June 2, 1933

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In the Interests of the Jewish People Kutfrtd as JSecomJ-OiB* Mull Matter on I'oBtoIIice nl. Omaha. Nebraska, under the

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism . 1UZL, at rch 3. 1879


If Scored MRS. J. ROSENBERG Jewish HEAD, in DipiGmatifi Battle at RE-ELECTED HADASSAH REGION

Embassy Sues Anti-Nazi Students

VOL. IX—No. 18

Philanthropies Drive to Top Last Year's Totals

Riga, Latvia.—The German Embassy here has officially notified the Jewish students' committee that it is bringing court action against them for distributing leaflets urging the popuAnnual Southwest Convention lation to avoid theaters where German Held in Omaha Last motion pictures are exhibited. This unique action by the German officials Week-End Franz Bernheim, Hitherto Unknown, Wins Prehas aroused general interest here. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg of Omaha The charge that German schools in Large Delegation to liminary Skirmish With Germany Over was re-elected president of the south- Latvia are subsidized by the German Attend B'nai Brith Upper Silesia Rights. west region of Senior Hadassah at the government to conduct anti-Semitic onvention eighth annual convention held here agitation, was made by Minister Kenlast Sunday and Monday. Delegates isch. Addressing the Latvian parliaGENEVA—The League of Nations at the attacks on liberty and the from seven states attended, the headhe announced that vigorous A large delegation of Omaha B'nai Council will air out in public session violence under which the German quarters for the conclave being the ment, steps would be taken to force the dis- rith members, many accompanied by the German attitude towards the Jew- people have been suffering" have Jewish Community Center. their families, is planning to attend continuance of this Nazi agitation. ish people in Upper Silesia, despite been adopted by the executive com- Other officers named include: Mrs. the District 6 convention, which will Dr. A. Greenberg, General Chairman, Renders the vehement protests and opposition mittee of the Women's Internation- R. H. Emlein of Sioux City, Mrs. Saul be held in Chicago July 2, 3, 4 and 5. al League for Peace and Freedom, Davidson of Des Moines, Mrs. Sol Report to Executive Committee of the German delegate. These dates were chosen so that of which Jane Addams is honorary Germany in diplomatic phraseology those attending could also be present Goldberg of Kansas City, Mrs. S. Wednesday. told the League council to keep its president, and sent to the German Wasserman of St. Joseph, Mrs. Eli at "Jewish Day" at the World Fair Government. Included in the series is hands off the question of Germany's Miller of Denver, Mrs. J. Abramson on July 3. A total of 2,265 pledges amounting en's division have yielded fewer cuts treatment of the Jews. But the coun- a resolution protesting against the of Fort Dodge, Mrs. J. Levand of Special rates have been obtained for cil, with Germany refusing to vote, anti-Semitic measures in force in the Wichita, Mrs. H. D. Marowitz of the B'nai Brith delegation, according to 129,404.15 had been turned into the than in the mass solicitation. submitted the juridical aspects of the Reich. Council Bluffs, Mrs. Harry Goldberg to Isadore Abramson, president of the fourth annual Jewish Philanthropies! "The 'selective process' of canvassproblem to jurists, with the underof Lincoln, Mrs. M. F. Levenson of local lodge. "We are urging all those campaign coffers by Wednesday, as ing was a saving feature of this year's ' j drive. standing that a complete discussion 1,200 PROTESTANT CLERICS Omaha, and Mrs. D. Filstein of St. who are planning to attend to com- the drive officially terminated. A number of workers in all diviof the entire matter will be held later. SIGN HITLER PROTEST "The 'upper brackets" stood up unLouis, vice-presidents; Mrs. - Louis Seventh Annual Convention in municate with me," Mr. Abramson Omaha Last WeekThis action followed Germany's re- . Twelve hundred Christian clergy- Sogolow of Omaha, secretary; Mrs. stated, "as we intend to have a special sions however, are still seeing pros- usually well. All Community Chest fusal to accept a council report on the men have signed a petition protest- A. Hertsman of St. Louis, treasurer; End car with a special rate providing pects, and when the "clean-up" is fin-1 campaigns show that this group has treatment of Jews in German Upper ing against anti-Semitism in Ger- Mrs. M. Peltzman of Kansas City, enough people signify their intention ished, it is expected that the total fallen down, and Community Chest raised will easily top the $30,000 mark. campaigns are more and more dependSilesia. ; The Omaha chapter of Junior Ha- of going." many and the document, with the parliamentarian; Mrs. S. L. Goldman Dr. A- Greenberg, in his report to The delegates of the various coun- affixed signatures, is to be forwarded of St. Joseph, auditor; Mrs. Max dassah was hostess to the highly sucThe B'nai Brith headquarters will cessful seventh annual convention of be the LaSalle hotel, where delegates the executive committee on Wednestries emphasized that minorities must to Germany by the National Confer- Fromkin of Omaha, bulletin editor. be scrupulously protected, many tak- ence of Jews and Christians. It was voted that the next conven- the Southwest region of Junior Ha- and visitors will be housed. There are day expressed the sentiment of al! A Word of dassah held last week-end. Over two also garage facilities arranged for when he termed the campaign a sucing a fling at the Hitler government In making public the list of signa- tion be held in Sioux City. cess, despite the trying economic confor its persecution of the Jewish tues, Rev. Everett Clinchy, secre- The elections took place at the bus- hundred girls from seven states at- those intending to drive. Appreciation people. tary of the conference, said "The iness session held Sunday morning. tended. The thirty-fifth annual convention ditions. Though conditions were worse this Dr. A. Greenberg, general chairIn unanimously condemning Ger- 1,200 clergymen who signed this Welcoming talks were given by Henry Miss Elizabeth Raskin of Sioux of the Zionist Organization of Amermany for depriving the Jews of their statement ask for the German Jews Monsky and Philip Klutznick. Fol- City, la., was elected regional presi- ica will also be held in Chicago dur- year, the total to date is only four man of the Jewish Philanthropies civil and political rights, the repre- only what Herr Hitler asks for all lowing the session the delegates were dent, succeeding Mrs. Morris Frank- ing the first week in July. It is ex- hundred odd dollars shy of the 1932 campaign, takes this means of exthe guests of the Junior Hadassah at lin of Omiia, who presided over the pected that five thousand Zionists will final figure and when the pledges still pressing his deep appreciation and sentatives referred not only to Sil- other Germans." ont are fully reported the figures of personal gratitude to everyone— " The petition was drawn up by a luncheon following which a joint business sessions. Sioux City was ittend. esia but also to the entire Reich. both contributions and number of divisional heads, majors and workthe Rev. Dr. Hary Emerson Fos- session was held. chosen as the site for the next conpledges will exceed the previous ers—who contributed in any way dick of the Riverside Church and Mrs. S. H. Soboroff of Chicago and clave, to be held in November. Geneva, (J.T.A.)—A signal victory toward the success of the drive. year's. edited by a commission of 24 clergythe out-of-town delegates were honover anti-Semitic Germany was made Other officers chosen: Dorothy "The co-operation received from A feature of this year's drive has men. It was reported that only two ored at a banquet at the J. C. C. Sun- Mendel, St. Joseph, first vice-presiby the obscure and, until recently, the community at large has been a been the thoroughness of the canvass. clergymen, out of the number asked day evening. The program, presided completely unknown Franz Bernheim dent; Ida Fine, Omaha, second viceThe detail work was so carefully and high compliment to the civic and over by Mrs. David A. Goldstein, in- president; Esther Torin, St. Louis, •when the German delegation to the to sign it, refused to do so. efficiently taken care of that every communal spirit of our citizenry, cluded: Musical selections, Conserva- third vice-president; Mollie Cone, League of Nations was compelled to indebted to every indipossible prospect was seen or will be and we are tive Synagogue choir; greetings, Mr. take the defensive before the world Kansas City, recording secretary; vidual v.Tho aided in this camseen. William L. Holzman; messages, Mrs. Rosalie Sacks, Sioux City, correspondwith a declaration, made at the public paign," Dr. Greenberg stated. Joseph Rosenberg and Mr. Morris ing secretary; Anne Cohen, Des "Upper Brackets" Firm session of the League's Council, Friedel; violin solo, Thelma Gaspar, Moines, treasurer; Fannie Garsh, Des Urge Program on World Scale to throwing blame for violation of the "Even a cursory examination of the Meet German Emeraccompanied at the piano by Mrs. Moines, publicity. Board members rights of the Jewish minority in Upresults indicate," stated Dr. Greengencies Henry Monsky; principal address, per Silesia upon the shoulders of subnamed were Ida Goldsmith, Tulsa; berg, "that the 'Advance Solicitation,' ing on the small donors. In our case, Mrs. S. H. Soboroff of Chicago. the upper bracket held up well, but ordinate agencies. Rose Bernstein, Kansas City; Laura Washington, D. C—An integrated in the initial gifts group as well as the losses were great in the lower At the luncheon Monday at the J. lipskie, Des Moines; Charlotte Mein the general solicitation and wornThe German delegates have used brackets—the $1 to S10 pledges. This C. C, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president ;hevsky, St. Joseph; Evelyn Vogel, St. program on a world scale to deal every ' possible effort behind the with the emergencies created in Gerexperience in our campaign is a true of the local chapter, presided. The New York, (J.T.A.).—A Louis D. Louis; Sara Woscoff, Sioux City; scenes to quash the Bernheim case, many by the Hitlerite persecutions of index to the present economic condiprogram: Invocation, Rabbi Uri MilBrandeis Lectureship at the Hebrew Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Omaha; Ella presented in the form of a petition to the Jews was adopted at the close : tions." ler; vocal selections, Ida Gitlin; adr University in Jerusalem, named in Cohea, Xin'coln; Jean Mitchell, Wich- of the three' day "sessions of the •"the League by the former resident ofIt is interesting to note that the indress, Rabbi David A. Goldstein; honor of the Supreme Court Justice, ita; Miriam Foreman, Denver. Honthe plebiscite area. After a closed American Jewish Congress, attended creases this year outbalanced the deshort talk, Mrs. Morris Franklin; will be established next year,-particorary board members are the Messession, however, the Council decided by 1500 delegates from every part creases almost three to one. This ratio principal address, Mrs. S. H. Soboroff. ularly "to aid the University in invitdames Mark M. Marks, Kansas City; to discuss the Bernheim case at an of the country. was particularly pronounced in the inA sight-seeing tour followed by a ing a German scholar to fill the post F. Pessman, Kansas City; William open session, although the matter wa Dr. Stephen S. Wise was re-electitial gifts group. created by the gift of the New Cen- tea was held Monday afternoon. Borowsky, Manilla, Ark.; R. G. Agnot on the agenda of the meeting. tury Club of Boston, Dr. A. S. W. In charge of convention details ron, St. Joseph, and Morris Franklin, ed honorary president of the organiInitial Gifts and Youths It was feared that the important Rosenbach, zation by acclaim as was Bernard S. president of the Ameriwere Mrs. M. F. Levenson, general Omaha. The bright spots of the campaign issue of disarmament would obscure can Friends of the Hebrew Univer- chairman; Mrs. David A. Goldstein, Deutsch who will serve his fifth term The indication of an overflow were the initial gifts and youth divithe Jewish question, especially in view sity, announced here. as president of the Congress. Nacrowd at the Harry Trustin testimonAbout two hundred guests attended program; Mrs. Irvin Levin, registrasions. The initial gifts group under of the fact that the powers were not than D. Perlman, Louis Lipsky and ial dinner by the B'nai Brith and the a theater party Saturday afternoon, tion; Mrs. David Stein, banquet; Mrs. A similar lectureship' will be creDavid Goldman, with Alfred S. Mayer anxious to aggravate an already acute J. Greenberg, reception; Mrs. B. A. followed by a buffet supper at the Dr. S. Margoshes were elected vice large number of requests for couple vice-chairman, increased their pledges situation by outspoken critcism of the ated in honor of President Felix J. presidents. Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum. reservations h a v e necessitated a Frankfurter, according to word re- Simon, tea; Mrs A. D. Frank, pub- Paxton. That evening a stunt party was re-elected chairman of the Ex- change in plans. The dinner will be over last year by approximately Nazis. was held in the ballroom, the Kansas ceived by Dr. Rosenbach from Pro- licity held at the Paxton Hotel instead of $8,000. The youth division, with JusHowever, the real surprise came fesor Milton City chapter winning first prise with ecutive Committee. J. Rosenau, of Harthe Jewish Community Center as pre- tin Wolf chairman, went "over the when Herr Friedrich von Keller, head vard Medical school, The insistent appeal of all the their presentation of "The Junior chairman of the viously announced. The date remains top", the first time this division hag of the German delegation, declared Boston Society of American speakers at the" sessions that the Gaities." Sioux City was runner-up. Friends crossed the thousand dollar mark. the same, June 14. "I have communicated to the German of the University. A gToup of United States make known publicly The Omaha chapter, being hostess, Dr. Greenberg in his report Wedgovernment, with no delay, the peti- ton attorneys headed by HerbetBosits position in relation to the perdid not compete, but presented a Reservations will be made for the B. tion from Franz-Bernheim submitted Ehrmann are now engaged in raiscomic operetta entitled "Junior Ha- secutions, of Jews in Germany was next ten days. The charge per plate nesday was highly complimentary oi a few days ago. The German governdassah in Spain." The cast included incorporated in a resolution, intro- is $1.00 and couples are invited. Res- the youths. "I am impressed," h« ment has authorized me to make the ing funds for the purpose. Goldie Seidman, Dora Freshman, Bess duced by former Congressman Meyer ervation cards have been mailed to stated, "with ths possibilities of the "In these grim and terrible days following statement: of Rochester, declaring: members of the lodge. All others who Youth's Division. Their work this year The swimming meet at the J. C. C. Rubinstein, Sarah Baum, Libbie Ab- Jacobstein confront Jewry—and not merely Ruth Svrengil, Rose Abram- "In a spirit of unshakable devotion may desire to attend are requested to was more thorough, and shows that " I t is unnecessary to say that in- that for juniors will be held some time this ramson, Jewry but the most precious conternational conventions concluded by quests of the human spirit," said •oonth and will be for both boys and son, and Etta Tatelman. Music was to the underlying principles of Amer- telephone their reservations to Sam this division can, with better organiican institutions and the high aspir- H. Green, secretary of the lodge, Har- sation, share the responsibilities of furnished by Sarah Solomonow. Germany cannot be affected by inter- Professor Frankfurter in accepting girls, up to the age of 14. ations of mankind, we express the ney 46S9 or Isadore Abramson, presi- covering prospects other than youths." nal German legislation. Should in- the honor paid by the committee, The events will include: All reports of committees and the fervent hope that recognizing this The total cost of the campaign is fringements of the provisions of Gen- "the claims of him Boys the Hebrew Univerelection took place at the business tragic emergency, our Government dent, Jackson 4S11. eva conventions have occurred in Up- sity are inescapable. Beginners: Novelty duck.race; 15- session Sunday morning. Rabbi Uri will continue to exert its good offices In addition to the plans previously less than three per cent. Included in The Jewish men per Silesia, this could only be the re- of learning in Germany, whose light yard free style. also, is the cost of new records, opened the session with the to help bring out a cesation of the announced, Dr. A. Greenberg has un- this, sult of errors committed by subordin- is being extinguished, must be saved, Novices: 20-yard free style; 15-yard Miller which are for permanent use. invocation and greetings to all memdertaken the organization of a class wanton attacks upon the life, propate organs acting in erroneous inter- not primarily for their sake but back stroke. Follow-Up Planned bers of Junior Hadassah. erty and honor of the German citiz- of candidates which will be initiated pretation of the law'." . for the sake of all mankind. In his report Dr. Greenberg listed at the dinner. This class will be Advanced: 20-yard free style; 40- Those attending the Senior Hadas- ens of the Jewish faith." This startling action in admiting known as the "Harry Trustin Class." for "courtesies": David Goldman, "The tragic development in Ger- yard free style; 20-yard back stroke; sah convention were guests of the guilt but blaming minor officials cre- many "We respectfully call the attenIt is planned to have the other six chairman of initial gifts; Mrs. Jeanan oportunity, as 40-yard side stroke; 4-man relay nov- Junior Hadassah at a joint luncheon tion id^d a tremendous impression. The well asfurnishes of the Administration to the de- commissioners elty race. by Mayor Roy ette Arnstein, chairman of Women's a duty, to win for the HeSunday. new rapporteur on minorities, Sean brew University in Palestine, men of struction of rights heaped on a peace- N. Towl attend headed Diving: front dive, back dive, jack as guests. Among the division; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg for hez Mrs. S. H. Sooroff of Chicago was loving, unoffending, industrious and Lester, of the Irish Free State dele- •world-wide distinction. It is inevit- knife, 2 voluntary dives. , -,, ,. j, ., T ,• r sneeches that vrill be delivered will solicitation of women's organizations} the principal speaker and honored gation, thereupon rose and declared he able that all of us, within the limits c included those by Dr. A. Green- Max M. Barish. chairman of general Girls be valuable section of the of °^ guest. The local chapter presented a the was submitting the Bernheim case for German Reich andpopulation we declare our capacity, should want to share Beginners: 15-yard free style. pageant, directed by Mrs. Morris that the motives, and aims of these berg as toastmaster, Sam Beber, solicitations; Justin Wolf, chairman of the consideration of the Council and of in the realization of such a great Novices: 20-yard free style; 15-yard Franklin, with a cast including Bess persecutions run counter, not only to president of the District; Henry Mon- youths; Harry Wolf, budget chairman; asked for debate on it. , opportunity." back stroke. Bernstein, Sarah Levine, Anna Hahn, the principles of humanity and civil- sky, member of the executive com- Frank Ackerman, publicity chairThe shifting of blame for the antiAdvanced: 20-yard free style; 20Sara Baum, Mollye Roitstein, Goldie ization, but tend also to nulify the mittee of the Constitution Grand man; Mrs. Louis Neveleff, luncheon Jewish discriminations in Silesia on chairman; Milton Abrahams, chairyard back stroke; 40-yard free style; Seidman, Ruth Slobodinsky, Anna achievement of economic stability Lodge; Mayor Roy N. Towl; snd the man of speakers; J. J. Greenberg, minor officials was ridiculed here in guest of honor, Harry Trustin. 40-yard side stroke; 4-girl relay; divKatelman, Lillian and peaceful relations between the Green, Fannie League circles as a foolish diplomatic ing. Entertainment is being arranged by quota chairman: Grace Dansky and Koom, Anna Kuznit, Rose Abramson, nations." declaration. Even the coincidence All who wish to enter are asked to Abner Kaiman, past president of the Sylvia Friedel, office assistants. Goldie Zusman, Ann Gitnick, Sonya that the German Graf Zeppelin flew Without waiting for any action on '"We will continue the follow-up oi sign up at the physical department. Roitstein, Sadie' Tatelman, Bertha the part of this government, the lodge. over the League building while the Miss Ida Fine was chosen president the remaining prospects," Dr. GreenIn addition to the competitive events Slutskin, Esther Broscow, Etta TatelBernheim case was being discussed, American Jewish Congress will conof the Omaha chapter of Junior Hadberg declared, "until every one of there will be demonstrations of the man, Ethel Epstein, Dora Freshman, did not help to save Germany from tinue to mobilize public opinion of them has been definitely disposed of, Jeannette Resnick, Bess Kirshen- the -world to intercede in behalf of A. Z. A. Alumiu to the ironical comments heard in the assah at the annual election of offi- various strokes and stunts. either as a contributor or a definite bauni, Sarah Solomonow, and Bess the Jews. lobbies and corridors from leading cers held last Thursday evening at Form Organization refusal." Eubinstein. Greetings •were given by diplomats and others present at the the J. C. C. She succeeds Mrs. Sidney I "Hay Fever" to Be In anticipation of the Yforld JewKatleman. The final and detailed report will b* Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Omaha Junior session. Congress, therefore, a world con- All Omaha alumni of the A. Z. A. presented Produced at J. C. C. Hadassah president; Mrs. M. F. Lev- ish Other officers: Miss Dora Freshman, at the end of June. are invited to attend an organizational While the declaration does hot com- first ference of representatives of all orvice-president; Miss Rose Dolenson, Omaha Senior Hadassah presimeeting for the formation of an Al-ammit the government of Chancellor Hit- goff, second vice-president; Miss Sara ganized groups in Jewish life will John McGee will produce "Hay dent; and Mrs. J. Rosenberg, regional be held sometime this summer, the ni club, to be held at the Jewish Com- Jay StoKer to ler expressly to recognize Jewish Noddle, corresponding secretary; Miss rights in Upper Silesia, it is neverthe- Minnie Frohm, recording secretary; Fever," by Noel Coward, at the Jew- Senior Hadassah president. The in date and place of which were not munity Center on Wednesday evening. ish Community Center, June 6 and 7. vocation was given by Rabbi David A specified. The conference will form- June 7, at 7:45 p. m. Head Psi M E less believed the restoration of Jewish Bess Kirshenbaum, financial Mr. McGee is known to the communi- Goldstein. rights there will follow. This is ex- Miss ulate plans for the setting up of the The alumni will aid in the interMiss Fannie Katelman, re- ty as the director of "If I Were You," gtoller was named president of pected also to influence favorably the treasurer; The Des Moines chapter won th world Jewish Congress in 1934, at national convention to be held in theJay and the Misses Anna Hahn, recently presented so successfully by Psi Mu at the election of officers entire question of the Jews through- porter, Geneva, Switzerland. Omaha this summer. gavel for gaining the largest percentSarah Soloznonow, and Ruth Slobodinheld Monday evening. Other officers; the Center Players. out the entire Reich. age increase in membership, with Jews of America and Jews of the sky, board members. Leo Brown, vice-president; Morris "Hay Fever" is the story of two Lincoln runner-up. Much credit is being given here to entire world are called upon to pro- Greek Govt. Abolishes Giller, parliamentarian; Manny GoldDr. Leo Motzkin, chairman of the The installation of the newly-elected mad English families and their ill The convention was concluded with ceed with the election of delegates Jewish Electoral College berg, secretary; Max Stoller, treasurofficers will take place at a banquet assorted guests, wittily and brilliantly Committee of Jewish Delegations, who a semi-formal dance at the Paxton to the Congress. Salonica,—The Greek Government er; Iz Trctiak, publicity director; with Dr. Emil Margulies, Czechoslo- to be held this month at the J. C. C written. The cast of local favorites in Sunday evening. has announced that the separate Morris Bloom and Iz Bogrdanoff, s^rAn American bureau, for the pureludes Miss Virginia Crofoot and Mr. vakian Jewish leader, presented the Miss Ida Fine was general chair- pose of stimulating response to the Jewish electoral college would be abLoren Gilbert. Jewish petitions to the League, ami Mixed Swimming man of the convention, assisted by World Jewish Congress, will be set clished as contrary to the terms oi The new officers will he installed at who, single-handed, has carried the Jeannette Resnick, registration; Lil- up at the direction of the convention. the constitution, it also announced a banquet at the Fontenelle on June S, Madrid.—The large number of at J. C. C. burden of representing the Jews here. Seventeen delegates frosa the Uni- that in the future, proportional elecGerman Jews who have come into lian Koom, reception; Sarah Ann New York.—A decision to launch & A night of mixed or party swim- Spain in recent weeks has obliged Noodle, theater party; Lorraine King, ted States -will attend the world con- tion methods would be applied to the WOMEN OF THE WORLD ming will be held in the Center pool the Spanish government to clamp -tin buffet supper; Miriam Greenberger, ference this summer as members oi Jewish districts of Salonica. The Jew- movement for the introduction of Yid* DENOUNCE REICH on Wednesday evening, June 14. This first of what may be a series of re- stunt party; Minnie Frohm, luncheon; the World Council of the Jewish ish population has sought the aboli- dish as a subject in the American Geneva,- Resolutions expressing is in answer to what appears to be a strictions against further Jewish im- Fannie Katelman, publicity; Anne Congress, under whose auspices it tion of the separate electoral college schools was adopted at a meeting o£ Green, dance.—(Reported by RR.K. will be held. for many years. nrocressive organizations. mieration from Germany. • general feeling of indienation popular demand.

