In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Knit-nu uss bciuuo V/UN» Mini Uiuiet on Jununry 27, 1921, at m tiiiinlm. Nelinistn. under the Act of March S, 1879
German Jews Have to and WLcDonaldResume Old
f j "
• • Silver Shirts
VOL, IX—No. 20
American Jewry Applauds Senate Attack on Hitlerism
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Jews in Germany who adopted German-sounding Liberation S, zn weekly magazine F tion itself in order to keep the Fed- nameshave since 1914 will be ordered to published ii sa S|. ville, N. C, in its J eral Reserve Board and Federal Eeresume their former appellations in May 27 edj g ©-exposes" the Jewserve Banks intact as a money-savJewish Community Invited to the near future, the German press 'Tell World Jewry to ish control r^'--T'rTniational finances ing institution for foreigners." It Services and Reception at reports. A decree to this effect will EndProtesF— and Preside. **«:> .sevelt's "Jewishly was for making this speech that Temple Israel Tonight Heralded" nc _ ^ as an effort to Mr. MacFadden was reprimanded on be issued soon. The list of anti-Jewish laws will The Jewish graduates of the local drain Amerk .,\vVjds into the laps the floor of the House by Majority not be concluded with this decree, the Nazis high schools will be honored at grad- of "public eiiemies," portrayed as j Leader Byrnes of Tennessee more newspapers state, and forecast fur- Berlin, (J.T.A.)—A warning to the uation services and an informal recep- Jewish political leaders in England.' than a week ago. ther restrictions which are now be-. Jews the world over to discontinue Liberation states that the Monds, ing Liberation is the weekly journal of tion at Temple Israel this evening, prepared. anti-German propaganda on the New York, (J.TA.)—American uled for June 30, it was postpoiwS the "Silver . Shirts of America," a' Sassoons, and Euf us Isaacs dominate June 16, starting at 7:30 p. m. The threat that, otherwise, position of the Jewry through their leaders and or- to permit the American delegation the British Empire, own its newsminiature replica of the Fascist and entire Jewish community is invited to Nazi groups of Europe, with a slight papers, control its elections, and diJews in Germany will be made worse, ganizations united in expressing their to attend all the sessions. attend. appeared here in the Voelkisehe Beo- gratification to Senator Robinson of According to reports just received rect the affairs of the Bank of touch of the Ku Klux Klan. The program and reception are unbachter, official organ of Chancellor Arkansas, majority leader, for his at the headquarters of the Leagv»e, England. The publication asserts It asserts that "if Franklin D. der the joint auspices of the Social Eoosevelt had not been acquiescent that "Mr. Eamsay MacDonald is reAdolf Hitler, under the signature of anti-Hitler speech in the Senate last boycott committees are energetically Service committee of the Jewish Com- to (German-Jewish) alien money sponsibly alleged to have had a at work in most European countries, A. R.", believed to be fiiat of Dr. Saturday. munity Center and Welfare Federa- kings and their satraps from abroad Jewish mother, making him a halfProminent Jews expressed the particularly in Great Britain, France Alfred Eosenberg, head of the Nazi tion and the B'nai Brith lodge. party's foreign affairs department. opinion that Senator Robinson's strong and Poland, where the movement ?fc he never would have gotten a smell Jew." MacDonald's closest confidenWilliam L. Holzman will presidp. of the New York governorship— tial secretary, the magazine reveals, Dr. Rosenberg is editor-in-chief of criticism of the Nazi regime, coming spreading rapidly. The invocation will be given by Rabbi where a Jew, Lehmann, now sits en- is one Eose Rosenberg, "an arrogant as it did from the majority leader the: paper. In this country the League is m o David A. Goldstein and the benediction throned in his place, just as the half- little Jewess who openly brags that of the floor, would have an impor- bilizing the forces for boycott o* 'The situation of the German Jews About 300 Attend Testimonial by Eabbi Uri Miller. Eabbi Frederick Jew, Alfred Schmidt, popularly she runs the British Empire." may become worse in case world Jew- tant bearing on the future relations "goods and services tainted with Hii> Banquet Held Wednesday Cohn will deliver the address of wel- known as Al Smith, sat before him." Says Liberation: "Eose, according ry does not give up its plans for of the United States with the pres- lerism" from coast to coast. Reprsv Evening come to the graduates, and Albert destroying German economy," the ar- ent German government. Three full pages of the Congres- to under-cover agents, is the official sentatives of the League plan to Stein will give the response. ticle declares. "We will watch this, ROBINSON SPEAKS sional Eecord, embracing a speech by representative—we might even say confer with loading Jewish organiThe anthem by the Temple Israel "that sterling patriot, Louis T. Mc- spy—for the international organiza- Approximately three- hundred per- therefore, during the forthcoming "Washington.—The capitol was still zations in key cities. Professions, • choir, with Vernon C. Bennett at the Fadden," are reprinted in Liberation, tion of Ash'kanazim Hebrews, whose sons attended the testimonial banquet months." surprised at the statement by Sen- trades and industries, as well Rs organ, will open the program. They in which the President is attacked headquarters have been in Germany honoring Harry Trustin, recently elec- The article admits that there are ator James Hamilton Lewis on Sat- consumers, are being organized to will also sing the closing hymn, "Ein- for assuming a dictatorship which before the Hitler ousting." ted city commissioner, given at the individual Jews in Germany who, it urday assuring the Senate of the ban German goods and services white Xelv-heno." Ida Gitlin, one of the enables him to 'cancel war debts by Liberation says: "The British Paxton Wednesday evening under the says, are honestly pro-German. cessation of injustice and oppression Hitler rules. graduates, will render a vocal solo, fraud—and to internationalize this Cabinet contained and contains such auspices of the local lodge of the "However, they must carry their of the Jews in. Germany and providaccompanied by Mr. Bennett. There country and to destroy our Constitu- outstanding members of Ash'kanazim B'nai Brith, of which he is a past fate just as the rest of the Germans ing for protection of life, property WASHINGTON CONFERENCE will also be religious services. Jewry as Lord Eeading—real name, president. are compelled to bear the common and religious freedom in the future, j ASRS PRESIDENT TO ACT The reception to graduates and their Euf us Isaacs; and Lord Montagu— Dr. A. Greenberg was toastmaster. fate of 1918." Senator Lewis, in talcing an active! i n Washington.—Resolutions friends will be held after the program. Edward Samuel Montagu. He was introduced by Isadore Abramstand against anti-Semite policies of j g persecution of the Jews of GcrRefreshments will be served in the After a detailed discussion of the son, president of the lodge. the Nazi administration -with other tmany and urging President Rooscvrli; o vestry room, with Mrs. Jeanette Arngenealogy of Jewish political figures The speakers of the evening were members of the Senate declared that! act, were adopted by delegates *t> in Great Britain, the editor quickly Henry Monsky, Philip M. Klutznick, stein and her committee in charge. the American government has re-1 tending the American National Conshifts the scenes to this side of the and Mayor Eoy N. TowL They Dr. Philip Sher is chairman of the ceived assurance that "whatever has' ference Against Racial Persecution Atlantic. After briefly reviewing the arrangements. He is being assisted by praised Trustin for his services to the transpired from any quarter that • ^hich _ met in Washington at tbf "dubious practices" of former Presi- community as a leader in American Isadore Abramson, Max M. Barish., worked an injustice or oppression' " of James "W. Gerard, dent Hoover, our citizens are quoted Eugene Blazer, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Legion activities, Boy Scouts, Jewish on the Jewish people has ceased by American Amhassador to Germs-tsy. as crying despairingly": "But is there philanthropies, and various civic and Eabbi David A. Goldstein, Eabbi Uri The resolutions adopted the ordar of those in charge and Miller, Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Philip Anglo-Palestine Exhibition Be- no one we can trust? Are we all communal projects. the spirit of the resolution introcontrol of the government in Germen in public life 'sold out' to those ing Held Now in M. Klutznick, Leo Eosenthal, and duced in the House of RepresentaCommissioner Trustin responded Cincinnati^ (J.T.A.)—B'nai Brith many." Jewish Internationalists?" London Harry Silverman. tives by Congressman Hamilton Fisk is seeking a million signatures to a with a brief talk. The other city The statement of Senator Lewis In response, Liberation gives a This is the first year that services petition asking President Franklin D. followed with others by Senator Jos- and the petition of a group of atfcnrwere also present. "thunderous 'Yes'," (presumably to commissioners and a reception are being held for "the A congratulatory telegram .was Roosevelt to issue an official protest eph T. Robinson, Majority leader,! n e y s headed by Ehhu Root London, (J.T.A.)—The opening of "the first plaintive question). But high school graduates, and it is hoped the Anglo-Palestine Exhibition last for the American people against the and Senators Metcalf, Copeland, J B a m k i d p Colby •with Jewish control of press, radio, read from Sam Beber, who was schedto make it an annual affair. week was turned into an imposing and the cinema, it will be hard to uled to speak but was called out of despicable acts of the German gov- Walsh, Hatfield, Wagner and TydThey provided for a continuation ernment in its present campaign of ings, all of whom denounced the Hit- committee to perpetuate the conferpro-Jewish manifestation when Prime find these leaders, it states. The town Wednesday. Minister J. Eamsay MacDonald, in magazine sees new support being The "Harry Trustin Class" of twen- annihilation of all Jews in Germany. ler regime for its persecution of the ence and work toward creation of * Tens of thousands of B'nai Brith Jews. his address opening the exposition, -given the" Silver Shirt moven:«uit "to ty-five initiates of the B'nai Brith central body, mobilize public serilimembers from Maine to California admitted that the special reason for split a hardwood blocK Here exactly was presented by I. F. Goodman. The senatorial attack on the Nazi ment against wrongs existing is his presence on the occasion was his as Hitler has split it in Germany. An excellent program of entertain- are circulating copies of these peti- policies was precipitated by Senator Germany today, to "give assuranrsdesire to express, at this particular ment was presented, under the direc- tions, Alfred M. Cohen, president of Robinson when he described the Ger- of solace" to the victims, to time, his pleasure at being, associated tion of Abner Salman. • Included on the order, stated. Signatures of man spectacle as "sickening and ter-1 authentic information from with this Jewish. - enterprise a n i to the_ program wc'«r= Billy Myers . and both Jews and non-Jews are being rifying." The speech came an hourj and to co-operate with other o pay tribute to the great service which Frank Hodek of the Hodek Nightin- sought for ihe petition," whict "calls after the President appointed Ti'ii- j isations opposed to religious the Jewish people have rendered in gale band; Gener Cooper and his upon President Roosevelt to "add the liam E. Dodd of -Illinois Arnbassa- -racial persecution. progress of science,- art, politics "Music Men," songs by Goldie Thys- voice of our nation to that of the dor to Germany. Palestine Government Plan for the EMPTY OLYMPIC GAMES and civilization generally. trup, soprano of the Ak-Sar-Ben peoples of the world who love justice Senator Robinson declared that! Several Million Pounds r .,_,_ and liberty." show; paradies by Ab Kaiman. After describing the Jewish achUnder Advisement Germany's cruel policies toward the FRORilSE. "Peaceful and law-abiding citizens, The committee in charge of arievements in Palestine and the enInnsbruck. — T h e International rangements included Max Barish, Isa- resident in the land for over a thou- Jews "will bring their own penalthusiasm of the workers, Mr. MacJerusalem, (J.TJL)—The Palestine ties." He predicted the loss of in- Olympic Games Committee, whi.-.h sand years, loyal in time of peace dore Abramson, Harry Malashock, Dr. government has under advisement and Donald exclaimed, "My. Jewish friends Local Delegation Obtains Special Maynard Greenberg, Irvin C Levin, and war, the Jews in Germany have ternational prestige, moral reaction voted to keep Berlin as the sit? fit is contemplating shortly a loan of as long as that is the stuff of which Rates for Convention none the less had to endure the among the German people of far- the 19SC Olympic Games after £n? Sam Green, and Ephraim Marks. Beveral million pounds for the devel- you are, you can face many proscripeffect, and the loss of trade! action Germanwould delegation pledged that TIP Starting July 2 atrocious attack of unofficial troops reaching and commerce. be taken to interfws opment of Palestine partly on the tions and persecutions and flourish maintained by the Nazi government, Senator Metcalf described the with the participation of Jewish fit-hbasis of the plan submitted by Lewis as a result. and to find every avenue of social, Nazi action as a disquieting factor letes, including German Jews, in **>* All members of the local B'nai Brith Zionist Groups to French, Director of Development in "Palestine has less of an unem- who intend to attend the District € professional, and occupational oppor- to the peace of the world and a games, permitted itself to be dnp.*>f». the Palestine Administration, but al- ployment problem than any other B'nai Brith convention in Chicago tunity closed against them," the peti- blow against the American ideal of it is being charged. Meet on Tuesday so including, funds for other purposes, country. You balanced your budget July 2, 3, 4 and 5 are requested to tion declares. "The declared purpose religious freedom. Jews have been expelled from »S i t was learned here. I saw the first scratching of the communicate with Isadore Abramson, The United Palestine Council of of these oppressive measures is to Absolving the German people German sports organizations wnrtar Jewish circles, which believed that ground for the first colonies which president of the Omaha lodge, as spe- Omaha, embracing the various ZionLst drive Jews out of the cultural and from guilt of recent atrocities be- official orders and their participathe French plan had been abandoned are now represented at this exhibi- cial reservations and rates have been groups in the city, will meet next economic life of Germany, in strict cause "they are under a power over tion, therefore, is practically imnnss by the government, are greatly ex- tion, not only as a big declaration of made for members of the order. Tuesday evening, June 20, at the J. conformity with the principle enunci- which they have no control," Sen- sible unless they are reinstated. This cited at its reported revival at this faith and loyalty but as the fruit of Headquarters for the conclave will C. C. at 8 p. m. to discuss the forth- ated by Hitler as early as February ator Copeland approved the state- is not expected nor did the GeirnM5. time. The French report was never hard labor in a rich soil. I hope you be the LaSalle hotel. The hotel also coming Zionist congress, according to 25, 1920: 'No Jew may be a member ment of the Arkansas member. delegation promise that this sffijof our people'." made public, but it was generally will be ready to use your intelli- has garage facilities. Senator Wagner, whose boyhood would be taken. Morris Friedel, president. known to follow closely that of Sir gence and your muscles in laying the spent in Germany, called upon An elaborate program of entertainAfter a very short business session, "We petition your Excellency to was diplomatic circles in ?toi> Joim Simpson, which aroused a heavy foundations of a still more beautiful ment for visiting delegates and their there the German people to unite with linForeign use the gocd offices of this governwill be an open discussion on the express surprise that the contra storm of protest. The report is be- home and land.': Americans in condemning "actions ladies has been provided. The main election of delegates to the World ment, through proper diplomatic ence at Vienna permitted itself t.