February 24, 1933

Page 1


Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism



Untrrtd as Seeond-Onsji MaU Matter on January 21, WO, at Post office at Omaha, Nebraska, wirier the Act of March 8.1879

* S4%>.' United States have sent their Ei^^'Extraordinary and AmbassaH^..^ "Dotentiary to Palestine. I may safely say—Envoy '.ry—for who could have xtraordinary than Chonoh The?dispatches, as far as I Imovr, c :\ take note of the departore of "h,, and yet y within the ranks of professional Jewry, no recent sailing in Palestine was more Noted Jewish Leader Vigorously talked about. Denounces Corruption in




If you have ever met Chonoh, you vnil understand-^-or even if you have ever visited within the intimate realms of the powers that be in New York Jewry. Chonoh was unique. He toiled not, neither did he spin-^-yet he was every•where, knew everybody-—went every•Wibere, and missed few things. Chonoh of course is pre-eminently t'ka Zionist. He could claim intimacy "With Brandeis, Weizmann, Sokolow, Lipsky and Rothenberg. He could more than claim intimacy. He could get of their hard earned cash. And if he perhaps schnorred— he •was no ordinary schnorrer. The New York Times used, to say that it did not solicit advertisements—it "accepted them." So Chonoh might say of the gifts made to him.



Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—^Thirty percent of the Jewish population in Poland are declassed and starving, while 90 percent of the Jewish workers are unemployed and Jewish professionals and intellectuals are in a desperate state, Deputy Bothenstreich informed .the .Polish Sejm. The process of uprooting the Jews from .their economic positions is, moreover, growing apace, he dedared, with 15 percent of Polish Jewry only earning a" bare subsistence. Seventy groschen daily is considered a good wage for an average Jewish family in Warsaw, Lodz and Vilna, formerly thriving industrial centers offering a good livelihood to the Jews. An investigation of the Jewish schools, he said, 'disclosed that of 46 children, 11 had their breakfasts, 14 were fed on tea ^md the rest received no food. Some children, moreover, sought to hide' bread received at school meals to take home to their starving families, Deputy Rothenstreich asserted.



IX—No. 4

Elected President Lapidus Trust

a Single High Jewish Official Left in Prussian Administration -

Einstein May Lose Organizational Plans Completed for German Passport Community Fund in Memory of Berlin (J. T | A.).—Skilfullyy maDeparted Leader Berlin, (J. T-A.)—Distinguished h press neuvering not t ^^ contravene the

