Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Kntrrvrt as St-coml-Cass Unil Matter ou January 21, 1821. at Post Office j;t Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1S7D
With the local Jewish Philanthropic^ % campaign approaching, Omaha Jewrj « . * are undoubtedly, deeply interested in r knowing something concerning the in-" »«SL stitutions which are the beneficiaries of the annual drive. I am taking ad- j vantage of this opportunity accorded me by the Jewish Press to have an intimate weekly talk v.-ith you about the beneficiary institutions and important issues of the Jewish Philanthropies.
A major portion of the Jewish Philanthropies budget goes toward the support of J e w i s h education through -the Talmud Torah. The City Talmud Torah is a vital institution for the life of a Jewish community. More and more Jewish leaders -who have studied t h e problem a r e coining to the conclusion t h a t it is necessary to emphasize Jewish learning and Jewish education to strengthen Israel. We are fortunate in Omaha by having the means of promulgating a Th? Nazi maelstrom, spreading in ' lull, complete, comprehensive Jewish ever-widening, circles, came into coneducation program in our Talmud flict with the entire Christian world, Torah. as General Ludendorff, in Munich, through Ms paper, '"The Volkswarte," EDUCATIONAL called upon the Reich government to ADVANCEMENT prohibit Christianity because it is an Several progressive measures have expression of the Jewish spirit. raised the standards of Jewish learnMeanwhile official spokesmen for ing and also increased the •attend- Christian churches of various denomance at the institution. According to inations, in Germany itself, in Canpresent indications, this semester's ada, in the TJnited States, and in other registration -will be even higher. . countries, declared themselves in proThe latest pedagogical methods are test against the National Socialists. •used by the capable staff of teachers. Ludendorff in asking for a com. There has been instituted a definite plete ban on Christianity in Germany five-year curriculum, with a Hebraic because the religion stems from the •background. Another department Te- Jewish spirit congratulates the Nazi centiy added is the high school de- government for its laws promulgated and' no effort has thus far, limiting Jewish activities. partment *' been spared in making the course of The paper points out that the "key study interesting, effective and high- to the Jewification of the German ly educational. peoples lies in the Old Testament proAn innovation ~ which has proven paganda to be found in the New Testpopular with the children and which ament" The uprooting of the Gerhas relieved- the anxiety of the p a r - man people from their natural develents is the bus service. Buses take opment is thus ascribed to the forces t h e children to and from t h e Talmud Torah, regardless of which sec- of Jewish thought reaching them tion of the city the children live in. through Christianity.
Mammoth Protest Parade and Demonstration to Be Held by New York Jewry May 10th
The "Jewish H " -will be broad.tton; K.FAB this cast over radio ruing at 11:30 a. coming Sunday m. This weekly least i s sponsored by the Jewi Community Center. Max Yaffe, v i trist, wiil be the soloist Sunday; The choral group will sing. j Sam Beber will! give a short address. I
IX—No. 14
Philanthropies Workers Fired With Enthusiasm W o m e n ' s Program Men W o r k e r s to Y o u t h Division's Rally Next Wedand Tea on Hold Rally on nesday Mav 12 Mav 10
The youth division, under Justin The rally for the majors and workDetermined to oversubscribe the the Nazi, administration. The few 540,000 goal of the fourth annual ers of the general solicitation ..commit- Wolf, will hold its mammoth rally for who still possess some means of Jewish Philanthropies drive which tee will be held at the Community workers at the Jewish Community subsistence are bravely sharing their j starts May 15, workers in the cam- Center, Wednesday evening, May 10, Center on "Wednesday e-vening, May depleted fortunes with ''those who] 10, at 8 p. m., the same evening as the paign will rally their forces this com- at 8 p. m. have nothing whatever left, but the ing week in preparation for the conSimon Bordy and Abner Kaiman general solicitation rally number of those who are able to give centrated drive. Speakers of the evening will include constitute the committee appointed to assistance is rapidly diminishing, as Henry Monsky, Ralph Xogg, and Dr. Twenty-nine beneficiary agencies plan for the rally. all who can a r e fleeing abroad. In the past, the rally for the men A. Greenberg, general chairman of are assisted by the Philanthropies. Meanwhile the mass of Jews dependent on charity is doubling and trebl- Roosevelt Appoi tment Sent to In addition to the regular meetings workers has always been outstanding the campaign. Senate! r Coning. This is especially true in the to perfect the organization machin- in the pre-campaign calendar, and the | An entcrtainicR- projrram has been firms ion provinces, where the Jews are isolatery, three large, peppy rallies are on committee in charge of this year's arranged, and will include a moving ed as stringently as though they the calendar for the week—the Youth promises "better entertainment than picture. Refreshments will be served. New York, (J.T L)—Laurence A. division workers on Wednesday eveOver one hundred have enlisted their were within prison walls. ever." Steinhardt, New Yc k lawyer and fining, the general solicitation division Plans for the rally and final organj services in the youth division. Advance I n Chemnitz, passports have been confiscated from all Jews, and orders nancial expert. Las been selected by workers also Wednesday evening, and ization of the committee were mapped solicitation is already under way. have been issued prohibiting them to President Kobsevel'l as the next TJni- the women workers on Friday after- out Wednesday evening at the home | At the rally prospect cards will be of Max M. Barish, chairman of the j distributed and organizational details leave town. Unable to find aid with- ted States Minister to Sweden. The noon. general solicitations. Harry Silverman discussed. in the city, and powerless to seek aid President's nomina on of Mr. SteinWomen's Division is vice-chairman of the division. elsewhere, they are in a virtual hardt has been sen' to the Senate for South Omaha Three hundred women are expected confirmation. death-trap. Executive Committee Meeting Ben Kaslowsky, who is heading the to attend the tea and program which The new envoy is regarded a s an Final plans for the entire campaign campaign in South Omaha, has called will feature the women's pre-campaign ideal selection for his duties, by reaHias, Hebrew Sheltering and Imrally a t the Jewish Community Cen- will be formulated a t an important a meeting of his aides for next Mon» migrant Aid Society of America, re-, son of bis training and experience. ter, Friday afternoon, May 12, start- meeting of the executive committee day evening. ports that there were 15,000 Jewish Born in Hew York City on October 6, ing at 2:30 p . m. of the Philanthropies, according to At this gathering, final plans win refugees in Paris by the first week 1892, Mr. Steinhard£ is descended on Dr. A. Greenberg, general chairman. be laid for the thorough canvassing Harry A. Wolf will be the principal in April, and over 3,000 German his mother's side, 1£rom a Virginia speaker. Talent from radio station The meeting will be held at the of the South Omaha Jewry. Jews seeking refuge in Basle, Switz- family. His father was one of the station KOEL will be featured on an Jewish Community Center, Sunday In arranging the details for the founders of the National Enameling erland. Another chief center of reinteresting and varied program plan- morning, May 7, starting at 10 a. m. South Omaha drive, Kazlowsky is beand Stamping Co. As a young man fuge was Holland. Hias and its af Speakers ing assisted by Harry Dworsky, |Good» ned by a committee headed by Mrs. filiated agencies in Europe are do- he gained a first-hand knowledge of Clarence Bergman. PROTEST PARADE FOR man Meyerson, and Philip Gorelick. The speakers committee, under the manufacturing and trade. FOR JEWISH LEARNING ing their utmost to supply relief to WEDNESDAY chairmanship of Milton E. Abrahams, Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, chairman He received his education in New By a generous contribution to the Plans for the monster protest dem- the refugees, most of whom are des- York City at the-Franklin School, of the women's division, wiH preside. has done effective work in transmitPhilanthropies, you are helping us onstration arranged by the American titute. Columbia University, and Columbia Final details for the women's work in ting to the people the purposes and fulfill the aim of t h e Talmud Torah good work of the Jewish PhilanUniversity Law School, graduating the drive will be -worked out, .. to prepare the child to take part in Jewish Congress for New York are HITLERITE MURDER, The women have always been a thropies. in 1915 with the degrees ef Bachelor the destinies of his people . . . . de- going ahead. Tens of thousands of TORTURE, BOYCOTT veloping in the child a Jewish con- Jews, affiliated with 600 leading na- Ueports keep pouring in from spec- of Arts, Bachelor of Laws and Mas- prominent factor ' i n Philanthropies ; Many organizations have increased and last year turned i n theiT pledges, following addresses by sciousness and a^ feeling of identity tional . and New York iorganizaSons, ial: investigators- and from refugees t e r of A r t s . He Ifcacticed account whose metnbersnip I s t w i million, a r e with his own .people. tihan ~ p r e iously: But members of the speakers committee. ancy with the firm of Deloitte, Plen-" concerning the Hitlerite methods of •expected to march in solid formation Last Sunday, David Goldman, chairThe B'nai Brith will participate la with tie••-spirit:' shown to date, the der and Griffiths, chartered accountthe afternoon of May 10, which the murder, torture and boycott. CENTER SUNDAY SCHOOL •women are confident that they will man of the initial gifts committee, the "Jewish Day" Pageant of the ants, and subsequently entered the Any German making any statement, Naturally,-we should prefer to Hitlerites in Germany have chosen for spoke on the Philanthropies over Century of Progress, to be known as army as a private, was assigned to outdo last year's record. have all of our Jewish children at- an auto de f e of books . by Jewish true or false, which the authorities the 60th Field Artillery, and served KFAB during the "Jewish Hour, 1 ' "The Romance of a People." Initial Gifts deem harmful to Germany abroad, is tend the Talmud Torah and thereby writers and on Jewish themes. The "Jewish Day" will be a feature on the staff of the Provost Marshal The work of the initial gifts com- Sunday morning. Sam Beber will of the World Fair in Chicago this obtain an adequate Jewish education. The demonstrators will march to the taken into custody and maltreated. speak this Sunday. {JeneraL mittee—which obtains the pledges of Most of those who have suffered But -we know that various conditions beat of drums; there, will be no other summer and will be held on July 8 After his discharge, with the rank and circumstances make this difficult. music. The demonstration win be led grievous bodily, harm dare not open of sergeant, Mr. Steinhardt became a the large contributors—continues to a t Soldiers Field. So, for those children unable : to at- by a distinguished .group of marshals their months lest their families fall partner in t i e well known law firm be most encouraging, as they are Isadore Abramson, president of the nearing the completion of their task. tend the Talmud Torah, the Sunday and will terminate before a reviewing victims to the Nazi terror.. local lodge, is chairman of the comof Guggenheimer, Untermyer and David Goldman is chairman and Al This applies to most of the fugiSchool is necessary. stand where addresses will be delivmittee in charge of ticket distributives who have run away from Ger- Marshall and is generally regarded as S. Mayer vice-chairman of this group. The Center Sunday School is an ered by outstanding personalities. tion in Omaha. One hundred and a trial lawyer of exceptional ability. The excellent results and the number many after being mishandled, as their all-community school, and is not conthirty thousand people will have an Torah Day families have been left behind in Ger- In recent years he has become an au- of increases obtained by the initial nected with any organization or opportunity to witness the performThe Union of Orthodox Jewish con- many and have become veritable hos- thority on economic, financial and in- gifts committee has been sensational, group. All Jewish children, irrespect- gregations of America, with 1800 conance. It is expected that one hundred A large crowd attended Omaha ternational affairs, and in 1931 wrote, and if their progress is to be taken ." ; ive of their parents' affiliations, are( gregations having an approximate tages. "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and as an indicator, the drive this year is Jewry's observance of President's Day thousand Jewish people will be preswelcomed to attend the Sunday membership of 1,000,000, has issued REMINISCENT OF at the Jewish Community Center au- ent. Nothing but The Truth," which crit- destined to "go over the top." School. ditorium Sunday afternoon, April 30. The District 6 convention of the icized, t h e Hoover administration's a proclamation calling upon all its WAR-TIME SCENES We, the Jewish parents of Omaha, constituents to devote the eve of the The room was appropriately draped B'nai Brith, originally scheduled for Berlin.—Scenes reminiscent of war economic and international policies, must do all we can to increase t h e protest march to prayer, a reaffirma- time when all relief offices were be- forecasting many of the consequences with the national colors, and large Omaha, was transferred to Chicago intensity of Jewish-learning among tion of the belief of the Jews in the sieged by refugees, a r e taking place of these policies. The article caused portraits of President Roosevelt and so that the organization could particiour children . . . .it is a challenge a stir in political circles. He is the George Washington were on the pate in "Jewish Day." •daily now at the Berlin Palestine "which we must accept uncompromis- Torah and a review of Jewish ach- bureau. Hundreds of Jews, old and author of various articles on subjects stage. The B'nai Brith will receive a share ievements. The day has been desigingly. L e t us start now, with a .subas diversified as "Medical JurispruThe local Jewish organizations parof the receipts from all tickets sold young, men, women and children stantial increase in our pledge to the nated Bible'(Torah) Day. dence" and "The Legal Status of the ticipated in the patriotic mass assem- through the B'nai Brith. All B'nai crowd the corridors of the office Philanthropies/ ... REPEAT NON-PROTEST bly, which was sponsored by the Oma- Brith proceeds will go to the Wider building clamoring for Palestine vi- Trade Union." ha d u b . Scope fund. A special B'nai Brith The community-wide mothers and S T A N D , • ; > • ; ; ; ' • ; • ; • • . . Was Roosevelt Adviser sas since Palestine is now pracOLD PEOPLES' HOME Irvin C Levin presided. Address- section has been set aside and the The American Jewish Committee daughters banquet, sponsored annualMr. Steinhardt was a, member of tically the only country open to the Omaha Jewry always have taken es were given by Rabbi Frederick seats for this section are choice ones. care of their own. And we nave al- and the B'nai Brith joined in a state- Jews, even if restrictedly. Officials "at President Roosevelt's pre-convention ly by the Jewish Women's Welfare Cobh, Rabbi Uri Miller and L Morment discouraging mass demonstra Organization, is to be held this comcommittee, a member of the Demothe bureau despair of being able to ways seen to it that our Jewish aged tions as a form of public agitation National Finance Committee, ing Sunday, May 7, at t h e Jewish genstem. Rabbi David A. Goldstein men' and • women were properly pro- against the persecution pf Jews in accomodate the flood of applicants, cratic Dr. A. served on his party's executive fin- Community Center, starting a t 6 p . m . gave the opening prayer. especially since only a thausand cervided for. Greenberg, chairman of the resoluGermany. However, after the state- tificates have been granted by the ance committee, and took a n active An interesting program is being arThe Jewish Philanthropies gives ment was published, American Jewish part in the campaign. ranged, and Mrs. F . J . Alberts, gen- tions committee, Tead the resolutions, financial a s s i s t a n c e to the Old Congress leaders re-iterated that the Palestine Government. The new envoy has traveled exten- eral chairman of arrangements, pre- a copy of which was forwarded to the People's Home. By supporting the May 10 protest demonstration would NAZI UNPOPULARITY sively, speaks French and German dicts that the affair will outdo those White House. Aaron Wolf, GT, of 41G Ho. 21st Philanthropies we are keeping the nevertheless be held as scheduled, des- IN ENGLAND Cantor A. Schwaczkin chanted the St., a resident of Omaha for nearly fluently, has represented many im- of the previous years. old folks cheerful, contented and hap- pite the criticism levelled against The English papers continue to be portant interests, and has served as Mrs. Sam Gilinsky will make the traditional prayers for national suc- half a century, died of a heart attack py ' ' ' : ' strongly anti-Hitler in describing the a director of a large number of char- address for the mothers. The response cess. Al Soffer sang a solo, and Tuesday evening. Every effort is made to Keep them.. for the daughters will be made by numbers were rendered by the J. C. C. Besides his -widow, Mrs. Ida Wolf, The statement of the Committee atrocities committed against the Jews ities and industrial enterprises. their minds active and ocenpied^ as choir, accompanied at the piano by he is survived by two sons, Joe L. in Germany. Marjorie Arnstein. we t r y to bring sunshine and com- and the B'nai Brith was given as a Mrs. Henry Monsky. and Sam of Omaha; a daughter, Mrs. Last week a meeting called in an Mrs. Louis Neveleff, president of fort to them in their declining