Geneva Lea VJe Parleys

2,265 Pledges Turned in By Wednesday; "Upper Brackets" Hold Up Exceedingly Well








Human Nature"

A "Plastic Forcer

Jewish Women's Welfare Organization

at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. The organization has also expressed its thanks to the women who helped with the fcuffet lunch.

The 1 o'clock luncheon of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization A. Z. A. 100 will be held next Wednesday, June 7, at the J. C. C. as the closing meeting of the. season. The chapter's swimming team won Mrs. Louis Neveleff, president of first place in the club meet held at the organization, is chairman of the the Center last Thursday. The team event. A charge of 50 cents is being consists of Irvin Merriam, captain, made for this "milchake blintze" luncheon. Reservations may be made at the Community Center, or by calling Mrs. F. J. Alberts, Jackson 6608. Reports of the year's activities ^11 be made by the chairman of the various committees. Mrs. Herman Jahr is in charge of the program. Assisting Mrs. Neveleff are the Mesdames Irvin Levin, J. Malashock, David Feder, Abe Greenberg, Pearl Alberts, and Irvin Stalmaster.

Leo Chodak, Art Gerber and Meyer Rosenbaum. Members- of the chapter placed first in five of the seven events. A new athletic committee has been formed, consisting of Nathan Crounse, chairman, Herman Blumenthal, and Irvin Merriam. The chapter meeting night has been changed to Wednesday evenings. The next meeting will be held June 7.

