Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
KutenU ;>s Secpinl-Cis.» Mail Mnttet ou January 27. lU-'l, at I'osiolIIce nt Omaha. Nebraska, under tbei Act of Mnrcb 3. 1ST!)
"Jewish Hour" to
With the local Jewish Philanti % Campaign approaching, Omaha ^ Be Resumed are undoubtedly deeply interest, April 6 knowing something concerning th eo Btitutions which are the beneficit •£_ Final plans are being completed of the annual drive. I am taking~ S N the resumption of the regular vantage of this opportunity accorc }kly broadcasts of the "Jewish me by the Jewish Press to have an i jar," to be given over radio station timate weekly talk with you about thbeneficiary institutions and important KFAB. The first program -will be held Thursday, April 6, starting at Issues of the Jewish Philanthropies. 6:30 p.m. , .-;•.; The Jewish Hour is under the THE SMALL CONTRIBUTORS As a garment is made up of single auspices of the Jewish Community . threads, so every single gift aids in Center. Anyone wishing to participate in building the great work of charity. •:, That is why your contribution, no the broadcasting, either as a vocalist matter how small, is so vital in build- or as a member of the male and Ing up the "whole of our philanthro- female choir is asked to leave his or her name at the desk at the J. C. C. pic work. ro phone Mrs. Henry Monsky. •". Give as though the entire structure depended upon your gift.
NAME COMMITTEE HEADS FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Group Has Charge of Functional Activities of Center The appointments for the Center Committee of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation are announced today by William L. Holzman, president. . J. W. Marer is re-appointed for his third term as chairman of the committee. The chairmen of the subcommittees are: Abe Brodkey, house committee; Irvin Stalmaster, educational committee; Dave Greenberg, membership! committee; Irvin Levin, physical education committee; Justin Wolf, clubs committee; Robert Kooper, finance committee; and Milton Abrahams, public relations committee. The only new sub-committee is that of public relations, headed by Abrahams. This group will interpret the functions of the Jewish Community Center to the community. It is expected to form a women's committee, but plans are not yet complete. In assuming the chairmanship of the house committee, Brodkey succeeds Bob Kooper, who has efficiently taken care -of the duties of that committee since the building opened. The educational committee plans the educational program of the J. C. C, including the Forum series and the Music School. Since the consolidation of the J. C. C, the Welfare Federation, and the Jewish Philanthropies, the Center committee has become the functional committee of the J. C. C. and has charge of the program and general management of the Community Center, with the exception of the budget and the general policy determined upon by the Federation.
Vol. IX—No. 8
Nazi Excesses Against Jewry in Germany Increase in Intensity Lawes Lecture Before Community Forum Cancelled
Dn Karpf to Be Here Next Week
Dr. M. J. Karpf, director of the Graduate School for Jewish Social Work of New York, will be a guest in Omaha next Wednesday and Thursday. The directors of the J. C. C. and Welfare Federation are planning a luncheon in his honor. Dr. Karpf is now making a tour to acquaint the various Jewish communDR. KARPF TO BE ities with the plans and purposes of GUEST HERE the school, which is one of the beneDr. 31. J. Karpf, director of the ficiaries of the local Philanthropies. Graduate School for Jewish Social Dr. Karpf has been director of the "Work, an institution which is a Graduate School of Jewish Social beneficiary of the Jewish Philanthro•work since its establishment in 1925. pies, will be our guest next week. He has been president of the AmeriThis school has been a stimulus in can Association of Schools of the ProThe attacks upon the Jewish resi- treatment accorded Russian Jewish the discovery and equipment of lead- Hundreds of Volunteer Workers fessional Social Work since 1931; was ers for the growing communal actMaking "Trust in Trustin" president of the National Conference dents of Germany are growing daily citizens in Germany. of Jewish Social service for 1931-32; in. intensity, according to news dis- In Munich the president of the Muivities of American Jewry . . . . and Slogan Effective is chairman of the section on Socio- patches and private information. •we know that every year social nich police declares that the Jews are The INS reports Wednesday the responsible logy and Social Work of the Amerivrork requires more and more trained More and more enthusiasm is befor their arrests, that can Sociological Society; and is a brutal slaying of two more Jews in they are arrestec for their own proheads who can foresee and solve the ing generated - daily for the candidTriple Anniversary to Be Ob- member of many social service organ- Germany by men dressed in the khaki vast changes we are undergoing' acy of Harry Trustin for city comtection, their behavior towards Naizations. uniforms of the Nazi storm troops. served at Contention Here from the social work standpoint. missioner, as hundreds of volunteer tionalist Germany having exposed He is also the author of "A Social Dr. Karpf is one of the country's workers ask how they can "do their July 2-4 Reports state that scores of bod- them to the peoples' rage." Audit" and "The Scientific Basis of ies of Jewish individuals are dragmost outstanding social service lead- bit" towards his election. The drive against Jewish profesers. He heads an institution which Plans are progressing for one of Social Work," and has contributed ged from the rivers, and many oth- sional men is nearly completed. All The "Trust-in Trustin" headquarthe biggest conventions in Omaha many articles to numerous journals. ers mysteriously disappear, never to Jewish public officials have been reacts as a center for research and ters at 1405 Farnam street is a beeThe Graduate School for Jewish So- be heard of again. Jewry's history, July 2, 3" and 4, study toward the end of formulating hive of activity, with Trustin boostmoved, and the Nazi Lawyers' union when District Grand Lodge No. 6 cial Work had as its first president, sound principles and practices of ers constantly coming and going. has passed a resolution demanding tho The counsellor of one foreign emof the B'nai Brith and the Inter- the late Julius Rosenwald of Chicago. bassy in Berlin lodged a formal pro- absolute elimination of Jews practicJewish community organization, lookIn political circles Trustin's nominational A. Z. A.* hold their joint He was succeeded in office by Louis test with the Hitler government, ing before the bar. Jewish doctors ing toward the best integration of nation is practically conceded. A convention here. Between 500 and E. Kirstein of Boston. Felix M. War- charging he had information concern- have already been expelled from muresume of the situation by the BeeJewish and American life. 600 delegates and? visitors are ex- burg of New York is chairman of the ing 57 separate cases in which Jewish nicipal and urban hospitals in large News this week also predicted that Though located in New York, this executive committee. Dr. Solomon pected, t Trustin would be nominated. institution draws its student body Lowenstein is secretary of the board subjects in Germany were beaten and numbers. A triple anniversary will be cele"The candidacy of Harry Trustin from all parts of the country. tortured. In almost every case, the Jewish stores are closed by the offibrated at this conclave. It will be of trustees. is increasing in strength every day," charged, the police refused cials, on the theory that if they are WOMEN "RARIN' TO GO" Students to the school come from all diplomat the ninetieth birthday of B'nai Brith Sam Beber, chairman of the Trustin to investigate. open riots will be hold and it is the and will also mark, the fiftieth year parts of the country. Regardless of how campaigns here campaign organization, states. "Algovernment's purpose to prevent such Many complaints have been reMiss Evelyn Adler of Omaha is a of the order in Omaha. The A. Z. fare, history has proven that the most daily more people from differriots. ceived that prominent Jews have been A. will be celebrating its tenth an- student at the school, having attended abducted by Nazi troopers, their bodJewish "women of Omaha can be de- ent groups and various elements in The homos of prominent Jews &ws the past two years on a fellowship. niversary. pended upon to go beyond the con- the city are flocking to his support. found later riddled with bullets. being entered by Nazis and ransacked. "His is a personality which -will be An outstanding speaker "will be a Miss Elsie Poska, former case worker ies fines of their quota. as Spieger, are shot down in Among these are Einstein and Feuchtfeature of the convention, possibly at the Jewish Community Center here, Some And it begins to look as though a credit to our city government. cold blood; others as ApM, president •wanger. is also a graduate of the school. Governor Henry Homer of Illinois. 1933 will not be an exception. Mrs. His ability, his courage and his of the Berlin Zionist organization, torWilliam L. Holzman is honorary American Government Jeanette Arnstein. is..busily, engaged honesty are such that no effort should tured to death. be spared in electing him to the city chairman. Dr. A. Greenberg is genin organizing the women's division. In Washington, the United State? It is significant that no attacks have eral chairman, and, William Wolfe is - She is being ably assisted, by Mrs. commission, where he will serve to government received complaints from been made on Jews of French or BritA. Z. A. chairman!-'. -•. X J r Greenberg.' ^ An 'ekecutiveT Com- -the best interests of all Omahans." ish birth. No other nationalities hsve the B'sai Brith, the American Jewisk Beber warned against over-confiThe members of the B'nai Brith mittee will be announced soon and •Committee, snd the American been excepted." • dence on the part of Trustin's supsnd A. Z. A. on the various comthe women's organization perfected. Congress, concerning what vras oects?porters. "Every friend of Harry TrusJiittees are: Philip Klutznick and The Jewish people throughout the ring in Germany. Rumors Spread About TransjorYESHIVAH COLLEGE tin should keep 'plugging' for him unIrwin Wezelman, finance; Dr. Philip world are giving expression to their The state department Tuesday evedan, But Jewish Settlement Sher and Julius Bisno, hospitality; Rabbi Uri Miller, spiritual leader til the battle is won. It is essential horror and indignation against the ning asked the embassy in Berlin tfi Warsaw, (J.TA.)—Four rioters reign of terror to which the Jewry of make a complete report on the sitShrolly Goodman and Joe Blumenof the Vaad, is a graduate of the that those who have not registered Seems Favorable thal, housing; Isadore Abramson and were wounded, and one died from his Germany are being subjected under uation. Hebrew Theological college of Chi- yet register today, and that all wfio cago, which is another of the bene- are eligible to vote do so on April 4." Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—'The Jews Israel Bercovici, registration; Harry injuries when the police fired at a the Hitler and Nazi regime. The action was taken shortly after ficiaries of the Jewish PhilanthroTrustin has been endorsed by the all over the "world may regard me as Silverman, and Sam Meyerson, ban- rabble which attacked Jewish shops A monster rally has been called in a delegation from the American Jewpies. Independent Voters League, the a second Balfour." This statement quet; Milton Abrahams and Dan at Zywiec, in the region of Krakau, New York, to be held in the Madison ish Congress, headed by Rabbi SteThe' faculty contains " eminent Douglas County Voters League, the is said to nave been, made by the Lintzman, dance; Abner Kaiman and according to an official report pub- Square Garden. The protest meeting phen S. Wise, had called upon Underscholars of international repute, and Robert Smith group, the Benson Emir Abdullah in connection with the Harry Weinberg, den show; Max M. lished here. The police have also was decided upon at a conference in secretary Philips with the request that the student body has over 400 from Joosters, and the Builders Ex- negotiations for the transfer of Barish and Arthur Lipp, transporta- arrested a number of Endeks—mem- New York called at the initiative of the American government investigate tion; Harry Trustin and SamFinkle, various parts of the United States change. bers of the National Socialist anti- the American Jewish Congress. It is the reports of mistreatment of Jews Trans-Jordan land to J.ews. "Baland Canada. He is running on a platform of four promised the Jews a land which picnic; Dave Goldman and Oscar Semitic party—engaged in inciting hoped by leaders there that this rally in Germany and take the requisite Most of the students of this Or- ilean government, and tax economy. was not in'his possession," the Emir Mayerowich, smoker; A. D. Frank. t h e local peasant population to riot. will be the signal for nationwide ac- diplomatic action if they are boms and Art Grossman, publicity; Mrs. Tuesday evening at the Paxton a.' . . thodbx; seminary are in the middle is alleged to have added, "while I The moving spirit of the local En- tion against the anti-Jewish brutalities out. Young Men's and Young Women's am actually opening for the Jews a F. J. Alberts and Joseph Solomonow, deks, Zajoncek, was among those in Germany. •west. ' '• The department issued the follow** The Yeshivah college in New York "Trustin for Commissioner" club was land which is fully in my possession." luncheons; Maurice Katz, dating; arrested. ing statement: In Omaha Henry Mendelson, sessions. organized. is also aided by the Philanthropies. The police have also made arrests This report of the Emir's remarks "Following the visit of Rabbi Wise, The following represent the Coun- of Endeks at Bielsk, while at KraThe Jewry of Omaha have joined Hyman Shrier was elected chair- is only one of the many statements It is really the only Hebrew college the department has informed thft cil Bluffs B'nai Brith in arrangeman; Louis E. Xipp and Bess Spar, with their brethren throughout the in America . . . . it is not only a kau a number of Endek students and counter-statements floating about American embassy in Berlin of ths seminary but also offers a regular vice-chairmen; and Sophie Rosen- in connection with the Trans-Jordan ments: Ben E. Kubby, Sam Lincoln,! caught distributing anti-Semitic leaf- world in being concerned over the pol- press reports of mistreatment of Jews Dr. I. Sternhill, Louis Katelman, stein, secretary. A large turnout inicy of persecution and violation of college course .'. . . open to students lets in factories were apprehended. affair. : in Germany. and O. Hochman. who'are not interested in a Rabbini- dicated " that "this group" will be' a Anns were found on the Endeks ar- civil and religious rights which has Palestine is a land in which rumor "The department also informed ths potent force in the coming election. The executive committe consists of been pursued in Germany since the cal career but: wislf to have a liberal and report assume curious guises, those named and Sam Beber, David rested at Bielsk. embassy of the deep concern these Wednesday evening a meeting 'lerites ascended to power. arts course. It is the largest orthoand it is not easy to disentangle Blacker, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Later reports describe the attack reports ai-e causing in this country. boosting Trustin was held" at the dox . seminary. : . A conference of Omaha Jewish "The department has instructed fcha Elks club. Among the speakers were truth from fiction. Harry Friedman, Max Fromkin, at Zywiec as an onrush of peasants, Both of these colleges are now included B. R. Stone, president of Thus, there is a new tale to which Rabbi David Goldstein, Abe Gold- armed with sticks and agricultural organizations has been called at the embassy to make, in collaboration with und^r .terrific financial strain ' and the Independent Voters League, H. much attention has been given in ths stein, and David Greenberg. implements, bent on looting. The initiative of the Omaha Hebrew the consuls, a complete report on ths are battling for existence. C. Linahan, Philip Klutznick, and Arab press. The story is that a Sam Beber is president of the mob which had been incited by En- Club to consider the problem of situation.' ' group of Arabs has approached the District Lodge of the B'nai Brith. deks, offered resistance to the police, the Jews in Germany. This conferWhen several days ago the densrtShrolly Goodman. BACK TO THE LAND ence will be held in the lodge rooms ment made two distinct protest*. The speakers urged Trustin's elec- Emir with an offer to take up the Hyman Goodbinder is president of who then fired at the rioters. There are 750,000 Jewish farmers land which is the subject of negotiaWith the obvious object of inten- of the J. C. C. Sunday afternoon, against mistreatment of American throughout the world today. More" tion, praising his fine character and tions with the Jews. They are re- the international A.Z.A. sifying the agitation the "Gazeta March 26, starting at 4:30 p. m. Jevrs in Berlin, the German governhis capacity for leadership. This will be the first time that and more, Jewish people are looking Every Jewish organization in the ment agreed to prevent further snrn ported to have offered to lease the Warszawska," an anti-Semitic paper, the two organizations held a joint to the soil for their livelihood, as land on conditions more favorable convention. publishes a partly censored report city is invited to be represented. they did in the days of yore. In than those in the proposed agreeunder the headings "Anti-Jewish DisHowever, the attempt of the AmerThe committee in charge consists of fact, many claim that it is the "back- Kittenball League ment with the Jews, according to deturbances at Warsaw—Reports Part- J. Riklin, chairman, Irvin Levin and ican government to obtain punishment to-soil", movement that offers the at Community Center tails published in "El Arab." the or- Straus Appointment ly Exaggerated—Minor Jewish Inci- Sam Klaver. of the alleged Nazi storm trooprr* . best salvation to our problems. gan of the Independent Arab party. dents Partly Invented." who are said to have attacked ton Approved in France The. last Jewish agricultural reIn Germany Five teams have already signed In the meantime, reports from ^ "--nn ' bei" ports show that there is room for up for the J. C. C. Kittenball league Trans-Jordan confirm the subject of The official telegraphic reports from naught when President von New York, (J.T.A.) — Among the more Jews on American farms, which will soon get under way. Germany demonstrate that the Jew- burg Wednesday signed a Jewish settlement is still the talk first diplomatic awards made by Electric Candles equipped with - capital - and other Individuals who desire to be ish people there are living in a state amnesty cancelling all charges that territory. The Emir is be- President Roosevelt, is the appointnecessary requirements and this is placed' on a team should sign up of of constant terror, with the Nazis Nazis and Nationalists who prior W> ing openly pressed by many of his ment of Jesse Isador Straus, as to Replace an opportune time t« place them on the bulletin board. ruthlessly subjecting them to acts of Tuesday committed crimes "in f"> followers to bring the negotiations Ambassador to France. there. Wax violence and cruelty akin to constant therance of the national revolution," with the Jews to a happy conclusReports received here by the JewThe National Farm School at The tennis class got off to a ion. One thing is certain, that he is pogromisrn. Doyelstown, which is another of the good start, Nate Cutler having 38 being urged to turn a deaf ear to ish Telegraphic Agency from its reNewark, (J.T.A.) — A precedent However, unofficial reports, not snbmany- worthy institutions * helped by pupils at the first instruction Wed- the intrigues of the Arabs of Wes- presentative in France indicate the in the traditional Jewish rite of the Jewish Philanthropies, prepares nesday at 7 p. m. He welcomes ad? tern Palestine. The expressed senti- satisfaction of French Jewry with lighting- candles on the Sabbath Eve, ject to the censure which has made Solomonow Third in the appointment. the news stories suppress much of the Jewish youth for the farm. Jewish ditional students. is expected to be set here "wlien the truth, Oratorical Contest ment is: let the Palestine Arabs tell a tale of even greater lads from all over come there to Daughters of Israel Home for the mind their own business." learn' the fine points of farming. opens its new four-story annex. horror. International A. Z. A. Aged E. Joseph Solomonow, freshmso* vft Sogolow's varsity volleyball artThe women residents of the in- Jewries of all countries have been the Creighton University School «•"£ Incidentally, do you knpw that in ists downed the Benson Community it is announced, \rill in- registering their protests. In Pales- Law, vras awarded third place ir, U** 1900 about 200 Jewish farm families team Tuesday, 15-7} 15-11; 15-7. Sabbath Next Friday stititution, troduce the novelty of blessing the tine when the swastika was hoisted 48th annual oratorical contest hf^fl existed in the United States, while The varsity team consisted of Bob International A. Z. A. Sabbath Sabbath with electric candles in over the German consulate at Jeru- in the university auditorium W « l today over 100,000 Jews in this Kooper, Abe Brodkey, Martin Falk, salem, a storm of indignation was will be observed on Friday evening, place of the usual wax candles. country are deriving their livelihood Art Conn, Iz Levinson and Phil raised, and police guards were neces- nesday evening. March 31. 'either in "whole or in part, from the Feldman. Solomonow, speaking on his topK Montreal, (J.T.A.)—The anti-Semsary to protect the German Palestine Services will be conducted by the farm. "This Latest Era," declared M.*S itic weekly "Le Miroir," has sus- two local chapters at the Conserva- Horseback Riding1 consulates. Jewish farmers are now found in The boycott of German goods is "the constitution has the poterU-.i*."::Sogolow announces that the J. C. pended publication indefinitely, ac- tive synagogue that night. ties to correct any defects that rns^ every state in the un'on. cording to a statement published in mooted. C. doubles tournament will get unClasses Growing In Poland, the Polish government crop up in our governmental sysi"«*.wv a special edition of the paper. It der way Sunday. This will be the HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS and remedy adverse situations r^ History Class gives financial difficulties as the reahas protested officially on the treatlast tournament of the current gym Sixty-two enthusiasts have signed • We will welcome any helpful hints suiting son for the suspension. The next meeting of the Jewish up at the Jewish Community Cen- ment being received by Polish Jewish ditions."from local or world .-•<•><> or constuctive suggestions which any season and suitable awards will be "Le Miroir,". one of the anti-Semgiven the winners. History class will be held at Temple ter for the horseback riding classes. citizens residino in Germany. A boyof you readers may have to offer reSolomonow is1 also the extcmpfCMt itic Goglu publications, gained no- Israel Tuesday evening, at 8 p. m. There is still room for more, ac- cott of German goods has been initiat- eous garding the campaign. speech contest champion oC '••** toriety as the result of a campaign Mr. Izy Rosenthal will lead the dis- cording to M. H. Sogolow, physical ed by Jewish merchants. r universit3 . of anti-Jewish vilification, carried on Hiller Heads Rotary cussion of the fourth chapter of the director at the Center. The Polish Jewish papers commend in its columns. A great deal of its second volume of Graetz, his subject Mr. Kennedy, riding master of the the vigorous action of the English Louis Hiller was elected president space -was devoted to rehashing an- being "The Herodians." Riga, —• The Latvian Parissirn.->A Royal Riding Academy, "will phone Jews protesting the Hitler acts and of "the Rotary club at a meeting of cient anti-Jewish fables, and it did Rabbi Frederick Cohn will continue all of the applicants -within a week condemn the silence of the Americans. has resolved to lose down the !.*>* the incoming executive board at the not even hesitate to revive the vilest the reading of Stephen Phillip's dra- to infirm them of the next get-to- Russia Wednesday joined many oth- vian Nazi organization, r,s v?rll «, of mediaeval slanders. Paxton hotel last week. ma, "Herod." er nations la protesting against the the Nazi Press. gether at the stables.
The Community Forum lecture by Warden Lewis E. ]Lawes, scheduled for this month, has been cancelled as Warden Lawes f has found it impossible to come |o Omaha at this time. He was originally scheduled to lecture here las| fall, but illness prevented his coming. The committee^ is considering plans to bring a prominent speaker here in his stead\ at a later date, probably next mon^h.