years. Teiteration of the attitude taken by The committee in charge of the Mary Leon, of Omaha: a brother, effort to establish a pro-Nazi parlithe Jewish Women's Welfare Organithe Committee on March 20, in conSOCIAL SERVICE zation, will preside at the banquet. program consisted of J. Riklin, chair- Ben, of Los Anpeles, and a sister, formity with the wishes off amentary committee in London was h "known "k ih turned into a violent anti-Hitler deThe opening prayer will be given by man; Dr. A. Greenberg, Hyman Shri- Mrs. Jennie Horwiti of Cleveland, O., COMMITTEE the Jews of Germany." er, Irvin levin and Sam Altschuler. and six grandchildren. Mrs. Frederick Cohn. While pledging itself to work monstration when members of ParliAnother of the beneficiaries is the ament attending the meeting reversThere wfll be community singing, Fivneral services were held at the social service committee. This group through authorized channels, and not led by Mrs. Sam Beber. Marjorie Silresidence Thursday morning. visits the Juvenile court regularly, to "rest content until the elemental ed the intentions of the chairman, Dr. E. Appelbaum, a leader in the Terman will present a novelty danassisting p a r e n t s and children in human rights of our German brethren Edward Doran, conservative. Instead their difficulties. It also visits in- shall be fully restored," the organiza- of banding together as pro-Nazi, they world Poale Zion movement, will be cing number. A monologue will be mates of state institutions and keeps tion expressed the belief that boy- formed the organization of a group in Omaha May 11 and 12 as t i e presented by Rosalie Alberts, pupil called "The Liberators" and invited guest of the Jewish National Work- o f Milton Reick. Harry Robinson, 29, passed away in touch with'them. cotts, parades, mass meetings, and Miss Laura Goetz will sing a group at a local hospital from septic poisThe social service committee also other similar demonstrations are use- seventy fellow-members of the House ers Alliance, branch 54. grants scholarships to deserving stu- less and give the persecutors a pre- of Commons to attend an evening On Thursday he will speak a t the of songs, accompanied at the piano oning, Wednesday morning, after an The eighth annual conference of the meeting in the parliamentary build- J. C. C , starting at 8:30 p. m., on by Mrs. Jay Malashock. illness of three weeks. dents. southwest region of Hadassah will be text to justify the injustices they per- ings. He is survived by his father and held in Omaha Sunday and Monday, Reservations are being limited to "Colonization and Industrial Develpetrate. OUR TASK mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson. May 2S and 29. Two hundred del«> 300. Today is the last day on which opment of Palestine." A nominal adIn this c o m i n g Philanthropies BREADLINES DOUBLE of Omaha, and a sister, Mrs. Helen gates from the seven states which reservations may be made. mission will be charged. OVERNIGHT drive, ours is the task of bringing Shapiro, of Kansas City. comprise this region are expected t© On Friday, May 12, Dr. Appelhelp to the distressed in many places^ » Innsbruck.—Jewish breadlines in Funeral services were held Wed- a t t e n d > a c c o r d i n g to Mrs. Joseph Rosbaum will be honored at a banquet In that task we must be unified. I t ^Germany are doubling over night, nesday afternoon at the home, with enberg, regional president. to be held at 2222 Miami. is our duty to protect the poor and the number of helpless leaping from burial in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Miss Lillian Fox, a former member All interested in Poale Zionism are the needy, the sick and the old, until thirty to eighty thousand in less than Eabbi Uri Miller officiated. of the national Hadassah board ana1 A commission form of organization invited. a better day will give them a chance a week, according to authoritative an able speaker, will deliver the prinonce more to see the sun. We will reports received here. Estimated last was decided upon a t the semi-annual The committee in charge of arMrs. Sarah Rochman, 60, passed cipal address. be traitors to conscience and to our week at thirty thousand, the crowd meeting of the Board of Governors rangements for Dr. Appelbaum's vis- away Sunday at her home, 1536 North At the last meeting of the Omah« human impulses if we do not con- of German-Jews absolutely depen- of the United Orthodox synagogues it include Dr. 0 . Belzer, chairman, Eighteenth street, following a lingerchapter, the following were electee1 Monday evening, at the B'nai Israel tribute to help them . . . . Help them dent on the soup-kitchens for subMoris Minkin, and J. Radinowski. ing illness. delegates: the Mesdames Julius Stein Mrs. Carl Furth was elected presfrom a spiritual break-up that, with- sistence is given today as between synagogue. Dr. Appelbaum, who is a noted J. J. Friedman, A. Romm, Joe GolfiShe is survived by her husband, Isident and Mrs. Harry Eubinstein out aid and succor, drives men to sixty and eighty thousand. The commissioners elected are H. journalist and lecturer, has been acrael; one daughter, Mrs. Ann Brown; treasurer of the Temple Israel Sister- ware, Max Fromkin, David A. Golddeath itself. Marcus, H. Levinson, H . Ravifrz, L tive in the Zionist movement for the Most of these are ruined middlei Sam; S d one hood at the May meeting of the group stein, B. A. Simon, J. H. KulakofsVj and y class folk, shop-keepers, white-collar Morgenstern, N. Wilfson, and M. Kir- past thirty years. He is vice-presi- two sons,, Harry and A. D. Frank. Alternates are th< dent of the National Workers Alli- sister, Mrs. N . Feldman, all of Omaha. Monday. workers, and prof essional people who shenbaum. Mesdames Dave Stein, Irvin Levin, 3 The annual reports were made by ance and is their chief medical adHarry Marcus, outgoing president have been forced to give tip their Services were held Monday after- the officers and chairmen of com- Blank, E. Meyer, Meyer Friedel, 2 means of livelihood b y the economic reported on the progress made by the visor. He is touring the country a t noon a t the residence, with burial in Lintzman, J. M. Erman. mittees. present from coast to coast. anti-Semitic measures instituted by Vaad during bis term of offices. Golden Hill cemetery*
Community Wide Mother*Daughter Banquet Sunday
Mrs. C. Furth Elected Sisterhood President
Why Are People A Christian Leader Analysis to an Age L Old Question By John Haynes Holmes ago the C h r i s t i a n Albigenses in Neither against this people, nor asouthern France were utterly exter- gainst any people, can a charge of minated by the bloody sword of universal application be brought. I Simon de Montfort. Less than one am willing to concede that there are hundred years ago the Bahaists of objectionable Jews, many objectionMoslem- Persia were ravaged in a able Jews, just as there are many massacre which, among other things, objectionable persons in every social took the lives of thirty thousand men group. I am willing to concede that As I look at Germany in this dread and women in a single day. The same I have seen individual Jews who hour I seem to see a curtain lifting period which witnessed tfie Russian were obnoxious as any Gentiles I on the panorama of the dark ages -of pogroms witnessed as well the Bul- ever met in my life. I am willing to the past. I see the "Russia of the garian atrocities and the (Armenian concede that there are whole sections Czars, and the Black Hundreds" till- massacres. In G e r m a n y today the of the Jewish people, those who are ing the Jews as they ;would kill so the Jews are meeting no more ghast- only a generation or two removed many rats in a cellar, I see the Spain ly a fate than the Socialist Repub- from the European ghettos, who are of the Inquisition, arid the expulsion licans on the one hand and the Red objectionable to all persons of culof the Jew's, which led to-rthe down- Communists on the other. The Jews, ture and refinement. A great Amerifall of that" country.-I see the de^ in other words, have no monopoly of can Jew has himself drawn in vivid struction of Jerusalem "and the scat- suffering. They are not the only colors the ugly picture of these feltering of a helpless' and homeless people who have been persecuted by low-tribesmen of his in the pages of people to the four corners "of'the their f e l l o w s . Which means that that unforgettable novel, which most earth. I see the long years of ghet- there must be certain general causes of us read some years ago, "The tos and synagogues, of pogroms and of persecution which apply to all Rise of David Levinsky." I am even massacres, which constitute the dark- peoples under the same given condi- willing to concede that the offenses of offensive Jews are of a peculiarly est chapter in the history of Christ- tions ! ianity. I see a small and feeble Yet the Jews are unique in this distinctive and emphatic character of group of men and women, a few mil- hideous field of oppression and death the miserable lives which they have lions among the hundreds of millions —unique in the sense that their suf- been forced to live. If a Jew is dirty of the world, harried and hunted, ferings are universal and eternal. it is because he has not yet escaped tortured and spat upon, writhing in They. Have been despised and rejected from the ghetto or the slum in which agony and dying in blood; trea8ing not in- one place but in every place; the world has doomed him to exist. through every, century in every na- they have been tortured and butch- If he is aggressive it is because he tion t h a t ' perpetual Via Dolorosa ered not.in one age but in every age. has been forced to develop this which Christ trod* on ^that~"fateful Which would seem to imply that quality as a condition of mere surday. when; he\ made ..his.-way.-.to. ,cru- there :are«-some-special -factors • a t vival,. If .he is financially , cifixion- -that crucifixion, as we know, work in their case which for some lous it is because he is the descendnot of one man but of an entire reason do not appear anywhere else! ant of a tribe which for centuries race. The problem before us is therefore was denied any opportunity to earn honest living, and was therefore -We .had thought, in this, modern & isumplg" one. It is to discover, on the an forced to exist by the sheer exercise age, that these horrors were/ho moici. brie;TRandi iwhat are the causes which I fet least had never dreaniedt in the ^ead'tft"persecution in general; and, of its wits. wildest stretches of my imagination, ;6n-t«e other liand, what are the But these qualities^ and 'similar that I should ever see. another wholer specific:VattS&sjTityhich fi operate in the qualities, are not racial in character. sale persecution of Israel. .X knew They are not characteristic of Jews • of-course that Jews were everywhere ."Beforei coming" to! grips with this as such.^..; On the contrary, they are still the object of discrimination and a ques- qualities whjch'rappear in all individabase—the victims' of; that -prejudice pMblem^X^'yzaiii^vto^snswer uals in -all "groups which have not tion, of raiftex-'TOeefcOan indictment, wHich may be not inaccurately des, , yet escaped from the social doom of l ^ cribed as persecution vreduced-Jtp- its which.-; always"'.- appear^; whenever we prejudice and outlawry, and especial-, lowest terms, or pe^secujajm^m the encounter •' the Tiddle; j^f discrimina- ly from the curse of economic servilast stages of degenei"atCoifi.r;;I;-Sad tion or; prejudice% against the Jews. tude. As well ppint to a man arising never supposed, however, . i ^ t L ^ e Why'are Jews persecHifed? Because, from a torture-riiachine and blame violence and terror of- earlier days we/are rinvaa-iably told,; ihe Jews are him for his bleeding flesh and broken would return. But. how, we: .'see-'the an.!-objectionable, eyenTan obnoxious limbs and shattered nerves, as to imminent collapse of our .civilization. people. In their natural condition point to a Jew and blame him for Suddenly, without • any .warning of they are dirty and-unclean. In their attributes of his battered, demorany kind, we are being carriedJ back higher condition they 'still remain the alized and dehumanized, it is not beinto the Dark Ages with' all their coarse, vulgar and unrefined.. Albigotry and hate, their- superstition ways, we are informed, they are cause they are' Jews, but rather beignorance and savagery. And. centra loud-mouthed,",, arrogant \ and intrus- cause they are men and women who today in this renaissance of barbar- ive; Jews; have no Standards of cul- bear the; stripes which generations ism is; the persecution of the-: Jew. ture:'~ahd~no -good- manners, and are of persecutors have laid upon them. Which raises once again "thje^;old thus;a", constant offense --to decency. And you and I have the effrontery familiar question: .Why are the; Jews In;their^persoriallhab;iti|fiiey are un- to condemn them because they carry q . y ; endurable. Ire their' bTisinjess methods the sears ; andr wounds we have inforever persecuted ampngtmen? they; .are. ishr^wd.; arid4cunning, and flicted! should the Jews b£. selected, as it almost iriyarlably; un'scirtipulous. ExThe fact of the matter is , that were, out of all the 'tribes of earth, ploiters "not only pfidtherilrat of their Jews, if given a chance, are quite to-': meet "the slings .arid, arrows Of own ipeople, L they are utierly.. mater- as other men. The Jews of Germany, outrageous fortune?? What iaye y i;he ialistic and. have no higher. ;passion in J d l t d to t do, d -iiha iiht life than .that $f moneys-making. \ No-Jews done, or neglected, in every country arid" in; every age body ; cart live, or at least f w^it to they should be obligecT to bear, the live, li with ith >Jew£; J ""VYhereveir V Y h i tjey j move rod-of oppression and-face the sword in everybody else moves jduti They of massacre? Is there anything pe- aTe objectionable even to. themselves, culiar about these peope—:ariy; qual- for.'. -Portugueser and-; German Jews ity that challenges hater or, any dan- are .^frequently the first-^ojflee from ger that dictates destruction? What the company of -Russia^; tend Polish is the meaning of this' perpetual Jews\ These; ipeopleiajreK obnoxious, 105 South 18th mystery of a tortured tribe-and: an that is all:'-;X£ persecuted, .it is for the outraged people? This is the question same iiSajjqn;'that stones are removed Special Spring Prices which I shall attempt so far as pps- frotn.a-road, or weeds torn up from The njsw Wella permanent^-a .sible to ancver. re^oU wave . . . beautiful soft a garden. deep waves and curly ends— .The first thing that I would em- in the first place, the accusation [i 35.00 COMPLETE >. phasize is the simple fact, not often is untrue. In his famous speech in recognized or remembered, that the the British House of Commons on Frederic Permanents .L.. $3.50 Jews are not alone in their experi- "The Conciliation of America" the Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c ence of persecution. The agony which great liberal orator, Edmund Burke, they endure is an agony-which they made the iriunbrtal statement that he have shared with other racial and did not "know the method of drawreligious groups. The Jews,, fors ex- ing .-.upu an indictment against a g gp MILDRED WEBB ; ample were not the firstrto ""see %elr ^whblevpepple." ample, were not the firstrto What Burke thus sa}d JA. 6398 AT. 3210f.; country ruined; theirc capital feye jed! pf Americans is true as well of Jewis. tor the ground and thefr, people scattered to distant countries iuid aniong alien races. This -was. the fate which' Rome visited upon Carthage three hundred years before Titus visited it upon Jerusalem. The Jews are'not the only people who have been tortured and slain for heresy. What they suffered at the'hands of Antiochus Epiphanes" the Christian martyrs suffered at .the hands of Nero arid Diocletian.-The;Jews were riot: the only victims of ihe Spanish. Iri quisition. The 'pains they endured were the same pains which were ruthlessly inflicted.•; upon thousands and t h o u s a n d a of perfectly good! Christians. The;'Jews:were not the only people to be: .expelled; in a. tody from the only-Lcbmrtry-they ever knew. The expulsion.;of. the-;Huguenots -from France-in; the "reign of Louis XIV was not less terrible than the expulsion of the Israelites frorii Spain in the reign of Ferdinand and, Isabella. More-than& -thousand yeans This is 'the- first of a series of three articles by Dr. John Haynes Holmes,' outstanding religious teacher-of this^ country, whose leadership of the Community Church has stamped him as one of the noblest spokesmen of liberal America.—The Editor
portunity than I have had in recent years to know Jews and to share their life. I have preached in their synagogues, lived in their homes, enjoyed their friendship. I know Jews, cherish them, admire them, love them, and am thus able to testify to their gentleness and r e f i n e m e n t , their noble culture and artistic genius, their domestic virtue and business integrity, their utter fidelity to the ethical traditions and ideals which are the peculiar heritage of their tribe. The Israelite is a man among men, one of our human family, and if he sometimes shows the worst, he quite as often shows the best that human nature can afford. for example, who have resided in that country for a thousand years, This is my first answer to this represent today the finest blood, abl- miserable charge, that it is untrue. My est brains and noblest culture of the second answer is that is is beside nation. German Jews are the leaders the point! We cannot persecute men in every walk of German science, because of their moral imperfections. art and politics. These German Jews If we started to do so there would be labor today under no more serious no end of terror, and no group disability in the Hitler regime than among us all would be safe from the fact that they are with few ex- outrage. As a matter of fact, we do ceptions the leaders : in German life. not persecute men for this alleged I think it pretty late in the day to reason. The personal qualities of inundertake the defense of our Jewish dividuals did not enter into the perbrethren, but since • the question is secution of the Christian martyrs, up, let me say this! There are few nor of the Protestant heretics, nor Gentiles in this country, I venture of the Armenian victims. In the to say, who have had. a greater op- same way they have never really en-
tered into the persecution of the Jews.
