December 23, 1932

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Dedicatedto tfie Ideals of Judamn



Kntrrvd as ScCond-iVqs*- Mail Matter on January 27. UCO, at FoRlomc* fit Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879

Vol X.—No. 47 -


A member of the facult 't-'-j. ty College is hunger-striking V rs'.'-r -~\s First Yiddish TaUde Nazis Favor Old being written, iii protest agaY T, '.:'-, Jewish disturbances in Polisl.,%.': in Soviet Testamenfs sties, and many things are be. "^ Russia Methods about the varsity instructor. \,._ I do not propose to express ail opinMoscow.—(J. T. A.)—The first YidBerlin.—(J. T. A.)—A Nazi motion ion about the personal aspects. Who j dish talkie in Soviet Russia has now before the Keichstag commission proshall say what are the motives that been completed. It is avowedly propduced a witty reply by the Social Deactuate an individual in such a mater, or any matter. But a story comes Appropriate Services to Mark mocratic Deputy Faust. The Nazi mo- Overwhelming Palestine Offi- agandist, and tells the story of a young man who fled to America from tion suggested that farmers be perto mind, with regard to the general Eight-Day Celebration mitted to pay taxes in kind instead of cers with Application for Cer- Czarist persecution. He proposition of the professor, that of Russia after the Revolution and takes money. tificates Since Riotings dying for his cause. It is a story that of Holiday part in the so-called process of proAmidst general amusement Deputy is related of the late Daniel De Leon. Chanukah, the Feast of Dedica- Faust" pointed out that lie Nazis were ductivization which is shown as the Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Palestine oftion, will be ushered in for world apparently attempting to restore the fices in Poland responsible for emi- main feature of the new order. A LITTLE ANECDOTE this evening and wfll continue tax system of the patriarchs Abra- gration are" being overwhelmed by the The chief; role; is played by Michaels De Leon, as you may; or may not Jewry for eight days. ham, Isaac and whom they large, number of Jewish applications the well-known actor.of the Yiddish remember, was. one i of the pioneer Tiny tapers illumine the darkness •were otherwise opposei They appar- from every cflriet of the country Government Theatre in Moscow. American Socialists. \ Although one of Drew Pearson, co-author of the in Jewish homes on Chanukah. The ently wished to return to Old Testa- seeking emigration certificates which the earliest, he was also jjrobably the "Washington Merry-Go-Round" and first night only one candle is lighted, ment times when harvest offerings would allow them to leave for Palesmost original force _;that American "More Merry-Go-Round;" newspaper Socialism has produced.. No less a the second two, and so until the were substituted for taxes. tine. man, university professor, lecturer whole eight burn together with their person than Lejuri admitted the deep Applications by Polish Jews for and world traveler, will be the secservant light the "Shammas." Acinfluence that De Leon'had exerted visas or certificates have been heavy ond speaker on the Community Forcording to the rabbis, the lights are on him. ;; of late, but the recent anti-Semitic um Series at the Jewish Community kindled, in increasing order as the outbreaks have heavily multiplied the . Well, to come to the story, De Leon Jew should increase in righteousness. Center, next Wednesday evening, thousands anxious to emigrate. started his radical career as a PopuDecember 28, at 8:15 p. n. Special services-will be held at the The Workmen's Circle Branch 173 list back in the eighties., ... _ The only hope for thousands now Through the sensational success of beginning and conclusion of the holseems to lie'in the possibility of leav- will observe its twenty-fifth anniOne day De Leon delivered a very iday in all synagogues and in the "Washington Merry-Go-Round" and ing for-tha Holy Land. The com- versary this coming Sunday evening, forceful addresis before a gathering temple. "More Merry-Go-Round" Drew PearBernard Szold, director of the paratively low quota of immigration December 25, at the Labor Lyceum. of Populist farmers in some western son has once more been catapulted - Temple Israel The birthday celebration will start Omaha Community Playhouse, opened certificates as well as the other restates. into international prominence, and Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak the Junior Forum season of the strictions to which immigration is at 5:30 with a banquet, for which for the first time, since 1923 has . After the speech was finished, one been persuaded to return to the lecwhiskered Populist farmer arose and on "The Light of Judaism" at ser- Senior Council of Clubs at the Jew- subject, do not make it possible to two hundred and fifty reservations vices at Temple Israel this evening ish Community Center with an ad- accede to more than a small propor- have been made. ture platform. said: Music will be furnished by a quardress on "Modern Drama," Monday, tion of the applications. "Mr. De Leon, that is a very beau- starting the festival of Chanukah. Drew Pearson is an excellent Drew Pearson Tomorrow morning Sisterhood Sab- December 19. tet consisting of Max Yaffe, violin; tiful speech you made, but I want to speaker and an experienced lecturer. Protests Continue. —Picture copyriRhted Margaret Hurwitz, piano; E. Oscar Ralph Nogg, president of the senask you, would you die •: for the bath will be observed at the Temple. During the period of 1921-23, he by Harris & Ewing. Protests from all .parts of the world Mrs. M. L. Cohn will speak on "The ior council, told the audience that Weinstein, cello; and Sol Zusman, cause?" lectured in America, Australia and New Zealand. In addition, he has "My friend," replied De Leon, ''one Significance of Sisterhood Sabbath." the purpose of the Senior Council against anti-Jewish rioting continue violin and clarinet. been Instructor in Industrial -Geoglive man for the cause is worth a Mrs. William L. Holzman will con- in offering the Jewish Forum was to pour into Poland. Before the Sejm • Irving Hill of Lincoln, Nebraska, duct the services. Kaddish will be to enable the younger people of the Deputy Heinrich Rosmarin charged will be the principal speaker. Toastraphy at the University of Pennsylthousand dead men." recited this Sabbath for Moritz community the opportunity of hear- that the Polish government is ignor- master will be M. Crounse. vania (1921-22) and lecturer in ing the problems of the Jews and alSachs, and Lena G. Wolowitz. WHY DISRAELI LOVED Delegates will be present from ing talks on cultural subjects. JusCommercial Geography at Columbia The annual Chanukah entertain- tin Wolf, chairman of the commit- lows recurring excesses without tak- Lincoln Branches 438 and 399; One of the strongest romantic episUniversity (1924). odes of history was that of Benjamin ment given by the children of the tee on clubs of the Center, intro- ing the proper steps to prevent them. Sioux City Brench 664 and its WomInteresting Biography Sunday School of the Temple will be duced Henry Mousky, who in turn en's Auxiliary; South Omaha Branch Disraeli and his wife. Zamorsld Confesses. Drew Pearson was born in EvansMoscow, (J.T.A.)—A further reheld Sunday afternoon, December Des Moines Branch 406 and the The brilliant Dizzy, as you remem- 25, starting at 2:30 p. m. An in- introduced Mr. Szold. The Polish student, Zamorski, was 258; duction in the number of Jewish ton, HI., in 1897, went to Phillips Women's Auxiliary; the Ladies' La. Mr. Szold spoke on the various ber, married a woman some fifteen teresting program has been arranged placed under arrest when he admitted members of the Communist Party, Academy, and .graduated from or twenty years older than he was, tender the direction of Miss Bess trends of the little theater move- to police that his injuries which were bor Lyceum club, Mutual Loan, and who now average less than five per Swarthmore College (1919). He has Labor Lyceum Association of Omaha. ment. He said that there were four and was deeply attached to her. allegedly received when Jews fired Weinstein, assisted by the teachers things wrong with the modern thea- upon The national executive of the cent of the total membership, is traveled as a newspaperman through him at the funeral services of That does not pass comprehension of the Sunday School. ter. T^e plays were not properly Jan Grotkowski were actually caused Workmen's Circle in New York will awaited as a result of the new purg- more than 50 countries; has interif the woman is of some superior sort. constructed due to Lick of correct by a hand grenade which .he himself be represented by L. Witkin of this ing process announced by the Cen- viewed Europe's "Twelve Greatest Conservative Synagogue But Dbraeli's wife was not of the sutral Committee of the Communist Men;" reported the Geneva Confer"' Rabbi David A. Goldstein will training of the majority of play- carried and which exploded prema- city. perior sort. A v e r y simple woman speak ence for the Tokyo Jiji and Japan wrights; the theaters are not pro- turely. Serious excesses against the The committee in charge of ar- Party. on "Chanukah Explained and indeed. ^ . Many Jews'will be expelled, it is Advertiser. He accompanied Secreperly constructed for best production rangements for the banquet and proInterpreted" at Chanukah services Jewish population followed the al^ What was it then that evoked the this evening at the Conservative of plays; the majority of actors have leged firing by Jews upon the funeral gram Sunday" consists of S. Lipp, believed, inasmuch as . the Party tary Kellogg to Paris to sign the ~" precious emotion of love in Disraeli*s Synagogue at the J. C. C. views with suspicion members who Anti-war Treaty (1928); reported not the proper training in stage throng. : chairman; Max Crounse, and S. previously belonged to other parties, the London Conference in 1930, the case? Stein. The children of the members will craft; and "the audiences are spoiled Zamorski confessed only after an entertained at a Chanukah party for the'legitimate theater by the in- operation performed on him disclosed ' The executive committee of Branch and the proportion of such members Cuban Revolution in 1931. Until LOVE AND LUCRE fluence of the movies. 173 consists of L. Bailin, M.1 Crounse, is highest among Jews. ' About 15 recently, he has been on the staff =The answer which every one will Saturday afternoon, December 24, at no signs of bullets but fragments of :A/ Fonnan,: 1^ GitUn,.* S. Kenyon, per.cent of the Jewish membership of the Baltimore Sun. J;30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Mr. Szold gave a reading from . give is that his, "wife brought/hint a the exploded, bomb. At present he is in Jhe midst of JSLilapp, H. -Ee3nick» _S<_ Rudertnan^ in the Communist party consists of ^ • • ' . - - . ....-..• • Rice's "Counselor-at-Law." Mr, Satold fortune, She was a woman of great Center. 7 former members of the Bund,""Jew-J writing another book and plans in L Sehafer, M." Selkow, S." Stein, Next "Friday "-"evening out-of-town also spoke' on the movies and said wealth. ish Socialist- Party, and the Poale addition to his lectures, to establish L. Witkin and S. Zusman. .Weil, that might explain why Dis- students attending local colleges and that in his opinion the best' actors a syndicated newspaper column to The reception committee for out- Zion. Taeli married her, but does that ex- Students home for vacation will be on the screen were Paul Muni and According to the last statistical re- be known as "The Daily Merry-Goof-town guests consists of A. Forguests of the synagogue. Rabbi Katherine Hepburn. plain why Disraeli loved her? cord, that of 1927, the number of Round." man, L Schafer and • S. Kenyon. Goldstein will speak on "Education, The next Junior Forum event will Comes now Bertrand Russell and Character and Personality." Jewish members of the Communist "Washington Merry-Go-Round" is be in January. answers in the affirmative. He ofParty as well as candidates for party an inside, intimate story behind the Orthodox fers the unique theory that money membership, totaled 49,511, including scenes of the men who run the naAll orthodox synagogues will obmay not only bring marriage, not only 11,545 women, the whole comprising tional government, told by one who Morris Friedel, president of the the semblance-of love, but love itself. serve Chanukah in the traditional less than five per cent of the entire has known them and written of them United Palestine Council, was named Russell goes into a long-winded dis- manner, starting at sundown this membership. to head the local Zionist District at for a period of years and whose seration to prove his point, but it may svening. Services Saturday arid election of officers held at the In the five years that have interbooks on the inside picture of Wash&e International A. Z. .A. .Day, ob- vened the Party membership has in- ington have been among the best perhaps be boiled down briefly to this Sunday mornings will start at 8 k Jewish Community Center last week. served by appropriate programs creased from 773,220 to more than sellers. during the past two years. •—that the poor individual marrying a a. m. The second program in the Jewish He succeeds Philip M. Klutznick. Maccabeans the United States and 2,000,000, but the Jewish member- The lecture is replete with amusing wealthy individual finds himself sufOther officers named are Nathan throughout The festival of Chanukah is one Forum series win be featured by a fused with gratitude for all the comCanada Sunday, was celebrated lo- ship has not increased in the same anecdotes and personality pictures S. Yaffe and Alexander D. Frank, concert of Jewish music, by Miss forts and luxuries that the wealthier of great joy-and gladness. The Syr- Florence Bernstein of Chicago, to vice-presidents; Joseph Tretiak, treas- cally by a .banquet and program, proportion. The most liberal esti- of the men who are steering the person has provided, and that this ian King Antiochus IV in the year be given at the Jewish. Community urer, and Dr. O. S. Belzer, secretary. sponsored .jointly by the Mother mates set the number of Jewish Com- country through one of the most gratitude'through some mystic meta- 168 B. C. £. issued a decree to the elected to the executive com- chapter 1 and Sam Beber chapter munist party members at 75,000, serious. crises in history. morphosis, is distilled into nothing effect that only the Greek gods were Center on Wednesday, January 11. Those which would make their proportion "Who's Who in America" states mittee include Dr. I. Dansky, John 100. Miss Bernstein is an accomplished to be worshipped and only the Greek but the spirits of purest love. even less than five per cent. Harry Friedberg of Kansas City, about him: "Drew Pearson, (Andrew Feldman, Rabbi David Goldstein, M. religion was to be practiced. : '• artist who has given interpretation Russell), newspaper correspondent; Russell says that it is regrettable programs of Jewish and other folk F.