April 14, 1933

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WHAT IS YOUR ANSWFI? By DR. A. GBEENBEi With the local Jewish Philantl '• campaign approaching, Omaha < tP |are undoubtedly deeply interest*. %. knowing something concerning thi stitutions which are the beneficial, of the annual drive. I am taking a vantage of this opportunity accordfc me by the Jewish Press to have an intimate weekly talk with you about the beneficiary institutions and important issues of the Jewish Philanthropies.


The Jewish people in Omaha, I am convinced, will ;not. forget the great need of the day -when they think of the Philanthropies. When I contemplate that it is part of the Jewish heritage to give generously, I am reminded of the quotation from Deuteronomy: "If there be among you a needy man, .thou shalt not harden thy heart, but thou shalt surely open thy hand unto him, ana shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need."


Several million Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, fellow-beings to whom we have the deepest obligations of kinship of race and religion, are in the midst of Incredible suffering and are fighting for life under most intolerable conditions. Here in America, where the tales of tradegy cause us unspeakable sorrow, we are relatively in luxury. Our incomes may have tobogganed somewhat, but we are NOT going to allow Jews in Europe to perish because they are Jews.

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Kntrivd nB JSeconci-Cisp Mail Matter on'January 71, UCH., at l»«s»nm<f lit flnishn. NphrnRks midir Itae Art of Mareb 8 IK79



ampaign OPEN BOYCOTT GIVES WAY TO CUNNING 4S THE NAZIS CONTINUE OPPRESSIONS Reports by Refugees of Atroo ities Being Committectby Hitlerites Unabated

B*nai Brith Dinner Meeting Is Postponed Due to a conflict with a previously-scheduled Jewish Philanthropies meeting, the B'nai Brith dinner-meeting, at which Harry Trustin—successful nominee for city commissioner—will be honor guest, has been postponed from next Wednesday. The date will be announced in a later issue of The Press.


Vol. IX—No. 11


^Philanthropies Drive Starts Palestine Jews Gain in Numbers Jerusalem, (J.TJV.) — Palestine Jews Trill outnumber the Arabs of Palestine within 25 years, predicts the official report of the 1931 census which the government will publish this week. It declares that the Jews double their number every nine years, while the Arabs double their number only every 28 years. . I t estimates that as there •were 175,000 Jews in Palestine in 1931. they win reach 350,000 in 1940, 700,000 in 1949, and 1,400,000 in 1958The Arabs, however, will be le«s than 1,200,000 in 1958. The Palestine government's calculations are based on the figures of natural birth plus the present rate of immigration. The official census which analyzes the various classes of Jews actually establishes that there are 37 different types of Jews at present residing in Palestine.

Divisional Heads Thoroughly Preparing Preliminary Work

Eeports concerning the Jewish sit-1 suspending the payment of trade debts $40,000 was set as the goal for goal, since the great need of unforindividuals is so deeply felt by uation in Germany, emanating mostly to German firms until such time as the Jewish. Philanthropies cam- tunate the community at large. from refugees, indicate that the Jew-' the question of compensation for the paign this year at an executive General Solicitations ish people in Germany are still the destruction'of the-properties and busvictims of an atrocity campaign the iness of Polish citizens in Germany meeting held at the Jewish Com- The general solicitations committee, magnitude of which can only be shall have officialiy settled between munity Center Wednesday eve- one of the most important cogs in the guessed at behind the smoke screen of the German and Polish" governments. LONDON (J. T. A.)—Liberal and ning. ' A delegation of merchants called at Conservative circles buzzed -with exNazi propaganda and assurances.. Last year the campaign goal was PHILANTHROPIES MEETINGS the Foreign Ministry in Warsaw-to The open boycott has given way to cited comment here on the outspoken $40,050. cunning. For, apparently determined represent this point of. view, and to warning to the Nazis uttered at BirWednesday, April 19.—1 p. m., The 1933 campaign will officially to continue the effects of last week's urge the Polish government to incor- mingham Friday by Sir Austen Chamopen with an "Early Bird" breakfast executive committee meeting- of boycott without imparting to it the porate it in official representations to berlain,' former Foreign Secretary of women's division, J. C. C. on Monday morning, May 15. demonstrative character of the past, Germany. Great Britain, on the occasion of his Wednesday, April 19.—6 p. m., the Nazis have announced that henceelection as president of the ConservaIt is pointed oat (hat this year dinner and meeting of general solJOINT DISTRIBUTION forth all non-Jewish shops-are to bear tive association. the need is greater than ever beicitation division. COMMITTEE identifying placards •with the words ATROCITY DETAILS BY Sir Austen said, in effect, that the fore, with the income of the beneThursday April 20.—8 p, m., When we contribute to the Philan- "German Shop." It -will thus be left internal war on a racial minority ficiaries of the Philanthropies despeakers committee, J. C. C. thropies, part of our contribution to all purchasers to infer that all TWO AMERICANS which is being carried out by Hitler creasing and the dependency corgoes to the Joint Distribution Com- shops without labels are Jewish and ParisyFrance-^-Two American Jews, justifies in deed, the worst that the respondingly increasing. mittee, purely and exclusively a re- are to be avoided. Alexander Adler of 3920 Eighteenth campaign machinery of the Jewish nations could say against Gerlief organization, which is doing its According to tales from refugees, avenue, Brooklyn, and Maurice Son- Allied At the executive committee meet- Philanthropies, is rapidly perfecting man barbarity and frightfulness. In utmost to alleviate; the misery and the anti-Jewish boycott has also taken ders, of 556 East iFburth street, Brook- informed circles it is felt that Sir ing, detailed reports were rendered by the organizational details, so as to be suffering of the Jewish people in another turn, Nazis urging non-Jews lyn, who have just' come from Ger- Austen's speech was not prepared Dr. A. Greenberg, general chairman, able to get off to a flying- start when Central and Eastern Europe. and the following divisional heads: the drive officially opens. not only to refrain from buying from many, where they arrived on the Eur- without the knowledge, if not without Every visitor and observer of the Jews or in Jewish establishments, but opa, have related terrifying' experi- the approval, of the present British Dave Goldman, initial gifts; Max Max M- Barish, chairman of the Eastern European scene can recount from selling to Jews. Barish, general solicitation; Mrs. general solicitations, has called a ences to a Jewish Telegraphic Agency ministry. Sir Austsn's speech follows innumerable incidents of suffernig Arnstein, women; Justin meeting of his aides for Wednesday, representative. in part: To Be Presented at Community Jeanette Suicides and privation, the sum total of tfblf, youths; Ben Kazlowsky, South April 19, in the form of a 6 o'clock Sonders tells that he went to the "I want the German government to Center April 25 which defies credibility. Omaha; Milton Abrahams, speakers; dinner at the Hill hotel. The toll of suicides of German Kurfuerstendamm to visit a friend at think of the impression which its attiand 26 Frank Ackerman, publicity. These stories are not propaganda. Jews, men of professions and servants a boarding house. Not finding his tude toward felloe-citizens within its The following are the majors who It is sober, conscientious news when of the State who face starvation and friend All were enthusiastic about the will work under Barish in the general at home, he asked a maid to power must gave the world of what its Rehearsals . for " I I Were You" the headquarters of the TOZ, Jewish disgrace as a result of the, Nazis' eca message, whereupon the maid, attitude to other -nations would be if it <Shver tei zein a Yid) are Iseing held prospects of reaching the campaign solicitations: health society, tells of Jewish child- onomic proscription, continues una- take F. J. Alberts, Julius Bisno, Eugene . noticing Sonder&oholding an English were in a pqsitiro to force its wHL regularly under ike-direction of John r e n actually starving _ and relates j^g^T bd Blazer, Simon Bordy, Abe H. Brodkeyy paper;"raTsec* 'an'aTarm, vilifyingT.fiie Germany met'her fete in 191S"because, McGee. This poptilar play fey Sholom that five or six children faint in ev- A Jewish industrialist who arrived Arthur A. Cohn, David Cohn, Max foreign press as blackmailers of Gerin overweening pride and egocentric Aleichem will be presented by the ery classroom daily. The J. D. C. es- in Xattawitz, Poland, states that the Crounse, Morris Friedel, Jacob J. tablished soup kitchens which sup- German authorities have forbidden many. When Sonders called the fol- vanity, she was unwilling to allow Center Players at the Jewish ComFriedman, Dave Greenberg-, Dr. Mayplied them with one. meal daily, but those in charge of burials in Jewish lowing day to see his friend, he was other people to live as they wished, munity Center, Tuesday and Wednesnard M. Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, their funds were not sufficient to communities to display or divulge lists met by a plainclothes detective who but was determined to dominate and day evenings, April 25 and 26. Ben Kazlowsky, Jack Marer, William asked to see his passport, which Son- impose her will on the remainder of take care of all of the children. One of the most realistic scenes is Milder, W. A. Eacusin, Isadore Shafof the dead. . ders refused to show, demanding the the world, and we see again kindling the Seder service in the second act. er, David Sherman, Hy Shrier, Harry HELP IN GERMANY Boycott . detective's authorization and creden- in her internal affairs the same spirit Especial effort is being made to carry Silverman, Nathan Yaffe, and Sam The Jewry of Germany had pre- Many Jewish communities through- tials. The plainclothes man then called at a moment when she is asking the the Seder out in detail as it would viously needed no assistance" from out the world continue in their boycott in the police who arrested both Son Disarmament Conference — and other have been enacted, in the small Rus- Jerusalem, (J.T.A.}—Exports from Zacharia. the rest of the world. But, with their of German goods. . Women's Division ders and his friend Adler, who had States expressed willingness to grant" sian villages just prior to the war. Poland to Palestine have increased economic lives uprooted through the Under the of Mrs. Jeanbeen waiting for him downstairs. it to her—equality of status. This is central characters of Mr; and by 500 per cent since the end of ette Arnstein, direction Nazi persecutions and with their This boycott by the Jewish com- Both Sonders and Adler relate that not the moment to make concessions Mrs.TheDavid the women's division's Shapiro are being portray1927, according to a statement made joining the East European victims munities is especially strong in Poland they were both roughly searched a1 to Germany. •, _ ed by Isadore Dansky anl Martha here by Dr. Bernard Hausner, Polish committees have started their work x of special disabilities arising from where the boycott is now embracing the police station and their papers, "Germany is asking reconsideration Himmelstein. Russell Blumenthal has Consul General, to the special repre- for the campaign. oppression and discrimination, they the entire country. The committees on organization, adwatches and' valuables taken from of any portion of the Versailles Treaty sentative of the Jewish Telegraphic vance too need assistance. And the Joint That the American Jewish Congress them. From here they were taken to which is shown to be unduly harsh. the juvenile lead. gifts, rally, motor corps, and The .prologue is another b ight spot Agency. Exports from Palestine to may yet be compelled to declare itself Distribution Committee is answering telephone, have already begun functhe police presidium and thrown into a Before you can revise those treaties, in the play, depicting a lively scene in Poland have doubled during the same tioning. These in favor of an economic boycott the call. committees were apwhere they found about seventy before you can reconsider them, you hich a group of students make merry period. Thus, the Joint Distribution Com- against Germany, was the statement cellar, pointed at the executive meeting of others, half naked, some covered with must be quite certain that that domin one of the Russian inns. "The articles which Poland is ex- the women last week. mittee finds that its work of succor made Friday by Babbi Stephen S. blood, with crushed ribs and with in- ineering spirit has departed from the Irvin Levin, in charge of porting to Palestine and the neighand assistance is greater today than Wise, honorary president, and Ber- juries to legs and heads- They describ Germans. Before we can return to Mrs. Youth Division tickets, reports an excellent advance boring countries," Dr. Hausner statwhen it was organized in 1914 as the nard S. Deutch, president of the Amthe prisoners as being in a terribl their level, we must be sure they seek Preliminary arrangements for the ed, "consists chiefly of timber, rye erican Jewish Congress. agency of the Jews of America for sale. • and rye flour, iron tubing, glass- conducting of the campaign among the bringing relief to stricken Jews over- Dr. Wise declared that the reassur- condition, lying on the floor, and in equality for their own security and to McGee, the director of the play, is - seas. As a new emergency arises, ing statements made by leading or- agony from their injuries. Among th maintain peace and not to threaten co-author of "Brigham Young," and ware, paper, textiles, chemical ap- Jewish youth of the1 city were formuthe J. D. C. seeks to meet it. . ganizations in Germany were due to prisoners was also a Catholic who was the security of other nations, and I for six years was director of the Pur- paratus, fancy goods and machinery ieted at a meeting of the executive married to a Jewess. He claimed to say, with the sense of responsibility due University Theatre. _ of all kinds. The articles which committee of the Youth division at coercion. THE ORT have been arrested because he had de- which must attach to a person who Abner Kaiman is chairman of the Palestine ships to Poland consists the Jewish Community Center, ThursRelaxation? ; • The Ort, another beneficiary of the clared that his wife was as good as has held the position I have, that it ill Center Players. Justin Wolf is chair- chiefly of oranges, tobacco, wine, day evening. Philanthropies, also l e n d s aid in However, a sign that the Nazis any German woman. He was there- becomes Germany to be so narrow or man books and souvenirs. Recently Pal- Justin R. Wolf is chairman of the of production. Eastern Europe. It was founded in may be calming down is seen upon carried off by Nazis, had his overbearing or exclusive. estine edible oils have also found a Youth division. The Senior Council of 1880 by very prominent personages in the decree of Minister of Justice skull broken, and was also otherwise "That spirit is rampant. To come Clubs of the J. C. C. will co-oper&ts ,. market in Poland. of the European Jewish world, who Kerrl that Jewish notaries and law- maltreated. : •;• . ~:. • asking favors and concessions from with the Youth division in securing "It may perhaps be interesting to realized that the Jewish population yers may now again apply for admisThe Catholic prisoner, they relate, other nations is useless unless a better know," Dr. Hausner continued, "that the division quota. had been removed from the soil and sion to the courts, since special cases begged spirit prevails, unless she gives the seThe following are the members of them to reveal to the world while Polish exports to the United its occupations and in overwhelming require special treatment. Appli- what was happening, as soon as they curity to Europe regarding her intenthe executive committee of the Youth States amount to only 10 per cent of numbers were drifting to non-pro- cants, in their written applications, tion which European nations have a A large turnout attended the first what America exports to Poland, the i division: ductive fields such as petty trading. must declare their loyalty to the were released. right to expect." They also tell of another prisoner, a spring basket ball practice Wednes- contrary is the case with regard to Bess Bernstein, Ida Blacker, Morris Grasping the danger of such a government. young -Jew from Kalisz, whose home day at the Jewish Community Center, Polish-Palestine trade. Palestine and R. Blacker, Morris Fallc, Sam Firikel, trend and the instability in the ec- present A dispatch from Berlin calculates was broken into by Nazis who forced under the direction of Coach Morris the neighboring countries export to Dora Freshman, Joe Goldware, Hvonomic status of the Jews resulting that twenty thousand non-Jewish em-1 him and his father to beat each other. H. Sogolow. This innovation has met Poland less than 10 per cent of their man Goodbinder, Mrs. Rose Katleman, therefrom, they determined to revert ployees were dismissed from the ofThe young Jew described how, when with popular approval among the imports from Poland. Exports from Bess Kirshenbaum, Ephraim L. Marks, the Jewish people to agriculture and fices of Jewish lawyers who are unPoland to these countries amounted Helen Merritt, Sally Morgan, Ralph they refused to comply, they were players. industrial pursuits. able to continue their practice. Earl Sieg-al, Joseph Solomonow, beaten up by the Nazis until the blood The next session will be held next this year to 6,154,000 zlotys, while Nogg, During the fifty-odd years of the Mrs. Fanny Gladstone Simon, pioRobert Stiefler, Ervin Wezelman, »n<? Polish imports from Palestine flowed and were then forced to lick Baid in Grenadierstrasse existence of the Ort, the wisdom of neer Omaha resident, died at her Wednesday evening. Adele Wilinskv. amounted to 438,000 zlotys. its founders has been proven. During A refugee informant tells that the their own blood. They were subse- home, 3260 Francis street, Tuesday The award night of the physical edthese years, the economic life of a raid in the Jewish quarter in Berlin, quently arrested and thrown into the night, after a year's illness. She ucation department, held at the CenteT "In comparing exports from Polgood part of our people has been the Grenadierstrasse, resulted not cellar at the police presidium. would have been 90 years old Satur- a week Ego Wednesday, was a color- and to the United States with those The Americans further describe how day. gradually and steadily developing. merely in the beating of more than • ful event; and is acting as a stimulus to Palestine, it may also he worth while pointing out that during 1932 Colonies were founded which are set- several scores of Jews and the raid- individual prisoners are taken out of Mrs. Simon's parents were charter for athletics at the Center. _ tled by J e w i s h farmers. Trade ing of the Polish synagogue in that the cellar at night and subjected to members of Temple Israel. She beIrvin Levin presided. William L. Polish exports to the United States schools were established in Russia, section, as reported in the general excruciating cruelty. longed to the Sisterhood. Since the Holzman presented the awards. Shori including Canada, amounted to only Several Omaha Jewish students Both Americans, who were released death of her husband in 1900, Mrs. talks were made by Physical Directoi 10,517,000 zlotys. Polish exports to Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, in press, but that it developed into a which the young and adults of both pogrom, in which more than 300 were. on the following day, declare that they Simon has lived with her sisters, the Sogblow, Jack Marer, and Coacr Palestine and the neighboring coun- were honored at the Honors Convocasexes are trained for various trades. injured, scores of them dangerously,' immediately called on the United Misses Eva and Rose Gladstone. She Drummond of Tech. Movies and a box- tries during the same year amounted tion of the University of Nebraska $t Guardian bureaus were organized to and more than one hundred were kid- States Consul in Berlin in order to is also sur-rived by two brothers, Vic- ing match entertained the large crowc to as much as 6,154,000 zlotys. Pal- Lincoln, Monday. support orphans and give them voca- napped, their whereabouts being still make an affidavit describing their ex- tor of Omaha, and Max of Venice cresent. estine, with its small population has, Arthur M. Greene and Dr. Meyor tional training. periences and treatment. They assert California. therefore, in proportion, imported Beber, seniors in the University of unknown. that the Consul declined to accept from Poland a greater amount of Nebraska College of Medicine, with SUPPLY MACHINERY The German government has set Funeral sen-ices were held Thurs- Plans for Mother, goods than the United States and grades in the upper three per cent ft? In the United States an Ort Tool May 1 as the date on which the kosher their affidavit, although his assistant day, with Rabbi Frederick Cohn offithe graduating class, were cited for appeared willing to do so. They decombined. Supply was formed to enable Ameri- killing of animals and fowl intended ciating-. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Daughter Banquet Canada clare that the attitude of the Consul cemetery. Mrs. Simon's mother was "The Jews of Poland," Dr. Haus- superior scholarship throughout thr<ir can Jews to supply their needy rela- for food must cease. was unfriendly. Mrs. F. Alberts and her committe n«r explained, "when they come to entire university career. tives abroad with machinery and PALESTINE IMMIGRATION the first person to be buried in PleasBoth Adler and Sonders assert that ant Hill cemetery. have started preparations for the an- Palestine retain their preference for Both were last month elected to ths raw material. the outside world is unaware of the nual community-wide Mother-Daugh- Polish goods. This sentiment they medical scholastic honor society, AlAs the economic upheaval contin- CERTIFICATES Jerusalem—The Jewish Telegraphic real extent of the atrocities still proter banquet under the auspices of the display here, not only because they pha Omega Alpha. Arthur is the SOT, ues, we find more and more the Center to Close Jewish Women's Welfare Federation, are accustomed to articles of Polish of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene. great need for getting as many of Agency learns that the Palestine gov- ceeding in Germany. Other Jewish students from Omah* The Jewish Community Center wil to be held at the Jewish Commuiiity manufacture, but because of their our people to participate in labor, ernment has granted 1,000 immigrabe closed from Sunday, 6 p. m., untO Center, Sunday, May 7, at 6 p. in. desire to maintain close relations who are not graduating this semestrtindustry and agriculture—i. e., in tion certificates here for German Jews DOORS OP FRANCE Tuesday, 6 p. m., because of the Pass The committee includes the Mes- with friends and relatives in Poland. were cited for high scholarship, rankthose economic pursuits which are planning to emigrate to Palestine. OPEN dames Louis Neveleff, J. Malashock, ,"In view of the present wave of ing in the upper 10 per cent of their now developing with prospects of a This number is in advance of the usual Paris, France—In answer to a ques- over holydays. immigration schedule issued by the tion put on the floor of the Chamber Munich. — The Bavarian Financ Henry Newman, B. A. Simon, Irvin anti-Jewish feeling in Germany, one class. These include: substantial future. government. of Deputies, Minister of the Interior Minister, Siebert, states that thewsb Levin, Dave Sherman, H. A. Wolf, may say that the position of the Jack Epstein, sophomore in business Halt Debt Payments Chautemps, declared, amidst thunder- sidy, which until now fiafi been A. Greenberg and Miss Blanche Zim- Jews in Poland today is the best in administration; Sol Feliman, j i Eastern Europe. True, they suffer in engineering; Joseph A dispatch from Warsaw tells how ous applause, that the doors of granted to the Bavarian Jewish com man. economically, bet this is due to the sophomore in medicine; Rose The charge wiil be fifty cents per munity, will be withdrawn for th< France are always open for those sufnon-Jewish and Jewish merchants are eeneral economic position in Poland. ,berg, freshman in fine arts. future. plate. organizing there with the purpose of fering oppression in foreign land&e





