dean of girls at CenDance Committee, promised that tral High school. Her subject will Psi Mu Dances this dance will be the finest ever of- be "The Social Background of High by the fraternity. The com- School Girls." All members are The Psi Mu Fraternity of the fered mittee charge consists of Leo urged to come and bring a friend. Jewish Community Center will hold Berman,in chairman; Morris Giller, A report on the "Simchas Torah" their second Annual Halloween co-chairman; Henry Ginsburg, Abe ball will be given by Mrs. A. GreenDance in the ballroom of the Jew- Bogdanoff, and Hyman Giller. War-, ish Community Center, Sunday eve- ren Ritchie and his Melody Makers berg, chairman. All members are urged to rememning, October 30, at 8 p. m; This been secured to furnish the ber their donation to the Needle dance will usher in the third season have music for the > affair. Entertain- Guild, which will be held Thursday of Psi ; Mu weekly dances. Leo Berman, chairman of the ment will be furnished by the KOIL and Friday, November 3 and 4, at

Dineen Speaker at Civic Meeting

The Sign of Good Workmanship

These superior lamps are equipped with 3 candles for xegular down lighting and a large reflector for ceiling light, achieving a superlative efficiency in lighting for reading or playing bridge. Eldridge Section Fourth Floor

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Aids in Relief

[ARDS-RIEKES NUPTL4LS Rabhi Manuel Laderman of .Chiiss Ruth Riekes, daughter of Mr. cago^ "who conducted services here for Mrs. S. Riekes, became the bride the holydays under the auspices of Mr. Morton A. Richards, son of the Vaad, left Monday evening for a r. and Mrs. A. Perimeter, on Tues- short visit in Denver. , October 25, at 5:30 p.m. a t t h e tes home. Miss Soph Heznek of Chicago it he nuptials -were solemnized by bbis David A. Goldstein and H. visiting here -with Anne Ruback. bdinsky, with only members of the aediate family in attendance. Mr. and Mrs."John A. Farber and Tollowing the ceremony the couple Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster re£t for a honeymoon in Chicago., turned Tuesday .from a short trip to Excelsior Springs and Jefferson, Mo. )SENBLATT-DOLGOFF CDDING Messrs. Louis Riklin, _ Norman |The niarriage of Miss Edythe Dol- Green and JVIax Stein left l a s t -week pff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry for a rtciur of their respective terolgoff, to Mr. Sam Rosenblatt, son ritories for T. & F . They vrill reMr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, will turn in the early spring. solemnized Sunday afternoon, Ocer 30, at 4 o'clock at the Adass BRIDGE TOURNAMENT burim. synagogue, The 'winners," of the duplicate confollowing the ceremony, a dinner Mrs. Reuben tract bridge tournament, sponsored be served for about 80 relatives by Mrs. David .Perer, which was held Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky will be the home of the bride's parents at Saturday afternoon at the Omaha co-chairman with Mrs. Myles Stand11 Bauman street. vj' ' Athletic dub, "were Miss Jeanette Dolgoff has been 'honored at Marcus and Mrs. A. Kohan, in the ish of the Red Cross voluntary sewing quarters which will be opened imerous affairs prenuptially. north and south section. Mrs. M.next Monday, October 31, on the Bercovici and Mrs. M. Kaplan won fourth floor of the Paxton Block, by )LDMAN-HAYKIN in the east and west section. a group of Omaha society women, JGAGEMENT * Mrs. Ferer will have her next members of the cotton relief com| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haykinan- tournament this evening at 8 o'clock mittee of the Omaha chapter of the punce the engagement "of their at the Blackstone hotel. Red Cross. Mrs. Kulakofsky is also aughter, Lilyan, ,~to Mr. Lester J; a member of the executive commitpldman of this city,. formerly ofj tee of the Red Cross. HALLOWEEN PARTY es Moines, la. ' - „,„. These women plan to prepare 177,A Halloween party will be given ss Haykiri is a graduate of Gen; •825 yards of cotton cloth into garby the Beta R h o sorority this -evehigh school and attended Creighngrat the" home of Miriam Rubin. ments .for the needy. It is estimated university. Mr. Goldman * atSurprises are being planned appro- that the cloth will make 80,000 gariided Drake university and is a ments, which will be given to the priate for. the, occasion. - - _ duate of the University-of Iowa;needy and poor in Douglas County. is a member of the Phi Epsilon This was made possible by the fraternity. S. A. M. ALUMNI ELECT farm relief board turning over 500,The wedding' vrill take ,place, some , ' A. A. Fiedler.was chosen ^president •000 bales of government-owned cotae the latter1 part of November. - of the Sigma Alpha Mu Alumni at ton to the Red Cross to be distrib;their annual election of officers at uted among the various relief agenthe Hill hotel Sunday, .October 23. cies in the United States. BOUNCE . Other officers' were: James • C.; BurfGAGEMENT The Jewish Welfare Federation is | Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shatovsky roughs, treasurer, and Louis M. inounce the 'engagement ;• of theif stone,' ""secretary. Outgoing officers ' ter, Helen Kricsfeld of Omaha, to were: Harry B. Cohen, president; WE. 6161 WE. 6161 rl Diamond^ of* Lincoln. An-, en- Alfred A. Fiedler, treasurer, and igement party was given at the Sam* Mindell, secretary. A dinner was served. aond home, in Lincoln. . No date has been set for the wedEXPERT FURRIER