-Levenson, J. Lintzman, Charles prominent Zionist leader, .was the But the polytheism of the Greeks b. Evanston, 111.*. December 13, 1897, that this should be so, but it neverthe- did not appeal to the Jews, .who,] songs with much success, Mann, Philip Klutznick, M, D. Brod- principal speaker at the evening's rally, i He was honor : guest at .a educated Phillips Academy, Exter, less very frequently is so. key, Sam H. Davis, Julius Bisno, Devries of alone of all the peoples of that time, •Herman " - — - T»_LJ__ .* *the Chicago N. H., 1915; A. B. Swarthmore ColAnd so he adds Disraeli was very worshipped the one. God. Undaunt- Evening American in reviewing a Meyer Freeman, Dr. A. Greenberg, banquet which .preceded the. meeting. lege, 1919, Dir. A. Friends Service grateful to the woman who made his ed by the persecutions heaped upon concert given by Miss Bernstein J. S. Pearlstein and Max Barish. In his.address Friedberg urged the Com. in Serbia, Montenegro and Algreat political career possible, and them by the Syrians, the Jews, led says "It is easy to, review the recital The Zionists elected as their repre- youth to continue the. spirit exembania, 1919-21, instr. in industrial this emotion turned to love. plified by. Judas Massabeus, who led sentatives to the United Palestine of Florence Bernstein. She has a at first by the aged priest, MattaThe J. C C. varsity basketball geography, U of Pa., 1921-22, lecthe Jews to victory despite ..overCouncil Al Frank, Morris Friedel and thias, and after his death by his full-toned,' expressive soprano" voice THAT WEALTHY AURA team split even on its week-end trip produced wiht ease and finished Julius Bisno. They will be represent- whelming odds, some 2,100 years ago. to Missouri, nosing out Westboro tured on Am., Australian and New Being a psychologist myself, as son, Judas Maccabeus, successfully technic Zealand chautauquas, 1921-23; visitHe •urgedthem to live their own ed on the Jewish National Fund CounShe shades tastefully and everyone these days is, I offer an ad- resisted the strong armies which the intelligently, her diction is clear and cil by Morris Friedel and Al Frank. lives and to continue the traditions Saturday night, 21 to 17, but suc- ed Japan, China and Siberia, reSyrians sent against them, defeated cumbing to the Kansas City five, 37 ditional reason why it is easier to love results of Washington Anns them repeatedly, and finally marched correct and she sings in irreproach- - Philip Klutznick has accepted the of their people, of which they should to 30, in a hotly contested, colorful porting the rich. Conference for newspaper syndicate, chairmanship of the membership combe most proud.' Sam Finkel presided. into Jerusalem. There able pitch." It is that wealth gives one an as- triumphantly 1922; interviewed "Europe's Twelve mittee, and a concentrated campaign Philip M. Klutznick, executive sec- -melee. Miss Bernstein's concert in Omaha they rededicated the Temple to the At Westboro, Phil Gerelick and I. Greatest Men" for newspaper syndi• surred feeling, a feeling of being at service of God, on the 25th day of will include' a number of familiar to materially increase the roll call of retary of the order, and Isadore borne in the universe, of being secure Kislev, in the year 165 B. C. E., and f o l k s o n g s , a n d a l s o a f e w i n H e b - the local Zionist district is planned Abramson, president of the local Bogdanoff scored the winning baskets dicate, 1923; lecturer in commercial and unafraid. And a person with that it is in commemoration of this glor- r e w . • • ; . • • • • ' • • J. '. "_.••• . for the near future. B'nai Brith, were principal speakers after the Omahans had trailed all geography, Columbia U., 1924; refeeling has an aura about him that is ious event that the Feast of Lights ported anti-foreign strikes in China, at the banquet. They recounted the the way. Mrs. Sadie Monsky will assist her At Kansas City the locals were 1925; reported Geneva Naval Conf. • not unattractive. achievements and growth of the orat the piano. is celebrated today. Daughters of Zion der, which since its founding by Sam handicapped by an epidemic of flu for Tokyo Jiji and Japan AdverKINDNESS THROUGH 1927, staff United States Chanukah Program Beber in* Omaha in 1924 has grown which had hit the members of the tiser, ANGER Daily, 1926—, Baltimore Sun, 1929; team. However, they gave the Kanto have 162 chapters. Harry Weinreported 6th Pan-American ConferFor some time, our friends Winchell sas City quint a nip and tuck battle. A Chanukah program open to the berg was toastmaster at the ban, and Ben Bernie have been waging Bogdanoff, Rich and P. Gerelick were ence, Havana, 1928; accompanied public will be given by the Daughquet. Secretary of the State Kellogg to • what seemed to be a very nasty per ters of Zion at the J. C. C, on Tues- A message from Sam"Beber, who outstanding. The Kansas City Y will Paris to sign Anti-War Treaty, sonal battle. The things that they play a return game here January 22. day evening, December 27. is still president of the supreme ad1928; reported London Naval Conhave been saying about each other in This Sunday at 2:30 the girls' Included on the program will be visory council, was read by Morris Plans are progressing rapidly for but an award in the shape of recogference, 193—; Revolution, their radio broadcasts, and Winchell songs in Yiddish by E. Sellz; Katz at the evening meeting. Wil- team will play the Sokol Girls. At 1931; made air Cuban trip to Caribbean in his column, have not been such as the award to the "outstanding Jew- nition is always agreeable. I will folk 3:30 the varsity will attempt to win a Yiddish recitation by Miss Rose liam Wolfe gave a short address. countries." can be reproduced in a respectabl ish citizen of Omaha," which will be surely do my part in seeing that the Soffer; the twelfth victory of the season a violin duet by the Saks jresented by the Phi Beta Epsilon right person is selected, in this step column' of this nature. Judge Irvin Stalmaster is chairwhen it clashes with the Sokol Athbrothers; a dance by the Wolk twins, to further community work. It is a fraternity of Creighton university in But now, it turns out, it is all a man of the Community Forum serletic club team. an address and refreshments. stimulant to service since many lack Sisterhood Dance January. Announcement has been hoax. Just a game* the two are playies, the second speaker of the series and appreciation by A special feature will be the showing at seeing how nasty one can be made that the committee which will encouragement being Drew Pearson. ing of moving pictures of Palestine Tuesday Evening Sisterhood Sabbath select the recipient of the honor is the community." to the other. Other speakers on this series intaken last summer by Mrs. David And I'm beginning to think that it to meet within ten days. That the award is an excellent idea; Goldstein. Dr. Will Durant, on Jamiar;; The Temple Israel Sisterhood is Services Tomorrow clude 25, 1933; Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, might be an idea worthy of imitation . The committee of five prominent was the reaction of Jacob S. Pearlsponsoring a dance on Tuesday eveMrs. A. Shafton is chairman. Admembers of Omaha Jewry and lead- stien, executive director of the JewFebruary 22, and Warden Lewis E, on a vaster scale. ning, December 27, at 9:30 p. m. at ers of "local organizations is supple- ish Community Center. "I believe mission is free. Sisterhood Sabbath will be ob- Lawes, March 29, concluding the the Blackstone Hotel ballroom. Art The Daughters of Zion is a JewSEVflLLA SIMILIBUS mented 6y two permanently ex-officio that it is particularly - significant of Randall and his orchestra will fur- served at Temple Israel tomorrow series. members, the presidents of the ac- the interest of Phi Beta Epsilon, ish National Fund organization. morning, December 24, at 10:30 a. m. CURANTUR nish the music for the affair. Mrs. William L. Holzman, chairSome professor at Columbia univer- tive chapter of the fraternity and the fraternity in communal work," he Mrs. Max Holzman, chairman, has sity recently sought to demonstrate alumni association. This year those stated. Bialik Complains of appointed the following committee: man of religion, will conduct ser- Chanukah Program that the way to remove a weakness representatives are Julius Bisno and Harry Rosenfeld, Edward vices, and Mrs. Mayer L. Cohn, presby Pioneer Women Gold-Extortion Plots Mesdames "Although it is the duty of every . was not to directly seek its removal, Nathan E. Gilinsky, respectively. citizen Schimmel, Sam Berkowitz, M. L. ident of the local Sisterhood, will to do his share in uplifting give a short talk on "The SignifiRabbi David Goldstein, Rabbi Fredbut rather to emphasize it. The Pioneer Women's club will Jewish community, such an award Tel Aviv, (J.T.A.) Chaim Nachman Cohn, Jules Solomon, Milton Liv- cance of Sisterhood Sabbath." Thus, this professor found that he erick Cohn, Mrs. L. Neveleff, David the ingston and Louis Kulakofsky. sponsor Chanukah celebration on: will create added initiative for Jewhad most success in curbing a ten- Blacker and Jacob S. Pearlstien are ish citizens, and is therefore a very Bialik, the foremost HeBrew poet of Mrs. Holzman says: "With an exTuesday, December 27, at the Jewish dency he had to make certain mis- the other members of the committee. fine thing," was the opinion of Mrs. the day, has issued an appeal against cellent orchestra and fine dancing Community Center,'at S p. m. Every: the arrests of Jews in Russia in. conJewish National Fund takes in typewriting by deliberately Members of the committee are en- L. Neveleff, president of the Jewish floor, we expect everyone who atone is invited to attend. nection -with a campaign by the seeking to practice those mistakes. thusiastic in their praise of the pres- Women's Welfare federation. "It will tends this dance to have a very enWins Land Dispute authorities to extort foreign currency entation of such an award, which. is undoubtedly be a hard task to select joyable evening. Make plans now EXTENDING THE to be given this year for the first one person form among so many who and gold coinage from them. .He and come for a good time." Classes in Jewish Jerusalem, (J.T.A.) The High Court claims that he recently received new PRINCIPLE time. Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temhas recognized as legal the Jewish Free classes in Jewish for adults Perhaps the principle is applicable ple Israel expressed the hope that have done such splendid work under material from Russia proving that ito the field of ethics, -Perhaps we such an award would stimulate Jew- present circumstances," she contin- tens of thousands, mostly Jews, had Haifa, A group of Arabs, •Kith a National Fund's claim to the six are being held every Monday evening 1 been again arrested. He calls on the capital of 600,000 pounds have formed thousand dunams of Wadi Hawareth at 7:30 p. m. at the Internationa). should gain in good will towards each ish citizens to do the best work of ued. other, if instead of trying to be nice, which they are capable. He stated: The award will be made at a ban- Jewish press to join in a protest a- a company to establish a sugar factory lond, which had been claimed by Workers' Order hall, 1314 North 24. Arabs. No charge is made the arrests. , it is reported. "We should serve without reward, quet to be held next monthf Continued on Page Two.)

