1 have long wax "comment on the case of the chain gang fugitive from ^ • i—because as a native of that s i "%g *as -privilegeti to see some of i~% ^ -kings of the cham gang systt "g"^ ~~*' "i afraid, I would be den- S» opportnnity, far want of a J e ^ "H 3 Were "Yon;" famous play irom C. ILevhi, chairman of ~fise J . ihe gifted pen of Sholom JUeichem, And yet it apepars th. C C athletic committee, wfll award -are •noted ISMdish luunorist, will he -preell sorts of Jewish an;* a beautiful basket ball statue t o the ;-i the ilayer in the J. C C. league -who first place, 3 could have f o-ihd a pre- 3SGBB lEtarence Bernstein 4o Besented by t h e {Center TPhtyers at t h e Charged -with ^Favoritism; Jewish Ccnnnmnitv Center 3Teb. IA "symbolizes the best all around j text in "the fad; t h a t it is the Jewish Turk ^indent Protest M W Mere and 15. Eveplayer." actor, 3*aul 34uni, who plays t h e stelINaarUint 3nng, January -A prominent, unusual cast is being The iollowmg points are ihe basis lar xole. in IBurns moving- picturiza•Tor t h e award: sportsmanship and chosen ifor t h e play. tion of his experience. Warsaw.—(I. iT. A.) — The presi- character, Tzaloe t o the team, ability The comnirmity-wide memorial by M committee consisting of Sam A concert of Jewish t£olk music The Center 33ayers' form of orBut -there are better Jewish -angles dent of t h e University Court was remeeting in memory of Barry 2Lapi- Ueber, chairman; Dr. Philip 5Si«er, as a 'phiyer, and popubrrity among III ;be featured a s ihe second .TrnrnSahization 3ms been recently modithan that. There is-the Jewish angle calted from oSiee ijy i h e Senate of Jans and players. dns w:ill be held a t ihe Jewish Com- Max Cramse, Barry Werner, Dr. A. fcer on t h e Jewish iPonnn series t o Bed. The rexecntivfi committee, headin the fact that Burns' leading '-lawyer the University of Warsaw, because xfi munity Center on Tuesday evening, Greenberg, 35. !M. Barish, arvm ILB3*e .given 'toy t h e -Jewish Community fid -by Aimer Kaiman includes • at the extradition hearing is t h e Jew-'. the partiality e^iuiasQ, by ^him t o t h e January 10, 'which is ihe :12th of vin, IBlrs. M. 3^. Xievenson and Jacob ^Center -vm Wednesday evening, Jannong irtherE—the list is still incomisfa lawyer, -Arthur Garfield Bays. Tebeth, the date xsf the first annijrry : n , -fay Miss iFlarence SBfirnstem plete—Eb-vm iStalmaster, Mrs. iEhilip students on trial ~iar attackmg t h e There-is still another Jewish angle In versary of his death by the Sehraic of -Chicago. She ^will he assisted at IRomonek, Justin Wolf, Barry 3J. Co- Jews during t h e recent anti-Semitic Sub-Committees Active that one of t h e principal "witnesses "fte piano "Sty 3Krs. l l e i n y IMonsky. Y~-tniiTSTi p r e s s 'reports. calendar. hen, 3Mrs. X. TNeveleff, Byman Shrier. The sub commrtteee which have teas John .Spivak, "whose recent work Professor Wasznfinski, t h e presidThe memorial meeting for the revIff iss -Egritstem is recognized as a n The executive committee Trill be ing officer recalted, snowed his favorbeen "working on permanent memor"Georgia JNigger" tells t h e story of ered civic, commnnal and philand e Georgia chain -gangs very effec- accomplished :artist ~viho ;has given Tesponsible for ihe planning- and de- itism t o such ma thai Jewish thropic leader will be in the "nature ials to consecrate t h e name of B a r r y interpretation -programs of Jewish ifirmining- of t h e policy of i h e Centively and very dramatically. students who suffered a t the hands of of a Tahrzeit in conf ormance with Xapidus have been active during t h e and other folk songs "with nmchsue- ter Shivers. The associate members past few months. ! Jewish law and tradition. But best of all "is t h e 3art t h a t i h e cess. -will co-operate'in play production. Prof. Enrico Glicenstein, worldlinary measMESj while then* attackAn appropriate program is being very man whom^Burns -is charged with comments about THiss 3JernComplete Jewish Census and arranged, ihe details of which will famous sculptor, has been commise r s ^ e s c a p e d SUMTHI IIIIlllll ~ I ' M I n r n r i i m r i s . having ;held np and ifor "which "das. *wastein have been ihighly laudatory. Data i » Be Obtained by The dean of "flfce -Evanglical CoDege be published in next Friday's issue. sioned t o make a bust of Xapidus. sent to i h e chain gang was produced They praise her soprano "voice "with Toluiiteer of ' t t e TJmversiar xtf TWarsaw, :a -EleriThe arrangements are being -made "The bust "will be finished in tiue at i h e hearing _and Jus name i s :Sam- contralto ^richness, -her ^excellent near -future and -when completed "will cal, Burszfi, "was .appohxted t o -replace nel Bernstein. Bo at rmay -be safely lange and volume. Critics say she A city-wide Jewish coamnnnal surfoe placed in ihe Jewish Community assumed t h a t h e i s is Jew. .has ..a rfnlktoned, ^expressive "voice vey "will be started next -week by t h e Center, of which XapiduE was one nf The Yiddish press expresses the produced with ease and the founders. He was siso i h e first JEWS 3P!LE£!D IFOR 3KDKNB hope t h a t Bursae "wQl conduct the Omaha Council of Jewish "Women, 3, sincere and president of ihe institution and trials impartially and "will not-revinee "who plan to tabulate this data for It is wa. iinteresthig fact -that while unaffected interpretative served as its head iar ifaree Tears. ; the provoca&ve methods displayed by the benefit of othsr Jewish organiza"the -State.of "GeoTgia so relentlessly "The^program: tions of the city, it "was announced Glicenstein has won sculptoral i K predecessor. ; Announcement "was made this pursues Burns, "the Jew, Bernstein, a t a meeting of t h e Council Tuesday week i n Hew York :by Dr. Cyrus honors in -all parts nf t h e world. TBe Jk prutcsl demonstration against whom Burns held u p , urged before i h e Speaker ^Reveals "Inside "Workthe treeent anti-Jewish exceases i n Po- a t i h e Jewish Community Center. Adler, chairman, that the Jewish was awarded two "Prix de JEome," state lieaiing, that Burns he "not ace-; Tne a*nmhecy of I " G Originally intended a s a survey of Committee on Scouting has been and his sculntoral works are t o fae Jassinowsky. : land parttdpatedlin by three thousand turned "to -the Georgia chahi gang. 3L Students of 3few T o r k colleges «nded i h e Jewish children and their relig- merged with the National Council, found in "the galleries anrf mnaeums 3n ~my childhood in Georgia, I used Ckosaidic Songs in a neaT liot when mounted police ions affiliations, ihe project has Soy Scouts of America, and now of Munich, Xondon, Paris, iRome, 3Drew Pearson, famous for his ext o see those cham gang- convicts work(a), --IH IBrudEr~Zog,'J&x . ?by Gidsought t o it '*tf u^t^". -"the tiemonstra'^exs grown in scope, alter conference becomes an advisory Jewish ccmmit- Warsaw, Moscow, ^Prankfort, "Erapose of t h e government's officialdom ing the roads, with their heavy shack- eon* :. fb), ^A liGanevon, cow ann" -many xifcher citi^. He 'htm fxom presenting 3i .^resohiLiun of pro— with leaders trf other organizations, tee of the ZKational Scout Council.' in ."Washington IMerry-Go-IRound,1 les—with the man with the whip nearuntil -now it is planned to take m been acclaimed Italy'* -gr^itest living test t o i h e 3*olish Consulate in (cV: IBer Sam Ueber of Omaha is a memby—-^and_ the shot gun. Host of them Blhnelch ( I K . ^Arr.-aor 3Dss 3Sern- gave a large complete. Jewish census. g local audience a few of ZEoxk. ber of ihe Advisory Jewish Com- sculptor. h of course -were negroes, and general- stern), lievine. Previous Jewish census have been mittee. jntimate -details of Washing Urn's The inetee occurred when -mounted (&\, -Az iich Community Tnatt Tnttd ly as they worked from sunrise "to sun- govehen Der Soireh Bo-xxylam, -Arr. secrets i n 'bisUectnre i>ef are i h e Coror police drove into ^|he crowd and sought -fatfan, nut ihe Council plans t o make! activities of the Jewish ComAnother permanent memorial m set, :yon could i e a r them singing some munity Tamm at i i e Jewbh Com- t o prevent, their approach to the offi- this the most complete and informs- j which consist mainly of proby Siniler. *>", tribute t o B a r r y Xapidus will iie ihe melodies which t o my memory, soundxnnnity Center "Wednesday. tive of any taken neretofcrre. Workces of the consulate. <amoi3g Jewish p©ocommunity trust fund, t o be nsed a s m. ed very much like rthe negro spirituals. Me told of t h e mtJ%ues ana ers will make 'honse-to-honse calls in pie i arganization^ a means of wiirlTng iand maintaininB rings "which -pbjy s o order t o -obtain t h e necessary -mfor— cal (a), "YiHroel Am IKaSeshnn (call t o 3t"was a scene of horror, which-left in the Tfnited States, are being ccncharitable activities, in niation, and t h e Jewish householders tmued nnder the anspiess of tlie worthy .2 "terrible impression on my nimd—: prayer), Gideon (b), -Schir-iHasch- partant a part in our legislation and which Mr. Xapidus was so vitally ini a d a t "Ais fingertips a myriad of * axe asked t o co-operate in ihe proirim (collected ircnn ^tiie Geargean and 1 am thankful that the State of Committee on Hehrtiansliipi; of the terested. ject 'fey supply ing "workers "with i h e Boy Scant 35ational Council. 