Nation-wide Protest; Omaha Organizations to Consider Situation Sunday
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1933 Ralph Nogg and Ei-win Wezelman twanger was given by Miss Mina zation will endorse a number of monopoly. This number was subse- defeated the A.Z.A. No. 100 team Freedman. Violin selections were candidates for the city election in quently reduced to 30 and has now represented by Daniel Lintzman and dwindled to two in the entire coun- Edward Rosenbaum. rendered by Miss Lillian Epstein May. Mr. Ben E. Kazlowsky, presided at try. who was accompanied by her sister, The next debate will be Thursday, Edith. Rabbi Uri Miller, guest art- the meeting. A t the close of the March 30, between the Xi Lambda Published every.Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ist, and spiritual advisor of the or-meeting refreshments were served to team and the winner of the A./i.A. ganization, briefly addressed the ra-all present. Another rally will be THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY No. 1-A.Z.A. No. 7 debate. dio audience explaining metaphori- announced in the near future. $2.50 The question to be debated i s : Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - cally the necessity of activity in orMICHAEL GROSS Advertising rates furnished on application Resolved that a Secular University ganization work. Mylee Whitman The Council of Jewish Women was the studio announcer and Dora Michael Gross, 88, of 551 So. 35th Should Be Established in America. Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building •will hold its regular monthly meet- Freshman the station announcer. St., passed away at his home Tues- The debate will be held at the J. C. Telephone: ATlantic 1450 ing and program on Monday, March day, after a lingering illness. Born C. Admission is free and the public Preceding the program reports of Sionx City Office—Jewish Community Center 27, at 2:30 p.m. A board meeting the various committees were given Educated a t Missionary Beirut,—Over 1,100 Jewish child- in Poland, he had been a resident of is invited. DAVID BLACKER - . . . Business and Managing Editor will be held at 1 pan. and it was reported that plans were ren in Syria are compelled to seek Omaha for the past 48 years. PRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor The Legislative, Civic and: Peace being formulated with regard to a their education in missionary schools, He was president of the Beth HaF A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent groups extend an open invitation to fund raising affair to be held in the it is asserted here by the Jewish medrosh Hagodol synagogue for eleA N N PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent the Jewish women of the city to near future. ven years up to 1928. He had been "Your Old Hat Made New leaders. act as visiting mothers when they At the conclusion of the meeting, Save a Dollar or Two" It is understood that the Alliance active in the affairs of the synagogue •will present a short play, "The one pound boxes of candy were raf- Israelite, after investigating the con- since its construction, and had a OMAHA HAT FACTORY Goes to School." fled. Once long ago the Jewish people were able to cry to the Romans: Council dition of Jewish education, intends prominent part in its dedication cere115 North 16th Street This play is being directed by monies. He was also active in the Opposite Tojt Office to approach Sir Elly Kadoorie, the "We have no State, but we have God!" That conviction of incom- Mrs. Herman Jahr and was written ED KAPLAN, Manager Jewish philanthropist of Shanghai, Hebrew Club. Phone ATlantic 0550 parable greatness formed a road by which a tenacious people made by Mrs. A. Brodkey and Mrs. Max and to ask him to assist in the es- He operated a bakery for many AND WE W i l l CAM. Holzman. years, retiring about 18 years ago. strong their claim to eternity. Today, many generations later, we Those taking part are the Mes- A smoker for Jewish young, men tablishment of Jewish schools in He is survived by three sons, are deliberating whether the path we should pursue for the future daraes Louis Sogolow, J. M. Mala- was held by the Young Men's Vaad Syria. The Alliance proposes that Bernard and J. A. of Omaha, and educational establishments escould be made less fatiguing by an inclusion of a "Jewish State." shock, Herman -Jahr, Max Holzman, Tuesday evening at the B'nai Israel the Samuel of Council Bluffs; four tablished by him should be called Grodinsky, Ben Glazer, Jack synagogue. An entertaining program 'Kadoorie Schools." daughters, Mrs. E. Meyer, Mrs. ReuAlfred Doeblin, who stands in the very first rank of German Manuel Marer, Abe Brodkey, Sam Wolf, was given, featuring musical selecben Kulakofsky, Mrs. A. Katskee, Sir Elly Kadoorie, who is an old writers and novelists and who is himself Jewish, has created con- Harry Silverman, J . H. Kulakofsky, tions. Short talks were given by NATIONAL scholar of the Alliance, having re- and Mrs. Louis Ziev, all of Omaha; siderable interest in Hitler-ridden Germany with his essays on H. A. Newman, Robert Glazer, R. Rabbi Uri Miller and Ephraim ceived 26 grandchidren, and 19 greatgrandACCESSORIES. INC. his education at one of the Marks. Henry Magzamin was toastchildren. Jewish existence, in which he charts a course opposite to a Jewish Natelson, and J. J. Greenberg*. Alliance schools in Bagdad, has almaster. An enjoyable and interesting afterServices were held Tuesday after"Everythinjj for the state. Following the program, refresh- ready contributed large sums for noon at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagonoon is promised. Jewish education in Syria. ments were served. 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 Doeblin points out that instead of its ancient devotion to the dol synagogue. Burial was in the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. present, Judaism is dominated by the feeling of piety to the past,
Organization News
Council of Jewish Women
What Path?
Young Men's Vaad
Hadassah Kosher Bill in Connecticut A. Z. A. No. 1 and messianism in regard to the future . . . and so i t takes leave Hartford,—The Connecticut State DOROTHY KAHN of real life. This state of affairs, he states, cannot continue. We The Hadassah meeting to be held Israel Bercovici was elected as Senate has passed the Kosher Food Mrs.MRS. Dorothy Kahn, 33, of 2523 Wednesday afternoon, March 29, at are Jews not for the sake of the mournful past, but put of pride in the Jewish Community Center, will delegate of the Mother chapter of Bill. The bill provides for fines of Seward Street, died at a local hosinternational A.Z.A. convention $100 and six months' imprisonment pital Monday, following a long illits heroic heritage. Tears, anger, and embitterment are no fur- be open to the public. The meeting the to be held in Omaha next July. for violations. ness. She is survived by her husband, ther avail. We must show-strength and alter our mode of life. will be in celebration of the six- A.Z.A. No. 1 will enter all of the The bill orders all Jewish res- John Kahn, and four children, Helen, tieth birthday of Chaim Nachman divisions of the J.C.C. Senior Coun- taurants, meat markets, and handlers Shirley, Gertrude and Stanley. We must not be content with mere eternity, but fashion the way Bialik. cil tournaments, including ' the de- of packaged goods to carry signs in Funeral services were held Tuesof living it. ; V ;^ / The program: a piano selection, bate, essays and drama divisions. their establishments, in letters at day afternoon at the Jewish funeral The idea of having "both a Jewish State and God" seems to lie famous nigun Bialik, Engels arrangeleast four inches high announcing j h o m e Burial w a s i n t h e by Miss Margaret Hurwitz; whether the product being sold is Hill cemetery. nearest at hand as a solution, but Doeblin does not advise that road ment, Alpha Beta Rho reading from poems of Bialik, by —in fact, he definitely warns against a Jewish state. Are we Justin Wolf; appreciation of Bialik The following officers were elected either kosher or non-kosher. JOE WHITE Jews, he asks, to travel along the terrible road of present-day, and his work, by Mrs. David A. at the last meeting of the Alpha Joe White, 2230 South Thirty-first Austrian Jewish Population Goldstein. Bet Rho: Rose Novak, president; nations, when new forms of human co-operation already loom on street, died last Thursday at a local Mrs. Meyer Friedel will serve Florence Sklar, vice-president; Lil- Decreases the horizon ? He distrusts state institutions; instead he advocates tea. She will be assisted by herlian Monovitz, Eecretary-treasurer Vienna.—A decrease in the Jewish hospital as a result of injuries rea Jewish world center which engages in the solution of social ques- committee. The meeting is open to Pearl Friedman, reporter; Dorothy population of Austria is revealed in ceived while washing windows at a Zlotkin, membership committee; the statistics for 1932. The entire local downtown store. tions, manages without a state and converts the exile into a home-; everyone. Funeral services were held Friday Florence Greenstone, courtesy com- Jewish population is estimated at land. I t leaves the Jews their respective fatherlands and at the Additional names of those who mittee; Evelyn Abrams, ways ant" 186,000. A total of 2,641 Jews died from the Jewish funeral home. during 1932, with only 976 births resame time retains the old religious and secular character of have raised their money toward the means committee. MAX KATSKEE medical fund and who are to be Meetings will be held every two corded. In addition 819 persons reJudaism. ' " Max Katskee, 61, of 2809 Hamilguests at the "Give or Get" luncheon weeks. Any girl interested in join- signed from the Jewish Community. We agree that the-Jewish people should stop living in exile, that on May 3 are the Mesdames Max ing is asked to call Dorothy Zlotkin ton, died of pneumonia in a local hospital Wednesday after an illness they should become animated with a spirit of liberty, should hold Goldberg, David A. Goldstein, J. J. Webster 4999. Riga, (J. T. A.)—The confiscation Greenberg, Goodman Cohen, I. Hurof several weeks. He was a resitheir heads high, steel their muscles, and battle for a better civili-l witz, of the largest Moscow Temple, the Max Kaplan, J. H. Kulakofsky, dent of Omaha for forty years. zation. We agree in practically the same ultimate-goals. But Abe Pradell, _H. S. Novitsky, M. South Side Progressive "Chor Shul" was contemplated by He is survived by his wife, Sophie; the Soviet authorities on the eve of a daughter, Rose; two sons, David when it comes to. the question of a Jewish State, we think that Moskowitz, and Horace Rosenblum. More than 350,,residents of South Rosh Hashanah and was prevented and Irvin; and four brothers, Abe, such a state could help us right now. We can continue to strive only through a mass petition adOmaha attended the first political to the Central Soviet author- Hyman and Arthur of Omaha, and for human brotherhood among all men and different forms of coSisterhood Current rally sponsored--by the South Side dressed ities, it was learned here through a Herman of Kansas City; and a sisHebrew Progressive League, last operation among people, but while living in this day and agej:we ter, Mrs. Edward Baron of Sioux Topics Tuesday evening-at the South Side letter received by the former Moscow City. have to face the concrete problems of the day. It seems t M t cantor, Lange. Jewish Center, 2&h and J Sts. Funeral services were to -be held present-day Germany, Doeblin's own fatherland, is the best* ansl ; The current topica class under the Over thirty candidates for the Thursday afternoon at the residence, auspices of the Temple Israel Sister- city, council addressed the meeting. Warsaw (J. T. A.).—Only two with burial in the Beth Hamedrosh wer to his cultural center. The Jewish citizens are retaining their hood will meet Tuesday morning, few, furnished Jjy large Jewish tobacco merchants are Hagodol cemetery. German citizenship, but with what avail? Building yp-culture •iiarch S8, a t ' 10:3b a.m.-at the Entertainment Phillip Sokolori^witir A song ?:juid left;in; Poland from a group..which and education will not solve the Jewish problem . . . thM Ifewlsfj: Blackstone. This will be the last dance numebr, assisted by Mrs;" H ^numbered 800, declares the "Hajnt." HARRY L. COHN of the course by Rabbi FredThe paper says that there were Greenblatt, andi a humorous recita people in Germany are suffering at the hands of a "highly cultujred lecture Harry L. Cohn, 59, former Omaha erick Conn.--..:*.. tion by-Miss Ejjith Wolf son: Plans .800 large Jewish tobacco merchants newspaper man, died of pneumonia and educated and intelligent" people. The protests of a Jewish : Dr. Cohn will speak on "The Sit-*&re being; made-whereby the orgarit prior to the introduction of the state Tuesday in Long Beach, Calif. He state would unquestionable carry more weight and influence than uation in Germany." - . is a brother of Mrs. Bay Furth and *-••.'a--' ,. .... . the perfunctory protests being made now. By making their Joseph P. Cohn. Also surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sisterhood national homeland a strong, politically potent country recognized Ella Rosenfeld Cohn, a former resiamong the nations of the world can the Jewish people stop living The Temple Israel Sisterhood dent of Council Bluffs; a son, Harry in exile. jr.; and a daughter, Mrs. Irving dinner "which w a s to be given on March 27 has been postponed until aloof from the rest of the congrega- some later date, in April. Further tion, because pride cannot exist- be- announcement will be given in the Jewish Press. fore the Lord. He who enjoys a meal at which a learned man is present is considered By 0 . . 0 . DASHER as though he were enjoying of1 Divine glory. • s The next Oneg Shabbos will be The highway of the upright is to held Saturday at the home of Mrs. depart from evil. He that keepeth Sam Wolf, Ambassador .apartments. his way preserveth his soul. The subject will be "Chassidism." A rebuke entereth deeper into, a i A general discussion will be folman of understanding than a hun- . The Talmud tells this story in erf- lowed by a reading of Ansky's "The dred stripes into a.fool. pounding the premise'that all Israel- Dybbuk" by Mrs. Herman Jahr. He who is slow to anger is better ites are mutually accountable for each Everyone is urged to attend. than the mighty. And he who ruleth other: his emotions is mightier than he who In a boat at sea, one of the men taketh a city. began to bore a hole in the bottom of Pleasant words are as a honeycomb the boat. On being remonstrated : The "All-day" frolic and tea dance —sweet to the soul and health to the with, he answered: "I am only bor- sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Vaad H'Oehr at the Jewish body. ,•.." ,ing under my own seat." _ Community Center1 last Sunday was a Understanding is a fountain of "Yes," said his comrades, "but when great success from every standpoint, life unto him who hath it. the sea rushes in we shall all be.according to Mrs. L. Neveleff, presidrowned with you." dent. ; Talmud So, concludes the Talmud, it is with A large crowd attended. Gene CoopHe who wants his prayers to beIsrael. Its weal or its woe is in the er's orchestra played. There were answered should not keep himself hands of every individual Israelite. eats and drinks, dancing and games of all sorts.