HEADS FREMONT PLAYERS ,. Mr. Samuel Berek was named dramatic director of the community playhouse recently organized in Fremont, Berek will be remembered as the lead in two of the Center Players' Guild productions two years "ago, "Captain Applejack" and "The Good Hope." " JTERTAINS "The first play which Berek will ; jMiss Eva Marcus entertained four 3irect and. supervise will be the ables at a bridge" shower Tuesday Broadway comedy • success, "This vening g in honor of .her sister, Sara', Modern Age." k l htl marriage takes-place shortly. Prizes were won by" Sarah Pollay, JUNIOR HADASSAH The Junior Hadassah will hold its fBernice Cohn and • Evelyn Glazer. next meeting on Thursday evening, FOR BRIDE-TO-BE November 3, at 8 o'clock at the J. C. Mrs. Samuel H: Stern will enter- C. AH members are urged to be tain at a tea Sunday, November 6, m present. Further plans will be made honor of her sister, Miss Lilyan Hay-' for the annual Thanksgiving dance, kin, a bride-to^be.; whidi will be given a t the Hotel Fontenelle on November 24. Tickets are ANNOUNCE BIRTHS 'how on sale and may be purchased Mr. and Mrs. David J . Chesneau from any Junior Hadassah member. announce the birth of a daughter at the Clarkson hospital Sunday, October 23. SRTAIN AT BRIDGE Mr. and^Mrs; H. Janoff entertained ( guests at &'bridge party at their Dine Sunday1'evening in honor of leir daughter, Shirley, and her fiiice, Mr. Melvin Katleman.

All Kinds of Coats Made to Order Alsoi -Repairing and Remodeling

BARMITZVAH The BarTtfitzvah of Edward Stein will be soiemnized Saturday.morning, November 5, at 9 o'clock at the B'nai Jacob synagogue. Twenty-fourth and Nicholas. ATTEND HOMECOMING Among those who attended the Iowa University homecoming at Iowa City as the guests of IPhi Epsilon. JPi were Marian Scharf, Leonard Krasne and Seymour Cohn of Gouhcil Bluffs; and Naomi Bordy and L. .Gordon Gross of Omaha. ! PERSONALS Miss Sara Whitman left Saturday »morning for a two weeks' visit in tChicago with her sister. Prompt Service . . . . . . . . Reasonable Prices


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BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bldg. 306 No. 16th

CALL Eulakofsky getting their quota of this cotton. The cotton is milled already and is sent in here ready to be sewed into garments. All .who wish to volunteer for sewing are asked to call at the Red Cross office or communicate with any of the committee heads. The Jewish Women's Welfare Federation will do the sewing of the quota for their organization a t the

About Your



of Nebraska Women

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Try a Bag Today

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KE. 3626

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Sunkist FLOUR . . . It stretches up and down and around — molding y o u r hips into sleek, panther-1 i k e lines.

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pining is a vital factor in our daily routine. Be sure you do not dull the pleasure of your meal time . . - . come to the Jack and Jill, morning, noon or n i g h t . . . you will find discriminating people there . . . individuals who dine in enjoyment. The Jack and Jill is steadily growing in popularity because it is famed for its soothing environment . . . for^its delicious foods at reasonable prices W-. for its palatable dishes tastily served.

3 for ..„„....._. ._.:.....25c

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2500 ROOMS $3.00 uf


Snider's Country Gentleman Corn

DRIED PEACHES, large Bize, lb.








Whole Kernel Corn



Ha 5000



.. 32c

ORANGES, Sunkist, med. size, dozen, 17y2c; 3 dozen. 50c GRAPEFRUIT, Texas Seedless, each 7%c APPLES, Fancy Jonathans, bushel $1.19 COOKING APPLES, 5 lbs. for „ 19c

FRESH MUSHROOMS, ?ery choice, lb. carton, 19c


Chas. R. Docherty Commercial Artists Photo Engravers

Des Moines $2.00 Denver $7.50 Detroit $7.00 Los Angeles $20.00

Jewish Boarding Home


Lump $7.00 N u t . . $6.50


The Jewish National Workers Alliance will hold . its first literary meeting on Sunday, October SO, at 8:30 p. m. at the borne of Mr. J. Feldman, 2424 Burt street. Mr. H. Bondarin will lecture on an important subject. Refreshments wanted for the care of an infant. will be served. All members are re- Jewish Press, Box M-3. quested to come. Non-members who are interested will be welcome.

We Pay Cash for Old Furs


M. Waldman, Jewish instructor, who spoke last Sunday at the I. W. 0. hall, 1314 No. 24, on "Why We Need a Jewish School for the Workers' Children" will speak this Sunday at 3:30 on "Is Religion Detrimental to Human Progress?"

Candle lighting time—tonight, October 28—at 4:45 p. m.

1805 North 24th St.


COKE Bert On*>

To Speak

Conservative Synagogue

BUT THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in fbe Long Run

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newberg announce,, the birth of a son on October 16 at the Covenant hospital.

At the services of the Conservative synagogue tonight, Rabbi David R. Goldstein .will give the first of a series of lectures on "Great Men Who Have Made Jewish History." The opening sermon will be about Theodor HerzlServices will start at 8 p. m.

Jewish Community Center. As many "volunteers as possible are desired, •and the women .wishing to enlist their services may sew at the Community Center or any day at the Paxton Block/ Included on the committee for. gen; ._ Temple Israel eral arrangements are Mrs. Morton This Sabbath will be Girl Scout Degen and Mrs. Henry Rosenfeld. Sabbath a t Temple Israel. Rabbi They. will be in charge of the sew7- Frederick Cohn will deliver a sering rooms at the Paxton Block each mon on "Jewish Heroines as Illus^Wednesday. -The quarters will be trating Girl Scout Ideals." Services open" from 9; "a.-'m. to 4 p. m. tonight will start at 8 p. m. • -Mrs. _Ernie"Nogg will have charge of the telephoning. Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn will The Red Cross had also distributed flour to about fifteen million speak at 10:30 a. m. on "Creativepeople. Omaha received its share, ness. having obtained two shipments. The space being used by the Red Kaddish will be recited this SabCross in the Paxton Block has been bath for Isidor Levy. donated by the H. A. Wolf Co.