-• .
What has happened is that, as a result of an historical and psychological process which I shall describe in a subsequent article, we have persistently tortured and slain the people of Israel. Having committed this crime which we know in our hearts to be damnable, we have instinctively sought for reasons which would explain our action. Having killed the Jew, we prove that he was not fit to live. The charge; of course, is as fallacious as it is wicked. It is high time, for the" sake at least of our own reputation for intelligence and good will, that this miserable indictment of our Jewish brethren were dropped. The real reasons for the persecution of Israel lie deeper and in quite other directions.
Merits of Polygamy Are to Be Debated "Resolved, that Polygny (polgamy on the part of the male) Should Be Recognized," will be the subject of a debate May 21 at 8:30 p. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue between the Young Men's Vaad and the Junior Vaad Auxiliary. Harry Trustin will preside as chairman for the evening. Admission will be twenty cents per person. All proceeds will be used to decorate and furnish the Vaad club rooms.
That Sam*
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PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 19SS day evening at 8 o'clock. A Cultural of the Cultural Committee. The subPioneer Women Group studying Jewish History^ has ject discussed will be "Our Youth of The cultural meeting of the Pioneer been formed under the sponsorship of the Synagogue." Dr. Weiss, chairman the Ladies Auxiliary and a Hebrew of the Synagogue committee, is in Women will be held Saturday, May 6, at the home of Mrs. J. Richlin, SOU class under the sponsorship of • the charge of the services. Meredith. feature will be the disJunior organizations. Other cultural Saturday morning Rabbi Miller cussion ofThe Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—"Figures on as many Jewish women as Jewish groups are being projected. Ludwig Lewisohn's "This will officiate at the Beth Hamedrosh People." birth and marriages- just published men in the country. Of the 175,000 Mr. Marcus reported that the Vaad Temple Israel Hagodol, 19th and Burt Sts., where By "Ab" Kaiman here by the government reveal the Jews in Palestine, 88,000 are men,is seeking to co-operate with the City At services at Temple Israel this Mrs. Sam Novak gave a bridge win speak on the Bible Portion of party startling fact that, although the and over 86,000 are women, the Talmud Torah insofar as possible. It evening, Rabbi Frederick Cohn will he last week, all proceeds going to the Week. the Pioneer Women "Five-Dollar numbers of men and women are al- census reveals. hopes in time to co-operate more ful- deliver a sermon on "The German The Junior Congregation of the luncheon fund." Mrs. Sam Richman Tel Aviv has 1,055 women for ly in. the organization of a Vaad Ha auto de fe." most equal in other respects, there Deserving of Our Mazeltor Vaad will meet at 10 o'clock Satur- also contributed to the fund this week. Our heartfelt congratulations to are five times as many widows as every 1,000 men.. Jerusalem has Kashrus which at the present time, The following children will particiHarry Trustin . . . third highest in widowers among the Jews of Tel a shortage, with 977 women to every is under the supervision of Eabbi pate in the Saturday morning ser- day morning, at the 19th and Burt the race for city commissioner . . ; a Aviv and Jerusalem I The sea-side 1,000 men, and Haifa has but 864 Grodinsky. Moreover, it has intro- vices: Justin Priesman, Leonard Ku- street Synagogue. The Hebrew class gain for the city hall in honesty, ca- city has but 501 widowed men, while women for every 1,000 men. FOR RENT duced a system in the Meshulochim lakofsky, Henrietta Lewis, Stuart sponsored by the Youth Organizations pability and efficiency . . . a- selec- exactly 2,676 widowed ladies may be The statistics on marriage dis- problem which it hopes to solve more Ganz, Florence Rosenberg, Leonard meets Monday evening at 7:30 at the Nice room in west part of town, tion the voters will not regret . . . counted upon its streets and beaches. close that thirteen Jews in Palestine equitably in the near future. Finkle, Armand Gilinsky, and Melvin B'nai Israel Synagogue. The class in for a single person or a couple. who have not yet reached the age Jest in Pun Tenenbaum. In Jerusalem, strange to relate, the Talmud will meet Wednesday evening S. S. G. the Brooklyn "dandy" who number of widowers is exactly the of thirteen, are married. Of these, WA. 5452 Kaddish will be recited this Sab- at 8 o'clock at the 19th and Burt Sts. can be 1rightfully termed as the "heart same, 501, while the number of wi- four are men, and nine are women. Ladies' Labor Lyceum bath for Aaron Herzberg, Henry Mill- Synagogue. crasher ' . . .departed for Chi . . . dows is even greater, reaching the T h e number of" divorced Jewish The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will er, Leo P. Newman, Mix Miller, and women in Palestine is 582, while sponsor a concert and raffle at the Kate Goldman. the "King of Hearts" will soon re- grand total of 3,3080. only 322 men are divorced. Tel Aviv Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets turn . . . G. O., J. M., R. B., and According to the government sta- holds first place as a center for di- on Sunday, May 28. A twenty-six E.S., are you happy? . . . The Senior To May 13th Only piece silverware set will be given to Hadassah "nite club" party scheduled tistical figures, there are just about vorced residents. the holder of the lucky ticket. Tickets for May 17th at the atmospheric Club At services this evening at the ConSymphony Craftsman for the affair are twenty-five cents. servative synagogue, Rabbi David A. Araby . . . proceeds to the Palestine tiomvide radio favorite, who makes Conservative Auxiliary orphans.. . . puh-leez buy a ducat millions laugh with his inimitable diThe club will celebrate Mothers and Goldstein will speak on "Bonfires of The final meeting of the season of Daughters day on May 16 at the Ly-Books." . . . Paul Spor the "maestroubador" alect, we were greeted with a hearty is registered as Paul Sporleder in his handclasp and a smile that reflected the Conservative Synagogue Auxili- ceum. There will be no admission and Next week Rabbi Goldstein wfll voting precinct . . . To Anonymous, the expression, "Voss macht a Yid?" ary will be held Wednesday, May 10, the public is invited. Refreshments speak on "Foundations That Maintain Sioux City: The difference between A very modest young chap with a at the J. C. C. A luncheon will be will be served. the World." Frankenstein and" Hitler is Hokka curly-haired pompadour and a pair of served at 1 p. m. with Mrs. B. A* SiT H I S is your Chynik . . . W h a t prominent young eyes that twinkle with a happy glow mon and her committee in charge. ? Vaad An interesting program will be preYoung Men s Vaad business man is drowning Ms domes- and an appreciation that he ''got the Regular services will be held tochance to start tic troubles'in plenty of "three period breaks" as the saying goes. Please sented immediately after the lunch-, A class in Jewish'history and cul-night at 8 o'clock at the B'nai Israel eon. A group of negro spirituals will two" . . . "stew" bad . . . but such is understand that the fanciful Baron ture is being organized by the Young synagogue, 18th and Chicago Sts., unyour set of Sterstrife . . . J.R. is walking on air . . . may relate imaginary tales of adven- be given by a trio from the Woodson Men's Vaad and will hold its first der the auspices of the United Orthoas yet undecided as to E. G. or M. G. ture before the "mike" but when in Center, a colored branch of the social meeting Tuesday evening. May 9, at dox Synagogues. The services will be ling at a very low . . . "The Rekindled Romance" is the a personal conversation he reveals settlement in South Omaha. This trio the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th andin charge of the young men's organititle of- the tome with Bernie S. and himself as a serious student who ishas sung over the radio and has ap- Chicago streets, starting at 9 p. m. zation affiliated with the Vaad. Dave price. peared before various organizations. The class, which is open to all young Slobodinsky will act as cantor and R. K. as the chief characters . . . well versed in world affairs. "The Rhythms of 1933," written by people, will be under the direction of Ben Kazlowsky will officiate as RabHarry R. the Council Bluffs "happy Jack Pearl, by birth, Jack Pearlchappy" has been that way since he man, was born 37 years ago in the Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, will be inter- Mr. Harry Mendelson. These are both bi. Talks will be given by Ephraim met Mary J. of our "shtettel" . Mr. Mendelson -will deliver a lec- Marks, president of the Young Men's East Side and was reared in a strict- preted by Mrs. Sam Theodore and a The cast of "Shver Tzu Zein a Yid"ly Orthodox home. His father came group of assistants. open stock patture on the subject of "Legends and Vaad and by Phil Handler, chairman •would be interested in a proposition to from Warsaw and wanted his Jake to Miss Thelma Caspar, concert mas- Traditions of the Bible" at the meetproduce the play in Sioux-City. . . become a "Yeshiva bocher" to a cer- ter at Tech High and finalist in the ing-Tuesday. Plans for future classes terns and the sets JACK W. -MA-air.it, Attorney Court House, Omaha KFAB radio station has definitely'de- tain degree. But Jack's eyes turned to state music contest, will present sev- will be formulated. include the essencided upon the hour of broadcast of the stage and one of the impressarios, eral violin selections. The Young Men's Vaad will elect KOTICE BT PCBLICATION OH PETIAnnual reports covering the Con- its'officers for the coming year at its TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL the Jewish quarter hour . . . Every Gus Edwards, soon recognized his talACCOUNT tial pieces, knives, Sunday at-11:30 a. m. . ; ; Let me ents. Always successful as a dialec- servative Synagogue activities will be business meeting, to be held at 8:00 In theADMINISTRATION County Court of "Donglns County, greet you next Sunday with a Cheerio tician, his fame really rose upon the given. Election of officers will also be p. m. the same evening. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of JOE P. forks and tea . . . and an excellent program of introduction of the fictitious charac- held. FASSICK, T>ecea8ed. The nominating committee presentHebrew music . . . plus a four min- ter Baron Munchausen. All persons interested in said matter are spoons hereby notified that on the 27th day of ed the following nominees at the ute talk on a timely subject by one Thorpeians April, 1833. Kate Passick filed a petition of our prominent citizens . . . and However, he was starred previously April meeting: in Bald County Court, praying that her The Thorpeian Athletic club will don't be stingy about writing either to in Ziegfield's Follies and other suc- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president; hold its first of a series of outings final administration account filed herein be STERUKG PATTERNS settled and allowed, and that she be discessful New York productions. Radio Mrs. D. Sherman, first vice president; this Sunday, May 7. The affair will rharged the station or the Community Center. from her trust as executrix and periodicals have stated that Pearl that a hearing -will be had on said petiMrs. E. Meyer, second vice president; Und Azo Geit Es probably extracts more spontaneous Mrs. Arthur Cohn, corresponding sec- be for members and friends. tion before said Court on the 27th day of 18 PIECE SET $OQ.75 36 PIECE SET $4Q.75 Our weekly salute to Omaha He- laughs during the course of his broadThe day's program, arranged by a May, 1933. and that if you fail to appear REDUCED TO UD REDUCED TO Hfit retary; Mrs. Robert Glazer, recording before said Court on the said 27th day of brew club and its chairman, Irvin cast than any other comedian on the committee headed by Sam Zweiback, May, 1933. at 9 o'clock A. AL, and conteBt AFTER SALE PRICES $41to$44 AFTER SALE PRICES $71 to $77 Levin, for the excellent arrangement, air. Iri this respect he is aided by his secretary; Mrs. Dave Cohn, treasur- includes a baseball game, relay races, said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of of the President Day program last "straight" man, Cliff Hall, who waser; Mis. J. Blank, auditor. horseshoe contests and track events. heirship, and make such other and further In addition to the officers, six di- The entertainment will be supervised orders, Sunday at the Center auditorium . allowances and decrees, as to this recruited for this purpose from the rectors will be elected, nominations Conrt may seem proper, to the end that all to Sam Beber for his tactful and bus- stage. by Harry Niesman.. . • matters pertaining to said estate may be inesslike manner of handling the He also helped to found the Jewish being made from the floor. At the outing the club will initiate finally settled and determined. 16th and Farnam JA. 1020 in campaign . . . to David Fell- Theatrical Guild of New York, which Reservations for the luncheon, three new members, Dr. A. Steinberg, BRTCB CRAWFORD, County Judge. an for winning the Yale scholar- is responsible for many splendid Yid- which will be fifty cents, are in Zadel Bernstein and Harry Bush. 5-5-33-31 . one of the many awards that dish productions and which also pro- charge of Mrs. Ben Glazer, Atlantic this brilliant student has received . . . duced the great Yidish actor, Maurice 3779. Oscar F. of Chi is "ca-ra-zy" over Schwartz. M. Z. . . . t h e cute little mite 1 Vaad is a pleasure for me to appear Allyne Joy is the name of the newat '"It The semi-annual meeting of the benefit performances in behalf of arrival at the Richard Spiegal home Jewish institutions,'' and added that Board of Governors of the United . . f Personal nomination for one of was happy to hear that Harry Orthodox Synagogues took place the :most beautiful babies in the city he Trustin, one of our boys, was elected Monday evening at the B'nai 'Israel . . . the dark-eyed, curly-haired and to an important city position; He Synagogue, Mr. Marcus, the outgoing dimpled Connie Milder . . . daughter praised Walter Winchell and claimed President, reported on progress for of the Abie Milders . . . Bennie's fa- that he was the outstanding news the term of his office. vorite expression when in a serious gatherer of modem journalism. "HeDuring this time, the Vaad promood: "I do not choose to pun" . . . is one of our boys," he said, "and cured the services of Rabbi Uri Miller The "infant" in a local department possesses a true Jewish spirit." He as Spiritual Leader. There had been store has a "yen" for a "butter and has signed a contract for 1934 with formed a Ladies Auxiliary, affiliated egg' man recently from New Yawk the Lucky Strike firm and will make with the Vaad, which is carrying on . . . David R.^ Omaha tlni student, a picture for M-G-M some time this an intensive cultural and social proand Evelyn K. of the South Side, are summer. And as we left, he nodded a gram. A Junior Vaad auxiliary and a Men's Vaad, both affiliated a contrast in size*. '. , but enjoying friendly with the words, Young youth organizations, have been each other's company ; . . To critic "Hope togood-bye, return to Omaha soon, I formed and functioning actively. •who complains of our language: Ben- really enjoyed BRAKES stop your wheels but it takes tires that your city, though my Friday nightare services conducted at nie Franklin, the "kite flier" one re- stay was short." grip to stop your car. Smooth tires are like banana the B'nai Israel synagogue have been marked: .. •. . ''To write clearly, not peels on slippery roads. All year long you need the introduced and have proved successonly the most expressive but the ful. The services are followed by a plainest words should be chosen" . . . Deborah full tractive grip of new Goodyears. Get this protecand continues with the advice that to A regular meeting of the Deborah forum discussion group, under the tion now. Sate money on punctures, repairs, delays. have a good effect upon readers, writ- society wiU be held next Tuesday, auspices of the junior organization. A ers should use words that can be un- May 9, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish religious school has been created with derstood l y the humblest worker . . . Community Center. All members are an enrollment of 125. In co-operation with the City Talmud-Torah, a junior And so-o-o my dear, intellectual friend, urged to attend. A Value You Get Because Millions organization has been organized, permit us to use "plain words for meeting Saturday morning a t the 18th plain people!" . . . Do I hear a cheer More People Buy Goodyears . . - Daughters of Zion and Bnrt Street synagogue. A class from "youse guys"? . . . Myron B. The annual bazaar of the Daugh- in Talmud also meets there Wednesis not a stage Johnnie by any means . . . , Peggy Healy, the blues singer ters of Zion will be held in the J . C. with the Whiteman band, is person- C, beginning Sunday, May 21. Furally! acquainted with said M. B. . '. ther details for the raising of funds For The B'nai Brith Messenger continues for the water project in Palestine in its drive to boycott German made were made at the board meeting Delicious, goods . . . "She done him wrong" Mae Thursday. The next meeting of the Daughters Yiyst, according to reports, has an Appetizing Foods of Zion will be held Wednesday, May " Ir?=h father and a Jewish mother . she appeared recently in a benefit per- 17, at the J. C. C, starting at 2:30 Tastily Served GOODYEAR PATHFINDER formance under the auspices of Rabbi IHADEVBCRG, STALMASTER & Isaacson's Temple Israel in Hollywoodl Discontinued Design at