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York held a "standing room" audience at curb decree, wjiich invokes severe pacifist leaders such as Professor Alr Forum lecture Wednesday at the punishment fort attacks on estab- bert Einstein, the noted scientist, are J. C. C spell-bound as, in his usual lished religions; and religious com- in danger of having their rights to silver-tongued manner, he gave a munities, the Sazi press neverthe- leave Germany withdrawn in accordruthless expose of civic corruption and less manages tof publish anti-Semitic ance with a new practice introduced Harry B. Zimman was unani- changing conditions. All funds are graft in New York city. articles, anti-Semitic slogans and ca- by the government of Chancellor mously elected president of the to be held in trust "for educational, His" matchless wit.: and subtle sarricatures -of Jewfi as. part of its elec- Adolph Hitler. Harry H. Lapidus Community charitable, religious or benevolent casm added flavor to the • address, The new government has adopted Trust Fund at a meeting of the uses or purposes of Jewish chartion campaign, f wherein Dr. Wise related episode afThis vigorous Impressing of the anti- the principle of withdrawing the board of directors at the Hill acter." ter episode of municipal corruption. The affairs of the fund are to be Semitic issue ad$s to the fears of the passports of such citizens as it deems Hotel Tuesday noon. "A reason for New York's misgovhave hurt the German cause through administered by a board of seventhe election the NaJews that after J. H. Kulakofsky was elected vice teen men, ten life members and severnment," Mr. Wise stated, "is parasris, who now-confine their efforts to their activities abroad. doxically its bigness and its littleness. president; Dave Goldman, treasurer, en chosen for two-year terms. ' This new principle has already bringing about jhe expulsion of the It has-grpwn until it is an empire, and and David Blacker, secretary. Jews from civil offices, will employ been applied to Hellmuth, von Ger- Organization plans are now com- The life members are Sam Beber, an empire cannot be governed as a lach and Karl von Ossietzky, leadAbe Goldstein, Dr. Abe Greenberg, more direct methods against them. municipality. ers of German liberalism and the pleted. The powers granted are flex- William L. Holzman, J. H. KulaThe Nazi Stoom Troops have been "Most cities believe that the solupacifist movement in Germany, kofsky, Henry Monsky, Dr. Philip ordered to refriin- from direct at- whose tion to all their problems is to double passports have been withSher, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry A. tack'upon Jews and Jewish property. in size, but you in Omaha — beware drawn. Wolf and Harry B. Zimman. But this order is; valid only for times that you do not become too big." Professor Einstein, who is now in The seven elected for two-year WHAT—NO SECOND of peace and tbe present disturbed "In New York," the speaker dethe United States, is an outstanding terms at the annual Federation meetPAIR! mood offers noJguarantee that the pacifist leader of Germany. clared, fthe law is in league with the ing last week include Max M. BarOne day a leading Zionist, who op- lawlessness, the object and purpose of Jews will be safeguarded, is the opinish, David Blacker, David Goldman, - erates one of the largest clothing both being to reap as huge profits as ion expressed, particularly in view of J. J. Greenberg, Philip M. KluteStores in New York asked Chonoh to p o s s i b l e . " , . the unceasing Naxi press campaign. •'..•-• nick, Harry Malashock and Harry come up and -presented him with a . No Officials Here, he interjected tales of "ballotTrustin. According to the by-laws, suit of clothing. box stuffing." Voting, he stated, was Morris Sogolow's J. C. C. cagers Not a single high Jewish official no trustee so elected can serve more The donor looked on as Chonoh cast done before.the polls opened and af- will seek their 22nd victory of the remains in the Prussian administrathan two consecutive terms. his eyes over the suit. He waited for season when they meet the Chat 'N tion, following tie sweeping cleansThis method of selecting the trusan expression of beaming gratitude., Nibble five of the Y. M. C. A. at ing of Minister of Interior Wilhelm tees was adopted because it provides, Chonoh looked here and there and LawesNext the Center gym on Sunday after- Goering. j Moscow, (J.TJL)—The "Emess" first, a permanency of trusteeship of finally looked up. "Where is the secThe tfext speaker on the Forum noon, February 26, at 3 p . m . carries the first advertisement reIn an eleeticb appeal Eugene such caliber that the public may ond pair of pants?" he asked. series at the Jewish Community The- J. C. C. Girls will clash with O'Neill, the famj ius American play- garding the formalities attendant look to the fund with absolute asCenter will be Warden Lewis E. tiie Catholic Sokol Girls at 2 p. m., wright, is called & Jew by the Nazi upon securing permission for Soviet FLOWERS FOR THE surance as to its integrity and abilLawes,* who "will speak here on and the Talmud Tor ah team will organ, "VoeBdsebir Beobachter," and citizens to leave Russia. LOVELY ity; and, second, popular representaWednesday, evening, March 29. meet the'Milder Oils at 1 p. m., in accused of degiJuJing the JJerman The advertisement, placed by the tion, that the interest of the public €honoh was magnificently chival- His subject will " be, "Twenty a grade school game. theater, through his play, "Emperor Intourist, Soviet Travel Agency, derous. Like a true aristocrat, he en- Thousand Years in Sing Sing." On Tuesday, February 28, at 8:30 Jones." It also. flists a number of clares that the Intourist will arrange tertained great respect for God's nobthe Varsity will play the Omaha other non-Jewish* playwrights whom all the formalities for Soviet citilest creature—woman. He knew how ter they closed, and. many votes cast University Reserves in a benefit zens desiring to emigrate from the it calls Jews. .„.•*• to appreciate a great lady. for an undesired candidate were game sponsored -by Group 6 of the A meeting of representatives of all country for the sum of five hundred One great and fine woman for. Conservative Auxiliary. Harry B. Zimman gold roubles, where workers are conw a whom Chonoh was justly fond is Mrs. I t h !£ / political organizations in New] In the preliminaries the Center Federal "Unions lof German Jewry cerned, and 1,000 gold roubles for ?resident "The Archibald Silvennan, the.well-known York are indeed philanthropists. Girls will meet the Social Settle- was convened tojtake counsel as to other categories. ible, so that the purposes of the the measures to'be pursued in the Zionist leader. Every election they give jobs to 20,000 ment Girls, starting at 7:30, and the the regulations regard- trust fund may be changed to meet Chonoh never forgot any of Mrs. to 30,000 FEjladelphians, who in a two Xi Lambda will meet the Jantor's face of the dangers with which Ger- ingAlthough emigration from Soviet Russia man Jewry is confronted. Silverman's birthdays. .Abyays there or three day sojourn , jvote in each Express of-Omaha at 6:30. were previously made known through The meeting elected a committee came on such occasions a magnificent borough, in New^York4l! jT: fl. CL l f ••vf H W i defive to TepT^fo^-CeiTBan-J*!!^ d floral "bouquet from Chonoh^with-bill ter tie city tourney to be held at "of* 1 :: "If Al Capone had run; for mayor of press, this is the first time that the ry and to take such action as may attached.-"- ' : '- -.-^--.-*': • •" w, - ; • New York in the last election on the the Y. M. C. J U the first week in Yiddish press has published such an be deemed expedient. The C. O.' D. gift coming from Tammany»ticket, he would have re- March. Former chancellor Wilhelm Marx announcement. Chonoh was different, Mrs. Silverover a million votes." And! They defeated the Fremont quint spokesman for the Center party, de-: The fact that the announcement knew. She understood and smiled and ceived February 15 to the tune of 51 to 38. Rabbi Wise 'was serious, explaining •, today takes the form of an adverclared that the Centre party will do learned to like these; "gifts" from that the people in Hew York did not; The girls achieved their seventh, win tisement which appears exclusively all within its power to protect the Chonoh. " ;':i; \r>' .J-l . :• vote for the candidates or for prin- by downing the Letter Shop, 23 to religious and civil equality rights of in the Yiddish press is interpreted 20. ciples but only for parties. as indicating that the Intourist atGETTING CITIZENSHIP Last Sunday the Mozer Rodeos the Jews and Schechita. [: : : taches considerable hope to a sizeable Jewish Agricultural Society Sees He told in detail the corruption and 'PAPERS; v-"; -:- -^:^ :>: } ' from Lincoln nosed out the Center Jewish emigration from Russia in graft that market the administration Opportunity for Jewish When Chonoh went to take out his five in the last few seconds of play, Palestine Chambers of exchange for payment in gold, which of Walker as mayor of New York. Farmers citizenship papers, he came before winning 46 to 40. will be arranged possibly through Supreme Court Justice Aaron J. The Holmes-Seabury-Wise battle for Commerce in Fair the aid of relatives abroad. clean city government in New York, • . L e v y . . • • •,-.•'•. • . . • New York.—There are 750,000 the speaker stated, obtained very little J. H. Kulakofsky Plan Religious School When Chonoh came into the court- aid. The captains of industry and fiJewish farmers throughout the Vice-President Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—Preparations room, Judge Levy called out, "Hello, nance were'denounced by Wise for not Under Vaad Auspices to\ participate in the 1933 World Miss Psi Mu" to Be world and never before has there Chonoh." which is to be served may be repcaring a whit about the'weal of the Fair in Chicago are being made by! Chosen on March 5 been so keen an interest in farming resented "Hello, Aaron," called out Chonoh, common people, merely their own by a continuing flow of ins by Jews as there exists today, ac- dividuals who in a specific time will A Religious School under the aus- the larger Chambers of Commerce in who proceeded to the bench, taking his riches. The teachers in' the ; schools, "Miss Psi Mu" will be announced cording to the thirty-third annual represent the will and dominant cur* place by the side of the judge and he continued, dare not lift even a sug- pices of fiie Vaad, iH'Oehr is being P.UtFtme. ThP latter art planning to arrange at the fourth annual Psi Mu day report of the Jewish Agricultural rent of that time. nearly wrecking the decorum of the gestion against the powers that pe, instituted, with the opening session be held Sunday morning, March 5. special cheau torrs to Chicago for celebration, to be held a tthe J. C. C. society, by Gabriel Davidson, its While the board of directors plans court. " as it would mean instantaneous dis- to The school will Jbe under the su- their members. It is experted that on Sunday, March 5. Her identity te give wide publicity to the comLater, Chonoh was taken before a missal. The churches and synagoguesj pervision of Rabbi Uri Miller and is several hundred Palestiniar^s will will be determined by the popularity general manager. woman clerk to give his citizenship are afflicted with "moral paralysis," being sponsored There Is room for more Jews on munity trust fund, no direct solicitathe educational sai* f i the United States when spe- contest now being conducted at tbe Dr. Wise said. "However; if a reform committee <if the by oath. American farms, equipped with cap- tion of funds will be undertaken. Vaad and the re- cial rates on steamship tickets are regular Psi Mu Sunday matinee First Contribution ' Chonoh was told to raise his hand, candidate would win, "the night after ligious committee of the* Vaad and announced. ital and other necessary requireThe first contribution to the fund victory they would jump on the band Junior Vaad; Auxiliaries, -The mus- J A number of Palestine Jewish dances. as the woman repeated the oath. ments and this is an opportune time Gene Cooper's orchestra will play was an unsolicited gift of $100 from "Vas vill die yachne von mir?" wagon." The independent press also ical department -will be /under the firms, moreover, expect to exhibit at this Sunday's regular matinee to place them there, the report de- J. E. Davidson, head of the Nebraska failed to lend support. •houted Chonoh, as his hand was upclares. their wares at the Fair. direct . supervision: of ".; Cantor A. dance at the Center. Two members lifted. ; Dr. Wise was hopeful that cities Schwaczkin. In 1900, when the Jewish Agricul- Power company. In a letter accom' of the Jewish Women's Welfare orChonoh has gone to Palestine, could cleanse themselves of corrupttural Society began to function, panying his contribution, Mr. DaClasses will be held Sunday mornpromising the Zionists who raised the ness. The will of the; people, the ganization will chaperone. there were about 200 Jewish farm vidson states: money for the trip, that he would re- homes, will bring about just govern-: ings .from .10 a. m. to noon at t^e Each year a strong out-of-town families in the United States. To- "I think it is most fitting that a B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and main there a minimum of three years. ment. basketball quintet meets the Psi Mn ; day over 100,000 Jews are deriving community trust fundbe raised as a Chicago Sts. The subjects to be emThere is a little anxiety however, cagers on Psi Mu day. Last year Irvin Stalmaster presided. their livelihood, in whole or in part, permanent memorial ibr our highly phasized ; include Jewish history, curon the part of the American Zionists, the St. Louis Sholom Aleichem team A luncheon was given in Dr. Wise's from the farm, Jewish farmers are respected and valuable citizen, the rent events, customs and ceremonthat the Palestinian Zionists may played here, and this year the Jewfound in every state in the union. late Harry H. Lapidus. fund to send him back to honor at the J. C. C. Wednesday boon ials, and folk songs. ish Educational Center team from by the local Zionists. ' "It is the hope of the sponsors of "The Jesters," a troupe of seven St. Paul, Minn., will meet the Psi A study made by Mr. Davidson "For several years before Harry Arnerica.; rnerica; the Religious School," stated Rabbi leading Yiddish artists direct from Mu March 5 at 2:30. The St. Paul early in the year placed the esti- Lapidus passed to the land of the You see, how it is when you are a "that this opportunity "will New York, will be featured in a aggregation is reputed to be one of mated world population of Jewish more blessed ones, I counted him as = Miller, good man—everybody wants to send Benefit Cage Game one of my close friends. Like everybe availed of by many who are not program of humor, folk songs and the strongest basketball teams in farmers at 750,000. you somewhere else. one else who was privileged to know The society through its farm loan at the present receiving any Jewish that territory and has chalked up a one-act plays to be presented at the at Center Tuesday education. One of the two or three leading him well, I respected him very highdepartment has granted up to the ; J. C. C. Wednesday evening, March Tecord of twenty-four victories. Zionists in America described Chonoh : end of the last fiscal year 10,702 ly, and admired him as a man and 1, at 8:30 p. m. Following the game, the regular as a "genius" and as a transcending The benefit game between the J. C. loans, aggregating $6,901,000 a citizen. My heart still aches over This program will be part of the matinee dance will be held, and the farm pschycologist, though Chonoh himself C. Varsity basketball team and- the to Jewish farmers in forty states. his cruel death. awards to the popularity winner celebration of the twentieth anniverdoes not know the meaning of the Omaha University Reserves will be This financial service provides Jewsary of the Jewish National Work- given. Special entertainment has ish farmers with a source of credit "There is little that any of us can word "psychologist." Farewell, Cho- held at the Center gym Tuesday evedo now for Harry, except to do been arranged for the dance. ers' alliance, and is being sponsored noh, as you enter the Promised Land, ning, February 28. The game was not otherwise obtainable. The soc- something that we think would please by the local branch, number 54. don't, forget to keep your promise to originally scheduled for March 1. -.;•' iety's attitude toward borrowers at him, could he know about it. While The Pants Store basketball taem The Jewish National Workers' AlThe girls team will play the Soremain there for three years. this critical stage, is reflected in the I cannot do as much as I would Plan "Open House" climbed into a tie with Mark's Marcial Settlement sextet in a prelim- ket for the championship of the liance has made remarkable prog"We will continue to like, it is a pleasure for me to conHOW NOT TO DIE at Red Cross Office statement, inary. The main game will begin at Junior League at the Center when ress in its two decades of existence. stand by all deserving debtors. Our tribute the amount of the enclosed Dear By the Way: The program of the organization is ":30, and the preliminary at 7:30. interests and theirs are interwoven. I guess you think you are smart. Both the men's and girls' team have they defeated the Star Auto Parts to strengthen the national conscious- An "open house" and tea at the An enlightened policy toward our check to the Harry H. Lapidus ComIf you are, answer in your column established enviable records, but Tuesday, 29 to 23. The play-off for ness of the Jewish workers and to Red Cross sewing room, 424 Paxton borrowers, the only proper policy to munity Trust Fund. the title will be held shortly. how a Jew may be kept from dying. plenty of competition is. expected. help the development of Palestine as block, on Tuesday afternoon has been follow will, in the long run, also re- "With g-ood wishes for a deserved The same two teams tied for the response in memory of Harry Lapi<Ya-kum Purkan. a national homeland for 'the Jewish announced by Mrs. Reuben Kulakof- bound to our o"vra benefit." The Mesdames N. Nogg, Sam Kapdus, I am Answer: The answer to -that is lan, David Blacker, Horace Rosenblum championship "in the pre-season people. sky and Mrs. Myles Standish, coThe society's farm settlement deeasy. Any Jew who doesn't want to and S. L. Goldblatt are in charge of league, with the Marks quintet win- At present the organization is af- chairmen of the room this winter. "Very truly yours, partment gives advice, guidance and ning the play-off. die may easily avoid it. All he has the ticket sale. "J. E. DAVIDSON." All women who have assisted with filiated with the Ort; it participated aid to those vrho desire to buy farms In the senior loop the Deep Rocks to do is to become a meshumad (an the relief se-sring project in any caactively in relief work following the and who intend to take up farming have iced the championship, accordapostate) and he will not: die—he Psi Mu Basketball ing to the dope, although several war. In Palestine it organized the pacity are being invited to attend— as a life's work. Heads Fa-Hon will "payger." Askeh, a corporation which is loan- not only those who have done the The society's farm employment games remain to be played. Sally Pollay was elected president ing money at a small interest rate actual sewing, but those "who hare department has secured farm emQuintet to S t Paul THIS AND THAT of the Fa-Hon sorority at the last to build houses in Palestine. It was offered their cars for the delivery of ployment for 17,391 Jewish young Philip Guedalla, the British au- regular meeting. Rose Moscowitz Hatikvoh Club to Aid The Psi Mu basketball team, in also first to provide Palestinian work- garments, or helped in catting the men since its establishment. thor "davens" every day. was named secretary; Tillye Sigal second place in the J. C. C. tourney, The leading world authority on treasurer; Shirley Tessler reporter. in Talmud Torah Work ers with life insurance. Besides hav- materials. Dr. A. C. Stokes, presientrain tonight for St. Pawl, ing aided in the organization of the dent of the Omaha chapter of Red airplane gliding—Kronfeld—is a Jew. Rose Lindenbaum was appointed corJewisn History Class will Minn., where they will meet the The Hatikvoh club, which dis- American Jewish congress, the Alli- Cross, vdlT distribute pins to women Mrs. Israel Zangwill has one son, responding secretary with the KanJ. E. C. team of that city Sunday in banded in 1925 and has now been ance maintains a Jewish teachers' vrho have completed a hundred hours' who is milchig about Jewish- things, sas City chapter. an invitation game. The Jewish History-class of Temwork. seminary. and another, who is, very pariv. A party is planned for the instal- reorganized by Mrs. Ben Handler, The players making the trip Inple Israel will meet Tuesday evening Tea \rill be served from 2 -until This fraternal order issues policies has definitely decided that the City Einstein is reported on one occa- lation on Monday, February 27, at clude Dave Greenberg, Iz Bogdanoff, at 7:45 p. in. at the Temple. Mr. 5 o'clock. sion to have met Hitler and said to 8 p. m. at the home of one of the Talmud Torah will be the first to from one hundred to five thousand Jay Stoller, Ben Rosen, Manny GoldHarry Greene will lead the discusdollars, and sick benefits from sis to benefit from the organization's efhim: "Herr Hitler, it is a good members. Miss Lindenbaum is actHaifa.—Not a single case of bank- sion of the first chapter of the sec- berg, Morris Bloom, Jay Sadofskj, twenty dollars weekly. At present ing chairman for the event. . ; fortsthing you are an anti-Semite." ruptcy has occurred among Jews of ond volume of Graetz's History of and Irving Brookstein, manager. the order has 170 branches, women's Anyone interested in joining this The organization is contemplating And Hitler, curious, asked why. A return game will be played I* Haifa during 1932, according to the the Jews. The subject to be disauxiliaries and choral societies. group, which _ is increasing in size The annual ? spring And Einstein retorted: "Because a bake sale. Omaha on March 5, the fourth an: cussed will be "The Hasmoneans and report of the Haifa Jewish Chamber Admission to Wednesday** affair rapidly, is asked to call Webster dance will be given Set the Clxih if you weren't an anti-Semite, you nual Psi Mu day. ; the Sects in Palestine." of Commerce just blihd be fi£& i Arabjr. '"'.-•-'. wouldn't be anything."

