June 30, 1933

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In the Interests of the Jewish People , Knitretl as Second-Ciss Mall Matter on Janua l»o"Tnfflre nt Omaha. Nebraska, onfler the Act -


Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE S $ 1933




Rabbi Goldstein Named President of B'nai Brith

IX—No. 22

United Front by Jewry for Dealing With German Problem

Rabbi David A. Goldstein was elected president of the Omaha lodge at Local Zionist <5roups to Be Rep- the last meeting. He succeeds Isadore resented; World Zionist Abramson, who was president for the Sam Beber to Preside at Sespast two terms. •'-... *; Election July 16 Jewish Committee, Jewish Congress and B'nai sions, to Be Held in Leo Abramson was. elected vice1 Chicago Brith Name Co-Ordinating Council— Chicago . will be the capital for president, and Sam H. Green was reAmerican Zionism from July 1 to 4 _, elected secretary. Ask for Visas. A large local contingent will attend when the thirty-sixth annual conHarry Friedman, who has been the annual District No. 6 Grand Lodge New York, (J.T.A.)—A joint coun- effort to get them in, but they will vention of the Zionist Organization treasurer of the lodge for the past convention of the B'nai Brith to be cil, composed of representatives of have to abide by all the rules and of America will hold its sessions. held in Chicago on July 2, 3, 4 and 5. the three national organizations which regulations laid down for immiThe convention will b& the soundHeadquarters for the conclave will have spoken for the body of Amer- grants." iig board at which American Zionbe the LaSalle hotel. An elaborate ican Jewry in connection with the sts will indicate their views toward j The eminent Zionist was gloomy program of entertainment for delepersecution of the Jews in Germany, about the future for the Jews of the 'problems to be taken up at the gates, visitors and their ladies has is functioning as a result of an Germany. As he saw the situation, forthcoming World Zionist Congress. agreement reached by the American the most seriously affected will be been provided. The many phases of internal and exJewish Committee, the B'nai Brith the younger generation of Jews, the A main feature will be Jewish Day ternal Zionist programs will be surand the American Jewish Congress. students who cannot continue their on July 3; iwith' the pageant, " A Roveyed, debated, decided upon. mance of a People," to be presented Rabbi David A. Goldstein was In a statement announcing the or- studies and the children who are beat the stadium in the World's Fair. chosen to" be the delegate of the ganization of the joint council, issued ing tormented in school. Omaha Zionist District; at the conEvery delegate and his lady -will reby Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the "WORSE STILL IN clave.' This district ia : entitled to ceive complimentary tickets for JewAmerican Jewish Committee; Beronly one delegate. | ish Day. nard S. Deutsch, president of the STORE"—GOEBBELS Mrs. N. S. Yaffe, M^s. B. A. SiOn Sunday evening, July 2, there American Jewish Congress, and Sen- Hamburg.—The Hitler government mon, Mrs. Simon Pizer, and Mrs. J . ator Alfred M. Cohen, president of does not intend to make any compro" will be a reception; music, dancing Lintzman were appointed by Mrs. M. the B'nai Brith, the hope was ex-mises whatsoever in its policies reand refreshments. At the annual banP.' Levenson, president of the local pressed that, through their represen- garding the Jews of Germany, dequet there will ba a musical program, Hadassah chapter, to be the official tatives on the council, the three or- spite protests from abroad, according entertainment, and a speaker of nadelegates of the Omaha Hadassah. ganizations might not only reach an to a declaration by Dr. Paul Joseph tional prominence. - A " large number of local Zionist agreement regarding the Jewish sit- Goebbels, Nazi minister of propaganThere will also be automobile tours • and Hadassah members are planning uation in Germany but that united da and public enlightenment. over the city, ending with a trip to attend. An address by Dr. Chaim action might be taken. through Chinatown and dinner. The "When we are accused of beinjj Weizmann and the presentation of trip from the hotel to the Exposition "At this time, when the very ex- against the Jews, we reply, 'Yes'," Jewish Day at the World's Fair, RABBI DAVID A. GOLDSTEIN grounds will be made underground via istence of the Jews of, Germany is he shouted. "Has anybody thought President, Local B'nai Brith Julyy 3, will be featured subterranean railroad. being destroyed, it is hoped that the us pro-Jewish ? When we are rePlans are meanwhile progressing f o r t y y e a r s , was re-elected to hold Council will give adequate and effec- proached for the vigor of our meaThere will be luncheons, card parlly for the locally as well as natio; ally tive leadership in maintaining the sures we reply, 'Have we ever said ties, and other diversions - for the the United old. p o s t f o r J i f & H e i s n o w 8 7 y e a r s principles of religious liberty, civil we were not vigorous in our meaelection of delegates ir ladies. • • ~ States for the eighteenth World, Other officers elected were Dr. May- rights and economic equality now sures?' When we are said to be Sam Beber, president Of-the Dis Zionist Congress. The election w i l l j n a r d G r e e n b e r g r w a rden; Carl Lag- gravely threatened by the Nazi men- blunt because we are uncompromistrict, will preside at the business sesSunday, July 16. be held on Sunday 16 man, guardian; Ephrahn Marks, Dr. ace to civilization," the statement de- ing, we reply, 'Yes, our opposition sions of the convention. Henry MonThe local election held ion will be ™L e o n E. Fellman and Isadore-Sokoloff, clared. "It is also expected that the does not need to doubt this.' sky, a member of the executive comder the auspices of the Zionist Coun- ^ ^ ^ The foflowmg were elected united front which has been created mittee of the international order, will German nation," he declared, cil of which Morr,s Fnedel is presi- t o t h e e x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e : , Morris by these three organizations dealing "is"The represent I the executive committee. fed with compromises. It dent. Every shekel holder will be, p o t a s h > Harry Mendelson, Jacob S. with the tragic status of the Jewish wants usup Dr. A. Greenberg is a member of the to wipe the slate clean." permitted to cast a ballot and the, Nathan" S. Yaffe, Sam PearIstien people in Germany will move a uniDistrict Grand Lodge executive. The German nation does not accuse polls will be open at the Jewxsh K o t h e n b e r d David Hahn. ted American Jewry to give the full- the Nazi regime of being too vigorThe official delegates chosen at the Community Center from 10 a. m. to | • .est support to such defensive meas- ous, Goebbels declared, but of going1 last meeting of the local B'nai Brith 8 p.m. ures as may be proposed on behalf to the other extreme and tempering include Isadore Abramson, Sam Beber It is certain that at least three of German Jewsl" Dr. A. Greenberg, Abner Kaiman its acts by too much humanitariahstrong tickets will be in the field, The sacrifice of the virgin to the god Moloch, shown above, provides Philip-M. Kputznick, Dr. Philip Sher ism. The first act of the joint Council those of the labor groups, the Haone of the high points in the mammoth production "The Romance of Irvin Stalmaster, Milton R. Abrawas to dispatch a telegram to the "The revolution is not yet finishdassahs, and the general Zionists. A People" to be presented at A Century of Progress in Chicago as the hams, and Henry Monsky. Acting Secretary of State urging an ed," he warned his audience. "Worse culmination of Jewish Day, July 3. More than 150,000 persons will The election board consists of MorIn addition to the delegates, the increase in the number of visas events are still in store." witness a cast of 3,500 on the world's largest stage trace the history ris Friedel, chairman;" Mrs. M. F. following had signified their intention of the Jew over a period <>f forty centuries from the time when he granted to the Jews in Germany and Levenson, secretary; M. Minkin, of; attending the convention, by the emergid from primitive' worship' throuS" succeeding generations requesting measures to pro\'ent intim- BRAZIL GERMANS Mrs.' J. Feldman, and \E. Bloch. The Affiliated Schools for'Work- idation early part of the week: Messrs. N. S. which first gave to the world an etfttcal concept of Jewish applicants for visaF. PLEAD BOYCOTT END ers, with which the Jewish Welfare The of Yaffe, Louis Margolin, Irvin Leyirfc Sao Paulo, Brazil.—-Local German text of the message to the Board is cooperating, is planning to State Department Sam Stern, Dave Blacker, David GoldChicago is the focal point toward Day and its pageant, nor has there firms have been so hard hit by the follows: conduct a two weeks' Institute for man, Leon Mendelson, Dave Hahn which Jews from all over the country been, within the knowledge of perabsence of Jewish customers that office workers at Oberlin College, "This communication is addressed they have appealed through the newsCarl Ldgman, Aaron Katz, Sam Rav are heading to participate on July 3 sons acquainted with such matters to you on behalf of the joint Council Oberlin, Ohio, from July 15 to July itz, Rabbi David A. Goldstein,- Rabb: in Jewish Day at the world's fair. so gigantic, colorful and magnificent composed of representatives of the papers for patronage which was with29. Uri Miller,! Dr. 0. C. Belzer. Mans With the day as the central theme, a spectacle planned. Dr. Chaim Weizdrawn, although no official boycott; The central theme of the Institute American Jewish Committee, the Am- movement has beec launched hers. others, however, are expected to com and its magnificent pageant "The man of London has come to the Unierican Jewish Congress and the B'nai this year will be "The Office Worker to Chicago for at least some of th Romance of a People" as the climax, ted States especially to participate in Virtually every Jew has stopped buyand the Present Crisis" and will in- Brith. The communications which ing German goods and visiting Gersessions. | ; • • •.-.., the day. The well known Lind quartet of canconventions and conferences of leadyou have been good enough to adSo impressive is the presentation tors will appear at the Beth Hame- clude work in economics, history and dress to various representatives of man shops, which were formerly much ing Jewish groups of the nation are "The Romance of a People" and sodrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th andEnglish. Classes will be conducted patronized by Jews. scheduled for the city on the lake important the form of discussion groups these organizations in the past weeks its religious significance Burt streets, tonight at 8 p. m.; Sat- in jduring , , ^ _ ~ the 4-U~» —.:.,~_ A«i. _ __ . ha\'p hfipn tn thp pffprt thnt tht» D P the week commencing' July-1. n n nA r mornings. Afternoons have been to the effect that the De- German stores cf Rio de Janeiro and its implication of tolerance that urday morning, July 1, at 8 a. m.; and and evenings will be devoted to partment 'is making every reasonable have issued similar published invitaNever before in the history of leaders in the Protestant and Ca-Sunday evening, July 2, in a farewell sports and other forms of recrea- effort to insure sympthetic and con-tions to the Jews of that city. Judaism in the United States has tholic faiths have banded themselves concert starting at 7:30 p. m. siderate treatment to those who areCONTINUES BOYCOTT there been such a widespread in- together as a Committee of Christian Preceding the concert Sunday eve- tion. The cost is very reasonable, applying for visas under present con- FIGHT terest in an event such as Jewish Friends sponsoring the pageant. ning they will offer memorial services this' referring to the situafor their friend and fellow-cantor, amounting to $12.00 per week for ditions,' Dr. Abram Coralnik, noted Yiddish tion in Germany, While we have Josef Rosenblatt, who passed away room and board.. There is no addi- been writer, founder of the American gratified by these assurances Berlin Paper Defines tional tuition fee, the latter being last week in Jerusalem. League for the Defense of Jewish we beg to call to your attention the Rumors Persist That Motive for covered by the National Committee The Lind quartet consists of a Hebrew Words for fact that there has been no sub-Rights and head of the "BoycoU ; His Murder Was father and three sons. The father, sponsoring the Institute. Germany" movement in this country, • 'I . Political Joshua Lind, has gained national re-f Application blanks may be obtain- stantial increase in the number of will go with Samuel Untermeyct, visas granted to Jews in Germany nown because of his tenor voice and ed from Miss Margaret Williamson, by American Consuls. We also wish noted attorney and outstanding lead•• Tel Ayiv.—The high pitch of agihis understanding of the Hebrew lan- 02 East 35th Street, New York to call to your attention that we are er of the boycott movement, td tation and excitement c r e a t e d Berlin.—The Juedische Rundschau, guage. He has been cantor in some of City. informed that after Jewish applicants represent the American League for throughout Palestine by the tragic the weekly organ of the German Zi-. the largest synagogues in the United for visas leave the American Con- the Defense of Jewish Rights at ths assassination of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, onists, has introduced a new departStates and Europe. He has also comsular offices they are threatened with World Boycott conference to be held Nazi Theoretician Actually Urge Palestine Interests Zionist labor leader, continues un- ment giving definitions and explanaposed many Hebraic chants. and sometimes suffer phj-sical vio- in London on July 15. "Decent" Solution of Jewabated, as r u m o r s regarding the tions of words and phrases. concernThe oldest son, Maurrie, 20, has lence. We are deeply interested to The United States, Great Britain Jews of Germany ish Question crime and the investigation fly around ing Jewish life and organizations. been singing since the age of six. His know therefore what steps the De-and France are in the van of the •unceasingly. In introducing the "new feature,- the voice attracted the attention of the Berlin, (J.T.A.).—Solution of th late Flo Ziegfield who wished to en- Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Thirty-five hun- partment has taken 'to insure sym- boycott movement, all among GetThe arest of Abraham Stavsky, editors explain that the paper has pathetic and considerate treatment many's erstwhile best customers, extreme Revisionist, who is being recently acquired a number of . new Jewish "question by settlement of th gage him, but he spurned all offers dred German Jews have joined the to Jewish applicants for visas in Poland follows, with Belgium, Italy, jranks of Palestine pioneers training held for investigation as a murder readers, many of whom have hereto- Jews in Europe in a special territory in order to travel with his father. Germany. We also respectfully re- Hungary and other countries. for settlement there, the Juedische suspect, gave added impetus to the fore been remote from Jewish life, in South America or South Africa, David, 18, has sung in many of the quest that the Department take such The boycott, its sponsors insist, in charges that the crime was political and it was these who asked for ex- is recommended by Dr. Leers, Nazi large theatres. At the age of ten he Kundschau, chief German Zionist measures as may be possible to pre-no mere retaliation. To objectors, theoretician, in an article in the Na-made a tour throughout the United publication, reports. Over 16,000 inin motive and has created grave ten- planations of such words. quiries have been made at the Berlin vent the intimidation of German among whom there are Jews as well tional Socialistische Monathefte. Dr, sion between labor and Revisionist the definitions in the first Leers suggests this method as a "de- States under the management of J. Palestine office regarding immigra- Jews applying at American Consul- as Gentiles, they argue that the boygroups, not only in Palestine but al- setAmong presented were: Jewish Agency cent" way to solve the problem o Hyman. At the age of thirteen, he tion and possibilities of settlement ates for visas." cott is rather an emergency measure, so in Poland. for Palestine, Vaad Leumi, K'neseth the Jews of Germany and other coun sang before a crowd of 50,000 for the there. a drastic cure for an acute situation. Stavsky gained admission to Pal-Israel, American Legion in Chicago. WEIZMANN Hanivcharim, Keren tries which persecute them. It is the only means available £o A noticeable growth in the memestine from Poland only after Dr. Hayesod,Asefath The youngest, Pinchikel, 15, has Keren Kayemeth, Yishub, ARRIVES isolate a political virus that threatens "Only barbarians would conduct a bership of the German Zionist FedArlosoroff had intervened for him af- Chalutz, Tarbuth, Aliya, Moshaba, fight against the Jews with a view sung and acted with many well-known eration as well as in the attendance, New York, (J.T.A.)—"The Jews not one race, but all civilized peopte. ter he had been turned back- at the Kevutza, etc. Jewish actors, as Ludwig Satz, Boris The economic boycott, according f.C to their annihilation," says Dr. Thomasefsky, Maurice Schwartz. He and new classes in Hebrew for pros- have got to fight for their rights as frontier. • , . • • . Dr. Coralnik, by frustrating HitlerLeers, "and it is the duty of th specializes in humorous selections and pective Palestine settlers, is also re- a minority in Germany." Ab Achimeir, Tel Aviv Revisionist, civilized races to solve the Jewish recitations. ported. Thus Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Zion- ism, strikes a blow in defense nt was fined one pound for obstructing ist leader, scientist and inventor, social democracy, the ancient Hebrev; the investigation of the police and in- Girls . . . Opportunity problem, not by methods of hatred The Lind quartet will leave Omaha but by more decent ways." summarized his opinion on the Ger-and modern Anglo-Saxon ideal o? terfering with their search of the for Hollywood to fill concert and Knocks But Once man situation before a group of government. The triumph of Hitir? Palestine as a solution of the Jew talkie engagements. room he shared with Stavsky. His A MITZVAH! newspaper men upon his arrival to marked its collapse in Germany, ft ish problem is discarded by thii attorney explained in court that Here is your chance, girls; be Nazi thinker, because it could not this country, where he will be guest thrombosis in the body politic of EuAchimeir's actions were the result of Let's show our visiting A. Z. A. of honor at Jewish Day in Chicago. rope which must be cleared beforfi A. Z. A. 1 his great anxiety due to his fear that good sports and fill out and mail hold all the Jews in the world, bebrothers what real Omaha hospiresponsibility for the murder would today, for dates for the Interna- cause of the Arab question and othe "The question of how many Ger- it spreads, with world consequencs^, tional A. Z. A. convention in Oma- complications. The newly-elected officers of A. Z. tality is like! Fill out and mail man Jews Palestine can absorb at the be put upon the Revisionist party. If the Jews were all settled in A. 1 were installed Wednesday eve- at once! present time," said Dr. Weizmann, Meanwhile the alibi of Stavsky ha. Name — • non-European countries, Dr. Leers ning by Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Name —.. . ._.«-.... __..•.... ...... "is a question of categories. Pales- Leon Trots&y May that he had been in Jerusalem the states, they, and Europe, would be president of the lotine can absorb a great number of time of the murder was partially corReturn to Russia Address better off. The Jewish question in cal B'nai B r i t h people who have musenlar strength— roborated by a friend. Europe would be ended and the Jews lodge. workers—but few professionals. A Istanbul, (J.T.A.)—-Leon Trctskj% It was reliably" reported in the Telephone No. „ . The new adminiswould become rooted to the land on rnan who can start in a trade or in- exiled Russian Bolshevist leader, ror.5' press that Mrs. Arlosoroff identified Telephone No. a footing of equality with other na- tration consists of dustry in Palestine would be valu- soon leave Prinkipo en Prince's IsStavsky from fourteen Jewish youths How many A. Z. A. visitors can able at the present time." Truthful age .. I s r a e l Bercovici, tions. land, where he has spent most of ins as one of his assailants. "But something must be done s president; I r v i n g The mystery, of the dead Jew who Asked whether, it would be diffi- period of exile, to return to Ru?£;*h you house ? _ ._ cult for Jews to leave Germany due he revealed to a correspondent of tb* that the Jewish problem should b Chudacoff, v i c e was found near Kiryat-Anavim has Have you a car?president; Ernest solved decently," he asserts. not yet been solved, but the suspito stringent laws laid down by theJewish Telegraphic Agency. For how many A. Z. A.'s can you Nazis, Dr. Weizmann asserted that Asked regarding: curent Tiimorf . N o g g, secretary; cion has been current that there is Color of hair. Warsaw.—Chaim Borenstein, Indus L o u i s M i n k i n , some connection between the dead he had recently learned that it is that he had made his peace v.'U.h promise Sunday dinner ?~ Color of eyes trialist of Tomashev, has sent 4( t r e a s u rer; Sam man and the Arlosoroff murder. possible for a Jew to get out of Ger- Joseph Stalin, general secretary nf shillings in the name of the Toma- Turkel, senior sermany with as much as 1,000 pounds the Communist Party and soviet fl«>Have you a car? . '. shev Jewish community to the Eng- geant - at - arms; of his private fortune. tator, Trotsky declared: Warsaw.—Three inhabitants of the Height lish Captain Sears, who was finec Ernest Priesman, town of Lenzyca have-been sentenced "More Jews than, we can handle "My return to Russia is lekly in i-.h* For how many A. Z. A/s can you 1 - that amount for having torn the Naz reporter; and Har- L.m,,,n - J to one year imprisonment each by the Weight _ _ . are flocking to Jerusalem and Telvery near future." provide transportation? — . Tear this out and mail to Mau- emblem from the wreath that Hitler** ry Weinberg, chap- Israel Bercovici Lodz district court for anti-Jewish acTear this out and mail at once Aviv," he stated. "German Jews of He did not amplify this tivities. They were charged with rice Katz, chairman of dating, 4515 emissary to London, Dr. Alfred Ros lain. Sam Turkel and Jake Adler were to Art Grossman, 3101 Lincoln independent means will, of course, be enberg, placed on the grave of tat elected as co-chairmen of the athletic Blvd., Omaha, Nebr. demanding that the Jews, be driven So. 25th St., Omaha, Nebr» admitted to Palestine. The others Our advertisers solicit your n&. committee. Unknown Soldier. from Poland to Palestine. ' will find that we are making every tronape






PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 30,1933 Mrs. 8. FeHmari, in honor of the con- and the "wrganization has expressed firmation of their daughter; Mr. andits appreciation for the generous supThe Daughters of Zion will sponsor Mrs. A. Greenberg, in honor of theport accorded in putting the affair a family picnic at Hanscom park on birth of a grandchild; Mr. and Mrs.over. Sunday, August 6, starting at 2:30H. Steinberg, in honor of the marriage p. m. Free lemonade and pop will be of their daughter. A. Z. A. Alumni served, and the families and friends Those wishing to give donations for The Omaha A. Z. A. of members are cordially invited to the planting of trees in Palestine or Alumnirecently-formed association will meet a t the attend. for J. N. F . boxes are asked to call J. C. C. Thursday, July 7, to complete A feature will be the drawing for the treasurer of this group, Mrs. I.plans for housing, feeding, and transthe breakfast nook set, the tickets for Beber, Harney 5090, or the chairman, porting alumni guests at the forthwhich are being sold by members of Mrs. S. Fellman, Harney 3753. coming international A. Z. A. conventhe organization. All members who tion in this city. have stubs of the tickets are urged to Pioneer Women At the meeting the following ThursMr. and Mrs. Sam Steinberg, Mr. and bring them to the picnic. day, July 14, permanent officers for Mr. M. S. Brown won the electric Mrs. Nathan Noggv Sam Meyerson, There will be games and prizes for the organization will be elected. refrigerator at the Pioneer Women Max Steinberg, Sam Sacks, and Dr.young and old, for fathers, mothers entertainment and program at the J. Any alumnus of the A. Z. A. who Julius Moskovitz. and children. A free picture will be C. C. June 18. desires to join the group is asked to Harris Saltzman is confined at the taken of all members. Also, a photocommunicate with Stanley F. Levin. The affair was highly successful, graph will be presented of a $500 Jennie Edmundson hospital where he check to be sent by the local organiis ill with pneumonia., The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim zation to the Jewish National Fund Society will hold a meeting next headquarters. Thursday evening, July 6, at 8:30 Mrs. N. Levinson is chairman for the picnic Mrs. L. Rosenblatt is chairo'clock at the Eagles hall. Dr. Isaac Stemhill and Louis H. man of the ticket sale for the breakKatelman were.chosen delegates from fast nook set, • • • the Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of Mrs. M. Braude and Mrs. L- Friedthe Independent .Order pf the B'nai ,man are chairmen of the membership Brith to attend the annual convention drive. of the District No. 6 of the B'nai Written in Paris by A. Roseman • Our appointment as agency for the Brith'to be held in Chicago next The Daughters of Zion National A Jew has been appointed Ameri- r wanted to put Mrs. Straus into one immensely in prestige by the appoint- week. They plan to leave Saturday, complete Du Pont line of PAINTS, workers announce, donations can Ambassador,in Paris.- Just now, >f the boats, but she would not go.ment of the new American Ambas- night for Chicago to attend, the Con- Punii from the following for the planting of VARNISHES, ENAMELS & DUCO. with things being what they are inLeave me here, she said.*: There are sador. His appointment is a great vention and also the World's Fair., trees in Palestine: Mr. and Mrs. E. Jewish affairs, in the midst of what there here whom it is more impera- event hereV I t is a matter of pride The members, of the Council Bluffs Sidman, in honor of their daughter; '• Talmud T.drah Confirmation Class of We and joy to'the Jews in France. is happening on the other side of the tive to save. -We are old'people. % Mr. and Mrs. M. Arbitman, in honor • Visit our Paint and Duralith DemonRhine, President Roosevelt's appoint- shall not have much longer- to live, 1933 have organized the "Beth Mem" of the Bar Mitzvah of their son; Mr. • ment of Jesse Straus as the United anyway. Save the younger people, club. The officers chosen are Shirley and Mrs. D. Soref, in honor of the constration on FRIDAY and SATURStates Ambassador in France has be- who have their lives before them. Maltz, president; Sylvia Endelman, firmation of their daughter; Mr. and come a momentous event, and hasTake them instead of me. We have secretary; and Eugene Telpner, treasDAY, June 30th and July 1st. Come made a tremendous impression in had a happy' life. We have enjoyed urer. Meetings are held weekly on the good things of life. It is only France. in and look at the most beautiful decWednesdays at 7 o'clock at the syna- teen children at a picnic Tuesday at BY F . ft. K. Kully's farm in honor of her son, ArAll the articles appearing in theright that we should give our places gogue. orating show room in Omaha. French Press, dealing with the newnow to others to enjoy life. We were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Castle and nold, who celebrated his twelfth birthHenry Mendelson was elected presAmbassador, make a point of stress- fortunate in our lives; we shall be ident of the Council Bluffs Chapter small daughter, Phyllis Ilene of day. The guests included Avrum ing the fact that he is a Jew, andfortunate, too, in eur deaths, for we No. 7 of the A. Z. A. for the ensuing Brooklyn, New York, arrived here Fitch, Leo Meyerson, Paul Krasne, •welcome it as something of outstand- ihall die together. Save those who term. Other officers chosen were: Tuesday to visit Mrs. Castle's parents, Harold Bernstein, Stuart Simon, Maring importance, a demonstration by itill have their lives before them." Jack Fox, vice president; Jack Gor- Mr. and Mrs. P. Gilinsky. They stop- vin Adler, Bennie Kutler, Irving Cothe United States and by France -And now, when their son, Jesse don, secretary; Morton Adlef, treas- ped in Chicago, enroute here, for a hen, Yale Gotsdiner, Norman Rips, against the unbridled anti-Semitism Isidor Straus, has been appointed urer; Meyer Maltz, senior sergeant- few days where they visited the Eugene Telpner, Jack Lincoln, Meyer Meyerson and Arnold Lincoln. that elsewhere has been made the pol- American Ambassador in Paris, the at-arms; David Perlmutter, junior World's Fair.:.., heroic death of his parents is recalled sergeant-at-arms; Meyer Raben, reicy of a State. Mrs. Jack Steinberg is visiting relMrs. J . A. Solomon of Los Angeles The new Ambassador is a well- and repeated in print and by word of porter; and Joseph Solomonow, chap- left for her home Tuesday following atives in Kansas City, Mo., for a couknown figure in Paris. He is a fre- mouth. The heroic figures of Isidor lain. a five weeks' visit here at the home ple of weeks. quent guest of the American colony and Ida Straus loom big again in the Advisors elected were Dr. Isaac of her sister, Mrs. Frank Krasne in 1112 Harney St. Omaha, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen enterhete and is received in the highest world's Press, as if their epic had Stemhill and Messrs. Louis H. Katel- Council Bluffs, and other relatives in tained the members of their Evening French circles. France took him tobeen yesterday. In paying tribute, in man, Sam Lincoln, Sam Shy ken,, and Omaha. Mrs. Solomon was extensive- Bridge club at their home Tuesday Her heart long ago. He was in Paris giving honour, in welcoming the new Abe Xatelman. ly entertained during-her stay here. evening. only a few months, in the course of American Ambassador, to France, Mrs. Sam Meyerson and daughter, Delegates chosen to represent the an extended tour of Europe, and heFrench public opinion is paying its local chapter at the International A. June and Lorraine, returned home was entertained by the American tribute again, as it did in those far- Z. A. convention to be held in Omaha Tuesday following" a two weeks' stay Club. People in the know were al- >ff days—20 years and more—to his July 9 and 10 are Joseph Solomonow, in Chicago, 111., where they attended ready aware of his impending Am- loble and heroic parents. the Century of Progress exposition. Henry Mendelson and Jack Fox. bassadorship, and the important poli- His parents and his community — Mr. Meyerson, who accompanied them The A. Z. A. chapter held an imtical address he delivered, on this oc- :he French Press makes much of both. portant meeting Thursday evening at to Chicago, went to Atlantic City to casion was interpreted as an official Mow, when Jewry is fighting for its the home of Robert Endelman to attend the National Grocers' Convenpronouncement. In French, official life against the anti-Semitic terror in make plans to organise a "Cab Pack" tion and is expected home by Sunday. quarters he is regarded as the right Germany, Jesse Isidor Straus in hisfor Junior Boy Scouts. All parents : Nathan Richards is spending the man in the right place.•••. high .office in Paris, the papers say, and Boy Scout leaders who are inter- -week in Chicago visiting relatives. He That is the tone adopted by, the en- will be very near to .the land where ested in this group are urged to at- also attended,the Csntury of Progress tire French Press. Everyone' knows the extermination .process is being tend a special meeting next Thursday, exposition. his record as a financier,'big'business- carried on against his fellow-Jews, July 6, at 6:30 o'clock at the Hotel Mrs. Sam Lincoln entertained f ourman and diplomat. And everyone His own family, it is pointed out, is of Chieftain. knows, too, of ;the close friendship "ennan origin. His own father and Y§a Will Not Want to Miss that, exists between Jesse Straus and mother were born in Bavaria, came to The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud President Eoosevelt, and of the great America as children with, their par- Torah Society will v hold Va*,jneetingf^ •part', that the new Ambassador played ents, and their brothers, the'new Ani- next Wednesday, afternoon, July 5, a t in carrying through President Roose- bassador's uncles, Oscar, several 2:30 o'clock a t the Chevra B'nai YisEyERYTHING velt's big financial plan. times United States Ambassador to roel synagogue a t 618 Mynster St. For the Auto And the fact that he is the son of Turkey and Minister of Commerce Among those who attended the Nain the first President Roosevelt's gov2051 Farnam AT. 5524 his parents has commended itself tional Grocers' Convention at Atlantic •with particular force to generous- ernment—-the only Jew who has yetCity, New Jersey, this, week were minded France. The Press recalls held ministerial office in a United with pride the noble epic of how his States Government — arid Nathan parents died. It is rare indeed, when Straus, the great millionaire humana "new Ambassador is appointed, that ist, who gave away his millions for The Climax of .the Press should have so. much to philanthropic purposes, the founder of the pure milk movement, the Pasteur.write of his parents. The tragedy of the "Titanic" is relieved again. All ized milk stations all over the world. Jesse Isidor Straus will find in France is speaking of that terrible catastrophe, as hi the days when it Paris refugees co-religionists, Jews was still fresh. And how could the who have been driven out of <3ermany, son of Isidor Straus and Ida Straus, the papers say, he will meet: face to they ask, be other than brave, noble- face the calamity of German Jewry. The Jews of France have gained hearted, generous ? The Press recalls that Jesse Straus does not like his middle name turned into a mere initial and loves to see it written out in full . At a Century of Progress Exposition in his father's name — Jesse Isidor Straus. .•'.-.: Chicago Here is a typical article from the French Press. "Among those who died on the TiThe greatest dramatic and biblical pageant of the age. tanic were an old couple—an American millionaire, Isidor Straus and his With a cast of more than 3500 imder the masterful direcwife, Ida Straus.; Their death is one tion of Isaac Van Grove, Director of the Chicago Civic of the most touching in all that touching story, an epic within the Titanic Opera, this superb spectacle will be performed on the epic. largest stage in the U. S. "A sailor came to save them. Everyone on board the Titanic knew and respected the fine old couple. The sail"The Romance of a People" will give you a thrill that you

