March 3, 1933

Page 1


Dedicated to the Idtalsof Judaism




, "Upton resents Wilname of a liam Fox." Such*, new opus just of.% .press that may be expected to something of a sensation, ax, it ap£ pears, has made use tton Sin^ clair" to reveal • the "• "of his ..crash.




Kntena u Heeond-CaBu u a a Matter on January 27. HBO, at PoBtofflce at Omaba. Nebraska, under the Act of llatch 3. 1S79


Vol. LX—No. 5


Fox claims that Wall Street formed a conspiracy against him to bring New Members Reported As Favabout his downfall. orable to Leasing: Land But it appears, In the end, that to Jews Tox lived up to his name. The crash came along, and those who Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—A complete had forced him to sell but, found change in the personnel of the Transthat they were greater losers there- jordan cabinet has been announced in by than Fox. the Arab press. It is regarded as Moreover, the fox after being significant that both the new premier turned out of his own lairs, turned and the new private secretary to the bear on the market, and claims to emir are reported here as being fahave cleared ten million in that role. vorable to the transaction involving So the story ends well for the Fox. tee lease of the. emir's estate in the Sinclair's story of William Fox eastern Jordan valley to. a Jewish Xicalls a similar story in Theodore company for. Jewish settlement. Breiser's "Twelve Men," the story of Moreover, it is claimed that the new a New York Jewish traction mag private secretary to the emir actually nate, who rose from the slums to be acted as mediator between the Jewthe all-powerful traction power in ish company and the emir in the New York. negotiation of the lease. At his height, this Jewish magAt the same time the agitation nate, built himself a mansion, that against Jewish settlement in Transbeggared royal palaces by compar- jordan—eastern Palestine—carried on isons. The gardens, that surround- by leading Arabs in western Palesed the mansion looked like nothing tine is assuming a personal charexcept a chapter from some fairy acter in that it is being directed tale. The Jewish magnate had a against the Emir Abdullah himself. secret passion for literary life, and Thus the Arab papers published here in a compensatory manner for his reported that the emir had been own literary frustration, made his stoned by bands of incited schoolhome the rendezvous for the elite of boys at Es-Salt, as he was returnthe literary and artistic world. ing, to Amman from Jerusalem. The Bat the Jew's power displeased the emir himself is described as having powers of finance, and they, accord- escaped injury, though, the windows ing to Dreiser, set themselves to en- of his automobile -were • smashed. compass his fall, And they did it Five of the school boys -were arvery successfully. rested and imprisoned, it was furBut Fox, it appears, was wilier. ,ther~ reported. He can, if we -may believe Sinclair's On inquiry here the Jewish Telestory, thumb his nose at his foes and say: Behold, that which you con- graphic, Agency was informed by the spired against me has fallen upon Palestine government that there was no truth in the report of the attack your own head. Selah! on the emir. A FUTURISTIC PICTURE The change in the personnel of the As they tell it, it was in the year Transjordan cabinet follows the ad1940. I mean just that—1940. The journment of the Transjordan legisFive;Year Plan had been completed. lative assembly on the day of its Everything Sovietish was hnnky- reopening. The Transjordan legisladory. Joseph Stalin contemplated ture, which had not met for about the unfolded scene with satisfaction. sbsr months, was reported to have Everything, as I have said, was been called together in order to discuss the question of the lease of okay, and;it was in the year 1940. Some Jews from Moscow were Transjordan land to Jews. The meetzooming. across the Russian airways. ing did not, however, take place.-It t As they put Moscow some 100 miles was then alleged by ;thei behind, ChayirA - lookstoput irom.JuS .:©£ the rmTr.-jjhhat_ thft airplane and whom does he see but was brought about through insuffiShmooel airplaning in reverse direc- cient attendance owing to the absence of the emir's supporters "who tion.'- .. ••.'/.• :.-••.'-.. ' ' • • " W h e r e a r e y o u g o i n g , Shmooel"? did not wish tiie debate to take place cried -Shayim.-.- ., , .• nnder circumstances in which ; several 4 . ' T o C h a r k o w , " r e t u r n e d Schmooel. of the cabinet'were hostile to the •"YDS g e h t i h r epes k e i n Charkow," emir's land-lease policy.

In Germany, this year, the celebration of Purim will be somewhat complicated for Jews who-may like to honor it in the customary festive fashion. And this is brought about through the decision of the National Union of German E-Soldiers t o devote March 12 as a day of memorial for German soldiers killed in the war. As it happens, March 12 coincides with the festival of Purim. •It is interesting that -the representative of the Jewish ex-soldiers who was present at the meeting at which the date was fixed, pointed out its coincidence with Purim, but nevertheless went on to declare that Jews would do everything to avoid any public festivity or celebration during that day so as not to clash with • the general atmosphere of mourning and commemoration. There is an old saying that when the Messiah comes, all the fasts will become festivals, but we yet have to learn what •will happen when — as this year in Germany—a festival is to become a fast.