First Contribution by Davidson





bame reams 1 ie for Title Twice

*AGE the recent "Give or Get" luncheon lit Kansas City. Mrs. B. M. Aehtenberg, prominent Hadassah worker of Kansas City, spoke at the annual *Give or Get" luncheon at Wichita, Kans.

THE Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - • .«• - -. • - Advertising rates furnished on application

Sisterhood Current Topics


Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Tetephone: ATlantic 1450 Siotrs City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER > - - • • Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - • Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent ANN PILL . . . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

CURBING THE PRESS Greece, the scene of minor sporadic anti-Semitic outbursts in the past could hardly be classed among the countries where discrimination against the Jewish inhabitants was in a dormant state. Surprising, therefore, is the recent action by the Public Prosecutor there in instituting ah action against the publishers of the wellknown paper "Makedonka Nea" for disseminating anti-Semitism through its pages. A-government action of such a nature is unique, not only in Greece but scarcely known in the other countries in the world. Even the more surprising is the realization that the action was brought while Tsaldaris was prime minister and the owner of the "Makedonka Nea" was a member of his own •government as Minister of War. And still more surprising was the verdict. The prosecutor did not ask for punishment for the publishers but only for an injunction preventing the anti-Semitic articles in the future. The prosecutor declared that he wished to prove simply that the Jews like all other citizens would be given protection by the law and to give warning that their rights would be protected. The Court, however, decided that a sentence would be the most efficacious warning and sentenced the party responsible for the tirades to one month's imprisonment and costs, or a fine of 1,200 drachmas. Government curbing of anti-Semitic propaganda through the press is one way in which the unjust discrimination against the Jewish people can b e a t least partially alleviated. Organs like the Goglu papers in Canada, the Beobachter in Germany, the Gazeta Warszawska in Poland, or the Coty publications in France take such false fabrications as the Exploded Protocols of the Elders of Zion or the Blood Accusation and make incredible tales which by constant repetition seep in the mentality of the masses until they believe the fantasies written. The quirk of mind of some of these anti-Semitic agitators may be obtained from the ingenious evidence given by one Velonis, for the defense in the Makedonka Nea trial, who turning to the Bible foFthe oath, exrfaimedr"Thia Bible prophesies that the Jews will return to the land of Canaan. Whether they wish it or not, with or without their consent,-God will compel them to return. The Makedonka Nea'publishers are instruments in the hands of God.

