In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Knit-jt-tl us Sucoiui-Oi«u» Air••-•'-•'•fi'I"*'on Juuuary 27, U121, at
I'ostoHlre nt Omahn. Nel>rnBr ^ » , T the Act of March 3, JBI8
Hitler Workers in American Centers Laying Groundwork, in Speeches and Pamphlets
Hitler a Jew? Prague, (J.TJL)—The family of Adolph Hitler, arch-foe of the Jews, is of Jewish descent, declares the Social Democratic daily, "Pravo Lidu". The Hitler family is originally from the town of Planau in Bohemia. Research there has shown that all those who are named Hitler, are either Jews or descendants of Jews, according to the newspaper.
Galician Jew Saved Hitler's Life in the War
VOL. IX—No. 17
Pledges Show Increase As Campaign Nears End
A Galician Jew who served in the same company . with Adolph Hitler during the War, and who saved Hitler's life, has received a thousand marks from the Nazi Chancellor and an invitation to visit Berlin, Warsaw papers, received here, assert. The former Jewish soldier recognized Hitler's pictures and wrote him, recalling the incident. The gift and invitation followed. The German consul is quoted as declaring he has instructions to. issue the necessary Jerusalem, (J.T.A.) — Twenty-one visa. Arabs have given Hebrew as their naHitler's forraer companion is in a tive language, according to the officquandary. He would like to ask ial Palestine census, covering the year the Chancellor to end Jewish per- 1931, just published here in two volsecutions, but his friends warn him umes comprising 950 pages of stanot to go to Berlin, lest the Nazis tistical data. do away with him in orded to re- However, against these 21 Hebrewmove a possible source of embarrass- speaking Arabs, 2,216 Jews in Palesment to their chief. | tine gave Arabic as their mother tongue; while 4,694 Jews gave Yiddish, 5,305 English and 2,492 German as their native languages. The population of Palestine in 1931 1,035,821 compared with the 757,182 of the year 1922. Of the present population, there are 759,712 Moslems, 174,610 Jews, 91,398 Christians, 182 Samaritans and the rest are Druses.
Important Workers' Meeting Sunday Morning; TWENTY-ONE ARABS Youths' Division First to Go SPEAK HEBREW, AND the Top" 2,216 JEWS, ARABIC A dauntless spirit among"Over the work-'
last year's initial gift total by several New York (J.T.A.)—An intensive opies of this leaflet were being" iners in the fourth annual Jewish Phil- thousand dollars and are still turning anti-Semitic <irive, backed by the Na- erted in books on the shelves of the anthropies campaign has buoyed up in pledge cards. tional Socialist Party of Germany library's branches. hopes for reaching the goal desired, Most of the work left to be done is and spurred on by the success that This pamphlet, while berating the as the drive swings into the home in the general solicitation division. organization has had there, is slowly Tench and British as well, reserves stretch. Max Barish is chairman of this divigathering momentum in the United its choicest epithets for the Jews, 300 The campaigners, both men and sion and Harry Silverman is viceStates as Nazi representatives in this of whom, it quotas the late Walter women, boys and girls, have pledged1 chairman. The bulk of the prospect country and Hitlerist sympathizers Rathenau as saying, rule the world. that they will "stay on the firing are busily engaged in laying the Still another piece of literature, ev- Community Center Headquarline" until every prospect is ssen. Workers' Meeting groundwork for a nation-wide pro- idently not yet ready for bulk distriMost encouraging has been the popters for Convention May AH workers in the Jewish Philpaganda attack on the Jews of Am- bution, is a five-page mimeographed ular response to the campaign by the ] anthropies drive are urged to at28 and 29 affair, blaming the Jews for all the erica. • Jewish community at large. Despite tend the final "clean-up" meeting the abnormal economic situation, the to "be held at the Jewish CommuniThe propaganda will be two-fold in crimes committed in this . country. The eighth annual convention of the Most of the Italians in this country, number of contributors to the Phil- ty Center, Sunday morning, Mav aim—to discredit the Jews in the southwest region cf Hadassah will anthropies is more than keeping lip 2S, at V a. m. minds and Jbearts of their fellow- it alleges, are really Italian Jews, take place in Omaha, Sunday and with previous j^ears. citizens and to create a favorable at- and they form the great majority of Monday, May 28 and 29, with headThe campaign is in its final Especially encouraging has been the stages titude in this country to the pro- the criminal element in this country. quarters at the Jewish Community and all available workers In this pamphlet one may read that number of increases over last year are needed gram of Adolf Hitler and his coto make a successful Center. Sacco and Vanzetti, whose case was that donors have made in their horts in the Reich. finish. a cause celebre, were, in reality, The opening session will start on pledges. In every division — initial The anti-Semitic attack will be Jews. Sunday at 10 a. m. in the lodge room. gifts, general solicitations, women's fought along two fronts. Nazi Of a different nature is the attack Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg will preside, New York, (J.TA.)—The Zionist division, and youths—these increases t ^cards falls into this division,. and groups in this country, composed of being made on the other front by aad welcoming talks will be given by outnumbered decreases two to one. j thorough canvassing; of all of these of America will hold its Germans most of whom came here uch organizations as the "Friends Mayor Roy N. Towl and Henry Mon- Organization Another noteworthy item is that the j cards takes some time despite th© thirty-sixth annual convention in Chisince the War, by widespread distri- of Germany," headed by Col. Edwin sky. cago beginning Saturday evening, decreases have been coming- only from large number of workers out. bution of scurrilous and defamatory Emerson, friend of the late Theodore Following the session the Senior July 1 through to July 4* Morris Rothose who are actually unemployed, Workers' Luncheons literature, by -word of mouth and by Roosevelt and one-time Rough Rider. Hadassah will be guests of the Junior thenberg, president of the organizabut still want to give something no Luncheons for men and women other methods will seek to foment He actively aided the German cause Hadassah at a luncheon at the Paxton, tion, has announced. matter how little. workers were held at the Jewish Comanti-Semitism in ever-widening cii- during the war and remained in Ger- where a joint junior-senior session . The convention will coincide with The final clean-up meeting munity Center, Tuesday, Wednesday cles. Organizations, avowedly not many after the American nation had will be held in- the afternoon. Jewish Day, July 3, at the Century of Affair to Be Held at Jewish will be held at the Jewish COIR- and Thursday noons. anti-Semitic, working in spheres entered the conflict. Progress, and l>r. Chaim Weismarm, munity Center auditorium on Sun"Thirty beneficiary agencies are deCommunity Center higher than the Nazi groups can Emerson, in interviews with a re- A banquet in the auditorium of the former president of the World Zionist J. C. C. Sunday night will honor Mrs. day morning, May 28. starting Et pending upon us for aid," Dr. A. penetrate to bring about modification porter June 14 the Jewish Daily Bulletin S. H. Soboroff of Chicago, and the Organization and of the Jewish Agen9 a. m. Every worker is expected Greenberg, general chairman, declared of the adverse Hitler sentiment in denied for being an anti-Semite but ad- out-of-town delegates. Delegates from cy for Palestine, who will be in Chi- Harry Trustin, recently-elected city to be present to aid in petting the in urging the workers to conthroe this country, are quietly seeking to mitted authorship cago, in collection with Jewish Day, commissioner, will be honored at a in which seven states will attend. finishing touches to the campaign. their good work. "In this crisis we align the more prominent native an- Jews were accusedofofarticles will be the guest of honor at a ban- stag dinner to be held at the Jewish being communAt press time the total actual cannot afford to have a let-up in our Both men and women are invited to ti-Semites here under the Swastika and in which Jews were described this banquet. Mrs. David A. Goldstein quet tendered him by the convention Community Center, Wednesday, June pledges turned into campaign head- work. Every possible prospect must - banner1 and i-to exert their influence ists 14, at 6:30 p. m., under the auspices quarters amounted to ?2S,9SS.9O. A be canvassed and every possible cent as "small, swarthy men with thick will preside. The program:"Musical delegates on July 4. at the well-springs of public opinion lips and kinky of Omaha Lodge No. S54 of the B'nai number of the pledges collected had raisud. For every cent that we fail $r. Issues upon, which American canhair." . selections, Conservative Synagogue against the Jews. _ . rt staiifc fc for -election i to the th Brith. . choir;- greetings* Mr. William L- Holz- didates | raise some suffering1 brother must b?. "Putting Hitler Oxex . Trustin is a past president of the not yet "been turned in. '"' "'_ Both ef " these campaigns, which World Zionist Congress which will be man; messages, Mrs. Joseph Rosendeprived of the barest necessities.'* Tenths Reach Quota daily, come closer i;o being out in the These organizations base their cam berg and Mr. Morris Friedel; violin held in August, probably in Carlsbad, lodge. The affair in his honor will be After his plea the workers Ko.ifl'y The youth's division, tinder the guidopen, will receive their greatest im- paign on "putting Hitler over" in solo, Thelma Gaspar, accompanied at! are expected to be formulated at the open to the entire Jewish community. petus when the intense and fanatica this country. Their chief method is the piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky; | Chicago meeting. Elections for the Dr. A. Greeriberg will act as toast- ance of Justin Wolf, was the first to and enthusiastically voted to keep n» Paul Joseph Goebbels,- organizer of to repeat unceasingly that all the principal address, Mrs. S. H. Soboroff American delegates -will be held in master. In addition to talks by the "go over the top." Tuesday they ever- working until the finish. In an address at the Wocln"-!JV,Jthe impressive Election Eve -demon- agitation against Hitler has been of Chicago. guests of honor, addresses will be de- subscribed their quota of S1.000, the nation-wide balloting July 9. stration in Germany and of the book- caused by the Jews, that the Jews in At the luncheon Monday at the Asserting that the delegates at the livered by Sam Beber, president of first time in a Jewish Philanthropies lunchcon, William Hoizman, honorsrr burning festival, arrives in this coun- maliciously agitating against Hitler J. C. C. Mrs. M. F. Levenson will pre- Chicago meeting "will be confronted District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the campaign that the youth's division chairman of the camnaign, stresses the importance of reaching the try some time this summer ostensib- are endangering the peace of th Brith, and by Henry Monsky, a passed the $1,000 mark. The program: Invocation, Eabbi with the most momentous problems B'nai "If \.e would only stop s ly to visit the' Century of Progress, world, that the Jews are so acting side. The women's division, headed by member of the executive of the inand consider the plight of the because the majority of them are Uri Miller; vocal selections, Ida Git- with which the movement has had to ternational order. Chicago "World's Fair. Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, is near its since its inception", Mr. Eothencommunists and Hitler is Europe', lin; address, Eabbi David A. Gold- deal An outstanding program of enter- goal, and it is expected that they will we seek to aid we would be more willGoebbels Expected Here stein; "What the Juniors Are Doing berg declared, "It is our hope that the ing- to sacrifice a few of our conifer;* chief bulwark against communism. tainment is being planned by Abner reach their quota early next week. Despite the emphatic denial of Euin Palestine," Mrs. Morris Franklin; Chicago convention will provide an and luxuries to help put this driv£ A bright feature of the campaim Kaiman. fns Dawes, president of the Century SEEK MILLION-DOLLAR reading, Euth Friedman; principal unprecedented demonstration of Zionover. The discomforts we suffer in has been the marvelous results of the Following the dinner and program, of Progress, that Dr. Goebbels DEFENSE FUND ist strength, a symbol of the will of address, Mrs. S. H. Soboroff. conducting- this campaign are indefin-> initial gifts division, headed by David a social hour will be held in the lodge •would attend the exposition as an Washington, D. C.—The American A sight-seeing trip for the out-of- the Jewish people towards the reesably insignificant in comparison official of the German government— Jewish Congress at its conference town guests is scheduled for Monday tablishment of its ancestral homeland room. Tables will be set for those Goldman, with Alfred S. Mayer, vicechairman. They have already passed j the stark misery of so many of our wishing to spent the remainder of the a denial, incidentally, that ''saved" Sunday unanimously voted to raise a afternoon .with a tea at the Paxton and center of culture, where men and brethren." women may find not merely physical evening at cards. Jewish Day and the support of Chi- million dollar fund to protect Jewisl at 5 p . m . The committee in charge cf arPerseverance Counts safety, but spiritual freedom." - cago Jewry outraged by reports from rights in Germany and the rest of All Omaha women are invited and rangements includes Max M. Barish, The perseverance of the Berlin of Goebbel's visit—the Jewish the world. urged to attend all session and social Isadore Abramson, Harry Malashoek, has been responsible for many Daily Bulletin has it on good au- The resolution for the anti-Hitler events. Dr. Maynard Greenberg, Irvin C. dollars rolling into the thority that Goebbels, officially o: drive was presented by Supreme All reservations for the luncheon Levin, Sam Green and Ephraim Marks. chest. •unofficially, is planning to attem should be made immediately with "The B'nai Brith," stated Isadore This has beer, demonstrated not aril? At local Nazi headquarters, further- Court Justice Mitchell May of New Mrs. A. S. Eubnitz, Walnut 5531. • . . • • • ' - . : • • Abramson, president of the locai by the number of increases but r.lsft more, the arrival of Goebbels is eag York. "Shall a iran be proud he is a Jew, by the surprisingly large number /*? lodge, "is justly proud that one of its erly expected. Goebbels has dis- ROOSEVELT UNDER JEWISH outstanding members and past presi-| an Eskimo, or a Basque?" asks Louis pledges from "turn-backs"—from y&.c"Parents Visiting Day" patched Hans Weidemann, member INFLUENCES, NAZIS has been so signallv honored Golding, author of "Magnolia Street, ple who had refused to give the fir.'-'i of his staff, to this country to study CHARGE at Local Talmud Torah A circular letter, headed by the indents in an article entitled "I Am a Jew," or second time they were seen but the community. Berlin.—President Roosevelt is actthe situation. caption, "What a Five-Year Course in the Glasgow News. "Shall he be were finally educated to the necessity "His sterling qualities of characWith his flair for organizing senti- ing under Jewish influence,, according A 'Tarents Visiting Day" will be in the City Talmud Torah of Omaha ter and excellent leadership reflect to ashamed?" he queries. cf contributing raid signed a plpflp'ment ..and his shrewd showmanship, to two Nazi organs, the Stuermer held once a month by the Talmud Means for Your Child," will be sent Mr. Golding answers by saying: Hr card. our glory, and we welcome the entire r^oebbels, after making contact with and the Deutsche Allgemeine Zei- Torah, according to A. Katz, prin- out shortly to parents of Jewish chilmay as well be proud or ashamed Another interesting sidelight is "fh*to join with Americans of anti-Semitic leanings tung. The latter, in a lengthy, ob- cipal. dren eligible to attend the Talmud Jewish that the color of the grass is green, pledge of one of the boncfici*a-r when we pay due honor to him at viously government inspired editorial, and enlisting their support, expects "This," states Mr. Katz, " -will Torah. that the number of his fingers on each this stag dinner." agencies. The local Talmud Torah -hito apply the torch which he confi- explains President Roosevelt's "anti- enable the parents of the pupils to hand is five. Let him be glad or drcn pledged $150.00 to the The letter reads: If your child atdently believes will start an anti- German" attitude as due to the fact visit the classes of their children tends Talmud Torah regularly for sorry. These are distinctly more The will to give IF BO strong tH* Jewish conflagration in this country- that three of. his most influential while they are in session and also to five consecutive years he. or she acphilosophical conditions. The color of of the charity oases are an*inn Among the novelties to which the advisers are Jews. The paper ex- discuss the work of their children quires the knowledge of: the grass might have been pink, many to contribute twenty-five cents ovi <•• American public will be treated in presses surprise that no ambassador with the teachers." •which would have been trying. FourPrayers: Fluency of reading in the the very small stipend they rw.'v"fi this campaign, it was learned defin- has yet been appointel to represent The first parents visiting day will teen fingers on each hand might have The smallest pledge of the camjwrrj itely, will be the "Talmudjude" which the United States in Germany. It be held Tuesday, June 6. Parents of Prayer Book; acquaintance with daily, been difficult to negotiate. So might a ten-cent cash contribution, mean'., c* has long been familiar to the Jews does not, however, mention the storm the Talmud Torah pupils are invited Sabbath and holiday services; transI intelligently be grlad or sorry I are big a sacrifice as the larger in Europe and has been widely dis- of protest which swept over Germany to visit the classes on that day be- lation of many passages from the Berlin, (J.T.A.)—No Jewish em- a Jew. But proud? Ashamed? Go services. tributed by the Nazis in Germany. when it was reported here that tween 4 and 8 p. m. ployee is to remain in any firm, in to!" Jewish Religion: Memorization of Germany after October 1 according President Roosevelt was considering Will Use Talmud Forgeries He has pity for the Jew who seeks Another Exam Die of blessings and short daily prayers; to strict orders issued by the Nazi the appointment of Herbert Bayard The "Talmudjude," purporting to to escape his Jewishness. Mr. Gold- Nazi Torture B Jews Boom Palestine customs and practices of the syna- party to Nazi cells in business and be a translation of passages of the Swope, outstanding American Jewing stresses the point that he cannot gogue and home; customs and cereSays Commerce Report monies of Sabbath, holiday and fast- industrial concerns throughout the escape; he will instead "breed com- London, (J.T.A.>—The Talmud by Rohling and Dr. Ecker, ish editor.. country. It was reliably learned here plexes and have to journey to Vienna quotes sections allegdly teaching that 60,000 FAMILIES LOOK Guardian reports that in the ls that the order emphasizes that no to ressolve them." Washington, (J.T.A.)—A wave of ing days. it isr permissible for Jews to prac- TO ZION part of April, a Jew, S , was Bible: All five books of Moses in mercy is to be shown and no excepprosperity in Palestine, exceeding tice usury, fraud and perjury in their Berlin.