Jesse L Straus Is New Ambassador to France

Daughters of Zion

French Are hn Pleased With His Ap pointment


Council Bluffs News




"The -

Romance of a

Jewish Day

Monday, July 3rd

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The Human Panorama.... By Harry Mendelson

(notwithstanding the opinion of the elders to the contrary)." I do dare to predict that the present and the most sophisticated g e n e r a t i o n o f youngsters and youth the world has ever seen should and surely will transcend us and make us feel that we were not. worthy and equal to the task of entering into the promised land of our dreams because we lacked the insight, foresight, sensitiveness and plasticity of mind to expand emotionally, intellectually, socially and politically to anticipate and welcome the new Golden Day.

Shortly after the Bank Holiday was initiated a young business man remarked in a conversation, "I would have never believed that America would fall so low. I recall distinctly the fall of the mark at the time I was in Germany shortly after the war. Now we're in for the same sort of inflation. Yes sir, we live in an age of impossibilities. Anything may happen in our age! I meditated a long time on the phrases—"impossibilities" and "anything may happen." We have heard By Art Grossman our age characterized as being one of steam, of electricity, of aviation, of radio, tremendous speeds, etc. As I have often been impressed by the a pedagogue I have often character- patriotism of Omaha Jewry. It seems ized our epoch as the child-minded that no other group of Jews in Amage, for more has been written and e r i c a is discovered about the child in the last dre n c h e d in decade than in the last ten thousand traditional loy| l years. Our age as an "age of im- alty. Be it a possibilities" is as happy a term as philanthro p i c any of the above mentioned. And it or membership has become more so since the crash campaign, one of '29. The impossibilities have come can readily be •upon us so swiftly that we almost assured t h a 11 take them for granted, as natural Omaha J e w s stand ready to and inevitable. In this month's Nation's Business lend indispen- ? I find \V. M. Kiplinger, in comment- s a b l e assisting on controlled economy, making ance. .X. the following statement in his column Elsewhere in this issue of the Jew"What's ahead in Washington," "The ish Press, you will find two box thing which will make this half- forms—one pertaining to dates for way system (planned economy) a girls and the other to housing and success will be a recognition that it transportation facilities. is relatively 'conservative.' Two or You will notice, particularly, the three years hence -the reactionaries question, "For how many. A. Z. A-'s will be talking „ in terms which two can you provide Sunday afternoon or three years ago weie considered dinner?" It is our intention to pro^ "advanced" and "radical." This is vide our visiting brothers with a real already evident. Most of the dele- honest-to-goodness, home-cooked dingates to the recent annual meeting ner on Sunday, the opening day of of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce the convention. talked in terms which only a year It is no secret to us that we reago would have seemed "pink." gard the Omaha Jewish mothers as We are moving very fast. being1 the makers of the most appeAnyone who wants to get along tizing and wholesome dishes ; ever must try any way possible to ad- eaten. However, we. do want to emjust his mind to the new order "of phasize this upon our visitors. Won't .things. To do so is a practical'prop- - y o u h e l p : u s ? • ' ••-. ' : . '''•'. • - ; ? osition." -•"" •"•-•.'"•••"-. " / Y e s sir, we're living in a colossal, Saturday, night, July. 8, a pre-conhighly-complex, intef-related,: inter- vention-; "get; acquainted" smoker will dependent age. But more than all, it be held at" the Jewish Community is a highly fascinating, supremely Center. This is the first spark" in adventurous age. Nevertheless, we i the .flash of good times we are prestill find people with the notion that the age of adventuring, prospecting paring. This is to be a new kind of smokand opportunities for originating, inAll the spirit and joviality _ of er. itiating, etc. has passed never to return again. Yes, we have conquered ordinary smokers will "not. even apa vast empire, annihilated space and proach the smartness, entertainment, distance, harnessed gigantic bodies and joy " promised us by this one. of water, and what not; but how Aside from the conventional "smokes" about the untouched virgin fields in and "eats," (and there will be a verthe realms of the spirit. How about itable flood of both), a complete .the many five year plans in aesthet- novelty . vaudeville bill,: as ; versatile ics, music, art, literature and en- as any witnessed, will be presented. Ealph Nogg has been selected as lightened communion with our fellow-men and the inexhaustible .un- chairman, with "Ab" Kaiman acting explored vistas of one's own souls, as master of ceremonies. Johnny motives, impulses, emotions, etc. Who Goodman, Omaha's own National . would have thought that the dollar- Open Golf Champion, will speak, as ridden America and our successiacs will many satellites from both the (success-maniacs) would turn to the A. Z. A. and B'nai Brith world. realms within .themselves, and discover that money is not" everything. It took the depression to teach milWHEAT, CORN, OATS lions of men and women to discover . For Information Call or Write that many of the things we-believed TAYLOR GRAIN CO. necessary to a.good time have, ac121-722 Omaha C'.ralii Exchange Bids. tually, very little to do with it; and JA SMS—AT 2038 on the other hand, many of the best Private Wire Connections With things in life are beyond and above JAS. E. BENNETT CO. price.

