Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Interests of the
Kutt-n-U lib Jjctomi *<£,, I'ostoUlre nl Oninhi. «,
n 11 Mallei on Jnuuiirj »?, UKH, ui ka. under tbe Act of March 3. 1S7J)
Doctor Advises Jewish Flag FUes NOTED STATESMAN Boycott^ gainst German Nazi Sterilization of Over German SIGN APPEAL FOR Consulate Nazis' on World Scale Jews "NATIONAL HOME" Germany Shows Resentment at Adverse Decision in Geneva Diplomatic Parleys
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—-Sterilization of 'the Jewish population of Germany is recommended by the medical counsellor, Dr. Vellguth, writing in the journal of the Hartsmannbund, a mysicians' organization. He suggests sterilization for seven categories of people—feeble-minded, lunatics, epileptics, criminals, deaf and dumb mutes, tubercular and "foreign races" in which category Vellguth includes ews, Negroes and Mongols, who could be sterilized with impunity and regardless of whether they are healthy or defective. In order to ^induce the "foreign Tace" elements to submit to sterilization, Vellguth recommends that the state offer them a special premium.
Urge World Jewry to Provide Refuge for Jews of Germany
Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The spectacle of the Jewish national flag flapping in the early morning breeze over the German Consulate here brought a large crowd of cheering Jews to the scene. Th# cheering was kept up until the police, answering a call, took down the flag, thus dispersing the crowd. The explanation for this untoward spectacle is said to be that a young girl climbed onto the roof of the Consulate building and hoisted the Jewish flag to Hie German flagpole in the middle of the night. It-could not be ascertained whether the German government will make representations either to the British government or to any Jewish organization on the incident.
VOL. IX—No. 19
TESTIMONIAL BANQUET HARRY TRUSTIN TO NEXT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 Reservations Open to the Public; Affair Under Auspices of the B'nai Brith
Xiondon, (J.T.A.)—An appeal to the thorization and dismissed Jewish emJews of the world to rally in supployees, •will vanish. port of establishment of a Jewish Even Jewish attorneys who have national home in Palestine in order Only a few days remain to make' Sam Beber, president of District been readmitted to practice have been to provide a refuge for the Jews of reservations for the testimonial ban- Grand Lodge No. 6 of the B'nai Brith; turned into second-class lawyers, the Germany was issued here by the Jewquet honoring: Harry Trustin, recently Henry Monsky, member of the execuRundschau declares. It publishes the ish Agency for Palestine, the body Elected city commissioner, to be given tive of the international order, and ten points outlined in a circular isrecognized under the terms of the under tbe auspices of Omaha Lodge Mayor Roy N. Towl. sued by the Duesseldorf bar associaPalestine mandate as the official Dr. Greenberg has undertaken to orNo. 354, B'nai Brith, at the Paxton tion in which Jewish lawyers are forJewish instrument in settlement of Hotel Wednesday, June 14, at 6:3t) ganize a class of candidates which will bidden to be members or participate Palestine. be initiated at the dinner and will be p. m. in arbitration and in which the courts Among the signatories to the apThe affair is open to the general known as the "Harry Trustin Class." are asked to order the dissolution of peal are David id * L Lloyd l d George d Members of this class will be guests community, and couples are invited. partnerships between Jewish attorGeneral Jan Smuts, South African Tmstin is a past president of the of the lodge at the banquet. neys and non-Jews. leader, who together with the late "A real program of snappy enterlocal lodge and has been active in its The Rundschau considers particuLord Balfour were responsible for istainment well worth seeing is being work. larly inhuman the order expelling suance of the *Balfour Declaration Dr. A. Greenberg will be toast- arranged," states Abner Kaiman, in Berlin, (J.T.A.)—"We will never Jewish employes and prohibiting displedging Great Britain to aid in the master at the banquet. Addresses will charge of the program. Included on enter into discussion with the outside missed Jewish lawyers from acting establishment of. a Jewish National be delivered by the guest of honor; the program will be Frank Hodek of Home in Palestine, and Lord Robert world on the Jewish question because even as clerks in law offices. the Hodek Nightingale band, and Billy Cecil, noted British statesman. it concerns the preservation of our "What does the lawyers' associaMyers and the Yes-sir Keno quartet national strength," Minister of Jus- tion expect to happen to the many The other signers of the appeal of the Ak-Sar-B"?n den show, and Gens tice Frank declared. aged Jewish attorneys who are not Mexico City, (J.T-A.)—The menace are Sir Herbert Samuel, first British Cooper's band, in addition to novelties Both the B'nai Brith District No. 6 His statement is regarded here as even permitted to occupy an ordinary of a new anti-Semite movement in High Commissioner of Palestine; Na- and the Zionist Organization of Amerby Ab Kaiman. the Germany reply to the League of clerical post and are exposed to star- Mexico, perhaps greater in scope hum Sokolow, president of the Jew- ica have arranged their conventions All those wishing to make reservaish Agency; Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Nations and to Sean Lester, rappor- vation?" the paper asks. tions are requested to either clip the than the boycott against the Jews„ in former president of the Jewish Ag- this year for the first week in July in teur on minorities to the League SEEK JEWISH UNITY An informal reception for the Jew- coupon below or else call Sam H. 1931, lias reared its head as the Te- ency, who is organizing the world 4>rder that they may participate in Council, -whose actions have brought A committee composed of Louis sult of a statement by the president appeal; Felix M. Warburg, American "Jewish Day" at the World's Fair, ish graduates of the Omaha high Green, secretary of the lodge, Harnev German treatment of the Jewish schools •will be held at Temple Israel 4639, or Isadore Abramson, president, Lipsky, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, Dr. of one of the leading non-official Jewish banker and philanthropist; July 3. problem into the international forum. Friday evening, June 16, at 7:30 p. m., Jackson 4811. Reservations are on* On the program of each, and an inS. Margoshes, Jacob Fishman and Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the Discussion on the action of the Former Congressman Nathan D. Perl- economic organizations in this coun- American Jewish Committee, and tegral part of it, is the activity of tinder the joint auspices of the Social dollar per plate. Reservations to date League continues to occupy considerman, have been working out details try. Morris Rotbenberg, president of ths Jewish Day—the high point of which Service committee of the Jewish Com- point to a capacity attendance. able attention in Germany. munity Center and Welfare FederaFollowing the dinner and program, is a pageant, "Romance of a People In the wake of a virulent nationof how the American Jewish ConZionist Organization of America. a social hour will be held. Meanwhile, at Geneva, the commit- gress may co-operate with the Amer- alistic boycott against the Chinese in which will be presented in Soldier tion and the B'nai Brith. The appeal points to the need to The committee in charge of arrangeWilliam L. Holzman will be chairtee of jurists to which the Council of ican Jewish Committee and the B'nai the state of Field within the exposition grounds. resulting care for the Jews of Germany, the the League of Nations had referred Brith in establishing a unified plan three lynchings and in the guarding It is estimated that over 150,000 per- man. The invocation will be given by ments includes Max M. Barish, Isadora value of linking up "the greater questions regarding the validity of of action in b?half of American Jew- of all Chinese establishments to presons from all parts of the country will Rabbi David A. Goldstein and the ben- Abramscn, Harry Malashock, Dr. May* abilities of the German Jews who the Bernheim petition violation of ry in dealin with the German-Jew- vent any customers entering, comes held so eminent a place among the •witness the pageant, portraying in ediction by Rabbi Uri Miller. Rabbi nard Greenberg, Irvin C. Levin, Sam Jewish rights in Upper Silesia, raised ish question. the statement by Rafael Sanchez Jewries of the world for many cen- sound and color the intensely dra Frederick Cohn will deliver the ad- Green and Ephrairn Marks. "Harry Txustvn has served the comby the German delegation, had reLira, president of the '"National Or- turies" in the rebuilding of a nation- matic episodes of the story of Israel. dress of welcome. J. T. A. CORRESPONDENT Refreshments will be served after- munity whole-heartedly and is deservjected the German claims. ganizing Council for Industrial and al home, and declares that the ab- A chorus of 3,000 voices win give Agricultural Fomentation," commonly sorptive capacities of Palestine can: sound to beautiful music called from wards in the vestry room, with Mrs. ing of the highest praise for his civic Much credit for the Jewish diplo- ARRESTED Berlin.—Inquiries made through known as the "Confia," urging a .na- be extended to care for large mrm-j the vast musical literature of the Jews Jeanette Arnstein and her committee and communal efforts," Isadore Abmatic victory is being given to Dr. ramson. president of the local lodsr*. •with which the world is not generally in charge. Leo Motzkin, chairman of the Com- diplomatic channels revealed that Ot- tional anti-Jewish campaign. bers. The committee in charge of arrange- of the B'nai Brith, declared. "We welfamiliar. mittee of Jewish Delegations, who to Schick, editor of the Berlin bureau The statement was made by SanImportance of Signatures Isadore Abramson, president of th ments consists of Dr. Philip Sher, come the entire community to join OS presented the petitions to the League of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency chez l i r a at a banquet given in honThe importance of the signatures which resulted in the action of the who was arrested by the Nazi au- or of newspaper publishers and edi of Mr. Lloyd George, General Smuts local lodge of the B'nai Brith, has is- chairman, Isadore Abramson, Max M in our testimonial to his services." Those wishing to mail reservations thorities, is accused of insulting the tors. Council; and Lord Cecil was emphasized to- sued a call for all Omahans who will Barish, Eugene Blazer, Rabbi Frederattend or visit the convention and the ick Cohn, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, may use the coupon below: police by his interpretation of facts day by Leo Hermann, general secreIn Praise of Germany BOYCOTT HELPS AMERICA involving a raid by Berlin police au•pageant to get in touch with him Rabbi Uri Miller, Mrs. Jeanette ArnAmong other things, Sanchez Lira ary of the Keren Hayessd (Palestine Special arrangements are being mad stein, Philip M. Klutznick, Leo EosenNew York—American products are thorities on the Jews in the GrenFoundation Fund) who .has been in PUT THIS IN ENVELOPE AND said: -^Mexico should .at once begin found to be the best substitutes for adierstrasse. for their hospitality, sand it i s essen- thal, and Harry Silverman. . Xondon for severa^weeks^ engaged in MAIL WITH CHECK a campaign against the= 3fewsif she German goods, it is reported -by •••BurAlthough it-was admitted that he wishes to "defend Tier national econ- preparation of the-appeal* and organ- tial that -they know- -who is coming •vey committees in connection with the presented the facts correctly, excepand whether by train or auto. Special ization of the Palestine fund. Isadore Abrcmson, President | boycott pressed by the American tion was taken to one part of the omy, and she should imitate other rates are being obtained by the local 854 Bra-ndeis Theatre Bldg. | The fact that these distinguished countries where such a campaign has League for the Defense of Jewish story referring to the confiscation of Omaha, Nebraska . tatesmen accepted the invitation of group. Indications point to a large its foundation on nationalistic grounds Rights in protest against Nazi perse- $200 from a rabbi. Schick's telegram Omaha delegation. Please reserve platns and with all precautions in order to Dr. Weizmann to sign the appeal to cution of Jews in Germany. Two large blocks of seats have been at $1.00 each to the ' HARRY * was confiscated and was not for- avert worse evils." the Jews of all countries "as friends Ida Gitlin, daughter of Mr: and A canvass among importers reveals warded to the news, service. TRUSTIN TESTIMONIAL B A N - | of the Jewish people and the Jewish set aside for the two convention The speaker referred to the situaMrs. Morris Gitlin was awarded the that, since the proclamation of the QUET, Paxton Hotel, Wednesday, , National Home" is considered of groups. The B'nai Brith has taken 1933 World-Herald scholarship for tion in Germany, saying: "The reacboycott at a conference of 800 organgreat -significance, --Mr. Hermann 5,000 seats together and the Zionists June 14th at 6:30 p. m. Check in- * tion against the Jews in" Germany is said, and adds proof of then- attach- have smother section quite as large. girls at Technical high school "Wedizations representing the 4,000,000 closed for $ * nesday. already an accomplished deed, a real ment to the Jewish cause. Sir Her- Already the general ticket sale has Jews of the nation at the Hotel Astor measure to safeguard the economic bert's signature lends weight, not reached 70,000. Miss Gitlin, -who has been active in here, there has been a decided drop in (Name) interests of that nation and at this only as that of a great Jewish leader, Judge Harry Fisher is general chair- school activities, -was especially outdemand for German goods. There is time all the emigration of those us- but also as that of an outstanding man of the Jewish Day. The gover- standing in music. In 1931 she won definite sales resistance, it is said, to (Address) surers and money-lenders is being British statesman. nors of four states are honorary vke- the state high school contest for congoods marked "Made in Germany," tralto voices, and this year she was a directed toward the United States. and importers here are carrying on inThe Jewish Agency appeal is al- chairmen—Governors Homer of IlliNathan S. Yaffe was chosen presi"Confia is preparing a definite plan ready functioning in several coun- nois; Seligman of New Mexico; Leh- member of the prize-winning mixed vestigations to determine whether the small group. public will buy articles made in other dent of the Omaha Hebrew dub at the of action which will be submitted to tries, Mr. Hermann reported. In man of New York, and Meier of Ore She received at the. graduation excountries instead. Orders with German election of officers held Sunday at the federal government for consider- England and Czechoslovakia •united gon. ercises the school medal awarded for ation. The government can count on appeals have been issued with the concerns have been cancelled on a the J. C. C. high honors in scholarship and school large scale in recent weeks, importers Other officers: Dr. A. A. Steinberg, the aid of this organization with its consent of the Jewish Agency and citizenship. 