With the local 5 ^ \ Philanthropies caxnpaigr '£• "^ oaching, Omaha Jewry ar\ ?; "^ inbtedly deeply interested ~% -£ slowing something concernin 3 "fj nstitutions which are the -A, tiaries of the annual drive. — taking advantage of this opportunity accorded me by the Jewish Press to have an intimate weekly talk with you about the beneficiary institutions and important issues of the Jewish Philanthropies.
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism JSntena as 8econo-u»*s» Mail Matter on January 27, umi at Postoffice at Omaha. Nebraska, cnder the Act of March S. 1878
No Preferential Status to Palestinian Imports Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—Owing to serious juridicial difficulties the British government regreis that it finds it impossible to grant preference status, similar to that of the Diminions, to Palestine imports, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Iister, the Minister of State for the Colonies, declared in the House of Commons. The definite refusal to grant preference status to Palestine products constitutes a particular blow to the Palestine orange industry. The Zionists and Palestine Chambers of Commerce have been endeavoring to secure exemption ever since tariffs were first imposed by Britain.
Vol. IX—No. 7
of JEWISH POPULATION Jewish Vets* Union CONTRADICTIONSIN 150 SABBATARIAN Broadcasting "Jewish Hour" Formed in Poland 27.7%OFTOALIN NAZI UTTERANCES CHRISTIANS SEEK to fie Resumed NEWYORKOTY •'• CONFUSE JEWRTf PALESTINE VISAS They Intend to Adopt Judaism in Palestine, Leader Says
Broadcasting of the "Jewish Hour," which was started recently over station XGIL, will be resumed over station 1CFAB, beginning the first week in April. A specially selected hour has been obtained. The program will be heard over KFAB Thursday evenings, starting at 6:SGjp. m. At first, the programs will life of fifteen minutes duration, and later they will be extended to half jpiiour. The "Jewish Hour" is under the auspices of the) Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Henry ffonsky will be in
Jewish Birth Rate and Death Rate Lower, SurveyReveals
Warsaw, (J.T.A;)—Jewish Veterans' Unions nave been established in a number ,of provincial cities throughout Poland. This is part of a definite organization which is being initiated in connection with the Polish tour of Vladimir Jabotinsky, President of the Revisionist Organization. The Unions which bear the name of Jabotinsky, have, as their program, the promotion of the Jewish State in Palestine. Mr. Jabotinsky's Polish tour is part of an extensive propaganda campaign which opened at the end of February, and is to include Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the Balkans.
Meanwhile Attacks Upon German Jewry Continue to Be Made at Nazis
Berlin, (J.T-A) — A bewildering New York, (J.T.A.)—The number Warsaw, (J.T..A0 -One hundred contradiction in Nazi utterances has of Jews in New York City is more and fifty Christian peasants from a caused an already confused atmosOur Talmud relates: than two million, according to a survillage near Luzk, approached the phere in Germany to become even Iron breaks stone; fire melts iron; vey made by Dr. Julius B. Mailer of Palestine office in Warsaw with the more confused, from the standpoint water extinguishes fire; the clouds Columbia University, under the ausrequest for certificates to enable of the Jewish anxiety about future consume water; the storm dispels pices of the Union of American Hebthem to proceed to Transjordan to action from Hitler's organization. clouds; man withstands the storm; rew Congregations. Dr. Mailer desettle there. The Sabbatarians deChancellor Hitler in an official fear conquers man; wine banishes termined the Jewish population by clare that the crisis in their village communique, an evident attempt to fear; sleep overcomes "wine, and death is so acute, and the starvation and charge of the njuskal program, and using data concerning the Jewish prevent chaotic Nazi activities from is the master of sleep; but "Charneed so prevalent that they hav^ m- Abner Kaitnan, ill be in charge of school child population, -which were creating the impression abroad that then checked against first-hand inity," says Solomon, "saves from I animoi: emigrate to Pal- general arrange! tents. the Hitlei government was unable to formation. death.". ' estine and to help Jewish colonizamaintain orde-', calls for subservA chorus of male and female The results of the research show tion in Transjordan, as they ha.-e WORKERS ON THE GO ience to the government. "Only i n -organized for the voices is that in 1932 the number of Jews in heard about the intention of the JewThings are already beginning to cases where opposition is offered to exclusive purpose of broadcasting. the five Boroughs of New York was The basket ball leagues at the J. ish company to purchase land there. hum in preparation for the big camthe directions issued from above, or The chorus lriHj be trained and di2,001,104, or 27.7 per cent of the toC. C. have come to .an official close, paign in May. The delegation pointed out that alwhen attacks arc made on individrected by Mxsf Vlonsky. tal population of the city. The proDavid Goldman, chairman of inr and the various championships awar- ready a colony of Sabbatarians who uals, or men marching in column, is Anyone dear ng to join this portion of Jewish pupils in the eleded. converted to Judaism exists in lower itial gifts, and Max Barish, head of opposition to be immediately smashchorus is «ske . to leave his or mentary schools of the city is S3.1 the general solicitation, are .showing . Following are the winning quin- Galilee. Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—A mobiliza- ed," he stated. He appealed for orher name, addn ss and phone numtets, their backers, coaches and per cent, in the junior and senior "We are not afraid, they said, of real zest in lining up their co-workers. tion of all Jewish school children derliness and a stop to outbreaks tLj Bedouins or c the difficult con- ber at the Cfnter desk. High high schools 43.3 per cent and in all over 16 throughout Palestine was against stores and individuals. J. J. Greeriberg, chairman of the managers: J. C. C. League —Deep Rock Oil; ditions which will confront us drying school boys and? girls are welcome. public schools combined 35. per cent. quota committee, and the members called with the object of using them In striking contrast is the inciteThe following interesting compar- to relieve the acute shortage of Jewof his committee—Dr. Philip Sher, Morris Milder, backer; Jay Stoller, the first few years until we acc'"mathe Center School The faculty o ment broadcast by Minister Goering coach; George Klein manager. isons are revealed; tize ourselves to the new land, beDavid Goldman, Max Barish, Harry Music will d-operate with Mrs. ish labor throughout the country. at Essen, in vhich he ridiculed the Junior League — Pants Store; cause we have been peasants for of Forty-six per cent of the Jews are Sflverman and Abner Kaiman—are Monsky in arranging the musical The Jewish National Council (Vaa£ Jewish complaints, stating: "I refuse spending many an hour poring over Dave Cohn, backer; Art Grossman, c v genexati The delegation part of the programs The programs foreign born, while in the total pop- Lenmi) has requested the principals to turn the police into a guard for coach; Morrie Epstein, manager. the myriad of cards. will be devoted exclusively to Jewish ulation of New York 33 per cent are of all schools to relieve their pupils Jewish stores." Midget League—Talmud Torah; further expressed the desire of the themes and will "include Jewish folk foreign born. Sabbatarians to follow the example Routine work is heavy in a camuntil Passover. "There is tremendous excitement In the Jewish areas the birth rate of their Palestine co-religionists and songs and synagogual music, vocal paign of this sort . . . men and Hy Goodbinder, coach. All pupils of the higher classes as because of the temporary closing of J The high scorers in the J. C C. and instrumental solos, and short per 1,000 was 16.5 while in the total openly convert to "*- -"sm. The Palwomen work unceasingly and devotwell as the school teachers are to be Jewish stores. I am asked to interleague: Millard Sigal, 103 points; No, Manny Goldberg, 76; Dave Green- estine office, however, had to inform talks of interest:pertaining to Jew- population the birth rate was 17.5. drafted for work in the colonies. It fere. After all, nothing has hapedly . . . with no-reward? The rate of infant mortality per is expected that the seminaries with the best reward of all—the berg, 73; Iz Novak, 64; Art Gross-- them that they are not in a position ish communal "work. The "Jewish Hour" committee con1,000 live births was 42 in the Jew- throughout the country, including pened except that we Germans proto assist them. warming feeling of knowing that man, 62; Art Adler, 60; Max Friedsists of J. W. Marer and J. S. Pearlish areas and 57 in the total p-pu- many of the Talmudic colleges in claim: 'Germans, do not buy from The Sabbatarian Sect, which was they have helped a--worthy cause. man, 55; Sam Giller, 54. Jews, buy from Germans'!" stein, in addition to Mrs. Monsky lation. Jerusalem will suspend their teachThe high scorers in the Junior established in Russia towards the end and Mr. Kaiman. OUR CONSOLIDATION Goering's broadcast followed right The death rate per 1,000 in the ing in order to enable their students after he had told representative- of Do you remember a few yeare League: Willard Smith, 109; Meyer cJ if -> ISih century, believes in the Jewish areas ./as 8.5, while in the Old Testament, in one God, and hot to undertake all kinds of labor in the back, when the Center, the Federa- Kohlberg, 107; Herbert Marks, 104; the Central Union of the German total population the death rate was country. tion, and the Philanthropies were Charles Gendler, 85; Wm. dayman, in the Trinity, practices circumcision, Citizens of the Jewish faith that "the 10.4. 73; Ben Elkin, 56; Harold Garber, and observes the Sabbath instead of In order to relieve the immediate safety of the life and property of the separate organizations? The death rate in the Jewish areas Sunday as the day of rest, and thereMilt Altshuler, 39. emergency, 100 students from the The greater efficiency and econwas lower than in the total white Talmudic colleges have already left Jewish citizens is legally Tuaranteea fore, its members carry the name of omy and concentration of efforts Tel Aviv <J.T.A.)—According to population of New York for practi- to take up work where the shortage to all who are loyal to the governSabbatarians. brought about "• by the consolidation ment" a decision of the court here, mar- cally all causes of death. The rnly of labor is most acute. This sect suffered considerably unof these three into one organization Meanwhile, agitation contin-.es. riage brokers, or (shadchonim), are minor exception is diabetes for which der -the Tsarist regime, and Jews The extreme shortage of Jewish Loud speakers are placed by large was the result of a detailed, comprenot entitled to any commission in the rate in the Jewish areas is slightwere forbidden to have any cont-ct labor in Palestine was anticipated as Jewish stcros and the Nazis scream hensive survey of the Bureau of •with th=n. Whole villages were, un- Palestine. This ruling was given in ly higher than in the total city, the the recent National Conference of Jewish Social Research. . a case brought before the court by rates being Tl and 26 .respectively, the Palestine Federation of Jewish out urgings not to patronize Jewish der the reign of 17*-'.olast I, ejcr>""*<l In January, 1930, this organizaNew York—Prof. Albert Einstein to Siberia, some after inhuman tor- a marriage broker against a young per 20,000 of the population. stores. tion—which, if you, recall, had sent was honor guest at a dinner given in couple. -;. \.