November 25, 1932

Page 1

' In the Interests, of the Jewish People KntenU as Svcoml-Ww b. r . Posl office nt. Omahn, Nenrni, •%_

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism - ou January « . 11)21, at the Act of March 3. 1879

Disciplined Even "hough He Is Hacked

First of Four Outstanding Numbers Wednesday, December 7.

Budapest.—Considerable surprise caused here this week by the disciplinary action taken by the rector of the University of Debreczin against a Jewish student, Bela Herzog, who was beaten by the antiSemites. The rector ordered the Jewish student's credits for a double term withdrawn as punishment "for insulting the Christian students." The alleged insulting remark of the Jew was that "an attack by hundreds of Christian students against one Jew is cowardly."


Establish Nazi BRITISH ATTITUDE Information j ON LEGISLATIVE Bureau ' COUNCIL IS FIRM Wauchope Says Organization of Council in Palestine to Be Started Geneva, <J. T. A.)—The attitude of the British government with *egard to the establishment of a Legislative Council to' Palestine has not changed and steps toward the formation of a Legislative Council will be taken after the new government ordinance with regard to; municipal administrations is carried Out, Sir Arthur Grerifell Wauchope, Palestine High Commissioner informed, the Mandates Commission of the League of Nations. "I am hopeful that a moderate opinion will prevail and that when the proposals for a Legislature are put forward they will be accepted by leaders of both parties," Sir Arthur declared. "The proposals -will necessarily contain definite safeguards so that under no circumstances will the peace and security of the country be endangered or the carrying out of the terms of the Mandate be hampered," the High Commissioner said. Great Britain's last official statement with regard to a Legislative Council was contained in the Passfield White Paper of 1930 which aroused a storm of protest. While Premier MacDonald sent a memorandum to Dr. Chaim. Weizmann, as President, of the Jewsih Agency, which was intended to allay ihe fears of the Jews with regard to Palestine policy, the communication contained to reference to the Legislative Council.

Washington.—(JTA),—A Nazi, information bureau for the purpose of supplying "authentic information" concerning the German National Socialist party has been, established in this city, it was announced here. The bureau is to be under the direction of Kurt G. W. Ludecke, former representative of the Nazis in Rome who has permanently settled in this city. \ In a statement Issued by Mr; Ludecke, he declared that, the information bureau w^ll have a two fold task. It -will function as a news agency for the entire Nazi press in Germany. Further itjwill "supply the American press and Ipublic with authentic information about the character and aims of the National Socialist movement an4 its relation to the Germany of to

Vol. X—No. 43.

etus to Work By Conference THEY SAID . . . . Morris Rothenberg—"In spiritual things there is no depression . , . The Zionist movement did as much for the Jeirs outside of Palestine as for those in Palestine." Dr. Alexander Wolf—"We IXeniists never die . . . we remain eternal." Prof. Gustave Klausner—"Zion will be rebuilt. The future of Palestine is assured, and our youth will greatly aid its rebuilding." Judge Max Baron—"Zionism is progressing with our youth because we have converted an ideal into an idea by at least a partial realization of the Zionistic aim." Harry Friedberg—"The Zionist leaders, like Morris Rothenberg, are the emblem of hope of the Jewish people." Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz—"Palestine is again becoming Eretz YisroeL which is the greatest miracle in Jewish history." Leon Gellman—"We Zionists will not cease being "nudnicks' so long as the Jewish people are homeless." Mendel Fisher—"There is no Substitute for work. Our youth movements and the building up of a nation require unstinting work."

Morris Rothenberg, Zionist President, Honor Guest; Prof* Klausner Is Named Regional Head

