May 19, 1933

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

hedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

KutervU us £k'couc]-lVqu>. Unit Muttec en JanBBi Post office at Oinahn, Nebraska, ander tb» Act o i l




Artist Seeking to Shed German Name

New York, (J.TA.)—Lester, Rosenfeld wants to be Lester.Meld. Mr. JBosenfeld, or Field, an artist, has applied to the Supreme Court for permission to change his name behe is "desirous of abandoning Confiscation of Property Belonging to German cause a- name which betrays a Germanic famfly origin entirely opposed to Ms Jews Is Feared as Next sympathies and convictions," his peNazi Step. tition reveals. He feels a Germanic name "an obstacle to the advantagBerlin, (J.T.A.)—Deprivation of Nazis, had seen another Jew hanged the Jews of the right to inherit from the branch of a tree" and a eous disposition of his works and to land is a feature of the. new land Jewish child stabbed in the neck. The his position as an artist." code, one of the most revolutionary prosecuting attorney asserted that innovations in land laws in many the woman planned to relate these years, wljich. was announced by Hans incidents in Poland. He referred to Kerrl, president of the Prussian Diet. her cohabitation with Paszkalski as The law restricts inheritance of land "a sin against Ijer German blood." to "German c i t i z e n s of German Isadore Klein, a horse dealer, sixblood." The cabinet is expected to ap- ty-three years old, was -sentenced to prove the bill soon. The bill provides fifteen months imprisonment because for the revocation of the right of in- he alleged that he had seen Nazis heritance of large estates and pro- stab a Jewish child and spread salt vides that land must be handed on and pepper over the wounds. from iather to oldest son, undivided. Whether land o w n e d by Jews in NO BOOK BY Prussia, in which; state only the new JEW code applies, would be confiscated, Innsbruck.—''Coordination" of t§e could not be learned. book publishing business in Germany to the program of the National SoConfiscation Since finances in Germany are cialist party, has been accomplished. running low and the Nazi program Henceforth, books by Jewish authors, has not yet shown any way of tid- written in Germany or abroad, will ing economic chaos, it is feared by not be published in Germany. many observers that the Nazis will be forced, as their next step in an NAZIS' ANTI-SEMITIC RAG • empty program, to seize the proper- INSULTS CATHOLICS Berlin.—Bitter attacks against the ty, both real and personal, of the Germans who are not Nazis and con- Pope and the Roman Catholic Archfiscate the property to their own use. bishops in France and Melbourne, This will particularly fit in with Australia, who protested against Natheir purpose, since Jewish citizens zi anti-Jewish atrocities in Germany, own many shares of stock and. in- have -been featured in the Arische terests in the various German in- Eundsch_u, successor to the Voelkisher Beobachter as the chief Nazi • dustries and companies. anti-Semitic propaganda organ. The Philip M. Klutznick SETS AFOOT paper says of the Roman. Catholic church that "not less than fifteen of Above is shown Philip M. Klutznick, BOYCOTT CONFERENCE who this week was appointed assistant New York.—Amovement has been its popes had Jewish blood." It also takes up the report that city, Mayor Roy N. Towl. set afoot in New York for an international conference next month on the Popej in his recent interview Klutinick, who is executive secretary the question of boycotting Nas^Cjer- wijfT'Vke-CEancc't'cr Von Papsa- at -oflthe A. Z. A., has/been granted a many, according to the Any/Ban VatiUm City, had declared.that the leave of absence by the supreme adLeague for the Defense of Jewish anti-Jewish policy in Germany was visory council, until the international not in accordance with . Catholic be- convention this summer in Omaha. Rights here. A large-scale, nationwide boycott lief s and ironically adds that the He plans to continue his private move against the Nazis was officially Nazis are well aware that their rev- practice of law. launched at the New York conference. olution "will fall upon the,nerves of Plans are being made to reorganize certain elements." "We Must Go on With and concert activities leading to a Boycott" complete boycott of products of Ger- BILL FOR LETTING PARIS,—Henri Torres, well-known man manufacture until the Hitler re- GERMANS STAY French-Jewish lawyer, declared at a gime restores the political and civil Washington. —- A bill permitting meeting held in protest against the rights of the Jews. German aliens now in this country, anti-Jewish excesses in Germany, New York City will be divided intp whose passports are about to expire, sections, and teams will see to it that to reside in the United States an that "we must go on with the boythe boycott is carried out effectively additional two years, was introduced cott action." in the city. in the House of Representatives by : Dr. A., Corolnik: is ^chairman.-of;the Congressman Sol Bloom, of New Debate on Polygamy league. ' • T York.

Philip Klutznick Named Assistant City Attorney

ropies Gala Opening of Highland (Mpuntry Early Club on May 27 A gala opening is being planned for the Highland Country Club Saturday, May 27. Many reservations have already been made for the affair. Randall's Royal orchestra will jplay. Abe Herzberg, president, has appointed the following committee chairmen for the summer season: Milton Livingston, house committee; David Ferer, entertainment; Sam Leon, greens; Leslie Burkenroad, membership; Abe Brodkeyj tournament; Mrs. Philip Levey, women's activities; Mrs. Manning Handler, women's golf committee. The new members of the club were honored at a stag dinner Tuesday at the club house. A bridge tea will be given for the women tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Ernest Nogg is in charge, and members may bring guests. On Tuesday, May 23, regular Ladies day will start at the Highland and will be held every Tuesday. The women plan to open their_gplf season with an eighteen-hole-handicap competition, which will be played for two successive weeks, nine holes per week. All the women golfers have been divided into two classes, and prizes will be awarded for jhe low scores in both divisions. i

Breakfast at JvC* C Sunday Morning to Launch "Clean-up" for the Annual Campaign

The enthusiastic campaigners for tables during the report luncheons, the Jewish Philanthropies are Hearing they recount the various interesting the three-quarter mark and are incidents they came across. pressing onward toward a whirlwind Thus, the story is told of a patient finish to an enheartening drive. m a local hospital, who anxiously At', the report luncheon. Thursday asked his doctor to take his pledge to at the Jewish Community Center the the campaign headquarters so that it total of $26,838185 i n ' pledges had would be registered with the totals been turned in, but all the majors had before the drive came to a close. not been heard from at press time and Or, the tale about a certain whiteit is expected that their reports will haired, white-bearded gentleman who swell the totals considerably. is barely making a living, yet gives an eighteen-dollar pledge on the theA breakfast for all workers of all divisions will be held ait the ory that he can somehow save five Center on Sunday morning at 8 cents a day for the Jewish Philana. m. The breakfast will launch thropies. His is a lesson from which the "dean-up" campaign. many can learn. Thirty local, national, and interna- Then, there is the story of Johanna tional Jewish relief and educational Howard, the colored woman who cainstitutions will' be the beneficiaries ters at the Center. No one so much as thought of soliciting her for a doof this campaign for $40,000. nation for the Philanthropies. But she "We will not fail,? were the words of cheer from Dr.-Abe Gfeenberg, gen-: eral chairman* of the drive, Thursday. Attention, Workers! Those in need depend upon onr liberalityof giving and-in this crisis we There will be a breakfast for the are determined that every possible workers of all divisions in the Jewcent be pledged. ish Philanthropies campaign at the "The efforts both of the generals Community Center Sunday and the privates in this vast army of Jewish volunteer workers have been moist en- morning at 8 a. m. This will start the "clean-up" of couraging. : But we must not have a the drive, and all campaign worklet-down until our work is completed." During the campaign the Jewish ers are urged to be present. Community Center, headquarters for the drive, has been teeming with ac- felt insulted that she had been slighttivity as workers come and go, infor- ed, demanded a pledge card, and filled mation is sought and given, details it out for an amount which for her are worked out, and difficulties ironed was considerable. A certain individual who used to be out. The report luncheons have been a most liberal contributor to local well attended, and have aided in gen- charitable drives, moved away from The principal speaker at the eighth erating pep for the campaign. the city three years ago. Only occasionally does he come into Omaha, on annual convention of the southwest At "Women's Day" business trips. Yet so strongly does region which takes place in Omaha Thursday noon, Mrs. Jeanette Am- he feel the ties that bind him to local Sunday and Monday, May 28 and stein, chairman of the women's diviswork and so impressed is 29, will be Dr. Evelyn Garfield ion, was presented with a purse by charitable he with the worthiness of the work her co-workers in tribute to her tire- aided by the Philanthropies that he Kadushin of Madison, Wis. Dr. Kadushin is known for ber less work. The presentation was sent in a very generous «heck. unusual ability as a speaker. She made by Mrs. H. A. Wolf. The maid of a certain prominent Interesting Stories has recently returned from a year's famfly: has worked for Jewish stay in Palestine and "while there As the workers sit around the Jewish people most of her life. When she to Be Held Sunday acquainted herself with every phase NO CHANCE FOR heard that this year's drive was now MORE VISAS of Hadassah work. Dr. Kadushin is on, she-asked that he employer take OTHER EMPLOYMENT the wife of Rabbi Max Kadushin, {Jerusalem. -*- Hi<gi = Commissicner The question, "Resolved, That Poly: a dollar out of her next week's wages A scheme to prevent dismissed Wauchope promised an additional gamy Should Be Introduced," will lie president of the Hillel Foundation. and give it to the Philanthropies. Jewish employees from finding any two hundred Palestine visas immed- the subject for debate between, the Other speakers at the banquet, to These are but a few of the many ether ocupation has been conceived iately for German Jews able to meet Young Men's Vaad and the Junior be held Sunday evening, May 28, will incidents being told by the workers. «iy the Nazis who have -declared a financial requirements, in an inter- Vaad Auxiliary Sunday night, May 21, be William L. Holzman and- Rabbi They give heart and inspiration to six months' ban. on the opening of view with Emanuel Neumann, Am- at 8:30, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, David A. Goldstein. The banquet the campaigners. new retail establishments "in the in- erican member of the Palestine Ex- Eighteenth and Chicago streets. will be for both men and women. terests and protection of r e t a i l ecutive of the Jewish Agency. "Early Bird" Breakfast An interesting program is also Sal Michnik and Ralph Nogg will trade." -, : The "Early Bird" breakfast Monday defend the affirmative side and Mar- planned for the luncheon Monday, Nazis Seek Ban of Fraternal This actually means that dismissmorning officially launched the camMay 29. After the luncheon there tha Lippett and Dora Freshman will Order Throughout ed Jewish officials and others of the paign. Dr. Greenberg presided. uphold the negative. Harry Trustin, will be a tour of the city for the Germany intellectual classes for whom the The "send-off" address was given visiting delegates. Following lie city commissioner, will preside as only possibility of a livelihood["exby David Goldman, chairman of ths tour they "will be entertained at a chairman. Anne Hahn has charge of Cincinnati, (J.T.A.)—Removal of initial gifts committee. After stressisted in their opening of small busitea at the Highland Country Club. the sale of tickets. the Anti-Defamation department of ing the dire need of the day and the newes, now are prevented from folloning this intention and are compelthe B'nai Brith from Cincinnati to necessity to care for the sick, to feed led to consume their savings with '.. The summer schedule for the JewChicago, in order to permit a more the hungry, look after the widows and the danger that they will be com- ish Community Center physical deintensive campaign against anti-Sempletely destitute within a very short partment, effective June 1, has been itic propaganda in this country, was period. • ' decided here at a central administrareleased by Morris H. Sogolow, dition board meeting under the chairrector. BERLIN JEWISH manship of Alfred M. Cohen, presiThe schedule: BLACKLIST dent of the B'nai Brith. At the same Swimming Classes Temple Israel will this evening music, and a feature will be the meeting it was also agreed that the Innsbruck.—A black-list of Jewish Matron women: Monday and Wedcelebrate the twenty-fifth anniver- singing of the dedication hymn combusiness concerns, shops and doctors 11 to 12. a. m., 6 to 9 p. m.; sary of the dedication of the pres- posed by Dr. Cohn twenty-five years B'nai Brith would accept sponsorship has been carefully compiled and dis- nesday, Tuesday and Thursday, 3 to 4 p. ent temple with a jubilee congre- ago, the music to which was com- of the new Hillel Foundation at London, (J.T.A.)—An appeal to tributed to the population of Berlin m.; Northwestern University, Chicago, Sunday, 3 to 5 p. m. the Jewish youth of England to regational dinner and program, and posed by V. C. Bennett. with an urgent request that citizens and would continue to work for AmBusiness and senior women: Mon- special services. This marks 62 years Dr. Frederick Cohn, who started erican Jewish unity of leadership in frain from engaging in clashes with of the city boycott all mentioned on the list. The new blacklist resembles day and Wednesday, 6 to 9 p. m ; of the existence of Temple Israel in his thirtieth year in Omaha as a consideration of the problem of the British Fascists was made over the signatures of Chief Rabbi Joseph Omaha. spiritual leader of the Temple in Jews of Germany. a city directory and shows that a Sunday, 3 to 5 p. m. Junior girls: Monday and Wedspecial staff has been engaged in The services will start at 8 March, helped dedicate the temple A flood of anti-Jewish propaganda Hertz, Neville Laski, president of the preparing and checking the data in- nesday, 4 to 5 p. m.; Sunday, . 3 o'clock, and the dinner, which will as its rabbi a quarter of a century in this country, both oral and printed, Board of Jewish Deputies, and Leonto 4 p.| m. ard Montefiore, president of the Ancluded in the directory. be served by members of the Sister- ago. makes necessary increased defensive glo-Jewish Association. Senior men: Tuesday and Thurshood, will begin at 6:30. William Past presidents who will be presThe directory is divided into two action, Sigmund Livingston, chairman The appeal draws attention to "the sections in accordance with the dis- day, 7 to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 11 a. m. L. Holzman will be toastmaster. ent at the anniversary affair are of the Anti-Defamation League, exto 1 p. m.; daily, noon, 5 to 6 p. m. After Kiddush by Rabbi Cohn, David Rosenstock, Henry Rosenthal, plained. grave situation which has arisen tricts and streets of the city. NonBusiness and high school boys: Abe Goldstein, president of the con- William L. Holzman, Harry Rosenthe recent disturbances between Jewish residents of each street are Transfer of the offices of the de- from Jews and Fascists. Without any dereceiving f r o m an anonymous Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p. m.; gregation, will speak. Remarks will feld and Isidore Ziegler. partment to Chicago will permit clossire to fix responsibility for the street source, the section of the book con- Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 2 p. also be made by Mrs. Ferdinand Mrs. Morris Levy is the oldest Adler, first president of the Sister- surviving widow of the early presi- er cooperation between Richard E. fighting, the signers of the appeal excerning their neighborhood in order m. to 3 p. m.; daily, 5 to 6 p. m. Gustadt, director of its special activ- press conviction that no matter what Junior boys: Tuesday and Thurs- hood, and by Mrs. Carl Furth, pres- dents of the congregation. that they may avoid Jewish concerns ities, and the League chairman. day, 4 to 5 p. m.; Sunday, 2 to 3 ent head. Mr. Herman Rehfeld will the provocation, Jewish participation and professional men whom the dirThe dedication of the "new" temp. m. speak briefly as one of the oldest ple twenty-five years ago was in "such disturbances brings discredSeek Ban ectory lists. Gymnasium Classes members of the congregation, and marked with a three-day celebration. Berlin.—A demand to prohibit the it upon the Anglo-Jewish comrrranity JUST AN EXAMPLE Matron women: Monday and Wed- Louis Somberg will talk as presi- Samuel Katz was president of the B'nai Brith, one of the world's larg- and can only be harmful to the great dent of the Brotherhood. A response congregation, and Mrs. Harry May est Jewish fraternal organizations, cause." A novel case was aired in court nesday, 10:30 a. m. to 11 a. m. when a Christian woman was senBusiness girls: Monday and Wed- will be given by Master William was head of the Sisterhood. Sir Oswald Mosley, in an interwhich numbers thirteen thousand Schlaes on behalf of this year's tenced to twenty-one months impri- nesday, 6 to 8:45 p. m. view with the Jewish Chronicle, emmembers in Germany, is made in the sonment because she intended to folSenior men: Free gym at all confirmation class, the entire class Nazi press. As a result of this de- phasizes at length that the British low her Jewish suitor, Solomon Pasz- hours gym not in use by classes. being the guests of the Brotherhood Trustin to Address mand, the early closing down of the Fascist organization which he heads kalski, back to Poland and was susSogolow reports that gym classes at the celebration. Omaha Hebrew Club B'nai Brith in Germany must be ex- is not anti-Semitic lie stressed the pected of planning there to spread for matron women and business girls Harry Wilinsky is in charge of arinstructions issued to its members pected. "atrocity" propaganda. will continue for the month of June. rangements. Harry Trustin, newly-elected city It is being considered as "a Jew- forbidding them even to m e n t i o n Frau Gerda Goehring, who was The classes are held on Mondays The anniversary address at the commissioner, will address the Oma- Masonic lodge combating the Aryan "Jew." divorced from her Christian husband, and Wednesdays, the matrons meet- evening's services will be by Dr. ha Hebrew club Sunday afternoon, at world" in present-day Germany Moreover, all British citizens can . had witnessed an .attack on an _aged ing at! 10:30 a.,m. and the ."business! Cohn on "Twenty-five Years in the the Jewish Community Center, at there isand no room for such organiza- be- enrolled as members of his or'"' '•' ' ~ Jew who had his beard torn' out by girls at 6 p. in.' Tempte" There will be special 4:30 p, m, tions, the Nazi Dress declare* ganization, lie said, including Jews.