Dr. Frederick Colin has chosen "Roosevelt and the World Crisis" as •the subject of his lecture for the Current Topics group under the auspices of the Temple Israel Sisterhood on Tuesday morning, February 28, at 10:30 a. m. at the Blackstone hotel. This lecture is one of the series of nine by Dr. Cohn, given every second and fourth Tuesday morning of the month. The public is invited to these lectures. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. S. Gilinsky, Harney 7088, or at the Blackstone.

tional unity." What an cuse • newspaperman to give for attacking, g the Jewish p p ^ l s j ^ j ^ d M t i d n ^ f such distortion of. reasoning, particularly among 'those responsible fori press policies and the formulating of public opinion, is vital in the campaign of jeducation necessary* to combat the encroaching of our rights.



To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. There are friends that one hath to his own hurt, but a loving friend sticketh closer than a brother. He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul ;T He that oppresseth the. poor blasphemeth his Maker. But he that is gracious unto the needy honoreth


Talmud Never should:a man show preference for one child over his other children. Rabbi Juda said,"In a town that is hilly and has slopes and valleys, man will become-- old. prematurely" (because it is a great strain on the herrt). He that acquires power in the community for the sake of honors, the power will desert him quickly. But he that attains power for the sake of welfare of the community, his power will increase from strength to strength.


Mr3. Reuben Kulakofsky is general, chairman of the annual Purim ball and frolic to be given by the Conservative synagogue auxiliary Sunday evening, March 12, in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center. Plans for the evening include dancing and other diversions, with prizes to be offered for the most novel masquerade. While guests are urged to appear in costume, whether they do so or not is optional, the ball committee has announced. Gene Cooper's orchestra will play for the dancers, and the arrangement committee promises all who attend a gala evening, not the least of which will be the number of surprises to be revealed. Assisting Mrs. Kulakofsky with arrangements are the following: Mesdames John Beber, Jake Blank, Arthur Cohn, A. D. Frank, David Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg, Lester Meyer, Sol Novitsky, Dave Sherman, B. A. Simon and Mose Yousem. The next Oneg Shabbos will be held March 4 at the home of Mrs. I. Dansky, 3026 Lafayette.

Hatikvoh The Hatikvoh club will hold an open Purim meeting for the public Tuesday evening, March 14, at the J._ C. C. Two well-known speakers will address the meeting. Musical numbers, including Jewish songs by Talmud Torah students, will be presented. A short playlet will be the feature on the program, the club's own members taking part. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. "No one should miss- this entertainment," the committee states.

Pioneer Women The sixtieth birthday anniversary of Chaim Bialik will be celebrated with an appropriate program under the sponsorship of the Pioneer Women at the J. C. C. Sunday evening, March 5. An excellent program is being arranged. The date for the Pioneer Women's bazaar has been set for March 19, according to announcement by Mrs. H. Okun, bazaar chairman. Anyone having a bundle to contribute is asked to call Mrs. Okun at Webster 1642.

At the regular meeting Wednesday, February 22, a resolution of sympathy, which is being sent to the family of the late Dr. A. Romm, was read by Mrs. J. Rosenberg. The names of 49 members who contributed toward a fund for planting thirty trees in Palestine in memory of Dr. Romm were also read. The bake sale given by Mrs. J. Blank, chairman of the luncheon fund, and Mrs. Joe Goldware, chairman of the milk fund, will be held next Tuesday, February 28, at the The Ladies Labor Lyceum club Brandeis store. Many delicacies will be sold. Those who wish to con- will hold their eleventh anniversary tribute or place advance orders may call either of the chairmen. The book review group 1 will meet Saturday, February 25, at the home of Mrs. Sam Goldware, 302 South Des Moines $2.00 50th Ave. Mrs. Robert Glazer will Denver $7.50 review "The Last Days of Shylock," by Lewisohn. Detroit $7.00



celebration Tuesday evening, February 28, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. announces Also,, the organization g Sd Mh that on Purim night, Sunday, March 12, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark, they will give an old-fashioned mock wedding with old-fashioned music and dancing.



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Best Grade—Forked Clean Small in Size, bnt Xaree In Beat A BIG SAVING TO COKE tTSEUS



Henrietta Szold

FAVORITE Try a Bag Today;


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An Electric Refrigerator is truly an investment. You invest in health, convenience and economy. Invest in an Electric Refrigerator at your dealer's store.

SEE YOUR DEALER Your dealer has the size refrigerator you need for your home. His new 19S3 refrigerators will please you. He will arrange to have your selection installed immediately.

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T H E importance * of prints continues to grow . . . We've lured t h e pick of the market into o u r French Boom, without forgetting that this spring's monotones are more irresistible than ever. BRANDEIS French Room Second Floor

Again the unexpected in value, in style, in quality, in character. Hat headquarters offers the supeTb, distinguished new Stetson, Mallory and Knox hats at a price that will inspire every man to say, "A New Hat for Me!"

Hats—Main Floor

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Are of Great Fashion Pre-Etninence

Other Smart New Hats $2.50 to $8.00

35c Pair Up


They're Here in All Their Sparkling Newness




Junior Hadassah

BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run


. The political pot ketball tat at J. C. C. Tuesday night a later date, vs. Omaha Reserves BeneTwo young Jewish is boiling. fit Conservative Auxiliary group 6. men have tossed their hats into the ring in the city commissioner race, Jack D. Gavenman and Sam Brown. . . . Gavenman is a well known JA. 9404 JA. 9404 Suits Cleaned 49c contractor who has had considerable HANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 experience in his field. . . . Brown 2016 Farnam St. is associated with the Barkalow AH Wearing Apparel Bros. Hews company-and is the sort HAND IRO KD of Joe Brown, bailiff in Judge. ThomL. A. LONGFELLOW, Prop. Don% foreret the son's court

We reprint the Company. following with no malice toward the "feminine" gender: . . . "A man's life is never safe until he learns to a mule fear a bull frontways, and a woman always! backways The greatest danger, of course, according to bachelors, is in the disregard of warning number three. Morton F. and Lee G. are continuing their romance which began during their public school days. . . The Junior Hadassah will hold an One of the handsome young Jewish important meeting next Thursday bandmen, a member of the Russ Coevening, March 2, at 8 o'clock, at the lurobo troupe, was loath to leave the J. C. C. city . . . he was dazzled with tlve Rabbi Frederick Cohn will be the beautiful charms of Sophie R., conguest speaker. sidered one of the prettiest school inarms" in the city. . . . Said Sam Josephson to Dick, his alert and A business and social meeting of bright-eyed youngster, . . . "Dick, the Henrietta Szold club was held if you will study faithfully I will Tuesday evening, February 21, at make every effort for you to have a the home of Miss Ruth Marks. Miss "Aw, what's good education.'' Marks was elected to succeed Miss the use?" replied the "chip off the Sarah Baum as president. Other officers elected were Elsie Lazarus, old block," . . . "You will probably secretary-treasurer, and Sarah Ger- make a hotel man out of me when man, reporter, Ida Blacker will con- I grow up!" . '. . Radio Program Discontinued tinue as representative to. the Senior fia'rry DuB'jff and'tvy Siegel, soloCouncil of Clubs. Elizabeth Redman will take the i»i»ce of Ruth Marks ists on last Sunday's Jewish *Boor at KOIL, were thoroughly enjoyed by on the cultural committee. likewise the Bridge and refreshments followed many y listeners the election. Prizes were won by Hazomir singers and Rabbi IJri Milthe Misses Sally Morgan' and Ida ler, 'whose subject, "The Yiddish Blacker. Folk Song," was truly appropriate. Anne Zweiback is representing the . . . Dissatisfaction with the early organization in the Psi Mu Popular- hour allotted, the radio group has : ity Contest. suspended this feature perhaps until

Ha 5000

of Nebraska Women


Do You Know That Irving Caesar and Al Boasberg (cousin to the local Boasbergs) are the gag men who produce copy y for Al Jolson's witty radio talks agree? or do you that y Dorothy Parker,, noted woman writer, that Eddie is one of "us" Cantor was known as Itzik Itzkowits when he was going to "Shool" or "Sheer (to you Russians and Shimskas) . . . that Jack Pearl, the "bully" Baron of the air, is known in his neighborhood as Yonkel Pearlman . . . that he started as a salesman for a razor blade concern . . . which accounts for his sharp wit . . written by ghost writers . . . that Hannah Williams, whose "heart" is Russ Columbo, the Italian lad who crooned to you at the Orpheum last week, Hannah is the former wife of Roger Wolfe Kahn, son of the famous banker . . . that Racquel Torres, the Mexican ( ? ) star, is Jewish and is married to Charlie Feldman (not John Feldman's son) . . that Harry Kulakofsky, one of our prominent locals, was a crack (not cracked) half mile runner . . . cap-