Honor Students for High Scholarship

PACE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 14,1933 • Zionism and an answer to the question: Must every Zionist go to Palestine? : . , Saturday morning Kabbi Miller will speak at the B'nai Israel synagogue. aiai^^ Jerusalem, j,(J.T.A.)—The sums His sermon topic will be "Onr Youth: transmitted to Palestine from the and Our Elders—Pathways to SalvaUnited States during the last five Temple tion." •',•*•• months Equal those contributed durThe Vaad Keligious School will meet ing the same period by the small Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on Sunday morning at the B'nai Israel Jewish community of Palestine, it "Freedom and the Modern World" at was pointed out here in Zionist cir- services at Temple Israel this ever synagogue. In addition to a special assembly hour there will be a hazelcles. ning. . . :nut championship;contest with a prize While the United States has underTomorrow morning his Subject will for the winner. : a "heart" injury , .... Leon and Sam-taken to contribute this year no less be "The Song of Songs." 1 , ., . Passover m v . f'<! v n r—"Hn*.?.. . . j>T-1~.-r»i*-.-<"f than 75,000 pounds, the sums transThe children will participate in the Special services for the last days of to Peter Greenberg and wife (nee Ida mitted to the Keren Hayesod so far Saturday morning services. The spex'lUbi,/ . . . on u i e arrival OJ. eigut- are not more than 3,800 pounds. The cially-trained A cappella choir will Passover will be: held Sunday evening pound Stephen J. . . . Thanx fox- the United States contributes to Pales- make its first appearance Saturday at 8 o'clock a t the S'nai Israel synagogue. This is in addition to the reg-< "maiden's lament" . . . . Mebbe next tine today much less than Poland or morning. ular service held in the various synaEngland. Whereas it once was at time Cleo Patra . . . will be recited this Sabbath gogues at 6:30. At the 8 o'clock serthe top of the list of countries col- forKaddish Sokka Hoklia William Rothschild, Ferdinand vices Rabbi Miller will speak on lecting funds for Palestine, this year Hey you "Stew City" scribbler!... Adler, Isaac Oberfelder, George Selig- "Israel's Song — The Secret of His whatta ya mean "try-this on your pie- the United States has been shifted sohn, and Emil Brandeis. Survival." to fifth place. anna"? . . . Is it gonna be a "Bernie Closing Passover Service Cantor Schwaczkin and his choirto Winchell gag? . . -« can you take The executive of the Jewish AgenThe closing service of the Passover it? . . . then "less-go'*.. . cy here is disappointed in the results will he held at Temple Israel, Sunday will officiate. On Monday morning Rabbi Miller of the present campaign in the Uni-evening, April 16, at 8 o'clock. Rabbi You have challenged* me "Professor" ted States, and an intensive exchange Cohn's subject will be "Passover and will speak at the B'nai Israel syna. • -I ! of cables is going on between the Easter; Judaism and Christianity." gogue, using as his sermon theme As- the unqualified possessor Jewish Agency and the New York There will be snecial Passover music. "The Song of' a New Redemption." Of ability to pan a, little rhyme By LION FEUCH3WANGER On Tuesday morning Memorial serSo-o-o, after reading all your "hooey" headquarters, in which the Zionist Annual Children's Seder leaders in New York are urged to All I can say is "phooey" vices will be held at the various synThe annual Seder for the Sunday Tins;is the aecondu.tjf a series' these ,iwo .empty words. have brought consideration. The. territory of the They certainly ought to pinch you for greater activity. School of Temple Israel win be given agogues affiliated with the Vaad. a crime III' four articles by the* disting- upon, us. .For the concept of;race Roman Empire is nowadays inhabSunday morning, April 16, at 10 Rabbi Miller Vqll speak at the Beth uished . author of ''Success," - the ancients had not even,a!word. ited by three times more people than Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, using L'Envoi Jewish Scientist Honored o'clock. And .with amazement..-we face the then. But the army, that kept order Oh you columnist conductor "Power," "Josephns" and other as his sermon topic "Unity in Orthoin Italy fact that a region needing at present among those people numbered .not, And love affair instructor literary masterpieces. dox Jewry—How Necessary Is I t ? " Rome.—The Jewish scientist, ErConservative 73 national languages and employing as one might Suppose, one-third of Yon "shmoos" may bring your boys mann Loewinson, who was born in —The Editor. Passover - ends at sunset Tuesday. 34 different codes of law,, at ,that the troops required nowadays, but, and girls a thrill • Children from' the Vaad Religious Frankfurt, and vho, for many years It is striking how little the ad- time got along on three, highly de- despite their inconceivably inferior Better cease your "Poet-izing" has occupied the post of chief of the At services tonight Rabbi David A. School are expected to absent themin the understanding of nature veloped languages for both daily use armament, only the fourteenth part Or folks may be realizin' State Archives in Bologna, has been Goldstein will deliver a Passover ser- selves from school Monday and TuesThat it's tough to have to gulp a bit- awarded the Order of St. Maurizio mon, "The Bread of Affliction." day in order to attend .services. hns been able to contribute toward and literature, and on a single, grand- of the troops of today. Concerning the strength of the im- ter PILL. The choir, under the leadership of fleeing' the average' man from mag- iose code of law. Nation, that was e Lazzaro, a very high distinction in Mrs. Sam Beber, will render some tra- Czernowitz.—Twenty Qazists, memical illusions that won't stand : up an empty echo, mere sound. The perial Roman army we have reliab'e Italy. Roman government, at all events, bers of the Roumanian anti-Semitic figures. Sixteen thousand men were ditional Passover selections. against the most elementary scien+ Mr. Loewinson has published a party, armed with axes and iron, Passover Services Next Week tific criticism. About biological mat- showed uncommon tolerance toward enough as garrison for eight million number of works on the history of j Sunday night begins the seventh rods, penetrated the Yiddish theater, , ters, about space and time, about the all religions, nations, world philoso- Egyptians; 8,000 for the populous the Jews in Italy, especially during! day of Passover. The congregation the Pavilion, demolishing furniture form and the chemical composition of phies, races. Even during the Jew-Balkans, 1200 for densely settled the renaissance period. will gather for services at 6:30 p. m. and smashing windows. the universe, we have knowledge a ish war, for example, which was Prance—on an agerage, one soldier BY F. R. K. hundred times more-precise than the waged with the greatest bitterness, per town. Two hundred thousand Istambul, (J.T.A.)—The seculari- Monday morning a n d Tuesday ancients. One would imagine that the Roman government did not men without firearms sufficed for a zation of all marriages in Turkey is; morning services will begin at 9 a. m. Passover Services The Yizkor will take place Tuesday before such knowledge the primitive dream of molesting in the least the population of one hundred millions. millions of Jews then living outside Striking proof that then it was pos- The week of Passover will be con- being contemplated by the Turkish! morning at 10 a. m. Rabbi Goldstein % SPRING IS HERE S belief in miracles and other magical government which will submit anj your home. Prices notions must melt away. ~: But, f Judea on Roman territory. Let sible to get along without militarism, cluded with the last two days of serr ordinance for this purpose to Par-) will speak on "What Ought We to Re- of Beautify our high grade Nebraskamember?" whereas a girl, when grown, upy-js s • hold clearly in mind that this that white mankind of that perioil vices to be held at the Chevra B'nai liament. grown nursery stock is the lowashamed to play with her dolls;.?a reedom from nationalism meant. It was in harmony with the pub'ic Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster est ever known. Under the contemplated regulagrown-up humanity by no means puts: meant that the Eoman Empire was order. ;treet, on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock; tions, all marriages performed by Our grass seed and fertilizer Vaad aside its infantile, concepts. Nay* it ree also from another source of poiMonday, at 8:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. rabbis will be illegal unless they are will make your lawn glad. puts a premium upon the outward on, that constantly infects our civ-partee was a welcome replacement to On Tuesday, the last day of Passover, preceded by a civil ceremony. Regular services will be held this profession of- these concepts, and per- ilization—I mean militarism. Home Landscape the usual hackneyed style of enter- services will begin.at 8:30 o'clock, and The clergy are threatened with Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the secutes those who concern them- The fact that in the Eoman Em- tainment at banquets . . . and that Flo at 8:30 o'clock, the Memorial services, heavy fines if they perform the reB'nai Israel synagogue with Rabbi Uri Service selves with them analytically. Many ire, Europe and the contiguous Asia Brookstein, Millard Sigal and Phil "Yiscor" will be observed. ligious ceremony before a civil cere- Miller and Cantor A. Schwaczkin offigovernments of the white man's and Africa remained welded together Gerelick, our athletic satellites, deliv924 No. 24th St. mony has been carried through. ciating. The subject of Rabbi Miller's •world seek to protect prejudices, t&at uring three centuries in a peaceful, ered short talks that were well reRabbi Cohn to Give Lecture Next (Near Cuming) sermon will be "Can Zionism Be Dicannot hold their ground ;|n;J:h^^ce lighiy'•-. civilized.. unity, such as has ceived . . . that Morrie Sogolow deWednesday Evening Justice is immortal, eternal, and imvorced From Religion?" This will be of science, by the penal law; Wey levefbeenl' "attained a second time serves heaps of praise for his introRabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha an analysis of the implications of protect arid cultivate an ilifantile con- ince then, allows, no other explana- duction of award night as an annual will give a lecture on current topics mutable.—Kossuth. ception of the world as if "it; were a tion than that the greatly prepon- feature . . . recognizing the efforts of at the Hotel Chieftain next Wednesnational park or a game refuge: In erant majority of those people were our young boys and girls of the physi- day evening, April 19, at 8 o'clock. "Where Omaha Shops With Confidence" this' respect the Roman Empire was n accord "with the governmental and cal department . . . that Hyman Good- His subject will be "The Present considerably larger-minded. T h e social order. That this was really binder, one of the A. Z. A. chiefs, World Situation." 'ik nominal charge world picture of one of its average ;o, that it was not military force, sponsored the Jewish Boy Scout team of 25 cents will Be made. Tickets citizens differed little in its principal hat kept one hundred million hu- who were perhaps among the proudr may be purchased ; by'either Mrs. M. elements from the y, contemporary man beings together so long ji j i time t i , est ^recipients of their award_. . .that L. Cohn of Omah&f Walnut 3863, or b ^ i l Harold Civin, Morris Dansky, and Sol by—Miss FlbfS—MSrks~Tn- "Cbuhcir SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM world picture; Butjiafc^that time the may be -; sittffle government did not' camnel anybody Bluffs, phone 1478, or at the Hotel Wezelman were the Jewish lads forcibly to hide things he had disreceived 5 A's during the last semes- Chieftain the"ni£ttrb5rthe lecture. covered, or to advance • propositions ter at Central High . . . and-thus der. Everyone is cordially invited to atthat he did not believe in.^ .We niay .. ,•'•'.;.-. • serve the posies for their>intensive, tend this lecture. say in conclusion that;th# notian' of application for learning . .-V.;thafcSarn God and of Nature, of d^ath, of forAt the Southwestern District Music Swartz, the jeweler-at-law* will have tune, the mystical veneration, of great contest held in Council. Bluffs last you in stitches if you bend your lismen, that all this was 2,(500'fyears teners to his "Zaida Mysas (stories week-end, individual t : fionors were ago exactly as it is today—only^.tol' -with a chestnut flavor) in the Yiddish' awarded three Jewish-students. Miss erance and freedom of thought were By "Ab" Kaiman jargon . . . t h a t the editorial staff of Esther Steinberg, student at the Abgreater. the B'nai Brith'Messenger in Los.An- raham Lincoln high school, won first geles received several threats from; place,in the violin solo division. HarI find in the way in which the Good Yontiff! Hitler's agents^imjthat^city ...•».. be- old jW/olpa, also a. student at the Abraancients viewed the world one. single cause of their'Scathing denunciation! ;Jbahi jtancoln high school,'was a memconception that appears to me funda- Did you enjoy your "matzo farfel" of Hitler and the Nazis . . . that y<>tr 0>er.i,oij the school's boys' quartet and "ha-rain" (bitter herb) last Monmentally different from ours. I reare all invited; ;t£) 'the annual darice,:; Hpbjkj* :won first" place. Miss Dora fer to the wholly different. attitude day eve. during your Sedar? . . . and of Woodbine was a member of the ancients toward suicide. Onlv was the wine an improvement over April 23, at 'the tSteuben .^^ *•' ^ " ';Giliiisky fef-ie^Jhigh school of mixed quartet, given by; the Of^al£hi;;ciijb the 3.2 brew of the previous week? if we employ much imagination and ^nichi won first place in their divisOf course we all know the mean- of former_bmahari4jr^idingp6i auxiliary constructions, can we con;iort; j 5Dhey are now. eligible to enter ~ TheyIWiiJ iserye '•?-ami :^ ceive what an immense role this idea ing of Pesach. . . . therefore it is well go . to repeat that the name means "pass- zels . ahji_''ich jJopi;derq?'far; the!: ;tius ;^tftte music contest, which will be pl^ved in the life of antiquity. held ah; Iowa City next month. Our churches forbid suicide, the over" -and refers to the account when invitation, Mr.: Hfrnfcuv Wise';.: .: Young Folks Habitatv ;•?.;> } \ laws of many countries even punish the angel of death killed the first born of the Egyptians and "passed over" Hoke-eh!^pns: IkfrLeVinson; hiaitarej; f itorton Adler, freshman at the the attempt. In the ancient world University at Omaha, was boy was taught and impressed upon the houses of the Israelites . . . which o f C l u b " " •"'"-"•• • ' • • • ' • ' - - - ' - ^ereigrbton Tioiibired at the Formal Banquet of his for thehf ainnerfrom infancy, that suicide was some- tad all been carefully marked with a chose the GroJ). >fr^ts*nity, Pi Lambda Phi, Sunday thin? immensely honorable. Suicide sprinkling of lamb blood on .the door dance ;byi^ejr; nigfit at the Hotel Fontenelle when he was intimately, connected .with the posts, ete . . . and you know the rest bevy of beaiitj^ accompanied u presented with a silver loving idea of liberty and of personality; . . t h e Sedar aside from encouraging handsome ? fescojrts . j . . . ; * " ~~~^--- '•- |V?as •#p. This eiip waS awarded for his tion, methu^lt|/ls:,tigntl the resource of suicide, rnadV the hu- obesity providing -you eat and ; fiigh scholastic work during his f reshman beinsr independent of fj'te,; of the drink all food in sight . . . ever was to pop or -Jiqt;;to" pop .vttw "questiorn,- } i n a n y e a r . '•'• i \ • ) ' , ' , '-. • and still is . . . the most beautiful of etc. . . . Count'lhat day'3bst; When' Rods, of emperors and of "tyrants Evelyn Green'-faite;to; appear with a; The whole existence of "the man of religious home ceremonies ..•>.'. The Council Blu|fsvAgudas Achim new'beau . . . ahd/we tioh/i:ine3n.a ISociety ar-tiquity was' permeated by> the' idea Forward, March! will hold a meeting next of suicide. An uricomm' rily\.laree The youth division of" the philan- necktie! '-. . :.:Athljejtic;;M.JG.; is-goings evening, April 20, at the ni».nber of the great men' of an- thropies drive is composed of a bat- places with dari-ejfed F..;Ri >;;;,'i. ^.B.'s 'Thursday Eagles Hall. timiitv—one out of three—are re- talion of workers . . . who have an- permanent dancing "partner; 3$' fjilpik: ported to have ended by suicide. A nounced that they intend to increase dy" F. . . . Abe (Lincoln);|Nb|4Cci>%f Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enterdeified death balanced all failure their quota of the previous year . . and Molly (Des Mpines) Cohn "mus- tained the members of their Sunday Undoubtedly the thought of bein? Justin Wolf, the field marshal, aided ing" and amusing each other , with Night Bridge Club last Sunday. to extract oneself from all suf- by his Majors Ralph Nogg and Bar- stories of school idays . . . That most fering by voluntary death was for ney RosenthaL plus an army of will- welcome "bird" is fluttering sand flapThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah those people a certain solace in everv ing workers, are ready to fire their ping its wings over the domicile of a will begin a new class of beginners at bad situation: this thought gave them guns . . . Come on boys, let's go over film man . . . . whose "weibel"; is prom- tiie; Talmud Torah school naxt Wedthroughout life the feeling of absol the top . '. . when the zero hour is inent in local w 'men's activities t . . nesday "afternoon at 4 o'clock. Regute independence and spurred then- sounded . . . The recent International Bill C's ! motto: "Early to bed and istrations may be i_ade daily between on to the most daring enterprises A. Z. A. Sabbath day celebrated local- early to rise . . . and I get "the first 4 and 7 o'clock with Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, Even in the girls' schools the mos ly at the Conservative Synagogue... glimpse of A. G.'s. eyes" . . . What principal of the Talmud Torah. papular figure in the school reade revealed unusual oratorical ability in young physician with offices in the is the wife who, after the failure o the persons of Ben Shrier, Ernest Brandeis theater building attempted Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, student at a political enterprise, stabs herse! Priesman and Daniel Lintzman . . • to emulate the Prince of Wales Lindenwood College, at St. Charles, and hands the daeger to her hus bear in mind the fact that A. Z. A. by being catapulted from a fractious Missouri, is spending spring^ vaband "with the words: Paetus, it does- training is partially responsible for steed? . . . and he is now required to cation with her parents,her Mr. and Mrs. the rapid development of these eat his meals at Northrup-Jones n't hurt. Nero who kills himsel Julius Rosenfeld. with the words "what an artist per youngsters . . . whom we may term where there are no chairs or tables... ishes in me" makes up bv this deat as our future leaders. . . . Sol Mich- What south side Miss of the exotic Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Louis, for his infamous life. Moreover, i nick, popular with Center play-goers type recently returned from "Holly- Mo., are spending Passover here viscontrast to most of. the traditiona in previous years, and who will be re-wood-you" . . . and. while, there suf- iting at the home of their son-in-law last words of our great • men, th membered for his excellent portrayal fered an auto injury . . . and fortun- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. manv last words of the men of an of the lead in the "Jazz Singer" . . . ately recovered even to ths extent of Katelman. , tiquity are hardly likely to be in plays the role of Schayerson, a Rus• vented. For these, from bpvhood on, sian student in the play, "Shver tzu Expedition to Unearth prepared themselves in a quite literal Zein a Yid" Spring hats are on the up and up. We want now in rehearsal at David Janoff,26, sense for a worthy death and thus the Center . you to meet our versions of the high hat draw a circle around Lachish, BiblicalCity Died Saturday London, (J. T. A.J-^-An expedialways had a beautiful "last word'' the dates April 25 and 26 and get fashion. They're wearable adaptations that your tickets early . . . it looks like a in readiness. retain all the dash and glamour of the origDavid Janoff, 26 years old, passed tion will be sent to Palestine to exThe possibility of suicide, then. sell out away last Saturday at his home at cavate the city of Lachish, where inals, and perfectly complement +he new cos-. was an important element in the life Do You Know? 2111 N street, following a short ill- the prophet Is2iah was believed to • tumes. Choose your favorite color... black, and the way of thought of the anc- That Harry Trustin was a southpaw ness. He is survived by hit, parents, have prayed that the city be saved brown, navy, beige or whatever it may be. ient world. On the other hand, an- catcher during his baseball days . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Janoff; one sister, from the Assyrians, following which tiquity completely lacked an idea and considered • a crack sprinter . .. Mrs. Melvin E. Katleman; and two 18,000 Assyrians were destroyed P. S.—If you wear tiny brims best, we have which we cannot at all imagine misv watch his speed in the election on May brothers, Harold and Stanley. Fun- overnight. : plenty of them, also. ing from our conception of the world. 2nd The expedition will be sent by Sir That Freda Sofer, the "na- eral services were held Sunday afterTHIRD FLOOR . It was without the concept of race, tural" blonde, resembles the movie noon at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Fun- Henry Welkome, fellow of the Royal of the Nation, and of everything con- star, Joan Blondell . . . line forms to eral Home, with Ratibi Uri-J^iUer of- Society. The city is believed to be took place fit Fisch- situated some twenty-five .miles nected therewith. - The ancient world the right, boys! .'•.. i that Bill Holzr ficiating. Burial ] ! > was spared all the evil with which man's practical ioke« a»<l clever ie er's Farm. • south of Jerusalem.

Some Thoughts About

U. S. Palestine Aid Below Poland's

Religious Services

Feuchtwanger Continues Discourse: Are We Barbarians?

Council Bluffs News




o m merits

• • • with one of these • • •

700 HATS





but perhaps it will do for a beginning. . .


Orthodox Rabbis Will Discuss Unity Tuesday

The time for depending on contributions—on "schnorring" for developing Palestine has past There is absolutely BO reason why a British or international loan, backed by the League of Nations, cannot be as secure, in the matter of Palestine, as for any of the smaller countries of Europe. The increased population of Pales-, tine and the Trans-Jordan which will result, will produce the taxable revenue by which the loan may be liquidated.