pqysu JEWRY




Wrote "Washington Merry*Go Round"



Russian Jews in Communist Party Less Than 5%


Conert of Jewish! Music on Jewish Forum at Center



Award to "Outstanding Omaha Jewish Citizen" Being Lauded


Iota Tail

political club on the south side—a dub of this sort should be discourAfter a bridge and. ping pong touraged. It will never receive the ennament lasting, over a month, a tie Arrangements have been comdorsement of representative Jews in resulted and members of both teams this city or in any other city. It is pleted for the mammoth New Year's of the organization entertained at a Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by eve party which will be given by the unwise to give emphasis to the opintea dance at the Club Araby for THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ion the Jews of a community are or- Thorpeian Athletic club at the Rome members only on Sunday, Dec. 18. Hotel. ganized for political purposes. ReChanukah gifts were exchanged. Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - A burlesque entertainment of incently the president of the B'nai By "Ab" Eaiman Advertising rates furnished on application Brith lodge in Hammond, Ind., was teresting acts will feature the pro- Miss Dorothy Kaplan sang severa* forced to issue a statement to the gram. A many-coursed dinner and songs, accompanied by Paul Spor and Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building press—denying that there is a "Jew- dancing to a popular orchestra is his orchestra. The teams were capTelephone: ATlantie 1450 Why the "Shelter tained by Hazel Zavett and Sylvia ish vote" in America and declaring included on the evening's menu. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center Gi venter. The origin of the custom which that no political organization can According to ticket sales, a capacDAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor Jewish women have .of cutting their speak for us as Jews. During the coming year cultural ity crowd is expected. PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - . . . - Editor hair when they marry, is known by work will be stressed, under the diF A N N I E KATELMAN . - Council Bluffs; Iowa, Correspondent Music Hath Charms few of the young generation. The rection of Dorothy Kaplan and SylA N N PILL - - - • - « . . Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent A well deserved bouquet to Mrs. only practical reason in back of this via Bothkovitz. .seems to be in the fact that a mar- Henry (Sadye) Monsky, director of ried woman' should have charms for the Center school of music She is The Auxiliary is sponsoring a Chan'no other than her husband. Her giving a course in music apprecia- ukah party for children of members Tonight, as we start the eight-day celebration of Chanukah, hair is her crowning glory and to tion. The puplis are enthusiastic their mothers Saturday, Dec 24, Feast of Rededication, it is stimulating to recall the inspiring zeal avoid attracting ohter men she dons and very appreciative. A promis- and at the J. C. C. at 2:30. The program of the Maccabees. In the year 168 B.C. R King Antiochus Epi- the wig or the "shekel" ("shaitel" ing pupil of the school is Esther has been so arranged that all children to you Litvaks!). A certain local Stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. can participate. Yale Trustin will phanes of Syria in his program of unifying all his subjects under matron waxing enthusiastic about David Stein—receiving vocal instruc- give a piano selection; Melvin NewBombay.—(J. T. A.)—The claim for one yoke decided to force pagan Greek culture upon the sons of her husband states that her hubby tion from Mrs. Nate (Lee) Green. man will play the drum, accompanied compensation by the Jewish victims Israel, realizing that while Jewish idealism was alive his hold on helps her do all the work—continu- Esther is also an accomplished vio- by his mother, Mrs. Ben Newman; of the Aden riots has been dismissed ing her blast as follows—"Monday linist. Marjorie Silverman will give a dance by the Indian government authorities. the Jews was too weak. MattatKias and his five sons, John, Si- he washed dishes with me, and Tuessolo; games will be played and mov- Furthermore the Chief Commissioner Don't Duck Diana's Dance mon, Judas (who was called Maccabeus), Eleazar, and Jonathan, day he dusted with me and on Wedies shown; Rabbi Goldstein will tell a of Aden has declined to sanction an The good-natured Diana Novitsky led the Jewish revolt and the Maccabean warriors, ready either nesday he is going to mop the floor (Mrs. Chanukah story, and gifts will be ex- inquiry with a view to determining Sol) asks, that announcement the exact amount of damage suffered to'live or die nobly, boldly faced overwhelming odds and emerged with: me!" be made of a novel dancing party changed by the children. Secret Desires A special meeting of the Bible by Jews, basing his refusal on the . . . to be given on Feb. 12. . . « victorious. These ieroes surmounted seemingly insurmountable ground that since there is no individHolzman would abandon She is chairman of group 8 of the class is being called for Tuesday, Dec. ual obstacles not for their own selfish ends, but in the spirit of self- hisWilliam on whom responsibility could be executive position for the busi- Ladies' Aux. to the Conservative syn- 27, at 10:15 a. m. at the Center. Fulaid, a practical remedy is unobtainsacrificing fidelity. Standing almost alone in their day, the Mac- ness of conducting travelogues—he agogue ture policies and definite meeting . . . raising funds, and able: cabean heroes beat back the forces that threatened to involve all has nautical desires also—Judge wishes to exceed her quota. . . . dates will be discussed. The annual Congregational dinner Stalmaster enjoys doing an Italian Won't you please endeavor not to mankind in a common demoralization. The riots at Aden broke out on the monologue—and possesses a perfect conflict with above date? . . . Thank will be held at the J. C. C. WednesThe Jewish nationalism and the common right of all men to dialect. A yiddish comic who has you and "Oak-eh" Diana. . . . evening of May 23rd of this year, day, January 18. Mrs. Dave Sherman, student chair- when an attack was made on the Jewsocial and religious equality and freedom of thought, defended by no equal locally, is Harry Shumow, the jovial manager of M. G. M. man, will have charge of the social ish quarter by Aden Arab; after a the Maccabeans, are still problems 2100 years after. The Jewish local film office. Sam Josephson, hour which will follow the special stu- falso report had been spread that people in their role as the enigma of history find themselves in apostle of philosophy and wit, is a dent services next Friday evening Jews had defiled a Mosque by throwMrs. Sherman invites all students in ing refuse into it. another paradoxical situation as national, yet international. Scat- violinist of "note," who cherishes a desire to wield the baton—as in the for the holidays to attend. tered all over the world and blending East with West as no others, old days in Kansas City orchestras. The Auxiliary circle of Mrs. Dave they have greatly aided the amalgamation of Orient and Occident Sam is chuck full of many humorSherman, assisted by Mrs. I. W. Roscultures. On the other hand, in this day of concentrated nation- ous incidents during his "fiddling" enblatt and Mrs. I. Dansky will hold His lates "scream" is the a bake sale at Brandeis Stores all day alism the nationalistic spirit of the Jew has increased in strength days. new rule book on contract bridge— January 4. A feature will be famed and vigor. The persecutions and discriminations suffered in vari- ask him for a copy! An account of the part of the home-made shtrudel, made by such ous countries, particularly in Germany, Austria, Poland and RuParis, (J.T.A.)—Count Bonnefoy Jewish pioneer in discovering and culinary artists as Mrs. A. Somberg "Debts" Right mania, have accentuated Jewish necessity for a national homeland With the foreign debt situation th>? settling America will be related by and Mrs. O. Fox. Telephone orders Sibour has been appointed French will be appreciated. Resident General in Tunisia, replacand Jewish nationalism is burning brightly. principal topic . . . our friend Yir- Dr. Frederick Cohn in a review of the dialetician, remarks: . . . Anita Libman Lebeson's "Jewish PioThe titantic struggle which must be fought today is compar- zik, "Debts seems to be all de trobbel neers in America" before the Omaha able to that of twenty centuries ago. But Chanukah symbolizes in de country." . . . And Walter Council of Jewish Women Tuesday the triumph of light over darkness and the tapers which illume Lippman (of Jewish descent), polit- at 2:30 p.m. at the Jewish CommunTickets for the "Winter Frolic," the evening's shadows symbolizes man's struggle that the behests ical economist and syndicate writer, ity Center. to be given by the Sam Beber chapstates that 1933 will be a liquidation This is Rabbi Cohn's first appearElse in Omsha of humanity be answered. Tonight, as we observe the holiday of ter 100 of the A. Z. A. at the Elk's Yes, Mr. Lippman, pro- and the first book review offered by ballroom on January 2£ were disyear. Can YOB Secure Chanukah, let us remember that while our nationalism must be viding there will be something lef; and the firfist book review offered by tributed at a meeting of the organthe program committee. retained, simultaneously our ideals of international regulative to liquidate. And while on the ization Sunday. Freddy Ebner and principles must be strengthened. We must keep alive the Jewish subject of debts: . . . Here is a