3iew Jersey has .not honored the re- Jews), Baminsky. i(:c) IBachelhia anrples t o illustrate ^fc points. Secret lobbyists and senators seekfacts. The purposes of the fund, dt is • quest of Georgia for "the extradition The Jewish Committee en Scont(Palestmian song), ing patronage, Pearson pointed out, Tffrs. Jnlins iSfewman, head of i h e ing was organized four jyear^ age planned, "will be very Bexibfe, t o Philadelphia^-(J. T. A.)—The con•of Burns. Jtothenberg. ihe national budget is "vening of an jfiill-American Jewish- religious education committee of t h e largely a t "tie instance of the late meet changing conditions. of such burdens a s hav- CimTerence *Sor!iBie TSMJI and deulier- Council, will direct ihe sgnad of vol3iat OFMERC3T Much of ihe prelbninarjy -*rark tm X. Schiff. (a). J)em BlagQlas rlied, Axr. Tjying ***700 jcavahry stationed a t a 9uit imi.w»r -workers. Among "those who ihe trust fund has already been done £But ds lit Tiot striking that here so •realities r£ Jewa t e discussion and complete plans mill ite many of t h e principle forces allied in Brounoff, (b>. lEateh, :Patch SKicho- spot* i n Texas where they serve 3 0 i s h l i f e ^ i t e nff iope'-which have .already signified their "intenshortly. this effort t o save Burns from a :re- bxehy, A-rr. by Sammsky. (c), .Hiegood purpose," "why a loan ixi Bolivia Zionism has Jn this conn-, tion Tif aiding are ffiesdames Fred.AJte XaEche-<3?ragt die i s approved j n s t before war "with t n r n t o fthe chain gang are Jews Dr. A. Greenbexg is chairman «flt t r y " -was advocated l*y Jacob de Baas, erick Cohn, honorary president nf section; ¥ T B . THolaman, is ""-..—a Hirfmrnifrrhnfl M Q com— j g lifi^BBQg- Jfflp J _._ orially ihave been lectured by our good here. 10JTE. , atean mm, m: "*n«K •inniiufflSe .JewMh off. "loan t o Prussia i s obChristian brothers otubemg Jacking in "3>efmmg Zionism J B **rhe one -at- Jfovitsky, Sam.P-eltz, ^Eynife ashov of Bebrew anthor- tions in t h e city: 2>avh1 3d tained on i h e golf Jffax Moskovitz, 3. Abramson, X W . mercy. X~ven our God, i t is dinned tempt the Jews have made t o and critic and compiler nf the secretary and Dr. 3Philip Sher trea»IPearson was jmsparmg in his critiinto our ears contmumisly is na God of nize "tiwir ahnarmal position hx t h e .known j^loug^i Wonisn,'' -will' urer. cism of t h e Heconstruction 3<3nanee wti rid -ynn t o end it bv ^cxeatmg a norPhilip stern justice, of jevenge, and ijeaV Albert p he guest in Omaha on January "7, Corporation, ^twllTng' of sfiveral ex:ousj*. 'JRat "by any means -as ;sweet, mal sexistenee," Sir. de Haas recom- -Klutznick. X l«evmEon, Bam WoK,B and 9. amples of how huge loans "were made as ;mercrful as the Christian xoncept mended **rhe "throwmg overboard of -Mrs. Iiuhiisiiov arrived in this to ihe private banks of senators and all tH^CT* meanmgless syntheses and A. D . I"Tank, B a r r y liachman, SenS/'GS ben "Brown, Xouis ^jilakofsKy, "Irvin country several "weeks ago from PalrrPfirinig handling the -approval of T h e Jewish Community Center fee rresumptian "by ^Zionists of a dear X«vin, SLayer X. Cohn, Philip estine, where she spent over 20 years 'And '.-yet, "_i±t seems t o Tne, tthat if and loans. ~FTP also mentioned the abuses national attitude." Schwartz and Xou Sogolow. there ~is .-.uxit; thing i n which t h e Jew : i ±he in h rebuilding b i i of a Jewish Bomeof power hy t h e shipping board "which, Women Df other organizations -who "This," ;he said, "would be rn i t e nlj< 7ir]g TflHiyy ijj£ Christian "world,-it i s land in ihe Boly Land. An ontsold ships "ffor a song and ihen TB-week, 40 t o 39. The -winners, may "wish to assist are asked t o : that he 3s mare .merciful. "We 'have standing- leader of ihe Cfaalotziro turned the song." The Power Com- mterest of ihe Jewish people and not -high wiUi "IWTTK Julius h g school championh out of a desire far party power or our -weaknesses. Some times our man--won ihe and Bistadrnth, she is now -making mission, i e explained, could have ^ Df glory." man, 3509 Pine street. TSmmgh ±a- a tonr of -the TTnited States in ihe .-ners ^are ;not as good as they might ship an 3930 as -fee 3^jraska Deaf averted the b carrying crash by be. Some of us, it seems, speak too qnint, igained 'ai 3L6 pohtt Head ^whieh out its dekgated powers and could the census by sprmg. "Then loudiy, snQ so forth, but, as far as the Center i»ssers oovHrcame, - only t o have iid the artflrfcy companies of most acmiarnt ihe American Jewish Dram- Soviet Anfliorities Hut TDiscourthe TnfoTmaiaDn "will be United over rmercy iis Eoncemfid, i t is the rankest :succumb i n t h e hist seconds xS play- of their watered stock. en ^pith ihe "work of these organizangefl; MOpe Sm- 2ai000 to the various organizations such a s On Sunday the J . C. C. cagers •kind of presumption for a_"non-Jew to tions and especially -with the work Bowever, & e speaker did avert atQuota the TTemple Israel ^Sunday School, the of ifee women kvulzas in Palestine. -attempt t o lecture the Jew on any rained baskets on i h e ^6kbl.A. C ; tribute t h e conditians im Washhnrton Talmud Torah, and -His Conservateam, winning "73 t o 36. •lack of t h a t quality. A large reception is heing planned t o -dishonesty Irat ahnost entirely t o The Bacehanites, star Chicago.—(J. T. -A.)The perfectian tive Synagogue Sunday dSchsol, t » for IHis. liubashov hy ihe Omaha Moscow.—(J. T. A.) — The disapOUT political system of checks and -enable ediicational 'tewderF i » interJA (GGMPJERS .&NECDOTE ffive, -will rfnrriish i i e opposition 3 t of -a ~new type of "telescopic lens that pearance of the diriepeuces of opinkm Pioneer Wiomen. Details -will lie anbalances. "will firing "vision t o -people with as rfcffit parents tS childifin -who jare ob- nouiiced i n rnest "weeks issue of t h e -witii Tefereuce t o JBita Bidjan, wheat H. heard a g-ood story irelated the •the Center a t th« Center gym "WebV "During his talk Pearson paid high, little as two p e r sent sight, wan T taining 3ID Jewish education, ±0 ena Jswish republic i s ultimately conother ;day of t h e late Samuel Gom- mesday evening, January ^5, a t 15:30 Press. tribute t o ZLouis D. IBrandfiis, Jewish nounced here a t t h e elevsnth amraal aroll iheir children. "The girk? will rpilay a jprelnnrnary templated by ttie Soviet authorities. pers. ' Gompers., it gesms, ,-at t h e time y jp "The xttes vni arrangements j on t h e Supreme 'Court bench, convention of ~&B American .Academy 1 The Test of i h e data -will &e used has issued this message t o -the :kwal\ which have been agitating ihe Comzfit kl t 7 ^j .; answering some conservative who game oagamst • Bokbls, startmg who despite his seventy-five .years *fis m complnng iignres on -Omaha's of -Optometryinsisted t h a t labor should he content; at rtions: "The Pioneer 3g»vfirinnent department f£or settlingone of t h e ^nost scmtinating person3>r. Wflliam 2FemblBom, Jewish p phy- Jewish population. t h a t if ja thing :hacl been prood enough "Women ^request other Jewish xrrgan- Jews on the hind and in agriculiaire, alities on Washington/' sician, " of Jiew IBfk ffor ihe preceding .generation, the later izatkms ndt to make plans f£or Jann- and the Eteet, JBWMI band Hettlmg KPThe lecture 3jy Pearson was the Eec- ;yearfi of iexperim IBnfk: "whose seven generation of labor • ought t o be xonT?esulted in the ary "7, 8, and 19, .as they ifeel i i a t Sanization, has been announced by the ond jon t h e ^arum series, 3ew type lens, areveated the discovery 3irs. IRubashtrv . i s arat "only iherr General Secretary of Hie Xteet, TliaeJHrvin Btalmaster, chairman of t h e i l>efore t h e assembled on a paper gaest, but fee ^uest of all Omaha niau. ?Gompers told the story of m smile, educational committee a t the J . C. C , optometriste. Jewry-" A united fEront t o contmue ihe work ttbat ^irotested t o "the nnastei. 