CHICAGO $ "built around the Morrison .'•' Everything worthwhile is nearby—theatres, shops, offices and railroad stations. Attractive guest rooms—oil outside with bath, Servidor, circulating ice-watei ond bedhead reading temp. Automatic garage facilities. Special floor for ladies. A great hotel in a great city. LEONARD HICKS Managing Director

EL Madison and Clark Streets


WHITE KING Granulated SOAP Large Pkg.

35c WHITE KING Toflet Soap Per Cake



A Delightful Toilet Soap Made From Pure Vegetable and Nut Oils



mam A "WHALE" OF A PULPIT—If this pretty young lady were inclined to preach a sermon, she could have found no more striking pulpit than the platform she .has selected. She is standing upon a whale skull found at Fort Barrow, Alaska, by J. A. Ford, of Clinton, Mass., and sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Wash^ i n g t o n .

i >


*-<>* ^SK >

OOO! ARE YOU SCARED?—Nancy Flint, of Cleveland, prepares her pumpkin head for Hallowe'en.

TEEE PLANTED IN PENN'S HONOR—Jane Addams, president of the Women's International League of Peace, is shown planting a scarlet oak tree in'honor of William Penn, during Founders' Day exercises at Swarthmore college, Philadelphia. President Frank Adyleotte, of Swarthmore, is seen looking on.

WED 71 YEARS—The Rev. George Burgoyne Ely, 92, and Mrs. Ely, 91, of Clyde, Tex., celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary in nearby Abilene and look forward hopefully to their diamond (75th) •wedding anniversary. Their living descendants number 126, inCluding five generations. They have four daughters and two sons, the youngest of whom is 51 and the oldest 69.

HER FAVORITE CO-STAR!—Esther Ralston, "Golden Girl" of the screen, is pictured with her year-old daughter, Mary, at their home in Sheffield, England. The actress, who J»as been making stage appearances in London, hurries home after each performance to join her favorite co-star.|

PRINCESS GOES A-HUNTING—Princess Xenia, former wife of WilUam B. Leeds, Jr., heir to the tin plate fortune, goes a-hunting with the Meadow Brook hunt pack near New York.

. ^> v **;


'.-fell ! "SANCTUARY OF SUN" YIELDS MYSTERIES—Dr. Edgar Lee Ilewitt, head of the new department of archaeology at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, tells of life of a vanished civilization disclosed by his excavations at Chetro Ketl, New Mexico. This view shows the excavated portion of Chetro Ketl, in Chaco canyon, the arrow pointing to the "sun temple", 70 feet in diameter and apparently built by masons more skilled than those of ancient Babylon and Ninevich. At right is 45-foot high rear wall of the pueblo, five stories high and once containing 1,200 room*

PLANE BEING USED IN MYSTERIOUS FLIGHT- -This huge flying boat, "Windward III", owned by Mrs. J. J. James, British widow who is reputed to be a millionaire, is pictured at Southampton, England, %waiting a mysterious uncharted flight.

NEWEST U. S. CRUISER OiTSPEED TEIALS—The U. S..& Indianapolis, newest 10,000-ton cruiser, costing $11,000,000,* to. shown on speed trials off Rockland, Me.