—More than 60,000 Jewish Analyzing the Jew, the author of dealings. with non-Jews. Such emin- families, half of the entire German- that of the pre-depression days, is original; Joshua, Judges, Samue', tions are to be rnsde, even in the "Magnolia Street" feels that the Jew- mated in Germanyy by order ot ent Christian Hebraists as Dr. Her- Jewish population, have registered at reported by the United States De- Kings, Euth and Esther; selection? case of ex-soldiers who are to be ish soul may be conquered and the authorities after they had c dismissed under various pretexts. cause of the death as mann. Leberecht Strack and Dr. the Palestine bureau in Berlin to ob- partment of Commerce. Factories from later prophets and psalms. mind dragged, but ''it is the Je1 lli th According to the Guardian, the ms; are working at "full capacity to meet Talmndic literature: "Rashi; selecNon-Jewish business men are not Franz Delitzsch have exposed these tain information regarding emigrathe marrow that persists." 1 had been arrested early in April UJM the increased demands for domestic tions from Agadah; Pirkey Aboth. finding displacement of their former 'The Jew in the msrrow," he conpurported translations as baseless tion to Palestine. fortnight later his body had. products, the department said, "and Hebrew Language: Speaking, read- Jewish competitors any source cf in- tinues. "I do not think I should err afound forgeries. The position of theJews of Ger- the demand for labor in the building near a sewage disposal plnr-l It is planned to flood the country many today is no better than it was trades and agriculture is growing ing and writing of Hebrew; Hebrew creased prosperity, it was learned, if, resolving: that homely and intelli- near Berlin, horribly mutilated, v-'itT and on the contrary, is adding to grammar. gible word into its equivalent in the hi? face smashed and lips cut. with copies of this booklet, suitably in the first days of the Nazi revolu- daily. illustrated in keeping with the best tion. A wave of terror has suddenly Covering the complete their woes. The placing of Nazi Viennese jargon, I should call it the The Nazis notified the relatives t£ History: The steady immigration of Jews range of Jewish history from its ori- commissars in. firms formerly con- Jew in the subconscious." Nazi anti-Semitic practices. been renewed in the last few days, j the victim and told them if the •-•>•trolled by Jews hss Tes-ulted in heavy .Another piece of literature which both in Berlin and in the provinces, from other countries' is believed gin to modern times. Glad that he is a Jew because h;s i cumstances of the man's death vrrc largely responsible for the upturn.' deficits for these concerns and inis already known to New Yorkers, and a new series of excesses has been Yiddish: Heading and writing of stead of being profitable enterprises, j divulged, thev would share the SRW will receive nation-wide distribution reported. Yiddish. they are becoming a financial bur- Ish artist starts oat rich, as no non- fate. Girl Leads in Research Leaflets, printed by the "Fichte Palestine and Jewish Contemporary den on the government treasury and Work Bund" in Hamburg, and available Life: Palestine as the Jewish home the banks which are financing them. Jew does; he is no babe bom in the Seels: to Witt Over American To Speak on Hitler there in quantities, according to the Chicago.—Iibbie H. Hyman of the manger, but a king crowned on a legend they bear, have been tossed "Hitler in the light of Jewish His- University of Chicago, has been se- land; current Jewish events all over This development is being watched throne." Germans with great anxiety even by interests into parked automobiles, thrust into tory" will be the subject of an ad- lected as one of the three leading the world. VIENNA,—Practical steps to «-•& Singing: Sabbath and holiday friendly to the Nazi . regime, who At the time of the first drive the hands of pedestrians, placed in dress to be given by Rabbi TTri Mil- women research workers in America over "the six million Germans in ih« fear that as a result of the closing songs; folk songs. against the Jews the Spain ish Emletter boxes and set on the counters ler at the Omaha Hebrew club meet- in a list of 250 leading American United States to National Socialises in many stores during the last month. ing Sunday afternoon, May 28, at 5 scientists compiled for "Science," of- The buses take the child to Talmud down of many stores, increased un- bassy in Berlin displayed on its gates are being worked out now in Berlin employment and chaotis financial a poster ' inviting Jews to make A complaint was made to the New p. m. at the Jewish Commmuty Cen- ficial organ of the American Associa- Torah and bring him or ner back it is learned from political circles It conditions will ensue. Spain their home. York Public Library last week that ter, : y , . • • • .• > tion for the Advancement of Science, home safely. J , •. Vienna,
Neither Shame Nor
Says Louis Gold ing
Organized Dirwe Launched in United States to Boycott All German Made Goods to for Strong anti-Nazis Retaliation
of Shebouth on next Wednesday and Shabouth Services a piano recital Monday evening at the Services for Shabouth will be held Thursday mornings at 9 o'clock. FolFontenelle hotel in Omaha, and among the pupils from Council Bluffs who at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- lowing the services on Thursday participated in this recital were Bev- gogue next Tuesday evening, May 31, morning, June 1, all children present erly Jean Marcus, Ileene Rosenberg, at 7:3D o'clock. On Wednesday, serv- will attend the Bar Mitzvah of Ben Edith Bubb, Betty Rae Kubby, Flor- ices will be held commencing at 8:30 Kutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ence Meyerson, Libby Grossman, Flor- a. m. and e/ening services at 8:30. Kutler. ence Steinberg, Jack Lincoln, Paul On Thursday morning services will To be prepared for war is one of Krasne, Yale Gotsdiner, and Arnold begin at 8:30 and Yiscor, the memorial services, will be held at 9:30. the imost effectual means of preservLincoln. ing peace.—Washington. Special children's services will be Max Shostak was recently promoted to the rank of first lieutenant in the held at the synagogue in observance —Shop from our Service Guide Infantry Reserve Corps, according to for German goods which have been an announcement made by the War returned in large quantities for re- Department in Washington, D. C funds. At the same time one of the Four Jewish students at the Abragreat chain store concerns has anham Lincoln High school were chosen nounced that it is experiencing difficulties with the sale of its German- as members of the National Honorary made goods in Jewish neighborhoods. socoety. They are Pauline Bernstein, Customers are refusing to accept Florence Steinberg, Jack Gordon and any goods which they know are sus-Lester Friedman, all seniors who will graduate on June 9th. pect are of German origin.
Council Bluffs ,.*....-., News ...;,, BY F. R. K.
Miss Ann" Siegel of Waterloo, l a , arrived here Tuesday to be the house guest of Miss Fannie Katelman. While here she will attend the Southwestern Regional convention of the Junior Ha*> dassah this week-end, in Omaha.
A large crowd attended"the Par- VMrs. J. A. Solorrion of Los Angeles, ents' Day Program, sponsored by the ^alif., arrivedi here last, Saturday to Council, Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the spend several'weeks here iisrting relIndependent Order of the B'nai Brith> atives in Omaha an3; Council. Bluffs. antf Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A., On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Frank which .was. held at the Eagles Hall on Ktasne and Mrs. BT. Hirschman of Monday evening. Rabbi David A. Gold- Omaha entertained forty guests at a stein of Omaha was the principal luncheon at the Hotel Chieftain in speaker and honored guest. He spoke honor of their sister, Mrs. Solomon. on the children's relationship to par- Numerous other affairs- are being ents. Mr. Louis H. Katelman was theplanned in her honor. chairman of the program. The program also included invocaMrs. Max Woolfson of Los Angetion by Jack Gordon; piano solo by les, California, is expected to arrive Arnold Lincoln; Founder's Parents' here today to be the guest of her Day Message by Henry Mendelson; a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and poem entitled "A Jewish Family," by Mrs. N. Bernstein. Meyer Maltz; "Parents' Day," by Joseph Solomonow; a poem entitled "IsLouis S. Braunstein underwent a rael's Heritage," by Meyer Raben; remarks by O. Hbchman, and a piano major operation at the Jennie Edmundson hospital Monday and is now solo by Miss Sarah Solomonow. The local Jewish Boy Scout troop convalescing there. members served as ushers at this affair and at the conclusion of the pro- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss entertained the.members of their Sungram served refreshments. Dr. Abe Greenberg and M. Barish day night bridge club at their home of Omaha, who accompanied Rabbi Sunday night. Goldstein here for this affair, were Mrs. Louis H. Katelman and infant also honored guests. son, Avrum, who was born May 11, returned home Tuesday from the Two Jewish youths from Council Methodist hospital in Omaha. Bluffs will graduate from the Wentworth Military academy at Lexington, Mrs. Herman Marowitz, who unMo., next Tuesday, May 31st. Yale derwent an appendectomy at the MercMeyerson,* Meyerson, EOTt^pfrfiCfc r imd-Mrs. imdMrs. Sam hospital last week, is now convali from the en- cy Meyerson, willl grathiaie* escing there. • gineering coarse, and Ernest Ross, son of Mrs. Rae Ross/ will; graduate from The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim the pre-medic course. society will hold a meeting .next . Among those who,, will attend the Thursday evening, June 1, at the EaCommencement exercises will be Mrs. gles hall at 8 o'clock. Ross and daughter,. Sylvia, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyersoh and daughters, Lorraine aaAo<June,: and, son, Owen-Meyerson.
The boycott of German-made goods the support of the rest of the coun- this movement will find sympathetic is steadily gaining momentum Hn the try in their fight against Hitler. response in the hearts" of all AmeriUnited States, as leaders of th6 boy- "We are in this fight for human- cans who stand for the best there cott! drive re-iterate their determin- ity," he declared, to cheering from is in civilization." ation' to continue their campaign the audience, "but first of all your against German products until such people will have to hang together. time as the civil and religious rights You have to show your power and Boycott Against Nazis of German Jewry are fully restored. you have to do it in an economic Taking Definite Shape The initiative for an organized way. The Gentiles of this country boycott in this country of goods of are for you." New York.—American Jewish boyGerman origin "was taken by the Former Representative Fiorella La cott plans against the Neri regime in American League for the Defense of Guardia, citing the League of Nations Germany took farther definite form Jewish Rights, which called a "pre- covenant, 3aid that boycott action was with organization of a conference, to liminary conference1 in New- .York provided for there and that effecting be composed of dentists, druggists last week. At the conference, nearly a boycott on a national and interna- and physicians, to be held within the €00 delegates, representing 238 or- tional scale would "render a great next few days. At this meeting the •ganizations in New York, New Jer-world service." measnres to make the boycott effecsey and Connecticut, proclaimed the "I am here not as a Jew, not as a tive in these particular fields will be boycott in the name of the more 'goy' but as an American, to join in discussed and decided by the participthan 2,000,000 Jews they represent a world movement for the purpose ants. This conference will be follow, The League plans to make the of putting Adolph Hitler out of pow- ed immediately by similar meetings boycott nation-wide in an attempt to er," he said. The "American people of the various trades and professions enlist not only over 4,000,000 Jews in can by their action protest against and by the organization of a Nationthe United States but also all Amer- this menace to world peace." al Council of Trades and Business, icans sympathizing with the move- It is a question of whether world paralleling that'set up in England. ment. It will be conducted in co- peace will be destroyed, Mr. La GuarThe office of the American League operation with the committee of Jews dia said. "There is but one way wefor the Defense of Jewish Rights, in England headed by Lord Mel- can get the people of Germany to was flooded with telegrams from all chett, which was the first to use the realize that we are willing to help sections of the United States, offerboycott against the Hitler regime, them rid themselves of the menace of ing cooperation and proposing the and with Jewish organizations in Hitlerism. While the civilized gov- organization of like conferences in France, Poland and other countries. ernments of the world are making up their own communities, it was said Thus an attempt "will be made to give their minds as to what they are go-there. At the same time cablegrams Hie ^boycott an: international charac- ing to do about this menace, we. arewere received from many* Jewish orter. here today to launch a boycott ganizations abroad, suggesting the Samuel Untermeyer, noted Jewish against all German goods. I am organization of an international consure if this boycott is successful in gress to make the boycott effective. attorney, stated: "To these American Jews who have the United States it will be followed The. league is setting up a bureau to no defensive plan to offe^ but ;who in other countries. This is the first collect information on German-made are runwilling to commit themselves opportunity the peoples of the world goods in this country and .will pubto a; boycott, I repeat, the question: themselves have had to-smash lish this material in a bulletin to bjs If not a boycott, what are you going ace to world peace.- You are fighting called, "Boycott .Hitter.? ; The. league to do? Are you going to sit idly by for a just cause, for every mother is also advising all those who phone whilst your brethern in Germany are who does not want to see her sons for instructions to buy AmericanE. Joseph Solomonow, son of Mr. made goods wherever possible and to and Mrs. William vSolomonow, will humiliated, degraded, deprived of die in another war." their rights of citizenship and kicked At the conclusion of the addresses buy from friendly countries if Amer- graduate from Creighton University out of their professions and! employ- by the various Jewish and non- ican goods are not available. in Omaha next Thursday morning, ment and left to starve by this Aus- Jewish speakers, the conference un- Information already available, June 1st, at the University's gymtrian upstart and his band of rut- animously adopted resolutions calling proves that the boycott of German nasium. He is to receive his Bachelor fians? upon the Jews of America to buy goods has struck a popular note in of Philosophy degree in the College "That is not my conception of nothing made or improved in Germ- New York arid its suburbs.' One of of Liberal Arts and ^Sciences. your- right and duty. -You are no any or exported from Germany until the city's largest department stores Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beck presented more peace-loving than the rest of discriminations against the Jewish has established a special department as. I t is so easy to counsel peace, cease. when there is no peace. What you re- The resolution says in part: "The protesting and appealing commend is virtually a counsel of despair and surrender to the most voice of humanity proved futile. It inhuman forces that have dominated is amply clear that the present rulers of Germany cannot be affectgovernment in centuries." Janies W. Gerard, former am- ed by moral suasion, and that the bassador to Germany, pointed out only means of combating the policies thattthe question now transcends the and acts of the present regime in question of relief for the Jews of Germany is an economic boycott of Low Point Sale Germany and.has become a question goods, products and service emanating from Germany. of humanity and civilization. "Now, therefore, we, the delegates "Tjhis question that; now confronts representing trade, social, fraternal," he said, "is higher than any* ^question of relief. It is a ques- and religious organizations, in conference assembled conscious of our tion :of humanity and civilization. In the 1933 Manner grave responsibility in taking this "I\ want you to; knowf: f rbm me as action, and deploring, its necessity,: Smartly Styled! A Genuine Saving'. a Gentile that there is -only -one • "Do hereby solemnly proclaim that kind;of Jew the Gentile despises and it is the duty of every Jew and Jewthat ! is the Jew that denies that he ess in the United States of America is aiJew. If I were a' Jew, whether to boycott all goods, materials or a Sephardic or Ashkenazi with all products manufactured, raised or imyouirj tradition and history behind proved in Germany, or any part you," I'd be damned proud of it. I thereof, all German shipping, freight lived in Germany for four years and and traffic services, as well as all I saw during the World War the German health, pleasure and other cold,1 calculating cruelty of Prussian- resorts, and generally, to abstain ish and that it was something new;, from any act which would, in any that; is, since old Germany." manner lend material support to the Mr. • Gerard stressed the . need of present regime in Germany. unity among Jews and warned that is specifically understood that "the; important thing is not to make the"'Itforegoing measures are directed the word synonymous with Commun- exclusively against goods, proist." ' He said that Jews would have ducts and services the of the German A qaalnt old Colonial cottage Conservative Ivory, or, ear Reich proper, and shall continue unscene on an Ivory- ground, buttercup yellow with small lends It a ttny, Informal note til all the anti-Jewish laws, edicts embossed Ivy leave* clrcllac ! Peony Opening that tits' annuncr. • ' the border. and policies have been wholly repealed and renounced. We trust that An elaborate program, including a oathing beauty contest, will feature the opening of Peony Park Sunday, : May 28. The | Malec brothers • employed the Good Grooming Perkins Laboratories and Jack D. Gavenman during the past seven Begins at the Finger Tips months at a cost of $2,000 to fix "an absolutely sanitary Colas natural botA Perfect Manicure and tom swimming pool." Pinger Wave 85c Gavenman states that a patented process was used to insure the safety Oil Revitalizing Permanent and "sanitary condition of the pool. Our Regular $6.50 Wave at Gavenman, who resides in Omaha and is a member of the Omaha Hebrew $3:50 Complete club among other organizations, has A basket filled frith the bonnhad years of experience in public imThe floral decoration-en this ' teona product of summer •et was copied from tlie work provements lines. He is a graduate makes this net charming. Ivory «f an Italian master ot art sronnd—orange band on edge. civil engineer from the University-of • • • the ground color is Ivory. Nebraska and has had fifteen years practical experience in his field, inLinxited Quantities in Each Pattern MILDRED WEBB duding engineer work in the state deJA. 6398 AT. 3210 Eldiidge Section—Fourth Floor partment of public works, engineer of Sarpy county, and engineer with the .U, S. Reclamation Service.