Written by a Jewess, the history his orchestra have been engaged for collection letter . . . "I shot an traces the Jew in America from the the affair, for which elaborate plans spark as did th Maccabeans, and also, as individuals we must do neat arrow into the air . . . it fell to With Mnsic and Dancing are being made. :our utmost toward combatting the forces which threaten mankind earth, I know not where . . . reNew officers elected Sunday are Including • choice of meats, side ;in a ,common demoralization. The principles of Maccabean sacri- cently we shot you a letter reminddishes, deserts and drinks. Served Dan Lintzman, president; Joe Bluming you are past due . . . where it onder the persona] direction of enthal, vice-president; Edward Rosifice in antiquity must be defended by practical idealists in mod- landed and what it did we do not Antone enbaum, secretary; Abe Goldberg, Sernity. Marsara know." . . . It produced results . treasurer; Nathan Cutler and Art Field d u b and it's yours for the asking. . Sherman, sergeants-at-arms; George Chef in a A headline in a theatrical "magazine Dolgoff, reporter; Myron Tarnoff, Romantic Parker says the two most beautiful Atmoschaplain. words to her are "inclosed" and reads: "Opera for Fertilizer" . . spoai phere "check," that is, of course, when they sounded like an exchange "ad" . of Old | but, oh my, it's a Sunday radio are in the same sentence. Araby. I Fanny Hurst is more serious with program . . . sponsor states they By DAVID SCHWARTZ a list that includes: "Lyric, serenity, desire to attract de luxe home ownAn interesting meeting was held ers with a high grade program. . . . vitality, mercy and beauty." by the Fa-Hon sorority at Brandeis (Continued from Page One.) We are tempted to "pun," but not My favorite word is "vacation." on Monday, December 19. But it will not do to be facetious. now. . . . Plans for progressing for the ben•we tried deliberately to be a little I do not doubt that the intrinsic beauCooking Up a "Tzimas" efit card party to be given on Wednasty. ty or sonorousness of words has playnesday, January 18, at the home of What a "tzimas" is being made in . Isn't it a fact, for instance, that ed a significant part in history. Mrs. S. Weinsvag, 2222 Miami. Any . . . the appointment of a those closest to us, we are always a They used to say of the Earl of Boston card game desired, poker, pinochle, little more frank and a little more Balfour, who gave us that Balfour Miss Donovan to serve as an atbridge, etc., may be played. Positively Omaha's Outcruel, and yet pur friendship is not Declaration "that the reason why he tendance officer in the Jewish disThe members have ben divided Standing New Year's Eve impaired thereby. became enamoured in his later years trict . . . because of her "knowlinto two teams for the ticket-selling Al Smith perhaps had-the right of democracy, was that the word edge" of Yiddish . . . brought forth Celebration. campaign, with Rose Flanchek and idea, when "making up" with Gover- 'democracy' was so mouth-filling, just a storm of protest . . . and a decA Paramount Publix Stage Selma Seeka as captains. They relaration to probe to the bottom this Show—The largest dining room nor Roosevelt, he greeted him, "Hello, like Mesopotamia." dance floor in the city—Novport a splendid response thus far. brazen effrontry. . . . Boston Jewyou old potato." elty Noise Makers—FUJI—SurThe publicity committee consists of ish' citizens may be justified in their prises—Activity every second. Calling a person an "old potato" is WRITING FOR JOY Mrs. Morris Friedel, Esther Siegel, action . . . but after all let us be Some of the Jewish literati are paras you know, not the highest form of and Sara Kaplan. ticipating in a symposium as to reminded of that Talmudic "pearl" flattery. All proceed will go to charity. . . ; "When the wise is angry, he is whether writers" like to write. Had he called Roosevelt "a fine upValuable prizes will be awarded. Most of these professionals express wise no longer." . . . List' to the standing gentleman," it would have RaJbi Frederick Cohn been more flattering, but would it the view that a writer.who writes be- raconteur of wit and philosophy, Sam period beginning with Columbus* dishave so healed the breach?" . cause he likes to write, is absurd. F. Josephson . . . who still insists . . . FARNAM NEAR 18th ST. • I think the time has come for a P. A. probably typifies the most of "Don't take yourself too serious- covery of the new world in 1492 Xi Lambda announces the initiathrough the founding of the republic movement for bigger and better in- them when he declares that writing ly. . . . tion of a new member, Harry Lipp. and the early days until 1848. happiness sulting, in the interests of peace on is painful, and that for him Good Yontiff! Because Monday is observed as a may be defined simply as :i %hen one earth and good will to men. Chanukah—the Feast of Lights, holiday, the meeting has been anis not writing." MOST BEAUTIFUL My own •view in the matter has al- the festival that commemorates per- nounced for Tuesday instead. A regDealer in Jewish Books and WORDS ready been broadly expressed in a haps the first historic struggle for ular board meeting, with Mrs. Philip Other Religious Articles religious freedom—will be ushered They are all doing it now. Com- statement once made, I believe, by Schwartz presiding, -will precede the piling lists of the ten most beautiful Will Cuppy that "writers are those in on Friday, evening. While cele- program. The board will meet at 2429 Decatur Street Telephone WEbster 3527 words in the English language. who were hit on the head when they brating this festival take note of the 1:30. In deference to the council Chanukah dance celebration to be meeting the child study group, which I just received a supply of Chanuka articles: Chanuka candles The smart half-Jewish Dorothy were young." given by the junior Society at the meets regularly on this day at 3 and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanukah greeting cards. Anyone buying any of the above-mentioned Fontenelle Hotel ballroom on Sun- o'clock, will meet at 1:15 p.m. at articles will get the story of Chanukah in English and Jewish with day evening, December 25—a fea- the Center, with : the leader, Mrs. BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run Benedictions and Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE, ture attraction—David Lazarus, OmEva Morse. •'.•• I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the aha's popular baritone—what PETROLEUM best Talaisim, silk and wool, at very moderate prices, and also the voice! I l l be seeing you there. best and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling silver. "Coming Attractions" Best Grade—Forked Clenn Don't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Rokeach The -wife of a prominent haberALL LUMPED—FORKED Kosher articles, of which I am the agent. Small ID Size, but Larce In Heat dasher expects a companion to her The next regular: meeting of HaHigh in Heat A BIG SATING TO "cute" little son.. A little one -will dassah will be held Wednesday, DeCOKK USEKS Very Little Ash mark the turning point in the lives cember 28. An interesting Chanuof a couple residing in K. C., Mb. kan program has been arranged by The Mrs. prior to. her marriage was Mrs. David A. Goldstein, the charCONSUMERS COAL CO. a popular Junior Hadassah worker ter members of the organization beCERTIFIED WEIGHTS BY A SHORN AND BONDED •whose rare personality reflected in ing especially honored. Mrs. Ben WEIGHMASTElt WoHcPsTalttttHofl her work. The love light in the Handler, one of the organizers of 46 Stories High mmmamamammmaamAT 4444 mmmmmmmmmmm "orbs" of the dashing daughter of a this chapter, will speak on behalf of 2500 paper house owner is due to the the charter members. persistent attention of a member of ROOMS A "Menorah of Dedication" will the editorial staff of a local news- be staged by the new members of v $3.00 w paper. A Charming case worker 1933. Those taking part include the blushes readily when mention is Mesdames T. A. Tully, Leo Waxenmade of a- certain young man—who berg, Sam ZIotsky, David E. Cohen incidentally is on her trail! Irvin Levin, Morris Wohlner. Little Amazing, the stamina and speed Beverly Zlotky will assist and Betty displayed by the J. C. C. basketball Rosenblatt will give a reading. The CHICAGO s "buili around the quintet. Flo Brookstein (Mrs. lighting of the Chanukah candles Morrison." Everything worth wh Sew nearwill be sung by the Talmud Torah Try a Bag Today Frank) could easily qualify in the by —theatres,, shops, offices and •oflroad choir. • Senior Boys' League. In a recent stations. Attractive guest rooms—an Mrs. Meyer Friedel and her comganie she registered seventeen points outside with bath, Servidor, circulating mittee will preside at the tea table. out of a total of 19. And the J. C. tce-watm and b«d heoo readng ramp, C. varsity team looms up as one of Automatic garage facilities. Special floor The Palestinian Art Shop at 1814 the strongest teams in the city. for ladies. A great hotel in a great city. Farnam is now open. Many articles Credit Morris Sdgolow, the genial LEONARD HICKS Managing Oirectar physical director, for the clever flooi of interest may be purchased there. These will make delightful Chanuwork of these teams and the genera sportsmanship displayed in al kah gifts. Mrs. Ivin Levin is in charge. Hadassah invites the womgames. en to visit the shop soon or call for Jewish Political Clubs Taboo Madison and Clark Streets information about the many beautiCHICAGO A report has leaked out that there ful items that may be purchased is about to be Organized- a Jewis there.





