- : In the1 Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Unlt-ivu, nb (jccomt-C'is." Mall Mndet on Jlmunry 27.' Uf£l. nl P l l lit Omalin. Nebraska, under Hie Ait. ot Urirch 8. 1870
Vol. X—No. 49
M, M, Barish Re-elected Talmud Torah President
Community de Federation Meeting Be Held on Tribute to Harry to February 7 H. Lapidus At Community Center Tribute to the memory of Harry H. Lapidus will be paid at a community - wide Yahrzeit meeting to be held at the Jewish Community. Center on Tuesday evening, January 10. This will be the date of the first anniversary, of. his death according to the Hebraic calendar.
The second annual meeting of the Jewish Community Canter and Welfare federation will be held at the Center on Tuesday evening, February 7, according ;• to announcement made by William-L. Holzman, president. In addition to the business of the annual meeting, the election of officers and reports by the president and executive director, a guest speaker is being invited to address the meeting on "The Jewish Social Worker at the Present Time." The name of the speaker will be announced in the near future.
MA'ARIV SERVICES Under direction of Cantor L. Karz, 7 p. m.
M. M. Barish was re-elected president of the Talmud Torah at a meeting of the recently-elected executive.' Other officers re-elected are N. S. Yaffe, vice-president; M. D. Brodkey, treasurer; Mrs. L. Neveleff, secretary. A. Katz, principal of the Talmud Torah, was elected to fill the newly-created office of executive secretary. -: The various committees will be appointed shortly by Barish.
CONCERT IS NEXT FORUM FEATURE THIS WEDNESDAY Jewish Folk Songs to Be Sung By Florence Bernstein of Chicago The popularity gained by the Jewish Forum series of the J. C. C will be given additional impetus, according to indications, by the con-
The memorial for the beloved civic, communal and philanthropic leader •will be in the nature of a Yahrzeit MEMORIAL^ROGRAM 'in conformance with Jewish law and tradition. 8 P. Ma'ariv services will start at 7 .p. -Rabbi David A. Goldstein m., under the direction of Cantor Invocation Leon Kaiz. V .DriiA. Greenberg, Chairman Report of Memorial Committee. The memorial program will begin at 8 p. m. The invocation will be Fees for Passports, However, ___J iHarry Du Boff "Yahrzeit," a vocal selection — given by Rabbi David A. Goldstein Are Set at a Prohibitive and the benediction by Rabbi Fred^L-- -. Henry Monsky Eulogy Figure erick Cohn. -a*: ^Cantor A. Schwaczkin Henry Monsky will deliver the Noted German Professor , Re"El Maleh Rachamim". Moscow, (J. T. A.) — The Torgeulogy. A report of the Harry Lapfutes Value of Pure JEtabbi Frederick Cohn sin, the Soviet Trading Organization, Benediction idus Memorial Committee will be Strains which sells goods to residents in the given by Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman. Sam Beber presiding Soviet countries, citizens and foreign. of the committee. ers, for foreign value only, announ•'El Maleh Rachamim" will be New York, (J. T. A.) — The Nazi ces that it is undertaking all formchanted by Cantor Abraham Schwacz- theory of race purity and race superalities for obtaining passports and kin. A vocal rendition in Yiddish, iority which forms one of the chief visas for Soviet citizens who wish to •'Yahrzeit," will be given by Harry weapons of their campaign against emigrate permanently from the SovDu Boff. the Jews of Germany is"-struck a iet Union. A foreign passport wil blow by Dr. Ernst Kretschmer, Sam Beber will preside. cost for workers 550 roubles, and psychiatrist, famous professor of the Permanent Memorials for non-workers 1,100 roubles in gold Miss Florence Bernstein University of Marburg. Permanent memorials to conseor foreign value. cert of Jewish folk music to be Dr. Kretschmer, who attained a crate the name of Harry Lapidus This announcement published by given by Miss Florence Bernstein, '.will'take the form of a bust and a world wide reputation with his book, the Torgsin in all the Soviet papers Chicago soprano, at the Center audi"Body Structure and Character," community trusty fund. has given hope to thousands of torium on Wednesday evening, Janrepudiates the theory of racial The bust is being made by Prof. Soviet citizens who have long wanted uary 11, starting at 8 p. m. She Enrico Glicenstein, world-famed sculp- superiority of the pure strain in an to go abroad to join their children will be assisted at the piano by Mrs. Pasadena (J. T. A.).—Dr. Albert interview which appears in the Gertor. When finished the bust will be or other relatives, but have been un- Henry Monsky. Einstein is scheduled to arrive today Mrs. Rachel Kaflznelson Rubashov placed in the Jewish Community Cen- man publication, "Die Woche." Omaha's outstanding Jewish citi- able to do so because no foreign The program: in Pasadena to continue his research of -Palestine, outstanding Jewish There is no foundation for the alleter. ' The Center was chosen as the at the California Institute of Tech- woman leader, will be a guest in zen for 1932 will be named in the passports were issued, I. appropriate place 'for the bust be- gation the more pure the race, the nology. On his arrival a piece of Omaha, January 7, 8 and 9V Jewish Press next Friday, it was an- v The number of potential emigrants The Prophecy of Isaiah (chap. 2), cause Harry Lapidus, one of its more genius, Dr. Kretschmer asserts. good news to be received by him is nounced today by Phi Beta Epsileri. is particularly large anvmg the JewMrs. Rubashov, Hebrew authoress Dr. Kretschmer writes an article iw9ky,-: ^ > founders, was the first president of Creighton Jewish, fraternity, which'^ ish population, who, more than any that an experiment carried on at the and critic, is the editor and compiler II. (Chassidic Songs) the institution and served as its head in the G e r m a n periodical "Die institute has verified part -of bis rel- of the heralded Plough -Woman," Other-3iatkmality is the Soviet URKHI, v Woche," which has just reached this for three years. (a), Of Bruder "Zog, arr. by ativity theory to within one point. An important personality in the His- According to present plans, the have relatives living in other counGlicenstein was commissioned to country, entitled "Know Thyself," in eon. (b), A Ganevoh, arr. by SehiChtries, above all in America. tadruth, she arrived in this country committee which is to select the re- ; his theory Dr. Einstein predictmake the bust because of the un- which he discusses race, race super- edInthat Cohen. (c), Der Rebbe BUmeich a few weeks ago to make a tour of There is doubt, however, among cipient of the honor will meet early a high speed electron would usual proficiency of his work. He iority, and mixed races. The Scherl- reveal a 14 per cent curvature, in American cities on behalf of the His- next week. The group is comprised people with a realistic view of things, (MS. arr. for Miss Bernstein), Lshas won sculptural honors in all verlag publishes the periodical and is reporting on the problem presented tadruth. of Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the whether the concession will amount vine, (d), Az ich volt govehen Der close connection'with theNational parts of the world. He was awarded in She sacrificed a college career and Jewish Women Welfare federation; to much in practice, because only Boireh Ho-oylom, arr. by Binder. by the changing of mass velocity. It two "prix de Rome" and has been Socialist Party. III. a life of luxury when she left her Rabbis David Goldstein and Fred- those people who have wealthy reis. disclosed that Dr. Carl A. An"The ' opinion," Dr. Kretschmer acclaimed as Italy's greatest living latives abroad able and willing to (a), Yisroel Am Kadeshim (call to home in Russia twenty-five years erick Cohn of the Conservative synderson, the young physicist who resculptor. His sculptural works are writes, "that types of structure cor- cently agogue and Temple Israel, respec- pay the-exceptionally high sums de- prayer), Gideon. (b), Schir-Haschsucceeded in photographing the respond to types of races are con-'to be found in the galleries and mutively; David Blacker, publisher of manded for a passport will be able irim (collected from the Georgeafc of atomic nuclei by cosmic seums of London, Paris, Rome, Mu- clusively disproyen by the. compre-^ blasting the Jewish Press; Jacob S. Pearl- to take advantage of the opportunity Jews), Saminsky. (c), Rachelina (old rays, has reported that one of his hensive thorough investigations o: •V > nich, Warsaw, Moscow, Frankfort and Henkel, Weidenfauch and others. On photographs shows a 13 per cent Spanish-Hebrew), Saminsky. (d)» stien, director of the Jewish Com- of emigrating. inany other art centers. --.•'• The anxiety of Jews in the Soviet Yah-Lell (Palestinian song), RotheRmunity Center; Julius Bisno, -presicurve made by an electronic particle the other hand it" is highly likely ' The Jewish organizations of Oma- that .the various structural factors which traveled with a velocity about dent of Phi Beta Epsilon, and Na- countries to emigrate was graphical- berg. ha will pay for the bust. than Gilinsky, president of the Phi ly illustrated in the spring of 1928, occur; in different races and tribes in equal to light. IV. when a rumor went about the counCommunity Trust Fund Beta Epsilon Alumni association. varying proportions, a fact by which (a), Dem Balagola's lied, arr. by try that a representative of a big A sub-committee of the Lapidus certain differences of temperament Presentation of the award to the American Jewish "philantrophic or- Brounoff. (b), Patch, Patch Kicho memorial committee—which consists in those different stocks may be exoutstanding citizen is to take place ganization had arrived at Proskurov, lach, arr. by Saminsky/ (c), Die of representatives from all of the plained. . . . at a banquet in February, at "which for the purpose of assisting a mil- Alte Kasche (Fragt die Velt), arfc. Jewish organizations in ; the ; city—is "Very few race theories," he astime members of the committee will lion Jews to emigrate to America at by Leverison. (d), A Mul is geven completing plans for "another perma- serts, "are free from political and a Maise, arr. by Brounoff. (e), a be guests of the donors of the award. the cost of American Jewry. nent memorial, a community trust romantic prejudices. We are today Chassene Lied, arr. by Brounoff. An embossed certificate will be preDelegations from many Jewish Press comments about Miss Bewrfundjito be used as a means of aid- still very far from having enough sented to the awardee, as well as a small towns poured into Proskurov, ing |and maintaining worthy char- material f or a comprehensive racial gold key, emblematic of the honor looking for the supposed American stein have been highly compliment* itable.' activities, in which Mr. Lapi- psychology. But already today, we Plans Being Made for District ary, and she is recognized by critics bestowed. representative. They were disappoint- as dus was so vitally interested. . ' might, say that the incendence of an accomplished artist. Convention Here This ied to find that there was no knowgenius and cultural achievements are : '-Very Active Synopses of the songs she will ledge in Proskurov of any such Summer The community suffered an irre- based on complex biological factors American • representative. Finally (Continued on Page Four.) trievable loss in the death, of Harry and are not at all the privilege of inquiries made in Moscow brought Lapidus a year ago. LocaHy, na- a certain face. The assertion! the Isadore Abramson was . re-elected the information that no such Ameritionally and internationally he was more pure the race, the more genius president of the local lodge of the can delegate had arrived and that noted for his efforts on behalf of his and productivity, is false. It is true, B'nai Brith at the election held last Mrs. Rachel Katznelson Rubashov Soviet Government had never "Double Feature" The fourth annual Congregational the. fellajTmen. His magnetic personality fortuitous mixture, of races is not Thursday at the Jewish Community ago to work in Palestine toward the agreed to the emigration of a mil1 Dance and Game and tireless energy were always at favorable for cultural production; but Center. His administration will guide upbuilding of the Jewish National Dinner of the Conservative Syna- lion Jews from the country. it appears that certain good crossthe command of any worthwhile proj- ings of previously inbred stocks, the lodge's activities in preparation homeland. She aided in the manual gogue will be held at the Jewish A "double feature" basketball gsma Community Center, on Wednesday, ' ect. enhance the production of for the district B'nai Brith conven- labor of building up the land and January 8, at 6:30 p. m. • and dance will be given by the phy.