Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Kulrnu «b Secoud-tV.isjs Mail Mutier ou January 21, um, at POEI office nl Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. .1879
VoLIX—No. 10
South Omaha Division PESACH HOLYDAYS Jewry TO BEQN MONDAY Formed for Campaign EVENING, APRIL 10
With the local Jewish Ph, "% 1 ies campaign approaching, Om\ %^ are undoubtedly deeply inte'i <\ knowing something concerning ^ Stitutions which are the benefit. **^."* "\ of the annual drive. I am taking % vantage of this opportunity accon. * v me by the Jewish Press to have an u.. j g ^ timate weekly talk with you about the beneliciary institutions and important issues of the Jewish Philanthropies.
of Omaha Join in Protesting Nazi Excesses
tional talk, which aroused considerable enthusiasm. Passover, the ieast of emancipaShort addresses were made by Al tion, begins this year on the evening Mayer and Dave Greenberg. of April 10. ; Women's Division / The holyday commemorates the deNATIONAL JEWISH Dr. A. Greenberg, general chairman liverance of the Israelites from bonHOSPITAL AT DENVER The formation of a South Omaha for the campaign, was the principal dage in' Egypt Tinder the leadership While the official economic boycott The National Jewish Hospital at division for the forthcoming Jewish speaker at the women's meeting. Fin- of Moses. The- 6bser\ ant Jew, durDenver is one of the beneficiaries of Philanthropies campaign; "was an- al organization of this group was com- ing the Passovejr w e e k , abstains of the Jewish people in Germany by strictly from thej'use of an leavened the Nazis, scheduled to be resumed the Jewish. Philanthropies nearest.to nounced today by Dr. A. A. Green- pleted, and the women will start work substances. £•" immediately; Wednesday, was called off, thereby our hearts, and the Jewish communi- berg, general chairman. The "Seder" service is held upon producing a certain amount of reThe full attendance and the encourBen E. Kazlowsky is chairman, asty of Omaha has played a prominent part in the growth of the hospital sisted by Harry Dworsky, Goodman aging co-operation make the women the first and iewmcl evenir-gs of lief abroad, it cannot be said that certain that they ean this year exceed Passover in some Jewish homes and German Jewry shares such a relief. Meyerson, and Philip Gerelick. during recent years. A group of: workers axe being or- their successes of previous years. Mrs. on only the first evening in others. Many Jewish families are comThe B'nai Brith Infirmary, built The "Haggadah" is read on these pletely crushed, Thousands of Jewthrough the generosity of Districts 2 ganized under their leadership to Jeanette Arnstein is chairman of the evenings, telling i>f the overthrow of ish employees have been displaced and 6 of the B'nai Brith, the latter canvas the South Omaha district. division. Omaha voiced its indignation and sion—the Jewish people who sacriThe following committees were ap- E g y p t i a n doipinance and giving by Nazis, all Jewish individuals have our own district, stands as an endur-1 South Omaha has always made a condemnation of the brutal atrocities ficed so many sons for Germany durthanks for the Ji iwish deliverance." pointed: splendid 'showing in the various Philbeen removed from government posts, ing monument to our own Harry H. Committee on Women's Organizaand hundreds of Jewish lawyers and and violations of human rights, being ing the war, a people who are noted Sefriees Lapidus, of blessed memory, who anthropies drives. perpetrated in Germany by the Nazis for their pacifism, whose very mission tion—Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, chairman, headed the campaign in the eight Appropriate si rvices will be held physicians have been robbed of their against the Jewish people, at a mam- is peace; a people who have suffered Speakers Daring Holy Days and the Mesdames J. J. Friedman, livelihood. states of District 6 to raise over ; The "vital message of the Jewish in all synagogue and in the temple. Though the neighboring countries moth protest mass meeting at the from the economic catastrophe as $165,000 for that building. Mr. Lapi- Philanthropies and the great need it Max Fromkin, Robert Glazer, J. H. Reform Kulakofsky, L. Neveleff. have been most generous in opening Jewish Community Center last Sun- heavily as any other people. dus, who at the time of his death fills in the •humanitarian work of of prayer and song "We must protest when the GerA short service Committee on Advance Gifts—Miss their gates for the refugees, a gen- day night. w a s first vice-president of the hospi- the Jewish people will be brought gT> man Nazis blacken and besmirch the y evening at Temwill be held j Hundreds of people, including many Blanche %iTPT" chairman, and the eral exodus is impossible because the J tal, had the able assistance of a score home to the Jewry of Omaha daring ple Israel at 6 p. |n. Jews are not allowed to take more non-Jews, crowded the Center be- Jewish name and do their utmost to of Omahans in this fine endeavor. the Passover holydays, when vari- Mesdames Sam Berkbwitz, David A morning seripce will be held on_ than the equivalent of $50 out of yond capacity, to manifest their pro- harm our people. We must find an Cohn, A. D. Frank, Sam Gilinsky, Abe The National Jewish Hospital is ous members of the speakers comGoldstein, Abe Greenberg, Bert Hene, Tuesday morning,Jat 10:30 a. m. Rab- the country and further, none are test against the physical attacks, outlet for our deep moral indignation now in its thirty-fourth year of opersadistic outrages as are beMax Holzman, Louis Kulokofsy, Har- bi Cohn will speak on "The Signifi- allowed to leave the country unless economic boycotts and discriminations ,j ft ation. From the day of its opening- PHILANTHROPIES MEETINGS cance of Passover," ing perpetrated in Germany. ry Rosenf eld, Harry A. Wolf. their passports have the stamp of directed against the Jewry in GerDecember 10, 1899—the hospital has "We Jewish people," Mr. Wolfson the-police upon them. many by the Hitlerite brown shirts. Committee on Rally—Mrs. Clarence Conservative been extending care to men, women continued, "have a right to demand Friday, April 7, noon.—Speakers Bergman,, chairman, and the MesAn amplifying system carried the The Conservative congregatoin will and children on a free, -national, non- meeting, at Hill. ' • program to the various parts of the. of the world to stop these atrocities, dames Sam Berkowitz, Joe Bonoff, A. gather for Passwer services under WHY CALLED OFF sectarian basis. Its program has been It is understood in Berlin that the building, to those who could not because after all, Germany, too, is "Wednesday, April 12, 1 p . m.— Greenberg, Leon Mendelson, and Jos- the guidance of Rabbi Goldstein Monsteadily enlarged and now embraces Women's Telephone committee, at one of the family of nations, and just eph Weinberg. day evening at 6i3Q p. m., Tuesday cessation of the anti-Jewish boycott crowd into the auditorium. every field of anti-tuberculosis work, as a father having jurisdiction over was due to the intervention of the j.c.c. Henry Monsky presided over the Committee on Motor Corps—Mrs. morning at 9 a. id., Tuesday evening conducted in sixteen buildings accomBan-Nazi members of the German meeting. Cantor Abraham Schwacz-' his children in any country nevertheWednesday evening, April 19..— Sam Bialac, chairman, and the Mesat 6:30 p. m., and Wednesday mornmodating 350 patients, who come from cabinett. It is stated that President kin chanted the prayer, "Acheinu less is punished when he inflicts upon practically every .state in' the union. Dinner meeting of general solicita- dames Joe Bonoff, Sam Gilinsky, and ing at 9 a. m. Von Hindenburg had been unaware Beth YisraeL" Sam Beber, chairman it bodily violence—so should Germany tion division, Paxton. H. S. Novitsky. The Research Department has made Orthodox of the facts of the boycott and that of the resolutions committee, read the be called to task by the countries of Thursday, April 20. — Dinner Telephone Committee—Mrs. Irvin valuable contributions to tuberculosis meeting of Youth division, J. C. C. The orthodox Synagogues will ush- when Von Papen and Neurath de- resolution adopted by the mass meet- the world. Stalmaster and Mrs. Dave Sherman, Tmowledge and has achieved interer in Passover with services at sun- cided to tell him, he immediately ing and to be forwarded to President "We Jewish people throughout the co-chairmen, and the Mesdames Dave national recognition. threatened to declare martial war if Roosevelt, Senator George W. Norris, world will not rest until the HitlerServices will down Monday y s p g Cohn, David Crounse, A. D. Frank, You might be interested in know- mittee of which Milton R. Abrahams Max Fromkin, Sam Gilinsky, J. J. be held Tuesday ind Wednesday. the. boycott did not cease. Under and Congressman Edward R. Burke. ites stop their persecution -of the ing that during 1932 eight patients is chairman will speak before the Greenberg, Max Holzriian, Irvin Levthe terms of the four-year Hitler Monday morning the -traditional The speakers of the evening were Jews." from this city were treated at the different congregations. in, H. S. Novitsky, J. Riehlin, Harry Siyum for the first born will be held dictatorship, Von Hindenburg also Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Judah WolfRabbi Miller The speakers committee includes National Jewish Hospital for a total at the synagogues with Rabbi Miller has the right to dismiss the entire son, Rabbi Uri Miller, and Rabbi DaSilverman. Rabbi Miller deplored the fact that of 1.763 days. Five Omaha patients Julius Bisno, Harry B. Cohen, Dave officiating at the B'nai Israel syna- cabinet, including Hitler himself. It vid A. Goldstein. Mr. Monsky read enlightenment and education had not irishman, Ben Kazlowsky, Philip are being treated there now. is also understood that unofficial gogue. Klutznick, Yale Kxoloff, Irvin C. pressure from Washington and Lon- the messages of several civic and re- brought about a civilization wherein Rabbi Miller will speak on "The Levin,- Ephxaim Marks, L Morgenligious leaders of Omaha who ex- racial and religious persecution were THE ARMY OF LOCAL Ten Plagues and Interpretation" don had a good deal to do in dis- pressed their sympathy with the Jew- ostracized. He decried modern dipltrstern, Edward Shafton, Hyman Shrier, suading the N a z i s from carrying Tuesday morning at the B'nai Israel WORKERS Joseph J. Stem, Judah Wolf son, Sam macy which causes nations to stand ish people in this hour of distress. synagogue. Wednesday morning he through their contemplated program. When Max Barish, the sagacious Zacharia, Frank Ackerman, and Jack The speakers emphasized that to- by virtually helpless while a minority . The one-day boycott Monday turnwill speak at the Adass Yeshurim on leader of the general solicitation di- W. Marer. ed into a half-holiday, with most of ward Germany y itself the Jewish peo- people are being oppressed. "Four Sons and Forefathers." vision, started out to select his ma"We ought to bewail this, our tragOthers will, however, be called upstores closed. "•::"-. " ''".• ple's feelings were friendly and symjors and his co-workers in the com- on to speak on behalf of the Philanedy. _When our brethren are being pathetic, bat toward the Nazi propaThe Jewish. "Welfare Federation has ing -drive, ne was determined not to" thropies on special occasions. maimed"an"3 tortured,"we, wJEfc* gan^S" wlSeb. had in the made special preparation to meet the formation of the age-old cahnnny of cent outrages against Jews, their in- hands tied behind our backs, we accept fno" from anyone approached. Final arrangements for the speak- Passover wants of every local Jewish the Jewish ritual murder, -were dis- dignation and determined hostility only protest. A mighty people—s5vBut he was in; for a pleasant sur- ers' addresses and all other matters tributed in Berlin. Mention of Ein- was unremitting. prise . . . . he has received only pertaining to the speakers committee home in need, regardless of whether teen millions — men of might »n4 or not it is a regular dependent stein and Feuchtwanger b r o u g h t "yesses^ _ will be made at a meeting to be family. powTer and influence and wisdom-—yet Chairman Monsky made brief inshouts from the German crowd of . His army is lining up in splendid held at the Hill Hotel this noon. All we can only protest. MrsMichel Kulakofsky, 76, died troductory and closing remarks. "Once In these dire days of economic "Hang Them." shane and will, be ready to start members of the speakers committee Tuesday evening at the home of her "The persecution of our people iti again the serpent of bigotry and rastress there are probably some JewMeanwhile, boycott of German cial hatred has reared its head," he Germany is the forerunner of a ter"with a bang" when the drive "begins. are urged to be present. son, J. H. Kulakofsky, after a long ish families who neither request nor goods and cancellation of orders from ..." * ' * • * " require aid during the year, but who illness. Mrs. Kulakofsky was a resi- Germany- is spreading, with Jews in stated. "Once again a dark page of rible time for the world. Liberalism LEO N.LEYI HOSPITAL A spirit of enthusiasm and deter- need some small assistance in order to dent of Omaha for forty-two years. Greece, Australia, Iraq and Morroceo history is being written in blood and is dying, and the world seems hea«ed for a catastrophe -which will turn She is survived by three sons, joining the boycotters last week.. suffering. We here in Omaha are deeeply in- mination which augurs well for the make their observance of Pesach "We do not mean to criticize line the gardens of the world into shamdebted to the Leo N. Levi Memorial success of this year's campaign was brighter and happier. The Welfare Joseph of Berkeley, and J. Harry Financial relief' of the Jews in Hospital in Hot Springs, Ark., which manifested at the two meetings held Federation is anxious that these peo- and Louis of O m a h a ; and two Germany has been -discussed by the German people, but rather to appeal bles. The situation in Germany is acwas established in response to a cry- this week, the women's executive com- ple do not have their holyday marred daughters, Mrs. Philip Saks of Coun- Joint Distribution Committee and ac- to the German people as we know cordingly not only our problem; it. is the problem of the world. Such conthem to protest against Hitler." ing need and which is serving so mittee meeting Wednesday afternoon by lack of the necessary Passover cil Bluffs and Mrs. Herman Cohen tion will soon be taken. of St. PauL at the Center T-nd the initial gifts articles. ditions cannot be tolerated if He drew warm applause when he many of our afflicted people. The American Jewish Congress is • Services were held; Wednesday afzation is to exist, if all that we warned Hitler in the famed words of During the year 1932, our local committee dinner at the Paxton Wedour limited funds," an"Despite p ternoon from the J. H. Kulakofsky raising a fund to use to counteract Chaim Weizmann, "When Titus led built shall not be destroyed and thft Jewish Federation sent three patients nesday evening. nounces Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, chairresidence, with burial in the Beth t i e false propaganda being spread the children of Israel into captivity, entire world commit suicide." to the hospital. Two Omana patients Initial Gifts man of the Family Welfare commitHamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. Rabbi by the Nazis. Rabbi Miller jpointed out that as rehe thought that he had destroyed are. receiving treatment at the. hosOne of the early bright spots of the tee, "we are prepared to make the David A. Goldstein officiated. Futility of Investigation them. But Titus is gone and on top gards the Jewish people, their tempat pital today. .-'•'.— campaign is the work of the initial necessary sacrifices in order to meet It is pointed out by many refugees of the very hill over which he led has undergone a change, that t»> Mrs. Kulakofsky's husband, .founT h e L e o N . Levi Memorial Hospi- gifts committee, which under the cap- the legitimate needs of our people in from Germany that it would be utterly them, we are now building a great longer will they sit back and calroU1 der of the Central Market, died four .tal, erected under B'nai Brith aus- able leadership of David Goldman bids Omaha for Passover. futile to send a Commission of Inves- university in Jerusalem." years ago. and humbly take what is dsalt th«vm. pices, is dedicated exclusively to the fair to set a new mark for the larger "We have received the co-operation tigation to find out just what atroci"Our vow must be, that we conseservice of the indigent without Tegard donations. Rabbi* Cohn of the rabbis of the various congreties are being or have been committed. crate ourselves to the ta?k of to denomination. No pay patients are At Wednesday evening's dinner gations—Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi "The Nazis goad us into protest- placing Israel among the nations *>* Even a father, whose son might have admitted. - - meeting,- Goldman gave an Impressive been murdered by Nazis would not ing," Rabbi Cohn declared, "and then the world, a people as other people>cTpital is fullv equi-ooed to outline of the goal set for the com- David Goldstein, and Rabbi Uri Millonly decline to give evidence but torture us for protesting. The Hitler- not alone for culture and social decarry on its work in a thoroughly mod_ mittee and the work to be done in ac- er— in making this announcement would actually deny the murder of his ites would, it seems, out-Haman Ha- velopment—but also for cur physical from their pulpits on behalf of the The annual Mother-Daughter banern and scientific institution. Pro- complishing that goal. His' sincerity Jewish Community Center and Welquet under the auspices of the Jewish son for fear that a similar fate might man. Hainan would destroy the Jews protection." This, he stated, demsti/J*; vided as it is with a bath house and his hard "work on the campaign fare Federation. of Persia; the Hitlerites would de- that we create a strong Jewish homeWomen's Welfare Federation will be befall his entire family. which is supplied with the hot spring thus far have, imbued his fellow workstroy the Jews of the world—not ac"It is our earnest desire that the Leld at the Jewish Community Center waters, from the U. S..Reservation, it ers with a spirit which indicates a STREICHER APPOINTMENT cording to rumors but according to land in Palestine. Jewish families in need will let us on Sunday, May 7, at 6 p. xru, it was is of special service to the treatment successful drive. Rabbi Goldstein their own ofiicial words. And yet they know of their wants." decided at a meeting of the organiza- CAUSES ANXIETY of arthritis and rheumatic disorders. The principal address was given by Rabbi Goldstein in his address do not want us to protest—what coBerlin.