Conservative Auxiliary
Accountable to All
"Action" Men
• See The Nebraska!fs
Vaad Frolic
BUT THE BEST COAL—Cheapest in the Long Rim PETROLEUM
Best Grade Forked Clean Small In Size, bat Large in Heat A BIO SAVING TO COKE CSEBS
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BLEND An Forked Lamp The Blgcest Furnace Coal Bargain In OnsahA
AT 4444
50c PER PERSON! Plus Tax—After 8:30 With
•Gala Floor Show and Dancing!
Ticket for Monday nights to those attending Sunday nights
Pioneer Women The Pioneer Women's-organization will sponsor a - concert and one-act play on April 12 at 8 p.m. at the Labor Lyceum. ."••*-.• Proceeds will go to the "Fivedollar luncheon fund." Every member is seeking to raise this quota, which was decided upon at the last Pioneer Women's convention. Mrs. J. Eaznick is in charge of this affair. The organization has expressed its appreciation to Mr. M. D. Brodkey, who has donated - an electric refrigerator to the Pioneer Women, to be given away to the holder of the winning ticket at a program to be given by the organization in June. All proceeds raised from the sale of tickets for the refrigerator will be sent directly to Palestine for the Chalutzos.
Only real quality gives you ''action'' for your money—in Hats. Stetson, Mailory, Knox — t h e quality bat world's l e a d e r s . Newest Spring colors. The smartest styles your famous hat makers ever produced.
Other Good Hats \$2.50, $3.50 and Better
Borsalino Hats, $8 Hats—Main Floor
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary A program fashioned after a radio broadcast was the feature of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary meeting held Monday night at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Al Soffer, introduced as "Omaha's most popular tenor" opened the broadcast by singing Jewish folk songs. An interesting review on "Power" by Lion Feuch-
oxhtMatzV tnoantGo!'tJUcdd si Ilbrid lipositin &&
Wiess of Long Beach; two other sisters, Mrs. Jean Raymond of Yakima, Wash., and Mrs. Anna Stepp of Kansas City; another brother, A. B. Cohn of Stockton, Cal.,
Comfort *• your shoes repaired at the
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
.. O^||A: . '
Sr. Council Debates The Senior Council of Clubs of the Jewish Community Center Debate Tournament* got under way Tuesday evening, March 21, when the Xi Lambda team composed of CHATTEL MORTGAGE SAUE Notice is hereby given that -on April 15, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M., at 2514 Leirrenwdrth Street, the undersigned" will sell to the highest bidder for cash: 1 mah uprt Viotroln No. 130820 1 d h Singer sewing machine No. B60371 1 0x12 Ax rug 1 brass floor lamp 1 malt lea s caue b arm rocker 1 oak tnfile 1 gilt frame mirror 1 wal smoker 1 brown iron daybed and pad 1 4b Banner gas stove 1 d 1 kit table 1 Congo rag 8-3x10-6 1 porcelain top kit table 1 sanitary cot 1 75-lb. refrigerator 1 groen dresser 1 green V M bed spjrs and matt 7 misc chairs 1 onk desk 1 Vamett elec sweeper 4 Ax throw rugs 1 onk dining table 4 oak %v s diners 1 onk china cabinet 1 wnl chiffonier 1 oak buffet 1 onk dining table 1 man dresser 1 0x12 Congo rug 1 oak lib table 1 oak tap s arm rocker 1 mab tap s arm rocker 1 oak wardrobe 1 mah lea s arm rocker 1 jnnple dresser 1 Ivory V M lied spgs and mat 1 oak table 1 metal table lamp 1 brown Simmons bed epgs and matt 1 oak dresser 1 9x12 Ax rug 1 wicker fernery 1 oak sewing rocker 1 Clarindn elec washer 1 oak lea s arm rocker 1 onk w s arm rocUer 1 oak dresser 2 misc chairs 1 porch swing 1 1927 Ford Conch motor No. 1479042 Keg. 1-9S22, 1 red moh overst davenport 1 red moli overst arm chair and nil silverware, dishes, linens, bedding, kit utensils, draperies and pictures. Covered by Chattel Mortpnpe executed by Magnus B. Nielsen and Mary M. Nielsen on April 8, 1931, to P. E. Tyson, doing business as the Omaha Lonn Company, and having been filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage and to satisfy the amount dne thereon to-wit: Two hundred Fifty-Seven and 79-100 Dollars (?237.79) and accruing costs. F. E. TTSOX, Doing business ns Omaha Loan Company. 3-2i-33-3t. •FBADENBCRG, ST AIM ASTER & BEBER Attorneys 650 Omaha Nat'I. Bank Bide. NOTICE OF ADMINISTKAT1ON* In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate oil Mollie Steken Maroney Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that Bnid deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court, on the 15th day of April 1033, and that if they fail to appear at. said Court on the 15th day of April 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Thelma Bullock Gripp or eome other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. ' BRTCE CRAWFOKB ; , County Judge. 3-24-33 3 t
• • • . . » - • -
Modified Rates on ali Classes of Rooms 400 Rooms with bath from
More than 15O Rooms priced at $2.5O and *3 • The Fontenelle is outstandingly Omaha's largest and finest hotel, the center of business, social and travel activity. Headquarters of the Omaha Auto Club and United Air Lines, civic clubs and commercial organizations. Operated by EPPLEY HOTELS CO.