The next meeting of the Jewish •W. S. I 4 F F B PBINTIXG CO." Chicago, HI. — "The Necessity of History class will be held Tuesday Notice 1B hereby given tlint the underUnity in Orthodox Jewry" will be the signed have formed a corporal ion under Jerusalem (J.T.A.) — A campaign -evening at 8 p.m. at the Temple an- the theme of the sermon to be delivered laws of the .State of Nebraska. The nex. Miss Adele Wilmsky will give against the non-Zionist members of name of this corporntion shall be "K. S. by all members of the Eabbinical as• By DAVID SCHWARTZ i'affe Printing: Co." vilh its principal a review of Feuchtwanger's "Josethe Jewish Agency has been opened sociation of the Hebrew Theological l)laee of business nt Omulin, Nebraska. The Measure Had Warm Support of p h u s . " -..-•; here by the "Davar," the daily newsgeneral nature of the business to be trnnCollege of Chicago this Tuesday Premier Bennett of and the object and purpose for Rabbi Frederick Cohn will finish sneted paper which serves as the organ of morning before memorial services. It •Which thin corporntion is organized and SAMPLES STILL THERE Canada the reading of Phillip's play, "Herod." established .' Khali he to conduct and operute is hoped thereby to create a common Palestine labor. a printing establishment ; to pimlmRO and This, being Passover week, it is perThe controversy, -which marks fiie bond of sentiment in the various Orsell printing nnrt stationery supplies; to Ottawa, (J.T.A.)—The Canadian tinent to recall how Hitlerism was commencement of propaganda in conJ. J. DOEDSUS. Attorne equip ond inaintnin by purchase, ((instructhodox congregations. Parliament in passing its budget for fought in ancient Egypt. Moses fintion, lease or otherwise, buildings nnd 8S4 Insurance Building " The association has forty members. nection with the next Zionist. Conequipment to be used ns and for n printthe current year, includes a provi- ally won his point through the inflicgress, is concentrating on a line of ing establishment or u stationery sales PEOBITE OF i n u Officers include Rabbi Uri Miller of sion for free entry of Palestine tion of ten plagues on the Egyptians. establishment, and to do all things tthich the County Court of Douglas County, argument aiming at showing that Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., president; Rabbi Milton may be necessary nnd /or proper to carry ,.e > .citrus fruits into Canada each year I have been told that there are still the non-Zionists have sot justified In the Matter of the Estate of Bessie out the objects herein sot forth. The authRosen of Oklahoma City, Okla., viceduring the months of January, Feb- to this day samples of all the plagues orized capital stock shnll be jn.WO.OO nnd WintronlTPffl, Deceased. 4. .,'•-• the expectations of the Zionists and -All president; Rabbi Louis Kaufman of persons interested in said estate are all ot said stock shnll lie common nnd of ENGLAND LISTENS ruary, MaTch and April, which is in Egypt, particularly of "Mnim." have not stimulated any influx of lereby notified that a petition has been the par value of $100.00 1per share, fully Waterloo, Iowa, secretary; and Rabbi naional capital into Palestine. the season for Palestine citrus exEngland, I believe, can be made to Harry 'lied in said Court, praying for the pro- paid up and non-nssessiibk . The corporaShapiro of Hibbing, Minn., bate of a certain instrument now on file tion Bhall commeitce doing business upon port. see the pbinV England is not Ger- treasurer. PRODUCING PLAGUES In a long editorial, the "Bavar" in said Court, purporting: to be fhe last the filing of Its articles with the County The passage of the above measure I don't know how Moses brought many. It may be a little stubborn, will and testament of said deceased, and Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd attempts to demonstrate that it was that a hearing will be had on said petition shall continue for n period ot fift y years was made possible due to the warm down this plague of crawling Vermin but it has common sense. It listens a mistake to share the responsibility before said Court on the Oth day of May, from said date. The highest amount of sympathy of the Hon. IL B. Bennett, on the Egyptians. The supposition is to reason. It takes but it also gives. 1833, nnd that if they fait to appear at Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of the Jewish Agency with non-Zion- said Court on the 6th day of May, of the capital stock, but this restriction Premier of Canada, towards Zionism that it was done through mystical The massive British Empire could ists, but that this «rror may still be 1933, at 9 o'clock said A. M. to contest the Bhall not apply to indebtedness secured by and the upholding of the Jewish means. I presume that it could be not have been built up, if i t did not Kitchen Chats >robnte of said will, the may allow mortgages or liens upon nny of the correctified at the forthcoming Con- and probate Bald trill andCourt grant adminis- porate property. The nffnirs of this corHomelandhave this leaven of common sense. gress. tration of said estate 'to Sam Cohen or poration shall be managed by a Honrd of done by chemical means, as well. It Mr. Bennett was always interestsome other suitable person and proceed to Directors consisting of not less than two not far fetched to believe that in Britain may fight and resist—but members. The annual meeting of the corMrs, DiTtd H. Newman settlement thereof. ed in freeing the cause of Zionism. is it compromises in the end. It fought poration Shall be held on the first Monday some of the wars of the future, the BRYCE CRAWFORD, He showed it in the year 1925, at combatants will use such means—in- the Boers, but in the end gave it in January of each year, at which meeting 4-14-33-3t County Judge. the stockholders shall elect a Board of Dithe opening of the Hebrew Univer-j fectious plagues and the like as they everything short of absolute indeAppropriation of rectors and thereupon the Board shall elect APPLE CUPS AGENTS WANTED aity at Jerusalem, and on many have, for instance, lately learned to pendence. It has done the same a President, a Vice-President, .Secretary Treasurer. Any two of said office* 4 cups pared sliced apples Congress for Books Jewish students and others get and oJJi.er occasions. thing with the Irish. They have . % may be held bv one and the same person. use gas. cup sugar ready cash for social purposes and TheBe may be amended at any The Canadian Government, in pretty near everything they want for Jewish Blind the holidays in a dignified and hon- regular articles or special meeting of the stock2 eggs glla.ting the above preference, had WEAPONS FOR THE save theoretical independence. holders by a two-thirds vote of the out* 1 cup milk irable manner, by becoming oar rep- standing stock. to overcome certain difficulties of MINORITY Butter, lemon juice, cinnamon New York, (J.T.A.)—To meet the resentative for high-grade m o n o - IN WITNESS •WHEKEOF, the parties constitutional and international law. Certainly, there does seem to be MORE AGITATION NEEDED demand for books on Jewish subjects granted stationery, class and New have hereunto subscribed their names this and nutmeg Thus, the restriction of free im- needful some -method by which a min- What is needed now is more agi20th day of March, 1033. port to four months was dedicated ority might fight back. Today the tation that Britain let down the im- Line muffin tins with plain pastry, by the adult Jewish blind of this Tear cards. Write us at once, no exS. YAFFE. country, the Library Congress, at pense and no obligation. Bieble SerR. J. HOLDSBEBG, by the: necessity of overcoming the minority is hopeless. Take the case migration bars to Palestine. Never fill with apples. Add 1 tablespoon supresence of: difficulties involved in Favored Na- of the Jews in Hitlerist Germany. was England in a more favorable gar, % teaspoon butter, a few drops the instance of Rabbi Harry J. vice, 1006 North Sixth Street, Phila- In the Philip M. KluUnick. tions' Treaties. Oranges imported How can less/than one per cent of the mood for such a plan. Never wa3 lemon juice, cinnamon, and nutmeg to Brevis, Chaplain of the Jewish Blind delphia, Pa. 4-7-33-4t during these months will not compete population fight back with arms? It the tragic situation of the Jew more each pie, beat eggs nntil light, add with the New York Board of Jewish Ministers, will transcribe into braille, with those from countries affected is impossible. plainly revealed to the world at milk, add to each individual pie. Bake out of the funds appropriated by the in a hot oven until apples are tender. by such treaties, inasmuch as their large. 72nd U. S. Congress for adult educaorange season does not clash with But a little "Mnim" spread here and But England, we may be sure, is tion of the blind, a number of books there might make any minority as that of Palestine. HONEYCOMB PUDDING not going to take any step, unless covering in broad, general lines sevdangerous as a majority. And I 45,000 cases of Palestinian or% cup flour eral phases of Jewish life and doubt that there is the scientific the Jews themselves "take the initiaanges were imported into. Canada don't Vz cup sugar tive and raise a clamor. No country thought. since January, being eight times the chemical genius among the Jews of ever does. % cup molasses Germany to produce something of The list of books to be transcribed amount entering Canadian ports dur% cup butter into braille was prepared by Rabbi ing the fiscal year 1932. It is ex- that sort. There can be no question KNIFING ITS BENEFACTORS % cup milk Brevis with the assistance of Dr. D. pected that the removal.of the tariff of that when one considers the treTerrible as the German situation 1% teaspoons cinnamon De Sola Pool, Professor Shalom •will provide a powerful stimulus for mendous part "the Jews have played is, it has been not without its edu% teaspoon allspice Spiegle, and Rabbi Kiev. The books in chemical science in Germany. But trade between Canada and Palestine. effects. % teaspoon salt will be available to. all readers of the only trouble is, that Jews won't cational For instance, who, until these out4 eggs braille in the several distributing do it. We are, alas, a too civilized breaks, knew that even Eckner, the 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 3 libraries of embossed literature in people. Sachar National Zepplin pilot, was a Jew. tablespoons hot water the country after June 30, 1933. The Nazis, we are told, have com- Mix flour and sugar, add molasses, Hillel Director JEWISH SCIENTISTS Brevis is also in charge of a "Who's Who" listing hund- butter melted in the heated milk, and a Rabbi circulating library of braille books Just for a spell, when I read of piled Cincinnati, O., (J.TJ^..)—Dr. A. L. the horrible atrocities the Hitlerists reds of prominent people, such as spices and salt, eggs beaten together, at the N. Y. Guild for the Jewish Sachar, director of the B'nai Brith have perpetrated against the German Eckner, who were not known to be and lastly, soda. Bake in moderate Blind, where a staff of volunteer Hillel Foundation at the University Jews, I would like to be a little less Jewish, but who apparently either oven 30 minutes. brailists, whom he trained, are at of Illinois, has been named National civilized. I almost wish, the Fritz are Jews or descendants of Jews. work supplying hand-copied braille Director of all eight Hillel founda- Habers and their like—the Jewish And yet the Nazi has nothing for Subsidies in Danger books for the use of blind students tions by the B'nai Brith Hillel Foun- chemistry Nobel prize winners would these Eckners—these Reinhardts— . Riga—The Minister of Education, in the high schools, colleges and unidation commission. get to -work in their laboratories— these Fabers, but the knife and the ML. Keninsh, has completed a bill, the versities in the city. Dr. Sachar will continne as direc- and maybe I could enjoy the spec- boycott! Yiddish press here reports, which tor of the minbis Hillel Foundation tacle of;.Hitler and Goebel scratching will have the effect of closing down Protest Meeting Prohibited Indian Jews Form Zionist. "&. in addition to serving" as national themselves of their "kinim." all secondary schools of -the minori- Salonicians. Brotherhood director. ties, including the Jews, which are Born in New York in 1899, Dr. THE NEW ZIONISM Bombay,—A Zionist Brotherhood, maintained partly by contributions Salonica. — The authorities here Sachar was educated at Washington consisting of Indian Jews who will from the municipal ^ministrations have prohibited the proposed protest Some weeks ago, this column and Harvard universities, and spent gested that ; Zionists address them- undertake to live on bare necessities and partly by school fees. meeting against the German excesses. three years of graduate research at selves to the project t>f. i n .interna- and devote their lives to working for the University of Cambridge, Eng- tionally raised loan to", finance" im- the Jewish National Home and the land. He taught modern European migration to Palestine proper and uplift of the local community has and English history at the Univers- the Trans-Jordan region. We believe been founded here under the leaderity of Illinois for several years be- something like this was done Under ship of an English Jew, Adolphe fore becoming director of the B'nai League of Nations auspices, to. carry Meyers, -who was previously a deleBrith Hillel Foundation at that insti- but wholesale Greek migration. gate of the Keren Bayesoa. 1 tution. He is the author of the As this is "being written, Mr. Israel popular "History of the Jews.5' Brodie* of ; the •Palestine Economic Hooligans Attack Lv. Omaha &30 pm Corporation, has come forward urg- Protest Meeting Ar.Chicago &35 am RoBmr bmtmngt ing the raising of a 15 million dollar ~ Sofia!—Seven were injured at a British Fascists in government loan to finance immigra- meeting held here to "protest against Anti-Jewish Agitatioiii tion and colonization to Palestine. the German excesses/. _ • '...'-• Valet It is an encouraging sign, though The -premises were attacked by £fcZTrVt "andifsa London, (J.TJL)—"Manchester Fas- 1 believe the amount is too small Bulgarian National Socialists. Radio o r . . . there's cists have repeated the anti-Jewish Ak-Stn.Bm Stop campaign which they attempted some genuine RtcEningcbaircar time ago. This time it is directed particularly at the Jewish traders in MAGIC CHEF the Cheetham" Hill district, the Jewwith dinner on the train ish, quarter in Manchester. Labels GAS RANGE Lv. Omaha 6:15 pm have been found stuck to shop windows and bearing such slogans as too." eailier arrival in Chicago "Jews steal everything, even your 7:10 am {Central Tan* names;" "How can Jews be Britons when they want a national home elsewhere!" "When Edward I expelled EITHER W A Y . . . . the Jews, Britain found her souL" _ you unU. enjoy Apart from these labels no antiJewish acts occurred. the advantages of

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY $2.50. Subscription Price, o n e year . - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished o n application Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center "DAVID BLACKER - -• - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN , Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

Jew's Weakness Is His Tragedy By RABBI URI MILLER Rabbi of United Orthodox Synagogue of Omaha

footing, but on the other hand, conditions are such that we cannot be handicapped by too cautious a policy. For Palestine is the GEMS of the BIBLE land of Jewish hope, our cherished hope not only that it should be and TALMUD the spiritual center unifying our people everywhere but also that By O. O. DASHER it shall be the physical hope of an ever increasing portion of our persecution-ridden brethren. The development of agriculture and Confidence in an unfaithful man industry so that more of the Jewish people can immigrate into in time of trouble is like a broken Palestine is necessary to pave the way for continued broad-vis- tooth, and a foot out of joint. If thine enemy be hungry, g ^ e ioned progress.

him bread to eat. And if he be thirsty, give him water to drink. Above the turmoil and confusion of the present day Jewish Answer a fool according to his folHEBREW CALENDAR situation, one truth is salient; the Jew owes his peculiar fate to ly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. Be thou diligent to know the state 5693 1933 bis weakness. No matter what the extenuating circumstances of thy flocks and Joofc well to thy. Tuesday, March 28 concerning present day Germany may be (and, strictly speaking, Rosh Chodesh Nissan herds. .Monday, April 17 murder and pillage as the accepted planned policy of a govern- 7th Day Pessach _ THE LIGHT OF LEARNING *Kosh Chodesh lyar. Thursday, April 27 Talmud The book has been the staff of life for the Jewish people. ment cannot be excused as would the spontaneous action of a The Rabbi Jobnia was accustomed Lag b'Omer Sunday, May 14 That ."Jerusalem was destroyed because the instruction of the mob) the Jew is the particular scapegoat not because of a rela- Rosh Chodesh Sivan to say: "I am a human being; so Friday, May 26 is my neighbor a human being. SJLy young was neglected" has become a by-word among the Jewish tionship with the origins of those extenuating circumstances used 1st Day Shabuoth .Wednesday, May 31 work is in the city, and his work is people . . . Jewish learning has been the well-spring1 of our sur-so glibly by Jewish idealists in explaining the Jewish tragedy in 'Rosh Chodesh Tammus. Sunday, June 25) in the field. I rise early to my work, vival throughout the ages..'.. .when the Sovietswished to destroy Germany, but because he is weak. This ought to be written in Past of Tammus so can I not surpass in his. Shall I Tuesday, July 11 say that I am above him because I Judaism in Russia, they sought to halt the teaching of Jewish letters of fire, the Jew's weakness is his tragedy. Rosh Chodesh Ab.... ...Monday, July 24 am advancing the cause of learning And this merits attention because it indicates the technique Fast of Ab learning to the Jewish youngsters. Wherever Jewish learning .Wednesday, August 2 man more than he? We are therefaded, Judaism and the Jewish people faded . . . for a Judaism fed that eventually will have to be adopted by the Jew in protecting *Rosh Chodesh Ellul fore taught: whether one offers much Wednesday, Aug. 23 or little, cn!y the intention of his his own. If our calamity is caused by our weakness, if the Hit- Rosh Hoshonah on ignorance is a dying Judaism. . .Thursday, Sept. 20 heart shall be for the sake of heavToday in America we are passing through a transitional per- lerite vents his anger at the Frenchman who has despoiled him en." ittl As all about us is in flux, asfwe speed through our daily lives and the Pole who has divided his territory in two, by beating the Jeremiah Ben Eleazar said:. "Sov*Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. ereign of the universe, let my food lli'Ji a myriad and one attractions to magnetically draw our youth Jew, the illogic of the situation—though it be a rational explanaAll Jewish holidays begin at sunset the preceding secular day. be even as bitter as the olive leaf, away from their Jewish heritage, it is admittedly difficult to in- tion, calls for an attack on the source of the conditions that have but direct from your hand and not culcate into our boys and girls the lofty principles and ideals for caused these currents of impotent hatred to be deflected to the from the hand of a mortal man, although it may be as sweet as honey.' which our forefathers suffered excoriating ordeals, ordeals which Jews. That cause is the defencelessness of the Jew. The Jew must Spectre of Anti-