—The fact that Julius StreiPassover Packages. tion Tuesday. The host)ital took care of 4,558 pa- Harry Wolf, who gave a most inspiraed that the German people arc cher has been appointed by the Nazi lossal impudence! This year the Jewish Community Mrs. J. Alberts and her committee tients in its beds and clinics during Center and Welfare Federation initi- will be in charge. Further details will Party to supervise the so-called cam"I predict that the Germans them- victims of circumstances, and thai the the past year, and more than 50.000 paign of reprisals against German selves will rise and tear down the Allies were to blame for the present ated a new service for local Jewry, be announced later. men, women and children received situation because of the unfair, InJewry is occasioning no less anxiety swastika emblems." that of handling the -forwarding of treatment since its opening in 1914. among Jews here than is the threatenPassover packages and funds to relHe pointed out t h a t dissension iquitous treaty they imposed ed campaign itself. atives in Europe. within the ranks, which has already Germany at the end of the war. LOS ANGELES SANITARIUM Julius Streicher is recalled as previ- manifested itself, will bring about should try to understand the Gem** This is in addition to the regular An invitation to out-of-town stupeople, he declared, and in den From all parts of the United States, dents to participate at the Sedarim of service of sending drafts and food ously the leader of the local Nazi the fall of the Nazi power. justice for the Jew, nations and desperate young men and women, its members has been extended by the packages and transmission is made group in Nurenburg and editor of "The Nazis are insane, frenzied into Dr. Vicotr E. Levine, professor of dividuals should also demand a f stricken by tuberculosis, plead for the Ladies' Auxiliary of the United Or- through Hias. "Der Stuermer," a Nazi paper pubmadness. Madmen are in control of bio-chemistry at the Creighton Uni"one big chance" that California's thodox synagogues. About fifty Omaha Jewish families versity School of Medicine and na- lished in Nurenburg, -which has gained the government in Germany, doing deal for Germany. sunshine would give them. "We are not protesting against fcn' All students interested are asked to have availed themselves of this new tionally-known authority on nutrition, notoriety throughout Germany for its these insane, cruel and criminal acts Los Angeles Sanatorium with its call Jackson 0887 Sunday morning service for this Passover. will speak at the bi-monthly seminar bestiality, its vile anti-Jewish denun- •which have shocked the feelings and German people," Rabbi Goldstein tfrE">p"t:~nts Home, a beneficiary of from 10 to 12 o'clock. to be held by Phi Delta Epsilon at the ciations and the lengths to which it conscience not only of the Jews but clared. "We are speaking to save ?>* has gone in besmirching the name of of the entire world." He suggested German people, the German FOUI. Wthe local, Philanthropies, is the anThe Center's library is open daily, chapter house this evening. Jewry. Its columns, -which, have been that the League of Nations make assure our fellow German citizens "it swer to their plea. every afternoon and evening. Besides Dr. Levine will speak on "The Each year more than four hundred Omaha of our continued described as a mess of pornography , Germany a "moral outcast." its magazines, it contains an exten- lation of Diet to Heart Disease." victims of the white plague are cared and slander, extending even to the and we know that they, too, sive section in English or Judaica; a Judah. Wolfson for within this haven. Each day oththe atrocities being committed by t>C charge of ritual murder against Jews, general English reference and literJudah Wolfson, speaking in Yid- Nazis. We ask them to.ioin with S* ers are added to the list of those stand out even among the many Nazi The Senior Council of Clubs of the ature section; a section where boys' awaiting admission. newspapers, whose hands are far from dish, related some of the gruesome in protesting against Hitler. Community Center will hold a pre- books, etc., are accessible; a Hebrewdetails of the abuses being committed Since its start in May, 1913, the holiday subscription dance Sunday Yiddish department; and, finally, a "A handful of men whn have w* clean, in this respect. Los Angeles Sanatorium, originally evening, April 9, at the Center. mad took control of the German j?M-In November, 1929, Streicher vras in Germany. popular rental section, the CenterBerlin, (J.T.A)—All remaining sentenced by a Nurenburg court to "We protest against any abridge- ernment when there WRP no one *fcB> knovm as the Jewish Consumptive There will be prizes and novelty Council rental library, where popular Relief Association, has done much dances and other attractions. Ralph books may be rented by anyone for Jewish judges and lawyers have three and a half years' imprisonment ment of the freedom of speech anu to take control. The German ^ been thrown out of the German for spreading the ritual murder libel the freedom of the press," Wolfson were misled by Hitler, who in alleviating the sufferings of Jew- Nogg is president of the Senior Coun- only 3c per day. courts. Among them was Chief ish victims of tuberculosis, until now cil and Arthur Schlaifer is chairman against Jews. 'The court based its declared in deno-oncing the "antics" upon their passions and found in '•>>£ Justice Kurt Soelling. the Association conducts what is per- of the dance committee. decision at the time on the expert evi- of the Hitlerites. "We vehemently Jewish people the needed scanccofc" ' Soelling, originally Seligman, re- dence of the Christian theologian, protest against the violations of the haps the most comprehensive proRabbi Goldstein told of scenes «f*Tickets may be bought from any .cently aroused Jewish indignation •Professor Goettesberger of Munich. rights of our brethren in Germany •nessed while he was in G^rmanv ^ gram for the consumptive poor in the member of the Senior Council at sixty because, although brought up by country. Streicher had declared that the Jewish as human beings. If there is to be summer. He told of seems «sivtf'>" cents per couple. The constituent his uncle, a rabbi of Mannheim, code permitted murder. any stifling, it must be the stifling thousand Nazis march in Mi.mu->... Remember that when you contrib- clubs are A. Z. A. No. 1, Xi Lambda, was converted and became a memof the venom and poison being spread most of them being boys hotverTs :>c ute to the Jewish Philanthropies you A. Z. A. No. 100, Henrietta Szold, by the Nazis. are joining in the battle being waged A. Z.A. No. 7, Fa Hon, and Sigma Rges of 16 and 20. One of their th^w? The Jewish Community Center will ber of the Nazis and one of the "Jewish genius has enriched every songs dealt with the joy they V<VRV by these institutions against pain and Kappa Chi. Music will be' furnished be closed for the Passover holydays worst of German anti-Semites. field of endeavor in German life and have "when their swords bathpr] ^ against death. from Monday, April 10, a t 6 p. m., When the Nazis assumed power, by Gene Cooper and his orchestra. he "was one «f the first to take German culture; Jewish contributions Jewish blood." Calumnous pprtrr*Manny Goldberg and Morris Bloom tfll Wednesday, April 12, at 6 p. m. The following -week the Center will th© course of degrading Jewish were crowned the J. C. C doubles have been invaluable. Yet the Nazis were widely displayed. Over onp 'hr.T!Jerusalem.—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former President of the Jewish be closed from Sunday, April 16, at judges from the Criminal to the champions by virtue of their defeat of have the audacity to preposterously dred Jewish cemeteries had hcrri fo-*the Jack Ban-Paul Grossman team, blame the Jewish people for being reAgency has arrived in Palestine for 6 p. m., till Tuesday. April 18, at 6 Civil Courts. sponsible for the war and the depres(Continued on ..'age Two p. m, 21-9; 21-13. a brief stay.
ing Preparation for Drive
German-Jewry Feel Helpless
Overflow Crowd at Protest Meeting Sunday Manifests Indignation
Still Is Anxiety Over Situation
Federation Will Meet All Local Passover Needs
Mother-Daughter Banquet May 7th
'Seder" Invitation to Out'of-Town Students
Dr. Levine to Speak at Seminar Tonight
Senior Council Dance at J. C. C. This Sunday
Jewish Convert a Nazi Without Avail
Center Closed for the Passover Holydays
Goldberg and Bloom Doubles Champions
Are People of Modern Barb Analysis of Over Two Thou* sand Years of Civilization*
Organization News j
The meeting place for the next Oneg Shabbos of the Conservative Synagogue has been changed. I t will be held this Saturday afternoon, April 8, a t the home of Mrs. Arthur Cohn, The regular meeting of the Bikur 4969 Cuming street. A "model Seder" will be held. FolCholim Society has been postponed lowing this, the women of the group because of the Passover holidays and will participate in a general discuswill be held at a later date. sion concerning the Seder.
Bikur Cholim [
Hadassah Vaad Religious School Program
a g o ?
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. - j ^
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_ __
Vaad Auxiliary
iliary and the Young Men's organiza* tion. Miss Evelyn Epstein is chairman of the'committee in charge. Tentative plans were also made for a debate to be held in the near future. Louis Iipp gave a short political talk. Miss Ida Bercovici as presidents Mrs. L. Neveleff and Mrs. Nathan If. Greenberg are sponsors, and Rabbi Uri Miller is advisor. The mock trial was postponed' untij the April 24 meeting.
Mrs. David A. Goldstein, program A special meeting of the Ladies' chairman, is working hard preparing Auxiliary, affiliated with the Vaad, The Junior Hadassah held a board an unusual program for the second will take place Thursday afternoon at annual "Give or Get" luncheon, which 2:30 o'clock at the B'nai Israel syna- meeting Tuesday evening at the Jewish Community Center to discuss plans is scheduled for May 3. gogue at Eighteenth and Chicago At the board of directors meeting, streets. Reports of the recent ball for the annual regional convention it was decided that those women who will be given and the various stand- which will be held in Omaha on May find it difficult to raise or give ten ing committees will present their re- 27 and 28. Representatives of Junior Hadassah chapters from Kansas City, dollars will be given the opportunity ports. Lincoln, St. Louis, Wichita, St. Joseph, of attending if they give or raise five An interesting and constructive dollars or more. Only board members Passover program is being arranged. Des Moines, Sioux City, Tulsa, and Denver, are expected to come here for are being held to the ten dollar ruling. Furthermore, an outline of plans The national fund box collections for the future will be presented. It isthis convention. under the direction of Mrs. I. Dannky, very important that all members and The Omaha chapter of the Junior will start Sunday, April 9. Picane b« prospective members he present at Hadassah will hold an important meetprepared to receive the committee. If thh muffling. ing next Thursday evening, April 13, you have reason to believe that we at the J. C. C. at 8 o'clock to make An atUirciiM on Pass>yv<»r will b e have not record of your box, call Mrs, further plans for the convention. An Dansky, Hamey 7198, or Mrs- M. F. given by RLU'II Miller, interesting and entertaining Pesach. Levenson, Walnut 0850. program •will also be givenA new shipment of articles made of olive wood has just arrived from I'lanw for a fortmJ party Jujie 4 Palestine and is being: displayed at were made Mond&y frvtivAng at a regMrs. Solomon's Book Shop in the Ath- ular lnfcfctiftt? of tlic Junior Vaad AuxA. Z A. 100 hold a business and letic club building. Hadassah urges iliary, hold at the ITN'ai L-rztA syaa- cultural meeting at the J. C. C. Sunall to come in and inspect the lovely #oj?ue. Tho affair v.iil [>t given at I day afternoon. Rabbi David Gold* articles. J stein spoke on "Xachman Bialik." the J. C. C. by mt'cnh&rx of the Aux-
The Religious School of the United Orthodox Synagogues will present a Passover program of recitations, tableaux and playlets at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, Nineteenth and Burt, on Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Admission will be fifteen cents per person or twenty-five cents per couple. Proceeds will be used to defray the expenses of the school. ByLION FEUCHTWANGER The numbers on the program and the children who will participate in If we had the power to choose, cate by words. For this purpose, he] Catholics jfcn. the magic power of each: "Why We Keep Pesach,"—Jeannette •what period to live in, whether made the following experiment. On images, of saints, of relics, and the nowadays, or in some period before a secluded island he had placed a like. But are there not in all coun- Greenfield, Etta Marcus, Doris Pinkour birth, then most of us would number of children who were looked tries persons to whom innumerable ovitz, Morris Richman, Herbert Cohn, with conviction choose the present after exclusively by deaf-and-dumb other persons ascribe supernatural! Donald Lee Gedankan, Morris Rosenthe ex- powers? Have astrologers, palmists, thai, Ann Neisman, Delores Sklar. All of us take pleasure in voci- attendants. : The result of : ferously b a t i n g the many absurd- periment was: that when the child- fortune tellers less custom than had and Esar Segall; "Chad Gadya,"— ities of moaern life; most of us will ren were grown up they; could utter the augurs and haruspices of anti- Rose Ratner, A n n e Pollay, Sarah occassionally have the feeling:.; that but. inarticulate, sounds. The same quity? Are there not people who, Wolfson, Betty Abramson, Leonard the mechanization of our olives Z is result was obtained when. 1500 years n other matters manifesting the Morganstern, Paul Crounse, Marion cheating us of the true" sense of later Frederick the Second, the Ger- keenest logic and power of judgment, i Charney, Sam Teplitsky, E l i n o r life. Nonetheless, there is so deeply man emperor, repeated . the experi- imagine themselves threatened if j Cohen, Rose Baum; "Auf Pripichuk" they fail to forward some chain — Stephen Greenberg, Jerry Cohn, implanted in us, even" m^those who ment. Harris Katleman, Arnold Gedankan, deny it, the notion of evolution, ..Let us return' to our starting etter? of progress, that instinctively and point. Very! well, you may say, the (Copyright 1D33 By Seven Arts Fea- Helen Resnick, Jean Ackerman; "Yossem Sedar"—Lillian Baker; "Eliyaha without further examination we con- evolution of civilization: in the last ture). Hanavi"—Shirley Spar, Raymond Sisider our ways of life and our in- 2000 years has not been able to mon, Sol Marcus, and Bernard Wise; stitutions to be better ,than; earlier heighten our race's native power of Recitation of "Eliyaha Hanavi"—Joe judgment. But we know" how in• ones.. .. • . • ' ••;."-•. •.•.'•-.': ' i . Kirschenbaum; "Four Sedarim"—Jake Eepeatedly poets, writers, have finitely long it takes before qualities Teplitsky, Reva Gorelick, Leonard amused themselves by throwing diff- become instincts. To change an inFriedel, Shirley Cohn, Lena Zollutuerent pellmell together/ by trans- stinct takes ten thousands of years. chen, Joe Balker, Bemice Epstein. planting contemporary human beings Yet, have we not perhaps in these Dorothy Cassman, Harry Goodbinder. into * earlier times, or the men of 2000 years a t least changed the Francis Rubin, Morris Richlin, Norprevious periods into our times. Weltanschauung of the adult to such man Lincoln, Joe Rosentha], Evelyn Think of Oscar Wilde or H. G. Wells an extent that from the beginning (Continued from Page One.) Waldman, and Pearl Bloom; "Lail or Mark Twain. I believe that it his attitude or conduct in many sitis no' idle pastime to open tip this uations, will be- different from that eerated. Everything pointed to a ca- Shemurim" — Lillian Pollay, Bessie problem. It appears promising to me of the man of antiquity? Has not tastrophic situation if Hitler ever Ratner, Ida Epstein; "Passover Toto inquire whether we white races his attitude toward nature become came, into power, he said, making it day"—Helen Fogel, Izzy Ratner, Harhave made nse of our amazing and clarified? Have not his religious probable that there has been no ex- old Nesselman, Goldie Azorin, Elaine justly lauded technology ni order to ideas become deeper, less childish, in aggeration in the tales of Nazi ex- Lagman, Barney Hahn, Esther Shapiro. cesses. fashion v pur lives more rationally, these last 2000 years? whether we are less dull, whether "Henry Ford has a good deal for The dramatic .department of the No, they have not. You will counwe are happier nowadays than, say ter: the ancient- World believed inwhich to answer. The lies being school is in charge of Mr. Morgan2000 years ago. gods in a thoroughly childlike; way, spread through Germany about the stern and Miss Margaret Hurwitz. I'm not referring to the barbarian and the ancient worldin a thorough- Jews by the Nazis are those of Ford. Mrs. Leon Mendelson is in charge of in mir- His apologies do no good, for his lies, the stage and properties. inhabitants of the Europe of that ly childlike manner/believed exposed in America, are now doing <::-V.ris '.