-.: " ""Tne 'tfiffexfence HI "death\xate be- Labor. One of the resolutions adopr Attacks ~upon Jewish stores and ture. Massacres; were orc^r 3 ted at the conference called for the Jewish individuals j u e unabated, wita experts here t° study /the Jewish New York Wednesday-evening imder The-court raled^-that since-tijere 3s iweea^the Jewish areas nndLthe city opening of the" country to large im- the result that in many cities the situation, -rendered a elear, <onstrnc- the auspices of^fiie American Friends against them,,sometimes .led V-* no such thing us a special' license migration, and pointed out that on- Jewish stores were forced to close Greek Orthodox i * There are no for practicing marriage brokerage in {white population) is / particularly < tive report with, the main "feature of the Hebrew University. marked in tuberculosis ( " and 62), the consolidatibn. • r The program was broadcast coast exact figures as to the number, of Palestine, th« case should be dis- pneumonia (69 and 110), diarrhea (7 less this were done, colonists might down. Another favorite trick of the be compelled to employ a great pro- nazis is to throw stench bombs into This bureau is one of the bene- to coast over a national radio net- the Sabbatarians in Russian and at missed. and 13), syphilitic diseases, less than portion of non-Jewish labor. one time Hieir number was estimated work. ficiaries of the Philanthropies. If Jewish stores. This is but a part of 50 per cent of the rate for the total In addition to Dr. Einstein, the to have reached two and a half milyou want to know anything about a carefully organized boycott system. population. any Jewish organization, "whether ft speakers included Dr. Harlow Shape- lion souls. In dress and mode of Of six Americans reported misThe rate cf juvenite delinquency be in America, 3ti Palestine, in Ger- ley of the Harvard University Astro- life, apart from their religious life, treated by the Nazis, five were Jews. was 3.1 in the Jewish areas comdo not in any way many, or -any other part of the nomical Laboratory, and Mr. Felix the Sabbatarians The American ambassador in Berlin 1 pared with 6.5 for the city. world, the information you seek will M. Warburg, -chairman of the Coun- differ from th ? Greek Orthodox Rusmade representations to the German The Jews are a "younger" group cil of the Hebrew University. be supplied by this" bureau Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—"We want No sians foreign office regarding the attacks This was Einstein's last public Delegation," is tl:e heading over an compared with the total population. The inter-club debate tournament on Americans. The Nazis claimed WORKOFHIAS Thus, among ' w s 40.1 per cent are appearance before he sails for Eurarticle by Deputy Dr. Rothenstreich. sponsored annually by the Senior the attackers were communists, but Immigration into this country is one of the members of the Club of below the age of 21, while in the Council of Clubs of the Jewish this reply is generally discredited. ope. ' on „ the decrease, but the work of total population 34.9 are below 21. Jewish Deputies in the Polish ParCommunity Center will start this At a dinner fulfiBment of a pledge Hias—another " beneficiary of the Among the Jews 59.9 per cent are 21 year London Report liament, which ar. _ars in the Yidon Tuesday, March 21. for the completion of the Einstein Philanthropies—marches onr or older, and in the total population London.—The "Daily Herald'' of dish dally "Najer Hajnt," objecting The question to be debated is: If you could only talk to some of Institute of Physics at the Hebrew London publishes gruesome details Mrs. Morris Pill, 35, formerly of to the resolution adopted in London 65JL per cent are 21 or older. "Eesolved, that a Secular Hebrew University, Jerusalem, was made, by the unfortunate people who have Omaha, passed away Sunday at University Be Established in Amer- of the alleged torture of Jews arbeen helped by Hias or if I had the Mrs. Dora Shapiro. Mrs. Shapiro Sioux City. Burial was held in by the Jewish Board of Deputies, rested on the pretense of Communthat the Joint Foreign Committee presented a check to Prof. Einstein. room to tell yon about some of their ica." Omaha in Golden Hill cemetery Mon- should take into consideration the deism. In the first debate, March 21, at The dedication of the building will work, you would think of Hias as day afternoon. The "Herald" says that the arrestsirability of appointing in conjunc8 pjn. at the Center, Xi Lambaa probably take place in connection one of the great efforts for world She is survived by her husband; tion with representative Jewish ored persons were not taken to prison, fraternity team composed of Ralph with -the eighth anniversary of the " Jewry by the Jews of America. a daughter, Alice, and a son, Kobert, Nogg and William Wolfe will defend but kept by Nazis in three special Hias has for years been the means Hebrew University, which was open- both of Sioux City; her mother, MTE. ganizations a small commission of The Vaad H'Oehr Auxiliary's "All- the affirmative, and the A. Z. A. 100 houses in differc *• parts of Berlin, observers to proceed to Poland to ased on April 1, 1925, by the late Earl of directing Jewish immigration into of Balfotuv Joseph Freiden, of Omaha, four certain and i port on the position of day Frolic" will be held at the Jew- team of Daniel Lintzman and .Ed- where they were inhumanly tortured, its proper channels and in looking sisters, Miss Marian Freiden and the Jews of the country. ; ish Community Center Sunday, ward Rosenbaum will uphold the mercilessly beaten, and when turned ahead for opportunities for Jewish Mrs. Sam Cohen of Omaha, Mrs. March 19. A tea dance will be held negative. over to the police -were in a condiDeputy Eothenstreich begins by dex migrants and for their peaceful and Isadore Sherman of Blair, and Miss from 3 to 6 p. m. The evening On Thursday evening, March 23, tion calling for immediate hospital scribing the impoverishment and dispermanent settlement. Hias is the Ida Freiden of Chicago; and a tress among the Jewish population dance will start at 8 p. m. Gene A. Z. A. 7 -team of Council Bluffs, treatment. brother, Jack Freiden of Omaha. contact officer between the Jews -composed of Jack Gordon and Morton "Natioa' Appraisal in Poland. That is the truth, he Cooper's orchestra will play. here and the Jews everywhere . • • Refreshments, sandwiches, homeAdler, will meet the affirmative duo proceeds, a deplorable, a bitter York.—In a recent articls New it has contacts in almost every capmade cakes and cookies, tea and soft of Ben Shrier and Ernest Preisman, captioned "Hitler Wins" "The NaMrs. L. Neveleff was re-elected truth, but the truth. ital of the world. ... drinks, will be served all day. "Cigrepresenting A. Z. A. 1. resident of the Bikur Cholim Soction" says in part: "But in the "We are surprised that the Jewish arette-girls," members of the Junior A new responsibility assumed by iety at the election of officers held The public is invited to attend Board of Deputies adopted such a Auxiliary, will aid in serving. Ad- these debates. There is no admission mon'Jis, and 'erhaps the years, to Hias has been the providing of food Monday. come the Jews will live as marked proposal. We know that English mission for the afternoon is fifty charge. and shelter for Jewish unemployed Other officers chosen are Mrs. J. persons, fearing the loss of thp; citpeople are very experienced people, and homeless, coming to New York Finkel, first vice-president; Mrs. S. Lou Weiner of the Jewish Com-' with a good knowledge of economic cents per couple, and one dollar per izenship and facing persecution, precouple in the evening. from every part of the country. Last Fish, second vice-president; Mrs. L. munity Center team was placed on judice, and pers^.ial violence. Leave -Vi* olitical affairs, and they ought Facilities have been provided in year no less than 488,311 "meals were Morgan, treasurer; Mrs. L. Mendel- the all-star team chosen from the Germany they car.not, unless permisto know that we are living in a time the various rooms at the Center for furnished and 45,637 nights lodgings son, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. competitors in the city basket ball of nationalicm and state capitalism, sion is given ' T them by the governcaid games for those desiring to Abramson, financial secretary; Mrs. tourney held at the Y. M. C. A. last provided. . . : ment—even Switzerland has just TRor as we call it, -Etatism,' and ' "play. { When you send money or packages M. G. Cohen, recording secretary; week. Bob Kooper's undefeated volley-itier gn~ .'.s to r capitalism must primarily bit the The affair is open for all Omaha ball team won the championship of crccsed "ts to relatives in Europe through the Mrs. I. Levin, mortgage fund secreThe Center tossers under Coach minorities who are not iocognized as those in terror of the Nazis from Jewry. •—• new service started by ouV Federa- tary; Mrs. N. Levlnson, chairman of M. H. Sogolow won their biggest fully equal citizens." the Health Club volleyball league, seeking that historic asylum which tion, your money or provisions are hospital committee; Mrs. J. Rosen- game of the entire year when they which came to a close Sunday. was so readil.' and happily grantert "If the British Jews are interested defeated Dana College, 45 to 23, in safely transmitted through the facil- blatt, chairman house committee. The most active players for tile to the revolutions of 1848." in helping us, they can do it without just one of the The new board includes the Mes- the first game of the tournament. winners were Bob Kooper, Phil Feldities of Hias many activities of this organization, dames S. Katz, M. Katzman, J. Gold- The collegians have won 14 out of a delegation." man, Joe Rice, Sam Ban, Dr. Sam Morgan, Dave Cohn and Ephraim friend of the Jewish immigrant ev- berg, H. Azorin, M. Zlotkin, T. Sher- 16 college games this year. man, J. J. Freiden, A. Binstein, G. The -J. C. C. quintet was elimAt the Tegular meeting of the Marks. erywhere. Feldman, William Milder. inated in the semi-finals, losing to Omaha Hebrew Club at the J. C. C. Ra Spar's team won the Business HONOR OMAHAN the tournament champions, the Karl Sunday afternoon, Rabbi Uri Miller Girls volleyball league championship. Did you know that the National Laux five, 32 to 25, in a -well-placed will speak on "Is Jewish Character The athletic department of the J. Council of Jewish Federations and The Jewish History Class of Disappearing?", according to an- The most active players were Rae game in which the Jewish team Spar, Mrs. L S. Sax, Belle Comar, C. C. is keeping up its program of Welfare Funds at their last meeting Temple Israel will meet Wednesday showed a great spirit and fine team nouncement made by Sam Klaver, Leona Letwin, Juanita Prouty, Sarah full activity. honored our own Henry Monsky by play but were unfortunate in miss- evening at 7:45 p. m. at the Temple, chairman of the intellectual advance- Letwin, and Esther Rosenberg. This Sunday afternoon, two more instead of Tuesday evening. electing him to the executive coming 18 out of 21 free throws. ment committee. The varsity volleyball team debasketball games will be played. At Mr. Sam J. Leon will lead the dismittee? New York, (J.T.A.)—The first The Laux line-up contained five feated the Psi Mu Tuesday, 15-6, 2:30 the J. C. C. Girls will meet tbfe This group is another of the Phil- Jewish Birth Control Clinic to func- Creighton stars of this year and past cussion of Chapter 4 of Graetz's15-9, 15-12. They are open to chal- Fremont Oriole Girls. At 3:30 the second volume of the "History of the anthropies beneficiaries. It offers a tion in Brooklyn has been opened seasons. lenges. A. Z. A. 1 chapter will clash With Jews," his subject being "King medium for the consideration of the under the auspices of the National the Maccabees of Sioux City. Herod the Great." common interests and problems of Council of Jewish Women. Rabbi Cohn will begin the reading Jewish Federations and Jewish WelThe clinic, known as the Mother's of Stephen Phillip's great drama, fare Funds, end its purpose is to Health Clinic, is to give information Warsaw, (J.TJL)—According to The J. C. C. doubles handball "Herod." develop standards and principles of to married women, according to Mrs. figures just made public there are tournament -will start Sunday, effective community organization an' Samuel Parnass, chairman of the 8,923 Jewish students in the Polish A smoker for all Jewish young 26. Miss Bernice Perimeter was a meminter-community relationships in ex- committee. She says that advice and universities out of a total of over men of the ages of 18 and up will ber of the women's debate team of tra-local activities. 48,000 of all faiths. A sign-up list is to be found ©ti information would be given only Municipal University which last weekbe held hy the Young Men's Vaad It serves as a vital need for the when the health of the inquirer end won the Nebraska Intercollegiate Additional casting for the play, Figures of other denominations at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th the bulletin board for a J. C. C centralization of planning for Jewish makes it imperative for her to have Forensic Association debate tourna- :'If I Were You," will be held on show that there are in the -universi- and Chicago, next Tuesdey evening, kittenball or indoor ball league. social work a Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. at ties 34,303 Roman Catholics, 2,216 March 21, at 8 p.m. assistance of the clinic. ment held at Midland. A Harry Trustin Booster athlette An interesting program has been The question debated was "Ee- the Jewish Community Center, un- Greek Catholics, 1,194 Evangelical In addition, only such women as der the directorship of John Mc- Christians, 1,049 Greek Orthodox, and arranged and there will be no ad- rally will be held in the Center gytR are sent to the clinic by social agen- solved, that the United States Should Gee. 135 members of miscellaneous faiths. mission charge, according to Ephraim Thursday, March 23. Boxing, wrestcies because they are not in a posi- Agree to the Cancellation of the Wai All members of the Center Play- Four hundred and twenty-five stu- Marks, president. Refreshments will ling and talks will fill the program. tion to pay for information else- Debts." dents did not register under any re- be served. The organization is seek- All members and their friends *?* Both Miss Perimeter and her col- ers are requested to attend. where, will be accorded the facilities welcome. ing a larger membership. ligion. league are freshmen. of the clinic.