OS HER omments

Conservative Auxiliary



ing General Manceron, it was learned here. The appointment is not looke-1 upon with favor by the Jews as Count Sibour is notorious for his anti-Jewish viewpoint. The appointment in general is a considerable disappointment to Jewish circles, as it had been hoped that, the new French Resident, whose appointment •was rumored early in October, would be more friendly to the Jews than the last and would be more vigorous in suppressing the anti-Jewish movement in Tunisia. Manceron's reolacement was rumored in connection with the outbreaks, some of a serious nature, which occurred in Tunisia through. out the summer. HEBREW CALEXDAR Kosh Ilnshonnh Tom KIppur _

Fast Of Tetieth

Sun inn. s

preceding secular day. •Also observPd the <1ay prexioii" o* Kosh Chodesh (New Moon).

Omaha Picture Shop 1697 Howard—AquHa Court

Gifts of Quality Beautiful Yet Inexpensive


A. Z. A. No. 100


Kosh ChodesU Shebat ..Sat.. Jan. 2>< •Itosh Chodetih Adar Mon . V-h L'T Purim „ SHU.. V:IT U' Bosh Chodesh Nissan Tites.. Mar. 2^ AH Jewish holidays begin at sunset iLt>

Organization News Ij

Council of Jewish Women

Sat.. Oct MOM., o r

1st Day Succoth Sut.. <i.t 1.. Nlipniina Atw»reth _ _ Nat.. Oct Simchnth Torali — Sun.. Oct L'X •Itosh Chodesh Cheshvnn Mon.. net ::; *Kosh Chodesh KiBle'v Wpit., jcov ?.n 1st Day Chnnukah am., im- j4 •Eosli Chodesh Tebeth Kit. r w Sn

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US North 16<b Street Opposite Tost Office ED KAPLAS, Manager Phone ATlantic 0550 AXD AVE WILL CALL

35c Luncheons


Xi Lambda





"Everything for the Ante" 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524

CHICAGO. $ 5 Des Moines $2.00 Denver $7.50 Detroit $7.00 Los Angeles $20.00

BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel BIdg. 306 No. 16th

Ha 5000









PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500





AT 2815

FAVORITE of Nebraska Women

Omar ^•^



The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre BIdg OMAHA

333E SEW mzm mm

13S2 iiareirts, Ittr, and 3Hrs. Joseph

in 5&rx ifo> Reservations are Eve jrarty 3» i e -New ~£eaf!£ .given ;Jjy iHadasssn mnfier "the direcof IMBS. Jacob Blank at the ifewisn Community Center. seven-fpiece orchestra -will play 2 3 0 a.Tn. TH until 2:30 j gp sugper will iie served. Tickete are ?2, and all ^proceeds rail go to Hadassah. The ballroom will lie appropriately j decorated ior :the occasion. For reservations, xall Harney 7332.