f»AGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1932 either side liked the intermarriage self-supporting. The Daughters of 9 p. m.—party and dance and the it has unusual corrective and Physical Education for and boycotted it. ^ | Ladies' Labor Lyceum Zion have already raised §1,500. Kurtz dancing studio. remedial values, with its reaching These are Each well known factjs Recently the organization raised Department upward and its jumping, as well as Miss Lee Shames is general The Ladies Labor Lyceum will that it is hard to see how the novel- give a concert and package party $150 from donations for trees to bechairman and is being assisted by being a Wholesome giver of fun and Pre-Season Leagues ist, Bret Harte, could have written at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and planted in a small forest in Pales- Dorothy Kaplan and Sylvia RotkoBy DAVID SCHWARTZ The preliminary details of organi- relaxation. o Ellis what he did. In fact, if Clark, on November 6. Admission is tine. The group also takes care of vitz. Chairmen of other committees zation were completed at the manaHealth Club the distribution and collection of are Sophie Jacobson, dating; Doro- gers' meeting held Monday and the Harte did not know his father was 15 cents, and all are invited. HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN Nineteen of our most prominent National Fund boxes. This is cared ewish, a glanee in the mirror must thy Kaplan, decorations; Jesse Na- first games will be played Tuesday business and professional You recollect the Gilbert and Sul- ave revealed the Jewish blood to men attendfor by a committee composed of than, refreshments; and Sylvia Rot- at 8:30 p. m. Spectators are invited ed class Tuesday noon. The growth livan piece which runs to-wit: Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, treasurer, and him very quickly. For his physiogDaughters of Zion Mrs. M. Arbitman, chairman. kovitz, housing. to witness the play of the league of the class to such numbers is a He might have been a Eoos-ian, nomy was decidedly Jewish, as many teams, gratis. The pledges to be initiated are splendid indication of the practicalFrench, Turk or Proqs-ian A dance, card party and bazaar, Jesse Nathan, Sarah Foreman, and of his friends truthfully told him.; An open meeting of the DaughIndications read that the leagues ity of our men. They realize they Or an Itali-an; a luncheon, and several card parties ters of Zion will be held at the J. I cant understand the letter of Margery Wishnow. this year will bring basketball at the can be much more efficient in their But despite all the temptation Harte's a t all except on the supposi- C. C. Wednesday, November 2, at has helped raise funds the past Center to a height never reached be- work day after day if they tone up To belong to other nations tion that Harte when he said his fa- which Rabbi Goldstein will speak year. Their annual rummage sale is fore. Come, and be a part of it, their physical organism. He remains an Englishman. now being held at 311 No. 16 street her was English, was possibly rje- about his trip and tell of the work whether a gym member, player or A. Z. A. 1 A brilliant mind in an ailing body erring to his having been of Eng- being accomplished by funds such Mrs. S. Temin and Mrs. A. GreenBRET HARTE'S ANCESTRY fan. berg are co-chairmen. does not lend itself to success. as are being raised by the Daughlish-Jewish stock. The words came back to me as I Handball Officers of the group are MTS. A varied program was presented ters of Zion. All members are urged was reading in one of the Hearst pa- SCHWARTZ FOR The entry list in the pre-season at a joint open meeting of the A. Political Advertisement M. Braude, president; Mrs. A. to attend and to bring their friends. pers a little sketch by Havelock Ellis singles handball tournament has Z. A. 1 and B'nai Brith lodge Shafton, first vice-president; Mrs. PRESIDENT The work being accomplished in on Heredity, in which Ellis writes swelled to 36 entries and undoubtedThursday at the Center. The,more I read some of the utter- Palestine •with funds raised by theS. Fellman, second vicepresident; that Bret Harte wrote to him, in ly more will enter. The play starts RE-ELECT Mrs. L. Friedman, recording secreHarry "Weinberg spoke for the answer to a query of his, that on ances of some of the presidential local organization represents the tary; Mrs. M. Linda, financial sec- youths, and was answered for theMonday, November 7. Hurry along faithful raising of $1,000 annually l i s mother's side he, Harte, was of candidates, the more I am disposed retary; Mrs. J. Goldware, treasurer. men by Isadore Abramson. Awards and indicate your intentions. Dutch ancestry, while on his pater- to throw all caution to the winds and by this group. They bought a large won by the chapter during the year Volley Ball Popular tract of land in Beth Hakerem, at nal side he was English. That is, to announce my own candidacy for preswere presented, including a trophy For a gym class game, volley ball a price of $3,000. On this land was ident. the best of his knowledge. Junior Society for second place in the international is a very popular sport. The matron built a teachers' college and boardIf I could only get a good name ing school. Which is a very remarkable statebest-chapter contest. The Judas and business girls' classes are simply The Junior Society will hold their Maccabeus degree ritual •was given. begging to play it. The Health club ment for Bret Harte to have made. for a party to run on. The name At present they have undertaken His father might have been an Eng- is very important. You remember to raise $5,000 for a water instal- first annual Chanukah dance on De- A committee headed by Art Weiner group have their fun passing, spiklishman, as the verse goes, but hethe old-time Whigs had pretty m^ lation in a new colony, where it is cember 25 at the Fontenelle hotel. arranged plans for the open meet- ing and kidding. This game will be •was actually a Jew. And Bret Harte the same principles as the present- hoped that fifty families will become Elaborate plans are well under way. ing. taught and developed in our gym, Miss Janet Levinson is chairman of certainly knew it. He himself used time Eepublicans, but that na A joint meeting of the three to tell of his being taken by his fa- Whig proved a liability. When they Socialists would agree with him. But the affair. Political Advertisement chapters here and in Council Bluffs ther to the New York Stock Ex- changed it to Eepublican it was an I am presumptuous enough to queswill be called shortly to lay plans At a meeting at the home of Miss for the international convention next change to see his grandfather, Ber- entirely different story. And I imag- tion it nevertheless. Ann Greenberg Monday evening, year. The basket ball team is roundnard Hart, a leading Jew of New ine that nothing hurts the Socialist A Vote for Indeed I think one might build up York City and secretary, I believe party so much as its name. The old- a pretty good case that the reason the Junior Society of the Conserva- ing into shape under the tutelage of of the Stock Exchange at the time time Populist party was not so vfery the depressions of former years of tive Synagogue definitely set No-Johnny Rosenblatt. And he, of course, must have much less radical than the present 1873 and 1893 and of 1907 were less vember 14 as the date for a dinner known, as all his associates knew, Socialist party, but the name Popu- protracted than the present was that to be held at the Jewish Communithat the marriage of his father and list did not conjure up the specrtre there was a constant and huge flow ty Center. The pictures taken in JUDGE ARTHUR C A New Product mother had given great displeasure of free love, atheism, bloody marches of immimgration into the country at Palestine by Rabbi and Mrs. avid A. Goldstein will be shown. An in- Maney Milling company has introto the families on both sides. His and all the rest that the tag of So- the time. Christian mother's folks wanted to cialism somehow conjures up in the When hundreds of thousands of im- teresting evening is being planned. duced a new product to Omaha durthrow their Jewish son-in-law out, mind of the average dweller on migrants come in, they need clothes. ing the past week which is grood news and his Jewish father's home threw Main street. to housewives. It is the new Sunkist That gives the tailors work. They Iota Tau their Christian daughter-in-law out HOOVER ON IMMIGRATION need homes to live in. That gives biscuit flour, from which biscuits can for be made in only a few minutes. The carpenters, painters, contractors, lumBorn in Nebraska: oge 4C. Sec. A convention of the Alpha chapBut to return, one of the reasons ber dealers and lawyers work. It Political Advertisement Lieut. Balloon Division, Avintion ter of Sioux City and the Phi chap- recipe is to add milk or water, nothsection, 1917-16. Nineteen years that makes me want to run for the practice. Five years Instructor railroads work. It gives He- ter of Omaha will be held Saturday ing else. presidency at this belated hour was gives in law. University of Omnha. brew teachers work. It gives rabbis and Sunday, October 29 and 30. "We want to call to the attention Now Dean of Law school. Presthe recent speech of Mr. Hoover in and doctors work. ent Presiding Judge of District They need to eat The schedule is as follows: of the Jewish people of Omaha that Means a vote for lower Cleveland. Mr. Hoover, in telling and that helps farmers. Carirt. Saturday, 9 p. m.—initiation par- the Sunkist biscuit flour is absolutely taxes and a fair deal for Enquire of nnj lawyer in this what his administration did to predistrict regarding JuOpe Tlioinserve prosperity, pointed to the re- But Mr. Hoover would say: These ty and midnight lunch at Black- kosher," said Earl Schafer of the Marich and poor alike. sen's temperament oud reputation for fair dealing. duction in immigration, achieved by 400,000 people that would have come stone Hotel; Sunday, 9 a. m. to 12 ney Milling company. "We guarannoon—business session; 12 to 2, tee the biscuit flour to be satisfachis administration. Said Mr. Hoove: in have no money. And I answer: "My dear Herb, luncheon; 2 to 6, bridge and tea;tory in every way." at Cleveland: no immigrants of any consequential Political Advertisement Political Advertisement "Had the net immigration taken numbers that ever came in brought Political Advertisement Political Advertisement place, which took place two years any money with them. In fact, the previous, we would have had 400,000 poorest, the most proletarian of all jobs taken from our people or hadimmigrants were the earliest colonial In His Fight for just that many persons added to our immigrants. All men start out empLower Taxes unemployed. That might have been tyhanded. The wealth is in the natworse." DISTRICT JUDGE ural resources of the country. That Congressman Baldridge belongs Now in the first place, the immi- is, the raw material is in the natural to the Congress Economy Bloc gration laws were pretty tight long resources. And the labor working on Douglas, Washington and Burt and has kept up an unceasing before Mr. Hoover came to the White this raw material produces the fight against Treasury raids. Counties He said in Congress, "We must House. Immigration was virtually wealth. balance the budget by cutting completely restricted to a small quota Has Served this District 24 Years the expenditures instead of by from the so-called Nordic countries. Political Advertisement raising taxes. The men who CANDIDATE FOR Moreover, I doubt very much if can lead this Congress along RE-ELECTION any additional tightening of the imthese lines will be a savior of the country." " -,---,— ~-^—-, migration screws by Mr. Hoover acNON-POLITICAL BALLOT counted for the subsequent decrease. Congressman Baldridge voted For the fact is that for the past for every constructive measure couple of years more immigrants Republican Candidate for Political Advertisement Political AdTertiBement in Congress and helped to de- have been trying to get out of the feat extravagant legislation. country, as any shipping company If you favor government econ•will tell you, than to come in. RE-ELECT omy and lower taxes vote for IMMIGRANTS HELP Congressman "Mac" Baldridge.