'JM Omaha Jewish studentE will gather presided Wednesday. jfiuccardmg t o Dr. IFeinbloom, who i s in Sira Bidjan will be created, "Mx. h i b l " said cthe ffar special Chanrikah services this Ihrarrs of work ;are terrible," chief of i h e optometric staff of ihe Uidelman said. Me termed the unity inule, 'amd my nations f a r from satis- 3Eriday evsnmg a t ihe "ConservativE West Siae hospital, afew "Sark, tthe The Vaaa ^B'Oehr, Tepresenfing as a -colossal achievement. synagogue a t t h e Jewish Cbnnnunity ^nnprovsmsixt -w3i -liri^ip -sight t o -ai—^ all tff Omaha's United Orthodox synDespite this united f xont, the Jev?Center. This is the second rannual kicking about ? most dhnmed eyes, and will enable agogues, -will celebrate ifee first anish irrteligentsin and some workerB in :fhe rmasfcer. "*3 -worlced :youT father -all service sponsored by t h e Conservathousands of ^iggtly nxmriicmmwi tpgi>- niversary of its existence willi an iiie Dtmntet still view the Bira Bidjan ?iiis>lrfe. B I B hours were no shorter tive synagogue i n .hanax x£ the stuple t o pexfoxna tin* same ta^cs as 3egnlax meeting • dtflre Omaha undertaking- "with reserve, he pointed dents, i :fean ;y0urs, -and 1 feed you just as I those "witii perfect (JITJ&.)—d&. motion that com- oat. "They are afraid of beinjr accused liabbi David JL. Goldstein -wfllspeak Bebrew club -will aiot "4e held 3tes± tfefl 3ihn,, ,yet not once did J hear even Jiixili control lie introduced of Jewish nationalism and chauvinism. a t B p . an, iin t h e !Esth on a theme apprppriate far t h e gath- Sunday, Jannaiy 3.,"imt 3ias Ibeen Tlo much a s -a syllable of protestl" fer Jewish ffamilim ^cas oSerefl t o This is particularly true of the Jewish a n d postponed t o i h e 3Eollowing Sunday, synagogue, "IThat nnay be true," replied the ering of students on Channkah, "nameTThere -will lie nt) admisskm charge the Xatvian Sejm hy a ccberical de- "workers in the Ukraine, he explained. January 35, according tto annanncely, '^Education, Cfaaxacter and Pernnule, "but -please xemember my fatl^puty, 3Jeldau, a s ja cuuater motion The situation is different in -White and "no solicitation. -ment *mn3»» by Byman Shrter, presisonality." A bake sale "will lie :held by a" T h e j»iiijtij«twtfiTg TpHtnrE o j t h s t o s. bill calhng 3or ifae .tlegali^tion Hussia where the Jewish workers dent. .Conservative AxixHiary ^cbrcte a t t h e of abortions whicli "was htter adopted have thrown themselves- -wholeheartevening A SUCCESS STOET g "will be a joint concert Ib Srandeis Btores all day, January -4byJB ^rote of 33&-bo Airty-iiiree. C A h T y i l "the edly into Bira Bidjan activity. Baofe-kfieping: "it's ^a long time since w:e have 3Irs. Dave Sherman, chairman, a s - Cantor A-hrpTmm IBeldau proposed t h a t Jews be fora n d heard 3he old land of success stories. Tsriwl sisted by JSLis. X W. Hosenbbstt and Kiev Jewish workers v\erc repriThe Premier of Lithuania Xeon ITHTZ of the Beth BamBdrosh lidden i>y law t o have more than two manded for failinjr to fill tap 3Chey perished xif course with .that received a Jewish delegation and 3KTS. X Dansky, "will have charge. Bagodol synagoguE, togefiier with chiidren.. Xfnder the legalization of :irash :in i h e Stock ^Exchange of 1029. promised t o investigate t h e possibquota assirrned. They sent to All kinds nf delicacies, cakes, cookiheir respective choirs. A specially; ility of finding some practical solution ies, jellies and relishes will be far Kalinindorf only 414 of the itnmijrTaJin the :iight of our present ^percepk in course of time of being outJerusalem.—(J. T. A.>—The y nf t h e -problem of continuing "Yiddish sale. A special feature "will be selected orchestra will accompany tion cniota of 1.210, The same per. lions, those success stories seem -want-. the concert numbers, and also "ren- numbered ity Jews and other minori- j -Leumi, i h e Palestine Jewish Z&rtianal book-keeping .in banks owned by Jews, "shtrudel" baked by Mrs. O. imminratior- failure v,-as •Ing 'today. Perhaps -we should Tiever Council v/hich is the executive body of der a group of selections. In addi- ties, Beldnu holds. .Tor ihis reason he j and Mrs. A. Somberg. reported in SialhiiiutOTi ami New iave allowed ourselves t o be ^regaled the Jewish Constituent Assembly .in "which i s now forbidden In" lave. tion ihe committee has arranged for introdnced life hill 3ar compulsaryi 'with -them. But one coming today a t Palestme here jresolved to oppose the several vocal and instrumental SOOTS hirrh control among the Jews, he ex-j leastThas 'something: consolatory about projected introduction of an income to be presented by ;yonng outstand- plained. it. So I recoTd it here. Accordinp to thr plan:- 01 the Soviet ing artists of the community. .ta by t h e jPalestine jroveTnment. Deputy Dubin, speaking in behalf •It :is t h e story of 'Harris 3Jevin, s. This brings to a head the wideA brief resume of the work of ihe of the Jewish deputies, strong-ly cri- authorities, Bira TJitl.ian 3= scheduled iTeal estate operator of Queens, Uevr spread Tigitation against the income Taad will be given by X Goldstein, ticized Beldac'B motion. I t also stat-|to be declaret; ar. autonomous Jewish ^ork. ZHe "was well in the rfifties, tare, as far as Jews are concerned, and ed that the Jewish deputies are op-jj Teg-ior! by the end of and a sliort talk by Mr. X JK •jvhen-fee-crash came, as he turned to which has been conducted by many The development plans of the :reproved to p possess. I t is regarded stem on its future plans. Tliere posed to the legalization law. Jerusalem, (J.T.A.) — American be p g p arfherrfields.- B e turned t o ;bus opera- classes of the Jewish population ever experts, who have come to Bamathjrion have not been realized n? planD S d ti i t f as a sign that some practical pro- "WiD be a brief address in English ^ S e scored -tiie priest for intro!iion. ^And today, the Kevins Bus l i n e since it became known that such a tax Geder, near •Zeanach, for the imrprose ned, iii thr past yea:1 there have been gress has been made by t h e inves- Ijy 'Ben JOLszlovrsky. Acting a»~ tern-! ducing the Jewish question in a matextends almost over the whole coun- was to be introduced. of analyzing the watar there, report tigators "who nave "been searching for j parary chairman of the -women's ! t e r which ^ from the religious view- mass desertions, lack of adequate try. This week saw t h e announcehousing- facilities am! food and the Recently the High CommissionHr, t h a t their chemical analysis has •petrolenm pools in Southern Pales- j of ihe Yaad. JSIrs. X. Neve- pornt should have been opposed. •ment of INevin's purchase of a great j3ir Arthur Wauchope, declared -feat proved that the wells in Bamath tine. After the legalization bill had been difficult conditions of life in the Far leff Tvill aTmotrnce Tslans for bus Jme through t h e "Middle "West, although the government had :not yet posBess radium elements. The experts According to S. G. I31ake, Geologi- | group. ^Nathan S. Taffe is in charge adopted Beldau esplamed that he Eastern Rep-ion being- blamed for the h "has been aSded to t h e Nevin decided to impose an income tax, it are continuing their investigation. cal Adviser to the Palestine Govern- j of t i e program and "will act as chriir- had. not meant to insult the Jews, state of affairs.. The Gomzet frnvernbttt merely to point out that the Jews mental department for PRttlinp -Jews chahi. was, however, considering t h e pros Apart from this, considerablE in- ment, petroletrm campanies have ex- j man of the evening1, and cons of the matter. The opposi- terest has also been evoked by a pressed the opinion' that oil pools j Wore has been received to the ef~ follow the Scriptural injunction and on the iand and in agriculture, came COME tion t o t h e t a x has united the most statement -made i n ihe British P a r - may exist -within that area. B e adds feet that Habbi U r i Miller tsf "Terre that the XatviaiiE hare much to iearr. j hi foT a share in thr censure sis well, •And talking :about comebacks after diverse political sections of the Jewish; liament a few days -ago to the effect that exploration of. the .area is now Eante, 'lad., who has been hired by from them. j beinp rharjred vritii -misTnanajre-nieni the erash'^tifieems thst Sol Burok 38- population, labor, general Zionists, t h a t ihe Government "wonld be pre- being made to determine whether the United Orthodox EynagngrusE of j I and •nejrlijrence. AF JI result tivere was — pared t o take 3. practical interest, "the ^Euaesto "^ive in t o the '."depression. B e aiizrachi, and Jtevisionists. h flows -indicate t h e exis- this city, will arrive on TEC alsost! Taris^—-Two Jews are -members of a genera! shakeup in the adnuhistrair>gf>g i in any petro- tence of petroleum in Seaped onto "prominence in the theatfiJanuary 15 t o assume his duties t iae new "Jrencc cabinet headed hy 3E. tion of the Comset. snd its head, :A, 'The t a x i s also opposed by mfluen-. -for Tnaval l""*i ; leum jesourees -which Pahstine m a y here. Paul Boncour. Menrduh, was replaced. tial Axabliodie* . . (Continued on Page Twx>.)
