December 2, 1932

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In the Interests of ike Jewish People Kntvied as Bcc ~ Postofflce at On.

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

x Mall Matter on January xt, UBJL at > roska. under tbe Act ot March 3.1STO


Famed Sculptor Woi to Make Lapidus Bust

Szold to Address Jr. Forum Series

Vol. X—No. 44


Bernard Szold, speaking "on "ModWarsaw (J. T. A.).—Renewal of ern Drama," will open the Junior the "dollar inquisition" in Soviet RusForum series a t ; the Jewish Comsia on a grand scale -is described in munity Center .under the auspices of a communication received by a Polish the Senior Council- on December 19. Jew from a Russian relative and Six speakers^ each prominent in Noted Lecturer to Speak on published in the Warsaw "Hajnt." his particular field, will appear on The writer of the letter, who is Modern Orthodox Rabbi to "The Romance of RothsSpiritual Leader of Orthothe Junior Forum rostrum. described as living in the Kiev dischilds. " dox Synagogue trict, declares that in the last two The Junior IForum will open the months "thousands of Jews have been season's activities, for the Senior Dr. Abram Leon Sachar of the imprisoned with the purposes of exCouncil of Clubs at the Center. TryA modern orthodox rabbi, has been outs will be held in the near future University of Illinois, outstanding tracting dollars and gold from them." added to the religious life of the for the Senior Council play to be as a biographer, historian, educator The Spanish Inquisition represents local Jewish community, with the anand lecturer, will inaugurate the only a fraction of the horrors expe- nouncement that Rabbi Uri Miller of "Vienna (J. T. A.).—The influential presented early in February. rienced by Russian Jews arrested in Terre Haute, Ind., has been engaged uggenheim family of the United this fashion, says the letter. by the Vaad H'Oehr or Union of States, whose subsidies to Austrian Orthodox Synagogues in Omaha, to scientific institutions allegedly in the be spiritual leader of the five orthoamount of thousands of dollars andox houses of worship comprising the nually, have withdrawn their subof a poor tombstone carver, he "Prof. Enrico Glicenstein, worldventions owing to the anti-Semitic moulded forms first out of wax* then famed Jewish sculptor, has been brutalities at the University of Vicommissioned to make the bust of from pieces of wood from the for- enna, according to an unconfirmed est, attaining, finally, notoriety the late Harry Hapidus, renowned to be sent to Munich to report here. civic, communal and philanthropic enough study and develop his natural at- Many otiier American philanthroleader. pists and large donors from, other Noted Jewish Leader to Come to tainments. The bust when finished-will be This Country to Aid Pallands have informed the Austrian Two of Glicenstein's most famous placed in the Jewish Community works Polish Jewish Federation Scores government and the university auestine Funds are busts of "Jeremiah" and Center as a permanent memorial to "Messiah." These are exhibited in thorities that they are withdrawing Acts of Omission of the memory of the departed leader, European museums. their support for the same reason Officialdom • ' New York, (J. T. A.)—Dr. Chaim and will be paid for by the Jewish His first trip to the United States another unconfirmed report states. Weizmann, former president of the organizations of Omaha. This action has created a difficult World Zionist organization and the New York, (J. T. A.)—The Polwas made in 1928. The Community Center was chossituation for the government, inas- Jewish . Agency, for- Palestine, will ish government is charged with conen as the permanent site for the much as Austrian scientific institu- visit the United! States in February, ducting a policy of Jewish economic bust because Harry Lapidus was tions are now largely dependent upon 1933, in the interests of Zionism, it disinheritance, weakness in the matone of the founders of the Center foreign support, the government be- was announced! by the American ter of preventing the recurrence of and,was its first president, serving ing unable to assist them. Palestine campaign. the anti-Semite university riots and as head of the institution for three a general failure to set an example Dr.. Weizmann's visit will be of years. Also, though Mr. Lapidus of tolerance and equality by treating short duration owing -to other enRepresentatives of the John Simon was active in every worthwhile in its own domain the Jews on A. L. Sachar gagements which call for his return Guggenheim Foundation, the Murry cause in the interest of the needy to Europe. He was expected to Jewish Forum series at the Jewish footing of equality with their fellow and Leonie Guggenheim Foundation, or of education, the sponsors of a Daniel and Florence Guggenheim come to this country in January but Community Center this coming Wed- non-Jews, in a statement by the permanent memorial to him felt that American Mizrachi Head Wants the Foundation and of Guggenheim Bros, has been delayed because of scien- nesday evening, December 7, at 8 Federation of Polish Jews in Amerthe Jewish Community. Center repreExtreme Orthodoxy in disclaimed any knowledge of subsi- tific experiments he is now conduct- p. m. His subject will "be "The Ro- ica, made public through the Jewish senting, as, it does, the efforts of the Jewish Agency Telegraphic Agency. dies to foreign institutions or of their ing. mance of the Rothschilds." Rabbi Uri Miller entire community, would be the prowithdrawal, in response to an inquiry Dr. Weizmann is coming' here in . This series, inaugurated last year The statement issued by the AdModern Orthodox per place for the bust. Buffalo (J. T. A.).—A contrasting by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. response to. a joint invitation issued as part of the Jewish adult educa- ministrative Committee of the FedVaad. Rabbi Miller's coming to OmaIn addition to the bust, the estab- picture of the crisis in other countries by the Zionist organization of Amer- tion program of the Community Cen- eration and signed by Benjamin lishment of a community trust fund and the suffering of the Jewish popica, the American section of the ter, wffl bring: to Omaha leading Winter, president; Z. Tygel, execu- ha will mean that for the first tima and Yahrzeit services will be Omaha ulation there and the economic prosJewish Agency for Palestine and the Jewish exponents in the fields of tive director; and Herman B. Ober- the three branches of Judaism—orperity enjoyed by Palestine was preAmerican Palestine campaign. Jewry's tribute to his memory. man, chairman of the Administra- thodox, conservative and reform—will art, thought,- and music be simultaneously represented by rab. The committee which met with sented by Rabbi Wolf Gold, president At the same- time the American Dr. Sachar has appeared before tive Committee, challenges the statethe sculptor. Prof. Glicenstein, last of the American Mizrachi organizaPalestine Campaign in a statement Omaha audiences before, having last ments made by Mieczyslaw March- bis in the city. Rabbi Miller will assume his duweek-end in Chicago consisted of tion in his message to the sixteenth by its national chairman, Louis Lipat the opening of the Jewish lewsld, " Polish Counsul-General in ties as modern orthodox rabbi in Sam Beber, Dr. A. Greenberg, Hen- convention of the organization. sky, announced that a national con- spoken New York, with regard to the serPhilanthropies campaign last May. ious efforts bieng made by the Pol- Omaha the first of the year, accordry Monsky, Philip Klutznick, and Two hundred delegates and their ference on fund-raising for Pales- His eloquence is well-known. Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Blackmail of guests from many parts of the countine will be held in the middle of Jacob S. Pearlstien. ish.-government to reconstruct the ing to Harry Marcus, president of ; : Dr^ Saehar is director of "the HilJews by "Der Angriff," Berlin. Nazi try attended. " : January. ' I•'" shatt||ted., life, of Polish.^ J©?ry,j the Vaad.. • The general committee for the bust organ^ for the. purpose of extorting includes Harry - Malashock, chair- Rabbi Gold scored the Jewish money, is revealed by the Communist "It is" recognii&J that some of the Ulinois, and is an his- ligions" freedom of the ^Jews anil ---A-dinner in Rabbi Miller's honor was given at the B'nai Israel synman; Rabbi David, -A. Goldstein, Agency for the "blow to the spirit press. methods now being utilized in fund- tory. Born in New York, he was protection in the universities. agogue Tuesday evening. raising activities are obsolete and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, J. J. Green- of religion, since the death of Louis The statement of the Federation The papers disclose that three educated at Washington and Harberg, David Blacker and Sam Rav- •Marshall. For this reason alone, the Jewish owners of the banking con- must be changed to meet the new vard -Universities, followed by three pays tribute to the sympathetic at- At the age of 29 Rabbi Miller has Mizrachi should be pleased that edualready achieved an excellent record. conditions both here and in Palesitz. has passed from the control cern of Franx Wulf, namely Israel tine," Mr. Lipsky declares. "The years of post graduate research at titude of Dr. Marchlewski and to the He is president of the Rabbinical AsGlicenstein will start working on cation Owczarow, Gerhardt Koifman and defense of Jewish rights of Polish the University of Cambridge, EngJewish Agency, he said. the bust immediately and hopes to of Inthethis David Budnewitz, the target of con- purpose of the confeenrce will be to land, where he received the degree officials on the international scene, sociation of the Hebrew Theological connection, Rabbi Gold proCollege, having headed this alumni revise present methods and to confinish it within a few months. posed to the convention and offered tinuous agitation by the Nazi organ sider carefully the practices and psy- of Doctor of Philosophy for his work but declares the situation is wholly group for the past four years. In Finally the Jews paid a Nazi Glicenstein for consideration to the next Mizupon the Victorian House of Lords. different with Poland itself. Terre Haute he is president of the Storm Troop leader, Heinrich Morr, chological approach used during the "It is our contention," declares the Zionist district and is also chairman Internationally famous, Glicen- rachi World Congress, which will take the Typical of the immense appeal of past decade which seem to have lost sum of 7,700. darks and the stein Jhas'won two "Prix de Rome." place next summer, that efforts be "Angriff" Dr. Sachar as a lecturer is the fact statement, "that a strongly estab- of the Jewish National Fund for the attacks ceased immedi- their effectiveness." lished government such as the Polish His sculptbral works are to be found made to induce the Agudath-Israel, ately. "Next year's campaign of the that his classes at the University government is, should use all its re- midwest region. In addition, he is in the galleries and museums of the extreme orthodox group, to enter president of the United Jewish comhave always been among the most The paper officially withdrew its Jewish Agency will have to- enlarge not only for the suppression munity, embracing all Terre Haute Munich, London, Paris, Rome, War- the Jewish Agency. Rabbi Gold ex- allegations popular on the campus, crowded alike sources its work for the Keren Hayesod/ declaring that.the banksaw, Moscow, Frankfort, Kracow plained that in inducing the Agudath ers are respectable East European the statement points out. "Faced by students and visitors. His many of riots in progress, but also to Jewish organisations, led the Jewish make their recurrence impossible." Federated Charities drive there in Israel to join the Jewish Agency, the and many other cities. Jews. The "matter did not rest by menacing deficits, the