The; Jewish. Forum series under Vas auspices of the educational copxnittee of the Jewish Community ^Center will start on Wednesday eve"ufaig, December 7, with a lecture by '•/.fir. A. L. Sachar. A unified administration with a chairman, Jewish National Fund, •The .entire program: • program of consolidation of all Pal- and Barney Baron, chairman of PalWednesday, December 7—Dr. A. f estinian work, the emphasis of estine Economic work. L. Sachar, on " T h e Romance of Zionism among the youth, and a Mrs. M. F. Levenson of Omaha the Rothschilds." call for a re-invigorated movement and Hyman Gordon of Kansas City Wednesday, January 11—Miss among all Jewry for the upbuilding were elected vice-presidents; WilFlorence 'Bernstein, in a concert of of the Jewish National homeland— liam L. Holzman of this city, treasJewish and other folk music these were the high points resulting urer; and A .Goodman of St. Louis, Wednesday, February 8—Rabbi from the deliberations of the ex- associate-treasurer; Sol Goldman of Samuel Wohl of Cincinnati, on traordinary conference on Palestine St. Louis, secretary, and Mendel N. "Jews in Russia Today." held in Omaha last week-end, with Fisher, executive director.. Wednesday, March 8—Nahura Ze- Rise of Nazism Develops Jewish large delegations from ten central mach .founder of the Habimah The following executive commitConsciousness in Gerand southwestern states attending. tee was also elected: Samuel Kranzplayers, in a dramatic recital. many The Jewish forum series was inStormy debates deeply affecting berg, Gus Gillerman, Judge Max augurated a year ago, with the aim the delegates featured the sessions, Baron and Leon Gellman, all of St. New York. — (JTA) — Hitierism of advancing the intellectual proafter a spell-binding address de- Louis, Louis Finkelstein, Lincoln^ Omaha Mentioned as Test Place gram of the Jewish community, and has brought riot only hardship' for livered by Morris Rothenberg, presi- Max Barish, Omaha, Louis Brown, offering an opportunity to become the Jews of Germany but has also for Stern Communal dent of the Zionist Organization of Kansas City; R. H. Emlein, Sioux acquainted with the creative genius accomplished some good -in. that it Ran! America, in which he gave a com- City, Mrs. S. L. Goldman, St. Johas strengthened the consolidation of of the Jewish people. prehensive review of the tremendous seph, and Julius Livingston, Tulsa. Accordingly, the programs ar- German Jewry. This statement was New York.—(JTA)—Serious disMr. Rothenberg, as keynote speakprogress which had been achieved 1 ranged have attempted to bring the made by Lion Feuchtwanger, noted cussion of ways and ! means of more er at the Sunday session, reviewed in the rehabilitation of the Jewish local community in contact with the German Jewish author, in an intereffectively organizing the" Jewish the internal problems of the Zionhomeland. view with a representative of the th community for communal work* on new values beingg created iin the Professor Gustave Klausner of the ist Organization of America. He' Jewish Telegraphic Agency, upon his the Dasis of the plan proposed by University of St. Louis was elect- discussed the political and economic "World of thought, art and music i arrival for his first visit to the Judge Horace Stern; of Philadelphia ed president of the newly-created situation in Palestine and also reDr. Sachar, who will open the United States. -was given at the 26th annual meetconsolidated Central and Southwes- ported on the actual progress acJewish series, is a noted historian Before the rise, of the Hitler ing of the American Jewish comtern division embracing thirteen hieved in Palestine. For an hour writer and lecturer. He is well movement, consciousness of their mittee. states, following the report of the and a half he kept the. delegates known to local audiences, having Jewish origin and affiliation was t t The meeting which re-elected Dr. nomination committee headed by virtually spell-bound as he told spoken at the Philanthropies rally- very slightly developed among many Cyrus Adler, president, discussed at Philip Klutznick of Omaha,, who them of the pioneering efforts that last spring and addressed B'nai German Jews. • Dissatisfaction length Judge Stern's plan which was also general chairman for the are being made by thousands of Brith meetings. London.—Dissatisfaction with the "Never before has German Jewry would make the synagogue the unit conference. William L.. Holzman of Jews who are braving every diffiA professor at the University of been so united and so well organized British policy in connection with land of organization for ^communal underculty in order to create a Jewish this city was honorary chairman. Illinois, Dr. Sachar is director of as it is today," declared the distin- legislation, immigration, protection of takings. life in Palestine that is dedicated the Hillel Foundation. He headed guished author. "For that we may public security; employment of Jews The conference -was* culminated Stern, who is chairman of to the highest aspirations of manseveral'community chest drives and thank the Hitlerite movement. The in public works in Palestine and on theJudge with a communitywide banquet at executive committee of the force; and government con- American is nationally known for his abilities. Hitlerite movement has, however, the police the J. C. C. Sunday evening, it be- kind. Mr. Rothenberg spoke quite p g Jewish committee, outlined t i b i d The entire course. is free to mem- wrought considerable damage to the tributions to education and health his plan before the ineeting. He proing a testimonial to Rothenberg. frankly of the progress that has "Sacrifice of Isaac" at J. C. C. the Jewish bers of the Jewish Community Cen- Jewish position in Germany and pro- work are expressedby Saturday evening a dance and re-, been achieved in the negotiations py ter.' Admission for nonmembers is duced'much suffering in particular Agency for Palestine iin a communi- poses that various communal underTfiisSaturday and Sunday ception was held in honor of the .with the Mandatory Government and takings be paralleled in the synar fifty cents. for the Jews residing in the small cation addressed to the Palestine gogue. visiting delegates. Sessions and while he cautioned the delegates to i provincial 'towns. In those places High Commissioner*, the Jewish Telecommittee meetings were held -all meet the realities of the political As he sees it, hiP. plan -would *e The implications involved in dealing with where the Jewish population is graphic Agency learns. day Sunday. an effective means- of preserving _ the picture produced, "The Sacrifice of small, life was unbearable, and whoGreat Britain, he was quite optiIsaac/' will be presented this Satimportant organizations and elimiFund Goals ever is able to, escapes to the largmistic because of the change that nating the duplications and would urday and Sunday, Nov. 26 and 27, $50,000.00 as the goal for the re- has been made last year in the ader cities. . at the Jewish Community Center unattract the youth. The youth, he asconstruction of Palestine from the "The most distressing aspect of serted, wants its religion in action der the auspices of- the local lodge Jews of the Central and Southwest ministration of Palestine. Mr. Roththe Hitlerite movement is that it has Jerusalem. — (JTA ) — L e w i s infiltrated the youth with antiand is not interested in theology. of the B'nai Brith. The A. Z. A. was accepted by the delegates in de- enberg presented the new scheme that is being sponsored by the French, Palestine land commissioner Semitism, with the result that JewThe executive committee of the chapter will assist. of the depression, following Zionist Organization of America in Mrs. Sol Rosenberg, 61, passed American Jewish committee, it is Saturday evening fee picture wili fiance has resigned as director of the Britthe report given by Samuel Kranzff t th ish government's d e v e l o p m e n t ish school children suffer at the away last Friday at her home, 3858 understood,, will review the Stern be shown continuously from 7:15 to berg of St. Louis, who dramatically winning the Jewish youth for the scheme and his resignation, was ac- hands of their colleagues," lie Charles street. Born in Louisville, plan and will seek some means of 11:30 p. m. Sunday there will be a put it, "no amount of adversity will Zionist cause. His announcement Ky., she had been a resident of more -effectual communal organiza- matinee at 2:30 and a continuous destroy the Jewish will to build a of the call of a national conference pointed. cepted, the Jewish Telegraphic g He believes that the crest of the Omaha for 40 years. iil Agency learns from an official tion, using the Stern plan as the showing from 7:15 to 11:30 in the great Jewish life in Palestine." A of leading Jewish educators from Hitlerite wave of ascendancy has Besides her husband, she is sur- first step toward such an end. all parts of the United States to source. • evening. committee headed by Hyman Gor- deal been broken and that the movement vived by four daughters, Marguerite, with the problem of the Jewto the The official reason given Emphasizing that the Stern plan Adolph Garter, who stars in the g now in a state of recession. Hit- Leah, Gertrude and Harriett; four making the synagogue the unit of presentation, will be here in person don of Kansas City, called upon the ish youth, met with thunderous apA f M Jewish Telegraphic Agency for Mr. is delegates for increased efforts in he holds, did not properly utilize sons, Joe, Arthur, Chester and Je- organization, is only an initial step, and will be presented to the audiFrench's resignation is that his ap- ler, the building up of a great Zionist plause. the offered him at the rome, all of Omaha; four sisters, Morris D. Waldman proposed that ence at each performance. Deliberations pointment as land commissioner was peakopportunities organization and the Conference votof his movement. Adelia and Daisy Stine of Denver, byway of experiment the Stern plan The cast, headed by Mr. Gartner ed as the goal made, first, to settle the displaced Omaha Jews played a prominent for the coming year Feuchtwanger revealed that Mrs. Rodney Loomis of Chicago and be introduced in three cities of vary- and his wife, both eminent Yiddish to obtain 2,500 new members. Arabs, and second to allot the 2,500- theDr.Hitlerites part in the convention deliberations. sought to. stop the Mrs. H. Galen of Portland; two ingg sizes, such as Newark, New Jer- performers, includes a symphony or- The appeal of reclaiming the ancient Harry Freidberg of Kansas City; 000 pound development scheme loan. sale of his book "Success" wherein Since Mr. French himself found the they are attacked, and even threat- brothers, Arthur Stine of Chicago sey, Omaha, Nebraska and some chestra of 100 musicians, an im- land of Israel too found echo at the Professor Gustave Klausner of St. and Jacob Stine of Miami. smaller town with a population of mense choir of 500 voices and such Convention for resolutions were Louis and Dr. Alexander S. Wolf number of displaced Arabs to be ened to kill him. It was exactly forty years ago— threell to four thousand. very small and there is no money noted Yiddish actors as Eddie Fried- adopted calling upon the Jewry of were permanent chairmen of the whether he was a Zionist, also on Sunday, November 20, that Mr. Waldman stressed that the lander, S. Gertensans, F. Adler, Sam tiiis section to raise $20,000.00 for convention with Mrs. M. F. Levenavailable at present for the loan, Mr. Dr.Asked Feuchtwanger replied that he Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg were mar- biological law of diversification ap- Gerier, Dave Yonover and Max Fried- the Jewish National Fund in perFrench cannot carry out the duties son, Omaha, Rabbi H. R. Rabinand that he ried. Monday would have been her plies to social organizations as well for which he was appointed. Hence is a "cultural Zionist"established lander. petuity for the whole people. owitz, Sioux City, Samuel Kranzd in i to see would like sixty-first birthday. as to human beings. Uniformity, he hi3 resignation. berg, Mrs. A. Blotcky, Des Moines, A total cast of 10,000 people make Palestine a cultural Jewish center. Services were held from the home asserted, is impossible, not only b? A solemn note to the conference "I hold that the Hebrew University Sunday afternoon, with Rabbi Fred- cause of reasons of personalities and "The Sacrifice of Isaac" a unique was sounded at the opening session and Rabbi Harry Jolt, Lincoln, vice chairman, and Judah Wolfson, Omain Jerusalem marks an excellent be- erick Cohn officiating. Burial was in methodology but owning to more spectacle. Basketball Team when Sam Beber, president of Dis- ha, Louis Brown, Kansas City, and ginning toward that end." The show is given.proper atmosthe Golden Hill cemetery. fundamental factors. Co-operation trict Grand Lodge No. 6 of the Captains Selected phere by the impressive mass se- B'nai' Brith, paid tribute to Harry Dr. O. S. Belzer, Omaha, as secrealone is possible. Mr. Waldman stated that the plan quences, the accuracy of period cos- H. Lapidus, while the delegates were taries for Hebrew, English and Phil Gerelick, guard, former Uniof Judge Stern offers the possibility tumes and the engaging, eongs which standing for one minute as a tribute Yiddish. Tivsity of Nebraska star and one Philip Klutznick, of Omaha, openof developing a natural and logical are practically legendary to the pres- to their departed leader, who was a o? the most highly recommended ed the convention in the morning ent-day public constituency for various communal lover of his. race, and who gave so players in this section, has been undertakings. much to his own community as well and Walter L. Piei-point, presidpnt elected captain of the Jewish Comas to the Jewish cause at large. of the Omaha Chamber of ComThe following officers were electmunity Center varsity basketball Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, national ed in addition to Dr. Adler: Judge There . were tears streaming down merce, greeted the conference on team. secretary of Hadassah, will be the from the eyes of the many dele- behalf of the city. Greetings were Lehman and Abram I. Elkus, vie* Mrs. Flo Pittel Brookstein, forprincipal speaker at the luncheon. gates as Mr. Beber declared in his also delivered by William L. Holzpresidents; Samuel D. Leidesdorf, ward, will be leader of the girl basresolutions, "We bow our heads in man for the Jewish Community CenMrs. Epstein has spoken before treasurer; Morris D. Waldman, secketeers. - Mrs. Brookstein, a former reverence as we consecrate the ter and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, MrsOmaha audiences on previous oc- retary; Harry Schneiderman, assistKansas City Y. M. H. A. basketball Members of the Temple Israel Sismemory of a great man in the tem- Morris Franklin, Morris Friedel, casions, and is said to be a most enant secretary. player and a star on the local J. C. terhood and the auxiliary of the Conple of our hearts. The majestic Dr. O. S. Belzer and I. Morgenstem tertaining" and interesting speaker. C. sextet the past few years, is an servative synagogue, as well as the tones of the organ have ceased;; on behalf of several Jewish organiMrs. David A. Goldstein, chairVarsity Cagers all-around athlete. Council of Jewish Women, will serve the song has died away, the picture sations. Professor Gustave Klausman of the program committee, has "No successful team ever went as hostesses at the tea which is to fades from view, and the cruel con- ner, who presided at the opening Schedule Game arranged a musical program. through a season without the proper follow peace meeting spon- trast stabs at our hearts and even session, in an eloquent address re"Locally and nationally, the presat Kansas City sored bythetheopen leadership, and both the boys' and council on Monday, Nov. when the wounds have healed, the viewing the progress of the past ent membership campaign is the year, summoned the delegates not girls' teams should feel very fortu28, at the Jewish Community Cen- scars remain." most important and the most ambiCoach Morris H. Sogolow will take ter at 2:30 p.m., Mrs. Abe Brodto lose heart because of the finannate that they have capable leaders tious in the history of Hadassah," his scrappy J. C. C. varsity basket- key, peace chairman for the council, cial slump. He also paid tribute to help start their seasons properly," Officers stated Mrs. M. F. Levenson, presi- ball team back to his "old hunting has announced. to Morris Rothenberg, president of M. H. Sogolow, physical education The chairmen of the various com- the Zionist Organization of Amerident of the Omaha chapter. "We grounds" on Sunday, December 18, director, states. need large numbers to increase our for a game with the Kansas City Dr. Edgar A. Holt, professor of mittees at the conference consisted ca, for his service to the Jewish strength as an organization and ob- Y. M. H.. C. Coach Sogolow was history and dean of the Arts col- of Rabbi Henry Jolt of Lincoln, national cause. tain greater support for our work in in charge of the physical department lege of the Omaha Municipal uni- Youth and Education; Hyman GorRev. Leon Karz to Addresses •f.'ere also delivered at Palestine. of the Kansas City "Y" in 1924-25. versity, will be the speaker. His don of Kansas City, Quota and Budsubject is "War and the Machine get; I. Morgenstem, Omaha, Jewish the afternoon session by Rabbi "Hadassah's medical and health Present Concert The game is to be an annual afDr. Holt is an inspiring National Fund; Dr. Alexander S. Aaron Lefkowitz of Davenport, la., system in Palestine, serving all fair. Both the team and its conting- Age." creeds, has done remarkable work in ent of rooters will probably go to speaker and well informed on mat- Wolf, St. Louis, Organization; and the special messages received Rev. Leon Karz, cantor of the Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New eliminating disease and teaching the Kansas City in their private autos. ters of international relations, those Harry Freidberg, Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, g, Kansas City, y, from who have heard him speak say. York, noted Jewish preacher; Louis i S inhabitants how to keep well. All will be presented at a concert at the Nominations; Samuel Kranzberg, St. In a return game, the Kansas City Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, Jewish women who are interested in basketeers will be the guests of the Assisting hostesses at the tea ta- Louis, American Palestine Cam- Lipsky, National President of the synagogue, 19th and Burt, on SunNational Hadassah Secretary building the national Jewish home Center players in the local gym on ble will be: Mrs. Reuben Natelson, paign, and Judge Max Baron, St. Zionist Organization of Amei-icaj day evening, December 18th, at 8 Governor Charles W. Bryan of NeThe Omaha chapter of Hadassah, land should take this opportunity to Sunday, January 15. This series of Mrs. Arthur Cohn, Mrs. Sain Green, Louis, Resolutions. p. m. braska, as well as from other noted Mrs. Herbert Shapiro, Mrs. I. ChapThe following officers were electBefore the concert he will recite Women's Zionist Organization of join our chapter." games is the start of similar arwere read during the ses"Mirov." He will sing various folk America, is in the midst of an inThe Omaha chapter is competing rangements with nearby Y. M. H. man, Mrs. William Feiler, Mrs.. Abe ed at the closing session of the con- leaders, Goldstein, Mrs. Harry Wilinsky and vention: Professor Gustave Klaus- sions. tensive membership campaign as for one of the cash prizes offered by A.'s and Community Centers. songs and religious melodies. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz. ner, President. Dr. Alexander S. Appreciation to the city for its There "will also be a musical pro- part of the country-wide drive to national Hadassah for chapters obSponsored annually by the council, Wolf, chairman, Zionist Organiza- hospitality and resolutions comgram consisting of violin and piano increase the national Hadassah mem- taining the largest percentage of new Kovno.—The rector and vice recbership to 40,000. members during the campaign. tor of the University of Kovno have the Sisterhood of Temple Israel and tion of America; Harry Freidberg, mending the Omaha Press for its selections. The campaign will be culminated Reservations for the luncheon may vigorously disassociated themselves the Conservative synagogue auxiliary chairman, American Palestine Cam- splendid reports of the conference Paris.—The "Pariser Morgenblatt," with a "victory" luncheon to be held be made with Mrs.iv J. Abrahamson, from the numerus clausus movement are joining in the program this year. paign; Philip Klutznick, Omaha, was adopted by the convention iu Jewish daily, has" discontinued pub- on Wednesday, November 30, at the Walnut 4009, and Mrs. A. S. Rubniti, launched by a number of student or- Both the meeting and the tea to chairman of Youth and Education; Jewish ..Community Center. lication. follow are open to the public ganizations. Mrs. A. I. Blotcky, Des Moines, (Continued on Page 6.) Walnut 5531.


