April 28, 1933

Page 1


Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Kntrnd tin Seeoutl-O'isj' Mall Matter on January 27, nun PrnjinlHit* nl Omnhn. Nphrnska \m(Urr the Art of March 8. 1879 1

VOL. IX—No. 13


Local Jewish Labor HTLERIST TERRORISM PITS PRESIDENT'S Harry Trustin for Groups to Celebrate 3 0 , 0 0 0 JEWS ON BREAD OGRAM City Commissioner LINES, SCORES IN MORGUES THIS SUNDAY

With the local Jewish Philant campaign approaching, Omaha are undoubtedly deeply interest knowing something concerning th, stitutions which are the beneficia.-*^ of, the annual drive. I am taking s. * ^ i ^ vantage of this opportunity accordt e^ • me by the Jewish Press to have an in-. "^ I timate weekly talk with you about thev*-f; beneficiary institutions and importantv issues of the Jewish Philanthropies. -,t • Ss Meeting at :


Six local Jewish labor organizations- -will -iold a celebration Monday •vening, May 1, at 8 p. nu, at the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark streets, in observance of the international laborers' holiday on that day. The organizations which will participate are the two branches of the Workmen's Circle, the Poale Zion, the Workers' Alliance, the P i o n e e r Women, and the entire Socialist party in Omaha. A musical program has been arranged, and short talks will be given by representatives of the various groups, interpreting this historical day and its .significance. There will be no admission charge.

Community Center to Start at 3:30

The essence of humanity is the impulse to share "with those who are less fortunate. In a crisis like the present, he who eats . . . . may share. Remember this quotation: "There are a number of us who creep •; . Into the world to eat and sleep And.know no reason why we're born But to consume the corn, Devour the cattle, flesh, and fish, And leave behind an empty dish; And if our tomb-stones when we die, Be taught not to flatter and to lie, There's nothing better can be said Than that he's eaten up his bread, Drunk"up his drink, and gone to bed."

Suicides Among1 German Jews Assuming "Unimaginable Proportions," Special Correspondent Writes.

Omaha Jewry will join in. the observance of President's Day this Sunday, April 30, with a mammoth mass (Special J. T. A. Correspondent) j Jewish homes were raided on the meeting at the Jewish Community Berlin. —• Not America, not pretext of a Bearch for "atrocity Center, starting at 3 p . m . • even the countries bordering on campaign" material. Sunday is being observed as PresA special court sentenced Isaac Germany, can have a full picture Koliner, ident's Day throughout the nation. 35, a Polish-Jewish grocer, of the insults, tortures, hopeless- to six months Governor Bryan, in. conjunction with because governmental heads in. the : various ness and helplessness which the he was quoted imprisonment as saying "If I had other states issued a proclamation Jews are undergoing in Ger- as many marks as there have been setting Sunday aside for this obrolled at the Railway Educational many. I found the Jewish situa- Jews arrested, I would be a wealthy servance. Specializing in college tion here much worse than re- man." Bureau. The purpose of President's Day is mathematics, surveying and concrete ported or imagined abroad. A special court in Frankfort sento express the confidence of the construction, with this training, he Everything that was true the tenced Isaak Lesser to one year's people in the statesmanship, accomhad little difficulty in climbing suc- first days of the Hitler revolu- imprisonment because he told friends plishments and program of Franklin cessive rungs on the railroad em- tion is still true now to an even in Wiesbaden that there were a thouD. Roosevelt and to call upon the -playment ladder. sand Jewish patients in the Frankfor* more drastic extent. Jews still hospital. people to give thanks for his courIn 1913 he was engaged by the ageous leadership and to pray for Pickus Engineering and Construction disappear and are found later in his continued health and strength KEREN KAYEMETH Co. as superintendent and general morgues. They are still econom- BOYCOTT to enable him to cary on his work. manager, .a position which he held ically terrorized and are still The question of boycott still seems The acquiring of land in Palestine Addresses will be delivered in Enguntil the outbreak of the World War physically molested, especially to be a mooted one. More and more for the .Jewish people, is fundamental in 1917. | outside of Berlin where there are Jewish trading organizations in varito the whole conception of building lish by Rabbi Frederick Cohn and ous parts of the world, particularly At the outbreak of the war, not- no foreign observers. a homeland in Eretz YisroeL There Sam Beber. A' talk in Yiddish will withstanding the fact that he had could be -no Home, the inhabitants be given by L Morgenstem. In addition, the army of over on the continent, are going on record Irvin C. .Levin will, preside. The an 'opportunity to receive an offi- thirty thousand Jews dependent as opposed to buying German-made of which are dependent upon other goods. cer's commission and remain at Fort folk for the ground upon which they Conservative Synagogue choir will give several renditions appropriate Omaha as a draftsman in the eng- on soup kitchens is growing rap- In America, statements by Unterlived. to, the o c ca s i o n . Rev. Abraham ineering corps, he chose to go to idly and is including ousted pro- ntyer and other leaders favoring an The Jewish National Fund's work Schwaczkin, cantor of the B'nai IsFrance as a buck-private in the eng- fessors, lawyers^ artiste and for- economic boycott of Germany have is aided by the Jewish Philanthro- rael synagogue, will chant the traineering corps.; He reached this de- mer Government officials. given impetus to the demand by many pies" of Omaha. In 1908 the Jewish ditional prayers for national success. cision-to. go-to, the-actual scene of Oppressed and depressed, the that a united, concentrated boycott be National Fund began buying land in Mrs. Nathan Lee Green will give hostilities upon the promise that .he Jews fear to complain, especially initiated. In this regard, the American Palestine. Sunce then, the entire pro- several of ner favorite renditions. •would be in' France within three to foreigners because of the Jewish Congress has taken the stand gram of land buying has changed. All local Jewish organizations will months... • • : - ' • ' The Jewish National Fund lands are participate ,in this mass assembly espionage system which sur- that the boycott is the last weapon / I n France he • was advanced passes that of the Russian GPU. and that they will only advocate it if worth between one and a half mil- which is under the sponsorship of through'all the. grades, of a non- Suicides among the Jews are as- it is the only means left. lion and two million pounds. the Omaha Hebrew club. commissioned bfficer."He saw service Since the land is bought with the The plans for the patriotic proin the Meuse Argonne and in the suming unimaginable propor- "Jewish Hour" Over , people's money, it belongs to the gram was arranged by a committee demonstrated his capacity for calm The tragedy is even "Trust in Trustin" — the slogan Gerardarmeer sector of Alsace Lor- tions. whole Jewish people, the Jewish Na- of -which J. Riklin is chairman, asand sound judgment. He is raine, building roads, pontoon greater because Germans of all KFAB Sunday tional Fund, being as it "were* the sisted by Dr. A. Greenberg, Hyman adopted by the friends of Harry counsel Trustin in furthering his candidacy noted as an indefatigable worker bridges and engaging in all forms classes who were formerly enpublic trustee of the nation's prop- Shrier, Sam Altschuler, Iryin Levin. for Morning city commissioner—is becoming . . . and blends into an harmonious of army engineering activity. After erty. That being so, the land canDr. A. Greenberg is chairman of increasingly identified, in the minds whole a character which will lend the signing of the Armistice, he emies of Hitlerism are gradually accepting the situation patriotinot be given away—it must remain a committee on resolutions and will of the voters of Omaha, with a trust needed vig-or and aggressive leaderThe "Jewish Hour," a regular fitwent with the army of occupation to cally. Thus the Jews of Gerin the ownership of the people. read the message which will be for- in an efficient administration of the ship to the city hall. Germany. - On his return to Omaha many find their friends of not so teen-minute weekly f e a t u r e , will again be presented over radio station city's affairs.. His business training and experi later in 1919 he entered business as SIGNIFICANCE OF PEOPLE'S warded to the White House. The room wil be draped in the In the primaries nearly 21,000 ence form a sound foundation for a partner in the building materials long ago converted into anti- KFAB on Sunday morning, April OWNERSHIP .Th outstanding national advantage national colors, and photographs of voters expressed their confidence in the duties to be administered in th firm of Kraus and Trustin, with Semites anxious to see the Jews 30, at 10:15 a. m. city's affairs. His independence is offices in the Paxtori building. outlawed in order to share their l y . n d g ^ of the people's ownership of the land George Washington and President his ablHty.andintfegri^y.byballoting will be placed on the stage. Tiiiainte Al Soffer, vocalist, will Tender a Tiiia-inte fourth place foitt^of foitt/^of a; field .unquestioned —-,, absolutely divorced .3smc.4acliyitiec properties., their business and "Yiddish is that -suclr landJ can never become _ Roosevelt All Omaha Jewry are invited and folk Bong. The choir wilf-ft*.s from outside control! His executive of over 90 candidates. is outstanding. In -1919 he joined xheir 5°bs. un-Jewisb. By retaining title, though urged to be present. ture^Oiyohu HaTSTovi." "With the final election next Tues- ability has been tested again a the American Legion and moved sucgiving full play for the initiative of NEW LAW again, and has been found to be o: Sam Beber will give a short talk day, May 2, more and more memcessively to the executive committee, the settler on the land, the Jewish bers of the voting public of Omaha unusual power. His is the strength the vice commander, and then com- Innsbruck.—Trembling with fear, on the Philanthropies drive. National Fund insures that it can nevare preparing to cast a ballot for of character and integrity which can mander of Omaha Post No. 1, then German Jewry ^expects this week er be alienated from Jewish possessHarry Trustin as a vote for a gov- strike at the heart of our present and now one of the largest posts in promulgation of a law/which so far Mother and Daughter ion. ernment attuned to the wants and city administrative ills. the "world with over 3,000 members. is only being projected, but which if The ownership of large areas by a Banquet on May 7th needs of the people. During his Legion membership he enforced will mean that <«tt of the Harry has lived in Omaha since public body as the J N F facilities Morris H. Sogolow, physical direcNo better recommendation could 1897, moving here with his parents has been especially active in rehab- 600,000 Jews in Germany, only 20,popular colonization, such as carried tor of the J. C. C, announces the folThe annual community-wide mobe given to Harry Trustin than that from Chicago while only four years ilitation work, directing and aiding 000 will be permitted to earn a liveout by the Chalutz movement which lowing spring swimming schedule: was given him by his fellow old. In 1907 he went to work for tile adjudication of claims for his lihood, while the others must remain ther-daughter banquet sponsored by would be hampered if it had to ob- Senior Women: Monday and Wed- which in trade—and the Union Pacific, at the same time wounded and disabled comrades be- dependent on their savings or on the Jewish Women's Welfare Federatain a tract for each single village nesday—11 a. m., beginners and ad- builders—competitors tion will be held at the J. C. C his most loyal and ardent supporters enrolling at the Y. W- C. A. for fore- the veterans bureau and spend- charity. or group by a separate procedure vanced; 6:15 p. m. to 7 p. m., begin- include the men who have Sunday, May 7, at 6 p.m. worked ing long, toilsome hours getting benight mathematics. He worked hard This law provides that no firm Further, such large and costly works, ners; 7 p. m. to 7:45 p. m., intermed- for him. Mrs. Sam Gilinsky will speak for hind the red tape for his "buddies." to round out his education, being emmay have more than three per cent as drainage and other reclamation, iates; 7:45 p. m. to 9 p. m.,- advanced the mothers. The response for the ployed at the Union Pacific days In executive sessions of varied naof Jews in its employ, thus throwing are possible in the hands of a public swimming. Sunday—3:30 to 5 p. m.— < Continued from Page 2.) tures, Harry Trustin has repeatedly and studying nights. Later he* enout of work not only Jews among daughters wil be made by Marjorie corporation ; on continuous tracts of Red Cross. the professional classes, tot also Arnstein. land. opening prayer will be given Girls: Monday and Wednesday— salesmen, typists, stenographers, and byThe LABOR PALESTINE Mrs. Frederick Cohn. Community 4:45 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. Sunday—2:30 every kind of office worker. A contribution to the Philanthro- p. m. to. 3:30 p. m. singing will be led by Mrs. Sara Helpless to fight this drastic meas- Beber. There will be a dancing numpies is also a contribution in aid of Men:'Tuesday and Thursday—6:15 ure, Jewish leaders, in efforts to min- ber by Marjorie Silverman, and Koslabor Palestine. The League for La- p. m. to 7 p. m., beginners; 7 p.m. to imize the effects, of this catastrophe, alie Alberts, pupil of Milton Eeick, bor Palestine, a beneficiary, gives 7:45 p. m., intermediate; 7:45 p. m. to are asking that the rigid three per- will give a monologue. special aid to the Histadruth. 9 p. m., advanced and Eed Cross. Suncent quota be enlarged, but the outThe Histadruth Haovdim, the Gen- day—10 to 1 p. m. Miss Laura Goetz will render a come of their plea is doubtfuL eral Federation of Jewish Labor, group of songs, accompanied at the Sogolow predicts that with warm unites •workers with hand and with weather setting in, the classes for beThe law which will be promulgat- piano by Mrs. J. Malashock. Mrs. brain who live by their own labor ginning and advanced swimming and ed, if nothing rises to prevent it, will Louis Neveleff will preside. berg, Ida Levin, A. Somberg, Morris and aims to create in Palestine a diving will be well attended. require the Jews to face the problem Reservations are being taken at Ferer, Morris Levey, Sam Theodore, Jewish National Home, a Labor Com- He reports that attendance in the of establishing an unprecedented the Community Center or by the Dave Ferer, Morris Gordon, H. Perlmonwealth, a people at work, rooted beginners' classes is already increasnumber of soup kitchens and of sup- chairman, Mrs. F. J. Alberts, Jackmeter, H. Shumow, Harry DuBoff, in industry and agriculture .A* plying other relief, since the poorest son 6008. Reservations are fifty cents ing. The camp fire girls and girl Louis Hiller, A. Brodkey, L Chapman, The Histadruth fosters producers scouts have been working hard iox Jews, possessing hardly any savings, each and must be made not later Joe Lipsey, B. Gilinsky, H. Noviisky, £Sd consumers' co-operatives, not on- their merit badges the past month, M. Handler, J. Bonoff and Harry ready to undertake the solicitation will be most seriously affected by it. than Friday, May 5. Reservations ly to provide work opportunities and and many are ready for the Junior Final plans for the opening of the Rubenstein. of nearly one thousand prospects It is doubtful whether the Jews of will be limited to 300. fourth annual Jewish Philanthropies protect the interests of the workers life saving. Germany will be able to supply the • among the young people. Mrs. J. J. Greenberg's committee but to develop the basis for a jus Advance gifts have been already relief necessary for the army of peoSogolow urges young- men and campaign in Omaha, Monday, May 15, on organisations "which is obtaining system of production and distribu- vomen planning to work as camp will be made at an executive comreported from the workers, the ple to be affected, the size of which tion. They have also established var- civnsellors to join a junior or senior mittee meeting at the J. C. C. Mon- pledges in advance of the campaign clubs and the organizations under is expecetd to reach hundreds of from the various women's organizaious economic institutions to promote life saving class. day evening, May 1. the jurisdiction of this division, and thousands. co-operative enterprises, to extend Inter-club dual meets are being The groundwork in the various di- tions, is making progress. The Con- Chairman Wolf p r e d i c t s that the servative Synagogue Auxiliary has credit for individual projects, to pro- planned for the Center. visions has already been Laid, and a youths will turn in a larger quota Berlin.—Numerous streets in East Max Wintroub, S6, passed away vide insurance, and to assist subwhirlwind campaign will be made. Ac- again pledged one hundred dollars, than in previous years. Sunday afternoon at his home, 2449 Berlin were surrounded by political and the Council of Jewish Women has urban colonization. cording to Dr. A. Greenberg, general Speakers Committee police and storm troopers, and many Ida street, after a lingering illness. pledged two hundred, an increase of chairman, this year's drive will be finThe speakers committee, under the Surviving are his wife, Dorothy, WHERE ELSE? ished in record time, with indications fifty dollars over last year. chairmanship of Milton R. Abrahams and five children, Verne, Herbert, What other federation has underpointing to a successful culmination The advance gifts committee for the is doing an excellent bit of work in Regional Convention Norman, Irving raid Phyllis. taken, in addition to the ordinary to the fund-raising efforts. women, under the chairmanship of bringing the vital message of the duties of a workers' organization, to of Junior Hadassah Funeral services were held Monday Women's Rally. Miss Blanche Zimman, started its soli- Jewish. Philanthropies home to the regenerate a nation by transforming Dr. E. Apelbaum, leader in the afternoon, with burial in Golden Hill citations immediately following the A program, tea and reception is community and is in a large measure city bred persons, from non-manual World Poale Zion movement, will cemeterv. Eabbi Uri Miller officiated. Omaha will be host to the seventh responsible for the noted increase in occupations into productive workers spend two days in Omaha as the guest planned for the workers of the Wo- executive meeting Thursday. annual Southwestern Regional coninterest and contribution. in every branch of industry and agri- of the Jewish National Workers Alli- men's division for Friday afternoon, General Solicitations. May 12, at the Jewish Community During the Passover holidays the vention of Junior Hadassah, to be Fraternity Sponsors culture; to direct and encourage the ance, branch 54. A large army of workers is being temple and synagogues were all ad- held here May 27 and 28, with training of Jewish youth in various He will deliver a lecture on Thurs- Center^ Medical Symposium Plans for this affair were com- enlisted by the general solicitations dressed on the campaign. Last Sun- headquarters at Hotel Paxton. parts of the world for this self- day, May 11, at the J. C. C a t 8:30 imposed purpose; to welcome, direct p. m. on "Colonization and Industrial pleted at an executive committee committee. Max Barish, chairman, day Harry A. Wolf and Dr. A. GreenAbout three hundred delegates and Delta Epsilon, national mediand feel responsible for the newly- Development of Palestine." Admission meeting of the women at the Center and Harry Silverman, vice-chairman, berg spoke on the campaign before members of Junior Hadassah are ex- calPhi of Creighton Univeryesterday morning, called by Mrs. together with their twenty-three maj- the Omaha Hebrew club, and that or- pected, coming from Denver, Tulsa, sity,fraternity arrived pioneers; to provide for the will be only fifteen cents. will sponsor a symposium on ors, plan to enroll enough man-power ganization -went on record recommendhealth and educational needs of the The committee in charge of ar- Jeanette Arnstein, chairman of the Wichita, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Kan"Rheumatic Heart D i s e a s e s " on to be able to efficiently and quickly ing to the executive committee that worker and his family; to develop rangements are Dr. O. Belzer, chair- Women's division. last year's pledge be increased from sas City, Des Moines, Sioux City, Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the financial and economic institutions to man, Morris Minkin and J. RadinMrs. Clarence Bergman, chairman canvass the entire community. Oriental room of the Blackstone. Tbfi aid collective colonization and en- owski. of the women's rally committee, made A special committee is making plans two hundred to three hundred dollars. and Lincoln. Included on the program will be meeting will be preceded by a h»Tc courage industrial co-operatives; to the recommendations for the affair. for a mammoth rally for the -workers Abrahams talked before the Council quet for the guest speakers. fight for and defend the workers' Mrs. Joseph Bonoff heads the com- of the general solicitations division. of Jewish Women Monday, Hy Shrier a theatre party, buffett supper and Youths Winners in stunt night on Saturday, and a lunIncluded on the symposium will he economic, civic and political rights; mittee which will arrange for the en- The committee consists of Max Bar- addressed the audiences at the precheon and dance on Sunday. addresses by Doctors C. M. Wilhelroj, sentation of "If I Were You," Ben to seek weys of co-operation with the Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster's ish, chairman; Harry Silverman, viceForensic Contests tertainment. Miss Ida Fine is general chairman B. C. Eussum, H. F. Gerald, V. K Arab working class; in short, as committee has been busily employed chairman; Julius Bisno, Simon Bordy, Kazlowsky spoke before the Senior Albert Stein, 16, of 217 No. 49th securing women workers, and nearly Wednesday, and Irvin Levin of the convention. She is being as- Levine, I. Sternhill, E. L. Traynnt, stated before, to work for a social J. J. Friedman, Dr. A. Greenberg, Ab- Hadassah •will talk before the Workmen's Circle sisted by the following committee M. C Howard, and J. E. order based on social freedom and street, and Herbert Kaplan, 17, of 200 have already signified their in- ner Kainiaa and Sam Zacharia. Branch 173 tonight. Before the drive heads: Jeanette Eesnick, registra- Morris Lev, president of the fratjustice with "no domination of man 4719 Cass street of Central high tention of working as solicitors. school, won first places in the district officially opens, every Jewish organ- tion; Lillian Koom, reception; Sara ernity, will review the history of th£ by man, or nation by nation." "Youth Division. Mrs. Sam Bialac has obtained an contest of the National Forensic ization vdll have been addressed. Ann Noddle, theatre party; Lorraine disease. At a follow-up meeting following efficient and adequate motor corps, league, held last week-end. King, buffet supper; Miriam GreenSam Beber will speak on the Philsuccessful gathering of the Youth S t e i n "won the extemporaneous •which will be ready for action when the berger, stunt night; Minnie Frohm, A "President's Day" service will b< anthropies during the Je\risa Hour division, u n d e r Justin Wolf, last speaking contest and Kaplan won the campaign opens. This motor corps luncheon; Anna Green, dance; Fan- held at Temple Israel this evening first in oratorical declamation. Both [ includes the Mesdames William Boas- Thursday, the workers' lists were broadcast over KFAB this Sunday i»e Kmtelman, publicity. starting at 8 p. m. division is morning at 10:15. completed, and the are seniors. beis, Harry Copelman, Nathan Green-


