Dedicated to the
Ideals of
By ">*.? Kaiman •ltl.l»tl.l.»
ntd' aa Second-Cws Mall Hatter on January J5X. Post office-at Omtba, Nebraska, under the Act of Marcb
Vol. X—No. 46 -'
OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY; DECEMBER 16, 1932 May I come % r our home- for ^ a little chat—^X \ bit of newB of this and that—y-g "S id bouquets Workmen's Circle Drastic Ordinance to deserving folks—a'ij: 'haps evoke Affects Soviet 25th Anniversary laughs/with some tir.i -a jokes— and if we blunder ai. i do .not Jews The local Workmen's circle, branch agree—we will welcom- your criti173, will celebrate its 25th annivercism most heartily—Look, it rhymes! Moscow, (J.T.A.)—A drastic ordisary on Sunday, December 25, a t the Omaha's "outstanding Jewish citi- utive director of the Jewish Comnance was announced by the Zflc and Labor lyceum. "Effsher a Briss" Center, and David Blacker, the Council of Commissars -which A banquet wfll be Leld a t 5:30, to zen" for the year 1932 will be munity The bird with the most pronounced publisher of the Jewish, Press. This will affect thousands of Jewish fam- Reichstag Passes Bill Which named in January by a committee of "Washington be followed by a musicaL The affair beak will visit at about the same Co-Author group will meet within the next two ilies in Soviet Russia, particularly will be restricted to members, with of prominent Omaha Jews, accord- weeks to designate Affects Those Sentenced time . . . the homes of two sisters Meny-Go-Round" at the recipient at in the Ukraine. ing to announcement made public toonly adults admitted. for Clashes • . . whose husbands are first cousins j . C. C Dec 28 day by Julius Bisno, president, of Phi the honor: The ordinance prohibits the pur• • . a Spring blessed occurrence Formal presentation of the award Beta Epsilon, a local Jewish frater- will take place a t a banquet which chase and sale for profits of food Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Among the first • . . and Benny Lass, the dark, Impressive interest has been stirred products and other articles designed bills adopted by the new Reichstag nity a t Creightoa university. handsome advertising man who hails up in local circles by the approaching will be held by Phi Beta Epsilon in for mass consumption. is a law amnestying persons who The award is to be established January, at which members of the from Sioux City has been exchang- lecture at the Jewish Community Cenhave been convicted for taking part The ordinance withdraws the livepermanently, and will be presented committee and the "outstanding Jewing love glances with F. L. ter by Drew Pearson, co-auther of in pogromist acts, the desecration of lihood of numerous Jews residing in each year to the "outstanding Jewish citizen" will be the guests of the local comely brunette. Items of "Washington Merry-Go-Round," the cemeteries and in the terthis sort immediately bring to mind sensational expose of officialdom in ish citizen" named by a committee fraternity. At that time an em-the villages who up until now, tinder Jewish rorism by bombs which was so carried semi-legal sanction, have the new style of popular journalism the nation's capital. chosen by this fraternity, which will bossed certificate, symbolic of the Coach "Morrie" Sogolow will pit products from the village to the alarming a feature- of the period . . . some are inclined to style BroadPearson will appear here on Wed- his record-winning basketball squad be the donor of the annual award- honor conferred, and a gold engraved town. connected with the German general way's busybody as a "calumnist.' nesday evening, December 28, under against the Kansas City Y. M. H. A. Included in the •committee which key will be presented to the chosen election during August of this year. . . . We disagree with his critics. the auspices of the Community For- at Kansas City this Sunday evening will select the citizen to receive the citizen. The bill provides for a reduction . . . He is fulfilling a desire of many um, which is part of the educational in an all-important game. distinction are Mrs. Louis Neveleff, The designation of "Omaha's outby half of the sentences of impristhousands of readers and sustaining program of the Jewish Community Jewish • Women's standing Jewish citizen" by Phi Beta president onment passed for these outrages. According to Manager Leo Berthe circulation of the newspapers Center. Present indications point to man, the following players will make Welfare federa" Rabbi David Epsilon has resulted from a recently It will also affect a number of Jewwhich carry his chat-news. ^ . . Ana record attendance. Goldstein of the Conservative syna- established program of the f raternity ish workers upon whom exemplary the trip: Captain Phil Gerelick, Lou unfair story is told on "Winchie." The next speaker on the Forum Weiner, Jim Burroughs, John Rosen- gogue; Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Tem- to widen its scope, entering into civic high sentences were passed for par. . . A party endeavoring to reach gained the background for his inter- blatt, ple Israel; Jacob SI Pearistien, exec- affairs to a greater degree. ticipating in street clashes. These Harry Rich, Morris Franklin, him by phone dialed instead the esting, spell-binding lectures as a Iz Mann, Bill Gerelick, I. Bogdonoff concessions are also to be applied to The United Palestine Council of cases in which misdeeds are trace* number of a hospital known for, its newspaperman, university professor, and Ben Rosen. Mr. J. S. PearlOmaha is planning a series of edu- able to economic want and distress. handling of o. b. cases. . . ."Hello, lecturer and -world traveler. stien, Mrs. Sogolow and Sam Fox Lapidus Yahrzeit cational programs to be held once a is Walter Winchell t h e r e ? " . . . His lectures are also full of spark- will accompany the team. The amnesty will thus affect a "No,", replied the girl at the switch- ling wit and amusing anecdotes. His Meeting January 9 month, from now until May. considerable number of Nazis who On. Saturday night the varsity will Meyer Brown of New York, exec- are imprisoned for the numerous board, "but we expect him personality pictures of the men recog- play the semi-professional Westboro, utive secretary of the Poale Zion of outbreaks and attacks on Jewish nized as leaders are revealing. soon!" Mo., team. They leave Omaha SatMonday evening, January 9, the America, will be the guest of the Pearson's career has been as spec- urday noon. of business and synagogues "Shabbos? Song Satisfied Jewish anniversary of the death of council at the first of these programs, houses tacular as his expose of secret "goand will also affect the terms of imThe Kansas City "Y" will play a We have enjoyed in the past many ings-on." His travels as a newspathe late Harry Lapidus, is the date to be held at the Jewish Community prisonment passed on those who parbroadcasts by sterling Jewish artists. perman and writer have taken him return game here Jan. 22. set for the memorial meeting in mem- Center on Tuesday evening, Dec 20. ticipated in the attacks on Jews in Last Sunday the varsity hung up Open Mass Meeting This Sunday ory of the revered leader. . . . L a s t Friday eve, Al, Jolsonthrough fifty different countries and The program -will start at 8 p.m- the Kurfuerstendamm, Berlin, on endeared himself into the hearts of brought him in direct contact with the tenth victory of the season by Evening at Community The city-wide Yahrzeit meeting will and will be free to the general pub- their way to and from the synathousands of Jews throughout the men.and events -which are making defeating the Thallas Hatters, wingogues on the second day of Rosh Center be held at the Jewish Community lic No collection will be made. ners in the Y. M. C. A. league, 33 to land with his Chazanic rendition of history. Hashonah, 1931. On that occasion Mrs. J. Richlin will preside. Rabbi "The Chazan auf Shabbos." . "Washington Merry-Go-Round" and 18. The addition of Harry Rich to Harry Friedberg, prominent Kan- Center. Detailed plans have not been David Goldstein will deliver a short scores of ewish men and women were the J. C. Ci varsity was a factor in Many others who would have en- "More Merry-Go-Round" so captivatsas City attorney and known as an completed, but the memorial meeting talk on the Zionist conference held injured by organized forces who attacked the worshippers, surrounded outstanding orator, will be the guest will be in the nature of a Yahrzeit in joyed this popular and quaint num- ed the attention of the American pub- the victory. In a preliminary, the J. C. C.speaker at a mass meeting at the J. strict conformance with Jewish law recently in Omaha. Mrs. H. Belman the synagogues and beat many Jews lic that Pearson has started -writing ber but for the Sabbath. will render several Jewish musical And we are of the opinion that Mr. another book. In addition to his lec- Girls' team opened the season with C. C. Sunday evening, December 18, and tradition. selections. Brown's subject will be as they emerged from the services. Yoelson's (Al's pappy) radio was si- tures, he also plans to establish a a 19-11 win over the Holy Name starting at 8 p. m., culminating the The amnesty was passed with the "Palestine in These Days." lent on Friday after sundown. . . syndicated newspaper ; column to be Girls, Captain Flo Brookstein scoring ninth annual observance of Internaunited votes of the Nazis, the SocialMorris Friedel, president, has ap-ists and the Communists against known as "The Daily Merry-Go- 17 points. tional A. Z. A. Day. We have information that the Jolpointed the following two committees those of the other parties, the vote Round." The. day's program will be jointly son family name during their dark to care for the series to be launched: going 393 to 144 against. sponsored by the Mother Chapter No. Tickets for the lecture December 28 hours in Russia was Cheselson. . . Educational program committee— 1 and the Sam Bebfer chapter No. 100. One of Al's -uncles adopted the may be bought a t the Jewish ComJulius Bisno, chairman; Mrs. David Similar programs fare being held by name of Chelson . . . and Al's fam- munity Center. New York, (J.T.A.)