February 10, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of the

Knttred us Seconcl-Cai ' Post office ot Omaha. Ne

> Matter on January 27, 1SZL, at •!- binder the Act of March 8, 1SOT


Vol XI—No. 2


Federation Presidents

LWISE FORUM SPEAKER ON FEBRUARY 22 Noted Jewish Rabbi to Talk on "Must Cities Be Corrupt"

Administrative Discrimination Certain, Even If No Leg. islative Sanction Berlin (J. T. A.).—The tension of the' Jewish population in Germany, living in great anxiety since the elevation' of Adolph Hitler to the chancellorship, has been considerably increased as sporadic Nazi attacks occur. The Jewish population fears that the policy to be pursued by the antiSemitic Nazis will be administrative discrimination against the Jews, even if no legislative sanction is obtained. Thus, Nazis have been given the posts of minister of education -and superintendent 6t state theaters, beDr. Philip Sher ing the first step, it is believed, Honorary President toward sweeping the Jews from educational institutions and state theaters. With no concrete knowledge of the extent to wMch those who oppose Hitler's anti-Semitic policy will seek to hinder it, Jewish leaders are entertaining grave fears for the future. Dr. A. Romm, 58, an Omaha phyThey fear that the new elections will sician, for almost thirty years, died further entrench Hitler in power, BO suddenly of a heart attack at bis that a Nazi government will be per- home, 101 South Fifty-fifth street, mitted to remain in office for a con- last Saturday morning. Funeral sersiderable periods In such an eventual- vices were held Monday at the home, ity, Nazi ministers will not hesitate with burial in the Beth Hamedrosh to carry out their anti-Semitic pol- cemetery. " Kabbi Uri Miller offiicy, it is believed. ciated. The .rector of Breslau university He is survived by his wife; a son, has acceded to the demand of Nazis Arthur; four daughters, Mrs. Gerand withdrew the plain clothes police trude Babkin of New Yorkj £uih, which had been stationed on the cam- Elsie and Pauline, all of Omaha. pus following disturbances during the Dr. Romm was born in Russia lectures of the Jewish professor, and came to this country when 18 Cohn. This necessitated Professor years old. He studied medicine in Conn suspending his lectures. the east, coming to Omaha - to lie. German • Jews are. not, however, gin practice. leaving Germany: jen masse, as reDr. Komm was known as-a Talported by the National Socialist par- mudist and has one of the >iofest J i ty's - Voe^iHehei^^fieiriBaefeter*' -^-fe—He- was acstead, they gave warning that they tive in communal and organization will -combat any attempt made to work. At -the time of the Batfour - bring about the withdrawal of its declaration he was head of the local rights. Zionist movement and presided over The situation is more serious in the celebration meeting. His HadasPrussia than elsewhere, in view- of sah- and Zionist friends are having the fact that Captain Hermann Goer- thirty trees planted in Palestine in ing, the Nazi leader in favor of ex- his honor. His and his wife's names treme measures against the Jews, has are already inscribed in the Golden been appointed minister of interior, Book; with control of the police.

Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New York, fiery leader in civic and Jewish life and one of American Jewry's outstanding" orators, will fepeak on "Must Cities Be Corrupt?" before the "Com-: munity forum at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday evening, February 22. ..:. Recently Dr. -lAse became the cen^ ter of a controveSial Btorm in world Jewry when as leader of the Amer- - The four-city conference which ican Jewish Congress he called a was to be held at the J. C. C. last convention for •Geneva where it was Wednesday by the Conservative Syndetermined to" hold * world Jewish agogue Auxiliary was postponed because of the weather.- The confercongress in 1934. He has also taken a prominent ence will be held instead on WednesWilliam L. Holzman role in fighting the corruption in day, March 8, with the same program as planned, it was decided at President of Federation New York" city politics. a board meeting Wednesday afterHe is Rabbi of the Free Synagogue noon. in New York and president of the Jewish institute, awl is a descendant of a long line of Tabbis; who bave been notably active in Jewish life, in the German-speaking lands of Europe. - Mrs. Brana Coren, 80, a resident Dr. Wise was one of the founders The varsity basketball team will of Omaha for 40 years, died early of the Zionist movement and was Monday morning at the home of a himself the founder of the Zionist attempt to achieve their twentieth daughter, Mrs. Robert Nalibow, fol- Organization of AnJerica. At differ- victory of the season when they tangle with the Haines Electric lowing a "week's illness. ent times he has been the president She is survived by .one son, Meyer thereof, and was its representative in quintet Sunday, February 12, at Coren; four daughters, Mrs. Mary relation to the Versailles peace con- 3:15 p. m. The girls will play the Knights of Telpner, Mrs. Sam Greenberg, Mrs. ference. Columbus girls at 2:15 p. m. SunLouis Stern and Mrs. Nalibow, all In 1922 Dr. Wise founded the Jew- day. of Omaha.; 16 grandchildren and 12 ish Institute of Religion, a school great ^grandchildren. The varsity defeated Plattsmouth, Funeral services were held Mon- of training f or the' Jewish ministry 53 to 26, on Wednesday, February day afternoon at the Jewish funeral and for leadership • in • the field of 1, with the playing of "Boggy" and Last home, with burial in Golden Hill education and social service, and has Captain Gerlick featuring. cemetery- Eabbi Uri Miller offi- remained its president since that Sunday they were defeated by the Des Moines J. C. C. 47 to 37. Lou ciated. Pallbearers were the f ollow- time. ing"'"* great grandchildren: Henry He was also one of the founders Weiner was outstanding in offense Coren, Max Greenberg,- Dave Green- of the American Jewish Congress and and defense, and Morris Franklin was berg, .Louis Shafton, Henry Stern served as its presiaent a number of good on offense, . terms. v. On February 5 the J . C C; girls h$Si Stern. '

Postpone Auxiliary 4-Qty Conference


JACOB ADLER DIES OF HEART ATTACK Jacob -Adler, 67, passed away on Monday, Jan. 30, due to a heart attack. Burial was in the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery Tuesday. • . :•' •'• •:•• ' . ••- '•••.•• -.

He is survived by his widow; one EOn, Louis Adler of Omaha; seven daughters—Mrs. Harry Trustin, Mrs. Ben Binder, Mrs. L F. Goodman and Mrs. Fred Brodkey, \ all of Omaha; Mrs. Mamie Block of Rockfprd, III.; Mrs. Will S. Rips of San Antonio, Texas, and Miss Evelyn Adler, who is attending school at New York City; two brothers, David Adler of Omaha, and Oscar Adler of Philadelphia, and one sister, Sarah, of New York City. Mr. Adler was a resident of Omaha for 40 years, being engaged in the commission business until his retirement three years ago.

Valentine Motif for Auxiliary Dance A Valentine motif will "be featured at the benefit dance to be given by Mrs. H. S. Novitsky*s group of the Conservative Synagogue auxiliary on Sunday evening, February 12, at the J. C. C. Assisting Mrs. Novitsky are Mrs. Sam Green and Mrs. Jack Bramson as co-chairmen, and the Mesdames Meyer Beber, Joseph Cohn, Sam Cohn, John Faier, Herman Krasne, David Potash, Irvin Stabnaster, Ruth Sterling, Albert Wohlner, Sam Wolf and William Racusin. "Ab" Kaiman will be master of ceremonies, and Gene Cooper's orchestra will play. A novelty program has been arranged, with the featured entertainers "Esther Leaf, pianist, and her husband, Harry Du Boff. Proceeds will defray this group's share of a one thousand dollar fund being raised by the auxiliary.

Special Series for ,. Omaha Hebrew GRib Sam Klaver, chairman of the intellectual advancement committee of the Omaha Hebrew club, is preparing a series of social and education al meetings for members of the organization. J. J. Friedman will address the members on Sunday, February 12, with a review of "From Vilna to Hollywood."


Istambul (J. T. AO.—-A campaign for the abolition of the Jewish Sabbath, as well as the Mohammedan Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—The i • cargo ship in Palestine owned by a and the Christian, was inaugurated . Tew was launched on her maiden by the Turkish Parliamentarian, Yunus Nady Bey. voyage from Jaffa to Cyprus.

Abe Goldstein

Ihmorary Vice-Presidents

Sire. Hairy. Lapidug.

Harry $. Zimmaa

Annual Reports; Directors for Trust

Mr*. Morrla Levy

Other Officers Re-elected Sigmund Livingston of Chicago Speaks on AntirDefamation

William L. Holzman was federation were chosen by a comunanimously re-elected president mittee consisting of Harry Wolf, of the Jewish Community Cen- chairman; Dr. A. Greenberg, J. H. Jack W. Marer and Mrs. ter and Welfare Federation at Kulakofsky, Schwartz. Nominations for the the annual meeting held Tues- Philip seven members of the Lapidus trust day evening at the Center. fund were made from the floor. A good-sized crowd attended Lee Green sang several vocal sedespite the extreme inclemency lections, accompanied at the piano of the weather . . . manifesting by Mrs. Henry Monsky. a deep interest in the Jewish Sigmund Livingston Speaker communal work of the Federa- Following the business meeting, Sigmund Livingston, prominent Chition. All of the other officers were cago attorney and chairman of the Brith anti-defamation league, also unanimously re-elected. The B'nai which he founded twenty years ago, list: delivered an address on the work of William L. Holzman, presi- the league. He was introduced by dent. Sam Beber, president of the District Henry Monsky, 1st Yice- No. 6 of the B'nai Brith. President. "The most effective way to comSam Beber, 2nd Viee-Presi- bat race prejudice is to reach the dent 'blacksmiths of public opinion'," Mr. Mrs. Louis Neveleff, 3rd Livingston stated. "Most prejudice is the result of 'stereotypes' imVice-President. pressed upon the plastic minds nf Harry Silverman, Secretary. children and can be eradicated by Abe Goldisteiii, Treasurer. y ^ honorary "offices: " to fhe Holy 3fame^A. C. .girls, the 4( ntional prejudice «f-pt*pj p Dr. Philip Sher, Honorary ple The ranking girls' team in Omaha, 36 i or in general is not with malice President. to 16. bitterness, but is merely the result ^f Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus, ignorance or neglect or carelessness." The speaker pointed out how up Mrs. Morris Levy, and Harry B. Zimman, Honorary Vice- to the formation of the anti-defamation league there bad been no conPresidents. sistent effort to combat and counter-




Orthodox Jewry of Omaha launchAbe Dandy, grocer, passed ed its spiritual and ethical program, and took its place as an important away suddenly of- heart trouble last factor inc rthe communal life of the week. Burial was in the Golden dty last Sunday when it formally Hill cemetery. He is survived by his widow, Besinstalled Eabbi T7ri Miller as religious leader of the Vaad H'Oehr, sie, and one brother, Joe Dandy. or "United Orthodox Synagogues. The ceremonies took place in the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago Sts^ which was filled to capacity with members of the various congregations and local and out of town visitors. The installation address was delivered by Babbi Saul Silber, president of the Hebrew The ological college of Chicago, and a former instructor of Rabbi Miller's. Rabbi Silber pleaded elotmently for a united Omaha Jewry irrespective of congregational affiliations, urging steadfastness to the traditional faith. Responding with a short address Rabbi Miller pledged himself to sustain and ci>uivate the ideals of Orthodox Judaism. Other addresses were made by Rabbi A. Cardon, vice-president of the Hebrew Theological college, and Rabbi J. Greenberg, dean of the college, giving a brief resume of the colorful career of Rabbi Miller as a scholar and spiritual leader, and urging support for him in his new work. Greetings were brought from their congregations by Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Israel Harry Silverman and Rabbi David Goldstein of the Conservative Synagogue. Both warmly welcomed the new rabbi to Omaha. Harry Marcus, president of the Vaad, spoke briefly and Rabbi H. Feldman of Omaha offered a few congratulatory Temarks. Cantor Abraham Scbwaczkin of B'nai Israel Synagogue and his choir rendered several selections. William Milder was chairman of the arrangements committee, assisted by L Morgenstern, H. Weiner, N. Levinson, S. Ravitz, I. Goldstein, J. Kirscheribaum and M. Middleman. Installation ceremonies were concluded with a banquet Sunday evening at the Jewish Community Center followed by a program of speeches by prominent members of Omaha Jewry, Rabbi Miller and several of his former teachers of the Hebrew Theological school in Chicago. More than 450 were present at the banquet, which was presided over by Ben E. Kazlowsky as toastmaster. Short welcoming addresses were given by William Holzman, Henry Monsky and Irvin Stalmaster. A few remarks were made by Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the women's auxiliary, of the Vaad, under whose 8am Setae jrponsorsliip the banquet was given.