Groundwork Laid for Success in Phtf Women Workers to Hold Rally May 12

Pledges Are Increasing Over 1932

MAX WfflTROUB, 36,




THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska* by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year •-•• - • - 7- - - - $2.50 - -Advertising rates furnished on application Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - , . . ---<•• ^Business and Managing,Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - . . • - • • Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent^

The Weil in Review

pressure. And at the present time it does pay. With Jews being expelled systematically from every economic field and with the Nazis taking their place, the profit element in the atrocity campaign is obvious even to a dull-witted Hitlerite. It is the only means Hitler has of keeping his windy campaign promises to his followers. And the fact that eventually there will be an economic collapse means nothing to men drunk with false; sense of power. Already the plague of Hitlerism is infecting nearby countries. If it continues to appear as a money-making' proposition, it will continue to be temptingly attractive to those people who are ever, on the brink of Jew-baiting. It must be shima/to be | definitely an economic debit, if we would have it stopped. The European Jewish communities, especially those who have suffered from such attacks themselves, seem to realize this. American Jewry seems The news dispatches of last week reported that Rabbi to believe in the power of the word. jamin Goldstein of Montgomery, Alabama, had been ousted from Anti-semitism must not pay. —U, M. his post as spiritual leader of Temple Beth-Orof that city because of his activities on behalf of the Scottsboro negroes and the TallaAnsche Sholem synagogue, Twentypoosa negro share-croppers, demanding fair treatment and fair fourth and Nicholas. The public is intrial'for those condemned. vited to attend. Rev. Karz has been in California The forced resignation of a rabbi for that reason is no credit for the past two months. to our co-religionists in Montgomery. If the churches and the synagogues will not lead in the battle for social justice and rightJewish History Class Temple Israel eousness and better conditions for all mankind, who, then, will Jewish History Class will meet A "President's Day" service wil be point the way ? Instead of discouraging our spiritual leaders from held at the Temple this evening, be- at The Temple Israel, May 9. Mr. Ed fighting for the downtrodden and oppressed, we should lend every ginning- at 8 p. m. Rabbi Frederick Kraus will lead the discussion on the possible encouragement. Cohn vrill deliver a sermon on "Pres- chapters in Graetz dealing with the destruction of Jerusalem. ident's Day." Surely, men on trial—whether colored, yellow or white—are Tomorrow morning Dr. Cohn's subentitled to a fair and impartial verdict. Surely, Jewish tradition ject will be "Purification." The folTalmud Torah most strongly upholds liberalism and toleration of dissent. We lowing children will participate in Registration of new pupils in the morning's service: Sarah commend this leader of Israel who had the courage of his convic- Saturday Gilinsky, Joel Abrahamson, Bernice City Talmud Torah is still open. Partions and fought ardently and fearlessly for social vision in our Robinson, Betty Tarnoff, Melvin Ten- ents are requested to enroll their chilhandling of the negro cases in his territory. enbaum, Ira Jackson, William Shlaes, dren during next week. The Talmud Torah buses will call for children in

bath services. That was^many years ago, and now there remains little of the tattered:"femnants of his attempt to hold his own against the forces of nature and environment. But in a little rustic chapel there is a Torah he sent to Mexico City for in the days of yore, De Solis did not try to make Jews out of his savages, but he did introduce some, even if few, of the principles of Jewish law and tradition. In this /way, he is fulfilling his Jewish destiny of inculcating rightful principles in the world. His type of teaching is a hundredfold more effective than that of missionaries.

Ousted far Defending Negroes






Lawrence Furniture Gordon -Warehouse 11th arid Davenport JA, 3032:

Religious Services

Who Leads in Germany? A most bitter attack in America against Hitler and Hitlerism is being made: in Los Angeles, California, by the B'nai Brith Messenger. Nazi agents have! been reported to be .active in Los Angeles and vicinity spreading false andf malicious propaganda, and as a retaliation the B'nai ;Brith* Messenger hasradvpcated.a most virulent boycott of Genrtan-^adej gopds. In addition to largetyped, double column editorials oh'the'frontpage, "Bur'Nothing 'Made in Germany'i';slu'gsrappear?|lt the bottom of each article in the paper. _ , , It is of interest to note some of the facts about the present Hitler regime as brought but by this weekly. It quotes from the Berlin "Beobachter," one of the' largest .daily newspapers in Germany, which on April 16,1927, stated on ,its front page' that "Adolph Hitler is a 'degenerate honiosexualist'." And the journal adds, Herr Hitler never saw'fit to sue the newspaper for libel, nor did he ever deny." As regards Herr Goering, Hitler's aide, the Messenger tells of the following articles on;thefront page of the "Socialdemokraten," a great dailynevrepaper published nx Stockholm, Sweden, on March 23, 1933:" " "On the first of September, 1925, Captain Hermann Wilhelm Goering was placed in the Catherine Lunatic Asylum near Stockholm, where he was registered xuader the number 291. Prior to this time Goering'was in a private institution for mentally sick people^ in order to cure himself of the morphine habit. In this private institution Goering remained for one month. He was removed to the public lunatic asylum because the private institution refused to keep him there any longer, for the reason that employees, particularly the women nurses, refused to submit to his persistent fighting and many attempts at rape. Goering was carried over to the; Catherine Lunatic Asylum under police orders, and on the trip he was accompanied by four Stockholm policemen."