3ost -a Ultunag'e Suit

Benefit T«a and €ard Ckwntml

ii Tretiaic

.Jerusalem;—Joshua Chankin, land ployment will have i» come from the parchasmg agent of the Jewish RaJederal .government before local con- tional Fund, has entered a snit f or ditions can reflect any improvement, damages in the amount of ten thou[Babbi David A. Goldstein, speaking sand ^pounds against an Arab family, on "The Belief Problem Today," said Semara, of Tulkarem. in a talk to the current topic section Chankin has brought suit for proNational Jr^ Badussah of the Omaha Council of Jewish perty purchased from the Semara Women at the Jewish Community family several years ago which the Officer Guest Mere I y-aati Concert Center Monday. Arabs refuse to relinquish. "No city has enough money to "Miss Dorothy jFinkelstein of ColUnder the auspices of the "Vaad •with the unemployment UTobumbus, Ohio, national "vice-president J H'Oebr, Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin and as a result local conditions SOCIAL of Junior Sadassah and also of -the P/nai Israel Synagogue and j •Please "Note—Ah society items y getting worse," he deHer man Goldstein, "who attends "the dent of the Central Txkstate region, Cantor X*. Iw<arz of "the Beth Sanse- ; .must .be .mailed >ar plumed BO Wiiarton School of finance at "the Sbxtt Jthey .Teach the ^Jewish Press -was .guest nf honor and principal ^^^ Hagodel Svnagogue together realize .it, but that the country IF xa University of Pennsylvania, returned J ^y j -with Tesnective choirs -will give afire dby » -p. in. Wednesdays, to at &at Junior ' — " - ^ ^their "Wednesday-to spend the holidays -with speaker and banquet the J .~"C. C. Tuesday Chanukah concert on Sunday actually face to face with starvation, a insure ^publication ISriday. ^ j ^ bringing in its wake degeneracy, malhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gold- evening. Give "Him" America's Best \ evening, January 1, at 8 p. m., m stein. Mrs. Sidney Xatleman. president P."nai Israel synagogue, IKth and Chi- jurtritiori and disease. SKNOKKTCE SECRET if such conditions continue, Ra&bi of the local chapter, presented Miss cago. There will be no admission 3LAERIAGE Goldstein said, he believed that a David Xazarus, student at i i e Cincharge. ZMr. and .Mrs. Hax Shames ancinnati Conservatory of Music, reThe Chanukah concert is the first j n C T V s o c l a i system would be evolved. nounce -the secret marriage of their Men know the diffexsnee. IHiey turned home Tuesday to spend the j of a series of cultural and educational i That such is the case IB already evidfengfater, Xee, i » 3ttr. IHardlfl 33. Barwant quality. Superb sew JSao~ holidays with his parents, Mr. and i programs that is "to be sponsored by j dent in the trend towaTd Socialism, ash, son of 3Hrs. 3L. 3Iargan, - on .April iattan and Eagle shirts. Vast IETS. Harry Lazarus. Jlecently he [ the "Vaad H'Oehr under the leadership the speaker stated. Much, he said,! 37,^1932. selections of smart new patappeared as JAephisto hi the opera, 1 of Iiabbi Uri Mfliei- of Terre Haute, depends on President-elect Roosevelt IEhe ceremony ^was jperformed i y '!Faust," and on Jan. 4 he will be Indiana. Eabhi Muler will come to to counteract this attitude •when lie terns and white. IBafiH JErederlck Cohn at Ms 3nnne. Omaha on January IS to assume his assumes the presidency-, by demandpresented to Omahans by the Friends Manhattan and Eagle IMiss *Byivia IRatkiratz and 3ffir. Sam duties as Iiabbi of Ute linited Grtho- ing- limitation in production and manof Music. CacMin were the only attendants. Fancy J*attern Shirts dox Synagogues. Hxtenstve plans • uf actirre. have been made .far "the inauguration There no reason, said Rabbi Mrs. Esther Shapiro Brandt is now E BIEXHS in New l a r k on a buying trip. She ceremonies and induction services that Goldstein, why in a land of plenty I k and "Mrs. EEailiSiegaliannonnce will be held in Iiabbi Miller's honoT. ; and over-production, millions of peowill be home the latter part of next ~tfae Mrth of a daughter j ItolareE 3Hae, At a meeting in iiie B'nai Israel i pie should starve. The nation must "week. ;at tthe ioTd TAster ihospital on 3Hon^svnagogue last Sunday afternoon, find the solution soon or a people that aay, [Dec. 19. Mrs. L. Neveleff was selected as tern- i has already shown marvelous ^patience Herman Goodbinder, Grand Aleph j parary chairman of the women's aux- j will risr in revolt and riot, he PreGodol of A. Z. A., son of Mr. and j iliary of the Vaad. This group will dicted. •MT. and ,3ULrs. .A. "Exantz announce White Mrs. J. Goodbinder, 52C Mo. 51st St., j hold another meeting Sunday afterifhe sbirth of a daughter at the Jietb«l'to j left last week on a three weeks' tour j noon, December 2u, at S oxioek in ^odist thaspital jSlonday, Dec. 3.9. U r s . 1 of the south in the interest? of the ; Research Institution Silk Shirt*. "White ana C«l<ns Utrantz •was formerly :Miss Hdith the ETiai Israel synagogue. The woA. Z. A. He will visit chapters inl > Dedicated Other Pancj Shirts g l to S 1 . 3 5 men's auxiliary will tafcp activf ILewis. seventeen cities in "Missouri, Texa.=, Jerusalem.—Palestine's newest incharge of the banquet that is hemp Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Georstitution was dedicated last week, the planned in Iiabbi MilierV hcn»:. *FD IENHEKXMN s Tree On Shirts «t gia and Illinois. ; Harry Fische' Foundation for Rej&H SnOEEEDAT IPAICKST i,r. and up 1 search m the Talmud and ConrmunHooligans Terrorize ZMis. -Nathan ZResnick will entertain ity Genter ior the Study of Torah I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenberg of rBunday afternoon if or ner daughter, Polish Town and Daily Prayers. Miss Jeanette Levmson j Crawford, Hebr., will spend the holn | Melen, who -will celebrate her fifth Warsaw-.—The Jewish population The institution is the gift of HaiJtfiss Jeanette ievinson is chairman I ^ vacation in Omaha visiting with Ibirthdav. of Provincvw near Grodsmsi; has ry Fische] of KPW York, prcmii>of the annual Chanukah dance to be ^ ^ parents. 31r. and Mrs. Joseph been terrorized by e band of forty entiy identified with orthodox Jewgiven by the Conservative Junior j lipsey and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greer,anti-Semitic National Itemocrats who ish undertakings there, one of the TOR T3SET0K er Y., soeiety Sunday evening, I>ec. .25, at) " S3Iiss Dorothy Finkelsteba poured petrol over the houses. plar>- iavges: donor.1- to the fuuel which . 31oe TLaks J& Brooklyn, '; ileft .Batnrday ior home, after a the Pontenelle hotel. to set them afire. mad< possible the Yeshivii College in David Lazarus, who is returning Hobert 1L Singer, a student at the ' F1n k els *ein with a check for S200 a.= nmg anonth?s visit here with relatives and Fortunately the acts were discov- KFW York, and for a period acting ; part Omaha quota for for the holidays from the Cincinnati TJniversity of Missouri, arrived home ' °^ * ? . **" ifriends. ered before any serious damage was president of the Iiabbi Isaac Elch: natlanaJ those TTIIO entertained for Conservatorj- of Music, will be ^uesx Wednesday to. spend the holiday.- with ' Mrs. Neveleff. president of the done. The windows of Jew>sh hous- arum Theological Seminary. & componeni part of the Teshiva College. "Mr. i a k s are inchided .Messrs. and artist. He recently took an impor- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jewish "Women's Welfare Organiza- es were broken as well. tant part in the opera "Faust" at Singer. -2Iesdames IMorris Cohen, M. tion, also spoke. Mis? Sadie TateJ3H. Giventer, P . Hoffner, X Fiedler. Columbus, Ohio. man sang several selections, accam3D. iBemstein, 3Ben Cohn, X.. Gerelick, Pjibbi and IVIrs. T). A. Goldstein Miss "Rose Steinberg, a student at ! panied by Miss Bertha Slutzkrn. will act as chaperones. "Werner and .ISlrs. 3£. Hoffner. the University of Nebraska, i? spent!- i Mrs. David A. Goldstein showed ing the holiday? with her parents, ! moving pictures of Palestine, taken 3mPUCA!EE BRIDGE during her recent trip there. 3FOB Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinberg. ITQIIENASIENT Miss Dora Freshman was chairMiss Rebecca Kirshenbamn arrived ! man of the affair, assisted by Hie 3aker enter-. IMrs. David Ferer wfll hold her -next and Jlirs. ,J. .children .Sat- Duplicate Contract 3ridg.e tana-; Tuesday from 3owa City, Iowa, for I Misses Sara Ann Neddie, Inly KpItainetl ;3&ir Give "Mim" -America's Best arday^ acfternDon in honor :oi'flie:ientb, iment "Wednesday, January 4, at 1:30 the holiday vacation. She is a soph- | stein. Minnie Troim and Jeanette m- ^at "the Athletic ctab. Prizes omore at the Tmiversitv of Iowa. j Itesnick. ;airtiiday of iheir daughter, iibby ZBabe awarded each session, with an i e r . Prizes were won ^in "the varioue by iBetty -Abramson, Paul I additional monthly prrie. 3Iiss Anne Tretiak, a. student at Aspiration sees only one side of "Smi'll select from the greatest :_,, -Norman iHahn, Hobby BelinNorthwestern university, Chicago, is every question: possession many.— Bhowiag we've never nresentea spending "the holiday vacation with and -Charlotte Sklar. _. pwiNNHBB AIT SEIDGE in line iumd "tailored neckwear. 3ntfche evening IMr.: and-Mrs. -Baker I One hundred and iflfty attended "the i^'^^sz.'<5g~%g~z~z&&£3&g&sg£ SeryQimg that's thats 3Kw m. m. v& card party \ the Conservative M clusive patterns and color efby bridge. Prizes Auxiliary at "the Center under the ; ^j We Wish a Merry Christmas and a fects— by Mrs. J- Grounse, Mis. ^onsorship of Sirs. J. P»lnnk and'Mrs. [§ were J.-.3. SBrown. EE. A . Meyer. The contract bridge >'fi . SWeiazvag and Mappy New Year to AM Our mas supervised "by UITS. David Perer. j B €w£tomers and Friends WlSJLl'OR ZChfi dinners of irhe Duplicate Con- ]M «jCity :is ±ract -Bridge ^were Jiir. and Mrs. F . H. j. 3Hiss JEan IFox of "We Will Serve Chxistinas IDinner an3 2?ew Tear Dinner msithig here with .Mr. and JMrs. DEteddy:intthemarHitaiid south section, j $1:00 JJBT Plate—"b Courses Comjflfite liam J. Bushman. and TVi-re;, J. Abramson "and Mrs. Sam : We Have a Tane Orchestra Engaged for 3?ew IT^ar's Eve § Cohen .in "the east and Tvest. J?irst •prizes in "Hie Progressive Con- |J' Matinee Dance Sunday \ tract Bridge section was won by llrs. The Tegulax weekly :matinee dance Heuben Brown and "Mrs. Harry Pioeh315 South Sixteenth -Street "by the Psi Mu at the Jewish Com- man. .-Second was won by Miss Ida jnunity Center will be held "this Siinand Miss Xucille jKrasne of -day afternoon at -3^0 .p.m. Two Council Uluffs. .members of -the 3fiwish""Women'-s~WeJGlorioafi Paxton Balh-oom in "the .auction Hecfion "was laxe Organization-will chapexone. Ted won by Miss Hunter and Miss Blan-Adams' orchestra "will 3Jlay. Art Handall's Dance chard, and "second by Mr. Max Eaplan and Mr. ,Sam Zlotky. Ceater Uibrixrgj -Among ihe new books .in rthe. JewS4JJ0 Per Person ish : Community Genter- library JB n BOUSE Cover send Tax) iook apxo_pos of the juterest created The XJreighton TIniv«rsity cnaptei an i:he lecture on ODjec. ^7, ".the -first of of P i Xambda Phi, -national Badal Heal Supper—Ghreat Time 'the .Jewish Toxum Bexies at "the!Gen- fraternity; will sponsor n 3iouse jraxty Iter, by Prof. _A. i . JSachar of Ihe during'the holiday vacation. The a£-, EeaervatiouB AT. ^University nf Illinois. IThe ibaoTc .is ^Eairwill be.held at the chapter house BLen appreciate the qoalifcy of called -^The Hiffi of -the House of on Wednesday evening, Xec 28. 3Perrinfi, J^ownes, Ifieyer, BateB HlothEchJlds," by Count iJgan Cassar and Daniel Hayes Gloves. Kne 'Coxti. ^ig, xape, mocha. Unlinefl, «ilk JThe book, although primarily B lined, wool and iur lined. Wasp JiPAETMENT' TTswish reference "work, -has -been and sup-over styles. Hewest 3>laeed ior -the present on TDjpular •young -couple TCish t o 3fint 3uranental circulation, on circulation ifor nished apartment or HII^WP home. rbvro cents per day. TThe 'Center liwe lad a Telephone Wxifceikswirfi IbreaB, Wax. E3 3nary is open daily afternoons .and Iliss Eaye GoMware, a student at A benefit Channkah tea and card Chicago, is spending the holiday vacation here "with, -her parents, ~Mx. and•party -will be held Tuesday afternoon, Dec 27, st "&e Jewish Old IHxs. S. Goldware. SOUK, 2504 Charles street. one is invited to attend.