Temple Anniversary Celebration Tonight


orphans, and to strengthen characterbuilding agencies, Goldman stressed the necessity for making this "an allyear-round" campaign. ' I t is not sufficient to collect our pledges and say we are through. We should become a self-appointed army of Jewish workers, educating the Jewish people of the community with the vital work of the Philanthropies, keeping the spirit of the Philanthropies and the Jewish cause alive throughout the year." * Justin Wolf gave the other principal address. "The institutions benefitting from the Philanthropies are the life and soul and blood of everything the Jew holds dear to him," he stated. "In the unifying principle of a Jewish campaign can be found the one bond that holds all Jews together, regardless of social or religious affiliations." He urged the need of building now, so as to counteract persecutions of the future. Short talks were given by Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Max M. Barish, and J. S. Pearlstein. First Report Luncheon David Goldman presided at the first report luncheon held Tuesday noon. The majors and divisional heads made their reports, amounting to $15,863.50, or approximately forty per cent of the quota, on the first day. "Harry A. Wolf gave the address t& the first luncheon. "After our splendid work thus far," he pleaded, "let's not allow our enthusiasm to die. Times are not easier, but the Jewish heart is softer, because our people are impressed with the present distressful situation. "Don't get discouraged if some of those solicited rebuff you. Those who are able to give but do not answer the call of the hour are to be pitied." Abner Kaiman led community singing at all report luncheons. T:r--:day Luncheon The total turned in by the report luncheon on ""^sday was $20,674.75. Max Barish presided at this meeting. Henry Monsky, veteran of many campaigns, gave an inspirational address, urging the workers to sell the prospects on the needs of the beneficiaries and to persist as tenaciously as workers of the initial gifts did. "The campaign has resolved itself into a que?tion of staying on the. job and enthusiastically carrying' the message of the Jewish Philanthropies into every Jewish home. "Conditions stimulate rather than retard giving:. The situation as depicted is not campaign propaganda, and if the contributors urtdergive, it is your fault and not the prospect's," Sunday Evening Dr. M. Hexter of Palestine spok-: to a large group at the Jewish Community Center Sunday evening, A former member of the Harvard faculty and a former president of the National Bureau of Social Workers, he in now a member of the Palestine executive of the Jewish Agency. A large number of women workers attended the program and tea at the Center Friday afternoon. H. A. Wol! gave the pep talk. Little Philip Sokolof entertained with songs and dances. Radio talent also featured the program, which included piano selections by John Kowalski.

Bazaar for Benefit of National Fund A bazaar for the benefit of the Jewish National .fund will be sponsored by the Daughters of Zion at the Jew* ish Comm-cmity Center, Sunday, May 21. Sandwiches and pop will be sold. The organization hopes to raise its quota through this affair and a card party next month. Tel-Avid,—The proposal made by the Tel-Aviv municipality to establish a small harbor at Tel-Aviv was rejected by Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lie-> ter, under-Secretary for the Colonies. He declared it was necessarj first to consolidate the Jaffa bor.

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 19,1933 Trustin and Frank Myers, to the citizens. It will be an. all-day affair, 'with the park to open at 10 o'clock in the morning and remain open until midnight. One ten-cent ticket, purchased either at the park gate or from the Independent Voters league workers, will admit one to all of the entertainment and will be good for free eats at the barbecue.

Cure Persecutions

Zionist Congress to Open on August 16

tribe, save only the story of Jesus of which it is the unending repetition. Is this story never to be ended? It can be ended by the Jew, if he will only change himself — forget his lineage, forsake his faith, betray his God. But by what right do we ask the Jew thus to commit racial suicide? Why should we not ourselves end his horror by ending our own shame? The remedy for the persecution of the .Jews is very simple. It is that we shall live the spirit of our faith—by which I mean that we shall henceforth treat all Jews today as we would treat one Jew, were He, the Nazarene, to come again to earth. Why not, why not? Fo what a dead Jew in the gratters of Berlin is to- a Nazi at this hour is only what a dead Jew on the hill -"of Cavalry- outside Jerusalem was to a. Bo man at that ancient hour. It is time that the crucifixion were no more, else to the end of time shall the Jews themselves be the only persons worthy of the Christ. (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Art Feature Syndicate.)


r&gwniststoljwe "Spirit By Dr. John Hayaes Holmes This is the last of a series ,of three articles by Dr. John Haynes Holmes, spiritual leader of the ^Community church. John Haynes .Holmes' answer ito the question "Why Are Jews Persecuted" is as courageous as it is repealing.—The Editor,