Lapidus Yahrzeit Is to Be Observed January 10 Community-Wide Memorial Meeting: for Harry Lapidns to Be Held at Jewish
National OomnuMee on Scouting xn Merger
Pe Haas Ga31s fer
JL d. C. Cagers ito
vents Lens to Aid M
Student Services
$0 Celebrate
Compulsory BirEh
in Latvia 1$ A&ked
Babe Sale
Palestioe Income Tax Has
American Experts Discover Radium i n Palestine Waters
PAGE. 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER SO,' 1932 The Varsity Basketball team exseveral prominent plays produced at the university which he attended... emplified this wonderfully well in that a New Year night party is be- the last few games they have played. ing sponsored by the Hadassah on In the Kansas City game with the Sat. eve. . . proceeds to go to the score 13 to 2 against them, they ran Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by luncheon fund for the poor—at the the score to 20-19 at the half. In C. C. . . make reservations with the Kilpatrick game, 16 points' beTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY hind, the Varsity tied the score but Mrs. J. Blank. Subscription Price, one year - - - • - . ' - " - - - - $2.50 eventually got licked by one point Adding "Instill" to Injury By "Ab" Kaiman Advertising rates furnished on application This man Samuel Insull . . . on a free throw the last 10 seconds "boiled" in Greece . . . when the of play. Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building authorities insisted on holding him A Licking Never Harmed Anyone Forward A. Z. A. Telephone: ATlantie ,1450 After the Varsity had been deon the charge of being a fugitive Omaha, the home of Aleph Zadek from justice . . . this promoter was feated in two games, they came back Sioux City Office—Jewish - Community Center DAVID BLACKER - J - - Business and Managing Editor Aleph, Junior B'nai Brith organiza- alleged to have a trace of Jewish- strong Sunday and scored 73 points. FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor tion . . . sends a pair of capable ness . . . but it was only revealed •A setback now and then makes one FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent young men to the south and east after his guilt by anti-Semites . . . more obedient, removes cockiness, ANN PILL - - - . - , - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent sections of the country . . . Julius The Insull collapse cost Rosa Raisa, and helps you put your feet flat on Bisno and Hyman Goodbinder . . . the Jewish opera singer, he vast the ground. Too much success is to instill further the spirit of A. Z. earnings from concert work . . • harmful, be it in athletics or busiamong young Jewry according the Madame Raisa who had acquired a ness, professional life, social life, f'Judaism, according td'some, connotes a common way of liv- A. activities recorded in the weekly great measure of material security etc. ing'; according to others; a race, or, again, a religion. But Dr. Jewish journals . . . Memphis, Los . . . became susceptible to the highGirls' Volley Ball Lion Feuchtwanger, noted German novelist, in an address upon Angeles and Seattle chapters are par- owered salesman who "insull-ated" As soon as the holiday season has ier with the idea that she --vould settled itself, and our class schedule his arrival in this country, gives as his definition: "Judaism is a ticularly active. Deserving Praise ttain greater wealth. is once more in routine, the Girls' ^common mentality. It is a universal agreement, a consensus Volley Ball League will be reorganOrchids and Scallions Toss an earned boquet to Mrs. Jake omnium about the most important questions." Upon this prem- Blank and Mrs. Ernie (Goldie) Mey- Sorry J. A. C. that this column is ized and a new schedule of games ise Dr. Feuchtwanger goes so far as to "dream of a world rule er . . . they are first to exceed their distasteful to you . . . we welcome will be drawn up ready for play. criticism . . . and thank you Mrs. Monday night is to be given over emanating from Jerusalem." The world rule he thinks of in Pal- quota in the drive for funds for the W. L for your flattering comment from 6:45 to 7:30 for the playing Conserv. Synagogue . . . in. charge estine, however, "should be a spiritual rule, and one only of the of group two, they prepared and dis. since it is the mental attitude of the games. Midget Basketball spirit." He wants the center of this rule not a government build- tributed box lunches, thus securing that governs and guides expression Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, 14 sufficient funds for their committee of thought . . . we are more than ing, but the tMversijtjt ;o| Jerusaelm.r '""•; . . . a task well done . . . Worthy of pleased to receive your mental atti- junior boys were present to be Li • his novels Feudhtwahg'er has repeatedly attempted to illus- mention also in the charitable thought tude regarding this "explosion of coached on the fundamentals of bastrate the conflict between power and mind, and has shown the and tolerant spirit displayed by a much ado about nothing" (as one of ketbalL Talmud Torah boys are inway of many who went from power to mind, who found the way Miss Mary G. . . a non-Jew . . . my anonymous letter writers' ex- vited to come each Friday at 4 to be Miss G., who is a teacher in one of pression expresses it) . . . And to coached and later to play in our back from Samson to Isaiah. But we living today face realities, our public schools requested her Jew- the brewery owners . . . "A happy Midget League. not fictional plots, arid while our spiritual development should not ish neighbors to direct her to the Brew Year and to all others "A The Talmud Torah were defeated by the Decatur Oils, 8-4 and in a be neglected, we^must solve Concrete problems . . . without the es- Jewish Old Peoples Home . . . where Gooten Yahr!" return game won 6-4 in an overshe distributed baskets of fruit to cape offered in dreairis or in fiction. The economic volcano which the old folks . . . good will in its time period. The third and decidhas been buiying thd world Tinder the lava of disaster has caused true meaning. ing game will be played soon. League Basketball the veneer of "civilization"! to crack and all the passions, of man Town "Schmoosh" Results of last week's games: —jealousy, envy, hate, bigotry, etc.—td become rampant. This Quite a gala event the dance last J. C. C. League—A. Z. A. No. 1, resulted in excesses and discriminations unbefitting twentieth cen- Sun. eve. at the Fontenelle h o t e l . . . 38; A. Z. A. No. 100, 8; XI Lambda, many out of town visitors . . . Dave tury progress . . . emphasizing for us the need of an influential Lazarus, 23; Thorneians, 18. pur own operatic baritone, By Junior League—Star Auto Parts, Jewish Center. Such a center means mitigation of anti-Semitic who delighted every one present (es38; Hawkeyes, 19. Hawkeyes, 18; agitation only if it is political, national in character. The political pecially the lassies) by his rendition Macks, 16. Pants Store, 38; JunMorris H. a group of song numbers . . . and . part may not fit in with our idealistic dreams—but it is necessary. of iors, 6. Sogolow ah! here's a pretty Miss with a For the convenience of several of A strong national homeland is our protection, our fort--—the Jewish "torch"-like expression on her "baby our leading teams that plan to bring "mentality" of greatest value today is that which carries with it face" countenance . . . because she Physical in outside teams, and to offset postis so "fondish" of her "blondish" Director av national character, the mentality which seeks to make the Jew- boy friend who evidently was out" of poned games and the like, the schedJ. C. C. ule has been revised for the rest of ish people a nation among nations. the city . . . he is an "up and comthe first round. We cannot achieve our goal, as Feuchtwanger wishes, "only ing" attorney and- she is a winsome New Years Resolutions Sunday — Building closed, New little girl employed at Herzberg's... through the mind." As this famed author admits, even the most the transfer of her affections dam- Eesolve to take better care of your Years day. sublimated nationalism needs a concrete basis. The Hebrew Uni- aged a pair of hearts "belonging to most valuable possession. What? Tuesday, January 3—8:30, Juniors Your health. Where? In our gym vs. Star Auto Parts; 9:30, Hawkeyes versity in Palestine deserves praise; its cultural and spiritual sig- a couple of local basket ball stars and health classes. Resolve to estab- vs. Kant Knocks. . . . What a romance sizzling among nificance is extremely important. But all else in Palestine cannot a pair employed in one of the down lish for yourself a sense of values. Thursday, January 5—8:30, Psi be casually pushed aside. The basic work in Palestine is the town food shops . . . a personable Try to tell me what, right now, is Mu vs. A. Z. A. No. 1; 9:30, Deep important to you than your Rock vs. Xi Lambda. building of a concrete Jewish national homeland. Not all Jews will and well liked young man and the more own personal health and welfare. Sunday, January 8 — 12:30, Pants be able to go there, but the rejuvenation of those that do will open girl a sweet and affable young bru- This is particularly true midst all Store vs. Star Auto Parts; 1:30, nette . . . Happy is the young hotel a new chapter in the annals of our people and those that do not go man whose wife will soon present of this flu and colds and aches and Thorpeians vs. A. Z. A. No. 100. The bulletin board will give the will behold their peace in its welfare. For the immediate future! her hubby with, an "heir to the ains. Keep Trying— managers the remainder of the new the best guarantee against anti-Jewish conflagrations of recent home." Winning is only incidental to the schedule. months is renewed vigor in the reconstruction of Palestine in its laying of the game. To give your Notice that the Junior League Charm Plus Equals Personality O ipsfcrnnder. • all-'jegnditiityns "is what national, political and practical'aspects. i ; they "Thureday pl ay ality* and charm . . . One of our Tieeptrying whetner - ahead or be- on Thursday, w&ae THE CITY OP a game on Sunday. Jgirls who made good in the big city hind in the score. SUPERLATIVES . . . Ann Ronell (Ann Rosenthal) . . . There is a good one,being tolfl these, writer of "sure-fire" song hits . . * BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run days of. our Jewish: brethren in [Holly- her "Baby Parade" recently sung by By DAVID SCHWARTZ wood. As you know, tlie city of Hol- Eddie Cantor and featured by Paiil rETROtECM lywood is famous for its adjectives Whiteman . . . "Among. My Souvenwhich border on the superlative — or irs" is a pleasant recollection of a (Continued from Page One.) Bert Grade—Forked Clean rather which transcend the superla- song and 'dance skit with Ann in the tive. Small In Size, bat Large in Heat 1924 Y. M. H. A. road show preALL LUMPED—FORKED cal world by first bringing over ChalA BIG SAVING TO High in Heat Well, the story goes, that the other sented at the Brandeis Theater . . . iapin and such stars. COKE USERS Very Little Ash "day, one of the Hollywood magnates Yes, dear reader, it was vivacious Then came bad times for Hurok— was accosted by a friend. Ann. who "stopped" the show ..... . even before the crash—rand Hurok was her talents at that time indicated forced into bankruptcy. But he's back "How is business?" asked the her unusual ability. friend. CONSUMERS COAL CO. again on Broadway ^ with an Italian Do You Know— CERTIFIED WEIGHTS BV A SWORN AND BONDED novelty of which much is being writ"Colossal, but it's picking np," reWKIGHMASTER .. That Jack Dempsey claims that ten. plied the magnate. he is Jewish through 4as mother's "bobba" . . . must be a "bobba ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiimiiii^ ROXY'SCITY 500,000 Denied Visas mysa" . . . thatjJack Benny and Since -we've begun talking in this Washington —: President Hoover dSen Bernie are related . . . . that vein, let's continue for a little spell! 