"Why Are Jews Persecuted"

Sara Mae Graetz, Leonard Kulakofany part of the city. sky. The Talmud Torah is planning a Lag B'Omer festival to be given Sunday, May 14, at the J. C. C. auditorAt services tonight Rabbi David ium. An interesting Lag B'Omer proA. Goldstein will base his sermon on gram will be presented by the Talmud Ludwig Lewisohn's recent book, Torah pupils. Details will be announced next week. "This People." Next week Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "Bonfires of Books." Harry Trustin for




• • • • •


]j. Dr. John Haynes Holmes, noted Christian liberal who from his? Community Church pulpit in New York has again and again fearlessly championed Israel, starts in next week's issue r<* the Jewish Press a series of three articles on "Why Are Jews Jrersecuted?" Those who remember the vivid pen-pictures he painted in ^'Palestine, Today and Tomorrow," will not Want to miss this City Commissioner Vaad series, wherein an outstanding pastor attempts to analyze a most Regular services Main Office, 219 No. 11th St. (Continued from Page One.) will be held toPhone JA. 3032 perplexing problem and to refute the underlying reasons. night at 8 o'clock, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, at 18th and Chicago ' Dr. Holme's stand for Jewish rights has been conducted with He is still chairman of the rehabiliconducted by Rabbi Miller tation committee of the Legion and a vigor.and a fearlessness which many Jewish individuals could streets, and Cantor Schwaczldn and choir. continues to be active in every phase emulate to advantage. Dr. Holmes has constantly been outspoken Rabbi Miller will use as his sermon of Legion activity. He served on the in his denunciation of the persecution of a minority people by a theme, the "New Deal," giving Bib- board of directors for the national analogies to our present econ- convention of the American Legion majority. In coming to the defense of the Jewish people, Dr. lical omic problems. was held in Omaha in 1925. Holmes has been a tower of strength, far stronger than bur "good- In observance of President's Day, which During his leadership of Omaha Lincoln $1.25 will" movements. He has not been solicited to speak for justice Cantor Schwaczkin will chant the Post No. 1 in 1928-29 he served on Wahoo $1.00 traditional benediction for the head the Red Cross board and on the and right—no pressure was brought to bear upon him to utter of the State. Des Moines $2.00 of the Nebraska Tuberculosis sugar-coated palliatives from the tongue, but not from the heart. Saturday morning Rabbi Miller board Denver $7.50 society. Since the war he has been Detroit $7.50 He voluntarily assumed it as his duty to champion those wronged will officiate at the Adass Yeshurun a member of Omaha Lodge No. 354 Los Angeles $20.00 at 25th and Seward streets, and will of B'nai Brith and is a past presiand to stress the right. Especially today, when nationalism is speak on the Bible portion of the dent of that organization. He colBUS DEPOT rampant, it is necessary for strong characters like John Haynes week. President's Day will be observ- laborated with Sam Beber, Harry Edwards Hotel Bldg. Holmes to prophetically remind the world that ho country can ed-by the chanting of the traditional Lapidus, Dr. Nathan Bernstein, and Ha 5000 When Edouard Herriot, former Premier of i'rance,.arrived on offer sweet words about peace and the kinship*of all people and prayer for the President of the Unit- I. F v Goodman in founding the or- L 306 No; 16th ed States at all synagogues affiliated ganization of A. Z. A. and was the these shores this week for his all-important conference with Presi- fairness and tolerance in the settling of world pDobiems while at with the United Orthodox synagogue first advisor of the Mother chapter dent Roosevelt, one of his first acts was to receive a committee home they engage in direct and indirect discrimination and per- group. No. 1. He is now treasurer of the Plans are being made for a Junior Reserve Officers Association, Omaha from the American Orjt,.^hic]| "does rehabilit^pn5-^ork in Central secution of a helpless minority on religious or racial grounds, . Organization service to be held Fri- chapter, a member of the Veterans .exemplifies the and Eastern Europe. This liberal French What this great Christian clergyman has to say about "Why day evening, May 5th. This service of Foreign Wars, the American current trend of thought in France, wWch:Smce the ffitlerite ex- Jews Are Persecuted" will not only be of interest to our readers will be conducted by members of Legion, Aksarben, Ad Sell League, h German Jews J h opened ed Mde Md its it arms to t .the th but will also be instructive—a weapon of knowledge worth having. the Young Men's Vaad. Dave Slob- the Sojourners, Engineers club, the cesses against the has odinsky will act as Cantor, Ben Kaz- Omaha Hebrew club, the board of diJewish refugees and hasi bo'tbTunofficially and: officially taken a lowsky will officiate as Rabbi and rectors of the Jewish Community pro-Jewish stand on the Nazi persecutions^ Indeed, France has talks will be delivered by Ephraim Center and Welfare Federations and ANTI-SEMITISM MUST NOT PAY Marks, president of the Young Men's the Court of Honor of Boy Scouts. gone so far as to give identification c^ds to. the Jewish refugees Vaad and by Phil Handler, chairman In his Boy Scout work he has been Sufficient time has passed for us to realize the impotence of from Germany who smuggled across the border contrary to Hitlerof the cultural committee. Dr. Irving a scoutmaster, a member of the ite orders and found themselves in a foreign country without visas. the various methods used by American Jewry in coming to the J. Weiss, chairman of the synagogue troop committee and director of the The stand of the powers of Europe on the Jewish situation is aid of our German brethren. Protest meetings have been success- committee, is in charge of the pro- board of review of the Boy Scouts. In general, he has never shirked a fraught with significance in lieu of the delicate status on the con- fully held but have proved of no avail. Diplomatic intervention, gram The Religious School of the Uni- civic or communal obligation and especially in the United States, has resulted in official denials and tinent. In contrast to the outspoken attitude of France, Benite ted Orthodox Synagogue meets every has zealously worked for innumerMussolini and Italy have remained strangely d.uiet. Mussolini, we diplomatic red tape. And the Nazi atrocity campaign continues Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the able worth-while projects. B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and > *• ' ;; know, is not anti-Semitic. On the contrary he has always de- unabated. In March, 1920, Mr. Trustin marChicago streets.. The Junior congreg- ried Nor are the methods projected for the future of the type that Bess Adler, a daughter of one nounced any anti-Jewish manifestations and has on /occasions ation meets Saturday morning at 10 of the ; ! pioneer Jewish families of can be effective: ' ' , • o'clock, at the Synagogue at 19th pointed with pride to the fact that there is no anti-Semitism, in Omaha. They have two children, a The protest march through New York May>»10th may be a and Burt streets. The Hebrew Class boy of 9, and Italy and that no anti-Semitic excesses accompanied his rise in a girl of 3. Mr. Trusconducted by the Cultural Committee power. But Italy is the strongest fascist power of the day and good show—its success in ameliorating cqndititafs." of German of • the Junior organization, meets tin's mother and father are both still in Omaha. His home address undoubtedly Italy's Iron Man does not want to jeopardize the Jewry is highly conjectural. The project of c©Uec$Lag. signatures Monday evening at 7:30, at the living is 2435 Kansas Ave. B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and the League ofJNatkiis: als^> bears the growing tendency toward nationalism and fascism. If Mussolini Chicago streets. The class in Talmud of Nations catnotact; it%as no rig] right would come out strongly, deploring the Nazi attitude toward the of futility. The League of g to meets Wednesday evening at 8 o'- To vote is a privilege. To obtain election of proper governmental Jews. Hitlerism would feel the effect. • interfere in the :<'internalf*"problems of its members!; and requiring clock at the 19th and Burt srteets the The Sign of officials is a duty and a responSynagogue. as it does a;unanimpus yote, it is highly improhaf}le that,-nations sibility. We who know the sterling ; ; Good Workmanship The difference between Italian fascism and German fascism qualities exemplified by Harry TrusJA. 1614 has been pointed put many times, and iii; this crisis principle should Eke: Italy and Roumania will vote against Gernianyand 'for the tin must see to it that every possible Cantor Karz . \ ' ";*!'•' Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg stand out more boldly than political expediency, Mussolini holds a Jews. vote for Harry Trustin is registered OMAHA Cantor Leon Karz will conduct ser; The pertinent point is that as long as.' attti-Seinitlsm .pays, vice's tonight, April 28, and Saturday in the ballot box this coming Tuesstragetic key. He can render the world a" service by lining up .with Hitler and his gangsters will continue it in spite of outside word- morning, April 29, at the B'nai Jacob day, May 2. England and "France in opposing the violence and persecution of the Hitler regime. If he would pursue this policy, he would be answering the pleas of the strongly-fascist Union of Jewish Communities in Italy, which this week urged the end of the Nazi GEMS of the BIBLE That Sam* and TALMUD brutalities though their action was directed against the fascist Shoe Comfort By O. O. DASHER regime of another country. If you have your Bhoat

Mussolini Could Speak

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A Jew an Indian Chieftain Who states that true adventure lives no more? Sydney Oppenheim, writing for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, has just made public the information that he had in his wanderings come across: a Jewish chieftain of an Indian tribe . . . Benjamin-de Solis, head of the Tarahumare Indians of Northwestern Mexico, whose mud and thatch villages form what is, perhaps^ the last outpost of savagery and barbarism on that queerly-shaped neck of land that connects North-and South America. Of the sixty-five aboriginal tribes in Mexico, they have assimilated the least with descendants of the Spanish conquerors. De.Solis was the'grandson of a rabbi and was himself destined to enter a rabbinical seminary, had his father not been inopportunely Jrilled in. a mine cave-in. He instead went to live with th Tarahumares, who had always been friendly., Later he was made a member pf the tribe. Every ten : years a new chief is chosen for the tribe, by popular acclaim that assumes many forms. Trials of. strength and heart-breaking endurance all have their part in the selection of a new leader. De Solis was nearly forty when the time arrived to make the selection and he was chosen chief over 2,500 savages. At that stage of his life, he doubtless felt a twinge of conscience, for he proceeded, to translate portions of the Old Testament into the Tarahumare tbngueahel to hold Sate

A man who flattereth his neighbor spreads a net"for his steps;' ' The righteous taketh knowledge of the cause of the poor. The wicked understandeth not knowledge. The rich man is wise in his own eyes, but the poor that hath understanding, searcheth him through. Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than Tie that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich. TALMUD Rabbi Judah said, "Whoever is arrogant, if he:be a sage hia wisdom will depart from him, and if he be a prophet his prophecy will depart from him."

: • ' • . .

Rabbi Simon Ben Lakich said, "A man who is losing his temper, if he be a sage his wisdom •will depart from him, and if he be a prophet his prophecy will depart from him." Rabbi Rab said, "For four reasons the property of the rich becomes annihilated: for not paying the wages of laborers in time, for not paying laborers a living wage, for casting off obligations from onefs self, and placing them; |upj)ri.others,• and for arrogance." 1 >' ' :' * |

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDaX, APRIL-28> 1933 home of Mrs. H. Bernstein, 4344 Seward streets An interesting cultural program has been arranged. The following, have already made their contribution toward the luncheon: the Mesdames J. M. Baker, Jake Feldman, M. D. Brodkey, J. Kaplan, L Hurwitz, H. Richlin, Jake Raznick, Max Goldstein, J. Richlin, L Cohen, S. Epstein, Judah Wolf son, I Moscovitz, L Reznick, J. Kulakofsky, M. Barish, H. Wolf, and A. Rubnitz.

Chesed Shel Ernes KRELSTEIN-BRANDEIS SPRING LUNCHEON OF ENGAGEMENT TEMPLE SISTERHOOD The Temple Israel Sisterhood will Mr., and Mrs. Morris Brandeis announce the engagement of their give a spring luncheon at one o'clock daughter, Rose, to Mr. Harold R. Monday, May 1, at the Temple annex. Krelstein of Chicago, son of Mr. andMrs. Mollie Cohen, Walnut 7144, who Mrs. Victor Krelstein, also of Chicago. is in charge of the luncheon, will take Miss Brandeis attended the Univer- reservations. Mrs. Charles Schimruel, in charge of Bity of Omaha. She has been prominent in local musical circles, teaching decorations and tables, has chosen as well as appearing before many or- spring flowers as the motif. Mrs. ganizations. Mr. Krelstein attended Ernie Nogg has appointed a capable committee to assist her 'with the table Northwestern university. No date has been set for the wed- service. The tapestry made by Mrs- EdTxelding. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Barish entertained for seventy-five guests at home' Sunday evening, April 23, in celebration of their first anniversary. Among the out-of-town guests were

ler will be awarded to the holder of the lucky ticket at the luncheon. Following the luncheon there will be an election of two officers and the yearly report. A board meeting will be held at 12. All are urged to call in their reservations early.

A regular meeting of the Chesed Shel Ernes wil be held in the society's building on Monday afternoon, May 1, at 2 o'clock. The business of the previous meeting, postponed because of the Passover holidays, .will be. discussed Monday. All members are urged to attend.

Ladies Labor Lyceum The .Ladies Labor Lyceum club will give a concert and a door-prize of a twenty-six piece set of silverware on May 28 at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark, at 8 pan. Tickets will be twenty-five cents. The organization will hold a regular meeting Tuesday, May 2, at 8 pjn. at the Labor Lyceum. All members should come. Important business will be discussed.


included the Messrs. Phil Katz and Shep Goldstein of Kansas City, Mo.; the Misses Rollie Tessler, Bernice Liberman, Dee Silver, Sophie Raskin, Elizabeth Raskin, Esther Merkin, anil the Messrs. Geoi-ge Fineberg, Morrie Borden, Porky Tessler, all of Sioux City, la.; Mr. William Wolfe, of Nebraska City; and the Messrs. Sam Cackin and Phil Geller of Lincoln. '• Unusual entertainment was provided for the guests in the "Bar."