of aliantastic; theology'of thisltype fend* them; no flag, to enshroud themi did this Christians lay on the Jews the no land to which> to'^flee. Even as vengeance of the Most'High, and ap- citizens in their new-found countries, point themselves the agents of this loyal citizens, who have unselfishly vengeance upon the earth. served the state in days of peace and At the very start of Christianity, in heroically died for it in days of war, other words, this new and wonderful they jnay be cast out at any time, as religion was made synonymous with in Germany at this hour, and find There is a special cause of persecu- anti-Semitism. No words can exag- none on all this planet to give them tion which is involved in the experi- gerate the tragedy of this historical aid or comfort. Invariably they have ence of the Jewish people. There can accident, nor its significance in the lived, and still live, as a minority be no doubt about the general .cause annals of our western civilization. The group' among peoples not their own, of difference, of which J! wrote prev- logic of Orthodox Christianity is anti- and thus invariably they have been, iously. In the same way, can there Semitism. Just to the extent that and still are, attached and. ravishedbe any doubt as to this special cause? Christians believe their own faith, with absolute impunity. WheneverrWhat I have in mind, as you must an- they must hate and persecute Jews. on occasion of great excitement, as in ticipate, is the gxiilt of the Jews, in Only to the extent that they reject or Hitler's Germany, it is necessary to the eyes of the Christian world, in re- remain indifferent to their own dog- stir men with agitation and to mojecting and slaying Jesus. The phrase mas, can they be friendly to Israel. bilize them for action, the Jews are "Ghrist-kfllers" has again and again Which means that Christianity, by right at hand to serve as scapegoats. lifted the sword of massacre against which I mean the theology of the When men want to hate somebody, the helpless kindred of the Nazarene. church and not the teachings of the kill somebody, lynch somebody, to great founder of the faith, is itself magnify their own greatness by huOf course there is no truth in this the special cause of Israel's agony! miliating and persecuting others, they indictment of Israel by Christendom, I count it something more than a CQ-. always turn against those among save as the indictment has been de- incidence that the one country in the them who are most helpless. In some liberately forged against a whole peo- world today where the Jew is abso- is Negroes, or Catholics, or ple in the interest of a hard-and-fast lutely free of the age-old burden of Communists; in all places it may be theology. What happened in Pales- persecution and prejudice, is that one Jews. Anti-Semitism is cruel, but tine is a perfectly plain and also per- country where the Orthodox Chrisfectly commonplace chapter of his- tian Church has been wiped out by most of all it is cowardly. Chief tory. The . tory of Jesus is a story the fait of government. I do not among all the skulking bullies of the world are the men who, with all powwhich has been written by nearly all argue from this, even for the sake of er and opinion on their side, hunt out the great prophetic souls. Thus, a young radical appeared among the my Jewish friends, that Christianity the stricken sons of Jsrael,. and murcommon people of his count r- This should be destroyed. I do insist, how- der them as those who have no radical, profoundly moved by the. in- ever, that the Christian faith as em- strength to defend and save themjustices of the times, began to preach bodied in the creeds and organized in selves. revolt and to organize agitation. It the churches, must be cast aside as a With this, too, there goes along anwa| not long bsfore he was. arrested superstition, and the religion of Jesus other angle of persecution, which is and placed on trial for sedition. The restored to the simple love and broth- important. I refer to the psychologiNazarene, in other words^by.the fire erhood of the gospel.of the Jew.of cal law that men always hate and - -: .r of.iiis word t and the courage of his Galilee. r fear .those whom they- have,injured% exEOiiple, made himself dangerous to - Such are the two-great and funda- It seems! as though it were impossible" church and state, and straightway mental causes of the persecution of for men to tolerate the'presence of was put to death by these two tradi- the Jews. There is the general cause other men who have suffered injury tional instruments of tyranny and op- inherent in that distinctive or "dif- at their hands. From ** is standpoint, pression This drama is nothing ferent" character which has made Is- the jew walks as a perpetual restrange. It has been enacted again rael through all the centuries a "peo- proach against our world. His mere andj again in a hundred different ple." In addition, there is> this spe- living is an accusation of our crime times and places. But when in any cial cause inherent in the theological and guilt. We cannot abide with him other case has it been made the oc- doctrine of Christendom. :To these because we.can have no easy concasion of persecution! Imagine our must be added other causes, both gen- science while he is with us. We would murdering Greeks today, because So- eral and special, which play their destroy him that we may destroy the krates was put to death-in Athens! part, though they be less important, haunting spectre of our own shame. Who thinks of torturing and mas- in this vast tragedy. Of these I have Thus persecution is itself the seed sacering Italians because men of space to name but one. from which persecution grows. We Italian breed and speech martyred the I refer to the fact that the Jews kill the Jew today because we killed great Giordano Bruno? What would have always been, and still are today, him yesterday. jOn Israel is. laid the we think if a persecution was begun against Americans because our fath- a weak people. In the ancient days, supreme and final agony of being ers killed John Brown, the one su- when they lived within the borders of themselves the evidence of men's ofpreme martyr of American history ? their own country, they were one of fenses. Some time we shall find the the smallest and feeblest of the na- way, God grant, - of absolving ourNo persecution of this sort would tions of the eastern world. Israel lay selves of our own misery, which is ever have been visited upon the Jews, like a little village, so to speak, on the misery of the Wood-letting of our in the name of Jesus or of any other the great highway between Egypt to kind. But until that hour comes we prophet, had it not been for the theo- the west and Assyria and Babylonia shall not ourselves be easy, nor our logizing of the Nazarene's story.' Look to the east. Over this great highway Jewish brethren safe.. . at what has happened very early after trampled the mighty legions of conSuch is our answer to the question: the death of Jesus, the Christian tending kingdoms. When Rome con- Why are Jews persecuted? May I inchurch transformed the story of. his quered the earth, Palestine was r life' into a sacred drama of cosmic corporated as ja'iner^ cbrne^ bf the summarize the whole statement in a history. The church" started out by Empire, and h^r-'populatioriilbstas a: •siiijgle sentencet The Jews are si stealing the Old Testament,* ihaTdhg" negligible unit^in a-vast-congeries of people of noble history, fine" intelliit a part of Christian scriptures, and peoples. After the dispersion, the gence, exalted spiritual genius, who rewriting or reinterpreting it in the Jews of course were nothing 'but an suffer persecution because, amid coninterest of the Christian tradition.-It alien group of helpless! men and worontnued its work by appropriating men, living on sufferance in the far ditions of far exile and fearful want, Jesus of Nazareth, transforming him flung lands to which in'despair and they remain steadfastly loyal to their from the son of Mary into the son of agony they had fled. Even in our own racial and religious traditions God, and making him the Saviour of own time, they remain one, of the and bear the burden of the vilest slanmankind. It then took the crucifixion weakest of all earth's peoples —.-..a der known in human experience. • Aland changed it over into the atone- mere sixteen millions 'among the ways a minority amid alien peoples, ment as a blood sacrifice for the hu- nearly two thousand, millions of and therefore the weakest among- the man race. Lastly, it seized upon the earth's inhabitants. tribes of earth, these Jews have been Jews and deliberately made the whole Always therefore, today as yester- made to write in their own tears and race the villain of the cosmic play. day, they have been feeble, helpless, blood the most tragic tale of history, Their first offense was in not recog- "easy marks" for the lust and hate and by their sheer endurance of it nizing Jesus, one of their own, for of those who would injure and despoil have made this most tragic tale to be what he was; and their second of- them. Wanderers upon earth's sur- also the most heroic. I know of nothfense was in destroying him and thus face, they have no government to de- ing to compare with the story of this raising their hands against Almighty God himself. Through the exigencies •






Combining a ^^celebration of the Independents p ^Voters' ^ t g league election victory with a' welcoming by i b Omaha Oh citizens of the newly elected commissioners supported by the league, the new Krug- park will be thrown open to the public May 20 with a double-barreled- program in which the park management will vie with the Independent "Voters league to give Omahans the biggest "dime's worth they ever had. S. M. Fox, under whose management the park is starting its second year, has arranged a program of free acts, engaged a big dance orchestra and has thrown in a free barbecue. The Independent Voters league will present the five victorKnudsen, Frank E. Frost, Harry

scholarship^ and activities. He was presented with a Golden Key with his name inscribed on it. He is president of the "Phi Epsilon fraternity, and is also president of the President's Fraternity society. Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha was the principal speaker and honored guest at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue last Sunday when formal dedication and presentation of a memorial tablet, donated by Mrs. S. Shyken, was made. Eabbi Miller spoke on "A Living Death or Deathless Life." Cantor A. Schwaczkin of Omaha sang appropriate psalms. Mr. O. Hochman, who was chairman of the program, spoke about Mother's Day. The memorial tablet will serve as a perpetual memorial to the deceased. Following the dedication services a supper was served.

twelve guests at a bridge party and miscellaneous shower at her home on last Saturday evening in honor of Miss Rose Kelberg of Omaha, whose marriage to Mr. Irving Pazoff:. of Brooklyn, New York, will take place June 11. Mrs. Leo Blank and son Lane Burton of Minneapolis, Minn., returned to their home Monday following a several weeks' visit here at the home of Mrs. Blank's father, Mr. Barney Gilinsky.

The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 London, (J.T.A.)—The World Zionof the A. Z. A. will entertain fifteen ist Executive has officially announced couples at a "beer party" at the Hothat the Eighteenth World Zionist tel Chieftain Saturday night. Congress opening date has been fixed for August 16. Negotiations for the site of the congress have not yet been concluded but Carlsbad is still the most likely place although many FOR RENT are pressing for a change, suggesting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss enterTwo furnished rooms, pleasing tained the members of their evening London among other places. bridge club at their home Monday bedrooms, and kitchen. evening. WE. 3527

Council Bluffs News

Miss Sarah Solomonow entertained

BYP.R K. B'Nai Brith Open Meeting to Be Held Next Monday' Evening at Eagles Hall The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 'of the Independent Order of the B'nai ;Brith will hold an open meeting next MonJay evening, May 22, at 8 o'clock at the Eagles • hall, and the entire community is cordially invited to attend this program. The local chapter of the A. Z. A. will present a Parents' program, which is appropriate at this time. A prominent speaker from Omaha will be the principal speaker and the guest of honor. A number of musical numbers will also be given. All members of both organizations and all their families and friends are cordially urged to attend this affair. Honored J. Harold Saks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks of Council Bluffs, received an unusual honor at the University of Iowa, where he is completing his junior year in the law school. He was chosen as the only Jewish student for the membership into the "All for Iowa" society, of which only twelve students were chosen from the entire body. Membership in this society is awarded on basis of high


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Suits for Street Wear . . . Charming Feminine Dresses for all Informal Occasions You'll never know how slender you can look un%il you see yourself in one of these new half-size dresses Light summer colors .- -«< m White, Flower Prints and Navy, in a comprehensive collection of smart new styles. * Sizes 141/2 to 24i/2 •-. Third Floor j-r r



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'Der Tag" has made some "starbath for J. L. Rothschild, Minnie tlh-g" discoveries . . . their columnWolf, Fannie Brandeis, Hesse Rosenist -writes that Greta Garbo is a stock, Yette Herzberg, Max Morris. Jewess and that her name is Levinson . . . perhaps Charlie's sister is Izzie's aunt . . . and that Dolores Conservative Del Rio is a Jewess and that her name is Vera Wineberg . . . efsher Temple Israel At the services of the Conservative By "Ab" Kaiman a relation Rose! . . . Givalt! They'll Synagogue this evening Rabbi David soon be saying that Harry Wolf and This evening marks the celebration Dr. Phil Sher are not Litvaks! . . . of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the A. Goldstein will discuss "The History The Hadassah benefit dance at thededication of the present Temple. A and Meaning of the Kaddish." Vincit Omnia Veritas The sea hath many thousand sands, Club Araby has been postponed to special anniversary celebration will be Next Friday evening Rabbi GoldSunday eve., May 21 . . . Paul Spor held. Services will start at 8 p . m.,stein will give a pre-Memorial Day The sun hath motes as many; announces the opening of his Little preceded by a congregational dinner Rumor is full of juicy bits, sermon. He will spea*: on "What And gossip more full than any! Club on West Center road on Tues- at 6:30. day, May 23d . . . the only outdoor Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on Should Be the Quality of Jewish PaHe who learns he's being watched night club in the city The ra- "Twenty-Five Years in the Newtriotism?" dio program to be broadcast next Temple." Perhaps may mend his ways— On the second evening of Sabuoth, And he whose ways are watched by Sun. over station KFAB at 11:45 Tomorrow morning, Dr. Cohn "will Wednesday evening, May 31, twentya, m. will probably be the final deliver his sermon on "The, Heirs of two children will be confirmed. Parall broadcast . . . The Center intends Judaism." The following children will ents of the confirmants are planning May profit by the gaze! to resume the Jewish hour next participate: L e o n ard Kulakofsky, a. joint reception in nonor of their fall . . . But anger let us not provoke Howard Schonberger, Ira Jackson, children on Sunday afternoon, June When of scandal yre do hint. Ruth Tarnoff, Lawrence Rosenberg, 4. A Task Well Done For him who hath a guilty heart, By the time this goes to press the William Goetz, and Sara Wilinsky. Initials are enough to print! Philanthropies drive will have made Kaddish will be recited this Sab- -Shop from our Service Guide —Ray Jay. additional progress . . . we hope the quota, will he reached . . . if not, do Idle Schmoos . not blame the leaders of the camOne of• the - social events of the . . . Dr. Greenberg, Max Barseason . . . the annual Spring Party paign ish, Dave Goldman and other offiof Phi.Beta Epsilon . . . held last have toiled day and night for Saturday, nacht a t the Highland cers several weeks in an effort to build Country Club Add another ac- up enthusiasm . . . the workers, men complishment to the Jong list of and women, the girls and boys poundRabbi Goldstein a delightful ed the streets for the sake of the "tripper" of, the light fantastic . . of all Jewish institutions And boys! the charming little bru- greatest in our city . . it is this institunette so modest and shy is Tobye tion through . which our community Goldstein from Minneapolis . . . a gives expression to genuine sentisister to the Rabbi . . . A lot of "giggles" in the "tisk-tisk", Phi ment and nobility of character . . . Beta Epsilon breezy annual . . . We heave a few brickbats in the radio comedians struggling for fundirection of those who were able tomaterial could utilize the talents of give but refused to pledge for some these the contributors to this humorous fanciful reason or other chat "mag" Aaron Perlis, edi- people have lost their self-respect tor of "Tisk-Tisk," stand up andas Jews and should be ostracized BEAUTY PARLORS take a bow . . . please send us a from our community. ACCOUNTANTS Congratulations few of your choice gags (not hags) . . . Whatcha mean by this one? The community's heartfelt congratLAKE STREET AUDITS . - . . P h i l Klutznick (when Betty- ulations are extended to Temple IsBEAUTY SHOPPB SYSTEMS Lou was born): Congratulations, rael . . . celebrating tonight the 25th 2004 Lake St. Ethel, Walter Winchell just told me anniversary of the "new" temple . . ' . INCOME TAX Mrs. Loo Farber, Prop. . . . Incidentally our Mr. Klutznick an outstanding center of Jewish • is entitled to a few cheers on hisworship. appointment to the office of AssistAbramson The- New D a r t TrUn ant City Attorney by the new mayor, Coxier Permanent Support "Renovizing" Audit Go. Hoy Towl . . . we are confident that he will "Phil-the-bill!" . . . What a Certified Public Aect*. 40c The G. A. Steinheimer Company, demonstration greeted Harry Trustin 852 Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship contracting painters, have "moved to on Tuesday last . . . at the installaBldg. 113 North 40th street. tion of the new city officials . "Labor and materials are now a t a » Tears Present Loeatiaa His aged parents Mr. and Mrs. Mar-JA. 4811 tin Trustin beamed with happiness new low level," states Mr. Steinheimwhen Harry entered the Council er, "and now is the time t o do paintroom midst wild cheering . . . Har-ing and decorating. We are equipped ry was unanimously chosen for theto render most efficient work. Our imAUTOMOBILES BEVERAGES Department of Public Improvements ported and domestic wall coverings ? W • o n e °f the most important de- are particularly pleasing." r partments in the city . . . What DRINK! New and Used prominent business man (a widower) has placed an order for theSHOTWELL, MOKSKT, GRODINSKT £ Golden Spike Cars "chupah" and a Rabbi? . . . Wasn't VANCE, Aiotrneys. Pale Dry Gingerale 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. it Shakespeare who said "Brevity Ideal lime Rickey Where Price, Quality, is the soul of wit?" . . „ then why NOTICE Is hereby given that on the first and Serrice Meet of January. 1933, the total outstanding Ideal Soda Waters do some of our gifted orators go,on day of B H I - i A D E I i f f l l A and on until the effect of their mes-. indebtednes* LEATHER HOUSE, a -Nebraska corporaSlaantaetaxed and tion, with it* principal place of business in sage is lost . MORTON'S Distributed by What, young inaOmaha, Tvas $17,997.16. tron recently "caught up" with her GARAGE MORRIS LEVET. President Ideal Bottling Co. BESS L. KATLEilAN STUDEBAKER husband's amours (plural) . . . and Attest: MORRIS LEVEY SALES and SERVICE Majority of Directors. WE. S04S now in consultation as to the 18»8 Korth 2Mb. St. 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 manner and method of: procedure? BESS X,. KATLEMAN Secretary. . . . Bill and Dorothe have discovNOTICE is hereby given that on the first ered that there are more thrills in day of January, 1033, the total ontstandinga night baseball game than in anindebtedness of SHOE ACCESSORIES MFG. CO., a Nebraska corporation, with its auto joy-ride Right here let :us principal place of business in Omaha, was BODY I FENDER suggest that "you support the Omaha MICHEL KATLEMAN. Baseball Club as a matter of civic . - • President. Auto Body »nd Tender duty also, it is the most inex- Attest: * New and Csed Repair BESS Xu KATLEMAN ' Repairing. Painting; Parts and Accessories for MICHEL KATLEMAN Complete Cpholsterlnc pensive treat that you can enjoy Cars and Trucks at a .Majority of Directors. and Glass Serrice -with your "heart" . ..Eugene and BESS L. KATLEMAN, Saving Wicker Fornitnre Willie Howard were known as Abe "Secretary. Merchandise Guaranteed Fainted and Repaired and Izzie Lefkowitz when they were J. J. YniEDMXS. Attorney. 53* Insurance Bids* residents of Boston . . . their papa was a cantor (chazen) . . . Willie NOTICE OF ADMINISTKATION Paul Brodrick has no equal as a mimic and pro-In the County Court of Douglas County, Star Auto -.-••"• -r ' vides real entertainment when im- InNebraska. the Matter of the Estate Of MAX 2118-22 Caming Parts Co. personating Jolson, Cantor and WINTROUB, Deceased. At. 6208 All persons interested in K.ild estate are Chevalier . . . Maurice and "Susie" hereby notified that a petition has been S. M. CLATMAN, MgT. Soliciting Quality (pet name for his jill-oppy) in filed in said Court alleging that said deAT. 9309 Work other words a "tin Elizabeth" . . ceased died leaving no last will and pray17th and Chlcaro St. for administration upon his estate, and can be found nightly in front of a ing that a hearng will be had on said petition resident on the corner of 58th anc before said court on the 10th day of June, and that if they fail to appear at Are you reading, 1033, Howard Sts. . said Court on the said 10th day of June. Sarah? . . . Was I "bored-ified" 1033. at 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest said the Court may grant the some and BUS L I N E when several matrons called (by petition, BATH PARLOR crant administration of said estate to phone and in person) to inquire if Dorothy AVintroub or some other suitable to n settlement thereof. we alluded to them . . . in connec- person and proceed BRTCE CRAWFORD, MASSAGE Chicago $5.50 tion with the line printed previously n-10-33-3t. County Judge. MEDICATED BATHS concerning the "snooty" (did I spell Lincoln $1.25 it right) young lady who consistently Specializing in ReducWahoo $1.00 fails to volunteer for communal WHEAT, CORN, OATS ing Electric Thearapy Des Moines $2.00 work . . . The sketches of promiFor Information Call or Write Treatments for Denver $7.50 nent Omahans on display at the Rheumatism Detroit $7.50 TAYLOR GRAIN CO. Center . . . the work of Lillian Ru721-723 Omaha Grain Exchange Bldff. Los Angeles $20.00 benstein Beber, wife of Dr. Meyer JA 3403—AT 2008 Re-Nu-Health Beber . . .an excellent artist who Private Wire Connections With BUS DEPOT possesses a charming and pleasant JAS. JE. BENNETT CO. Baths personality . . . The Yiddish .Daily Edwards Hotel BIdg. AT. 3911 306 N. 16th HA. 5000 ElksBldg., 3rd Floor



