June 23, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the. Interests of the Jewish People at, awvuM-\Sw ma" auniei •e in omulm. NWmiska diuler tbe-AMgi


'b 3. ib79

Spying of Arlosoroff World Jewry <




Jewish Athlete Across Sahara on Motorcycle


VOL. IX—No. 21

Hitlerites Hit Economically By Their Anti'Semitic Policy

Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—Sigmund Wollman, a young Jewish athlete, returned here from a nine months'trip Jen.. .~i.—At press time, the being followed but he ignored the around the world on a motorcycle. slayers of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, 35- warning, declaring he did not care. Mr. Wollman crossed Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Germany, France, Oppose Demand for Jewish Pro- year-old head of the political de- Government police officials an- Belgium, Holland, England, Ireland, Latvia Combats Jewish partment and member of the Pales- nounced that they had begun an inportionate Share According Spain, Morocco, Tunis, Egypt, Sicily Boycott of Germany tine Executive of the Jewish Agency tensive investigation. A reward of to Public Revenue for Palestine in Tel-Aviv, had notfifteen hundred pounds, one thousand and Italy. He was not .permitted to of which was contributed by the Jew- enter Palestine. been identified. Higa, (J.T.A.)—The Latvian govish Agency, was offered foT the cap- Mr. Wollman crossed the Sahara ernment has undertaken, to combat Jews throughout the world were London, (J.T.A.)—A Jewish share desert, that being the first time in the Jewish boycott of German goods in the public works program propor- profoundly shocked over news of theture of the murderers. the history of sport, it is believed, in this country, and as a result the tionate to the Jewish share of themurder, the death of the brilliant The murderers were not Jews, Dr. public revenue in Palestine, which young Zionist labor leader being de- Arlosoroff believed, according to close the Sahara was crossed in such a German government has decided to discontinue the embargo which it re- The crippling of Jewish industry since each country is entitled to regPrime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald scribed as an irreparable loss to thefriends who were with him when he manner. and business in Germany by the Nazi ulate its internal labor laws. cently declared on Lettish butter. promised to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, movement to establish a Jewish na- died. With this new ordinance, a mass government-and the world Jewish boyFurther reports declare that the cott against German-made then president of the Jewish Agency tional home in Palestine and the Public agitation and consternation exodus Polish, Roumanian and products Lettish government has started legal are beginning to be felt in the pocket- AustrianofJews for Palestine, two years ago, is now greatest tragedy which has befallen over the case is growing daily and has from the Reich is proceedings against some persons in being contested by the Palestine gov- Palestine since the Arab-Jewish dis- reached a state unparalleled here in foreseen, since the required permits book of the Hitlerite government. Latvia who were taking part in antiernment, according to its annual re- turbances in 1929. Both Jews and recent years as all sections of the For the first time in the history of will undoubtedly be refused them. German boycott activities. port for 1932 made public similtan- non-Jews joined in his praising Dr. population concern themselves with a the Nazi government an appeal was It is possible that the ordinance will eously in London and Jerusalem. The Arlosoroff's character. flood of speculative comment on momade t o the German Jews when a not affect those who can prove they Dr. Arlosoroff was shot and killed tives for the crime and the identity TO CONTINUE report is for submission at the meetSaxon minister of state admitted pub- fled Russia ten years ago as antiA full evening of entertainment. PROPAGANDA ing of the League of Nations Man- by two unknown assailants. Two of its perpetrators. licly that the recent severe drop in in- communists. Jews in this category, in featuring snappy, peppy "surprises" strangers asked Dr. Arlosoroff, in Dr. Arlosoroff had just returned dates Commission in Geneva. Innsbruck,—A mysterious, - official dustry in Germany was due to the in- any case, cannot be exiled since they and a bevy of pretty models has been hold Nansen, League of Nations, ' "It is neither possible nor was itHebrew, what time it was. He re-from Berlin and London •where he •promised for the cabaret and style announcement in Germany reveals the secure position of Jewish firms. intended that the Premier's assur- plied that it was 11 o'clock. had formulated two comprehensive show to be sponsored by the women intention of Nazi leaders to continue The official communique of the Sax- passports and other countries would Thereupon, two shots were fired plans for dealing with the German members at the Highland Country to stimulate public opinion "within on minister of economics to the press not be obliged to receive them. ance should be fulfilled by granting the Reich and abroad against the also pointed out that because the nonthe Jews a shart in the public works from a revolver, and Arlosoroff fell. Jewish situation by settlement of theClub on next Wednesday, June 28. fixed solely in relation to the Jewish The assassins escaped. Two Jewish German Jews in Palestine and had The affair is not being restricted Jews with the same tactics that have Aryans are placing no orders the va- NEW NAZI contribution to the revenue of Pales- youths some distance away, haard conferred with the British Colonial to members, and the general public is been employed by the party in therious industries have dismissed their BOYCOTT 1 Innsbruck,—A drastic, well-organtine," the Palestine government de- Mrs. Arlosoroff's cries and rushed to Office regarding government approv- invited to attend. The novelties being past. workers. I t goes on to assure the Jew- ized boycott has been reclares in the report, interpreting Mr. the scene. They took. the wounded al of his projects. arranged for the evening, the commit- BERLIN—Aiming to check Jewish ish traders that their fear of insecuri- newedanti-Jewish all over Germany apparently MacDonald's promise as meaning only man to the Hadassah hospital where Victor Chaim Arlosoroff was born tee in charge states, will be worth capital ty is baseless, in asking them to again only in Germany but also at the orders of Nazi headquarters that the Jewish contribution will be he died while surgeons were prepar- in Romny, in the Ukraine, in 1899. many times the admission price of abroad, not the German government or- place orders. •which have been concerned over the ing to operate in a desperate attempt taken into consideration. He lived in Germany; from 1905 until fifty cents per couple. dered all German Jews possessing This is in accord with the general gradual fading in emphasis of the' The Palestine government now to save his life. Comely members of the club will property abroad to declare it before reports that Germany has suffered earlier boycott orders. 1924, when he took up permanent Were Being Followed claims further that Jewish employresidence in Palestine. Known as model the latest in women's fashions. August 31. Penalty Ior fallure to dagrowing unemployment since the Nazi Signs exhorting "Germans — Buy Mrs. Arlosoroff, five minutes be- one, of the most brilliant of the The models include the Mesdames so was announced as not less than assumption of power, and that interment on public works is possible only From Germans" reappeared this week in districts with a mixed, Arab-Jew- fore the shooting took place, bad younger Zionist leaders, he first Bert Hene, Paul Blotcky, Hyman three years imprisonment. nal economic conditions in the Father- in many stores and Berlin was floodish population such as Jerusalem, warned her husband that they ware leaped into world prominence when Ferer, Max Holzman, Morris Micklin, The order provides that the declar- land are growing steadily worse. ed with "German Goods" labels afJaffa- 2Jid Haifa, where the Jewish he took the floor in the thirteenth Lester Simon, and. the Misses Gwen- ation must include all money in ex- The manifestations becoming more fixed at the entrance of many stores proportion is already said to be conZionist Congress in 1923 and criti- dolyn Wolf,-Harriet Rosenfeld, Mar- cess of 1,000 marks, all movable and evident constantly that German export to indicate that these establishments siderable. cized the Zionist financial and eco-jorie Arnstein, Bernice Y o u s e m , immovable property such -as land, business has suffered a tremendous are boycotting Jewish-manufactured nomic policies, proposing a compre- Helen Cherniak, and Marjorie Hiller. buildings, stocks, bonds, mortgages, blow because of the boycott of Ger- goods and are handling products However, the government promises hensive plan for the financing of theWell-known members of the younger jewelry, objets d'art, inherited prop- man products by Jews throughout the made by Aryans only. to scrutinize the 1933-34 public reconstruction of Palestine by means set will aid in the entertainment. works program and determine preerty and even insurance policies. world are spurring the Jewish leadMessengers are now delivering pla-*. of an international loan. His plan Mrs. Phillip Levey is chairman, and cisely the Jewish proportion of emers of the anti-German boycott to cards to Berlin stores and notifying ' was worked out in all details and in- is being .assisted by Mrs. Abe Herzployment on each work, in accordance greater efforts. their proprietors to display the cards cluded details for guaranteeing reberg and Mrs. Morton Degen, tickets; with the MacDonald promise, but also An enthusiastic, overflowing crowd Samuel Untermeyer has accepted the in prominent positions. These plabearing in mind the "racial distribu- attended the graduation services and payment and interest payments on Mrs. Dave Feder, models; Mrs. Jeaninvitation of the "American League cards feature a painting of a sunette Arnstein, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster tion of the local population, the na-informal reception for the Jewish the loan. for the Defense of Jewish Rights" to rise over a large swastika. Underture of the work and the labor cost." graduates of the local high schools, He was one of the founders and and Mr. Louis Somberg, entertainserve as honorary president of theneath the illustration is the phrase The report reveals that. 864 Ameri- held at Temple Israel Friday evening, chief theoreticians of the Histadruth, ment. National Boycott Committee of Amer- "German People — B u y G e r m a n can Jews settled in Palestine during under the auspices of the Social Ser- Zionist labor faction, which united ica, which is sponsoring the boycott Goods." 1932. The total .was 15,908, including -vice committee of the Jewish Com the Hapoel Hazair and the Poale against German-made products and To define the meaning of "Ger754 whose capital exceeded a thous- munity Center and Welfare Federa- Zion, and was the author of numermanufactures. man Goods," many firms add a line and pounds each. Only 64 families tion and the B'nai Brith lodge. Abou' ous pamphlets and articles expoundPhiladelphia.—Carol Davilla, Ron- In a letter to Ezekiel Rabinowitz, that they deal only in merchandise eighty-five per cent of the graduating including a number of Armenians, ing his views. He recently proposed Minister to the United States, manufactured by Germans, not by ^ n J e ^ now -cretary Mr. Untermeyer describe. non-Aryar.s. left Palestine to settle in Bureya, the students attended. a plan for a method to repay the as "the autonomous Jewish area in Siberia. Both Dr. Philip Sher, chairman o: German Reich for allowing German The fourth season of the annual citizens of: this country, that thej The drop in German exports and The Soviet government has now halt- arrangements, and William L. Hols- Jews to export their capital to Pal-Lion's Club Children's. Health, camp present RoumsnisTi government is de- will effectively force the present the effect of the Jewish boycott man government to abandon its policy man,: -who presided, .praised the sue-' estine and a scheme for their set- at 78th and Center will open on July void of race hatred, and that Jews ' ed immigration from Palestine. of medieval savagery against its un-against German products through5, giving an eight-week vacation of fleeing Hitlerisna are welcome in Ron- fortunate Total land purchased by the Jews cess of the affair and expressed the tlement there. citizens in Germany of the out the world, has caused the Govin Palestine j n 1932 amounted to 18,- hope that it will become an annual Only 35 years old at the time of health to forty-four undernourished mania, in an address delivered last Jewish faith." ernment much perturbation. Many 893 dunams, of which 8,300 were ac- event on the Jewish communal cal- his death, he was known to Zionists Omaha children of all denominations. Sunday afternoon before the Hebrew German industrialists, who did not quired by the Keren Kayemeth Le endar. throughout the world as one* of the Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is a mem- Roumanian Association on the occas- He will be one of the American rep- fee! the effects of the boycott until resentatives at the World Boycott The invocation was given by Rabbi ablest diplomats and orators enlisted ber of the board of directors and ision of the thirty-second anniversary Israel (Jewish National Fund). very recently are now badly hit by Conference, to be held in London, July it. The report confirms that the gov-David A. Goldstein, and the benedic- in the movement to rebuild Palestine also a member of the camp commit- of its founding. 15. The conference is being convened tee. Dr. Joseph Weinberg- is also a In view of this, it will not be sur- ernment has acquired 5,740 dunams tion by Rabbi Uri Miller. Eabbi Fred- as a Jewish National Home. Without mentioning him by name by British Joint "Council of Trades I prising erick Cohn delivered the address of member of the board of directors. Dr. At the time of his death he was a if the German Government of land in the Beisan district to setthe Roumanian Minister characterized of the to the graduates, and Albert member of the Palestine Executive of Herman Jahr is one of the three con- Hitler as "a crazy man." He de- which Lord Melchett is honorarv should order the resumption openly tle the "displaced Arabs of Wadi welcome president and Major Nathan, M. P., is Stein made the response. the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and sulting physicians for the camp. of the campaign against Jewish Hawareth." plored the presence in Roumania of honorary vice-president. Religious services were held. On the of the National Council of the Vaad firms, in retaliation for the boycott The camp is maintained by the Ne- a small group who are endeavoring The report also restates that the program were several numbers by the beyond the confines of the Reich braska Tuberculosis Association and to stir up race hatred among the PLAN TO EXPEL government's intention to establish a Temple Israel choir. Ida Gitlin sang. Leumi. and as a measure to force the Jews the children are selected by the assomasses. These, he said, will not sucNON-CITIZEN JEWS legislative council has been unchang- Following the program, the recepciation's nurse and by physicians at ceed. ed since the 1930 White Paper. " Berlin,—Thousands of Jews resid- abroad to give up their anti-Nazi tion was held. Refreshments were A. Z. A. Night" at the dispensary. The camp is for poor "Unfortunately," he declared, "there ing in Germany but not possessing boycott drive. served. only. There will be special is a small minority in Roumania German citizenship, most of whom NEW YORK—Describing Hitlerism Peony on Monday children Assisting Dr. Sher in arranging the Mixed Swimming: programs and mid-morning and mid- playing cheap politics, and trying to .are from Eastern Europe, may be j n Germany and elsewhere'as "a menaffair was a committee including Isa- An A. Z. A. Night at Peony Park afternoon lunches and rest periods. Abramson, Max M. Barish, Eug- ballroom will be held Monday night, . All children, before going to camp, arouse race prejudice among the expelled from the Reich er< masse | a c e to human progress and religious Held at Center dore masses by resorting to demogogary, without provoking any conflict with j freedom," former presiding Justice ene Blazer, Rabbi Frederick Cohn.. June 26. The evening's festivities are The mixed swimming party in theRabbi David A. Goldstein, Rabbi Uri being sponsored by the general com- are required to pass a thorough phy- but these do not reach the soul of their respective governments, accord- j Victor J. Dowlin<- of the Appellate J. C. C. pool, June 14, was so suc-Miller. Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Philip mittee of the 10th International A. sical examination, having all medical the Roumanian people. You may rely ing to a scheme involving a new; Division of the New York Supreme cessful that mixed swimming will bs M. Klutznick, Leo Rosentlaal, and Z. A. Convention to be held in Omaha defects corrected. They are vaccinated upon us and upon our understanding labor law which is now in prepare.- j Court, who is a prominent Catholic against small pox, and innoculated offered to members throughout the Harry Silverman. this July. All profits will benefit the against diptheria and typhoid fever. of what is best for us and for thetion, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency I a yl e a ( i e r in t h eU r , ; t e ; ! states, issued world." learned. a c a nt o Catholic? in this country to summer. ; convention treasury. Mrs. J. E. Davidson is chairman of Continuing, he said: "Basically the The law, which is to be declared, unite with Jews to combat the Nazi Fourteen couples had an enjoyable Tickets may be purchased from any Roumanian people are tolerant and effective as of July 1, provides that j regime. hour and a half in the natatorium. Wins Archbishop's member of the local chapters or at the camp committee. devoid of race hatred. The German an The affair was sponsored by the CenPeony Park, Monday evening. The cost all foreign.^residents LONDON hundred Gentiles lureiyi x-esMuciits of ui. Germany ucniii.iii j JLiUJNiJUN — Four Four hlV Oratory Medal per couple is-one dollar, which in- New Ambassador Jews fleeing Hitlerism have been ad- •whose monthly earnings are less h a v e already enrolled ter Athletic Committee. San Francisco, (J-T-A.)—To a Jew- cludes free admission to park, free mitted freely into our country. There than 700 marks (about S196 at cur-1 "Friends of Jewrv" orgs in the new Due to popular demand, the health ish boy, Joseph Karesh, has -gone the . ,, . . .ganization which Expects Nazis to is a crazy man in another country club room has been enlarged so that parking, and admittance to the ballhonor of winning a medal ior the rent exchange) must obtain special, who has been driving the Jews out of h a s f o r i t s a i m t h e o m b a ting of antiit is possible to now house sixty room. Be More Tolerant Germany. We have admitted them labor permits which, hitherto, have Semitism in this ccountry Only nonprivate lockers. "The space is ample, best speech delivered in the recent Many novelty stunts will be a part law school oratorical contest at the been unnecessary _ _ w permitted to join this orfreely and shall continue to admit J e S a r e comfortable and inviting," states of the evening's program. Chicago, (J.T-A.)—A more toler- freely all those who desire to settle Those not obtaining the required ganization because, in the view of its Physical Director M. H. Sogolow. University , of San Francisco. According to Erwin Wezelman, attitude on the part of the Nazi in our country." permits will automatically lose their i organizers, as an exclusively Christian "The last to take lockers are Dave Young Karesh, who,has been. oc- chairman, the advance ticket sale has ant government to—rd the Jews of Ger- Referring to the so-called Jewish residence permits and will be com-1 organization, it can play a far more cuping the pulpit of Congregation Goldman, Paul Steinberg, Joe Cohen, been encouraging and from all apmany is exp' by Professor Wil- question, he added: "The Jewish pelled to leave Germany. The con-j potent part in dispelling'and dissipatSam Gilinsky, A- Cohn, H. B. Cohen, Bikur Cholim at San . Jose, was pearances a record crowd is expected liam E. Dotld. nswly-appointed am- question is not a national question, snlates of their countries Trill, in this i inc ignorance and prejudice regarding; awarded the medal at the recent Dave Katleman, Jake Isaacson, and to attend. • bassador to Germany, he indicated commencement exercises of the UniEoy Feltman." Harry Fischer's orchestra -will pro- here in an interview with the Jewish but an international one, because if case, not have sufficient grounds to the Jews, the London Jewish Chronversity of San Francisco. • one country has a right to expel min- intereede in behalf of their nations j icle reports. vide the music Telegraphic Agency. orities on the ground that these minProfessor Dodd declined to make a orities will not or 'cannot mix with direct statement regarding his atti- its own blood, the world could not Israel Bercovici tude toward the persecution of theexist, because for instance, if the to Head A. Z. A. 1 Jews in Germany, declaring that he Germans can expel the Jews, we have was "committed to be careful" in his Israel Bercovici was chosen presi- public utterances until he bad con-just as much right to expel the eight New York, (J.T.A.)—Michael Wil- cal violence, are at least three hun- dent of the A. Z. A. 1 at the election sulted with President Roosevelt and hundred thousand Germans in Sou- Detroit, (J.T.A.) — The National I vo!ved, and this issue is one with liams, editor of Commonweal, a na-dred," stated the noted Catholic of officers at the J. C. C. Wednesday. the state department. He added, mania, and likewise every other coun- Conference of Jewish Social Sen-ice which some of iis struggled and are Other officers: Irving Ghudacoff, re- however, "Of course, you know the try resorting to similar methods has held its annual convention but still straggling now," said Dr. Slawtional Catholic review published in leader. New York, on his return from Ger- Mr. Williams declared that certain elected vice-president; Ernest Nogg, attitude of any American scholar." would drive the world into war. It while the sessions are over, a serious son. "The question is whether our is, therefore, to the interest of allbattle is looming over fundaments] social interests shall be pivotal in many estimated the number of Jews leading Jews requested him "to asksecretary; Louis . Minkin, re-electe.i wounded in German anti-Semitic riots the humanitarian societies and lead- treasurer; Sam Turkel, senior ser- The new ambassador said he hadcivilized countries once and for all toJewish issues which were raised at their Jewish ^.ontent, or whether we at 300. The injured total 3,000, he ers of the United States and other geant-at-arins; Jack Temin, junior discussed the situation with a num- settle the right of minorities living Detroit shall run away from being Jewish. T said. countries to do their best to help the sergeant-at-arms; Ernest Priesman, ber of people, including prominent within their territories." Two contending factions vili bring would like as many of us to be JewJewish leaders, and had found them Mr. Williams -will shortly publish younger generation of German Jews reporter; Harry Weinberg-, chaplain. "fine and reasonable" about i t the Issue to the next convention, in j sish because of a philosophic concept details substantiating his estimated to enter and settle permanently in Jake Adler and Sam Turkel were 19S4, at Atlantic City. While there | n d not through pressure of antiFive Delegates to countries outside Germany. For sevelected to the athletic board. "The worst is past," Professor casualty list, were two candidates for the office of j Semitism. Don't bank on the Gcrhundred thousand young Jews Louis Minkin, Harry Weinberg, and Dodd declared, "and things are going the presidency—Jacob Kepecs of man situation making American Jews - Conservative Estimate 300 Killed eral Omaha Hadassah there is no future in Germany so Israel Bercovici were elected delegates to get better right along." He did Chicago and Earry L. Gluckman of more Jewish permanently. What "A conservative estimate of thelong as the present regime maintains to the Missouri Valley Alephs Associ- not amplify this statement. The Omaha chapter of Hadassah curiously enough need is a positive and effective Jewcases of physical violence against its present position—and apparently ation convention to be held in Omaha is entitled to five delegates to theNew York—each ish attitude." 135 votes, Jews and of Jewish deaths attribut- the regime does not intend to relax on July 7. receiving convention of the Zionist Organiza- the election into £ deadlock,throwing Balf onr Forest Fire the isThe Baltic Is Or? able to physical violence during the its attitude, save superficially and in Jerusalem.—Twenty thousand young tion of America, to be held in Chi- sue was not one of personalities, but It is evident that the batik within anti-Jewish outbreak, -would be asappearance only." trees -were destroyed when a fire of cago, July 1 to 4. follows (the evidence to support this In conclusion the editor of the German Jewess Wins World d some deep-rooted issues involved the National Conference of Jewish Dance Contest mysterious origin swept through part Mrs. II. F . Levensors, president of i in it. Social Service it, on, and that cite opinion will in due time be presented Commonweal stated that. "the GerWarsaw.—Miss Ruth Abramowitz, of the Balf our Forest, planted by thethe chapter, is anxious "to communi- Dr. John Slawson, vcho headed the group represented by Dr. Slawson, to the world): 1 man Catholics fear discrimination a young Jewish woman from Ger- Jewish National Fund in honor of the cate with local Hadassah meinbers '^Recorded cases of physical moles- and possible laws affecting their many, von first prize in the First late Lord Balfoiir. The fire follows who will be in Chicago at that time. committee of 1O0 which placed the j Par. Glucksman, Morris D. Waldtnan, Glaeksrnan in nornina- j Dr. oolornon Loewonstein and others tation of Jews serious enough to berights of education and personal lib- International Artistic Dances Compe- a series of nprootiisgs of trees by "All Omaha members who •will be inname of tion in opposition to the official can- Is determined to carry on the battle noteworthy are at least three thou- erty. But while their position is an tition. vandals in forests planted by Jewish Chicago then are urgently requested which, as they explain,. is intends^! sand. anxious and harnessed one, it is the Using the pseudonym of "Miss settlers.. The police, suspecting sn to get in touch -with me," Mrs. Levea- didate of the nominating committee to make the National Conference r>r headed by Harry L. Lurie of New "Jewish deaths ranging from out- Jew -who at present bears, with the Sorel," Miss Abramowitz -was judged incendiary, are prosecuting an exten- soa states, "And I will see to it fi right killing to deaths resulting from Communist, the full weight of Nazi the victor from among 12S competi- sive investigation into tJie cases of that you are given the proper cred- York, explained the issues at theJewish Social Service Jewish and not merely an organisation dealing witfc luncheon of workers. injuries or shock produced by physi- persecution." tors- r * h e blaze. entials to attend the sessions." "There was • fundamental issa« ie- techniques and skills.