Introducing New Model

social minds and help men and women adjust themselves emotionally and intellectually for the Eldorado around the corner. Human engineering, that is the greatest career of the near future. The heavy hand of tradition, "the dust of the ages," may make it difficult for some men and women during the transitional period to adThe Last Word in Chesed Shel Ernes just themselves to the New Leisure; but we can feel sure that human naELECTRIC REFRIGERATION A regular meeting of the Chesed ture, as it is understood by the average man, will not stand in the way of Shel Ernes Society -will be held at the mechanization and increasingly less Chesed Shel Emes building on Mon* hours of work. The technicians have day afternoon at 2:30 p. m. All mem transformed the economic.and mech-; bers_ are rurged to attend. anical structure of society. Armed By HARRY MENDELStijf with a scientific knowledge of human Hadassah nature they will be no less able to Director of "Omaha's M odern Hebrew School": remake men and women and fit them "You can't change human -nature!" days and the concomitant! • social in Tibet and more "or less promiscuity for citizenship and work in an almost The last regular meeting of the 6 cannot legislate unselfishness changes of mass leisure and.mass cul- among primitives. year will be held on Wednesday, June workless world. * into human beings." "Men and wom- ture? A great educator once said of par7, at the J. C. C. A board meeting en • are naturally greedy; grabbing, The discoveries about the nature of ents, "Some parents look upon their will precede the regular meeting, COMPLETE hungry for power, etc." And when the psyche, its behavior and reactions children as perfect darlings, others Conservative Auxiliary which will be followed by an excelyou mention the coming of the New to various physical, social and cultural consider them as terrible nuisances, lent program, including selections by A large crowd is expected to atLeisure and the glorious future of a conditions, the nature of conditioned •while very few look upon them as tend the picnic at Elmwood Park Myron Cohen, violinist. Tea will be Installed in Your Home creative life for all, expressions of reflexes and instinctive behavior make worthy of scientific study." May not Sunday, June 11, when the Conserv- served. Ready to Use ' fear start flying left and right: "Peo- the interpretations of human nature the same be said of the attitude most ative auxiliary will honor members There will be an election of deleple will become vicious, sensual, or go in terms and in the light of medieval, people take towards human nature? of the Synagogue choir gates to the national Hadassah conConvenient Terms Only crazy with so much leisure on their pre-Freudian soul-psychology appear Most men and women consider it as 15c per Day Games, races, a ball game, and vention, which takes place in Chicago, hands." "Mhen and women .will au- as ridiculous and about as tenable as inherently bad and vicious since it some other unique sport events are October 20, 21 and 22, and the annual tomatically turn to the pleasures of would be the interpretations and judg- doesn't fit in with their mystical and promised by "Soggie," who is in reports of the chairmen of all comDon't Fail to Investigate the the flesh only when freed from long ments of alchemists on modern chem- mythical conception of man. To the charge of this feature of the after- mittees will be given. Temporary ofIce-O-Matic before you purchase hours of toil." "Men-must work at istry or the commentaries of the old utopian thinkers and social reformers noon's entertainment. He says that ficers to fill vacancies will also be an Electric Refrigerator, least six hours a day and have some astrologers on modern astronomy. Any it is inherently good since it fits in some of these games have never elected. economic worries or they degenerate." one who has seriously studied or ob- with their conception of an ideal hu- before been played here, and that And so ad infinitum and ad absurdum. served contemporary individual and man order. an afternoon of real fun is in store Ladies Lyceum Club But haven't we heard arguments mass behavior, let alone the history But few consider human nature for all who take part. There •will A\O L-i IC HCUSi along similar lines whenever man was of past cultures and that of primitive worthy of serious study in an objec- be games for the grownups as well The Ladies Labor Lyceum club has faced with new situations, problems people, cannot help but come to but tive, rational manner. as the children, with prizes for the 1514-16-18 Dodge St., Omaha, Nebr. and challenges which threatened to up- one conclusion—that human nature is We know that inanimate matter is winners of many of these events. expressed its appreciation to those en555 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. set the traditional and long-accepted about as plastic as anything on the neither good nor bad, useful nor harmAssisting Mrs. Sam Green, chair- tertainers who offered their services ways of thinking and doing and which face of the earth. What intelligent ful but man's set of values, man's do- man, is a committee of eight auxiliary Sunday, May 28, at the concert held demanded tackling and solving in, an man or woman is not aware of the ing and thinking makes it one or the members. All members of the conunbiased, realistic manner. power of sales-psychology in condi- other. The same laboratory, in which gregation are urged to attend. At least some of us recall from tioning in people love, hate, etc., and artificial dyes, anesthetics, perfumes, "Bring your own picnic supper," reading about the industrial revolu- especially of mass propaganda against aromatics and many other indispensi- says Mrs. Green. "We will furnish tion the cry that went up from the the enemy during the war? The mir- ble chemicals, may be converted vir- the lemonade and coffee." Mrs. B. industrialists when the workers were acles performed by education, psychol- tually overnight into one manufacture A. Simon's committee -will serve the fighting militantly for the reduction ogy and psychiatry in rehabilitating ng poisonous gases and death-dsaling picnic supper for the choir. of the working day from" sixteen hours and reconditioning those, whose phy- explosives. The same laboratory, the A group of tables has been reto twelve and' the. machine-breaking chic illls were considered incurable same original materials, the same served near the "cook shack," where tactics of the early 19th century ma- even a generation ago by freeing them technicians, and yet what diametrical- all are asked to meet anytime during chine-operators who were panic-strick- of phobias, complexes as well of man- _y opposite results? It was the goals, the afternoon, en at the then speedy mechanization ias, can leave but little doubt as to the purposes, the objectives that difMen who want r to play baseball fered in each case. Human nature, in should turn in their name to "Sogof industry. "2Jlen will degenerate the mutability of human nature. the same manner may be conditioned gie," at the Jewish Community Cenwith a shorter working day," arose from the industrialists. And "the Let those, who in the face of these to become generous, considerate, cre- ter. Two teams will be organized. machines will take away our bread achievements are still skeptical, con- ative, sublime or be selfish, greedy, Further details?-will be announced and butter," was the bitter cry of the template and keep their peace ever pugnacious-and destructive, as is the in. next week's, determined bVjthe obworkers, which certainly was not an after, after reading the statement of ease today—aj][ ojatburst of false fear. But neither one of the officers,of the intelligence jectives setr'tfpv by theT Institutions of of Zioti tjie rationalizations of the industrial- department, "Give me the instruments social controU -Is there, any instituists prevented the coming of the of social control (press, radio, schools, tion in contemporary life that can be The Daughters 'of Zion are opening shorter working-day nor did the strug- etc.) and I can get people to hate or said to be" above suspicion? How their annual rummage sale, starting gles of the workers stem the tide of love anything you may; desire within could we expect anything but compet- Sunday, June 4* at 1609 Cuming a month or two, though it involve itive, ruthless, selfish, combatative in- street. All proceeds will go to the mechanization. their own lives/and that of their loved under the present competi- Jewish National Fund. .Whoever will peruse history care- ones." And yet we shall continue dividuals tive, jungle society? Change the soAll those having bundles, old fully will find men appealing to tra- hearing the old argument about hu- cial objectives, new rules of clothes, packages,, etc, are urged by ditional folk-ways and finding good man nature interfering with the pre- making a living1devise , set up different ob- the Daughters of Zion to either leave (but certainly not rational) reasons dicted and inevitable: social changes. - jectives of emulation and badges of them at the store or call either of for going on thinking as they have social recognition, and lo and behold! the chairmen, Mrs. A. Greenberg, HarUsually those, who talk about hudone in the past, thereby attempting human nature will have been changed. ney 1687, or Mrs, S. Temin, Harney to stem the stream of inevitable econ- man nature, have no-clear conception Hasn't that been the case throughout 0678. The community is asked to aid, of what it is. Do they mean the inomic and social changes. Defending the ages? as more funds are needed for this stinctive life of man; or do they mean at one time idolatry and polytheism human behavior and,reactions? Taken against montheism, slavery against What chance has been given to the worthy cause. The organization is also reminding free labor, education for the few for granted that they mean-the in- tender promptings of" our nature to against free education for all, sup- stincts one would get the impression burst forth and express itself in gen- the public to make plans to attend the pression of women against emancipa- from their talk that there are dozens erosity, creativeness, beauty, and all card party to be neld at the J. C'.C. tion and equal opportunities for wom- of instincts, ..when as a matter of fact that is humanly significant? Isn't it Sunday evening, June 11. eji and innumerable others, and with most of the outstanding psychologists about time we stopped detracting Pioneer Women vehemence, oratory and even force in- and students of society are agreed up- from and belittling human nature and on that there, are but two primary Mrs. J. Richlin, ticket chairman for sisting that you can't change human proceeded to investigate immediately nature. Today we asrain witness hu- urges or drives, the instincts for re- the conditions and forces which kept the Pioneer Women program to be man nature on the rack, the scape- production and self-preservation. But man from evoluting from jungle crea- held on June 18, reports that the sale goat for all evils and accused of in- •isn't that true of the entire animal tures into full-saturated, mentally and to date has been exceptionally good. terfering with the solving of the tre- world? What is left of human nature emotionally matured men in the full Tickets are still available from any mendous problems facing us. That in the sense in which the average man sense of the word? Today we are member of the organization. An outstanding! musical program hitman nature -will stand, in the way uses it ? Instincts are at the present faced with the- greatest challenge in of nationalism passing into interna- time looked upon as ' "unconditioned the history of mankind. Practically has been arranged for the event. Also tionalism, competition into coopera- reflexes," that is human nature in the all people in the past have been work- the holder of the lucky ticket will be tion, rugged individualism into collec- raw upon which no conditioning in- minded men. Now we find ourselves awarded an electric refrigerator. The organization has extended its tivism, wage slavery into life abund- fluences have as yet impinged. But on the threshold of an almost workless • •* M S • * f ant for all and a work-minded society what is left of unconditioned human world, for so it may be called when appreciation to the;general public for irito a leisure-centered human order. nature after years of conditioning by compared with the fourteen and six- the generous support given to the anteen hours work-day of the early 19th nual Pioneer bazaar last week. The :In the face of the collosal transfor- parents, friends, schools, etc? If human nature is as set as its de- century. A leisure and standard of bazaar was highly successful from all mations going under their very eyes , traditionally-bound men and women tractors would have us believe, how living for all, such as is predicted by angles. The Saturday afternoon cultural unconsciously and consistently ration- shall we explain the fact that even the technocrats go beyond even the alize their fear, ignorance or lack of the two primary driving forces exhibit most fantastic dreams of utopian group •will meet tomorrow afternoon insight into the new problems brought such a repertory of expression as to thinkers and social reformers. And at the home of Mrs. I. Hurwitz, 1544 ttf-a' focus by picking on "poor human lead to believe that even these may nothing can stop the inevitable for- North 18th Street. nature, throwing at its door the blame be looked upon as so much energy, the ward march of mechanization and rawhich logically they should throw up- life-force, the libido, if you please. tionalism. All the ridicule and the NATIONAL on themselves. Indeed a very clever By conditioning — education, moral venow showered upon the technocrats force, etc., men will give away their will prove as effective in preventing device of drawing off their own atACCESSORIES, Inc. tention or that of others from their lives for country, research, religion, the coming of the four-hour workrday EVERYTHING own limitations add forlorness in the and Enumerable other pursuits. In as- and economic security for all as the For the Auto face of unprecedented situations and ceticism, self-flagellation, abstinence rain-making ceremonies in bringing problems. A fine defense mechanism, from the pleasures of the flesh and rain or the war dances in bringing 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 whereby they can "save their face" the preparation for the future life victory. what has become of the urge for the and protect themselves against the deerotic life? Certainly it was not lack- The engineers and technicians have flation of their ego. ing in the human nature of these mar- harnessed the forces of nature and How much of a scientific basis is left tyrs and religious fanatics. made available an Elysia on earth for to the arguments of the detractors all. Their work is done as far as enGood Grooming and baiters of human nature in the Human nature may be looked upon gineering goes. They are Promethlight of the educational and psychol- as a stream of energy, in itself neith- eans of an era that is passing. They Begins at the Finger Tips ogical researches, discoveries and con- er good nor bad, sinful nor virtuous have remade the face of nature, now clusions of such men as Freud, Adler, vicious nor generous. It is neither in- stands before us the problem of reA Perfect Manicure and Jung, Watson, ;Dewey, Pavlov, Mead, herently degraded as claim the tradi- making men and their institutions, Rates Effective June Finger Wave 85c Frazer and hundreds of other world tional moralists nor is it organically fitting them for the new order which famous students of human nature, be- good as insist the utopian thinkers their techniques have made possible. New two-weeks vacation Hckets-^on sale this G o Oil Revitalizing Permanent havior and conduct? In retrospect, Like arsenic or mercury, which may Mechanics may be considered as alyear for the first time. (Really cood 16 days aft« did human nature: keep man from be used aS a medicine or a poison, de- ready mastered. Now humanics Our Regular $6.50 Wave at 'date of wle.) This is the yegi—while prices are B U R L I N G T O N coming down from trees and living in pending upon the manipulations of the needs mastering. What we need now On the boftom-^V have "that long-promised for the greatest caves, from turning away from the no- chemist, human nature may become is not engineering but rather social $3.50 Complete madic life to the settled agricultural individually and socially harmful or engineering. A new science and techvacation: life did it prevent the tradition and useful, destructive or'creative, inspir- nique that will conquer the heavy i : : in the Colorado Rockies : : : Magic travel value. soitbound peasant from becoming an ing or disgusting—all depending upon hand of tradition—the taboos, represYellowstone::: up oiKohg the painfcH peaks urbanized craftsman or machine-oper- the conditioning forces in the environ- sions, ignorance; and liquidate the <3f Glacier National Park^for recreatipn, rest; FREE BOOKLETS ator with the coming of the industrial ment of thisor that particular psyclie. mentality of the pre-super-machines tight seeing, on3 a n"«w lease oh life; Visit cmy, • J. W. SH AJ5PE, Genera! Agtnt age 1 Then why should it interfere In the Occident most people look upon and pre-manless factories era. MILDRED WEBB mWfwp or all three of these fascinating WesS Ifttfc and F«rrum SUetU,yOm*ht or prevent the coming into existence monogamy.as an immutable part of Social engineers are needed to JA. 6398 AT. 3210 bfM^I^.T'.l»"J. u>L<k>u «•"'« »Jg}<» tu!*l« ili» tu«»bl> ^ A t k n t i c 6831 of "an order of super-machines and human nature. Yet we find polygamy bridge the gap between the 20th cenmanless factories, , almost workless in the Orient, polyandry tury mechanics and tha 18th

A Qlirripse Into theWutwre Possibilities of the "New Leisure"



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OSHER4 omments !

By "Ab" Kaiman

Vass You Dere? The social event of the season . . . the dinner dance at the Highland Country Club which marked the official opening . . . attended by one of the largest crowds in the history of -the club . . . a gay atmosphere . . . the ladies and their escorts resplendent in their summer finery . . . n o t being in the dress goods business we confess our inability to accurately describe the gowns . . . "We nominate Mrs. Sam (Helen) Beber and Miss Libby Blacker as the most proficient in the terpsicorean ait . . . and when considering the male "foot pounders" we choose daring Dave Rosenstock as the "world's worst waltzer." Come Again Girls The" Junior and Senior Hadassah -..Conclave lias come and gone . . . the local committee of women were un. tiring" in their efforts to entertain tfie visitors from the various states and from all appearances * and favorable comments expressed . . . performed an excellent job . . . The stunt night on Sat.'eve. revealed a very talented young "Kitty from Kansas City," Buth Greenebaum . . . a brilliant affair was held on Sun. eve/ at the Paxton Hotel ball room . '. . the soft lights and dreamy strains of the music was an idaal background to the romantic urge of the young couples . . . and methinks that many a heart thumped rapidly 'ere the evening was completed . .' '. among those we observed . . . Sophie ' Weisblum of K. C with a "fine" chap . . Nate Fine . . . Eose Skolnik of St. Joe with Irv Wezelman . . . and what ho! Lieut. Earl Lapidus (of the Navy, sah) who would sink or swim with Rose Bernstein, a dashing blondish lass from IL C. . . . l i b by Grundman, Jane Klugman and Molly Krebs all from K. C. with Morris Fleishman, Al Swartz and Julius Bernstein . . . Rose Berman of Soo - City with Herman Korney . . . Esther Bergen and Lester Giventer . . . and the eligible barrister, Harry B. Cohen and Esther Walberg of K. C. . . . Jay Rasnick and Ann Witten of D. M., la. . . . Dave Reiss and libby Schemmel of K. C. The Kansas City gals put on a keen act at the Junior Hadassah convention at the Stunt Nite Party . . . 'Twas called "Junior Gaities," and they might have passed for real "chorus gals." The Omaha chapter had a very clever skit, and what a handsome suitor D, OF. made for S. B. . . . The convention liked all the publicity given them for which we take a modest bow . . . :AIso 'twas made known that the local chapter had the best publicity in the entire region, due to. our own F. R. K. staff member, also of the "Sou'wester" who writes all the local publicity and chosen again to keep up the good work. I. .. •

At Paul Spo^s Little Club, with the stars peeping down upon a trio of St. Joe maidens, Beck Droher, Ann Slutzky, and Betty Leberman, with their gallant escorts, Sam Rothenberg, Dave Hahn, and Morton PlotMn. Salutes and Scallions A salute to the boys who were so gracious and gentlemanly to their "dates," with the Junior Hadassah girls . . . to Morris Dansky, son of the Herman Dansky's . . . an unusually bright lad in his school studies and also in music . . . The youngest senior in the Central High senior class . . . and only 15 . . . and to Myron Cohen, whose recital at the Joslyn Memorial last Sunday reveals this youngster as an exceptional violin prodigy . . . to Mrs. Jos. Rosenberg, the president of Southwest Region of Hadassah for her splendid work in this Women's organization . . . to M. G. M. and the Paramount Theater for their invitation to the screening of the xllm "Reunion in Vienna" . . . sparkling dialogue and vivid love scenes between Jno. Barrymore and Diana Wynard that will cause you to sea this unusual story twice . . . to Charlie Schlaifer, demon publicity director of the Paramount for inducing Paul Ash to call on us," this bringing about flushes and blushes. . . . And an onion bouquet to the two boys who took a "runout powder" on their "dates" and thus rate in our estimation as being lower than a snake . . . their identity should be revealed and they ought to b i refused admittance to all social functions Do You Know That Monday, July 3, will be Jew-. ish Day at the "Century of Progress" Exposition in Chicago . . . the convention of District Lodge No. 6 which includes Omaha and Co. Bluffs will also be held during that week at .the La Salle Hotel . . . "The Romance of a. People" will have a cast of 3,000 and will be th scene of the largest assembly in the history of American Jewry . . . That the "Hitlerats" punish themselves further by refusing to see "Mickey Mouse" . . . discriminating against the film because it was created by a Jew named Disney . . . That Jerusalem has had but one snowfall in five years . . . Are you reading Los Angeles and Palm Beach? . . . That Eddie Cantor is in favor of eliminating studio audiences, saying that they are a menace to radio and merely a false gauge of entertainment... That Mrs. Michael (Bess) Katelman and Mrs. Manning Handler are the premier golfers among the women at the Highland Country Club . . . t h a t among the favored customers of Morgan & Co. there was not one Jew? Ain't Ya Glad? We discontinue this "driwel" during the summer months perhaps to return in the fall with a new idea in local. chatter . . . We thank our contributors and informants for their cooperation and bid adieu to friends and enemies, well-wishers and h—1 wishers..'. .