Berlin (J. T. A.).—The fulminations and incrtemeits by the German Nazis has daily assumed a more violent and threatening character as March 5, the date of the German general «lection, approached. Even the fact that Nazi papers like the "Angriff" and the "Voelkischer Beobachter" are now regarded as semi-official in character does not deter them from engaging in agiThe fourth annual Jewish tation of the most irresponsible and P h i l anthropies campaign in dangerous sort. Omaha will be held in May, comApart from the -widespread incitemencing Monday morning, May ment by means of the printed word, the numerous anti-Semitic declaraOmaha Jewry is urged to assist 15, according to announcement tions by Nazi leaders -whose authority and co-operate in the city-wide Jew- by Dr. A. Greenberg, general has been increased since Hitler's asish communal survey that began this chairman for this year's drive. sumption of the chancellorship, are At the conclusion of last year's week under the direction of the Omadding to the difficulties of the Jewaha Council of Jewish Women. Lead- campaign the board of governors ish population. ers of this project feel that results voted an innovation in selecting the It is-no exa; ion to say that of the census will prove a material 1933 chairman a year in advance so the Jewish leadersf are in a state of benefit to the Jewry of the city as that the machinery for the drive consternation, as ft is <Jear that the well as to the community at large. would be set in motion and the planemergency order which prohibits inVolunteer women workers began a ning completed without last-minute Abe Herzberg citement against -religious bodies is canvass of Jewish homes this week, rushing. Abe Henberg was elected president not being applied where Jews are seeking information that will aid in Greenberg, a veteran • campaigner for the fifth consecutive time of the concerned. compiling a complete Jewish census. and co-chairman of the general soHighland Country club, at an annual The material will later be turned licitation division last year, was Meanwhile, the elimination of Jewdinner meeting Wednesday at Hotel over to the various Jewish organiza- unanimously named for the chairish officials and those friendly to the Paxton. tions for use in connection with re- manship. Jewish people from the public servOther club officers were also all re- ices is continuing apace. ligious and educational work. William L. Holzman was chosen turned to office. They are Manning "We hope that workers will be honorary chairman, as a tribute to Hand in hand with the dismissal Handler, vice-president; Edward TrelCoach M. H. Sogolow has entered cordially received in all Jewish Ier, secretary; Harry Maloshock, of these goes the appointment of his varsity basketball team in the homes and that those who are called the insspirational service he has renNazi nominees. •;-• treasurer, and B. F. Danbaum. Dr. M. annual city tournament to represent on will understand the worker's mis- dered in local philanthropic endeavors. Gordon, I. B. Zimman and Dr. A. the Jewish Community Center. sion and assist him," Mrs. Julius Count Hermann Keyserling, conWhile the organization of the 1933 Greenberg, directors. The tourney will be held . at the Newman, chairman of the religious campaign machinery is not quite C fi Approving an annual report which sidered friendly to the Nazi party, Y, M. C. and the Center five committee for the Council, said. showed a profitable year of operation issued an appeal in the "Deutsche •will play their first game Tuesday There is no solicitation whatsover in completed, the following divisional Allegemeine Zeitung^ to the German heads have been approved by the during 1932, the membership voted to evening. A strong contingent of connection with the survey. youth to follow; the English and rooters is expected. executive committee: reduce the general dues. This is the first Jewish census American " gentlemen's ideal of reThe Center cagers chalked up vicInitial Gifts—David Goldspecting the views of their opponents. tory number 23 when they trounced taken in 10 years, and the most comman prehensive one ever undertaken, "Nationalist circles want Einstein the Omaha U Reserves, 46 to 28, beGeneral Solicitation—Max to leave Germany forever, although fore a huge crowd Tuesday night. workers believe. Thirty-five women are assisting Mrs. Newman, who MBarish. Einstein is undoubtedly one of the The Conservative Auxiliary group 6 held a meeting of workers WednesWomen's Division— Mrs. two or three epoch-making spirits of sponsored the game. day at the Center. Herbert Arnstein. our times • and although a Jew is Last Friday the J. C. C. quintet Youth Division — Justin nevertheless a German," Keyserling defeated the same team on their declared. '; Wolf. court, 28 to 2L However, - Sunday The .organization of the remaining they dropped a close tDt to the Alldivisions and' the selection of thfl Rabbi Max Eschelbacher of Dues- Star Chat 'N1 Nibble team, 51 to chairmen for them will be Tounded The four-city Conservative Syna- seldorf, writing in the Berlin press, 46. The varsity was strong on ofout within the next two weeks. gogue conference -will be held in states that despairing German Jewry fense but the unusual long distance ;.•-. / ; . . -' 'Last Year- -- ' of the visitors was too Omaha- a t - t h e Jewish Community is confronted with an increasing num- bombarding : !Last Year Henry Monsky, as genCenter jnijderVthe auspices of ihe ber of Jewish suicides, due not only much. '"- ".: T > 1 to mipoverlshme^ili^iiotr^to ~ffie intaK «raT ^chairman, steered the philanTfi^ 'h^^ miS0STf''''- '&a3r Wednesday, thropies campaign to a. successful game at the expense of the Bellevue March 8. The conference was orig- erable campaign of defamation. \ Ben Shrier and Ernest Priesman, conclusion. A total of 2,353 pledges Gas, veronal and firearms are used Eamblers, 26 to 18, Tuesday. Flo inally .scheduled for February 8, but representing the Mother chapter 1 was postponed a month because of as the instruments of suicide, he de- Brookstein and Eeva Golden shined of Omaha, won the debate champion- was obtained, the largest since the On offense, while Esther Rosenberg ship of the midwest A. Z. A." district formation of the philanthropies. In clares. disagreeable Weather. starred on defense. Sunday the girls at the tournament held last week- 1931, 1,700 pledges were obtained, - A large attendance is expected. defeated the Catholic Sokols, 32 to end at Kansas City, Mo. They won and in 1930, 1,900. Twenty Lincoln women ere charterThe popular response to the drive 16. ing a bus to bring them to the conthe verdict over St. Louis in the ficontinued Chayim, . . r e c a l l i n g " t h a t The girls will play the girls' city nals. The subject for debate was, in 1932 -was highly gratifying and clave, and substantial representations Charkow w a s a distance of over 500 champion basketball team Sunday at "Resolved, That- the Calling of the was a great triumph for the work will be present from Des Moines and m i l e s . . •'••• ,.'.. ' ' .'.'"•'. " . • "" . „ " 1:30 p. m. in a preliminary to the World Jewish Congress As Proposed of the campaigners in the face of a .Sioux City. "Mir hoben gehert," said Schmooel,. Three Jewish religious groups of The guests will register at the ihe city -will take part in the oV Psi Mu-St. Pual game. by the Geneva Conference Is Un- lowered standard of giving,' due to "az men git putter dorten." the depression. " Community Center, where a lunch- servance of Council Sabbath this wise." SOUND ADVICE Among the divisional heads reeon wfll be served at 12:30. The year when services are -held Friday Both Shrier and Friesman "were Morris Gitlin, 56, passed away luncheon will be followed by a prosponsible for the encouraging results Another storiette that they are awarded gold medals for their victelling these days concerning the Sunday at his home, 2413 Charles gram, "Charm's the Thing," a hu- night, March 10, at Temple Israel, tory. They are now eligible to com- of the-1932 campaign were Mrs. J. young man who came to New York f street, following ah illness of a year morous sketch written by Mrs. Da- the Conservative Synagogue, and the pete in the finals to be held at the J. Greenberg, women's division; and a half. He ha^.beejtt. a resident vid A. Goldstein and Mrs. Ben Sha- United "Orthodox Synagogue, under from Milwaukee. international convention scheduled Philip Klutznick, co-chairman of auspices of the Omaha Council of The Health Club group of the J. for the past thirty years. piro and will be presented by Mrs. general solicitations; H. A. Wolf, The young- man was -financially of Omaha ! C. C. under the direction of Physical for Omaha this summer. He ls; survived by his widow, Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, Mrs. Sam Theo- Jewish Women. embarrassed. . He -wired home to"his budpet; Dr. Philip Sher, quota; MilOmaha chapter No. 1 basketball Mrs. Julius Newman, chairman of | Director M. EL Sogolow has been parents. . •':.' Sadie Gitlin; a son, Jack, of New dore, Mrs. Philip Klutznick and Mrs. ton R. Abrahams, speakers, and Jack representatives fought their .way inand religious education, is in divided into two sections. "Broke. Have no friends. What York City; three daughters, Mrs. I. Morris Sogolow. Parodies written by religion to the finals of the cage tourney, Marer, publicity. The Senior Council charge of arrangements for this anThe regular class group will con- only to lose out to Des Moines, 24 of Clubs took care of the youths* shall I do?" • ;• Rimerman, and Ida and Anna Gitlin, Mrs. Sam H. Shulkin of Sioux City liual observance. tinue to meet on Tuesday and Thurs- to 17 in a hotly-contested battle. division. Forthwith there icame a Teplyfrom of Omaha, and four grandchildren. will comprise community singing, led Eabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver his parents. : Funeral services were held at the by Mrs. Sam Beber. A group of the address at Temple Israel. Mrs. day at 12 noon and Sunday morning Failure to capitalize on free throws ."'Make friends quick." . , ; residence Monday • "afternoon, wita vocal selections will be presented by Sam E. Gilinsky will deliver the at 11:30. cost the Omahans the championship. The volleyball team works out ev- They led at the half» 9 to 8, and Mrs. Hyman Belman, accompanied by opening prayer, and Mrs. Joe BanA.T EASE IN ZION ']"• burial in Pleasant .Hill cemetery. ery Monday and Wednesday at noon. Miss Margaret Hurwitz. off will give the closing prayer. A This Sunday at noon they will dash missed nine out of twelve gift tosses. James Waterman Wise mourns _;_••• In the semi-finals, , the Mother A conference session win follow special musical program has been with the Xi Lambdas. that. Zionism has become too easy. I d a . chapter defeated Kansas City, 29 to arranged by the choir and Miss Eina the program and will last throughout He would almost wish, he adds, that The squad has been practicing 24, after having «Hminated the the afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Kulakof- Syhder will be soloist it might become as unrespectable as faithfully preparing for the city Sioux City quintet, 28 to 25. sky, president of the local auxiliary, Eabbi David A. Goldstein will tournament in April and are now a in the old days to be a Zionist.' Milton Frohm and David Slobod* In the district oratorical contest, Ida Bercovici-was named president will preside. Speaker at this session speak of the occasion in his Friday well-playing team of spikers and - The disappearance from the moveinsky were chosen announcers for Irving Hill of Lincoln "was declared ment of the sacrificial element has of the Junior Vaad i Auxiliary at an will be Mrs. Barney Baron of Sioux night sermon at the Conservative passers. the Hazomir radio programs at tryvictor. tended to a dilution of Zionist fealty. election attended by- over sixty mem- City, Mrs. Nathan Grossman of Lin- Synagogue, and Eabbi Uri Miller of outs held Tuesday. The following men are most active Such is the reasoning. Mr. Wise bers. Other officers chosen are Dora coln, Mrs. Bernard Schwartz and the United Orthodox Synagogue, in the volleyball competition: Bob The Hazomir Singing society, •unwould mend matters by trying to Freshman, vice-president; S a r a h Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg of Da3 plans an address on the subject. der the direction of Cantor A. SchKooper, Abe Brbdkey, Iz Levinson, precipitate the American movement Malashock, secretary; Bess Xirshen- Moines, Mrs. David A. Goldstein and waczkin, will sing over radio station Art Cohn, Martin Falk, Ben Shapinto controversy. He feels that Am- baum, treasurer;: Blanche \ Uothen- Mrs. A. "D.Frank of Omaha. WOW on a half-hour program startiro, Saul Graetz, Phil Feldman, Joe erican Zionists should have the var- berg, reporter; Margaret Hurwitz Delegates will be welcomed by ing at 10:15 p. m. the first and Eice, Harold Pollack, Paul Steinberg, The sixtieth anniversary of Chaim third Mondays of the month. ious-schools of Zionism—Labor. Re- and Eose Dolgoff, sergeants-at- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and Eabbi Earl Siegal, and Morris Blacker. Bialik, famous Hebrew poet, will be visionist, Mizrachist, present their arms; Bess Riibenstein, -parliamen- David A. Goldstein will give the The first of these programs will Fred S. White will speak on "The observed by an appropriate program be held at 10:15 p. m. Monday, respective sides—and that the result- tarian. benediction. Mrs. Dave Sherman will Sponsors are Mrs. N. H. Green- announce the program. Committees Problems Confronting the New Adto be presented at the J. C. C. Sun- March 6. Among the numbers on ant temperature of the controversy berg and Mrs. L. Neveleff. iRabbi in charge of arrangements are: Reg- ministration" at the meeting of the day evening, March 5, starting at 8 the program will be Kulom Ahuirim, might warm up the movement. Omaha Hebrew club Sunday afterp. m. The program is under the Shterendel, Kol Nidrc, Ay Ochniem, We are in general, sympathetic Uri Miller is adviser. istration and courtesy, Mrs. Sam noon at the J. C. C , according to auspices of the Pioneer Women. Educational, social and cultural Green and Mrs. Dave Cohn; lunchand Kinderlach, and a short humorwith the idea of presenting the varannouncement by S. E. Klaver, the Included on the program will be ous reading by Dr. I. Dansky. A mass meeting of all Omaha ious schools of Zionist thought, but programs and a religious school are eon, Mrs. J. Blank and Mrs. B. A. chairman of the intellectual advanceJewry is to be held in the B'nai an- address by I. Morgenstern on we are not apprehensive on the score part of the plans of the group for Simon; house, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster; ment committee. Judges at Tuesday's try-outs were '.-.'• seating, Mrs. Arthur Cohn and Mrs. Israel-synagogue, 18th and Chicago "Bialik, the Student;" an address by Thomas Chase and N. S. Yaffe. of the need of some opposition. .What •the year. streets, on Sunday evening March Judah Wolfson on "Bialik the Poet;" is the matter for instance with HitPhilip Klutznick; program, Mrs. "Da5, at 8 p. m. under the auspices of a reading of several of Bialik's latler for that purpose. vid A. Goldstein and Mrs. Ben Sha- lew Finance Councillor to the Vaad H'Oehr or United Ortho- est works by Mrs. J. Stadlan of The Lord, it seems to us, will alIraq Legation piro. Council Bluffs; a reading from the dox Synagogues. ways watch over his chosen Israel. Reservations for the luncheon are _ Bagdad.—The government of Iraq Pioneer Women's magazine; and folk The main object of this mass He will not fail to provide us with has appointde a Jew, Abraham Bey The first of a series of "Book in charge of Mrs. Ben Glazer, At. The Psi Mu will celebrate its 5th songs by Mrs. J. Raznick, accompanmeeting will be for the purpose of temperature. Evenings" sponsored by the Conserv- 3779, and wBH close Monday night. El-Kebir, as finance councilor to the annual Psi Mu day, Sunday, March ied by Miss Lillian Epstein at the outlining the future program of the Iraq legation in London. ative Auxiliary, with Rabbi David SUCH A BUSINESS violin and Miss Edith Epstein at the 5. The \rinner of the popularity Vaad. contest, which has been running for Speaking of the recent depression, A. Goldstein reviewing the books, This occasion will be utilized to piano. the past several weeks, will be Admission is free and the public they tell a story about a Jewish mer- will be held on Monday evening, acquaint the people of Omaha with March 6, at the J. C. C. The book crowned "Miss Psi Mu" and preis invited. Refreshments will be chant and a rabbi. and request their co-operation in the The Psi Mu were defeated Sunday sented with a diamond dinner ring, served. The rabbi, it appears, had never evenings will start at 8 p. m. and in a nip-and-tuck battle, 29 to 25, at work of the Vaad. In addition to a spring hat, and a pair of shoes. passed the place of business of this will be over by 9 p. xn. Eabbi Uri Miller's address, there Monday Eabbi Goldstein will re- St. Paul by the St. Paul J. E. C The contest is close with Rose Jewish merchant, who was incidentalwill be short talks by I. Morgen: quintet. view Sinclair Lewis' "Ann Yickers." Moskowitz leading, Rose Abramson ly a very devoted member of his constern and Ben E. Eazlowsky. The same teams will clash in a The Jewish Community Center very close behind and the other congregation, and whom the rabbi re- The public is invited to attend. return game at the local Center this There will be no admission charge. is making its final appeal to Art Lipp was chosen president of testants, Ehocla Gilinsky, Evelyn garded as very pious. Sunday afternoon as a feature of those wishing to send food packXi Lambda at an election held on Blumenthal, Sara Baum, Ann Zwo.jAll the more surprised therefore Psi Mu Day. The game is scheduled ages to relatives in Russia for Tuesday. Other officers are Bill back, Marion Eobinson, Esther Weinwas the rabbi one Sabbath afternoon for 2:30. Passover. The Jewish History Class of TemSokoloff, vice-president; Herman Ba- er and Martha Himelstein with very y when he passed the merchant's store T l The Center is acting as agent ple Israel bich, secretary; and Sam Garrop, fe-w less votes. meet at the Temple and saw it—of aU: things—open. He Mrs. M. Fogel, 2214 Willis Ave., Gene Cooper's band will furnish, treasurer. for the Hias Immigrant Bank in p Td stopped as though paralyzed. He received word last Thursday of the on Tuesday evening at 7:45 p. m. taking care of the remittances. An initiation -will be held Sunday the nrusic for the dance. Preceding decided he would look into the store. death of her uncle, Mr. B. Hakan Price lists and additional infor- Mr. Eugene Blazer will lead in the afternoon, the initiates being Henry tfie dance the St. Catherine's nurses, Maybe something extraordinary had of 2534 Holmes street, Kansas City, The Vaad Beligious School will mation may be obtained at ihe discussion of the second chapter of Lipp and Bill Wolfe. In the eve- city champions, will play the J. C. C happened. the second volume of Graetz's "His- ning they and the new officers will girls, and the Psi Mu team will play Mo. Mr. Hakan was a former pion- hold its opening session at 10 a. m. J. C. C. He came in—and there was the eer resident of Omaha. He also this Sunday morning at the B'nai tory of the Jews." His subject will be honored at a dance at Peony. St. PauL Minn. Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. lived in Lincoln for mans Tears. be "The HasmoneanB." (Continued on Page Two.)