DINNER-DANCE The Question club's "Three Point The Hatikovah club, sponsored by Two" dinner-dance will be held Sat- Mrs. Ben Handler, met this week at urday evening at the Jungle club, the J. C. C. Pins were dischssed and a committee consisting of Mrs. Hotel Chieftain, in Council Bluffs. Harry Bush, Mrs. Morris Fisher and Mrs. Paul Nerenberg was appointed TO VISIT HERE ^ Mrs. S. Belzer, her son, B. Bernard, for the matter. A card party for the benefit of and daughter^ Alice, of Minneapolis, Minn., will visit in Omaha this week- the Talmud Torah was discussed and end. Miss Belzer is the fiancee of Dr. May 23rd set as the date for the affair. Mrs. John Alexander is in Irving J. Weiss of this city. charge of the tickets. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Two new members, Mrs. Meyer Goldberg and Miss Naomi Schlaifer, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ringle announce were installed. The membership drive, the birth of a daughter Sunday night will close May 1, and so much enat the Immanuel hospital. Mrs. Ringle A regular meeting of the Jewish thusiasm has heen shown by the was formerly Ethel Simon. Women's Welfare Federation will be members that the winner will not be held Tuesday afternoon, May 2, at known until the final day. ENTERTAIN the J. C. C. at 2:30 p.m. Those who The next meeting, will be held ' Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bloom enterare in arrears in dues are especially Tuesday, May 2, at 8:15 at t i e J. C. tained for relatives and friends at urged to pay up at this meeting. C. their home Sunday evening in honor The principal speaker of the afterof the first birthday of their grandnoon will be Olga Stasny, who "will daughter, Bernice Bloom, daughter of speak on a subject of vital interest to Mr. and Mrs. Saul Bloom. mothers about their daughters. Wolfe was initiated into the 1:30 pan. Xi Lambda, Sunday. The initiation ENTERTAIN FOR VISITOR was followed *by a stag. Many affairs are being given in The annual Xi Lambda "Olympics" honor of Miss Betty Goldstein of ChiOne-hundred and fifty Hadassah will be held soon. The club is again cago, former Omahan, who is spend- members will be guests at the second to be divided into two teams, "Xi" and ing two weeks here as the house guest annual "Give or Get" luncheon sched- "Lambda." Last year the "Xi" team of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fleishman. uled for Wednesday, May 3, at the won. A luncheon and theatre party was J. C. C. These are Omaha members given by Mrs. H. H. Glicken and Mrs. who have raised $10 or more towards S. M. Clayman in honor of Miss Gold- the Hadassah Medical Fund and At the last meeting of the Psi Mu, stein, April 22. Guests included Mrs. Council Bluffs members who have J. Lr Fleishman, Mrs. Morris Tnritz; raised $5 or more.' « - •^. Millard: SigaL who recently won the and Mrs. S. M. Kutler. Mrs. David A. Goldstein is chair- aw¥rd as the "dtftstaiiding all-around Mrs. Fleishman entertained at four man of the committee arranging for athlete" at the Center, was initiated tables of bridge in honor of Miss the program. Rabbi David Graubart into the club. The organization has a strong agGoldstein, April 23. A dinner party of Des Moines will deliver the pringregation in the J. CTC. kittenball was given by Mrs. S. M. Kutler, fol- cipal address. lowed by bridge, April 25. Mr. and The invocation will be given by loop, which begins Sunday, and is Mrs. Morris Turitz entertained at a Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Following rated among the favorites to win the community singing, Mrs. M. F . Lev- title. dinner party, April 26. •..''•• enson, president of the Omaha chapter, will deliver the welcoming adLEAVE FOR HOME Mrs. J. J. Pink and young son, Ed- dress. Greetings will be given by Plans have been completed for the ward Norman, of Los Angeles, Cal., Rabbi Uri Miller and Rabbi David annual spring outing of the Mother who have been visiting with Mrs.' A. Goldstein. The Central high school Chapter of A. Z. A. This year a hayPink's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Imperial quartette will give vocal se- rack party will be held Saturday, Fanger, left Tuesday morning for lections and John McGee -will give a April 29. Those attending will meet at the their home. Mrs. Pink was exten- \ reading. Mrs. J. Stein, chairman of sively entertained during her visit in the "give or get" campaign, will Center, leaving in four trucks for give a short talk. A violin sold, Hummel Park a t 10 p. m. Omaha. Allegro Molto Vivace, will be renderThe committee in charge consists ed by Myron Cohen, acompanied by of Sam Turkel chairman, Iz HorenON BUYING. TRIP Betty Fellman. stein, Bernard Fox, and Art Wiener. Miss Rae Borsky of a local store, Those in charge of the luncheon A parents' day program will be left for a buying trip through the east are Mrs. Julius Stein, general chairand will return in ten days. man; Mrs. I. Berkowitz, food preparations; Mrs. Joe Goldware, shopMOTHER AND DAUGHTER ping; Mrs. Max Fromkin, tables; BRIDGE Mrs. David A. Goldstein, program; Boarding home wanted for The annual "Mother and Daughter" Mrs. A. D. Frank, service, assisted mother and baby. bridge party of the Junior Hadassah by the girls of the Junior Hadassah. will be given at the Hotel Paxton on .Additional names of Omahans who Reply Box M-3 Tuesday evening, May 9. .. _ raised their quota toward the mediMiss Lillian Nachschoen, chairman cal fund" include the Mesdames R: A. for the affair, is being assisted by. the Bleicher, Iflartin Blass, Morris Civin, Kisses Bess Berntein, Rose Dolgoff, Hyman Cohen, Herman Cohen, M. Rrtelle Gilbert, Fannie Katelman, Bess Jacobson, Arthur Lazerowitz, Louis FOR RENT Xvirshenbaum, and Sarah Noddle. Ad- Lazerowitz, E. V. Long, J. LintzNicely, furnished rooms f<i?r one mission will be twenty-five cents, and man, N. Levinson, Sam Peltz, Abe or two. Board optional. Home tickets may be obtained from any Roffman, Joseph Rosenberg, and L. member of the committee. privileges. B. Woolfson. Prizes will be awarded at each table, At a meeting Wednesday, plans HA. 6001 and refreshments will be served. were made for. the south-western region al conference to be held here ANNUAL MAY DANCE May 28 and 29, with twohundred Ben Rosen, chairman, assisted by delegates from seven states presI. Tretiak and Sam Epstein, are work- ent. ROOM WANTED " . „. ing out plans for the annual Psi Ma Mrs. Lillian Fox will be the guest in May dance. They plan to make this a speaker. PRIVATE HOME highlight of the group's summer social activities. By Young Lai3 No tickets will be sold for the affair, admission" being by invitation The Pioneer Women will meet SatHArney 4716 rid only. urday afternoon, April 29th, at the

Jewish Women's Welfare Federation





Boarding House

"Doc" Dansky, Martha Himelstein Star in "Stiver Tzu Zein a Yid" A new star won unprecedented acclaim for the Center Players of the Jewish Community Center when Isadore "Doc" Dansky made a tremendous hit with his portrayal of David Shapiro in Sholem Aleichem's "If I Were You," the English 'version of "Shver Tzu Zein a Yid." The play was presented at the Center Tae&day.and Wednesday evenings. • - The realness and human touches in the play found a sympathetic audience. Dansky's. comic use of the Yiddish, and his expressive hands arid actions which complemented his jargon delighted those present. Martha Himelstein, playing opposite Dansky as Mrs. Shapiro, is a veteran performer and gave her usually good performance. She is a character actor, and the part she portrayed gave her plentiful opportunities to demonstrate her ~ ability. A realistic touch was also added by the other leads. Sal Michnick, who played the part of the Jewish student Schnayerson, is well-known to Center Player audiences and gave another splendid portrayal in this play. Two more newcomers starred as juvenile leads. Russell Blumenthal given May 14 at the J . C. C. E. Nogg is in charge. At a recent meeting Jake Adier was elected captain of the kitten ball team, and Sam Turkel manager.

as Ivanov and Harriett Fleishman as Betty Shapiro are "finds" and from their excellent performances are sure to be used in important parts in future productions. Little Irving Beitel as Seyomka was a great aid" in supplying humor. ~ Others in the cast included Benjamin FaDc, David Slobodinsky, Edward Himelstein, Lee Bernstein, Harry Seiner, Lillian Lemer, Sylvia Friedel, Nathan Cutler, Al Elewite and Milton Frohm. As a whole, it was probably the best amateur production presented on the Center stage. The plot gave ample opportunity for the comic elements which brought many chuckles from the audience. A Gentile student in Russia, disbelieving the difficulties which Ms Jewish fellow-student told him beset the path of tHe Jew, agrees to change places with his comrade for a year. He enters "the Shapiro home as a Jewish student and learns for himself the trials and tribulations undergone by the Jews. At the finish, all ends well. The rivalry of the two students for the love of Betty and the constant bickering between Mr-, and Mrs. Shapiro feature. Abner Eaiman is chairman of the Center Players. Justin Wolf was in charge of production, assisted by Haskell Cohen. Mrs. Irvin Levin was in charge of the ticket sales. Sol Miroff was in charge of the backstage.

Morris R. Blacker to Head Phi Beta Epsilon Morris R. Blacker, junior medical student, has been elected president of Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton University social fraternity. Other officers are ~E. Joseph Solomonow, vice-president; Aaron E. Perlis, secretary; Henry Weiner, treasurer; and William Resnick, sergeant-at-anns. Edward Rosenbaum was appointed pledge-master.



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Omaha, Nebr.

HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors

PAGE 4--THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY; APRIL 2fy 1933 ceive a movie test soon, phones P. R., ish physicians fired from hospital the Central High honor student, quite post . . . One thousand immigration frequently... May 8th is the birthday certificates issued In Jerusalem to celebration of what prominent local German J e w s . . . play-boy? . . . who enjoys the dawn Don't Forget to Vote p a t r o l . . . dawn patrol, my friends, is Don't forget to exercise your prea he or she (or both) that stays out after midnite and rides home in a milk rogative . . . vote for the next city By "Ab" Kaimah Plash! Sam and Anncommissioners at the election next wagon were "two" last week and by the time Tuesday, May 2 . . . it is a civic duty this appears in print they will be and responsibility . . . and remember, "one" . . . H. K. and R. B. finally you cant go wrong" when you cast Deserving Salute your ballot for Harry Trustin. •Our weekly salute . . . to Harry came to a decision and boom went the hopes and aspirations of a few "RomSacre! le Hokka Chynik Wolf for his inspiring talk on the eos" . . . One of our local "phe-males" Oh-ho! you "inflated" Litvak . . . Philanthropies before the Omaha Hebrew Club . . . to Herbert Kaplan and has a "Swede-heart" . . . his name is So you scooped us! . . . So you shouldcatch on? NissePs n't wear old garters . . . I'm telling Albert Stein for their brilliant ora- Johnson tory . . . to the honor students of 'Gissel" abhors the thought of being on you like this: "Zol Central High . . . to the Sioux City mentioned in these columns . With graceful feet, our H. C. sweet, music lovers who accorded our own Lee Green (Mrs. N. E. Green) an Maybe Rosie or Vickie can give, you Was tripping the light fantastic, Mozzeltoff to Mr. When he suddenly tore ovation at the conclusion of her pro- the answer? gram of songs of the kind seldom and Mrs. Saul Roman of Chi. . . . For the dressing room door; given to a musical artist . . . The Mrs. Roman,, the former Annabel Kon- He just couldnt trust his elastic. first radio broadcast of the Jewish ecky of the Maxim Konecky's . . . And so to my bizness . . . and your hour over station KFAB registered a Old timers will-recall the very able success . . . Tune in Sunday at 10:15 but vitriolic pen of Maxim K., the bizness!! a. m. for another program of Hebrew first editor of the Jewish Press, known music plus a short talk by Sam Beber. then as the Jewish Bulletin . . . Oy Catholics Join Protest Action v a y ! . . . The bird with the "elongated Praise. Center Players scbnozzle" is ready to arrive at the MARSEILLES,—The National FeThe dramatic critics of both local home of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. . . . and deration of Catholics here has innewspapers were very flattering in also Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. . . quite dicated its identification with the protheir praise of the play "Shver tzu a coincidence did you say? . . . Many test movement against the anti-Jewzein a Yid" . . . and complimented the of our local "maidloch" are hoping ish excesses in Germany. entire cast . . .particularly Isador that the bachelors wQl soon go off the FKADKNBCEG, STALMASTER * Dansky and Martha Himmelstein; "single" standard I . . . What young BEBER, Attorneys. •whose portrayal of the Shapiros . . . "stay-outer" believes in a new slogan 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. as they stated could not have been "Wine, Women and S'long?" . . . PROBATE NOTICE done with greater effect by profesIn the Matter of the Estate of MoUie Headlines Tell Story sionals . . . ^and we say congratulaRiecker Maroney, Deceased. is hereby given that the creditors tions to the members of the c a s t . . . A few headlines that picture the ofNotice said deceased will meet the administo Jno. McGee, the very capable di- terrible disaster that has befallen the tratrix of said estate, before me. County




rector. T n^~ J u V_ ^ W^lf^ ^ ^abolishes T Z «* n ~.j.,~+; rr-^i—ii cTar^e r«_i.__ ment the' snenitafiV^JT^T tnrougn-