By the Way

Edward R.


THONSEN District Judge










Herbert Rhoades

And then again I just wonder if the effect of 400,000 coming in would be altogether so adverse as Mr. Hoover suspects. I know that most people—most Democrats, probably mos1. Non-Partisan Ballot








ALL of the lawyers of Washington, Burt and Douglas counties were given an opportunity to express their opinion and indicate their choice for NINE of the eighteen candidates, for Judge of the District Court.

NECESSITY! Summer "time is not the only time you need electric refrigeration! You need it the year 'round. W h y ? Because foods won't stay fresh and sweet unless they are kept in temperature always t>elow 50 degrees . .<, and you can't depend upon the weather to keep your foods fresh. Investigate your refrigeration needs today.


Now Presiding Judge of Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court.


Douglas, Washington and Burt Counties


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The result showed a decided preference for NINE CANDIDATES and the lawyers axe recommending these NINE C A N D I D A T E S as men QTTAT.lfc'l >''.!) T O SERVE AS JUDGES. recommendation


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'A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve" si'

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Attorney General ' A man whose public as well as private life has been one of genuine tolerance and sympathy. A public servant whose every act has been marked by courage and fearlessness. A law enforcement officer whose work has been stamped with a fairness in the enforcement of all laws. An attorney general to whose office all men, regardless of station in life, have come and received deserved consideration. A public official to whose office there are no underground tunnels for the favored few.


Comity Commissioner We give our endorsement of Harry G. Counsman, who is seeking re-election as county commissioner. Mr. Counsman has been a public servant for the past 18 years and is known for his honesty and efficiency. He was the one who introduced the motion that Douglas County taxes should be relieved by a flat 15 per cent reduction, and he has always zealously guarded the interests of the homeowners. On the basis of bis splendid record, we feel that he should be returned to office. Abner Morris Levey Joe L. Wolf

Dr. Philip Levey PhSBp Klutznick M. H. iJreenberg StaneJy E. Levin

For Such a Faithful Service We Believe Hon. C. A. Sorensen Deserves the Support of Our Community Hairy Monsky JoeL-Wolf Sam Josephson AI Mayer Harry Marcus M. L. Cohen L F. Goodman Ben Glazer Robert Glazer Abner Kaiman A. H. Brodkey