83RD SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT | Radio City is at last being opened— has been informed; by j lienry ! t). yGeorgie Price is the son of a bara triumph for the Jewish "kop" of Stimson, Secretary of State, that as ber . . , . that we received an aca result Of the continued enforcement ;knowledgement from Al Jolson for Boxy. of the Government's policy of restric- our "quip" in the first issue . . . The gorgeous city within a city is a tive immigration during the economic that the chorus men of the "Of Thee triumph of the vision ofthe Jew who depression a total of more than I Sing" company were loath to leave came from Minneapolis, and whose be- 500,000 aliens who normally would our city and you should know the jginnings were so ill starred, that he have emigrated to the United- States reason . . . that Phil Klutznick, the was forced to borrow chairs for his have been denied immigration visas. young barrister, played the lead in first movie house from an undertaker. But today, Roxy is crowned king of the city that Rockefeller built. JANUARY 1, 1933 Great lights circle Radio City. RESOURCES Somehow I can not help feeling as I $ 2,362,794.08 = - Quick Assets 'pass it this Chanukah of simple little Cash _ . ^ candle lights that were burned two U* S. Government Bonds.:.......-.—.—..- 1481,840.75 thousand years ago in Judea. Little Loans-^-Secured by First Mortgages on Improved 15,502^85.46 lights they were, but they have shown Real Estate ._.....__. ^ 9,648.08 for two thousand years. Will these Accrued Interest ~ ™ 43,773.45 Loans on Pass-Book Security •, exeat, big gorgeous lights last that 520,310.54 Loans in Foreclosure „ ...._...— ,-—___.«. long? 67,463.68 Real Estate Sold on Contract ......... *~ Will Be Positively Omaha's Out245,811.50 Real Estate Acquired Through Foreclosure. Standing New Year'* Eve Office Building and Future Office Building Site at Celebration 359,330.55 18th and Farnam Streets .-_._-. — A Paramount Publix- Stage Show 1.00 Furniture and. Fixtures —
playing privileges. New Manager of Girls' Team Three bells will be sounded: Frank Brookstein was unanimous1. Warning bell five minutes bely selected for. the position of manager of the girls' basketball team. fore period is up. The team should be assured of a 2. The change bell at the end of colorful schedule of games and trips. the period. Players will vacate Ask Frank! court promptly at this bell. ReserPhysical department closed Sunday vations not claimed will be forfeited and substitution made. and Monday. Hand Ball 3. The grace bell five minutes To make hand ball a more com- after the change ball. Singles may fortable luxury than it is now, a few be played after this bell if there is rules and regulations have been no demand for doubles. added to help guide our members. The bulletin board will give the changes in the hours. A few more The playing periods have been added to the week. Reservations must be made for all in the above periods the same day only. 21 years of my experience Reservations for Sunday may be BEST WORKMANSHIP made Saturday, 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. Guaranteed for men, •women It is recommended that players and children who have reservations appear at Room remodeled . . . least 15 minutes before their period Space increased . . . is to begin. In this way, last min- j ute complications will be avoided.: Members who cannot keep reservaJACK SELINSKY, Prop. tions should notify basket room one 218 So. 14th St. hour in advance. Failure to do so will result in losing your hand ball
Soggie Says
The CONSERVE Savings and Loan Association of Omaha
Club Araby
—Augumented Orchestra—The largest dining room dance floor 'in the city—Novelty .Noise Makers — Fun — . Surprises — Activity every second. '
WHERE? Else in Omaha Can Yon Secure
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614
35c Luncheons . -
With Music and Dancing
Including a choice of meats, side dishes, deserts and drinks. Served under the personal direction of Antone Marsara. Field Club Chef in a Romantic Atmosphere. of Old Araby.
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WHEN THINKING OFTHE IDEAL G I F T . . . What's the matter with a $3 or $5 coupon good aV the Club Araby. Your fur loving friend will enjov the dancing. Your staid friends the wonderful 35c luncheons.
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Jack's Barber Shop
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
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Phenomenal Selling H ARTfiCaftAEFMEg JLM **** OVER 1,500 BRAND NEW
Men's Suits and Choice of Entire Phenomenal Purchase
' LIABILITIES Credits to Members' Savings and Paid-Up Aec'ts. $17,744,172.73 Balance Held for Borrowers _. _: —*~ — W9JH»»I2Hs L
Reserve __.„,. _ , . _ u _ Interest UndividedReserve Profits Borrowed Money
frK! 21
Every Suit and Overcoat Made to Sell for Much More!
9,6484)8 31,991.41 NONE 419,111,518.34 , =
OUR 1932 RECORD Dividends—82nd and 83rd consecutive dividends earned mid paid. Reserve and Undivided Profits-^-$l,331,639.49. Cash and Government Bonds—$2,362,794.08 cash and equivalent on hand.' New Savings Accounts—1,931 new accounts opened. Real Estate Loans—We made 27% in number of all real estate loans : recorded in Omaha. ; Delinquent Interest—$9,648.08imc611ected of $846^21.35 earned.
The Nebraska Clothing Co. has an obligation to the clothes buyers of this community—it's our duty to offer to you the greatest clothing values in America when they are offered to us. Here's a tremendous demonstration of The Nebraska's obligation to its patrons, translated into mighty savings. Buy for now—buy for the future —prices are at the all time low today!
= i = =
OFFICERS Edgar A. Baird, President John R. Donley, Ass't S e c James A. Lyons, Secretary Clark W. Carnaby, Ass't S e c J. Herbert McMillan, Treas. ; Wayne C. Selby, Ass't S e c
1614 Harney St. §
30, 1932
PRESS, FRIDAY, earn which leaves on a -week's tour Jan. 6, during which the Creighton debaters will meet the University of Minnesota, St. Thomas, and the University of Iowa, and Iowa State. OCTAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Max Guttman of Providence, B. I., son of Mr. and Mrs. Guttman, will arrive here Jan. 2 :o spend two weeks visiting with his ?arents. '
Please Note—All items must be phoned or mailed so that they reach the Jewish Press office by 5 p-m. Wednesdays to insure publication Friday.
'ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. S. Sigal announce the engagement of their daughter, Tillye, to Mr. Bus Siegel, son of Mrs. E. Siegel. No date has been set for the wedding. SCHREER-LEVINE MARRIAGE Miss Dorothy F. Levine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levine of Lfccoln, formerly of Omaha, and Mr. Maurice Schrier of Lincoln were wed Sunday afternoon at the Paxtbn hotel, Rabbi H. Jolt of Lincoln officiating. The bride wore a blush pink gown of hammered satin trimmed with blue fox, and a white satin h a t She carried an arm bouquet of pink roses. Twenty-four members of the families were guests of the bride's broth-
Mrs. Abraham Mark of Los Angees is visiting here with relatives. er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Singer, at a dinner at the hotel fol- Miss Rose Forman returned Sunday from Butler, Mo., where she was lowing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Schrier will make the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kohn. their home in Lincoln, following a Mr. and Mrs. H. Copelman left for trip to Minnesota. Chicago Monday, They will return next week. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bogdanoff anMiss Gertrude Ellis of Lincoln was nounce the birth of a daughter on Monday, Bee. 26, at the Nicholas the house guest of Miss Rosella PerSenn hospital. Mrs. Bogdanoff was lis for the week-end. Miss Perlis, formerly Miss Claire Zalinsky of Kan- who attends the University of Nebraska, is home for the holidays. sas City.
the wares. Women interested may Shabbos on Saturday, Jan. 7, at the call her about the many delicacies home of Mrs. Harry Silverman. Mrs. David A. Goldstein srfll rewhich ,will be on sale. A new shipment of Palestine gift view Vera Castary's "Thicker Than articles is on its way and will be on Water." Her interesting presentations have made her reviews very display in a few days. Mrs. J. J. Friedman has a collec- popular. Reservations may be made tion of books on Jewish subjects at •with Mrs. M. Margolin, Glendale Council the shop. For information call At- 1985. Religion in Russia and what effect lantic 0966. The Bible class will meet next it may have on the rest of the world Tuesday at 1:30 at the J. C. C. I will be discussed by Rabbi David A. All members are urged to attend. Daughters of Zion Goldstein for the current topic secThe committee in charge is making tion of the Omaha Council of Jewish A large audience attended the lans for the annual congregational Women Tuesday a.t 10:30 a. m. at Chanukah program given by the dinner on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Jewish Community Center. Daughters of Zion at the J. C. C. hich time the Golden Book will be Rabbi Goldstein's topic is "What Tuesday evening. The program: Ha- iedicated. Is Happening to Religion in Russia tikvah, by the audience, accompanied Eighty children of members of the Today." He says that what soviet by Miss Margaret Hurwit2 at the synagogue wers entertained by the Russia is doing to religion may ma- piano; moving pictures of Palestine, at a Chanukah party at the terially affect it in other nations. with explanations, by Mrs. David A. auxiliary afternoon. A highThere will be no meeting of the Goldstein; folk songs, by E. Sellz, . C. C. Saturdayafternoon was spent child study groups this week, be- accompanied by Miss Margaret Hur- fy entertaining the children, games, movies and cause of the absence of the leader, witz; a reading in Yiddish, by Miss a Chanukah story by Rabbi Goldstein Mrs. Eva Morse, from the city. On Rose Soffer; a violin duet, by the filling the program. Gifts were exWednesday at 1:30 p.m. the civics Saxe brothers, accompanied by Miss and legislation group meets with Gertrude Oruch; a dance, by the Wolk twins, accompanied at the piMrs. Robert Glazer, chairman. This latter group is making a ano by Shirley Shafton; an address, study of the tariff in preparation for by Rabbi David A. Goldstein. discussion of European war debts. In his address Rabbi Goldstein The subject of the tariff from 1890 spoke of his trip last summer to to 1912 will be discussed Wednes- Palestine. He told of having personday by Mrs. Abe Brodkey, Mrs. Jack ally seen the lot bought by the Marer, Sirs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs, Daughters of Zion in the Holy Land, Phil •Schwartz and Mrs. Ben Shapiro, and the tablet upon which is inNew members of the Council an- scribed the * name of the local ornounced at Tuesday's meeting by the ganization as the donors. The Daughters of Zion will hold membership chairman, Mrs. Rose WITH A Youseum, are Mish Whight, and their annual bazaar the latter part Mrs. H. P.Milder. A review by of January at the J. C. C. The Rabbi Frederick Cohn on Anita Lib- organization has asked the publk to man Lebeson's "Jewish Pioneeds help by donating bundles to the ba in America," followed the business zaar. session.
