WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? GREENBERG With Jewish PhilanIhropies c£&.% , > approaching, Omaha Jew^ -tji » undoubtedly deeply. intex"lL ij, in knowing something con^ • • the institutions which a r £ ^eneficiaries of the annual d.«* am taking advantage of thi. _tunity accorded me by the -ewish Press to have an intimate weekly talk with you about the beneficiary institutions and important issues of the Jewish Philanthropies.
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Kntervd as t5econd-C<uu» Uail Matter on January 27. 19ZL at PoBf office nt Omaha, Nebraska, under the Ac* of March 3. 1SI9
VoU IX—No. 6
Second Edition of Swastika o£ Hitlerites AWARDS MADE Mrs; Schift ISIoted HITLERITES WIN Not Christian Emblem "Protocols" in Spain WORLD JEWRY TO OUTSTANDING WILL OBSERVE DECISIVE VICTORY Benefactress, Dies AT GERMAN POLLS J C C.CAGERS PURIM SUNDAY
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—According to Dr. Barcelona, (J.TJL)—A second edition of the spurious "Proctols of the New York, (J.TJL)—Last ries for Wolfgang Heiner, an ex-Minister of Elders of Zion" has just been issued Mrs. Therese Schiff, widow of Jacob Justice, who spoke at the Congress Free Speech, the Swastika, here, the first edition having been H. Schiff, the philanthropist, and a for which is the Nazi emblem, is not a sold out. distinguished benefactress in her own Christian emblem. The speaker With the basket ball season draw- While the first edition carries a Holiday Commemorating DelivNational Government Given Ma- right, were held here last week. demonstrated that the Swastika had ing to a close, J. • C. C. cagers have foreword which mentions that the auerance in Persia Ushered . jority in Vote That InSince the death of Tier husband been found* on Jewish tomb-stones received recognition for their various thenticity of the Protocols has not in Saturday Evening . thirteen years ago, Mrs.* Schiff has dating from pre-Christian times. creases Nazi Strength abilities and qualities.- The awards been proved, no such mention is made led a retired life, devoting herself to .After a few hours, the Congress were made with the objective of cre- in the second edition. Instead there Purim, the Feast of Lots, will be Germany passed from a democratic philanthropic work. was dissolved by: the police without •afcrng an incentive for other things in is a foreword by the Duke della Vic- celebrated by Jewry on Sunday, CHARITABLE GIVING ..-.-„: nation possessed of freedom of . Charities, hospitals, seminaries, any reason being .given. athletics other than just winning, as toria, a notorious anti-Semite, who March 12, and the preceding night. The merit of charitable works is in speech, of the press and of assem- East Side settlements, Teligious orteam play, sportsmanship, and im- utilizes the Protocols to agitate This minor holiday is one of joyproportion to the grace with which bly, to a nation of fascism in which ganizations, libraries, the Red Cross, proved playing. against the Jews whom he blames making and merry revelry. It is alBoy Scouts,: educational institutions, the. masses are deprived of their they are practiced. • Following are the awards in the J. for the revolution in Spain and the so a time for Sholoch Monos, or the many other worthwhile projects, sending of portions to one another, "Let us give whole-heartedly of our economic'and political equality when and C. C senior league and in the jun- overthrow of the monarchy. given financial assistance and gifts to the poor. time and of our resources for philan- Adolph Hitler and his National Soc- were ior league: through her benevolence. thropy, as in the words of our sages, ialists won a decisive victory in the It commemorates the deliverance of Team of best sportsmen: Senior— Mrs. Schiff is survived by her "Blood deeds are better than creeds." balloting last Sunday. the Jews, who while exiled in* Persia 1, XI Lambda; 2, A. Z. A. 1. Junwere condemned to death by Haman, The Jewish population do not know daughter, MKL . Felix M. Warburg, ior—1, Marks Market; 2, Juniors. AMERICAN JEWISH arch enemy of the Jewish people what steps, if any, the - Nazis will seven grandchildren, and nine great Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—A gigantic Best individual sports: Senior—1, COMMITTEE and vizier to the king. Through the take in carrying out their platform grandchildren. plan-for the accumulation of twenty Harold Barish; 2, Sam Giller; 3, Jake At a time when Hitlerism is ram- of avowed anti-Semitism, but they loyalty and heroism of Queen Esther million pounds of \ Jewish capital for Temin. Junior—1, Eddie Rosen; 2, pant in Germany, when anti-Semitism are apprehensive. It is certain that and Mordecai, the massacre was land purchase in/jPalestine was pro- Charles Gendler; 3, Wffliard Smith. in other countries is a throw-back to Hitler will waste no time in setting averted and Haman suffered the posed by M. Uj^shkin, head of the Cleanest players: Seniors—1, Sam Canberra (J. T. A.)3.—Consider- punishment planned for the Jewish medievalism, and even in this coun- up a virtual dictatorship, tempered 1, in a.speech deJewish national Giller; 2, Harold Barish; 3, Jake able annoyance is felt here at the try social, political and economic dis-r solely by the influence of President conference here, Adler. Junior—1, Eddie Rosen; 2, disclosure that a whispering cam- residents. In the words of the Book livered at a p: . crimination exists, the continuance of Hindenburg, and, will crash out all of Esther it commemorates "the month ult. raised abroad Harold Garber; 3, Abe Katz. "The recent paign has been in progress for some which has turned unto them from such an organization as the American political opposition. rity," said Mr. about Palestine • Best defensive players: Senior—1, time against Sir Isaac Isaacs, govJewish Committee is vitaL to gladness and from mournThe Nazis increased their seats in Ussishkin, "was harmful . and only Ben Rosen; 2, Max Turner; 3, Abe emi r-general of the Australian com- sorrow ing into a good day." The American Jewish Committee is the Reichstag from. 196 to 288, out served to mislead World Jewry. Of Bergman. Junior—1, Dave Richards; monwealth. The reading of the Book of Esther but one of the many worthy institu- of a total of 647, and increased their the 323,000 dunams which the JewIt appears that among the exclu- from the parchment scroll on Purim Eddie Rosen; 3, Morris Adler. tions aided by the Philanthropies. Prussian Diet seats to 207. In the "Trust-in Trustin" Is Slogan ish national fond possesses, we ob- 2, Most valuable man to his team: sive English set resentment is felt tained only 40,000 during the last 1, Deep Rocks, Millard Sigal; 2, Psi at the social precedence which must day and the preceding night is the Made up of representative Jews of general elections they polled 17,264,Adopted at Campaign Orthree years, 'which is a lower rate Mu, Jack Sadofsky; 3, A. Z. A. 1, be accorded to the Jewish governor- feature of the holiday in the synathe different communities throughout 000 votes out of a total of 39,217,ganization Meeting 000. The Nazi victory was a foreof progress than in any previous pe- Art Adler; 4, Thorpeians, Max Fried- general. They feel it difficult to grow gogue. the country, the Committee helps in The feast bears the name of "Purobtaining- equal civil and religious gone conclusion even before, the bal- At an enthusiastic meeting of over nod." man; 5, Xi Lambda, Harold Barish; accustomed to the fact that the gov- im" because it is recorded that Harights for Jews in every part of the loting started, as they had used an 250 of Harry Trustin at the He went .on to-say that "private 6, 1A. Z. A. 100, Judy Kaplan. Jun- ernor-general is no longer a scion of man sought to fix the day of the deworld and in preventing discrimina- intensive demagogic campaign in ad- Elksfriends dub Monday evening, "Trust- orange groves do mot mean national ior —1, Pants Store, Eddie Rosen; 2, one of the British noble houses. As struction of the Jews by casting tion, alleviating persecution, and re^ dition to ruthlessly suppressing and Mark's Market, Wfflard Smith; 3, part of the campaign against him, a "Purim," which, according to a popuin Trustin" was adopted as the slo- prosperity." • -~ • lieving victims of calamities affecting gagging opposition parties. Mr. Ussishldn presented figures Ben Yarmalnick; 4, Star Auto rumor has been circulated that Sir lar etymology given in the Book of gan for his campaign for city comJews. showing that at least twenty million Parts, Bill Clayman; Juniors, Irv Isaac Isaacs is to be succeeded by a Esther, means "lots." The holiday er in Vienna.—The Austrian Nazis have mission pounds. were deposited throughout Gendler; 6, Kant Nocks, Irv Yaffe. British peer and it is even suggested is more social than religious. FIRST FOR EQUAL RIGHTS the approachreceived an order from Munich to the world in different banks as Best' all-around player—"Irvin C. that the Jewish governor-general may Observance Remember the famous "Dearborn send Nazi detachments to the Aus- ing election. Jewish endowment- funds. He calcu- Levin trophy"—Millard Sigal. retire before his term is up. The local synagogues and temple Independent" case 1 It was the Amer- tro-Gernian frontier in order to preT h e camlated that if these sums would be A number of names prominent in will appropiately observe Purim. ican Jewish Committee that secured vent refugees from Germany, particu- paign organideposited with the Jewish national Australian politics have also been At Temple Israel, a Purim celethe formation of a united policy of larly Jews, crossing into Austria. zati on w a s fund, the Jewish national fund would mentioned as associated with the bration of the children of the SunJewish organizations toward the prop- The order requests explicitly that no perfected, with pay.to the institutions concerned the whispering campaign. Nevertheless, day School will be held Sunday aganda being falsely spread . . . just exceptions should be made in the the following same interest as they were receiving when this was brought to their notice morning, March 12, at 10 a. m., unone example of the numerous adjust- case of Jews. elected to head elsewhere. At the same time, these they immediately disosciated them- der the sponsorshop of the Tempi* ments of complaints and discriminat h e H a r r y It is alleged here that the Ausvast sums could be utilized for buySisterhood. selves from the vendetta. tion effected. Trustin camtrian Nazis are collaborating closely paign ing land, in Palstsne, an investment At the Conservative synagogue th* commitThe Committee is also doing yeo- with the German Nazis in their acwhich was -today safer than any children will be entertained by th« tee: Sam Bebman work in opposing persecution tivities against the German Jews. Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—A sharp bank. In that way none would suf- shortage Auxiliary at a Purim party Saturer, chairman; abroad. Its activities are numerous, in Jewish labor is being fer loss, while gigantic land areas day afternoon at the J. C. C. At D a v i d Goldnot the least of which is the spreadthroughout Palestine and could be acquired for the Jewish experienced 7^30 p. m. Saturday evening th» mani : ^ v i c e ing of enlightenment by a wide disthe~J£stadruth has issued an appeal Megillah Will be read. Purim gifts people. ; -. • c h a i r m a n ; ; semination of uncblbred data and unto Zionist immigration offices abroad will W given to the children. Sunday Harry ' ^Malaf-biasfid views of facts regarding Jewto i^^\&~^XrTS^S&a£~aSTt6 whom; Moscow,; (J.T_^Ju>—The percentage evening the Purim Costume frolic of women workers in Russia is Much ish life. shock, treasurer; Irvin Levin, secreimmigration certificates have been is^ smaller among the Jews than among will be held at the J. C. C. tary. """ . . . . sued. Purim services will be held at all B'NAI BRITH WIDER the ~ non-Jews, according to a statisTrustin is running for city comIn the last few days a shortage of orthodox synagogues affiliated with SCOPE missioner on a platform of clean 1,400 persons has been felt, the Pal- tical article which appears in the the Vaad H'Oehr Saturday evening. Forty delegates and over 200 government and tax economy. Throughout these series of columns "Emess." The Conservative Auxiliary is in- estine Labor federation informed the The paper explains this on the At 7:30 p. m. Saturday evening at I'.will attempt to give condensed, visitors attended . the four-city conAmong those who spoke at the the. B'nai Israel, 18th and Chicago, jecting the true Purim carnival Jewish Telegraphic Agency and an ference « £ Conservative Synagogue bird's eye views of most of the JPhilare included: W. E. Reed, spirit into arrangements for the Pur- even greater shortage is anticipated. ground that the Jewish women have special Purim services will be held. ' anthropies beneficiaries «... their good Auxiliaries held here Wednesday ™- meeting president of the- Omaha imCostume Frolic to be sponsored by The Histadruth attributes the Jew- remained in their native villages Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "Hitwork is too effective not to be as wide- der the. sponsorship of -the local formerly School Board chairman of the the Auxiliary at the J. C. C. Sunday, ish labor shortage to the increased where there are few industrial op- ler and the Message of Purim." ly published as possible. .' . Auxiliary. Omaha, Sioux City, Lin- District Court and of Honor of the Boy March 12. demand for workers which it is re- -portunities, while the Jewish men Purim delicacies and tea will fca ; Des; Moihes Auxiliaries The wider scope movement, another coln coin,. and: and : .I Scouts of America; Sam Reynolds, ceiving from the Jewish colonies. leave their villages to seek employ- served by the Auxiliary. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, general chairirticipated. beneficiary, is one of the major pro- participated, Nebraska representative of the naIf Jewish immigrants do not ar- ment in industrial centers. A Purim party will be given Sunman, has announced that a buffet Registration was held at the J. C. jects supported by the B'nai Brith. tional executive committee " of the rive in Palestine before the planting The largest number of - Jewish day morning for the children of the Purim supper will be served from 6 Because of the need of keeping our; C, where luncheon was served at American Legion; Fred S., White; to 9 p. m. Mrs. B. A. Simon and season begins, the Jewish colonies workers are to be found in the print- Vaad religious School. Jewish vouth from drifting^ from the noon, followed by the program of David Goldman;' Robert' Smith, clerk her. group will prepare and serve will be compelled to em-ploy Arab ing, tailoring, furniture and paper the conference. 'faith of*their fathers, the B'nai Brith making trades. This, says the "Emof the District Court; Max: Ermnkin; special Purim dishes. Children are labor, it is asserted. The program: benediction by Rabbi placed especial emphasis on the Hillel ess," is due to the fact that under David A, Goldstein; welcome, by Philip Klutznick; Albert: Kaplan;"Al- welcome. There will be no admission •Foundation and the A. Z. A. the Czarist regime the majority of . As you all probably know—we are Mrs. J. EL Kulakofskky; community lan Tukey, member of' Board "of; Di- charge to the supper. other trades were closed to Jews. rectors, Metropolitan Utilities;' Sain -The frolic and dance will follow all mighty proud of it—the.A. Z. A., singing, led by Mrs'. Sam Beber; ! At the same time the paper reKlaver; Clinton Brome,'; prominent the supper. Numerous surprise presentation of, "Charm's the Thing," now international in scope with over veals that the percentage of quali150 chapters, was born right here in written by Mra David A. Goldstein Omaha attorney; Irvin Levin; Mrs. features and stunts have been fied workers is much higher among in charge of arranged. Prizes will be awarded Omaha, founded by our own Sam Be- and Mrs. Ben Shapiro and presented J. P. Jensen of Blair, 1 war veterans for the most beautiful woman's cos- - Volleyball has become a popular Jews than among non-Jews. Only 14 The annual debate tournament ber as a bridge connecting Jewish boy- by the Mesdames S. Theodore, P. securing relief for the : tume,: the most original, male cos- indoor sport at flie J. C. C. Two per cent of the Jewish workers are sponsored annually by the Senior hood with Jewish manhood. For Jew- Wintroub, J. Beber, and M. Sogplow; in this territory. _.. • ;." . , •-,'..•.;.;;;; ish lads between 16 and 21, the or- rsongs by Mrs. H. Belman and Miss All' of the speakers - praised; the tume, I and the. couple wearing the leagues of four teams each play— classified as non-qualified, while the Council of Clubs of the Jewish ComI Hie Business Girls play on Monday percentage of highly qualified-work- munity Center will start this year ganization lends a needed' Jewisbness M. Hurwitz; "What the Auxiliary candidacy of Harry Trustin,! calling mostj comical costumes. ; I on Tuesday, March 21. its the boys, who are past Sunday Means to..the . Congregation," by the audience's attention to his sterling - The culmination of the frolic will and the Health Club plays Sunday ers is set at 38 per cent. The question to be debated is: school age yet not old enough to take Rabbi David A. Goldstein; "Social qualities and his capacity for leader- be the award of the "trip to Chi- morning; The matron women play against ''Resolved, that a Secular Hebrew i i f e of the Congregation,"-by Mrs. cago," the hooked rug, $10 gold piece, their places as active workers in the y Temple Sunday School University Be ship. , . . . Established in AmerJewish community. ;. Barney Baron, Sioux,City; ^Monthly He has been endorsed by ^the In- and "other awards.' : Gene Cpoper?s the Y. W. C. A. matrons each second in Purim Celebration ica." iMeeting- Programs,"- by Mrs. N. dependent Voters League and- also by orchestra will play. Admission t o Wednesday. The Middle West was also the birth- Grossman, _ Lincoln; " W a y s a n d In the first debate, March 21, at the frolic, beginning at 9:30, is 75 A varsity volleyball team practices place of the Hillel Foundation, found- M e a n s of - R a i s i n g 1 Money," the Benson Boosters. cents per couple. There is no ad- each Monday and Wednesday noon. The Temple Israel Sisterhood will 8 p. m. at the Center, the Xi Lambda ed by the late Rabbi Benj. Frankel of by Mrs. S. Shulkin of Sioux City, .Trustin has been active in' civic mission charge from 6 to 9 p. m. Games are being arranged with the present a 7-reel motion picture, fraternity team composed of Ralph Champaign, Illinois, who saw the ne- and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky; "Educa- and communal affairs. He is a gradY. M. C. A. teams, Holy Name "Esther," as a feature of the Purim Nogg and William Wolfe will defend cessity for a Jewish interest in the tional Work of the Auxiliary" by uate -engineer and a member of the Athletic Club, Benson Community entertainment in the Sunday school the affirmative, and the A. Z. A. livas of the Jewish students at the Mrs. D. Goldstein; "Services Com- Engineers Club; past commander of Council Sabbath to auditorium, Sunday morning, March 100 team of Daniel Lintzman and Center, and other teams. University of Illinois. :.'•'. mittee," by Mrs. A. D. Frank. the Omaha post of the American Be Observed Tonight Sunday the Edward Rosenbaum will uphold the 12, at 10 o'clock. varsity defeated the .-•-" The B'nai Brith established Hillel Legion, which during his .term was negative. Xi Lambdas, 15-7, 15-12, 15-9. WedThe guests will come in masquerFoundations in eight great xmiversithe largest post in the country; a Council Sabbath, under the auspiOn Thursday evening, March 23, noon, they won from the ade costume and each will be pre• ties from coast to coast, as a cultural service ia unique, accurate, reliable member of the Court of Honor of the ces of the Omaha Council of Jewish nesday A. Z. A. 7 team of Council Bluffs, Y. M. C. A. "C" team 10-15, 15-13, sented with" a balloon and special and invaluable. and social center for Jewish students, Boy Scouts of America; past presi- Women, will be observed this even- 16-14. porim pastry (Hamantaschen). composed of Jack Gordon and MorThe J. T. A. is now celebrating its dent of the local lodge B'nai Brith; ing whose college life had carried them with three Jewish religious Prizes .-will be given for the most ton Adler, will meet the affirmative constantly further and further from fifteenth birthday. Let us give it a member of the first Supreme Ad- groups of the city taking part. duo of Ben Shrier and Ernest Priesoriginal costumes. some real news to relay this anni• their Jewish heritage. ; visory']Council of A. Z. A. and forRabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple man, representing A. Z. A. I. A five-minute Purim skit will be that the Jewish Philan"adviser of the Omaha chap- Israel has chosen as his subject Each is guided by a competent di- versary The public is invited to attend thropies campaign in Omaha sets a merly^ offered by the children of the pri. : rector, with classes in Jewish history, new record for sharing with those in ter; a member of the Board of Di- "Faith and Loyalty." these debates. There is no admission mary grades. Richard Reinschreiber charge. rectors of the J. C. C and Welfare Rabbi David A. Goldstein of fiie ethics and Hebrew, regular services, and Marion Schimmel will take parts Federation; a member of the Omaha Conservative Synagogue will deliver Harry Dworsky was elected- presiand a host of social activities. Hebrew Club; and active in Philan- a sermon on "Queen Esther's dent* of the South Side Hebrew Pro- of the king and queen, and Myra When we contribute to the Wider WHEN DOES GIVING thropic drives. Choice." • ' ••• gressive League at the first election Cohn and Buddy Hene will offer Workmen's Circle Scope, we are contributing toward a HURT? When does giving hurt? Is there Rabbi Uri Miller of the United of officers of the organization last prayers. The chorus will consist of strong Jewish leadership for the fuMonday's meeting for Trustin was to Present Concert one among us who could not give just Orthodox Synagogues has selected as Monday evening, in the South Side the other members of the primary by Dr. A. Greenberg, Philip ture. grades. A masquerading minstrel Workmen's Circle branch 173 will a little more and still be none the called Jewish Center, 25 and J. Other offichis sermon topic "If Our Tradition Max Barish, Sam Leon, (Hallie Bialac) will offer a tap num- sponsor a concert by three leading JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC worse off? Too much giving never Klutznick, ers: A. Jacobson, vice-president; Was Created By Women." Harry Malashock, J. H. Kulakofsky, Harry Weiner, secretary; Goodman ber. The program will be conclud- artists of New York—L. Harris, .AGENCY • broke anyone. Irvin Stalmaster, N. S. Yaffe, Dr. Statistics, representing the average Meyerson, treasurer; and Joe Sher- ed by a Purim ballad to be ren- Max Brodin, and S. Zlotin—Tuesday Jewish life, revolving around the Philip Sher, David Goldman, Milton Rabbi Miller to Talk man, Phil Ostrovitch and Ben Kaz- dered by the high school division of evening, March 14, at S p. m. at the Bible traditions that are sacred to all for the years 1926 to 1931, reveal that Abrahams, Irvin Levin, Joe Greenat Psi Mu Program lowsky, trustees. the Sunday school. Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. Adnations, struggling under most diffi- despite the reputation of American berg, Sam Beber and Henry MonsTcy. The organization now has a mem- Friends of the children attending mission is thirty-five cents. cult conditions, marching ahead with people for generosity, only 1 and 9-10 Campaign headquarters have been Rabbi TJri Miller will be the prin- bership of over 200. Its purpose is the Sunday school are invited to atthe progress of the world, suffering cents of every dollar expended by the opened for Trusting candidacy at cipal speaker at an. open program to to promote the civic and social wel- tend. given for all forms of Jewish History and hoping with humanity, cannot re- individual is g be given by the Psi Mu at the lodge fare of the Jewish residents of South d social i l well 1407 Farnam St. main obscure to the world at large. Teligious, educationall and room of the J. C. C. Monday evening,. Omaha. Class at Temple And so, as a prospector going into a fare causes. Thus, we spend over E. Marks Head of March 13, at 8 p. m. The Jewish History Class of new region, convinced of the existence seven times as much on personal and Enthusiasm Aroused •It will hold a large rally Tuesday Another feature will be tricks and evening, March 21, at which various Temple Israel Trill meet at the of precious metals and willing to un- recreational items as we do on all Young Men's Group Temple illusions by a well-known magician candidates now running for city comTuesday evening at 7:45 p. in Horseback Riding and dergo the hardships of the pioneer, forms of religious, relief and welfare Ephraim Marks was elected presi- m. a motion picture depicting the mission will speak. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency—an- work. This country could substantialMiss Elizabeth Hart will lead th« dent of the Young Men's Vaad *at a other of our Philanthropies beneficiar- ly increase its percentage of charitConsiderable enthusiasm has been progress of modern aviation. discussion of the third chapter of meeting at the J. C. C. Tuesday Admission is free and the public Ladies Lyceum Club ies—started the work, fully convinced able contributions, which form only a stirred np for horseback riding as the second volume o£ Graetz's "Histevening. Other officers are Henry that the field of Jewish events had a fraction of the 1 9.-10 expenditure, and a result of the announcement that is invited to attend. Magzamin, vice-president; David ory of the Jews," her subject boin£ Purim Celebration tremendous wealth of "news values of still not be "giving till it hurts." the J. C. C. Physical department will secretary; and Sidney Ep- "The Jews and the Eomans." The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club Fishman, absorbing interest not only to Jews sponsor the classes. For Tennis Enthusiasts stein, treasurer. Ben Kazlowsky and will give an old-fashioned mock F. K. Ackennan were but also to non-Jews. The reasonable price of seventytrustees Thirty-one girls and 25 boys have wedding Ottawa.—There are only 89 with old-fashioned music and to represent the Vaadelected five cents for a two-hour period plus already signed up for Nate Cutler's The J. T. A. has effectively estabon the execu- among the 4,164 convicts in T dancing on Purim night, Sunday, instruction is being charged. AH in- class for instruction in tennis at the lished a world-wide apparatus and tive of the senior ^ aad. ian penitentiaries, according to i terested are asked to sign up at the J. C. C. The first class will meet March 12, at 8 p. m. at the Labor with strict impartiality Telays Jewish I A stag smoker for young men be- report which was presented to Pa? Lyceum, 22nd and Clark, Admission Center or phone Morris Sogolow, Wednesday at 7 p. m. for girls over news to all corners of the world, by ] tween the ages of 18 and 35 is being liament. will be twenty-five cents. physical director. cablea radio, telegram and mail. I t s ' planned for the latter part o£ March. 15 and boys 16 and over.
38% Jewish Workers in Soviet "Qualified"
PAGE 2—THE: JEWISH Piq2§S> FRIDAY, M A E G H 10, 193$ NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE im Plays, entitled "Hie Tiny MasSAZ.K queraders," and "The Purim Tale"; a number of Purim recitations and Notice is hereby given that nt S:4r, a. tu., " A special board meeting of the 1, 1033, at the Used Furniture Mnrhet. poems and also Purim songs. Mr. April Conservative Auxiliary has been 2514 Leaven-worth St., Omnlia, Nebrngkn, J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the Suncalled for Monday, March 13, at 2 the undersigned will sell at public auction Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by day School and Talmud Torah will to the highest biddet tor cash, the followp. m., at the J. C. C. by Mrs. J. H. give a few remarks. A group of Wai. chiffionier or highboy, wal. l)Pd. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Kulakofsky, president. springs and mntt., r,-nl. van. dresser, chair, Jewish Folk songs will be sung by 9x12 A children's Eurim costume party gray, bine, pray velvet rug, wnl. sew. $2.50 Subscription Price, one y e a r - - - - - - - Mrs. J. Raznick of Omaha. table, man. Victrolsi, v.nl. buffet, 0 wo!, sponsored by tKa auxiliary will be By "Ab" Kaiman din.chairs, 1 light brown velvet rug blue Advertising r a t e s furnished on application Everyone is cordially invited to border, 1 SxlO given Saturday;''March 11, at 2:30 tope niul blue velvet rug, attend this program Sunday after1 wal. highboy, 1 wal. van. <lre»ser, 1 brass p. m. at the J. C. C. Children of . Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building bed, I Bprgs, ] 3 8x10 light brown noon at the Danish Hall. About forty and mixed colormatt. all members of the synagogue are A Story With "Dots" . . . velvet, rug. 1 Simmons Telephone: ATlantic 1450 children will take part in this proday bed, 1 Simmons bed. 1 sprgs, 1 matt, On March 20 the astronomers will invited. J Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center 1 wal. dresser, 1 olinir. 1 rooker, 1 A. B. gram. Mrs. David A. Goldstein, chairman, gas range, 1 refrigerator, 1 Simmons bed declare that spring is here, tra la la DAVID BLACKER - - - .- Business and Managing Editor Mr. Stadlan has announced that sprgs and mntt, 2 small rugs, 1 wal. dres. . . In the spring the young man's assisted by Mesdames Jack Melcher, FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor Hatikvoh ser, Singer drophend sew. machine, 2 no regular Sunday School classes small1 rugs, 1 wall mirror, bedding, drapfancy this time, will turn to thoughts Harry Malashock, Wm. Boasberg and FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent The open program of the Hatikvoh eries, dishes, cooking utensils and linens. will be held Sunday morning, but Herman Jahr, have arranged a proof-love and "cashing his check" . . . . ANN PILL . . . - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent crab will be held at the J. C. C. Tues- that all children in the program Covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of gram full of fun and games and spethis bank holiday is a veritable Yom Peoples' I,onn Co. signed by Ituben day evening, March 14, at 8 p. m. should meet at the Danish Hall at the Lampkiiis nnd Gladys Lnmpkins; that said Kipper for some people . . . "Cash cial Purim entertainment. Rabbi Uri Miller is the principal ten o'clock Sunday morning for final mortgage HAMANISM is dated March 23, 1932, nnd is Rabbi Goldstein will tell approp- speaker. Admission is free to the pubis king" was formerly a chain store recorded in the office of the county clerk rehearsal. As a welcome respite from the dreary days beclouding the re- motto only of Douglas County, Nebraska. for instance one of riate Purim stories. Arthur Kulak- lic, and refreshments will be served. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreCent scene of world Jewry comes the celebration of Purim, which our clients appeared with a ten dol- ofsky will tap dance. * There will be The Hatikvoh Club at the last closing said mortgage for )he costs of the PURIM SERVICES sale, and all accruing costs, nnd for the many prizes, refreshments and favmeeting was honored by a former this year occurs on Sunday, March 12. On this carnival holiday we lar bill . . . and immediately we purpose satisfying the amount now due Purim will be observed with thereon, ofto-wit: $193.12; that no suit or the door to prevent a possible ors. member, Mrs. C. Cohn, formerly appropriate can happily do as our ancestors have done for centuries—no mat- locked services at the Chevra other proceedings nt law have been inThe next Oneg Shabbos has been Gertrude Moscovitz. She made a escape or a change of mind! . . . stituted to recover said debt or any part ter how oppressed and embittered the lot of the Jewish people in "Brother can you spare a dime" is postponed to March 25, and will be special trip from Gretna, Nebr., to B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 thereof. Webster Street commencing at seven PEOPLES LOAN COMPANY exile, they could Still laugh and frolic in merry-making revelry on not a song but a grim reality . . . held at the home of Mrs. Sam Wolf. attend. o'clock Saturday evening, March S 10-33-3t. The constitution for this growing but pardon, dear readers, what has Purim. 11th, and on Sunday morning, comorganization was read and approved. mencing "jest" said was in jest . . . at seven o'clock. Vaad Auxiliary The story told in the Magillah is a tale rich in significance. been Six new members were installed, and Let's be inspired and stimulate busAt a special board meeting of the It tells of the deliverance of the Jews when, as exiles in Persia, iness by talking good times . . . and the membership drive contest is JA. 9404 The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 j JA. 9404 Auxiliary held Wednesday at "going over big." Suits Cleaned 49c they were confronted with almost certain annihilation at the hands placing the dollars hidden in the Vaad of the Independent Order of the' HANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 (tea kettles) and other the B'nai Israel synagogue, plans B'nai Brith will hold a regular met-! of fiieir arch enemy, Haman, favorite of the king. The threat- "Chaniks" 2016 Farnam St. Fa-Hon recepticles . . . in proper circulation were completed for the ball to be next Monday night, March 13th, ' AH Wearing Apparel ened massacre was averted through the intervention of the loyal . . . One of the greatest men in the held Sunday, March 19, at the J. The official installation of the new- ing at the Eagles Hall. HAND IRCT'ED C. Queen Esther and her kinsman, Mordecai, and the very fate chosen world began his career as a column- C.The ly-elected officers of theFa-Hon Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfield refollowing committees were L. A. LONGFELLOW, Prop. for the Jewish people was instead suffered by Haman, perpetrator ist, then known as a "gossip writer" appointed: Mrs. D. sorority took place at the Linden- turned home last week following a . . . the great man and gossip writer Crounse, Mrs. Courtesy, two months' motor trip to the Pacific N. Yaffe, Mrs. H. P. baum home a week ago Monday. of the plan. To celebrate this deliverance, the Jewish people have was none other than the late Thomas This organization is composed of Coast. Mr. Eosenfeld was one of Milder; Candies, Mrs. D. Crounse, made the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Ader, in the