Dance Chairman

Shirt Voloes


Silk Neckwear






to call yoiir

Other fflovss ti.oo IThe Jack s n a IBD i s -ID OmanE tamers •what -3uflas ZMaccahens as ix> 'CfaanuMaccabeus and Chanukah liave grown -fco be synonymous. DeiiciDus iooSs and Jack.and Jill jnenusliave grown ±D be synonymous. .Appetising jnenus :tasiDy taa-vfifl ;at -reasonable 3 i lunch, supper set

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** A g i to S2.5©

fAGB/4-THE JEWffftf&Bfigfe; FRIDAY PEjCEMB&t %?, 1902 Market won over the Star Auto- jected; modification of the numerus foreign creditors of the institution clausus: regulation in all and have also approached D'Avigdor Parts, 30-25. - - Goldsmid, president of the Board of - Tuesday games—Juniors,' 20; Kant Hungarian Universities. Knocks, 19. Psi Mu,; 58; Xi Lamb- : Delegations representing National Deputies of British Jews. student bodies presented memoran- Rules Czarist Restrictions da, 15. . Istanbul,' (J.T.A.)—The abandondums to the - authorities; demanding Operative Building Closed ment of Spanjolish for the Turkish The physical department will be not only that the government re? language: by the Jewish population Warsaw.—The Czarist law prohibopen Christmas Day, but closed Dec. nounce its- modification plans but of Smyrna was resolved upon at a ANNA PILL, iting the purchase of land by Jews mass meeting under the auspices of ians. .. . • • - . • - 26, Monday, and New Year's Day on that it reduce the proportion of Jeware still in force in Poland, the Jan.' 2, Monday. ish students from five and ninethe Jewish Youth Movement* ^Thursday, . Dec., 29^-8:30, Markstenths per cent to five and one-tenth Lublin High Court ruled. The Jewish, population of Istambul Market vs. Pants Store; 9:30, A. Z. The decision was handed down in per cent. has thus far remained aloof realiz- A;: No. 1 vs. -D'ee'p'r Rocks. the case of a Jew who lent money ing the. difficulties that must be sur- -.-•-; • The demand ofthe students is Kant Knocks -a peasant for a mortgage. When mounted and the impossibility Of supported in part by the university to The Deep Rock No. 2 team is now the peasant failed to pay, the Jewbringing about a sudden change from called the Kant Knocks. authorities. : "Greek to Some" foreclosed and sold the land to anElaborate. Chanukah programs have Many young men and women have Spaniolish which the Jewish populaSalonika. —Anti-Semitic agitation Report Hitlerite Klan Hail the Handball Champ other peasant. V>een arranged to be presented in j returned home from their respective tion has employed for centuries. Manny W. Goldberg was crowned is developing here in connection with Merger Mount Sinai and Shaare Zion syna- schools to spend the winter vacation The court declared the transaction pre-season handball singles champion the promise given to a Jewish delegogues. The Shaare Zion program with their parents in this city. Among to be illegal on the ground that a New York..The Hitlerite organizaTuesday night when he defeated Paul gation by Premier Tsaldaris, that tion in New York has made over- Jew cannot take over land in lieu of •will be given Sunday, afternoon at those who have been attending the the existing restrictions with regard Grossman, 11-21, 21-16, 21-18, in a 3:30 o'clock by the children of the University of Nebraska axe Fred tures to the remnants of the Ku a mortgage and cannot sell the land, brilliantly played match "before an ;to elections would be abolished. Sunday" school and Hebrew school Sherman, Gerald Cohen and Morris Klux Klan in this city for a merger 'under the Czarist law of 1898L • Premier Tsaldaris promised "that enthusiastic audience; While-Manny classes. Every class will be repre- Gordon. Students from the Univerof interests, according to an' item , The Jewish press asks how this becomes number one- man, Paul-de- the separate Electoral College, which which sented in playlets, recitations, dance sity of Minnesota are Arnold Baron, in Louis Spool's col- decision is compatible with the re-" serves almost an equal. amount of /maintains a political ghetto for the umn inappears Solo? and vocal and instrumental mus- Burnell Koolish and Bernard lipman. peated declarations of the ' Polish, the "Evening Journal." Jews, would be abolished. credit for his fine work. The J. C. ic." Mrs. Ben Sherman is in charge Doris and Charlotte Rosenstock have government abroad that the Czarist The merger is proposed in • the inC. physical department is proud to Another of Those of the refreshments which will be returned home from the University of restrictions against the Jews are no By terests of the revival of .the j"great sponsored by the Mother's club. Wisconsin and David Levitt a student boast of both of them. Anomalies and noble", campaign to- wage 'av po- longer effective in Poland. . The Mount Sinai Chanukah pro- in. St. John's Military Academy is at Goldberg will receive a five-inch Morris H. grom against the Jews and- CathoVienna.—The "Arbeiter Zeitung" gram will be presented Tuesday eve- home for the winter, holidays. Reprehandball statue, symbolical of first last week published a photograph lics, according to the-item. " w -•• - SOEOIOW With him who knocks at the door ning, December 27. A complete pro- senting Iowa university are. George place. of the Vienna Nazi leader, Frauen- 16 Elan Members gram of recitations, music and a play Kuntz,. Morris Lazensky, Lionel Lon-. of peace, seek not hostiuty.-rTSaadi. Health Club Volleyball feld, in the Rothschild hospital, adapted from the story, "The Pocket don, May Rosmovsky "and Isadore -Physical The Compeers.went into a tie for maintained b the Jewish Community. Indicted •.•".; Knife," by Sholom Aleichem will be Kantor. • Director first, place by their 'decisive victory Los Angeles.—Sixteen members of given. The story which was rewritThe paper asks how it reconciles J. C. G. over the B'nai Brith last Sunday the Ku Klux Klan who were -taken ten in play form by Freda Albert and his week's ;stay at the Jewish Commorning by a score of ,11-2, 11-4. The munity Hospital with his anti-Jew- into custody by the police on charges Anna Pill will be given under the diThorpeians' defeated the Collegians, ish boycott agitation. Be More'Health Conscious of participating in, the attack upon rection of Miss Albert. Mrs. Edward Why should there be; a depression 3-11 i 12-10, 11-9, in an interesting a Jewish family named Milder, in E. Baron is in charge of the refreshmatch. The Veterans were too much Long Beach, Calif., will be indicted on Health? I thought depressions Jew Appointed Austrian ments. The annual Father and Son banquet were mainly economic in nature. • Thefor the All Stars, and won, 1-7, 11-9, Representative to League by the Grand Jury when it meets, sponsored by the Mount Sinai Broth-, need for health, improvement is ab- and now are in first place also. The way to interest JewVienna, Kamfllo Schiller, famous according to indications from relierhood and Sisterhood will be held solutely serious. I wonder if our able sources in the office of . the ish children in the affairs international expert on trade and ec' Schedules for Next Sunday Monday; December 26, in the Social members realize that it is indeed 10:00, Compeers vs. Thorpeians; onomic questions, particularly tariff County Prosecutor. of their people, the way Hall of the Temple. Mrs. M. Xaizere rare for an individual to exist today The arrested declared that they to integrate them into is in, charge of the dinner. Mrs. S.who is not punished by some ail- U>:30, All Stars vs. B'Nai Brith; problems, has been appointed permanent Austrian representative to the had attacked the Jewish tailor and Miss Ida Heshelow was elected Moscow is in charge of the menu and ment. We go so-far as to greet 11:00, Collegians vs. Veterans. Jewish life is through ah League of Nations with the -title of his family because they were Compresident of the Shaare Zion Choir, Mrs. M. N. London is in charge of each other-with "How do you feel?" • Doubles—Handball Tournament intelligent understanding at a meeting held this week in the the dining room. The doubles handball tournament Minister and Delegate Extraordinary. munists. This the family denied. of the happenings of the or '^How are you?" instead of "HelSchiller, who is a pious Jew, was in home of Rabbi and Mrs. H. E. Rab- The guest speaker of the evening lo." got off to a fine start. Levey-Sokolof Hundreds of Jewish Families day inowitz. The meeting preceaed a is Dr. O. M. Bond, district superindefeated Elkin-Shapiro, 21-20, 20-21, his youth active in Zionist affairs. Dismissed by Creditanstalt pre-Chanukah party, gl<rra By the tendent of the Methodist churches, Place a few hours of "health" con- 21-20; Horwich - Herman defeated Every week throughout Noted Jewish Rheologist Vienna.—Several hundred Jewish Babbi and his wife. Miss Sonia Rich who enjoys the reputation of being a centration in your weekly routine for Zweiback-Greenberg, 21-10, 21-10. the school year. Here for Research the winter and watch the dividends families are without means of livewas elected secretary, and Jack Rez- brilliant and inspiring speaker. Two Hurry and play off your, matches! ick, vice president. Mis3 Ruth Wig- fathers and-two sons will represent roll in—dividends of joyous health Easton.—There is no unemploy- lihood as a result of the systematic Pre-Season Sportsmanship and good cheer. odsky is the soloist during the Fri-the fathers and sons in short talks. ment in Palestine, declared Dr. elimination of Jews from the staff A beautiful blue* and-white banner Markus Reimer, noted rheologist, of the Creditanstat. day evening services. Miss Heshelow Beware of Pressure and Strain gives in condensed form directs the choir, under the super"Hard work never hurt anyone," has been hung in the. gym carrying who is on leave of absence from the The number of Jewish employes the outstanding events vision of H. H. Buntley. is a truism that needs clarification. the message of those who represent Public Works Department in Pales- has fallen from 40 to 16 per cent transpiring in world Istine, to round out his research in the' best in sportsmanship in the Sard work accompanied by the propMembers of the choir include Lee and the government is continuing its rael. and Albert Herzoff, Jack Reznick, Members of the Central high school er amount of sleep and eating is the pre-season leagues. Take a look at rheology with Dr. "Eugene Bingham, policy of excluding the Jews. it! Resolve to have your team's head of the Chemistry Department Harry Kanofsky, Sarah Kuntz, Sorr- June graduating class elected, Eddie better meaning. For details address: Jewish employes who have been at Lafayette. el Heshelow, Ruth Wigodsky, Sonia Miller, 1524 Court street, president at Strain, worry, being in a hurry name there in the regular season: eliminated have approached Leon de Jewish Current Events Dr. Reimer, who came from Aus- Rothschild for aid, owing to his inRich, Ida Heshelow, Rose Shiloff, a meeting Thursday. The class lead- continually, and feeling "under presBasketball Leagues 125 E 46th St New York City, N.Y, Goldie Cohen, Lillian Cohen, Jessie er is the son of Mr. and "Mrs, H. sure" is what tears down your sys- The regular season got under way tria to Palestine after the war, is fluence as a representative of the ' Slotsky, Tillie Shindler, Elsie and Miller. tems. How can you help'yourself? last Thursday, Dec 15, when the regarded as one of the foremost rheologists in the world and is one of Harry Shulman and Sam Janowitz. Part of the battle, is psychological. upset the A. Z. A. No. 1, the original founders of the AmeriAmong the congregation members You -must make- your own system Thorpeians •who also attended the enetrtainment; obey your wilL The part of the bat- 27-23, in a fiercely contested game. can Society of Rheology. were Mr. John Lansberg, Mr. and Charles Shindler, son of Mr. andtle that you can control is the fol- In the preliminaries the Pants Store Strike for Higher "Omaha's Most Beautiful Wbitie for funerals'' Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. B. Baron, Mrs."Joe_Shindler will celebrate his lowing: Place yourself in the most, defeated the Hawkeyes, 24-13. SunNumerus Clausus day^ the Dee j) Rocks ran up a score Funerals Tc Fit Any f»urseT and Canton Pliskin. Barmitzva Saturday in 'the Shaare suitable environment to prevent these of *43-8 against the A. Z. A. No. Budapest.—A strike of several ailments. Come to gym classes: for Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third Zion synagogue; two purposes: (1) to improve your 100. In the preliminaries the'Marks hours as a protest against the pronervous and physical vitality, and (2) to offer .you an-hour of wholesome recreation and relaxation. Miss Dorothy Finklestein of Col- Hostesses for the Junior H; Coaches-Managers: Attention . Ombus, Ohio, spoke before fifty benefit bridge which will be held in A considerable portion of the sucthe Martin hoteU Tuesday evening, members of the Junior Hadassah.orcess of your team will depend on. the ganization Wednesday evening, and December 27, will be the Misses Ida following factors: Team play, harFeldman, Bluma Merlin, Ruth Grue.stressed the importance, of the work mony and .. comradeship,, sportsmanof the organization, and telling the skin; Ann Cohen, Freda Albert and ship /and training and conditioning of • girls of the activities o* 'other^chap- Rosalie Sacks. your individual players. Attack these ters. problems in a sensible,; mature fashion and give this season your best efforts. -, . : Remember—the' most, important esStudents4home for vacation,will At the last annual meeting of the sential is to play, the game and secbe "guests of honor at the Friday American Jewish Committee held;: in ond in importance is to win. . Do r ' evening services next week, in New. York City, Mr. A. M. Davis of not allow your men to lose friends Shaare Zion Synagogue. . • city was elected community rep- by an over-zealous desire to win. BRAKES stop your wheels but it takes tires that grip Rabbi David Aronsbhn of Minne- this apolis, will be the guest speaker. resentative. to stop your car. Smooth tires are like banana peek ' _ BKN K. KAZLOWSKT, Attorney. The service will be followed by a re. - 421 Insurance Bide., City. on slippery roads. All winter long you need the full ception in the social hall. • \ In the bounty Court of Douglas County.