Keren duties have not prevented him from orthodox elements would be strengthContinuing, the Federation points 1931, and is a past president of their Born in Turek, Poland, Glicenstein there, however, as the Storm Troop Hayesod has been staggering along writing for the New Republic and received his early education at the ened in their efforts to introduce a leader entered a suit against the under a burden that threatens its the Menorah Journal, and other or- out "The memory of the excesses of B'nai Brith lodge. last year being fresh in our minds, A graduate of the Hebrew TheoAcademy of Art in Munich. After greater religious spirit in Palestine Jews on the ground that, they had existence, and the existence of the gans of opinion. we cannot help but feel anxious logical college, he also has a Bachwinning the "Prix de Rome," he set- undertakings, particularly with ref- promised him an additional 20,000 various activities it has sponsored Dr. Sachar's recent book, the one- about their habit of recurrence." erence to education. tled in Italy. marks, which he sought to collect. elor of Science degree in arts and since 192L The development of the volume History of the Jews, was At an exhibition of his works in "Palestine is the only country in The Communist papers quote as new immigration depends upon the reprinted three times within a few "We are well aware that the at- literature. tacks were inspired by the anti-SemRome a few years ago, he was ac- the world where the Jews suffer no the source of their statements infor- financial resources of the Keren months of publication. itic elements opposed to the present "Modern orthodox Judaism," Rabbi claimed Italy's greatest living sculp- unemployment; where people, are not mation contained in the court rec- Hayesod." Wednesday's lecture will be free government with a view to bring Miller defines, "stands firmly on the tor. At that time the King of Italy pessimistic," declared Rabbi Gold, aft- ords. to members of the Jewish Commun- discredit and ignominy upon the principles that have symbolized the er he had painted a dark picture of conferred upon him the Order of ity Center. In addition, for this present regime," says the statement Jewish people throughout the ages. the Jewish position in other lands as Cavalier of the Crown of Italy. lecture only, eack member will be and emphasizes that "the full sever- It believes in incorporating the exbeing made doubly miserable by the *Manchester Guardian His career as a great sculptor given the privilege of inviting a ity of the law should be brought to ternal manifestations of modernism economic crisis and anti-Semitism. started while he was yet a youngOpposes Income Tax Expressing gratification with the guest. Tickets will be mailed to all bear not only upon the ignorant and as a means of propagating these ster. As a boy in Poland, the son granting of 4,500 immigration certifpaid-up members. Admission for misled followers of the reactionary principles. It permits changes purely Future wars are inevitable unless non-members is 50 cents. icates to Palestine for the current Manchester (J. T. A.).—Strong opopponents of the government, but in those aspects of Jewish life that have accreted in various Jewish pesix months period, Rabbi Gold gave position to the projected introduction nations of the world solve the probD. B. Cohn Heads Among the coming numbers on the primarily upon their instigators and riods but are not essential to the a statistical report of various devel- of an income tax in Palestine is ex- lem of industrial and agricultural Jewish Forum series will be a con- leaders. We believe that the laws Thorpeian Club opments in Palestine. pressed editorially by the "Manches- surplus, and realize that nationa' cert of Jewish folk music by Flor- of Poland give the government am- faith. The essence remains the same. In the last two years, he pointed ter Guardian." security is more readily obtained ence Bernstein; an address on Rus- ple authority to deal with those "Orthodox Judaism will not tolerate D. B. Cohn was elected president out, 20,000 dunam3 of land were "Instead of perceiving that it is through disarmament than by build- sia by Rabbi Samuel Wohl of Cin- subversive elements. The Polish an- any artificial tampering with its prinof the Thorpeian Athletic Club at a planted with orange groves, making the absence of an atrocious income ing up big defense armies and cinnati; and a dramatic recital by ti-Semites flaunt the law so repeat- ciples. Those are subject to a growth meeting at the J. C. C. Wednesday. a total of 63,000 dunams of land tax burden which accounted for the navies, Dr. Edgar A. Holt, profes- Nahum Zemach, founder of the Ha- edly in their destructive actions di- that must be organic and based on Other officers are: Morris Feldman, devoted to orange growing, represent- prosperity of Palestine, the control- sor of history and dean of the Munrected as much against the Jews as proper authority. Thus, the unity of vice-president; Sam Zwieback, secre- ing an investment of $40,000,000. Pal- lers of Palestine's destiny now pror icipal University Arts college, told bimah players. Irvin Stalmaster, chairman of the against the government as to pro- the Jewish people in their cultural tary; H. Chudacoff, treasurer; Morris estine oranges are constantly finding ceed to urge it down that descent two hundred women at the Jewish educational -committee of the Com- vide officials with the legal war- expression is assured." M. Franklin, reporter; Joe Raduziner, new markets at good prices. rants to proceed against them." Community Center, Monday after- munity Center, will preside. to which the high income tax led Rabbi Miller intends to inaugurate athletic director; Abe Meyer and Joe He stressed the growth of building England itself," the paper states. noon. 8 o'clock Friday evening services. Raduziner, sergeants-at-arms; Dr. A. operations, pointing out that in Tel The meeting was sponsored by His present plans also call for the A. Steinberg, I. C. Levin and A. Aviv alone 65,000 square meters have Jewish women's organizations formation of a young men's club as Meyer, trustees. Chest Drive Success three been built up at an approximate the Council of Jewish Women, Auxan adjunct to the Vaad, a ladies' The Thorps have entered a volley evaluation of $1,000,000. iliary to the Conservative Synaauxiliary and various youth organiball team in the J. C. C. league, cap- Industry, too, is showing progress The 1932-33 Community Chest gogue, and Temple Israel Sisterhood zations "that will serve as a vehicle tained by Joe Raduziner. he reported, declaring there has been campaign came to a victorious close in conjunction with the annual peace to bind Jewish youth to the synaa rise in the establishment of large at the final report meeting of work- assembly of the Council. gogue." His purpose is to completeBerlin (J. T. A.).—Professor Albert pansions and contractions to illus- ly and small factories. ers and division leaders at the Fonorganize the orthodox of the city Speaking on the subject, "War trate his point. Levitan Honored made his adieu before sailtenelle Hotel Tuesday noon, with a and the Machine Age," Dr. Holt said Einstein on a modern basis. for the United States at a lecture Using the example of a merry-gototal of $594,318.45, which is ten that there might have been some ing "I feel," he stated, "that every round to illustrate a point in LorVarsity Wins devoted to space expansion. Solomon Levitan, perennial treasthousand dollars more than was justification for resorting to arms Professor Einstein estimated the entz's theory, Professor Einstein said Jew, whether child or adult, has a, urer of the state of Wisconsin, was raised at the close of last year's before the machine age, but that to- expanding speed of the universe at speed determined the length, of bod- place in synagogue life, and we hops Sixth Straight campaign. unanimously elected honorary presiGwyer H. Yates, general war is as disastrous to the vic- 10,000 kilometres, about 6,000 miles, ies. to create the mechanism which will dent for life of the National Asso- The Jewish Community Center var- chairman, presided. W. F. Cozad day, enable each one to participate in torious nation as to the vanquished, "Length laid along the radius of per second. sity basketball team defeated the Bell ciation of State Auditors, Comptrolwas introduced as general chairman and has become simply "stupid bru- Professor Einstein stated that Eu- the merry-go-round does not change some phase of synagogual activity. lers and Treasurers, at the conven- Telephone five before a good-sized of next year's campaign. tality." clid's conception of geometry was of with speed but, as speed increases "I feel that one has to use the tion held last week at Richmond, Va. crowd last Wednesday, 36 to 24. He urged that nations resort to little use to the present-day astron- the length laid around the circum- modern technique of propaganda to Captain Phil Gerelick and Lou Wei instil in the modern Jewish child the peaceful means to settle disputes, omers. ference becomes shorter," he said. were' outstanding at the guard Rabbis Goldstein andt ner From this he drew the conclusion love and reverence for traditions! positions, with Johnny Rosenblatt, Reform Rabbis Occupy and advocated the erection of a Using homely examples, Professor Gerelick, Jim Burroughs and Foreign Pulpit Tonight powerful peace mechanism tha' Einstein explained that absolute that the accepted conception of "Pi" Judaism." Jolt Exchange Pulpits Bill would use economic boycott rather measurements of the universe's should not read 3.1415926, but "rath- The Vaad was organized less thsn "Lightning" Bogdonoff holding up th offensive. Rabbi Myron M. Meyer of St. than arms to bring errant nations movement were impossible except in er something higher," depending upon a year ago, unifying the orthodox Rabbi- H. Jolt of Lincoln will be relation of one body's movement to the speed of the bodies. synagogues of Omaha. These cagers made it six straighi Joseph, Mo., will occupy the pulpit to terms. the guest of the Conservative synaA tea followed Dr. Holt's address, another. His calculations relating to Through example he sought to Sunday when they downed the Florat Temple Israel this evening, speakgogue congregation at services towhen members of all three organi the speed expansion of the heavenly show that the weight of masses had night in Omaha. He will speak on ence Merchants, composed of Omaha ing on "The Future of Israel." and Creighton University stars, 85 zations served as hostesses. New system increased previous accepted a decided influence on the geometric Win Pre-Season Title Rabbi Frederick Cohn will be gues' "What If We Are Ordinary." structure of space. He explained the to 27. rabbi tonight at the Mt. Sinai con- members of the Council, announced conceptions tenfold. . While Rabbi Jolt is speaking in ability to measure astronomical disThe varsity will journey to NeThe Psi Mu basketball team won by Mrs. Mose Yousem, chairman, The scientist made no effort to esgregation in Sioux City. His subOmaha, Rabbi Goldstein will be ocare Mrs. Sanders Steinbach, Mrs. timate how long this expansion had tances by measuring the strength of the pre-season "A" loop at the Cencupying his pulpit in Lincoln, It is braska City to play the Mutual In- ject will be "American, Judaism." hoped that such exchanges in pulpits surance five of that city Sunday. The exchange of pulpits is being Fred Levey, Mrs. Abe Markovitz, been progressing,. but he predicted light reaching the earth through the ter Sunday by downing the Deep will/bring the communities closer tor They leave the "Center a t 1:15 p.m., sponsored by the Union of American Mrs. Leon E. Fellman, Mrs. Louis that the universe ultimately would wave lengths of the observed spec- Rocks in a rough-and-tumble conand a large delegation is expected to Hebrew congregations. test. Sogolow, and Mrs. Sam Josephson. contract^ citinc a rubber ball's ex- trum. gethaj; accompany them. .