Palestine Land . Head Resigns


Local B'nai Brith to Show Yiddish Talking Picture


National Hadassah Secretary to Speak at 'Victory* Luncheon

Peace Meeting to Be Held Monday

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1932 Sigel, Esther Rosenberg, Mildred ganizations send but releases with Gilbert, Louella Inglish, Bertha the names of these men, the editors Shafton, Reva Golden and Juanita look at it about a minute and then Provty. More suits will be given toss it in the waste basket. If they out as the players prove themselves By DAVID SCHWARTZ could attach their distinguished posts Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by to their names, the editors would The team will practice every Mon4..... ..-. -..—.».-.. look at it two minutes before tossTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY day evening at 8, and will play prePretty soon you will be saving: ing it in the waste basket. liminaries to the varsity on WedBy Some of my best friends are consuls Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - . . . $2.50 nesday or Sundays. or ministers to Albania. Advertising rates furnished on application And what about Soviet Russia? A senior girls' volleyball league Morris H. Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building will play on Monday and Wednesday Bernard G. Richards is being There are those Jewish republics Sogolow there that ought to provide places Telephone: ATlantic 1450 ~ evenings at 7 p. m. Over 30 girls talked of for minister to Albania, have already signed up on the bulleSioux|City Office—Jewish Community Center and Abraham Goldberg is being to send Jewish consuls. I think there are 50 Jewish republics there. Physical tin board. Hurry and declare yourboomed for Consul of Jerusalem. DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor Maybe though, its the same one reFRANK B . ACKERMAN - - - . -Editor Director selves. The first league game will F A N N I E KATELMAN • • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent J. C. C. But if they go abroad, the Ro- public, only the correspondent forgot probably be played Monday, NovemA N N PILL - - - - - * - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent manians and those other people will about it, and everytime news was ber 28. have to stop having Jewish pogroms, slow, retyped the same story. Basketball Features on Sunday Varsity Basketball Team in for there will be no one in America Sunday at 2 p. m. the Deep Rock Victories Don't worry if you've got a formake protest meetings. And Oil Co. five trill play the Psi Mu The Conference on Palestine held in Omaha last week-end is to The J. C. C. Varsity Basketball what's the use of having a progrom, eign accent. Just tell them it's a club team in what promises to be the team defeated the Hunt Carpets, 44 How history . . . but the warmth of its glowing enthusiasm will if you don't have protest meetings. southern drawl. feature game of the preseason to 19, and the Union Pacifies, 55buoy up our hopes for many days to come for a glorious Zion releague. The outcome of this game 15, in two games played last Wed- will settle the championship of the The job of being Minister to Albuilt. With material want and decreased earnings beclouding our bania is a very hard one. Only last nesday and Sunday. Both games "A" league. daily lives, we become so engrossed in our troubles that we neglect year, it is said, three Americans acwere hard fought and showed the Varsity team improving in team play j At 3:15 p. m. the varsity team our spiritual enrichments . . . . we occasionally forget "there is no cidentally strayed there, mistaking it and physical condition week byj will play the Brinn-Jensen five of depression in things spiritual," that we Jews are regularly reap- for Albany, New York. the Y. M. C. A. league. This team week. was one of the best in the city last ing large spiritual dividends for our efforts toward the rehabilita- Once however, you get used to Several new players have been year and contains several Creighton tion of a Jewish National Homeland in Palestine. their daily revolutions, there is nothadded to the Varsity squad: Ben Ro- players of past years. The Conference on Palestine has made the Jewry in these ing like the job of minister to Al- "Looking Forward" will be the sen, I. Bogdanoff, Sol Yaffee has A Thought on Thanksgiving You can sit just back quietly returned to practice after an abparts "Palestine-conscious." Proper emphasis has been given our bania. Be eager to give Thanks for what subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's and write the great American novel. sence of a week due to several in- health you have but resolve to im"nationalism," interweaving something political, something psysermon at Temple Israel this evefections in his arms. prove and add to what you have. chological, something cultural, something that is part of a group And when a revolution breaks out, ning. Games will be played with op- How? Tomorrow morning he will speak all you need to do is hang out the spirit and tradition. Renan once said that the core of nationhood American flag or your talith Katan on "A Mother in Israel." ponents each Wednesday evening at Be more health conscious. Come is not organization for power, nor even the machinery of govern- —the Albanians are not particular Kaddish will be recited this Sab- 8:15 and each Sunday afternoon at to Gym. 3 p. m. Starting next Sunday a Golfers, Attention ment, but "a shared consciousness." From this standpoint it is and. don't know the difference—and bath for Johanna Seligsohn and small admission fee will be charged Your Sunday morning season on everything is fine. Or you can Charles Rosewater. clearly imperative that we make as many of our number as pos- whistle the Star Spangled Banner or for each game. Spectators are in- the links is over. Change your batvited. sible 'Talestine-conscious." With the nations of the world using Hatikvah, and the Albanians stand tling grounds to our gym. Volley at attention. the Jew as the scapegoat upon which to vent their pent-up emoGirls' Basketball Team Organized; ball, 10:15. Gym class at 11 a. m. Health club, Tuesday and Thursday Ready to Play tions and the clouds of oppression hovering ever closer, the Jewish at noon, and senior men at 7:45 But why only Albania and JerThe members of the girls basketRabbi David A. Goldstein will people must more than ever look to the ray of hope emanating usalem? What's the matter with p. m. speak on "A Criticism of Jewish ball team were awarded their suits from the Near East. It is the one bright spot on the Jewish Pinsk? Basketball Women" at the Conservative Syna- Monday evening at the start of prachorizon. gogue services this evening at the tice. The team practiced in earnest "A" league results— Democrats stand for a low- J. C. C. in preparation for an interesting Bruins, 19; A. Z. A. No. 1, 15. The most vital thing we have learned about Palestine is that er The tarrif. A Jewish consul at Pinsk and colorful season of games. It is Next Friday Rabbi Goldstein and Psi Mu No. 1, 35; Xi Lambda, 17. it can no longer be categerized as a dream or an impracticability. could help remove the tariff on Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln will hoped to reward the girls with sev- Junior league results— The hopes of the founders of Zionism have been translated into yashiva bachurim which Pinsk pro- exchange pulpits. Rabbi Jolt will eral short trips late in the season. Hawkeyes, 27; Deep Rock No. in such great quantities. They concrete realizations. In the past dozen years the Jewish popu- duces Suits were awarded to Captain 2, 19. could take our cotton and sell us therefore speak here a week from Brookstein, Min Sherman, Esther Up-to-Date Clothiers, 17; Juniors, lation in Palestine has increased 170 per cent. By virtue of Jew- yeshivah bachurim or Haman tas- tonight. 12. . !sh initiative, manpower and money, this land of destiny has be- chen.



Soggie Says

By the Way

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some the focal centre of the entire Near East. In contrast to the rest of the world, Palestine is enjoying comparative prosperity , . . and while.every country is showing a deficit, Palestine shows % favorable balance of about two million dollars. New fountains of education, unprecedented health progress, booming industries . —all are indicative of fruitful advancement. The developments . of the past twelve years have removed any doubt as to the feasibility of a Jewish National Homeland, and if the Jewish people can remain Palestine-conscious, the solution of many of our presentday problems will be found in the promised land of our forefathers.

Some of the best kneidlach is the world too are made in Pinsk. We could sell them near beer in exchange.