Several Divisional Chairmen Chosen As Machinery Put in Motion for 1933 Drive City-Wide Jewish Communal Survey





Council Sabbath to Be Held March 10


Center Health Club Showing Progress


ici Heads



White to Speak at Hebrew Club


"Book Evenings" to Be Sponsored Regularly

Psi Mu Day to Be Observed on Sunday

Return Game

Last Chance to Send Food Packages for Pesach

Art Lipp Elected to Head Xi Lambdas

Jewish History Class

Former Omahan Passes Away in Kansas City

Vaad Religious School

PA<^E 2—THEJJEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, given at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd collecting. and Clark, Sunday, March 5, startThis particular merchant, who we ing at .8 p. m. The presentation shall call Mr. Cohen, was much perwill be under the auspices of the The Daughters of Israel Aid so- turbed over a rather large bill due ciety is giving a benefit tea and him by Mr. Yankelovitz, who lived The first concert and play given Omaha Jewish Workers' School asbridge party for the Old People's in a neighboring town. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by by the children of the Kaiman Mar- sociation. home Tuesday, March 21, at 2504 THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Mr. Cohen would have liked to iner Jewish Workers school will be Charles street. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin leave his place of business and go to is chairman. By "Ab" Kaiman $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - -. - see Mr. Yankelovitz in person, bus himself a victim of the inferiority you know how business is. So he complex. Ben Kazlowsky was elected temAdvertising rates furnished on application decided to send his clerk, Shmool, Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building president and Ephraim Its hearing things like that, Ed, porary What attorney known as a dyedTelephone: ATlantic 1450 in-the-wool "bach" . . . a member of The Junior Hadassah has formed a who was rather a dumb sort of mor- that make you want to take a cattle Marks temporary secretary of the Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center Young Men's Vaad at the organizaboat to Patagonia. a prominent, firm of local barristers Cultural Class for all members who tal, if you gather what I mean. DAVID BLACKER - « - - Business and Managing Editor Mr. Cohen first gave Schmool some When you visit the home of a tional meeting held recently. . . . persuaded the secretary of the are interested in Jewish history and FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - ,- ~ - - - - - Editor firm to accept .a dinner chat . . . culture. These classes are held on lessons in the diplomacy of bill col- writer, he doesn't, unless he's a com- Permanent officers for the group FANNIE KATELMAN - « Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent pletely lost dam fool ask you to will be elected at a meeting to be followed by a visit to the movies . . . alternate Thursday evenings from lecting. ANN PILL - - - - • - • • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent "Don't rush in and demand the read the clippings of his writings. held at the J. C. C. Tuesday eve•we think they are an ideally mated regular meeting nights - a t eight T couple and trust that these few o'clock at the . . C. C , and are con-money," he warned. "Be \-ery nice Why does a painter feel chagrined, ning, March 7. lines will lend encouragement to the ducted by Rabbi Uri Miller. The next about it. In fact, when you first see if you fail to note any of the masThat happy-wreathed- Cultural class will be held next Thurs- him, don't mention the money at all. terpieces bedecking the walls? Why The Maryland legislature is considering the passage of a law situation in-smiles-look worn by Bertha M—n day evening, March 9, and Rabbi Mil- alk about something. Talk about does a painter make such a distinclegalizing civil marriages in that state. Should the bill become law employed at Goldstein-Chapman . . . ler has stated that anyone interested prohibition—read some of the jokes tion between commercial work and JA. 9404 JA. 9404 a "love light" caused by the per- in this group may still join by at- in 'By the Way' and tell them to pure art and resent the thought Suits Cleaned 49c and indications are that it will, West Virginia would be the only is Mr. Yankelovitz, and so on. Then that he should paint anything but sistent wooing of Abe \V—r • . . tending promptly, at eight o'clock. HANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 state in the United States requiring a religious ceremony to make The youngest president ever chosen At a regular meeting on Thursday take out a cigar and give it to Mr. the dictates of his soul? Most writ2016 Farnam St. All Wearing Apparel a marriage valid. In its stand, West Virginia differs from most by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel evening, March 16, at the Center, a Yankelovitz. Then have some cof- ers, on the contrary, even if per. . sweet and charming Gertrude I beautiful breakfast set, consisting of fee, and after that, when you have chance they do a piece of work from HAND I R O ' ^ D of the civilized world, where marriage is regarded as a contract .Cohn L. A. LONGFELLOW, Prop. quite a busybody in the table and chairs, will be given away him in a good mood—show him thehigher motives, are a little embarwith consent of the parties and other contractual requirements es- administration of her duties free to the person holding the lucky bill." rassed by the admission—and ask sential. However, while categorizing marriage thus, our legal sys- List' to the tale of Justin Wolf, the number. Miss ?remette Goldberg is "Oke," said Schmool, as he left writers and almost universally they will tell you that they did it beestatnick" . . . after decipher- chairman of this raffle, and tickets on his errand. tems recognize that the marriage contract is on a higher plane "real ing the owners of the initials report- may be obtained from her, or from Late the same evening Mr. Cohen cause they needed the money. than the ordinary civil agreement, that it is clothed with a san- ed among our "blessed eventers," J. any member of the Junior Hadassah. received a telegram: "There is no Wt THE ME* Dee Ess ctity upon which the foundation of our moral and social wealth R. W. offers the info, that a majorcoffee here. What shall I do?" ity of those mentioned reside in the That Sam* 8IIOTWELL, MONSKY, GRODINlSKY & rests. Dear Ed: Austin apts!! Our apologies to Mr. VANCE, Attorneys. A report of the dinner dance held Through the ages, home lif e and marriage have been import- and Mrs. Perry Silverman . . . we 737 Omaha Nn:;on."l Bank Bldg. Frisch of Minneapolis was here the at Sioux City by the Alpha other day, Ed, and he was saying at If you have your shoes - ant factors in the preservation of Jewish life. The inmost living predicted they would be three . . . recently Notht" is hereby given that on the 1st repaired at the our predictions were upset (and sochapter of Iota Tau was rendered at lunch the other day to a neighbor, day of January, 1U3H, thf total oiitstjindiTK germ of morality and family devotion, fostered and nourished, was U(tlel>te<iness of .NK1JUASK.A THKATKKS Perry) when we learned that a meeting of the sorority held at thethat the real America was in the mid- COItl'OKATIOX, a Nebraska corporation, made marriage a sanctuary of the Jewish people. How, then, does they are now "four" . . . twin home of Sarah Forman Sunday. A dle west—or northwest. with its principal place of business in followed the meeting with AnOruaba, was ^ our law look upon the marriage contract? As recently recorded in "maidlach" are yowling a duo in bridge That's right, Ed, but it is also right ,Sho« Repair Co. LOUIS KJ'KTEIX. President. nette Bender, adviser, winning first. their home so we offer a double J. I * KRAOE, PK>P that the real middlewest is in New Attest: LOT'lS Kl'KTEIX, Secrvtnr.v. a historical account in the Philadelphia Exponent, "In Jewish law, "Mozzeltoff". What became of cute "Ann Vickers," by Sinclair Lewis, SAM El'STEIN. 1619 York. Just consider some of the folLOUIS EPSTEIN. will be reviewed by Mrs. Eva Konmarriage is basically considered as a civil act, requiring only the little "Fweddie"? inquire of ecky at the next meeting to be held lowing New Yorkers: Farnam Majority of Directors. presence of two witnesses" whose testimony would be regarded as Lucille W. for the answer. Herman at the home of Hazel Zavett. Fannie Hurst comes from St. Louis. 3-3-33 It. St. B., the cleaner, is "day dreaming" Ben Hacht is from Chicago. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st valid in a court of law. All the regulation partaining to marriage The members entertained at a sur1!»33, the total outstanding Sarah B., one of the damsels Max Lowenthal, member of the day of January, of GATE <:IT1' KL'KXITUKK are also viewed fronvthe social and civic viewpoint and are classed about in the furniture of the Bran- prise shower Tuesday at the home Wickersham commission, is from Min- indebtedness CO., IXC, a Nebraska Corporation, with Sylvia Rokovitz in honor of Mrs.neapolis. with other contract laws. Sincei however, everything in Jewish deis store . . . S. Stanley Goldberg of its principal pluee of business in Omaha, Harold Barish, whose marriage was life was colored by religion and regulated by religious law and cus- (he parts his name in the middle) recently announced. She was pre- Kenneth McKenna is from Cin- was SS'JT.tB. HARRY B. COHEN. President. film trailer lad who travels in Attest : H. MAKQl'AKLiT, Secretary. cinnati. tom, marriage also assumed a religious significance and was sur-the sented with a lovely gift. Marjory HAItltY 1*. COHEN, this territory enjoys making Wishnow and Sophie Jacobson won Edna Ferber is from Wisconsin. li. MAKQIAKUT, rounded by a number of religious ceremonies. Because of the many Omaha his headquarters and Majority of Directors. Governor Lehman—at least his parDes Moines $2.00 '.-3-33-11. ents—from Alabama. consequences affecting the integrity of the Jewish family and the ups and declares that Omaha's beau- at bridge. Denver $7.50 ties that he glimpsed at the Center The Untermeyers are from Virginia. FRADEXBUKG, ST.UMASTER * BKBEK preserving of the high" moral standards of Jewish life, the mar-recently Detroit $7.00 OSCAK T. UOEKIi. PHILIP M. KLITZrate high in comparison to F. P. A. is from Chicago. XICK, Attorneys. Los Angeles $20.00 riage ceremony came to be regarded as a sacred institution, re- the Brooklyn "daisies" of his ac- Robert Szold is from some small 650 Omaha National Bank Bltlg., quaintance in his "home burg" . . . Omaha, Nebraska. quiring the presence" oTaTman learned in the laws pertaining to the town in Illinois. (Continued from Page One.) tho his "heart" resides t h e r e . . . Koenigsberg of the Hearst services NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE subject and the prayers and benedictions that have been provided even SALE. Jack Reel of the Bee-News says that owner, Mr. Greenberg, standing and is from Texas. Notice is hereby given that on the 17th Edwards Hotel Bldg. for the occasion. anyone who becomes disentangled talking to a customer. Jack Lait is from Chicago. day of March, 1933. »t 10:00 o'clock :it tfce from one distasteful marriage and 306 No. 16th Ha 5000 George Kaufmann, 1 think, is from tckius Van .t Storage Company, 161 h Ml'l As the customer left, the rabbi Orthodox Jewish law insists upon a religious ceremony for a plunges into another is a "matri- approached Leavenworth Streets, Omaha, Xebrnsky. Pittsburgh. Mr. Greenberg. undersigned •will sell at public auction marriage, but would recognize the validity of a civil marriage or maniac" . . . and deserves what he "How is this, Mr. Greenberg—you New York, as you see—for the list :ohe the highest bidder for cusli: day bed, 1 Cogs-well chair. 1 screen, of; a common law or Acompaniate marriage to the extent that it gets . . . eventually a padded cell carrying on a "gesheft" on Shab- would be indefinitely extended—is 2 1chairs, 1 carton. 1 iiph. stool, 2 lamp . . . but that's only his opinion . . . both!" really a symposium of all America — shades, 1 stand (top cracked), 1 picture would require a divorcet where dissolution Is desired. 1 desk base, 1 desk top. 1 .S. Oriental rug Cowardly and slinking individuals "Say, Rabbi," said Mr. Greenberg, the most American of all cities. I 27x54 in., 1 gray domestic rug ^VixtiVi ft Throughout the Diaspora the Jewish people have accordingly delight in penning anonymous let- "come with me for a minute," and ought to know—I come from all of "" L Wilton rug !)xl2 ft., 1 L. Harmon Velvet rug 9x12 ft., 3 !S. Mohawk rugs insisted upon adhering t o their own regulations regarding mar- ters . . . anyone who wrtes an an- he led the rabbi through the stacks them—or almost. 