use by the giver, grantor, and/or testator, shall comence doing business upon the then and in that event the gift, grant, filing of Its Articles of Incorporation with devise, and/or bequest shall be applied the County Clerk of Douglas County. BUDAPEST,—The Minister of the in the manner and to the nse limited by Nebraska and shall continue for a i»>ri.i.i UOTICE OF PROBATE OF \ f I U Interior has prohibited the exhibition In the County Court of Douglas County, the giver, grantor and/or testator, pro- of 100 years. The highest amount of indebtedness or vided further, however, that whenever it of swastika uniforms and badges in Nebraska. shall appear to the Board of Trustees liability to which the corporation slmil In the Matter of the Estate of Bessie Hungary, particularly in the Debrez- "Wlntroob Pill, Deceased. that circumstances have so changed since at any one time be subject shall nut ••*the execution of the instrument containing ceed one-half of the value of the property cin district, where Nazi organizations All persons interested in said estate are any gift, grant, devise, and/or bequest as owned by it. The affairs of this corporahereby notified that a petition has been have been formed. The local authori- filed in said Court, praying for the pro- to render unnecessary, undesirable, im- tion Shall be administered by a Hoard of practical impossible a literal compli- Trustees consisting of seventeen, ten ot ties ordered that Nazi leaders ignor- bate of a certain instrument now on file ance with or the terms of such instrument, whom shall serve for life and as lone » s In said Court, purporting to be the last ing this prohibition be severely pun- will and testament of said deceased, and said Board of Trustees may at any time they are residents of Omaha, Nebraska. that a hearing will be had on said petition or from time to time direct the applica- The remaining seven shall be elected at ished. before said Court on the 6th day of May, tion of such gift, grant devise, and/or the annual meeting of the Jewish Com1933, and that if they fail to appear at bequest to such other educational, charit- munity Center and Welfare Federation said Court on the said 6th day of May, able, religious or benevolent purpose of a and shall serve for a period of two years. 8HOTWELL, MON8KY, GRODINSKY ft 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest the Jewish character as in their judgement or until their successors are duly elected VANCE, Attorneys. probate of said will, the Court may allow will most effectually without regard to and qualified. The Board of Trustees shall 737 Omaha National -Bank Bide. and probate said will and grant adminis- and free from and specific restriction, elect a President, Yice-I'residont, Secretration of said estate to Sam Cohen or limitation or direction contained in such tary and Treasurer, all of whom shall some other suitable person and proceed to instrument; and (c) To decline any gift, hold office for a term of one year. The NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT a settlement thereof. grant devise, or bequest or any part of regular annual meeting of the Board of DEFENDANT any gift, grant devise or bequest which Trustees shall be held on the second MonBKXCE CRAWFORD. To Bert W. Cotton, sometimes known as in the opinion of the Board of Trustees day of March of each year. These articles *-14-33-3t County Judge. W. R. Wilson: does not comply with the purposes and may be amended at any regular or special Ton are hereby notified that on the objects of this corporation; and (d) to meeting of the Board of Trustees by a NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF 14th day of April, 1933, Hill Hotel Comhold legal title to the property given, two-thirds vote of all the trustees; proHABRY H. LAPIDIJS COMMUNITY pany, a corporation, as Plaintiff, comgranted or devised to the corporation for vided, however, that Articles 1 and 3 shall XKtTST ITFND menced an action in the Municipal Court the uses and purposes, and upon the con- never be amended. in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, ditions herein expressed and to exercise Nebraska, against yon. Bert W. Cotton, Notice is hereby given that the underDated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 21st sometimes known as W. R. Wilson, as signed have associated themselves together in respect to the property so held all day of April, 1933. rights of absolute ownership. Without in Defendant, being Docket J-7, No. 220. Thefor the purpose of forming a corporation MAX BARISH object of this suit is to recover the sum under the laws of the State of Nebraska. any way limiting or restricting the foreSAM BEBER of $88.03, interest and costs, for services The name of the corporation shall be going but in enlargement and extension DAVID BLACKER thereof, the corporation shall have the rendered at defendant's special instance HARRY H. LAPIDUS COMMUNITY DAVID GOLDMAN and request; that on the 14th day of TRUST FUND with its principal place of power: to invest and re-invest any and ABE GOLDSTEIN April, 1933, an order of attachment was business at Omaha, Nebraska. The ob- all moneys received in securities and/or DR. A. OREENBERG issued by the Clerk of the Municipal ject and purpose for which this corpora- properties unless the donor shall other,T. J. GREENBERG ~V>urt of the City of Omaha, and a cer- tion is organized i s : (a) to accept any wise provide, and to sell, lease, convey, WM. !->. HOLZMAN tain Model A Ford Coupe in the posses- Rift, grant, devise and/or bequest in trust transfer, encumber, exchange, deliver and PUILir M. KLUTZNICK sion of Sam Josephson was attached. You for educational, charitable, religious or dispose of all or any part of the prinJ. HARRY KTILAKOFSKY are further notified that said cause was benevolent uses or purposes of a Jewish cipal or capital x>f the funds or property HARRY MALASHOCK continued for trial to the 15th day of character: (b) to apply the principal at such prices and upon such terms as HENRY MONKKY June, 1933, at nine o'clock A. M., and thnt and/or income of any such gift, grant, it Khali deem expedient and proper, and DR. TH1LIP S1IER to borrow money or moneys when and you must appear and answer to the peti- devise and/or bequest for the promotion, IRVIN STALMASTER ion filed in said action on or before the extension and advancement of educational, as needed, and (e) to do all things necHARRY TRCSTIN :5th day of June, 1933, at nine o'clock charitable, religious or benevolent projects essary (ind/or proper to effect the objects HARRY A. WOLF and purposes hereinabove set forth. or institutions of a Jewish character, as HARRY B. ZIMMAN the Board of Trustees may direct, providHILL HOTEL COMPANY, In the presence of R. J. HOLDSBERC however, that if any such gift, grant, This corporation shall have no capital By Harry B. Cohen, Its Attorney. ed, 4-28-83-4t devise, and/or bequest be limited in its stock and shall declare no dividends. It 4-28-33-3t. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL AB-VERT1SE31KXT PO1IT1CAL ADVERTISEMENT

Judge, of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 19th day of June, 1933, and on the 19th day of August, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 19th day of May. 1933. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. 4-28-33-3t.

of production to Haskell Cohen German Masons and Sol Miroff to Mrs. "Sid"out the Reich dissolve old order as means of exWihtroub . . . to Mrs. Rose Levin and Holland refugee to the dear kind public for their ap- cluding Jews tells bow Nazis beat and tortured plause . congregation in round-up . . . 27 JewSocial Doings That keen K. C. kitty is now "purr- SaOIWIXL SIONSKY, GRODINSKY & PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK VANCE, Attorneys. ing" with Dick H . . . . and the languid 630 Omaha National Bank Bids'. blue-eyed E. G. arm-in-arming with NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Al F. for a change . . . Since S. R. In the County Court of Douglas County, "N. S. SAFFE PRINTING CO." has been going places with R. P. . . . InNebraska. Notice is hereby given that the underthe Matter of the Estate of Maude signed, have formed a corporation under Goldberg:, Deceased. Barrister Bill has decided upon A. G. All persons interested In said estate are the laws of the State of Nebraska. The the sweet and mild-mannered private hereby of this corporation shall be "N. S. notified that a petition has been name Yaffe Printing Co." with its principal sec. . . . A. F. and Leo F. wend their filed in said Court praying for the pro- place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The bate of a certain instrument now on file general nature of tbe business to be tranway each evening to the same resi- in said Court, purporting to be the last sacted- and the object and purpose for dence . . . to greet Cele and Sadye... will and testament of said deceased, and which this corporation is organized and that a hearing will be had on said petiestablished shall be to conduct and operate The versatile Joe S. from out Bluffs tion before said Court on the 20th day a printing establishment; to purchase and way has his friends guessing as to the of May, 1933, and that if they fail to sell printing and stationery supplies; to appear at said Court on the said 20th day equip and maintain by purchase, construcidentity of the Sioux City Miss . . . of May, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contion, lease or otherwise, buildings and And among the budding youngsters test the probate of said 'will, the Court equipment to be used as and for a printallow and probate said will and ing establishment or a stationery sales H. R., who is aspiring and perspiring may KTanf. administration of said estate to and to do all things which to be a lawyer, shall we say as famous Nellie Owens and Harry Owens or some establishment, may be necessary and/or proper to carry the objects herein set forth. The authas the "pappy" of his "ideal eyeful" other suitable person and proceed to a out orized capital stock shall be $5,000.00 and . . . Another juvenile pair that are settlement thereof. all of said stock shall be common and of BRYCE CRAWFORD, the par value of $100.00 per share, fully County Judge. "very much" about each other' T. 6. 4-28-33-3t. paid up and non-assessable. The corporaand H. S. . . . Julius G., who may re- SHOTWEIL, MON8KT, GRODINSKY & tion shall commence doing business upon

the filing of its articles with the County VANCE, Attorneys Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and 737 Omaha National Bank Bid?. shall continue for a period of fifty years said date. The highest amount of NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETI- from Indebtedness not exceed two-thirds TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL of the capitalshall stock, but this restriction ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. shall not apply to indebtedness secured by In the County Court of Douglas County, mortgages or Hens upon-:any of the corNebraska. . porate property. The affairs of this corIn the Matter of the Estate of George, K. poration shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two Interest in the Independent Voters1 ; Staines, Deceased: All persons interested in said matter are members. The annual meeting of the corleague campaign was again empha- hereby notified that on the 10th day of poration shall be held on the first Monday sized Thursday night, when hundreds April, 1033, Anna Staines filed a petition in January of each year, at which meeting sold County Conit, praying that her the stockholders shall elect a Board of Diof the younger generation turned out in final administration account filed herein rectors and thereupon the Board shall elect for the dance-political meeting of the be settled and allowed, and that she be a President, a Vice-President, Secretary from her trust as administra- and Treasurer. Any two of said offices Junior Independent Voters league at discharged trix and that a hearing will be had on may be held by one and the same person. said petition before said .Court on the Cth These articles may be amended at any Chermot ballroom. of May, 1033, and that if yon fail to regular or special meeting of the stockAmong those instrumental in or- day appear before said Court on the said Cth holders by a two-thirds vote of the outday of May, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., and standing stock. ganizing the Junior Independent Vot- contest said petition, the Court may grant ers league last Saturday night at; the prayer of said petition, enter a decree IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of helrship, make such other and league headquarters, 1912 Farnant further orders,and hereunto subscribed their names this allowances and decrees, as have 29th day of March, 1933. street, were Hy Shrier, originator of to this Court may seem proper, to the end S. YAFFE, all matters pertaining to said estate the junior league idea and temporary that R. J. HOLDSBERG. may be finally settled and determined. In the presence of: chairman of the first meeting, who BRYCE CRAWFORD, Philip M. Klutzniek. was elected permanent chairman of 4-14-33-3t 4-7-33-4t County Judge.

J. 3. FKIEDMAN, Attorney 634 Insurance Building

Hungary Opposes Swastika

Vote for




the organization. Among those named on the executive committee were.Nioma Cohn, Bess Spar, Sophie Rosenstein, Rose Tedesco, Stanley Levin, Elmer Demar and Irving Greene. In the senior league organization, Max Barish, Dr. A. Greenberg, Sam Beber, Philip Klutzniek, Irving Levin and Irving Greene have been devoting almost full time to the advancement of the league and its candidates, Roy N. Towl, Harry Knudsen, Emmett Hannon, Frank E. Frost, Harry Trustiu and Prank Myers. All friends of the Independent Voters league with automobiles who are supporting the league candidates or Harry Trustin in particular, are asked to join in the parade to form Friday night at 7 o'clock at Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets. FRADENBURG, STALMASTER & BEBER O..T. DOERR, PHILIP M. KLGTZNICK 650 Omaha National Bank Bide., Omaha, Nebraska

You DON'T Have to





Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day ot May, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M., at Bekins Van & Storage Company, 16th and Leavenworth Streets, Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: 1 overstuffed chair, 1 overstuffed davenport, 1 metal floor lamp, 1 antique walnut mirror, 1 onyx top end table, 1 Stelnway grand piano, 1 overstuffed chair, 1 8:3x 10:« Wilton rug, 2 9x12 Wilton rugs, 1 walnut French commode, 1 secretarial cabinet, I library lamp, 1 bridge lamp, stair and hall rugs, 1 walnut buffet, 6 walnut mohair chairs', 1 walnut china cabinet, 1 8:3x10:6 Wilton rug, 1 sewing cabinet, 1 walnut table, 1 walnut serving table, 1 buffet mirror, 1 telephone cabinet, 1 smoking cabinet, 3 kitchen chairs, 1 Universal electric range, 1 table; 1 Apex vacuum cleaner, 1 brick-a-brack rack, 1 child's bed, S. M. & B., 1 metal day bed, S. M. & B., 2 twin beds, S. M. & B., 1 walnut cedar -•best, 1 chiffionier, 1 dresser, 1 vanity dresser, 1 stand, 1 rocker to match, 2 throw rugs, 1 child set, 1 chiffonier, pottery, vases, crockery, silverware, cut glass, pictures, curtains, drapes, cooking utensils, percolator, lawn mower, garden tools, 3 mirrors, 2x5 and lights, 2 small mirrors and lights, 2 dressing tables and 6 chairs, 3 celling lights, 2 costumers, and 3 small forms, store rug 12x34, window rug, 24 display stands, 1 Damascus sewing machine, 1 iron board, 1 electric iron, and other necessary store fixtures; covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the United Financial Service, a corporation, slgnel by Julian Segil and Mathilde SegU; that said mortgage is dated July 28, 1932, and was filed of record in the office of the t'ounty Clerk of Douclas County, Nebraska on January 14, 1933. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage, for the costs of the sale and all accruing costs including warehouse fees and for the purpose of satisfyim? the amount due thereon, to-wit: S54"23 plus interest; that no suit or other proceedings at law have been Instituted to .I^Zir Raid debt or any part thereof. " U N I T E D FINANCIAL SERVICE. UI IT * By Philip M. Klutznick, Its Attorney. M-l-33-3*