No Commission for Marriage Brokers
Center Cagers Go Far in Tourney
Volleyball Leagues Finish Schedules
Omaha Hehrew Club to Hear Rabbi Miller
Athletic Department Continues Activities
Class in Jewish History at Temple
Jewish Women Open Birth Control Clinic
8^23 Jewish Students in Polish Universities
Bernice Perimeter on Winning Team
Try-Outs Sunday
Smoker Tuesday for Jewish Young Men
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - * - - $2.50 " Advertising rates furnished on application '* Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building : •v ? - Telephone: ATIantie1450 'jj Siousrl^CitytOfficer-Jewish Oorriraunity Center u DAVID BLACKER v - - -: - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACEERMAN \:.~ . - -;. - • ;- v - - *- - Eaitbr FANNIE KATELMAN ' - " - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - • • - . - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
In the swift-moving panorama depicting Jewish events marching on the modern background of political, economic and social conditions throughout the world, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency renders an invaluable service. This service has been so regular, efficient arid uninterupted that we have taken it for grantd, as a matter of course. But with the celebration this week of the fifteenth anniversary of the J. T. A., we are brought to a realization of its priceless source of enlightenment. Much of the bias and bigotry against the Jewish people in generations past have been due to misinformation, malicious distortion of facts, or failure to disclose all of the details of the news. This fertile field for prejudice has to a large extent been eliminated by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. In fact, anti-Semitic agencies actually fear the powerful, far-reaching arm of those three initials, "J. T. A." The Polish, Rumanian and German governments, for example, have on numerous occasions shown anxiety about stories printed abroad concerning maltreatment of Jewish residents, and this anxiety has undoubtedly, in turn, made the officials try to stem such recurrences which would result in unfavorable publicity. Such fear of condemnation before the tribunal of world public opinion has been made possible through the universal apparatus set up by the J. T. A.—bringing the latest Jewish items to all Jewish papers by cable, radio, telegram and mail and reaching, through its arrangements with general news agencies, more than 4,000 newspapers in every corner of the globe. In going to the depths of Jewish lif e to gather Jewish news items, the J. T. A. has been strictly impartial . . . by unbiased treatment of the conflicts in Jewish life, despite the vast number of factions constituting the Jewish scene of today. It has also shown its ability to meet emergencies, as evidenced by the yeoman service rendered during the Palestinian riots and the remarkable service of today as regards German and Polish Jewish news. On this occasion of the fifteenth birthday celebration, we wish the J. T. A. many years of fruitful service . . . continuing to recount Jewry's valuable contributions to world progress, its survival through persecution, its tales of human endeavors, joy and sorrow —fascinating and timely knowledge for Jew and non-Jew alike. POLITICAI, ADVERTISEMENT
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at 8 p. m. Candidates for the city council will speak. GEMS of the BIBLE Ben E. Kazlowsky "will be chairman for the evening. He will be and TALMUD assisted by Harry Dworsky, Walter By O. O. DASHER Jaeot>son, Hyman Winer, Joe Sher-J man and Philip Ostrovich. The meet Prosperity retards and weakens re- ing is open to the public. Refresh-, ligion, while depression promotes and ments will be served. strengthens religion.
Daughters of Zion i e a r n to do well, seek justice, reThe Daughters of Zion will hold lieve the oppress .d, judge the their annual bazaar at 309 No. 16 rightfully, plead for the widow. St. the week beginning March 20. All money raised will go for the My people have gone into captiv- water installation project in Palesity for lack of knowledge. tine, where it is hoped 50 families will become self-supporting. The orO, my people,, they who lead thae ganization raises $1000 annually for are gone astray—and destroy the their Palestine work. The next meeting of the Daughters way of thy paths. of Zion will be held Wednesday afternoon, March 22. The organizaTalmud meets monthly at the J. C. C. A heathen appeared befare Rabbi tion During each holiday they sponsor Shammai, and said to him: "Convert an appropriate program. A prome to Judaism—but on condition gram is being planned for Passover, that thou teacheth me the whole when two valuable prizes will be Torah while I am standing upon one given. Admission will be 35 cents. leg." Rabbi Shammai drove him The new officers of the group are off. Mrs. J. Goldware, president; Mrs. Then the heathen appeared before Ben EiscTibcrg, vice-piesidcnt; Mrs. Rabbi Hillel and asked him to con- Louis Morgan, financial seci'Stary; vert him upon the same condition. Mrs. Max Arbitman, recording secreRabbi Hillel made him a proselyte tary; Mrs. Max Goldstein, treasurer; and said to him, "That which is Mrs. A. Shafton, chairman of card hateful to thee do not do unto thy parties; Mrs. Meyer Linda and Mrs. neighbor—this is the whole Torah Dave Soref, chairmen of bazaar. and the rest is merely its commenThe bazaar committees includes tary." the Mesdames M. Braude, M. Arbitman, S. Fellman, J. Goldware, L. Morgan, L. Friedman, S. Temin, A. Shafton, A. Greenberg, S. Rosenblatt, and A. Weinberg.
Organization News
Pioneer Women
A regular monthly meting of the Approximately 100 people attended Pioneer Women will be held Tuesday the first open meeting of the Hatievening, March 21, at 8 p.m. at the kvoh club, held at the J. C. C. TuesJ. C. C. Every member is urged day evening. It was a huge success, to attend, as matters of great importance will be taken up.
Hadassah The Palestinian gift articles have been moved from the former location of the Palestinian Gift Shop to the Book Shop at 1718 Douglas street in the Athletic club building. A new shipment of beautiful accessories have just arrived and are on display. Book review group 2 •will meet Saturday, March 18, at the home of Mrs. A. Schwackin, 2857 Davenport. Rabbi Uri Miller will review "Josephus." Group 3 will meet Tuesday, March 21, at the home of Mrs. J. M. Erman, 131 South 39, Apt. 16, Tudor Arms. Mrs. A. D. Frank will review "Imitation of Life," by Fannie Hurst. - , . , , , . y The rummage sale has just been postponed to March 21 and 22. Call Mrs. Julius Stein if you still have articles to be picked up. The next regular meeting of Hadassah will be held March 29. Elaborate plans are being made for a program on Nachman Bialik, whose 60th birthday is being celebrated throughout the world. Tea will be served after the program. The Hadassah "Give or Get" luncheon, which winds up the money raising efforts for the Hadassah Medical fund, will take place May 3 at the J. C. C. An annual program with an outof-town speaker is being arranged by Mrs. David Goldstein, program chairman. Members who donate or earn $10 are the guest of the organization at this function. Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of the committee, announces the following list of those who have raised their share: the Mesdames Max Arbitman, M. M. Barish, R. Bordy, Morris Brandeis, M. Brodkey, Jake Blank, Harry Cooper, Isadore Dansky, Dave Epstein, Sam Epstein, Louis Epstein, Morris Forbes, O. Fox, Meyer Friedel; J. J. Friedman, Max Fromkin, A. D. Frank, Joseph Goldware; Isaac Grossman, Ben Handler, Jack Kaufman, M. F. Levenson, Milton Mayper, R. Levine, J. Lieb, E. Meyer, Hyman Milder, Morris Margolin, A. Muskin, Harry Reuben, Simon Pizer, A. Romm, A. S. Rubnitz, Samuel Rice, Dave Stein, Julius Stein, A. Schwaczkin, Arthur Theodore, E. Weinberg, and N. S. Yaffe.
Conservative Auxiliary A festive. spirit prevailed at the Center Sunday evening, as over 200 ,ejnjoyed a-merry time at the Conservative Auxiliary's successful Purun Costume Party.. . • Prizes were given for the best costumes, and booths for games, supper, and dancing were features. At a:special board meeting of the Auxiliary -called by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky,_president, Monday afternoon, the following ..nominating committee was announced: Mrs. J. J. (Greenberg, chairman; Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. J. Blank, Mrs. I. Abramson, and Mrs. Simon Bordy. The next regular meeting of the Auxiliary has been postponed a week to Wednesday, April 19, because of Passover. The next book evening will be held* Wednesday evening, April 5, at the J. C. C. The next Oneg Shabbos •will be held at the home of Mrs. Sam Wolf Saturday, March "25.
South Side Progressive The South'\SideJ BebJew Progressive League will h.old a \ rally at the South Side Jewish Center, 25th and J Sts., Tuesday evening, March 21,
despite the short time of prepara- evening by the Psi Mu. Rabbi Uri Miller spoke on "Harmony and Peace tion. Mrs. Jack Leavy, program chair- among the Jewish People." A film man who was responsible for the on aviation was also shown. Final arrangements have been success of the program, presided. Rabbi Uri Miiler was guest speaker. made for the Fa-Hon annual spring Ida Kooperman rendered vocal sel-. dance, to be held at Paul Spor's ections, accompanied by Dorothy Sunday evening, March 26. There Marcoc. Betty Tarnoff recited sev- will be a floor show and refresheral pieces, and David Slobodinsky ments. Admission is fifty cents per sang several numbers, accompanied person. by Gertrude, Oruch. The Scudder Tickets may be obtained from family band played several numbers. Tillye Sigal, Sally Pollay, Rose MosMr. A. Kstz, principal of the Talmud kowitz, Marian Martin, Selma TreTorah, was called from the audience tiak, Esther Siegle, Shirley Tessler, for an impromptu speech. A play- Rose Flonchek, Tillie Tessler, Doris let, "Mrs. McGinnis and Her Shol- Martin, Leah Siegle, Rose Linden' och Monos," was presented by these baum, or from Mrs. M. Friedel, members: the Mesdames II Fisher, sponsor. Jack Levey, Joe Nits, Charles HerA bake sale in the Brandeis store manson, Irving Rubin, and Max is being planned for April 1. Leah Rosen, and Masters Morton Fisher Siegle is chairman, assisted by Rose and Stanley Silvc-rman Mrs Joe Flonchek and Doris Martin. Pastries Nitz provided the comedy element and delicacies will be reasonably which provoked many laughs. priced. Refreshments were served at the •-—+ close of the program. Several new members asked to join end will be installed at the next meeting, to be held at the J. C. C. Tuesday evening, • March 28, 8:30 p.m. BY F. B. K.