Religious Services





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HIS WEEK we are introducing to our readers the "1933 Handy Service Guide." The firms represented here have contracted for their respective spaces for the next six months, using: our medium as a q u i c k a n d efficient means of acquainting you •with their willingness and ability to be at your constant service. Each week we will print in this space a few interesting j o t t i n g s about the various advertisers in the Guide so that you may become more intimately acquainted with themBy placing their ads here, these merchants are recognizing the buying power of the readers of the Jewish Press and are making a bid for your particular business —seeking and welcoming your patronage. The "'Handy Service Guide" can grow to be a most obedient servant for you, if you will but give it the opportunity. From among the various heads you can .easily pick out whatever service you need. And by thus referring to these firms you are helping yourself, t h e Jewish Press, and these businesses which are directly seeking Jewish patronage.


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FRANK MEARES Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While Ton Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481

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Regular services will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago Sts., conducted- by Rabbi TM Miller and Cantor. Schwaczkin. The subject of mattress. 1 ivory emimel dressor ami mirror, 1 ivory enamel dressing table, 1 ce<lnr Rabbi Miller's sermon will be This Sunday evening at 8 o'clock chest, floor lamp and shade, "What's Wrong With the Jewish Ad- there will be a debate held by the1 metal1 polychrome table lamp and shade, 1 walnut gateleg table, 1 walnut cane s. arm rocker, ult?" The discusion forum is condict- Young Men's Vaad and the Junior cane B. arm.chair, 1 walmit smoked by the cultural comittees of theVaad Auxiliary, at the B'nai Israel 1ingwalnut cabinet, 1 mohsilr overstuffed davenyouth organizations affiliated with the synagogue, 18th and Chicago Sts. The portv 1 mohair overstuffed arm chair, 1 9x12 Axminster rug, 1 mahogany day bed Vaad.. v . subject of the debate is: "Resolved, and pad, 1 JVory enamel sewing rocker, 1 A. & B. 3-burner gas ranjre, 1 50-lb. Icicle Saturday morning Rabbi Miller will that Polygamy Be Introduced" with refrigerator, • small throw rugs, 1 metal occupy the pulpit of the Adas Yeshur- the Young Men's Vaad upholding the cabinet, 8-tube Eveready electric rndio No. M-10372, 2 walnnt tables and all dishes, en synagogue at 24th and Seward affirmative. Dora Freshman and Mar- linens, silverware,end bedding and kit utenSts. and will speak on the Bible por- tha Lippett will represent the Junior sils, ' by Chattel Mortgage executed by tion of the week. Vaad Auxiliary and Sal Michnik and covered Martin L. Capps nnd Helen K. Capps on The Junior synagogue will meet Ralph Nogg will represent the Young March 18. 1032, to P. K. TXSON, doing btmthis Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Men's Vaad. City Commissioner Har- iness as the OMAHA LOAN COMPANT. having been Tiled for record in the at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, 19th ry Trustin wQl be chairman. Admis- nnd office of the County Clerk of Douglur and Burt Sts. It is conducted by thesion will be 20 cents, the proceeds to County. Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreVaad with the cooperation of the City be used for the Club Room Fund of closing said Mortgage nnd to satisfy the Talmud Torah. amount due thereon to-wit: One Hundred the United Organizations. Ninety Pollars ($190.00) and accruing costs. The Hebrew Class conducted by the F 18 TYSON, doinc business as THE OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. cultural committees of the J u n i o r —Shop from our Service Guide


And Guarantee All Sales Batteries Serviced


KOTICE OF BALK OX CHATTEIi Vaad Auxiliary will meet 7:30 MonMOHTGAUK Hay evening at the B'nai Israel syna- Hotiee i s hereby given that on the 3rd gogue, 18th and Chicago Sts. Theday of June. 1933, at tbe hour of 10 A. M.. 2514 I-ieavenworth Street, the underclass in Talmud Torah meets every at signed will sell to the highest bidder for Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at en so: green enamel kitchen table, 4 preen the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, 19th w.1 B. chairs, 1 ivory enamel high-boy, 1 and Burt streets. ivory enamel poster bed with spring's mid


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Cleveland Studio 1612 Douglas St. Phone JA. S366

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by



$2.50 S u b s c r i p t i o n P r i c e , o n ey e a r - - - - - - - . Advertising rates furnished o n application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. ' Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - « - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PELL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

The Week in Review Reward of Service

tion can carry on such a policy of destruction without arousing the there is this constant difference of his fellow man as 'American as his opinion made obvious. Tell me, if neighbor he is in his mind and his anger, resentment and protest of the American people. GEMS of the BIBLE you can, "why this is true, or per- heart a Jew possessed of all of the F, H. La Guardia, former Congressman—The Nazis have no haps I am all wrong in my obser- fine characteristics of that people. and TALMUD It is ironical that even so liberal constructive policy. Their entire program is based on hatred. To vations." By 0 . O. DASHER "The questions that you ask," I and understanding a person as you, date the record of "achievement" of the government of Adolph began, Bru£e, should despite your recognicenturies old. They are Hitler consists of the ruthless elimination from every phase of subjects"are about which enlightened Jews tion of their fine qualities single out Where there is no vision the peothe life of the country of that element which has made the most have spent many long hours in dis-their shortcomings for comment. ple perish. But he who keepeth the creative contribution to every country in the world in which it has cussion. For the bickering and argu- "Yet you are not to blame. The law, happy is he. of which you comment you must history of the Jew has been one of Seest thou a man that is hasty in lived since time immemorial. I speak, of course, of the Jews. The ing go far back into Jewish history if persecution for just the reason that his Words, brutal extermination policy practiced by Hitler against the Jews you are to receive an answer. Origin- I have mentioned. It is an almost in- There is more hope for a fool than must arouse not only the ire but the concentrated action of every ally the. Talmud was the guide of fallible chacteristic of man to look for him. Jewish people and there grew with suspicion upon those whom he Give me neither poverty nor riches; civilized nation in the world. The Hitlerites are affronting every the about that historic work many dif- does not understand. And the ten-feed me with mine allotted bread. deal of justice, humanity and progress, and are threatening the ferent interpretations. Tribes and acious grip with which the Jew .has A fool spendeth all his spirit; but families were distinguished by their clung to his own thoughts and his a wise man stilleth it within him. peace of the world. adherence to one or the other groups own philosophy has stamped us as Major General John F. O'Ryan—As we know, the fundamen- of interpreters and that chacteristic strangers in your midst. The words Talmud tal principle of Christianity is to treat our fellow man as we would has clung to us to the present day. of the Egyptian Pharoh . . . 'there Rabbi Elazer said: "Those who On any question of fundamentals reamongst us a strange people.. Let treat our brother. There can be no dodging this basic command- garding a Jewish subject you will find are us rise and slay their male mem- perform a good deed will not meet ment and remain true to the faith. No measure of attendance at many diverse schools of thought each "bers ere they become a menace to with an accident either going to or church ceremonies, no lip service to other precepts of Christianity, with their own form of interpreta- our wellbeing' have been the words returning from the services." each convinced that theirs and which have guided the persecutions Our Rabbis were taught: There are no matter how ardent, will serve as a substitute for faithful per- tion, theirs alone is the proper approach of the Jews in Spain, Portugal, Po- three persons who cannot enjoy life: formance of this primary duty. Intolerance cannot exist among a or solution to the problem. land, Russia, and today in Germany. the sympathetic, the quick-tempered, truly Christian people. "You are not to be condemned and the delicate. "As for the reasons for the antiThere are four persons which the These words spoken at the gigantic demonstration arranged semitism that is shown there are Bruce for a position that is only na- mind of man cannot endure: a poor tural, for you can see the justice of by the American Jewish Congress are the words of non-Jews, more fundamental reasons than that our position and are willing to rec-man who is proud, a rich man who you suggest. If we are to beflatters, a lewd old man, and a leadspoken by representatives of public opinion in this country. It which lieve that the bickering and arguing ognize the great things about the er who rules over the community to Jews." coincides with the public opinion expressed throughout the rest of of which you comment is something no purpose. the world—indicating that the bar of world opinion dooms de- fundamental in the psychology of the It was late when we had finished and as we wended our way home, I crees like Hitler's of extermination against a minority people to Jew, it is only another manifesta- was left with the thought that there tion of one of their fundamental be edicts of national self-extermination. is much to be done on both sides. NATIONAL characteristics,, that of c l o a k i n g