to our sorrow exist even today. Today many of our brethren are be able to strike back. Only thus will he be in a position to prof- Semitism at undergoing sacrifices because they are Jewish..... are not our chil- it by his higher ethics and unimpeachable conduct. For what Scottsboro" Trial Chassidic Wedding dren entitled to know why it is worth while for them to sacrifice avails us our high standards and our innocence, if we are to pay Decatur, Ala.—The ugly spectre of Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—A sixth-cenDramatic Sequel for the sins of the French? for their Judaism? anti-Semitism reared its head here in tury synagogue has been discovered in Court Action This truth would clear the ground of a great many confusing the Morgan county courthouse, where on Mount Carmel by the Palestine ---- The source of our present-day trouble with our Jewish boys Heywood Patterson, one of the nine Government Department of Antiquiand girls is their lack of Jewish knowledge and learning and edu- theories concerning Israel's salvation. The most harmful is the Scottsboro negroes, was convicted for ties, according to an official govern- Bratislava, (J.T.A.) — The royal of the daughter of the Chascation. Our problem today—indeed, our challenge—is to give our continually-repeated doctrine that eventually justice and right- a second time, after the U. S. Su- ment announcement. It was only wedding sidic Munkacz Babbi Spiro has had possible to uncover about two-thirds preme Court upheld a plea for retrial. bewildered youth/undecided between conflicting doctrines, the eousness will prevail and at that time (and we must add, appar- The nine youths are charged with of the foundations of the building, a sequel in a court action brought vital messages of Judaism, to awaken in them that spark which ently not before) the Jew will be given justice. Every present- criminally assaulting two white girls. the remainder being under modern by the Fox Film Corporation of Amhas glowed in Jewish hearts for thousands upon thousands of day fact indicates that we are as far from the reign of justice as Wade Wright, solicitor of Morgan houses. The slopes of Mount Carmel erica, which had taken a film of the are being rapidly covered with mod- entire ceremony. years. Omaha is no exception—we Jewish fathers and mothers was the original primitive caveman. Indeed, he who sees the county, put into words the feeling of ern It was announced that Rabbi Spiro buildings and houses, making hostility against the defense, repreface the same enigma. We fortunately have in this city the world improving in ethics is confusing a gain in knowledge with a sented chiefly by Samuel Leibowitz, the excavations considerably more received from the Fox Film Corporation the sum of a hundred thousand means of promulgating a full, complete, comprehensive prelimin- gain in moral character. Murder in a skyscraper characterizes well known New York criminal law- difficult. kronen for his cooperation in the age. For the Jew to be so lacking in realism as to place his yer. ary Jewish education program in our Talmud Torah. But what is The main feature of the excavation Czech the production of this film. Addressing the jury, Wright shoutwas the discovery of a fragmentary trust in an ideal he once promulgated and which was at no time our record? Two hundred and fifty students—an increase, to be This fact was utilized by Chassidic ed: "Let it he demonstrated hy you pavement showing the Xodisure, but gravely insufficient. The very minimum attendance adopted by the world in any but superficial lip-worship fashion that Alabama justice cannot he bought mosaic acal signs, two seven-branched can- opponents as a weapon against the should be five hundred, especially when we realize that there are is to indicate that the Jew is indeed the world expert in the prac- and sold by Jew money from New dlesticks surrounded by ritual ob- Babbi, and a vigorous campaign was against him. Rabbi Spiro 1785 Jewish pupils between the ages of six and fourteen eligible tice of self-deception. Our future must be built on a more secure York!" Mr. Leibowitz moved for a jects, and two Hebrew inscriptions. waged thereupon requested the film commistrial. He made a second motion for for this training. The quarters of the Talmud Torah—in the basis than the chimera of a world, wherein power alone counts, mistrial when Wright referred to the The government was assisted in its pany to destroy the film in question. work by the Archaeological departJewish Community Center—are decidedly attractive and the en- suddenly becoming idealistic "New York clothes" worn by Ruby ment of the Hebrew University in When they refused to do this, the Rabbi issued a ban, and forbade any Bates, of two accusing girls. AnJ Jerusalem. vironment is excellent. The teachers are well-learned, with the And history in its senseless evolutions has tired apparently a thirdone Jew to go and see it. when Wright said that Lester faculty of conveying their messages to the students. There has of its pranks at the expense of the Jew, and has placed him in a Carter, witness for the defense, had Other recent discoveries on Mount The film company thereupon been instituted a definite five-year curriculum, with a Hebraic position of power. It has become the consensus of opinion that probably changed his name from Car- Carmel, which was the traditional brought an action against him, descene of the contest between Elijah manding that he either remove the• background. A high school department has been added, and no the future world-conflicts will be determined by economic strength teretsky. and the Prophets of Baal, were an- ban or reimburse the very large Mr. Leibowitz, in his reply, asserted effort has been spared to build up a course of study which would and most likely fought with economic weapons; Indeed, the boycient relics of Baal worship. sums which they claim to have ex;hat he was representing the negro be both interesting and educational. The buses, taking the chil- cott is at the present time considered the most,powerful of wea- boys pended upon the production of the without any fee and at considerfilm. Knowledge is power.—Bacon. dren to and from Cheder, is an additional service, one that allays pons. And there is no reasoil why we should expect a change in able cost to himself. the fears of parents in regard to transportation. - - this tendency. I -•— The Jew has for the palt ^eighteen centuries been impotent If our Jewish children, therefore, do not receive an adequate Jewish education, it is not the fault of our communal facilities— insofar as retaliations are concerned. He has been forced to rely it is the fault of our parents. Here is our direct challenge. We on the justice of his enemies and we know with what results. It realize that no longer is it sufficient to teach a child the recitation would have been absurd to even consider mustering an army to of a few prayers . . .that this is not educating the child Jewishly. fight the Jews just as it is absurd today. Mqrfeoyer, the essenA daily, regular course-—well-planned arid developed according to tial co-operation necessary for economic retaliation was lacking. modem pedagogical technique-—is essential. Jewish education, we For that matter, inter-national trade had not developed to a point ire learning, must be on an organized basis, with a definite cur- where it could serve as a vulnerable point of att%k. ~ riculum. We realize, further, that another outworn idea must be ; It has been only in very recent times that conditions have condiscarded—that it is just as necessary for our girls to be educated spired to place the Jew in a position of power. Kever before has Jewishly as oiir boys. Surely they, the future mothers of Israel, there been a United Jewry as today, for never before have there should know of Judaism and things Jewish. , existed the mechanical means of communication; an indispensible HE NEVER WILLINGLY WEARS ANY OTHER KIND* prerequisite to united action. Never before have'Jews been in a Registration for the coming term of the local Talmud Torah position wherein they could exert power; power that would be felt jvill be held from April 19 to May 1, with a reorganization of the and respected, power that would practically paralyze the bloodjlasses. All prospective.students should be registered in the office stream of the international trade of those nations that consistently rf the Talmud Torah, on the third floor of the Jewish Community mistreat him. And if, because of a lack of unity within himself, Center. Whether our Jewish children respond in proper numbers of a mistaken, almost insane devotion to a policy of impotent proIspends entirely upon the parents. Remember that a Jewish ed- testations arid humiliating diplomatic representations, he fails to Slip into a Hickey^Freeman suit zeation cannot be inherited, and that if one does not go after leani- avail himself of this power, the fault is in him. Jewish security based on love has failed. Let us experiment ng, it will not come to him. Before you let the opportunity, slip in your size sometime, and you'll unwith security based on fear of retaliation. . ! >y, register your children in the Talmud Torah, the guardian of >ur future. derstand why so many men insist on •



. . .








This article by Rabbi Uri Miller—of particular timeliness and interest because of the swift-ihoving: events in the Jewish scene today—is a challenge of the old theory for Jewish security, with a call for experimentation of a new theory. The Jewish Press will welcome any comments, pro or con, on this subject of such- vital importance*—The Editor. 1

The most interesting news of the week concerning Palestine, «rhere a Jewish National Homeland is being built, is the suggestion by Israel B. Brodie, outstanding Zionist leader and chairman 3f the American Economic Committee. Mr. Brodie suggests the notation of a large Jewish National loan of fifteen million dollars io be administered by a commission of recognized Jewish experts For the purpose of financing the development of large areas of un^ Miltivated land in Palestine as well as the creation of" new indusiaries designed to serve not only the growing needs of Palestine but industries for which the markets of Palestine,a^d the Near East rf the entire Near East as well. are now ready. - i Mr. Brodie predicts that "the vigorous execution of these and Unquestionably, many will scoff at the whole idea as impossible and impractical. But so did the world scoff at Herzl and his other projects which would be determined upon after careful study ideas. But Palestine did become the Jewish National Homeland would inevitably lead to the establishment of many other larger and since 1917 Palestinian agriculture and industry, its trade and and smaller accessory industries and commercial establishments Commerce, have made remarkable headway. The 185,000 Jews in Palestine to meet the rapidly expanding needs of Eretz Israel living there now have laid the social and economic foundations for and the surrounding territory in the whole Near East. I believe a mighty homeland, neither impaired nor shaken by the great 6b- the money raised would be safely invested. Some of the underitacles which have to be surmounted. The principle upon which takings would yield a return on the capital in a relatively short the Mandate Government today refuses to open the gates of Pal- time. The returns to be yielded by the colonization scheme would estine as a haven for the Jews who have lost their way in the come more slowly, but the investment could be amortized over a world is the sound principle of economic asborptive capacity. But, longer period. The Jewish world now knows that investments in if the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora are willing to set up Palestine, carefully made and properly administered, have stood by way of a national loan a development fund of fifteen millions, the test very well in recent years. I am convinced that the various a number of large undertakings could be initiated and carried for- projects would give employment to thousands of immigrants and ward, such as the development of 100,000 dunams of rich land in enable many other thousands of families to settle on the soil and the Jordan Valley; the reclamation of more than 150,000 dunams m the cities." of Palestine's richest land located in the Merom area; the accelerWe agree that the catastrophic position of the Jewish people ation of the program of the company operating the Dead Sea min- today demands that we think in Herzlian terms. Palestine can eral salts concession for the building of its railway through the absorb as many Jews as the Jewish world determines. The next Jordan Valley and for the development of operations at the south- Zionist congress should take the initiative in organizing1 a comern end of the Dead Sea; the initiation of the Rutenberg irrigation mittee of outstanding experts to investigate the soundness of such orogram; the extension of housing credits for the homes of the a loan and to study methods of raising the loan and the program enlarged immigration; and the establishment of a number of new • for its administration. I t necessarily requires caution and sure-