—Gabriel Dav- Goldstein and Mrs. J. Richlin; pubthe various A. Z. A? chapters throughily agreed upon the Yoelson tag. idson, General Manager of the Jew- licity and propaganda—M. Minkin. . . . What's this, a scoop? . . . ish Agricultural Society, in address- J chairman; M. F. Levenson and Miss Moscow.- -(JTA)—Tiyo medical Price at Any Price ing the International Association of Ida Fine. discoveries •with regard -to blood The nearest to the Chazanic tone Agricultural Missions told that body transfusion by a Jewish professor, similar to Jolson's is that of Georgie that "the gap between Hie Jewish Div. Balachowitch, nead of the price... ._. He it was who gained farmer ..of. biblical days and the JewBlood•^•ansfastott*Research, JagtiMiss Dorothy Finkelstein of Comany admirers with his patter and New YorkTT."~T: A.):—The eco- tute, _ are . hailed as-'. "revolutionizing ish farmer, of today is not nearly, as lumbus, Ohio, national vice president songs . . . -while on the Chase & omic and industrial soundness of medical science," by the Soviet press. wide as is generally supposed." of Junior Hadassah and president of Sanborn hour . . . just prior to Can- 'alestine in the face of the presen Professor Balachowitch, it is statHe drew attention to the fact that the Central Tri-State regional, will His farewell '<build- crisis and the progress of the work ed, has discovered a way of pretor's return. Jewish farmers are to be found in address the local chapter on Tuesday, np" on his final broadcast was one f the Palestine Economic corpora serving Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The introduction human blood to permit its practically all parts of the globe and Dec 20. of the most effective bits done on tion were stressed at a meeting o: transfusion of a numerus clausus regulation in within a three-week pethat the Jewish farm population A banquet will be given at the the "air" this season. . . . Recently the corporation. all Prussian -universities has been riod. Secondly,, he has discovered a throughout the world is estimated at: Jewish Center that eveO. O. Mclntyre devoted a paragraph Palestine development has reached way 750,000. "True," said Mr. David- ordered by the Prussian Minister of ning inCommunity transfusing the blood of the honor of the guest. Mrs. relating to Georgie's sensational re- such a stage, Felix M. Warburg, dead of son, "the number and proportion are' Education. live bodies with the same David Goldstein will show motion picturn to public acclaim. . . . "Vass onorary president of the corporation, effect into small, but that is not due to anyi Students are to be accepted in tures of Palestine taken during her as a usual blood "transfusion. you dere, Cholly?" Iwhen Price con- who presided, declared that it has Eighty experiments have been sucinherent antagonism of the Jew to-' Prussian universities in the order in recent visit there. vulsed a packed audience with his ommanded for us the respect of the cuessfully carried out by him in ward the soiL For almost 2,000 which they registered in their dis- The committee appointed by Mrs. stories in the Yiddish jargon.-.,. jutside world. years repressive and oppressive laws tricts, each district having a certain Sidney Katleman, president of the these directions, it is disclosed. y p p it was a t a men's' rally during a - The soundness of the investments f f the h Jew J virtually i l l quota. t made farming for Omaha chapter, to arrange for the local Jewish philanthropic drive. . of the Palestine Ecenomic corporaa proscribed occupation and -weaned, The Jewish Telegraphic Agency affair includes Miss Dora Freshman, Flag Day Postponed tion was stressed as well in the Farewell to K. K. K. Influence him from the soiL It was not until learns from a reliable source that chairman, and the Misses Sarah Ann The extremely inclement weather reports delivered by Julius Simon, these restrictions were lifted that thus far the numerus clausus i$ not The Literary Digest brings to thepresident Jeanette Resnick, Lil Epof the corporation; Bernard last Sunday caused the Jewish NaJews could give vent to their age-, directed against the Jews. I t is Noddle, attention of its readers that Catholics Flexner, chairman stein and Minnie' Frohm. The gentional Fund Flag Day drive to be of'the board of long urge." pointed out that priority a t the eral public is invited to make reserand Protestants combined to elect directors; Emanuel N. postponed. I t will be held the first Mohl and HarThe speaker pointed out that in; present stage applies to the order vations. Herbert H. Lehman, a Jew, to thery Viteles, the latter two representa- Sunday of good weather. Harry Friedberg. this country Jews have been engaged j of resignation. Nevertheless fears The guest speaker has received her governorship of New York State, de- tives of the corporation in Palesout the United States and Canada. in farming since the early Colonial are expressed that anti-Jewish agita- B. A. and B. Sc. in Journalism defeating a Catholic in the process, Berlin.—The Thuringian Minister Other features of the mass meet' days and that according to Dr. H. S.! tion will result and that students . . . Considering the number of Jews tine. The company, according to Mr.of Finance, Marscbleiy speaking at ing Sunday will be the presentation Linfield one Hundred thousand Jews who fail to gain admission will de- grees at Ohio State university. A who have recently been elected to Flexner, has no indebtedness and has a public meeting promised the small of first degree pins to sixteen new are today deriving their livelihood mand the rejection of Jews so that "cum laude" graduate, she made Phi positions in national, state and city an amount $2,000,000 as a reserve merchants that he "would prohibit Alephs of both chapters, and a talk in whole or in part from America's vacancies may be created for Chris- Beta Kappa, national honorary schogovernments . . . we believe that this fund for of lastic fraternity; Phi Alpha Theta, contingencies, operating his government officials from pur- by William Wolf, past president of soiL tian students. marks the- end of religious bigotry surplus and a contributed surplus. national honorary historical fraterchasing: from Jews. Chapter No. 100. The meeting is open in politics . . . and the definite renity, and won a Sigma Delta Chi key to the general public. moval of the Ku Klux Klan from poin journalism. A banquet, honoring the guest litical influence. . . . Word comes Since her graduation Miss Finkolspeaker, will be held earlier in the from a reliable source that a very steiin has served as the youngest evening in the Center lodge room. popular young man . . . who has member of the advisory board of the Harry Weinberg, president of the been active in both Jewish and non B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation at Ohio Mother chapter, will be toastmaster. Jewish organizations, may be a canThe Junior Forum series,- conduct- the "little theater" at Birmingham, State universitv. Speakers wfll include Philip M. Abner Kaiman was chosen chair- divide itself into sub-sections, as play Khitznick, executive secretary of A.ed at the Jewish Community Center Abu, for five years previous to comdidate for the City Commission. . Petitions are being circulated for him man of the board -which will direct reading, financing and technical Z. A^ and Milton R. Abrahams, ad- under the auspices of the Senior ing here. noV. . . . the activities of the Center Players staffs, for makeup, light effects, cos- visor of Chapter 100. CoHncil of Clubs, will open Monday, The speaker will talk on the trend Sportsmanship tuming, e t c at the Jewish Community Center this December 19, with a lecture at 8 p.of modern drama and will illustrate Recognized A Thespian in the Making A. Finkel is general chairman All those who try out or partici- of Sam his speech with