Religions Services Temple Beginning tonight, services will be conducted at Temple Israel throughout the summer on Friday evenings, beginning at 7:30 p. m. Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Charles J. Singer. An interesting program will be presented at the closing exercises of the Sunday School, to be held this Sunday morning at 10 a. m.

Conservative Beginning this Friday evening the Conservative Synagogue will conduct services regularly as follows: Every Friday evening at 6:30 p. m. Every Saturday morning at 9 a. m.

with prospects bright for winning the Sensuality is the championship. soul.—Channing. Under the leadership of Jay Stoller, This evening Rabbi Uri Miller will newly elected president, the Psi Mu deliver a sermon at the B'nai Israel are planning a" season of continued synagogue on "What the Future Holds activity during the summer period. for Us." This will be the concluding number for the season of the Friday evening services. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and choir will assist. The Mother chapter debate team The services will be followed by the entered the finals of the Senior Counopen forum, sponsored by the Young cil debate tournament by defeating Men's Vaad and the Junior Vaad Aux- the A- Z. A- 100 duo. They will comiliary. pete against the Xi Lambda in the Saturday morning Rabbi Miller will final sr conduct the services at the Beth HamErnie Priesman and Ben Shrier, edrosh Hogodel synagogue, 19th and district champion A. Z. A. debaters, Burt. The junior congregation will will represent the chapter. hold services at the B'nai Israel synThe kittenball team plans to jouragogue, 18th and Chicago. ney to Sioux City June 18 to compete against the A. Z. A. chapter there. The chapter received an invitation The Psi Mu kittenball team under to join the Lincoln chapter in an outthe able direction of Captain Jack ing at Linoma Beach next Sunday. The golf and tennis tournaments Sadofsky is leading the kittenball league with five straight victories are now in the second round.

grave of


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Bend Me Your Ear S. N., that dimpled little Miss of The A. Z. A. 100 swimming team journalistic aspirations, spends all her captured the dub swim meet at the spare moments answering the love ly- J. C. C last Thursday evening. rics of that tall Easterner . • . who is The results: altogether too frequent a visitor . . . 40-yard free style—Leo Chodak, A. insofar as a couple of our local lads Z. A. 100, first; Meyer Kolberg, Dolare concerned • . . Joe R., the swim- phins, second; Al Oruch, A. Z. A. 1, ming star, is making a splurge for third. Time, 24 seconds. lillie S., the Bluffs brunette... G. G., 20-yard backstroke—Leo Chodak, A. six feet and two inches of young man- Z. A. 100, first; Pep Boggy, Dolphins, 1 hood, glories in the sparkling orbs of second; Oruch, A. Z. A. 1, third. Time, Libby E. . . . The Clover Leaf Club, 13 seconds. newest rendezvous of the nite club 40-yard breaststroke — Si Merriam, habitues, is a place of beauty . . . A. Z. A. 100, first; Boggy, Dolphins, and quite popular . . . the entertain- second; Ben Blatt, A. Z. A. 1, third. ment includes a floor show and an Time, 28 seconds. orchestra of the Cab Calloway type 100-yard free style—Paul Bordy, that brings the foot pounders into Dolphins, first; Merriam, A. Z. A. rhythmic action . . . Talk about cast100, second. Time, 1:15. ing water biscuits upon the waves . . . 160-yard relay—A. Z. A. 100, first; one of our journalists was instrumenDolphins, second; A. Z. A. 1, third. tal in securing a plain looking gal a job in a third rate; tab show a few Time, 1:40. 120-yard medley—A. Z. A. 100, first; years ago . . . he nearly swooned when this blonde disturbance entered Dolphins, second; A. Z. A. 1, third. his office as bona fide an eyeful as Time, 1:22. Fancy diving—Kohlberg, Dolphins, ever graced the front line of an Earl Carroll chorus . " . ]. this typewriter first; Bordy, Dolphins, second; Art pounder, who is a chump about wom- Gerber, A. Z. A. 100, third. en, was told by the gal with a newly Our advertisers solicit your paacquired Hollywood accent that she . came 200 miles out of her way just to tronage. see him . .. . and they "can" fruit! . . . And as far as that gent is concerned who is carrying on a little inWHEAT, CORN. OATS trigue with a young lassy while his For Information Call or Write spouse remains blissfully ignorant... TAYLOR GRAIN CO. we have this to say . . . if the shoe 721-723 Omaha Grain Exchange BIdgr. "kvetches," wear it . . . and don't run JA S403—AT 2038 it down at the heel, or be one! . . . Private Wire Connections With Who is the local chump who got his JAS. E. BENNETT CO. foot into his mouth when discussing the status of a divorced couple? . . . save you some embarassment by not using your name! . . . Remember the days of stage door "Johnnies"? . . . DE3.ICI0U9 And now we have in our fair city a STEAMING species of stage door "Jennies" . . . HOT RIBS tVITH THAT . Yep, a couple of our hopefuls who are LUSCIOUS 8PICY old enuff to know better, endeavoring SAUCE to "connect" with Paul Ash's band of youngsters . . . An ideally mated couple who possess a host of friends because of their pleasant and friendly manner, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown of the World Theater . . . Harley Beber, sturdy two-year-old youngster, of the Sam Bebers, a composite of Jack Dempsey and Clark Gable . . .

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one y e a r - - - - - - - Advertising r a t e s furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t Sioux City Office—Jewish Community C e n t e r DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business a n d M a n a g i n g E d i t o r F R A N K R. ACKERMAN - - - . . . - ...--. Editor F A N N I E K A T E L M A N - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

The Week in Review The Future Course? A restoration of the Jews in Germany to their status before the Nazi rise to power seems doomed at the[present timei Every report, every indication points to the conclusion that "The Jews in Germany are through." But, it is certain that things cannot continue as at present, both from the standpoint of the Hitlerite regime and the German Jews. Acions behind the scenes clearly indicate that the Nazi leaders realize they extended themselves too far in ousting the Jews and are looking around for "a way out of the mess." In this connection, a noted German author put these questions to the Ger. man Jewry: "Can you and do you want to separate yourselves from the German folk as a distinct racial and cultural entity? Do you seek valid forms by which you will be able to live true to your traditions which are different from ours?" And as was expected, the Jewry of Germany are divided into two camps on the answer. "The Juedische Rundschau" presents the side of those favoring the acceptance of autonomy in Germany as a racial inmority. It points out that the facts compel the German Jews to yield to this view, since whether they desire it or not, the Jews have already been segregated from the Germans. And because of the various ties and unwillingness of most of the Jews there to leave the land, they conclude that such autonomy is the lesser evil. The "Central Verein Zeitung" presents the other viewpoint. They argue that the assimilation of the German Jews is ah accomr plished fact and that the laws and ordinances recently passed have labeled the Jews an entity which never existed in fact, erroneously trying "to throw all Jews in a single heap/' They represent those German Jews who vainly hope for a return of the"liberal" attitude which will again allow them complete freedom and citizenship. /••,-;• . •' .••'.•• ' ; ": '; . The probable outcome, forecast in an interview with Baron Freytagh-Loringhoven of the Hugenberg German National Party, will be the granting of cultural autonomy to the German Jews. They will be declared an alien people, but will have the right to administer their cultural organizations—synagogue, school and charity—with the customary financial support from the state and, of "course, under government supervision. As a natural consequence of such classification, they would be removed from German activity. But, the Nazis should realize this: The purpose of the national; minorities, as defined by treaties, in addition to protecting theni against assimilation and discrimination and allowing them freedom of cultivating their own religion, language and customs, also contemplates equality before the. law and in their enjoyment of political and civil rights, including the holding of public off ice and the pursuit of a prof ession or business interprise.

friendly to the Jewish people. At the beginning of the war, after Germany had begun its occupation of Poland, German planes dropped the following proclamations in Yiddish and Hebrew, over the Polish towns: "To the Jews of Poland: "The heroic armies of the great mid-European governments, Germany and Austria-Hungary, have entered Poland. The mighty march of our armies have forced the despotic Russian government to retreat. Our flags bring to you rights and freedom; equal citizenship rights, freedom of belief, freedom to work undisturbed in all branches of economic and cultural life in your own spirit. Too long have you suffered under the iron Moscovite yoke. We come to you as friends. The barbaric, alien government is at an end. Do not allow yourselves, as you have many times before, to be fooled by flattering promises. "Did not the Czar in 1905 promise equal rights for Jews, and did he not substantiate that promise with a royal manifesto? But how did he fulfill that promise which he made before the whole world? Remember the daily expulsions of Jewish masses from their settled places! Remember Kishenev, Homel, Bialistok and the'many hundreds of other pogroms! Remember the Beilis affair when the barbaric government itself spread the terrible lie of ritual murder by Jews! That is how the Czar kept the royal promise he gave under pressure. "It is now your holy duty to gather all your might to cooperate with Us for your freedom. All your powers: your young generation, your communities, your organizations must rise as one man to aid in the holy cause. We hope that you will prove your loyalty and understanding. Apply with the greatest confidence to the commandants of our military in the places that are nearest to you. Help bring the victory of freedom and justice." Today, less than two decades later, the mention of Germany is a mockery of "rights and freedom; equal citizenship rights, freedom of belief, freedom to work undisturbed in all branches of economic and cultural life; of justice."

The Lesson of History

Dean Inge, in a sermon last week at St. Paul's Cathedral in London in which he denounced the Nazi persecution of the Jews, stated: "The Jews have stood by the graves of all their oppressors in turn." The famous author and thinker, Montesquieu, in the year 1748 wrote in his "Esprit de Lois": "If anyone in days to come should ever dare to say that the people of Europe were uncivilized in the century in which we are now living, you (referring to the Inquisition in Spain) will be cited as proof that they were barbarians," Mark Twain in 1898 wrote: "The Jew has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendour, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmitiesof age^ no weakeninsjafJus parts, no slowing of his energies,no dulling o t h i s ^ l i t a n l a aggressive mind." * Spain no longer seeks to drive out her Jewish populace but welcomes back Jewish learning, industry and initiative. And just this week work comes from Cairo that Egypt, from which took place the first great Jewish exodus, looks at the persecution of Jews in Germany with different eyes today. For the Egyptian government has decided to authorize 200 Jewish doctors and lawyers who have been compelled to leave Germany as the result of recent events to take up their residence and exercise their professions in Egypt. The testimony of history predicts in advance that what happened to Israel's temporary oppressors or conquerors of the past will also be the fate of Hitler Nazism . . . the Jewish people will It took Chicago a hundred years to make The Century of be flourishing and enrichening the world's progress when HitlerProgress, but in one week the Jewish people wha will attend the ism will be "preserved" in history's museum side by side with the World Fair will be able to see the progress of centuries. other "barbarities." An entire day at the World's Fair has been set aside as "Jewish Day." Over 10,000 people will participate in the most enormous pageant that Soldier's Field has ever witnessed as the feature of "Jewish Day," July 3rd. In Palestine the inhabitants have been accustomed in making This gigantic dramatic and musical pageant, "The Romance the camels "hump" for them. The kerosene lamp may have been of a People," will depict the entire history of our people, from displaced by the electric globe and the needle and; thimble by the earliest times to the present, and the galaxy of Jewish stars who sewing machine, but even until recently the camel was the chief are to participate would fill a musical and dramatic "Who's Who." means of transportation in Palestine. Among the 150,000 Jewish people from all parts of the world But even that non-stop water-holding champion must give who will be there will be many Omahans. The B'nai Brith Disway to the trend of modernity. For present figures reveal that trict 6 convention will be held simultaneously, and according to the camel is being replaced by the automobile as the chief means present plans the local delegations will be large. of transportation in Palestine. Word comes here from Chicago that the Jewry there are There were thirty motor cars in all of Palestine in 1920. Toaflame with enthusiasm. The B'nai Brith has arranged to accoday, a count reveals no less than 5,000. ^ modate and aid all B'nai Brith members and their families, and every Jewish individual who possibly can should prepare now to visit the World's Fair July 3. All who are interested in attending are urged to communicate with Isadore Abramsbn* president of Lessing J. Rosenwald: "The Jewish child must be enabled the Omaha lodge B'nai Brith. to adjust himself to an environment which is non-Jewish. To do this he must be aided to react intelligently to those aspects of his life which are Jewish. This he can achieve through formal, Jewish instruction. His understanding of a long-lived culture, so full of Swimming is one of the most healthy and invigorating of struggle, and the surmounting of those struggles by his forbears, sports. With the summer season approaching rapidly, no one tends to give the child a sense of balance, self-respect and dignity. should deliberately miss the opportunity to enjoy swimming. His study of literature enriches his personality, strengthens his The Jewish Community Center pool,.one of the finest in the moral fibre, and contributes to better citizenship by affording him city, is an ideal place for you to learn how to swim. A competent a better understanding of present-day Jewish life. Helpful recstaff of teachers are ready and willing to lend their every aid to- reation counteracts the formation of unwholesome habits and atward those who wish to be taught the rudiments or those who titudes. These cultural and recreational activities make possible wish to increase their "water-propelling abilities." The water in Jewish survival in America, on the basis of positive cultural life the natatorium there is continually changing, is clean, fresh and and a better understanding of social values." purified. Health, pleasure, self-preservation and self-improvement—these impel you to learn to swim. The facilities are here— j HEBREW CALENDAR benefit yourself by using them. Rosh Chodesh Sivan ...Friday, May 26 1st Day Shabuoth Wednesday, May 31 'Rosh Chodesh Tammus__. Sunday, June 25 ; Fast of Tammus _ „ Tuesday, July 11 Irony that would be worth a laugh were it not for the tragedy Rosh Chodesh Ab , . Monday, July 24 therein is contained in recollections of the methods used by Ger- Fast of Ab ... Wednesday, August 2 many during the World War to gain the allegiance of Polish Jews *Rosh Chodesh Ellul—. Wednesday, Aug. 23 to-the Teutonic cause by representing Germany as a nation Rosh Hosiionah. -Thursday. Sept. 20