Trip •
From Omaha; for tickets having 16 day—return limit. Good in Coach or Chair Car* Party Fares—10 Day Limit 3 traveling together $17.95 each 4 " " $17.05 each 5 " " $15.25 each (Half Ure for children)
• Still lower fares for larger groups. • 30-day tickets at slightly higher fare. • Pullman fares down 2576 on ticket* good in sleeping cars. • World's Fair Wonder Tours including taxi service, hotel accommodations, admission to Fair Grounds.. ,aB expenses except meals, can be purchased at Burlington Depot and City Ticket Office, in Omaha.
We invite You. • The Burlington will exhibit one of the world's finest passenger trains, and cordially invites you to make it •your World's Fair headquarters — to make use of its comfortable, softenshioned scats . . . magazines to read . . . a good place to relax, test, or meet friends.
J6tk ami Ttnmm ^ ^ • C8&
? t .•£.*; ** C'.'SP":
Decoration Day TUESDAY, 1SIAY 30,1933 PRE-OPENING
32"Piece Set
32*Piece Set
32-Piece Set
32-Piece Set
This picture shows part of the crew of forty men putting the finishing touches on the new fiveT million, gallon Peony Park bathing pool, featuring the largest sand-bottom artesian water pool ir the middlewest.
DANCE SWIM Every day and nite in the five-acre pure bubbling artesian water pool. Sign up for free swimming instructions by expert swimmers.
Every night except Monday Ir. the spacious ballroom to H a r r y Fisher's ten-piece or- : chestra, Franklin Vin- . cent directing. Floor show "Bathing, Beau ties on Parade" Sunday ^ night. Matinee dance'•; and concert Decoration ' Day.
PICNIC In the large shaded and elect r i c a 11 y lighted grounds. Bus service every 30 minutes from 49th and Dodge.
O S HER By "Ab" Kaiman
Jewish Women's Welfare Organization A oen o'clock luncheon will be held as the closing meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare Federation Wednesday, June 7, instead of the usual day, Tuesday, at the J. C. C. Mrs. Louis Neveleff, president, is chairman of this affair. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. F. J. Alberts, Jackson 6608. The price of the luncheon is fifty cents." It is to be a "milchake blintze" luncheon. Reports of the year's activities will be given by the various chairmen, and an interesting program is- being arranged by Mrs. Herman Jahr. Mrs. Neveleff is being asisted by the Mesdames Irvin Levin, J. Malashock, David Feder, Abe Greenberg, Pearl Alberts, and Irvin Stalmaster.
Thorpeians The newly-elected officers of the Thorpeian Athletic Club were installed at a meeting held at the J. C. C. May 17. • President Dave Cohen announced his appointment of committees for the ensuing year. Plans are being made for another stag to be held in the near future.
napkins were donated by Joe Bloch, and cookies by Jack Frieden. All proceeds were turned over to the Talmud Torah. The next meeting will be held at the J. C. C. Monday evening, May 29, instead of the usual Tuesday, because of the holiday. Prospective members are invited.
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary A salute and a special bouquet of At a regular meeting of the Junior choice compliments to the officers and Hatikvoh Vaad Auxiliary held Monday evening workers who are participating in "the The Hatikvoh Club card party, it was decided to postpone the dance Philanthropies drive . . . and particMay 23, at the Medical Arts Tea from June 4, as previously announced, ularly to Mrs. Jeonette Arnstein and rooms was a success with approxi- to June 18. This will be a summer her staff of loyal women for their enmately 125 people attending. Mrs. Lou party and will be held at the J. C. C. thusiastic spirit throughout the camFellman won the door prize. The Rabbi Uri Miller gave a book repaign . . . and to the women who budoir clock given away was won by view of "Sollal," by Albert Cohen. toiled to prepare the daily luncheons Mrs. Jake Brookstein. Anne Hahn, in charge of the ticket . . . and to the boys and girls who Mrs. M. Goldberg and Mrs. Lou sales for the debate last Sunday, revolunteered for office detail work . . . Fellman handled the kitcnen and serported that the affair was a financial as Ben Bernie, the '"bobba-mies-tro" vice excellently. They were assisted success. Dora Freshman and Martha •would mutter: "Well done, me lads by the Mesdames Hymdn Brown, Lippet, representing the negative of and lassies, well done!" . . . Add Phil Harris and Charles Hermanson. the question, "Resolved, That Polygmore salutes to Harriet Hershorn, Conservative Auxiliary Mrs. Paul Nerenberg was in charge amy Should Be Introduced," won the Marjorie Moskowitz, Betty Tamoff, of arranging the tables. Plates and decision over Ralph Nogg and Sal Frances Osoff and Bernice Friedel Honoring members of the choir of • . . Girl Scout troops who received the Conservative Synagogue, the special awards at the city-wide pro- women's auxiliary will hold a picnic Sunday, gram held last week to' Frances supper at Elmwood park, 1 Bordy, who was presented with a first June 11, it was decided at the first class award and to Mary Arbit- meeting of the new board of directors man, who received a first class award held at the home of the .auxiliary and also a silver service stripe indi- president, Mrs. J. H. ; Kulakof sky, - • ; • -; r" cating five years of continuous regis- Monday night. tered service with Girl Scouting . . . A program of "games • durmg the to the members of the Center chorus afternoon will feature a men's base•who completed their broadcast" last ball game as well as entertainment Sunday over Station KFAB . . . for the children, according to present plans of the program committee. Each Smiling a Gift will bring' their own picnic Strange but true, that many of our family supper and the auxiliary will serve leading satellites have a difficulty in coffee and lemonade.. smiling . . . there is no human charMrs. Sam Green is in charge of aracteristic today that has a finer or rangements, assisted by Mrs. I. Levin, greater influence than good cheer . . . Phineas Wintroub, Mrs. Sol Nothe painful expression detracts from Mrs. Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mrs. the personality . . . a prominent •writ- vitsky, Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. B. A. Simon, er recently stated that the average-in- Mrs. M. H. Sogolow, Mrs Arthur surance salesman possesses the cheer- Cohn, Mrs David Go.ldstein and Mrs. iest smile . . . and that his approach Ben Shapiro. Mi H. Sogolow, "SbgLAKE STREET AUDITS of friendliness begets confidence on gie," athletic director for the Jewish BEAUTY SHOPPE SYSTEMS the part of his prospect. . . Aw-main! Community Center, has been asked to 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX it is the man or woman with a smije assist in arranging the afternoon's Mrs. Loa Farber, Prop~ •who is always welcome . . .and girls! athletic events as well as a children's even the flirtatious smile is appreci- program. There will be prizes for ated! . . . . many of the events. Abramson The Xeir Dnart Velx»r Dsnble Curler Permanent Ear Pounding Announcement was made by.Mrs. Audit Co. The genial Sam Fox and his charm- Kulakof sky of committee chairmen Certified PobUe Accta. ing frau have returned to again en- for the year at the Monday night $3.00 852 Brandeis Theater gage in the management of. Krug meeting. They are Mesdames Sam Workmanship Bldg. Park . . . Omaha's summer recreation Beber, choir; J. J. Greenberg, Comspot . . . Gene Cooper, one of the munity co-operation; Sam Theodore, JA. 4811 • Tears Present location leading trumpet players in "these courtesy; Jacob Stein, dues; David TJ. S." and his melodious lads will Goldstein, assisted by Jack Marer, provide the music for the dancers education; Mose Yousem, gift fund; . . . E. G., the marketable "bach" Irvin Stalmaster, house; Philip Klutzappears at social functions in the com- nick, membership; Sam Green, motor pany of a dazzling blond . . . What corps; Reuben Natelson, peace; Phinwholesale tobacco man is "pally" with eas Wintroub, program; Ben Shapiro, Sally? . . . M. P., one of the_popu- publicity; Al Frank, services; Max New and Used DRINK! lar lads in Center athletic activities, Barish, sick visiting; B. A. Simon, asCars Golden Spike has succumbed to the wiles of the sisted by I. Rosenblatt, social; I. Levdark-eyed "maedchen" from Minne- in, student; Dave Katelman, assisted,: Pale Dry Gingerale sota . . .' What young sports writer by Leo Abramson, telephone; Reuben Where Price, Quality, Ideal Lime Rickey of a local gazette is a sun-dodger . . . Kulakofsky, ways and means. -and Service Meet Ideal Soda Waters not by choice . . - Sammy,.like a cerHonorary members of the board in tain patent medicine, toils while you addition to the six elected members,' MORTON'S Distributed by ileeu . . " ' ~ * ~~ are Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mrs. William GARAGE Alberts, past president of the auxilIdeal Bottling Co. ception . STUDEBAKER himself forth to the domicile of that iary, and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, presiSALES and SERVICE WE. S04S Jelicious sample of femininity, charm dent of Hadassah. 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 1808 North 20th St. Mrs. Dave Greenberg and her com, . . Hot-sah! , . . D. B. and E. G. have * rare affair! . . . .The. beauty par- mittee have announced that they are lors are teeming with activity .-. . still anxious to obtain the key bands She "debs" and matrons are prepar- from Folger coffee cans, and they ask ing for the Highland Cpuntry Club any women who will to bring them to Bpening Sat. evening . . . this re- the picnic grounds where a collection box will be placed to receive them. Anto Body and Fender port from informant No. 34 . New and Used Repair Kepairins. Benny says that the New Deal de- These little key bands have been a "Parts and Accessories for Complete Upholstering1 Cars and Trucks at a pends upon who will get the "jack" means of raising additional funds for and Glass Service Savine [gelt to you) . . . And Lou Friedman, the Conservative Synagogue. . . Wicker Furniture Jhe dashing (but who can never ketchFainted and Repaired ip) eligible from "Dee-Moans" would Daughters of Zion ippreciate a New Deal providing he Paul Brodrick tan be dealt a "queen"! . . . Mac McA large benefit card party will be Star, Auto 2118-22 Cnming fherson and National Screen Service, given by the Daughters of Zion Sunire you reading? . . . Personal nom- day evening, June 11, at the J. C. C. AT. 6208 Parts Co. ination for one of the most pleasant Both men and women are invited. AdSince 1922 ind affable hosts: Harry and Gillie mission is thirty-five cents. S. M. CLAYMAN, Mgr Soliciting Quality Shumow . . : to which Mr. and Mrs. AT. 9309 Three valuable prizes will be given, Work 17th and Chicago St. Sy (Columbia) ChaDman enthusiast- including a door prize. There will lcally agree . . . There,was a time also be a musical program and rewhen certain local gal might have freshments. married anyone she pleased . . . b u t The funds raised are sent to the J. she didn't please any one . . . No-o-o . N. F. office in New York, to finance BATH PARLOR ; Our good friend, George Price, the water installation in a Palestinian Is" reported as having cleared over colony, for which the Omaha DaughMA3SAGE $100,000 during the recent stock mar- ters of Zion contracted. Chicago $5.50 MEDICATED BATHS ket rise . . . it must have been ^ruThe organization has extended its Lincoln $1.25 bles" . . . I'll be seein' ya, "Jaw-jee! appreciation Bo Mrs. M. Linda, Mrs. Specializing in ReducWahoo $1.00 . , . What theater man who has a M. Braude and. Mrs. L. Morgan and ing Electric Thearapy Des Moines $2.00 lovely family is walking on "thin ice their committees for their splendid Treatments for Denver |7.50 because of "girl" trouble? . . . That work in preparing and participating Rheumatism Detroit ?7.50 new ditty, "I'm Putting Money in the in the bazaar, and also its thanks to Los Angeles $20.00 Bank Again," is quite an improvement the merchants donating articles for Re-Nu-Health over the ref raJi, "I'm Blue Again" . . • the bazaar. BUS DEPOT HaiL Hadassah! Baths Gentlemen: Please be advised that Edwards Hotel Bldg; AT. 3911 Vhe Hadassah Southwest Regional 305 N. 16th HA. 5000 WHEAT, CORN. OATS Elks Bldg., 3rd Floor Conference will be held at the ComFor Information Call or Writs munity Center on May 28 and 2 9 . . . and the Junior Hadassah group will TAYLOR GRAIN CO. convene on May 27 and 28 at the 731-722 Omaha Grain Exchange Bids. Paxton Hotel . . - Boys, get busy JA S403—AT. 2008 md arrange your dates, at least fifty Private Wire Connections With members from the Junior Hadassah JAS. E. BENNETT CO. We Are Distributors will come from Kansas City . . . JusHamilton for the Well Known bin Wolf, business manager of the ne^v Omaha Manufactured Cafe theater group, announces' that the plays originally scheduled for the 2406 Farnara Street GRANT Community Playhouse have beer, DELICIOCS STEAMING transferred to the Granada Ballroom Luncheon Served 11 to S BATTERY HOT BIBS Uinner Served 5 to 9 at the Knights of Columbus building WITH THAT • And Guarantee All I.TJSCIOUS We Make Out Own . . . the Players will open on June 1st SPICY Sales Pastries with a rollicking comedy, "Hay Fever" SAECE Batteries Serviced Private Dining Room . . . don't mention it, I mean the ailPHONE TOTTK OEDEK! National Tire Shop for Parties ment . . . this group has also added "New Moon" which is enjoying a suc17th and Capitol Open All Night cessful revival in New York at the JA. 83W AT. 6427 present time.