readings. The lecarrangements. Attended the first performance o. season. ture will be followed by an open at J. C. C. The reorganization meeting was Aleph Zadik Aleph was founded in the Community Playhouse players doforum. ' held at the J. C. C. Tuesday evening May, 1924, here in Omaha, by Sam ing "The Devil Passes" . . The council will bring six outstandSportsmanship, •which is being and the name of the organization Beber, as a medium for organising subtle and sophisticated play by Benn ing speakers, leaders in the arts and stressed by physical director Morris Jewish youth in model fraternal Levy, a young prolific Jewish writer, changed from the "Center Players' professions, to the Junior Forum H. Sogolow, has ben rewarded at the groups devoted to building Jewish . . . and we find Justin Wolf (son Guild" to the "Center. Players." rostrum. Admission is free and the J. C. C, with the announcement of character. In 1925 the fraternity was The board will have charge of all of Mr. and Mrs. H. A.) in the cast the teams and individual players who public is invited to attend. adopted by B'nai Brith. Since that promotion and organization and will ' . . . first appearance on the stagi were chosen by the managers as havtime it has been featured as one of . . .nevertheless reading his lines •work out the details of the Center ing displayed the best sportsmanship the' major projects of the Wider Players' activities. The board will with clear enunciation and conductand fair play in the .recently concludFree Home Classes Scope of B'nai Brith. ing himself in a veteran trouper ed pre-season basketball tourney. for Adult Immigrants In the "A" league, A.Z. A. No. 1 style. . . . Bernard Szold's direc- Sisterhood Sabbath torial keenness responsible for the Sam Finkle to Head ranked first and Xi Lambda second. The number of Home Classes in The Juniors and Mark's Market professional manner in which this to be December 24 A.Z.A. Mother Chapter Adult Immigrant Education is increas- ranked first and second in the"B" play was presented. . . . ing rapidly since the work started in league. Community Pride On Saturday morning, December Samuel Finkle has been elected October. The best individual sportsman chosThe reporter of the Jewish News, 24, at 10:30 a. m., Sisterhood Sabbath president of the Mother Chapter of These classes are all under the di- en were "Bing" Garrop, Max-Turner Des Moines publication, chronicles will be observed a t Temple Israel. A. Z. A. Other officers are Irving rect supervision of the Assistant Su- and Aaron Epstein in "A" and Herb As chairman of religion, Mrs. WilChudacoff, vice-president; Louis Minthusly the special B'nai Brith servpervisor but are sponsored by numer- Marks, A. Katz and H. Gerber in the kin, treasurer; Benjamin Shrier, reices held at the T. I. synagogue: liam L. Holzman will conduct services, ous organizations, among -which is the Junior circuit. porter; Sidney B. Chait and Jacob Ad"To those of you who missed hear- and Mrs. Mayer L. Cohn, president of Council of Jewish Women which is ler, sergeants-at-arms; Harry Weining Judge Irvin Stalmaster speak at the Sisterhood, will give a short talk leading with seven classes already orberg, chaplain; Arthur Grossman and the T. I. synagogue last Friday night on "The Significance of the Day." ganized and more to be started as St. Paul Rabbi to Samuel Turkel, athletic committee; soon as groups of sufficient number —you not only, missed an enjoyable As this is the beginning of ChanuB. Szold Stanley Levin; chief advisor. are ready for work. These particular evening and a most worthwhile ad- kah week, a large attendance is exSpeak Here Tonight m. by Bernard Szold on "Modern classes are under the guidance of dress, but you missed meeting a pected. Abner Kaiman Rabbi Herman Cohen of the TemMrs. Sam Beber and for the most part ypung man who is an outstanding Law Commission of Drama." pate in the plays will technically b< theBerlin.—The Szold has been the director of the meet twice a week throughout the city ple of Aaron of St. Paul and Rabbi asset to Jewry." A further descripThuringian Diet has approved a David A. Goldstein of the local Contion—"Short in stature, about 32 Open Forum Discussion members of the Center Players, bu Nazi motion for the prohibition of Omaha Community Playhouse since in different homes. their time will be devoted entirely to Schechita, the Jewish ritual method 1928 and has built up the Community At the office in the city hall in- servative synagogue vail exchange years of age, pleasant, appealing, dyPlayhouse theater group until it strdction as given to groups every day pulpits this evening. namic personality, convincing gesof slaughtering animals for food. "The Pogrom in Poland and thethe production end. Eabbi Cohen, a former resident of All committees will be appointed tures and, above all, a sincereness Role of the Jewish Press" will be disThe Nazis and the agrarians voted ranks high in the little theater move- and any one of foreign birth desiring •t to learn to read and •vrrite the English Omaha and well known here, is spirthat undoubtedly spells success." cussed at an open forum to be held by next week and the organization for the measure while the Social- ment throughout the country. May we say that Omaha speakers at the International Workers Order will be ready to function by the next Democrats and the Communists op- Szold attended De Pauw, North- language will be welcome to any of itual head of the largest congregararely fail to vividly impress when hall, 1314 Ndrth 24th street, on Sun- meeting, on Tuesday evening, Dec posed it. Actually the measure, even western and Carnegie Institute oi these classes, or if a sufficient num- tion in St. Paul. He is reputed to be if adopted by the vote of the entire Technology schools of theater. Bs- ber in any one neighborhood desires, a an eloquent speaker. filling speaking engagements in other da afternoon, December 18, at 3:30 27. Services •will begin tonight at S At least two plays will be preDiet, is ineffectual since it can en- fore coining to Omaha, he had ex teacher will be provided upon rpplip.m. . - . ! , : • • - • ; . And we congratulate cities ? cation to Miss Edith Martin, 501 city o'clock, and Rabbi Cohen will speak tensive experience in stock and repter" into force only when other states sented this season. Other features M. Waldman will be-the presiding Judge Stalmaster on his very effec«t 8:30 ertory companies. He also directed hall. This instruction is free. decide similarly. are also being planned speaker. The public is invited. tive B'nai Brith talk. . • • .'...•-
"Outstanding Jewish Citizen" to Be Named
Blood Transfusion Discoveries Hailed
Center Players Begin Anew, Under Direction "Ab" Raiman
Szold to Open Junior Forum Series at J.O. C Monday
i l l these elements combined spell Vienna U> Boycotts in the Newr Testament. I wonder THE STORY; OF LILLIAN -prevehtjik , Spinoza Tercentenary C-O-H-N. Assimilation in the old form, as- what be would do, if some of those WALD Vienna.—The University of VienIf Phil wilt look in the old files similation in/its new—the "red" form early Christians to •whom the New Someone ought to write the; story getting 'the best i f our youth.: Testament refers, were to wake up- of LiHian Wald. The ramifkafieins of the now- defunct Jewish Tribune na initiated a virtual official boycott And the only factor is the ignorance from their sleep of death and seek of her life are wide, and it would for 1929, he will find his "new"of any celebrations of the tercen' Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by story, and if he will further refer tenary of the birth of Baruch SpiJewishness, for youths who areadmission to the United States. have some very interesting human to any old compilations of Jewish noza. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY just Jews by birth are unable to see If the Consul will turn to his New interest angles. the danger hidden in back of assim- Testament, to the Acts of the Apos- It was at the Henry St. Settle- liumor, published say 40 or 50 years Subscription Price, one year - - . . . . . . . $2.50 ago, he will find them too. ilation regardless of its form. tles in particular, he will read some ment for instance, that two young _____• Advertising rates furnished on application It is enough to take a glimpse at very -plain statements about some of men, a young Irishman and a young HEMINGWAY IS SORE Omaha Picture Shop the Jewish Press organization column these early Christians following a jew—Al Smith and Herbert LehOffice: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Ernest Hemingway, who> you re1607 Howard—Aqulia Court and. the reason for the ignorance in Commcenistic life. man, first m e t Lehman had just member, wrote so enthusiastically Telephone: ATlantic 1450 . Gifts of Quality ewishness is seen clearly. What are graduated from Williams College about the Jewish matador, Sidney Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center the activities of our local Jewish FREEDOM OF THOUGHT and came to the Henry St. Settle- Franklin, in "Death in the AfterDAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor Beautiful Yet Inexpensive And if the Consul is not a Chris- ment asking Miss Wald to put him youth clubs if not money-raising afFRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor noon" is said to be at odds with his "Picture Framing Our Specialty" airs and socials ? And if the Senior tian, but just an infidel American, to work. He was given charge of hero FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent now. And it's all because the I suggest that he turn to the writ•j ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Club Council does sponsor a Youth one of the clubs. At the same time, Forum it is to offer lectures of all ing of Thomas Jefferson. The lat-«A1," then a political fledgling, was Jewish bull fighter has jumped the orts but those of Jewish content and ter said respecting the Alien and in the habit of dropping in at the harness. Hemingway, it seems, had HA'SHOMER Sedition Law -which attempted in Henry S t House. Little perhaps did written of Franklin in "Death in the interest.' "Your Old Hat Made New Military stategists have since the inception of war and strife The time has come when every Jew their way to repress liberty of they think a t the time that ultimate- Afternoon" only as a preliminary a subsequent elaboration. He Save a Dollar or Two" laid repeated emphasis on the beligerent axiom that "a strong of- •f Omaha, who thinks himself a Jew thought, that though Congress ly both of them would be governors to proposed later to do a whole work passed them, "they should no more of New York. hould demand of our local Jewish fense is the best defense." The philosopsy underlying this truism OMAHA HAT FACTORY about the Jewish bull fighter. But to stop for once and be obeyed^ than if Congress had A NEW STORY 115 North 16th Street is that one on the defense is at a psychological, mental and moral institutions ordered the people to worship graven Franklin saw bigger money for himOpposite 1'ost Office think of our youth as of a "Jewish" Phil Baker writes a "new story" self by interesting one of the movie EI> KAPLAN, Manager disadvantage which reacts detrimentally upon the physical being. outh. It's about time that our local images." Phone ATlantic 0550 in the New York Journal proving producers in a story of his life, and AND WE WJXL CALL This same idea has widened in scope from the realm of soldierdom ewish leaders should provide for our HEALTH AND that chemistry is a Jewish science. the material which Hemingway had youth the ways and means of drink- DEPRESSION The proof is as follows: "The chief proposed to use for the new book is and is to be found prevalent in our everyday sport, business and ing from the Jewish fountain of elements are carbon, oxygen, hydroSurveying the state of the nation even civic relationships. earning. for his message to Congress, the gen and nitrogen." The initials of to be spilled in Hollywood instead. The spirit of defeatism for centuries cast its pall upon the The "abuses of the criminal law" President seeking to strike some the essentials of the English or happy note dwells on the figures of Jewish people. Driven into exile, decimated and excoriated, ghet- and French literature can be gotten in the Surgeon General, purporting to f Remarkable NATIONAL toized, they became victims of repressions and suppressions. Then, many places, but some knowledge in show an improved state of health. ACCESSORIES, INC. their mission of peace among all peoples contrasted too strongly ur own literature, the abuses and I am glad to see Walter Lippman injustices done to our own people, with the imperialistic militarism which made might right. Not as well as its current life and most in his column challenging that. The 'Everything for the Aut»'J idea that economic depression, bringbeing given military privileges or status and being constantly pressing problems our youth will not ing with it malnutrition for thouand Company 2051 Farnam—AT. S524 cowed by sheer weight of opposing forces, the back of the Jew hear about nor discuss anywhere else sands, can be anything but disasbecame bent, literally and figuratively. Consequently, when at but' in our own institutions. And trous in its ultimate effects, is too urthermore, is it impossible to ar- plain, to need any figures to support the beginning of this century Jewish colonists filtered into Pales- range a program of both secular and it. tine, the valor and courage of the Jews were held in low esteem. ewish value? It may take a little time, to show, Y. RAHELI. In fact, Jewish colonies had to employ Arab guards and the latter but the undernourishment is bound to bring its toll, in the end, in its aided and abetted their fellow countrymen in the petty larceny weakening of body's resistance—an •which made such heavy inroads into the colony receipts. Sly invitation to tuberculosis and a host Des Moines $2.00 "winks and insolent guff awing accompanied Arab chatter about the of other maladies that prey on the Denver $7.50 undernourished frame. lack of Jewish guards. But a new Jewish spirit was being built Detroit $7.00
Values to $6.50 ALL WOOL
I By the Way
By DAVID SCHWARTZ THE NURSES OF up—a fighting spirit which knew not the meaning of fear. ExNEW YORK Bctly a quarter of a century ago Ha'Shomer came into existence The President's statement, too, is EINSTEIN'S VISA in Palestine. This group of Jewish youths, crack marksmen One doesn't know whether to be apparently not borne out by the and unequalled in bravery, volunteered to guard the Jewish colo- more amazed at the stupidity of the experience of the Henry St. Settlenies. After much pleading and great persistency they were al- law itself or at the consular official, ment, of which the distinguished Lilexecuting in the recent incident of lian Wald is the head. lowed to supplant the Arab guards. Ha'Shomer became famed. the visa of Prof. Einstein. Stella Koenig, the secretary These Jewish guardsmen grew in number. Soon the French bor- On the whole, I should think, the of Mrs. that organization, tells me that rowed from their ranks to guard neighboring colonists. And when prize for assininity goes to the con-their work has grown. Of course, it is just possible, as the World War broke out the Jewish guards, Ha'Shomer, accom- sul, for there are some laws, which, Mrs. Koenig says, that much of the it is supposed, that every one will plished Herculean wonders in defending the Jewish residents. take with a llowances for modifying increased demands on the Visiting Nurse Service of the Henry St. SetHa'Shomer had started the idea of a Jewish self-defense and had conditions. won eternal glory. There are laws for instance, on tlement is due to the fact that many of those who formerly called in paid Coincident with the celebration of the quarter-century anni- the statute books of a number of the nurses now seek the aid of charity eastern states today—blue laws nurses. versary of Ha'Shomer are the periodically recurring anti-Semitic which no one expects to be enforced, disturbances in Poland, Germany, Roumania, Austria and other but which now and then are invoked This may explain it in part, but I neighboring states-rexcesses which have assumed the character for some particular purpose, gener- believe, only in part. for the political embarrassment A JOURNALISM STUDENT of pogroms. Remember that in the Palestine riots of '29 theally of some faction. A very interesting young woman British were not a great help. Greatly outnumbered, the Jews !0MMUNISM AND is this Mrs. KoeWg. Eleven years had to depend upon their self-defense units. The spirit of JHRISTIANITY ago, a young girl in her teens she Ha'Shomer burned brightly—though only partially organized. In the case of Einstein, any ef- was a student at the Pultizer School Jewish self-defense demonstrated that though outnumbered they fort to exclude him on the ground of Columbia studying journalism. he is a supporter of CommunShe secured some part time work could "give more than they took." Polish and German Jewish that ism is absurd, for the very simple at the Henry St. Settlement while youth must follow that example. Jewish self-defense units are reason that Einstein is not a Com- going to school, and today she is in charge of the fund raising of the necessary. No more effective stop-gag could be used on anti- munist. But suppose he were—have we a Lillian Wald organization and the Semitic provocators, for when the ideals of Ha'Shomer are imbued right organization is the largest of its to exclude him? In all Jewry and anti-Semitic agitators realize that the Jewish Consul Messersmith who asked kind in the country. young men are ready to take the offensive when attacked, the these questions of Einstein, I pre- Her husband is a nephew of the attacks will not be so recurrent. A strong defense will be a guar- sume, is a Christian. As such, he Republican chief of New York—Sam must have some degree of confidence Koenig. antee, against offense.