And what's the matter with l i t vack is just a cuss word. But it isn't altogether that. They are people too. In fact, I am a Litvack. Several years ago, Henry Hurwitz of the Menorah tried to form an Association of Litvacks, on the style of Tygel's Polish Federation. In fact, the plan went so far that a sities. Rabbi Miller will be the guest hall was hired, and delegates elected. of Mr. A. G. Weinstein while here. A junior committee of the United But they made the mistake of havOrthodox Synagogue has been se- ing the convention near % delicatesRabbi N. Miller of Terre Haute, lected to assist in the formation of a sen store. The Litvacks passing the ~ Indiana, who is being brought to group of the younger men and women store, saw the herring in the show . -Omaha under the auspices of the of the city. The committee is com- window—and never got to the con' Vaad H'Oehr representing the United posed of the following: Henry Magz- vention. Orthodox Synagogues of Omaha, will amin, William Wolfe, Irvin Wezel: be here this week-end. Rabbi Miller man, Allan Cohen, Max Stoler, Earl Sometime ago, a Washington corwas here on a previous occasion and Siegal, Lee Berman, Maurice Giller respondent of one of the New York, 'has been asked to appear again by and Fred Ackerman. papers reported that Herman Bernpopular request. stein, the present minister to AlSpecial Friday night services will bania had shown King Zog his be conducted by Rabbi Miller at the Frigidaire, and the king had become Chevra B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th very enthusiastic and ordered. one : and Chicago streets, at 8 o'clock tofor himself. - night. He will be assisted by Cantor Plans for the first meeting of 'Abraham Schwazkin. On Saturday But that is only half the battle. the Child Study group, sponsored What is in the Frigidaire is just as morning following he will again deliver a sermon in the above synagogue by the Council of Jewish Women, important as the Frigidaire. Richat 9:30 a. m. On Saturday afternoon have been announced by Mrs. J. H. ards perhaps will show Zog the gethe Rabbi will conduct a symposium Kulakofsky, chairman, who will hold filte fish and since as scientists tell of Talmudic lore at the Adass Yesh- an informal gathering for all those us, a man is what he eats, King urim synagogue at 25th and Seward who have signed up for the class Zog, first thing you know will be ••-.'• s t r e e t s . "pay-ess." (cute little at her home, 114 So. 51st St., Tues- wearing Chassidic curls.) •': On Sunday afternoon November 27, day at 3:30 p. m. . at 3 o'clock, Rabbi Miller will deliver Mrs. Eva Morse, head of the adult the principal address at a large mass An economic revolution might reeducation department of the Omaha sult. If we could get "pay-ess" in •;.-, meeting planned in his honor at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue. Board of Education, who has been style, we could all save half of our This address will be of special inter- secured as leader for this group, will barber bill and pay the saved money est to the younger men and women meet with the women at that time, to the government to build more and- outline plans for the season, battleships. of the city. . Rabbi Miller is reputed to be one according to the chairman. All those interested in. joining the And with Abe Goldberg as Con• of the foremost modern orthodox-rabbis in America. He is a graduate and class and who have not yet enrolled sul to Jeruslam, the first thing you alumni president of-the Chicago Rab- with Mrs. Kulakofsky, are requested know, High Commissioner of Palesbinical. College and holds degrees to communicate with her, or attend stine will be reading Goldberg's arfrom several large American univer- the first meeting Tuesday. ticles in the Hadoar and get first hand information about Palestine..

Rabbi Miller to Speak for Vaad

Council's Child Study Meeting

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After listening to Goldberg's speeches, I shouldn't be surprised one day to see Goldberg returning bringing the High Commissioner for a speaking tour for the Keren Hayesod. And speaking of Albania again, there are of course those who say that though Albania is in fact, behind the scenes, as it were, ruled by Mussolini, that is no reason why anyone should try to musde-in-it, since it is at present Bernstein's preserve.


And what will the Albania king "zog" if another Jew comes there?


But I am veryy much in favor of this business of making Jewish consuls. If we had more Jewish consuls, it wouldn't be so easyy to suppress progrom news. A friend of mine told me that he saw a Jew plainly kicked in Hungary, and it wasn't reported in

of Nebraska Women T r y a B a g T o d a y ; '•*/?.[••','


ATTEND Nebraska Clothing f Company*s

OPPORTUNITY SALE Men^s/Young Men's and Boys'

SUITS AND OVERCOATS The most important Event in our nearly 50 years of quality clothes selling a n d . . . .



Of course, the goy claimed that it was accidental, that he fell on a banana peel and he slipped, and accidentally hit a Jew who was passing. But who can believe that a goy would just slip on a banana peel like that. It was "rishus." And how it will help the publicity men—if we get more Jewish ministers and consuls. Now if or-




Recognized Players The athletic department's objective of recognizing worthy members has caused improvement in the ball team conduct already. Individual aid is being urged to put our project across. Next Week's Schedule Sunday, Nov. 27, 1 p.. m.: Juniors vs. Deep Rocks No. 2; 2 p. m., Psi Mu vs. Deep Rocks No. 1. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 8:30 p. m.: Pants Store vs. Hawkeye; 9:20 p. m., A. Z. A, No. 100 vs. Psi Mu. Thursday, Dec. 1, 8:30 p. m.: P. M. Marks vs. Juniors; D:20~ p. m., Bruins vs. Xi Lambda. Volunteer Referees Doing Fine A number of players in the preseason league have been doing most of the officiating and doing it in a satisfactory manner. The teams have accepted their judgment kindly with the result that several more have asked to referee. The following men have been of great help: Si Comar, Pep Bogdanoff, Ben Effros, Dave Greenberg, I. Bogdanoff, Herb Marks, George Klein and Sam Giller. A player who officiates learns the game from a different angle and gains valuable experience by being forced to think and use good judgment under fire, and from his pressure in front of an audience—both valuable in later life. Up-to-Date Clothiers Psi Mu No. 2 team have changed their name to Up-to-Date Clothiers. Alex Sadofsky of South Omaha is their new backer. Thanks to you Mr. Sadofsky. We hope Hi Giller, your manager, gives you a winner. Grade School Basketball The boys of grade school age will soon have the opportunity to be coached in basketball. The exact date will be announced shortly. Friday afternoons will be given to this group. Handball The pre-season singles tournament has progressed splendidly. Those who weathered the preliminaries and reached the second round were: J. Schreibman, Paul Grossman, Jack Ban, Ben Rosen, Manny Goldberg, Sam Horwitz, Phil Feldman, Mr. Falk, Sam Finkel Ben Elkin, Al Soffer, Pin Wintroub, Al Weiner, Leonard Herman, S. Zorinsky and Morrie Franklin. Double Handball Tourney The preseason doubles tournament •will start play on December 4. Entries will close on December 1. Players hurry to pair up and enter your name. Athletic Dept. Dance There is a distant rumbling of a big blow up and dance for the Athletic Department "Hold Everything" till you hear more. REMEMBER THE VARSITY GAME SUNDAY, 3 P. M. Be a Good Sport The consensus of opinion of the team leaders is that all men should strive to maintain a high standard of sportsmanship and friendliness between all teams and all playei-s in our league. Basketball is merely the opportunity for a group of players to express themselves physically in an activity that they love. More joy and pleasure will be derived if you play with. a common understanding of fair play and square dealing and with the desire to let the other fellow have a good time also.

The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA



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STEINBERG-HERTZBERG WTEDDENG ' T h e marriage of Miss Anne Hertz"berg, daughter of Mr,-; and Mrs. Jtf. Hertzberg, to Mr. Samuel Steinberg, son of" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steinberg, took place Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Birchwood club. The ceremony was performed by Rabbis David Goldstein and N. Feldman. A reception -was held after .'the cere^ mony. Three hundred" guests attended. Chrysanthemums with palms and ferns were used in the decorations. Miss Margaret Hurwitz played the wedding marches on the piano, accompanied by Max Yaffe, violinist. Mrs. Margaret Belman sang "At D a w n i n g . "






The bride's gown was of white crepe and: satin, fashioned after a Patou model, floor length and with a cape-collar. The tulle veil had a rose point lace cap. She carried an arm bouquet of calla lilies. Miss Tobye Steinberg, sister of the bridegroom, who was maid-ofhonor, wore gold crepe trimmed wilh •miffink bands, and carried Talisman \ roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Toby Hertzberg, sister of the bride; Miss Rose Steinberg, another sister pf the ' bridegroom and Miss Esther Stein, niece of the bride. Miss Hertzberg wore a gown of blue crepe; Miss Steinberg, green, and Miss Stein, pink. They carried Columbia roses. Dr. Abe Steinberg, cousin of the bridegroom, served as best man. The ushers were Paul and Maurice Steinberg, brothers of the bridegroom, and Dr. Sam Morgan, his cousin. Following an eastern wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg will live at the Radcliffe apartments^ Omaha. PLATT-MABGOLIN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Louis Margolin announce the marriage of their daugh-

Clarkson hospital Nov. 19. Mrs. Al- Mr. Moe Laks of Brooklyn, N. Y^ berts is the "former Miss Jennette is visiting with his brother-in-law Levinson. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. L S. Goodman announce the rbirth pf a son, Francis Mrs. A. Maisel arrived Tuesday eveIra, Suni3ay, Nov. 20, at the Emman- ning from St. Joe after spending two uel hospitaL Mrs. Goodman was for- weeks with her brother-in-law and merly Miss Alice Adler, daughter of sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose. Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. Mrs. Bessie Firsht of Detroit is IN OPERA visiting here with relatives and Missi Bluma Neveleff, daughter of friends. Many affairs are being givMrs. II Neveleff, who attends Font- en in her honor. bonne College in St. Louis, Mo., appeared in the opera, La Traviata, Mr. J. Selinsky has recuperated which was produced by the Moline a recent illness and has reGrand Opera company November 21 from turned to work. in St. Louis. Miss Neveleff was made a charter Mrs. Hyman Noddle, who is vismember of the Press club at the college and was on the reception com- iting Mr. and Mrs. William Greenmittee of a formal tea given by the stein at Greenville, HL, will return club. home Saturday.