> Kcved to point out that there are no Turning to the non-Jews, Mr. Mac- feature will be Jewish Day on July 3 Zionist Congress. Every shekel-holder channels, and in accordance with the. which are threatening the basis of he misled by the German delegabfvr. state lands available ^for Arab and Donald urged them to visit Palestine On the program of Jewish Day will is entitled to vote, and the number of traditions of our country, to make civilization." the Jewish question. 1l it, Jewish settlement and that settle- and "enjoy life right down to the be the pageant, "A Eomance of a Peo- delegates of each district is deter- clear that together with the entire Senator Millard Tydings recalled regarding believed that the national ment of Jews by the government is roots of your being. But apart from ple," to be presented at the stadium mined by the number of Zionists en civilized world the American people Jeffersonian policies of granting re- bodies in the various countries «.-£;! ligious freedom. Tydings said, "I :a remote possibility. are struck with horror at these the touristic and Biblical aspect of n the World's Fair. Every out-of-town the membership roster. revive the question when their do letoo want to join in respectful proPalestine," he said, "it is of the ut- delegate and his lady will receive The discussion Tuesday will be led events, and at their continuance des- test against the treatment of Jews gates return from Vienna to rennri. London.—The Colonial Office de- most importance from a commercial complimentary tickets for Jewish Day. pite the suave assurances of the Geron the action they took. by several speakers. clined to confirm or deny reports viewpoint." man Chancellor as to Germany's in Germany and to offer a word of On Sunday evening, July 2, there A Vienna dispatch to the Jewish. sympathy at this time when they of K loan of several million pounds peaceful intent. The Prime Minister joined Lord will be a reception, music, dancing and Telegraphic Agency reported it are the victims of intolerance." Senfor the development of Palestine. It Beading who presided, in an appeal refreshments. At the annual banquet Musical Program "In accordance with the courageleBrn d ators Walsh"'and" Hatfield "also" de-j J! from _ reliable is Earned reliably, however, that the for cooperation between Arab and there will be a musical program, enous and enlightened leadership of the the German delegation had file fc7m of the loan is not settled and Jew "on which the future of Pales- tertainment and a speaker of national nounced persecution in Germany. United States, which you have alBy Pioneer Women ready afforded in so many respects, the names of President Paul that the sanction of parliament will tine rests. prominence. LEAGUE PETITIONED TO Hindenbnrg and Chancellor Hi have to be obtained for it. In that "You have had your grievances There will also be automobile tours A musical program and entertain- we petition you to add the voice of EXTEND BERNHEIM that no moral or physical ft case, the government will have to ac- against the British government," he c e r the city, ending with a trip ment our nation to that of the peoples will be sponsored by the Pioneer DECISION would be exerted to prevent the 1 quaint parliament with the exact na- declared. "So have L Governments through Chinatown and dinner. Women at the J. C. C. Sunday eve- of the world who love justice and New York.—A petition requesting' R a t i o n of Jewish athletes in ture and purposes to which the loan were made to disappoint people in liberty, and to transmit to the GerThe trip from the hotel to the Ex- ning, June 18, at 8 p. m. •will be applied. man government this petition signed the Council of the League of Nations ' Olympics. too great a hurry. The Palestine position grounds will be made underFeatured on the program will be by American citizens of all forms of to extend its jurisdiction over antiDespatches in the past few The assumption that the French problem is exceedingly difficult, in- ground via subterranean railroad. local youthful talent. "Miss Grace religious belief." Semitic discriminations beyond Uphax'e revealed the almost complete report has been abandoned by the volving the settlement and developThere will be luncheons, card par- Abbott's Kidnite Follies" will be preper Silesia to include the "whole of exclusion of Jews from the government has not been substanti- ment of immigration. ties, and other diversions for the sented, with Miss Betty Fellman acGermany will be presented to the bodies of the Reich. ated. On the contrary, it was only "Go on with your pushing and de- ladies by the hostess committee. companying at the piano. Abraham League by the American Jewish N A Z I OFFICIAL P A P E R S recently reported that the British manding and we will do our best to Dansky will render several piano soCongress, Can™™. through t W r f , Dr. 7*, Leo I... MM^ lo- ,t. , R E g U R f f i A T T A C K High Commissioner fo Palestine had satisfy you." Auxiliary to Present Club's Cabaret los, and Miss Thelma Gaspar will play chairman. of the Committee of Jewrequested the Jewish Agency and the Lord Beading thanked the Prime selections, accompanied at the Delegations, and Dr. Emil T.IarInnsbruck.—A renewal of "Heart of New York" violin Arab Executive to submit their ob- Minister especially for showing sinand Style Show ish piano by Mrs. David A. Goldstein. gulies, CzechoslovakiE.n Jewish lead- anti-Semitic agitation in the V<vvservations enabling the High Com- cere sympathy and interest" in PalPretty models and novelty surprises er, who presented the Bernheim pe- kische Beobachter. Adolph Hit)©?1** "Heart of New York," an English Mrs. J. Raznick will present a monmissioner, on the basis of these ob- estine and in the work of the Jewish newspaper, and in Der Angriff, servations, to submit a plan to the j National Fund under whose auspices all-talking picture depicting Jewish ologue written by herself, entitled are features of the cabaret and style tition to the League. show to be given by the women memlife in the great metropolis, will be "Chanah Proskowitz." The American Jewish Congress Goehbels publication, has been British government which will issue the exhibition was organized. The holder of the "winning ticket bers of the Highland Country club, will also appeal to the British gov- sumed contrary to the recent a statement on policies for the de- The exhibition, Lord Reading de- presented under the auspices of the Wednesday, June 28. Women's AuxiEary of the Vaad will ernment, requesting it to introduce moderate tactics employed by velopment of Palestine. clared, "shows. the remarkable man- H'Oehr Tuesday evening, June 20, at awarded an electric refrig- Members of the younger social set the subject at the next session of the Nazis in connection with the Jp ifest progress of Palestine under the the Circle theatre. There will be two Mrs. J. Richlin will preside. She is will do all the entertaining, and secret Council, question. This has occasioned j British mandate. It shows the ad- shows, one at 7 p. m, and the other being assisted in arrangements by whisperings aroinid the club indicate tember. which will be held in Sep- surprise since both of the Tie* A. Z. A. Alumni to of reciprocal trade. Apart at 9 p. m. Tire virtually the official organ? Mrs. M. Minkin, Mrs. L Hurwitz, Mrs that the entertainment will be worth Organize in Omaha vantages from the material side of the exhithe government. Eothkowitz, Mrs. Max Goldstein, Mrs. many times the fifty-cents-a-eonple WORLD BOYCOTT The stars in the picture include bition, it shows the cultural and eduSteps were taken for the organiza- cational in the archaeological and his- George Sidney, Aline McMahon, Don- J. Hahn, Mrs. S. Nitz, and Mrs. J admission price. Members of Hie club CONFERENCE will also model, the garments being New York.—An American delegation of a functioning A. Z. A. Alumni torical sections. We look forward ald Cook, and Ruth Hall. Admission Feldman. is twenty-five cents for adults and ten All proceeds will go to the Chalut- furnished by several of the down- tion, headed by Samuel Untermeyer, Solomonow Awarded group in Omaha at a meeting Tues- with confidence." rioted authority, snd Dr. A. Coracents for children. zos in Palestine. "The increased im- town stores. day at the J. C. C. The alumni will Corpus Juris Volumes The picture is based on the play, migration, of young women to Pales- Art Randall's orchestra will furnish Inik, well-known Jewish publicist, aid in the forthcoming international Palestine-Syria Phone will represent the American League the music for the evening. The affair tine from Poland, Ukrania, and Ger "Mendel, Inc.", which enjoyed a year's convention of the order in Omaha. for the Defense of Jewish Sights at run in New York last season. It con- many," states the organization, "ha- is open to the public Temporary officers elected were: Service E. Joseph Solomonow, freshman Jtw the world boycott conference to open resulted in a call for increased aid. Mrs. Phillip Levey is chairman, and tains the pathos of New York's east Jerusalem.—As part of the policy Stanley F. Levin, president; Erwin "Wezelman, vice-president; M o r r i s of completely modernizing Palestine, side life, lightened by the comic in- We urge the general public to spend is being assisted by Mrs. Abe Herz- in London July 15. The conference, student at Creighton University, «•« TTranklin, secretary; Joe Cohen, treas- the administration has just announc- cidents which occur to real people. The an enjoyable evening Snnday wbili berg and Mrs. MortonIQsgen, tickets; sponsored by the Anglo-Jewish awarded the Corpus Juris set of 5*>w urer. ed that telephone communication with picture is essentially a dramatic study aiding a noteworthy cause.** Tickets Mrs. Dave Feder, models; Mrs. Jean- Coi-ncil of Trades and Industries, books given annually to the on? hst-headed by Lord Melchett, will organ- ing the best set of legal resrtir."* The next meeting will be leld Mon- Syria will be inaugurated at the end of how the "four million" live, •using at fifty cents a couple may be ob- ette Arnstein, Mrs. Irrin Stalmaster, ize a world-wide boycott against Hit- problems in the class. Solomonow '?* tained from any member or at the and Mrs. Louis Somberg, entertainthe Mendel family as the focal point day evening at the J. C. C , with all of this month. The charge for this lerite Germany. Originally sched- vice-president of Phi Beta Epsilon, door.-: ' • • • ' • • ; • • • • ment. for plot development < Alumni of the A. Z.A. urvited. * service is to b* VMJT reasonable.
Ruthless Reign of Terror Against Get* man Jewry Denounced on Floor of Congress
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1933 the fifteenth birthday of the Habima, contest, which is headed by the dis- chover, Jacob Fichman, S. Permian, tinguished Hebrew poet, C. U. Blalik, and two representatives of the Hato be celebrated on October 8. The committee of judges for this includes Saul Tchernicovaky, F. Iia- bima.
Will Civilization Be airy Teife of
othe Saltzman; seventh commandment, Bennie Kutler; eighth commandment, Shirley Maltz; ninth commandment, Robert Hoffman; and the tenth commandment, Sylvia Endelman. A large crowd atetnded the confirmation services. Following the confirmation, refreshments were served in the reception room.
Perspiresand Talks" By Henrich Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Steinberg will leave Sunday on a motor trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey to attend the National Grocers "Convention next week. Mn Steinberg is* president: of the Iowa Grocers and is a delegate to attend the President's reception at the convention. They will also visit success was due less to their own in New Brunswick and Chicago .beV-. power than to the aid of traitors. In- fore returning home. cidentally,!'that Success came just in time; their vofeV were declining in ^ Dr.Julius Moskevitiris expecting number—^he peat had been passed. to leave Sunday fbr New York City, Furthermore, as so few are aware, a to be gone for two weeKs. coalition of the two labor parties was imminent. I know this, for I myself Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enterworked toward that end, and because tained the members of their eveping of my activity was compelled to re- bridge club at their home Tuesday sign from the Prussian Academy of evening. Arts. The Communists would have become reconciled with the SocialMiss Sarah Solomonow and her Democrats; the workers wanted this, brother, Joseph Solomonow, left Wedand the leaders of both parties would nesday for Sioux City, la., to spend a have had to yield. But then there few days visiting friends. would have been no more Communist peril, or even a semblance of it, and Miss Ruth Schwab of Chicago, 111., no one could have used it as a pre- arrived here Monday "for a month's text for gaining power. A majority visit with relatives-^ She is dividing would have been created for the Re- her stay with her cousins, Mr. and public. The blow against it had to Mrs. Sam Kosenthal and Mr. and Mrs. be struck before this majority could London. come into being. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 But what did the victorious band of adventurers, once enthroned in f the Independent Order of the palaces and posts of power, then do B'nai Brith held a meeting Monday for that civilization which they evening at the Eagles halL Plans claimed to have saved? For a fort- were made for a mass meeting for night nothing happened; the new rul- the entire local Jewry to be held on ers, meeting with no resistance, found une 26, at the Eagles hall, to disno occasion for revealing themselves cuss the Anti-Semitic situation in in their true colors. Then the occas- Germany. ion presented itself: the firing of the All items for this column must be Reichstag building. It was announced that an enormous number of incen- phoned in to Miss KAtelman at 650 diary devices had been discovered. or 4491, before 5 o'clock each WedActually the fire department found nesday in order to assure publication a single such device, lying in the cor- for that week's issue of the Jewish ' ridor leading to the dwelling of the Press. President of the Reichstag—that very Goering who prates of Western civ- Offer $500 for Hebrew ilization, trembling and perspiring the Drama ( i.