Edwards Hotel Bids. 306 No. 16th

|AT 44441

1610 Farnam

By "Ab" Kaiman


Iff you have your shoes repaired at the

I. U KRAOB. — -


Los Angeles $20.00 Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be guest speaker at the linen shower to be given by the Hadassah chapter in Lincoln, Nebr., next Sunday. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of Sioux City was the principal speaker at


.Shoe Repair Co.


turing many trophies during hid school days in 1.910 (Hm! you can now determine Ws age) . . . and that .Herbert Arnstein was considered one of the greatest basketball players ever developed at the local high school . . . notwithstanding that Leslie Burkenroad, Morrie Cohn (the theater owner) and Sid Corenman were dazzling performers on the court . . . with all due respect to our present crop, we declare that the above mentioned were slightly superior. . . . Newsy News Joe K., the leading young merchant of Villisca, Iowa, travels a considerable distance to meet his "ladylove . . . Dora K., a Sioux City charmer . . . but miles are an infinitesimal comparison to a burning devotion of a "Romeo" for his "Juliet" . . . this "adoring Dora," looks like a job for the Rabbi. . . . The favorite melody of Nathan G., the pleasant young attorney of cur neighboring Iowa "Shtettel," is "I love Louisa" . . . reminds him of his "weakness," Louise H., who resides in Sioux City, Iowa (what are thase hidden charms that Sioux City girls possess?) . . . Statistics show that there are now more American families with no children at all than there are with any one given number of them . . . twenty-three per cent are childless couples. . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. F. are about to reduce the percentage of childless couples . . . preparing for a newcoinet . . . he is a member of the sale? organization of the Nebraska Cloth-


Shoe Comfort STANDARD


3* FRIDAY, FEBRUARY124, 1933

Ladies Labor Lyceum

High in Heat Very Little Ash

That Same

Conservative Auxiliary



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1052 A New Creation for Spring Wear in I. Miller Manner

Properly proportioned . . . with a business-like low heel and a vast amount of chic punched into its flexible, soft facade. Just the right shade of gray. Laced with gunmetal silk kid. BRANDEIS—Second Floor




General Chairman

Religious Services Temple


MARRIAGE . Mr. aruT Mrs. Julius Schiflf of Chicago announce the marriage of their daughter, Lillian, to Harold Paul Fafber of Omaha, son of Mrs. Sarah Farber. The ceremony took place Sunday,Pebruary 12, in Chicago at the home flf the bride. The Farbers are temporarily residing at the Blackstone.

their new pledges: Hyman Finkelstein, Norman Wohlner, Art Weiner, Sam Colick and Myron Tarnoff. The committee in charge of the rushing consisted of Harold Kort and Milton Wolsky.

ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Samuel M. Clayman entertained at bridge for twelve guests at her home last Thursday evening, complimentary to Miss Mildred Clayman of Kansas City, Mo. Prizes SECRET MARRIAGE were won by the Misses Rose GereAnnouncement has been made .of lick, Lillian Kutler and Martha Himthe secret marriage' of Miss Selma. melstein. Seka, daughter of Mr. Morris Seka, to Isadore Tretiak, son of Mrs. Clara JIG-SAW PUZZLE Xretiak, at Papillion on August 7. AND BRIDGE PARTY The religious ceremony was held February 11 at the home of Rabbi Plans for the jig-saw puzzle and Goldstein. Sam Epstein and Miss bridge party to be given by the JunRose Mosccvwitz were the attendants. ior society of the Conservative synThe bride was gowned in perrywin- agogue at the Medical Arts tearoom kle blue with accessories to match. Sunday, February 26, were completed The Tretiaks are making their at a meeting of the organization Thursday evening at the J. C. C. home at 2043 North Twentieth. Many organizations are planning tables, and reservations have already BIRTn ANNOUNCEMENTS been made by the members of the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln an- K. T. sorority, Fa-Hon, Iota Tau, U. nounce the birth of a son on Wednes- T. and the Henrietta Szold dub. day, February 15, at the Lord Lister Many door prizes will be given, hospital. and refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Feldman an- VISITING HERE nounce the birth of a son on Tues- Miss Ruth Sherman of Waterloo. day, February 14, at the Lutheran Iowa, is the house guest of Mi?s hospital. Anne Greenberg and Mrs. M. H. Sogolow. She will remain here for Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Golderiberg of about two weeks. Iincoln announce the birth of a son on Monday, February 20. Mrs. Gold- Miss Ann Sebring of Chicago is enberg formerly was Miss Ula Al- visiting here with her parents, Mr. berts of Omaha. and Mrs. S. Sflvennan. BAR MJTZVAH Miss Sophie Ban is home from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Richlin announce Chicago, visiting with her parents, the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mau- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ban. rice, at the Conservative synagogne Miss Omye Maron of Sioux City services Saturday morning, February 25; No invitations have been sent. was the guest of Miss Evelyn Blumenthal-last week-end. SURPRISE ^-5 |r VACATIONING ; BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. RobinFollowing the first rehearsal at the home of Mrs. Morris Fisher of the son of New Bedford, Mass., left from Hatikvoh ulaylet to be given at the Norfolk" last Friday on the S.S. T. C. C. March 14, a surprise birth- Kingsholm for South America, Panday • party was -- given-* Monday eve- ama and Havana. They expect to ning in honor of Mrs. A. Brook- be away about four weeks. Mr. Robstein. Prizes were won at bridge by inson .is the Bon of Mr. and Mrs. ; Mrs. Joe Nite and Mrs. C. Herman- S. Robinson of this city. ion. A;gift was-presented'to Mrs. HONOR STUDENTS Brookstein^ ^ 5 : ~ v' -\ '••, The Baine t»f Muriel Frank was inadvertently omitted from the list of BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrsi: Sam Novak entertained -m4ot honor- roll students of Central high sixteen children at her home the aft- school, printed last week. Muriel retrnoon of February 9 on the occa- ceived 4% As. rion of the third birthday of her ion, Harold. Games were played and BRIDGE TOURNEY WINNERS refreshments served. In the evening the Novaks enter- Mrs. Maurice Micklin and Mrs. Lestained for 35 adults at dinner, fol- ter Meyer won east and west and towed by bridge. BENEFIT PARTY A party, the proceeds from which trill go to Junior Hadassah, will be given at Paul Spo^s Club Araby f Sunday, March 5. Tickets are one Jollar per couple, entitling the bearer to dancing, floor show and refreshments. Those desiring to purchase tickets for this affair are reguested to call Miss Dora Freshman, Webster 1959. JOINS PORTIAS Ina Jacobsen, student at the Municipal: university law school, has been voted into the- membership of the Omaha Women's Lawyers* club. NEW PLEDGES Beta Tau Kappa fraternity of Omaha university held a ."rush welcome" at their club rooms honoring

Allan Cohen

Mrs. I. W. Rosenb.i.... Pictured here is Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, general chairman for the annual benefit bridge that the Council of Jewish Women will give Monday afternoon at the Jewish Cammvinity Center to raise funds for tie maintenance of social service and educational activities of the organization. This affair is annually sponsored by the ways and means committee of the Council. Tables will be placed for about 400 women, and both contract and auction will be played, Mrs. Rosenblatt has announced. Door and table prizes will be features of the afternoon's entertainment. Assisting Mrs. Rosenblatt will be Mrs. David Goldman, hospitality chairman of the Council, and the following members of her committee: The Mesdaines Morris Milder, Milton Livingston, Irvin Stalmaster, M. I. Gordon and Abe Greenberg.

"The Spirit of Jewish Laws" will be the subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon at Temple Israel this evening. Tomorrow morning his topic will be "Jewish Living." The following children will conduct the Saturday morning service: Esther Milder, Joel Abrahamson, Florence Rosenberg, Golden Hill Leonard Kulakofsky, Jane Goetz, Bernice Robinson, Adolph Laytin, The Ladies' Galden Hill society Leonard Finkel, William Goetz, Pearl will meet on Tuesday, February 28, Richman and Stuart Ganz. Myron at the home of Mrs. Louis Epstein, Cohen will play a violin solo. 3152 Chicago street. Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Flora R. Goldstrom, Jake Removal of Law Office Klein, Sarah Zemurray and Eva Allan Cohen has announced the Bellman. . removal of his law offices to 705-706 Omaha National Bank building. He Conservative was formerly located in the Electric Rabbi David A. Goldstein will' building. sneak on the theme, "Is Morality Merely Conventional?" at services Opens Medical Office of the Conservative Synagogue this Dr. Irving J. Weiss has announcevening. Following services this evening the ed the opening of offices for the educational committee of the congre- practice of general medicine, surggation will sponsor a discussion per- ery and obstetrics at 403 Aquila iod on the theme, "Ethical Standards Court, the location occupied by the in Business and the Professions." late Dr. A. Romm. Mr. Irvin Levin, Dr. H. Hirschmann, and Mr. M. Friede] will lead. After the discussion there will be a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Richlin announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, MauAnnounces the Opening of Ofrice, which will take place tomorrow fices for the Practice of morning at Sabbath services. General Medicine, Surgery Next week Rabbi Goldstein will and Obstetrics speak on "A Little Morality Is a in the location occupied by the Dangerous Thing." late DR. A. ROMM

A Suggestion for Any Night

. Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Served while MM Idaho baked In the prorrss I V\n potato, d of oaofclnc . . tomato, bread butter, drink. JPiplnc hot.