ter, Dorothy, to Max Platt, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Platt The ceremony, which took place in Lincoln Monday, Nov. 14, was performed by Rabbi H. Jolt of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Margolin will honor the couple at a family dinner for 50 guests at their home Sunday, Nov. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Platt .will -make their home at the Mayfair apartments in DUPLICATE CONTRACT Lincoln. The winners of the Duplicate Contract bridge tournament held SaturDIAMOND-LAWRENCE day at the Athletic club under the ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lawrence of sponsorship of Mrs. David Ferer were Chicago, HI., announce the engage- Mrs. M. Micklin and Mrs. M. Gruement: of their daughter, Nancy Lee, slrin in the east and west, and Mrs. to Mr. Jerome M. Diamond, son of Fred Burbeck and Mrs. Claude GrifMrs. Anna JBL Diamond, formerly of fey in the north and south section. The next tourney will be held SatOmaha, now of Chicago. Mr. Diamond attended Nebraska urday afternoon at the Athletic club. university and is a member of Sigma After this week they will be held on Wednesdays at 1:30. Prizes are givAlpha Mu fraternity. en each time, and a monthly prize of a five-dollar goldpiece is awarded. SISTERHOOD BOOK REVIEW TEA A book review tea at the home BIRTHDAY PARTY of Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, 3709 Jones Florence Cohen, daughter of Mr. street, will be sponsored by the Tem- and Mrs. Herman Cohen, entertained ple Israel Sisterhood on the after- at a Thanksgiving party at her home in celebration of her tenth birthday noon of Dec. 2 at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. Frank G. Smith will review Saturday. About 40 guests attended. "The Fountain," by Charles Morgan. Tickets may be had from Mrs. Sam- BRIDGE CLUB uelAppleman at Atlantic 9942.. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pessen entertained their Sunday night bridge BAR MTTZVAH club at their home last Sunday eveRECEPTION ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris will celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of their son, TRAVELOGUE TALK Haskell, Saturday morning, Nov. 26, Mr. William L. Holzman gave a at the Adass Yeshurim synagogue. travelogue talk at Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday afternoon, Nov. 27, Mr. last week before the Gray Ladies of and Mrs. Morris will ionor their son the Red Cross there, under the direcwith a reception at their home, 2815 tion of Mrs. Eugene Levy. Decatur street, from 2 to 5 and in the evening from 7 to 9. SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. J. Richlin returned last week from Chicago, where she visited with ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts an- her son, Isadora, who is a student at nounce the birth of a son at the the "University of Chicago.

CULTURAL GROUP LUNCHEON A luncheon at the Community Center was held by the Hadassah cultural group on Monday noon. JR. SOCIETY DINNER AT J. C. C. The Junior Society of the Conservative synagogue held the first of a series of dinners at the Jewish Community Center last Monday evening. Miss Sophie Rosenstein was chairman of the committee in charge. OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS AT JR. HADASSAH CONFERENCE The Southwestern Regional Conference of the Junior Hadassah held their midwinter conference last Saturday and Sunday in Omaha. Mrs. Morris Franklin of Omaha presided as president. Mrs. Sidney Katleman is corresponding secretary of the region. A reception and dance was held at the Community Center Saturday evening and a business meeting on Sunday, followed by a banquet. Among out-of-town Junior Hadassah members who attended this conference were Jennie Shipmaker of Kansas City, Dorothy Mendel, Fannie Simstine, Iibby Goldman, Beck Dohr, Ann Aronson. and Mary Stern of S t Joseph; Paula Storch, Dora Cohen and EUa Cohen of Lincoln; Ruth Wigosky, Sarah Waseoff, Sadie Rtintlrtn, Elizabeth Raskin and Anne Cohen, of Sioux City.


25, 1932

Biblical Bazaar

walnuts. Bake in a moderate oven 350 degrees.

Kitchen Chats

Tomorrow night, Saturday, November 26, the Biblical Bazaar of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held at the Blackstone hotel, beginning at 7:30 p. m. The public is invited, and admission is free. The entire eighth floor of the hotel will be cleverly decorated. Mrs. Max Holzman and Mr. Leslie Burkenroad are in charge of the decorating. The ballroom will be occupied by many strange people, long-forgotten. Adam and Eve will come to life again in the "Garden of Eden." Abraham and Sarah will welcome visitors to their hospitality tent to partake of tempting refreshments. Jonah will be there to help the guests fish treasures from the sea. The mysterious witch of Endor will tell fortunes, while Rebeccah and her handmaidens will serve refreshing drinks. Terah, father of Abraham, still clinging to his worship of idols, will have dolls of all sizes and kinds in his shop. Lot's wife will be there, a large figure of salt surrounded by salines of all sorts. At 8:20 the crowd will be transfered to an entirely different time and place. The pilot will be Mr. William Holzman an4 the place will be the Indian lands of the southwest. Mr. Holzman's moving pictures are in the class of professional travelogues. While showing the pictures, he adds personal anecdotes wittingly told. His travelogue is indeed a "treat" In addition to the above entertainments there will be cards. An indirect floor lamp will be given as a door prize.


By David M. Newman

Admitted to Bar

Hyman S. Shrier, former Creighton and Omaha University student, Grated Apple Pudding Grate 4 or 5 large apples, 2 eggs was admitted to the bar at Lincoln well beaten, three-fourths cup sugar, last week. 1 teaspoon cinnamon, grated rine of one lemon, one-fourth cup chopped and blanched almonds, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup grated bread crumbs. Bake for 25 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve cold with whipped cream.

Are You the Man?

Cinnamon Crisps One-third cup butter, three-fourths cup light brown sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, 1 and one-half cups flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, one-third cup milk. Cream, butter and sugar. Add dry ingredients thoroughly mixed, then milk. Roll thin, cut in fancy shapes and decorate with chopped

Exceptional opportunity for the right Jewish man. Preferred age 30 to 45. Small capital required. Selling experience desired but not required. Give full details in first letter. All replies confidential. Jewish Press Box T-4

A Thrill in Dining* Every time I go into the Jack and Jill's to eat, I feel the greatest thrilL I know the food will be exactly as I like it, the service unexcelled, and the atmosphere so soothing I actually hate to leave the place. Try it and you'll heartily agree with me.

Reduction by Soviet of Duty on Matzoth Riga (J. T. A.).—The Soviet government, following negotiations with the European director of the Hias, Aron Benjamin, has agreed to reduce the duty on matzoth to be imported into Soviet Russia next Passover from $6.70 to $2.75, it was announced here.

Wick and


Paterson, N. J.—Representatives to the local Jewish Community Council have given enthusiastic endorsement to the idea of a Kosher meat tax as a means of alleviating financial stress of local religious schools.


Antwuncementi Come to See and Hear

The First Biblical Yiddish Talking and Singing Motion

OF Saturday and Sunday, November, 26»27 at THE JEWISH COMNUNITY CENTER THE PLOT 10,000 The plot revolves about the aged Abraham, and his wife, Sarah, -who are

100 MUSICIANS 500 VOICES The showing of this picture will he continuous from 7:15 to 11:30 p. m. Saturday

Sunday Matinee at 2:30 Eve. Show from 7:15 to 11:30

blessed by the coming of an only son, Isaac At this time, Lot, Abraham's nephew, departs from the fold and weds an adventuress in Sodom. His married life, however, proves despairing and terminates when that ancient City is laid waste by the Angel Gabriel and his wife is turned into a pillar of salt for her various crimes and disobedience. Isaac, during the interim, has grown to the tender age of thirteen, but Abraham's joy is marred when the Almighty demands payment from him for all the joy he has had. Abraham then offers Isaac in sacrifice, and under the pretext of taking him away for learning, he brings him to Mount Muria, There, however, the mercy of the Almighty stays Abraham's knife, and Isaac is spared. But the toll has been taken, for Sarah, visited by Satan, dies when Isaac's death is falsely announced to her. Elyaezar, the trustworthy, and Ylshomoel, the .son of Abraham through the servant girl, Hagar, are seen throughout in their characteristic roels.


Mr. and Mrs. A. Gartner, who play the star roles.


Mr. A. Gartner

Who plays the star role of Abraham in this picture is making a personal appearance tour and will be presented to the audience during the run of this picture.




ON VACATION FBOM HOLLYWOOD—Thomas Meighan, screen notatlt, and Ms wife, enjoy golf at White Salphur Springs, Va., where tiwy hare been passing the autumn. '


NO WET FEET a*. *»d

^ Verice Beach, <*L, ftnd a new way to fceejtjeir feet dry. apectaton a thrffl when they hare a rae* on their balsa wood ttnt*.

strike has stopped service on

elevated and surface lines.

SHE'S A STARFISH—Min Ger> trade Green, of Philadelphia, takes the part of a starfish at alumni homecoming day tableaux, of Teachers' college. Temple university, Philadelphia.

A VOW O? A CHOW—Little Ebome Periman, «f Wtlmette, UL,' {ChlMf* sah«rh>v is pictared with tor friend aad neighbor, Cksan-j <ptea Ifee Phox, «al«ed by his owner, Wlttiatn R. Crawford, CMeago Iwsslncssinan, at 910,000. Unaffected by his faner Nee Phot ll very friendly.