Convention Thoughts....

"I don't think it is possible to forecast accurately and precisely the events of the next couple of months or even of the next few weeks. The developments are too stupendous;" declares Kiplinger. The thrill of the unknown, of the mysterious, of the! •unexpected and the unanticipated— all the elements that make hunting an adventure are in store for all of us. "Stupendous," intensely so! And out of a stupendous age come stupendous men and women. Colossal problems bring forth colossal minds; tremendous dilemmas bring to the surface super men and women. Gigantic tasks marshall forth Herculean statured citizens and burning needs arouse to action and creation Promethean-calibered individuals to bring to men the blessings of modern technological potentialities resident in machine-production. Anything is possible in an age of impossibilities I What an age! The youth is to be envied for having the privilege to come to maturity in such an age. Such an age is essentially congenial to the spirit of the young generation, which is usually receptive to new ideas, adventurous, courageous to set out on unbeaten paths, free of the heavy hand of tradition and antiquated procedures and dead serious














Imagine how the boys will react the main address and most of the strumental in the administration of to speak. William Holzman will act towards "gefilite fish" and "balint- great- figures, who have been so in- our fraternity, will be called upon as toastmaster. zes" and all of those other delicacies so pleasing to the palate. Monday afternoon another session. Monday evening a tour of the city. Monday night, the superb convention dance. As planned now, nothing so unique, so attractive, or so inviting will ever have been seen in Omaha as this dance. ; Cool and beautiful Peony Park, with/ its millions of enchanting Peonies will be the site for this affair. If my word bears any weight, Omaha girls will send in our dating questionnaires immediately, for this truthfully will be a night of nights. -
























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.Tuesday, the eleventh, will bring Monday morning, July ib, another the final session; election of new session. Monday noon,' following the Grand Officers; and another tasty : • • • • . business session, a" strictly iosher luncheon. lunche'on will be served." This is the' 'In the evening comes' the real first time -//the history of .bur order event, the culmination of all our efthat luncheons are to be served at a forts—the farewell banquet. A nationally known personage will deliver convention gathering. •




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Official induction of the Tenth International Convention will commencs Sunday morning, July 9, when the first session for delegates and visitors is called to order by Grand Aleph Godol, Hy Goodbinder, at the Jewish Community. Center. Following this our big Sunday dinners will be served. Sunday afternoon and evening will be spent in picnicing and frolicking at Krug Park. Athletic contests, races, novelty stunts, prizes, and whatnot .will feature. Once again there will be too much of everything to eat. At night our guests will be treated to adncing, merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, fun houses, "airplane rides, etc Just one streak of thrills after another! - .'•'-•..

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Cleveland Studio 1612 Doagl&~ St. Phone I A . S366

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Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by



THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY; >- : Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application


the drastic actions they did. Most of the important newspapers in the world have carried at least one article to this effect. Certainly, the Nazi government is not, under such circumstances, planning to let these accused free. The courts are completely under the rule and domination of the Nazis; the judges are puppets in their control. And the Nazis have been direct in their unfair treatment of Jewish attorneys. At first, all Jewish attorneys were barred from the'courts. Then, this decree was modified so that only a very small percentage of Jewish attorneys could appear. However, when these Jewish attorneys did come to court, enraged Nazis dragged them out of the court buildings. A proclamation is issued indicating that the list of those patronizing Jewish lawyers will be compiled- so that Jews can be more completely ousted from the profession. A few friendly non-Jewish attorneys have warned their Jewish colleagues that if they do get some cases they should arrange among themselves that their cases do not come up at the same time as it would be unhealthy for more than one Jewish lawyer to appear in court at the same time. Since these are the conditions prevailing in German courts and are the barometer of Nazi "justice," of what avail is it for an alien attorney, particularly a Jewish one, to "butt bis head" uselessly against a stone wall of prejudiced, pre-determined, premeditated "justice." The Nazis have set themselves up as both prosecutor and judge.


In the current hysteria produced by a long awaited improvement in business one hears much of the great Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. prowess possessed by the President of Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street the United States. Many starved busSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center iness men are hailing him as a secDAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor ond Messiah and this coupled with FHANK R. ACKERMAN - - . Editor efficient publicity have gone far to F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent creating around Roosevelt a halo of ANN PILL . - . - . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent popularity and ability. That the President is unquestionably a man of great ability is a foreWhither "Blind Obedience?" gone conclusion. That he has done A professor, who himself comes from Germany, addressed a great things in a short time is again an accepted truth. Beneath, his ability local audience on modern Germany last week, and while attacking as an executive, however, one finds, I Hitler and his political moves he gave an explanation of why Nazthink, the real reason for his ability ism has been able to instill complete, unquestioning obedience in a to get a recalcitrant Congress to pass people whose renown "kultur" should revolt against the implicabills that he believes necessary to facilitate business recovery in America. tions of Hitlerism. If an American ideal is independence of the Frankly, Mr. Roosevelt is a much betfree man, stated the professor, in Germany a higher ideal is "obedter strategist than was Mr. Hoover. ience and loyalty to the leader." As an illustration, a Nazi deputy Before any of the plums to be dispensed by the administration were said in the Reichstag to Hitler: "If you ask us to go to hell and shaken off the tree, Congress had to bring you the devil, we'll do it. We don't want to know why match Mr. Roosevelt's demands in the merely that you ask it." This viewpoint expresses the "blind form of the Farm Relief Bill, the Industrial Recovery Act, etc Then and obedience" which is an inherent part of the German people. tWhen Ambassador to France only were there to be any offices A. Roseman in a letter from Paris recounts the satisfaction then some Nazi henchmen were shown how several planks in their prodistributed and the various represengram were inconsistent with one another, thejr waved the argu- with which France greeted the new American Ambassador Jesse tatives given an opportunity to make ment aside with an all-answering, "What do we care ..'. our leader Isidor Straus. The press, he writes, has been particularly high in good on their pledges to their constituents. And what, after all, is the good praise of his record as a financier, business man, and diplomat, of knows best." a Congressman without constituThis may be an explanation of the way the German mind op- and stresses the importance of the appointment of a Jewish am- ents? erates, but to us it is still foreign. Sane people, it appears to us, bassador at a time when anti-Semitism has become part and par- Once again, in what has been described as a fearless prosecution of would want to see reason in their actions. Blindness, whether cel of the governmental policy of the state on the other side of formerly sanctified interests, did the the Rhine. mental or physical, is deplorable in any individual . . .mental President display his uncanny politiHis advent into the official diplomatic life iff- France has cal sense. After all, the masses for blindness among men who ruled has been a cause of much grief caused to be repeated again and again, in print and by word of years had sweated under the dominaand bloodshed in the panorama of history. But the blindness of of Morgan & Co., and here under men who ruled would not have reached such tragic proportions as mouth, the epic of his heroic parents, Isidor Straus and Ida Straus. tion the lashing tongue of an immigrant they have were it not for the "blind obedience" of the followers, When the Titantic was sinking rapidly, a sailor wanted to put Mrs. self-made lawyer was the great J. P. Straus in a life boat. Her husband was urging her to join the himself subject to inquiry, an object the same blind obedience with which the Nazis are afflicted. of investigation. The masses had a Already the Hitlerite Germany is reaping the "harvest" of other women and children in the lifeboats before it was too late. chance to explode, to "let off steam," his sowing. His grave mistake of adding fuel to the world-wide Knowing there was no room for him, she refused to leave his and to understand that the man in the conflagration of indignation by directing his medieval shafts at side although she knew that to stay meant certain death, stating White House was their friend. the Catholics was a diplomatic blunder of the first magnitude and that she would rather die together with her husband and that it One further tribute to his sagacity Roosevelt permitted the Unitonly emphasized the position of Hitlerism as a moral leper on the was more important to save the younger people who had their —before ed States to go off the gold standard world scene. At the economic conference the support given by lives ahead of them. and before he introduced a variety of Straus went to France with the confidence of President inflationary measures, he followed the powers to Dollfus in Austria was a direct blow at Hitlerism carefully in the footsteps of his Reand clearly showed that Italy, England and France are willing to Roosevelt, who appointed him. He was accepted and cordially re- publican predecessors in giving deflado what is in their power to keep Hitler from dominating Austria. ceived in the highest French, circles even before he was appointed, tionary methods an opportunity to Germany today is recognized by all as a menace to world peace and now enjoys an even greater measure of confidence of the remedy a bad situation. When they as he knew they would he had and Hitler's empty words to the contrary make no impression French people. And as to how the French Jewry feel, to quote failed a free field to work in with the now Roseman: "The Jews of France have gained immensely in pres- adopted inflationary standards. whatsoever on the thinking communities. The moral ostracism of Hitlerism is being rapidly comple- tige by the appointment of the new American Ambassador. His But the future holds the true test Mr. Roosevelt and the Democratic mented by economic disaster. German pride Kas been forced to appointment is a great event here. It is a matter of pride and joy of party. How much strength will there accept many a deep insult and rebuke of late. The storms in the to the Jews in France." be to the provision of the Industrial Recovery Act that gives the President offing portend a rough sea for the Hitler'craft, and unless they the power to license those obstinate Jewish Education veer onto another course they wSl be grounded in the shoals. industries which fail to meet the bill's ? The secret of the Jewiih immortality*lnroughout the centur- primary provision that a minimura ies has oft times been "solved' by tberans^errTrr"Jewish educa- wage • and minimum hour of labor The Big Day at the Fair week be enacted- How many of our "Chicago, July third" has become the catch phrase with Am- tion." Some may scoff at this all-inclusive, simple, complete sol- millions of unemployed will be put to on government building projects, erican Jewry. That is THE day on which Jewish participation at ution; of the "eternal riddle,' but even the scoffer will admit that work and how.^many of these projects will its importance in Jewish survival cannot be overemphasized. "The Century of Progress" will be added to the participation of as comparably free from graft as What part, then, is Jewish education destined to play in our be any politically directed project can all other groups and peoples. be ? In other words, how long will Mr. We tnist that we will not be accused of undue optimism in future survival? This question was the subject of one of the Roosevelt .be a president whose chief many interesting symposiums on the program of the Council of labelling that day "The Big Day." Indications are that way, howconcern is the good of the greatest ever, and the optimism is-not ours only. Others state that "Rom- the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, meeting this week number rather than the good of the ance of a People"—the dramatic pageant to be presented in Sold- in Chicago. Dr. Joseph Rauch, who led the discussion, pointed favored few? ier Field as the climax of Jewish Day, will be the greatest achieve- out that the spirit of the age combined with the laissez faire atti- No one is foolish enough to deny tude of the parents has caused a decline in Jewish education of that the political party in control will ment America has known in the way of historic pageantry. late. To quote him: "We assumed that because Jews remained bend its every effort to furthering its Thirty-five hundred young men and women have been train- Jews under all kinds of adverse conditions they would continue to own interests. After all that is only a of an accepted biological ing for months to present, in drama, song and mass action, the do so when their lives had fallen in pleasanter places under mod- projection tenet, that the strong will survive and ; four thousand year panorama of Jewish history. Hundreds of ern civilization. We now see the error of our ways. We have to the victor belong the spoils. It is under that system that America has Jewish organizations (completely united on this project) are cothe greatness that she has and operating, not only in Chicago and the Middle West, but through- come to a realization that eternal vigilance, planning, expense to gained it is that system to which the Amerithe point of sacrifice, must be made if our [history, our faith, our out the entire country. And already cities-as distant from Chican is bred by training and heredity. cago as Toronto, Canada; Memphis, Tennessee, and New York solidarity and our ideals are to be kept in vigor and transmitted It is that system that, to quote Iiebis the "Best of all possible li&ve chartered special trains to carry groups to "the world's fair in security. We have again focused attention on our historic and nitz, worlds." important vocation of teaching. Out of it will come a renascence ; •on July third. No one has any complaint to make of Jewish education." against the American governmental The sponsors of Jewish Day are aiming^-and the prospects-of In these columns we have continually stressed the same con- theory. At the same time we are insuccess are excellent—to make Jewish Day equally memorable in clusions reached at this symposium. Jewish education is essential terested in results, and at the present Jewish life in this country, and in the history of the World's Fair. those results should be directed for our future blossoming. Those who are cut off from Jewish time towards the return of a satisfactory There is every reason to think that many years will pass before situation. Roosevelt has a so appealing a conjuncture of circumstances which enable Jews to education are in grave danger of being ultimately lost to us. Jew- business golden opportunity to improve that ish education has in the past been the fortress on which our people show what a role they play in modern American life and in the situation and prove himself a real life of the civilized world as a whole will occur, and on this demon- relied heavily for life and survival, and that fortress must be made leader. But it requires courage to put strong and invincible if our survival will be secure in the future. teeth into the provisions of his recent stration there cannot be division of opinion. legislation. Merely as legislation the As Jews and as Americans, we are vitally interested in seeing aforementioned bills and acts are meaningless; as accomplished fact that "Jewish Day" shall be remembered as the finest" contribution They S a y . . < . they will, of course, tread none too to the picture of civilized progress which is represented by the gently upon the toes cf many of the ] Americangirls are flocking iinto Palestine at an unprecedentassembled exhibits and events in Chicago. . ^ . , _ ed number these days. In fact; Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are begin- favored few in the world of finance. But Roosevelt has" proven himself so ning to resemble our own centers with so many of our smartly- far willing to tackle a proposition that is to say the least, formidable. No one dressed young women on the main streets^—Lillian G. Genn. is fooled by the verbiage of these Samuel S. Leibowitz, stormy center of controversy as counlaws; what we all are interested in sel for the defense in the famous Scottsboro case, is considering When the inquisition succeeded in turning the Jews out of seeing is actual accomplishments, and a trip to Germany to act as counsel for the Communists charged Spain and Portugal, it. was not found that the kingdoms of the it is. to be hoped that the ensuing will find Mr. Roosevelt to be with setting fire to the Reichstag building in Berlin on February peninsula profited by this deliverance. The experience cf Spain months as sincere and capable an executive as 20. Leibowitz, if you recall, has won both praise and criticism for left in the world a deep-seated opinion that Jev/-briting is unlucky he is a "competent strategist. If lie folAis defense of accused, but all have admitted his genius in obtain- and'that driving the Jews out of a country does not make for lows his present course and actually accomplishes the aims of his legislaing acquittals . . . famed for his record of eighty-five victories in that country's prosperity.—Edward Martin in Harper's. tion there will be no cause for comeighty-five trials, he mostly being on the unpopular side. plaint; for the present we know only that he is well on the road to nursing "If I decide after proper study of the case that my reprea very sick nation back to a state of HEBREW CALENDAR sentation of these men would be in any way inimical to their infinancial health.