Council Bluffs News
A large crowd attended the Purim A. Z. A. No. 1 The A. Z. A. 1 basketball team, p^pgram presented by the Council captained by M:.x Turner, will cli- Bluffs Talmud Torah and Sunday max a successful season Sunday School on Sunday afternoon, March afternoon, when they play the Mac- 12th, at the Danish hall. Dr. Isaac cabee team of Sioux City, at the J.' Sternhill was chairman of the proC. C. The Sioux Cityans have been! gram. A short talk was given by Mr. J. Z. defeated only once in 25 games. The local A. Z. A. reached the finals in Stadlan, principal of the Sunday the recent district tournament. Two School and Talmud Torah. Two Purmembers made the all-tournament I im plays were presented. Those taktsam—Captain Max Turner, guard, I ing part in the "The Tiny Masquerand Art Adler, forward, who was! aders" which was coached by Miss high scorer for the tournament. I Louise Fitch, were Betty Cohen, MarThe public is invited. There is no} cia London, Betty Rae Kubby, Evelyn Perlmutter, Shirley Balaban, Carita admission charge. Brown, Beatrice Krause, Sarah Stadlan, Miriam Saltzman, Bob Passer, Fa-Hon LeRoy Canfield, Avrum Fitch, Arnold The members of the Fa-Hon were Lincoln, Joe Perlmutter and Jack Linguests at a program given Monday coln. "The Purim Tale," the play by Henry Woolf, was directed by Sal Michnick, and the following children took part: Shirley Malt1!, Marian Perlmutter, Malkoh Balaban, Sylvia Endelman, Bobby Roffman, Benny Kutler, Leo Meyerson and Eugene Telpner. A group of Jewish folk songs were sung by Mr. and Mrs. J. Raznick of Omaha, assisted at the piano by Miss Edith Epstein, and on the violin by Miss Lillian Epstein of Omaha. "The Jolly Jesters" was a poem dramatized by Miss Sarah Solomonow, teacher, and the following pupils: Norma Seldin, Lena Fried, Marcia London, Helen Canfield, Arnold Lincoln, Yale Gotsdiner, Irving Cohen and Jack Wolpa. A group of recitations were also given, including "Hadassah," presented by Avrum Bondarin, Stanley Krasne and Rose Telpner. "About Purim" was recited by Beverly Marcus, Carita Brown, Mervin Richards, Lawrence Steinberg, Marvin Maltz, Sarah Stadlan, and Beverly Steinberg. "Esther Today" was presented by Shirley Balaban, Betty Cohen and Esther London. The children of the Talmud Torah Torah and Sunday School sang a group of Purim songs, including "Good Purim," "Shoshanas Ya'acov" and "Heint is Purim." The program •was concluded with the community singing the traditional "Hatikvoh."
(~7ft& Tit
KniWex Topcodf Largest selling topcoat
. in the world Every mart who sees on© reafkes i h^'^ getting more quality, more ;
style, more value m Knit-i-ex than
- in cny other coat at anywhere S near the price . . . J u d g e for yourself.
Henry Trochtenberg, 62 years old, passed away at his home at 911 First Avenue, last Thursday, March 9th, following a heart attack. He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Stella Vann of Council Bluffs; and three sons, Max, of Omaha; Phil, of Denver, Colo., and Harry, of Elliott, Iowa. Funeral services were held that afternoon in charge of Rev. A. Diamond. Burial took place at the Oak Hill cemetery. Phil Trochtenberg, who was summoned here from the Veteran's hospital at Denver upon the death of his father, returned to Denver today. The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah are making plans for a rummage sale to be held next month. Mrs. Herman Marowitz, president, has announced that all members who have bundles to donate for this rummage sale, should call her as soon as possible. Also, anyone who was unable to attend the recent linen shower, sponsored by the local chapter, who has a gift to donate, should call her at 3257 J. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Siegel announce the birth of a daughter, born March 7th, at the Jennie Edmundson hospital. The baby has been named Jeanette. Mrs. Siegel and daughter are expected to be taken home the first part of next week. Mrs. L. Cherniack entertained at a benefit card party at her home last Thursday afternoon. Proceeds will go to the Council Bluffs Senior Hadas-
Foye in Race His scores of business friends are interested in the campaign of W. J. "Cap" Foye for city commissioner. While Mr. Foye has been actively engaged in business in Omaha for more than 40 years, this is his first appearance as a politician. "Cap" Foye earned his military nickname in nine years service in the Nebraska National Guard in the Nineties, -when he was at different times lieutenant in the Thurston Rifles and captain of the Omaha Guards. . Foye's business is the brokering of railroad ties to large central and eastern railroads and he was formerly in the lumber business. He is known as atn a,rdent golfer and in 1910 was> Nebraska champion. "Cap" is recommended for election by the Voters' Economy Council.
sah "Give or Get" luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler entei-tained the members of their Sunday Night Bridge club at their home Sunday evening. Mrs. H. Arenson of Lincoln, Nebr. spent the first part of the week here visiting her daughter, Mrs. David Cherniss, and Mr. Cherniss. Mrs. Max Simon entertained at a series of benefit card parties at hnhome this week for the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah. Mrs. Herman Meyerson entertained at a Benefit Card party at her home Thursday afternoon, March ICth for the Council Bluffs Senior' Hadassah. AGENTS WANTED JEWISH STUDENTS and others get BEADY CASH for social purposes and the holidays in a dignified and honorable raanmr, by bacominR our representative for high-grade monogramed Staticnsir, Class and New Year Cards. Writs us at once, no expense and no obligation. Biehle Service, 106 North Sixth Street, Pniiadelphia, Pa. JA. 9404 JA. 9401 Suits Cleaned 49c HANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 201G Farnam St. All Wearing Apparel HAND IRO TT.D L. A. LONGFELLOW, Prop.
"Your Old Hat Made New Save a Dollar or Two" OMAHA HAT FACTORY 113 North Iticb Slrvrt Opposite I'ojt Offire £1) KArLAN, .Manner Phone ATIantie 0350 AXD WE WILL CALL
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, INC. "Everything for the Aut*" 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
That Sam*
Shoe Comfort
Iff you have your shoes repaired at the
STANDARD vShoe Repair Co. I. U KRAGE, Prop. '
1619 Farnam St.
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre B'.dg OMAHA
Tallttt Hotll
P/an to V « i t ^ -»*<-*• A Century of Progress anc/ stay at the
MORRISON Hi» Chicago World's Fair of 1933 — from Jun« to November. Don'J mi«i this thrilling review of the scientific and industrial achievement ot our presentage. Bystayingatthe Morrison you are right in the center of things inChicago. In the "heart otthetoop," the Morrison is near shops, theaters, and railroad stations. All rooms are oudide with bath, Servidor, circulating ice-water and bed-head reading lamp. Automatic garage facilities. A greaf Jiofef in a greor city I
2500 ROOMS—§2.50 UP LEONARD HICKS Managing Oirtetor
Madison and Clark Streets
hear, Mr. Brining," I said nund Brining, "the story iout; a Jewish teacher of t City college. This proved; in relating his teachpressing problems of the e semester examinations ter, he put only one queseconomic students: "What e of the present deprese of the pupils wrote: s, I don't Merry Christ)
production are the important thing and not land." -" . "Well,.suppose that I owned:the land and you owned the instruments of production and had all the capital in the world. Remember you've got all the money in the world and all the instruments of' production and I have just the land. I could nevertheless if I so desired, drive you off the earth. If you wanted a drink of water, I could exact from you all the capital you have, in exchange for it. I probably would not do that, however. I would probably exact instead a rent, that would give you just enough to live and reproduce on, and take the, rest for myself. Of course, the ownership of the earth is not consolidated in any one individual, but the tendency is neverthe-. less, for the rent factor constantly ta increase and absorb all of the profits of invention and machinery." •
SIXTH ANNUAt STATEMENT December 31, 1932
iys-later .the student got ation paper back and on it "But even," I retorted, "if that is n over the professor's sigtrue, you can't today divide the land jod gets a hundred. You as Moses did. In doesn't fit in with Happy. New Year." our present economic scheme.". •" 10 HA-HA! "You don't have to divide it," rebed the joke,-1 said ha- torted Brining. "Suppose you- and I bited for Brining to ha-ha, owned a ship in common, we wouldto ha-ha. Instead n't have, to saw it in twd. We could "The professor was right. merely divide the income of the ship. n And so with the land, in order to distribute the ownership of the earth [ replied, "I suppose He seems He's keeping it to and; its natural resources, all you have to do is to appropriate the rental value of the land for society in said, ."He isn't keeping it lieu of all other taxes." He wrpte it long ago in "That," I retorted, "is the idea of a goy by the name of Henry George said, and sipped another —his single tax idea." coffee. "No," said Brining, "Henry George merely proposed a method more fit 5I0NSfor modern conditions, but the funa you think is the cause damental idea was advocated by if the depression?" Brin- Moses. Go back and read your Bible again." replied, "Karl Marx . . . arl Marx me,"'interrupted rhy 'do you- have ta' go to irx a goy?" I interjected. ail Marx'-S, thinking was sai«5-of Hegel and other u are a Jew—r-why do you to Marx, when you have jnomist as Moses to guide
OF AMERICA Home Office, Omaha, Nebraska, 2055 Harney OURRESO¥E€ES Municipal Bonds (42.8%)'.
$ 434,638^8
the Company owns this nmount of Government. Comity, Municipal and . School Bonds.
This ntnonnt invested in IJailroad and Industrial Itonds of national repute.
These represent common and preferred investments in established industries paying regular dividends and are valued on the linsls npproved by the National Convention of Insurance Commissioners.
1st Mortgage Loans on City Property
The Company has made First Mortgage 1,MIIS in this amount on improved city properties.
1st Mortgage Loans on Farm Property (3%)
The Company hns made First Mortgage Loans in this amount on improved farm properties.
Policy Loans (18.8%) This amount of money has been loaned to policy-holders.
^Trustin"Trustin Organization Btisy
Cash (2.1%>
This represents the amount of enfth In banks instantly available to pay death claims promptly.