AT REP, WHITS AND BLUE FETE—Betty Ontokl jranddattgh* teir «* the hut William WrigJey, Jr., and soon to become * worse in «ka Xeatacky •Mostaias, and Bobert Basmvssen pose for an old-tirae M ffcote at the Bed; White aad BHM hall, a society affair In



gfmz THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OP IT,-Two goats return to their home to find it a mass of „. i !%*.-*r u m s xollowing recent hurricane and tropical tidal wave which brought death to many and caused miUions

GO 'WAY, MB. CAMERAMAN, GO "WAY!—Evidently these three little Englishmen don't like Mr. Cameraman as he snaps them in the Claremont Mission baby show, Penton\ llle, England. yd—M



Leagues for Volley Conservative Auxiliary Nazis Seek Expulsion Ball Being Formed The regular Oneg Shabbos of the of East Europe Jews

A senior men's volley ball league Berlin (J. T. A.).—Emulating the is being formed at the Jewish Com- Conservative Auxiliary has been munity Center on Sunday mornings meeting with most encouraging suc- example of their colleagues in the cess, with more and more women Prussian Diet, the Nazi faction in at 10:15 a. m. attending. the Diet of Hessen introduced a moM. H. Sogolow, physical education The programs, all interesting and tion calling for the expulsion of all director, states that considerable interest has already been shown and educational, are on various subjects. East European Jews who entered Refuses "Passion Play" Gives Einstein Leave of asks that all interested sign up onEverything is informal, and practic- Germany after 1914. Newark.—Newark Jewry has been Absence ally all present participate in the The Nazi motion also calls for the bulletin board. spared possible inflation of antiBerlin.—The Prussian Academy of The Composers have indicated that discussions. In fact, the members are compulsory measures to cause the Semitic feeling that follows in the Science with which Professor Albert they have a team "that has thebeginning to look forward to the so-Jews to abandon "their Germanic wake of the production of the Einstein is associated, has agreed to cial and cultural atmosphere of names and readopt their synagogue drama, the Freiberg Passion Play, grant him an annual leave of ab- championship as good as won. Thethese meetings. names." team numbers Jack Marer, Abe it became known, because M. S. sence for several months to permit The Nazis in the municipal counAt the last Oneg Shabbos held at Schlesinger, who controls the Board him to take up his duties as head of Brodkey, Is Levinson, Ben Shapiro, cil of Berlin introduced a motion the home of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Phil Feldman, Bob Kooper, Joe Rice, and Shubert Theaters in this city, the Mathematical School of the Incalling for the exclusion of the "Jewabout fifty women were present. refused to book this play. stitute for Advanced Study at Sam Green and one or two others. ish Bible from school use." Instead The next Oneg Shabbos will be The Sigma Alpha Mu alumni, with Princeton, N. J. the children should be taught that EXTRA FANCY held on December 3 at the home of SNIDER'S FANCY Fined for Agitation Professor Einstein will be enabled HarTy B. Cohen in charge, will also Jesus was Teutonic and God GerMrs. Dave Cohn, with the program enter a team. London.—Jack Maddocks, a young to take up his duties in the United centering about Heinrich Heine. Mrs. man, says the resolution. man who gave his address as the States, in the institution of which S Stalks to Bundle No. 2% can, reje. 25c val David A. Goldstein will review his offices of the Socialist party, headed he is a life member, providing he Dozen Cans $1.75 life, songs by him will be sung by by Sir Oswald Mosely* "was arrested spends the remainder of the year in One Dozen Limit The turkey given by the Pioneer Mrs. Nathan Nogg, and Mrs. Wiland fined 40 shillings for posting bill- Germany annually. Women's club at the J. C. C. on Noliam Racusin will read Louis UnterNATURE MADE X.b. boards throughout London, agitating vember 22 was won by Mr. J. Richlin. myer's translations of a few of his Grant of 4500 Certificates against the Jews. All proceeds from the affair will poems. Confirmed HOTHOUSE The billboards called for the naRiga (J. T. A.).—The education go to the Pioneers in Palestine. The Wo. ZVs cuns, 2 for Reservations may be made with Jerusalem.—A grant of 4,500 labor tionalization of all banks owned by commission of the Latvian Parliaorganization has thanked all memCALUMET Morris Margolin at Glendale ment has decided to recognize YidJews and the expulsion of the Jews certificates to the Jewish Agency bers who aided in making the event Mrs. Each ™. 1985. Executive for the six month period from the country. success. dish and Hebrew as the national Jewending March 31, as reported by ish languages and as the languages Larce can . the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, is Fear New Order Will Affect The second session of the Bible of compulsory instruction in Jewish confirmed in the official gazette. Jewish Exporters Seriously and Hebrew classes was held Tues- schools. 1 Pkg. Cocoanut, 1 Pie Tin Free At a regular meeting of Iota Tau day, with a large attendance present Wax or Green Of the 4,500 certificates available, Warsaw.—Jewish clothing exportThis decision is in line with the SWANS DOWN ers in Poland are perturbed by a 2,700 are to be assigned for menat the home of Sylvia Giventer it The number coming is increasing demands of Jewish leaders and ends SOLID, CRISP new decree issued by the Ministry of between the ages of 18 and 35; 1,500 was decided that the club be divided steadily.. a controversy which has endured for Trade, which they fear will greatly for married women of the same age; into two teams with Hazel Zavett several months in this connection. Pkg. — 300 for men up to the age of 45. adn Sylvia Giventer as captains. The The next joint dinner of the Concurtail their means of livelihood. 1 Pkg. Cocoanut Free Heed ,__ ~..~ The grant is the largest by thetwo sides are to be competitors in servatice Synagogue and the ConThe new order restricts the export 3 for 25c FANCY SHREDDED Success is the child of audacity.— trade to such firms as are listed in Palestine government in the last six both a bridge and pingping tourna- servative Auxiliary will be held De- Disraeli. the trade registers and which hold years, although it represents 2,250 ment, the losing side to be host at cember 7 at the J. C. C. Prof. A. FANCY JONATHAN L. Sachar, who will speak that evecertificates of the Chamber of Com- less than asked for by the Jewish a Chanukah party. X,b. Agency Executive. The club also decided to publish ning under the auspices of the Commerce. Powdered or Brown a monthly paper to be called "It." munity Center, will be honor guest Box — The Jews are fearful lest the Action Against Tax- ;• The editor-in-chief will be Miss Doro- at the dinner. Prices are the same Chambers of Commerce utilize anti- Collecting Tortures FANCY DELICIA thy Kaplan. This paper will be a as usual, sity-five cents per plate s ri>s. Semitic pretexts to prevent them means of a communication between and forty for children. Reservations Bucharest.—Minister of Finance from trading* Guaranteed Fresh Country Mironescu has ordered action taken the Phi chapter of Omaha and themay be made at once with Mrs. Ben Bushel .: against tax officials accused of terAdjust Teaching of French Alpha chapter of Sioux City.. The Glazer, Atlantic 3779. $2.20 Box rorizing in September a Jewish organization is celebrating its first in Salonica Jewish Schools Dot. (Cartons Free) trader, Motti Pekl, of Kishinev.' anniversary. Salonica.—The question of the The next regular meeting of the In Jewish circles "it is hoped that SALAD teaching of the French language in Conservative Auxiliary will be held the finance minister's order may be the Jewish elementary schools of SaDRESSING on Wednesday, December 14, when lonica is to be settled in conformity an indication of official condemnation An initiation party was held by a Chanukah program will be preof terroristic acts employed by tax AND 1 PINT FRENCH DRESSING FREE with the demand of the Jewish comthe Fa-Hon Saturday evening at -collectors in Bessarabia, whose vic- the home of Esther Siegel. New sented. munity. ,... . tims, it is alleged, are for the most members include Rose Flanchek, Just an "Error" part Jews. Leah Siegel, Miriam Martin, Selma P r a g n e . - — T h e Czechoslovakia!! Sekar, Shirley Tessler, and Tillye Warsaw Kehillah Prizes Chamber of Commerce described as Tessler. Miss Sally Pollay was in All affairs for the two-day profor jbiteEary Work an error the crediting tothe Czechocharge. gram celebrating International A. Z. Warsaw.—First prize for the outslovakian embassy in Washington of A midnight luncheon was served, the statement made recently that in standing literary work in the past and many clever stunts performed. A. Day the evening of December the matter of patents and tariffs, year was awarded by the Warsaw Breakfast was served at 8:15 Sun-17 and all day December 18. The entire program will be arranged by New York lawyers should not beJewish Community to Jacob Kahn for day morning. next week. two volumes of poems. ^employed, as the majority of them The chapter is helping out with Second-prize was awarded to A. S. i r e Jews and certain Washington his works for 45 years before at- the sale of tickets for the Jewish authorities are unfriendly to them. Hershberg for his work on Jewish tempting publication of this book. talkie, "The Sacrifice of Isaac," to culture during the Talmudic period. WHITE KING Granulated University Closed be given under the auspices of the Damage Suit A g a i n s t SOAP More About Shakespeare After Excesses B'nai Brith next Saturday and Nazis CaU Fanl Spor f«r Budapest.—-The University of De- Newark, N. J. (J. T. A.).—Dr. . Vienna.—A suit in the amount of Sunday. Orchestra Knesscnwnto breczin. was TMSP'T-fry•*wdp-r Lnt fo "T5.000 sdulliiigsr\ras enterecTagairist" a boo surgeon, Tias just published Minister of Education following aptithe Nazi party for damages by the Semitic attacks in which nine Jewish under the title, "William Shake- Sperlgasse cafe. speare, M. D." It is a short treatise students, including two women, sufThe cafe was converted into a WHITE KING Toilet Soap on the remarkable knowledge of medfered severe beatings. Per Cake icine, surgery and psychosis dis- temporary synagogue for Holyday 440 Recruits Wanted played by ShakeSjFeare throughout his services and was attacked by Nazis on the second day of Rosh Hashonah. Moscow.—A'-.-, delegate has been works. despatched from Bira Bidjan to r e ; Highly technical terms have been A Delightful Toilet Soap cruit 440 volunteers from the Com- eliminated and many of the poet's somol, Communist youth 5 organiza- lines are quoted to demonstrate the FOR RENT Made From Pure Vegetable and tion, for settlement in Bira Bidjan. subtlety of his reference to ailments Nat Oils Very choice heated 5-room modThe delegate will work in co-oper- that did not find their place in med ern apartment. Rent reasonation with the Ukrainian Comsomol ical records until a century after able. 2534 Cass St. At. 6933. ^imiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ which has issued an appeal for theShakespeare's death. Dr. Epstein 440 volunteers, particularly for claims he studied Shakespeare and building activity.