er have triumphed, not even temporarily and under catastrophic conditions, as National-Socialism succeeded in doing.- The German Communist party never wholly adapted itself to its role, never acted independently; it onlyvobeyed. the orders of Moscow —and that it did badly. For it had no deep inner conviction of its mission, and hence was neither prepared nor powerful. ; What had the party achieved? A hundred deputies; and the large fol"Goering trembles and perspires"-- lowing this implies derived from the this line stood in a French Catholic same sources as that of the Nazis— the wretchedness and spiritual conpaper, p p , in one of the most-extraordfusion of the masses. We know that ^ b inary interviews journal. Goering,ever a camej^itby_any the same class of people went now journal Goering JTatibnaiiStfcial' ist, Minister of the aInterior, also the with the one, now with the other of head of the Prussian Cabinet, and. in the two extreme parties. They were addition President of the Reichstag— the unemployed, the despondent, igthis great chief had once more norant young people who had no aim spoken for the foreign press; that, —all impelled solely by hatred of the indeed, constitutes these gentlemen's existing order and by the desire for chief occupation. This time he took a catastrophe which would at last some of the journalists into his pri- permit them to relieve their feelings. vate apartment, to give them special In the end the Nazis gained most treatment. Of course all the partici- of them. Why? Because there was pants were Nordics, genuine Scandin- money in the Nazi camp. Because avians. No one seems to know how arms were there. Because Nazis ran the Frenchman get there^ Perhaps about in uniforms and openly threathe donned a long blond beard and ened the State. The Republic allowed this. The police, the political parties played the Viking bold. First of all Goering assured his lis- were full of weaklings and traitors, teners that his health was unim- so that for years there was no hindpeachable. Evidently . he; considered rance to the organization of an armthis the most important point, and ed host of enemies of the State, to devoted the major part of the inter- the; spreading of insecurity, to the view to it. It was true that the instigation and commission of murSwedish press had reported that some der. J t was permitted to threaten years ago Goering had suffered a the Republic and all Republicans with dire fate. But only to the Nazis, sudden attack of insanity on - the streets of Stockholm. It had been sever to the Communists, was all this s t necessary to take.him to a hospital, ermitted. while. " r . . . s : - - \ . . - , y . . - :;•••• ;• , • df the? Habi•where his actions were such that he . The ''Red Front" was dissolved not Now?they- could let themselves go: had to be removed to an insane asy- jy Goering but by the Republic. The Now came the *. pogroms, the concen-ma the world-famous _ Hebrew dralum. No doubt his condition was due iiazi storm troops never were dis- tration camps and all the other ac- matic organization, shave announced to the fact that he had been deprived solved. A brief and feeble attempt tions to save civilization. They are i prize of $500 for the best Hebrew of morphine. If one is accustomed was made to prohibit the wearing of the actions of creatures that know ilay to be written on the occasion of to using it one must have it. And their uniforms, but the proscription nothing, desire nothing beyond their National-Socialist ministers surely was recalled almost immediately. Did own hatred and greed. To hold three have a right to be morphine addicts. ;he Communists offer any resistance highly-paid posts at once, to live in They have taken over so many other when they were deprived of their palaces, to force, for no good reason rights that the self-adiministration of military organization ? No; they sub- or purpose, the country to submit to morphine becomes a minor .matter. mitted. When their arms were con- their mania for power; that satisfies : To kill and expropriate Jews, to con- fiscated the most they did was to their mean ambition. They" can work f i n e Socialists in concentration hide away a few guns. From time for nothing higher than themselves. camps and to kill them while "in to- time the Republican police would They are people who do not think flight;" to subject world-famous in- uncover a hidden store of weapons^ and who hate thought; that is why, tellectuals to the torment of prison almost invariably this would be a despite all their great crimes, they if they failed to leave the country in lommunist cache, practically never a always remain petty failures. Us time; to reduce part of the nation ot National-Socialist one. The Nazis re- who think they hate more than all a state of terror while another part ceived protection to a degree that others, incomparably more' than the is unleashed like a pack of wild filled even adherents of the Republic Communists and even more violently beasts—to accomplish all this proper- with contempt for a state thus sur- than the Jews—whom, in truth, they ly one does need morphine. rendering. Nazis were permitted the nate quite enough. According to Goering the Social wildest ravings in their press; they Like most stupid people: they are Democratic press of Sweden libeled were allowed to mention any one of sly. Goering thought he was winhim after the Stockholm police had us by name in their lists and to rec- ning the foreign, journalists when he been so inexcusably tactless as to ommend us for murder. But if a played the savior of- Western civilizamake public the records dsaling with Jommunist newspaper spoke even tion from Communism. Western civhim. True, the reproduction of of- slightly out of turn the very lino- ilization has little inclination for ficial records in a newspaper cannot typers and the women who sold the Communism. But its condition is constitute libel. But Goering failed papers were jailed by the courts. such that it can, easily ifall p r e s t o to hear the objections and questions Who were the assassins ? I defy unscrupulous soldiers of •fortoh&'Vit of the Nordic journalists; carried any one to cite a single assassination was the Republic; "inadequate ' anil away by his subject, he talked on committed by Communists during all weak though it may have been, that and on. Kis bulky body trembled these years. But the list of Nation- represented Western civilization in the perspiration flowed from his mas al-Socialist crimes is endless. Who Germany. On the other hand, advensive forehead; instead of talking he attacked people in the streets? Who turers seldom remain successful to yelled, until he choked and could yel conceived the infamous idea of enter- the end; and civilization will ^yet be no more. Surely perfectly healthy ing the very houses of those who held restored. people with no Swedish experience different political opinions, and mur(Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts look like that every day in the week dering or mutilating people in their Feature) . i •' ' The French Catholic newspaperman own home? Not the Communists— mentions these symptoms only inci not they! Like animals cornered and dentally and, no doubt, without malic tormented, they turned at last to deaforethought; but that makes them fend themselves. This, and this all the more significant. This ad alone, is what brought on the guerilla herent of law and order who write warfare of recent years between the for a picus journal may, on the con Nazis and Communists—a war waged BY P . R. K. trary, be rather sympathetically in in the dark, in cellars, in open-air •••> dined toward the cause represente camps at night. But no matter how Ten members of the Council Bluffs by that many-titled dignitary, if no unmistakable the evidence the courts Talmud Torah "Sunday School; w£re toward his person. When Goerin delayed the cases and never made a confirmed at services held Sunday afhad finally exhausted the theme o: clear pronouncement as to who had ternoon at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel "I and Sweden" he declared his in been the aggressors, although every synagogue at 618 Mynster street one knew their identity. tention of eradicating Communism; Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha was the sentiment that finds favor with man; Goering, installed in his ministerial guest speaker. His subject was "The who would • have nothing to do wit palace, today permits himself the Meaning of Confirmation." a- Goering otherwise. impudent statement that the Nation- Dr. Isaac Sternhill, vice president Foreigners traveling in German; al-Socialists saved Western civiliza- of the Talmud Torah, welcomed the sometimes ; write * home: "The nev tion from Communism. The truth confirmants, and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky government must be credited with re of the matter is that civilization has president of the Ladies Auxiliary of storing order and purging the coun- no worse enemy than these murder- the Talmud Torah Society, presented try of Communists." They have been ers by conviction, these racial fanat- the certificates of confirmation to the told this, and in consideration of it ics, these grave-diggers of democratic ten members of the 1933 class. J. Z. tend to forgive and forget everything institutions. They began their war Stadlan, principal of the Talmud Torelse. For the Western world does against the Communists with the ex- ah, was in charge of the services, and press purpose of creating a state of led the members in singing their not like Communists. Against this let me state vigorous- anarchy; otherwise they would never psalms,_ accompanied at the piano, by ly and clearly that the German Re- have attained power. It was their Miss Ruth Shyken. One feature of public never needed to be saved from intention to reduce the Republic to a the services was the Ten Commandexplained Communism. It did need to be saved state of dissolution so that they ments and their meanings, ; from National-Socialism; but that, themselves could become the masters. by the confirmants, in the following It was, not against the Communists order: first commandment, Eugene unfortunately, was neglected. To begin with, the German Com- that they were fighting when they Telpner; second commandment, Leona munists were not true Communists. invaded homes and murdered people. Fried; third commandment; Harold Fundamentally, that doctrine is as It was the Republic that they meant Fox; fourth commandment, Marian Perlmutter; fifth commandment, Leo alien to the Germans as to all Wes- to destroy. tenv people. Communism would hev- And finally they succeeded, though Meyer son; sixth pommandment, IJor•This article was -written by Heinrich Mann, outstanding German man of letters, exclusively for the S e v e n Arts syndicate. , Herr Mann, a non-Jew and a brother of the Nobel Prize winner, Thomas Mann, is himself one of Europe's most distinguished novelists. > and essayists. He is now living in France, having been exiled from Germany by the Hitler' ""government.—The":Edito'r..-,-'--W,'.:;'.'••:
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The Human Panorama.... By Harry Mendelson
•world cast him out, the Jew found snough saving happiness in his inellectual, social, and moral activities ;o repudiate the world in return. Thus it came to pass that, amid poverty md persecution, he could recite with aradoxical enthusiasm in his daily jrayers, 'Happy are we; how goodly s our position and how fair our lot.' ranted sufficient imagination and will, even a prison, for all its confining walls and cruel bars, can by a mental 'tour de force' be converted into a palatial residence."
ular Alepha in their club activities. Omaha alumni are forming definite plans to fete visiting AZA alumni and Ben B'riths in a style becoming them as it is practically certain that a goodly portion of the convention visitors will be composed of , these elderly men. Since this is in actuality a homecoming convention, I believe that no greater spirit could be displayed by the old vanguard—the alumni—then for them to help us celebrate our Tenth-Anniversary Convention.
ly adds "grace and charm to bur con- AZA Night at Peony Park" Monday, Thought l e a d s to resignation.claves, is permeated by the girls who June 26. Amiei. help entertain and in general create a hospitable atmosphere for AZA visitors. We are very fortunate in having enlisted the services of one of the finest group of charming young ladies ever to act as hostesses during any convention. These girls are giving very amply of their, time and effort towards perpetuating traditional Oma ha AZA hospitality. AZA aoffs its hat to Beulah Belzer, Pearl Bernstein, Mary Cutler, Dora Dolgoff, Louise Fiteh, Marjie Kaplan, Sara Kaplan, Mildred Lipsey, Sylvia Tenenbaum, Bernice Yousem, and Anne Zwieback. We deeply appreciate your splendid co-operation.
Their is a widely used Yiddish expression, "Gott shcikt tzu di refuah far der macke." God sends the cure before the plague. How appropriate and appliable it is to Jewish survival ? In last -week's column it -was pointed out^ that a preliminary preparation, You are undoubtedly aware, by an ideological equipment and a social now, that this is no ordinary convenisolation were factors in the survival tion and that no ordinary methods are of the Jew. ; being used in its preparation. This Much has been written lately about colorful ceremony will be a veritable the inferiority complex and especially treasure chest; one bound to remain By Art Grossman about the manner in which various a vivid and life-lasting memory. Kemember if any of you have acpeople compensate for their frustratHowever, no AZA convention has commodations to house AZA boys ed and suppressed wishes, desires and ever been termed a success solely during the convention, please" call Joe enth International AZA Convention passions, and how they manage by through the efforts of the chapters Blumenthal at 2412 North 16th street. Omaha, July 9-10-11 hook or crook to save their deflated presenting it. One of the real inWe. 4511. egos from complete annihilation eithDon't fail to purchase a ticket for A mere three weeks yet remain be- spirations, the one that most certainer by developing superiority complex fore Aleph Zadik Aleph convenes here or by sublimating, cannalizing their libido, life force, into other channels in celebration of its Tenth Internathat are creative or at least socially tional convention. Something of the magnetism of acceptible. A neglected child may gain the ad- that vivacious band, who first met in miration of his parents or relatives Omaha ten years ^go, to piant the by excelling in some field of activity; seeds of our now potent Order, has a, puny individual, who is the object mparted itself to the Alephs here." What enthusiasm! Everybody is of ridicule at the hands of his or her more robust contemporaries, niay ac- talking about the convention^-everyhieve the acclaim of the world by ac- body is working for the convention! The air is full of pep—candles even hieving greatness in the realm of the flicker and dance way into the wee spirit; a woman, lacking physical bfeauty, may receive the attention of hours of morning as the program is many admirers by cultivating a molded into shape. Believe me, never charming1 personality and a beautiful have I seen such radiant faces and mind. And so without end, some of ardent zeal. • All of these things truly reflect the the world's greatest achievements, for that matter, come from the hands reaction of real leaders and boosters. and minds of men and women at Every Jew in Omaha should be genv/hose vitals were gnawing various in- uinely enthused over the manner in which their AZA boys are preparing" BEAUTY PARLORS feriority feelings. ACCOUNTANTS for this stupendous convention. It is The eviction of the Jews from Pala credit to Omaha Jewry. estine sowed within the group mind indeed LAKE STREET AUDITS Every that has ever sponsored the inferiority feeling. Among the a districtcity BEAUTY SHOPPE or international AZA conSYSTEMS nations among whom they, sojourneu vention pledges itself to do all within 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX they labored under the same difficul- its scope to make its particular conMrs. Lou Farber, Prop. ties, psychological and social, that the vention the most varied, unique, and • neglected or unwanted child labors interesting ever presented. Abramson under. Israel found its salvation in The New Doart Vetror surely must desire to aid us Doable Curler Permanent a" compensatory culture. Eviction in Omaha Audit Co. Wave staging the proper sort of profrom his native soil brought an abid- gram. Certified Public decta. ~ do this, however, we must $3.00 ing conviction in his own latent pow- have a To strong financial foundation. -•". 852I Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship ers; dispersion came to mean immeris not the purpose of the men Bldg. sion in the world culture without ba- in Itcharge this convention to solicit ing submerged, inferiority feelings individual of JA. 4811 9 Sears Present Location donations to a general conwere transmited into superiority of vention fund as has besn the pracachievements, ' suppression spelled tice in other cities. Nor is it their unique expression, insolation from the purpose business men to social and political life about him advertise toin arequest special convention bookBEVERAGES brought about- group compensation let. AUTOMOBILES , .. " .; ; :/•;.;; ••• ••• and persecution led to execution of We can readily appreciate the" immortal works. Denied the world status of business conditions and unDRINK! New and Used from without, he gained the world derstand why some advertisers would from within; refused a place of re- be skeptical about advertising in a Cars Golden Spike fuge, he built'up a haven of safety medium which would hardly bring Pale Dry Gingerale • within his own group life. profitable returns. Ideal Lime Rickey The last, but not least important, Where Price, Quality, What we intend to^ do, and what we of the factors in the survival'of the' expect you to help us put over ;utfine- '»»<F Service Meet IdeaTSoda Waters Jew was his compensatory culture. fashion is this. . : Manufactured and. About it Rabbi Steinberg has the folMORTON'S Distributed by On Monday night, June 26, the Exlowing to say; Even a Jew does not ecutive Convention Committee is stagGARAGE Ideal Bottling Co. The combination of ing an "AZA Night at Peony Park." STUDEBAKER enjoy misery all the factors we have so far enum- Not only will you enjoy yourself, SALES and SERVICE WE, S04S erated would not have been sufficient dancing to the enchanting strains of; 1808 North 20th St. : 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 to keep him set had he been funda- Harry Fisher's music but you will almentally unhappy . . . The astounding so be contributing your bit towards fact is that, for all the cruel ingenu- making our coming convention one of ity of the world, he enjoyed his Jud- which Omaha •will justly be proud. aism. Compelled to make a virtue BODY tFENDER Tha admission is one dollar per of necessity, he found it to be a pleas- couple, including entrance to the park, ant activity . . . That he derived joy free auto Auto Body and Fender parking and dancing with New and Used Repair Repairing, Painting from pain and* extracted sweetness "your one and Parts and Accessories tor only." Tickets may be Complete Upholstering from .gall is due ,to his intense cuiCars and Trucks at a and Glass Service Saving tural life. This it was which com- purchased from any AZA member in Wicker Furniture Merchandise Guaranteed pensated him abundantly in satisfac- Omaha or. Council Bluffs. Fainted and Repaired Make June 26 a night of nights by tions, intellectual and aesthetic. Paul Brodrick : "Jews, surveying their own pas planning to attend this gala affair. .often express astonishment at the Morris Franklin, chairman of the'; Star Auto 2118-22 Cnming breadth arid' depth of the civilization Alumnus Committee, requests all AZA AT. 6208 which they have inherited . . . But alumni, residing Parts Co. in Omaha to get in the amazement disappears when one touch with him at Since 1922 S. M. CLAYM AN, Itfgr. considers the urgency which impelle call Market 1236. 