terests due to the fact that I am a Jew, I would not handle the case for any amount of money or prestige in the world," states Leibowitz. Under the German law it is permissible for an alien counsel to represent the accused by courtesy of the court. Leibowitz had received an urgent cable of over 500 words f rom relative^ of the accused urging him to intercede, as German attorneys are afraid to defend on account of threat of imprisonment and suppression. We do not think that Leibowitz or any one else can save these accused in Germany. The foreign correspondents in Berlin are almost unanimous in their belief that the Nazis themselves set fire to the Reichstag building and blamed it on the communists so that they would have an excuse, no matter how flimsy, to take

5693 'Rosh Chodesh TammusFast of Tammus__^____ Ros'h Chodesh Ab.. „ Fast of Ab ._ *Rosh Chodesh ElIuL Rosh Hoshonah

fee who Us of lowly spirit shall §tt#te i© honour.


1933 -Sunday, June 25 .Tuesday, July 11 Confirms Report ..Monday, July 24 Of Palestine Loan -Wednesday, August 2 London, (J.T.A.)—Confirmation of .—Wednesday, Aug. 23 the report of the Jewish Telegraphic .....Thursday, Sept. 20 Agency that a new two and a half

million pound loan for Palestine is pending is carried by the Manchester *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. Guardian which discussed the loan" is intended for public works All Jewish holidays begin at sunset the preceding secular day, which and for the settlement of landless Arabs. . Flowers though not long-lived, give you constancy in their The paper points to the safety of investment in Palestine loans, and refriendship, and they always greet you refreshingly. minds its readers that the first Pal-


GEMS of the BIBLE and TALMUD By O. O, Set me as a nurfil upon thy As a seal upon thy arm, For k-vc 's strong a* death; Jealou.-ly ?e cruel sn the grav Many waters cannot quench Jove. Neither can the flood drown it. If a man would give all the substance of his house for love, he would be utterly condemned. A man's pride shall bring him low,

Talmud fcj AMn said: "He who force3 witt in neturn he pressed by fesf t© feim who gives way to (ptMing patiently to eircumj tfcm Witt gfre way to him."

Jshmael arid: "He who

U) tmmus vine shall study the tint Jaws fm there is no store (of wisdom) it» the entire Torah richer than this (civil law), which is like a flowing spring." liabbi Samuel gaid: "He who lowers himself (exposes his ignorance) for the take ot learning the Torah shall finally be raised. But he who muzzles his mouth (because he is ashamed to expose his ignorance to his teacher) will have to put his hand to the mouth (when he in return shall be questioned.)


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- - PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 30,1933 past week in Chicago visiting the Cen- tained the members of the Hariassah EXTENDED TISIT Board of Directors who served with Mrs. Sam Zweiback left June 17 for tury of Progress exposition. Kitchen Chats her the past year, and their husbands, an extended visit. After spending a By at a garden party at her home Wedfew days in Kansas City, she went to YISITTNG IN CHICAGO Mrs. David M. Newman New York for a month's stay. She will Miac Esther Horwitz is visiting in nesday evening. be joined in New York Tby Mr. Zwei- Chicago with her cousin, Miss Frances! i MOVE INTO NEW HOME back, who leaves Saturday. Mr. Zwei- Nowitz. Angel Charlotte Russe | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Pearlstien back will stop off at Washington. One-half package (4 tablespoons) land son, Edward, have moved into VISIT IN FREMONT En route home, the Zweibacks will visit the Niagara Falls and the Miss T.flfon Monovitz and His;]their new home at 1015 South 35th lemon jello, 1 cup boiling water, dash Pearl Freedman recently returned Avenue. Mrs. Pearlstien and son just salt, one-half cup powdered sugar, World's Fair.

mold lined with lady fingers. Chill until -firm. Garnish with whipped cream and maraschino cherries. Politeness has been well defined a s benevolence in small things.^—Macaulay.

Ibis Ad and $1 Will Entitle

from Fremont, Neb!* where they "were returned from a three-month, trip one-half teaspoon almond extract, 1 You to a Riding Lesson. cup heavy cream. Dissolve jello in the guests of Myra Monovitz. Numer- through the east. LEAVE TOMORROW Regular Price $2. boOing water, add salt and sugar, chill Mrs. H. S. Noviisky and daughters, ous affairs were given in their honor. until cold and syrupy. Add almond MOONLIGHT PICNIC LA PETITE STABLES Lois and Gloria, and Mrs. Sarah FeltThe Pi Tau Phi sorority entertained extract and cream, place in bowl of man and son, Stanley, are leaving Sat- ATTENDS FORMAL DANCE 9202 N. 30th KE. 5310 ice water and beat until fluffy and Miss Lillian Jonisch spent the weekKIEHES-LUSTGARTEN college at Columbus, where she wasurday evening for a two-weeks stay end visiting with friends in Desat a moonlight picnic on Saturday, thick -like whipped cream, turn into a June 17. Miss Berfha Colick was in NUPTIALS pledged Alpha Epsilon Phi, and also in Chicago, to attend the World's Fair. Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, daughter spent one year at Ferry Hall, Lake They will stay at the Chicago Beach Moines, where she attended the Delta charge, assisted by Miss Rose Colick. Alpha Pi formal dance. of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lnstgarten, be- Forest, EL Mr. Gross, who attended hotel. PICNIC SUPPER came the bride of Mr. Max Eiekes, the University of Iowa, is a member TO LEAVE FOR CHICAGO The Junior Conservative Society son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kiekes, Sunday of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. FOR CHICAGO Mrs. Carl Riekes and Mrs. Leo Fitch lield a picnic supper Monday evening evening at the Blackstone. The cereMr. S. Eavitz left Sunday for Chileaving Saturday evening for Chi- at Elmwood Park. Hostesses for this mony was performed before members STRAUSS-DAYTCH cago, where b e Trill visit with rela- are affair were the Misses Lillian Chudaof the immediate families, with Rabbi MARRIAGE tives. While there he win attend Jew- cago for a ten-day stay. coff, "Marian Freiden, Frances RobinDavid A. Goldstein and Rabbi H. ish Day at the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daytch anFOR MONTH'S STAY son, and T.iiHan Slutsky. Grodzinsky officiating. nounce the marriage.of their daughRabbi Uri MiDer, spiritual leader of Plans are being made by the club A reception was held at the hotel ter, Ida, to Mr. George Strauss on MONTE CARLO PARTY the local Vaad H*Oehr, left Tuesday for a swimming party to be given at from 8 to 10. Friday, June 23, at Lincoln, Neb. Rab- AT HIGHLAND by'motor for Chicago where he will Peony Park next month. The wedding marches were played bi Harry Jolt officiated. A Monte Carlo party reminiscent of spend a month visiting with his parby Cecil Berryman, pianist, and Emily The young couple will leave on an "the good old days" with "devices" ents. TO REVIEW BOOK Cleve Gregerson, violinist. The lines extended motor trip and will be atfor the entertainment of all will be Spengler's "The Decline of the While in Chicago he will preside as were read beneath a latticed canopy home in Omaha after August 15. held at the Highland Country Club president at the sessions of the Con- West," will be reviewed by Mr. Baltwined with bride's roses and baby's Monday evening, July 3, starting at ference of the Rabbinical Association lard Dunn this evening before the Friwreath. Bride's roses and palms were PLOTKIN-BAILEN day Night Literary Forum. 8 p. m. Members may bring guests. A of the Hebrew Theological College. other decorations used. free lunch wSl be served. ENGAGEMENT . The bride's gown "was fashioned of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Plotkin of Sioux A goodly crowd turned out for the TRY OUR white satin and princess lace with a City announce the engagement of their cabaret and style show Tield Wednes- TO CONCLAVE Mr. David R. Cohen left Sunday for court train. Her veil was of lace and daughter, Mildred, to Sam Ballen, son day evening at the Highland. Followtulle and she carried gardenias and of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baflen of Oma- ing the fashion parade, dancing and a week's stay in Chicago, where he will attend a meeting of the Pacific lilies of the valley. ha. No wedding date has been set. special entertainment were held. Mutual Life Insurance company's Miss Ida Lustgarten, sister of the "Big Tree dub," for those agents sell- Add. 10 LBS, 70c bride, was maid of honor. Her gown ing $200,000 or more worth of insur- Lbs. Shirts VISITING IN DES MOINES was pale pink and she wore a picture ANNOUNCE BIRTHS ance per year. He is being sent by the Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Forbes anMiss Rosalie Rosenberg i s spending hat of hair-braid and carried a" muff nounce the birth of a daughter, Aud- a few days visiting friends i n Deslocal office, being ths onhj Nehraskan Our Amnul Jiriy Ckumaoe of teoken lines and of pink camellias. , Miss Freeda Brodkey, a bridesmaid, rey, at the Methodist hospital June Moines. While there, she attended the from the company winning this honor. sisses «f famous make garments. Don't be content wore blue crepe trimmed with flesh- 20. Mrs. Forbes -was formerly Miss Delta Alpha Pi formal dance. with j«st one garment—buy several now at esENTERTAINS FOR HADASSAH colored crepe, and a picture hat ofEsther Budefsky of Philadelphia, Pa. RETURN TO OMAHA acUy f BOARD MEMBERS pink maline. She carried pink roses. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Noddle have 2115 1*B«*M At 2815 Mr. and Mrs. E. Sellz announce the Miss Louise Fitch, niece of the bridethe local Hadassah chapter, entergroom, the other bridesmaid, wore yel- birth of a son at the Lord Taster hos- returned to Omaha after spending the low organza, and a-small yellow hat, pital June 27. Such famous makes as lily of and carried yellow roses. France . . . Angrfn . . . Warner Mr. Zolly Lerner of Lincoln was best RETURNS TO STUDIES Where Omaha Shops with Confidence . . . Treo . . . and Nature's TUval. man. The groomsmen were Mr. Abe -Miss Ida Lustgarten, who motored Sizes 32 to 42 Sadoff of Sioux City and Mr. Dave in from Chicago to be maid of honor Beber of Chicago. Taloes b m $2.45 t« H&50. at the marriage of her sister, DorAssisting at the reception were Miss othy, to Mr. Max Riekes Sunday, reMinnette Sterling and Miss Pansy turned Thursday to resume her piano 16th at Farnam Brown. Receiving with the bridal studies. couple were their parents. Mrs. Lustgarten wore : powder blue, and Mrs. Biekes beige lace. Following a three-week motor trip to Colorado, the young couple will be in Des Moines, returning to Omaha in Side hook and step-in styles, in the autumn. sices 26 to 34. Announces GROSS-ERASNE Tataes f n a $US te $»JB. ENGAGEMENT Opening of Dental Offices Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Xrasne of Council Bluffs announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lucille Krasne, to Lawrence Gross, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gross, at a dinner party Dr. Fellman has just completSaturday at the Highland Country ed Ms dental appointment a$ dub. The date of the wedding has not St. Joseph's hospital. BrassiereB of Xace, Satin, Crepe and Net been set. . . . in sizes 32to44. $£50 to $3.45 l Miss Krasne attended Ohio State Fifth Floor.