••• '. period. That our;, civilization . has acles. Granted that that "was a t v* nroaa their damage in Germany." broadened out since 2000 years ago, Committees that it has come to embrace regions masses of the people, ibut those broad The committees in charge of arthen barbarian, that: i t today en- masses had. i o r counterfoil equally compasses almost all -Of the white broad masses--that - jdecidedly denied rangements for the mass meeting man's -world, that is patent. But .in the realof. the! ^popular consisted of Henry Monsky, chairthis aspect the. problem .seems to^ine gods and -ih.e. pfcQvidence supposedly man; Sam Beber, Max Fromkin, Philtoo aimless. If we are to reach a exercised by them. The dominant ip-'-Klutznicky Harry • Marcus, Rabbi Amman, ( J . T I A ' ^ A last effort to meaningful: result > Weltanshanung-r-world yiewpomti— Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David A. Gold- block permanently the sale of Transselves for our comparison to those of the educated was that of the Stoa, stein, Rabbi Uri Miller, I. Morgen- jordan land to^Jews failed when the regions which were at that time whose teaching did not, indeed, deny stern, J. Riklin, Hyman Shrier, Har- Transjordan government, which is in civilized, that is, the domain of the the gods, but sublimated them to ry Wolf, and Judah Wolfson. opposition to_ Emir Abdullah, were The committee on resolutions conr. defeated in theiitJieffort to. caftry a1 Roman Empire, l e t us. then .put such an extent as to reduce them to our question thus:-;wou|d an ancient forces of Nature,. ^ Between the con- sisted of Sam Beber, chairman; Philip bill prohibiting thft'^sale.. ot lease of Roman of the imperial ^period, placed ception which an educated member Klutznick, Henry Monsky, I. Morgan- land to non-Tra'risjorilanians. among our present conditions, get on of the ancient world entertained, say, stern, and Hyman Shrier. The bill, which was before the Messages were read from former closing session of the Transjordan any worse "than we, or would one. of" of the god Vulcan, and the concepourselves, put back into the Roman tion of electricity entertained by an Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Rev. Legislative Council was defeated byEmpire, do better than its citizens? educated person of today, "there's Frank Smith, Bishop Joseph F. Rum- hirteen votes to tfrree^The govern.Let's take a look, first of all,-at a hardly much difference. And when mel, Rev. Frederick Clayton, and Rev. ment representative, sensing defeat, Laurence Plank. child, a child of today, born let us one of the ancient talked of the urged that the bill be deferred to the say, into the favorable environment, power of Venus, he said hardly more next session, and that the matter be let us ask: has this child, as a result —and didn't mean to say more— IN HOUSE OF LORDS teft open until,that,time. The maof the attainments of the 2000-years- than, that the sex instinct plays an London.—A demonstration of sym- jority, howevi^ insisted on. an imlong development, a nature different important role in life. pathy with the situation, of •the Jews, mediate vote, \ thus -.totally and. finally from that of an infant 2000 iyears The views of the time are most in Germany was evoked in;the House disposing of/(she opposition; and demcharacteristically e x p r e s s e d in of Lords when Lord Reading, who de- onstrating; that the^ wished the dctaxs It is possible to test this problem Pliny's natural history. As for him- clared he was. "speaking" both as' A of Transjrii'dan to be opened to the experimentally, and this has been self, so explains this great scientist Lord and a Jew," called on the British Jews. done. Infants of our race have been of antiquity, God and nature cannot government to convey to the German The whole discussion and debate compared with infants of primitive be separated. Nature,, he asserts, government the deep feelings of the connected with the bill, made it quite tribes, culturally on a level above Js the mother of all things. Only British public regarding the tfifeatitq "which we rose thousands of ..years the/ weakness of man makes him the economic and political status Ai ago. The result showed that the seek the image and form of theGerman; Jewry. ; ; '•? social instinct of our children, up to deity. AH mythology is childish Lord Reading was preceded by Lord The result of the voting is i-e&ardan amazingly advanced age, is not a claptrap. I t is very doubtful,wheth- Cecil of jChelwood, wSo introduced the ed in Jewish circles as a supreme jot more highly developed than the er tiieJsuipreme power,, wnatever that subject into the Houseuof Lords. victory' far- thet End*'*"pojicy of insocial instinct of the children of may; be>.; cares about, human-beings. Lord Cecil declared that the German viting Jewish ^ettldmehC primitive peoples. We may hold For maintaining human society ,in situation had become a matter of inpositively, that our white civilization good order, the belief of the unedu- ternational concern, and,. that the has not succeeded n cvilizing the IK cated in the guidance of human events there had caused ,-a/great deal stincts of the individual the leas't" b*i£ affairs by Heaven is indeed of tin-of anxiety also to hundred^of thouabove the instinctive level of 2000 doubted utility; as also is the idla sands of Jews in Englai&;, who. were years ago. Probably we have grown that misdeeds unfailingly incur th d l ^ peaceful d f l the mostt Moscow, (J.T.A.)—Following intersomewhat in social insighb-y-I ;shal penalties. For the imperfection of among of citizens. Moreover^ hepressedjhat diht vention by the Religious jCommia^ion revert to this later; the social in- human nature, Pliny adds ironically, Britain as Mandatory- for- Pa|astine, of the Central Executive£-tiomxai&ee, stinct, however, is just as. %ealdy there is a special solace in the cir- had a special interestin^be * 'AlL ' the Moscow Soviets finally permitted rooted today as it- was 200Q years cumstance that God, too, cannot do and misfortunes of theTJewsj: the Kehillah to o#€ii a bakery for ago, and if i t comes into serious everything. The possibility of sui- ttve of whether she could dp Matzoth last Wednesday. The comconflict with older; mature urges, cide, for instance, that nature has in the matter. He concluded? , the sexual one and the destructive given to much-plagued man, is de- request .to the government for a teas-? munity immediately engaged^ thirty one, then most. commonly one ,of nied to God. ^either can God pre- suirance'that some-definite stejj would bakers to cope with the baking, in yiewr of the short time to Passover, these two older drives will win .the vent two| times ten being twenty. betaken. . •-•••^ - ^--. • ' ''' " ""'" " iand $he fact that it will-be tlie dnly day. Pliny reaches the conclusion that it Matstpth bakery for the whole, of As definitely as;we: must deny, any •is wiser to identify God with Nature, growth of the social instinct or the and to employ the belief' in the deity p,£ti$ai,hoped to satisfy alL the renative intelligence of the race, just as such, only as an educational infor Matzoth "m Moscow, as definitely may we claim that the strument among the lower classes. •;•.•; " a t t h e T i v o l i cjuitel^ents particularly as the majority buy only bodily efficiency of the white race This was written exactly 1860 "Road to Life," a picture concern- ?mall quantities! in view of the high has at least not declined. years ago, in a pretty villa on the On the contrary. The life-ex- shore of Lago di Como; its founda- ing Soviet life, will show at the i costH and many will satisfy thempectancy of the contemporary child, tion-walls still stand today. y I leave voli Theatre in South Omaha, Friday selves with the home baked Matzoth. its chances of reaching old age, are it to you to decide how far Pliny's evening, April 14. In the provinces, where the techDr. John Haynes Holmes, head of nowadays incomparably better than views are^ congruent with those of they were 2000 years ago. We are the powers that be today, but I can'i the Community Church in New York nical difficulties connected with the dependent on estimates, but we shall help citing, side by side with Pliny, stated concerning the picture: "I saw installation of bakeries are insupernot be going too far in assuming a great writer of yours, who has this picture in Leningrad and had one able a t such short notice, Matzoth that a child born today has four bodied forth the religious ideas of of the thrilling experiences of "my life will be baked in small oil stoves, times better chances of remaining in the modern average man. I mean 'Road to Life' is one of the greatest each ,family providing for itself. good health and of reaching an age Sinclair Lewis. You remember his pictures I ever saw and, as a depicof at least 50 years, than had the Babbit conceives heaven, which he tion of the work that Russia has done child of 2000 years ago. ; will enter after a life. lived not for the reclamations '[ of its orphan The ancient world, by the way, too indecently, as a sort of a Grand children/ it is incomparable." was as fond as we. are, of drawing Hotel, admirably conducted, and God Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)— Following the comparisons with the past, and it he imagines as an expert and ex- Austrian Authorities failure of the rains, the Palestine indulged in psychological child ex- tremely zealous hotel manager. Act government • announces that the presperiments, that tended in the direcI have quoted you Caius Plinius Vienna.—The authorities here have ent distribution of water in Jerusation of our own. Qnly their exepri- and Sinclair Lewis as authorities on confiscated the issue, of the Nazi lem, which is now made every two ments were somewhat more robust. the point that. the conception ne- press, which carried'-appeals:jfor.the days,, i s . to' be further reduced toDionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, tertained by the common man has boycott of Austrian'Jews. ->' 'pnee every four days. ..", ' . , for example, wanted to ascertain barely changed within these two Following the example of the Ger "As no further rains are now exwhether language was inborn in man thousand years. man Na'zis, the Austrian Nazis had pected until the autumn, the populaThe belief in miracles, too, has circulated in their press a most de- tion are asked to observe a rigid or not, that is, whether a child without receiving any instruction could hardly changed. I am not talking tailed appeal calling for a Jewish economy in the use of water for of his own accord come to communi- of the belief of great masses of boycott. domestic purposes,. -
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; PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 7,~ 1933 and b u i l d
up new ships," said market is "bullish" or "bearish" Max center of a group of long lost rela- activity, while it does not reveal the Goebel. always comes up with a smile! . . . tives from Bialystok (he's a litvak), wear and tear of hard effort as "But father, almost all of our Mr. Barish, has been appointed to di- autograph seekers and representatives evinced by his snappy activity in his agriculture would revert to a stage rect the general solicitation, in the of several school and college periodi- work, yet it appears that he will be of primitiveness. Our fields today Philanthropies drive which -will begin cals, who inquired of him a variety content with less activity in the fuJerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The high comare largely fertilized by the nitrogen soon . . . and please deliver that Reo of questions from "Are you fond of ture than that of the past year. His secured from the air, by a process at the back door! . One of the Maneerta herring" to "Will your wife contract with the film company stip- missioner, Sir Arthur G. Wauchope, discovered by the Nobel prize winner, largest crowds ever assembled in Ida ever be blessed with a "kaddi- ulates that he make one picture each has consented to extend his patronFritz Haber, a Jew who you reBy DAVID SCHWARTZ By "Ab" Kaiman Memphis, Term., came to witness a shel?" summer for a period of five years. age to the Anglo-Palestine Exhibimember, was head of the chemical play written and directed by Mrs. Observing that it was necessary We are positive that it won't be nec- tion which will be held in London at organization of Germany during the Morris Taxon, vrife of Rabbi Morris to secure information iomr him be- essary to throw some money in the the end of May, 1933, and the aim of which is to draw closer the people war." A NAZI CONVERSATION Yive la Trustin! Taxon, who was formerly the Eabbi tween gulps, as it were, we hied our- "poosfcky" for "Ready Eddie." of Palestine and England by exhibit"Then let the fields lie fallow" Max Goebel, in the bosom of his A large bouquet of posies to the of our Orthodox Synagogues here . . . selves back stage and there, while he And may we add a word or two ing the achievements of both counfamily circle, in Berlin, expressed said Goebel. voting public of Omaha for their fine Do you recall Joe Bonowitz, who was changed his habiliment, from a "birdsabout his partner in humor and wit,tries in the spheres of economic cul"Perhaps you are right, father. spirit and confidence shown to our a member of the Omaha team some great gratification, at the Hitlerist egg" blue to a natty brown, we fired Georgie Jessel. There is a saying that tural life. Well, I think I'll go and read some- own Harry Trustin, who polled nearly years ago? . . . He is now on execudrive against the ews. a few, of what at least we thought wit and heart are seldom found in thing. I have an interesting book 21,000 votes in a field of ninety canditive and athletic director of the ChatThe Palestine section of the Lon" We must teach these verdammete were important queries. "What has dates. And a note of appreciation to tanooga, Terau, Y. M. H. A. . . . Joe been the principal reason for your the same person. Not so in this in- don Exhibition, it is confidently foreJews a lesson", said Goebel. "Hitler of Schnitzler's plays." stance. Jessel, too, reveals himself as "Schnitzled, eh? There will be no his teammates who were associated was always considered a model athis right. But -we must even go success in popularizing your radio a most polished gentleman possessing shadowed here, will play an imporfurther. We must not" only boycott reading of Schnitzled in this house- with him, for their co-operation lete whose conduct on and off the field hour?" (it was estimated that twen- tact and a g e n i a l personality. tant part in enlightening the British them, but we. must boycott every- hold. No Schnitzled, and no Zweig throughout the campaign. It is of typified him as the ideal athlete joved ty million people listened to his pro- Throughout the entire tour Jessel people on the remarkable progress of thing of any Jewish origin. You and no Wassermans—none of that greater significance at this time to and admired in every baseball league gram on one occasion) to which he won popular acclaim and ran close Palestine in t h e fields of culture and Jewish breed, you understand?" have had Harry finish in fourth posi- in which he participated . . . And economics. understand, Hans, everything Jewish "Well, I don't know what I can do tion which may assure him the elec- right here we -wish to hand a posie to replied, "You see, radio artists par- honors to the great Eddie in the mateven in origin must be b a n n e d . myself," said Hans, "I -wish tion in May. There is yet consider- Millard Sigal, who was awarded the ticularly must exercise greater care ter of general entertainment. Though Everything Jewish is damned, Hans, With AGENTS WANTED Oscar would come," said H a n s , able work to be done and the enthusi- medal for being the most valuable and caution in their selection of ma- he may not have "drowned in the mardamned, do you hear me." terial when broadcasting than stage ket pool" as his pal, nevertheless Jewish students and others get starting to whistle: astic force that began prior to the athlete during the past season at the artists, the least bit of offensiveness "Yes, father, yes," said Hans, as Georgie has encountered many hard ready cash for social purposes and Ich weiss nicht was soil es beprimary must continue until the elecMozzeltoff Mr. and Mrs.and the sponsor or the station de- knocks in the theater game. He bears Center lie • approached the radio to dial in deuten das ich so traurig bin. tion. Wm. Kaiman on the arrival of Arnold mands your removal. We select our the reputation in New York as being the holidays in a dignified and honfor a broadcast by Hitler." ; ....: "Stop that stop that," shouted A Little "Shmoosh" Gerson, a strapping nine-pounder... material with great care and with an one of the cleverest wits and toast- orable manner, by becoming our representative for liigh-grade m o n o "Stop that radio immediately," Goebel. 'I want aio whistling, singShooing the Spirits T. F. is "arm-in-arming" "with that said Goebel. ; ing or even mentioning of the name prominent North Side grocer who was What is behind the custom of break- especial desire to entertain all kinds masters in the city and is in great grained stationery, class and New and classes of people from young to] demand at prominent functions. Year cards. Write us at once, no ex"But father, I am tuning MI to of Heine in this: household." formerly mentioned in these columns ing a glass . . . by the bridegroom... old." pense and no obligation. Bieble Ser''But father,' he is one of the . . . Attorney Hymie I*, has deserted upon completion of the wedding cerehear Hitler. ' : The comedian's "roly-boley" eyes Righteousness exalteth a nation.