Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
HEBREW WITH HAT OFF! Abraham Goldberg, who posesses a facility at handling ,.+'—j*'""1, languages—Hebrew, Yiddish'-, •& English —that few can match', \1j£*T at the Zionist convention in C,|~'%.\ and :while there was invited %'SK some Chicago group to deliver !,?-Ttg 'ress. Goldberg spoke in Hebrew to ?• A "How did they like i t ? \ s . ked Goldberg. *"£\ \ "They liked it— that is;«^L -'& fcne individual, who wanted V.':^ V :why I had presumed to Hebrew with my hat off."
Knleied as Secon<l-d>am» Mall Mattel on January 27, lino., ai Post office nt Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879
United States to Have 17 Delegates to Zionist Congress London, (J.T.A.)—More than 279 delegates will be in attendance when the Eighteenth World Zionist Congress is convened in Prague next month, it was learned today. The United States, which in previous years was represented by a large delegation, based on the number entitled to representation, this year will have only 17 delegates, it was learned. This compares to 126 for Poland and Galicia, and 49 for Palestine. What the party line-up will be at the Congress cannot yet be foretold, as the elections in a majority of the countries remain to be held during the coming week. • One General Zionist was elected in Italy, according to results made known today. Tfci Austrian eelction resulted in the choice of two General Zionists, one Poale Zionist (labor group), one representative of the Grossman faction of the Zionist Revisionist group and possibly also one representative of the Jabotinsky Zionist Eevisionists. Three General Zionists, seven Labor group delegates, three Mizarchi (Orthodox Zionists) and two Jabotinsky representatives were elected in West Galicia.
FINANCIAL STATUS OF JEWISH AGENCY IS "DISTRESSING" Israel Brodie Reports, However, That Palestine Generally Is Relatively Prosperous
7olumbiaw*resident Predicts Collapse of Hitler Regime Nicholas Murray Butler, President >f Columbia University, no his arrival from Europe yesterday, expressed bewilderment over the methods of persecution the Hitler government is employing against the German Jews. 'Why, there are in all Germany only one-third of the Jewish population of New York," Professor Butler stated to a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. "In all Germany there are 600,000 Jews while New York alone has 1,800,000, and we are not so badly off with them." While abroad Professor Butler did not visit Germany, but he spoke with a number of German leaders and Reichstag deputies who had escaped from Germany and settled in Paris or London. r "I saw the suffering of the German Jewish intellectuals in refuge," President Butler said, "they are going through a hard time indeed. But they are all coiiyinced that their present privations are of a temporary nature, and jthat the Hitler regime in Germanjr is bound to fall through before lo ig." "I have a nt nher of friends among those Gen jan Jewish intellectuals, many of srhom are famous scholars who are \ now compelled to look for a palce i here they can continue their work.' When asked aoout the plan of American professors to create positions in this country for the expelled scientists through a University in Exile, Dr. Butler replied that because of his absence from this country he does not know much about it, and that he will acquaint himself with that project as soon as possible.
GOLF TOURNAMENT FAVORITES WIN IN THE FIRST ROUND Scores Close in AH Flights; Second Round to End Sunday
Omaha, We Thank You May I take this opportunity to thank you for your splendid cooperation in providing housing for the out-of-town visitors to the 10th annual International A. Z. A. convention which was held in Omaha on July 9, 10th and 11th. The hospitality accorded these visitors will long be. remembered by the members of this order. (Signed) WILLIAM WOLFE, General Chairman.
IX—No. 25
LABORITE TICKET LEADS IN ZION CONGRESS POLL Incomplete Results Give Poale Zion Lead in Large Cities
(J. T. A.)—A clear majority for the Poale Zion-Zeire Zion ticket for dele"It reminds me," says Goldberg, gates to the World Zionist Congres3 "of an incident that they say hapat Prague next month seemed likely pened in Palestine." yesterday on the basis of incomplete returns in the nation-wide balloting "It was Shabbos, and a Jew there which was held Sunday. ytaa walking along the streets of Tel Aviv, smoking gaily. • On this basis, the Laborite group would name helf of the delegation to "An observing Jew happend to the Congress. According to cable adsee him. The idea of a eJw smoking. vices from London, the United States in Palestine on Shabbos infuriated is entitled to 17 delegates. Funds to him. . cover Shekel payments, however, are "Trafnak," he explained, wark to be transmitted to London immediaveckdehv cigar." (Scoundrel, throw ately, the Zionist offices here declared away your cigar.) New^York (J. T. A.).—A call for yesterday, and on the basis of these "Daber Ivrith" (Speak Hebrew) the formation of a central thinking payments, America will be entitled to replied the smoker walking on. (He and- planning agency to save the 30-32 delegates. was indignant at a Jew in Palestine Jewish community of America from Out of some 14,000 votes counted, speaking Yiddish.) the chaos which now threatens it, is the Laborite ticket, which was Numsounded in a statement made by ber 2 on the ballot, was credited with CONTENDING WITH THE Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Cleve- 7,331. In New York, the Labor ticket LORD land. received 2,083 votes out of a total of As a youth, I recall being very The past year, says Rabbi Gold- 5,374. In Cleveland, the Laborites remuch impressed by some of the man, has revealed how haphazard our ceived 251 of the 419 counted. The journeying Magiddim, who chanted organization of community life is; Labor ticket also won large majorities not only complaints, but something that our leaders . are tired, impa- in Boston, Philadelphia, "Chicago, Bufof rebukes to God for having caused tient, quarrelsome, effete and inade- falo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and DeIsrael to suffer so. quate; that our economy is faced troit. In that connection, there has just with bankruptcy and our communal Z. O. A.