OS HER Thirteen Jews in Palestine Wedded Though Not 13 omments
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BEBER, Attorneys. 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of MoIU> Sleeker Maroney, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors By ABNER KAIMAN of Bald deceased •will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me. County "Vass you dere, Sharlie?" 'fUnt Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at how!" When we phoned for an inter- the County Court Boom, in said County, on the 19th day of Jnne. 1933, and on the view we were greeted on the phone by 10th day of August, 1033, at J> o'clock A. Mrs. Pearl, who in a pleasant and en- M.. each day, for the purpose of presenttheir claims for examination, adjustthusiastic tone remarked, "Certainly, ing ment and allowance. Three months are Mr. Pearl will be pleased to see youallowed for the creditors to present their 19th day of May. 1933. at the theater." And so, when we en-claims, from the BKYCE CRAWFORD, tered t^e dressing room of that na- 4-2fi-32-?,t. County Judse.
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ./3S&* Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - « Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application
Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - • - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - -. - - - - . - . - . - . - . . - E d i t o * FANNIE KATELMAN - « Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - . - - - «• - • • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
Jews in Germany. They favor diplomatic action through the authorized channels and maintain that boycotts, parades, mass meetings, and other similar demonstrations are futile, and furnish the persecutors with a pretext to justify the wrongs they perpetrate. Those favoring protests, demonstrations and boycotts argue that the opposition calls for "back door diplomacy," and that if made strong enough the voice of the masses will have effect. They state that this is the tool at their disposal to effect moral repulsion for the wrongs and injustices committed. Many well-known Jewish statesmen claim that it. was the monster Madison Square Garden meeting which averted the rumored proposed massacre of the Jews in March. They point out that the boycott of Germany by Jews in England, France, Poland, Greece and Africa, and sporadically in this country, has taken heavy toll, that Hitler's finance minister has already complained of the low ebb of moneys, and that influential German business men have been imploring the Nazi leaders not to further antagonize foreign customers. . The joint statement of the American Jewish Committee and B'nai Brith cannot possibly stop the protest demonstration May 10. The American Jewish Congress has since issued a statement that the parade will be held anyway. The result is, deplorable as it may be, that once again Israel suffers from the disease of internal dissension. In a crucial time such as the present, the most crucial in modern history, the Jews need every ounce of strength which can be mustered to fight a common enemy. Certainly this is no time to dissipate the battling power of our people by bickerings among our leaders. American Jewry is too powerful a factor on the scene to have their forces split; American Jewry should take the lead in the battle which must be waged. For the sake of our great people and our great past, let us be unified—All Israel is one!
SPECTATOR JUNIOR Beginning with this issue, the Jewish Press will print weekly "Spectator, Junior," written by one of the outstanding brilliant young men of the Jewish community. Timely comments cleverly interwoven will make this column well worth following regularlyv—The Editor.
first issue is scheduled to appear on International A. 2. A. parents' day, May 14. The smoker held last Sunday was a success.
Death Takes Founder .of Ethical Society New York, (J.T.A.)—Dr. Felix Adler, known the world over as the founder of the Society for Ethical Culture, passed away last week at the age of 82. Dr. Adler was a leader in civic and moral life for more than half a century. When he became an instructor at Cornell University, his new views on moral and ethical problems were considered radical at that time, and he returned to New York to teach ethics and morality independent of sectarian or religious connection. He took part vigorously in social service movements.
When the righteous are increase ,|, the people rejoice. But when n<; wicked beareth rule, the people sig.i. Happy is the man who findeth \< isdom and the man who obtaineth understanding. Say not unto thy neighbor: "Go and come again, And tomorrow I'll give" when.thou hast it by thee.
In manner of introduction and explanation . . . The Editor has asked for a column and forgotten to stipuStolen waters are sweet, and broa.l late the contents thereof, consequenteaten in secret is pleasant. ly, you will probably find listed hereunder diverse and sundry comments Talmud upon things that happen in the world Our rabbis taught: "It is not prowe live in. Much in the manner of per to start to pray in a mood of sadthe seventeenth century Addison to ness nor in a mood of laughter, nor in whom I shall be greatly indebted, we a mood of idle and low talk but in a shall devote this column to a disinmood of joy caused through the perterested and detached observation of The vote of confidence in Harry Trustin so everwhehningly formance of meritorious- deed. Budapest.—The Budapest municithe many things that go around us expressed in the ballot box Tuesday Is a vote of confidence in a and like the walrus that walked alone pality granted a subsidy of 177,000 On three occasions can a man's record of unselfish service in civic and communal affairs. While upon the sand, we will talk about pengoe for this year to the Jewish character be recognized: B'Kaisai community organization. The money "cabbages and kings and a great vaTrustin is to be congratulated for his magnificent campaign, the (when he drinks), B'Kesai (by his riety of things." It is now in your is to be used for Jewish religious in- purse), and B'Kisai (by his anger). struction. people of this community are also to be congratulated for giving hands and since it is a defenseless recognition to his many worthy activities on behalf of his fellow particle of paper, it begs you to treat it kindly and with an indulgent eye. men by electing him city commissioner, thirH highest on the list. In the dim and distant past, some At a time when our city is being harassed by so many perwise soothsayer has said that "youth plexing problems, calm counsel arid sound judgment are essential will be served," and justly so. For it is from the intensities and extravain the council chamber. Trusting election lends a strong hand to gances of youth that we learn the the helm. Now as never before the city needs and will benefit wisdom of experience. One cannot live long in Omaha these days and not be from his strength of character and integrity, his vigorous aggresHOWARD *f I6th. conscious of the fact that in our Jewsiveness, his indefatigable efforts, his capability, efficiency and ish communal life, youth, or as we capacity for leadership. more properly should say, young men have taken a hand in the running of The Jewish community is justly proud that after a lapse of Lawrence Steinhardt, Jewish attorney, author and wellZest to Your and have succeeded far beyond many years another of her outstanding and deserving sons will known economist, has been appointed by President Roosevelt as things the most hoped-for expectations of Appetite aid in handling these governmental reins. We are proud of- Trus- United States minister to Sweden, and it is expected that the Sen- those who have preceded them. To the support of a worthy cause in a tin because his many activities mirror a self-sacrificing spirit of ate will confirm his appointment without question. He is the The advantages of home cooking year when the demands of charity and and the comfort of dining out . . . service, whether it be helping his wounded arid disabled "buddies" youngest minister so far appointed by the president—just forty. philanthropy are greater and more both at the Jack and Jill. get relief or whether it be building character by directing Boy And though he is known to his friends as an animated bureau justified, youth has risen and with the fervor that belongs primarily to Scout work, or any other of his manifold communal efforts. His of general information, he has great charm and a most pleasing Our delicious menus cannot be rethem, has answered the pleas of those sisted. If your appetite is "low" philosophy of service has been carried out according to the best personality. countless unfortunate thousands. It when you enter the Jack and Jill, traditions of our people and is the more beautful in that it knows come to the eye of Spectator Jr. Many of us might learn something from the activist philoso- is it will become "zestful" when you that the work of such comparatively no sectarian bounds. phy of Steinhardt. He says in regard to his believing in "action:" young men as Doctor Abe Greenberg,) taste our food. We extend to you—Harry Trustin—our sincerest well, wishes, "That is my first rule, the basic rule of my life. Do something. Dave Goldman and Max Barish and You will also like our reasonable knowing well that you will continue to be a credit to us and to the Do anything, but DO something. Every tick of the clock brings Al Mayer is to be commended and prices, unexcelled service, a n d praised. Truly their efforts and their community atlarge in administering the city's affairs safely and us one tick nearer the grave. We must not sit back and wait for enthusiasm rival the capabilities of quaint atmpsphere. wisely, for the welfare of all. those leaders who have spent many things to happen. We must make them happen. If we make misOPEN ALL NIGHT years in the service of worthy causes. takes, we'll usually get a chance to correct them." And surely it is to be expected that But to his "do something," we might add the qualification, the work to be accomplished by the A Suggestion for Any Night Philanthropies Campaign will be ade"but know what you are doing," for Steinhardt knows. Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak quately done when in its executors Served while ••>>• Idaho baked Omaha Jewry will have an opportunity to contribute^ward it can combine the youthful intensity In the process / Ifcfl potato, siloed and adult sagacity that the various tomato, bread the war on human misery during the fourth annual Jewish Philof ceobinr . batter, drink. Ptl hot. leaders of the Jewish community can anthropies campaign, which will start on May 15. : provide. The comparatively small sum of $40,000 is sought for twentyA decision to launch a movement for the^introduction of Yid- The great Elizabethean Bard, Wilnine local, national and international worthy beneficiaries of the ish.as a subject in the. American schools $aJs;adopted last week liam Shakespeare in speaking of his the cormnunity has- &l*i|eting of severarbrganizatibns* in ^&^rork. Its advocates chosen field of endeavor, has said that local Philanthropies. Thus far the world's a stage." Drama has been most encouraging, and present indications augur well for the urge: the spread of Yiddish as an aid in the iipkeep of Jewish na- "All come down to us throughout the ages success of the drive. tionalism and in the combating of assimilation. as one of the few cultural enjoyments in which many can participate and Omaha has always stood high in the rankings of the comYiddish has often been referred to as a "corpse." But it is all enjoy. Here in our own community munities which supported Jewish charities liberally. In being the livest "corpse" that ever had a "funeraL For years Yiddish there a group of players who can generous in philanthropy we are but fulfilling a sacred obligation has been attacked from both flanks—by the Hebraists and by and dois provide the Jewish people of from which no Jew is excused. Even in Biblical days, this prin- those who believe that the language of the country of residence Omaha with plays of merit. Spectator ciple was well established In the book of Deuteronomy it is writ- should be the sole language spoken. But somehow neither of Jr. was rarely so pleased as by his witnessing of their last production. It ten: "For.the poor shall never cease but the land; therefore I com- these groups, either jointly or individually, Tteve been able to di- is understood that they will continue mand thee saying, Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy poor vorce Yiddish from the masses. In 1933 as in 1900 Yiddish is a in the near future, in the same vein. and needy brother in thy land." The ancient Rabbis carried this limited sort of international tongue, for Jews everywhere speak it. And it is with pleasure that he realizes that all of Omaha Jewry will have Mosaic principle even farther. They called charity in Hebrew As Peretz expressed himself, it seems that there is room for all the opportunity of seeing them again "Zedakah," which means justice. When you contribute to charity, three groups—the Yiddishists*, the Hebraists, and the advocates perform. No greater cultural consaid the sages, you are performing not an act of nobility but of of the language of the country wherein the individual is living. tribution can be made than by the work of these young people and truly justice. The recurrence of a movement to spread Yiddish is another Spectator Jr. is glad to find time to In the present crisis which has revolutionized the economic emphasis that languages have a peculiar way of persisting, for comment upon them here. status of many families we in Omaha must more than ever before they express experiences not so readily expressible in other lan- A few random thoughts in closing . . . Two word description of the share what we have, how little or how much that may be, so that guages. Executive Offices of the Jewish Philthe lives of our brethren may be saved. We will not in a time of anthropies Drive, efficient bedlam . . . why don't the Rabbis give us more such dire need desert the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the cripof their intelligent and impressive repled, the aged, the orphaned, the jobless, the hopeless and the views of current literature . . . a defihelpless. We must share by contributing liberally to the Jewish nition of boredom, the state of mind Vladimir Jabotinsky, who has earned the title of the "Jewish achieved by one lacking in sufficient Philanthropies. firebrand," is adding another chapter to his already hectic Career. intellect to be interested or interEarly returns from the voting in Poland and Palestine in the Re- esting. And so Spectator Jr. takes leave visionist plebiscite on Jabotinsky's action in dissolving the execu- of you . . . he will write discursivetive of the World Zionist-Revisionist Union show an overwhelm- ly and variedly for in the Vortex of What was diagnosed not so long ago as a symptom of a dead- ing vote of confidence in their leader in his struggle for control the present there are many things to catch the eye of one who chooses first ly malady in Germany has now developed into a real danger for of the Revisionists. to sit back and be a "spectator of the Christian world. The dreaded cancer of hate and intolerance, mankind."