"JewishVay" at World Fair

Displacing the Camel

They Say

Use the J. C. G. Pool

Qerman Promise of Equality

SPECTATOR TUNIOR The other night I was the guest of the Paramount theatre at a preview showing of the picture, "Reunion in Vienna." The picture was unquestionably the finest of its type that has been presented for some time. Anent that particular type of drama—it illustrates a growing tendency of the American theatre towards the type of drama popular in England during the eighteenth century, namely, the comedy of manners. This particular type of drama is distinguished by its wit and brilliance of dialogue rather than by the enunciation of any great thought or the presentation of any great character. It is pleasing and entertaining, but after the show is over, one takes nothing away from the theatre other than the sense of having relaxed in witty company for a few short hours. Tie foremost dramatists of today (and here I invoke the yardstick of popularity by which to judge) are malting nse of this particular type of drama; in the lead, of course, are the witty Englishmen, Noel Coward and Frederick Lonsdale, and the American, Robert Sherwood. It is, however, just as was the drama of Congreve and. Vanbrugh, drama of the second class—it will be remembered only as pleasantry—the reason for its lack of substance is that it seeks to portray men as they would like to be rather than as they are or as they should be. On the other side, if we may be permitted to exclude from our study such dramatists as Eugene O'Neill and Paul Green, we find American dramatists are using the stage and the theatre much as a newspaper photographer uses his camera, to catch the center of the picture rather than the highlights or the chiracuso. "Counsellor at Law" and "Street Scene," to mention only two of this type, and those by the same author, are both examples in point. They are gigantic in scope and serve as dramatic photographs of a class. The failure of such drama is shown in the unwieldiness of Mr. Rice's latest effort, "We the People," where the sheer weight and scope of the subject doomed the play to structural failure. The aforementioned types of drama seem to me to fall short of first class ranking by virtue of the fact that they carry no great lesson with them, they are either witty dialogues or grotesque pictures. The theatre and the drama is the one field of literature that to my? mind should seek to teach a lesson—from the stage should come the portrayal of what men should be, not what they are or would like to be—it is the one field of literature tha should be free from the stigma of the escape phychologists. A novel may be a worthy exposition of character, a poem may gain merit by its sheer

lyrical beauty but the stage is essentially constructed as a platform from which to instruct It i« greatly to be hoped for that the renaissance of the American drama is in the near future and that when it comes it will provide the theatre lover and the student of the drama with something more thaxi either newspaper photographs or the spectacle of the young intellectuals running around unbuttoned under the assumption that they are emancipated. • • * • One of the more amusing phases of American life is the practice of censorship. Paradoxically, t h e r e has grown out of the spirit of the American constitution, one of the earliest documents to safeguard the presumed liberty of man, a group of people who seem to feel that they can set themselves up as guardians of the minds and morals of the great body of the people. Usually you will find that the people who occupy the positions of censors are those who are capitalizing on a position of prominence gained for them by the financial influence of the organization or institution they represent. If there is to be censorship, let it be placed in the hands of those who by training or experience are fitted to distinguish what is right and what is wrong. Censorship is perhaps a necessary evil and I will be the last to condemn any effort to introduce a little more decorum into our lives. But I cannot help but feel that the approach is wrong. Rather it should be for the future a matter of education that the people themselves might be taught an appreciation of the finer things and willingly choose them rather than be as they are today — the sheep-like recipients of the dicta of a group of censors wisely or unwisely chosen. It is the shambles that has been made of censorship that at the present time is irritating. While the censors sought to restrict what we may or may not drink (and failed) social inequalities of the rankest type were prevalent in the country. Let the censors turn their beacon lights upon problems that demand attention rather than waste their efforts in a vain attempt to check the normal impulses of man. While the blue-noses fumed and fretted over the immorality of a Rabelais or a Boccaccio, a Mae West was permitted to display her pornographic figure to the awe-struck gaze of millions. There is one consolation that is to be gained from the present status of censorship and that is if given enough rope the censors will eventually hang themselves in the ludicrity of their own actions. Nothing is more apropos of this subject than an anecdote told regarding the famous Dr. Johnson.(

When he had published his famous dictionary in 1755, a woman approached Mm and said, "Oh, Dr. Johnson, I am so glad you left all of those horrid dirty words out of your dictionary." To which tiie learned Doctor replied, "Ah, madam, I see you've been looking for them."


Hatred stirreth up strifes, but love covereth all transgressions. The wages of the righteous is life; the increase of the wicked is sin. Where no wise direction is, a people falleth; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Whoso loveth knowledge loveth correction, but he who is brutish hateth reproof. Talmud There were some highwaymen in the neighborhood of Rabbi Meier who annoyed him so much that he once prayed that they should die. But his wife, Baruria, said to him "How do you justify this? (such prayers). Is it because it is written 'Let sin be consumed,' which you understand to mean that the wicked should be destroyed? Behold, is it then written, 'the sinners?' It is written, 'sin.* Besides, read the last part of this verse, 'And the wicked will be no more.' Pray therefore (on their behalf) that they may be led to repentance, and the wicked will be no more." He did pray for them and thereupon they were led to repent.

Letters to the Editor Permit me to use the columns of your paper in clarifying the policies and purposes of the United Orthodox Synagogues known as the VaadHo-eer. Various rumors have come to my attention as to the ideals motivating the founders and those active in the Vaad. Many of these rumors are of a despicable character. I feel that it is quite necessary at this time to make public the purpose and goal of our organization. The Vaad Ho'eer was not founded in opposition to any existing Jewish organization in Omaha. It was decidedly not founded as a matter of spite or as a vehicle to be used by individuals in furthering their own purposes. It was founded by responsible men as an organization which would attempt to instill a new and vigorous spirit in Orthodox Synagoffue activities in our community. We have looked with sorrowful re-gret and sinking hearts at the slow but sure disintegration of the Orthodox Synagogues. We have realized with anguish that the Synagogues were becoming an institution patron?ized by the aged alone and that the spirit of life characterized by a participation of youth was missing. The Orthodox Synagogues had no one to interpret their significance to the community at large. They were inarticulate and were suffering from a lack of understanding. They no longer filled the place in Omaha Jewry that tradition ascribed to them. With the intentions of remedying these defects, the United Orthodox Synagogues was formed and has proceeded in its work. We have attempted and are continuing to attempt to introduce sympathetic understanding, beauty and a spirit of vitality in the Orthodox Synagogues. We hope to thus gain the cooperation of all those to whom traditions and a loyalty to Judaism are dear and we call upon the Jewish community to aid us in this, our work. May I take this occasion to thank you for your courtesy in opening the columns of your paper to this letter and to our announcements and report? from time to time. Sincerely yours, N. Levinson, Chairman of Membership.

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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 2,193a one-third cup milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon nutmeg. Mix together sifting flour and sugar together first. Add beaten whites last.and one teaspoon cinnamon. Bake forty minutes, serve Margarette Margolin Belman, EopThe swimming schedule at the J . rano, will be presented in a song re- PSIMU HONOR C. C went into effect Thursday. Ad- with whipped cream. cital in the lecture room of the Joslyn ditional hours for instruction in swimMemorial Sunday afternoon, June 4, MEMBER Spanish Rice Balls ming and diving are allowed for every The Psi Mu fraternity honored Dr. The annual "Olympics" of the Xi at 4:30 p. m. She will be assisted by One and one-half pounds ground group. Phillip Schulz, a fellow-member, at a Lambda will be held at Ehnwood park Miss Margaret Hurwitz, pianist. The The matrons can now swim in the steak, 1 egg, 4 teaspoons uncooked banquet given Sunday evening on the lunday afternoon. The club has been public is invited. afternoons at 3 p. m. on Tuesday, rice, 2 slices bread soaked but not eve of his departure for Fort Worth, divided into two teams, the "Xis" and The program: Thursday and Sunday. The senior men drained, 1 onion chopped, pepper, 1 L Aria of Ines (L'Africana), Mey- Tex . where he will serve his in- the "Lambdas." swim each noon and each eve- and one-half teaspoon salt, parsleyternesnip. Those on the Xi team: Sam Garerbeer; Margarette Margolin Belman. ning at 5 p. m. in addition to Sunday mix together, form into balls. Drop iop, captain, Morris Franklin, Art II. Der Nussbaum (The Almond mornings and to their evening periods into a sauce made of one can tomaGrossman, Bill Sokoloff, Milton HimTree), Schumann; Die Quelle (TheSTUDENT HONORED toes, 1 sliced onion browned, salt to on Tuesday and Thursday. Well), Goldmark; Wiegenlied (Cradle JOINT CONFIRMATION HIGHLAND COUNTRY Marvin Pizer was one of the eight elstein, Art Lipp, Hyman Goodbinder, The junior girls swim a t 4 p. m.taste, pepper, a few sprays of parsSong), Brahms; Margarette Margolin men initiated last week into the Ne- Sam Cackin, Bill Wolfe. RECEPTION SUNDAY CLUB OPENING and Wednesday, as well as ley, paprika. Cook slowly for 40 minThose on the Lambda team: Al 3Monday Highland Country Club formally Belman. HI. Impromptu Op. 90, Fr= braska chapter of Theta Nu, national Weiner, p.m. Sunday. High school and bus- utes. Serve with the sauce. The parents of the 1933 confinnants captain, Sam Finkel, Harold of the Conservative Synagogue will opened the 1933 summer season with Schubert; ^Moonlight" Sonata Op. 27, pre-medic honorary fraternity. He is Barish, Norman Korney, Harry Wein- iness boys may swim with the senior receive in the confinnants' honor from a dinner dance at the d u b house on No. 2, Adagio Sostenuto, L. -van Bee- a member of the Nebraska university berg, Oscar Mayerowich, Ralph Nogg, men groups until further notice. Mention the Jewish Press to our thoven; Margaret Hurwitz. IV. Lul- chapter of Zeta Beta Tau. 3 to 6 p. m. on Sunday, June 4, inMay 27th. advertisers. Louis Minkin, Harry lipp, Irvin Wezlaby (Jocelyn), Godard; Si mes vers Spring flowers and candles were 'the ballroom of the Jewish Community elman. Center. No invitations are being is- used as decorations, and music was avaient des ailes, Hahn; Margarette Last year the Xi team won, Sam Margolin Belman. V. Valse Op. 64, furnished by Randall's orchestra. sued. Those receiving are: Knkel being high point man with The Junior Society of the ConservNo. 2, F. Chopin; Valdk, John MokMr. and Mrs. Isador Chapman enAKK MEWS OK IAIHE6* Mr. and Mrs. Max Arbltman for By re js^ Margaret Hurwitz. VL A Heart ative Synagogue held a meeting at three firsts. their son, Morris; MT. and Mrs. J. tertained twenty guests in honor of That's the home of Miss Toby Flax on MonThe losing team Sunday will treat Free, Robyn; Voices of Spring, Mrs. David M. Newman Blank, for their daughter, Sora Mir- Mrs. Morton Nathan, the house guest Strauss; Margarette Margolin Bel- day evening, May 22. Final plans the winners at a stag that evening. Cleaned, Blocked and iam; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bordy for of Mrs. David Feder. Other guests man. were made for their Spring Formal R«-sUai>ed by Experts their daughter, Bernice; Mr. and Mrs. in the party included: Mr. and Mrs. Date Pudding to be held Saturday night for mem"Omaha's Best Reuben Bordy for their daughter, Abe Qoldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hat Cleaner" One package dates, 1 cup chopped bers and guests at the Chieftain HoChersiack, Dr. and Mrs. M. X. GorANNOUNCE MARRIAGE 101 -North lGth Frances; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohn for •walnuts, one-half cup sugar, one-half tel in Council Bluffs. The committee (Across from ToBtoffioe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maizel of in charge of arrangements consists of their son,"Rot>ert; Mr. and Mrs. Sam don, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leon, Mr. cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and Mrs. Ellis Leavitt of Des Moines, Laurelton, Long Island, Hew York, Cohn for their son, Edward; Mr. and the Misses Bertha Whitebodk, chairThe gym classes at the J. C. C. for Mrs. Sam Fellman for their daughter la., Miss Helen Cherniack, and announce the marriage of their daugh- man; Sophie Rosenstein, Tillie Mark- matron women and business girls will Messrs. Harold Cherniack and Fred ter, Mary, to Mr. Seymour Kantor on Lena; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Frank for ovits and Toby Flax. About fifty Sunday, June 4, at 4 p. in. at River- couples are expected to attend. The continue for the month of June. The their daughter, Muriel; Mr. and Mrs. White. "Wbere Omaha Shops With-Confidence" With Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg side Synagogue, 310 West 103rd SL, officers of the Conservative Syna- matrons meet at 10:30 a. m. and the Ben Glazer for their son, Edward; business girls at 6 p. m. on Mondays Mr. and Mrs. L Krasne for their were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller, Mr. New York City. The Maizels are for- gogue and past members of the Jun- and Wednesdays. ior Society will be honored guests. neice, Ida Lerner; "Mr. and Mts. and Mrs. Milton Livingston, and. Mr. merly of Omaha. The Health club win continue to Mr.-and Mrs- Kantor will arrive in George Krasne for their son, PauJ;. and Mrs. Sam Josephson. Another no meet at noon and "on Sunday morn16th at Farnam Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyerson for host party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Omaha June 9 to attend the wedding ings. The gymnasium is available to Sam Werthheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Sam of Miss Tobye Steinberg to Dr. Henry their daughter, Lorraine; Mr. and .senior men at all hours during which Mrs. Arthur Muskin for their son, Wertheimer, -Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosner on June 11. The Iota* Tau sorority met at the it is not in use by classes. Livingston of Bloomington, HI., "Dr. Leonard; Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenhome of Miss Jessie Nathan May 28, haum for their daughter, Pauline; Mr: and Mrs. B. M, Kully, and Mr. and VISITING WITH at which time definite plans were RELATIVES made for vhe annual formal summer and Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt for their son, Mrs. Bert Hene. Your LINENS and Miss Rose Gentif is visiting with dance to be held at the Fontenelle Francis; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schlaifer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somberg, Mr. relatives SEERSUCKERS in Los Angeles, California. Sunday, June 18, at 9:30 p. m. for their daughter, Elaine; Mr. and and Mrs. Abe Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. Finished A dinner will precede the dance for Mrs. William Saferstein for their son, Morris Levey, and Mr. and Mrs. Man- IN CHICAGO members of the Phi and Alpha chapning Handler formed an eightsome; Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Sherman Mrs. J. Richlin left Monday for Chi- ters. Miss Jessie Nathan was apfor their daughter, Dorothy; Mr. and Seated together were Mr, and Mrs. cago, where she is atending a Pioneer pointed chairman, with Miss Sylvia Mrs. David Sherman for their son, Morris-E. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Women conference. Rotkovitz as co-chairman. Irvin; Mr. and Mrs. David Soref for ris Milder, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris The PM chapter is also planning on their daughter, Betty; Mr. and Mrs. Ferer. a "kid frolic" for girls on June 13 at Another no host party consisted of ON TWO-WEEK TRIP Julius Tatleman for their daughter, Lena Kohen left Monday for Spring Lake pavilion. All girls are "Adeline; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Morton Degen, Mr. a Miss two-week trip to California, stop- cordially invited to attend. Reservaand Mrs. B. F . Daribaum, Mr. and for their son, Charles. Mrs. Loyal Cohn, Miss Hazel Degen ping at Los Angeles, Hollywood, and tions may be made with Miss Sylvia Rothkovitz, Webster 4776, or Miss and Messrs. Dave Rosenstock and San Francisco. ROSNER-STEINBERG Sophie Jacobsen, Market 0692. All Jerome Heyn. A party of ten includATLANTIC CITY WEDDING DATE SET ed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin, Mr. TOMrs. Sam Snyder left Wednesday The marriage of-Miss Tohye Stein- and Mrs. Harry Knudsen, Mr. .and berg to Dr. Henry Rosner will be sol- Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mr. and Mrs. with her daughter,-Cecil Snyder for an emnized on Sunday, June 11, at the Ed Krause, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam indefinite stay at Atlantic City. They will visit there with Mrs. Snyder's home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Beber. merly libbie Snyder of Council Bluffs. Mrs. H. Steinberg.. ' . Mr. and Mrs. William Milder and Miss Steinberg has been the incen- Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Milder formed a tive for many pre-nuplaal affairs. Mr.. foursome, and Mr. and Mrs. Mickey VISITING WITH MOTHER and Mrs. Dave Stein entertained 12 Katleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben New- Mrs. Harry Edell of New York at a family dinner a t their home, man, and Mr. and Mrs." Archie Jac- City, formerly Miss Mina Xneeter, arSunday, May 14. Miss Esther Wein- obs a sixsome. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie rived Taesday morning for a month's berg honored the bride-to-be at a'Burkenroad and Mr. and Mrs. Mor- visit with Tier mother, Mrs. Mamie bridge Sunday afternoon, May 28. ton Hiller also formed, a foursome. Kneeter. Mrs. David Krantz and Miss Ann Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nogg, Misses Freeman entertained fifteen couples Jane Appelman, Sylvia Zevin, and RETURNS HOME , . at a moonlight supper at Rambling JETelen Kohn, Messrs. Richard Hiller, Mrs. Fannie Marcu^ireturnsd iome Shack at Fremont, Monday, May 2S. Alfred Mayer and Homer Binswang- Sunday following a w e e d s ' v i s i t in Miss Tobye Hertzberg entertained, at er formed a n eightseme. Another Sioux City, la., "visiting relatives. a surprise handkerchief: shower Wed- lightsome consisted of Mr. and Mrs. nesday, May 31. Miss Ida Daytch en- Bernhardt Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Louis INJKECITAL Among the pupils of Rose Brandeis tertained twelve guests at dinner at Sogolow, Misses Florence Wolf, Minwho wiH be presented in a.piano reher home, Thursday, June -i. nie Wolf and Messrs. Marvin Treller citay a t the Schmoller and Mueller Siaes and William Degen. 12 to 42 auditorium Tuesday evening, June 6, VISITING HERE are included Toby Mendel, Jeannette Mrs. Leonard Hockenburg and son,: LADIES'BAY AT THIRD FLOOR Chasanov, Bernard Goldware, Marsa Edward G. Robinson Buddy, of Des Moines, are "visiting a t HIGHLAND Lee Civin, Genevieve Stein, Bernice IN the home of Mrs. Hockenberg's moth- The formal "Ladies' Day" opening. Friedel and JLouis PJotkin. er, Mrs. M. Zalk, 617 Lincoln boule«*THE LITTLE at the Highland Country Club will be vard. GIANT" TO ADDRESS beld June 6. : There will be a golf lecture by LITERARY FORUM UAHTITY. WHERE George Miller, club professional, a t Mr. Justin Wolf wiH speak this eve9:30 a. m., followed by a nine-hole Starting todayv and continuing £or medal play. Prizes will be one entire week, the World Theatre awardedhandicap for low net. again presents two feature pictures on Silk Print Frocks With the same program,; a t regular admis- A luncheon will be beld at the dub, followed by bridge in the afternoon. Linen Swagger Coats sion prices. Chalky Crepes in The first feature will be Edward G.. Starting Wednesday evening, June Diyinely Doll Pastels Robinson in "The Little Giant," a 7, every Wednesday night will be Roof Garden Fashions comedy dealing with a boodlum who "card night" at ifce Highland. in Filmy Sheers endeavors to gain entrance into the ranks of society. Mr. Robinson por- TO ATTEND CONFERENCES trays the role of "Bugs Ahearn," a Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive Three-Piece Crepe Suits Chicago gangster, forced out of his director of the J. C. C. and Welfare With Contrasting Blouses nefarious occupation by the legal en- Federation, is leaving today to attend Shirtmaker Fashions in The Nebraska's shoe experts knew it was coming and prepared for it. trance of beer. • the Midwestern conference of the JewShirting Silts Leather prices have shot up skyhigh . . but The Nebraska's prices are Afternoon Sheers in Gay The second feature is entitled "Ex- ish Joint Distribution committee in rock bottom—while our present stocks hold out they're yours as we bought Flowery Prints Lady" and stars Bette Davis and Chicago June 4 and also the meeting them. BUY FOR FUTURE USE AND SAVE MONEY. Gsne Raymond. The daring timely of the National Conference of Jewish theme of "Ex-Lady" will offend no Social Workers in Detroit June 7. Mr. one, but those who feel over sixty may Pearlstien will return to Omaha June be shocked by the extremely modern 20, accompanied by Mrs. Pearlstien and their son. story. '

