April 21, 1933

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Entered ns 8econd-t?as» Mall Matter on January 27, VfZL, at Pogtofflce nt Omaha. KphTnfeka. nnrter the Act of March 8. 1K78



VOL. IX—No. 12

Sftuatipn of Jews in Germany Unrelieved

With the local Ji *g $ \ilanthropies campaign approach Sjj laha Jewry are undoubtedly de 52 crested in knowing something «. ng the5 institutions which are - oeneficiaries The "Jewish Hour" weekly broadThe Jewish Welfare Federation is of the annual drive. I am taking adcast, Tinder the auspices of the Jewco-operating with the other agencies vantage of this opportunity accorded ish Community Center, will be reof the Community Chest in developme by the Jewish Press to have an insumed this Sunday morning at 10 ing the community garden scheme for Renewed vigor is being injected into timate weekly talk with you about the Famed Jewish Savant Denies a. m. over radio station KFAB. beneficiary institutions and important the "Harry Trustin for City Commis- dependent families, according to anPart in "Atrocity" Campaign On ibis Sunday's program Lee nouncement made by Mrs. Harry A* sioner" campaign, with the final vote issues of the Jewish Philanthropies. Against Germany Green, soloist, wiE sing "Shotom AleiWolf, chairman of the family welfare on May 2 only eleven days away. chem,*' by Mana Zucca, and "Tove A large number of Trustin's friends committee. Berlin.—(J. T.A.) — The Prussian I/Hodos," by Solomon Sulzer. Dr. A. THE LAND OF The purpose of the garden camhave shouldered the task of bringing Academy of Sciences has received a HOPE the true meaning of the slogan, "Trust paign is threefold: to absorb the idle- complete statement from Professor Greenbergy -chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies campaign, will speak The spectacular s e n s a tionalism ness of people who want to work but T h e increased persecution of the in Trustin," into the homes of Omaha Albert Einstein denying his participa- on "The Fourth Annual Campaign." which has featured the German.situa- Ambassador had no time ana most cannot find employment; to provide tion leave the boat immediately and begJewish people in the various parts of voters. in any "atrocity" campaign and Several selections will be sung by tion the past month has been dis- ged them to be content with a prethe world has more than ever focusFrom now until May 2, Trustin him- good food and adequate diet and nu- correcting the exaggerations which- he sed attention upon Palestine as the self will be kept very busy attending trition to the dependent families; and claims were made in the press. It the choir, which includes Mrs. Nathan placed by a steady, dulling \state of pared statement. But this did not help. misery for the Jewish people living in The reporters broke into the Ambashope of the Jewish people for the Independent Voters league meetings, for economy. -was on the basis of press reports of Green, Ivy Siegel, Dorothy Marke!; CJermany. Ida Sorine, Marian Greenberger, Pearl A number of Jewish families will sador's room and bombarded him with future. making' an average of fifteen meeth the Marcus, Jack Selinsky, The Jewish population in Germany questions. Dr. Luther seemed very embe provided with the necessary food * had Here is the asylum, of r e f u g e ings a day. y, Al Soff er, J. H i l t i Yff is feeling the keen edge of economic barrassed and staunchly declared that which we must build up. Himmelstein, andd S Sam Yaffe. Most of these are house meetings, ostracism. With the Jewish lawyers >e would not speak on political subthese The musical pg program of held at the homes of interested inand doctors ousted and Jewish bus- ects. AMERICAN PALESTINE h broadcasts is under the auspices of the dividuals in all sections of the city. provided by the garden committee. * ave been iness houses indirectly boycotted, Seeds and tools will also be provided. CAMPAIGN In effect compelled to talk, Dr. Lulutely reliable reports that the Prus- •Center School of Music, of which Mrs. thousands of refugees are fleeing If any friend of Harry Trnstin Henry Monsky is director. ther began to describe how much he The American Palestine campaign— sian Academy in official statements wishes to sponsor such a meeting, from the country. This, despite the h a s tal ed of likes the New York skyline, but the fund-raising instrument of the Jew^ '* h e Participation of Alplease get in touch with Sam Befact that the Germans have placed aggravated newspapermen interrupted ish Agency—is a beneficiary of the bert Einstein in.atrocity propaganda ber, chairman of the Trustin for strict barriers against the Jews leavin lim and did not let him complete his Jewish Philanthropies. Our contribuAmerica and JVance.' • ing. Commissioner campaign. tion to this campaign is our contriimpressions of the New York pan"I herewith defclare I have, never The toll of Jewish suicides, which orama. bution to a heroic achievement of the One of the most important developin lny atrocity propahas been rising steadily since March o r l i m O/» participated Jewish people. ments of the week was the endorse"You'd better tell us, Mr. Ambasganda and must ldd that I have not 5, continues to show an increase. EsFor more than a decade the Jews ment of Harry Trustin for commissador, whether there is any truth in S e e n anywhere .arming of such agicaped refugees, further, continue to of America, co-operating with Jews sioner by Robert Smith, who split tation. The people were on the whole London, (J.T.A.)—The House of tell tales of inexorable torture. the report printed in New York that throughout the world, have parti- tickets in naming. the four men he "Sliver Tzn Zein a Yid" to Be satisfied to report and comment upon Commons in effect has reproved the The hope of many that with the two Nazis recently came into your of-•-•'... cipated in the building up of a re- would support. official pronouncements and decrees authorities by whose order police vis- passage of a little time the situation fice in Berlin and with pointed guns Presented by Center servoir of social, economic and poliAmong the other new endorsements of responsible governmental persons ited Jewish shopkeepers of the White- would be relieved has been dashed demanded your resignation as head of Players tical strength in Palestine, which has of the week are included those of the in Germany and the program concern- chapel district with demands that an- with the ever stronger agitation of the German Keichsbank," one newsbecome a source of pride to all Jew- Swedish-American club and a number ing the economic destruction of Ger- ti-German boycott posters be removed. the Nazis that the Jews be discrim- paperman asked. Shver Tzu Zein a Yid (If I Were man Jews. ish life. of the candidates defeated in the priThe issue was raised in the Com- inated against. Dr. Luther seemed lost and said not Our institutions have grown to an maries, as Tom Falconer, Glenn Ol- You), the famous play by Sholom mons by Major Attlee, who was sup"The statements I gave to the press a word. Dr. Kiep came to his rescue The Aryan law, which bars nearly Aleichem, will be presented in English son, Harry Counsman, and Claude imposing stature, nurtured by the were in regard to the fact that "I ported by Winston Churchill, Major by flatly denying the story. "Do you i by the Center Players on Tuesday and would resign my position in the Acad- Nathan, Barnett Janner and -Godfrey all Jews from civil service and de- agree with the policy of the Hitler material and moral support of the Hender. grades them to a second class citizenTrustin has been endorsed by over Wednesday evenings, April 25 and 26, emy as well as my Prussian citizen- Locker-Lampson, among others. Diaspora, and the inspiring devotion ship, has also been invoked in full government with regard to the Jews?" at the Jewish Community Center. and self-sacrifice-of the Yishuy. In thirty groups and organizations. . ship. I was motivated in this, as I - John Gilmomy the Home Secretary, force in all German universities. the representative of the Jewish TeleThe leads are portrayed by Isadore stated, in that I did not want to re- finally asserted that Jewish shopkeepPalestine can be found the fruits of "I want to express my deep appregraphic Agency asked him. Daily, more and more people are Dansky as David Shapiro, and Mara decade of heroic achievement. ciation to my friends for their loyal main in a State where individuals ers who prefer to'restore their posters A storm of other questions on the and whole-hearted support during this tha Himmelstein as Mrs. David Sha- were not conceded equal rights before have a right to do so, and stressed the being imprisoned "for spreading atro- Hitler regime in Germany was hurled city stories against the Nazis." piro. Their presentations in rehearcampaign," Mr. Trustin stated. "I feel the law for freedom of speech and lact that the police were using their AMERICAN at the Ambassador. Aggravated, ho own discretion with no other inten- THROUGH THE that if elected I can administer my. sals, according to John McGee, direc- doctrine. RESPONSIBILITY began to shout angrily, saying that he tor, have been especially effective. tion than to maintain the peace. The characterized the BACK DOOR" The American Palestine Campaign duties in the city hall efficiently'and "I furthermore does not care to talk. He grabbed bis The part of Betty Shapiro, the must this year, especially, be suc- thoroughly, so that their confidence daughter, is played by Harriett situation in present day Germany as a Home Office, he said, was not moved Probably for the first time in his- hat and began to run. to act by the representations of memstate of psychic malady of the masses, cessful, because world economic con- will not be misplaced." tory, an ambassador of a foreign Fleishman. Opposite her as the ju. Out Through Back Door ditions today constitute a threat to - Sam Beber urged Harry Trustin's venile lead will be Russell Blumen- but I added something about the cause bers of Hitler's mission. country slipped into the United States To Churchill's pointed question as through a back door, trying to avoid "Are you afraid of hostile Jewish of this state. the activities which have been spon- friends to work harder than ever now. thal. . . . "While Trustin's placing fourth in "In a letter I gave to the Interna- to the quarter from which the Home a hostile demonstration as well as demonstrations ?" the representative sored by the Jewish Agency for PalSal Michnick wiH portray the role tional League Against Anti-Semitism Office feared a disturbance of the representatives of the press. the city primaries was a splendid vicof The Times asked Dr. Luther. He estine. Countries in Europe which looked angrily- at him and did not had previously • been able to make tory," Beber declared, "our job has of Shayerson, a Jewish' student. Oth- for propaganda purposes I appealed peace in the event that the posters This happened when Dr. Hans Luers in the cast include Irvin Beitel as to all cool-headed persons who re- were not removed, an evasive answer answer. He was then hurried away substantial contributions to the work just begun. ther, the newly appointed Hitler amare unable to do so to a great ex"Now that we are in sight of our Seyomka; Nate Cutler, Greenberg; Al mained faithful tojthe ideals of a men- was given. Pressed further by Mr. bassador to the United States, arrived through the back door of the room Elewitz', Fratkin; Milton Frohm, Hurtent. Upon the Jews of America goal, we must exert even greater ef- witz; Leo Bernstein, police officer; aced civilization t^ do all in their pow- Churchill, the Home Secretary prom- on the Bremen. Flanked by the consul and taken aboard the special cutter er to prevent the spreading of this ised to make it clear the government which was waiting for him at Quarforts in behalf of Harry's candidacy. f a l l s the permanent responsibility Iillian Lerner and Sylvia Friedel, mass phychosis which had manifested intends to allow all reasonable free- general of New York, Dr. Otto Kiep, antine. But this was not the Macon, .Every friend of .his interested in the for preserving those great instituand a number of other German offigirls. There wHllje a tAmrus'consists tions and projects which have been principles for which he stands is wel-. ing of Henry Magzamm, Leo "Bern- itself in German*' in so dreadful s dom of expression. cials, lie qnickly >ras taken from the which the City of New York usually Actually the police orders against boat while it was still at Quarantine supplies to honor arriving distinguishway. come to participate in his campaign. built up. stein, David Slobodinsky, and Harry "It would be easy for the Academy the posters had already been with- and was rushed by special cutter to ed guests. It was a little motor bout The Jews in Palestine have shown Every possible vote for Trustin must Seiner. be registered on the ballots May 2." to obtain the correct text of my state- drawn before the debate, whereupon of the kind used by gentlemen who their mettle. The conntry has mainThe play is strictly Jewish, with a ment before talking about me the way new posters appeared in even greater New York unnoticed by the public eye. prefer to avoid, rather than attract tained its stability and confidence. A group of newspaper reporters Russian locale. A feature will be the it did. The German press represented quantities in Jewish shops. The situation of the Jewish people who arrived at Quarantine to inter attention. Passover Seder scene, carried out in my statement in a distorted way, as in many other lands-presents a picview the new envoy on conditions in HOLLAND WILL MAINTAIN detail. The'plot concerns two students could not be expected otherwise in ture of distress and despair and the Hitler-Germany, met a closed door be- RIGHT OF ASYLUM who disagree as to the restrictions view of the present gagging of the utmost confusion, while in Palestine hind* which Dr. Luther was hiding, replaced upon Jewish students seeking German press. The Hague.—The Home Secretary, the Jews are- courageous and hopeful. fusing to see representatives of the in reply to a question in Parliament, higher learning. The Russian student "I stand by every word I have pubThey are confident b e c a u se they Phi Belta EpsJlon, national medical press. Bat the New York ship .report has given the assurance that Holland agrees to enter a Jewish home, dis- lished. But I expect from the Acadknow that the difficulties they surfraternity of Creighton university, ers who were able to crash the gates will maintain the right of asylum to guised as Jewish, and the Jewish stuJoseph Stein, 21-year-old son of Mr. mount lead to freedom for the Jew- and Mrs. Julius Stein of this city, was dent assumes a Russian character. In- emy, especially as it participated in will be represented at the annual con- shielding Bernard Shaw and Prof. Ein all who flee from Germany to Hol« defaming me. before the German pubish people. signally honored last week when he terwoven into the plot is a love story. lic, that it will bring these statements vention of the Nebraska Academy of stein besieged the ambassador's suite land, but in view of the -unemploywas awarded the Fontaineblau scholThe play when presented in New of mine to the knowledge of its mem- Science, to be held at Lincoln, April and refused to leave before they saw ment prevailing in Holland, the reFOR OUR PRESTIGE Dr. Luther. arship, one of the highest awards in York by Maurice Schwartz in 1931 bers and to that part of the German 28 and 29. fugees cannot be permitted to seek '-• In the words of Albert Einstein: competitive architectural design. Abraham Appelsis, summarizing Reporters Bombard Dr. Luther was a tremendous success. employment. public among whom I Jiavo been de"What we do in our common cause is years of experimental research, Dr. Kiep came out and pleaded with This award is given by Whitney * -Mrs. Irvin Levin is in charge of famed." " ' " done not only for our brothers in Warren, outstanding New York archi- ticket sales. A number of organizaspeak on the "Significance of Iron the newspapermen, saying that the CATCH THE BIG JEWS Palestine, but for the prestige of the tect, for the finest project submitted tions are sponsoring the! production. and Copper in Human, Blood." Morris FIRST—GOERING ; New Havana Yiddish Lev will speak on "Poets and Physientire Jewish people." Berlin.—It is the intention of the by students from the various colleges Abner TTufman is chairman of the cians''; Daniel Blitz will review "The • Sam Beber, one of our leaders, of architecture throughout the coun- Center Players board, and Justin Wolf Weekly German Government to catch the was signally honored in this AmeriHAVANA—A new Yiddish weekly, Life and Work of Laennec"; and Arbig Jews now and leave the small is in charge.of production. can Palestine Campaign by being try. under the title of *y3ps: Yiddishe thur Kazlowsky will speak on "The Jews free for the time being, accordBy winning Joseph will attend a named an honorary vice-chairman course for architects a t the FontaineBRUSSELS—Professor Albert Ein- Wort," has made its appearance here. Influence of Physics and Chemistry ing to a statement made by Her» the Campaign. stein was nominated honorary profes- Havana now has two" Yiddish weeklies. on Physiology in the Seventeenth Cenman Wilhelm Goering, Premier o* blau School of Fine A.rts, in the viThe other is called ''Havaner Leben,' tury." Prussia, at a mass meeting. cinity of Paris, France. He will leave sor of the Brussels university. HEBREW UNIVERSITY "We will be generous and rememfor France in June. Battled for Scottsboro Youths This month celebrates the eighth ber the days when many of us still Joseph is a student at the Univerand Tallapoosa Shore anniversary of the founding of the sity of Illinois. This is the first time thought that respectable Jews also Croppers Hebrew University on Mount Scopus that any member of the school won exist," Goering stated. "We will now in Jerusalem. This institution, the this honor. ' . catch the big Jews and let the sm»Jl MONTGOMERY, Ala. {J. T. A.)— Jews free for the time being." experimental workshop laboratory The award makes a cash stipulation The activities of Eabbi Benjami 5vr Jewish research, will, we hope of $500 for the first three months, It is noted that although the adGoldstein on behalf of the Scottsborc dress was broadcast, none of the some day become the bridge between and the student is required to make a negroes, the first of whom, Heywoov German papers quoted this passage Eastern and Western culture, a cen- written report on the course upon 16s, Patterson, was found guilty and sen from Goer ing's speech. ter for v a T i o u s civilizations from return to the Beaux Arts Institute of •which will emanate a new glory for Design in New York. tenced to death last week, have cos „„_, bers have demonstrated.the spirit that Israel's cantribution to the world's him his post as rabbi of Temple BethL I B E R A L S D E P L O RE Stein worked on his winning project betokens victory. With that kind of Or, in this city. NAZI VIOLENCE intellectual advancement. from February 11 to March 27. co-operation I feel sure that Omaha J In an. exclusive statement made to London.—The Liberal Tarty in the With the d o o r s of universities i i u i Jewry will do more than their share the Je\rish Telegraphic Agency, Rabbi House of Commons adopted a reso"throughout the world closed to Jewin alleviating the pain and suffering Goldstein said: lution expressing its abhorrence oi ish students through official and unand dire need of our fellow Jews." "My resignation resulted from my the anti-Jewish persecution carried official aumerus clausus, the Hebrew General Solicitation With the initial gifts eommittee^— Speakers ... ,: activities not only on behalf of the on in Germany. "We deplore the University will ere long be a refuge Another important division of the Scottsboro negroes for whom I de- recrudescence of religious and racial under the leadership of David GoldThe speakers' committee, of which for Jewish students. Just last week Philanthropies, the general solicitathe M i n n i e Untermyer Open-Air. L. Harris was elected president of man—as a barometer to gauge the pos- Milton R. Abrahams is chairman, tions, met Wednesday at dinner at the manded a fair trial and a change of intolerance," the resolution states, started active work by addressing the venue, but also on behalf of the Tal- "which creates another hinderanc* theatre, a gift to the Hebrew Uni- the congregation of the Beth Hame- sibilities for the 1933 Jewish PhilanJ. C. C to arrange for the details for versity, was dedicated in Jerusalem drosh Hagodol synagogue, Nineteenth thropies campaign, prospects look various synagogues Tuesday morning, the general canvassing of the pros- lapoosa negro share-croppers for to international friendship and unthe last day of Pesach, on the work whom last December I demanded fan- derstanding." . . . another link in a strong, fast- and Burt streets, Sunday afternoon. bright for the local Jewish community of the Philanthropies. pects. Max M. Barish is chairman. treatment." growing chain. . The other commissioners elected are to go over the top in its drive for Harry Silverman will be vice-chairThe following spoke: Irvin StalOn behalf of the share croppers, SPECIAL J. T. A. M. Minkin,, vice-president; ACHIEVEMENT —, . Harry Kim- $40,000 for local, national and inter- master, B'nai Israel; Jack W. Marer, man of the general solicitation divi- Eabbi Goldstein had petitioned Gov- CORRESPONDENT Conservative synagogue; Irvin Levin, sion, assisting Mr. Barish. The eight years of accomplishment meTman, treasurer; M. Venger, H. national Jewish needs. New York. — Dorothy Thompson, I emor Miller, and during his activity Among those who gave short talks for the Scottsboro negroes he had pre- author and newspaper correspondent, B'nai Jacob; Henry Monsky, Beth by the Hebrew University constitutes Soskin, A. Richards, and A. StoUer. Goldman's initial gifts group is the at Wednesday's meeting are Max BarAn active program is being planned but a moment in the lifetime of such first to start active solicitation, the Hamedrosh Hagodol; Judah Wolf son, ish, William Holzman, Harry A. Wolf, sided at a protest meeting of whites is on her war from Italy to Berlin for the coming year. Adass Yeshuren; N. S. Yaffe, B'nai an institution. But in this short span at Birmingham, before and after to make a survey for the Jewish campaign not officially opening until David Goldman, Harry Silverman, which there was "slanderous news- Telegraphic Agency of the situation Israel of South Omaha. the Hebrew University has performMonday morning, May 15. inGermany. Before the campaign gets under and Philip KJutzrJck. ed its historic role in a modern way paper publicity." "The most encouraging factors," The twenty-three majors have way, the speakers' committee will —has opened its gates of learning Kiss Thompson, in private Hf6 The opposition to Rabbi Goldstein Mr. Goldman reports, "are the large started lining up their teams, so that to all, without question of country, number of increases over last year have addressed every Jewish organi- a full force will be out working -when centered around Ernest Mayer, pres- Mrs. Sinclair Lewis, will keep th* race or belief. ident of the congregation, who de- Agency informed in a series of exand the enthusiasm with which the zation in the city. clusive cables and approximately si* Dr. Greenberg, general chairman, the drive starts May 15. There will manded the rabbi's withdrawal. Already great Jewish scholars and Junior services for children, to be members of my committee are cowill speak on the Philanthropies dar- be at least ten men to each team. scientists, heretofore called French, held under the auspices of the United operating to the fullest extent. A special message from Mr. Mayer news letters on the latest developGerman or English, are a c t i v e l y Orthodox synagogues, in co-operation informs the J e w i s h Telegraphic ments in Hitler's Germany. Women's Division •"The greater need is causing a ing the broadcast of the Jewish Hour Kiss Thompson is not unknown it identifying themselves with the He- with the City Talmud Torah, willbe warm response from both donors and over KFAB Sunday morning. Mrs. Jeanette Arnsteiu, chairman of Agency that Rabbi Goldstein will not official and newspaper circles in Baybrew University. stand for re-election at the expiration the women's division, expects to have held beginning this Saturday morning workers, and from all present indicaYouth Division lin. For four years (1924-28) she In eight short y«ars the Univer- at 10 a. m., at the Beth Hamedrosh tions, the initial gifts committee wiil The Youth Division met last night about 300 vromen enrolled by the of bis present terra. was there as chief o£ the Centra' sity has achieved earned recognition Hagodol synagogue, Nineteenth and 'go over the top' in the drive." at a dinner • meeting at the Jewish time the campaign begins. European Service of the Cnrti* as a distinguished center of research Burt. All children of the Talmud The sub-committees of this division Combat Nazi Move in Ki££ The initial gifts committee has been Community Center. Justin Wolf is the Martin Newspapers, •which she haii and. instruction, especially in botany, Torah are especially welcome. have been working for the past two ^iga —The Students Council atmeeting regularly. Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of this division, with which r represented abroad since 1920. 'Ssa geology, and general science. The children will conduct their own general chairman for the campaign, the Senior Council of Clubs is co- weeks preparing for the opening of tached to the Latvian university here first book, "The New Eussia", v?sa the campaign. has rejected the demand of the Nazi believes that the results of the initial services. A Junior Synagogue and operating. out of knowledge gained $a The South Omaha division, -under students that a chair should be form- written congregation will be organized. L Mor- gifts are an auspicious omen for the William £. Holzman and Harry A. a foreign correspondent and, recentgenstern -will be actively in charge success of the fourth annual campaign. Wolf addressed the meeting. Teams Ben Kazlowsky, is being organized ed in the university to consider ways ly, she published a book about Mitassisted by teachers of the local Tal"Mr. Goldman has shown splendid •were organized for the campaign and and •will function during the drive as and measures for combatting the ler, "I Saw Hitler". a separate unit. Jews. mud ToraL: generalship, and his committee mem- cards distributed.