Dine and Dance
Din* sn<3 dance t o famous bands Sn t h e beautifu'Jfcalian Room, En]oy Nebraska's most succulent food in the popular Indian Grill
President of Omaha Daughters of Zion
cial, "even though the shot missed," one of our prominent young members toned-down, contagions, and intoxicat- annual service observing internathere would follow "a pogrom which of the legal" profesh . . . . has "been ing melody . . . . Voss you effer at tional A.Z.A. Sabbath. On, Wednesday evening, April 5, nothing could stop." styled as the "lone wolf- bachelor Club Arahy? . . .". "&e".Leyison is _"In other .words, thousands of Jew- . . . . Harry was a "loan wolf" dur- in charge o f the catering department will take place the next Book Eveish people, innocent of any wrong- ing the bank holiday . . . . That shy • . .-. and Paul Spor, prince of pev,ning sponsored by the congregation. doing, might be massacred because of I and retiring youngr barrister, Wm. S.Has always been graciously accommo- Rabbi Galdstein will review "The a crime,-perhaps that of a maniac, . . . . surprising his friends by, hisdating in helping to entertain at Jew- History of the Marrannos" by Cecil Roth; for which" they would be in no waysudden and arduous attentions to V ish affairs. .. ..-.-- " responsible." sweet and demure brunette,. IL P. . . . . she is a special feature writer Tfustin Must Bust-In Vaad A catchy phrare: "Trust in Trustin" on one of our dailies . . . . . SaHie K.., Havana,—- The- only Jewish . . . . true to the last letter . . . . our the dark-eyed "eye-full" going places school threatens to close down as a Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on own Harry is receiving a solid back- with Sollie Y-, the .printer's son . ' . 1 . result of the difficult economic situ"The Sin of the Jev/" at the regula* ing from . young and old, men andThe "on-again-off-again" romance of ation prevailing in the'island. Friday evening services at the B'nai women alike . . . . he is an ideal can-' Euth R. {the "medic student) and athIsrael synagogue, 18th and Chicago Please Note—All items must be didate for city commissioner . . . . first letic Jimmy B. . . . . is ""on-again" street, this evening. vmailed cr phoned so that they reach ternity at Creighton University, •will and foremost of importance is that ajrain - . . . L. B., one of Omaha*s genSaturday morning Rabbi Miller Jthe Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. take place at the chapter house April you must register in order to vote uinely sweet personalities . . . . ad9, according . to Ben Smith, pledge- j •vrill c;nduct services at the Beth . . .-. not later than FRIDAY, MARCH ministers the affairs of an important Wednesday to insure publication master. The formal initiation will be Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th 24th . . . . if you have moved since local organization . . . . the premier Friday. preceded by "hell -week." and Burt. the previous election, you must regis- ballroom dancer is in a quandary -over The six who will take the fraternity DECEPTION FOR ter, again . . . . The Jewish quarter a. pair of Chicago "he" men . . . . the Temple Israel oath are Maurice Katz, David Bernhour will soon be broadcast over Sta- one she chooses to admire is the one Rabbi Frederick Cohn -will discuss fEWLTWEDS ' tion KFAB on Thursday evening, that lacks the fire! . . . . Mr. and Mrs. "The Judaism of Isaac Mayer Wise" FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenberg, 5121 stein, Melvin Sommer and Ben Shrier, Dave B. are preparing for a young- a,t services at Temple Israel this >avenport street, will -be, - at hqmfr all of Omaha; Is liberman, Sioux April 6, at 6:30 p. m prepare to 2 rooms and kitchsn, or one room rom 3 to 7 p.m., Sundky, March 26, City; and Morton Adler, Council tune in, and above all, to write your' ster . . . . since we "have exactly a evening. and kitchen, all furnished. Bluffs. ' : ; • • dozen couples known by the same onoring Mi-; and Mr£ -David Greenr praise or criticism to the Station or Saturday raoming Dr. Cohn has name . . . . we identify the fatherErg, who were married - Sunday, the Canter . . . . WE 3527 as Ms topic, "The Menorah." to-be as being asociated with the chosen LEADING FEMININE ROLE larch 12. , ...- J;. •-"iJ: ,.".; The following children will particiA Salute for Mrs. Neveleff Armour Company . . . . and Mr. an>l Miss Bessie Goldware, daughter of . Xo invitations •were issued. The dance last Sunday evening, a Mrs. Harry W. aToo expecting the "big pate in tomorrow morning's services: Mrs. J. Goldware, was selected to play ''frolicking", success . . . .given :by bird" to pay them, a visit . . . L. theBetty Becson, Armand Gilinsky, TRY OUR the leading feminine role in "The •AZOFF-KELBERG , the Vaad H'Oehr Auxiliary . . . . the mother-to-be prior to her marriage Theodore Mayer, Bernice Robinson, ENGAGEMENT U" •-.''^ y^X^.\,- ,'-• Haunted. House," the "next production "very busy" Mis. Sophie Neveleff and was Lea" G. . . . . you will have no Sarah Gilinsky, Leonard Kulakofsky, • ;- Mr.. and Mrs. .Morris vKelberg an-_ of the Creighton Players, which is her committee of workers chiefly re- difficulty in determining the identity Julia Nathan and Joy Youscm. ipunce the engagement of their daugh- under the direction Milton Hieck. sponsible for the enjoyable evening of the folks mentioned above . . . . if Kaddish will be recited this Sab10 Lbs., 70c Miss Goldware, who is a freshman, Mrs. Jacob Goldware er, Rose, to Mr. Irving Pazoff, son . . . . A special salute for Mrs. Nev- ycu "know your alphabetl . . . . Sur- bath for Bernard Gladstone. will play the part of the bride of the f Mr. and Mrs. Ahram Pazofsky of Add £* ^ Shirts Q Above is pictured Mrs. Jacob Gold- eleff . . . . a true example of the type jrooklyn, New York. No date has hero in this mystery play of Owen ware, who was named president of of Jewish womanhood above reproach prising that a mere pirl could have brought about a near fistic encounter Conservative Davis, whose woiks have been pre- the Daughters of Zion at the election . . . . the list of organizations that she ieen set for the wedding. between a pair of blonde boys at sented in successful fashion on many j>f officers of that organization. is actually identified with, would fill P. D. E. frat party . . . . The B—y At services tonight Habbi David A. Broadway stages. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS • She has been very active in theour entire column . . . . thoroughly sisters are in a race as to who will be Goldstein will speak on "This Ques;• Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shapiro announce .affairs of this organization, whose enjoys .her constant" activity in behalf the to announce her engagement tion of Intermarriage." fce birth of a daughter last Friday,OMAHA CLUB ELECTS lEunds go to aid work of the Jewish 1 of all worthy causes . . . . possesses -.:,..frrrt B. S. is the little irirl who will Next week the synagogue will uarch 17, at the Clarkson hospital. The Omaha Club of New York, National Fund in Palestine. an infectious smile that radiates good j "Say it isnt NO" to A. K. honor th= members of the two local composed of former Omahans now liv- • Mrs. Goldware is a past secretary cheer . . . . and a motherly spirit Jbe singing . . when the St. Louis schools ad- A.ZJL chapters 1 and 100 in the f Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fogel announce ing in New York, has. elected-the Jf ol- and a past treasurer. She is chair- that endears her into the hearts of alii journ for the summer . . . . A new man of several benefits sponsored by who come i n contact with her . . . . t he birth of a son Thursday, March 16, io wing officers: definition of a bachelor: "A man who the organization. jt the Luther hospital. George M. Cohen, president; Mrs. The women in our community who are jnever makes the same mistake once!" Mfldred P. Mandel, vice-president; The "other new officers are: Mrs. idlers; and who have "time on their . . . A young- chap of mystery as to ' Mr. and Mrs. H; Abramson an- Philip S. Mandel, secretary; Harry A. Ben Eisenberg, vice-president; Mrs. hands"•-•:.. . can be rewarded with a .the ssx: Dr. D. C. P . . . . . a den• ounce the birth, of. a son on'^March Golden,' secretary; Samuel ;• Okun, serr Louis Morgan, financial secretary; bountiful return . . . . their inner tist fair >y extraction . . .-..Mis. H. J. C , r Mrs. Max Arbitman, recording secre- wealth will increase . . . . and they wife of a local film 3 at the Methodist hospital; '*; -~ geant-at-arms. '. "' manager . . . . 'The club is anxious to learn the tary; Mrs. Max Goldstein, treasurer; will be happier in the thought that has a thyroid complex. . . . also has Mrs. A. Shafton, chairman of card they /have contributed their share for a mania for retaining old lieht bulbs • ; N T E R T A I N S -^.-•r-vl-.•;>• V -\-,K:; -: lames and addresses of all fofcmer. Sally Bernstein entertained- eight esidents of . Nebraska and : Council parties; Mrs. Meyer Linda and Mrs. the good of those who have suffered . . . . figure it out yourself! . . . HOWARD *i 16th. Dave Soref, chairman of bazaar. misfortune . . . . the Jewish Philanouples at a house party Saturday, Bluffs now living in New York. The annual bazaar of the Daugh- thropies drive will soon take place fdarch 18. / Soothing ters of Zion has been postponed until . ' . . . get busy and volunteer . . . . "A SUBSCRIPTION DANCE RETURNS HOME after the Passover holidays. word" to the wives is sufficient" . . . . -i subscription dance, proceeds "goThe "night clubs" keep their lights _ Miss Mildred Lipsey, daughter of ing to furnish the lobby and lounge A "Word's-Eye" View dimmed to provide "atmosphere" . . . . Mr. and- Mrs. Joseph Ldps'ey, has re- ooms of the J. C." C. with lounging Harry C., announcer of the Creigh- and to encourage the couples to find A Real Meal turned from an extended: visit with facilities; and a radio, will be spontpn University radio programs . . . . Si table for two . . . . where a few. lies "he? grandparents in Hollywood, Cal- iored by the Senior Council of Clubs and Harriet G., a comely little blonde are exchanged . . . . and- where they for New Energy ifornia. While there, she attended the f the Community Center on Sunday . . . . fear not the peering eyes of can crash each other's hands under University of California. She will re- evening, April 2. others . . . . and are "this and that" the table . . . . the first "crush", as it An appetizing meal made "just turn to her studies there next fall. Arthur Schlaif er is chairman of the about each other . . . . Harry B. <X,were . . . . subdued lighting plus right" by our culinary experts may ommittee in charge. Ralph Nogg is . be the very tonic you need for reVISITED WITH DAUGHTER " president of the Senior Council. ; By "Ab" kaiman newed energy . . . there's nothing . ^ M r s . S. Robinson, who has been There will be novelty dances, arid THE \ inEiting in Kansas City with -her son- prizes will be awarded the best like a good, satisfying meal to put A Disgrace in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. dancers. you in good spirits. The; ascendancy of Hitler to the lAchtenberg, for the past month, has Favor yourself with the b e s t . . . at throne of dictatorship . . . .should ^returned home. MAT3NEE DANCE .most reasonable cost . . . with unThe ;Psi Mu will .resume their Teg- mean more than! a passing thought to ular Sunday matinee dances at.the. 3ews .. ....- •'. The program of -hate of excelled service . . . at the Jack and of Nebraska Women p SHORT TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Phineasi ^Wintroub left . C. C this Sunday afternoon, March the man with the- **Chariie Chaplin Try a Bag Today Tuesday for a short trip to New York. 26. The dance will jstart ats3:30 p ; m. jinoustache" may bring on a Nazi massacre of the German Jews . . . . BrisGene Cooper' and'his .orchestra will : bane, in his column "Today," says: -,V furnish the music ~ -'.'•'.\.r' fct0 INITIATE SIX_A Suggestion for Any Night *The hatred and ingratitude that ij-Formal initiation b | the six pledges Hitler, a fustian Mussolini, displays Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Pi Lambda Phi, "national social f ra- First Aluminum ^Factory Served- while', toward Jews are a most serious, disIn the i>rtM-«t«8 potato. graceful feature of Germany's sudden in Palestine .••'••••'••. : of fnokinic . , toinnto, h m i l butter. <JriBli. Piping hot. devotion to a self-appointed "Pied Jerusalem.—An aluminum factory, Wins Fraternity the' first of its kind in Palestine, Piper." Jewish industrial, commercial Ping Pong Title will be established at Ramath^Gan and financial genius has done wonders by a Jewish manufacturer of Riga, for Germany. It has built great, sound Morris "Wintrpub, defending cham- Hillel Hilman. German banks, developed Germany's >ion of the ping-pong tournament The factory will employ fifty commercial shipping, built up her in'ipbnsored annually by Pi Lambda workers and in addition to putting dustries. Yet a spokesman of the new !?hi, national social fraternity a t out products for local consumption, regime declares, without rebuke from Creighton university, retained the plans the development of "an export high authority, that if any individual ntle for a second year by defeating trade. should fire one shot at a Hitler offipen Smith in the finals at the chapter house Monday evening. ••) Wintroub defeated Smith in three itraight games by the scores of 21(8/22-20 and 21-12. "Wintroub -was ^warded a cup which will become his permanent possession if he wins the jhampionship' next year.
Religious Services
Lbs. b e
] \ l l COFFEE 5 i
SHER ammeiats
inar wonder our
Is Qood for Folks hut Not for
5, \:
Kitchen Chats ;
.' '
Mrc David M. Newman
"The Host Com-
fortable Shoes i s the World Are How Among: t h e Most Beautiful."
Prune Pudding
.Use one pound of prunes. Cook pd remove pitts and chop and sugar o taste. Then take 3 eggs, beaten, i-4 teaspoon cloves and 1-4 teaspoon innamon, 1 tablespoon melted but\y, 1-2 cup grated bread crumbs, 1 iblespoon wine, 1-2 cup chopped jusins. Bake a half hour and serve ith cream.