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LET'S GO, OMAHA! 2200 Pairs Pure Silk

But It Takes These Herzberg Fashions to Make You Exclusive! Simplicity and distinction . . . always the earmarks of exclusive •fashion . . . mark the collection of new spring dresses ready for you in oar better dress section. The new Gibson silhouette greets you in dresses of black and white, black and yellow . . . grays . . . plaids . . . and lovely prints. Sizes 12 to 46.


$25 Others $16.75 to $98.75

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Herzbergs A Safe Deposit

HOWARD #tf 16th.

Daughters of Zion A regular meeting of the Daughters of Zion will be held Tuesday afternoon, February 28, at the J. C. C. A feature will be the installation of the newly-elected officers. The bazaar committees hav3 collected many beautiful articles for the annual bazaar. These will ba offered to the public at attractive prices. The date and the place of the bazaar will be announced shortly. All members and their friends are invited and urged to attend Tuesday's meeting.




"Your Old Hat Made New Save a Dollar or Two" OMAHA HAT FACTORY

403 Aquila Court



At the Jack and Jill you will meet your M e n d s . . . for they, top, like meal-time to be a pleasure-time. Quaint, soothing environment with the utmost in service will add flavor even to the delicious menus at the Jack and Jill. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner or after-the-show, meet your friends at the Jack and JilL

Workmen's fcircle, branch 173, will give a concert and musical acts by three leading New York artists, L. Harris, L. Brodin and S. Zlotkin, at the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark, on Tuesday, March 14, at 8 p. m. Admission is 35 cents.

Dr, Irving J. Weiss

Office Phone WE. 2700

Where Youflan Dine in Enjoyment

Workmen's Circle 173

Council There will be no meeting of the child study group of Hie Council of Jewish Women this Tuesday, because Mrs. Eva Morse, the leader, is attending the convention of national department supervisors at Minneapolis this week. The next meeting will be held at the regular time at the Jewish Community "Center March 7.

Res. Phone WE. 1601 "Finding t i e Meaning of Religions Mrs. D. Annis and Mrs. R. Organ Office Phone JA. 0292 Custom" is the sermon to be delivnorth and south top scores in the regular duplicate contract bridre ered by Rabbi Uri Miller at services tournament held at the Athletic club Wednesday under the sponsorship of Mrs. David Perer. The next tournament will be held next Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. Direct From New York in a Program of TO RESIDE HERE Mr. E. I. Widman of Lincoln has HUMOR... DRAMA . . . COMEDY moved to Omaha, where he will manOne-act Plays, Recitations, Folk Songs age the shoe department of a local Admission 50 Cents Store. While in Lincoln Mr. Widman was prominent in local and national JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Jewish affairs, being chairman of the Jewish national fund committee of Wednesday, March 1st, 8:30 P. M. Lincoln and active in the Congregation Tifereth Israel.

Announces the Opening of His Suite of

Law Offices a t 705-706 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. •

tonight at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago, starting at 8 p . m . Cantor A. Schwacririn and choir will assist in the services. Saturday morning Rabbi Miller will officiate at services at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt. He will speak on "The Significance of Shekalim." The regular class in Talmud, Chevra Shaas, will be conducted by Rabbi Miller at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue Wednesday evening at 8 p.m.

with a Ugh rate oT interest accruing daily. That's what

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Telephone ATlantlc 8028 INTERSTATE PRINTING C O . '•••••