"They throw away enough food to feed an army," has been said of many families. Instead of serving skimpy meals to save.. .take care of the food you buy. Electric refrigeration does away with "throwing food away." Perishables will keep for days. Left-overs don't have to be thrown away but can be served days later as delicious dishes. Save the intelligent way with an electric refrigerator! SEE YOUR DEALER OR

Nebraska Power Courtesy • Sttvtot • tow iUtet A Good Citizen Wherever We Fe-ve


EXPERIENC ED-EFFICIENT CAPABLE JEhe experience of Dean Noyes enables him to know, as does no other man, how to keep our streets in condition at the lowest possible cost. He is found on the job from 6:30 in the morning until late at night, and in times of bad storms he is on the job 24 hours a day. He has gone the limit in reducing expenses in his own department and has whole-heartedly co-operated in cutting all city expenses. The position of Street Commissioner requires a technical knowledge possessed by few—Dean Noyes has these qualities. M. D. Colton Louis Stern B.Korney Harry Smith B. Abrams Meyer Coren M. Mayerowitch Meyer D.Giventer Sam Altsuler Mayer Frank Charles Mann I. Forbes BenShafton

Jake Forbes H. Soskin J.Kaplan Jos. Soskin Sam Feldman. Paul Goldstein J. Finkenstein J. D. Rosenblum B. Robinson SamRundill Mrs. C. Horwitz Phil Gorelick D. M. Robinson M. Adler

Max Minkin P.Alexander M. M. Horenstein Phil Garfinkle Mrs. Mary Swartz Phil Smith Sam Kutler Gus Berg Sam Glazer Al Wohlner Martha Ebert Phil Wolfe Irving Forbes Max Kaplan

AlSoffer Max Goldstein M. Mayper H.Osoff Marian Freiden Era G. Margolin Sam Epstein M. Cohen D. Bernstein A. B. Gendler Mrs. A. B. Gendler Jacob Janger Harry Neesman Irvin H. Stein

This Advertisement Paid for by the Following Jewish Employees of Dean Noyes' Department PETE ALEXANDER JAMES BURROUGHS



Hear Henry Monsky Over Koil Tonight at S P. M. on Dean Noyes






We Are Pledged to Economy and

[ainst I





Endorsed by r


Dr. Irving J. Weiss Mrs. Mary Telpner Milton Abrahams Isadore Abramson Phillip Greenberg Mrs. Libby Roitstein. Mrs. R. Schwarzkin Mrs. Freda Bramson Joseph Dayton George Dolgof f Isadore M. Wintroub Sam Epstein Henry Epstein Dr. J. M. Erman PhilFeldman Dr. Maurice E* Stein Sol Fellman Dave Ferer Mrs. Nate Weismaii Nellie Ferer Essie Ferer JackMelcher David Miller Jeanette Milder Sam Morris Dr. Nathan Muskin Charles Nathan Abner H. Kaiman Sydney Katleman J. Kaufman Anna Kaufman Ben E. Kazlowsky Meredith Kenyon N* Kessleman Boris Korney Leonard C. Kohn J.Kulakofsky Mrs. Sam Theodore Mrs. Dora Tretiak



VOTE THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS LEAGUE TICKET Wm. Racusin Wm. Raduziner -JoCtNopsnm n Morris Reznick Sam Newman H.A.Resnick * M.Dolgoff A. Richards H. Dolgof f Morton Richards L Dolgof f S. Riekes Joe Dandy CarlRiekes R. Danto H. Rim merman Dave Katleman L. Ringle S. Kenyon Joe Riseman A. Yousem Sam Rips Phil Yousem Arthur Robinson Ben Yousem Mose Yousem B. Robinson D. N. Robinson N.S.Yaffe Nate Robinson Harry FeUnian IdaTtobinson Harry Smith A.Roginsky Ben Somberg Sophie Roginsky I. Sokolof Harry Roitstein Harry Sommer Julius Stein Irvin Stalmaster Phil Rosenblatt Mrs. Dora Stem Sanders Steinbach Mrs. P. Rosenblatt Joe Rosenbloom Sam Stern Max Rosenbloom Israel Susman Sam Rosenthal M.Tatleman Max Rosenstein Oscar Taub Morris Rosoff A. Theodore Chas. S. Ross Bon Theodore Morris Rubenstein Sam Theodore Jacob Rosoff J. Tretiak Lewis Sacks Moe Venger Karl Sessel A.Weiner Victor Weiner E. Si dm an Irwin Weis Harry Siegal Abraham Weiss Mrs. D. Schwartz Sam B.Weiss D. Schwartz Nate Weisman Phil Schwartz Harry Wilinsky Sam Schwartz Dave Smith PhiliD Weisman Mrs. M. Dansky J. Schneider Meyer Ferer Mrs. D. Sherman Harry Goetz Joe Sherman Harold Farber Isador Shafer Louis Wintroub Herbert D, Shaniro John Feldman Hxrm an S. Shrier A. Shaf er Ed. Schoenberger Sarah Nathan

Jay Malashock Leo Marks fc .„ E. Meyer Joe Meyer Mrs. M. Meyer M. Meyer Maurice Micklin Louis Micklin Leo Milder Hyman Goldenberg Isadore Goldstein Joe Goldware Sam Gorelick Henry Grabois Lawrence Goldman Shrolly Goodman David Goldman Nathan Wilfson Harry Wohlner Sam N. Wolf CeliaWolf Mrs. Enme Wolk Sadie Wolk Max Wintroub Phineas Wintroub Henry Weisberg John A. Beber Morris D. Cackin Morris Chaiken Julius Chait Wm. Cherniss Martha Cherniss Arthur Cohn Miss Bess Cohn David R. Cohen Naomi Cohn Joseph Cohn Harry Cooper Fanny Cooper Herman Corenman David Charney Dave Crounse Max Crounse Phillip Crandal Isadore Dansky Sarah Df»i sky Herman Dansky



Dave Bolker Simon Bordy Reuben Bordy Joe Bonoff Jack Bramson Sam Bialac Harry Bravirof f A. H. Brodkey E. Brodkey Fred Brodkey Dave Brodkey N. Brodsky Jack iSroscow Harry Bush Sam Brick Louis Breen Harold Brandt Esther Brandt Morris Levey Dr. Phil Levey Mark Leon Isadore Levinson M. F. Levenson Ethel Levenson Joe lintzman Joe Lipsey Edward Lincoln Harry Lipsey Stanley Levin Harry Malashock Sam Guttman Abraham Herman Leonard Herman Dr. H. Hirschmann Lester Heyn HugoHeyn Mrs. Hugo Heyn Jerome Heyn Fred Hahn Dr. Herman Jahr Mrs. Herman Jahr M. Jacobson Abe Wolf son Dora Wolowitz Ray Wolowitz SamYaffe Louis Wolk

Sam Appleman Julius Aitman Herman Babich Max M.TSarish Joe Ban Sam Beber Dr. M. Beber Dr.O.S.Belzer Louis Berman I. Berkowitz Ben Binder M. Bernstein Paul Bernstein Julius Bisno Martin Blass Joe Bloch I. Beber Julias Newman A. Newman Morris Newman Mrs. L. Neveleff Leon H. Nogg Sol Nogg Sarah Nogg Sol Novitsky Diana Novitsky H. Osof f CFinkel J. Finkel Sidney Fisher Anna Fisher Donald Feischer Morris Fridel Ike Friedman Dr. B. T. Friedman Sam Frisch Bernard Fink Dr. Leon Fellman V.M.Ganz Mrs. I. Greenberg A. M. Grueskin Harry Gross D. B. Gross Dr. A. Greenberg Harry Goldstrom Hose Goldstrom

MlipSoref Edward Kraus Philip Klutznick J. Lagman S. Lagman Hannah Lagman Ida Lagman Jacob Lieb Esther Lieb Harry Lippett Mrs. Ida Levin Irvin Levin Sol Graetz Irving Green Sam Greenberg J. J. Greenberg Dr. M. Greenberg Abe Greenspan Lester Greenberg Leon Graetz Edith Graetz Jack Orlikoff Louis Paperny Bill Perelman Ben Perelman Alex Plotkin Isadore Plotkin Maxwell Pirsch Morris Potash H. Pregler Lottie Ganz Jennie Ganz Bill Gerelick Phil Gerelick Sam Gendleman Stuart Gilinsky Ben Glazer Robert Glazer Lester Goldman David Abrams Leo Abramson Jack Alberts William Alberts Joe Adler Samuel Altsuler Martin Falk Reuben Vann




Council Bluffs News BY F. R. K. Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin of Omaha will sing a group of songs, including "Hanosen Peshuo Lamloehem," meaning the preservation for President Roosevelt. The principal speaker •will be Mr. Hochman, who will give an important part of the Inaugural Address. The program will also include the opening prayer, singing of America, and closing with the Aaronic Benediction by Cantor Sch•waczkin. Jack Gordon, senior at the Abraham Lincoln high school, was selected as

CbloneJ-of; the schools cadet -corps and presiding officer of the Military Ball which was held last Saturday night, when the official announcement was made. He has been active in numerous affairs at high school, and was formerly president of the Aristo literary society. He is also assistant manager of the school year book, the Crimson and Blue. He is also a member of the staff of the school's weekly paper, "The Echoes," of which Jack Fox is editor-in-chief for this year. President's Day to Be Observed at Synagogue Sunday Afternoon President's Day will be observed with appropriate services at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster street on Sunday afternoon, April 30, commencing at two o'clock.



SHOTWEU, MONSKX, GRODIXSKY Mr* O* HocKmanr is cnainnan - in Get" luncheon next Wednesday after& VANCE, Attorneys. charge of arrangements and is being noon, May 3, at the Jewish Commun737 Omaha National Bank Bid?. assisted by the following committee: ity Center, and about 30 members are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Messrs. Morris Hoffman, Sam Sacks, eligible to attend this affair gratis. undersigned have formed a corporation under the name of BELL CIGAR STORE, Barney Gilinsky, S. Shyken, Dave Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz of Manwith its principal place of business Fox, and G. Whitebook. The syna- ning, la., entertained at a family din- INC., in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The corporation shall have authority to purgogue will be elaborately decorated ner party at their home last Sunday chase and^ sell at retail, cigars, tobacco, for this occasion. newspapers "and any and all in celebration of their first wedding magazines^ other kindred articles, and to handle such The public is cordially invited to at- anniversary. Among those who at- real or personal property as may be retend this celebration, and a large tended the affair were Mr. and Mrs. quired. The corporation shall hare the power to borrow money and issue evidences crowd is expected. B.. Saltzman, and* Mrs. H. Saltzman of indebtedness therefor. The corporation commence business when the ArtiDr. Isaac Sternhill, accompanied by of Council Bluffs; Mrs. M. Peltz, and shall cles are filed with the County Clerk of Mrs. Sternhill, spent last Friday vis- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman and Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue January 1st, 19S3. The authorized iting in Des Moines, la., where Dr. son, Paul, of Omaha; and Mr. and until capital stock is $5,000.00, all common, par Sternhill visited the state capitol and Mrs. Ben Cohen and family of Har- value $100.00, being fully paid when Issued and non-assessable. The affairs shall be extended a personal invitation to Gov- lan, la. administered by a Board of Directors, not less than two nor more than five in numernor Clyde Herring to attend the Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron Davber, and the undersigned shall be the first Boy Scout Exposition which will be id, of Leavenworth, Kans., spent the Board. The stockholders shall elect Diheld at the City Auditorium on Satur- past week-end here visiting Mrs. rectors at the annual meeting to be held the second Monday In January of each day, May 6. Dr. Sternhill is vice- Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius year. Thereafter directors shall elect officers, viz.. President, Vice-President, Secrechairman of the Exposition, and is a Katelman. tary nnd Treasurer. The Articles may be ; member of the Boy Scout executive amended. The corporation shall have a seal. Mrs. George Hoffman entertained at board. Dated March 22, 1933. The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah a benefit card party at her home on LINCOLN SMITH. held their annual rummage sale at 1' Monday evening for the Council Bluffs DAN McDEHMOTT. Senior Hadassah. ' . 4-7-33-4t North Main street on Monday: and Tuesday, and proved a success finanLouis Kroloff left Thursday for Los SLLVERMAN & ZACHARIA. Attorneys cially. Mrs. Ben Kubby was chairman Angeles, - Calif., where he will visit 768 BrandeU Theater Bid*. in charge of the rummage sale. relatives for a few weeks. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION the County Court of Douglas County, The Council Bluffs Ag-idas Achim Mrs. Jake Krasne entertained the In Nebraska. association will meet next Thursday members of her Afternoon Bridge In the Matter of the Estate of Theresa Irene Clarey, Deceased. evening, May 4, at the Eagles hall. dub at her home Wednesday after- All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah. noon. filed in said Court alleging that said dewill hold their first annual "Give or Mrs. Oscar Greenberg entertained ceased died leaving no last will and prayfor administration upon her estate, and at a benefit card party at her home ing that a hearing will be hnd on said petition Tuesday evening. Proceeds will go before said court on the 13th dav of May. 1933. and that if they fail to appear at said to the Senior Hadassah for the "Give Court on the said 13th day of May, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, or Get" luncheon. the Court may grant the same and grant Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baron had as their administration of said estate to Harry B. Cohen, or some other suitable person and guests over the week-end their daughthereof. ' Supporters of Dean Noyes, candi ter, Miss Jeannette Baron of Kansas proceed to a settlement BBTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. date for re-election as city commis City, Mo., and their sister-in-law, Mrs. 4-21-3t. sioner, state that his experience and L. Gilman of Cedar Bapids, la. POLITICAI, ADVERTISEMENT efficiency are needed in the administration of the city government. Mr. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Noyes is present street commissioner. of the Independent Order of the B'nai Noyes' training fits him for his po- Brith held a meeting Monday evening sition. For eight and a half years he at the Eagles halL Plans are being worked in every branch of the Barber made for the Annual District convenAsphalt Paving company of Kansas tion to be held in Omaha July 4. FolCity, Dallas, Philadelphia—a nation- lowing the meeting, beer- and pretzels ally famous institute. He has shown were served. his efficiency for caring for his deMr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner enterpartment in the city hall since 1922 tained the members of their Sunday and is now recognized as an expert in Night Bride club at their home Sunhis line and an authority on paving, day evening. many experts from other cities come Mrs. Louis Kroloff will entertain here to seek his counsel. at a benefit card party at her home Dean Noyes' experience and effi- Saturday, for the Council Bluffs Senciency saved the city hundreds of ior Hadassah. thousands of dollars in expense. His All itmes for this column must be liberality and generous contributions phoned in to Miss Katelman, either to worthy causes are also well known phone 650 or 4491, before 5 p. m. each The public is urged to tune in on Wednesday, to assure publication in station KOIL at 9 p. m. tonight, to the Jewish Press for that week's issue. hear Henry Monsky tell why Noyes should be re-elected. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS



Hears Groans, Summons Police


tories clipped from newspapers —about actual telephone experiences— these statements of fact show tangible evidence of the telephone's importance in everyday life. The telephone lessens risks, prepares you for emergencies... saves time, trips and money.

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Vote for




City Commissioner He

is experienced, able, honest and efficient. His past record is assurance that he will faithfully serve the people of Omaha.



Make Your Own Slate



I Recommend




TRUST1N City Commissioner




As City Commissioner, John Hopkins has made a start toward cleaning up our Police Department. Much yet remains to be done. If elected, Roy N. Towl, John Hopkins, Harry Trustin and W. W. Carmichael will finish thii^ job. In the interest of a sane, honest, business-like administration of the city's affairs, the keeping of the Fire and Police Departments free from outside influence and gang control, I urge you tp vote for these four men. ; ;

.-' r'3"^£i"-"''.' '-v -•'" -r V*-/T* -„


Indorsed by the Independent Voters League

H V : ^ ' ; - ' ; ^ : / ~^-




MEN OF You Want Fair, IJberofcMmded Men on Our City Commission "'Not a "Reform" Government and "Blue Laws." . • • .

Vote lor the W. W. CARMICHAEL W. W. Carmichael has an enviable record in establishing for the first time in the history of the School Board, a budget system wh'ch is responsible, more than anything: else, for it's splendid financial condition. His successful record as a business man in this community for SO years and his Integrity, honesty and intelligence in the handling of large business affairs, are too well known to require farther comment.


SENSIBLE 0 W . W . Carmichael John Hopkins Dan B. Butler

JOHN HOPKINS John Hopkins was one of the first men In the City Commission, or oat, to point-out and fight for the necessity of economy in onr city government. Transferred against his will, but -without complaint, • from this Department to the .Police Department, which was in a demoralized condition, he brouRht the •ame hi eh efficiency and effectiveness to this Department that he had shown In his other work Today the Police Department is operating more efficiently and economically than ever before. Crime hag decreased, and live* and property are safer than in most cities. We strongly feel that a change In this Department at this time weald be most disastrous. IVe are especially anlxous to see this Department continue to develop and function under his capable and fearless leadership.

Ijfon't be misled by mud-slinging and misleading statements. Do you want our City crushed and your liberty taken away from you by the most dangerous "gang" rule ever heard of in Omaha? This is a critical period—a time when Omaha

Dean Noyes E1 Richard W. Jepsen Joseph B. Hummel „





needs big men—men of sound judgment and tolerant of the rights and views of all nationalities and beliefs. Your City and Y<W{ Best Interests depend upon Hie sound i business sense of the Sensible Six, who are pledged to a program of making work for the unemployed.


RICHARD W. JEPSEN Richard Jepsen for more than 25 years has successfully conducted hi* •wn trasinesH in Omaha. He is a man of Integrity, honesty, energy and has a 'appreciation of tlw needs of onr annity. He will bring to the city » seasoned busings and civic experience.








Space will not permit the printing of the many hundreds of names of those who have endorsed the Sensible Six ticket. DAN B. BUTLER The .record of Dan Butler as a friend of the people and a champion of their rights Is well known to all. By reasoa of his previous experience he will, associated with the group of men we are supporting, bring to the City Commission a ripe experience in accounting and finance so greatly needed in these times.

Joe Hummel has developed a system of parks and boulevards which have attracted nationwide attention. His fi- : Uelity and integrity in this work is outstanding, and Omaha is fortunate to be able to keep a man so ideally fitted in this position. It is well known that Mr. Hummel, day In and day «ut, works -from dawn unti^ dark in keeping Omaha's park system one of the best, if not the best* In the whole United. States. As frequently has Wen^safd, it if. doubtful If there i s a man in all Omaha who could step into his shoes and do the Job with the efficiency he has. Not to continue Sir. Hummel in charge of the park system would lie a distinct loss to Omaha.


DEAN NOYES The experience of Bean Noyes enables him to know as does »o other Mas how to keep oar streets in condition at the lowest possible cost. Hr is found on the job from G:SO in the morning- until late at nigtit, Mid i» times of bad storms he In on the Job 24 hours a day. He has gone the limit in rednclng expenses in his own department and tins whole-heartedly <••p«rated in cutting all city expenses. The position of Street Commissioner requires a technical knowledge possessed fcy Jew—Dean Koyes has these qualities.