<?In? recognition of his many social mightgenius. I have in mind the invasion tion to be held in Omaha this sum- became a world figure for her efical department of the Jewish ComThe annual dinner of the Synaactivities, the National Conference of of mer. forts among the Pioneer Women in gogue is considered by- the Conservathe .Germans into Italy in times of munity Center in the gym Sunday Jewish Social Workers in 1931 elect- migration of nations; it is very prob- The following were also re-elected: Palestine. evening, January 22. tive Synagogue as its most impored him to the vice' presidency. As able that also the high standard of Rabbi David A. Goldstein, vice presA mass meeting open to the public The feature cage tilt will be th« vice president of the National Jewish Babylonian Assyrian culture must be ident; Samuel H. Green, secretary; will be held at the Jewish Commun- tant event of the year, according to J. J. Greenberg, president. Definite work has been started for return game between Coach "MOTHospital for Consumptives at Denver, attributed to such repeated invasion," Harry Friedman, treasurer. ity Center on Sunday evening, JanA feature of the dinner will be city-wide Jewish communal sur- lie" Sogolow's Center varsity and the he was known far and wide for his Dr. Kretschmer asserts. Dr. A. A. Steinberg was elected uary 8, starting at 8 p. m. Mrs. the official dedication of the "Book the under the direction of the local Y. M..H. A. of Kansas City. Tbft unlimited activities for the hospital. warden; Dr. Maynard Greenberg, Rubashov will speak about the work of Remembrance", by David A. Gold- vey Council of Jewish Women. A com- girls' team will meet the sextet from At the time of his death he was a guardian; Dr. Leon E. Fellman, M of the women in the Holy Land. stein. The "Book of Remembrance" plete census will be included in the Kansas City in a preliminary. 'member of the National Council of D. Brodkey and Dr. S. Z. Stern, Rabbi David A. Goldstein will also will be a permanent record of im- data to be tabulated. The dance following- the gams* Americanization, a member of the trustees; Al Frank, Dr. O. S. Bel- deliver an address. portant . events in life, inscriptions Federation office at the Jew- will be in honor of t'ae J. C. C executive committee of the Jewish* zer, Louis Epstein, William J. BushRabbi and Mrs. Goldstein. met being made for births, engagements, ishThe Community Center is co-operat- teams and their visitors. The daw** social service commission; ' on .'the man, Herbert Goldsten and Carl Mrs. Rubashov last summer while marriages, anniversaries of all ing with. the Council so as to pre- is being sponsored by the athleti.*, board of the National Jewish Farm Lagman, members of the executive touring Palestine. kinds, Bar Mitzvahs, deaths, etc. sent complete information to the edu- council, under the chairmanship of school; committee chairman of the committee. Included on the program will be Mrs. L. Neveleff has been elected Dr. I. Danksy who recently gave cational groups sponsored by the Irvin C. Levin. Jewish theological seminaries at Chi- president of the women's auxiliary Delegates named for the conven- Jewish folk songs by Margaret Bell- some entertaining numbers in Jewish cago and New York; on the execu- of the Vaad H'Oehr, Union of Or- tion this summer were Sam Beber, man, accompanied by Margaret Hur- poems will again deliver several Jewish Philanthropies—the Talmud tive committee" of the United Pal- thodox Synagogues in Omaha. Oth- Dr. A. Greenberg, Milton E. Abra- witz. Miss Hurwitz will also give numbers, as •well as Cantor E. Sellz, Torah and the Jewish Community New York's Jewish estine Appeal, and on; the executive er officers are Mrs. N. Levinson, vice hams, Philip M. Klutznick, Dr. Phil- several piano selections. Mrs. J, who is noted for his excellent rendi- Center Sunday School. The Temple Israel Sunday School will also be committee of the National Jewish president; Mrs. H. Marcus, treasurer; ip Sher and Irvin Stalmaster. Children Score High Feldman will preside. tions of Jewish folk songs. given the information made available war campaign. On Saturday evening, January 7, Sam Beber is president of the dis! The newly elected officers of both by the survey. It is hoped that Mrs. Nathan Greenberg, correspondActive Locally ing secretary, and Mrs. William Mild- trict. Henry Monsky, as a member a public reception will be held at the the Synagogue and the Auxiliary with the information obtained eduAtlantic City (J. T. A.).—Jewish of the executive of the international J. C. C, under the auspices of the will be installed. : Besides helping found the Jewish e.r, recording secretary. . children of New York, as a national cational leaders will be able to have Community Center, and serving as its A meeting open to the public will order, is on the district general com- Pioneer Women, starting at 8 p. m. Jack W. Marer will act as chair- every Jewish child receiving a group, show the highest intelligence, first president, he served as presi- be held by the auxiliary at the B'nai mittee. Dr. A. Greenberg is also on Mrs. J. Richlin is in charge. All man for the evening. Reservations knowledge of things Jewish. according to a survey conducted h«; dent of the Jewish Welfare federa- Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and Chi- the district general committee and is Jewish organizations have been in- may be made with Mr. Marer. New York educators, Dr. J. B. MswVolunteer women workers will cantion; treasurer of the supreme ad- cago, this .Sunday afternoon, Janu- chairman of the committee arranging vited to participate. The dinner will be prepared and vass the Jewish homes for the data. ler of Columbia university informw." A one o'clock luncheon will be served by the members of the Auxvisory council of the A. Z. A.; on ary 8, at 2 p. m. Plans will be laid for the convention. the convention of the American Asthe executive committee of the B'nai for the banquet which will be tenA preliminary membership drive held Monday Reservations may be iliary under the direction of Mrs. B. sociation for the Advancement oi made at the Community Center, Brith, district No. 6; president • of dered to Rabbi' Uri Miller when he has added many names to the local Hadassah to Show A. Simon. Science. { the local B'nai Brith lodge; a di- comes to Omaha later this month to lodge's roster. A concentrated mem- where the luncheon will be held The superiority of the Jewisli "The Dreyfus Case" Mrs. David A. Goldstein will pre' rector of the Talmud Torah; active assume his post as spiritual leader bership campaign, will be held this group in New York was noted whik Clash in Colony in Zionist work," in the Chamber of of the Vaad. term, according to Abramson. Those side at the luncheon. Included on the New York intelligence quotient "The Dreyfus Case" will be shown Jerusalem. — Two Jews were serithe program will be Palestinian Commerce, the Ad-Sell, the Athletic - All women interested in joining the joining now will be initiated at the songs by the Pioneer Women, ac- ously injured and an Arab killed in at a local downtown theater on Jan- group as a whole showed a drop, tfe club, the Highland Country club, and Vaad.auxiliary are invited to attend. convention. i companied at the piano by Mrs. Gold- the Pardess Hana colony near Hedera uary 24 under the auspices of the Mailer reported. This was served a3 an officer in every large to the fact that the groups of stein, who brought back from the in a clash which ensued when Bedou- local chapter of Hadr.ssah. Jewish organization in the city. He All proceeds will go to the Ha- intelligence have larger families Holy Land a number of Palestinian ins with their cattle invaded a field • Great success is a great temptation. Style is what gives value and cur! groups of higher intelligence. •onga. • • ' • . ' • ' • ' • • dassah Medical Fund. ploughed by Jews. rency to ihought.—AmieL LParicer.- ' (Continued oh Page Two.)
Part of Relativity Theory Is Verified
'Outstanding Local Jewish Citizen" to Be Named Friday
By the Way
Published^Bvery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
S u b s c r i p t i o n P i $ e e , o n ey e a r - - - - - - - $2.50 Advef&feing r a t e s furnished o n a p p l i c a t i o n Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building - .'Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux (SSv Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER*'! - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKBJ&IAN • Editor PANN IE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent AKN PILL . -f 4 - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
Dr. Block of the New York u I&brary handed me &„ newsp&per clipping. * All about1 a swimming coach of Boston, who, according to the newspaper, had developed many aquatic stars and had himself once been a swimming champion. His name was given as Ben Levias. i"Does that name mean anything to you?" asked Dr. Block. "Can't-say that it does?" - ~ "Remember about that fight in the The charge is frequently made, with much justification, that Hebrew . Union. College over Zionism the great artists of jjewish ancestry are not recognized as creative years ago, which resulted in several geniuses of their people but instead as the artists of their adopted members of the faculty, •who were leaving?" countries. Thus, the great Jewish composers in this country are Zionists, "Yes," I answered. noted Americans, not Jews; the great Jewish writers of France "Well, Dr. Levias was one of are French, the greati Jewish scientists of Germany are Germans; those -who for Zion's sake gave up and so on. The natural answer to this view is that the creations his position. And this Ben Levias a nephew of Dr. Levias." of these men are not distinctively Jewish and that no Jewish art is "And what became of Dr. • Levias?" is being created. J, "He lives in Newark." No such_charge ican be levelled against the work of the noted "But now," I replied, "it's entirely to be a Zionist at the Hebrew Hebrew poet, Nachman Bialik. His works are in Hebrew and his safe Union College. They even have artistry is distinctively and specifically Jewish . . . a promise for Hebrew speaking clubs and such the future cultural significance of the revival of Hebrew in Pales- things. So the cause has tritine. Bialik, whose sixtieth anniversary is now being observed, is umphed." "The cause," he replied, shaking by no means the first great Hebrew poet since Biblical days. In his head, "has triumphed, but Dr. fact, Hebrew people have achieved fame in many periods of Jewish Levias lives in Newark." I went away sort of wondering history since the dispersion, such as Yehuda Halevy and Ben Gab- what Dr. Block meant.
"What's new?" he asked. "Don't know anything unless we see it in the Jewish papers," we answered. _ ,...,.,,..,.'... v "What's the use-of living in New York, if you don't know everything —like Walter Winchell?" asked X, who has a loathing for New York. "And what pray does Winchell know—I mean, besides who has. registered, at the various maternity hospitals?" « ii 4 ; "Well, how about the depression— how long will it last?" "Oh, is that all you wanted to know? We thought it was something big you wanted to know. We can answer ail questions on the depression and such-vtirifles. Our opinion is—that the depression "will"last three more years*^; "You know," said" X, "somebody I know in Boston,who knows, somebody who knows Justic Brandeis said that Brandeis" is of that opinion too. He says history will refer to this depression as" the depression of 1935."
SAYS BRITISH CONSOLS Whether the younger Lord Melchett is as good a prophet as his MAY ISSUE PALESTINE late, father remains to be seen. How good a prophet his father VISAS AT DISCRETION was is clearly shown by what has THE ELDER PROPHET
happened with respect to the tariff. When the United States in 1929 adopted the present Smoot-Hawley tariff, the elder Lord Melchett happened to be visiting the United States. "What do you think of the American tariff bill?" he was asked. "Wonderful," replied his Lordship. "In fact, we in England think so well of it, that we intend to imitate it ourselves." The fact is—that indeed, it has been imitated all over the world today—with alas, rather unfortunate: results.
Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—British consuls in Europe have b?cn granted wide powers to use their discretion io granting tourists visas for admission to Palestine, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency was informed by the Palestine High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope. The explanation of the High Commissioner was offered in view of the general perturbation which has followed the tightening of immigration
BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run
The discovery just published ij Prof. McCollum and Dr. Agnew that phosphorous and vitamin D arrest decay in teeth perhaps explains & phenomenon that reveals itself in Palestine and has offered much food for speculation. One of the facts noted by the Jewish physicians in Palestine is that the Arabs and the old time Jewish settlers in Palestine had comparatively few teeth defects. If vitamin D, whose equivalent is found in sunshine,*is a principal factor in preserving teeth, as these doctors now say, then the reason is plain. For Palestine's sunshine has Ions; been a matter of comment. The strength of the sunshine, by the way, explains the fact why Americans taking pictures in Palestine generally make such a poor job of it. The reason is, that the light is so bright that the exposure must be considerably shortened, or the picture will be blurred. Americans, not aware of this, follow the exposure period used in occidental countries, with the unhappy results that you have seen.