-Hadassah Ticket Second come . out a volume, containing a enterprises with disintegration. Ticket Number One, coalition slate number of Chassidic prayers, which The present situation in Jewish of the Zionist Organization of Amertouch on the same note. They are life in this country, Rabbi Goldman ica, Hadassah Organization and Order rather refreshing. After all, man says, is due to the fact that there Sons of Zion, received 2,804 votes has a kick in this universe too. Axe is no organized community. "There throughout the country. The Mizrachi we not all more or less invited guests Nazi Persecution of Jews Leads is no organization in the country ticket, which was Number Three, reon the globe, come here not of any Puerto Accept Jewish that is either representative of, or ceived 2,582 votes. Tickets Number volition of our own? Jewish Faith has a program for the four million Five and Six, on which the JabotinLet me quote a translation of one : sky and the Grossman Revisionists Jews of America," he asserts. of these Chassidic prayers. London (J.T.A.) — The National "The havoc the depression has r a n » received 802 and 374 votes, re"Good morning, Master of the UniSocialists' persecution of Jews in wrought should make clear to us the spectively. verse. • futility of our present efforts. With- ;Everywhere the adherents of the I. Levi-Yitzhok of Berditschef, have Germany has made Lord Alfred Melchett an of ficial convert to-the Jewout social engineering and efficiency General Zionist Organization seem to come to 'hold ish religion. In a quiet service in a we cannct extricate ourselves from have deserted their own ticket and to Judgment with you concerning Youri small synagogue in North London, the morass into which We have sunk. have voted for the Laborites in order people, Israel. Lord Alfred was inducted into the But social engineering and efficiency to show their resentment at the coWhat have you against Israel? faith of Judaism, according to an Max Fromkin Stresses World are improbable as long as there is alition agreement between the GenWhy have you imposed Yourself up- account published, in the Star. Zionists and the Hadassah, which Problems Facing no Jewish Community." I on your people Israel? For several weeks, it was learned, Jews Everywhere you say, "Command the Lord Alfred had prepared; for his As an example of the d i s o r g a n i z e d ^ the lattei• organization half the Children of Israel" state of Jewish life, Rabbi Goldman j P ] a c e s o n t h e t l A e t ceremony. Before one of the largest crowds a Everywhere—"Speak tq the children cites the. fact that neither his hi .own The first Lord Melchett, father of sembled in recent months, the incom-" o f Israel!'-.,'. .'/."••. •:,."-'..-. ^.._^.;.-. plan nor those proposed by Judge e^ present>bearer. of the title, :spent ing officers—of the Omaha HebrewHorace-Btenr- of -Philadelphia,"H. Lthe" latter part of his life in ardent • " Society dub were installed Sunday at the The, Russians-^-what udo they say? •advocacy of Zionism and was buried Lurie, director of the bureau of JewJewish Community Center. Irvin StalThat their Emperor is ^Master. ish Social Research of New York, according to the rites of the Jewish Mrs. S. Barson will head the Lamaster officiated at the installation. The Germans—what do I they say ? faith. Tel Mond, in Palestine, is and Samuel Goldsmith, director of dies Free Loan Society for the comThe newly installed officers are N. That their Kaiser is ruler. v the Chicago Jewish Charities, could the physical symbol of the Melchett S. Yaffe, president; Dr. A. Steinberg, Speakers Laud Work of Pioneer be submitted to any one in partic- ing term as the result of the anfamily's interest in Zionism. Workers of the nual election of officers held on vice-president; John Feldman, treasBut I, Levi Yitzhok of Berditschef; ular. The present Lord Melchett, whose June 7th at the Jewish Community Homeland urer, and Sol Ro&snberg, secretary. Rabbi Goldman points to the finan- Center. Other officers elected are, mother was a Gentile, was brought The executive committee is composed "Magnified and sanctified be. the up as a Gentile and married a cial downfall of the Jews in this Mrs. S. Epstein, vicepi-esident; Mrs. of Max Fromkin, Morris Minkin and A capacity crowd filled the B'nai Great Name." Gentile. He has maintained his faMark Long. Trustees fcr the coming Brith lodge room of the Jewish Com- country; to the fact that synagogues Sam Rosenstein, second vice presither's interest in the Holy Land and term are Barney Feltman, L. Morgan munity Center to pay tribute to the that have enjoyed national reputa- dent; Mrs. L. Adler, Ti-easurer; Mrs. It seems to me, that this conten- has partaken in English - Jewry's tions for decades are now disinte- S. Janowsky, Loan Secretary; Mrs. and A. Richards. memory of the Zionist leaders, Dr. grating, as an example of the J. Weiner, Finance Secretary; and tiousness with God, that these pray- protest against persecutions in GerThe main address of the day was Theodore Herzl and Dr. Chaim Arlosers are far from being blasphemous many. He has been a leader in the An elaborate program featuring the changes taking place due to the de- Mrs. J. Miller, recording secretary. and reveal the warm conception of boycott agitation and it was through celebrated - composer and poet, Sol- delivered by Max Fromkin, in which aroff, in a memorial service held Sun- pression. Sixty per cent, he asserts, The following trustees were electstressed the importance of a united day, July 16th. God that. Jews have. ; his efforts that the world confer- omon Small, has been .prepared for he have either been foreclosed or owe ed: Mrs. L. Rubenstein and Mrs. Jewish front to combat the anti-SemThe