Smyrna Jews Adopt Turkish Language



Respect your opponent and still fight your heads off to win I Schedule for Next Week Sunday, Dec. 25—12:30, . Marks Market vs. "Hawkeyes; 1:30, Deep Rocks vs. Thorpeians. Tuesday, Dec. 27*—8:30, Juniors vs. Pants Store,- 9:30, XL vs. Thorpe-:



Soggie Says


Father and Sons to Banquet on Monday

Officers Elected by Shaare Zion Choir

Jewish Current Events

Heads Graduates

Bar Mitzvah Saturday

Addresses Jr. Hadassah

Students Service



Jr. Hadassah Bridge

A. M. Davis Chosen by Jewish Xomniittee

f6f safety

D aughterhood Banquet

Nebraska. . i the Matter of the Estate of Mose* HarOver one hundred couples attends The fourth annual banquet of the Inwich, ed the Junior Hadassah dance, given Daughterhood of Tifereth Israel Syn- • To theDeceased. helrs-at-law, creditors,-aad all persons interested. In said estate: Sunday evening in the ballroom of agogue will be held Sunday, Decem- other You are hereby- notified that a petition the Hotel Martin. Orville Rennie ber 25, at. 6:30 o'clock in the social has been filed in this court on the 20th day and his orchestra . furnished the hall of the synagogue. "Mrs. L. Kap- of December; 1932," by Kasper "Horwich alleging Moses Horwich died on the music for dancing. Miss Bess Lip- lan will be in charge of the supper, 21st day that of September, 1926, intestate; that shutz and Miss Mary Rozofsky were and Mrs. M. A. Lazere in charge of at the time of his death, be was a resident of Douglas .County, Nebraska, and. that chairmen. - the dining room. An interesting pro- he was possessed of the following: dereal estate, to-wit: ••:•..• gram has been arranged. Mrs. A.scribed •. I*ot Four (4) in Block Seventy-four (74)r Miss Bee Liberman was hostess to Bain and Mrs. E. Shafton are the tick- South Omaha, an addition to the City of South Omaha, now Omaha, Douglas Counthe Iota Tau sorority, Monday eve-' et committee. ty. Nebraska. 'ning. The business meeting was Lot Fourteen (14) In Block One Hundred followed by bridge and refreshTwelve (112), South. Omaha City, Jin addition to the City of South Omaha, now ments. Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. -That said petitioner has an interest in real estate being an heir of said deMembers of the P. K. B. club met Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz* sermon Bald ceased, said petitioner prays that a hearsubject for this evening will be. "In Friday evening with Miss Alice Tiling be had on said petition, that notice be given as. requird by law, and erntz, 1504 Myrtle street. Bridge Defense of Uselessness," appertaining thereof that upon said hearing a decree of heirand. refreshments occupied the eve-to the Chanukah theme.' Cantor A. ship be entered and further administration Pliskin and the choir will, chant the of said estate be dispensed with. ning hours. ' Xou are therefore notified that a hearFriday evening ritual. ing will be had on said petition at the County Court Koom-d£ said County on the 17th day of January,: 1933, at 9 o'clofck A.' SI., and that if you appear at; said, time and place and contest the said-'petition, the Court may grant the same, inter Rabbi Theodore tf. Lewis will speak a decree of heirehlp, and decree that furadministration of said estate- be dlsThe basketball team of the local on VA Chanukah Message" this eve- ther penaed with. A. Z. A. chapter will meet the team ning in Mount Siani Temple. BBYCK CKAWPORD, • 12-23-3t - . County Judge. of Omaha Chapter 1, Sunday after-


A. Z. A. to Meet Omaha Here Sunday

on new

Mount Sinai

: noon, at 2:30 in the K. C- hall. : • X£OAli NOTICE There will be no preliminary game. . Notice i» tieTeby given that on January 7, 1933, at 10 a. m.. at 2514 Leavenworth This is the first game of the seaStreet, the undersigned will sell to the son for the local team; which is A meeting of the Senior Hadas- highest,bidder for cash: ,>.- j " 9x13 Wilton rug 1 moh o s davenport composed of Baumstein, Bergen, sah will lie held at the Community T 1wal magazine rack 1 .wal smoke cabinet Hall, Maron, Herzoff, Lansberg and Center Tuesday, December 27. Mrs. 1 wal end table' 2 wrought" ifon bridge lamps 1 red vel o s arm.chair 1 wal writEmlein, president wiU preside. Cantor ing Zeligson. desk 1. iron smoker 1 wal dining table A. Pliskin will render a group of Jew- 1 wal buffet 0 wal vel s diners 1 wal cabt Majestic elec radio 1 dr Iron dayish folk songs. Members of the Cen- bed & pad8 tube 1 Gx9 Ax rug 1 wal bed spgs & tral high school will give a.skit. • matt 1 wal -vanity dresser & bench 1 wal sewing rocker 1 wal chiffonier 1 Reliable Afternoon tea will be served by five 4b gas stove 1 .red' lac kit table 1 Maytag Mt. Sinai Sisterhood will hold the hostesses. elec. washer 2 red lac kit chairs 1 Simplex first meeting of the year on January elec ironer 1 cedar chest 1 dr iron bed & matt 1 oak dresser & mirror 1 6. It has been designated as "Guest OSCAR T. DOEKR, "P. 11. KLtJTZNICK spgs green en bed spgs & matt 1 green en Attorneys. Day." The entire membership is ask1 green ,en vanity dresser 1 650 Omaha National Bank Bill ST.' : - chiffonier green en table 1 wal sewing rocker 1 mall ed to be present and each one is asked end table 1 mah bed spgs & matt 1 raah NOTICE OF ApailNISIKATION" to bring, a guest. A large attendance dresser & mirror 1 mah davenport table o s tap arm chair 1 9x12 Congo 'rug 22) ' is expected and an interesting pro- In the County Court of Douglas County, 1metal smokers 6 throw ruga 1 General gram has been planned. In the'-Matter of the Estate of Naomi "Wol- Electric refg No. 897244 1 1931 Chevrolet

tractive grip of new Goodyears. Get this protection now. Save money on punctures, repairs, delays.

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Sisterhood Guest Day

oslnsky. Deceased. • • • Ail persons interested in eaid estate are hereby notified - that a petition-has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and prayr for administration upon his estate, and J. M. N. Goldsmith - has returned inc that a hearing will be had on said petition with his " Sioux City after 14; before said court-bn^the 31st-day-of l>eb e r . 1932. and that if they fail to apyears spent in the east. Mr. Gold- Spear at said Court on the said 31st day of smith has opened an office at 408 December. 1932, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petiUon, the Court may ^grant Commerce building as exclusive Jew- the same and grant administration, of. said ish representative of the Travelers estate to Sam Beber or some other suitable, person and; proceed to A settlement Insurance company; Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith have leased a home at 3160 threof. BETCE CRAWFORD,

Returns to Sioux City

Dearborn avenue.


Sedan Motor.No. £591348 Eeg.No. l-0310a and all dishes, linens, silverware, bedding and kit utensils, • . covered by Chattel Mortgage exechtefl by Walter J. Berlo and Marie E. Berlo- on April 5, 1932, to P. R. Tyson, doing: business as the OMAHA IX>AN COMPANY, and having been filed for record in the office of the- County Clerk. o£ Douglas County,

N e b r a s k a / --•:.•


Said sale will'be for the purpose of foreclosing- said Mortgage and. to satisfy the amount due thereon fo-wit: Four Hundred Thirty-Six and 81-100 Dollars (?43C.81) and u i n ' ^ c o s t s . •>•••—••

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