Margarette Belman in Song Recital Sunday

ning before the Friday Night literary reservations must be in by June 12. Forum on "A Bird's-Eye View of Con- Following the meeting, bridge was temporary Literature" at the home of played, Miss Marjorie Wishnow winHarry Mendelson. ning the prize.

Summer Swimming Schedule Starts

Xi Lambda

Junior Society

Kitchen Chats


Gym Classes to Be Held During" June




Iota Tau



. • . selected with the same good taste used in choosing fashions at twice this price!

World Theater

Shoe Value!

Only The Nebraska Offers





HOWARD *t 16th.

A Cool Place to Enjoy Your Food

Here's marvelous qnality shoe value. Black Calf, Tan Calf, Sport Elk and two-tone leathers." Brown and tan, black and white, brown and white, and all white. Yes, genuine Bostonians a t $5.

You Son't have to go to the North Pole to escape the heat. At the Jack and Jill you will find the air cool and soothing. With summer "around the comer," plan to really enjoy delicious foods . . . morning, noon, and night. f . * at the Jack and JilL OPEN ALL NIGHT A Suggestion for Any Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Served -while Inthepmnl

mm Jkfl

Idaho baked potato, sliced

of nooklng . . f t f V tomato, bread Piping hot.

batter, drink.

Bostonian De Luxe, $7

Bostonian Foot Savers, $8J>0 Shoes—5Iain Floor


A Safe Deposit with a high rate of interest accruing daily. That's what

Neat. Tasty

PRINTING means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for OCT representative.

Telephone ATlantic 8028 INTERSTATE PRINTING CO. 1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha

CHICAGO'S FRONT YARD—Chicago's new lake front skyline, now altered by the modernistic buildings of the Century of Progress, is caught by tho photographer as cloud effects enhance the setting. The photo was made from one of the C28-foot towers of the Sky Ride on the exposition grounds, looking toward the northwest.

PARKING FOR CHILDREN—Youngsters who attend the Chicago exposition do not havft to trudge weary miles, peering at exhibits which haven't the remotest interest for them. Parents merely check them for the day, on Enchanted Island, and forget about them. Nurses watch over them and hundreds of amusing devices keep them entertained.

ISLAND OF PLAY—Story books come to life on this magic island, constructed especially for children at the Chicago Century of Progress exposition. While parents explore the mysteries of the Hall of Fame small brother and sister can romp to their hearts content on Enchanted Island.

THREE MILES A MINUTE—This new type, low wing, all-metal monoplane completing a successful flight, at Newark, N. J., operates on a 20-hour schedule from coast to coast. Three miles a minute is the maximum speed of the ship, which is the last word in aerial comfort.

HIS FIRST—Richard Ralston Arlen, son of Richard and Jobyna Ralston Arlen of the movies, poses with his parents, in a Hollywood hospital, at the tender age of 10

CHORINES ON WHEELS—New York show girls relax on roller skates, between acts, and sometimes even practice new steps with fethem. Above, several pretty misses are amusing themselves on a Gotham roof.






TWINS OF THE FLEET—Four sets of twins get together on board the U. S. S. California to form a society of fleet twins. Photo shows (rear) Marine twins, left to right, Otho and V. V. Donahue, of Portland; Navy twins, front row, left to right, Lester and Leslie Manweilcr, of Omaha, Neb., one from the U. S. S. Omaha and the other from the U. S. S. Tennessee; Edward and James Albin, of the Canal Zone, from the U. S. S. Milwaukee, and H. P. and W. H, Williams, of Cincinnati, O., from the U. S. S. California..

"WHAT'S YOUR HURRY?'—This isn't the question Officer A. L. Taylor asks Miss Rosulie Novtllo, in Beverly Kills, Ca!. He's handing her a ticket for tying up traffic with her ancient high wheeler. Miss Novello

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 19S3 dish, Hebrew and Jewish history for Hoffman, will take place Saturday Krasne were co-hostesses: to thlrtyJewish Studies young and old may be arranged for. morning, June 3, at 9 o'clock at the eight guests at a luncheon a t the HoCheVra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at tel Chieftain Monday afternoon in NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE 618 Mynster street. Mr. and Mrs.honor of Mesdames Max^Woolfson, J. Mr. Harry Mendelson, director of Jealousy is always born with love, SALE Notice is hereby given that on the 17th Hoffman have issued invitations for a A. Solomon, and Henry Horn, all of Omaha's Modern Hebrew School," but does not always die with it.—La day of June, 1933, at 10 o'clock a. m. at dinner party to be given Sunday, June Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Woolfson is announces that he has arranged for Rochefoucauld. 2562 Leavenwortn Street, Omaha, NebrasFBADENBUKG, STALMASTER & BEBER, MAX FROMKIN, Attorney. ka, the undersigned will sell at public 4, at 6 o'clock at the Eagles Hall in the guest of Mrs. M. Bernstein; Mrs. morning classes in advanced Jewish Attorneys -' Insurance Bulldinsr auction to the highest bidder for cash:. honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. 650 Omaha National Bank Bldff. Solomon is visiting Mrs. Frank JLras- studies for high school and university One 1930 four-door. Oakland Sedan. Our advertisers solicit your paNOTICE. OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORne; and Mrs. Horn is the guest of students, during the summer months. Motor No. 290209, Serial No. 2S428C, NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ATION OF CONEY ISLAND covered by a chattel mortgage in .favor of tronage. Also, individual instruction in YidThe; Bar Mitzvah of Eugene TelpMrs. M. Krasne of Fremont, Nebr. "KOSEMOM FOOD STORES, MfC." LONCH, INC. the United Financial Service, a corporaNotice is hereby given that the underNotlee_ Is hereby given that the. under- tion, signed by Rnthven W. McEwan; that ner, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner, signed hare incorporators have caused to he said mortgage is dated June 1". 1032, and Signed have formed a corporation pursuant signed mcorpon Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron filed in'the office" office' of the Secretary of was filed of record in the office of'the will take place on Saturday morning, to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under filed the State the name of "ROSBMONT FOOD STOKES, State "'"'" of " "" ~' "" "'" of " Nebraska and in theCounty Clerk of Douglas County, Nebras- June. 10, at the synagogue a t 618 David, of Leavenworth, Kansas, is INC." -with its principal place of business office of the County Clerk of the County ka, on July 2, 1932. . : - • Mynster street. Mr. and Mrs. Telp- spending the week here visiting Mrs. at Omahn, Nebraska. The general nature of Douglas and State of Nebraska, Articles Said sale will be for the -purpose «f foreof Incorporation of "Coney Island Lunch, of the business to be transacted shall be to closing said mortgage, for the costs" of the ner will entertain at a reception at Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius buy and sell at. retail or wholesale prices Inc." Said Articles provide as follows: sale -and all accruing costs including their home on the following Sunday Katelman. ARTICLE L • ' all and every kind of goods, -wares or merwarehouse fees and for the purpose of 1 The name of this Corporation-is and- satisfying the chandise usually and customarily dealt in amount due thereon, to-wit: evening, June 11, from .7 "until 10 by groceries, meat markets, fruit, dry shall be "Coney Island Lunch. Inc."-: Misses Dora and Tillie Markovitz ?406.8t, plus interest; that no suit or other o'clock from all of their relatives and ARTICLE 2. goods and hardware stores; (b> to buy, Here IS News proceedings at law have been instituted to entertained twenty-five guests at a The principal office and place of tranBell, lease, own, hold and otherwise acquire recover"said debt or any part thereof; •:'•'•;friends in honor of their son's Bar breakfast at Elmwood Park in Omaha real and personal property necessary, in- sacting the business of the Corporation UNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE,: Mitzvah. No invitations are being isAbout Raising Strong, Rugged Children cident or convenient to the carrying out of shall be.at Omaha in the County of DougBy FRADENBURG, STALMASTER & : Sunday morning in honor of Miss •> BEBER, sued. the purposes and objects for which this las and State of Nebraska. O. T. DOERR, P. M. KLUTZARTICLE 3. Freda Bernstein and Miss Esther corporation is formed; (c) to assume, acNICK, Its Attorneys. Our "Vitamin D" Milk contains the natural ^Vitamin D", The purpose for which this Corporation S-28-3t quire or purchase the property, rights, Wohlberg of Kansas City, Mo., who is organized and the powers which it.shall High School Graduates franchises, contracts and assets of every extracted directly from cod liver oil. Each; quart contains kind of and from any person, firm, asso- have are as follows: . To^operate and carry 5 J. J. FRIEDMAN, Attorney. Ten Jewish students are among spent a few days visiting here for the on the business of a lunch room and resthe "Vitamin B " equivalent of THREE teaspoonfuls of ciation or corporation, and to pay for the taurant, 534 Insurance BIdgr. Junior Hadassah "convention in Omand in connection therewith to those "graduating from the Council some, wholly or in part, with cash, stock lease, own, improve and otherwise standard cod liver oil without the oil itself. ^ aha. or other evidence of the obligation of the deal in andsell, Bluffs High Schools next week. The NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION with real estate and personal corporation; (d) to carry on and provide property, and to do any and all things In the County Court of Douglas County. two Jewish students who will graduCooking, boiling, or making into junkets will not affect the co-operative advertising of the merchandise | incidental to the main purpose of the CorNebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg resold by stockholders of this corporation, poration. In the Matter of the Estate of MAX ate ngxt .Thujsday evening, June 8, turned home Wednesday from Kansas qualities of natural "Vitamin D." Think what this means and for that purpose to provide a memberWINTROUB, Deceased. from Thomas Jefferson High School ARTICLE 4 ship for stockholders to secure the benefits All persons interested in said estate are are Frieda Zoorwill and Meyer Raben. City, Mo.s where they spent a few to your child! A quart of pure fresh milk—and the "VitaThe capital stock of this Corporation hereof, without which membership no per- shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), hereby notified that a petition bas been days visiting relatives. They made son shall be entitled to hold stock in this divided into Fifty (00) shnres of Common filed in said Court alleging that said demin D" of cod liver oil—TOGETHER! Eight Jewish pupils will graduate the trip by motor. corporation: (e) the statement of the pow- Stock, of the par value of One Hundred ceased died leaving no last will and prayfrom .the Abraham Lincoln High ers set forth in subdivisions (a), (b), (c) Dollars ($100.00) each. ing for administration upon his estate, and From the day that Baby takes his first bottle^ he needs and (d) shall not be construed to be or act that a hearng frill be bad on said petition School next Friday evening, June 9, Mrs. George Krasne entertained ARTICLE 5. as n limitation-upon the general powers "Vitamin D" to help nature make his little legs and back The existence of this- Corporation shall before said court on the 10th day of June, at 8 o'clock: afe-thfe City Auditorium. fourteen guests at a luncheon a t her necessary or convenient to the corporation and that if they fail to appear at to carry ont fully all of the business of begin on the filing Ota copy of its Arti- 1933, sturdy and straight, his little teeth sbund, his bones strong said Court on the said 10th day of June, They are; Baulinfe Bernstein, Helen home Thursday afternoon complimenthe corporation. The authorized capital cles of Incorporation with the County ; at-B.tfelock A. "M.,: to contest said Gittlei Helen May JSaltzman, Florence tary to Mrs. J. A. Solomon and Mrs. —and this early proper development carries oh through life! stock of said corporation shall be $5,000.00. Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, as TS33. the Court may grant the same and and all of said - stock shall be common and provided by law, and shall continue for a petition, of said estate to Steinberg, Harry Bromberg, Jake Max Woolfson, both of Los Angeles of the par value of $1.00 per share nnd period of Fifty (50) years unless sooner grant-administration Order this "VITAMIN D" MILK today! : shall be non-assessable when issued. The dissolved by the vote of two-thirds of the Dorothy Wintroub ofr Rome other suitable Fox, Lester Friedman and Jack Gor- Calif., who are visiting relatives here. corporation shall commence business upon Issued and outstanding common stock. .-• person and proceed to a settlement thereof. don. BRYCE CRAWFORD. ARTICLE G. . • the filing of its articles with the County • County Judge. All itmes for this column must be The amount of indebtedness to which 5-19-33-3t. Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall -continue until January 1. 1975. The this Corporation may at any time subject phoned to Miss Katelman, at either Confirmation J. FEILER STERN, Attorney. highest amount cf indebtedness shall not itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of the 650 or 4491, before 5 o'clock on Wed403 Omaha Nat! Bank Bide. exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but capital stock. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah ARTICLE 7. this restriction shall not apply to indebtedSunday School will hold their Confir- nesdays in order to assure publication The business of this Corporation shall ness secured by mortgnceB upon any of. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ]Bi3)gfi3^^ be conducted by a Board of two directors, In the the corporate property. The nffairs of the mation exercises on Sunday after- for that week. County Court of Douglas County, corporation shall be managed by n Board to be selected from the stockholders at Nebraska. noon, June 11, at 2:30 o'clock at the of Directors of not less than five nor rooxe their regular annual meeting; the directors In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK thnn twelve -who shall be elected to serve from their number, at each annual meeting Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at MRKVICKA, Deceased. for n period of one yenr. The seml-annunl after the annual stock holders meeting, All persons interested in said estate arc 618 Mynster street. There are ten meetings of the corporation shall be hold shall elect a President. Vice President, hereby notified that a petition has been on the first Monday of January and May Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager. In said Court alleging that said de- confirmants from this class. Mr. J. of t>nch -year at which meeting the stock- Any director may hold one or more of thefiled ceased died leaving no last will and pray- Z. Stadlan is in charge of the confirabove offices in the Corporation. , holders shall elect a Board of. Directors ing for administration upon his estate, and mation. Everyone is cordially invited ARTICLE 8. and thereupon the Board shall elect a presthat a hearing will be had on said petition, ident, vice-president, secretary nnd treasThese articles may be amended by a urer. Any two of said offices may he held two-thirds vote of the issued and out-before said Court on the 10th day of June, to attend.