Sunkist FLOUR

48Lb. Sack 9 8 c


Pioneer Women

Yiddish and Hebrew in Latvian Schools


Pascal Celery

Brussel Sprouts1 5 c



CUCUMBERS 10c Fresh BEANS 1 5 c


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Qt.3 5 c Butter-Nat Butter-Nut*=* Pkg. 15c Butter-Nut Tea S : = S Butter-Nut Coffee lb. 35c


A. Z. A. No. 1


35c 5c

1-2 lb

Chicago,—For the first time in the history of the United States Supreme Court, a father, who is an attorney, presented his three sons, also attorr Beys, to the Supreme Court at one time and sponsored their admittance to practice before that body. -The attorney is Nicholas ;J. Pritzker of "Chicago.

: ' % • - •'-'•



After Thanksgiving Sale Priced

It's the MODERN ay to COOK


The three? scm¥ whom5 he sponsored and who were admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, are Harry, Abram and Jack Pritzker.

If you're about ready to "give up" tryingto find the ^iiid of a coat you WQ$t for less tlfiyan §25 ^.here's your sale group! Every one a Herzberg quality coat. ^ * luxuriously ^furred! „ •K-.

Kovno.—A bureau of consultation •;. for the purpose of developing agriculture among the Jews was formed here with the participation of the Ort and the Union-of Jewish People's Banks in Lithuania.

Here's a group of handsomely tailored^ gorgeously furred coats, every one a VALUE that will stop the woman who has done any shopping around forcoats! She'll recognize the saving at once!

Jewish Student Emigrant Bureau Closed Warssaw.—The local Jewish students emigrant bureau has been closed by the police. The reason given is that the bureau exceeds the statutes of the Jewish student organization.

With the


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1018 Farnam

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Bureau to Aid Lithuanian Jews in Agriculture

A pair of glasses were found at the Jewish Community Center Sunday. Will owner please call for them and identify them.


Head Lettuce


Presents 3 Sons for Admittance to Supreme Court


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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1932 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE of incidents hitherto unknown to the sader' that for sixteen years he has Notice is hereby given that on December' carved his mighty place as a jurist," 3, 1932, at public at large. the hour of 10:00 a. m., at 2314 Leavenworth Street, the undersigned will The book reveals that three asso- states "More Merry Go Round." sell to tbe highest bidder for cash: ciate Justices of the Supreme- Court S wal smokers, 1 vral vel uph Coxwell opposed the appointment of Justice 8HOTWE1X, MOXSKF, GRODINSKY chair, 1 wnl end table, 1 wal uprt Melft VANCE ville Clark player piano No. 217&4 and Cardozo because it would mean addbench, 1 wnl telephone stnnd nnd bench, 1 (Continued from Page 1.) 737 Omaha N a t i Bank BUff. ing another Jew to the bench. brass floor lamp, 1 brass brldce lamp, 1 PROBATE NOTICE brass table lamp, 1 wall mirror, 2 metal Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent The judges who. opoosed the CarIn the Matter o the Estate of George K. resolutions presented by Judge Max tea trays, 1 metal birdcage nnd stand, 1 ' Staines, Deceased. brass floor lamp, 1 brass table lamp, 1 dozo appointment, according1 to the Notice G. Baron of St. Louis. The report is hereby given that the creditors metal telephone stand and bench, 1 3-panel will meet the admlnistrn- mirror, 1 poly mirror, 1 ival cedar chest,of the committee on organization, New Book Discloses Facts About book, are Justice James Clark Mc- ofrlxsaidofdeceased estate before me. County 1 irory bnby bed find pad, 1 Hoover eleoReynolds, Justice Pierce Butler and Judge ofsaid Notables Hitherto Pioneer Card Party submitted by Dr. Alexander S. Douglas County, Nebraska, at sweeper, -1 bro iron daybed and pad, 1 Justice Willis van Devanter. the County Court Room in said County onk w K arm rocker, 1 oak bookcase, 1 Unknown Wolf of St. Louis, a veteran leader the 17th day of January, 1933, and on 50-lb Illinois refg, 1 4-b Dispatch gar, "When Cardozo's appointment was on and Raffle Held among his people for the cause of the 17th flay of March, 1933, at 9 o'clock stove, 1 d r o p l e n l breakfast table, 4 kit New York, (J. T. A.)—Associate being pressed on Hoover," says the A. M., each day, for the purpose of pre-chairs, 1 wnl vel s and b nrm chair, 1' Zion, aroused debate among the deleMembers of the Pioneer Women's gates and after a long discussion Justice Louis D. Brandeis is hailed volume, "McReynolds joined with senting their claims for examination, ad- ivory high chnir, 1 red moh o s daven-and allowance. Three months port, 1 red moh o B arm chnir, 1 8-3x10-6 Club held a card party and raffle the plan of reorganization with a as the most influential member of Butler and van Devanter in urging jnstment The Senior Hadassah chapter will are allowed for the creditors to present Wilton rug, 1 0x12 Sanforstan rug, 1 heir claims, from the 17th day of Decem- 0x12 Wilton rng, 1 throw rug, 1 wnl bufhold an open meeting next Thursday Tuesday afternoon a t the home of view: of including'in-one adminis- the United States Supreme Court the White House not to 'afflict the ber, fet, 1 wal dining table, 6 wnl vel s diners,1 1D327 afternoon, Dec. 1, at 2:30 o'clock in Mrs. Sam Sperling. Bridge was fol- tration the: various functions of the and Associate Justice Benjamin N. court with another Jew'." 1 wal china cabinet, 1 wal poster bed BKXCB CEA"WFORD, spgs nnd matt, 1 wnl vanity and chair, i lowed by refreshments. Proceeds County Judge. the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Cardozo described as one of the While the three "early American U-26-32-St wal chiffonier, 1 102(5 Dodge sedan, motoe Zionist movement was adopted by Moses Epstein, national Hadassah will be turned over to the Pioneer the Convention. Similar plans will ablest and most qualified men ever colleagues" of Justice Cardozo op- FKADENBERG, 8TAX.MASTEB AXD No. L802.T0R • and all dishes, linens, ell* verware, bedding nnd kit utensils BEBER, OSCAR T. DOEBR, secretary, will address the meeting Women's Chalutzo fund. covered by Chattel Mortgage executed bf, proposed to other divisions in the to come to the bench of the Supreme posed his naming on racial grounds, PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK on the work of the Hadassah in Mrs. M. A. Levich and Mrs. Vito Chiala nnd Kutherine Cliinln on Noactually Justtice Cardozo's lineage Court in the 144 years of its ex«9» Omaha National Bank Building:, United States. vember IT, 1631, to F . E. Tyson, doing Leaff were in charge of the arrangeOmaha, Nebraska Palestine. istence, in a book, whose authors in this country goes back to the business as the Omaha Loan Company,, Youth Discussion ments. • . ' • • • • and having filed for record in the early seventeen hundreds, the book are anonymous, entitled, "More MerInvitations have been mailed to all NOTICE OF »ISSOr.rrTION O F TNION office of thebeen County Clerk of Douglas Julius . Bisrio, assistant executive ry Go Round." SECURITIES CORPORATION: says. " ' : . . ' . the Jewish women of the city, and County, Nebraska. Notice is hereby Riven that at the meetthe various women's organizations R. H. Emlein was elected to thesecretary of the A. Z. A. aroused The volume dealinar with notables . Senattor Borah and Justice Har- lag of the stockholders of the Union Se- Said sale will be for the purpose of Executive Committee of the confercuritles Corporation, a corporation, held foreclosing said Mortgage and to satisfyconsiderable discussion when he have been urged to attend the meetin Washington discloses a number lan F. Stone of New York are cred- on November 12, 1932, in Omaha, Nebraska, the amount duo thereton, to-wit: Two ence on Palestine at Omaha, Sunday. read a paper on "Youth and Eduited with decisively causing the naming. An elaborate tea will follow Among the Sioux Cityans who atit was unanimously voted to dissolve such Hundred Forty-nine and No-100 Dollars corporation at once. Louis H. Katleman, Ben Kubby, Sication" in which he pointed out ing of Cardozo. ($249.00) and accruing costs. ; the business meeting and address. tended the conference were Kabbi JOHN A. FAHBEK, F. E. TYSON, Of Justice Cardozo the book says: In addition to Mrs. Epstein's ad- and Mrs. H. H. Rabinowitz, Sadie "that great ignorance exists among mon Steinberg, Harry Cherniss, Sam President Doing Business as Omaha Loan CO. HAROLD FARBER, dress, a sketch, directed by Mrs. E.Shulkin, Ruth Wigodsky, Elizabeth the Jewish youth." Bisno's objec- Steinberg, Martin Gluckman, Arthur "In one hundred and forty-four ll-18-32-4t ll-ll-32-3t Secretary; tive was to create a positive atti- Lerner and Leo Fitch. years that the Supreme Court has J. Fribourg, will be presented, and Raskin, Rose Lipman, Ann Cohen and tude towards the Zionist movement been in existence, however, few men Mrs. J. J. Arkin will be heard in a Sara Woskoff. and . as he put it to make youth The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688have been better qualified to bring it ffroup of vocal solos. "Zionist conscious" and second, to of the Independent Order of thefresh legal atmosphere or a better Mrs. E. H. Emlein, president of gain-their support for the cause B'nai Brith will hold a regular meet- endowment in ability and experience tie Hadassah chapter, will preside. Dinner for Newsies "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Mrs. Sam Mosow is in charge of the Through the generosity of Sioux wherever possible.. He submitted a ing next Monday evening, Nov. 28,than the latest Justice to join the at the Eagles hall. court." Funerals To Fit Any Purse arrangements for the tea. City's business men, and the efforts detailed program which was unanimously adopted and a department Discussing J u s t i c e Brandeis, the of the Jewish Community Center, 125 Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third newsies, of all "creeds and faiths, at- for Youth and Education was creat- Mrs. G. Wright arrived here last book states: "Throueh his friendweek from Los Angeles, Calif., for ships with hundreds of men and tended a Thanksgiving dinner, yester- ed by the convention in order to day noon, in the Center auditorium. gain the Jewish youth for Palestine. a visit at the home of her son-in- women in public and private life, Mrs. M. B. Herzoff was elected The menu included all Thanksgiving Rabbi Aaron Lefkowitz of Daven- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Brandeis in his quiet and unobtrusecretary of the Senior Hadassah delicacies from turkey to pumpkin port, Iowa, took issue with the pa-Markovitz. A family reunion was sive way wields a wider influence per: and while admitting the serious- held in her honor at a Thanksgiving than any other justice of the court.' Cultural group at their meeting last pie. ness of the problem, pointed to thedinner party given a t the home of The cry of radical orevented WilWorld'tTallettHofl Saturday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Markovitz Thursday son from carrying through his nom4tStorh$Hlih progress that has been achieved by Mrs. M. B. Herzoff. Bridge Tournament night, when other out-of-town guests ination of Brandeis as Attorney-Gen2500 The program included an address ' The first party/of the. bridge tour- the Zionist youth in the colleges. included Mr. and Mrs. B. Schwartz eral in his cabinet, but though this by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz on "Thenament, sponsored by the Junior HaROOMS A vigorous demand that the na-and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Friedman of cry was raised again when Brandeis Balfour Declaration and Its Implica- dassah Chapter, will be given next tional organization should once and Des Moines, Iowa, $3.00 w and Mr. and Mrs. name was presented for the Supreme tions," and a paper by Mrs. M. B.Monday evening, November 28, at 8 or all eliminate the existing chaos Julius Baron of Shenandoah, Iowa. Court, i t did not deter Wilson. Herzoff on "Anti-Semites and Pbilo- o'clock in the Corn Room of the Mar- of conducting independent efforts for All motored to Lincoln, Nebr., to Justice Brandeis is hailed as a Semites." ' tin hotel. The tournament will in- Palestine was voiced by Mendel N. attend the Nebraska-Missouri foot- crusader of social order by the auThe group meets every other Sat- clude one party a month for four Fisher, executive director of the ball game Thanksgiving day preced- thors of the book. "There have been urday afternoon. consecutive months. Prizes will be newly-established region, after re- ing the dinner party. other enlightened and brilliant jurawarded a t each party for the high porting the tremendous energy that ists on the Supreme Court bench— C H I C A G O '» "built around the scores, and a grand prize will be given the Jews are pouring out in meetDate for Talmud among the greatest of them; BranMorrison."Everything worthwhile8*near* at the conclusion of the tournament. ing their responsibilities to the an- Mr. and Mcs.. Sol Gross of St.deis' close friend. Justice Holmes. by—theatres, shops, offices and .-ailroad Louis, Mo., arrived this week to visit cient homeland. Torah Dance Set Attractive guest rooms—all at the home of their son-in-law and But they were concerned above all Testimonial Dinner outside with bath, Servidor, circulating daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. with propounding princinle and law. The date for the annual Talmud The testimonial dinner in honor Brandeis is not content with such Ice water and bedhead reading ramp. Katelman. Torah dance has been set for Monrole," the book says. Automatic garage facilities. Special floor day evening, Dec. 5. The dance is Mr. and Mrs. H. Feder announce of Morris Rothenberg was attended "He is a crusader of social order, for ladies. A great hotel in a grtaf city. sponsored by the Hebrew Mothers' the engagement of their daughter, by several hundred guests. Wil- Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Stemhill had dub and the Talmud Torah board of Sonia, to Dave Silverman of St. Paul, liam L. Holzman was toastmaster as their house guest this week Mr. the defender, formulator and philosLEONARD HICKS Managing Dirtctor opher of economic democracy. Minn. The announcement was dis-and tribute to the Zionist chief was Samuel Schaefer of Denver, Colo. directors. "It is this historic role that Jus by Leon Gellman, editor of the Among those who are assisting in closed at a recent party in the Feder paid tice Brandeis fills in the life of th< St. Louis Jewish Record; Prof. Gushome. The date for the wedding has the arrangement for the affair are tave Klausner, Judge Max G. Baron, . Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Cohen en- nation. It was as a crusader that he Mesdames Henry Sherman, Mike not been set. snd Clark Streets Dr. Alexander S. Wolf of St. Louis, tertained the members of their eve- came to the Supreme Court over the CHICAGO MushMn, A. W. Kaplan, L. Weiner, Rabbi R. H. Rabinowitz of Sioux ning bridge club at their home Tues- bitter opposition and protests of enMrs. John C. Levine and son, Moe Lazere, Paul Kaplan, Joe Kutchday night. trenched wealth, and it is as a cruer, Joe Levin, B. Shindler, B. Sher- Bobby, 3606 Jackson street, are vis- ity, Mendel N. Fisher of St. Louis and Harry Freidberg of Kansas man, H. Janowitch, L. Wigodsky, B. iting in the home of the former's ty. Dr. A. Greenberg presented Edelman, J. Osnowitch, M. A. Lev-parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Goss of ich, J. Shapiro, A. I. Schwartz, L. Mason City, Iowa. ~ Mrs. Levine at- Mr. Rothenberg with a check for Sinikin, M. Leaff and Frank Gor- tended the announcement party giv- $1,000 on behalf of the Omaha Jewen by Mr. and Mrs. Goss for their ish Philanthropies for the Palestine chow. daughter, Sally,, a former resident work, and Philip Klutznick presenthere, whose betrothal to Philip Si- ed Mr. Rothenberg -with fifty new Synagogue Election mon of DeKalb, HI., was made known. members from.this city in honor of to Be Held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pickus and Mr. his coming here. Sunday's banquet was in charge Thirteen new members will be and Mrs. Lou Mitchell spent last of Morris Friedel, M. M. Barish, who elected to the board of directors at week-end in Minneapolis, where they was elected to the executive committhe annual election of the Shaare attended the Minnesota-Michigan foot- tee, headed the reception committee. Zion Congregation next Tuesday eve- ball game. Mr. Pickus is chairman of the sixth district of the Unining, Nov. 29. versity of Michigan alumni, and gave . Mr. John Lansberg will give a reat the alumni banquet Friport of the work of the congregation adayreport evening in St. Paul. during the past year, and Mr. Eli