2,400 committees established throughreveal. vice-president; Sol Rosenberg, rethe Keren Hayesod. In these, agreePhysical Director Morris H. Sogcments have been reached regarding The official government figures for elected secretary; John Feldman, re- out the Republic" low at the J. C. C. reports an unusualelected treasurer; Barney Feltman, the relief of German Jews generally Spanish Traders Envious April show a ten percent drop in GerThe date for the Junior Boys' and ly large attendance by the men of th* Of course, most of this opposition and the settlement of German Jews in Girls' swimming meet at the Jewish man imports and the drop for Mav Louis Morgan, and Abraham Richards, Health Club at the Center pool ea^h Palestine, and the duties involved will trustees; Max Fromkin, Mark Lorig has nothing to do with Mexican popuwill even be greater. The feeling for Community Center has been set for noon. some time among.importers was that and Morris Minkin, members of the lar opinion, and in most cases the be carried out jointly. Where ap- June 21 at 3 p. m. A "sun worship" colony is the latest "Judging from the shouting afl^ "Nationalistic" campaigns, it was peals have been issued jointly with the hostility for German made goods executive committee. Dave Chesau has both the boys and fad at the J. C. C. laughing and general fun-making." relief agencies no collections will be would pass, but the effect of the boygirls ''busy as bees" rehearsing their This makes the thirty-eighth con definitely proven in the boycott of Physical Director M. H. Sogolow states '"Soggic," "the Health various strokes and dives and stunts. has established a sun bathing colony members roust be splashing, cott proclaimed by the American secutive term that Sol Rosenberg has 1931, are financed by Spanish mer- made for the Jewish Agency. Independent- Appeal Here Parents are invited to attend as spec- at the Center and it is growing in ming and diving their way to League has credited the belief that it been elected secretary of the Omaha chants who are the principal competiIn the United States, however, he tators. will be a long time before German Hebrew club. tors of the Jews. popularity. health. There is room for many other pointed out, the appeal is being isgoods will be as popular as before "The doctors beg you to get out seekers of good health." Swimming has in general shown sued independently and apart from great popularity at the Center pool. under the sun," Sogolow states. "Now Hitler assumed the chancellorship Sogolow states that the most rcc^ that of several other bodies seeking Senior men swimming groups have is presented the chance to get sun The greatest response to the boycott ular attendants are Philip Klutzriirlfc, relief funds. Money raised in Amer- been increasing tremendously. Free bathing properly supervised and, thus far has come from the clothing Rabbi David Goldstein, Rabbi Uri Miltrades and the medical profession. k a by the Jewish Agency will there- instruction is a feature, should we say, 'chaperoned'." ler, Sara Steinberg, Hy Goodbimltt:, The former has been using needles fore be applied exclusively for conDr. Nathan Muskin, Dr. Benson, Dr. structive help for the German Jews and machines of German manufacture Ed Maloney, Harry Levinson, Phil in Palestine. but is now turning to machines of Feldman, Roy Feltman, Jake Isaacsrm home manufacture. Irving Sternhill, Abe Brodkey, Ssi» Prague, <J.T.A.)—The German Am- father, v/hich, it is asserted, led to Cohn, Pave Katleman, and others. has offered the sum of one the birth of the famous chancellor's INTERMARRIAGE A CRIME bassador million marks to the little town of father under the maiden name of his AGAINST STATE Bronau for the community registers then unmarried mother. Berlin.—Intermarriage with Jews which contain the records of ths New York, (J.T.A.) — Germany are determined to rid Germany of this The annual card party of the The article is translated as folwill be considered a crime against. family of Adolf Hitler, the Czecho- lows: "The Hitler Family Tree—Aus- Daughters of Zion will be held at the would be glad to be rid of its Jewish cancerous growth. May I ask you, the state, government officials de- slovakian press reports. The docu- trian newspapers are publishing the J. C. C. Sunday evening, June 11, at inhabitants and "would gladly pay gentlemen, if the American press clared at a press conference called ments allegedly prove that Hitler's following information on Hitler's an 7:30 p. m. their freight to the United States and may print the truth, then let it disby the Minister of Health. The con- grandmother originally had been cestors. The family hails from Wai Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be the make them a present of a bank ac- seminate the Germany truth." Mixed swimming will be introduce! ference was devoted exclusively to named Esther, but changed her name tersschlag, and their history extends speaker of the evening. The program count in addition if America would "But we too have not complete freethe questions of combatting intermar- after beirvs converted to Jusepha. back to tbe year 1672. Originally will include: Abraham Dansky, pi- only harbor them," Adolph Hitler, dom of the press in America," Mr. to the Jewish Community Center nsitatorium Wednesday evening, June 14. riage and stimulating race purifica- They also allegedly reveal that the the name was Hiedler and was writ anist; Max Yaffe, violin selections, ac- Nazi ruler of Gennan3% said in an in- Ridder is quoted as saying. tion. The ministerial director em- German Chancellor's grandfather had ten from the year 1762 'Hitler.' The companied at the piano by Ernest terview with Bernard Ridder, presi"Then why the crocodile tears be- starting at 8 p. m. This event is for J. C. C. members phasized that the government consid- been named Abraham. family moved from Waltesschlag to Priesman; Martha Greenhouse, recita- dent of the Staats-Herold Corpora- cause the majority of the German ers purification of the German race tions and songs; Little Shirley Ann tion, and William J. Margreve, Berlin people have elected a national demo- of senior standing only, and is bcinft The Prager Neue Zeit carries the Spital near Gmuend. one of its most important problems opinion of a Nazi leader that if Hit"Hitler's lather studied shoe re- Dolgoff, songs, accompanied by Eliza- correspondent of the Staats-Zeitung cratic government which is now rul- sponsoi'ed by members of the Cffrite for the future of the German people. ler is' proven of Jewish origin, he pairing in Spital. He soon became beth Dolgoff. and Herold, which appeared in that ing them according to principles based Athletic Committee. Those wishing to attend must sir* The ministerial counselor. Dr. Con- will be removed from the Nazi party. an official and later rose to a highe Three valuable prizes will be given, paper and in which the Nazi chieftain on truth and incorruptible justice?" ti, informed the conference that the The paper further reports from Ber- official rank. Hitler's mother alsi in addition to a door prize. Refresh- Is described as a "saint." Hitler questioned, and thereupon, in up on the bulletin board for reservagovernment is preparing a special lin that German circles are highly came from Spital and was known by ments will be served. The affair is "The future of Germany, of a na- the translated words of Mr. Mar- tions, since the number will be relaw to declare intermarriage a crim- excited in view of the announcement her maiden name, Klara Poelzl. open to both men and women, and ad- tion of sixty millions, is at stake and greve, "we saw before us a saint, in- stricted so as not to have the inal offense. • of the Prager Presse, semi-official we're not going to let this picayune corruptible, volcanic, snd what he said overcrowdetl. "Adolf Hitler was the third child. mission is thirty-five cents. Physical Director Morris H. So£.rv government organ, that it will soon He had a brother and a sister older AH proceeds from this affair will issue hamper us," Hitler is quoted as hereafter was a single-hearted prayRUNDSCHAU SEES low has announced that woo! bathir.c publish all the documents regarding than he and a younger sister whi go to the Jewish National Fund. "Due saying. 'This new persecution aimed er." HOPE Hitler's grandparents. to the crisis in Germany, now more at Germany is as incomprehensible was born in 1897. "Should a nation of sixty million suits will be permissible for that eveBerlin.—The Juedische Rundschau "From the family tree one can se> than ever is it imperative that we to 113- as, it seems, Germany's awaken- suffer destruction because six million ning. sees hope of a return of a number The Pester Lloyd, Budapest news- the facts which might have led to send every possible cent to buy land ing is to the outside world." have already been led astray by the Jerusalem.—There were 626 physisof businesses to the hands of their paper and one of the foremost Ger- Hitler's being known originally as in Palestine so that the homeless JewAfter discussing the alleged Com- Jewish-Communistic poisoners of our former Jewish owners in an an- man-language dailies on the contin- Schicklgruber. Hitler's father was ish refugees will have a place to set- munist plot for which the Reichstag people? Why does the world weep ians in Palestine at the beginning r& nouncement of Commissar of Industry ent, in an article on the Hitler fam- the product of an illegal union of the tle," the organization states in uTging fire was to have been ths signal, Hit- crocodile tears at the richly deserved 1932, including 452 Jews, states I.^e Wagener, threatening punishment of ily tree Teveals that Adolf Hitler may grandfather with a maid by the namt the general public to "have an enjoy- ler is quoted as saying: fate of these criminals? Where was report read to the. Annual AH-P&:* self-appointed commissars. The paper be a chip off the old block. of Schicklhuber (not Schicklgruber) able evening while aiding a most "We have excoriated Jewish Com- the conscience of the world when mil- estine Conference of Jewish Physi.> lopes that as a result of this an- " Commentators on the findings of Shortly after the birth of the chile worthy cause." munism and we will never 2gain let lions of Germans suffered hunger and ians just held at Tel Aviv. Onlr nouncement many of the suspectedly the paper attribute Hitler's impetu- the marriage took place, and the The chairmen in charge are Mrs. L. Bolshevism raise its hydra head As death, when more than 200,000 Ger- seven Jewish doctors are employ?*! self-appointed commissars who have ous treatment of Germany Jews to name of the baby was changed tc Morgan, Mrs. A. Shaftan, and Mrs. far as freedom of the press for the mans -were driven to despair and sui- by the Health Department of t t e government. M. Braude. taken over Jewish firms without an.-1 the impulsive nature of his grand- Hitler." Jewish-Marxist press is concerned, we sideT" Hitler asked-
London, (J.T.A.)—Preparations are •well under way for a world conference of all Jewish organizations supporting a boycott of German products, the Jewish Economic Forum. a new Anglo-Jewish weekly, appearing this week for the first time, discloses. The magazine is published by the Anglo-Jewish Council for Trade and Industries, which is the central boycott organization in Great Britain. Lord Melchett and Major Nathan are the chief figures in the organization, and both have articles in the weekly supporting the German boycott.
for High School Graduates to Be Held June 16
Ida .Gitlin Wins
Tech Scholarship
Nathan S. Yaffe Named President of Hebrew Club
Junior Swim Meet at Center June 21
Million Marks for Data on Hitler's "Jewishness"
National Fund Benefit Card Party on Sunday
Sun Bathing Becomes Popular
Hitler "Explains" Stand on German Jewry in Interview
Mixed Swimming at Community Center Wednesday
The Roosevelt-Garner publicists for the Jewish press, during the election campaign, missed their ace, according to Harry Simonhoff, Miami Jewish leader. It was John W. Garner, who introduced years ago the measure for the abrogation of diplomatic relations •with Russia, following the Jewish disturbances there. No one, it appears, thought of' mentioning.,, this vital service to the Jew. How the Jews would have taken up Garner for that, if it had been called to their attention during the election! ENGLAND AND.U*<S.Mr. Samuel Untermeyer has contrasted the different reactions of the British and the American govern^ ment to the Hitler outbreaks. The •words of Sir Austen Chamberlain, in Parliament, were as blistering as any Jew could have wished. In the; American Congress, on the. other hand, beyond the protests of a few of the Jewish congressmen from New York, there was almost total silence. The State Department, at Washington, it is true, made some inquiries. Perhaps, it almost secretly made protests. Yet outwardly, "there was little enough evidence of .any such action. On the contrary, the newspapers carried stories to the effect that our friend, Mr. Hitler, Jiad been invited to participate in 'the Washington economic conference, and the newspapers from Germany took pride in the fact that Mr. Norman Dav'.s, the government's peace emissary, called on Hitler. The Hitler papers boasted that the visit : of Davis showed a confidence of the American government in. Hitler.
ister appeared before his Majesty with two yellow caps. "What's this ?" asked the King. "The one for myself," said the Prime Minister, "and the other for your Majesty."
To Judge A, Z, A, Essays
These processes of assimilation are universal. There is much more intermarriage in America than most people imagine. The writer of these lines once was sitting in that noted Yiddish "kibitzarnie", the Cafe Royal. A woman entered, looking "the typical Russian-Jewish type characteristic of the Second avenue, cafe. Our neighbor nudged us: ; • "See that woman," he said. "Yes, what is remarkable about her ?" we asked. "Nothing except that she is a sister-in-law of"the late Rutherford B. Hayes, one time president of the United States.?And then we learned that the daughter of this Russian Jewess had married—an archaeologist, the son of the President Hayes. , :
3}r.Jl C&icfiar
Ssrael S GAiphn.
Omaha, Nebr.—Dr. A^ L. Sachar, of Campaign, 111., author, lecturer and recently appointed national director of all Hillel Foundations of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Commission ? Mrs. Fanny Brin, president of the national Council of Jewish Women, and Israel S. Chipkin, educational director of the Jewish Educational AsJEWISH DIFFUSION sociation of New York City, have acOne ineed, comes on Jewish blood cepted appointments to serve as in strange places. I had a most in- judges of the annual International A. teresting revelation of it during the Z. A. Essay contest which ended this week. month. The writer entertains a great admiration for the late Henry George, the father of the single tax move- to raise, it seems, seventy million dolment. Indeed, we think George was lars, and with that bring the Jews the greatest man this country has back to Palestine. Melchett died prematurely. I do produced. We know the opinion will be challenged pretty generally, but it not know whether he raised that amount of money. His fortune must remains our opinion nevertheless. Well, anyway, we were privileged have been close 'to it, but at any rate, the other day to be in the home of he never sponsored the wholesale miMrs. Anna George DeMille, the gration which he had planned, aldaughter of Henry George^-his only though he did invest heavily in Palestine, and his son is showing an surviving child. And besides Mrs. DeMille, and our- equal zeal in building up Erete Israel But the strange thing to me about self, there was in the room a little all of this, is that Melchett, should girl of four or five. even have harbored such an idea. Here HENRY GEORGE'S was a thoroughly occidental man — GRANDCHILD and assimilative to the point where he The little child was very friendly. raised his children as Christians—and It circled around us—pointing to this yet believing that there was no peace and that. for the Jew except on the After all, we hadn't been intro- where trod his ancestors. sunny land duced to the little girl. So we introduced ourself, and then asked. As a tree is known by its fruits, so "Little girl, what is your name?" is a man known by his deeds, his The child answered: "Judith Fine- charity, his benevolence. No one man." knows better than yourself how much And then Mrs. DeMille informed you can really contribute to philanus that h e r . daughter had married thropic enterprises. Let yourself be Bernard Paul Fineman, Hollywood your own critic. producer. And so the only greatgrandchild' of Henry George is now a Jewish-Gentile mixture.