A ping pong tournament is now Michnick, upholding1 the affirmative. ing on "Difficulties Inherent in the being held. Irvin Stalmaster was judge. Commis- Translation of the Bible." sioner Harry Trustin presided.
Phi Delta Epsilon
A. Z. A. 100 A regular meeting of the Century chapter will be held this Sunday afternoon at the J.C.C. The chapter's entries in last night's i n t e r c l u b swimming meet were Irvin Merriam, Leo Chodak, Art Gerber, Meyer Eosenbaum. Sidney Coyne has entered an essay in the A. Z. A. essay contest, writ-
•m-^_ tvo eider
Acquainted UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Cleaned like New 3-Piece Set _ _ _ $7.50 CURTAINS Per Pair _35c up
Band Box Cleaners AT. 4111, S433 Farnam St.
UREGO Hospital Bemedy for Gas, Heartburn, Constipation We Sell and Guarantee Tbis Remedy DELIVER Quality and Service
Kozak's Drug: Company N. E. Corner 20th and Lake AT. 8737
I s a d o i e Abramson, Certified Public Accountant, has been operating the Abramson A u d i t Company at 854 Brandeis Theater Bldg. since 1923. . Prior to going- into practice for himself he •was associated with other local Certified Public Accountants. In addition to commercial auditing and accounting, Abramson specializes in Income Tax work, maintaining for this purpose, beside local affiliations, a connection in Washington, D. C. "With the increase in •the number of new Federal taxes," Mr. Abramson states, "as well as reductions in. the exemptions for both individuals and corporations, it becomes doubly important for every firm or individual to have a tax specialist audit the books and give expert advice, in order that only the required amount of taxes be paid. "Regular, periodic auditing of books greatly lessens the chances for ; defalcations and in general is a money-saver. Indeed, banks and commercial agencies insist that their clients' statements for credit purposes be prepared by a certified public accountant."
Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dodge St.
Your Spring Suit in Any Style Can Be Tailored to Fit st
THEODORE .VOLZ & SON FASHION TAILORS JOHN VOLZ Rooms 52R-5S5 Securities Bldpr. lOth and Farnam, ,TA. I7W.
KE. 0061-62
G. A. Steinheimer Co.
Contracting Painters 113 N. 40th, HA. 6369
BLUE LINE Transfer Co.
Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While Ton Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481
Call Vs for Estimnfes on Any Painting- or Decorating Work
Sunshine Laundry
Wedding" Photographs
JA. 4S83, 1618 Cass O Semi-Flat, 5c 1b. 73c Shirts Finished in Bsndle
We Solicit Toor J»rint!np and Office Supply Needs
We Take Time «o Do It Kifrht t>.r BpinR- snow and Cnreful
Standard Hat Works
You will be worthy of respect from all when you have first learned to respect yourself.—Musonius.
Three members of the Creighton chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon national medical frateraity, won the first three places in the essay contest of the junior class of the Creighton University School of Medicine. ~ George Pease won first prize of twenty-five dollars. Samuel E. Reiter and Monroe R. Rosenthal "were second and third, respectively.
Special Eefiuccfi Prices for May end «cne We Are Always Pleased to Shew Styles and Prices
Cleveland Stedio 1612 DeEgls~ St. Phone JA. SSS6
314 S. 10th
AT. 6405
That Same U jfttt h»we jfjMK' t h e e s
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - Advertising rates fornished on application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERS1AN - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . - . . - • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
The Week in Review
ities, it is in a position to take hold of the situation and act in the name of the Jewry of America. If the body is truly divorced from any political feeling, they have liere an ideal opportunity to do what many have sought for l o n g . . . to restore to the synagogue the halo of yore as the leader and center of Jewish life.
Poison Is Spreading A news letter from M. A. Tenenblatt in Austria reveals that the Jewry of Austria are gravely anxious over the growing strength of Nazism in that country. Dollfus has shown greater strength than was expected in his attempt at dictatorship, but the swelling tide of the Hitlerite mania makes it seem but a matter of time before the Nazis sweep into complete power there. Tenenblatt writes that the economic ruin of the Jew in Austria has already been accomplished, and that if there were any possibility left of doing any business, the incessant street demonstrations by the Nazis make even that impossible. And the Jews dread to think of what will happen when the Nazis gain absolute control. Other news reports as from Poland, Hungary, and Roumania, show that the Nazi poison is spreading to the countries bordering on Germany. World Jewish leaders are therefore confronted with the drastic problem of determining how to fight the spread of the deadly virus. To check the spread of anti-Semitic Nazism is just as important as to alleviate the misery of those suffering. Both must be dealt with efficiently and expeditiously.
to the enlarged shipments of g , while only 70,000 pounds presents the increased sales abroad of Palestine** manufactured goods. As regards oranges, their export this season exceed that of 1931-2 by over 800,000 cases and fully justifies the expectations of the Palestine growers.
To begin with, my belated but none the less sincere thanks to the author of that witty column, Kosher Komments, for his kind welcome into the Omaha journalistic family. Tfis graceiousness is matched only by his extraordinary ability to ferret out those dark secrets about people which they would rather hare go unmentioned. I cordially invite him to dine with me sometime that we may talk of cabbages and kings; he to tell me of the private life of kings, and I to mumble shamefacedly about the peculiarities of cabbages.
The. past few years have seen a tempest in a teapot waged between two conflicting schools of litterateurs, one calling themselves romantic, the other, realists. Actually the so-called "It is not wise to rob people of their economic means of existrealists axe not practitioners of the ence without taking into account their right to Eve." philosophy known as realism; they are merely facile mechanics in literThe casual observer in glancing at this statement would probary technique who employ colloquialably come to the conclusion that it was the words of one protestisms now in vogue and give monoing against the Hitlerite atrocities in Germany. Actually, it is syllabic terms to facts that could be more tastefully and adequately desquoted from Hitler's speech before the "dummy" Reichstag last cribed. Their realism is naturalism, week, a speech which was Hitler's "plea to the world." and naturalism is little short of a Hitler continues: "This generation suffered too much from literary chicancery whose chief merits are outspokeness and sensationalism. the insanity of our times to intend to visit the same on others." A realist (in the philosophic sense) Yet, he was the one v/ho instigated the pogromism and economic never seeks to escape the actual but extermination of 600,000 German Jews, visiting upon their helpWith the approach of Shabuoth and the time of the observ- rather acknowledges it and proceeds less heads the insane punishments of which the German nation as ance of "the giving of the Torah," well might we ponder the ad- in the construction of his metaphysics from that supposition. A romanticist a whole knows not the meaning. visability of increasing the Jewishness of our children by a com- seeks to escape the actual by favoring "The great task before the world is to assure the peace of the plete, five-year course in our local Talmud Torah. A scattered, his emotional urges. The so-called world." Hitler asks for peace in the world, peace toward Ger- fragmentary knowledge of Jewish history is surely not enough realists of today are merely ostriches poking their heads into many, while waging the crudest, most relentless war oi modern of a Jewish education—a complete course of study must lay the ludierously the sand—they would deny the presdays against an innocent, unarmed minority. foundation of a traditional education for our young boys and girls. ence of a world.they feel is too oppressive for them by writing of that "I demand for the German people the right to live!" And at "The scholar," says the Talmud, "takes precedence over the world its most unattractive sense the same time this same man deprives the Jewish people of that king." The learning of Israel has been her consolation and her just asinthe romantics seek to avoid same Germany of the elementary right to make a living. weapon of survival during the persecutions of the ages. Do not the same world by indulging in flights "Germany has disarmed." The Nazis have done anything but rob your children of a most precious jewel in later life—see that of fancy that in their purple passages neglect the essential of practicability. disarm in their use of the "long knives" against the Jewish pop- he or she is enrolled in our Talmud Torah immediately. • * * ulation. Spectator Junior is always happy ; "Germany is ready to join every solemn non-aggression pact, to comment upon the work of young ( people. While he is ever conscious for Germany is not thinking of aggression but of security." Hitof the fact that youth is rash and ler's idea of non-aggression is to stifle any anti-Hitlerite aggresgiven to excess he nevertheless is a In America the legal records will still reveal many a "Cohen" sion. Security and non-aggression for the Jewish population in firm believer in their capabilities. transformed into a "Coheny" or a "Bernstein" metamorphasized Youth to him is a glorious thing and Germany means nothing to a Hitler. begs leave to differ with the senile "Germany is ready unselfishly to participate in this work of into a "Berne." In Palestine, many of the new arrivals, on the he Irish mountebank,- George Bernard other hand, "go Hebrew," turning Rose into Shoshannah and Japutting in order the economic conditions of the world." Hitler Shaw, when that poseur says that ;: • •'.'•• •••• "youth is a glorious thing, ifs a pity cajmly tells the world this, full well knowing that he personally is cob into Yacob. The latest list of changes published in the Palestine Gazette it is wasted on the young." Recently responsible for fifty thousand Jews, ruthlessly torn out of their in our own city youth has given a economic environment, plundered, harrassed and humiliated, hav- shows that almost all of the restless name-changers are Jewish, display of its capabilities by rising to and they cast off the names they bore as Dutchmen, Poles, Rou- the call for funds issued by the Jewing fled Germany. Philanthropies. The chairman of The world in general regarded Hitler's speech as conciliatory, manians, Latvians, Americans, for appellations jnore appropriate ish the youth's division Justin Wolf has to the clime and spelling habits, of Palestine, ^ ; a ^back-down" and "the proper thing to say." But on analysis, it asked: me to take this means of exFor example, Mneasze Krac, PoHsh, Jbecoifc£s-Monashe Ben pg pressing his and appreis nothing but a document of ironical hypocricy. What self-reb ii h excellent work done by off the specting individual can believe Hitler's declaration for peace when Shalom in Haifa. All'the Kracs, nrfact, go Be^halom. Helena ciation the many young people who assisted Borkowska changes her first name to Yehudith*: But, paradoxiwithin his own country he is waging so relentless and so uncomhim. Unquestionably he realizes that promising and so unfair a war of extermination against the Jew- cally, Batia Cohen, of Jerusalem, is now Betty Bowden! Charles all of the praise is due those who sacish people in Germany,, who contributed so generously to Ger- Lazar, an American, wants to be known now as Haiyim Eliezar, rificing their own time and unsparing their own efforts have actually many 's upbuilding in every field. ' but Hia Matr of Haifa counters by changing to William Phillips. of solicited the many hundreds of young And so the merry circle goes . . . but, what's in a name? people it was necessary to see to insure the success of the drive. The that the young people have exDorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis): "The German fact ceeded the quota allotted the youth's revolution is a revolution against culture, the most fantastic and division seems to me to stand as unShabuoth, the Feast of Weeks, falls this year on Wednes- unreal revolution ever heard of. It is an instinct movement, a refuted evidence of their responsibilday, May 31st. Orthodox Jewry observes the festival on" the fol- movement expressed in the phrase "thinking with-hlood." It is a ity and recognition of the seriousness the task they undertook. Most aslowing day as well. Its name is derived from the fact that the revolution by the inhibiters and deniers of live—the Nazis- of suredly it stands as refutation to those Mosaic legislation does not prescribe the date of this festival as against the affirmers of life—the Jews." critics who from the pulpit, the forum floor, and the lecture platform bebeing definitely on a particular day, or a particular month, which labor-youth as an irresponsible pleasis the case with the other festivals, but instead simply states that ure loving group whose only interests OUTCHRISTIANIZING THE CHRISTIAN seyen full weeks are to be counted from the time the Omer (a are in "securing their own good time. Sentiment in this country has practically crystallized in favor Too mai«y critics of youth today are measure of grain as an offering) is brought. Hence, the name, "the Festival of Weeks," and also the name "Pentecost," mean-, of a boycott towards Germany. In the larger Jewish centers it is prone to harangue them for their apparent apathy in adopting the partug "fiftieth," since the festival is seven weeks or the fiftieth day an actual fact and no longer requires theoretical affirmation. ticular foible that the critic holds to We are especially interested in the various arguments that himself. If these critics would inafter the second day of Passover, so fixed by Rabbinic tradition. are being used in the still-raging oral conflict that is taking place quire into* the merits of their own proLike the other two so-called Pilgrim Festivals, Passover and jects they might save themselves the Tabernacles, the Festival of Weeks was originally related to the after the fact. The potent argument that we might thus hurt nervous strain they work themselves agricultural life of ancient Israel. Its designation sometimes as our brethren in Germany is no longer being used. All agree that into in belaboring youth. Youth does a discriminating mind and is the Feast of "First Fruits," as well as some of the features of its the worst that might happen to. them has already occurred, yet possess headstrong; but when the call comes the conflict continues to rage with emphasis shifted to another celebration, are described in the Bible. The further fact that the for major and vital issues of importance youth is only too willing to coBook of Ruth, with its harvest scenes, is the special scroll for front. operate. The critics of youth woul< Gentiles who may be aware of this debate must sardonically redding on Shabuoth, indicates clearly the agricultural character do well to remember this an,d also to smile at the attack on the boycott as immoral. For a people to jf the festival. : .' remember that not so very long ago However, this aspect of the festival has become altogether thus negate its only positive weapon is to make of morality a life- they too were young. secondary to its historical significance, since tradition makes renunciating principal. For a people to thus talk itself out of A few random thoughts in closing Shabuoth the anniversary of the Revelation at Sinai when Israel employing the only means at its command to exert pressure Seriously hope that the excellent work by the Center Players in "If assumed its sacred mission as the priest-people and holy nation, against a barbarous regime, is a phenomena that shows too clearly done Were You" is encouraged and continthe "luft mench" psychology of the Jews. [n keeping with this deeper meaning of the festival, Shabuoth ued in the fall. There is no reason When the Jew permitted himself without resistance to be why with the talent available in Omahas been chosen by the modern American Synagogue as the most the Center cannot be made the appropriate occasion for the impressive ceremonial of Confirma- slaughtered in the pogroms, our national poet Bialik arose and ha home of a worthwhile dramatic group raved against their cowardice. Bialik was immoral. He should tion whereby the boys and girls in Israel renew the vow of Horeb . . . anent the German situation (with and pledge their love and loyalty to the covenant of their fathers. have realized that the Jews were merely exemplifying a higher apologies to D. G.) some Jews give ethics; and that in permitting themselves to be tortured, muti- all are willing to protest; now is th it seemed a time for all to give lated and murdered by the bestial and anti-Semites, they were ex- pity to waste all the talent displayet emplifying the doctrines of an ethical code that permits no retal- in the Vaad debate last Sunday on a subject that on its face was so patiation nor defense. ridiculous . . . the correct defra The internal warfare in American Jewish circles of leadership There may be reasons why Ta boycott is inadvisable. Cer- ently itio.n of a critic: to act as a catalyzer concerning ways and means of combating Hitlerism continue to tainly the moral argument is the height of absurdity. Economic to provoke a reaction between artist rage, a damnable monument to our failure to co-operate in a crisis, sanctions have been accepted by the league as the moral substi- and spectator without changing eithe: a monument of shame. The masses in American Jewry stand by tute for war. The boycott conducted by Indian nationalists has the work of the artist or the mind o: the spectator. appalled . . . this is no exaggeration, for it is a stunning blow to
Hitlerite Hypocrisy
You Owe It
Names < Q&Hebrekv"
As a small rUme in a heap of stones, so is he who giveth honor to a fooL He who foUoweth after righteousness and mercy flndeth life, prosperity and honor.
Kishinev (J. T. A.).—Caarges that efforts are being made to ruin Jew- A merry heart is a goad medicine, ish agriculture in Roumsnia by prov-' but a broken spirit drietb the bones. ration, are made by "Unser Zeit." For sose time a persistent policy to ruin Jewish tobacco growers has The poor useth entreaties, but the been in progress, "Unser Zeit** says. rich answereth impudently. Tobacco production has been placed under a state monopoly, with the Tabn* result that thousands of Jewish farmI learned much from my teacher, ers who derived their livelihood in more however from my colleagues, but this fashion have been ruined, the from my pupils I learned the most. paper writes. The state monopoly has in addition produced ridiculously low prices When Rabbi Janai saw a man givfor tobacco, which has added to the ing a coin to a poor man in public, distress of the Jewish tobacco grower. he used to say to him: "It would have Now, the paper writes, methods of been much better if you had not given provocation have been adopted in or- him at all, rather than to give and der to oust the Jewish farmer com- put him to shame. pletely. In the village of Yakimeux, near Rabbi Jochanan once became ill, Urhiev, a search was organized in and Babbi Chanina came to visit him. the middle of the night in the house "Do you love tlnese afflictions?" Rabof a Jewish tobacco grower, Meyer bi Chanina asked him. "I desire neiKogan. At 3 o'clock in the morning ther them nor their rewards,** he ana special commission from Urhiev swered. Babbi Chanina then said, called at his house and asked him "Give me your hand." Thereupon to open a barn where the raw to- Rabbi Jochaaan gave him his hand, bacco was stored. Kogan immediate- and he (Rabbi Chanisa) made him ly noticed that a new lock had been wett. (This demonstrates that Jewish fastened to the door and that his science and tooch hsaling was pracwatchdog had been poisoned. He was tice! 1,900 years ago.) forced to break the new lock and discovered within the barn a quantity In this -world it is sot what we of tobacco which did not belong to him and a machine for cutting to- take op, but what we give up that bacco which had been planted on makes us rick.—Beecher. him. Thereupon a charge that he was trading in contraband tobacco was preferred against him. NATIONAL This accusation was finally proved ACCESSORIES, Inc. groundless when non-Jewish peasants testified that the Jew engaged in EVERYTHING legal business only, but this method FwtbeAato of the authorities to ruin Jewish 2tSl F a n o a AT. 5524 agriculturists is illuminating, the paper comments.
Shabuoth'"the Feast of Weeks
Disease of Dissension
•' t 7 •
a* »
2 ) * • to It 16 17 ts 23 2 * 23 3O 31 •
n *
* U SO 17 •
Now that
'Summefs RolMnff 77 AroundAgain Protect Your Family's Health Witt a
know that the men who supposedly hold the reins of leadership of our people cannot agree in an hour of such great need. Suggestions and counter-suggestion rain in from everywhere. Most of these center about measures for co-ercing the leaders of the American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, and B!nai Brith to adopt a common course of action. David Brown makes a suggestion worthy of study. Since it is hopeless to believe that the divergent views of certain leaders will be merged, he states, and since the necessity for doing something concrete to aid German Jewry is growing, let synagogue leadership bring a united Jewish appeal to the American government to intercede. The Synagogue Council of America represents the three wings of Judaism in our country, lay and rabbinical. Unblemished by pol-
never been attacked on grounds of immorality. That our projected boycott should have been indicates the marvelous ability of the Jew to talk himself into impotence. Our fear concerning the boycott is that it may be utilized by many of our brethren as their whole contribution in combating and ameliorating the present situation in Germany. Even were a boycott successful in its purpose, a great deal of damage has been done. Undoubtedly it will not be completely successful. There is much to be done that can be done only by contributions to the national organizations interested in this work. Not buying German-made goods will not feed the hungry, nor clothe the naked nor heal the mutilated. Under no circumstances must the boycott be permitted to obscure the necessity for immediate remedial
Foreign Trade Booms. Palestine Report Says Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—Foreign trad in Palestine continues to bocm, according to the latest monthly statement published in the government') Commercial Bulletin. Net imports for 1932 totalled 7,768,920 pounds and exports 2,381,49: pounds—both figures being the high est since British Occupation and, o course, in comparison with any prewar year. Almost the whole increase in Palestine's exports over 1931 is due
This summer—be sore that all fooda are absolutely safe and healthful . . . especially baby's food. To be safely preserved food crust be kept below 60 degrees. G- E maintains this tempera. tare ALWAYS. During the hot days that are coming serve delightfully appetizing, healthful food from your G B . •. now sold os easiest terms,
Nebrdi Courtesy • Service * Lew Rates Omaha Needs You! Join Ak-Sar-Ben TodayI
To Preside
Myron Cohen Will Be Presented in Recital
Soux City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, TCanpps City and Wichita. includes Miss Ida Fine IF general chairman assisted in charge of the convention, and is Myron Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weiner. being assisted by the following committee chairmen: Jeannette Resnick, Goodman Cohen, who recently won TO VISIT IN CHEYENNE registration; Lillian Koom, reception; first honors for violinists in the DisSara Ann Noddle, theater party; trict 2 contest held in Omaha and Mrs. Isadore Tessler left for CheyLorraine King, buffet supper; Miriam also the state contest held at Kearenne, Wyo., Saturday evening fox a Greenberger, stunt night; Minnie ney by the Nebraska High School Asmonth's visit with her sister. Frohm, luncheon, Anna Green, dance; sociation, will be presented in a violin recital at the Lecture room of the Josand Fannie Katelman, publicity. A full week-end is being arranged lyn Memorial Sunday, May 28, at for all members who attend the con- 4:30 p. m. He will be accompanied By vention. The program for Saturday by Miss Betty Fellman. The program: U n . Dand M. Newman includes a theater party in the afternoon, followed by a buffet supper at L (a) Iiebesfreud, Kreisler; (b) the Paxton hotel, and that evening- a Romania Andaluza, Sarasate; (c) 'Eggs a la King stunt party will be held at the Paxton. Bee, Schubert; (d) On Wings of Song, Melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add 2 On Sunday morning a business ses- Mendelssohn-Achron. tablespoons flour—stir in slowly—1 sion will be held, followed by a lunch2. Concerto, Op. 61, Beethoven; Alcup milk and 1 cup liquid off of caneon at the Paxton Hotel, at which legro ma non troppo. ned mushrooms. Add % teaspoon salt, time a special program will be given, 3. Concerto, Op. 64, Mendelssohn; % teaspoon pepper, 1 pimento chopincluding a pageant in which twentyped, 6 hard cooked eggs-—sliced 1 cup five members of the Omaha chapter Andante, Allegro molto vivace. canned mushrooms—heat welL Serve There will be no admission charge. will take part. This will be followed on buttered toast. by a joint gathering of both the Senior and Junior Hadassah group. Cheese Balls for Salad The convention will be concluded Oar One cake Philadelphia cream cheese. Sunday night with a dance in the Mrs. Morris Franklin Make into balls and roll in chopped ballroom of the Paxton HoteL pecans, serve on salad plate with, the Plans have been completed for the and salad. Southwestern Regional ConPalestine flower Day Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg vention of Junior Hadassah which is Cheese Ball Fritters New York.—Palestine Flower Day, being held in Omaha this week-end PRICES WILL SATISFY Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, president of One and one-half caps grated yellow with headquarters at the Hotel Pax- the annual event sponsored by the YOU the southwest region of Hadassah, cheese. 2 yolks and one white of egg. will preside at the business session of 34 teaspoon red pepper, JA teaspoon ton. Mrs. Morris Franklin is presi- Jewish National Fund of America to the eighth annual regional convention, salt, % teaspoon baking powder—-8 dent of the Region and will preside increase interest in the fund's work which will take place in Omaha Sun- crackers rolled and sifted. Fry in hot at the conference. hi Palestine and to raise funds for About three hundred girls are exday and Monday, May 28 and 29. fat one minute. Serve on the plate this work, will be held tins year on pected to attend the convention, repDelegates from seven states com- with salad. 2815 FARMAM hT ZBI5 Sunday, June 11. Nelson Ruttenberg resenting chapters from Des Moines, prising this region will be present. Lincoln, Tulsa, Denver, Waterloo, is president of the organization. The states are Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma Statue of LordMelchett and Nebraska. Jerusalem.—Work at Tel Mond on In charge of convention details are the giant statue of the late Alfred Mrs. M. F. Levenson, general chair- Mond, the first Lord Melchett, has man; Mrs. David A. Goldstein, pro- been completed by the Jerusalem gram; Mrs. Irvin Levin, registration; sculptress, Miss Batya Lischansky. Mrs. David Stein, banquet; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, reception; Mrs. B. A. Simon, teaj Mrs A. D. Frank, pubA3TS STES-S OK LADIES' OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER . 7 . I6TH AND HARNEY licity. a breakfast Sunday morning, at Elmwood park. The committee in charge Hannah Gossick, chairman, by Libby Dolgoff and Rose
May 28,
Convention Here
Kitchen Chats
Gala Formal Opening Dinner-Dance at Highland Country Club to BeHeld Saturday
Seventy-five reservations have al- Pinkney street, will receive from 2 to ready been made for the gala formal 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. on Sunopening of the Highland Country club day, May 28, in honor of their son, for the season tomorrow evening, May William Howard Shlaes, /who will be 27. confirmed at Temple Israel that mornSpring flowers will be used in theing. decorations. Randall's Royal orchestra "will furnish the music TO HONOR DAUGHTER A bridge tea was held at the HighMrs. Fred B. Cherniss will be at land Country club last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ernest Nogg was in charge. home Sunday afternoon and evening, Mrs. David Ferer directed the dupli- May 28, in honor of her daughter, Zella, whose confirmation takes place cate contract bridge tournament. at Temple Israel, Sunday morning. "Ladies' Days" will be held on Tuesdays. At present a handicap golf com- INVITES RELATIVES AND petition for the ladies is being staged. FRIENDS Relatives and friends of Helen LinLUNCHEON AND BRIDGE coln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miss Pearl Shapiro was honored on the occasion of her birthday Sunday Lincoln, who will be confirmed at •with a luncheon given by her sister, Temple Israel Sunday morning, May Miss Ruth Shapiro. The luncheon, "was 28, are invited to attend the confirmation exercises, a t the Temple. No followed by bridge. invitations have been issued. VISnUNG HERE Mrs. J. I. Kramer and son, Erwin, NO-HOSTESS AFFAIR A no-hostess moonlight hike was of Los Angeles, CaL, are visiting in Omaha with Mrs. Kramer's mother, held at Hummel park Saturday, May Mrs. C Holdsberg. Mrs. Kramer was 20. Those attending included Bess Coopformerly Miss Ethel Holdsberg of this er, Sue Corenman, Ruth Fidman, Ida city. Greenbaum, Sally Bernstein, Dorothy FOR CONFIRMANT Corenman, EsteDe Nathan, Jeanette Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berwitr, 4901 Turner, Sylvia Lipsman, and Milt Capitol avenue, will be a t home from Himelstein, M o r r i e Wintrtrab, Al 3 to 6 p. m., Sunday, May 28, honor- Weiner, Mac Rosenblatt, Hy Gomberg, ing their son, Robert, who will be con- Lou Riklin, Norman Green, Lou Azor- for the entertainment of the dancers, fifty couples will attend. firmed at Temple Israel, on Sunday in and Henry Coren. morning. SORORITY BREAKFAST ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and' Mrs. Harry- Rochman an- \ Sigma Kappa Chi sorority will give TO RECEIVE FOR SON Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shlaes, 2571 nounce the birth of a son Thursday, Hay 18, at the Methodist hospital.
Book Case
Mr. and Mrs. A. E . Gilinsky anThe following two late books, both nounce the birth of a daughter, May already very popular, are among 19, at the Immanoel hospital. some of the newest books, received for public circulation by the joint renMr. and Mrs. David Blacker antal library of the Center CounciL lo- nounce the birth of; a son Monday, cated at the J. C C. The two books May 22, at the Methodist hospital are "Grand Canary," by A. J. Cronin, author also of "Hatter's Castle" and SORORITY DANCE "Three Loves," two recent favorites, I Plans are being completed for the both also hi the library, and "Thespring sport dance to be given by the Flutter of An Eyelid," guaranteed to Beta Rho sorority Monday, May 29, flutter anatomies and scruples too!, in the Seville Room of the Knights of by Myron Brinig. .These two,/besides, Columbus. : i about 40 other new ones, are some Those in charge of arrangements of 450 books offered every day onare Charney Soiref,.chairman, Miriam public rental circulation at the Cen-Rnbin, Merrianx Hollander and Nancy ter-Council library. Books rent for Soiref. " '< r only 3c per day! Many novelties are on the program
CIcaaed, Blocked and Be-shap«d by Experts irnrr A T T A C "Omaha'* Bed
JL J~L£iA_/lxrVk5 Hat Cleaner" 101 North 16th Street (Acr»s* fr»m Postoffiee
One Step... Two Step... Every Step
are in line with Fashion
and Her Husband MICHAEL FARMER
Beloved Peg and her dog Michael . . . t h e y - will keep you roaring . with laughter, holding: back the tearSj thrilling at romance, in the picture version of the world-famous play.
"Perfect Understanding" They married to be free! Each to do as each desired ! Such was their contract! Did it work? II
Kand COFFEE HOWARD «/16th.
And What a Disagreement,,, One argument in which * you are bound to be the loser . - . when your food disagrees with you. Don't even take a chance on it — favor yourself with the best and freshest foods by eating at the Jack and Jill. You'll thoroughly enjoy our appetizing and delicious menus. OPEN ALL NIGHT A Suggestion for Any Night
Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Served while In tbe proms of rooklnc • • Plplnc hot.
Idaho baked -potato, sllrvd tomato, bread -butler, drink.
N e 11 y D o n parades h e r f a b r i c s wfth supreme* confidencel A full range of pat_ terns 1 A fuB range of new textures! Here are values you must not miss! Review the parade . . . all of highest quality . . . of smartest fashion I
HERZBERGS NeUy Don Frocks Are Sold Only at Herzbergs in Omaha
Chiffons Sheers Laces Eyelets Organdies Broadcloths Piques Linens
It's almost like a stroke of magic! Think of being able to wear the very gayest creations of our own smart American designers, and the very clever French designers who are making summer the fashion qrandness it Is! We've been fussy about fabric, critical about quality, and insistent on individuality! That means you'll be pleased to perfection, with the smartest new fashions, in such variety as you've never seen.