Nazis Retaliate By New Attack Against German Jewish Residents

Cabaret and Style Shotvat Highland Wednesday Night

Reception to High School (graduates Highly Successful

Help With Work of Health Camp

Persecution of German Jews Worst in History—Williams


ig Social Workers

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23,1933 be served. Pi'laes will bo awarded ponding secretary; , Miss Jeannette ttttmmttmnmwmtmuttui to men, women and children In theResnick, recording treasurer; Miss Bess Kirshenbaam, financial treasvaiittU^ games to be held. The Conservative Synagogue will Next Tuesday the Ladles Labor urer; Miss Fannie Katleman, re- conduct its regular Friday evening porter ; and Misses Anna Hahn, Sarah Lyraum dub will hold an Important this evening at 6:30 p. m. business meeting. All members arc Solompnow, and Ruth SlobodLnsky, as services Tomorrow morning the services beboard members. Workmen's Circle 173 urged to attend. Mrs. Max Fromkin, sponsor of gin at 9 a. m. The special feature


Organization News

Workmen's Circle Branch ITS have their 26th annual picnic Sunday, Juno 25th, beginning at 2 i>. w., atElmwood Park. AH members are invited to attend and are asked to bring their baskets. Free ice cream will be sewed to members. A set of dishes will be given nwny and games of all kinds, for young and old, will bo played.

Daughters of Zion At-a-meeting of the Daughters of Zion Wednesday plnns were made for a picnic to bo held at Hanscom Park. A membership drive is also planned.