3311 Q street, or Soliciting Quality l Jewish cultural life. For, since th< AT. 930» Work An alumni meeting was held last Jew would not die, he had his choice Tuesday 17th and Chicago St. evening at the J. C. C. for of only two alternatives. HE MUST organization purposes. This moveEITHER CONSTRUCT A COMPEN- ment is really not in the embryo SATING CULTURE TO MAKE stage as other large cities, which EXISTENCE TOLERABLE, OR GO boast BUS LINE strong AZA chapters, already, BATH PARLOR STARK MAD. This accounts for the have alumni groups to assist the regpassionate devotion of the Jew to his spiritual values, for his intense abMASSAGE Chicago $5.50 sorption in books, for his reverence MEDICATED BATHS 7/te for scholarship. With other peoples, Lincoln $1.25 culture is an after thought, a by-proPAUL SPOR Special until Sept. 1 Wahoo $1.00 duct of normal living, an amusement Reduced price of $1.50 Des Moines §2.00 for leisure hours. With the Jew it for full treatment in Denver $7.50 DANCING was a condition for sanity. ladies department. Detroit $7.50 EVERV NIGHT ._ ._ Los Angeles $20.00 "In part out of a sense of duty, but 'Um&r:Ote JtarA 56»»CCsnM* Re-Nu-Health much more out of rigid necessity, the BUS DEPOT jew concerned himself with education Baths and instruction. He made it a life Edwards Hotel Bldg. WHEAT, CORN. OATS AT. 3911 purpose for each individual to learn 306 N. 16th HA. 5000 For Information Call or Write Elks Bldg., 3rd Floor the tradition. The process of instruction began in early infancy; it was TAYLOR GRAIN CO. terminated only by death. Long beTH-.33 Omaha drain Exchange Bidefore modern pedagogy, the Jew enJ A 3403—AT 8008 gaged in adult education . . . This Private Wire Connections WItb gave him an interest, an escape from JAS. E. BENNETT CO. reality, and a sense of satisfaction We Are Distributors and pleasure that made him forget Hamilton for the Well Known the badge of shame on his breast . . . Omaha Manufactured Cafe There were no objectives for him to conquer; he found them instead in the 2406 Farnam Street GRANT realm of books and ideas. Luncheon Served 11 to S "The conditions of Jewish living BATTERY Dinner Served 5 to » were further mitigated by an elaAnd Guarantee All We Blake Our Own borate'round of customs and obserFastries „ Sales vances. If the intellectualism of the Private Dining Room Batteries Serviced ghetto spread a cold light into its for Parties National Tire Shop darkness, ceremonialism contributed Open AH Night ' 17th and Capitol a diffusion of warm colors . . . From The Sign of .TA. 8278 AT. 6427 all his activity the Jew derived Good Workmanship . aesthetic satisfaction. It served him JA.1614 as the poetry of his life. Through Offices Brandeis Fheatre Bldg ceremonials, loyalties, unconsciously OMAHA vitalized, ceased to appear as burdens. "Thus it came to pass that, while
Convention Thoughts...',\
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by "
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e y e a r . - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
The Week in Review Following Through
A measure of consolation and elation has been experienced by world Jewry the last week or so because of a double victory over the German Nazis and their "cold pogrom" against the Jewish people. The diplomatic victory at Geneva, when the Council of the League of Nations adopted the Lester report rebuking Germany for anti-Semitic discriminatory laws in Upper Silesia, was undoubtedly a blow hard for the Hitlerites to take, and the spokesmen of the German government plainly showed their resentment and dissatisfaction. Closely thereafter, the German Nazis had to make another open concession anent their treatment of the Jews in order to save the 1936 international Olympic games and its resulting inpouring of money for Berlin, by stating that "As a principle, German Jews shall not be excluded from German teams at the games of the eleventh Olympiad." This last assurance was made necessary by the threat of the international committee to change the site of the Olympiad and by the world-wide protests, including that of twenty American Olympic champions, winners in the 1932 series. These victories warm our hearts, for it demonstrated thathonest, intelligent world opinion has still retained its decency and fairness. But, it will not do for us to be falsely misled by the inner importance of these victories ... . the theoretical satisfaction that we are right will not re-establish broken hearts and homes. The fact remains that even after the Bernheim decision at Geneva dispatches from Upper Silesia tell of an official National Socialist appeal to the general population not to patronize Jewish businesses or Jewish professional men. The Nazis there can strangulate the Jewish population economically without having their decrees written into the law. And as regards the entire Reich, reports continue to tell of unabated terrorism prevailing, with subtle persecution taking the place of open hooliganism. In regard to the Olympic games, the German concession though a bitter pill for them to swallow, was obviously made for the revenue and prestige the games will bring. There are other ways of keeping Jewish athletes off of the German teams than openly proclaiming from the treetops that Jews are barred, and the chances are strong that no Jewish athlete will represent the Reich in 1936 if the present regime does not change front. So, the moral victories achieved over Germany should riot lull us to sleep in our battle for equal rights for our German Jewish brethren. Instead, it should spur us on more than ever to follow up the moral aspects of the victories and translate them into actual, concrete restoration of equality.
nounces the revision of the Austrian citizenship of Galician Jews, Which assumes that the aristocratic Austrian Jews will agree in this action which is allegedly directed against the naturalized Jewish masses from Eastern Europe. This policy is naturally perturbing, providing as it does for differences in citizenship grades and discrimination at home while assuring equality of citizenship abroad. We suspect that the cause for ths about-face is that Dollfuss has found that Nazi propaganda has made inroads on the minds of Austrians and inflamed them to hatred against the Jewish people and that it would be politically expedient for him to disassociate himself from an unpopular group even though he might know that the inflammatory propaganda is false and that he is doing a portion of the residents of his country an injustice.
What of the Entire Reich? The logical follow-up of the Bernheim decision—-establishing the principle that the legal limitations imposed upon the Jews of Upper Silesia because of their being Jewish cannot be accepted by the civilized opinion of the world—is to extend that principle to the entire Reich. The initiative in this has been taken by the American Jewish Congress, which will present a petition to that effect through Dr. Leo Motzkin, chairman of the Committee of Jewish Delegations, and Dr. Emil Margulies, Czechoslovakian Jewish leader, who presented the Bernheim case. The petition will be based on the moral and legal grounds in Article 4, section 5 of the League Covenant, empowering the League to act on "any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting the peace of the world." If the League is the true arbiter of international law and morality, it will have to agree with Jewish leaders that they cannot limit by territorial divisions within the same country the application of a principle which they have condemned.
World Jewish Conference
The time slowly approaches for the convening of the World Jewish Conference, to be held in 1934. Despite the fact that we are assured of holding the conference even if all who have opposed it continue their opposition, the antagonists to the plan have maintained their policy at both direct and indirect discouragement. Again, it seems that one of the factors behind the curtains is that deadly, recurring lack of unity in Israel. The masses cry aloud, in pain and anguish, imploring our 'leaders" to co-operate, not to martyr the followers by their bickering and quarreling Yet, with the "World" Jewish conference announced to the outside public, it is in inside circles feared that the conference will not be truly representative of all Jewry. As an illustration, consider the action to date of the British Board of Deputies. As told in the London "Jewish Chronicle," the invitation of the American Jewish Congress to participate in a world Jewish conference was rejected primarily because the conference would almost exclusively concern itself with the German situation and. that it was by its effect on Germany and on the fi^bf* wb^ctj German Jews^we/e making that the? desirability of the*(conferencehad to be judged. But this was in"July, 1932, and of what avail was such well-nieant prudence by the Deputies and other leading bodies which abstained for the same reason ? Hitler was not impressed. Jewish bodies abstained because "The German Jews were living on the top of a volcano, which might become active at any moment." Not to jeopardizela "delicate situation," the deputies stayed aloof. But the volcano erupted anyway! The withholding of our weapons did not deter Nazism from employing every mean and degrading weapon possible in perseOfficial U. S. Protest cuting the German Jews. Of what good was the abstinence of ; The machinery for official action by this country condemning world Jewish protest the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people has been definitely set Others are afraid of the charge of "internationalism." But in motion in the proper direction, after an unneedful delay caused on analysis fear of this "stigma" is only a phantom bogey-man by friction within Jewish groups. The B'nai Brith is seeking a Nazism is international—at work today in Germany, in Austria, million signatures to a petition asking President Roosevelt to in Danzig, in Holland, and so forth. In fact, proof has been unissue an official protest, the petition pointing out that many pre- earthed that it is at work in these United States. Nazism is not cedents exist in American history for protest upon the part of the afraid of being charged with internationalism; neither should we United States in such a situation. And the world already knows It is high time that the Jewish people stop being afraid to give exwhat weight the word of Roosevelt carries. pression to their feelings and thoughts. It is time that we come to the realization that if we stand up for our rights and battle Just how the administration feels was expressed on the senate floor last Saturday, when Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, for what is our due we will gain the greater respect of the world democratic leader, read a lengthy prepared speech on the persecu- As Gerard recently expressed it, there is only one Jew the Gentile tion of Jews in Germany. While not advertised as such, the despises, and that is the Jew who denies his Jewishness. Let us speech of the democratic leader was considered as certainly having in this crisis tell the world that we are all Jews lining up side by the approval if not the inspiration of President Roosevelt and the sidepn the battle front and that we will battle together until right state department. Nor was Robinson aione in his warning mes- prevails, that we are insistent and we intend to act concertedly. sage, for he was joined by senators from both sides of the chamPossibly some who are in accord with the World Congress ber. . • • . • • • • . .' '; . / .- •-. • •.•.:.••>•• disagree because they object to the leadership of the American T h e point which ought t o b e underscored in h i s address a n d Jewish Congress in the matter. If this is so, the Congress should ; ndelibly impressed on Nazi skulls r e a d s : "Such cruel policies a3 be glad to step aside and let an impartial leadership make plans are referred to will bring their own penalties. They will result in for the conference. But the masses of Israel are going to deloss of international prestige, in moral reaction among the German throne their "leaders" if our battle front in this extreme crisis people of far-reaching effect, and in loss of commerce and trade." will continue to be broken, dissevered and discordant, with th commanding officers belligerent toward each other, our force and strength made impotent by civil feuds within the ranks. Self-Interest Self-interest is the most persuasive deceiver of our conscience. Some folks try to win happiness without working. Most folk At a time when "one's own hide" is in danger, it is unfortunately who are happy allot a large space for work in their lives. human nature to do all possible to save that hide, regardless of who will suffer unjustly thereby. acquire Palestine as a homeland for That seems to be what is happening in Austria. The Jewry the Jewish people. This program there have been living in a state of great anxiety . ... Hitlerism does not concern itself with the ecLetters to the onomic structure of Jewish life, was threatening to envelop Austria. Between Hitlerism and Ausworkers are needed, tae program ev tria stood and still stands Chancellor Dollf uss. Naturally, the Editor idently contemplates that there an Jewish population supported his government, and in exchange for plenty of Beduins and Arabs. this Jewish support he promised to defend Jewish rights. And at If every Jew is to intelligently The Mizrachi agree fully with th< program of the center group bu first the chancellor carried out his promise. participate in the selection of dele- adds to it that there should be It appeared for a while that Dollfuss was fighting a lost gates to the World Zionist Con- Jewish homeland for the Jewish peoit is important that he knows ple in accordance with the Jewish cause. Word then came that behind the scenes Mussolini was gress, the aims of the major groups in the religion. According to this program, helping Dollfuss against Nazism. Suddenly, the tide veered, and Zionist movement so as to correctly land, people and religion are three at the present writing political observers say that the feelings of cast his vote. that are one. Soon after the birth of political We hope to treat with the pro the Austrians toward Germany and Nazism have changed to op- Zionism, the movement subdivided gram of the Revisionists more in de position. But, in sharp contradistinction to his earlier stand, the itself into three groups—the general tail in a later issue, as Ciis party i; chancellor's attitude toward the Jewish population has been trans- Zionists (center), the Mizrachi more recent in its formation and it (right wing), and the Poale Zion, program is therefore less familiar t< formed. A government ban has been placed on the wearing of (left wing). Not very long ago the wide masses. uniforms by the Hagana, the government-supporting Jewish self- there was formed a fourth group, The one I am most interested i is the Poale Zion group, which i defense body. Chancellor Dollfuss in an address last week pro- the Revisionists. of the general Zion- wholly opposed, to the: Mizrachi am claimed his intention of wippg out Jewish influence and the Jew- istsTheis program the program adopted by the does not fully agree with the genish spirit. And this week, the official government organ an- 'first Zionist coneress at Basel—to eral Zionists. The Poale Zionists are
SPECTATOR JUNIOR One of the most heartening manifestations of the American attitude toward the persecution of the Jews by the Hitlerite government is the recent stand of the American Olympic committee. This committee had forwarded word to Germany that it would not permit its athletes to compete at the coming games in Berlin unless the German government permits Jewish youths not only of non-German nations but also German Jewish youth to participate. The German reply has been that German Jewish youth will be allowed to take part in the coming games. Few if any are idealistic enough to think that this means that Jewish youth from Germany will represent that country in the Olympics, for undoubtedly there will be devious ways and means found to avoid that situation. But the stand of America on a question of international prominence shows us that the fanatical persecutions of Hitler will not be allowed to occur with such freedom. It again proves the value of vigorous protest directed at the heart of Germany's international relationships if the Jews of other countries are to achieve the desired results. Such incidents as the speeches of the French and Italian delegates to the council of the League of Nations when that august body was discussing the question of protecting the rights of minority peoples in Upper Silesia and the recent protest of the American Olympic committee strike at the very heart of Germany's international relations and that above all is Germany's vulnerable point. No nation can live an isolated existence and Germany in particular, dependent as she is upon her contact with other nations for her economic livelihood, cannot afford for long to antagonize a people that in nearly every civilized country are the economic pulse of that country. Far more effective in curtailing Hitlerite atrocities and gaining for the Jew in Ger many an equal livelihood is this form of international governmental protest than the excited flamboyant "mass meeting" or "protest parade."
close to it last summer when he lost to Ross Sommerville in the finals of the U. S. Amateur. It has been a long, hard pull; it has meant many hours of constant practice and effort made none the easier by the fact that as a poor boy he had the job of making a living before he «ould devote himself to the job of winning golf championships. It is that spirit of determination that is the thing to celebrate in Johnny's victory. And it is that spirit and that effort which stand as a constant reminder to the critics of youth that youth is possessed of the right kind of material, the kind of "stuff that goes towards the making of successful men. Men of less stamina than Johnny Goodman would have cracked under the terrific strain of seeing his game go to pieces after a brilliant two rounds on the day before. But Johnny Goodman pulled "himself together and shot his last few holes in a fashion that earned for him the coveted championship. It is this that Johnny Goodman is to congratulated upon—it is this that is the significant feature of his victory. Once again youth has proven its ability and its courage—for in the face of a circumstance calculated to try the nerves and the strength of strong men, a young man has come through.