words of A. Edison . . . the authority for the Mrs. H. E. Rosenblatt; Cards, Mrs. 12 members, all being between the the principal speakers at the Dis"Your Old Hat Made New Modecai, "days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to statement can be found in the book Mendelson; Cakes, Mrs. J. Finkle; ages of 19 and 24. Mrs. M. Friedel trict Furniture Dealers' Convention is sponsor. "Edison the Man" . . . (aside) "a held at Los Angeles. Save a Dollar or Two** Prizes, Mrs. H. P. Milder, Mrs. L. another, and gifts to the poorl" Even the synagogue service loses good alibi is better than none" . . . Miss Tillye Sigal installed the Mrs. Louis Bernstein entertained Mendelson, Mrs. Howard Milder; OMAHA HAT FACTORY its usual decorum -as the celebrants forget their restraint. This We chanced to meet Lew Epstein, Tickets, Mrs. Nate Greenberg, Mrs. officers, each delivering a short talk. the members of her Afternoon Club 115 North lGth -Street throwingoff of restraint, according to the exposition of psycholog- advance man for the Cantor-Jessel William Milder; Drinks, Mrs. E. Following the business meeting, at luncheon at her home Tuesday Opposite Tojt Office bridge was played and lunch served. ED KAPLAN, Manager ists, is in itself of inestimable value to the individual and in accord- revue . • . and found him to be quite Elewitz, Mrs. H. Rimmerman, Mrs. The annual spring dance of the afternoon. Phone ATtanttc 0550 interesting and amusing charac- N. Yaffe, Mrs. J. Pinkie; SandMrs. Jack Steinberg and small son, ance with the Freudian theory of releasing human inhibitions and an AND WE WILL CALL ter . . . he was in charge of Jolson's wiches, Mrs. S. Pish, Mrs. P. Zollo- Fa-Hon will be held at Paul Spor's Donald, returned home last week, repressions. ~ tour for a number of years and his tuchan, Mrs. S. Temin Mrs. B. Mar- Sunday, March 26, at 8 p. m. Ad- following a month's visit with relawill be fifty cents. There tives in Kansas City, accompanied The story of Purim has been presented in play form since yarns concerning his experiences are cus, Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum, Mrs. H. mission will be a floor show and refresh- back by Miss Sally Ann Engel of full of laughs . . . Epstein em- Steinberg, Mrs. J. Morgan, Mrs. J. the Middle Ages. Most of these dramatizations soon took on a chock will be served. Kansas City who will be the guest phatically denies that there is any Ban; Fruits, Mrs. L. Wolf son, Mrs. ments burlesque form and Haman ceased to be the terrible villian of the animosity or bitter feeling between A. Schwaczkin, Mrs. P. Rosen, Mrs. Miss Moscovitz is chairman, with of Mrs. Steinberg for the remainder NATIONAL Tillie Tessler and Selma Tretiak of this month. Numerous affairs Bible narrative and became little more than a blundering clown Cantor and Jolson as has been re- H. Ackerman, Mrs. E. Elewitz. assisting. Anyone wishing to obtain are being given in honor of Miss ACCESSORIES, INC. Admission for the ball will be one whose plans were always defeated. Herein lies our lesson from ported on several occasions . . . he dollar per couple for the evening. tickets may call Atlantic 4662 after Engel. insists that friendly relationship ex"Everything for the Aut»M the observance of the Feast of Lots. Purim is not only the story ists between the two artists . . . The regular Psi Mir tea dance has 6 p. m. Miss Jeanette Baron of Kansas City, Missouri spent a couple of of Persian deliverance; it is a Jewish story of yesterday, today, to- Through the courtesy of Jacob been called off in favor of the Vaad 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 days here last week, visiting her tea dance, to be given in the aftermorrow. As the Megillah is read, a German Jew can substitute the Crounse, the only Jewish member of noon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baron. with admission fifty cents per Nebraska House of Representa. name of Hitler for Haman, and his neighboring Jewish brother can the David Kubby, who underwent an tives, we were privileged to attend a couple. operation for appendicitis, at the Mrs. Frank Avkerman will be hossubstitute Cuza. To the student of Jewish history the story of session of that law making body . Mercy Hospital last week, is now to the next meeting of the culturBY P. R. K. Purim has been dfi rifpeated. Again and again the Jewish people member Crounse is serving his sec- tess convalescing there, and is expected al group, to be held Tuesday afterond term and is quite a favorite with have faced destruction; again and again they have been saved. PROGRAM SUNDAY AF- to return home next week. various state official . . . Jake noon, March 14/ at the home of Mrs. PURIM TERNOON AT DANISH HALL Queen Esther and Mordecai pleading for the Jewish people, saving the Mrs. E. Hoffman, who had been That Sam* is a member of two active commit- H. H. White, 4124 California. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah confined to the Mercv Hospital for them while Haman fell, is an epitome of Jewish deliverance tees and also has some important and Sunday School will present a Shoe Comfort weeks, returned to her home throughout history. The Hamans and Hitlers strutting across the measures for consideration before the Council Current Topics Purim Program next Sunday after- three last Sunday, where she is now coniff you hav* your chocs . . . Limberger cheese, say "We may- expect * liberal policy noon, March 12th, commencing at valescing. repaired at tfi* •. world's stage are blundering clowns where plans inevitably are de- House physicians (particularly in Germany) definite action upon the part of three o'clock at the Danish Hall. Dr. The Council Bluffs A""-ias Achim feated. The spirit of understanding and wise judgment and fair- is a secret of health . • . but how and STANDARD our president," said Rabbi D. A. Isaac Sternhill will preside as chair- Association will hold a regular meetiness have triumphed and will triumph over blatant Jew-baiting can Limberger cheese be kept a sec- Goldstein, speaking before the Cur- man for this affair. ing next Thursday night, March i "Shoe Repair Co. and Jew-beatmg^for religious freedom and equality is the pillar ret . . : rent Topic3'3HJ|b|- of the Council of The program will include two Pur- 16th, at the Eagles HalL J. X. KRAGK. Prop. The young man about town, S. 1619 Lloyd Krasne, junior at the of just government and civilized living. Farnam Weiss, has an aching heart, his pretThomas Jefferson High School, reSt. ty and dark-eyed senorita, Dorothy turned home Monday from Des i Moines, Iowa, where he represented nity." He said to them, "Be careful S. is casting glances at others his school at the Drake Debate to honor your comrades; restrain Miriam Greenberger and Joe BinGEMS of the BIBLE your Tournament. children from frivolous thoughts. stein are "re-established" . . . proving that absence makes the heart go Let your children mingle with learnand TALMUD S. H. KATELMAN CANDIDATE ed people. Know what and to whom "stronger" for each other . . . There By O. O. DASHER FOB SCHOOL BOARD you pray. By these means you will is a sincere pleasantness in the engaging smile of the vivacious little Samuel H. Katelman, 601 Willow deserve eternity. Mrs.. Harold Farber Avenue, is the only Jewish candidate He that is greedy of gain troubl- SHOTWELL, MONSKY, GKODINSKY ft newly-wed, Mrs. Lester Simon and Mrs. William for the Board of Education at the eth his own house. But he that VANCE, Attorneys. Levey are now firm believers in the election to be held next Monday, 137 Omaha National Bank H d c hateth even gifts shall live cheerold adage . . . "Bon't take yourself March 13th, in Council Bluffs. fully. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that the too seriously" . . . The lads who Mr. Katelman was a graduate of undersigned have formed a corporation unthe Class of 1915 of the Abraham der the name of BASEBALL HEAD- possess a cowardly nature and cease The heart of the righteous stadieth QUARTERS, INC., with its principal place to call their girl friends because of The Sign of Lincoln High School. He is a taxof business In Omaha, Douglas County, Neto answer. But ••; the mouth of the braska. peyer and believes in fairness to The corporation shall have auth- their suspicion that they were reGood Workmanship 1 wicked poureth out evil things. ority to purchase and sell at retail, cigars, all. He has three children attending tobacco, magazines, newspapers and any ferred to in this column as having JA. 1614 trad all other kindred articles, and to been seen together the Council Bluffs Public Schools. positively a Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg Thousands of handle snch real or personal property aa Better a little with righteousness may be required. The corporation shall silly thought in the minds of (thank There has never been any Jewish OMAHA than great revenue with injustice. hare the power to borrow money and issue member on the local School Board Sparkling NEW evidences of indebtedness therefor. The Heavens) but a few narrow minded and now is a good time to have that corporation shall commence business when and egotistical young men . . . we All the ways are.clean in his own the Articles are filed -with the- County hand some posies to the chaps who representation. Mr. Katelman will Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, Neeyes, but the Lord weigheth the braska, appreciate the support of all of his and continue until January 1st, possess the good sportsmanship to 1983. The authorized capital stock is continue to call their regular "dates' friends at the School Board election spirit. $5,000.00, all common, par value $100.00. next Monday. being fully paid -when issued and non-as- though mention is made of some. . Emphasizing The Nebraska's sessable. The affairs shall be adminisTalmud '•'] Rare is the occasion -when one tered' by a Board of Directors, sot less FRABENBCBG, STALMASTEtt £ BEBEK Woe unto the age whose leaders than two nor more than five in number, finds Mrs. Julius (Sadye) Newman Outstanding Position to offer OSCAtt X. DOKRR, PHILIP M. KLUTZand the undersigned shall be the first NICK, Attorneys. you are. You do not know of the Board. The stockholders shall elect Di- without an illuminating smile . . • its Patrons the Amazing New 630 Omntaa National Bank Bide-, cares with which. the scholars are rectors at the annual meeting to be held and her cheerful' words add to her Omaha, Nebraska. Value Developments of 1933, second Monday in January of each occupied and whence they derive the year. Thereafter directors shall elect of- radiant personality . . . Mrs. NewNOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE their livelihood. ficers, viz.. President, Vice-President, Sec- man is active in the work of the SALE. retary and Treasurer. The Articles may Notice Is hereby given that on the-17th be amended. The corporation may have a Temple Israel Sisterhood and is the SUPERB NEW day of March, 1033, at 10:00 o'clock nt the When the disciples of Eabbi Elie- senl. chairman of religious education of Beklns Tan & Storage Company, 16th and xer came to visit him, they said, Dated December 23rd, 1932. Leavenworth Streets, Omaha, Nebraska, the Omaha Jewish Council of Womthe undersigned will sell at public auction FRANK L.BNNAHAN, "Teach us the right way of life, so en . . . Rumors afloat that Dr. and to the highest bidder for cash: SOI.. ABRAMS. that we may deserve to inherit eter- 2-24-33-4t. 1 day bed, 1 Cogswell chair, 1 screen Mrs. L O. now residing in Chi, are 2 chairs, 1 carton, 1 uph. stool, 2 lamp about to "be.blessed with an addition shades, 1 stand (top cracked), 1 picture. 