meeting,was presided over by their existence to Christian bankers. Lena Bleicher. The Hospital ComThey felt so near to God, that ence on the boycotting of Germany members and guests of the Omaha like any good friend they could give has been called. Hebrew club for this Sunday by the itic forces the world over. "The recent Morris Minkin. Speeches were deliv- Rabbis' salaries have been cut in half mittee consists of Mrs. Lipsey and . . - ' him a caling down. And yet Christcommittee consisting of John Feld- persecutions in Germany have taught ered both in Jewish and in English. and some have not been paid for Mrs. Ban. ian theologians tell us that the Jewman chairman, Morris Minkin, Ben us the importance cf unity in com- I. Morganstern speaking in Jewish, months. Scores of Hebrsw teachers ish concept of God was too distant, Kazlowsky, Albert Kaplan and Dr. A. bating such outrages," said Mr. From- paid tribute to Herzl. "They thought are receiving no salaries; one comlacking the warmth of the Christ Steinberg. The program will take kin. "We can obtain this unity only the young Herzl was visionary"; munity closed its schools for three concept. place instead of the regular business through such organizations which fos- "They believed that nothing he p months; another dismissed teachers The debate team of the A, Z. A. ter the spirit of Judaism. The Omaha An unusual scene for present-day meeting. Mr. Small will render some Hebrew club is doing its share nobly dieted or worked for could be possible. employed by it for ten years; the No. 1 was declared winner in the final THE AUTOGRAPHYet, today we find that which was of his own compositions. He is widely Germany was enacted recently in through its extensive activities in the believed impossible has come to pass. theological seminaries have fabulous round of the Senior Council debate HUNTER the city of Freiburg, Baden, near the known for his melodies and lyrics. communal affairs," he continued. Herzl forsaw the dangers facing the deficits and teachers' institutions have tournament by defeating the Xi LambA good story is being told of a border of Switzerland, when the fac Nathan S. Yaf f e, newly elected presA program of entertainment followJews the world over, and that is one been budgeted out of existence. Jew- da team. The winning team is comyoung autograph hunter who kept ulty of Freiburg University, joined ident of the organization, urges all to ed. Vocal selections were rendered by of the reasons why he understood ish literati are starving and the Yid- posed of Ben Shrier and Ernie Priespestering Mischa Elman with re- by students, took part in a celebra- attend. The public is invited. man and was given the decision over Cantor Sellz. Dr. I. Dansky gave some clearly the need of a Jewish home- dish theater is breathing its last. tion in honor of the sixtieth birthquests for an autograph. Irvin Wezelman and Ralph Nogg. Yiddish readings. Refreshments were land." He came once—and Mischa El- day of Professor Alfred Loewy. The question of the contest was served. Discussing Dr. Arlosaroff, Mr. MorThe university hall was specially man signed. Again, and Mischa "Resolved, that a Hebrew Secular Uniganstem said he was convinced his Elman signed, and When he came decorated in his honor and he was versity should be established in the assasination was done by Arabian terhighy praised in speeches by his a third time, Elman was just plain Un'i?cJ States." The winning team will rorists, who sought, by the act ,to colleagues and pupils. Professor Lo- O t a w a , (J. T. A.) indignant. Canadian bepresented with the Irvin Stalmaster frighten the Jews from their purpose ewy, a mathematician of note, and "I have given you two autographs Young Judaea, which is the Zionist debate trophy. in regaining: a homeland in Palestine. JERUSALEM—(J.T.A.)—An elabalready," said Elman. "What do you an author of several books on ma- Youth Movement in Canada, will The following alumnae of the chapPhillip M. Klutznick spoke in Eng- orate proposal for the establishment thematics and money, has been since hold its ninth national convention want with a third?" ter were presented with life memberlish, lauding Herzl and Arlosaroff as 1908 a member of the Chief Council I of a biological station and aquarium 'Well, mister," said the boy, there's in Ottawa over Labor Day weekship cards. Hy Goodbinder, Art GrossAbraham Monsky, 74 passed away leaders of their time and worthy to in Palestine to study the fauna of the a kid in town who will trade me of Israelites of Baden. He has long end, Sept. 2 to 4. The organization man, Milton Frohm, Sol Tuchman, be looked upon as great men who have been active in the Jewish communMediterranean, has been offered here Thursday morning at 5:00 a.m., at his one Heifetz for three Elmans." comprises 176 clubs in 43 cities and ity of Freiburg. by Dr. Walter Steinitz. According to Sam Garrop, Bill Sokoloff and Irvin residence, 129 No. .30th St. of a heart done much for their people. has more than 3,000 members. Morris Minkin ,speaking in Jewish. his plan, studies would be conducted Wezelman. JUST A FORMER One of the most promising features ailment after a four weeks' illness. said that the deaths of Herzl and at the institution and courses of lec- Bill to Abolish Separate Jewish COUSIN of the Canadian Young Judaea move- Funeral services were conducted from While waiting around for the conment, in the eyes of older persons, is the residence with burial oa the Beth Arlosarcff were the greatest blows to tures given there. The Hebrew univer- Electoral College modern Jewry, but that the effect of sity and the city of Tel-Aviv are revening of the Senate Committee the the jiart its graduates are taking in Hamedrosh Hogodel Cemetery. the work of these two men would go ported as favorable to the project. Salonica.