I have written before of the criticism of youth that is rained upon it by those who find their own pet theories disregarded by youth in pursuit of its own. Spectator Junior is a great admirer of youth; and the opportunity of witnessing the triumph of a youn? man who conquered all obstacles to achieve his goal is indeed pleasing-. Youth, I know, lacks the fundamental stability that comes with age, but after all, that stability and good judgment can only come from experienceExperience has best been defined as that knowledge gained from error. And it is from the errors of youth, errors committed in the name of its intrinsic vitality and rashness that the knowledge of age comes. To the critics of youth, to those zealots who are blinded by the importance of their own theories, to those whose cry is constantly that youth cares for naught but the pursuit of their own selfish pleasures I offer Johnny Goodman in retaliation. John Goodman, the boy who made good—the boy who learnt from his own errors the secret of the stability and courage necessary for One of the more amusing features him to achieve his goal—the boy who of the recent situation in Germany is the declaration of the Hitlerite government to all German Catholics that the reigning pope is half Jewish and therefore all German Catholics if they wish to maintain the good grace of Handsome Adolph's Nazis had better find for themselves a new pope. Such folderol is too ridiculous to countenance except for the fact that it is an indication of the type of mind of the present German leader — unquestionably a forceful demagogue, but not like Lenin or Stalin, possessed of the strength or greatness to make his experiment a success.
overcame all manner of obstacles to become the most talked of and admired young man in Omaha today. In closing, a few words of welcome to my new brother columnist, Mr. Mendelson. That I am glad to have you as a colleague goes without saying and if in your perusal of the Human Panorama you find one or two items dealing with cabbages and kings let me know that I too may enjoy them and comment lightly upon them.
A man shall be condemned according to his intelligence. But he who is of a distorted understanding shall be despised. The lip of truth shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. The integrity of the upright shall guide them, but the perverseness of the faithless shall destroy them. The memory of the righteous shall be a blessing, but the name of the wicked shall perish. Talmud Our rabbis taught: "Those who are being humiliated by others but do not humiliate others in return, who listen to their reproaches without even answering them, who perform their duties because of love for their social service work, and rejoice in spite of all their pain (because of the reproach) concerning them the Scripture says they will shine as the rising of the sun in his might." The older scholars get the more wisdom they acquire; but the older the ignorant men get the the more foolish they become.
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, Inc. EVERYTHING For the Auto 2051 Farnam AT. 5524
So Johnny Goodman has come home a champion. And they gave him a royal welcome with bands and parades and distinguished city officials who were not quite sure what they were there for. And justly so, for Johnny Goodman deserves as big a welcome as he received—not every day does a young fellow 23 conquer the greatest golfers in the world that he himself might perch upon the pinnacle of success. But what I liked about Johnny*^ victory is the way he conquered some old jinxes and proved himself to be made of the true championship caliber. Ever since that day many years ago when Johnny beat the then reigning champion, Bobby Jones, he has been pointing for just such a day as that on which he won the United States Open championship. He came mighty of the opinion that we are a people and not a religious sect, and that the state should remain divorced from the church. Eeligion, they maintain, is a private affair. The program of the Poale Zion is that just as we need a land for the people, so do we need a people for the land. If we should merely transplant the_ Jewish Bardicher to Palestine, and the worker should continue to be the Arab, Palestine will never become the homeland of the Jew. If Palestine is to become our homeland, things there must be done by Jewish hands through Jewish labor—because work is the basic factor in the upbuilding of a land; labor is its foundation. The Histadruth has made remarkable achievement in making labor in Palestine an elated ideal. Most of the 55,000 organized workers in Palestine were not workers before they came to Palestine. There they became workers to whom labor became an ideal, not only a source of subsistence. When the Jewish worker breaks up stones for pavements, he feels pride in his work, because he knows that with his hand labor he aids in the upbuilding of a land. When he cleans the sewer, he is proud because he does it for his land and for his people. The Poale Zion desires large sums of national capital to be invested in Palestine. It is not opposed, in fact welcomes, private capital which comes with good intentions, to start new industries or expand those existing which will benefit the general program of upbuilding the land. However, it greatly opposes capital which enters to pursue its own benefits without considering the general purposes of upbuilding the land. M. Minkin.
The Largest Showing of useful gifts await your prompt selection at the Nebraska—Father's Day is next Sunday, June 18th!.! !
PAGES—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1933 WITH RELATIVES ha June 25. The kittenball team of day, June 20, at 2 p. m. at the Old Mrs. Albert Feiler of De Witte, la., Peoples Home, 2504 Charles Street. the Mother chapter is now tied for and daughter, Lois, -were the guests AH members are urged to attend. third in the American league. The Junior Hadassah will hold of relatives here. will be a combined meeting their annual banquet to install the of There the A. Z. A. 1, A. Z. A. 100 and The Junior Swimming meet at the new officers next Wednesday eve- Council Bluffs FROM PHILADELPHIA chapter at the J. C* C. J. C. C. will be held Wednesday, June ning, June 21, at 6:30 o'clock a t the Tuesday evening Mrs. B. Kitner of Philadelphia, to discuss plans for 21, at 3 p. m. Included on the program Members of the Conservative" Syn- J . C C, instead of next Sunday, as the convention. are several short races, diving and is visiting here with relatives. agogue enjoyed the picnic given by originally planned. Miss Sarah Solonovelty swimming. the Auxiliary Sunday at Ehnwood xnonow is in charge of this affair and The meet is open to all juniors, GUEST HERE park in honor of members of the syn- is being assisted by Misses Ethel Adboys and girls, with separate events Miss Inez Leaff of Sioux City, la., choir, with many novelty ler, Evelyn Glazer, Anna Kusnit, and for beginners, novices and advanced is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Rose agogue's swimmers. events featuring the day's program. Jeannette Resnick. Shurgin. The "Lambda" team defeated the The swimming schedule at the J . Miss Ida Fine is the new president M. H. Sogolow was in charge of the sport events. In the baseball game, of the chapter, to succeed Mrs. Sid- **Xi" team in the annual Olympic of C. C. for junior hoys and girls has FORMER OMAHAN HERE ney Katleman. Honor pins will also the Xi Lambda fraternity held at Gif- been revised, effective Monday, June Mr. Morris Sebring of Chicago, for- Irvin Levin's nine nosed out Horace be given to members for outstanding f ord park Sunday, 48 to 43. The losers 19. Rosenblum's team in a swatfest, 18 to merly of Omaha, is visiting here -with ROSNER-STEINBERG PATRONS FOR DANCE The boys will swim Monday and 13. The pop-drinking contest with baby work for the year. The "Give or treated the winners at a stag that NUPTIALS Patrons for the first annual dance his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Silver- nipples was won by Isadore Abram- Get" affair is also being combined evening at Hummel park. Wednesday at 10 a. m. and Sunday Al Weiner was high point man, with at 2 p. m. The marriage of Miss Toibye Stein- to be given by the Junior Vaad Aux- man, and his brother-in-law and sis- son; the balloon blowing contest by with this banquet, and among the berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H .iliary and the Young Men's Vaad at ter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Eisenberg. Mrs. Harry Green, •with Mrs. Leo Ab- members who have raised their quota two firsts, followed by Sam Finkel The girls will swim Tuesday and j Thursday at 11 a. m. and Sunday at Steinberg, to Dr. Henry Eosner, took the Jewish Community Center Sunday ramson second; the thread-a-needle- and will be honored guests are the and Norman Korney. SUMMER FORMAL DANCE Misses Rose Abramson, Rose Dolgoff, The -winners: Baseball—Xi 10, place Sunday afternoon a t 4 o'clock evening, June 18, include: sew-a-button contest, by Mr. and Mrs. at the Steinberg home, before mem- Rabbi Uri Miller> Mrs. Louis Nev- Miss Jessye Nathan is chairman of Al Frank; the slipper-kicking contest Ethel Epstein, Dora Freshman, Ida Lambda 8; Shot put — Finkel, first, The Talmud Torah boys and girls Fine, Mina Freedman, Anne Gorelick, Weinberg, second, Wolf, third. 100- will swim with the regular junior bers of the immediate family. Rabbi eleff, Dr. and Mrs. Abe Greenberg, the Iota Tau annual summer formal by Mrs. Dave Katleman. Evelyn Glazer, Fremette Goldberg, yard dash—Weiner, first; Babich, sec- classes. David A. Goldstein and Rabbi TJri Dr. and Mrs. v Philip Levey, and dance to be held 'at the Fontenelle The swimming pool at the Center Anna Hahn, Anna Kuznit, Lorraine ond; Franklin, third. Standing broad Messrs. and Mesdames William Mild- hotel Palm room Sunday, June 18, Miller officiated. the Alpha chapter of Sioux City be closed Friday and Saturday to King, Fannie Katelman, Lillian Nach- jump—Grossman, first; Barish, secThe bride -was attended by her sis- er, Louis Epstein, Michel Katleman, with and the Phi chapter of Omaha attendthe workmen to completely renschoen, Sarah Noddle, Ruth Silver, A. E . Milder, Abraham Schwaczkin. ond; Weinberg, third. Basehall throw ter, Miss Rose Steinberg, and the ing. Dinner will precede the dance for Jeannette Resnick, Sarah Solomonow, ovize A regular meeting of the Women's groom by Mr. Paul Steinberg. Mar- Leon Mendelson, Sam Epstein, Nate the sorority with Mrs. Harold Barish —-Korney, first; Babich, second; H.• 24 t h e the natatorium. . . ,Starting .„ , ^ June ^_ Freda Soffer, Ruth Swengil, and MilGreenberg, William Holzman, Hymie Auxiliary of the Vaad H'Oehr will be garet Bellman sang, accompanied by third. 220 vard dash—Weiner » swimming pool will be open acting as toastmistress. A number of dred Whitman, and Mrs. Sidney Katleeve P. Milder, Isadore Goldstein, IKHUS held Monday, June 19, at 2:30 p. m. at Max Yaffe and Margaret Hurwitz. Franklin, second; ffimelstem! j *°* « f ™ S°**rizy evenmg-for Reservations may still be made A reception was held at the Stein- Blotcky, J. Pearlstein, H. A. Wolf, bids have been issued for this event the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and man. third. Banning broad jump-Barisa ™n from 6 to 7:30 p. m. and for by phoning Webster 2158. Chicago Streets. yT berg residence Sunday evening, from Herbert Neveleff, JPrank Brookstein, MOTHERS CLUB Reports will be rendered for the rethird. Marathon—A. Lipp, first; Fin7 to 10 p. m. The couple left Wednes- Dave Crounse, H. Marcus, P. ZollutThe Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers club cent activities of the group, particukel, second; Sokolof, third. Four-man j ANTf BEEITS OB day for New York, where they will uchen, N. Levinson. held its monthly meeting at the home larly the progress being made in the make their home. of Mrs. B. Fleishman last Wednesday. sale of tickets for t3ae theatre party BIRTHDAY PARTY The Junior Societyheld ofathe Con- r e l a y a n d tug-of-war-Lambda. (leaned. Blocked and Synagogue meeting! Mrs. Harry Segall entertained Satgiven at the Circle theatre Tuesday servative is such a conqueror as the j Ue-shaped by Experts Monday evening, June 12, at the] No man FAREWELL PARTY urday in honor of her daughter, Lois, evening. who has defeated himself.— Best of Miss Anne Freeman. Plans j A no-host farewell party for forty on the occasion of her eighth birthday. A very interesting program and home Beecher. ner" were made for a picnic-supper to be, was given Saturday night at the Pax- Twenty children were present. 101 Xortb 16th Stt-eel The last meeting of the Omaha social hour will follow the business held June 24. (Across from Po«toffice ton Hotel, honoring Mr. Milton MayPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS chapter of Hadassah took place last meeting. per, who sails abroad on June 21 on SPENT WINTER Wednesday, closing the most successthe Manhattan to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levinson re- ful year in the history of the organiand friends in Lithuania. turned recently from Miami, Florida, zation. The activities included an outwhere they spent seven months and standing regional convention. TO ATTEND WEDDING The Omaha Daughters of Zion Harold Kort was elected president where they expect to make their fuThe officers of last year, who will Miss Goldie Seidman of Omaha and ture home. •will hold the final meeting of the of the Beta Tau Kappa, Jewish fratalso serve the following year, are: ernity of the Municipal University. her mother, Mrs. M. Seidman of LinMrs. M. F. Levenson, president; Mrs. season Wednesday afternoon, June He succeeds Morris Fisher. Other of21, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. As coln, are leaving June 17 for New GUEST HERE J. J. Friedman, vice-president; Mrs. York City where they will attend the Miss Evelyn Reuben of Fort Dodge Julius Abrahamson, vice - president; •very important business -will be ficers: Norman Wohlner, secretary; wedding of Miss Bess Seidman, a is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mrs. Hyman Cohn, recording secre- transacted, all members are urged Art Weiner, treasurer, and Milton Wolsky, historian. neice of Mrs. Seidman. En route home Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Frank. tary; Mrs. Dave Stein, financial sec- to attend. Reports will be given by Mrs. L. they will stop off at Chicago to atretary; Mrs. J. M. Erman, financial tend the World's Fair. secretary; Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, Linda, chairman for the bazaar, and VISITING HERE Mrs. A. Shafton and Mrs. L. MorA popular visitor here is Mrs. Abe corresponding secretary. Greenberg of San Francisco, CalifMrs. Levenson has expressed her gan, chairman of the card party. ReENTERTAINS The A. Z. A. 1 kittenball team, acfreshments will be served. companied by a number of rooters, Mrs. Jack Levey entertained the ornia. She is visiting her brother-in- thanks to the board members, includA large crowd attended the card Phi Omega Delta sorority at Elmwood. law and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ing the officers and the chairmen of