January 27, 1933

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j Bcconi)-C»«B»Mall Mattertte onAct 3anaaR£*^*5 '• ttnteml t»a»tnlBcensnt= Omaha. Netiraafcn. PHftgr qt_Ugrtti3.

m f f ATTA/TgTCRRAfTCtt,

Fanatical Incitement


Lapichis Memorial Committee Meeting to Be Held Tuesday

Does • •% i

ToLS—No. 52


Wutf Sunday and Monday

Tryouts for Sfaolom Aleicnem's Warsaw (3. T. A.);—An s a m p l e I ^Were /Tou" (Bchver Su /Zein The Harry Xopidus memorial comof the. extent to which iJK iiridte'Ein Xid), will be held i n ihe -audimittee, which .consists of Tepresentament against ihe Jews /has ^aken of all local Jewish organiza- Jewish Possibilities Seem Excel- torium of the J . C. C. Sunday c uiorary Vice- hold CT! the imaginations of rthe Pol- **Emes6" Complains Yiddish 1 B .rfcives unm, January 29, at 2. :30 p. m-, and l^ast Year'* Work and Plans foi tions, will meet next Tuesday eve/Not TJsed IRrequenily . ; ish population in "the provinces -was lent; Arab Campaign 3Puture to Be Dis^znick on Jlonday evening, January 30, at B. jaing' at the J. C. C. offered in ihe "town of Etanishm Enough OpposituBn X cussed -nittee Jiarch 11 and JL5 are ihe dates set Kationa Fmal and complete reports will be when a Christian Pole listed Ms for the presentation of this play by by ihe sub-comihittees, "which wife's life rather than allow her -fco ^Moscow*—(J. T. Jk.)—Wae TTiddish Jerusalem.—(J. T. JL.)—Wider pos- the Jewish Center Players. Mrs. The annual meeting of the Jewaed as :naSam Beber V«* have been working on several p language JE little used for purposes "be operated upon by a .Jewish physibilities seem, opening to ihe Jews to Herman Jahr -will direct ihe play. ish Community Center and Welfare . chairman tional honorary sician. . . . of political and cultural work among «cts -as memorials. "to ihe departed enter Transjordania peacefully as a n Over Iwgiily characters are re- Federation -will be held at the Cen•yrn^ "Philip M. /K ~tnick a memihe Jawish waikertt iin tthe iEactories leader. The general wnnmittee will extension of Palestine settlement quired for the play. ter on Tuesday eveningr, February "7. The woman, named Barska, ^was f the national committee of "vote on whether to adopt ihese plans. •through ihe lease oof land offered to A record attendance is expected. xxtshed to a Jewish hospital j n a -crifc-American ;Palestine Camdthe Details of the .plan /fOTcthe organ- them, by Arab ^w>tlrsdish • Communist •;3ailj' ^SSaxess" com-. This will be the second annual leal condition ~when fishbones -at the conference held in ization of a commnnity trust fund, /Mithkal Pasha, ihe outst influential meetingsince the reorganizaher Christmas ilmner, stuck in "York -last week. together with articles of incorpara- sheik in Transjordania, and -head of The number BI Jewish "markers in tion and consolidation of the Jewish throat, threatened to choke /her t o awy industry grows rfrom day ~to -fion, will be iiroposed by William <L, ihe largest ZBeooin -tribe—the Bnei /Welfare Federation with ihe Jewish 'death. Physicians prepared t o operNew York, (J. T . A.—The 193S day, i t jwints ant. 3£Lev alone now Hobnnan, chairman of the ;SUD-com- Salchi—followed the precedent set by Community Center and Jewish Phileffort to raise funds in fee United ate immediately. As soon :as .her has 2ort>r thousand Jewish workers^ rmittee which has been arranging for Emir .Abdullah himself and "made an anthropies, approved in Januarv, States to maintain Jewish recan- husband learned of Ihe operation he -HM> :majarity of "them engaged in this fund. Other members of this offer to lease 300^090 dnnams of iand 193L shouting, "The Jews Btruction activities in Palestine -was aremoved heavy industry-.- The^mmberof Jew- committee included H. A. Wolf, Heo- pto the Jews, William L. Hoizman, president, to kill her!" launched here January 15 at "the nati - ffK»niyy*yy in the. nxdustrxal "profes- xy Monsky, Philip IKlutznick, J. H. -Abdullah, it was Teported, and Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive tional conference on /Palestine, "which sional iniion i n ihe TIkraine, which in Kulakof sky, "Harry Siiverman, I. Stal- ieased to a Jewish company 50,000 duTevieR the .past .year's dubs Will Present Stunts work and will m-ought together -more ihan aive 1926 was ninety-Hix ihcusand, grew masteT. Mas Barisb, ~B.. B. ^ifTrmaTv matrs of his own land for B -period of the coming ^year's proband Skits for Annual :himdred Jewish leaders from all ninety-nine years. lems. Jjy -LC31 i o two hundred -and iwenty- and J. W. Maret. •-••*! parts of this country. Tun-Fest" an alsix thousand, In speaking of the -work of the The bust of ISjpahis being made /Milhkal Pasha's land offer, aceoTd- The drive -will be known as the ^aper de- by the sculptor, GBcenstein, -will be ing to -the Arab paper, "El ZLslamia" most four-fold Federation, Pearlstien stated: **Th* /American Palestine Campaign and An unusual evening of entertain- Federation was taxed ihis -past yeaT clares. ready shortly, fiajiry *Malashock, as "was dictated by the need of funds to its receipts will go for the budget of ment is being planned by the Senior with unusually difficult problems. The ^growth in ihe "number of Jew- chairman of the /butt .committee, will isep his tribe from starring. The :±he Palestine foundation Fund, £h ish 'Workers in Central /Russia is even give a report xai i t e progress being tribe, it is stated, has been reduced t o Council of Clubs of the J. C. C. for! financial ' instrument af the Jewish dire straits by the apalling economic Tuesday evening, Jan. 31, when the stantly increasing demands for regreater. Unihe .J&IOKCOW electrical sta- made. /Agency for Palestine. Senior Council will present its sixth lief, and on the other, the trtantfc situation in Transjordania.tion "three ihousand Jewish "workers Dr. A. GreenbeTgyxhairman of the The "conference appealed to Amerannual all-star or stunt night. are employed. On the automobile struggle to maintain ihe Jewish Com^Ihe /Hebrew paper "Davar" disican Jewry to give "primacy anS Successful .Application of Amer- works at Stalin there are thirteen general connnittee, will preside. Seven clubs will participate: Sigma munity Center upon the same high closes that Transjorriania tribe heads ican Methods Are priority-" to ihe Palestine /Foundahundred Jewish workers. In the shoe have "for some time been approaching Kappa Chi, Henrietta Szoid, A. Z. A. level of efficiency and service. Heported tion Fund. factory 'SBaris Commnne," there care ihe Jewish Agency with offers for ihe /No. 1B0, A Z. A. Uo. 1, Xi lambda, **Our case load has more than "Louis Xipsky was named chairman over two thousand Jewish workers. sale of land. The miserable situation A. Z. A. JNo. 7 and the Fa /Hon. doubled, while our income has deof -the Board of Directors and active Xi -which won first prize creased. More ihan ever before. of Trans jordania as compared with (JJTA.)—Hopes i 3n the ^shoe -factory '^Paris Comnational Chairman. The other N a turning 1 :"York, •therje are over two -thousand ihe uroaperil.v in Patestine convinces last year with a minstrel show, will i ihese times require clear thinking. large -areas of land in Paltional Chairmen are Judge "William estine, mow arid, into arable.acreage them t h a t ihe salvation of Transjar- endeavor to repeat thk -year with a concerted action, and united effort." Jewish workers. Many thousands - of JH. l«wis, Philadelphia; James Mar- suitable dania can come only through the Jews, skit k entitted te lor orange .growing arM He pointed out the necessity «T Jewish workers are engaged in "the Good Old Days." shall, Morris Hothenberg xnS. 3 & K t£ruck /farming is seen -as ja .result the "tribe leaders are reported to have ihan Straus, Jr., New Tork, nnd/Eli- of the .discovery r&ere of asew sourc- dress factories. 3n the /Leningrad Music Appreciation Class /Tinner said. These same leaders have urged Taking part in it are Harry lipp, constant and continual adjustment Salph 3iogg, Mihon Bimelstein, Bill j to ihese increased demands for help shoe /factory "Skorachod" nearly two jhn D. Stone, Boston. Mrs. Monsfey "to Study Emir Abdullah to encourage the Jews IWoKe, Ervin Wezehnan, IKormar. 1 m the form of load, shelter, idothrng es of -water .supply J>y the applica- thousand Jewish workers are employThe honorary chairmen -are IDi. Symphonies t o settle in TransJordan, "the paper Korney, Harry Weinberg, "Louis JIba-! and medical care, aggravated by thf ed, and "there xxe a large jumiber of 'Cyrus Adler, Governor Herbert 3B. tion of -American methods, caccordnig «Fews t o "be fEound in all other enterwrites. kin, Al Weiner, Morris Franklin, Bing j decrease in ihe available funds. to ^a cablegram jecei'wd cby. •ihe PalLehman, Federal Judge Julian "W *"'"The School of "Music of the JewGarrop, William Sokoloff, Art Gross"Fortunately for Omaha ihe exprices. estine -Economic Corporation. The 3ttack, Felix H. Warburg .and /Dr ish Commirnity Center "will co-operman, Arthur l i p p , Oscar Mayero- j istence of "the Jewish IPree cablegram rreveals that -American -enThe jjreat majority of Jewish workJerusalem.—The "names of Emanuel .Stephen S. Wise. -ate wiQi "the Omaha Symphony or-: /Neumann of -New Tork and Berschel with, Herman Babich, Harold Barish Society has been a great aid in meetgmers have successfully hared awell The giving to the /Keren :Hayesad in ihe "Xavniel Tegion <where previous ers come from•&& Jewish -vfllages, -fee thestra ihis semester. ing the problem of dependency* -paper declares, and have -not yet beParbstern of Poland, both members of and Sam Pinkel. was stressed so that its budget anay 3frs. Henry /Monsky, director of to ihe unemployment and g be covered and reconstruction ae- attempts, ntilaing antiquated tmeth- ,xome assimilated in ihe jproletarian the Music School, rwill devote a. ;por- the Jewish ^Agency Executive in .Jer- -A. 2 . A.. /No. 1.90, which won sec- conditions,*' Pearlstien stated. "We ods, had only resulted in an inadeusalem are prominently linked with -melting ^pot. /Many of "them -will ond last year, will present "Uncle tivities maintained. speak Russian badly, in spite of which tion of her work in "fee -music appre- • the reported lease of Transpordan Tom's Cabin." In ihe cast are Joe have also been aided by our f rien<fc; Addresses were delivered -at ^the quate water supply. "The ;well which iias heen isnccess- ihe Tiddish language is .-not used ciation class to a stady idf "the sym- iand t o Jews, ihe Jewish Telegraphic Bbxmenthal, /Louis Canar, JJOUK Sing- ^who have contributed clothing. "W* conference by Felix Warburg, "'Louis phonies which will "be presented iry Agency learns. er, 'Wijii^TTi ^Rosenbaum, Dan l i n t z - art -Hie J. C. C. budget to Hie btmr lipsky, Dr. Cyrus Adler, /MarriE inlly drilled tin lYavniel, offers great among them. 3n ihe factory "Petrow- the Omaha Symphony. 310" in Cherson, Time hundred Jewish Ihopes xsf tnrning arid, lands into man, George Itolgoff, MDlard Bigal in order t o use everj" dollar possibte /Rothenberg, /Nathan Straus 3v., 3£abto meet the needs of the family -wcV This class meets at the Center Jerusalem.—-A muted J&rab front in and /Eddie IBosenfaaom. workers are employed, but the entire flourishing coTonies,*' ^Bernard .Flexbi Samuel Schuhnan, and Judge fare department of the Federatum, every Monday evening at 8 rp. an. Palestine, Syria, Iraq and TransjarwoTk is conducted in Poissian, and ner, Chairman of ihe Board, aeJL 2 , A. No. 7, which won third "William JH. Lewis. ' , . "Our famih- welfare Those wishing "to join ihis .class or Messages urging a .united iront .dared. "This ^ite "was chosen be-1 similarly in other Cherson factories any other classes "may ^register ja± danmJs being -organized to force .last year, vrQl jgrwe '^Esmeralda,T' a which is riirectinp the work of *if American Jewry in the interests xause wells which had ' been" Sriven rwfaere ihe-Jerwish "wmkersnnimber 3ae- ihe Community Cengtr tnr jcall "Mrs. oi the Gw/Kitttifis. Seen irtmerrt—^f-which Mrs. HaTry *,. anrail d i e j«rreeriient /he has signed ooaethoos, i y ^aiitiqnated a i q oos, w^S^^ of ^Palestine ^eere received :from/Ha- ihere iby is chaicman, .assisted b with » Jewish company far ihe .tease Mencielson, Joseph Solomono^, Jake h -roe Monaky. hum Sokolow, president of the "World o^sulted in a poor supply of water. J the Minsk factory "Octiabf there The first semester of the music of allegedly SOgQOO.dunams of his perJ . J. Greenberg'. Mrs. L. The water rproblem in Palestine has j a thousand Jewish ^workers, but ?.trpi»gt organization: /Dr. Charm Fox, Jack Gordon .and IMarvin Fitch. school was completed successfully. . X. Hoizman. Blanche Zhnnttm. sonal domain for a period of 99 years, Werzmann, -fornier-head of -ihe Jew- long been recognized as :a serious \ throughout the premises not even & On the faculty are included Jean P . i -sorority -will Siiverman, TVIrs. Philip Shsst, ihe Jewish /Telegraphic Agency learns. ish -Agency 3or Palestine, who is one, particularly in the hill lands. single jnotice appears in "Yiddish. Duffield, Miss Eose Brandeis. Mrs. Palestine Arabs plan to -make re coming to the United States shortly, The soils of .this .region - are suitable Characters in Jennie ZLevenson, "Mrs. Ernest /Reese, stunt are H. HirBdnnan, J>r. M. Margolin, I>r, fcrves-to TtTng Feisal of Sedjaz for vineyards, olive groves .and grain .and • Governor 'Herbert- H. Iiehmau. Dora Dolgoff, TTannwh GosBick, libby A. Greenberg. Dr. J. A. Weinber|:> JMiss Sophie Newman, /E. Oscar him t o nnake Tepresfintations fields and with irrigation, also for Weinstein, Miss Juliet McCune, /Mrs. t » his.brother, .with a view to-the can- Dolgoff, Rose Weiner, ituth Goldstein, and Henry /Monskj?—.has met *ft vegetable growing. The first well E. Green, Barold /Dallinger, ceUation of ihe lease, the Jewish Tele- Hath .Shapiro, Sylvia Parilman, Gol- least every other week, delving ^Trt^ drilled .shows a ;yield of 440 gallons dye Pish, Aim Berman, Holly Jioeen, the problems of individual. cases." Cecil Serryman. graphic Agency learns ^further. per minute ±rom a decomposed basBess Platt, Evelyn Green, Ularion On ihe advisory /Board a r e Cecil These problems -Saeed by .alt reservoir -at a riepft of T70 feet. y the Uobinson, Marnia Huben and Marias eration "W. Serryman, 3Sarry firaviroff, JotThe successful result of the drilling fee discussed at the Hollander. meeting. at /f avniel demonstrates that an adjBriday evening, 3Peb. gosk ~SL. Borglum, Martin W. /Bush, The Henrietta Szold club will offer Jean P . Dnfffeld, Jack W. 3£arer, equate -water supply can be obtained 3, ihe Tnrited Ortahodox synagogues .Family Album" T»3rinE part Irvin Stahnaster, MTS. Barry A/New 3ork, (3.T.A.) — A -request jtt a lower -east ^tirrough improved W usher i n a three-day celebration axe Sarah Baum, Ulsie lazarus. Mrs. /Henry Mcmsky. jnethods. H believe .that barge tracts honoring /Rabbi TM /Muter of Terre WoK, iEor an /ameEaration of present JX£ Bhiiiey Pirsh, Sarah Goldberg, .Sarah "lations governing ihe shipment of land aow unfit for crops due to Haute, Ind., "who arrived in Omaha S03— J&. stag dter tff the •oT fold-clothes duty free, irom the ihe imaideguacy of ^he Skater supply, last week to assume his -rabbinical Qne-'time /Now B e a d jdn and Betty Tnchnam. ^nay, .as :a aresult of -the application duties under ihe auspices of the "Vaad of HSixa. IBidjHn -GovErnment Temple Israel brotherhood =wfil Ifae TJnrted ^States to P o l a n i l , has Hon Girte' ^dub "will feaheld jot the Temple "WedBesday «eve- The iieen submitted by the Federa- of the methods employed at "Yavniel, H'Oehr of this city. "MTE. J. Goldware was elected "Moscow.—/M. IB. /Heller, a one-tnne ning, /February 1, starting a t ture *3Iodem Bong /Presentations," ident of the Daughters of "Zion -*»t tion of /Polish Jews in America do be transformed into arable areas." On 3Plriday evening, IFeb. 3, /Rabbi with Shirley Tesster, Mary /Kohen, a meeting of 'the organization at the "The American drilling unit -ihe ^Polish Consulate in /New Ifork Milter will open ^ » dBrst legular F r i - locksmith, who lias just been gradu3*ro-: *3teer,fhot dogs, cigars aHd an ell- Marion Martin, Tillye .Sbral, Esther J. -<3. C. Wednesday. TOid tforwarded by the latter to the sent into Palestine by the Palestine day -night services iin the .B'md 3B- ated :Irom the Academy fessors in ^Moscow, -has been ) around ^ood time" have hfgn prom- Siegel, /Leah Siegel, 3tose Planchsk central -authorities in "/Poland ^wi" /Economic Corporation working in rael synagogue, 38ih and fSi Other officers chosen are: "Mrs. J>. ^ p ed -the mew chairman of the /Briai and Urs. Hose Zwenmck. .B warm areccammendation fox favor- -conjunction with the Palestine Jew- Sts., at £ p»m. These ^services ised fay t h e cuniiUitlee'in cliaige, • COBvice president; /Mrs. 'M, XuV€ ish Colonization Association, after ^ be continued each -week thereafter A. /Z. A . JNo. 1 will present "How ArbitmaTi, Tecording secretary;. Mr*. able aurtioh." ' ' sisting of /Dave Cohen, .Al Slayer Women Piay Jn the cast ~L. Morgan, unancial and correspond e /Federation of Polish Jews of -survey of conditions by _F. Julius at the same tune and place. -On the which makes him "the head of the and 3Lon fiumfeerg. : ^wQl axe Isrsrel Sex >vici, Sam Turkel, ing Becretary, and '.Mrs. M. Goldstein, _ objected to the regulations •Fohs, noted geologist, in that coun- following Saturday, 3?eb. 4, 3labbi government in ihe Bira 33id*jan re-- ' included on "the rtertannnent f be cards, busing, and * surpri Irving ChudakoC and /Israel Horn- treasurer. ^require that persons wishing try and of methods used in .Califorwill occupy the pulpit i n "the t o send packages of old clothes to nia, had indicated "that the 'latter Beth Hamedrosh /Etagodol synagogue, /Rabbi ZCri Miller addressed g g iprizes offered ilar jebltivjes .in iPolandmust -first receive could be successfully applied in PalJaisx group. The retiring president *m*i ^ t s . , "iat i ihe "Tegular l and Burt ^ ixom their relatives a certificate of estine. three places are three loving cups. ^scretary reported on the progress Saturday mwrning "services. poverty. These certificates, the perBecause of the lengfii of the program made by the organization the sxns for ^whom the clothes aTe desami ^the ^feee <of tibs xrowd fexpected fevr years. Habbi Miller -will ijegin Sunday -afttined are to request from the Adthe "program will start -promptly at ernoon, Feb. ~5, vvilh a :ctimiTiunitymmistration of the Community where wide assembly a t ihe ^ioai Jlsrael they jreside. . '^The committee ha charge is A T synagogue, 18th and Chicago Sts., at; A. charge of sixty cents is to .he 2:30 o'clock. Several of America's "Thou shalt not exploit" .should take office-holding d» those 'trained ffor "at. thur Xipp, Tchairman; Dora 3>olgt>ff, imposed iby the Consulate here ;f or A 35 per cent reduction of iforeijn Gertrude Greenberg, Art Gerber, 1sThe /Nebraska /Deep /Rock quintet, foremost rahbis will be present ~to the^plaee of "Thou shalt not fail" as ratifying the authenticity of the address the gathering, and all nearby the commandment followed by ihe debts—by actual -purchasing power, lael Sercovici, Hatph /Nogg, Joe Solall-Jewish independent basketball Hot Springs, (J.T.A.)—The y certificates:" : i cities -have indicated the presence of American people, Dr. Will Durant we would not lose a cent, as the dollar omonow and Hose Zweibach. "Judges "N. Xevi Mcnjorial hos]nval in its Polish /Federation /held i h a t team "which has been outstanding in representative delegations. suggested in his address before the today can buy Sl.35 vrurlli of things -mil be 1, Mrs. X. Nev^regulations imposed undue hum- ihe -state for the past five years, will Following the inauguration cere- /Community /Forum at the J . C. C. as of ihe time of the loan. Also, an eleS, Uabbi "Uri Miller and Wm. L. nual Teport .itsst published, that the hospital provided for -ility upon the persons to whom i h e tangle -with the ZLawlor Sports of monies, a banquet will be held in the "Wednesday evening before a capacity inflation of ihe American dollar 35 Hoizman. care and maintenance of 4,558 ,- clothes -were going and ^requested 'its lancdln at the J. C. C. Sunday, Jan. Jewish Community Center commene- audience. The noted philosopher's per cent. 29, at 3 p.m. All proceeds will go ients in its wards ar.d clinics .abrogation. ing at 6:30 p.m. 3leservations "will subject was 'The American Crisis." /Recognizing that we cannot operate to the 3ee-l«ews free shoe fund. ihe year of IPS- These be "The analysis of the depression is the American economic system -with* came from every section of the cofflrIn its ;Sve years the Deep 3lock j contained in the fact that while the out increasing the purchasing potrer on t r y ; : from as far oast as New Xfl five has played 141 games and lost fi py g vations can "be had by calling "Wil- producing: capacity of our workers of ihe people. Shorter hours, unemand as far xresi as California, y H. I t has never been defeated liam MildeT, Ja. 20S0; /Harry Marcus, wta multiplied by a hundred or -mare, ployment insurance, more restrictions only represent pructicaliy every state. ;! by more than two points, has scored iheir purchasing- power was being on national banks. It is most vital that! pendituve? for tin- year were Sfifl £Berlm, (JJT.A;)—Adolph f i t t e r ' s 4>862 points, and this year has aver- Ja. 1.440; Ben /E. Xailowsky, At. multiplied by only two or three," the we make our own market the basis of Philip .11. Ulutznick and Julius The Leo N. Lovi Sreniorial Ifezi party is in serious financia aged over 40 points per game. .Abe 4S34, and the Jewish Community Cen- lecturer pointed out. Dr. Durant ana- our economic life and become inde- Bisno were appornted by Morrr; •pital is strictly a charitable straits, "with debts estimated to total Bergman, Isadore .Novak, -Aaron /Ep- tex, Ja. 1366. pendent of foreign markets. Rothenberg, president of ihe Zionist j t i ( m a n d -admitr no pav patients a Hum between $2,000,000 and /$S,- stein, Sam Giller, Max Shukert and "Legalize birth control. Otherwise, I Organization of Ameirca, to serve on make a modest fo-ntrihivtion Dr. Wise Next •000,000. /MillaTd Sigal, as well as Jay Stol/Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New •we breed more and more nniscie for a national commission of Jewish their maintenance- if vossible. /Hitler, it is understood, has .been ler, coach, and George ZElein, manawhich our inventive system jjaj; -no •workers and educators. hospital is n modcrr. institution, York will be the next speaker on place. -offered about 4,000,000 marks by ger, have been with the team since The purpose of the body is to con- ed a? Clas-F A by the American the ToTum series. He "will appear Jiis 'backers, industrialists i n the its inception. "Oar new commandment must be sider the Jewish youth problems ir» of Surppons. In addition t^ at the Jewish Community Center IKhineland and the Huhr "Valley, to So that ;the shoe fund vrill xealize David 33. Gross, ol, of -214 Wednesday evening, February 22. trThou shalt not exploit," taking- the \ general and their application to the usual equipments of <« inodem -pay Party debts, provided he pre- every cent possible, the Beep Hock place of our prerions -commandment, | Ziordst mo-vement in particular. A 7>ital it is provided "with the vails upon his party "not to cause a Oil Co., through /Morris /Milder, is Park Are., died Saturday -night. She is survived by her husband; two "Thou shalt succeed, -whether by hook | meeting of this committee will be baths from the Arkansas hot STr dissolution of -lie Reichstag sched1 I held in Nevr York on Feb. 12. Trhidi arc ovrned by ihe federal uled to meet this week. /Hitler, it iis donating ihe tickets, posters and pro- daughters, Una and ZNaozni Gross; lyzed the economic, political and or crook." three brothers, /Morris "SVn-mTrrn of moral crises being laced in America. IxLutznick is executive s enrmeni. The Leo K. Levi Dr. /Durant launched into a bxiliiai understood, "has rait rejected this of- gram. The T>eep /Rocks are leading the .Milwaukee, H a s l<iomkm of Omaha "Dnr noble experiment of demo- attack upon the imperialistic tenden- i "the International A. E. A. (Junior ia] hospital offers ?pccia! der. J. C. C. league. The ILawlorrs also and Dr. Philip ZEromkin of /New Ha- cracy is breaking down just "vrhen we cies of tixe coxmtrj- and grave, illustra- B"nai Brith) and Eisno is assistant in the treatment 01 arthritic rheumatic diseasos, Jewish Encyclopaedia in l i e n c h have an impressive record and sx& ven, Conn., and three sisters, Mrs. need it most, and in addition to all tions from tli£ panoxaixia of history executive secretary. 1 -Paris.—The publication of a Jew- one of "the capital city's finest and Anna "Weiss and ^Ebea and Hose our other troubles, Tre find our souls shotting hovr once a nation became j in great tiisoxder, onr old moral code dependent upon foreign trade it had to} the capital of Lembcrg; — A delegation of yassg; g sn.—Eansroon s p Ish encyclopedia in the "Fxench lan- fastest basketball aggregations. In- JEromkin, all of -ilikraukee. l d Uational Democrats, headed by i MTS. Gross had for many years lost." fight to keep it and always in the end J Burma recently established its second guage is contemplated here by the claded in their linsnp jare such outpresidents of the Students "well known /French "publisher, l*evas- standing .stars as "Chi" Galloway, been j>rominent in various Jewish ZDaxant zsre the following as his -was defeated and died. He -prediztEsI synag-opue. farmer Colorado Aggie star; /Bill women's organizations. The first synagogue was opened 50 visited the highest Catholic solution: that -unless "we became econoraieally senr. If .31. ILevasseur acarries rthrough his Punke of TTirirann, -who TTOS placed on ZErmsral services were held THonday -*A re^defmition ol demDcracy, the self-contained we ivould iave to fight years ago. The largest proportion of ties to thank the Archbishops ihe Jewish population of Burma total- Ihe protection and assistance i -hon- afternoon at the Jewish "funeral establishments of schools far trainnnir one or marfi •wars. the -All--American Unterscholastic project, the encyclopedia ^will the :OT .-jabll, and /Dick Armstamg, star Sxa home, IBuxial was in /Golden IHfll men t o hold office and Tun fee gov- Irvin Stalmastex-srar chairman. An ing 1500 persons in all lesid: in the j to youths who were arrested hfj -.first of :its kind ^niblished *Tn capital city of /Rangoon. inection with the disturbances.'* ' ernment, and special restrictions in open forum followed the taeture. /Lnmbaru cdllege, iin Hlmriis. • ; cemetsrv/French language.




Temple Brotherhood




Omahans Appointed to National Youth Commission


Financial Woes



THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - . Advertising rates furnished on application

Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community. Center DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing: Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - Editor F A N N I E KATELMAN - • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent A N N PILL - - - - - - - Sioojc City, Iowa, Correspondent

~ •: \ .


Recently a Jewish individual died in New York leaving a sizeable estate. In the will of this testator, one Charles Freeman, there was a provision bequeathing legacies to two daughters provided they married a person of the Jewish faith, but directing payment of the legacy to them on attaining the age of 30, if then unmarried. Of particular interest to us is the effort which was made to set this provision aside, on the ground that it was against public policy. The court did not directly-pass on the Jegality of the provision, because academic, as marriage%> a non-Jew might never occur. Here was a father who, fearing the dangers and pitfalls of intermarriage, wished to protect his daughters. It is unfortunate •when the parent has to dangle the glitter of gold before his child's eyes to lure her from possible marriage outside the fold; but, if in this instance the father thought that such provision would help bring about what, he deemed best for his children—who is to say him nay? The one who amasses a fortune has the right to provide for its disposition and the right to name under what circumstances, if any, his child shall inherit. This is true today, even though doubtful a long time ago. In the distant past, some of the decisions of English courts were, in modern light, rather far fetched. Thus, the records disclose the English case of Da Costa vs. De Pas, wherein a Jewish testator left a devise for a Yeshivah to propagate the Jewish religion^ The court decided that the estate could not be used thus, and then, in addition, instead of giving it to the testator's heirs,: gave it for the use of a general hospital. This, despite the fact that the same year the court had held valid a similar provision for the religion in popular favor. From 1500 to 1800 in England the people and even the courts were not normal on the matter of charity and religion, and there were many clear cases of abuse. If estates were left for purposes of a religion other than theirs, they would take away the money and use it as they desired. Such abuses have, however, been done away with in modern times. If the New York court had been confronted with the necessity of a direct decision, it would undoubtedly have ruled as valid the provision-of reverter of the estate if the daughters married outside the Jewish faith. The general authorities sustain such conditions, arid in the case of Davis vs. Davis (86 App. Div., New York 401) the court ruled as valid the condition in a will which provided thai^if any of the testator's grandchildren should renounce the Hebrew faith, they should be disinherited. Other American cases (as Hogan vs. Curtin, 42 Am. Rep. 244) and many English decisions (as Hodgson vs. Half ord and Ex Parte Dickson) are authorities which go far to sustain the validity of such conditions. Indeed, it would be an injustice not to allow a man to validly make $uch provisions concerning his property.


ning, and patience succeeds better than passion.


He that denounceth his friends for the sake of flattery, even his own Words of the "wise are graceful, but children will despise him. a fool's words are harmful. ' ' When the wise leaders of Israel The end is better than the begin- came to King David to complain that SWIFT AS feLSCTBICITT. . . GLEAN AS ELECTRIC LIGHT


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the Jewish nation cannot1 . maintain themselves, the king told them that the people shall trade among themselves, and support one another. The leaders answered that a nation cannot exist and prosper on its own resources. After -a long discussion the king advised them to send an army of representatives to foreign countries to create an international market for export trade . . . this will bring prosperity to the Jewish nation in Palestine.

desire for "maidlach" who answer to the name of Sophie . . . and aside . . . (Hew does that bloke get this A COMMON LOVE information?) . . . I wonder why Y«u have heard of marriages where Ruth K. continually inquires as to a let us say, both the man and woman blessed event of the F. B. couple. were musical, and everybody expected . . Cute and cunning Bernice Y. that the progeny would be a musical accompanied by a chap named Liegenius, but instead, it turns out that By "Abw Kaiman berman (meaning loving man) . . . the offspring displays instead a talent and mamma and papa "Y" nearby for drinking lemonade; causing all the blushes. . . . M. "C., Well, it seems that something like Personal Piffle a pretty lass of the senorita type, this happened in the case of the Simon Excited whisperings among the is "rhumbaing" her way into the and Schuster publishing-house. Mr. Simon was a traveling sales- employees of the children's wear de- heart of a young executive of a man and Mr. Schuster was connected partment of a local department store K. C. ice corporation . . . now a with an automobile house. They met . . . all anxious to knew the details regular commuter between Omaha by chance, and both got a liking for of the buyer who is "tzu misht" and K. C. . . . Cal. B. now clinchanother because of a common love for (dazed) over a gentleman named ing with F. W. . . . he is attached Mr. A. . . . A young executive cf a to the Hill "Gasthaus." . . . musk. By DAVID SCHWARTZ A Busy Stork So they decided to join in a pub- local life insurance company creOh me, oh my . . . the stork is lishing firm. They dreamt of getting ated quite a stir among his friends OUT OF A BOOK out books on Beethoven, Bach and so . . . he proceeded to capture the flitting hither and yon . . . . initial Harold Loeb, who used to be one of forth. The publishing firm sure heart of a gal who hails from the arrivals are scheduled at the homes that intimate Greenwich villege circle enough was established. city of "boom boom" (not Miami, I of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. (hubby is in f which Howard Scott, founder of They got out a cross word puzzle mean good old Chi) . . . and only the wholesale "flaish" business) . . . 'echnocracy was a member has writ- book—and then some more. And have the previous day to this young man's Mr. and Mrs. P. R. (daddy is a pill ten a book carrying Technocracy a faith in me, as they say, those books declaration of love, his b. f. had been pounder) . . . and Mr. and Mrs. step further. whispering "sweet nothings" in the W. B. ("Gas" again, that's his "biz") sold. It is said that Loeb was the model But now they are beginning to re- same dame's listening apparatus. . . boys, page Bennie Falk, the or the character of Robert Kohn in member, that after all, they owed . . . E. S. and M. S. being rushed premier "stooge" for additional puns. Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises." something to music extensively . . . now appearing with . . The bird with the Durante It is not a very pleasing picture that DEMOCRATS NEED JOBS an oil man from Tulsa, Okla., and a schnozzle" is also hovering over the Hemingway makes of Kohn, as you young attorney . . . a one- home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. . . . There are 12 million unemployed clever will remember—a rather futile sort of word description and you identify they are parents of two little daughnow. That of course, does not include type, whom his non-Jewish associates him immediately . . . this young ters, and are they yearning for a grudgingly tolerated but scarcely took the Republican office holders who will barrister had cultivated previously a boytchik" (affectionate term for a lose their jobs on March 4th. to their bosom. baby boy). . . . Mr. and Mrs. H. D. While the new administration will But personalities aside, the picture S. are all agog over their good thus increase unemployment, at the savant, noted for his expertness in a f man's activities under Technocracy "mozzel" . . . he is a buyer in a same time by giving the Democrats particular field of Jewish Semitics, is worthy of consideration. Loeb tells Douglas street department store . . . s all about these collateral issues— the jobs, it will even matters up. I went into a tantrum, all because of and a companion to the baby girl should think it will be better. For as what, do you think?" ex relations under the new regime, of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. is expected general opposition, one may say, "Because of what?" >lay, etc that Democrats always need jobs "Simply because another Jewish . . . yes, he is in the furniture busiTOO BUSY TO WORK more than Republicans. savant of lesser renown wrote an arti- ness . . . and she a sweet young cle on some subject of his specialty. mother. Play must become i. very important CAPTAIN GINSBURGH How dare the other man, exclaimed factor in our lives, if we are all only AGAIN Special Attractions this renowned man, presume to write 0 work four days a week and four Tuesday eve., Jan. 31, the annual One of the Republicans who will hours a day, as the Technocrat will need a job is one of the best known on a subject-on which he was the ac- all-star night by the Senior Council have it. of Clubs of the J. C. C. in the "ghosts," none other than Captain cepted authority." "And," we asked, "ir. that character- Center auditorium . . . some real And what are those going to do, Robert Ginsburgh, who, acocrding to who dont like bridge? vaudeville talent among this group all accounts, is the facile writer of istic of Jewish theologians." "I won't say it is characteristic, but of youngsters . . . next Sunday at It is a very important problem, and the very facile speeches of Secretary there is a surprising amount of that 3:15 p.m. the Deep Rock basketball it seems to me that the Technocrat of War Hurley. sort of spirit in the Jewish theological boys will play the Lawlors of Linught to solve this problem of play field for some reason or other." I don't coln. . . . The local boys are undeirst, for after all, right now it seems LEARNED QUICKLY An account in one of the Scripps think it is characteristic of Jews in feated. . . . The proceeds to the to me even more importart than it will be under the Technocrat regime. papers informs us that Captain Gins- other fields, but in theology, where Bee-News shoe fund, therefore you There are twelve millions now who burgh was born in Warsaw, and that one would normally expect just the are urged to attend. . . . And, speakare not even working four hours a he couldn't speak English until he opposite, it is far too prevalent. ing of basketball, many new dev"Let me give you another instance," otees to this game were created last day. What are they to do with their was nine years old. time? But he learned the language pretty said A. "Some time ago, in a temple, Sunday . . . due to the thrilling well since those days—well enough it which at the time had two rabbis, a game provided by the Omaha and PROSPEROUS PALESTINE seems, to successfully woo a young young graduate from one of the rab- K. C. girls which ended in a tie. . . . The Palestine Economic Corpora- woman of the southern aristocracy, binical colleges was added to the ros- The dance on Feb. 12 by the Contion at the recent meeting gave an Elsie Bulitt Pinney, and to get the ter of the pulpit. The two senior rab- servative Synagogue group No. 8 is account of its activities for the brief job of making Secretary Hurley's bis were both men of great distinc- creating considerable comment . . . period of its existence that should be speeches, although Ginsburga natural- tion and ability, but their relations the ticket sale very encouraging. . . . generally satisfying. with each other were marked by none The popular girl contest sponsored ly denies he writes the speeches. And I am all the more impressed by GHOSTING FOR THE of that spirit of brotherly love which by the Psi Mu begins Sun., Feb. 5 ts report with the fact that it does you would expect. The young rabbi . .•. prepare to enter your favorite not allow itself to be oblivious to cer- RADIO to watch himself if he spoke over- Miss. . . . The play, "Shver tzu zein We can understand the embarrass- had tain difficulties, which are arising by much with one of the senior rabbis, a Yid" (If I Were You), which will the very growth in the prosperity of ment of admitting such authority. On lest the other senior rabbi think he be produced on Mar. 14 and 15, is a modest scale, we have done a little was coming too much under the othPalestine. being prepared in script form. . . . Palestine, as you know, has been speech ghosting. We remember in er's influence. In fact, the cantanker- Mrs. Herman Jahr is anxious to seundergoing for: some time .what particular one. occasion, when we ousness between the two senior rabbis cure the proper type for the central amounts to a moderate "boom. That is ghosted a radiacspeech for a man of was so pronounced, that one of them character in this play . . . the charall very -well, hut all the same, one of some prominence. when tie young rabbi got his post, is David Shapiro of Slavita. We happened to be in ,his office, spoke to him with the bittei humor acter the phenomena connected with such . . . Tryouts will be held Sunday booms in the speculation in land—and when someone was congratulating him of truth as follows: afternoon and Monday evening at the on his speech. that's not so good, as one of the ex"Rabbi X, you have been named, auditorium. . . . Maurice "Yes," he said to the congratulator, not assistant Rabbi, but assistant to Center perts of the Palestine Economic SoSchwartz, the great Yiddish actor, in our presence, "I have received ciety explained. the Rabbis, that is to say, you are to portrayed this role on Broadway. "We would rather that the Jewish more compliments on that speech than help me and to help Rabbi B—and Iowans Honor Sons of Israel orange grower in Palestine made his on any other I ever delivered." may God help you." "What did you think of it?" asked profit not on trading the land but in "Of course," said A, concluding, "I Prejudice against Jews is not very the congratulates turning to us. What do not say that this spirit is charac- active selling oranges," said this expert. vicinity of Davenport, could we say: XWe said—"O wasn't teristic of the rabbinate as a whole, Iowa. .in. the . The city experienced its' LAND SPECULATION his radio voice good?" but there is more of it than there first bank failure recently. . . . ImThe problem, which this expert A RABBI COMPLAINS should be.* ' mediately the citizens of that city touched, is not confined to Palestine. is a rabbi, very much respected (Copyright, 1933, by The Jewish Tele- called upon E. P. Adler, publisher of We know:what this speculation in byArabbis We were talking graphic Agency, Inc.) several newspapers in the middle land that accompanies a boom gener- to him thegenerally. other day. west, and prevailed upon him to acally brings. We have seen it work in Paris.— Pierre Paraf, prominent cept the presidency of the bank. "Why are our Jewish spiritual leadthis country. Generally, it means French writer, has been made a . . . Refusing a salary, he reorers like that?" asked A. that that margin of profit which orKnight of the Legion of Honor. "like what?" we asked. ganized the bank with $10,000,000.09 dinarily would go to fostering more M. Parafis, ason-in-law of the late of deposits, of which $8,000,000.00 "Well, let me give you an instance. production is turned into increased was in cash. . . . The bank is now rent, increased mortgages, and then Seme time ago, a distinguished Jewish Max Nordau. in excellent shape. . . . Jack Reel comes a crash. (Jake Rachman) of the Bee-News The story of our farmers' suffering received his early newspaper traintoday is largely a repetition of this ing from "E. P.," as Mr. Adler is story. The.crash has already come known to his friends and employees. here, and the farmer is crying aloud . . . Jake avers that Mr. Adler posbecause he is forced to shoulder a sesses the true spirit of the Jew in mortgage on highly inflated land. every sense of the word. . . . A 1 One solution of that, as far as Palbouquet of "bloomen" (flowers) to estine is concerned, is to help the Jewthe members of the group upon their ish National Pond, to the end that any choice of William L. Holzman as the increase in the land values will be most outstanding Jewish citizen of socialized. this city during the current year JfEWVS. JEW your column conductor predicted his If a Jew against Jew at Radio City. selection in a previous issue, and Recently Walter Lippman in his widereiterates at this time . . . that Mr. ly' syndicated column mercilessly deHolzman is entirely worthy .of praise nounced the Radio City r project. bestowed upon him as a communal Shortly after, Roxy himself was taken leader. . . . to a hospital. Stomach trouble, the papers said, but there were whispers A .gag from Georgie Price. ET off to a zestful, sunshiny of a nervous breakdown, due to the Price blew into Chicago with a red realization of Roxy that the whole "nozzelL" . . . His alibi is that he start every morning in genuine thing was a flop. was sunburned at Sophie Tucker's n birthday party . . • F en he leaned And now another Jew—a sculptor, Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes. Walk over the cake to count the number named William Zorach, born in Lithof candles. . . . Thousands, said uania, las taken a wallop at Boxy* a mile in them—or ten; your feet Georgie! . . . He is a coming atfor the tatter's banning of Zorach's traction at the RKO Orpheum thenude statue—"The Spirit of the will feel fine at the end of the jaunt Dance." ater. Nelson Rockefeller wrote to the' • . . It's all in the cushion—an inIs Technocracy Hypocisy. Jewish sculptor that he couldn't see Technocracy is now all the rage what Roxy saw objectionable in the visible, permanently springy fea. . . No, dear reader, it is not a new sculpture, and Mrs. John D. Rockepolitical party nor the name of a feller had previously purchased fiome ture, exclusive to Or. Reed Shoes. patent medicine . . . just an old of Zorach's works for her own private philosophy, say the editorial writers gallery. as old as the declaration of Mark Why did Roxy go so purist all of a Antony to Cleopatra . . . "I did not sudden? come here, etc., etc" . . . as understandable as the Einstein theory... ZORACH'S EXPLANATION at least more puns can be obtained And Zorach answers in the followfrom the latter subject . . . In the ing way: "It just wasn't vulgar words of the chief technocrat, Howenough for Roxy. -It was the straight ard Scott, a college professor . . . forward, too clean. I couldn't under"it would include the end of all bonds stand Mr. Roxy's point of view until and other instrumentalities of debt" I saw the first performance up at the . . . tell me, brother, how many of Music Hall. Then all of a sudden, I •us possess bonds and what more understood the whole thing. It was debts can we accumulate . . . the just as Mr. Roxy said. My statue did alarmists view this new plan as the not belong in his atmosphere. I don solution to the unemployment probmean the theater. I mean the perlem, charging1 mechanization as the formance. I mean after I saw.all chief cause of our present troubles that went on there that, nightr—four . . . conservatives criticize the plan hours is a long time to sit still lookas revolutionary and say that it i ing at vaudeville-^well,.after I. saw merely a novel plan entirely l that I knew my statue didn't belong-. telligiblo just as he said* I'm glad he threw it out."


OS HER omments

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS/FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,10C3 -p.m.* with -Dick.- Htrftberg*s-^seven-; picca j^s'fcanjT .playing Two meiubsrs of. th?.-.Jewish Wto'menri* ^ e iv^ fere federation^ i*ill - chaperone- • > -' Foiur ^contestants have-already en~ teftrd rthe "Psi -Mu - popularity- COD-. test,"" \#rich '\vilf t e held" soon ill «onjuncticn with ths matinee dancfts.


"Mr. and Mrs. Samuel fialtsraaii,retorned Monday from r. mato'r trip tb Kansas City, vvhere they spCTt tii^s: k Note—'All items must d'or phoned so that they e ' Jewich Press office by Wednesdays to insure on on Friday.

Featured Artist on. Council "Broadcast*

MOVE TO NEW- HOME The Gail Margolins Jiave movct into their new home at 507 Ss. 53rd St. ' • ' - ' . . CONTRACT BRIDGE TOURNEY Miss Ruth Kiasne and Miss \ Sylvia Zsbin won top score in,the eas.t and west se;tion of the duplicate contract bridge tourney he'd- at t'ne Athletic club "Wednesday* afternoon. "Mrs. D. Annis and Mrs. T. Organ were:'hi{jli-_ln the north and south division. Mrs. David Ferer will continue to hold her duplicate contract toarnaments at tha Athletic" club/; every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Prizes "are- awarded ea:h week,; in addition to the monthly five-dollar prize. .

tSARY PARTY irry' Bush and Miss Sarah ntertained for thirty-five y on the occasion of the h wedding anniversary of ents. Mr. and Mrs. Max it

tovJn guests were Mr. and jevtne cf Atlantic, la.; Mr. } Max Garber of Missouri f, and Mrs. Sam Gobrevicb. N. Y., -who has been the past few weeks.


Temple Israel - ' "


- Toniffht



-Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on t'Life's Merry-GorRouncF at • temple Israel ;S3rvices: this"veyenin^ . r -••-_. ^ .Tomorrow;Morning "r Saturday.morning Dr. Cohii's-subject will be, "Our..Growing! Religion.'' The .following children will participate i»-the service,/\Vhich-will be iield at 10:30. : Zella Cherniss, Armand Gilinsky, Robert Berwitz, Richard Gordon, Charlotte Mayer, Evelyn Miroff. Leonard Kroloff, MtUard Rosenberg, Helen Lincoln and Iyicfcard Josephson.

attempt to Solicit dues from kosher Vincent -de Paul Society, which 1B .« butchers throughoot ttc. «jty is beta** voUmtse;- charitable organization gi^ng, rrfitf 'ta\5l6 nieedy Omaha* Stindayf "5 January 29r~Omaha .oniiucied by the- p?csecntor*s ioffice.' ^; familfes; cBroeeedi off,^tbe concert HebrcV Club, 3ja. m. . . . '. will "be use! to provide fuel and food . Monday* Jannaiy 30—Couadl of fo-these families. • For Music Lovers .Jewish Wome3i^Lancheon,"l p. in.TuesdaV^ Jaiiiafy 31-i^Ail-Star Omaha music:, lovers T7ill hear, a Night; 8 p. rat; ^apidus Memonai rare musical treat when the famous NAHONAI/ Gomnsitteai-8;-pt m. ••••••' - : Sunday, Febraary 5—Vaad Ban- Boys'. Choir of Vienna, now on their ssiMUKS. I N C . quet, 6:30° p. m,; Hebrew Club, first American tour, sin^ at Tech High Schoolnext Monday nijjht at" - 3 p , gtx. "-• . . • ' . • w " . . ••• • : "Kverylhins for the Aut»': 8:15 o'clock. ^, 7 February y The Omaha concert is a benefit 2051 Farnam— AT. 5524 W "Women's • Welfare Organization^ performance sponsored by the St. r : 2:30 p. ti.-; Fedaration Annual Meeting, 7:£0 p. m. • ••' i Wednesday, Febiaary 8—Jewish Fonira, Rabbi 'Samuel Wohl of Cincinnati, 8 p. m,;; Conservative Auxiliary, 1 p. m., Intercity Conference.


•; • •• . ' . " •: after a careful review cf eligible perKaddish.. sons. ,' • - • • ^ •" Kaddish will be recited this j3abr Three criteria are to be applie<l in "bathfor J. L.. Brandeis. .the choice cf members.- They, must be

1; Intellectuals of tha highest ordei;

CJonservatiye --• > y ' Szrvith ;, ;X A t ; services a t --the Cinssrvativfe tonight 'RabM DavidyA. Xroldstein will speak--on "How"-to Prevent Nervous : Breakdowns."- •.:••

2. Powerful personalities of international rcnawn; 3. Known for their liberal views. / The Committee is envisaged as becoming '"the most potent moral and idealistic fores of the world."

."••:: •"-'." •:- " N e x t W e e k • •':.. .I.J.. :-

' N e x t Friday evening Raibi-,GoJdstein. will take as his snbie^t "Jews Snared in a Trap of Death.*'; He ANNIVERSARY DANCE . • The Question Club's first anniver- will discuss the tragic plight -of. our sary formal dinner-dance will be htld Jewish brethren in Poland. He has in the palm Tooin of th3 fiotei Fon- chosen thi3 subject as a prepatatioti tenelle on Saturday evening, Jain.* 28.-for the address to be given on-Feb. Harry F.erenztein, chiurman; Stuart 8 on the Jewish Forum series.-B-pon- Cleveland.—(J. T. A.) — A second Galinsky and John Rosenblatt com- sored by the J/ C. C. At that time wave of raclcetGcrinjj .and crime that Rabbi Wohl of Cincinnati-.will spsalr has occurred in less than two months prise the committee in charge. on his first-hand impressions of th« against kosher butcher shops, was Jews of Russia. All Jews ought to brought to a sensational climax by the WA1STTS NAMES OF Jinow whst is happening to our pec-bombiiss of a Jctrish poultry market OMAHANS IN NEW YORK ple -in Eastern Europe, and are. there- here. The Omaha Club of New York, fore urged to attend thsso lecture:.-. William DcineJies xyss tho victim of composed of former Omahans ibera of the Kansas City Esther Leaf ibe the bombing. In checking the motive, V girls' basketball team residing in New York, is starting a AV g In a mock radio program to" be Ranches .told police that he had ret h program cf increased activity. Mr. ,"brcadca$t" ; following", a : luncheon irtained at a party, at thi cently refused ts pay tribute of 2 Mrs: M. H. Sogolow Satur- honoring new members of ths Oma-Philip S. Mandel, secretary, will comcents on e=.c!i chickan killed a t h municate v.ith ell Omahans now livha Council of Jev/ish Women Monng, Jan. 21, given by "Mrs market to a racket organiaztion. ing in New York if the addresses cstein, captain of the Oma-day, Jan.- GO, at the J. C. C, Esther In order to curb tha "kosher meat and Mrs. Sogolow. Twenty Leaf, well known Omaha pianist, wi'l of such individuals are mailed to him Tacket" tlic Federation of Orothodox at £05 Lsxington Ave., New York fill an important place, appearing e guests, Jewisli Canncrcgation;; -was organizetl afternoon the Kansas City both as an individual-artist and as City, in Cleveland. There is a law in Ohio Los Angeles.—(J. T. A.)—In ah ine taken for a .tour of the accompanist for her husband, Harry tha selling of non-kosher RO-NOH ELECTS terview with Jacob Landau, Managing prohibiting Duboff, vocalist. meat "as kosher. The law never has Director of the Jewish Telegraphic Lloyd Friedman was elected presThe two Avill be feature entertainenforced. An investigation of an ident of the F.o-Noh club of Central Agency, Professor Albart Einstein, been 3RTAIN ers on this program, which is "deoiIndependent Kosher "Meat Association ess Spar will entertain nine •cated'1 to tha ninctoen_ new members. High school for the coming semester the renowned scientist, nov? continu- that has besn recently formed in an inghis research work in Pasadena, luncheon and bridge Satur- Other artists to b2 presented through at a meeting held Sumlay afternoon made, known his plans to organize-a jhe Pontenelle, in honor of the courtesy of radio station KOIL, at the home of Harold Sonimer. Other officers: •• Lawrence Green, group of twenty-five of the greatest "Your Old Hat Made New u-, Mrs. H. M. Laff of Los are Madges West, violinist; Hart in the world "to function in the Save a Dollar or Two" who is visiting here.1 > Jenks, actor and dramatic director, vice; president; Robert Stiefler, sec- minds fend^Tony and Babe, appearing in a retary; Joe Lemer, correspondinc: best interests of mankind." OMAHA HAT FACTORY The United States is to be'repreWITH SISTER short comedy sketch. "Announcer"', secretary, and Joel Cherniss, treas115 Nertii 15: b Stm-t sented on the Committee by six memOnpo-itr p o .t Office for, fiie broadcast will be Mrs. S. F. urer. jd Gilbert v i ^ t l KI> KAPLAN. Manager bers, who are to be chosen "by the Gilinsky. Mrs. Herman Jahr is profiss Rose Gilberts who? is Phone ATlantic OSHO strictest selective tests." None of ^he AXD WE WILL CALL at the RKO Palace theater gram-director. Jewish History Glass members have yet boon chosen and all Ah open board ineating^ to which go. The Jewish history class; of Tem- will" be selected by Professor Einsfein is welcome will be held at \ PARTY noon, and -the luncheon, .under t'ae ple Israel will meet Tuesday evening &nna "Kuznit entertained six- direction of Mrs. David Goldman and at 7:45" p. mv"at*the •Tentpte. '-r^--. Mr. Isy Rosenthal will lead a diststs at a benefit bridge party staff, at 1 o'clock. Reservations are v kome last Sunday .afternoon^ ,to- be made.with Mrs. Goldman, Gl. cussion on the twenty-third chapter \ ~ f go to the Juniof HadassaK ^522, not latar than Saturday eve- Of Grastz's History, dealing with the '.'Give or Get" luncheon. ning., The luncheon will be 50 cent~ Maccabean period. per plate. > •London-.^—The Jewish • Colonization DINNER d Mrs. Nathan Brodsky en' a ' group of relative^ and f; their homa at a wedding st Saturday evening. present included Mrs. Jentsoii, Mr. and Mrs. Albert h. and .-Mrs. John Sanders, Mrs. Clarence Fisher; Mrs. >hn, Miss Henrietta Cohn, >ien' Stein and Mr. Abner

Cleveland Poultry Market Bombed in 'Racketeering War*


Comiftittee of 25 to "Aid Mankind


Others $25 to $69.75 Better Dress Section—Sixth Floor

Spring Whispered Her Ideas I. Miller Heeded—the Result Is



r. MILLER;te It's the shoe that Spring, herself, would wear! . . . with its beams of smart new fashion reflected in Gvepj step!-t Fashioned of gray, watersnake saddled with blue kid . . . as lovely as a bluebird flying] Also, in beige watersnake, combined with brown kid.

Other New Arrivals Priced 12.75; Also $10 SCVOBII


By David M. Newman

estions for sandwich fillings: i& carrot mixed with enough 1 laise to moisten, ped chicken, pickle relish, with' enough mayonnaise to J.

I boiled eggs, tuna fish and relish, mayonnaise to moisten. , olives, with Russian ' dressrut butter and jelly. tercress butter, finely chopped Iress blended with softened pped tongue, chopped cabbage, (and mayonnaise. . , pped egg, sardine and mayon-

. . ,. add +hat*3U*3i c? <XDNTRAST that mates th¥ nsw'dressss dfffereni . . . unusual! Gst Kite 033 of thesa n3w Heriberg frocks •'»J liava just arrived . . . a n d that play up to contrast In psrfect tastel Bs somebody star-' iiing! Sbss 12 to 46.




Kitchen Chats


Association is planning an extension

tive in Rabbi Solomon Goldman's of its'colonization activities in Palescongregation Ansha Emet. Mrs. Rav- tine, according to Sir Leonard Cohen,' itz is a member of the choir and Dr. president of the association.' •••;• Ravitz is on the board cf directors of the Men's club. Both are former Omahans. Mrs. Perkin's Welding Ravitz is the former Mollie Oland: Service 821 No. 16th AT. 0866 MATINEE DANCE SUNDAY Cylinder Head Welding, Selling,: The regular matinee dance at tha and Trades for Quick Service a •ing the dance, refreshments Jewish Community "Center, sponsored Specialty. served, and tables will be by the Psi Mu fraternity -will be [ for playing "bridge. Prizes held this Sunday afternoon at 3:30 awarded at each table. Res; may be made with Miss Webster 329,4. BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Lon^'Koo nembers of Junior Hadassah 1'ETUOIJICM lonored guests. * ESgivja ' _• Best Grade—fortrca. Clean.., . " All Lump—Forked I PARTY Small, in" Size, hot Larje In Heat ^ High in Heat A DIG S.4TIXG TO inday evening, Jan. 2&, the COKE' USEUS Very Little Ash pha Gamma sorority will enit a "progressive dinner party, --their pledges, the Misses 'i Oruch, Miriam Kirshenbaum CONSUMERS COAL CO. CERTIFIED WEIGHTS UV A. SWORN AM) BONDED Rifkin. ' - . : WKIGHHASTEK s of the sorority are Miss Ilman, president; Miss Sadie in, vice president and secreiss Rose Fox, treasurer, and rtrude Oruch, reporter.

ior.Hadassah'will give a for: members this Sunday Jan. 29, at 3 o'clock at r's-Club Araby. ara Baum is chairman of & and is being assisted by es Miriam Greenberger, Ruth JEvelyn Glazer, Sarah Gerfether Markovitz and Helen

R OMAHAN RETTA S. E. Ravitz of Chicago will j leatling role in the operetta, Jauberin" (the Sorceress), fill be presented Sunday and by the Sisterhood of Anshe ongregation in Chicago, asto vrord received here. Dr. and Mrs. Ravitz are ac-

Plaids! ' Checks J' Stripes!

HOWARD«rf !6tK

Join Us in Dining



We WiliBiiild and Finance Your Home up to


Look to Your Knitting!

In Home Financing of the Value of House and We are in a position to offer you somethings that BO one else can do for you. \

And Come to Our Columbia

Oiir homes are the best, our prices are competitive. '

We're going to a dining place of. distinction, so quaint and allaring.The atmosphere there is so sodth-' ing that one just relaxes without effort . . . and the food - . . weD, you have to eat it to really appreciate it. Variety in menu, something different every day . . . and courteous service . . . all at most i^-asonable prices. Join us at the Jack and Jill.

MISS MIDAS, Columbia factory representative* will be here for one more week to instruct you in the making of the new, smart, chic st. les for Spring. T /


BRANDEIS—Third Floor A Suggestion for Any Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Served ntule • • Idaho bakcA In the process I k f l potato, slicrd -of coebinc . . • %M\i tamato. ttrvad . XIpins hot. " S~ f








Your monthly payments are less than buildingand lpan payments . . . . $8.56 per |l,000. .. ' •

Knitting, Crocheting Demonstration

I * »



For Additional Information Call

IB. JA1614


492 Brandeis Theater Bldg.


"PRINCE MIKE" A FREE MAN—"Prince Michael Romanoff," also known as Henry Gerguson, is pictured in his New York apartment after being given has freedom from Ellis Island, where he was held for a time as a deportee-to-bc.

FASHION SHOW MODELS—Miss Kitty Lee Panky, left, and Miss Anne Simpson, are two of the attractive girls who offered their services as junior models at a fashion show in Miami, Fla., for the Greater Miami Baby Milk fond.

AND THE FISH BITE!—Pretty experts with rod and reel aim at floating targets in a casting contest in Long Beach, Cal.

AFTER THE ARMIES HAVE PASSED—Russian chSdren search for something of value in a battle-ruined city of Cha Lan Tun of northeastern Manchuria. Soldiers under <J««eral Su Wing-Pen plundered the city as anti-Msnchukue and Japanese troops battled. This photo was made by the only newspaperman «&? accompanied FATHER NEPTIJNE GN THE WARPATH—This photo taken from the deck ©f the German liner Hamburg, on ft* recent erossfeg to New York, gives an idea of the fury of U>e Atlantic during recent gales. the armies—in SO-degree-Velow xero tenperatares.

CAROL ANNE MAKES HER DEBUT—Wallace Beerx takes his adopted daughter, Carol Anne, just two, to a Hollywood restwuraiit that is a favorite with nhn stars. The little girf is Beery'sr constant companion.

'; f& 'I -

.-„ *

FLY OVER HIMALAYAS—FIVE MILES UP—This illustrates a brilliant and perilous feat by the British royal air force—flying over a peak of the Himalayas, 25,550 feet high, Jn Asia, daring a long-dls-j jtance flight. ^The airmen were dependent for their lives on their oxygen equipment la the ruined £* ;'•-.:•':•

'• :: •'• .'.'•''- .'•:; •' •'•

: mospfiere



' ' " " '




OLD-TIMERS ON PARADE—Aged antomobiles of amaringry eariy vintage aw shown pamding at the •Mnfoc of tte Los Angeles aoto »how, lending a rtartling eontrast wfta the developments of .the &M* theyant Ut the xoad'



asm ;'C

'Over 356 -women ^attended the an-. nnal

Cohen, IJOIUE Gtzeen and 35. To

3FTEEEN XAGOK. .tvon-TW«ttwit tlefeu-


at "the home of JSIB. -Sam

"that «irtlic S

ngaiust'?nn in tin- lUniieiinil -Oonrt 101 .fnugiaE (-oinity. Kebrawka, «BM1 filed i n Itoc. iT%, J'ujri' IMC, nxnyiim ifor -*i soUl in fimu tf SRtttJO aad that The *uni of -53S.HO in 111* iwaoessiou -»I Cecil Khojrcn Jr., ta>ioimiU3 to you tons keen pimitsfceetl »ml nttavueU.

songs "the companied by Mrs. Benry Ittonnky; iron tff fecael 2ianswill's and a playlet -written i?y Mrs. 35avid JL regular meeting of the Uihle of $33.lil) Tfas ontereil paid lUito eoirrt mill A. Goldstein entitled *-&.unt Tan I class-will "are heM mext Tuesdsv at that, this cause Turns CTHitinueU unto ;F*iThe "Siddffih Dramatic circle will .Comes t o ihe Ufifense^T' ^T^w* ttakJ. C. C its acttvlSss with a 15aiusli ;ing part were Mrs. Clyde 3Lxasne, T»rrpose of ^securing «w*rvie' UTMMI jro« fty publication, ami you an: to tukr tiotiiv th.Tl -evening, "to i e held a t -fes unh"ns ~vou appear or amrwar n ilefiititt 2. J. Triedman, Mrs. 3, C. d . tte early giart of ^February. will be tatemi against t»rr the of 570.W nn<! rwctx. The evening's program will include a Special credit gaes .to ~3&x&. Julius »t Jiebrasks. this 3Hth tlay The Xadies' "Labor liyceum chob of JUmwary,tiniiilia, nne-act play, dramatizations sand folk 1Q33. _ _ _ o -with Iher canrmitbold a meetbag nest Taesday songs. The- public will be •welcome, tee responsible for ihe success •evening, Jan. 31, at ike Lyceum! ti -OOTponttiou. and ihe details -and date will be an- on "tiie -event. By M. llnyper. l»r««:<leiit. iuilding. Ulection of officers ' aionnced in "the 3'ress. The showing of -fee "Dreyfus T^""** The circle ;ha£ Joined the Senior Case" Tuesday evening at the State i ^ T ~ % ,, The lja Lyceum cbab Itmataa National H I lU -Coimcil of ChibE. TX*S -well -attended. Mrs. JL F. Xev-j J f Xabor ex|wessee to all To ~E. A. TOST, iloiiif; ImsJness ae Ihe enson, together with Mrs. Julius f ^ Jlin<t«?n TraifSfer - (Company, ji Stem, vdm had charge of ihe under- j i t d postponement of the ±rial, scheduled t^VinE, wish to tinmt all who genN y is l»^reUy jrtven that p an order of attachment issued out eff tlu> lias ieen «ai&: w"The land shall mat for IDeceniber 20th, are ihe 3hies£ of erously gave their thne to the -sale! Z*n& m&ckett, wm vf the late JOH "Higft* i a b i t . -Pogroms followed l Coirrt oT the City of Oniaiui, the absence -of ihe tickets, and also to all "who. 'GSIXABLIII be sold fnxever. Q the jfreS ttmtd, 33nglantTs big Coimty, "Nel»T««kii, in mi t in the «ni«1 <'o»irt, hei«iu, the Sow did Sewagr ^survive? ':Why did Toflay ihe -nations <n£ ist, is looming as u -most significant supported the event. j own Trnck TeTniinal.anc, is p •figure •in -world Jemish .leadership* ftey mot abandon -rh>»ir -raw, their iave promised us -Palestine, ;i Save "you visited the Palestinian; Thf Century chapter's dance will tiK. ami li. A. Tost, iloiiij; business ;«t« Meier an Mlniieii lYunsfcT ComiMiny. Js fletemTnut,-to This article jmblshed here -through ixeligian, life iitseH, -rather "than suf- Xand, a little strip .of xoast smaller Art Shop yet"? Mrs. Irvin Xieviu isj be held ballroom on Sun- Ternver ttw a m i o' 5131 AH. n 'Brrlt nl at-the -courtesy vf -the Manchester Sun- fer such 'everlasting ttarment? The than 'Wales. ILet -fhmn help ins bark Jewish anxious to liave you call and see the1 i th T D, -with Portland.—(X IT. JU-)—Eovernor 3u- lovely articles ihat -will make ap- day eveningproperty: <Vert»Ui day Chromelc, presents yomig Lord, answer is ihe Spark 3n them. That to it. Jhis X. "lleier of Oregon, -was -elected Spark of -vital inspiration, - of pro- 3Iot for our bodies, for i t outlook vn Judaism.. graduation and birthday die ctme •W3»s on thf return rtnte df -tlw s u m found understanding, of. -passionate :never contain-Inn; a 'fragment —Tiie Editor. mons issued therein, continued fwr trinl t o ! arranged. Congregafaith, fostered and developed l>yiheir people; jjive us somewhere to plant ; d S l ,d 3O3S i) tie day off Slardi, 3O3S. at i) «, m. tion. I The A. Z. A 100 basketball team centuries <of Buffering JBXUH iheir lackihe .Jewish soul -which has -wanttered "KEBltASKA-lOWA TltUCE Fie-neer 1 have been asked to write about of -nundane #ory, produced ±he great so many -weary ^centuries. 3?or '-will journev to Sioux City to meet Gowernor USeier's acceptance TEIIHINAT^. INC. . "feeTrmi^rilni^iiii) that Jewry A bazaar and a memheK?hip drive the A. ~Z. A. there Sunday, 3an. 29. 3-3t*-3." T,y r i l l U ! ' M. ^ regarded as a unique honor, a-eligions of the ^wofii; and -that 4 icularly in ^iew of his arduous -will be held by t h e Pioneer "Women, I ~tt> Immunity. The -answer i s simple. same Spark Itept life in ^feem—kept "Next toast * 11E1USK I t is anonosyllafaic. of the state, j tt -was decided at a regular meetinjr I "them •together. > rt of i t 3n t h e Jjrue *iTT "Their history 3B motai "iustnry of «0F *ltTJCaiarney Soiref -was elected presi- NOTICE (HP The return of Israel is a spirit- Stricter Xegntofinns 3iee the solution of the eternal Jew- conquest; ? chairman n f ! iNf:«m»att!i\'W«rN -a*' wnit is ihe history xtt their Beta 3Jho sorority; MarTT i dent o not a physical event. One day Antwerp.—-A. hill, aiming to make oxw X.IKE ratsuniwc*; OOMish question and of ihe great human religion. Their national heroes are , py by Mrs. the bazaar, ion Hubin, secretary, and Elizabeth d of Ihe imraan i ihe "tragic muddle soul stricter the regulations vsritfa regard Oknn. question. "What have the Jews given Notice is tterehy pl-^pn thnt at n * Dolgoff, reporter. of the srookholtterf of the Fidelity1 Ohl l i n e "will Tieeome clear, -Sie orations -will to 5oxeignes; entering into Belgium, to the -world? TThe answer is—GOB. Mrs. J. "RiehliK is chairman of tht battered, 3u>wever, twisted, how- penetrate -to "the "hard, hitter xeali- -will be inirodteeed in the Be%ian lnsTtraira? Comjiaivy *el«l on th* 29tti -ilay There -is nothing either lilasphem- ever distorted their minds, their | membership drive. of l>eceniUer, HUC. Article II sf the &Tti» Onulw 7«at*MMl d«s of -Incrrrpomtioii v;as amended to -rend nus or irrettetent in this statement. souls, iheir bodies, their very faith :ties Df Iffip ihat lead ±D Ihe harmony Pariiament, it became known here • A cultural mfeetmg open t o tli^. AK ^follOWK '. II it brings -a shock ix> some people --might become, the Spark has re- of truth. That is -ihe redemption of this week. |_jreneral public -will be held by i±«» "A.V.T1CIJZ H •Nature oT HuaiHew. Tfce o r iMtmtcftHtATio-N" man and His ^redemption of israeL The measure calls for the regisi- j Pioneer Women at the J. C C. Sateorpomtioii is formed for the purport, n»il it only jshows Tatm 5BT 3hey i a s e "De- Tnained. is hereby jriven thai -we, the o»tt^bntl iraw" jpoirer m issue iamrmrme npon tration of all foreigners with the po- ! urdaj" evening, Jan. 28. Judah Wolfparted from the "straight and narrow nsweiflfcwl «WBHelres "to- the IITPP of niflivUlunls, indwliiu; *na.onvThey know ihat great things are iQT ~ti»e ^raxpose of -foTmiirjj TI TOF-TIWIILI* m i d TinTHjiti^c JIIWI "<*wtf ry insnTimw? lice, regardless of the briefness oT ! son -will be the principal speaker. path nf truth and reality iintD -the porattoii to l»e tuowii as the "Northland thereto pertaining, ac BpeCttieU hi i*uJ»-tfi'not easy, but difficult. Great in-.j iheir stay hi the country. bywnys of pleasant fiction. ] ToHt sengs Trill be -siaig by Ihe Pio- -Kenltr Company." ]r Khan .(smnnenw ims*- -visioii S, i*€etimi-H-4OI ««f ATtiele TV of -Ihe -spiration, grwt amderstandhig, -great. at •the time tif thr •fUin^ of the -Artt- CompUefl Statutes of Netrraskn JOr 302U. neer "Women's sextet, led bj- Mrs ness The most devout, the most faith- insight, -whicb i s "fiieirs, are "not easek* of liicorpOEatini! witii the /^onatT suid/«r for the -pirrposc o l iufrurinjr IHTPB Honored in Sassem Clerk OX TNmglnF ConnTy, "Nelreasta, nnil ajrotast heclily injury, o r death tiy»rccident, ful, ihe -most -orthodox, must agree ;ily t o lie realized or appreciated by Surma.—"Pffmrr -was conferred upcontinue JOT * perim! oT ISlzy TWITS. The and a^roiust Uisnbiement T^sulttnjr -from that either God -chose tto manifest ihe -worhl. The spirit in them i s AcconKng: to Circulation pxiitcipn) place of <loinj; hueinesK shall Iw sickness, anti every insumnee •peTtnininp on 3L A. Raphael, ihe president of _ hi Ornnhn. "Nehtasta. The general nature thereto, inTtiulijij: nnnrtinttue mill identifilimseff through the Jewish ipeaple obscure and secret, and reaches "to Drop the Sassein ^municipality, "when the if^jL »u A • UL • < _ - . _ of the iiosiaeae shall he Tealry husiness ii\ cation, as provide<l in «til>-divtgon a. Beoor that it 'is ihe iaaigie Sate of Israel tou 44-401 of Article TV of the CompHefl The continrred fall in Their messages are Kuit.meK of "Nelrnvskn ^or 1020. Xt *hnfl ii> liave i a d the power of 3nternTet- traditionally i n parables which a r e number of readers- of ±he Tiddish ister, pr a special at iifi 2. C. C- on ! «aeli. The nftairs of the eonii«my shall he alsn have Uje i»ower t o sell «ervi«> rontractF JOT funeral BupplieF mul »iippli«5 TTOT Gonnnunist *preEB hi Hussia, -was the' rrtfr God i » &E "World. manased tnr a Itoartl of T>irectorK of not of office, i jTgjj hard to •understana. That is -why "mayoral robe and chain 8 will be m the form of an than tiro nor m m s than lire nem- other transactioiiK relating? to lurrial lieiwsubject of -a consultation in Charkolf contributed iby the merchants and intercity conference and, according to »ess The sceptic and the atheist cannot *fhey -go on and -wiU go on. tiers, who shall ei«ei from their nnmtier v. fits, sueii certificates may -proride <wsfe -fail t o observe that the opeumgE of and l>enefttE dnrinp the life of the certrftaue. 3Et is ihard i » belong "to "the despised held far ~£be purpose of -finrfiup -ways and it m a y also IRROO eertificnten ot partitwo of the ; Gospels are aceupiea' ijy. people whose .name is associated-with and means of checking ihe decline. cipation which. nnd«r thp ttmnK thereof, the organiaattion'p "historv. I corporation shall be held on "the thiril € v e n t •srtll proviiie funeral twaefim hi DJOHPJ-. *er~ .8 careful zrecord of the Jewisfa , , . — .— .^ -•—larr of eacli yeaT. tip<^:iji] •vices, Hhame-—to look rback up "the long Biiu Bidjan Postponement .discounts, fnnersil supplies, OT s e r cent of. the Saviour; amd ihat Be „ ... »e called by the President vices, incrndinp «errtcei; o l iiiidertakeTR or Banc-j S i r n l x These insignia, for wfaic of ancestors and forward down Moscow.-—The postponement of the -Lincoln have been inupon notice as ITesirtem. Articles may lie spoke principally -as a. Jew to Jews. enitialmers. ell as is PTOTideil in K<?nnfo wass obob vited to attend. -long line .of posterity, "to accept intended establishment of Bine Sidjan tion -of ihe local ntnentied upon the atttrmnti-ve -vote «f rwo- Mte K«. ^70 of the Compile)! fitntiitw oT They -will .also ^observe ihe =exten± thirds -vote of the antmmn<Hus -sutci. tained, -will be -worn by ihe present Nehraskp l o r 1020. n* ennctefl by ti«e 103] from ihe fathers and 3wss on "to the as -an -autonomouB Jewish unit by Ihe tfco w h i c h ^vi t>iiiiiiini^tT .ymg undfl \THEKEOF. the partiep flesBion of the -lerhthtture." y holder of the municipality as "well "as -Several committees are alreadr IN VVTXfTBHK ^children rthe badrre of jBUffernig^/hich v*t their iianite this 3rfl day at t o ^Israel, ^t^*1 r^i'iui^ii^. "not >oniy d di David A. Goldstein of 1933 -was indicated in the de- -well ss Tjy the r.iir»wtffnp iolders of and Mrs. Have Sherman r 3B i s hadge !uf Efeiael, ±D ^understand are in charge Ohl Testament and ihe ZW3STBACK claration of Uergavmov, ihe Senre- ihe office on all state functions and ,nf ~Ry HOKT, I'reeident. ^flae inropped voice, : tttas averted arrangements. Sirs. Sen Shapiro 3THH2O' XL. K I A ' T Z I C K H lint much -of fhe 35fiw. T h e j>criben KBER Becretary. "iary iDf ihe 3Ear Eastern Communist ceremonial occasions. In the presence af: H. J . HOia>SKEUG. ithe 3imp IhaniL is program chairman, and the recep"who Bet aown ithe Xoran ifor him iFsaiiy "to ihe Ptenary CoundL ? tion committee coKsistB of ~NtrE. Sam ^sfaauld n o t ^complain. "We UJo ^Jkn^fl**1 of JSmOier of •were JJewish irahbiB. ; •But • we1Tr J K •GovErnment but •^. f H7 c* r i n •evfiry l a n d . and Mrs. Dove "Cohen. Jews 3n I£nglan<l S o ime observes i h e igreat «pirit- jare can abso /bejproud of o u r lesser, Jerusalem. -The ^Palestine GovernThe BnestB will register at the THE •nal aevelopmentB uf tmankmd; — The Jinmber i sum i >X C. C^ where a luncheon will be' TTfihraic joot. :the ^great htanch of our -more 3"eaiBfer• .accepted, contribu- ansnt has Jews wadding m ZEnghmd -was pounds t o be distributed in "the form niffyu^M^if 3n t h e -fite TVest, 'Chfisiiauity: 3b&: igreeb of Commons. rfarancn of -the 32ast, "ffiTohammedanThere HB 3n> jhramch^of 'human -ac- of loans t o cultivators .for the -winter .^sir^^ojoi

Jewish Leader of England Speaks of the Jewish Contributions to








"in The loanB imveijeenaseceHsitatea 3jy natnriteation in lEnghtnd aie not of in -of "ihe human aa.ee and situation which -will speak on Jews iin xountry have the whefiier they are :meznliexs of tives from each city ClvilizeS Ininmiiity termed fgrrtinfl owing to the hick of ihe Jewish "the sot played 3>ar±. ; of jn*1 *>ninr^ race. 3For -fimt reason he JPor twenty centuries Other committees and detailed lave b^m perBeenied ifbr denying* 7T1 tr\f i'ffp QT "XH3B rpeople iwho have xaba coupled -witii dry -winds. Iin "war, plans Tvill be announced at a later Christ. TBirt it can he fairly jasked not f o u ^ i t Jtis a maiion for 2,800 "whether ihe Ghristians lhave <«ver oiedate. mre distinguished. They nwere g l>r. Schiet Gets eented IHis -teaemhss. " h -the iilassM: '-traznbxs of ~ihe rpast, hut 3«ondan*--To ansure • sufficient Society ^His 'Church iKvided iinfo Circle i of the Conservative aux!have lost t h e mptituoe for hit- supply of ftour -will :be available ffar iracments across ihe face a l ihe —The grfld jnsdal nf is jnakuig elaborate yj^ng; for 1 3rom always ieing .an nt- the bafcms of inatzath ijy "the destitute earth, rthe pages of itB^iJHtary inltrt- ^36^f! 3aack a 3F>uzim ball and xamival, to be ampeleas unmariSf, at .-mere !tan3- Jews in ^Russia ihe iFfiflsraticm of Jew- -Phi ted ^?ith Ihe accountB iof -the most 3Eor Jheld Tffnrp^ 12 ha -ihe ballroom of the a Tiatitm. Joshua. Sam- ish IRelief Organizations has decided g .appalling -WHTE and jpfirsecutianB- i n l against UOUE achievement an the .medical -sei- J . C. C. liefinits plans far ihffi gala 3udas Tftaccad Utoriai 9 3 d Tft jand can -flier "truly clahn to nave ac- son beuK, t h e heroes off •our «aTly history, to -pnrehasae s± once H00 tons of flour enees," has been awarded to Dr. -Bela social event will be announced soon. from the Soviet stares. rep-feed 3HiB :fceachings? ^pediatricnni :at the mount SiCircle 1 consfetp ol the liesdames are iousehdld -wards. g Dwing t o lack of fnna£ the Tedera- nai -hospital. C d John 3eher,fiam Beher, I%flip XhitzCan ^rne today ctnrn ^to .a The Spirit ire aiat ^net -aead. tian could pay only Shper cent of ihe JSehick 3s Sbe auihor of the niek, -J. 3L Xulakofskv, Byman 'Christian >.cuuivlry and s a y aienuoxa, i h e ^reat jirJze-f ighser:; -total cost of ,3^1H) .potnrils and thelalUs test for susceptibility in diprrtheiia Robert Glazer. -Carl -teachnigB 'df sCbrist iprefloirinisfce. h i h ZMizlsr, TBOB "lightweight must "he ;paTd hefarc iiie aeBvery of diagnosis whicii bears Ius lit 'Irite tto say tthat S i s •jtxrve cfaanrpion of Sngbmd, ihe Soar can T»e-undertaken. The "Fedsimple -'crorfis have ;been clarified in tbiB fimiti-ry fin t h e Dljrmpic eration .is t o conduct A xanmaign t o "the j;iii;L twu "thousand years, tir diave. _ 1EJ& 3 e r g ; -Earner, -who capthe lEece arysum. tamed j&ustria agabast England 3at of 3srael? 'What aif this liny 3jeeple ^whose task irt has Ibeen ±o i e A e ^vehicle of isnch igreat !fipiritnal ^experiences—-"whosn onoral laws Slave ibeen -adopted hy the -world, anil •whose 3ifcerH±ure -was IHoly liefoiK & •cxvilisffiH ^peoples of today could.read or wrlfcti? S o w came Jt -&at ihey shbulfl cast for this tragic role an : 3nan story-—that iheyy jgivinE' so

soccer.; ^Ecaulein Mstyei, i h s cham- Another Postana pion 'woman. 3extetH;;. Pjenn, ihe ten— Sucnarest — The trial of Captain .chamsuRi Df i h e same country HniBorara anfl -dree genda and a ^Thnbledon star; -Abrahams, ihe torture of Samson the jgreat ^English jtpiinter, and s a Zionist leader of T-edinez, ounong "ihe 'BeventaEh Jews last May, lias oiow lieen set fnr 5%iir14,1933. vrho -have ^won i h e "W"V»»1 Ttii'mr, one out -Albert ^rnBtehr^. BRritz -Ha— The reasons given for the third her, ~who redeemed t h e IUIIIUHI xace

•from virtual starvation -nitrogen from Use air; ;and ^reouliss.? Hhxlich, of medical -fame. .\ The persecution of ihe Jewish peoTram among the philosophers, 3S -age-long. It i s one ;of -Hue Baruch, -Spinoza, TT^m-; 3iergBnnr anost terribbB stories :m i h e ^world. the great iniernKtronal There are some who imagine that it judge a t The ^Hague; 3)i8raeli, the cammsncfid after the Cirucifixicm. It "Prime Minister of. Eneland^ Uuzzat3B 3ar colder. It liegms Tmder ti, Prune Mmister nf Italy; liassalle, i (before £he days of Moses. rwho created Socialism; -Karl Marx, -was forced to fly from the great social reformer; ZLilianthal, ; iieeause lie killed an Egyptian -who is reputed to have heen the iirst overseer ^who was lashing a shive, man to fly; Trend, among so fEor tfliB Jews "were slaves in Israel. great -doctors to choose :from. 3t xontrnues -with the lEsile m IJabThen Seine, the poet; Sarah Bern3uon: "By the -waters of. "Babylon hardt, the actress; ZMendelssehn: ~we sat down and "wept, "when -we re- Tehudi Jienuhrn, the -violmist, "^who anenibered Thee, O Zion." Then the was born -in Palestine. . i ,.'great -expulsion by .the IRomans, folThese are a few of those -wholiave. lowed iby jcomparative peace hi 32xile, contributed gloriously to ihe 13e of -xmtil dhe Crusaaes. their • countries. One • could jgo on The fiery niessage of hate swept' and on. through the peoples a t ;B thne -when The Jewish ipeople, jQmost tBie •ihe 'Church "was J i e l^nost powerful smallest in the ""warlfl, 'wUhauL nann-j anstitatian in Western civilization, try, "without home, for the anost rpart :end Bwned about one^third of the under terrible disadvantaees, Iiave land nf lEurope. contributed enormously to the -world Then it -was rjonaidered -ttighreous "in every field. " ~. •±o slaughter Jews, to "burn iheir On the spiritual phme ihey communttieB Twholesale in their alone. - "V^uit is io be done' !Es ihe -prab-i _&nfl :rwhen the persecutors lem of ihe Jew"insoluble? I s it "iis •tired <of Blaying "with' steel, great fate to be tormented forever? ^It atrmed anasses drove their tiny, -m-: armed minorijies "into swamps un3 anarshes, and watched .them iro-em. APPEAL "while the .Hebrew voices cried out, A -"ShQchet" and "Mohel" spe•"Hear, 0 Israel, there "is but one cialist, I TTas forced by condilions to open a poultry .stoiE for killing chickens, and selling .Bo ;it had gone on'. The Ghettos chickens. Please do not forget "were created as a privilege—rUE a me—-bring your chickens to me ^refuge for a tormented people. They to Ikill—order your chickens Ibecame their prisons. The populafrom me. tions -jgrevc, irat the urea of 'the *Ghettoes difl ^tot. The shim became: It&BEI X L. SHAPIRO the only legal dwelling place Shochet and TUohel Specialist H709 31.124ft St. J3L3SZ

Jerusalem—-Telephone connections between Pakstme and Bagdad, «will ^liurily i e -estEibli^ied -via Syxi& fay' the Hcaq. Setrplemn ^Company, .it as learhea Iwre. —r . KomjJany"IhaB obtained the xtmB TffiBefisary TO •cany uiruugn thE^^tctgErom-tteJ voived.

Try a IBag



©ffice dDiher2ml

Empioymtml Dureaa snamtained « t all tim«-wliile a i n a n s seeding gimBuymem,"" dgdareB the manager u f a n -emjfloyiaenl lureau -who 1MB Ibeen jmnsnaliy «noftii j -placing 3nen. *^A. HUUVB "teleplinne f i iY l lfa

sacrificed. '^Employers are apt ±0 take the path <o£ least rresistance when the time comes tto ^Stfm Theteley jnTers ihis mssns. JEf BH employer cuo areach aman^readilyrbj telephone, it may make ihe difference lietAveen getting and just mifising

macm<msi3m m i


Jkjwncy Uhrector Ttwsnrer


A. Z. A.Dance Sunday

Council Bluffs News

The eighth' annual A. Z. A. dance will be held this Sunday evening in the Crystal Ballroom of the Bellevuq BY F. R. K., apartments. One hundred and fifty couples are expected to attend." The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Lee Herzoff's orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Miss of the Independent Order of the B'nai ; Vivian Renz will sing. ;> Brith held installation-of of ficers a t The committee headed by Martin an open meeting Monday evening, Kozberg, includes Herman Wigodsky, January 23rd, a t the^ Eagles-Hall: Dr. Al Hereof f, Max Levin, Stanley Her- Isaac Sternhill presided as chairman. zoff, Max Maron, Marvin KJass and Mr. Harry Cherniss was in charge of Ed Miller. . ^- - f s ; the installation and the following officers were installed: Mr. Sam Lincoln, More fascinating than Clark Ga-J president;, Herman Meyerson, viceWe? And just as good looking. All president; Ben E. Kubby, recording Omaha' Speaker to Address First right, you say better looking. More .< Over -300 people attended the fifth secretary; O. Hochman, financial "secannual Federation banquet and charming than, well anybody you Large Meeting of Mrs. . N. Dishelof J was elected retary; Louis H. Katelman, treasurer; meeting, held Tuesday , evening' in care to name. A Tarzan physique, Season chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary of and tall, dark and handsome. Who? the Jewish Community" Center, and the Workmen's Circle at a recent Richard Gordon, monitor; Dr. Isaac Sternhill, assistant monitor; Max Siheard the annualireports;of the.acOh, didn't I tell you? Why, Rabinof, Philip Klutznik of Omaha, Nebr., yes, Rabinof, Benno Rabinof, the tivities and; financial standing of the meeting at the home of Mrs. William mon, guardian, and Simon Steinberg, Hesh'elow. Other officers are Mrs.Sam Steinberg and Max Steinberg, .•will be the.guest speaker at the first violinist, Does the Chynik Hokker o r g a n i z a t i o n ^ .-. .••';-• ' -. ••-•'' JV Zeligson, secretary;. Mrs. Wm. large Zionist meeting of the season, care for violin music. A question. trustees. Mr. Lincoln; who succeeded The meeting opened with jthe in/which is scheduled for Wednesday Does a Litvak care for herring? vocation by Rabbi; Braver* Follow- Heshelow, treasurer. Richard Gordon as president, gave a The: members sponsored a benefit short talk. The ;evenj|ig was concludevening, February 1, at 8:15 o'clock And such music. Rabinof's concert ing the dinner, Miss Rose Lipman in the Jewish Community Center. last week was one thing to really get gave her. annual report on the activ- bridge party last, week- in the Jew-ed by Splaying bridge.^ Mr. Klutznik is active in the Omaha steamed up about. He had to play ities of the Federation and the Com- ish Community Center. Fifty guests attended. J 'Zionist organization and the B'nai four encores after the last number, manjrty,Center. -.<-.' The • Ladies' VAuxiliary, of- the Tal.; ' Brith lodge. mud Torah Society, will hold a meetbefore the. audience •; would g e t . up '; Mr.> A.!Mi'Daylsj president, of the Other speakers on the program and go home. ing, next Wednesday afternoon, Febr. . • federation,: and Rabbi ThepdoW; N. •will be Mr. Barney Baron and Rabuary, 1st, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Let's hope they live happily jever IIiew»s, 1 3poke oh i the; work^-of, »jthe. bi. H. R. Rabinowitz. - Rabbi TheoSynagogue, 618 Mynster street. "_ "Changing;: Conceptions of God'f •dcre N. Lewis will, preside. The after. -We mean' L. and H. M.,; who • Federation; < and made' strong • pleafe will be the subject "of the Rabbi told it to the judge about six months for' the continued: support cjf-ihe pr-; Lewis' sermon at Mount Sinai Temmeeting will be open to the public, Mr. and Mris. Ike Feblowitz anand.promises to be one of great ago, but decided to go back to theganization. i; Mr. E. N. GrUpsldn ple, tonight. nounce the birth of a son, born FriRabbi and try again V for better or acted as toastmaster during the eve-interest. ." day, January 21st, at the Mercy hosfor worse. They wiiJ be at home ning land Mr. Harry Horwitz led the pital. :r-••••?; -• "• To Des Moines in Chicago according to our infor- community singing. Rabbi H. . R. mation. Rabinowitz was forced to cancel his . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner enter- A decidedly good looking girl from engagement to,speak because of ill- Miss Fannie Lasinger has depart- tained the members of their Sunday ed for Des Moines, where she has The . Junior Hadassah will. hold Chicago, who came here to forget ness. accepted the position of secretary to Night Bridge Club at their home last their regular meeting- next Thursday (for: a week'anyway) "moved on to Reuben Halpern played several Mr. William J. Burgess, a member Sunday evening. evening in the Jewish' Community definite consolation in Omaha, where violin solos, and Rebecca Stillman of the House of Representatives of fate awaited her in the person of a offered a reading. Center. Mrs. Abe Markovitz returned home this district. Who says everything doesn't An. election. of Id board members . Following the program plans' will Mr.F. Sunday following a two weeks' visit concluded the evening's program. be made for a "Paid tfp Member- happen for the. best? • with relatives in Des Moines, Iowa. It's just about two minutes before The directorate will be announced in ship" party, which' is scheduled for : the dead line, and our correspondent a forthcoming issue of The Press. February 13. ' Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron Mrs. Sam Mosco*7 was in charge hasn't been able to get the definite At a recent meeting of the HeDavid, of Leavenworth, Kansas, Bpent information, but we heard that Max of. the menu, and was assisted by brew Mothers'. Club, Mrs. B. Sher- the past week-end here visiting Mrs. and Fay visited the Rabbi last week the. Mesdames A. W. Kaplan, Sam man was re-elected president. An Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius and are now Mr. and Mrs. More Lipman, A. I. Sacks, B. Mandlestam, article in an earlier edition carried Katelman. M. Mushkin, R. Herzoff, Mike Her- the erroneous statement..that Mrs. details next week. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice GiHinsky and A certain young lady, after hear- zoff, Philip Sherman, Ben Sherman, B. Shindler was president. daughter, Jean, of El Paso, Texas, are ing Rabbi Lewis' sermon on the ten R. H. Emlein, A. Sluts2y, E . Rubexpected to arrive here today to visit greatest living Jews- of America, enstein, Max Brodkey and Morris NOW PLAYING Mr. Gilinsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. turned to us and said, "Funny, he Skalovsky. Mrs. William Lazere and Mrs. M. WILL ROGERS Abe Gflinsky, didn't mention Eddie Cantor." Levjtan were in charge of the dining, room, and. were assisted by Mes- The Kadima Club entertained "TOO BUSY TO WORK" Fred Cherniss and son, Standames, Jack Robinson, J. Lehman, members of the Shaare Zion choir ley, left last week for Iowa City, With Marion Nixon and the faculty of the Religious where Stanley underwent an operaJ. Kalin and Lou Agranoff. By Far Rogers' Best and Funniest Mr. J. Kalin was in.charge of the School at a theater party Monday tion Tuesday, and is now convalescing Picture The Maccabee basketball team plans and arrangements for.the en- evening. Following the theater, the there. New Price Schedule held their lead in the Y league by tire program and dinner. guests were, entertained at the home - 10c Till ^7:30 15c After 7:30 defeating . t h e . JSncot Presbyterian The reoort given by Miss Rose of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron. Mr. TUid .Mrs: Harry- Cohefi -jenterSaturday and Sunday team by^a "score o$.,56 .to 20. Sid Lipman follows in partr "Of the Patrons and patronesses for the 10c Till' 21>. M. 15c 'After 2 P. M. Bergen led the winning attack 1>y great number of social service agen- evening were Mr. and Mrs. John tained the inembers' of ^tfieir Evening Bridge Club at their home Thursday Children 5c -Any Time sinking 12 field; "goals and 2 gratis cies and Community Centers, none Lansberg, Mr. and Mrs. John Levin, - ' : •_: A'•'. gum chewing Solomon, in the throws - 'for - a tbtaf of 26 points. have cuitailed their activities, and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Levin, Mr. andevening. role of a wandering vagabond, passes Lansberg followed close with'•"- 16 according to published reports, many Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. I. Goldberg of Chicago, HI., judgment .on the. man who stole his points while the defensive work of have increased their activities in M. Mushkih, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ? who spent the past two weeks here wife, and daughter in "Too Busy to Baumstein and Grueskin was outproportion to the needs of the times. Sacks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher, "Mr. Work/' thek Fox picture starring Will standing. The Maccabees team this The Relief Department of our local and Mrs. Lester Heeger, Mr. and Mrs. visiting her son-in-law and daughter-, Rogers, which is playipg at the Iowa season h a s 18 victories to their credit Federation cared for 160 cases last B. Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Bunt- Mr. tod M r i Saul SuvalskyV l f t d f o r h e r •home."'*" "•- . • theater now, and ending Tuesday. and no defeats. ' ' " "7 year, averaging 25 to 30 each month, ley, Cantor and Mrs. A. Pliskin and Never before has a late Rogers SpeThe club heard a Jecture by Dr.forty-two per cent of the entire Rabbi and, Mf,s. H. R. Rabinowitz. Mrs. Ben Kooler and two sons, cial been. shown at such low prices, H. M. Levin, at their meeting this budget was spent "for relief. This Harry and'Douglas, left Monday eveend Sioux City theatergoers are tak- week. . They' elected Mr. Lou Hur-included hospitilization when neces: M£ss Dorothy Friedman, daughing .advantage.-, of this, amusement witz, a graduate of Michigan uni- sary. .Our nine Jewish doctors gave ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fried- ning" for'Miami, -FibrMa» w6ere-they expect to spend the "remainder 'oiE- the bargain. . ... , : . . versity, as their advisor. ; man, 1722 Jackson, will become the winter. * their services !free. " ' •••-.•• . The Talmud -Torah was subsidized bride of- Jjorris Rubin, "son of IIr. Thirteen Girl Scouts received, their to take care of tuition for. 50-chil- and Mrs.. ; Philip Rubin, Sunday morning at; 10 o'clock, in the study Tetiderf pot badge? ; at the "'.meeting dren who were unable to pay.. ;: i Sunday • afternoon.'. Mrs. Careta Forty temporary jobs and five of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz. The LAST TIME TODAY Yotinglove, local Scout director and nermanent • jobs, we're procured T»y wedding ceremony will be witnessed POWELL Miss Frances' Emlein, leader of thethe Center for those on our unem- by the immediate families of the s • in bride and groom. troop,-addressed the girls. ployed lists. "HIGH PRESSURE" Through the courtesy of. our JewMiss. .Friedman will wear, a powand The Boy Scout troop will enter- ish lawyers, legal aid and advice was der blue Patou gown, with gray ac"STRANGE ADVENTURE" tain their parents at their meeting given to those who desired it. ; cessories. She will carry a bouquet with next Sunday afternoon. A program . Fonr ; hundred'boyfe: and girls were of lillies of the valley. REGIS TOOMEY and JUNE CLYDE by the boys will be given. Miss Priedman has been the in-"India Times" Holds PossvbUity enrolled in pur. clubs and classes. of Transfer Deserves SerSaU Sun., Mon. and Tues. Sixteen. volunteer' ^workers. directed spiration for ' a -number " of social events this week. Among them was - ious Thought their activities. *; > ANN HARDING a bridge-shower. Tuesday • evening and' in the home _ of Miss Bernice GoldBombay, (J. T. A.)—The "Times LESLIE HOWARD stein. of India" publishes » report from Basra, in ;Iraq, suggesting the. pos" "DEVOTION" The Hadassah membership lunch1 ; Misses Rose and Delia Shiloffwere sibility^ of an interchange of the Mrs; Barney Baron, president Vof ; ': V a n d " / '"' eon will be held Tuesday noon, Janhostesses to the. Iota Tau Sorority at numerous Jews living in.Baghdad I KEN MAYNARD- -uary 31, at the Jewish Community the Ladies Auxiliary ;of- Shaari& 25ion then:- meeting, Tuesday evening. and , Basra, ,who would go. to PalesSynagogue, .appointed fte-•iollirirUjif With Scout Troop No. 107 of Center, at 1 o'clock. The principal Plans were discussed for the Dinner ^ihe and surplus Arabs from PalHollywood in speaker' of ' the" afternoon will be committees .to. serve for;the.coming : Dance to be given by the sorority' in estine being sent in their place to year.-, • :-. '..-...; ' -: :}:.-\-:i^-i. -;\ v Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis. Mrs. R. "DRUM TAPS" Iraq. February. . Membership; ,,Mrs. : ; D.; Mazor, Ann Harding's new RKO-Pathe BL Emlein will preside. The scheme is not as wild as it chairman; -.Mrs. J. C. Levin/ Mrs. production, "Devotion," her first star-' Several violin solos will be offered Dr. Frank Epstein spoke yester- seems, the "Times of India" writes, Robert Sacks. : H ; '..-. : ring vehicle of the new season, which by> Miss Beulah Kay, accompanied Cultural and Entertaiiimentt Mrs. day afternoon before the meeting^ of and has much to recommend it. The opens at the Rialto Saturday for" a by Miss Serretta Krigsten. A short Ruben Miller, chairman; Mrs.1 S. H. the Sioux City Dental Associatibnl paper makes a reference to the rapid four-day run, is a new type of pic- play, dealing with Hadassah work, Shulkin, Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz Dr. Epstein" i s a graduate of the•drawing together of Iraq and Pales• tuse for Miss Harding, in which she will be presented. owing to the commencement of Creighton University, where he wastine, Mrs. M. Daskovsky. : •; . 1 pl*f/s a double role—one as her Mrs. M. Haligman is in charge of a member of the Dental Honorary the construction of the Iraq PetrolFinancial Committee: Mrs. Joe charming self and the other a dowdy, the dining room, and Mrs. Sam Mos; eum • Company's . pipe-line between society.; •''• • . :. • Kutcher, chairman; Mesdanies' Marmiddle-aged governess. The picture ow is in charge of the menu; Haifa and northern Iraq. CUB Silverberg, Eli Robinow^ X: Sin affords excellent screen entertainment : r : |The more practical and thoughful Mrs. Harry Wigodsky, Mete apartikin, A. Slotsky. " ; T and has received the high praise of ments, has as ;her guests this week Zionists have been extremely conHospitality Committee:. • Mra; ' J. the cinema critics. Lansberg, chairman; ;Mrs.s Joe Levin Mrs. William: Erinberg of Osmond, cerned,'it proceeds, with the future Nebraska and Mrs. Harry Nelson of of Judaism in Palestine, owing to - ;: The members of the Women's Aux- and Mrs. Joe Friedman. the numerical preponderance of the Wassau, Nebr. Publicity: Mrs.-Morey Lipshutz. iliary, of the. ,Vaad H'Oehr .were Arab population, and such a scheme, Visiting; Mrs. J, Kauffmah,-chairhostesses at a community • reception it" says, i s the outcome. Mr.; and Mrs. Harry Bonus anman ; Mesdames Lester Heeger, M LAST TIME TODAY at the J. C. C. Sunday: afternoon, ^Wholesale deportations of populanounce the "birth of a son. ' ; Lazriowich, A, W. Kaplan, M.Las honoring the, arrival of Rabbi Uri "BIG CITY BLUES" tions, it continues, have no longer ensky and Rose Rabinowitz. Miller, to assume his duties as spirits with . any-, terror for the Near Eastern ukl leader ,.of the orthodox syna- ' House: Mrs. S. Weiner, chairman. The Board of the Ladies Auxiliary JOANBLONDELL Purchasing Committee: Mrs. J. H. met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. worloV after the experience of the gogues of the city. Mrs. L. Neveland Greeks and the Turks, which has Mosow; Dining Room, Mrs.' A.: B ,Barney-.-Baron." eff i s president of the. Auxiliary. ERIC LINDEN worked put very well; and the same Friedman, chairman;' Mrs. J. LansOver 500 attended the 'reception. berg, Mrs. Li Shiiidler,J Mrs." M sort of thing might be practicable as Also • •••; ^• The program consisted of a group Bergen. Eighty girls attended the third between Palestine and Iraq. Tom Mix in •'. " ~ of Jewish songs sung by Mrs. N. Iraq, it goes on, is overwhelmingly "THE TEXAS BAD MAN" Menu Committee: Mesdames Max bridge party of the Junior Hadassah Green, accompanied by Mrs. Henry Tournament Wednesday evening in a Moslem country. But there is a Starting Saturday . . . Herzoff, J. Kauffman, S. Mosow Monsky; a recitation by Miss Betty the Martin hotel. • large and important Jewish minority WARREN WILLIAM Tarnoff, and a • group of piano se- and B. Shindler. numbering 60,000 in Baghdad alone. Mrs, A. Silverberg and Mrs. J. in lections by Miss Esther Silverman. Arab immigrants would be welcomed "THREE ON A MATCH" Refreshments were served. The Lansberg are chairman of the card in Iraq, where there is plenty of party which is scheduled for the With Ann Dvorak, Bette Davis and lodge room was decoratde with flowroom for new labor. Money is badly ers sent by the Bikur Cholim and first of March. Joan Blondell wanted for new developments to emJerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The proother organizatipns. And ploy this labor, but presumably, the posal of the Palestine government to paper suggests, the Zionists could be "LIFE BEGINS" introduce-an income tax in the coun- persuaded to supply, this on their .with .. try, is arousing opposition on the Loretta Young and Eric Linden Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak part of Jewish manufacturers and own terms and in this way a solid Jewish bloc might be built op in Two sensational hits that have this evening on "No Response," at colonists alike. Palestine in an otherwise entirely Shaare Zion Synagogue. Cantor played] to packed houses everywhere They hold that an income tax may Pliskin with the choir will chant the impede the flow of capital into Pal- Arab world. as single attractions will appear as The policy on the face of it, the ritual. : a double feature at the Granada estine and that further such a tax Over 400 people attended the Bac- will affect the Jewish population "Times of India" comments in an theater starting. Saturday, Jan. 28, "New Location 1406 Center editorial, may appear feasible, especaluareate service last Friday eve- principally. "Three on a Match" deals with three cially with the precedent of the 'ning for the 13 Jewish graduates We specialize in all kinds of young girls, in three separate stoGreeks and Turks before them, but meat and poultry. from Central High school. ries, which weave themselves toit is difficult to conceive how the French Yiddish Daily Rabbi H. . R. Rabinowitz was gether into a thrilling and intriguing Jewish, commercial cqmmunity in forced to cancel.his engagement to Suspends Publication 'JjJfe Begins," a drama of the speak before the Omaha Hadassah Paris.—"The Tog," Yiddish daily, Baghdad could-be suddenly exchangchapter this week because of a sev-published in Paris, has suspended pub- ed for Arab labor without causing maternity ward, is shocking the disastrous dislocation. ere cold.. ....__;. world with its daring and frankness. lication.

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

Zionist Rally to

Hokka Chynik

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Mount Sinai Temple


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Society News

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