- vice, 1006 North Sixth Street, Phfla"Not even for that," thundered greatest of the German lyric poets. his boy friends and is now whispering mony is explained by the Jewish Exdelphia, Pa. sparkle with a happy gleam when "No Heine, do you understand?" Proverbs. Break it into pieces. There should and we pass it ajong to "sweet nothings" to L C. . . . A ponent be no more radios in German homes. said Goebel curtly. youthful romance in the making is you in condensed form . . . Fofldorists mention is made of his vrife and fam"Oh well, all right," said Hans. have endeavored to connect it with the ily. When we asked if his daughters Don't you know that the radio was that of M. F. and cute little M. C built on the theories of a Jew, " I suppose," continued Hans, "that J. R., the riding demon, admires "Bet- belief that evil spirits are on the look- received a Jewish education, he said Heinrich Hertz, discoverer of the means that I mustn't play any of the ty Lou" . . . but i f s only a prancing out to do harm to the bridegroom... with a great deal of enthusiasm, Hertzian waves. Besides that, there works of Rubinstein, Meyerbeer or steed! . . . Rumors ahoy! . . . Mr. and the noise produced by the shattered 'Sure, Marjorie, Natalie, Edna, Marhave been any number of other Mendelsohn." Mrs. M. L. C. will bud forth with a glass being effective in frightening ilyn and Janet attend Sunday school "Exactly," said Goebel. Jewish inventions in the perfection new addition in their family . . . A them away . . . We say -why not shoot regularly, and, incidentally, I want "But suppose I get married, and pair of young "billers and cooers" are a revolver and thereby save the rug! you to know that I am a member of of the radio." my bride insists on the Mendelsohn some 25 temples and synagogues." Bay a Ticket and completing S. F. and L. K. "All right, father," said Hans, wedding march?" Mrs. Irvin (Rose) Levin is in charge We discussed his participation in HOWARD nt 16th. the quartette B. F. and S. J. "we'll have a party of Nazis' here "A good Nazi" said Goebel, "does- H. K. and A. R. of Soo City are "every of the ticket sale for the play "Shver philanthropic drives in New York. in the evening and won't we give n't get maried that way." way" about each other . . . and H. K. tzu zein a Yid" (especially in Ger- Of late he has bean extremely busy that radio helL Well smash it tip Hans didn't quite understand, (the future Ben Bernie) has a "lien" many) so that we are assured of with his work, but as he laughingly right." *There is danger in not getting for your infor- admits, "they locate me when they a large audience catch on? A nice " T h a t ' s a boy," said Goebel. "I married," said Hans. "It can't on S. L. mation we have a new juvenile star in want my contribution." looking middle-aged gentleman dining see you have a true Nazi soul. Ger- come to any good being single all To my inquiry of the Hitler terrorDINE AT THE many is safe with such as you. Wethe time. Disease, you know, and with the sweet and pleasant appearing the person of Russell Blumenthal who is making his first appearance on the ism, the human dynamo shrugged his widow, Mrs. R. . . . wouldn't it be QUAINTEST PLACE IN TOWN Germans are great enough, not to the first thing you know, you may stage . . . the dates are Tues. shoulders and said in his staccatoneed any Jewish assistance. We are have to use that Jewish professor grand, e t c , etc? . . . It is definitely Center and Wed. evenings, April 25 and 26. Table d'Hote Dinner (5 p. m. to 9 p. m.) the greatest cultural people in :the Ehrlich's famous remedy—a remedy, settled that D. B., the advertising . . . . The Jewish radio quarter-hour like manner of speech, "Some one 65c world. What other nation has won which you must admit, has saved chap, and E. K. are "mooning" . . . has been extended to Thurs., April 13. ought to hand Hitler a book containing a history of the countries who even without stars! . . . but H. B. and so many Nobel prizes?" A la Carte Service (OP Alabam' tens of thousands from one of the H. K. are undecided and mystifying . . . Station KFAB at 6:30 p. m attempted the same thing." Barbecued Ribs) "The Germans have won not less most dreaded of diseases." their friends as to "what's it all And reminding you of the Senior One of Eddie's hobbies is the sponthan eleven of the Nobel prizes,' For the first time Goehel's face about" . . . The beer special to St. Council dance in the Center auditor- soring of the health fresh air camp. Climax an evening of enjoyment continued Goebel. lighted tip with a smile. "A good Joe will probably find the boys "shik- ium . . . . the "buds" and debutantes Over 300 boys take advantage of this with dinner at the Jack & Jill. It Nazi, I repeat, is immune from "But father, I understand, seven ker on likker" before they arrive at and their "swains" will be there. . . . camp, which is named the Eddie Can« * * is here in this rare bit of "Ould out of ,those " eleven were Jews," that disease, you understand, my their destination . . . A certain hustor Fresh Air Camp for Boys. boy."" English" atmosphere that you dissaid Hans. band tells us that he and his spouse Both Cantor and Jessel agreed that Hans began to understand. "Well," never quarrel about who •will wear "They were, were they? I didn't cover the true meaning of "dining our own George Givot is destined to know that. Well, .that only goes to said Hans, after a time, *'There is the pants . . . because the interest is comfort." become popular with radio fans show we must boycott the Nobel nothing to amuse oneself with. I entirely as to what's in the pockets! through his introduction of a new and By Aimer Kaiman OPEN ALL NIGHT prizes. Yes, Hans, we must extend guess, I'll go and do my. lessons. Smiles Bring Cheer To interview Eddie Cantor, N.B.C. most difficult dialect. Cantor, as you I l l do my Physics examples. You . tho "boycott to include them." Graciousness is a gifted asset . . . (nothing beats Cantor), L.L.D. (Doc- will recall, gave George his first op"I guess you are right, father/' know, dad, Physics isn't what it Among the women we find Mrs. Abe tor of Laughs), and TJ.S.A. (Uncle portunity when he inserted him in his A Suggestion for Any Night used to be. The Einstein theories said Hans.' -"How about a game of {Malvina) Greenspan, possessing a Sam's Assistant)* is no easy task. broadcast in Florida as Meroff, the have virtually, given us a new phy-perpetual smile that's sincerely genu- When he suggested that we meet Russian. He explained to us his reachess?" Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Served while v a Idaho baked A game as Jewish as that. Sixty per sics.".. .". •;- V.''; •..:•••; . . . ine - . • And among the men we choose him after the performance we, visual- son for introducing him thus, and is the pron-fc* / Cfi' potato, ntlred cent at least of great chsiS pleyers "The Einstein theories, eh. No Mas: Barish as the personification of ized an interesting session, but lo and stated that it enabled Givot to attain of rooking • . 1 Ml*, tomato, bread are Jewish. Almost all of the champ- son of mine will study those Piping hot. butter, drink. 1 behold, when the time arrived for the greater success in doing so. "Max no difference' good cheer ions of the game are Jewish. The theories." appointment, we found him in the Eddie's twenty-five years of stage philosophy of that game has largely "But father, you can't study phy- what the situation is - .« whether the been formulated by Jews. No,'sfr; today " ^ritEbuV studying those" * Hans, the proper game for a Nazi theories as well as many other conis not chess, it is playing with tributions of Jewish physicists and swords and fists, There is a lot of mathematicians.". fun, Hans in smashing things, more "Then," said Goebel, "well get fun than in chess, I warrant you." along without physics. Certainly no "But there is nothing' to smash Nazi will demean himself to 'study now," returned Hans. "I can't play Jewish theories." ' the radio and I can't play chess. It's ."Well," said Hans. "I don't know so dull. I guess I'll go down to the what" I can do. , Maybe, Fll study my. phsychology, . Germany and Aus"What show?" asked Goebel. tria,you Imow, have been the leaders "Oh, I don't Icnpw. Maybe 111 in all the new^hyschology. There . drop in at" Max Eeinhardt's. They is' phycho-arialysis and then there : say, he is staging Shakespeare, as is the gestalt phychology." .'•"'•'.• it never,has been done before.v; .• " W h a t , " said GoebeL "you dare to "What! to see that verdammete mention to me the gestalt phychology Jew show?" : - and the. pyschoanlytical. theories— "Oh, I don't think he isjtnuch, of -a. both, the products of Jewish minds. Jew. He is married to a '• Christian All the psychology I want you to woman, and was never particularly study is that of the pure German .' J e w i s h . " ' ." .- ..'.'•• - .'.:.-.' \ .•'..:•'•• mind. The psychology that was good "What did; I tell you? Anything enough for my ancestors 100 years with the least taint of a Jew is for- ago is good enough for you." • : bidden." , '•: , "Do you think the Bible would "Well, father," said Hans, "if that is the case, a great many things approve a policy like yours?" asked will have to stop. The greatest of Hans exasperated. "Do you think German industries, the chemical in- Jesus would approve? Didn't he dustries, notably the dye-stuff in- say: Blessed are ye that are perdustry, is largely the product of secuted? Then it is the Jews, "who according to Him are blessed." Jewish chemists." "I want no Bible in my household. "Well, then," said Goebel, "we What was Jesus but a d— Jew! remust close them. The new Germany . must, be under no, obligations what- plied GoebeL (Copyright 1933 B y the Jewsh, Teleever to Jews." - •-.:••graphc Agency Incorporated). "And Germany's steamship lines," continued Hans, "are-largely traceable to Albert Ballin, who was a . Infalliability; always paralyzes. I t Jew." gives rest, but it is the rest of stagSmall Additional "Well, we must burn them to bits nation.—Drunimond. Charge for Payments
Plan Anglo-Palestine Exhibition in London
omments I
Interviewing Eddie Cantor
s h o w . "
We'll save one of these
Passover Passover Sour Cream Passover Butter
Original Cost $65.00 $
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A. STOLLER FISH MARKET We have a large supply of nice, live, river buffalo and carp, and also a full line of game fish.
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is all it will cost and you will have a Cleaner good as new.
Open Saturday Night and All Day Sunday—Free Delivery
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This year we again offer to serve our many Jewish friends and patrons with Milk, Cream and Butter that is Kosher for Pesach.
Phone Webster 3527
I just received a fresh stock of all kinds of Matzoth of the best qualities, and nlso all kinds of Passover articles, like llntzo flour, cake flour, egg matzoth, cookies, etc ' 1 also have a full line of all kinds cf Kokeacli's Kosher articles for Pesach, including strawberry, raspberry and cherry jelly in pint glass jars; and also oil in beautiful glass bottles. Kemember also my own make soap, Kosher for Pesach. Pesach Candy, too.
Every one of these fine Hoovers has been gone over in the Hoover factory and completely reconstructed by the company's expert workmen. They are just like new machines and will give yon wonderful service . . . guaranteed for ONE FULL YEAR. This is yonr chance to get a genu-
ine Hoover at a fraction of the original cost.
If yon need a cleaner yon can't do better. Each machine has a new ball-bearing beating-sweeping brash, new bag, belt, cord and furniture guard. Telephone us if you want one of this limited number.
See Che Full Page Ad on Rebuilt Hoovers In Today's Issue of The American "Weekly.
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All the passover products will be produced in accordance with the strictest dietary laws, under the supervision of Rabbi N. Feldman You May Obtain Our Passover Milk, Sour | Cream or Butter from Our Routeman or at Your Grocer
Roberts Coin HARNEY 2226
THE JEWISH PRESS Resolutions Adopted at Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - . - - Advertising rates famished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID, BLACKER • - . - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . . . . . . . . . .Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
Protest Meeting
man solidarity and of the devotion of each to the achievement of the ever-increasing co-operation and the ultimate unity of all. GEMS of the BIBLE "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain," said and TALMUD Isaiah, "for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, By O. O. DASHER as the waters cover the sea." Under such prophetic leadership may we all advance into the practical realization of this one essen- Rejoice not when thine enemy fall-, tial dream. eth, and let not thy heart be glad
when he stumbleth. Civilized nations are committed to the principle that people REV. FREDERICK W. CLAYTON of any race or creed living within their borders are entitled to Don't be a too frequent visitor in Rector, All Saints' Church these civil and political rights which the people of any other race thy neighbor's house, lest he be sated I am in real sympathy with the mass meeting of protest which with thee and hate thee. or creed are permitted to exercise. s being held in the Jewish Community Center this evening. In Germany the nazi party and its leader, Adolf Hitler, who The persecution which your ancient and honorable race is be- Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for are in control of the German government, have sowed the seeds of knowest not what the next day, race hatred, intolerance and religious animosity towards the Jew- g subject to by a political party in Germany should not be al- thou will bring forth. A TRUST IN TRUSTIN ish people for the past 13 years. One of the planks in the program owed by any nation. I sincerely hope that a World Protest will The tremendous popular vote cast in Tuesday's primaries for of Hitlerism has been anti-Jewish to such an extent that it has ad- soon bring the Hitler indignities to an end. Let another man praise thee, Harry Trustin for city commissioner is an eloquent testimonial to vocated that the Jew be deprived of his German citizenship; that not thine own mouth. his practical idealism and humanitarianism which know no sec- his civil and political rights be taken away from him; that his Quebec Law to Curb tarian bounds. We are proud of his victory not merely because property be confiscated and that all Jews coming into Germany Talmud Anti-Racial Attacks For two and a half years the school one of our sons achieved a notable triumph but, far more import- since 1914 be deported. of Shammai and the school of Hillel ant, because as our representative in the city race he exemplifies Quebec, (J.T.A.)—A bill will be debated on the question of the creation Coincident with the assumption of power by Hitler, many the best traditions of our people. introduced by the government of of man. One side argued that it wrongs were perpetrated against German Jews. Jewish property Quebec at the present session of the would have been much better if man When the citizenry of Omaha went to the polls Tuesday, they was destroyed and Jewish lives were taken. In answer to the proLegislature to curb anti-racial or were not created; the other side did not forget the manifold civic and communal affairs for which tests of an outraged world, the Hitler government replied that the anti-religious attacks conducted by claimed that it is far better that man Harry Trustin had given so liberally of his time and his efforts. reports of Jewish injustices were greatly exaggerated, but that Moscow, (J.T.A.)—The "colossal" certain publications in the provinces. has been created. It was decided by They did not forget that for years he had sacrificed long hours and whatever excesses had occurred were attributable to the disorder achievements of the war against Ju- Any individual, whose race or re- a majority that it would have been daism during the period of the five- ligion is attacked will be able to much better had man not been creUnstinting toil for his buddies across the sea, to delve beyond Fed- which accompanied the revolution. A strict censorship has been year plan which has just heen com- seek redress in the courts even if he ated, but since he had been createdek*ai red tape in order to obtain for them greatly-needed aid. They enforced by Hitler and press dispatches are contradictory and un- pleted, are reviewed in the Yiddish personally is not attacked, according it behooves him to be careful of his anti-religious organ, "Apikoires," to the provisions of the projected action. did not forget his record as commander of the Omaha post of the reliable. here. measure. It was related of Rabbi Jochanan American Legion, which under his guidance grew to be the largest Following close upon the heels of the Hitler denial of any mis- "Together with the colossal ach- The bill, it is understood, is aimed Ben Zakai that never was he greeted post in the country. By their willingness to "Trust in Trustin," treatment of the Jew, came a boycott of all Jewish business and ievements in all branches of Soviet primarily at the Goglu publications first by anyone, even by a heathen, they voiced their approval of his sterling character, at the service professional men and a wholesale removal of Jews from public of- lonstructive work, there have been which, over an extended period, have for he always greeted people first. :olossal achievements also in the conducted a virulent campaign of so many worthwhile causes. fices which was brought about by and executed under the direction anti-religious sphere," it says. "We against the Jews on all sorts of pre. We congratulate Harry Trustin on his splendid campaign and and supervision of the Hitler government itself. Patronize our advertisers:. have carried on our work of liberat- texts. we are deeply grateful to him for the creditable manner in which ing the masses from the reactionary Now therefore, be it resolved that we, the Jewish citizens and he represents the Jewish people. As we have watched the scope residents of Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, in mass meeting as- yoke of religion and creating a newof his activities broaden and blossom and flower into a noble citi- sembled, do hereby raise our voices in protest against the outrages type of people." The paper dwells briefly on the rezenship, we witnessed lofty principles translated into practical hu- which have been perpetrated against the Jews of