January 13, 1933

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In ike Interests of the Jewish People Knti-rud na rosloUice :,•

-. 1 «g.

Dedicated to the ideals of Judaism

MS> Wall Mallet 011 Junuary 21. UK1, at Vcbrnska. under the Art of Mfer&TS. 1878


"Kosher Komments" Keep Kollectirig Kredit


Another Myth of MACCABEEAIM Palestine Arabs OF RESISTANCE Explodes TO OPPRESSION

Vol. X—No. 50

Tribute to Memory of Harry Lapidus Is at Yahrzeit Meeting

The reverberations . from ^ ? Geneva (J. T. A,)-—The "number man's Kosher Komments" \BTitteh of Palestine-Arabs ttito can make out lor ' the Jewish I*ress -weekly (or a case for compensation on ~ the "weakly" as Ab K^T"**™ would say) ground that they 'i-ere ^dispossessed Berlin (J. T. A.).—An explanation of their land as a ^result of Jewish Zionist Executive. Vbints to the ring near and.'fax. Growing Importance of Two weeks ago Al Jolson sent a of bis ^conception of the meaning of immigration into the country will not personal note - to Abner thanking the Maccabee movement was given total 600, Sir Arthur Grenf ell -WanPalestine him for his jotting about Jolson's to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by chope, Palestine -high commissioner,, Lord Melchett, honorary president of informed the mat dates-commission of. London (J. T. A.).—The situation Yiddish rendition over the radio. the World Maccabee Union, during the league of Nations at its session And now comes a letter to the of the Jewish people in most counhis recent visit to Berlin, in connectries of the Galuth has, during the Press* "calumnist" on the "Daily tion with the work of the Maccabee in the fall, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns. : Mirror" stationery signed by Walter last years, undergone a marked Union. change for the worse, the executive Winchell himself. To quote Win- 'The idea behind the Maccabee The Palestine high commissioner, of the Zionist Organization writes; chell: "Thanks a lot for your movement is very old and appears to in his 'statement to the mandates Dr. Will Dnrant, noted author, lec,Vi a statement -which it has issued kind words. They_ are -very much me to comprise three factors; nat- commission, the minutes of which ftere, calling on supporters of the appreciated in. this brick-throwing ural resistance to oppression, phys- will be made'public shortly, exploded turer, and philosopher, is the next the' legend that Jewish immigration speaker on the Community Forum Bionist movement to register as pay- business." And the office boy upon seeing ical and, moral discipline, and devel- into. Palestine is responsible for the series at the Jewish Community Ceners of the shekel, because the power opment of courage for the realizaEulogy by Henry Monsky of the Zionist Organization inside the celebrities' autographs, remarks tion of our ideal," Lord Melchett dispossession of Arab cultivators,, and ter, January 25. that this columning has a few boHis subject will be "The American that economic grievances, as has been Jewry and the strength that the A community whose profound rev- found in him a heart sympathetic. stated. alleged, were responsible .for the Crisis," a discussion of the industrial, erence Zionist Organization, through • the quets with the brick-bats. for Harry H. Lapidus has not and understanding; a will ever ready, "No people that has suffered like Arab riots of 1929. political and moral chaos, with suggesJewish Agency, gives to the guardbeen dimmed by the passage of time to aid them in their distress. We the Jews can remain unaffected in tions for a better life. ians • of our political Tights in -rela- Hadassah to Show character, even if they have, at the Durant recently returned from a paid tribute to its departed leader at can appraise his public work; his tion to the Jewish National Home, an inspiring Yahrzeit meeting at the private benefactions were beyond ap- • same time, experienced a process of trip to Europe, induding Russia. are determined by the extent to which "The Dreyfus Jewish Community Center Tuesday praisal. spiritual refinement. One of the most Jews and Jewesses of all countries night, the first anniversary of his "He was a friend of Man—rich usual and often grounded charges acknowledge themselves as bound to Case" death according to the Hebraic cal- and poor alike—the eminent or the -made against us by our enemies is the Zionist movement through the endar. humble sought him out for advice," that the Jew lacks courage. That a "The Dreyfus . Case," heralded small people, the smallest race on shekel. counsel and aid. None were ever With solemn mien, young and old, will be shown by the Senior earth, should, during 2,000 years of Our political status, the statement movie,, men and women, Jews and non-Jews, denied. Heaven endowed him with. Hadassah at the State theater on -fays, is threatened in some lands, and Jan. 24, with all proceeds going to persecution, have lost the courage to of all strata of life, gathered in the qualities which afford a capacity to our economic position is seriously en- the Medical fund. strike back, is no wonder. On the Officers Install* i and Commit- Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—A vigorous auditorium where they had so often serve, and to serve was to him a dangered in almost every country in and on the Maccabee alone, campaign is being waged in Pal- listened to his dynamic words of wis- great privilege. The picture portrays with minute Maccabee, tees Appi inted for the world. Jewish youth "sees itself accuracy rests the responsibility for changing estine against speculators and un- dom. "When we consider new ranch the famous conspiracy case- this side of the Jewish character. Ensuin Term threatened with complete elimination which stirred controlled brokers who force up the he achieved that will live after Before the start of the memorial not only the Jewish from the economic scheme under people t u t the entire civilized world. Physical and spiritual preparedness A series of Jewish programs open prices of titrus land and orange program all standing room in the him; when we observe about us •which i t lives; what is': even more The French-Jewish captain was ig- give one the power with which' to proves, Emmanuel Neumann, head of auditorium was taken and the lobby ittBtitations and activities, the important, the destruction of our po- nominiously convicted of conspiracy, confront one's adversaries. j.ney to the public and ffollowed by open the economic department of the Jew- of the Community Center filled. An consequence of his inspiration litical and economic status in many having been "framed." Liberal lead- give him faith in himself, and the discussions, to be Meld once a month, ish Agency, has informed the Jew- amplifying system enabled stall oth- and the result of his labors, percountries has brought with it psycho- era in France, convinced of his in- presence of mind to master and to is being planned bjr the Omaha He- ish Telegraphic Agency. ers to hear the program in the lodge manent and enduring monuments brew dub. Judah" L. Wolfson out- In order to protect and guide mid- room. logical problems which can only be nocence, rallied around him in a control his feelings. to a. life well spent, must we not Solved by the concentration of all our battle for justice and religious tol- "Mental, spiritual and physical lined the general |>lan of the pro- dle class settlers and investors, a be confirmed in our belief that Ma'ariv Services physical and 'mental energy on the erance. He was finally vindicated equilibrium are all vital matters for grams at the last regular meeting. central information bureau is being lives are immortal in their Ma'ariv services for Lapidus were such Tribute was paid; to the late Harry established. The bureau, whose funcassertion of our historic national of the charge and the entire case a people. influence after death. We disheld in the lodge room earlier in the •unity. tion it will be to deal with all ques- evening, under the -direction of Can- miss him not to forgetfulness cleared up. Dreyfus is still living Maccabeen Hebrew dub for three tions connected with the purchase of What we admired and what we On the other hand, it goes on, as in France today. qualities once more into the Jewish termsOmaha q and was most active in its agricultural land and orange groves tor Leon Karz. An overflow crowd prized in him shall never be forif in reply to the dire need of the Mrs. M. F . Levenson, president, youth. It is the task of the Macca- councils. also attended these services. • gotten. He was one of the few, in Palestine, is to be under the" su- The auditorium was draped in Jewish people, Eretz Israel, during has asked that all Hadassah women been to impress young Jewish men the past years, has held out hands wishing to Taise their ."Give or Get" and women with the ideal of a per- The following jofficers were in- pervision of a committee represent- black for the memorial service. A the least portion of whose life • of welcome to an increasing number money by selling tickets, call her or fect body not only for aesthetic rea, stalled: Hymen fshrier, president; ing all elements of the Tishub, in- large portrait of Harry Lapidus was was his physical existence. H»8 Allan Cohen, vice president; Sol Bosoul inspired others; his greatthe Federation of Jewish unveiled.' Mrs. Julius Stein. of her sons and daughters. sons but also that they may learn to senberg, secretary; John Feldman, duding est claim to wealth was the Fanners, and the information bu"Thousands of Jews, both those achieve classic self-control, which is treasurer; Daniel Schwartz, Hyman reaus attached to the various organMemorial Program wealth of good reputation. He who live by manual labor and others only to be obtained through competi- Oruch and Sam Aftschuler, trustees; izations. Sam Beber presided at. the memohazarded much. He gave all, • who live by commerce, industry and tive sport and bodily exercise. J. J. Friedman, C. Levin and Prospective buyers in Palestine and rial program. The invocation and that he may live forever in the the professions—and above all, thou"We are now entering - new era Dr. A. A. Steinberg, executive board. the benediction were given by Babbi hearts of those who follow him. abroad will be advised to consult sands who see in their establishment of Jewish life. The Maccabees have, The following committees were ap"Xanrzeit," a Such men in death, I daresay, David Ai rGoldstein. this boreau_ before ctrainntting themjpn the soil of Palestine the end. of last year* f o r t h e firsfc^time, BO far pointed by Presided* Shrierr * •*•' selves. " "Isy-Sar^ • • '. •-"•-•• '"-• . their age-long wanderings—^have duras I know, held an international sport David Slobodinsky was chosen ry Du Boff, accompanied at the piano "This occasion will serve its most ing the past years set up their homes president of the Hazomir Choral festival at Tel Aviv. I was present Organization and membership: J. by his wife. useful purpose, if the lessons of his in Palestine and contributed to the club at the annual election of offi- during the first day, and it appeared Biklin (chairman), M. Polonsky, H. Dworsky, Wm. Monovitz, A. Conen, Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of the life shall inspire us to carry on his consolidation of our position there. II Mi cers held. Monday evening. He suc- to me the most excinng and wonder- A. Bichards, J. Freed and S. FellLapidus memorial committee, made work." "Palestine, in the midst of a world ceeds Harry Bender, president for ful demonstration of its kind that I man. up of representatives of all the Jewof depression and of what may be the past two years, who was elected have seen." Initiation: Irvin Levin (chairman), ish organizations in the city, reportcalled world insecurity, remains one of permanent honorary president. Sam Klaver, Lou lipp, Max Fromkln, ed -on the work done by the committhe few countries where the happiOther officers named: Eose AbramBen Handler, J. Badinowski, D. Mrs. tee and read a resolution of the ness of positive constructive work and son, vice president; Ivy Siegel, secIrma L. former Schwartz, Dr. J. M. Erman. president of Hadassah and author of Jewish community of Omaha. the joy of national redemption are retary; Dr. I. Dansky, treasurer, and Vigilance: • Wm. Holzman {chair- "The Immortal Adventure," will be a It was this memorial committee to be experienced. The Zionist move- Emanuel Sellz, sergeant-at-arms. Boman), Henry Monsky, Harry Wolf, guest in Omaha on Jan. 21 and 22. that arranged for the communityment remains one of i&e few positive ris Komey, Mrs. L Dansky and MorSam Beber, Fredfc White, Dr. A. A. Prominent in national