1 desk base, 1 desk top, I S. Oriental rng~ . . . Mnyti O.- (formerly Rose F.) 27x54 In., 1 gray domestic rug *%xfl% ft.," Was prominent in local organizations BUT THE BEST CO AL-Cbeapest In the Long Boa 1 L Wilton rag 9x12 ft., 1 T* Harmon . . . An excerpt from a conversaVelvet rag 9x12 ft., 3 S. Mohawk rues PKTKOLBlJli CONSUMERS 18x27 In., 1 S. Velvet tug 27x54 in. (torn DEEP YEEf tion with one of my boys;; Jake: few places), 1 up. plnno Haines No. U67OD "One tMttg I hate worse than any(top spotted and checked all over, ends marred), 1 piano bench, 1 emoting stand thing is Texas" . . . says I . . • Best Grade 1 floor lamp base, 1 arm chair, 1 trny BUND Vtofced Clean "You mean the state of Texas?"... An Forked Una* 1 table lamp base, 1 coffee table, 1 JardSmall In 81ze. hot The Blncest Fuxaaee iniere stand, 1 C. Stand (top split), 1 targe In Hntt Jake: "No, I mean income "texas" ; Coal Barcaia ta A BIO SAVING TO bdl. C. Stand base, 1 Settee. 1 Elephant Ott COKE ©SEES . . . and so, to my income tax blank! Statue, No. 1 barrel. No. 2 barrel. No. 3 box. No. 4 box. No. fi box, 1 S. Green . . „ "blank?' is correct . . . Thank Domestic rug 4x5 ft., 1 S. Wilton tup you, Julius Livingston, Tulsa, Okla., Bench tailored, smart new s t y l e t . . . 27xr>4 in.. 1 S. Mohawk Rug 27x54 in., 1 S. Rug Pad, 2 L. Rug Pads, 1 Stand. 1. and Arthur Rosenblum of L. A., Cal. Platinum grays, tans, solid colors, Board, 1 Gas Fireplace Heater, 3 Card CONSUMERS GOAL CO. Tables, 1 Tool Chest (top B. O.), I Hoofancy mixtures. Value t>eyond comCERTIFIED WEIGHTS BY A SWOBS AND BOSDED Important Announcements ver Sweeper, 1 Carton, 1 Carton Sweeper •\VEIGHSIASTER Don't forget to attend the observparison at $ 2 5 . • Attachments, covered by a chattel mortA Century of Progress gage In favor of the United Finnnd.il .AT 4444 ance of Council Sabbath on Friday Service, a corporation, signed by Loretta night at Temple Israel, United Orthand stay al the L. Mnlone; that said mortgage Is dated Half Belt New May 14, 1931, and is recorded in the office odox synagogue and the Conservaof the County Clerk of Douglas County TWEED tive synagogue . . . Also the Purim Over-Plaid Nebraska. THE frolic and carnival Sunday night, Mar. Said sale will be for the purpose of Foil Belt Polo foreclosing said mortgage, for the costs of 12 at the Center auditorium under Th» Chicago WorlcTs Fair of 1933 — the sale, and all accruing costs, including the auspices of the Ladies' Auxilfrom June to November. Don"! m i » warehouse fees, nnd for the purpose of satisfying the amount due thereon, to-wlt: iary, Conservative synagogue . . . a this thrilling review of the scientific . $174.82, plus interest; that no suit or other and industrial achievement oi our feature will be Madame Osee Laverne, proceedings at law have been instituted to preientage. Bystayinga'theMorrijon recover said debt, of nny port thereof. recently of the Orpheum circuit . . . of Nebraska Women DN1TEP FINANCIAL SERVICE. you ar« right in th« eentei ot thing* professional seer and palmist . . . By rillLIP M. KLUTZNICK,
Conservative Auxiliary
Jewish Women Tuesday at the J. C. C. on "What We Can Expect from President Roosevelt." Discussing the problems of the banking situation, the budget farm policy and international affairs facing Roosevelt, Rabbi Goldstein stated that Roosevelt, due to his broad experience as a statesman and diplomat, would face these problem squarely and would act decisively, as he is a follower of the Wilsonian school of political thought.
Council Bluffs News
TOPCOAT Headquarters
COKE $9.00
Cherokee Lump $7*00 Nut. • $6.50
SEMI $8.25
Try a Bag Today
. wonder
Sisterhood Current Topics Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on "The Present Situation" at the regular Current Topics lecture at the Blackstone Hotel Tuesday morning, March 14, at 10:30 a. m., under the sponsorship of the Temple Israel Sis: terhood. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, Harney' 7088, or at the Blackstone.
Smart, Dressj Sfodels...which achieve the ultimate in style and ralne at S 1 5 -
Halt Belt Models tailored to Nebraska's exacting stand* axis. Gray and tan tweeds! Amazing Talues at S 1 5 -
2-24-33-3t Attorney. FRANK R. ACKERMAN, Attorney. 480 Brandeis Thentre Bids. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter ot the Estnte o£ Shoul Rips, Deceased. Notice is hereby piven thnt the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estnte, before me, County Judge of Douglas County. Nebrnskn, nt the County Court Room, in said County on the 1st day of May, 1033. nnrt on the 1st day of July, 1033, at « o'clock A. M.. each day. for the purpose o£ presenting their claims for examination, adjustment Rnd allowance. Three months are allowed for tlie creditors to present: tlicir claims, from the 1st day of April, 10.13. BRYCB CRAWFORD, 3-10-33-3t County Judge.
In Chicago. In t h * "heart ottheloop," the Morrison is neat (hops, theaters, and railroad stations. All rooms are outside with bath, Servidor, circulating ice-wafer and bed-head reading lamp. Automatic garage facilities. A preaf hotel in a great city/
2500 ROOMS—$2.50 UP LEONARD HICKS Managing director
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Biknr Cholim The Bikur Cholim Society will hold its regular meeting Monday afternoon, March 13, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. Election of officers will be held, and Rabbi Uri Miller will speak. All members are urged to attend.
Deborah Society A regular meeting of the Deborah Society will be held next Tuesday afternoon, March 14, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C.
BARMISH-KATELMAN ENGAGEMENT Sir. and Mrs. Julias Katelman of Council Bluffs announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marian Katelman, to Mr. Jay J. Barmish of Council Bluffs, son of Mrs. Ida Barmish of Milwaukee, Wise. No date "for the wedding has been set yet.
president; Joe Goldware, treasurer; Joe Horwich, secretary; Ben Smith, Daughters of Israel Aid pledgemaster, and Bill Woolfson, reThe Daughters of Israel Aid porter. Society is giving a benefit tea and party Tuesday, March 21, at ENTERTAIN FOR BASKETBALL bridge the Old Peoples Home, 2504 Charles TEAMS St. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin is chairMr. and Mrs. M. H. Sogolow en- man. tertained the basketball captains, Flo Brookstein and Phil Gerelick, and MICHNICK-ADLER WEDDING Council of Jewish teams, at a basketball party at Miss Helen Adler, daughter of Mr. their home last Saturday. The eveWomen and Mrs. Joseph Adler, "became the their was spent in games -and dancThe legislative and civic study bride of Jacob J. Michnicfc, son of ning group of the Council of Jewish Mr. and Mrs. E. Michnick of Council ing. Women under the leadership of Mrs. Bluffs, Sunday afternoon, March. 5, RETURNS TO OMAHA Robert Glazer will meet Wednesday, at 4 o'clock at the Jewish CommunMiss Rona Friedman recently re- March 15, at 1:30 p. m. at the J. ity Center. Rabbi David A. Gold- turned from Chicago and is making C. C. stein and Babbi 3L-Grodzinsky per- her home group is continuing its study formed the ceremony in the presence definitely. here with her parents in- of The the local election and the local of forty relatives. government. Mrs. Sam Wolf is rePreceding the ceremony, Mrs. H. porting on the use of initiative, PSI MU" Belman sang "At Dawning." The "MISS referendum and recall in our local Miss Rose Moskovitz was anwedding march was played by Max nounced as "Miss Psi Mu 1933" at government; Mrs. Mose Yousem, on Yaffe on the violin, accompanied at the dance at the J. C. C. the department of accounts and finthe piano by Miss Margaret Hur- last matinee Sunday. Miss Moskovitz was ances; Mrs. Max Holzman, on fire •witz. winner of the popularity contest and water supply; Mrs. M. GrodinThe bridal gown was flesh.colored the which had been conducted for the sky, on street cleaning and mainhammered crepe, worn with a delph- past several Mrs. J. Malashock, on parks Sundays. She was tenance; and public property. inium blue chiffon turban with a awarded a diamond dinner ring, hat tiny veil, and blue gloves and slip- and shoes, donated by leading merpers. The bride carried a bouquet chants. Hadassah of roses and sweet peas. She had no The date for the second annual attendants. DANCE Hadassah "Give or Get" luncheon A wedding dinner was served at TEA The Ida Fine and Sara Ann has been set for May 3. Elaborate the Community Center following the NoddleMisses will be joint hostesses at a plans are being made by Mrs. M. F. ceremony. bridge-tea on Sunday afternoon, at 3 Levenson, local chapter president, Following a honeymoon trip by p. m. at the Club Araby. Dancing and Mrs. David A. Goldstein, who is motor, the young couple will make will follow. Prizes will be awarded in charge of the program.. Mrs. their home at 2506 Franklin, in Om- at each table. Goldstein promises an unusual proaha. Among the out-of-town guests Proceeds of this affair will go to gram. at the wedding were Harold and Si- the Junior Hadassah benefit fund. Members from Omaha, and Council mon Michnick of Chicago, HL, broth- Additional reservations may be made Bluffs, -who have raised their quota ers of the groom, and Henry Chait with either hostess. toward the Hadassah Medical Fund of Lincoln, cousin of the bride. will be guests at the luncheon. Many SORORITY DANCE events have been sponsored in raisWEDDING IN SIOUX CITY Sigma Kappa Chi sorority will ing this money. Among them were Miss Frances Schwidelson, daugh- hold their second annual dance Sat- the showing of the "Dreyfus Case," ter of Mrs. L. Schwidelson of Sioux urday evening, March 18, at the Om- the rummage sales, and card parties. City, and Jar. David Greenberg, son aha Women's Club. Ann Berman is The annual rummage sale will be of Mr., arid Mrs. H. Greenberg of chairman, assisted by Hannah Gos- held March 14 and 15. Those having Omaha^ will -be wed at the Shaare sick and Bess Platt. Bids have been articles to contribute, please call Mrs. Julius Stein, Glendale 1948. Zkm synagogue, Sioux City, this issued. The next regular meeting of HadSunday. SORORITY PURIM PARTY assah will be held Wednesday afterA Purim party was decided upon by noon, March 22, at the J. C. C. at ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT the Alpha Beta Rho sorority at its 2:30, preceded by a board meeting. 'T.Mr, and Mrs. Paul Kaplan of Sioux last meeting, Sunday, with Alta Elkin CitjJ, la., announce j £ e engagement chairman of the arrangements comof their daughter, tbora, to Mr. Joe mittee; Edith Epstein, entertainment; Jr. Vaad Auxiliary Kaiman of Ifillisca, Ia^ son of Mr. Florence Greenstone, refreshments; New officers of the Junior Vaad and Mrs- B. -Kaiman, of Sed Oak Evelyn Abrams, decorations. New Auxiliary were formally installed at la. No date has been set for the members are requested to call Edith the regular meeting Monday night. wedding. Epstein, Webster 6336. A feature of the program was a talk in Yiddish given by Miss Hose SENIOR COUNCIL PLANS DANCE Soffer, in which she briefly reANNOUNCE BIRTH Wj: The Senior Council of Clubs of the viewed the history of Purim. ReMr. and Mrs."JL. Gendler announce the birth of a daughter last week. J. C. C. will sponsor a dance at the freshments were served. J. C. C. Sunday evening, April 2. Arthur Schlaifer is chairman of ERANK U P P HEADS the committee in charge. Tickets PI LAMS Frank Lipp was elected president will be 60 cents and may be bought of the Creighton University chapter of [ from Senior Council members or at Pi Lambda Phi, national college social the Center office. Music will be furnished by Gene fraternity, Wednesday evening. Other officers are Earl Ross, vice- Cooper and his orchestra.