party at the J. C. C. last Sunday. will go to Sioux City Sunday to play J. Greenbergr. With Mrs. Greenberar the various committees, for the splenthe Sioux City team. They will alsc park on a picnic Sunday afternoon. J. are her two children, Barry and Mar- did work done during the past year, Those who entertained on the pro- attend the annual summer dance of Supper was followed by bridge. gram "were Abraham Dansky, piano lene. Many social functions are plan- especially the following: Mrs. Julius the Sioux City chapter Sunday evened in honor of this charming guest. Stein, chairman of the medical fund; solos; Martha Greenhouse, songs and ning. BTRTHDAY WEEK O F Mrs. B. A. Simon, collection of delin- recitations; Ernest Priesman, piano SOMMER FAMILY A return game will be held in OmaVISITS DAUGHTER quent dues; Mrs. David A. Goldstein, solos; Little Shirely Dolgoff, songs. On Sunday, Mr. Samuel Sommer Mrs. David A. Goldstein gave a short was surprised by his relatives and Mrs. J. lintzman returned last week for the splendid programs during the address. friends at the home of his daughter, from St. Louis, where she visited her year and at the social functions of the daughter, Ann, who is a director for regional convention; Mrs. A. S. RubMrs, Phil Gilinsky, the occasion being the Rose Bry summer camp. Mis1 nitz, telephone chairman, and especialhis seventy-second birthday. On Tuesday, Mr. Louis Sommer was I.rnt7.mar\ expects to visit here the lat-ly for the work of her committee in connection with the linen shower and surprised at a stag dinner at theter part of Ssptember. Plans were made at a meeting of the comention; Mrs. Joseph Goldware, Highland, the occasion being his fifinfant welfare chairman; Mrs. J. the Hazomir choir Monday evening at BAR MITZVAH PARTY tieth birthday. A Bar Mitzvah narty was given by Blank, school luncheon chairman; Mrs. the J. C. C to hold' the annual picOn Friday evening Edwin Sommer ii Morris Friedel, gift fund; Mrs. Hymie nic in July. was surprised by a group of sixty at Mr. and Mrs. William Kuklin, 2120 Milder, motor corps; Mrs. Meyer FrieRose „, Abrajnsanj. chairman, of the; ; Burdette street, on Sunday evening, the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. teas; Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, affair, will be in. charge of arrangeLouis Sommer, after which the party June 11, celebrating the confirmation del, Why? Because H'c an exlinen shower; Mrs. J . J. Friedman, ments, assisted by Dave Slobodinsky, was entertained at the Highland of their son, Norman. clusive Nelly Don monoAmong the honored guests were sewing circle; Mrs. E. Weinberg, sick Charles Mogul, Joe Saks, Ida KooperCountry club at dinner, followed by a 2815 FARM&M At 2815 tone print and comes in visiting; and all other chairmen who man, Leo Bernstein, and Dorothy dance. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. B. Everakes and her two sons served so well and devotedly. smart practical colors . . . Marco. of Chicago. 111., and Mrs. Block of Lester Larridus and Mr. and Mrs. black, green, brown, navy. Rockford, HL Other guests included A number of changes will be made Louis SombergBecause white accents on ?*.~. and Mrs. H. Alexander, Dr. O. S- for the coming year. Mrs. J. J. Friedjabot and pipings make it Belzer and his fiancee, Miss Ruth man is the new gift fund chairman. Friseh, Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, All donations made to the gift fund universally becoming. BeMr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin, Cantor go to the Jewish National Fund for cause the clever sleeves Broken hearts—empty ppcketbooks. L. Karz, Mr. Phil Smith and Miss are well below the elbow, buying and improving land in PalesAll due to the amazing exploits of Rona Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. David Linmaking it suitable a n y Edmund Lowe as the slickest confi- coln, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bloch, Mr. and tine. 1SIANCY where without a c o a t . . . dence man that ever pursued an easy Mrs. J. M. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Among the donations not yet aca detail you'll appreciate. dollar or a pretty" girl, in his new Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. L. Conner, Mr. knowledged was the planting of four Y O U R size 16-44 and picture, " I Love That Man" which and Mrs. lieo Fox, Mr. and Mrs. I. trees in memory of Mr. Adler by his opened today at the World Theater. Jacobson and son, Mr. and Mrs. L. daughter, Mrs. Harry Trustin. The YOUR price! EDMUND Nancy Carroll is the woman whose Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. William Kut- children of Mrs. Goldie Kay inscribed refusal to take "no" for an answer ler. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bernstein, Mr. her name in the Golden Book of the Round by Round J. N. F., and Rabbi and Mrs. Goldmakes a most appealing love story -~r^ -Mr-c- M. Goldberg. Mr. Arthur stein inscribed the name of Mrs. Goldin this, the latest Charles R. Rog-Joseph, Mrs. H. Dolgoff, Mrs. E. NoMAX stein's father, Alexander Berman, in ers production for P a r a m o u n t vsk, and Mrs. L. Pollay. IN the Golden Book. which was directed by Harry Joe Brown, and which features Robert vs. Armstrong, Lew Cody, Warren Hy- RETURN HOME Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg and son, mer and Dorothy Burgess. MAX A special added attraction i s the Buddy, who have been visiting the past two weeks at the home of Mrs. Schmeling-Baer fight. Hockenberg's mother, Mrs. M. Zalk. THE SLICKEST, have returned to their home in Des A regular meeting of the Daughters FASTEST, TALKING SEE IT—HEAR IT of Israel Aid society will be held TuesMoines, la. GUY THAT EVER EVERY ROUND The spirit of Omaha's renovation EVERY PUNCH PEDDLED A campaign is much in evidence at the IS SEEN, AND GOLD BRICK Orpheum Theater this week. Since HEARD. "the theater closed Saturday for one week to redecorate and refurnish WHERE QUALITY MEETS QUANTITY for its reopening next Saturday under new management, workmen have been busily engaged in giving the house an attractive face of newness. Several outstanding surprises are in store for local theater goers at the Orpheum when it reopens Saturday, June 17. The theater will include entirely new sound equipment of RCA design that is reputed to GALA REOPENING have cost more than $35,000.00. HOWARD «f 16th. WEEK PROGRAM! A second delightful surprise upon Unrivalled entertainment will be yonrs : the reopening will be the stage atEB OKl'HEU our aftraction which will be headed by Cab filiation with the Puramonnt and World theatres. Calloway, the red hot maestro of Our First Great Show jazz and his original Cotton Club orchestra from Harlem. A galaxy of dusky night club artists will be in support of Cab and his band. with a high rate of interest at the
Junior Swimming Meet on June 21
Junior Hadassah
Xi Lambda
Vaad Auxiliary
Junior Society
_ .,
Daughters of Zion
Beta Tau Kappa
here's the Voile
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KEEPING COOL—As New Yorkers sweltered under a record heat of 96 degrees, Joe, polar bear of the Central Park zoo, solved his problem by remaining under the shower provided for him by the zoo.
BEATING OLD MAN SOL—Hazel Collins,' Jack Stone, former/ middleweight boxing champion, and Mickey Mack, dancers, are photographed in New York wearing something new in hot weather costumes for the street. The girls wear bathing suits, shoes -aad hats, while their companion has on a suit of pajamas.
WEST POINT'S OUTSTANDING GRADUATE—U. S. Secretary of War George H. Dern is seen presenting the cup for highest military and scholastic honors to Cadet Kenneth Fields at the United States Military academy at West Point, N. Y. "Cadet Fields is a native of Elkhart, Ind.
UNEMPLOYED WOMEN'S CAMP OPENS—The experimental camp for unemployed women, at Palisades Interstate Park, N. Y., sponsored by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Frances Perkins, U. S. secretary of labor, is shown on its opening. Photo shows new arrivals getting acquainted in a garden swing.
,TINX CRAFT SETS FORTH—The Svaap, 32-foot ketch, is snapped leaving New York harbor on a 4,500-mile voyage to the Galapagos islands off Ecuador. Aboard ship are William Albert Robinson, hia bride, the former Florence Crane o"f Chicago, and his cousin, Daniel West. In 1930 Robinson went around the world in the same.bpati
. TAKES PRIZE AT ROSE FESTIVAL—This entry took first prize in the beautiful floral parade of the •annual Rose Festival in Portland, Ore. The festival, famous in the northwest, draws thousands of vistors annuallv.
. ; —I NINE KILLED IN CRASH—Officials search through the wreckage «^»V U. S. ENVOY AND FAMILY—Dr. William E Dodd, professor of American history at the Univer- ©* the ill-fated sightseeing plane which crashed near Glenview, HI., sity of Chicago, who has been appointed United States ambassador to Germany by President Roosevelt, 5 * * h i <* *j™ Persons lost their lives. The plane, stationed at the is photographed with bis family in Chicago. Left to rieht, Mrs. William Dodd, Professor Dodd, and Century of Progress exposition, in Chicago, took victors to the fair daughter, S t a t i c on sightseemg trips.
±»AGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1933 FBAPKVBCBO, STAUJIASTEB. <fe BEBEK, -:- Patronize our advertisers -:-• membership dates since January 30 ciated with Jews, having Jewish wiv.- " -.'• " • ' Attorneys - ' ' • '• FEADENBCKG, BTALMASTElt Ml B E B E B 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. of this year, on their association or es, interested in Jewish concerns or 630 Omaha National Bank BIdp. relationship -with Jews has been an- to have Violated the anti-Jewish boyKOTICE OF INCORPORATION OT NOTICE OF INCORPORATION . "BOSEHOST FOOD STOKES, INC.** "SOBOTKEK SAIJES CO5IPAN1'. I S C . " nounced by the Nazi party head- cott will be expelled from the party. Notice is hereby given that the underNotice Is hereby given that the underquarters for Hesse. The Psi Mu are signed have formed a corporation pursuant signed have formed a corporation pursuant XRX1S C. LEVIN, Attorney Any members found to have asso- —Shop from our Service Guideto the laws of the State of Nebraska, tinder lo the laws of the State of Nebraska, undfr planning a season of IKVIN C. U2VIX, Attornoy 301 Electric- Bldg. the Home of "ROSEMONT FOOD STOKES, the name of "SOBOTKER. SAXES COM801 Electric Building • INC." with its principal place of business PANY, INC." with its principal place of activities under the NOTICE OF INCOUl'OUATION OF at Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature business nt Omaha, Nebraska. The general | NOTICE OF SALK of the business to be transacted shall be to nature of the business to be transacted leadership of the NEBUASKA LUGGAGE SHOFPE, Notice Is hereby given that on the 30Ui buy rand sell at. retail or wholesale prices shall be to purchase, selL, barter and trade INC. day of June, 1033, at 10 a. m. of said uay. all and every kind of goods, -wares or mer- every kind of goods, wares and merchan- n e w 1 y - elected ofNotice i s hereby given that the under- the undersigned will Bell at public auction usually aud customarily dealt in byficers. signed have associated themselves together to the highest bidder for cash, at 4314chandise usually and customarily dealt in dise department stores, haberdasheries, shoe and hare organized a corporation under the Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the by groceries, meat markets, fruit, dry stores and tiudreJ lines of business and in Jay Stoller is the troods and hardware stores: (b) to buy, laws of the State of Nebraska. The name following chattels: . sell, lease, own, bold and otherwise acquire connection therewith to buy, sell, own. new president; Leo of this corporation i s "NEBRASKA LUGand otherwise acquire real and per1 1031 Chevrolet one-half ton track ; ; 1 ; real and personal property necessary, in- hold GAGE SHOPPE, INC.,"; The principal cident or convenient to the carrying out of sonal property uecessary, incident or con-B r o w n . Vice-presiWalk-in Ice'lJox; 1 display meat counplace of business shall be at Omaha, Nevenient to the carryiug out of the purposes the purposes and objects for which this braska; that the general nature of the bus- ter; 1 American meat slicex; 1 Kelrin-"'•••corporation i s formed j (c) to assume, ac- for "which this corporation i s formed. The dent; Manny Goldiness to be transacted shall be to OTTO and ator ice machine; 2 Toledo scales; 1- •'quire or purchase the property, rights, authorized capital stock of said corporation rg, secretary; Max National Cash liegister; 1 Huubnrd; operate one or more department stores and : franchises, contracts and assets of every shall be $5,000.00 and all of said stock shall meat grinder; 1 meat block; 1 electric to buy, sell and deal in at wholesale and/or be common and of the par value of $100.00 Stoller, t r e a surer; kind of aud from any person, firm, assofan atid all cutlery. retail all kinds of goods, wares and merper share, and shall be non-assessable Maurice Giller, parciation or corporation, and to pay for the Such sale will be for the purpose of fore- same, -wholly or in part, with cash, stock when issued. The corporation shall comchandise and to manufacture, purchase or otherwise acquire, own, mortgage, pledge. closing a chattel mortgage in the sum ofor other evidence of the obligation of the mence bnsiness upon the filing of its arti- l i a m e n t a r i a n ; Iz $3,037.59 and costs of these proceedings. Bell, assign and transfer or otherwise dis(d) to carry on and provide cles with the County Clerk of Douglas Iretiak, publicity; I. J»o suit at law or other proceedings oar- corporation; pose of, invest in, trade, deal in and with co-operative ndvertiginj; of the merchandise County. Nebraska, and shall continue for goods, wares and merchandise and personal ing been instituted to recover said debt or sold by stockholders of this corporation, a period until January 1st, IO10. The high- Bogdanoff a n d M. property of every class and description, to any part thereof. and for that purpose to provide a member- est amount of indebtedness shall not ex- Bloom, guards. Jay Stoller the same extent as natural persons might JOE LORK3S. ship for stockholders to secure the benefits ceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The or could do; to purchase or otherwise ac- C-9-33-3t. hereof, -without which membership no per-affairs of the corporation shall be manquire and to hold, or maintain, work, deson shall be entitled to hold stock in this aged by a Board of Directors of not less two nor more than five members.Unvelop, sell, lease, exchange, hire, convey, NOTICE OF , ;, o* tsreonrou- corporation: <e) the statement of the pow- than mortgage, or otherwise dispose of, and deal ers set forth in subdivisions (a), (b), (c)til the next annual meeting of the stock' JSLAICD ATHtN holders of said corporation. K. J. Holds; nnd Cd) shall not be construed to be or act in lands, and leaseholds and any interest, SEE now Goodyear pot» INC. estate and rights in real property, and any Notice is bereuy gt\v.