Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
It's an ill i.^'-S 5ion that blows no good. Consii S sSrhe news about .T Trans-Jordan, R" 9 his is being writJ ten, i t is tru ^S report has icome that the Emir gu ^'.lah has changed his mind about 2. ng that land to the Jews, but ?r anial is not regarded as final. Emir will pose this gesture of \ _-**g down Jewish money for a while—but after the histrionics he will still want the money •—and he will sell. Nor is the Emir alone in this attitude, it appears. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that the sheiks fairly generally would like to See some cold cash. And empty '.and is not going to give them that. ' .
Entered 6s Second-Ova Mall* Mattes on Jannaij PostotBee at Omaha. Nebraska; under tfce Act of
In that historic report written some fifteen years ago by Robert Szold you will note the demand for the opening of the Trans-Jordan region. Many others sporadically have voiced the same demand, but none, knew how to achieve it. It took old General Depression tc bring it about. When the General came along, the Arab sheiks got down to realities. An empty pocket sometimes fills the mind. The opening, if it occurs, will be good for all concerned. The Arab landowners will get money for their land. The Jews will have ample room for settlement. And even the "poor Arabs" for whom so much crocodile tears are shed, will benefit, just as the Arabs in the Cis-Jordan region have profited from the Jewish settlement. The opening of the Trans-Jordan _ region makes the settlement of Palestine at last a thoroughly practical proposition. No longer can Palestine be said to be just a laboratory for *. the Jewish mind, or a little Jewish cultural center to issue books on Semitics, annotations on the Bible and the like. The new Zibn is to be not merely a mind discovered from the body, but a mind and body. A full grown commonwealth.
Installation j Program to Take Place Sunday
'Jewish our to Be Broadcast on KOIL A regular we&ly "Jewish hour" will be broadcast! over radio station KOIL under thej uspices of the Jewish Community Jenter. The series will begin on Fe\t. 22, from 9:15 to 9:45 p.m. The musical ^w grams will be sponsored by the Center's school of music ' /r* }; -y- • Other featuresjDn the program will be in charge ©f^Abner Kaiman. ,The general 'eommlitifefe in charge,"" in addition to the abofe, consists of J.~W. Marer, Mrs. PhiAj Schwartz and Jacob S. Pearlstiei*
Vol. XI—No. 1
Sigmund Livingston of Chicago to Be Mere As Guest Speaker "UNCLE TOM'S CABINFederation Officers and Seven Direc* WINS SENIOR COUNCIL for Lapidus Trust Fund "ALL STAR" CONTEST to Be Elected The largest crowd to ever attend such an affair" jammed the auditorium and the foyer of the Jewish Community Center Tuesday evening, Jan. 31, to see the sixth annual "AllStar Nite" presented by the clubs of the Senior Council of the J. C. C First place was won by A. Z. A. No. iOO with a skit entitled "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The skit was a travesty • on the filming of the. play. Characters w e r e : Levi Shotzum, George Dolgoff; Bed, Joe Blumenthal; Uncle~Tomr Louis Canar; Eliza, Art Gerber; Aunt Chloe, .Art Sherman; Simon Legree, Dan Lintzman, and Topsy," Louis Singer. The second and third places were awarded to Xi Lambda and Henrietta Szold, respectively. Xi Lambda presented "Seventeen Knights in a Bar Boom" and Henrietta Szold presented "The Family Album." The winning clubs were rewarded by the possession for the coming year of the Ail-Star Nite loving cups. Judges were Abner Kaiman, Mrs. L. Neveleff and Babbi Uri Miller. Under the direction of Justin Wolf, the Senior Council of Clubs has shown remarkable progress this season.
A capacity attendance is expected at the annual meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, to be held in the Center auditorium on Tuesday evening, Feb. 7. This is the second annual meeting since the consolidation of the Federation, Center, and Philanthropies. Sigmund Livingston, prominent Chicago attorney, will be guest speaker for the evening. He is reputed to be a most eloquent and spell-binding orator. He is chairman of the B'nai Britb. anti-defamation league, and founded the anti-defamation league 20 years ago in Chicago. He is also a past president of the District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, and is outstanding in Chicago communal work. Having defended the rights of the Jewish people for many years, Mr. Livingston has the background necessary to deliver the colorful ad-
dresses for which he has become noted. Officers of the Federation for the Formal installation of .Eabbi TJri ensuing year win be named. NomiMiller as chief rabbi of the United nations will be presented by the nomOrthodox synagogues- of this city inating committee, consisting of Harwill take place this week-end with a ry A. Wolf, chairman; J. H. Kulathree-day ceremonial, starting tokofsky, Mrs. Philip Schwartz and J. night. • " •'''• W. Marer. Rabbi Miller comes to Omaha as In addition, the seven members spiritual leader of the Vaad after of the board of trustees of the having occupied a similar position in newly-formed Harry H. Lapidus Terre Haute, Indiana,' for more than Coach Morrie Sogolow's Communcommunity trust fund will be five years. ity, Center basketball quintet will elected at this meeting. The climax to the installation will clash with the Ites Moines J. C. C. Lee Green, who has appeared on ma c be ceremonies Sunday, «.™the induction * team at the local Center Sunday aftmany occasions on local programs, ebruary 5. February ernoon, Febraryi 5, at 3:15 p. m. wiU sing several selection:-, assisted at The .installation ceremonies proper This, will be .a return .game, the Des the piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky. will be held at a community-wide asMoines five haying defeated the Babbi Uri Miller The annual reports, reviewing the sembly at the B'nai Israel synagogue Omahans in a hotly-contested match past year's work and the problems at 18 and Chicago streets, 2:30 p.m. last month. of the future, will be delivered by Sunday afternoon, with 15 rabbis The Des Moiaes cagers won the William L. Holzman, president, and from nearby cities present. Des Moines city championship the Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive dipast two seasons. This same team Rabbi Saul Silber of Chicago will rector. is the 1928 and 1929 national A. Z. be present to induct Rabbi Miller. The present officers of the FedA. champions. ' Rabbi Silber is president of the Heberation are: William L. Holzman, rew Theological college of Chicago, At 2:45 the J. C. C. girls will president; Dr. Philip Sher, honorary of which Rabbi Miller is a graduate, play the Fremont, Nebr., girls'team. president; Henry Monsky, first vice and is known as an outstanding At 2 p. m. the Talmud Torah five president; Sam Beber, second vice «KOMM"AJOKE president; Mrs. L. Neveleff, third vice Berlin (J. T. A.).—Defying all fore- will play the Deep Bock Midgets in The fact that this Trans-Jordan speaker. Another speaker for the afternoon casts that the strength of the Na- a grade school melee. president; Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus, development required a depression Mrs. Morris Levy and Harry B. ZimThe J. C. C. irarsity hung up its for its achievement reminds; me of will be the * renowned Rabbi Jacob tionalist Socialist party was on the man, honorary vice presidents; Har* the story they are telling of another Greenberg, dean of the Hebrew The- wane, would not attain executive eighteenth victory of the season when Weekly "Gems" From ry Silverman, secretary; Abe Goldland now in the agonies of metamor- ological College. Included among power, following its Joss of 53 seats it defeated the Holy Name Athletic those present.will also be Rabbi Ab- in the last November "election, Adolph club team, 35 to 34, at the Holy The Bible and stein, treasurer; Jacob S. Eearistien, phosis—Russia. director. An old Jew in the Soviet land was raham Cardon, vice-president of the Hitler .has realized a bpasjt of three Name gym in an overtime game. Conservative Auxiliary to Be executive Talmud The committee arranging for the bemoaning, so the story goes, "that Hebrew Theological College, and years and has become chancellor of Host at Conclave in annual meeting consists of Max M, it is a 'verdrehte' world." "One of president of the "Union of Orthodox Featured on the editorial page each Omaha > _ atI of Dr. fif -Barish, chairman; Mrs. Herbert -Am. h« sighedv"works • f or the The appointment week is'*Gems of "fiie3ffife anCTat p Hitier and J. W. Marer. In addition, the local rabbis Trill followingpp a "conference with Narcomm and.the other for the SovLocal "WF.W." Post nrad," gathered by a local individual A four-city conference, which will stein Presiparticipate on the program, and "In practically all communities,"1 komm, und ich leb komm und siftz who goes under the pseudonym of dent Paul von Hindenburg, was as unthere will be a response by Babbi komm." bring women, from Des Moines, Sioux states Mr. Barish, "the annual FedO. Dasher." Miller. Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin expected as the sudden fall of GenDr. J. M. Erman is post com- "O. These NAMES WILL HURT YOU City and Lincoln to Omaha Wednes- eration meeting is the most ontstahderal Kurt von Schleicher after less jottings illustrate the wit and his choir will render several mander of St. Mihel post 247 of the day, Feb. 8, takes place at the Jew- ing event of the year. And rightly The modern young mother, I am vocal numbers, and Cantor Leon than two months in office. Veterans of Foreign Wars, which is and wisdom of the Hebraic sages. ish Community Center, when they so, for the Federation's activities told, no longer feeds her progeny's With the appointment of Hitler the Follow these "pearls of wisdom" several solo selections. Jewish population of Germany are now conducting a membership drive. weekly, starting today with "gems" will be guests of women of the Con- touch upon the most important probwill mind with stories about storks when Karz L Morgenstern will be chairman of All men who have seen service in and functions of a self-cor.the youngsters inquire about the ori- the afternoon program. faced with their worst fears that now the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or appropriate for the Federation meet- servative synagogue auxiliary. This lems , scdous and organized Jewish communis the first conference of its kind to gin of life, but instead relates the Nazis will put into effect the Coast Guard of the United States on ing Tuesday. ity. Following the. inauguration cere- the bring the four groups together. actual biological facts. And it seems threats they have been levelling ever foreign soil or in hostile waters durwith registration at noon "This year, more than at any other now that we shall have to go fur- monies, . a banquet will be held at since their parliamentary victory in ing any war are eligible for memthe Jewish Community Center, startSr. Council Debates at Beginning the Center, the program for the time, the Federation in Omaha h»S ther and cancel from the book of ing at 6:30 p. m. The main address 1930 made them a leading party in bership. " The Senior Council Debate league day includes a luncheon at 12:30, faced problems which are the conchildhood one of the most famous of will be delivered by Rabbi Miller. the German republic J. B. Jensen, chairman of the will open Wednesday, Feb. 8, with a followed by a program and confer- cern of every Jewish man and womchildhood rhymes, the one that opines | William L.. Holzman, Henry Monsky These fears are further strength"Sticks and stones may break your and Irvin Stalmaster will also speak ened by the appointment to Hitler's drive, asks the co-operation of all debate between the teams of A. Z. ence session that will last throughout an in our city. The tremendous inveterans of the Jewish faith with A. No. 100 and Xi Lambda. Xi the afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Knlakof- crease in relief work for those sufbones and Ben Kazlowsky will be toast- cabinet of Nazi leaders notorious for overseas duty to "become members of Lambda will be represented by Ralph sky, president of the Omaha aux- fering from the depression, the probthe violence of their anti-Semitic But names will never hurt you." master. The women's auxiliary of the St. Mihel post so as to help Dr. Nogg and William Wolf, and A. Z. iliary, will preside. lem of the Talmud Torah and nuthe Vaad, headed by Mrs. L. Nevelr stand. To the key position of min- Erman's term of office be one of A. No. 100 by Dan Lintzman and DYNAMITE IN WORDS other problems which conister of interior, Hitler has named Twenty-five delegates are expect- merous So it would appear, at least, if eff, is sponsoring the banquet. the most successful in the post's his- Edward Bosenbaum. fronted us during the past year re« . his friend and ally, JDr. Wilhelm ed to represent the other three cities. Einstein is right. Speaking at PasaAll arrangements have been in Frick, former minister of interior of tory." The question to be debated is "Re- Speakers at the afternoon session quire the attention of all who tak« dena, this week, the professor is charge of William Milder, chairman Thuringen, who in the latter office A "poppy day" will be held Feb- solved, that Anti-Semitism is Due to will be Mrs.- Barney Baron, president communal responsibilities with »njr quoted as having laid on certain of the installation committee. degree of earnestness and loyalty. Jewish Causes." gave practical effect to his anti-Sem- ruary 11. of the.auxiliary of Shaare Zion con- The words the onus for much of the tenauditorium should be Starting tonight at 8 p.-m* at the itism. * gregation of Sioux City, whose sub- packedCenter sion and disturbance of modern life. B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and to capacity next Tuesday eveHerman Goering, speaker of the ject will be ^Social Life of the Con• Said Einstein: "One has only to Chicago streets, Rabbi Miller will gregation;" Mrs. Nathan Grossman ning." think of the word 'heretic' at the open the first of his regular Friday Reichstag, has been appointed minister without portfolio, and Reich's president of the Daughters of Israel time of the Inquisition; of the word night services. commissioner of interior for Prussia. Sisterhood of Lincoln, who speaks on ^Communist' for the present day These services will be held each The police force and the whole ma"Monthly Meeting Programs;" Mrs. American; of the word "bourgeois' Friday thereafter, and, accord- chinery of government will now be at Bernard Schwartz, past president of in Russia; of the word 'Jew' for the ing to night plans, will be of special, in- the disposal of the Nazis as well and Tifereth Israel Sisterhood, and Mrs. reactionary group in Germany; of terest to the young The Harry H. Lapidus community two basic essentials of a successful Leonard Hochenberg, past president the words "honor, prestige, father- of the community. men and women instead of protecting the Jewish pop- trust Consolidation of the Omaha fund as a permanent memorial trust, namely: "First, a permanency of the Tifereth Israel Daughterhood ulation,'they may soon become amen'" land' in nearly all the countries of Tomorrow morning, Rabbi Miller ace as the instrument of Jewish op- to the departed leader became a real- of trusteeship of such caliber that of Des Moines, on "Ways and cil of Jewish Women's circulating our present world. The use of such ity, with its unanimous adoption at a the public may look to the fund with Means;" Mrs. David A. Goldstein, library and that of the Jewish Comwords is adapted for the driving out will occupy the pulpit in the Beth pression, it is feared. Jewish leaders are determined, not- meeting Tuesday evening of the gen- absolute assurance as to its integ- chairman of education of the Omaha munity Center has been effected, witi of all reason and the setting up of Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt. withstanding the developments, to eral memorial committee, consisting rity and ability to serve the func- auxiliary, will talk on "Educational the new combined library to be leemotion in its place." continue their fight for their rights. of representatives of all the Jewish tion that it sets forth to serve, Work of the Auxiliary,-" Mrs. A. D. cated on the second floor of the ComWords, of course, are but names, thereby imposing and retaining suf- Frank, services chairman, also of munity Center, Mrs. Bert Hene, It is recalled in this connection organizations in the city. and Professor Einstein would have it S. H. Singer Appointed ficient confidence on the part of the Omaha, is to speak on "The Serv- cil library chairman, has anno Articles of incorporation and bythat President .von Hindenburg has that these mere names, apart from Formerly" the council library was lopublic to justify the making of gen- ices Committee." laws were accepted, upon the report on several occasions recently promthe thing itself, by the emotional Ohmer Cash Register cated at 49th and Dodge Sts ; eral* contributions to this fund for of the sub-committee headed by Wilised that no infringement of the pictures they beget, hinder the flow Delegates will be welcomed at the "This plan provides both lib subsequent distribution; and second liam L. Holzman. Agent in This Territory rights of the Jews would be permit, of the orderly processes of reason. by Mrs. Kulakofsky, and with a much wider selection of r«*flThe purpose of the organizing [oi popular representation, that the in- luncheon ted. .: •_• ". Eabbi David A. Goldstein will give ing material, and we will reach ft A RUSSIAN STORY terest of the public which is to be the fund is "to. accept any gift, Mr. S. H. Singer, -who Tecentl: the benediction. Mrs. David Sher- much larger list of patrons," Mrs. Russia perhaps affords an illustragrant, devise or bequest in trust for served may be represented by a contion of what could be copied and took over the cash register division Presentation of Award educational, charitable, religious or tinuing flow of individuals chosen by man will introduce the program, a Hene said in making the announcefeature of which will be a talk by ment. The same policy of providiTij; extended in this connection. In the of the Omaha Fixture and Supply benevolent uses or purposes of Jew- ballot, who in a specific time will Eabbi Goldstein on "What the Aux- patrons with all of the newest boots naming of children, at least, Russia company, has been to Holzman on represent the will and dominant curish character." g iliary Means to a Congregation." * "----•-•<—-•' And thereby appointed O h m e r available will continue. A board of trustees of seventeen rent of that time." is blazing a new trail. Wednesday cash register agent A humorous sketch, "Charm's the A rental charg-e of three cents A The ways and means committee is to administer the affairs of the hangs a recent tale. for this territory. Thing," written by Mrs. Goldstein A loyal Soviet citizen, it seems, In addition to the The presentation of a gold key and trust fund. Ten life members were recommended that the public rela and Mrs. Ben Shapiro, -will be pre- day -will be made on all borrows^ books, -with a minimum charge of "ft tions committee be instructed to cirto be chosen by the general memorial was the father of three