Temple Council Sabbath will be observed at Temple Iszael this evening, under the auspices of the Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Sam Gilinsky will deliver the opening prayer and Mrs. Joe Bonoff the closing prayer. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver the sermon, his subject being "Faith and Loyalty." Miss Rina Snyder will sing a solo. At services Saturday morning, Rabbi Cohn will speak on "The Perpetual Lamp." The children who will participate in tomorrow morning's services include Stuart Ganz, Richard Josephson, Joy Yousem, Leonard Kulakofsky, Zell Abrahamson, Adolph Laytin, Armand Gilinsky, Sara Mae Graetz, Lyle Reinschreiber, and Jane Goetz. Miss Sylvia Tenenbaum will sing a solo.
Conservative Rabbi David A. Goldstein has chosen a Purim theme for his sermon this evening. He will speak on "Queen Esther's Choice." Special reference will be made to the fact that this Sabbath is dedicated to the Council of Jewish Women. Purhn Celebrations The children of the synagogues will be entertained by the Auxiliary at a Purim party Saturday after-
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES •'Your dealer has it" is a phrase often heard . . . and it is true when you go to purchase electrical appliances as well as any other type of merchandise. Your hardware dealer, electrical dealer, furniture dealer and others have quality electrical appliances for sale. When you wish to buy anything electrical, BUY FROM YOUR DEALER! Below are listed a few electrical appliances which you may buy at your dealer's. Refrigerator
Waffle Iron Stove
Percolator Toaster Cleaner
Washer Ironer Cooker
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NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE BALE Notice is hereby given that at 8:45 a. m. ipril 1, 1S33, at the Used Furpitnre Market, 2514 Leavenworth St., Omaha. Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following: 6 Simmons beds, 6 sprgs, 6 matt, elec. lamp, 2 oat rockers, 1 arm chair, oak duofold, dining table, 4 din. chairs, 1 buffet. 1 oak desk, 1 8x12 bine velvet rug, 1 0x12 velvet rug of mixed colors, 3 dressers, 3 chairs, 1 j*ag range, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 talking mach. 2 oak din. chairs, bedding, draperies, dishes, cooking utensils and linens. Covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the Peoples Loan Co., signed by Hattie Lampkins; that said mortgage is dated September 23, 1932, and is recorded in the office of the county clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage, for the costs of Bale, and all accruing costs, and for the purpose of satisfying the amount now due thereon, to-wit: $142.50: that no suit or other proceedings at law have been instituted to recover said debt or any pnrt thereof. PEOPLES LOAN COMPANY. 3-10-33-3t.
ANNOUNCING... We will again this year sell
MATZOS, CANDY, and all other
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Never before in our history have we offered a better b u y ! Similar ranges have sold for $100 to $150. J u s t think of i t . . . a fully insulated oven . . . ventilated . . . with radio dial oven heat regulator . . . the finest of broilers,., an automatic lighter . . . a large pot-and-pan drawe r . . . sturdiest cast iron construction . . . choice of beautiful color combinations. Operates m o s t economically. An amazing bargain at $53 and your old stove. (Magie Chef Gas ranges on sale too!)
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Vaad Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "If Our Tradition Was Created By Women" at the services at the B'nai Israel % synagogue, 18th and Chicago, this evening, starting at 8 p. m. This will be part of the observance of Council Sabbath, under the auspices of the Council of Jewish Women. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his male choir will assist. Saturday morning Rabbi Miller will conduct services at the B'nai Israel synagogue. His sermon will concern the Bible portion of the week. Purim services will be held at the various Orthodox synagogues affiliated with the Vaad Saturday evening. At 7: SO p. m. Saturday evening, special Purim services will be held at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th
and Chicago. Rabbi TJri Miller will Sometimes one can cheerfully worry; deliver a sermon on the theme, "Hit- if he can tell somebody about it. ler and the Message of Purim." Purim delicacies and tea will be served by the Women's Auxiliary. Sunday morning a Purim party will be given for the children of the PAIR—35c—UP Vaad Religious School. 'Purim gifts will be distributed and various PurSHIRTS, 8c im games will be p]avert. All children who intend to enroll THRIFTY in the Religious School are asked to be present.
It's Cleverly Feminine to Be a Little
soon, in the lodge room of the J. C C The Megillah will be. read at 7:30 p. m. Parents and children are urged fo attend. The children will be given Purim gifts at the services. Sunday night, the friends of the congregation will gather for the Purim costume party at the J. C. C. Tickets may be obtained at the door. 75 cents per couple. Next Week Next week Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "Chaim Bialik, the Greatest Living Hebrew Poet." Jews the world over are celebratine the sixtieth birthday of this great man. The synagogue joins in this world-wide celebration.
NO CAW SmALL PAYITIENT mONTHR • No money or scrip needed to have this real bargain delivered to you. Any old stove is full down payment .'» . balance of $53 payable on easy monthly payments. Take advantage of this sale.
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Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Queen,Esther* "women of the. Ladies Auxiliary o f Shaare Zion Synagogue will take complete charge" of the service tonight at 8 o'clock. "... Mrs. J. H. Mosow, former president of the Auxiliary, will give the principal address of the evening, her subject being "Woman, a Helpmate to Her Husband." The service a t which Mrs. Reuben Miller, chairman of the cultural committee will-preside, will include ritual readings by Mrs. S." H. Shulkin, and Mrs. Philip Sherman, also former Auxiliary presidents. A talk, "The Relationship of the Auxiliary to the Synagogue," Mrs. Barney Baron, president; Bible reading by Mrs. Reuben Miller, and special music by the choir and Canton Pliskin. The officers and board members of .the Auxiliary will serve as ushers.
"Workmen's Circle, Branch 664. The concert will-be presented by AI Harris and his company, which includes Maxim Brbdyn, noted tenor. Critics throughout the country, in their reviews of the company's concerts have rated them with the best in their field. The program •will include Yiddish and Hebrew songs., and recitations.
FRADENBX7KG, STAUIASTEB * BEBKB OSCAB T. DOERR, PHILIP M. KXCTZKICK, Attorneys." NOTICE OF INPEBTEDSTESS Kotlce is hereby'glveri that all existing debts of the OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. on "the 31st "day of December, 1932, amounted to the sum qt fifty-seven thousand two hundred dollars ($57,200.00). IRVIN STAI4MASTKR, President. C. M. Betts, Lester A. Lapldus, Sam Beber, Irrln Stalmaster, and Henry Monsky, being a majority of the Board of Directors.
HULSE & RIEPEN "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Funerals To Fit Any Purse Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third
NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Harney Hotel Company on the 31st day of December, 1932, amounted to the sum of eleven thousand four hundred and eleven dollars and ninety-two cents Miss Frances Schwidelson* daugh- (?U41182) IZZT FIEDLER. President. ter of Mrs. L. Schwidelson, AUiam- Bertha Fiedler, Izzy Fiedler, being a majority of the Board of Directors.