Nazis Continue Drive to Bring Economic Ruin to Jewish Population of Germany



/S ANSI /n

Joseph Stein Is

Phi Delta Epsilon to Be Represented

Signally Honored with Scholarship


Prospects Seem Bright for ies Amvual


Junior Services Are Inaugurated

Goldman's Initial Gifts Meeting Success

Organization Machinery Set in Motion

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 21,1933 Schwarz of New York, owes his exAnti-Nazi Protests pulsion in part to the fact that he ha<l in France the temerity to entertain Professor The debates in the annual Senior PARIS — Edouard Herriot,, former and Mrs. Albert Einstein at tea in his Council of Clubs tournament at the premier of France, addressed* a mass

Sr. Council Debates

Seeing AntiWnile in the German How Hitlerisna; Grew ;j


By Herman Shocken

German Merchant Prince and President of the Dresden, Germany, Zionist Organization and member .> of the German Board of the Jewish National Fund, r In this article, reprinted from the during the war and at the end of the good! Christian Nazis try to controSeattle Transcript, Herman Shocken war. Inflation wiped out the hard- vert the Jewish root of Christianity gives us an inside story of the Nazi earned savings of thrifty millions, de- by "proving'' that Jesus never was a rise, told in an interesting and im- stroying their hope for an easy.old. member of .the Jewish race at all. partial manner. An ardent champion age and hurling them down to the pro- Strength of the National Socialist of Zionism who didn't "find himself" letariat, Jews and Gentiles alike. movement; rests in the fact that it as a Jew until he was forty and who And at this tone came the rapid promises relief to" all the dissatisfied today is one of Germany's greatest growth of concentrated business, . . to the unemployed and to the Jewish leaders and internationally l a r g e department stores and chain employer;, to the farmer who wants known in Jewish circles for his un- stores sprang up on all sides. Five irigh food prices and to the manufacflagging championing of Zionism, banking firms managed to swallow up turer who wants cheap food; to the Shocken has been visiting in this almost the entire banking system of merchant' who cannot keep up with country for several months.—Editor. Germany, not .' all Jewish by any the modern competition; to the prop'•What is happening to German Jewry? Did Germany's Jews permit an anti-Semitic program.to be launched against them without fierce opposition, or have they been fighting against the menace of intolerance and racial hatred? What of German Jews today?" These are the questions many are 'asking me daily. For in these times, when German Jewry's plight draws the attention of Jews everywhere, I find American Jews eager to learn how Jewish problems look to a man living1 in Germany; And so I offer here, my impressions of the German situation as it affects the Jews and the reasons which explain how an Austrian housepainter could rise to the Chancellorship of Germany on an anti-Semitic program.




It is true the Jewish life in Germany has undergone a change in ttte past fifteen years. A tremendous change and a change detrimental - to the welfare and social of the individual; but a change that has strengthened Jewish life and solidarity.

means, but claimed by Nazis to be under Jewish control. Retail merchants who found it impossible to compete against the growing avalanche of chain and department stores, looked helpless for a way out The hundreds of thousands Rentiers that had lost their'money and their social standing looked for the dark phantom that had brought ruin to them. And the millions of unemployed looked for the source of their troubles.

The mind of the average citizen of any country is not able to. tinderstand the many intricate reasons that cause prosperity or calamity, or a financial crisis and they need a postive, real substance that their intelligence, can grasp. Just as it was necessary for primitive man to make himself idols of gold or silver or stone to bring the God idea; nearer to himself. .;

And Hitler furnished to the perplexed minds of millions of suffering Germans a concrete something that could be responsible for all their troubles. He had strong popular arguments in his favor, notwithstanding the fact that every reason is based on exaggeration, and has stronger counJews made up barely one per cent ter reasons. of the population of pre-war Germany The Jew is responsible for all the and their importance and wealth and trouble, he preached. International influence in business, banking, in the Jewish bankers control the finances journalistic and especially in the arts of the world. They caused Germany's and theatrical world exceed their pop- financial plight. : ulation percentage many-fold. It is true a few outstanding Jews They had a powerful influence in politics and public opinion through are among the leading bankers of controlling a good part of the press as Germany, so the mind of the people owners and writers. They, were kept are ready to believe that Morgan out of high political positions and es- and Dawes and Young—the fathers pecially out of the officers' staff of of the indemnity laws—are Jews. It is true the department stores of the-army daring1 Imperial rule. I never could see any anti-Semitism Germany are almost exclusively in in this restriction because it applied Jewish hands and so chain stores . to Jew and Gentile alike as far as that are not Jewish at all and stores they were not members of a particular that Woolworth opened all over caste. High positions in government Germany are considered Jewish con;and the army, especially, were almost cerns. In spite of the fact that exclusively the domain of the landed Woolworth does not employ any Jews at all. gentry. Even the cry that the Christian re.The 20-year period before the ligion, being the outgrowth of a Jew- World War was probably a time of ish mind is foreign and harmful to as great a prosperity for German Nordic people finds many adherents, • Jews as Jews have ever enjoyed General von Ludendorf and his wife since the exodus from Spain. There are prophets - of this thought. And were virtually no poor Jews in Germany and their standard of living • wsfs raised from year to year. The word German Jew meant wealth, education, and pride. »

erty owner, who has paid off his mortgages with cheap inflated money and whose property brings no return on the investment in spite of this gain; and to the former owner of the property, who is told that Hitler will force the property owner to pay the difference. Hitler and his party could make all these promises as long as they were the opposition party and not responsible for legislation. But it is a physical impossibility for them to satisfy the many elements that make np their following. Time, I think, will prove the justice of this statement. Jewish life in Germany has not weakened under the Hitler menace of the past two years. Jewish consciousness is stronger- today in the time of danger and stress than it was during the time of greatest prosperity and tolerance. . . . Then, the German Jews under the leadership of the liberal .Central Verein, refused to see any danger in antiSemitic propaganda. They felt so secure, .in their position as loyal, patriotic citizens of their country that they -considered it below their dignity to combat the ridiculous charges made against the character and patriotism of Jews. And now this propaganda has grown into an avalanche of such force that it i s hard to see where \ it may-lead to! Twenty years ago when I first visited Germany—at the time of the

greatest Jewish prosperity—I had serious doubts about the future of Judaism in that land. In twenty-five years of prosperity, the Jewish population had shrunk from 675,000 to about 525,000. Extreme Liberalism was tearing down the fibres of the law that had kept us intact for thousands of years and the Zionism of Herzl was the first reaction among liberals against this process of dissolution. A heroic struggle of a few against an overpowering majority. Truly there was another small but. inspired minority fighting from the old Orthodox religious platform; but years ago it seemed a hopeless fight.