Lapidus Trust Fond Directors act prejudices against the Jewish Seven men were chosen for a two- people. ' year term on the board of directors "The league," stated Livingston, of the Harry H. Lapidus community "is not militant; its purpose is edutrust fund. They are: cational. We must be missionaries, to convert those prejudiced and to Max M. Barish, David Blacker, get them to see reason and right." Dave Goldman, J. J. Greenberg, He gave illustrations of how the Philip M. Klutznick, Harry Malminds of the young are poisoned in ashock and Harry Trnstin. These are in addition to the ten infancy and how the anti-defamation life members of the board, chosen by league acts in altering these condithe Lapidus memorial committee last tions. He listed :f onr waves or classes of week. These ten are: prejudice -against the Jewish people: Sam Beber, Abe Goldstein, Dr. First, *eBgious prejudice, which fed A. Greenberg, William L. Holzon the assumption that the Jew was man, J. H. Knlakofsky, Henry responsible for the tragedy at Cai« Monsky, Dr. Philip Sher, Irvin vary^ second, the prejudice generated Stalmaster, Harry A. Wolf and in the Middle Ages, when the Jews Harry B. Zimman. were Testricted and were forced to Reports Rendered become tradesmen and money-lendThe annual reports were rendered ers; third, political and economic at the meeting, depicting the remark- prejudice, started in the days of Bisable accomplishments of the J. C. C. marck, and fourth, conventional prej-» and Federation in the face of dimin- udice. ished income. William Holzman gave the annual president's message and report. Jacob S. Fearlstien, executive director, reported on the work and problems of the Federation. J. H. Kulakofsky reported for the Jew- M. Selicow was re-elected president ish Free Loan society, in the absence of the Mutual Loan association. Othof Harry A. Wolf, chairman, who er officers chosen were: was out of the city. Dr. A. GreenA. Forman, vice president; S. Stein, merg told of plans for the annual secretary, and M. Crouse, treasurer; Philanthropic drive, to be held in S. Lipp, L. Gitlin, H. Zorinsky, S. less than three months. Zusman and H. Sesnick, board of The nominations for officers of the directors.


Federation Vice-Presidents

Mrs. L. Nsveletl

Henxj Monsky

, FEBRUARY 10, 1933


ent, is returning to AmericaIsaacson, a versatile chap, an excel- urchasing a low priced life insur- port of the President's Commission Arthur Goodman, who authored "If lent radio announcer and a •violinist ance contract and making the trust on Social Trends." The sessions of the child study Booth Had Missed," has" a new oneof no mean ability . . . . t o Cantor fund your beneficiary . . . a suggesEdgar and the Tifereth Israel choir tion worthy of your consideration. group will be resumed next Tuesday, on General Grant. . Don't fail to tune in Sunday to continue for five consecutive weeks, for their song rendition of Hebrew M. R. Werner, biographer of BryPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by morning, 9:15 a.m., for the broad- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chairman, has melodies in their broadcast of the an, Bamum, etc., has three new biogTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY raphies with publishers, waiting for Jewish hour every Sunday over sta- cast of the Jewish Hour over KOIL announced. tion KOS . . . to the degree team . . and if you enjoy the program, Although the Council's annual card "better times. of: fhe lodge which exemplified the send a card, or .letter to station party is still three weeks off, con$2.50 Subscription Price,* one" year - * - - - - - - Donald Friede—of Covici Friede, ritual work to the* class . . . and toKOIL or the Jewish Community Cen- siderable interest is already evident '' Advertising rates Furnished on application the well-known publishing firm, has our own Phil Klutznick, who held ter, which sponsors the programs. in plans being made by members and Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building . THIS IS IMPORTANT! . . . friends to attend the affair, to be just returned from Majorca, the the interest of the vast crowd with Telephone-: ATlantic 1450 hsld Monday evening, February 27, Spanish possession, which of late has his interesting talk on the subject, at the Jewish Community Center. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center become a rendezvous for artists, and 'The Ultimate Goal." . . . There will be tables for both auction DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor he declares that these expatriated This and That PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - . - - - - - -Editor and contract, and table prizes, as American intelligentsia, spend their The dean of ticket sellers for charFANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent well as a valuable door prize. Mrs. time in drinking parties, where the ity benefits, and possessing one of ANN PILL - - - - - - i- Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent I. W. Rosenblatt is general chairmain objective besides drinking is the kindest hearts among the Jewish man, in charge of arrangements, and trying to imitate the peacock screech. women of the city - . . Mrs. B. A. i THE CHALLENGE Mrs. David Goldman and committee (Ethel) Simon . . . appearing at afThe Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation of fairs again after an illness of sev- Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity of will have charge of refreshments. eral weeks . . . welcome, energetic Creighton university presented WilOmaha paid high dividends to Omaha Jewry at the annual meetEthel! . . . Frank Lipp "mooning" liam L. Holzman with a gold key and ing last Tuesday evening, dividends not in dollars and cents but of with M. J., a Kansas City "kitty." an embossed certificate emblematic of A. Schlaifer Elected more lasting and eternal benefit... concrete evidences of the . . . That young local lawyer hav- his choice as "Omaha's Outstanding Head of I. W. L. A. ing the "jitters" (nervous) over a Jewish Citizen for 1932," at a formal strengthening of human souls and the deepening of Jewish spiritThe Independent's Workmen's coquettish coed from Madison, Wir. banquet at the J. C. C. Wednesday Loan association of the South Side ual values during a time of jeopardy. Though unprecedented con. ••. . Dave Segelman, until recently :vening. This is the first year the elected the following officers at their ditions taxed our human and material resources to the utmost, the one of our- confirmed "bachies," fraternity sponsored the award, and By "Ab" Kaiman meeting: moved ta Seattle, Wash., and seized they plan to make it an annual event. annual Federation successfully accomplished a Herculean task, especially A. Schlaif er, president: L. Wolfone of Seattle's "sizzlers" for a life- Holzman was named for the honor son, vice-president; in relief work, during the past twelve months. Goodman Meyertime agreement (I said agreement. by a committee composed of Mrs. L. son, treasurer; and You Be Dere, Baron? M. Tatelman, This annual meeting marks a stopping-off point, a time for We Vill top this column with the final not argument) her name is (orNeveleff, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, secretary. an appraisal and inventory of our social, philanthropic and educa- announcement of the dance Sunday was) Josephine Holzman. Ask Rabbi Frederick Cohn, David Blacker, The directors are H. Dworsky, B. tional work in Omaha. From our reviews we can deduce the trend evening at'the Center auditorium . . . Mrs. Dave (Insurance) Greenberg for and Jacob S. Pearlstien. Kazlowsky, S. Kraft, B. Gerelick, The presentation was made by and Ben Martin. The installation of our efforts and gain knowledge as how to plan for the future. Group 8 of the Conservative syna- information concerning the fortunate Philip M. Klutznick, an alumnus and of officers will be held at the South gogue auxiliary raising funds to meet young lady. . . . The terrific drain upon our people during the depression has given their quota former president of the chapter. Side J. C. C , 25th and J., Sunday. twixt Dave B. and Rose B. . . . and Valentine Julius Bisno, present head of the fraus ample warning of the social conditions which will confront us decorations, a dancespecial band, including pow it appears to be smoldering. .presided. in the months to come. The Jewish people are being strenuously well known radio entertainers, a "dis- A woman of culture and refinement ternity Sisterhood Current The invocation was given by Rabbi and exceptional musical ability; aster of ceremonies" and prize and affected by the vast changes we are undergoing. Thus, the Fedand the benediction by Rabbi Topics waltzes and during the Mrs. Sarah Levinson, mother of Mat-Cohn eration report unmistakenably tells us that our. job is growing . . . stealing Are you inter- Goldstein. Rabbi Uri Miller made a intermission a selected group of thias Levinson. Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen and we must grow with it. The Jewish community has invested songs by the popular artist, Harry ested in similes ? take mine few brief remarks. The members of "The Irrepressible Conflict," with and only a dollar a for instance: "Her eyes were as keen the committee selecting the awards particular reference to Germany and huge sums, tremendous energy, hours upon hours of unselfish, DuBoff . \ ere introduced. couple Russia as the subject of his lecture humble news-gath- as a hotel detective" and "As busy loyal labor that our Jewish Center and our Federation and our ac- erer wouldn'tyour for the Current Topics group under miss it, so why should as a lipstick at a frat dance" tivities be permeated with a true Jewish spirit and Jewish con- you? yours. . . . Jule Bisno the auspices of the Temple Israel This chatter column, while now send me Council of Jewish 1 Sisterhood, at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday sciousness. We have invested our very soul into this consolidated not a direct participant in local poli- is receiving the "razoo" because of gal from Yazoo (it's a town in Women morning at the Blackstone. venture of philanthropic, social and educational activities . . . these tics, takes an interest in the coming the so yo'all kaint take Since there are only four more city election because of theMississippi) institutions now represent our Jewish life in the community. We candidacy and incidentally who one it, eh?" of Harry Trustin To conclude a three months' study lectures in the series and since the cannot, must not give them up now. of the most popular young men inis that Chicago dazzler yo' been of the tariff and its relation to eco-subjects discussed are of such vital the city M. K. and his nomic conditions, the civic and legis- interest, the Sisterhood urges the his sterling record as "totin"' 'round? Our job is so challenging that there can be no such thing as commander of the local American r'frau" are jubilant the firs' lative section of the Omaha Council public to take advantage of Mr. passive acquiescence—-a dynamic attitude is vital. The members Legion post, at that time one of the in the family scheduled to arriv of Jewish Women will hear a talk by Cohn's current topic addresses. Each of our community must not dissipate our available power in in- largest in the country, . . . his work soon . . . and such a busy hubb> L. A. Cusack, head of the economic lecture is complete by itself. They behalf of war veterans and un- • . . he is one of the big little gol department of Creighton university, are held each second and fourth dividual, unplanned, unorganized activities but must pool and con- in selfish service to his own people has "aces" at the Highland Country club Wednesday, February 15, at 3 p.m.Tuesday in the month. centrate their efforts toward obtaining the highest returns from stamped him as one of our most . . . P. S. (not a postscript) an at the Jewish Community Center. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Samuel Gilinsky, Harney 7088, our federation work. I t is patently the communal duty and ob- worthy young citizens his "honey lamb" are marking tinv The speaker's subject will be "The Harry's at the Blackstone the day of the ligation of every member of the Jewish community, especially in candidacy has been endorsed by lead- for the arrival of their initial bless- Tariff and Present Economic Condi- or civic groups. . . . Incidentally, ing . . . he is the credit man for a tions," in which he will discuss the lecture. this hour of need on the part of our fellow-men, to do his or her ing every man and woman should reg- local furniture •establishment and sh effect of the tariff on foreign trade, Book review group 4 will meet utmost in aiding our Jewish communal work,, for which the Fed- ister for the city election it is a former premier danseuse and danc and the present plight of industry February 11, at the home eration is our able spokesman* a civic duty. Marlene Dietrich. ing instructor easy to guess and agriculture. A round-table dis- Saturday, cussion will follow. The meeting is of Mrs. T. A. Tully, 3008 Lincoln the movie actress, she of the "per- wasn't it? Blvd. Miss Rosaline Pizer will reopen to all Council members. fect understanding" . . . wearing A Suggestion view "Josephus," by Lionel Feuchttrousers as a conservative measure The formation of the Harry H. Because of the severe weather, American", occupying no less than p wanger. . . . but hasn't she (as well as othLapidus community trust fund, which this Tuesday's current topic discusii half of ^the'/editorial page. Group 2 will meet Saturday, FebF. Pl'jC quietly calls Mr. Hearst's er women) been wearing the trou- was completed last week, comes as a sion has been postponed until ths ruary 18, at the home of Mrs. M. M. fitting memorial to the memory of next regular meeting of the group sers prior to the fad? Through attention to the fact that the page Barish, 912 Mercer Park road. Miss opposite t o the editorial page, the the courtesy of Mr. Stanley Brown, our former leader -. . . consult your on February 21, when Rabbi David Martha Lippett will review "Magfeature :page, contains a number of district manager of the Nebraska insurance counselor with a view of A. Goldstein will speak on "The Re- nolia Street." were privshort articles, most of them written Publix treaters Notice -is hereby given that on the 1st by Englishmen., Among, them are ileged to attend a private screening By DAVID SCHWARTZ day of Jannary. 1933, the total outstanding the Al Jolson latest film, ""Halleindebtedness of Overland Securities CorChesterton^ Huxley, Havelock Ellis, of poration, a Nebraska corporation, -with its lujah, I'm a Bum" . . . Jolson scores Bertrand Russell, etc. principal place of business in Omaha, was: with this picture by introducing a secured. $58,«a33; unsecured, S228.7H. ON A BUS If we should buy everything Amer- revolutionary idea to picture making H. A. WOLF. President A Jewish acquaintance from an- ican, it seems Mr. Hearst should also Attest: K. H. BROWN, Secretary. H. A. WOI,F, other city [ tells me the following buy all of his." literary wares from with a story that is done almost enH. H. AUEBBACH, story. Said,it occurred while he was Americans, urges F. P. A. very just- tirely in rhythmic dialogue or muK. H. BROWN, sical rhyme . . . also enjoyed the Reproductions of the on a sightseeing bus in New York. ly. Majority of Directors. * . But it occurs to me that I've read it A PRELIMINARY BARRAGE Cantor film, "The Kid From Spain" Famous Notice is hereby piven that on the 1st . . . similar to his former picture, day of January, 1933, the total outstanding' somewhere. Anyway, according to F. P. A. might have added that it "Whoopee" . . . the bullfight seindebtedness of the Overlard Realty Co.; a the story, some man from the inid- is said that these papers also purNebraska corporation with its principal place of business in Omaha, was: secured, dlewest, whom we will call X and chase much of their wood pulp from quence introduces Sidney Franklin, the famous Jewish bullfighter . . . . ?13,020.57; unsecured, ?0S3.02. Mrs. X were listening with interest Canadian sources. And Canada as H. A. WOLF, President Warm Reception in Chilly Town as the guide was pointing" out the yet is not in the United States. Attest: H_H. AUERBACH, Secretary. Des Moines, Iowa, . . . the city of H*A. WOLF, various sights. The whole "Buy American" drive hospitality . . . where a glad hand is H. H. AUERBACH, U. H. BROWN, "That's Vanderbilt's mansion," cried is merely, of course, but a prelim- sincerely extended to all visitors . . . Majority of Directors. out the guide. inary barrage to a further effort to rise and salute Mrs. Max Mayer, diNotice is hereby given that on the 1st "Cornelius Vanderbilt's 1" queried raise the tariff. Foreign trade, the rector of the J. C. C. in Des Monies day of January, 1933, the total outstanding K. indebtedness of the Standard Development commerce department reports, fell off . . . who was nominated for the 1932 in the Co., a Nebraska corporation, with its prin*"No, William," came back the 65 per cent last year. Des Moines Tribune community servcipal pinee of business in Omnhn. WHS Grand Manner guide. S130,S20.0'J; secured, $9S,74S.96; unseenred, Mr. Hearst would apparently like ice award . . . offered yearly in rec$32,072. "And that's the Astor mansion." to see it completely annulled. ognition of unselfish public service American reproductions of H. A. WOLF, President. "John Jacob?" queried X again. Attest: 3. A. C. KENNEDY. Secretary. this sensational new jewduring the year . . . Mrs. Mayer is a THIS AND THAT H. A. WOLF. "No, Vincent," replied the guide. elry . . . done in white Edward Ginsberg with the co-op- beautiful example of Jewish womanA. W. GORI>ON. 'stones Instead of dia"And that Christ's church." J. A. C. KENNEDY, eration of the New York board of hood, who has devoted her time and monds, bat faithfully exMajority of Directors. "Now, hold there!" cried Mrs. Xeducation is to launch educational effort to all worthy projects in her ecuted to preserve till of Notice is hereby given that on the 1st to her husband. "Don't ask.him— movies in various foreign languages. their striking originality, day of January, 1933, the total outstanding community. Congratulations to you'll probably be wrong again." and modernism. Sketched "Of Thee I Sing" in this year of Jack Wolfe, a wideawake young chap indebtedness of Candyland, Inc.. a Nebraska corporation with its principal plac« of —comet necklace ($25) depression has grossed nearly a mil- who is building up the Iowa News, F. P. A. CALLS ATTENTION businesE in Omnha, was: secured, $8,180.15; and star earrings ($1). unsecured, $7,596.42. F. P. A., the Jewish columnist of lion for the' Georgei Kaufman-Mor- a contemporary weekly . . . which BR A7VUKIS—Flrxt Floor J. BIiAETUS, President. the Herald-Tribune, asks an embar- ris Ryskind company. has stimulated active interest in Des Attest: R. H. BROWN, Secretary. rassing question of the Hearst pa3. BLAKTUS, Max Lowenthal, member of theMoines Jewry. . . . And to Louis R. H. BROWN, pers, in their "Buy American" prop- Wickersham commission, is a t work Ansher, the retiring president of the Majority of Directors. aganda. The Hearst papers, at least on the composition of some legal B'nai Brith lodge, who was . greatly Notice is hereby given that on the 1st in New York, have been running tome. responsible for the membership inday of January, 1933, the total outstanding large box car editorials with "Buy indebtedness of Eastern Mortgage and Louis Fischer, Moscow correspond- crease and the elimination of the Loan Company, a Nebraska corporation, with its principal place of business in lodge's indebtedness . to Lloyd Omaha, was: secured, ?67,702.CO; unsecured,





EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Watches Cleaned _.. ..$1.00 WHY PAY MORE?

B. H. BIERL JEWELER 2234 Farnam St. JA. 9439

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CLOYD'S BODY and Fender Works VERN CLOYD, Prop. AT. 0866 821 No. 16th We Rebuild Wrecks completely. We Roll Dents and Fenders for Better Job. Also CHEVROLET and REO SERVICE. - Duco Finishing, Trimming Brake Service

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That 9«if

Shoe Comfort Iff you hav« your shoes 1 repaired at the

STANDARD 'Shoe Repair Co. I. X. KRAGK. Plop

1610 Farnun St.

DAMP WASH 17 Lbs., 80c Additional Pounds



anel Collection of jewelry

BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Ron

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COKE Best .Grade—Forked Clean . Small ]n° Size, but Larce In Heat A BIO SAVING TO COKE DSEK&





•AT 4444|


Wisdom is oetter for a country than the weapons of war. But ignorance even among a small number is £ great loss to a country. Train a child according to its tendencies, and even when he is old he will not depart from it. The words of the wise spoken in quiet are more acceptable than, the cry of a ruler among fools.

of Nebraska Women Tryi

Whosoever keepeth his mouth,: and bis tongue, keepeth his soul from trouble. |> ' • ' '. • Jtteih my feet=in.-the stocks, He putteth He markeiih all my piths".(stocks).; • '•• • ' "



- i ' - ' v ^ ' M

A leader of a community* is not to be appointed unless the community is consulted first.


The future world will not be like this world. In the future world there will be neither eating nor drinking nor business npr envy nor hatred nor competition; Only the rfehieoos will sit with their .crowns upon: their heads, and will enjoy Divine Glory.

You'll Get Around Better With

BOWS on Your TOES AMY bright girl knows that . a bow on the foot is bound to be worth any number of beaux on the phone . . . so does L Miller who decorates four of his spring* models in this fatal manner. Sketched: Seamiest Kid Pump in iVew Blue

5490.82. H. A. WOLF, President Attest: H. H. ATJERBACH, Secretory.* H. A. WOLF, H. H. A0ERBACH, R. H. BROWN, Majority of Directors. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of January, 1933, the total outstanding indebtedness of Western Mortgage and Fi* nance Co., a Nebraska corporation, with its iwincipal place of business in Omaha, was: secured, $80,507.98; unsecured, J971.42. H. A. WOLF, President Attest: H. H. AUERBACH, Secretary. H. A. WOLF, H. H. AUERRACH, R. H. BROTVN, Majority of Directors. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of Jannary, 1833, the total outstanding indebtedness of Southern Mortgage and Finance Co., a Nebraska corporation, with its principal place of business in Omaha, was: secured, ?7»,701.83; nnseenred, $5,489.44. H. A. WOLF, President Attest: H. H. AUKRBACH, Secretary. H. A. WOLF, H. H. AtTEItBACH, B. H. BROWN, Majority of Directors. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that op, the 1st, day of January. J»33, the total outstanding; indebtedness of Turner Court Realty CO:,' a Nebraska Corporation, with its principal: place of business in Omahn, was :; secured, 180,933.82; unsecured. $2.48<5.C>2. >j A. H. BRODKET, Bresident. Attest: H. H. ACERBACH. ij A. H. BRODKiET. * H. H. ACEIU5ACH, ' 2-10-33-lt. Majority of Directors. Notice is hereby given thnt on the 1st day of January, 1933, the total outstanding indebtedness of Overland Mortgage and Finance Co., a Nebraska corporation, with its principal place of business in Omahn, was: secured $32,980.71; unsecured, $3,778.00. ' H. A. WOLF, President. Attest: Hi H. ADEUBACH, Secretary.' H. A. WOLF. H. H. ACTEUBACH, " K. H. BBOWN. •

Majority of Director*.

vforfcft r«i/«it Not*;

Plan to Visit

«« Stories H/gft

A Century of Progress and stay ai the

MORRISON H M Chicago World's Fair of 1933 — from Jun« to November. Donf mi«« Mm thrilling review of the scientific and industrial achievement'ot'oar presanrag*. ByitayingattheMorrtaoa you or* right in Ihe MDHH O* Mttagt in Chicago. In the "heart ot the loop," ttf Morrison is near ihop&, theohtnt, and railroad stations. All rooms are outside with bath, Servkiof, efirvkrt. : big Ice-woter and bed'bead reeding lamp. Automatic garoa* facilitie*. A ortoi Itofe! IU o gree? tflyl '

2500 ROOMS—$2.50 tTP LEONARD KICKS Mnnvpinp Director

MORRlSiOH HOTEL Madison and Clark Streets



PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAT, FEBRUARY 10, 1933 BOOK TEA TO BE GALA Deep Bock Oils; Rhoda Gilinsky, Services will, jstart promptly a t 8 SOCIAL AFFAIR Evelyn Bhunenthal and Martha Himo'clock, and Rabbi Miller will speak NATIONAL One of the "largest; of-the month's •melstein. • on "The Permanent In Religion." social affairs will i>eL the book tea to The winner will.be. known as "Miss This will- be a discussion of the - asACCESSORIES, INC. be given by Mrs." Mose Yousem's Psi' Mu," and entries" close tonight. pects of Judaism that are subject to IItwnimnTwiniiiiiiiiiiuimn iil.illiHI»HiiHnHnHinBHP group of - the Conservative synagogue Gene Cooper's orchestra wfil play "Everything for the a changing social and economic life auxiliary at Hthe Blackstone hotel on Sunday.' and those remaining constant in a -',.[-_ 20S1 Famam—AT. S524 Monday afternoon, February 2(T," at A beautiful diamond dinner, ring, changing environment. It will ba a 3 o'clock, 'yrhen three hundred mrnen as well as several gifts, wuT be preRabbi Frederick <k>hn will speak- on continuation of the series, "First are expected to attend.' ; '. - sented to the winner, of/the popular"The Fountain"; at services at Tem- Principles in American Orthodox Judaism." The Re/. Laurance Plank "of the ity .conteist. ." ple Israel this, evening.. "Y<rar Old Hat Made New :F^rSt' Unitarian'' church" "will-"be ifie * Satur&y. nTprning'iis topic will be Saturday morning Rabbi Miller will :r speaker/for tKe afternoon,, reviewing Save a Dollar or Two" / g F ^ d L " Tlie i following children speak in the Adass Yeshurim synaparticipate'Si the Sabbath morn- gogue, where his subject will deal Jsabel Paterso.n*s newestnoveV l5?fey-: OMAHA HAT FACTORY 113 North IBIII Street tng serviceB':""-•;.. "*•" " -.'"''•. •" i with the Bible portion of the week. Oppodite VmA Office literary ^Guild's sele<&<mTd^ Janu: "Note—AH items must be Joy Yousem, Ira Jackson, Adolph ED KAPLAN. Mannrw so that they reach the aryUnder -the sponsorship of Rabbi Laytin, Jeanette Marks, Mildred Berrhvnr ATlnntic VSS» There is always a best way of doANTJ WE M ILL CALL Press office' by 5 p.m. Assisting Mrs. Yousem will he Mrs. Uri Miller, a young men's organiza- kowitz, Julius Nathan, Joel Abra- ing everything, if it be to boil an egg. lay to insure publication Sunday, Feb. .12.—-2 p. TO., Vaad Harry A. .Wolf, who will.be in charge tion is now being .formed which will hamson, William Goetz, Ruth Som- —Emerson. Auxiliary meeting, B'liai Israel of tickets at the door, and Mrs. J. EL .serve as -a junior adjunct to the berg, Richard Josephson and Isabel Katelman. Rose Billy Tolle will sing synagogue; 3 p. m., Psi Mu mat- Kulakofsky, who is to introduce Rev; present Vaad H'Oehr.. "All young men interested are in- a solo. K-BERNSTEIN inee dance, J. C.'.C; 3 p. m., Heb- Mr. Plank. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky rew club meeting,. J. C. C.;',9 p. and Mrs. David A. Goldstein will vited and urged to attend an organKaddish will be recited this week a m^ dance, Conservative Syna- preside at the tea tables at which a izational meeting to be held at the for Lena Rosenfeld, Jacob Rosenfeld, 1 Mrs. Harry Bernstein trf J; C. C. Tuesday evening, February i., announce the marriage of gogue auxiliary, Group 8, J. :C. color scheme of red and white will be "21, at 8 p. mu," Rabbi Miller stated. Solomon L Mayman and Augusta E. C. auditorium. " . . ! carried out in flowers and tapers. Rotholz. <ghter, Helen, to Harold C. Monday, Feb. 13.—2 p." m., BiFifteen members of-Mrs. Yousem's son of Mr. Louis Wohlner kur Cholim, J. C. C. / v committee are «o-operating on the Iowa,* on Wednesday afterTuesday, Feb. 14—2:30- p. m., ticket sale, and tickets win also be bruary 8, at the home nf Deborah society, %J. C. G.;_ 10:30 obtainable at the door on t i e day of This -evening we begin the observivid A. Goldstein, who ofY d . . . there is something NEW! N e w and Irrea. m., Sisterhood Current ,TopicB, the affair. ance -of Chamisha Oser B'Shevat, the . "J iistible . . . Spring's Coats and SHKSI Thoy hcve ide was. attended by her Blaekstone. A new Ladies' Workmen- Circle Jewish arbor day or New Year for deta^table capes . . . detachable scarfs . . . they the trees. Parents are urged t e cele5ss Bess Bernstein, and the :-:' Wednesday, Feb. 154--3 p; m., TO ATTEND DINNER DANCE branch was organized at Lincoln, are taUored . . . and fur trimmed! . . . some ere { his brother, Norman. The Council. Civics and Legislative IN SIOUX CITY Neb., with appropriate installation brate the day in the traditional manMrs. fiarold Barish and the Misses ceremonies and banquet a week ago ner of serving Palestinian bruits. very swaggerish with that grand massuline airl j inarried in an afternoon group, J. C. C.; 7:30 p. m., Tem-.'.' Sylvia Rethkbvitz, Sara Forman, Syl- Sunday. At sarvices this evening Rabbi Da(chartreuse, and' i a d brown ple history class, Temple. Sunday, Feb. 19-^8 p. m., Tea,; via Giventer, Dorothy Kaplan and was done by the vid A. Goldstein 'will speak on a • ^ - - ; . v ^ . ; ' . . C ' V . :•'••••:••••. The installing Fourth Floor ' honeymoon in Kansas Gity sponsored by Ladies Free Loan; Hazey Zavett "and Annette Bender, midwest district committee of the theme appropriate to the day. His the yg young couple will Mrs. Lindheim,. auspices of Con- sponsor of the Iota Tau sorority, Workmen's Circle, consisting: of S. subject is "Zion—the Way to Jewservative Synagogue, afternoon leave Sunday morning for Sioux City, Lapp, secretary, M. Crounse.and L. ish Salvation." He will discuss rerlxome in Tabor. .and evening. Iowa, to attend the Alpha'chapter's Witkin. ligion and labor in Palestine. Coming—Wednesday evening, "dinner-dance to be given at Hotel Next week Rabbi Goldstein will HN-SHAFTON Simon Goldner of Lincoln Branch Feb."22—Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Martin in the Wigwam room. An base his sermon on the great hiss 399 was chairman and M. Novicoff, • Community Forum. afternoon dancing party is to be giv- toastmaster. torical novel, ' 'Josephus,' by Lionel >rtha Shafton, daughter of en Sunday afternoon in honor of the Feuchtwanger. The officers of the new branch, t s . A. Shafton, became the Omaha guests and their friends. which will be known as Branch S99E, ben. Goffstein, son of Mrs. They expect to return Monday. are Mrs. H. Goldberg, chairman; Miss &ein, Saterday evening: at tained for thirty children Saturday The first meeting of the month was * of the bride's parents, afternoon on the occasion of the held last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Belle Gordon, finance secretary; Mrs. Services will be held this Friday fid A. Goldstein performed ninth birthday;, of their twins, Betty Barish. Plans for the annual rushing' S. Goldstein, recording secretary, and evening at the B'nai Israel synain the presence of the and Eddie. Harriet Saylan and DorMrs. J. Cison, treasurer. gogue, with Rabbi .Uri Miller an.1 othy Ring won the girls* prizes, and season were discussed. families, Cantor A. Schwaczkin officiating. Bridge followed the business meetlde wore a beige' dress Maynard. Saylan .and Eddie Shrago ing", "With Dorothy Kaplan winning •n gold and brown. Deco- won the boys' prizes. -first prize. . A six o'clock dinner was } pink and white were "carThe Jewish History class at Tem- In Every City There Is served by Mrs. Barish. iroughout the* house. Fol- MOVE INTO-NEW-HOME ple Israel will ioeet * t the Temple ;s ceremony, a^ buffet *sup— Mr. and- Mrs.--Aaron Rips and faxn- PLEDGES AND Wednesday evening, February 15. sryed: Mr. Ed Krause will lead the dise had been outstanding in ily_-have moved into.their.-new home, OFFICERS NAMED cussion of the. 23rd and 24th chapNorth' Fifty-eighth street. Kappa Tau of Central high school nd was"a 'prominent mem? 11 " •*~* ***" re-elected Miss Naomi Bordy .pfesi- ters of Graetr's History, VoL 1. . C' and "high school teams. VISITING HERE dent at a meeting held at the home s L extended honeymoon trip rough the east, the couple Mrs. Walter Schimmel of St. Louis of Miss Bordy. Other officers elect| their home in Albany, N'. 13 visiting here"' with her mother, ed we're Miss Marva Cohn, vice presMrs. Doffie Pollack "Elgutter. ident; Miss Alma -Feblpwite, secreIn Omaha It Is < The annual city handball.Iwurnatary; Miss Shirley. Fiedler, treasFOR VISIT . -urer, and Miss JeanBeber, histo- ment-'Sj^onsored by the" World-Herr. K-AbLER atd -will be held - at the. J. C. C. Mrs.^*s£nford ^kohlberg has left rian. PRICES REDUCED r^an^indennite .visit -with her par- •i .The group has pledged the Misses courts starting: Sunday, Febr. 12. ; l Mrs. Joseph Adler" anCash niid Carry, Snits , Cleaned and Pressed Sarah Sterling, Marian Wiesman, Joengagement and apprbaoi- "ents"m-MflwaukeeT Wis. Salonka.—The emigration of Jews sephine Rubnitz, Gertrude Bloch, Libige of their daughter,'HelPressed __. from Greece, particularly from, Saiby Fishberg and Elaine Schlaifer. Snits t Si ab J. Michnick, son "of Mr. RETURNS HOME" lonica and Cavalla, continues without Cleaned and Pressed "Eli Michnick of Council • Miss"Mifiam Helen Martin,, daughhalt The majority of the emiva. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, TO INSTALL PLEDGES >( grants go to Palestine. The -unemPhi Beta Epsilon ^fraternity of a of the "wedding has been returned home several days ago from ployment is responsible for the .emiPhone AT. 2211 Creighton university will climax "proJiday, March 5. Beverly Hills, Calif," because of the' illness of her sister, Cecilia, who is bation week" Saturday night with" an gration. informal initiation "of nine pledges. NNOUNCEMENTS confined in a local hospital* Mrs. A. M.' Gruaskin anMiss • Martin - attended - the Uni- Tfie formal/initiation will be ield , . i birth of a son- on Febru- versity of Southern California for next week. A formal dinner-dance will be held •Me Lutheran hospital. the past year and a half, where she furthered''her work in education; Saturday, February 18, at the SeI Mrs. A. L; Frank of New started at the University of Ne- ville room of the Knights of Columbus, honoring the new members. ( announce the birth of a braska. iner Henry, on January 3.4. fcnk, formerly Ida Fleisch"- BRIDGE WINNERS . \ " iaha, is the daughter of Mrs. Harry Du . Boff and Mrs!IrsJ J. J. Fleischer of 3060 Claude Griffey won top honors' in' m Eternally u s e f u l . . . eternally becoming . . . the black drat with touches of WhHe! A n d our new spring avenue, Omaha. the north and . south division of the showing already has an enviable reputationl . « . s Fleischer of Omaha,. a duplicate contract bridge tournament The Psi Mu popularity contest'will spending two weeks with sponsored" by Mrs.' David Ferer at get under way at the matinee dance gamed Ihieugh beauKful materials . . . sk^led cutin New York City. ting . . . exquisite detaill ^ the Athletic club Wednesday after- at-the J,. C. C. this Sunday. \. '.. noon. ' East and west" honors were "' The iolk»wing ~can6Udates'"have Sizes 12 to 46 PARTY •tfbn by Miss Ruth Kr^sneandTMisir, tered: I Sara Baum, representing the Otkers $25 to $98 JS Mr£ :W. Kuklin enter- Sylvia~ y Bluffs! Zebin "of .Council. B l n f f & ; i . Junior tHadassah^7 Rose' Abrarn'sj l i e Mrs. F. - H. Roddy'iand Mrs. J. jlazomir Singing society; Mariaii ••• -, B e t t e r D r e s i S e c t i o n — S i x t h F l o o r '.->.'.•. Abrahamsbn won- the'' monthly Jprizel Robinson, Sigma Kappa Chi; Rose Tournaments will be held every Moskoyitz, Fa Hon; Esther Weiner,* Wednesday a t 1:30 at i h e Athletic The Nebraska gives you great]ly consolidated libraries of club. \ Council of Jewish Women er—far greater VALUES in Community Center, now lo- ON BUYING TRIP strictly NEW clothes—it's a r be second floor of the Cen- Miss Rae Borsky of a local store jadded the following new left on a buynig trip and wffl return Special Tebruary Prices biwness proposition to get the in ten days. "in the past few, days: Shampoo and Finger Wave or most for your clothes money. ers"..._—-—Sinclair Lewis Marcel 75c • of Life"-....-.Fannie Hurst BENEFIT DANCE Shampoo, Finger Wave and nd Isolde"__John Erskine Jeanette Resnick and Myna FreedHenna Kinse or Arch_~_$l.W> ester's Daughter"..man are sponsoring a benefit dance Oil Manicure for Dry or „ ...._ Edith Oliver at Paul Spores on Sunday, February Peeling Nails 50c 19, with all proceeds going to Junior tha End"....—-._.:.::-:.105 South 18th St. „ Isabel Paterson Hadassah. The charge is one dollar JA. 6398 and AT. 321« ' ._;....Phyllis Bentley per •couple. For reservations call either Atlantic 4288 or Atlantic 8193. der the Water".. -.^Frances Bret Young icnic" Ann Bridges ^....JLionel Feuchtwanger ;Fair"_Laetitia McDonald ckatoo"—.Mignon Eberhart Js Our Trespasses"™... „„ .Lloyd C. Douglas Arrive"...._Edith Wharton : t Monte Carlo"............::.. HOWARD «rf 16th. E. Philips Oppenheim aoks, now on the circuf, are to be had at three We are in a position to offer you something that , or at a minimum charge no one else can do for you.

Religious Services Temple




Omahans Install New Workmen Circle Group

\ - ; . [



. - " . , - '













Jewish History Class

Handball Meet at





Newi White On Black Dresses




-'"* *


Hundreds of New Arrivals in The Nebraska's Superb


|l that we have as conating of the new books as ating library in the city, \pe that those desirous of Che newest books will vis'fer library and avail themhis opportunity," said Mrs. ; library - chairman for the


n Visit to lates Postponed !>r. Charm Weizmann, forlent of the World Zionist now on a visit here, to the United States as scheduled, aann's visit to the United not. been called off en^ewish Telegraphic Agency possibility that his visit be postponed and that J \ie to this country in the I ' May. "'" j

Men's and Young Men's

We Will Build and Finance Your Home up to


of the Value of House and Lot

Doll Up Your Appetite TTfls food lost its delicious flavor? Has meal-time become a routine or - * a habit instead of a palatable pleasvire? The inexpensive bnt choice mentis -." at the Jack and Jill LwiU doll up - r. your appetite . . . .cozy surround- _>': ings and satisfying service will add ' zest to your appetite.

Our homes are the best, our prices are competitive.

i Think of buying the NEW in Nebraska's standard quality dotties at such low price.

j i

Your monthly payments are less than building and loan payments . . . . $8.56 per $1,000.

For Additional Information Call


A Suggestion for Any Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak

Served while mm Idaho baked In the procrss / l%fl potato, ntlced of cookine . . I i f L. tamato, brad Piping: bat. butter..



A.H JA1614

I 492 Bntndeis Theater Bldg. f

j !


s t

Mahatma Gandhi, on hunger strike in jail, gains many disputed i>oints for Indian "untouchables"

Eamon de Valora succeeds William T. Cosgrave as president of Irish Free State.

Amy Johnson flies from London to South Africa in record-breaking time Premiers MacDonald, left, of Great Britain, and Her riot, right, of France. k further moratorium on foreign debts. England pays, France doea not

**/ Saiancl Insuil companies collapse: he is arrested m Greoce Governor Franklin V. Roosevelt of New York, nominated for president by Democrat*, and Speaker John If. Garner, nominated for vice president, defeat President Herbert Hoover and Vice President Charles Curtis. ?>

Libby Holman Reynolds, indicted ' , - . . _ — , . „ - , #^^^1 following death of husband. Smith •> - ^ H H H B V - ' Al Capone sent to AtlanU federal n eyn olds. inset. ahsoli«t «-h*.« **»«* «»_ J>^ . -— nenilentinrv ^™££^«L2 Premier •nrorosh. Inttka* of Japan penttent.»rv Amelia Earhart Putnam >s first wom- James A Mollison. first successfully drops prosecution fatally shot by terrorists. an to ir.ak'e solo flight o\er Atlantic to fly Atlantic solo cast to west. Republican convention, Chicago.

Democratic convention, Chicago.

Solar eclipse thrills many Americans and Canadians.

Bonus marchers evicted, from Washington Charles Augustus Lind bergb. Jr.. above^ son of Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, insets, kidnaped night of M a r c h 1. After •Kortd-wide search, body of slain child is found near Lindberg-h estate, Hopewell. N J- Second child, a son, is born some months later in New York City.

perish in explosion of workhoat ferry Observation, East river, New York.

Farmers' strike begins in Iowa. Milo Reno, inset, leader

Japanese shell and occupy native Shanghai as well as Manchuria*

Mrs Granville Forteseue. her son-in-law Lieut Thomas Massie, and two enlisted sailors. E J. Lord and A O Jones, charged in Honolulu with kidnaping and slaying1 young Hawaiian, accused with four others of having attacked Mrs. Thalia Massie, are convicted but pardoned Left to right Lord. Jones. Mrs. Fortcscue. Mrs. Massie. Lieut Massie.

Funeral procession of President Paul Doumer, inset, of France, assassinated by Paul Goruouloff, later executed ©n Euillotine. Albert Lebrnn succeeds as president.


Julius Rosenwald

Florenz Ziegfcld

John Philip Sousa

George Eastman


Samuel Seabury, left, shown examining Mayor James J. Walker of New York, leads investigation of city affairs, resulting in resignation W Walker.

Senora Plutarco Eliaa Callcs

Oe^en Mills, left, succeeds Andrew Mellon, right, aa secretary of V. S. treasury—McJIon succeeding Charies G. Davres; ' ' inset, aa ambassador to Oreat Britain^ " ! - * •'

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, above,] resigns because of age from U. S.1 supreme court: succeeded by Jwdec' Benjamin Natharre&rjloza, bjplow, of EJt-Quecn 5flpni«

Paul Bern (Jean Harlow*s husband)

Senator Wesley L Jones, "5 and 10" la^r author

MaJ. Gen. Enoch ^-Congressman John H. Crftwder ^^'ulato

Ivar Xrcujcr

Rocke. Kdward Allen, left, scion of aristocratic PbdatUaphia tamlly, la free* ak


K o r r W w w a , P a , c t slayi&s « U t « r c « Ivt* steter. ; Ml8sBoa)B A l l e n , . r t s a t . , ; , .


Report ot Executive Director (Rendered at Annual Federation Meeting.)


has been an important factor in furthering the Center's program. I shall not discuss the problem of the Jewish philanthropies. You will hear on this subject from Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of the Jewish philanthropies committee, and also from' our distinguished guest, who represents one of the beneficiary agencies of the philanthropies. But I do wish to point to one outstanding achievement, for which the philanthropies may claim just credit. 1 refer to the splendid progress made during the past year by the Talmud Torah. To Max Barish, the president; to Mr. Katz, the principal and director of the school, and to Rabbi Goldstein, chairman of the educational committee—to these gentlemen belongs much of the credit for the general improvements in the Talmud Torah. But this continued progress can be sustained only if the Jewish philanthropies is able to continue the financial support given to the Talmud Torah at the present time.

Annual Report of Federation President


(Rendered at Annual Federation Meeting.)


Bikur Cholhn A regular meeting of the Bikur ChoKm Society will be held Monday! afternoon at 2 o'clock at the J. C. C. Eabbi Uri Miller will speak at the meeting. j This will be an open meeting, and all members are urged to attend and bring their friends.

Jewish Hour Sponsored by J. C. C. SUNDAY KOIL—9:15 a. m. PROGRAM HAZOMIR SINGING SOCIETY

LEE .GFwEEN, Vocalist

~ Accompanied by MRS. HENRY MQNSKY The time allotted to me in this ing to face a critical situation with It is the custom at the annual In connection with our philanthroPHILIP GEDANKIN, evening's program will not permit me respect to our Center. meeting of our organization for your pies, there will be a special report Violinist to render a report covering the enIt also devolves upon us to avail president to deliver an address and made to you. A regular meeting of the Deborah tire -work t>ftiie past year; much as ourselves more and more of tax supTalk on J. C. C by report on tile activities- during the Society will be held on Tuesday afI must call your attention, howI should, like to enumerate and dis- ported sources for the relief of those past year. Inasmuch, however, as ever, to the fact that while our ac- ternoon, February 14, at the J. C. WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN cuss with you in greater detail the suffering from effects of the economic our director, Mr. Pearlstien, will de- tivities have been successful •and our C. at 2:30 p. m. Eabbi Uri Miller will be the prin- Mrs. Julius Abrahamson-, 2521 No. wide range of activities in which our depression. liver a report, my message to you •work is appreciated and our efforts All members are 53rd, on Monday, February 13, at 1 Federation - is engaged, I can only will be brief. Despite the curtailed budget, the to carry out our program have been cipal speaker. limit my discussion to the most sig- Center, under the leadership of J. p. m. Mr. Bernard Szold will speak Our activities during the past year encouraging, we are more than ever urged to attend. nificant and important problems that W. Marer, nevertheless made subon "Jewish Contributions to Art." have been many. The good work pro- convinced that that which we are doReservations may be made with Mrs. gave us much concern during the stantial gains during the past year— duced through these activities has ing in this building is important to Abrahamson, Walnut 4009. past year. every branch of activity in the Cenestablished without the question of a the welfare of our people in Omaha. The newly-organized women's auxMrs. M. F. Levenson has appointdoubt the worth of our institution. We are, however, faced with a con- iliary of the Vaad H'Oehr will hold Those who are interested, and I ter has increased; the building is Our attendance in this building has dition brought about by the lack of a meeting Sunday afternoon, Febr. ed a special resolutions committee hope many of you are, may turn to being used to a much larger extent increased and during the past year funds which we receive from the 12, at 3 o'clock at the B'nai Israel consisting of the Mesdamos J. Rosthe files of the Jewish Press for next than in recent years. Fine work is 174,800 people have entered and par- Omaha Community Chest. Their bud- synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. enberg, J. J. Friedman and J. M•week, in which you will find a de- being done with the junior groups ticipated in the different events which get does not permit of our receiving tailed summary covering the activi- under the leadership of Justin Wolf; A program of activities for the Erman, to extend an expression of have been held here. While it would as much money as is necessary to year will be outlined and Rabbi Uri sympathy to the Romm family on the ties of the Jewish Community Cen- a pioneering effort of immense poOn behalf of the staff and myself be interesting to enumerate the many carry on our work. Their treasury Miller will speak. Friends of the death of Dr. A. Romm. Hadassah ter and other functional, committees tentialities is the school of music, di rected by. Mrs. Henry Monsky; the I want to thank you, Mr. President, activities, it would require consider- has been depleted by the terrific movement are welcome, and all and Zionist friends have raised a of the Federation. fund for the planting of trees in physical department is attracting the I wish to take this opportunity to business and professional men; th< any many others who have helped able time. I must, however, mention strain put upon it by its different members are urged to attend. No Palestine as a living memorial to Dr. direct your attention and,thought to Center is beginning to take its right- make our task lighter and pleasant. some of the important activities and agencies of which we are one. It cards are being sent. Romm, who was an active Zionist two principal problems, ^hich are: ful place in the community as a We ask for your continued support thank those of our people who have becomes our duty, however, to take worker for many years. and, on our part, pledge our contin aided the various committees and who the bull by the horns, to step forOn the one hand, the growing de- center for social functions. The Jew- ued loyalty and devotion to the work have successfully carried on the work ward and make up the deficit caused Sensuality is the grave of the soul. mands for food, shelter, medical care ish Women's Welfare organization at hand. The Hadassah culture group by the depleted treasury of the assigned to them. —Channing. and other ' services for Jewish fammeet at luncheon at the home of The family welfare committee, a Chest. Each and every one of our ilies in Omaha; and on the other, the people must aid in this work, so that very active committee, looking after constantly diminishing income with the destitute and unfortunate of our we may carry on. If each of us which to meet these and other needs people, has done a remarkable piece •would become a member of our Cenof the Federation; • of work. Their meetings are fre- ter, we could offset the deficit of the During the past year we were quent and under the leadership of Chest and would be enabled to funccalled upon to give aid and service Mrs. H. A. Wolf they have handled tion this coming year without curto twice as many families as the their work with dispatch and effi- tailing any of our activities. year before. The total number of ciency. (Rendered at Annual Federation Meeting Tuesday.) Besides needing your moral supcases cared for by the family welOur auxiliary, the Jewish Wom- port, we must have your financial fare department has more than douThis year, like in many other years, :n's Welfare association, has shown support, and my plea to you this I wish to report on behalf of the bled during the last few months as we have received contributions to the renewed activity during the past year. evening is for your financial supJewish" Free Loan society for the compared with a similar period a fund, to whom we wish to give due As a result of the very fine ball, port. year 1932. year ago. What is most significant •which was both a social and financial BECOME A CENTER MEMBER. credit. They are as follows: Never in the entire history of this i s the new type of case at the pressuccess, this organization under the Omaha National bank (in organization has the Free Loan soent time. There have been coming to NOTICE OF IXDEBTEDNESS memory of H. Lapidus) $ 10.00 leadership of Mrs. Neveleff has conour attention families who had main- ciety had the opportunity to do such Notice is hereby given that on th«> 1st tributed a substantial sum toward the day constructive work and relieve the disI. M. Wintroub (in appreciaof January, 1US3. the total outstanding tained in recent years normal standreduction of our mortgage. indebtedness of Venetian Court Keaity Co., tion of the organizations ards of living, keeping their fam- tress of the people in Omaha as it Nebraska corporation, -with its principul The Center committee has been place of business relief work) _ 5.00 in Omnba, was a swurei] ilies well fed and clothed, paying for had in 1932, as you must appreciate indebtedness of ?7S.(>37.."0. very active under the chairmanship their homes, as well as discharging that the free loan fund extends its Joe Morgan (in memory of his J. H. KULAKOFSKY, Presidpnt, son, Charles) 100.00 of Mr. Jack Marer. (Formerly of the National Cash Register Co.) Attest : H. II. Al'EKRACH, Swretary. their communal obligations. Now the beneficiaries not to the poor who are committee, of J H. KILAKOFSKY. The social service subjects of charity, but to the famRebecca Kairaan, Ex. for the homes are either lost or about to be LOUIS KULAKOFSKY, estate of Fannie Shapiro 5.00 •which Dr. Sher is chairman, has H. H. Al'EUBACH. foreclosed, their natural resources ex- ilies who were themselves embar2-10-33-lt. Majority of Directors. maintained its high standard. rassed and who would not accept hausted, almost entirely dependent on The physical culture committee, charity, but need a temporary fund $120.00 community support. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS to tide them over these distressing The contributions made to this fund president over by Mr. Irvin Levin Notice is hereby given thnt on the 1st You will appreciate that with the times and give them an opportunity during 1931 amounted to $1,256.00. has made progress. day of January, VJ3S. the tot)\l outstanding limited resources at our command t(J ^^ jjfe The senior council, of which Mr. indebtedness of Baird Building: Company. and retain their However, in that sum was the item a Nebraska corporation, with its principal great care needs to be exercised in position in the community. CONSISTING OF— of $1,000, received from the bequest Justin "Wolf is the head, has done place of business in Omaha was a secured dispensing relief. 1 can truthfully effective work. indebtedness of $1.^0.000.00. Since the organization of this so- of Michael Kulakofsky, thus the misH. Al'EUBACH. resident. say that the Federation has not ciety it has made 1,481 individual cellaneous contributions amounted to Our music school, although new, Attest: It. H. H. Brown, Secretary. failed to do its duty. The family loans; it has on its books at this $256, or a trifle more than twice the under the supervision of Mrs. MonH. H. Al'EKBACH, J H. KI'LAKOFSKY, welfare committee (or popularly writing 267 outstanding loans, of amount received in 1932. sky, is making progress, as well as K. H. BROWN, known as the relief committee), which 196 are in good standing, 57 the Players' guild, so ably presided Majority of Directors. r 2-10-33-lt. We cannot urge too strongly the headed by Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, which are slow and delinquent and only 14 importance of this- fund and to be over by Mr. Kaimah. F. R. ACKEKMAN, Attorney. - includes men and women long asso- are extremely old. This report wouK not be complete 490 Brandcls Theatre Bldg. continued as a live instrument that ciated in this work—Dr. A. Greenwithout mentioning our Sunday During 1932 we made 78 new loans it may carry on the work that it is berg, Wm. L. Holzman, Harry Sil- amounting to $11,618.75. The total doing and spread the rays of sun- school. It has. bed!r more than sucNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ; "We will specialize in cash register repairing and. In the County Court of Douglas County, verman, Henry Monsky, Dr. H. capital of the Free Loa"B~ society as light"' imtt""*lIS3JpliW55> cessful undec the "into the hearts Nebrnskn. f ^ the sale of cash register supplies at greatly reIn the Matter of the Estate of Shoul Rips, of January 1, 1932, amounts to $27,- of families who only yesterday were Goldstein. duced prices. Our repair department is under. Deceased. Our athletic department, under the 566.73. The total cost of adminis- able with us to contribute to this All persons interested in said estate are the supervision of factory trained men and all direction of Mr. - Siogolow, is going hereby notified that a petition has been tering this fund, including the book- fund. ' filed in said Court alleging that said der of our work is guaranteed." forward in leaps and bounds. ceased died leavinp no last •will and praykeeping, stationery, printing and the Respectfully submitted, The Needlework guild has been in- ing for administration upon his estate, and JEWISH FREE LOAN that a hearing •will be had on saitl petition A comprehensive, detailed re- collection of the money, was §619.78, strumental in helping our welfare de- before said court on the 4th <lay of March, COMMITTEE, port on the activities of the Jew- against which we received $60.45 in 1933. and that if thpy fail to appear at tsnid H. A. Wolf, Chairman. partment and thanks are due to Mrs. Court on the said 4th day of March. 1933, ish Community Center and Wel- interest and service charge for makB. A. Simon for a good deal of the at 9 o'clock A. M-. to contest said petition, J. H. Kulakofsky, fare Federation will be printed in ing the loans, making a total at the Court may grant th^ same and grant success of the guild. present of $432. The entire net cost David Feder, next week's editioil/of-the Jewish administration of said estate to Bessie S. The staff in the office has been ; ; : Rips or some other suitable person and of operating this fund was $186.83. William Grodinsky. Press. " ' • ' • V , - ; . ]' ~.:-->--•-.:.•. proceed to a settlement thereof. faithful and is deeply interested in BKYCE CKAWFORP. the welfare of our organization. 2-10-33-3t. goal in the extra period iced the County Judge. Hirschman, Dr.. J; A. SWeinberg, Dr. All of our activities have been ably game. M. Margolin, Mr&UL.L}Neveleff, Mrs. supervised by our director, Mr. PearlToo many a self-made man worThe eleventh anniversary of the Adler, Ben Effros and "Hank" J.1 J. Greenberg, Sam Ilavitz, Mrs. Ladies Labor Lyceum club •will be stien. ships his creator. Philip Shir, Blanche vZimman and celebrated at the regular meeting Reikes starred for the A. Z. A. quinIrvin Stalmaster—Saree'met regularly Tuesday evening, February 14, at tet. The A . Z. A. team will leave for and frequently to, Teview cases and 8 p. rn. at the Labor Lyceum. All Kansas City February 24 to ctunadvise treatment. "With Kmited funds? members are invited to come. pete in the district A. Z. A. tournaat iand it is imperative that we scruThe organization wishes to antinize very . carefully every request nounce that on Purim. night, March ment. Those who will probably make for help, and find sources that would, 12, they will give an old-fashioned the trip include Art Adler, Jake while lightening the organization's mock wedding with old-fashioned Adler, Max Turner, Sam Zorin»ky, burden, nevertheless provide the es- music and dances, at the Labor Ly- Ben Effros, Henry Reikes and Si Comar, in addition to Johnny Rosentials of livelihood for needy fam- ceum. senblatt, coach, and Oscar Mayeroilies. wich, manager. - I believe there is considerable confusion in the public mind as to where an. KI-XJTZXICK The Ladies Free Loan Society 650 Omaha National Bank Bail din? the funds from this wprk eome from. celebrate their twelfth anniver- NOTICE OF INCOUPOUAYION OF TED'S The Jewish Philanthropies does not will PEN AND CARD SHOP,- ISC. sary Sunday, February 12, at 8 p. contribute to local' relief work, ex- m., at the J. C. C. An entertaining Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a. corporation tinder cept only insofar as we contribute program has been arranged. Rabbi the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall be Ted's to national institutions rendering di- Uri Miller will speak and refresh- Pen & Card Shop, Inc., with the principal rect service to Omaha. Jews, such as ments will be served. place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The Tgeneral nature of the'TJuglness to ""be tranthe Jewish^ Orphans' 'Home at Clevesacted . and the- - object and purpose for land ; the National" Jewish "hospital which this corporation Is organized is te own. conduct and operate a place 61 busiat Denver, and the Leo N. Levi Mebas- ness for the sale of pens, pencils, greeting morial hospital at Hot Springs. The ketball The Omaha. AZ. A. No. 1 picture frames, cameras, leather team defeated the Nebraska cards, novelties, stationery,_ gloves, lingerie, film funds for local relief come exclu- School for the Deaf alumni in an developing, hosiery-and novelties and a c sively from the Omaha Community extra period game last Friday by a cessories of a like or'kindred character; to lease, bay. sell, exchange and/or enChest. I repeat, this is not fully un- score of 27 t v 24. Jake Adler's field cumber property, both real and personal, derstood, and I believe that it is imto be used for the purposes of its business; and to do all things -which may be necesportant at this time to clarify- this SHOIWELL, MONSKY. GROIMXSKY & sary- and/or proper to. carry out the obVANCE, Attorneys. point. jects and purposes hereinbefore set forth. 737 Omaha Nat ioaal Bank Bid g. dealer has it" is a phrase often The authorized capital stock shall be S10,The 1932 Chest allotment to the 0O0.00 and All of said stock shall be comNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS mon and of the par value of $100.00 per Federation was $4,000 less than for NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st heard . . . and it is true when you go to share and shall be fully paid tip and nonday ot January. 39JB, the total outstanding assessable. 1931; this year we were further cut indebtedness corporation shall comof SOUND SEKVICE SYS- mence doingThe purchase electrical appliances as well as business upon filing of its $8,700 from our total budget for the TEM, INC,- a Nebraska corporation, -with articles with the County Clerk of Dougits principal place of business in Omaha, year 1933, covering the minimuui was R824.29. any other type of merchandise. las County. Nebraska, and shall continue tor a period of fifty years from said date. needs for the relief department and Lv. Omaha 8:30 pm •R. CHANSKY,-President. The highest amount of indebtedness shall Attest: E. SCHWARTZ, Secretary. the Center. not exceed.two-thirds of its capital stock, Ar. Chicago 8:30 am Your hardware dealer, electrical dealer, B. SCHWARTZ, but this restriction shall not include inIn the administration of the FedIt. CHANSKY, debtedness seenred by mortgages or liens. furniture dealer and others have quality Majority of Directors. eration's "finances we aim first of all 2-10-33-lt. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by n Board of Directors, consistto meet the needs in the family welNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS electrical appliances for sal-j. When you ing of not Jess than two members. The NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st annnal fare department, which leaves the day of the corporation shall be or Janunry, 1933, the total outstanding held onmeeting -wish to buy anything electrical,. BUY first Monday in January «f Center resources at a bare minimum. Indebtedness of BESTONE, INC., a Ne- each yearthe or • • . Acre** at which meeting the stockholdbraska corporation, with its principal place ers shall elect We have reaehed the very bottom of a Board of Directors and TROM YOUR DEALER! :»< business in Omaha, Waa $"LCO1U.5G. thereupon the Board shall elect a Presiin the curtailment of the budget necMATE1L H. MONSKY, President. dent, Vice-President. Secretary and TreasMONSKY, Secretary. . essary to maintain and preserve both Attest: PHIL urer. Any two of said offices may be held, MATBUt H- MONSKY, Below are listed a few electrical appliances by one and the same person. These artithe building and:essentials:of a Jew-, PHIL MOXSKY, cles may be amended at any regular or dinner on the train 2-10-33-lt. Majority of Directors. ish 'Community Center program. If special meeting of the stockholders by twowhich you may buy at yourtfiealer'g. thirds vote of tie outstanding stock. Lv. Omaha €:lSpm the relief needs,,will cpntinue mountNOTICE « F INDEBTEDNESS XN WITNESS WHEKEOF the parties NOTICE is hereby given tbat on the 1st .have hereunto subscribed their names this ing . as they have1 during; ;the past day of .January; 1933. The total outstanding Percolator' Refrigerator and farfier arrival in Chicago year,' it must of necessity; diminish indebtedness of INTERSTATE THE- Sth day of February* 1933. W. E. GROH, ATKES,' a Neliraska corporation, available funds for the Center. Many with its INC., L. K. KYAN. 7i0S orn (Ontnrf! Ttaster Ironer Waffle Iron principal office in Omaha, Ne- In ihe presence of: of those who have in the past paid braska; "B-ns $29,4U0.S3. 2-10-33-4t H. MONSKY, President. Oeaner Cooker Philip M. Klutznick. Store for Center privileges are now on the Attest: MAYEH PHH, MOXSKY, Secretary. free list. It is obvious that it deMAYER n . MONSKY, you will enjoy i'HIL MONSKY, volves upon organizations using the Majority of Directors. the advtmtage* of facilities of the Community Center 2-10-23-31. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS and individuals in the community to NOTICE Burlington Service is hereby given that on the 1st Service come to the support of the Center in day of January, 1S)33. the total outstanding of I.II5E11TY FILMS, INC., n this crisis. I do .not wish to appear j indebtedness 821 No. 16th AT. 0866 Courtesy • Service • low fates Nebraska corporation, "with its principal unduly pessimistic, but the trutn place of business in Omaha, was $10.7<>1.36. J. W. S L I I H CUMMI Ace* Welding of; any Idn*! akidsiie, H. MONSKY. President. tAdF must be stated; unless we are able Attest: MAYEIl AY MONSKY, H MNK P i d "A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve and cylinder bead service a spePHIL .Secretary. to mobilize greater resources than MAYHll H. MONSKY, cialty. '„ are at present available, we are go- 2-10-33-11. PHIL MONSKY, MninrHv at

Deborah Society

Vaad Auxiliary



Report on Jewish Free Loan Society


Announce! the Appointment of


General Manager of the Cash Register Department

New and Used Cash Registers^—Scales— Meat Slicers^—Meat Grinders and Coffee Mills Mr. S. H, Singer Says—

Detailed Report Next Week

11th and DOUGLAS

JA. 2724


Ladies Labor Lyceum

Ladies Free Loan

lor All Kinds of



'sgreat train to Chicago the Fast Mail

Perkin's Welding

Nebraska Power


PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1933 the cold weather, but he brought it Mist Dorothy Epstein and Miss the synagogue a tablet upon which Mount Sinai Temple by right along with him. Bess Zeligson. ; will be placed the names of deceased members of the congregation and the What's better than getting a letdates of their Yahrzeits. Everyone is Regular services will be held at ter from your girl? The answer is Mrs. Mollie Chudakoff of Tabor, invited to attend. Mount Sinai Temple this evening at not two letters. It's a letter .from S. D., is visiting at the home of her the President-elect of the U. S. At 8 o'clock. The sermon subject will parents. least Lawrence B., the recipient of be "Changing Conceptions of God." The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 the coveted epistle, acts like he •Last Friday morning, Rabbi Lewis of the Independent Order of <he B»riai' • - : MISS ANNA FILL, Correspondent ' Mrs. Lester Heeger visited this wouldn't trade it for a good looking spoke before the chapel services at week with her brother-in-law and Brith will hold a regular meeting next -blonde, not that we're trying to put Momingside college,, no the subject, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borshevsky, Monday evening, Febr. 15th, at 6:3Q t \iwr \m mrr any ideas into his head or anything. "What Is Judaism.*' o'clock at the Eagles hall. "Are you running around without Hadassah Party Arb6r Day Program any insurance on" may be a good Miss Dora Halpern of Fort Dodge is visiting with relatives in Word has been received here of th« entre; at the right time or place but to Be Held Sunday birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs'. on Monday Solly G. tried it on one of our leadthe city. Irving Rosenberg of Chicago, HI., on ing young matrons at her home and The Junior Hadassah chapter will Children of the Shaare Zion ReFebr. 6th. Mrs. Rosenberg Mrs. Sara Silver and children vis- Monday, The regular B'nai Brith meeting ligious school, the Junior Congrega- give a party to all its paid up mem- he's still picking cement out of his Word has been received here of is the former Miss Evelyn Marks of which was scheduled for last Tues- tion, and the Talmud Torah, will bers Monday evening1 in the Canton teeth; much to the chagrin of her the engagement of Miss Louise E. ited this week-end at the home of Council Bluffs. Mrs. M. L. Marks is well meaning hubby who gave Sol Eiseman of New York City, to Mil- Mr. and Mrs. B. Orlikoff. day but postponed because of in- combine for a Palestine Arbor Day Tea Garden. The program will inexpected to leave Sunday for Chicago and Larry S. the idea. ton G. Adams, eon of Mr. and Mrs. clement weather, will be held next program next Sunday morning in clude dinner, bride and dancing. to visit her daughter. H. P. Adams of New York City. Wednesday evening, February 15, in the synagogue. Miss Helen Friedman visited last The hoard of directors of the Ha- The young lady who is virtually Eiseman is a former resident week with relatives in Omaha. the Jewish Community Center. The program will include the fol- dassah will act as hostesses during the doorkeeper at one of our leading Miss p r . and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill enterMembers of the A. Z. A. chapter, lowing numbers: Violin solos; Sidney the evening. dept. stores, is starting to mumble of- this city. No date for the wedtamed the members of their Evening who plan to participate this month Wasserman; recitation! Helen Gutsweet nothings to '-', herself, a n d i f ding has been set. Mr. Jack Sterling of Omaha is a Bridge club at their home Monday in the intra-city tournament, will tleman; recitation, Frances Harkjw; we'ie not mistaken fsh<>.; has'jast a guest at the A. B. Friedman home. evening. Addresses Teachers tra<e of a wild look: 'h her eye; It The marriage of Miss Fay Laskin, speak before the meeting. Isadore vocal solo, David : Tilevitz; piano The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Mirowitz, contestant in the Orator- solo, Rose Zelihsky. Debate, "ReMiss Rose Pill addressed members all comes from her better half's de- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Laskin Among those who attended the ical division and Herman Wigodsky solved, That Jews in Palestine are of the Piano Teachers' association, layed homecoming from Clear Lake, of Chicago, to William Kaplan, son Junior Chamber of Commerce Train society will hold a meeting next Thursday evening, Febrv 16th, at the and Marvin Klass, who will contend better off than Jews in the United Wednesday noon, at the Y. W. Ci '3L S . 1 ) ; '.,•:_- ' ' -. : of Mrs. Celia Kaplan of this city, dance this week were Mr. and Mrs.Eagles hail. for the debating trophy, will give States," by Charles Shiridler, How- during their regular, monthly meetThe .?neleicent, weather kept many took place Sunday at the home of P. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pill, . their addresses. ard Sacks, Paul Schwartz, and ing/ ••The"; subject ot» her address Omahans from making a much the bride's parents in Chicago. Dav- Ephriam Baron, Milton Bolstein, . Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, president of Charles H. Shihdler. Debate, '?Re^ was' based on a recent magazine-; ar- planned, trip to Sioux City, to par- id Kaplan, brother of the bride- Abe Sadoff, Ida Greeilberg, Serene A tea will be given next Wednesday afternoon, Febr. 15th, at 2:30 tbe lodge, will announce the com- solved, that Jewish youth in;Pales? ticle, "Hebrew Music Comes Into' Its ticipate in the Junior C. C. train groom, :acted as best man and Miss Barrent and Rogie Kozberg. o'clock? by Mrs, Ben F . Kubby and mittees for this year at the meeting. tine has more advantages than Jew- O w n . " ' ' • ; ' : • . • •ride \ which proved very, enjoyable Sally Laskin, sister of the brider ish youth elsewhere," by Sylvia HerMrs. S. Kosberg is visiting in the Mrs. Louis H. Cohen at the home of notwithstanding. The clatter of the was the maid of honor. zoff, Rosanna Dike], Marion Shiloff, home of her son-in-law and daugh- the latter, 447 Forest drive, for the wheels over the tracks always Talmud Torah Banquet and Helen Kantrovich. The Lincoln Come Long Distance .-• train; seem to keep repeating certain words Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grueskin of Senior Hadassah. This affair is open -td Attend School in my ears. Saturday night they Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Oxman and ter, Gettysburg Address, by Earl Wigodto the public. A nominal charge of who moved recently to Minne- Omaha, Nebr. ; The annual Talmud Torah ban- sky. twenty-five cents will be madekept saying "and a honey for you" sons, quet, sponsored by the Hebrew Refreshments will be served by the Three children travel a distance of over and over. Where have we apolis, where they plan to make Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be the Caroline Raskin and Syvia Fried- guest their future home, were guests at a school and the Hebrew •: Mothers' Ladies Auxiliary of the synagogue. fifty miles each, every Sunday of heard them words before. speaker. Numerous readings number of social affairs prior to man will appear with others on the will be given by Mrs. Frank Krasne. club, will be held Sunday evening in the school year to attend Sunday program of the Business and ProPhil and Reva S. were the only their departure. Among their hosts the Jewish Community Center at School at Mount Sinai Temple. fessional Women's club tomorrow Mrs. Herman Marowitz, president of 6:30 o'clock. the Hadassah will pour, and will be Lynn and Joy Dean Arkin come ones to disembark from the train and hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. evening. An elaborate program, including assisted by Mesdames Frank Krasne, to Sioux City every Sunday morning with those (certain) cards unused. Adolph Rosenfeld, 2616 Jones St. We've discovered why E. R. and who entertained at a family dinner musical numbers and special numRichard Gordon and Albert Krasne. from their home in Akron, la., a bers prepared by children of the The Bialik celebration, sponsored distance of thirty miles each way. R. L. are carrying those large paper honoring the Oxman family. Everyone is cordially invited to atTalmud Torah, will be presented. by the Kadima dub, which was They are children of Mr. and Mrs.bags wherever they go., In days tend this tea. The board of directors of the Heb- scheduled for last Monday evening, J. J. Arlrin and grand children of gone by fond mammas of babies of Mrs. Louis Fish, 511 West Twenrew school are urging every parent was postponed because of the in- Mr. and Mrs. M. Brodkey of this the perambulator age carried bags, tieth St., and Mrs. Harry Fish, The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah but for different reasons. E. and R. 1514 Silver, honored Miss Gertrude of children of Hebrew school age to clement weather and will be held city. held its annual Linen Shower and BY F . R. K. attend the banquet and learn of the next Tuesday evening, February 14, Lynn and Joy Dean braved the we have at last discovered are car- Fish of Los Angeles Tuesday eveBridge Party Wednesday afternoon a t •—.+ rying their knitting in said bags. work and importance.of the school. instead. The meeting and proerrain cold weather even last Sunday, when ning at a bridge party in the home the Hotel Chieftain. More than 20 will be given in the social hall of the temperature was 15 degrees be- The makings of gorgeous knitted of the former. Miss Fish is spend- Two gifts are being presented to members attended. Linens received the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue dresses. Zion Synagogue. low zero when they left home. Mr. ing the winter months with her parweek. ~Mrs. E. Marcus presented at this affair will be sent to Palestine. Shaare Zion Synagog theTheShaare program will include songs, and Mrs. Arkin drive them to the Jennie S. is the proud owner of a ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Fish, 1910 this a set of prayer books to the synapoems 'and recitations taken from city. Lynn is in the fourth grade of new violin, we've been told. The Center St. gogue in memory of the first Yahr- Palestine Government's Profit "Palestine in Legend, and Reality" the works of the Hebrew poet. the Temple Sunday School and Joy price of said instrument, we've also will be the subject of Rabbi R. R. Among those who participate in the Dean, the second. been told, runs way tip in three fig- Dr. and Mrs. H. Lazere of Chi- zeit of her mother, who passed away 90,000 Pounds in November Jerusalem.—The Palestine governlast year in Los Angeles, Calif. Ilabinowitz' sermon tonight at nrogram are the Synagogue choir, Betty Silverberg, daughter of Mr. ures. And, Oh Baby! Will Jennie cago, are guests in the city at the Shaare Zion Synagogue. Canton A. Hueben Halnern, Sara Halnern, Ida and Mrs. Sol Silverberg comes from have to practice now, to get her home of the former's parents, Mr. On Sunday afternoon, February 12, ment had a net profit of 90,000 commencing at 2:30 o'clock, Mr. and pounds in November, according to Pliskin and the choir will chant the Heshelow, Mr. A. Tabai, Mrs. Rue-Elk Point every Sunday to Sunday money's worth. and Mrs. H. Lazriowich and Mr. Mrs. S. Shyken will formally present figures published in the Official Gaservice. J. ben Miller, Miss Rebecca Stillman School. Betty is in the third grade And if you've wondered about the and Mrs. William Lazere. to the Chevra B'nai Yisroel society at aette. and Miss Euth Wigodsky. Rabbi and has missed only one Sunday sudden rush for stiff front shirts H..R. Rabinowitz will speak on "The this year, because she was sick. The and formal gowns, it's all for the Miss Dena Baron, 1810 GrandSignificance: of Bialik's Poetry." cold weather never keeps her home Iota Tau Formal Dinner dance that view, visited recently with friends in and she was in the school when the comes off Sunday night at the Wig- Council Bluffs, la. sessions began last Sunday morning. wam, (The Cellar of the Martin "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Chairman for Concert Betty's two brothers, aged five and Hotel). If you can'be patient until Mrs; Omye Maron was hostess to next week we'll let* you know who four, envy her weekly trips to SunFunerals To Fit Any Purse RIALTO the Phi Debs Wednesday evening at was there, what they wore, who day School, and are counting the Mrs. A. H. Baron is the chairman her home. Bridge was followed by LAST TIMES TODAY Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third they were with and why. • the concert to be given this eve- weeks until they can enroll. a late luncheon. Prizes were won "TRAILING THE KILLER" for ning at the Shrine auditorium by also Professor .James Reistrup, pianist. Slim Summerville and Zazu Pitts The concert is sponsored by the Girl Dinner Dance Sunday Scout Council of Sioux City, of in Outstanding on the social calendar which Mrs. Baron is a member. "The Unexpected Father" Mrs.'A, H. Baron and Mrs. E. E. of this week is: the formal dinner Baron attended a council conference dance to be given by the Iota Tau SAT., SUN., MON., and TUES. of the Girl Scouth heldI ihis week in sorority'this Sunday evening, in celWALTER HUSTON ebration of. its, second anniverOmaha. sary. :. The affair will be given in "THE RULING VOICE" the Wigwam at the Martin hotel. • • ' • - • . • • ' • . . a n d Bill Brookings orchestra will furnish ^DISORDERLY CONDUCT" Paintings in Oils the music for dancing. co-starring Receive Recognition Av number of out of town guests Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett will be present at the dinner dance. Coming at a time when Sioux.City A painting * in oils by Miss Mil- Among them will be members of the * is deeply involved in a milk war of its Omaha Chapter of the sorority, of own "The Ruling Voice" should"be of dred Ruth' Baron, daughter of; Mr. which , Mrs. Harold, Barish. is presiand Mrs. Ed Baron of this rityy re-* double interest to all Sioux City theadent. Miss Roma Wigodsky is prester goers. It is a daring expose of ceived recognition recently^ when it ident of the .Sioux City chapter. Mr. was chosen as one of fifteen paintBRAKES stop your wheels but it takes tires that grip the milk racket. Walter Huston plays Ernest \j.: Fribourg •pill be the masthe leading role, as the czar of the ings from a selection of 84 ^o hang ter- of - ceremonies. to stop your car. Smooth tires are like banana peeit Mrs. Fribourg for a year in the Jpslyn Memorial New York milk trust. is the advisor of the chapter. ; on slippery roads. All winter long you need the full in Omaha. The picture is ;bne of Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett Miss Baron's father, and was enterDecorations' and; table appoint. tractiTe grip of new Goodyears. Get this protection have become one of the screens most ed in the Iowa-Nebraska artists ex- ments will; carry out a valentine now. Save money on punctures, repairs, delays. popular teams, and the picture "Disor- hibit . '/ ' *..'•' ; r . theme.derly Conduct" is one of t i e reasons - Miss Baron, who is at ^present for their popularity. c A Value You Get Because Millions painting.the portrait: of Mayor W. P.- Hayes, returned recently from GRANADA More People Buy Goodyears . . . . Chicago where she has made, arLAST TIME TODAY rangements, for a one-man show in "ONE WAY PASSAGE" the.-: Increase-Robinson gallery; in With . . Chicago. She is a graduate of the After; dHckingv(everything 'from William Powell and Kay Francis Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. ; - bullets to brickbats during the past week, we've decided to tone down Abo good old Hokka and let people -forBIG CITY BLUES Cord Tires Heads Cultural Group: give and forget,' for a week at least. Co-starring • . •' We saw Chickie B. in town last Fall Price erf Each Eric Linden and Joan Blondell looking like a million dollars Orertlzi fcS taR Miss Dorothy Mazor, 2928 Jones, week, STARTS SATURDAY carrying part of it right in his was elected president of the Jewish and pocket. He is now making his home PAUL MUNI 4.75-20.. $5.38 S5.X3 Sl.O* 30X3HRC $3.75 $3.63 Cultural league, Sunday evening, in in Duluth, -• i n ' . : • • • , "• Minn., and just came 5.55 5.40 1.15 4.40-21 4.15 3.98 I.O5 5.00-19. the Jewish Community Center. Ru"I AM A FUGITIVE FROM A dolph . Shindler, was named vice down to Sioux City to get away from 150-20. 4.49 4.39 1.00 5.00-20_ 5.63 5.49 1.31 CHAIN GANG" 5.S0 f.*5 S.33 4J0-2L. 4.57 4.47 1.05 5.80-21 t j .> president; Marion Eoeklin, secre-. "I Am a Fugitive From a Chain ary, and Rosabell Wigodsky, reportl.OS 5.25-21__ t.ss ».*7 1.31 4.75-19. 5.S7 Gang," the picture that has startled er. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, club These are cash prices and Include careful mounting. the world with its daring portrayal of advisor, spoke. Rueben Halpern ofprison chain gang life, gives Paul fered a group of violin solos, and on Muni a splendid vehicle for his dra- Miss Rebecca Stillman was heard in matic characterization. Muni is the a group of readings. product of the Yiddish Art theater, and acclaimed by critics as one of FOR CASH the film world's real "finds." In this Free Delivery Service picture he has set a new high standard of artistic interpretation for himself. A four-star picture, it should on be included in the list of season's hits that you must see.



Society News




Council Bluffs "News









• • • •





* ^put on new GOODYEARS for safety





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