the Jewish Funeral Home building. All members are urged to come and bring their friends. Election, of officers will feature and matters of great importance to the organization discussed.
Edwin N. Sommer, a junior at the BIRTHDAY PARTY University of Illinois, is spending the Miss Mabel Slutzkin was surprised holidays with his parents, Mr. and on her sixteenth birthday by a party Mrs. Louis Sommer. for twelve guests given on Sunday, Dec. 25, by her sister, Bertha. Bennett Somberg, a student at Missouri Military academy, Mexico, Mo., ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. David Kaufman of is spending the holidays with his parGrand Island entertained seventy-five ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Somberg. guests at a six o'clock Chanukah din- OMA CHI ner at their home Sunday. Honor guests were members of the Grand NEW TEAR FROLIC The Oma Chi club of Chicago is Island Sunday School. This Chainviting all Omahans who happen to nukah dinner has become established be in Chicago on New Year's eve as an annual affair. their New Year's eve frolic Conservative Auxiliary A program was presented by the to attend the main ballroom of the Rogers The members of the Conservative children of the Sunday School. Mrs. in hotel, 6800 Sheridan Road. SpeAuxiliary will hold their next Oneg Max Greenberg, teacher of the Sun- Park Mrs. E. Weinberg announces donaentertainment and a good orday School, was presented -with a cial tions from the following to the Hachestra will feature. clock and Mrs. Kaufman with a neckdassah gift fund: "Your Old Hat Made New lace. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glazer, in honor Save a Dollar or Two" Among the guests were included Jewish Women's of the confirmation of their son, EdTemple OMAHA HAT FACTORY Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Kearney, Mr. ward; Leo Fried, in honor of his enTonight 115 North 16tb Street Welfare Organization and Mrs. Harry B. Weisman of Hastgagement to Miss Sadie Wolk; Mr. "On the Eve of 1933" will be the Opposite Pojt Office ED KATLAK, Manager and Mrs. Morris Green, in honor of subject of the sermon by Rabbi Fred- ings, Mr. and Mrs. L Berkowitz and The January meeting of the JewFh«ne ATUntle 0530 erick Cohn at Temple Israel this eve- son, Milton, of Omaha, and Mrs. S. ish Women's Welfare Federation will the marriage of their son, Harry, to AM) "WE WLLX CALL Graetz of Omaha. Evelyn Goldberg; Mr. and Mrs. S. ning. be held at the J. C. C. Tuesday, Jan. Riekes, in honor of the marriage of Tomorrow Morning 3, at 2:30 p.m. their daughter, Ruth; Dr. and Mrs. Saturday morning Dr. Cohn -will ON TRIP The principal speaker of the aft- Morris Margolin, in honor of the conspeak on "The Story of Joseph." Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin are ernoon be Judge Herbert Rhoade firmation of their son, Morton; Mr. Kaddish spending the holiday season in Chi of the will domestic relations court. He and Mrs. Philip Klutznick, in honor Kaddish will be recited this Sab- cago and Milwaukee, celebrating their will talk on "The Causes and Pre- of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben bath for Frank Wirthsafter, Aaron. tenth wedding anniversary. Mrs. vention of Delinquency." Morris, in honor of the bar mitzvah Cahn and Henrietta Morris. Fromkin has been very active in loDes Moines $2.00 This meeting is open to the public, of their son, Haskel; Mr. and Mrs;. cal Hadassah and P.-T. A. work. Denver $7.50 Every member is urged to come an< Wm. Alberts, in honor of their son; bring a friend. Detroit $7.00 Mr. and Mrs. S. Flax, in honor of VISnTNG HERE A board meeting will be held a the birth of a grandchild. Los Angeles $20.00 Mr. Morris D. Waldman of Nevr 1:30 p.m. Student Service The Conservative Synagogue is cel- York, secretary of the American Jew BUS DEPOT The Palestine Art Shop and Haebratingthe last evening of Cha~ ish Committee, is visiting his son-indassah Ladies' Exchange, 1814 FarChesed Shel Ernes nukah by'inviting Omaha Jewish stu- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ja Edwards Hotel Bldg. A regular meeting of the Chesed nam, is now open to the public Mrs. dents to be special guests at services cob S. Pearlstien. 306 No. 16th Ha 5000 Irvin Levin, who., is in charge, invites Shel Ernes will be held on Monday tonight. ____^_ out-of-town students will which he is a member. BSE ± ± 'i™guests at the homes of members. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will DINNER-DANCE speak on "Education, Character and The Ro-noh club of Central High Personality." school entertained the alumni at a This is the second ?T>nq?l student dinner dance Thursday at Olive Crestservice. „;• , , About sixty couples attended. t Annual Dinner—Jan. 18 Members of the congregation and ON DEBATE TRIP their friends are urged to reserve Joseph Solomonow, a member of Wednesday evening, Jan. 18. At that the Creijjhton University debate time the congregation will give its squad, will be a member of th annual dinner. The features on the program will be, first, installation of officers, and second, dedication of the NATIONAL Book of Remembrance. ACCESSORIES, INC. Mr. Jack Marer, chairman of the committee in charge, is preparing an "Everything for the amusing as well as an inspiring pro2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 gram. Next Week The coming" week will mark the tenth anniversary of the death of one of the greatest Jews of the last generation—Eleazar ben Yehudah. We sever expected to see Hie day that we'd take sneh HUGE reductions The story of his life is most fasciUntil Supply Exhausted on all of our coats . . . but well do it « . . we must clear oar nating. Warned in his twenties by stocks . . . and we know that only the most DBASTIC price cuts will do physicians that he had little time to Genuine it! Even if you don't need a coat right n o w . . . you 11 be smart to buy live, he defied the sentence of death, one for next year! went to Palestine, and there achieved Semi-Lump $8.50 the miracle of living more than thirCASH ty years and bringing about the revival of Hebrew as a living lanQuality Coats That People's Coal Co. guage. Were Priced Up to 912 So. 16th St. AT 1111 Rabbi Goldstein will devote his sermon next Friday evening to an ac$39.75 ;«_•» •_»••_!_• • « count of this interesting personality.
Religious Services
HERZBERGS Drastic Close-Out
changed and refreshments served. The committee in charge consisted of the Meidames Dp A. Goldstein, Harry Silverman, Arthur Cohn and Horace Rosenblum. The Conservative Auxiliary circle will bold a bake sale all day Wednes(Continued on Page 4.)