J. C. C. will be resumed Thusday evening, April 27, when the A. Z. A. 100 team of Daniel Lintzman and Edward Rosenbaum meets the Henrietta Szold dpo, consisting of Ida Blacker and Betty, Tuchman. (The subject for debate is: "Resolved, That a Secular University Should Be Established in America." At present the standings are: Won Lost XL 2 0 A. Z. A. 1 1 0 A. Z. A. 100. 1 l Henrietta Szold 0 1 A. Z. A. 7 0 2

Now the outlook has changed. Above all, the very composition of Jews in Germany has changed. During and right after the war almost 200,000 Jews came into Germany from Eastern countries and Germany has today again 650,000 Jews. Thirty per cent of them are immigrants or children of immigrants. They have greatly strengthened the Zionist and the Orthodox wings. Now, even the majority of Liberal Jews and especially the younger generation stand today for positive Judaism. Today there is only a small party of National German Jews — Sunday Jews they are called—because they hold their Sabbath on Sundays, and a society of young Communists who believe in assimilation. Our Biblical history tells us in many places that our forefathers turned away from their God in time of great prosperity and that God punished them by sending enemies against them and that they found their way back in trouble and adversity. We materialistic moderns scorn these simple tales of revelation and we hesitate to say in these times that those tales were true then, and they repeat themselves today with our people and with all people. When we get older; and have seen a lot of life, and have had our own. experiences we begin to realize"tlfat the'Power that runs this •universe, "by whatever name you may call It, regulates the wheels of events with absolute justice, even if it often surpasses our understanding.—(Reprinted from Seattle Transcript.)

Jewish History Class The Jewish History class will meet at the Temple •'Israel annex next Tuesday evening. Mr. Sam J. Leon will lead the discussion on -the chapter in" Graetz dealing with King Agrippa and the destruction of Jerusalem.

meeting ih Lyons in protest \ against private residence. Although Dr. the withdrawal of human rights from Schwarz had expected the blow to fall, the Jews in Germany. At a meeting he made no effort to anticipate it by here, addressed by Leon Blum, there resigning. Following the receipt of was organized a league to combat the demand to get out, Dr. Schwarz anti-Semitism. M. Blum, in a rousing gave out a statement in which he deaddress, associated himself in the pro- clared that he was a Republican and a test against the maltreatment of Jews liberal and denounced Hitler for tho as one who himself had been born a "bigoted policies" of his regime. Jew and had never forgotten that he j&thenau Tablet Removed was a Jew.

BERLIN—A bronze tablet in memory of Rathenau, which was placed at NEW YORK — The first German one of the main approaches to the consul whom the Hitler government Grunewald, on the site where he was has expelled from office, Dr, Paul assasinated, has been removed.

Hitler Fires Consul

"Where Omaha Shops With Confidence"


Friday and


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HOSIERY . . . in die beautiful new Sunshine Shades offered at this low price.

The first time this fine Hose has been offered at a v




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A S-tbread 48-gaug-e Sheer Hose with a genuine jacquard lace top—with the neatest and smallest fullfashioned seam to be found on any hose.


A 4-thread 45-grauge seml-chiffon Hose with a picot lace top. For more strenuous service.


Sizes sy2 to ioy2 DAWN GREY MAIN FLOOR


POINT TO RECORD OFDEANNOYES Then came the war and the turning

over of the old Imperialistic governSupporters of Dean Noyes for city ment into the hands of the only or- commissioner are pointing to his ganized opposition, the Socialist La- splendid record in the city hall since bor party. Ebert, the saddler, became 1922 as the best proof for his effithe President of the new Republic. ciency and capabilities. His party lacked men with the necesThe street department handled dursary education and training to take ing this time by Mr. Noyes" embraces over the reigns of government. 444 miles of paved streets, 33 miles of The only member of the Socialist paved alleys and 262 miles of unpaved party with the legal training were streets, as well as 213 miles of unJewish attorneys and they became the paved alleys. In 1932 alone, over 20,000 advisers of the new government and miles were traveled just in grading held some of the highest positions at unpaved streets and flushing and its disposal. The new constitution by sweeping streets in the downtown and which Germany was governed until residence districts. , Hitler junked it was written by a Jew. At a recent election the voters of A Jew was the first Minister of Jus- Omaha voted a bond issue of $200,000. tice, another was Minister of the In- at 4% per cent interest to be used in terior, and Jews held eome of the the construction of new runways for highest positions in the civil govern- the Municipal airfield. Legally, the ment. voters thus gave Dean Noye3 »permifiT J am making no comment on the sion to proceed in this expenditure. feeling aroused. I leave that to your But, even with this permission,'he did o*fn imagination. And here you will; not spend this sum,, saving' the taxfind; the main underlying cause of payers $8,50Q -yearly in interest charges alone. \. German anti-Semitism. When the budgets were made out Then came' inflation and the col- for the different departments of city lapse. So began the National Socialist government, Dean Noyes voluntarily movement and the sudden rise of its handed $50,000 of the sum allotted to leader, Hitler: \ /. ' him into other departments for the A, movement that could gain a third public good. By sending; $5,000 to - of the votes of the German people help the fire department and another cannot be minimized and ridiculed. It $5,000 to the police department, and would be entirely wrong to look at transferring $40,000 to pay an overHitlerism only from the side that is draft of 1932 in the divisions of distasteful and hateful to us. Condi- treasurers' fees and municipal court, tions were hard, almost beyond en- and in part, fire pensions, he reduced durance, ' in Germany, especially for his own department's budget: ; £L . c i ' - i •.-: ••; ::.-.•• - /, : ' the^o-called middle class Burghers c e n t . >

Flying Kites With WIRE Is Dangerous! Mothers, tell the kiddies that to fly kites with wire is an exceedingly dangerous practice. : In case the,wire on the kite ' should come in. contact with the' live' electric wires above the street, there is a possibil: ity 1 that the electric current "$7iU make a direct charge into the child's body. ten. them that flying with metal frames is a igerous undertaking.


8nsfclM Krtbtr Cncktra a n « « « t • M t o ttt (OMrvisioa of t h . Ualoa • f OHfcodnitwhh Congregation. •« Aanrfcs, « t m raamentatire, RabM E. Guelman, mppoiatttf by Rabbi M. 8 . MarKllM, It atwayi arattit «t til* bakiaa el the erecken to m that tt«y arc fcotnw ia «mry r«i**ct. Tarn* ItMhar endure can bo used With muX m fairy dUhw. : Honorary President

—_ —... F^^rr.r.^^, the use of the word "kosher" on crackers that are baked with lard. The rabbi, who is always jiresen* at the "baking of Sunshine Kosher Crackers, makes sure that they are. made .with a kosher and

"parve" vegetable shortening rT. And Sunshine Bakers make sure that Sun^, shine Kosher Crackers are crisper, : . flakier, and more flavorful! Better tasting! . . . Serve them all through meals . with meats and all sorts of dairy dishes.

Baked With a Kosher Shortening — NOT With Lard Don't bother to bake cake f cr parties and. desserts. Serve Sunshine Kosher Assorted Cookies. There are 5 different kinds...64 cookies and cream.filled cookie-sand-vrtches in this economy package!

Baked In the Kosher Department of The Thousand Window Bakeries of Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co.



of South America, she prospered. When that was gone, Spain lacking, no only the Jews, but the Moors, too, the jig was up.


course be given the main credit for arousing the public But Beveridge's initial interest which led to the introduction of the meat inspection bill was brought about by his interest in the Kosher laws.

But the Jewish expulsion hit Spain HANG UP YOUR HAT in other ways as welL We talk today Incidentally, the Bowers volume reof a boycott of German goods. Well, veals a remarkable friendship of Bevthe Spanish Jews did some retaliation, eridge with a Jew—Leo Eothschfld. too. Rothschild was Beveridge's secretary A COMPARISON If you want to know how they and right-hand man for years — and I chanced to read the other day an pld bit of writing. The -writer -was a harmed Spanish Colonial expansion, the story of this friendship is a very ' ' Jenoese visitor to Spain shortly after study the records of the Dutch West interesting one. India company. This Dutch company It appears, according to Bowers, expulsion of Jews from that coun. Hear what he wrote about the was a considerable nuisance to the that Eothschfld was very much atSpanish colonizers. And the backbone tracted by Beveridge's oratory, and paniard of that day: i"The Spaniards are proud and think of the Dutch West Indian Company came to him as a young man and ask• at no other nation compares with, vras composed of the Marrano Jews, ed for some work. em. They dislike foreigners and the converted Jews. He -was a smiling, friendly young The Marranos not only helped the man and Beveridge took a liking to discourteous to outsiders. They more war-like perhaps than any. Netherlands against Spain, but it ap- him. But there was no work* her nation; agile, quick and good at pears from Tiistorical allusions here But Rothschild was insistent. Bevmanagement of arms; they make and there, that they helped the Eng- eridge was las idoL He would take no lish against the Spanish. For we aat point of honor and prefer to negative answer. rather than submit.to shame. They know-that ono of the reasons that "Well, hang up your hat," said Beymade Oliver Cromwell grant Manasvery ceremonious, full of fine eridge, and Rothschild went to work seh ben Israel's request for admission rds and hand kissings and everyfor him and was to serve "him almost of the Jews into England, was the Sy is their "lord" and they are at to the end of bis life. fact that Cromwell depended on the "disposition," but their fair words Marrano Jews of .Europe, maijy of not to be taken literally. They HE CRIED j : avaricious and great dissemblers." whom had relatives and friends in •But one cannot take the mind off Jemember this was not written by South -America,^ to keep him .informed.: this German situation.-The writer relew. It strikes me that the descrip- of Spanish doings in South America. members some fifteen years, ago aof the Spaniardof that day-Mfoe 'What does all this mean? Simply eight that gave him a great laugh. liards who lit the fires of the In- tiife, it seems to me: That the opWe were sitting in a friend's house sition was pretty much like the pression of any. people is in the long in the great Scandinavian city of Minrun, stupid, even if in the end, it does neapolis. In ran a youngster of the lerites of today. . not destroy the oppressor. household crying, "Mamineh," cried TPECTS ON SPAIN I , ;:."'. the boy, "Ich will' senr *:»• German POINTS OF VIEW he expulsion of ih4 Jew from The occurrences in Germany reveal didn't do Spain any good, hisIt appeared that -the .little German now tmiversally admit. Spain iri. -how many different ways one may If admits it now by inviting Ein- look at a thing. One man sees a Jewish boys were snubbing this offto the University at Madrid, and Professor Einstein—as modern Spain spring- of Russian Jewish parents. bphesying with that step the be- does today—and is glad of him and They wouldn't play-with him—so he ag of a rebirth of Spanish cul- wants to enrich i i s country with him. wanted to be a German Jew. Another man sees a Professor EinGo, make him a German Jew, as ut what actually happened to Spain stein, like the modern Hitlerist of to- they say in the French idiom. :en the Jews left ? To answer that, day, and wants to expel Mm., I am afraid that the pride of the must remember that the expulsion BEVERIDGE AND KOSHER little German Jewish boys is today not the Jews from Spain took place in FOOD as great. : same year that Columbus found .. It appears that the late Senator lerica. And for a century, what- Beveridge, who introduced the bill for FBASENBCBC, STAIMASTEB ft BEBER O. T. DOEKK, P. M. KXUTZTflCK. jrer loss the Jewish expulsion may a federal meat inspection system in 650 Omaha National Bank Bids:. e involved, was considerably lost the United States was led to do so by ight of by reason of the great colo- his study of the Kosher laws. I XOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE il expansion in South America, glean this fact from a statement by phich followed from the discovery by Claude G; Bowers, the recently ap- Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of May, 1833, at 10 o'clock A. M. at olumbus. pointed ambassador to-Spain, in his Meeks: .Garage...2S62. Xearemirorrh- Street, But after that first century or "so, book—"Beveridge and the Progres- Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned -will Bell at public auction to the highest bidder for ere was no more gold to be found sive Era." cash, one Buici. del. Sedan, 1931 Model, No. 2037074, Factory No. 2523176, in South America, Spain began to Beveridge, says Bowers, became in- Engine. covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of fade. Once Spain had been gTeat by terested in these Kosher laws, which the United Financial Service, a corporation, signed by Evelyn Safnrik. That said reason of the development of her own made it impossible to dispose of stale mortgage isMrs. February 11, 1933, and native industries, but apparently, af- meat to Jews, and he wondered why is recorded dated In the office of the County of Donslns Connty, Nebraska. ter the Jews left, she could do little, there was no such assurances of fresh -Clerk Said sale -will be for the purpose of fores long as there was gold to be meat for the general jpublk. closing said mortgage for the costs of the sale and all accruing, costs, and for the oveled in by enslaving the Indians Just -at this time, Upton Sinclair's pnrpose of- satisfying the amount due namely $330.00 pins interest; that work,''The Jungle," came off the thereon, no suit or other proceedings at la-w. have been instituted to recover said debt or any press and aroused a clamor throughout, the country by its exposure of the part thereof. UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE, •[ -putrid meat that was ieing fed the By PHILIP M. KLITTZNICK, country. To ^The Jungle" must of 4-21-33-3t Its ^Attorney.











With only Harry Tustin and tiie Independent:; Voters league slate candidates are in the thick of the election campaign, attending a score of house meetings and one or more general meetings each night. The other league candidates are Roy N. Towl, Harry Knudsen, Emmett Hannon, Frank E. Frost, and Frank Myers. Friday night the league candidates — will speak at Fifteenth and Cass •/ streets, 708 North Sixteenth street, and, at 5972 North Thirtieth street The Saturday meeting is scheduled for 1122 South Thirteenth street. - General meetings Monday night will "be at Druid hall, Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue and at the City Mission building at 1204 Pacific street. Dreamland dance hall, 2223 North Twenty-fourth' street will be the scene of the Tuesday night meeting. "Wednesday night there will be a meeting at Maple Grove hall, Forty-second and L street. Meetings next Thursday, April 27, will be at the Butcher Workmen hall, Twenty-fifth and M streets, and at a store building at 2610 North Thirtieth street. . ' :- . House meetings at which Trustin will speak in the next few days include the following: " Monday, April 24—Mrs. Sam Beber, 2871 Iowa street. . "Wednesday, April 26—Jack Bramson, 2222 Cass street; Mrs. Ida Levin," 519 South Fifty-fifth" street; Morris Levy, 5114 Dodge street; Harry Fellman, 3025 Myrtle avenue. Prominent in the Independent Voters league campaign are Max Barish,' vice-president of the league; Sam Beber, member of the executive committee; Philip Klutznick, member of the finance committee; Stanley Levin, member of speakers' committee; Dr. A. Greenberg, finance committee, and Mrs. Sam Beber and Mrs. Philip Klutznick, members of the women's executive committee. \


—Photo by Heyn.