Ladies Labor Lyceum The annual picnic, of the Ladies Labor Lyceum* clafe 'wfll:b5e* 'held" ibr members only at Elm wood Park on Suyrjday, July 9. Free ice cream-will

Countil Bluffs News : BY F. R. K.

The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith will hold an important meeting next Monday evening, June 26, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles hall. The chief purpose of this meeting will be to consider some action to be taken regarding the Hitler platform. The committee in charge is composed of Messrs. O. Hochman, Louis H. Katelman, Sam Shyken, and Charles Saltzman. This meeting is open to both members and non-members of the B'nai Brith and all local Jewry are urged to attend. An open, discussion wjll be held concerning the anti-Semitic situation. Mrs. Frank Xrasne and her sister, Mrs. J. A. Solomon of Los Angeles, Cal., spent several days in Chicago, I11.J where they attend the World's Fair, returning home Wednesday. Mrs. Solomon is spending the month ' h e r e . .







Boy Scouts

Junior Hadassah, installed the new officers. . A violin solo was given by Miss Lorraine King, and a vocal solo, by Miss Dorothy Marko. Miss Sarah Solomonowyas in. charge, of the program./ . ; -'J-^:::i:Ci •Honor pins were presented to Mrs. Sidney Katleman; and. Misses Anna Hahn, Dora Freshman, Frernette Goldberg, Rath Slobodinsky, Marie Gilbert, and Sara Ann Noddle. Twenty-two members who raised their quota for the "Give or Get" fond were honored guests at the banquet.

The J. C. C. Boy Scout Troop 62 held an overnight hike Saturday along the Missouri, for a selected group. After pitching their tents and making their bunks, they had a flashlight hike to a high bluff, to study the stars. Inr the morning target practice and a treasure hunt occupied their time. Swimming took up the afternoon. The following boys made the trip: Scouts Leo Eisenstadt, Reuben "Lippett, Morris Shapiro, A. B. Iteshick, David Richards, Eugene Siporin, Herman Siporin, Irving Hoberman. ' Sunday morning the remainder of the troop joined them at Camp Gifford. ' Troop 62 is under the leadership of Members of "the Omaha A. Z. A Dr. D. C Platt, David Fishman, and Alumni Association organized a perSidney Coyne^ . ~;:^,,,,.,'• _; ,-.v,, ^^-,--.,... manent alumni chapter at a meeting held Monday. There are at present twenty alumni chapters throughout the country and Canada, and local members hope that at the internationThe Junior Hadassah held their annual installation of officers a t - a al convention, in Omaha in July plans banquet Wednesday evening, June 21, will be perfected for an internationa at the J. C. C. ! % 'X alumni association. The local chapter plans on housing, Miss Ida Fine was installed, as president for the ensuing year to dating and furnishing transportation succeed Mrs. Sidney Katleman. Other to all alumni guests at the convention officers installed were: Miss Dora in addition to entertaining the memFreshman, first vice-president; Miss bers of the Supreme Advisory CounKose Dolgoff, second vice-president; cil. Miss Minnie Frohm, recording secreStanley F. Levin is president of the tary; Miss Sara Ann Noddle, corres- Omaha alumni; Irving Wezelman, vice-president; Morris Franklin, sec retary, and Joe Cohen, treasurer. Ju lius Bisno is chairman of the consti tutional committee, which will report Captivating Sylvia Sidney in "Jen- at the next meeting Tuesday evening, nie Gerhardt" and Lee Tracy in "Tha June 27, at the J. C. C. at 7:30 p. m. Nuisance" will be the screen attracv Oscar Mayerowitch is chairman of housing and Norman Green chairman W3Z, of transportation. Stanley Levin, chairman of dating, has asked that the young ladies who wish to be dated with alumni visitors to the convention, call him at Glendale 1801, or givi their names to any member of the organization.

Junior Hadassah

At Oroheum



Bernard Balaban, student at the Eastman School of Music at Rochester, N. Y., returned home to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban. He stopped in Chicago, en route home, where he attended the World's Fair for a few days. Mrs. Max Greenberg left Monday for Oakland, Cal., to join Mr. Greenberg, who preceded her a month ago, where they will make their future home. Miss Lucylle Krasne will entertain twelve couples at a dinner-dance at the Highland Country Club Saturday night, in celebration of her birthday.

Mention the Jewish Press to our advertisers. *

JENNIE GERHARDT Sylvia Sidney '• tions on the opening week's program of double feature programs at the Greater Orpheum, starting Saturday. "Jennie Gerhardt" is from the pen of Theodore Dreiser arid is unusually fitting for Sylvia Sidney to exhibit her histrionic ability. Lee Tracy in "The Nuisance" is the usual wise-cracking type that has made him popular. As a shyster lawyer he builds up accidents against insurance companies and other corporations and then represents the supposed victims in lavish law suits.

Cantor Irving Miller of Chicago, brother of Rabbi Uri Miller, spiritual leader of the local Vaad H'Oehr, will officiate at services at the Beth Hamedrosh Hogodol synagogue, 19th and Burt, this Saturday morning, June 24. The Junior .Congregation will have its last services before vacation this coming Saturday morning at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Refreshments will be served by -the Women's Auxiliary of the Vaad.

The Burlington's passenger traffic to the World's Fair over the past week-end exceeded the best expectations of the railroad travel experts by such a wide margin that it seemed like old times to Albert Cotsworth, Jr., the passenger traffic manager at the Burlington. "In addition to the regular equipment of our incoming trains being loaded to capacity for the first time in several years, 70 extra cars were required to handle the rush of passengers bound for Chicago, and some of our trains were operated in two sections," said Mr.'Cotsworth. Railroad officials see in the big travel bulge not only an accelerated public interest in the World's Fair, but also an unmistakable trend toward travel by raiL On Sunday, June 18, 16,154 people visited the Burlington's crack World's Fair Exhibition Train—an attendance that was exceeded only on the opening day of the exposition.

EVERYTHING For the Auto 2051 Farnam, :

Shifts for itself—Just like magic—Hands free for the wheel—Simple in operation Automatically shifts back to Second and op to High again—Uncanny—Patented by Reo Drive the New Reo—Discover for yourself the advantages of this exclusive invention REO FLYING CLOUD S I X . . .

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The story of the World's Fair . . .interestingly told and beautifully illustrated with actual photographs. Really a handbook of what to see and do. Erery page is newsy, entertaining, helpful... just the kind of information yoawillwantasyourfirstintroduction to the Big Show. Send for thi s booklet today... it's FREE.

MAIL THIS COUPON R. THOMSON, Passenger Traffic Mgr. Chicago Sc North Western Railway 400 W. Madison St., Chicago, IIL •• «°». Please send me. without cost or obligation, your new booklet, "A Century of Progress Exposition."

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Romance of a People"


The Climax of

Jewish Day Monday, July 3rd The greatest dramatic and biblical j>ageant of the age. With a cast of more than 3500 under the masterful direction of Isaac Van Grove, Director of • the Chicago Civic Opera, this superb spectacle will be performed on the ; stage in the U. S.


~**The Romance of a People" wiU give you a thrill that you have probably never before ^experienced. In the tremendous oval of Soldier Field on the Lake Front, this will be the most spectacular event in the entire Century of Progress Exposition.

And t h e c o m for t a b l e w a y ! -«• Cheaper) t o o , in t h e l o n g r u n ! Plan to spend maxlmnm time on the grounds, including eve* ning hours when a million Midway lights are gleaming. You'll enjoy every minute, if you go the carefree way. Let us welcome you. Rock Island exhibit—Travel and Transport Building.

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At a Century of Progress Exposition Chicago

.Mrs. D. Zoorwill—is - spending • the week in Sioux City, la., visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herman Shiloff, and Mr. Shiloff. ...


ooar oa Firing Cloud.


Miss Marilyn Saltzman entertained twelve guests at her home last Friday afternoon in celebration of her tenth birthday/. •'• • ' ;^;^ l %^* v v.\:f ? V" V


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Passengers Taking "Burlinsrton" to Pair

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler entertained members of their Sunday Night Bridget club at their home Sunday night.

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ALLAN COHEN Announces the Opening of His Law Offices at


Poison itself is a remedy in some The Ro-noh club of Central High diseases, and there is nothing so evil School elected the following officers but what may be converted to purfor the coming semester: Edward poses of good.—Digby. Rosen, president; Bernard Chapman vice-president; Howard Kaplan, secretary; Robert Steifler, treasurer; NATIONAL Joseph Lerner, corresponding secretary. ACCESSORIES, Inc.

Edward Rosen, student at the University "^of Minnesota, returned home Tuesday from Minneapolis, to spend the summer with his parents,'Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen. .Mrs. Sol Gross returned to her home *; in.',St.; Louis', Mo., following an extended visit here at the home'of-her soifc-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman,* and their small

New York.—A survey of the effect of the economic depression upon Jewish recreational institutions conducted recently by the National Jewish Welfare Board, indicates that while the Power is always right, weakness is income from the more than 275,000 members in 262 YMHA's, YWHA's always wrong. Power is always inof the services this Saturday morn- and Jewish Community Centers has solent and despotic—Webster. ing will be the Bar Mitzvah of Richard, son of Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon. The congregation cordially in"vites the friends of the Gordon family to be present at the Bar Mitzvah ceremony of Richard Gordon.

A, Z. A. Alumni

decreased appreciably during the past year, the attendance at mass function* and other Jewish Center activities has, on the contrary, increased considerably.

Increased Activity

JEWISH BAY—JULY 3rd Very low round trip fares daily. Special reductions June 30—July 4 inclusive. Return limit July 7. About 1 cent a mile erery Saturday and Sunday. 10 day return limit. For details and illustrated foldmr call on, phone or write "34 A.D.MARTIN Gen'l Agt. P u i ' r Dept. Rock Island Lines 701 Woodmen of the World Bids. Omaha, Nebr. Phone Jackson 6556 ar 303 So. 15th St. Phone Atlantic 9888


This is the year to see Yellowstone National Park—while travel prices are on the bottom—when overworked human batteries must be recharged. See Yellowstone this summer and get a new lease on life. Watch tame bears work and wild geysers play. Nature runs a continuous performance of wonders in Yellowstone, guaranteed to make you glad to be alive. Include Glacier Park on the same trip. Only $9.75 more in rail fere. Nothing extra for routing via Colorado when you go BURLINGTON.

"Everywhere West"

AsU about low-cost Burlington Escorted Tour* —Send coupon today to J. W. Sharpe, General PjP Agent, Burlington Route, 16th and Farnam, *»*» Omaha. Phone Atlantic 6831. Please tend me free 3fa*trated booklet, alao fcH information on Yellowstone vacations. Name.. ; ' —. Street „ D Check tere if Interested in facetted Toon.

You will want to see the Century of Progress Exposition so be sure and plan to be here during JEWISH DAY.

National Jewish Day Committee 11 So. LaSalle Street Chicago' "

- (This space donated by The Jewish Press.)


PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23,1933 down life of winter. Springtime i s tator Junior, for unknowingly having life, I shall be more than glad to Love is strong as death; jealousy Mention the Jewish Press to o u t Our advertisers solicit your"-/par to me synonomous vr'ih resurrection, been responsible for this column. Had inform yoa immediately for your tronage. advertisers. is cruel as the grave. renaissance, rediscovery of the foun- he never started his column, I am comment. And how about krepplech, tain of eternal youth. . . A cure for sure I would have never thought of knaidlech and knaves or blinches, pessimism, the destroyer of the blith- taking the trouble and the time t o borshch, Babbits and boors? ihg effects of "Vanity, vanity, all is write this column. I feel very happy vanity," the annihilator of all germs that that was the case, for it rather By Harry Mendelson of futility. Spring, the warm sun, confirms one of my deep convictions the growing grain, fill me with a —that once the elders see the vision _ In spring a young man's fancy mighty surging passion for life, for of the limitless" creative energies of lightly turns to thoughts of love. I n activity, and innoculate the world the Youth and permit these powers summer, and especially a t gradua- with bacilli of superiority, child-like to express themselves through parJERUSALEM— (J. T. A.) —Josef tion, the world turns t o thoughts of faith in life and immortality. Death ticipating in building a saner, healthRosenblatt, noted' American cantor, extinction, transitoriness, evanesyouth. •• Notwithstanding the criticism ier and more beautiful life, they, died here Sunday of heart attack and and venom thrown at contemporary cence, etc., find no room in my soul would shout louder than anybody else, apoplexy. civilization there are redeeming fea- with the coming of spring. "All power to the youth! He had been active all day Sunday, tures of which previous civilizations What I have said about spring, And after hearing our young col- visiting the Wailing Wall, the Dead could not boast, and one of the outand even more, may be said to char- umnist speak on contemporary litera- Sea and the River Jordan, in which standing is the recognition of youth, acterize Youth. The world is no ture for an hour and- a half I he bathed, while the American-Palesits potentialities and inherent rights. older than its rising generation. The was strengthened in my belief that one tine Fox Film Company was making Not only do we have father's and eccentric writer Benjamin DeCasser young generation has not y e t "gone the last shots of a film in which- he helps bnild strong bones mother's days in spirit with the fifth es, a recent biographer of Spinoza, to the dogs" nor is it on the waywas starring. The film was completed. commandment—Honor thy father ami assayed youth some years ago into perdition. and teeth. While on his visit to Palestine, Canmother, but we have also son's and these words: "Spring—which is youth Brother columnist, yon can feel astor Rosenblatt gave several concerts daughter's ' day in spirit with the with its seeding—time in brain and on behalf of Russian Jewry. newly accepted eleventh command- heart, its healthy rebellions and vir-.sured that if I find any items dealing with cabbages and kings in my ranile dissents—presses forever on the ment—Honor thy son and daughter. Even though we have, not as yet a footsteps of winter, which is old age, dom ramblings over the stage of —Shop from our Service Guide formal youth's day' the season of fallow in brain and heart,, with its graduation seems to have taken 0:1 ossified instincts, its deadening, conthe proportions of a widely accepted servatism . . . It is to the rising season in which the elders center generation that the world must altheir thoughts on the problems of ways look to be saved from itself for out of those ranks of youth— youth. is t h e eternal renaisIn a world which has been charac- youth, which the slayers of dragons, terized by Will Durrant in the fol-sance—come the fowlers of the bats of superstilowing manner, "We a r e children of tion that prey on the human soul, the the transition, therefore we are sad" who forever in the past and the turn to thoughts about youth is warriors the one of the most encouragiQg and will in all times t o come draw . spirit-bolstering social phenomena. A sword against authority." world that still takes cognizance of Contemporary youth faces a -trethe tremendous protentialities of mendously challenging- /world the like youth is far from going to the dogs. of which" no young generation since Men come and go, but Humanity the dawn of history has had to cope goes on. I t is through the youth with. I t is your world, all of i t ! t h a t society i s kept from running It is full of all sorts of things for down; through it, it! is revitalized, re- you to find out and do, or do over juvenated and innoculated with the and do right. In the words of LinDave a n d Barney joy of living, dreaming and doing. coln Steffens in a recent issue of t h e Hoberman have built I t . i s through young manhood and Cosmopolitan, " I teach my child and. up the business of the womanhood that mankind regains its I tell all other 'children of all age&rWe Solicit Tour Printing National T i r e Shop, • CLEANERS LAKE STREET AUDITS and Office Supply Needs grip upon the fundamentals that pre-school, in school, in college, and 17th and Capitol ave^ • DYERS BEAUTY SHOPPE SYSTEMS make life worth living for. I t is out: that nothing is done, finally and on the premise of sat2004 Lake St. • HATTERS INCOME TAX through the philosophy of youth— right. That nothing is known, posisfying the customer." CALL Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop. • TAILORS living, laughing and loving—that, itively and completely." l i f e and Their extra-fine serAT. 4644 ' -what might be a meaningless exist- happiness are a mater of activity/ Rug and Curtain vices and reasonable ence on a planet that is but a drop There is something left for everyCleaners ASK FOR COREY The New Doart Vrfior prices have been resin t h e vast sea of space, assumes body to discover and say and think Doable Curler Permanent Upholstered ponsible for their large Wave tremendous importance and signifi- and do. The best books haven't been Furniture increase in volume of Certified Public Acrt*. cance, marshalling the best energies written yet, the finest pictures, have $3.00 Corey-McKenzie business, for "pleased of men and women towards a glorious not yet been painted, the most effic852 Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship customers return." Printing Co. tomorrow. ient machines not yet constructed, the BIdg. The Hoberman Broswiftest flying machines not yet de1406 Dodge St. Recently.-1 received a letter from signed, the finest cities not yet built, AT. Mil, 2423 Farnam St. JA. 4811 thers a r e distributors * Tears Present Location a young friend, in which to my great etc., e t c Oh; What a glorious tofor t h e well-known, dismay, the following declaration was morrow is before you! And here is Omaha manufactured made: To me springtime has always a clarion call from President Rowland Grant Battery. They symbolized the hopelessness of man's Angell cf Yale to climax the glorious guarantee all s a l e s . AUTOMOBILES planning, hoping, and striving. After tasks which face our youth,-who in Whether you need a we -have labored, sweated, prayed, addressing the students sounded the new battery, o r your built temples and altars, lived following note: "Certainly, the genold one ^requires serVolz Will Keen You thought and died, then comes the eration to which I belong has made vicing,, the Hoberman Hespital Remedy for Gas, Nattily Attired eternal springtime, and the green a horrible mess of things, and we brothers can take care Heartburn. Indigestion, Golden Spike Constipation grass will creep up again over all, pass on shame-facedly t o yours t h e of you to your satisPale Dry Gingerale We Sell and Guarantee and the dust of man be but a shadow task of rescuing;_ humanity from its faction. . . . Where Price, Quality, Ideal Lime Rickey This Bemedy of; yesterdays that a r e gone forever. They also feature and Service Meet WE DKHVEH In^tiie pulse of springtime's pollulat- woes.n Ideal SqdrWaters Goodyear tires, "the Quality and Service inj? generation on every side, man FASHION TAILORS Manufactured and world's first choice tire seems so small a thing, so futile." . MORTON'S Your columnist has been unsparing Distributed by for 17 years," and a r e JOHN VOLZ GARAGE How strange! Such "Vanity, van- in his acclaim of talents and creative an authorized Good~ Ideal Bottling Co. ity, all is vanity" philosophy in such powers exhibited by the younger genSTUDEBAKER Booms 528-15X2 Securities year station.. The moN. E. Corner 20th and a young soul! . Bide. eration. A t this time, though i t is SALES and SERVICE WE. SMS torist can be eertainto Lake ICth and Farnam, JA. 2T06 1808 N'ortti ZOtfa S t . I immediately sent him my reac- Tather belated, I wish credit a young 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 find just the tire he AT. 2727 tion to what I called "a morbid-out- man, my fdlow r columnist, the. Specwants from their large look on spring." Your harangue on and complete stock. springtime as being the symbol of Any motorist who is the hopelessness of man's planning, BODY ISENDER ENGRAVERS "stuck on the road" W H E A T ; CORN. OATS etc., does not "click", with my percan call, the National For Information Call or Write sonal reaction t o t h e season of genTire Shop a n y time Auto Bod.r and Fender eration. On the contrary," it calls TAYLOR GRAIN CO. New and Used Repair OMAHA TOWEL Kepairinc, Paintinc until 11 p . m. They Parts and Accessories for forth in my mind: faith,'hope,; de721-722 Omaha Grain Exchangr Bid? Complete Cnholstering SUPPLY Cars and Trucks at a invite your patronage, JA S403—AT 2038 and Glass Service termination to carry on in the face Savinc " Private Wire Connections With and all are welcome to CLEAN LINENS of crushing temporary defeats.' -To Wicker Furniture JAS. E. BENNETT CO. Merchandise Guaranteed come down to the shop Painted and Repaired me, winter is rather the symbol of 209 S. 11th JA. 0528 and- look the p l a c e all you mention. After t h e cold, over. lifelessness, apathy, defeats,"discouragements and heart-aches, comes 2118-22 Canting SARATOGA warmth, life-abundant, activity, creAT. 6208 LAUNDRY ation, expression, renewed determindlGRftVltiG CO. We Take Time lo l>o It Since 1922 ation to carry on, rejuvenated emoRight by Heine Slow S. M. CLAYM AN, Mgr. *• omflHfi * tions and passions, a renewal of the and Careful Soliciting Quality Thorns Ofc.4626 libido, making one forget the runAT. 9369 Work KE. 0061-62 17th and Cblraco St.

The Human Panorama



Cantor Rosenblatt Died in Palestine

Omar ^zl^


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World Theater One week, starting Friday, June 23, the World is offering Mary Pickford and Leslie Howard in "Secrets," with S. Aubrey Smith and Ned Sparks. "Secrets" is a simple love story of a down-to-earth romance of pla^i people. A young couple battling the hardships of western ranch life; battles with cattle rustlers; the rtaring of a family; eventual prosperity, clouded by the husband's affair with another woman, and the loyal wife who sees him through these many trying situation's. As a second complete feature on the same program the World is offering "The Constant Woman," based on a play by Eugene O'Neill, staring Conrad Nagel, Leilla Hyams and Claire Windsor. The story revolves about the influence which one woman yields—even after, her death—over the lives of three persons—her son, her husband, and a sympathetic actress whom she had known.


—REDUCED PRICES— Per Person 'Saturday 75c

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Lincoln S1.00 Wahoo 75c Des Moines $2.00 Denver $7.50 Detroit $7.50 Los Angeles $20.00


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We Are Distributors for the Well Known Omaha Manufactured

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FRANK MEARES Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While You Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481

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THREE SCHEDULES DAILY TO CHICAGO Comfortable Coaches — Bonded and Insured Lowest Fares — Special Group Rates


Chicago $5.50

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The Sign of ; Good Workmanship JA. 1614

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Attend Jewish Day

15th and Harney Sts.



Wedding: ©

Special RefJuced Prices for May end June We Are Always Pleased to Show Styles find Prices