Germany and sults achieved by the anti-religious manitarianism, of the type that enriches living and helps make against the conscience of the world by Adolf Hitler and his follow- activity among the general populathis the blessed land of promise for all. We know that the voters ers and we call upon him in the name of justice and humanity to tion, and says that enormous as the success has been there, it has been of Omaha will never regret it if they elect Harry Trustin one of cease his campaign of hate, intolerance and bigotry, and proportionate among the Jewish poptheir commissioners, one who will administer fairly and honestly ulation. Be it further resolved, that we express ourselves as being to the needs of our thriving community. "The first five-year period," it unanimously of the opinion that the masses of the German people says, "was a period during which the Three New Arrivals to Our Already both in and out of Germany are not in sympathy with Hitler's Jewish workers in masses went away FEAST OF FREEDOM Large Family of from religion and from the reactionanti-Semitic program, and ary clergy. Anti-religion caught hold The spectre of Hitlerism and the narrow-minded bigotry Be it further resolved, that we respectfully enlist the sym- of the Jewish masses in the towns, which jt symbolizes cast their dark shadow over the Seder table pathy and the help of our government at Washington and of all in the Jewish townships and the as next Monday evening we usher in Passover, the Jewish Feast other civilized nations to the end that this injustice to the Jew Jewish villages. of Freedom. Our hearts grieve, tears well in our eyes as we call in Germany shall not be permitted to continue, and "In these past five years more Bate Medroshim and Synagogues to mind the dismaying condition of the spiritual and religious serBe it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be trans- were closed down than in all the vitude of our brethren today in Germany, in Poland, in Rumania, mitted to Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States, previous years combined (since the in Russia, in so many scattered parts of the world. We should be Soviet Revolution in 1918). G. W. Norris, senator from Nebraska, and Edward R. Burke, conhappy on Passover, for it is our memorial to freedom, our eternal | "Hundreds of Bate Medroshim and Synagogues were in these five years remembrance of liberation after 430 years of bitter servitude— gressman from this district. converted in clubs, reading rooms, but though some thirty-three centuries have paraded on the stage schools, kindergartens, artisan workment to appraise accurately the causes or extent of the activities of history since then, we find that the torch of enlightenment with shops and other useful institutions. allegedly directed by the German National Socoatists against the its spirit of equality and justice and righteousness have failed to "We have won a complete victory adherents of the Jewish faith. In as far, howeve^ias these activ- during this time in the work of uppenetrate through the mindof man. ^ ^ . ^ "the Ched'er*; the'-reacfion^r^ ; Freedom may have a perfunctory cannStation to most people. ities constitute violations of personal" and sociaHUghts which are rooting medieval Jewish educational institufundamental, they deserve condemnation. Too long has a patient To the Jews it has been sacred with prophetic-meaning since the tion. dawn of our history. When the trail of the wandering Jew be- or indifferent world stood by in silence, while persecutions, oppres- "All the children of Jewish workcame rough and arduous, when his feet grew weary and his heart sions and confiscations, "for conscience sake," have been perpe- ers now attend the Soviet schools, where anti-religious teaching has overburdened, it would have been easy for him to have succumbed. trated in Russia, Spain and Mexico. been strongly fortified in the last Therefore, I gladly comply with your invitation and associate But, instead, he plodded on, willing to suffer degradation or death five-year period. rather than surrender his principles. As he wandered from myself with the Jewish community: of Omaha in an expression of "The work of uprooting the old reET these three, brightest members of our famFrance, from England, from Spam, as he withstood the-Crusades, sympathetic protest against the injustices inflicted, for reasons ligious customs among the Jewish workers has made colossal progress. ily . . . who were born knowing all there is to still unrevealed, upon your brethren in "the faith. i as he achieved martyrdom in the black days of medievalism, as he The overwhelming majority of the know about allure . . . help you with the Important It is an established fact that the Catholic hierarchy of Ger- Jewish workers no longer think of served the ghetto sentences, the Jew never forgot Passover. His Occasions of your life. many has repeatedly ciiticized, within the last two years, precisely observing the Sabbath or the Jewish matzoth, his Charoses, his bitter herbs symbolized "freedom" to the tendency to racial and religious fanaticism in the National So- religious festivals, or other religious him—and he took heart to fight on. customs with which the Jewish clergy "Tea for 2" Hose Well may this Passover give us the strength and fortitude to cialist party, which seems now to be rampant. No political party, darkened their minds. All these As Exciting as a achievements did not come of themcontinue the battle for physical, spiritual and religious freedoni for government or nation can survive an abuse of power which in- selves; Rendezvous they are the result of an arall oppressed people, the inalienable rights of Ufe and liberty and volves a defiance of the laws of justice and charity* It is the duty duous campaign of unmasking the VER the cups the lady is the pursuit of happiness upon which our own beloved America was of the state to safeguard and defend the legitimate rights of the reactionary essence of religion. creating a devastating effounded. The story of the Haggadah is repeated year by year that weakest and least numerous constituents. Neither the confidence "In spite of these successes," the fect in her new chapeaux and we of the Jewish faith may learn anew the story of our escape of the family of nations nor the blessing of God can abide, where editorial concludes, "the fight against chiffon . . . while underneath the religion must not slacken in the sectable her sheer, 3-thread stockErom bondage. History is filled with a succession of attempts to the foundations of internal and external peace are flagrantly dis- ond, five-year period; on the conings are contributing to her ' •'*• crash the Jews which failed. The Egyptian Pharaohs made slaves turbed. trary, it must be strengthened. poise by means of their perfecI will be grateful, my dear Mr. Monsky, if ydh will convey to "It is true that it is now easier to of them; Babylonia drove them into exile; the Syrians swept the tion. tear the Jewish masses away from land of Israel with murder, fire and pillage; the Romans took them your assembly these sentiments combined with th!e hope that we religion than it was in the first fiveLota Priced for into captivity; Spain initiated an inquisition; Russia scourged may soon witness the re-establishment of order and$ security every- year period, but the resistance of the 135 Such Charm •••<• class enemy is increasing, and so the them with pogroms, and today Germany writes another bloody where throughout the world. fight, too, must increase. page in Israel's history. Israel's persecutors of the past faded into "Open and concealed counter-revthe background in history's panorama as their efforts to crush olutionary sabotage is often carried REV. FRANK G. Jewry only strengthened us. Let us become reinvigorated by the on under the cloak of religion. Our "Tea for 8" Hose First Central Congregational Church main attention must now be directed lessons of our past history. On this Passover when we re-picture Every man and woman of every country and clime who loves to conducting our anti-religious work As Delicate as Smoke the overthrow of the yoke of the Pharoahs and re-visualize the liberty among fresh sections of Jewish workand humanity has been shocked and grieved at the reports F SHE'S been glamorous at the Jewish people achieving freedom and setting forth for the Prom- that have come out of Germany recently concerning the oppres- ers, whom it has not reached before. table . . . she's positively a ised Land, let us gain inspiration for our new freedom of tomor- sion of the Jews, even to the extent of bodily injury, by the new There are plenty of them in the Menace later, when it's discovtownships and the villages. There row in which we will find in that same Palestinian country our governmental regime of that country. This is especially abhor- are the masses of new Jewish workered that these lovefy 3-thread Promised Land of the future. ers who came not long ago from the stockings- decorate her ankles. rent to citizens of our own country by reason of our long cherished Jewish small towns and have poured Sheer, exquisite, but sturdy constitutionally guaranteed rights of life, liberty and the pursuit into the factories and works in the enough to love dancing. of happiness, regardless of race, color or previous condition of great cities, there are the great of Jewish artisans and other servitude. There is no more reason why a Jew, should be op- masses Introduced to elements. To continue the anti-reYou At pressed in any country in the world, simply because he is a Jew, ligious work among-these sections is than that an' American should be oppressed because he is an our great task for the second fiveAmerican. Any man in any land who obeys its laws and is loyal year period." II to its institutions is entitled to the protection of those laws both Phantom" Hose in his person'and his property. Any departure from such a course No Anti- Semitism in A Mere Breath of Silk is criminal bigotry. Let us hope that early reports have been Italy, Says Mussolini OR practical people who exaggerated and that if there were early inflamed excesses that Home, (J.T.A.)—There is no antiwant facts, we say that these GILBERT M. HITCHCOCK they have been permanently halted and that atonement and Semitism in Italy and Jews occupy stockings are two-thread. . . For Former Senator of Nebraska apology to all the world will be made. But in case the reverse is positions of high importance, Prepeople with poetry in their souls Omaha does well to express her sympathy for the persecuted found to be true by later investigations, then all the nations of the mier Benito Mussolini declared in . . . we whisper that they're the Jews of Germany and her abhorrence of their persecutors. Civili- earth who dare to call themselves tolerant and liberty-loving, an interview with Rabbi Abba Hlllel sheerest in the world . . . deleading member of the Amersigned to be loved, looked at zation everywhere stands aghast. It does not seem that the Ger- should withdraw fellowship and stand in solemn and continued in- Silver, ican Rabbinate, who is now in Rome. *"d worn probably just one eveman people will long permit such medieval and barbarous political dignant and righteous protest until such atonement and apr'ogy Discussing anti-Semitism in other ning. countries, Premier Mussolini attribumethods. Germany has been greatly sinned against in recent is fully and freely given and the safety of this much persecuted ted its increase to economic distress A Lot of years. Her people have suffered much. This suffering has pro- people for the future is fully guaranteed. 35 and expressed the view that antiGlamour For Semitism in other countrit would deduced strange and violent reactions and one of the most violent is line when more normal conditions are REV. LAURENCE PLANK the present unreasoning persecution of an element of their own BRANDEIS—First Floor restored. ; First Unitarian Church people. "We give our young a national, . T h e crime of persecution against any member of the human religious and physical education. Of BISHOP JOSEPH P. RUMMEL irace is a crime struck at the heart of humanity itself. In the course, religion with tolerance—we complete religious tolerance in of the Catholic Diocose of Omaha growing knowledge of our oneness as human beings may this meet- have Italy and recognize the status of There are cross currents in the channelsof information ema- ing you are sponsoring this evening be not alone a protest against Jewish citizens," Premier Mussolini • .. i+ino-frnm Germany which makeit almost impossible at this nw- the specific crime but a positive affirmation of our complete hu- declared.
•randson Hosiery
Messages Read at Protest Meeting
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH INITIATION Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum, student at Iowa university, is a member of the famma Theta Phi sorority, which is being initiated this Sunday as Pi chapter of Sigma Delta Tan.
Please Note—All items most be mailed or phoned so that they reach the Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. Wednesday to insure publication Friday. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mra Izzie Stiss announce the birth of a son Monday, April 3, at the Methodist hospital. Mr. and Mrs. "William Kaiman announce the birth of a son on March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Taub announce the birth of a girl on Monday, March £7, at the Methodist hospital. REVIEW TEA I lie Temple Israel Sisterhood is sponsoring a book review tea a t the home of Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, 604 South Thirty-seventh street, on April 25, at 2:30 p.m. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will review "Teking Picnic" by Ann Bridge. This book "was the Atlantic Monthly prize novel. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, Harney 7088. COSTUME PARTY The Pi Tan Phi sorority, of which Miss Bertha Colick is president, entertained at a costume party at the Blackstone on Saturday, March 25. The committee in charge of arrangements consisted of the Misses Sylvia Jonisch and Minnette Lotus. Members of the sorority are the Misses Lillian Jonisch, Sadie Wolk, Florence Whitebook, Helen Garher, Rose Colick, Lillian Miroff, and Rosalie Rosenberg.
Need Workers for Survey Mrs. Julias Newman, chairman of the religious committee of the Council of Jewish Women under whose auspices the city-wide survey of the Jewish families in Omaha is being made, announces that a large number of enthusiastic, capable workers are making splendid progress. However, Mrs. Newman states that the work will be completed more quickly if more volunteer their services. Anyone interested is asked to call Mrs. Newman at Harney 6039. "The co-operation has been gratifying," she states. "And when we will have finished, we will nave rendered the community a real service. We are especially in need of volunteers who can offer us the services of their automobiles." The following are now working steadily on the Jewish survey: the Mesdames Sam Gilinsky, David R Cohen, Isadore Abramson, Rueben Brown, A. D. Frank, Ben Glazer, Bert Hene, Philip Klutznick, Irvin Levin, L Levinson, Hymie Milder Max Moskowitz, H. A. Newman, Albert Newman, S. H. Novitsky, Sam Peltz, Harry Rachman, Louis Sogolow, Sam Wolf, Morris Levey, William Milder, Lester Lapidus, M. I. Gordon, Mose Yousem, Harold Pollack, Goodman Cohen, Sam Bialac. Ernest Nogg, Hyman Greenberg, Louis Kulakofsky, Meyer L. Cohn Harry Shumow, A. H. Brodkey, and William Boasberg.
FORMAL DINNER-DANCE Final plans are being made for the annual formal dinner-dance to be given by Phi Delta Epsilon, Creighton medical fraternity, a t the Blackstone, April 8, according t o announcement by Morris Lev, president. A Chicago orchestra may be brought here for the affair. The Messrs. Sam Eeiter, Maurice Steinberg and Frank Lapp are in charge of arrangements.
Kitchen Chats Mrs.
By David M. Newman
Whipped Cream Cake
3, FRIDAY, APRIL 7,1933
Spring Basketball to Start at Center
Religious Services
Coach M. EL Sogolow, physical director a t the J . C. C , will introduce a novelty at the Center starting this Wednesday evening when he holds spring basketball practice. Practice m t l be neld Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7:45 for a period of one month. Sogolow has invited the'following men to turn out: Phil Gerelick, Lou Weiner, Iz Bogdanoff, Ben Rosen, Morris Franklin, Jim Burroughs, Sol Yaffe, Iz Mann, Harry Rich, Bill Gerelick, Millard Sigal, Max Turner, Art Grossman, Jack Sadofsky, Harold Barish, Art Adler, Pep Boggy, Max Freedxnan, Jake Temin, Bob Schneider, Herb Marks, Meyer Kohlberg, Willard Smith Charles Gendler, Eddie Rosen, Aaron Epstein,- Sam Giller, Herman Babich, and Abe Katz. The purpose of the spring training, Sogolow explains, is to develop varsity men for next year and to improve the playing ability of the J. C. C. basketeers.
Take 2 cups of whipped cream, 4 eggs, 3 cups cake flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 2 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla flavoring. Whip the cream very stiff, add eggs (whole), breaking one at a time, beat in the sugar gradually. Sift flour and baking powder together and stir into the first mixture. Add The first Jewish freighter is capflavoring. Bake in a shallow loaf pan for 25 minutes. Cover with a tained by a Jewish •woman, Mrs. butter and sugar icing and sprinkle Israel Itan of Tel Aviv. The ship has been assigned the with browned almonds. first license number issued by the Jaffa iort. It will carry merchanSPANISH RICE Ten tablespoons rice, 1 cup toma- dise between Palestine, Egypt, Syria toes, 3 medium sized onions, 1-3 pound and Cyprus. A. Hodorov is the ship's cheese, and 1 cup hot water, 1 tea- owner.
Woman Is Captain of First Jewish Freighter
spoon salt and pepper to taste. Wash rice and drain, add remaining ingredients and bake in moderate oven 1 hour and 15 minutes.
students to participate at the Sedarim |. of various of its members. ; All students interested are asked to j Services will be held this evening call Ja. 0887 Sunday morning from | at 8 p.m. at the B'liai Israel syna- 10 to 12 o'clock. !