In in Thrifty Thrifty Damp Damp All-Flat All-Flat BOUGH URI SERVICES
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1932 geles, and two brothers, Charles Saltzshe attends Lindenwood college.Misses Gwendolyn Meyerson. and man of Council Bluffs, and Philip Ruth Bernstein are students at the Saltzman of Minneapolis, Minnesota. University of Nebraska a t Lincoln, Funeral services were held in Los Anwho are visiting their parents for the geles. (Continued from Page 3.) BY F . R. K. holidays. The sixth annual student welcome service,will be held this evening at Among the students at the UniverMatthew Friedman, son of Mr. and ANNA PILL, Shaare Zion Synagogue, when the CHANUKAH PROGRAM TO sity, of Iowa who will return to Iowa Mrs. Abe Friedman of Dunlap, Iowa, day, Jan. 4, at the Brandeis Stores. BE GIVEN SUNDAY AFTERcongregation will honor the students City next week following their vaca- who died at his home following a Mrs. Dave Sherman, chairman, as(O NOON AT DANISH HALL tion are Messrs. J. Harold Saks, Rob- lingering illness, was buried in the sisted by Mrs. L. W. Rosenblatt and from various colleges, who are home The Council Bluffs Torah Torah ert Rosenfeld, Milton Krasne and Oak Hill cemetery in Council Bluffs. Mrs. I. Dansky, will have charge. for the winter holidays. Rabbi David Aronsohn of Beth El Synagogue and Sunday School will present a Collman Yudelson. All kinds of cakes, cookies/ jellies He vr&s twenty years old. Besides his in Minneapolis will be the principal Chanukah program Sunday afternoon, Edward Rosen, student at the Uni-parents, he was survived by twoand relishes will be on sale. There speaker of the evening. The choir January 1, at 3 o'clock at the Danish versity of Minnesota, will return to brothers, Edwin, and Philip, and one will also be shtrudel baked by Mrs. will sing several ' special Chanukah hall. A three-act playette, entitled Minneapolis next Tuesday following a sister, Dora. O. Fox and Mrs. A. Somberg. Or: :i -' Gay festivities in both Mount SiThe board of directors for the numbers, and Cantor; A. Pliskin will "By the Light of Chanukah" will be ten-day vacation with his parents. ders will: be taken. Call either" Har1 -. Relatives, from out-of-town who inai Temple and Shaare Zion Syna- | Senior Hadassah was elected at thechant the ritual. Miss Ruth Wigod- given, coached by Mr. Sal Michnick. were in Council Bluffs last week for ney 2976 or Harney 7198. gogue marked the celebration of Cha- meeting of the organization Tuesday sky will, sing the solo parts. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Omaha the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. George BAR MITZVAH nukah for Sioux City, children dur- afternoon. They include the MesFollowing the service an informal •will show moving pictures of Palesing the past week. dames Joe Levin, R. H. Emlein, H. reception will be held. in the . social tine, which were taken during his re- The Bar Mitzvah of Paul Krasne, Gross of Galesburg, IU.; Mr. Herman Sunday afternoon at Shaare Zion D. Wigodsky, C\ Raskin, D. L. Rodin hall of the synagogue, honoring the cent trip to Palestine. The program son of Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne, Gross and two sons of Peoria, 111.; Synagogue the Sunday School and E. Barish, M. Silberberg, A. Silver- speaker, students, choir members and will also include musical numbers, and took place Saturday morning, Decem- Mr. and Mrs. S. Gross of St. Louis, The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will Hebrew School combined for a pro-berg, M. Haligman, J. N. Rrueger, faculty of the religious school. Leon- will be well worth while for everyone ber 24th, at the Chavra B'nai Yisroel Mo., and Mr. Louis Gross of Burlinghold a Russian tea party and congram. Miss Ida Hesholow's class Z. Levitan, S. Mosow, L. Agranoff, ard Weiner is in charge of the re-to attend^according to Mr. J. Z. Stad- synagogue at 618 Mynster street ton, la. presented a radio skit. Children of A. Slutsky, Wm. Lazere, Joe Fried- ception. He and Lillian Mazaziner lan, who is in charge of this Chanu- That afternoon he entertained about cert on Sunday, Jan. 15, at the La; thirty friends at a theater party in Miss Roma Wigodsky's class were man, M. A. Weiner and M. A. Marks. will speak during the reception, rep- kah program. bor Lyceum. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim honor of his Bar Mitzvah. heard in a group of songs and reci- i Following the election Mrs. E. H. resenting the University of Michigan; An excellent program has been arsociety will hold a meeting next tations; Caroline Raskin and Rosa- Emlein, president, spoke of the mem- Arnold Baron and Joseph Ginsberg ELECTED PRESIDENT Thursday evening, January 5th, atranged, and everyone is invited to gene Dikel offered appropriate reci- bership campaign which is scheduled will represent the University of Minattend. OF CB B'NAI BRITH "SIOM HATORAH" 3:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. tations; a playlet was presented by to begin the first of next month, and nesota; Morris Lasensky and George Mr. Sam Lincoln was elected presiMr. and Mrs. O. Hochman enterMiss Evelyn Kuntz' class; recitations appointed Mrs. M. B. Herzoff and Kuntz, University of Iowa; Gerald dent of the Council Bluffs lodge No. tained two hundred guests at the Miss Gertrude Gilinsky has returnwere offered by Miss Jessie Slutsky's Mrs. E. N. Grueskin co-chairmen of lohen and Fred Sherman, University 688 at the annual election of officers Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue Suned to Brooklyn, New York, following clj\ss. A special choir directed by the membership drive. of Nebraska; Bernard Lazriowich, held Monday evening a t . the Eagles day afternoon at a "Siom Hatorah" a two months' visit here with her parDena Baron and Dorothy Gelson, hall. Other officers chosen were Herfollowed by a dinner party. Mr. and The program included a group of Iowa State college at Ames; Dorothy A gala party will be held by the wlich sang several Chanukah songs, songs by Cantor A. Pliskin, accom- Merlin and Bluma Olensky, Morning- man Meyerson, vice president; Ben Mrs. Hochman presented to the syna- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. Thorpeian Athletic club. New Year's inducted Irene Mirowitz, Zelle Cohen, panied by Libbie Olensky a t the pi- side college; Israel Greenberg, Uni- Kubby, recording secretary; O. Hoch- gogue a Torah, and donations of eve at the Rome, according to presTessie Cohen, Harriet Chaus, Sam ano, and Jennie Shindler at the vio- versity of Wisconsin, an*d Dave Sin- man, financial secretary; Louis H. about one hundred dollars were given Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enter- ent indications. , The ticket sale points Edelman, Morris Raskin and Charles lin; and a skit by Rudy Shindler, ger, Grinnell college. Katelman, treasurer; Samuel Bubb, by the members px^sent to have ini- tained the members of their Evening to a capacity crowd. Shindler. Miss Belle Cohen offered Rosabelle Wigodsky, Earl Novich, monitor; Dr. Isaac Sternhill, assist- tials inscribed. The Clievra B'nai Bridge club Tuesday evening at their During the program the choir will Novel entertainment and excellent a dance, and a play, "Danny Bumps Harry Liberman and Rebecca Stillant monitor; Max Simon, guardian; Yisroel presented to Mr. and Mrs.home. sing a special song of welcome, the Simon Steinberg, Max Steinberg and Hochman a beautiful silver tray with food in addition to an outstanding orInto Chanukah," was presented by man. About sixty children of the Talmud words of which have been written by Sam Steinberg, trustees. The instal- cocktail shaker and silver cups. Miss Ida Edelman's class. Hymie Torah and Sunday School held a chestra will be the feature. Several Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. Refreshments lation of the newly elected officers Weinstein recited a Jewish poem, and Chanukah Party at the synagogue surprises are in store for guests at will be served by the Auxiliary, un- will take place on January 23. the affair. Joe Maron kindled the Chanukah The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal-Tuesday afternoon. The afternoon der the direction of Mrs. Dora Baron. lights with the blessing. Delegates for the next convention mud Torah society will hold a meet- was spent playing Chanukah games, Over 700 people are expected to at- to be held in Omaha in June are Dr. Mr. Jack London spoke on the ing next Wednesday afternoon, Jan- and singing songs, and were followed Wholesale Dismissal of tend the service and reception. Isaac Sternhill and Mr. Louis H. uary 4th, at the synagogue at 618 by refreshments. need of Jewish education, and Mrs. Aliens Katelman. Alternates chosen are Mynster street. Barney Baron, in behalf of the aux- Mr. A. M. Davis, president of the * New York — A total of 1,415 noi. Messrs Richard Gordon, Harry Cheriliary, presented each teacher with a Mount Sinai Congregation; Mrs. Louis Leo Meyerson left Saturday night citizens employed in the hospitals of niss, Ben Kubby and Samuel Bubb. five-dollar goldpiece. The stage was Agranoff, president of the Temple Word has been received here of the for St. Joseph, Mo., to visit his fiance, New York have been discharged decorated under the direction of Mr. Sisterhood, and Mrs. Louis S. Golddeath of Mrs. Molly Karlson of Los Miss Helen Wolinsky, and her par- under the ruling ordering the ouster COLLEGE SET HOME Aaron Tabai, and Mrs. Ben Sherman berg, president of the Temple BrothAngeles, California, last week, when ents until after New Year's. : of all alien salaried workers. A number of the College Set areshe was struck by an automobile. She distributed bags of candy, donated erhood, will speak from the pulpit of Leon Dobrofsky was elected presspending their midwinter vacation at by Mr. Sam Davidson. was 37 years old, and will be rememMount Sinai Temple tonight at the dent of the local B'nai Brith lodge At Mount Sinai Temple, the Cha- regular service in behalf of their or- at the meeting held last week. He home visiting their parents, and will bered here as the former Miss Molly nukah celebration was held Tuesday ganizations. Rabbi Theodore N. Lew- succeeds Mr. Morey Lipshutz. Other be returning to their various colleges Saltzman, daughter of the late Mr. after the New Year next week. and Mrs. M. Saltzman of Council evening. A" debate by members of is will introduce the speakers. officers elected were Milton Bolstein, "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for? Funerals" Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld is spending Bluffs. the third grade was given first. The Following the service, "the congre- vice president; Morris E. Skalovsky, the two weeks here and will return Funerals To Fit Any Purse subject was, "Resolved, That Moses gation and • members of the Sister- treasurer; Frank Margolin, recording She is survived by one son, Edward, next week to St. Charles, Mo., where 8 