The city council is to be congratulated upon its selection of Philip M. Klutznick as assistant city attorney for Omaha. Rarely has a young man so early in life demonstrated such talents and abilities, which make for outstandingleadership, and his intellectual integrity will be a decided asset to our city's legal department. Since Philip Klutznick moved to Omaha from Kansas City several years back, he has become an integral factor of our local Jewish communal life. As executive secretary of the Aleph Zadik Aleph, he nourished the organization along in its infancy and was themselves with all the external cus- The unity of the Jew, an intrinsic directly responsible for much of its phenomenal growth and suctoms of the country in which they unity, must be asserted and the veil suspicion with which we are viewcess. Feeling deeply the vital need for inculcating the ideals of live yet retaining unto themselves of ed must be ripped aside. their own particular thought and Judaism into our youth and binding them to their Jewishness inThe Reverend John Haynes Holmes of the Community philospoyh. For though the Jew may stead of allowing them to.drift away, he devoted himself heart and Church, New York City, has been awarded the Zeta Beta Tau be in all of his social relations with —Shop from our Service Guide soul to the work of A. Z. A.—organizing chapters, addressing meetings, encouraging individuals, enlisting workers, giving,, in Gottheil Medal for 1932, given annually by this fraternity to the short, inspiration to anoble work. The greatest tribute which can American who has done the most for Jewry, during the precedbe paid him is the high esteem with which he js held by the thous- ing year. The recipient is selected by the vote of a Committee of ands upon thousands of A. Z. A. boys throughout the United Editors of the Anglo-Jewish press of the United States. Included in this committee is the editor of this paper, who also cast his States. ballot for Dr. Holmes. The community at large had a place for such sincerity, indusThis is the first time that a non-Jew was given the award. tryand ability. And soon he was given important positions in civic and communal enterprises and campaigns. Alert to any call Yet, this very fact is fraught with deep significance. Dr. Holmes, for distress, to serve was to Philip Klutznick a privilege, and the liberal thinker and scholar, has at all times fought courageously community gave recognition to his ableness and his willingness to and fearlessly against bigotry and intolerance and has always sacrifice of his time and efforts for the sake of his fellowmen by stood firmly for the principles of justice and righteousness and drafting him for-the presidency of the B'nai Brith and the local fairness. A non-Jew, the editors decided, did most for the Jewish Zionist district, and for the chairmanship of manifold community people last year. In other words, their vote signifies their conviction that with the recent turn of events in the Jewish world the projects; non-Jew is the potent force in halting unjust discrimination and • ••.:!;,'/.;The unusual distinguished service record of Philip Klutznick persecutions. gives assurance of equally valuable service in his new capacity. In This fits in perfectly with the very words written by Dr. addition to his attainments in the field of law, he is possessed of Holmes himself, in a series appearing in the Jewish Press now on an eloquent pen and of a most persuasive power of vigorous this subject. After considering the causes of anti-Jewish persecuspeech. By transforming to our legal department his high con- tions, Dr. Holmes in presenting his remedy denounces the idea ception of responsibility, his idealistic interpretation of the law,that the non-Jewish world should expect the Jew to commit racial and his profound power of mind, he cannot help but enrich the of- suicide. It is up to the non-Jew, he points out, to live in the "spirit fice bestowed upon him. The Omaha Jewish community has been of his faith"—if he would only do that, there would be no antiproud to be the scene of his activities and the beneficiary of hisSemitism as it rages today. •—--.,.genius, and we predictth^t %hls appointment .is.^only th£ first milestone on a road that leads to glorious success;

Spirit of His Faith

Why They Qo to Palestine^

Army of Workers

In the past, Jews went to Palestine to bjrild up the land. Today they must go there to make a living. t The liberal response of the local Jewish community during the This is the observance of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, gifted Philanthropies drive this week is warming proof that there exists Cleveland spiritual leader who has just returned from a sevenno depression of the spirit among us. Pruned incomes did not re- months tour. sult in lessened contributions, and'unbelievably many increases in Every sign of recent history points to the veracity of this pledges were recorded. statement. With the Jewish people being deprived of the means When this drive is finished, we should pay heed to the words of earning a livelihood in many parts of the world and with mass of David Goldman, who did such trojan work as initial gifts chair- immigration barred by the various countries of the world, Palesman. Mr. Goldman in his address launching the drive at the tine looms as the one haven of refuge for the future. "early bird" breakfast Monday stressed the necessity for the army Rabbi Silver brings home a most encouraging picture of conof workers in the campaign to become self-appointed emissaries ditions in Palestine. He also brings home the belief that Palestine, for educating the Jewish community during the rest of the year by a joinder of the two mandates of Palestine and Transpordania, with the vital importance of the Philanthropies! and the unifica- can take care of a vast number of Jewish immigrants through tion of Jewish work. Our Jewish community must be bound to- gearing the economic development of the country up to the regether as one in facing the problems which confront the Jewish quired speed. The capacity of Palestine to absorb immigrants has people, and a thorough knowledge of the factors underlying those been a bone of contention for some time, but, as has been repeatedproblems will lend strength to our unflagging efforts. The Phil- ly stated here, with prospects growing brighter for the opening anthropies workers should do their educational work the year up of the potentially rich country of Transjordania for Jewish setround. tlement, a large number of Jewish people will be able to migrate there.


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national hospital for consumptives

in Denver is; open to Jew and non; The most dramatic spectacle hi the history of New York, a Jew alike, thfe only requirements besix-hour march, the largest demonstration within the memory of ing that the applicant be sick and the New York police . . . this was the protest parade of May10 unable to secure care thru the ordinary channels. I personally know by which a million citizens of all creeds, representatives of the that in many cities the largest labor, literary, scholastic, political, religious and artistic worlds and most generous contributors to proclaimed to the world, and particularly to Germany, the solidar The other eve Spectator Junior charities are'Jews* They have learnt had the all too. rare privilege of the lesson of understanding and care ity of their opposition to the persecution of the Jewish people by dining with his good friend Bruce. for the unfortunate thru their own the Hitler government. I say "all too rare," for Bruce is long years of suffering. If Hitler and his cohorts thought that their "crusade of hate1 one of those fortunate humans who "Yet with all of this cosmopolitanthe world casually and from ism there remains something that could continue within the confines of the Fatherland with th view afar and yet are vitally cognizant puzzles me. There seems to the outJews the scapegoats, and that the rest of the world would after of the many things that go on about sider to be a constant arguing and He is a well-traveled and a well- bickering going on amongst the Jews. one frenzied burst of indignation keep quiet, then the followers us. educated man; he has tasted avidly There is a multiplicity of organizaof Adolph are being unpleasantly surprised. The attempt to use of the fruits of life, and has tions all moving towards one goal the Jews as the fodder for the flames of prejudice by which the learned, if we are to continue our yet constantly at sword? end. simile, to differentiate "To my mind you Jews are essenNazis hope to keep the zeal of Hitlerism burning has made th' gastronomical between that which pleases the pal- tially a race. A race perhaps that is world turn against Germany, and the demonstration in New York ate but leaves us distressed and that distinguished by its singular form of is but one manifestation of the invincibility of the determination which though it is plain to look up- religious worship. Why then is there on and plain to taste is healthy not a greater unity amongst you . . that the world shall not cease protesting until the Jews have been and nourishing. All of this pream- there is every reason to assume tha restored to the status of equality in Germany. ble about one's personal friend is such unity would be present. Instead merely to justify the repetition here we find that a m o n g s t your own Read excerpts from some of the speeches by non-Jews: there has risen a distinction Rev. John Haynes Holmes—Millions of American men an of the gist of his observation to me. people that seems to split your very or"You know," he began, "you Jews women today stand ready to denounce Hitler and his activities, re- are a singular race. Your wander- ganization, a distinction that to my gardless of race or creed. There is no liberty in Germany today. ings and your sufferings have made mind is only a distinction of form religious observance not of funda We are told we should not protest the persecution of Jews in Ger- you a race of cosmopolitans and in- of mental philosophy or theory. This ternationalists possessed of a singumany because it will endanger their safety there. If such is the lar ability to adapt yourself to the gap has been oddly perverted a case, there is no safety. The protest against the Hitler govern- country in which you live. For ex- times to create a false social differ ample, your French or German Jew ence. I cannot help but feel tha ment is the outspoken opinion of mankind. he is basically Jewish is as perhaps it is this manifestation of an Bainbridge Colby, secretary of state in the Wilson cabinet— while French as the Gascon and as Teu-apparent inner disorganization tha is at the bottom of a good deal of Let it be heard throughout the world that the American nation, tonic as the Bavarian. prejudice that is shown you. And dedicated to liberty, feels itself called upon to be heard on this "And cosmopolitanism and inter- the to me it is most puzzling . . . for nationalism have taught them many issue and to be heard in no uncertain terms. We look on what is valuable lessons. The other day time and again I see manifestations transpiring in Germany with detestation and abhorrence. No na- someone was telling me that your of your fundamental unity and yet