The "Trust in" Harry Trustin for City Commissioner headquarters at 1405 Farnam Street is a beehive of activity, as friends of Trustin are rallying around his banner. The general organization has elected the following officers: William .S ECONOMIST E. Reed, president; Sam Reynolds, there of the economics, of vice-president; Allan Tukey, treasreplied, "that is appli- urer; and Philip Klutznick, secrepresent economic dil- tary. The executive committee consists i ever read the Biblical in- of- the officers and Dr. • C. Linae retorted Brining, "Thou Anderson, Max Barish, Sam Beber, remove thy neighbor's Chas. M. Betts, Rev. J. Black, Leo B. Bozell, Clinton Brome, Gilbert I Brown, William F. Bruett, Walter j ever read the passage in Byrne, Edward R. Burke, M. L. Voe unto those who join "Bud" Cohn, Ivan Campbell, Fritz jd and field to field?" ^Carlson, Victor Caldwell, Leo Crosby^ u . ever read- in the _Bible: Oscar T. Doerr, Norman t)ow, J . B . i is the Lord's andTthe'ful-' Fradenburg, Carl Gloe, Dr. A. Greenof?" berg, Bert C. Grosborg, Abe Herz*u ever, read, the" Biblical berg, A. W. Ingman, Stanfield Johnthe re-distribution of I 1 son, Walter R. Johnson, Conrad nd the 'laws of the Jub- Kline, John Kresl, J. H. Kulakof sky, Sam Leon, Irvin Levin, William d you ever realize that Martig/ Francis P. Mathews, F. J. ictions have a distinct re* McDermott, Henry Monsky, Charles 5 » bur own mortgage prob- Nelson, Q. M. Olsen, Ralph Pierce, 1= land speculation problems C. L. Petersen,-Alfred A. Raneri, hole' intricate machinery William Ritchie, Jr., Harry Silvernomic 'system." man, Joe St. Lucas, Dr. Win. Sueha, A. C. R. Swenson, Louis Storz, Hird LTSME replied, "those land laws Stryker, Robert Smith,. Karl Tungood in their day. They berg, J. C. Travis, and Robert good in much later days, Young. for instance very imporJerusalem.—According to - reliable' a feudal system. Given information it appears likely that the degradations and penmade up the' feudal sys- the next Zionist/Congress,' which will be the lSth, will open in Carlshave been impossible. But bad on August 8. I has sunk into relative ce. Today, the issue has d to capital and machir.struments of production.1' ly goes to show what an *>," said Brining. "Pardon Henry. Monsky made a stirring aking so frankly." plea for the re-election of Police t's all right," I replied, Commissioner, John Hopkins, to the d me." city council over station WOW Monsaid' Brining, "but just day night. w you how absurd your Additional talks in behalf of the = is. You say that land is candidacy of C o m m i s s *°' n e r Hopkins ively unimportant as corn- will be made by Francis P. Mathews, E former days. You are in I Chairman of the Douglas County = You remember, the siterc e n tral Democratic Committee, over S was bought from the In- WOW on March 21, and by Robert = Vinnt. twenty-five twentv-five dollar: dollars. Smith, Chairman of the St State mere annual rental value publican Committee over WOW on = > = of New York is over 600 March 28. "For the first in the generation, = jrear. You. will admit then .id is much more impor- the Omaha Police Department, under was in former years and the leadership of John Hopkins, is the same also true of not under fire," said Mr. Monsky. [ lands. Today we use in- He also referred to Commissioner 5 re paper than in former Hopkins' splendid record in the Fin- = _J--' is niade out of tim- ance and Fire Departments before = amp thing is true of min- he served as Police -Commissioner. -iron% copper, ore, gold, 5 NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE of water power sites, and = progress of invention has Notice is hereby given that at 8:45 a.-in., [increased the value of all April 1. 1933, at the Used Furniture Market, = Lenvenworth St., Omaha, Nebraska, , _ lands. In brief, land 2014 the undersigned wilt sell at public nnetion 5 | a tremendously more im- to the highest bidder for cash, the follow- = than it ,ever was in lnjj: Wnl. chlfflonier or highboy, wnl. bed,
= = = =
spriags and matt., wal. vau. dresser, chair, 8x12 gray, bine, gray velvet ruff, wnl. sew. tnblp, inah. Victrola, -wal. buffet, 0 wal. 51) INCREMENT din. chairs, 1 light brown velvet rug blue bonier, 1 8x10 tope and blue velvet rue, York City," continued 1 wal. highboy, 1 wal. van. dresser, 1 brass I have just remarked, bed, 1 sprgs, 1 matt, 1 8x10 light brown mid mixed color velvet rug, 1 Simmons is paid annually to the day bed. 1 Simmons lied, 1 sprgs, 1 matt, khe land. The construc- 1 wal. dresser, 1 chair, 1 rocker, 1 A. B. gas range, 1 refrigerator, 1 Simmons bed | buildings are entitled to sprgs and matt, 2 small rugs, 1 wal. dreson the buildings, but, ser, 3 Singer Urophead sew. machine, 2 'small rugs, 1 wall mirror, bedding, drapland owners come in to eries, dishes, cooking utensils and linens. ndred millions anually ? Covered by1 a chattel mortgage in favor of the Peoples Loan Co. signed by Buben make this land. They Lampkins and Gladys Lanipkins; that said ervice for the hundreds mortgage is dated Sfarch 23, 1932, and is recorded in the office of the county clerk has happened all over of Douglas County, Nebraska. -has happened all over Said sale will be for the purpose of foresaid mortgage for the costs of the we wonder why we closing sale, and all .accruing costs, and for. the Sons!" purpose of satisfying the amount now due = thereon,- to-wlt: $183.12; that no salt or other proceedings at law have.been In- = ME IN PIECES stituted to recover Said debt or. any part continued. Brining, thereof; PEOPLES LOAN COMPANY
Accrued Interest (0.7%)
This amount represents interest earned but not collected nt time statement was made.
Prem. Collections (5.7%)
Premiums in process of collection on December 31, 1032.
TOTAL (100%.)
The Company has had a rapid but conservative growth... it has very substantial and reputable backing, and is ably managed. To have enjoyed progress during 1932 was an achievement of which we are justly proud. We have maintained a splendid cash position; our policyholders' surplus has always been more than sufficient for all contingencies; and our reserve basis is very strong. We have prepared this^—our financial statement—in a manner which makes it readily understandable. Cordially yours, LLOYD DORT, President Union Pacific Assurance Company of America
Net Reserve
In this statement, bonds not subject to amortizntion ami all preferred and tOBlmon stocks are vnlned on basis pi-fSorilK»<l by the National Convention ot Insurance Commissioners.
Assigned Surplus
Many thanks to you—our stockholders, policyholders and friends-—whose confidence and loyalty have resulted in a .year of the greatest advancement and development in the history of our company.
Unassigned Surplus
$ 751,024.11
This amount represents the Net liegal Reserve required by law to assure prompt payment of policy obligations.
Extra Reserve
This amount has been set aside for payment of special benefits incorporated in some policies.
Policy Funds This amount has been left on deposit with the Company.
Death Claims This nmount lias been set aside to pay rtenth clnlms reported on which final papers hml not been received by December 31, 1032.
Tills nmount set aside for payment of obligations siu-h ns reinsurance, current bills -which nre not due until ufter the first of the following month.
Stock This mnoutit represents the Capital Stock which is fully paid-up. This amount represents dividends to be disbursed to policyholders. This represents nn extrn amount of money beyond that rcfliiireil by Inw; to safeguard policyholders' Interests.
Each Period a Record of Advancement Assets
Insurance in Force,
Policyholders' Surplus
MAY ¥1. 1927
DEC. 31, 1928
-DEC. 31, 1930.
$9,033^61.00 S '$301,751.00 Paid Beneficiaries
DEC. *#0 $135,219.78 Paid Living Policyholders
MOT HOW BIG-BUT HOW STRONG Thomas Blackburn says: "Size and assets in life insurance are purely relative items. The million dollar company is as safe as the billion dollar company. Each creates the same relative reserve to meet policy obligations. In no other form of commercial endeavor or fiduciary under-taking is the performance so absolute and dependable."
COMPARATIVE STATEMENT ASSET ITEMS OF LEADING LIFE COMPANIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1932 This comparative istatement shows the percentage of every class of securities as it pertains to the total assets of the company
Monsky Gives Talk for Hopkins^
and -the instruments of 3-i6-33-8t.
e o
1 #2
ea o
9 as
• a
Bankers Reserve of Omaha California-Western States Connecticut Mutual Life... Continental Assurance Equitable Life Assuranc John Hancock Life._ Lincoln National Life_ Metropolitan Life __ National Life of Montpelier National Life of U. S..™_ New York Life North American Reassurance Northwestern Mutual Life Pacific Mutual Life Peoria Life Provident Mutual Pyramid Life Service Life Travelers Insurance Co. Union Central UNION PACIFIC ASSURANCE COMPANY _..
1.7 §35.6 28.1 13.3
.4 11.
13 23
§ Indicated on Company's published statement a s including Federal Bonds.
* t [ If '(
Indicated on Company's published statement as including Indicated on Company's published statement as including Indicated on Company's published statement as including Indicated on Company's published statement as including Indicated on Company's published statement as including Due and Accrued and other assets. X Indicated on Company's published statement as including lection and other assets. 0 Indicated on Company's published statement as including cured by Reserves* X Indicated i t d on Company's C ' published statement as including ' z Indicated on Company's published statement as including
.8 6.1
.5 3.S 15.S
15.6 9.9
21.8 3, '.'-'•:."
U. S. Govt, State, County, Municipal and School Bonds. Govt., Municipal, R. R. and Public Utility. Govt., and other Bonds and approved Stocks. Stocks. Premiums in Course of Collection, Interest and Rents Interest Due and Accrued, Premiums in Course of ColPremium Notes, Due and Deferred Net Premiums seU. S. Government Bonds. Railroad, Public Utility, Industrial and Misc. Bonds.
18.8 J 57
NOTE In determining the quick assets — 1. Cash and government bonds, 2. Municipal bonds, 3. Mortgages on city property, are considered the best assets of an insurance company. 4. Policy loans are considered the best permanent investment.
old in
NEW WHITE HOUSE FAMILY GOES TO CHURCH—The Roosevelt family is photographed ready for church. Left to right, James Roosevelt, son of the president, and his wife; Mrs. James A. Roosevelt, mother; Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, President Roosevelt, John Roosevelt, son; Mrs. Curtis Dan, daughter, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Jr., son.
NEW TREASURY SECRETARY AT ALL-NIGHT CONFERENCE —William H. Woodin, new secretary of the United States treasury, is snapped leaving an all-night conference in Washington on emercencv measures to straighten out the bankinir situation.
NEW FIRST LADY OF THE LAND—Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, new first lady of the land, escorted Wilton J. Lambert, is seen passing between the marine honor guard. oiBcially opening the inaugural ,, ball in Washington. Directly behind Mrs. Roosevelt is her son, James.
A PRINCESS OF THE WORLD—-The infant daughter of Prince and Princess Nicholas Galitzine, of Chicago, opens her eyes to see Mr. Cameraman taking her picture. The princess is a descendant of the late czar of Russia.
SUNBATHING FOR PEGGY—Peggy Hopkins Joyce, expert ©n matrimony, indulges in sunbathing and swimming at Palm Springs, CaL, while looking over this year's crop of millionaires *if any).
?OT&?,^HIL«r,1S'fpri^lSlnfafSio^S Dennis E. Nolan, i
COMMUNISTS DISSENT-To, thouamd men and » . « Co*.™*, ™ shown MARCHERS IN CHlCAGO-U^jploKd
mar ch er? incl»«n? totheir i»to
PAGE 5—T3BE JEWISH PRESS, FfilDAY, MARCH 13, 1933 ets are 60 cents a couple and may be bought from Senior Council members or at the Center office Music will be furnished by Gene Cooper and his orchestra.
GREENREG-SCHWIDELSON MAfifllAGE M i ^ Frances SchwidelsoiW daughter of l i s . ^ L Sclrwidelson of Sioux City, became the bride of Mr. Dave Greenberg, json of Mr. arid Mrs. H. Greenberg of Omaha last Sunday afternoon a t the,Shaare Zion synagogue, Sioux City. yOve^ two hundred friends and relatives attended. "Rabbi H. E, Eabinowitz and; Cantor Pliskin officiated. Following^ the ceremony a dinner •was served for the families of the bride and groom,/ Alter their I-wedding trip, the couple will make' their home in Omaha.' : ' ' - \ , : "
_ On Monday evening, March 13, the' Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue gave a Purim party at the home of Miss Jeanette Levinson. The program for the entire evening was in keeping with Purim. Miss Bertha Whitebook was "crownjig-saw puzzle playing, with. Mar- ed" for- having the best costume. jorie Wishnow and Dorothy Kaplan' Miss Sally Morgan -won first prize captains, of their .respective teamsJ for making "hash out of Haman." The highest scorer \cill/Vreceive :a silver7cup, and the side winning will be "guests a t - a party given by the losing side. BENEFIT CARD PARTY The Daughters of Israel Aid Society will sponsor a benefit card party and tea -Tuesday, March 21, at -the, : 6ld People's Home, 2504 Charles. Mrs. : A. Sclnraczkin is chairman. Everybody is welcome.