"But speaking about more cheerful things," said X, "watch Felix Frankfurter." "He will be a member of Roosevelt's cabinet. He and Roosevelt are just like that," said X, putting two fingers together. "What post will Frankfurter get?" I asked. "Attorney general is the best bet." "I don't think so," I replied. "Well, maybe he will become Solicitor General. The Solicitor GeniroJ, in Spain; Emanuel Haromi, in Italy; J. L. Gordon in Russia; eral you know, does the real law and N. H. Weisel in Germany. The works of these men have been A LITERARY BARTENDER work of the government. The Atwe shall soon have Memoirs torney General is merely the front.1" tested in the crucible of time and their value proven. In most of Well, Joel. "But what about Secretary of Lacases the permanent value of the work of a living poet cannot be Chances are, you don't know who bor. Remember, Frankfurter was evaluated, because of a lack of perspective, with any degree of Joel is? Which goes to show how once Assistant Secretary of that Dethe old tempus fugits. Forget Joel's partment." certitude;.. . . but Bialik is different. The critic can find today a —that rendezvous where Don, Marnumerous array of Hebrew poets—yet Bialik has already gained quis, Richard Harding Davis, David "Maybe." immortalityby his poetry. He is an exception to the usual rule— Graham Phillips and all the cele- LORD MELCHETT brated literarti of yesteryear used to I see by th« r papers that Lord he is unanimously recognized as standing alone, pre-eminent, far gather? The most celebrated bar of Melchett thinks that England should above any of his living contemporaries, equal, if not superior to the pre-prohibition era. go in for "a planned economy" and the greatest of the literary giants of the mighty past. The owner—Joe Rinaldo—a Jew more than that-trthe Jewish indus- ALEPH IS BAZE Hebrew literature has been the loser since Bialik's stream of of Spanish-Portuguese still lives in trialist thinks England will have to It happened the other day at the is said to be piecing have an Economic Chamber paral- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and we musical poetry thinned down considerably in the past dozen years. Brooklyn—and leling the House of Commons to di- are telling it to show how smart we together his Memoirs. Yet he is still exerting a remarkable influence on the Hebrew litJoel, by the way, won't need a rect the economic life of the Em- are. A distinguished member of the Yiderature being born in Palestine, where he has been successful as ghost to do his book—for this for- pire. Which,. of course,, smacks some- dish news department of the Agency ._ dish n dp gy mer bartender has already proven editor and publisher of classical and school literature in Hebrew. he can write. Years ago, he wrote thing of our Technocracy's advocacy! is a young poet with the cognomen of Around this mighty artist—Chaim Nachman Bialik—is centered books. One was an attempt to re- of government by engineers. Aleph Katz. (Katz by the way is inspiration for a great revival of Hebrew literature and culture, a fute the Darwinian theory in some It does seem probable whether known for his translation in Yiddish aspects—a task in some aspects, sim- Melchett's idea' is adopted or not, of Stevenson's Treasure Island.) fountain spring from which the whole world may draw. But to go back to our story. Katz's ilar as you may remember, to the that there will be some overhauling first name is Aleph. Well, it happenof ear present political machinery. effort of Samuel Butier. the Palestine Jewish Labor party. A Chamber representing the var- ed that this columnist pouiminy the Another of his books was an atZionist labor organizations through- tempt to psycholanalyze the re- ious industries and trades would cer- keys of his machine from one of the tainly be more representative than office, called over to Kate: out the world are urged to mobilize former. . . , - - . ' "Aleph!" our present political bodies. A man their whole strength for the coming SHIPPER Toting for his Congressman in New But Aleph didn't answer. THE contest. York today for instance, seldom has "Aleph," we shouted again — "du , Butfiimtore interesting than any of The conference demanded the re-, (Continued from Page One.) organization of the Zionist movement his books .:was Joel himself. Always the least acquaintance with the can- bist Base? (beth)." •was also prominent.in Temple and through the establishment in each immaculately dressed-^with a flower didates. He g^lerally doesn't even Now, isn't that dever? , , which •Lj.t.«*!si: j o n ^ j district (Copyright by J. T. A.) Synagogue activities. ,-w country of a single united Zionist Inhisvlapefc /^Always the soul of the know in J ' * ; '' ' '' > ; :M In national philanthropic work Lap- organization, embracing members i o£ teipst "ccHirt^y.-~"Treating every Ke is-—until nel^Hnes to the voting ' " idus was without an^ equal in this all Zionist factions, such as the Gen- writer who came to his bar as a booth. If the same man, voted with Sleep is the best cure for waking sector of the country,'Tjeing an asso- eral Zionists, Labor, Mizrachi,- etc, little demi-god. If broke, the drinks his own group of tradesmen, to se- troubles.—Cervantes. ciate of such men as *\Varburg, Straus believing this to be the best means •were on the house. lect a representative of his particuand Rosenwald. i of strengthening the forces of conBenjamin de Gasseres once re- lar trade to represent him in Con• For Clean Government structive Zionism. called an instance when Joel was not gress—the chances are that he would "Your Old Hat Made New Lapidus was a potent force for Among the resolutions on-coloniza- so courteous. I t was on Good Fri- be better represented. Save a Dollar or Two" clean government and civic virtue. tion and economic policy the most day^ and de Casseres, who counted We shall perhaps have to come to OMAHA HAT FACTORY He was a member of the Republic- important is one to create an inde- himself one of Joel's best friends, what has been called, I believe, oc113 North 16th Street an state central committee and the pendent labor colonization fund at found himself nevertheless thrown cupational representation. And Opposite Pojt Office Douglas county central! committee for the disposal of the Nir, the co-oper- out by Joel himself. when all of the occupations are repEli KAPLAN, Manager many years, besides being a member ative colonization instrument of the It was Good Friday, as I remark- resented, the result will be the EconPh«ne ATlantic <1550 AND WE WIL.I. CAIX of the Republican state executive Histadruth, which would act as ed, and the discussion, as the glasses omic Chamber, which Lord Melchett committee. Two months before his working class agency in matters of clinked, naturally resolved a bout proposes. death he had an audience with Pres- agricultural settlement, in co-opera- subjects theological. ident Hoover on the economic situa- tion with national or private insti-'Do you know why?" interrogated tion of the west. .de Casseres, as he put down antutions. other, "why Christ was betrayed at Very prominent, civically, he served the Last Supper?" on numerous important commissions "Simple," continued de Casseres. and committees. .; "He was betrayed at the Last SupBorn in Russia ' per because he didn't tip the waitBorn in Shavel, Russia, in 1882, ers." Lapidus came to Omaha with his Vienna, (J. T. A.)—A special Joel escorted de Casseres out. Joel parents at the age of .9. He worked Nazi department for combating Jewhis way up gradually until he be- ry and disseminating anti-Semitic explained to de Casseres that he came outstanding in -the civic, po- information has been established at didn't mind the fling at Christianity litical, fraternal, philanthropic, char- Nazi headquarters, the Nazi press —at any religion, in fact. But this was different—this was on Good itable and social life.of the city, state announces. _• Friday, and de Casseres should have and nation. • The official purpose: of the de- remembered that. He was the outstanding power in partment, according to the papers, is this part of the country in raising to conduct research on the Jewish MAYBE JUST A RUMOR funds for .various Jewish projects. question and to supply information X comes from Boston. We hadn't He personally gave ,help to thou- to the public. seen him in a year. He called on sands of unfortunate people who The department has inaugurated us the other day. sought his aid . . ."his benefactions its activities with a repetition of the •were untold in number. Never did decisions of the spurious Elders of he turn anyone away: who asked his Zion and the part allegedly played As the only Jewish barber down assistance. by Achad Ha'am. town, I cordially invite your patronage . . . with 4 expert barbers constantly at your service, '•.
ALL LUMPED—FORKED High in Heat Very Little Ash
PALESTINE LABOR From the Talmud OUT TO "CAPTURE" be thou the tail among lions the head among; foxes. ZIONIST CONGRESS thanRather Determined to Make Labor the Decisive Force at Next World Congress
Into the well from which you drinkest do not cast a stone.
People talk about the weather, bu' Jerusalem (J. T. A:).—Determinafew do anything about it. fion to make Labor the decisive force at the next Zionist congress in an effort to "capture" the congress, and the preparedness of the Zionist Labor movement to assume responsibility for the Zionist; leadership was expressed at a special conference of
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Nazi Department to Combat Jews
requirements for tourists desiring- to enter Palestine from abroad. On July 31st, the Palestine government published an immigration ordinance under which no person is permitted to enter Palestine without pel-mission from the immigration department at the place of; entrance. On October 11th, this was supplemented with the issuance of instructions to all British consulates in Europe to require of tourists seeking visas evidence that they, leave businesses or properties and that they have return tickets. The strictures were introduced as a guarantee that those entering Palestine as tourists would not remain permanently in the country.
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life^ it 11 WMM& •c^^r^v^.-J5"-'*.',^*:."-;^-?, :^.-4 « • ; . - - . ;
Death Bereaved Us. His SHaH Enhearten cmd Inspire Us.
OSHER ommerits
^Fascist to Bo?