- FBADENBUItG, STAIJMASTER & BEBEK, v Attorneys C50 Omaha National Bank BIdg. NOTICE OF INCOItrOKATION OF "RQSKMOXT FOOD STOKES, INC" Kotice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a. corporation pursuant : to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under the name of "KOSEMONT FOOD STORES, INC." with its principal place of business' at Omfihn. Nebraska. The general nnture ; of the business to "be transacted shall be to • buy and sell nt retail or wholesale prices all and every kind of goods, wares or merchandise usually and customarily dealt in by groceries, meat markets, fruit, dry goods aiid hardware stores; (b) to buy, sell, lease, own, hold nnd otherwise acquire real and personal property necessary, in, cident or convenient to the carrying out of the purposes nnd objects for which this corporation is formed; (c) to assume, acquire or purchase the property, rights, ; franchises, contracts and assets of every kind of and from any person, firm, asso: ciation or corporation, nud to pay for the Same, wholly or in part, with cash, stock or other evidence of the obligation of the corporation: (d) to carry on and provide co-operative advertising of the merchandise sold by stockholders of this corporation, nnd for that purpose to provide a member' ship for stockholders to secure the benefits hereof, without which membership no norson shall be entitled to hold stock in this corporation: (e) the statement of the powers set forth in subdivisions (a), (b). (c) nnd (ill shall not be construed to bo or act ns a limitation upon the general powers necessary or convenient to the corporation to carry out fully nil of the business of the corporation. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be $3,000.00. nnd all- of said stock shall be common nnd of the: par valne of $1.00 per share nnd shall be non-assessable when • issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and Shall continue until January 1, 1075. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not •exceed two-thirds of Its capital stock but this restriction shall not. apply to Indebtedness secured by mortgages ufion any of the corporate property. The affairs of the corporation shall bo managed by a Board Of Directors of not. lens than five nor more than twelve who shall be elected to serve for a period of one year. The semi-annual E»-»cetingK of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday of Jannary and May of each year at which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Hoard of Directors and thereupon the Hoard shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary nrd treasurer. Any two of Raid offices irmv be held by one and the same person. These arti• cles way he amended nt anv regular or special meeting of th«> stockholders upon the nffiripntive vote of two-thirds vote of :: all the outstanding Rtn<-k. . •::•
a N. SMITH ;••••
i V :
MAX FKOMKUT, Attorney. Insurance Building NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPOK: ATION OF CONEY ISLAND LUNCH, INC. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned incorporators have caused to be filed in the office of the Secretary of Stnte of the State of Nebraska and in the office of the County Clerk of. the County of Douglas and State of Nebraska, Articles of Incorporation of "Coney Island Lunch, Inc." Said Articles provide aa follows: ARTICLE I. The name of this Corporation is and shall be "Coney Island Lunch, Inc." ARTICLE 2. The principal office and place of transacting the business of the Corporation shall be at Omaha In the County of Douglas and State of Nebraska. ARTICLE 3. The purpose for which this Corporation is organized and the powers which it shall have are ns follows: To operate and carry on the business of a lunch room nnd restaurant, nnd In connection therewith to lease, own. sell, improve and otherwise deal in and with real estate nnd personal property, and to do any nnd all things incidental to the main purpose of the Corporntiou. ARTICLE 4 The capitnl stock of this Corporation shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($."(.000.00), divided into Fifty (50) shares of Common Stock, of the par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. ARTICLE !>. The existence of this Corporation shall besin on the filing of a copy of its Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, ns •provided by law, nnd shall continue for a •period of Fifty' (CO) years unless sooner dissolved by the vote of two-thirds of the issued and outstanding common stock. ARTICLE C. The amount of indebtedness to which this Corporation.may at any time subject itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. ARTICLE 7. The business of this Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of two directors, to be selected from the stockholders at their regular annual meeting: the directors from their number, nt each annual meeting after the annual stock holders meeting, shall elect n President. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager. Any director may hold one or more of the above offices in the Corporation. ARTICLE 8. These articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Issued and- outstanding common stock at any regular meeting of the stockholders or nt any special meeting cnlled for that purpose. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 18th dav of May. 1033. JOHN P. BESHILAS, B. M. SLADOVNIK. fl-SO-M^t. - Incorporators. MAX FROMKIN, Witness.
XEON * WHITE, Attorneys.
•i In *•»<• p'PRpncp of: ijinVTN RTATiMASTER : B-2G-33-4t. '
Citjr National Bank Bldff.
NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF , AUTO SAFETY CLINIC. INC. Notice is hereby given that a corporation FKADENBUKG,' STALJLVSTEB * BEBER has been foimi>d under the laws of the O. T. 1IOEBB P. M. KLUTZNICK. State of Nebraska. . Attorneys - The name of the corporation is "Anto 650 Omaha Nationnl Bank Bids. Safety Clinic, Inc." The princjparplace of transacting its NOTICE OF INCORPORATION business*- is the City of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. "SOBOTKEB SALES COMPANY, ISC." ' The general nature of the business to be Notice is hereby given that the' undersigned have formed a corporation pursuant transacted by the corporation is as fol. . to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under lows: To buy, purchase, take. owii. hold, deal the uame of "SOBOTKEIl HALES COMPANY, INC." with its principal place of in, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage nnd business at Omaha, Nebraska. The,general transfer; real estate and personal property nature of the business to be"" transacted wherever situated; to take, own, hold, deal Bhall be to purchase, sell, barter and trade , in, assign, bny, sell, mortgage and transevery kind of goods, wares and merchan- j fer stocks, bonds, securities, debentures dise usually and customarily deuilt in by ' and stock in other corporations; to draw, department stores, haberdasheries," sM6i> make, execute, accept, endorse- nnd> issue stores and kindred lines of business and in promissory notes, mortgages, drafts.; bills connection therewith to buy, sell, own. of'exchange and other negotiable Instruhold nnd otherwise acquire real and per- ments ; to manufacture, sell, deal in. repair sonal property necessary, incident or con- any nnd all kinds of automobile nceessorvenient (o the carrying out of the purposes ies; to conduct the general repairing of for which this corporation • is formed. -'J'ht* automobile brakes and automobile tires authorized capital stock of said corporation of every kind and discription; to do any Bhall be ?5,000.00 and nil.of,said Stock shall nnd nil'things incident to or necessary or be common and of the par value of; $100.00 convenient for the prosecution of said per share, and shall - be. non-assessable business or any part thereof. when issued. The corporation 'shall comThe - total authorized- capital stock of mence business upon-the filingof its arti- this corporation shall be S10.000.00 divided cles with the County Clerk of'Jlouglas into One Hundred (100) shares of the par County. Nebraska, and. shall continue for value of $100.00 each. Said capitnl stock a period until Jnnunry 1st. 1973.' The high- shall be fully paid for nnd non-nssessahle est amount of indebtedness shall not ex- when issued. Said capitnl stock may be ceed two-thiids of its capital stock. The., paid for in cash, notes or property, real affairs of the corporation-shall be man- or" personal, tangible or intangible tit the aged by a Board of Directors of not less reasonable value thereof. Fifty (50) than two nor more than five members. Un- shares of the capital stock of this corporatil the next annual meeting of Jhe stock- tion shall be paid for before the corporaholders of said corporation, 1J. .J. rtolds- tion shall commence business. berg shall act as.- President • nnd L. K. Thd corporation shall commence busiRyan shall act as Secretary and ^Treasurer. ness upon the filing of a copy of its artiThe annual meeting'of the Board of Di- cles of incorporation with the county clerk rectors Bhall be held on the first Monday of Douglas Nebraska, as provided of January of each y^ar. at which, time a by law, andCounty. shall continue for a period of President, a Vlce-President.: a * Secretary .fifty (.TO) years from the date thereof. and Trensnrer shall be elected. These arThe highest amount of indebtedness to ticles may be nmended at any regular or which this corporation may at any time special meeting of the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds 'Of its capital stock. outstanding stock. •- '• '• " - . : The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors conR. .T. I1OLDSBERG sisting of not less than two nor more than L. K. RTAN 'five members. In the presence o f ^ HAROLD W. BRANDT, IRVIN STALMASTEH LOUIS E. LIPP.5-2C-33-4t. , In Presence of: S. J. LEON. 5-26-33-4t. NOTICE OF SALE ON CHATTEl . MORTGAGE Not ice Is hereby given that on the 3rd Buy what thou has no need of,, and f 'My of June, 1033, at the hour of 10 A. M.. nt i">14 Lenvenworth Street, the under- ere long thou shalt sell thy necessigned will sell to the highest bidder for saries.—Franklin. cash: 1 green enamel kitchen table. 4 green w. s. chnirs, 1 ivory enamel high-boy, 1 Ivory enamel poster bed with springs and mattress, 1- ivory enamel dresser and mirror, 1 ivory enamel dressing table. 1 cedar chest, 1 polychrome floor: lamp nnd shade, 1 metal table lamp nnd shade. 1 wnlnut gateleg table, 1 walnut cane" s. nrm rocker, 1 wnlnut cane s. arm chair. 1 walnut smoking cabinet, 1 mohair overstuffed davenport. 1 mohair overstuffed arm chair, 1 0x12 Axminster rug", 1 mahogany day bed and pnd, 1 ivory enamel sewing rocker, 1 A. <t B. 3-burner gas range, 1 Ul-lb, Icicle refrigerator, 4 small throw rngs. 1 metal cabinet, 8-tube,Eveready electric radio No. M-N872. 2 wnlnut end tables nnd all dishes, linens, silverware, bedding and kit utensils, ; :: - . - .'•.--, , : covered by Chnttel Mortgage: executed by Martin L. Capps and Helen" R, Cnpps on March 18. 1932, to F. E. TYSON, doing business ns the OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, and having been-filed for record in the office of." the County Clerk .of. Douglas County. Nebraska, • • •- . •
. .
• .
• '
O. T, DOERR, jr. SI. KI/UTZNICK 650 Omaha National Bank Bids.
768 Brandeis Theater Bids'.
NOTICE O» CHATTEL MORTGAGE SA1.E Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of June, 1033, at 10 o'clock a; m. at 25<i2 Leayenworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash: One 1930 four-door Oakland Sedan, Motor No. 299209, Serial No. 2S42SG, covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the United Financial Service, a corporation, signed by Kuthven AV. McEwan; that said mortgage is dated June 17, 1932, nnd was filed of record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on July 2, 1032. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage, for the costs of the sale and all accruing costs Including warehouse fees and for the purpose of satisfying the amount due thereon, to-wit: $406.84, plus interest: that no suit or other proceedings at law have been instituted to recover Raid debt or any part thereof. UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE, By FRADENBURG. STALMASTER & BEBER, O. T. DOERR, P. M. KLUTZNICK, Its Attorneys. 3-2G-3t FHADENBURG, STALMASTER * BEBER, Attorneys. FRADENBURG, STAUIASTEU & BEBER O. T. DOERR & P. M. KXUTZNICK G30 Omaha National Bank Bid?.
Noti'-e is hereby given that on the 7th day of June. 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M.. nt the Meeks Garage, 25P2 Lea veil worth St., Omaha, Nebraska, tht< undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for. ensh one Buick Sedan, 1029 model. Engine No. 243G539, Factory No. 2310485, covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the United Financial .Service, a corporntion, signed by Harry It. Hovrell and Margaret Uowoll. That said mortgage is dated Juoi- 18, 1932, and is recorded in the office of )he County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreClosing said mortgage for the costs of the sale and nil accruing costs, and for the purpose of satisfying the amount due thereon, namely, J389.5G plus interest; that no suit or other proceedings at law have been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE, By Philip M. Klutxnick. 5-12-33-3t. J. J. JTBEEDMAX, Attorney. 534 Insurance Bids. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of MAX WINTROUB, Deceased. All persons interested in said- estate are hereby notified that a petition- has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will nud praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearng will be had on said petition before said court on the 10th day of June, 1033, nnd that if they fnil to appear at said Court on the said 10th day of June, 1933. at !) o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same nnd ;rant administration of said estate to Dorothy Wintroub or some other suitable person and proceed to n settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-19-33-3t. County Judge.
NOTICE OF SALE ON CONDITIONAL SALE'S CONTRACT Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day: of June, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the J. L. Brandeis & Sons warehouse, located st 9th and Douglas Streets, in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash: 1 Chinese rug, 90 yards carpet, 12 yards padding, 90 yards padding, office drapes (4 pr. velvet drapes, i pr. monko "cloth drapes, 4 valnuces), 2 radiator covers, 1 smoker, 1 floor lamp, 1 lamp reflector, 1 bridge lamp, 1 basket, 1 desk chair, 1 type chair, 1 down chair, 1 leather davenport, 1 costumer, glass door, curtains, 2 smokers, 1 oak end table, 1 book case, 1 humidor. 1 nrm chair, 1 arm chair, 1 sofa nnd chair (upholstered), 1 oak desk. 1 swivel chair in muslin, 1 costumer, 1 drop head type desk, 2 type desks, 1 walnut type desk, 2 small desks. 1 lounge chair, 2 solid walnut chairs, 4 imitation wnlnut chairs. covered by certain lease agreement executed and delivered by Nationnl Invesrors Incorporated, a corporation, l>y L. Stern, general manager, to J. L. Brandeis & Sons. a corporation, on the 30th day of April, 1931. Said lease agreement was duly filed for record in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 22ud day of May, 1031. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreclosing the interest of said National In-
Vestors Incorporated in and to the above descrihed property; for costs of replevining the same, for costs of sale and all accruing costs, and to satisfy the amount due thereon, to-wit: Six Hundred Eighty-Seven and 23-100 Dollars ($687.23); that no suit or other proceeding at lnw has bepn instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. . J. L. BRANDEIR & SONS. 5-12-33 3t. - Conditional Lessor. J. FEILER STEliN, Attorney. 403 Omaha Nafl Bank Bide.
••••'.;' L e a r n t o S w i m By Morris H. Sogolow, Physical - •- Director of the J. C. C You, like President Roosevelt, can improve your health bf swimming. Use the J. C. C. pool. The water is clean and fresh and purified, the water is changing continually. Our pool is equal to the best in the city. "Why learn to swim ? 1. Health: It gives you the maximum amount of exercises without any discomfort or strain to the heart or lungs. • 2. Fun and Pleasure: Enjoy yourself while you are recreating your body. 3. Self-preservation: Be- able to save your own or someone else's life in an emergency. 4. Self-improvement: Builds up your physique, your courage, your presence of mind, confidence, self-reliance. ,
Every class is provided with an in.- The schedule for the American Kittenball league for this Sunday, May 28,.all games starting at ?0:30 a. m.: SHOTWKIX, MOKSKT, GKO1HNSKT & VANCE, Attorneys MeUocups vs. Sample Fur, high 737 Omaha National Bank Bid*. school grounds; Psi Mu vs. GrossPROBATE XOTICE Gordon Ins., 33rd and Cass; Tuxis vs. In the Matter of the Estate of MAUDE A." Z. A. 1, 22nd and Paul. OOLDBKKti, Deceased. NOTICE IS HERKHY GIVEN: The Psi Mu is leading with four That the creditors of Kill deceased will wins. me,et the. executors of said estate, before
me. County Jiidfre of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Itoom, in said County, on the 10th day of July, 1933. aud on the 19th day of September, 1933, at NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIOX S) o'clock A. M., each day. for the pnrpos*? n the County Court of Douglas County, of presenting their claims for examination, Nebraska. • adjustment and allowance. Three months n the Matter of the Estate of PRANK are allowed for the creditors to present MHKVICKA. Deceased. theirs claims, from the 10th day of June. AH persons Interested in said estnte aro 1933. lereby notified that a petition hiis been BRY.CE CRAWFOKD, filed in said Court alleging-that said ile- 5-2G-33-3t. County Judge. peosed died lenviujr no last will and praynff for administration upon his estate, and hnt a hearing will be had on said petition >efore said Court on the lOfh day of June. 1933. and that if they fail to appoar at snirt Conrt on the said 10th day of June. 1p33, it 9 o'clock A. M'., to contest said petition. Beautify your home. Prices he Court may Krant the same and rrrant of our high grade Nebraskadmlnistratlon of said estate to Maud Salsgrown nursery stock is the low>ery or some other suitable person and est ever known. Toceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD. Our grass seed and fertilizer' 5-i9-33-3t. County
will make your lawn glad.