—Deputies Daniel Allalouf other day, Otto Kahn told this one active Zionist work. This year alone Surviving him is his wife, Bessie; on and on. and Isaac Molho, who were elected on himself: over 20 clubs have graduated into two daughters, Mrs. H. J. Goldstein The Thorpian Athletic club will in the general elections this month Solomon Small sang various scngs "I was-driving through the lower hold their annual picnic on Sunday, the ranks of the senior Zionists. of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. William of his own during the evening. Cantor Boycott by the Jewish Electoral college in SaEast Side one day when I saw a July 23, at Linoma beach. The outLazire of Sioux City, la.; six sons, D. Abraham Schwaczkin sang the tradiHarbin.- -The Jewish population of lonica as TDaldarist candidates, arc large sign reading "Samuel Kahn, ing this year will be a couple affair. R. Greenblatt, Harry Gresnblatt, Hen- tional memorial prayer for the dead. Harbin is daily growing more angry to submit to the Chamber a bill to cousin of Otto Kahn." ry Monsky, Phil Monsky, and Mayer The committee in charge, consisting Results of the balloting for election with the policy of Hitler in Ger- abolish the separate Electoral College "I immediately called up my law- of Irvin Levin, chairman, Dave Cohn, Monsky, all of Omaha, and Sam of delegates to the eighteenth annual many. Almost all large importing for the Jews of Salcnica. yer, a very _ high-priced gentleman, S a m Zwe iback, and Morris Feldman, Greenblatt of New York, N. Y. The separate Jewish Electoral Co?~ World Zionist oCngress showed an firms in the town have ordered their and told him Jto have. the sign have arranged an elaborate program Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—An anti-SemMr. Monsky has been a resident of overwhelming majority for the La- correspondents in Germany to refuse lege was established in order to segchanged, sparing no expense. Later, to last all day. further business with that country regate the Jewish \-oters and prevent itic, anti-German Polish Fascist par- Omaha for the past 48 years. He has borites. I was notified that he had arranged and request manufacturers not to them influencing the clause of the ty has been formed in Kattowitz. The feature event of the day will partaken in Jevish communal affairs it. send samples as they have not the elections in the whole of the Salonika, be the ladies' and men's baseball Wearing pink .shirts and replacing since his arrival m Omaha. He is "A few days later I drove by the game. Races, swimming, and boating the swastika with a sigzag emblem, one of the founders of the Omaha Heslightest intention of making further constituency, which returns twenls' place again and this is what I saw: are the other events on the program. the newly organized group confines brew Club and WCis affiliated with purchases of German goods. Deputies, and frequently decides th? "Samuel Kahn, formerly cousin of The day will be climaxed by a fried its membership to those of the "Ar- the organization at the time of his fate of the Chamber and the entire Otto Kahn." chicken dinner. About forty couples yan-Slavonic" race. Among the slo death. He was a member of the Beth Government. Lived Through Century gans are "Christians do not bu Hamedrosh Hogodel Synagogue. are expected for this frolic According to present arrangeKAHN MAKES A HIT from Jews," "Poland for Poles." Th< Isadore Oster, well known cantor of Never Rode a Train ments, the Parliamentary .Budget Incidentally, it appears that Kahn Warsaw, (J.T.A.) — Moishe Glik- Commission allocates subsidies to ib^ organization not only opposes Jew New York City, will chant the Friday made a decided hit with the inevening and Saturday morning ser- lick, of Kritchin, a town near Lub- secondary schools in proportion to th? The Pioneer Women Organization but all national minorities. vestigating Senators. vices at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodo! lin, died there at the age oi 125. population of the particular minority. Senator Barkley of Kentucky said are having their five dollar luncheon Berlin Group Opposing Synagogue, 19th and Burt Street. The GLicklich ascribed his longevity te Plans for the Daughters of Zion to him in parting, according to the at Elmwood park on Tuesday, July Prague.—Max Leibermann, notes and Jewish National Fund Workers' services will begin at 8:00 p. in. on the fact that he never rode in a railAnti-Semitism Disbanded 25th. Mrs. Sam Nitz is in charge of newspapers: German Jewish artist and former road train, and habitually urged Friday night and at 8:30 a. m. or. picnic to be held at Hanscom Park Berlin.—The Association for Com "When you retire, Mr. Kahn, the affair. "who desired to live long never president emeritus of the Prusswn The committee planning the affair batting Anti-Semitism, consisting ex- on Sunday, July 9th have been com- Saturday morning. Cantor Oster is others come out and teach in one of our Academy of Art, has decided to acto travel by rail. known throughout the east for his pleted. Refreshments of pop and clusively of non-Jews, dissolved afconsists of Mrs. J. Hahn, Mrs. Sam universities." r cept eAile in France despite his anAt the same time, there is a redramatic tenor voice. He has conlemonade will be served according And Senator Fletcher of Florida Yaffee, Mrs. J. Fellman, Mrs. H. ter existing 42 years. to the committee. All members are ducted services in Chicago during the port from Chelm of the death of vanced age. It is as yet uncertain The association had 535 members; Guss, Mrs. J. Cherney, Mrs. G. Cohn, interposed with: including leading Christians promi- urged by Mrs. J. Goldware, president past week. L. Harris, president of the Serel Gitel Schuchmacher, who lived whether the German government "No, come to Florida and live to be Mrs. J. Ricklin. be 108. No reason for great however, will permit him to leave th' For reservations call Mrs. J. Hahn nent in art, science, literature, com- of the organization, to attend this Congregation ,extends an invitation to to age is indicated. evervone to attend these services. country. Touting. . . * i , , , j merce, industry and otfio* fields. (Continued on Page' 5.) at We. §086.