< mat the under- as a limitation upon the general powers lierg shall act as President and L. K. TRACTION in the center—• shall act as Secretary and Treasurer personal or mixed propertyt and any fran- signed incorporatora u&va: caused t o benecessary or convenient to the corporation Kyan blfi haaky blocks of robber— annual meetln? of the Board of Dichise, rights, licenses or pledges necessary, filed in the office of the Secretary of to carry uut fully all of the business of The CHICAGO—The eighth annual conshall he held on the first Monday keen-edged — deep-clotted convenient or appropriate for nny of the State of the State of Nebmsbn and-in the the corporation. The authorized capital rectors of January of each year, at which time a office of the-County Clerk of the County stock of said corporation shall be $5,000.00. President, a Vice-President. a Secretary ference lof the Rabbinical Association —to <Hi i n , trip and hold. purposes herein expressed. . - • \ ._, • all of said stock shall be common and To borrow money, to issne bonds, deben- of Douglas nnd State of Nebraska, Articles and Mare stop! The AH-W«ather of the par value of $1.00 per share, nnd nnd Treasurer shall be «lectrd. These ar- of the Hebrew Theological College will tnreB or obligations of the corporation from of Incorporation of "Coney Island Lunch, shall ticles may be amended at any regular or take place on July 9 and 10 at the Tread to a bift reason why be non-assessable when issued. The Inc.' Said Article provide, a s follows:'>:• time to time for any of the objects of the millions more people ride oa corporation shall commence business? upon special meeting of the stockholders upon college building in Chicago. The ^uest AltTlCLE L : corporation and to secure the same by •:•••' I the filing of its articles -with the County the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all Goodyear Tire*. Gome in— The name of tliiB Corporation Is ana mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or otherClerk of Douglas Connty, Nebraska, and speaker will be Rabbi Meyer Berlin, shall be "Coney Island Lunch, Inc." well demonstrate! "wise. shall continue until Jnnnnry 1. 1975. The outstanding stock. ARTICLE 2. president of the World Mizrachij the To purchase, hold, sell and transfer R. J. HOT-T>SBERG highest amount of indebtedness shall not The principal office and place of transhares of stock of this nnd^other corpora? L. K. KYAN Orthodox Zionist organization. the business of the Corporation exceed two-thirds of its capitnl stock but tions; to acquire thfc good-wiH rights, as- sacting shall be at Omaha in the Connty of Doug- this restriction shall not apply to indebted- In the presence of: Scholarly papers to be read include sets and property, and.; to undertake and las ness secured by mortgaees npon any ofIUVIN STAI.MASTKR and State of Nebraska assume the whole or, any part of the oblithe corporate property- The affairs of the "The Origin of she Kaddish" by Rabbi ARTICLE 3. gations or liabilities of any person, Jfirm. shall be managed by a Board J. J. FR1ED5IAN. Attorney purpose for-which this Corporation corporation Oscar Fasman, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and association or corporation; and in general J6 The of Directors of not less than five nor more 554 Insurance' XtnJlcting orgauized and the powers which it shall to do anything insofar a s the same may have are as follows: To operate and carry than twelve who shall be elected to serve "Personal Religion and the Rabbi" by appertain to or be Useful for, or necessary on the business of a lunch room and res-for a period of one Tear. T i e semi-annual Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha, Nebraska. TKOBATE NOTICE in connection with the conduct of the bus- taurant, and in connection therewith to meetings of the corporation shall be held I ness of the corporation. lease, own, pell, improve and otherwise on the first. Monday of January and Mny In the Mntter of the Estate of "MAX TOt- An address will be delivered by Rabbi The authorized capital stock i s Tondeal in and with real estale and personal of each year at which -meeting the stockTBOTTE. Deceased, . Saul Silber, president of the Hebrew Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) divided into property, and to do any and nil things holders shall rtect n Board of Directors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: 100 Bhares of the par value of WQO.OO each incidental to the main purpose of the Cor- and thereupon the Board shall elect a presThat the creditors of said deceased1 will Theological College. The problems ident, vice-president, secretary nnd treas- meet the rdminlstratriinf said estate, beand all of which stock shall be common poration. urer. Any two of said offices may he held fore me. Connty Judge of J>ouclas Counir. confronting American and world Jewstock and may be paid for in cash, notes Aimers ^ l>y one and the same person. These arti- Neliraska, at the County Court Room, in ry will be discussed. or other property or services at the TeasonTbe capital stock of this Corporation able market value thereof and shall be nou- shall be Five Thousand Hollars (£3.000 IX)). cles ir.ay be amendprl at any regular or said County, tin the 10th day of August. Officers of the Rabbinical associameeting of the stockholders upon 1933. nml on the 10th -flayof October. Iu33. bl divided into Fifty (50) shares of Common at J) o'clock A. 3 t,, each ^d.iy. The. corporation shall commence business Stock, of {he par value of One Hundred y for theppnr-tion include Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaon the 1st day of June, 1033, and shall ter- Dollars ($100.00) each. eg p p of presPnHnc their claims ffor exam- ha, Nebraska, president;-Rabbi Milton minate on the 31st day of May. 2032, tink-ss the affirmative vote of two-thirds vote of ination, adjustment and allownnce. Three AET1CLE 5. its life be extended beyond that date by an The existence of this Corporation shall all the outstanding stock. months are allowed for'.the creditors to Rosen of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, World's FIRST-choice Tire for 17 amendment to thesu articles. Tlcrt the hijrii- begin-on the Jiiiii-r of s oouy of its Artipresent their claims, from fhe 10th day of vice-president; Rabbi Louis Kaufman SAM ROSKXT.T.rM est nmount of any iudeltleduciis or liability cles of Incorporation with the Comity July, 1323. to which this corporation is at any time Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, as of Waterloo, Iowa, secretary, and JAMES X. SMITH BRTCE CRAWFORD, to subject itself is not to exceed two-thirds provided by law, and shall continue for a •P K. TCOPHEH C-IC-33-3t. Rabbi Harry Shapiro of Hibbin?, County Judge. of its capital stock. • BEN NEWMAN period of Fifty (50) years unless sooner Minnesota, treasurer. J. I.OPKTS That the tiffairs of this corporation shall dissolved by the vote of two-thirds of the r, A. XHRKTU LT.AH be conducted by a Board of "Directors of issued and outsiar-ding common stock not less than two nor more than fivo anil J. P . JEPFESON ARTICLE G. the following officers: a president, a viceThe amount of indebtedness to which I n presence of: p president, a secrptary. nmTa treasurer, any this Corporation may at any time subject STALMAST two of which offices may lie held liy one itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of the TKVrX STALMASTER and the same person. capital stock. Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—rA petition to ARTICLE 7. INCOItrOttATOUR: be submitted to the Palestinian gov.T. -p^rf-EP- STERN. Att»T»ey The business of this Corporation shall ROSE UOTHKOP 403 Omaha National Bank Bids. lie conducted Jby a Board of two directors, ernment is being signed by all Jew- Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Examinations for IUV1K C. LEVIN to be selected from the stockholders at In the pipsence of: ish institutions and commercial or- all members of the Nazi party whose their regular annual meeting; the directors EUUEXE X. V.I.AZEU PROBATE NOTICE from their number, at each annual meeting ganizations, asking for the introduc0-0-33-4t. after the annual stock holders meeting, In the Matter of thp Estate of FRANK tion of Hebrew letters in Hebrew telMRKVICKA, Deceased. shall elect a President, Vice President, LEON & WHITE, Attorneys. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager. egrams. In the petition attention is City National Bank Bids. Any director may hold one or more of the That the creditors of snid deceased will called to the fact that most of the meet the administratrix of said estate, beabove offices in the Corporation. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF fore m=>. County Jvdse of Donclas Countr, telegrams in Palestine are sent by ARTICLE 8. AUTO 8AKETX -CLINIC. INC. I articles may be amended by a Nebraska, at the Countv Court Room, in Notice is hereby given thnt a corporation ( two-thirds vote of the issued and out-p->id Comity, on the 10th tlnv of Aujmst. Jews. The government is also rehas been foimed uuder the laws of the | standing coinn'on stock at any regular 3033. nnd on the 10th day of October. 1933, minded that the High ^Commissioner State of Nibrnska. meeting of the stockholders or at auynt !) o'clock A. M.. each day. for the pur-has expressed himself as being in nos» of presenting their claims for pxamThe name of the corporation is "Auto v-oijil meeting called for that pnrpose. adjustment and nllowanpp. Three sympathy with this deamnd. Safety Clinic, Inc." In witness whereof, we have hereunto in.ition. The principal place of transacting i t s set our hands this lP'h day of Mav, 1933. months HTP allowed for tbe creditors to nresent their claims, from-the 20th day of bus hies? is the City of Omaha. Douglas JOHN P. BESH1LAS. July. 1033. Comity. Nebraska. B. M. SLADOVNIK. Mention the Jewish, "Press to our The general nature of the business to be •20-S3-it. Incorporators. BRTCE CRATETORP. transacted by the corporation is as fol- MAX ritOMKIN. Witness. advertisers. - i--; G-lf>-33-3t. - County Judge. lows: ' To liny, pnrch.if-f, takp. own. hold, il«yil in, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage nnd transfer real estate and personal properly •wherever situated; to taVe, own, hoi-1, deal in, assign, buy. Bell,1 mortgage and transfer stocks, bo nil ir^" ''-'fct;puTitw?Jr-"tleb*sn Lures • and stock in other corporations; (o draw, • h e ••- :HewryBntrm a t e , executr. :ic«-'|>t. i'iijcirs>' nnd iBKiie 29x4.40-21 .$-,..,... $4.65 promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instru5.OO 29x^50-20 6.5O ments, to manufacture, sell, deal in.repnir 5.20 30x4.50-21 6.7O ~ any nnd all kinds of automobile accessories; to conduct the general repairing of 28x4.7o.19 7.15 5.65 automobile tirakvs and automobile tires 29x4,75-20 5.9O of every kind and discriptiuu: to do any 30x4.75-21 . . . . . . . and all things incident to or .necessary or 6.05 convenient for the prosecution of~ said 6.10 29x5.00-19 . . . . . . 7 . 8 0 business or any part thereof. 6.30 The total authorized capital stock of 30x5.00-20 . . . . . . 8 . 0 5 6.50 this corporation Bhnll be $10,000.0(1 divided 31x5.00-21 . . . . . . into One Hundred (100) shares of the par 7.3O vahie of $100.00 each. Said capital stock 32x3.00-22 . . . . . . r . . . . . . . shall De fully paid for and noti-:tssessal>Ie 6.55 27x*25-17 ....-.-• , when issued. Said capital stock may be 6.85 paid for in cnBh, notes or property, real ...... 8.70 7.05 or personal, tangible or intangible at the reasonable value, thereof. Kifty (50) 7.20 shares of the r.npitnl stock of this corpora81x535-211'.'.'.l. ' 9 . 5 8 7.45 tion shall lie paid for before the corporaInstead of my regular job pulling tion shall '•oinmence business.' 27x5.50-17 . . . . . . 7.40 the AKrSAR-BEN to and from The corporation shall commence busi7.60 28x&50-18 ...... 9 . 5 5 ness upon the filing of a copy .of its artiOmaha, I am over at the Century 7.90 cles of incorporation with the county -clerk 29x*S0-l» 9 . 8 5 of Progress Exposition i n of Douglas County, Nebraska, as provided 30xi30-20 1 0 . 0 5 by law, and shall continue for a period of Chicago.fifty (SO) years from the date thereof. S»xfcfl©-17 . . . . . . 1 0 . 1 5 The highest 'amount of indebtedness to 80x8.00-18 . . . . . . 1 O . 3 O . . . at the Lead of the Burlingwhich this corporation may at any time SlxfiJJO-W 10.55 subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds ton's crack 6-car World's Fair of its capital stock. 82x6.00-20 . . . . . . 1 O . 8 5 The affairs of the corporation shall be exhibition train in "which some of 88xejJ0-21 . . . . . . 1 1 . 0 5 conducted by a board of directors conour regular, Ak-Sar-Ben equipS4X&0O-22 . . . . . . sisting of not. lesB than two nor more than five members. ment figures prominently. 89x€^0-H . . . . . . 1 1 . 7 0 HAUOLU W. BKANDT. 11x6^0-19 12.35 1X>U1S E. LIPP. We are located south of the great 82x8.50-20 12.55 In Presence of4 S. J. LEON. ' 5-2G-33-4L Travel and Transport Building
Jay Stoller to LeadPsiMu
Traction means
Rabbinical Association to Convene in Chicago
1*1 11
T -m^ — — m-
Greater Grip
_ «
Hebrew Lettering in Palestinian Telegrams To Grill Latest Nazis On Jewish Affiliations
Prices on New
Goodyear Pathfinder Tires
NEW YORK—Again, a German Jew has been honored for scientific achievement. He is Dr. Richard Willstaetter of Munich, like Professor Albert Einstein, a Nobel prize winner. He has just been awarded the Willard Glbbs Medal for 1933, outstanding American distinction in the realm of chemistry bestowed annually by the Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society.
VESS Beverages Large Bottle 10c
Whistle Vess Beverages WE. 2131
DREAM HOUSE 4002 Dodge St. Barbecued Ribs, Sandwiches Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Barbecued Ribs, Ib 35c Free Delivery Service Phone JA. 8006
and are in excellent company, sharing the same platform as the famed British train, the ROYAL SCOT—and without boasting, we are cutting quite a dash.
ELEPHONE A woman asked to have their telephone taken out—as her husband was out of work.
128,657 f.".ople visited a * and to a Iked through the train in the first ten days of - the Exposition, " Come and see us. Make our train your -world's Fair headquarters. Relax and rest in our comfortable, soft-cushioned seats. Write your letters and cards aboard the train and see them post-marked in the postal car "while you •wait." Make this your meeting place with relatives and friends.
Next day she called and said: "Last night our phone brought my husband a steady job. Now we realize how necessary the phone is and we are going to keep it."
Another Burlington Exhibit Inside the Travel and Transport Building, the Btrfinston has another exhibit that is attracting; much attention . . . four miniature model relief maps—Yellowstone National Park. Glacier National Park, the Black Hill* of South Dakota; and Colorado from Pikes Peak to Estss Park, Each area embraces about eighty square feet; it done approximately to scale and thmn the principal topographical features. They are fully animated . . . Yellowstone geysers. Pikes Peak cog road, rivers and lakes of real water, inchlong motor coache3 plying over the mountain highways.