children. The nationally famous a embossed certificate to William L. sented by Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, cents. The council's share of procularize Omaha Jewry, as well as committee. The other seven are to oldest was called Lenin. The middle Ohmer cash regisHolzman as "Omaha's outstanding 1 Mrs. Sam Theodore, Mrs. Philip one was called Electrifikatzie (elec- ters, Mr. Singer Jewish citizen for 1932" by the Phi be elected at the meeting of the friends of Harry Lapidus throughou ELlutzniek and Mrs. Morris Sogolow. ceeds derived from this enterprise ;* trification) and the infant was named will handle scales, Beta Epsilon fraternity of Creighton Jewish Community Center and Wel- the country, regarding the formation Parodies, written by Mrs. Sam H. in promoting educational activities fti piatiletka (the five year plan). university will take place at a formal fare Federation, to serve for a period of the Harry Lapidus community Shulkin of Sioux City, will comprise the organization. It has already -procoffee grinders and Well, one day, one of the little meat slicers. banquet to be held at the J. C. C. of two years. A trustee so elected trust fund, and advise them that con- community singing, led by Mrs. Sain vided three scholarships to Omah&n* cannot serve more than two consecu- tributions to the fund will be ac- Beber. A group of vocal selections attending' the Municipal university. routine accidents of infant life oc- Mr. Singer was Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. cepted. HoTvever, no direct solicita It is planned to give reviews t£ curred, and the father, noting it, connected with the S. H. Singer The award is sponsored by the fra- tive terms. will be presented by Mrs. Hyman wanted the eldest child to attend to National Cash Eegister company for ternity, and Holzman was chosen for The ten life members of the board tion of funds is to be undertaken. Belman, accompanied by Miss Mar- the books received by the library is a monthly column to appear so&n ^a the infant's needs. So he called to 18 years, being sales agent in Gary, the honor by a committee including chosen Tuesday are Sam Beber, Abe The committee submitting the re- garet Hurwitz. The Jewish. Press. the middle one, who was around: Ind., for 12 years. He has been in Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the Goldstein, Dr. Abe Greenberg, "Wil- port consisted of William L. HolzCommittees in charge of arrange"Electrigkatzie, sog Lenin das Piati- Omaha for the past two and one- Jewish Women's Welfare federation; liam L. Holzman, Harry J. Kula- man, chairman; Philip M. Kiutznick, ments are: Eegistration snd courletka hat sich ungemacht." Jack W. Marer, Dr. A. Greenberg, Rabbis David A. Goldstein and Fredkofsky, Henry Monsky, Dr. Philip half years. Perhaps I should add that the story erick Cohn of the Conservative syna- Sher, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry A. J. H. Rilakofsky and Irvin Stalmas- tesy, Mrs. Sam Green and Mrs. Dave A. Z. A. 100 'Winter Associated with him will be his gogue and Temple Israel, respective- Wolf and Harry B. Zimman. Cohn; luncheon, Mrs. Jacob Blank was seemingly intended as a satire ter. Frolic" This y of the alleged failure of realization brother, Sidney Singer, who will be ly; David Blacker, publisher of the Dr. Greenberg, chairman of th and_ Mrs. B. A. Simon; house, Mrs. The annual "Winter Frolic" of tha The seven remaining trustees, of some of the Electrification objec- in charge of the repair department Jewish Press, and Jacob S. Pearlstein, general memorial committee, reportei Irvin Stalmaster; seating, Mrs. Ar- A. Z. A. chapter No. 100 will ba to be elected for a two-year Sidney, who has been in the cash executor director of the Community tives of the Five Year Plan. Tuesday that the bust of Harry Lap- thur Cohn and Mrs. Philip Klutoiick; held at the Elks club ballroom ** term, trill be chosen at the anregister business in Gary for the last Center. nual Federation meeting, to be idns, being made by Enrico Glicea program, Mrs. David Goldstein and Sunday evening, Feb. 5. HANGED 12 years, recently moved to Omaha The invocation will be given by held at the Center Tuesday evestein, noted sculptor, is almost com Mrs. Ben Shapiro. Ebener's orchestra \rill play, and They tell it of Judge Rosalsky. with bis family. Rabbi Cohn and the benediction by pleted. Several organizations hav. ning, Feb. 7. Eeservations for the luncheon, open eral novelties are on the program. That, sitting chatting in company In the report by the sub-committee pledged toward the cost of the bust, to all Jewish women of the city, are Dan lintzman, assisted by 3 with a' clergyman; the question arose He will specialize in cash register Rabbi Goldstein. Julius Bisno, presirepairing and the sale of cash reg- dent of the chapter, will preside. the manner of selecting the board of and a committee was appointed to in charge of Mrs. Ben Glazex and Blumenthalj is in charge of There will be special entertainment, : trustees was praised, as providing the contact the other organizations, ister supplies(Continued on Page 2JL
lus Trust Fund Becomes Reality
Circulating Libraries Effect Consolidation
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY/FEBRUARY 3,1933 the judge, "that a judge at his post can only hang a person, while a clergyman can damn a person. And when you are damned, that means for eternity." By O. O. DASHER Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by, "Yes," replied Judge Eosalsky, "but JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Doctor, when a judge says you are to be hanged, by the Lord Harry, you I Happy is he that considereth the $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - ARE hanged." poor. The Lord will deliver him in t... ' Advertising rates furnished on application • the day of evil, and will preserve TITLES - Office: 490 Brjindeis Theater Building him and keep him happy all his life. And one that Pr.>Wise told about Telephone: ATlantic 1450 himself the other day at the dinner Sioux City Office-^-Jewish Community Center ,. He who will have pity on the poor to Mr. Deutsch runs like this. ^ / D A V I D BLACKER ' - . . - - Business and Managing Editor and will save not only their bodies It was on Dr. Wise's first visit V . . FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - . - - > - - - Editor but also their souls—his name will many years ago, where, among other ' FANNIE KATELMAN • - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent endure' forever. things, he was to meet the Lord . ANN FILL . . . . . - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent He who is gracious unto- the poor Bishop. m »• — •—— :—• ——lendeth unto the Lord, and his good Before the meeting he explained deed will ^He repay unto him. his embarrassment to Mrs. Monte"You know," he said, "I come The blow dreaded by world Jewry, particularly German Jewry, It happened with the King Mon- fiore. from Oregon (Rabbi Wise's first pulhas fallen . . . . A d o l p h H i t l e r h a s b e e n m a d e chancellor o f Ger- bas, who had distributed his treas- pit was in Portland) and in the many. .>;.- ; ' . y ^ •• ••••-" • • • • • : : - . - ' • : - : : : > : ' " ure and that of his parents in the west we are not accustomed to titles. of depression, that his brothers How am I to address the Bishop? In a small sense, it is best that events took this turn. It is years murmured against him, saying, "Your Shall I say—His Lordship or My far better to know and confront the worst, pas's through the ancestors saved money and increased Lord?" "Why," continued Rabbi crisis, than to have-the threatening sword of uncertainty tantaliz- the savings of their parents, and you Wise, "up in Portland, the people Jngly hanging over one's head. Nevertheless, \his appointment .distribute thine and that of your an- had so little use of titles that they And he rejoined, "My an- didn't even call noje Doctor. They just comes as a complete, unpleasant surprise. Hitler's vote-getting cestors." cestors, stored away treasures here said—Doc" Jjower had dwindled—though he still headed the numerically: larg- below, where human hands can reach "Well, please, poctor Wise," urged est party in Germany, he;lacked a majority and the tremendous and. values can be deflated, but I Mrs. Montefiore, "don't call the Bishup treasures in heaven, where op—Bish." drop of his national socialist votes in the last ejection Jiad caused stored no human hands can reach and values (Copyright, J. T. A., 1933.) practically all political prognosticators to opine that Hitler's power have an, eternal stability. My anhad waned for all tinie^that he was only a falling star and that he 'ce'stors have stored away money in Patronize our advertisers. . •would now. never attain his goal of the chancellorship. However, their treasury, but I have stored the saving of human bodies eternal economic conditions in Germany grew even "more chaotic away and souls in my treasury. My an[ —a generals' putsch was feared, and it was probably this thought cestors had to leave their treasures . that caused President Von Hindenburg to offer the mantle to the for their descendants, as they could take them along with them, but - Nazi chieftain who Opposed him in the last presidential election. not my treasury will accompany me to " While Hitler has with hint In the cabinet two right-hand men, the the future world. In fact, this is 'notoriously anti-Semitic Frick and Goering, these three are sur-l the only friend which will not desert rounded by a group of conservatives, who will undoubtedly tem- me. As our prophet Isaiah says, 'And thy righteousness shall go beper rashness to this best of their ability. fore thee."'
With the passage of time, we will probably find that Hitler's bark is more impressive than his bite. He found it easy to make • campaign promises; he will find it difficult to carry them out • He will discover that it is easier to talk than to act, that practical difficulties will bar many favorite measures. He will find repudia• tion of treaties, cancellation of obligations and annihilation of his • political opposition, as the Communists, not as simple as he has led to believe. What is more important, his followers will find - that a wave of the Hitler magic wand will not miraculously restore Germany to economic stability overnight. Ere long Hitler will be exposed to his true light, a demagogue who promises unstintingly, promises which he cannot fulfill or never intended to fulfil. As : from our specific point of view, let us remember that Hitlerism is " not synonymous with anti-Semitism, though anti-Semitism is •-" what Feder called its sentimental foundation ("gefuehlsmaessige r Unterban"). The Jewish'Question is only one aspect of the wide f political movement of Hitferism. The clashes, for example, be! tween_the Nazis and Communists have been far more frequent and ; fatal than those with the Jews. Further, so many thousands were ,: drawn to the Hitler party by the economic platform, the repudia{ tion plank, or the hope of bread to eat. As Einstein stated, Hit' lerism rests upon the empty belly of Germany. ] But let us not for a moment think that this is not a dark hour for German Jewry. Anti-Jewish measures are part and parcel of • the Nazi platform. It calls for the depriving of all Jews of their • German citizenship—to be treated as aliens and f oreigners-to give them an inferior status as regards civil, social/political and re. ligious rights. And even if better economic conditions brought a dissipation of Hitlerism, the anti-Jewish agitation of the Hitlerites has seeped into the mentality o l the German masses, an impres\ sion which in time submerged into their sub-conscious minds is nevertheless in their sub-consciousness and can easily be brought to the surface. In enduring much, German Jewry will need the . moral support which can be marshalled by strong, unmincing public opinion abroad. •
Council of Jewish Women
Rabbi David A. Goldstein's talk for the current topic section of the Omaha Council of Jewish Women at the Community Center Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. will be on the subject of "The Report of the President's Commission on Social Trends," Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chairman of this group, has announced. A study of the character and problems of the American people is contained in this report. The group has an average attendance of 25, and is open to anyone wishing to attend. Single admission tickets may be obtained at the door for 50 cents. •Continuation of the child study classes, which have been in progress for the last six weeks, has also been announced by this chairman, who says that this project proved so popular with those attending the session that a second six weeks' course is to be offered. Mrs. Eva . Morse, head of the adult education department of the Omaha board of education, continues as leader. There will be but a week's omission on Feb. 17, with the course to continue five weeks after that. As the social event of the month, the couneil sponsors its annual card party, to be held Monday evening, Feb. 27, at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Harry Trustin, chairman of the ways and means committee, is in charge. Five hundred tickets for this affair have already been distributed and are to be obtained from any council board member. Proceeds from this affair are to be used in social service and educational work. Mrs. Trustin has made plans for ican Israelite" five years ago. . an entertaining evening. There will Leo Wise was born on October 28, be table prises, a door prize and re1849, in Albany, N. Y., the son of freshments. There will be tables for Isaac M. and Theresia Wise. He re- both contract and auction bridge. ceived his education at St. Xavier's Cincinnati (J. T. A.).—Leo Wise, college, Cincinnati; Trinity college, son of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, founder Hartford, Conn. He was a graduof Reform Judaism in this country, ate of the Farmers' college and of A bazaar and a membership drive died here Friday in his eighty-fourth the law school of the University of are occupying the attention of the year. : . Michigan. Pioneer Women at present. His death followed that of his wife He resided abroad for a period of "This year," states Mr. J. Richlin, by one week.| Mr. Wise had been four years from 1871-75. From 1871 chairman of the membership drive, for thirty years the editor and pub- to 1872 he was a prospector in South "about 20,000 Jews are expected to lisher of the "American Israelite," African diamond fields and was one enter Palestine. Of these, 10,000 founded by his distinguished father. of the original claim holders of the will be Chalutzim and from this He retired as publisher of the "Amer- Kimberly diamond mines. number there be approximately 5,000 needy girls who will require aid in placing them in girl farm schools. Ten such farm schools are already BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run in existence, some being self-supportFJSTKOI^EUM ing. "More human and material resources are needed to aid in the esBeat Grade—Forked Clean tablishment of these schools. To do Small la BIse, bat large In Heat All Lump—Forked our share, the Omaha Pioneer WomA BIO SAVING TO High in Heat en are staging a bazaar and memCOKE USERS Very Little Ash bership drive. We appeal to local Jewry to help our committees as much as possible." . The organization has expressed its CONSUMERS COAL CO. thanks to Lillian and Edith Epstein, CERTIFIED WEIGHTS »X A SWORN AMD BONDED WEIGHMASTEB who gave the music selections at last week's program.
substitute Eddie Canto*, th$, radio toast of the nation . . . pardon Vbe,\ Dear Friends . Our 'announcement at the Senior Council affair stated that a new cast of characters would appear in the play "If I Were You" . . . in no way did we intend to reflect on the ability-«f the young people who had By a Ab" Kaiman been ^caWrylhg* the burden of the Center Guild in previous pears . . • on the?contrary, their efforts were The Jewish •'Big Ten" appreciated at asdl times . . . . it is Are you tired of bridge and are merely* |h^Mesire of "the Center playgossip chats waning . . . t h e n begin erss to present; ^Jreseotisa a different cast to exa discussion of the selection of the tend further interest . . . To D. E. ten leading Jews of America 84 I. . . . The Aleph Zadik Aleph, an l i h J h editors of" English-Jewish publica- offspring of the B'nai Brith and a tions show the following:, three younger brother of the Hillel Fpungreat lawyers, "Judge Louis D. Bran- Nation founded eight years ago deis, Judge Benjamin Cardozo, and in Omaha, Nebr., by Sam B e b e r . . . Felix Frankfurter; one prominent it now includes almost 160 chapters banker and philanthropist, Felix in the United States and C a n a d a . . . Warburg; Dr. Cyrus Adler and Dr. the A. Z. A. leaders are making Stephen S. Wise; t^ro newspaper ed- Jewish life and culture a vivid livitors, Adolph Ochs, owner and pub- ing thing to "their members . . . i n lisher of the New York Times, and terest in Jewish religion and Zion"Walter Lippman, editorial writer for ism is heightened and first hand the Nation and New York Herald contact with Jewish communal unTribune; Gov. Herbert H. Lehman of dertakings is stimulated wherever New York and: Ludwig Lewisohn,.. writer . . , Be sure to invite to your ' About You and You discussion ; party a few argumentaA high school romance re-kindled tive persons, so that not a dull moment will result V . . yon can begin . . . the handsome J. W., sought by and secured by none, returning with Lippman, whose Jewishness is all to his sweetheart of high school limited to the fact that his progeni- days, J. A. (a charming Jane) . . . tors were of that faith . . , why not also seen at the Saturday night's "soiree" at the Fontenelle hotel dining room . . . one of Omaha's young eligibles L. E. F. . . and what! no Marian G.? . . . Girls, please desist. . . . What group of married women were Indulging in "high jinks" at their homes . . . and why did they cease their fun? . . . Attorney Al C. and his "heart trouble" Celia S. of Minneapolis have gone the way of all "clash" . . . The new bachelor club, David Fishman, Barney Rosenthai, Louis Shrier, Joe KxicsfeW, Moe Steinberg, Hank Sterling and Dave Slobodinsky . . . Dave Fishman threatens to resign because of a Co. Bluffs "inky" haired Miss . . . Ben Z. and L B. (the girl is attached to the Center staff) are now holding hands, and in the midst of an interesting lecture . . . Z. S. admiring osculatory technique of Morris S . . . . Walter J.'s evening routing consists of a regular call at the home of Ida T. (a kiddie instructor) . . . Romantic Sol T. has become a "torchbearer" since the departure of the Sioux City gal of the* same initials . . . Ed G., prominent north side merchant of whom many fair hearts have been sighing . . . turning his attention to B. B. (the color of her hair would tell all) . . . A member of the Jewish Center players, M. H., has transferred her "cooing" from the barrister, H. M., to the blond boy from Sioux City . . . after all, "a fair exchange is no snobbery"... Harold. B. quite perturbed . . . his dame Celia W in the company of a pair of stalwart Sioux City chaps, Fred S. and Abe S., the latter a theatrical magnate . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. R. are all a-flutter over their blessed "suspense," he is a prominent south side stockman (live stock please) . . . Also an increase in the family of Al G. and wife, is about to take place . . . you guessed it, the daddy" is a well known commission man . . . A full bag of "tzibalas" (onions) to the two athletes who deserted the Center handball courts over a trivial matter . . . after receiving their training and advancement among their own . . .
OS HER omments
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Pioneer Women
A regular meeting of the Fa-Hon sorority was held Monday, January 30, at the J. C. C. Many plans are being made for the coming months, among them being a cake-bake, the a-n-nnpi spring dance, etc Plans are also under way for a convention of the Omaha and Kansas City chapters for some time in the near future. The Fa-Hon card party, which was held January 18, was a huge success. All proceeds went to charity.
Superb, Silk Decorated Blue Worsteds in full 14-ounce pure virgin wool piece dye fabrics. Also smart fancy weaves in grays and rich brown suitings. Every suit strictly standard tailored, made under our direct supervision to meet our rigid specifications. Every suit has famous Nebraska Serviceen linings—a value feature in itself that gives long service. SEE OUR $14.50 CLOTHING WINDOWS TODAY
BY THE WAY (Continued from Page 1) as to who was; moife priest or judge. .' ' I 1 "Remember," said the clergyman to
EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Watch CryatalB 25c Watches Cleaned $1.00
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28IS FARHAM AX 2815 S. C. O. C U.R. O.K. A bouquet to the arrangement committee of the Senior Council of Clubs of the J. C. C. . . the all-star vaudeville night last Tuesday evening a huge success . . . a capacity crowd which smashed all attendance records in the Center auditorium . . . the vaudeville though not exactly of the "all-star" variety, packed * many laughs and proved entertaining throughout the evening . . . the skit "How Women Play Bridge" though failing to secure a prize, was cleverly done . . . . Irving Chudacoff displayed real talent in his "pansy' portrayal . . . In the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" sketch which was awarded first prize, George Dolgoff's broad burlesque of his character tickled the audience . . . A very congenial , and personable gentleman . . . Rabbi Uri Miller, who has assumed his rabbinical duties under the auspices of the Vaad H'Oehr . . . The talented Rosenblatt girls, daughters of Mrs. Molly Rosenblatt . . . previously we wrote of the oldest, Anne Ronell, the writer of sure-fire song hits . . . and now it's the youngest, Lee Ronell . . . she is a special writer for the Radio Guide magazine published in Chicago . . . her recent article on the radio stars "Eddy and Ralph" wri tten in the manner of an experienced writer . . . Broadcasting "Jewish Hour" Prepare to listen in to the first radio broadcast of a Jewish hour on Sunday, Feb. 12, via KOIL . . . Jewish music of a vocal and instrumental nature plus a short talk on the activities of our Jewish Center will comprise the initial program . . . artists who desre to partcipate can do so by callng at the Center School of Music for an audition . . . Gene Cooper, who recently returned from Hollywood where he was connected with several leading' orchestras, has his musical organization ready for engagements . . . leading musicians and radio entertainers of the city are included . . . his first engagement Sunday at the Psi Mu matinee dance at the Center . . . entries for the popular girl contest will close on this day . . . The Hatikvah club, which disbanded in 1925, has re-organized and will again be sponsored by Mrs. Ben Handler . . .
PiantoVisit A Century of Progress «nd stey at the
The Chicago World"* Fair of 1933 — from June to November. Don't mitt this thrilling review of the tcienfiflc and industrial achievement ot our presentage. By stay ingalthe Morrison you ore right in th© center of thing* in Chicago. In the "heart of theloop," the Morrison is near shops, theaters, end railroad stations. A l ! rooms arm outside with bath, Servidor, circulating ice-water and bed-head reading temp. Automatic gawe* focilitiw. A preo? hotel in e preol tttyl
2500 ROOMS—$2.50 UP LEONARD HICKS Managing Director
on and Clark Streets
To Sing
[play. Two.members of lite Jewish Women's .Welfare Federation will chaperone. The Psi H a dance committee in charge consists of Leo Berman, chairman; Morris Giller, co-chairman; Henry Ginsbnrg, Hy Giller and Abe Bogdanoff.
Jewish Women's Welfare Federation Please Kote—AH items must be mailed or phoned BO that they reach the Jewish Press office no - later than 5 p. m. Wednesday, to insure publication Friday.
The February meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare federation will be held Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 2:30 p. m. at the j . C. C. The principal speaker of the afternoon will be Dr. Olga Stastny, who will bring a message of great importance to mothers concerning daughters. This meeting i s open to the public Members are urged to come, and bring a friend. A board meeting will be held a t 1:30 p.m.
Mgiotts Services Temple Israel
53rd, at 1 o'clock February 13. Mr. A special Purim concert at the Szold will speak on Jewish contribuJ. C. C with featured numbers i s tions to the theater. Reservations part of the active season of present may be made with Mrs. Abrahamson, tations and serial functions being Walnut 4009. . ; planned by the Hazemir Choral Society, under the presidency of David Slobodinsky. According to Cantor A. Schwaczkin, director of the society, the group is to appear in a number of recitals Or Vapor Treatment before the various organizations of ead^-Chest Colcbf the city. • The society has also arranged for at least one program -of Jewish folk songs over radio station ^WOW*, and possibly a series of such pro1-, NATIONAL grams. ACCESSORIES. INC. Mr. Harry Bender urges all .members of the community who are in-, "Everything for the terested in choral work to attend rehearsals at the Jewish Community 2t51 Famam—AT. 5524 Center every Monday evening a t 8 p. m. By a popular vote.of the mem"Your Old Hat Made New bers, , Miss Rose Abramson w a s Save a Dollar or Two" chosen to represent the Haiomir in OMAHA HAT FACTORY the Psi Mu "popularity contest."
"Hitler and the Jews" will be the sermon topic of Rabbi Frederick Cohn at services at Temple Israel this evening. Saturday morning his subject will be "Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy." The following children will participate in the Saturday morning service: Carolyn. Merritt, I Adolph Laytiii, Sarah Mae Graetz, Armand " ilinsky, Betty Beesom, Joyce Ferer, Stuart Ganz, David Kraus, Leonard 'inkeL Sarah Gilmsky, Fred Rosenberg and Leonard Kulakofsky. Rose Billy Tolle will sing a solo. The following children have enrolled for the Saturday morning choir; Bernice Robinson, Ruth Linda, Joyce Marks, Rosie Tuchman, Ruth Lorch, sopranos; Florence Rosenberg, Harriett Lewis, Sarah Mae Graetz, and Hallie Bialac, aTtos. Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Bertha Pollak and Elkan Jerusalem.—A new Palestine weekSeligsohn. ' ly, "The Palestine Illustrated News," baa begun t o make its appearance here.
Sunday, Feb. 5.—Banquet, spon--; sored by the Vaad, in honor of Babbi XTri Miller, 6 p. m. Monday, Feb. 6.—Temple Sis-' ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE terhood, at Temple, luncheon at .Mr. Ernest Blesrie announces the 1 p. m. Zionist meeting, board Jriarriage of his sister, Marie, to Ben room, 8 p. m. Chesed Shel Ernes, Lazer, son of Mrs. 1L Lazer. • The funeral home, 2:30 p. m. . Tuesday, Feb. r 7.—Federation ceremony took place at the home of Kabbi Frederick Cohn on Thursday^ annual meeting, 7:30^ p. .m. Jewish Women's Welfare organizaJanuary 12. The attendants were Mr. An . open meeting of the Chesed Xazer's sister, Mollye and hifl brother, tion, 2:30j board meeting 1 p . m . Lee Green Current Topics class, 10:30 a.m. Shel Ernes will be held at the buildJoe. . . . . •" • • Above i s pictured Lee Green, who ing on Monday afternoon, starting at Wednesday, ."Feb. 8.-^-€onserva-i will sing several numbers at the an- 2:30 p.m. Rabbi Uri Miller will ad_tive Auxiliary' intercity confer* ANNOUNCE y y ^ence luncheon C nual Federation meeting Tuesday dress the meeting. ENGAG ^ luncheon, 11 j»'m j».'m., at at J J. C C. C t evening, February 7, at the J. C. C. Sunday, Feb. 12.—-Dance, spon- She win be accompanied at the piano ' The public i s invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinzveg announce the • engagement of their, sored by group No. 8 of the Coin by Mrs. Henry Monsky. daughter, Esther, to Sam (Slier, son servatiye Synagogue Auxiliary, 9 A popular vocalist on many local of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Giller. N o p. m., ai3.CC programs, she i s a graduate of the The February meeting of the TemWednesday, Feb. 15.—Jewish University of Southern California date has been set for t i e wedding. ple Israel Sisterhood win be held dramatics, auditorium, 7:30 p.m. and Carnegie School of Art. Monday, Feb. 6, at the Temple anTWENTY-FIFTH WEDDING nex. ANNIVERSARY RUSSIAN PROGRAM Luncheon will be served at 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Colick entertained new members of the Phi Omega Del- AND TEA o'clock. , For reservations, please 40 guests at a dinner Sunday evening ta sorority, i s being planned by the A Russian program and tea was phone Mrs. M. E. Handler, Walnut at their new' home,. 6126 Seward sorority for Feb. U . given at the home of Miss Ruth 1138. ;r Miss Goldie Sidman is in charge of Pollack "by the Junior Society of the street, on the occasion of their twenA board meeting will be held at the affair, assisted by the .Misses Conservative synagogue. Dora Mark- 12 o'clock. . ty-fifth wedding anniversary. Ruth Slobodisky and Soph Oland. ovitz and Bee Levin read a report on Professor Paul Grummann will be Valentine decorations will be carried Soviet Russia. Lillian Chudakoff the guest speaker a t the meeting. FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. H. BJomenthal entertained for out in the house decorations, menu played several Russian numbers .on His subject will be "Art of the Nine22 guests Saturday afternoon, hon- and invitations. ' The Scudders fam- the piano, and Tobye Flax sang Rus- teenth Century." oring Miss Sehna Seka, a bride-to- ily orchestra will play. sian songs. Tillye Markovitz gave be. Prizes at bridge were won by a whistling solo. Mrs. E . Novak, Mrs. Becky Kohn TEA AND BOOK REVIEW A jigsaw puzzle benefit party, with and Mrs. M. Crounse. A dramatization -of Israel Zan« One of the interesting social events Ida Tenenbaum in charge of arrangeplanned for this month i s a book ments, i s being planned for Feb. 19. will's "Joseph the Dreamer" will be NO-HOST DINNER given at the Oneg Shabbos of the review and tea to be given by Mrs. A no-host dinner, arranged by Mr. Mose Yousem's group of the Con- RETURNS HOME Conservative synagogue auxiliary SatLeon Ferer, was given, last Friday servative synagogue auxiliary at the Miss Evelyn Blumenthal returned urday, Feb. 4. The meeting will be evening a t the Blackstone hotel to Blackstone hotel Monday, Feb. 20, at; Tuesday, after a short visit in Sioux held a t the home of Mrs. Isidore ionor Mr. A. L. Lew, who is leaving 3 p.m. Levinson, instead of as formerly an: City. Omaha to reside in St. Louis. jCov-. Rev. Laurance Plank of the First nounced. v ers wexfr placed^ for fifteen. Parts in the dramatization will be Unitarian church i s to review Isabel TEA DANCE taken by Mrs. William Racusin, Mrs. Paterson's newest novel, "Never Ask The Junior Hadassah entertained ? BENEFIT PARTY • • the End," the Literary Guild selec- forty members a t a tea dance and Isadore Chapman, Mrs. Sam Stern, V- * 'Misses*'.;.; Lillian Nacnschoen and tion for the month of January. bridge party at Paul Spor*s Club Mrs. Dave Greenberg 'and Mrs. Jack v?R6set;bolgo:££ jaxe planning t o enterMrs. Yousem i s in charge of gen- Araby last Sunday afternoon. Miss Mekher. Tea will follow the protain at a benefits bridge and dancing eral arrangements, assisted by Mrs. gram. party: the home of "Miss Nach- Jack Marer and Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Sarah Baum was chairman in charge of this affair. A floor show was preschoen on Sunday evening, February co-chairmen, and the following comThe Bible class will hold its reg19;. Ileservations may be made with mittee: Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Mrs. sented by Paul Spar's company. ular meeting at the Center on Tueseither Miss Nachsehoen, Harney 7497, Michel Kulakofsky, Mrs. Louis Ruladay; ''-' " i or Miss Dolgoffj, Kenwood 0208. Pro- kofsky, Mrs. Nathan Horwich, Mrs. VISIT HERE Mr. and- Mrs. William Laser* of ceeds"fro'ar'BnS affair will gotothe Joseph Freeman, Mrs. Nathan Simon, Sioux City visited in Omaha over the Junior Hadassah. Mrs. Simon Bordy, Mrs. J. J. Frei- week-end. The former Hatikvoh Girls, which den, Mrs. Herman Jahr, Mrs. Karl PLAN PARTY disbanded in 1925, i s being reorganLesser, Mrs. Harry Malashock and CENTURY CHAPTER A Valentine party honoring Mr. Mrs. M. F. Levenson. ized by a group of deeply interested "WINTER FROLIC" and .'."Mrs. Jack Levey, who celebrate former members. An informal meetTea will be served following Rev. The annual "Winter Frolic" of the ing was held Tuesday evening at th their first wedding anniversary next Plank's review. Tickets may be obA. Z. A. chapter 100 win be held a t borne of Mrs. A. Brookstein, formerweek, and also honoring the Misses Bertha : Slutskin' and Rose MandeL tained from any member of the com- the Elks club ballroom Sunday eve- ly Mollie Nitz. All former members mittee or a t the door. ning, Feb. 5. Freddy Ebener's or- are urged to call Mrs. Brookstein, chestra will play. Dan Ldntzman i s Webster 0305, for further informachairman of the dance. DUPLICATE CONTRACT tion. BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Mrs. Ben Handler was former sponsor, and will again be sponsor. Mrs. Max Burkenroad and Mrs. 0 . SPEAKS AT UNITARIAN Rabbi David A. Goldstein addressed Mrs. David M. N e w m u Hoffman won top score in the north and south sections of the duplicate the Women's Alliance a t the First contract bridge tournament Wednes- Unitarian church Wednesday on "The Candied Apple Salad:' day at the Athletic club under the Jewish Renaissance in'Palestine." Use one cup sugar, one fourth of sponsorship of Mrs. David Ferer. a pound cinnamon candies, one-half Mrs. J. Abrahamson and Mrs. F. H. POPULARITY CONTEST cup water, lour apples. AT DANCES Roddy won east and west honors. Make a syrup of the sugar and The Psi Mu "Popularity Contest" Mrs. Ferer will bold her tournawater, add candies, peel apples and ments Wednesday afternoons, start- will get under way at the regular cook in this syrup "until well colored ing at 1:30 p. m. The monthly prize Sunday matinee dance at the J. C. and done. Remove core from apples, will be awarded next Wednesday. C. this Sunday afternoon. Six cancool and fill with a mixture made of didates have already entered, and all one package Philadelphia cream entries must be i n the hands of the cheese, one-half cup' chopped raisins, TO VISIT IN MIAMI dance committee before Sunday. •one-half cup chopped .dates, one-half Mr. A l left Sunday for a At Sunday's matinee dance, Gene cup chopped pecans and mayonnaise two-month visit in Fla. J Cooper and his "Melody Kings" will dressing.
Chesed Shel Ernes
Hadassah Cultural HAZOMffi PLANNING Bernard Szold will address the cultural group at the home of FOR PURIM CONCERT dassah Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, 2521 North
Temple Sisterhood
Conservative Synagogr
Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on "The Jews in Poland—a People Trapped" at services of the Conservative synagogue tonight. Next Friday evening and Saturday is Hamisha Asar B'Shebat. This holiday is the Jewish arbor day and is also called the New Year of the Trees. In Palestine the day is celebrated by the planting of trees. Here in America we observe the day by eating dates, figs and other Palestinian fruits. Parents are urged to observe the day in a suitable manner.
Kitchen Chats
You Buy an
Conservative Auxiliary
Opening services and installation ceremonies of Rabbi Uri Miller as rabbi of the local Vaad will be held this week-end. Services will beheld tonight at 8 p. m. at B'nai Israel, 18th and Chicago. Saturday morning, services will be held at Beth Hamedrosh, 19th and Burt. The installation ceremony will be held a t the B'nai Israel on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Sunday at 6 p. m. the installation banquet will be held at the J. C. C.
Your dealer is able to supply you with any type electric refrigerator you desire. H e has different models at prices that will suit you. Electrie Refrigeration is a year 'round necessity. I t keeps foods fresh and sweet . . . . no muss^—no fuss. Go to your dealer today. He wfll be glad to show you the new 1983 models.
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Serve on crisp lettuce leaf.
Talmud Torah '
At the last meeting of the board of directors of the Talmud Torah, a resolution was adopted expressing "the Talmud Torah's "gratitude and thanks to J. H. Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, and the rest of the late Michel • Kulakofsky's family* "for their generous and helpful attitude toward our institution in giving their .consent to use their deceased father's fund for the development of our Talmud Torah." The Michel Kula•kofsky fund of $1,000 was given to the Talmud Torah to use as a part payment on the purchase of two busses, enabling the institution to realize the need of a bus transportation system of its own to accommodate children of distant neighborhoods. A similar resolution of "gratitude and thanks to Mrs. K. Tatle, president, to the officers, and members of the Deborah Ladies Society" for also donating $1,000 for the same purpose was likewise adopted. tttt
SPECIALS for the Month of February | Shampoo, Finger Wave or. Marcel . .. 75c Shampoo, Wave, Henna Rinse or Arch $1.00 Oil Manicure for Dry or Peeling Nails ._ 50c
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Society'News Miss Sally Dimsdale wa3 hostess to the Iota Taux Sorority, Monday evening. Following the business meeting the members adjourned t» bridge and refreshments. \
Council Bluffs
BAR MITZVAH The Bar Mitzvah of William Gerald Fried, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob IH» lTTTWi mi )nfWflimiTfim inriWHWrmrfmrmiinfriwrmi w r " " Mrs. J. Cohen and Mrs. Ben Wolf E. Fried, will take place Saturday have returned to the city after a morning, February 4th, a t the Chevra visit with friends i n Minneapolis. B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 818 MynMrs. Wolf departed Tuesday for herster Street. A family dinner party will be given in his honor on Saturhome in Boston. Jack Mirowitz was in charge of day evening a t the home of his unde To Maxie R. goes this week's the program for the Y. A. J. club Mrs. Lena Sherman of Minneapolis and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. L Fried, The Kadima Club of Shaare Zion award for valor for his herioic ef- Tuesday evening in the Center.: The and Mrs. Edith Sachs of E a u Clair, 1329 Sixth avenue. Bynagogue will celebrate the sixtieth forts last Sunday night. A medal program : inaugurated. the policy ctf Wis. r are guests in the home of Mr. SR. HADASSAH LINEN SHOWER birthday of Bialik, Hebrew poet, at does no justice to the deed, and soeach member participating i n the and Mrs. M. Sacks. NEXT WEDNESDAY a large meeting and program, Mon- we (Hokka Chynik) take i t upon programs. The Council Bluffs Senior Hadasday evening, February 6. The meet- ourselves to award him eleven hunMr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg are dred- and seventy merit badges, in Dr. H. M. Levin addressed the visiting at the borne of their son-in- sah will give a linen shower and ing will begin at 8:30 o'clock. lieu_ of his excellently executed good Maccabee club last Sunday on thelaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. bridge party a t the Hotel Chieftain The program will open with a • • ' >; subject of medicine. in the Corn Room next Wednesday Adelstein, in Rapid pity, S. D. group of Hebrew melodies, played deedi Janie A. of Omaha learned all the Perry Osnbwitz, Dave Montrose afternoon, February 8th, a t 2:30 by Eueben Halpern, violinist, and Mrs. Falk Stumes. of Sioux Falls, o'dock. This affair will take the place accompanied by Sara Halpern at the passwords to Sioux City's nicest and Ed Sperling are in charge of piano. Miss Ida Heshelow will be dives in one night last week i n a the program for the -joint meeting S. D., spent the week-end visiting inof the regular monthly meeting. Resheard in a group of folk' songs, adap- trip around the town with one of of the Debrah and Maccabee dubs, Sioux City, at the home of Mr. andervations should be made promptly with Mrs. Albert Krasne, phone 4630. ted from poems by Bialik. Mr. our leading young barristers and in-which is scheduled for February 12, Mrs. Fred Foreman. Aaron Tabai will read one of Bia-surance adjusters. The little sleep The Debrah committee for the Miss Mildred Baron has returned lik's poems in the original Hebrew. that Janie enjoyed during her brief Sam J. Steinberg, who underwent joint meeting o f ; the two dubs in- home after a visit of several weeks an operation for appendicitis a t the A dramatic reading will be given by stay was done at "Kastle Koz." Mrs. Ruben Miller. Miss Ruth Wi- i What young Nebraska U . student cludes Dorothy Gelson, Jean' Mont- with friends in Chicago. Mercy hospital last Thursday, i s now got his diploma Thursday, got to rose and Inez Leaf. Plans were flodsky will sing a folk song. convalescing there. Rabbi H . R. Rabinowitz will speak Omaha Friday, got tight Saturday, also made at the Debrah meeting on Mr. Morton Smith will leave this on "The Significance of Bialik's got home Sunday and then, wrote Monday for. a spring dance, the date week for Des Moines, where he will Lawrence Krasne returned home oh of which has not been set. Poetry." The choir will sing agroup Lucille W. a letter on,Monday? . be a guest at the home of his Tuesday following a two weeks' buyObserved and admired in the week of Palestinian folk songs, under the brother. ing trip in New York City. • Miss Rebecca Stillman offered a direction of Mr. Hal Buntley. Miss past were: Mrs. Reuben M.'s coral fingertips group of readings at the business Rebecca Stillman will give a recitaMr. and Mrs. William Lazere and Mrs. Abe Markovitz entertained 12 tion of characteristic Bialik poems, . . . Mrs. Sam P.'s garnet finger- girls' meeting, Wednesday evening. sons' visited in Omaha over the week- guests at a benefit luncheon and which have been translated from ihe tips . . . Mrs. Harry J.'s cherry end. bridge party a t - her home at 226 The Boy Scout Troop No. 22, held orginal by her father, Mr. Abe Still- dittos . .V.Frances E.'s blue knitted Frank street, on Wednesday afterjnan. The program will close with suit . . V Seventeen pie plate hats an open meeting for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein of noon. Proceeds from this affair will at the Hadassah Benefit bridge . . . Sunday afternoon in the Center.. Sioux Falls, visited a t the home of go to the Senior Hadassah. the singing of Hatikvoh. The meeting will be open to mem- Ida Feldman's admirable spunk in After a demonstration of the scout the latter's parents, Mr. - and Mrs. bers of the Shaare Zion Synagogue, telling a high mogul of the R. F . C. work by the three patrols, brief M. Hendlyn, last week. The "Brith" for the infant son of where to get off and why. speeches were made by Mr. F . C. the Kadima, and their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Fablowitz will take The most amusing incident of the Woolworth and Mr. Barney Baron. Miss Shirley Rosen of Chicago is place next Sunday morning, February week concerns a little pekinese dog The Girl Scout Troop raider the visiting at the B. H. Shiloff home. 5th, at their home a t 2619 Avenue D. about town (there are only one or leadership of Miss Frances Emlein Miss Freda Shiloff has returned to Rev. A . Diamond will serve as two Yiddish Pekes in town a s far and Miss Marcella Koolish, served Sioux City from Chicago, for an ex- Mohel." as w e know). A s for the story, only refreshments. tended stay. five people know about it, 'Nuff Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, student said. Miss Rosalie Pizer of Omaha is a at the University of Nebraska, reHokka Chynik scoops the world guest at the home of Miss Bess Lip- turned t o Lincoln Monday, following Held Over—Last Time Today this week on the revelation of long shutz. a week-end visit here with her par"THREE ON A MATCH" distant blessed events. To be on ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman MeyerWith the safe side, well only say for now The regular meeting of the B'nai Miss Gertrude Fish of Los AngeWARREN WILLIAMS that an insurance agent, a dress Brith lodge will be held next Tues- les i s visiting with her parents, Mr. son. Bette Davis, Joan Blondell and salesman and a wholesale fruit-deal- day evening in the Jewish Commun- and Mrs. Dave Fish. Mesdames Frank Krasne, Herman Ann Dvorak er will become proud daddies late in ity Center. Following the program, Krasne and Albert Krasne were co• and . 1933. If the details are too vague, the announcement of the various Miss Hannah Lipman of .Stevens hostesses at a benefit luncheon and the names -will still be "news" next committees will be made by Mr. Leon Point, Wis., is visiting with her sis-card party a t the home of Mrs. Frank LIFE BEGINS week. Dobrofsky, president of the lodge. Co-starring ter, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz. Krasne, 311 Stuteman street, WednesJack M.. had a different girl at Eric Linden and Loretta Young the.'A. day afternoon. Covers were laid for Z. A, dance last. Sunday for Mrs. T. A. Krane of Chicago, is sixteen guests. Proceeds from this STARTING SATURDAY ' the,first time in many moons.- Ala visiting at the home of her sister, affair will go to the Senior Hadassah. Premier Showing in Mid-Wesf Roy Atwell"the mats will d a y when Mrs. L. Sinykin. Mrs. Krane w a s the rice are astray or away'' but I , Members of the Junior Hadassah formerly Mis3 Sally Gorchow. THE DEATH KISS Mrs. Jack Steinberg and son, Donstill like that one about early to bed heard the Morningside Debaters, last With • " •" ald, left for Kansas City, Mo., where early to rise makes a man healthy evening, in a debate on the question Sol Halpern has departed for Newthey will visit relatives for a couple '• -., Bela (Dracula) Lugosi of the War,Debts. and wealthy and healthy and healthy York, where he will'make an exDavid Manners—Adrian Ames Following t h e program plans were tended visit with friends and rela- of months. The latest murder mystery to come and wealthy and . . . . Invitations, issued this week to an made for a paid up membership tives. . f to town i s "The Death Kiss," a proIETIV C. LEVIN, Attorney. event in which Miltie B . was to party, February 13, in the Canton • Fred Sherman, sou of Mr. and duction with its scenes laid entirely 861 Electric Bid*. Tea Garden^ play the leading role, were the cause Mrs. Philip Sherman; 1704 Douglas To HELEN LAGOS. Non-iesident defen:within the setting of a motion, picstreet, graduated froth the Univer- dant. ture studio. Outside of the tensely of much discussion, many questionTou are hereby notified ttiat on the 20tli sity of Nebraska, at Lincoln, a t theday interesting plot, the locale of the ing his fitness for the part. He won of December. 1932, MAYPEE'S OUTMid-Year' graduating exercises. He FITTIKG COMPANY, commenced an acstudio provides a new interest, not out only because the field was limited to Les. D., Abe S. and Miltie. tion against you In the Municipal Court of found in most pictures. Lester Heeger, 916 16th street, received h i s Bachelor of Science De- Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and Bela Lugosi, of "Dracula" fame, Lea being given a minor but indis- was. re-elected president of the. Ivre gree, in the College of Business Ad- filed in Doc. G7, Page 190, praying SOT 4 judgment for merchandise sold in sum of lises to new heights in bis role in pensable part; Abe S. will collect the dub, at a meeting Monday night, in ministration. $70.80 and that the sum of $33.00 In the tips. "The Death Kiss." possession of Cecil Shopen Jr.. belonging the Martin hotel. - Jack Lipman was The former Sally G. (we don't to you has been garnisheed and attached. A program of short features, comelected vice-president; Leon DobrofTou are hereby notified that said stun know h e r new last name) w a s in edy and news completes the program, of $33.60 -was ordered paid into court And town for • a brief stay this - week, sky, secretary, and John Levin, ^ A large number of the Shaare that this cause was continued unto ^ Fri•which starts Saturday, Feb. 4. .. • 10, 1933, at » A. M. tor t i e looking lovelier than ever, with a treasurer. Zion Ladies Auxiliary will attend day, February of securing service upon yon by The election w a s followed by a the Inter-city conference of Conserv- purpose colffpte beautiful, but suspiciously publication, and yon are to take notice that unless you appear or answer a default smoker. golden. ative Auxiliaries on Wednesday, judgment •will be taken against for the Jerry Pill says that the last one February 8, in Omaha, where the sum of $70.80 and costs. NOW PLAYING Louis Heeger announces a com-organizations of that city, Lincoln, Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 18th day to pay their two buck's is a dirty "GRAND HOTEL" January, 1833. plete line of Kosher cored meats, Des Moines, and Sioux City will be Ot MAYPEKS name. OUTFITTING COMPANY, With fish, cheeses, fancy groceries and represented. A Corporation. By M. Mayper, President. John Barry more—Lionel Barrymore fruits, at the Sioux Delicatessen at Mrs. Barney Baron is the official 1-20-33-St. Joan Crawford—Greta Garbo 817 West Seventh street, the owner- delegate from Sioux City's Auxiliary. Wallace Beery ship of which he recently assumed. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin has been asked PKEUP M. XLCTZNICK 65» Omaha National Bask Bid*. A t the Lowest Prices Ever Shown by the Omaha hostesses to compose feabbi Theodore N . Lewis was the several songs appropriate for the NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OV TUES., WED., THURS. principal speaker at the Hadassah occasion. "NORTHIAND BEA1TI COMJMN1"* "RACKETY RAX" Notice Is hereby given that we, the unmembership luncheon Tuesday noon, With dersigned, have associated ourselves toin the Jewish Community Center. He gether for the purpose of forming a corVictor McLaglen and poration to be Known as the "Northland spoke on the work of the Hadassah Greta Nissen Realty Company." It shall commence busiin Palestine, and told, of the im- Four one -act plays will be pre- Sioux City chapter o f the Work- ness at the time of the filing of the Arti"Grand Hotel," with a truly "mil- provements there made possible only sented by the Jewish Community men's Circle participated in the or-cles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas Connty, Nebraska, and lion-dollar" cast, is the feature this by the efforts of the Hadassah. Center Dramatic club, next Monday ganization of a branch of the orcontinue for a period of fiftv years. The week at the Iowa theater.. Five evening, February 6, in the Center ganization in Lincoln, last Sunday. principal place of doinp business shall be Following the address, Miss Beu*stars instead of one shine i n the Auditorium. The first, "A Night Mr. J. Guttleman and Mrs. J. Zelig- in Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature lah Kay played several violin solos, of the business shall be realty business In picturization of Vicki Baum's novel nil of its phases. The capital stock shall at the p iano b y Seret- Out," will be given by Paul Sper- son were official delegates from the be ?10,000.00 divided into shares o£ 100.00 and play, and have succeeded in mak- accompanied ling and Harry Liberman. Sioux City group to Lincoln. ta Krigsten. A playlet, • "On the each. The affairs of the company shall be ing it the biggest box office attrac- Lot" was presented by Rebecca StillA scene from "Journey's End" managed by a Board of Directors of not less than two nor more than five memtion of the season. will be presented with a cast of Ben man and Rudy Shindler." , bers, who shall elect from their number a ' "Rackety Rax," which starts TuesGinsberg and Morris Rifkin. President, Yice-PresiCent, Secretary and Mrs. R. H. Emlein presided at the "Is Political Emancipation Treasurer. The annual meeting of the day, i s a hilarious satire on a New "On the Lot" will be offered with Enough?" will be Rabbi Lewis' ser- corporation shall be held on the third Yetk racketeer's attempt to "muscle luncheon and meeting. Rebecca Stillman and Rudy Shind- mon subject this evening. The ser-Monday of January of each year. Special meetings may he called by the President in" on the tremendous gate receipts ler taking part. mon will deal with Pinsker's "Auto upon notice as President. Articles may be of college football. ^'The Fatal Necklace" will be given Emancipation." amended upon the affirmative vote of twothirds vote of the outstanding stock. The Honor Roll of the Religious IN WITNESS WHE11EOF, the parties The. regular meeting of the Mount with the cast including Ed Sperling, Marie Osheroff, Earl Novich, Inez School for the month of January in- hereunto set their hands this 3rd day of Sinai Sisterhood will be hel<i this LAST TIME TODAY noon in the Annex of the Temple. Leaf, and Rosabel Wigodsky. Ad- clude the following children: Jack January, 193.1. SAM ZWEIBACK mission to the plays will ten cents. Douglas Fairbanks, Jiv Krueger, Harold Grueskin, Marjorie The meeting will be preceded by a PHILIP M..KLUTZXICK. Miss Florence Coates is' directing In the presence of: E. J. HOLDSBERG. Weinberg, Betty Silverberg, Dorothy l-13-33-4k 1 o'clock luncheon. the casts, and Henry Friedman i s T F S TOUGH TO BE FAMOUS" Davis, Robert Cohen, Robert Marx, Students of Morningside College stage manager. and Bernard Rosenthal; Haskell Lazere, ntADF.NnCRG, STALMASTKR & BEBEK Dramatic club will present two short LORETTA YOUNG 050 Omaha National Bank lil Miriam Barish, Milton Galinsky, plays, "London Derry Air" and "AlLeah Rose Newman. in most Trouble." Following these, NOTICE OF A'MENDSIENT Of ARTI"PLAY GIRL" Dr. Willis Cook, head of the dra CIJES OF INCORPORATION OF FIDEt-ITX OW> LINE INSURANCE COM matic department, will speak. SAT., SUN., MON., TUES. PANT. Mrs. Sam Mosow and Mrs. A. I. For the First Time in Sioux City Notice is hereby given that at a meeting Miss Bertha Heshelow will preof the stockholders of the Fidelity Old Line "TRAILING THE KILLER" Sacks are in charge of the luncheon. The Sioux City Hebrew school and sent ten pupils in a piano recital on Insurance Company held on tho 20th day Mrs. Louis Agranoff will preside. the Hebrew Mother's club will give of 1032, Article II of the ArtiA n Epic of American Nature, in the Saturday afternoon, February 4, in clesDecember, of Incorporation was amended to read their annual banquet on Sunday eve- her home. Raw—Not a Travelogue as follows: ning, February 12> «in the Jewish "AKTICLE II. Nature of Business. The Also Another Surprise Hit Among those who participated corporation is formed for the purpose, and Community Center. "Trailing the Killer," the amazing were Marion Shiloff, Harriet Levine, it shall have power to issue insurance upon A specially arranged program by the lives of individuals, including endowtpicture of animal life in the primiFern Shafton and Sart Silver. Car- ments and annuities, and every insurance the children of the Hebrew school olin Raskin presented a reading and thereto tive, unconquered regions of Amerpertaining, ns specified In sub-diwill be presented, in addition to a dance. vision 2, Section 44-401 of Article IV of the ica's northwest, has a dramatic story, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1929, program of addresses. in addition t o affording spectacular and/or for the purpose of insuring lives Parents of the children in the against bodily injury, or death by accident, PH1XIP M. KLtfTZNICK, Attorney. thrills. Over a year was spent in and against disablement resulting from GoO Omaha National Bank Bids. Hebrew school are urged by the sickness, nnd every insurance pertaining making this animal adventure picpresident, Mr. Jack- London, to re- T%,F\ A- *OST, doing business as the thereto, including quarantine and identifiture and it has proven itself to be cation, as in sub-divison 3, SecSpecializing in Chinese and serve this date, and attend the ban- Minden Transfer Compnny, non-resident ton 44-401 provided of Article IV of the Compiled the finest picture of its type ever defendant: quet. Mrs. Ben Sherman, 1508 Doug- Notice American Dishes of Nebraska for 1929. It shall la hereby given that pursuant to Statutes produced. Herman Haymaker, famed also have the power to sell service conlast street, is in charge of the res-S? order of attachment Issued out of the tracts for funeral supplies and supplies for for his direction of the Rin Tin Tin Municipal Court of the City of Omnha, FEATURING ervations. transactions relating to burial beneDouglas County, Nebraska, in an action other pictures, i s also the director for such certificates may provide cash pending in the said Court, herein, the Ne- fits, ska during the life of the certificate, P£5 "l°wa Truck Terminal, Inc., is plain- benefits "Trailing the Killer." it may also issue certificates of partiin '*a n m B< A* Tost > flolnff business ns and cipation which, under the terms thereof, Minden TranBfer Company, is defendant, to will provide funeral benefits in money, serrecover of &31.40. a writ of at- vices, discounts, After the theater, dine and dance nln ntthe w aBum s funeral supplies, or serissued and levied upon the vices, Including services "The Modern Inquisition fn Pol i?fi ? of undertakers or to the music of Lee Herzoff and his following described property: Certain embalmers, all as is provided in Senate and, Germany and -Elsewhere," "will moneys in possession ct the Employers orchestra at the Canton Tea Garden. File No. 170 of the Compiled Statutes of Dancing 6:30 P. M. to be the subject of Rabbi Rabinowitz' Fire Insurance Company, and that said Nebraska for 1929, as enacted by the 1931 Dorothy Pierson, foremost juvenile case was on the return date of the sum-session Of the legislature." 1:30 A.M. sermon this evening. mona issued therein, continued for trial to FIDELITY OLD LINE entertainer in the midwest, appears Mr. E . E . Baron spoke a? thethaSrd day of March, less, at 9 o. m, INSURANCE COMPANY, -. foEBRASKA-lOTfrA. TRUCK each Saturday- night. Dancing from I' Sat; 6:30 P. M. to2 A. M. 1 -synagogue last Friday on'f'Econoniy By LLOYD DORT, President. HAROLD. FAEBER, Secretary. 6-3Q to 1:30 o'clock every night. in Government," - -—— ~^_ 1-30.33.4^ XtM
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Hokka Chynik
"Omah aTs .Most ;-8eautif^t?MoTn©'jfor • Funerals" Funerals "To Fit J\jny Ipurse Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third
BY F . B . K.
smo are danger roads you've gotten by on smooth •rfeile roads were mostly dry. But look aoiri Slippery driving days are ahead. Y* risks are multiplied. Better change at once tosure-grippingnewGoodyear All-Weathers. They'll protect you all whiter, save you money on repairs and delays, and still be like new for spring and summer. So trade in your smooth tires this week! SEE bow Goodyear puta TRAC-L TION in the center—bift fanak* Mock* of rubber — keen-edged '• —deep-slotted — to dig in, trip, and hold. More stop! The All-' Weather Tread is a big reason) why millions more people rid* on Goodyear Tires. Gome l a «•»' well demonstrate!
Center Traction Safety!
B'nai Brith Meeting to Be Held Tuesday
. tires
t nai
Jr. Hadassah
£ -
lio^ walaes possible because Goodyear buUdei «he most tires—by millions! ~ lifetime Guaranteed
Re-Elected President
»w\ Sopertwist Ciord Tires Esch
Inter-City Conference
9 .f S S.5?
4.50-21 4.75-19, 5.0S-19.
fe.6!® 9.1*
Rabbi T. N. Lewis Speaks, at Luncheon
To Present Plays at Center Monday
in FIB.
Guaranteed Tire Vulcanizing Good Used Tires, $1 and Up
Delegates to Lincoln
Mount Sinai Temple
Date for Talmud Torah Banquet Set
In Recital
f DINE and DANCE 1
LEE HERZOFE Shaare Zion Synagogue \ arid His Orchestra I
Cor. 17th and Capitol Are* :: •.;
• •--• - ' O m a h a , N e b r .
Phone AT. 642H "
• -..;-_ T;