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"LOOKING FORWARD" With LEWIS STONE PMHps HOISJCS An intensely human story of the effects of the depression on rich and poor alike. WHERE

With BUDDY ROGERS MARION NIXON FRANK MORGANThey Mssed while their fathers cussed


m/Ptetu STITCH IN HEART—LIVES— Henry Gustafson, of Chicago, who stabbed himself in the heart, but was snatched from death by surgery, several stitches having been put in the vital organ, now apparently has perfectly recovered. Gustafson is shown mowing the lawn of the John B. Murphy hospital in Chicago. .r

'"\ 1 V^V^.JW^W


• MODERN APHRODITES—Three bathing girls pose beside ; the Statue of Aphrodite in a pool at the Century of Progress exposition, Chicago. Left to right. Ruth Ray, Charlotte Grenkel, Virginia West.



ON BEACH AT SOUTHAMPTON—Senator William Gibbs McAdoo of California, center, in front row, is pictured on the sands at fashionable Southampton, L. L, with Mrs. Robert G. Elbert and Clarkson Potter of New York and Paris (front) and, in the rear, Dr. J. P. Miller, left, and C. Tiffany Richardson. Senator McAdoo is nursing an injured arm, hurt in a recent falL

GOING ABROAD—Hope Hampton, former stage and screen star, is pictured with her pet dog in New York sailing for Europe. Hiss Hampton's husband, Jules Brulatour, film magnate, also sailed.

A DISTURBING PIECE OF PAPER—Georgia-still is talking over the disturbance that followed this scene in Atlanta. Deputy Sheriff Charles Poole was brave enough to serve a summons on Governor Talmadge, "fighting governor" at a banquet of the American Legion. The summons concerned the governor's fight with the state highway commission. A deputy sheriff, who sued the governor for $25,000 damages for being arrested after serving the governor with a previous summons, had this summons served. The governor ripped the summons to pieces, ordered Deputy Poole out and had him also arrested.

FATHER-SON OPERATE ON MOTHER—Mrs. John W. Lindner, shown in a New Orleans, La., hospital bed, had no fears of not re-' ceiving the best medical attention when undergoing an appendicitis operation. Mrs. Lindner's husband and son jointly performed the operation, while the nursing duties were taken care of by her niece. Left to right, standing, Dr. John Eugene Lindner, son; Mrs. Adele Memtsas Stauger, niece; and Dr. John W. Lindner, husband.


SHE'S SPEEDY!—The "claim .-to the title of the fastest craft of her type in the world is made for the Victoria Mary, above, 135-foot cruising yacht owned by George W. Codrington of Cleveland. _ The vessel was photographed on the Hudson river at New York,,

GETTING INTO TRIM TO LEAD ARMADA—The U. S. S. Pennsylvania, fiagship of the American fleet, in the Pacific,_is shown in dry dock a t Hunter's Point, near San Francisco..


PHYSICAL EDUCATION A. Z. A. Memorial Services DEPARTMENT NOTES David J. Chesneau, swimming instructor, is now in full charge of the physical department activities. Swim classes and instruction in swimming are the orders of the day. Mr* Chesneau has been with the Center for eeveral years, and has had much experience in the matter of teaching. He has capably handled. the junior boys' and girls' swim groups and is featuring this year classes for adtdts, men and women. He suggests that yon no longer delay that proposed vacation—learn to swim now "and be ready.

J . .FK1JUCR STEKN", Attorney J. J. FBHDXA.V, Attorner stop the boycott of German goods M3 Omaha National Bank Bide. 634 S Bildi here and to prevent Jewish antiPROBATE NOTICE FBOBAT£ KOTICK Nazi protests, was voiced m the The Hatikvoh Club has begun its Parliament by Rabbi Nurok and theIn the Matter «f the Estate of MAX XTIX- In the Matter of the Estnte of FRAXK MUKY1CKA, Deceased. TKODB, Deceased. summer season with the election of deputies Dubin and Kalnin, the latter NOTICE KOTICK IS HERK1SY GIVEN: IS HEEEBT GIVEX: officers, the following being named: being the Socialist leader. That the creditors of said deceased will That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, bemeet the administratrix of said estate, beMrs. A. Brookstein, re-elected presifore ine. County Judge of Douglas County. fore m=>. County Judge of Douglas County, dent; Mrs. Paul Nerenberg, •viceNebraska, at the Comity Court Boom, in Nebraska, at the County Court Itoom, in JB.VTS C. UOTK, Attorney said County, on the 10th day of August. 8«HI County, on the 10th day of August, president; Mrs. John Alexander, sec301 Electric Bid*. 1933, and on the lOti clay of October, 1033, 1933, and on the 10th day of October, 1933, retary, and reporter; Mrs. Charles at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the pur- at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purof presenting their claims for examHermanson, treasurer; Mrs. MaxNOTICE OF INCOKPOKATIOlf OF pose of presenting their claims for exam- pose ination, adjustment and allowance. Three ination, adjustment and allowance. Thn»« -Eosen, sergeant-at-arms. 5,; > NEBRASKA- I.CGGAGE SHOPPE, months are allowed for the creditors t« months are allowed for the creditors to '' ' ': INC their claims, from the 10th Oay ot present their claims, from the 10th dny of Plans for a raffle, the date-If or • ~^Notice Is hereby given that the under- present July, 10S3. signefl have associated themseives together July, 1933. which has been tentativelyy set for BETCE CEAWTOnn, , and have organized a corporation under the BRTCE CRAWFOKD. A d "way, an.a4.Jaws of the Stale of Nebraska. The name 0-36-33-3t. County Judge. C-16-33-3t. County Judge. August J27, are under of this is corporation corporato is "NS3JKASB^ LUGfinal arrangements will be made a t GAGE SHOPPE ViC" Th i i l SHOPPE. G E S H O P E . VC.,. .,"'. The h principal princpa the next meeting, which will be held place l off b business shall b be at t Omaha, Oh KeK the general nature of the bnsat the home of Mrs. EL Brown on % a t h abet transacted shall be to -own and' Monday evening, July 3. .' operate one or more department stores and


to buy, sell and deal in at wholesale and/or retail all kinds of goods, wares and mer-

chandise and to manufacture, purchase or Boris D. Bogen Barry H. Lapidus Alpha Beta Rfeo otherwise acquire/ own, mortgage, pledee, sell, assign and transfer or otherwise disAt the tenth international "home-1 the movement and was always active The Junior Boys and Girls Swim pose of, invest in. trade, deal in and with meet at the Center was a remarkable coming" convention of the A . Z. A.in its work. A memorial forest is Alpha Beta Eho sorority iield their goods, wares and merchandise and persona] of -every rbrss nnd description, to demonstration of the abilities of the to be held in Omaha July 9, 10, and being created in his name in Pales- annual Tush party recently a|:J12ie property same extent as natural persons might youngsters and superiority of the girls 11, special memorial services will be tine by members of the A^ Z. A., thehome of their sponsor. All decorations the or conld do; to. purchase or -otherwise acquire and to hold, or maintain, work, deas swimmers. David J. Chesneau, swim- held for Harry H. Lapidus and Dr.movement having originated in thewere carried out in the dub colors, velop, sell, lease, exchange, hire, conrey, ming instructor at the Center pool, Boris D. Bogen, both of whom ren- Mother chapter in Omaha. The vari- blue and white. Games and dancing mortgage, OC otherwise dispose of. and deal ous chapters are contributing funds f e a t u r e d . , . • • } - • ' : • • ' : " . ' • ] ' ' ' '• in lauds, ana leaseholds and any Interest, was in charge of the meet. dered'invaluable aid to the growth of toward the planting of trees in his Plans are being discussed iat new estate and rights in real property, and nny. Herman Siporen and Al Kraft for personal «r mixed property, and airy fran-memory in the forest. JChise, rights, licenses or pledges necessary.membership .pins. the boys were consistent place win- the order. •convenient at appropriate for any «f the At the time of his death in 1931, Dr. Bogen was executive secretary ners. . The only others: to win first purposes herein expressed. Hary Lapidus -was treasurer of the of the B'nai Brith before his death Latvia Criticism : places were George Isenberg in the !To borrow money, to issue bonds, debentures or obligations of the cerparn'f ion tram duck race and Hymie Epstein in the Supreme Advisory Council of the A.and was a pillar of strength to the Riga, Latvia.—Criticisni of the tixne to time for any- of the objects of the Z. A^ He helped in the founding of A. Z. A. 20-yard novice race. _ ' : government for taking measures to corporation nnd to «ecnre the sane by mortgage, pledge, -deed of trust «r otherDorothy Wilrodt and Jean Parkinwise. EUGENE : S . BUOEVr and XUTIN C. j son were the brilliant splashers for the Te purchase, hold, sell ana transfer m t New York.—Members of the pubgirls, with Eona Wilrodt and;Patricia shares of stock of this and other corpora301 Electric Building tions; to acquire -the good-will rijrhts, aslic school system in New York have Pros close along. ; sets and property, nnd to undertake mifl NOTICE organized the Educators' Division of nSEttme whole or any part of the obliNotice Is lierelry Klren that on the 14tn gations the David J. Chesneau, in charge of the the Hias Emergency Fund for thedny or liabilities of any person, firm, of July, 1933. at 10 A. XL of said day. association or corporation: .intf in general Physical Department during the sumrelief of Jewish refugees from Ger- the undersigned will s e a at pnblie anction to do nurtbiug insofar as the same mny to the highest bidder .for cash at the appertain lo or be mer, announces the following classes Jerusalem, (J.T.A.) — Representa- many. for. or necessary Creiffhton Garage, 1<E3 Davenport Street, in connection with iierful the conduct of the bnaOmaha. Nebrasta. the followiiic: for women swimmers: vnpss of the corporation. tives of twenty-three Trans Jordan One (1) Iiuick Coupe, bearing motor Monday and Wednesday, 11 to 12villages, the head of one of the largThe authorized capital stock is Ten No. 2323782. model 1029, the property Thousand Polljirs ($10,000.00) divide.] into a. m. . , est towns in the Transpordan and oth- World Theater of Louis A. Dermody, and sueh sale 100 shares of the par rnlne of $100 1)0 e.lch will be for the purpose of foreclosing a Monday and Wednesday, 6 t o 9 p.m. ers representing Transjordan interLionel Barrymore offers one of chattel and all of i«-hich trtorfe shall be common mortgase in the sum of $108.21 stock and may lie paid for in push, notes Tuesday and Thursday, 3 to 4 p. m. ests visited the offices of the Jewish the finest performances of his car- and for costs of these proceedings. suit at law or other proceedinjrs hav- or other property or services nt the reasonSaturday evening, 7:30 to 9 p. m. Agency for Palestine here and urged eer in his latest picture, "Looking ingNobeen instituted to recover Said debt or able market rnlae thereof and shall l>e nonassessable. Sunday afternoon, 3 to 5 p. m. to buy land for Jewish settlement Forward," now playing at the any part thereof.CARl. E. BKtTECHERT The corporation shnll commence hnsinrse Beginners are exceedingly welcome. it World. The plot deals with two on the 1st flay of June, 133K. and uhall terin the Transjordan. aud CAKL HESTER. minate on the 31st day of May. 2052, unless men and the women they love, and its life he extended beyond 1hnt date by an Boys* and girls' classes are now Leaders in the region favorable to shows how while one woman drags amendment to these articles. That the highFKADENBCIM1. STAUttASTER ft BEBEU held in the mornings. The classes are Jewish settlement there are planning her husband to ruin, the other lifts est nmoiint of any indebtedness or liability O. T. DOEKK r .TO.KI/tJTZXICK to which this corporation is fit nny time so large now that several divisions to hold a counter-conference during hers to power through her faith and Attorneys to subject itself is not to exceed two-thirds 650 Omaha National Bank Building have to be made tc accommodate the the conference of the anti-Jewish set- love. of its capital stock. entire group. The following classes tlement leaders which is now due to Thut the affairs of this corporation shnll On the same program the World NOTICE OF CHATTJEI. HOKTCAGE be conducted by a Board of Directors of are announced "by Chesneau: be held this month. The conference is offering "Best of Enemies," a Notice is herel>y SALE that on ihe 22nd not Jess than two nor more than five and was to have been held earlier but was new romantic comedy with Buddy -day of July, 1S33. Riven Boys at 10 o'clock A. SL. at the following officers: n president, a vicepresident, n secretary, nnd a treasurer, a-ny the Meets Garajre. 23C2 Beginners—Monday and Wednes- postponed when fighting broke out Rogers and Marion Nixon the fea-Street. Omaha, Xebrssfca, theLeavenwortli undersigned wo of which offices may be held by one r day—9:30 to 10:15. among the factions. nd the same person. 'win sell •fr» < y * R h tured roles. ONE 1929 BOTCK SEDAN UCCOBPORATOKS: Advanced—Monday and Wednesay Model 2»-47, Hotor K«. 2430339; Serial No. ROSE nOTHKOP —10:15 to 11. 2XU%S5, covered b y a chattel mortgage in 1S.VXS C LEVIN SKOTWKU* MONSKT. GBODINSKT Greater Orpheum favor of 'tJbe United Financial .Service, a n the presence of: Combined—Friday—9:30 to 10. TANCE cerporation. slened Ijy Harry H. Howell EUUKXE N. BLAZER 337 Omaha National Bulk Bide. Girls "1 Cover the Waterfront," the seaand Marswet Ho\w>H; that-Baid mortcnj*e is dated Pecember 23, 1830 iind is recorded Beginners—Tuesday and Thursday son's sensational picture from the best NOTICE B I FISBLICATIOX OX PETI- in the office of the County.-Clerfc of DOURTION FOlt SETTIJEMEXT t>F TtSXL las County, Nebraska. —10 to 10:45. seller of the same title by Max Miller, ADMUflSTKATIOX ACCOXTBTT— Advanced—Tuesday and Thursday will bring .Clandette Colbert and Ben In the County Court of Douglas County, Said sale •will be for the pnrpcse of foreclosing ERid jnortjrajte for the cOBtB of Ibe —11 to 11:45. ; Lyon, as well as the late Ernest Tor- Nebraska. sale and "all ncrruinjt costs, and jfor fbe I n the Matter of the Bstate of Bunuel purpose of satiRfvinjr the alivount dne Combined — Friday —10 to 10:30; rence, to the Greater Orpheum Thea- Babfaor, Deceased: thereon, oaraelv, J389.58 pln« interest; that All persons interested in said matter are no suit or other proceedings at law hare tre for the week starting Saturday. Sunday—3 to 4. hereby notified that on the 28th day of instituted to recover said debt or any The Talmud Torah boys and girls "It's Great to Be Alive," with Raoul June, 1833, Hamui Bnhior filed a petition been part thereof. in said County* Court, prayinn that her «wim with the regular classes with the Eoulien, Gloria Stuart, Edna May Oli- final tTXITET) FIXAXCIATr SERVICE. administration account filed herein exception of Friday and Sunday. ver and Herbert Mnndin will be co-be settled and allowed, and that she be C-30-33-3t. By PHILIP M. KI.TTKNICK, It« Attorner. discharged from: Ser trust as executrix ieatured on the program. and that a hearing will be had on gnid The physical department of: the Cenbefore vaid Court on t t e 22nd day theJbook, the ^picture " I Cover petition ter will not be open JTnly, 4. .:; theAsWaterfront" ANT MEWS OR Julr, 3933, and that i f yo« fail to appear includes;:*' iast mov- of before said Court on the said 22nd day ef -July, 1*23, at:.» o'ctoct X K , and contest Business men's swimming classes- ing plot and tpldrful IWKfkground of Bald petition. ;ffie Coirt mag grant tlie Felt HATS are "held every day Woni 12 noen to* the crossroad's^ Me in a -waterfront prayer of esSapefftipin enter.a iieeree ol" lteirship, aud. make such other and further He-shaped l»y Experts 1:30 p. m. Come ottdn for a. cool difp orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Be»t after a hot day and find, out how re- "If s Great to Be Alive" is in direct Court may Seem: proper, to the end that H u t Clnutra**" THALLAS matters pertaininc to said estate may freshed you will feek; Volley ball as contrast. It is a gay and frothy hn- all be finally settled - ami determined. 101 Xortli lGth Street usual and the weather is not half hot morous picture filled with dancing ... . n (Across from Partoftlce BUY.CE CRAWFORD, girls and catchy tunes. C-30-33-3t Connty Judge. enough. life saving classes for advanced women swimmers arevbeihg organized and will meet every Wednesday evening. Enroll now.: y ; Classes for men will meet every Thursday evening:. Sign, np. For further information concerning classes and rates, call the office or OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER 7 7 7 I6TH AND HARNE1 see Mr. Chesneau in the physical department.


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ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453

Your Messenger of Jewish News SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1933

Over 500 Attend PAINTING BY SIOUX TWO LOCAL ZIONIST ! Society News ffiOUPSlfflALGAMATE Talmud Torah Picnic CITYAN ON DISPLAY Announcement has been made this

Mrs. Sam Baron, has departed for Chicago where she will visit with week of the engagement of Miss friends and relatives. Charlotte Kantrovitch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kantrovitch, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sawislak motored Nathan Goldberg, of this city. The Des Moines last week to visit with wedding will be an event of this to relatives. Mr. Sawislak returned summer. Monday, and Mrs. Sawislak will reMr. and Mrs. Ben Schulein and main for a longer visit. Mrs. Sigmund Schulein entertained a Mr. and Mrs. Abe Baker visited group of friends at a dinner and bridge last Friday evening in the this week with their parents Mr. Sioux City Country Club, honoring and Mrs. Sam Baker and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Levi of Los An- Mrs. Shulman. geles, who visited Sioux City enroute to Chicago. . ' . . ' - . Miss. Mazie Kaufman visited in Omaha over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller have returned to the city, after visiting in Mrs. Sam Marsh, has been .spend-, Milwaukee. , . : .-;... ' ^ ,,,;. ing the past two weeks visiting with her son and daughter-in-law," Mr; - Miss Bessie Kantrovitch was host- and Mrs. Archie Marsh at Madison, ess to a group of . friends Monday South Dakota. During her-stay she evening,- honoring Miss Sara Kaplan, also visited with her: son-in-law and a bride of: this month. Bridge and daughter Mr.;and Mrs. Sam Feder. refreshment^ occupied the evening at Ramona, S. D. ' . hours. Alice and" Bobby Pill are visiting Miss Ruth Bifkin was hostess to with friends and relatives in Omaha the Phi Deb Sorority Wednesday • evening. The usual evening of bridge this week. and a social hour ensued. Miss Leah'Herman was hostess to Miss Freda Albert spent last week the Debra'Club, in her home Monday end visiting-, with friends in Des •evening^. The meeting' next week will be held in Grandview Park! Moines.