J. M. Resnick Sam Beber J. J. Greenberg MaxM. Barish Morris Milder Harry Sttverman Sam N. Wolf Isadore Abramson Dr. M. I. Gordon Leo Rosenthal

Milton Abrahams Nathan & Yaffe Harry Trustin M. F. Levenson William Grodinsky Irvin Stalmastcr Dr Morris Margolin David Goldman Manning Handler Dave Cohen Dr. A. Greenberg


Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent S-O-

Rabbi to Address B'nai Brith Meeting Eabbi H. E, Rafainowitz will address the members of the B'nai Brith Lodge at their regular bi-monthly meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday evening, November 1. The subject of his address will be "A Bird's Eye View of Palestine',' and he will discuss conditions of the land as he saw them during his stay there this summer. Mr. Morey Lipshutz, president of the lodge, will preside at the; meeting-

Hadassah The first meeting of the season of the Senior Hadassah Chapter held Tuesday afternoon, was attended by over 180 women. The /meeting- was . preceded, by a luncheon, served in the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. R. H. Emlein, newly elected president, presided at the luncheon and meeting. The principle address of the afternoon was made by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, who spoke on the work of the Hadassah in Palestine, and told of the conditions there. Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis offered the invocation. Miss Elsie Shulman sang1 several solos. She was, occompanied at the piano by Miss Ser-: reta Krigsten. Plans were announced by Mrs. Emlein, for the "Give or Get Luncheon" which will be held next spring. Many members pledged to raise or donate a certain sum before that meeting.

Pioneer Women Plans for a Raffle, to be sponsored by the Club, were discussed by members - of.; the : Pioneer Women's Club at their meeting held last week. A pure wool bblanket will be raffled o f f .









The members who are participating in the ticket sale include Mrs. M. Janowitch, Mrs. L. Weirier, Mrs. A. Rosenthal, Mrs. I. Lubman, Mrs. S. Ratner, Mrs. M. Dishlip; Mrs. A, Slutsky, Mrs. J. Kanofsky, Mrs. M. A. Levich, Mrs. J. Sirken, Mrs. M. Manaker, Mrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. N. Sadoff, Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. M. Dervin, rs.' J. Goichow, Mrs. Dave Sperling, Mrs. Nate Widesky, Mrs. Morris. Sperling, Mrs. Sam Sperling, arid Mrs. • M. Leaff.

A, Z. A. . "The Jews of German" was the subject | of the discussion at -the cultural meeting of the A. Z^ A. Chapter, held Wednesday evening in the Community Center. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis led the discussion. The members in charge of the meeting were, Archie Kantor, Sam Janowitz, and Ed'Miller. ; : . , : : ' Plans for the A. Z: A., play "The Nest? were discussed- at-the- business meeting, and a report was given by Morris Borshevsky,: chairman of the arrangements.

Ticket Sale for "Welcome Stranger" ,

Mount Sinai Temple This evening, at the regular Friday night Service, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will speak on "Duties of Citizenship." 5 ^ Sunday evening, Rabbi Lewis will address the congregation of the Methodist Church at Onawa, Iowa, at the invitation of the minister of the church. Children are still being registered for the Religious School which holds its ; sessions every Sunday morning at 9:30. "

Formal initiation of newly elected members, was held at the meeting of the Y. A. VT. Club: on Tuesday evening. Those (initiated into the/club include Jack Merlin, Isadoie Shindler, Sophie Franklin, Betty Fineberg, Sam .Janowitz, Lee Herman, Perry Osnowite, Dorothy Gelson, Judith Fineberg, Morris Leobowitz, Rose Rozofsky, and Joe Janowitz. Mr. Lester Davidson is the advisor of the club.

at their meeting, last Saturday eve- hospital the first part of next week. ning. The members .will- attend,-a. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the TalHalloween" party at the home of mud Torah Society will hold;a reguMisa Frances Kalin. lar meeting next Wednesday afteri ME. and Mrs. Henry Eoder of nopn, No.vember 2, at tha synagogue, ;LostAngeies,: are guests at the home 6lg Mynster street. Plans will be •of Mr. and Mrs; A. B. .Friedman. made for a rummage sale, to be held some time next month. Ben Marx, and Morris Ruben visited; with friends. in Ofliaha, last : Mr. and Mrs;, O..Hochman are do7 Sunday. : nating va "Sofer Torah" to the Chevra ; B'nai Yisroel ^synagogue. The presMiss Sally Goss of;_Maspn 'jentktion will'take; place at a Chai s a; guest at the home of her nukah celebration^ at the synagogue, ; tjer,;Mrs. John Levin.'. which" will be. held on Sunday, December 25. Further plans will be Among, those who will attend the announced in the near future. Homecoming of the University. of ;Mirinesota,;are Fanny iCohen, Eubea ^.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gotsdiner enCohen1 and"" ABe Strongin. .7 '•• tertained the members of their Sunday Nite Bridge club at their home at Miss Hazel Zavitt of Omaha, vis- 2641 Avenue D, Sunday evening. ited "with friends in Sioux City this week. Abe Saltzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman, and Lea Noggjj son of The " Misses Berriice Goldsteini Mr. and Mrs< M^?NjJgg, wfeo were inDorothy Friedman, - a n d " Louise jured in an auto accident last ThursHerzoff visited with friends in day at Chariton, Iowa,, have returned Omaha over the week end. to their home, where they are now convalescing^?. M t ; • • Miss Sarah Woskoff visited with friends in Omaha last week. Miss Marion Rocklin, Miss Ruth Falk, and Isadore Rocklin were among those who attended the Iowa Homecoming day at Iowa City.