1033, and that if they fail to appear at said by one and the snme person. These arti- standing common stock at any regular Conrt on the said 10th day of June. 1933, cles may be amended at any regular or meeting of the stockholders or at any at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, College Set Borne special meeting of the stockholders upon special meeting called for that purpose. the Court may grant the same and grant the nfflrmntive vote of two-thirds vote of In witness whereof, we have hereunto administration Among the college students who reof said estate to Maud Sals*11 the outstanding stock. set our hands this 18th day of May, 1033. bery or some other suitable person and turned home this week to spend their JOHN P. BESHILAS, proceed to a settlement thereof. B. M. SLADOVNIK, summer vacation with their parents SAM ROSENTUXM BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-26-33-4t. Incorporators. RftO K S n are the following from Iowa City K 5-19-33-3t. County Judge. MAX FROMKIN, Witness. JAMBS N. SMITH where they attend the University of E. S. KOCHER SHOTWEIX, MONSKY, GRODINSKY LEON & WHITE, Attorneys. Iowa: J. Harold Saks, Milton Krasne, BEI* NRWMAN & VANCE, Attorneys City National Bank Bids. X XORKIS Leo Nogg, Robert Rosenfeld, and 7S7 Omaha National Bank Bldp. O. A. NTTSSRAT.T^AH NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Collman Yudelson. J. P. JBPPESON* AUTO SAFETY CLIKIC, INC. PROBATE NOTICE In +1>P presence of: Misses Gwendolyn Meyerson and Notice is hereby given that a corporation la the Matter of the Estate of MAUDE tRVIN RTAL.MASTER has been formed under the laws of the GOLDBERG, Deceased. Ruth Bernstein, students at the Uni53 State of Ntbrnska. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: The name of the corporation Is "Auto That the creditors of said deceased will versity of Nebraska, are expected Safety Clinic, Inc." meet the executors of said estate, before home today from Lincoln to spend The principal place of transacting its me, County Judge of Douglas County, NeFKADENBURG. STALMASTER & BEBER business is the City of Omaha, Douglas braska, at the County Court Room, in said their vacation with their parents. O. T. DOEBU KM. KLUTZNICK County, Nebraska. County, on the I9th day of July, 1033. and Ernest Ross and Yale Meyerson reAttorneys The general nature of the business to be on the 10th day of September, 1933, at CoO Omaha National Bank Bidetransacted by the corporation is as fol- 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose turned home Tuesday from Lexinglows :• of presenting their claims for examination, ton, Mo., where they received their NOTICE OF INCORPORATION To buy, purchase, take. own. hold, deal adjustment and allowance. Three months OF in, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage and are allowed for the creditors to present degrees at the Wentworth Military transfer real estate and personal property theirs claims, from the 19th day of June. Academy at the commencement exer"SOBOTKEB SALES COMPANY, rsc." wherever situated; to take, own, hold, deal ciss on Tuesday morning. Notice is hereby given that the under- In, assign, buy, sell, mortgage and trans- 1933. BRYCE CRAWFORD, ligned have formed a corporation; pursuant fer stocks, bonds, securities,. debentures County Judge. 5-26-33-3t. to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under and stock in other corporations^ to draw, the name of "SOUOTKER SALES COM- make, execute, accept, endorse and issue Personals PANY, INC." with its principal place of promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills •*Mesdames Louis Bernstein and Jake business at Omaha, Nebraska. The general of exchange and other negotiable instrunature of the business to- be transacted ments; to manufacture, sell, deal in. repair ihall be to purchase, sell, barter and trade any and nil kinds of automobile.accessorivery Kind of goods, wares and merchan- ies; to conduct the general repairing of Sise usually and" customarily dealt in by automobile brakes and automobile tires Separtment stores, haberdasheries, shoo of every kind arid diacription;; to do any Stores and kindred lines j>f tniBfaesB* *~ T tHagfeflncident: Jto ox necessary or ~~BeauSfy $§sp home, ftnees; connection therewith td^TlHtyyv sell convenient for the rproseention of said of our liigh grade Nebraskahold and otherwise acquire real and~per- business or any part thereof .A-"•'•'..:'•: tonal property necessary, incident or congrown Btursery,,stocfe is the lowThe- total authorized capital stock of Bar Mitzvahs venient lo the-carrying out of the purposeR this corporation shall be $10,000.00 divided est, ever knowa. for which this ; corporation is formed. Tht> into One Hundred (100) shares of the par The Bar Mitzvah of Ben Kutler, son authorized capital stock of said corporation value of $100.00 each. Said capital stock of Mr. and Mrs. T. Kutler, took place Our grass seed and fertilizer Ihall be $5,000.00 and nil of said stock shall shnll t>e fully paid for and non-assessable be common and of the par value of $100.00 when Issued. Said capital stock may be Thursday morning, June 1, at the will make your lawn gladper share, and . shall be non-assessable paid for in cash, notes or property,- real Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue. Mr. irhen issued. • The corporation shall com- or personal, tangible or intangible at the mence business :iipon the filing of its nrti- reasonable value thereof. and Mrs. Kutler are entertaining at a Fifty (50) eles with the County Clerk of Douglas shares of the capital stock of this corpora- family dinner party on Sunday-eveCounty. Nebraska, and shall continue for tion shall he paid for before the corpora. I period until January 1st. 1975. The high- tion shall commence -bnsiness. ning at their home in honor of their tst amonnt of indebtedness shall not ex- The corporation shall commence busi- son's Bar Mitzvah. 924 Nit 24th St. reed t.wo-thlrdg of its capital stock. The ness upon.the filing of a copy of its arti(Near Cumin g) . iff airs of the corporation shall be man- cles of Incorporation with the county clerk, iged by a Board of Directors of not less of Douglas Connty, Nebraska, as provided JA. 5115 E v e HA. 4006 The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Roffihan two nor more than five members. Un- by law, and shall continue for a1 period of til the next annual meeting of the stock- fifty (flO) years.from the date thereof. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. George holders of said corporation, R. J. HoldsThe highest amonnt of indebtedness to berg shall act us President and L. K. which corporation may at any time Ryan shall act as Secretary and Treasurer. subject this itself shall not exceed two-thirds The annual meeting of the Board of Di- of its capital stock. rectors shall be- held on the first Monday THIS ADVERTISEMENT SAVES YOU MONET! The affairs of the corporation shall be jf Jnnnnry of each year, at:which time a conducted by a board of directors conPresident, a Vice-President, a Secretary' sisting of not. less than ind Treasurer shall he elected. These ar- five members. • than two nor more _ ticles may be amended at any regular or HAROLD W. BRANDT, ipecial meeting of the stockholders upon E. LIPP. the affirmative rote of two-thirds of all In Presence of:LOUIS S. J. LEON. ratstnuding stock. " • ~ The Beautiful Modern Wall Texture 5-26-33-4t. R. .T. HOLDSBERG We can completely decorate with Duralith the L. K. RYAN New Haven.—Two members of the walla of a large living room 12x20 feet for as little [n the presence of: as {24. tRVIN STALMASTER Jewish community at Yale have been t-26-33-4t. See Our Display Room honored by the university. Dr. Barry

CounM Bluffs - T News

HEjtE \

Home Landscape Service


J. J. FRIEDMAN, Attorney. 534 Insurance BId PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of BESSIE WINTROUB PILL, DeceasedNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 12th <iay of July. 1933. nnd on the 12th day of September, 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of June. 1933. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 5-10-33-3t. County Judge.

Shulman, after only three years on the faculty of the Yale Law School, has been promoted to be Associate Professor of Law; and Eugene V. Eostow, a senior in the college, has been awarded a Henry Fellowship of five hundred pounds for a year's study at Cambridge University, England. . •-......

SILVERMAN & Z, CHARIA, Attorneys.. 70S Brandels Theater Bid?. PROBATE NOTICE

• •;

In the Mnttcr of the Kstnte of THERESA: IRENE CLAItEY, Deceased." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thnt the creditors of said decensed will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County JudEe of Ooujilns County. Nebraska, at the County Conrt Room. In said Connty. on the 12th day of July. 1933. and on the 12th day of September. 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M., each dny, for the- purpose of presentinf* their claims for examination, adjustment, nnd allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of June. 1933. BttYCE CRAWFORD. 5-19-33-3t-. Connty Judge.

—Shop from our Service Guide^—

The Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA

DREAM HOUSE 4002 Dodge St. Barbecued , ; Sandwiches Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Barbecued Ribs, Ib. _._35c Free Delivery Service Phone JA. 8006

CRANDIC STAGES Chicago —_-$. 6.00 Des Moines — • 3.00 New York .„.... 17.00 Lincoln ——_ 140 9.00 Denver Los Angeles _. 22.00 Large Coaches REDICK TOWER BUS DEPOT 15th and Harney, HA. 6100

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1 2 2 NSW YORK. N.T.


, . , In Conjunction With



Hoberinan Bros., Proprietor


Your Messenger of Jewish News

ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITYi IOWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 2,1933