Enrico Qlicenstein Commissioned to REPORT GUGGENHEIMS WITHDRAW GIFTS TO Make Bust of Harry Lapidus AUSTRIA INSTITUTIONS As Permanent Memorial

To Be Placed in J. & ۥ





Women Attend Peace Assembly

Einstein Discusses Space Expansion in Last Lecture



the diploma—my wall is all cluttered masses throughout that period, were number of Soviets and collectives up now with, photographs from the ro- condemned. We regard that as a very failed to use the Yiddish language because of the lack of proper tertagrauve section of Bishop Cannon, material motive. minology. A special consultation buCal Coolidge and Texas Guinan. Give WHY HIS HANDS SHAKE reau has now been opened in Freiit to Slomovitz or Frisch or Bieben." By DAVID SCHWARTZ If I mentioned his name, if you are dorf which will assist the collectives Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by among the book-wise you would know and Soviets. Special courses will be "HE'S A SHE" THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY He has achieved something of a conducted on how to write protocols, I see where the New York Times ROBBINSAND LEVINSOHN in speaking of Duff Guilford's just it. reputation in American biography. certificates and other documents in $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - . - • The aid in the finding of Raymond appearing work about Coolidge, "The He is a young Hebrew boy—with the Yiddish language, it was anAdvertising rates furnished on application The Jewish Old People's Home so- Robbins, furnished by Solomon Lev-, Rise of Saint Calvin," refers to the B. soft, almost feminine look, and his nounced. A handbook of regulations Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building hand always quivers. ciety is sponsoring a benefit Cha- insohn, the Chicago lawyer, who has author as "he." will also be issued. Telephone: ATlantic 1450 The quiver has a strange source. It nukah. card and tea party at the for years been a friend of Robbins May I call their attention to the and a co-partner in his peace endeavSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center home, 2504 Charles street, on Tues- ors, serves to call anew attention to fact that Duff is not a "he", but very stems from the recent fight to make DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor the world safe for democracy. much of a "she." day, Dec. 27. Levinsohn. FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - . - - - - - - - Edtor It seems rather strange to think of I have never met her myself, but It will be recalled, that the Kellogg FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent him in that light, but when he got I have met a man who is her husband ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent peace pact was largely the work of —a Hebrew boy—who until lately over there, he was put to taking care 310 North 16th Street A very interesting program has Levinsohn, and one newspaper now was working on the Washington Bi- of the dead bodies. A year of handreports that at least one of the reaLUNCH, Kosher Style 35c been arranged by the Temple Israel Centennial Committee at Washington. ling dead bodies wrote something on Sunday Chicken Dinner Clip Sisterhood for the meeting to be held sons why Leyinsohn was not mentionhis nervous system—and the shaking Duff is a little Hebrew maid, but The B'nai Brith is now celebrating its ninetieth anniversary, Monday, Dec 5, at 3:30 p. m. at the ed for the Nobel prize, while Kellogg where she got the moniker of "Guil- of his hands is the result of that writwith all the trimmings UVl» got it, was that Levinsohn refused to ing. representing fourscore and ten years of monumental achieve- Temple annex. ford" I don't know. have his name presented. This, deMrs. J. G. Masters will be the spite the fact, that he not only formHowever, she writes swell, and the WHY SHE IS DYING ment in all parts of the universe on behalf of world Jewry. principal speaker. Her subject will ulated the Kellogg pact, but Rise of St. Calvin, if I mistake not, is She is in a sanatorium on the coast The mere fact that the order has survived ninety years since be "An Appreciation for Modem spent . « dying of tuberculosis. That is what tens of thousands of dollars out of e°ms o v e r v e r y w e l L its humble beginning in New York is itself indicative of the Writing." the doctors say, but her friends say, "Your Old Hat Made New A board meeting will be held at his own funds in promoting peace en- MISS BRANDEIS GOES major niche it has carved in the annals of contemporary Jew- 2:30 deavors. she is dying of a broken heart. SLANGY p. m., preceding the lecture. Save a Dollar or Two" I like this act of Levinsohn in reShe is the wife of a professor, who ish life. I was a little hesitant about using fusing to have his name presented. the word "swell" in the previous para- is nationally known. He is Jewish. OMAHA HAT FACTORY Building upon almost a century past, these Sons of the 115 North 13th Street One of my suppressed desires has al- graph, but my hesitancy was over- He is the author of several works on Opposite Tost Office ways been to turn down some pri^e, come by reading in the newspapers economics which are very well Covenant have served well in the temple of humanity. Under ED KAVliAX. Manager thus far, alas, I have not had the that Susan Brandeis, appearing before thought of in the academic world. the banner of "Benevolence, Brotherly Love and Harmony," At the last meeting of the Con- but Phone ATlantlc 0530 opportunity. I have always dreamed the recently established Conciliation The professor was working very AND WE W I U CALIi servative Synagogue Auxiliary plans they have done most praiseworthy work toward aiding the of Harvard University offering me an completed to raise $1,100 for honorary degree and myself non-chal- Court in Brooklyn had used the word. hard, "Why don't you get somebody poor, caring for the sick, spreading good-will and bringing our were the synagogue. Under the direction antly answering: "What can I do with Not only that, but Justice Brandeis' to help you with the research?" his daughter had gone further and used wife pleaded. aspiring youth nearer to the heritage of their fathers. The of the ways and means committee the words "nope" and "yep." He finally saw her point, and a headed by Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, lofty ideals of B'nai Brith can be envisioned from their preter No. 100 at a meeting Sunday. I suppose Miss Brandeis or rather young woman was brought in as his eleven groups of fifteen members amble: "The B'nai Brith has taken upon itself the mission of each have been organized with a The new members include Herman Mrs. Gilbert, to use her marriage secretary. He decided to make a trip TRY US FOR QUALITY uniting Israelites in the work of promoting their highest inter- chairman and co-chairman over each Blumenthal, Harold Bluumenthal, name, was feeling very democratic on to Europe and took the young woman along. She became more than his secLouis Baumer, Nathan Crounse, Max that particular day. ests and those of humanity; of developing and elevating the group. Novak, Julius Myerson, Dave SchlaiAfter all, there is no such thing in retary. The wife was pushed out of AT REASONABLE PRICES mental and moral character of the people of our faith; of Each group has pledged itself to fer and William Rosenbaum. itself as "good usage." There are the picture. raise a minimum of one hundred "Once Our Customer — inculcating the purest principles of philanthropy, honor and dollars through independent and or- The ritual was performed by Dan fashions in words as in clothes. To- She is dying alone in a Pacific Coast sanatorium. Always Our Customer" day, for instance, only the southern patriotism; of supporting science and art; alleviating the wants iginal effort. Various schemes and Lintzman, Maurice Katz and Louie darkey will say: "Aks" for ask. And ZOLOTOKOFF WRITES A Singer. William Wolfe gave a short of the,poor and needy; visiting and attending the sick; coming ideas have already been announced talk of welcome. yet, three or four hundred years ago, to the rescue of victims of persecution; providing for, protect- by several of the groups and much The entire chapter plans to attend the literary way of saying, the word BOOK interest has been displayed, as this This department, some time ago, was "aks." ing and assisting the widow and orphan on the broadest prin- plan told of the little ruse once employed involves the active co-operation the A. Z. A. banquet on A. Z. A. 1709 DOUGLAS ST. ciples of humanity." by Dr. Shapiro of the Library of of every member in the organization. day, Dec. 18. Maurice Katz, presi- OUR "O YEAH" dent, and William Wolfe will repre- DEPARTMENT Congress in entertaining some Arabs. Opp. Omaha Athletic Club The good accomplished and the possibilities for the future On March 12 during the Purim sent the chapter as speakers on the festival ball the results of this plan program which will follow. Felix Adler before Ethical Culture Taking some forty or so Arab stuof the B'nai Brith are tremendous. It has been and will con- will be announced. Society: "The madness for money is dents of his class in Palestine, years tinue to be a great motivating force for the best in humanita- The eleven group chairmen and not universal. The Budahist and the ago, he gave them each some numBrahmins do not share it . . . it is ber, and then to their amazement, rerianism. The B'nai Brith hospitals and orphanages are the their co-chairmen are: 1, Mrs. John wrong to ascribe a material motive to peated to each the number he had Beber, chairman; Mrs. Philip KlutzThe Fa-Hon sorority held a meetpulsating throbs of a generous people with a soul; the anti- nick given them. and Mrs. Sam Beber. 2, Mrs. ing at the J. C. C Monday evening, everything. Certainly, no material Of course, the ruse was simple to defamation, Hillel foundation and A. Z. A. work is the,far- J. Blank, chairman; Mrs. E. A. at which plans were made for a ben- motive explains the Crusades." knowing Hebrew, where every sighted building of a people with vision- Able to adjust itself Meyer. 