EDITOR To>the Editor of The Jewish Press: That only when Jews are either beaten or massacred somewhere do our American Jews awaken to the (act that they are Jews, I had heard »t a mass meeting protesting against pogroms. And Mr. Minion's letter lo you, published in the last issue of The Jewish Press, reminded me of it. I agree with Mr. Minkin that some
comment regarding the Polish pogrom wave should have taken place in local Jewish circles. And just as Mr. Minkin so do I think that local Jewish youth should begin thinking about the significance of the Bilu slogan and follow in their footsteps. But why expect this to happen now? Is it because of the long years of the nationalistic activities among the local Jewish youth which did not take place ? At every step that we take we excl aim: The youth! The youth! At every trouble concerning us as Jews we come with demands to-our youth who does not know us nor our troubles. Do we once stop to think just for a moment that we are losing our youth? That our youth is drifting away day in, day out, and we—stand there, see it happen, and do nothing
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FARNAM NEAR 18th ST. New Year's Eve Is Coming
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER' 16, 1932 by members who wish to raise money the program. Refreshments will be Jr. Society for the "Give or Get" fund. served. Kitchen Chats At a meeting of the Junior Society Mrs. M. F, Levenson, president of The organization's bazaar will be ' By held last Monday evening plans were the local Hadassah chapter, in com-held in the near future. "We urge Mrs. David M. Newman discussed for the Chanukah dance to menting on the opening of the shop ou to contribute to the Daughters of be given December 25 at the Fontenstated: "We hope that in time this !ion bazaar for the benefit of the elle hotel. project will eliminate all small fund- Jewish National Fund," the commitWashington Pie Temple Israel Both novel entertainment and decraising affairs including the private tee in charge requests. The commitBeat whites of 4 eggs stiff. Mix orations will be a feature of the evecard parties, at the same time creat- tees are hard at work getting articles cup cornstarch and % cup flour Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen ning. Plans for a Chanukah party to ing an outlet for Palestinian-made for the bazaar. "Josephus" as the topic of his ser-be given Monday evening, December together. Add 1% teaspoons baking goods." powder, 1 cup sugar, % teaspoon mon at services at Temple Israel 26, were also completed. Mrs. Iryin Levin is in charge of the salt, 3 tablespoons cold water, % shop, assisted by Mrs. David R. Co-Daughters of Israel Aid this evening. teaspoon vanilla and beaten whites. Saturday morning Dr. Cohn will hen as bookkeeper and a committee A regular meeting of the Daughters Bake in a moderate oven in a deep, consisting of Mesdames J. Blank, R. of Israel Aid Society will be held on speak on "Reconciliation." square pan. When cool split and fill Kaddisb will be recited this SabA. Bleicher, M. Brandeis, J. M. ErBIEKES-LUSTGARTEN At a recent meeting of the Jewish with the custard: Beatthe 4 yolks NEW YEAR PARTY Tuesday, December 20, at the Old bath for Florence Sloshurg, Rose man, A. D. Frank, Morris Friedel, ENGAGEMENT National Fund Council and of the Peoples Home, 2504 Charles street, ATJ.C.C. Sommer, Samuel Livingston, and Palestinian organizations, it was de-light, add 6 tablespoons sugar, 2 taMr. and Mrs;"Ben Lustgarten an- The New Year eve party sponsored Meyer Friedel, J. J. Friedman, Her- at 2 p. m. Please attend. flour, 1% cups milk. Cook nounce the engagement of their by Mrs. Jacob Blank at the Commun- man Jahr, Herman Hirschman, Max cided to perpetuate the name of theblespoons A board meeting will be held at Carolina Cahn. in double boiler until thick. Cool. daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. Max Riekes, ity Center promises to be a gala Kaplan, A. L Kulakofsky, Abe Pra- 1:30 p. m. late A. I. Kulakofsky, an ardent Zion- Add 2 tablespoons whipped cream and son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Eiekes. ist worker, in the Golden Book of the event. The ballroom will be decorated dell, Harry Rochman, Louis Sogolow, Conservative % teaspoon vanilla. Put the custard J. Pearlstien, Leo Waxenberg, R. M. J. N. F. Miss Lustgarten, a graduate of in gay colors. between the pie and cover top layer Henrietta Szold Central High school, has just returned A seven-piece orchestra will play Shlaes, Julius Stein, and H. RosenRabbi Herman Cohen of the Tem- The committee in charge, consist- with powdered sugar or whipped bloom. from her violin studies in the east to until 2:30 a. m. Midnight supper will The prize-draw being sponsored by ple of Aaron of St. Paul will ex- ing of Max Barish, Dr. I. Dansky, and spend a. few weeks with her parents. be served. All proceeds will go to The Book review group 3 will meet the Henrietta Szold club has been change pulpits with Rabbi David Mrs. J. Lintzman, announces contrib- cream. Stale Bread Pancakes utions thus far to this memorial fund She is a scholarship pupil of Mischa Hadassah. For reservations, call Tuesday, December 20, at the home of postponed to Thursday, December 22, Goldstein this evening, Mischakoff, concert master of the Harney 7332. Tickets are $2.00 a Mrs. Julius Abrahamson. Mrs. Her-according to announcement made by Rabbi Cohen was at one time a from the following: L Kulakofsky, Three or 4 slices stale bread soaked bert Arnstein will review "Children Miss Sarah Baum at a meeting of the resident ol Omaha and is w*H-known Dr. N. Muskin, Dr. A. Greenberg, Dr. in water, wring out dry. Add 2 Chicago Symphony orchestra. Miss couple. of the Ghetto," by ZangwilL group Wednesday. Lustgarten has been heard on numto local Jewry. He is an exception- A. S. Rubnitz, Dr. O. Belzer, Max beaten eggs, 1% cups milk, 1 cup Preceding the draw, a program will ally eloquent speaker. In St. Pan]Greenberg, Abe Goldstein, Dr. M.flour, % teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons erous occasions in Omaha, also hav- TO RETURN FOR VACATION be presented. Miss Gertrude Oruch he is the rabbi of the largest con- Gordon, J. A. Gross, H. Osoff, R. sugaf, 1 heaping teaspoon baking ing played with the Chicago SymHadassah Sewing Miss Bluma Neveleff will return will give piano selections. Miss Dor- gregation In the city, ctrd is very Natelson, J. Lintzman, Sam Beber, L powder. phony. Saturday from Fontbonne college, St. Circle Stalmaster, Wm. Holzman, Dave othy Kaplan will render a few vocal much in demand as a speaker. Mr. Eiekes attended the University Louis, for a two-week visit. Brodkey, Reuben Kulakofsky, H. Jewish Inventor of Turkish solos,and Miss Pearl Lazarus will give The Hadassah Sewing group will The Conservative Synagogue is inof Minnesota and is a member of the Auerbach, M. F. Levenson, I. Dansky, Stenography Elevated a monologue, "He Wanted Gold," meet at the J. C. C. Monday, Decemdeed privileged to have him occupy Sigma Alpha Ku fraternity. and Sam Kaplan. Istambu'—^ - *'-.-!:*.. the inveatol which she has written and which was ber 19. Please come and bring the pulpit. It is expected that a The wedding will take place in BENEFIT CARD PARTY f Turkish stenography, has beer. recently given before the dramatic large congregation will be present June. Mrs. C. Horwitz was hostess at a friend. appointed p.Ui.^.. oi stenography classes at Technical high school. ' Science is a great antidote to the tonight to greet Rabbi Cohen and to benefit card party Tuesday afternoon poison of enthusiasm and supersti- on the Faculty of Philology at the Beautiful pictures have been don- enjoy his address. RETURNS I"ROM WEDDING and evening. University of Istambul. Yiddish Dramatic ated by the A. Hospe company and Services begin promptly at 8 p. m.tion.