\ Use 3 eggs, 1-2 cup sugar, 1 p lour, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-2 teaspoon &king powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla, >2 cup melted butter. | Beat eggs and sugar until very jght, fold in flour sifted with salt nd baking powder, add vanilla and "elted butter. Sprinkle sugar on ip and bake in well-greased muf." tins in hot oven twelve minutes, {over with a thin coating of white posting and decorate with candied hrit.
To answer numerous inquiries received this week at the Center-Council public rental library, located at he Jewish Community Center, the wo copies of the book, The Torch of .life, by Bernard M. Eossiter, B. S. >f London, will circulate only to idults. Readers under eighteen years tf age are therefore advised not to •equest it, as it cannot be circulated a them. The book of course, e ; irgiates to anyone for only 3c per ifay, in common with all of the other Rental books, many - of : the newest ind other recent ones, too.
To our excellent aggregation of fine shoes, we have just added this line of shoes famous for their beauty as well as perfect fit.
Beautifully styled, these shoes have the patented Selby Arch bridge that keeps your arch from sagging. They literally keep your feet well. Their steel supporting arch, their natural level inner sole and their scientific last modeling eliminate the nerve irritation and bone crowding that will sooner or later cripple your feet and put lines of age in your youthful face.
A complete assortment of Blue, Black, Brown, Beige and White.
Safeguards ALL Perishable Foods! '
>y's milk . . . fragile lettuce -^perishable granges . . . in fact, everything that spoils in "warm temperature is safely protected in the Electric Refrigerator. Always a temperature LESS THAN 50 DEGBEES. You save money by investing in an Electric Refrigerator. It soon pays for itself in the saving of food.
| s
SEE YOUR DEALER For the type of Electric Refrigeration you desire. At your dealer's store is the make and size of Electric Refrigerator to fit your particular needs. like practically everything else, refrigerator prices are low, too. Investigate today."
.Widths AAAAtoD Sizes Up to ID
Shoe Salon . , . Second Floor
"A Good Citizen Wherever We Seree
Omaha's great train H to Chicago Roller bearing*
Lv. Omaha 8:30 p a Ar.Cbicago 8^5 am
• Salon-dab car Valet Buffet Radio Bedroom* Ak-Sar-Ben Shop Reclaims chair car
o r . . . there's
the Fast Mail with dinuer on the train Lv. Omaha 6:15 pm
end earlier arrival in Chicago. 7:10 cm {Central Tbtui
EITHER W A Y . . . . i; • ; === ==
you will enjoy th& aaossitages or Burlington'Service
J . W. Sh&rpe, Geaeral Affeat 16th and Fimtm, Onwh* Phone Atlantic 6831
i I
PROTECTING THEIR YOUNG—A Long Beach, Cal., family gather together to give protection to their new born twins after abandoning their house during earthquake shocks.
PRECIOUS CARGO—Constance Bennett, motion picture star, and her husband, the Marquis de la Falaise, are pictured arriving in Eng» land on a pargo boat from the port of Los Angeles.
PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER AT PRESS CLUB—Mrs. Curtis Dall, daughter Of President Roosevelt, signs the guest book at the National Press club, Washington.
HOTEL IN RUINS—Young hotel in Compton, Ca].j .is shown in ruins following earthquake shocks.
AN AUTHOR AND A PROFESSOR CHAT—Mary Robert Rinehart, noted author, and Dr. William Lyon Phelps, pawfessor and author, on TacatioB, dtat on h»tel vcran«ter at Augusta, Ga.
"TENTING TONIGHT"—Her home in ruins following a series of earthquakes, this Long Beach, Cal., girl is shown pitching a tent for the nicht.
FILIPINOS PROTEST—Philippine natives are shown in a protest demonstration in Manila against the bill passed by congress to free the islands. Protestors say the bill, through its tariff restrictions, would strangle the trade of the Filipinos.
FORCED TO CAMP OUT—Their house in ruins following earthquake shocks in Long Beach, Cal.. four persons are photographed in the open with their pet dog, getting a little rest
' LAST JBITES—This is an impressive view of services held in the GOLD RUSH—BACK TO THE BANK—A few of the thousands re- 11 hMsmmmims^~>^^»^ <^^s Cathedral of St. Helena in Helena for the late Senator Thomas J,' • turning-gold and gold certificates to the Federal Reserve bank ia REFUGEES SEEK SHELTER—Long Beach, Cal., « * a g « s nuide homeless by a «*«» # f earthquakev > w.iA,rfVM,hmi-:---. • "New York are seen rnshmsr to the bank—to wdeposit this tan*, jaxe ae^ytelui«.cainp iieax-th« Signal HiU « l well.,. Walsh of Montana--
PAG&5-—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 2 4 193S Dykaar' been aided even to the extb4 Chenriker,** replied the tent of one of those Harlem families, woman. he would be still living today. "You mean the T?resident, the manA GREAT ARTIST ^ 4 J ager, the directors?? Dykaar, as you may know, sculp- "No—the Chemiker," persisted the tored such -well known figures as Jewish woman. Coolidge, Alexander Graham BeU, "Chemiker—what do you mean?" Samuel Gompers, Chief Justice asked ihegifL By DAVID SCHWARTZ Hughes.' If you visit the ftew Na- • "IPs very plain—I -want to see the tional Museum in Washington, you jnan who turned my money into will be struck by the quantity as Blote (mud)." SPEAKING OF HYGIENE well as quality of his work. Yet THE REBBE AND THE If one -waits long enough, it tomes. poverty haunted his door steps. GOAT I am referring just now to this busI met Dykaar several years ago. "And now," concludes Brother j iness of sleeping with the windows open—even in cold weather. I am Brooding misery was on his face Slomovitz,'for the story -which I ! one of the iew people never enthus- then. He scarcely knew then where am passing around here apropos of j iastic about this idea—in fact, in my his next meal was coming from. A the great Bank Yom Tov." I sup-: head of one of the government de- pose most of us, who months ago] own personal circle the only one. Of course, when the subject was partments at Washington admired his thought it could not be worse than it | up for discussion, I would be just a work, and let him use a room free was then, would only be too happy} little evasive. Theoretically, I had as a studio. But he had a "wife and to go hack to that status. Which i serves to recall the story of the rationalized that even if the air was two children to support. Chassid who went to his Kebbe and as beneficial as these window openers "HANDS LIKE MINE" contend, it could hardly do one good, Dykaar knew he was a genius. pleaded that he intercede in behalf when these very same window open- "Hands like mine," he once said to of his earthly plight. Said the ers pile so many blankets on them. me, "come to only a few people in a Chassid: "I have thirteen children. For after all, the whole body is hundred years." Yet he moaned to Every son has a wife, every daughsomething of a breathing organ—not me, "these gifted hands can do little ter has a husband, most of my children have children of their own, and j alone the mouth. But essentially, it work for the worry over bread." wasn't a matter of theory with me— Had Dykaar been helped to the ex- all of us are compelled to live in two it was just that, I like cold weather tent of one of these proletarian fam- rooms. What shall I do?" on\7 in summer. ilies, he would, I believe, be still liv- ' "Do you have a tzig ? (goat) asked ing and making beautiful things to- the Kebbe. LH1TEN TO HALDANE "Yes," said the Chassid. And now comes confirmation of day. "Take the tzig in to join your my prejudice. At least partial con- HITLER HERRING family," said the Rebbe. firmation. And from a source none Brother Slomovitz comes to the aid Off went the Chassid, but in two other than Professor J. B. S. Hal-of this department this week with -weeks, he returned, and he was frandane, the famous English scientist, several stories. tic. Says Haldane: "Except in over- The first of them, Slomovitz cred"Kebbe, it is impossible. We can't crowded sleeping quarters or in hot its to Dr. Abram -L, Sacher of Il- suffer this any longer. What shall weather, I do not believe in opes linois Hillel Foundation..; we do?" windows at night." ; A Jew went into a grocery store "Take out the Tzig and come back Mr. Haldane attributes his changed and asked for a Hitler herring. to see me in a -Week," advised the conviction, by the way, to his -wife, . "A Hitler herring—what sort of a Eebbe. who, by the way, is a Jewess. herring is that?" In a week, the Chassid was back, Let us go on further •with Mr. "Oh, dont you know. A Bismarck all smiles and happy. "Now, Eebbe, Haldane's confession: "I was brought with the brains taken o u t " it is a machayeh (wonderful)." up to sleep with the window open ami TECHNOCRATIC BANKS had about a cold a month. Since I The second story Mr. Slomovitz Well, cheer up. Brother Slomovitz. married, my bedroom window is shut credits to Dr. Bernard Heller. Since "the /receipt of your letter the in cold weather and I only get about A Jewish woman went to her bank banks have reopened. "We may he two colds a year." eating again soon—and if not eating and asked for the "Chemiker." Now, you cold air fiends, what say "You mean the cashier?" said the —at least, well be able to make a you to this? lechayim. girl at the information desk.
Sometimes I believe that charity is. B. social aspirin which will prevent any real readjustment of society, in the ends of social justice. I am told, for instance, that in Harlem, there are hundreds, yes, thousands of negroes, more comfortable and secure today than ever. The unemployment committee pays their rent, gives them a food ticket, buys clothes for them, and sends doctors and nurses among them. They just have to wait for the girl •with the check to visit them. The same is true of a considerahle element of the very poor whites.
Action, not words, count when it comes to cutting taxes. Noyes cut" his department's expenses voluntarily §50,000 a year, besides taking his regular budget cut.