3, Mrs. Arthur Cohn, chair- efit bridge to be given early in Jan- For Prof. Adler's information, may anyone letter of the alphabet also has a numwe call attention to the fact that the to the changing times, the order has never sought to divert man; Mrs. Harry Silverman and uary. Mrs. Rose Zweiback is chair- Brahmins are the principal land own- erical sonnotation. Dr. Shapiro, mereMrs. William Boasberg. 4, Mrs. A. man of the affair. the current of Jewish life into a narrow channel but has D. Frank, chairman; Mrs. Ernie Mrs. Morris Rriedel is the new ers of India, and we imagine that ly had to give each of the Arabs the much of their high caste is due to numerical connotation of some word Instead been a common meeting ground for all classes and ele- Nogg and Mrs. R. Natelson. 5, sponsor of the group. nothing but that fact, a very material in the psalms. ments of Jews, without regard to origin of birth, sectarian dif- Mrs. Dave Greenberg, chairman; Well, I see the same device is narfact. As to the Crusades, we are no Mrs. Dave Cohn and Mrs. Harry ferences, political or economic viewpoints of its members. authority but we would wager two Tated by Zolotokoff of the Jewish Trustin. 6, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, At a meeting of the Henrietta pipefuls of Prince Albert, Granger or Morning Journal in "From Vilna to Heartiest felicitations and congratulations are due to the chairman; Mrs. Ben Glazer and Mrs. Szold The Sign of cluub at the J. C C. Tuesday any other inexpensive smoking tobac- Hollywood." The book by the way B'nai Brith as it enters its jubilee year of celebration. In this Nathan Nogg. 7, Mrs. Lester Mey- evening, it was definitely decided to co to Felix Adler's one, that the thou- I imagine, will make the movies. It is Good Workmanship chairman; Mrs. I. Levinson and hold a raffle on Sunday, Dec. 18. sands who left on the Crusades cared full of movie possibilities. There is section of the country its manifold humanitarian activities er, JA. 1614 Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. 8, Mrs. Lazarus gave a final report very little about the Holy Sepulchre, in particular one dramatic scene Offices Brandeis Fheatre Bldg have made an indelible impression. It is therefore fitting that Sol Novitsky, Chr., Mrs. J. Bramson onElsie the food sale, The club expresses but responded to the opportunity of where the "hero" of the book is OMAHA in the midst of the observance of the ninetieth birthday of and Mrs. Sam Green. 9. Mrs. Cave its appreciation to all those who getting away from the economic pen- caught by the Czar's secret service at Sherman, Chr., Mrs. I. Dansky, and helped make the. sale a success. ury and grindstone to which the a revolutionist meeting. The hero the order, next "summer, theconvention of district number six Mrs. saves the situation by bursting forth I. W. Rosenblatt. 10. Mrs. B. A. of the B'nai Brith be held m this city, along with the interna- Simon, Chr, Mrs. J. Stein and Mrs. H. in the Kaddish. The others join in the responsive Amens. And the hero tional convention of l i e Junior B'nai Brith (A. Z. A), a prod- Hirschman. 11. Mrs. Mose Yousem, tells the sleuths that they are just uct of this city—that we may be inspired by B'nai Brith values Chr., Mrs. Jack W. Marer and Mrs. holding a yahrzeit service. Ben Shapiro. and work with added zest so that the coming years may bring THIS AND THAT Dinner CALL increased majesty and power to the fruitful life of the B'nai The next dinner of the ConservaEddie Cantor has been elected president of the Jewish Theatrical tive Synagogue will be held WednesBrith. Guild, succeeding the late William day, December 7, at the J. C. C • Dr. Morris. A. L. Sachar, who will speak at the About Your ing will precede the regular meet- Center auditorium that evening unJohn D. Eockfeller, Jr., voted the ing at 1:30 p.m. complete Republican ticket, except for der the auspices of the J. C. C , will the governorship of New York. For be a guest at the dinner. Because Problems, Where You Know the governor, he voted for Lehman, demoDr. Sachar will speak at the audiPrices Are Always Right crat. torium that evening, the dinner wlil A regular meeting of the Chesed be held in the lodge room and will Mrs. Irving Berlin, nee Ellin MackFurnace Coils Installed ay, is said to be doing a great deal of Shel Ernes will be held at the Chesed be cafeteria style. $ 3 and up reading of books on Jewish themes. Shel Ernes building on Monday aftReservations may be made with Lee Posner is doing a new column 2902 Laurel Ave. KE. 3626 ernoon at 2 o'clock, Mrs. Ben Glazer. Reservations and The December meeting of the Jewfor the Sunday American, "This A report of the special committee cancellations will be closed Tuesday ish Women's Welfare Federation will appointed at the last meeting will be Whirl of Ours." be held at the Jewish Community given. All members are urged to evening, December 6. The David Resnicks, formerly of St. Center Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 2:30 p.m. attend. Louis, are anticipating a blessed The next Oneg Shabbos will be event. The principal speaker of the afterheld Saturday afternoon, December Lewis Browne is planning a world noon will he Miss Jeanette Mc3, at the home of Mrs. Dave Cohn, . tour. Donald, dean of girls at Technical 113 South 55th St. Mrs. D. A. I Barney Gallant, night club owner, high school, who will speak on "The Goldstein will review the life of was at one time publicity man for Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, national Social Background of the High School Heinrich Heine, Mrs. Nathan Nogg General Carranza, erstwhile President secretary of Hadassah, was guest Des Moines $2.00 Girl." This is the second of a series will sing a few of his lyrics, and of Mexico. speaker at the luncheon held by Ha- Mrs. William Racusin will read sevDenver $7.50 of talks on this subject. dassah at the J. C. C. Wednesday THE CELEBRATED Detroit $7.00 Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive noon. Mrs. Epstein gave a very in- eral of his poems. Reservations are "TfflEF CATCHER" Los Angeles $20.00 director of the J. C. C, will also teresting and entertaining talk to a to be made with Mrs. M. Margolin. But speaking about Jewish office address this meeting. large audience. holders, there is among the collection The meeting is open to the public. A musical program was also given. of lithographs on exhibit at present All members are urged to attend, The banquet culminated the memEdwards Hotel Bldg. at fiie New York public library one «nd bring a friend. A board meet- bership drive of the local chapter, The Daughters of Zion held an of some Jewish interest. 306 No. 16th Ha 5000 interesting meeting at the J. C. C. It is a picture of the first railroad Tuesday. Mr. Raskin, well-known train in America. And among the BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run Jewish poet from New York, was list of riders depicted is a Jewish the guest speaker and told the audchief of police of New York, Chief PETROI-ECM ience of the accomplishments achJacob Hayes, who was known as "the ieved in Palestine through funds thief catcher." He had a reputation given by the local Daughters oi for success in catching thieves. Beat Grade—Forked Clean Zion. ALL LUMPED—FORKED Small la Size, bat Xarge In Heat THE SPINOZA HARVEST CLEANERS High in Heat .; The organization is planning a A BIO BATING TO COKE USERS Two volumes on Spinoza are now Very Little Ash Chanukah program at the J. C. C. DYERS out. One by Lewis Browne and the during Chanukah. An interesting other by the grand nephew of SpinHATTERS "program will be arranged, including oza, Benjamin de Casseres. If that musical numbers and refreshments. TAILORS CONSUMERS COAL CO. is not enough to satisfy your appeVarious committees in the organCERTIFIED WEIGHTS BY A SWORN AND BONDED tite, three more are to appear within WEIGHMASTER ization are preparing for the solicithe next few months, according to tation of articles for the group's publishers' announcements. annual bazaar. The publishers are doing their bit 4420-22 North 20 for the Spinoza tercentenary. If only Holland had a Congressman KEnwood 1500 The overwhelming demand for the amazing values offered Bloom, he might have made the Mrs. Moses P. Epstein, national secin Nebraska Clothing Co.'s Startling Opportunity Sale jusSpinoza affair for Amsterdam what retary of Senior Hadassah, addressed tified the immediate purchase of additional thousands of a large meeting of Junior Hadassah Bloom made for America in the Suits and Overcoats. In all our experience this store has Wednesday evening at the J. C. C. case of the bicentennial of Washnever before secured such thrilling values in strictly high ington. grade clothing. More than a dozen of our famous fine We might have had Spinoza conclothes makers co-operated with us. The vast new shipcerts and even Spinoza signs on auments offer another opportunity for thousands of men Try a Bag Today Extensive preparations are already and young men to share in the most startling, unexpected tomobiles. under way for the annual Thorpeian quality clothing values that this store of quality has ever HAND FINISHED New Year eve frolic. The committee known. Attend the Startling Opportunity Sale—Don't In in of Levine, Kohn, Elewitz, Zwieback miss it. • Thrifty Thrifty : and Franklin, have kept "depression" Damp Damp in mind and have arranged for a AU-Flat All-Flat novel program in entertainment, mysBOUGH DUX SERVICES tery and fun. The affair is open to the general Moscow (J. T. A.).—Jewish Soviets public. and collectives in Crimea must in OMAB*. Kfik the future conduct official business in •.COERECT APPAREL FOB UBS AND WOMEN the Yiddish language in accordance with a decision of the Crimean Zik. The first degree was conferred on The Zik declares that in the past a eight pledges of the A. Z. A. chap-