1SX27 in., 1 S. Velvet rug 27x54 in. (torn letter containing abuse or of goods. "See these pants marked I see, Ed, where a Cleveland Jewish few places), 1 tip. piano Hairtes No. CGTUr riage and divorce" ^WneJreTthere were conflicts between state law onymous (top spotted nnd checked nil over, ends is low enough to walk otherwise to $1.25. They cost me ?3.00 physician, a Dr. Matzenbaum, or marred), 1 piano bench, 1 smoking stand, and the Jewish law, they managed to adjust the difference and re- under a snake while wearing a. high adown pair. These shirts at 85c They something like that has developed a 1 floor lamp base, 1 arm chair, 1 tr.'iy, The man who figured out cost me over a dollar. You call this nose geometry theory. The theory 1 tahle lamp base, 1 coffee table, 1 jardtain their own laws. Though civil marriages may be recognized hat stand, 1 V. Stand (top split), trick of determining the identity a 'gesheft.' I am giving things seems to be that if your nose isn't per- iniere bdl. C. Stand base, 1 Settee, 1 Elephant as valid in Maryland, that does not prevent the Jewish residents the of the anon, letter sender to Win-away. Can*?.-you run a charity on fect isosceles triangle—better watch Statue, Xo. 1 barrel. No. 2 bnrreJ, No. 'A No. i box. No. 5 box, 1 S. Green from most scrupulously observing their own religious marital cus- chell deserved f a' great l»Ig cheer . . . Shabboth?" >•• out. You're liable to develop sinus box. Domestic rug 4x5 ft., 1 S. Wilton rug We admire the courage and honest toms. Indeed, such action as the legalization of civil marriages in trouble—or be dull at your school 27x54 in., 1 S. Mohawk Rug 27x54 in., 1 S. Kng Pad, 2 I-. Rug Pads. 1 Stand. I of a very prominent local COLLECTING A DEBT work—or maybe become a mouth Board, Maryland should be endorsed by the Jewish people because it convictions 1 Gas Fireplace Heater. 3 Card lady who collared us to protest Tables, 1 Tool Chest (top B. O.), 1 HooSpeaking as we were about a breather. strengthens the principles of separation of Church and State— about a matter ver Sweeper, 1 Carton, 1 Carton Sweeper that was subsequent- Jewish merchant, we are reminded Talking about the latter, I was liscovered by n chattel morta fundamental doctrine in American freedom and highly desirable ly proven as entirely proper . . . of the story of another Jewish mer- tening to a physician the other day Attachments, gage In favor of the United Financial her criticism was helpful tho sharp chant—who recently tried to collect tell of the wonders of psycho-analysis Service, a corporation, signed by Loretta in the interests of liberty of conscience. L. Malone: that said mortgage is dated but also contained a compliment . . . a bill. and then go into an encomium of Dr. May 14, 1931. and is recorded in Hie offire for which we thank you . . . Elsie This happened, too, in the recent S. one of the most distinguished ex- of the County Clerk of Douglas County, 9 S—r being dined and "whined" (its depression. You may have forgotten ponents of the school. He told in par- Nebraska. Snid sale will be for the purpose of the slump that causes the whining) about it, but times were pretty bad ticular of Doctor S's great work as re- foreclosing said mortgage, for the costs ot with a party named Marx . . . it then. Farms were being foreclosed, gards the inferiority complex. the sale, and all accruing costs, includiu warehouse fees, nnd for the purpose oC just banks closing, and so on, and it was The Ladies Labor Lyceum club wasn't Groucho or Harpo And, Ed, he wound up by casually satisfying the amount due thereon, to-wit: a Marx-man who can readily grasp S174.S2, plus interest; rhnt no suit or other will give an old-fashioned mock wedgenerally pretty difficult to do any dropping the remark that Dr. S. was proceedings at law have By 6 . O. DASHER been instituted to ding with old-fashioned music and the significance of Elsie's "ogling recover said drbt, or sinv part thereof. UNITED FINANCIAL. SEUVIOE. dancing on Purim night, March 12, orbs". Friends of Les Burkenroad insist By PHILIP M. KLUTZXICK, In the future men shall cease to at the Labor Lyceum at 8 p. m. that the lithe and agile Les (at that 2-24-33-3t Attorney. Admission -will be 25 cents. worship a person on account of the time) was the premier basketball PHILIP M. KLITZNICK money he possesses . . . only charA Century of Progress 650 Omaha Xational Bank Buildingplayer . . . "Zol zein azai" (meaning NOTICE OF INCOUFOR.VCION OF TED'S acter and wisdom will be the standO-kay) . . . Honest you wouldn't PEN AND CAKD SHOP, INC. and stay at the ards by which every person iwill ba Notice is hereby given that the underThe Workmen's Circle Branch 173 believe me (this is not the street car signed have formed a corporation under valued. the laws of the State of Xebraskn. The will give a concert on March 14 at story when I tell you that the best name of this corporation shall be Ted's the Labor Lyceum at 8 p. m., fea- all around Jewish athlete at CreighPen & Card Shop, Inc.. with the principal And they shall beat their swords turing three artists from New York, ton U was none other than Dr. Phil place of business fit Omnhn, Nebraska. The Ih« Chicago World's Foir of 1933 — into plowshares, and their ; spears L. Harris, Max Brodin and S. Zlot- Levey general nature of the business to be tranDuring the years 1912sacted and the object and purpose for from June to November. Don't- mits into pruning-hooks. Nation shall not in. Admission will be 35 cents. 13-14, Doc Levey starred in football, which this corporation is organized is to thi* thrilling review of the scientific lift up sword against nation, neither own, eondnct and operate a place of busibasketball and track . . . Doc is now and industrial achievement or our ness for the sale of pens, pencils, greeting shall they learn war any more. associated with the indoor sports cards, picture frames, cameras, leather presenrage. Bystayingatthe Morrison novelties, stationery, gloves, lingerie, film crowd of bridge fiends, viz: "Bear you or* right in the cenre* ot thing* developing, hosiery and novelties and ac. A fool despiseth his father's corThe Junior Society of the Conser- Cat" Cohn, "Cockeye" Schlank, "Hot in Chicago. In fh« "heart ot Hie 1 oop " cessories of a like or kindred character; to lease, buy, sell, exchange .".nd/or enrections, but he that regardeth re- vative Synagogue met a t the home of Shot" Ferer and "Eagle Eye" Handthe Morrison is neat shops, theaters, cunil>er property, both real nnd personal, and railroad stations. All rooms are proof is prudent. . the Misses Rose and Sophie Rosen- ler . . . The Des Moines Register is to be used for the purposes of its business; nnd to do all things which may be necesoutside with bath, Servidot, droila* stein last Monday, February 27. the authority for the statement that sary and/or proper to carry out the obing ice-water and bed-head reading That wealth may perish by bad M D. A. Goldstein read parts of Bud Levin, Central High athlete and jects and purposes hereinl>efore set .forth. lamp. Automatic garage facilities. "Loyalties," by Galsworthy. The authorized capital stock shall be $10,speculation, and there is nothing left i " b G l h A. Z. A. athlete, is one of the finest 000.00 and nil of said stock shall be comA oreol natal in a great tityl The next meeting will be held at heavyweight wrestlers in the middlefor his own son. --J''-••. mon and of the par value of $100.00 per the home of Miss Jeanette Levinson. share and shall be fully paid up and non2500 ROOMS—$2.50 UP When a man must apply for help west . . . But Won his sixth sucassessable. The corporation shall \commenre doing business upon filing of its to his fellowman, his face changes A Purim program is being planned for cessive match last night in Co. LEONARD HICKS Managing Director the meeting. articles with the County Clerk of Douglike a chameleon. Bluffs . . . many of the members of las County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from snid dnte. Omaha's social set were present to The highest amount of Indebtedness shall Whoever is able to pray for mercy lend encouragement to our wrestling not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock, but this restriction shall not include inon behalf of his friend, and does not "Tarzan" . . . Listen girls! according Madison and Clark Streets Installation of officers of the Hendebtedness secured by mortgages or liens. to word from "Eretz Israel" (Palespray is to be called a sinner. The affairs of this corporation shall be rietta Szold club was held Tuesday CHICAGO managed by a Board of Directors, consist"Your dealer has it" is a phrase often evening, February 28, at the J. C. tine to those who may ask) . . . ing of not less thnn two members. The Since the destruction of the Tem- C. Those installed are Ruth Marks, there is a preponderance of men annual meeting of the corporation shall be heard . . . and it is true when you go to held on the firBt Monday in January of ple, the prophesy has been given to president; Elsie Lazarus, secretary- over women in Palestine . . . about each year at which meeting the stockholdfools and children (because wise men treasurer, and Sarah German, re- seventeen thousand more Jewish ers shall elect n Board of Directors and purchase electrical appliances as well as thereupon the Board shall elect a Presimales than females .-... M. A.;.local cannot afford to risk their repute porter. dent, Vice-Presidont. Secretary and Treasany other type of merchandise. attorney,/addresses letters frequenttion, while fools and ' children • have urer. Any two of said offices mny he held Plans are being made for an iniby one nnd the same person. These artinothing to risk). tiation party to be held in the near ly to Milwaukee, Wis. .--., Oh-Kay cles may be amended at any regular or Mr. Censor. Your hardware dealer, electrical dealer, special meeting of the stockholders by twofuture. The committee in charge inthirds rote of the outstanding stock. Ask B. N., J. N., S. J., and D. C , Silence at the proper season is IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties cludes Elsie Lazarus, Anne Zweiback, furniture dealer and others have quality of South Omaha, why they blushed have hereunto Bnbscri!>ed their names this dom.—Plutarch. Tda Blacker and Blanche Soskin. 8th day of February, 3933. when called "beautiful" by Buddy electrical appliances for sale. When you W. E. GROH, Rogers when they received his autoThe way to interest JewL. K. KTAN. wish to buy anything electrical, BUY graph last Friday night . . . Al In the presence of: ish children in the affairs Philip M. Klutznick. 2-10-33-4t Kaiman at Miami, Florida, writes FROM YOUR DEALER! of their people, the way us that he was within twenty feet of PHILIP M. KLUTZKICK, Attorney to integrate them into Zangara, the man with the zig-zag 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Below are listed a few electrical appliances Jewish life is through an Omaha, Nebraska. iaind; when he fired at ^President intelligent understanding Roosevelt. which you may buy at your dealer's. NOTICE TO NOX-BESI»ENT of the happenings of the DEFENDANT. Hitler Not a "Hochem" To Arlow Tost, non-resident defendant: day This man Hitler, the new chancelNotice Is hereby given that pursuant to Percolator Washer Refrigerator lor of the German Reich . . . arid an order of attachment, issued out of the Municipal Court in the City of Omaha, Eveiy week throughout who, frequently talks through his. Toaster . Ironer Douglas County, Nebraska, in a case pendWaffle Iron the school year. "hittel," . . . seems to be occupying ing in the said Court wherein the NebrasCooker Cleaner ka-Iowa Truck Terminal, Inc.. is plnintiff, Stove the attention of all Jewish writers and. Arlow Tost 5s defendant, to recover . . . who are divided as to the opinthe sum of Slfin.iiO and writ of nUaehment wns issued nnd levied upon the folion of his power among the German lowing described property: gives in condensed form people. . . . He is regarded by some Certain monies in the possession oC the the outstanding events Employers' Fire Insurance Company, nnd writers as a mere figurehead, whose one International Truck, 1029 model, lotranspiring in world Isvanity the shrewd co-leader of the cated at Frank's Garage. rael. German cabinet has exploited by soAnd that the snid ense wns, on thp reCourtesy - Swvice • UwUte* tnrn dnte of the summons issued therein. liciting his support for an empty continued for trial to the 24th day of For details address: honor. . . . Already clashes have "2t. Good Citizen Wherever We Serve" March, 1933, at » o'clock A. M. NEBRASKA-IOWA TKTJCK TERMINAL, Jewish Current Events occurred between jthe Nazis and the INC. Communists, and inethinks Hitler is 125 E 46th St New York City, N.V. PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK. •2-24-33-St Its Attorney. "in for » "kalte'Vana* (coJd bath . . ,