COPENHAGEN, — The centenary •i the Jewish synagogue of Copenhagen was celebrated here with impressive services which were attended by King Christian X, of Denmark, the Minister of Religion, and representatives of Scandinavian counries and municipalities.
structor who is experienced. Our ad- six weeks and much improvement has vanced methods will aid beginners. been noted. Timid pupils are given special attention. J. C. G. Tennis Loop Nate Cutler, J. C. C. tennis coach, Beginners tests were passed by is planning to organise a J. C. Morton Frank, Irving Charney, Joe C. tennis league play this summer. Kirshenbaum, Hymie Epstein, Merle Eepresentatives for of interested Forney, Dorothy Thompson, Eliza- are requested to call clubs him at Webster beth and Ann Mayne. 5932. It is hoped to have a four or six Junior boys and girls will perform team league play a round-robin in a swimming and diving meet to beschedule. Suitable awards will be held at the J. C. C. pool in June. Con- presented to the winner. centrated practice will be offered by Dave Chesneau and Al Oruch. Gym classes for matron women and FOR RENT business girls will continue during Two furnished rooms, pleasing June and as long as class attendance bedrooms, and kitchen. warrants. Matrons meet at 10:30 a. m. and Business Girls at 6 p. m. MonWE. 3527 day and Wednesday.
Home Landscape Service 924 No. 24th St. (Near Cumrng) JA. 5115 EvevHA.4006
J. J. FRIEDMAN. Attorney. 534 Insurance Bldgr. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of BESSIE WINTROUB PILL. Deceased. NOTICE IS.'HEREBY GIVENt That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on (he I2th day of July.-1033. and on the 12th day of September. 1033. at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of June. 1933. . . V BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-19-33-3t. ' County Judge.
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614
Basket Ball Practice Spring basketball practice at the J. C. C. ended last Wednesday. Coach M. H. Sogolow reports that the squad has been practicing faithfully the past
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg
SALE of Watches including such famous makes as ELGIN, WALTHAM and ILLINOIS. These are all 1933 models — and remember, watches this year are priced lower than they have been in more than twenty years. Think of buying 1933 merchandise and 1933 values at half the intended selling price. Take our advise—act quickly—our stocks include wide assortment in both men's and women's watches in each of these three famous makes of watches. Come early and make your selection.
Regular Values $37-50 to $1OO
Sale Prices
SILYERMAN & Z. CH.AKIA, Attorneys. <G8 Brandeis Theater Bide. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of THERESA IRENE CLAREY. Deceased. NOTICE IS-HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, liefore me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room. In said County, on the 12th day of July. 1933. and on the 12th day of September, 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M., each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months, are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of June. 1933. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-19-33-3t. County Judge.
4002 Dodge St. Barbecued Ribs, Sandwiches Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Barbecued Ribs, Ib. ...._35c Free Delivery Service "• Phone JA. 8006
McDonald's Successor to Albert Erthoim,
Secorul Floor City.JTat'l Bldg. lGth and Harney Sts,
You'll Enjoy The Nebraska's Built-to-Fit
They're Sanforized! These Smart Single or DoubleBreasted
£hi$ Summer
AmericanJewish Youth Economy Tours
Said sale will be-for.-the purpose of f6reclosing said Mortgage, and .to-satisfy the amount'due thereon to-wit: One Hniidrcd Ninety Dollars ($190.00). andnccrningcosts. .P. E. TYSON. dolng-bn8ineSS'ns THE OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. •
The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of CJnequaled Variety at Moderate Prices Eat at the
Gives you a
§ 7 DAY TOUR OF THE MEDITERRANEAN Including 17 days in
and PARIS for . . . $ 4 1 5 ° ° © Over 12 years experience in handling 15,000 American clients to Palestine is your assurance of a pleasant, comfortable and economical vacation.
HERE'S such a vast difference in straw hats—in the way they fit, they feel, they look—that every man is justified in selecting from The Nebraska's Straws. The hats that are built to fit— and fit to wear—anywhere!
$ 1 1 to $ 7 1 Straw Hats for Sport
Straw Hats for Dress Every Smart Braid from Fine Split to Sennit
Every Soft Straw from Fine Panamas to Milans
THEY 'RE ALL HERE! Hats—Main Floor
And They're Very Low at
Largest Selections in the City
Suits If you've been following your Vogue you know that it's smart to live in linen this summer . . . especially tailored linen stats. Buy one or two of these, with a couple of colored blouses . . . and your success all summer is assured. G Finely Tailored Skirts C White and Natural C.AIE Band Finished <L Sizes 12 to SO ERAADEIS—Sport
Section—Second l'ic::r
bath for Irene Rosewater. Confirmation will take place Sunday morning, May 28, at 10 o'clock.
Let German Lesson Teach Us We Must Take Part in Life As ]ews*~Lewisckn
Regular Friday evening services will be held at the B'nai Israel synagogue this evening", starting at 8 p. m. Rabbi Uri Miller has chosen as his The following statement from happy circumstances or fancied en- less in Poland or Roumania, may hapsermon topic, "Every Man to His At services tonight Rabbi David A . Paris, is printed from the Daily emy. ' pen elsewhere -tomorrow. The Conservative Synagogue Own." The forum group will meet Goldstein will give a pre-Memorial Bulletin, by courtesy of Harper This process is as old as the world; There i s no hope and no help in conduct its annual confirmation serI<pndon, (J.T.A.)—-All thefilesandvices on the second evening of Sha- and Brothers, publishers of Mr. it is used by groups of men as well anything less than the negation of the Day sermon. He will speak on "What after the services. Rabbi Miller will conduct services documents of the Zionist organiza- buoth, Wednesday, May 31, at 8 p. m. Xewisohn's books, the latest of by individuals. When people suf- diaspora in its present form. Jews Should Be the Quality of Jewish Paat the B'nai Israel s\-nagogue Saturtion in Berlin nave teen subjected to -which, "This People," is a book fer, reason fails, self-examination is must with all their Trearts and their triotism ?"' This year's class will be the largest an efficient espionage system that the congregation has thus far had. of stories about Jewish types. ; halted; they look for a scapegoat on strength co-operate as Jews in the This wul he the last Friday even- day morning. Friday evening: services will be conhas kept l i e Nazis well informed of Twenty-two children will at this serwhom to unload their sins as literal- civilization amid which "they dwell and ing service of this season. There will every event that transpired and ofvice publicly declare their loyalty to When individuals, men and -women, ly, as -savage tribes that drive an ac- no more and never again inter-pene- he regular services each Friday eve- cluded for the season on June 2. Junior Congregation every decision reached in the most the Jewish people and their traditions. are pursued by misfortune or suffer tual goat out of their village. trate those civilizations as imitation ning and Saturday morning throughsecret councils, of the organization. All Imitation, however out the summer. The Junior congregation, which For years the German National So- Gentiles. Following are the children: Morris what seems gross injustice, they look Not only did the Nazis have com- Arbitman, Sora Miriam Blank, Ber- for causes without and not within; cialists have built up a bloody myth blood-thirsty cries have polluted the meets every Saturday morning at 10 Shabnoth Services plete access to the Zionist office, it nice Bordy, Frances Bordy, Bob Co-they try to "pass the buck" to nn-by means of •which to "pass the bock" air of Germany. It.was.forseen. No The congregation will gather for a. TO-, has changed its meeting place was learned, but they used the base- hen, Edward Cohn, Lena Fellman, from the synagogue at 19th and Burt to others and to the world. These one lifted a hand to forestall or pre- Shabuotfe services a s follows: ment of the premises as a store- Muriel Frank, Edward Glazer, Ida j others are the '"Marxists" and thevent. No Jewish colleges were estab- Tuesday evening, May U0—6:30 p.m. to the one at 18th and Chicago. house for rifles, ammunition and Lerner, Paul Krasne, Lorraine MeyerJews. Why the Jews? Because the lished, no Jewish university was Wednesday morning. May 31—9 ajn. Shabuoth Services bombs. Jews, despite themselves, persist and founded. N o great Jew, except Ein- Wednesday evening, May 31—8 p-m. Shabuoth services will be held beson, Leonard MusMn, Pauline RosenIt was not until the Nazi press in baum, Frances Kosenblatt, Elaine are powerless; because they have stein alone, said: I am a Jew; as such Starting Friday May 26 and con-through dark ages become to the ig-you must take me -or leave me. The Thursday morning, June 1—9 a.m.ginning- Tuesday evening, May 30, at Berlin made references to a docu- Schlaifer, Jack Saferstein, Dorothy Yizkor services wS9 Itake place on sunset, and will conclude Thursday ment "which had been • seen by only Sherman, Irvin Sherman, Betty Soref, tinuing for one "week, the World norant and unhappy a symbol of ill lash was raised aoad the Jews rushed Thursday morning at about 10 a. m. •evening at sunset. Theatre offers two outstanding picunder it. That is their error. sixteen Zionist officials, and copies Adeline Tatleman, Charles Weiss. tures on the same program. The cast omen. Hence it is true that sharp Confirmation Wednesday morning Rabbi Miller of which existed only in the locked Friends of the congregation . are of each picture is headed -with a anti-Semitism is always the symptom . I am deeply touched by the protes.files of the Zionist office, that any urged to be in their seatj by 7:45screen celebrity, the first being "Peg of a society's slipping back into bar- tations of America, of both the Gen- The special confirmation services will speak at the Beth Hamedrosh suspicion arose that the Zionist or- p, m. so as to be certain to have seats. O' My Heart" "which stars none barism. The Jews are the barometer tiles and the Jews of my country. It will take place this Wednesday eve- Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt. Thursday morning he will deliver the may mitigate the evil; it cannot core. ning promptly * t 8 pan. ganization was being systematically Members of the congregation having other than Marion Davies. This fas- of civilization. sermen at the B"nai Israel synagogue, All the members of the congregaWhat happened i n Hungary yesterspied upon by the agents of Hitler. skull caps are asked to bring them. The Hitlerian persecutions could cinating story of a petite Irish miss l€th «nd Chicago. Memorial services tion and their friends are urged to These references created a stir Tarents of the confirmants will re- whose uncle leaves her an English have been foreseen. For ten years its day, what happens in Germany today, what i s always happening more or come early in order to get seats. No will be held Thursday morning at the among the Zionists who began a ceive in their honor Sunday after- fortune, affords Miss Davies ample various synagogues. nobly motivated, has an element o£ seats will be reserved. thorough investigation among their noon, June 4, from 3 to 5 p. m. in opportunity for plenty of scope to Jews to Dissect Only baseness. It is always found out. If number to discover the source of the the ballroom of the J. C C. display' her talents. Several beauti- Their Own we renounce this error and are still leak. ful songs are interspersed throughMunich.—Non-Jewish - medical stu- crucified anywhere, then and then When this investigation cleared all out this romance, and P e g O' My romance, dents of the University of Munich only will the moral indignation of the members, the officials set a Heart will . prove great entertain- have demanded that in the future mankind burn dear enough to des"watch over the building in the. MeinJewish students should be permitted troy those who crucify us. Confirmation services will lake ment for ail -who see it. ekestrasse, and soon discovered two In addition the World "will present to dissect only the corpses of Jews The Jewish people can gain the uniNazis entering the office with keys. place at Temple Israel Sunday mornGloria Swanson "who appears to- and be -strictly forbidden to touch versal -suffrages of civilized men only The men were familiar with the of- ing, May 28, at 10 a. m. by that act of auto-emancipatioR The nine children to be confirmed: gether with her husband Michael non-Jewish bodies. fice and immediately went through Farmer in a smart satire entitled which prevents it forevermore from the files, studied records and other Joel Abrahamson, 2521 No. 53; Rob- "Perfect Understanding," wherein imitating the degrading antics of the papers and made copies of them. ert Berwitz, 4901 Capitol Ave.; Zetta two people each want the other yet Our "Vitamin D" Milk contains the natural "Vitamin D", salesman of the comic papers who, Subsequently, it was learned these Chemiss, 1314 So. 25;- Caroline Kul- each want to be free from -manage extracted directly from cod fiver oil. Each, quart contains On Tuesday, May 30, Krug Park thrown out of the front door, slinks agents also utilized Zionist organiza- esh, 3332 Hickory; .Helen Lincoln, 3836 entanglements. win open its new bathing pavillion to the servants' entry. the "Vitamin D" equivalent o f THREE teaspoonfuls of -California; Jerome Marcus, 2215 Howr tion stationery in sending out -prowhich has been under construction for standard cod liver oil without the oil itself. ard; Charlotte Mayer, 1714 Sahler; paganda circulars, the past several months. Three mamThe investigation ii disclosed that a Bernice Robinson, 5003 Izard; William Cooking, boiling, or making into junkets will not affect the moth Alteration tanks will make it German "woman, who had served as Shlaes, 2571 Pinkney. one of "the most modern plants of qualities of natural "Vitamin D." Think what this means The program includes: "March of caretaker of the office for a number With all the fervor of a •war-time tiiis kind in America. to your child! A quart of pure fresh milk—and the "Vitathe Priests," Mendelssohn, by Mr. V. crusade, more -than 2,000 ^workers are The mammoth pool along with the Of years, was responsible for permitmin D" of cod liver oil—TOGETHER! ting the entry of the Nazi agents. C Bennett; opening prayer, Zella mobilizing under the banner of the new hath house with, its hundreds of Two of her brothers "were members Cherniss; Hymn, "Father See ThyOmaha. Chamber of Commerce, to modern dressing rooms, has been From the day that Baby takes his first bottie, he needs of the -organization, it -was later Suppliant Children," Bernice Robirt- .take the field next week i n a frontal completely reconstructed and now has "Vitamin D" to help nature make his litfle legs and back son; "And It Shall Come to Pass," attack on unemployrtmt through the learned, and she had furnished them all the very latest ideas in swim desturdy and straight, his little teeth sound, his bones strong with a key to the place. They bad Jerome Marcus; "The Lord God,* medium of a "Renovize Omaha" cam- vices for the swimmers of today. —and this early proper development carries on through life! obtained keys to all the" filing cab- "The Torah," Robert Berwitz; "Shmaa paign. The workers will make a ' The pool when filled for operation, "The Sally of Righteousness" 'will inets and idesks and were thus en- Yisroel," confirmants; Reading of the. double house-to-house canvass in an holds one million, one -hundred thou- be the sermon topic of Rabbi FrederOrder this "VITAMIN D" MILK today! abled to keep more fully aware of 10 commandments from the Torah, effort t o get renovizing jobs started sand gallons of pure filtered water ick Cohn at services at Temple Israel developments in the Zionist world Joel Abramson; Haftorah (Isaiah on residential and business proper- where one "swims in water as pure as this evening. than the Tank and file of the mem- 42, i to 12), William Shlaes; Prayer ties. you drink." Saturday evening Dr. Cohn will for blessing, Helen Lincoln; "Oh bership of the organization. Fifi ITOrsay, the -famous screen and The 2,000 Renovizers will emphaMagnify the Lord," "The Law of speak on Towards the Promised stage star will appear in person with Laws," Robert Berwitz; floral march, size the advantages of work at pres- Roland Becker and his Hollywood or- Land." V. C. Bennett; floral prayer, Char- ent low prices and the virtual cer- chestra at the Krug Park ballroom on Kaddish will l>e recited this Sablotte Mayer; floral offerings, Carolyn tainty of an increase in material and Sunday, May 28. labor costs. Kulesh; violin solo, Max Yaffe; declaration of principles, William Shlaes; confession of faith, .Jerome Marcus; solo, "Light as a Feather," Miss Rina; Snyder, soprano; address and awafflj -of tliplbihas, Babbi •^Frederick Cohij:
World Theater
Here IS News About Raising Strong, Rugged Children
Krug Park Pool
"Renovize" Campaign
Temple Israel
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Sol Lewis Says:
the VOWJ blessing
Rabbi;Cohn; prayer of thanks, Be** nice Robinson; closing prayer, Wj liam Shlaes. Several numbers will rendered by the young .people's ch(|ocf and the Temple choir. = til • The young people's choir, which afg under the direction of Mrs. Carol Mai6^ hoff Pitts, includes: Sopranos, H83j*| riett Bernstein,' • Esther SilvennanJ Ethel Resnick, Una " Grossj Adeline Speckter; altos: Jane Goetz, Betty Beeson, Janet Graetz, Frances Blumkin^ tenors: Abraham Duisky, Joe Eornstein, Myron Cohen; bass:. Adolph Laytin, Milton Robinson, Julian Nathan, David Bernstein. The Temple Israel choir, directed by V. C. Bennett, includes Miss Rina Snyder, soprano; Miss Julia. Zucher, alto; Mr. Gilbert Peterson, tenor; Mr. H.