The Week in Review
A Worthy Man Elected
K and ff I I come
The New Minister to Sweden
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Impetus to Yiddish
Nebraska Clothing Company's
the Jewish Firebrand
which obtained such a start against the Jewish residents, has spread to the rest of the citizenry and bids fair to come in conflict with the entire Christian world. General Ludendorff, through his paper, "The Voikswarte," called upon the Reich government to prohibit Christianity because it is an expi'ession of the Jewish spirit. Jesus was a Jew and therefore everything connected with Jesus must be exterminated from German minds, is the latest logic of the Nazis, and if their present trend continues the ancient Teutonic mythical gods will again hold sway. The Hitlerites will learn that you have the right to disagree with a man's religion and beliefs but that you do not have the right to coerce him to believe as you do. Freedom of conscience and freedom of religious worship are cornerstones of enlightenment and progressive civilization, and any deviation from their principle is retrogression of the darkest kind.
We Need Unity
This is a day of dictators, and it seem like Jabotinsky will rule the Revisionists as he wills. Most Jewish people have opposed Jabotinsky on the ground that he was tod militant, too aggressive, too radical. But none have denied his great ability or his genuine sincerity. And many are today not quite as sure as they Were previously that Jabotinsky's "fighting" policies are erroneous in theory. We may not agree with his political theories, but will have to grant that more of his fighting spirit on the Jewish scene is needed. For the Jewish world is today facing a crisis that requires the indomitable, never-say-die, reckless courage that has characterized the actions of the founder of the Jewish legion.
"Go East, Young Man?" "Go East, young man" was a popular Jewish paraphrase of Greeley's "Go west, young man," when many were urging the Jewish men of single blessedness who were seeking matrimony to go to Palestine. It was a popular legend, long honored in folk-lore, that there are seven girls to one man in Palestine. But cold government statistics just published blast the truth of the myth. There are just about as many Jewish women in Palestine as there are men, the difference being two thousand and the menfolk predominating in numbers.
The American Jewish Congress leaders expect about two million marchers to participate in the gigantic horror parade planned in New York for May 10 as a protest against the public burning of books of Jewish authorship which is scheduled for Germany on that day. Six hundred Jewish organizations will take part. Whenever we live from principle, we gain a In the meantime the American Jewish Committee and the sight. When we live by personal opinions, we B'nai Brith in a joint statement repeat their non-protest stand. Much has been said pro and con. The non-protesters, and only vitalize the sense aspect of consciousness. many influential leaders are included among their number, argue that their stand is in conformity with the known wishes of the Life is a discipline culturing eternal values.
Sr. Council Debate
Hen's and Young Hen's
The A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. A. 100 teams will clash in a semi-final debate in the Senior Council of Clubs tournament Thursday, May 11, at 8 p. m., at the J. C. C. The mother chapter team of Ben Shrier and Ernest Priesman will defend the negative and the Century chapter duo of Daniel Lintzman and Edward Bosenbaum will defend the affirmative of the question: "Resolved, that a Secular University Should Be Established in America." Admission is free, and the public is invited.
A. Z. A. 100
Seven new members were given the first degree initiation ritual at a meeting Sunday. They are Iz Mittleman, Harold Civin, Harvey Jacabow, Leo Chodak, Sol Dolgoff, Albert Monowitz, Sam Friedman. They will be given their informal initiation at an outing to be held May 7. The committee in charge of the initiation are Art Gerber, chairman, Eosenbaum, and Louis Canar. new degree of in- Meyer William Wolfe, alumnus, addressed will find that we the group on the tenth international A. Z. A. convention to be held in July. Ed Eosenbaum and Meyer Eosenbaum are planning the re-organization of the chapter's paper, "Gelachter.w Th«
Values you may never see again — it's a real opportunity to secure quality clothes at a saving. BEE OUR WINDOWS TODAT
PAGE 5--THE JEWISH ERESS, FRIDAY, MAY 5,1933 WINS YALE SCHOLARSHIP David Fellman was awarded a Sterling fellowship in government in the graduate school at Yale university, according to announcement f*"s week. Last year, Fellman, who is a Central high and University of Nebraska graduate, was awarded t i e Block scholarship for one thousand dollars. MOTEDESUDAUGHTER TEA The mothers of the members of Iota Tau are to be guests of the sorority at a mother and daughter tea to be given Mother's Day, May 14, at the Tudor Arms tea room. This is an annual affair for the sorority. Each guest will be presented ! with a corsage.
HONORS BRIDE ' 'Miss TZose Dolgoff entertained six- Mothers, Daughters .teen guests at a bridge party, folSisterhood Affair lowed by a dinner, a t her home Srm, day. afternoon, In honor of Mrs. Jacob The Temple Israel Sisterhood will J. Michnick, a recent bride. Mrs. hold its annual mother and daughter Michnick is the former Miss Helen luncheon Saturday, May 13, at 12:30 "Adler. A yellow and •green color noon in the vestry room of the scheme was carried out. Temple. Mrs. A. Greenberg, assisted by her BAR MTTZVAH THIS SATURDAY Sisterhood Circle, is in charge. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Chait, 2107 No. Fred Rosenstock will speak for the 18th street, will celebrate the Bar mothers and Miss Zella Cherniss for Mitevah of their son, Edward, Satur- the daughters. Mrs. W. C. Chesbuorgh day morning, May 6, at the Beth will give character portrayals, and Hamedrosh synagogue, 19th and BurL the young people's choir will render Priends and relatives are invited to several selections. attend; no invitations nave been isReservations may be made by callsued. ing Mrs. Greenberg, Glendale 1215. BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. S. Rips celebrated the ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Max Trochtenberg anBar-Mitzvah of their son, Norman, Saturday morning, April 29, at the nounce the birth of a son Thursday, Twentyvfifth and Seward street syn- April 27, at the Methodist hospital. agogue. Dr. and Mrs. Marc M. Marks of They entertained at their home in Kansas City announce the birth of a their son's honor on Sunday. A 5:30 supper for relatives and friends was son on Saturday, April 29, at the Menorah hospital. Mrs. Marks is the forfollowed by bridge. mer Grace Rosenstein of this city. WEEK-END VISITORS Word has been received here of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter and son, Donald, of Des Moines, la., spent birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. the week-end here with Mr. Kneeter's Jack Friedman of Des Moines, la., on April 27. Mrs. Friedman was formother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. merly Miss Hermine Wright of Omaha.
Mrs. Harold Barish was re-elected president of this sorority at a meeting at the home of Miss Annette Bender, advisor, on April 30. Other officers are Dorothy Kaplan, vice-president; Sylvia Rotkovitz, secretary; and Sarah Forman, treasurer. JR. HADASSAH BRIDGE PARTY Plans have been completed for the Junior Hadassah annual "Mother and Daughter" bridge party which will be held next Tuesday evening, May 9, at the Hotel Paxton, commencing g at 8 ' l k Mi mi N o'clock. Miss Nachschoen is chairman for this affair and is being assisted by the Misses Rose Dolgoff, Estelle Gilbert, Bess Bernstein, Ruth Slobodinsky, Bess Kirshenbaum, Sarah Noddle, and Fannie Katelman. Prizes will be awarded for the winner at each table, and refreshments will be served. During an intermission, an entertaining program will be given. Mrs. M. F. Levinson, president of the Senior Hadassah, will speak for the mothers, and Miss Dora Freshman will answer for the daughters. Vocal solos will be given by Mrs. H. Belman, accompanied at the piano by Miss Margaret Hurwitz. Miss Sonya Roitstein will also sing, accompanied at the piano by Miss Bertha Cohen. This affair is open to the public at a nominal charge of 25 cents per person, and reservations may still be made by calling Miss Nachschoen, Harney 6544, or any member of the committee.