Society News
Children of Mount Sinai Temple Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion will entertain at a and Shaare Zion Congregations will bra apartments, : will become the Purim celebration Monday evening at hold Purim celebrations this week, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS bride of David Greenberg, son of 8:30 in the Synagogue social hall, with programs appropriate for the Notice Is hereby given that nil existingMr. and Mrs. H> Greenberg of Oma- debts of the Lord Ulster Hospital Company holiday. with a program and social hour. on the 31st day of December. 1932, amountha, Sunday afternoon, in the Shaare ed Mrs. Barney Baron will welcome At Mount Sinai Temple, the second to the sum of Two hundred twenty-two Zion Synagogue, at 2 o'clock. thousand four hundred and four dollars the guests. Mrs. Eueben Miller will part of the Religious School Session, and two cents (J222.40I.02). offer several violin solos, accompan- Sunday morning, will be devoted to Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and CanDR. K. C. HENRY, President. ied by Miss Seretta Krigsten at the a Purim program by the children of tor A. Pliskin -will officiate. The Dr. E. C. Henry, Margaret A. Henry. Jos. B. JFradenburff. being a majority- of the piano. the school. Recitations, musical Shaare Zion choir will sing. Miss Board of Directors. "The Shaare Zion Family Album" numbers, singing and the telling of Jane Reed, harpist, and Mr. Sam NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS will be presented with the following the story of Purim will occupy the Sherr, violinist will offer a musical Notice i s hereby given that all existing debts of the Haney Electric Company on cast: A "lad comes of age, Bennie hour. The topic of conversation which prelude. the 31st day December. 1932, amounted Levin; a page, by Sylvia Friedman; At Shaare Zion Synagogue the has occupied the limelight during the Miss Rose Schwidelson.will attend to the sum of of Six Hundred Dollars bride and broom, Harry Kanofsky children will celebrate Purim, Monday past week, has to do with the bank- her sister and Mr. Henry Graybois ($000.00). ^ FRANK HANKY, President. and Tillie Shindler; two of our prom- afternoon a t 5 .o'clock. Children of ing and monetary problems which will act as best man. The bride will ^Frank Haney, Lottie Haney. Lucy Skarinents, Dena Baron and Bill Lans- the Religious Sdiool*. Junior Congre- confront the world. If our new be gowned in gray, with accessories ka, being a majority of the Board of Directors. berg; queen, Mrs. Ben Schindler; gation and Talmud Torah will par- President would just take the time to match. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS bathing beauty of 1900, Seretta Krig- ticipate. ' Songs, recitations and se» and trouble to stand around the Mar- Following the ceremony, a wedding Notice is hereby given that all existing sten; president of the Auxiliary in lections by a chorus trained by Goldr tin Hotel lobby, he would hear more dinner will be served to the imme- debts of the Nebraska • Chambers Optical 1900, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin; president ie and Ben Cohen will be included in world questions discussed and solved diate families of the bride and Company on the 31st day of December, 1932, amounted the sum of Twenty-Frve of the auxiliary in 1950, Miss. Goldie the .program. Sylvia Friedman will in one afternoon than the Senate and groom. Out of town guests will in- Hundred Forty to Dollars and Ninety-one Cohen; orator, Albert Herzoff: Ha- tell the story of Purim. Congress have cleared up in the last clude Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Alberts, cents (?2.5«>.91). J. L. CHAMBERS, President. mon, Jack Reznick; Hitler, Marvin seventy-two sessions. We watched Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mr. and J. L. Chambers, Goldie Chambers, being Cohen. 'Maggie" hold a whole flock of fel- Mrs. H. Greenberg, Miss Ruth Gresn- a majority of the Board of Directors. Dancing and refreshments will low lobbyists spellbound while he def- berg, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Plotkin, Mr. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Kotlce is hereby given 'that all existing conclude the meeting. Mrs. Max initely settled to everyone's complete and Mrs. Harry Sherman of Omaha, debts of Insurance Investments, Inc., on Herzoff, Mrs. M. A. Herzoff, Mrs. satisfaction, the bank moratorium, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Kogan of the 31st day of .December, 1932. amonnted to the sum of One Hundred Twenty-three Ben Shindler, Mrs. Sam Baron and the war debt, the unemployment sit- Minneapolis. Thousand, Ninety-three Dollars and Mrs. J. Kaufman will be in charge Word has been received here by uation, the 18th amendment and the Following a two week trip, Mr. Eighty-two cents ($123,093.82). H. P. FARBKB. President. of the refreshments. _ Dr., and Mrs. S. Kline of the death free silver question. After much Greenberg and his bride will make H. P. Farber, M. L. McTaggart, being The card party sponsored by the of Mrs. Kline's fathej, Henry Hor- deep, thought and intense study of their home in Omaha. a majority of the Board of Directors. Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, witz, at Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Hur- the subject we have come to the conNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaplan, 1109 last week netted the sum of $85, ac- witz, 78 years old, formerly operated clusion that what this country realNotice is hereby eriven that all existing cording to the report of the chair- the 3 and 9 cent store in Sioux City ly needs, is more half dollars, al- West Second street announce the en- debts of Tetersen Bros. Florists, on the day of December, 1932, amounted to men, Mrs. Abe Silverberg and Mrs. and resided here for 20 years. He though Mr. Lipman's schedule has gagement of their daughter, Dora, 31st nothing. to Joe Kaiman of Bellisca, Iowa, son JOHN PETERSEX, President John Lansberg. was active in Jewish communal life produced a number of staunch adJohn Peter sen, August Petersen, being a The committees assisting Mrs. Sil- during his residence here. Funeral vocates of the eight-cent nickel. The of Mr. and Mrs". B., Kaimon, of Red majority of the Board of Directors. verberg and Mis. Lansberg were services were held Monday in Los general idea being that you can put Oak, Iowa. The engagement was NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS announced at a dinner given by Mr. Mesdatnes Joe Krigsten, P. Sherman, Angeles. three cents in the pushky and still Notice is hereby given that all existing and Mrs. Kaplan, Sunday evening, debts-of the American Upholstering Co. on Eobert Sacks, Dora Baron, Eli Seff, Besides Mrs. Kline, he is survived have five cents left for a cup of Thirty-five guests were present, in- the 31st day of December, 1932, amounted Cecil Seff, Joe Kutcher, M. Dask- by four other daughters, Mrs. Sarah coffee. We feel confident that if to the sum of Two Hundred Fifty-five Dolovsky,.Max Lasensby, Ben Shindler, Goldberg, Mrs. Rose Hammond, Mrs. Mr. Morgenthau is a litvak, the plan cluding the following out of town lars and Forty cents ($2r».4O). J. P. BATT. President. guests: Mr. and Mrs. Herman KasBen Baron, Ruben Miller, A. B. Rebeka Hurwitz and Mrs. Mary will sooner or later reach our much J. P. Batt, Leo Fox, being a majority ot ban of Yankton, S. D.; Mr. Phil Kaithe Board of Directors. Friedman, Mike Mushkin, A. Finken- Zola, and a son, Sam. worried president. man, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaiman, stein, I. Menln, B. H. Epstein, M. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS And now by way of stealing a Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levy, and Len Notice is hereby Riven that nil existing: Lazriowich and Leon Shulkin. little of "Kosher Kaiman's" thunder, Levy of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. debts of O K Hardware Co. on the 31st day of December, 1932, amounted to the sum we print for our Omaha readers only ol Ten Thousand Six Hundred Nineteen -Tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock, (and we've got two for sure) the Ben Chasen of Syracuse, Nebr. Dollars and Fortv cents (S10.619.4O). Purim services will be held at Shaare JOHN KRESL, President. Miss Ida Fish, 1906 Center street, 'Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Zion, when the Megillahl will be read. staggering news or shall we say ru- entertained ten couples at a weiner John Kresl. J. B. Fradenbnrg. Francis mor that that shyest of shy, that P. Matthews, being a majority of the Board speak this evening oijt the subject Children of the synagogue will hold most modest of modest, that most roast in the Kiwanis cabin last Sat- ot Directors. "Anti-Semitism, Ancient and Mod- a demonstration , against Hainan. self effacing of young Omaha elig- urday evening, honoring her cousin, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ern." The sermon will deal with" a Sunday morning Services will begin Miss Gertrude Fish of L03 Angeles, Notice Is hereby given that all cxistlnit ibles, Bud W. has been secretly marPurim message. of the Bohman-Walt Company. 201 at 8:30. and Miss Ethel Bergen of Plainfield, debts Patterson Bldp., Omnhn. Nebr., on the 31st Report cards will be given out at The synagogue choir will broadcast ried for the past two months. The New Jersey. day of December, 1932, amounted- to the the Temple Sunday school th|s Sun- over KSCJ at 1:15 o'clock. Cantor only thing that we never could figsnm of Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred The guests adjourned to the Cot- Fifteen ure out-was whether he owns the Dollars and Thirteen cents ($13,day. The pupils who receive their Pliskin will singf several solos, and 815J3). tonwood Club for dancing and later stock yards or just helps Tun it. . cards, three times a year are graded Kabbi Eabinowitz will speak. The GEO. G. BOHMAN, President. Geo. G. Bonman, Fred W. Walt, Ernest That "jerntf' that we spoke of last. to the Seville for Areakfast. according to their work and regular- •choir will be directed by Mr. Hal P.Walt, being a majority of the Board of weeVopened in a blaze of: glory and Mrs. B. Mandelstam and son Bob, Directors. Buntley. ity of attendance. was even nicer than we anticipated, departed last week for Baltimore, The -regular monthly meeting of NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS but we just couldn't get overjoyed M<L, where they plan to make an Notice the Sisterhood was held Friday noon, is hereby given that an existing debts of Kendis Furniture Co.. Inc., on the at the news that Jack C. made nine- extended visit. ; in the Temple Annex, following a 1 31st day of December. 