1807-130© Howard Street, Omaha

»=• •

EAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1933 nameni of the A. Z. A. chapters. Mrs. Harry Cohen entertained "at " Isadore Mirowit-s will represent a benefit bridge party at her home Sioux City' in the Oratorical field, Wednesday, afternoon for the Senior while the basket ball team which will Hadassah, compete with other cities, includes TH1L.IP 5L KLCTZNICK, Attorney Leonard Hall, captain; Dan Baker, BY F. B.K. 05ft Omaha National Bank Bid*. Max Maron, Sidney Baumstein, SidOmaha, Nebraska. ANNA PILL, ney Bergen, Fred Herzoff and Max The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 JfOTICB TO NON-BBSIDEXT of the Independent Order of the Zeligson. /B'nai Brith will meet next Monday To Arlow Yost, non-resident defendant: : Notice is hereby given that pursuant to eveningy February 27, at the Eagles an order of attachment, Issued oat of the Hall. • All members are urged; to' at- Municipal Court in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, in a case pendtend. '.'••• '" " • • •- •-*•'•• •••/• - - •ing in the said Court wherein the NebrasThe Ladies Auxiliary of. the Tal-ka-Iowa Truck Terminal, Inc., is plaintiff, Arlow Yost is defendant, to recover mud Torah Society will hold a reg- and .. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rubin, whose the sum of $199.30 and writ of attachThe annual card party sponsored by marriage was a recent event, are at Sioux City Jewry will commemorate ular meeting next Wednesday after- ment was issued and levied upon the folthe Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion home in the Castle apartments. Mrs. the; first anniversary of the death of noon, March 1, at the Chevra B'nai lowing described property; Certain monies in the possession of the synagogue, will be given next Wednes- Rubin was formerly Miss Faye Louise, Joseph Aizenberg, Hebrew scholar and Yisroel. Synagogue at 618 Mynster Employers' Fire Insurance Company, and one International Truck, 1029 model, loday evening, March 1, in the ballroom Bonus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. teacher, with appropriate memorial street. Mrs.. Phil ; Saks entertained ten cated at Frank's Garage. of the Bellevue apartments. Playing Bonus. services, next Tuesday evening, Feb. And that the said case was, on the reguests a t . a benefit card party at turn Over 150 attended the Sinai Temple 28, at 8:30 in the J. C. C. date of the summons issued therein, will begin at 8. Prizes will be awardcontinued for trial to the 24th day of her home Tuesday afternoon, for the Brotherhood dance and social Wednesed and refreshments served. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi March, 1033, at S> o'clock A.M. Mrs. A. Silverberg and Mrs. John day evening in the Temple annex. Theodore N. Lewis, and Abe Stillman, Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah. NEBBASKA-1OWA TRUCK TERMINAL, INC. Little Theodore Diamond, twoLansberg are in charge of the eve-Bridge and dancing were followed by who is the chairman of the meeting, PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK, ning's arrangements. Admission is 35 a buffet supper. will speak. Rueben Halpern, violinist, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.2-24-33-3t ;• • .- ... -. Its Attorney. Miss Dorothy Rozran of Chicago, is will play a Hebrew melody, accom- Diamond, died at midnight Tuesday cents. P H t t l P M: KT.CTZNICK A diversified program was present- visiting at the home of her sister, panied at the piano by Miss Sally at home following a brief illness <5f COO Omaha National Bank Building pneumonia. Besides his parents, he XOXICK OF JLNCOUPOKATION-OJP TJtD'S ed at the Auxiliary meeting Tuesday Mrs. Harry Wigodsky. Halpers, and Cantor A. Pliskin will PEN AND CAKD SHOP. INC. is survived by a twin brother, four Mrs. Meyer Levy and son, Robert sing. . ' • •. ['.,; afternoon, in the synagogue social Notice is hereby given that the underother brothers, and one sister. Fun- signed have formed a corporation under hall. Miss Jennie Shindler presented Allen, of Omaha, visited relatives and Members: of the following organiza- eral services were held Wednesday the laws of the State of Nebraska. The 1 a group of violin solos, accompanied friends in SioBx City, pver the week- tions are sponsoring the meeting. of this corporation shall be Ted's afternoon, with burial in Oak Hill name i •-"•:"•', feu & Card ahop, Inc., with the principal at the piano by Miss Libbie Olensky, end, Zionists; Poale, Zion, National Work- cemetery. place of business «t Omaha, Nebraska. The Miss Bella Cohen offered several Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaplan and er's alliance, Talmud Torah, Pioneer nature' of the bosiness to be tran* The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim general sacted and , the object and purpose for dance numbers, accompanied by Miss daughters visited relatives in Omaha omeni Junior Hadassah and Senior society will hold a regular meeting which this' corporation is organized is to Goldie Cohen. Mrs. Rueben Miller last week-end. own. couduct and operate a place of busiHadassah. next Thursday evening, March 2, at ness for the sale of pens, pencils, ereetiue was heard in a reading appropriate Sovel Heshelow visited in Des cards, picture frames, cameras, leather the Eagles hall. for Washington's birthday. A skit, Moines, Iowa, this week. novelties, stationery, gloves,' lingerie, film Ike Krasne left Sunday for New developing, hosiery and novelties and ac"Judaism Ala Mode" was presented Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rich of New cessories of a like or kindred character; by Mesdames Meyer Daskovsky, J. York City, announce the birth of a The Junior Hadassah organization York City on a buying trip, to be to lease, buy, sell, exchange and/or engone about two weeks. cumber property, both real and personal, Kutcher, Cecil Seff, S. R. Shulkin, B. son, on February: 12, 'Mr. and Mrs.will hold its meeting Thursday evebe used tor the purposes of its business; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman to Shindler and B. Baron. Refreshments Rich are former- residents of this city. ning, March 2, in the Martin hotel. find to do all things which may be neces: entertained the members of their sary and/or proper to-carry out the obincluded the afternoon's program. Beii" Siroions of 10maha, visited in The meeting will begin at 8. jects and purposes hereinbefore set forth. Evening Bridge club at their home The date for the annual Mother and Sioux City this!week. ••'"•':' The last party of the Tournament The authorized capital stock shall be $10,OO0.00 and all of said stock shall be comDaughter banquet was set for May 3, The Iota Tau "Sorority met Tuesday Bridge was given Monday evening in Monday evening. and of the par value of $100.00 per Mrs. Louis Bernstein entertained mon and a Purim celebration to be given evening with Miss Bernice Liberman. the Martin. Mrs. M. Kaplan "won the share and shall be fully piiid op and nonat a benefit card party at her home assessable.. The. corporation shall comMrs. M. Kozberg has returned home grand prize; Mrs. Max Rubin, the secby the auxiliary will be held on Monmence doing business' upon Tiling of its day evening, March 13. Every mem- after a two weeks visit with her son- ond high fcrize for the series, and Mrs. Tuesday evening for the Senior- Ha- articles vrith the County Clerk of Dongdassah. las County, Nebraska, and Bhall continue ber of the auxiliary will bring a gift in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Abe Wisot, the door prize. a period of fifty years from said date. Mrs. Harry Bromberg entertained for to the meeting. The gifts will be sent M. Grueskin, in Omaha. The highest amount of indebtedness shall twenty children at her home last not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock, to the Community Center for distribuMorris and Gertrude Kepel of Sioux this restriction shall not include inSaturday afternoon in honor of her but tion. debtedness secured by mortgages or liens. Falls, S. D., visited in Sioux City over son, Billy Lee, in celebration of his The affairs of this corporation shall be the week-end, en route to Chicago. The regular meeting of Mount fourth birthday. The afternoon was managed by a Board of Directors, consistSinai Sisterhood will-be held next Fri- spent playing games, fololwed by re- ing of not less than two members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be day noon, March 3, following a one freshments. held on the- first Monday in January of The Maccabee basketball team won each year at which meeting the stockholdo'clock luncheon. Mrs. Sam Pickus their 25th victory of the season, by Mrs. Bae Boss returned home on ers shall elect a Board of Directors and Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak the Board shall; elect a Presidefeating the First Congregational this evening on the subject, "Jewish and Mrs. J. Kalin are in charge of Wednesday by airplane following a thereupon dent. Vice-President. Secretary and. Treasarrangements. church team, 72 to 12. Berger led the Trials and Self Respect." urer. Any two of said offices may be held two weeks' visit in the east. She The program will include a humer- visited in New Brunswick, Phila- by one and the same person. These arti•scoring with 28 points, while LansMonday noon, Rabbi Rabinowitz adcles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders by twoberg followed close with 18. Next dressed the Kansas City Hadassah at ous skit "What Every Woman Wants delphia and New York City. to Know," which has been written by thirds vote.of the outstanding stock. Tuesday the team will play the First their Give-and-Get luncheon. One Sol Gross returned to St. Louis, IN WITNESS! WUEEEOF the parties several members of the Sisterhood. have herennto subscribed their names this Presbyterian team for the Y League hundred attended the luncheon. Mo., Tuesday, following a visit here Mrs. Louis Agranoff will preside. championship. at the home of his son-in-law and 8th day of. February. 1033. Sunday evening Rabbi Rabinowitz At the meeting this week, Ed Sper- will address a Union Service in Morndaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louts H. W. E. GKOH, L. K. KTAN. ling was elected vice-president, to suc- ingside, on "Observations in PalesKatelman. In the presence of: ceed Henry Ginsberg, whose resigna- tine." Philip M. Klutznick. 2-10-33-tt. Court on the said 4th day ot March, 1933, tion was accepted recently. A cab- - Rabbi Eabinowitz -has been invited at b o'clock A. M.. to contest said petition, the. Court may grant the same and grant inet for athletic equipment and club to address the Northwestern Teachers' We nominate for the "Hall of of said estate to Bessie S. records was presented to the club by Association of Iowa during thebrcon- Fame" that person who sent to Edwin administration Rips or some other suitable person and thereof. the Ways, and Means committee. vention which is . scheduled for next W. B. that comic valentine. We did jproceed to a settlement EUYCE CKAWFORD, fall. not see the original but we saw one 2-10-33-3t County Judge. On March. 13, members of the ladies just like it and it said something about : SHOTWELT,, MOSTSKT, CrKODIXSKT * conduct the Friday eve- the meanest man in town. Not that ^ y VANCE. Attorneys. ning'service.' 