—Photo by Hcya
HARRY TRUSTIN For City Commissioner
I remind, myself .o£the;greatyetess who suffer, too proud to seek charity. And it seems to me, that if a revision comes, it must come from this bourgeoise instead of the proletarian element, socialist thinking, notwithstanding. I remind myself of Moses Dykaar the famouse Jewish sculptor, who threw himself in front of a subway last week. I am quite sure that had
o n COMMISSION Insures a Clean, Honest, Progressive and
Gavenman in Race
Economical Business Administration. PLEDGED FOR LOWER TAXES
Friends of Jack D. Gavenman, candidate for the city commission, have been holding many meetings to boost his candidacy. Gavenman is identified with several Jewish organizations in the city. He has been a resident of Omaha since 1906, and is a graduate civil engineer from the University ; of Nebraska. He has also had about fifteen years practical engineering experience, particularly in public k
Vote for
Jack Gavenman
NOTICE OI" CHATTEL MOKTGAGE SALE Notice Is hereby given that at 8:45 a. m. April 1. 1933, at the Used Furnltnre Market, 2514 Leavenworth St., Omaha, T»ebruska, the undersigned -win sell at P]«>iic auction to the highest bidder for cash the following: .. , 0 Simmons beds, G Bprgs, C matt. elec. Ian-*, 2 oak rockers. 1 arm chair, OQK duofolfl, dining table, 4 din. chairs, 1 buffet. 1 oak £esk. 1 0x12 blue velvet rag. 1 0*l£ velvet -rug of mixed colors, 3 dressers. 3 chairs. 1 gas range, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 talkinc mach. 2 oak din. chairs, beddlne. draperies, dishes, cooking utensils and 'covered by a chattel mortgage In favor of the Peoples Loan Co., signed by Hatbe Lnmpkins; that said mortgage is dated September 23. 1032, and is recorded In the office of the county clert of Douglas County. Nebraska. Said unle -will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage, lor the costs of sale, and all accruing costs, and for the purpose cf sntisfvlntr the amount now due thereon, to-wit. ?142.riO: that no suit or other proceeding? at law have been instituted to re-
cover said dett ^ a n ^ n r t t h e r e o f
City Commissioner Theoretical and Practical Civil Engineering Experience EXPERIENCED IN PUBLIC WORKS BESEDENT OF OMAHA SINCE 1906 POLITICAL ADVEKTISEMEXT
Vote for
Frank J. Riha Present Chairman County Board
NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given thnt at 8:45 a. m., April 1,1933, at the Used Furniture Market, 2T.14 I-eavenworth St.. Omaha. Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the followWal. Chiffionier or highboy, waL bed. springs and matt., wnl. van. dresser, chnir, 9x12 gray. blue, gray velvet nig, wal. sew. table, mnh. Victrola. -wal. buffet. G wal. din chairs, 1 light brown velvet rng nine bordei. 1 8x10 tope and blue velvet rug, 1 wal. highboy, 1 wal. van. dresser. 1 bras3 b e d i i sprgs, 1 matt, 1 8x10 light brown and mixed color velvet nig. 1 Simmons day bed. 1 Simmons bed, 1 sprgs, 1 matt, 1 wal dresser, 1 chnir, 1 rocker, 1 A. B. KH8 range 1 refrigerator, 1 Simmons neu EprgB and matt. 2 small rugs, 1 waL CresBer, 1 Singer dropliead 6ew. machine. 2 em nil rags. 1 wall mirror, bedding, draperies. iVisbcs, cooking utensilB and linens. Covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the Peoples' Loan Co. signed by Euben Lampkins and GladyB Lampkins: that said mortgage is dated March 23, 1032, and is recorded In the office of the county clerk OI Douglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage for the costs of the Bale, ana all accruing costs, and for the purpose of satisfying the amotint now" flue thereon,; tfl-wit: 4193.12; tint no 'Suit or other proceedings at law have been Instituted, to recover said debt or apy part thereof.!; ; ' ; '. • PEOSX.E6 LOAN COMPANY S-10-33-3t. :
rE, the undersigned, endorse Harry Trustin for theoff ice of city commissioner because our association with him has demonstrated to us that he is honest, fearless and capable and would conduct himself in the of f ice of city commissioner in a manner that will reflect credit upon all of his friends as well as the entire city of Omaha.
• "
. • ' • •
• '
• - ' , ' • '
• •
TAX GUTTER As Chairman of the County Board he has fought for and effected drastic economies in the expenditures of public monies, thereby saving the taxpayers over a million dollars. For over 26 years he has been successful in business in Omaha. He intends to conduct the affairs of the City of Omaha with the same vigor, honesty, and economy as he would his own business.
"Trust in Trustin"
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1933 High School, and a student at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. The wedding will be an event of early spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Marsh of St. Paul, Minn., and Mr. Irving Moskowitz of New York City, are guests this week at the home of the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Committees in charge of the ar- Mrs. Sam Marsh, 506 Fourteenth rangements included Mrs. S. Ratner, Street. Mrs. Z. Novich, Mrs. R. Herzoff, Mrs. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and Ed Shafton,. Mrs. M. Levich, Mrs. A.Mr. Moskowitz, Mr. and Mrs. I. Marsh, Bain, and Mrs. G. Levich. Mrs. M. Laz- 509 Isabella Street, entertained Tuesriowich, president of the organization, day evening, at a dinner and bridge. presided. Mrs. Max Manaker, 508 W. Fourteenth Street, entertained at "a bridge party, Wednesday afternoon, in her home. The playing was followed by refreshments.
MISS ANNA PILL, Corresvondent
Mount Sinai
Council Bluffs News
for all Jewish boys between the ages of nine and twelve, which will be a subsidiary of the Jewish Boy Scout Troop. Willard Krasne has been chosen as Scoutmaster.
BY F. R. K.
Morris Yudelson left Tuesday night The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688for Chicago, 111., where he was called of the Independent Order of the B'nai due to the serious illness of his Brith will hold a meeting next Monday brother. evening, March 27th, at the Eagles Hall. An interesting, program will be given" by members of the local chapter No. 7 of the A. Z, A., who will give a symposium, of the Jew in Russia. All members of both organizations are urged to be present. /
HKBKEW CAWENDAH 5603 1033 Rosh Clindesh Sliehat Sat., Jan. 23 Kosh Chodesh Nissun Tues., War. 28 1st Day I'essacli Tuesday, Afril I t 7th Dity IVssach Monday, April 37 *Rosh Chodesh. lynr Thiirs., April "7 Lag b'Omer Sunday, May 14 Kosh ChodeMi Sivnii Friday, May "8 1st Day Shhbuoth "Weil., Mny 81 •Rosh CUodesh Tninmuz Sun., .Tune 25 Fast of TnmmnFi Tuesday, <Tuly 31 Rosh Chodesh Ab Monday, July 2+ Fast of Ab Wcdnesdsr, August 2 •JRosli Cbodesh Kllul Wed., Aug. 23
•Also observed the day previous ns BosU Chodesh. All Jewish holidays begin nt Sunset th* preceding secular day.
Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will speals: this evening on "Kecent Trends in Keform Judaism." EEEMAS GIXSBrKG AND .TACK VT. Rabbi Lewis spoke yesterday before KABEKi Attorneys. Court House, Omaha, Neb. The regular meeting of the Senior members of the local Quota Club on Hadasah chapter, which will be held "Preventing Another Depression." Plans are being made by the CounNOTICE o r SKEKirr's SALE. next Tuesday afternoon, March 28, Rabbi Lewis has been invited to give cil Bluffs Senior Hadassah for their In the District Court of Douglas County, will, be followed by a card party and the commencement address for the annual Rummage Sale which will be Nebraska. tea, open to all Jewish women of the Graduating Class of the high school held next month. Anyone who has a Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—All British By virtue of an order of sale iscity. The meeting will be a very brief in Correctionville, Iowa, by the Superout of the District Court of bundle to donate is iequested to call consulates in Europe were instruct- sued County, Nebraska, and in purone, and will begin promptly at 2 intendent of Correctionville Schools. either Mrs. Herman Marowitz, 3257 J, ed by the immigration department Douglas suance of a decree of said Court in nu o'clock. Immediately following the The Commencement will be held some Mr. Jack Robinson, general chairaction therein indexed at Appearanco Dockor Mrs. Ben Kubby, 1196. The Phi Deb Sorority met at tha of the Palestine government to tight- et Number "SO, at Page Number 23, Exemeeting the members and their friends time in May. \ man of the Building Fund Carnival to home of Miss Ruth Kifkin, for their cution Docket Number 29, at l'age Numwill adjourn to bridge, which will be Children of the Fourth Hebrew be held at the Auditorium on May 15 bi-weekly meeting. A discussion for a 4S5, wherein Federal Trust Company, Milton.Marcus is now a member of en immigration requirements for bercorporation, as Trustee, is I'lnintlfC, and concluded with refreshments. Class of the Religious School, will cul- reports that the program committee dance to be given soon occupied ths the famous Johnny Johnson's Orches- tourists desiring to enter Palestine. aHerbert IS. Waldron et al., nre defendThere will be no admission charge minate a six weeks' class contest with has enjoyed remarkable success in meeting time, following which the tra, which is playing, an extended en- In the future tourists will be re- ants, I will at 30:00 o'clock A. M.. on Tuesthe 4th day of April, 1033, at the ; their first week's solicitation for pro- guests adjourned to bridge and re- gagement at the Hotel Pennsylvania quired to produce evidence that they day, to the meeting or bridge, and the a party this Sunday afternoon. east front door of the Douglas County gram ads. Hadassah members will serve refreshfreshments. Prizes were won by Ida in New York City, He is a son ofleave either businesses or properties Court House in the City of Omaha, DougCounty, Nebraska, sell at public auc-> ments to the entire membership and The list of committees working on Plotkin and Ann Raskin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marcus of Council behind as well as to show return Ins tion to the highest bidder for cash, the their friends without charge. the Carnival, will be announced in next following described property, to-wit: tickets. The strictures are to be imBluffs. The South Half "(SV») of the Northwest week's issue of The Press. Mr. RobMembers and non-members of the posed as a guarantee that tourists Quarter (NWii) and the West Half CW%) Miss Rose Tester was hostess to the inson urges everyone to take an active Wadassah are urged to attend the the Southwest Qunrter (SW.1/*) (except Mrs. B. Saltzman returned home will not remain permanently in Pal- of railroad right-of-wny nbout four (4) interest in making this year's Carni- Iota Tau Sorority, Tuesday evening. meeting, which will be held in the Members of Mount Sinai Temple val a bigger success than ever. Those Miss Delia Shiloff was in charge of Sunday following a two weeks' visit estine after once having been admit- ncres) of Section Five (5) ; and the South, Jewish Community Center, and to Ilnlf (9»i) of the Southeast Quarter (SE&) listerhood will give a Card Party, who wish to contribute their services the program, following which the in Harlan, Iowa, with her son-in-law ted on a tourist status. of Section Six ^i'l : and the Northeast fracform tables for bridge. Wednesday evening, March 29, in the are asked to get in touch with Mr. members adjourned to bridge and re-and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simultaneously a number of travel tional Quarter of Section Seven (7), (being Lots One <1) and Two (2); agencies in Europe, and particularly Government Cohen. I Annex of the Temple. Members and Robinson, or Miss Rose Lipman, at the freshments. and lhe North Half ( X ^ ) of the Northin Poland have been placed on the west Qunrter (NWVi) ami the Southeast ;heir husbands and friends are ex- Jewish Community Center. Quarter (SEVi) of the Northwest Quarter jected to attend. Contract and Auc; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson, 2928 Mrs. Sol Gross left Friday for herblacklist by ^he Palestine government. (XW5j) and Government Lots One (1), The disfavor in' which the Palestine ion Bridge will be played as well as Two (2) and Three (:;), of Section Eight home in-St. Louis, Mo., following an Jones Street, announce the birth of a The regular meeting of the Ladies' ther card games. Prizes will be (S); nil in Township Fourteen (14) North, authorities suddenly find themselves Range extended visit here at the home of Ten (10). East of the Sixth (6th) son. Auxiliary of the Shaare Zion Syna- warded and refreshments served. are allegedly due to the fact that l'rinoipal Meridian in Douglas County, Ne» her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and gogue was held Tuesday afternoon, to satisfy the liens and incum« Mrs. E. N. Grueskin and Mrs. Her- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak recently they have attracted hundreds braska. Mrs. Louis H. Katelman.; • branees therein set forth; to satisfy the with Mrs. David Mazor, vice-president, man Miller are in charge of the ar- this evening on "A Harmonious Jewof Jewish tourists on the promise sum of ?31.3."