LAW OFFICES OF ST41M.ASTEK * BEBEK G50 Omaha National Bank B!dg-, Omaha. NOTICE OF IXCOBPOBATIOJf- OF INSURANCE INVESTORS SYNDICATE. Notice Is -hereby given that the undersigned hare associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation to be known as Insurance Investors Syndicate. The >rtsclpftl: ;• place of- business shall be Omaha, ^Nebr^ska. The general nature of the business to be transacted and- the purpose for whRh this corporatioji"is,eBtabJishcd'-are,as follow^: To own and hoid the jBtock ond securities of insiirarce companies and -other' companies; to organize,-purchase, lease and/or manage insurance companies; to act ns general or special agent for -Insurance companies; to adjust and .appraise losses; to act as agent, broker or trustee for any person, organization* or' corporation; to contract and . transact- business vrtth its incorporators. stockholders, directors and officers the satneJuB with anyone else; to own, lease' and/or manage buildings or property.of every kind; to lend and invest moneys on its own account or as agent or trustee of others, and to secure such loans by mortgaging or pledging its own property or otherwise; to purchase or sell securties or property of any description; to transact a general Insurance, loan, real csstate, investment 'and Insurance brokerage business; to carry out- all or any part of the foregoing'objects: AS principal, factor, broker, agent, contractor or otherwise, either alone or in connection with another or others; to do any and nil things incidental to any of .the. afore mentioned powers, it being expressly provided thnt the ' enumeration of specific objects and powers herein shall hot limit or restrict in any manner the general powers of this corporation. The authorized capital stock shall bo Twenty-Five. Thousand Dollars. All stock shall be common and of the par value of $10.00' per share. Said stock may be paid for In cash or in any other manner agreeable to the Board of Directors and said stock shall be nonassessable. The corporation ' shall commence l>osiness upon the. filing. of its articles With; the County Clerk of Douglas County. Kebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from date unless sooner dissolved by act of stockholders. The highest an\onnt of indebtedness, of said corporation shall never exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but this restriprlijn shall not apply to' any indebtedness. Secured by lien upon any of the corporate property. The affairs of this corporation shall:"be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than three stockholders. 'The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the second Monday, of each year at which meeting the. stockholders shall else t a Board of Directors and on the same' day, tha Board of Directors shall hold, its annnal meeting and nt that time, the nunnnl election of officers shall be held. The jofficers of this corporation shall be president, vice-president, secretary .arid treasurer. They shall hold office for a term of one year or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. All assets of the corporation Tnay be sold or transferred•;by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of nil outstanding stock at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders.. These articles may be amended nt any regular or special meeting of the stockholdcrB upon the affirmative rote of two-thirds of all outstanding stock.

Miss Sonia Rich entertained a group of" friends last Sunday "evening, honoring Miss .Ruth Wigodsky, The Achcdus Club, which, trans- on the occasion of her birthday. lated from the Hebrew, means harmony, elected Miss Pearl Elkin as president at its first meeting held Wednesday evening at the Center. Miss Edith Feinberg was elected secretary, and Miss Lucille ApBY F.iLtt. pelang, treasurer. The club: will give a Halloween party Saturday, OctoThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah bber 29, at the home of one of the Sunday School will reopen its regular members. Sunday School classes next Sunday morning, October 30, at 10 o'clock at . The members of the Epsilon Phi the Crevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue, Sorority and their guests will at- 618 Mynster street. There has been tend a Halloween treasure hunt, no Sunday School classes for the past Sunday evening, October 30. Those month, due to the holidays. All eliin charge of the arrangements in- gible children are urged to be presclude "the ' Misses Goldie Cohen, ent Sunday morning. Rhoda Wolf son, Fanny Cohen, and Hannah Sperling. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Society will celebrate its eighteenth The Girl Scout Troop will meet anniversary on Monday evening, NoSunday afternoon, October 30, at vember 7, commencing at 8 o'clock. 3 o'clock in the Center, under the An appropriate and entertaining proleadership of Miss Frances Emlein gram is being arranged and will be arid. Miss Sarah Golder. Girls over followed by a banquet. This affair 10 years of age, interested in scout- is open to the entire Council Bluffs ing are invited to attend the meet- Jewry and everyone is urged to plan ing. . to attend. The new officers of the Talmud Torah society, who were The Brownie. Pack will meet Sun- elected last Wednesday evening, are: day afternoon, with Miss Mildred President, Dave Fox; vice president, -Baron and Miss ena Baron, in the Dr. Isaac Sternhill; secretary, O. Center. Hochman; treasurer, Sam Rosenthal, and other members of the board of education, beside?: the_ officers, include Messrs. Sam Mey-erson, J. Rodin, A. Diamond," Louis; H. Katelman, Harry A number of young people will Cherniss, S. Shyieri, lG. Whitebpok, spend Saturday and: Sunday in M. Hoffman arid i Sam Steinberg. ' Omaha, attending -the convention A special meeting of the board meeting. of_ the, Omaha and Sioux members will be held next Sunday City chapters of the Iota Tau Sor- morning, October 30, at 11 o'clock at ority. Plans have been made by the the synagogue to complete plans for Omaha group, for a number of en- the program to be given November 7 tertaining social affairs during the at the synagogue. two days. „ Among the members of local Mr. and Mrs. Ben'Passer announce chapter who will attend, are Ber- the birth of a son, born Monday, Ocnice Liberman, eborah Silver, Ruth tober 17,' at the Clarkson hospital in IN WITNBSS WHEREOF.- the parties White, Roma Wigodsky, and Sally Omaha. Mrs. Passer is the former hereto have hereunto set their hands this 10th day of October,'1932. % Holpern. EUGENE WOWE'i Miss Eva Hurwich of Omaha. Mrs.