—Smith. Mrs.. Samuel Greenhouse has rePhillip's Department store, and a livRabbi Cohen will speak at 8.30. turned to Omaha, after a seven-week TO RESIDE HERE Circle ing room pillow by the Omaha BedWhile Rabbi Cohen will bn adtrip during which she attended the Mr. and Mrs. Kieve Stubenhaus of A group of Omahans interested in ding company. Tickets for these are dressing the Conservative conRregrirecent wedding of her daughter, Ber- New York arrived in Omaha this week Yiddish drama have organized a local tha. En route home she also visited to make their permanent residence Yiddish Dramatic Circle, which meets being sold by the members for tention here, K.abbi Goldstein will be cents each and all proceeds will go to speaking to the Temple of Aaron a short time in Detroit with her son, here. at the J. C. C. every Thursday. Any- a charitable cause. congregation in St. Paul. Nathan. one interested in Yiddish drama is THE HATTER The public is invited. The wedding of Miss Greenhouse to GIVES DINNER welcomed to visit or join the circle. ME. Jack Rosen, son of Chief Rabbi A dinner was given by Mrs. A. Officers are: Rose Soffer, secreB. H, H. Concert Hats Cleaned and Blocked and Mrs. Joseph Rosen of Passaic, N. Shafton last Wednesday in honor of tary; Sarah Taub, treasurer; Leo Conservative Auxiliary Rev. Leon Karz of the Beth HameJ., took place at the huge estate of the graduation of her daughter, Bernstein, stage manager, and Mrs. J Absolute All-Hand Blocking 50c The regular Oneg Shabbos of the drosh Hagodol synagogue wfll give a the bridegroom's brother, just outside Evelyn, and her niece, Margaret Reznick and Joseph Saks, directors. Auxiliary had to be indefinitely postof Boston. About 150 relatives and Bearr. Twelve guests attended. The chief aim of the circle will be Work Guaranteed up to $20 friends witnessed the ceremony, which Miss Bertha Shafton entertained at to develop the histrionic talents of the poned because of the illness of sevwas solemnized under a canopy of a party Wednesday evening in honor members and to render their services eral members. On Saturday afternoon, December | white chrysanthemums. of the two graduates. 414 South 17th St., Phone JA. 9390 to various Jewish causes. They also The bride, given in marriage by aim to avoid presentation of Yiddish 24, the Auxiliary will sponsor a Channkah party for the children and their Free Pickup Downtown her motherj was gowned in pearl SORORITY ELECTS shows of a burlesque nature. members. Mrs. David Goldstein has Mrs. Leonard Posley was hostess to white satin. Her veil of rose point charge. lace fell to the floor in a long train. the Pi Tan Phi sorority at her home ^X^Z£^X^l}^*^lXTi''tZ££^3ZZ?2ZZ!£(^VZ3?Z£X3?^X2XZ3^2^%^JJ^"?£}&C Council Current Topic Her cap was of French design, and last Sunday. At the open meeting for all women Omaha's relief problems, as well At an election of officers Miss was caught with orange blossoms. Mrs. Greenhouse, mother of the Bertha Colick was elected president. as those of the nation, will be dis in the city Wednesday over 100 atbride, was attired in a gown of apple Other officers: Miss Rosalie Rosen- cussed by Rabbi David A. Goldstein tended. green. Miss Ida Greenhouse, sister berg, secretary-treasurer; Miss Lil- in the third of his current topic ad- The program, arranged by Mrs. Ben of the bride, wore white, while Miss lian Jonisch, reporter, and Miss Helen dresses for the Council of Jewish Shapiro, program chairman, was feaWomen Tuesday morning at 10:30 at tured by a tableau, "The Living MenBlanche Greenhouse, another sister, Garber, sergeant-at-arms. Plans are being made for a lunch- the J. C. C. His subject will be orah." The members of the Auxil•was gowned in burnt orange, with iary taking part, each representing a eon bridge to be given by the sorority "The Relief Problem Today." brown velvet trim. HEATER This course is proving one of thecandle, were the Mesdames Phineas Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Sam- at Paul Spor's Club Araby next SunWintroub, Robert Glaier, Dave Cohn, day in honor of the new officers. most popular sponsored by the counuel Greenhouse of Omaha; their son, New pledges are Miss Sylvia Jon- cil and has an average attendance of Maynard Greenberg, Hyman GreenNathan, of Detroit; another son, Dan30 women. It is open to non-mem- berg, J. J. Greenberg, Arthur Cohn, isch and Miss Florence Whitebook. iel, of Chicago; and their daughters, bers, as well as those who belong to Al Frank, and Sam Newman. Miss Blanche and Ida, now residing in New the council, and includes a repre- Margaret Hurwitz gave piano selecYork. Miss Rose Davidson of Omaha Rev. L. -Karz - - - - Matinee Dance sentative group of non-Jewish women tions. was also present. are reminders of die The program was followed by a concert at the synagogue, 19th and The Psi Mn fraternity will sponsor who are interested followers of Rabbi After a short trip to Havana, Mr. PAD tea. A color scheme of blue and white Burt, Sunday, December 18, at $ p. m. its regular matinee dance a t the J. C. Goldstein's discussions. and Mrs. Rosen expect to make their was carried out. Cantor Karz, who has a lyric tenor, home in New York. The couple are C this Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Ted Mrs. Mose Yousem and Mrs. Ben was chief cantor of Minsk, Russia, for planning an extended trip through Adam's orchestra, popular Omaha colGlazer poured at the tea. Mrs. 15 years. He was cantor a t the HaDaughters of Zion ored jazz band, will play. Europe early in the spring. OF THE GIVER Mrs. Leon Mendelson and Mrs. J. The Daughters of Zion are planning Philip Klutznick and Mrs. Jack Marer dras Esroel temple in Boston and were in charge. Malashock, members of the Jewish Breed street synagogue in Los Ana Chanukah program for members SECRETLY WED for years to Follow I geles. Mrs. Gertrude Weiner announces Women's Welfare Organization, will and their friends, at the J. C. C durTOASTER PEIKOLATOP chaperone. The committee in charge Sunday's concert will be of religious At a regular meeting of the Auxiling Chanukah week. Music by Prof. the secret marriage of her daughter, Mary, formerly of Kansas City, Mo., consists of Leo Berman, chairman; Mack and his orchestra, songs, and a iary Bible class Tuesday, it was de-melodies and folk songs. There will Gifts most appreMorris Giller, co-chairman; Henry prominent speaker will be featured on cided that the class meet oftener. also be violin selections. to Mr. Arthur Minkoff, son of Mrs. D. Ginsburg, Hy Gifler and Abe Bogciated at Christmas Mmkoff. The wedding took place on donoff. August 22. The bride is a sister of time are those which Mrs. Dave Bolker of this city. The couple will reside at the Drake Hadassah time cannot d i m . . . SUMEEPER WAFFLE Court apartments. The Hadassah cultural group will gifts that are both meet Monday, December 19 for lunch ANNOUNCE BIRTHS at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Hymie beautiful and useful, Mr. and. Mrs. Meyer Frank an- Milder, 119 North Happy Hollow Bounounce the birth of a daughter Sun- levard. Mrs. Henry Uonsky will talk that faithfully serve day, December 4, at the Clarkson hos- on "Jewish Contributions to Music." pital. long after the gay She will be assisted by Mrs. Nathan Green, vocalist. IRON tinsel and holly of LIGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rubin of Mrs. Herman Jahr, chairman of the Hew York announce the birth of a group, has arranged a series of interChristmas are forsen, -Paul Mortis, on -Sunday, Decem- esting programs dealing with Jewish ber 11. Mrs. Rubin was formerly culture. At the last luncheon Philip gotten. Miss Blanche Levy of this city. 1_. Klutznick spoke on "Jewish Contributions to Law." Next month Rev. Laurence Plank win speak on "JewSuch a gift is the MIXER TO VISIT WITH PARENTS RADIO Miss Anne Iintzman, daughter of ish Contributions t o Ethics." The electrical gift. Mr. and Mrs. J. Iintzman, will arrive luncheon is 25 cents. next Friday from St. Louis for a twoPlans are being completed for the week visit. She is a student at Wash- opening of a Palestinian Art Shop at 'THEY look expensive . , , and they're not! That's just one of the many ington University in St. Louis. 1814 Farnam street Wednesday, De-i intriguing characteristics of this vast array of gifts. The items below EASY TERMS Bernard litzman, a student a t the cember 21. Articles imported from give some hint of the wide variety and novelty, not to mention, economy, to University of Nebraska Engineering Palestine will be on sale at all times. ON ALL GIFTS In addition the shop will be a wombe found in Gift Lane. sdrrol, will return home next Friday an's exchange for the sale of articles for the holiday vacation.