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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 14,1933 Mflder, Grace Dansky, Toby Gold- lowing the business meeting, bridge ited with the local members for a few political administration of the Red heavy industries. Michael Kagonostein, Roslyn Pizer, Esther Morgan, was played, with Jessye Nathan win- hours Wednesday evening. Army. Michael Kagonovitch, a bro- vitch was well-known among the and Miriam Martin of Omaha; Ber- ning first prize. ther of Lazar Kagonovitch, the light Jewish Labor Parties in Home! as nice Riseman of Douglas; Mrs. l*on hand man of Stalin, has been ap- the leader of the Jewish revolutionFrankel and Helen Steinberg of pointed a c t i n g commissar of the ary workers there. Dr. Victor E. Levine, professor of Conndl Bluffs; and Florence Gilinsky bio-chemistry and nutrition at the of Woodbine. .The next meeting of the Conserva- Creighton University medical school, Rose Steinberg-was elected to mem- tive Synagogue auxiliary -will be held delivered a lecture on "The Relation bership in Alpha Lambda Delta, Wednesday afternoon, April 19, at of Nutrition to Heart Diseases" at the freshmen women's honorary society. 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community "bi-monthly seminar held by Phi Delta Epsilon at the chapter house Friday Miss Steinberg was recently initiated Center. into Tassels, women's pep organizaThe nominating committee will evening. Dr. Levine pointed out that many of tion. make its report at this-time. our beliefs regarding cardiac disturbHOWARD *t 16th. The feature of the meeting will be ances -were based on erroneous conPALESTINIAN LEADER • It an address by Miss Lillian Johnson, Newly elected officers of Sigma HIGHLAND OPENING VISITS HERE ceptions and incomplete knowledge. Delta Tau are Ruth Fox, president; executive secretary of the Child WelMAY 27 The address, which was illustrated Mrs. Rachel Katzhelson Ruhashov The Highland Country Club will Betty Segal, vice-president; Ruth fare association. She will speak on by lantern slides, was well-attended of Palestine, head of the Pioneer Greenberg, s e c r e t a r y ; Gwendolyn "Modern Methods in Child Care." by students and members of the facWomen in Eretz Israel, who is tour- officially open its season with a formal Meyerson, treasurer, and Rosella PerMiss Johnson is an authority on ju- ulty of the medical school and by dinner-dance on May 27. ing the country on behalf of the Piovenile matters and is said to be an many local physicians. Plans for the summer activities lis, historian. neer Women and the BKstadruth, outstanding speaker. Her talk will be were formulated !at a meeting of the spent a few hours in Omaha Wednesworth hearing. board of directors last -week. The reSIGMA ALPHA MU day evening. A board meeting -will precede the cently elected officers are Abe HerzINITIATION Eating is too important a factor in From here she went to Lincoln, Plans are being formulated by the general meeting at 1:30 p. m. berg, president; Manning Handler, The University of Nebraska chapter human life to be treated carelessly Nebr. There will be no meeting of the Mother chapter of A. Z. A. to hold a vice-president; Ed Treller, secretary; of Sigma Alpha Mu announces the inor thoughtlessly. large hay-rack party at Hummel Park Bible class because of the holidays. Harry Malashock, treasurer; Leslie itiation of four men: Karl Braverman, on April 29. BARMITZVAH Burkenroad, chairman of the mem- Grand Island; Sidney Saskovsky, EmMake sure that your foods are pure The committee in charge consists of The Bar Mitzvah of Norman Yale bership committee; Milton Livingston, erson; William Flax, Omaha; and Irvand of the best quality, cleanly preSam Turkel, chairman, Is Hornstein, Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben chairman of the house committee; and ing Hill, Lincoln. Bernard Fox, and Art Wiener. pared and served while stiH fresh. Harris, will be observed at the Twen- Dave Feder, chairman of the enterJack G. Epstein of Omaha was The chapter also intends to hold a The Temple Israel Sisterhood will Eating at the Jack and Jill is your tieth and Clark street synagogue, tainment committee. named as a member of the interParents' Day program on May 14 at Sittrday morning, April 15. insurance that you are getting the fraternity council banquet committee sponsor a dinner at the Temple annex the Jewish Community Center. <i reception in his honor will be held SISTERHOOD BOOK best in foods. in charge of scholarship awards. He Friday, April 21, at 6:30 p. m. Resat .'nme, Sunday, April 16, from 2 to REVIEW TEA was also initiated into Gamma Lamb- ervations may be made wiih Mrs. Moscow,—The highest Soviet deAbe Somberg, Harney 5495. The din5 and from 7 to 10 p. m. The book review tea being spon- da, honorary band fraternity. OPEN ALL NIGHT corations, the Lenin Order and the ner will be sixty-five cents per plate. William Flax of Omaha -was resored by the Temple Israel Sisterhood Red Star, -were bestowed upon Jacob A book review tea -will be held April ANNOUNCE BIRTHS will be held on April 25 at 2:30 p. m. cently initiated into the Art club. Gamarnik, second in charge of tlie Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greenberg an- at the home of Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, 604 Zolly Lerner is playing the title role 25 at the home of Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, Soviet army next to Voroshilov, the A Suggestion for Any Night 604 South Thirty-seventh street. Rabbi nounce the birth of a son, Stephen South Thirty-seventh street. of Romeo in the University Players' war commissar, on the occasion of Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Cohn will review the Atlantic MonthJay, at the Immanuel hospital, FriRabbi Frederick Cohn will review production of "Romeo and Juliet." the 15th anniversary celebrations of Served while MM Idaho Imkfd ly prize novel, "Teking Picnic," by in the prwrMi / * % P potato, allrr allrrd day, April 7. the p "Teking Picnic" by Ann Bridge, Atthe establishment of the Red Army. tomato, bread of <-o«klnc Ann Bridge. Tickets may be obtained lantic Monthly prize novel. butter, drink. Gamarnik is also the chairman of ri bot. from Mrs. Gilinsky or Mrs. M. L. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alberts anTickets may be obtained from Mrs. the military council and chief of the Cohn, Sisterhood president. nounce the" birth of a son, Saturday, Sam Gilinsky, Harney 7088, or from Hadassah Book Review group numApril 8, at the Immanuel hospital. Mrs. M. L. Cohn, president of the ber 2 will meet Saturday afternoon, Sisterhood. Omaha's Style Center April 22, at the home of Mrs. Dave HOME FOR PASSOVER Blumenthal, 1023 Mercer boulevard. HOLYDAYS VISITOR The regular meeting of the Ladies' Miss Bluma Neveleff, a student at Mr. Alphonse Robbins of New York Miss Rosaline Pizer will review "The Labor Lyceum club was postponed Fontbonne College in St. Louis, Mo., City was in Omaha the early part of Veil of Cedars," by Grace Aguilar. because of Passover and will be held Hadassah women not belonging to the is spending the Passover holydays this week. Tuesday evening, April 18, at 8 p. m.. group are also welcome. here with her mother, Mrs. L. Nevat the Labor Lyceum. All members Among the features on the prograir, IN VIOLIN RECITAL eleff. for the second annual "Give or Get" are urged to attend. Very important Sophia Newman, daughter of Mr. luncheon May 3 is the Central High business -will be transacted. HOSTESS AT "PESACH" PARTY 16TH AND KARNEY and Mrs. A. Newman, will be pre- school quartet. Myron Cohen, prize 16TH AND HARNEY Miss Fannie Katelman of Council sented in a violin recital at the violinist of Central High school, will Bluffs will be hostess to about twenty Schmoller and Mueller auditorium play some of the numbers which won guests at a "Pesach" party Saturday Thursday -evening, April 20, at 8:15 high praise for him in local musical The Pioneer Women have already night at the Nachschoen home at 3163 D. m. She is the pupQ of Emily Cleve contests. The main address will be Lincoln Blvd. for the Junior Hadas- Gregerson. Miss Ida Newman will be given by Rabbi David Graubart, gifted started their ticket sale for the dance revue and one-act play to be held at sah. The evening's diversion will be accompanist. spiritual leader from Des Moines. The the Jewish Community Center, June bridge, followed by dancing. invocation will be given by Rabbi Uri 18. PI LAMBDA PHI Miller. Rabbi Frederick Cohn and INITIATES FIVE With each admission ticket is given HERE FOR PASSOVER Rabbi David A. Goldstein will give a chance for the door prize, an elecFive pledges were formally initiated Mr. and Mrs. P . H. ShulMn and short greetings. Special songs for the son, Jerome Robert, of Sioux City, la., into Pi Lambda Phi, national social occasion are being written by Mrs. tric refrigerator. All proceeds of the affair will g and Mr. .Harry Oland of Chicago, 111. fraternity, Sunday afternoon at the David A. Goldstein, who will preside. for the Chalutzos in Palestine. They are spending the Passover holydays chapter house, climaxing the traditAdditional "names of those who have •with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. tional "Hell week." Sunday evening made their contributions to the med- are especially in need of funds now to the' pledges were honored at a formal aid would-be immigrants to enter Oland. Mrs. Shulkin was formerly ical fund are the Mesdames Joe Palestine. banquet at the Fontenelle. Belle Oland of this city. The new men are Morton Adler, Daytch, A. Katz, H. Lippett, B. A. Mrs. Rachel Rubashov, leader of Simon, and Max Venger. David Bernstein, Maurice Kate, Ben the Pioneer Women in Palestine, visSISTERHOOD DINNER Ten hostesses are combining: to give Shrier, and Melvin Sommer. The Temple Israel Sisterhood will .At the banquet the Omaha Pi a large card party on April 25 at the give a dinner at the Temple annex Lambda Phi Alumni Association Jewish Community Center, at which IKY OUR NEW I Friday, April 21, at 6:30 p. m. Pledge cup for the best all-around time they hope to raise their share The committee in charge of the din- •pledge was awarded to Morton Adler. toward the medical fund. Among the ner consists of the Mesdames Charles Milton Abrahams made the presenta- twelve beautiful door prizes to be Schimmel, A b e Somberg, Mollie tion. given away, there will be a gorgeous i i : Cohen, I. Rosenthal, Manning Handler. hand-made silver necklace from PalForty actives and alumni attended SAVE SAVE Ed Abrahams, and Harry WQinsky. Frank Lapp was toastmaster, and ad- estine. This necklace is being1 display^ Mrs. Abe Somberg, Harney 5495, dresses were made by Dr. D. C Platt, ed at Mrs. Solomon's bookshop, 1718 will take the reservations. "Be sure Sam Zacharia, Melvin Sommer and Douglas street. to set April 21 aside for this dinner,' Russell BlumenthaL Morris Wintroub stated Mrs. Somberg, "as this will be -was presented with the Chi chapter the last affair of this season. This Pin?: Pong trophy. A regular meeting of the Iota Taa delicious dinner will be served for The fraternity entertained at an sorority was held at the home of AX 2815 only sixty-five cents per plate." JS1S "April Fool" party Saturday evening, -Sylvia Giventer, Sunday, April 9. Fol- if April 1, at the fraternity house. RECITAL WEDNESDAY Elinor Cohen, 12-year-old daughter OMAHANS ATTEND SORORITY Of Mr. and Mrs; Charles K. Cohen, INITIATION AT LINCOLN will be presented in a piano recital by Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Tau her instructor, Harry Braviroff, Wed- at the University of Nebraska held nesday evening, AprillS, 8:15 p. m., initiation on Friday, March 31. An » at the Hospe auditorium; initiation banquet was held at the If chapter house on Saturday, April 1.JA PHI DELT DINNER-bANCE The initiates are Rosella Perlis, Rose. The annual formal dinner-dance of. Steinberg, and Betty Segal of OmaPhi Delta Epsilon, national medical ha; Florence Smeerin of Woodbine. "Such Popularity Must Be Deserved • fraternity, will be held at the Black- Iowa; and Gwendolyn Meyerson of stone, April 28, instead of April 8 Council Bluffs. as previously announced. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. A. E.