> costs and the increased nnd presiding. A program was presented angements. accruing costs, all as provided by said orish Personality." The subject will deal that-they'would be. permitted to reder nnd decree. with the following taking part: Bill. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 main. The result was that a number Next Friday noon, the regular with the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Lansberg, violin solo; Bertha Snovsky, of the A. Z/A. held a special meeting of them have bi-oken up their homes Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 17th day death of Rabbi Israel Salanter. monthly meeting and luncheon of the of February, 1933. Now that Mr. Roosevelt has settled vocal solo. Miss Seretta Krigsten acNext Tuesday, Rabi Rabinowitz will everything that's important, the only Monday evening > t the home of Mar-j on" the basis of "these illegal promc. B . MCDONALD, companied both at the piano. Mrs. Sisterhood will be held in the Temple. speak vin Fitch. Plans were made for the Sheriff. before the International Rela- thing that really worries us is: Who ises," the travel agencies hold. S. H. Shulkin gave a report on the Mrs. Helene So'per will present a tions Club Annual International A. Z. A. Sab3-3-33-rit. Dotiglns County, Nebraska. in the Public Library, on group of vocal solos, and Miss Gladys is Gideon Gordon? and is Mr. Fowler recent Omaha convention. "Zionism, Its Origin, Accomplish- guilty of the big "jewel robbery in bath Day, which will be observed with Yeaman will speak. appropriate services at the Chevra Refreshments were served by the ments, and Future Prospects." Pennsylvania? It's wonderful not to B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynofficers of the auxiliary under the diOn Sunday morning, he will address have any money to worry about. ster street on Friday evening^: March rection of Mrs. John Lansberg and the Young Methodist Men's Club on Those that rate page one this week, 31st, at eight o'clock. ,: ' J Mrs. A. B. Friedman. "Recent Jewish Achievements in Pal-namely our new subscribers, are Jack Plans were also made by ^tbe^loc estine." '•.".-' Robinson, that capable gentleman that Next Friday evening, A. Z. A. mem- has assumed the chairmanship of the chapter of the A. Z. A. to organize in The Daughters of Tephereth Israel the near future a "Cub Pack" chapter Repairing Dyeing iynagogue celebrated Purim with a bers will conduct the services in com-not far distant Building Fund Carnimemoration of A. Z. A. Sabbath. Shining meeting and party held in the social val; Jack Goldsmith, who is doing all of the synagogue. After the busmore than his share to assure its suciness meeting of the group, the folcess; Abe Brodkey, that genial gentleowing program was presented: Reciman of the Elite Frock Shop; J. H. tations by Shirley Lazere; clarinet Miss Sara Kaplan was elected pres- Greenberg, the jeweler; and Dr. Fu solo by Lester Lazriowichj Folk Song-' ident of the Epsilon Phi Sorority, at Manchu, now showing at the Rialto. >y Mrs. R. Herzoff, and violin solos a dinner meeting held last Wednesday All we need are a few more subiy Rueben Halpern. in the Kaplan home. Miss Rose Ber- scribers and we'll have the whole back Mr. H. Lazriowich and Mr. M. Lev- man was elected vice-president; Miss page to ourselves. ch spoke on the work and need of the Fanny Cohen, secretary; and Miss Now for a little mention of the roSHOE REPAIR Auxiliary; and Rabbi J. D. Maron Gertrude Reznick, treasurer. mances that seem to be getting more 719 Pierce St. Ph. 57875 spoke on the story of Purim. Retiring officers are Esther Wut- noticeable than.ever. That diminutive kin, Seretta Wolfson, Rose Sperling beau brummel, Henry S., now of Pierand Rose Rife. son, Iowa, has been getting to town Plans were made at the meeting for with suspicious regularity, and Bess a benefit bridge party to be given at H. sees more • of him than his own DOUBLE FEATURE the Jewish Community Center, Tues- mother, when he's in town. Red Rezdaay evening, March 28. nick has been giving a certain memWe Call for and Deliver Last Time We Give One Day Service ber of the Kaplan family a big play Today Mask of " F a lately, and seems to be in better spirWe manufacture Mattresses, Manchu" its on account of it. Joe Russell, that Box Springs, etc. to order. and demon playboy from Des Moines, was SMOOTH tires don't bold on wet p».v"Galltjr or The following members were elected in town again and gave Elizabeth P. Not Guilty" ment. Punctures ere more dangerous into the Maccabee club at their meet- lots of the infectious personality, that when it's slippery. Changing tires is also ing last week: Earl Novich, Abe Bra- he has plenty, of. But now that we dangerous and disagreeable. Better put verman, Philip • Silverberg, Isadore think back we can't seem to place the MATTRESS CO. on new Goodyeara now—they'll protect Shindler, Isadore Ratner, Joe Barricks rest of the girls that were on his you, sa?e you moaey ©n repairs and Ph. 56481 610 Pearl and Milton Lehman. The program con- party Saturday night. And while we're delays, sad still be like new » With sisted of an Open Forum discussion at it, we might mention that Thelma on the future of the club. Halloran and her boy friend Apple Xegis Toqmey Evalyn Knapp The Debrah-Maccabee joint party (neither of them Kosher) have made Center Traction- Means Safetyt •« was given last Saturday evening in up again. SEE faow Goo%esff~f>at® TRACTION in the Community Center. The committee Sioux City's delicatessens report a the'center—big tmsky blocks of resbber— in charge of the program included Leest-edged—deep-slotted—to dig, in, grip Ethel' Shindler, Rose Albert, Mary decided increase in their business since cad hold. More stop! The All-Weather Kaplan and Jean Montrose. Novelty the blessed advent of the "knit-yourCo-Starring : Tread is a big reason why mdliiosas more dance numbers were presented by pu- owiwlress" craze. It seems that all p-2opie ride on Goodyear Tires. Goaae ia— pils of Jean Wells; the Central High you have to do is buy twenty-eight Joan Blondell Eric Linden vre'M demonstrate! School Quartette played a group of dollars' worth of yarn, four dollars' numbers; Miss Belle Cohen danced, worth of special needles, and then go and several skits were presented by into seclusion for a year. When you the Debrah club members. The re-come out, you've either got an adCecil Ii. Sett, Mgrr. freshment committee consisted of Mac- vanced case of dementia praecox or cabee members. „. what might pass for a three ninety216 Davidson Bldg. Ph. 85471 house frock. Frances "Blatz" m ' \»x The Maccabee Basketball . Team eipht Miller reports four rows completed played the Mount Zion team, winning after a mere week's effort, but then with a score of 38 to 12. The trip her dress has 374 stitches to the row. STARTS SATURDAY of the team to Omaha was postponed So figure it. out. Qmd Tires C®sf Ufffe! because of inclement weather. REAL TIKE SERVICE! A little imitation of O. O. MclnLifetime Guaranteed; Experienced tire men carefully change tyre's imitation of Samuel Pepys' inyour tires here. We clean End graphite GOOBYEAit SPEEDWAY imitable style, might read like this, In" your rims, check wheel alignment, put Supertwist Cord Tires with Sioux City furnishing: the locale. in the correct air pressure, properly Cash Prices—Mounted tighten the rim. bolts. Price of] Each Free Up at dawn (eleven o'clock) and two Full Word has been received here of the Eh ioPrs. Oversize engagement of Miss Faye Klass, eggs and toast for brunch. Down town «$$.&» daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Klass to collect two dollars from Red R. for Good Used Tires G O O D Y E A R 4.40-21 4.15, With of Minneapolis, to Morris Deitch of the Press, without success, and fel TOP DUESSIHG 4.50-20 4.49! up the Subway Shoe Store steps. Then Minneapolis. 4.57' Mary Astor Evalyn Enapp Easy to apply. Keeps 4.50-21 to Club (cisrar stuie) for a brief rest. 4.75-19 5.X7' . Miss Klass, a former Sioux' City Through the window watched Abe Up out rain. Improves 4.75-20 rias 5.3S EXPERT TIRK resident, is a graduate of Central Sad off chasing Samnrie up the alley, 5.00-19 car looks. 5.55 VULCANIZING "Men of America" Other Size« In Proportion while Lawrence Baron insists that I look at Roosevelt's picture, he says With sent to him by F. D. R., which I "Chic" Sale Dorothy WUson doubt very much. And so home to Starting Saturday for a four-day Hokka Chynik. 20c 10c Xast Time Today run, the Rialto offers "Big City Blues" See what you buy. Buy as with Joan Blondell and Eric Linden, Sam Davidson's boy (as previously Till predicted) arrived just in advance of Till BACK STREET With little or as much as you and "Guilty or Not Guilty" with Tom the snowstorm, and here's the bit that Dunn, Douglas and Betty' Compson. Murder really is news. The Davidson baby 2P.E Irene 8:30 need. John Boles and its inevitable consequences fur- will hereafter be known as the denishing the exciting plot for the lat- partment store kid. They named him ter. "Big City Blues" is an interesting Howard Martin Davidson. The only story of a young small town boy that one that they left out was the name goes to New York to conquer the bigof the late F. M. Pelletier. We are Nest Door to Stoox City Batcry city, but fails. Joan Btondell ably por- doing everything that we can to see trays the role of the Broadway girl that this name, too, shall be added to friend. his already departmentized name. ROAD SERVICE
Building Fund Carnival Reports Good Progress
Sisterhood Card Party Wednesday
Shaare Zion
Celebrates With Purim Program
"Poor quality is no bargain at any price"
Elect Of ficers
s-l-i-p-p-e- r-y roads!
Let Us Rebuild Your Old Mattress
4 Days Starting Saturday
Maccabee News
"State Trooper"
Real Estate Insurance Rentals
RIALTO George Arliss
"A Successful Calamity"
Announces That he has a complete line of Passover foods at Reasonable prices.
Society News
Double Feature at Rialto
Sioux Delicatessen
George Arliss at the Granada
VI}1 Voar Passover NeeSa In
Corner 7th and Nebraska Streets
TILL 11 P. M.
1TBANK K. ACKEBSAS, Attorney. 490 Brandcls Theatre Bids.
PUOBATE NOTICE George Arliss, outstanding actor of In the Matter of the Estate ol sboul Kips, ,.. the screen, surpasses all his previous Deceased. Notice is hereby ffiven that the creditors roles in "A Successful Calamity," his of EaiC deceased vrill meet the administranewest picture, now playing at the trix ol said estate, before me, I ouiitj of Douglas County, Nebraska, nt Granada^^ Theatre. Although the entire Judge the County Court Koom, i" said County. on the 1st day of May. 10^a. and on the program is dominated by the "charac1st day of July, 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M.. ter portrayed by Arliss, the support- each day. for the purpose of presenUnp ing cast is of unusual merit. "Men of their claims for examinatioTi, adjustment and allowance. months nre allowed America," with Chic Sale, Wm. Boyd, for the creditorsThree to present their claims, from the 1st day of April. Ipg*. and Dorothy Wilson, completes the program. " ~"'~ ~ ; •--.-•-•, 3-10-33-3t. County Jndge.
Comer 17th* and Capitol Ave. OMAHA, NEBE.
Bros.;, Proprietors-