See the boys at the Burlington office in Omaha—16th and Farnam Streets, about the exceedingly low rates for the World's Fair, including escorted tours — all-expense plan. The phone number U Atlantic 6831,
Telephone service costs only a few cents a day.
iE'S YOUR SERV 7.15 am 6.15 pm 8,30 pm
7X5 pm 7.05 am &30 am
Cor. 17th and Capitol Are. Phone AT. 6421 Omaha, Nebr. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors
Your Messenger of Jewish News
ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1933
week Doctors Krigsten start taking turns shooting rag-weed pollen into yours truly. When they get through we have holes up one arm and down the other, but what a whale of a At last we really know what it Mrs. A. Markowitz of Tulsa, OkMr. Louis Agranoff was named difference a few shots make when feels like to be a big shot. We've A full day has been planned by Plans for the annual picnic spon- lahoma, spent the past week with Officers were installed and com-vice president of the Ivre Grand August 15 rolls around. heard about ghost writers, we've the local A. Z. A. chapter for Sunsored by the Workmen's Circle next Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. She mittees for the new year named at Lodge at their annual conclave held Many Sioux Cityans have already June 18. The baseball team of read about them and we've seen the Junior Hadassah dinner meeting last week end in Lincoln, Nebr. Mr. Sunday afternoon and evening, June has departed for Omaha, where she day, visited the Worlds Fair, and have Omaha Chapter No. 1 will meet the them in the movies, and so last week 8,at Eiverview Park, have been comwill attend the Riekes-Lustgarten :}ield last night at Scribbins Maple- Agranoff is an active member'of local chapter's team at Hubbard we let one write Hokka Chynik. returned with lurid tales of fantastic -lawn/ Miss Freda Albert was in- the local branch, a member of Mt. pleted, and the committees in charge wedding on June 25. Park, 28th and Jones street, at 3 Don't tell us that it was better than phenomena. Mr. and Mrs. E. Grueare making preparations to accomSinai Congregation, and the Bnai rjtaUled as president; Miss Eose Pill, skin, Mrs. E. E. Jacobson, Mr. and o'clock in the afternoon. Sidney usual either. modate over 500 people. "Vide president; Miss Bess Lipshutz, Brlth lodge. Miss Bertha Heshelow, daughter Bergen is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Ben Rosenblum are a few of A full program of sporting events, "In the spring, young men's fancy treasurer, and the following board Members of the local Ivre club of Mr. and Mrs. Mr William Heshelow, Jake Adler is captain of the Omaha lightly turns to thoughts of love and the early birds who went, saw and games and raffles has been outmembers: Dena Baron, Lilliam Do- who attended the conclave were Jack departed for St. Louis, this team. i Mo., M thi the thoughts of the newly married came back in wild eyed wonder. brofsky, Ida Cohen and Seretta Krig- Lipman, Lou Chesen and Leon Do- lined. Refreshments will be served week, where she is enrolled in the If we could only remember, when In the evening, the A. Z. A. will and attractive prizes awarded. A ladies turn toward home, their sten. brofsky. music department of Washington sponsor their annual dance in the young writing time comes, all the things large delegation of members of the mamas and breakfasts that they, Miss Roma Wigodsky and Miss Des Moines, Lincoln and Omaha University. Miss Heshelow will Eigaudon ball room. Milt Askew themselves don't have to make. And that we made a mental note of, to Mary Greenbaum were named cochapters of the Workmen's Circle spend the summer in St. Louis. An and his broadcasting orchestra will so we find them enjoying the first put in the column, we'd have enough chairmen of the membership complan to attend. accomplished musician, she recently furnish the music. A feature of the old fashioned home cooked meals news to fill up the entire eight Miss Eose Shiloff was elected as mittee. The Junior and Senior EeA committee of women from the completed the course offered by the evening's entertainment will be the that they've had in a long time. The pages, but remembering all these lationship committee will be headed president of the Iota Tau Sorority "Sweetheart Popularity Contest." former Misses Vivian and Sarah M., tilings is really work, and whereas Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle Sioux City music school. at a recent meeting held in tSe by Miss Ida Hesklow; cultural comOther novelty features will add to Edith B., Margaret and Fan K., we won't admit that we don't like have been assisting the lodge, with mittee, Miss Ann Pill; Palestine home of Miss Bertha Heshelow. She Miss Charlotte Gelfand, daughter the evening's entertainment. Fund Eaising committee, Miss Sybil succeeds Miss Roma Wigodsky. Other j. the plans and ticket sales. They inMirriam B. and Marsha R. are all to work, we must confess that there of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gelfand, 1615 officers elected were Sally Halpern, elude the Mesdames Max. Dervin, I. Martin Kozberg and Max Maron Merlin; J. N. F. committee, Miss home, some with newly arrived off- are a lot of things that are so much Ruth Wigodsky; administration, Miss vice president; Bernice" Liberman, Singer, S. Shapiro, B. Rifkin, A. Isabella street, arrived home Sunday are in charge of the dance. Assist- spring, some expecting the same and more fun. Lottie Feinberg; Young Judea, Miss secretary, Delia Shiloff, treasurer, Tilevitz, J. Zeligson,;,William Hesh- morning from Columbia University, ing them are Stanley Herzoff, Eddie j some with nothing to worry about Our mind is blank, elow, B. Edelman, and A. Rosmov- New York, where she was taking a Miller and Sam Weiner. Rosalie Sacks; publicity, Miss Fran- and Eoma Wigodsky, reporter. other than retaining their girlish secretarial course. And tho' we'll grant At the meeting Monday, Stanley figures. ces Jacobson. Senior advisor of the A weiner roast was held last Sat- sky. That the column's short and lousy. Herzoff and Max Maron were chosen group will be Mrs. Theodore N. urday evening, honoring Miss BerSunday is the big day set for the It's getting late tha Heshelow and Miss Elsie ShulFifteen couples surprised Paul delegates to the regional A. Z. A. Lewis. • man who will leave the city this Sperling with a party Tuesday eve- Convention to be held in Omaha. A. Z. A. dance and fun festival, and And strange to state, Tentative plans were made for a week. they've even got us excited, as to ning in honor of his birthday. The We're getting very drowsy. Marvin Class was named delegate to picnic supper in July, and for a Pot Members of the sorority who will guests drove to Stone Park for a the national convention; which will who will be chosen the "sweetheart Luck Rush party for new members attend he dinner dance of the OmaIf we were paid weiner roast. also be held in Omaha during July. of A. Z. A." According to what some in August. of the younger (than us) generation ha Iota Tau club next Sunday inSo much a word Miss Elizabeth Raskin, retiring clude Rose Tesler, Rose Shiloff, Delave, been overheard to say, we Mrs. Jules Kroloff of Phoenix, Or even so much a letter president, installed the officers. New York, • (J.T.A.)—Measures of Arizona, who has been visiting with really think that there are one or We'd sit and write lia Shiloff, Bernice Liberman, Debra two of our local sub-debs who really Members of the Junior Hadassah Silver, Elsie Shulman, Charlotte Gel- retaliation against the unofficial boy- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam MosFrom dawn till nite cott of German goods are rapidly be- ow, is spending this week in Omaha deserve the title. They're the sweet- I Yes, from now till times get better. •who assisted in the Jewish National fand and Roma Wigodsky. ing swung into effect by "The with friends. • hearts of the whole club, but they Fund' Flower Day collections last The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare like Freddie H. best of all. Friends of New Germany," Hitlerite Sunday included Miss Lilliam DoMention the Jewish Press to our Zion synagogue will hold a luncheon organization in the United States and brofsky, chairman, and the Misses Abe Sherr, local movie exhibitor, advertisers. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaplan, 2202 meeting in the synagogue social hall other countries. Sara Golder, Sadie Shulkin, Ida proved that he could not only dish it Rebecca street, announce the birth noon, June 20, at 1 o'clock. out Cohen, Mary Kaplan, Anne Cohen, A move to induce foreign sympa- of a son in the St. Joseph hospital. Tuesday well as take it, but that he Mrs. Barney Baron will preside dor- couldastake Sara Woskoff, Margaret .Shulkin, thizers of the current administration it first and then dish it A number of Central High School sing the luncheon, and Mrs. Rueben and Eudice Stillman. in Germany to "Buy German" abroad put. He took good healthy poke Mr. and Mrs. Si Krueger, 3600 pupils will leave this evening for has already been started; but it is ,E. Miller, chairman of the Cultural in the stomach aand dished out Chicago, where they will appear with learned on unimpeachable authority, Jackson street, announce the , birth Committee, will introduce the" pro- three hundred bucksthen in cash to a of a son. gram; , Irony is an insult conveyed in the the school A Cappella choir in a that this is merely the beginning of stick-up man last Sunday nite. He's concert at the World Fair. Jewish a widespread propaganda campaign Mrs. A. Bartlett will present a still a little pale, and his knees form of a compliment.—Whipple. Mr. and Mrs. Jack London J r . and students who are members of the which has as its ultimate goal the paper of current interest A musical all skinned due to the fact thatare he son of Brookings, S: D., visited in choir and Rebecca Stillman, Tillie . program will be presented by MorRemember your dad Mention the Jewish Press to our Shindler, Harry Shulman, Sam Jan-boycott of Jewish goods and enforc- Sioux City with their parents this ton and Caroline Raskin, and Reesa slipped and fell a few times on his ed withdrawal of Jewish commercial way back to the show. on his day with a gift advertisers. week. owitz, Albert Herzoff, Nathan Dvor- enterprise from many channels 61 Lazere will dance. We await with dread the forthchosen from our comkin, Joe Janowitz, Sam Osheroff, business in the United States. The program" will be followed by coming hot weather and the only plete stock of shirts, Mr. Arthur Kalish and Miss Annie a business meeting. Paul Haffits, and Jean Montrose. other sure thing beside death and According to one intimately con- Kalish of New York City, "former ties, sox, straw hats taxes. We mean hay fever. Next nected with Nazi affairs in the Uni- residents of Sioux City, spent sevand accessories. ted States, the next two or three eral days in the city this week, vis- Monday evening will be held in the we home of Dorothy Gelson. Rabbi Lewis spoke last Sunday j eks will be spent in strengthen iting with friends. SEE evening before the Union Service of * n ? * ^e nuclear Nazi force in the Mrs. C. Chaikin of Omaha is.-visitLEONARD BARRICKS all^the churches in Le Le Mars, la. la. United States and other countries, The J. C. C. Girl Scout Troop at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. M. for The last session of the Sunday after which the anti-Jewish move- met Wednesday afternoon in Grand- ing AETNA LIFE INSURANCE view park. Following their meeting Seff. 'Mrs.; Chaikin was" formerly School was held last Sunday mom- ment will be swung into action. - and ing. Report cards were issued and a A series of demonstrations and cel- the girls enjoyed a picnic. Miss Miriam Barrent. All Kinds of General Insurance program was presented by Bobby ebrations are being planned to rally Frances Emlein and Miss Marcela 435 Ins. Exdi. Bldg., Ph. 85210 Slotsky, Harold Slotsky, George Gal- to the Swastika banner in-this coun- Koolish werec in charge of the troop. * insky, Sammy Heeger, Sidney Gold- try all anti-Jewish elements. berg and Blossom Kalin Known variously as "The Friends (Formerly with Davidson Bros.)" The Brownie Pack of the J. C. C. of New Germany Movement," "Symfor Nazi Attempt Fails pathizers of New Germany," and the spent Wednesday with their leader, Geneva.—Repeated efforts on the "Friends of Hitler Movement," more Miss Mildred'Baron, in the Camp of CARPENTER WORK part of Nazi authorities to bring than a score of Nazi cells have been the Hills, at Stone Park. Expert Work at Low Prices about the dismissal of Egon Werth- organized in the United States, wh'le Phone 85761 1011 20th St. The Debra club meet Monday evea recently inaugurated unit in Moneimer, German-Jewish member of the League Information Section, have treal is laving plans for the crea- ning at the home of Miss Rose Alfailed, it was revealed here, and tion of a similar cooperative network bert. Plans for a theater party to be held next Friday evening, were Wertheimer was transferred from the throughout Canada. German Information Section to the An effort to induct the anti-Jew- made. Miss Marie Osheroff and important work of helping prepare for J ish boycott in New York a few Miss Rosabell Wigodsky were elected the World Economic Conference in weeks ago proved abortive when tht into the club. The meeting next 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. DOORS OPEN 10:45 A. M. —A Safe Place to Bring the Kiddie London. -• police tore a banner from NSD. A. P Auto Phone 8 3567 DALE VOSS, Prop. IT'S COOL AT THE G. T. NOTSON. D. D- Supt. Wertheimer is the former London headquarters at 309 East 93nd St STOCKS BONDS correspondent of the Vorwaerts, and The banner, the first of its kind to is a well-known Socialist. He hasbe flown in New York, advocated that been under continual attack by the buyers shun Jewish merchandise. Nazi press.
Named Officer at Workmen's Circle Annual Ivre Conclave Picnic on Sunday
Society News
Hokka Chynik
Iota Tail
Auxiliary Luncheon to Be Held Tuesday
To Attend World Fair This Week
Mount Sinai
Lik-U-Wanta Beach
The Methodist Hospital
RALPH BELLAMY MAE CLARKE Directed by Eddie Cline
Labor Regulations Affect Jews in Greece
Salonica.—Several hundred Jews residing in Salonica and Athens will be affected by the recent promulgation of laws forbidding foreigners living in Greece from performing manual labor in certain trades. It is feared that these new regulations will force a number of Jews to quit the country since they will be unable to hold their jobs. The laws will be put into effect gradually, according to the decision of the parliamentary commission of the government party. • • -
Starts Friday for Four Days -
"The Cockeyed World" and "What Price Glory" •were onlydress rehearsals
DANCING . . . . DINING FLOOR SHOW Every Nite Except Sunday NO COVER CHARGE Over 509-11 Fourth St.
500 Jackson St.
Phone 56595
Don't Miss the World Fair, But Go Insured Against Accident A Traveler's Accident Policy. Will Insure Your
Beautiful New Dance Floor Pleasant Surroundings Good Music Enjoy Our Table Service Without Cover Charge We Have YOUR FAVORITE BEER
1. 2.
Monthly income. Expenses Incurred due to accident. Si Payment of principal sum' In cose of accidental death. For Additional Information Inquire of
Wed., Sat & Sun. NITES
Vote tor
LOVE IS A RACKET Lee Tracy — Ann Dvorak
Ph. 55349
630 Davidson Bldg.
on CRYSTAL LAKE Fishing Swimming Picnic Grounds Refreshments
SOL SEFF 400 AVarnock
T h e m e 58037
Here's a New
• Dame! -
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7 New Belly Vw,,- Laughs!
"Hot ) Pepper" •wJtU
f Edmund Lowe Victor McLaglen Lupe Velcz El Brendcl Plus OUR GANG COMEDY Cartoon News
Aev and Used Car* fiuthoryed Stn>/d AllVxkM &tf KodeU ParU-Accessorfes A STONES THROW FROM THE BUSINESS DISTRICT