ioux Gity N ews





Society News


Council Bluffs News

S. Robinow will give a financial r e Over 300 attended the cabaret port. • ' - ' • .••'"'.;•••'.:.:':;:;::' BY P. R.K. • • • • • • • ••...••........,.4. Refreshments and a social hour dance given by the Temple Sister•will conclude the evening's program. hood last Tuesday evening in the The National Jewish Hospital of

ballroom of the Bellevue apartments Denver, Colo., held its annual drive H. Jf Bigelow and his orchestra in ^Council Bluffs this week. Mr. Shaare Zion furnished music for dancing, while Samuel Schaefer of Denver, national a number of novelty song and dance supervisor of the hospital, who asMr. E. J . Fribourg will be thenumbers were given during the eve-sisted the local committee, wishes to guest speaker at Shaare Zion syna- ning. extend his appreciation and sincere gogue tonight, speaking on the subthanks to all members of the comject of "Thanksgiving." Miss Sarah Kaplan is a patient in mittee and every contributor who Last Sunday evening Rabbi EL R.St. Joseph's hospital, where she hashelped to make this drive a sucRabinowitz spoke at the Zionist ban- undergone an appendix operation. cess. quet in Omaha, representing the The local committee which had Sioux City organization. Loyal Kier, son of Mr. Dave Kier, charge of the contributions consisted has been selected for the freshman of Mr. Herman Krasne, chairman; debate team of Iowa university, Mr. Louis Bernstein, vice-chairman; Sisterhood where he is a student. He is a for-Dr. Isaac Stemhill, secretary; Dr. The regular monthly meeting of mer vice president of the local A.Julius Moskovitz and Messrs. Sam Meyerson, Ben L. Seldin, Sam Gross, the Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood Z. A. chapter. . will be held next Friday afternoon, Dec. 2, in the Temple annex. Fol- Marvin Klass, a student at Mornlowing • a 1 o'clock luncheon, Mrs. ingside college, g has been selected as REV. A. DIAMOND b i ddebate b Lloyd Beal will offer a group of a member of h thevarsity He is president of Council Bluffs team of the school. readings, and Mrs. Russell Soper •vdll sing a group of songs, accom- of the local A. Z. A. chapter. Well Known in This Vicinity panied by Mr. Ralph Thompson. Jewas a ish current events will be discussed PRACTICAL MOHEL during the afternoon. 29 No. 7th St. Phone 1059

LATVIAN GOVERNMENT TO CURTAIL SUPPORT Hadassah Card Party TO JEWISH SCHOOLS The Senior Hadassah benefit card

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party will be given Wednesday eveRiga, (J. T. A.)—Concern has ning, Nov. 30, in the Jewish Com- been aroused in local Jewish circles munity Center. Mrs. E. N. Grue- by the on the part of tht skin and Mrs. Zella Levitan are inMinisterindication of Education that the govcharge of the arrangements. ernment support now being allowe The admission ticket includes a to Jewish schools will be curtailed. The way to interest Jewchance.on the door prize which will ish children in the affairs The government tried to find jus be given away during the evening. tification for this move in the declarof their people, the way Card prizes will also be given by ation that a number of Jewish pupils to integrate them into the chapter, Refreshments will be have left the Jewish schools more Jewish life is through an served. intelligent understanding recently showing a preference foi of the happenings of the Latvian schools. In the face of this fact, the Minister of Education deday Correction clares, an adjustment of the govEvery week throughout , Through an error last "week's Jew- ernment's contribution to the Jewis the school year. ish Press carried the statement that schools is necessary since educational subsidies ' are granted to national Mr. John Lansberg had departed for Rochester. The statement was incor- minorities in proportion to the genrect and the Press takes this means eral population. gives in condensed form The Minister stated that while the to correct it. the outstanding events matter had been discussed a t recent transpiring in world Issessions of the cabinet, no final deJ.C.C.News cision had been made. Local Jewish rael. The regular meeting of the Epilson organs discussing the situation point For details'address: Phi Sorority was held Wednesday out that the attempt to curtail government support to the Jewish school Jewish Current Events evening. Misses Eoss Rife and Hannab. Sperling were appointed co- would be contrary to present parlia- 125 E 46th St New York City, N.Y. I mentary, legislation. , chairmen of the. next program.


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Jewish Current Events



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