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Hoberman Bros., Proprietors


PAGE 5^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 19,1933 1 sented by the pupils of Evangeline features is thirty per cent longer Savard school of professional stage average tread wear by actual factory dancing. Each mother present was test," said the Hobermans. An interesting m e e t i n g of the The Young Men's Vaad -will meet given a corsage. The remainder of the Daughters "With a tread that is 20 per cent of Zion was held at the J . this Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at The first J. C. C. Physical Depart- thicker and 20 per cent higher in evening was spent in playing bridge. C. C Wednesday. J. J. Friedman ad- the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and ment interclub swimming and diving block design, Goodyear tire endressed the meting on "Hitler and Chicago streets. Important matters meet will be held Thursday, May 25, tread have made this extra mileage The Fa-Hon sorority will hold a Palestine." and an interesting program are being The followL-^- will participate: Psi gineers possible," they continued. breakfast Sunday morning a t Elm- A card party will be given at the planned and all members are urged to Mu, A. Z. A. 1, A, Z. A. 100, Xi LambThe new tire has full center tracwood Park. Community Center by the Daughters be present da, and Dolphine. tion, more shoulder non-skid and of Zion June 11. Tickets will be thirThe events will include: 40-yard prismed sidewalls. AMONG GRADUATES ty-five cents a person, and both men free-style; 20-yard backstroke; 60New styling, full oversizing and imThe name of Henry JKosner was in- and women are invited to attend. yard breast stroke; 100-yard free proved design, according to the Hobadvertently omitted from the list of for the card party are 160-yard relay; 120-yard med- ermans, class the new tire as the graduate members of Phi Delta Epsi- Hostesses Two officers of the Creighton uni- style; A. Shafton, Harney 6202, and versity ley relay; diving. smartest looking product at its price lon, national medical fraternity, who Mrs. chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, Mrs. L. Morgan, Atlantic 9045. Those national medical fraternity, were honDave Chesneau, swimming instruc- that they have ever handled. were honored by the group at a banBRIDGE TEA AT been postponed to Sunday evening, wishing to arrange for tables are ask- ored last week. Frank Lipp, vice- tor, will have charge of the meet. "Incidentally, the Goodyear ComHIGHLAND May 21, at Paul Spores Club Araby. quet last week. ed to call either of the hostesses. pany has built more than 17 million president, was elected vice-president • A bridge tea'.-•will/be given at the Mrs. J. Blank, chairman of the HaThe Daughters of Zion have con- of the Pan-Hellenic Council, the inPathfinder tires since the original d o Highland Country Glub tomorrow, dassah penny luncheon fund, and Mrs. tributed to* the Jewish Philanthropies. ter-fraternity organization of the unsign was introduced several year* May 20, starting at 1:30 p. m. Mem- Joe Goldware, chairman of the milk ago," said the Hoberman brothers, iversity. Morris Lev, president, was bers are invited to bring guests to fund, will be hostesses. "and these have established an enviachosen secretary of the Caducean this affair. Eight important improvements in There will be a floor show, includsociety, honorary organization of the construction are embodied in the new ble reputation among thrifty buyers Prizes will be awarded to the high ing talent from the local theatres. The Omaha Council of J e w i s h Creighton Medical school. 1933 Pathfinder automobile tire, ac- everywhere." Women will hold its annual meeting The Junior Hadassah will hold an scorers in duplicate and progressive There will also be door and dance cording to Dave and Barney Hoberand luncheon at the J. C. C. at 1important meeting next Thursday contract bridge and auction bridge. prizes. man at the National Tire Shop, who o'clock, Monday, May 22, it has been evening, May 25, at 8 o'clock, at the Mrs. Ernest Nogg is in charge, and The schedule for the Jewish Kitrecently received their initial shipannounced by Mrs. Robert Glazer, Jewish Community Center. reservations may still be made with ANNOUNCE BIRTH tenball league for this iLunday inment of these tires. president. Election of officers and a her. The annual election of officers will International A. Z. A. Parents Day Mr. and Mrs. H. Hirsch of Chicago "Heading the list of outstanding cludes: Question Club v. A. Z. A. > Mrs. David Ferer will be in charge announce the birth of a daughter, J program will be features. take place. A board meeting -will be •was observed Sunday with a program Central High grounds, 10:30 a. m$ of the duplicate contract bridge tour- May 6. J An interesting program of Jewish held the preceding evening to serve at the J. C. C. E. Bloch spoke in Tuxis A. C. v. Mellocups, 32nd and Yiddish and Rabbi David A. Goldstein nament. Mrs. Hirsch was formerly Miss music and drama will be given. Justin as the nominating committee. Paul, 11 a. m.; Psi Mu v. Sample in English. Myron Cohen played sevWolf, popular Community Playhouse Randall's Royal orchestra has been Esther Iiustgarten of this city. Discussion will also be made for the Furs, East Elmwood diamond, 12. actor, will give a dramatic reading, Regional convention to be held at the eral selections, accompanied by Miss engaged for the formal opening of The C l e v e l a n d Studio, at 1612 a, m. Betty Fellman. Betty Tarnoff gave Israel Zangwill's "Joseph, the Dreamthe Highland for the season, May 27. VISIT FRIENDS Paxton hotel on May 27 and 28. The Douglas street, has opened under new The Misses Bess Swartz and Ger- er." Piano selections will be given by convention this year is expected to some recitations. Joe Blumenthal management and is oferfing special,, ANT MEN'S OK 1ADUES1 "BRITH" trude Guss spent the week-end in Mis Margaret Hurwitz, and Myron bring to Omaha large delegation of spoke on the international convention, reduced prices during May and June. Louis Canar read a mesage from the Cohen, violinist, who won a superior Junior Hadassah members from St. • The "Brith" for the infant son of Xincoln with friends. W. R. Carperter and Harold Clevrating in the state high school music Louis, Des Moines, Tulsa, Lincoln, Supreme Advisory Council, and Ed eland are in charge of the studio. "We Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelnian of Cleaned, Blocked and contest recently, will give a group of Kansas City, St. Joseph, Wichita, Rosenbaum gave a short adress. The are highly proud of our fine workmanCouncil Bluffe, took place Thursday WEEK-END IN CHICAGO Re-shaped by Experts opening and closing prayers were givselections. noon, May 18, at the Methodist hosWaterloo, Denver, and Sioux City. Messrs. William and Ben Lustgarship. Everyone should take advantage r P U A T T A d "Omaha'* Best en by Sol Dolgoff. The new members pital. Rev. A. Diamond of Council ten spent the last week-end in Chi- Reservations should be made with 1 r l A J L L l i V B Hat Cleaner" Mrs. Morris Franklin of Omaha is were presented with their pins by of the opportunity to take pictures Bluffs officiated as "MoheL" 101 North 16th Street cago. Mrs. M. I. Gordon, Walnut 5438, not president of the Southwestern Region Grand Aleph Godol Hyman Goodbind- at the reasonable prices prevailing =t (Across from rosfofHcg later than Sunday noon, May 21. The of the Junior Hadassah, and will pre- er. Refreshments were served and our studio at this time." WEDDING ANNIVERSARY NO-HOSTESS PARTY luncheon wil be sixty-five cents per side at the conference. Mrs. Sidney gifts given to the parents. CELEBRATION A no-hostess party was held May 7 plate. Katleman, president of the Omaha The committee in charge consisted Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whiteman en- at the Boulevard Apartments and was chapter, is also -secretary of the retertained fifty guests a t bridge fol- attended by the Misses Bertha Guss, gion. Miss Ida Fine, a member of of Myron Tarnoff, chairman, Nate lowed by a midnight supper on May 7 Sue Corenman, Mamie Brody, Sally the regional board, is general chair- Crounse, and Julius Meyerson. A combined initiation and outing in celebration of their fifth wedding Bernstein, Pearl Lerman, Charney man of the convention. was held by the Platte River at Enaeanniversary. Soiref, Ethel Kilberg, and Esther Ja- The annual bazaar of the Pioneer ve's park, May 7. Seven new members Prizes were won by Mrs. Dave H. cobsen, and the Messrs. Milton Frohm, Women wil be held Sunday, May 21, were given their informal initiation. Shulkin of Sioux City; Mrs. J. Alex- Al Elewitz, Nate Cutler, Julius Roth- at 1714 North 24. All proceeds will go The committee in charge included Art ander, Mrs. S. Cutler, Mrs. M. Oland, kop, Harry Reznick, Phil Katz, Sam to the Chalutzos in Palestine. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will Gerber, chairman, Meyer Rosenbaum, Mr. Harry Leffiowitz, and Mr. Abe Greenberg, and Herman Cohen. Many useful and lovely articles will Cohen. be on sale a t reasonable prices, and sponsor a concert and raffle at the and Louis Canar. The chapter is planning a golf and A color scheme of pink and yellow MOTHERS' PROGRAM the Pioneer Women wil appreciate the Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark, on Sunday, Mary 28, starting at 8 p. m. checker tournament. was carried out. ' patronage of the general public A Mothers' Day program will be twenty-six piece set of silverware given by the Psi Mu Sunday after- Last Saturday Dr. Applebaum A will be given to the holder of the —Shop from our Service Guide BENEFIT DANCE noon. May 21, at 4 p. m., at the Jew- spoke to the Pioneer Women concern- lucky number. Admission is twentySUNDAY ing the organization's affiliation with ish Community Center. five cents. The Hadassah benefit dance has the Histadruth. Mrs. L. Neveleff, "Psi Mu Mother," Our will speak for the mothers. The re- This Saturday the organization will sponse will be made by a member of meet at the home of Mrs. J. M. Baker, Psi Mo. A chorus of the Hazomir will 1802 North 19. The subject to be disand present several Yiddish folk songs. cused will be "The Zionist Congress A meeting of the Junior Vaad AuxBy M. H. Sogolow, Physical Refreshments will be served after and the Importance of Every Jew iliary will take place this Monday Director J. C. C. evening a t 8:30 at the B'nai Israel the program, and each mother will be Buying a Shekel." PRICES WILL SATISFY synagogue, 18th and Chicago St. An Registration is now being taken presented with a small gift. Leo BerYOU interesting program is being planned for' senior life saving classes for man is chairman of the committee in including a review of a recent Jewish men • and women. The men meet charge. book and several other interesting Tuesday evenings, and the women Twenty couples attended the moon- and important matters. All members Wednesdays. FA-HON BANQUET Mrs. D. Flanchek spoke for the light hike of the Xi Lambda, held are asked to be present. 2815 EMMAN AT2BIS mothers and Sally Pollay responded last Saturday a t the Elkhora River. " Learn to swim." for the daughters a t the ' mother- The committee in charge included Art —Shop from <our. Service Guide David 3. Chesnean, instructor and daughter banquet given by the Fa- Lapp, Art Grossman, I. Wezelman, examiner -for American Red Cross How sorority at the J. C. C,, May 10. Harry Weinberg, and Oscar MayerJunior and Senior life saving;' fe t£ah "Siegel was toastmaster. Im *wich. _ working in co-operation with the promptu speeches were delivered by Two round robin golf tournaments, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls in several members of the sorority and a regular tourney and one for "dubs", preparing and passing swimming and by Mrs. M. Friedel, sponsor. . is being held by the dub. Sam Cackm merit badge tests. An interesting program was pre- is the defending champion.

Daughters of Zion

. Young Men's Vaad

Interclub Swimming* Meet on Thursday

Phi Delta Epsilon

Council of Jewish Women

Says New Tire Offers Eight Improvements

Junior Hadassah

Kittenball Loop

A. Z. A. 100

Photograph Specials



Pioneer Women

Ladies Labor Lyceum


Jr. Vaad Auxiliary



Xi Lambda

Beginners classes now have an enrollment of over forty, with Sunday* afternoon becoming a popular meeting time. "Every Member a Swimmer," is the physical education department slogan. Some of the most consistent performances in the Center pool are being turned in by Evelyn Zweiback, Phyllis Soref and Eva Marcus. Swim for health and beauty.

World Theater Another entertaining double feature program starts a t the World Theatre on Friday, May 19th, embracing all the elements of amusement. The first feature picture will be entitled "The Song of the Eagle" and depicts what may happen, if the racketeers gain a foothold in thelegimate beer business. The cast includes .such screen luminaries as Richard Arlen, Mary Brian and Charles Bickford. The second feature is a singing romance of the desert starring Ramon Novarro and Myrna Loy in this characterization of a shiek who knew only the law of the desert—to take what he wanted.

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NAZIS POISONING BORDER NATIONS AGAINST JEWRY London, (J.T.A.)—The effect of the Nazi regime in Germany upon the surrounding' countries is pointed out in a report of the Joint Foreign Committee submitted to the Board of Jewish Deputies. ; In Austria, according to the report, a dangerous situation has arisen as a result of increasing Nazi agitation. In Poland, the anti-Semitic National Democrats have been stimulated to . renewed activity and anti-Semitic disturbances have taken place at Lodz, Cracow, in East Galicia and elsewhere. Consequently, the government has had to move to suppress anti-Semitic agitation throughout Poland. The followers of Professor Cuza, leader of the anti-Semitic movement in Koumania, have increased' their agitation all over the country and the extension of the Nazi movement there resulted in serious outbreaks at Czernowitz which were suppressed only with the aid of troops. The Hungarian Government has found it necessary to prohibit the Nazi uniritADENBTJIlG, STAiSlASTEK & BEBEB O. T . D O E B B * P. M. KLCTZNICK G30 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SAXJ Notlw? Is hereby given thnt on the 7tn day of June. 3033, (it 30 o'clock A. M.. nt the Meets Garage, 2.162 Leavenworth St., Omnhn, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the biRhest bidder for cash one Bnick Sedan, 1929 model, Engine No. 2430ri39, Factory No. 2310485. covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the United Finnneial Service, a corporation, signed by Harry R. Howell and Margnret Howell. That said mortgage is dated Juao 38, 1932, and is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage for the costs of the sale and nil accruing costs, and for the purpose of satisfying the amount due thereon, namely, $3S9.5C plus Interest; that no suit or other proceedings at law hare been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE, B y Philip M. Klutznlck.



.TACK W. MAItER, Attorney Court House, Omaha NOTICE B r PPBHCATION ON PETITION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAIi ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of JOB P. PASSICK, Deceased. All persons Interested In said matter are hereby notified that on the 27th day of April, 1033. Kate Passick filed a petition i n said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as executrix, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 27th day of May. 1933, and that if you fall to appear before said Court on the said 27th day of l i n y , 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree o t heirship. and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, i s to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to snld : estate may be finally settled and determined. BKXCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. 5-5-33-3t.

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Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA


Additional Sioux City News

PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Bstate of THERESA IHKNB CLAKEY, Deceased. NOTICE I S HEKJCBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, nt the County Court Room, in said County, on the I2th day of July, 1033, and on the 12th dny of September, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day-, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and nllowanee. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of June, 1933. • BUYCE CRAWFORD, 5-10-33-3t. County Judge. J . F E I L E B 8TERN, Attorney. 403 Omaha Nnt'l Bank Bid*.

J. J . FRIEDMAN, Attorney. 534 Insurance B i d s .

Z<t»CHAIUA. 'Attorneys. 7G8 Brandets Theater Bldg.



Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of PRANK MRKVICKA. Deceased. All persons Interested In said estate arc hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, nnd that a hearlnt: will be had on said petition before said Court on the 10th day of June. 3033, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 10th day of June. 1SW3, nt 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of saJd estate to Maud Salsbery or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-ia-33-3t. County Judge.