Mu was awarded the Delta Sigma Rho debate trophy, a beautiful silver gavel, presented to the fraternity winning the annual interfraternity debate tournament. In the semifinals Sigma Alpha Mu defeated Zeta Beta Tau by a 3 to 0 decision, thus winning the right to compete for the championship of the university. At the annual election of officers for Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu at Lincoln, Jack G. Epstein of Omaha was elected to serve as president for the coming year. Other officers are R. Harry Rosenstein of Omaha, treasurer; Gerald P. Cohn of Sioux City, secretary; Sidney DasTtovsky of Emerson, assistant treasurer, and William Flax of Omaha, historian. The retiring president is Henry G. Chait of Omaha. In recognition of scholastic ability, Sigma Alpha Mu was awarded a scholarship placque at the annual interfraternity banquet presentation. Sigma Alpha Mu will entertain actives and alumni at the annual spring i party to be held at the chapter house j in Lincoln, May 6. Forty couples are j expected to attend. i
HAZOMIR PARTY The Hazomir Society sponsored a party at the J. C. C. Monday evening. The 1 joint Center-Council's public Rose Abramson, chairman of the aflibrary, located at the Omaha Jewish fair, was assisted by Millie Falk, Community Center, has issued a list Hymie Gendleman, and Leo Saks. of modern and newer popular books, which it strongly recommends to evPSI MU MOTHER'S DAY FORMAL DINNER-DANCE eryone. A wide variety is assured ; n Rabbi David A. Goldstein will be Phi Delta Epsilon, national medical the list, which follows: fraternity of Creighton university, the principal speaker at the ^-mrnni "This People," by Ludwig Lewis- held its annual spring formal dinner- Psi Mu Mother's Day affair, to be sohn; "Anne Vickers," Sinclair Lewis; dance last Friday evening at the held at the J. C. C. Sunday, May 14. "Torch of Life," Dr. Rossiter; "Union Hotel Blackstone. Mrs. L. Neveleff, 'Tsi Mu Mother," Square," A. Halper; "Imitation of Honor guests included Dr. and Mrs. win speak. A chorus of the Hazomir life," Fannie Hurst; "America As Isaac Sternhill, Dr. Abe Steinberg, Dr. will sing several Yiddish folk songs. Americans See It," (modern sympos- Victor E. Levine, Dr. Irving Weiss, Refreshments will be served, and each ium); "House Under the Waters," F. and Dr. Louis Dimsdale. mother will be presented with a -gift. Young; "Murder at Monte Carlo," The committee in charge of ar- Leo Bennan is chairman of the com"Box From Japan," "The White rangements included Morris L e v , mittee in charge. Cockatoo," "All for Love," "Invitation to a Waltz," "Flowering Wilderness," Frank E. Lipp, Sam Reiter, and SPRING SPORT DANCE J. Gaslworthyj "Eyes of Love," W. Maurice Steinberg. A spring sport dance will be given Deeping; "Human Being," C Morley; by the' Beta'Uho soro'rity' at the "Seventh Commandment," " Anony- ANNUAL "MAY DANGE" Ben Rosen is chairman of the Psi Tonights of Columbus Seville room on mous; "Peking Picnic," "Unfinished Mu May dance, to be held Thursday, May 29. Fifty couples will attend. Symphony," Sylvia Thompson; "SelfMade Woman," Faith Baldwin; "The May 18, at the Fontenelle pavillion. Miss Charney Soiref, chairman, will Hardy Perennial," H. Hull; "Desire, Novelty entertainment will be a fea- be assisted by the Misses Miriam Ru/Spanish Version," "Batters Castle," ture of the dance, which is invita- bin, Nancy Soiref, and Merriam Hollander. 'and "Three Loves," both by Cronin; tional. "Cautious Amorist," "Forgive Us SIGMA ALPHA MU NOTES Our Trespasses," Douglas; "Female," SURPRISE PARTY A surprise party was given last By defeating Delta Upsilon fraterD. H. Clarke; "Giants Should Be Gelded," "Josephus," Ludwig Lewis- Friday at Spring Lake by Sue and nity by a 2 to 1 decision, Sigma Alpha ohn; "London Omnibus," "Never Ask Pauline Margolin, in honor of Monica the End," Patterson; "Private Prac- Yaffe. The guests included Lillian tice," Furman; "South Moon Under," Wolfson, Rose Wolfson, Monica Yaffe, Rawlings; '"Tiree Sheet," "Thirteen Dorothy Tnchman, Marian Wiesman, Meri,'^ Tif Thayer; "Walls of Gold," Alma Feblowitz, Mildred Saferstein, K. Nbrris; "Job," "Washington Mer- and Sue and Pauline Margolin, and Ty-Go-Round" and "More Merry-Go- Julius Rothkop, Edward Rosenbaum, Bound," Anonymous; "Tristan and Harold Kort, Morris Fisher, Sol Mann, Harold Bloch, Jerome Hirshman, Leo Isolde," J. Erskine. Diamond, Morris Koom, Bernard Fox, The above books, samples of some and Wm. Osheroff. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. of the fine books which can always be Yaffe were chaperones. found on public circulation in the library, were chosen because of their FA-HON MOTHER-DAUGHTER popularity with Teaders and book crit- BANQUET ics. The books above, together with A mother-daughter banquet will be morethan 400 others, are all on pub- given by the Fa-Hon sorority at the lic rental circulation for only three I. C. C. Wednesday, Ma; 10. cents a day in the library. The liMrs. D. Flanchek will speak for the brary is opeii daily afternoons and mothers, and Sally Pollay will reevenings, plus on weekday mornings spond for the daughters. Leah Siegel when there are meetings etc, at the will be toastmaster. An entertaining J . C. C. Proceeds from the library go program is also planned. -toward maintaining, scholarships spon- The committee in charge consists : srred by the Council of Jewish Wom- of Tfllye Sigal, chairman, Selma Treten, for poor Jewish girl-scholars, who iak and Esther Siegel. otherwise might be denied a higher education. The library also acts as an agency for ordering books and FOR RENT : magazines. for anyone, getting a 10 per cent or more discount for those Two furnished rooms, pleasing ordering. For further information on bedrooms, and kitchen. this last point, Mrs. Bert Hene, WalWE. 3527 nut 5651, Council's librarian, may be consulted.
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Junior Society The Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue held their bi-Tnonthly meeting at the home of Miss Bess Bernstein on Tuesday evening, April 25. Plans for a spring party were made, the definite date to be announced later. Miss Bertha Whitebook was appointed party chairman and will be assisted on her committee by Tillie Markovitz and Sophie Rosenstein. Plans were also made for the annual Mothers and Daughters dinner, Bess Bernstein to be chairman of the committee in charge.
Article Accepted by Druggist Magazine Max Resnick, freshman in the college of arts and sciences at Creighton university, is author of a feature story which will appear in the June edition of the Northwestern Druggists. In a letter from G. A. Bendi, editor of the magazine, informing Resnick of the acceptance of the article, high praise is given to the article. Resnick is a member of Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity.
Open Insurance Office L. Gordon Gross and Lester Goldman opened offices at 852 Brandeis Theater building Monday as the Gross-Goldman Company, handling all lines of insurance.
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Has Our Technology Changed Hiinianky? Inner Reactions of Man Not Transformed By Time" By LION FEUCHTWANGER
Please, don't believe,that I am an uncritical humanistic extoller of ancient times. Of course, I admire the organizing performance of those Romans who created the United States of Europe, unattained by us since then. Longingly I picture to myself that structure, free of militarism, united by law. What an extraordinary feeling of security must the human being of that period have enjoyed, what strength must he have derived from feeling himself emplaced in a meaningfully composed organism; and how little feeling of security has our civilization to give to the individual. Now you will promptly and justly reply that the grandiose organization of that time was bought at the price of an enormous barbarism, namely: the institution of slavery. I don't dream for a moment of denying that the mere existence of that institution was an evil poison in the life of that civilization. There are seme indeed who raise a number of objections against this evaluation. They stress the fact that most of the goods nowadays produced in abundance by exact machines, then had had to be produced by man-power. . To the society of that time it seemed impossible to have even a part of it live in comfort without forced labor. Nobody, not even the
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gospels, hit upon the ideas that human society might continue to exist without the institution of slavery. All in all, contend those uncritical admirers of antiquity, it is not to be assumed that a galley slave felt himself to be more miserable than do many of our proletarians, and he certainly felt less wretched than did a great part of our soldiers during the World War. I myself am not inclined to decide upon this ticklish point. I know indeed from personal experience, how one feels, convinced of the senselessness of war, yet forced to take part in it as a soldier;! don't dare, however, to make any assertion about the inner attitude of a galley slave. As you have perhaps noticed in my historical novels. I am generally very daring in equating human nature of former times with human nature of today. But to picture the dullness of a galley slave, that I do not care. On this, point there has come about, I believe,; a change in our institutions that is on the credit side.
have transformed the external living condition of humanity- enormously. The area of the inhabited earth known to the white race has become thirty times larger in the last two thousand years; we can move with a speed 15 times greater than then, we can cut up people's living bodies and sew them up again; we can turn night info day, we-can fly, and in our vessels dive under, the water and stay there for days. But._ strange to say, these, achievements" have not essentially altered our mode of life. When, for example, the average man of today takes a look at that Pompeii, which was destroyed eighteen hundred and fifty-four years ago, it is not the differences, separating that civilization from ours, : that strike him; on the contrary, when he sees the central heating installation of the baths or the political campaigninscriptions on the walls, or the artaiid-craft factory, he will again and again exclaim: just like us!
Now, of course, one can also do the opposite: and your Mark Twain showed in his splendid book, "A YanNO EXACTNESS But as to the external life condi- kee at the Court of King Arthur," tions of all other social strata, it will the gap between a simple former depend on the mood of the observer, period and pur own . refined epoch* whether he will find these changes But it is more pertinent especially important or not. To me the most sig- for him, who would represent things nificant difference between then and with exactitude, to stress the asnow appears to be the fact that then tonishing congruence between antithere was no exact experimental sci- quity and our time. Our great histence in our sense. Exact as was the orian, Theodore Mommsen, for exr practice of the Roman military or the ample, replaced the faded, pompous practice of the Roman law, just so words of the ancients by modern little exact was. scientific research ones, having exactly the same meanand medicine. ing; and by this method alone he the political history of Rome Our exact science is a very recent made read like a section of modern hisinvention. The year of its origin may tory. Even events as fantastically indeed be fixed with accuracy. It was remote-sounding those about Cleoinvented in the year 1605 by a cer- patra, produce, ifasonly you will emtain Francis Bacon, whom I once, ploy Mommsen's simple expedient, a amid violent approbation and con- quite modern effect. The difference tradiction, described as the first man between Shakespeare's Cleopatra and of American mentality. . Shaw's lies in the circumstance that This modern science and technology Shakespeare dramatized some pages of Mommsen. The result is dumbFRADENBUKG, STAL3IASTKK & BEBER founding. In Shakespeare, CleopaO. T. DOERS, P. M. KliUTZNICK tra is a spoiled, great lady of the 600 Omaha National Bank B d year 1600, savage and childish; in NOTICE OF CHATTEL 3IOBTGAGE Shaw a spoiled great lady of the . SALE Notice is hereby given that on the 17th year 1900, savage and childish; and day of May, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M. at Meeks Garage, 2CG2 Learenworth Street, Plutarch as well as Shakespeare, Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell Mommsen as well as Shaw, did no nt public' auction to the highest bidder for cash, one Buick, del. Sedan, 1931 Model, other than simply reprocuce reality. Engine No. 2(507674. Factory No. 2523170, For in the year 60 B. C. Cleopatra covered'by a chnttel mortgage in favor of the United Financial Service, a corporation, simply did not act aifTerently from signed by Mrs. Evelyn Safnrik. That said the way should have acted in the mortgage is dated February 31, 1933, and is recorded in the office of the County year 1600 or the year 1900 after Clerk of Uouslns County, Nebraska. Christ. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreI know, of course,'to how great an closing said mortgage for the costs of the sale and all accruing costs, and for the extent conventions influence the lives purpose of satisfying the amount due thereon, namely $330.00 plus interest: that and actions of men. But the nature of no suit or other proceedings at law have the human being—his emotional qualbeen instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. ities, his original drives—are not al"UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE, tered by these conventions, and in critBy PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK, ical situations, when emotion is 4-21-33-3t Its Attorney; aroused, he does not act according to 8HOTTOEIX, MOKSKY, CKODIN'SKY 4 these conventions, but then there beVANCE. Attorneys. 737 Omaha National' Bank come active in him not his acquired qualities, but only those he has inNOTICE TO NON-KESIDENT DEFENDANT herited. There then act through him To Bert W. • Cotton, sometimes known as his forefathers and primeval ancesW. R. Wilson: . - -You ore hereby notified that on the- tors. Much has changed in the exter14th day of April, 1033, Hill Hotel Com nal living conditions of men—or little; pany, a corporation, as Plaintiff, commenced an fiction in the Municipal Court In the City of Omaha, Douglas County Nebraska; against you. Bert W. Cotton, sometimes known as W. B. Wilson, as Defendant, being Pocket J-7, No. 220. The object of this - suit is to recover the sum of 588.03, interest and costs, for services rendered at defendant's special .instance and request; that on the 14th dny of April, 1933, an order of attachment was issued by- the .Clerk, of the Municipal Court of the City of Omahn, nnd n certain ^Model A Ford Coupe in ^he possession of Ram-Josephson was attached. Yon are further notified that said cause was continued for trial to the "infh day of June, 1933. at nine o'clock A. M., and thn you mnst appear nnd answer to the petition "filed in said "action on or before the 15th day of June, 1933, at nine o'clock A. M.
.. HILT; HOTEL COMPANY. By Harry B. Cohen. Its Attorney 4-28-33-3t.
JA. 9404 JA. 9404 Suits Cleaned 49c HANDY LAUNDRY NO. 1 ", 2016 Farnam St. . All Wearing Apparel HAND IRO'^D L. A- LONGFELLOW. Prop.