Phi Delta Epsilon

Conservative Auxiliary


A. Z. A. 1

Temple Sisterhood


Ladies Labor Lyceum


Pieneer Women


OATS on sale at

Curb Service1

Iota Tau




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"Kumfy Tops* in chiffon and semi-service. Kant-run tops in chiffon. Chiffons in 3, 4' or 5thread weights. Chiffon Paris clocks. Chiffon Ingrains. Flmit Floor

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The finest lot of coats at 16.75 we've ever laid our eyes on. Rushed from New York—ever^ coat BRAKD NEW, a marvel at this low price* Newest styles, fine furs, quality fabrics and tailoring. It's truly an event worth while! Of "course you'll be getting a new coat for Easter, i and you'll never forgive yourself if you miss this spectacular collection.



Detachable Capes Fox, Fitch Elbow CuUs Squirrel Trim Scarfs Monkey Fall Shoulders Mole, Wolf Sleeve Tucking Galyak Carman's Second Floor.

, - ;>

m&ictures * * 1 . 'I.''

PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER PRESENTS BLUE RIBBON—Mrs. Curtis Dall, daughter of President Roosevelt, presents the first place blue ribbon to Major Patton and his crack horse, Hukupu, winner of the Hunter trials at Bradley Farms, Md.

HAWAII-BOUND—Mr. and Mrs. AUolson (Ruby Keeler), are shown in their suite aboard the liner Maripqsa sailing from Los .Angeles for Hawaiian vacations.



GAYNOR IS GRASS WIDOW NOW—Janet Gaynor, film star, is pictured on the witness stand in Los Angelas, testifying that her husband, Lydell Peck, was a severe critic of her Him work. Mis? Gaynor was granted a divorce.


AMBASSADOR'S SON WEDS SOCIETY GIRL—Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Claudcl are pictured leaving the church of St. Jean Baptiste in New York, following their marriage. The bridegroom is the son f P l Cldl i ThJh11-/1^1' ^ 7 ^ pCh a m b r a S S r a d ° r tO xT he I ? 1 ' ? 1 . 8 * * * TALLAHATCHIE AT IT AGAIN-Here is an airview showing Webb, Miss., inundated by waters of the The bnde is the daughter of P ie rre C. Cartier, New York jeweler. Tallahatchie river, one of the tributaries of the Mississippi river. Hundreds of thousands of acres have b.een covered by flood waters.

CAPITAL'S CHERRY TREES LURE JAPANESE ENVOY—Ambassador Debuchi, Japanese envoy to the United States, with his wife, son and daughter, enjoy a stroll under the Japanese cherry trees in Washington. The trees were a gift from Japan to the United States.

1 KIDNAPED SON RETURNED, THEY SAIL FOR ITALY—Mr. and s Mrs. Claude Boettcher, of Denver, parents of John Boettcher, who BLAZING A MILKY WAY—Independent milk producers of the Rochester, N. Y., area are shown dumprecently was kidnaped and returned to his home' following the pay- ing cans of milk upon the road after subduing workers'for the Dairymen's league who were riding'the Blent of $50,000 ransom, sail from New York for Italy aboard the, _^ truck._ The milk strike came to an end after a bill was passed in the New York legislature., Italian liner Conti di a "-' n ; a

HUGE WATER TUNNELS BEGUN—Work on the tunnels of the jrrcat Colorado river aqueduct project has begun. The beginning shown in this photo, is at Thousand Palms camp, northeast^ of Coachella valley t along l valley. The The- tunnels are out oon th the ddesert, the ibasa of the Little San Bernardino mountains, California.

; la. of elimbiKtian, a p minstrel ^recalled 3row jfag :niefcelodeuii

Profile of WincheU, America's Best Known Journalist and Scoopster

^fcion, jnctacea - E p o r scfalemiel ±ram among "tbeir corrternpQraries in the -neighborhood iz> Join •wtitii them in

E, officiate who are married "to Jewish -women Aeefinglllaj 13 T were .advised to divorce their Jewish r—The problems 12S6Q ~tO flO^dfclSC ~lll£Ck "_^fc TWttS -W (1X131 ing J&merican as well as ^European •wivws rf they -wished "to retain their fi-ve cents admission Just "to hear ,3es- 3ewry, vjiiii particular ^emjjhasis -on sel alone. ihe unprecedented spr-eatl af Semitism in Central SEuropej discussed at -±he -Eieventii J never-havE--i>een-.^jle ±o iget i a r Convention of ^ » Americaxi into rthe 3?orth -woods not i » Congress, rwhichJTw311 iie 3ieM iin find -Jrrap-pPT- ihfirfi "Who " York Citsr, May ~£8th to "May 3.5%. quote "Winchelli cefl lay Bernard S. ng a it 'was. and 1 remember once of "the -American boofci Deutsch,' pa^iaiif u 1 «cene in -Congress. shop in Piccadilbr. !BIE SCEBE T*as

jfnrming a .trio tff ^warblers. :They inUfid itarasel-eeE a s ^Lawrence, Stanley and McEiirilsy. 3 t :Is not Imown being zmade i y a noble lord iin «a ttemwhy. Winehsll ^was XawJmee. SHOTTCEXX, per. IThe noble lord had1 -'left"strict -sel "was ^BIcEinley. HSifiir jr ordErs that "Winehfilli Moaoay *xol-Included '*3 ."Dream in the Gloaming should be rushed tD him the •nf 3Tau," T h e 3abster and ihe Wise moment it reached England, and, \ NOTlCEi fflB "HEKEB5T UlVl^K ffluit f < > Buy," land 3 ony Xony". They must gnnd God! some -wretched ;clerk had nnderstgaed * « T B iformea a -coTjwratio» Ton der the JBB3JK « t UEi.1, < 3 G * E "—"""•" have been-texrible. I N C , TvtSh Itte principal #lave: a l Jailed "to arrange it. !Ehey-were obliged to do their singcorporutiQii' f^iail IUIVB1 ^antfeEQtiSf ^tD ~pn¥*' ing fErom rthfi orchestra pit to evade chase and - Bell at Tetail, cigarsi !TOb»eco. -the Gerry Society's prejudice against K T C T I I I S T K I : £. Ill; it lit; majrazines, B0wspand*s ' smtt jHjy s s A "iJli; otlier fcindreil articles, auid t » bandit- such children .going-on ^tiie -stage. JLaw- O. T.ltOEUK, rRHBUEP M. real or personal property a s jnay be Te-: 650 Omaha National Bank Bide rence was only "twelve, <iutreu. -TEhe'-cui'twuralion Shall Jarre the Omaha, Ktlrrssku : power to irarjTW money and i s s w eviflences This as can -extract -of s. scirrfillat- to many newspapers, and controlled of his intrusion are simply delight- "who sang liass, was -eleven. Ttt was i ot iiidPtotedness thereftrr. The coxponition shall commence business Tdien tfte Axtilater, when his voice changed thatj NOTICE o r -CHATTEL ong caiiicleIbyK ffitexanflgr ^Wnoaentt^ rtherefore jljy :none. ed. g eles aTe TU«t -wnth ttoe County "Oe»lc .vt. "tiiis sounds h i i ^ i h vmE ;»ppear an; "3iippman, like "Wells ana "Shaw, jis .Another .aspect of "Winchellfe -work iie sang tenor. t^ruHtjt, Xehraska. and "e«iltin-Bf» on 'AVmchfiii, Kotice is hereby jriTen tliat on tlif 3*)tli 3>oupl:is Jlh&t is -the until 'ist. JSB.J. The antht»ri»al to you, dont blame one. eaist'B Unfeniapreeminently the patLent pedagogue, "which interests me derives from "the day til May, 1333, at 10 o'cieeJc A. M., at capitalJanuary ;the Jttay iiHstte ;ntf stock :£e£N)0300. all scomoioB. .-par l*ki i' io Ktor:ts* 10th d vaiat- $100-00. -3E -magazine. We. attempting rthe Sisyphean Jta^c :.Sn? fEact t&at n e is quick-witted and ap- way it was. s Company. p t»eiuK tally-pnW vrben issued ^tional -Cosmopolitan p g S ttW JSb lj«rwntr<JTt.l) Streets, ttmaW. Tor iMs concerted effort they J im<iersi(niexl tvil! sell at publit auction and noit-asseasiible. THie dTTairs *taall "he ff "teaching the -American ..citizen, lliow Jto fprilhensive autodidact. 1 hope he will 'present ;it through tine cQiirLtisy -off; administered by u 3iojrrtl oT llirectoiK, not "J ]i ifti^the w^ord up before ne gets red were paid Sfive dollars a "week each, t to the highest bidder tor <s»shless than two iror /XHore "Hum fi-we'!^lJi iwraa-'" ~fche editor, of -the? Cosmopolitan anaga^ "think. "TCincnell seeks ehnfr, 1 nxcrBtnffea da-eenl>er, auti the UDtieTsL{rn€<I shall be -Mte.JSrst i n rthe iace. 3 myself, -when young When the other "two got jobs elsesdne 37/ie Mditor feresfc ?his ^readers. H e iis pori. 1 metal floor lamp. 1 antique waliuit Board. Th<* etiocfcholdeTOi Bhal) eiert ;I>»^was inclined to .matricubite in every where, Jesse! became, by the process mfrrorr, 1 onyx top end tabk>. "1 Stein-nay reotorB 'hrofher ±0 "the iiaewalk (How at the flimwal Ba«?tinj: to kbei*«W pram! piano. 1 overstuffed chair. 3 N:3S the se«mil Maml:iy in .January <ff each school J chanced t o pass, and now eniqpelully sing and dance lor l i r e "Wilton rug, 2 »s.l£ Wilton rtifrE. 1 yeaT. Thereafter fiirpctoTF Blial 1 -elect offi1 should like, "in -sketching this jiro- amusement at "the tboulevard cafes fin joy, .ae an unearned increment, "the walnut IPreneli commode. 1 i=ecretaria] cab- cers, viz., I>re8ia«nt. •\T«e-l1rpsi<l«Ht> ttecreCAKKAZZO inet, 1 library lamp, 1 liTidse lamp, stair £a^. and Trpa«rrrer. 3 h e Articles may "be :file of liittle Soy tEeep, i » {point out degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. Attorneys. and hall nips. 1 walnut luiffei. 6 walnut ' amended. T-he-cxiTjHrriition shall * a w a ""the two .aspects of iiis work -which; -Recently a -New Ttorker cartoon Therefore I study with a vague mismohair chairs, 1 tvaLnut chum, cabinet. 1 seal. hStsIO:!! Wilton TU£. 1 eewing cabinet. ] interest me .mast. 3Be rhas been ranch pictured a ^formidable matron as -giving the more glctwing work of the DUKH SUITCII 22, 1033. jln the Omintv Conit of Doujiias County. walnut table. 1 walnut serving tabk-. J XTNCOtX SMITH. -touted by the snore exhansting =essay-' saying "that all she Tieeded fox break- self-taught. buffer mirror. 1 refejiijojie cabinet. 3 smok| A tUfl e c v tnc cabinet. I! kitchen chairs. 3 Tjuirersal :ists iEor "the aiew-minted "words "with fast ^was orange ^uice and "Walter ~* " Setter of tlie Estate of Kesaria 1 am reminded, from "time to time i Graasu. Secetised. rause 3 tnbie. 3 Af«s "which he has enriched She American liippman. 'I know a. :good inariy'light1 hrieli-a-brafji TUCIL. 1 i>y Ihe careers of such neighbors of To __ the heirs-srt-law. creditors, and all language; rthe "making mhaapee", er creatures who can-;get ;alnng on IK><3. !v M i li.. 1 metal day Ufd ^. 11 ;: j mine as 'Norman Bel Geddes, Irvine:! other•apersons interested in said estate: are hereby notified tliat a petition 1>-. - twta l>«is. S XI & E.. 3 -vrainu! e«lar a Just Wineheb ^with.perhans, a dash which is now vpartt off every Berlin, Harpo M a r x jand "Walter has liees filed in this Court on tho -2TUi chest. 1 ebiffiottiex. 3 dresser. 1 -vanity vocabulary; the '^Reno-vated," which of gin. ! day Of 1933, by Giuseppe Grasso | dresser. 3 sraiul. 1 rocker to -match. 2 i "Winehell, none of whom ever got t alh'pin^ ilart'li. tliat Itosaxia Grass** died on ~tii«" (tfaro-n- ru^s. 1 child Het. 3 chiffoiiieT. -poi - | he .snbstitnted dor '^divorced".; the ' -3t.. iwas his contribution to go on through grammar school, -thai per- 2Utii day of iLaxcii, 1S13U. intestate; tliat at [ terj. vases, crockeri.. silrenvaTi'. cut class. | "Is my face red"?" and the "Yovi time of her death slH- iras n resitlpnt | pictures, curtains, drapes, coo&iii'g -nteiisils. j haps I might better have played I! the of TDouslas Couirry. Nebraska and that she I .percolator. la-wni mower, curtleu tools,. :; ; dope" which '?he added io ithe list of ^strike against Tthe vast impersonality po&sesEtd of the folio-King described ' mirrors, iixr. and lights, t' small mirrors hooky than labored so earnestly f OT | -which, attthe iime eff his advent, "was convenient locutions. Broadway beestate. to--nrit: T i e Kouth Twenty- land tig-its. - ciressiiLS tables ami c chairs. those good marks. If 1 had been i real deadening the American newspaper seven CZi iU) leet of Iiot one fl) and tiie i •'• ceiliiip lyilits. 2 costutuers. anil " smali came " T h e Main Stem," and cham"left down" when J -was -twelve years ! North J5igUteei> (IS It.) feet of I^ot Txvo C2i | forms, stotv TUJ: 12i34. wiiutow :into a kind of daily Congressional pagne became "giggle-"water." .If of BloeS Two CT) in M. Ixmamn'ii Sot— j display stands. 3 nmever speak about Bcnanrl-so being iitecord. Beginning with tiie war, old, 1 should either have died of mor- division, an Addition to the Citj- of limaiin. eiiiiit. 3 irois board. 3 electric iron, and these mighty journals became such. tification or hanged myself. Win-i otiisr uewssary storv fixtures: Doujrlas County. Neliraskn, as EurreTfd. "that "way" about thingumabob, you ("OTeretl by ji chattel mortcagv in favor of conscientious purveyors of interna- chell was "left down" 1 OT three suc- platteu mi" recorded. are using a Winchellism. That said petitioner -has an interest in tht T;njr<-d Fiuanrial IS»rrvi«?. :i <"orporatiou. tional events, blessed or otherwise, cessive years, and never got past Six said real estate hemp: an lieir of said ii<-- sifmel by Julian Kepil and Mathilda t<vsii '• ••eased ; said petitioner pTays that a hoarinp thai saitl •moTt^u^e is d;it«-*<1 -luly !;>. 3!<!li. These achievements do not great- •that only episodes like war, famine, i>e had on said petition, that notitt tber^- n.nd was filed of record in tbf offif*- of the ly .impress me, and often ,he seems flood, bank failures, or legislative Of course that makes h all the of }» Riven as Tequiwd by law. and tlrat bounty Cterii of liousliii: COU;IT\. Netrras : straining himself almost "to the hurst- :investgiation seemed fit to print. If easier today for him to fill up that upou said hearing- a il«rm- of heirsliip Irr fca. cii January 1-i, IS733. entered Inrther administration of said ing point :in his effort "to keep up the »a story involved fewer than fifty most popular of his eolums Things t! tw b«-and Said salt' TVJII In- tor ti«' pnrposf of fore- dispensed with. es t ai d ^.,,, are therefore-notified that-a liKirins !ci<xh; al11a ^u , s ali . f'ortpigc. for tb.- ™sts ol th.thonsand people, rt could not make 3 ^Jever Knew Till ISiov:." To be i>e had on said petition at tSf<:oimr.T ! f * ^ J^CTUUIF costs incledmg waivall the enterpraies that lies :back of the front page. Only when soma sure, when compared wrtn Harpo; will Court Hoom of saM(>3nnty. on the 2ls"t house fees aiW for The pirrpo^ of satisfythat title, "Blessed Eveirt'7, in all his discontented cow would make so stri- Marx, Wincheli is a Phi Heta Kappa day of April. 3032. at •<>.o'clock A. 51., and ' " i = t h e . , ^moiuit d«t- tjiereoii. to-wn : that If Ton fail to apprar at said time and i S-i-t-Sr^Plas interest; that IK. SUIT or other •wnrfc, that is, as flagrant gossip, this king a .gesture as doing in her hus- -man. Harpo spent five years tn nlHW and eonreST the said petition, the j iraeeetfiiiap-at b w ha-re h«.». mstrniwl to iB his great contribution. band with a sash weight, let us say, nublic school, all of them -in one Courr raj grant the /same, enter si decree recover -said dent or any part thereof. heirship, and decrpe thnt faTther admin"When in retrospect, the historians ^would stretch;a 'parson and Ms choir grade. This did not humiliate him,' of i i u of saiii esfaro iw"dispensed with. ISy "31. KlTirznicl; of journalism come 1» consider the singer deadIbeneafh a crabajjple tree, as he ascribed it tr> his infatuated | 4-14-3S-.".t Its Attorney. County decade through which ~vre are ;uow or "when .some nameless a v e n g e r "teacher's dsinclination TO part com-! floundering, they ~will, I ;supnoHe, re^ was the a-eader xeminded at Tareak- jiany with him. Winchell himself,' f er to it as the Age of ^fte ICwo TFal- jfast that athere were, after all, in- of course, is humbly impressed by i i s ters, iliippman and "WmdrelL "Neither, dividuals as well as groups astir collegiate confreres and fairly swells as T.as usual in the Void 'i3ays of on ^this planet. •with satisfaction -when so austere a. Dana, ;GreeIey or Pulitzer, is the Soft-shoeing into "this dreary phase .publication as The Bookman asks owner or even the editor .uf amews- of American journalism came UMas- him to couLcibute. paper. Each is, xather, 4he untramTTith His chief hesitation in :aceep±ng ter "Winehell, his eyes nieled :anihor of a column, distributed hii\3e,j Jtps Siist was ,B' "terxois duiaiike-interest all uewo