New York, (J.T.A.)—The distressing financial position of the Jewish Agency must not be forgotten when consideration is given to the present relatively prosperous economic status of Palestine generally, Israel B. Brodie, president, American Economic Committee for Palestine, stated in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. While in London, Mr. Brodie met and conferred with a number of the more important figures in Palestine economic life who had just arrived in London and had found that not only is the employment situation excellent but investment funds had been coming into Palestine from all parts of the world and barring too eager an investment procedure, which may-result in inflation, progress may be expected to continue for some time to come. "On the other hand," Mr. Brodie continued, "insufficient attention is being paid to the ^very difficult position of the Jewish Agency amid quite satisfactory conditions in Palestine. In our pride in the success of many of our efforts in Palestine, we have become unmindful of the obligations of the Jewish Agency and of the inability of the Jewish community in Palestine to bear a larger share of the social burdens than it is - now carrying. Maintenance of public service should keep pace with the economic progress. It is of vital importance that the political and social arm of the Jewish peoplethe Jewish Agency—should be enlarged with the economic expansion of the country. With the increase in population and with the increase in opportunities for employment must go adequate educational, medical and immigration services. Teachers must be paid; more teachers must be employed. Hospital and medical services must be maintained and \ "expanded. In particular, the needs of the cnalutzlm must be provided for. Despite the rapideconomic progress of the country, it is too much to expect of the community that it should shoulder the whole burden of its social needs at this time."
Play in the annual Highland Country club championship tournament was well under way with the first round matches completed. Favorites in the Championship Flight still remained in the running as the result of Sunday's play. The winners in their respective flights are: Championship Flight Julian Milder defeated Lester Simon, 2 and. 1; Richard Hiller won over S. E. Cohen by default; H. Ferer won over Edward Krause by default; Herman Goldstein defeated Leo Nogg, 4 and 2; Marvin Treller defeated Manny Iseman, 3 and 1; J. F. Heyn defeated Sam Leon, 1 up; Harold Farber won over Milton Livingston by default; Abe Brodkey defeated Phil Laserowitz, 7 and 6. President's Flight Bernard Wolf defeated J. H. Kulakofsky, 1 up on 19; Paul Blotcky defeated Homer Binswanger, 1 up; M. E. Handler defeated Lou Somberg, € and 4; Edward Rosen defeated Lou Sogolow, 3 and 1; Al Wohlner won over F. Engel by default; Morris Milder defeated Morris Levey, 3 and 2; Howard Werthemier defeated E. Widman, 4 and 2; Mickey Katleman defeated Phil Klutznick, 2 and 1. Vice-President's Flight Morton Hiller defeated Moe Katleman, 6 and 5; Morris Micklin won over Harry Rubenstein by default; A! Kulakofsky defeated R. Kulakofsky, 3 and 1; Dave.Cohn defeated Ben Danbaum, A and 3; Ed Goldstein defeated Morris Jacobs. 6 and 5; Morris Ferer defeated R. H. Brown, 6 and 4; I. Chapman won over Gene Blazer by default; H. Rosenfeld defeated William Racusin, 2 and 1. Second round matches must be completed by Sunday, July 23, according to George Miller, club professional.
Ladies Free Loan
Hebrew £luh to Stage Program
Jewish Prof essor Honored in Germany
A. Z. A. 1
Young Judaea to Hold Convention Abraham Monsky, 74 Passed Away Thursday at His Home
Thorps to Hold Picnic at Linoma
It's Pink Shirts For Polish Fascists
Pioneer Women
Daughters of Zion
844 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bondarin was panied back by her aunt, Mrs, Fred three daughters, Mrs. Nathan Adler held Tuesday at the Methodist Hos- Schwartz of Chicago, who will spend of Council Bluffs; Mrs .Sam LaderNOTICE OF PROBATE OF WIM. pital in Omaha. Rev. A. Diamond a month here visiting at the home man and Mrs. Tom Frost of St. performed the services as "Mohel". of here brother-in-law and sister, Paul, Minn; and three sons, David In the County Court of Douglas County. and Harry of Council Bluffs and InNebraska. Mrs. Bondarin and son, who hasMr. and Mrs. George Roffman. the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Miss Pearl Bernstein has as herWilliam of Omaha. heen named Aaron, are expected to COHN, Deceased. BY P. R. K. All persons interested in snid estate are THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY house guest, Miss Sylvia Wieseman come home Sunday. notified that a petition has been The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of Omaha, who is spending the week I wish to announce to the Jewish hereby filed in saia Court, praying for the proof the Independent Order of the Mrs. Abe Giliiisky' returned home here. people of Omaha; .that effective Sun- bate of a certtain instrument now on rile said Court, purporting to be the Infct $2.50 J.- B'nai , Brith will hold a meeting Tuesday following a two weeks' vi- Mrs. Etta Cherniss, 75, passed day, July 16, they should—in buyinf in Subscription Price, o n e year - - - - - - - will and testament of said deceased, nml next Monday evening, July 24, at sit in Sioux City, Iowa with her son- away Thursday morning at the Jen-dressed chickens from peddlers and that a hearing will be had on snid Petition, Advertising rates furnished o n application said Court on the 12th day of Augthe Eagles Hall. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.ny Edmunson hospital after a ling- chicken stores-r-see to it that the fowl before ust, 183S, and that if the yfail to / P P e " Philip Sherman. . at said Court on the said 12th day ot ering illness. Funeral services were has a proper seal stamped on it and Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 conducted from the Cutler Funeral has the ticket with the name of the August, the probate of said will, the Court may Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street of the A. Z. A. installed the new Mrs. Louise Nathan of Los An-home of Council Bluffs. allow and probate said will and grant adshochet who killed it. of said estate to fearah Cohn officers at the last meeting, held geles, California, who arrived here Mrs. Cherniss is survived by (Signed) RABBI H. GRODINSKY. ministration or some other suitable person and proceea Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center at the home of David Perlmutter. last Thursday, upon the death of her to a settlement thereof. C R A W p o R D i DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor Harold Miller of Los Angeles, who father, Mr. G. Whitebook, will spend SHOTWEIX, MONSKY, GRODINSKY * CARNAZZO ft XAZIxmSKY, Attorneys 7-21-3t. County Judge. FKANK R. ACKERMAN - - . - , . - - - - - " "• "" B * t 0 * was recently elected Grand Aleph the remainder of the month here. VANCE and HARRY B. COHEN, Attorneys 424 Insurance BIdg. FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent 73? Omaha National Bank Bide. Godol of the A. Z. A., was the prinANN PILL - - • - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION cipal speaker and honored guest. Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: FRADENBCRG. STALMASTER * In the County Court of Douglas County, BGBEBi Attorneys The next meeting of the, local chap- are spending the week visiting in That the undersigned have formed a cor- InNebraska. 650 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldff. the Matter of the Estate of Iincia ter wil he held next Thursday even- Chicago, where they attended the poration Dursunnt to the laws of Nebraska. Aliano, Deceased. The name of the corporation is GENERAL ing, July 27th, at the home of Word's Fair. All persons interested in said estate are THEATRES CORPORATION, with its NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Fitch, and all members and principal place of business in Omaha. Ne- hereby notified that a petition has been Notice is hereby given that Michael J. The definite decision of Professor Albert Einstein to assume Marvin filed in said Court alleging that said debraska. The corporation shall have power advisors are urged to attend. Miss Rose Goldberg of Chicago, and uuthority to own, lease, operate or ceased died leaving no last will and pray- Kenny and Thomus E. Shafer, doing busithe direction of the Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University for administration upon his estate, ness as a co-partnership under the firm Illinois, stopped here for a brief otherwise deal in theatres for the exhibi- ing and fiat a hearing will be had on said pe- name of Kenny and Shafer, have dissolved tion of moving pictures and/or the presenpartnership, and that Michael J. at Jerusalem will be hailed with delight by the friends of the Uni- The "Brith"for the infant son of visit with her sister, Mrs. Paul tation of shows cr performances of any tition before said court on the 5th day of their 1033, ai:d that if they fail to ap- Kennv will continue in the business at Suvalsky, while en route by motor other character and to deal in generally August, versity as well as by lovers of Palestine generally. The associa- FBADENBCRG ST.VLMASTEU & BEBEK, to 3222 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska; pear nt said Court on the said 5th day of contract for generally moving picture Los Angeles, Californio, where and O. T. DOERB. r . M. KLCTZNICK films with reference to the production, dis- August, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest notice is further given that Michael J. tion of this eminet savant with the young institution which holds said petition, the Court may grant the Kenny has nnd agreed to pay nil 6S0 Omaha National Bank Bideshe will visit with friends for thetribution or exhibition of the said moving same and grant administration of said es- outstanding assumed indebtedness of .the said partpicture films. The corporation shall have remainder of the month. so much promise, not only to Palestine, but also to thousands of . the power to own, lease, or otherwise ac- tate to Angelo Piccolo or some other suit- nership of Kenny and Shafer.
Council Bluffs News
Dr. Einstein at the Hebrew University
fluire. and to deal in generally, such real able person Jewish students throughout the world, will give it the prestige Notice is herebySALE and personal property as it may require. thereof. given that on the 12th Miss Ruth Roffman returned home The corporation shall have the power to day of August, 1933. nt ten o'clock A. M. and the standing that any new seat of learning so ardenly cratves. at 2314 Leavenworth Street, Omnha, Xe- Tuesday following a two weeks' vi- borrow money and to issue evidences of in- 7-14-33-3t debtedness therefor. The total authorized liraska, the undersigned will sell at public sit in Chicago where she attended Of course, it is not to be expected that Dr. Einstein will be able to auction capital stock is $30,000.00, all common, p;ir to the highest bidder for cash the the World's Fair. She was accom- value $100.00. being fully paid when isdescribed property, to-wit: give all his time and attention to this Institute, nor is this neces- following sued and non-assegsable. The corporation 1 ivory bed springs & mattress; 1 mahogshall commence business when the Articles any upright Monarch piano. No. 122747 and FRANK R. ACKERMAN, Attorney sary. The Hebrew University is efficiently managed, and in the bench; 1 mahogany vel s cane back davenare filed with the County Clerk of Douglas 490 Brandeis Theatre Bid*. County. Nebraska, and when $1,000.00 of its port: 1 mahogany vel s enne back arm brief period of its existence has evinced considerable influence and rocker; 1 mahogany vel 8 cans b arm capital stock shall have been subscribed NOTICE OF PROBATE O FWIIX 2 metal bridge lamps; 1 mahogany In the County Court of Douglas County, for, and shall continue until May 1st. 1983. usefulness. It has attracted men of high reputation to its various chair; The highest amount of indebtedness shall floor lamp; 1 red smoker; 1 3-panel mirNebraska. ror; 1 ivory vanity dresser and chair; 1 In the Matter of the Estate of BETTY not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. departments and has been a haven for many native and foreign ivory The affairs of the corporation shall be addresser; 1 8-3x10-6 Ax rug; 1 sgle SILVERMAN, Deceased. ministered 'by a Board of Directors, conSimmons bed, springs & mattress; 2 students. The connection %with its faculty of the greatest physi- bro AH persons interested in said estate are sisting of not less than two nor more than Ax throw rugs; 1 metal bridge lamp: 1 hereby notified that a petition has been five in nnmber. The stockholders shall 3-panel mirror; 1 wal bnffet; 1 wal dining cist of our times will still further enhance its reputation and give table: C wal lea s diners; 1 bro iron day- filed in said Court, praying for the probate elect Directors nt the annual meeting to be of a certain instrument now on file in said held on the second Monday in May of each & pad; 1 wal cabinet S-tube elec Ma- Court, purporting to be the last will and it a still loftier position among the learned organizations of the bed jestic radio comp; 1 8-3x10-0 Ax rug; 1 testament of said deceased, and that a hear- year. Thereafter, the Directors shall elect chiffonier; 1 oak lea s nrni rocker; ing will be had on said petition before the. officers, viz.. President. Vice-president world. We congratulate Dr. Einstein on this unselfish and gen-oak 1 8-3x10-0 Ax rug; 1 oak bookcase; 2 oak said Court on the 12th day of August, Secretary and Treasurer. With the consent B diners; 1 oak w s arm chair; 1 oak 1933, and that if they fall to appear at said in writing or pursuant to a vote of the erous decision, whereby he again demonstrates that it is possible lea lib table; 1 wal dresser; 1 poly mirror: 1 Court on. the said 12th day of August, majority of the outstanding stock, the Pi portable Xinger sewing machine No. 1833. at 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest the pro- rectors shall have authority to sell, lease, for a great scientist to possess a great Jewish soul and be a de- G762741C;elec 1 Eureka elec sweeper; 1 direct bate of said will, the Court may allow and exchange, assign, transfer and convey or Action gas stove; 1 oak dining table: 1 probate said will and grant administration otherwise dispose of the whole of the propvoted son of his people.—The Jewish Exponent. erty of the corporation upon surh terms blue chiffonier; 2 kit chairs; 1 75-lb. refg;
Poor Lemons
of said estate to Irving Janirer and Helen 1 Automatic elee. washer: 1 10x12 Ax rug: Janger or some other suitable person and 1 1929 Chevrolet Coach Motor No. 1021048 proceed to a settlement thereof. Reg. No. 1-23S77 and nil dishes, linens, BRYCE CRAWFORD. silverware, bedding and kitchen utensils. County Judge. covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of 7-21-3t. P. K. Tyson, doing business as Omaha Loan Company, signed by Carl A. Harms TALE KROLOFF, Attorney and Palsy May Harms; that said mort916 First National Bank Bids. gage is dated February 26, 1932 and is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE
The Wall Street crash is forgotten. We're back on the go-round. Everybody is doing i t again. -So I n g o i n g to tell you a. story. It is more truth than-^itory. The strong man act wa& nearly over. After tearing decks of cards into twelve parts and Said sale will be held for the purpose of Notice is herebySALE given that on the 31st foreclosing said mortgage for the costs of day of July. 1033, at 12 o'clock P. M., at bending iron spikes with his teeth,hei stepped to the footlights. the sale and all.accruing costs and for the the USED FURNITURE MARKET. 2314 of satisfying the amount due Leaveuworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the "Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, "the real test of purpose thereon, to-wit: $170.00 plus interest; that undersigned will sell at public anction to suit or other proceedings at alw have the highest bidder for cash, the following strength, I am about to show you. I will take this lemon and with no been instituted to recover said debt or any articles: part thereof. One two-piece rose plush overstuffed one hand squeeze it dry. If, after I finish, any man can get an- F. E. TYSON", doing business as Omaha suite; 1 10x12 Wilton rug; 5 small Lonn Company, throw rugs; 1 Fayette S Cahle Upright other drop out of this.lemon; I will pay" one hundred dollars to By FKADENBUUG, STALMASTER & Piano No. 105093.