DIAMON D-LA WHENCE MARRIAGE .: % Mr, and Mrs. Lester Lawrence of Chicago announce the marriage of their daughter, Nancy Lee, to Mr. Jerome M. "Diamond of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, at the Edgevrater Beach Hotel on Wednesday, March 22, at 6:30 p. m. BENEFIT DANCE ' The Misses Rose Abramson and Euth Swengil -will give a benefit dance at Paul Snoi's Sunday, April 2. Proceeds will go to Junior Hadassah. Reservations may be had at one dollar per^cotiple by calling Atlantic 3828 or Webster $468.
INITIATION PAJAMA PARTY Final plans have been made for an initiation pajama party to be held by the Henrietta Szold club March 25, at the home of Miss Betty Tuchman. The Misses Sarah Baum and Betty Tuchman are in charge of the breakfast to follow the party. Miss Shirley Pirsch is the organization's new representative on the Senior Council. ENTERTAINS FOR TWENTY-FOUR Miss Euth Silver entertained 24 girls at her home last Sunday afternoon at a bridge party. Proceeds from this affair will go to the Junior Hadassah for their "Give or Get" banquet.
ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr, jand Mrs. Morris A. Bloch of St. Louis announce the birth of a PHI BELTS ELECT OFFICERS Morris C. Lev of New York was daughter on Saturday, March 11, at cbosen president of the Creighton the St. Louis Maternity hospital. University chapter of Phi Delta EpMr. and Mrs. Sam Brick announce sQon, national medical fraternity, at the birth of a daughter, Rita Joy, the annual election of officers. Other officers named are Frank on Sunday, March 5, at the Lord Lipp of Omaha, vice-president; ArLister hospital. thur Stiffen, secretary; Nathan Sadofsky, treasurer; Abraham Riemer, CO-HOSTESSES historian, and Maurice Steinberg, Misses Lillian Nachschoen and marsh all. Rose Dolgoff were co-hostesses to 20 Last Friday evening, Phi Delta Epguests at the home of "Miss Nachschoen at 3163 Lincoln Blvd., Tuesday silon presented another of its bievening, March 14th. Bridge was the monthly seminars. Dr. B. Carl Rusevening's diversion. Proceeds from sum, professor of pathology at the this affair will go to the Junior Ha- Creighton School of Medicine, delivdassah for their "Give or Get" ban- ered an address on "The Heart" before a large group composed of memquet. bers of the faculty and student body of the university. LEAVE FOR T £ E EA§T : Mrs. Jacob ,S. Pearlstlen and son, Edward, left Wednesday for the east. They will retnrn pr July. Ralph Hogg, president of the VISITING HERE Senior Council of Clubs of the J. C. Mr. Sam L> De ;Porte of Buffalo C. announces that the Senior Council N. Y., is visiting here with his broth- will sponsor a subscription dance to er, Mr. Jack D e Porte. be held Sunday evening, April 2, at the J. C. C. CONVALESCING The Senior Council is sponsoring Mrs. Hattie Synder has just re- this dance in order to raise money to turned from the Nicholas Senn hos- furnish the lobby and lounge room pital and is convalescing at the home of the J. C. C. with a radio. of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Bonoff. Arthur Schlaifer, the chairman of the committee in charge of the dance, promises an enjoyable evening. TickHEAR BOOK REVIEW "Anne Vickers," by Sinclair Lewis •was-reviewed by Mrs. Eve Konecky at the Iota Tau meeting held at the home of Hazel Zavett Sunday. The afternoon -was spent in bridge, with the team headed by Marjorie Wishnow winning the first session. Miss Annette Bender, sponsor, won first prize. The sorority is again sponsoring a tournament of bridge, ping-pong and
Sr. Council Dance
Initiation "Arrest" Just Part of Regular Routine
Sunday found Harry Lipp goingthrough the "rigamarole" of an oldfashioned initiation preparatory to becoming a full-fledged member of Xi Lambda. It was fun, and Harry didn't mind a bit . . . that is, until he was "picked up" at 16th and Paj-nam by the police for "disorderly conduct," put in the bullpen for a little while, and told to "tell it to the judge"' the next morning. And imagine his relief, when he found out the next a.m. that it wa? nothing but a fake arrest, part of the price to pay for initiation. To top off the day's initiation, the XL's were entertained at a stag Sunday evening at the home of Oscar Mayerowich. Warsaw.—The abolition of subsidies received in the past by various Jewish institutions and Jewish schools, has been resolved by the Executive Committee of the Warsaw Municipality.
Kitchen Chats By Mrs. David M. Newman White Salad One cup white cherries (pitted), 1 cup pineapple (cubed), 1-2 cup marshmallows cut in half, 1 apple cut in small pieces, 1-4 cup blanched and chopped almonds, 1-2 cup white grapes (canned), 1-2 cup celery, chopped. Mix all together and serve with mayonnaise on lettuce. Stuffed Eggs With Salmon Filling Make a salmon salad with chopped celery, yolks of eggs, and mayonnaise. . Take eggs desired and bofl hard for 15 minutes. Remove shells and cut lengthwise. Remove yolks and fill with the salad and serve on lettuce with sliced tomatoes, asparagus tips and mayonnaise. Garnish with olive rings. Cheese Ball Fritters Use 1 1-2 cups grated cheese, 2 yolks and the white of 1 egg, 1-4 teaspoon red pepper, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-2 teaspoon baking powder, 8 crackers rolled and sifted. Fry in hot fat l minute until brown. These fritters are an accompaniment to a salad.
The Book Case The following well-known recent books will be placed on public sale an the Center-Council rental library, located on the second floor of the Jewish Community Center, at noon this coming Monday, March 20, according to an announcement Tuesday by Mrs. Bert Hene. Five of the books will sell for 30c, and two for 35cv The five former are: two copies of •'Portrait by Caroline;" "Lady "Who Came to Stay;" "Forever and Ever;" arid "Festival." The-latter two are "Heat lightning,": and "•Mary's Neck." Also for 30c, "And life Goes On;'* "Mr. and Mrs. Penningtdn," and for 25c, "Grand Hotel" and "Flamenco." "Walls of Gold," by Kathleen Noriis; "Unfinished Symphony," by Sylvia Thomson, and "Hardy Perennial,'' by Helen Hull, are three of the latest books, just received by the Center-Council rental library, located in the Jewish Community Center. These books, -with more than 400 other recent ones, are on public rental circulation for only 3c per day. The "library is conveniently located in the downtown district, and is open four mornings a week, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.; every afternoon (except Saturdays) from 1:30 to 5 p. m., and every evening (except Fridays) from 7 to 10. The library also sells books, and takes orders for books, magazines, etc., at a saving to the buyer. The library especially stresses this last economical convenience, as -c oecial service to its users, according to Mrs. Bert Hene, Council librarian. • Alt library •.services' are open to all, and the ren' tal library is for everyone.
at the Purim frolic given by the eve. is a convincing argument in A Stay Ladies' Aux. Conserv. Synagogue.. -. favor of understandable language Moscow.—'Clergryman of all denoma bouquet to MTS. Rube (Gertie) ^particularly to radio audiences . . . ination's, although in the category of Kulakofsky and her staff of loyal The Chief is capable o± expressing the declassed, will net be ordered to workers for their energetic efforts high sounding phrases . . . yet he leave the cities, in Soviet Russirfs . . . Evelyn Zweiback, the Eleanor chose to explain the bank situation purging process, if they can show Holm (swimming champ) of the Cen- with a simplicity of speech . . . the that they are permanently attached ter swimming tank . . . making a speakers who indulge in "jaw break- to houses of worship of registered Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak splash for S. F. . . ers", as the slang goes . . . are a parishes, the Jewish Telegraphic on "Springtime" at the services at lot of "blah-blah" to a majority of Agency was informed by authoritaIn the News Temple Israel this evening. the listeners . . . and believe you me, tive quarters. Tomorrow morning his sermon S. K., formerly of Iowa, seems to the little dial is given many a twist Jewish Farmers in topic will be "The Golden Calf." The be one of the few who can take her as the result A posie to Mrs. the Making following children will participate in medicine H. A. and like it the services Saturday morning at too Doylestown.—The freshman class to this young lady was overheard Max Holzman for her sincere inter10:30 a. m.; Esther Milder, Joel remarking what she would do . . . est in Girl Scout work a sug- be admitted to National Farm school Abrahamson, Patty Farber, Char- should any comment concerning her gestion to other young women to this spring will consist of 85 stulotte Mayer, Carolyn Kulesh, Millard "amours" appear in this column . . . follow suit a new expression dents, an increase of 25 students Rosenberg, Ira Jackson, Julius reminding the little Miss that we can . . . "A klog tzu Hitler" . . . over classes admitted during the la?t Nathan, Helen Lincoln, William take our medicine . . . tho it may be "Ihr Kent es Glaiben" few years, it was announced by HerShlaes. distasteful . . . welcome to our city A young chap residing in Des bert D. Allman, president. Kaddish will be recited this SabThe decision was reached by ths J. K., a Phi Bet stalwart, began Moines fell in love with one of the bath for Isaac Rubin, Gerald Wirth- with a black head . . . then switched charmers of that city . . . soon board when statistics were presented safter, and Emil Wohlbach. to a red h e a d . . . and now has a after they were "cemented" . . . showing the large number of boys bad case of high "blond" pressure and the papa, delighted with the out of school who can find no emAn Omaha boy proving a sen- union, presented the couple with a ployment and are roaming the country without guidance. This is ore The Conservative Synagogue this \ sation on the Cantor broadcast . . .! 51,000 check as a wedding gift week celebrates the sixtieth birthday: that handsome bruts George Givot | but advising or stipulating that the of the first practical postures ofof Chaim Nachman Bialik. Rabbi! -. known as the "Greek Ambassa- check v. as not to be cashed until fered toward the alleviation of what David A. Goldstein will speak this; dor" of the air George is the there came a "rainy day." . . . Came promises to become a national prabevening on "Bialik, His Life and; premier Greek dialectician "Efsher the day when the hustling- young lem of boy delinquency. Ed Wynn, the roan became sorely in need of the and Ah-le-vi".! Work." was known i money . . . an important deal would Fire Chief of. radio as Edwin Leopold when he attended materialize with the help of this! emergency fund. . . . Thereupon he the Talmud Torah . . . PAIR—35c—IP "My Son Won't Be a Rabbi" will strode gallantly into the office of hi; A Brilliant Student be the sermon subject of Rabbi Uri austere parent-in-law and said: SHIRTS, Cc William Freiden, son of Mr. and "Papa, 1 would like to ca:h that Miller at services this evening at the Mrs Johl1 Frelden leads the B'nai Israfel Synagogue, 18th and check now, as I have an important Bnai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. His sermon will be an Honor Roll at Iowa State Um. for deal to make." "Oh, veil!" ananalysis of the "factors contributing t h e final quarter . . . received marks swered the conservative "pop," *'didn\ to the failure of Jewish education. , of "A" for every credit course for 1 tell you that you shouldn't use Saturday morning Eabbi Miller, which he -was classified . . . Ahoy that money until a rainy day is comwill speak on the Bible portion of the there, Bock Baisrel'. . . . oh pardon, ing?"' . . . "Sure," replied the young week at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. I mean Hokka Chanik (the Sioux man, "but look, papa, it's pouring 2BI5 FARNAM AT 2815 ^_ ^ j City sleuth) . . . we deny that we outside! !" . Positively a true : were scooped on that romance and storv. . T marriage of the Omaha couple . . . we refer you to a previous issir? wheTein we stated: "that it was a job for the Rabbi" are you reading? . . . "Yontel on a Horse" Shades of "Man o' War" and By "Ab* Kaiman "Twenty Grand"! . . . Jake R. (Yonkel the Meatman) astride a flashing Our Frivolous Youth i steed . . . in a canter (not Eddie) When the boys and girls of the [ down the Elmwood Park bridle path senior graduating class of Tech High , (why not the "bridal" path, Jake?) were asked to name the theater . . . ! • • - are you giggling ? . . . Marie they would prefer to attend on Class G. (oui! Madame) also indulging in Day . . . the youngsters were un- this bristling outdoor exercise . . . animously in favor of the Mae West and J. W., sporting a riding habit flicker "She Done Him Wrong" at - . . and riding with the same eclat the Paramount!! . . . but the schoo";: - . . Attended private screening of authorities changed their minds by | the picture "Rasputin and the Emsuggesting otherwise . . . S. E. sal-' press" . . . an authentic story of lied forth with A. B., the "sugar, the bloody Russian days just prior cookie" salesman (with Loose-Wiles) j to the last revolution . . . M.G.M. . . . . this Kansas City kitty is a (meh git mysas) Shumow raving tc keen kid . . . Harriet Fleishman's the theater owners and employing "Sis Hopkins" character added fun the customary superlatives . . . what P L A I D GINGand merriment to an evening of en- a "yungotch!" . HAM . . . as the Onr President's Simplicity joy able entertainment last Sun. eve. ingenious N e l l y The President's speech last.. Sun. at the Center*ilaiditorhini . . . 'twas