Yet it will not do, on these more or less flimsy evidences, to indict the American government. J am told that Roosevelt did consult with Jewish leaders in the matter, and the Jewish leaders themselves were of the opinion—and so told him^-that the government - could•, scarcely .'do anything in a public^jhe mat- HE WON'T SAY ter. - ' ' "•' " ' , - " • . '* Governor David Scholtz of Florida, I am told, has never committed himHOW GRANT ACTED self on the point of whether he is Times apparently have changed. Jewish or not. ; • The United States, during Taft's adIf he isn't, he can speak a s_plendid ministration, abrogated its treaties Yiddish for a man who is not Jewish. with Russia on account of the Jews. So I am told. And consider what happened in the , Florida ;appears to specialize in polseventies when Roumanian persecu- itically-minded Jews who7 do not know tions of the Jew alarmed the world. whether they are jews or not. The Grant was president then, and the late David Ulee,. Senator from Florbest way, he thought, of curbing the ida, originally bore the name of DavRoumanian Jewish excesses was to id Levy. But "Levy," it appears, send an American Jew as ambassa- was a little too much of a burden to dor to Roumania. Pexitto, an Amer- bear. ican Jew, was therefore appointed MELCHETTS DREAM . minister to the court of Bucharest. For stranger 'ian fiction facts, the Imagine what would happen today, if .anyone as much as .suggested; the [ust published biography of Lord Melsending of a Jewish ambassador to jhett by Hector Bolitho is an excellent illustration. Melchett, it appears, Germany. worked with one aim in view in the PERCENTAGE JEWS athering of his fortune. He planned The outbreaks in Germany have disclosed a remarkable diffusion of Jewish blood in Germany. There are, to be sure, only some 600,000 Jews in Germany, but that, it appears, is only counting the full blooded Jews. If we are to add other Germans, "percentage Jews" as they are celled —that is, those that have some Jewish blood in them, we must add about two million others. In the light of that, it appears to me, that from Hitler's own point of view, his program must spell ultimate doom. For it means that lie is actually persecuting- some three -million people. No country • of -' Germany's size can afford to trample on the rights of so large a percentage of its population. '
CoimcilBliiffs BT F. B. K.
Departing from the traditional rule of assigning a specified subject for its international essay contest, this year the Aleph Zadik Aleph fraternity (Junior B'nai Brith) allowed their members full privilege of writing on any subject of their own choosing, with the provision that it in some way touched on Jewish life. The winners will be announced at the tenth anniversary "AvZ. A. convention to be held in Omaha, July ; 9-11. .--
I' The Menu Always ; Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices i
Eat at the
1511 Farnam St.
a t Lindenwood college at St. Charles, Mo, returned home Tuesday to spend her summer vacation. She was accompanied back by her • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenjfcld and son, Jack, who motored to Chicago last week to attend the World's Fair and* then motored to St. Louis on Sunday where she joined them. Mrs. Henry Maduff and son, Irving of Anita, Iowa, are spending the week here visiting Mrs. Maduff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman. She will attend the graduation this evening at the City Auditorium, when her nephew, Jake Fox, will graduate from the Abraham Lincoln high school. Twelve friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bromberg honor §\ them at a surprise party at their home last Saturday evening, the occasion being their fifth wedding anniversary.
Dr. Isaac Sternhill and Henry Mendelson returned home Sunday from Kansas City, Mo., where they attended the National Boy Scouts convention.
ARE OPENED IN OVER 600 CITIES OF SOVIET RUSSIA An order on TORGSIN enables your relatives in Soviet Russia to purchase all sorts of domestic or imported articles a t low prices. Torgsin orders may be sent to anyone, in any quantity. To cities t h a t have no TORGSIN stores, TORGSIN mails your order to your relatives bv parcel post. For crders on TORGSIN, visit your local bank or authorized agent. Give full name GENERAL BEPRESENTATIVE in U.S.A. and address of the recipient. 261 Fifth Ave.(M=FicciNewYorlcN.V:
Lpuis Passer of St. Louis, Mo., is ^pending the week here visiting his ner, will take place Saturday morn- parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Passer. ing, June 10th,'at nine o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Visroel synagogue at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein en618 Mynster street. tertained twenty-eight guests at a Mr. and Mrs. Telpner will enter- family dinner party at their home tain at a reception at their home at Sunday evening. Honor guests were 703 Madison avenue, Sunday even- Mesdames Max Woolfson, J. A. ing, June 11th, from seven until ten o'clock for all their relatives and friends, in honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. No invitations are being Where Omaha Shops with Confidence issued. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fried will entertain at a reception at their home at 1229 Sixth Avenue, Sunday evening, June 11th, from seven until ten o'clock, for all their relatives and friends, in honor of their daughter, Leona, whose confirmation will take place Sunday afternoon at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. No invitations are being issued. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman -will entertain at a "Pidyon Ha Ben" at their home at 729 South Twentyfirst street, Sunday evening, June 11th, at eight o'clock in honor of their month-old son, Avrum. Mr. and Mrs.* Ceorge Rof fman entertained one hundred guests at a dinner party at the Eagles Hall on Sunday evening in honor of their
The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday School will hold their Confirmation Services Sunday afternoon, Jttoe 11th, at: ,2:30 o'clock at *he Chevra B'iiai I Yisroel >sy4nagogtie at 618 Mynster street The ten confirmants are Shirley Maltz, Dorothe Saltzman, Leona Fried, Marian Perlmutter, Sylvia Endelman, Ben Kutler, Harold Fox, Louis Meyerson, Robert Hoffman and Eugene Telpner. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan is in charge of the Confirmation. The public is cordially invited to attend.
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IN OLDEN PORTUGAL The number of these "percentage Jwes" is interesting from many points of yiew. And the fact of the matter is, that the, number of people throughout the world who have Jewish blood in their veins is extremely large. ' Of course, the classic illustration of that fact is the old story of the minister of Portugal during the Inquisition days. You recall that the King of that land issued a decree that all Jews and all those having any Jewish blood in them must wear a yellow cap. The following day, the Prime Min-
son, Robert, whose Bar Mitzyah took Solomon and Henry Horn, all of Los place Saturday. The evening's di- Angeles, Calif. version was bridge. Louis Bratmstein, who has f Mr. and Mrs. H. Kutler enter- confined at the Jennie Edmundson tained fifty guests at a dinner party hospital for the past three weeks at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- where he had undergone an operagogue Sunday evening in honor of tion, returned to his home at 601 their son, Benny, whose Bar Mitz- Willow Avenue Wednesday, and is vah took place last Thursday, Shev- now convalescing. outh. ^Sam Koffman, who has been ill The Council Bluffs Senior Hadas- at the Mercy hospital since last Satsah have postponed their regular urday, is expected to return home monthly meeting, scheduled for next Sunday. Wednesday, and no further meetings Miss Ruth Bernstein, daughter of will be held until next autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bernstein, gradThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 uated from the University of Neof the Independent Order of the braska at Lincoln on Monday, and B'nai Brith will hold a regular meet- received her degree from a liberal ing next Monday evening, June 12, arts course. She is a member of the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. She at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles hall. returned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman entertained the members of their Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, student Sunday Night Bridge Club at their lome Sunday night.
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1933 in body politic, occuping a dispropor- Dr. A. Greenberg, can inspire the Krug Park committee chairman; Ar- call him. He lives at Sf?2 North Mention the Jewish Press to our Men's thoughts are much accordtionately small place in the religious, Jewish Youth with words of wisdom thur Lipp, transportation committee 16th and his phone number is Web- ing to their inclinations.—Bacon. advertisers. cultural and economic milieu. In brief, which they have gleaned through chairman; Oscar Mayerowich, smoker ster 4511. they were isolated from their envir- years of experience in the field of committee chairman; Sam Finkel, onment. To live in a country and to B'nai B'rith activity. picnic committee chairman; Joe Solparticipate in its. life are two radiYes, ah International A2A conven- omonow, luncheons committee chaircally divergent things. . . . Living in tion is an event that tends to bind us man; Maurice Katz, dating committee By.Harry Mendelson a cold, alien land, Jews tend naturally tighter to our youthful aspirations chairman; Henry Mendelson, sessions to huddle together for warmth. Long and dreams. committee.chairman; Morris Franklin, Your columnist well realizes that he before ghettos were formally instialumnus committee chairman; Julius * * * is tackling a man's job in undertaking tuted all the Jews in one community Bisno, hospitality committee chairA year ago, the local AZA chapters man. a report of the human panorama, but resided in a special neighborhood. Un1 hope you will overlook his weakness til the French revolution, the Jews selected a committee on convention And I know and feel positive that for such tasks and phrases as may be constituted "an empire within an em- committees consisting of Hy Good- Omaha Jewry will respond to any apbinder, Erwin Wezelman, Win. Wolfe, characterized right off-hand as Her- pire," a self-contained vacuum—sealed peal these future leaders of our comculean or Promethean. Of late it has world within, but not of, the larger Maurice Katz, Sam Meyerson, Julius munity may present within the next Bisno, Joe Solomonow, and myself. been frequently repeated that our whole. Lest anyone suspect that This committee in turn appointed the four weeks. We must be courteous world has become so complex that the the extent of isolation has been over- following to serve as chairman of in- hosts and receive our brothers who scientist knows "much about nothing stated, it may be relevant to point out dividual committees: soon will come pouring into Omaha, and the philosopher nothing about that even the Renaissance came and with the proper dignity and enterWilliam Wolfe, general chairman; tainment. much. Notwithstanding the writer's went in Western Europe, and except deep appreciation of the colossal fact in Italy, the Jew was severly unaware Erwin Wezelman, finance committee helps bnild strong bones chairman; Joe Blumenthal, housing that contemporary life is so vast, high- of its explosive concussion." and teeth. Joe Blumenthal, who is head of the ly complex and immensely swift in its Next Week — Your columnist will committee chairman; Israel Bercovici, registration committee c h a i r m a n ; housing committee, would appreciate transformations (reminding one of a touch upon the last factor in the surquickly moving multi-colored kaleido- vival of the Jew, namely, the Jew's Sam Meyerson, banquet committee it if all those who could accommodate scope), he nevertheless insists that the compensatory culture in the face of chairman; Dan Iintzman, dance com- one or two A. Z. A. boys at their mittee chairman; Harry Weinberg, homes during the convention would modem human scene is the most in- "a cold, alien world." teresting and inspiring panorama since the. days of-Genesis,-pregnant with men and women of Promethean and Herculean stature. He is also convinced that even in the face of these immensities, a few "rare individuals" here and there have discovered the meaning-of life, have,unlike Omar the By Art Grossman tent-maker, of Persia, - succeeding in "grasping the scheme of things entire," have oriented themselves to the Tenth International A. Z. A. newborn, "peer thru the gale of fate Convention, Omaha, July 9-11 and furies to perceive a little of the "The Future of a state lies in its vast panorama of the fast unrolling, youth," is an axiom which all great but as yet not clearly understood fu- powers and leading figures admit. ture,", as a very young philosopher In recognition of this, the Jewish recently put it, and have captured the Press -has graciously donated this joy of living and creating in spite of space to be used by those sturdy sons Get a tremendously chaotic and highly of Aleph Zadik Aleph in Omaha and transitional ivorid. Acquainted Council Bluffs, who, in a short time will act as genial hosts to the Tenth CLEANERS BEAUTY PARLORS In the June ~ issue of the Atlantic International AZA convention, schedMonthly appears a highly interesting uled here for July 9-10-11. , New and used 'repair We Solicit Your Printing and enlightening sociological study ou UPHOLSTERED LAKE STREET parts and accessories for AUDITS and Office Supply Needs the survival of the Jew in the article FURNITURE On July 4, 1924, an assemblage of BEAUTY SHOPPE cars and trucks are ofSYSTEMS called, "How the Jew Did It," with a 55 or 60 conscientious young Jewish 2004 Lake St. Cleaned Like New INCOME TAX fered to motorists at a subtitle, "The Mystery of His Sur- men, representing Omaha, Kansas Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop. vival." Ever since college days the City, Lincoln and Des Moines, met in saving at the Star Auto 3-Piece Set $7.50 writer of this column has frequently Omaha and were officially recognized Parts Company, located CURTAINS meditated upon the miracle of Jewish as the first convention body of the The New Dnart Velior at 17th and Chicago Sts. survival. He even had the intentions Aleph Zadik Aleph of the B'nai Brith. Per Pair .._35c up X>onble Curler Permanent of writing a master's thesis on the Audit Co. S. M. Clayman, manHow little attention was at first" Wave survival factors in the life of the Jew. paid Certified, Public Acrts. Band Box Corey-McKenzie ager, who w i t h h i s to this new group! $3.00 But that was so long ago. Imagine my How difficult for it to gain a sound" 852 Brandeis Theater Best' Workmanship brother Bill operates the Printing Co. joy at discovering this study. Cleaners Bldg. footing! Star Auto Parts ComKabbi Steinberg shows the follow1406 Dodge St. Ten years have flown by. No longAT. 4111, 2433 Farnam St. JA. 4811 Tears Present Location pany, has been in this ing "four factors to have been respon- er can AZA be considered merely as sible for the survival of the Jew: a an infantile project. Never stopping business for the past 18 preliminary preparation, an ideological in its success—always striving, pushyears, and has been esequipment, a social isolation, and a ing and forging; forward, AZA has tablished at his .present TAILOMNC DRUGGISTS compensatory "culture. In his introduc- "grown" .into a mighty 'fraternal band AUTOMOBILES BEVERAGES place of business for 11 tion he has this to say of the. enigrnii which boasts some 5,000 men, in 135; years. ' called the Jew. "The Christian world chapter links, .extending throughout Your Spring Suit in UREGO DRINK! has alternately hated and idealizedlthe the -United • States" and Canada.; Tor New and Used This firm guarantees Any Style Can Be TaiHospital Remedy for Gas, Jew; it has never understood him. day, it is the greatest Jewish youth Heartburn, Indigestion. all its merchandise and lored to Fit at Golden Spike Cars Consider, for example, that mythical movement in the world. Constipation offers honest and efficPale Dry Gingerale We Sell and Guarantee figure, the Wandering Jew. The fact * * * This Remedy THEODORE ient service to its custhat he is only a legend must not lead Ideal Lime Rickey Where Price, Quality, Each year, since the inception of WE DILIVEH us to dismiss him summarily, for thfe our Order, men of AZA gather in tomers. : ' •. ....'•. .'. and Service Meet Quality and Service Ideal Soda Waters VOLZ & SON existence of a myth is always a valid some city, designated by the Supteme S. M. Clayman has: Kozak's Drug Manufactured aBd testimony of the presence of a mys- Advisory Council, its governing body, FASHION TAILORS MORTON'S been a machinist and Distributed by tery; it affords an unscientific theory to hold their annual convention. Company GARAGE JOHN VOLZ tool maker -for seven to explain the logically inexplicable. . To Omaha and to the members of Ideal Bottling Co. STUDEBAKER -,• N. E. Corner 20th and years -id has designed Rooms 53R-5':2 Securities To mediaeval Christiahdom the Jew the Mother Chapter No. 1, Sam Baber SALES and SERVICE W E . 3 0 * 3 •"'••• -- Lake Itl.lpr. was a fantastic enigma. The Jew was Chapter "No, 100, and Council Bluffs forms and patterns for'. 