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ites Ittoines $2JOO ItenverJS7.50 Detroit S7.80 LOB Angeles $20.60

Edwards Hotel Bldg. 306 Iso. 16th

Ha 5080

of Nebraska Women

Modified Rates on ail Classes of Rooms

.More ihan ISDiRrroms

The TmtfceitaHe is nutstanamgly Omaka's larand ftin^st hotel, •thexsnter of Business, zsaciaiandtravBtactWtty. !{4eadquarters ot the "Omaha Auto Club and -United Air Lines, civic xlubs "and commercial


Dine and Dance Dine and (knee to famous bands in tire boautiful Italian Room. Enjoy Nefaraska'smoti viocuictA fncrH tn tho -papular Indian Brul.

•teristic of Jiis day as are the rhythms had tbeen able "to fathom the differrif George Gershwin. Bis -success ence "between "who" and "whom". reminded -a -generation of columnists His-day of greatest pride was when who -were .mere jokesmiths thai* *af- ] he learned that an Indolent undei1ter all, there is nothing so richly*en- graduate in a mid-western university tertaining as a fact, and also..jre-: ;hatl iurned in one of Winchell's arminded .a .generation of despoitdent: ticles as his own and been rewarded city editors that, after all, people, as with an A by teacher. "Winche!! went from school to the such,, are interesting, g too. Unauthorized news of impending 1 stage. Even before quitting school, hte nostrils • " " "" nostils had h d learned, l e n e d after hours, hours marriages, divorces, quarrels, "babies —these he passed on -as soon as -the the ^fascinating smell of the theater. got them, ^reducing :New Tork "to the Across the street from public school BCiile of a Tieighhofhood, beating the 184 "was the Imperial theater, a whole world with i i s forecast of the -measly "nickelodeon where, in the afrternoons, he and another little boy ifirst ZLindbergh iaaby, more jiriirtiug not onlj? "first, but alone, .used to serve as ushers in order ~ix> such ^personal items as most news- see the show. This cherished pri-: napers twere declined to print at all, vilege -was accorded them because "the Dbeying, cas ±hey cwere, sfrom if oree of other little boy's mother, with ia •habit, a ±radition of reticence which shawl over her head, -was the "ticket harl long sirice passed out of Amer- seller. The other little boy's name ican conversation. 3 suppose it would •was Georgfi JesseL These "two incandescent with ambibe easy i » assemble evidence in sai>port of r&e xontention ihat Wincheli , BtEAXSASTCEK & BEHES is lacking in "taste. B e has a more IIOEKB 3?. M. JCE.TJTZXICK rvaluable asset.' JFor want of a better O. T.650 Omaha Xational Jiank Bids., Omaha, Nebraska term, let us call i t zest. One popular delusion 3 must ob 'SOTXCE or ject to. Jit is the implication of the 6.4X2E Notice is hereby fliren that on the 19th great keyhole which -was the .poster day of April. T.US1, at 10:00 o'clock at. of 'Jblessed eevfint" that TV'mchell ^ga- 305 South 13th Street. -Omaha. Nebraska, undersigned -will -sell at pnljlie auction thers these rtidbits -by eavesdroppmg. the to the hisihest. bidder f o r cash: ^Nonsense. In rthe fnst jjla.ee, .most 1 flat top mahojeany desk. 1 :glas«; "top desk, 1 Tevohriiig chair, .2 arm ehairs, " of ihem are telephoned hi to him. far rugs, 2 typewriter, a trrass aispidox, .1 TUI. 3n "the second place, diH -you e^rer ^try cot yrastetjaslcet. " toresection boofecases, to look "through the keynote of a refereTiee library books. 1 electric f a n . 1 desk lamp, J. flat top desk, 1 arm idiair, J Tale lock? taftle, 1 Webster's aictionary. i n j p E . Z hall •trees, office partitions, 1 flat top desk, 1 I t is also ihe implication of his bootfeeeper's desk, i! -tables, 3 arerolvins more uhnsive critics that each time chairs, _2 arm chairs, 2 typewriter stands, typewriters, JL strate back ,cliair. 3 book-' he reports a rupxured romance or .2keei>ei'£ stool, 3 sinjrte forefiection -Tiles, forecasts some amendment of the vi- rate card i i l e s . 21 _4mcricaii newspaper ai"tal .statistics, "the parlies concerned xectory, 1 cheek protector, a iltatom adding maehiae.2 desk lamps, I s a f e , i ! casli bo3fe£, drink poison 'in their despair at "this dest -1110111115-paas,:S Cliffs, -jreneral :iedg-, exposure "to the public gaze. .Non- er, 1 -Jlat -top .desk. 1 Teyolying -eliair, 3. strate back chair, "file cabiaetfi, 1 -col cat sense, again. THost of the -victims xrastebasket, C tspewTiter tables and stands, 4 strate *baok chairs, U lorenectlon «Vesk -tray file, 1 pi-sa setting laaetiiBe, 1 JJltttv setting jnachiae, d. lumdpoweT muliiflHOTWEIX. TklONSKX, GBOIUN8EJ l , " "porcer itrrve .-muttigraplis, 1 "ioia* VAXdSt Attorney* g machine, 1 mimeo^rapi.. -1 Jntmeoscope, OT Omaliu Kutional fBonk 10 segments. 3.00 -nrottisragfa libbons, nuscellnneous accessaries^ ^ sprwlf press. 3. checking desk, "3. wrapping table, -2 targe 1 T«IE +iETTEE3rEJ«3 OF oafc tables, 3 n u n chairs, 3 Teralria^ etarr, 'ADMIN I STRATI ON AVCUTTKX. " "3 fitrate back .i pi p B a J g I the roun'y Court of JJouglaji County, »hra«ka. I tiio 3LitteT of the Estate of Geccge "£. Ktaines, l>eceat.ed: All persons interested in said Tnatrer ape Jierel>y notified that on tlie 10th day of April l«rrj..Ann:' Ktaines filer! a petition in Eiul Connry Court, praynwr that her fuuil admiuistration account filed iiereni be settled ami allowed, and that sire hf> discharged -from her trust »« administratrix: and that a hearing will be -had on said petition before said -eotrrt on the Cth day of 'liny, lOSJ. and that if you jfail TO anpe.Tr l>efbre said Court on the said €tL day of Jlay, I03o, :at !) o'clock A. -1L, and contest said .petition, the Court inny jrrant -the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship. and make such otlier and ^further orders, .allowances and tt€Creeii. as r to'this Court may seem proper, to the end j that all -matters "pertainim: to said estat« I may be :fiiialiy settled and determined. U-14-33-3t

Comity Judge.

aiine aaes, 3. cat cabinet, -cut -ShelTeB. 2 -sort filing cabinets, sfaetTringtiOT stock and snp-plies, eompieted art wort, large electricfan, 1 -letter -press.-2 three rectum transfer, files, 1 trip re •sect ion file—sap-plies: ink, rwine, stationery, 'paper enrelopes a n d all other supplies. Juxnittne, and :fixtnreE incidental to operating jinadTertising bu£iness -noTT orcued or hereinafter acquired -at this OT any other address -white this martcase is in -effect: that said mortgage is

dated December 13, 1SS2, ;ana is recorded

in the office of tlie Coanp7*Cl£rk oi Uouglas. County, KehraSlcn. . Said sale trill be for the T.trrpose of .foreclosing said .'mortgage, iar "the costs of the sale, and all rtccrning costs, including storage fees, and for lac TOrrpose of 'satisfying tlie amount tiue thereon, to-xsit: S^S2.<JG, plus int'iresz: tliat iM.suit 'or othar, proceeding? at la-sv hare been instituted"to recover KaiU d^ht. or uny-oarf" tli-erecrf.' U M I E D PI"ArCCli.I. SEKTICC, "Bv PJXELIP 31. -KU^TZSICK. S-31-3t I t s AttorneT.

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Farnam at Thirty-ihird

* Your .Messenger ' of Jewish . News

ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1933

HADASSAH JOINT MEETING TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY Junior and Senior Chapters to Participate in Gatherin at J. C. C. The Junior and Senior Hadassah chapters will combine for a meeting and entertainment, next Wednesday evening, April 19, in the Jewish Community Center. The affair, looked forward to by both chapters as a high-light in the year's calendar will mark a season of co-operation between the two organizations. Mrs. Henry Monsky of Omaha", will be featured on the program, in a group of piano selections. Mrs. Monsky is well known in Omaha's music circles as an accomplsihed musician. Mrs. B- H. Emlein; president of the Senior Hadassah will open the program with a brief address of welcome. Miss Elizabeth Easkin, president of the Junior chapter •will respond. y A. novelty feature on the evening's program will be- a "Jig-Saw Puzzle Dance". Miss Kose Shiloff is directing the dance. Participating in it will be the Misses Eose Eeznick, Eoma Wigodsky, Sophie Easkin, Delia Shiloff, Connie Saitlln, Rose Berman, Ethel Bergen and Bertha Heshelow. Tableaux, showing the work of Junior and Senior Hadassah will close the program. The first will depict the Jewish National Fund, and will be presented by Lillian Dobrofsky, Ida Heshelow and Mrs. M. Lazriowitz. The second, will be a scene in a Hadassah Hospital, by Ruth Jacobson, Mrs. M. B. Herzhoff, and Mrs. Morris Weiner. A scene in the Farm School will be next with Frances Jacobson, Sara Woskoff, Anne Shulkin, Mary Greenbaum and Rosalie Sacks participating. A scene showing the necessity of the Milk Fund will be presented. next, with Mrs. Charles Easkin, Mrs. D. L. Rodin, and Mrs. Joe Levin, participating. The final tableau, will be a scene at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and will be presented by Misses Bess Epstein, Anne Marsh, Ida Fish, Mrs. A. W. Kaplan, Mrs. A, Sloutsky, and M/s. Bam Mosow. Following the program, refreshments will be serves. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. H. E. Eabinowitz, Mrs. E. H. Grueskin, Miss Eose Pill, and Miss Dena Baron.