Vote for

ARRY TRUSTIN For City Commissioner

Don't Miss Seeing

"If I Were You" Shver Tzu Zein a Yid


By the


at the

JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings April 25 and 26 8:15 P. M.

No Reservations

Admission 50c

New! Kid and Tweed Oxfords Most Modestly Priced at

NOTICE OF CHATTEL. MOTGACE SALE Notice is hereby given that on the 13th flay of May, 1933. at the hour of 10 A. M., at 2314 Leavenworth Street, the onderBigned -will sell to the highest bidder tot cash: 1 metnl "bridge lamp 1 met floor lamp 1 muh darenport table 1 man pedestal 1 man chair cane B 1 yelv overst davenport 1 velv overst arm chair 1 velv arm rocker 1 8x10 American Oriental rng 1 wicker fernery 1 man floor hi rap 1 TraJ c.ibt Brunswick console phonoeraph 1 table model Rndiola , liattery radio 1 oak lea s arm rocker -1 !>xl2 Wilton rng 1 wal dining table 1 vra\ buffet 6 wal lea s diners 1 metnl floor lamp 1 wal cab Phtlco elec radio 1 4b Banner gas range 1 p t kit table 1 75 lb. refer 1 mah poster bed spgs & mntt 1 -wal high boy 1 -wal dresser a gilt bed spfrs & matt 1 oak writing desk 1 mah arm rocker w s 1 9x12 Wilton rup: and all dishes, linens, silver"B-are, beddinsr and kit utensils. covered by Chattel Mortgage executed by Mose E. and Lula E. O'Brien on April 29, 1032. to F. E. Tyson, doing business as the OMAHA I/OAN COMPANY, and having been filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebr Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said Mortgage and to satisfy i the amount due thereon to wit: Fifty-nine >a>id 70-100 Dollars ($59.70) and accruing f costs. ••-••-.. - •---.. . . . - - - . - . F. E. TYSON, DOING BUSINT2SS AS OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 42!333t

V-' *



Two Favored Shades—Navy, Gray We consider this trim little tie to be one of the smartest creations in our spring collection. It's made of tweed and decorated fore and aft with matching kid. The modified toe is calculated to make the whole even more irresistible. Featured also in a pump—same material. Shoe SalonSecond Floor

A Brief Harry Trustin was born in Chicago on Sept. 15, 1893, and at four years of age moved with bis parents to Omaha. He attended the public schools in Omaha, and a iweek before his graduation from Mason school went to work for the Union Pacific Railroad. , . ( At the same time, in 1907, he enrolled in the night mathematics classes at the Y. M. C. A. and obtained all of his high school education, from similar night courses wMle w-orking days at the Union Pacific. Over a period of 7 years service within the Union Pacific he finished studies in the Railway Educational Bureau Course, co11oge mathematics, surveying and concrete construction. He worked successively in the signal engineer's office, the valuation engineer's office and the chief engineer's office of the Union Pacific. In 1913 he was engaged by the Pickus Engineering and Construction Co. as superintendent and general manager, a position which he held until the outbreak of the World War in 1917. At the outbreak of the war, notwithstanding the fact he had an opportunity to receive an officer's commission and remain at Fort Omaha as a draftsman in the engineering corps, he chose to go to France as a buck

aphy of Harry Trustin private in the engineering corps. He reached his decision to go to the actual scenes of hostilities on promises from Judge Foster that he would be in I'rance within three months. In Fjrance he was advanced through aH the grades of a non-commissioned <jffi©er. He saw service in the Meuse Argonne and in the Gerardarmeer sector of Alsace Lorraine, building roads, pontoon bridges and engaging in all forms of army engineering activity. After the signing of the Armistice he went with the army of occupation to Germany. On his return to Omaha late in 1919 he entered business as a partner in the building materials firm of Kraus and Trustin with offices on the sixth floor of the Paxton building. His record of civic activities is probably his greatest endorsement to the voters of Omaha. In 1919 he joined the American Legion and moved successively to the executive committee, the vice commander of Omaha Post No. 1, then and now one of the largest posts in the world with over 3,000 members. During his Legion membership lie has been especially active in rehabilitation work, directing and aiding the adjudication of claims for his wounded and disabled comrades before the Veterans bureau. He is still chairman of

the Rehabilitation committee of the X»egion and continues to be active in every phase of Legion activity. He served on the board of directors for the national convention of the American Legion which was held in Omaha in 1925. . During his leadership of Omaha Post No. 1 in 1928-29 he served on the Red Cross board and on the Nebraska Tuberculosis society. Since the war he has been a member of Omaha Lodge No. 354 of B'nai Brith, he collaborated with Sam Beber, Harry Lapidus, Dr. Nathan Bernstein, and I. F. Goodman in founding the organization of A. Z. A. and was the first advisor of the Mother chapter No. 1. He is now a-member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, Engineers club, the Omaha Hebrew club, the board of directors of the Jewish Community Center and the Court of Honor of Boy Scouts. In his Boy Scout work he has been a scoutmaster, a member of the Troop committee and director of the board of review of the Boy Scouts. In March, 1920, Mr. Trustin married Bess Adler, coming from one of the pioneer families of Omaha. They have two children, a boy of 9 and a girl 3 years old. Mr. Trustin's mother and father are both still living in Omaha. His home address is 2435 Kansas Ave.



tained in verse in the Free Synagogue Weekly Bulletin of New York. A member of the Free Synagogue whose name is not given, thus gave vent to his feelings and thoughts:

Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

The nominating; committee with Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, chairman, proposed the following nominees: Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president; Mrs. Dave Sherman, vice-president; Mrs. E. Meyer, second vice-president; Mrs. Robert Glazer, secretary; Mrs. Arthur Cohn, corresponding secretary; Mrs. pave Cohn, treasurer; Mrs. J. Blank, auditor. These nominees will be voted on at a luncheon meeting, to be held May 10. At that time the group will also elect six directors. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, chairman of the ways and means committee, which headed the group activities, reported that over a thousand dollars had been raised. The group will show its appreciation for the work done by the choir by making members of the choir honor guests at a congregational picnic in June. Mrs. Lillian Johnson gave an excellent address on social service and child care, her subject being "Modern Methods in Child Care."


protecteth himself, but the thoughtless pass on, and are punished.

Talmud There are three men v/hose lives are not worth living: He who depends on neighbor's support. He whose Debate thy cause with thy neighbor, wifehisdominates over him, and he who but reveal not the secret of another. is suffering from an incurable disease. As a troubled fountain and a poluted spring-, so is a righteous man that giveth way before the- wicked. Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi said: "A man should never bring forth from his There is more hope for a fool than mouth an unfit word, for the Scripture uses a circumvention of eight for a man wise in his own eyes. (extra) letters* in order to avoid an A'prudent man seeth the evil and ugly word." By


THE GERMAN JEW SPEAKS ''Get back into your Ghetto, Jew, For you have climbed too high." $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - ' So speak the German lords today, Advertising rates furnished on application : Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building f "Get back or die." Telephone: ATlantic 1450 "And |f we go or if we die," i Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ; " The Jew replies, "not ours the shame.''' * DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor • FRANK R. ACKERMAN - --.- - - - - - - - Editor We stand indicted, but of what? FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent A crime without a name. ANN PILL - - - . - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent The crime of being born and having lived ' >• Through cruel strife. The crime of being few REBIRTH AND DECpNE Against the many, and at last There is a prophetic touch to the joyous welcome the Spanish The everlasting crime of being Jew. people are giving to Prof. Albert Einstein's acceptance of the But, O, my German lords, do not forget Spanish government's invitation to him to occupy the chair of The Ghettos cast a shadow quite as dark the research professorship of science .at Madrid University »- . . On those without as e'er on those within, coming so soon after the Nazi heads had stated they were "glad An ugly spirit-dead'ning mark. to rid themselves" of Einstein and after the Hitlerite students But of the ones within you should know this, had burned Einsteiniari; books and scientific works, only because That though they differ when their place is in the sun, he was Jewish. Vaad Auxiliary In sorrow and in shadow, 'tis not so. • In 1492 the bigots and narrow-minded fanatics of Spain reAt the last regular meeting of the Then they axe gloriously one. nounced the magnificent contributions of the Jewish people to Vaad Auxiliary, held at the B'nai Then Jew is loyal to his fellow Jew and lets the sound Spanish life, thought and culture, even as the German Nazis of Israel synagogue, April 13, it was reOf that allegiance ring the world around. ported that the sum of five hundred today. Arrogant Spain decreed the expulsion of Jewry and things dollars had been raised at the frolic Jewish. Spain, the world power, began to decline, lost its place and dance at the J. C. C. last month. And so Hitler stands defeated: instead of killing the Jewish in" the sun, became insignificant in world affairs. And last year, Mrs. Leon Mendelson, chairman of the religious committee, reported a almost four and a half centuries after the inquisition, Spain sent spirit he merely helps to solidify and strengthen it. —Detroit Chronicle. noted increase in attendance at the a cordial invitation to the Jewish people to return, openly admitVaad Eeligious School. Mrs. Frank ting the need of Jewish blood to enrich its realm with Jewish Ackerman, cultural chairman, reported on the last cultural meeting, held RENEGADE JEWS DO NOT ESCAPE industry, initiative, culture and ideals. And when the great JewApril 12 at the home of Mrs. A. be ish savant, Einstein, accepted a post in Spain, the descendants Do not renegade Jews believe that their Judaism will GA-288-150 Schwaczkin. The next cultural meetof those Spaniards who were "glad to rid themselves" of Jewish washed away at the baptismal font? We believe they do. How- ing will be held April 25. HERMETICALLY-SEALED. /TIHE big show is oat Spring{ leaders of all fields were highly elated, pointing to Einstein's com- ever, recent events in Germany have proved that conversion, even Rabbi Uri Miller spoke on "The InDual-automatic — with every^ models of the Westinghouse of long standing, does not immunize the converts from the barbs fluence of Pesach in the Home and thing you demand in a Dual-automatic Refrigerators ing as the rebirth of Spanish culture. modern refrigerator! ONE the Heart." are oo special display. The Nazis of Germany have not learned the lesson of history of anti-Semitic attack. line — ONE quality, the beat The regular meeting date of .the orNow is the time to buy. WestA melodramatic incident is that in connection with the dis- ganization was set for the third Monthat can be built. Visit our which Spain evidently has—that every nation which expelled inghouse values are sensational. Spring Showing todayl missal of Chief Justic Kurt Soelling of Berlin. He was brought to day of each month. For just a few dollars more than Jewish industry and Jewish culture and learning uncannily dethe cheapest make you can now public notice recently when he became converted to Christianity clined. Justice, fairness, humaneness, sympathy, tolerance— own a genuine Westinghouse Dual - automatic Refrigerator. these are the touchstones of a people's triumph, and those nations and joined the Nazis, expressing himself as one of the most bitter Pioneer Women anti-Semites. When the Nazis assumed power he was first to take The Pioneer Women will meet at undermining these foundations find their entire structure crumWestinghouse Dual-automatic § Refrigerators on Display ot». the J. C. C. Tuesday evening, April bling and toppling upon themselves. Only the bigot fails to the course of degrading Jewish judges from Criminal Civil Courts. 26. As very important business will recognize the mighty contributions of the Jewish people to man- However, the Nazi principle that conversion is not sufficient to be discussed and a report on the ticket THE BEST REFRIGERATOR kind's* onward march toward knowledge and understanding, to alter one's Jewish status was also applied to him and he suffered sale rendered, all members are urged recognize that the Jew has ever been a creator and a generous the lot of his former Jewish brethren whom he so severely mal- to attend. YOUR MONEY CAN BUY Mrs. J. Richlin, chairman of the donor to the culture and progress of man. The day will come igned and vexed by his conduct. ticket committee for the show and Louis Ullstein, head of the great publishing firm, whose death program to be given in June, reports when Germany's Nazis will learn, as Spain and so many other splendid response to date. , nations have learned, that when they short-sightedly try "to was recorded last week, disassociated himself from the Jewish a The members are still enthused over community for a generation; still his firm has been the object of root, out the Jews" they simultaneously root out other things, inthe talk -given last week by Mrs. Rubashov of Palestine. In her twen, eluding much of their country's prosperity, success and intel- virulent anti-Semitic attacks. AT. 4486 2004 FARNAM 1 ty-five years in Palestine, Mrs. RubWertheim's great department store in Berlin has its windows Kgence, ashov stated, she had never seen so broken continually, although the owner became, a Christian over a many Jewish immigrants enter PalPayments Arranged to Suit Your Convenience quarter *of a century ago upon his marriage to a non-Jewess. estine as at present. The girls and OPEN EVENINGS FALSE FANATICS The daughter of the greatest coal magnate in .Germany, seek- women, she declared, especially need- In Japan there is a Jewish population of about a thousand. ing social aggrandizement, was brought up in a non-Jewish en- ed aid. When you compare this with the eighty odd millions representing vironment. ;iIJpo|i her debut, her father gave her ©ne of the great? ^ M ^ l a t i o n , you can readily^ see jtiow msignificant a est balls of ;tfie day, which the Kaiser, an intimate friend, attended. ;?"• proportion of the' whole the Jewish residents constitute. You Not forgetting for an instant the Jewish origin of the debutante, would, therefore, think that here would be no danger of anti- the officers of the crack regiments who were present, were comSemitism, if only because of the paucity of our numbers. manded to dance with her by his ImperialHighness and after takBut anti-Semitism evidently knows no boundaries. For, a ing a whirl around the room, stopped dead in their tracks and FOR OVER A DECADE, month ago Lieutenant-General Nobutaka Shioden, influential re- bowed themselves away, to the chagrin of the heiress and the tired Jap, made a charge in the ToMo diet that international Jews malicious smiles of the non-Jewish guests. Her social ambition TRAVLWEAR HAS BEEN I M ITATED . . . B U T and Freemasons had forced the League of Nations to decide the was realized upon her marriage to a German baron who had the Manchurian question in a manner unfavorable to Japan. Empty audacity to have his mistress occupy one of the cars on the special ' charges of that nature glibly roll off the tongue, and nothing train taking the society bride and her husband on their honeyt naore would have been thought of it had not repercussions of the moon. This marriage collapsed in a short time, but stubbornly ° same calumny occurred this last week, when a monster anti-Sem- seeking happiness in non-Jewish circles, she married an English itic and anti-Masonic demonstration and mass meeting took place title. Six months sufficed to prick the matrimonial bubble, and in Tokio. The Jew, the eternal scapegoat, is once more made to returning to the Jewish community from whence she sprang, she blame for something about which he knows nothing. married one of, the Rothschilds and happiness has crowned their Lieutenant-General Shioden in fanning the prejudices of union for the last fifteen years. his listeners with jus spellbinding quoted extensively from the The late Albert Ballen, head of the German shipping board, Talmud and Bible to prove the Jews were destined to rule the was also an intimate friend of the Kaiser. Desiring to check the world and were obviously coming into conflict with Japan, which, ruin heedlessly brought on by the war, he dared to make a suggeshe graphically pointed out, is also destined to rule the world. tion to the emperor. The Kaiser turned upon him with the words, Japan, therefore, considers the Jewish people her rivals for world "I don't want to hear anything from you, you Jew." Albert Ballen power. With agitators stirring up such trouble, it was rather dis- took this rebuke so much to heart that he comrhitted suicide. In If imitation is the sincerest form • concerting when a well-known Japanese professor started another a short time, too, the haughty Kaiser, who S9 often ratled his argument by stating that the Japanese were the descendants of sabre, ignomiriiously fled his" country in the dead of night, cowardof flattery, then Travlwear should feel the trihes of Reuben, Gad and Manassah. The anti-Semitic agita- ly, white-faced, terrified!—Boston Advocate. quite proud. For, every year since its tors, disconcerted temporarily, decided to furn this to their advantage by accepting it as another proof that the Japanese were Hyman Cohn, T. A. Tully, Abe Greenintroduction by Hickey-Freeman, destined to rule the world. r Cduncil o f span, L. B. Woolfson, H. S. Novitsky, E. V. Lorig, and S. Handler. To refute the arguments of such anti-Semitic. fanatics is Jewish W leading weavers everywhere have atAmong the lovely door prizes to be useless, a waste of breath. Unfortunately, the masses are willing The Omaha section of the Council1 awarded is a beautiful hand-tooled Jewish Women will" hold a meeting necklace from Palestine. to believe that which on its face is preposterous. There are only of tempted to equal its rare durability and progranCoii' Monday, April 24, at The next regular Hadassah meeting sixteen million Jews throughout the entire globe; yet they are 2:30 p. nv at the J.. C. C. : place April 26. The meeting and beauty. It's still the leader in its blamed for every imaginable trouble. Constantly new countries \ Mrs. : Jeanette Arnstein, chairman iswillof take unusual importance and all memof the social service, announces a are being added to the list where anti-Jewish feeling is openly gen- most interesting program, -which wilt bers are urged to attend. Final arfield, however—not only in the lonjk erated. More and more we are made to feel that our salvation lies include ah address by Professor Law- rangements for the "Give or Get" luncheon scheduled for May 3, will be in a national strength, a nationalism—with the Jewish Homeland rence Brown,; professor of sociology made. Also, plans will be formulated faithful service it gives, but also in the Creighton university. His subject as its center—that will bind the Jews together into a strong peo- at the regional conference,' • which will be "Poverty and Dependence." He for ple, fearless of the vicissitudes of short-sighted, self-seeking dem- is an authority on this subject and is will be held in Omaha May 28 and 29. ^ smart style and perfection of fit that Another rummage sale will be held reputed to be an able speaker. agogical agitators. April 24 at 1307 Farnam street, under -THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY,