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 -, • 1808 North 20th St" ICth and Farnnm, JA. '-27OG '• AT. 2127 strange; he was different, he was in- No. 7 goes the honor of being hosts all.types of tools. comprehensible, and, most bewildering to this year's convention, which will During the World War of all, he could not be persuaded to mark exactly a decade in AZA exhe worked for the govdie"/'... . The myth is gone, but the istence. ^ -•••-". ""-.-•mystery persisted. It has preferred to ernment out of the masBODY &-FENDER ENGRAVERS TOWEL take the Jew for granted as an irriter mechanics office in Smokers, picnic, luncheons, dances, tating reality." Our young Jewish Auto Bod; and Fender Kenmore, Ohio. banquets, and other social celebraNew and Used Hepair OMAHA TOWEL Repairing, Paintins • scholar bemoans, and justly so, that tions entirely in keeping with the Parts" and Accessories for For any parts, call the Complete I'pholsterinc SUPPLY Cars and Trucks at a "Israel is one freak, 'biological sport' magnitude of the occasion will be preand Glass Service - Savlnv Star Auto Parts at Atconcerning which men seem to feel no sented duiing the convention—and a CLEAN LINENS Wicker Furniture Merchandise Guaranteed lantic 9369. Their motto curiosity." Painted and Bcpoired gala time will be enjoyed by all par209 S. 11th JA. 0328 Concerning "a preliminary prepara- ticipants. is "No Junk, No Bunk." GetYbui* Cuts and 0 tion," the following analysis is made: Paul Brodriek However, this convention is more "History, as has been suggested, has than a mere spectacle of; splendor-^—it. Star Auto 2118-22 Cuming SARATOGA rt^ed many a cruel trick on the Jew. is meaningful and has a purpose that AT. 6208 LAUNDRY l l d is deeply inspiring. it did him only one favor—iti allowed Parts Co. CnCRflVIIIG CO. Since 1922 We Take Time to Do It him to prepare for his homelessness. It means the close association for Right b.r Boinp Slow flHfl «S.M. CLAYMAN, Mgr. By the time the eviction from Pales- three full days of Jewish boys from and Careful Soliciting Quality Ot.4626 tine was under way, the Jew had al- all parts of the country, of a wonderAT. 03G& Work KE. 0061-62 17th and Chicago St. ready evolved a technique of living as ful interchange of ideas, ideals, and an unwelcome guest in other men's the formation of friendships which homes. . . . In brief, a pattern of will continue as long as life itself. group life was created, adapted to the And then it means that men of imneeds of a minority living amid a .portance, BUS LINE PAINTING 6-DEC such as Sam Beber, our beBATH PARLOR hostile or indifferent majority. Unbeloved president, Philip Klutznick, and known to him, he had built himself a SUPPORT THE Standard MA3SAGE bridge by which he might make the Chicago $5.50 LOCAL AND RENOVIZE MEDICATED BATHS passage from Palestine to the world. 7/te Hat Works CAMPAIGN Lincoln $1.25 LONG DISTANCE He had never been forewarned — he PAUL SPOR Specializing in ReducWahoo $1.00 was accidentally forearmed. HAULING FRANK MEARES ing Electric Thearapy Des Moines $2.00 As to "ideological equipment," "He G. A. Steinheimer Denver $7.50 " Treatments for Knows How to Clean was prepared in another, and no le?s DANCING Detroit $7.50 Rheumatism important, respect: his way of life had EVERY NIGHT Co. Hats Los Angeles $20.00 'Under tht Jtca* 56h>?Cenh» taken on definite authoritative form. Work Done While You Contracting Painters Re-Nu-Health BLUE LINE For centuries the Jewish people had Wait BUS DEPOT been evolving patterns of individual 113 N. 40th, HA. 6369 Baths FREE DELrVERY Transfer Co. and group conduct. . . . Therefore, Edwards Hotel Bldg. Call Cs for Estimates on WHEAT, CORN, OATS DOWNTOWN AT. 3911 when the lightning struck, it charred Any Taintingor 314 S. 10th AT. 6405 306 N. 16th HA. 5000 For Information Call or Write 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481 but could not consume this prearrangElks Bldg., 3rd Floor Decorating Work ed fabric within which all Jews lived. TAYLOR GRAIN CO. . . . The idea and ideals of a people 731-733 Omaha Grain Exchange Bldg:. may give it significance, but its group JA 3403-^AT 2008 habits give it life. . . . The mortality PHOTOCRM>HER5 Private Wire Connections WItb risk of an idea clothed in habit is JAS. E. BENNETT CO. much lower. Habits have been known We Are Distributors to outlive empires." Hamilton Sunshine for the Well Known With respect to a "social isolation," Cafe Omaha Manufactured Laundry the following is emphasized: "The typ- t t Tha? Same ical history of Europe generally makes J5 2405 Farnam Street GRANT JA. 48S3, Cass no mention of the existence of Jews. If you have- your shoes Luncheon Served 11 to S . . . The sensitive Jew tends to susSpecial Eeduced Prices BATTERY { FeparretJ at the • n/ Dinner Served 5 to B pect a conspiracy of silence on thf> for May and «Fune And Guarantee AH !•( Semi-Flat, 5c lb. We Slake Our Own STANDARD part of historians. He will not hesitate We Are Always Pleased to Sales Pastries t»e IBepaSr Co. 75c Minimum Show Styles and Prices to accuse them of anti-Semitism and a Batteries Serviced Private Dining Room U KRAOC Prop. malicious attempt to withhold recogni- -' tcio Cleveland Studio Shirts Finished in National Tire Shop for Parties tion where it is due. Yet the historFarnnni Bundle St. ian's reticence is perfectly understand1612 Docgla^ St. 17th and Capitol Open AH Night The Sign of able. In self-defense he can justifiably 7c Each Phone JA. 3366 JA. 8278 AT. 6427 Good Workmanship argue that the Jews have lived in JA. 1614 many lands, but until modern times, were never a part of them (I think Offices Brandeis rheatre Bldg that's putting it a little too strong). \ OMAHA They constituted an undigested mass
The Human Panorama....
_ ^ wonder
k lour
Roberts Dairy Co.
I Convention Thoughts...;
Best Reiu 111
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1933 forces at large in the world today are
T H E JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - ..- Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor, FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - -- - - - - Editor PANNIE &ATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
The Week in Review Building Better Citizens
too definitely established as the greatdon Times years ago. And Henry Ford who in the Dearborn Inest scourges of man, and if science by hatred and avarice. One it seems to dependent did much to spread the damaging lies about the "Proit* recent developments has so ren-me begets the other and both are to be tocols," in a written communication of June 30, 1927, stated: "I dered conditions as to enable thinking condemned. How to eradicate them, of people to minimize the possibilities of course, is a question as much for the :onfess that I am deeply mortified that this journal, which is inwar, then science has served man well psychologist as for the statesman, but tended to be constructive and not destructive, has been made the with the machinery of the League of indeed. Nations to use, and with the increased medium for resurrecting exploded fictions and for giving currency • * * * for communication and unto the so-called "protocols" of the wise men of Zion, which have A very brave and dashing young The League of Nations for one of facilities derstanding, it seems to my mind that man has just succeeded in spanning the few times since its inception, has if the statesmen been demonstrated, as I learn, to be a forgery." of the world are at the distance between Newfoundland issued a manifesto of great imporOf course, McFadden's remarks do not in any way express and Moscow in the amazing time of tance . . . I refer specifically to itsall sincere in their recent manifestos then the preliminary steps in securing the sentiment of the House. The feelings of the Representatives 53 hours. To add a bit of zest to this statement of recent date that at allworld peace are ready to be taken. may be judged by the words of Representative Byrns, majority performance he disappeared from costs it will protect the rights of mi- This avarice of grasping nations can sight for the majority of this time norities in Upper Silesia. This, of floor leader, who $n demanding that McFadden's remarks be ex- and bobbed up quite nonchalantlyoyer course, is specifically pointed at thebe eradicated and the League's steps punged from the Congressional records, stated:"Whether intend- the Red Square. And then, having cre- acts of the Hitlerites in persecuting in defying the German persecution of people purely to propagate a ed: so or not, those remarks did a gross injustice to the Jewish ated a world's record, he zoomed off the Jews. It is be hoped another local feeling are well chosen. into the distance, intent upon solitarfor that the League will not permit people, who have contributed so much toward the development and ily encircling the globe. It is not the the German nation to snap its fingers The League of Nations, while it has the progress of our own country and of every other country in flyer's carefree attitude that amazes in its face, but will have the courage been impotent for the few years of its existence, was founded upon an ideal which they have resided. I know of no people, members of noone so much as it is the immense pro- and determination to carry through that has long cried for practical apgressive steps that have been made by its purpose despite the convictions of race, who have been more law-abiding, more patriotic, and more science within the past few years— the fanatical leaders of the German plication. Now if never before the psychological and economic condition oyal to the government in which they live and to the flag of that and to even a greater extent the pos- nation today. sibilities of these scientific improve- Much more than the mere protec- of the world today offers it its goklr>n ountry." ' opportunity. Let us hope it will sucments.
Today the minds of scientists have so spawned that we may create verbal contact with London or Paris from New York or Washington within the short space of time that it takes for one to give one's number to the telephone operator. Unquestionably these trans-oceanic flights are merely experiments to establish the feasibility of such flights for passenger use; apparently the day is not far hence when travel between nations and continents will be a speedy, practical proposition. If these various scientific improvements can be utilized in the service of e ideals of peace what an admirable contribution to the welfare of humanity has been made. Such quick and convenient contact can draw together more easily the various peoples of the world that they may better understand one another. After all, understanding and knowledge of the other nation's ideals and principles is at the basis of all peace movements. Again, these recent scientific improvements do away with delay and procrastination and render the opportunity of diplomatic convention more feasible. This speedy communication between diplomats is greatly to be desired, for history if carefully reviewed will show us that there has been no war of the past 200 years but that could have been prevented by an understanding between the diplomatic representatives of the combative nations. After all, the province of science is to provide for the betterment of conditions in which man must live. Wat and its subsequent horrors are only
tion of the Jews from the onslaughts of a fanatical demagogue are latent ceed. in the League's actions. Minorities deserve protection and it should be on« Jerusalem.—At the graduation exof the cardinal principles of the ercises at the Haifa Technicum, Sir League not only to theorize about the Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, High sanctity but to definitely protect their Commissioner, praised the institution independence. Again, if the League as one of the most important instrucan win its point here, it will gain the mentalities for the development of necessary prestige and strength with Palestine, and pointed out that the which to deal with the more avaricious excellence of its curriculum and facand recalcitrant larger nations who, if ilities attracted students from abroad. they have not pointedly defied the He expressed the hope that the League, have so subtly thwarted its Technicum would be able to absorb efforts as to render it impotent. The many more pupils in the future. The confidence to be gained by enforcing Technicum trains engineers and its dicta will unquestionably gain for workers in other applied sciences. the League a respect and position that will enable it in the future to deter these avaricious nations from their deNATIONAL structive courses of personal aggranACCESSORIES, Inc. dizement. Dr. Elmer Brown, retiring ChancelEVERYTHING lor of New York University, in his For the Auto baccalaureate address to the graduat2051 Farnam AT. 5524 ing class of New York University, has claimed that the two most dreaded
When the "Port of Omaha," the Sea Scout base or clubhouse, was christened and dedicated Sunday at Carter Lake, Commodore William L. Holzman of the Omaha Sea Scout Division, Covered The choice morsel of gossip which has become exceedingly Wagon council, received inspired tributes from Mr. Walter W. popular of late is the question of Adolph Hitler's "Jewishness." Head, president of the national council of Boy Scouts of America, The modern Haman, according to reports and rumors, had a Jewwho come here from New York for the occasion, and from other ish grandparent, and to make the plot thicker word comes from noted leaders. As committee chairman, Holzman was the chief Prague this week that the German Ambassador has offered the factor in financing the new base and also donated the ground for sum of one million marks to the little town of Bronau for the comit. Local scouts demonstrated their deep appreciation by sur- munity registers which contain the records of the family of prising Mr. Holzman with a bronze tablet on which was inscribed: Adolph Hitler. The documents allegedly prove, say the Czeehos"This tablet erected in honor of William L, Holzman lovakian press, that Hitler's grandmother originally had been by Sea Scouts of Omaha in token of their appreciation of named Esther, but changed her name, after being converted, to his gift of this property and his untiring efforts in makusepha. They also allegedly reveal that the German Chancellor's ing this base possible." grandfather had been named Abraham. Since every "Hitler" As a tree is known by its fruit, so man by his works. William family in Handsome Adolph's home town is of Jewish origin, the Holzman has endeared himself to the entire community by hisevidence seems to look "bad." wide and beneficent civic, communal and philanthropic activities. If the records reveal a Jewish strain in Hitler, it may be supWhether it be the Jewish Community Center or the Community pressed. But what a stupendous sensation would be created if this Chest or any of manifold worthy projects or institutions, his sym- bitter anti-Semite is revealed as having a Jewish strain. As far pathy and assistance have been cheerfully given—his joy has been as we are concerned, we frankly let the world know that we will in aiding his fellow-citizens. But a true appreciation of William be anything but proud, if such is the case. Adolph Hitler, cerHolzman cannot be fully had without understandings the unmiti- tainly, is no compliment to any race or people. gated pleasure and great sincerity with which he advances character building of youths, like the boy scouts. Well cognizant of the fact that the root of today is the tree of tomorrow, he has been a pillar of srength in the building of a better citizenry, and It is significant that such important world statesmen as his unceasing efforts toward obtaining the sea base for the local David Lloyd George, General Jan Smuts and Sir Herbert Samuel, sea scouts is another tribute to his outstanding character. For such individuals were written the words of our sages, "Good deeds joined with Nahum Sokolow, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Felix Warburg, Dr. Cyrus Adler and Morris Rothenburg is an appeal to the and a good name are better than the sweetest oil." Jews of the world to rally in support of a Jewish national home in Palestine in order to provide a refuge for the Jews in Germany. The appeal, issued in the name of the Jewish Agency this week, is an added demonstration to the growing and too obvious conThe hitherto unknown Franz Bernheim has "become a Jewish viction both in the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds that today there hero by his battle against the German diplomatic forces at Geneva. is no place for the persecuted Jews to seek a harbor of safety and His victory in having an open discussion before thb League of that a land of their own, expanded as rapidly a¥ possible, is the Nations on the treatment of the Jews by the-German Nazis makes only solution offered. him stand out as a symbol, the symbol of the Jew of today fightThe appeal to those who still enjoy a modicum of safety To the Editor oi the Jewish Press: ing determinedly and unceasingly for his equal rights despite the points out that Palestine shows a steady development both in agri- The eyes of Jewry throughout the world are centered upon a coming turbulent political maelstroms. culture and in industry. Its power of absorption} is increasing and event which possibly holds more interIndeed, it still seems unreal that the League Council took the can be further increased, and "determined, concerted Jewish ef- est for the Jews than any other event. refer to the forthcoming eighteenth action i t did. Germany is considered a dangerous parcel of dyn- fort can make it capable of providing a permanent home for a con- IZionist "World Congress to be held amite in present international dealings, with many fearing; that siderable part of German Jewry to whom the rest of the world, August 16. j. the least spark will be sufficient to ignite a conflagration of War. with few exceptions, is closed.' The Jews of America should and Under such circumstances, it was expected, even by Jewish lead"A person dependent upon the table of another has the world will take a greater interest in this congress than they have in ers, that the League Council would probably sidetrack the issue darkened." This Talmudic saying should be borne in mind when coming any other thus far. Not only have we and delay action indefinitely or else concede the issue to the Nazis. we seek to help our suffering brethren. It is far better to be able come to recognize the fact that the This much is definitely known—that every possible maneuver was to contribute toward the regeneration of the German Jewry where world congress is our only truly Jewish tribunal, where we can meet and used behind the scenes to squelch the action. And twice^ it ap- they can earn their own livelihood than to merel^ give charity for discuss truly Jewish problems, and the necessities of life without giving them anyjhope of starting make plans peared that these German efforts had proven successful. for the betterment of Jew-' ' •'.., ' ' '""fish life in all lands as well as PalesThe fact, then, that practically every delegate to the parley anew. • tine, but the deplorable situation exvoiced indignation at Germany's depriving the Jews of their civil isting in Germany and other lands has and political rights, many denouncing the Hitler government finally impressed upon us the need of concerted thought and effort for their strongly, demonstrated how deeply the various countries dislike relief. Hitler and his cohorts. ; The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, which in its short life When Zionism was merely an ideal The attitude of Germany toward the surprising action of the has made most phenomenal progress, is being swamped by appli- in the minds of a comparatively few League measured up to expectations. "We will never enter into cations for admission from students from all parts of the world, men and the work of building a homediscussion with the outside world on the Jeyrish question because not surprising considering the numerus clausus restrictions, both land in Palestine still a dream of the it concerns the preservation of our national strength-" This state- direct and indirect which exist in our "institutions of enlighten- future, then there may have been an excuse for some Jews to take an imment by Minister of Justice Frank was considered as Germany's ment." Also, the University is doing its utmost to extend as many passive attitude towards Zionism and reply. invitations as possible to the distinguished scholars and scientist the Congress. But, now that Zionism and its aims are established, now wheu Germany will find further, as she is already finding out, that of German Jewry. our, work in Palestine i a s opened the a country has a stormy time bucking against the world. If the Under these circumstances, the Hebrew University stands eyes of the world and won its admirLeague of Nations will carry its present action to fruition and act- forth as a beacon of moral and comforting strength. It is to beation, we Jews cannot and must not ually report to the world in its official name the cruelties and hoped that the well-considered program of the University will not fail to do all in our power to make Congress an agency of real prog atrocities being practiced in Germany the moral chastisement of be hampered by lack of funds. In this regard, Mrs. Felix War- this ress to further our end. the act would probably have a sobering effect on those passively burg just this week donated $100,000 to the University, to be Within the ranks of Zionism have upholding Nazism. It would certainly strengthen the activity of known as the Jacob H. and Therese Schiff fund and to be used arisen four groups or parties. Though those Jewish organizations which are seeking practical measures to "strengthen the existing departments of the University by en- all are Zionists, still their views are widely separated. Each group is tryto alleviate the pressure against German Jewry. gaging outstanding teachers or assisting worthy needy students.' ing to obtain the control of this conand set its ideals as the guiding Before many years pass by, the -Hebrew University at Jem gress principle of Zionism. Every Jew in salem will be a tree of learning and culture whose fruits will be America who holds.Zionism dear, owes it to himself and to Zionism to make spread throughout the world. dear through his choice of delegates Much to our sorrow, we have become inured to hearing referwhich group he believes should guide ence to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in Germany, Aus"It has no basis in reason—it is not rooted in; faith—it is just the destiny of Zionism. tria, and other anti-Semitically infested countries. Also, it one of those dank and unwholesome weeds that grow 'in the Delegates will be selected this coming July 6. Every Jew who purchases grieves us to recall that originally the impetus for the spread of morass of racial hatred."—Lloyd George. a "shekel" has the right to vote for these false, malicious lies was given in this country. delegates. Another important reason But, with the admission of their falsity, we thought that at Talmud for our buying "shekels" wholeRabbi Chanino and Rabbi Jochanan heartedly—the world opinion of this least in this country the "Protocols" were a dead issue. Congress- GEMS of the BIBLE said, "He who has the power to pro- congress will be formed by the numman McFadden of Pennsylvania, however, in the House of Repreand TALMUD test (against wrong) in his house and ber of delegates sent to this congress. sentatives last week made frequent reference to the "Protocols does not do so, he is responsible for It is important that we show the enBy O. O. DASHER (the sin of) every one in the house. tire world that this congress is a repin delivering not even thinly-disguised insults to the Jewish people And the same is true of a city. (And resentative organization of the Jewry He called the gold clause repeal resolution a "bill specifically de Men do not despise a thief if he even in the entire world, if his pro- j of the entire world. Each 8,000 shekels signed and written by the Jewish international money changers steals to sati'/y his hungry soul. test would be heeded, and he does not j sold means a delegate. protest) he is accountable for the I appeal to all Omaha Jewry to take themselves in order to perpetuate their power." He made copiou; If thou art wise, thou art wise for wrong action of the entire world." a real interest in this congress. I apquotations from the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and made thyself. And if thou scornest, thou peal to every man and women to purthe assertion that "in the United States today the "gentiles" hav alone shalt bear it. Rabbi Simon Ben Lakish said: "If chase a shekel and vote for its delethe slips of paper while the Jews have the gold and lawful money." thou seeth a scholar who is even re- gates. Treasurers of wickedness profit, vengeful and angry like a serpent, I think it is also fitting that for the As Eliot once said, ignorance gives us a large range of prob- nothing, but righteousness delivereth be not afraid of him. But if an ig-six weeks until the election of deleabilities. The ignorance which would make a Congressman in this from death. norant man looks to be pious, do not gates all Omaha Jews express, through country deride the Jewish people because of the exploded.mythical "the columns of the Jewish Press, their becometh poor that dealeth with live in nis vicinity (for he knows nat ideas upon the delegates to be selected "Protocols" sort of leaves us answerless. The protocols were a He slack hand, but the hand of thehow to be pious and will thus make to the congress. proved a forgery by the Constantinople correspondent of the Lon- diligent maketh rich. life very unpleasant for you.)" MORRIS MINKIN.
s Handsome Adolph "Jewish?"
For a New Start in Palestine
A Symbol of the Day
Letters to the
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PAGE 5—THE lEWISS PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 9,1933 at their liome a t 703 Madison Avenue, Sunday evening, June 11, from 7 until 10 «*dock, for all their relatives and A one o'clock luncheon followed by Sabbath services at the ConservaPlans are progressing for an out- The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club "will friends, in lionor of the Bar Mitzvah an open meeting will be given by the hold a social meeting for members tive synagogue begin this evening at standing affair at the program to be and confirmation of their son, Eugene. No invitations are being is- Bikur Cholim society at the Jewish given by the Pioneer Women at the -only next Tuesday evening, June 13. 6:30 p. m. Community Center Monday.. Refreshments will be served. Tomorrow, Saturday morning, serJ. C C Sunday evening, June 18. sued. An outstanding program has been Mr. Yosselson was the winner of vices will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. Among the features will be a dance arranged for the occasion. The pro-revue by pupils of one of the leading the twenty-six piece silverware set The special feature of the services ON TRIP Miss Ethel Stoller left Thursday gram includes, brief remarks by Rab- dancing schools and piano selections given away by the organization at this Saturday will be the Bar Mitzvah of Ervine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl morning for an extended trip through- bis Uri Miller and N. Feldman, selec- by Abraham Dansky. A complete pro- their concert May 28. tions by Mrs. Margaret Bellman, voRiekes. gram will be given next week. out the East. She will attend the calist, accompanied by Miss Margaret The holder of the lucky ticket will world's fair in Chicago and also plans Hurwitz, a reading by Isadore DanBerlin.—George Kareski, one of the ;o stop in Marion, In<L, •where she •will sky, and entertainment by the Rifkin be awarded an electric refrigerator. All proceeds from this affair will German Jewish leaders who has advisit -with her brother and sister-in- sisters. Mrs. L. Neveleff, president, go to the Chalutzos in Palestine. vocated recognition of the Jews of law, Mr. and Mrs. L Stoller. From will preside. there she will go to Washington and Duralith, "the modern wall finish," Germany as a national minority, has WEDDING RECEPTION BAR MITZVAH AH members are urged to make resthen on to Brooklyn, N . Y., •where she is distributed in Omaha exclusively by been unanimously elected chairman of SUNDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biekes announce ervations immediately. The luncheon the Jewish Party. will spend the remainder of the sumthe Brinn & Jensen Co. . Miss Tobye Steinberg, daughter of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ervine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steinberg, -will Saturday morning, June 10, a t the mer as the guest of Miss Julia Sam- will be fifty cents per plate and res- "The Heart of New York," an out- Until Duralith was marketed, it was ervations may be made by calling standing English all-talkie with a star necessary to spend four or five days become the bride of Dr. Henry Rosner Conservative synagogue. All friends ilowitz, a cousin. either Mrs. J. Finkel, Harney 0930, or cast of Yiddish characters, will be to finish the walls of one room in texthis Sunday afternoon, June 11. Theand relatives are cordially invited. Mrs. S. Fish, Webster 5257. LEAVES FOR HOME presented by the Women's Auxiliary ture. With Duralith, the same results ceremony will be held at the SteinSaturday afternoon Ervine will be Dr. Bernard Brandner, who graduof the Yaad H'Oehr at the Circle are accomplished in one day, reducing berg home at 4 p. m. before members host to thirteen of his boy friends at Theater, 33rd and California, on Tues- the cost by one-half or more. The of the immediate family. Finished a theatre party. A family iliwinr in ated last Thursday from the Creighday evening, June 20. process is accomplished with no muss Mr. and Mrs. Steinberg -will receive his honor will be served Sunday eve- ton University, left for home in There will be two shows, starting and no odor. in their honor at home, 111 South 34th ning at the Riekes home, 301 South Brooklyn, New York, accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs." J. BrandGames, races, a ball game and at 7 p. m. and 9 a. m. Admission is The Brinn & Jensen Co. have a staff Street, Sunday evening from 7 to 10 54th Street. ner, and their son, Philip, who came unique novelty events are on the pro- twenty-five cents. Children will be of skilled men to apply Duralith and p. m. No invitations are "being issued. here last week to attend the com-gram of the picnic at Elmwood park admitted for ten cents, tickets for will gladly furnish anyone an estiBAR MITZVAH mencement exercises. Sunday, June 11, when the Conserva- which can be obtained at the box of- mate free of charge and without obliBELZER-FRISCH Mr. and Mrs. William Kuklin will tive Auxiliary will honor members of fice the night of the show. gation. The cost of a completed DuraENGAGEMENT celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of their the synagogue choir. M. H. Sogolow RETURNS HOME This will be the first showing in lith job, ideal for renovizing, is about Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frisch an- son, Norman, on Saturday, June 10. 28ISFARNAM AT.28IS Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum returned •is in charge of the sport events. Omaha of this drama of New York the same as a good paint job or high nounce the engagement of their daughSeventy-five guests will be enterThe members of the choir who -will Jewish life. grade wall paper job. ter, Ruth, to Dr. O. S. Belzer, son of tained at a reception which will be home Monday evening from Iowa City, Mr. Samuel Belzer. No definite date held a t their home, 2120 Burdetle where she just completed her sopho- be honored at the picnic include the Mesdames Helen Beber, J. Blank, I. has been set for the wedding. Street, from 2 to 5 p. m. and from more year at the State University of Dansky, Rose Goldstein and Nathan Iowa. Miss Frisch is a junior at the Muni- 7 to 10. Friends and relatives are inNogg; Misses Margaret Hurwitz, Word has been received from the cipal University, -where she is.vice- vited to attend the Bar Mitzvah serPearl Marcus, Miriam Greenberger, national offices of Pi Lambda Phi, soVISITING IN CHICAGO president-elect of Alpha Kappa Delta, vices Saturday morning at 10 a. m. at Mrs. Charles H. Riseman is visiting Ivy Siegel, Pearl Shapiro, Ruth Shap- cial fraternity, that the Morris Magid national honorary sociological frater- the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synaSadie Tatelman, Sadie Beber, senior scholarship award last year was with her parents in Chicago. Mr. Rise- iro, nity. She was recently awarded a gogue. Pearl Lazarus; Messrs. Louis Hur- won by Ephraim Marks of the Creighman will join her Saturday, and they witz, Leo Bernstein, Louis Fogel, scholarship by the Municipal/UniverOMAHA'S STTU CENTU *** WH » » » HAJNET will spend two weeks in Chicago. sity Women's club in recognition of ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Jack Selinsky, Irving Sternhill, Al ton chapter. Frank S. Lipp, president of the her scholastic achievements. Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Kaplan anSoffer, Sol Minion. Creighton chapter, was recently electDr. Belzer is a graduate of Creigh- nounce the birth of a son at the Meth- VISITOR HERE There will be games for both chilton university. "" ' Mrs. Esther L. Clayman of Kansas dren and grown-ups, with prizes for ed vice-president of the Creighton odist hospital, Thursday, June 1. City is visiting here with her son, Mr. the winners. Mrs. Sam Greene is the Pan-Hellenic council. RADUZINER-STEINBERG Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Giller an- S. M. Clayman. chairman of t i e committee in charge. ANI MEX-S OB LADIES' ENGAGEMENT nounce the birth of a son at the EvanThe auxiliary will furnish lemona-ie Mr and Mrs. George Steinberg of gelical Covenant hospital, Monday, BEFORE LITERARY FORUM and coffee. All members are to meet Council Bluffs announce the engage- June 5. Dr. Victor E. Levine of the Creigh- near the "cook shack," where a group Cleaned, Blocked and ment of their daughter, Ldlfian, to ton University School of Medicine fac- of tables have been reserved. Re-shaiwd by Experts Joe Raduziner, son of Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aliber of Des ulty will speak this evening at 8:30 The program will begin at 4 p. m. "Omaha's Best Jacob Raduziner. Moines, la., announce the birth of a p. m. before the Friday Night LiterHat Cleaner" No date :has been set for the wed- daughter, June 3. Mrs. Aliber was for- ary Forum on "The Psychology of 101 North lGth Ptitrt Our advertisers solicit your pa(Across from Postoffice ding. merly Miss Esther Kadis of Omaha. tronage. Genius."