Jewish life, wide memorial service of Tuesday forces working for reconstruction and ris Teplitsky will be <?n the execuAn elaborate program will be Greenberg, Max ftomkin, Irvin StalConsiderable enthusiasm and inLmdheim has for years been a. evening. Dr. Greenberg reported that and for the increase of confidence. tive board. given at the fourth annual Congre- master, Sam Klaver, Irvin Levin, Dr. Mrs. leader Zionist work. He has vis- plans for the Lapidus memorial trust terest have been generated for the "This state of affairs imposes upon Slobodinsky, a member of the gational dinner of the Conservative Philip Sher, Phil Klutznick, H. Auer- ited in inPalestine on many occasions fund are progressing and will be approaching "Athletic Department us increased responsibilities. Our B'nai Israel choir for the past eight Synagogue this coming Wednesday, bach. Celebration" on Jan. 22, when the and has had the opportunity to ob- completed very shortly. first tasks are, of course, to "bring years, was president of the Creigh- Jan. 18. Inside guard: Sam Aitschuler; serve dosely the development of the He further reported that Prof. En- varsity and J. C. C. girls' teams as many Jews into Palestine as pos- ton university glee dub' two years Among the features will be the Center representative, Hymen Shrier. Jewish pioneers and the great prog- rico Glicenstein, one of the foremost play representatives from -Kansas sible and to settle as many as pos- ago. He states that the Hazomir official dedication of the "Book of Executive: H. Shrier (chairman), achieved in all fields in the re- sculptors in the world, who has been City. The cage festivities will be sible on the land." are planning a concert Purim and Bemembrance" by Babbi David A. Allan Cohen, Sol Bosenberg, John ress commissioned to make a bust of Har- followed by a dance. building of the Homeland. are contemplating additional pro- Goldstein. Dr. L Dansky will give Feldman, Irvin Levin, Sam AltschaThe Y. M. H. A. boys will come Lapidus, is working on the bust some interesting and entertaining ler, D. Schwartz, Dr. A- A. Stein- Because of her appreciation of the ry grams on the air. here with a 87 to SI victory over now and will have it finished in the efforts of the Chalutzim, Mrs. lindnumbers in Jewish, and Cantor E. berg, Hyman Oruch, J. J. Friedman. helm has offered her services to the near future. The bust will be placed the Omahans under their belt, garSellz will sing several numbers. Intellectual advisory: Sam Klaver League for Labor Palestine in the in the Jewish Community Center. nered on their own court. On the The newly-elected officers of the (chairman), Irvin Levin, J. Bikfin, team are three players that Coach Besolutions on the passing of HarSynagogue and the Auxiliary will J. Crounse, D. Oruch, A. Kaiman. United States, to co-operate with Morrie Sogolow of the Omaha J. C. ry Lapidus by the Jewish organizathem in strengthening the acitvities be installed. Jack W. Marer will Ways and means: Dr. A. Steinberg of the Histadruth and to make pos- tions in Omaha and by many insti- C coached in Kansas City years ago. act as chairman. Eeservations may (chairman), J. Feldman, J. Freed, S. tations throughout the country are A feature of the girls' game will be sible their further development. still be made with him. Aitschuler, J. Biklin, B. Brown, D. The J. C. C. Varsity basketball being bound as a permanent record. that of sister pitted against sister. She is reputed to be a forceful, The dinner wills be 'prepared and Schwartz, J. J. Greenberg, N. BesMrs. Bachel Bubashov, pioneer team won their sixteenth game of Those present were deeply stirred Flo Pittd Brookstein, captain and interesting speaker. -woman leader from Palestine, was a the season and their fourth victory served by^ members of-..the Auxiliary, nick. and many sobbed unashamedly as the high scorer with 54 points in- S guest in Omaha Jan. 8 and 9, mak- in ten days when they defeated Val- under the direction of Mrs. B. A. House committee: J. J. Friedman will be guarded by her own dirge, "El Maleh Bachamim," was games, Simon. * ing several addresses here. sister, Bose ley, 33 to 16. (chairman), Sam Aitschuler, H. chanted by Cantor Abraham Scbwacz- City's best. Pittel, one of Kansas '. She spoke before the Pioneer WomOruch, J. Freed, Ben Handler, Dr. They also defeated the Bacchankin. b ' s club at the home of Mrs. J. ites, 46 to 34; the Thallas Hatters, Among the features at the dance D. Flatt, Sol Bosenberg. Eulogy by Monsky Kaplan Sunday afternoon on "The 30 to 23; and the Holy Name Ath- A. Z. A. Quint Meets will be a prize waltz, a prize f Judiciary: Joe Tretiak (chairman) p The eulogy was delivered by Henry Women Kvutzos in Palestine and letic dub, 39 to 32. Nathan Yaffe, J. Biklin, Judah Wolftrot, and cut-in dances. The dance Sioux City Sunday son, Nathan Wolfson, Harry SteinMonsky. He paid tribute to the many Tneir Accomplishments." The KvutThe J. C. C. girls' team trounced is to be called the "Varsity Drag." Mrs. M. Bosenberg, 51, a resident services rendered to worthwhile zos, she pointed out, are supported the T. J. Sokols 44 to 13, with Flo berg, Harry Marcus. of Omaha, passed away from heart The mother chapter of the: A. Z. causes by the departed leader, to by such organizations as the local Brookstein scoring 22 points and Besolutions: Lou lipp (chairman) Saturday at her home, 1807 his noble heart, his sympathetic unPioneer Women, and give needed aid Eeva Golden 15. They also defeated A. wSl play the Sioux City chap^ Allan Cohen, J. J. Friedman, Fred attack Wirt street ter cagers at the J. C. C. gym his keen mind and the to the young girl Chalutzos upon the Bellevue, Nebr., girls, 29 to 16. White, Max Fromkin, Sam Swartz, She is survived by her husband; derstanding, warm generosity his benefactions. their arrival in Palestine. Five The girls have won three straight, this Sunday afternoon, starting at Phil Klutznick. three sons, Harry, Joseph and Wil- Monsky traced of 3:15 o'clock. This is a return game, the early life and thousand new arrivals of the young; all by one-sided scores. Investigation: M. Blank (chair- liam; two daughters, Mrs. Anne BluJewish National Fund "Flag Day" Chalutzos are expected this year. hardships of Lapidus, his struggle The varsity schedule for the week: the Sioux Cityans having nosed out man), A. Kaplan, L. Morgan, J menthal and Rosalie Bosenberg. botn will be held in Omaha Sunday, with the locals at Sioux City, 28 to 26. Sunday evening Mrs. Bubashov was Jan. 13, at Plattsmouth, Nebr.; Jan. of Omaha; and a sister, Mrs. Bessie for self-education. He recounted his Mrs. Sidney Katelman ar general At 4:30 the Sioux City chapter's Freed, M. Bercovici, Emanuel Selz. Zacharia constant efforts to serve in the cause principal speaker at a mass meeting 15, at Des Moines, la.; Jan. 18, at of Des Moines. Talmud Torah: Sam Klaver (chairat the J. C. C. Her subject- was Fremont. The girls' team will ac- alumni will clash with the Xi Lamb- man), of humanity, uis peerless genius in chairman. The funeral was held Sunday from Irvin Levin, J. Biklin. Members of various Zionist orgaim* "Palestine Today and .the Important company them when they go to Fre- da quint. At 2:30 the Pants Store fund-raising campaigns, his forceful izations Sick: Allan Cohen (chairman), J the residence. are volunteering their scr* five will meet the Sokol A. C. ....... Bole in the Upbuilding of the Land mont. aid to organizations in city, state vices for the canvass, which is being Freed, Harry Feldman, Sam Aitschuby Jewish Labor." She stressed the and nation. ler, J. Eiklin, Hyman Oruch, D sponsored by the local Jewish Naneed 6f dominance by the Jewish Isadore Abramson "He had a remarkable capactional Fund Council. Oruch, Harry Dworsky. laborer in the work in Palestine. ity for leadership; a sound conPublidty: Allan Cohen (chairman), All proceeds will go toward r<> Admitted as C. P. A. ception of economic, social and demption Babbi David A. Goldstein also spoke of land in Palestine atwl J. Crounse, M. Potash, Mark Lorig at the mass meeting. political problems," M o n s k y the aiding of the Chalutzim there. J. Morgenstem, Dr. O. S. Belzer. Mrs. Bubashov was honor guest at Isadore Abramson, local accountstated in his eulogy. "He had a luncheon at the J. C. C. Monday ant, has been notified that he has sterling qualities of character, Benefit~Party Will Poular Jewish Chassidic and folk sustained that Miss Bernstein gave noon, 120 women attending. Mrs. been admitted to practice as a Cer- unswerving integrity and limittwo encores. songs interspersed with several classitified Public Accountant, having David A. Goldstein was chairman. Be Given Wednesday less courage. A profound and Her program: passed the examination given by the Monday evening the Pioneer Wom- cal numbers delighted the large audialways unquestionable sincerity The Prophecy of Isiah (Chap. 2), Oi American Institute of Accountants. en honored Mrs. Bubashov at a ban- ence which attend-d the concert on A benefit card party, all process characterized his every action More than 30 states now give quet at the Center. She spoke on Jewish music given by Miss Florence Bruder Zog, A Ganeyoh, Der Bebbe going to charity, will be sponsors^ Leon Bloch, 69, retired Coloradt and attitude. His frankness, his by the Fa-Hon girls at 2222 Mi»n?i •The New Life and the New Cul- Bernstein of Chicago at the Jewish Elimelech, As ich, volt gelvehen Der merchant, died suddenly on Sunday the same examination each year. candor, his abhorrence of any Community Center Wednesday eve- Boireh Ho-oylom, Yisroel Am Kade- evening. He had been making his Over 900 candidates took the Insti- rule of expediency, though somestreet Wednesday, Jan. 18, in th? ture of Palestine." afternoon and evening. Door Mrs. Bubashov was high in her ning. She was accompanied at the shim (call to prayer), Schir-Haschirim home here for the past three years tute's examinations this year, with times harsh, nevertheless com(collected from the Georgeon Jews), with his son, Louis. only 21 per cent passing. as well as table prizes will be p v praise of the discipline evident in piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky. manded the respect of all vrho By passing the examination, Ab- knew him. Augment these qualincluding among others a free finj?*c the Jewish colonies and the sacrifi- The concert was the second number (Song -of Songs, Chap. 1), Rachelina Besides his son here, he is surwave, cleaning of a fur coat, thrap cial spirit manifested in Palestine. on the Jewish Forum series, part of (old Spanish -Hebrew), Yah-Lell (Pal- vived by another son, Marx, of Chi- ramson is prepared for entrance into ities of character and mind with the adult Jewish education program of estinian Song), Dem Balagola's lied cago, and a daughter, Mrs. Harry the American Institute of Accountpounds of coffee, a three-pound a great heart, sympathetic with ants. Abramson, who is active comthe Center. Every seat in the Center Patch, Patch Kichelach, Die Alts Bothholz. of candy, and three one-pound b every human problem and the Ludwig Favors World Kasche (Fragt die Velt), A Mul is auditorium was filled. Some novelty entertainment is Funeral services were held Wed- munally, is president of the local product is a personality destined Jewish Congress also planned. Miss Bernstein possesses an expres- geven a Maise, A Chassene Lied. nesday with Eabbi Cohn officiating. B'nai Brith, secretary of the Workin the fullest sense to do 'God's men's Loan, a director of the ConNew York.—The American Jewish sive soprano voice, and her interpreta- The next number on the Jewish Will on Earth.' Salomca.—A large number of Atlanta.—The University of Geor- servative synagogue, and active in Congress has received a communica- tion of the difficult list of songs she Forum series will be an address on "More important than all, he was ish families in Turkey have gia has named its new law building the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syntion from Emil Ludwig, the distin- sang was excellent.. Her expression "Jews in Bussia Today" by Rabbi guished Jewish biographer, pledging intelligently complemented the dear- Wohl of Cincinnati, February 8, after an illustrious Jew in Atlanta, agogue, in the Zionist. organization the friend, counselor, adviser and pealed to the Palestine office Membership in the Center entitles one Harold Hirsch, an alumnus of the and the Omaha Chamber of Com- personal benefactor of countless men for aid in securing visas for his support to the projected world ness of her enunciation.. and women in this community. They tine. merce. .university. The applause was so hearty and so to admission to this series.. Jewish congress.