Council Bluffs


Society Ne<tus

"Baruch—or Benedictus —- SpinoMiss Tillie Shindler was hostess za," is the subject of. Rabbi H. R. to : the- Alpha. Chi. Gamma Sorority Eabinowitz' sermon, this evening. The service, which will begin at 8 o'clock,,is the first late Friday evening service of the season. The sermon will commemorate the Three Hundredth Anniversary of the Birthday . of Spinoza. Cantor A. TAKEN AS DOWN Pliskin will chant the ritual. The c Junior ^Congregation will meet in the. ;Synagogue Saturday morning,'• g, : : ipctoher;'.29,. p ; . , at ,, 10:45 ATTRACTIVE h Religious Rlii h o'clock. Thej ; School-^ resume its sessions*pni Sunday morning, October; 30, at40ip??lock.

h' P H?bFri6ti««l"'tbiit n .petition: .hnsbven flW in said Conrt alleging *h»t said .dell rnj ceaseddied len,v*n* < n( *I lnst ''3f« JL?tI* p .ind i his.tatnte,




.1 "•'.'.' -


Mrs;/ Nettie Harding, STrye^rs: Old, passed' away. Saturday night, at home at 20i South-Tehtti strtet. JShtt is surriye^-vby Ihst: husband,; t>ou?a, ;K. Harding; * one* daughter, tedna'j and one son, Albert. Funeral services were" held Monday afternoon' at 2 o'clock at the family residence. Burial took place "at the Golden Hill cemetery in Omaha. The Council Bluffs Hebrew- School will form a new class for beginners commencing1 next Tuesday .afternoon, November 1. Any child who" wishes to register for,this class should see Mr. J. Z. Stadlan at the synagogue between the Kour^'of "4 ;and 7; o'clock next Tuesday afternoon^ Dr. and Mrs. Isaac- Sternhill entertained the members of their Eyening Bridge yclub at^ttfeir (home at 228 Frank street Tuesday evening. Nathan Gilinsky is expected home today from Des Moines, Iowa, where he spent this week on business. The Junior Congregation will hold Sabbath services at the synagogue each Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, and on Saturday mornings at 9 o'clock. All children are invited to attend.

UniisxMy Good Values

New winter Hats Headliners in Their Oww Smart Class! INE hats make fine costumes. Our fine hats do so . . . F for a mere $51 YouTl want a flattering brim . . . and a snug little turban. You'll want a f e l t . , . and a soft wooL You'll want a tailored h a t . . . and a brilliant one. Why not . . . at $5? SECOND FLOOR

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby and Mr. and Mrs. Ben ;Kubby returned home Wednesday from Los Angeles, Calif., where they spent the past three weeks. They made the trip by motor.


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Goodyear Radio Program


I'uba #1.14



Door3 enameled like ' beautiful* green marble, ,with old - ivory • trim. Ample baking apace for family of tern- Roomy u-t e ii a 11 compartment . and autpmatic lighter. All pipes' and valves concealed. A reaJ buy at $39.75 and your aid



Your Dealer H a s Bargains, T o o ! - .

". ;•

All other ranges on ear floors alto reduced In price.


17th and Capitol Ave. OMAHA. NEBR.




GAS RANGE stove.

thereof. lO.38-32.3t

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Tub* 91*


' \ In'l^iiitirtPr."».?.$?.K?H^


Hats "Go to


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Shaare Zion Synagogue

Ol GtOTet> K



O. T. DOKRlt The Annual - Halloween party of Passer and son,'who has been named '. • ' - Incorpomtots. the Debra*. Club will -be given .to- Jerry, are expected home from the In the Presence of Joseph B iTradenbur 10-14-32-4t • night- at the home of Miss Jennie Shindler, 1934 McDonald Avenue. The house will-be lavishly decorated with Halloween appointments.. Dancing, games, and refreshments will be included in the evening's entertainments -The main event of,- the evening is being.- kept secret, until the guests assemble.. .J.'- ' i - The committee in charge-of. the arrangements - are the Misses .Jeanne Montrose, k Gisela Pill, Dorothy Gel? son, and Jennie Shindler. [

Tickets for "Welcome Stranger" •which have been purchased from the ticket. committee of Shaare .Zion Ladies Auxiliary, may be exchanged ,for 'reserved-,.seats,-at the. Box Of-; fice of the : Auditorium on November & andk6. ,.' • • . -% • The Ad.committee for the production ;has completed its work and the program has been printed in book form. Rehearsals under the diMiss, Jessie. Slptsky ;was hostess'..to rection of Mr. Hal Buntley-are being' held every evening. Mrs. S. H. members of the Achdiis Club last Shulkin is in charge of the arrange- Sunday afternoon. Bridge was toh lowed by refreshments. Newly electments for the production. ed members into the club are the Misses Jessie Shiloff, Dorothy TiJevitz, and Esther Wutkin^

l X i i JIONgKT; GltODIJfSKM t <e -\VATSCB'AU<^* y» Bids. > 73" jpmalia 'TnutiotitiljEank i ' ' NOTiCE -OF APMI^ISJXBATIOV l}i< -the Coufity; Court ><}{ iCpuglns County

B e . I« Seldin underwent m tion at the Mercy _ hospital He is expected to; return:to.*lif8:jlw

IMP* B : I s "p B w* ^*' ^ ^ *

5005 south 24*11 $t.

Phone AT. 6427

* •* -

istb and Homey


ilobeVman Cvcs., Proprietors


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