Bikur Cholim
Pioneer Women
Ladies Labor Lyceum Conservative Services
New Process for Renovizing Offered
Vaad Auxiliary
Conservative Auxiliary
Pi Lambda Phi
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iipschitz of Mr. and Mrs. J. Katleman enter- New York, members of the Omaha tained forty guests at a. dinner party club of New York, announce the birth at their home at 2776 Webster street, of a son. Plans are being made for the Junior Sunday evening, in celebration of Hadassah "Give or Get" luncheon to their eighteenth wedding anniversary. be held on Sunday noon, June 18, at ATTEND WEDDING The evening's diversion was bridge. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. dayman have the Jewish Community Center. The returned from Kansas City, where formal installation of the newly-elecHIGHLAND COUNTRY they attended the marriage of their ted officers will also take place at CLUB STAG neice, Miss Mildred Miller, to Mr. this time, and honor pins will be A mid-summer stag will be given at William Silverman of Kansas City. awarded. Miss Sarah Solomonow is the Highland Country club Monday chairman in charge of this affair. All evening, June 12. There wUITSe golf in members of the Junior Hadassah, who the afternoon, followed by dinner. ATTEND WEDDING IN have raised their quota of five dollars SIOUX CITY Cards will be played in the evening. from private affairs will be honored Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Cohen and son guests at the luncheon. Each Wednesday, night . will be Xouis; Mrs. M. Falk and daughters, "Card Night" at the Highland Coun- Bernice and Sylvia; and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen motored to Sioux Cit& try-club throughout the season. Each Tuesday will be Ladies' Day Sunday to attend-thlai Feder^Silvermah ROOMS FOR RENT at the Highland. A golf lecture will wedding. 5 rooms, all modern; upstairs. be given at 9:30 a. m.t followed by RECEPTION 2124 Burdette St. WE. 167a golf play, luncheon and bridge. - Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner of CounThis evening Mr. and Mrs. Louis cil Bluff s will entertain at a reception Sommer will entertain, at a dinnerdance at the Highland for 45, in honor of their son, Edward.
Junior Hadassah
James Dunn
World Theater
• REMODELED • REPAIRED • CLEANED • STORED Bring us your old coat and we will make it look like a new garment. Our low Bummer prices will please you.
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SUMMER IN OMAHA Mrs. Yale Dubnoff of Hollywood, Calif ornia, is spending her summer vacation in Omaha visiting her father, Mr. B. Shames, who is now confined to the Nicholas Senn hospital.
"Happiness Week" starts at the World theater today with two joyf a! pictures on the same program. In their fifth film together since their memorable performance in "Bad Girl," James Dunn and Sally Filers make their appearance in "Hold Me Tight," the first feature on this outstanding program. Cast as two young lovers in the midst of the metropolis and its attendant snares, these two popular young players have the type of characterizations for which they hive become known as one of the screen's outstanding teams. The second picture on this excellent bill will be that prince of entertainers, Al Jolson in his latest musieal film ertitled "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum/' Al looks younger than ever and still reatdns his enthusiastic attitude after a quarter.of a century as a dominant personality. In the cast you will see Madge Evans and Harry Langdon.
Are ready for the weather with a gorgeous selection of
Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Saved while lathe p n m i • f eaokinr Piptnc hot.
Idaho tmfced potato, sliced tomato, bread
tatter. Adah.
COOL£ES FOR TODDLERS. Sizes I to 6. Creepers, Dresses. Boys' Suits, Panty Frocks!...... COTTON FROCK VALUES to $3.95. Sizes 7 to 16 in gay, cool summery styles SUN PLAY FASHIONS WITH HAT. Sizes 8 to 16. in broadcloth or seersucker SUN PLAY FASHIONS FOR TOTS. Sizes 2 to 6 in seersucker or broadcloth... , SKIRTS AND SHORTS in sizes 7 t o 16. •TOM BOY" Skirts . . . "JACK TAR" Shorts "NIGHTY-NIGHT" BATISTE PAJAMAS. Cool as a cucumber! Sizes I to 16. "QUICKEES" . . . the New Cotton Mesh Undies Sizes 2 t o 10! and NO buttons! "HI-JINKS11 SUITS for Boys . . . New and Smart. Sizes I to 5, 2 to 6 . . . all colors.., "FLOP" COTTON HATS FOR GIRLS. Piques, Organdies . . . Swisses WATER WOOLIE SWIM SUITS. . Sizes I to 6 SMARTEE SWIM SUITS. In sizes 8 to 16 KNIT HEALTH SHORTS. Sizes 6 to 16 ROBES of Seersucker or Broaddoth.
Samhio f i . . .
$1.00 $1.95 $1.00 50c $1.00 89c 60c $1.00 55c $1.00 $1.95 $1.00 $1.95
Fabrics: Batistes Broadcloths Laces Organdies Voiles Piques Linens * Eyelet Cottons * Printed Cottons 9 Crisp White Trims * Costly Looking Buttons
CELEBRITIES AT PLAY—Here's a real trio of movie celebrities, snapped at a Los Angeles night club. Left to right, Grace Allen, Franchot Tone and Joan Crawford.
MATTERN IN FLIGHT—This is a flight view of the ship in which Jimmy Mattern set out from New York to attempt to establish a new 'round-the-world record.
— G e n e r a l Cornelius Vanderbilt and Mrs.
£in the grTnttand 3to watch ^ X 2 run"^ me granastana tne horsrajun at
MIDGETS ON PARADE—The midget army trudges down one of COMING A CROPPER—One of the mounts in the annual horse and hunt show, at Leesburg, Va., takes &"* streets of its miniature village at the Chicago exposition. Some a nasty spill. The show attracts large crowds of society folk. 60 tiny men and women live in the village.
MOCK WAR IN BELGIUM—Important defense srmy maneuvers, X recently were staged in Belgium at the Beverloo camp and the STU>^ WHAT, NO TONY?—Just for a change, Tom Mix, famous film cow 3 rounding region. The problem to bs worked out was an imagt boy, swings his trusty lariat from a bicycle, instead of the back of . AFTER THE BLAST—Ten deaths millions of dollars damage "done, and and charred wreckage tell «"^final j^J^JfJj Tony. Jr., in Hollywood, The cycling craze is the latest -fad to. story of the spectacular c&jjiusiuii e z p l o s f oaftajLiong t S S Tx>eacn, B e a c h\jai., S . , caused caused by by an an explosion explosion 01 of an an oil refineryy which • #_«_, fi, . . . i / p —J •"""^ ^i»ci.wa>.i*iiii intrigue the film colony. » turn set fire to Signal Field, one of the^^ fiSS in California. Hurt© wreckaga.: the largest oU fields Photo shows the wreckage.: Wftm tteeasfeiu
FRADENBCKG, STAXMASTEB, « BEBER, FRADENBTRG, STAL3IASXER A BEBER •which this corporation may at any time plaster, and other materials to the LEON * WHITE, Attorneys. ;' '; Attorneys subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds City National Bank BIdg. 630 Omaha National Bank Bldg. prospective builder, who then gets 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. of its capital stock. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION The affairs of the corporation shall be tradesmen in the building industry NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "SOBOTKEK SALES COMPANY, UJC." NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF conrtneted by a board of directors conACTO SATETI CI.INIC, INC. Notice is hereby given that the under"KOSEMOXT FOOD STOKES, INC." Notice is hereby given that a corporation sistiug of not less than two nor more than to do the actual construction work. signed have formed a corporation pursuant Notice is hereby given that the under- to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under has been foimed under the laws of the five members. signed have formed a corporation pursuant the name of 'SOBOTKEK SALES COM- State of Nebraska. HAROLD W. BRANDT, Tlie name of the corporation is "Auto to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under PANY, INC." with its principal place of LOUIS E. LIPP. IKVI5? C. UEVIX, Attorney Our advertisers solicit your paMAX FROMKIN, Attorney. Safety Clinic, Inc." the name of "KOSEMOST FOOD STORES, In Presence of: S. J. LEON. business at Omaha, Nebraska. The general 301 Electric Bldg. Insurance Building tronage. The principal place of transacting its 5-26-33-4t. INC.'' with its principal place of business nature of the business to be transacted Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature shall be to purchase, sell, barter and trade business is the City of Omaha, Douglas NOTICE OF INCOUrOKATION OF NOTICE are ARTICLES OF INCORPOR- at of the business to be transacted shall be to every kind of goods, wares and merchan- Connty, Nebraska. NEBRASKA. JLUGGAUE SHOPPE, ATION OF COJTEY ISIiAND The general nature of the business to be buy and sell at retail or wholesale prices dise usually and customarily dealt in by XUNCH, IXC. and every kind of goods, wares or mer- department stores, naberdasheries, shot- transacted by the corporation is as folNotice is hereby given that the underNotice is hereby given that the under- all lows: stores and kindred lines of business and in chandise usually and customarily dealt in signed have associated: themselves together signed inrorporators have caused to be "buy, purchase, take. own. hold, <leal aud have organized a corporation under the iled in the office of the Secretary of by groceries, meat markets, fruit, dry connection therewith to buy, sell, own, in,Tolease, exchange, assign, mortgage and hold and otherwise acquire real and perlaws of the State of Nebraska, The nanie State of the State of Nebraska and in the goods and hardware stores; <b) to buy, sonal w\ Beautify your home. Prices transfer real estate and personal property property necessary, incident or cousell, lease, own, hold and otherwise acquire of this corporation is "NKB11ASKA LUU- office of the County Clerk of the County wherever situated; to take, own, hoi 1 , deal (i of our high grade NebraskaTenient to the carrying out of the. purposes M. D. Micklin of the Micklin LumGAUE SHOPPE, INC.,"; The principal of Douglas and State of Nebraska, Articles real and personal property necessary, in- for which this corporation is formed. 'J.hv in, assign, buy. sell, mortgage and trans4 grown nursery stock is the lowplace of business shall be at Omaha, Ne- of Incorporation of "Coney Island Lunch cident or convenient to the carrying out of authorized capital stock of said corporation fer stocks, bonds, securities, debmtures ber company announces a plan for the purposes and objects for which this braska; that the general nature of the bus- "iC Said Articles provide as follows • # and stock In other corporations; to draw, prospective home builders who want 4 est ever known. shall be $5,000.00 and all of said stock shall corporation is formed; (c) to assume, acAJUT1CLE I iness to' be transacted shall be to own aud be common and of the par value of flOO.OO make, execute, accept, endorse anil issue quire or purchase the propertyr rights, 4 Our grass seed .and fertilizer operate one or more department stores and The name of this Corporation is and franchises, contracts aud- assets of every- Per share, and shall be non-assessable promissery notes, mortgages, drafts, bills to start in a Email way to acquire to buy, sell aud deal in a t wholesale and/or shall be "Coney Island Lunch, Inc." When issued. The corporation shall com- of exchange aud other negotiable instru- their own home, adding to it from A will make your lawn glad. kind of and from any -person, firm, asso- mence retail all kinds of goods, wares awl metAKTICLE 2. business upon the filing of its arti- ments, to manufacture, sell, deal in, repair ciation or corporation,-and to pay for the chaudise and to manufacture, purchase or The principal office and place of trancles with the County Clerk of Douglas auy and all kinds of automobile accessor- time to time with the money saved otherwise acquire, own, mortgage, pledge, sacting the business of the Corporation same, wholly or in.part, with, cash, stock County, Nebraska, and shall continue for ies: to conduct the general repairing of He calls it the Micklin sell, assign and transfer or otherwise dis- shall be at Omaha in the County of Done- or other evidence of the obligation of the a period until January 1st, 1975. The bigu- automobile brakes and automobile tires in rent. corporation; (d) to carry on and provide est amount of indebtedness shall not e i - of every kind and discTiptjou: t<i <!o any "Unit-Built Home." pose of, invest lu, trade, deal in and with las and State of Nebraska. co-operative advertising of the merchandise <*ed 'two-thirds of its capital stock. The aud nit things incident to or necessary or goods, wares and merchandise and personal AKTICLE 3. Plans for these houses are so deproperty of every class and description, to The purpose for which this Corporation sold by stockholders of this corporation, affairs of the corporation shall be man- convenient for the prosecution of said the same extent as natural persons might is organized and the powers which it shall and for that purpose to provide a member- aged by a Board of Directors of not less lrjsiness or any part thereof. vised that they allow additions of or could do; to purchase or otherwise a c have are as fOIIOWE : To operate and carry ship for stockholtlers to .secure the benefits than two nor more than five members. UnThe total authorized capital stock of quire and to hold, or maintain, work, de- on the business of a lunch room and res- hereof, without which membership no per- til the next annual meeting of the stock- this corporation shall be J10.000.O0 divided rooms without sacrificing the archivelop, sell, lease, exchange, hire, convey, taurant, and In connection therewith to son shall be entitled to hold stock in this holders of said corporation. It. J. Holds- into One Hundred (UK)) shares of the par tectural design, he explains. The mortgage, or otherwise dispose of, and deal lease, own, sell, improve and otherwise corporation: (e) the statement of the pow- berg shall act as President and L. K. vakie of $1(KUH> each. Said capital stock in lauds,.and leaseholds and uny interest; deal in and with real estate and personal ers set forth in subdivisions (a), (b). (e> Ryan shall act as Secretary and Treasurer shall t>e fully paid for Jinfl non-assessable company supplies lumber, millwcrk. estate aud rights in real property, Jirid any poperty, and to do any and all things and (di shall not-ne construed to be or act The annual meeting of the Board of Di- when issued tsaid capital stock may be personal or mixed property, and any fran- incidental to the main purpose of the Cor- as a limitation upon Hie general powers rectors shall be held on the first Mondaj paid for in cash, notes or property, real purpose of January of each year, at which time a necessary or convenient, to die corporation poration. or personal, tangible or intangible at the chise, rights, licenses or pledges necessary, to carry ant folly nil of the business of President, a Vice-PresiUeut. a Secretary reasonable value thereof. Fifty (50) convenient or appropriate for. any of the 4 purposes herein expressed. . "The" capital AKTICLE stock of this Corporation the corporation. The authorized capital and Treasurer shall be elected. These ar shares of the capital stock of this corpora ticles may be "amended at any regular or stock of said corporation shall be $.1,000.00. tion snail lie paid for before the corporaTo borrow money, to issue bonds,'deben- shall be Five Thousand Dollars <$5.000.00), nnd all of said stock common and special meeting of the stockholders upon tion shall '•ommenee business. into Fifty (SO) shares of Common tures or obligations of the corporation from divided the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all of the par value of. yi.OO -per share and The corporatiou shall commence busiStock, of t i e par value of One Hundred time to time for any of the objects »f: the Dollars ($100.00) each. shall be non-asspssahle. when-issued. The ness upon the filing of a copy of its arti- | corporation and to secure the. same by corporation shall commence business upn'i -outstanding stock. cles of incorporation with the county clerk i AKTICLE 5. mortgage, pledge, deed of trust .or otherthe filing of it« -articles with the County of Douglas County, Nebraska, as provided R. J . HOLDSBERG : The existence of this Corporation shall wise. ... - - .;. ..• •:.• ' -• .: •. •.•-..:.• befflo on the filing of JI fopy of its Arti- Clerk of -Douglas ' Comity, Nebraska, and by law, and 6hnll continue for a period of L. K. RYAN T o purchase, hold, • sell a n d t r a n s f e r cles; fifty (001 years from the date thereofshall continue until Srariuary.l. 19J;I. The In the presenre of: of Incorporation with the County s h a r e s o f stock of this- a n d o t h e r corpora- Clerk of Douglas- County, Nebraska, as highest amount o i indebtedness shall not IRVIN STALMASTER The highest amount of indebtedness to t i o n s ; t o acquire the gobd-wlH r i g h t s , a s - provided by lnw, and shall continue for a exceed two-thirds ".of' its cnpital stock but s e t s a n d property, a n d t o undertake and period of Fifty (HO) years unless sooner this restriction shajlnot apply to Indebteda s s u m e t h e w h o l e o r a n y p a r t of the obli- dissolved by the vote of two-thirds of the ness secured by mortgaRcs upon any of g a t i o n s or liabilities of a n y person, f i r m , issued aud outstanding common stock. the corporate property. The affairs of the a s s o c i a t i o n or c o r p o r a t i o n ; a n d i n general AKTICLE C. corporation shall be managed by a Board t o d o a n y t h i n g i n s o f a r a s t h e same m a y The amount of indebtedness to which of Directors of not less than five nor more appertain t o o r be useful for. or necessary this Corporation may nt any time subject than twelve who shall be elected to serve i n connection w i t h t h e conduct of t h e b u s - itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of the for a period of one year. The semi-annual i n e s s of t h e corporation. capital stock. meetings of the corporation shall be held T h e authorized capital stock i s Ten DAILY DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE ARTICLE ?. on the first Monday of January and May T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ($10,000.00) divided into The business of this Corporation shall of each year at which meeting the stock100 s h a r e s of t h e p a r value of $100.00 each be conducted by a Board of two directors, holders shall elect a Board of Directors and a l l of which stock s h a l l lie common to be selected from the stockholders at and thereupon the Board shall elect a presstock and may be paid for in cash, notes their regular annual meoting: the directors ident, vice-president, secretary ai:d treasor other property or services at the reason- from their number, at each annual meeting urer. Any two of said offices may be held able market value thereof and shall be non- after the annual stock holders meeting. by one and the same person. Tbesp artiassessable. shall elect a President, Vice President, cles may be amended at any regular or That you buy your lumber, mfllwork and The corporation shall commence business Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager. special meeting of the stockholders upon on the 1st day of June, 1933. and ehall ter- Any director may hold one or more of the the affirmative vote of two-thirds vote of building material now. We are advised minate on the 31st day of May. 2032, unless above offices in the Corporation. all the outstanding stock. AKTICLE 8. its life be extended beyond that date by an that advanced prices will continue. SAM KOSFXr.T.OI amendment to these articles. That the highThese articles may be amended by a est amount of any indebtedness or liability two-thirds vote of the issued and outWholesale costs have already gone up 25 JAMES N. SMITH to which this corporation is at any time standing common stock at any regular E. S. KOCHER to subject itself is not to exceed two-thirds meeting of the stockholders or at any per cent. Buy now while we are still BEN NEWMAN special meeting called for that purpose. of its capital stock. J. LORKIS In witness whereof, we have hereunto That the affairs of this corporation shal quoting low prices anu save money. G. A. NUSSR.ALLAH be conducted by a Board of Directors of set our hands this ISth dav of May, 1033. J. P. JEPPESON JOHN P. BEKHILAS. not less than two nor more than five and In the presence of: B. M. SLADOVNIK, the following officers: a president, a vice IRVIX STALMASTER Incorporators. president, a secretary, and a treasnrer. any 5-2C-33-4t. ">-26-33-4t. two of which offices may be held by one MAX FB.0MKIN, Witness. and the same person. -:- Patronize our advertisers -:FRADENBCKG, STALMASTEU & BEBEB INCOItrOItATOBS: KOSE KOTHKOP O. T. DOEKR, P. M. KI.CTZNICK IKV1K C. LEVIN 650 Omaha National Bank BidsIn the presence of: EUGENE N. BLAZER NOTICE OF CHATTEL MOUTGAGE LOST C-9-S3-4t SALE Notice is hereby given that on the 17th 19th and Nicholas JA. 5000 Near 20th and Dodge Sts— day of June, 1933, at 10 o'clock a. m. at IKVIN C. rEVIN, Attorney Child's red hat with a dark blue 2562 Leavenworth Street. Omaha, Nebras301 Electric Building CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ka, the undersigned will sell nt public tassel. auction to the highest bidder for cash: NOTICE OF SALE One 1930 fonr-door Oakland Sedan, Free Delivery Notice is hereby given that on the 30th Motor No. 209209. Serial No. 284286, Finder please call GL. 2622 day of June/1933. at 10 a. m. of said day, covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of the undersigned will sell at public auction the United Financial Service, a corporato the highest bidder for cash, at 4314tion, signed by Kuthvep W. MeEwanT that Let experts show you how easy Xjeavenworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the said mortgage is dated June 17, 1932. and following chattels: was filed of record in the office of the summer cookiug can be . . . hotv Clerk of Donglas Connty, Nebras1 1031 Chevrolet one-half ton truck; 1 Connty 12 Sim} you can cook a whole meal for "Walk-in Ice Box; 1 display meat coun- ka, on July 2, 1D32. Said sale will be for the purpose of foreter; 1 American meat slicer;.l Kelvineight in this cooker. Take a vacantor ice machine; 2 Toledo scales; 1 closing said mortgage, for the costs of the sale and all accruing costs including National CaBh Register; 1 Hubbard tion from the stove this snmmer warehouse fees and for the purpose of meat grinder; 1 meat block; 1 electric . . . no hot kitchens. satisfying the amount due thereon, to-wit: fnn and all cutlery. $403.84, plus interest-! that-no suit or other Such sale will be for the purpose of fore-: proceedings at law have been instituted to closing a chattel mortgage; in. the sum of $3,037.39 and costs of these proceedings. recover snid debt or miy part thereof. JUNITEI)" FngANCJAL SERVJCE,. :^_ No suit at law or ~otbe£~l>£O£a&UaKS-.baly FRAKENiJOItC. STALMASTER g^ ing been instituted to recover said debt4 or BEBER. O. T. DOEEE, P. M. KLUTZany part thereof. - . • NICK," Its Attorneys. ' JOE LORKIS.
: • • • . ' • • •
• .
Micklin Devises New Home Building Plan p SPRING IS HERE
: • .
In the
Tire prices ay never so Lo
SHOTWELL, MONSKY, GRQDINSKY .& VANCE. ..Attorneys 737 Omaha National Bank Bids.
In the Matter.of the Estate of MAUDE GOLDBERG. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executors of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said Connty, on the 19th day of Jnly, .1933. and on the 19th day of September, 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and nllowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present theirs claims, from the 19th day of June. 1933.
• •"
4002 bodge St. Barbecued Ribs, Sandwiches Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Barbecued Ribs, 1b. 35c Free Delivery Service Phone JA. 8006
DURALITH The Beautiful Modern Wall Texture Wo can completely decorate with Duralith the walls of a large living room 12x20 feet for as little as $24. See Our Display Room
THE BRINN-JENSEN GO. 1108-10-12 Harney St. AT. 6409
This coupon good for a re* dnctlon of 10% on all work contracted between May 29 and June 10. Plan to use this big savings NOW. Write or phone us.
OODYEAR certainly makes i t worth while for you to put money in tires now. CYour dollars never bought tires to equal the quality, the safety, the mileage which Goodyear is today building in every tire wearing the Goodyear name— And because Goodyear now concentrates on two main lines of tires—a real saving in costs is passed on to you.
The Handy
CASSEROLE This little casserole is just the thing for. the small family. It cooks the most delicious dishes. Cooks without water and retains all natural juices of vegetables and meats. A casserole dish, salad and drink makes a perfectly balanced summer meal.
Look at the present prices of the world's most popular tire, the Goodyear AllWeather— and the prices of the thrifty Goodyear Pathfinder — and you'll certainly agree, it's smart to buy Goodyears NOW— while prices are still down close to bottom, and your money buys more than it may ever buy again.