OSHER omments

Daughters of Israel Aid

Concert and Play at Lyceum Sunday

Young Men's Vaad

Junior Hadassah


Iota Tau

Shoe Comfort






Ladies Labor Lyeeum Club

Workmen's Circle173


Junior Society

for A l l Kinds of

Henrietta Szold





mar _ wonder

Nebraska Power

Jewish Current Events


PAGE 3—THE JEWISH: PKESS, FEIIDAY, MARCH 3,1933 must not exceed fifty cents. Many Temple Sisterhood Tennis Instruction prizes will be awarded to the children. at Community Center The Temple Israel Sisterhood will Mrs. David Goldstein has charge The annual card party of the of arrangements, assisted by a com- have an interesting program Monday Nate Cutler, Creighton tennis Jewish Women's Welfare federation mittee including the Mesdames Har- afternoon, March 6, starting at 2:30 champ and one of the leading raquet will be held Tuesday, March 7, at ry Malashock, Jack Melcher, Wil- o'clock at the Temple annex. wielders in the city, will offer inthe J. C. C. at 2 p.m. A quilt raffle will be held under liam Boasberg and Herman Jahr. Temple structions in tennis at the J. C. C. the supervision of Mrs. J. "Cherniak. This affair is held each, year in Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak "Modern Problems of Jewish ParWednesday evenings, starting on March, instead of a regular meeting. ents" is the subject chosen for an After the raffle there will be a dis-on "The New Deal" at services at on March 15. cussion on -world religions by the Refreshments will be served, and a open discussion at the next Oneg Temple Israel this evening. Girls, 14 and over, will be inlarge crowd is hoped for. Mrs. A. Shabbos, to be held Saturday after- following: The Mesdames Sam Gi- Saturday morning his subject will structed from 7 to 8 p. m. and men, linsky, Ernest Nogg, Paul Blotcky, Greenberg is chairman. noon, March 4, at the home of Mrs. be "Offerings." The following chil- 16 and over, from 8 to 9 p. m. All Morton Hiller, Abe Brodkey and Mor- dren will participate in tomorrow A board meeting will be held at 1 L Dansky, 3026 Lafayette. ris Micklin. Mrs. Nate Mantel and morning's services: Jerome Marcus, interested are asked to sign up at p.m. TEMPLE-RICKS WEDDING her committee will be in charge of William Shlaes, Henrietta Lewis, Ira the Center. Miss Hose Hicks became the bride mouth, who belong to pioneer Nerefreshments. Members and their Jackson, Carolyn Kulish, Cell AbramCouncil of Jewish Chesed Shel Ernes «f Nathan W. Gimple a t high noon braska families. Mr. Heyn is a guests are invited to attend this pro- son, Adolph Laytin, Joel Abraham- A Treat for Lovers Women last Sunday, the ceremony taking graduate of the University of Negram. son, Lawrence Klein, Zella Cherniss A regular meeting of the Chesed place "at the D. B. Epstein home, braska engineering department. of Horseback Riding A board meeting; will be held at and Robert Ferer. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Shel Ernes will be held Monday aft•with Rabbi "Uri Miller and Cantor A. Mrs. Robert Glazer was named by the annex at 1:30 p. m. Kaddish will be recited this SabMrs. Heyn left for a motor trip east. ernoon, March 6, at 2 p. m. at the the executive board of the Omaha JSchwaczkin officiating. bath for Vera Sylvia Wertheimer. The J . C. C. Physical department Chesed Shel Ernes building. Council of Jewish Women to fill the The bride was given in marriage is sponsoring ridinc classes to be ofANNOUNCE BIRTHS Rabbi Uri Miller will deliver the Vaad Auxiliary unexpired term of Mrs. Philip by her brother, Morris Ricks of Misfered by the Royal Riding Academy Conservative souri Valley, la. She -wore an aft- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linsman an- principal address. A full report by Schwartz, president, who resigned at 72nd and Dodge. all standing committees will be renDefinite plans for a tea dance to nounce the birth of a daughter, Conthe office Monday, due to ill health. ernoon gown of green crinkle crepe, At services this evening Rabbi The price is the main attraction, dered. be held Sunday afternoon, March Mr3. Glazer has served as vice-prestrimmed in brown, with brown ac- stance Adele, at the Methodist hosDavid A. Goldstein will speak on being 75 cents for two hours, includThe meeting is open to the public 19, from 3 to 6, and a regular eveident of the Council, as well as leadpital Tuesday, February 21. Mrs. cessories, and carried a bouquet of "A Little Morality Is a Dangerous ing instruction. Additional informaer of the civics and legislative ning dance from 8 to 12 at the J. C. C. Thing." roses and sweet peas. The groom Linsman was formerly Miss Thelma and all are invited to attend. were laid at the last meeting of the Next week Rabbi Goldstein will tion may be found on the Center groups this year. "was attended by his brother-in-law, Ferer and is the daughter of Mr. Auxiliary of the Vaad choose as his pre-Purim topic, "Queen bulletin board. Mr. J. P. Batt, and the bride by herand Mrs. Harry M. Ferer. A nominating committee consisting Women's Hadassah H'Oehr. A buffet supper will be Esther's Choice." niece, Miss Sarah Kaplan of Misof Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, chairman; served for all who will desire to eat, iliary will serve refreshments, insorari Valley, la. She wore an aqua- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosen of Hadassah will hold its annual Mrs. Max Holzman, Mrs. Ben Glaz- at the J. C. C. Many forms of amusecluding Purim delicacies. mnrine blue crepe gown with black Fremont, Nebr., announce the birth rummage sale on March 14 and, Mrs, Manuel Grodinsky, Mrs. J. ment Vaad are being arranged. accessories and carried a bouquet ot of a son, Jerome, on Tuesday, Feb- Anyone having a bundle to contrib- J. Friedman, and Mrs. Sam Berk"Reason of Blessed Memory" is the The Auxiliary officers are Mrs. L. loses. ruary 21. ute is asked to call the chairman, owitz and Mrs. M. I. Gordon, altersubject chosen by Rabbi Uri Miller Neveleff, president; Mrs. N. LevinNATIONAL Decorations of pink and white were Mrs. Julius Stein, Glendale 1948, or nates, will fill the vacancies created for his sermon at services tonight at son, vice-president; Mrs. H. Marcus,j by the change. Two directors are Mr. and Mrs. Perry Silverman an- one of her committee, the Mesdames carried out throughout the house, ACCESSORIES. INC. treasurer; Mrs. Wm. Milder, re- the B'nai Israel synagogue. immediately following the ceremony nounce the birth of twin daughters Maurice Civin, Sam Davis, J. E. also to be named. An open forum period following cording secretary; Mrs, N. H. GreenKuklin, B. A. Simon and H. Lippett. The card party, sponsored by the a dinner was given for the family. on Thursday, February 23. "Everything for the the Friday evening services is being Mrs. Morris Friedel, gift fund Ways and Means committee for theberg, corresponding secretary. A reception was held in the afterintroduced. 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 The standing committees include: chairman, announces donations from benefit of the scholarship and social noon from 3 to 6 o'clock, and in theSURPRISE Saturday morning Rabbi Miller the following: Mr. Morris Jacobs, in service committees, was attended by cultural, Mrs. Frank Ackerman and will conduct services at the Adass evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. One BIRTHDAY PARTY two hundred women, and proved Mrs. A. E. Milder, co-chairmen; so- Yeshurim synagogue. He will speak hundred invitations were issued. Mrs. Leo Taub entertained at a honor of the birth of a son; Mrs. cial, Mrs. Howard Milder; telephone, The bride has been extensively en- surprise party for her husband Feb- Sam Flax, in honor of the birth of successful both socially and finan- Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, chairman, Mrs. on the Bible portion of the week. cially, Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, gena grandson; Mrs. K. Lazer, in hontertained. Among those who have ruary 26, on the occasion of his Saturday evening, March 11, at E. Rimmerman, Mrs. H. Segall, Mrs. honored the bride are Mrs. H. Bla-birthday. A six o'clock dinner for or of the marriage of her son, Ben,eral chairman, reported. 7:30 o'clock a special Purim service H. Harris; publicity, Mrs. Max menthal, Mrs. F. Fishberg, Mrs. T>.twenty-eight guests was followed by to Miss Mamie Blessie; Mrs. S. A report on Americanization class- Fromkin, will be held at the B'nai Israel synchairman; ways and means, Colick, in celebration of moving into es that have been conducted since Blumenthal, Miss Minnie Kaplan and bridge. agogue. The members of the auxMrs. S. Katleman, chairman; religa new home; Mrs. J. Fregger, in October, given by Mrs. Sam Beber, Mrs. Max Phillips. Curtains ious committee, Mrs. L. Mendelson, honor of the marriage of her son, chairman, shows that this activity chairman, the Mesdames Wm. Mild. After a short honeymoon trip, the CELEBRATE 35c Pair Up 1 Add. Lbs. 4c Sam, to Miss Edith Mink; Mrs. Maxhas surpassed results of all previous young couple will be at home at 515BAR MITZVAH JEWISH HOME DESIRED er, N. H. Greenberg, D. Crounse, S. Fromkin, in memory of Mrs. Fanny the local council has sponSo. 24th St. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman cele- Gross; Mrs. Abraham Romm, in years that J. Finkle, M. Rosen, F. Ackerfor baby six weeks old. Make it. An average of 40 women, Fish, man, A. Schwaczkin and H. E. Rosyour application in •writing, givbrated the Bar Mitzvah of their son. memory of her husband; Mrs. Harry sored English, and learning to enblatt. MOZER-CORENMAN ing full particulars—ages of Albert, at the Beth Hamedrosh Adass Trustin, in memory of her father, J. studying read and write, in preparation for man, woman and children; size MARRIAGE Yeshurim on Saturday morning, Feb- Adler. The board consists of the officers, citizenship, have attended the eight of house; occupation; income. Miss Sue Corenman, daughter of ruary 18. No invitations were issued. chairmen of the standing committee The money so donated is sent to weekly classes conducted by volunWrite Jewish Press, Box T-3 Mr. and Mrs. I. Corenman, became Mr. and Mrs. Friedman entertained J. N. F. and trees are planted teer workers. Teachers include and the Mesdames L. Blotcky, N. the bride of Nate Mozer of Lincoln, twelve guests at a Bar Mitzvah par- the in honor or memory of the parties Mesdames Morris Arkin, Lester Si- Wilfson, A. G. Weinstein, I. MorgenNebr., son of Mr. M. L. Mozer, on ty that day honoring their son. On designated. mon, Jack Miller, I. Fielder, Leon stern, I. Goldstein, J. Kirshenbaum, Monday, February 20, at Kansas Sunday, February 19, a dinner vv-as Felfinan, Sam Stern, Ernest Nogg, M. Mittleman, D. SQverman, J. FinCity, Mo., with Eabbi Gershon Hadas given for forty guests. The evening Jack Levey, and Miss Blanche Zim- kle, A. Katz, A. Schwaczkin, H. Kazof that city officiating at the cere- was spent playing bridge. Conservative Auxiliary man and Mrs. Louis Sogolow, substi- lowsky, S. Fish, I. Levin, J. Morgan, mony. tutes. Mrs. Beber reported splendid H. Steinberg. L. Epstein S. Epstein, j The Purim Costume Frolic spon- co-operation from this group, as well S. Elewitz, E. Weinberg and B. The couple will reside at the Yel-RETURN TO EL PASO sored by the Conservative Auxiliary Shafton. lowstone apartments at Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. M. Freiden and to be held Sunday evening, March as the state Americanization office. Nebr. -' . The course will be completed in daughter, Marjorie, left Thursday for 12, at the J. C. C. promises to be a El Paso, Texas, after spending the gay and distinctive social event of April. HEYN-RICHARDSON winter with their son-in-law and the season. HOUSE FOR RENT Scheduled for the coming week are WEDDING daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lutttwo Council meetings. At 10:30 on 2523 Seward St. Plans for this affair include danc*. The marriage of Mrs. Helen Rich- beg. Five rooms, modern, nice yard. ing and a number of novel and de-Tuesday morning Rabbi David Goldardson "ip Hugo Heyn- was solemnRent reasonable. lightful featnres. Groups headed by stein addresses the current topic secized last 3?rlday at the Tiome of Rab-VISIT HERE JA.3577 tion on the subject: "What Can We Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. Arthur CoWvFrede*S& Cohn, who officiated. We WiU Build and Finance Your Home Expect from President Roosevelt?" Misses Ann Raskin and Ida Fish of hen, Mrs. Lester Meyer, Mrs. John "i "The br^ke" iisirf-a daughter of Mr.Sioux City, accompanied by their Beber and Mrs. J. J. Greenberg will and, that same, afternoon the child 1 afi^iMrkm W." Kvuig ston-Tjf Platts- guest, Miss Gertrude Fish of Los An- each award their respective prizes, study section meets at the Center, up to "Your Old Hat Made New geles, California, spent a couple of among which are a trip to Chicago, with the leader, Mrs. Eva Morse. Save a Dollar or Two" days in Omaha last week visiting a $10 gold piece, a hooked rug, etc This week the civics group began friends, making the trip by motor. Jewish specialties and "goodies" will the study of a new topic, "City GovOMAHA HAT FACTORY Kitchen Chats be available and will be in charge of ernment," having recently completed 115 North ISth Street »\ By Opposite I'OJt Office Mrs. B. A. Simon. an extensive study of the national RETURNS TO CHICAGO ED KAFLAK. Manager Mrs. David M} Newman Gene Cooper's orchestra will fur- tariff. Phone ATlantic 0550 Miss Rona Friedman has returned AKD W E WIUL C A I X to Chicago to remain indefinitely with nish the music. Prizes will be of the Value of House and Lot awarded for various types of cos- In success be moderate—Franklin. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES tumes. However, costumes are opOne and one-half cups butter, 2 Friedman. tional. We are in a position to offer you something that cups brown sugar, 2 eggs, 3 1-2 Admission will be at the door only no one else can do for you. BUY THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Run cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 tea-RETURNS HOME no tickets are being sold in adMrs. Walter Schimmel has returned as spoon salt, 1 cup chopped walnuts, vance. The admission price is 75c 1 cup dates, put through grinder. to her home in St. Louis, after a per couple. Our homes are the best, our prices are competitive. visit here with her mother, Mrs. DolCream butter and sugar. Add th Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is genBest Grade—Forked Clean beaten eggs. Mix well. Add nuts lie Pollack Elgutter. eral chairman of this affair. Your monthly payments are less than building Small in Size, bat Lartre in Heat and dates and then flour mixed and Definite plans are being made for All Lump—Forked and loan payments.... §8.56 per 91,000. sifted with salt and soda, add 1 VISIT IN SIOUX CITY A BIG S.WTXG TO a Children's Purim Costume party, High in Heat COKE CSEKE Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zollotuchen visteaspoon vanilla. Toss on a floured which the Auxiliary members are Very Little Ash board and form in three long rolls. ited the Selkin family of Sioux City giving Saturday, March 11, at 2: SO For Additional Information Call over the week-end. Wrap in oiled paper and put in ice at the J. C. C. All children of membox over night. To bake slice real bers are invited. CONSUMERS COAL CO. thin, bake in hot oven about 10 min AT HOSPITAL Games and other entertainment CEBTirEEl) WEIGHTS BY A fflORK AJTD BONDED WEir. HMASTEtt utes. Makes 8 dozen small cookies. Mr. and Mrs. J. Verbin of Fremont, will be carried out in the Purim Nebr., are at the Lord Lister hospi- carnival spirit. Cost of costumes •AT 1M4 COCOANUT BLANC MANGE tal. One-half cup sifted flour, 1-2 cup sugar, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 2 cups milk "NEW DEAL" PARTY scalded, 1 cup shredded cocoanut, 2 The Question club will hold a "New egg whites stiffly beaten, 1 teaspoon Deal" party Saturday evening, March vanilla. Combine flour, sugar an* 4, at the Kurtz studio in Benson. salt, add milk gradually. Cook in Harry Ferenstein, Martin Falk and double boiler until thick, stirring Sam Marx comprise the committee constantly. Add cocoanut and cool in charge of arrangements. Fc^jl in egg whites and vanilla. Pour JA1614 492 Brandeis Theater Bid;?. | in a mold and chilL Garnish with The one thing in the world of value whipped cream and tart jelly. is the active soul.—Emerson.