Portuguese Marranos Form Zionist Society
Braganca, (J.T.A.)—The "Work DATE AND NUT CAKE One-half pound graham crackers, 1 of Redemption" carried on by Capcup dates, chopped, 1 cup whipped tain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto cream, 1 cup choped marshmallows, 1 among the Portuguese Marranos has among other results, led to the forcup chopped walnuts, pinch of salt. mation of the first Zionist Society. Roll cracker crumbs rather fine, add This Society, which bears the name other ingredients, cream last and mix of Judah Halevi and desires to be RECUPERATING well until cracker crumbs are moistenSarah Tucker is recuperating at ed, pour into mold lined with wax affiliated with the Zionist organization, has as one of its objects "the the St. Joseph hospital from an ap- paper. Let stand 12 hours in refrigerestablishment of a more fraternal pendectomy. ator. Serve sliced with or without intimacy between Israelites in genwhipped cream. eral and the Marranos in particuLEAVES lar." Mr. Joe Krestul left this week for "Union Square," by Albert Halper, Florida. . already a very popular book, and, "Your Old Hat Made New from indications already manifesting HOSTESSES Those who have registered for the themselves likely to become one of Save a Dollar or Two" The Misses Rose Abramson and J . C. C. horseback riding classes and the most talked-about books in the OMAHA HAT FACTORY Ruth Swengil were hostesses at an have not been notified of meeting next several weeks. US Karth t«th B t m t affair given a t Paul Spoils Sunday, dates for classes are asked to call Mr. Opposite Pa-;t Office "South Moon Under," by Marjorie April 2. Over forty couples attended. Kennedy of the Royal Riding AcadED KAPLAN. Manager Rawlings; "Walls of Gold," by Xathemy for detailed information. Phone ATlantic 6530 leen Norris; "Unfinished Symphony/' SURPRISE PARTY AND WE W i l l CALL by Sylvia Thompson; "The Hardy A surprise party honoring the birth Patronize our advertisers. Perennial," by Helen Hull; "This day of Miss Goldie Seidman was given People," the latest Jbook byuXudwig April--!•• b y the Phi Omega Delta Lewissohn and "The Torch of Life" sorority. Table decorations were car (two circulating copies) are some of ried out in blue and yellow. A cluster the newer books just received in the of yellow roses and blue bachelor but joint Center-Council public rental li- tons in a beautiful silver bowl made brary, located at the Jewish Commu- an elaborate centerpiece. f nity Center. They rent for only 3c A unique birthday cake was decorper day, 10c minimum to a borrower, reservations being also accepted ated in blue and yellow and bore a congratulatory inscription from the free for any book in the library. sorority. Miss Seidman was presentThe rental library, already very ed with a silver necklace in a basket popular with many members of the design. Council of Jewish Women, and with The evening was spent in dancing visitors in the Center, asks that i t be and playing games. Prizes were won given a trial by everyone, stating by Miss Ruth Slobodisky arid Mr. that they will usually find the most Charles .Feldman. popular books of the day, plus many of the latest or most recent favorites ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE there on circulation, at the same or a lesser price than that " charged • at Beta Alpha Gamma sorority recentother rental libraries. Receipts of the ly entertained eight rushees at a library help pay a large part of the bridge at the home of Mrs. Leon scholarship loans to poor students FeTlman, sorority advisor. Plans are Sing a song of sponsored by t h e Council, and also being made for other parties to be seersucker... \t* beld in the near future honoring these enable the library, to get many of the f a s h i o n ' s very newest books the moment they are rushees. own. Nelly Dan published j for the use of borrowers weaves it, checks and readers. . ,. DINNER-DANCE The Question Club's spring dinnerit and designs it The library is conveniently located dance will be held at Paul SPOT'S in her individual in the downtown district, is open daily Club Araby Sunday evening, April 9. way . . . suiting it afternoons and evenings till late, and to many occais also open every morning during sions, to many the week except Fridays. You have figures andtoall an excellent library, -why not use i t ?
gogue, Eighteenth and C h i c a g o streets. Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "Israel's Redemption—What Are the Requirements?" This will be a Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver discussion of the changes necessary The Jewish History Class will meet j sermon on "The Challenge of the in the Jewish spirit before a true re- Tuesday evening, April 11, at the j demption can take place. Jew" at the services at Temple Israel Temple. i Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his choir this evening. Miss Minnie Wolf will lead the dis- ) will officiate. After the services, the Tomorrow morning his subject will cussion of the sixth chapter of tlie j be "The Great Sabbath." The follow- open forum of the Junior Vaad Aux- second volume of Graetz's "History j iliary will take place. ing children will participate in Saturof the Jews," his subject being "The [ Saturday morning Rabbi Mfller will day morning's services: Messiah and the Origin of Christian- i officiate at the services at the B'nai Adolph Laytin, Armand Gilinsky, ity." • ' •' I Henrietta Lewis, Ira Jackson, William Israel synagogue and will use as his Rabbi Frederick Cohn will finish | sermon theme, "The Prophet Elijah." Shlaes, Bernice Robinson, William the reading of Stephen Phillip's fas- | Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock oetz, Sarah Gilinsky, and Leonard cinating drama, "Herod." j Rabbi Miller win give the traditional 'ulakofsky. Kaddish will be recited this Sab- Shabbos Hagodol address at the Betn bath for Harry Cohn and Mrs. M. Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, Nineteenth and Burt. A model Seder will Kulakofsky. be conducted by the children of the Passover Services Coach Nate Cutler has his tennis Passover services will be held be- Vaad Religions school this Sunday group at the J. C. C. practicing Tegumorning. ginning Monday evening with a short larly each Wednesday evening at 7 Passover Services service of prayer and song at 6 p. m. He reports that a number of Passover will be ushered in by sero'clock. his pupils are making good progress. There will be a morning service for vices at the various Orthodox synathe first morning of Passover, Tues- gogues affiliated with the United Orday morning, at 10:30 a. m. Rabbi thodox Synagogues Monday eveningThere is no good in arguing with Cohn will speak on "The Significance at sundown and services will be held the inevitable. The only argument on Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday available with an east wind is to put of Passover." morning the traditional Siyum for the on your overcoat.—Lowell. firstborn will be held at the synagogues with Rabbi Miller officiating at the B'nai Israel synagogue, EighTRY OUR NEW At services tonigrht Rabbi David A. teenth and Chicago streets. The sermon t o p i c for Tuesday Goldstein will speak on "The Causes of the Hitler Triumph and the Fu- morning will be "The Ten Plague? and Interpretation." Rabbi Miller will ture of the Jews in Germany." give this address at the B'nai Israel Passover Services SAVE The congregation •will gather for synagogue. On Wednesday morning Rabbi MillPassover services Monday evening at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday morning at 9 a.m er will speak at the Adass Yeshurim, Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m., and Twenty-fifth and Seward, and his sermon topic will be "Four Sons and Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. At services tonight and next Fri- Forefathers." For Students day the choir, under the direction of The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad 2815 FABMAM AT. 2815 Mrs. Sam Beber, will render a numextends an invitation to out-of-towr ber of Passover songs.
History Class
Tennis at Center
IICurb Service
Season Your Spring Wardrobe With Navy
The Book Case
Horseback Riders
You Can Buy Perfectly Stunning
Dresses—Coats and Suits f t For Only . . .
Nelly Don Frocks Are Sold Only at Herzbergs in Omaha
purses. This w o v e n checked seersucker is distinctively youthful at a mere . • .
Are you interested in Jewish subjects? Do you wish t o find put more about the anti-Jewish persecutions in Germany ? The Jewish Community Center's library is the place for you to seek' your information. Some of the most widely-known Judaican magazines, such as the "Opinion," "American Hebrew,". "Jewish Daily Bulletin" and others, all printed in English, have much interesting information and news on such topics. For children, such magazines as the "Weekly C u r r e n t Events"; the "Young Judeans," e t c , are recommended as conveyors of the same information in an easier form. JA. 9404 JA. 9404 Suits Cleaned 49c HANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 2016 Farnam St. All Wearing Apparel HAND I R O ^ D L. A. LONGFELLOW, Prop.
595 i i
Prof. John Dewey Columbia University
Other New Nelly Don Cotton Frocks
t o 10
12 TO 44
4922 South 24th
i i ]
.i I
i <
They take their flattering details after models by SchiaparelH, Bruyere-Lainbocher, Lyolene and Paray . . . compare them wif*» the costliest fashions in town . . . if you want to fully realize what values they are at $16.75. Juniors, Misses and Women's Sizes THIRD FLOOE
FIRST LADY AT BANQUET-The candid camera snaps Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt at a banquet.
Monte Snyder, President Roosevelt's chauffeur, poses with Major and Meggie, White House pets.
FOR EXPOSITION FOUNTADs—Lorado Taft, sculptor, is prepar* ing "The Fountain of Creation" for the Century of Progress expwf. tion in Chicago. He is shown at the foot of a 20-foot statue of a man which tops the fountain.
L E ? B Y TIDAL, WAVE—Many boats were washed away and others were tossed ashore in north m Japan by a tidal wave .early in March. This is one of the first pictures from the scene -
CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME—With the blossoming of cherry trees in southern California, beauties in the fruit belt are being selected to announce annn th event. t Miss Mi Doris Di Copenharve Ch hhas been selected as the cherry blossom queen at Covina, Cal. __^________
"SPIRIT OF PERFUME"—Mrs. John Cluett of Troy, N. Y., is picr e d iin n tthe h e l leading eadin o l e i nins osociety cj fashionshow showatatPasadena, Pasadena, Cat Cal. NEW CHINESE ENVOY TO SOVIETS—Dr. Yen, right, new Chinese ambassador to Soviet Russia nre- ^tured « r role ety fashion S P Sing M the S p i n t of Perfume sents his credentials in Moscow to M. I. Kalinin, left, president of the central executive committee of ' ***" ° " " « M r s - Cluett formerly the WaS M i s s P r u d e n c e Soviets. In the center is Comrade Karakhan, assistant commissar of foreign affairs. CasseU of Pasadena.
AND THE CROWDS POURED I N - T h e new National Bank of Detroit, the first national bank chartered under the p r e s e n t ' s emergency banking laws, is crowded with depositors. The bank reHeves Jhe Detroit situation somewhat, although depositors with funds in closed banks have to await the process of liquidation before recovering any substantial sum.
A "TICKLISH" QUESTION UNDECIDED—It looks very much as if the old question of "social precedence" may again arise in the national capital—this time in connection with the burning question of which members ot a fashionable riding and hunt club should be privileged to stall their horses next t those of the Roosevelt horses shown here. °
3 | » » I
. I
PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 3S33 f, STAtMASTEK & BEBEX mage sale, which, will T>e held in the versity of Nebraska. Miss Gwendolyn Attorney* Meyerson, sister of Mrs. Frankel, was near future. 65* Omi M SJat'l Bank Bide. initiated into the Sigma Delta Tau Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fried anSOTICE OF A»MTN1STKATIOX She is a freshman at the nounce the birth of a daughter, born sorority. University of Nebraska. In the County Court of Douglas County, Monday, April 3, at the Jennie EdNebraska. . mundson hospital. In the matter of the estate of MoUie CARXAZZO & KAZLOWSKT, Biefcer Martnwry Deceased. Attorneys. Mrs. Leo Blank and son,Xane BurAll persons interested In snia estate are 424 Insurance Bl<Jg. hereby notified that a petition bun lieea \ ton, of Minneapolis, If inn., arrived filed in Baid Court ulleging that said de» I Sere last week to visit at the home of In the County Court of Douglas County, ceased died leaviiiR no last will and prnjrNebraska. ittf: for administratian upon bis estate, and ] Mrs. Blank's father, Mr. Barney Gil- In the Matter of the Estate of B « M I U that a hearing will be had on said petiGraeso, Deceased. tion before said court on the 15th day «f jinsky. They expect to be here for To the teirs-at-law, creditors, and all April 1833, and that if they fail to appear j about a month. other persons interested in said estate: at said Court on the 15th day of April BTF.tLK. -Icu are hereby notified that a petition 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said Miss Helen Steinberg and Mrs. Leon has been filed in this Court on the 27th petition, the Court may grnut the ssrme 1033, b r Giuseppe Grasso and grant administration of shid estate to The week of Passover, which be- Frankel J-'speak last week-esd visiting day of March. that Rosalia Grasso died on the Thelma Bollock Gripp or some other gins next Monday, April 10, will be in Lincoln, Nebr., where they attended alleging 23th day of March, 1930. intestate; that at suitable person and proceed to a settletime of her death she v a t it resident observed with appropriate services at the Sigma Delta Tau sorority initia- the of Douglas County. Nebraska and that she meuc thereof. BHYCE CRAVTFORn the Chevra B*nai Yisroel synagogue j tion party last Friday night. They WAS possessed of the following described County Judge. estate, to-wit: The South Twfenty- 3-24-Sa 3t at 618 Mynster street, at 7 o'clock that are both former students of t i e Uni- real seren <27 f(_) feet of Lot one (1) and the evening; and on Tuesday, April 11, at XOrth Eighteen (IS ft.) feet of Lot Two (2) P H I U P M. KX.CTZXICK of Block TTTO (2) in M. Donovan's S«b-: 8:30 o'clock in the morning, and at 7 division, an Addition to the City of Omabfl, 630 Omaha National Bank Bldg. o'clock in the evening-; and on WedDouglas County. Nebraska, as Bnrreyed, By HILDA KASSELL platled and recorded. nesday morning, April 12, commencNOTICE OF IVCOBPORATIOX OF That eaid petitioner has an interest in "X. S. TAFFE FOISTTIKG CO." ing at 8:30 o'clock. The traditional said real estate lieing an heir of said deHarpo -Marx. He is the little Honored Assembly:- Today I robe] show. Except the people sitting in "Sedars" will be held in numerous Notice is hereby given tlmt Tlie uniler- ceased petitioner prays that n hearing fellow •with the red wig you see onmyself in the garment of Judaism. his vicinity who wondered who that homes on both Monday and Tuesday Bigneci have formed a corporation under i be had.: said Lincoln on said petition, that notice therethe laws of the State of Nebraska. The j of !>** given as required by law, ar»cT thaf Des Moines $2.00 the screen chasing all the "beautiful At last I am a Bar Mitzvah. For rummy chap was -who kept laughing nights, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. name of this corporation shall be "2>. ts. iupon said hearing ft decree of heirship be Xaffe Printing Co." Tvith irs principal | entered and further administration of said Denver $7^0 girls. In real life the beaatiful long days and nights I labored for at all the •wrong places. place of business at Omaha. Nebraska. The Iestate be dispensed Tvxth. Detroit $7.00 girls chase him, And when. he appropriate words to express the All the brothers are maried, exto ~he tran' You are therefore notified that a hearing Rabbi Frederick Conn of Omaha Los Angeles $20.00 tender devotion, the loving kindness, cept Harpo. To date, he has been the object and pnrpose for will tie had on said petition sit the County catches them! Will give a lecture on current topics at | -which this corporal ion is organized and Court Room of said County, on the 21st His name, of course, is- • derived the heroic sacrifices that you, myon the verge of marriage ten times— established shall be to conduct iicd operate day of April, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.. and ±iotei on . a printing establishment: to purrhase and that if you fail to appear at said time and BUS DEPOT from his ability to weedle tantaliz- dear parents have bestowed upon to ten different girls. And at the evening, April 19, a t 8 O Clock. HlS I sellni printing and stationery supplies: to place and contest the said petition, the me." age af 42, he is still going strong. ing tunes from, that regal instrument -^x.;--!. ™ii v.p "Thp Pr«>=!PTit World *Q P an<l maintain by purc-haw. <-i>nstrne-Lj Court may grant the sarnn?, enter a decree Edwards Hotel Bid?. His favorite nephew is Groucho's suoject wiu De xne i-resent woria t i o n ^ ] e a s e o r < ) t h p r x v l i s e i,ni1(1iUg.s a l > a j of heirship. niid decree that further admin—the harp—which even until this Nevertheless, it is Harpo who "en306 No. 16th Ha 5000 Situation." Mrs. M. L. Cohn of Omaistration of said estate be dispensed with. equipment to be nsod us and for a -pTint! six-year old son, who attended bibleday he cannot dignify with 'appro- joys a slight, advantage .over his BRYCE CnAIVFOltD, charee oi of uus this ai af- ing establishment or a stationery sales j priate musical terms. For years it other brothers. It is not much the classes in Hollywood because he liked •hf aa .l r w ,i u.c ,h .,,1, cnarge ii::S-3t County Judge. establishment, and to do all things •\vJik-h ' u b l l c ™? ** ??<? J° toe x o . may be necessary and/or proper to carry Dtood in the front-room of the Marx fact that on the memorable occasion the candy they gave him. His father, I out the objects herein set forth. The tiiiLh- A nominal charge of 2a i orized capital stuck shrill lie STi.COrt.OO and domicile—a silent relic of the mater- of his Bar Mitzvah his mother re- however, has fond hopes that his son \«^ P be the admission fee. of said stock shall he cnainwn and of nal parents' ^barnstorming days in moved the Pessachdige dishes from and heir will follow in his f o o t - cents will Ev- all THE 1S the par value of $100.00 per share, fully at **&& t o m a k e P l a n s Germany—before (the impish) Ad- the wash-tub and gave her son a steps, for in his youth .. Groucho , paid np and non-as:sessable. The coriwru"" tion shall lecture^ commence doinn business npon olph, as he was then called, teased thorough and much-needed scrub- showed promise of a sweet though j tend the filing of its articles with the County the strings into rendering "Mighty bing, but it is the testimony of a unreliable soprano. His services as '"lerfc of T>cmgrla!= County. Xeltr.-sMka, and BluIIs Chapter No. 7 Council sti.,'1 eontinne for a period of fifty ypars Lak a Rose" as though they really surviving photograph that puts Har- a boy-cantor were nevertheless en^ observed International A z from said date. The ainbiiiu of meant it. po indisputably in first place. Taken listed by a local synagogue, when to o { z ^ "Sabbath Day" with appro- indebtedness shall not highest exceed tv.o thirds of The capital stock, bnt this restriction indignation of the j ^ of Nebraska Women services a t t h e Chevra p g Those were the days when the on the stoop of the Third Avenue the surprised shall not apply to indebtedness secured by or liens upon any of the corMarx menage was quartered' in a apartment house, one can readily rabbi, the sweet soprano changed to Yisroel synagogue last Friday eve- mortgages property. The affairs of this corTry a Bag Today tenement house on Third Avenue see that the thirteen years he spoke a distressing bass before the ser- ning. The invocation was given by porate poration shall be managp«l by a Board of of so eloquently in his .speech had vices were half over. Abe Katelman. Passover readings Directors consisting of .not less Timn two near 17th Street, and where, with The animal meetinc of The corAt present, two of the Marx broth- from the Bible were read by Henry members. the same exasperating regularity indeed their fanciful flight poration shall tie held on the first Monday January of each year, at which jneeiing that the milkman delivered the daily in such sartorial details as a derby ers (Groucho and Chico) are recoup- Mendelson. Joseph Solomonow spoke in the stockholders shall elect a Hoard of Himilk, the lady in the down-stairs (borrowed) and' a fashionable top- ing the family fortunes by enliven- about the work of the A. Z. A. His rectors and thereupon the Bor.rd shall elect a Vice-I're.sirteut. Secretary apartment wonld shout through the coat with a velvet collar made over ing radio audiences every Monday subject was "Youth and Judaism." aandPresident, Treasurer. Any Tiro of said offices from papa Marx' discarded one by night. Harpo and Zeppo are still in- The program was concluded with the may be held by one alley window.: and the same person. carcerated in Hollywood, supposedly benediction by Abe Katelman. These articles may be amended at any Uncle Al, who "was the best pants"Quiet, pu-lease! Ach such mis- presser on Rivington Street before engaged in what is laughingly reregular or special meeting of the stockholders by a two-thirds vole of the ot;tcheygoyem." he became the famous Mr. Shean in ferred to as their 'work. Gummo, The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688Btauding stock The Marx boys (there are five of partnership IX WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the Independent Order of the B'nai who has deserted his brothers prowith Mr. Gallagher. them) tumbled into this world at hare hereunto subscribed their names this Brith have postponed their next meetfessionally is at present incorporated 29th day of March, l!i."3 To tell once again circumstances appropriate intervals in rapid sucS. TAFIE. the Gummo Marx Dress Corpora- ing, which was scheduled for next cession, Harpo making his wide-eyed of Harpo's first public appearance in E. J. 11OLHSBERG. tion, where he "aims to make the Monday night, due to the Passover In the presence of: debut second to Chico, the eldest. on the stage, is to sap a good joke best dresses retailing at nine-fifty on Philip M. Klutzniek. holiday. Contrary to general belief, Groucho of all its flavor by constant repiti- the market." If this somewhat of tion. But no chronicle of the gentleis not the eldest. He was only a ..Jack Steinberg returned home departure from his mother's fond babe in the arms, when Zeppo, the man's life and work can be complete ahopes Wednesday, f ollowihg a three-months' to make of him the wondreyoungest was b o r n . Actually, •without at least a passing reference boy tenor of the world, this Marx stay in Philadelphia, Ea., where he atGroucho is son No—4, and was init- to' that bright June day. Harpo, brother No. 3, has no regrets. "Why tended a special military school. Mr. iated to the name, of Julius. , looking very fetching in a bell-hop's I attribute the success of the Four Steinberg is first-lieutenant of the There is still much rivalry and •uniform was employed at that time Marx Bros., entirely to me because Iowa Guards. • discussion among the brothers as to by the Hotel Seville, much to mother right after the War I quit the act •who had acquitted;; .himself most iMarx' chagrin. After all, a hotel was cold.' The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah honorably on fair Bar' Mitzyah. • Nono place - for an impressionable and will not hold their anonthly meeting Out Harpo took decision can be'reached., because alt susceptible young man. Three of his time off Hollywood-way, to express in his own inimi- nest Wednesday afternoon, due to the brothers were already cavorting on five of them spoke the: same piece, manner what he thought of his Passover holidays. However, plans composed by lieu-same irabbi, whose Henderson's Stage in Coney Island cal brother's desertion by' giving him a are beinj^ made for their annual rumunder the beguiling name of "The imagination and literary ability Three Nightingales". Harpo was true Harpo-istic raspberry—a wide- FKADKNBUBG, S TALMA STEB. A BEBER reached such: ethereal-heights as: just returning Cissie Loftiis' spaniel eyed, silent shackle of contempt. O. O T. T DOEBB DOEBB ' Tii M. M KtUTJEXTCK "Dear Parents, Relatives and 630 Omaha Xatimtal Bank from his - daily constitutional in Probably because the star-model of Omaha, XeHzaska
Some Comic Marxism Intimate Scenes in Lives of the Marx Brothers, Who Make Millions Chuckle
Council Bluffs
—^ wonder
showers mean
Gummo Marx Dress Corporation reto be chased."- --Now Harpo »is
Modified' Rates on all Glasses 4OO Rooms ' with bath from '
More than 'I5O Rooms priced at *2^O and *3 • The Fontenelle is outstandingly Omaha's largest and finest hotel, the center of business, social and travel activity. Headquarters of the Omaha Auto Club and United Air Lines, civic clubs and commercial organizations.