1032, amonnted to o'clock luncheon.' Mrs. M. Marx, 1610. Jackson street, the sum of One Hundred Sixty-Five DolA large number of people attended teen straight passes, even though Sixty-two cents ($165.62). A feature of the morning will be the Hadassah Bazaar, "Wednesday in our friend Moe L. "was on" him all left Sunday for Omaha, to spend the lars and KSTHRR BRAVIROFF, President. the bringing of fruit gifts "to make the Jewish Community'Center. Fea- the way through. We might also week with friends and relatives. Ii. G. Kendls. Harry Braviroff. being a up several baskets which will be clis- tures of the affair were the.serving make mention of that party of "SoMiss Libbie Rubinstein departed majority of the Board of Directors. tributed <as "Shaloch Momoth" among of luncheon .and .dinner by the Ha- ciety Bums" ("sez" Morton Smith) last week for New York City, where NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby iriven that all existing the,needy. . . . . . , . •-.. ',. dassah, booths of all descriptions and who went out there loaded for bear, she plans to make an extended stay debts of Crosby Mortnsry, Inc., on the 31st and finally had to sign their check with relatives and friends. day of December. Ift32. amounted to the raffles. •'' : . r Dollars ($1,000.00). Mr. and Mrs. Mike Skalovsky re- sum of One Thousand Proceeds-will be turned over to the to get out. C. CROSBY. President, Among the new subscribers who turned home, after a ten-day stay Willis WILLIS C. Crosby, F. C. Meyer. Helen M. Palestinian fund administered by the Oment. being a majority of the Board of will enjoy ? ? ? ? Hokka Chynik in Excelsior Springs. Central Hadassah office. Directors. for the first time this week are Mrs. Philip. Rubin has returned 3TOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Larry Sampson, Ruth Orlikoff, Joe home after a visit of several months Notice Is herebr given' that all existing and Mary Seigelr Mrs. M. Leaf (and with her daughters in Oakland, Cal. debts of Ideal Bottling Co. on the 31st day of December, 1032, amounted to the snm of her charming daughter, Inez), Bess LAST TIMES TODAY Mrs. Eli Seff is visiting with her Two Thousand Dollars {$2000.00). Kantroyich, and Ben Sekt. After all sister, Mrs. A. Edelstein, in Rapid SAM PLATT, President, "ALL AMERICAN^ • William Kaiman, "Rebecca Platt and Sam there is a limit to how long .you can City, S. D. , with , '.::_•:• Platt. being'a majority of the Board of In recognition of : the important keep on borrowing your nieriibors The Phi Deb Sorority, entertained Directors. Richard Arlen and Jack Oakie part in Jewish, history played by copy, but anyway.we hope you'll like at a Depression party, Sunday afNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS plus • "••.-• it ternoon in the Community Center. A Notice 1R hereby given that all rusting of Victor Investment Co..on the 31st "STRANGE JUSTICE" When we hear people talking about program -was given by ,Miss Clara debts day of December, 1032, amounted to the ; .. . . . . • . . . w i t h .._ . '.'-•''•'•' scarcity of cash we are reminded of Dvdrkin, and Miss Bella Cohen. *' sum of Seven -Thousand Dollars (|7,000,flQ-), EOSE MII7DBR, President the farmer who accompanied by his " Reginald Denny and Marian Miss Omye Maron. was in charge Hymie Milder-. Wm Milder, being1 a maBUY A BUSINESS small daughter walked into the bank of the arrangements and was assist- jority «f the Bonrd of Directors. Marsh OR NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS to pay for his farm. The amount ed by Miss Bess Zeligson and Miss Notice STARTING SATURDAY i s hereby jrlven that all existing was forty-three thousand dollars and Kate Raskin. Prizes were won by debts of Dave's Clothes Shop, Inc., on the SELL YOUR BUSINESS /'SILVER DOLLAR" day of December, 1932. amonnted to he carried it into the bank in a. big Sophie Fish, Ruth White and Bess 31st the sum «f Two Thousand Seven Hundred SEE with milk can. When the banker counted Kaplan. Rowntv-Two Dollars and Eighty-nine cents ": Edw. G. Robinson ' it and informed him that. it conr Mrs." S. H. Shulkin, Mrs. Dave $2772;SJO . D. OROTTNSE, President. : also added short subjects tained thirtyVnine thousand, his small Ginsberg, Mrs. J. Kauffman, Mrs. M. Sophie Crotinse. T). Cronnse, being a ma"Silver Dollar" with Edw. G. Robdaughter with a bewildered air look- Levich, Mrs. Barney Baron, Mrs. jority of the Board of Directors. CECIL R. SEFF, Mgr. inson, takes its place as one of the ed up at him and said, "Paw, we Rose Rabinowitz, Mrs. Robert Sacks, NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS 216 Davidson BIdg. Ph. 85471 Notice is hereby civen that all exlsttne outstanding films of the decade. It must have fetched the wrong milk Mrs. A. Silverberg, and Mrs. Korey debts of Carl A. Anderson, I n c . on the 31st INSURANCE REAL ESTATE is one of the few pictures that has can? I still think though, that the Lipshutz motored to Omaha Wednes- day of December. 1932. amounted to the RENTALS sum of Twwitr Thousand Eight Hnmlred really merited its award of four funniest gag of the week,- is the day to attend the conference of .Lad- Thlr»r-op« Dollars and Thirty-eight cents : stars. The story is a true history one about Roosevelt starting the new ies Auxiliary of Conservative syna- (S20,S31.SS>. • • • • • . • • CARL A. ANDKRSON, President of the city of Denver and shows its deal, but everybody seems to" be out gogue of Lincoln, Omaha, Sioux City • Carl A. Anderson. A: E . ' "WiotstTom. development, from its first boom, of chips.; '-..But when we have to.'start andI Des Moines. • OntUorlne McDonald, being a majority of the Board of Directors. up to the present time. It is withusing somebody else's wise cracks it out doubt the most outstanding peris time to quit till next week. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that-nil existing JIERJIAN GINSBtTRO AND JACK W. formance of Mr. Robinson's career, : debts of Milder Oil Co., Inc.. on the Slst - MAKER, Attorney*. and an excellent supporting cast day of December. 1fl32. amonnted to the Co art House, Omaha, Neb. Rum of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred which includes Behe Daniels and Twentv Dollars and Ninety-Two cents ... NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SATE. many others, makes it one picture • The Maccabee basketball team met In the District Court of Douglas County, ($13 VO 9**) • • - • - ' JTTMIE MILDF/R. President. Featuring which you should not miss. their first defeat of the season last Nebraska. Hymie Milder, Elln Milder anfl Bnn Tuesday when they ran into a first By Tirtue of an order of Bale Is- Brnfinstein. being a majority of the Board sued out of the District Court of of class team and were defeated 25 to Douglas County, Nebrnska, and in pur- Directors. LAST TIMES TODAY NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS 16. They regained their standing, suance of • a decree of said Court in on and His Orchestra Marie Dressier and Polly Moran Notice Is lierphy civen that nil l g action therein indexed at Appearance Dockhowever, later by defeating the in Dancing 6:30 p. m. to 1:30 a; m. et Number 280, at Page Number 23, Exe- flpbts of General States Insurance Cornoraleague leaders of Sioux Falls with a cution Docket Number 29, nt Pace Kuro- tion OninKi. Nebr.. on the Stst day Of PeSat. 6:30 p. m, to 2 a. m. "PROSPERITY" ber 4S5, wherein Federal Trust Company, ppmber. 1!T.2. amounted to the sum of Ten score of 24 to 22. a corporation, as Trustee, is Plaintiff, and Thousand Ppvpn Hundred Sercntv-Kleht Four Days Starting Saturday Musical numbers were featured at Herhort B. VTaldron et al., are defend- Dollars and ThirtT-eieht rents (S10.77R.38). C. O. "TAT/MAGK PreEidPTit. ants, I •will at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. on TuesTwo Big Hits the Maccabee meeting last week. day, IT. Eever>(JPf>. .Tos. "Prn flenburjr. Clyde the 4th day of April, ior,3, at the B MY Tryon. J. F. Bflker, J. B. TSrnin. being i T H E Francis Free played several popular east front door of the Douglas Counfy First Run in City numbers on his accordion. Several Court House in the City of Omahn. Doug- a majority of the r.o.iril of Directors. County, Nebraska, sell at public auc"AIR HOSTESS" numbers were also offered by Sam las K l l t l P M. KI.CTZN1CK, Attorney tion to the highest bidder for cash, the CoO Omaha National Bank Bld following described property, to-wit: with Janowitz and Bill Lansberg. Harry Omahn, Nebraska. The South Half (S'A) of the Northwest Evalyn Knapp Thelma Todd Liberman was appointed business Quarter (XWy.) and the West Half (TVH) ( NOTICE TO XOX-ItESIDEST Dance to of the Southwest Quarter (SWU) (except Enjoy manager of the plays which will be James Murray DEFENDANT. right-of-way about four (4) Good Music Good Food d given in the near future by the club. railroad plus , To Arlow Yost, non-resident defendant; acres) of Section Five (5): and the South E Bill -Lansberg was appointed chair- Half Notice is hereby given that pursuant to (S%) of the Southeast Quarter (SEU) "VIRGINS OF BALI" order of attachment, issued out of the A GOOD TIME FOR ALL I man of the refreshment committee of Section Sis (6); and the Northeast frac- an "Air Hostess," which starts at the tional quarter of Section Seven (7), (being Municipal Court in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, in a case pendfor the next Maccabee—Debrah joint Government Tota One (1) and Two (2); Rialto theater, Saturday, March 11, Specializing and the North Half (N%) of the North- ing in the said Court wherein the Nebrasparty: A critic's report was given west is a high powered action drama: ka-Iowa TrueU Terminal, Inc., is plaintiff, Quarter ( N W « ) and the Southeast by Max Maron. Quarter (SEi,4) of the Northwest Quarter and Arlow Xost 5s defendant, to recover abounding in high altitude thrills. in (NWVi) and Government Lots One (1),the sum of $109.50 and writ of attachIt is the first film to dramatize the Italian Style Spagetti and § Watch for the date of "Great Cae- Two (2) and Three (3), of Section Eight ment vrns issued and levied upon the foldescribed property: sar" and "Dem Schadchen's Daugh- (S); all in Township Fourteen (11) North, lowing exciting careers of the modern Raviola Certain monies in the possession of the Range Ten (10), Enst of the Sixth (6th) ter." misses who fly the clouds day and Employers' Fire Insurance Company, and Principal Meridian in Douglas County. NeSteak and Chicken Dinners braska, to satisfy the liens ana incum- one International Truck, 1929 model,- lonight, as stewardesses of the great brances therein set forth; to satisfy the cated at Frank's Garage. trans-continental airlines. And that the said case was, on the resum of $31.35 costs and the increased and Bridge Qub Upstairs accruing costs, all as provided by said or- turn date of the summons issued therein, "Virgins of Bali" presents an incontinued for trial to the 24th. flay Of der and decree. ; A concert of nationall-known ar- Dated nt Omaha; Nebraska, this 17th day teresting story of. love. which takes OPEN ALL NIGHT tista will be given a t the Community ot February, 1933. place on this langorous island where Center next Wednesday evening, 5600 MILITARY ROAD the honeymoon precedes the wedding c . B. MCDONALD, PTIILIP M, L T , •**• Attorney. March 15, under the auspices of the Sheriff. 2-21-33-3t and brides must be kidnapped to be 3-3-33-5*4 Dongla* Count/, Kebrtsk*. Won: '[
Center Traction
Hokka Chynik
Greater Grip ' tow Goodyear put* TC&CTION Iff the center— M* hn»ky blacks of robber— fcKO-edged — deep-«Iottcd —to dlft In, ftrlp ttnd bold. Mar* Stop! The All-Weather Tread !»•!>»£ reason why •pinion, more peoplerideoa Goodyear Tires. Come to-" wall demonstrate}
GOOD ALL-WEATHER -World's FIRST-choice Tire for 17 Years
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Shaare Zion Women to Conduct Services
Each Each inPn. Tub* • .91 I.OS 4.39 X.OO
4.47 5.XZ $.13 5.40 5.49 5.65 •.XX •.•7
I.OS X.O8 X.00 1*15 X.3X 133 X.X7 1.33
Cuh Prices—Fre* Mounttn*
Soo Business Exch.
Maccabee News
Lee Herzoff
Workmen*s Circle
Gor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 642H ^ Omaha, Nebr, :V. I
HOBERIMAN BROS., Proprietor*!