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Cuza'8 Son Attacks Jewish Deputy inRoumania
dens of Tiis Midget squad oat for practice last Friday at 4. I t is hoped enough boys will be interested so that we can have four, teams, form a league and play a regular schedule of games. Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—Mishu REMEMBER, FRIDAY, 4 P . M . Weisman, Jewish deputy, was atANNA PILL, Basketball Regular Leagues tacked in Parliament by George By The permanent season's basketball Cuza, son of the anti-Semitic leader, as he was delivering an address proorganization was formed at the last Morris H. testing against the ritual murder big managers' meeting, held on last agitation conducted against the Wednesday, Dec. t, 1932. Sogblow Jews by Jassy students. The two leagues will each contain Deputy Weisman sustained an in6 teams and will play a two-round Physical jury to his eye at the hands of his schedule of games. The senior league Director Addressing a capacity audience at Five men were elected to the attacker. Later, Cuza refused to is named the J. C. C. and the other J. C. C. | board of Mount Sinai Temple at a apologize, but instead launched into the Junior league. the Shaare Zion Ladies' auxiliary meeting of the congregation, held another tirade against the Jews. Tuesday evening, Rabbi David Gold- last week. They are A. J. Galinsky, The Mark's Market five won the The Schedule for Next Week. Sunday, 12:30, Dec. 18—Marks stein of Omaha stated "the impor- E. N. Grueskin, Mose Weinberg, championship of the Junior league tant element of life is character, and Mike Skalovsky and J. H. Bolstein. by defeating the Pants Store team, Market vs. Star Auto Parts; 1:30, the synagogue gives us that." 21-14. The players on the winning Deep Rock No. 1 vs. A. Z. A. No. The officers of the congregation quint are: Marks, Kutler, Zorinsky, 100. "The synagogue can help build up will hold office for another year. Tuesday—8:30, Juniors vs. DeepGendler, Smith, Oruch and Richards. our Iive3," continued the rabbi, "first, They are A. M. Davis, president; H. Rock No. 2; 9:30, Xi Lambda vs. Psi Congratulations! by giving us a feeling of belonging Fishgall, vice president; -Mose WeinBY P. R. K. to a community." The other factors. berg, treasurer, and Mike Skalovsky, Last week the Psi Mu had cinched Mu. Thursday—8:30, Hawkeyes vs. Star A. Z. A. DAY CELEBRATION be added, are enlarging our person- secretary. the title in the "A" loop. Auto Parts; 9:30, A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. SUNDAY EVE. AT SYNAGOGUE . alities by extending our memories Mr. H. E. Bjostrup spoke before A. Z. A. No. 100. International A. Z. A. Day will be 8,500 years back to the days of the meeting on "Anecdotes of InJ. C. C. Pre-Season Basketball Use of the Gym During Vacation Abraham. Recognized Players surance Adjustment." Refreshments observed next Sunday, December 18th, Boys of high school age will be Mrs. Barney Baron, president of and a social hour concluded the eve-throughout the country with appropL Team of Best Sportsmen allowed to use the gym during the riate celebrations. The Council Bluffs the auxiliary, was the chairman of ning. "A"—1, A. Z. A. No. 1; 2, Xi Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. will Lambda. "B"—1, Juniors; 2, Mark's day during the vacation. The folthe evening and introduced the lowing hoars are available: 11 to 4 hold their program Sunday evening, Market. speakers. Others who spoke were on Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 11 Dec. 18th, at eight o'clock at the II. Most Valuable Mali to His Team Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Rabbi H. E. to 12 and 3 to 4 on Tuesday and Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at Rabinowitz and Mr. John Lansberg. Six new members were admitted to "A"—Psi Mu, L Bogdanoff; X. L., Thursday; Saturday evening. The Central high string quartet the A. Z. A. chapter at its meeting 618 Mynster Street Mr. Jake Fin- Harold Barish; Bruins, Max Friedplayed a group of three numbers; last week. They are Bud Wolf son. kelstein, past Grand Aleph Godol of man; A. Z. A. No. 1, Art Grossman; Miss Gisela Fill offered a 'cello solo, Bill Lansberg, Milton Taxer, Isadore the International A. Z. A. will be the Z. A. No. 100, Nate Cutler. «B"— THE GTM AND SWIMMING and Cantor A. Pliskin, accompanied Wutkin, Sam Elsberg and Abe Brav- principal speaker and guest of honor. Marks, Herb Marks; Pants Store, Ben SCHEDULE An entertaining musical program ElMn; Up to Date, Bill dayman; by Miss Libbie Olensky, sang sev- erman. Men and Boys eral Jewish folksongs. Mrs. John Announcement was made at the is also being arranged. The public -Hawkeyes, Harold Barber; Juniors, Health Club—Tuesday and ThursKauffman, founder of the auxiliary, meeting1 that the basketball team of is cordially invited to attend the A. Z. Irv Gendler. day, 12:15 p. m.; Sunday, 11 a. m. told of his beginning:, and Mr. Aitthe chapter is scheduled to play the A. celebration at the synagogue SunSenior Men—Tuesday and ThursIII. Best Sport Bergen spoke in behalf of the cast team of Omaha A. Z. A. Chapter 1 day evening. "A"—1, "Bing- Garrop; 2, Max day, 7:45 p. zn.; Sunday, 11 a. m. of players of "Welcome Stranger." on Dec. 25 in Sioux City. Leonard Business and High School Boys— "B"—1. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold Turner; 3, Aaron Epstein. Tuesday and Thursday, 6 p. m.; Refreshments concluded the eve-Hall is in charge of the arrangeHerb Marks; 2, A. Marks; 3, H. ments. The team is practicing in a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Gerber. Sunday, 12 noon. ning. preparation to playing in the tourna- December 20th, at 2:30 o'clock at the Junior Boys—Tuesday and ThursIV." Best Defensive Player ment which will be held in Kansas synagogue, 618 Mynster St. All day, 4 p. m. "A"—1, Max Turner; 2 , Jake Temembers are urged to be present. City in February. Swimming period follows each gym min; 3, Ben Rosen. "B"—1, Bob class. Dorinson; 2, Ben Yannolnick; 3, W. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hochman are isWomen and Girls The annual Father and Son Bansuing invitations this coming week Smith. Matrons—Monday and Wednesday, V. High Scores quet, sponsored by Mount Sinai Tem"Spinoza, Three Hundred Years for a celebration to be given at the "A"—1, Bogdanoff, L, 41; 2, Green- 10 a. m.; Tuesday, 2 p. m. ple, will be held Monday evening, After," will be the subject of Eabbi synagogue at 618 Mynster street, on Dec 26. Mrs. William Lazere is in Lewis' sermon at Mount Sinai Tem- Sunday afternoon, December 25th, >srg, D., 38; 3, Garrop, Bing, 33; 4, Senior Women—Monday and Wednesday* 7:45 p. m. charge of the dinner committee. the second day of Chankah. A :orney, N., 32; 5, Frddman, M., 32; Business Girls^—Monday and "Wedple tonight. , Grossman, Art, 31; 7, Goldberg, Dr. O. M. Bond, superintendent of Tuesday afternoon Rabbi Lewis ad- "Sopher Torah," the gift of Mr. and nesday, 6 p. m. the Iowa district of the Methodist dressed the Rotary club of Norfolk, Mrs. Hochman, will be presented to M., 26; 8, Giller, S., 25; 9, Barish, Junior Girls—Monday and WedChurch, will be the principal speaker Neb., on the subject, "What Is'Juda- the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, H., 23; 10, Sigal, M., 22. nesday, 4 p. m. "B"—1, Herb Marks, 52; 2, Bill of the evening. ism?" He was accompanied to Nor- and the presentation ceremonies will Swimming period follows each dayman, 47; 3, H. Garber, 38; 4, C. gym class. Mr. J. Kalin and Mr. Meyer Marks folk by Mr. Mike Skalovsky. be held. endler, 35; 5, Ben Ellrin, 25; 6, Geb. Sunday Swimming—Junior girls, are in charge of the reservations. Sunday afternoon he spoke before Mrs. Ben Harding entertained a t a Shapiro, 23; 7, Irv. Gendler, 20; 8, A» 2:30-3:30 p. m.; senior women, 2:30the Maccabee club at the Jewish Benefit Bridge Party at her home on Katz, 18; 9, Robt. Dorinson, 16; 10, 5 p. m. Community Center. Tuesday afternoon for the Ladies Ben Yarmolich, 16. Tuesday evening he spoke before Did you ever stop to think of The Sioux City chapter of A. Z. A. Volleyball Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah Sothe P.-T. A. of the North Junior what the Center offers to its mem•will celebrate international A. Z. A. The inspired Veterans, with Art ciety, which proved a success,both soday on Sunday afternoon, Dec 18, high school and Thursday evening he cially and financially. The Ladies Cohn and Harry Trustin making bers in the way of activities in the addressed the McKinley school P.-T. physical department? It is my at Mount Sinai Temple. Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah wish most of the noise, licked the crippled pleasure to announce at this time An out-of-town speaker will give Report cards will be issued to the to take this opportunity to thank all B'nai Brith, 11-5 and 11-6, in the the principal address. Rabbi Theo- children of the Temple Sunday school who helped make this affair such a first game'last Sunday morning in that many of our members are availing themselves of the opportunities dore N. Lewis will offer the invoca- next Sunday morning. This will mark success. the Health Club league. The reju- offered. The most interest is being tion. Mr. A. M. Davis, president of the first 3rd of the year's work. venated Thorpeiaiis won, 11-8 andmanifested in gym classes, women Mount Sinai Temple, will give a brief 11-7, from the All-Stars. The Com-and girls, men and boys and our Tuesday evening, Dec. 27, the chiladdress of welcome to the members peers continued tfieir championship Health club for business and profesdren of the school will present their and their guests. march, 11-3 and 11-6, with the Col-sional men; handball, - pre-season Chanukah program in the annex of The chairman's remarks will be the Temple. [egians suffering. basketball, varsity basket ball, swimgiven by Max Baron. The Founder's Sunday's schedule: 10, Thorpeians ming classes, reducing classes for day message from Sam Beber of Warsaw (J. T. A.).—The organ of -vs. Collegians; 10, Compeers vs. B'nai women, girls' basket ball, a preOmaha and the message from the the ministry of agriculture publishes Brith; 11, All-Stars Vs. Veterans. season singles handball tournament Grand Aleph Godol, Hyman Goodand hikes for matron women will Midget 'cetball Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will con- extensive statistics with regard to the binder of Omaha, will be read. tinue his sermon on Josephua at the situation of the peasants and dis- Coach Dave C had the nu- start shortly. Following the addresses, the newservice this evening. closes that only 12 per cent of the members of the A. Z. A. will be pre- Cantor A. Pliskin and the choir peasants' indebtedness is owed to sented. Music will be furnished by will chant the ritual. Jews, chiefly for goods purchased. the A. Z. A. quartet, composed of The majority of the Jewish merMartin Kozberg, Stanley Herzoff, Alchants charge the peasants no interbert Herzoff and Jack Reznick. Marest for money due them. Sixty per Dr. A. H. Lazere, who has a cent of the debts of the peasants, . tin Kozberg will offer the benedicthree-year " interneship at Michael however, are owed to wealthy peastion at the close of the meeting. The meeting, which will begin at Reese hospital, Chicago, has been se- ants who charge interest up to 300 lected as the ranking, interne for bis percent. 2:30, is open to the public. final year, according to word received The" statistics made public by the by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Laz- agriculture department organ constiriowich, 712 Myrtle street. He will tute a severe setback to the agitaPlans for the Junior Hadassah devote all his third, year to surgery. tion conducted among the peasants to Dr. Lazere is a graduate of Cen-the effect that their hardships are second annual dance have been completed and the committee in charge tral high school. He attended Morn- due to the exorbitant interest charged has made arrangements to accommo- ingside college for two years, the by Jewish money lenders. date an unusually large attendance. University of South Dakota for one The anti-Semitic agitators Jiave The dance will be held in the ball- year, the University of Iowa'for two room of the Martin hotel on Sunday years and the University of Illinois. charged that 87 per cent of the peasants' debts are owed to Jews. evening, Dec. 18, with Orville RenWord has been received here of the nie's orchestra furnishing the music. USQATs NOTICE Miss Bess Lipshutz is in charge of appointment of Dr.* Morris Melnick, Notice is hereby given that on January the ticket sales, with Miss Mary Ro- j interne at the Cedars of Lebanon 7, 1933, at 10 a. m., at 2514 Leaven-worth zofsky general chairman of the hospital in Hollywood, as house doc- Street, the Undersigned will sell to the bidder for cash: dance. tor of the hospital, following the highest 1 0x12 Wilton rug 1 moh o s davenport Patrons and patronesses for the completion of his interneship. Dr. 1 wal magazine rack 1 tval smoke cabinet wal end table 2 wrought iron bridge dance will bo Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Melnick is the „ son-in-law of Rabbi 1lamps 1 red vel o s arm cbalr 1 wal writDavis, Mr. and Mrs. Morey Lip- and Mrs. J. D. Maron, 613 Center ing desk 1 iron smoker 1 wal dining table 1 wal buffet 0 wal vel s diners 1 wal cabt sbutz, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein, street. Majestic 8 tube elec radio 1 dr iron daybed & pad 1 GxO Ax rug 1 wal bed spgs & Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, matt 1 wal vanity dresser & bench 1 wal Rabbi and Mrs. Theodore Lewis, Mr. sewing rocker 1 wal chiffonier 1 Reliable 4b gag stove 1 red lac kit table 1 Maytag and Mrs. Barney Baron, Mr. and washer 2 red lac kit chairs 1 Simplex Mrs. William Lazere, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Maron, son of Rabbi and Mrs.elec «lec lroner 1 cedar chest 1 dr iron bed spgs & matt 1 onk dresser & mirror 1 J. D. Maron, left Sioux City for E. E. Baron, Mr. and Mrs. John green en bed spgs & matt 1 green en Lansberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Levin, New York, last Thursday, to sail on chiffonier 1 green en vanity dresser 1 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mr. the Leviathan for Palestine, on Dec.green on table 1 wal sewing rocker 1 mah end table I man bed spgs & matt 1 man and Mrs. L. S. Goldberg, Mr. and15. dresser & mirror 1 mah davenport table o s tap arm chair 1 9x12 Congo rug 2 Mrs. Leon Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Maron will complete his rab-1metal smokers 0 throw rugs 1 General Arthur Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. binical studies in Palestine. He is a Electric refg No. 807244 1 1931 Chevrolet Sedan Motor No. 2D91348 Keg. No. 1-03103 Grueskin, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ska- graduate of the Lewis Art Institute and all dishes, linens, silverware, bedding lovsky, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, of Chicago and a student of the He- nnd kit utensils, brew Theological Seminary in Chi- covered by Chattel Mortgage executed by Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fishgall. Lv. Omaha 8:30 pm Walter J. Berlo and Marie E. Berlo on cago. April 5, 1032, to P. K. Tyson, doing busi-
Sioux CityNews Miss
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Date for Father, Son Banquet
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ness as the OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, and having been filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. Miss Lillian Dobrofsky was in Said sale will bo for the purpose of fore charge of the Flag day collections Mortgage and to satisfy the Mrs. I. J. Menin left Sunday for closing said due thereon to-wit: Four Hundrei last Sunday, when a number of the Minneapolis, where she will attend amount Thirty-Six and Sl-100 Dollars <$13G.81) and Junior Hadassah members solicited the engagement party of her sister, accruing costs. F. E. TYSON.DOING BUSINESS AS the Jewish homes of the city for the Miss Dorothy Miller, who has chosen OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. Jewish National Fund. Assisting Dec. 24 as the date of her marriage 12-l(5-32-3t Miss Dobrofsky were the Misses Ann to Mr. Ben K. Kase of Minneapolis. FKADENBURG, STAXMASTEB & BEBEB OSCAU T. DOElin, P . M. KLUTZNICK. Shulkin, Sara Golder, Delia Shiloff, Attorneys. Sophie. Raskin, Ethel Bergen, Ida 030 Omaha National Bank Bide Miss Roma L. Bird was elected Cohen and Mary Kaplan. president of the Delta Delta Tau soOF ADMINISTRATION Announcement was • made at the rority at a recent meeting. Other In NOTICE the County Court of Douglas County, Hadassah board meeting Tuesday officers are Goldie Deyine, vice presNebraska. the Matter of the Estate of Naomi Wol that Miss Dorothy Finkelstein of Co- ident; Alice Tilevitz, secretary, and In oslnsky. Deceased. lumbus, Ohio, will be the guest Mary Raskin, treasurer. Refresh All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been speaker at the next Hadassah meet- ments and a social hour followed filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying Wednesday evening, Dec 21, in the election. ing for administration upon his estate, am the Martin hotel- The jneeting, that a hearing will be had on said petltioi_ before said court on the 31st day of Dewhich will begin at 9 o'clock, will Johannesburg.—The sum of 2,000 cember 1032, and that If they fail to apfollow a dinner meeting of the board, pounds was collected during the first pear at said Court on the said 31st day o! December, 1932, at 9 o'clock A. M., to conat which Miss Finkelstein will, be the week of the Jewish National Fund test said petition, the Court may gran imest of honor. Miss .Finklestein is Drive in South Africa which is being the same and grant administration of said to Sam Beber or some other suita vice president of the national or- conducted by the Palestine leaders, estate able person and proceed to a settlement ganization and president of the Cen- Joseph Baratz and Abraham Harz- threof. BRTCB CRAWFOED, tral Tri-State Regional district of 4 County Judge. "l2-9-32-3k
Assist in Flag Day
Junior Hadassah.
AT. Chicago 8:30 am
Society News
the Fast Mail with dinner on the traiaj Lv. Omaha 6:15 pmt
an| fiditr arrival in Chicago* 7:05
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NATIO TIRE ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. [Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427. Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors