Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Did you listt... £• %,'rother (or is i t Sister, as some £-^> have it) Hitler in the news . % '$£• other day?" Well, I did, an; -j-.'^ie life of me, I don't see whe % v get :4hose comparisons of tl. "^ "orical powers of Hitler wit *V late Wm. Jennings Bryan. As to phraseology -^a content,-I can make no comparison, for Sister Hitler spoke a little too fast for me, to enable me to get his German, but from the standpoint of voice and oratorical presence, there is no comparison. Bryan's voice—sonorous, metallic, almost effortlessly sailing over the •„ largest auditorium, and clear as the proverbial bell. Hitler's—strained, screechy, like a creaking of a rusty hinged door, or the meowing of a half a dozen cats chased by.a mangy poodle.
Entered as 8earad<7as» Hall Matter on January 27. 1821, at Postoffloo at Omaha. Nebraska, under tbe Act ot March 3.1878
Stir Because Hitler OEYSPORADIC Kisses Jewess's NAHAHAOS Hand IN GERMANY
Appeal Being Made for Cast-Off Clothing
Vol. IX—No. 3
An appeal for old clothing for Prague, (J.TA.)—The press here needy families, has been issued by makes much of a report that Adolf the family welfare committee of the Hitler, notorious for his anti-Semitic Jewish Welfare Federation, of which Berlin (J.. T. A.).-^Jewish leaders agitation, kissed the hand of a Jew- Over Half of Jewish Population Mrs. H. A. Wolf is chairman. ish women after he had assumed the in Poland Is in in Germany report after a tonr of All who have cast-off garments inspection that peace prevails every- Chancellorship of Germany. Need are asked to either deliver them to The woman in the case is the Jewwhere, with the exception of sporadic the Jewish Community Center or ish-wife of the President of the incidents. New York.—The American Jewish phone Miss Cohen or Mr. Pearlstien of Commerce Italian Chamber in joint distribution committee, in re- at the Center! They stated, however, that the future is worrying. The fear is ex- Berlin, Benzetti. Hitler, according sponse to hundreds of pleas from The committee is particularly in pressed that with the gradual pene- to the report, was aware of the Jew- Jewish relief organizations and com- need of men's clothing. ish origin of Madame Benzetti, betration of the Nazis Snto civil servmunal leaders in eastern and central Babbi Stephen S. Wise of Ne\ The Jewish community in Omaha ice and with their employment in the cause he was a frequent visitor. Europe, and acting on a survey of York, outstanding Jewish orator and is being reminded that the time Madame Benzetti, it is stated, secretariat of the federal governconditions "there by its European repgrows short in which food packages noted for his crusade against politiment and the states and in the exec- hails from upper Silesia and is the resentatives urging that funds be may be sent to relatives in Russia cal corruption daughter of the president of the utive organs of ;the provinces, an made immediately available to conNew York, for the Passover. Jewish Community of Gleiwitz, anti-Jewish policy; will be practiced. RfiPARATEE IN DETROIT Kochman, and a granddaughter of tinue basic relief activities during The Jewish Community Center, as speak before A memorial meeting arranged by 1933, will intensify its appeal to the announced recently, is acting as the Community ForAn extremely interesting anec- Republican students for the Jewish Babbi Kohn of Katowitz. agent for the Hias Immigrant Bank um at the Jewish The Berlin press reported Hitler's American Jewiih public for funds to dote of what purports to be an ac- student, Walter Steinfeld, who was Community Cencombat the acpte distress and sufvisit to the home of the Renzettis tual experience is relayed to me by killed last week in Breslau during The J. C. C. varsity basketball in taking care of the remittances. ter W e d n e s d a y •wish population there, f ering of the All orders must be placed as_ soon Editor Slomovitz of the Detroit Jew- violent attacks upon the Jews by the but did not mention the details it was annoudked following a meet- team will clash with a Jewish quin- as possible so as to insure delivery evening, February which the press here discloses. ish Chronicle. tet from Lincoln, Nebr.j knownas Nazis, was prohibited by Goering, ing of the board of directors of the by the Pesach holydays, according to 22. His subject Writes the Detroit editor: the Mozer Eodeos, this Sunday aft- word received from Hias headquar- will be, "Must CitNazi leader and minister of interior. overseas welfare agency. . : "A young Detroit Jewish Lawyer ernoon at the Center gym at 3 p.m. ters. ies Be Corrupt?" The prohibition came at the last In reaching its decision, the board represented a Jewish client who sued minute, after the students had alThe girls? team will play the St. The lecture will considered the I fact that more than sending of Passover packages a Frenchman for back rent. It was ready assembled and the Nazi stuCatherine Nurses, repated to be the is The start at 7:45 p. half of the Jewish population in Polan additional seasonal service to a jury trial and the Frenchman, ad- dents had launched an attack upon leading girls' basketball team in Om- that inaugurated by the J. C .C. and m. sharp, as Dr. and is in needl of aid and a similar aha, at 2 p. m. ... dressing the jury, said something those present. Numbers from both proportion of he population in the Welfare Federation of accepting re- Wise must take about the plaintiffs counsel possess- sides were injured in the clash. The Center hoopsters achieved mittances to Jewish people in Bus- the 9:15 train in RA&&1 neighboring coj entries is also impoving the faculties of a race which o r d e r to reach New York Friday erished. The n eeds of these jnillions their twentieth victory of the sea- sia and other countries. know-how to juggle with facts and son Sunday at the exoense of the morning to teach at his Institute. It is necessary in making the reand the decrease in funds available The Jewish population in Germany cover them up.** fast-going Hain's Electric five, 38 mittances to give not only the full His subject is of particular interto local relief: organizations due to "The young Jewish lawyer replied is in a dilemma as to how to vote 18,000,000 Copies of Anti-Semi- increasing- destitution . among the to 34. est because he recently took a promname of the party to whom the monThe game was the most exciting] that if he possessed such a quality in the next election, March 5. Last tic Papers Daily Against Jews, have overwhelmed these agen- of the year, with the fast play of ey is being sent but also that par- inent part in the battle against corof his race, his opponent was en- July they voted for the Centre party ty's father's name. It is also es- ruption in New ,York city politics. 450,000 German Jews cies, -which arei threatened with colthe varsity and the sensational bas- sential to give the name of the dowed with the faculty of his own candidates, but the Nazi-Centre coaDr. Wise is president of the Jewlapse unless futside assistance is ket shooting of Franklin and Boggy race to fail to pay their debts on lition, which seemed so unlikely, beish Institute of Bcligion an 1 is the street and the number of the house. forthcoming. S came a possibility after negotiations. too much for the visitors. Harry New York.—Eighteen million coptime." ; . . • • ] • ' " ' Price lists and additional informa- rabbi of the Free synagogue, New Special disabilities suffered by the • ]'.-• " I n view of t h e foreign debt quar- The change in the Centre party ies of anti-Semitic papers are pub-Jews, racial hostility as evidenced by Bich was forced to leave the game tion may be secured at the Jewish York. He has been especially outstandrel, it w a s a n excellent; retort, com- caused them to turn to Hugenberg's lished daily in Germany against the recent outbreaks, discrimination and after two plays due to a broken Community Center. ing in national and international •ments Mr. Sldmoyitz, "and' i t helped National party. But Hugenberg is Jewish population, who number 450,- economic boycotjt have aggravated the nose. Jewish affairs. Just last year he the young J e w in securing t h e ver-now a member of the cabinet headed 000 in a total population of 65,000..- situation of thef Jews and made their . The girls' team, with Beva Golden by Hitler. and Flo Brookstein leading the par000, Dr. l i o n Feuchtwanger, the disbecaue the center of controversy, dict." ';.- ••• •.;•";-•• than that of the ade, defeated the K. C. Girls, 25 to tinguished German novelist, told a condition far wlicn, as honorary pms'tttnt of the "This case," adds Slomovitz, " r e which -has been €, it being their sixth win. American Jewish Congress, lie r.iUed minds me of a trial in a New York 'An anti-Semitic tirade, the object gathering of writers and leaders. by the world ecoseverely affi a conference of Jewish delegates to The German novelist has been the court about .ten years ago. A Jew of which was ostensibly Paul Loebe. nomic situation,! the board found. The Hazomir Singing Society will mcec in Geneva to descrnane Trhethwas t h e defendant and the lawyer Socialist leader who is a non-Jew, target of persistent attack by t h e Felix M. Warjrarg, honorary chairbroadcast over station WOW every er tl.e calling of a world Jewish Nazi press because of his Jewish was also a Jew. The plaintiff's at- led to the indefinite suspension of other Monday evening from 10:15 to Congress was feasible. At the conman of the joint distribution committorney, addressing the jury, told the the Reichstag permanent committee irigin. 104 10:45 p. tee and its guiding figure since its p ^ starting Monday eve- fer; rsce it was determined to .all a He pointed out that there are an story about t h e Irishman, French- ior safeguarding parliament's light. i F 20 inception in 1914 to conduct Amerining, February 20. w.-»rld Jewish congress forl9c.4. average of 40 anti-Semitic copies of man' and Jew who went to the grave The anti-Semitic attack was delivcan Jewish war relief activities, exTryouts for announcer for these Dr. Wise was one of *ho founders The New York chapter of Hadasof a friend t o p a y their final trib- ered by Hans Frank, Chancellor papers p e r Jew published daily. Chancellor Adolph Hitler, who re- pressed whole-hearted approval of •sah-was declared the prize winner in broadcasts will be held Monday, Feb- *»f the Zionist movement and was '' ntes. The Irishman placed a five Adolph Hitler's legal adviser. the' board's action in voting to ruary 27. All aspirants are requestdollar check on the coffin, the The Nazis refused to meet tinder fused to accept a salary a s chan- strengthen the appeal, in a letter to the first group, which consists of ed to call the Hazomir secretary, himself the founder of the Zionist Frenchman a five-hundred franc the chairmanship of Herr Loebe, who cellor on the ground that rhe makes Babbi Jonah B. Wise, chairman of chapters having a membership of 300 Ivy Siegel, Walnut 3700 or Atlantic Organization of America. At different times he has, braai president note and the Jew took out the two! is a vice president of the Beichstag. his living by his pen, was ridiculed the national fu|d raising committee. and. over, honorary mention being 2871. tktrof, and was its representative in as a writer..-by Dr. Feuchtwanger. C Cangiven to, the .Chicago chapter. bills and put a ten thousand dollar | ix>ebe was attacked as a "Jew swine," relation-to -the Versailles jFeace- ConJXsaasSx^:-:^p^-.:.:Jt^c,- "The check in their stead. No sooner did] and other Socialist deputies "Were ference. second group consisting of chapters the lawyer get through telling the |-tallea^olrty Je»re,%4iefauser tite So- Struggle,**- heasserted ^fiSaf^^lt 'was In 1922 Babbi Wise "ounded the having a membership, between 50 and story'than the judge arose and de-! cialist party has many Jewish mem- replete with errors of fact and Jewish Institute of Religion, a 500, with honorable mention for Oakguage and despite an extraordinary dared^ a mistrial on the gronnd that • ners. school of training for the Jewish land, Cal.; Memphis, Tenn., and Ja~y the jury was being prejudiced." The committee suspended for an sales propaganda sold only 200,000 ministry and for leadership in the maica, N. Y. Fayettevffle, N. C, is indefinite period because of the fear copies. Ben Himelbloom, 46, of 1511 1-2 field of education and social servThe following ofiBcers of the De••-,:. Dear E d : ; : / . the prize winner in the .third group North 24th St., passed away at a In half time and without propa'of violence between Nazis and other •-;'- ' :-•'. Harry : Hershfield.. was speaking':. ganda, "All Quiet on the Western borah society were unanimously re- of chapters, with a membership up to local hospital Monday morning, fol- ices, and has remained its president •:'. the other night at the Ort; dinner. Front," the book by Bemarque, the elected at a meeting at the J. C. C 50, with honorable mention going to lowing an illness of six months. He since that time. Dr. Wise was one of the founders of the American : .•'•• ; The dinner was in honor of Lord Everett, Mass., and TJtica, N. Y. most violent opponent of Hitler's last week: had been in the bakery business in Jewish Congress and served as its Mrs. K. Tatle, president; Mrs. A. Marley, who has associated: himself, These awards were announced by deas, achieved a circulation in Gerpresident for a number of years. He Wolf, vice president; Mrs. J. Finkel, Mrs. Samuel J. Bosensohn, national Omaha for twenty years. as you, know, with the Ort .project. many of 1,200,000 copies. Surviving are his wife. Leah; two has been active in religious, civic and ••-.,•• And Hershfield commenting on the To speak with absolute exactness, treasurer; Mrs. Al Newman, cor- membership chairman of Hadassah, daughters, Ruth and Dina; and one educational work in the city of New war medals that beglittered his the book contains only 139,000 mis- Tesponding secretary, and Mrs. Max tbe women's Zionist organization of son, Yale. York and throughout the country. ;••'•;"•.• Lordship's coat, remarked that he, America, as a result of the recently takes. For, in the earliest editions, Fromkin, financial secretary. Services were held Tuesday afterHe is a Chevalier of the Legjon of A check for one thousand dollars to, was a veteran of three exempconcluded membership campaign con- noon at the Jewish Funeral home. The twelfth anniversary of the there were about 100 words which tions. Ladies Free Loan society 'will, be were quite correct both as to subject was given to the Talmud Torah ducted by Hadassah chapters through- Burial was at Golden Hill cemetery, Honor, France, 1919. He was And then Hershfield went on to celebrated with an appropriate pro- and form.;- In these former editions, toward the purchase of the two buses out the country. The women, stirred with Eabbi Uri Miller and Eabbi N. to be awarded in 1926. by Zeta Beta Tau, the Cottheil medal "for the survey the condition of the country. gram on Sunday evening, February namely, Heir Hitler said: ttH you used in transporting the pupils to by the necessity of feeling themselves Feldman officiating. most distinguished aervice to the and from the Talmud Torah. and addressing his Lordship remark-; 19, at the Jewish Community Cen- wish to win the sympathy of nroad an integral part of the forces workcause of Judaism during the year ed jocularly that if our forefathers : ter, starting at 8 p. TO. The PWHmasses, then you must tell them the ing for the upbuilding of the Jewish 1925." He has also written many in 1776 could have foreseen present • gram will be: followed by refresh- crudest and most stupid things." But national home in Palestine, did unvolumes. day conditions, they might not have ments, and the general nubile is in- from the twentieth thousand on, Herr usually inspiring work in bringing the Among the institutions attended given his Lordship's people such a vited to attend, message of Hadassah to women who Hitler deleted this statement. by Dr. Wise are the College of the good fight. Mrs.. Max Eosenstein will be the had never been part of this moveCity of New York, Columbia ColWell, that's the way, Ed, I feel chairman for the evening, and Mrs. ment, which is playing such a vital Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—Although thou- Jege, Temple University, and Syrajast now—or rather until just now— S. Zernovsky will act as master oi role in Jewish life today. As a re- sands of Jews applied for street' cuse University. Bucharest, (J.T.A.)—Jews of Berfby a hot bath and a cold plunge ceremonies. . . sult of their efforts, 2,096 new memIn 1907, after having refused the escht who refuse to trade on the bers were enrolled in Hadassah. 'This cleaning jobs, not a single Jew has which I have just taken has im-! Induded on the program rwill be been employed among the hundreds pulpit of the Cathedral Synagogue Sabbath are being prosecuted by the proved my attitude somewhat. I read an address by Eabhi JCJri; MUler; increased membership is tangible eviengaged by the government to dear of America, Temple Emanu-El of local authorities. somewhere that the Bessemer pro- folk songs sune byL.^Wo^accomdence of the support given by Amer- the streets of the heavy snow which New York, because it was "subject (J.T.A.)—Mrs. A Jewish merchant, Lupu Fain, D e s M i n , ( ) 3>es Moines, cess of steal making was founded on ; nanied by Miss Gertrude Oruch,_ana ican Jewish women to this constructo and under the control of the Jewish who always keeps his store closed on tive effort for Jewish life today. It has fallen. the principle of alternately heating dancing numbers by pupfls of Miss Max Mayer director of the Jh The number of Jewish needy has Board of Trustess of the Congregathe Sabbath and Jewish holidays, re•Community Center, won the Des and freezing the raw metal. So I Grace Abbott; is giving renewed courage to the ofThousands of Jewish tion," he founded and has ever since Moines Tribune Community Service fused to sell a pair of shoes on the ficers of Hadassah to carry on the Increased. thought, maybe the same process, _____ homes are without heat or food. been the Babbi of the Free SynaSabbath. award, an annual-trophy to the: most would affect me in some way. So I The Jewish merchant now faces a work of maintaining a complete pre- Even the children, usually cared for, gogue. outstanding citizen in the city. wei>t from a hot bath to a cold pool ventive and curative health system in Mrs. Mayer's award was based on prison term of three to nine months Palestine, which has already succeed- are now among the sufferers. It is an;i then reversed the process. It the verdict of a jury of 36 repre- and the payment of a fine of 30,000 ed in raising the health standards of a commonplace to see children in the didn't make me into steel, Ed, but schools and Talmud Torahs faint sentatives of civic, professional, fra- lei. it helped to keep me from joining the.whole country. from hunger both in Warsaw and in The general press in reporting the ternal, and religious organizations. the Communist party. ; George W. O'Malley, speaker of the provinces. A silver cup, symbolizing the award, case criticizes the Minister of JusWe humans are funny beings, Ed. the House of Bepresentatives of Ne- wfll be given to her at a public cere- tice for declaring that he is interThe heademarters of the Toz, Jew- The J. C. C. varsitv cagers *riiV I sometimes think we are the most braska, will be the principal speaker mony to be announced later. ish Health Society, assert that Jew- meet the University of Omaha Beested in the outcome of this case, illagical of all the animal kingdom, at an open meeting of the Omaha ish school children are actually serves Wednesday evening, March In addition to being director of which the papers call a most peculFor instance, I met an artist last Hebrew club to be held m the lodge starving and that five or six chil- 1, in a benefit basketball game SPOT*iar perversion of the regulations. the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. night—a Jewish artist—and he was rooms of the J. C. C. Sunday afterdren faint in every classroom daily. sored by Mrs. J. J. Green>>ercc*s raving against the Jews—as so many noon, February 19, at 3 p. m., ac- Mayer, who is the third woman to group of the Conservative SynaJerusalem, (J.T.A.)—A new indusreceive the award since the idea was Jews frequently do. But the funny cording to Sam Klaver, chairman of gogue Auxiliary, The girls' teatn trial plant -for the manufacture of j part is that he has only recently re- the intellectual advancement corn- conceived 12 years ago, is prominent will play a preliminary game. oil as a by-product of the orange inin women's clubs and civic organizadustry has been opened in Behoboth turned from Palestine and likes it mittee of the Hebrew club. The Mesdames N. Nonrg, Sam Kaptions throughout the city. She is A musical program has also been by a group of Jewish planters. • ' lan, David Blacker. Horace Boseisthere. well, known as a public -speaker and arranged. The public is invited. The plant, it is estimated, will Jesters," a group of eight The largest city handball tourney blum, and S. L. GoWWatt are in That reminds me that the late.Joas an executive in political and econJewsh seph Pulitzer of-the World is said to Jewish artists, will appeaT in a utilize 500 tons of oranges daily, in Omaha history is being held now charge of the ticket sale. omic groups. concert and' musical program Wed- thus increasing the demand for on the J. C. C. courts. There were have built the Pulitzer building on.the: nesday evening, March 1, at 8:30 oranges in the' country and opening 104 entries for the singles tournasite of a'torn down building, from' p. m. at the J. C. C. as a part of employment possibilities to several ment, as compared to 80 last year. which he was once ejected. A new departure in the educati<vnthe program celebrating the twen- hundred workers. Forty-five teams are seeking the al and social life of the Conserva* Earl Siegel was elected president That idea of revenge always aptieth anniversary of the Jewish NaThe oil process from orange peel doubles championship, an increase of tive synagogue and Auxiliary is tbfi pealed to me, and I used sometimes to of the Psi Mu fraternity. Other of tional Workers Alliance. has been vcorked out by an American fifteen over last year. inauguration of a series of "Bonk indulge in the thought that I would ficers elected are Morris Giller, vice This troupe is coming here direct Jewish chemist, Joseph Braverman, Evenings" to be held at the J. C. Cs like to do as Pulitzer, but after a president; Iz Bogdanoff, secretary A young men's organization for All members and their friends are longer stay, I decided I would have to Morris Falk, treasurer; Irvin Bue- those between the ages of 20 and from New York for this engagement. who has settled in Palestine and is one of the group which has organben, publicity director; Louis Lohr- 30, which will act as a subsidiary of erect too many buildings. The Jewish History class at Tem- invited. There •will he no admission ized the plant. The perfect nose must have both man, parliamentarian; and Jay Stol- the Vaad H'Oehr or United Orthople Israel vdll meet Tuesday night at charge. plants will be esThree similar Kabbi David A. Goldstein will preler and Dave Greenberg, sergeants; dox Synagogue, will hold its first sides of the triangle equal, says the the Temple at 8 p . m . . tablished by the same company in sent the reviews, the first of which at-arms. . organizational meeting on Tuesday Doctor. Mr. Harry Wflinsky will lead a dis(Sponsored by J. C. C.) various sections of Palestine, accord- j cussion of the last chapter in the first will be given on Monday evening; evening, February 21, in the Jewish Now I like this nose theory. All Over KOIL ing to present plans. Community Center at 8 p. m. you need to find out what the trouble volume of Graetz's History of the March 6, from S until 9 p. m. Ti> Sunday—9:15 a. m. The purpose of this organization with yourself is a tape line to measJews, the subject being the Jews in has chosen Sinclair Lewis' Tievr Program novel, "Ann Vickers," which is b o will be to foster a greater interest ure the sides of the nose. So much Mr. Harry Du Boff, Vocalist. ing so widely discussed at this tvmft. simpler than psycho-analysis. The class for grade school girls in communal and cultural work in "Accompanied by Geneva.—Im migration to Palestine A general discussion will follow And by the way, Ed, did you know in the physical education departmen the city. Esther Leaf Du Boff •vdll be reduced if there is a reduc- at the close of each review. A lecture on "What I Saw in the "It will be the aim of this organthat the very famous sculptor, Jacob of. the J. C. C , •which meets every Ivy Siegel, Vocalist Soviet Union" will be given by L tion in employment openings, Sir Epstein, first went to Europe via a Monday and Wednesday at 4 p. m.: ization to restore some of the latent Accompanied by The next Oneg Shabbos will bfi Sultan, recently returned from a Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, the Palspirit that was very prevalent durcattle boat and never returned even is growing in popularity. Lee Green six months tour of Bussia, on Sun- estine high commissioner, informed held on February 18 at the home «E for a visit, until twenty-five years The class is now under the super ing the former Y. M. H. A. days of Babbi Uri Miller, in talk on day, February 19, at 3 p. m. at the the mandates commission of the Mrs. Dave Greenberg, £418 Eedicfc, later, when he was internationally vision of Mrs. M. H. Sogolbw, wh years gone by," said Ben Zazlowsky, •The Emotional Aspect of Beligion" International Workers* Order hall, League of Nations, the minutes o; Mrs. D. A. Goldstein will 'amous? - . •' : , instructs the children in characte: who is assisting Babbi Miller in the the mandates commission reveaL organization fc "The Young Woman of 1914.** 1314 No. 24th St. ..;• < •••.:••* - D e e - E s s . . «log dancing, tumbling and games.
Time Is Short for Lecture Subject to Be "Must Cities Be Transmitting Food Corrupt" Packages to Russia
Hazomir Society to Broadcast Regularly
Can't Even Obtain Street Cleaning Jobs
Prosecuted for Refusal to Trade on Sabbath
^ to Address Hebrew Club Monday
Cagers in Benefit Game on M^rch 1
Start Manufacture of Oil from Oranges
New York Artists on Anniversary Progarm
Many Entries for Handball Tourney
Siegel Heads Psi Mu
"Book^ Evenings"
Young Men's Vaad Group Is Organized
Temple History Class
Jewish Hour
For Grade School GirL
Lecture on Soviet
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantdc 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - . . - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN • » Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - • « . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
OS HER omments w
By "Ab Eaiman
Between You and I Harry S., the auto dealer, is in a dilemma. . . . M. S. one of the basketball beauties of the J. C. C. girls' team, and S. R., the black-eyed school ma'am, seem to be disturbing the young man's mind. . . . Doc A. S. is exchanging greetings with the parents of T. F. . . . courting Toby in a tactful manner. . . . And 'cause the handsome 6-foot E. K. has returned to the city, . . . the 64-inch D. B. scooted for the demure Helen K. . . . So what? . . . The Conservative Auxiliary dance last Sunday was truly the social event of the season. . . . Ah! here is a prominent young film executive of "way down yonder in the film row" gliding along with the same skill as in the days of yore . . . his partner none other than a former "heart throb"
The passage of a month's time gives us, in some small measure, a perspective on the TransJordan situation which has created tremendous interest in Zionist circles. Wider possibilities of immigration seemed miraculously opened to the Jewish people with the announcement by Emir Abdullah that he had leased 50,000 dunams of his land in Transjordan to a Jewish company for Jewish colonization. This precedent was followed by Mithkal Pasha, the most influential sheik in Transjordania and head of the largest Bedouin tribe—the B'nai Salchi—who offered to lease 100,000 dunams of land to the Jews. The jubilee of Jewish statesmen was abruptly halted when the pressure of Arab nationalists, and, it is . . now the mother of two little reported, the disfavor of the Mandate government caused Emir laddies . • . and the brother, a "sleek sheik" delighted with his "eye full" Abdullah to cancel his contract to lease. and "arm full," insisting that a seTransjordania, on the eastern side of the Jordan, has been lection entitled "Margie" be played. richly associated with Jewish history "of the past. In the farewell . . And B. B., the titian-haired address of Moses "beyond Jordan" in the land of Moab, special tamale, leaning on the arm of Senor B.f the black-haired, black-mousmention is made of the land beyond Jordan "toward the sun ris- D. tached young chap. . . . The Leo ing" as a "good land." The great lawgiver visioned from the top Koneckys are now "three" . . . a of the Transjordanian mountain Pisgah not only the promised land little girl arrived and Leo has albegun with setting-up and getbut also the rich valleys that lay among the mountains of Moab ready ting-up exercises . . . and we were and Gilead. Two tribes were permitted to remain in this region. not scooped, just merely a delay! Centuries later we are debating whether Jews will be allowed to . . . Oh, yes, Leo is associated with Bur dick's health gymnasium. . . . buy land east of the Jordan. In 1922 an. Annex to the Mandate Mr. and Mrs. S. G. are about to be approved by the Gouncil of the League of Nations excluded Trans- blessed with an "added expense . . . jordania from the operation of the Mandate. Protests were un- and the Conservative choir and Hazsingers will be minus a warunavaUing and though the movement of Arabs from Western to omir bler as the result. . . . Morris B., Eastern Palestine and vice versa has been unrestricted, the Trans- south side packer, and Harry K., the jordan government has made it impossible for Jews to purchase shoe-sales sheik, are commuting to land or develop industries in that territory, though millions of Sioux City regularly. . . . E. L. and L L. are the pair of "adorables" atdunams of fertile land in Transjordania lie desolate. tracting the boys from Omaha. . . . A British administrative policy which will not allow Jewish Here is the all-American wife: . . . hair is white, she sees red when colonization and development of Transjordania is shortsighted. her they quarrel and feels blue when her Transjordania contains only 200,000 inhabitants in a territory hubby is out of the city. . . . The twice as large as that of Palestine, in which there are over a mil- Kibbitzing corner in the Brandeis lion inhabitants. Britain is undoubtedly moved by a political de- art dept. . . . gossipers, news gathand critics of this and that, sire to see that Jewish influence in Palestine is not strengthened, erers gabbing away, and managing to abon the theory of "divide and rule" for only a geographical bar- sorb an earful . . . between each rier separates the two Palestinian lands. Arab nationalists as the stitch of the needle . . . and it's all "sew and sew-and-sew" . . . Mufti are opposed to opening Transjordania because they fear for about one woman particularly fears to be their own political aspirations. But many of the Arabs are be- absent, believing that she may be ginning to realize that if Palestine on both sides of the Jordan is the subject of conversation . . . a great indoor sport! . • . another to be saved, it will be saved only through the Jewish people, with woman deserted the ranks and is their resources, ability and initiative . . . that the Jews have now termed as a "fugitive, • from a brought prosperity to the Arabs, not harm or backwardness. This chin gang!" . . . is accentuated by the present comparative prosperity of Palestine Radio Program Brings Response in contrast to the appalling poverty of Transjordan. The situation The radio program brought a genis so acute that 70 per cent of the cattle owned by Arabs in erous response . . . phone calls, letand telegrams of congratulations Transjordania have perished; from starvation, Arab chieftains ters that were greatly appreciated. . . . state. The Palestine Post giVes graphic descriptions of the priva- The Hazomir singing society furtion existing in Tiranspotdama, the Bedouins being actually re- nished an excellent background, with feduced to seeking food from refuse heaps. Under such circum- their group singing under the direcof Cantor A. Schwaczkin. . . . stances it is not difficult to forsee that ere long the Transpor- tion Lee Green's rendition of Hebrew and danians will defy political intrigue and will freely offer land for Yiddish melodies received favorable Jewish settlement. Arab-Jewish co-operation in Transjordania is comment from the studio and the listeners . . . Cantor and Mrs. Henry imminent, if there is no political interference from the outside. Monsky were other artists whose coWhen and if Transjordania is opened for settlement to the Jewish operation inaugurated a Jewish hour people, a new vista of escape will be offered to many of our op- of important service to our activities . . . and Mr. Holzman's talk pressed. on the Center was a bit of interest-
GEMS of the BIBLE andTAkMXjp By
and I will get even with my enemies. Every wise woman buildeth her home, but the foolish plucketh it down with her own hands.
Better a handful of quiet happiHe who . supports his family ness than both hands full of labor through the labor of his hand is and striving after wind. greater even than the man who Wealth addeth many friends; but fears God and is fearless of men. as for the poor, his friends separateth from him. Never shall the blessing of even a common man be considered insignifiGod protect me from my friends, cant in your eyes.
BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run
All Lump—-Forked
Best Grade—Forked Clean Small In Size, but Large In Heat A BIG SAVING TO COKE USERS
High in Heat Very Little Ash
mar wonder
ing information to the thousands of listeners. . . . Mrs. H. Jahr, director of the Center Players, has discovered a new find . . . Isador Dansky . . . who has been amusing audiences with his Yiddish stories . . . Dansky has been cast in the role of David Shapiro of Slavitah, Goobernah. . . . Nuff Ced! . . . So we can't take it, eh! The two boys who were the recipients of the onion bouquet have written their version. '. . . Our answer is, that we are all united for a common good and not to satisfy the whims of a small minority. . . . There is a legitimate purpose for every action taken by the authorities. . . . A manly thing to do is to return to the fold." . . . Important Announcements Book review and tea, with Rev. Plank as the principal speaker, Monday, Feb. 20, at Blackstone hotel at 3 p. m., under auspices Conserv. Aux. . . . Rabbi Wise on the subject, "Must Cities Be Corrupt?" a timely subject at the. Center auditorium' on Wed. eve., Feb. 22, at 7:45 sharp . ,. early time to enable Dr. Wise to catch an early train for the east. .-.. ..The Psi Mu matinee dance on Sun. afternoon . . . the feature is a popular girl contest . . . and don't forget to tune in over KOIL at 9:15 a. m. Sunday for the Jewish hour. . . . Write in for your favorite Hebrew or Yiddish number. . . .
Daughters of Israel A regular meeting of the Daughters of Israel Aid Society will be held on Tuesday afternoon, February 21, at 2 p. m. at the Old Peoples Home, 2504 Charles St. Rabbi UrL Miller will speak. All are urged to attend. -
Workman's Circle Workmen's Circle Branch 173 is sponsoring a concert of musical acts with three leading Jewish artists of New York, L. Harris, M. Brodin and S. Zlotin, on Tuesday,; March 14,jat the Labor: Lyceum,* 22nd I and Clark at 8 p. m.. Admission will be 35c.
Council of Jewish Women
Conservative Auxiliary
The topic which Rabbi David A. Goldstein was to have spoken on a week ago before the current topic class of the Council of Jewish Women, but which was postponed because of the severe weather, will be his subject Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, when the group meets for its bi-monthly discussion. A study of the character and problems of the Anferican people is contained in this report, the subject of which is "The Report of the President's Commission on Social Trends." It has also been announced that the Guild study class sessions will be resumed this Tuesday at 3 p. m., at the Community Center, to continue each Tuesday for five consecutive weeks.
The Purim Costume Frolic on March 12 promises to be the outstanding social event in the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary season. Elaborate plans are under way for an evening of fun and entertainment. Prizes will be awarded for novel and beautiful costumes, although costumes are optional. \ Gene Cooper's orchestra, which provided the music for the delightful Valentine dance last Sunday, will again play. Other amusements will be furnished for those not dancing. No tickets will be sold in advance. Admission is 75 cents per couple and tickets will be sold only at the door.
Vaad Auxiliary At a regular meeting of the Vaad H'Oehr Auxiliary held Sunday, February 12, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago, definite plans were made for an all day celebration to be held at the J. C. C. March 19. Committees were appointed as follows: Cultural, Mrs. A. E. Milder and Mrs. F. R. Ackerman; courtesy, Mesdames WUliam M i l d e r , D. Crouse and N. Yaffee; telephone, MesrHmes A. Schwaczkin, H. Sieeral, H. Rimmerman, H. Harris; social, Mrs. Howard Milder; ways and means. Mrs. S. Katleman; publicity, Mrs. Max Fromkin. Members appointed to make t>lans for fu^-nishing the study for Rabbi Uri Miller are the Mesdames A. E. Milder, N. Greenberg, William Milde~ and D. O~ounse. Rabbi Miller addressed the organization on "The Value of the JewiVh Woman in Community Affairs." A special meeting is called for next Sundav. February 19, at 2 o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue 18th and Chicago.
The next regular Hadassah meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22, with Mrs. M. F. Levenson presiding. An interesting program on forerunners of the Zionist movement has been arranged. The symposium will consist of a talk on the life of Leon Pinsker by Max Resnick; the life of Max Nordau by Hvman Goodbinder; and the life of Achad H'Aham by Joseph Solomonow. Memorial resolutions will be read by Mrs. J. Rosonberg in memory of the late Dr. A. Romm. Book review group 2 will meet on Saturday, February 18, at the home of Mrs. M. M. Bari=h, 912 Mercer Park drive. Miss Martha Lippett will review "Magnolia Street." Grout) 3 will meet Tuesday, February 21, at the home of Mrs. William Boasberg. 715 No. 58th St. Mrs. David Goldstein will review "Young Woman of 1914." A bake sale -will be held at the Brandeis Stores Tuesday, February 28, sponsored by Mrs. J. Blank and Mrs. Joe Goldware, chairman of the luncheon and milk fund for Hadassah. There will be an assortment of deThe third annual concert and card licious pastries including shtrudel and pecan rolls. Some of the finest partv of Branch 258 of the Workbakers amon» the Jewish women are men's Circle will be held on Sunday, February 19. at 7 p. m., at the Confurnishing these pastries. For advance orders call Hamey prretation of Israel. 25th and J., South Omaha. T*»ere will also be a string 7332 or Market 2871. band and Russian dances. RefreshThe Hadassah Sewing Circle will ments wi'l be served. meet this Monday afternoon, FebProceeds will go to the benefit of ruary 20, at the Jewish Community "Hias" and the "Ort." S. Lerner is Center. All are urged to attend. chairman.
Workmen's Circle 258
Religious Services
B. H. BIERL Temple Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on "The Meaning of Life," Will Durant's latest book, at services at Temple Israel this evening. Saturday morning his subject will be "Who Is Wise?" The children who will participate in the Saturday morning services "will be Robert Berwitz, Leonard Kulakofsky, Ralph Rubenstein, Armand Gilinsky, Betty Beesom, Henrietta Lewis, David Kraus, Leonard Pinkel, Adolph Laytin, Arlene Solomon, William Shlaes Myron Cohen will read the Toraih. Rose Billy Tolle will sing a solo.
Conservative At services at the Conservative synagogue tonight, Rabbi David A. Goldstein will base his sermon on the book, "Josephus," by Feuchtwanger. Next week Rabbi Goldstein will discuss the question, "Is Morality Merely Conventional?"
Vaad Rabbi Uri Miller and Cantor A Schwaczkin and his male choir will officiate at_ the services at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago this evening, starting at 8 o'clock These Friday evening services will be held at the B'nai Israel synagogue every Friday night. This evening Rabbi Miller's topic will be "The Ten "Commandments—Shall We Renovate Them?" Saturday morning Rabbi Miller will officiate at the services at the B'nai Israel synagogue. A class in Talmud, Chevra Shaas is conducted by Rabbi Miller at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt, every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All members of the community interested in Talmudic studies are invited to attend
Ladies Labor Lyceum The eleventh anniversary celebration of the Ladies Labor Lyceum club was postponed on account of the death of Ben Himelbloom. The date of the observance of the anniversary- will be set by the executive committee shortly. Also, the Ladies Labor Lyceum club announces that an old-fashioned mock wedding with old-fashioned music and dances will be held on Purim night, Sunday. March 12, at the Lyceum, 22nd and Clark.
Winter Was Late in Coming, That's the Reason for Today's
TWO GREAT GROUPS All Selected From Our Regular Stocks, Going at Two Low Prices . . .
The following were elected officers at the first meetfng'ofl tlie • Hatikvoh club, at the J. C. C. Tuesdav evening, February 14; Mrs. Abe Brookstein, president; Mrs. Max Rosen, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Hertnanson, secretary and reporter; Mrs. John Alexander, treasurer; Mrs. Phil Harris, sergeant-at-arms. The first meeting was highly successful. Every former member of the club and new members responded entbusiasticplly, as did the sponsor. Mrs. Ben Handler. The next meetinsr will be held February 28 at the J. C. C. Any girl interested, single or married, between the aees of 20 and 30, call Webster 498«.
Henrietta Szold
JEWELER 2234 Farnam St. JA. 9439
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CLOYD'S BODY and Fender Works VERN CLOYD, Prop. 821 No. 16th
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We Rebuild Wrecks completely. We Roll Dents and Fenders for Better Job. Also CHEVROLET and REO SERVICE. Duco Finishing, Trimming Brake Service
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Shoe Comfort
H you have your shoes repaired at the
STANDARD i«e Hepair Co. I. I» KRAUS. Flop
1619 Fmnuun St.
DAMP WASH 17 Lbs., 80c Additional Pounds
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AT 2815
At a regular meeting of the Henrietta SzoM club, which was held Tuesday, February 14, an active program was planned for the coming season. Sarah German and Ruth Marks were appointed to take charge of cultural programs to be presented at the meetings. Miss Elizabeth Radman will inaugurate the series with a book review of "The Fountain," by Charles Morgan, to be given at the next regular meeting of the group. A social affair for members will be held next Tuesday at the home of Miss Ruth Marks.
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary
and Made to Sell for Much More Don't spend a dollar for overcoats until you see overcoat headquarters amazing value offering. Boucles and other wanted styles included in these two groups of several hundred overcoats. Emphatically Greatest Selections at Unequaled Low Price!
The first meeting of the newly formed Junior Vaad Auxiliary was held Saturday evening, February 11, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. There were about 30 girls present at this meeting and the organization cordially invites any girl over 18 years to attend the next meeting on Monday, February 20, at 8 p. m. at the B'nai Israel Synagogue.
Yiddish Dramatic Tryouts for parts for "The Divorce," a one-act Yiddish play, was held last week, with the following being selected: Sarah Taub, Joe Sacs, E. Sellz, George Dolgoff, Irving Soiref and Gloria Polikov. This play will be given as part of a literary evening to be held in the near future.
A. Z. A. No. 100 The "Winter Frolic," staged by the Century chapter at the Elks club Feb. 5, was a success both socially and financially, according to a report at the last meeting by the committee in charge. KOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS
Notice is hereby given that on the Igt day of January, 1933, the total outstanding indebtedness of Northern Mortgage nnd 'Finance Co., a Nebraska corporation, -with: Its principal place of business in Omaha, was: secured indebtedness, J8S.337.06; unsecured indebtedness, $7,201.21. H. A. WOLF. President.. Attest- H. K. ATJERBACH, Secretary.' H. A. WOLF. . H. H. AUERBACH, A. W. GORDON, ; Majority of Directors.
A Century of Progress and stay at the
MORRISON The Chicago World's Fair of 1933 — from June to November. Don't m i n this thrilling review of the scientific and industrial achievement 01 our present age. BystayingattheMomson you ore right in the center o f things In Chicago. In the "heart ot the Loop ** the Morrison is near shops, theaters, and railroad stations. All rooms are outside with both, Servidor, circulating ice-water and bed-head reading lamp. Automatic garage facilities. A grtat hotel in e great crfyi
2500 ROOMS—$2.50 UP LEONARD KICKS Managing Director
MORRISON HOTEL Madison and Clark Streets
VISIT HEBE Mrs. J. J. Pink and young son, Edward Norman, of Los Angeles, "!aL, are visiting •with Mrs. Pink's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fanger.
Betty Tarnoff, Lawrence Bordy, Har- ty Lipp, Pauline Rosenbaum, Sam old Civin, Morris Dansky, Leonard Weinstein, Myron Cohen, Howard Leon. 4% As: Hannah Baum, Ber- Kaplan, Abraham Resnick. nice Bordy, Ruth Friedman, Ahuvah Gershater, Pauline Schwartz, Abra"Your Old Hat Made New ham Dansky, Sol Wezelman. 4 As: Save a Dollar or Two" in" setting, carrying a red and white Mollie Ackerman, Shirley Barish, color motif in flower centerpiece and Francis Blumkin, Pearl Osoff, Jean OMAHA HAT FAC1CRY 115 North 18th Street tapers. Brass candle holders and Pepper, Edith Schneider, Esther SilOpposite Pojt Office samovars will complete the setting-. verman, Bertha Slutsky, Lee GoldED KAPLAN. Manager rbone ATlantic 0550 Proceeds derived from the affair blatt, Morris Lerner, Maurice TatleAND WE WILL CALI, will defray this group's share of theman, Harold ZelinsLy, 3 1-2 As: one thousand dollar fund being raised Jane Goetz, Dorothy Kulakofsky, Betby the 11 groups into which the auxiliary has been divided. Tickets are 50 cents each and will be sold at the door.
Mrs. H. A. Wolf -will have charge «f tickets at the door, and assisting at the tea tables will be Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky and Mrs David A, Goldstein. The tea tables will be picturesque
Book Review and Tea Monday
WINTER IN CALIFORNIA Mr. Edward Gluck is spending t i e remainder of the winter in Los Angeles, Cal. He will return about April L.
Please Note—All items must be
mailed or pboned so that they Teach the Jewish Press office by 5 p.m. Wednesday to insure publication Friday.
VISITOR Miss Pauline Sternberger of Nashville, Tenn., is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hirsch.
RECUPERATING STUDIO PARTY Plans have been changed for the Mrs. J. Borden is recuperating from A Valentine's party will be given annual card party to be given by the an appendectomy at the McKennan at tha studio of Miss Rose Brandeis Omaha Council of Jewish Women, hospital in Sioux Falls, S. D. Mrs. Saturday, Feb. 18, at 2:45 p. m. Monday, Feb. 27, at the Jewish ComROBENSON-BRAMBERG was formerly Miss Mollye Among the Jewish students of munity Center, and instead of an Borden WEDDING Grossman of this city. Miss Brandeis who will take part are evening affair, the bridge will be The marriage of Mr. Herbert D. included Bernice Friedel, Marsa Lee Robinson of Chelsea, Mass., son ofgiven in the afternoon, starting at JIG-SAW PARTY Civin, Genevieve Stein, Bernard 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robinson of Goldware, Louis Plotkin and Frieda The Junior Society of the Conservthis city, to-Miss Miriam Bramberg, This is the only rearrangement an- ative synagogue met at the home of Riekes. nounced by Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miss Dorothy Rosenthal Monday eveBramberg of Cambridge, Mass., took general chairman, who says that ning. Z. B. T. MOTHERS' CLUB plans to have both contract and aucplace Sunday, Feb. 5, at the TemMrs. Mcse Yousem Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' club met1, The jig-saw puzzle party of the pi* Mishkan Tefila in Roxbury, Mass. tion tables, and door and table prizes group will be held at the Medical Assisting Mrs. M o s e Yousem at the home of Mrs. A. Katske* .Following a honeymoon to Havana, are unaltered. (above), who is chairman of the Wednesday, Feb. 15. Arts tearoom on Feb. 26, instead of Ctiba, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson -will Mrs. David Goldman, hospitality the 19th. Tables will be arranged Conservative auxiliary group, which The March meeting will be held at chairman, and members of her combe at home in Chelsea, where Mr. the home of Mrs. Charles Levinson. is sponsoring the book review and for bridge for those who prefer that mittee are assisting Mrs. Rosenblatt Eobinson is engaged in business. tea at the Blackstone hotel Mondaj by taking charge of serving refresh- divertisement to jig-saw puzzles. Ida Z. Tenenbaum is chairman. afternoon, Feb. 20, at 3 o'clock, are S. A. M. MOTHERS MEET ments. ENTERTAIN FOR Door prizes will be awarded. Tick- 15 members of her committee, all of Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' club The proceeds of the affair will go BRIDE-TO-BE : whom are co-operating in the ticket held a meeting Wednesday afternoon to the social service and educational ets are twenty-five cents. at the home of Mrs. S. Goldstone. sale. Miss Rose Ricks, whose marriage groups of the Council, both of which to Nathan W. Gimple wfll take place groups have done outstanding work FORMAL INITIATION The speaker of the afternoon will the latter part of this month, is in their respective fields during the CEREMONIES be Rev. Laurence Plank of the First HONOR STUDENTS being extensively entertained. Among past year. Mrs. Herbert Arnstein is The Pi Tau Phi sorority held their Unitarian church, and the book to be Many Jewish students were among those who have entertained for Miss chairman of the former group, and formal initiation ceremonies at the reviewed is Isabel Paterson's newest those who qualified for the Central Ricks are her sister, Mrs. Joe L Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky heads the Paxton hotel on Sunday, Feb. 12. and much-discussed novel, '"Never Ask high school honor roll last semester. Kaplan of Missouri Valley, la., who scholarship committee. The initiation was followed by a the End." A tea will follow the Joe Hornstein, a junior, led the list was hostess at a beautifully appoint- Members of the ways and means dinner in the hotel dining room. with hVi As. program. ed luncheon and bridge at the Paxthe others were included: Women comprising the committee 5 Among committee, which sponsors the affair Miss Bertha Colick, president, and ton; Miss Sarah Kaplan and Mrs. As: Ethel Resnick, Norman Bolker, Miss Rosalie Rosenberg, secretaryare Mesdames Louis Kulakofsky, Miare assisting in the ticket 'Morris Brick, who gave a joint mis- annually, treasurer, were in charge of arrange- chel Kulakofsky, H. A. Wolf, Harry cellaneous shower at the home of sale. Tickets are 50 cents each. ments. The initiates were the Misses Malashock, J. J. Frieden, Nathan Mrs. Brick; Mrs. J. P. Batt, who was Sylvia Jonisch and Florence White- Horwich, Karl Lesser, M. F. LevNATIONAL hostess at a lovely luncheon and TO RETURN book. enson, Joseph Freeman, Nathan Sibridge at the Knights of Columbus; ACCESSOHIES. INC. Mrs. Stanford Kohlberg and daugh mon, Herman Jahr, Simon Bordy, Miss Goldie Gimple, who honored the ter, Harlyne, are returning from Mil PHI BETA EPSILON Jack Marer and Ben Shapiro. "Everything for the A at bride-to-be at a luncheon and bridge waukee, Wis., this week. FORMAL Mrs. J. EL Kulakofsky, president at Club Araby; Mrs. Dave Kaplan 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 Actives and alumni of Phi Beta of the Conservative synagogue auxand Mrs. E. Teppennan of Missouri HOUSE GUEST Epsilon fraternity of Creighton uniiliary, will introduce Rev. Mr. Plank. Valley, la., who gave a luncheon and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner, 4916 No. will entertain the new active bridge; Mrs. 'Dave Silverman, who 16th St., are having as their house versity members at a formal dinner dance entertained at a bridge party; Mrs. guest their daughter, Mrs. Maurio to be held Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Maurice Civin, who honored Miss H. Okun of Long Island, N. Y. Knights of Columbus. Morris BlackRicks at a dinner; Miss Zelda Bush, Mrs. Okun was formerly Miss Min er is chairman of the affair. Ernest who was hostess at a bridge; Mrs. nie Wohlner. Priesman's orchestra will furnish the Joe Nitz, who entertained at bridge music. at her home; Mrs.; A. L. Blumenthal, TO CHICAGO A formal initiation smoker will be "-who jgay&'.a, bridge^at her*home; Mrs. CALLED BY MOTHER'S DEATH held tonight The pledges will be 'J. Herman, who entertained at lunchHOWARD «* 16th. admitted to the fraternity at this eon at jdub. Aiaby; 3Irs- Sam Lei- Mr. D. M. Newman was called t< time. The ritual will be adminisChicago on account of the death of bowitz, / who - was hostess for Miss by Julius Bisno, president, asRicks'at; her home, and Mrs. Dave B. hi3 mother, Mrs. Dora Newman, last tered sisted by Aaron Perlis, pledge-masFriday. The funeral took place Epstemj ^"w*4'*Tcomplimented Miss ter. Rickg. at*" a^iuncheon ^followed by Cleveland, Ohio, Monday.
l i l t COFFEE
KISSIN-LEVmE" MARRIAGE " Miss Helen Levine of Omaha, daughter,^ of..JIrs.^ Rachel Levy of - Kansas j City,,was ^marrjed, to Alfred f:IL Kistfn^ Qf vthatiiaiy, «ro of Mr. U and MrsT Wolf Kissin of.St. Paul, '••> on Jan. 24, in Chicago. The cere• * inony took place at the home of Dr. f Gerson B. Levi, who officiated. The young couple will make their home in Chicago. BERTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr4£ and Mrs. Leo Kpnecky announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Lutheran hospital. ' v;/• Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kirsch of Tulsa, Okla., announce the birth of a daughter Thursday* Feb. 9. Mrs. Kitsch was formerly Helen, Schlanger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shlanger of Omaha. SURPRISE PARTY Twenty friends of Daye Fishman surprised "him at his home last Sunday evening-, Pebr. 12th, 3D celebration of his birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing bridge and dancing; followed by a midnight supper. ..'-' • ••; • " ' - • •-. GENERAL CHAIRMAN OF P.-T. A. AFFAIR Mrs. Max Fromkin, who is this year finance chairman of the. Omaha Council of Parents and Teachers,"is general chairman and director of a musical revue at the Central high school auditorium Feb. 24 at 8:15 p . ' yyir
All Omaha high schools will take part, with orchestras, bands, playlettes, pageants and dances. The physical education department will present several grade schools in drills and dances. There win be about 300 children taking part. VISITS MOTHER Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg and son, Harlan David, of Des Monies, Iowa, returned to their home Sunday following a week's visit here at the home of Mrs. Hockenberg's mother, Mrs. M. Zalk.
I MORRIS BEAUTY SHOP Special ebruary Prices Shampoo and Finger Wave or Marcel 75c Shampoo, Finger Wave and Henna vinse or Arch $1.00 Oil Manicure for Dry or Peeling Nails 50c 105 S o u * 18th St. . - JA. 6398 -and-AT. 3210
. . . .•
MRS. BEN HIMELBLOOM wiQ. continue to operate the HIMELBLOOM BAKERY under the same policies as prevailed before her husband's death. The bakery will be open-for business on Tuesday morning, February 21* after Mrs. Himelbloom has completed the "shivah*^ perlocL TFour past patronage is appreciated and your future business solicited.
1511 No. 24th Street
Phone WE. 6284
Omaha's Stifle Center
Saturday Choice-of-the-House
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COATS Values to $110
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A mother found it necessary to go on m trip at a time when her baby was ilL She left the baby with its grandmother—but "Worried about it almost all the time. Her Husband suggested she call home by Long Distance—she did—she learned the baby was well again. That call saved her endless hours of anxiety and worry. NORTHWESTERN BELL J& TELEPHONE COMPANY
»1 '
Maccabee News
In-the last two games .in the Y. league, the Maccabee basketball team swamped the Trinity Lutheran church team, 77 to 4, and the St. Thomas Episcopal church team, 53 to 6. . So far this season in the Y. league the Maccabees have scored 316 points to their opponents' 72, averaging at sjBTffffW SBSBSxa each game a score of 53 to 12. Bergen has been the-leading scorer, with Baumstein and Lansberg trailing close behind. The squad consists of Mrs. Esther Snovsky, 72 years old, Baumstein, Bergen and Zeligson died Friday night in her home at The trouble with printing scandal, 1600 Court street, following a lin- forwards; Lansberg, center, andGrueAt the annual election of the board gossip, etc., is that if it's real, real skin and Maron, guards. gering illness. Funeral services were
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Hokka Chynik
CouncilBluffs News BY F. E.K.
The Ladies' Aid Society-mil hold a regular meeting next Tuesday *f« ternoori, Febr. 21st, at the: • Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue a t €18 Mynster street. .'
for Chicago, HL, to visit her son-15th, at the home of Mrs. Cohen. in-law end daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thirty-five women called during th« Irving Rosenberg, and their infant afternoon.. An entertaining prodaughter. gram was given, including an interesting talk by Mrs. David A. GoldMrs. Jake Krasne entertained 12 stein of Omaha, who spoke on her guests at a benefit card party a t recent trip to Palestine. Mrs. Frank her home Thursday afternoon, Febr. M. Krasne gave two clever humor18th, for the Council Bluffs Senior ous readings. A red and white colHadassah., or scheme was carried out for the Valentine motif. Proceeds from this Mrs. Max Cohn entertained at a affair will go to the Council Bluffs series of benefit card parties on Senior Hadassah. Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week. Proceeds from these afNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS fairs will go to the Senior Hadas- Notice is hereby given that on the 1st sah. day of.January, 11)33. the total outstanding
; Three Jewish students froin. the Abraham Lincoln high school of Council Bluffs participated in a music contest held at Peru, IJebrJ, indebtedness of H. A. Wolf Co. Inc., a Nebraska corporation, with its principal plact last Friday and Saturday. Esther </£ directors Monday evening, Mr. good you can't print it, and if you Of business in Omaha, wns ?M1,551.O6. Mesdames Louis H. Cohen and Steinberg won second place in the Adolph M. Davis was re-elected pres- can print it either everybody knows held; Sunday afternoon. H. A. WOLF, President, Ben E. Kubby were co-hostesses at violin division, and was awarded a Attest! R. H. KOOPER, Secretary. Brotherhood Dance ident of the Federation of Jewish it or nobody cares about it. If it's Surviving Mrs. Snovsky are. two H. A. WOLF, a tea Wednesday afternoon, Febr. silver medal. She was accompanied HTH. AUERBACn, :-:; Social Service and the Jewish Com- true they get sore, if it's not true, sons, Sam Snovsky of Sioux City and the piano by her sister, Folrence H. H. KOOPER, . - 31 munity Center. Mr. Davis, who has they get sore; if they get sore we Albert Snovsky of Boston, and two The Mount Sinai Brotherhood wil at Majority of Directors. Steinberg, who .also participated in NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS taken an active part in Jewish com- feel bad; if they don't get sore, we're daughters, Mrs. Max Haligman and entertain its members at a dance and the piano concert. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st Harold-. Wolpa day Miss Rose novsky. social Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, of January, 1033, the total outstanding NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS lnunal service for a number of years, afraid they might; all in all, it's of H. C. Faidley Co., Inc., a in the Temple annex. Admission to was a member of the Boys quartet indebtedness Notice is hereby given that on the 1st is also president of Mount Sinai H— if you do and it's H— if you Nebraska corporation, Tjrith its principal of January, 1038,.the total outstanding the dance, which is scheduled to be- Which won -first.: place and wasplace of business in Omaha, was: seenrod day Temple and a member of the Temple don't. If we print it they wonder of Commercial Realty Com," awarded a silver'<up. Bepresenta.- indebted ness, $227,775; unsecured indebted- indebtedness gin at 8:30, will be by Brotherhood pany, a Nebraska corporation, with its how we got it; if we leave it out, Brotherhood. tiyes from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska ness, ?0»S.C4. principal place of business In Oranhji, was: membership card. H. A. WOLF, President. Secured indebtedness. $356,000; unsecured Other officers elected were Barney they can't figure out how we passed R. H. BROWN, Secretary. ." Mr, E. N. Grueskin and Mr- Harry and Kansas, participated in this Attest: indebtedness, $32,274.00. Baron, Mrs. E. E. Baron, Frank Da- it up. It must be wonderful to H. A. WOLF, contest. H. A. WOLF, President. Horwitz are in charge of the arrangeH. H. AUERBACH, write a; "Twenty Years Ago Today" Miss Leah Gelfand, daughter of vidson, Mrs. R. H. Emlein and Max Attest'. H. H. AUERBACH, Secretary. R. H. BROWN, ments for. the evening. Mr. Louis H. A. WOLF, Lasensky, vice presidents; Mr. Maxcolumn, and, talking about twenty Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gelfand, 1117 Goldberg is president of the Brother- Mrs. Rae Boss, who flew to New Majority of Directors. H. H. AUERBACH, R. H. BROWN, Brodkey, secretary, and Mr.. Mike years ago, an item that will interest West Fourteenth street, became the hood. York City, last week on a buying NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Majority of Directors. bride of Frank Alfred Fine, son of ftalovsky, treasurer. . ' '.'' local fight fans; is the announcement Notice is hereby given that on the 1st : trip, is also visiting in Philadelby Matt Smith that- he has resumed Mrs. Pearl Fine, 2620 Pierce street, day.of January, 1033, the total outstanding phia and New Brunswick with rela- indebtedness of Omaha Bus & Terminal in anticipation of a busy Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the a Nebraska corporation, with its Mount Sinai tives, and is expected to return Company, Yiddish Drama : training summer season. He's been making presence of the immediate families principal place of business in Omaha, was: home next week. the same announcement for as long of the bride and groom. Rabbi M. H. B. ZIMMAN, President. Sunday Night as we ca remember. His only bid Draver read the marriage lines. Fol- Rabbi Lewis will speak this eveAttest: WM. L. HOLZMAN, Secretary. ning on the subject, "Are the Jews Mrs. M. L. Marks left Tuesday H. B. ZIMMAN. for fame in his.long and hectic calowing the ceremony a dinner was a Chosen People?" A four-act drama, "CKacia, the-Or"WM. 1*. HOLZMAN, WM. F. BARTER, phan," by Gordin, will be presented reer was his challenge to Benny served to the wedding guests at the Last Sunday evening Rabbi Lewis NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Majority of Directors. Leonard for the lightweight chamGelfand home. Mr. and Mrs. Fine addressed the Methodist church at Notice is hereby given that on the 1st at the Jewish Community Center on pionship of the world, which scared day of January, 1933. the total outstanding NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS will reside in Sioux City. Sunday night, Feb. 19. The play Whiting, Iowa. indebtedness of Austin Apartments, Inc., A Notice is hereby that on the 1st •will begin at 8 o'clock. It is being Benny to death at the time. corporation, with its principal day of January, 1933,given Children of the fifth class present Nebraska the total outstanding place of business In Omaha, was: secured indebtedness sponsored by the National Workers' Right now we're just dying to tell Twenty couples attended the din-ed a debate at the religious schoo. Indebtedness, of Carlton Realty Co.. a Ne$100,000; unsecured indebted- braska corporation, with its principal place The Sign of Alliance and the Pioneer Women's you what young lady is visiting ner dance Sunday evening at the assembly last Sunday morning. Par- ness, $40. of business in Omaha, was: secured inH. A. WOLF. President. debtedness. $110,075.85; unsecured indebtedclub. .The play has been directed by where, and why, not to mention Martin hotel given by the Iota Tau ticipating were Arnold Rosenfeld, Ro- Attest: R. H. KOOPER, Secretary. Good Workmanship ness, $3,270.02. Mr. David Sperling. • • H. A. WOLF, DR. PHILIP SHEK. President. whom. We would, the only catch sorority- in celebration of the club's zena Kosberg, Harold Lefkovich, JA. 1614 R. H. KOOPER, The cast includes the following: being that she has two tough broth- second 'anniversary. Mr. Ernest J . Dorothy Davis and George Galinsky. Attest: H. A. WOLF. Secretary. H. H. ATJERBACH, Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg DR. PHILIP SHER, "Chacia, the Orphan," Mrs. M. Leafif; ers, one brother-in-law at 190 pounds Fribourg was the master, of cereMajority of Directors. J. KATLEMAN, OMAHA H. A. WOLF, Volodia, Mr. David Sperling; Morde- (that hits at least like a bantam monies during the evening. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Majority of Directors. Shaare Zion cai, Chacia's father, S. Ratner; Karo- weight) and a couple of cousins that Table appointments and decorations Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of January, 1933, the total outstanding linafi, Volodia's sister, Mildred Sir- threatened to commit a little may- were carried out in the Valentine indebtedness of H: A. Wolf Company, a ken; Mr. Trachtenberg, M. Dervin; hem on the side if we so much as theme. Bill Brookings and hi3 or- Rabbi Rabinowitz will use as the Nebraska corporation, with.its principal place of business in Omaha, was: secured Mrs. Trachtenberg, Mrs. L Sperling; breathed a word about it. "So that's chestra played for dancing through- subject of his sermon tonight "Wal- indebtedness. $116,134.70; unsecured inout the evening. Among the Oma- ter Rathenau Turning in His Grave.' debtedness. $118,038.52. Attorney,- Mr. M. Mason; Servant, that. "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" — H. A. WOLF, President. hans who attended the affair were The sermon will deal with the situa- Attest: Mrs. Morris Sperling. Others who H. H. AUERBACH, Secretary. Red Reznick suggests as a new Funerals To Fit Any Purse' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barish, Misses tion of the Jew in Germany at the - H. A. WOLF. take part in the cast are Rose Al. H. H. ATJERBACH, . _. . . ] bert, Dorothy Mazor, Sain Janowitz, name for this* column, "Dray a May- Annette Bender, Hazel Ravitz, Doro- present time. Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third XiOUIS HILLER. - . .. . -. i ach." We will be glad to receive thy Kaplan, Sara Foreman, Sylvia Cantor A. Pliskin and the choir Eudy Shindler and. Inez Leaf. Majority of Director* • any other useless suggestions (from Givlnter, Sylvia Rockovitz and Mr.will chant the ritual. The story deals with a family in Eussia, their relations with the or-paid up subscribers). Just write your Art Lip. suggestion on the inside of a wornphan girl, and her fate, Cultural Meeting: out Goodrich tire, or a reasonably ac- Tomorrow evening the Maccabee curate facsimile of one, and send it club and the Debrah club will hold The Jewish Cultural dub, organTalmud Torah Banquet W the office of Coroner Wm. Krig- a joint meeting and party for.their ized recently by young people of the Two hundred ^and fifty people at- sten, or to the station to which you members. The party will be given ages 16 to 21, will hold* its meeting tended the annual Talmud Torah ban- are listening. If we use your sug- at the Jewish Community Center. Sunday evening, Feb. 19, at the Jewquet last Sunday evening in the Jew- gestion you will receive by return Committees who are in charge of the ish Community Center. ish Community Center. Among those mail one beautiful pink bristleless evening's entertainment include Ed The business meeting will be folwho spoke in behalf of the Hebrew toothbrush. Sperling, Dave Montrose and Perry lowed by a program. Miss Dorothy schools, urging" the support of. the To one of God's frozen people goes Osnowitz. The Debrah committee will Mazor is the president of the group, local community, were Rabbi H. R. the distinction of being the first per- be in charge of the refreshments. which is under the direction of Rabbi Rabinowitz, Barney Baron and Rabbi son in Sioux City to own and drive Theodore N. Lewis. J . D .M a r o n . • - . . ' • the new 1933 Ford, or shall I 'just Abraham Singer, son of Mr. and Children of the Hebrew school pre- say the first to BUY arid drive the Mrs. I. Singer; 1001 Nineteenth street, NOTICE o r isvnasmL sented a group of numbers. The new 1933 Ford? Who said the in-a member of the Grinnell college de- Notice Is hereby given." that on the 1st day o£ January, 1U33, the'total outstanding committee included Mrs. B; Sherman, surance business was tough? bating team, participated in a con- indebtedness of the Standard Development Mrs. J. Bernstein and Mrs. J. Gut- Hats off to Carl S. and Abe K test with the Grinnell high school Co., a Nebraska Corporation, with the prin; cipal place of business in'Omaha, was: setleman. , for sending their girls a heart-shaped on the subject of high school taxa- cured indebtedness, $98,7-18.96; unsecured Valentine box of candy (the big sis-tion. indebtedness, $32,072. H. A. WOLF. President. sies). ',. Attest: J. A. C. KENNEDY, Secretary. SMOOTH tires don't hold on wet paveH. A. Wolf, , Bunny D. boasts two invitations ment. Punctures are more dangerous A. W. GORDON, to visit Lake Placid, and from two J. A. C. KENNEDY, when it's slippery. Changing tires is also Majority of Directors. different sources. The' only thing J Members of the: Y. A. J. club held dangerous and disagreeable. Better put SHOTWKLX* MONSKT, GRODINSKY A wrong is that he forgot' wha invited an open meeting and party Tuesday VANCE. Att«rney». GRANADA on new Goodyears now—they'll protect TOT Omaha National Bank BIdK. him, he doesn't know where Lake evening at the Center. LAST TIME TODAY "• you, save you money o n repairs and Placid is, and besides that he can't NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ' delays, and still be like new when spring PAUL MUNI get away right now, but he sure can The Dramatic club plays, which Kotico- is hereby given that on the 1st of January, 1U33, the total outstanding arrives. in ski. Darn it. were scheduled for last^ week, but day indebtedness of Reserve Heal Estate Com"I AM A FUGITIVE FROM pany, a Nebraska, corporation, with its We sure would like to know what postponed because of the inclement principal place of business in Omaha, vras Center Traction Means Safety! A CHAIN GANG" the conversation in Davidson's tea- weather, will be held next Monday $41,068.91. SEE how Goodyear puts TRACTION in ... LESTER GEORGE HEYN, President. Also a Joe Penner Comedy • - room was that had Mrs. Cecil "Bert" evening in the auditorium of the Attest: JEItOMK F. HEIN, Secretary. the center—big husky blocks of rubber— Community Canter. Four one-act STARTING SATURDAY ; X.ESTEK GEOKGE HEYN, S., Mrs. Eddie G., Mrs. Dave H., keen-edged—deep-slotted—to dig in, grip JEKOMB F. HEYN, plays will be presented.. The admisMrs. E. E., "Anne" S. and her litJOHN BARRYMORE Majority of Directors. and hold. More stop! The All-Weather sion charge is ten cents. r 2-17-lt. tle sister Ida sitting up on the edges in Tread is a big reason why millions more of their chairs. From the looks of PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK "BILL OF DIVORCEMENT" it aU, it was no place for little sis- Miss Sadie Shulldn reviewed "Napeople ride on Goodyear Tires. Come in— 650 Omaha National Bank Building with NOTICE OF INCOKPOKAT1ON OF TED'S we'll demonstrate! than the Wise,"' by Lessing, at the PEN AND CARD SHOP, INC. Katharine Hepburn, Billie Burke and ters. Guess who was the most in- dinner meeting of the Business Girls' Notice is hereby given that the underterested listener. David Manners signed have formed a corporation under Anybody that missed the Iota_Tau club Wednesday evening. the laws of the State of Nebraska. The and ••.:••'•.-'-• name of this corporation shall be Ted's formal, either on purpose or just on Pen & Card Shop, Inc., with the principal "AIRMAIL" place of business ut Omaha, Nebraska. U'he account of, can start eating their tires Ralph Bellamy, Pat O'Brien hearts out here and now. Formals, general nature of the business to be transacted and the object and purpose for Slim Summerville •whlch'thls corporation is organized is to formals everywhere, and only one own, conduct nnd operate a place of busi"Bill of Divorcement," starting Sat- Tux in the house. But seriously, it ness for the sale of pens, pencils, greeting urday at the Granada, stars John WAS worth coming a hundred miles cards, picture frames, cameras, leather novelties, stationery, gloves, lingerie, film A capacity audience attended the Barrymore in what has been described for (ask Annette). The ladies were hosiery and novelties and acGood fires Cost as his greatest role; a characteriza- gorgeous, the dancing " divine, and meeting Tuesday evening, which com- developing, cessories of a like or kindred character; REAL TIRE SERVICE! to lease, buy, sell, exchange uud/or enmemorated the sixtieth birthday of Lifetime Guaranteed tion him and new to his vast Frank M. and his charming partner Experienced tire men carefully change property, both real and personal, audience of admirers and followers. won the waltz prize. Jack K. proved the Hebrew poet, Chaim Bialik. The cumber to be used for the purposes of its business; your tires here. We clean and graphite GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY and to do all things which may be necesyour rims, check wheel alignment, put flaying in featured support are his love for his bride to be by kiss- program, sponsored by the Kadima Bary Supertwist Cord Tires and/or proper to carry out the obin the correct air pressure, properly Katharine Hepburn, -who almost steals ing her in front of God and every- club of Shaare Zion synagogue, was jects and purposes hereinbefore Bet forth. Cash Prices—Mounted Free tighten the rim bolls. The authorized capital stock shall be $10,Fun Prieeef Each the show, and Billie Burke (wife of body present, and with all this, if held in the synagogue social hall. 000.00 and all of said stock shall be cominPra. Ovenize Each the late Flo Ziegfeld), one. of the you were not among the privileged Those who participated in the pro-mon and of the par value of $100.00 per share and shall be fully paid up and nonCS.feS- f .«! ^greatest actresses of the American few aren't as green with envy as R. gram were Rabbi Rabinowitz, Mr. A.assessable. 30x3HR««.a. The corporation shall comGood Used Tires G O O D Y E A R 4.40-2L 4.£f 3.9S £.Q£ stage. Liberty says four stars, and W.'s beautiful formal was (green), Tabai, Reuben Halpern, Rebecca mence doing business upon filing of its with i he County Clerk of DougTOP DRESSING 4.50-20 4.4t «.Sf £.©e liberty knows. then sue us. (It wasn't told to us,Stillman, Mrs. Reuben Miller, Cantor articles las County, Nebraska, and shall continue 4.57 4.47 A. Pliskin, Sarah Halpern, Libbie for a period of fifty yenrs from said date. Easy to apply. Keep* 4.50-21 we only heard.) 4.75-19 S.*7 s«xz highest amount of indebtedness shall up Olensky, Ruth Wigodsky, Ida and The out tain. Improrea 4.75-20 not exceed two-thirds of its capitnl stock, 5.X3 A . good game of bridge Monday SXPERTTTJtK Bertha "Heshelow and the synagogue but this restriction shall not include inRIALTO car looks. 5.00-19 5.SS 5.4C £.XS VULCANIZING night was rudely interrupted when a choir. Mr. Barney Baron introduced debtedness secured by mortgages or liens. Other Sizzm l a Proportion The affairs of this corpopition shall be LAST TIME TODAY distracted clerk sent an S. 0. S. call the program. managed by a Bonrd of Directors, consistJOANBLONDELL ing of not less than two members. The to Alice. • Alice frantically searched annual meeting of the corporation shall be for a messenger. Helpful hints were in CHAINS—For Any Size Tires—40% OFF held on the first Monday in January of each year at which meeting the stockholdoffered by accommodating Hadassahs Hadassah Benefit "The Famous Ferguson Case" ers shall elect n Board of Directors nnd (such as, if you. want to know a thereupon the Board shall elect a Presiand > dent, Vice-President, Secretary and TreasBridge on Monday phone number, use the phone book). urer. Any two of said offices may be held WINNIE LIGHTNER Anyway, Alice grabbed a cab, dashed by one and.the same person. These artiThe fourth and last party of the may be amended at any regular or to said clerk, delivered missing Junior- Hadassah bridge tournament cles "MANHATTAN PARADE" up meeting of the stockholders by twokey, and was back at the Canton in will be held next Monday evening at special thirds vote o£ the outstanding stock. STARTING SATURDAY IN WITNESS WHKUEOK the parties time to finish the rubber of bridge. 8:30 o'clock in the Martin hotel. have hereuuto subscribed their names this "SELF DEFENSE" Speed! You're telling us? 8th day of February. ll>33. Prizes for the evening will be award-
sA-i-p-p-e- r-y roads!
J.G. C,News
Capacity Audience atBialik Meeting
i n
James Dunn ajnd Sally Eilers «O)ANCETEAM" Starting Saturday the Rialto offera another big double feature. , "Self " Defense," ; showing for th first time in Sioux City, marks the return to the screen of one of Hollywood's most famous stars, Pauline Freder. ick', who has the distinction of being the only actress, according to cinema critics, who has never given a poor • performance.
•• •
. •;
"Dance Team," a four star picture, 1 -with Sally Eilers r anji James; Dunn, tells an interesting story in a most entertaining manner.
• - • • • • •
Pauline Frederick and Barbara Kent . _
To Speak to Hadassah at Kansas City Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz has been invited" to address the Kansas City Senior Hadassah organization on Monday, Feb. 20, at the group's Give and Get luncheon. The regional office tonight tendered the rabbi the invitation. Thursday, Rabbi Rabinowitz was one of eight speakers to address the Columbia club meeting in the West hotel. He spoke in Hebrew and then interpreted his remarks. - The other speakers addressed the. club in their native languages and interpreted the addresses. - v • : : :.. -: ' •
ed then, as well as the grand prizes W. E. GltOH. L. K. RYAN. for the entire tournament. In the presence of: Philip M. Klutznicfc. 2-10-S3-4t. Hostesses for the bridge Monday are Mary Kaplan, Ida Cohen, Kate F. R. ACKITUMAN, Attorney. Kaplan, Frances Jacobson, Dena M. 490 Brandels Theatre Bide. Baron and Elizabeth Raskin. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Fifty-three members of the Hadasthe County Court of Douglas County, sah attended the "paid-up member- InNebraska. ' ship" dinner, last Monday evening at In the Matter of the Estate of Shoul Rips, Deceased. the Canton tea garden. The total All persons interested In said estate are paid-up membership for this year;' ac- hereby notified that a-petition has been filed said Court alleging that said decording to Miss Sophie Raskin, chair- ceasedindied leaving no last will nnd prayman of the membership committee, is ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition sixty girls. Assisting the board of before said court on the 4tb day of March, directors in the arrangements for the 1933, and that if they fail to appear at said on the said 4th day of Mnrcn, 18*J( dinner last Monday were the Misses Court at 9 o'clock A. M.,' to contest said petition, Rosalie Sacks, Sara Woskoff, Mary the Court may grant the same and grant of said estate to Bessie S. Greenbaum, Ida Feldman, Sybil Mer- administration Rips or some other suitable person an* lin, Hose Finsod, Sophie Raskin and proceed to a settlement thereof. ^ _ : 5 BBXCH CRAWFORD, ; Connfe Saitlin. ' : 2-10-33-3t. s County Judge.
ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Corner 17th and Capitol Are. OMAHA, NEBR.
Hoberman Bros* Proprietor!