Cleveland Studio 1612 Doagia.. St. PLoneJA. S35S

BLUE LINE Transfer Co. 314 S. 10th

AT. 6405

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23,1933 Silverstein Heads Brith Unfortunately for the college, how- presented with a series of required ever, the general preliminary train- courses in Algebra, Civics, and a host Abraham Atlantic City.—An upset in preing of the young man and young of other subjects whose practical or election forecasts resulted in the elecwoman in the high school and prim- cultural application is nil. When first I thought over this sub- tion here of Max Silverstein of New ary grades has not been of sufficent London, (J.T.A.) —Professor AlPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by usefulness to permit the college to ject I was struck with the possibility York as Grand Master of the Indebert Einstein informed the Jewish ; . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY fufill its purpose. This is not nec- that perhaps the error was not in the pendent Order Brith Abraham at the Telegraphic Agency that he intends essarily the fault of the pedagogues; college but in the individual. I have close of the 47th annual convention to visit America in the fall. $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - in many instances it is the fault of talked to many a college graduate, of the organization. Following his visit to America Within the last few weeks the Advertising rates furnished on application Professor Einstein will go to Spain American colleges and Universities the American public who under the recent, and of years standing, and to occupy the chair of the research have again spawned forth upon the misapprehension of desiring the most while all agree that the illusions and Hebrew Academy Proposed •; Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. professorship of science at Madrid land the requisite thousands of young modern of school trainings for their dreams of youth are due for a rude Jerusalem.—A proposal to establish Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street University. graduates. Once again the halls of children have succeeded in getting awakening upon graduation from col- a Hebrew Academy as an adjunct to The famous scientist praised the earning have thrilled to the massed for them only a bizarre smattering lege, no one viewing the steady pour- the Hebrew University, and a stateSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center American plan to establish a so-music of thousands of young voices of theoretical knowledge that is ofing stream of college graduates that ment urging assembled journalists DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor called "university in exile" for allas they sang for the last time the no use whatsoever. Again, the college stand bewildered and unprepared for to do their utmost for the Hebrew FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - -. - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent intellectuals who are deprived of favorite- songs of their Alma Mater; is very often laboring under the the life ahead of them can help but University, featured the pros? conANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent their freedom during periods of po- et again commencement speakers handicap of having itsfinancesap-be struck by the obvious fact that ference of Jewish journalists held at thruout the land have told the young portioned to it by a governing legis- the American educational system of the Hebrew University recently. litical stress. initiate that he is a ship cruising in- lature the majority of whose mem- today is sadly lacking. Perhaps Mento a vast unchartered sea; what they bers possess no idea whatsoever of cken is right when he says " I owe a Praise is the reflection of virtur; neglected to tell the young graduate the purpose or workings of a college. clarity of mind and a preparedness World Jewry suffered the greatest^^traigedy in Palestine since however is that he was a poorly pre- One of the most recent examples of for living that has made my life a but it is glass, or body, which givpth decimation of a fine educational happy one to the fact that the bilge- the reflection.—Bacon. the Moslem outbreaks of '29 in the assassination of I)r. Chaim GEMS of the BIBLE pared ship. And so these thousands the institution at the hands of a gen- water belched forth by the American ike many more before them have a arid TALMUD Arlosoroff, outstanding Zionist labor leader, in Tel Aviv. Though erally uninformed if 'not illiterate educational system from the kindersummer of loafing and inviting their By O. O. DASHER ANY MEN'S OR LADIES' only thirty-five years of age, he was ranked as brie of the ablest souls and then t a the hard task of legislature was the fiasco at Lincoln, garten to the college has never congoing to work. The emphasis how- Nebraska where at an investigation taminated my mind." diplomats and orators enlisted in aiding the JewisH people reof the college functions the most Withhold not good from him toever has shifted; the hardest task is erudite fact brought forth was that establish the Jewish National Homeland. Cleaned, Blocked nn«I to find the work not to do it. lie-shaped by Experts Paris.—Sholom Asch, noted Yidit is due, when it is in the the young women and young men of A member of the Palestine* Executive of the Jewish Agency whom m n * T T A Q"Oniah;es Host dish playwright and novelist, forBut the American collegiate system lower of thy hand to do it. the college were known to smoke in A rlxlLJLiJLji\k5 Hat <ic;im-r" for Palestine, and of the National Council of the Vaad Leumi, he of education today is gravely at public. It is this same type of mind mally received the Order of Polan-1 101 North 10th St-.-f.ri has been active in advancing Zionist work since 1918. As an ex- The wise shall inherit honor, but fault for it turns out hundreds of and person that sits as the govern- Restituta from the Polish Ambas(Across from Postoffice for the fools—they carry a\?ay graduates unable to cope with the ing body of local and county school sador here. ample of his great work for the cause—just prior to his death he as problems of living, unable to sat-boards. Little can be expected from shame. returned from Berlin where he fathered two schemes in which isfactorily adjust themselves to thesuch bodies but what we have rethe Jews of Germany placed their utmost hope and confidence. The lips of the righteous feed serious businesses of making a liv-ceived—a primary and secondary edmany, but the foolish die for want of ing and making a happy life for ucation that is of the poorest, in genOne was for the establishment of an international bank to enable understanding. themselves. Perhaps the gravest de- eral taught by people whose capabilithe German Jews to salvage their capital and take it out of Gerficiency in the American educational ties would not permit them reputable many by exporting German goods instead of cash. His plan, There is he who pretendeth him- system today is the fact that too place amongst an average group of rich, yet hath nothing. There many people are permitted to go tocollege graduates. worked out in detail, provided for joint control of the proposed isselfhe who pretendeth himself poor, colleges which do them no good at An order on TORGSIN enables your relatives in Soviet Russia to international bank by the Jews and by the German government yet hath great wealth. all. The college life is as exacting a Where the collegiate system itself purchase all sorts of domestic or imported articles at low prices. one as is the life of the professional has failed is in its laxity towards with British and Italian representatives as impartial arbiters. The : man; it requires a definite type of students while they are members of Talmud second scheme was for the settlement of several thousand Ger- Rabbi Gamaliel ben Juda said: "Be individual to derive and benefits from the university. State universities have man youths in Palestine in order to save the Jewish children from areful with the politicians and their those it has to offer. an abhorrence of refusing to pass Nazi influences. Dr. Arlosoroff had discussed these plans with bosses. They will be very close to The college atmosphere is for theany taxpayer's child, for h e a v e n To cities that have no you when they need your service and most part a sequestered one and the knows the consequences. Their curthe secretary of state for the Colonies in London in order to ob- pretend TORGSIN stores, TORGSIN to be your friend in order to life that one leads there is vastly riculums are filled with subjects the mails your order to your reltain the approval of the British government and was prepared to promote their .selfish interest, but different from the life that one ex-practical application of which is of atives by parcel post. carry these proposals to fruition when he was so untimely slain. when you "will be in distress they will periences in the world of finance no value; their specialized courses, For orders on TORGSIN, Business Administration, Journalism, not extend a helping hand to you." and reality. The college of today, His leadership in the Histadruth was brflliant. His interest visit your local bank or authand I speak generally but not in-and the like require on the word of orized agent. Give full name CENERAL REPRESENTATIVES U.S.A. is and his efforts for Zionism and the Homeland were invaluable Rabbi Jose said: "Oh, that my lot clusively, does not train one for themen now renowned in their fields and address of the recipient. 261 Fifth Ave.!2o---F*er!NevYorlcN.Y. to his people. His personality in world diplomatic.circles will be falls among those who solicit charity,1 rigors of the life that is to follow. from a year to two years of practical experience to unlearn the foldmissed by the Jewish people. He was truly one of the pioneers in but not among those who distribute ' Too . many people by temperament erol that the student has been forced because they are liable to make a unsuited for the atmosphere of the our Palestinian cause and his Ufe, rich in achievement, will shine mistake and fail to do justice to de- campus are spoiled for sensible ad- to swallow to achieve the desired on though death has made him a martyr to the cause. serving cases.) justment for later life by a four mark. Many of the privately enyear sojourn in surroundings the dowed schools are merely adolescent very essence of which are the op-country clubs and society watering posite of the p r a c t i c a l livelihood places for the incarnation of the they are to experience for the greater younger generation d u r i n g those The most important news from the German front is the controublesome years from eighteen to portion of their lives. tinuing news of the effect of the world-wide though unorganized twenty-two. , What after all is the province of By DAVID SCHWARTZ Jewish boycott of German goods. the college? It is assumed that by Actually the college could give a the time a young man or woman has young person by familiarization with The reports give us the welcome information that the drop in reached 'college that he or she will the great trends of history and literGerman exports and the effect of the Jewish boycott against Ger- IT'S OVER-ALL OVER be possessed -of the necessary rudiand by introducing him to the I came upon my friend Brinning man goods throughout the wbrld has caused the Hitlerite govern- reading a Jewish -weekly. He looked ments of intelligent education so that ature great store of knowledge that goes the college career. may be devoted with philosophy and economics a valment much perturbation. Many German industralists who did up. to familiarizing oneself with how to uable basis on which to guide himnot feel the effects of the boycott until very recently are now "What are you reading?" I asked. lead a better, richer, and fuller life. self in his future life. Instead -we are "O something terrible. I hope badly hit by it. Word comes from the MunicfcChamber of Com- Sokolow doesn't see this. Or Branmerce that "for some reason which they cannot understand" ex- deis." - ports have fallen off so sharply that unless something is done to "Is it that bad?" I asked. "Yes," sighed Brinning, "if Brancurb further shrinkage, the general economic state of the Reich deis, Sokolow, Jabotinsky, Weismann is endangered. And as a by-play to this, Dr. Schacht, president of saw this article by Pierre van Paasthe Reichsbank, in discussing the transfer of service payments of sen, they would just throw tip the Germany's private foreign debts, blandly informed the bankers sponge. The Zionist movement would like one of those apples of representing creditors in the United States, England, France, collapse Sodom that grow around the Dead Switzerland, Holland and Sweden, that the drain of gold from Ger- Sea." "What is the article about?" I many precludes further payments until further notice. asked. And within Germany the Jews are also evidently responsible "It's called: 'Is the Zionist Episode mat/ never he this cheap aqcin for a decline in trade. A Saxon Minister of State admits publicly Over?' And i t says it is. It says it's a complete wash-out. The jig is that the recent severe drop in industry in Germany was due to the up."


Einstein Planning to Visit United States


The Loss of Dr. Arlosoroff




Torgsin orders may be sent to anyone, in any quantity

Facing Defeat

By the Way



insecure position of Jewish firms, and the resultant dismissal of DINNER IN PALESTINE employes accentuated the already acute employment problem. "But," I interjected, "why all the The Nazi government, as had been predicted, is beginning to latest reports say just the opposite. feel the boomerang of their anti-Jewish policies, both from within Never before have reports been so England is allowing and without Germany, in a very sensitive spot, the purse. Theoptimistic greater immigration. There i s emHitlerites are threatening now to wreak vengeance on the Jews by ployment for all—even a scarcity of Why only thia week, there ^renewing their boycott campaign against the German Jewry .if labor. is the farther announcement that a halt is not called to the present trend. But on analysis this Canada is allowing Palestine oranges really means nothing—they have in all practical effects kept the in free, which will mean a further boycott against the Jews in force from the very first day it start- impulse to Palestine prosperity. "My dear Sir,'" said Brinning, ed. I t is no secret that the mortality among Jewish business "you talk so foolishly. This man houses has been terrific, that pickets have continued to watch Van Paassen surely knows better Jewish stores, that the Jewry of Germany have been reduced to than you. He was himself in Palestine several years age. They even a state of pauperization and poverty beyond amends. The Nazis gave him a dinner there. You have cannot "resume" that which they never stopped. They want the not even had a breakfast there. You Jewish people to call a halt to the present trend of their policy, don't think Van Paassen would be you, do you. Here, read the but have themselves given no sign of calling a halt to the trend fooling article yourself," said Brinning, "and of their own policy, the very reason for the Jews having started be convinced."

I read the article. " W e l l , " said Brinning, "It's all The world economic boycott conference of the Jews has been over with Hatikvah singing, now, set for July 15 in London. Up to now the Jewish boycott has as isn't it? I guess we'll have to stick

the action they did.

"•. •'•''•••"•.


a universal proposition been unorganized and sporadic. But it has t o E l i , ML" ' . . . been effective enough to show that it has teeth. The Nazi leaders A COMMUNIST OPINION would do well to stop making threats and take the easiest way out "What is your reaction?" conBrinning. by rescinding discriminatory laws against the Jews. There Hit- tinued "My immediate reaction is that the lerf -, are in a battle in which they must eventually be the losers, testimony is impeachable." "Exactly," said Brinnnig. "Van and they may as well accept their defeat with good grace. Paassen is a communist—and are development of any country except on a communist basis, he just can't see. To ask him about Zionism is While bad news disturbing to the Jewish people keeps pour" like asking a vegetarian whether ing in from all parts of the world, Palestine continues to be the he would eat meat that is hot kosher."

A Ray of Sunshine

bright spot on the Jewish horizon. Two reports given to members of the American Economic Committee "for Palestine stress the economic soundness of the country and the self-reliant attitude of the inhabitants. , It is interesting to note that Edward A. Norman in his report declared that the capacity of the counry to support a larg populaion seems more dependent on the people than -on the land and that the industrial opportunities are unlimited. Such a report is encouraging, but it should not for a momen let us lose sight of the fact that in the final analysis the land i all-important and the more land is owned by the Jewish people the more secure is Jewish life in Palestine.


"There are only two ways out for Judaism. Assimilation or Communism. Such is Mr. Van Paassen's opinion." "Well, the German Jews," said Brinning, "have tried assimilation. In no country, has there been such a deliberate effort to assimilation as there. German Jewry was the mother of Reform Judaism, which retained a minimum of Jewish practicessuch a minimum that some people can scarcely distinguish it from Unitarianism. Further than this, To "dig" in the Bible is the only way to read it. When you there have teen societies organized will have "dug" deep enough you will find "the water of life."fContinued on Page 8)


GAI low as


Right at the low point of the bargain market, we bought a stock of "Utilities Special" automatic water heaters. While they last, we're selling them at this exceptionally low price. All prices are swinging upward. It may^ be years before We can sell a highquality water heater so inexpensively again.

as little $ O d o w n as %J and $3.00 per month on the balance With prices so low, and terms so reasonable, this is a golden opportunity "to modernize your hot water supply. In years to come, youil be glad you bought your water heater before prices went up.

Metropolitan &>O

SEERSUCKER SUITS Wear them and you, too, will laugh at high temperatures. They're the clothes that make the tropics livable and men from the tropics say our summer weather has "nothing on" the southland for heat.

The Nebraska Has Them in All Sizes —Get Yours Today! The new pattern effects set the new Lorraine Seersucker Suit of 1933 apart as a distinctively new achievement They look worth a lot more than the price — and they are priceless on these blistering hot days.