Your Messenger of Jewish News

ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1933

laying that love is blind, but you have their pockets. Newsboy Brown is slipto know Stumble Bum the 2nd to ap- ping. Mrs. Win. Maron in S. C. for the big event. Alta Sterling nee Miss reciate what I mean. The subject for Rabbi Theodore N. Solly Seff is now selling a complete Sioux City returning to her home. Red Lewis' sermon, tonight, at Mount ine of Travelers Life and General in- Barricks driving a newly purchased Sinai Temple, will be "Are We Civ-surance, but that's no excuse for his Ford and selling Aetna. Rialto sportB'nai Brith A large number of people attended ilized?" The advertising committees of the lothering a certain young lady three ing a new canopy with changeable the fifth annual Palestinian Bazaar, The congregation will choose dele- >r Building Fund Carnival, under the four times a day, especially during neon letters and two thousand EskiThe regular meeting of the B'nai leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gold- Brith will be held next Tuesday eve- held Sunday afternoon and evening in gates to represent the Temple at the business hours, or maybe there's more mos drinking beer except February, the Jewish Community Center, and convention of the Union of American ;o it than we know. Who can tell ? smith and Mr. Abe Pill, will complete which has twenty-eight. Sioux City daughters will honor the their work on ads this week, in order ning, May 2, in the Jewish Community sponsored by the Poale Zion organiza- Hebrew Congregations, to be held in The news has reached us that Before we go completely nuts, let mothers of the community next week, to give the chairmen ample time to Center. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky will pre- tion, in behalf of the Geverkshaften Chicago, on June 18. George Blum is some kind of a new us remind you of the need for subside. Mr. Milton Bolsteih is in charge campaign. when two Mother and Daughter ban- prepare the Souvenir Program for champion in the ranks of Sioux City's scribing to the Jewish Press. Send The bazaar opened with a cafeteria quets will be held. the Building Fund Carnival, May 15.of the program, the nature of which handball artists and whether he re- your check to the Jewish Press, care will be announced to the members by Shaare Zion supper. Contributing to the program The first banquet will be given by The Ticket Committee will continue places Harry Horwitz or not we don't of the Jewish Community Center, or . during the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will con- know. Even so, if necessary we'll let just whistle and we'll come and get it. , the Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Temple its solicitations next week, and make mail. J. Rasnick, of Omaha, Nebraska, vocal tinue his discussion on "The Jews in Harry be the lightweight champion if .on Monday evening, May 1, at 6:30 in a full report at the meeting, held prior : solos and dances; Herman Mirowitz, Frankfort," at the regular services he wants to. What's a title among the annex of the Temple. The invoca- to the carnival week. songs; and M. Minkin, of Omaha, hu- tonight. Cantor A. Pliskin, with the riends? Just so long as Harry Trustion will be given by Mrs. Theodore morous readings. synagogue choir, will chant the ser- in is elected city commissioner in N. Lewis. Mrs. Louis Agranoff, presMembers of the A. Z. A. recently vice. ident of the Sisterhood, will give the The bazaar is the culmination of the Omaha. elected to the roster of the chapter, Tuesday, May 4, Rabbi Rabinowitz address of welcome. Dorothe Muskin, the only Dorothy will be formally initiated during the Geverkshaften campaign, carried on in will address the student body of East Sioux City during the past month, to Mrs. Julius Arkin of Akron, Iowa, we know to spell her name with an meeting next Monday evening. High school, during their assembly, _. "will sing a group of songs, appro- Miss Esther Levine, of Brooklyn, Plans have been made for a pro- benefit the Chalulzim in Palestine. e," visited in Sioux City during the and on May 10, he will speak before last COMING SATURDAY priate for the occasion. A reading will New York, who is a guest at the home gram for the annual A. Z. A. Parents week-end with her Uncle and the Hi-Y club of that school. be given by little Barbara Robinson, of her sister, Mrs. Alex Lasensky, and Day, which is scheduled for the early FOR 3 DAYS Auntie Meyers, formerly of Omaha. Grant Palestine Immidaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rob- Miss Dorothy Rubenstein, of Fort part of next month. She took advantage of her short visit MARIE DRESSLER'S inson. Dodge, a guest at the home of. Miss JEWS OF FASCIST ITALY to renew old acquaintances. gration Certificates PAL Miriam Barish, daughter of Mr. and Ida Edelman, shared honors at a URGE CLEMENCY According to rumor, Jack M. is goMaccabees Mrs. E. Barish, and Leah Rose New- bridge tea, Sunday afternoon, given ROME, (J.T.A.)—The first session Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) — Fifty-five of the newly-elected executive of the ing to Honduras to raise bananas; in man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-by Miss Ida Edelman and Miss Mary the meantime Bernice L., the girl The Maccabee club held its spring hundred immigration certificates have Union of Jewish Communities of friend liam Newman, will speak in behalf of Edelman in their home. in the case, is going crazy been granted by the Palestine govprogram, April 23, in the Communitythe daughters. Both girls are members Italy has adopted resolutions "in be-Their only consolation is that they are Miss Rubenstein, who is Miss Edelof this year's Confirmation class. man's sorority sister, is in govern- Center. Morris Leubowitz spoke on ernment instead of the 12,750 de- half of the entire Italian Jewry both going someplace and that helps, "Why I like Spring"; Rueben Ratner manded by the Jewish Agency, it is whose brotherly feeling is aroused but not very much. A novelty dance will be offered by mental work in Des Moines. (In Person) spoke on "Curing Spring Fever," and l e a r n e d h e r e . '""•*••'• towards German Jewry, and expressMiss Annette Baker, daughter of Mr. Incidents worth a line. Art S. is The number includes 1,000 issued es the warmest wish that normal flashing a new pipe that the girl and Mrs. D. L. Baker. "A Little Skit" Miss Dorothy Gelson was hostess to Perry Osnowitz led a discussion on —PLUS— for German Jews. living conditions may be reintroduced friend gave him for his birthday. S. G •will ba given with the cast including a group of friends, Saturday evening, the World Fair. Perry Osnowitz was elected captain Mrs. T. N. Lewis, Mrs. L. Goldberg, honoring Miss Levine and Miss RubenThe Agency - is continuing deter- as soon as possible and that unjust and R. F. together during the last Big Stage and Screen Show Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mrs. E. J. Fri- stein. The guests spent the evening in of the Maccabee 1933 Indoor Ball mined efforts to obtain a larger restrictions may be abolished, grant- week-end. Morris R. and wifie new ing the Jews equality." bourg, Mrs. Gail Friedman and Mrs.bridge playing, after which refresh- Team, to lead one of the fastest teams number of the certificates. subscribers and Joe S. finally got the ever organized by the club. Sidney Another resolution which was ad-paper for the first time| Louie L. Joe Sawislak. ments were served. Bergen and Milton Grueskin form the declares "the Jewish communi- down to work at nine in the morning Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will be the prinreading on Hitler's activities by Mrs. opted ties express the wish that all cult- and Jack L. arriving at eleven-thirty. cipal speaker of the evening. Mrs. Ju- Miss Dorothe Musfcin of Omaha, nucleus of the team. Paul. Sperling, Harry Wigodsky. Where the Biggest Hits lius Arkin will lead the community visited with friends in Sioux City over Henry Ginsberg, and Perry Osnowitz Members of the Auxiliary Board ured nations undertake and form a E. R. out with a new boy friend. Morwere appointed to the Finance comPlay binding treaty to render impossible ton Smith doesn't like Iota Taus singing, and Mrs. Edward E. Baron the week-end. sent flowers to Mrs. Barney Baron, mittee. Henry Ginsberg was elected the return of brutal forms of perwill act as toastmaster. M. N. London convalescing at home GRANADA treasurer, to succeed Ed Sperling, who is at the bedside of her son,secution and protect the Jews from after 17 days in the hospital. Nobody Committees in charge of the ar- Mrs. Barney Baron, 1810 Grand- whose Lawrence, in Des Monies. resignation was accepted. maltreatment and unjust attacks." STARTING TOMORROW rangements include Mrs. A. M. Davis, view, has been in Des Moines, Iowa, sore at me on account of the column. proeram; Mrs. A. I. Sacks and Mrs.for several weeks, to be at the bedWallie D. can do an Immelman, not to Karloff William Newman, dining room; Mrs. side of her son, Lawrence, who is in a mention falling leafs, barrel rolls, Debra PhiDebs 20c A. J. Galinsky. Mrs. M. Brodkey, Mrs. Des Moines hospital recovering from THE CXC.VNjn: e t c A. Z. A. pledges carrying eggs in Till AS THE 8:30 S. Mosow, Mrs. Emil Rosenstock, an automobile accident. Mr. Edwin W. Members of the Debra d u b were Sun. The Phi Deb sorority members were Mrs. H. Fishgall, and Mrs. I. Miller, Baron, spent the week-end with Law- hostesses to their friends at a bridge TiUS "Mummy" Wrong again. Mr. Stork finally got in charge of the menu; Mrs. M. A.rence in Des Moines, also. party in the Community Center, Mon- guests of Mildred and Ida Plotkin at IT COMES TO around to the Jack London Juniors their meeting Monday evening. FolWeiner, and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, resday evening. ervations. Dr. Louis Dimsdale of the Creigh- Plans for the Debra-Maccabee joint lowing the business meeting, the and just because we said it would be LIFE: Shaare Zion Banquet Wednesday ton hospital in Omaha, spent Satur- party, to be heid Saturday, April 29, guests adjourned to bridge and re-a girl, it was a boy! The only excuse AND we have to offer is that it's awfully The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Shaare day and Sunday in the city with his in the Center, were completed at the freshments. ' hard to guess accurately at such HI! HO! Zion Synagogue will hold their annual parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dimsdalfi. meeting. The Debra club will be in especially when you're a hunTHE FLEET'S Mother and ' Daughter banquet on charge of refreshments, with the Mac- Hebrew Mothers' Club things, dred and sixty miles away. Well be in Wednesday, May 3, at 6:30 in the so- Miss Frances Kalin will be hostess cabees supplying the program. The IN • NEW Brookings for the "bris." It's getting With cial hall of the synagogue. Mrs. Rue- to her club, members, Saturday eve- committee includes Ethel Shindler, PRICES to be almost an official obligation, but JACK ben Miller will preside. The benedic- ning. The evening hours will be de-Max Zelligson, Sidney Bergen and Bill The Hebrew Mothers' club sponFOR SPRING tion will be offered by Miriam Barish. voted to bridge. OAKIE sored a Benefit Bridge Party in the it's no end of fun. Lansberg. .The only news in regard to LawMrs. S. H. Shulkin, who has written Miss Rose Albert was appointed Jewish Community Center, Wednes- rence Baron is that his horse ''Stum10c several songs to be sung that eve- Dr. Frank Epstein visited wrth Dr. chairman of the Debra Scrap book. day evening. Proceeds will be given T!U "Sailor ning, will head the community sing- Hellman of Omaha, ^ver the weektoward the upkeep of the Talmud Tor- ble Bum the 2nd" is expecting a 2 ing. Mrs. Barney Baron, president of end. ah. Mrs. J. Guttleman was in charge blessed event and poor Lawrence V. M. Be Good" Junior Hadassah the Ladies' Auxiliary, will welcome of the arrangements and was assisted won't be on hand to see how things 610 Pierce Street the guests. Sol Sokolsky i s ; a patient in a loby members of the Phi Deb sorority. go. A big black stallion that's blind EJfDS TODAT DAVIDSON BUILDING in both eyes is the proud father, i' The regular meeting of the Junior cal hospital this week. He underwent Mrs. Joe Levin will speak in behalf GOLDIE GETS ALONG which only makes doubly true the old Hadassah will be held Thursday eveof the mothers; Miss Dorothy Merlin, an operation for; appendicitis, i AND ning; May 4, in the Commanity Cen- Polly Moran in Person daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Merlin, Destination Unknown ter. The feature of the meeting will will represent the daughters, and lit- Mr. and Mrs- Max Falk announce Featuring tle Sally Levin, daughter of Mr. andthe birth of a son, on Monday, April be the election of officers. Miss Eliza- at Orpheum FOLLOW THE CROWDS Sandwiches, Salads, The greatest motion picture star beth Raskin-will preside. Mrs. Ike Levin, will represent the TO ever to appear in Sioux City, in perSteaks, Fish, Chops granddaughters. Balcony son, has been booked for the Orpheum Miss Dena Baron will offer a group Mr. and Mrs. Jack London, Jr., of 25c EpsilonPhi Anytime theatre. Polly Moran, pal of the great of vocal solos, accompanied at the Brooldngs, S. D., announce, the birth will appear on the 35c piano by Miss Serretta Krigsten. Miss of a son on April 21. Mrs. H. Koz- The Epsilon Phi members, were Marie Dressier, stage for three days, beginBella Cohen will dance, accompanied berg is visiting in' the London home guests of Miss Charlotte Kantrovich Orpheum 5 0 C Lunches GARDENS ning Saturday, April 29. . ;•-• • ••••/. ; ; at the piano by Miss Goldie Cohen. A t h i s w e e k . on Wednesday evening, at a party, Besides Miss Moran's appearance, ORVILLE RENNIE reading will be given by Miss Rose •which supplanted their regular meet- the Orpheum will offer three other 4 DAYS, STARTS SAT. B E E R 523ET 20c Miss Frances Jacobson returned Tesler, and Miss Serene Barrent will and ing. ;The sorority will meet next Wed- high class vaudeville acts, with some 2—BIG HITS—2 home Saturday, after visiting with nesday, as usual, at the Community give a Russian dance. ORCHESTRA of the biggest names in vaudeville DAVIDSON'S A humorous skit, entitled "A Moth- friends in Council Bluffs, Iowa. . Center. * making up the program. Reservations Phone 89841 er's Desire," will be presented by TEA ROOM AND MEN'S GRILL •'The Circus Queen Murder," a reBEER Tillie Shindler, Helen Herzoff, Rebec- Mr. Meyer Levitt, of St. Paul, Mincent serial in the Liberty magazine, Ivre ca Stillman, Rudolph Shindler, and nesota, spent the week-end-in the city is is the feature picture to be shown on Morris Leubowitz. with: his parents, Mr. arid \ Mrs. J. ; %l* the screen of the Orpheum, with HERE Mrs. David Mazor is general chair- L e v i t t s ••'•-• ' - \ . ,:- r • '• ;'" ; i ' i y ' ',^ -The monthly meeting of the Ivre TEVEN'S WITH club was held Monday evening in the Adolph Menjou in the leading role. Batteries man of the arrangements. Mrs. A. B. UPER WEBER & FIELDS Recharged Friedman and Mrs. John Lansberg are Dorothy and Sam Epstein were in Martin hotel. Following the business ERVICE TEA GARDENS IT'S A RIOT meeting, the members of the club held in charge of the dining room, and Mrs. USE HERZOFF YSTEM Omaha, Saturday and Sunday, visiting a smoker. Plans for the conclave to 31 50c AND Max Herzoff is in charge of the menu. with relatives and friends.. Dance Dine OKCHESTKA PLUS The Methodist be held in Lincoln, were discussed. = § Recharging and Rentals A CHINESE AND Hospital Mrs. David Greenberg, of Omaha, = 1 Year—FREE—1 Year m NANCY CARROLL B c Independent Farane AMERICAN === On All Batteries Bought % visited with her mother, Mrs. Sara 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. o ^= From Us -= E V DISHES Schwidelsbn, this week. Mrs.^ GreenHOT Auxiliary Auto Phone 8-3567 E berg is the former Frances SchwidelE B G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Supt. SATURDAY son. Dancing C The Ladies' Auxiliary of the IndeR One of the largest Hadassah meetH pendent Farane, held its monthly A 10 to 2 A. M. ings of the year was held Tuesday Miss Dorothy Epstein, a student at meeting Sunday afternoon in the JewAH Battery and Tire Co. K CARY GRANT Brands G afternoon in the Jewish Community East High, will' participate in the ish Community Center. Plans for the 6:30 to 8 205 4th St. Ph. 82438 E Center, when members and their typing contest, to be held in LeMars, summer's program were mapped out. friends met and brought gifts of linen, tomorrow. Following the meeting refreshments ' to be sent to the Hadassah institutions were served. Complete Line of PAINT w ncra..vwMuaoa*»6o<» NEBRASKA ST in Palestine. AUTOMOBILE CHARACTER Mrs. R. H. Emlein presided during Hungarian Jewish Paper Per Inside PHONE 5-8182 Shaare Zion Ladies FURNITURE COLLATERAL Gallon the program. Mrs. Julius Arkin of Prohibited for 2 Weeks Paint PEBSOXAL LOANS OF $100 TO S500 BUDAPEST, — The Hungarian Akron, Iowa, sang a group of songs, Auxiliary As dignified aft a bank loan and convenient a.s a "clinrpe account" Efficient Service at Moderate Cost Out of Town X>onns Convenient!?- 3Ia«ie by 3Inil accompanied at the piano by Mrs. J. Government has prohibited for two ED'S weeks publication of the Hungarian Burrill. The meeting of the Ladies' AuxilSecurities Investment Corp. of Iowa A. M. N Y S T K O M , TS 201 U n i t e d A fantasy, "The Spirit of Hadas- Jewish organ, "Eygenlosig," for in- iary of Shaare Zion Synagogue was N . W . Corner o f Lawn Mowers Sharpened and IMlone 5-50GC Bank Bldg. sulting Germany, endangering Hunnncl Jackson sah," was presented under the direcheld in the social hall of the synaOverhauled. tion of Mrs. E. J. Fribourg and Miss gary's foreign interests and also for. gogue Monday afternoon. .In the abParts in Stock for All Makes the preservation of order. sence of Mrs. Barney Baron, presiRose Tesler. dent, Mrs. David Mazor presided. Strauss Key Co. Following the program, the guests j The program included a humorous 500 Jackson St. Phone 56595 adjourned to tea and a social hour. A ' Double Bill at E. C. WOLFF, Prop. 411 5th St. Phone 84730 variety of pastries for the tea was prepared by members of the Hadas- the Granada Starting tomorrow for four days Comedy Riot at sah. the Granada theatre will offer two Rialto features. "The Mummy," starring KarSwiss Resent Swastika STOCKS BONDS "Beer Is Here," a very timely comGENEVA.T-Possibility of a Brown loff, the uncanny man of a thousand edy, starring the famous stage team Shirt ban in Switzerland was in- roles, is the story of a group of ar- of Weber and Fields, will be one of BEN DANSBY JR. dicated here by the Minister of Just- chaeologists who discover a mummy the features presented at the Rialto AND CO. ice. Attempts made to introduce for- and are horrified when they see it theatre starting tomorrow. This piceign political uniforms into Switzer- come to life. The story is tense, but ture affords Sioux City film fans an 630 Davidson Bldg. Ph. 55349 land are such as to justify appre- fascinating. The other feature of the entertaining comedians in their first Granada bill is an hilarious comedy opportunity to see these two highly hension, he declared. 'The Sweetest Place titled "Sailor Be Good," with Jack full length picture. Weber and Fields Oakie. The story of an irresponsible have been the most famous exponents in Town' WE HAVE A HEALTH OR Furriers to Boycott Germany sailor with a sweetheart in every of the dialect type of fun ever to apLIFE INSURANCE POLICY ANTWERP,—At a conference of port, who finally finds his true love, pear on the American stage. Nancy TO FIT YOUR NEEDS 'WEST T th $T. MOTOR ROW Jewish market traders in the fur provides Jack Oakie with a wonderful Carroll in "Hot Saturday" completes //ew and Used Cars fiuchorijed Service business here, resolutions binding the opportunity to be his funniest self. the bill at the Rialto. This picture 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF fit/Makes mid Models Parts Accessories HEW POST OFFICE, •sw"~<'V,'S£ organization to boycott German furs The program which ends today in- with Cary Grant in.. the supporting A. STONES THROW 519 4th Street 1 BLOCK WEST. I B L O d O x N ^ f c CECIL R. SEFF, Mgr. and accessory goods used in the cludes two ; pictures, "Goldie Gets role is a fast moving drama of the FROM THE BUSINESS DISTRICT NORTH <<* COURT HOUSE ^ * 216 Davidson Bldg. Ph. 85471 Along" and "Destination Unknown." modern age. ^ trade, were passed unanimously.


Large Attendance at Organization News Palestinian Bazaar

Building Fund Souvenir Program Being Prepared

Mount Sinai



Society News


Hokka Chynik

2 3 .


: • • • • - . • .




' , • •

• / '







. - : " .



10c to 2






Large Attendance at Linen Shower






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