Religious Services Temple
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omments 1
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It's play for this little fpA to "call the doctor" for her **riek" doll with her toy telephone *—but it wasn't play for her mother when it was the girl that swallowed some poison—Mother doesn't dare to think what Blight have happened if she had not had the telephone to get the doctor at once. "I never realized before what a telephone could be •worth," she said in telling us of this cxperiYour telephone is more than a convenmeans of keeping in touch with friends and relatives—of calling stores and places of business—it's the guardian of your ftOKIHWESTERN BELL
Mount Sinai
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Picku3 of Aberdeen, S. D., were guests in "The Meaning of Life" will be theSioux City this week. subject of Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis Harry Cohen of Omaha, visited sermon this evening at Mount Sinai with friends in Sioux City recently. Temple. Children of the Religious School MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent Lester Weatherhorn of Charleston, celebrated Purim with a program S. C , is visiting with friends and Sunday morning, presented by Lois Levitt, Sandy Baron, Blossom Kalin, relatives here. office to be sure and buy the card Henry Greenberg, Harold Slotsky, for him. The well meaning shopper and Mina Slotsky. Mr. Harry Hor- Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiman have rebrought him the card and imagine witz led the singing and sang a solo, turned to their home in Red Oak, his embarrassment when he looked accompanied by Mr. Ernest J. Fri-Iowa, after visiting at the Paul Kapat it and read the verse which ran bourg. lan home. Over 500 members and guests at- Mrs. Bessie Wintroub Pill, wife of something like this. "Sweetheart of Rabbi Lewis was the speaker at a tended the Purim party sponsored by Morris Pill, died Sunday afternoon mine, with every line I speak my The names of Mrs. A. H. Baron meeting of Fairmont Creamthe Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion in her home 1914 Jones street, fol- love, etc, etc. Any way he ex- recent and Mrs. J. H. Mosow were erronemployees. His " subject was Monday evening in the, social, hall. lowing illness of several months. Fu- changed the card. Boy is he bash- ery eously ommitted from the list of "The New Deal." Mrs. Barney Baron, president, wel- neral services were held in Mount ful. Last night, Rabbi Lewis was thecommittees for the Auxiliary card comed the guests, and a program Sinai Temple, Monday morning at 10 Sioux City's blondest blonde has principal at the English party held recently. •was presented with the following o'clock, with Rabbi Theodore N. Lew- gone "society" on us, with the snoot- Lutheran speaker Church, in Akron, • la., at participating: Mrs. Ben Shindler, is officiating. iest riding habit we've seen in ages. the occasion of the Church's Annual Joe Maron, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Marvin Cohen, Bertha Heshelow, Rabbi Uri Miller officiated at the She told somebody that she wasmeeting and dinner. He spoke on J. D. Maron celebrated his Bar MitzSynagogue Choir, Beulah Kay, Ser-Golden Hill Cemetery in Omaha, on Gracie Allen a few weeks ago andThe New vah at the Tephereth Israel SynaDeal at Work." etta Krigsten, I Hose Shiloff,- Harry Monday afternoon, where the burial they believed her, but we won't say gogue, Saturday morning. Joe is the Kanofsky, Libbie Olensfcy, Mrs. Eue-took place. any more about that deal. president of the Junior Congregation ben Miller," Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Miss Mrs. Pill was 36. She was a memof Shaare Zion Synagogue. Henri Epstein is good for one Tillie Shindler, Miss Dena Baron, ber of Mount Sinai Temple Sister- "wise' crack" every week. Cecil Seff Mr. Bill Lansberg, Miss Goldie Co- hood, and the Senior Hadassah Chan- is good for an ad. Larry S. is good Hadassah Bazaar In the presence of over 200 friends hen, Mr. Harry Shulman, Mr. Jack ter. for at least one "touch," Doctors Joe The annual Purim bazaar of the Eeznick and Sylvia Friedman. Surviving, her besides her widower and Bob are good for an interesting and relatives, Miss Frances Schwidel: Refreshments were in charge of are a daughter, Alice, a son, Robert, half hour's conversation, and Docson, daughter of Mrs. L. Sehwidel- Sioux City Hadassah was held March Mesdames Max Herzoff, Frank Gor- her mother, Mrs. Freiden of Omaha, Epstein, right next door to them, can son, became the bride of Mr. Dave 8, and $228 were cleared. It was an chow, Ben Shindler, Sam Baron, J. four sisters, Mrs. Sam Cohen of be depended on for an interesting Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.all-day affair. Kaufman, M. A. Herzoff, A. B.Omaha; Mrs. I. E. Sherman of Blair, discourse on dentistry. Look 'em upGreenberg of Omaha, Nebr., Sunday. HERMAN GINSBCRO AND JACK W. Friedman, John Lansberg and Louis Nebraska; Miss Mary Freiden of sometime. Oh yes, Henri repairs afternoon in the Shaare Zion SynaMAKER, Attorneys. Court House, Omaha, Neb.. gogue. Shindler. Omaha, and Miss Ida Freiden of Chi- watches at 617 5th street. cago, and a brother, Jack of Omaha. To all our subscribers, and you Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Can- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. who have been receiving sample cop- tor Pliskin officiated. Following the In the District Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. ies the last few weeks, we make an ceremony, a dinner was served to the By of tin order of sale Isurgent appeal to you to phone in families of the bride and groom. sued virtue out of the District - Court of Following a two-week wedding trip, Douglas County, Nebraska, and in purall the news that you can think of, suance of a decree of snid Court in «n Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg will make action but we must have it by the Tuesday therein indexed at Appearance DockThe biggest event of the week was before publication. The number is their home in Omaha. •• Food and fruit gifts were given et Number 280, nt Page Number 23, E i e the wedding at the Shaare Zion Syncution Docket Number 29, at Page Numon Parim by the Federation of Jew88453. We might mention, however, 485, wherein Federal Trust Company, ish. Social Service, through the gen-agogue that made Frances Schwidel- that we print only what we dam The Ivre Club held a stag smoker ber D corporation, i s Trustee, is Plaintiff, and B. \\>ndron et al., nre defenderosity of the guests at the Shaare son of Sioux City and Dave Green- please in Hokka Chynik. Now that in the Hotel Martin last week. Ben Herbert ants, I will nt 10:00 o'clock A. M.. on TuesZion Purim party, and; children of berg of Omaha, citizens of that well the banks are open, you might send Dobrofsky, who recently returned to day, the 4th day of April, 1933, a t the known and densely populated, holy us the two bucks for your subscrip- Sioux City to make bis home, was east front door of the Dongins Connty Mount Sinai Religious School. Court House in the City of Omaha, DongFood, including canned goods, state. What staggered us was thetion, or just -all us and well dash reinstated in the club membership. A las County, Nebraska, sell at public nncfact that everybody there kissed the tion to the highest bidder for cash, the vegetables, flour and etc., were dobuffet supper and .cards, concluded following over to get it. described property, to-wit: nated by the auxiliary guests, while bride but the bridegroom. He was the evenings's program. The South Half (SV>> of the Northwest so excited that when he was supQuarter (NWVi) and the West Half <W%) children of the Mount Sinai Temple of the Southwest Quarter (SW%) (except brought offerings of fruit and candy. posed to step on the wine glass, he Shaare Zion Mr. and Mrs. D. Rivin of Tyndail, railroad right-of-way nbout four (4) of Section Five (3): and the Sonth The gifts were taken to the J. C. C. almost kicked the rabbi in the shins. South Dakota, announce the birth of acres) Half (S%) of the Southeast Quarter (SE>4) That's that, and now for no other from where they were distributed. "The Evil of Exaggerated Public- a daughter, Marylin Ruth, in Scot- of Section Six (<!) : and the Northeast fracreason than that we enjoy tearing ity" will be the subject of Rabbi H. land, S. D. Mrs. Rivin was formerly tional quarter of Section Seven (7), (being Government T^ots One (1) and Two (2); peoples hearts out, we make public R. Rabinowitz' sermon tonight. Miss Rose Gueskin of Sioux City. and the North Half (N%) of the NorthBelief aire Work to Be property of the news that E. L. is Quarter1 (NW"%) mid the Southeast Over 375 people attended the ser- Mrs. George Grueskin has re- west (SE ^) o£ the Northwest Quarter the ring, which was given to vices last Friday evening, when the turned home after visiting with her Quarter Shown at B'nai Brith wearing (NW^i) and Government Lots One (1), a local "wolf in sheep clothing" by members of the Auxiliary conducted daughter, Mrs. Rivin, for a month. Two (2) and Three (3), of Section Eight (8); all in Township Fonrfeen (14) North, Moving pictures of the work and the fair-haired Omaha Miss that the services. Participants included Mr. George Grueskin is in Wyndall Itange Ten (10). East of the Sixth (6<h) Principal Meridian in Douglas County, Neactivities at the Cleveland Orphans' rated mention in this column a cou- Mesdames S. H. Shulkin, Phil Sher- visiting the Rivin family. braska, to satisfy the liens and incumHome in Cleveland, will be shown at ple of weeks ago. Nobody told us man, B. Baron, J. H. Mosow* Ruebranees therein set forth; to satisfy the of $31.35 costs and the increased and the regular meeting of the B'nai this either, we saw it with our ownben Miller and members of the board Abe Epstein, son: of Mr. and Mrs.sum accruing costs, all as provided by said orBrith Lodge, next Tuesday evening ears. With ever a kind thought for of directors. L- Epstein,, student a t Northwestern der and decree. i n t h e J . C . C . The local lodge helps the ladies, and with apologies to the Monday afternoon at - 5 o'clock a university, was recently initiated in- Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 17th day toward the upkeep of the Jewish Or- well known Princess Alexandra Kro- Purim program was presented in theto the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. of February, 1933. C. B. McDONAUJ. phan Home. The entire membership potkin, and her illegitimate cousin, synagogue with the following chil- Morris Lefkovich, also a student at Sheriff. Rabinoff, we take this occasion to dren of the Shaare Zion Junior Con- Northwestern is one of the new3-3-33-^t. is expected to attend the meeting. Douglas County, Nebraska. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky will preside pass on to our subscribers our fav-gregation, Religious School and Tal-pledges to the Phi Ep fraternity. NOTICE OF CH.VTTEl MORTGAGE orite recipe for "Jewish Cream mud Torah, participating: Philip SALE at the meeting. Puffs" Haman Toshen. Take two Kantor, Robert Pliskin, Helen GuttleMiss Bluma Merlin, 1915 Pierce Notice is hejeby given that nt 8:45 a. w . cups full of poppy seed (or sand will man, Irene Mirowitz, Ben Cohen, street, departed last week for Cedar ipril 1. 1933, at the ITsed Furniture Mardo) add enough water to float all Paul Schwartz, Debrah Wigodsky, Rapids, where she Is associated with ket, 2514 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public the grey ones. Then after throwing Anna Kanofsky, Lillian Mirowitz, the Treamerica, Inc., a chain theater auction to the highest bidder for cash the out all the rest, mix with honey, Esther Kivin,: Eva Epstein, Sally company. Miss Merlin will make her following: C Simmons beds, 6 sprgs, 6 matt, elec. syrup or what have you. But maybe Levin, Betty Canowitz. Costume home at the Roosevelt Hotel. lamp, 2 oak rockers, 1 arm chair, oak duofold, dining table, 4 din. chairs, 1 bnffet, 1 we shouldn't have even mentioned it. TEA GARDENS prizes were won • by David Olensky, oak desk, 1 5)xl2 blue velvet, rug, 1 9x12 If the party that received. mention velvet of mixed colors, 3 dressers, 3 Charles" Shindler and Morris Raskin. OFFER Dr. Louis Dimsdale, who is in- chairs. rug 1 gas range, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 in last week's column got in a jam Mesdames S. H. Shulkin, I. H. Levin, terning Chinese and American Dishes in talkinsr mach. 2 onk tlin. chairs, bedding, at Creighton hospital in draperies, dishes, cooking utensils a n d on account of it, we offer our hum-Lester Heeger, Milton Mushkin and Omaha, was Pleasant Surroundings in Sioux City last week, blest apologies. When we put it in Mike Mushkin assisted with the dis-visiting with his parents, Mr. andlinens. . To the Music of Covered by a chattel mortgage In favor of the Peoples Loan Co.. signed by Hattie the "wife angle" never entered our tribution of refreshments. The hall LEE HERZOFF Lampkins; that said mortgage is dated mind. But we're sure that she will was decorated by Mr. A. Tabai and Mrs. Joe Dimsdale. September 23. 1032, and is recorded in the and His Orchestra office of the county clerk of Douglas not mind, especially as long as yousongs taught by Mr. Tabai and Mr. The Debra Club met Friday eve- County. Nebraska. AT POPULAR PRICES won. Then too they can't make dis- Aizenstat. Over 125 children atSaid sale will be for the purpose of forening with Miss Ethel Shindler, presi- closine said mortgage, for the costs of sale, positions any nicer than Leahs (for tended. nnd all accruing costs, and for the purpose dent of the group. After a practice of which kindly send 25c in stamps.). satisfying the amount now dup thereon, for the skits to be given at the to-wit: $142.riO; that no suit or other proTo Charlie B. Jr., goes this week's at law have been instituted to reDebrah-Maccabee joint, the club ad- ceedings A.Z.A. prize for being the most persistent cover said debt or anv part thereof. NOW SHOWING journed to bridge and refreshments. PEOPLKS LOAN COMPANY/. wooer. He's been hanging around 3-10-33-3t. The A. Z. A. Chapter will hold an little Rosie T's doorsteps for a long Big SIOVSKT, GROD1NSKY * time and often. Maybe he likes the open meeting Monday evening, in the The Iota Tau Sorority met with SHOTWEL1, VANCE, Attorneys. Seville cafe. Mr. F. O. Racker.of Miss Debrah Silver, Tuesday evegirl. Come to think about it "Red" 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. Double Feature B. who threatens to subscribe to the Central high school will be the prin- ning. Following the business meetNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the paper, has been doing a pretty good cipal speaker. Martin Kozberg will ing the club adjourned to bridge and undersigned have formed n corporation unjob of seeing that Mildred S. doesn't speak. A musical program will be refreshments. der the name of DASEUALL HEADpresented by Francis Free, and Max QUAKTE11S, INC., with its principal place get too lonesome. of business in Omaha. Douslas County, NeLevin. • The ever thoughtful Leon D. deMiss Lucille Weiss of Omaha, vis- braska. The corporation ehall have authto purchase and sell nt retail, cigars, The date for A.-.Z. A. Sabbath has ited with friends in Sioux City this ority cided to send Elizabeth R. a birthtobacco, magazines, newspapers and any been set for March 21. It will be day card and being very busy, he nnd all other kindred articles, nn<l to week. With handle such real or personal property ns asked one of the boys around the held at Shaare Zion Synagogue. may be required. The corporation shall
Society News
Ricardo Cortez—Karen Morley
-1 - •
Pat O'Brien—Gloria Stuart —10c TILL 2 P. M.—
TRI-STATE Mattress Company Let Us Rebuild Your Old Mattress One Day Service—Low Prices Mattresses at Wholesale and Retail G. LEVICH, Prop. Phone 56481 610 Pearl St.
.GIANT TWIN BEL i We will stock, a complete line of Pesach goods at reasonable prices. EAUFFMAN'S MATZO PRODUCTS Matzo Farf el, Matzo, lb. 12c Kosher Salami (Passover), lb. _ — _ 5 5 c Fine Schmaltz: Herring, lb. — ~ ~—15c Pure Honey, (Passover)» 24-oz. Jar ..^,...—^-25c Pure Honey, "5-lb. pail ...49c Mammoth Dried Prunes, lb. __—*9C Also a complete line of spices, coffee tea and dried fruits for Pesach. Hajjodah FREE with each pound of coffee. 500 Court St. ;
Phone 83322
are dangerous roads!
Maybe you've gotten by oa smooth tires while roads were mostly dry. But look out now! Slippery driving days are ahead. Your risks are multiplied. Better change a t once to8ure-grippingaewGoodyear All-Weathers. They'll protect you all winter, safe you money on repairs and delays, and still be like new for spring and summer. So trade in your smooth tires this week!
Hokka Chynik
"THEPHANTOMOF CRESTWOOD" • a n d - * : .'•';•".
smooth tires
STARTING SATURDAY First Showing in City.
Hadassah Meeting
FRADENBCKG, STAtMASTEE & BEBEK Attorneys G50 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Starting Saturday, March 18th, a NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS four-day run, the Eialto Theater preNotice is hereby given that all existing sents a "Week End Marriage" with debts of Drovers Veterinary Union on the one of the finest casts of the year. 31st day of December, 1032, amounted to the sum of Seven Hundred Thirty-nine Loretta Young, Geo. Brent, Aline Dollars and Ten Cents. ($73.1.10). B. A. HARDY, President. MacMahon, Norman Foster and ViyHarry Rowley, B. A. Hardy, being a maienne Osborne, all appear in this jority of the Board of Directors.
Two Hits at Granada
Loretta Young—Geo. Brent Norman Foster—Aline MacMahon Last Time Today • NORMA SHEARER in
Values possible because Goodyear builds the most tires—by millions! Famous Lifetime Guaranteed
GOODYE PATHFI Supertwist Cord Tires Price of Eticb Each JnPra. '•i 30x3 C l
30X3HC1.R 4.40-21 S.Sf 4.50-20 5-99 4.50-21 6.tO 4.75-19 6.97 5.W-19—_. 7.$® 5.W-2§>__. 7.4® 5.25-21 8.9*
S.35S S.C3.
fe.C© T.tfe
$ .?S
T..CZ t.tc -
r.ss S.3S £.£$
Caa& Prices. Other Sheet U» Proportion
Guaranteed Tire Vulcanizing .Good Used Tires, $1 and Up
Double Bill attheRialto
fast moving story of a young married couple, who find the first year of their married life beset with difficulties. "The Deception" with Leo Carrillo, Barhara Weeks, and Dickie Moore complete the program.
at low cost!
have the power to borrow money nnd issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The corporation shall commence business when Articles are filed with the County Dr. M. Blank, optometrist, is now the Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, Neopen and ready for business in his braska, and continue until January 1st, The date for the Senior-Junior Ha19S3. The authorized capitnl stock is location at 516 Pierce Street in $3,000.00. nil common, par value $100.00. dassah joint meeting has been set new the Orpheum building. Dr. Blank beinp fully paid when issued and non-asfor Wednesday, April 5, in the J. C. has specialized in the correction of sessable. The affairs shall be administered by a Board of Directors, not less C. A program of speeches, musical vision and the fitting of than two nor more than five in number, numbers, and skits has been arrang- imperfect nnd undersigned shall be the first glasses in Sioux City for thirty-five Board.theThe stockholders shall elect Died by the committee in charge of years. rectors at the annual meeting to be held His new shop is fitted with the arrangements. the second Mondav in January of each newest and most modern equip- year. Thereafter directors shall elect ofPlans for the meeting are in tha the ficers, viz.. President, Vice-President. Secment available and he welcomes all hands of Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis, his friends to visit his new place of retary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended. The corporation may have a Mrs. William Lazere and the Misses business. Benl. Dated December 23rd, 1932. Dena Baron, Rose Pill and Freda FIIANK I.EXNAHAX, Albert. SOL ABKAMS. 2-21-33-4t
Leo Carrillo—Barbara Weeks—Dickie Moore
Center Traction Means Safety!
Dr. Blank Moves
SEE With
SEE how Goodyear put* TRACTION in the center—big husky blocks of rubber — keen-edged —-deep-slotted — to dig In, grip and hold. More stop! The All* Weather Tread is a big reason why millions more people rid* on Goodyear Tires. Come in —• we'll demonstrate!
216 Davidson Bide. Ph. 85471 Insurance Real Estate Rentals CECIL R. SEFF, Mgr.
DR. M. BLANK Announces His New Location at
I I ! I
516 Pierce Street 1 Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted ! | Vision Corrected I
The best mystery thriller of the season, "The Phantom of Crestwood," and "Laughter in Hell," _ a stirring drama of prison life, make up the current program at the Granada theater. Both pictures are packed with thrills. The story of "The Phantom of Crestwood" was recently broadcast by the National Broadcasting system as a radio drama, anrl received the Fallon award for being the best mystery of the year.
NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of the Kaiman Insurance Agency, Inc., on the Slst day of December, 1932. amounted to the sum of Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-four Dollars and Eighty-Seven Cents <$(5.354.S7). ABNEE H. KAIMAN. President. Evelyn Kaiman, Abner H. Kaiman, being a majority of the Board of Directors. FKANK K. ACKEK3IAN. Attorn<-y, 499 Bran dels Theatre Bids. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Shoul Rips, Deceased. Notice is hereby jriven that the creditors of said deceased trill meet the administratrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Connty Court Room, in said County, on the 1st day of May, 1933, nnd on the lEt day of July, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day. for the purpose of presenting: their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of April, 1933. BKl'CB CBAWFORD, 3-10-33-31. County Judge.
TIRE S ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6421 Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors