/n Interests oj the Jewish Peovle u» SvcuiiiMVit ni Onmhu. NVI.
. Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY JULY 14, 1933
5 . yder ttw Act of Maren A IS7»
Local Delegates in Important Role at District Conclave
VOL. IX—No. 24
Meeting to Be Held Sunday
Omahans played an important role j in the sixty-fifth annual convention1 of District No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, Nazi Official Says Jews to Be; which was held in Chicago last week. Deprived of German j Sam Beber, retiring president of the Citizenship district, presided over the sessions. He j delivered the annual president's message. London, (J.T.A.)—The Jewish EcThe newly-elected officers of the Dr. A. Greenberg was re-elected a onomic Conference, scheduled to take member of the general committee of place in London on July 15, has been Omaha Hebrew Club win be installed In the afternoon a tour of the city the district. He was the only member temporarily postponed, according to at a meeti"^ to be held Sui.day at the Over four: hundred delegates and visitors, representing 165 chapters was conducted, ending at Krug Park, of the committee to receive a unani- official intimation from Lord Alfred J. C. C. at 3 p. ro. Irvin Stalmaster "will officiate a t j from every state in the Union and where a dance and picnic were given mous.vote. Melchett. various provinces of Canada, enjoyed for.all the visitors. Henry Monsky delivered a report to "The conference has been tempor- the installation. Yiddish the'highly successful tenth anniver- • Another .business session was held the convention as a member of the arily postponed," he declared, "to give will be sung by E. Sellz, sary •'homecoming1' "convention of the Monday morning, followed "by a executive committee, of the interna- individual countries the opportunity by Miss Margaret Hurwitz. Yiddish j s k y A, day y rof; ; activity is in store for their dues, and every member of these Aleph Zadik Aleph in Omaha July 9, strictly kosher luncheon in the J . C. C. tional order of B'nai Brith. for further essential . preparatory recitations will be given by L Dansky,' auditorium. Short talks were delivorganizations are entitled to vote. and Max Fromkin will speak. Re- • local Zionists Sunday, July 16. 10 and 11. Philip M. ^Klutznick delivered a re- work." ered by Henry Monsky of Omaha; I. All other Zionists must present a . All day.long voting will be held for •£reshments will be se^-ped. An outstanding feature of the con- Goldstein of Washington, D. C , and port on membership of the district as The officers: Nvihan S. Yaffe, 5 delegates to the World Zionist Con-I shekel before they will be entitled to director of membership of District clave was the formation of an inter- Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Omaha. Berlin.—German Jews will be def- president; Dr. A. Steinberg, vice-"! gress, and in the evening the program i a ballot, No. 6. national A. Z. A. Alumni association. initely deprived of their German .cit- president; John Feldman, treasurer; i will be culminated with a memorial! The United States i> allowed thirtyA feature of the afternoon session Delegates to the convention were izenship, Herr Pfnndtner, undersecre- The convention culminated in the annual banquet, held at the Paxton was the open forum on Boy Scouting. Isadore Abramson, Sam Beber, Dr. A. tary in the state .ministry of the in- Sol Rosenberg, secretary; Max From- ! meeting for Dr. Theodor Herzl and; eight delegates to the World Zionist Tuesday evening and known as the George Charno, vice-president of the Greenberg, Abrrer Kaiman, Philip terior, said in an address before state kin, Mark Lorig, and M. Minkin, on j Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff and a concert; Congress, to be held in Prague Aug"Philip M. Klutznick Testimonial Kansas City Boy Scout Area, took Klutznick, Henry Monsky, and Irvin officials at the .fifcademy of State executive; Barney Feltman, L. Mor- by the noted Jewish poet, composer j ust 21. and singer, Solomon Small (Schloima ] Three strop.,, slates will be voted on Banquet." Klutznick has retired from charge of a special scout round table Stalmaster. Management. A Sew law will be is- gan and A. Richards, trustees. Smulevitz). j Sunday: the General Zionists slate, discussion. the executive secretaryship of the orsued, he declared! making it imposThe voting for delegates will be ; consisting of that of the Zionist OrIn the evening the convention dance der after serving in that capacity for sible for "Germaf Jews to continue held at the Jewish Community Center j panization and Hadassah combined? seven years. He was presented with was held at Peony Park. to betray public opinion with the deSunday from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. All ; the Mizrachi, representing the orthoFollowing Tuesday's business sesa gold life membership A. Z. A. card claration that they are German citiI dox winsr; and the Histartruth or and a wrist watch in token of his out- sion, another kosher luncheon was zens of Jewish faith." Poale Zion, representing the labor held. Dr. A. Greenberg acted as standing work for the organization. The new law, Herr Pfundtner regroups. toastmaster. Joseph Herbach of vealed, will be based on the racial Sam Beber, founder of A. Z. A. and Philadelphia, member of the Supreme The election board, in charge of all principle to differentiate between Arpresident of the Supreme Advisory Advisory Council, delivered the main details of the polls, consists of Morris yans and persons of alien blood. Only Council, delivered the main address. address. Other talks were given by Friedel, chairman; Mrs. M. F. Levpure Germans will be entitled to GerOther speakers at the banquet in- Philip Klutznick and H. A. Wolf. enson, secretary; M. Minkin, Mrs. J. Dodd Hopes for Change in ConWachtefl Renorts That Hitlerman citizenship, hestated. cluded Ben Glass of Milwaukee, memFeldman and E. Bloch. The Supreme Advisory Council also dition of Jews in ism Is Being Bitterlyber of the Supreme Advisory Council; held its session simultaneously. The memorial meeting and program Germany Fought in Austria Numerus Clausus J. J. Iaeberman of Los Angeles, first The A. Z. A. is for young Jewish •will start at S:15 p. m. at the Jewish Berlin. Restriction of the number vice-president of the Supreme Advis- men between the ages of 16 and 21. Community Center. New York, (J.T.A.)—"We in Amer- of foreign Jewish! students in GerNew York, (J.T.A.)—Dr. William ory Council; I. F . Goodman of Oma- It is also known as the Junior B'nai Tribute will be paid at this meeting ica can never realize the profound efE. Dodd, the new American Ambasmany and strict enforcement of the Tia; Hyman Goodbinder of Omaha, Brith, as it is sponsored by the Wider to the memory of Dr. Herzl and Dr. fect the victory of Hitlerism in Ger- numerus clausus limiting German- sador to Germany has sailed for outgoing A. Z. A. president; and other Scope of the B'nai Brith. Arlosoro::f. many had upon the Jews of Austria/" Jewish students to one and one-half Europe with the conviction t h a t an notables in the A. Z. A. world. WilRabbi David A. Goldstein will speak said Dr. SamuelR. Wachtell, who has liam L. Holzman was toastmaster. per cent of the total university en- improvement in the position of the in English, and Judah L. Wolfson will just returned from an extended busiJews iii Germany is bound to come rollment was announced in the new Julius Bisno, who succeeds Klutzspeak in Yiddish on Hcrsl and Arlosness trip through Austria and Hun- educational law limiting the rights before long. Dr. Dodd declared to a nick as executive secretary, presented oroff. gary. "Upon the minds and conrepresentative of the Jewish Teleand numbers of Jews seeking an eduKlutznick at the banquet with a I. Morgenstern will be chairman of sciousness of the Jews of Austria was grapMc Agency that he is sailing cation. hound copy of testimonial messages the evening. imprinted the dreadful fear that they with definite instructions on the rareceived for the occasion. Dr. Herzl, thr founder of modern would share the fate of their German Berlin.—An order prohibiting Ary- cial question in Germany which, he The grand officers elected Tuesday Siorsisrn and organizer of the first brethren. They felt that they were hopes, will lead to a change in the an lawyers from entering into partate: Harold Miller, Hollywood, Calif., world Zionist Conjrress in Basle in living literally on the edge of the nerships with or sharing the offices present situation. He recently had Grand Aleph Godol; Bert Abramson, 189S, died twenty-nine years ago. abyss. Now that fear is lifted they conferences on the subject with Presof Jewish lawyers was issued by the Washington, D. C , Grand Aleph Dr. Arlosoroff, brilliant diplomat are catching their breath." ident Roosevelt, he stated. Lawyers' Association here. S'gan; Joe Solomonow, Council Bluffs, Highland Golfers Are Competand labor leader, was assassinated "I have studied thoroughly the proDr. Wachtell brought back the news la.. Grand Aleph Mazkir; Arthur ing for Trophies in Three last month in Tel Aviv. blem of the Jews in Germany since that Chancellor Dollfuss is extremely Gottesman, Atlanta, Ga., Grand Aleph "Purge language" Flights Mr. Small, who is from New York, my appointment as American Ampopular in Austria today primarily as Gisbor; B e ^ Silver, Oakland, Calif., Beilin.—Exclusion of Y i d d i s h bassador ta-that country," Dr. Dodd •was passing through Ornnha at this Grand Aleph SFaSiare: Godolj Lester words from the German language i s declared. "Being a'- liberal • and a time, srsd the Omaha Eiotiist Council Schrieberc,, Cincinnati, Ohio, Grand demanded "by the'ilT^elkischer Beo- scientist, xny 'views' on the = Tads.! | irsvitwd him to rtfsrticj^tfi in the-mew* T are Kotone;" KaymonS] mashie wielders competing in three rope. ~ "The" Austrians, like all civil- bachter in a special article. The j oridl meeting" with s. concert. Solomon Small ized people, are somewhat cynical and newspaper demanded that in the fu- question are obvious and ought not Kier,. New Orleans, La., Grand Aleph \ flights. . . i s. »-.]ly knew Dr. Hers]. to be defined. I am fully in har(Schloima Smuleviiz) sceptical of their contemporary great Sopher; Hart Green, Winnipeg, CanAll first round matches must be men. But they have suddenly awak- ture Germans refrain from using the mony "with the President's attitude People familiar -with Jewish folk ada, Grand Aleph Kohen Godol; Wil- ompleted by Sunday night. A stag Yiddish word "dalles" for "misery;" on the subject, and his views on the Who will appear in concert Sunday sonps and those sonps sung by Jewened to the fact that the world thinks liam Wolf ev of Omaha and Ernie Eis- dinner and the auctioning of players evening. "pleite" for "bankruptcy;" "chmusen" ish sta1?© people in their productions enberg of Milwaukee, junior members took place, Wednesday evening at the Dollfuss a great man. Now they also for "chatting," and "choffel" for racial question are well-known from are familiar with the name of Mr. shekel holders are entitled to vote. his stand and actions in this country. think so. Dollfuss' prestige has won of the Supreme Advisory Council. dub.— • - . - . . ' over the straddlers and Hitlerism in "low." The shekolim of the Senior Hadas- Small, or Smulevitz. He has com* I cannot, of course, disclose the deThe newly elected president is . a The articla asked that "kosher" and tails of my discussion with the Pres- sah, Junior Hadassah, and Pioneer j posed .for thirtv-fivc years. His "A The pairings: . - • - - . • . Austria is on the down-grade. Anformer Omahan, having left Omaha similar expressions also be abandon- ident, but I am sure that a change Women organizations are paid with j Brevele Der Mama" (A Letter to Championship Flight other important factor in the situation three years ago to make his home in Mother), "Des Talesil" (The Prayer J. Milder vs. Lester Simon, Sam has been the attitude of the responsi- ed. At present these words are ac- of the situation of the Jews in GerCalifornia. Garment), and scores of other meloCohen vs. Richard Hiller, H. Ferer vs. ble spokesmen of the Catholic Church cepted not only by the German press many is bound to come." w Awards dies and lyrics have secreted themEdward Krause, Herman Goldstein vs. in Austria, who took a very reason- and ctage, but are even included in The new Ambassador who is betselves in the throats of Yiddish-speakAwards presented by Sam Beber at .eo Nogg, Marvin Treller vs. Manny able and liberal position. The Jews German dictionaries. ter known as a scholar than as a ing folk and come out, easily, in those the banquet included: "Best Chapter" Iseman, J. F. Heyn vs. Sam Leon, are swimming along with this powerpolitician, is looking forward to his moments when that folk feels the award, Nathan Strauss chapter of Harold Farber vs. Milton Livingston ; ful current, so that at the present activities in Germany where he has urce to hum or sing. Los Angeles; youth selected as the Phil Laserowitz vs. Abe Brodkey. spent a number of years in his time, their position is secure. Mr. Small lias completed the ninth President's Flight "exemplification" of A. Z. A. prinearly life. He speaks German flu"The Austrian Jews, even those _ , . _, .__ . . _ , edition of a book of Jewish poems and Harry Kulakofsky vs. Bernard Wolf, who were farthest from Judaism, are ciples, Al Klein of Salt Lake; award ently, and is well aware of the great Salomca, Greece, (J.T.A.)-Jevrry' S s m ^ for co-operation in national A. Z. A. Homer Binswanger vs. Paul Brodkey, now race conscious and proudly so. task that confronts him in his new H e h a s c o m p o s e ( 1 m o r e than fight in Greece for a franchise m par- 3 0 0 f e i a n o c o m p o s j t i o n s a n d n B S wrjt•work, Ben Z. Glass, chapter of Mil- M. E. Handler vs. Lou Somberg, Lou 'We are Jews', they told me, and their Omaha music lovers will have an- job. Sogolow vs. Ed Rosen, S. Engel vs. Al new and deep interest in things Jew- other opportunity to hear the Lind enHis unassuming personality and hamentary voting resulted winot one ' ft m a T r a s c r i t o f 2 00 riddles in waukee. Wohlner, Morris Milder vs. Morris semble consisting of Cantor Joshua reluctance to talk much portrays a single Jew being elected to the Greek J e w i s h a n d E n I i s l l f c m r m u s i c J a ish is one of the noteworthy products Alumni Board Levey, E. Widman vs. Howard Werth- of Hitlerism. Lind and his three sons, Maurice, Da- scholarly attitude to say less than Parliament. Previously, under the I c o m e d i s s a n d a d r a m a # Eight directors constitute the gov- eimer, Phil Klutznick vs. Michael separate electoral college system) e has recorded for the Victor, Ed"And if you want to know what vid and Pinchikel, and I. Zane and M. he knows. He, however, could not Jews were sure of a representation of | H erning body which will guide the ac- Katleman. . . . i s o n a n d C o l u m b i f t p l, o n O graph comRobins, when they conduct services at resist making the following characsome of the Germans think of Hitlertivities of the newly-organized intertwo delegates. panics, and has been featured over Vice-President's Flight ism," said Dr. Wachtell, "let me tell the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and teristic remark at the end of his innational A. Z. A. Alurr li association. Eleutherios Venizelos, who vigor- the r vdio in New York on Jewish Morton Hiller vs. Morris Katleman, you of a conversation related to me by Chicago, Friday evening, July 21, at terview, "Well, all my life I have The commission is-headed by Philip H. Blumenstein vs. Morris :Micklin. 7:30 p. m., and Saturday morning, fought for academic freedom, and ously opposed the abolition of a sep- hours. M. Klutznick of Omaha, chairman, as- Lou Kulakofsky vs. B. Kulakofsky, a great Austrian industrialist. This July 22, at 9 a. m. Sunday evening, now again I am confronted with a arate Jewisli electoral college in Sasisted by Jacob Finkelstein, Lincoln, Ben Danbaum vs. Dave Cohen, Abe gentleman had a conference with one July 23. David, aged 18, will render rather difficult problem." He did not lonica even though proportionate repsecretary; Julius Dubinsky, St. Louis, Goldstein vs. Morris Jacobs, Morris of his important German customers, ma'ariv (evening prayer) services, fol- quite finish his sentence, obviously resentation was introduced the counMo.; Isadore Wachtel, New York, N. Ferer vs. R. H. Brown, Gene Blazer also a manufacturer. try over, came out victorious in this "After their business was conclud- lowed by a concert by the entire group. mindful of his diplomatic mission in city's voting. Since not one Jew was Y.; Joseph Lyons, Winnipeg, Canada; vs. I. Chapman, W. Racusin vs. H. According to J. Hyman, manager, Germany. ed, the German asked the Viennese L Adriel Fried, San Francisco; Phil Rosenfeld. included on his lists, not one will go Twenty-two members of Girl Scout 'What are you doing about Hitler?' the Linds are supposed to be in HollyBotowe, Chicago; Lloyd Isaacson, Des to parliament troop 4 of the Jewish Community CenBerlin.—The "Protocols of the Elwood by now to fill concert and talkie The Austrian, terribly embarrassed Moines. The election here was caused by the ter are being sent for a week's stay and afraid to lose a customer, mum- engagements, but popular demand is ders of Zion" and other anti-Semitic Tsaldarists, who on coming into pow- at Camp Ma-ha, official scout camp Program books were included astextbooks for bled something about Dollfuss taking so great that they will make one more A most complete and interesting teachers and pupils in the schools er declared Salonica's separate elec- situated on the Piatte River sixteen some steps to maintain Austrian in- appearance in Omaha. social and business program was arhere. The purpose, it was announc- tions illegal and ordered another to miles from Omaha. The girls will be Last Wednesday they gave a condependence. 'You fools,' exclaimed be held. at the camp July 24 through August ranged for the visitors by the Omaha cert in Sioux City. Sunday they will ed, was to acquaint German children Arthur Rosenblum, for many years In spite of Jewry's failure to secure 1. Mothe- Chapter No. 1, the Sam Beber a resident of this city, and past pres- the German, 'don't you see what has appear in Des Moines. with racial anti-Semitic theories. parliamentary representation t h i s chapter No. 100, and the Council ident of Omaha Lodge B'nai Brith, happened to us? We German indusKiss Dorothy Weinor is captain cf time, leaders are satisfied with the the troop, which -consists of girls fro.n Bluffs chapter No. 7. The Jewish and past president of the. Omaha He- trialists supported Hitler, thinking he principle, which gives Jewish voters the. ages of 10 to 17. Community Center was official head- brew club, and now a resident of Los would save us from Bolshevism. Now we have something worse than Bola chance to exercise their influence on quarters. Dr. Nathan Muskin is examining Angeles, California, : was . elected a the results of the general election. In and issuing health certificates to the The program opened on Saturday member of the general'committee of shevism. If you have any sense you addition, the new ruling gives Jews a girls. evening, July 8, with a mammoth p-e- District Grand Lodge • No. 4, B'nai will fight as though your backs were status of equality with all Greek citiconvention smoke at the J. C. C. Brith, at its recent convention at San- against the wall. Otherwise our fate The money to send the children it will be yours'." zens and practically abolishes the Ralph Nogjj acted as chairman and ta Cruz, California. being raised through the sale of tickChicago, (J:T.A.) — Dr. Chaim change of cablegrams between Weiz- "political Jewish gretto." Abner K a i u a r as master ot ceremonets for chances on an RCA-Victor nor*Weizmann at the American Zionist mann and Einstein had caused the M. J. Finkenstein, also formerly of ~ J R / m r f T A U M ies. The feature of the excellent Omaha, is past grand president of J OAlUUHL V/Uifri, table radio donated by Mrs. Max Conference closing session announced noted savant to at first decline to program was the talk by Johnny District No. 4. Holzman. that Dr. Albert Einstein •will head proceed to Palestine. Goodman, National Open Golf chamAmong the womer, aiding in the sate the Institute of Physics at the HeHowever, whea the matter was pion. The second degree of Judas of tickets are included the Mesriairws brew University in Palestine. cleared up, Einstein declared that he Maccabeus was presente-i under the Max Holzman, Abe Brodkey, M. Gro<V"It gives me great pleasure as was glad to accept. Samuel Cohn, 38, passed'away Fridirection of Stanlej F. Levin, chairinsky, M. Greenberj-, H. Jahr. I. $Uilday at his home, 128 North Thirty- president of the Board of Governors man of the advisory board of the Mrs. Betty Silverman, SS, daughter master, William Milder, M. Arbitman, of the Hebrew University in JeruMother chapter and president and cf Mr. and Mrs. J. Janger, 1828 No. N. Turner. Atlantic City, N. J., (J.TJi..)—Wil- third street, following a lingering ill- stlem to announce that Professor Alfounder of the first Omaha A. Z. A. liam Berman, Boston attorney, was ness. Funeral services were held Sun- bert Einstein has agreed to give the Nineteenth street, passed strsy at s Alumnus chapter. Harry Trustin elected commander-in-chief of the day morning at the Chesed Shel Ernes, university his active cooperation in local hospital last Friday afternoon. city commissioner, delivered an ad- Jewish War Veterans of the United with burial in the B'nai Jacob ceme- the administration and direction of • The funeral was held Sunday morntery. dress. ing from the Chesed She] Ernes, with States, at the end of the annual conthe Physics Institute there. In acMr. Cohn .was a lifelong resident B. A. Shames, 69, died in a local burial in the Golden Hill cemetery. The first business session was held vention here. of Omaha. He was active in Jewish cordance with the view of the plans hospital Tuesday as a result of a kidA Women's Auxiliary to the Plea?Sunday morning, July 9. Several Besides her parents, she is survived J. George Fredman, Jersey City atalready adopted by the board of numbers were sung by Cantor Joshua. torney, who was commander-in-chief philanthropies and communal and wel- governors and in accordance with the ney ailment. He was s resident of by two daughters, Sylvia and Beraice; ant Hill Cemetery association was o?* Lind and his choir. Welcoming mes- last year, was renominated and his re- fare work. He was a member of the view of Professor Einstein, there will Oinaha for 25 years, coming here from a sister, Helen; and three brothers, gardzed Wednesday at a meeting hole sages were delivered by Rabbi David election was unopposed, but at the last Conservative synagogue, and the B'nai be certain refomis introduced in the Muscatme, Iowa. Irving Janger of Omaha, and Mas and at the B'nai Jacob synrsgoEuc. The officers elected: A. Goldstein, president of the Omaha minute he refused another term be- Brith, and was a charter member of university which will strengthen the He is survived by his wife, Esther; Harry Janger cf Chicago, III Mrs. Libby Kaplan, president; MrSk Lod_ of B'viai Brith; Roy N. Towl, cause of the pressure of family and the Athletic club and the Highland structure. Proposals to that effect three daughters, Mrs. Earry Kavieh, Country club. : Berlin.—All Jewish, lawyers "were Sam Fxohm, vice-president; Mrs. Jx mayor of Omaha; Stanley F . LevL., business affairs. Mrs. Al Denels and Mrs. Yale DubSurviving, are his wife, Sarah; one •will be held in Zurich beginning in noff, all of Los Angeles; two sons, driven out of cccrt in Koeningsberg. Shafton, treasurer; Mrs. J. Abramson,: presidant of the Omaha A. Z. A. August." financial secretary; Mrs. S. Zernovskj c Berlin.—The exodus of Jews from son, Edward; father, Abraham; five Alumni association; and Mrs. L, N?vAt London Professor Einstein de- Charles of Chicago, and Louis of Prussia, w h i l e Jewish lawyers in recording secretary. sisters, Mrs. I . M. Marcus, Mrs. Lewis Germany has assumed such proporBerlin received the polite warning to eleff, president of the Women's WelStreater, EL. finitely accepted the post, despite The organization will meet once « fare organization. Fnl'owjng this, tions that in many western German Cohn, Mrs. William Pollack, Anna and rumors that he had reconsidered. Funeral services were held from the refrain from appearing in courts cities and towns not a single eastern Edna Cohn; three hrothers, Herman, month. here "for their own safety.* the delegates and visitors were taken Jewish Funeral homg . ... A misunderstanding in a a ex( 'Marie and Geraye, all of Omaha, to private homes for Sunday; dinners. European Jew can be. lovod.
Over 400 Delegates and Visitors Representing 165 Chapters Enjoy Omaha's Hospitality a t Three-Day Conclave
Install Officers
to Vote at I* CX on Delegates for World Zionist Congress Concert in Evening
Girls to Be Given Vacation at Camp
Arthur Rosenblum Is Honored by B'nai Brith
Dr* Einstein to Head Physics Faculty at Hebrew University
Jewish Vets Select Berman Commander
Wonaeifs Auxiliary Formed Wednesday
Council Bluffs
;' An interesting article by the _; noted French Christian cleric who ", *mbraced the Jewish* faith "for J&e sake.of humanity." The qnes'' lion he tries to answer is as vital here as in France.—The Editor.^ . yfaile there are Foir.e" ait-docs spirits who denounce Jewish nationalism aa a formidable evil— dojbtless because they aee anti-Semitwm as an inevitable concomitant—there is a far greater number to whom, on the other hand, assimilation appears as the inost immediate menace. Few words flow more frequently from the pens of polemic writers or from the lips of orators.' However, an exact definition of the term "assimilation,'' though necessary, is seldom given. It is generally used to express a vague if redoubtable danger—as if to impress readers or listeners all the more by the evocation of a mortal peril Which they need not visualize clearly. ', But if assimilation is taken as meaning the desire" to stop being Jewish, to be totally absorbed by the environment, I believe that it is hardly worth worrying about, BO abnormal is such a tendency. I do not say that it Js impossible to encounter it here and ihere; but it is so exceptional that it Rabbi Ainte Pallierc cannot constitute a true menace for Jewry as a whole. I have known which the ignorant masses have been Jews of so many different sorts, and impressed. I have met many forms of Jewish ber It is a reversal of faith, if you will; tjief and unbelief, but I cannot recall for scientific hypotheses are elevated *s single instance of such' a tendency to the status of dogmas, and science toward complete loss of Jewish iden- itself is invested with a quality entity. No; not a single Jew of my ac- tirely out of keeping with its characquaintance—not even those converts ter—comparable to that formerly atwho have -been so much discussed re- tributed, to religion. ; cently—manifests pronounced inclinBut the mysticism of the scientist ations in this direction. lies beyond the scope of the popular .• As I have said on another occasion; mind. The latter experiences it: only there is a form of assimilation that indirectly as a rule, -by the .credence actually represents merely a means of given to the deductions, reasoning and self-protection. For example: If men theories of those who claim to know. who have lived in tropical lands want And because the mob needs deities to to dwell in northern countries they replace the divinity of the traditional inust, if they would preserve their faith; it seeks such objects of. worhealth, adopt northern modes of life, ship in another mysticism, more acjtorthern clothing, northern means of cessible to the masses! National or seating, northern food, and vice versa. nationalist mysticism on the one JVhat, then, did the Jews do at the hand, and, on' the other, the mystiiime of emancipation, when modern lociety opened the gates of its cities io them? They said, and, very corNATIONAL rectly: If we are to live peacefully in ACCESSORIES, Inc. these cities and to gain our livelihood ihere we must become citizens like all : EVERYTHING the others; we must speak the same ; For the Auto language, adopt the same social cusIjoms, accept the same duties—in 2031 Farnam AT. 5524 short, in all civic matters we must Bonduct ourselves as true sons of our jountry. And if this is what'we mean by assimilation i*: is, clearly, so necessary that even those who usually employ the word to designate a peril sannot avoid adapting—assimilating —themselves to their social environment. • However, I believe^Iknow whjat1 is actually meant'whenipeople:speak of jssimilation. as .a. ..terrible . menace. They mean an evil which by its very tjaturc would kill the Jewish soul, and consequent^ the physical component of Judaism, which is the Jewish "people; for the body must die when the soul leaves it. ' Chief Rabbi Julien Weill throws a certain light on the question wh>.n, in his work on Judaism, he declares that !Jie danger of Jewish disintegration in our Western lands derives "from that very regime of freedom which permits adherence to all sorts of philosophic and moral doctrines that lie outside positive religion . . . In the last decades of the nineteenth century linguistic assimilation brought about a situation advantageous to a more or less free-thinking non-religious point of view; this thanks to the development of positive scientific doctrines which tin intellectual youth held in high favor." "; Here we have a spiritual leader, a man who cai discuss the situation with authority, giving' a definition— Indeed, two definitions—of the dangErous form of assimilation. He calls It free thinking- . and non-religious point of view. LAnd if under this double heading we list the circumstances that make the situation disturbing what do we find? Atheism, unbelief, abandonment of that religious faith which constitutes the very essence of the Jewish outlook. To my mind it is this form of assimilation which is a menace for the great majority of modern Jews. The term "assimilation" surely is suitable here, for the malady in question is riot specific to Israel; it has affected jail western communities since the nineteenth century, when unbelief took on a self-styled scientific character by
Carefree Way
WORLD'S FAIR the con»fortable way I C And Cheaper, too, inthelongrunl
Joseph Solomonow was elected Grand Aleph Mazkir of the International A. Z. A. at the tenth annual convention heldju: Omaha tfcis week. He had as his house guests during the convention Messrs. Leon and Herman Lasken of Minneapolis, Minn., and Alfred Klein of Salt Lake City, Utah, cism of bolshevism or communism. The moment that Jewry fails to who left for their homes Wednesday. preserve its traditional soul and asMr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein left Sunsimilates itself to the contemporary attitude of religious unbelief we must day for' Chicago,. 111., for a week's inevitably find in its heart, and par- visit where they will attend the ticularly among its intellectual youth, World's Fair. these various aspects of abandonment Mr. and Mrs., Kalph Castle and of the old faith: National faith applied to the destinies of Israel itself, small daughter, Phyllis Illene, of to its history and its future; Com- Brooklyn, N. Y., returned to their; munist faith; and supposedly scien- home following a two weeks' visit tific atheism. Three different forms here at the home of Mrs. Castle's of mysticism, each with the purpose parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. of filling, in its own way, the void left in the Jewish soul by the disapBen Kooler has returned home folpearance, of religious faith. lowing a'short, visit*in Chicago, IH-i
Ben Seldin returned home from Chicago following it im=4&y it. While thete he attended the ttn* nual convention of the fifetftet No, (5 of the Independent Outer td the B'flif Brith, and also the World's Fair, i
Mr.- and-Mrs. Julius Barron of Shenandoah, la., accompanied by Mrs. Barren's sisters, Misses Dora and Til-
FOR RENT Two Rooms and Kitchen. Beautifully Furnished. WE. 3527
Saturday we'll
300 Higti Quality
THE WHOLESALE PRICES ALO0 ARE FROM $5.00 TO $16.50 FABRICS: Wash Crepes Pastel Crepes Printed Crepes Pastel Sheers Printed Sheers Pastel Chiffons Printed Chiffons
STYLES: Swagger Jacktts Short Jacket* CapeEffects Short Sleeves Sport Styles Street Styles Club Styles
FOUR TRAINS DAILY About 1 cent a mile every Saturday Mad Sunday. 10 day return limit, for dmtatl* and illustrated foUUr call on. phonm or terita A. D. MARTIN last Gen'l Act. >?a»«'r Dept. Rock Island Ltnea, 701 Woodmen of tba World Bide. Omaha, Nebr. rbone Jackson 6556 ox , SOS So. 15th St. Phone AUanUoVSSS
# W e Kacl no more Intention of making a purcKase of expensive chesses flying i o the moon, when along came this famous creator with a fantastic flat r. price on his entire stock. W e could have screame'd with joy, but tried to \oo\i sober, knowing full well the beauty of these fashions. As luck woufd have it, h« was starting on his foil line, and didn't want these another minute. You'll buy « '.flock of .them for your VACATION WARDROBE . . . , for heaven only Icnows in .how many moons such' an opportunity will come your way again. .ev.Second Flow?
ttf Hf i
Ut ?#tit
Tfan«pwt Corp. Amerie»n Y*xprtm Co. (i4yntM-Am+rk:* Uoe tfias Manufacturer* Trust O>Postal TeJegraph-Cabk Co. Public N a n B?nk fk Trust Co. R.C.A. Ciiaimmication^ Inc. Hudson Co. Natl Bank, Bayonne, N. J. The Pennsylvania Co., Phil*. Uaion Savings Bank, Pittsbnrgh AmalKamatcd Trust & Sav. Bank, Chicago
Plan to spend maximum time on the grounds, Including evening hours when a million Midvray lights are gleaming. You'll enjoy every m i n u t e , If you go the carefree way. Let us welcome you. Rock Island exhibit—Travel and Transport Building.
Miss Frances Jaeobmi n( 8kntx .City, la., returned to ftet hftme W«j« nesday after spending a few Anyg here Tisiting|Mi«B Sarah S l
Parallel IVials for Firing of Reichstag
Amsterdam, (J.T.A.)—While the live Communists accused of Betting fire to the Reichstag building in Berlin are being tried in Leipzig some time late this summer, a parallel trial will be organized at- The. Hague in which lawyers from nine countries will take part. Clarence Darrow, famous American lawyer, will be one of counsel, it was stated. The lawyers and judges, will hear more than 25 witnesses and compare evidence at the same time that the trial in taking place in Leipzig. Evidence at The Hague will be supplied by wjtnenwe* who will not be in danger of being, terrorized by the Nazis. Jewish journalists expelled from Germany, led by Otto Katz, will comth« Jew»*h Pre«« to our pile evidence for the guidance of the lawyer*.
The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Miss Rae Bernstein returned horn* Society will hold a meeting nfext Monday from Kansas City, Mo,, where Thursday evening,'July 20th, at the she spent the past ton days visiting Eagles Hall. friends.
when he attended the Century of lie Marlcovitz of Council BluffB expected home about Sunday from Progress Exposition. Chicago where they spent the past Dr. and Mm. Isaac Sternal!) enter- two weeks attending the Century of tained the members of their Evening Progress Exposition. IThey made the Bridge club at their home last Thurs- trip by motor. day evening. George Whitebook, 70 years old, Manuel Steiman of Winnipeg, Can- passed away early Thursday morning ada, arrived here last Friday to at- at Edmundeon hospital. tend the International-A. Z. A. ConHe is survived by one daughter, vention in Omaha thin week. He is Mrs. Louis Nathan of Los Angeles; the house guest of his uncle and aunt, five sons, Simon of Omaha, Jake of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibovita, and Philadelphia, Dave of Chicago, and will spend the remainder at the month Harry and Abe of Los Angeles; one visiting them. •brother, Louis of Omaha; one sfste*, of Iowa Cfty. Funerar services were Max Kramer returned home Sun- held in Council Bluffs Thursday aftday following a three weeks' visit in ernoon. He was president of the Chicago, where' he attended the Ch<evf* B'naf Yidroe! tynagogae of World's Fair. Cmmll matt*.
In Soviet Russia there are Torgmn stores in over 1,000 localities. Torgsin crtem may be «ent to any* one, in any quantify. 7* eitift* that have no TORGSIN *t*rca, Tttrtcxin mulls your orders by parcet po«t.
261 Fifth *e.ne*f<«riNcvYork.lLY. (20tb Floor)
PAGE 3^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1933 and internal a s ; revealed in last, Mention the Jewish Press to out Mention The Jewish Clear Definition of month's Opinion, "A Journal of Jew-Citizenship to advertisers. ish life and Letters." In a series of Sephardim "German Origin" articles tinder "Jewish Youth Speaks" by Spain * Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The controversy a symposium—are presented serover the definition of "German oriious and sober attitudes toward an Madrid.—(J. T. A.)—The readiness gin" was cleared up in a letter to integration with the Jewish factor in By Harry Mendelson of the Spanish government to grant the .Vossische Zeitung from the mintheir lives. Every one to whcm the Jewish Spanish citizenship to Sephardic Jews istry of justice in which it is exDr. Coralnick, one of the outstand- youth and Judaism are close and pre- if the applicants are in a legal posi- plained t h a t "gleichblutige" or other ing Yiddish writers in the world and cious should not fail to read this high- tion-to accept citizenship, was an-races similar to the German must be a member of the editorial staff of the ly interesting and significant sympos- nounced by former Foreign Minister treated equally with the German. The conception of "fremdstaem"Tag," recently had a highly chal- ium. The Editor of Opinion, himself Luis de Zaluetta in the course of a lenging article entitled, "At the Time of the young generation, reacts to it press conference when he was asked mige" or foreign descent, is applicaof Stock-Taking," of •which the fore- in the following manner: It will.be to elaborate on his statements before ble only to Jews, since there are alpart is worthy of translation and ser- noted that those who have contributed the League of Nations Council during most no Negroes or Mongols in Gerious thought. to it, all of them young Jews, cannot the discussion of the Bernheim case, many. The definition is expected to be "After every catastrophe, after ev- be accused as Jewish youth so fre-that Spain was friendly to the Jews. Describing the "lasting love" of the embodied in a law to be published ery hard blow of life, comes to thequently is by its elders, of indifferman that thinks, to the man that ser- ence or flippancy. . . . They were not Sephardic Jew for Spain, its language soon. iously and realistically desires to getwritten in conjunction and yet an un-and its culture, the minister declared helps build strong bones Berlin.—The Prussian ministry of at the 'roots—the passion for self- derlying and unifying motif runs that this action was the least Spain education has informed Jewish' stuand teeth. criticism. And before he goes to through them. That motif—curiously could do in return, within the limits couit against life,-against 'fate,' he enough, in view of the oft repeated of international etiquette, and would dents - in Prussian universities, incalls himself to court—he the plain- statement that Jewish youth, has lost be to the spiritual interest of all cluding the University of Berlin, that they need no longer harbor the hope tiff; he the judge. the heroic' qualities of the" Jewish Spanish descandants. of receiving their hard-earned de- "Usually posts do it, because, if .'to past—is: THE DEMANDS MADE ; poetize is tc pass judgment on one's BY JUDAISM ARE NOT ENOUGH! —Shop from our . Service Guide— grees. self/ as Ibsen put it, it is even more The contributors" to .this symposium true that 'to .pass judgment on one's hold." that in national- feeling, in inself—is Lo poetize'." tellectual fervor, in spiritual intens-1 Which reminds me of what Tol- ity, and above all, in social passion, stoy's reaction was to crisis in a Judaism must make not less but man's life in the following words greater effort, further advances, written in 1898: "The most important along the lines laid down for by its incident in a man's life is the moment own heritage and implicit in it's very when he becomes aware of his'. ego. nature. Only so will it be possible; The consequences of this incident may they aver, to reclaim the lost battal-' be most beneficial or most terrible." ions of Jewish youth in -the next I should say that practically the same years. . : • thing applies to a nation, as witness "Those to whom Jewish values no the history of the Jew throughout his matter how cherished in the past cannumerous critical periods. not survive unless they are somewhat Stsffan Zweig, who quotes Tolstoy transmitted to the generations that GET ACQUAINTED in his book on the three greatest auto- will follow, must carefully consider The highest type of biographers of the ages, "Adepts in the demand and the challenge of modquality work at most Self-Portraiture," in connection with ern Jewish youth. Bead aright it is reasonable prices is the the crisis and the transformation that nothing more than the honoring ininsurance to business saccame into the life of this super self- sistence that Jewish life shall not deCLEANERS cess used by Paul BrodBEAUTY PARLORS ACCOUNTANTS critic, declares, "To creative activity, generate into mere memory; that the rick, located a t 2118-22 every danger becomes a boon, every springs of wisdom and of action Coining' Street. hindrance a help and an advantage, which nurtured it in the past shall be He is noted for his • CLEANERS LAKE STREET AUDITS for it generates and regenerates un- permitted to weir up continually and auto body and fender re• DYERS BEAUTY SHOPPE SYSTEMS known forces. If life is to have an without restraint, even though from pairing, and painting. He • HATTERS 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX effect upon the world, it must not these springs there gush forth new also offers his.patrons a Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop. • TAILORS stand still, for mental creative force, and strange expressions of the inexc o m p l e t e upholstering • Rug and Curtain no less than bodily, springs from var- haustible and glass service. genius of Jewish life." Cleaners iety and transformation: there can be Abramson Mr. Brodrick has been The New Dnart Tdxar Upholstered nothing more dangerous to an imagDauble Curler Permanent in the body and fender Furniture --. Ware Audit Co. inative writer than contentment, meand auto painting busichanical labor, and a smooth course." Certified PnMle Acrt*. $3.00 ness since 1922, and,has Band Box This statement also applies just as 852 Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship been in his present locawell to a nation. Bld«. tion all that time. Cleaners The fact that his clien"There comes a time -when ideas AT. 4111, 2 « 3 farnam St. JA. 4811 • Xcm Present tele continnes to use his become impotent, life-patterns become service is his best recomold and meaningless.- They exist only Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The head ofmendation. through inertia, through the impetus fice in Jerusalem of the Jewish NaAmong the things moof the past. The task of the idea tional Fund, in conjunction with the BEVERAGES AUTOMOBILES DRUGGISTS torists seek him out for critic becomes then to" rejuvenate Bayside Land Corporation, Ltd. (a are: to straighten doors, idealogically the lifeless organism, subsidiary of the Palestine Economic install glass, seat covers, liberate the elements and allow them Corporation of New . York), which UREGO DRINK! tops, upholstering work. the opportunity to create a new form. jointly own a large stretch of land New and Used Hospital Remedy for Gas, He also does truck paint"Among all cultured nations, in all round the Haifa Acre bay have anHeartburn, Indigestion, Golden Spike Cars Constipation ing and lettering and regTeat historic periods, the critical nounced the opening of a section of Pale Dry Gingerale We Sell and Guarantee building. epoch was also the period of critique. the large industrial zone, in this This Remedy Ideal Lime Rickey The general public is Where Price, Quality, Except, perhaps, among the Jews. are2, for immediate use by indusTTE DELrTEH cordially invited to come ami Service Meet ___ They should be the most fn need of trialists. Ideal Soda Waters ^ Qmality and Scrrica down to Mr. Brodrick's spiritual account-giving, a stock-tak- The-large stretch cf"Jover""30?J!SCF Hannfactared ana complete and efficient ing that will cover nothing and spare dunams will be divided into three MORTON'S Kozak's Drug . / Distributed by specialty shop and watch nothing, now in the time of the cri-roughly equal divisions (a dunam is -GARAGE Company the force at work. sis." Why Dr. Coralnick should con- approximately a quarter of an acre)' Ideal Bottling Co. STUDEBAKER The motori t should N. E. Corner 20th and tend that the Jew is an exception I (1) Industrial (heavy and light)— SALES and SERVICE WE. SMS always bear in mind that Lake can't understand at all, especially at nearest to Haifa; • 1808 North 20th St. 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 A T . Z7Z1 lie gets what he pays a time when almost every issue of the (2) Residential; for. The reputation of leading journals, Jewish and non- (3) Agricultural. the firm doing his job Jewish, has had one or more articles Between the industrial and resitad the quality of the dealing with the Jew and the enigma dential section, park sites will belaid work done are of prime ENGRAVERS BODY I FENDER called the Jew, since the rise" of Hitler out. The rapid development in and AUTO PARTS importance for the auto io power. around Haifa of late has brought inM for anything else. [ "We bring the plaint, but we are at to greater significance the value of Auto Bod; and Fender New and rjsed Repair In the end you will Repairing. Painting peace with ourselves. We're sore at the land acquired by the above comParts and Accessaries for Complete CphoIsterinE save money by going to Cars and Tracks at a Hie whole world—we are satisfied panies some years ago, which is to and Class Service Baring an expert in that line. . with ourselves . .-. And when we doserve as a reserve for the expansion Wicker Furniture Brodrick paints anyMerchandise Guaranteed * become dissatisfied with ourselves of greater Haifa. The pressure of Painted and Repaired tW-nic from a baby cab tr Gotten* Cuts and and make a critique of our own es-industrialists from Germany and i. box car. G J i W l Paul Brodrick . sence—it is an analysis of a terrified elsewhere, who desire factory plots, shallowness. I waited for the word has prompted the immediate opening Star Auto 2118-22 Canning .' from the German Jews. What do of a portion of the light industrial AT. 6208 Parts Co. they say. What spiritual effect has zone. Many applications have alCIlGRRVf flG CO. Since 1922 Ihe catastrophe had upon them? ready been received "for sites. * OfTlRHfi * S. M. CLAYMAN, Mgr. L "The liberals are silent, the ra icals Soliciting Quality Qt.4626 hope for better times, and write in AT. S3G» Work - 17th and Chicago St. Prague or Zurich polemics against the This Ad and $1" Will Entitle Nazis. Only the Zionists speak. In You to a Riding Lesson. each issue of the "Judische RundRegular Price ?2. ichau," the Zionist central organ of PAINTING ^DEC Germany, week in and -week out they BUS L I N E BATH PARLOR LA PETITE STABLES philosophize about Jews and Judaism, ind each week the Zionists take stock 9202 N. 30th KE. 5310 G. A. Standard for and of the Jewish people. To be MASSAGE Chicago $5.50 honest, I don't know whether it would MEDICATED BATHS Steinheimer Hat Works Lincoln $1.00 aot be better if they kept silent, beCompany Special until Sept. 1 Sioux City $2.00 cause their critique is a superficial WHEAT, CORN, OATS FRANK MEARES Reduced price of $1.50 Des Moines §2.00 and external one, not an internal and For Information Call or Write Contracting for fall treatment in Knows How to Clean deep one. They criticize the. German Denver $7.50 TAYLOR GRAIN CO. Painters ladies department. Jews with the criticism of their eneDetroit $7.50 Hats 131-722 Omaha Grain .Exchange Bidsmies. The German Nationalist says, 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Los Angeles $20-00 Work Done While Too JA 3403—AT 2008 The Jew and the German are historic Re-Nu-Health Painting and Wait Private Wire Connections With categories; they cannot exist in one; Decorating BUS DEPOT JAS. E. BENTS'ETT CO. FREE DELIVERY Baths one must be separated froi" the other. Residences, Churches Edwards Hotel Bldg. DOWNTOWN Come the Zionists and vary The theme . AT. 3911 and Public Bldgs. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000 In their way: Sure, we have always 1619 Farnam. AT. 8481 Elks Bldg.. 3rd Floor DAUGE - COOL} said—Jews must lead their own life, for themselves, live it out in their own OUTDOORS historic-given manner, and the tragCedneed Prices New Band! edy of the Jews in Germany was that1 Pool Spor Gardens] they wanted to forget their Judaism. BO a t Center Other premises, a different background but the conclusion almost the We Are Distributors Hamilton Sunshine Wedding same. Lock one's self in a ghetto as for the Well Known it were; the conclusion: nationalism." Cafe Omaha Manufactured Laundry Photographs L "Eegardless" how close and "dear to my heart Zionism is, and close not GRANT 2406 Farnam Street JA. 4883, lalS Cass only from a nationalistic, but also Luncheon Served U t t 3 O BATTERY Special Reduced Prices from historic mystical reasons—the Dinner Served S t» 8 for Blur end! June And Guarantee All thought processes, that lead the GerSemi-Flat, 5c Ih. We Are &!vaj"s Piensrc? to Sales man Jews to it, it must be admitted, 75c Minimum Shew Strtes anil Prices Batteries Serviced are Toads, of despair, roads of inPrivate Dining Room Skirts Finished in flamed passions, but chey do not lead Cleveland Stsdl© National Tire Shop for Parties Bundle to the kernel of the problem. And 1612 DoEglzu St. 17th and Capitol Open All Night the problem is: What is Judaism toThe Sign of 7c Each Phone JA. S366 8378 AT. 6427 day?" Good Workmanship Be Dr. Coralnick's criticism valid JA. 1614 or not, the American Jewish youth's Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg stock-taking cannot be said to be suOMAHA perficial and external, but rather deep
The Human Panorama
Press to Our Advertisers.
Roberts Dairy Co.
Beit Benilff
We Solicit Tour Printing and Office Sapply Needs
Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dodge St.
TAILORING Volz Will Keep You Nattily Attired
THEODORE VOLZ & SON FASHION TAILORS JOHN VOLZ Booms B&IS32 Securities Bide. 16th and Farnam, JA. 3786
SARATOGA LAUNDRY W> "Take Time to D» I t RIcfat by Brine Blow and Careful
KE. 0061-62
BLUE LINE Transfer Co. 314 S. 10th AT. 6403
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
•••••&> \
Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - » - • Advertising rates furnished on application
It is some five months now since Adolph Hitler succeeded in gaining control of the German Government. Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. In unsettled times such as these it Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street is well nigh impossible for a casual Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center observer to, make any definite estiDAVID BLACKER - . . . Business and Managing Editor mate of his success as a governmental FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - Editor leader. It is not too late, however, to FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent hazard a few surmises as to his ANN PILL - - . . - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent eventual success. The danger of rule by Hitler or men of his type is the danger that Herzl and Arlosoroff Services is inherent in rule by any fanatic The Zionist memorial services for Dr. Theodor Herzl and who permits his highly abstract theDr. Chaim Arlosoroff, planned for Omaha this Sunday evening, ories to so swing his judgment that forgets the practical necessities of is in a sense a tribute to the union of the past, present and he government. "William Randolph Hearst future. to the contrary, it is impossible for Herzl and the birth of modern Zionism are synonymous. any nation to live in our present system as an isolated unit. The interSince the dispersion Jews had dreamed of "L'Shonah Haboh change of commerce, the interlocking B'Yerushalayim," but theoretical contemplation and inactive hope mechanism of all nations, have bewere the sum total of their accomplishment. Dr. Herzl won un- come so vital a part of existence that interrelationships of all nabelievable, sweeping victories over local limitations and preju- peaceful tions is a fundamental concomitant of dices to project a national Jewish homeland into a concrete, real, progress and livelihood for every living aspiration. He, in the words of Nahum Sokolow, was "a country, be it England with her emupon which the sun never sets, repatriate, the first citizen of his homeland even before it came pire or little Latvia, resting quietly upon into actual being," and almost single-handedly showed how Zion- the shores of the Baltic sea. It is in ism could be created out of almost nothing. Almost thirty years her wanton disregard of the dictates of all other civilzed countries that have passed since the death of this outstanding Jewish person- Germany is rushing in "where angels ality; yet for years and years the Jewry of the world will deeply fear to tread"; it is this attempt to mourn his peerless statesmanship and organizing genius, his live a completely isolated existence will prove Germany's downfall. limitless creative power, and his prophetic accomplishments for that And it is Hitler's insistence upon folhis people . ^. his opening of new horizons to the Jewish national lowing his fanatical ideas of nationalism that will mark him as a menace idea. Dr. Arlosoroff, who was so brutally assassinated a few weeks to Germany for the future. Granted that the rulers of Germany back, represents the best in the Zionist movement of today. His immediately following the World War dominant figure was the symbol of present reconstruction work precipitated her into a financial disin the Jewish National Homeland. Herzl had led the Jewish aster that bade fair to completely ruin the present German leaders are people almost to the threshold of the homeland but died, as did her, following a path that will prove a the great leader Moses, before seeing the fruition of his work. more dangerous cure than the disease. Men of the caliber of Arlosoroff are shouldering the Herculean Back of Hitler's persecutions of the Jews and the Socialists in Germany task of building and reconstruction with an eye to the future of liesa philosophy that has been seen our people, seeking to make a reality the dream of Herzl. As a before and that has failed in the past. member of the World Zionist Executive and.as head of the politi- It is a reincarnation of the theory of cal department, in Palestine, Arlosoroff was a peerless diplima*" Deutschland uber Alles" that eventdrew upon Germany the wrath and carried the heaviest burden of normalizing Arab-Jewish re- ually of the allied countries and marked her lations and of enlightening the' Palestine Administration. In a defeat and her destruction, A nation spirit of self-sacrifice he devoted his life to rebuilding Palestine cannot live alone; it must have culas well as financial intercourse on firm foundations of labor and security, hard work and con- tural with the other countries of the world. tentment. His loss is a severe blow to the movement, as he will Even so intensely individual a state as the Soviet, despite a professed anbe hard to replace. tipathy to the philosophy of the other In addition to the loss of a great leader, the death of Arlos- capitalistic countries of the world, has oroff has shaken the Zionist movement to its foundations be- discovered the desirability of intercause of some rumors that Arlosoroff was killed by the op- course with other nations and has through the actions of Litvinposing Zionist f action of Revolutionists. It is hard to conceive moved off in that direction. Germany must of any Zionist committing such a dastardly crime, and the Zion^ eventually, i£'ehe wishes to succeed in ist movement must bear up with dignity and strength; 1% this her new nationalistic experiment; compromise with her theory and face tfce sense, the memorial meeting oftpmaha Zionists, in conjunction indisputable facts that are today rapwith similar gatherings throughout the world, is a clear-cut idly menacing her well-being.: To that challenge, a re-iteration of renewed belief and.added strength in end she must muzzle or dispense enwith the leadership of such the Zionist ideal for which Herzl and Arlosoroff lived and died. tirely psychopathic leaders as Goebbels and It rings forth to the world the news that the past and present Goering, for in their blind adherence of Zionism are not in vain; that the true glory of the Jewish to demagogic theory they are fast rushing Germany to the brink of ecoNational Homeland lies in the not too distant future. nomic isolation which in turn is but a step removed from international economic suicide. Zionist Convention The proof of this theory has been The convention, of the American Zionists last week was dis- seen already. Every time Germany appointing, in that it fulfilled the predictions made prior to the went outside the pale of her own authority: and attempted to discrimconvening of the delegates. It was openly charged before the inate against the Jews of other lands conclave gathered that a weak and vacillatingpolicy was being international bodies have abruptly pursued, that the strength of Zionism was being vitiated by com- checked Tier and Germany was forced tread water. When German fanatipromises, that the Zionist leaders did not have the courage to to cism threatened the safety of minoronce and for all fight out the prime issues involved and chart ity rights in Upper Silesia the League a clear course freed of all pretty intrigues. And the delegates of Nations, endorsed by the United in convention assembled came to their usual compromises and States of America, threatened reprisals and- Germany kept her hands off; in terms of concrete accomplishment achieved very, little. When the German government threatDr. Chaim Weizmann's presence gave a number of his sup- sned to exclude all Jewish youth from porters the opportunity to impress upon the Zionists present the participating in the forthcoming Berlin Olympic games, the international need for his return to the leadership of the world movement. Olympic, committee registered a strong The ovation given Weizmann and the great reverence with which and efficient protest which found all respected him demonstrated rather conclusively that in the Germany immediately reversing her The growing tide of resenthearts of the masses of Zionists he reigns as the leader. Yet, position. ment apparent in the press of Enga coalition delegation will represent America at the World Zion- land, the official dictum of French ist Congress in Prague August 21, half pro-Weizmann with the leaders, and the pages of the Con... Record of the United other half in all probability anti-Weizmann. The sheer numbers gressional States will eventually crystallize into of Hadassah forced the convention to agree to let that body a direct international protest to Gerchoose half of the American delegation. The delegates chosen many and she will have to retrace the steps she has made in folat the conclave will seek to restore Weizmann to the helm, from erroneous lowing the fiery but disastrous exwhich he was toppled mainly through American opposition. But hortations of the Nazi leaders. it is expected and fairly certain that the Hadassah group will The Jews of the world have undergone suffering more acute than they name anti-Weizmann delegates. are facing in Germany; centuries of Always significant, this issue of pro-Weizmann and anti- indignation and recrimination have Weizmann has become doubly important by the events of the been heaped upon their bowed heads, last few weeks. The assassination of Arlosoroff has caused many yet they have always withstood these to remain a strong people. Zionists to believe that he was murdered through the instigation ravages Soon these persecutions will cease and of the Zionist Revisionists. It is not for us to pass upon that ques- Germany will find that she has erred tion, but we cannot help but notice that bad feeling has arisen as in this, as well as her other excesses. The very essence of Hitlerism is a consequence among the various Zionist groups. Internal dis- contrary to the dictates of internationsensions, splitting of forces because of bickering have always al peace for all of their clamor about weakened the movement. But the depth of feeling stirred up such an -abstraction. But more imporHitler's failure will lie in his by the Arlosoroff murder makes the situation by far more tense. tant, headstrong disregard of the demands We in America cannot feel its depth, but in Palestine and in of internationalism. If Germany is to continue to exist she must rid herPoland they feel it all too strongly. of a leadership that now is preArlosoroff was a disciple of Weizmann and a follower of the self cipitating her into a disaster far more Weizmannian principles, with labor as the foundation of the up- serious than a Republicanism or an building of the Jewish homeland. If Weizmann again asumes inflation that skyrocketed the mark.
leadership of Zionism, those principles will be pushed to the fore. But, this time the rift should not bg breachel by weakening compromises. A set policy must govern, and opposing Zionists should either accede to the wisdom of that policy or withdraw. But the time has ceased when we can tolerate internal quarrels to weaken the mighty task of rebuilding the homeland.
FUNDAMENTALS "Let Jewish OF SWIMMING By DAVE CHESNEAU Teaching the beginner the art of swimming is in itself an art. First, the instructor must gain the pupil's confidence; second, the pupil must gain confidence in him or hSrself; third, he or she must show a willingness to work hard and a definite persistency to practice. Confidence is the major persumption and gained through complete relaxation, proper breathing and muscular co-ordination. As soon as the individual becomes familiar to the water he will soon discover that the water will support the body with no effort on his part. This is the first step in feeling secure. Learning to breathe correctly has this very definite reaction of security. Breathing while swimming is performed differently than when in other activities. Here we must learnt to breathe in through the mouth and exhale under water through the nose. Practicing at home in a small basin of water can remedy failure in the pool. Keep the eyes open under the water, and soon one becomes accustomed to the "feel" of water in the open eyes and the vision too becomes accurate, relieving the body of tenseness. The body is naturally bouyant in the water and we must learn to regain our balance in an easy and graceful fashion. Drawing the knees up under the chin, then placing the feet down on ;he bottom at the same time, sweeping the hands and arms down and back, will bring the body to a standing position and firm footing. Knowing how to regain one's balance is the first contest of the body in water. The legs and feet are continuously in motion moving from the full length of the leg and driving forcibly downward and back. The knees are not bent except through the resisting force of the water. The average number of leg strokes is three to each arm circle. Breathing is performed on every full cycle of the arms, usually on the left side, and in time with the arms. The head follows the arm around, going into the water with the pull, exhaling beneath the surface and turning back out just as the final breath is expelled, and ready for the next inhalation. Persistency in practice will make for consistency in performance. The American racing crawl has become in recent years the standardized stroke not only for specialists but for "green" beginners. The muscular action of the stroke reverts to the progress of tiny Infants crawling in
By MAX REINHARDT For two thousand; years we have been accustomed to lavish our cultural gifts on other people, adapting them, in each country, to the national ideals, or to the racial, mental and moral peculiarities of that country. Conversely, our own Jewish" culture has been influenced by the ideals and the culture of the various nations who have been our hosts throughout all these long centuries. That has made it very difficult for us to revive our own Jewish culture, to achieve a sort of cultural self-containedness or even to define sufficiently closely what Jewish culture is. I hasten to say that I am not advocating cultural isolation. That would be a calamity to us, as well as to the civilized nations to whose culture we are proud to have contributed and who appreciate our contributions. What I do advocate is a Jewish cultural renaissance in which Jewish achievements in the fields of literature, art, music, and the drama should bear the unmistakable hall mark of their Jewishness and in which Jewish genius should not be compelled to assume the disguise of another nationality." I am convinced that such a renaissance would stimulate us to ever higher attainments and would also benefit the rest of the world, perhaps to a far grecter extent tlian at present. Who, for instance, can doubt that Jewish histronic talent, which has made theatrical history in so many countries, would find a greater range simple familiar position and with a few enlargement and additions we develope a fastidious action in the water. The hands are held naturally cupped, palms down. The wrist extended fully as a part of the forearm. Arms are slightly bent at the elbows, with the shoulder muscles supporting the whole arm. The motion of the arm is alternated, one arm pulling the water as the other is recovered and reaching for the next stroke to continue the momentum of the body at a smooth gliding pace. The downward course of the arm follows along along a medium line of the body, pulling deep and back until the thumbs brush past the lower thigh. Here the arms relax and the shoulder lifts the arm with the hand trailing just out of the water, relaxed and effortless reacting for the next stroke.
of expression and thrive better in its own national cultural home ? The Habima is a striking example of what Jewish histrionic talent can accomplish in its natural sphere. I am not certain whether the achievements of the Habima «ould be emulated in the Diaspora without the Hebrew language *.s a medium of expression. I t a n k that a Jewish Arts Theater in each country where there is a sufficient number of Jews represents a satisfactory solution of the problem, or at least a first step towards a satisfactory solution. In such a theater plays of Jewish life and character could be performed, in the language of the country, by Jewish casts. No doubt, particularly at the outset, it would be very difficult to establish and maintain such theaters. In the first placj, there would probably be a great deal of outside antagonism to be overcome in some countries. The supply of plays would present another difficulty, in addition to which there would be minor technical problems to be solved. But with courage, both physical and moral, and with that specifically Jewish brand of enthusiasm which is really concentrated optimism, every ob-
stacle can be overcome and every goal attained. These are difficult times for Jewry. But if we look back through our long history we shall find that the flame of Jewish genius has always burned more brightly, and the Jewish spirit has always willed with greater determination in times of great crisis, and I have no doubt that it will be so again. Rightly led, Jewish youth will not fail to achieve a Jewish cultural renaissance. I think that this great movement ought to be launched by Anglo-Jewry. During my recent visit to Oxford I have been struck with the physical and mental freshness of British youth as much as with their fairness of outlook. In a country whose youth comes up to the best ideals of youth a Jewish cultural renaissance by Jewish youth should have every chance of success.
Better is a dry morsel and quietness therewith, than a house full of feasting with strife. A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are the snare of his soul. A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, To depart from the snares of death. Talmud Rabbi Kapara preached, "A man should always teach his son an occupation, which is clean and easy." What is that? Rabbi Chisdu said: "Needle work." (This is possibly the reason why the needle trade is controlled by the Jewish people.) Rabbi said: "Never shalt a man fry to acquire too many friends within his house, because he will not be able to please all of them and their friend<ship will turn to hatred."
DAVID R. COHEN Special Representative
Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. Non-Cancellable Disability Life insurance and Annuities 712 First Nail Bk.
AT. 7168
AllSummer Shoes at Deep
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even during hottest weather
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For. Whatever Occasion You Weed Shoes, Supply Them at These Prices!
TEMPTING DISHES The lovely frozen desserts and chilled salads . . -. crisp, fresh vegetables . . . tall glasses of tinkling ice cubes . . . all make the summer table inviting. G-E provides all these things . . . plus new ways of serving favorite dishes. ."Whole menus can be prepared long in advance and kept temptingly fresh in the G-E until served. There's no end to the comfort G-E affords during hot weather . . . keeps food absolutely pure and healthful at all times. Sold on Easy Terms.
I wish to announce to the Jewish people of Omaha, that effective Sunday, July 16, they should—in buyingdressed chickens from peddlers and chicken stores—see to it that the fowl has a proper seal stamped on it and the! ticket with the name of the Your ills fade out of your consciousness as the divine elements has shochet who killed i t become enkindled within it. (Sismed> ttARBI H. GRODZINRirv.
Gifts Find Jewish Outlet," Urges Max Reinhardt
BRANDBIg— Second Floor
2.98 1.00 7.85 1.00
•£AEE 5>—:i+4»;
of ZNewTTark C5ty,
:, JOEY T&, 1SS3
BaugMers of IsraelAid
i Blast i f Nazi P^per Attacks Aryan XjR. President RooseAelt Morgan
A regular meeting of the HaugiZion anteis xS Israel Aid Societv will be held The Omaha nounce 'the ^following donations to the TEuesday, July :1S, a t the Old Peoples •wears, left last -Qmrsaay afternoon Jewish 3ttational TFiTwir}r JBx. and M lirs. gome, .2504 Charles. Please ^attend. far 3Des 32dines :far :a 3ew dajrs' -visit £ . lEiekes, -fortheir son, 3&ax; IMr. and. 3terlin, (JT^A..)—^Nobody—not «ven with J a r toother and Utrs. 3L iSavidson, for grandchilnren* 3?ranklin D . 3loosevelt, 3?resident of and aHrs. S a i r y 3En^ter. TQiey-will all the United States—can induce Gerjiir. J3. ^*-wifTiim>> Tflr . h e r ti^nv)11J^T ,# leave IDes IMoines i i i s -week fer Chi"toward -Anyone having donations to make many to change its attitude of tihe "Women's ? cago *o attend ihe ^WorH'B 3rair. 3ttrs. 1 is asked t » call Mrs. X 3 e b e r or Mrs. the Jews, declares 3Jerlin s 3*eutscire ary of d i e Waafl 3S !Dehr will 3» held aell TOII tfcen annanae Iher iiip iiack INadmchten in an article attackmg ~nexk Iffonday y afternoon, , 3uly y 377, , a t S. Zeldman, <3tairmen. to 3tew ^Zfk 3 i 3loosevelt5 3 0 3J. an. act "tte tte IB'nai IB' Israel syna-
vvlio Tmu "-been i g Asr 3Hrs. TVTaThTg iEneeter if or *±he "past
Berlin, (3. T. A. >—-Although i t m well -known "everywhere aelse in the world that J. P. Morgan is a pure Aryan, the !Nazi press printed blasting articles condemning him,- not only as a Jew, but «ven as "the suncrowned Jew kimj." The Kazis a « angry at the American financier because of his antHGennan statementB made recently in the United States. 3Jeplying "to Mr, Morgan's Btatemente criticising Germany, the /Prussian 3Press Dapartment of the "Nazi party circulated an article written 'by "Wilhelm lierger, 3ieichstag member, condemning him as a Jew.
Attackmg the American 3?residen± j 3t8tb anfl C3iicago. ^AB special tTNUKS as an outspoken friend of the Jews, Mrs. Tffamw' 3£neeter spenttfive nays matters of :impartanc£ will he disand as an anti-German, the newspa"!Ine "ffazomir Choir will hold its ancussed, all memberE are urged i » ije in D e s Momes visitmg iher son and AT7TZSTEM 2mEBEATE IBAR 3HT2VAH nual picniE Sunday, July 30, at Cowles -per hinted that the -atmosphere in , TMT Tmrl SBITE. 3Barry present. 32N&AGEMEKT Lake. All members and their feiends "Washmgton of late i a s been tm-Mr. and "Mrs. .Aaron lErps TTIII,cele- I&ieeter. -Announcement "has i e e n rmade .in itrate "the Bar 3ditzvah cff their ^on,r who are .interested are asked "to tom- Iriendly to the German ambassador, IHEhtaukee by 3trs. .Charles Saltzstein Uorman, Saturday morning, July US, A * 11 ^ ^ ^ f m , chair—3hr. 3ians Xuther. Due to this unof the engagement iff .her uiaughter, at t£hp 3£nai ilsrael synagogue, :18th I N 1 man of "the tMmmittee, by calling At- friendlmess, the paper said, Dr. Lu3Hrs. aHerman 31. "White is visiting Urs. 2L IF. 3iev!eiisan, president of ther wfll soon be compelled "to return Pauline, -to 34T. Hdflton 31. A lantic 3828. and Chicago -nttw|,n. aslatives in .Detroit,Mich. to Germany far a prol«mjei; stay." xtf !HT. said IBtrs. lEdward 4he local chapter of Senior 3iadassah, lEfcey will he 3d; home in his honor -hams.of:this city. , Bnnday afternoon, July 3.6, frtrm 2 t o urges all 3Iadassah "members "to be The /appointment of Jesse X. Straus Mention the Jewish 2*ress to oar -A. reception was held i n Milwaukee £ rp. an. as ambassador t o IPrance was also re] -Miss Sylvia-Jonisch :is leaving .Sat- sure to -vote 3ar delegates to the advertisers. last -Sunday i n honor xjf i h e couple. ofld Zionist Congress at i h e balax^Eed upon by /fee Deutsehe JNach— urday if or Chicago where she Trill ire loting- a t ~tiie 3. C. C. Sunday. The S s i 3In, in line with its summer richten as additional proof of T'resiBETHKN the .guest oif b**T* ~ cousin, "Mrc^ Jeanschedule of meeting twice a month in- dent Hooseveltfs anti-German and Mr. :and .Abe *Cohen :retarneil nette lanbin.'Bhfi-will also^visit^friends stead of every week, has outlined -a ^pro-Jewish orientation. FOR in ^Milwaukee. "While m Chicagt), "3Iiss from iSt. 3?aul, different form of criteria umrent for ^ where they -Announcement '.has "been B-3ioom, all-modem arewly-deetended "the -wedding of its members, instead of meethigs, outf tiheir i h i cousin, Jonisch "will .•attend t h e Century of rthe -engagement of "Misg 3>ena orated house-—$16 fee month. Budapest.—DNicolaE de 3N. 31orthy, Snogress exposition. meeting of the 3iatikovah club ings are planned-for every other Man"Hiss JQice "Supomick, rto -Mr. .Sidney. ^tsin, daughter and 35rs. ]H. JR. GaSstein. IThey also -motored t o Cbig 3teg£nt of Hungary, appointed Ixo was ;held July 3 a t the home of Mrs. day. G 2524 -Reward Goldstein, of Detroit, 3Iieh., SEormefly rago t o attend t h e "World's JEair. 3fe '• TTO OMAHA -At last 3Ionday*E outing at 33m- 3Juday Goldberg, active Jewish workof Dmaha, "to 3ir. Max =Givat, son of can J*. mm er and prominent industrialist, z a a Une xbih JB wEing chances a t t:en wood Park, a feature was a MttenMan^fi -'Cllayjiian ^retunieu Mr. .and ZMrs. .A. 3). Givot, mow xrf after spending "thTee -weeks cents each -far a beautifu] 423>ieee set ball jgame betw^jn the -married and member of tise Upper 3iouse here. Angeles and fEormeriy oof Omaha. of .sflverware, t o be ^given away at unmarried members. The "married nine HSxs. Ifforfis 3?irestone and son, IHel- Tasitmg acehitives i n * 35rs. Givot, -who .has 3ieen Elmweod ISsA 33unday, Jmgust J27. trounced the -bachelors, "23 to 3.0. vin,2retnrnedLlast"week"from an exteit"here the ;past six weeks with IBSr. and ISrs. Chaftes^Hermanson i s in charge The Psi Tin -kittenball team, stDl HERE ^MXE. 3Jen Garrop, will leave IMonday sive ^trip -tfarongh IPdland, where "they T O of the tickets. ^Besides -the ^rauid prize, tied far •first hi the league, bested the "Tffr. and Ittrs. "Max Davis and son, i i t d :the parents and erelatives of ior Xos .Angeles. Where Qmafaa Shops "With of there -will he games -and prizes for Question dub Sunday, 35 -to 3. Shirley, ily the children .and adults. Coffee will be The 3&restones i a v e -moved ^to 2931 Bollywood, rriCaL, haa v e returned t o served dfiree. Omaha "iy^ T ^lpp "fo* rr ^i Jackson street. ENGAGEMENT The "next rmeetmg an absence of s i x yyears. g -will be Mr. and Mrs. Jack IHflman announce A t .present i h e y are residing a t 5023 held July 38, a t the /home of Mrs. H. INext 3<Tiday evening at 3vrug MOME "the engagement of their daughter, bEtude Bopkiiis and HTK CHS -Blondo street. Brown. Miss IHazel 3avett of Dmaha, t o Gerry Winttaub.-who spent t h e tra :will 'he iea-tared a± the Max ITnrchen of Sioux City, 3a. winter i n 3few lEori City ttogeiher party, the ^proceeds of which *wfll he with her sister, Miss -Eosy TTCmtroub, date ".has been set iar t h e wedding. a n given to the Iree M3k and 3ce fund retorned home 3?riday 5ar i i e Henmnwr sponsored by ihe Omaha Jiee-Ifews. sss City axe -visithig 3iere -with Mr.. months. TVTigg Xosy "Whxtroub as oaaw JS3SINDIENCE Thisliandis considered tme of the iest 'and Mrs. 3X Man3el announce vacationmg^at Xake ^Placid, 3J. ~X., a m i colored bands in ihe eauntry. m a y .return :to * Dmaha i n =se a l if.their 3hr. l « o n I^elhnan, who has comAll proceeds win be utilized Jor the CHICAGO !5ork, ~to Miss Eeil 3tosenthal weeks. pleted his ;year!s appointment a± the purchase of milk and "ice tfor f tite poor "MTR. M has j u s t of IBrooklyn, fEarmerly of HJncain, St. Joseph hospital, has been awarded families /residing in Sie city. from a week^B -stay, visitingtfriends m TD ^WEST * COAST a TfrliTffty :in recognition of iiig BETChicago. vice as house dental surgeon at the JUTS. TTtrrry istein and 3ter A3TEND WE1J1HNG hospital. son, .Jerome Unnis, and a u « e , 35rs. 3a^. -Mrs. ZBessie Jiiklin leaves ^Salurilay j Due sucfa appointment iis given by , are leaving 3Sunnay f*m*ninjr "Migg 3aza ZLevine leaves Saturday, Chicago -where s h e will satteun d i e for -San 3?rancisco ^and ILos 3uly 35, far Cleveland, Ohio, -wheiB the hospital annually. Dr. ^elhnan marriage .of Iher son, ZLauis, ito TW^TC' where they ^will spena the she will spend several weeks. Uef ore now -practicing-in "his own dental ofIMdllv Schoehberg xif "that sdfcy, .on •mming •htrmr>l 33ffi "Will also Spend iice in the "Mfdical Arts building. ,July2S.3 dEew days Jn Chicago. 'ter of .^5ir. and Mrs. 3L. Schoenberg. TOCHKAGO The couple Trill take -an -extendetl 3HT. left eight-week :motar trip -throughout nflie. Saturday sevening 5or Chicago t » a t 33a:. S. OshercS, who spent last •east, and will then rp^nrp rto tend the "WjBodmen of the World aja- The jemment stage ana screen ac- year i n work i n then* "home in Dmaha. tional convention and tthe "WnrH's tor, • George Arliss, i n "Hhe "Workmg delphia, has located in the Medical .Mrs. Hiklin ^dll spend ttwro Hair. IDrey also intend :to ivisit "with -Bun" is an entirely new type sS jcofe Arts and will practice his ^visiting with i h e iBchoenberg relatives in "Milwaukee. 3 £ c .-yon.11 love, comes t o ±hfi Qrphof diseases of women and "White dhere As -will attend starling Alreafly g =eam. Thffitter zfor the Jsxe Still Soaring ii James Visitor, rlhe W. (O. ^W. official organ. Saturaay, 3tQy 33, atamj TH I limn y»d -Joan IKUl'UJKN 3KROM -MOTOR TRIP : TO SPEND SUMMER : ±o 3Jraadway/' Mrs. :fi. B&nxehnan and son, Sol, and. _tlw ULuSt Tn BE • ^jsK^raTTgTi iShitaky left3Efiuay 3ette iDavis smd Bardie -Albright Mrs. 3L Berber, Slave jeturnea ifrom JB: Won May Hewer Save ^ten-day motor trip t o IHason .City, 3a., iungifar^ockvilte;Center,Xiong!IsiaiuiJ larean*the pictnne -.u?H.K[ ...of -who spenilthe • id 3ffinTteapolis, where they her uncle IDr. and 3Izs. 3J. himself >as a wnrlurig: jnan inlhisccom# with "relatives. g Sshkmd. While in tthe ^east TWTKR Shit-' pet&zrr's T tain mfoncinatnjn -which "will give him sky -will :also -visit "with iher I>r. men Slutsky xcf JfewlTofi City. the corner on ttbe shoe "market. James Thnm i n 'lAxizona t o 3$raadlaurel snd. BarSy, among dStte -most '• way" ife a small town ^racketeer popular comedians ron dhe .American; MOQ'OR "TO /CiaEJVELAND screen, make their -latest appearance Mrs. 1x.o iBchlaifer and -sans, Buddy protects * girl -(Joan Seunett) Xruni s. -on gate gt J T O B 3H) -to W% ^ehrw itiefure*! 'Hun of colleagues -so he can .victintanu 2n SB ifeaturerlengih acomeny ;in ' T iim^rf. 3iut Jove "fa»fc»gi x. 3Devil-s 3^rother," 3iow splaying tat t h e motored with Mrs. Schtaffeffeliiroiher, Mr. Meyer ^Piccus, t » 'Qeveiana, tn hand, "he /regenerates and mnrfw»g i as a couple of xare-Snee iwaga- visit ^relatives. a bcmtis, garbed in outlandish • so. rplumetl hats and costumes of the -Robin Bood era. . Tvriety fo Choose ffimm On tthe rsame .prograir with this 3iil-* .afiaus comedy J S Gary Grant, EBenita Bow ^n^b Trill they ^o* ]Erraitkly, TSTC florist teow "Bume and Glenda IFarrelTjn " y seise. 15ttt -we 3D 3arow i 3 ing Ship," whee mo tews sare "brdken; iwiritesab ^naeffi advmuse, aretail -prieeB —because "no laws iare nnade. fbfllow. (8dia^m-I2iapmjnik boiight IFvr j A tale of the vessels that iiflbat muM itaar w r a jexactin*; «pecHi?JttinnB *' -side the three anile'limit, ^beyond asaehj BY T*« of the biw, where high stake -gamesi ooae." Btry ^flic IFnx Goal :yira mst& axe pbayed -without ^interference ^ TTfa the authorities. a l "fltesE low "priees a n d lour several ^ j y
Up! Up! Up!
To liocate Here
plans—^wJSle jeoate a r e %elfl i n astoiaf*e Soar S «faaige.
At -Che Ka
"Gold Diggers of 3.933," "Warner; brothers' lalt-staT, dramatic -musical, .spectacle, -Baid t o be -even jgreaterthan "-42nd ^treEt/'ias the most "lavish *en-| tertanrment at ^3?e decade, /is mow .•the Paramount -.thcatcu. R sequel ±o die sensatianally rpieture /"42nd Street" -which started new styles in screen ffara "Gold 3)iggers of -1933" Ticcording tto ^Hollywood :mformation -excels iits' '^reat predecessar-in heauty, i n cateby. rtunes and '"whistling" music, i n com-edy and in its rstary values. Its list -of -stars is =even more itnposmg; "the •chorus ensembles, directed by 3insby. 3iarkeley, are mare spectacular; its songs by "Harry Warren and Al Dubin,'will appeal to even wider audiences. : The names of Warren William,; Joan Ulondell, 3luby Heeler (Mrs. Al ,J61son) who sprang t o screen /fame over night in "42nd Street;" 3)ick "Powell, Aline MacMahon, Guy3Iibbeer. Ghiger Hogers and INeil Sparks head^ -the superlative cast ensembled by ' Warner ."Bros, for "Gold Diggers of 3533." Mervyn XieRoy -who directed •*3 Am a Tugitive 3<rom a Cham; •Gang" and'3Hmer the Great," directs ued •from the Avery Bopwood /stnry, adapted by 33rwin Gelsey /and "Janffis Seymour. The chorus /featured throughout, :is a collection of beauty gathered from "the whole nation
St. 4D02 iBarbecued ilibs, SanflwidieB SaftHrmks and Ice Cr*»^*» Barbecuea Kite, Eb. 55c Tree a>e!ivEry lEh 3 A. 8D06
FO&TTS tS BQCBm5fiT.ftS«!f£S*CHI!E
.. • . then tie is . • .
Jffl Coffee hiistedng: i o t days 3rour ajipetite, hat 3 ;ytra at the 3acfc anS 3IB you "vofl og your meals i n comfort ;anfl -will s a t with aflfefl -zest. That cool fresh air, ctmstunfiy changing, iitterefl anfl ice-cootefl, makes a whale of a difference in your appetite. Drop i n at lunch . . .breakfast Sinner. See how delicious ypnr meals can taste these sweltering days Dacb & Jill Sizzling Steak
LON6 DISTANCE HeCjosr h Low... ~ tmlk On*e -mimriw
p. m.) over cf £0 airiiTi* for35 vents; ICC ai'5C seats; «nc is-cor 70 cents SD4uttt*e miiescor ^ . . w i m i you ask {or anyone 'Charms *reiess|»r
Dm is » tax «fi clxmvs h^>aw 3D
cents. The tax is 10 c«nts an -all «alh -for «toch -Hie charge b from ED cents +o VS cents; 15 wke-i Hie tljange is % 1J30 -to »nd ^20 cetrts m\gm Ute chi rge is *I-XS5 XJT more. The nHnimiim tax e 2t> cents.
': :'
i -i •
FOGGIEST "CORNER" OF WORLD—This beautiful photograph made from an airplane flying high over Cape Gridley, on the Labrador coast, shows layers of fog, which, according to the pilot, gathered in five minutes. The region around the cape is known as the foggiest "corner" in the world.
THE "THREE MILLIONTH"!—To Dr. E. T. Lila Burke, center, goes the honor of *being the three millionth visitor at the Century of Progress exposition, Chicago. A guard of honor from the Belgian village escorts her through the grounds.
HISTORIC SHIP AT GOLDEN GATE—The Gjoa, historic ship of Captain Roald Amundsen, is on exhibit at Golden Gate park, San Francisco. The Gjoa, in command of Captain Amundsen, sailed from Christiania, Norway, in June, 1903, to take magnetic observations to determine the location of the magnetic north pole. The ship proceeded westward and sailed through the northwest pasage, the only time in history, in 1905, and arrived at San Francisco in October, 1906.
ORPHAN'S FIRST MEAL IN NEW HOME—Peter Christopolus, 14, orphan by the Streng family of Paterson, N. J., because he bears a resemblance to a Strengs lost several years ago, has his first breakfast with the family.' The saw Peter's picture in a magazine, and forthwith sent to the orphan home in Neb., for him.
adopted son the Strengs Omaha, •Seas**—
*••*.* >»«s».s
FISHING AT THE OL' SWIMM1N' HOLE—A pretty silhouette, taken on the shores of Lake Mahopac; N. Y., shows four New York youngsters fishing as the sun sinks in the west.
, &
1 •, -.
MANY LIVES LOST IN CLOUDBURST—This view shows the devastating effect of a cloudburst which swept down Bear Creek canyon, destroying the town of Idledale, Colo., taking several lives, and causing thousands of dollars of damage to other towns. The main bridge in the town of Morrison is shown in collapse following visit of cloudburst.
N I P P O N E S E GIRLS PRACTICE ON AIR DEFENSE ;—- Japanese girls, members of the Y o u n g Women's Association of Osaka, steady their jaims for anti-aircraft defense during air maneuvers over Tokio.
MUSCLE SHOALS HEAD AND FAMILY—Dr. Arthur E. Morgan, president of Antioch college, and appointed by President Roosevelt as chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority, is photographed with Ms family in Yellow Springs, O., where Antioch is situated.
boxing among the Hebrew Tx>yfl of : Palestine.
• \-
: ;/.; ••::.'-:;-'-^
Robert Straus, assistant to General Johnson of the Recovery Administration, is a son of Ambassador Jesse I. Straus.
Magazine of Nazis Honor Jew in Urges Sterilization Present-Day for German Jewry Germany
Croatian Nationalists Boycott Boycotters
Nationalists, who, surprisingly, are supported by the Catholics. •
VESS Beverages
Belgrade.—The Croatian NationalPlaces do not ennoble men, but men ists have initiated a vigorous boycott make places illustrious.—Ageilas. campaign against the Jews in reprisBerlin.—(J, T. A.) — An unusual al for the German boycott which has scene for present-day Germany was been effected in Jugoslavia. The mo- Piety is not a religion, although It enacted in the city of Freiburg, Bad- tivation for this is believed to be in is the soul of all religions.—Joubert. en, near the border of Switzerland, the desire to rally support from when the faculty t>f Freiburg Univer- 'oreign Fascist states for the na- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS sity, joined by students here, .took tionalist movement to make the part in a celebration in honor of the Croats independent of Jugoslavia. CASNAZZO * KA1XOWSKT, AtUraeyt «64 Insurance Bide. sixtieth birthday of Professor Alfred The government has ordered the Loewy. -. KOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION authorities here to prevent the antithe. County Court of Douglas County, .The universlfcjr haft Hras specially Semitic campaign of the Croatian InNebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of tncia decorated in his honor and he -was Atiano, Deceased. highly iiraised in speeches by his col- SHOTWKUU HONSICr, &RO1JISSKY t AH persons Interested in said estate are leagues and pupils. - . TAXCK and HABBY B. COHEN1,' Attorneys hereby notified that a petition has been Olefl In .said Court alleging that said de737 Omaha. Xatiaaal Bank Bide. Professor Loewy, a mathematician ceased died-leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, oi %note, and an author of several NOTICE IS HEREBY GltEX? jmd that a hearing trill be had on said pehooks on mathematics and money, has That the undersigned have formed a cor- tition befow!satd~«onrt on the 5th day of pursuant to the laws of Nebraska. Anprust, 1933. and that if TJje-y fail to apbeen since 1908 a member of the poration The name of the corporation is GEXERA1. pear at said Court on the snid 5th day of Chief Council of Israelites of Baden. THEATRES CORPORATION, with its August, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M. "to contest place of business in Omaha. Ne- said petition, the Court may jrrnnt the He has long been active, in the Jew-principal braska. The corporation shall have power same and yrant administration of said esand authority to own, lease, operate or tate to Angelo Piccolo or some other suitish community of Freiburg.
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Sterilisation of German Jews was proposed in an arLarge Bottle By DAVID SCHWARTZ When Jerusalem was destroyed, ticle discussing eugenic legislation 10c published in the Rostock University managed Rabbi Jochanan "ben VM g magazine. ri to escape the soldiers by lieing •carried There are only 200,000 Arabs in the out in a coffin. -The article claimed that it has been Whistle Trans-Jordan portion of Palestine proved Jews mostly suffer from herVess •which Zionists are now aiming at. In James P. Warburg (with the Lon-editary diseases, and predicted that the portion of Palestine in -which the don Economic Conference) also writes £he Third Reich will shortlyvpassra Beverages Jews are now allowed, there are over lyrics together with his wife* new law preventing the spreading :of 800,000 Arabs. And Trans-Jordan is diseases by means;of sterilization. At WE. 2131 about twice the size as well as more end of the article it was admitted The first man to handle a column, the scantily peopled. The land also is TT-with reg^ets-pthat this^ Avouid; not i according to the Bible, was Samson. offer a complete £olutiori 5tb the Jf^tf better for agriculture. : He pulled the whole house down with -ish probletai **;•:?v r one column. (What a syndication he Professor Walter B. Pitkin, who would enjoy today). wrote "life Begins a t Forty," made one -very significant omission. He should have mentioned the great Jew- The originator of Mercurochrome, ish sage, Rabbi AMba, who was an Dr. Macht of Baltimore, davens otherwise deal in theatres for the exhibi- able person and proceed to a settlement ignorant shepherd until forty and (prays, to you) three times daily. 1 tion of moving pictures aud/or the presen- thereof. then" began studying -and' finally had tation ol shows cr performances of any FKADEXECKG. HTAZMASTER & BRTCE CRAWFORD, other character and to deal in generally 7-14-33-3t Send for You are forbidden "by Jewish law to 24,000 students pursuing the study of BEBEX, Attfirncys : County Jutlge. and contract for generally moving picture 650 Omaha Kat'l Bank Bids. studyon certain Jewish days of peni- London, (J.T.AJi'.— The Jewifa' films witu reference to the production, disTalmud under him. this tribution or exhibition of the said moving SHOTWELL, MOV8KT. GRODINSKT & tence, because study is supposed to Times here, reports that Berlin is agog i '*. KOTICE OF . picture films. The corporation shall have VANCE f Notice Is herelij giTen mat Michael J. the power to own, lease, or otherwise acLouis Iipsky started out as a] dra- be a mode of pleasure. 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. with -a Jnew' ^sensation. , A cheaply- Kennj and Tbomiis JE. Shafer,-doing busi- quire, and to deal in generally, such real matic critic and short story writeW published brochure, ' selling^ far a ness ,as aa co-paxtuerShip paxtuerShip under the the firm firm and personal property as it may require. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIn rid hi h l a m e of K Kenny arid S Shaier, have dissolved The corporation shnll have the power to TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL Payne, who wrote "Home, Sweet preimig, and entitled **Hpw Nero liame their. ' partnershiii, and thnt Michael J borrow money and to issue evidences of inr i4 ACCOUNT— So did Theodore Herd. Burnt Rome," appeared -on jthi t Kenny - will * continue i n the business at debtedness therefor. The 1otal authorized InAnMENISTRATMN Home' was a half-Jew. •• -. the County Court of Douglas County, 8223 2vorth 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska eapital stock is $10,000.00. all common, pnr Nebraska. of the-city and was soldtfiy'the ^dozens nolice:Is *wrtfcer igiveh tht M i h l 3 vnlue SIOO.UO. being fully paid when is-—, i s .further, ^giveh " "that Miehael : In the Matter of the Estate of Samnel The Talmud has higher Tegard for i ~ ;K«»nj ihas assumed and agreed to pav al sued and non-assessable. The corporation Babisr, Deceased: The New York Times suggests a of copies. pnt*rSiJHUn.g inde"bte3ness of the said _p:irt- shall commence business when the Articles a Gentile who studies the Torah than way by which Hitler could put six All persons interested in said matter are The first pages of fEe Wodnire are filed with the County Clerk of Douglas hereby of. -£Lenziy and Simfer. notified that on the 28th day of for a Jew. A Gentile.who studies the millions to work. It points out that really tell about Nero's burning- of the tiership :l)atcd nt Omaha, Xebraska, this 5th day Connty. Nebraska, acd wben Sl.fitHM*) of its Juno. 1033, Hansa Babior filed a petition capital stock shall have l>een subscribed in said Torah is likened try It to a High the anti-Jewish rules of Hitler apply ancient city, but the rest of the pam- of July, 1933. County Court, praying that her for, and shnll continue until May 1st. lilSo. final administration • '. " 31. J. KESXT. account filed herein Priest The story of the World's Fair . . . in* The highest amount of indebtedness shall l>e settled and allowed, to those who have as much as one phlet is devoted to an account of t i e THOS. E. SHAFER. and that she be ttrestiaaly told and beantifullr illusnot exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. discharged from her trust as executrix grand parent who is a Jew. And the burning of the Reichstag. Goering, The affairs of the corporation shall be ad- and that a hearing will be hr.d on said trated with actual Photographs. Retllr According to Walter Winchell, the number of these in Germany is esti- the story says, agreed, to the burnmg YAUE JvROI-OFF, Attorney ministered by a Board of Directors, con- petition before said Court on the 22nd day • handbook of whit to see mnd •do, 91S First Nattw.il Bank Bldg. sisting of not less than two nor more than of Jnly, 1933, and that if you fail to appear poet laureate of the Nazis- is a mated between one and three millions. of the Reichstag when "twelve memEvexy Past is newsy, entensininSa five in number. The stockholders shall before said Court on the said 2St>d day of helpful... just the kind ofinfornwtiosi "Heeb." If "so, soil er einnehmen a Now, if Hitler will only extend the bers of Nazi Storm Troop 17 came to NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE elect Directors at the nnnunl meeting to Jie July, 19SS, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest, yo« will want as your Arstintcaductioa held on the second Monday in Mny of each said petition, the Court mny grant tinyou know what. '•'.- rule to those who have one great him and announced their incendiary SALE year. Thereafter, the Dizmfwrfl shall elect prayer -at said petition, -enter 8 decree of to the Bic Show. Send for this booklat grand parent, maybe six millions intention. According to the story told Notice is hereby given that on the 31st the officers, viz.. President, Vice-President. heirship, and make such other and further «y . . . it's FREE. day of J«ty, 1233, at 12 o'clock P. M., at Secretary and Treasurer. With the consent orders, allowances and decrees, ns to this Governor Lehman of New York is would be thrown out of work, and the in MAIL THIS COUPON the USED FUKXITUKE Str MARKET, 2S14 in writing or pursuant to a vote of the Court may seem proper, to the end that. -tho brochure, Goering, hearing a dog fancier, and has won numerous six million Aryans would get their this, said that if they did s he would j Iundersigned r t h will Street. Omaha. Nebraska, the majority of the outstanding stock, the Di- all matters pertaining to said estate may at public J£SMSSSS 3 R. THOMSON, Passenger Traffic Mat. ill ll t bli i rectors shall have nuthorify to sell, lease, ribbons. jobs. exchange, assign, transfer and convey or be finally settled and determined. have them arrested, but that from his articles: Chicago & North Western Railway BRTCE CIlAWFOttB, •therwise dispose of the whole of rhe propOne two-piece rose plush overstuffed 400 W. Madison S t . Quawo. IU. «• tone the Nazis inferred that their suite: Connty Judge. erty of the corporation upon snrh terms C-30-33-3t 1 10x12 Wilton rue; 5 small What prominent New York Temple n o s e tend me, withomt con or oblind conditions and for sw.li consideration plan had his sanction. throw russ: 1 Fnyette S Cable Uprieht has voted toiretire one of its rahhis ? gation, yonr new booklet, "A Gentory of is to th«on may seem expedient and for the No. 165S83. mahogany finish: 1 Whereupon, the pamphlet says, the I*inno Jest intprests of the corporation. The Arti. Proxies* Exposition.'' piano bench: 1 reading lamp; 1 Viol or :les may be amended upon the rote of tiO console model radio; 1 fenr-pieee reed ROOM WANTED Nazis, with the help of Van de Lubs, suite: 1 five-piece Tvalnnt breakfast set; per cent of the outstandrne' stock at any And what Cleveland Temple, fearElderly woman wants nice room « Name set fire to the Reichstag. The Nazis 1 7x9 Conjrolenm rxic; 1 footstool; 1 regnlar or special meeting. The corporation ful of losing its silver tongued rabbi, Aid From Mexico shall have n se.il. walnut set complete, bed. with kitchen privileges in rerecently voted him an increase in sal- Mexico City.—A campaign for a were given an opportunity to disap- two-piece dresser, sprins: and mattress: 2 runner Address .„.„fined orthodox home. rues: 1 WestinEhouse electric fan No. ary? fund to help settle persecuted Ger- pear into safe hideaways, but Van de 20SWM9: Dated June 22nd. 1933. 1 Royal vacuum denner No. HA. 3«15 HAHKT B. COHEN iube, a native of Holland, was ar• Town ..^ -..-..Sttte.. J man Jews in Palestine was announc3996*3: 1 oak finish flat top desk- 1 H. MARQDARDT " The inventor of the tank (for mili- ed here at a mass meeting of the rested. His trial is being postponed oak: swivel, chair. -7-33-4t. until such evidence can be prepared covered by a chattel mortpnse in favor or local Jews. tary purposes) was a Jew. the United Loan Coanpanv. Inc. ami Kijmetl All Jewish institutions have joined as will bury the truth forever. by Glen E. and Lucille Jordan, said mortgage hemp dnted June 23rO, 1S32. ana havA brother of Morris Rothenbergj the campaign, the object of which Characteristically, the Nazi police inK been Tiled in the office of the County president of the 'Zionist organization, will be to collect fifty thousand pe- did not realise for some time -the ex- Clerk of Ponclas Connty. Nebrapka. on the 8th day of July. liSSSL: Said sale will t»e for is a nerve specialist and i s regarded sos. act nature of the pamphlet,. "How the purpose of forecl«sinc said mortcajre, as an authority on hypnotism. Nero "Burned. Rome," so that many tor all ai-pruins eosr& nnd for the purpose New Brussels Chief Rabin of satisfyinir the smoant now due thereon. copies were sold before i t was con-to-wit: 5277.90; that JBO suit or other proBrussels.—Rabbi Jacob Meer Sag- fiscated. Rabbi Seixas, a distant relative of ceedings «t law hnve'iieen instUntefl to reHere's SometKing to Think About: cover said «lebt or any part thereof. Justice Cardozo of the Supreme alowitch -of Danzig, author of "MeasUXITEU LOAN CO3IPAKT. INC.. sef Drushi'; and of "Neumim", one Court, taught Joseph Smith, "Mormon Hie public buys more Goodyear Tires than, —•i Mortjragee. of the most prominent Rabbis i n Bronstein Trial Put By1 "TALE KEOLOFP. prophet, Hebrew. : any other kind—this is the eighteenth sucIts Attorner. ' ' Eastern Europe, has been- elected 7-7-33-3t Off for Sixth Hme Orthodox 43rief Rabbi of Brussels, cessive year . . . The public wouldn't buy Rabbi Jonah Wise of .the joint Disin succession to the late Rabbi Hochtribution Committee and Adolph 1i more Goodyear Tires if Goodyears did not MON«KT. GRODINSKX * Bucharest, (J.TA.)—For the sixth SHOnrELL, - '" VANCK aitd HASK1JL «O»E3J, Attorneys Ochs, publisher of the New York stein. offer greater value . . . But they do oiler time the year-old Bronstein "torture . 7S? Omaha National Bank Bide. Times, are brOthers-in-law. < An Accident? trial has ben postponed, but this time NOTICE greater vahie, hence they enjoy greater O C E I S «E1C «E1CKEE. GIVEN : ;.a dajte for the hearing was fixed for That the the unfiefstP"*' unfiefst i1—" a w *— formed a. c«rInnsbruck.—A Jewish lawyer JErom sales . . . Are you wondering what tire to Norma Sheared, who jilarried"Irving Munich, Herr Spiegel, has beefc, shot iflws of Nebraska. poration pursuant t u is CQJ£M<iNThalberg, movie* buy? Just ask yourself this Sample question: f -. ^ !OKPQliATIQX, 35a Concentration be keenly Jewish"—more her "oown-in'-flie its princrpjtl jAS& lotHmsiness in Omnon charges, of being iden- "Witli "Why should I buy any tire but a Goodyear Camp, it -was learned here. 1»a. Nebraska...-The -eteporation shall have husband. "to owrt.-lense. operate Spiegel attracted- worldwide ^notice tified -with communist activities. The power jind authority when a Goodyear costs no more?". . . We otherwiBe; deal tfh^theatreg. for the exrecently when photographs taken, in charges proved groundless. But dur- or hiliition of moving pictures an<t/or the'preSidney Skolsky, New York News Munich think you'll decide i t by ^coming right down published in foreign ing his examination he was subjected sentation of shows or -performances of OTty columnist, visited the Chicago exposi- countries were other character and to deal in generallv to see us. showing him undergoing; in- to six hours of torture that sent him and contract for generally moving picture tion and comments that he has seen dignities at to a hospital for several months. It •films with .reference to the production, disthe hands of the-Najris.Coney Island before. But others give <or exhibition of the said movlnc ?was feared that he would never be .trnratlmi firms. The eorporaton shall .have more favorable criticisms. Argentinian Professor, able to walk again. He has, however, picture the power to own. lease or otherwise acquire., and to deal in generally, such Teal Urging Fascism, Fired recovered. «nd personal property as it may reqnire. The rabbis of the Talimd knew all The three gendarmes and Captain Buenos Aires. — Carlos Silveiro, The corporation shall have the power to about "it." One of them .said: "All professor of mathematics at the Co^Panisoara who are accused of cruel- .horrow money and to issue evidences of inGOODYEAR marriages that are consummated on legio Mariano Moreno, has been dis- ly torturing Bronstein have so far debtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is $10,000.00. -all common, par PATHFINDER sex appeal alone will not endure/' missed by the minister of educatioit pleaded not guilty. va]ne-$M0.00..beinK fully paid when issued aud non-iisseFKable. The corporation shall (Roughly translated). Supertwist Cord Tire* for • advocating Fascism during his commence business when the Articles are with the County Clerk nt Douglas 4.40-21 5.00-19 lectures. . TRADKNJICKG. STAUaASTEH. * BEBEU filed County. Nebraska, and when $1,000.00 of its O. T.DOERE P. M. KXUXZNICK It is my own theory that the ex: The minister took this step -when :«ipital st«ck shall have been subscribed • " ' • Attorney* : :. pression, "can you take i t ? " comes a number of students, many of them for. and shall continxie until May 1st. 1BK3. 633 Omnlia 'National Bank BuildingThe highest nmomrt'-iof "1ndebt«>dtieas shall from the Hebrew "laolam tikaca? Jewish, called a strike against the not -cxpecd' two-tMrils- oi its- chpital stock. 4^8-20 5:0«-3« XOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE J No? The affairs of t4e-.corporiiri»n shall be ndprofessor and demanded that he- be . HA1E : •mirristeTed by a Board of .Directors, conNOTIce'iB hereby given- that on the 22hd slstinc of hot. less thnn two n.or more than discharged. $5.40 $6.75 Hay. of Jnly. 3053, at 10 o'clock A. SL, at fiye In numhieT. .The stockholders shall elect Senator Beveridge, historian, in his the Meeks <Jara«e, 25G2 Lenvenwnrth Directors nt the annBal meeting to lie held 4^0-21 Street.-OTnaha, Nebraska, the undersigned fin the second Slonday.in ilav of each year. 5^5-18 manuscript on the Declaration of In- Union of German Jews will sell for enfeta. ..., . ' Thereafter, the Direct»rs shnll elect the ofdependence says that the Declaration Dissolved ONE 1929 BUICK SEDAN -viz.. President.- VH^President. Sec$5.66 •was written in a house kept by a man Berlin.—The branches of -the Cen-Model J»-4t, Motor No. -2-130r>3»; Serial K(i. ficers, retary and Treasurer. With the consent in covered by a chattel mortRage-in "orritinK or pursuant to a vote of the nnanamed Gratz (father of Rebecca tral Union of German Jews have 2310+83, 4.7&-19 Lnvor of • the Cnitefl Financial Service, a iorfty of the outstanding stock, the Direc5.50-19 Gratz, who was supposed to be model been dissolved all over Thuringia, corporation, signed t y ; Harry -IC'Howell tors shall hat* authority to sell, lease, exand Mnwraret Ho-well; that saia mortgngifor Rowena in Ivanhoe). - But the following an order issued by: jthe is dated December 23. J930 and as reeord«ed change, assign, transfer and convey or oth$8.50 dispose of the whole of the property Jewish Historical Socie+y says Gratz Thuringer minister of the interior- in .tie office of the County Clerk of DonR- erwise of the corporation upon such terms and <U>unty. Nebraska. conditions and for snen consideration as to came into possession of house after Jews were prohibited from holding lasSaid GOODYEAR will be for the purpose of fore- them may seem expedient and for thp bosrf Declaration was written. Who "is further meetings, according to the closfaifr sale, saiff mortgage fox the costs of t«i» interests of the corporation. The Articles sale jind all accruing costs, and for the may bp amended nnon the vote of 60 per ALL-WEATHER order. right, Mr. Kohler? ; purpose of satisfyhiE -the 'amount dm1, -ent «af the antstandinc sto*-k at any reg The minister based the : authority •thereon, .namely, $389.58 plus interest; that nlar or special meeting. The corporation Supertwist Cord Tires suit or other proceedings at law haw sh»ll have a senl. An assistant of James Farley, for his edict on article one of the no been instituted to recover saia debt or any 4.40-21 postmaster general of these United president's ordinance "for the pro- part thereof. 5.25-18 Dated April 2,'th. 3933. TTNITED FINANCIAL SERVICE. HAKW.T B. TOKEN States, and one, time Madison Square tection of the nation and the coute : r - ^ By; PHILIP Iff. KLtTTZNlCK, _JL GEEENEERG $6.40 $9.15 Garden magnate, is now promoting « - 2 | > - 3 3 - 3 t . .•,.'.''• • - -•'•'.'••••• I t s A t t o r n e y - 7,-7-33-41. • . .
Book of
t r y . "
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titebennan Bros^ Proprietors
Your Messenger of Jewish ' News
Hokka Chynik
GATHERING Next Monday evening, July 17, Sioux City' Jewry will join in a Memorial meeting for Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, " Zionist leader who was assassinated t y unknown assailants last month in Palestine. | Eulogies for Dr. Arlosoroff will be & major part of the program. Rabbi H. R. Rabihowitz, who'was an intiJnate friend of the Zionist leader, wili • speak. Others who will appear on the ' program will be lit. Mason, Mr. Kap1 Ian, M. Bereskin, H. Mirowitz, and A; Stillnian. The speakers.will,dwell on ijr. Arlosoroff's accomplishments as a leader in the Laborite movement in I?alestine and his work:with the Jewish AgenCy. The program will also center around the work of the Labor movement in Palestine. - . V' >: Popular Jewish National songs will round out 'the program. There will be no admission charge. Everyone is invited and urged to attend. The meeting will begin at 8:30, at the Jewish Community Center, and is being'sponsored by the Poale Zion Branch of the Jewish National Workers Alliance, Number 197.
SUREYA SETTLERS QUOTA REDUCED; LACK NECESSITIES •I Moscow, (J.T.A.)—This year's quota- of settlers for Bureya, the autonomous Jewish region which Soviet Russia is establishing in the Far East, originally fixed for 25,000 and subsequently reduced to 17,000, has now been cut down to 6,800. This drastic cut is not due to any. jack of prospective immigrants, who this year are more numerous than in the part, but to the absence of food supplies and shelter for a larger number of people. .;.' A complete cessation of immigration to Bureva until later /in the year has been ordered. It is hopeJ that'conditions will improve. later in the year and permit the resumption of the colonization program!. '...'. .] The cental committee charged witt. the development of the region, scolds local organizations throughout Rus«a for their bad selection of settlers, in "•'a.statement announcing the stoppage of immigration. It charges, iheni with sending the most unsuitable people without sufficient clothing' or ' training to fend for themselves, and threatens severe action against those responsible for this state of affair?.
Sunsets are always prettiest in the evening, you can't swim in a poolhall, and the current rumor that' has'local tongue-'waggers going- crazy1, concerning a certain young lady is anything but true. ; [•'•[" '. Lucy W. is in town, and is Freddie happy? hot to mention sleepy, and is Harold B. of Omaha outside .looking; in, this week. (See page 67.) . This week we choose for our sermon the timely subject, ^'After 12 Bottles of 3.2, Then What?" or maybe we should sing a song, but before we forget it we want to get something off our mind that's, been bothering us for a\ long time. We therefore nominate for the "Hall of ..Shamed the four people who repeatedly keep telling us not to put their name in the column. If they only knew how; little their names really mean to the readers of this column, they'd quit worrying. JNews of the day . . . Red Wagon with Westrope up,, won the fifth at Arlington and J. S. too k down $1,160.00 . . . The Coroner, the Kutchers and the fish are spending a quiet week at the Minnesota lakes with Bob K. . . . Three most winsome young ladies who'll soon be going places in a big way, the two Baker sisters an.J the youngest Rocklin . . .Mary and Iz back from their honeymoon . . . John Lansburg's phone bill runs into three figures every month . . . You can't break 90 from watching Bobby Jones in the movies . . . and if something doesn't happen pretty soon there won't be anything to write about. .
ODE TO AB The fact that our friend, Kosher Ab Is now on his vacation, And to the jibes and razz we send Can make no retaliation, The time we feel Is most ideal : To remind you just once more . That anything you ever did . To us was just a bore. *. ; . , .
Ice Cream Social: ; • fen? Next Sunday
The annual Ice Cream' Social;'sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion synagogue, will /be. held next Sunday afternoon. The social will, begin at 2:30 in the afternoon and continue, throughout the-day and evening. •••"•'" ~Ice cream, drinks, sandwiches, anrl cake will be served in the social hall and on the. lawn of the synagogue. ; Mrs. David Mazor is in charge- 6f the affair. Assisting her are Mrs. Dave Ginsberg, Mrs. Max Friedman, Mrs. A. I. Schwartz,. Mrs. Ike H. Levine, Mrs, Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. Victor MaPeasants Arrested for Attacks rie, Mrs. L. A. Baron, Mrs. L. RLvov, Poland.—Twenty-eight Uk- Sinikin and Mrs. Erichel Barish. rainian peasants ara under arrest in Members of the synagogue and their the Siryj district as a result of a friends are invited to attend the social.
Society News Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Maisel, of the marriage of their cousin, Dr. Jacob Lande, to Miss Ann Smith of. Milwaukee, Wis. The wedding took place at Waukegan, 111. , . Dr. and Mrs. Lande sailed for Europe on July 9. Dr. Lande will study in Vienna, during his stay abroad.
Istambiil (J. T. A.).—The Persian foreign minister, Mohammed Ali Firughi Khan, during a visit here, stated, that there is no anti-Semitism in Persia, in an interview with a representative' of the Jewish Tele- Miss Helen Friedman, who has graphic Agency. chosen August 6, as the date of her In accordance with the Persian marriage to David Brodkey, will be constitution, there is no difference feted at a luncheon shower on July 16 made between Persian- citizens, irre- by Miss Sally Ginsburg and Miss Eva spective of their race or religion, the Lipton. foreign minister stated. The Jews in Persia enjoy all rights granted Dr. and Mrs.' J. M.: Krigsten have to.the citizens of the country; they had as their guests this week Mr. and live in absolute security, and play Mrs. Max Cohen; Paula and Albert an important and useful part in the Cohen, and Mrs. Rose Cohen, of Chi••'-••[.'••:• economic life of Persia. They en- c a g o , 1 1 1 . oy complete freedom in their national and religious life, in which the Miss- Elizabeth Raskin and Miss government does not interfere in the Bess Lipshutz departed yesterday for slightest. There are Jewish schools a boat trip on the Great Lakes, after in our country, Jewish national or- which they will spend a week visiting ganizations and Jewish religious com- with friends in Chicago. munities. "I authorize the J.T.A.," he said, Miss Frances Raskin departed yes"to state officially in my own name terday for an extended stay in Chiand the name of the Persian gov- cago and Deetroit. ernment that anti-Semitism never existed in modern Persia, does not? ex- Misses Ida and Ruth Feldman and ist now and will never be aroused Miss Ruth Grueskin are spending two here. Any rumors that have been weeks in Chicago, where they will visit spread about persecution of Jews ia with friends and attend the World Fair. In Chicago they will meet Miss Persia are entirely unfounded. Feldman of New York, who will "I should like to disperse any Rose accompany them to Sioux City for a wrong impressions which Jewish and visit. other public opinion may have gathered about the Jews in Persia and Mrs. Jeffrey Straus of Phoenix, the; attitude of the government to Ariz,, arrived in the city recently to them, particularly in respect of the visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. execution of Mr. Haim, a former A. M. Herzoff. Mrs. Straus is spendJewish deputy in the Persian Parlia- ing- this week with Mrs. Abe Walenment. Any people may .have great sky in Minneapolis, and will return to men and may have rogues, and to Sioux City before: departing for her say because a rogue was punished home. that a whole people;, is being pearse^ cuted, is wrong/' .. Mrs. Ida Friedman and children have The fact is* th« foreign minister departed for San Antonio, Texas, to said,. that Haim was executed, to- visit with relatives.,•.;••• . gether .with several. Persian Moslems, who,-.faced the same charge as he Jack Cohen, Louis Kutcher, Bill did, of high treason to the state, and Kutcher;: Dr. • William Krigsten, and that proves that. there was,, no. dis- Bob: Kroloff are spending this. week crimination against him as^ a Jaw. in Canada, on a fishing trip. "We sentenced Haim,-the-traitor, not Haim, rthe Jew. . , _; Mr. and Mrs. Mae Lazere and chil"The attitude of the Persian gov- dren are in Minneapolis, visiting with ernment and of the Persian people relatives. v.-.w c, to the Jews continues to be the very best/'-: ;• -, . , -. .-.,.,;: . Mrs. J. Jacobson and Abe Jacobson, spent thi£ weefc in Chicago, visiting with relative* and attend the World Fair.
Henry Ginsbnrg has departed for Milwaukee for a visit with Rabbi S. Manesewitch; formerly of Sioux City. Before returning home, he will stop in Chicago to visit the World- Fair. •;• -
Sioux City Zionists will vote for American delegates to the World Zionist Congress, on or befdre : Sunday, July 16, at the Jewish Community .Center. The local electionwill be held under the auspices of the Zionist organization. Similar elections 'Will be held simultaneously throughout the country. Every Shekel holder will be eligible to vote. .The list of candidates will be available at the Community Center office. : -.'-'. ".~. Every member of the Junior or Senior Hadassah, Poale Zion, or Zionist organization ia urged to cast his or her vote' on. .or before July 16.
Sol Lansberg and Mr. Max Ginsberg are visiting in'Fresno, California. Mr. and Mrs. I. Menin entertained at a dinner Sunday afternoon, honoring Mrs". R. S. Rbsenblum, who are guests in the city; " \ Mr. and Mrs. JL E. Milder, Albert Steinberg, and Miss; Lucille Gpldenberg, of Omaha- ,spent last : Sunday in Sioux'.City., ..-;.: ;•.•.";.;'.•':. ; v..T,i;.'}:...; .Mr. and Mrs. Eli Robinow are visiting with relatives in Minneapolis this w
' • " • • ' . ' • • ' '
. • •
" ^
-—A Safe Place to Bring the Kiddies—
AETNA-IZE All Kinds of Insurance
Leonard Barricks 435 Ins. Exch. BIdg. J A. 85210
Miss Sadie Shulkin has returned home after visiting, with relatives in St. Louis.
Cool Off!!-
c o o
10c 11 A. SI. (o S P . M.
- Miss Deborah Silver has Teturned home after visiting with friends in Tracy, Minnesota. -.._- •. .
Wed., Sat. & Sun. NITES
JOB1OUROW SATDRDAX Starts at 11:59 P. 51. Tiro and one-half boar show! No pictures. A NIGHT AT THE FOIXIE8 HBRGEUE. One performance only. A U SEATS HESEKVEDt COc PlnsVTax No Children Admitted
Midnite Frolic
Ea. 2.95
Fish Poles Fish Line Reels .„_. .. ED'S
10c 10c ..59c up
"Central Airport"
Don't let the heat get you I Come to Beautiful Cool CRYSTAL • LAKE
Thrilling Drama of the Skies —PLUS—
'Be Mine Tonight' 500 Jackson St.
Phone 56595
CRYSTAL LAKE Swimming Dancing Fishing Golf
Ten Minutes from Sioux City
"Sioux City's Summer Playground"
Beautiful New Dance Floor Pleasant Surroundings Good Music ; Enjoy Our Table Service Without Cover Charge We Have YOUR FAVORITE BEER
Mrs. Daniel Rubinoff and Miss Marcia Rubinoff of Boston, Mass., are
The Biggest ALL-FLESH Musical Extravaganza Ever . .i Presented in Sioux City I 69 PEOPLE
• ' • •
For the first time in^many seasons the popular Marcus Show will be seen in Sioux City when the hig troupe comes to the Orpheum for an entire. week commencing Saturday, July 15. Three productions, each different from the other, will be presented during the seven-day run. For the firstfour days, "La Vive Paree" will ber shown. For the last three days, commencing Wednesday, July 19, "Broad- • way Merry-Go-Round" will be staked.Both will be shown in conjunction with a fine screen program. A big special midnight show will be.offered Saturday, July 15, when the Marcus Show will present a two and one-half hour night club halequinade, "A night at the Follies Bergere.'^AU seats will be reserved for the midnight show. Prices are 50 cents plus tax.
Lik-U-Wanta Beach .
Adorable Giris Adorn • LOCAL ZIONISTS TO Famous Marcus Show. : VOTE FOR DELEGATES
Mrs. Edward Jacobsod has returned home after visiting with her parents Mrs. David L. Rodin, general chairin Chicago. man of the Hadassah Picnic scheduled .London, (J.T.A.)—The gruesome for Sunday afternoon and evening of details of how German-Jewish refa-. Mis3 Totka Epstein of Brooklyn, N. July 23, has named the various com- gees have been lured back to Germany, Y., is a guest at the home of Mr. and mittees' who will assist with arrange- with the promise of freedom and then, Mrs. T. Epstein. Miss Epstein has just ments for the picnic. arrested and sentenced to terms in' returned from a visit with her uncle, Mrs. Sam Mosow is in charge of the prisons or concentration camps upon Dr. E. C. Epstein, in Los Angeles. cafeteria booth that will be open dur- their return were related in the Man-. ing the day. Assisting her are Mrs. A. Chester Guardian. Miss Frances Jacobson has returned Slntsky, Mrs. A. W. Kaplan, Mrs. The newspaper stated further that home after visiting for several days Philip Sherman and Mrs. t5am Lip- leaders in th2 fur business in London with friends in Omaha. man. are greatly perturbed over the Nazis' Mrs. M. Lazriowich, Mrs. A. Slut- treatment of German-Jewish fur Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sacks announce sky, and Mrs. Sam Shulkin are in traders who escaped to England, Parthe birth of a son on June 28. charge of the cake booth.; is and Warsaw from Leipzig. A few Mrs. R. H. Emlein and Mrs. Charles weeks ago these refugees received ofMr. and Mrs. Herman Shiloff, 2415 Raskin head the committee in charge fers from Nazi headquarters in Ber-. Pierce Street, announce the birth of a of the meats. lin to return to Leipzig, \vhere they daughter on July 3, at the Lutheran The raffles are under the direc- were promised freedom from molestaHospital. tion of Mrs. B. Schindler and Mrs. tion and help in their efforts to reEnchel Barish. store equilibrium to the dilapidated Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lefkovich anPrizes are tinder the. supervision of German fur trade. Many accepted nounce the birth of a son. Mrs. Emlein and Mrs. Max Haligman. the "kind" offer of the Nazis and r e Mn A. W. Kaplan and Mr. M. Laz- turned, whereupon they were immedi-. Word has been received here of the riowich are in charge of the trans- ately clapped into jail after being birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. portation arrangements. sentenced to long terms of imprisonHarry Gladstein of Muscatine, Iowa. Mr. Joe Singer is in charge of the ment. They were charged with orMrs. Gladstein is the former Shirley program of sports, games, and con- ganizing their industry outsiij of Harkoway. tests. • . . . . . ' . ,... .,„,-.. Germany. Mrs.- Louis Agranoff -ia publicity As a result of this brutal treatment Myron Heeger, son of Mr. and Mrs. chairman for the picnic Plans have of German-Jewish fur merchants • Louis Heeger, celebrated his Bar Mitz- been made for a complete program of conflict is looming between far tradvah"-.at-the Tiphereth Israel synagogue sports, g a m e s and entertainment ers elsewhere a i«I the Hitler governlast Saturday morning. throughout the day. There will be no ment. / admission charge. The picnic will be Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein have re- held in Riverview park. —Shop from our Service Guide— turned home after visiting, in Chieago. During their stay there. Mr. arid-Mrs. Junior Hadassah Emlein attended the Zionist convenMembers of the Junior Hadassah The Methodist tion and the Hadassah convention. held their July meeting at Riverview park, Wednesday evening. Hospital Harold Emlein will arrive in the city Swimming and tennis preceded a 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. Monday from Canton, N. J., to visit picnic supper. The committee in Auto Phone 8 3567 Laze* Kaplan and Leo, Nogg of with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; R. H. charge included Saretta Krigsten, Ida G. T. NOTSON. D. D., Supt. Omaha-were week-end guests in Sioux Emlein. Mr. Emlein is associated with Cohen, Roma Wigodsky, Rose Pill, the R. C. A. company of Canton. He Frances Jacobson, and Rose Reznick. City. -\--'.•• ' . ^ r > . •• . . - . : will spend ten days here. Ben Marx of • Dea Moines visited with friends in Sioux City last weekTAKE A MOONLIGHT EXCURSION Cantors Visit Here end.--:- ...- . ':.:..••.. V:".-.f.- •....: -.-.-:. . , : On the Beautiful Soo River Aboard the New Sioux Cityans were privileged to Mr. and Mrs. M. Baird and Miss hear two concerts by the Lind QuarFRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Rose Benick were guests at the home tet; consisting of a father and his s Riverside 9 P. M.—rGrnbbcs Tark 10 P. M.—Stone Park 11 P. M. of Mr, and Mrs. J,,Bird r 816 West three sons, Cantor Joshua Lirid, MaurDANCING—25c—Every Kite—25c—REFRESHMENTS Fifth Street rie, David, and Pinchikel Lind. Tuesday evening the quartet offered Al Appelang of New Y_ork City is a half hour program of Hebrew melin the city this week, visiting with Ms odies over Station KSCJ, and on Wedparents, Mr. and Mr& Morris Appel- nesday evening they were heard in a ang. pleasing program of songs and recitations at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Ruth JacoJbson is in Chicago, visiting with friends and attending the Our advertisers solicit your paWorld Fair. ; . tronage.
',. Vienna,. (J.T,A.)^-A Hitlerite move to organize Ukrainian minorities everywhere-against the Jews is charged in the Vienna press which declares that anti-Semitic rioting in the city of Czernowitz was carried on by Ukrainians instigated and led by Germans. More than a hundred Jews series of attacks throughout the diswere injured, several seriously, when trict in the last few day* on Jewish Prejudice is the child of ignorance. several hundred rioters looted Czerni residents in a s<*ore of hamlets. —Hazlitt. owitz Jewish shops and attacked Jewish pedestrians, necessitating the calling of troops to restore order. SIOUX CITY'S SUMMER PLAYGROUND The disorders, first attributed. to followers of Professor Alexander Cuza, notorious Roumanian antiSemitic leader, are really of a more serious character, Vienna newspapers assert, since they reveal a Hitleron CRYSTAL LAKE ite program to organize the Ukrainians against the Jews by promising Mrs. William Heshelow and Miss Ida 'Swimming Fishing support to the movement for Ukrain- Heshelow have returned home from Minneapolis, where they visited with ian independence. , Refreshments Picnic Grounds friends.
visiting in Sioux City, with the former's daughter, Mrs. Morris Sperling. A number of . social courtesies have been extended them during their visit.
Those attending last show Saturday night may remain for the big midnight show FREEI
Organlogue—Late Newa
You'll find that the water is great! Fishing is good! If you enjoy golfing or dancing you'll Eke Crystal Lake too!