Your Comfort Demands Lorraine Seersuckers . .-.TOURS Is Here—Yes, Only Ten Dollars!

ffiS 5—THE JEWISH P Friday Night literary Forom on ROSENTHAL-SUNDERLAND y i Mr. -Anster expects to .arrive Here "Devils, Drags and Doctors," a hook WEDDING fcy Howard W. Haggard dealing with The wedding of Miss Ruth Frances early in July to join liis *wife. healing from medicine-man to doctor. Sunderland, daughter of Mrs. Wflbnr FOR HOME C. Sunderland of Lincoln, to J. EdMr. and Mrs. Xeon Hoffman and VISITORS HERE FOR ward Eosenthal, eon of Mr. and Mrs. small son, Sam Elliot, and "Miss Israel Eosenthal of Omaha, took place iPanline Xievinson of Midland, Texas, IOTA TAU Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the are leaving for their home today fol- The annual summer formal dance home of the bride's mother. of the Phi chapter of the Iota Tan lowing -a. two weeks' "visit here with was held Sunday evening in the Palm Babbi David A. Goldstein of Omaha relatives and friends. :room of the Hotel FonteneHe. A din- officiated at the ceremony, which was ner which preceded the dance was at- attended only by members of the imVISITORS tended by the members of the Omaha mediate families. The bride wore an "Mrs. Adolph Meyer and daughter, Phi chapter and the Sioux City Alpha afternoon dress of powder blue, dark Marilyn, of Knoxville, Iowa, arrived chapter. bine slippers and a shoulder corsage here Sunday for u visit at the tome BIEKES-LTJSTGARTEN back to California. Several enter- of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meyer- The theme carried out at the dance of gardenias. She carried the same tainments have been given in his son. was loses. The entertainment and white moire Bible carried by the MARRIAGE SUNDAY speeches were carried out in a novel bridegroom's mother at her wedding. Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, daughter honor. xadio idea. Talks were made by of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Imstgarten, After an informal reception, the MOTOR TRIP Misses Lieberman and Rose couple left for a week's trip, following will become the bride of Mr. Max VISITING HERE Miss Ida Eotler left June 14 on Sbiloft Bernice of Sioux City; Miss Annette': which they will live in Lincoln. Both H i e k e.s, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. S. Conn and son, Hobert, of a motor trip to Chicago, where she Minneapolis, Minn., are here for an will "visit her sister and then pro- L. Bender, advisor of the Omaha young people were graduated from Hiekes, on Sunday, June 25. A family ceremony will be-held at extended "visit with Mrs. Conn's ceed to South Haven, Michigan, re- chapter; Miss Jessye Nathan, and the University of Nebraska. Messrs. Harold Barish, Julius Bisno, T p. m. at the TJlackstone Hotel. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lieh. turning July 1. Arthur Lipp, Sam Fleishman, Sam Rabbi David A. Goldstein and Eabni Kaplan, and Arthur Kazlowsky. Mrs. TL Grodzinsky will officiate. A re- CHICAGO VISITOR MRS. HERBERT ROBINSON Harold Barish was toastmaster. ception for friends, for which no mFanny Winner of Chicago, GETS XL. B. DEGREE Prizes were won at the dance by "vitations have been issued, will be HL, is visiting here with Mass Edith Word l a s been received here 1 Miss Deborah Silver of Sioux City held from 8 to 10 p. m. . Epstein. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kobinson, parents and Mr. Hy Levy of Tracy, Minn., Miss Lustgarten has been studying of Mr. Herbert D. Eobinson of Cam- and by Miss Annette Bender and Mr. the violin in Chicago with Mischa RETURNS FROM TRIP" bridge, Mass^ of the graduation of Jack Jacobson of Omaha. Mischanoff, concert master of the Miss Sophie IRoginsky has returned his wife from the P o r t i a Law Members of the Alpha chapter of i Chicago Symphony orchestra. Her from a three-week trip from Chicago, School. Sioux City who were present includsister, Miss Ida Lustgarten, who is HL, and Whiting, Ind., v i s i t i n g An exerpt from an article appear- ed the Misses Eollie Tessler, Bose studying piano in Chicago, will be friends and relatives. ing in the Cambridge paper follows: Shiloff, Delia Shiloff, Boma Wieodmaid of honor. ZoUy Lerner will be "Miriam Bramberg Hobinson, of 22 sky, Mazie Kauffman, Seretta Krigbest man. Bridesmaids will be Miss Concord avenue, received her IX.B. sten, Deborah Silver, Bernice LieberTO CHICAGO Freefla Brodkey and Miss Xouise Fitch. Groomsmen will be Mr. Abe The Misses Lillian and Florenc degree from Portia Law School on man, Elsie Schulman and Charlotte Sadaff of Sioux City and Mr. Dave Levy and Ann Gitnick left Saturday June 7. lelfand. evening for a week's stay in Chi- Mrs. Robinson was active in many Ueber of Chicago. cago. The Levy sisters will then go school affairs and was this year elected editor-in-chief of the Portia to New YorkSOGOLOWS TO Miss Gitnick will go to Kansas Tear Book, the "Legacy." For two SUMMER CAMPS City for a week, and on her return years she was the Chancellor nf the Nu soror^Physical director Morris Sogolow she" will have as her guests Missi Delta chapter of the Beta one "™" year scribe that """ and *""* "*"" ~~~n~ in ™ +Vl "+ or— is leaving Monday to take charge for Bernice Winnick of Kansas City andj ity ganization. In the school's list of Miss Esther Blitz of St. Louis. • the summer of Camp Strongheart, p g h "Who's Who" she was voted the S7S.miles Our Tirst Attraction—of S most popular girl in the senior class. of Chicago)He in was the GRADUATED FROM .north, -woods of Wisconsin. Double Feature Policy She intends to take a bar review . . -more charming . . . more athletic", director there in 1930, and WELLESLEY more beautiful for the December Massaas a woman thrilling the past two-years "was in charge o: Miss Louise Ziegler, daughter of preparing than e^er . . . a s a -wife chusetts bar examination." •who v . i s inoTe t k a n a -wife. a .boys camp in rthe Qzafks. He wil Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, has ar•who v.is i -jdsrfc rthe World's Pair in Chicago rived home to spend most of the TO ARRIVE SUNDAY "before rtaking charge of the camp s u m m e r here, after having been graduate from Wellesley college at Mr. and Mrs. Ealph Castle and July 1. daughter, Phyllis Ilene, of Brooklyn, Wellesley, Mass. Mrs. Sogolow leaves tonight to be N. Y., will arrive Sunday to -visit their .director for the summer of Camp Miss Ziegler, who has an- outstand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. GDinsky of ing record as a scholar, expects to Cfestwood, at Clayton, Mo., a private Council Bluffs, Mrs. Castle was forcamp for girls from St. Louis and return east this fall to work for a merly Miss Beva Gflinsky. doctor's degree. Kansas City. IBoth will return early in SepRO-NOH DANCE tember. EETURNS FROM SCHOOL Two hundred couples attended the Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. and Bo-noh dance at Peony Park Monday, Mrs. A. Goldstein, has xetnrned from TO SUMMER CAMP University of Pennsylvania, June 19. Bed Perkins and his Dixie Mrs. M. E. Chapman and daughter, the lie has been attending the Ramblers furnished the music Helen Jane, left Thursday for Chi- where Wharton school of finance. cago where Helen Jane will join BEFORE LITERARY FORUM •the other members of Burr Oaks Dr. C. M. Wnhehnj, a member of WITH PARENTS : Camp for a week's tour of the the faculty of the Creighton UniverMorris Nusbanm, of BockWorld's Fair. The group will then Mrs. sity School of Medicine, will speak ford, HI., formerly Miss Both Barish leave 'for Camp in Wisconsin for an of this city, has been visiting here this evening at B:30 p . m. before the eight-week stay. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I Morgan. 1 STOPS p,FF^OBIVJSTJ ^.. WHERE OMAHA SHOPS WITH tX)NFEDENCE" •Mr. Harold Sutler, former Oma-: VISITS BELATIVES han, son of Mrs. Jennie Kotler, is Mrs. Al Auster of Manhattan, -^visiting his •mother and sisters, after Y. arrived here last week to visit TCturriirig from the east en unite at the home of her uncle and aunt,

LINENS Seersuckers


Herzbergs We Are Only 4 of 3,000 New Mid'Summer Arrivals in

Nellie Don Cotton Frocks Think of it . . . 3,000 cool, smart Tselly Dons to choose from . . . all as smart as ihe four we pictore here! And remember . . . you can get Kelly Dons only at Herzbergs . . . in Omaha! v V - Sizes 12 to U J . . $1J95 to $IOM


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A classic printed Toile indeed ..., TVIQI shirred Khtralder frillB. Ton can wear it anywiere this Bxmnner! You*B love it.


$L95 j






HOWARD mt 16th.

LATEST GOT QUOTATIONS . . . There's no speculations about this group in our 4th floor COTTON SHOP. Here's just one of many reasons for heavy buying;

COOL Mother-in- Law's Kiss Fresh, filtered, Ice-cooled air makes a whale of a difference in the appetite these torrid times. Drop in at lunch, breaMast or dinner and find out again how It feels to really enjoy a meal.

800 New Styled

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Idaho tmfceS t«m^o.bTral liittlcur* flrinlu

€over your needs for daytime . . . in Taee, ^role, linen, pique, seersncier in~white, pastels, darier phaflpg ^md p r i n t s . . . if you haven't already done so - . - but get onto cotton of some kind.

Cotton . . . "with gypsy aSk girdle . « . a truly "dressy" affair . . . and the best news is its price.

It's piQtie voile •with colorful field flowers running riot in it! Lace, dyed to match, trims this cool affair . . .




COLUMBIA RIVER INUNDATES CITY—Houses in the outlying districts of Kelso, Wash., are seen 'submerged by flood waters of the Columbia river. MRS. ROOSEVELT WITH UNEMPLOYED WOMEN—Mrs. Frank* fin D. Roosevelt, first lady of the U. S., is snapped having: an enjoyable talk with members of the unemployed women's camp at Bear Mountain, N. Y. Mrs. Roosevelt, together with Miss Frances Perkins, secretary of labor, sponsored this camp.

VACATIONING PRESIDENT—President Roosevelt, in a gay mood, waves to the cameraman from the deck of. the yacht Amberjack II, on which he is passing a two weeks' vacation, cruising along the r New England coast.

U. S. NAVY YARDS BEGIN TO HUM Renewed activity in American navy yards begins under new $238,000,000 program. This is a general view of the Washington navy yard's erecting shop.

RENOUNCES ROYALTY FOR COMMONER—The Prince of the Asturias, son the the former King and Queen of Spain, with his fiancee, Senorita Edelmira San Pedro-Oceso, daughter of a wealthy Cuban planter, are shown together in Lausanne, Switzerland, after announcing their intention to wed. The prince renounced his royal rights to wed his commoner-fiancee.


REVOIR—Paul Boncour, right, French statesman, takes leave of Norman Davis, American ambassador-at-large in Europe, with a S?-""S^oi.-«ic« a s Davis leaves the Quai D'Orsay, in Paris, fol-

" ^ o-.BjHJm <?an BEER—AFTER 34 YEARS—Beer flows for the first time in 34 years for soldiers at The Presidio, San SVancisco. Here they are in The Presidio's new taproom,

LIFE BATTLE—David A. Lamson, bdd on a charge of murdering his wife, Mrs. Allene Thorpe I^amson, pretty Stanford university. worker, of San Jose, Cat., is shown in the foreground as his trial got under way at San. Jose,