WILL DURANT NEXT Overflow Attendance at CommunitySPEAKER ON FORUM Wide Memorial Services at J* C. C* Last Tuesday Evening



Palestine Seeks to Control Speculation








Miss Bernstein Scores Hit in Concert of Jewish Music



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY IS, 1933 their entertainment desires . . . and Aon critics i n this vide nation of sufficiently sophisticated that they ours . . . "Believe us yon," Jay is a will not tolerate a publicised celeb- conscientious and fearless critic -who rity . . . unless be or she possesses writes as bis conscience dictates . . . the ability to entertain . . . Our And speaking of news "hawks" tce ( 'PubJifshed every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by good friend George Givot . . . Oma- introduce Allan Kohan of the Des THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ha's boy who made good in the big Moines Kohans . . . on the staff of city . . . recently worked with Phil the World-Herald . . . and of whom Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - Baker in vaudeville . . . he succeeds there is none better reporters on the By "Ab" Kaiman Jack Buchanan the English star in ground or in the air . . . Al has Advertising ratea furnished on application the musical show, "Voss yon dere taken the **air" (meaning aero-' Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building SPIRITUAL QUALITIES Cholly" . . . . Oh yes. Jack Pear; the planes) on many occasions when in Telephone: ATlanttc 1450 Random Rambling? But this Jewish peddler, it ap"Baron" of the air, is featured . . . quest of "hot" news . . . catch on? Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center pears, had another quality, which The romance that had its incep- a greeting from George's friends . . . DAVID BLACKER • - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor Just a Gag lira. Lewis rightfully points out, is tion on the Center basketball court especially the local Greek colony . . . P B A N K R ACKERMAN - . - - . . . ' . . . - Editor Of Wilfred J. Funk's ten most even more important . . . the Apollo-like build of H. G. Jack Durant, featured artist with F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Coundl Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent '•It is queer and tragic," she caught the fancy of Miss E. W. . . . the "Vanities" musical show at the beautiful words we find the word A N N PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent writes, "how so few roomers real- and now they are like this . . . The Brandeis theater tonight . . . one of "mist" . . . the Yiddish meaning of ize, it isn't adventure that makes a case of the case worker is a case our "Lontsman" . . . from Lomza the word while not "beautiful," is an book, but certain qualities of the for a certain physician . . . and the (Gubernah) Poland . . . Jack bears essential product nevertheless . . . spirit. eighty-tnree proffered little blonde "steno-writer" in the a striking resemblance to Clark and to all the "shryers" (those who "Hebraic mortar cemented the foundations of American demo- lives andOfmanuscripts, which came Center office is responsible for the (the line forms this way girls) lift their voices when speaking) . . • :racy." Thig compliment to our ancestors by the historian Lecky from all over the world, only this love sighs of a shy and retiring Gable . . . and aside from his acrobatic "hush" should be the most important was repeated a few years back in a notable address by Calvin one seemed to me to have the quali- chap . . . Incidentally the Center has antics is quite a crooner . . . a word . . . my nomination for the three most important words now curbeen the scene of many successful clever and versatile chap. 3oolidge, thirtieth president of the United State, whose sudden ties of good literature." rent: . . . "Please Pay Promptly" romances . . . which we will chonArrange Your Dates Now leath last week shocked the entire nation. Special tribute was A GREAT MIND . . . M. G. M. in film circles are the icle in a later issue . . . Surprising Don't foTget the basketball game initials for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer... A woman dies. She never held that R. B., that striking young brujaid by Coolidge at the laying of the cornerstone of a new Jewish public office, yet her obsequies are nette of the Spanish type, is ex- and dance to be given at the Center termed now "Mehr Gelt Moisha" . . • jenter in Washington, in which he showed a keen understanding marked as that of a great statesman changing a tall 'handsome brunette on Sunday, January 22 . . . the J. C. Harry Shnmow's advice to his salesand deep appreciation of the influence of Jewish lore, Jewish law, and in a fundamental sense Mrs. for a good looking blonde . . . must C. Varsity girls will play the Kansas men . . . France's debt payment was Jewish culture and the Jewish spirit, as expressed in the Bible, Henry Moskowitz was a great states- be a temporary switch . . . and City girls in the preliminary game a "franc" failure states one of the speaking of handsome blonde boys . . . the J. C. C. Varsity men's team journals . . . in other words theyj apon the development of the United States. The Jewry of Amer- man. She had the best mind of any per- . . . here is Al. K. . . . who seems will meet the Kansas City Y. M. C. took French leave when this nation ca would be the beneficiaries if his address in its entirety would son that he had ever met, comments to adore Bonnie S., a lass with a A. . . . The dance which is given in sought to collect! Al Smith. Strangely enough, Mrs. distinct personality-and a prize win- honor of the visiting teams will be l*e read by all America. Pardon the Persistency Moskowitz has been quoted as dis- ning figure . . . And the cheerful held immediately after the games. Too few know, as Coolidge knew, the Hebraic influence on the paraging Once more we beg to call your atthe feminine mind. She "B" brothers, B. and D. wrapped up . . . A very nominal charge for both original colonies, on their law, their religion, their morals, their believed in feminine intuition, but in smiles . . . the reason: Elsie and events . . . expect to see "you all" tention to the renewal of your Press subscription . . . If you will help entire philosophy. When the Revolution came, the leanings of not in feminine reason. In reasoning Rosalie, their dancing partners . . . there. Morris Blacker or Abe Fellman with she thought, me were super- Ask Bess Stalmaster or Mrs. I. A. Gentlemen of the Press the colonial Jewish population against the British was due, as ex- qualty, (Estelle) Stalmaster to tell you the ior. Bill Wiseman, radio editor of the reference to a renewal or new subplained by Coolidge, to the fact that "The Jewish faith is predomBut what i* reason and what is story of the Rockford gentleman Bee-News and also known as the scription . . . you will be entitled to inantly the faith of liberty." The Jewish people, he recognized, ntuition? It is BO hard to analyze with the "thick" accent . . . Mazel- Globe Trotter of the Air, "ops" and an orchid . . . the boys are raising tov to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brodin this manner to aid them in "have always come to us, eager to adapt themselves to our in- these things that one can't place sky . . . An orchid to the dress asserts that he is a Methodist . . . funds defraying their expense for their them under a microscope. jobber located on Farnam street who answering your so what? . . . here Medical course . . . . and this is no stitutions, to thrive under the influence of liberty, to take their 'tis . . . possessing Semitic features frequently donates sample clothes to "racket" magazine gag either. full part as citizens in building and sustaining the nation, and to A BIBLICAL "ANIMAL" I came across a good Biblical story the Jewish Welfare Fed. for distri- he has been the center of discussion bear their part in its defense; in order to make a contribution to the other day, said to have been a bution to the poor. as to his racial identity . . . another Orchid to Phi Beta Epsilon rumor current among those "in the the national life, fully worthy of the traditions they had in- favorite of the late Theodore RooseA good idea, the plan of selecting know" is that Bill is a relative of an outstanding Jewish citizen jf the] velt herited." So Says Sidney Ben Bernie . . . Wiseman plugs the year . . . I have a hunch it will be Teddy was telling of a friend of Sidney Skolsky, New York News outstanding Jewish artists when they a gentleman of . . . well, you might The former president saw the forces at work in the country his, who cherished a warm esteem columnist . . . prominent as a Broad- exhibit superior entertaining ability guess if a description were g i v e n . . . and the necessity for steering a charted course spiritually, for the for the Scriptures and frequently way "calumnist" and equally as fam- . . . and "sweet William" has a one of Omaha's noblest and staunchfuture. In his words, VThe work of spiritual unification is not read the Bible to his boy. One day, this friend took his little ous as the wily Walter . . . writes trained ear according to experts . . . est citizens who has given freely of completed. Factional, sectional, social and political lines of conflict youngster to the New York Zoo. that Omaha is satisfied with syn- And hear ye; hear ye: Jay Raehman his time, money and individual efentertainment . . . sounds like (Jack Reel to the readers of the forts to all causes regardless of creed yet persist. Despite all experience, society continues to engender The two saw the elephant, the lion thetic a "dig without a foundation" . . . theatrical news section of the Bee- or color . . . a splendid idea and methe hatreds and jealousies whereof are