7S7 Omaha. National Bank Bide. we really believe it. ' What -Was Mr. • Ai ibottUng works) NOTICE IS HEBEBX- GIVEN' that the JGreenberg thinking about when he undersigned have formed a corporation under the name of BASEBALti H K A D Petite Grand LAST TIMES TODAY •_ . Rabbi sTheodore B. Lewis will speak went'home last Monday nite and left QUABTERS, INC., with its principal plnce of business in Omaha, Douglas County, Nethe frontdoor to the plant wide open. Reginald Denny—Lila Lee braska. The corporation shall have authtJus^yening on the subject "Patriot- It was only the strong arm of the law ority to purchase and sell at retail, cigars, isnv--a Blessing or a Curse?" . that saved the situation. The watch- tobacco, magazines, newspapers and any and all other kindred articles, and to ^IRONMASTER" man who* goes to work at seven in the handle snch real or persona) property as • " ' " ! . a l s o •'' • •' . be required. The corporation shall evening and tries the doors every half may have the power to borrow money and issue ., Warren William evidences of indebtedness therefor. The Members of the J. C. & Girl; -Scout hour, finally discovered the creaking corporation • . . • • . ; .i n • . •; -..-. • " . • - . shall commence business when will entertain their mothers at a tea door at a quarter to twelve. the Articles are filed with the County Its tone Is ol striking clarity "THE MOUTHPIECE'* To all the people that inquired as to Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, NeSunday afternoon. A program will be and richness. It is perfect in braska, and continue until January 1st, Starting Saturday for an indefinite presented and Fern Shafton will be whom that young lady i s that's visit- 1983. scale and. action and maintains The authorized capital stock is run •-.•-••-.•• invested with her tenderfoot badge. ing where and whom, not to mention $J,000.00, all common, par value ?loo.00. these qualities under the most fully paid when issued and non-asFIRST SHOWING IN CITY Guests will be Mrs. Careta Youngloye, why, we announce that her much •being exacting conditions. seBsable. The affairs shall be adminisJohn Boles and Nancy Carroll director of the scout organization and feared brother i s in the hospital, that tered by a Board of Directors, not less Come in and see the Newest the troop committee, which includes her threatening cousin i s also walking than two nor more than five in number, Models. We will .arrange easy in and the-undersigned shall be the first Mrs. A. H. Baron, Mrs. E. E. Baron, around on his heels, all set to keel Board. The stockholders Shall elect Diterms and accept yonr present "CHILD OF MANHATTAN" and rectors at the annual meeting to be held Mrs. H. Fishgall. over, but we saw her brother-in-law piano as part payment added the second Monday in January of each The Maccabee-Deborah joint meet- on the street yesterday looking heal- year. Thereafter directors shall elect of"Get That Lion" vfa., President, Vice-president, Secing was held last Saturday night. A thier than ever so the story must still ficers, : A: Forty Minute Thriller retary and Treasurer. The Articles may remain a secret. program given by the Maccabees was be amended. The corporation-may have a Taken-from the big Broadway stage seal. • PIANO CO. hit of the same name, "Child of Man- in the form of a radio broadcast, and - While we're in the mood, just as a Dated December 23rd, 1D33. included the following numbers: Ed passing thought, we nominate for obhattan" brings to the screen a new KKANK J.EXXAHAJT. 15U Dodgt St. SOL ABUAMS. team that clicks. It shows Nancy Wynn and Graham MacNamee, Harry livion those two brothers who insist 2-24-33-4t Carroll as a pretty little "dime-a- Liberman and Paul Sperling; Eddie that there's nothing to read.in The , 8TAXMASTER & BEBER dance girl, in one of New York's less Cantor and Jimmie Wallington, Ed. Jewish Press. It's just a hunch, but OSGAB T.l DOERR, PHILIP M, KLUTZelegant dance halls J who falls'in love Sperling and Speed Levich; Al Jolson, we have a sneaking, suspicion that NICK, Attornry*. Brownie Montrbse; Walter Winchell, neither one of them can read. 650 Omaha National Bank Bid*., with and marries John Boles, as Paul Omaha, Nebraska, This is another big secret, and tell Vanderbill, whose parents own more Jack Mirowitz; Street Singer, Sam of Manhattan Island than' its original Janowitz; Rubinoff and his violin, whoever you tell not to tell a soul. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Indian owners ever. knew existed, Bill Lansberg; Lecturer, Wilbur Shin- Another binding link between Omaha 'Notice is hereby given that on the 17th Their troubles make an interesting dler; Astrologer, Rudolph Shindler. A and Sioux City will be effected within day of March, 1933, at 10:00 o"clock at the group of songs and guitar numbers the next couple of weeks when J1. S. lieklus Van & Storage Company, ICth and story, with' snappy ending. was presented by Count Armingo, R. becomes the bride of one of Omaha's Ijeavenworth Streets, Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned -will sell at public auction K. O. and night club entertainer. to the highest bidder for cash: doctor's little brothers. day bed,.l Cogswell chair, 1 screen, Prizes for selling the greatest num- HEBMAT* C.1NSBUBG AND JACK W. 2 1chairs, 1 carton, 1 uph. stool, 2 lamp LAST TIME TODAY shades, 1 stand (top cracked), 1 picture, ber of tickets for a recent movie sponMAKER, Attorneys. "THE CRASH" 1 desk base, 1 desk top, 1 S. Oriental rug Court House, Omaha, Xeb. sored by Boy Scout Troop 22, were 27x51 in., 1 gray domestic rug 4^x«V- ft., •with awarded to Lloyd Levich, Philip Zelig1 L Wilton rug 5)xl2 ft., 1 L. Harmon NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAXE. Ruth Chatterton and son! and Charles Shindler, Sr. In the District .Court of Douglas County, Velvet rug 9x12 ft., 3 S. Mohawk rugs 18x27 in., 1 S. Velvet rug 27x54 itt. (torn Nebraska. George Brent A Cub Boy Scout Troop has been places), 1 up. piano ilaines No. C67itu By virtue of an order of sale (on at- few (top spotted and checked all over, ends organized at the Center, under the tachment) issued out of the District Court marred), 1 piano bench, 1 smoking stand, Tom Mix of Douglas County, Nebraska, and in pur- 1 floor lamp base, leadership of Dave Wigodsky. arm chair, 1 tray, suance of a decree of said Court in an 1 table lamp base, 11 coffee tnble, 1 jardFive one-act plays were given Mon- action therein indexed nt Appearance Dockiniere stand. 1 C. ~ "THE TEXAS BAD MAN" Number 280, at Page Number 23, Exeday night by the J. C. C. Dramatic et cution Docket Number 20, at Page NumSTARTING SATURDAY club. Members of the cast included ber 485, wherein Federal Trust Company, Ed Sperling, Paul Sperling, Harry a corporation, as Trustee, is Plaintiff, and Domestic rug 4x5 ft., 1 S.' Wilton rug Joan Crawford Herbert B, "VValdron et al., are defendLiberman, Morris Rifkin, Henry Gins- ants, I will nt 10:00 o'clock A. M., on Tues- 27x54 In., 1 S. Mohawk Rug 27x54 in., 1 "RAIN" berg, Earl Novich, Inez Leaf, Rebecca day, the 28th day of March, 1033, nt (lie S. Kug Tad, 2 L. Rug Pads, 1 Stand. I. : east front of the Douglas County Bonrd, 1 Gas Fireplace Heater, 3 Card and added short features / Stillman and Marie Osheroff. Stage Court Housedoor In the City of Omahn, Doug- Tables, 1 Tool Chest (top B. O.), 1 Hoo"Bain" with Joan Crawford as Sadie managers were Henry Saitlin and las County, Nebraska, sell nt public auc- ver Sweeper, 1 Carton, 1 Carton Sweeper tion to the highest bidder for cash, the Attachments, covered by a chattel mortThompson, the role made famous by Dave Montrose. Miss Florence Coates following Worftft described personal property, to- gage in favor of the United Financial Jeanne Eagles, is the story of a mixed directed the production. TaltntHotil Service, a corporation, signed by Loretta vrit; L. Maione: that said mortgage is dated 46$t0ri tH k group of travelers, from gentlemen to The South Half (S}i) of tlie Northwest May 14, 1931, and Is recorded in the office Miss Sara Woskoff was hostess to ' " (NW%) and the West Half (\V%) degenerates living on a tropical is- the Business Girl's club Wednesday Quarter the County Clerk of Douglas County, of the Southwest Quarter (S\V%) (except ot Nebraska. land, daring the island's rainiest sea- evening. A Century of Progress railroad right-of-ivay abont four (4) ncres) of Section Five (5): and the South Said sale will bo for the purpose of son, going slowly crazy from the in- The Phi Epsilon Sorority gave a Hn« (S%) of the Southeast Quarter (SE%) foreclosing said mc'^ipi, tor the costs of and stay at the cessant, beat of rain on the roof, as depression party Wednesday evening of Section Six (6); and the Northeast frac- the snle, and all a .ning costs. Including fees, nnd for the purpose of well as from each others unwelcome at the home of Miss Hannah Sperling. tional quarter of Section Seven (7), (being warehouse Government I/Ots One (!) nna Two (2):satisfying the amount clue thereon, to-wlt: company. Walter Huston in the main and the North fTnlf (N%) of the North- S174.S2, plus interest; that no suit or other west Quarter ( N W S ) nnd the Southeast. proceedings at law have been Instituted to supporting role, and an additional cast Quarter (SEU) ot the Northwest Quarter recover said debt, or any part thereof. Th» Chicago World't Fair of 1933 — of Hollywood's best character actors UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE. (N\Vi4) and Government Lots One (1), from June to November. Don't mitt By PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK, Eight members of the A. Z. A. chap- Two (2) and Three (3), of Section Eight makes "Rain" one of the season's best Attorney. »hi* thrilling review of the scientific (8); all in Township Fourteen (14) North, 2-£4-33-3t pictures. - ter are in Kansas City this week-end, Ttnnge Ten (10), East of the Sixth (6th) ond industrial achievement or our participating in the Midwestern tour- Principal Meridian in Dongl.ns County. Nepresent ag«. By sfayingatfhe Morrison .








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Society News

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braska, to satisfy the liens and incumbrances therein set forth; to satisfy tho sum of $31.35 costs and the increased niwl accruing costs, all as provided by said order and decree. Dated nt Omaha, Nebraska, this 17th. dav of February, 1033. i

you are right in Ih* eentei Of ttiingi in Chicago. In th» "heart of the loop," the Morrison is near shops, theaters, and railroad station*. All rooms are outside with bath, Servidor, circulating Ice-water and bed-head reading lamp. Automatic Qarage facilities, A jjr»cf hofei in a greof eHyt



Douglas County, Nebraska.

NOTICE OP ADStrNISTItATION the County Court of Douglns County, In the Matter of the Estate of Shoul Eips, Ueceo sea. AH persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging thnt eald deceased died leaving no last will and pray• ing.for administration tipon his estate, and thnt a hearing wjil fie liad on said petition before said court on the 4th day of March. 1523. and that K Chey fail to appear at Bald

2500 ROOMS—$2.50 UP The Sign o t " Good Workmanship J A. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bids OMAHA

LEONARD HICKS Managing Oirtttw




NATIONAL TIRE SHOP ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 Omaha, Nefor, HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors

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