Aizenberg Heads Jr. Congregation

Society News

Mount Sinai

Hokka Chynik

School News

Children of the M o u n t S i n a i Rudolph Shindler and Eddie Millei Temple Religious School who have will appear in the play "Seventeen" Miss Sonia Feder, daughter of Mr. After working our fingers to thedone excellent work during the year, Morris Aizenberg was elected pres- bone on last week's column, and real- or been perfect in attendance will next Tuesday and Wednesday eveMiss Elizabeth Raskin was elected and Mrs. H. Feder, has chosen Sunpresident of the southwestern region day afternoon, June 4, as the date ident of the Shaare Zion Junior ly feeling that we had written a receive certificates and prizes during ning, at Central High School. The Junior Hadassah organization, at the of her wedding to David Silverman, Congregation to succeed Joe Maron, masterpiece when we finished, im- the services tonight. The children play is being presented by the graduclosing business session of the annual of St. Paul, Minn, son of Mr. and whose terms expired this week. Da- agine our chagrin, when we found must be present at the service to re- ating class of Central High. Gisela Pill will offer a 'cello solo vid Olensky was elected vice-presi- that our good old editor, whose judg- ceive the awards. Rabbi Lewis will Seven members of the Mount Sinai convention held in Omaha last week. Mrs. A. Silverman of that city. on Thursday evening, during the Miss Raskin has been president of dent; Bertha Snovsky, secretary, and The wedding ceremony will take Temple School will be confirmed Sunmen is supposed to be better than present the awards. Commencement exercises of the class. day morning, June 4, at the Temple, the local chapter for two years, and place in Shaare Zion Synagogue. Belle Cohen, treasurer. ours, saw fit to throw most of the Rabbi Lewis has been invited to Among the members of the graduan active worker in Zinoist circles. The pulpit of the synagogue will be Other retiring officers are Morris at 10 o'clock. column (that would have caused a address a union service of all Chur- ating class are included the following Sioux City was chosen for the conbanked with ferns*and flowers, formAizenberg, vice president; Bertha furor) into the waste basket.The class includes Miriam Barish, ! ches in Le Mars, Iowa, on Sunday Jewish students: Martin Baker, Tillie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enchel vention next year. Miss Rosalie ing a background for the wedding Snovsky, treasurer, and Sylvia HerzJust for spite we shouldn't even evening, June 11. The committee in Bass, Rachel Ginsburg, Milton Grueoff, secretary. Barish; Sidney Kalin, son of Mr. and Sacks, former vice president of the party. write.one this week but as long as charge of the service has invited skin, Paul Hafits, Esther Helin, AlSisax City efeapter was slectsi corSafebi H. B, Sabisowitz, BabM M, T T f e E ¥ " S i n € i i t e rciirucrs c r c c c c a A\JJL~ xrax? ^ j e a t it J*?e fessfc g a n t te seteast bert SssssM, feed Herzoff^ Samuel son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky; responding secretary of the region. Braver, and Cantor A. Pliskin will term include all the officers, and the a previous statement, and explain Community to attend. Janowitz, Frances Kalin, Archie Kanofficiate at the ceremony, which will following members of the congrega- that the golden-haired Neomi H. now Leah Rose Newman, daughter of Mr. tor, William E. Kaplan, Paul Katz, be at 5 o'clock. Preceding the cereand Mrs. William R. Newman; Jotion: Joe Maron, David Tilevitz, of Baltimore is not secretly engaged, Students Return Anne Kriv, Ina Kroloff, Inez Leaff, mony Miss Elizabeth Passman will Irene Mirowitz, Charles Shindler, has no immediate intentions of beShare Zion seph Rosenblum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Lebowich, Nathan Levich, Ann sing "I Love .You Truly". Ben Rosenblum; Theodore Skalovsky, Helen Guttleman, Betty Osnowitz, coming engaged, secretly or otherSeveral students who have attended Lipton, Eddie Miller, Gisela Pill, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Skalov- the University of Iowa at Iowa City, Seven children of the Shaare Zion Frances Raskin, Morris Rifkin, ArThe bride wil be gowned in white and Paul Schwartz. wise, and. that if and when it does sky; Lewis Weinberg, son of Mr. and have returned home this week. They satin, with a white lace jacket, the Services of the Junior Congrega- happen it will appear as a news item Synagogue Sunday School received nold Rivin, Lillians Robins, Rudolph Mrs. Lip Weinberg. are George Kuntz, Morris Lasehsky, wedding veil will be fashioned in a tion will be resumed after the Holi- in the paper. We were told all thisj diplomas of Confirmation at the ser- Shindler, Wilbert Shindler, Harry The services will open with the Lionel London, Irving Lunin, Billy cap. She will be attended by Miss days in the fall. in no uncertain terms by an irate! vice last Tuesday evening. Confirm- Schulman, Rose R. Shiloff, Edith processional of connrmants. Miriam Mosow, and David Kaplan. Bernice Silverman of St. Paul, sister uncle whose pardon we most humbly ants were Velma Beechen, Rosanna Skalovsky, and Isadore Wutkin. Barish w i l l offer the invocation; beg. (Smarter guys than us have i Dikel, Sylvia Herzoff, Hazel KantOther students who will return lat- of the groom. Mr. Harry Silverman Epsilon Phi Leah Rose Newman will give the er this week are Bernard Skalovsky, will be the best man. Other attendbeen wrong, but not quite as often.) rovich, Elain Mushkin, Marion ShilFlower offering. Lewis Weinberg will Loyal Kier and Isadore Kantor. ants will include Mr. and Mrs. B. A newly developed flair for things off, and Howard Sachs. Miss Ida Members of the Epsilon Phi Soror- military speak on "The Torah"; Joseph RosFrishberg of St. Paul, and Mr. and is cropping up in our younger Heshelow is instructor of the class. enblum, "Our Religion"; Miriam Mrs. Mike Eisenberg of Sioux City. ity have completed their plans for set with Bennie P. joining the re- Following the addresses made by Barish will recite the prayer before Phi Debs After the ceremony, a wedding their mid summer party to h» given forestration army, Lionel L. going the confirmants, Mr. John Lansthe open ark, and Sidney Kalin will supper will be served in the social next Wednesday evening, June 7, at to Fort Snelling as a "second Looie" berg spoke in behalf of the congregBucharest, (J.T.A.)—The series of read the scriptural lesson from the Miss. Bess Seligson was hostess to! hall of the synagogue for 150 guests, Shore-Acre Garden. for the summer, and Joe S. walking ation and Miss Dorothy Mazor spoke anti-Zionist persecutions . iniL ated The party will be semi-formal, beTorah. the Phi Deb sorority last Wednesday, j and will be followed by a dance. Bill down the middle of Nebraska street in behalf of the alumni confirmants. Theodroe Skalovsky will speak on Bridge and refreshments followed1 Franklin and his orchestra will play ginning at 9 o'clock and ending with to the night depository with a forty Mrs. Barney Baron presented the continues. Further arrests of Zionist leaders and functionaries, raids on a buffet supper at midnight. Twenty four in his hand. This hasn't got certificates of confirmation. "Israel"; Milton Galinsky, "The Syn- an important business meeting. during the dance and dinner. Zionist and confiscation of couples are expected to attend. Adagogue"; Sidney Kalin, "The MeanRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz delivered archives,premises Out of town guests 'will include mission will be open only to members any thing to do with anything else are reported although, as ing of Judaism"; and Leah Rose the sermon. Members of the faculty but before we forget it Louie L. is Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverman, Mr. and of the Sorority and their guests. Newman will give the address to were seated on the pulpit, with the hitherto, none of the searches has taking treatments for falling hair. Mrs. B. Frishberg and son Harold, resulted in the discovery of anything Miss Rose Rife is in charge of the parents. Evelyn Green in S. C. with a class and other speakers. The facul- incriminating against individual Zion^ Mr. and Mrs. P. Moss, and Miss arrangements. Assisting her are the Rabbi Lewis will preach the ConPearl Levith, all of St. Paul; Miss Misses Charlotte Kantrovich and haircut that's different and wearing ty includes the Misses Dena Baron, ists or Zionist bodies. firmation Sermon. Special music will colored glasses stop Ben Bernstein of Ida Edeknan, Dorothy Gelson, Ida Sylvia Rank, Zetta Schwartz, Aaron be sung by an augmented choir, and Chicago, (J.T.A.)—Plans for stag- Schwartz, Bessie Glicken and Pearl Hannah Sperling. Minneapolis out with a certain young Heshelow, Evelyn Kuntz, Jessie Slot- The "Hashomer Hazair," a young workers' Zionist society, is suffering Harold Buck, violinist, will play "Eili ing the epic pageant entitled "Ro- Kavsnick, all of Minneapolis; Mr. lady stop our personal nomination of sky and Roma Wigodsky. particularly, because it has been acEili". mance of a People" and for bringing and Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shapiro of Omaha for the The Synagogue choir led by Miss Debras Mr. Adolph M. Davis, president of 100,000 Jews to Chicago Soldier Field A. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs, M. Cohen, best all 'round good fellow that we've Ruth Wigodsky sang during the cused of Communism. In the South the Congregation will present the to witness it are going forward rap- Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro and family, Plans for the summer program ever met stop A red headed shoe dog service. The music was written by Bucovina district of Burduieni, the local president of the Zionist organcertificates of confirmation to the idly, according to information given Mr. and Mrs. Ike Kaplan, Mr. and were outlined at the meeting of the whiffing a ball on the tee stop Big Mr. Sam Passman. ization, Dr. Rabinowitsch, and the class. by the committee in charge of the Mrs. T. Kaplan, Mrs. H. Solig, and Debra Club this week. Meetings will Greenie singing "Smoke a coca-cola, The regular monthly Board meet"Jewish Day" celebration to be Mrs. Rose Falk and family of Oma- be held each week throughout the watch Lillian Russel rassle" and ev- ing of the synagogue will take place representative of the Jewish National staged in "A Century of Progress" ha; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feder and summer at the homes of the mem- erything that goes with it stop Us in Tuesday evening, June 6, in the Fund, Simon Greenbarg, were r • osted, and their archives confiscated. grounds in Chicago on July 3. son of Ramona, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. bers." Business meetings will be fol- Omaha and Evelyn C with her nose synagogue social hall. STOCKS BONDS The final session of the Religious Both men were released following the Dr. Chaim Weizmann, noted Zion- Harry Feinberg, of Canistota, S. D.; lowed by a social hour and refrsh- three feet in the air over being in leader, will participate in the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rivin, of Winhe- ments. The first meeting will be held the company of Paul Ash and Lyle School will be held next Sunday, intervention of the Parliamentary BEN DANSBY JR. ist opening of the celebration of Jewish bago, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. A. at the home of Miss Rose Albert next Talbot with her movie manager boy June 4. Report cards will be dis-Jewish parties, although the archives Day. friend stop A new J . C. C. at 14th tributed and promotions announced. have not yet been returned in spite Rivin, of Battle Creek, Iowa, and Monday evening. AND CO. and Nebraska, we mean the root beer The various grades will hold picnics of the order of the government. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller of SpringThe attendance will be enhanced by 630 Davidson BIdg. Ph. 55349 stand stop Larry and Solly out with on that day. field, S. D. Strong representations have been many Jewish organizations that plan Lawrence C. (formerly of S. C.) and Short services will be held every made in Bucharest with a view to to hold their annual conventions in Mr. Silyerman and his bride will saw "Itch" ShuUrin who is now mar- Friday evening and Saturday morn- putting an end to the persecution of Chicago on the \ same date as themake their home in St. Paul. ried to a Hollywood lass stop look ing. There will be no sermon. Zionists. pageant so that their delegates may and read on. . The congregation acknowledges the The present attempt to suppress CALL attend both events. These meetings Attended by members of their imNew York, (J.T.A.).—Mutilation Now, because it's the first fan let- gifts of a piano from Mrs. Kath- Zionism in Roumania, is believed to and conventions will bring noted mediate families, Miss Freda Shiloff, leaders of Jewry from all over the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shiloff, of works by German-Jewish authors ter we've ever received and also be- erine Greenstone; the gift of Twen- be a fulfillment of an intention anon the shelves oft branches of the cause we enjoyed tthe way in which ty-five dollars from Mr. and Mrs. nounced by Premier Vaida Voevod in world. and Mr. Philip Stone, were married New York public library and inser- it was written, we take this oppor- Max Falk in honor of the "birth of (Formerly with Davidson Bros.) Tuesday afternoon, in Hie home of tion of anti-Semitic literature in lib- tunity to print a note that we re-a son; and the gift of eight volumes an interview which appeared in the Paris paper, "Le Journal." "The Our advertisers solicit "your pa- Rabbi H. K. Rabinowitz. of standard reference books from Roumanian Government," Premier FOR rary books have been discovered fol- ceived this week, here it is. tronage. Following the ceremony, a wedding lowing an investigation by library Dear Hokka Chynik: the Confirmation Class. Vaida Voevod was reported to have dinner was' served in the home of authorities. Carpenter Work The Ladies Auxiliary is making declared, "is determined to suppress I suppose you think that you're the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. "Apparently brajich libraries are funny? I suppose that you think any plans for a luncheon to be held on EXPERT LOW Stone, will make their home in Chi- considered to be good places for al thing that you ever wrote was even June 20.. The program committee excesses both from the Right and the The Methodist Left, and to tolerate neither antiWORK PRICES cago. sorts of propaganda leaflets, and we half way clever? If you weren't so is planning an afternoon of worth- Semitic student demonstrations, SovHospital Phone 85761 1011 20th St. frequently find such things in thelittle I suppose you think I wouldn't while entertainment. iet agitation, nor Zionist agitation Parents of the children of the Con- books, and even on the tables and tell you all this instead of writing it 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. among certain Jewish elements in firmation Class of Mp u n t S i n a i chairs, E. H. Anderson, director of and then proceed to break you up Auto Phone 8-3567 Bessarabia." Card of Thanks Temple, will receive their friends the library, wrote to Bernard S. into little pieces? I know that you G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Supt. next Sunday evening, June 4, from Deutsch, president of the American found out someplace that I'm marCrystal White Soap Chips, Mrs. A. B. Friedman and Mr. M. 7 until 10 o'clock, in the Annex of Jewish Congress, who asked to have ried, and that I know that nobody 2 boxes for ... 19c IT'S COOL AT THE the Temple, honoring the confirm- the use of the library as a center else knows it, and I know that if J. Rushall acknowledge with thanks Soap, 5 bars for 6c the many kind condolences sent them Auto Bulbs, each . ; 4c for propaganda distribution investig- anybody else finds it out, you'll never Hosts and hostesses will be Mr.ated. House Brooms, each ...„ 15c write another column. I'm just ach- by their friends during their reand Mrs. E. Barish, Mr. and Mrs. A. "The whole matter was refered ing for an excuse to break both of cent bereavement. J. Galinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Jake to our special investigator and heyour legs, and so when you write any Now Under Kalin, Mr. and. Mrs. William New- has gathered quite a bundle of thes? more of your second hand suggestive PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS New man, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosenblum, propaganda leaflets and brough witicisms please remember-what I'm Management Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Skalovsky, them to the main library, where they telling you because if you don't you'll STARTING and Mr. and Mrs. Lipman Weinberg. will be kept as evidence of dirty just be breathing a great big scab on FRIDAY work," Mr. Anderson wrote. the end of your nose 500 Jackson St. Phone 56595 Members of the Temple ConfirmaDon't forget, 4 - DAYS tion class have been feted at several S ALONICA, — The Jewish comMister dinner parties this week, given by munity here, operating through the parents of the class. General Assembly of the Kehilla, has Where shame is, there isfear.Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lip decided to organize a large scale Milton. 2 BIG SPECIALS Weinberg entertained for the class emergency fund for the relief o: ST at a dinner party, given in the Elks German refugees. Representatives of AT PHONE 5-8182 -:- Patronize our advertisers -:CLARK GABLE Club. Other guests at the diner all Jewish organizations here have STONE PARK Efficient Service at Moderate Cost were Rabbi and Mrs. T. N. Lewis been invited to participate in an exIN and Miss Ruth Marx, instructor of trordinary session for the purpose o: <r Beautiful New Dance Floor ,> Plus the class. No Man of protesting against Jewish persecu Pleasant Surroundings N Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ^ : / / COMEDY Good Music tions in Germany. CARTOON Her Own" Enjoy Our Table Service A. J. Galinsky, gave a dinner for the Root Beer Fresh Orange NEWS Without Cover Charge members of the class. AND BILL'S PLACE cago, Boston, and New York before We Have JOHN—ETHEL—LIONEL This evening, Mr. and Mrs. Morris YOUR FAVORITE BEER 14th and Nebraska Sts. E. Skalovsky will preside at a six returning home. Slim Summerville "Chuck" Baldwin o'clock dinner, honoring the connrmand Zazu Pitts in Now Playing Miss Roma. Wigodsky was hostess "Red" Barricks Wed., Sat. & Sun. ants. to the Iota Tau Sorority Wednesday Bar-B-Q Hot Dogs •THEY JUST HAD 2 FEATURES NITES evening in her home. The business IN TO GET MARRIED" Parents of the Confirmation Class meeting was followed by bridge and of Shaare Zion Synagogue gave a refreshments. 1 A . TILL RASPUTIN reception Tuesday evening in the lUC 2 P. M EMPRESS social hall of the Synagogue, honoring the class, following the con- Miss Esther Kopilow spent Memorial Day in Sioux City, as the guest of firmation service. ALL BIG PICTURES Miss Sally Halpern. RETURNS ON ALL SPORTING EVENTS 10c — 15c — 20c Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock of DIRECT WIRES TO ALL RACE TRACKS Omaha, spent Memorial Day in Sioux rife City with the Emil Rosenstock famSOL SEFF Accident Health Havre De Grace Aurora ily.




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