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Announcing.... the publication of an Original Etching of
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Phone AT. 6427
Autographed by the artist, prints suitable for framing, may be obtained by addressing
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In Conjunction With ITALIAN and WHITE STAR LINES
Your Messenger of Jewish News
ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 9,1933
service that. "That Old Gang of Mine" i s being sung with gusto by Sara, Marcia, Min and Vivian. The wistful note that creeps in now and then is Alice and Bobby Pill, 1914 Jones George Galinsky spoke to members because Leah isn't here to round out Students, graduating from schools, street, spent last week end in Oma- of the • Senior Sixth ! Grade of- Hunt Six children of Mount Sinai Tem- and students returning home for ha, where they attended t h e confir- School on "The World F a i r " last the quintet. Word has been received here of Members of the Workmen's Circle Branch 664 have set the date for the death of Mrs. Jack Passman of »le Religious School were given the summer vacation, hold the lime- mation of their cousin. Monday. George is a student of t h e We give the palm this week to Frankie Rosenthal for the best suntheir annual picnic as Sunday, Jane Pasadena, California. Mrs. Passman, arizes last Friday evening during light in this month's socia lcalendar. sixth grade. David Levitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grueskin and tan. Hurry and change that sunburn 18. The picnic will be held in Riv- who was 40 years old at t h e time the.regular service for having done to t a n if you want to make next erview park during the afternoon of her death, was a sister of Mr.excellent work during the school '. L . Levitt, Bellevue Apartments, son, of Omaha, are visiting in Sioux Enchel Barish of this city and Mr.year, and attending every session will receive his diploma of gradua- City with relatives. week's column! and evening. of the school during the year. Those tion from St. John's Military AcadA program of games, raffles and Max Barish of Omaha. The theme song for Sunday will Miss Margaret Saitlin h a s been sport events will be fetaured on the She lived in Sioux, City for some who received these awards were emy, next Sunday a t the Academy in be "Who'll buy my violets," with Sammy Heeger, Milton Mazie, Betty discharged from a local hospital folDelafield, Wisconsin. program. Members of the Lincoln, time before moving to California Little rivulets and a cool breeze, the Lillian Dobrofsky as leader. Marx, Bobby Cohen, Myron Heeger, lowing a n operation, and si recuperover ten years ago. Mrs. Levitt, accompanied by her Omaha and Des Moines lodges are sun-tan backs and bare knees, (care- When t h e Junior Hadassah gals and Bernard Rosenthal. daughter, Lois, departed this week ating in h e r home. expected to attend. ful there, rhyming again) and wher- knock on your front door and show Four children received certificates for St. Paul, where she will join j Mr. Max Dervin is chairman of ever the eyelets fall i t s glance a lux- you the little blue box, you want to Miss Dorothy Rutstein, 314 18th :or having attended Sunday school Mr—Levitt and Helen Levitt. From the picnic. Members of t h e Workurious, green foliage. Sounds entic- be ready for them because Sunday every Sunday of the year. They a r e St. Paul they will go to Delafield street, is i n Chicago, where she is ing/ doesn't i t ? That's what happens men's Cicrle who are assisting him Bobby Marx, Blossom Kalin, Wal- to attend the graduation exercises making a n extended visit with h e r when we turn poetic. We don't want is flower day for the Jewish Nationinclude I. Singer, J . Shapiro, A. al Fund. And if it isn't a violet, lace Rosenthal and Bobby Pill. if the school. Following their return sister, Mrs. J . Ostrin. Tilevitz, A. Shure, B. Rifkin, A. to disillusion you, but now and then so what? from Delafield, they will-go to White The following children received Rosmovsky, J . Zeligson, Sam Weina little realism is relished by the Gossip, gossip everywhere, and Sam Agranoff, 63 years old, and er, J . H. Falk, L. Victor, A. Rich a resident of Sioux City 43 years, :ertificates for doing excellent work: Bear Lake, Minn., to spend the sum- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Wilensky and best of men (Heavens, we have it and William Heshelow. son of Minneapolis a r e in. t h e city bad this week. We mean that ver- not a word to print. It isn't our died Monday morning in the home.of Norton Greenstone, Helen Levin, •mer months. visiting wtih Mrs. Wilensky's p a r - sifying urge). Realism: The little fault. After all life must go on. A committee from the Auxiliary his daughter, Mrs. Joe Levey, a t Joanne Agranoff, Marylin Miller, And if we printed it ours wouldn't. Stanley Jacobs, son of Mrs. Dave ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinow. of the Workmen's Circle who will Kingsley, Iowa. Death was caused Barbara Robinson, Harold Rosenrivulets a r e running down ye chynik We have reached the place where thal, Allea Goldberg, Harriet HolDavidson, Bellevue Apartments,' will assist in the arrangements will be by a paralytic stroke. hokker's back, the cool breeze - is we a r e almost a s popular a s a felland, Sandy Baron, Barbara Davis, announced in the next issue of The from the fan in our left hand and low carrying home & limberger Funeral services were held a t Doris Grueskin, Jack Kxueger, Sey- receive his degree from the School Mrs.S. Adelstein of Rapid City, of Finance of t h e University of Jewish Press. Mount Sinai Temple Tuesday morn- mour Robinson Harold S. D., h a s arrived in Sioux City to the luxurious green foliage is spread cheese. When we say just an ordiGrueskin, ing a t 10 o'clock, with Rabbi Lewis Marjorie Weinberg, Betty Silverberg, Pennsylvani a t Philadelphia this visit with h e r parents, Mr. andall over as a result of a neighbor nary "Well what do you know," not month. He will come to Sioux City officiating. traveling to cooler parts and leaving meaning anything, we g e t a snappy Mrs. A. Greenberg. Bernard Weiner, Hubert Friedman, her petted plants to our tender care. rejoinder, "If "I told ^oii you'd print Mr. Agranoff was born in Rus- Sidney Goldberg, Ruth Weiner, Her- to make his home after t h e gradu^ sia, and came to America a t the age man Barish, Marion Fishgall, Doro- ation. (Dear Neighbor: Plants a r e doing it," and then again there a r e the Mrs. Arnold Bramson of Des fine, i t is we who a r e wilted.) of 20. H e is survived by two daugh- thy Davis, Rosena Kosberg, Miriam folks who do tell u s what they Morris-E. Gordon, son of Mr. and Moines is a guest in t h e home of ters, Mrs. Levey and Mrs. Joe Givot, Barish and Leah Rose Newman. know and suddenly stop in the midAt that this seems to be good Mrs. Sam Gordon, was granted his her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S a m Elaborate plans have been made 1824 West Fourth street; two sons, weather for almost everything (ex- dle of i t with a frightened look in B. A. degree from the University Moscow. for the Annual A. Z. A. Dance, Abe and Louis, and a sister, Mrs. cept columning). Theresa and Cytheir eyes and the frightened look of Nebraska a t Lincoln last Monday. which is to be held in t h e Regional Frank Slotsky. are proud moma and poppa of a changes to a beseeching one and M r - G o r d o n h a s gained recognition Ball Room, Sunday evening, June Parents of the children of t h e new baby son . (Methodist hospital they say, "Now please! Please don't 18. Martin Kozberg and Max Maron for himself a t the university for his.Mount Sinai Temple Confirmation —we like to mention our advertis- put i t in Hokka Chynik." And then are-in charge of the affair. Assista r t work. Class were hosts a t a reception ers.) Margaret Saitlin walking about we smile and say no we won't. And ing them a r e Stanley Herzoff, EdHe will remain in Lincoln for Sunday evening i n t h e Temple Anpert a s ever after a snappy appen- they go on imploring and pleading die Miller and Sam Weiner. the summer months. nex, honoring t h e members of t h e dectomy, beating all records for r e -even after we have promised not to Outstanding on the program will Annual Jewish National Fund class. In the receiving line were Mr. covery by two days. Is Sara W. write a word. We ask you reader, Henry Ginsberg was elected pres- Flower D a y will be held next Sunbe the "A. Z. A. Sweetheart Popuhow long can one endure such proGerald Cohen; son of Mr. and and Mrs. Enchel Barish, Mr. and lartiy Contest," which will be fea-ident of the Maccabee club a t their day, and committees of the Jewish Mrs. Max Cohen, 1720 Jones Street, Mrs. Jake Kalin, Mr. and Mrs. A. jealous? Dr. Joe will probably only ceedings. So you see we could tell tured. Those attended the dance closing meeting of the season held National Fund Council will solicit returned home this week from Lin- J. Galinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ro-work half time this week a s he you what girl told u s she is going •will vote upon entering the ball last Sunday afternoon. Other offi- the Jewish homes of t h e city with coln, Nebraska, where he was a stu- senblum, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ska- has to catch up on writing thank- to break off with the b. f. but we you for flowers and what nots. Mrs. room, and the announcement of the cers elected were Perry Osriowitz, flowers. dent a t t h e University. He will spend lovsky, Mr. and Mrs. William New Rube finally finished that knitted promised we wouldn't, so we won't. •winner will be made with a n elabo- vice presient; Rueben Ratner, secMiss. Lillian Dobrofsky is in the summer with his parents; man and Mr. and Mrs. L i p Wein- dress without dropping a stitch. Did We could tell you a lot of other retary, and Rudolph Shindler, treas- charge of t h e committees and M r . rate ceremony during the evening. stuff too, but we won't because i t ' s berg. we say you could buy the same too hot! We mean the weather. R. H.- Emlein- is in- charge of t h e Milt Askew and his orchestra of urer. thing for $2.98. We take it back. Charlotte and Doris Rosenstock, In the evening the Maccabees held transportation. Yankton will furnish the music for daughters . of Hr.. and M r s . Emil a weiner roast, with twenty-five Sam Ja^owitz, tenor, appeared on Well make i t 8.96. R. K. decided dancing. Rosenstock, arrived home this week the Commencement Program of Cen- if little Marvin Mazie could have Members of the Omaha Chapter of couples attending. Jack Mirowitz to spend the summer with their tral High School last evening with his tonsils out and not fuss about A. Z. A. No. 1 who will come to the was in charge of arrangements. parents. They have been studying a group of songs. Gisela Pill offered it, she could too. So she did. So city for a baseball game in the afterMoma K. decided if h e r little girl a t t h e University of Wisconsin, in a 'cello solo. noon with t h e local chapter will be Martin Daskovsky, son of Mr. and Madison. could do it and not fuss about it, guests a t the dance. A number of Sioux City's Exclusive she could too. So she did. And that's other out of town guests a r e ex- A brief service will be- held in Mrs. Meyer Daskovsky, Castle ApartMr. and Mrs. Ike Cherniss and ments, will present a. piano recital " H i g h Spot" pected to attend. Mount Sinai Temple this evening a t this evening a t 7:45 o'clock in t h e Lillian Magazines will arrive in daughters Zelda and Beth Seva of 7:30 o'clock. There will be no ser- Heizer School of Musci. His pro-the city next Wednesday from Ann Omaha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. DANCINGmon. FLOOR S H O W gram will include works of Bach, Arbor, Michigan to spend the sum- Ben Rosenblum, 3624 Jackson street, The final session of t h e Religious Beethoven, Schubert, MacDowell and mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. over t h e week end. Mr. Moses RoDINING— School will be held next Sunday- others. A. Silverberg.^.She h a s been en- semblum of Minneapolis was also a Every Night Except Sunday Among the dance students of the morning, June 11. A special assem29TH and 0OUGLAS STS. Assisting him on his program will rolled in t h e University of Michi- guest of his son and daughter-inNO COVER CHARGE Sioux City School of Music, who ap- bly will be held during the morning, gan. • —*"• '"'• law this week. They arrived here Auto Phone 8 3567 be Charles Randall, Chjirles Streigel, peared in the Kiddie Dance revue with children of the school taking Over 509-11 Fourth St. G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Supt. on the Orpheum stage last Tuesday part. Report cards will also be is- Virginia Cook and ' F l o r e n c e K a s s ^ He i s a pupil of Mrs. Frederick Lawrence' Silverberg will arrive were included the following: Fredell sued. home the latter, part of next week CALL Seven children were confirmed a t Eeizer. Sacks, Reesa Lazere, Dolly Shapiro, from Minneapolis, where he h a s been Barbara Robinson, Caroline, Lor- the services last Sunday morning. studying a t the University of Minraine and Pauline Raskin, Thelma They a r e Lewis Weinberg, Theodore nesota. Arnold Baron, Burnell KooShindler, Adele Mittenburg, Ronia Skalovsky, Joseph Rosenblum, Sidlish and Joe Ginsberg also enrolled Daskovsky, Barbara Davis, Lucille ney Kailn, Milton Galinsky, Leah (Formerly with Davidson Bros.) a t the University of Minnesota, a r e Mushkin, Sylvia Friedman, Annette Rose Newman and Miriam. Bariah. expected home on the 18th. TOR Baker, Joy Dean Arkin, Sere BarBrief addresses were made by each Lawrence Baron, who has been in •rent, Rae Kaplan and Dorothy Davis. confirmant, Rabbi Lewis spoke to Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, la., Dr. J . N . Lande has departed for the class and congregation on the for eight weeks recovering from' in9 subject on "The Meaning of Con-juries in an auto accident, arrived Chicago, where he will visit t h e EXPERT LOW firmation." Mr. A. M. Davis, presi- home Wednesday by ambulance. World Fair. Following his stay in WORK PRICES dent of the congregation, presented Mr. Baron suffered four fractures Chicago, Dr. Lande will go to MilPhone 85761 101120th St. the certificates of confirmation to in both arms and his left leg when a —A Safe Place to Bring the Kiddies— car containing five Sioux Cityans Plans for the midsummer picnic the class. DALE VOSS, Prop. went over a 200 foot embankment. He to be held July 23, were made a t also suffered a dislocated shoulder. the Senior Hadassah board meeting AT Mr. Baron is active in the demoTuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Levin STOCKS BONDS Members of the newly elected and.Mrs. A. Goodsite were hostesses Board of Directors of the Junior cratic party here, and among his vis; to the board. Hadassah met at t h e home of Miss itors while a t the hospital in Des Beautiful New Dance Floor Mrs. D. L. Rodin and Mrs. Charles Freda Albert, president, to map out Moines, w e r e Charles Hudspeth, Pleasant Surroundings Raskin were named chairmen of the a program of meetings for the sum- chairman of the democratic state cenGood Music picnic, which will be held in River- mer months. tral committee; Lieutenant Governor Enjoy Our Table Service 630 Davidson Bldg. Ph. 55349 view park. Without Cover Charge The installation meeting will be Kraschel, and Senator Vincent HarMrs. E . N . Grueskin and Mrs.held this month. Business m e e t i n g rington. We Have Louis. Agranoff were appointed will be held during the summer to YOUR FAVORITE BEER chairmen for the South Western Re- work out plans for the Regional Congional Hadassah Convention which vention, which is scheduled for NoSEE GUARANTEED will be held in Sioux City next fall. vember, and which will be held in LEONARD BARRICKS NITES Sioux City. for AETNA LIFE INSURANCE and All Kinds of General Insurance Final sessions of the Religious 435 Ins. Exch. Bid g., Ph. 85210 ED'S School were held last Sunday mornAccident ing. Because of the rain, picnics to Representing General te held by the various classes were Insurance postponad. The school met in assemThe Travelers' Insurance jly and following a program were Co. ;iyen candy. , 400 WAKNOCK BLDG. Ph. 68087 500 Jackson St. Phone 56595 NOW PLAYING
FORMER RESIDENT Prizes A r e A w a r d e d Workmen's Circle DIES IN CALIFORNIA to Best Children Plans Annual Picnic
Society News
waukee to attend a medical conven- to- attend the Confirmation on Sunday. tion there.
Hokka Chynik
Henry Ginsberg Heads Maccabees
J. N. F. Flower Day Next Sunday
In Recital Tonight
Modernistic Club Cafe
Mount Sinai
The Methodist Hospital
In Orpheum Revue
Ben Kaplan
Lawrence Baron Returns Home
Lik>U-Wanta Beach
Carpenter Work
Senior Hadassah s Mid-Summer Picnic
Wed., Sat & Sun.
Shaare Zion
As a result of the boycott of German goods in Palestine; the strong demand for beer has to be satisfied Trom another source. Large quantiiies of it have been ordered from Charles Fix, who supplies beer for ill of Greece.
Fresh Orange
Starts F R I , JUNE 9, 4 DAYS
14th and Nebraska Sts. "Chuck" Baldwin "Red" Barricks Bar-B-Q Hot Dogs
and PROSPERITY :il -y---iRepeal
Romance with heartbeat of Vienna, and Sonps of Strauss.
COOL Root Beer
Even Palestine Has Its Beer Problem
on CRYSTAL LAKE Swimming Fishing Refreshments Picnic Grounds
Junior Hadassah
Afetr and Used Cars. Aut/iorijed Setv/cf A/J Makes oat Models Paris-Accessories / \ STONES THROW FROM THE BUSINESS DISTRICT
"Alum and Eve" Cartoon
Latest News
Walter Hcstoa Constance Cummings
10c to 2 P. M. - Balcony Anytime
LOWER TAXES!! MORE EMPLOYMENT!! HIGHER WAGES!! Put Your X in the Circle Above the First Column of Candidates