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA'
'Everything for the AuU»" 2051 Farnara—AT. 5524
Council Bltiffs News
When Is a "LEFT OVER"
NOTICE OF FKOBATE OF WIM« In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska^ , In the Matter of the Estate of Maodr Goldberg, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified tbnt a petition has beeu filed in said Court praying for the. probate of a-certain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and. testament of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 20th day of May,- 1933, and- that if they fail to appear at said Conrt on the said 20th day of Mny, 1933. at 0 o'clock A. 51., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow nnd probate sniil will and jjrnnt administration of said estate to Nellie Owens and Hnrry Owens or some other suitable person and proceed ; to a settlement thereof. BRTCB CRAWFORD, 4-28-33-3t. County Judge. . SILVERMAJf & ZACHARIA, Attorneys 768 Brandeis Theater BidsNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of- Douglas County, Nebraska. • . , In the Matler of the Estate of Theresa Irene Clatey, Deceased. ;.. ::
.All persons interested in said estate nre
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614
as you like. This, as I have said before, depends, on the observer, but in the real nature of man, in his destructive urge, his sexual urge, his need of asserting himself, his need of selfexpression, and in his, alas! so weak social instinct, nothing has changed at all. - We have innumerable portraits and statues of antiquity; their faces are all modern faces not to be distinguished from the faces of our contemporaries. Between the face of a Roman banker, shown by a statue in the Naples museum, and the face of a certain banker, living at present in Berlini there is no difference; and the legates, on a number of Roman reliefs *• bear the faces of now living Prussian generals. l a museums of ancient art you will-find reproductions of women's faces such; as you., will encounter, photographed.in "Vogue." You will BY P. B.K. find there peasants and artisans and boxers and babies—of today. : A large crowd attended the special services conducted Sunday afternoon MODERN THOUGH at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaANCIENT gogue in observance of President's And when you read letters dating Day. The synagogue was decorated from antiquity, rapidly scrawled by appropriately for the occasion and a Cicero or Pliny; when you read every- portrait of President Franklin D. day descriptions in Juvanal, in Hor- Roosevelt was draped with flags. ace, you will discover with astonishMr. O. Hochman was principal ment, how modern these descriptions speaker and also gave a prayer for sound. Political intrigues, complaints President Roosevelt. Cantor Abraconcerning luxuries and expensive fe- ham Schwaczkin and his choir of male fashions, indignant descriptions Omaha sang a group of songs. A viof the extravagant display of upstarts olin solo was given by Miss Esther foxy projects of land speculators, lam- Steinberg, accompanied at the piano entations over the rush and noise of by Miss Florence Steinberg. Cantor metropolitan traffic, petty intrigues Schwaczkin also led in the community of men of letters, mingling of politics singing of "Hatikvoh," and "Amerand stock exchange bargaining — all ica," accompanied at the piano by that you find 2,000 years ago exactly Miss Ruth Shyken. like today. Cicero hastily informs a close friend that over a carefully com- Mrs. Samuel Meyerson entertained posed dinner with Caesar, he had after at beautifully appointed tea at her all preferred to converse on literature home last Thursday afternoon in honinstead of politics. In another letter or of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leo he complains of the republican, Bru- Meyerson, a recent bride, the former tus, using" his political influence for Miss Helen Wolinsky of St. Joseph, having his interest raised to 24 per Mo. One hundred and fifty guests cent. Pliny reports how butchers in called between the hours of two and Asia Minor were complaining that five o'clock. In the receiving line through the growth of Christianity with the hostess, who was modishly the market for meat, which they drew gowned in a dust pink crepe gown from the temples had dwindled pain- with white organdie yoke, was the fully and that, therefore, they must honored guest in Eleanor blue crepe, urgently petition for energetic meas- featuring puffed sleeves of organdie, ures against this society, hostile to and Mrs. L. Meyerson, grandmother the state. We have a letter written of the groom, who wore grey crepe. by a father, Talass, to his son, Aris- Most attractive was the tea table tarchus, then studying in Alexandria, with a cloth : of filet, iXelqliHtJtapers ; in which he admonishes him to be tied with green tulle, and a low basmore economical—he was sending him ket filled with tea roses and snapan extra allowance for the last time. dragons. Adding to the decorative Cicero writes to his wife in haste— color scheme of yellow and green was the much occupied lawyer and poli- a green ice trough banked with ferns tician is always in a hurry—that he and rose petals, at one end of the tais jgoing into the country for a few ble, from which butter brickie ice days, and wouldn't she see to it, that cream was served. Tea was served the bathroom was at last put in order. from a Samovar. Presiding at the Now you may object that the cor- tea table and assisting in the dining respondence between the arabesques room were Mrs. Morris Grossman, of everyday life 2,000 years ago and Mrs. Herman Meyerson, Mrs. Leon that of today proves little. What mat- Frankel, Mrs. Ben Gershun, Mrs. * ^ * ^ * ^
(Author of "Success," "Power," "Josephus," etc.) This is the third of a series of four' articles written by the eminent German Jewish author on a subject of • timely yet fundamental significance. —THE EDITOR
ters, you may contend, in something quite different, namely the question whether our greater wealth, our higher standards of living, have not altered our sense of life. You may ask'me to prove to you that the inward -.expression, so to say, the inner state of a man of antiquity is as comprehensible to us as the inwardness "of. our contemporaries. You may ask me to prove that Mr. Smith and Mr. Brown, you and I, react to the same event, the same phenomenon, the same situation, just as some Caius or Quintus or Curtius did 2,000 years ago. To such a challenge I can only answer: Yes, we can prove that we respond to an identical situation with an inner reaction identical with that of ancient man. I am so convinced of this, that at bottom I've put all of my writing on this basis; for otherwise it would be impossible to write historical novels according to my method. As you probably will have noticed, I underscore in my historical novels that which we have in common with the past, and I attach no weight to that which separates us from the earlier period.
hereby notified that a petition .lias been filed in said Court alleging that Enid deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon her estate and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 13th day of May, 1933. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the snld 13tb day of May, ]933, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court niny grant the same nnd grant administration of said estate to Harry B.
Cohen, or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BUYCB CRAWFORD, 4-21-3C County Judge.
ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Answers this Question! alwavs think of a "left-over" as something diseeable something that has to be eaten. With the SertricTrefrielrSor it'! a different story. Any bit of meat v e S b l e s fruit or prepared dessert can be saved realizes that they aren't eating a freshly dish. That's real thrift . . . no food thrown away.
ROTC hall last Saturday night, as sh© was chosen as one of the sponsors for Company D of the ROTC and took part in their ceremony. She ranks • high in scholastic activities and is captain of the basketball team, and The Council Bluffs Senior Hadas- treasurer of the Girls' Athletic assosah will hold an important meeting ciation. next Wednesday afternoon, May. 10, at The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. The annual election of officers wfll mud Torah held a meeting1 Wednestake place, and all members are urged day afternoon at the synagogue at to be present. Plans will be made 618 Mynster street. !. also for the Southwestern Regional Joe Suvalsky, 26 years old, passed convention which will be held in Omaaway Monday night at an Omaha . ha May 20. A report of the "Give or Get" hospital. He is survived by one . luncheon held Wednesday afternoon brother, Saul Suvalsky, of Council at the J. C. C. will also be given. Bluffs, and his mother, in Poland. Thirty members of the local chapter Funeral services were held in Omaha, were eligible to attend the luncheon with burial in Council Bluffs at the as they had earned their individual Oak Hill cemetery Tuesday. quota. They were Mesdames Herman Marowitz, Jake Krasne, Harry Cohen, Herman Krasne, Phil Saks, Saul Suvalsky, Ike Krasne, Herman Meyerson, Max Cohn, Lawrence Krasne, Ben Kubby, George Krasne, Morris Grossman, Louis Cherniack, George RoffAN EXTRAORDINARY man, Sam Steinberg, Nathan Adler, SALE Clyde Krasne, Louis Kroloff, Sam Meyerson, Frank Krasne, M. BernBRAND NEW stein, Oscar Greenberg, Louis BernAMERICAN ORIENTALS stein, Louis H. Cohen, Albert Krasne, AXMINSTERS Charles Saltiman, Leo Fitch, Abe VELVETS Markovitz, and Max Simon. COLORS DESIGNS The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 ALL ROOM SIZES of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith will hold a meeting next From 9.50 to 24.50 Monday evening, May 8, at the Eagles I F TOtr NEED ONE OR, NOT. YOU SHOULD SEE THEM I hall. Plans will be made for the annual convention of District No. 6, which will be held in Chicago, HI., on July 4. Dave Finkel, and Misses June and Pearl Meyerson. Numerous other affairs are being planned in honor of Mrs. Leo Meyerson. , .
Lawrence Furniture
Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill entertained the members of their evening bridge club at their home Monday K evening. # Mrs. Abe Markovitz spent Sunday m in Des Moines, la., where she visited AA her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Friedman, and their infant daughter.
Maxine Leibovitz, sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High school, was honored at the school annual military NOTICE OF INCORPORATION' OF BAKBV H. JuAPIDUB COMMUNITY TKCST D Notice Is hereby given that the underSigned have associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shall be HARRY H. I^APIDUS COMMUNITY TRUST FUND with its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. The object and purpose for which this corporation is organized Is: (a) to accept any gift, grant, devise and/or bequest in trust for educational, charitable, religious or benevolent uses or purposes of a Jewish character; (b) to apply the "principal and/or income of any such gift, grant, devise and/or bequest for the promotion, extension and advancement of educational, charitable, religious.or benevolent projects or institutions of a Jewish character, as the Board of Trustees may direct, provided, however, that if any such gift, grant, devise, and/or bequest be limited in its use by the giver, grantor, and/or testator, then and in that event the gift, grant, devise, and/or bequest ehnll be applied in the manner and to the -use limited by the giver, grantor and/or testator, provided farther, • however, that whenever it shall appear to the Board of Trustees that circumstances have so changed since the execution of The instrument containing any gift, grant, devise, and/or bequeBt as to render unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impossible a literal compliance with the terms of such instrument, said Board of Trustees may at any time or from time to time direct the application of such gift, grant devise, and/or bequest to such other educational, charitable, religious-or benevolent purpose of a Jewish character -as in their judgement will most effectually without regard to and free from and specific restriction, limitation or direction contained in such instrument; and (c) To decline any gift grant devise, or bequest or any part of any gift, grant devise or bequest which in the opinion of the Board of Trustees does, not comply with the purposes and objects of this corporation; and (d) to hold' legal title to the property given, granted or devised to the corporation for the uses and purposes, and upon the conditions herein expressed nnd to exercise in respect to the property so held all rights of absolute ownership. Without in any way limiting or restricting the foregoing but in enlargement and extension thereof, the corporation shall have the power: to invest and re-invest any nnd all moneys received in securities and/or properties unless the donor shall otherwise provide, nnd to sell, lease, convey, transfer, enenmber, exchange, deliver nnd dispose of nil or any part of the principal or capital of the funds or property at sneh prices and upon such terms as it shall deem expedient nnd proper, and to borrow money or moneys when nnd as needed, nnd <e) to do nil thinps necessary and/or proper to effect the objects and purposes hpreinnbove set forth. This corporation shall hnve no capital stock and shall declare no dividends. It Shall comence doing business upon the "filing of its Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douplns County, Nebraska and shall continue for a period of 100 yenrs. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall at nny one time be subject shnll not exceed one-half of the value of the property owned by it. The affairs of this corporation shall be administered by a Board of Trustees oonsisnnjr of seventeen, ten of whom shnll serve for life and as long as they are residents of Omaha. Nebraska^ The remaining seven shnll be elected nt the annual meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation and shall serve for n period of two years, or until their successors are duly elected nnd qualified. The Board of Trustees shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, nil of whom shall hold office for a term of one year. The regular annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held on the second Monday of March of each year. These articles may be amended at any repnlar or special meeting of the Board of Trustees by a two-thirds vote of all the trustees; provided, however, that Articles 1 nnd 3 shall never be amended. Dated nt Omnha, Nebraska, this 21st day of April. 1033. MAX BARISH SAM BEHER DAVIP BLACKER DAVID GOLDMAN ABE GOLDSTEIN DR. A. GRERNBERO J. ,T. GREEXBERG WM. L. HOI.CTAN PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK J.
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SHARE, for the ranks of those now seeking help are swollen by those who in previous years were among the donors. We must in this crisis share what we have, no matter how little that inay be, with the homeless, the hungry, the sick, the age#,tne crippled, the orphaned, and the jobless-—lest they perish. SHARE, or these, our people, are lost. Under present fenditions there can be no question, debate or delay-... we musljihare the last morsel of our resources. When we forego some of^our comforts, let us remember that there are many who are f acing starvation, who are at this very moment beseeching us for the luxary^ : of some bread. .. SHARE because so many depend upon you this year for a roof over their heads, for clothes to warm their limbs, for bare sus-. tenance to face a dawn that brings little hope and a night that brings no rest. *
SHARE that you may dispel the gloom that saps the courage of the Jobless. Share that you may shelter the homeless. Share that you may succor the sick and still the anguish of the aged and the helpless. Share that no Jewish mother shall suffer unanswered the heart-rending appeal of her hungry babies for food. Share that the proud Jewish tradition of giving without stint for the«are of our distressed may grow in strength. SHARE for all these reasons and for the reason that the Jewish Philanthropies offers us an opportunity to fulfill a noble community obligation. Share, no matter how little or how much. Let us give from what we have, for those we are helping have nothing at all. We cannot fail those who look to us to lighten their hearts and kindle that ray of hope without which life is meaningless and empty. SHARE, for this year their lives—Jewish lives—MUST be saved.
Fourth Annual CampaignMay 15
Your Messenger of Jewish News
ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1933
Shaare Zion
H o k k a Ghynik
Those who received the awards were Sioux City Chapter's participation in Sidney Baumstein, Sidney Bergen, the A. z" A. Convention this sumMilton Grueskin, Bill Lansberg, Rudy Shindler, Max Maron, and Max Zeligson. Each member spoke briefly following the disbursement of awards. Mount Sinai Sisterhood The last Sisterhood meeting of the Others on the program were Paddy Casey, four-year-old prodigy, who year will be held next Friday noon sang a group of popular numbers, in the Temple, following a 1 o'clock and David Montrose, Bill Lansberg, luncheon. Reports of the year's acJoe Barricks, and Wilbur Shindler, tivities will be made by the presiwho entertained with musical fea- dent and the committee chairmen. tures.
Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak this evening on the subject, "Off the Standard." Cantor Pliskin and the To everyone reading this week's Dr. Appelbaum, noted journalist choir will chant the service. B'naiBrith column we have an unusual offer to and lecturer, will lecture in Sioux The final service of the year will be make. We really feel that people are Members of the Jewish Communheld next Friday evening, when the entitled to something extra special City, on Sunday, May 14, at theity Center Dramatic Club presented Jewish Community Center. His congregation will hold a Mothers' for going to the trouble of reading subject will be "Colonization and In- a scene from "Merton of the MovFeatured on the program of the Service. it. That being the case we have ask- dustrial Development- in Palestine." ies," at the meeting of the B'nai Building Fund Carnival, May 15, Thursday afternoon, Rabbi Rabino- ed some of our leading local business Brith, Tuesday night. The cast inDr. Appelbaum has been active in cluded Al Novich, Harry Liberman, will be the Sweetheart Popularity witz spoke before the student body of men to cooperate with us this week. Contest, in which any child from the East High School. His subject was Here's the offer. M o r e y ' s Clothes the Zionist movement for the past Paul Sperling, Dorothy Mazor and thirty years. He is vice president of Morris Kifkin. ages of one to seven may be entered. "The World in Confusion." ihop, with the" purchase of eleven National Workers Alliance and Anyone desiring to enter the name Mr. Leon Dobrofsky presided, and Saturday morning, Morris Aizen- suits, will give away free (if you are the is their chief medical advisor. He Milton Bolsteih was in charge of the of a child for the contest, may do so berg, son of Mrs. Josaph Aizenberg, a Hokka Chynik reader only) one A.Z. A. Among the West Junior High stuby phoning one of the following wo- will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at the clothes brush in colors to match the is touring the United States and program. dents, whose names appeared on the . The A. Z. A. Chapter initiated the Canada from coast to coast. He men, who are in charge of the con- Shaare Zion Synagogue. suits. Doctor Frank Epstein, will exfollowing new members into the club Honor Roll for the past six weeks are test—Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. M. A capacity attendance participated tract one tooth free, for any one will be in Sioux City May 13 and Sr. Hadassah Monday evening: Joe Barricks, Rudy Ruth Baker, David Tilevitz, Katy 1 4 . •-;• • . . . • ' ; - . . .* . . E. Skalovsky, Mrs. Louis S. Gold- in the Annual Mother and Daughter eighty years old or;'oYer if accomShindler, Wilber Shindler, Milton Lass, Lester Lazriovrich, Minnie Okun, The National Workers Alliance is The Senior Hadassah Chapter berg, Mrs. Moe Lazere, Mrs. Morey banquet Wednesday evening, given by panied by both parents^ Coroner Boh Lehman, Morris Leubowitz, Milton Sam Edelman, Sam Rivin, Rebecca sponsoring the lecture. will hold its last board meeting of Lipshutz or Mrs. Abe Pill. Three the Ladies' Auxiliary of the syna- Krigsten will hold an inquest fbr Grueskin, Bill Lansberg and Earl Katz, Joe Maron, Max Stem, Clara the season next Monday, at the home cash awards will be made to thegogue. Among those who took part anyone whose demise is the direct Dvorkin, Esther Weiner, Gertrude flimowitz. of Mrs. E. • N. Grueskin. Plans for winners of the contest. in the program presented, following result of reading the- column,: and Lass, Dorothy Wutkin, Arthur Herthe "Give and Get" luncheon, schedThe baseball team held its initial In commenting on this new fea- the dinner, were Mrs. Reuben Miller, Morton Smith will give anybody a uled for May will be discussed. Mrs. practice at Gilman Terrace under soff. ture of the contest, Mr. Jake Kalin Mrs. Sam Shulkin, Mrs. Barney Bar- cigar if you come in with a gun and Among those whose names appearA number of lovely parties during and Mr. Jack Robinson said, "This on, Miss Bella Cohen, Miss Goldie Co- are big enough to take the cigar the past few weeks have been given, William Lazere, and Mrs. M. Levi- Sidney Bergen, temporary captain, ed on the North Junior Honor Roll tan are in charge of the affair. turnout to begin with and good mawill be a most amusing and enter- hen, Miss Dena Baron, Miss Sareeta away from him. What an offer. honoring Miss Dora Kaplan, whose A report will also be made on the terial show favorable prospects for were Miriam Barish, Ruth Singer, taining feature of the evening's pro- Krigsten, Miss Sally Levin, Miss Dor- What an offer. ; Silva Herzoff, Leah Rose Newman, marriage to Joe Kaiman of Villisca, Linen Shower, held in April. Mrs.another winning team this year. • gram. We hope that every member othy Merlin, Miss Serene Barrent, Helen Guttleman, Howard Sacks, Iowa, will take place on May 14. News is really scarce and gossip A. Silverberg and Mrs. Max B rod•of the Jewish community will make Mrs. Joe Levin, Miss Rose Tesler, Marvin Klass, president of theBetty Osnowitz, Ted Skalovsky, Lois Mrs. S. Levitan, 505 Omaha street, it a point to attend the affair." Miss Tillie Shindler, Rebecca Still- is still harder ,to • get, it is needless honored Miss Kaplan and her fiance key were co-chairmen of the project. chapter has submitted an essay on Levitt, Bob Marx, Harold Lefkovich, Louis Agranoff, John Levin, and man, Helen Herzoff, Rudolph Shind- then to tell you that real hot scandal at a dinner recently. Miss Evelyn "The Jew in the World's Progress," Arnold Rosenf eld, Morris Ginsberg, Morey Lipshutz are in charge of the ler and Morris Luebowitz. A string is not to be had. You can call this Kaiman to the National headquarters for aIrene Mirowitz, Sylvia Friedman, IotaTau of Omaha, was also a guest games for the evening of the Carni- trio composed of Jennie Shindler, Lib- any thing you want to but its a fact at the dinner. The Iota Tau Sorority met at the contest now in progress. Marion Shiloff, Eosana Dikel, Milton val. bie Olensky and Gisela Pill furnished that Florence H. made two trips to home of Miss Mazie Kaufman, TuesCommittees of the chapter are Salzman, Alvin Brodkey, Sibley NewMiss Kate Kaplan, sister of the Omaha in one week and she's either The Floor Committee, members of music during the dinner. still there or in Des Moines. Ruthie bride elect entertained for Miss Kap-i day evening. .Following the busi- working on ways and means for the man, Robert Cohen, and David Palin. • which will be in charge of the booths P. is still looking for a ride to Iowa Ian at the Seville, with a dinner and jness meeting an open forum was and floor arrangements, include J. ( held on Topics of the Day, after City to attend the Spring Junior bridge. Kalin, A. J. Galinsky, Sam Pickus, which the members adjourned to MountSinai A miscellaneous shower and eve-1 Prom, and even though we are takLester Heeger, Jack Cohen, Robert (PHONE 5-€?6/) bridge and refreshments. ning of bridge honoring Miss Kaplan Sacks, L. W. Goldberg, ;Bee Levin, ..'--'-."Children*' of the fourthgrade of ing a lot for granted, we think that was given Wednesday evening by her A. M. Baron, Morris Satin, Max thieReiigibus school will participate she's going down at the invitation of aunt, Mrs. Levitan. Five tables were POSTER AND BULLETIN ADVERTISING Phi Debs Bergen, Harry Wigodsky, Max Ber- in the services, at Mount Sinai Tem- Lionel L. Solly G. is out of the hospi- formed for the game. Party appoint* The Phi Deb Sorority members man, Ben Novitsky. and Frank Mar- ple tonight. Miss Gladys Weinberg tal to our sorrow cause now we'll ments denoted the chosen wedding is the teacher of the class. The have to pay him that two-bits we (SIOUX OUTDOOR ADV CO) were hostesses to ten couples at a golin. . children's program will precede the owe him. And who is the young man colors of Miss Kaplan, orchid and party Tuesday evening in the Seville sermon by Rabbi Lewis. SOUX OTY. IOWA who when accosted by a policeman green. Mrs. Abe Mason of Graf ton, Cafe, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mr. Ely Jacobson, well known to SSN PAMTM* tUUCTMS Children of the Religious school for passing a red light, promptly re- N. D. was an out of town guest at Deitch of Minneapolis and Miss all Sioux Cityans, announces the op- whose names appear on the honor plied: "What light"? Here's a hot the party. WAilMHtAY Anne Maron, who will leave soon for ening Wednesday, May 10th, of Ed- roll for the month of April include one. Figure this one out. What two an extended stay with relatives in ward's Shirt and Hat Store, at 503 the following: Barbara Robinson, Sub Debs were seen nonchalantly A number of Sioux Cityans motorFifth Street in the Frances build- Helen Levine, Morton Greenstone, falling down from the effects of 3.2 ed to Brookings, So. Dak., Sunday, Los Angeles. Dancing and a late ing. Mr. Jacobson will feature a Joanne Agranoff, Harold Rosenthal, beer? and will their mothers be mor- to attend the Bris of Robert Howard supper occupied the evening's hours. . * - - . » . complete line of new and stylish Sammy Heeger, Seymour Robinson, tified? (See next week's column). London, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. men's wear at popular prices. He Bernard Weiner, Marjorie Weinberg, Jack London, Jr., of Brookins. Among Business Girls Who is the .woman who after see- them were Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Lonwill feature nationally known and Betty Marx,-Doris Marx, Sidney Members of the Business Girls' nationally advertised merchandise, Goldberg, Milton Mazie, Ruth Wein- ing one of Mickey's Gross's super don, Miss Esther London, Mr. and Club entertained Wednesday evening colossal programs consisting of four among them being Wilson Bros., Van er and Dorothy Davis. Archie Weiner, Mr. B.. D. Dub- following their regular meeting, honA $3.00 SHOW ONBROADWAY! big time vodvil acts, two comedies and Mrs. Heusen, Arrow and others. row, Is Harlow, Rogie and Abe Koz- oring Miss Dora Kaplan, a member a four star feature picture, and who Mr. Jacobson will carry a complete berg and Rabbi J.-.-.D. Maron. of the group, and a bride of this FEATURING "Spring is here" says Herman Mir- also ate three cheese sandwiches and 5 Big Screen Acts and varied line of shirts,'hosiery, Others who were in Brookings for month. two cups of coffee in the lobby, and owitz, owner of the Sioux City WinHELEN HAYES hats, neckwear, underwear, men's acaffair were Mr. and Mrs. Abe dow Shade and Glass Co. "It is time parked her car at Hanford's Garage the THE MILLS BROTHERS 'cessories and invites his friends to to Pred, of Aberdeen; Mr. and Mrs. Joe "A FAREWELL TO look over your window shades and free, walked out of the theatre com- Richards and MrV and Mrs. Ted THE STREET SINGER .visit him in his new shop. Maccabees see just which ones need to be re- menting bitterly because there had Fishman ARMS" of Flandre'au, Mr. and Mrs. The Maccabee Club held its meetMORTON DOWNEY placed, cleaned or reversed. "As a been no Mickey Mouse on the pro- Dave Krutz, With 1 and Iktr. and Mrs. Lou VINCENT LOPEZ special offer Mr. Mirowitz announces gram. We found out later that she Abrams of Marshall, Minn., Mr. and ing Sunday, April 29, featuring an STOCKS BONDS GARY ADOLPH JACK BENNY that he will clean one shade free had been the non paying half on Mrs. Pete Heegeif '& De Smet, S. D. open forum on Beer. The discussion COOPER MENJOU a two-for-one ticket. (See next week's was led by Henry Ginsburg and BEN DANSBY JR. without obligation. All you have to do Mr. and Mrs, Morris Miller, Mr. and Nathan Levich. Nathan Levich was is call 82779 and they will call for column for names.) STARTS SATURDAY Mrs. Morris Ackerman and Mr. and appointed chairman of the memberAND CO; the shade, clean it and then deliver Whose burning flame of a fewMrs. Joe Borden of Sioux Falls, S. ship committee to succeed Jack Mirit to your home free of charge, just months ago, now sits at home while 630 Davidson Bldg. Ph. 55349 owitz. . as a means of introducting to you a far less attractive remme occupies D. ;The Maccabee-Debra joint party this new service. There Is no otliet his time and- spends1 his dough to obligation. Al Sokolsky entertained a group was held last Saturday evening in the mutual disapproval of the comof friends Sunday evening at a "Re- the Community Center. Max Zeligmunity at large and this column The Methodist in particular. (See next week's col- cuperating", party in his home.\The son was in charge of the program, Hospital "umn). j evening was spent a t bridge, after which was dedicated to members of the Maccabee Basketball team. Minwhich a luncheon was served. FLASH—Just under the wire!!!!! 29TH a n a DOUGLAS S T S . iature silver basketballs were given Announces the Opening, Wed., May 10, of The news has just reached us 'that Auto Phone 8-3567 to the members of the team during Miss Bess Zeligson entertained the five years of the clubs existence. the local candy man who shot all his G. T . NOTSON, D. D., Supt. GARDENS business associates and then chose sixteen friends, Monday evening, honthe easiest way out was prompted to oring Mrs. Morris Deitsch, who with "Sioux City's Pleasure Spot" do so after haying spent four months her husband is visiting with relaHOUSE RENTALS ai*pi or DINE AND DANCE of futile effort, endeavoring to pro-tives in Sioux City. Mrs. Deitsch was PROPERTY MANAGEMENT duce a triple Snicker Bar to retail formerly Miss Faye Klass of this —With— ALL LINES OF INSURANCE at 2c each, and give as a premium a city. ORVILLE RENNIE'S W H0Ja.WAttUO&*-6°9 NEBRASKA ST Bridge was the * evening's enterboy scout ax free. SOO REALTY CO. Ob.it ORCHESTRA PHONE 5-S182 When love wanes after ten years tainment. The guests surprised Mrs. CECIL R. SEFF, Mgr. Deitsch with a shower of kitchen 216 Davidson Bids. Ph. 85471 of marital bliss something is bound Wednesday & Saturday Nights Efficient Service a t Moderate Cost V "•;.•"•••*•'.'••• ' Offering a Complete and Stylish to happen. (SEE NEXT WEEK'S g i f t s . J COLUMN). --..,;.;.. Mr. and Mtsl Deitsch will depart Array of Smart New Next week's column will be written this week for Minneapolis where they will make their home. in code understandable to paid up SEE Men's Furnishings subscribers only. Send your two dolLEONARD BARRICKS Miss Mildred Ruth Baron, visited New shades in latest collars in at once. FREE in Des Moines recently, with her FOR ors made to fit your winTo introduce this service we cousin, Lawrence Baron, who is a Aetrna Life Insurance will clean one of your shades HATS—Pure fur felts, in all dows. Old shades renoHow many people live on the repu- patient - in a Des Moines hospital. "Insurance of All Kinds" FREE. Just call 82779, we styles and shades. Nationally vated by our process will tation of the reputation they might While there, she was the house guest 435 Ins. Exch. Bldg., Ph. 85210 will call and deliver. There known brands— look like new. they might have made.—Holmes. of Mrs. Arnold Bramson, formerly is no other obligation.. Miss Vivian Mosow of this city.
School News
Society News
Mrs. J. Schiff of Chicago, a former Sioux Cityan, is visiting with friends in Sioux City this week.
Phone 82779
4 Days Starting Saturday AUTOMOBILE FURNITURE
PERSONAL LOANS OF $100 TO S300 As dignified us a hank loan and convenient as a "charsre account" Out ot Town Loans Conveniently Made by 3IaIl
Securities Investment Corp. of Iowa 201 United A. 31. NI'STRO.M, Bank BIder.
Phone 5-5CGG
N. W . Corner of 5th and Jackson
Mr. Morris Pill, accompanied by Alice and Bobby Pill, spent Sunday in Omaha.
Inside Paint
Per Gallon
Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Overhauled. Parts in Stock for All Makes E. C. WOLFF, Prop. 411 5th St. Phone 84730
55c and $1 500 Jackson St.
Parti Accessories At/Makes e/id Models i A STONES THROW FROM THE BUSINESS. DISTRICT
(MA umN'osuu.im\ J PETTY
The Sweetest Place in Town'
4 Days
Until 2 P. M. Balcony Anytime
| BIG SCREEN SHOW f 50c After 6 35c to 6 P. M. 4 Days
SHIRTS by Van Heusen and Wilson Bros., also other nationally known brands—
Phone 56595
3 BIG DAYS Coming Wednesday, May 10th
B U Y YOUR CAR 01% WEST 7thST. MOTOR ROW Hew Authorised Service ts ew and Used Cars
TIES — Hand made, resilient <;onstruction, wrinkle proof—
Miss Ruth White visited friends in Omaha, last Monday.
Strauss Key Co.
Nancy Carroll Roscoe Kerns — PLUS-
Complete Line of PAINT
"Best Girls' Band lr» the World"
519 4th Street