-their campaign being .part of a: ilational drive to increase the Hadassah membership in this country to 40,000.

By theWay

Benefit Chanukah Card Party


Temple Sisterhood


Conservative Auxiliary

Shoe Repairing

DOUGLAS Shoe Repair Co.


Henrietta Szold


Startling Opportunity Sale

Organization News

Jewish Women's Welfare Federation


Chesed She! Ernes


Enormous New Shipments Arrive to Serve M Men and Young Men! Thousands of World's Best

Suits f ^rercoats





. .


Daughters of Zion



$ $








Jr. Hadassah


FAVORITE of Nebraska Women


mar wonder


Crimean Soviets Must Use Yiddish



J?AGE^-4BB -JEWISH f*KES& FRIDAY* DECEMBER 2; 1982 SORORITY BRIDGE The Phi Omega Delta sorority met The second of a series of addresses at the home of Miss Ruth Slobodisky Sunday afternoon. The after- for the Current Copies class of the noon was spent in playing bridge. Omaha Council of Jewish Women New York (J. T. A.).—A sharp "will be given by Rabbi David Goldcurtailment in the preventive and stein Tuesday, .Dec 6, at 10:30 a. m. INITIATION LUNCHEON Budapest, (J. T. A.)—A Hungar- curative work of the organizations An initiation luncheon and tea wasat the Jewish Community Center. ian Jew, Thiamer Varadi, is tiie de- conducting health work among the His subject -will be "The War given by the U. T. club at the Paxton signer of the new Hitler uniform Debts," » topic of timely interest to Saturday afternoon. Rabbi Myron M. Meyer of St. worn by the Nazi storm troops, the Jewish population of eastern and central Europe, coupled with an inThose initiated included the Misses council members, inasmuch as both Joseph, Mo., will occupy the pulpit "Pester Lloyd" asserts. Phyllis Berkowitz,' Jean Pepper, Fan the civics and. legislation, and peace at Temple Israel this evening. Rabbi Varadi was named to design the creased necessity for free medical Sommers and Ruth and Peggy Fried- .study groups are considering politr Frederick Cohn will address the Mt. uniform at Hitler's personal request, treatment, is reported by Dr. Jacob ical and economic phases of the prob- Sinai congregation in Sioux City on though the latter was aware that J. Golub, executive director of the man. lem. Hospital for Joint Diseases, New "American Judaism." Varadi is a Jew, the paper states. Please Note—All society items I north and south honors. Tickets may be secured at the Rabbi Meyer's subject will be "The So satisfactorily did the National York City, who recently returned visrr IN sioux CITY must be mailed or phoned so that The winners "Wednesday afternoon dcor, or season tickets may be se- Future of Israel." Mr. William L. Socialist chieftain find Varadi's de- from a two months* trip through they reach the Jewish Press ofWere Mrs. Fred Burbeck and Mrs. Miss. Esther Horwitz spent the cured at $1.50 to members of the Holzman will conduct the services. signs that he paid the latter double Austria, Germany and Poland, where fice by 5 p. m. Wednesdays to Clark Griffey in the north and south Thanksgiving week-end visiting with council and $3 to non-members. Kaddish will be recited for Mar-the amount agreed upon, "Pester he conferred with officials of thess friends in Sioux City. insure publication for that Section and Mrs. Ben Kubby of CounMrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, educational ion Hortense Ungar. Lloyd" reports. bodies. The hospitals and clinics, cil Bluffs and Mrs. John Weinstein Messrs. Jack and Joseph Kaiman chairman, who i s in charge of the The exchange of pulpits is part of especially, have had to restrict their in the east and west. GOLDMAN-HAYKIN motored to Sioux City Sunday to vis- Current Topics class, announces also a nation-wide movement of the Un-Lord Melchett British Head activities as the result of drastic deCARRIAGE that the child study classes organized ion of American Hebrew CongregaMrs. David Ferer will hold her it friends there. creases in their income and the eduThe marriage of Miss Lflyan Hay- tournaments every Wednesday afteronly this week are being received en- tions "to combat religious depres- of World Jewish Congress London.—Lord Melchett, son of cational health propaganda credited kin, to Mr. Lester Goldman was sol-noon at the Athletic club at 1:30 SIGMA DELTA TAU NEWS thusiastically. About 25 women at- sion," and arouse the interest of the the late Lord Melchett, to whose with having taught thousands to emnized on Thanksgiving day at 2:30 o'clock. tended the informal gathering held The alumni of the Sigma Delta Jews of America in behalf of the he succeeded, has agreed to avoid unsanitary and unhealthy conp.m. at the home of the bride's Tau sorority held a luncheon for the at her home Tuesday to arrange plans national religious institutions of the title head the British Committee which ditions, has had to be almost comparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayfor the course. Mre. Eva Morse, members of the active chapter at the Jewish people. kin, in the presence of the immediate CHANUKAH DANCE BY will work in the interests of the pletely discontinued as a result of head of the adult education departUniversity of Nebraska at the Hotel iamily. Rabbi David Goldstein per- JUNIOR SOCIETY world Jewish congress projected for economic conditions, Dr. Golub said. ment for the board of education, the The Junior Society of the Conserv- Fontenelle in Omaha last Saturday leader, met with the class. formed the ceremony. 1934. afternoon. Bridge followed. The bride wore a Burgundy crepe ative Synagogue will hold their first Regular meetings of this group Mrs. A. Milder entertained at tea i «od velvet gown, made in the pre^annual Chanukah dance at the Fon-at her home Sunday afternoon for will be held each Tuesday at 3 p. m. Candle lighting time tonight, 4:15. tenelle hotel on Sunday evening, D e c "roiling mode, with crepe slippers and at the Jewish Community Center, bethe sorority members. Rabbi H. Jolt of Lincoln will oca velvet turban to match. She car-25. ginning Dec. 13, Mrs. Kulakofsky anAmong those who went home for cupy Rabbi Goldstein's pulpit at serMiss Jeanette Levinson, chairman ried a bouquet of Johanna Hill rose;!. the Thanksgiving vacation were Ruth nounced. There will be no meeting Immediately after the ceremony a of the affair, is being assisted by Bernstein and Gwendolyn Myerson, next Tuesday because Mrs. Morse is vices at the J. C. C. this evening, reception for relatives and a few in- the Misses Dora Markowitz, Sophie louncil Bluffs; Ruth Fox, Ruth to speak in Kansas City on that his subject being "What If We Are Ordinary." timate friends was held. After a Handler, Ida Tenenbaum, Toby Flax Greenberg, Roselle Perlis, Betty Se- date. Even the best of meals at home someRabbi David Goldstein will speak and Bess Bernstein. All members of short honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. times become monotonous. Enrollment is still open to all gal and Rose Steinberg, Omaha, and '^ Goldman will make their home in the organization are selling tickets. Florence Smeerin, Woodbine, Iowa. women interested, and should be at Lincoln tonight For a pleasant change come down to Next week Rabbi Goldstein will Omaha. made with Mrs. Kulakofsky before the Jack and Jill . . . eating there deliver a sermon on "The Dangers ^Out-of-town guests at the wedding HERE FOR J. N. F. Miss Shirley Horberg and Miss Ju- the next meeting. never becomes monotonous or dull. and the Blessings of Dreams." Mr. Philip Raskin of New York, dith Soboroff of Chicago, 111., were were Mr. J. Goldman and Miss Eileen That's why it is "an eating place of Goldman, father and sister of the noted Jewish poet, spent the early the house guests of Miss Ruth Greendistinction." bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Co-part of the week in Omaha in behalf berg of Omaha for the Thanksgivhen and Mr. Henry Rise, all of Des of the Jewish National Fund. A joyous variety of foods for an ending holidays. By Moines. less variety of tastes . . . . you will ENTERTAINS Mrs. David M. Newman love it . . . . delicious menus at reaMiss Gwendolyn Myerson of CounMr. and Mrs. Sam Fellman enter- cil Bluffs, Iowa, and Miss Florence RUBEN-MARCUS WEDDING sonable cost for breakfast, lunch, Miss Sara Marcus, daughter of Mr. tained for thirty-five guests in honor Smeerin, Woodbine, Iowa, pledges dinner, or after the show. Moscow (J. T. A.).