Sam A. Rice Sam A. Rice. is director of the H a n s e n , b a r i t o n e . •••••• '•"':• ' United Laboratories, which recently opened at 4225 Florence Blvd. The United Laboratories are analTry 'The House of Quality" for ytical and consulting chemists, bacYour Sheet Metal and Furteriologists and testing engineers. nace Repair Needs Sam Rice is experienced in chemical work, having been head chemist for Armour and Company in South Omaha for the past twelve years. He •was a chemist in the baloon service during the war. 1008 No! 16th St. The staff also includes an experOffice Phone, JA. 4065 ienced metallurgical chemist and veterinary pathologist. Res. 3119 No. 14th Phone WE. 0959 —Shop from our Service Guide
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Your Messenger of Jewish News
ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1933
Jr. Hadassah Members to Attend Convention
CONFIRMATION SERVICE TO BE HELD The annual Confirmation Service •will be held Tuesday evening, May 30, at 8 o'clock, in Shaare Zion Synagogue, /when seven children of the Sunday school will receive diplomas. Members of the class include Velma Beechen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Beechen; Eosanna Dikel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dikel; Sylvia Herzoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Herzoff; Hazel Kantrovich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kantrovich; Elaine Mushkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike, Mushkin; M a r i o n Shiloff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shilof f; and Howard Sachs, son of Mr. and Mrs; Robert Sacks. ; The program will open with the processional of the class, during which the synagogue choir will sing. Velma Beechen will offer the invocation. The class motto will be interpreted by Hazel Kantrovich. A recitation will be given by Howard Sacks. Members of the class will speak on various phases of "Jewish Ideals," the class theme. Hazel Kantrovich will discuss "The Unity of God"; Elaine Mushkin, "Social Justice"; " Howard Sacks, "The Sabbath"; Rosanna Dikel, "Universalism"; Velnia Beechen, "Right Living"; Marion Shiloff, "The
PHONE 5-8182 Efficient Service at Moderate Cost
The Methodist Hospital 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. Auto Phone 8-3567 G. T. NOTSON, D. D., S.npt.
Approximately half of the members of the local chapter of Junior Hav dassah plan to attend the Regional Convention to be held this week-end in Omaha. The chapter will take part in the stunt night, and will be represented at all meetings. Miss Dena Baron, Miss Elizabeth Raskin and Miss Rosalie Sacks are official delegates from the Sioux City chapter.. Others who plai. to attend are the Misses Ruth Grueskin, Kate Kaplan, Alice Novitsky, Eudice Stillman, Sophie Raskin, Lottie Feinberg, Rose Berman, Ethel .Bergen, Mary Greenbaum, Rose Reinick, Ruth Broches, Mae Lipton, Dena M. Baron, Anne Shulkin, Dorothy Epstein, Ruth Rifkin, Ida Cohen* Frances Jacobsen, Sara Woskoff, Anne Cohen, Freda Albert, Rose Finsode, Fanny Lasinger, Ida Fish and Gertrude Fish. Indestructability of the Jewish People"; and Sylvia Herzoff, "The Messiah." The choir, under the direction of Ruth Wigodsky, will sing two^selections. Greetings to the confirmants will be given by Mr. John Lansberg, president of the synagogue, and greetings in behalf of the Sunday school faculty will be given by Miss Ida Hesh'elow. Miss Dorothy Mazor will speak in behalf of the alumni confirmants. The Valedictory address will be given by the class president, Sylvia Herzoff. Mrs. Barney Baron will present the diplomas to the class, and members of the class will close the service by . singing "Welcome Sweet Spring Time," and "Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee." Rabbi Rabinowitz will give the confirmation sermon. Follow the service, parents of the class will tender a reception to the. congregation, in the social hall of the synagogue. Mrs. A. Dikel and Mrs. B. Baron are in charge of the arrangements.
Crystal White Soap Chips, 2 boxes for .......19c Soap, '5 bars for ...._._ .....'6c Auto Bulbs, each ..._4c House Brooms, jeach 15c
5C0 Jackson St.
Phone 56595
Hokka Chynik May we mention, that Mrs. Sol F. is anticipating one of "those events" later on in the year and nobody knows about it . . . . A newcomer in town, a certain Miss Mazor, at "The Desert Song" with Doc. L. (the single one) . . . Sarah W. won't be able to make the Hadassah convention, giving preference to the boy friend who will be in S. C. on the same date . . . Ruthie F. anxiously awaiting the end of the semester at Iowa U. (and for reasons)... Neomi H. now of Baltimore is "secretly" engaged to a young man of that city. Nobody knows about this either . . . Louie L. announces his forthcoming engagement to a traveling saleslady, but it's just a fake . . . Eph. B. emphatically denies the rumor that his ever-increasing waistline is in any way significant . . . Doc Krigsten (Joe) is rapidly recovering from an appendectomy. Incidentally we have found out who doctors doctors . . . We are relieved to know who Gideon Gordon is . . . The Shapiro brothers of Omaha in town . . Yes, and Pessen and Harry Siegle too, but they're here all the time . . Red R. asked his girl for a date and she not only refused to go but didn't even thank him. He's getting old . . . Congratulations to Eli Jacobson on the new men's store, and for the nobby windows that stop fifth street pedestrians . . . and hats off. to our managing editor on the arrival of the boy. It was a boy they wanted and a boy they got . . . Hello to Jack and Margaret and Bobby . . . Larry and Solly last heard of in Wyo. and going strong . . . And so we end till next week.
Two one-act plays, one in Yiddish and the other in English, will be presented Sunday evening, May 28, at the J. C. C, by members of the Maccabee club, and under the direction of two of Sioux City's most able dramatic coaches. The first, "Nit Mit Allemen" will be presented in Yiddish, under the direction of Mr. David Sperling. The play is a modern American one, revealing Jewish life in the big cities. It portrays a typical Jewish family. Rudolph Shindler will be seen in the role of the elderly father, while Betty Osnowitz will take the part of the mother. The story centers around the life of their four children. A son, the part taken by Jack Mirowitz, disturbing the family tranquility with his sudden decision to bacome a poet —a widowed daughter, played by Tillie Shindler, adding a touch of pathos to the story, and the escapades of the other two daughters, played by Jean Montrose and Rosabell Wigodsky, form the nucleus'for a series of events, which will undoubtedly make the evening one of good entertainment. The second play is "Squaring It With the Boss," and has been directed by Miss Sarah Goldberg. The story deals with the trials of a young married couple, 'Jimmie and Beth, who come home from a vacation, to find two maiden aunts thrust upon thvn. Side-splitting comedy is brought into the play when Jimmie's boss, exsweetheart of the two aunts on the scene, and Jimmie temporarily adopts a neighbor's child to get a raise from the boss. The cast includes "Beth," Leah Herman; "Jimmie," Harry Liberman; "Mr. Dunn,", Earl Novich' "Clarrisa Shonts," Tillie Franklin; Melvin Rosenfeld, son of Mr. and "Hortense Ledden," Bea Herzoff, and Mrs. A. Rosenfeld, 2616 Jones street, "Jonnie Bender," Sam Rivin. will be graduated from the l.^*» school department of Mount Sinai Temple Religious school during the The services Egg-sactly • •.,. _ ,/, v service this evening. Riga.—Twelve members of the Brith will be conducted by members of the Trumpledor were arrested for hurling high school department. Carolyn Fishgall, Annabell Emlein stale eggs and other missiles at David Ben-Gurion, Palestine labor lead- and Henry Greenberg will read the er, upon his arrival at the station ritual and briefs ($alks will be made by here. A general fracas took place at Melvin Rosenfel&j Mina Slotsky and the station between the members of Henry Greenberg. •• Rabbi Lewis will speak on the subthe Brith Trumpledor, a Revisionist >; youth organization, and the Zeire Zion, ject "The Basis of Anti-Semitism. • Services for Shevuouth will beheld a youth Zionist organization. Tuesday evening/May 30, at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis Will'speak on "Immortal
Religious School Graduation Tonight
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Storm Troopers Seek "Purging" of Greece Salonica, (J.T.A.)—The Greek national storm troops, formed by Greek anti-Venizelist reserved officers and non-commissioned officers, has just issued a communique saying that the object of the troops is to purge the country in the same ways as the Fascist troops of Mussolini and the storm troops of Hitler have purged them of their distress. Several Greek papers, both Venizelist and anti-Venizelist, continues to praise the work of Hitler, as if they wished to set it up as a model for Greece, publishing every day articles or "Letters from Germany," and reproducing he views of the "Voelkischer Beobachter." Rome.—A rare honor was conferred upon the Jewish General Giulio Modena who has been swarded the Maurizio Lazzaro military decoration, an awaid rarely bestowed and then almost exclusively given to Catholics. General Modena is tka president of the highest Military Tribunal and has published s. number of books on military problems. 3 DAYS STARTS SAT.
Hold "Give or Get" Luncheon on Tuesday Thirty-six women attended the Senior Hadassah Give or Get luncheon, held Tuesday noon at the home of Mrs. J. N. Krueger, 3701 Jackson street. Following the luncheon a program was presented, which included piano solos by Frances Emelin, dance by Fredel Sacks, and a skit, "A Trip Through Palestine," by Mrs. T. N. Lewis and Mrs. L. S. Goldberg. Mrs. J. N. Krueger welcomed the guests with a brief talk and Mrs. R. H. Eralein presided. Announcement was made during the luncheon of the Hadassah convention to be held in Omaha this week end, and a number of the members signified their intention of going. • Those who attended the luncheon were privileged to attend by raising or donating a certain sum to be turned over to the Hadassah Medical fun. A number of women who had raised the stipulated amount were unable to attend. Mrs. William Lazere and Mrs. Zella Levitan were in charge of the luncheon. They were assisted by Mrs. Krueger, Mrs. M. E. Skalovsky and Mrs. Sam Shulkin.
Talmud Torah to Hold Registration Sunday
Society News Parents of the Children of the Confirmation class of the Shaare Zion Religious school will tender a reception to the congregation Tuesday evening, following the service, honoring the members of the class. Hosts and hostesses will include Mr. and Mrs. A. Dikel, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Herzoff, Mr and Mrs. M. Kantrovich, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mushkin, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shiloff and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sacks, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Beechen. The reception will be held in the social hall of the synagogue.
Announcement has been made by the Board of Directors of the Talmud Torah, that registration for classes will be held on Sunday, June 4, for the new term. Mr. Jack London, president of the Board of Directors, announced "We take pleasure in advising that registration of children to the Hebrew school will take place on Sunday, June 4, from 10 a. m. until 1 o'clock p. m. at the Shaare Zion synagogue." All parents having children of school age," he continued, "should bear this date in mind. It is imperative for Jewish parents to give their children a Jewish education. In view of the conditions at present, we must prepare our children to meet situations in an intelligent Jewish manner."
Miss Rath Lasinger was hostess to the Phi Elcila club Friday evening in her home. The evening was spent at bridge and concluded with Tefreshments. The bridge prize was won- by Miss Alice Elkin.
Shaare Zion
Mrs. Jules Kroloff of Phoenix, Arizona, arrived in the city Monday evening, to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow. Mrs. Kroloff was formerly Miss Sara Mosow.
Dr. and Mrs. B. Courshon, 3315 Jackson street, celebrated their 46th wedding iJiniversary with a family dinner in their home Sunday. Attending the dinner were Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Max Cherpakov died in her Courshon's children and their families. home Monday morning following an illness of several months. "She was Mr. Henry Monsky and Mr. Philip 48 years old, and a resident of Sioux City for a number of years. She is Monsky of Omaha, were guests at the survived by her widower and seven home of their sister, Mrs. William Lachildren. Funeral services were held zere, 2616 Jackson street, last Sunr in the family residence at 1015 Elev- day. enth street, with Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis officiating. Burial was in the Mrs. M. Marcus of Omaha, accomMount Sinai cemetery. panied by her son Nate and daughter Eve, spent the week-end visiting with Funeral services for Mrs. Marialda Mr. and Mrs. N. Elkin in Sioux City. Rushall, 68 years old, were held on Monday afternoon in the home of her Miss Anne Cohen spent Sunday visdaughter, Mrs. Abe Friedman, 1722 iting with friends in Omaha. Jackson street. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiated and Cantor A. Pliskin Miss Dena Baron spent the weekchanted the service. Burial was in end in Des Moines with,her brother the Floyd cemetery. Lawrence, who is a patient in a Des Mrs. Rushall died Monday morning Moines hospital. : ' in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Friedman. She came to Sioux City Mrs. Adolph Rosenfeld is a patient 17 years ago. in the Methodist hospital, where she She is survived by her widower, M. underwent a major operation. ; J. Rushall; three sons, Harry of Moscow, Isadore of Sioux City, arid Sam of Los Angeles; four daughters,' Mrs. Friedman and Mrs. I. Mirken of At the meeting of the Maccabee Sioux City; Mrs. L. Urift of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Henry Rodin of New club Sunday afternoon addresses were York City; a brother, I. Aronoft of made by Paul Sperling, Philip SilverMoscow; a sister, Mrs. Rachel Plat- berg, Rudolph Shindler, Rueben Ratman of Russia; 18 grandchildren and ner, Al Sokolsky and Jack Mirowitz. two great grandchildren.
Services for Shevuouth will be held in Shaare Zion synagogue beginning with the confirmation service on Tuesday evening, May 30. Wednesday morning the service will begin at 8:30 o'clock and Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak on the subject, "The Torah—Our Consolation." The memorial service will be held on Thursday morning and Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak on the subject, "The Magic Key." Cantor A. Pliskin will chant the ritual. Brief services will be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening. There will be no sermon.
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Anti-Semitic Organization Suppressed
BEN KAPLAN (Formerly With Davidson Bros. Co.)
Paris.—A medical bill which would exclude foreign physicians from practicing medicine in France was adopted by the Senate of the French Parliament. Some minor changes will be made by the Chamber before it is enacted, into law.
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Warsaw.—The anti-Semitic Polish organization known as "Obwiepol" is now officially suppressed throughout the whole of Poland. Explaining the grounds for this action, the government establishes that the activities of Obwiepol were calculated to produce excesses and to incite to political racial hatred. The official statement adds that the recent occurrences at Krakan, Lvov and Bialystock have proved the extreme danger of Obwiepol to the whole of the Polish state.
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