Operated by" EPPLEY HOTELS COs
Dine and Dance Dine and dance to famous bands in the beautiful Italian Room. Enjoy Nebraslca'smosl succulent food m tJie popular Indian GrilL
MORTGAGE SOTICE Xotice is hereby given that on the 19th his m ' of a: qquarter^a ^ Y k j has been applying his directorial day of April, 1933, itt 10-.00 o'clock at h ; ;i-'in{ a gratode tod -dame manner who 305 Sonth 13th Street, Omaha, Nebraska, smothery. genius to the next Marx. Brothers' undersigned \rill seS at public auction drove up iii a dflapidatedtlooking cab; vehicle, for Lubitsch c&tt always be the to the highest bidder for cash: and retrieved lief pfedops son. ' S h edepended upon to supply Harpo with 1 flat lop mahogany desk, 1 glass top for deskijtirerolvmgicljealr, .2 ana chairs, Xhad. a rwhite-duck: auit-s^and a paper arms-full of gorgeous girls to chase rugs, .a typewriter. 1 totals cuspidor,-1 vul TJoutonriiefe ^n" readinessr "for - Him, and plenty of lavish decorations to cot wastebasket, 2 foresection bookcases, refereTie^, Jibrary rbo&fcg;' 1 deetric tan, 1 and with the grande "dame manner destroy. desk iaint>, I flat-top desk, 1 arm chair, 1 the cab t * t ^.^ Bhe h ordered d d th b tto ttake k tnble^l Webster's dictionary, 2 rugs^S aan treeE, office partitions, 1 flat top desfc. 1 tbjem-~to Coney-ialandf she clothed SHOTTVBLL, MONSKT, GKODIXSKT bookkeeper's desk. 2 tables, 3 revolvinir & VANCE, Attorneys. her son in raiment-"befitting, a Marx. ehairs, .2. arm chairs, 2 typewriter, stands, .37 Omaha 3Tat!oiuJ Bank Bide. 2 typewriters, lstxate back chair, l.book-*-: .They>rreached•„ Henderson's just in "3 single foresection' faes, JTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES' that the keepa'jr'stool, tb3ie''^Ei^the::bewildejed Harpo to be undersigned card files, 1 American newspaper di-^ hare formed a corporation un- rate r rectory, J. check protector, 1 Dalton adding pusTied; on the stege, where- he -was der the name of BELL C1GAU STOKE, 2 dest lamps, 1 safe, 2 cash boxes. •with its priaeipal" place of 'business machine, so ; emBarassed V that - throaghotit theISC^, 2 ^lesk blotting.pads, S rags, general ledgOmaha, Douglas Cotmty, Nebraska. The. 1 S a t top desk. 1 revolving chair, iact ;he;3tept-his eyes- glued on- thein corporation snail haw authority to pur- er. file cabinets, 1 vul cot at' retail, cigars, tobacco, strate buck chair, back-drop^ In fact, his em^arrass- chase and sell C typewiitEr tables, "and newspapers and any and all wastebastet, stands. 4 strate back 1 foresecrion ment tocac-Budr'ra. definite form that magazines, other kindred articles, and to handle snch desk tray file, 1 picachairs, macBine.~l or personal property a s j n a y be le- Elite setting machine, 1setting it )waaja jiappy coincidence that a real haudpower (luired. The .T€orperati»n shall hare the gxaph,- 2 power drive multigraphs, 1anultifoldMrl Harry Finkelstein belieyed in power to borrow money and issne eTiden»"eB ing nujchine, 1 mimeograph, 1. mimeoseope, The corporation advertising on theatrical back-drops of indebtedness ss therefor. e p 10 segments, 10O multigraph ribbons, m i s h l l commence ..business bi h th A t i cellaneous .4iccessarieG, 1 proof •press, 1 TCh£n the- "Artithai- lie dry-cleaned" and -pressed des are filed with the County Clerk of «h~eckin^ tlest, iTrtaftiJng Table, 2 "large men's suits for 50 cents, Doiiglas Cotmty, Nebraska, and continue oik tables. .3 ana chairs^J. rwol^ing-ehalr, January 1st, 3!)83. The ^anthorlzed SrStrate bact chairs, 3 Bfflfrapaper anA.ilaftgi Since then Harpo has never spok- nntil capital stocK Is $S,000.00, all cdmmoa, par S7.ine fUes, 1 cut cabineg cut sh.elTcs, 2 4irt en a word on stage or screen. value $100.00i'-."belng ,tnlly paid, when issued {Hin^ c&l>inetK. Bbelvin^Jfdr-stock and siipand non-asaessable. The affairs shall be -completed art- Wttfli, large. rieetrie Upon a mere suggestion Harpo administered--by 3~ B^nrni of -directors," not pliea, f a n , ! letter press." 2 three section* traiisfer less than two nor more than fire in num1 triple section file—supplies: ink, will travel three thousand miles "ber, and the undersigned shall be the first files. paper envelopes and all across. • the Continent just for the Board. The stockholders shall elect Di- treate^-stationery, other fiuupiies. furniture, and fixtnres inrectors at the annual meeting to lie held cidcntalto operating ail ndvertising busiride, and looks upon himself as the the second Monday in January of each ness now owned or hereinafter acquired at Wandering Jew who has no time year. Thereafter directors shall elect offi- this or any other address while this mort: cers, viz.. President, Vice-President. Secregage in in effect :vthnt said mortgage js 'to'•wait for any second coming. His tary and Treasurer. The Articles may Be dated Deeeroljer 15, 1932, and is recorded personal helongings are no more amended. The corporation shall hare a in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. . _„ _ ., than that which can be thrown into seal. 1033. Said sale WiU be for the purpose of forea single suitcase, and he has never Dated March 22, LINCOLN" SMITH, closing' said mortgage, lor the costs of the EjblOTT \ .remained, long enough in ^any one sale, and a i r accruing costsT including storage fees, and ^for the purpose of satisplace to call ,it Lome. On his "way SAXJE ; fying the amount due thereon, to-wit: ,to Hollywood he may stop off "in Notice is hereby given that on April 15, S582.00, plus interest; ithat ho suit or other .Germany just to order Wiener- 1033, a t 10 tfclock" A.- M« at .2514 Leaven- proceedings at law have been instituted to Street, the undersigned will sell to recover*said debt, or any part thereof. schnitzel in Yiddish, to see whether worth the highest bidder for cash: trNTTED FINAXCIALSERTICE, By Tmrr.TP M. KLtttZNICK, • the waiter can understand his 1 mah uprt Victrqla No. - 139S20 1 d h Ws, Attorney. sewing machine No. B6G371 1 9x12 3-31-3t Deutsch. His inimical sense of pan-Singer Ax rug 1 151368 ^loor lamp 1 mah lea s tomfne can Convince" even a French cane b arm rocker 1" oak table 1 gilt frume 1 wai smoker 1 brown iron daybed inn-keeper that what he wants is a mirror and pad 1 4b Banner gas stove 1 d 1 kit room •with hot and cold running table 1 Congo r u e 8-3x10-6 1 porcelain top NATIONAL kit table 1 sanitary cot l"75-lb. refrigerator maid-service. I green dresser 1 green V 21 bed spgs and ••ACCESSORIES, I N C . 7 misc chairs 1 oak desk 1 Vamett London is a town all the Marx matt sweeper 4 Ax throw rugs 1 oak dinbrothers still look upon with sus- elec "Everything for the ing table, 4 oak w s diners 1 oak china picion. Their first appearance there cabinet.lwal chiffonier 1 oak buffet 1 oak dining table l m a h r dresser 1 9x12 Congo 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 on a vaudeville tour was not what rug 1 oak lib table 1" oak t a p s arm rocker 1 mah tap 6 arm rocker J oak wardrobe 1 one would caD an overwhelming sucmah lea s arm- rocker, 1 maple dresser 1 "cess. To show their disapproval, ivory V M bed spgs and mat 1 oak table the gallery and pit threw pennies on 1 metal table lamp 1 brown Simmons bed spgs ana 1 oak dresser 1 9x12 Ax rug the stage cus- I wicker matt g fernery 1 oak -«ewing rocker 1 g (it is an old English Clarinda elec washer 1 oak lea s arm rocktom) and though Groucho stepped er 1 oak w s arm rocker l oak dresser 2 and dared the mise chairs 1 porch -swing 1 1927 Ford g to the footlights Coach motor Xo. 1479042 Eeg. 1 red pikers to throw shillings, the mem-moh ovcrst anvenport 1 red 1-9822, moh overst ory still rankles. Since then the arm cixairaiid all .silverware, dishes, linens, bedding, kit utensils, draperies and picEnglish have evidently acquired a tures." • • . . - . ..':••• sense of humor. Now they queue up Covered by Chattel Mortgage executed by Magnus B. .Nielsen and Alary Xielsen on fotf blocks on end waiting to see a April 8, 1D31, f o F . E. Tyson",M.doing busiMatx picture. When "Monkey Busi- ness as the Omaba Loan Company, and beBn filed for record in the office of The Sign of Lness" opened at the Carlton Theatre, having ;. p the County Clerk of Douglas County, Neb iin London. L d braska. - ' • . I Harpo happenedd to be Good Workmanship ! He was determined to tlnd out fos Said sale will be for the purpose of foreJA.1614 said mortgage and to satisfy the himself whether the English laughed closiuK amount due thereon to-wit: Two hundred Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg at the right places or not. So he Fifty-Seven, and 79-1C0 Dollars (§257.79) OMAHA i disguised himself in a double-breast- :md accruing costs. F. E. TXSOX. ed blue suit, sans wig and honk- Doing business as Omaha Loan Company.