—The High Cream Puffs and Mrs. Harry Marcus, became the of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenblatt and of Sigma Delta Tau, have been One cup flour level, 1 cup boiling Court here has ruled that the perbride of Mr. Irving Ruben, son of Dr. and Mrs. Leon Fellman, both pledged to the Dramatic club of the water, one-half teaspoon salt, one- formance of circumcision, prescribed "Mrs. Mollie Ruben of Chicago, on couples recently wed. University of Nebraska. third cup crisco or mazola oil, 4 eggs. by the Jewish religion, is an act not Thursday, Nov. 24, at the B'nai IsMiss Ruth Bernstein of Council Melt shortening m boiling water. punishable in itself, and is believed rael synagogue. Bluffs, Iowa, a member of Sigma Boil together, sift flour and salt to set an important precedent. BENEFIT BRIDGE Delta Tau at the University of Ne- Add to boiling mixture. Boil until TOURNAMENT The verdict was handed down in SCHRIER-LEVINE A bridge tournament sponsored by braska, has active charge of the Jun- it leaves sides of pan. Put in panconnection with the action brought ENGAGEMENT Mrs. J. Blank and Mrs. E. A. Meyer ior Reserve group at the Lincoln to cooL Then add eggs one at a by a Communist father against a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine of Lin- and supervised by Mrs. David Ferer high school. -time. Bake 450 degrees, 15 minutes Mohel who circumcized his son withcoln, formerly of Omaha, announce •will be given at the J. C. C. Wednes—then 350 degrees 25 minutes. When out his consent, although with the the approaching marriage of their day evening, D e c 14. All proceeds AT PAMPA cold fill with sweetened whipped approval of the child's mother and daughter, Dorothy Frances, to Mr. will go to the Conservative SynaMr. Joseph R. Lazarus of Pampa, cream or boiled custard. grandmother. Morris Schrier of Lincoln. gogue auxiliary. Texas, formerly of Omaha, as actThe court found that the mother's The wedding will take place in There will be a section of duplicate ing rabbi of the B'nai Israel temple consent was sufficient and also disOrange Cup Cakes Omaha on D e c 25 at 5 o'clock at the contract, a section of progressive in Pampa, addressed the builders' Four level tablespoons butter, 1 missed the charge brought against Paxton, in the presence of only mem- contract and a section of auction, class of the First Christian church cup sugar, 1 egg, two-thirds cup the Mohel that he had performed a bers of the immediate family. Rabbi with prizes awarded in each section. there last Sunday. Brotherly love surgical operation although medically milk, 2 cups or more of flour, H. Jolt of Lincoln will officiate. Affc- The total of prizes will be twenty- was his theme. untrained. The court ruled that evteaspoons baking powder, one-eighth er a honeymoon trip to Minneapolis, five dollars. Admission will be fifty ery competent Mohel is entitled to teaspoon salt, rise and juice of an the couple will make their home in cents. perform circumcisions. LIBERAL FORUM LECTURE orange. Bake ia muffin pans 25 Lincoln. Mr. Ballard Dunn will deliver the minutes. third of the lecture series being sponENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON HOSTESSsored by the -Omaha Liberal Open Prompt Service . . . . Miss Sylvia"" Joiusch' entertained Mrs. Sam Wertheimer was hostess Forum at the Lyric building Sunday, 73 New Students at . . . . Reasonable Prices three tables of bridge on Tuesday, Tuesday at the Paxton at luncheon Hebrew University Dec 4, at 3 p.m. Nov. 22, honoring her sister, Lillian. for her guests, Mrs. Sam Livingston New York.—Four American stuof Bloomington, 111., and Mrs. Albert dents are among the 73 young men J«e Freed, tttcr. Livingston of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. and women who entered the Hebrew 1018 Farnam Ja. 6071 Abe Herzberg will honor them at a NEW YEAR EVE PARTY University for the first time this buffet supper at the Paxton Sunday. AT J.C.C. The Psi Mu will sponsor a regular year. Thirty-six of the students Plans are being made for a gala matinee dance at the Jewish Comcome from countries outside of PalNew Year's eve party to be given munity Center this Sunday afternoon estine as compared, with 15 last ANNOUNCE BERTHS at the J. C. C. ballroom. Mrs. 3:30 SNIDER'S FANCY WINDMILL o'clock. Ernie Priesman's year, it was announced by Dr. A. S. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shyken announce Blank will be hostess. The charge NATIONAL orchestra will furnish the music. the birth of a son on Thursday, Nov. will be two dollars per couple, and W. Rosenbach, President of the ACCESSORIES, INC. Mrs. Harry Wolf and Mrs. L. Nev- American Friends of the Hebrew 24, at the Methodist hospital. Heavy Sjrrup, No. 2*4 can. Country Gent. Ko. S Can. all proceeds will go to Hadassah. eleff of the Jewish Women's Welfare University. DOZEN „ $1.75 DOZEN ... $1.09 "Everything for the Auto? Mr. and Mrs. A, Singer announce Federation will chaperone the affair. Thirty new students from Poland NATURE MADE VAN CAMP'S MISS PIZER the birth of a son last week. 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 have matriculated at the University GUEST SPEAKER this year. Mr. and Mrs. L F. Goodman anMiss Roseline R. Pizer was guest S1L or Halves, No. S% can, Early June, No. I Can nounce the birth of a son November speaker at a banquet given in LinDOZEN $1.75 DOZEN $1.09 < 20 at the Emanuel hospital. coln last night by Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalistic sorority. Miss MONARCH FANCY CZERNOWITZ, (J. T. A.)—The WINDMILL GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lincoln an- Pizer, who writes under the name of police department ordered all ownnounce the: birth of a son Wednes- Ro Pizer, is Nebraska correspond- ers of inns and restaurants to disday, Nov. 23, at the Oarkson hospital. ent for Time and Fortune magazines play outside their establishments licl a Heavy Syrup, No. 2 «m_ No. t Can $1.15 DOZEN $2.73 and spoke on "Keeping Timely for enses bearing the names of proprieDOZEN Word has been received here of the Time." tors and their nationalities. BLUE BERRIES HAPPY VALE CUT GREEN birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joe A former president of the NebrasThe measure is seen as an attempt RED RASPBERRIES Weinberg of Chicago. Mrs. Weinberg ka University chapter of Theta Sig- to introduce anti-Semitic discriminaGOOSEBERRIES •was formerly Miss Edith Gilman of ma Phi, Miss Pizer was graduated tion inasmuch as 90 per cent of the LOGAN BERRIES No. * Can Omaha. from the University of Nebraska last inns and restaurants are owned by STRAWBERRIES DOZEN $1.00 June. Jews. ATTENDS CONFERENCE - Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Pearlstien spent the week-end in Chicago. While there Mr. Pearlstien attende_' a conference of executives of AND 1 PINT FRENCH DRESSING FREE Sgencies in this region to work out a co-operative plan for dealing with transient?.

Council Current Topics

Religious Services

And a Jew Designed the New Hitler Uniform

Drop in Preventive and Curative Work

Temple Israel


Where You'll Never Find Eating Boresome

Kitchen Chats

Russian Court Rules Circumcision No Crime

and OttL FFEE ¥HOP

Matinee Dance



Innkeepers Ordered to Post Nationality



1 5 c CORN










Way to Cook!

-DUPLICATE BRIDGE TOURNEYS Mrs. M. Micklin and Mrs. James Naiman tied with Mrs. Philip Levey and Miss Beck Bercovici in the east and west section of the duplicate contract bridge tournament held last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Sam Newn a n and Mrs. L M. Weiner won


Butter-Nut D-^C Qt. 3 5 c Butter-Nut *%s^ Pkg. 1 5 c .17c Butter-Nutleayttzi: 32c


SAVING • SAFETY? • It is dangerous saving to entrust the lives of your family to a worn out mechanism, -when the latest and greatest Reo Flying Cloud can be bought at today's prices... Come in and let us show you the lowest cost safety insurance you can buy — buy a Reo. Hying dond» $995 *nd up. Reo-RoyJc* $1785 and up. Price* Standard Model* at factory phi* tax. MUCED FOR TODAY. STYLED FOR TOMORROW • BUILT FOR YEARS OF USi


Omaha, Nebr.

Sioux City, Iowa



Special for Juice, Do*.




S Founds 85c; round ______

Nice gise, Each


FIGS Found


Sunkist FLOUR


48Lb. Sack 9 8 c

A torn off the switch on the electric range and yon have the most dependable method of cooking known. No flames—no fumes. When you cook electrically you are always certain of good and healthful food. This year, give mother an electric range for Christmas. It is the gift she has been waiting for.


Nebraska Power Courtesy- Semes • LowfUtts




"A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve * Can Paul Spor for • Orchestra Engagements




35c 2lb. cat 68c 31b. can 95c


Sioux City News Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Palestinian Rabbi "Past Presidents' Visits Sioux City Night" at B'nai Chaim J. Leib Auerbach, Brith Meeting theRabbi first member of his family for


Herriot at Banquet of League to Combat Anti-Semitism . Paris.—Premier Edouard Herriot presided at a banquet Sunday which marked the occasion of the fourth international convention of the League to Combat Anti-Semitism. Among the speakers were the noted writers Romain Rolland, Henri Barbusse and Victor Margueritte.


Vihta Students Head for Bira Bid jan

2,1932 SHOTWXU* MONSKY. GBODIXSKT * VANCE in Omaha N a t ! Bank Bit*. PROBATE KOTICB Xn the Matter of the Estate of George K, Staines, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of Bald estate before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Koom in said County on the 17th day of January, 1033, and en the 17th day of Mnrch, 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months nre allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 17th day of December, 1932. BRYCE CRAWFORD, ll-26-32-3t County Judge.

Council Bluffs News

03e Omaha National Bonk; Building. Vilna.—Thirty Jewish students of O I Nebraska ;he Technicum maintained here by the 6 r t left for Bira Bidjan, the far BY F. B. K. NOTICE OF OTSSOHmON^OF CNION eastern region in Soviet Russia, SECURITIES COKPOBATIONt where ultimately it is expected a The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Notice la hereby elyen that, at the meetIn? of the stockhofdert of the Union SeJewish republic will be established. Torah Society will hold a regular curities Corporation, a corporation^ held meeting next Wednesday afternoon, on Novembe/l2,1932, In Omaha, ]Sebraska, To Expand Boycott i°waa onanimonslyA-otea to dissolve Buch December 7, at the Synagogue, 618 corporation at once. Warsaw. — An expansion of the Mynster St. JOHN A. FAKBER boycott campaign against the Jews President. in connection with the Christmas The, Jewish Boy Scout Troop held HAEOLD FAEBEK, trade was decided upon at a meeting a hike last Friday afternoon. Henry U-18-32-« Secretary. of National Democratic students. Mendelson is assistant scoutmaster of this group which is sponsored by the President Lebran on Brian J A. 2 . A. Chapter No. 7, and Marvin Forest Committee Paris. — President Lebrun o f Fitch i s the Junior Assistant Scout"Omaha's Md$t;aeawtfful Home for Funerals" France has consented to serve on master. Funerals To Fit Any Purse' :. the Committee which is sponsoring a LeoKrasne returned home last Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third forest, to be named after Aristide Briand, the late French statesman, week following a ten week's stay in on land of the Jewish National Fund Hollywood and San Diego, California. Mrs. Krasne and children will remain in Palestine. on the coast until spring.

Vienna.—Prof essor Albert Eineight generations to leave Palestine, stein: does not believe in, spirits .or The Past Presidents of the local visited in Sioux City last week-end, spiritualism. Indeed he would be Bnai Brith Lodge -will be guests of speaking while here from the pulvery happy if all his fellowmen were honor at the lodge's meeting, next pits of Shaare Zion Synagogue, Adas of the same opinion. Tuesday evening, December 6, which Yeshuren Synagogue and Tiphereth Professor Einstein makes this dewill be held in the Jewish. Commun- Israel Synagogue. claration in a communication, adRabbi Auerbach, one of five of ity Center. dressed to a Viennese woman who the Council of Rabbis of Palestine, This meeting is an annual one, wrote asking ;his beliefs on these during which the work of past years and founder and dean of the Cabala subjects. University, is on a nation-wide tour is reviewed, and brief addresses are heard from those who were at one to interest the young Jewry of Am- Temporary Truce Miss Minnie Miller and her brother, erica in Palestine. World's TallettHofl time head of the lodge. Budapest. — Order was restored William Miller of Winona, Minnesota, 4tStori*lHigk Among the past presidents who in Hungarian universities, including left Wednesday for their home after 2500 will attend the meeting are E. E. the University of Debreczin, where spending a few days here visiting Baron, A. H. Baron, Barney Baron, ROOMS disturbances have been recurrent in Miss Fannie Katelman. They made E. J. Fribourg, M. E. Friedman, E. Tecent weeks. the trip by motor. $3.00 w N. Grueslcin, Sam Greenstone, Joe The Christian student bodies reBy Levin Dr. H. M. Levine, Morris Pill, solved upon the maintenance of Twenty friends of Miss Helen GitSi Rich, and H. N. Slotsky. •* Mr. • Sioux City Jewry suffered an ir- peace in order to permit the resumptle honored her at a surprise party Morris H. Morey Lipshutz is at the head of reconcilable loss when death claimed tion of classes. last Friday night at her home in celeSogolow the lodge now. Mr. Abe Goodsite, Sunday afternoon, They demanded assurance, howevbration of her seventeenth birthday. Nominations for officers for: thefollowing a sudden heart attack. Mr. er, from the Minister of Education, The evening's diversion was dancing. C H I C A G O s "built around the coming year will be announced at Goodsite was a member of the Brod- that he would thwart any attempts Physical Morrison." Everything worthwhile is nearthe meeting, and balloting will be key and Goodsite jewelry firm, and to modify numerous dausus and that Director Mr. M. Marcus underwent a minor by—theatres, shops, offices and railroad held for new members. The mem-a pioneer resident of Sioux City. diplomas of Jewish students who J. C. C. operation at the Mercy hospital Attractive guest rooms—all bership drive which has been in full :. Born in Slutzk, Russia, in 1868,graduated abroad would not be recnesday morning. outside with bath, Servidor, circulating swing for the past month, will be Mr. Goodsite came to the United ognized. Basketball Managers, Attention! Icewatet and bedheae reading tamp. closde at this meeting. States in 1892. He was prominent Milton Yudelson is expected home Meeting of all managers and coachAutomatic garage facilities. Special floor Stirring Up Trouble in the charitable and welfare work today from Chicago, where he spent for ladies. A great hotel in a great city. Manchester.—An attempt to stir up es will be held Wednesday, Dec. 7,the past week. of the Jewish; community, having at 8 . p. m. Come prepared to disanti-Semitism in the industrial LEONARD HICKS Managing Dirtetor served for many years' on the Board cuss pre-season league closing plans, of; Directors of the Federation of areas of England is reported by the regular league organization and adHe who gives advice t o a self-conJewish Social, Service, and having Manchester Daily Express." ministration and the selection of the ceited man stands himself in need of Labels carrying insulting referFourteen members were elected to taken a deep and sincere interest in recognized players and teams. counsel from another.—Saadi. ences to the Jews are distributed at the Board of Directors of Shaare Jewish Communal life. Grade School Basketball M a d i s o n a n d Ctark Streets CHICAGO open air meetings, plastered on walls Zion Synagogue, at the annual ConFuneral services were held from Coach Dave. Chesneau of the J. C. Age is a matter of feeling, not of gregational election, Tuesday eve- the family residence, with Rabbi and public buildings, the paper dis- C. Midgets will invite his squad out ning. The new board members who Theodore N. Lewis officiating. Pall- closes. for practice on Friday, D e c 9, at years.—Curtis. The paper describes the attacks as 4 p.m. will serve for two years include A. bearers were L . C . Kutcher, J. L. . H. Baron, E. Chesen, M. E. Fried- Kutcher, Joe Kutcher, Lester Hee- malicious and some of them as unHandball man, Sovel Krueger, H. Levin, Mor- ger, Lawrence Baron, E. N. Grue- printable. The Jews are made reThe second round matches in the ey Lipshutz, A. Mazie, H. Miller, N. skin, A. H. Brodkey of Omaha, and sponsible for the troubles in Ireland, tournament brought out some games Egypt, India and China. Sadoff M. Satin, M. Seff, J. Shind- Barney Daskovsky. that were worth going miles to see. The sources responsible are un- The quarter-finals bring together ler, Abe Silverberg and Sam Werner. Surviving Mr. Goodsite are his Reports for the last fiscal year on widow; two sons, William and Dav- known. It is known only that the Manny Goldberg and Sam Zolinsky, the financial standing, membership id; one daughter, Mrs. Joe Levin, labels were brought from London Jack Ban and Jake Schreimhan, Sam and activities were offered by the and a sister, Mrs. R. Kutcher, all of and that the distributors, are sworn JHorwich and Sam, Finkel, Ben EUrin to secrecy. various chairmen of the committees. Sioux City. and Paul Grossman, Doubles Handball Tourney to Start Mr. John Lansberg, president of Refuse Permit for Synagogue WHO'S THE WISER? . Dec. 4 the congregation, presided at the in Quebec FIRST MOTORIST: " I buy new tires in the Sprint." meeting. Hurry to pair up and sign up to Quebec—The Jews of the city of SECOND MOTORIST: "Not for met I buy new tires enter our pre-season doubles tourFollowing the election and reports, Quebec are aroused over the act of ney. in the Fall." "What Ails Our Politics" will be refreshments were served. the City Council which passed at its Award for Pre-Season Tournaments the subject of Rabbi Lewis' sermon first reading, an amendment refusFIGURE it out for yourself! If your tires tonight at the service in Mount SinA pleasant surprise in the form of ing the Jewish community permis- a statue will be given to our winai Temple. -. are pretty smooth right now, the slippery sion to build a synagogue in Belve- ners. Watch the trophy case. The names of the following pupils dere Ward. roads of fall and winter make the full grip The annual Talmud Torah dance of the Religious School appear on Girls' Volleyball League Starts Play of new Goodyears a sensible precaution. will be given Monday evening, De- the Honor Roll of the Temple Bulle- For a Change Two interesting and colorful games And new treads last about TWICE as long 1 cember 5, in the Rigaudon ballroom. tin, for the month of November. Budapest.—The Hungarian Nazi initiated the schedule in the Girls* on cool roads as on hot summer roads. So Mrs. Henry Sherman is in charge of Morton Greenstone, Helen Levin, Volleyball league ,Monday evening. the general arrangements. Mrs. Barbara Robinson, Joanne Agranoff, leader, Voes Zoermenyi, was sen- Games are played each Monday Goodyears put on now still will be practiMike Mushkin is in charge of the Marylin Miller, Jack Krueger, Bar- tenced to two months imprisonment and Wednesday evening at 6:45 and cally as good as new for nest spring and for the distribution of anti-Semitic ticket sale. * 7:15. Team personnel, playing regusummer. You'll be protected from skids bara Davis, Stanton Cohen, Harold Proceeds of the dance will be rueskin, Seymour Robinson, Milton posters. lations and league rules are posted and free from the expense or worry of tire The posters, the court held, incited turned over to the fund for the gen- Rosehblum, Betty Marx, Doris Marx, on the bulletin board in the .gym. trouble all winter. Better buy now! against the Jewish religion. eral upkeep of the Talmud Torah. Ruth Weiner Geroge Galinskyj SibHealth Club Volleyball League The dance is being sponsored by the ley Newman, Cecil Pill, HarolcfLef- Synagogue Attacked Next Sunday at 10 the Compeers On Slippery Roads You Need Board • of Directors of the Talmud kovich, Bernard Rosenthal, Bobby Berlin.—-For three suc- will play the All-Stars in the first Torah and the Hebrew Mothers' Cohen, Miriam Barish, Joseph Ros- cession Berlin's new and luxurious game of the Health Club Volleyball GREATER GRIP I club. These two groups govern the enblum, Leah Rose Newman and synagogue on Prinzenstrasse was at- league. At 10:30 the Collegians will SEE how Goodyear puts TRACTION in the center— activities of the Talmud Torah, Milton Galinsky. tacked, with, the result that all the do battle against the B'nai Brith, -big husky blocks of rubber—keen-edged—deep* while a t 11 the Thorpeians will fight maintain a bus to take the children slotted—to dig In, grip and hold. More stop! The The assembly of the Religious windows of the structure have been it out with the Veterans. to and from the school, and assist School last Sunday morning was shattered. All-Weather Tread is a big reason why millions more in the general maintainence of the conducted by children of Miss Freda Six dandy 'teams are organized for people ride on Goodyear Tires. Come In—we'll Tax Cruelties Sunday morning play. . The captains school. demonstrate! Albert's class. Goodyear All-Weather Bucharest.—A description of the are Bob Kooper, Max Altschuler, Phil World's FIRST-choice cruelties practiced by tax officials Klufznick, A. A. Cohn, Morris Blacktire for 17 years 1 against the Jewish population' in er and Joe Raduziner. Northern Bukovina was given in Tap Dancing for Matron Class Plans for the winter's program Parliament by the Jewish deputy, The matron women of that gym The regular monthly Sisterhood Because MILLIONS more people ride on Goodyea? were' discussed at the monthly Board Ernst Marton. class will have the opportunity to seTires, you can buy guaranteed QUALITY tires at Meeting of the Junior Hadassah or- meeting will follow a brie o'clock The.plight of the:Jews is particucure some expert instructions in tap following 4ow prices. ganization. Plans were furthered luncheon this noon, in the Annex of larly bad in the town of Wishnitz dancing each Friday morning at for-the Annual Mid-Winter dance, the Temple. Mrs. Louis Agranoff where the poorest Jews are the prin- 10:30 by Mrs. Shirley Janoff Katiewhich is scheduled for Sunday night will preside. The program will include musical cipal sufferers. The officials have man. December 18. Massage and Health Treatments Each Full numbers and a discussion of Jewish gone so far as to confiscate beds Tube Each Tentative arrangements were also la Fain Oreraize and beddings and whole families Inquire of Mr. Rose of his hew Current events. discussed for. a Paid Membership have been compelled to sleep oh bare rates and plans of Health club mas30x3HCLReg. •4.*9 •4.55 •x.os party, to be held early in January. sage and steam bath and Health boards. X.I» 5.3f $•** Admission will be open to all memtreatments. 4 4O.1A 1.09 S.99 s.»» bers who have paid at least half of Volunteer Helpers 4.SA.21 S>.XO x.xs tin hotel. Following the playing, re5.9S the annual dues for this year. .The physical department is fortuThe women of Beth Abraham syn- freshments were served. A9X.1Q X.3S ••97 6.8O The Cultural meeting of the group agogue formed an auxiliary organinate in having several of its most 4AO.1Q 7>3« 7.1* will be held at the home of Miss zation at a meeting held Tecently. active and enthusiastic members Mem. Other Sixes In Proportion Rosalie Sacks, Monday evening, De- Plans for constructive work for the Mr. and Mrs.. Abe Bloom enter- place their services at the hands of C f e f U r Mounted Free cember 5. club were discussed at the meeting. tained a group of friends in honor the director. Their kind offers were of their daughter Sybil's first birthaccepted most heartily. Officers elected to serve for the coming year are Mrs. J. Gorchow, pres- day last Sunday. Leo Berman has been appointed ident; Mrs. M. Fish, vice-president; manager of the varsity basketball Mrs. A. Wolf has departed for team and is busy preparing a schedProfessor H. G. Campbell of Morn- Mrs. B. Ginsberg, treasurer; Mrs iungside College will be the speaker A. Franklin, secretary; and. Mrsher home in New York City after a ule of games and trips. Morris visit with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Franklin will have charge of the adat the meeting of the Brotherhood, Sam Raskin, recording secretary. Goodyear Pathfinder Organizers of the organization Sanford, Bellevue apartments. Mr. ministration of the pre-season handThe QUALITY Tire within next Wednesday evening, December teach of silt 7, which will be held in the Annex were Mrs. D. Salkin and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Sanford returned home ball tournament. Evelyn Zweibach, Al Oruch, Meyer Kohlberg and IsaGorchow. The organization plans to Monday after accompanying Mrs. of the Temple. He will speak on dore Kraft will be given numerous his tour through the European coun- meet the first Wednesday of each Wolf to Chicago. opportunities to handle groups in month. tries this summer, and will deal their favored activity—swimming and largely with conditions in Germany. Miss Helen Levitt visited with her diving. At the same meeting four new parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, members will be elected to the board C4 Bellevue apartments, over the Sportsmanship is the application of of Directors o fthe Temple organizaweek-end, returning to St. Paul, the "Golden Rule of Behavior—do Miss Sadie Shulldn will review tion. "Nathan the Wise" (Lessing) at the Monday evening. unto others as you would have them Mr. Louis Goldberg will introduo meeting of the Cultural Group of to do unto you." the speaker and Mrs. A. M. Davi; the Senior Hadassah, at their meetGerald Cohen, a student at NePlayers, fight your heads off to preside during the election of boarc ing Saturday afternoon, December 3. braska University i n Lincoln, vis- win, but respect the other fellow. members. The meeting will be held in th ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Anyone.can play on a winning team, A social hour and refreshments home of Mrs. Charles Raskin. Max Cohen, 1720 Jones street, over but it takes a "real" man to play will follow the address and election, the Thanksgiving vacation. and give his best when your team is losing or you are having a bad Miss Billie Kaplan and Miss Ros- night or you do not like the officiatalie Blumberg of Sioux Falls, vis- ing. Be good sports and see if you Six members were initiated into ited with the former's parents last are not happier in the end. Mrs. Sam Falk will be hostess to week-end. the Maccabee Club, at a recent meetmembers of the Achdus club next ing held in the Jewish Community George Kuntz, Lionel London and Center. The initiation followed a Sunday afternoon. Bridge will be Morris Lasensky, students at the banquet given by the members; The followed by refreshments. New York. — Dr. John H. Finley OMAHA, NEBR. University of Iowa, visited with their associate editor of the New York program included brief talks by the About eighty young women at- parents over the Thanksgiving vaca- Times, was awarded the American officers of the club.. Hebrew medal, given to "the AmerThose initiated into the club are tended the first party of the bridge tion. ican who has done most to promote Henry Greenberg, Paul Sperling, tournament which is being sponsored understanding between ChrisDAVID HOBERMAN Hobermas Bam., Proprietors Henry Ginsbergs Joe Janowitchj by the Junior Hadassah Chapter. Miss Esther Hurwitz of Omaha, better BARNEY HOBERMAN Nebr., visited with friends in Sioux tian- and Jew In the United States in The party was given,Monday evePerry Osnowitch and] Rueben Rafr^ t932." City last week. • • . ning in the Corn Room of the Mar;! uer. - - - ,• •



Death Claims iAbe Gooclsite


Fourteen Members to Synagogue Board



Mount Sinai Temple

Talmud Torah Dance

Jr. Hadassah




Synagogue Auxiliary


Cultural Meeting



Society Netvs

Good-Will Medal

Corner 17th and Capitol Aye. Phone AT. 6427

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