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 3,1933 G1KBBUKG AJO> JACK W. the" congregation. I was asked to of the debate tournament by the Oma- HERMAN MAKER, Attorneys. join the choir myself, but it -was ha Chapter, who won the tournament. Court House, Omaha, Neb, By CH. N. BIALIK sort of a half-asked invitation. Ernest Ross, student at the WentNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Translated From the Hebrew by We had another choice morsel of worth Military Academy at Lexing- In the District Court of Douglas County, ABE STILLMAN gossip to add to this week's column, ton, Mo., has recently been appointed Nebraska. • . . . but we had already sealed the en- Oh heavens, implore mercy on met a first lieutenant in the cadet corps By virtue of an order of sale ls> BYF. B.K. If ye are God's abode and to Hiin velope (catch on?). So we'll quit of the school, according to word re- sued out of the District Court ot the path— . - \ County, Nebraska, and in purANNA PILL, for the time being, with the hope ceived here by his mother, Mrs. RaeDouglas suance of a decree of said Court in fttt Hie Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah I failed to find it yet. action therein indexed at Appearance Dockstill in our heart that everything will hold their monthly meeting next Ross. Pray ye for mel et Number 280, at Page Number 23, Exereaches print. Mrs. Ike Krasne entertained at a cution Docket Number 29, at Page NumWednesday afternoon, March 8th, at •My heart is numb, my lips are clung. Benefit Card Party at her home Wed- ber* 483, wherein Federal Trust Company, All strength failed, all hope gone—^ the-Hotel Chieftain in the Corn Room. nesday afternoon, for the Council a corporation, as Trustee, is Plaintiff, ana Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak Herbert B. Wnldron et al., are defendAll members are requested to be presHow long yet, oh, now long? ants, I will nt 10:00 o'clock A. M.. on Tue8« Bluffs Senior Hadassah. this evening on the subject "Shal ent, day, the 4th day of April, 1033, nt the Oh hangman, here's xmy throat,— • Donald Rosenfeld, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman east front door of the Douglas County Freedom Perish?" Court House in the City of Omahn, Dougr' slash it! . ; . ; - .' Last Friday morning Rabbi'.RabMrs.' Joseph E. Rosenfeld, won second entertained the members of their Sun- }as The annual Purim bazaar, sponCounty, Nebraska, sell at public aucCleave my neck with the ax you place in the Iowa State Essay Contest day Hight Bridge club at their home tion to the highest bidder for ensh, ta4 sored by the local Hadassah, will be inowitz spoke before the student : Miss Rose Schwidelson was hostJ follovlng described property, to-wit: hoty recently sponsored by the American last Sunday night. •held Wednesday, March 8, at the body of Woodrow Wilson Junior ess to a group of friends WednesThe South Hnlf (S%) of the Northwest Miss Louise Herzoff of Sioux City, day evening at her home, honoring ; Quarter (XWMJand the West Half (W%) iJF. C. C , beginning at 11 o'clock in High. The whole earth to me is but a Legion Auxiliary. The subject of his the Southwest Quarter" (SW%.) (except On Sunday evening he spoke be- her sister, Frances, whose- marriage essay, which first was judged the best Iowa, is spending the week here visit- of ;ihe morning and continuing throughscaffold. railroad right-of-way about four (41 fore -the union service of Morning- to Dave Greenberg of Omaha will Verily, small in number are we— at his school at Abraham Lincoln high ing a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe neres) of Section Fire (5) : and the South. out the day and evening.' . • Gilinsky. Half <S%) of the Southeast Quarter fSE%) be an event of this month. Bridge Luncheon will be served at noon side Methodist churches. Our blood is licensed,—strike scalps, school, and later won second prize in Section Six (0); and the Northeast frac* Leo Meyerson spent the past week- •Ot was followed by refreshments. the state, was "How Youth Can Protional quarter of Section Seven (7), (being and dinner in the evening. . Attraclimbs sever end visiting in St. Joseph, Mo. He reGovernment X,ots One (1) and Two (2)°; , tive booths for aprons, fancy work The infant and the'aged,-^their blood mote World Peace." 7he North Hnlf (N%) ot the Northturned home Monday accompanied and The Phi Deb sorority were guests Jdseph Solomonow and Jack Gordon pastries, groceries and candy will be west-Quarter (NW%) and the Southeast Shall never be erased; never, never. Quarter (SEVi) of the NorthweBt Quartet at the home of Miss Bess Zeligson represented the Council Bluffs Chap- back by his fiancee, Miss Helen Wolin- •<NW3i3i arranged in the auditorium of the and Government Lots One (1), sky of St. Joseph, who will spend the Wednesday evening. Plans for a De- If there Center. Entertainment will be projustice,—it must appeafc 4 e > : ^ . 7 o f the A. Z. A. in the An-remainder of the week here at the Tw«-(2) »na -Three (3), of Section EJtfbt in haste! (8);.all in Township Fourteen (14) North, pression bridge -were completed for nual Debate Tournament of this revided during the evening. Ten (10), East of the Sixth (8tK> For if after I am extermined from gion at Kansas City, Mo., last week- home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer- Range " Mrs. Charles H. Raskin and Mrs. This week we start out with an Sunday afternoon, March 5, in the Principal Meridian in Donglns County. Ne» under the sun brasta. to satisfy the liens and incumend. By a two to one decision, they son. 'Jack Robinson are co-chairmen for apology for the.brevity of last week's Community Center, at 2:30 o'clock. Little Maynard Telpner, son of Mr. 1>rance« therein set forth; to satisfy the Justice will then dawn. were eliminated in the second round the arrangements. Mrs. W. C. Slot- column.' If we admit it ourselves, it Miss Omye Maron is in charge of sum of $31.35 costs and the increased and and Mrs. Ben Telpner, served as oneaccruing Would its throne forever be demolwoqld have been better than ever, costs, all as provided by said or* sky and Mrs. Max Brodkey are the bridge and is being assisted by : r of the pages to King J. J. Hess at the der .and de<ree i ished '• chairmen of the miscellaneous com? but for the fact' that our friend the Bess Zeligson and Kate Raskin. Dated at Omnhn, Nebraska, this 17th day In eternal viciousness may the hea- C C., under the leadership of Rabbi Annual Mardi Gras ball, which was mittee. Mrs. Sam Mosow is in editor saw fit to leave most of it out. The club enjoyed a theater party ot Febrtary, 1033. held Monday night at the "City AudiTheodore N. Lewis. And so we sit 'down to write with l vens rot. • charge of the menu for the lunchSunday evening, adjourning later to . — c. B . M C D O N A L D , • ,; : /*•-••. A purim program will be present- torium. Thrive in the craft-of butchery and eon and dinner. Mrs. Zella Levitan the hope in our heart that this week's the Presto for refreshments. ^. . Sheriff. Mrs. Herman Marowitz returned ed by* the club under the direction drivel shall reach you uncensored carnage . and Mrs. M. E. Skalovsky will act 3-3-3S-5£""" Douglas County, Nebraska. hone Tuesday following.a short.visit of Marvin Klass and Rudolph ShindOh, ye fiends, whom this earth beas dining room hostesses. Mrs. Jack and uncut. Which reminds us: BHOTWELL, MOVSKT, GRODINSKY A The P. K. B. club met with Miss ler. Miss Dorothy Mazor will pre- in St. Louis, Mo. - •---*••• VANCE, Attorney*. got. " Robinson and Mrs. William, Lazere We weren't there, as a matter of Frances Raskin Sunday afternoon, Hi Om»hB National Bank Bids'. Evelyn Kathanson of Estherville, a side. head the committee for retail gro- fact we weren't even invited, but they when the following officers were freshman, won first place in a dual Cursed be he who Says—Revenge! NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that the ceries. Mrs. R. H. Emlein^ Mrs. tell us that "little Arthur" cried elected: Tillie Bass, president; Franmeet with Spehcer, la., in the. ora- undersigned have formed a corporation tinFor to avenge the blood of a little Louis Agranoff and Mrs. C. Raskin like a baby at his party yesterday. ces Raskin, secretary, and Mary Rastorical division with" the selection, der • the- name of BASEBALL HEAD" tot j • are in charge of the wholesale gro- Johnnie; and Gene decided to name it kin, treasurer. QUARTERS. INC., with its principal place Will Shindler and Ed Sperling "Woman's New Challenge." E'en the Devil could contrive it of business in Omaha, Douglas County, Neceries. Arthur, probably in honor of Geo. Bridge and refreshments concluded braska. The corporation shall have authwere appointed chairmen for the t not—• ;' : ority to purchase and sell at retail, cigars, Mrs. Sam Shulkin and Mrs. E.Washington, on whose birthday he the meeting. English play to be given by the Law Offices at Would the blood bore the deepest tobacco, magazines, newspapers and any PHILIP M. BXUTZXICK and all other kindred articles, and to Rubinstein head the committee in happened to be born. There isn't Maccabee club in the near future, depth— 630 Omaha National Bank much similarity in the names, but it handle such real or personal property as Mrs. Harry Wigodsky entertained charge of the apron booth. Mrs. M. and Perry Osnowitz and Jack Miromay be required. The corporation shall The darkest abyss shall it bore. seems like all Joosh babies are named have the power to borrow money and issue recently at a bridge party, honoring Lazriowitch and Mrs. B. Shindler KOTICK OT DCDEBTKDNESS '. evidences - ot indebtedness therefor. The that way. .Alien for Abe, Miltie for her sister, Miss Dorothy Rozner of In thickest darkness shall it dig andwitz were appointed to act as chairare in charge of the pastry booth. men for the Jewish play. The apNotice is hereby given. thifc all of f he corporation shall commence business when ; destroy Milton, Jimmie for Oscar, etc. (Helexisting debts of the BEO-BfeBlSH MOT- the Articles are filed with the County Proceeds of the bazaar mil be sent lo F a n ) / . V : .o , Anyway, the party Chicago. Tbis decayed earth, forevermpre. pointments were made at the last OR COMPANY on the 3l«t? da/,, of De* Clerk of. Douglas County, Nebraska, Neto the central office of the National was a big success, with Rabbi Maron cember. 