years old, of Los Angeles; a sister, Should Have Taken a Direct Route hood and '•'•_ Brotlierhood "will ' have an secretary; Lester Davidson, correPhone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third Mrs. Bess Schoenwald of Los Anto the Promised Land." Participat- informal reception in the annex of sponding secretary; Morey Lipshutz, IJSGAI, NOTICE ing were Hubert Friedman, Sammy the temple. Refreshments will be monitor; Sam Reznick, guardian; Lou Notice is hereby given that on January 7, 1833, »t 10 n. m., at 2514 Learenworth Heeger, Seymour Robinson, Bernard served. Chesen, warden; Robert Sacks, J. Street, the undersigned will sell to the "Weiner and Harold Grueskin. The bidder for cash:. Kalin .and Mike Skalovsky, trustees, highest 1 9x12 Wilton rag 1 moh o s davenport confirmation class debated on the SOCIETY NEWS and Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and 1 xval magazine rack 1 ival smoke cabinet present immigration laws, with Leah The Ivre and Question club will Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, honorary 1 °cral end table 2 Trrouglit iron bridge lamps 1 red Tel o s arm chair 1 wal writEose Newman, Milton Galinsky, Sid- hold a joint party New Year's eve trustees. Ing desk 1 iron smoker 1 wal dining table ney Kalin and Miriam Barish par- in the main ballroom of the Martin 1 wal buffet <S wal rel s diners 1 wal cnbt Mr. Sam Beber, president of the Majestic 8 tube elec radio l dr Iron dayticipating. A play, "The Pocket hotel. Don Bigelow and his, orchesbed & pad 1 Oil) Ax rug 1 wal bed spgs & Sixth district of the grand lodge, matt Knife," was presented with the fol-tra will furnish the music for danc1 wal vanity dresser & bench 1 wal will be the speaker at the B'nai Brith Hewing rocker 1 wal chiffonier 1 Reliable lowing cast: Sidney Kalin, Margaret ing, which will begin at ,10:30. An 4b gas store 1 red lac kit table 1 Maytag Kozberg, Henry Greenberg, Bobby elaborate - floor "show? has been ar- meeting next Tuesday evening. A t elec washer 2 red lac kit chairs 1 Simplex that time the newly elected officers elec ironer 1 cedar chest 1 dr iron bed Cohen, Robert Lazere, Bert Bergen, ranged for the; evening. Jack Lipspgs & mutt 1 oak dresser & niirror 1 will be installed arid the Sam Beber green en bed spgs &, matt 1 green en Sidney Goldberg and Wallace Rosen- man, Leon Dobrofsky, Lester Heeger 1 green en vanity dresser 1 thai. Refreshments were distributed and Rueben Miller are in charge of lass of forty candidates !will be ini-chiffonier green en table 1 wal Bering rocker 1 mah tiated. ..An Omaha ^delegation is also : end t.tble 1 mah bed-spgs & matt. 1- mah. following the program. t h e - p l a n s . ;• ; • • ' • - • : ^ . •- • - • - ~ - y . - y - :•
Organization News
CouncilBluffs News
Ladies Labor Lyceum
Electric refg No. 89724* 1 1931 Chevrolet ollow the "meeting'and initiation. Sedan Motor No. 2591318 Reg. No. 1-03103 Mrs. Ellis Bottigheimer, entertained and all dishes, linens, silverware, bedding 25 guests at a luncheon last week, and kit utensils, covered by Chnttel Mortgage executed by as a courtesy to the latter's motherWalter J. Berlo and Marie E. Berlo on in-law, Mrs. S. G. Bot^igheimer; of April 5, 1D32, to P. E. Tyson, doing business as the OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, Over 200 attended the annual Fa- Peoria, 111. Miss Eva Horwitz, [& and having been filed for record in the ther and Son banquet, given by the iride of this month, and the Misses office of the County Clerk of Douglas Mrs. Barney Baron was re-elected County, Nebraska. Mount Sinai Temple Monday evening. Charlotte and Doris Rosenstock, who Said sale will be for the purpose of foreThe fathers were represented by Mr. are home for their vacation, were president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of dosing said Mortgage and to satisfy the amount doe thereon: to-wit: Four Hundred Shaare Zion Synagogue a t the meetJ. H. Greenberg and Mr. J. Arkin guests. Thirty-Six and 81-100 Dollars (S43CL81) and ing, held; recently. Mrs. D. Mazor of Alcron, Iowa. Burnell Koolish and aecrnijyr costs. Mr. Bottigheimer, accompanied his F. E. T5TSON.DOING BUSINESS AS Joseph Rosenblum spoke in behalf of mother here, and will remain over and Mrs. Eli Robinow were elected OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. : vice presidents; Mrs. Dave Ginsberg, 12-16-32-3t. the sons. Dr. O. M. Bond, district this week. treasurer; Mrs. Eli Seff, financial superintendent of the Methodist BE3 E. KAZLOWSKT, Attorney. churches, was the principal speaker Among the many social events hon- secretary, and Mrs. H. Sherman, cor424 Insurance Bldg., City. of the evening. He was introduced oring Miss Eva Horwitz, who is a responding secretary. Members of the board elected for In the County Court of Douglas County, by L. S. Goldberg, who presided. guest at the home of her brother, : , Rabbi Lewis offered the invocation. Harry Horwitz, was a bridge party two years are Mesdames Sam Baron, • Nebraska. In..the Matter of the Estate ;of H t w i HerMrs. William Lazere was in Sunday evening, when Mrs. Abe Pill Robert Sacks, S. Greenstone, Joe wirta, Deceased. ••'.:. ; To the heirs-at-Iaw, creditors, and all charge of the dinner, with Mrs. M. and Mrs. Sam Greenstone entertained. Levin, R. Sinikin, M. Silverberg, Sam other persons interested in said estate: N. London assisting as chairman of Miss Horwitz was the inspiration for Weiner, Meyer Daskovsky, Max La- You are hereby notified that a petition been filed in this court on the 20th day the dining room and Mrs. Sam Mo- a bridge party last week, when Mr. sensky; R. Levich, A. Silverberg, Sam has of December, 1932, by Kasper Horwich sow in charge of the menu. alleging that Moses Horwich died on the and Mrs. Harry Horwitz entertained, Mosow and Joe Kutcher. 21st day of September, 1926, intestate: that and was : the guest at the family dinat. the time of his death he was a resident of Douglas County, Nebraska.' and that ner Sunday in the home of Mr. andUsed to Injustices was possessed of the following deLondon. ^— The Palestine govern-, he Mrs. Mike Skalovsky. scribed real estate, to-wit: The Kadima club of Shaare Zion ment is guilty of a grave injustice t o Lot Pour (4) in Block Serenty-fonr (74). South Omaha, an addition to the City of Synagogue made initial plans at its After a visit with her son and the Jews, declared Barnett Janner in South Omaha, now Omaha, Douglas Coun'•meeting Wednesday for a series of the House of Commons today, owing ty. Nebraska. educational meetings, which will, be daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon to its failure to complete the Jewish Lot Fourteen (14) in Block One Hundred Twelve (112), South Omaha City, nn addiDavidson, Mrs. Ben Davidson has deOpen to the entire membership of the agricultural school for which funds tion to the City of South Omaha, now parted for Fargo, N. D., to visit with Douglas County, Nebraska. congregation. were available eight years ago Omaha. That said petitioner has an interest in At the meeting Professor H. B. her daughter, Mrs. Sam Stenis. in the will of the late Sir E.Kadoorie said real estate being an heir of said desaid petitioner prays that a hearHawthorne of Morningside college of Shanghai, while an Arab agricul- ceased, be had on said petition, that notice epofej on "The Socialization of Sur Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz were the tural school was established some ing thereof be given ns reqnird by law, and plus Wealth." Rabbi Rabinowitz recipients of a surprise party Sun- time ago under the terms of the same that upon said hearing a decree of heirship be entered and further administration spoke on Chanukah, and Miss Beulah day evening in honor of their twenty- bequest. of said estate be dispensed with. Kay offered a violin solo, accom fifth wedding anniversary. Those retherefore notified that a hearSir Philip Cunliffe-Iister, Minister Youwillarebe hnd on said petition at the panied at the piano by Miss Serreta sponsible for the party and gifts were of State for the Colonies, explained ing County Court Boom of said County on the 17th day of January, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. Krigsten. Mr. and Mrs. M. Beechen, Mr. andthat the delay is due to the difficul- M., and that if you fail to appear nt said Mrs. Max Bergen, Mr. and Mrs. H ties experienced in finding a suitable time and place and contest the said petition, the Court may grunt the same, enter Fineberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kanofsky site for the school and an adequate a decree of heirship, and decree that furMr. and Mrs. William Kantor, Mr. water supply. The school is partially ther administration of said estate be disEach member of the Temple Sis- and Mrs. Max Lasensky, Mr. and pensed with. ". completed and will open in. September BRYCB CRAWFORD, terhood will bring ' a guest to the Mrs. M. Levich, Mr. and Mrs. M.of 1933, the Colonial Secretary stated. 12-23-3t • •:. County Judge. meeting of the organization next Fri- Satin and Mr. and Mrs. A. Slutsky. day noon in the Temple. The meeting will be preceded by a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Gertrude Eaton, well Dave Kaplan and Sol Kronick, stuknown Sioux City educator, will spea dents at the University of Iowa, are . at- the meeting. guests of their parents over the winWorWttyhstftatar • Mrs. Louis Agranoff will preside, ter vacation. They were accompanied 46Storit$Hltk Mrs. Louis Goldberg is in charge oi to the city by two fraternity broth2 5^00 the' program, with Mrs. A. J. Ga- ers, Morey Kooper and Norman RoROOMS linsky and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg i senberg, who spent a few days here. charge of the luncheon. They will leave this week for Omaha to join their fraternity brothers.
"200 at Father and Son Dinner
Re-Elected President of Ladies Auxiliary
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Sisterhood Meeting
Maccabees fludolph Shindler was elected pres ident of the . Maccabee club at thi annual election held last Sunday Henry'-Ginsberg was elected vic< president; Perry. Osnowitz, secretarj and treasurer, and Sam Janowitz sergeant at arms.
Mr. and Mrs. George Israel hay departed for their home, after a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fribourg.
The business meeting of the De brah club Monday evening was fol lowed by a Chanukah program an exchange of Chanukah gifts.
Members of the Phi Gamma Sorority entertained at a party Saturdaj evening.
Rabbi David Aronsohn. of Minneap olis will speak before ' t h e . Junioi Congregation of Shaare Zion tomor j-ow morning. His subject will b< on the celebration of Chanukah,
Miss Frances Raskin was hostess to the P. K. B . ; club "this week. After a business meeting, bridge and refreshments occupied the eveniri hours.
The Y. A. J. club held a Chanuka party in the Center Monday evening.
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