From Contemporary Pens A WAVE OF INSANITY One must begin to wonder whether the German situation is not, actually, the result of a dave of insanity. First, Hitler starts a boycott against the Jews. Then, he turns to the Bible and becomes a divine censor. Not satisfied with such gestures of a Don Quixote, he demands the resignation of the president of the Foreign Press Association in Berlin, Edgar Ansel Mowrer of the Chicago Daily News, because he saw fit to tell the truth about Germany in his new book, "Germany Puts Its Clock Back." Encouragingly enough, the enlightened elements throughout the world are united in protest against the outrages, and the events serve to awaken the Jews to their responsibility one for another. - An interesting reflection on the events in Germany is con-

- There will be short talks pertaining to this department. Mrs. H. A. Wolf, vice-chairman of the social service committee, will speak on "The Council's Relationship to Case Work." Mrs. R. Natelson will demonstrate the mechanism of the Braille machine, which is used in translating literature for the blind. Mrs. Harry Bosenfeld, chairman of the deaf aid committee, will explain the council's work in this field and the uses of the audiometer. A board meeting at 1:30 p. m. will precede the regular meeting.

the direction of Mrs. Sam Frohm. Please call Mrs. Frohm or Mrs. J. Stein if you have bundles to be picked up.

e a c h suit.



.• •-, : ••. •


Daughters of Zion A special meeting of the Daughters of Zion will be held Thursday afternoon, April 27, at the J. C. C. Very important business will be discussed. All members are urged to attend.

The Golden Hill society will meet at the home of Mrs. D. B. Epstein on Monday, April 24, at 2:30 p. m. Eleborate plans are being made by Members are urged to note that this the fifteen hostesses who are spon- month's meeting day has been changed soring the Hadassah card party Tues- from Tuesday to Monday. day, April 25, at the J. C. C. Each hostess is expected to make up five Conservative Auxiliary tables.At a meeting of the Conservative For reservations, call any of those in charge: the Mesdames Gam Cohen, Synagogue Auxiliary held at the J. Sam Peltz, Abraham Cohn, Dave C. C, Wednesday the organization Bernstein, Dave Silverman, Morris pledged $100 to the Jewish PhilanCivin, H. A. Bleicher, N. Levinson, thropies


Hickey-Freeman so expertly tailor into <


Only THE NEBRASKA in Omaha Features Hickey-Freeman Customized C l o t h e s SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY


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PAGE 5 - 3 S E JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 21,1933 with headquarters a t the Hotel Paxton, on May 27 and 28.

cop sour mitt:, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup currants, 1 cup raisins, one-half cup cocoa, 2 eggs. Pour in shallow butNate Cutler, tennis coach at thetered pan and sprinkle crumb mixJ. C. C , has secured the services of ture over top. Bake 10 minutes. John Tatom, t i e tennis pro of the Omaha Tennis club, to give his tennis White Cup Cakes class an interesting talk and demonOne cup sugar, one-third cup butstration of the latest in tennis techter, three-fourths cup milk, 2 cups nique. flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, oneSpring basket ball will start in full half teaspoon salt, 2 egg whites, 1 swing Monday at 7:30 and Wednesday teaspoon almonds, cream, batter and at 7:45, now that Physical Director sugar. Add flour and milk alternateM. H. Sogolow has recuperated and is ly. Add baking powder with last portion of flour. Add flavoring. Fold Dack from the hospital. in beaten whites. Bake in muffin A large turnout is expected. pans.


Religious Services

tria was informed at a conference here addressed by Dr. Wilhelm Miklas, president of the republic, and Carl Vongoin, war minister.

GIVES BOOK REVIEW Mrs. Eva Xoneeky gave a )>ook review before the Sigma Zappa CM, Tuesday evening, April 18, at the Temple Israel J. C C. This marks the beginning of For a series of cultural talks -which -will Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on be held every month by the sorority. Delicious, "The Pope's 'Holy Year 1 " at t i e services at Temple Israel this evening. Appetizing Foods Tomorrow morning Dr. Cohn's serMother-Daughter mon -will be on "Sacrifices." Banquet Tastily Served The following children will particiHIGHLAND STAG pate in •fiie Saturday morning service: at The Highland Country. Club stag, Gilinsky, Harney 7088, or from Mrs. Plans are being made for the an-Leonard Finkel, Sara Mae Graetz, welcoming the dub's new members, M. L. Cohn, president of the Sister- nual Mother-Daughter banquet to beBetty Tarnoff, Melvin Eadman, Theowill be held at the Blackstone Hotel, hood. held at the Jewish Community Center, dore Mayer, William Goetz, Melvin Reasonable Prices "Every member a swimmer" is the Sunday, May 7, at 6 p. m. Wednesday, April 26, at 6:30 p. nu Tenenbaum, Joel Abramson, and Zella goal Director Sogolow has set. Austrians Aloof From Nazis TEA FOR MRS. LEO •"Reservations are being restricted Cherniss. Eat at the "Now is a splendid time for all VIENNA—There will be no rapMEYERSON to 300 and must be in not later than ANNOUNCE BIRTH The a cappella choir, specially train- J. C. C. members and their friends to prochment with the Nazis of Germany, Mr. and Mrs. J . R Bushman of St. Mrs. Samuel Meyerson, 600 Roose- Friday, May 5. Those desiring reser- ed by Mrs. Carol Marhoff Pitts, di- learn how to swim," Sogolow states, the Christian Socialist party of AusJoseph, Mo., announce the birth of a velt avenue, Council Bluffs, will en- vations are asked to call the Center, rector, sings at the Saturday morning "so that when summer rolls around, son, Ronald Mack, on April 6. Mrs.tertain at an informal tea at her home Jackson 1366, or Mrs. F. J. Alberts, services. The choir is composed of: all will be able to handle themselves "Your Old Hat Made New Bushman "was formerly Miss Bess next Thursday afternoon, April 27, chairman, Jackson 6608. Sopranos—Harriett Bernstein, Esther well in the water." from two "until five o'clock, for all Greenberg of Omaha. Silverman, Ethel Resnick, Una Gross, Save a Dollar or Two" A reorganized class schedule for relatives and friends, in honor of her Adeline Speckter; Altos—Jane Goetz, swimming classes will be announced 1511 Farnam St. OMAHA HAT FACTORY daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leo Meyerson, Betty Beeson, Janet Graetz, Frances shortly. TEA FOR GUESTS U5 North 16th Street a\ recent bride. No invitations are beBlumkinj' Tenors^Abraham Dansky. Opposite ro.it Office Mrs. Morton Nathan of Los Angeles, ing El) KAPLAN. Manager issued. Joe Hornstein, Myron Cohen; Bass— California, arrived last week to be the Ftaene ATlantic 0558 TRY OUR NEW Adolph Laytin, Mnton Robinson, JuAKD WE WILL CALL guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. FROM CHICAGO The following popular books, all lian Nathan. Kitchen Chats David P. Feder. Mrs. Nathan was forMrs. Herman Wise of Chicago, Illi- in good condition, are on public sale Kaddish will be recited this SabBy merly Miss Sadye Feinstein. nois, is spending a few weeks here now, in the joint Center-Council pub- bath for Henry Wertheimer, Israel Mrs. Charles Greenberg of St. JosMrs. David M. Newman lic rental library, located at the Gluck, Fannie Gluck, and Philip S. eph, Mo., is arriving this afternoon, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Community Center, for only I SAVE NATIONAL also to be the house guest of herMeyer Lapp. Mr. Wise, who spent the 25c each. "Grand Hotel," by Vicki Tenenbaum. week-end here, returned to Chicago, Crumb Cake cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Feder. Baum; "Mr. and Mrs. Penniugton, ACCESSORIES, INC. One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 Mrs. Peder will be at home to honor Monday. Numerous affairs are being by F. B. Young; "Portrait by CarConservative given in honor of Mrs. Wise. cups flour, 1 teaspoon each of cloves, her guests at an afternoon tea on Sat"Everythinjj for the A o oline," by Sylvia Thompson; "The cinnamon. Mix and reserve urday, April 22, from 2 to 5 p. m., at RETURNS HOME Lady Who Came to Stay," by R. E. At services tonight, Rabbi David A. nutmeg, 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 one-half cup mixture for top. To the her home, 5206 Farnam street. Miss Sarah Noddle returned home Spencer; "Flamenco," by Lady El- Goldstein will speak on "Does It Pay remainder add 2 teaspoons syrup, 1 Wednesday after a week's visit in St. eanor Smith; and "Festival," by to Be Good?" SISTERHOOD DINNER Struthers Bttrt. Anyone may buy Next week Eabbi Goldstein will Louis, Ma, and Greenfield, HL 22ISFMMAN ATZ8IS TONIGHT any of these books anytime, without base sermon on Ludwig Lewisany fuss or bother. The price for ohn's his The final dinner of the season by new book, "This People." each is only 25c A chance to fill the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will Z.B.T. MOTHERS' CLUB be given at the Temple annex this The Zeta Beta Tau Mothers* club your own modern library at a barW T W t WEAt held a regular meeting Wednesday at gain! Take advantage! Library evening, starting at 6:30 p. m. Vaad the home of Mrs. S. Pizer. Z. B. T. open daily every afternoon and eveAmong those who have made resThat Sam* ervations are included Mr. and Mrs. Parents' Day will be held at the chap- ning, plus first four mornings each Regular services will be held toter house in Lincoln, April 23. week. Sam Leon (10), Mr. and Mrs. William Shoe Comfort night at the B*nai Israel synagogue, The next meeting of the Mothers' HOWAUD «t 16th. Holzman (5), Mr.,'and Mrs. Ed AbraH yon have your shoes Eighteenth and Chicago streets, at 8 hams (4), Mrs. Cora Wolf (5), Rabbi Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Did you know? That there are o'clock, under the auspices of the repaired at the and Mrs- Frederick Cohn (3), Mr. and Louis Sommer, May 17. more than 400 modern popular books United Orthodox synagognes. Rabbi STANDARD Mrs. Sam Herzberg (2), Mr. and Mrs. for rent in the Center-Council lib- Miller and Cantor Schwaczkin will ofDine at the Harry Green (3), Mr. Eugene Blazer; PARENTS' TEA rary at the J. a C ? That many of ficiate. The subject of Rabbi Miller's vSho« Repair Co. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cohn, Mr. and A parents' tea will be given by the the latest and most talked about of sermon will be "Religion—Art or J. I* BUCK Prop. Quaintest Place in Town Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Creighton university chapter of Pi-the last few ,weeks are also there Science 1" This will be a discussion of 1819 Farnam David Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold- Lambda Phi, national social frater- for rent, plus many of the late pop- the various approaches to religion. nity, at the chapter house this Sunday ular favorites, and many of theThe service is followed "by a meeting Feel "pepped up" by really enjoySt. stein. , ing your food. The committee in charge consists afternoon from 3 to 5 p. m. newly-published? That these books of the open forum discussion group of the-Mesdames Charles Schimmel, <* j rent anytime to anyone for only under the auspices of the junior orIf you want to discover the true Abe Sbmberg, Mollie Cohen, I. Rosen- JUNIOR HADASSAH "MOTHER 3c per day, with reservations ac- ganizations affiliated with the United meaning of dining comfort come to thai, Manning Handler, Ed Abrahams, AND DAUGHTER" BRIDGE cepted for books free? That the Orthodox synagogues. the Jack and Jill—where the food i The Junior Hadassah will give a Harry Wilinsky, and Louis Somberg. library is open every afternoon and Saturday morning, Rabbi Miller will is unexcelled, the service unim"Mother and Daughter" bridge partr evening, plus 4 mornings a week, to officiate at the'Beth Hamedrosh Hagon Tuesday night, May 9, at the Hotel the public? That receipts from the odol, Nineteenth and Burt streets. At peachable, and the soothing atPASSOVER WEEK HERE y Mis.. Carl Studna and daughter, Paxton. Miss Lillian Nachschoen is library go to pay for several schol- Ihis time children's services will be inmosphere is "just right." Phyllis, of Kansas City, Mo., whochairman for this affair, and plans arships granted to poor Jewish girls troduced. Enjoy the Jack and Jill—for breakspent the Passover week here visiting are being made to have this an out- annually by the Omaha Council of The Hebrew class under the ausfast— lunch — dinner — after the Mrs. Stadna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. standing event. Other members of th» Jewish Women? That the library pices of the cultural committee of the show. Dave 'Blumenthal, returned' home committee include > e Misses Estelle is well located, in the library rooms Junior Vaad auxiliary and the Young Gilbert, Rose Dolgoff, Bess Kirschen- of the J. C. C., a t the edge of theMen's Vaad, will meet at 7:30, MonTuesday, : i OPEN ALL NIGHT They were accompanied back by baum, Fannie Katelman, Bess Bern- downtown district? That it is al- day evening, a t the B'nai Israel synMrs. Studna's sister, Mrs. -Elmer stein, and Sarah Noddle. Tickets are ready very popular with many .pop- agogue, .; Eighteenth and Chicago Use i t ! streets. Members interested in Hebrew Gross, who wiirspend a.week in Kan- •now on sale at twenty-five cents per ple. A Sncgestion for Any Night" person, and may be obtained by callare asked to be present. . sas : €ity. ••'.'•' ' - ' '" 'ing Miss Nachschoen, Harney 7497, Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak LOST—A pair of ladies black kid or any member of the committee. Served while u Idaho tmkrd VISITS TN KANSAS CITY lathe rfwmn / *%ft potato. Hi iced gloves •were either lost or taken by Rich honesty dwells like a miser, The next meeting of the JunioT tomato, bread Miss Sophie Rosenstein spent the mistake by someone at the Senior sir, in a poor house; as your pearl in Piping hot. butter, drink. past week-end ^visiting in Kansas City, Hadassah will be held next Thursday Council dance on Sunday, April 11. your foul oyster.—Shakespeare. evening, April 27, at 8 o'clock at the Missouri. Jewish Community Center, at which The gloves may be returned to the ime further plans will be made for office of the Jewish Community CenFOR WEEK-END the "Mother and Daughter" bridge ter, or to Miss Mary Cutler. WebMiss Mamie Brody spent the weekparty. Also, Mrs. Sidney Katelman, ster 5932. Please! end in Sioux City as the guest of Miss ! president of the Junior Hadassah, will Bess Zeligson. announce her committees for the Kindness in us is the honey that Southwestern Annual Regional con- blunts the sting of unkindness in anIN SIOUX CITY Harold Katleman is spending a vention, Tvhich will be held in Omaha, other.—Landor. couple of weeks visiting friends in Sioux City.


On the She!/

Curb Service 10% ^




BOOK REVIEW TEA The Temple Israel Sisterhood book review tea will be held on" April 25 a t the home of Mrs. Sam GflinsTsy, 604 South Thirty-seventh street. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will review ^Peking Picnic," by Ann Bridge, Atlantic Monthly prize novel. Tickets may T»e obtained from Mrs. JA. 9404 JA. 3404 Suits Cleaned 49c BANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 2016 Farnam St. All Wearine Apparel HAND IRO'^D L. A. LONGFELLOW. Prop.


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that Herzbergs, bent on bringing you the grandest collection of Spring Coats ever seen at $25, have gone to New York and searched the market for weeks . . . selecting coats of such outstanding quality and fashion that they are incredible finds at $25? Do you know that women are shopping the town and returning to Herzbergs for these coats? Do you know that unless you see them before buying your new coat you are doing yourself a rank injustice? See them this week! Be dressed up for Spring! $



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PAGE 6^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APEIL 21,1933 will and testament of said deceased, and 3. 3. FRIEDMAN, Attorney ing for Parents Day, May 14, consists other acts complete a bill that will be Tuesday/ and Wednesday* evening, that .a hearing will be had on said petition 534 Insurance Building A. Z. A. Alumni before said Court on the Cth day of May, of Meyer Tarnoff, Nate Crounse, and pleasing to the people of Omaha. April 25th and 26th . . y and get 1033, and that if they fail to appear at. Julian Meyerson. Nate Crounse is oryour tickets how, as no standing room An Omaha A. Z. A. Alumnus group said Court on the said Oth day of May, NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Douglas County, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest the will be permitted . . . Tickets can be is being organized, so that it may be ganizing a chapter kittenball team. SHOIWELL, MONSKT, GRODINSKT probate of said will, the Court may allow Nebraska. VANCE, Attorneys - ' purchased from your organization or functioning1 before the international In the Matter of the Estate of Bessie and probate said will and grant adminis137 Omaha National Bank Bide. tration of said estate to Sana Cohen or ; Wintroub Fill, Deceased. at the Center, or from any member of A. Z. A. convention to be held here All persons interested in said estate are some other suitable person and proceed to At Brandeis the cast . . . a settlement thereof. NOTICE B ¥ PUBLICATION ON PETIhereby notified that a petition has been this summer. in said Court, praying for the proCommencing with the matinee on TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL filed BRYCE CRAWFORD, There and Here An organization meeting will be Sunday, bate of a certain instrument now on file ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. . .„'. April 23, there comes to the In the County Court of Douglas County, In Bald Court, purporting to be the last 4-14-33-3t County Judge. By "Ab" Kaiman The medical^5 student who replies to held Sunday afternoon; April 30, at Brandeis Theater a diversified vaude- Nebraska. the "monicker ' of Hank is very seri- 3 p. m., at the J. C C. ; the Matter of the Estate of George K. ville program headlined by Dante Pic- InStaines, ous over a certain s u b j e c t . . . named Deceased: ciotti, the Italian concert pianist—a Fancy Our Artistic Nature! All persons interested in said matter are T. S. .. . . What young "eligible" enTHE hereby notified that on the 10th day of treat for the lovers of classical music. Summer is knocking at the door! tertained a Sioux City maiden Sunday April, 1933, Anna Staines filed a petition ! A. Z. A.100 wiIl hold a smoker on The Four Harmony Jacks share in the in said County Court, praying that her i . . To be out-of-doors just for last . . . and whose Mamma nodded administration account filed herein health's sake is not sufficient . . . but approval . . . and which released a Sunday evening1, April 23, at the home headline with harmony that you like final be settled and-allowed, and that she be to want to be outdoors, to be em- lot of babble among the- "kaffee of Daniel Idntzman, 3647 California. to hear. Roy and Joy, an acrobatic discharged from her trust as administraand that a hearing will be had on On Sunday, April 30, ten new mem- act; Will Cowan, eccentric dancer, trix braced by nature . . . ah! then rec- Matchers" •.-".•. That flaming haired said petition before said Court on the Cth of Nebraska Women reation is worth while . . . The great L. S. . . . i s having trouble with her bers will be formally initiated into the Mix and Wayne, rope spinning, and day of May, 1933, and that if you fall to appear before said Court on the said Cth forces of nature have retained the studies at Central High . . .. is it chapter- • _ ; day of May, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., and PHILIP M. KLUTZXICK rolling hills of the highest and cool- Harry Y.? . . . or better reverse it The committee in charge of arrangTry a Bag Today contest said petition, the Court may grant 050 Omaha National Bank Bide. the prayer of said petition, enter a decree est spot in the city . . . Highland and say . . . "Y Harry it is! . . . of heirship, and make such other and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OP Country Club . . . and the golf ad- There is a man ini,our 'town whose are saving their pennies for their further orders, allowances and decrees, as "N. S. YAFFE PRINTING CO." to this Court may seem proper, to the end dicts including the a. k's (alte kibbit- hair became gray ias the result of "baby" bank . . . . contemplating, of Notice Is hereby given that the under- that all matters pertaining to said estate signed have formed a corporation under may zers) . . . tramping over hill and dale packing, a lot of .trouble . . . and course, the arrival of a little visitor the be finally settled and determined. of the State of Nebraska. The BRYCE CRAWFORD, and swatting the pellet . . . after all later when he unburdened himself of . . i Mebbe you will identify the fu- namelaws of this corporation shall be "N. S. 4-14-33-3t County JudgeYaffe Printing Co." with' its principal our "yeahs" -nd "yeahs" of love for the pack . . .suddenly discovered ture papa when I tell you that he is place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The the great game of baseball . . . we that the gray hair had vanished . . . an auto salesman-. .. . And who may general nature of the business to be tranand the object and purpose for condescend with the "gawf" bugs . . . it came outaltogether! . . . that's this: young lass M. A. (not ma) be. sacted this corporation is organized and FOR RENT that it is THE healthful and invig- what- we^ "would, term ;"the evolution who has developed such a sudden which established shall be to conduct and operate a printing establishment; to purchase and Two bedrooms, kitchen. Well orating sport . . . of a head of hair!" . .'-., A criticism hankering- for "sauer-kraut?" . . . it sell printing and stationery supplies; to furnished with all accommoequip and maintain by purchase, construcof Hitler that is a classic . . . Walwon't do any good to ask the writer tion, lease or otherwise, buildings and ' Give While You Live 1 dations. Word reaches us that the machinery ter Wihchell's'operi letter to the of this colyum . . -And before I for- equipment to be used as aiid for a printCALL WEBSTER 3527 establishment or a stationery saJes in readiness for the annual Phijafl- "tzumjsh,t!r-Nazr leader if; . which get, don't you forget to tune in on ing: establishment, and to do all things which thropies drive is being well oiled . . . contained the wor.<js: "Yp.u (Would have KFAB Sunday morning at 10 a. m. may be necessary and/or proper to carry out the objects herein set forth. The authand the master mechanic, Dave Gold- Been .a big success in the Spanish In- for the Jewish Hour . . . A rousing orized capital stock shall be $5,000.00 and man, the Herzberg store exec. . . . quisitibti!"" : .-. 'Morton Downey con- cheer for Sylvia Silverman, Lawrence Jill of said stock shall be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share, fully siders .-*'Eiir Eili" as his most sucBordyy Israel Hornstein and Morris paid up nnd. guarding said machinery to prevent non.-assessgbje, _The corporarust . . . by continuous private meet- cessful number,'mongst his group of Dansky,.who°were included among the tion shall commence doing business upon •QUALITY — D I G N I T Y — £ 0 0 . » O MY* the filing of its articles with the County songs . . . Which one of our better honor' students of Central High . . . Clerk of Douglas ings . . . Through his efforts several County, Nebraska, and prominent business men have been local scribes, after years of isolation and admitted to membership in the shall continue ?or a period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of mustered in to aid the determined from the opposite sex . . . finds that National Honor society'.'. . indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of. the -capital»stock, h o t this, restriction Rib Ticklers crew of workers . . . The generalis- a charming little "cherie" (maiden to not apply to indebtedness secured: by simo, Dr. Abe Greenberg, reports youse guys) in an apartment setting Sam Josephson," the professional shall mortgages or liens upoa-a'rty of the <'orthat the "rating" committee has com- . . is real surcease from the. rush "aggravater," ribbing Henry Monsky porate..property.- The- affaire of tbis.corr shall be managed Uy a Board of pleted its assignment and the initial and roar of the day . . . especially . . . Wm. Holzmart's "poifect" accent poration Directo>s consisting of -not less than two The annualtioeetin? of the corgifts committee already functioning when getting an/opinion on her liter- . . . Jay Pearlstien's "crushed" cha- members.' poration- shall be held on-ffie first Monday > . . demonstrate your Jewish pride ary efforts, which ;.are as "clever > andpeaa(hittel) . . » Benny- Falk's "pet- In January of.each ycarv at wlwch meeting stockholders shall elect a Roard of Diby enrolling for service . . . talented as her personality •.*'.., » which rified" gags . . . especially: "My the rectors and thereupon the .Board shall elect Players Seek Encouragement is plenty keen T . . * Answering the name is Teddy, step in" ••, . • Isadoi a. President, a Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. .Any two. of said offices The action of the play, "Shver tzu Publix" demands . . . w e are at Dansky's Yiddish stories . ..'. .Judge may be held by. one and. the same person. zein a Yid," contains genuine love liberty to announce that the sizzling Stalmaster's delineation of "Italian These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of fhe stockscenes portrayed by Harriet Fleish- romance (a strictly" mutual affair) Joe" . . . D. Abrams, the Chicago holders by Especially Built to Serve Humanity Better a two-thirds vote of the outman in the role of Betty, and Russell continues 'twixt. Charley, the peer of baker, and his appropriate "moshels" standing stock. >'. Blumenthal as the Russian student publicity "projectors" . . . and the . .; Mendel Blank's "wise cracks" JAckson 3901 IN WITNESS WHEItEOF. the parties 24th Street at Dodge . . . And Irvin JJeitel, as Seyomkala, sweet and slender brunette, Evelyn during a lull in the Omaha Hebrew hare hereunto subscribed their names this the young son of the Shapiros, will . . What local publicity sharp is Club, Sunday afternoon meetings . . . 29th day of March, 1933. S. TAFFE. • surprise you with his performance completely overboard about a local Harry Shumow's droll, stories and "be. . . a clever youngster, that boy . . . dancer whose "handle" is a real name lieve it or not" . . . Sam Beber's In the presence of :R. J. HOLDSBERG, . Philip M. Klutznicfc. Please don't forget the dates . . .: on any bill . . . Mr. and Mrs. B. C. spicy stag stories . . . . 4-7-33-4t -
















No Machine—Clear, Keen Thinking Business Men—Sponsored by Taxpayers. "In UNION There Is STRENGTH!11






Emmett Hannon

XI Frank E. Frost Controlled by None


Endorsed by

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Jewish Equality Rule in Poland, Says Envoy

requests- that if any member who where they made their home for thethe Majors in the EOTC promotions has a bundle of old clothing to do- Contributions of U. S. past year, for an extended visit here at the Abraham Lincoln high school nate, would call her, phone 1196^ the with Mr. -Solzman's parents, Mr. and this week. Jewry I§ Generous Mrs. Nathan Solzman. Washington, (J.T.A.)—In his first committee will call for it jon^ Sunday Kabbi Frederick Cohn spoke Wedstatement to the press, dealing -with morning. Otherwise, bundles mdy Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—Until the Miss Fannie Katelman entertained nesday evening, April 19, at the Hobe taken direct to 17 Ifcrtii Mam Poland's difficulties in connection with of 1932, the Jews of the twenty guests at a benefit Pesach tel Chieftain, with a large crowd at\ summer Germany, the P o l i s h Ambassador street on Monday morning. ; United States contributed half of party last Saturday night, for thetending his lecture on current event here, Stanislaus Patek, took occasion : CLUBS the total income of the Palestine Junior Tr^wf*8**^topics. He discussed "The Present to emphasize Poland's equal treatThe Ladies Aid society will hold a Foundation Fund, according to fig- Miss Dora Markovitz is spending World Situation." ment of the Jew with other racial meeting ' next Tuesday afternoon, ures tnade public by the fund. and religious groups. As proof of April 25, at 2:30 o'clock at the borne' Jit present the income of the "Ker- the week in TT*wg*K City, Mo., visit- SHOTVMX, MOJfSKY, GRGDIKSKX & VANCE, Attorneys. this, he pointed to his governments of Mrs. Julius Kateiman, 417 Oak-en Hayesod from the United States ing friends737 Omaha SatLoniJ Bank Bids. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cherniss enter. intervention on behalf of Polish Jews land Avenue. ' -All members are is the lowest compared with' other NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES that the tained twenty guests at a bridge party nndersigned in Germany, saying HI part:. "In in- urged to attend this meeting. lands. have formed a corporation unat their tome Sunday night in honor ternatonal relatioftts I as well as at' der the name of BELL CIGAE STOKE, Of the total of 4714,440 pounds The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 INCt, with its principal place of business of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise of Chihome Polish citizens, irrespective of received by the Keren until July, in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The their faith or natonalty, are equally of the Independent Order of the 1932, the sum of 2,395,997 pounds cago, HL Mrs. Wise is a sister to corporation shall have anthority -to purchase and sell at retail, cigars, tobacco, protected by the Government.- Lately B'nai Brith will hold a regular meet- came from the Untied States. Mrs. Cherniss. magazines, newspapers and any and all a proof of this was given by official ing next Monday evening, April 24, kindred articles, and to handle such South Africa ranks next to the Jack Gordon was chosen as one of other at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles hall. real or personal property as may be rePolish intervention . in the defense United States, having contributed quired. The corporation Bhall have the power to borrow money and issue evidences of the rights of the Polish citizens The CounciliBluffs. Chapter No. 7 the sum of 391,138 pounds during SAMUEL. ZACHAKIA, Attorney. of indebtedness therefor. The corporation 768 Brandels Theater BMc. of the Jewish faith in foregn coun- of the A. Z. JL will hold a meeting the same period. shall commence business -when the Articles are filed trith the County Clerk of tries. Poland's attitude in these next Thursday night, April 27, to NOTICE OF ADMUntSTKATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue matters is so determined that lit make plans for a ^beer party"; to be until January 1st, 19S3. The authorized Nebraska. should l e a v e no doubt on that held early in May a t the Hotel sides Mrs. Xrause, Mrs. Davidson Is ID the Matter of the Estate of Theresa capital stock is £>,O0O.flO, all common, par value $100.00. being fully paid when issued survived by nine other children; two Irene Clarry, Deceased. Chieftain. s c o r e d . . : '•••'•"•• •:'•! -••• • ' Alt persons interested in said estate are nnd non-assessable. The affairs shall be daughters in Lincoln, one daughter hereby administered by a Board of Directors, not that a petition haB been : Mrs. Alta Davidson of Lincoln, in Brooklyn, N . Y.; one daughter, filed innotified said Court alleging that Baid de- less than two nor more than five in number, and the undersigned shall be the first Nebr., passed away at a Council Atlantic City, N. J-, and five sons, ceased ffied leaving Jio last will and pray- Board. The stockholders shall elect Diing for administration -upon bis estate, and Bluffs hospital last .week, at the age all in Lincolnthat a hearinc -will be had on said petition rectors at the annual meeting to be held the Becond Monday in January of em* said court on the 13th day of May, of 72. Mrs. 3Ctevia*sonf|K^ been visMrs. Ben Kooler and sons, Doug- beforeanfl that H-they tail t o appear at said j^year. Thereafter directors shall -dec! offiiting here at the home 6fT her' daugh- las and Harry, returned home on 1933, Court on the Bald 13th day of Mar. 1933, cers, vix^ President, Vice-President. Secreaind Treasurer. The Articles may be ter, Mrs. Herman Kraose, when she Thursday, following a three months' at 8 o'clock A. M-, to contest said petition, tary the Coart mar grant the same and grant amended. The corporation shall have a was taken suddenly ill. The body visit at Miami Beach, Florida. administration of said estate to Harry B. seal. was taken to Lincoln on Wednesday, Cohen, or some other mutable person and Dated March 22, 1933. BAR MITZYAH •proceed to a settlement thereof. XJKCOLS SMITH. P where funeral services were held,; ' BB.XCE CfiATTF DAN McDKRMOTT. The Bar Mitxvah of Leo Meyer- conducted by Rabbi Harry Jolt. Be- Mr. and Mrs. Bee Solzman -arrived here last week from Houston, Tex., 4-2i-3t. County Judge. 4-7-33-4t son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Meyeram, "will take place Saturday •3MKU33CAI, FOMTICAI. ADFEKl morning, April 22, at the Chevra B'nai Tlsroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster street On Saturday afternoon, Leo will entertain twelve friends at a theater party at the Strand theater. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Meyerson will entertain at a reception at their home at 2817 Avenue A, on Sunday, April 23, from 2 iriitil 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and 7 untn 10 o'clock in the evening-, for all of their relatives and friends, in honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. No cards are being issued. TEA FOR BRIDE Mrs. Samuel Meyerson will entertain at ah informal tea at her home at 600 Roosevelt Avenue, for ail her relatives and friends, next Thursday afternoon, April 27, between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock, in honor of her daughter-in-law,; Mrs. Leo Meyerson, a recent bride. Mrs. Leo Meyerson was formerly Miss Helen W6Iinsky of St. Joseph, Mo., prior to her marriage on March 29. No invitations are being issued. Assisting the hostess at the tea table :will be Mrs. Herman Meyerson and Mrs. Morris Crossman of Council Bluffs, and Mrs. David Finl^el and Mrs. Ben Gershun of Omahai RUMMAGiS SALE 1 The Council Blnff$: Senior Hadassah will hold their annual rummage sale next Monday and Tuesday, April 24 and 25, at 17 North Mairi street Mrs. Ben Kubby~is chairman in charge of this rummage sale, and :



Council Bluffs


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KOTICE OF CHATIEL MORTGAGE SAXK • Xotiee i s hereby given that "on the 10th day or May, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. AI., at BekinB Van & Storage Company, 16th and: Iieavemvorth Street*, Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: 1 overstuffed chair, 1 overstuffed davenport, 1 metal floor lamp, 1 antique •walnut mirror, 1 onyx top end table, a Stein-way grandjjpiano, 1 overstuffed chair, 1 8:3x 10 :tS 'Wilton rue. 2 0x12 Wilton rugs, 1 •walnut French commode, 1 secretarial cabinet, X; library lamp, 1 bridge lamp, stair and hall rugs, 1 -walnut buffet, 6 walnut mohirtr chairs, 1 ^walnut china cabinet, x 8:3=10:6 "Wilton rog, 1 sewing- cabinet:, 1 walnut taWe, 1 -walnut serving table, 1 buffet-mirror, 1 telephone cabinet, 1 smoking cabinet, 3 kitchen choirs, 1 Universal dectrte lange,. 1 table, 1 - Apex vacuum cleaner, 1 brick-a-'brack -^rack, 1 child's Dedr 8. M. & B-, 1 metal *day bed, S. M. & B.. 2 twin beds, S. M. & B., 1 walnut cedar chest, •: 1 chiffionier, 1 dresser, x vanity dresser, 1 stand. 1 rocker to match, 2 throw"*ugs, 1 child set, 1 chiffonier, .pottery, vases, crockery, silverware, cut glass, pictures,, curtains, draper, cooking utensils, percolator, lawn mower,, gnTden tools, 3 "lairrote, 2x5 and lights," 2 small mirrors and. lights, 2 dressing tables and 0 chairs, 3 ceiling lights, 2 costumers, and 3 ^mall forms, story rug 12x34, v,-}ndow "rag, _:24. -display stands. 1 Damascus sewing--.machiue,; 1 iron board, 1 electric iron, "and othar iiecessary store .fixtures^, -•"-.:-.• • coyerej by a chattel mortgage ;in favor of; the United-Financial Service, a corporation, Bigael: b y Julian Segil and Mathilde Segil; that said nxortgage is dated July 2S.~" 1032, and -was filed of record in the'office, ot the. Count} Clerk of Donplas. County, Zebras-, fai, en" January 14, 1038. •_; Snid' sale will be for "the. purpose of foredoalnfi said mortBage, ior-the^'costs ot the Bale and all accrntng costs including warehouse'Jees and for the: ptirpose of-satisfying the amount due thereon. to-Vit I 9512.2& plus interest;! thdt no BBlt or' Other proceedings at law have'been instituted to leeover said debt or any part thereof. TJKITED FINANCIAL SERVICE, By Philip M. KJutznick, Its Attorneyr

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Dean Noyes is the best Street Commissioner Omaha has ever had. He is the best because he was trained for Hie work and" possesses a profound insight. Eor eight, and^a half years Dean Noyes worked in every branch of the Barber- Asphalt Paving Company of Kansas City, Dallas, Philadelphia* —a natkmally-f ainous institirte, and no# in his present capacity, he stands out an expert in his line and an authority on paving to whom dther experts from many cities come, seeking counsel of his ingenuity.

BECAUSE Dean Noyes' experience and efficiency have saved the eity^of Omaha hundreds of thousands of dollars of expense, of which this wepa. is a concrete example: In^l932*wheri the sum of $38,321 was appropriated for the Curb, Gutter and Paving Fund, this sum was not enough to maintain the streets and put them in proper repair after the severe wear and tear of chains fluxing the winter months. So we find Mr. Noyes going out and securing other asphalt work to increase this fund sufficiently to take care of the much needed-repairs. With the help of the City Asphalt Plant Dean Noyes returned a net earning of $36,675 for the taxpayers of (Omaha. Consider well this item of earning such an amount, $36,675, that would have had to come from the taxpayers' pockets.

Liicoln $1.25 . > ' Wahoo $1.00 ftft . J)es Moines $2.00 T Denver $730 '••• ] Detroit $7.00. Los AngeleS $20.00

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In 1932 the "visiting Nurse Association finished8 the yearwithout funds and would now be helpless asS abandoned were itnbt for*^3,000 contribution from*J)ean Noyes.- This ;timel3f-aid>was givertto a jpoup whose field is contagious diseases, having treated 5*62 cases since January 1st. The entire city has benefitted from the generous gift of Dean Noyes, who thus aided in keeping dreaded s i c k n e s s f o m i » n ^ t 3 ^ u h y i ^ d^op^ray



ROAD SERVICE TILL 11 P. M. Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors



ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453

Your Messenger of Jewish News SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 21,1933

ANNUAL PALESTINE BAZAAR WILL BE ONSUNDAY The annual Palestinian Bazaar, sponsored by the Poale Zion Organization will be held Sunday afternoon and evening, April 23, at the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds will go toward the work of the Pioneers or Chalutzim, in Palestine. The Bazaar will open in the afternoon. Supper will fie served, cafeteria style, from 5 o'clock until 8. Members of the Poale Zion are •urging every Jewish family to plan to spend the day at the Bazaar and eat their supper there. Attractive souvenier p r o g r a m s have been mailed to every Jewish home in the city. The program also includes valuable information concerning the work of the Chalutzim in Palestine. The committees in charge of arrangements plan on a capacity attendance, since they say the senti; ments of the Sioux City Jewish community so strongly favor Zionism. "The achievements of the Jewish pioneers in Palestine have added a Golden chapter to Jewish history, arid they deserve the full hearted support of every loyal Jew," is the announcement made by Poale Zion officials. "It is due to those pioneers that the valley of Jezreel is now blossoming. When first purchased by the Jewish National Fund, it was a vast malarial swamp, too dangerous for human habitation. Through the untiring efforts and sacrifices of the pioneers who drained the marshes and planted trees and flowers the valley is now the Paradise of Palestine, and dotted with Jewish colonies." "Thousands of Chalutzim from all parts of the world are now clamoring to enter Palestine. The Histadruth in Palestine is the only organization which is functioning in behalf of the pioneers. Over 50,000 pioneers have passed through through their hands." Proceeds of the bazaar will :.. aid this worthy cause. - • • ' •:

DEATHS Mr- Isaac Magilevsky, a resident . of Sioux City for 41 years, died af; ter a heart attack, Monday' afternoon. Mr. Magilevsicy .was. 64 years i old. He was a memBet of 'Shaare Zion synagogue.• • Funeral services were held Tues, day afternoon, at the family residence, with Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiating. Mr. Magilevsky was born in Slutz, Russia, and came to Sioux City, directly upon his arrival in'this country. Surviving are two sons, Abraham and Jack, of Buffalo, Minnesota, and three daughters, Rose, Anna, and Dora. Mr. E. Hurwitz died Monday, after a year's illness. Funeral services were held in the family residence, Tuesday afternoon. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiated. Mr. Hurwitz came to Sioux City thirty years ago. He was a member of the B'nai Brith and the Shaare Zion Synagogue. Surviving Mr. Hurwitz are his widow, four sons, Dave, Louis, Hyman and John, of Sioux City; ; three brothers, Lewis, of Pipestone, Minis nesota, Bennett of Sioux Falls, and Ben of Sioux City, and one sister, Mrs. Esther Wykoff of Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. J. Helin, died Friday morning, after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held from the family residence. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiated. Surviving are the widower, two sons, and a daughter, all of Sioux City.

Four Star Hit at Granada

Mother, Daughter Banquet May! Mount Sinai Sisterhood has set Monday evening,: May 1, as the date for their annual Mother'and Daughter banquet. The affair will be held in the Temple annex at 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. A. Gilinsky will be in charge of the dinner. Assisting her will be Mrs. I Miller, Mrs. E. Rosenstock, Mrs. H. Fishgall, Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. S. Mosow. Mrs. Abe I. Sacks and Mrs. William Newman are in charge of the dining room, with Mrs. E. N. Grueskin and Mrs. Morris A. Weiner in charge of the reservations. Mrs. A. M. Davis is chairman of the program committee. ••.';.•

Club News Epsilonphi Miss Charlotte Kantrovich will be hostess to the Epsilon Phi Sorority, Wednesday evening, at her home, when the members will hold a Studio Pajama Party. The club has set June 4, as the date for their Summer Formal. The affair will be held at Shore Acre Gardens.

Society News Mrs. Henry Monsky and Mrs. Nate Green of Omaha were guests at an informal reception Wednesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lazere, 2616 Jackson street, following the Senior-Junior Hadassab. program. Mrs. Monsky and Mrs. Green were guest artists on this program. The committee in charge of ^arrangements for the Hadassah program honored the two guest artists with a, dinner in the Martin hotel, preceding the program. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katz and daughter, Diane, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs, Abe Baker of Walnut, la., have departed for their homes after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shulman. Mr. Katz arrived in the city. by plane to join his wife and daughter, who arrived in the city several weeks ago. Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Sylvia Halpern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ; Max Halpern of Des Moines, ta Mr. Max Berck of Des Moines. The wedding took place in Omaha, The Halperns are former residents of this city,

Mr. and Mrs. A^ J. Meyers and sons, Richard Howard and Lawrence Edward of Des Moines, are guests Miss Dorothy Gelson "was elected at the home of Mrs. Meyers' parents, treasurer of the Debra club at their Mr. and Mrs. Barney Rosen thai. meeting this week, and Miss Rose Miss Leah Okun entertained . a Albert, publicity chairman. The club decided to give their spring dance group of friends at a Bunco party, on May 6, in the Sioux Apartments. Sunday afternoon, in her home. Refreshments concluded the afterThe committee in charge of the arrangements include Mary Kaplan, noon's entertainment. Bee Herzoffff, Jean Montrose, and Miss Mildred" Pldtkin visited in Dorothy Mazon. Omaha this week.


Iota Tau

Miss Mamie Brody of Omaha, visited this week at the home of .Miss Miss Ruth White was hostess to Bess Zeligson. . the Iota Tau Sorority, on Tuesday evening. Following the business meet- Miss .Freda Albert .visit©! with ing the members adjourned to bridge friends in Omaha, over the week and refreshments. end. . ; . ,'v;'.'••".'.

Hebrew Mothers' Club

Mrs. Ben Pas of Duluth, Minnesota, in Sioux City, at the The Hebrew Mothers' club wfll homeisofvisiting her sister," Mrs. I. Borshevsponsor their annual card party, Wednesday evening, April 26, in the Jewish Community Center. Proceeds will .Mrs. J. N. Krueger, 3701 Jackson be turned toward the upkeep of the returned home recently after Talmud TorahL Mrs. J. Guttleman is Street, spending the' winter in Chicago, >',, in charge of the arrangements. 1

Phi Gamma • The Phi Gamma sorority met Wednesday evening in the Jewish Community Center. Miss Bertha Raskin was appointed publicity chairman. Rehearsal for two plays, "On the Park Bench", and "Sardines" was held following the meeting. Miss Dena Baron is advisor of the group.

Shaare Zion Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion synagdgue, which was to have been held last Tuesday, has been postponed until Monday afternoon, April 24. ' A program has been arranged for the after-! noon. The auxiliary has set Wednesday, May 3, for its annual mothers' and daughters' banquet. • ." ; : '

Recuperating Lawrence Baron,' 1810 Grandview Boulevard, who suffered serious injuries in an automobile accident near Des Moines, recently, is reported to be improving in a Des Moines hospital. Mr. Baron, who was enroute to Des Moines for a visit with Senator Harrington, underwent an operation Monr day. He will be confined to the hospital for several weeks. . •;. .

Gigantic Stage Show: atOrpheum Mildred Bailey, one of the most outstanding personalities of the radio and stage will be the feature attraction of the tremendous stage show at the newly opened Orpheum theater, starting Saturday for three days. In addition to Mildred Bailey's presentation of songs that made her famous with Paul Whiteman's orchestra, three other big time vaudeville acts will be presented. Columbia's picture, "When Strangers Marry," with Jack Holt and Lillian Bond in the leading roles, will share honors with the stage show in the Orpheum's presentation for the first three days. Another big stage show and feature picture will be offered for the last four days of the week.

HADASSAH CHAPTERS HOLD JOINT MEETING Members of the Junior and Senior Chapters of Hadassah joined Wednesday evening, in a meeting, at .the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Nathan Green, vocalist, of Omaha, Nebraska, presented a recital of Jewish and, Hebrew songs during the evening. The meeting was opened by the invocation given by Miss Rose PilL Following this, Mrs. Green, accompanied by Mrs. Henry Monsky of Omaha, s a n g "Sholpm Aleichem". Mrs; ;R. H; 'Emlein and Miss Elizabeth Raskin spoke' in behalf of the two chapters. A-. jig saw puzzle dance was next on the program, i Mrs.. Green sang next a group of songs i n c l u d i n g "Roshinkes and Mandlen", "Ofn Pripeschik", and "Her' Nor du Shone Maidel". ' A group; of; tableaux were then shown, of the -work the Junior and Senior chapters are doing in Palestine. ;• i. . . The program was closed with a group of songs by Mrs. Green, which included "Lullaby", "Trayren", "Ai'n ,Teg", "Vas Vil-st. I>u", "Shiker Vie a Goy", "A Genaiva", and "Po B'Eretz". j Following the program, the guests adjourned.to refreshments. The committee in charge of the evening included, Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. T. N. Lewis, Miss Freda Albert, Miss Dena Baron and Miss Rose Pill.

Constance Bennett atRialto

Starting tomorrow the Granada presents a double program, "The Animal Kingdom", a Broadway hit for two years, and chosen to be the Two phases of mother love, both first picture to grace the creen of treated of all too seldom on the the new Roxy Theater in Radio City, screen, • are interpreted with magniNew York. ficent insight and sympathy in ConThe other picture, "Blondie John stance Bennett's current starring veson" brings to the screen Miss Pubhicle, "Rockabye", R. K, O. Pathe lic Enemy Number 1. Joan blonde] picture coming to the Rialto Theater takes the leadership in gangland and tomorrow. Joel McCrea and Paul shows Chester Morris the way out. Lucas support Miss Bennett in this As a special added attraction Wai picture. ter Winchell is presented in "I Know Marking the long heralded debut Everybody and Everybody's Racket". of Wally Reid, Jr. son of the late Last time today, Edna Mae Oliver Wallace Reid, "The Racing Strain,'" in "The Penqufn Pool.Murder and comprises the second half of the Helen Mac Keller in "The Past o: Rialto program. Dickie Moore, sen Mary Holmes. Cunliff e-Lister Snubbed sational juvenile actor lends a heart JERUSALEM—Arab' leaders have interest touch to the picture that 'Join Your Synagogue'' refused to meet Sir Philip Cunliffe- makes it even more enjoyable. Ldster, Under-secretary of State for Drive Colonies, who is on a visit here. Lachmann-Mosse Quits •" NEW YORK—The Union of Ortho^ the Their refusal was due to the policy Tageblatt on Condition dox Jewish Congregations of America of L non-cooperation which has recently BERLIN — Hans Lachmann-Mosse, Las lauched a nationwide Synagogue been proclaimed by the Arab Execu- puhlisher of the Tageblatt, has reMembership campaign, William Weiss tive which insists that the Govern- signed his post on condition that the president of the Union, announces. ment should prohibit the sale of land profits for the next fifteen years be The purpose of the drive is to in- to the Jews and further immigration put into a common fund for the benduce unaffiliated. Jews to join their of Jews, '"."•'"•'• efit of war victims of all faiths. neighborhood synagogue. , .

ZIONIST MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED OVER 500MILES Landau, Weizntann in First Palestine-New York Telephone Conversation New Yoik, (J.T.A.)—The first telephone conversation between the United States and Palestine took place last week when Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former President of the Zionist World Organization and the Jewish Agency, "who visited his mother in Haifa for the Passover holidays, spoke to Jacob Landau, Managing Director of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The voice of Dr. Weizmann was clearly heard over the line. "I feel privileged," Dr. Weizmann declared, "to be permitted to be the first to thus bridge this distance of about 5,000 miles between Palestine and New York. By a happy coincidence this happens to be Pesach, when the Jews in Palestine and throughout the world are celebrating the festival of the liberation of the Jews from the yoke of> Egypt. Give to the Jews in the United States my greetings and those of Palestine Jewry. Palestine today is the only bright spot in the Jewish world, permeated by an atmosphere of healthy growth and steady progress. This feeling, however, is dimmed by the tragic occurrences in Germany, where the Jews, after having lived for -1,600 years on German soil and made a great contribution to every walk of life, enriching German literature and science to no mean degree, are deprived of their rights as citizens and turned into Pariahs. "My message to the Jews of America is 'Hope and Courage.' Speaking from Palestine, from where the Jew made his great contribution to the moral development of the world by giving it the Bible, whence the conception of justice as the greatest human ideal preached by our Prophets has gone out to the world, I urge them not to despair for the future. The worldenlightened public opinion will not permit medieval anti-Semitism to uproot and destroy men and women, for no other crime than that of belonging to the Jewish'faith and race. "To the Jews of the United States I say in this grave fe'oment, at no time in Jewish history vfos there such need for a united front Jind for a great and concentrated effort for the upbuilding of thfe, Jewish homeland, in Palestine as in this trying hour which threatens the very existence'of the Jew in the very heart of Europe." Dr. Weizmann informed Mr. Landau that he intends to come to the United States on July 1 and. asked him to give his best wishes to Felix M. Warburg, prominently identified with the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Morris Rothenberg, President of the Zionist Organization of America and Louis Lipsky, President of the American Palestine Campaign. .

Note of Co-Operation in Arab-Jewish Relations Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — A noteworthy event in the development of friendly Arab-Jewish relations took place Friday when a group of important TransJordan tribal chiefs, including not only Moslems but also Christians and Circassians, attended a luncheon at the King David Hotel with members of the Executive of the Jewish Agency in Palestine and members of the Vaad Leumi, in the presence of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, whom the Transjordanians wished to greet. Dr. Arlosoroff presided. In the various speeches delivered, the Jewish and Arab leaders pledged mutual co-operation and friendship. The luncheon concluded with an impressive address by Dr. Weizmann, who declared that the Jews and the Transjordanians are now digging a tunnel from two opposite ends. He expressed the hope that the day is approaching when the diggers will meet, completing the tunnel.

PHONE 5-8182

Hokka Chynik

Hadassah Linen Work on Carnival Shower Tuesday Going* Forward

Enthusiastic r e p o r t s have been It's all over but the shouting. made by the chairmen of the various Beer is back, the bakeries are doing committees of the! Building F u n d business again, all the babies that Carnival, during the p a s t "week. were supposed to arrive are here, Work by the donation committee uneverybody has picked the last bit der the leadership of Mrs. ;E-' E. of matzoh out of their teeth and Baron is well under way, and the everything in general seems to have ticket committee will begin its soli' taken on a more rosy aspect. citation next Monday. An amusing incident of the past Additional members of committees week was a certain party's excep- include Mrs. Abe Pill, Mrs. Jack tion to last week's column, as a re- Robinson, Mrs. Ned Davis, Sirs. Joe sult of which he threatened to do a Friedman, Mrs. Morris Weiner, Mrs. little bodily harm to yours truly. He Jake Kalin, Mrs. A. J. Galinsky, finally contented himself with calling Mrs. Louis Goldberg, and Mrs. Sam us one real naughty, nasty name. Picfcus, : The funny part of it was that the Announcement has. been made by name he used is the same name that Mr. J. Kalin, vice . chairman, that has instinctively occured to us when- admission to the Carnival will be ever we had occasion to think of him. fifty cents per family, instead of a But he isn't a bad tind for all of dollar as in previous years. that. Mrs. H. Kozberg has departed for Brookings, S. D., to be on hand when the proverbial Mr. Stork decides to Rabbi Lewis will speak this eve-, visit her daughter, Mrs. Jack Lon- ning on the subject "Have We Out-. don, Jr., which, by the way should grown Religion?" be any day now. With a reputation Kaddish will be recited this eveto maintain for correctly prophesy- ning for Mrs. Jennie Bolsjtein, and ing as to the sex of the new arrivals, Mr. Joseph Schulein. we hazard the guess that it will be Rabbi Lewis is speaking this morna girl, despite the fact that every-" ing before a session of the Rotary body concerned wants It to be a convention. The session is open to the public. boy.. Sophie Miller, so I hear, expects to do big things this June, along matrimonial lines, but she isn't saying a word about it till her "honey" Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak this comes to Sioux City a little later in evening on "Frankfort, a Typical the summer. This may be a little Jewish City." premature, but somebody told us that May 12 has been set aside for the should really know, or maybe I'm seventh annual mothers' service. crazy. Among those who wfll speak that eveThat old song "I've Got Time on ning are Mrs. A. H. Baron, Miss Freda My Hands", is more than approp- Albert and Mr. Morey Lipshutz. Speriate now with all the young ladies cial music appropriate for the occaswho are out selling "seconds" on the ion will be offered by the choir, under Building Fund raffle. Mrs. Jake Ka- the direction of Miss Ida Heshelow. lin, Mrs. I. Levin, Mrs. Jack Robin- The confirmation class is rehearsing son (who introduced the idea in for the confirmation services, schedSioux City) and Mrs. Ely Seff, have uled for May 30. The class includes all acquitted themselves creditably in Sylvia Herzoff, Elaine Mushkin, Hazel disposing of their "time". Mrs. Reu- Kantrovich, Velma Beechen, Marion ben Miller has sold ner enrire quota Shiloff, Rosanna Dikel and Howard and is now spending her days knit- Sacks. " ting a sweater for "Rube". She is still on the eighteenth row of her Will Fine Jews Importing dress, however. And now for, A. K. (Ab Eaiman Kosher Food BERLIN — The Reiehcommissar of is just one of the things that it stands for). Mrs/ "Chick" C. of Baden has issued an erder providing Omaha, expects to become a perpetu- for the immediate prohibition of the ator of mankind late in August, and import of kosher meat, under the penaccording to the heartbeat its going alty of a fine of up to 15,000 marks to be a boy. And here, you, the for the violation of this decree. champion keyhole peeper of Omaha, This order of the Reiehcommissar is don't know anything about it. BOY in connection with the legislative act YOU'RE SLIPPING! And don't try of the government whereby the Jews to tell me next week that you had it of Germany has been deprived of the in your column six months ago,'be- possibility of obtaining in Germany cause I can still count. meats slaughtered according to " f i Jewish rituaL As a snooper you're a flop, As a poet not so hot, And if I may be so bold Your ridicule leaves me cold. (CHORUS) Boy, you're slipping.

Mount Sinai

Shaare Zion

The day you started was the time to stop you, Perhaps it's not too late as yet. If I can aid in your elimination, Then Omaha will owe to me a debt. (CHORUS) Boy, you're slipping. •



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Efficient Service at Moderate Cost


y The annual linen shower sponsored by the Senior Hadassah chapter is scheduled for T u e s d a y afternoon, April 25, at the Jewish Community Center. The program will begin at 2 o'clock. Members of the organization and their friends will bring linens, which will be sent to Palestine. -Featured on the program will be a playlet entitled "The Spirit of Hadassah." The playlet, which has been directed by Mrs. E. J. Fribourg and Miss Rose Tessler, will be presented by the following, Ruth White, Rose Shiloff, Bertha Heshelow, Inez Leaff, Mary Kaplan, Sara Kaplan, Dorothy Gelson, Dorothy Mazor, Leah Herman, Tillie Franklin, Sophie Franklin and Rose Iesler. Following the program and meeting refreshments will be served and the guests will enjoy a.social hour. Mrs. Abe Silverberg and Mrs. Max Brodkey are in charge of the arrangements.

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