London — According, to a report from .Leeds, the cjty in Yorkshire which contains one of the- largest Jewish communities in the country, Ahoy There, 1933! the "local Fascists who run a club Happy ^ew Year! And so. an- known as "The Yorkshire. Fascist other year has passed 'into, oblivion Table Tennis Club," have decreed that . ;" . likewise a few. who chose to blaze forth with a bit of hilarity by the game is not to be played with imbibing' ps'eudd brands of "giggle Jews. In this connection, the London yfaiev." . . . Here's a round' of ap- "Jewish Chronicle" publishes the folplause for those who contributed lowing amusing comment: their moral and -financial-support to The worst has befallen! The Fasall worthy; institutions; .1 and a tear cists have nerved themselves for one of sadness, that;'occurred to those great resounding, crushing effort a•who suffered misfortune . . . as the. gainst the despised Jews. To show that, Baying should be:" "There's a sprinkle now, at long last, they really and truly of cheer for every tear." . . . , mean business, they have solemnly resolved that—they shan't play pingAm I Personal? pong with us! The thunderbolt fell A future arrival scheduled at the in Leeds. The Yorkshire Fascist Table home. ;of a fontoei. newspaper girl girl Tennis Club forged it. One of its most v< and a knigrhti of; tnet roa'd'%i V . also:o cherished principles was that never a little" '5cheruh">is! expected by .the would it wield a racket in company M. Ges^who^. are | former Iowa residents* . - j ^ ' That "heavy date" New with a Jew. It could never rise to the Year's"-eve (the girl -is slender) in full majesty of the game, or do justice1 *thH;£pi&pitaj''$df';Li Liy one -of our to its own mighty prowess in such ^priiniisirigf young <" attorneys, was an harassing circumstances. So when it importation from Mason City, Ioway discovered that the Leeds Table Tennis I V.~."and* that gorgeous little blond League, of which 'it was a member, trith the "Wampas baby" like ap- had so outraged its most sacred feelpearance was Gertrude Livingston of ings as to arrange a fixture for it with Tulsa, Okla. . . .'.;• a guest of Mr. the local Judeans," it downed "rackand Mrs. Michael Katleman . . . . what a mad dash for her company. .'..;• ~'Al B. was the -favored one just prior to her departure. . • ' , Helen-A.; (Bubbles to you) bubbling over because of that wrist watch ; presented to her by her "boy friend" . . . it's J. M. and it may be a "shidach." . . . And Marvin T., tha meek little "play fellow," is burning the midnight oil with but a single thought in mind . .< . the "thought" Heads Revisionists is J. S. from the "Mile High" city New York.—Elias Ginsburg was in Colo. . w . . Girls and boys, are elected chairman of the Zionist Reyou reading ? visionist Organization of America at a recent meeting of the party counTwo Bucks, Please! cil. Pardon my digressing for a moment . ;> . to call your attention to Coty Reverses Stand Paris.—Francois Coty, perfume the fact-that the Press brings to you the latest events of' Jewish interest manufacturer and newspaper pub. ;. . and an entertaining and infor- lisher, notorious for his anti-Semitic mative, column of humor, news and incitement, completely denies his antigossip (this column excluded) . . . Semitic stand in an interview which and that your communal activities he granted a Strasbourg paper. need the stimulus of a ^Jewish pub-r One Jew in Belgium lication. '.'".. . "Noo a Kloll" (as Parliament Mrs' H. A. W. would say) thereBrussels.—The new Belgium parliafore you a r e ' being reminded to rement has a single Jewish representa* mit two dollars for the renewal of : your, subscription. '...,. Thank U! . . . tive, Mark Sommerhausen. Urges Jewish Unemployment ; •.-,-.'" ••,Sam the Slicker Be Settled on Land in iFrance 1 A New York, newspaper is author•Paris.-^An 'appeal for the settle-; ity for the information that a tiny mept pn'Isoid of t unemployed' • Jew-l organ in the Ofmond Beach home of ish immigrants in France!was madd John: D. Rockefeller, Sr., plays "Tiil by_ the Chief .Rabbi of Ifleti :•: We Meei^Again''*;asf a^delicate 'fiintf ''TRe'Chfef^abDi'proiiosed the ere* to his guests to go home . . . so ation of a special fund to assist the now;; we have discovered Sam Jo- Jews to settle on the land in'Francel sephson's "gag" of playing the "good He urged that this ? activity '• can be night" number when he begins to undertaken withoutT prejudicing in tire cf- his guest?. . . . . Municipal any way- Palestine endeavors. ' *' Judge Palmer's; thfeme song to auto speeds should be, "Brother, can you Aden Ileinforceme*rits i spare a fine ?•" . . . • London-—One-third of the police force of-Aden,-which- in-recent months Salient Stati4ics has been the scene of anti-Semitic Eight non-Jews are included among rioting, will in the future be recruited the 208 persons named by tha Amer- from India, the British government ican Hebrew and Jewish Tribune for informed the Joint Foreign Commitnotable achievement in their profes- tee. sions and for outstanding contribuThis change in the composition of tions to government,,religion, educa- the police force is in reply to theconvtion,^ etc., during the year 1932 from plaints that the present force, 200 in the Jewish standpoint . . . the north all, consisting of Moslems, failed to and central west states are repre- offer protection to the Jewish populasented only by Mrs. Arthur Brin of tion during the riots. Minneapolis, distinguished in welfare The Indian recruits are to consist of work. . . . Twenty-eight million dol- Sikhs and the government hopes in lats in bequests and beneficiaries were this fashion to prevent future excontributed by Jews of America dur- cesses against the Jews. ing the current year. . . . We have Favorable Change in as? yet "Genoog Gelt." . . .
By M Ab"Kaiman
• % • • " •
ets" and resigned! Here, then* is the anti-Semitic cult revealed in all the nakedness of its miserable, puny, witless /and humorous self. "If 'Judea' won't 'perish' then, a t any rate, it shan't ping-pong -with us"! Hitlerism has struck one grand blow against the dominance a t the accursed Jew, Pingpong, shall be Juden-rein, and the world fee* saved. Sir Oswald Mosley must fieel a proud man this day, and Hitler has some consolation for his nasty set-back in Germany. He: may not be Chancellor, but at least he can boast that no. Leeds Fascist crosses rackets with a Jew! For our part, we do not take the childish tomfoolery of these Fascists seriously. Having exposed the- footling i antics of their movement.. so; effectively, we even think "they have-deserved well of us. Besides, if they have de-Judaised table tennis, we Jews have, at any rate, the compensation of a real tennis champion in- our, German co-xeligionist, Pram. So we can dismiss these gallant sportsmen and red revolutionaries with the good humored admonition: "Well done, ye-^jood and faithful Jewbaiters. Now ran away and play ping pong, air by yourselves! . . . And, by the way, whatever you do, be careful not to enter for the premier Table Tennis trophy—the Bwaythling Cup! Fox not only was this trophy presented by a Jew, but i t has actually been won by. a 100 per cent Jewish Hungarian team, including.even the officials!" Oh dear, dear, -what is a poor, simpleminded Fascist to do!
License Fees
Warsaw.—An important change in the regulation for" trading licenses for 1933 -which will favorably affect the Jews has been announced by the Minister of- Finance. Special facilities to enable merchants affected by the crisis-to obtain licenses at cheaper rates were ordered by the Finance Minister. At the same time hei ordered street vendors to be relieved entirely of the necessity of obtaining licenses in special cases.
Produce, or Else.... • Moscow.—Two of the most import ant leaders of the Ealinindorf Jewish Region were threatened with expulsion from., the Communist Party un-. less they secure the full government share of-the crop from the region. The reprimanded Jews are Abram, secretary of the Kalinindorf Communist Party, and Rabotchev, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Party. • - .
A Deserving Tribute Here is an extremely important Another School Bans date for you to keep in mind , . . "Merchant of Venice" West Point, N. J.—Following the Tuesday eve., Jan. 10, the community-wide memorial meeting in mem- recent action of" Peterson and Balti- ory of our beloved Harry Lapidus . . . a tribute that the entire community should pay to the memory of our departed leader. . . . Starting tonight, Paul Spor's Club Araby will put on two floor shows nightly, at 10:30 and 12:30. "The Broadway Rockets," imported from Chicago, are being featured this week. If Omaha supports the floor show Warsaw (J. T. A.).—The Jewish idea, the Club Araby plans to bring problem in Poland is a state prob- other similar features here. There lem and cannot-be solved without will be no increase in prices. the assistance o£ the state, was the conviction expressed here by Lord the excesses would not damage the Melchett at a. press conference. reputation of Poland abroad, for the Lflrd Melchett referred: to 'the re- oppression of a minority has never cent anti-Semitic disturbances in Ro- added to-the honor of a civilized naland. He expressed the hope that tion, Lord Melchett said.
Floor Show
Polish Problem Up to State, Says Melchett
Vaad Celebrates First Anniversary
Bringing to a close the first year of its organixation, the Vaad H'Oehr, representing the United Orthodox Synagogues of Omaha, celebrated its first anniversary with a joint Chanukah concert before an audience of over 1,000 people at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue on Sunday evening, January 1. Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin, withhis choir, delighted the audience with several Hebrew songs, -and Cantor Leon Karz -rendered a number of vocal selections -featuring Jewish folk songs. The Dolgoff sisters rendered a piano and violin duet. Reviewing the work of the Vaad, L Goldstein stressed the acquisition of a modern orthodox Rabbi as the outstanding achievement. Morgen•stern, in a «tirring address, related tite obstacles overcome in the establishment of the Vaad. Mrs. L. Neveleff, addressing herself to the women present to support the women's auxiliary of the united synagogueSj was able to enroll more than 100 women members. The continued support of the Vaad was urged by Ben E. Kazlewsky as the means for •preserving the traditional and historical consciousness of the Jewish race. A congratulatory message received from Rabbi Uri Miller of Terre Haute, Ind., received a large ovation. Rabbi Miller is the new Rabbi who conies to Omaha to assume his dutiss on behalf of the United OrA regular meeting of the Bikur thodox Synagogues. Nathan S. YafCholim Society -will be held at the fe was chairman of the evening's Jewish Community Center on Mon- program. day afternoon at 2 o'clock. A board meeting will be held at 1 p. m. All members of the executive committee are urged to be present, as matters of great importance The Hadassah cultural group will will be taken up. meet at lunch on Monday, January Mr. I. • Morgenstern will address 16, at the home of Mrs. Morris Marthe meeting, which is open to the golin, 119 South 50th street. The public. Rev. Laurence Plank will speak on "Jewish Contributions to Ethics."
Benefactions and Bouquets A challenge to "Jew-Haters" . . . the contents of the will of Adele T. Sehiff . . . who died; not long after the -demise of her distinguished husband, Mortimer L.. Sehiff. . . . Mrs. Sehiff left more than $100,000 to different charities without creed or color .. . . quite frequently do we hear of generous bequests by Jews to Christian institutions . . . indeed, a more common occurrence than can be said of Christians in relation to Jews. . :. . Correct me if I am wrong. . . » A boost for Isadore Abramson . ...'. .re-elected president of Omaha lodge B'nai Brith . . . a conscientious and; energetic B'nai Brith worker. . . i The perpetual treasurer of the lodge, Harry Friedman, received quite an ovation at the last meeting . . . an octogenarian, this kind old gentleman is still "fit as a fiddle." . . .
have no bad m^ris 1 against its record. •;.;-.... _f Shortly after January 15 the new schedule will, be drawn up, a few teams reorganized and play will go on again. Be ready to. give me' your name if you want to play on a team that is not already organized. Watch the bulletin board.: Doubles; Handball Tournament Keen rivalry is- being witnessed in the quarter jfinal matches in the preseason handball doubles tournament. Our players are going at it hot and heavy and some great playing is being- witnessed. The following matches remain: Bon-Grossman vs. Finkel-Grossman; Sigal-Cutler vs. B. Rosen-Goldberg; Falk-Graetz y ^ Horwieh-Hei?man. Mjdget Basketball The Junior >"boys and'<the Talmud Torah squad spent a profitable hour and a quarter last Friday. Practice was given in team shooting, short shots, dribbling, passing, pivoting, team play of fives and scrimmage. The entire squad was divided into teams and they scrimmaged for 20 minutes; Remember—Friday at 4 p.m. Be these! Girls' Basketball With the start of the new year, regular team managers and a return to regular practice once more, the promised colorful season for the girls' basketball team is beginning to materialize.
more, Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" will be banned from the curricolumn of the local high school English, department, at the conclusion of current term. This action is being taken as a result of the protest instituted by Rabbi Emanuel Lifshitz, who declared the play "accentuated Election of officers wil! feature hatred-toward the Jews and tended to the meeting of the Deborah Society engender an emotional attitude be- at the J. C. C. next Tuesday aftertween Jew and non-Jew." noon, January 10, at 2 p. m. All members are requested to attend. Rites for Edward . A. Katz, principal of the Talmud Bernstein Torah, ! will address the meeting on Berlin.—Impressive last rites were "The Trends in-Jewish Education." held here last week for Edward Bernstein, internationally renowned Socialist theoretician and writer, who died a t the age of eighty-three. The eulogies, and the services were • The LadfeS f Labor Lyceum club completely devoid of any reference to will hold a Russian tea party and the Jewish origin of Dr. Bernstein, concert on Sunday, January 15, at who left the Jewish Community, in, the Labor -Lyceum. -Ait excellent program has been ar1877 in the interests of party discipline, but who i a later life expressed ranged, and ev^yone is invited to t ,* regret at this, step aid called himself; attend. «j -. r a "loyal and proud Jew."
Deborah Society
Ladies Labor Lyceum
Against Legislative Council
Book Review Group 1 will meet January 14 at the home of Mxs. Milton Mayper, 123 South 53rd street. Miss Madeline Cohn will review a recent book. Book Review Group 2 'will meet Saturday, January 7, at the home of Mrs. A. Katz. Mr. Judah Wolfson will review a book in Yiddish. Book Review Group 3 will meet January 17 at the home of Mrs. David R. Cohen, 301 South 50th avenue. Mrs. Max Fromkin will review "Thicker Than Water." Book Review Group 4 will meet January 14 at the home of Mrs. T. A. Tully. Mrs. David A. Goldstein will review "Magnolia Street."
Mother, as I die no Cantor shall mourn for me,. But twelve youths^ Ir Want nearby, among thfem the one L love. <<*),•; Yak-Lei (Greeting^ to the Night) j Palestinian Song: O Night, beautiful night, Land of:Canaan, my birthplace and - 1 the fields of Charaii you are ••; -, v i n y
_. • '(••;
(a)J Pern Balagiolaus* Lied" (The Song-"ofcthe Driver): Would l i e a gypsy, I own no bear; Would-J be a tailor, I own no scissors; Would I be a Rabbi, I have no learning; Would I bs a merchant, I have no goods. My horses will net go, the wheels or my cart will not turn, I fain would have a drink, my wife is no good, so I find myself a stone and sit there and weep. (b). Patch, Patch, Kichelach (A Lullaby): Bye-bye, Sleepy Head, Father works when you're in bed; Soon he will bring as a treat, little sho-»s for baby's feet. Then to school must baby hurry, SJ that mother need not worry; So that as our baby grows father will see how much he knows. (c), Fragt die Velt die Alte Kaschs (The Age-old Question): Asks the world the age-old question. Tra-la, Tra-la-la-Ia. (d), A Mul is geven a Maise (Once upon a time): Once upon a time there was a King Who had a lovely Quaen. The Queen had a vinegarden and in this garden was a tree, upon the tree was a branch, upon this branch was a nest, in the nest were birdlings; woe is me, my true»love is lost to me. Lullaby my dear. (a), A Chassene Lied (A Wedding Song): As happens at many weddings, the poor Aunt was forgotten. However, she came, uninvited, and brought a gift. She ordered the musicians to play for her as she dances a lively dance. (a), Az Ich Volt Gevehen Der Boireh Ho-oylom (It I were the lord of Creation): If I were the Lord of Creation I
would make a large pudding chock full!;of raisins, and a large oven in which-I would irfafce a large (tachelent) a sort, «f Ypfcst, of which delicacies I would-give' to Chassidim generous portion«j but to any th I, would give nothing, r I. (bi, Der KebbeEfinielech: .One day the Rebbe Elimelech became very merry and so he sent for his fiddlers three, who did fiddle right .merrily, then he sent for the cymbal players, and to top off the party he sent for his dancers three, with whom he gayly danced off. (c), A Ganevoh (A Robbery)! A dreadful calamity has befallen the Rebbe. He was robbed of seven shirts, 3 with holes and 4 that were patched, also the thieves took seven candlesticks, 3 without feet and 4 without bases, and the greatest lose is the taking of seven hams, 3 without heads and 4 without feet. Woe is me. (d), Oi Bruder Zog (Brother say . . . a Sabbath Song): O brother say, is this the day we praise in song aiid story, When Israel the holy, the pure and meek and lowly Is a king in glory? Sabbath our bride comes again to fill our hearts "with gladness; Dance, children, welcome in the Sabbath; lay aside all sadness; The Sabbath comes as a radiant Bride and holy; The Bridegroom is none other than the People holy.
SPECIAL Until Jan. 10 Ladies Composition or Leather Heels....
Men's yz Soles Prime Oak Leather and Goodyear Heels Men's Vi Soles „ Ladies' Half Soles«
75c 60c
Sfioe Repair 1522 WocSgre, X. E. Cor. 1C * Dodge Next to Srhmoller & Mueller Piano Co.—J». 4734
Prwents the
Broadway Boskets Tooth and Beauty at Its Best
with POSITTVT-XY FIrgt appearance In Omaha. See LAKCE and HOOVES Oils snow and dance all evening l a t e of the "Fellow Thru." SI 10 Per Coopte . . , Broadway Success (Sat. and Sun., D TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY, 10:30 AND 12:30
Jerusalem — The Palestine govThe child study class of the Counernment was warned by; Meer.Gross- cil of Jewish IWomen will meet Jan. (Continued from Page One.) man, a Vica-Prssident of the World 10, at 3 p. m at the J. C. C. with r Union of Zionist Revisionists, that Mrs. Eva Morse. sing are printed here for the benefit it may expect iinrest in the country of those who will attend the concert: instead .of^peace, if the projected The Prophecy of Isaiah: Legislative Council is established. And it shall come to pass in the end of days. To commemorate the three liun- That the mountain of the Lord's ^UlllllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllUllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIII^ -drfadth anniversary of the birth of house shall be established i t the- worid-famous philosopher. Barthe top of the mountains. uch- Spinoza, 'being observed this And shall be exalted above the hills, year, the Conservative Synagogue And all nations shall flow unto i t Auxiliary, jwiUJbear a review of Lew# * • s is, Brown's "Blessed Spinoza," by For out of Zion shall g-o forth the Kab^f Frederick Cohn, of Temple By law Israel, a_t,-thejrr ,meeting Wednesday, And the word of the Lord from 'jjannaryj; 11,! at ]2:30 at the Jewish Morris H. Jerusalem. Community CJenter. Sogolow Bornrin. 1632^ Spinoza was the son And he shall judge between the nai tions of sjewisft: parents who belonged to ; And shall decide for many peoples, Physical the qonrmunity 'of emigrants from Director PortugajT and . Spain, who, fleeing And they shall beat their swords into plowshares from Cajhplic ' persecution, had j. e. c. sought TeJtigJBJpt .the. nearly emanci- And their spears into pruning-hooks:. pa'ted Nethe'rlands. It is against Nation shall not lift up sword against ' J. C. C. League nation, thi9*<"backgrouini that* the author of Results of Last Week's Games *~ Neither shall they make war any this biography has pictured the Thursday, Dec. 29—Deep Rock 33, more. Pants Store 16; A. Z. A. -NQ,- 1 15,- stormy Ji^eiar^ career of Spinoza. (a), Yisroel Am Kdeishim (Call to .Anotbef feature df the afternoon's Marks 14. ' ; . ' % *' Worship): program •will be' the presentation of Results of Tuesday night: 1 * O Israel thou holy people arise Hawkeyes,r f 17;''Katit-Knocks, 12j a groups o&jirusical selections by Ab- and bless the word of God. .rahatn Dansky, talented young JewStar Auto Parts, 51, Juniors, 4. (b), Scbir-Haschirim (The Song of •jsh |Ianffit; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Schedule for Next Week : " Herman Dansky. A student at Cen- Songs, chap. 1): Sunday, Jan. 8—12:30, Pants Store tral High school, and music pupil of Let him kiss me with the kisses of xs. Star Anta Parts; 1:3Q, Thorpe- Cecil f Ber$yiftj£», -lAbraham has alA his mouth, for the love is better than is ians vs. A.? Si. A; No.;'100i Tuesday, ready established "an' enviable repu- wine. Because of the savour of thy Jan. 10—Department closed—H. H. tation for himself in musical circles. good ointments thy name is as ointLapidus memorial: Thursday, Jan. Board members will meet at 1:30 ments poured forth. Therefore do 12—8:30,. Psi Mu vs. 'Deep Rock; p. m.lwith ;MJ*3. J.JH. Kulakofsky, the virgins love thee. 9:30, A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Xi Lambda. president, presiding. There will be (c), Rachelina (Spanish-Hebrew and Sunday, Jan. 15—12:30, Marks Mar- reports frohi circle chairmen on pro- song): ket vs. -Kant Knocks; 1:30, Psi Mu gress beings made by their groups Mother, O Mother, death has come; vs. A. Z. A. N<K 100. toward raising., their quota in the Mother, I am dying. Auxiliary's drive for one . thousand Still no cantor shall mourn for me; Varsity to Play in Des Moines ! January 15 will see the varsity dollars. No, Rachelina, fair child of mine, basketball squad journeying to Des I shall die, not you, but I, Moines, Iowa, to do battle against The next Oneg Shabbos will be the J. C. C. five of that city. Thi3 held Saturday afternoon, January 7, is a game the varsity is pointing for, at the home of Mrs. Harry SilverNATIONAL as the Des Moines crew has an envi- man. No reservations are necessary able record, having won the city and everyone is welcome. Mrs. IsaACCESSORIES. INC. championship of the Iowa capital city dore Abramson -wili give a short Ask "Everything for the AnUi" Sold by for the last two years. They will talk on ""Jewish Immigration, to for it. be our guests on February 5 in America:** ' Mrs. David A. Goldstein 2051 Faraam—AT. 5524 All First another of our "big" games. will review "Thicker Than Water." Insist on Class Cup to Volleyball Champs Advo The Bible class will meet on TuesDave Smith, the dispenser of hot Grocers dogs, cakes and sandwiches in the day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the "Famous Everyconfectionery department, is going to Jewish Community Center. for reward the champion volleyball team where Flavor" with a beautifully engraved loving Des Moines $2.00 cup. Thanx, Dave. Denver $7.50 Health Club Volleyball A regular meeting of the DaughDetroit $7.00 The championship match of our ters of Zion will be held on January Los Angeles $20.00 Pre-Seasoh Volleyball league will be 25, when election of officers will played Sunday, January 8, when the take place. Blended, Roasted, G round and Packed by Compeers play the Veterans in what All plans for the annual bazaar will ""probably be the best match of •will be arranged by then. The comEdwards Hotel Bldg. the preliminary season. Each team mittees are urged tc complete their Ha 5000 306 No. 16th has a clean slate of .four victories collection of articles for the bazaar arid no defeats, and will be eager to by ttiei> ^miiiiiiiimitiiiiiiuuiiiiiiuiiuiiiiuiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR
Conservatiye. Auxiliary
Soggie Says
With the
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Combined with the
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Advo Coffee Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
Daughters of Zion
Mrs. HermanJahrio Direct Center Players
Sisterhood Current Class in Jewish Topics - | History at Temple
In recognition of the tenth anniversary of the passing of Eleazar Ben Yehudah, Rabbi David A* Go1 elMrs. Herman Jahr was appointed Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen The class in Jewish history and stein will discuss the story of his director of the Center Players at a "Technocracy" as the subject of hisculture at Temple Israel is meeting life, at services; at the Conservative meeting of the Board of Directors lecture before the Current Topics regularly. synagogue this evening. Ben YehuTemple Israel held Tuesday evening. "We are ex- group under the auspices of the The next meeting will be held a+ ceptionally happy to have Mrs. Jahr Temple Israel Sisterhood on Tuesday Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak dah was the man who did more than again direct,these players," said Ab- morning, January 10, at 10:30 at the Temple Tuesday evening at 7:45. on "The Heroic Remedy for 1933" at anyone else t;> revive the Hebrew Edward Krause will lead the discus- services at Temple Israel this eve- language.. His life's story presents a ner Kaiman, chairman of the board. the Blackstone Hotel. double miracle—first,. the wonder of sion of chapter 1 in Graetz's "His- ning. The first play will be presented FebThis lecture is one of the series his own survival in spite of a wastruary 14 and 15 and the first show given by Dr. Cohn every second and tory of Judaism." The class is at Tomorrow morning his subject will ing illness; and second, tha resurto be given will be the famous stage fourth Tuesday mornings of the present studying the period of th<"be 'The Denoument." rection of the Hebrew language v.-hicn 'Hebrew Second Commonwealth." play of Sholom Aleichem, "If I month. This group is under the chairman- Kaddish - will be recited this Sab- he achieved. Were You." Tryouts for the parts The public is invited to attend. bath for Samuel E. Jacobs. Please- Note—All items must SOCIAL NOTES ship of Eugene Blazer. in this play will be announced at a Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Next Friday Uabbi Goldstein will be phoned or mailed so that they Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Malashock later date. Samuel Gilinsky, Harney 7088, or at speak on. "How Wise Hen Make a reach the Jewish Press office by [pent the New Year's -week-end in a dramatized Hebrew poem, by Har- Will." "I feel that with the added co-op- the Blackstone Hotel the day of the . i •' 5 p. m, Wednesdays to insure Kansas City with their brother-in- eration vey Burstem, Ann Bergman, and Program Is Given and the new personnel on lecture. publication Friday. law -and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ira the Board we will make this season Ephraim Gershater. Rosenblum. There was a recitation contest of By Talmud Torah most successful," said Mrs. Jahr. SH I R T S Mrs. B. Moskowitz Hebrew poems by Sidney Lipman, GUSS-EPSTEIN HAND FINISHED Mi', and Mrs. Clarence Fisher of ENGAGEMENT The Talmud Torah child ren pre- Carl Milder, Isadore Siegel, Howard Wednesday. "The Jungle Rhythm In Dies in New York Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein an- St. Paul, Minn., spent the holidays Boys" featured a program of dancsented an enjoyable Chanukah pro- Barish, Melvin Schwartz, and NathThrifty V/1 Thrifty New York.—Mrs. Belle Moskowitz, gram last Thursday evening at thean Shukert. nounce the engagement of • their with Mrs. Fisher's mother, Mrs. Sa- ing D Damp and special entertainment. A two-act Hebrew playlet, "The H I . ""'P often called the "power behind Al J. C. C. auditorium before a capacdaughter, Lillian, to Mr. Charles rah Kohn, and family. AU-riat ^r^r All-llat Macabees," was given with a cast Smith's throne," died Monday from a ity* crowd. Guss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman KOICI1 UBY SEUVICEM LECTURE ON Joe Soshnik, Morris Kirshheart attack following a fall about a Guss. No date has. been set for the Mr. Max Guttman, son of Mr. and TO Rabbi David A. Goldstein and Dr. including PSYCHOLOGY OF GENIUS enbaum, Jacob Weissman, Leonard month ago. Mrs. S. Guttman, arrived Sunday evewedding. • Philip Sher Udelivered addresses. M. C V Dr. Victor E. Levine, nationallyM " "Bansh, ^ T " . ™ ~ T i l T i "*' Goldstein, Irving Judith Both are graduates of Technical ning by plane from Providence, R. I., known dietician and member of the This 55-year-old grandmother, whc M. president of the Talmud j TLevenson, _ _ ' „Mildred „ / „ ,Rosenbaum, TLaytin, OTT+;r, nDorothy f W high school. Miss Epstein is a stu- for a two weeks' visit here with his Creighton university medical faculty, came to be widely known as No. 1 Torah, presided. Tatleman, Mollie Kelberg, Ann Bergstrategist for the former New York dent at the Municipal university in parents. will speak on "The Psychology of governor, was consulted by him on The Talmud Torah choir sangj man, Howard Barish, Harold SlutzOmaha. Mr. Guss is attending the several Hebrew and Jewish songs. Achievement" before the Omaha Lib2SI5 FABNAM AT2B15 Iowa State college at Ames, specialMiss Inna Gross of Lansing, Mich., eral Forum on Sunday afternoon, Jan- every important matter. Smith said Other numbers on the program in- kin, Harry Goldstein and Melvin Leof her: "She had the greatest brain izing in chemical, engineering. He is spent the holidays with her aunts, uary 8, at 3 o'clock at the Lyric vine. cluded : a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fra-the Gladstone sisters, and with Mrs. building, Nineteenth and Farnam of anybody I ever knew." "Haneirous Halolu" and "Blessternity. Fannie Simon. She left Sunday forj streets. nEBKEW C.UE.VDAB ings on Chanukah Candles," by Lansing, where she will resume her sets Ephraim Gershater and choir; a The lecture will deal with the nateaching. ITaEhonnh Kilt.. Oct. twe of jjenius, its growth and nur- Hosb WEDDING MOIL. Oct. 10 Chanukah candle march with flags Tom Kippur —Silt.. O<T. 1-", and candles, participated in by Reva ture. The public is invited. ANNIVERSARY 1st Day STicvot Omaha's Style Center Dr. S. A- Osheroff, former resi_Kat_ Oct. ^ Mann, Sylvia Epstein, Leona AdS i At A surprise party was given Sat- dent Rinielinth Torah Sun.. Oct. S» of Omaha, is-returning to Phil*Rosh Chotlesh di^Rhrau Mon., Oct. 31 ler, Shirley Sellz, Ida Kelberg, Berurday afternoon honoring Mr. andadelphia, ; spending a vacation BENEFIT DANCE •Kosh Chodrsh KisIeT \V«l., Nor. :W nice Crounse, Joy Ruth Greenberg, -Mrs. Jack Selinsky on the occasion here with after A benefit dance will be given by 1st Day Channkah Sat., Dec. !M his family. •Rosli Chodesli Tebetli Fri. l>ec. 30 Elaine Frank, Lee Jane Greenberg, of their fifteenth "wedding anniverthe Club Victoria at the Chermot Dr. Osheroff is specializing in obJ!>33 Ruth Linda, Betty Baum, Elaine sary. Sixteen guests were present at Fast of Te1>eth ballroom on Tuesday evening, start-Sun., Jnn. s Ruth Alperson, Rose the affair, which was held at thestetrics and gynocology at the post- ing at 8:30 o'clock. The Colonial Kosh Cboilesh K)u>hat -Sat.. Jan. 2S Weinstein, Cbodesb Adar Mou, Feb. -T Goldstein; "The Story of Chanukah," Selinsky home. The Selinskys were graduate school of the University of Club orchestra will furnish the mu-•Rosta Purim Sun., Mar. l:! Pennsylvania. After completing his OPPOSITE ORPHEUM presented with a set of china. Bosh Cliodesli Nissau Tues., Mar. 2b by Sylvia Katzman; "David and 1 sic. work there he is planning to conAH Jewish holidays begin at sunset (he Goliath," a dramatized sketch from * Prizes were won at bridge by the preceding secular day. the Bible, by Joe Soshnik and EphMesdames H. Sklar, H: Blumenthal tinue his studies in Europe. •Also observed the <lay previous as raim Gershater; "In the Basement,' Ilosh Chwlesii (Sew Moonl. and William Monovitz. Council Current Topics RETURN FROM CONVENTION Organized religion in Russia BIRTHDAY PARTY Henry Chait and Harry B. Cohen Bessie Goldberg will be honored have just returned from Cincinnati, seems to be doomed to disappear, in •with a party on the occasion of: her where they attended the Sigma Al- the opinion of Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the Conservative Synagogue, eighth birthday on January 7 at her pha Mu convention. who spoke to the current topic sechome, 1551 North Eighteenth street. tion of the Omaha Council of Jewish Twenty-five young guests will attend SIGMA ALPHA MU NOTES Tuesday, on "What Is HapIrving Hill of Lincoln has been Women, pening to Religion in Russia Toawarded the Long debate trophy, ENTERTAIN given annually to the outstanding day?" FOR VISITOR He said that the Greek Orthodox freshman debater at the University ; •-'••• Mrs. Sam Goorevich of Brooklyn church, which was part of the of Nebraska. N. Y., formerly of Omaha, is now Czar's regime, has simply reaped a Visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Stoller. reward for its own corruption, being Sam Fleishman of Omaha won a counter-revolutionary, Among those who have entertained B o 1 sheviki, place on the university rifle team. for Mrs. Goorevich are included the and attacking without mercy. Mesdames M. Levine, B. Kress, A. He was awarded a medal for his "The Soviet strategy against reGreenberg, S. Schlaifer and 5 . Sil-proficiency. ligion has been a clever one," Rabbi verinari.*' Mrs. H. F. Stoller will enGoldstein declared, for. he said that tertain on Friday, and Mrs. "Nathan : Harry Kuklin of Lincoln, repre- •without prohibiting worship, they "Weinstein and Miss Stoller will sentatang the S. A. M. fraternity in have, nevertheless, successfully un^ Ethel _ ^iTrtain'" at"Vltuicheon Vn~ Monday jt h e University of Nebraska interfra- dermined organized religion by their at Club Araby1 ternity swimming meet last week, indirect attacks and propaganda, j | | I won two first places, in diving and The younger generation has been educated under agressively atheistic backstroke. auspices, he stated. Kitclieri>Chats AWARDED According to Rabbi Goldstein, ob^SCHOLARSHIP ' servers returning from Russia agree Mrs. David M. Newman ;: Isadora Richlinj son of Mr. andthat Communism itself is a new re3 Grades of the Famous ;Mrs. J. Richlin, has been awarded a ligion; that it has all the character•tuition scholarship* at the University istics of an organized religious moveBlueberry Muffins One cup canned blueberries, Z cup3 of Chicago,; wnejpS: he is a student. ment. It has a Bible, the writings 2-Yard .Cloth 2.98, 3.79, 3 . 9 8 of Marx and Lenin; its shrines, like flour, 2 teaspoons baking' powder, 4 2x2Vk-Yard Cloth 3.98, 4.79, 4 . 9 8 the tomb of Lenin in Moscow; its tablespoons sugar, / % teaspoon salt, FRATERNITY PARTY 2x3-Yard Cloth 4.98, 5.79, 5 . 9 8 particular rituals, its religious ferOver sixty .couples attended a house 2 *ggs, 1 cup milk, 4 tablespoons 22x22 Napkins 3.98,4.79, 4.98 vors in spreading Bolshevism. party given by the Creighton unibutter. . Communistic "Members of the versity chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, Madeira L u n c h e o n Sets,_17. SC-In. Madeira Squares. Iargre Drain berries, sprinkle with three pieces. Ecru with col- JjjOoO range or patterns. ^"|T9 tablespoons of the measured sugar national social college fraternity, last party constitute the Communistic church and have almost a mystic ored embroidery. Set.... O Piae linen, ea. A and a little sifted flour. Sift tofaith in the ultimate victory of their 36.1a. Chinese Itice Ooth Sets, 18x82 All-Linen Hnck Towels, gether dry ingredients, add eggs, Matinee Dance movement," Rabbi Goldstein said. all-over handvork. §O49 Meat pattern borders. milk and melted and cooled butter. The speaker referred to Stalin as 4 napkins. Set O £ach>.«.. .To make a stiff batter, add the one "a pope who brooks no disagreement The regular weekly matinee dance extra tablespoon sugar! mix in blueberries, half fill greased muffin tins at the Community Center under the and determines what the faithful and bake in moderate oven, 375 de- sponsorship "of the Psi Mu will be shall think and do," held Sunday afternoon at the Cengrees,: 30 minutes. ter. Ernest Priesman's orchestra -will be held Sunday afternoon at the Hot Molasses Cake 2-Yard Cloth $4.95 One-half cup butter, % cup brown Center. Ernest Priesman's orchesCLEANERS 2x2^rYard Cloth S5.95 sugar, %';., cup molasses, 1 egg, 2tra •will furnish the music. 2x3-Yard Cloth $6.95 A popularity contest is being DYERS cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powteaspoon soda, %teaspoon planned in the near future. Each 2x3i/ -Yard Cloth ; . . . . . . . : .$7.95 der, 2 HATTERS 22x22 Napkins, do& S5.95 .c salt, % teaspoon allspice, 2 tea- girl's club in the J. C. C. will be cup milk, invited to choose a candidate. TAILORS spoons cinnamon, 24x18 Napkins, doi $5.95 Mrs. L. Neveleff and Mrs. Irvin Cream sugar and butter, add egg. Add molasses, add half the flour,' Levin, members of the Jewish Wombaking powder, salt, soda and spices en's Welfare Federation, will chapwhich have been sifted together. Add erone Sunday's dance. The committee in charge consists 4420-22 North' 20 milk and remainder of dry ingredients. Mix well. Bake in a shallow of Leo Beraan, chairman, Morris KEnwood 1500 jjreassd pan for 20 minutes. Serve Giller, co-chairman, Hy Giller, Abe Bogdanoff, and Henry Ginsburg. hot with whipped creanu'. Whipped Cream Cake Basement Two cups whipped cream, 4 eggs, 3 cups pastry flour, 4 teaspoons.baking powder, 2 cups sugar, 1; teaspoon Doable Double vanilla. Whip cream very stiff, add eggs whole, beating one in a t a time. Beat in sugar gradually. Sift flour and baking; jsowder together and In Assorted Plaids with Sateen 72x84 size, pr. $1.95 f stir in first mixture. Add vanilla; Every meal is a "meal fit for a king" Binding; 72x84 size, pr. $ 2 . 4 9 ;: Bake in a shallow loaf pan, 375 de72x84 size, extra heavy, ;! at the Jack and J3L 70x80 size, pr. $4.79 grees, for 25 minutes. pair $2.69 f 72x84 size, pr. . . . . . $ 5 . 9 5 Lemon Cromb Pudding Diners of distinction find the delicTwo cups milk, 2 cups dry bread 72x84 COTTON FILLED COMFORTERS, each $ 1 . 7 5 , $ 2 . 6 9 | ious * menus here tasty enough to .crumbs, % teaspoon salt, % cup 14 DISH TOWELS, ready for use $1S make any king envious. , sugar, 1 egg, rind of 1 lemon, 3 taPERCALES, full standard. Wide variety, yd. ^ '' blespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon Let the whole family enjoy the appemelted butter. Heat milk, pour over crumbs, cool, add sugar, beaten egg, tizing dishes . . . at reasonable prices - melted butter, rind and juice of the . . . at the lemon. Pour in buttered baking All Sterilized and Mothproof dish. Bake in a slow oven 40 min• utes. 72x84, sateen covered with floral c e n t e r . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 . 6 9 72x84, sateen covered with fancy stitching.... *•,. . $ 3 . 7 5 72x84, rayon satin and taffeta c o v e r e d . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 . 9 5
Religious Services
Prices Lower than Ever
'Tit for a
BEDDINGS and Domestics
Ask About Winning a Ton of TRADE-WATER LUMP
PEOPLES COAL CO. 912 S. 16th St.
Heavy Double Thread
Turkish Towels
Caroleen Sheets I
63x99 .......72c 72x99 . . - . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 c 81x99 • •«• ••• • • • • • 92C 20x40, fancy borders or 81x108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g j c plaids, each 20x40, solid colors with 42x36 Cases . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 c fancy borders. Each.... 45x36 .25c 22x44 Totrels, extra heavy Trith. fancy borders Cases or plaids. Ea. Wash Cloths, large assortment.. . t FOR 5 c
18x36, -with fancy borders, each ,
Miss ANNA PILL. Cur respondent
Dr. Br^detsky Presses for Mare ImmigrationIn
Mfss ; MiMrsjfr Plotkin: «tts, elected president* j.Mfcb'- Omyc - Maronr vice presidentn and jMfes Ida Plotkin,- sec-; retarj'j apd1tre,asurer._ ": — ' Past' Hostesses of the d u b include tho Mi3s?s;BeS3 Zeligoon, Ann Wos-: koi?; and'Lillian Siehr.' '.
Jewish Agency Brands As False; • hoods Allegations of erable amount.., of material deaih^g Their Support w-ith the Damascus blood-libel of 1840, . Jerusalem,-^(J.; - T. A.)T—A consid-
424 lnuiic:i.
the.County Court of I>cui;r':;s ( ». Nebraska. • . ! ;
Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Prior to de- In the Matter at the Excite ol M n» wioh, IX-cencM. parting for Roumania, Dr. Selig Brod- To the Iieirs-nt-lav.-. omlWors. nmi ,n etsky, member of the World _ Zionist other persons interested in tutid estnr. Tou are Ueifby .notified Hint a pctli ., Executive in charge of political afbeen filed Jn thio <onrl on the ion, . vfairs, visited the British Ambassador lins of Jiecember, '1932, l»;.- ' Knsp-.-r ltor>- i. >, thnt Mpss-s Honvicli dfwl <.n • i,. here, as well as the First Secretary nileglng 21st day of Septeniher; HI2(i; intestine: • i, i of the Embassy and the Palestine nt tlie time of h i s deatli he wns a rosiM. I>o»iglas County, N(>lir;iskn. nml t .• passport officer. • . • . . of he w a s posseftspil, of, "tlie following ,,, : Dr. Brodetsky informed the British scribed renl estnte, to-vrlt: Lot Four <4) in Block S?vpiitv-fiiiir <~<> representative of the difficulties the South Omaha, nil nddJtiou to ; lu- (-\\ ,,• Zionist Organization is experiencing South Oninhn. now Omaha. I>OII.?IMK < • in view of the limitations placed in ty,LotKeliraska. Fourteen (14) in.lMock Ono Itm, : . ,i the way of immigration to Palestine. Twelve (112), South Oniukii t i i y . an :u:,\ fion t t h e City of ttoiiMi Onialui. i,,,., There is a large group of people in Otn:(ha.o DouglBR County. Neliratsk.i. Poland, including middle class immi- That snid petitionev haw nil )iitfrc>. t said real cstntfr hplnc heir of s»i,i grants who desire; to go to Palestine, ceasfd, Bttitl petitioner mi .prays Hint a li.-urbut are unable to secure immigration i n g b e . had on said pytffion. flint m.',. <. thereof be given ns roqninl dy law. -.r,t permits, Dr. Brodetsky stated. that upon said henrine ii <le<-rw of \,, ,
which brought Sir Moses Montefiore on his historic, journey .to. Damascus, , , Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The definite has been discovered bj" Professor As-- opposition of the Jewish Agency to Among the various events planned Mrs. Rachael Rubashow, a, j sad Rustum, o l t h e Ameiican Uni-^er-. by the Shaare Z ion Synagogue for cer worker from Palestine, • will : be q h Councir Blttfis Senior, Hadas- sity. at Beirut. The documents which the establishment of a Legislative sah.iyill (hold -their regular, monthly Council in Palestine, as proposed in the coming months, are the Kadima the guest of the local Pioneer Woiit; have been in pcSssession o f the de-: meeting, January 11, in the social en's; organization,'Tuesday evening,! nieetihg-ifett ;Wednesday afternoon, scendants of th^Secretary to;th-a "In- the. High Commissioner's .report to l l t h r t t 2:30,o'clock at the the. Mandates Commission, of the hall of the Synagogue., • ' • January 10 'in; the Jewish Commun- January vestigation Conimission, include the League of Nations" was formulated Hotel Chieftain. Miss Eva Canon, The Ladies Auxiliary of the' Syn- ity Center at a banquet at ; 8130 librarian of/the Free Public Library original minutes of-tlie- investigation. by* NathunT Sokolow; president of agogue will hold its installation o ' c l o c k . - * - . : ' ; . - ' ; • • ' •;" .-'••'- v t _ There are also letters in" Hebrew fromr meeting and luncheon on January ' Mrs. Rubashow, who is touring tlie of - Council Bluffs, will be the guest the Eabbis of Damascus, repudiating1! the Jewish Agency ;f or Palestine, and ship l>e entered and further a<lin'niistr:r »a speaker at this meeting. All memDr." Chaim Arlosoroff, in charge of More Discrimination : * of said estate be dispenrnvl with. 17th. . .••'•, United States in behalf of the workthe accusatidn^'vs'itft regard to tha use the Agency's. Political Department, Tou are therefore, notified thnt a l i , , r The choir of the synagogue is pre-ers of Palestine, will speak on thebers are urged to attend. of Christian b}ood> , in a statement made at a press con- Berlin —• Discrimination is being ing will be hnd on (<aid petition m tt^ paring for radio broadcast, the exact place and work of the women woi-kT. practised at the University Of Col-County Court lloom of Rnid Connry on me Professor RvstumL is preparing the ference here. 17fh day of Jnnnnry. J03."!, at 0 o'clock A date of winch has not been set. ers in Palestine; • | The Council. Bluffs Talmud Torah material for publication^ ogne to prevent American Jewish M., and thflt if you f«il to appenr nt s:ii.( •; • . • ' and Sunday School chiTdreir present!. The High Commissioner informed Friday, March 10, has ben set Mrs. Rubashow sacrificed a col-; students who have been enrolled a t time and plaqe iand contest the snid i..-ti ed a Chanukah program Sunday aftion. the Court, jnoy srrant the same, enter ihe Mandate Commission that steps the University from taking their a decree aside as Auxiliary Sabbath, at which lege career and a life of luxury -of-heirsMp* -and derrw thnt turThe ritual murder accusation at Da-| to form a Legislative Council in Paltime the Auxiliary will have charge 'when she left her • home in Russia, ternoon at the Danish hall. A threeplaces in the class rooms, the Jewish. ther administration of suid estate be ilis; act playlette, ?By the light of Chanupensed 'With. mascus in 1840,, was connected" w ith estine would be taken after the pro- Telegraphic Agency was informed by of the service. twenty-fivfei years ago,' to work to^ BRYCK CUAWFOUP. Tentative • plans have also been ward the up-buildirig of .Palestine kah" jsras presented under the direc- the disappearance of Father Thomas, jected new government ordinance an authoritative Jewish source. 32-23-3t Coruuy J tion of Mr. Sal Michnick. The cast with regard to municipal administiie .head of a Capuchin Convent, tomade for a Friday evening service, Joining the' Chalutzos in Palestine^ included Dorothy Saltzman, Marian gether .with his • servant The cry tration is carried out. honoring the.' Central High, School she aided in the manual labor of students' -who -will graduate this mid-' building the land.' - Mrs. - Rubashow Perlmutter, Be^ty Cohen, Paul Ktasntf quickly spread in jDamascus that he :;• Both,* Agency spokesmen emphatiis also the editor of; i h e book "TheEugene Telpnfejv and Bqnriy KutlerJ A had l»en killed by Jews in order to cally denied! .reports emanating' from Omaha's Most Beawti^||||ftiie lor Plow Woman."; • •group of Jewish: folk songs were, play- practice some nefarious ritual, and some quarters that; the Jewish Agenby; Jfiiss. Florence Steinberg on', the^ this led:-to an attack on the Jewish cy is willing, to compromise on this Mrs. David Sperling .is chairman1 ed ^accomp&ited by Father Steui- quarter in Damascus. Mount Sinai " l\ matter, In;this connection thei Jewof the arrangements for the^ eye-jj piano, berg! "on -the'Violin. A number-of nirig, and will introduce the speaker! other The whole position was complicated, ish Telegraphic Agency reports from 1226 rlione ;Chanukah. songs and recitations "Looking Backward" will be the •n i subject of Eabbi Theodore N. Lewis' The lecture is open to "the public. were given by the Sunday School chil- by the diplomatic differences between Palestine were referred to as being the European powers represented the most- reliable, by Dr. Arlosoroff. dren. . sermon this evening at Mount Sinai through their Consuls in Syria which As long as the Jews, Arabs and Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Oma- was then under the rule of Mehemet Englishmen Temple. fail to reach a previous ha showed moving pictures of, Pales- Ali of Egypt, so that the French gov- basis of understanding, A capacity congregation attended will be WorWtTmikstHofl tine, which were taken by him on his ernment otherwise enlightened actual- no Legislative Council, there the service last week and heard Mr. Dr. Arlosor40Storfcf Mfeb recent tour of Palestine. A.; M. Davis, Mrs. Louis Agranoff 2500 ly cast its weight, against that of off forecast. "The, Palestine GovA large crowd attended this proand Mr. Louis Goldberg speak in Austria, on the side of the traducers. ernment will have to consider many Forty new members of the Sam ROOMS behalf of the congregation, the' Sis- Beber class were initiated into the gram, which was in charge of Mr. J. Eight Jews were arrested and sub- times before establishing a LegislaZ. Stadlan, principal of the Talmud terhood, and the Brotherhood, re$3.00 w ; Bnai Birth Lodge, at their meeting Torah and Sunday School. Dr. Isaac jected to indescribable tortures in or- tive Council in which the Jews will spectively. not be participating," he said. der to compel them to sign a "confesTuesday night in the Jewish Compresided as chairman, and sion of ritual murder, but without efThe Sisterhood of the congregation Dr. Arlsoroff labelled j as false Center. At the same meet- Sternhill expressed his appreciation to Sal will meet this noon, for a luncheon munity ing, Tthe newly elected officers for Michnick for coaching the play. Fol- fect. Later sixty . Jewish children the press reports in. = Warsaw sug•£&& meeting. Each member has the year. 1933 were installed. . taken from- their-parents and gesting that .before the High Comlowing the program, refreshments were been asked to bring a guest. Mrs. kept without food "in/order "to induce missioner proceeded to Geneva he A delegation from the Omaha ^Gertrude Eaton, well known Sioux Lodge, headed' by the president of were served to all children pressnt. some sort of confession from the Jews secured his assurance that the JewCHICAGO :• "b«m areaad th« • City educator, will speak. ish Agency Executive would not opDistrict 6, Mr. Sam Beber, attended The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 68Sbut without success. Morrison." Evsrything *t>rthwhile it n«orThe sessions of the religious school the meeting, and spoke before the of the Independent Order of the B'nai It was the arrival of Sir Moses pose a Legislative Council provided by—theatrM, «hop», efflcw and -oilrood will be resumed Sunday, January 8, members. Montefiore in Damascus at the height the Palestine government would stations. Attractiv* B«»»* room*—all Brith will hold a meeting next Monafter a week's vacation. A social hour followed the meet- day evening,'January 9th, at 8:30of the ritual murder accusation and grant the Jews certificates and other ootsid* with bath, S«nrider, drevtatina ing. ioa*wat»r and b*dh«ad reading ramp. his skillful diplomacy backed by a practical benefits. o'clock at the Eagles hall. Dr. Arlosoroff expressed regret Automatic garage facilities. Spacku floor number of the European powers that Y. A. J.Club that the conditions of political work for lodias. A gnat holaf in o oraot city Milton Marcus arrived here from secured the honorable liberation of do not permit the revelation of docMaccabee Cagers Win Indianapolis, the imprisoned Jews and the issue of LEONARD HICKS Mooovlnt Oirttot Ind., to spend the holiRudolph' Shindler was elected presa Firman by Mehemet Ali putting an uments and facts to the public which ident of the Y. A. J. Club a t a The Maccabee basketball team is days visiting his parents, Mr. andend to the agitation. .would .expose the slanderers and silmeeting of the group last week. Oth- in the lead in the Inter-Church bas- Mrs. Louis Marcus. He is a member ence their campaign of misrepresener officers elected are Sam Janb- ketball tournament. In playing; the of Henry Hultberg's Columbian ortations calculated to defeat the witch, vice-president; Rosabelle Wig- Morningside Presbyterian Church chestra which played at the Chermot The most onerous slavery is to be Zionist policy, tq wjiich they profess M a d i s o n a n cClark Streets CHICAGO odsky, secretary; and Eebecca Still- team, the Maccabees won with a in Omaha for-the New Year's holiday. a Slave to oneself.—Seneca. allegiance. . " man, reporter. score of 49 to 20. T h e y won over Brief talks were made at the the Y. M; C. A. team, with a score Miss Lillian Cherniss of Chicago, meeting by Abe. Singer and Irvin of 87 points t o ; their oppqriets' 2|>.Illinois, is spending the month here Tis^i^ng; her brother-in-law and sister, Luniri,' former members" of the club; They? ralso-; ;fieffeated | jaieijlfayflowef jy who are now enrolled a t Grinnel Church team with a score of 38 to 5.Mr. and Mrs. 6. Hochman. and Iowa University, respectively. Players on the Maccabee team include Baumstein, Bergen, Zeligson, Che Council-Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. held its semi-annual Lansberg and Grueskin. election of officers last' Thursday evePlay Presented at ^ ning, December 28th, va t the home cf Joe Solomonow. • Hadassah Meeting The following officers were chosen "The Pot Boiler" a one-act comedy Rabbi Davitf:Aronsohn;;of Minne-- for the ensuing term: President, Edwas presented at the monthly meet- apolis, adaresjs^1;ihe;iCtilliu;aJ[meet- ward Joseph Sdlonionoiy; vice-presiing of the Junior, Hadassah last ing of 1 the | Ei^ior t JBjaida^&li; iGhap^ dent, Morton Adler; secretary,' Henry night, in the Jewish Community Cen- ter, at tiieir bt-mbnthly 'meeting. Sat- Mendelson; trtiasurer, • • Jake Fox* ter. The cast included Dena.. M urday afternooiiiri the-home of-Mrs. senior' sergeant-of-arms, Marvin Baron, Sadie Shulkin, Ann Cohen, H. R. Rabinowitz. His subject wan Fitch; junior sergeant^of-arms, Jake' Frances Jacobsen, Mary Kaplan, the Work- of the Hadassah in Amer- Go'rdon;' reporter, .'Jerry Yu^elsbn; Rosalie Sacks and Goldie Cohen. chaplain, Meyer Maltz. • •ica and Palestine. Plans were made at the meeting The - installation • of these newlyBRAKES stop your wheels but it takes tires that grip for a studio party for paid up memelected officers will take place at the bers, to be held February 13. next meeting to be heldnext Wednesto stop your car. Smooth tires are like banana peela The Board of Directors of the Haday evening, January 11th, a t the on slippery roads. All winter long you need the full dassah, met. Tuesday evening at the Miss Eva Horwitzj of Chicago, home of Marvin Fitch, 1602 High tractive grip of new Goodyears. Get. this protection Seville Cafe. who has- been a guest for the past street. now. Save money on punctures, repairs, delays. month in the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosenblum, be- Mrs. Joe Friedman and daughter, A.Z. A. came the bride of Herman Kabaker, Charlotte Louise, of Chicago, Illinois, A Value You Get Because Millions of Chicago, Sunday evening, at 6:15arrived here last Sunday for a tenMarvin Klass, former Central o'clock, in the Warrior Hotel. • More People Buy Goodyears . . • > visit with Mr. and Mrs. J . Z. High School debater, was re-elected Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis offici- day Stadlan. . President of the Sioux City chapter ated at the ceremony, which preceded ofrthe A. Z. A. a dinner for 18 relatives and friends Mrs. Stadlan . entertained a t a Other officers elected are Leonard of the couple. The bride was gowned bridge party Tuesday afternoon at her Hall, vice president; . Stanley Her- iri white crepe and carried a bou- home in honor of Mrs.' Friedman.zoff, treasurer; Max Maron, secre- quet of orchids and lillies of the tary; Martin Kosberg, senior ser- valley. Mr. and Mrs. Kabaker will Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Solzman-of Tulsa, Okla., returned to-their home geant at arms; Herman Wigodsky, reside in Chicago. junior sergeant at arms; Morris Honoring the couple, Mr. and Mrs.Monday following a week's visit here Borshevsky, chaplain, and Eddie Mil- Rosenblum presided at a prenuptial at the home of Mr. Solzman's parT.M O.5S. I*""* ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Solzman. ler, reporter. dinner party Saturday night at their New advisors of the group are home. Guests; included the bride$3.75 $3.03 Ziilton Bolstein, Leon- Dobrofsky, groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos-Samuel District Commissioner 4.40-21 4.15 3.95 I.O5 Max B. Friedman, Morey Lipshutz, eph Kabaker of Chicago, who were Jerusalem.—Edwin Samuel, son of 4.49 4.39 i.oe 4J0-20and Sam Epstein, all members of here for-the wedding. 4.50-21 4.57 4.47 x.os Sir Herbert Samuel, British Liberal the local B'nai Brith lodge. 4.75-l»_ 5.27 5.1* x.os leader and first High Commissioner The members of the A. Z. A. held Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaplan and for Palestine, has been named DisThese are cash price* and include careful mounting. a smoker Tuesday evening in thedaughter Marion, 1624 Jackson St., trict Commissioner for Southern PalMartin hotel. Morris Lefkovich, Is- were recent visitors in Sioux Falls, estine. adore Mirowitz,' and Herman Wigod- where they were guests of Leonard STAI.MASTER & E sky were in charge. Plans were and Adelle Kaplan. Miss Billie Kap- FBADKNBCBG, 630 Omaha National Bank Bide. made for a membership drive to belan visited with Miss Elizabeth UnPBOBVTE NOTICE conducted in January. ger nT Milwaukee, Wis. In the Matter of the Estate of Naomi woln
put oii new for safety
Society News
oslnsty Deceased. ,,.'•• Notice is hereby given that the creditors
Mr. Eugene Rosenbacker of Chi-of said deceased will meet the ndininistraShaareZion tor of-said estate, before me. County Judge cago visited in Sioux. City last week- of Douglas County. . Nebraska, at .the : end and was a guest at the' wedConnty Court Room, in said County on^thc "Dr. Pinsker's Call to His Peo28th. day of February, 1933, and on the 2Sth ple' r will be the subject of Rabbi H. ding of Mr. Herman Kabaker and day of April, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., each Miss Eva Horwitz. day for the purpose of presenting their R. Rabinpwitz' sermon' tonight at claims for examination, adjustment and the 8 o'clock service. Miss Ida Heshallowance. Three months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, from elow will lead the choir and Cantor Among the many young people the 3™™^^ from out of town who were guests the 28th day of A. Pliskin will chant the service. County Judge. in Sioux City during the past week l-6-3t. Over 700 people attended the Anare Miss Bee Berkinsky of St. Paul; FKADEXBtBG, SXALMASTEU & BEBEE nual Student Welcome service last 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. Friday evening in the Synagogue. Miss Myrtle Messi of Chicago; Miss Mary Kasp, Miss Ann Handler, Miss NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OX PETIRabbi David Aronsohn of MinneapTION* FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL olis addressed the congregation. Fol- Betty Beechen and Miss Lillian Nor- ADMINISTBATION ACCOUNT. ton, all of Des Moines; Miss Bernice. lowing the services the congregation In the County Court, of Douglas County, Yousem and Miss Dorothy Baer of adjourned to the social hall, where In the Matter of the Estate of Meyer Green, Deceased. , . the students, visiting rabbi, choir Omaha. All persons interested In said matter are and religious school faculty were hereby notified that on the 31st day of feted a t a reception. Leonard Wein- Miss Eva Upton visited with December, 1932, B. Shafton, filed a petiin said County Court, praying that er acted as master of ceremonies, friends in Des Moines during this tion his final administration account filed hereweek. : . in be settled and allowed, and thnt he be and the students^wlo:spoke;included discharged from'his-trust -as administraLillian Magazineiy Arnold Baron, tor and that o hearing will be had on said Misa Sophie Rask|n: will be host- petition before said Court on the 2Sth day George, Kuntz,'Morris L'asensky^ Bin of January, 1933. and that-if yon fail to ess "to members' of the Achdus club ma Clensky,' TJor'btny * Merlin,' Berappear before said Court on the said 28th of January,-1933, at 9 o'clock A. I t , nard Lazriowich, -Dave- Singer and next. Sunday afternoon: Bridge will day contest said petition, the Court may Jack Greenberg. Miss Ida Heshe- form the afternoon's entertainment. and grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of fieirship, and make such other Iow' spoke in behalf; bfthd choir and further orders, allowances and aecteen, Rabbi Aronsohn offered a few re- At a meeting in the home of the and ns to this Court may seem proper, to the that nil matters pertaining to . said marks. Re,f,jeshment» ..werer served Missies A;nn and Katie Raskin, the end estate may be finally settled and aeterby' the Ladies '• Auxiliary, under; the Pacemakers' club Reorganized under irilnea. BRTCE: CKAWFOBD, the 'tajme of the Phi Debs sorority. direction~of fars. "Pora Baron. V County Jadg*.
TIRE SHOP ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. -
Bobernuut BrosM Proprietors