1932, amounted to tife Bum »? |37,- braska, and continue until January 1st, (Written on the occasion of the meeting of the club. " - -—. :'1083. - The authorized capital stock is Miss Bertha Heshelow was host- Kishinev pogroms.) Hadassah organization to be devoted officiating. Sam D.'s little boy??? Morris Lebowitz was appointed as- 817.82. $5,000.00, all common, par value $100.00, M. M. BABISH, President; to the work of the group in Pales- didn't arrive in time to make this ess to the Iota Tau sorority meetbeing fully paid when issued and non-assistant treasurer and Al Sokolsky M. M. BAKISH, sessable. The affairs' shall be adminisE. BAKISH. tine. publicity chairman. tered by a Board of Directors, not less week's edition, but I'm not in a ing Wednesday evening. A. BRODKr, two nor more than five in number, Jack Mirowitz was appointed Majority of Board of Directors. than hurry if he isn't. and the undersigned shall be the first Plans for a Debrah-Maccabee joint The regular meetings of the B'nai chairman of the Purim dance, which: 3-3-33-lt. Board. The stockholders shall elect DiWe make use of Hokka Chynik party March 18 were completed at Brith will be resumed next Tuesday will be given by the club Sunday, rectors at the annual meeting- to be heW NOTICE OF IVOBBTKDITESS the second .Monday in January of each, now to announce the not far distant the Debrah meeting Monday. The evening at 8:30 in the J. C. C. The March 12. Notice is hereby given that all of the year. Thereafter directors shall elect ofexisting debts of the NKBRASKA-IOWA ficers, viz.. President, Vice-President, SecRabbi. Theodore N. -LewS- will opening of what they tell us is to committee includes Ethel Shindler, meetings last month were held off Bill Lansberg presented several TRUCK TERMINAL on the 31st day of retary and Treasurer.- The Articles mayfipeak this evening on—'The- -New be. the nicest "jernt" ever to be Rose Albert, Mary Kaplan and Jean schedule because of the cold weather. violin solos during the program of December, 1932. amounted to the sum of be amended. The corporation may have a opened in the middle west. I t will $830t» seal. Administration." Montrose. The meeting next Tuesday will re- the evening. Dated December 23rd. 1932. W. K. GROH, President. In addition to the sermon, four overlook the beautiful but somewhat establish the program of holding the W. E. GROH. dried up Soo river and, according to PHILIP M. KLUTZNTCK:, - FBANK LEXNAHAN, children of the religious': school will Miss Louise Herzoff visited with meetings the firsthand third Tuesi SOL ABRAMS. Majority of Board of Directors. present a debate. Those participat- what Joe S. tells us, it'll be the friends in Omaha last week. days of the month. 2-24-l3-4t. 3-3-33-lt. nuts, and while I'm on the subject, The regular meeting of the J. C. ing will be Rosena Kosberg, Harold A program has been arranged for Lefkovich, Dorothy Davis and George what would you. think of a guy that The annuaT'cJatd^pafty, sponsored the,- evening and will be under- the '. Boy Scout Troop No. 22, under Gali^sky. \ •• j;;/ • J •ii^ ? C'Uri ' would buy four living- room ^suites by? the ladies' auxiliary of Shaare direction of Milton Bolstein. Mr. direction of Mr. Joe Singer, will meet Saturday evening at 7 o'clock ; TKe:religious schoolfhtfnorrroll/tan^ for a:. four-rroom ''apartment ? Inci- Zion-synagogue,* w a s held Wednes- Leon Dobrofsky will preside. at the Center, instead of Sunday "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" nounced in the. Temple, bulletin,' in* dentally.; the.'fpeke" has been re- day evening in the Bellevue apartplaced by the dumbest looking bullafternoon. eludes the following children: "Mor- dog we've ;ever -,seen. ments. Mrs. Abe Silverberg and Funerals To Fit Any Purse , ,. The troop recently won fifth place ton 'Greenstone, Marilyn MillerpHel- ;, • We're always .interested in what Mrs: John Lansberg were in charge The Young People's Cultural club in the city derby, in which all the Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third en Leyinj Joanne Agranoff, Barbara might develop into a .romance, and of the" arrangements. Robinson, Harold Rosenthal, Miriam anxious to help out .whenever, wa Door and bridge prizes were award- wilt meet Sunday evening at the J. troops of the city participated. Barish,. Milton Gilinskyy: Herman can.That's why, as a means of ed and. refreshments,:swere,-served. Barish, Dorothy Davis, "Arnold-Ro* keeping'the subject alive, we ask: senfeld, Cecil Pill, Bobby Marx and "What young man returned to Sioux Sixty members of the Junior HaBpbby..Cohen. _ . City wearing t h e ring of fhe fair- dassah attended the; meeting: last The Sisterhood will hold its -regu- haired Grade LJ'l—that Omaha miss evening in the Martin hotel. A skit lar monthly. luncheon and 'tteeting that was so popular with the Sioux was presented by several members, this ripon at 1 o'clock. The program City boys during her visit here last following the business meeting. Includes a skit, given, by^ members of summer. And by the way, if you the group. ~:; ... "' ever saw a look of contentment on - Mr.- and Mrs. John C. Levin, 3606 anybody's face you should .have seen Jackson street, announce the birth that "Oh,' look on Joe JL'sof a son on Febroary .22. map at the Mt. Sinai brotherhood dance when Jean Wells really showed what Gilda Gray tried to do when she originated the "Hula Hula." If the dance hadn't been so good and my interest in the finer things so LAST TIME TODAY. , intense, I would have been content Sioux City Jewry met at the J. BRAKES stop your wheels but it takes t i n s that grip ''SPORT PARADE'! to just sit there and .watch that C. C. Monday evening to honor the to stop your car. Smooth tires are like banana peels on • •••With smile spread from ear to ear, andmemory of Joseph Aisenberg, Heslippery roads. All year long you need the full tractive . Joel McCrea, Marion Marsh- • then back again. brew teacher and Zionist, who died grip of new Goodyear&i Get this protection now. Save "Skeets" Gallagher and Lost . . . equilibrium, by F. A., last year, and t o commemorate the Walter Catlett money on punctures, repairs, delays. ~ someplace near 23rd and Court. Find- first Yahrzeit anniversary of his ' - Also death. er.will please return same to Miss A. "SCARLET DAWN" Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis and Rah* and receive as a reward, a nice big Co-Starring b i . H . R. Rabinowitz spoke during cinder, dug out of the lady's knee. - *1>oug" Fairbanks, Jr., and ^ . A n d if you thought that S. K. (of the evening of their personal loss in Nancy Carroll the Onawa K's.) was dashing to a fire the deatn of' Mr. Alzenberg and the With someplace on Morningside Avenue, great loss sustained by the communLilyan Tashman and Guy Kibbee Sunday afternoon, you're all wrong. ity. .. STARTING SATURDAY ^"" She was just,irying to get home in Mr. Abe Stillman presided at the ; JOEE.BROWK V . tinie to keep that date with Martin meeting. Reuben Halpern was heard , i • .i n . ,. ..,_•. ,<r (whose last initial also happens to be in several violin solos and Cantor A. "YOU SATO A MOUTHFUL** K . V . . . ' .. • - -. • , . - . ; : • • ; . • Pliskih sang several songs appropriCord Tires and If we ever run out of news to put in ate for the occasion. the paper we can resort to something Fun Each Each "CENTRAL PARK" Fan Orerslze Oraniz* Each taPr*. Tube Each InPn. Tnk* like this: Abe S. visited in Remsen With Joan Blondell and Wallace Ford last week. Joe Freidman visited all Sunday morning, March 5, Rabbi $5.38 $5.S3 tx.oo 3H3HRC $3.75 $3.63 6 .91 4.75-20 Is thi3 Joe E. Brown's" funniest over northern Iowa. E. E. Seff made Theodore N, Lewis wHl speak .be4.40-21 3.98 5.00-19 1.05 4.15 5.55 5.40 1.15 a brief stay in Omaha. His brother, picture? You said a mouthful. Anyfore the congregation of the First 4.50-20_ 4.49 4.39 1.00 5.00-20 S.»3 5*49 1.31 body that likes to laugh and misses Cecil, spent Monday in Hawarden. I. Unitarian church, Tenth and Doug4.50-21 4.57 4.47 1.05 5.00-21 5.S0 5.65 1.33 this one will always regret it. The B. visited in Hinton, Merrill, Lemars, las, at the invitation of the min4.75-19 *.«5 *.t7i 1.33 5.37 5.1*1 l . O S 5.25-21 story, with Joe E. Brown as the dubSioux Center, Shedon, Sibley, etc. But ster. • that has to perform miracles in the thank goodness we don't have to re- A special invitation has been issued These are cash prices and include careful mounting. line of aquatic sports, to prevent his sort to that to fill space, (much). to the' Jewish community to attend Here's something that you don't sweetie's disillusionment, is packed the service. Rabbi Lewis will speak with real belly laughs from the he-know. At least you didn't when I on the subject, "Are There Any Sufirst found it out. Jack K. and Ruth ginning to the end. Ginger Rogers, perior Haces?" :..-.• the Baby Wampus Queen, helps make B. decided that they couldn't wait Last Saturday evening Rabbi .Lewis till June, as previously announced, the picture even better. and so they beat it down to Omaha addressed the young people's rally last Sunday and said "I do" to oneat Quimby, Iowa. Young people of the Omaha rabbis. And while from a number of communities we're discussing newlyweds, we around Quimby attended the meetLAST TIME TODAY might mention that Morris R. and ing. Nancy Carroll and John Boles his bride of only a few weeks Monday noon Rabbi Lewis spoke : • " in Dorothy, have rejoined the Shaare before the Rotary club on the life "CHILD OF MANHATTAN" Zion choir. For a while they thought of Baruch Spinoza. Also Selected Added Short Features that they couldn't make it, but they STARTING SATURDAY have decided that it won't interfere Kay Francis and David Manners with their other activities. Hence Mr. Jack Robinson has accepted the change of mind. We might add the chairmanship for the annual "MAN WANTED" that their voices lack some of that building fund carnival, which will Also old gusto that was so pleasing to be held early this spring under the "JUNGLE BRIDE" sponsorship of the Building Fund asWith sociation of the Federation. Mr. Anita Page and Charles Starrett Robinson has been an active member of the Federation board of di"Man Wanted," the first Warner rectors for several years, and is a Bros, picture to be made by Kay member of Mount Sinai Temple and Francis, said to be Hollywood's best Brotherhood. dressed star, starts Saturday at the Assisting Mr. Robinson will be Rialto. Her latest picture gives Kay OMAHA, NEBR. Mr. Jack Goldstein, a newcomer to Francis an opportunity to display Sioux City, and Mr. Milton Bolher fashion sense and dramatic abilstein. Mr. Goldstein is in charge ity to an unusual degree, the play of local advertising and Mr. Bolhaving been written especially for . Hoberman Brosv Proprietori stein the national advertising. BABNET EOBEKMAN her David Manners appears in the 216 DAVIDSON BLDG. Proceeds of the carnival will go role of a secretary who becomes inPhone 85471, Cecil R. Seff, Mgr. toward the building fund of the dispensable to Miss Francis, fbotfrin Community Center. ....... ! and in love.


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