Over 500 people attended the anTwo organizations, metting in the ! nual Talmud Torah picnic, held last • An oil' painting entitled "Dark interests of Palestine, have amal Sunday afternoon and evening in Eyes" by Miss Milderd Ruth Baron gamated and will in the future func- Eiverview Park. A check up of the has been chosen to hang in the Jostion as one group. They are the proceeds, showed a profit of $350, lyn Memorial in Omaha, in the NebPoale Zion and the National Workers' according to those in charge. The raska-Iowa room where the fifteen Alliance. The combined organization Board of Directors of the Hebrew best known artists of the two states will in the future be known as the School and the Hebrew Mothers' are exhibiting indefinitely. This paintPoale Zione Branch of the National club, sponsors of the picnic, were ing will be the second of Miss Baron's Workers' Alliance, Branch 197. highly pleased with the results and works which have been exhibited in At the re-organization meeting of grateful for the interest in the Tal- the Omaha memorial building. The painting at the present time the group Mr. Abe Stillman was mud Torah shown by those who atis on display at the T. S. Martin elected recording secretary, and Mr. tended. M. Mason coresponding secretary. Mr. Jack London was in charge of Store, where it will be shown for two Tentative plans of the organization the arrangements and was assisted weeks. Miss Baron is the daughter include a Memorial meeting this sum- by Mrs. J. Guttleman, co-chairman. of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baron, 3800 mer for Chaim Arlosoroff, Zionist, Among those who acted on various Jackson street. who was slain last week in Palestine. committees, including tickets, grounds Plans for the group also include and booths were the f o l i o w i n g : weekly meetings and intensive work Messrs. A. W. Kaplan, M.; tazriotoward the selling of Shekels, which witch, A. Lebowitz, I. Leubowitz, M. will qualify voters for delegates to Mason, $ . H.; Emlein, Jack Robinson, the Zionist Convention. M. Satin,"Sam Liprhan, I. Sterling, T. Epstein, M. Hattoff and A: Stillman; Mesdames- Ben Sherman, P. Stillman, S. Baron, M. Lazriowitch, A. WY Kaplan, A. Slutsky, S. Broscow, Rose Rabinowitz, F. Gorchow, League of Nations Mandates Sioux City Zionists mourned the S. Shulkin, A. Mazie, E. Rubenstein, Commission Told of Addeath of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, who S. Gordon, I; Merlin, S. Greenstone, vancement was killed by unknown assailants in M. Ginsberg, B. Rutstein and M. Mushkin, Misses Alice Pill, Sonia Palestine alst week, and plans have Geneva. (J.T.A.)—Improvement in been begun for a large memorial Broscow, and Perry Osnowitz. the general-situation of Palestine-demeeting in his honor. spite the world depression and the Dr. Arlosoroff visited in Sioux resulting drop in Zionist funds is City five years ago, and at that time noted in the memorandum "-of- the spent a week "in 'the city in the inJewish Agency for Palestine which Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bellin of terests of the Poale Zion organizawas submitted to the League of Nation and the Histadruth. During his tions Mandate Commission. The mem- Washington D.' C. are guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. stay he was the guest of Mr. Abe Joseph Feinberg, 20 years old, died orandum covers the year 1932. Stillman, local Zionist. in a local hospital last week, after a "The Jewish Agency is fortunate and Mrs. I. L. Klass. lingering illness. Funeral services in being able, this year, to record a Miss Sally Halpern visited with with Rabbi Rabinowitz officiating, definite improvement in the general were held in the family residence situation in Palestine, in spite of the friends in Omaha last week end. • 1620 Myrtle Street, last Friday mor- inevitable decline in the receipts of •the Zionist public funds, so largely - Mrs. Sam Pickus and Mrs. Emil Paris, J.T.A.)—A libel action ning. Mr. Feinberg was the son of Mr., derived from countries •which have Rosenstock were joint hostesses at a brought by the Union of Jewish ExSoldiers against Francois Coty, the and Mrs. Ben Feinberg. He was born \ suffered severely from the recent ec- luncheon Tuesday noon in the Sioux perfumer and newspaper publisher, in Philadelphia, and came here with onomic depression," the foreword to City Country Club, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Joel Levi of Los Angeles. which went to trial here, was ad- his parents when a baby. He attend- the memorandum notes. ed Sioux City public schools, but was "Indications of that improvement journed for two weeks on account of Mr. and Mrs. Shubb and son Donforced to discontinue his studies at will be found in the report which the illness of M. Coty. ald, and Mrs. Goldie Shapiro, all of Central High School because of ill follows, and especially in the fact Witnesses who took the stand inthat Palestine has, successfully ab- Los Angeles, California, are in the cluded the famous Jewish, novelist, health. Besides his parents, he is sur- sorbed 9,000 immigrants during the city visiting at the homes of Mr. and Josef Kessel. Others who are due to vived: by a brother, Nathan. ' '• year, has little or no unemployment, Mrs. B. Ginsberg and Mrs. Max testify in behalf of the war veterans is gradually increasing its exports Shapiro. include several former ministers, the New York.—Germany will keep out and diminishing its adverse balance of head of the French volunteers'- gTOup Mrs. Sam Freiden of Chicago has and a number of former Jewish sold- of the thirty-first: international show trade, and has managed to provide arrived here to spend the sumer with of contemporary painters in Pittsits Government with a surplus of beiers. Coty's statements did not refer to burgh this autumn if the work of tween 300,000 and 400,000 pounds on her 'daughter Mrs/ Louis Heeger, 810 -27th *Street. the Jewish combatants, his advocate Jewish painters is included in ; the the year's work." The report points •>out- that the said, but only " to an irresponsible German section, Homer St. Gaudens revealed when he returned to .New drop in public funds applied to PalMrs. I. M. Balk and children of group. York after gathering' paintings for estine during ,the year has been "to B e a v e r Falls, Pennsylvania are ' :The trial has aroused much interest the exhibition in Europe. a.great extent offset by the remark- guests at the home of the former's since it marks the first time that the able, progress made by Palestine it-, parents, Rabbi and' Mrs. M. Braver, inciting articles which M. Coty has self, during the year under review. If i 1020 Iowa Street. sponsored in L'Omi du Peuple and the inflow cf public funds was nee- • Figaro could be taken into court. The Miss Rose Schwidelson is spending essarily less than in previous pears, article in question claimed that the a week in Omaha as the guests of the deficit was, so far as can be esJewish sport organization^ in France timated, more than made up by a her sister, 'Mrs. David Greenberg. were- merely disguised revolutionary striking increase in the influx of organizations. . Mr. Enshul Barish, car dealer in private money for investment in ag-. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schwidelson of Sioux City for many years, and well riculture and industry. Exact figures I Hudson, S. D. are spending this week known to all Sioux Cityans, an- are not available, but conservative at Lake Okoboji. GUARANTEED nounces that he is now open for estimates indicate that well over 3,business at the Barish Oil Co. lo- 000,000 pounds of private capital, Miss Gladys and Dorothy Weincated at 800 Pearl St. Mr. Barish (almost entirely Jewish) entered the berg departed Tuesday evening for will carry a complete line of U. S. country during 1932, and was distri- Chicago where they plan to spend tires and tubes, and Cities Service buted between the three main chan- two weeks. Following her stay in gasoline and oils. Quick and effi- nels of agriculture (plantations), Chicago, Miss Gladys Weinberg will ED'S cient car washing and greasing is building construction and industry." go to New York and points of inanother service that the Barish Oil in the east, by way of the Zionist funds expended in Pales- terest Co. is equipped to render. Free Great Lakes. tine during the year ending Septemparking to all, with room for over Mrs. William Lazere and sons 200 cars is also one of the features. ber 30, 1932, amounted to P498.700 Mr. Barish will prsonally supervise pounds as c o m p a r e d to P97,000 500 Jackson St. . Phone 56595 all work to insure satisfaction to pounds the previous year, the deC c cline being largely due to the virtual his customers. O o completion of the work of the Paleso tine Emergency Fund in rehabilitato ing the victims of the 1929 disturbL L THE TOMORROW ances.


Slain Zionist Leader Known in Sioux City


Coty on Trial for Anti-Semitic Libel

Enshul Barish "Super-Service Station"











Powell Francis in

'Jewel Robbery'


The memorandum points out that the percentage of Jews employed on Government and municipal w o r k s continued low although some slight improvement was noticeable An agreement was reached between the Jewish Agency and the Palestine Government establishing the percentage of 36.6 as the Jewish contribu? tion to public revenues.. The "proportion of Jews employed ont public works, however, Was far below this figure. Berlin*—TA warning that Christian women patronizing Jewish shops will be treated by. the storm troopers "like dishonorable women, who in wartime were friendly with the Belgian soldiers," was issued by the storm troops commander Aigeltinger in the Krefeld?r General Anzeiger. The Nazi leader asserted that he has the names of the Christian women who have been counteracting the Nazi anti-Jewish boycott by patronizing Jewish merchants.

Starts Friday for 4 Days




Miss Bernice Levin entertained a group of friends Tuesday evening, honoring' Mrs. Jack London, Jr. of Brookings, S. D. who is" a guest here. The evening hours were spent at bridge, and concluded with refreshments. . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Levy and son Herman; former residents of Sioux City, have returned here to make their home, in the Metz- Apartments.

Mount Sinai Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis spent this week in Milwaukee where he attended the Central Conference of American Rabbis.



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for AETNA LIFE INSURANCE and All Kinds of General Insurance 435 Ins. Exch. BIdg., Ph. 85210

Shaare Zion Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz departed Thursday for Chicago, where he will attend the Bnai Brith and the Zionist Conventions. During his stay in Chicago, Rabbi Rabinowitz will attend the World Fair and attend the Jewish Day activities at the Fair on July 3. Improvement is nature.—Hunt.


FOURTH OF JULY At Sioux City's Most Popular Vacation Spot





r Cool Off!! Ten Minutes from Sioux City;

CRYSTAL LAKE "Sioux City's Summer Playground" Swimming Dancing Fishing Golf




reading two of them and to us they read like big time stuff. Who knows, some day his autograph may be worth fortvmes. Sioux City has turned out some famous Hebrew fighters, (not Joey Rich) financiers, and racketeers. Why not authors? Unimportant but true . . . Mickey G. bought 5,000 bushels of oats and hasn't even got a horse . . . This is Red R.'s week in. Next week it's Louie F. and then Red will be out for a week . . . Lois Ray remembered my name, and I haven't seen her in months . . . L. D. can have a belching good time on water, you should hear him after a bottle of cream pop . . . Leonard B. sold an Aetna policy on Monday and handed the widow her check ten days later . . . There are never many babies born in March . . . But in August and September they're born right and left . . . And I know why . . . . Jack L. lost his golf match one up on the 22nd hole . . . Til G. almost made No. 2 in one at Sunset Heights Last week, and Lou Mitchell and wife; won second money in the two-ball, foursome, which proves nothing at all. . . . .

Mr. and Mrs.. Sain Plotkm announce the engagement of t h e i r daughter,, Mildred, to Sam Bailen, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bailen, of Omaha. No wedding date hat been set.



Hokka Chynik

Wheat is up, corn is up, oats and barley are the same, but the Jewish Press is still two dollars a year. We might suggest that the four families that as yet remain unsubscribed subscribe now before the inflation hits the newspaper business. Sunday was a big day in Omaha, Maxie R. and "Red" L. (she just loves to be called Red) were married -at a quiet little ceremony, attended by all of Omaha, half of Council Bluffs and many Sioux Cityans, not to mention Abe S. who has no particular residence due to his extensive traveling. Flo. H., Freddie S., and Max R. were a few of the, lucal lights who got tight at the expense of the newlyweds. ':""•''.'." *"-.*:" We were out to Likuwanta beach last-Sunday and for a minute we thought that we were at the Talmud Torah picnic, everybody that could wear a bathing suit was-there, and come to think of it, there were a few. there in suits that would have looked much better under water.. Why do people go to the lake and then sit on the beach? Yeah, me too. Pesseh was right about that ColJarite shirt. The collar didn't shrink, or curl up, and so I'm out the quarter that we bet, but I've got a swell shirt ^ Cess Stein is in town and even though we're not sure if he wants Miss Sara Rifkin of Omaha visited us to tell, he has turned author on this week with Bernice Libcrman. us, having already written three short stories, one in the process of Mrs. J. Hanin has been released being sold. We had the pleasure of from a local hospital, where she was under treatment as a result of a fall. She is recuperating in her home.


Comedy Cartoon News

EASY PRICES €"% Balcony to <£& Anytime


The Methodist Hospital 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. Auto Phone 8-3567 G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Supt.

Dearborn Street and Stone Park Blvd. -->

have spent the past two weeks visit-[ ing with relatives in Omaha.

Don't let the heat get you! Come to Beautiful, Cool CRYSTAL LAKE

800 PEARL STREET Is now open for business and equipped to render any service that your car demands. Cities Service Gas and Oils, U. S. Tires and Tubes. Car washing and greasing at low prices. Operated by


You'll find that the water is great! Fishing is good! If you enjoy golfing or dancing you'll like Crystal Lake too!

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