In the Matter of the Estate of BESSIE

In-the County Court of Douglas County,

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF H 4 B R T H. LAPIDUS COMMUNITY TBUST Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together for the purpose of foriniug a corporation m.der the laws of the State of Nebraska. The uame of the corporation shall be UARUY H. LAPIDUS COMMUNITY TRUST F U N D with its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska, 'xhe object and purpose for w i i c h this corporation . is organized • i s : (a) to accept any gift, grain, devise and/or bequest in trust tor educational, charitable, religious or benevolent uses or purposes of a Jewish character; (bj to apply the principal antl/or income of any such gift, grant, devise and/or bequest for the promotion, extension and advancement of euueutioual, charitable, religious or benevolent projects or institutions of a Jewish character, as the Hoard ot Trustees may direct, provided, however, that if any such gift, grant, devise, and/or bequest be limited in its use by the giver, grantor, and/or testator, then and In that event the gift, graut, devise, und/or beijuest shall be applied iu the manner and. to the use limited by the giver, grantor and/or testator, provided further, however, that whenever it shnll appear to the Board of Trustees that circumstances have so changed since the execution of the instrument coutaining any gift, grant, devise, and/or bequest as to render unnecessary, undesirable, impractical or impossible a literal compliance with the terms of such instrument, said Board of Trustees may at any time or from time to time direct the application of such gift, grant devise, autl/or bequest to such other educational, charitable, religious or benevolent purpose of a Jewish character as in their judgement will most effectually without regard to and free from and specific restriction, limitation or direction contained in such instrument; and (c) To decline any gift, grant devise, or bequest or any part of any gift, grant devise or bequest which in the opinion of the Board of Trustees does not comply with thu purposes and objects of this corporation; and (d) to hold legal title to the property given, granted or devised to the corporation for the uses and purposes, and upon the conditions herein expressed and to exercise in respect to tht property so held all rights of absolute ownership. Without in any way limiting or restricting the foregoing but in enlargement and extension thereof, the corporation shnll have the power: to invest and re-invest any and nil moneys received in securities and/or properties unless the donor shall otherwise provide, and to sell, lease, convey, transfer, encumber, exchange, deliver and dispose of all or any part ot the principal or capital of the funds or property •at such prices and upon such terms as it shall deem expedient and proper, and to- borrow money or moneys when and as needed, nnd <e) fo do all things necessary and/or proper to effect the objects and purposes hereinabove set forth. This corporation shall have no capital stock nnd shall declare no dividends It shall comence doing business upon the filing of its Articles of Incorporation with





Nebraska and shall continue for a period of 100 years. Thp highest amount of Indebtedness or llnbllity lo which the corporation shall at any one time be subject shall not exceed one-hnlf of the value of the property owned by It. The affairs of this corporation shall be administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of sevente?n. ten of whom Bhall serve for life and as long as they are residents of Omaha. Nebraska. The remaining seven shall be elected at the annun) meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation and shall serve for a period of two years, or until their successors are duly elected nnd qualified. The Board of Trustees shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary nnd Tronsiirpr, all of whom shnll hold office for n term of one year. The regular annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall bo held on the second Monday of March of ench year. Those articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Hoard of Trustees by a two-thirds vote of all the trustees: provided, however, that Articles 1 and 3 shall never be amended.


and the dissemination of information regarding the German' situation as well as a cable to the Palestine High Commissioner urging the desirability of increasing the number of certificates of admission to Palestine to the maximum extent possible.

Miss Dora Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaplan, 1109 West Second street, became the bride of Joe Kaiman, of Villisca, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiman of Red Oak, Iowa, at an elaborate ceremony, Sunday evening1, in the Shaare Zion synagogue. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, and Cantor A. Pliskin, officiated. The synagogue was decorated with ferns, palms, and flowers of the season. An orchestral prelude prefaced the entrance of the bridal party. The bride's sister, Miss Kate Kaplan was maid of honor and bridesmaids included Miss Goldie Wolfson and Miss Evelyn Kaiman of Omaha, and Miss Mildred Sirlcen and Miss Dorothy Rutstein of Sioux City. Norma Kaplan, daughter^ Mr. and Mrs. M. Kaplan, was the flower girl and Donald Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mason of Graf ton, N. D., acted as ring bearer. Bernard Kaiman of Red Oak was groomsman, and ushers included Leonard Barricks, Mathew Dvorkin, Nathan Cohen and Stanley Shapiro. The bride wore a white satin gown,,

the County

924 No. 24th St. (Near Cuming) JA. 5115 Eve, HA. 4006

The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614

form and swastika display. . In ' Germany, the report declares, the Nazi program against the Jews continues with undiminished vigor, Jews are steadily being eliminated from the intellectual, economic and political life of the nation and, in addition to official decrees against Jewish doctors, lawyers, professors and civil servants, administrative pressure is being used to drive the Jews out of all their important positions in business, journalism and sport. Though little light is to be seen in the deep gloom surrounding the future of the Jews of Germany, the report points out, measures have been taken to provide assistance to the refugees. The report also deals with other measures taken by the committee, such as the organization of mass meetings of protest in the provinces

WINTROUB I'lIiL, Deceased. NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN r That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 12th day of Jnly, 1933, nnd on the 12th day of September, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., ench day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of June. 1033. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-10-33-3t .. County Judge. 8IL.VBRMAN ft ZACHAKIA, Attorneys. 768 Brandels' Theater Bldff. NOTICE OF SAM! ON COX1MMOSAL SAAB'S CONTRACT Notice is hereby given that o n . t h e 5thday of June, 1033, at 10 o'clock A. M-, atthe jr. L. Brandeis & Sons warehouse, located nt 9th nnd Douglas Streets, in the City of Omaha, Douglns County, .Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: 1 Chinese rug, 90 yards carpet, 12 yards padding, 00 yards padding, office drapes (1 pr. velvet drapes, 4 pr. monko cloth drapes, 4 valances), 2 radiator covers, 1 smoker, 1 floor lamp, 1 lamp reflector, 1 bridge lamp, 1 basket, 1 desk chair, l type, chair, 1 down chair, 1 leather davenport, 1 costumer, glass door curtains. 2 smokers, 1 oak end table, 1 book case, 1 humidor, 1 arm chair, 1 arm chair, 1 sofa and chair (upholstered), 1 oak desk, 1 swivel chair in muslin, 1 costumer, 1 drop head: type desk, 2 type desks, 1 walnut type desk, 2 small desks, 1 lounge chair, 2 solid walnut chairs, 4 imitation walnut chairs; covered by certain lease agreement exe». cuted nnd delivered by National Investors incorporated, n corporation; by L. Stern, general manager, to J. L. Brandeis & Sons, a corporation, on the 30th day of April, 1831. Said lease agreement was duly filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 22nd day of May, 1931. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing the interest of said National Investors Incorporated in and to the above described property, for costs of replevining the same, for costs of sale and all accruing costs, nnd to satisfy the amount due thereon, to-wit: Six Hundred Eighty-Seven and 23-100 Dollars ($687.23); that no suit or other proceeding at law has been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. J.- Ii. BRANDEIS & SONS. 5-12-33 St. Conditional Lessor.

Mr. and Mrs. J.- Weisberg, accompanied by their son and daughter, have returned to their home in Minneapolis, after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baron, their son-in-law and daughter. During their stay in the city they were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron, 606 Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. A. Plotkin and daughter of Omaha, and Mr. arid Mrs. Nate Sterling and family of Carroll, Nebraska, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. J. Woskoff.

Miss Frances Rutstein, 314 Eigh- Jewish play "Nit Mit Alleman" pheum party, Wednesday evening. teenth street, spent the week-end in which is to be presented May 28, Meeting will be resumed in SepOmaha, visiting with friends*. urges every Jewish father and mo- tember. ther to attend. The play will be Mr. and Mrs. Archie Herzoff of presented entirely in Jewish. Officers for the coming season will Chicago, were in the city recently, visiting with the former's parents, be elected at the meeting Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Herzoff, 1035 Seventeenth street. Share Zion Auxiliary


Mrs. Harry Trochtenberg of Elliott, Iowa, and Mrs. M. L. Rubach of Avoca, Iowa, are guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker, 1514 Myrtle street.

A quilt, made and donated by Mrs. J. Janowitz, was raffled off at the meeting of the Shaare Zion Ladies Auxiliary, Tuesday afternoon. It was won by Mrs. D. Mazor. Plans were made at the meeting to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wine, formerly continue the meetings during the of Omaha, have arrived in Sioux City, summer months. The date for the and plan to make their future home Ice Cream Social was set for Sunday, here. July. 16. The meeting in June will be in the form of a luncheon. Miss Omye Maron, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. J. D. Maron, departed Business Girls last week for Los Angeles, where she will make an extended visit. The Business Girls Club closed their season, with a dinner and OrMiss Ida Levey has returned to the city after an extended visit with relatives and friends in Baltimore, Md.

Iota Tau

105 South 18th

Special Spring Prices The new Wella permanent—a real oil wave . . . beautiful soft deep waves and curly ends^— $5.00 COMPLETE Frederic Permanents ..........$3.50 Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c


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Large Coaches REDICK TOWER BUS DEPOT 15th and Harney, HA. 6100


To Barney, c-o Henry Muridt Farm Papillion, Nebr. . '.,""'

t :

Dear Old Barney: I know you can't read, Barney, and in a way, I suppose this is just for the record. But actually, Barney, there's a tear in my eye and a catch in my throat as I dictate this, and I am not ashamed to admit it. You've been so much more to us than just a delivery wagon horse. You've been a loyal, faithful worker, a genuine inspiration to those of us who might have been inclined to lag when the going got tough. Your record of having worked 19 years in all kinds of weather, which means you have delivered more than 1,387,000 quarts of milk to Omaha homes, is an achievement, Barney. It's a record unsurpassed. You've earned your retirement, you've earned your rest. It makes us very happy to be able to give it to you. So we salute you, Barney, for all that you've done and all that you've been to us. We do not say goodbye, because we'll all be coming out to the farm to see you right along. We know you'll be glad to see us.

Sincerely, L. H. Hanson, Manager.

• Born . . . Blair, Nebraska . . . 1908. • Applied for Work at Alamit® at Age of "6", 1914. f • Worked for Alamito Dairy 19 Years. • H e i g h t . . . Stands 161/2 Hands High. • Is Now 25 Years Old. • W e i g h t . . . 1,422 Lbs. • Retired May 10,1933.

Part of Contract Between Alamito Dairy Co. and Henry Mundt Farm Party of the second part, bsing the owner of a farm in Sarpy County, Nebraska, agrees to provide proper care and keep for Barney, including suitable shade and pasturage, shelter from inclement weather, abundance of mixed feeds, and sufficient clean bedding during the remainder of the life of said horse. Party of the second part further agrees that he will not use" Barney for any work of any kind or nature nor permit him to be used for any work during the remainder of the natural life of said horse. Party of the first part agrees to pay for periodical Veterinary examinations of Barney, and party of the second part agrees to comply with any recommendations of the examining doctor and to do everything in his power to add to the comfort and protection of Barney.

26th and Leavenworth Streets



Miss Bernice Liberman was hostess to the Iota Tau members, Tuesday evening. Following the business meeting the members adjourned to bridge and refreshments.

Eight new members were elected into the Maecabee club &t their meeting Sunday. The new members include Jack Merlin, Ezra Levin, Bernard Marks, Nathan Rosenthal,. Ben Lebonowitz, Ben Sacks, Irvin Maron and Walter Woskoff. The club will express their hearty welcome to the new members at a."New Members" meeting next Sunday. Plans for a stag party are in the hands of Dave Montrose. All Sokolsky was added to the Business Managers Committee, to assist Harry Liberman in the ticket selling campaign for the Maecabee plays, Mr. Dave Sperling, director of the


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princess style, with a veil, of tulle, lace edged. She carried a shower bouguet of white roses. Miss Kate Kaplan wore an orchid and green tulle frock, and the bridesmaids were gowned in pastel shades, with bouquets and accessories contrasting. • Following the ceremony, 135 guests attended the bridal dinner in the synagogue social hall. Dancing followed the dinner. • Mr. Kaiman and his bride will travel to Chicago, Milwaukee, and points in Indiana, on their honeymoon, returning1 to reside at Villisca after June 1. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included the following: Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiman, Miss Esther Kaiman and Bernard Kaiman, all of Red Oak; Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kaplan, of Whiting; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mason of Grafton, N. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chasen, of Syracuse, Neb; Mrs. Max Chasen, of Fremont; Abner Kaiman, Mrs. Becky Kaiman, Evelyn Kaiman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaiman, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kaiman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaiman, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levy, Miss Lena Levy, Mr. and Mrs. David Rifkin and daughter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rifkin, Mr. and Mrs. Roginsky and daughter Sophia, Mr. Harry Sidman, Miss Pauline Shapiro, Stanley Shapiro, Max Stoller, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolfson and family, Mr. and Mrsi. Nathan Wolfson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Katleman, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. H. Kasdan of Yankton, S. D.; Mr..and Mrs. Kieth Peltz of-Manning; Mr. Ed Weiner of Villisca, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wold of Fremont.



Jewish Hands \

Stretched Forth in a Tearful Appeal to


Jewish Hearts


In suffering, but in faith in need, but in confidence... in helplessness, but ia hope i . . . Jewish Hands are stretched out tayou, pleading for

* • • » -

as your contribution toward their sustenance during the coming year

These are the hands of thirty Jewish relief and educational institutions. Needs of our local Jewish community, requirements of worthy national institutions, and the necessities of our brethren in Europe and Palestine . . . . all are cared for by the Jewish Philanthropies.

Every Jeivisfi Man; Woman and Child

MUST SHARE Their Brethmki in This Crisis * *-.