horn, and looked more like a nice Jewish boy from Whiteehapel than Harpo Marx in person. He -waited in line like any of the rest of us would, paid his 7-6d. for a seat, and then wondered what his mother would have said about that! Everybody in the theatre laughed nproariosly and obviously enjoyed l i e
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Your Messenger of Jewish News
ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1983
Junior Hadassah
operation of. the Jewish community in this affair, because of the present great need for funds. Proceeds are Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis spoke at given to the pffistadruth in Palestine, the Junior Hadassah meeting last which is attempting to enable thouTo those paragons of truth-loving Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz was the Mrs. Ella Harkoway, 44 years old, night on the condition of the Jews sands of refugees from Germany and speaker at the inaugural meeting of died Sunday evening, following an humanity, to those individuals who justly deserve to be called the acme Building Fund Carnival to Be a cultural group, composed of mem- Poland to obtain visas to enter Pal- in Germany at the present time. operation. Funeral services were held Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Re- in the family residence, 1010 Twen- of this glorious civilization, to those Miss Elizabeth Raskin, president bers of all Zionistic Organizations of estine. There is work for the immHeld on May ligious School Are to the city, held Wednesday evening in grant in Palestine at the present of the Chapter presided. Plans for tieth Street, Monday afternoon, with good people, however scarce "they the 15th the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi time, and it is urgent that the visas the joint Junior and Senior meeting Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantor may be, who have in their hearts, Participate enough of that angel-like spirit to Rabinowitz spoke on "Problems of be granted before the work is us- on the 19th of this month, were anA. Pliskin officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldsmith,' Immigration in Palestine." urped by Arabian labor. No visa is nounced. Mrs. Harkoway was born in Rus- admit that they like to see • their chairmen • Mount Sinai congregation will for the Ad program of the issued unless the immigrant is guarname in Hokka Chynik, to those Plans were made for regular meetsia and lived in New York City behold its annual Congregational SeBuilding Fund Carnival, May 15,! der, the second night of Passover, fore coming to Sioux City 25 years people do we hereby dedicate this have organized their committee of ings of the group, for the discussion anteed work in the land. BALCONY She was a member of the column. At all the rest of Sioux co-workers, and begun on the soli- of matters pertaining to Palestine. Tuesday evening, April 11, in the ago. City's Greta Garbos (both male and ANY TIME Mr. Abe Stillman presided. Annex of the Temple. All the fami- Senior Hadassah organization, the citing of ads for the Carnival. lies of the congregation have been in- Shaare Zion Synagogue, and Ladies female) who detest s e e i n g their Mr. Goldsmith is in charge of the' Auxiliary of the Synagogue. She is name in print we make a long drawn men's vited to attend. -committee, which includes the Children of the Religious School, survived by her widower, Jake, and out hissing; noise. following: William Kantor, Max To all expectant mothers we now Passover services at Shaare Zion under the direction of Rabbi Lewis a daughter Mrs. Harry Glatstein, of Bergen, William Galinsky, Jack Ro- Synagogue will be held according to reveal- a. story that will gladden will carry out the ceremonies of Muscatine, Iowa. The A. Z. A. chapter is sponsoring their Hearts. The title of it is binson, Joe Kutcher, B. H. Shiloff,' the following schedule: Monday evethe Seder. Dinner, which will in"The Saga of. Room 317." . The Sam Kroloff, D. L.: Rodin, Ruben ning, April 10, at 7 o'clock. Tuesday the annual Passover Dance, to be clude the customary traditional PasStarting Methodist hospital has removed for Miller, Frank Margolin, Max Falk, morning, April 11, at 8:30 o'clock, given at the Jewish Community Censover delicacies will be served by the Morris Albert, Max Friedman, E. N. Saturday all time the necessity for worry, and and Wednesday morning at the same ter, Sunday evening, April 9. NorSisterhood members. Adolph the need for doubt as to the sex of Grueskin, A. M. Davis, L. Wein- hour. Mrs. Philip Kalin is in charge of berg, Louis Seff, Sol Seff, A. J. new offspring, merely by placing The sermon subjects for Tuesday man Satin, chairman of the dance Menjou the Dining Room arrangements. Mrs. Galinsky, Abe Pill, Si Krueger, MaxAbe I. Sachs is chairman of the din- The Maccabee Basketball Team the hopeful mother-to-be in room 317 Gelfand, Ike Levin, Milton Bolstein, and Wednesday will be "Freedom announces that a capacity attendif a boy is desired. Here's the proof. played the First Presbyterian church and Family Ties," and "Bitter Ex- ance is expected, and plans have ner committee, and will be assisted Louis AgranofF; SVilliarft Lazere, M. by Mrs. Max Brodkey, Mrs. Samteam for the Y. M. C. A. champion- About a month ago,. Gene Levin, Seff, Abe Brodkey, Leojn Dobrofsky, perience, a Part of the Passover been made to make the evening most Cohen, Mrs. L. Koolish, Mrs. S. ship, losing by a score of 16 to 24, with the above in mind, reserved William Goodsitej-Eli Jacobson, Jake ^Service." entertaining. Schulein, Mrs. Morris Skalovsky and which placed them • second in the theroom and sure enough it worked. Kalin, John Levin, Carl Saltzmari, - Children of the Religious School feature of the evening will be league. The Maccabee team was one A couple of weeks later Mrs. Sam •will be excused from public school theA awarding Mrs. Mike Skalovsky. of prizes to the dancBen Sekt, Herman Slotsky, Mike _With— The Seder will begin promptly at of four to receive a shield with the Davidson: asked . for the same room SkaloVsky, Si Rich and Morris Wein- : the first two days of- Passover, ac- ing couples, and for the specialty and so enter. Howard Martin Davidnames of the players engraved. The cording to Mr.;Li W. Feik, Superin6:30 o'clock. numbers. Judges during the eveSkeets Gallaght shield has been placed in the Jewish son. Last week Mrs. Milton Mush- er. tendent of Public. Schools. Mrs. Jack Goldsmith heads the . A tablet has been placed on the ning will be Milton Bolstein, Lester Mayo Methot Community Center. This marks the kin tried it, and when her anxious and Lawrence Baron. The fifth consecutive year that tlie team hubby heard the news he ran down committee of women', which includes: Memorial Board of the Synagogue Davidson, From the Famous Thatcher Story dancing will begin at 9 and last unMesdames RuebeiT Miller, Abe Agra- in memory of Mr. A. Good-site Run in Liberty has participated in the league games. the hall muttering "It's a cinch." til 12 o'clock. noff, M. Mushkin, J« Sauslak, Leon The program during the regular FIRST RUN IN CITY I Shulkin, E. J. Fribourg, Joe FriedA popular orchestra has been sec- j meeting was arranged by Bertha's back and so is Flo Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanin, 1623 Maccabee man, A. Sloutsky, Sam Mosow, Philured to furnish the-music for dancEd Sperling, vice president of the Extra Added Cook Street announce the marriage group. Philip Silverberg, and Isa-I saw them today ip Sherman, Max Lasensky, George • A long service will be the feature ing, according to Sam Sadoff, Who ALL-STAR GAMBOL COMEDY of their daughter, Sara, to Nat dore Shindler will I>e In cnarge of That's how I know Blum, David Burwitz, A. H. Baron of the regular services tonight at is assisting in the arrangements, Berliner, of New York City. The the programs during the next month, They both look fine if I do say HKAZY KAT—NEWS and D. L. Rodin. "and," he says, "the admission is Mount Sinai Temple. Children of wedding, an event of last week, took to assist the vice president. The It's been a. long time only two bits!" Mrs. Barney Baron is acting with the Religious School will sit in a Since they went away place in New York. Mrs. E. N. Grueskin and Mrs. Her- body and sing a program of Hebrew Debra-Maccabee joint meeting will " Mr. and Mrs. Berliner will arrive honor man Miller, as co-chairman of the Folk Songs, that are a part of their the members of the team, in the city this week, to spend the which includes Sidney Baumsteln, A. B. is that way about L. D. Good Time Raffle. In addition to Assembly programs on Sunday morAs yet they're no relation Passover week in the Hanin home. those whose names appeared in last nings. Mr. Harry Horwitz will lead Sidney Bergen, Bill Lansgerg, Milton I'll watch these two •week's issue, the following are as- the singing. 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL SILVERWARE Grueskin, Max Maron and Max Zel-You may be sure sisting on this committee. Mrs. -E. Rabbi Lewis will speak on "Re• A "no hostess" dinner was given ingson. With much anticipation E. Seff, in charge, of the Shaare Zion cent Trends in Judaism." Thursday evening at the Martin HoAuxiliary Committee is being assistPassover Services a t Mount Sinai tel, honoring Miss Evelyn MendelA poet I was meant to be' 414 PIERCE ST. PHONE 83934 ! ed by Mesdames Eli Robinow, J. H. Temple will be held Tuesday mornsohn of Charleston, West Virginia, I've always felt it so The Debrah Club decided upon Mosow, D. Mazor, M. Seff, Cecil ing, April 11, at 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi a student at the University of Wis-April 25, as the dat for their bridge It started at the age of three Seff and Ike Levin. Other appoint- Lewis will speak on "What Freedom consin. Miss Mendelsohn is visiting to be held at the Center. Miss Before that I don't know ments will be announced later. Means." with Miss Elsie Brodkey. Attending party, And so I challenge "Kosher Ab" Shindler, Miss Ethel Shindler The Temple Sisterhood will meet the dinner were the Misses Sally Jennie and Miss Dorothy Mazor, comprise That Omaha- banana this noon, for its regular monthly Ginsberg, Helen Friedman, Eva Lip- the When hidden in your writing "lab" committee in charge of the affair. luncheon and meeting. Mrs. Louis tori, Elsie Brodkey, Ida Lipton, Lil- Plans were also discussed for the To try this on your "pie-ana" Agranoff will preside^ Mrs. Helerie lian Dobrofsky, and Marcella Kool- Debra-Maccabee ish. The after dinner hours were held Aprill 22. joint meeting to be (Under New Management) Uabbi Lewis spoke before the B'nai Soper and Miss Gladys Yeamen will Maybe we'd better stick to just on the program. spent at bridge. straight writing. The more we read Brith Tuesday evening, on "Hitler, appear APRIL 15TH—16TH The Honor Roll for the Religious onr first attempt at poetry the lousier Germany, and the Jews." He told of School for the month of March, as Mr. and Mrs. A. Rich, 719 West it Bounds, but even Longfellow didn't the-condition ofJthe Jews at the pre- announced in the Temple Bulletin sent time, voicing the belief that Eighty Street, were guests of honor The Business Girls Club met Wed- get good over night. includes the following children!'MorFriday evening, at a sunrise party, nesday evening in the Community We are sorry to report that the the state of affairs there now, is an which celebrated their 25th wedding Center for their dnner anla meeting. much watched affair between Gold- aftermath of the World War. He ton Greenstone, Joanne Agranoff, anniversary. It was planned by 25 A program was presented by mem- smith's Pekinese "Ching" and Ka- predicted however, that the outrages Barbara Robinson, Harold Rosenthal, Helen Levin, Marylin Miller, Stan ton friends of the couple, who presented bers of the Debrah Club, and in- lin's mammoth police dog ended dis- would not endure for long. Cohen, Barbara Davis, Seymour Rothem with a silver gift and whocluded a group of three skirts. astrously this week when the Kalin binson, Sammy Heeger, Betty Marx, speak. Betty Oshowitch will speak served refreshments at the concluhound got tired of fooling around Sidney Goldberg, Ruth Werner, Dorsion of the evening. and : proceeded to tear "Ching" into in behalf of the !girls of the Junior othy Davis, Cecil Pill, Sibley NewCongregation, and David Olensky Mr. and Mrs. Rich were married little, pieces. The only bright spoi man, Bernard Rosenthal and Robert Several card tables •were presented in in Russia, the former coming to the whole incident is that the and Charles Shindler will speak in to the Jewish Community Center, America in 1910. Mrs. Rich joined by members of the Epsilon Phi sor-"Peke" is resting easily at the ani-behalf of the boys. Belle Cohen will Cohen. him here in 1922. " ority. Plans were discussed at the mal hospital and has an even chance recite a poem "Seder Night", and FREE DELIVERY Sylvia Herzoff will tell a Passover i meeting for a party for the mem-to recover. COURTEOUS TREATMENT PROMPT SERVICE story. Miss Mary Berkowitz left Sunday bers, which will be held in the home The Kantroyich family went en Mr. Max Kaplan was named chairThe entire Junior Congregation POULTRY AND DELICATESSEN MEATS masse to Omaha this week, to meet evening for Los Angeles, where she of one of the members. their long lost cousin, Eddie Cantor. will march to their seats through the man of the Geverkschaften Camwill join her mother, Mrs. D. BerThey, are of the very few that can central aisle of the synagogue, a paign Bazaar, -which is scheduled for kowitz, and make her home. Sunday, April 23, in the Jewish look him straight in the eye and sayfew minutes before 6 o'clock. Mrs. Sam Baron presented each Community Center, and sponsored by "I knew you when." "How's Ida ?'" 140S CENTER Miss Helen Friedman visited in ; Among the Boy Scouts who re-Reports have it that Eddie was very boy with a skull cap to be worn that the Poale Zion organizaton. ceived merit badges at the Court Members of the Poale Zion are Omaha, last week end. r. and promised to pay them a evening; the gift, in memory of her of Honor, Wednesday 'evening were cordial personal visit on his next year's tour husband. Mr. J. Eisenshtot and Mr.extremely anxious to enlist the COMisses Mary Kaplan, Omye Maron Marvin Cohen, Ellis and Alvin Brod- which will include Sioux City. It all Aaron Tabai will lead the Junior and Bess Zeligson, visited in Omaha, key, Jake and Philip Zelingson, Cecil reminds us of that age-old saying that Congregation in the ritual. Mr. John and Irving Pill, Joe Maron, Sidney you can pick your nose or your teeth Lansberg, president of the Shaare over the week end. Shapiro, Bernard Rosenthal, Walter etc., etc. Zion Synagogue will present awards The Phi Deb Sorority met in the Woskoff, Haskel Lazere, Bob Cohen, We invite anybody that feels so in- to several members for perfect athome of the Misses Kate and AnnMilton Galinsky and Earl Wigodsky. clined to go out and bite a dog, and to tendance and devotion. Raskin this week. Bridge and dancyou who can't understand such an odd ing were followed by refreshments. request, let us remind you of the adThe meetings of the Independent age that when a dog bites a man, it's FAIRMONTS) The Misses Delia and Rose Shl- Farane Auxiliary the Beth Abraham nothing, but when a man bites a dog, loff were hostess to the Iota Tau Auxiliary, and the Workmen's Circle it's news. Believe you me, news is Sorority, Tuesday evening. Miss Ladies Auxiliary, scheduled for next getting scarcer than money, and how BUSINESS BROKERS Rose Teslar was heard in a reading, week have been postponed until after we need money. REAL ESTATE following the business meeting. Miss the Passover week. The unfortunate few that as yet RENTALS Mazie Kaufman was elected to the Announcement of the dates: for the remain unsolicited for a subscription club membership. Miss Mildred Ruth meetings will be made in a later is- to the Jewish Press can expect a visit Baron spoke on Art work. sue of the Press. . . ;; very soon. We'll be seeing you. Bridge and refreshments followed CECIL R. SEFF, Mgr. the meting. 216 Davidson Bid g. Phone 85471 Miss Jennie Shindler entertained 40 guests at the Community Center, honoring Miss Tillie Shindler on the Starting Saturday^ 'April 8, the The Junior Congregation of Shaare occasion of her birthday. Rialto Theater will offer Adolphe Zion Synagogue will conduct the serMen jou in "The Night Club' Lady." vices tonight at 8 o'clock and will Mrs. Nick Sherman, of Wessing- Menjou, who has charmed audiences have complete charge of the eveton, S. D. has arrived in the city to all over the world for years by his ning's program. spend the Passover week with her performances in scores of pictures, is Philip Zeligson will act as Cantor. Sioux City's House of Hits! mother, Mrs. S. Greenstone, Williams seen in the role of Thatcher Colt, &e- The entire Junior Congregation will TRIPLE BILL! bonair and suave police commissioner. Apartments. sing the choir music, and will be led TOMORROW The glitter of New York's night life, by Miss Tillie Shindler. Solo parts squalor of Mexico, and police will be sung by Bertha Snovsky, Ida Miss Bernice Galinsky will enter- the A FOUR-STAR in five nations of Europe form Shindler, David Tilevitz, and Robert tain members of her club, Saturday courts the background for the activities of FIRST RUN HIT! Pliskin. evening. . Bridge will form the ev-Menjou. ning's entertainment. Morris Aizenberg will act as mas"Miss Pinkerton," starring Joan ter of ceremonies. Joe Maron, presiMr. and Mrs. Abe Bain and child- Blondell,- and "Officer 13," in which dent of the Junior Congregation will Lila Lee takes a leading role, will end SEASON'S GREATEST ren • left this morning for a two tonight. MUSICAL SUCCESS weeks' visit with relatives in New TEVEN'S York City.rBatteries UPER RICHARD Recharged BARTHELMESS ERVICE Leon Galinsky, who hau completed in "THE CABIN IN THE YSTEM his medical studies at the Univer50c sity of Chicago, visited his parents, COTTON" Starting Saturday, for four days, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galinsky, this the Granada Theater will present a ^ Recharging and Rentals ^= week. • • - . ' • ' giant triple feature, including "Con1 = 1 Year—FREE—1 Year m LANNY ROSS gress Dances," the season's greatest === On All Batteries Bought afg of the Maxwell House Coffee From Us '•= Mrs. Harry Belkin and Miss Flor- musical success, showing for the first ^ Hour ence Holland of Grand Rapids, Mich, time in Sioux City; Richard Barthel"SINCERELY YOURS" arrived in the city this week to visit mess in "The Cabin in the Cotton," a with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxpowerful drama of the poor whites of -lA. TILL the south, and Lanny Ross, star of the Holland. Maxwell House Coffee hour j in "Sin205 4th St. Ph. 82438 cerely Yours." -• T , Patronize our advertisers.
Death Claims Mrs. Ella Harkoway
Hokka Chynik
Cultural ADD COMMITTEES ZionistGroup Organized FOR "CARNIVAL"
Shaare Zion
"Night Club Lady"
Society News
Mount Sinai
A. R. HERRON, Jeweler
Addresses B'nai Brith Meeting Tuesday
Business Girls
Call 56096 for KOSHER MEATS for PES ACH
Geverkshaf ten Bazaar
Boy Scouts
Meetings Postponed
Your Grocer has these
Adolphe Menjou atRialto
Junior Congregaation to Conduct Services
Kosher L* Pesach Dairy Products
Granada Offers Four-Star Hit
Battery and Tire Co.
lilC 2P.E
Produced and packaged under the direction of Rabbi Braver Sioux City, la.