bom domestic strife and and so down on the line. "Isn't as many Broadway satellites will at- News) is rated by a national film thinks I will begin now towards rea zeal here?" asked the little test, Omahans are discriminating in daily as one of the leading film and ceiving next year's award? . . . What international conflicts. But education and enlightenment are there boy of his father. a fanciful reason given by Drew breaking their force. Reason is emerging. Every inheritance of "The zeal—what do you mean by Pearson, the "Merry-go-Rounder" the Jewish people, every teaching of their secular history and re- the zeal?" who lectured here recently . . . when "Oh, don't you know, daddy. The ligious experience, draws them powerfully to the side of charity, zeal of thy house hath eaten me he was asked if Jesse Strauss would liberty and progress. They have always been arrayed on this side, up." be named a member of Roosevelt's cabinet . , . Pearson stated that and we may be sure they will not desert it. Made up of so many NO FUN DEPRESSION Morgenthau and Baruch were opdiverse elements, our country must cling to those fundamentals But speaking about these "gags," posed to Strauss' appointment bethat have been tried arid proved as butressesVof national solid- there seems to be no danger of any cause of their investigation of over-production, at least, in their Macy's methods of price reduction arity." . ;:.:. , _. ' . :.;; . , / . case. . on their merchandise „ . . we shall The man who spoke these utterances is dead. But the pro-i It appears, indeed that the one see if this gentleman "drew" the proper conclusion . I . A < charming phetic wisdom of his outlook will be a blessing to future Amer- profession, which has not suffered from-the depression is the comedian. artist possessing .a distinct personica. And as a constant rebuke to anti-Jewish manifestations is his; The Cantors, the Holtzes, e t c are ality- with simplicity of mannerisms reminder of "the inspiring servicethat has been rendered to civil-^ paying as high income taxes this like that of the usual concert artist . . . a soprano voice of wide range ization by men and women of the Jewish faith . . . ; the long ar- year as ever, and even the lowly writers of these gags are lowly no and clear tone . . . Miss Florence ray of their number who have been eminent in . statecraft, in longer. It seems that the man who Bernstein of Chicago . . - . whose science, in literature, in art, Jn the professions, in business, in fi- can turn out a gag a day nowadays singing of a Yiddish program of songs pleased an enthusiastic audnance, in philanthropy/land in the spiritual life of the word . . '•.can wax fat like Jeshurun. So great is the demand for gags, that alas, ience at the Center last Wednesday may we give due credit to the people among whom the Holy Scrip- some of them that are being turned eve. tures came into being." out, must give the man of any taste Oar High-Grade Stock a pain in the neck. One of them that I saw this week in Winchell's of Men's Fancy Pattern children to support, never got down column, credited to Holtz gave me to it. more than that. It almost gave me pneumonia. HAILS FROM ODESSA But there is to be a Jewish Trader SUCH AN OLD ONE By DAVID SCHWARTZ Horn nevertheless. And the book Lincoln, Neb. — (Special) — RepreIt is one of the oldest Jewish stoabout the Jewish Trader Horn, it ries that I ever knew. Three years sentative Jake Crounse of Omaha, seems, is to be written by Mrs. ago I was on the point of using it, only Jewish member of the Nebraska A JEWISH TRADER HORN Lewis, the woman who wrote the life but I didn't have the heart. It is legislature, started off his second Many months ago, this column of the original and now immortal term career this week with a mild that old f'Ory, about the Jew who suggested that there ought to fee Trader Horn. censure of Governor Bryan for failat the request of his old neighbor, plenty of material for a Jewish ing to recommend submission of proMrs. Lewis plans now to write of who had moved to another city, visTrader Horn. We pointed to the hibition repeal in his formal mesthe life of a Jewish pedler, who ited him at the tatter's request. But largo number of these old South sage to the legislature. However, if African traders who were Jews and camp from Odessa, peddled in South as his visit was concluded, his old Jake thinks that prohibition repeal •we went further to mention even Africa, joined the Briitsh army at neighbor charged him for rent and is a popular subject for entertainone man—a former South African the outbreak of the World War even board. So the visitor took the case ment of his fellow solons, he is badthough he was 63 years old and was trader, but now a newspaperman, to the rabbi, and the rabbi ruled that ly mistaken. Nothing seems more •who, wo thought, could qualify for wounded at the battle of Ypres. the visitor must pay, even though he certain in this session than "complete the task. This man, hnd related to ; The old peddler is dead, says Mrs. had been invited by his friend. defeat of any liquor legislation. The us, in private, some of the exper- Lewis,, "but I hope to carry out the As the two left .the rabbi, the visDouglas county delegation is the only iences ho had with the natives of task if only to keep green the mem- itor said to the party of the other group even daring to think about it. ory of an embittered and cynical South Africa, and it was the kind of part: "You know, nevertheless, that For a young democrat in only his material we thought that good books but innately gentle, almost Christ- the rabbi is wrong—that you should like old hero and reprobate." ore mnde from. second term, Crounse was well taken not charge me." care of when his party leaders passed "I know," replied the second party, But this nowspaperman, battling SAINT AND REPROBATE the committee honors around. Jake "but I just did i t to show you what far his daily bread, with wife and That phrase "Christ-like old hero a rotten rabbi we have in town." has been made a member of three of these groups—education, employes WISE AND SEABURY and fees and salaries.. The last two I was very pleased-to hear that are important, and the educaticn BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run Dr. Wise had presided at the Seacommittee is not exactly a minor apPET HOI-ED M bury meeting at which the incorpopointment. ration of proportional representation As a member of the employes comin the charter of New York was mittee, Jake had to turn down at Be»t Grade—Forked Clean urged. least a hundred dozen men who wantALL LUMPED—FORKED Small in Slie, but Large In Heat It seems to me that if there is ed various of the jobs that the lower High in Heat A DIG SAVING TO one outstanding political reform that house has to dispense. His real inCORK USEUS Very Little Ash is urgent, particularly in New York, terest probably will be taken by the 411 Separata CoHor-fo-Motcfc at the present time, it is proporfees and salaries group. To this Fo«cy SUrH hu/oded tional representation. committee will be referred the nuCONSUMERS COAL CO. 411 Cellor-Jlttacbtcf '.' Under the present election system, merous and popular bills cutting salOKUTIlir.U WtSIGIITH BY A HWOItN AMD BONDED Faacy SUrft fncladttf some million votes are garnered i n aries of everybody from governor to WKia II MASTER New York municipal election by Tamjanitors. •AT 4444i 411 Dtnl-losom Fancy Separate many every year, about three-quarCollar Shirts Included ter of a million Republican votes and about a quarter of a million Socialist A Startling Sale! votes. Under the present electoral sysAn unrestricted sale of The Nebraska's fine fancy pattern tem, however, none but the Tamshirts has not been offered heretofore! A home building department has many votes count. If you don't get been added fcy the A. H. Brodkey a majority, you're out of the picMen who have worn only custom shirt makers individual Construction Co. ture. Under the proportional repproductions will find their quality ideal here! Their feature is the building and resentation, minorities would have financing of one's home up to 75 Every shirt strictly first quality and tailored as only Manrepresentation also. The Republicans per cent of the value of the house Try a Bag Today and Socialists combined could checkhattan, Eagle and Yorke can produce them! and lot. The monthly payments, A. mate Tammany. Anyway, what is H. Brodkey points out, are less than AH shirts on sale in our regular shirt sections with careful needed is the creation of some oppothose to the building and loan comservice by regular shirt men. sition, and proportional representapanies. tion would do that. The local concern has made an association in the east which enables WHITE SHIRTS NOT INCLUDED Centenary of Birth of Eiffel them to thus finance homes, at comTower Constructor petitive prices. Paris.—The centenary of the birth "We have entered this field beof the famous French Jewish engicause of the higher standard being neer, Gustave Eiffel, who built the demanded today by home-builders. famous Eiffel tower in 1889, then Now is the ideal time to build beCORRECT AFFAREL. FOR MEN AKD WOMEN the largest building in the world, will cause prices are the lowest they have be celebrated throughout France. been in years," stated Mr. Biadkey.


and reprobate" which Mrs. Lewis attaches to this Jewish peddler is noteworthy. It seems you've got to be both saintly and reprobate—to be worth writing about. In the Kingdom of Heaven, you can enter by being merely saintly, but to get the immortality of the Kingdom of Books you've got io be a saint, and a little ot devil at the same time.




CHICAGO.. $5 Des Moines Denver $7.50 Detract $7.00 Las Angeles S2«.C*Q

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Don't Miss It Saturday!


PEffiLESS CLEANERS 4420-22 North 20 KEnwood 1500

As the only Jewish barber down town, I cordially invite your patronage . . . with 4 expert barbers constantly at roar service. We absolutely guarantee oor workmanship . . . a first-class haircut for


Jack's Barber Shop 218 So. 14th St.

GENUINE SEMI-LUMP S8.50 Cash Ask About Winning a Ton of TRADE-WATER LUMP

PEOPLES COAL CO. 912 S. 16th St.

AT. 1111

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SALE of SHIRTS Manhattan, Eagle and Yorke

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10 Lbs. 70c Additional Pounds . Shirts Hand-Finished, 8c







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MORRISON Th« Chicago World's Fair of 1933 — from June to November. Don'l mitt Hii* thrilling review of the Scientific and industrial achievement of our presentage. Bystcyingolthe Morrison you are right in the center of thing* in Chicago. lnthe"heartof the loop," the Morrison is near shops, theaters, and railroad stations. All rooms a t * outside with bath, Servidor, circulating ice-water and bed-head reading lamp. Automatic garoge facilities. A gf-eof hotel in a greaf cifyl

2500 ROOMS—$3.00 UP LEONARD HICKS Ataaesrin? Director

p s^n-artti-'feiafk Streets


1933 informal party Saturday evening at the Omaha Woman's club. Novel entertainment is being planned by the At a Tegular meeting at the home nine pledges of the fraternity. of Dorothy Kaplan, plans were dis-

Iota Tau

Daughters of Zion

TWENTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. M. B. DoIgoS were honored on the occasion of their twentieth wedding- anniversary a t a surprise party at their home, given by their sons and daughter, George, Sol and Elizabeth. Twenty couples attended. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Is H. Weiner, 20(5 Kipling apartments, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday at the Clarkson hospital. - . •,



A special meeting of the Daughters of Zion has been called for Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 18, at the J. C. C. Nomination and election of officers will be held. As- matters of great importance will be discussed, all members are urged to attend. A board meeting will be held at 1:30. Century chapter'has been postponed to Feb. 5. Freddy Ebener and his orchestra will play for the affair, which will be held at the Elks club. Hadassah reading group 4 will At Sunday's meeting Abe GoldThe Vaad H'Oehr Auxiliary of meet Saturday afternoon at the home berg, who left for New York, regreater Omaha -will entertain at a community-wide tea on Sunday af- of Mrs. Dave Epstein, 3009 Cass. signed as treasurer in favor of Lewternoon, January 22, from 3 to 5 Mrs. David A. Goldstein will review is Canar. Nate Cutler, athletic chairman, p. in. at the Jewish Community Cen- "Magnolia Street." Group 3 will meet Tuesday, Jan. reports steady improvement for the ter, honoring Rabbi Uri Miller, who assumes his duties in Omaha shortly 17, at the home of Mrs. David R. basketball team. a3 spiritual leader of the local Vaad. Cohen, 301 So. 50 Ave. Mrs. Max A special musical program and Fromkin will review "Thicker Than entertainment "will be arranged. The Water." The Hadassah Culture Group led Auxiliary has extended an invitation to the public in general and the by Mrs. Herman Jahr will meet at The recent .survey on the cost of members of the "women's organiza- the home of Mrs. Morris Margolin, 119 So. 50 St. Monday at 1 o'clock medical care in American cities, comtions in particular to attend.

Community Tea Will Welcome Rabbi Miller


Council of Jewish


Daughters of Israel

day afternoon at the Athletic club were Mrs. Philip Levey and Mrs. H. daughters of Mrs. Mamie Kneeter of Perimeter in the north and south sec- this city. tion, and Mrs. F. B. Roddy and Mrs. J. Abrahamson in the east and west. FOR NEW YORK Mrs. David Ferer will continue to Abe Goldberg left Thursday for New hold her duplicate bridge tourna- York City. ments at the Athletic club every "Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. ". Z. B. T. MOTHERS* CLUB The Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' club will hold a regular meeting WednesTO RETURN TO CHICAGO Miss Dorothy 'Lustgarten will re- day afternoon, Jan. 18, at 2:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Philip

Greenberg. The last meeting was held at the Lustgarten, studying the piinb in cago, will arrive about February 2J>, home of Mrs. S. Leon. for a short visit with their parents^ Mr. and Mrs., Ben Lustgatffin., -_ . . , , , ; . ARTIST GUEST HONORED IN TOPEKA Mrs. Sarah Galitzki of Topeka, Kans., sister of Mrs. Dave Sherman and the Greenberg brothers of this city, was installed worthy: matron of the Helena chapter ;• at the ' Eastern Star, according to woitj received here.

Miss Florence -Bernstein of Chicago, who gave u concert of'Jewish folk songs at the J. C. C. Wednesday evening, "was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster during her stay here.

Conservative Auxiliarv Rabbi Frederick Cohn reviewed "Blessed Spinoza" at a regular meeting of the Auxiliary held Wednesday. Abraham Dansky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dansky, gave several piano selections. At a board meeting it was decided to hold an Intercity Conference on the date of the next meeting, Feb. 8. Auxiliary members from Des Moines, Sioux City and Lincoln will be invited to attend. An elaborate program, business sessions and a luncheon will be on the agenda. Mrs. Ben Shapiro is program chairman, and Mrs. D. A. Goldstein and Mrs. Dave Sherman are in charge of the Conference. The Bible class will meet every Tuesday at 1:30 at the J. C. C.

piled by a group of social workers in conjunction with the Julius Rosenwald foundation, will form the basis for the talk to be given by Rabbi David A. Goldstein for the current topic section of the Omaha Council of Jewish Women Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at the Jewish Community CenterRabbi Goldstein, whose subject wil be "The Report on the Cost of Medical Care," will discuss how best this cost could be met. His talk will have a direct application to condi tions locally. Problems of the school and preschool child will be discussed when the child study group meets Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Community Center, with the course leader, Mrs. Eva Morse, head of the adult education department of the board of education. The bi-monthly meeting of the dv-

Dancing'Party'An outstanding event on the win-, ter social calendar of the auxiliary of the Conservative synagogue will be the dancing: party to be given f by group 8 at the J. C. C." Sunday evening, Feb. 12. theaJean Cooper C p e r of Paramount P m o

FORM SOCIAL FRATERNITY A' Jewish' social fraternity, Beta Kappa Tau, has been organized on the campus of Municipal university in Omaha. Morris Usher is president and Osheroff secretary. Dr. William Claude W. Simpson is faculty advisor. Plans for second semester rushing are now being formulated.

Religious Services Temple "Friday the Thirteenth: or the Religion of the Three B's" will be the • subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon at Temple Israel this evening. •Tomorrow morning his subject will be "An Old Man's Blessing."

Conservative Rabbi David; LA. • Goldstein will deliver a sermon on "How jWise Men Hake a Will" at services of the Conservative Synagogue at1 the 2T. C. C. » >

"Your Old Hat Made New Save a Dollar or Two" OMAHA HAT FACTORY 115 Jf.rth l«tb Street Opposite F«-Jt Office ET> RATLA>\ Manager ¥b*ne ATlMtie «S60 AND WE V I U CALL



ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Make 1933, a thrif ty New Year by owning an electric refrigerator. Electric refrigeration saves money by saving food. You also save many hours of time. Food stays fresh for weeks. YOUR DEALER will be glad to show you his complete line of electric refrigeration. A size and price for your needs.


Nebraska Power

Cozy, comfortable surroundings, food par excellence and the last word in service? That's what you always get at the Jack and Jill . t h e inexpensive but choice menus are a real treat . . . . enough to doll up anyone's appetite.

January White Sale Featuresfor the Thrifty

A Suggestion for Any Night Served wblh • » Utah* baked In the pneem / Wff i t a t a , diced p off eoakinr i I If W twnato. bread batter, drink. Pii hot.


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Linen Tablecloths 70x88 Inches Reg. 5J5

We Will Build and Finance Your Home up to


22-1n. Napkins, Reg. 5J95, Doz

9*498,384.60 50,000.00 77,727.02 $28,072^77.30

of the Value of House and Lot We are in a position to offet you something that no one else can do for you. Our homes are the best, our prices are competitive. Your monthly payments are less than building and loan payments $8.56 per $1,000.

For Additional Information Call


528,072,277.30 Total .........„— State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.! I J. P. Lee, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' ' _ _ ___ ~ ,. J. P. LEE, Cashier. Correct—Attest: CHARLES C. GEORGE, (SEAL) E. T. RECTOR, 1 RANDALL K. BROWN/ -. •! ,. . • ; ' Directors. Subscribed aad sworn to before me this 6th day of j January, 1933. STEPHEN J. WIRTZ, Notary Public

338 70x106,

70x70 Cloth


$ 1^50,000.00 Capital stock paid uu... 1,000,000.00 Surplus .—_—:... .— 82^60.79 Undivided profits—net 7^04.19 Reserve for contingencies--^..-. 993,102.50 Circulating notes outstanding1.— Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding % 4,388,414.16 Demand deposits „._. 14,410,821.04 Time deposits _ _ _ . . _ 5^91^47.07 United States Government deposits. 212,021.23 24,603,203.50 Interest, taxes and other expenses ac93,025.24 crued and unpaid =

Other liabilities

The 10-pound turkey given as a drawing prize by the Beta Rho sorority was won by Miss Irene Fish-


DO YOU W A N T . . . .

NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, INC. ."Everything for the

Banking house . _......?l»lfl"0»000.OO Furniture and fixtures...... 100 Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .% 1,722^796.44 Cash and due from banks™.* -~7^48^113^93 Outside checks and other cash items— 29047433 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due fromU. S. Treasurer. Other assets _.„.„___ Total ..„—.._J.™


Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak

Other bonds, stocks and securities owned

A regular matinee dance under .the direction of the Psi Mu will be held at the J. C. C. Sunday afternoon. Ernie Priesman's orchestra •will play. A popularity contest will be held in tonjunction with the dances, starting soon." Two members of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization chaperone these weekly dances.


Courtesy * fetviot • Urn Utct "A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve"

will be given by the Ladies' Labor Lyceum club at the Labor Lyceum Sunday Jan. 15. 'Admission is fifteen cents. An excellent program has been arranged, and the public ifi invited.


Matinee Dance



The next Oneg Shabbos will be

ter fame and his orchestra will fur- INFORMAL PARTY 2051 Parnam—AT. 5524 nish the music. Abner Kaiman will Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton uniact as master of ceremonies. Vocal versity social fraternity, will hold an Belections will be given by Harry Du Boff, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Du Boff (Esther Leaf). A Charter No. 1683: [ Reserve District No. 10 feature will be a prize waltz. REPORT OF CONDITION OF Mrs. H. S. Novitsky i s chairman, assisted by Mrs. Jack Bramson and Mrs. Sam Green. On their committee are included the Mesdames Meyer OF OMAHA, IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, AT THE Beber, Sam Conn, Joseph Cohn, John CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEMBER 31,1932 Fa^jr, Herman Krasne, David PotRESOURCES asfei, Irvin Stalmaster, Ruth Sterling, Xoans and discounts . — $12A353|.10 Albert Wohlner, Sam Wolf and WilOverdrafts . — — r^~ »»5.77 liam A. Racusin. United States Government securities 3^84,297.69 owned .....

i. s'

elected chairman of a committee to negotiate with the other Fa-Hon chapters. A convention is planned for the spring.


Attractive 6-n«n home at . 3558 I>«xljre St. In excellent condition, just re-decorated, lias fruit trees and 2-car garage. BEXT REASONABLE Far M«re IntenmMle* Call Ha *SiS

Question Club The Question club elected new officers at a dinner meeting at the K. C. club Sunday evening. New officers are Irving Greene, president; Leo Marks, secretary, and John Rosenblatt, treasurer. An extensive program of activities is being planned by the club.


Ladies Labor Lyceum

t i• .• t


Thorpeians Plans for a membership drive are being made by the Thorpeian Athletic dab, which is preparing for a season of wider activities. The report on the New Year party by the Thorps showed it to be a great success from every standpoint. The committee in charge consisted of Irvin C. Levin, chairman; Sam Zweiback, Joe Raduziner, Joe Krestul, Lou Meyers, L Elewitz, Morris Feldman L Sokoloff, Dave Cohn and Dr. A. A. Steinberg.

(Continued on Page Four.)

held at'\he home of Mrs. Hyman BENEFIT CARD PARTY A benefit card party will be held Greenberg Jan. 21. A Russian proWednesday afternoon and evening, gram will be presented. CONVALESCING }'.. -, Harry Chudacoff is convalescing at Jan. 18, at t h e h o m e of Mrs. S. the St. Joseph., hospital f r o m a n ^ Weinzvag, 2222 .^liami, under the pendectomy. • . sponsorship of the Fa-Hon. A Russian tea party and concert


will go in part to the Jewish An afternoon bridge party spon- thropies. sored by the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be given at the Temple Annex on Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 1:3 p. m. Mrs. Max Holzman is chairAt a meeting Monday evening at man. the J. C. C. Mrs. Rose Zweiback was Bring your partner and make your reservations with Mrs. Holz-

The sorority decided to enter the Senior Council stunt program Jan. 31. Tryouts for the debate team will be held at the next meeting.

A. Z. A. No. 100

Rev. Laurence Flank will speak on "Jewish Contributions to Ethics." Call Mrs. Margolin, GL. 1985, for Mr, and Mrs._J. M. Rice and son, reservations. Donald, who have been visiting in SISTERHOOD Group 1 will meet at the home of Chicago for the past ten -days, reBRIDGE PARTY r**vfiMrs. A. I. Kulakofsky, 122 No. 49 turned on Sunday. An afternoon bridge party free t o St., Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. the public will be given by the Tent-: Miss Madeline Cohn will review RETURNS TO CHICAGO pie Israel Sisterhood at the Temple "Josephus." Mr. Sam Greenberg, who has been annex on Tuesday afternoon, JanT visiting with his parents, Mr. and 17, starting at 1:30 o'clock. The Hadassah sewing group will Mrs. Max Hokman is chairman Mrs. H. Greenberg, left Saturday meet at the Jewish Community CenThere will be two groups, consisting evening for Chicago, where he is at- ter on Monday afternoon, Jan. 16. of duplicate contract and progressive tending the Illinois School of Chirop- Everyone is welcome. contract bridge, under the direction ody. of Mrs. David Ferer. Prizes will be IN NEW YORK given. A regular meeting of the DaughMr. and Mrs. Harry Rose of St. ters of Israel Aid Society will be Joseph, Mo., formerly of Omaha, are DUPLICATE BRIDGE in New York City visiting Mrs. held on Tuesday, Jan. 17, at the WINNERS • Old Peoples Home, 2405 Charles St. The winners of the duplicate con- Rose's sister' and brother-in-law, Mr. Please attend. and Mrs. Harry Edell. tract bridge tournament held WednesElection of officers will be held. Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Edell are


]**?* proceeds


cussed for the entire year. , Bridge followed the business meeting, with Margery Wishnow winning first prise. A number of the members are planning to attend the dinner-dance to be given by the Alpha chapter at Sioux City at the Hotel Martin on man," the Sisterhood invites. "There will be no charges for this delightful Feb. 12. afternoon." A regular board meeting will be held at 12:30 p. m. preceding the The dance ta be given- by the party.

AivSOUNCE BIRTH Word has been received here of tire birth of a son in Los Angelas to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Goldenbergv f orRETURN HOME mtrly of Omaha.


Temple Sisterhood

A.H. JA1614

IOVKLY linens that will be treasured for yean to ** come! Fine Irish linen bleached satin damask... a quality that -will launder beautifully. Four exquisite designs . . . Chrysanthemum, Rose, lily of the Valley and Tulip and Maidenhair. Hurry-—for there are just 49! BRANDEIS—first Floor

Fruit of the Loom Bleached Sheets 81x99 Sheets, Each

492 Brandeis Theater Bldg.



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Page 4 - 5 1 E JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13,1933

Sioux City News

Virginia street, are guests in - Chi-cago at the-home. of -their -son-in-law: and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldstein. -:


ed a series of repertoires _ i n . Palestine for several-years without interruption, is now.'planning a tour of European lands.

NOTICE OF SA1E Notice is hereby given that on the 28tli dny of January, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M. at 1301 Cumin? Street, Omaha, Nebraska, ANNA PILL, the Ferrln Van and Storage Co. -will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described articles to satisfy its lien tor The EpsHon Phi sorority met at In the day of prosperity be joy-storage and other charges: . W. P. DUNMEIER-S mattresses toll the Jewish Community Center last ful. I n the day of adversity be rugs 5 rockers 10 cartons and contents U Wednesday, with Miss Esther Wutkin chairs carton dishes ironing board ice box dinlngr table center table 3 boxes and conpresiding. - Plans for a Monte Carlo, hopeful. tents dresser library table victrola kitcihen to be held soon at the Martin, -were cabinet base iron bed complete 2 carpet the birth of thediscussed. Misses Sarah Baird, Gold- Be not too good nor too wise— sweepers dust mops curtain rods clothes Announcing rack stop ladder C wash tubs 2 boilers .Trip why be desolated? Mrs. R. H. Emlein was re-elected "Hokka Chynik" column, which sees ie Cohen and Dorothy Tilevitz were Morris chair kettle and contents davenport •wheel barrow typewriter box books suitpresident of the Senior Hadassah all, hears all and tells what it can.appointed to take charge of the afclock pictures wringer shovel 4 shades organization at the board meeting And, speaking of announcements, -we fair. start playing next Friday. Four case lamp etc.* etc. held Tuesday evening in the home heard that they were to announce teams will be selected that will play P. A_ KLEPPEK—Bed complete basket toys 3 baskets and contents barrel and conof Mrs. Louis Agranoff. Other offi- the engagement New Year's day, but Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baron have a regular schedule of games. tents ice box trunk 2 cartons and contents cers elected were: Mrs. Joe Levin, he got sick with the flu. .'..'after returned to the city, after a visit in Daep Rock Charity Game jars and contents table leaves baby bed we were all prepared to head the cabinet chair tricycle baby buggy vice president; Mrs. Harry Wigodsky, The Deep Rock Oil Corps will play tub andchild's Minneapolis, with Mrs. Baron's parcontents 2 wagons baby walker recording secretary; Mrs. D. L. Ro-society column with the news. Min- ents. the Lawler Sports of Lincoln, Nebr., 2 sacks bottles cedar chest day bed 2 baby beds flour bbl and contents kettle and condin, corresponding secretary, and neapolis, did I hear you say? We Jan. 29. This is to be the annual tents basket and contents can and contents dont know how far it is from.here, Mrs. Charles Raskin, treasurer. Bee-News Shoe Fund game. The smoking stand doll buggy large box clothes The Debrah club held its weekly 22 cartons and contents Christmas tree but we're sure that S. knows the The date for the membership lunchmeeting a t the Jewish Community entire proceeds netted by this game wash board misc. articles etc. etc. will be donated to the Bee-News MRS. K. KKANE—2 suit cases 8 baskets eon was set for Tuesday, Jan. 31.exact number of miles, and how long Center Monday evening. Shoe Fund. Tickets are on sale at and contents radio and speaker. Mrs. M. B. Herzoff and Mrs. E. N.the trip takes. Alex's Up-to-Date Store, 2421 N.. THOS. E. CONTJEY.—7 Tables. Of course, harmonizing is a mere Grueskin were appointed co-chairMiss Harriet Rosenblum was host- St.; National Tire Shop, 17th and MRS. W. B. McCUTCHEON—piano ana bench. men of the membership committee. detail in the life of a choir mem- ess to the members of the Alpha C. PICART—trunk . Capitol.Ave.; J.'.'.C. C , and players J. the weather Sunday was Chi Mrs. Charles Raskin and Mrs. her SCOTT AND BETTY WRIGHT—1 secwu Gamma sorority Saturday eveon the team. Tickets sell for 35c.: • tional bookcase and contents cedar chest Jack Robinson were appointed chair- beautiful, and jewelry IS an inter- j ^ and contents record album and contents e Big Events in Near Future men of the Purim Bazaar, which is esting subject. And, speaking of ' box radio parts radio table radio speaker. 1. Varsity game and dancing party CLARENCE K. AND VENETA PARUcheduled for March 8. Mrs. Maxinging, Harry (Crescent) Horwitz, SONS—2 small boxes and contents. January 22. . IBrodkey and Mrs. A. Silverberg were in a spontaneous burst of song, addFI*ETCHEK B. AND FRANCES TRUNK boxes and contents. 2. A. Z. A. No. 1. vs. Sioux City (Appointed chairmen of the linen d so much spirit to the Temple JOHN . r . MANIELLI—dining table 2 A. Z. A., January 15. shower, which will be held in April. Sunday school assembly that he was chairs step ladder rocker. 3. Deep Rock charity game, Jan- WILtlAM MGHTFOOT — baby buggy Mrs. S. Mosow was appointed unanimously invited to return next: ottoman 3 child's rockers high chair triuary 29. / chairman of all luncheons and teas iunday and lead the singing again. cycle porch swing tent garden tools 14 Hurry and start coming to gymcartons and contents hand sweeper 22 What gentleman visitor, at a refor the comjng year. Mrs. M. HaligBooks of Knowledge 3 card tables porch before you get out of the habit. furniture man was appointed chairman of thecent local wedding, was met at the misc. articles, etc. etc. By Place a few hours of health build- MRS. FLOYD G. McDONAI,D — leather dining room for the coming year, train by two plainclothes men, frisked settee 10 gal crock misc. articles. ing activity in your /weekly routine, C. F. VAUGHT—5 and Mrs. D. L. Rodin and Mrs. M.away in the "Black Maria," ostenrockers 3 chairs armMorris H. and watch the dividends roll in— chair library table victrola and stand Ice Lazriowich in charge of the Sun-ibly to be taken to the police stabox gas stove 4 beds 3 springs mattress Sogolow dividends of joyous health and good dresser mirror box and shine committee. Mrs. Joe Friedman tion, and, protesting his innocence contents 2 stand cheer. tables tub dishes smoking stands 2 roll was selected chairman of the pro-and ignorance of the charges, was rugs. grams and Mrs. Joe Levin, in charge deposited at the door, of his-host? Physical FERRIX VAN AND STORAGE CO. That's right! Mr. K. of Chicago. of publicity. Tel Aviv Museum to 1-13-33-2t. W. C. Ferrin President. Director And then there is the young lady, Show Daumier Lithographs Mrs. M. Levitan, Mrs. William LaJ. C. C. FKADElsBtJRG. 8TAL3IASTER £ RKBER 650 Omaha National Bank B i d e zere and Mrs. M. Marks will be inwho claims friendship with PresiBaltimore.—A leading Jewish art



charge of the milk fund collections. Mrs. Barney Baron will be in charge of the Hadassah picnic this summer. The Senior Hadassah board meetings will take place the second Monday of each month.


Miss Helen Shapiro of Omaha visWisdom i s better than strength. ited this; wfeek in -. the home of MUs But a poor man's wisdom is despised Roma Wigodsky. .-':•. and t o his advice all ears are closed.

•Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Funerals To Fit Any Purse Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third

Hokka Chynik



, Maybe yon*Te gotten by on smooth tire* while roads were mostly dry. But look out now! Slippery driving days are ahead. Your .risks are multiplied. Better change at once tosure-grippingnewGoodyearAll-Weathers, j They'll protect you all winter, save you money on repairs and delays, and still be' like new for spring and summer. So trade ia your smooth tires this week! SEE how Goodyear puts TRACTION in the center—big huskjr Mock* of robber — keen-edged —-deep-dotted — to dig In, grip and hokL More stop! The AJ1Weather Tread ia a big reason why million* more people rid* on Goodyear Tires. Come in — w«*n demonstrate!

dent Hoover because their grandfathers belonged to the same frater-

collector, requesting anonymity, will NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ABTIHandball make a six months' loan to the Tel CI.ES OF INCOKPOKATIOX OF FIThe doubles handball tournament OLD LINE IXSCRAXCE COMnity . . . namely, the Beta Zetas (if has reached the semifinal matches, Aviv Art Museum of 25 original litho- DKT.ITV PANY. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting you .don't catch on, "Baida Zaidas"). after a series of hard fought and graphs by Daunmier, famous French the stockholders of the Fidelity Old Line Take it away* "Hokka," while we closely matched games. In the semi- satirical painter, i t was announced of Insurance Company held on the 29th day get up new steam for next week, final matches, Jack Ban and Paul here by Elias Newman, Palestine art- of December, 1932, Article II of the Articles of Incorporation was amended to read when well be "chopping the tea-Grossman will play Ben Rosen and ist and representative of the Museum, as follows: who arranged the loan. This is the "ARTICLE II. Nature of Business. The kettle" again. Manny Goldberg, •while in the lower first notable loan collection made to corporation is formed for the purpose, and it shall hnve power to issue insurance upon bracket, Martin Falk and Sauthe newly founded Museum. the lives of individuals, including endowGraetz will play Sam Horwich and ments and annuities, and every Insurance thereto pertaining, as specified in sub-diLeonard Herman. vision 2, Section 44-401 of Article IV of the Rabbi Lewis will speak on "LookCompilrd Statutes of Nebraska for 1929, The installation luncheon of the ing Forward; Tasks for the New Interclub Handball and/or for the purpose of Insuring lives Shaare Zion Ladies' auxiliary will be Year" at the service tonight. Interclub competition between the against bodily injury, or death by accident, and against disablement resulting from given Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 17, at best eight doubles teams of the Censickness, and every insurance pertaining 1 o'clock in the social hall of the The names of the following chil- ter a n d t h e best of the Y. M. C. A. thereto, including quarantine and identifidren appeared on the religious school cation, as provided in sub-divison 3, Secsynagogue. will start Monday evening. honor roll for the past month: Walton 44-401 of Article IV of the Compiled Mrs. S. H. Shulkin will preside, lace Rosenthal, Sidney Goldberg; SeyBARMITZVAi; The men who •will represent the Statutes of Nebraska, for 1929. It shall have the power to sell service conand will install the officers, who in-mour Robinson, • Harold Lefkovich, J. C. C. and the court and hour of The Bar Mitzvah of Vemoi. Fitch, also tracts for funeral supplies and supplies for son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch, will other transactions relating to burial beneclude Mrs. Barney Baron, president; Bobby Cohen,; Bobby Marx, Myron play: such certificates may provide cash Mrs. D . Mazor and Mrs. Eli Bob-Heeger, I Bernard Rosenthal, Miriam Court No. 1, 6:15, P. Wintroub take place Saturday morning-, January fits, benefits during the life of the certificate, 14th, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synmow, vice presidents; Mrs. Mike Barish, Buddy Kalin, Barbara Davis Franklin; 7:00, Finkel, Sokoloff; and it may also issue certificates of partiwhich, under the terms thereof, agogue at 618 Mynster Street. On cipation Sherman and Mrs. EU Seff, secre- and Milton Galinsky., , 7:45, Horwich, Herman; 8:30, Ban, will provide funeral benefits in money, ser: Saturday afternoon he will entertain taries. Grossman. vices, discounts, funeral supplies, or serRabbi Xewis • spoke at <tie Meth- 'Court No. 2, 6:15, Adler, Zorin- his young friends at a theater party vices, including Bervices of undertakers or Mrs. Robert Sacks will offer the embalmers. all as is provided in i Senate File No. 170 of the: Compiled Statutes of invocation. Following the luncheon, odist church in' Spencer, Iowa, last sky; 7:00, Xevey, Segelman, 7:45 at the Strand theater. Sunday evening, Nebraska' for 1929, as enncted by the 1931 : using as his sub-Sadofsky, Schriebman; 8:30 Rosen Sam Janowitz will be heard in a session of the legislature." ject, '"Christian and Jeyr; Their DifThe Ladies' Aid Society will hold Goldberg. group of violin solos. Miss Tillie FIDELITY OLP L.INE their regular monthly meeting next Tournament Shindler will sing a group of Jew-ferences and Agreements." INSURANCE COMPANY, By LM)ID PORT. President. The J. C. C. singles handball tour- Tuesday afternoon, January 17th, at ish songs. A skit, "Two GeneraHABOLD FARBBR, Secretary, nament will get under way Tuesday. 2:30 o'clock a t the synagogue at €18 l-16-33-4t. tions," will be presented: with the Mynster street. following cast: Mrs. Ruben Miller, Varsity Volleyball The date for the eighth annual Xaw Offices Mrs. Joe Kutchcr, Mrs. P. Sherman, A. Z. A. dance has been set for Jan. A varsity volleyball team will be PH]XIP M. KLCTZXICK Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enter630 Omaha National Bank Bldf. Mrs. Mike Sherman, Miss Tillie ;Shin- 29. The dance will be held in tkeselected to.play in the midwest A. A. dler, Miss Dorothy Mazor, Miss Ida Bellevue, apartments, and will be in U. tournament to held in Omaha tained the members of their Sunday NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "NORTHI.AND REALTY COMPANY" Shindler and Sam Janowitz. .- . -, charge, of Herman. Wigodsky, Martin early in February. Practice will be Night Bridge club a t their home SunNotice i s hereby given that -we, the unday evening. • • dersigned, have associated ourselves toReservations are in charge of Mrs. Kosberg and Albert Herzoff. A called shortly, a t which time all the gether for the purpose of forming «. corcandidates will be asked to presen dance booklet is being prepared. Mike Sherman. to be known as the "Northland Mrs. L Goldberg of Chicago, HI., porationCompany." It shall commence busiIntensive work is being done by themselves. The candidates who byarrived here Tuesday to visit her son- Realty ness at the time of the filing of the Articandidates for the A. Z. A. tourna- their playing in the volleyball health in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. cles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, And ment which is to be held at Kansas club tournament show the most Saul Suvalsky. continue for a period of fifty years. The promise are: City next month. Contestants for principal place of doing business shall be Miss Roma Wigodsky -.' has been in Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature Bob Kooper, Abe Brodkey, Rube The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim of the business shall be realty business In elected president of the Iota Tau the 'debating team are Herman Wi- Brown, Iz Levinson, Saul Graetz, of its phases. The capital stock shall sorority. Other officers elected were: godsky, Marvin Klass and Albert Morrie Blacker, Martin Falk, Max Society will hold a meeting next all be $10,000.00 divided into shares of 100.00 Elsie Shulman, vice president; De- Herzoff. Oratorical contestants are Altschuler, A. A. Cohn, Leonard Thursday evening, January 19th, ateach. The affairs of the company shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not borah Silver, secretary, and Sally Max Marqn and Isadore Mirowitz. Herman, Harry TruStin, P h i l F e l d - the Eagles HalL less than two nor more than five memThe A . Z. A. basketball team will xnan, Frank B rookstein and several bers, who shall elect from their number a. Dimsdale, treasurer. Vice-President, Secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Cohen en- President, Plans were discussed at the meet- play the Omaha A. Z. A. chapter others who have "not been coming to Treasurer. The annual meeting of th« tertained the members of their Eve- corporation shnll be held on the third ing for a series of bridge games to No. l in Omaha next Sunday after- class regularly. Monday of January of each year. Special ning Bridge Club at their home be held Sunday afternoons a t thenoon. meetings may be called by the President Health Club Volleyball : day evening. • • upon notice as President. Articles may be homes of the members. ' amended upon the affirmative vote of twoA four-team health club volleyball Miss Wigodsky is the general thirds vote of the outstanding stock. tournament will start play as soon chairman for the dinner dance to be The Mount Sinai Temple Sister.- as a sufficient number of men hav Joseph Solomonow, member of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their bands this 3rd day of given by the sorority on Feb. 12, at hood has set aside Wednesday, Jan. signed. their names. Dave Smith's Debate Team at the Creighton univer- January, 1933. sity, is expected to return home Sunthe Wigwam. ;, •'•' -.'•[":-;'' SAM ZWEIBACK 18," as benefit card day. On that loving cup will be awarded to th day following a ten-day trip through PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK. winning team. : day members of the Sisterhood will Iowa and Minnesota.' He represented In the presence of: R. J. HGLDSBERG. l-13-33-4t. Girls*;Volleyball League hold benefit card parties in their Creighton university in debates with homes, the proceeds to go to the Play in the regular season'girls' the University of Minnesota at Minne- FKADENBCRG, STAt-MASTER & BEBEK Mrs. B. Shindler was re-elected work of the Sisterhood." volleyball league will s t a r t o h Jan. apolis, University of Iowa a t Iowa 650 Omaha National Bank B i d e ~ president of the Hebrew Mothers Four teams will/play. The City, and Iowa State University at Hostesses for the parties include 23. - PROBATE NOTICE club of the local Talmud Torah Mrs. Sam Pickus, Mrs. A. M. Davis, games will be played only on Mon-Ames, Iowa. In the Matter of the Estnte of Naomi Wolosinsky Deceased. Tuesday. Mrs. S. Greenstone was Mrs. Emil Rosenstock, Mrs. B. Cour- day evenings. A suitable reward Notice is hcrpby given that the creditor* elected vice president; Mrs. J. Gut-shon, Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. Maxwill be given the winning girls team. of said deceased will meet the ntlministra tor of said estate, before me. County Judge A. Z. A. Day Sunday tleman, financial secretary; Mrs. H.Marx. Joint hostesses are Mrs. 1 of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the R. Rabinowitz, corresponding secre- Miller and Mrs. Herman Galinsky: A. Z. A. No. 1 will play a feature County Court Room, in snid County on the 28th day- of February. 1033, and on the 2Sth tary, and Mrs. A. Mazie, treasurer. Mrs. Sam Cohen and Mrs. Philip game in our gym Sunday at 3:30, day of April, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., each trttttttttnni: when they meet A. Z. A. No. 12 o day, for the purpose of presenting their The executive committee consists Kalin; Mrs. Ben Pill and Mrs. Louis (Continued from Page 3.) claims for examination, adjustment and of Mrs. S. Broscow, Mrs. A. W Agranoff; Mrs. William Newman and Sioux City in their return game, allowance Three months are allowed for The Sioux City five were victoriou the creditors to present their claims, from Kaplan, Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. S,Mrs. W. C. Slotsky; Mrs. Ben Sekt ics and legislative groups takes place at Sioux City Christmas day by theWednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Com- the 28th day of January. 1033. Gorchow, Mrs. I. Miller, Mrs. M.and Mrs. E. «\. Goldstein. BKXCE CKAWFOKD, Hendlyn, Mrs. L. Sinikin, Mrs. J. Mrs. Gertrude Eaton addressed the margin of four points. In the pre-munity Center. With Mrs. Robert l-6-3t. County Judge. liminary game at 2:30, the Pants Kutcher, Mrs. P. Stillman and Mrs,meeting of the Sisterhood on FriGlazer, chairman, the group continFBADEXBCRO, STAXMASTER & BEBER Rpse Eabinowitz. day, speaking on "Modern Educa- Store five will play the Thalia* ues its discussion of the tariff 650 Omaha National Bank Bldgr. Hatter team. At 4:30, the X. L.'s through the Wilson, Harding and tion." Mrs. Louis Agranoff, who NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIpresided, thanked the members who (the A. Z. A. No, 1 alumni), w i l Coolidge administrations. TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAX play the Sioux City chapter 12 alumMrs. Louis Sogolow and Mrs. Iz ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. assisted in the preparations of the In the County Court of Douglas County, ni, in what should prove to be a Chapman will give these talks and Nebraska. "Impulsive Acting, a Sad Plight,' father and son banquet held re- very colorful game. the Smoot-Hawley tariff will be dis-In the Matter of the Estnte of Meyer will be the subject of Rabbi H. R cently. RESULTS LAST WEEK'S GAME cussed by Mrs. H. A. Newman, who Green, Deceased. Rabinowitz' sermon tonight at Shaar All persons interested In said matter are J. C. C League will outline the bill itself; Mrs. hereby notified that on the 31st day of Zion synagogue. Cantor A. Pliskin December, B. Shafton, filed a petiThursday, Jan. 5—Psi Mu, 28; A. William Racusin, speaking on the ef-tion in said1932, County Court, praying that will chant the service with the choir. Z. A. No. 1, 16. Deep Rock, 42; his final administration account filed herefect of this tariff on economic conNext Friday evening the servio in be settled and allowed, and that he be X. L., 15. Thorpeians, 28; A. Z. A. ditions and agriculture, and Mrs. discharged from his trust as administraMr. and Mrs. A. Kosberg enterwill honor the seventeen Jewish mem No. 100, 5. Reuben Natelson and Mrs. Manuel tor and that a hearing will be had on saicl bers of the mid-year graduating clas tained 50 guests Sunday evening, before said Court on the 28th day Junior' League Grodinsky, who are to present the petition of January, 1033, and that if you fail to honoring their son, Jack, and his of Central high school. appear before said Court on the said 28th Sunday, Jan. 8—Pants Store, 15 effect of the bill.on our foreign polMr. Aaron Tabai will tell the story fiancee, Miss Ldbbie Bernstein. The Star Auto, 26. day of January. 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., icy and peace. and contest said petition, the Court may to the children at the Junior Con evening was spent playing bridge, grant the prayer of said petition, enter a Schedule for Next Week and refreshments were served. gregation service tomorrow morning decree of heitship, and make such other Sunday, Jan. 15, 12:30—Mark's find further orders, allowances nnd decrees, at 10:45. Even the Artists Suffer as to this Court may seem proper, to the Market vs. Kant Knocks. 1:30, Ps Word ha9 been received of the that all matters pertaining to said "Technocracy" was the subject fo Vienna.—An alarming number of end Mu vs. A. Z. A. No. 100. estate mar be finally settled and deterthe' general discussion at the Ka-birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, Jan. 17—Star Auto Austrian Jewish artists and musi- mined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, . County Judge. dima meeting Wednesday evening. Mark Blacker of Rockingham, N . C , Parts vs. Kant Knocks, 9:30, Hawk cians, formerly employed in Germany, 1-6-St. Following the discussion refreshments on Jan. 7. Mrs. Blacker was for-eyes vs. Juniors. are the victims of the furious antiNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS merly Miss Esther Levitan of this were served. Wednesday, Jan. 18—Postponed Semitic campaign conducted by the Notice Js hereby given that all existing city. <lel»ts of the Omaha Retail Grocers' AsB"n. games of Jan. 10 will be played as Nazis. Inc., on the 1st day of January, 1933, follows: 8:30, Juniors vs. Marks, Statistics compiled by a number amounted to the sum of None. Milton Mazie, son of Mr. and Mrs. 9:30, Kant Knocks vs. Pants Store. of Jewish artists reveal that only 6 H. J. KNUDSEN, Fresident. PRANK COSANEK, The Junior Hadassah will have its Victor Mazie, entertained a group ol The schedule for the second round per cent of Jewish artists in Ger-ED. GILBERT, monthly cultural .meeting next Mon- friends Sunday afternoon in honoi is posted on the bulletin board at many are unaffected by the anti- X. A. GROSS, PEED HANXEGAN. day! evening. Jo-ty© home of f ;Miss of his birthday. Games and refresh- the Center. Managers, make yours Semitic boycott in German theaters. H. J. KNUDSEN, • JULIITS NEWMAN. Jessie Shilofl? and Mrs.: Herman[ Shi meals were enjoyed by the children^ familiar! PAXTON. . ,_, Jerlsalem.—The. Habimah, noted KOBERT Midget Basketball ; loft.' ' Kabbi H. B. Rabinowitz will Being a majority «t the Board of BlMr. and Mrs. Louis Baron, 60 The Mideet basketball league will theatrical troupe, which has present- recto'-* be the speaker.

Installation Luncheon To Be Given Tuesday


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Council Bluffs

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