Tel-Aviv Adopts Budget of $576,150 Tel-Aviv,—The budget of Tel-Aviv for the fiscal year will be 167,000 pounds or $576,150, according to the budget proposals submitted by the municipality administration to the municipality council. This is the largest budget of any city in Palestine, although Tel-Aviv is the second largest city in the country, after Jerusalem. The new budget will involve a taxation of some 3 pounds per capita for the population or approximately 60,000.










Continuous Performance! .

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gordon, 1109 Twelfth Street, have received word that their son, Morris Harold Gordon was honored at the University of Nebraska Honors Convocation, held Monday in the University Coliseum. The -university invitation says, "Morris Harold Gordon has achieved a scholastic standing of such quality as to merit inclusion of his name in the list of students to be recognized for high scholarship at the Honors Convocation to be held Monday, April 10. You are cordially invited to be present at this convocation." Morris Gordon will graduate from the University in June. During his University years, he not only achieved high scholastic standing, but has been prominent in the Art Department of the University. Last summer he was awarded a scholarAip to an Artists' Colony in Pro vincetown. Rhode Island. Several of his paintings were on display at the Joslyn Memorial in Omaha, and he is the Art Editor of the University Humorous Paper.


Popular P r i c e s . . . » MATINEES 25c NIGHTS Balcony 25c Main Floor .............35c Kiddies .:.--... ~10c

TICKET COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN F O R CARNIVAL NAMED Announcement has been made this week by Jack Robinson, chairman of the Building Fund Carnival, of the Ticket Committee Chairmen, and the plans for the ticket campaign. The city will be divided into six sections. The following women will be in charge of a committee to solicit each section: Mrs. A. M. Davis, Mrs. J. H. Mosow, Mrs. M A Marks, Mrs Joe Levin, Mrs. William Lazere, and Mrs. B. H. Epstein Mr. Jake Kalin is assisting Mr. Robinson as co-chairman of the,general committee. Mrs. E. T, Baron has been named chairman of the Donation Committee, and the following additions have been made to the Advertising Committee: M. Baumstein, William Bush, E. E. Davis, J. H. Greenberg, Sam L. Cohen, Herman Miller, Sam Cohen, Ben Kosenblum, and Morris Skalovsky.

Brotherhood Meeting Appoint Committees Wednesday at Temple

for National Fund

Professor John Wesley Hoffman, of the History and Political Science department of Morningside College, will speak at the monthly meeting of Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood, next.Wednesday evening, April 19, in the Annex of the Temple. Professor Hoffman, who is acknowledged as an authority on current political questions, will speak on "How Can the European Countries Pay Their War Debts?" Mr. Louis S. Goldberg, president of the Brotherhood, will preside, and introduce the speaker. A social hour will follow the meeting.

The Senior Hadassah committee in charge of the Jewish National Fond boxes have been out this week, collecting the money for the Fund, which has been deposited in the blue boxes throughout the -winter. Mrs. Harry Wigodsky is in charge of the committee. Assisting her as co-chairman of the committee is Mrs. Marcus Silverberg. The balance of the committee includes the Mesdames Abe Silverberg, M. Skalovsky, L. A. Baron, Jack Robinson, Sam Baron, J. N. Krueger, and Ben Shindler.

Mount Sinai

Shaare Zion

Rabbi Lewis will speak this evening at Mount Sinai Temple on "The Marranos". The sermon will be based on a recent book written by Cecil Eoth, about these secret Jews. Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock the final Passover service will be held, and Eabbi Lewis will speak on the life of the great Hebrew Poet "Bialik." Over 200 people attended the Congregational Seder, Tuesday evening. Children of the Eeligious School participated, u n d e r the direction of Eabbi Lewis. In charge of the dinner were the Mesdames Philip Kalin, A. I. Sacks, Philip Sherman, Max Brodkey, Sam Cohen, L. Koolish, S. Schulein, Morris Skalovsky and Mike Skalovsky. Rabbi Lewis is scheduled to speak at a session of the Rotary District Conference which will be held in this city, next week end. Rotarians from South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa will attend.

Eabbi H. R, Rabinowitz will speak this evening at Shaare Zion Synagogue, on "Jilted in Love". The sermon will deal with Germany's treatment of the Jews. Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, Passover services will be* held in ^the synagogue. Monday morning, services will begin at 8:30, and Rabbi Eabinowitz will speak on "Law and Poetry"! Tuesday morning, the service will also begin at 8:30. At 9:45, the Memorial Service will be held, and Rabbi Eabinowitz will preach on "Do Not Forget Us". The Junior Congregation will resume its services after a week's holiday. The Ladies Auxiliary meeting, scheduled for this week, has been postponed until April 24. Rabbi Rabinowitz is scheduled to give a principal address at the Annual Boy Scout Dinner to be held April 18, in the Davidson Tea Room. He will speak on "Youth and Its Problems".

First Telephonic Talk Between Berlin, Jerusalem

Berlin,—The first successful experiment at telephonic communication between B.erlin and Jerusalem was made last week when the Berlin office of the J e w i s h Telegraphic Agency conversed with the Jerusalem office. The conversation which consisted of an exchange of greetings, was excellently heard.

:SUM SAT., APRIL 15 MAT. 2:30—NIGHT 8:30


Gordon Honored at Nebraska University

The Musical Road Show Revue FRANK



Society News

College students home this week for spring vacation include the following, who are matriculated at the University of Iowa: George Kuntz, Isadore Kantor, Lionel London, and Bernard Skalovsky, who arrived in the city Wednesday. Charlotte and Doris Rosenstock returned from Madison, Wisconsin, Tuesday evening. They are enrolled in the University of Wisconsin. Jack Greenberg spent this week with his parents, arid has returned to Madison.'Miss Lillian Magaziner spent the week in Sioux City with her parents. She is enrolled at the University of EeV. • Gordon Kent, former pastor Michigan, in Ann Arbor. of the Unitarian Church of this city will be the guest speaker at the Mr. and Mrs. Max Heytnan and Bnai Brith Lodge meeting next Tuesson left this -week for Coffeyville, day evening, in the Jewish CommunKansas and points south. They will ity Center. Rev. Kent will speak be gone six weeks, an«l upon their on "Technocracy". He is acknowreturn will again be at home in the ledged as an authority on the subject and recently concluded a series of Sioux Apartments. sermons at the Unitarian Church, on the subject. Mrs. Harry Bailin and daughter, Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, president will of Atkinson, Nebraska, are visiting preside, and Milton Bolstein, is in at. the home of the former's father, charge of the program. Mr. J. H. Bolstein.

Pastor to Address B*nai Brith Tuesday

United Synagogue Convention Mrs. Harold Levy, of Chicago, is to Discuss Social Justice

spending the Passover week with her New York,—What the synagogm parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gilin- can do to effect a more equitable, sky. >, ..••, . •• . social and economic system will be the principle topic of discussion at Philip Zeligson,' son of Mr. and the 21st annual convention of the Mrs. J. Zeligson-will celebrate his United Synagogue of America, which Bar Mitzvah tonwrpowmorning at will take place at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York) from May 7th to Shaare Zion Synagogue. ~ 9th, according to anannouncement issued by Louis J. Moss, Brooklyn, N. The Phi Deb Sorority, will meet Y., national president of the organiWednesday evening at the home of zation. the Misses Ida and Mildred PlotThe United Synagogue is composed k i n . : ' < • . ' • ' ' •;',•'•',': of over 700 affiliated organizations comprising synagogues, sisterhoods, Miss Frances Kalin will be host- men's clubs and young people's leagess to her club members, Saturday ues throughout the United States evening. Bridge Twill be followed t>y and Canada. refreshments.


Sioux City's House of Hits



PHIL BAKER in TOOT Little Rich


MAIN FLOOR $2.20, $1.65 Balcony—$1.65, $1.10, 55c



A Star Over Nlgbtl


MAIN FLOOR $1.65, $1.10 Balcony—$1.10, 83c, 55c Prices Include Federal Tax I personally guarantee this attraction. J. H. Carmody.

Sioux City Jewry will join with organizations throughout America in fund raising for the Geverkshaften Campaign, when they will hold their Annual Palestinian Bazaar on April 23. The Bazaar is scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Sunday, April 23, and will be held in the Jewish Community Center. The funds are turned over to the Histadruth organization in Palestine. "There is but a nucleus of the masses that must follow, in Palestine. The Histadruth has bent its energies toward training those desiring to live in Palestine, in the work of the Pioneers. Upon their arrival in the land the Histadruth finds suitable work for the pioneers, and helps them in every way to adjust themselves to .life in Palestine. Fifty thousand Chalutzim have passed through the hands' of the immigration department of the Histadruth. This work is made possible by the funds raised by the Geverkshaften campaign. The bazaar will be sponsored by the Poale Zion organization.

Shore Acre Opens Saturday

(IN PERSON) The Supreme Sensation of the Century. A Gay, Gorgeous Musical Revue


The Hebrew Mothers' Club, which is organized in the interest of the Talmud Torah, have set the date, April 26, for their Annual card party. Mrs. J. Guttleman and Mrs. Ben Sherman are in charge of the arrangements. The Phi Deb sorority will assist the Mothers' Club in arrangements. Proceeds of the evening's party will be turned toward the upkeep of the Talmud Torah. Bridge and door prizes will be awarded that evening.' " v ; ;v:(:;.; .••' ••••.•' • v


.Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cohen of Yank- ATRIALTO ton, S. D., spent the first two days of The Rialto Theatre will present Passover with the tatter's parents, Mr. for one week, starting Saturday, and Mrs. A. Saitlin. April 15, a hilarious comedy with Wheeler and Woolsey, "So This is r . i s . Anna Levinger of Yankton, S. Africa". The trials and tribulations ,, visited in Sioux City this week. of these two entertaining comedians on a big game hunting trip in Africa, Sabbath BUI ' Mrs. E. J. Fribourg and daughter supply two hours of side-splitting enAlbany,—A bill designed to permit Barbara, left Wednesday for Chicago, tertainment. The lines although a those observing the Sabbath; to at- where they will visit the former's par- bit risque will be enjoyable to everyone from the ages of 8 to 80. "So tend to their ordinary - vocation''' on J-ents. This Is Africa," appears at the Sunday, has been passed in the New! Rialto Theatre for the first time in York State Senate and now goes to Sioux City. It has been playing to the Assembly. . . capacity houses wherever shown. The bill has been sponsored by the Jewish Sabbath Alliance of ' AmerOne of Sioux City's mosJ; popular ORPHEUM THEATER ica, which endeavors to obtain relief from the existingg Sundayy laws for night clubs reopens here Saturday, OPENS SATURDAY h h observe b those who the Jewish Sab- April 15, when the Shore Acre GarThe Orpheum Theatre is to be redens resume activities for the summer bath. :.'.•••'•• ••••••" : • season. Orville Rennie, popular Sioux opened Saturday, April 15, under ; City master of ceremonies and orches- new management and with a comJurist Honored tra leader, will be in complete charge pletely changed policy. Big time . Trenton, N. J.—For'. the second and promises Sioux City a high class vaudeville, first class pictures, and time in the history of New Jersey, night club with excellent music and new and unusual novelty features there will be a Jewish associate Jus- fine floor shows. Shore Acre has will be part of the regular presenttice of the State Supreme Court, for been completely redecorated and will ation, according to the announcement the State. Senate has confirmed the be ready by this Saturday night. made by Mickey Gross, formerly of appointment by Governor Moore of Music will be furnished by his own the Sioux City Orpheum Theatre, Joseph B. Per side to the high judi- orchestra, who has returned to take charge of according to Mr. Rennie. cial office. the theatre. Acts will be routed to the Orpheum, directly out of the Palace Theatre in Chicago. Four big time acts will be presented on every bill.



Mothers' Club Plans Benefit Party

GRANADA OFFERS TRIPLE BILL Starting Saturday, April 15, for four days, the Granada Theatre will offer to its patrons three attractions each a headliner in itself. Warren William with Lili Damita, in "The Match King", the dramatic story taken from the life of Ivar Krueger; "The Half Naked Truth", starring Lee Tracy; and Phil Baker, famous stage and radio star, in a feature short, titled, "Poor Little Rich Boy" make up the biggest ammusement bargain ever offered by the Granada Theatre. The show which ends today is a double bill, featuring "Bach elor's Folly" and "Lucky Devils." RELIABLE


RIALTO First Showing in City



LAST DAY Folly" TILL TILL "Bachelors "Lucky Devils" 8:30 2



CECIL B. SEFF, Mgr. 216 Davidson BIdg. Ph. 83471

Hokka Chynik With the famous story of the exodus from Egypt still ringing in our ears and the effects of four glasses of potent wine still lingering with us we are a little doubtful as to the outcome of this week's attempt at "Winchelling". Enough has happened, however, to make plenty of copy even if it isn't interesting to our ever critical readers. The only regretable incident of the week was Lawrence Baron's unfortunate accident while enroute to Des Moines in the interests of Sioux City Democrats. It's hard to keep a good man down, but we cant help but w o n d e r how, with both arms in slings, he's going to brush his teeth every morning. Doc. J. Kringsten went to Des Moines to see what he could do to get him in shape for the ride home, and so we leave him in good hands, with our sincerest wishes for a speedy recovery. . The last time we mentioned, in this column, the name of a young local attorney, Lester D. by name, in connection with a certain young lady, we were severely reprimanded for doing it, but he concluded the lecture with the s t a t e m e n t that he wouldn't have minded if he really liked the girl. And so at this time we feel safe in telling about his latest experiences because people don't drive to St. Paul just for the ride, and not for 3.2 beer either. He was in such a hurry to get there, incidentally, that a motorcycle cop took exception to his speed and poor Les told it to the judge to the tune of twenty-five samoliens. We must admit, however, that the. lovely young lady, Bee B. is worth all the time, trouble and money that was spent, and then some. Certain young ladies about town have caused unsuspecting citizens no end of embarassment by walking in on innocent men and offering to sell them a few minutes of their time. But it's all in fun, the minutes being chances on the fifty doll a r raffle, being offeree; by the building fond carnival. Mrs. Barney Baron, Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Rueben Miller, Mrs. J. Sawislak, Mrs. J. Greenberg, Mrs. M. H. London and Mrs Morris Weinei have sold almost all of their alloted time but they still have a few



With everything sait *' And with everything tfone , We write a poem Just for fun And even tho' it's "not so not" We really don't care Jf you like it or not Because we don't get paid for writing. Mr. Stillman said to me "You have a lucid style" I thanked him most profusely And then walked out with a smile Then I beat it home at once . And in a manner wary I looked that word "lucid" tip In my dictionary (And it was a compliment)

"AntiCorruption" Department

Berlin,^-The Prussian Minister of Justice, Kerrl, has announced the establishment. of a special department designed to combat corruption. The significance of this announcement is obvious when on recalls the ceaseless charges of corruption directed by Nazi propaganda against Jewish officials throughout Germany.

Batteries Recharged


^= Recharging and Rentals : = == 1 Year—FREE—1 Year | = 5 = On All Batteries Bought ==§ = From Us =

STEVENS Battery and Tire Co. 205 4th St.

seconds to spare, and at only two cents a second Ruben C. informs us of a new addition to Sioux City's eligibles in th« person of Sid Levy formerly of Omaha, who is now associated with the only cleaning company in town who boasts Ike and Mike combination of partners. We congratulate E. W. B. on successfully defending a client who had already pleaded g u il t y and then changed his mind, and then hired Eddie to convince the jury that he was right the second time. "Doc" Bloom who cjmes of a long line of foot specialist Blooms is to be found spreading his contagious levity in his new foot comfort shop in Martin's Department store and wants his friends to drop in and kibbetz even if there isn't anything wrong with their feet. Those who this week joined the ranks with our other subscribers are, J. Sawislak, Lawrence Davidson,. Jack London, Jr., H. Goldstein, J. Bolstein, A. Stillman, Max Rosenthai and Joe Hendlyn. ;'. Now we finish up with another attempt at poetry, or shall we just call it doggerel. •-*** '

Ph. 82438


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