The great neeii of the a cfeallengp to our liberality of heart. We cannot economize iii our giving at the expense of the orphans, the sick, the aged, or at the expense of the homeless, hungry families who have fallen on a lean day and now plead for a crust of brejad to stave off starvation. This appeal involves Human lives . . . and more,;;.. it pleads for the perpetuation of import* ant Tnstitations ia Jewish life, without which the existence of our people wouldHeshaltewHaiKl^ojd.; WcJlmust tap our reserve resources and contra bute to the utmost. THE PLEA OF "THESE JEWISH HANDS WILL NOT GO DNANSWERED...WE WILL' BE FAITHLESS TO TRADITION OR BLIND TO OBLIGATION . . .




ies of Omaha FourthAnnual Campaign Being Held Now

s> ^^

Your Messenger of Jewish News

ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1933

of people's way. Don't drive down^ sale (imagine that) almost fell Nebraska street without stopping in through the floor for joy when she because the "root beer is swell. It's won a basket of groceries last Monat 14th and they call it Bill's Place. day nite at the Carnival. Mr. Max Levitsky was elected presThe local A. Z. A. chapter joined The only thing that could have Bennie P . either passed out, faintWhy do people have to be hit The "Give or Get" luncheon, sponof the Adass Yeshuren synawith other chapters of the nation in made the C a r n i v a l more perfect ed or dropped dead, last week in over the head before they'll pay for Shirley Guttleman, six - year - old ident sored by the senior Hadassah chapter, at the annual election of the honoring their parents, by celebratdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gut- gogue have been my winning the fif- front of Martin's, and it took four their subscription to the Jewish congregation held last week. Mr. Mike will be given next Tuesday noon, May ing National A. Z. A. Parents Day, would tleman, 1701 Douglas street, was Kantrovich ty dollars in gold. Ben Sherman of good looking girls who were passing Press. To the one who can really tell 23, in the home of Mrs. J. N. Krueger, was elected vice-president; "unday afternoon. awarded the prize for the Sweetheart Mr. S. Robinow, treasurer; Mr. E.3701 Jackson street. Hastings, Nebr. had it won for a by to. pick him up and bring him to. us what's the reason we'll absolutely Mrs. Harry Wigodosky spoke brief- minute but they found out that they He just can't take it any more. We send the paper free from now on Popularity Contest, at the Community Stenowsky, secretary, and Mr. W. Sel- Women who have in some manner in behalf of the parents, and Mar- were looking at the wrong card and might pass on the rumor that he's and until. Center Building Fund Carnival, Monraised the sum of $2.50, or themselves ly r recording secretary. in Klass, president of the chapter so A. J. Galinsky got a break and writing a book. Maybe that's what day evening. The contest was one ofigman, The way we feel right now we Trustees elected include Mr. H. donated that amount, are entitled to jpoke in behalf of the members. the the many interesting features on theFriedman, roll. The outstanding Indian of did it. have no promises to make regardattend the luncheon. The funds raised Mr. J. Cohen, Mr. H. Kozprogram of the Carnival, which was a berg, and Mr. are turned over to the Hadassah Med- Miss Ruth Friedman gave a reading, the whole pow-wow was Mr. BaumSioux City bids or bade (depend- ing next week's column and as a E. Lelchook. and Mr. Frank Margolin, local at- stein, and if we're not mistaken we ing on whether they left or not) matter of fact we don't care if anysuccess both socially and financially. ical Fund. .'-.- The variety of entertainment atMrs. William Lazere and Mrs. Zella torney, gave the principal address. thought that we saw one of the Wiri- farewell to three tapped out young body reads it, but we do know two Eddie Miller was in charge of: the nebago squaws making a few passes eligible bachelors who are leaving little items of news that would realtracted more than 1,000 people to the Levitan are in charge of the arrangeirogram. _ \ -: at him. The same two sub-debs, for sunny California. Sol G., Larry ly rock the town if we only cou]d Carnival, which is the Eighth Annual Miss Dorothy Epstein-was hostess ments. Mrs. L. S. Goldberg and Mrs. one. An Indian Pow-Wow, booths of to the Phi Deb sorority, last Wednes- T. N. Lewis are in charge of the pro- At a recent meeting of the or-^that we mentioned a couple of weeks' S. and Iz H. are going Horace print it without a genuine fear of every description, and dancing were day evening. Miss Ruth Rifkin was gram, •which will include musical num- ganization the tentative date for the past, namely E. S. and S. R. were Greeley on us, to see what lies be- getting eleven different kinds of h— Mid Summer dance has been set as seen quietly sipping orange pop, af- yond the Rockies. For those; whokicked out of us. among other features of the evening. elected vice-president of the club, to bers" and several surprise features. Tune 25. Plans were also discussed ter their harrowing experience of a really hate to see them go we think The Good Time Contest Award of succeed Miss Omye Maron, who de:or the chapter's participation in the few weeks ago. Fifty Dollars, was won by A. J. Galthat this will prove a complete reparted recently for California. Regional convention. • insky. : The old adage "when the cat's versal of the proverb that they nevBridge and dancing formed the eveMr. Jack Robinson was the general ning's entertainment, which was con- Miss Bertha Heshelow, who will rev away" etc. still holds true and so weer come back. chairman of the Carnival. Proceeds cluded with refreshments. find Art B. out playing golf at four ceive a teacher's diploma "in musical We might mention that Milt B. will be turned over to the fund for a in the afternoon and his younger and Abe S. took a chance on a blanhistory and harmony from the Sioux Meetings of the B'nai Brith lodge brother * Sid casting meaningful ket and really won a blanket, if *Tew Community Center. City School of Music; will present her ; graduation recital next Tuesday eve- ave been discontinued for the sum- glances at the much married "Dub- you get what I mean. Robert Cohen, son of Mr. and MrsJ ning, May 23, in the recital hall of mer season, according to an announce- bie." Max where art thou? The lady that a few years ago Sam L. Cohen will celebrate his Barthe school. ment by Leon Dobrofsky, president of Ida L. is back from Baltimore donated a discarded set of her husMitzvoh during the evening service, . Miss Heshelow's program will in- the local 'lodge. " r " -; •and reports her tow-head cousin Neat Mount Sinai Temple, tonight. In clude the following numbers: "An- Plans for a summer outdoor affair omi to be bigger and better than ev- band's false teeth to a rummage Miss Rosalie Sacks and Miss Dena addition to the Bar Mitzvoh, Rabbi Baron were appointed delegates to the Lewis will speak on the subject "Dr. dante," Bach; "Andante," Beethoven; will be announced in the near future. er, and if our guesses are right we take no chances in saying that we "Passe Pied," Debiles; "Clair de regional Hadassah convention in Oma- Adler and Ethical Culture." think she's given the boy she left L u n e , " Debussy; "Revolutionary ha, to represent the Sioux City chapRabbi Lewis spoke Tuesday mornbehind the good old go-by. Such is ter. About 30 local members plan to ing before the student body and fac- Etude" and "Waltz in E Minor," attend the convention, which will take ulty of Western Union College in Le Chopin; "Polonaise Brilliante," Liszt- The date for the annual Talmud life in the big city. Weber, and ^'Maidens in the Garden," Torah picnic was set for Sunday, June Jack Robinson came home last place the last three days in May. K S T Mars, and at noon he addressed the Monpou. 25, by the Talmud Torah board, at Monday nite and found that his The chapter will meet in June for Le Mars Rotary Club. In the evening Heshelow will be, assisted on their meeting this week. children no longer recognized him. PHONE 5-81S2 the installation of officers, and will of the same day he was the principal theMiss Committees and chairmen for the It was the first time they had seen program by her sister, Ida, who end their season with a party during speaker at the Washington School will sing several numbers. affair will be jnnounced by Mr. Jack him since the day that he was ap- Efficient Service at Moderate Cost that month. P. T. A. meeting. London, president of the board, at a pointed general chairman of the later date. Building Fund Carnival. A. new place' for local Jewry to Eddie Miller, a member of this Come in now and see our park and spark while drinking root 2 BIG HITS graduating class of Central beer and eating barbecue recently complete line of stylish Coming to the Orpheum theater for year's and son of Mr. and Mre. H. 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. opened under the management of three days starting Saturday is a big High, s t r a w s . Panamas, Leg1524 Court street, has been Auto Phone 8-3567 vaudeville presentation headlined by Miller, horns, Toyas, fancy straws The Granada offers its patrons two Red Barracks and Charley Baldawarded a scholarship to Oberlin colG. T. NOTSON, D. D n Supt. Nick Lucas, the famous radio and lege, in Ohio. and sailors— ig features pictures on the bill start- win J r . Chickie Barracks is the asstage star. The coming troubadour is an honor student, a member ing May 220. Kate Smith in "Hello sistant and keeps busy staying out will be supported by other acts of of He the Honor society, and president of Everybody" and Ronald Colman in 4 DAYS STARTING SAT. high class vaudeville that will include the graduatirig class. He is also a Cvnara" with Kay Francis. Each HURRY! SIOUX CITY a variety of music, song, dance and member of the local Crystal White Soap Chips, picture is a whole show in itself and A. Z. A. chapter. comedy. On the screen will be shown DOUG., FAIRBANKS, SR. 2 boxes for 19c combined they make up a varied and FREE the motion picture "Would a Woman Soap, 5 bars for . 6c entertaining program:that no one in Tell," staning Barbara Kent, Lew White Sport Cap FREE should miss.. " ' ;[ Auto Bulbs, each 4c "MR. ROBINSON CRUSOE" Cody and H. B. Warner. with purchase of any straw House Brooms, each ^-. 15c Regular Friday evening services Today-is the las&fchance to see one Starting May 24 for three days the will be conducted this evening a t of the most novel pictures of the seahat during our straw hat ENDS TONIGHT •Orpheuin will offer the original "Desr Shaare Zion Synagogue by Rabbi son, Douglas Fairbanks Sr. in Robinopening. jert Song" exactly as presented in New Rabinowitz and Cantor Pliskih. The son Crusoe, the story of a modern fYork with the original cast of 65 peo- service will begin at 7:30. There will man who mastered nature in the south Balcony —TOMORROW— : jple. It will be shown here at popular be no sermon. . sea isles. Anytime prices. 2J3IG TIME HITS! Tomorrow morning, -.Martin Dasr Watch the Granada ad for the kovsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer laugh sensation of the year. Eddie 500 Jackson St. Phone 56595 Daskovsky, Castle Apartments, will Cantor in "The Kid'^From Spain." HOUSE RENTALS 623 4th St.: celebrate; his Bar Mitzvah. BUSINESS LOCATIONS Rabbi Rabinowitz has been invited Additional Sioux City News ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 'to address the banquet meeting of Continued on Page Six. the Regional Hadassah Convention With to be held in Omaha, May 28. CECIL R. SEFF, Mgr. WILLIAM The Shaare Zion Confirmation ser216 Davidson Bid?. Ph. 85471 vice will be held Tuesday evening, A-N-D RETURNS ON ALL SPORTING EVENTS May; 30. Ah elaborate program has RONALD MADGE EVANS DIRECT WIRES TO ALL RACE TRACKS been planned for the evening. COLMAN


Hokka Ghynik


Graduation Recital




Mount Sinai


Junior Hadassah

a •• i» i o r


Famous Radio Star at Orpheum

R eceives Scholarship

The Methodist Hospital

Two Features at the urariada

$1.45 and $1.95 Stetsons at $3.00

Shaare Zion












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Double Bill at Rialto




The North Side Shopping Center

Starting tomorrow for. four days the Rialto theater will offer local theater-goers two feature pictures. "Fast Life" with William Haines and Cliff Edwards is hilarious comedy AND that everyone will enjoy. The second half of "this big twin-bill is "The Permanents, $2.50 and Up Eleventh Commandment" featuring Monday and Tuesday Specials— Marion Marsh, Theodore Von Eltz and Alan Hale. This picture is the dra- Shampoo, Finger Wave and matic romance sensation of the sea- Manicure, $1.00. Call 8-1555 for Appointment son, and its story deals with the Flowers for Every Occasion eleventh commandment: "Thou shalt At RICHEY FLORIST not be found out." It is the story of 2609 PIERCE a battle by both legitimate and - illeWE DELIVER gitimate heirs to a huge fortune, to get their share of the legacy. It has caused favorable comment where ever Real Shoemaker it has shown.





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SIVERT MYREN The Uptown Shoemaker



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Given Away at 9:15 P. M. • Starts Wednesday for 3 Days




Havre De Grace Pimlico Agua Caliente 422 NEBRASKA ST.

"Cynara" With

Kay Francis Doors Open 10:45

Aurora Churchill Downs Sportsman's Park Phones 89874—57422



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Phone 82888

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Phone 54096

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Davenport Cleaners

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Golden Rule Cleaners

618 Pierce S t Phone 55008

2821 East 2nd

Phone 67096

Daley and Gately Cleaners 209 So. Fairmont

Phone 65135

Jackson Cleaners and Tailors 405 Jackson St.

Phone SSS44

Mid-West Cleaners 213 4th St.

Phone 87240

Soo Cleaners and Dyers 1221 4th St.

Phone 57483

Whitney Cleaners 1000 West 7th Phone 83085

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