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1933 berg, Hy Goodbinder, Sam Finkel,! dates for the five hundred boys who Israel for a glorified advance. vately owned cars at <rar visitors' Joe Solomonow, Dan lintzman, and are coming here from all over the Stan Levin, advisor of the Mother service at all appropriate hours so as Anne Zweiback. One could not help United States and Canada. Their Chapter, is in charge of this dra- to guarantee transportation to satisbeing profoundly thrilled by the fas-' ages are from 16 to 21. matic production and, from all indi- fy any little movement they may cinating speeches and jovial atmosThe committee does not promise cations, is molding one of the finest want to make. phere. dates to every girl, as is obvious in groups ever assembled for his cast. Art Iipp, chairman of transportaBy Art Grossman * » • the event that this campaign is over• * • tion, would appreciate it very greatly Next Monday night, June 26, ly successful The dates are being It seems to me that at past A. Z. if you will call him at 3406 Davenbrings you the wonderful opportun- provided for the visiting Alephs for port St, Harney 6925 in regard to Stirring events are in the making ity to contribute your bit towards the big convention dance, on Monday A. conventions, the lack of transportation facilities has created somewhat this novel plan. as plans for the colossal A. Z. A. making our. coming convention one night, June 10. • » • of a hardship and detracted credit convention, to be held here on July that will long be remembered. Don't fail to mail this at once. You from the other fine features on the 9-10-11 fashAll eyes will be focused on "A. Z. Buy a ticket to "A. Z. A. Night at never can tell—you may meet your program. ion themselves A. Night at Peony Park," Monday, Peony Park." Enjoy a real night's 'Prince Charming." before our Here is where "we want to score a June 26. dancing and entertainment at beaueyes with scoop! We -would like to have priDon't wait! Buy your ticket now! tiful Peony Park and at the same One of;the- striking features of our amazing celertime feel a sense of satisfaction in program yfiil be the presentation of i t y . Already that you have helped A. Z. A. : the Judas•; Maccabeus secoad degree they threaten Admission is one dollar per cou- ritual *t;the pre-convention which is to develop to ple, including admission to park, au- to be held at the 3. C. C Saturday t h e proporto parking, and dancing. Just susk night, July 8. t i o n s of a any A. Z. A. member for a ticket. jThis beautiful ritual depicts the boom. * -* * .. ; struggles of Judas Maccabeus and O n e thing ,his brothers against the forces of must be acAntaochus, Persian king, and perseOpportunity Knocks Once! k n o w l edged cutor of Judaism. Here is your chance girls, be and that is that General Chairman Indas in his noble defense of the good sports and fill but and mail William "Wolfe, is keeping all of us down-trodden Jew, finally gathers his today. right up on our toes all the time. Name ~_ ;___™- hosts, and wins an overwhelming vicEach day in the week finds some tory over the Persian demagogue. committee meeting to further outline To A. Z. A. this victory characterAddress _ _ ~ _ _ ^ _ ___« a clear-eyed plan in which ' every izes a amilar conquest by Jewish man may share. Not one single de-Youth over such base diseases as inTelephone 'No. "_ tail will remain untouched, for Omatolerance, anti-Semitism, injustice and ha must prove herself to be brimRichard Wagner placed the Steck Piano in bigotry.. •" Truthful Age _ ming over with hospitality. the first rank, his opinion being shared by It is such things as this play that '. his friend, Frank Liszt. Regardless if our visitors come by are A. Z. A.'s means of encouraging rail—by air—by horse—or by the Have you a ear? Judaism; these are our torch-bearers In the Past Steck Grands "greased thumb" method, we're deand defenders, spreading true docr Color of hair Sold for termined to give them the most cortrines of understanding and uniting. dial . greeting they have ever received Color of eyes.. —anywhere—any place. J. 3. FKIKDMAJJ, Attorney 534 Insurance BaHding Height The gigantic convention rally held PROBATE NOTICE at the J. C. C. Tuesday night, June In the Matter of the Estate of MAX WINWeight For a Short Time 20, and which was attended hy memTBOIIB, Deceased. NOTICE-IS"HEREBY. GIVEN: ONLY bers of Omaha Chapter No. 1, Sam That the creditors of said deceased wiU Tear this oat and mail to Maurice meet the administratrix of said estate, beBeber Chapter No. 100, and Council fore me. County Judge of Douglas County. Bluffs Chapter No. 7, truthfully ex- Katz, chairman of dating, 4514 South Nebraska, at the County Court Boom, in $ emplifies the undaunted spirit of 25th St, Omaha, Nehr. said County, on the 10th day of Aupust. 1933, and on the 10th day of October. 1933, Help out the dating committee of at 9 o'clock A. M.. «ich <Iaj\ for the purThis rally was held, /primarily, to the Tenth International A. "Z. A. con- -pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three vention. ' Do not be" hashful, as i t is acquaint each member of our local months are allowed for the creditors to A. Z. A. chapters with the work nec- the only possible T»ay to arrange present their claims, from the 10th day of July, 1933. essary to accomplish, before this BRTCE CRAWFORD. Tenth International Convention can IRVTN C. 1SESTS, Attorney G-lC-33-3t. Connty Judge. 901 Electric Bulldtns be termed a success. EUGENE N. BLAZER ana IttYIN C. Detailed reports were given and KOTICE OF SALE LEAIX, Attontrys Notice is hereby given that on the 30th suggestions offered. Short, snappy A Steck Grand Piano will be a delightful addition to any 301 Electric Building day ot June. 1933. at 10 a. m. of said day. pep talks were delivered by Phil the undersigned will sen at public auction home , . ' . this great international piano, famed for its fine NOTICE OF SALE Klutznick, Julius Bisno, Dr. A. Green- to the highest bidder for cash, at 4314 tone and exceptional durability, is now offered at AN Notice is hereby given that on the 14th Leavenworth Street, Omaha. Nebraska, the day of July. 1933. at 10 A. M. of said day. following chattels: ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICE ON A SMALL CASH C. TJEVTH, Attorney the undersigned wSl sell at public auction 1 1931 Chevrolet one-nnlf ton tract; J to the highest biddPT tor cash at the SOI Electric Bid*. PAYMENT WITH YEARS TO PAY THE BALANCE. Walk-in Tee B o s ; 1 display meat counCreighton Garage, 1623 Davenport Street ter; 1 American meat slicer: 1 KelvinOmaha. Nebraska, "the following: KOTICB OF IJfCOKPOKAXIOX OX" ntor Ice machine; 2 Toledo scales; 1 • One (3) Buiet Goupe. bearing motor NEBUASKA 11GGAGE SHOPPE, National Cash Register; 1 Hiibbard No. 2323792. model Ifl29, the property IXC. meat grinder; 1 meat block: 1 electric of Louis A. Dermody, and such sale Notice is hereby given that the uuflerfan nnd all cutlery. will be for the purpose of foreclosing a Blgned hnve associated themselves together chattel mortgage in the mm of $308.21 Such sale trill be for the purpose of foreand have organized a corporation under the closing a chattel mortgage in the sum of and for costs of these proceedings. laws of the Stnte of Nebraska. The name $3,037.59 and costs of these proceedings. Xo snit at law or other proceedings havot this corporation is "NEBRASKA IJJUNo suit at law or other proceedings hav- ing" been instituted to recover said debt or Omaha, Nebr. 1514-16-18 Dodge Strase GAGE SHOPPE, INC.,"; The principal ing been instituted to recover said debt OT any part thereof. place of business shall be at Omaha, Ne- any Dart thereof. CART. E. BRrrBCHKRT brnskn: that the general -nature of the busnrA CAUL JOE XORK1S. iness to be transacted shall be to own ami «-«« JS-.3* operate one or more department stores and C-0-33-3t. to buy. sell and deal in at wholesale nnd/or retail nil kinds of goods, -wares mid merchandise nnil to manufacture, purchase or otherwise acquire, own, mortgage, pleilKP, sell, assign and transfer or otherwise dispose of, invest in, trade, deal in and with goods, wares and merchandise and personal property of every class and description, to the same extent as natural persons might or could do; to purchase-bt-otberwise acquire and to hold, or maintain, work, develop, sell, lease, exchange, hire, convey, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of. and deal In lands, and leaseholds and any Interest, estate nnd rights in real property, and any personal or mixed property, and any franchise, rights, licenses or pledges necessaryconvenient or appropriate for any of the purposes herein expressed. To borrow money, to issue bonds, debentures or obligations of the corporation from time to time for any of the objects of I he corporation and to secure the same 1>T .mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or other-

Convention Thoughts....

^ -












; * . . • •

at 9 o'clock A. M.. each dny. for (be purpose of presenting their clirims for exuraination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to PKOBATE NOTICE present their claims, from the 10th day tit In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK July, 1933. MKKY1CKA, Deceased. BRTCE CRAWFO1U1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: County Judge. That the creditors of said deceased will 6-16-33-St. meet the administratrix of said estate, before UKS County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Boom, in Mention the Jewish Press to our Boid County, on tne 10th day of August. 1933. and on the 10th day of October, 1933. advertisers. #. FBHJSK STISBjr, Attorney 408 Omaha National Bank Bide.

Now We Off er the Greatest Values Ever Seen in Fine Pianos

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Your Messenger of Jewish News

ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1933


Jewish Education A MESSAGE The problem of Jewish education is becoming more and more acute from day to day, and is now engaging the serious attention of many of the leading Jews in the various parts of the country. The future status depends on the manner in which we cope with this problem. It is up to us to further the solution of this problem, for unless this is done, what good are our charities, our social centers, and our synagogues? We need to strengthen ourselves on the spiritual side. When we examine the life of a child, we find that it consists of a series of activities, at times individual, but more often social. The child becomes a member of one social group after another. First he is initiated into the family, then into the school, then into the clubs, and later when he grows older, into various societies of one sort or another. He gradually expands and becomes as big as the society with which he. identifies himself. The purpose of Jewish Educatibn is to ! develop in a high degree a Jewish social responsitiveness. The • child .is brought up to act in accordance with the highest ideals in Jewish life, and it is therefore the imperative duty of a Jewish community to educate the Jewish child in a Jewish educational institution and meet the proper. Jewish environment under the guidance and instruction of properly trained teachers who understand Jewish life and have been moved by Jewish aspirations and have been touched by the long history of Jewish sufferings and hopes. Such an education will enable the child in later years to participate intelli. gently and effectively in Jewish life and to make the perpetuation of Jewish ideals possible. " Mindful of the purposes of Jewish education, we ask the co-operation of every Jew in Sioux City to help maintain this institution by ^sending their children for Jewish ".instruction and to help make this iinstitution the most important one in our communal life. '.(Signed) THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFi THE SIOUX CITY HEBREW SCHOOL.

Junior Hadassah Committees Named At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Junior Hadassah, held Tuesday evening in the home of- Miss Freda Albert, president, the following committees were named for the coming season: Palestinian: Anne Cohen, chairman, Rose Lipman, Sybil Merlin, and Margaret Shulkin. . Administration: Lottie Feinberg, chairman, Dorothy Epstein and Rose Berman. ; Membership: Roma Wigodsky and Mary Greenbaum, co-chairmen; Anne Shulkin, Ethel Bergen, Eudice Stillman and Dena Baron. Jewish National Fund: Ruth Wigodiky, chairman; Delia Shiloff, Ruth Grueskin and Sarah Golder. Cultural: Anne Pill, chairman; Sonia Rich, Zella Ginsberg. Junior and Senior Relationship: Ida Heshelow, chairman; Alice Novitskyy1 and Sadie Shulkin. Social: Sophie Raskin and Mary Rozofsky..

Society News Miss Mary Kaplan, who has chosen July 2 as the date for her marriage to Isadore Kantor, has been the inspiration for a number of lovely social events during the past week. Tuesday evening she was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower and bridge party at the Seville Cafe, when Mrs. Harry Fish, Mrs. Louis Fish, and Mrs. Fannie Stern entertained a group of Miss Kaplan's intimate friends. Wednesday evening, Miss Charlotte Kantrovich and Miss Rhoda Wolfson were hostesses at a kitchen shower and bridge party honoring Miss Kaplan. The party was held at the home of Miss Kantrovich. This evening, Miss Sarah Kaplan, sister of the bride-elect, will entertain at a bridge party at the home of M. Rozofsky, 1100 Jackson Street. Bridge will be followed by refreshments.

BY THE WAY (Continued from Page 4.)

Hokka Chynik With the thermometer at 105, and heartier specimens than us jumping into anything that looks like water, columning of any kind (be it ever so rotten) becomes somewhat of a task. Maybe it is the humidity and not the heat that causes all this misery, buc we can't recall ever having been bothered in the winter time. Well, the prohibition question is settled in Iowa and everybody seems satisfied but the losers. We walked into the booth, cast our ballot and walked out with the "hikkups" just from thinking about it. Wonderful thing, this thinking business. Miss Myrtle Z. (until recently a Mrs.) of the Kansas City Z's, has been taking in everything that Sioux City has to offer in the company of

our own Benn B. and has. been en-. joying herself no end. We could tell: that she was enjoying herself by the look in her eye. Mr, and Mrs. Dave H. celebrated. their first anniversary of wedded bliss, with a simple little party for the immediate family and some three hundred odd friends, three hundred and ninety-nine to be exact; If you were not invited don't get sore because they didn't really have a party at all, or maybe I'm crazy. We must tell you tbo* that the first anniversary is known as the paper anniversary and some of the presents that they received would even make me blush. Don't try to go on living without first trying one" of Mary S.'s inflation highballs. You dont need any of the usual ingredients that one would imagine; all you need is a bunch of quarters and lots of time. And do you meet celebrities out there? On successive Thursday nights we met Lysle Talbot, (misspelled intentionally) Jane Thurston, (the magician's daughter,1 and could she make 'em disappear), and last but not lightest, Cab Calloway. Notice to S. G.: All is forgiven, but be. d sure you stay in California. (Signed) ART B. * * * * T must be a welcome feeling When one's senses go a-reeling, To drown your sorrows is O. K. They say. So last Saturday we tried And very nearly died Just from trying to get "that way.*

by Jews in Germany, assertively and even blatantly assimilation in object. Nowhere has the movement to merge The annual Talmud Torah picnic, the Jewish identity with the rest of sponsored by the Board of Directors the population been so pronounced. of the Hebrew School and the Hebrew But it appears not to have helped. Mothers' Association, will be held The Hitlerites are massacring them. Sunday afternoon and evening, June They are not only at war against 25, at Eiverview Park. the Jews, but they are at war against Every Jewish family in the comthe Jews who have adopted Chrismunity is urged to attend the picnic, tianity. They are running down and proceeds of which will be turned over ousting from employment, even those to the maintenance of the Talmud whose fathers and grandfathers Torah. changed to Christianity. A full program of sporting events, "So that in truth, assimilation may games, raffles and booth attractions be ruled out, as an escape for the has been arranged as entertainment. Jew. And if that is so, it-appears, Large committees have been workat least, if we are to take Van ing on the details of the picnic, a Paassen's word that Zionism will not number of organizations are co-operhelp—that the only solution is social- tiny idealism, to be sure, but for her ating and an unusually large attendism or communism." : own selfish interests. The very Mosul ance is expected. oil line, to which Van Paassen reTHE COMMUNISTIC The slogan adopted for the event is Choosing last Sunday, Father's fers, is one of these selfish reasons. "We'll meet you at the Talmud Torah SOLUTION Day, as an appropriate day for a famThus for instance, the Bedouins have picnic Sunday." "But is this last refuge open? Let a habit of tearing up the pipe lines. ily reunion, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marsh us see. In Germany it appears that motored to Sioux Falls where they The Bedounins hold this as a Uueat met their sons and daughters at a even Communisin Would not help. over the British as a means of Auxiliary Hold For it is a matter of record, that extracting money. With the Jews picnic reunion. last year, the Communist party in dwelling around these pipe lines, the Among those who attended were Luncheon Tuesday Germany, ousted all Jews from posi- British may have to pay this graft. Mr. and • Mrs. Sam Marsh, Mr. and Over 100 women attended the lunchMrs. Isadore Marsh and family, Miss tions in its party." There are many reasons, why Britain eon meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary "And it appears that in ' other is beginning to see that her interests Ann Marsh,. Mr. J. Marsh and Mrs. H. of Shaare Zion synagogue, Tuesday Feder, all of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. places where the socialistis,^ if not are identical with the interests of a noon, in the social hall of the synaArchie Marsh and children, Marcel'a the Communistic idea, makes pace, Jewish Palestine. gogue. Announcement was made durand Herbert, of Madison, S. D.; Mr. that it is not so good for the Jew. ing the business meeting of the ap"No," said Brinning, "the Zionist Mrs. Sam Feder and son, Marvin, Consider Poland. We may indeed, New York, (J.T.A.)—Samuel Un- and pointment of Mrs. Reuben Miller as episode is not over. In fact, with the trace the increase in 'the misery of termyer, noted lawyer, will serve as of Ramona, S. D. chairman of the annual Shaare Zion the Jews of Poland to the progres- Jewish conditions what they are in honorary president of the National Kevue, which will be held this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Levi of Los An- sive socialization of that land. Every Germany—in Poland and other parts From now on well say no to invitaBoycott Committee of America, and, geles will arrive in the city today to time Poland takes over a new in- of the world, and with • "world condiPlans for a cultural group, to meet tions together with Dr. A. Coralnik, will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ban Schulein, dustry, more Jews are thrown out of tions what they are-—it seems to me Thus avoiding consequent hallucinaevery other Saturday, were introduced attend the world conference scheduled while en route to Chicago, where they work. And in the government oper- that Palestine is faced with the by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, and accepted tions to take place July 15 in London, the will spend the summer. . by the organization. Mrs. Shulkin will ation of the industry, no Jews are greatest opportunity in its history, As to the nearness of the floor American League for the Defense of if we had only the leadership to Or the distance to the door. act as chairman of the group, which Mrs. Harry Zeplin of New York employed. So the lot of 'the Polish vision it and to meet it." Jewish Rights has announced. will be called "The Joy of Sabbath Imagine if you can our consternation. Jew has grown increasingly harder City, has arrived m the city to visit "11 we had such a leadership, The committee, which is sponsoring with Club." with the socialization of that land.' her parents and friends. Mrs. what could we do?" I asked. the boycott against German products A program was presented, following in this country, will be the guest in Zeplin was formerly Miss Ida Kaplan TWO MAYBE'S the luncheon, by Morton and Caroline "WelL" said Brinning, "a far STOCKS BONDS "But," continued Brinning, "Mr. vissioned leadership might work on London of the British Joint Council of this city. Raskin and Reesa Lazere. Mrs. J. of Trades and Industries, which is The Phi'Deb sorority met Monday Van Paassen will perhaps tell me, a. plan for the raising of an internaBartlett: spoke -on "The Disintegration BEN DANSBY JR. engaged at present in managing the evening in the home of Miss Anns that once full communism comes, and tional loan—say of 50 million pounds of the Home in Sioux City." the country is safely and securely anti-German boycott throughout the Woskoff. The business meeting was —to finance an immigration of two AND CO. British Empire. At the conference followed by bridge and refreshments. communists, all of these difficulties or three million < Jews say from 630 Davidson Bldg. Ph. 55349 on July 15 delegates from many Miss Bess Baillin of. Omaha, who is will be removed." Germany and Poland—into Trans-DANGEcountries will make plans for an ef- visiting with the Misses Ida and Mil"Well, maybe, they will, and may- Jordania. The loan could be issued AT fective world-wide boycott. dred Plotkin, was a guest at the meet- be they won't. But even assuming against a tax on the increase An that they will, let him first go and land values which would take, place ing. In a letter to Ezekiel Rabinowitz, STONE PARK make all the world Communistic. It's once those two millions came there. SEE secretary of the National Boycott Beautiful New Dance Floor quite a problem, perhaps a little You bring two million people to any Miss Rose Tesler .departed Tuesday ^ommittee, Mr. Untermeyer described LEONARD BARRICKS Pleasant Surroundings for the boycott as "the only weapon that evening for New York City, where she more difficult than to bring about the place, and land values will take a Good Music tremendous rise. The loan would be AETNA LIFE INSURANCE will effectively force the present Ger- will enroll in ; the^Albiene Theater Palestine of our dreams." Enjoy Our Table Service and thus amply secured. man government to abandon its pol- School for the summer months. En AMERICAN GENEROSITY Without ' Cover Charge AH Kinds of General Insurance route to New York; Miss Tesler will icy of medieval savagery against its "The article," continued Brinning, "The world's mind now senses the • We Have 435 Ins. Exch. Bldg., Ph. 85210 unfortunate citizens in Germany of visit with friends, and attend the' "is full of half-truths—and half importance of the Jewish problem, YOUR FAVORITE BEER World's Fair in Chicago. the Jewish faith. falsehoods." Thus, Mr. Brinning is and I believe, it would be receptive Miss Tesler is well known in Sioux sure that the success of Palestine to such a bold solution at the pre"I regard it as my duty and hope Wed., Sat & Sun. A Show for the Whole Family and expect to be able to attend the City for her activities in the Little depends economically on American sent. Two million Jews taken from NITES Germany and Palestine would make world conference," Mr. Untermeyer Theatre group and as a dramatir. Jewish generosity. GUARANTEED 10c 15c stated. reader. "I am not half so sure about that Trans-Jordania bloom like the rose. 20c The whole Near East would pulse Dr. Coralnik, president of the AmMOTOR OIL Mrs. S. Woskoff and daughter, Sara, as Mr. Van Paassen. I recall one of with new life." erican League for the Defense of the most distinguished leaders of WHERE IT'S ALWAYS COOL spent the week-end visiting with 7TH AND LAST BIG DAY Jewish Rights, was one of the organAmerican Zionism going so far in10c Qt izers of the National Boycott Com- friends in Omaha. deed as saying, confidentially' to me, "42ND STREET" ED'S mittee. Joe and Sarah Solomonow of Coun- that Palestine was growing despite MODERNISTIC CLUB cil Bluffs, la., vi-ited in Sioux City the Zionist organization." CAFE last week with Miss Frances Jacobson, "American generosity building up IT'S COOL DANCING DINING Stanley Herzoff 815 Tenth Street. Palestine! That is pure piffle. They FLOOR SHOW TILL probably have less hospitals in Every Nite Except Sunday Head of A.Z. A. Sidney Jaccbson is spending several would 2 Palestine, if it were not for AmeriNO COVER CHARGE weeks in Chicago, attending the Work! can Jewish donations. But I am not 500 Jackson St. Phone 56595 Over 509-11 Fourth St. Fair. Stanley Herzoff, 2718 Virginia even so sure about that. The gov2 SMASH HITS SAT! Street, was elected president of the Walter Huston Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis departed ernment would have probably been local A. Z. A. chapter, at their anKaren Morley for Chicago last Sunday to attend the forced to assume the health work— nual election held recently. He sucin LEE Central Conference of American Rab- a normal function for the governceeds Marvin Klass. ment. The growth of Palestine as a ff *p™ss(Cinri Sidney Bergen was elected vice- bis, and the convention of Reform whole has been a spontaneous one. TRACY Temple Congregations. president; Martin Kozberg, secretary; It has still grown because, even if IN' • Herman Wigodsky, treasurer; John Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky and the immigration laws were strict, Hurwitz, junior sergeant - at - arms; children are in Chicago attending the still some were admitted. It is these "PRIVATE Ernest Epstein, senior sergeant-at- World Fair. Mr. Slotsky is also a del- poor immigrants, most of them comUNDER THE SUN!!! JONES" arms, and Max Zeligson, reporter. egate to the convention of Reform ing with nothing, who have built up the land. Analyze exactly what this The annual A. Z. A. dance was held Congregations. AND American ganerosity meant.; Add last Sunday evening at the Rigadon Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg and .all the moneys raised in America by ballroom. Miss Annette Baker and WARREN Miss Ethel Shindler tied for first sons spent this week in Chicago, vis- contributions, subtract from that the WILLIAM place in the A. Z. A. Sweetheart Pop- iting the World "Fair. Mr. Goldberg, sum that has gone to- the expenses ularity contest, held during the dance. who is president of the Temple Broth- of these campaigns, and see what LORETTA motion picture Martin Kozberg and Stanley Herzoff erhood, also attended the convention little actually has gone to Palestine. tit U unlike iny other motion You may get a shock when you see YOUNG were in charge of the arrangements. of Reform Congregations. •picture In the the result. One thing is certain, fair ~ , Jtory of the " .IN Mrs. David Shapiro and daughter, Palestine has not grown only from —PLUS- j.«creen— As the thermometer keeps of Kansas City, are visiting at the these contributions." "EMPLOYEES climbing, and you find it home of the former's parents, Mr. and COMEDY fcARTOON harder and harder to keep ENTRANCE" Mrs. A. Mazie. THE BRITISH ATTITUDE cool, you'll enjoy genuine Organ Song Reel and News Mr. and Mrs. Morey Miller of Sioux "Nor need Mr. Van Paassen be so comfort in one of FRL-SAT. Falls, visited in Sioux City this week disconsolate about the British policy. with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. There is good ground for the belief Gary Cooper—Helen Hayes Ben Sherman. Morey's Tropical that the British colonial mind has SIOUX CITY'S SUMMER PLAYGROUND undergone a great change. Not from Mr. and Mrs. B. Rifkin and family "AFAREWELL Suits departed this week for Los Angeles, where they plan to make an extended TO ARMS" stay. At O n l y The Methodist ' •'•' A N D on CRYSTAL LAKE Miss Ida Cohen, 815 16th Street, Hospital will be hostess to eight intimate "Speed Demon" 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. Swimming Fishing friends of Miss Mary Kaplan next Auto Phone 8-3567 Wednesday evening, honoring Miss — SUNDAY G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Snpt. Refreshments Picnic Grounds Kaplan at a handkerchief shower. Bridge and refreshments will occupy DARING EXPOSE OF —A Safe Place to Bring the Kiddies— the evening hours. YOUTH DALE VOSS, Prop. Root Beer Fresh Orange Extra David Albert has returned home for the summer from Philadelphia, where Trousers BILL'S PLACE he has been at school this year. 14th and Nebraska Sts. If Desired "Chuck" Baldwin Slims „ __ . ORDER YOUR ICE CREAM EARLY Miss Fern Wolfson was .elected "Bed" Barricks Shorts Free Pressing president of the Debra Club last Monfrom day evening, at the meeting held in FOR Bar-B-Q Hot Dogs Stouts and During the Life the home of Miss Dorothy Gelson. Combination o f the Garment. Adults Models Miss Gelson was elected vice president; Miss Leah Herman, secretary; Only Miss: Bee Herzoff, treasurer; Miss BEN KAPLAN Rose Rozofsky, sergeant-at-arms, and FOR JULY 4th (Formerly with Davidson Bros.)' Rose Albert, reporter. PRICES—10c TO 2 P. M. Miss Packed in Dry or Natural Ice for Your Convenience Plans were made for a theater party for AFTER 2 Bal. 15c Main Fl. 20c to be held this evening. Out-of-town CARPENTER WORE guests at the meeting included Miss Look for a WELLS ICE CREAM Dealer EVENINGS 25c Opesi Saturdays Till 9 P.M. Expert Work at Low Prices Ruth Falk of Omaha, and Miss Jean



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