^mahogany finish: 1 BEHEK, His Attorneys. piano bench: 1 reading lamp; 1 Victor that person." • 7-21-33-3t console model radio: 1 four-piece reed suite: 1 five-piece walnut breakfast set; With that, the strong man squeezed the juice of the lemon 1 7x9 Congoleum rug; 1 footstool; 1 SHOTWELL, MONSKY; GRODINBKY * into a glass. When no more could be gotten out of it,~he called for VANCE and HARRY B. COHEN, Attorneys two-piece walnut set complete, lied, dresser, spring and mattress: 2 runner 737 Omaha National Bank B i d e volunteers from the audience to try and win that hundred. Up to rugs: 1 Westinghouse electric fan No. 2099109: 1 Royal vacuum cleaner'No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: _ the stage rushed Simon Bernstein. 1 oak finish flat top desk; 1 That .the. unde.rsigned have formed, a.cor- • 390043: oak swivel chair,. pursuant to- the laws of Nehragfca. "I'll squeeze more drops out of it and win that money," he poration, by a chattel" mortgage in favor of The name of the corporation is COMMON- covered THEATRES CORPORATION, the United Loan Company, Inc.. and signed yelled. With that he grabbed the lemon and pressed and pressed WEALTH with it« principal place of business in Oma- by Glen E. and Lucille Jordan, said mortg datedJJtir* 23rd, 1932. a'rid havha, Nebraska. The corporation shall Jwve gage being —and five more drops fell into the glass. The audienceapplauded. power and authority rtf3Jte*iWf»?e«»r the the County Couy to o\rn, le»8e;ropernfe injrlreen filed rtf3JteiWf»?e»r Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, k oh h the th otherwise deal in theatres for the exThe distracted young man pulled out the hundred. "Tell me," he or hibition of moving pictures and/or the pre- Stta day of July, 1932. Said sale will be for the purpose of fdfeelosinK said, mortgage, sentation of shows or performances of any asked, "what business are, you fnT*^ "" other character and to -deal in generally for all accruing costs, and for the purpose and contract for generally moving picture of satisfying the amount now due thereon, Bernstein laughed. ' films with reference to the production, dis- to-wit: $277.90: th*t no suit or other protribution or exhibition of the said moving ceedings at law have been instituted to re"I'm a margin clerk in Wall Street." picture films. The corporaton shall have cover said debt or any pnrt thereof.
Attracting Notice
UNITED LOAN COMPAXY.-aNC. the power to own. lease or otherwise acquire, and to deal in generally, such real ••;•• Mortgagee. and personal property as it may require. By TALE KROLOFF. The corporation shall have -the power to Its Attorney. borrow money and to issue evidences of in- 7-7-33-3t debtedness therefor. The- total authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, all common, par value $100.00. being "fully paid when issued and nou-nssessable. The corporation shall commence business when the Articles are filed with the County Clerk of Tldnglns County, Nebraska, and when S1,000.00 of its capital stock shall have been subscrilied for. and shall continue until May 1st. 39S3. The highest nmonnt of Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a Board of Directors, conKi8tlnjr of not less than two nor more than five in nnmber. The stockholders shall elect Directors at the annual meeting to lie hcl.l on .the second Monday in May of each year. Thereafter, the Directors shall elect the officers, viz.. President. Vioe-President. Secretary and Treasurer. With the consent in writing or pursuant to a vote of the majority of the outstanding stock, the Directors shall have authority to sell, lease, exchange, assign, transfer and oonvey or-otherwise dispose of the whole of the property of the corporation upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration ns to them may seem expedient and for the best interests of the corporation. The Articles may be amended upon the vote offiOper cent of the outstanding stock at any regular or special meeting. The- corporation shall hnve n seal. -,-. Dated April 25th. 1033.
The Pittsburgh Courier, a national newspaper! of-the Negro people, carried a feature editorial in its last issue, lauding to the skies the organization of the American Jewish women to boycott German-made goods until such time as Hitler is dethroned and the persecution of the German Jews ceases. This paper of the colored people, after delving deeply into, the advantages of such a boycott, follows up by urging the Negro women to emulate the example of their Jewish sisters and boycott those interests adverse to their people. • The important and significant fact in this editorial is that it demonstrates again i;hat; the world in general is well aware of the active boycott being engaged in by the Jewish people and of its effectiveness. Indeed, it is so effective that other groups are advised to follow the same method to effect the means desired. Whether we oppose it or not, and whether it is direct or indirect, all must now admit that the boycott of things German by the Jewish people is an actuality. Every indication points to the deep inroads it has made pecuniarily in Germany's trade. And, when the world awakens to the fact that we have a weapon which is 7-T-33-4t. deadly and that we are not afraid to use it, degenerate elements will not be so anxious to use the Jew-baiting tactics of a Hitler.
and proceed to a settlement
mar —, wonder
10 33.
and conditions and for such consideration ns to them may seem expedient and for the best Interests of the corporation. The Articles may be amended upon the vote of CO per cent of the outstanding stock at any regnlar or special meeting. The corporation shall hnve a sen]. Dated June 22nd. 1933.
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 5th day
of July,
. . . BUT THEY'RE GOING BACK UP ON AUG. 1ST) This $99.50 Hotpoint electric range sale has made us many de. voted friends . . . dozens of women are telling us how delighted they are with their electric ranges, purchased at this low price. These Hotpoints are the very same that have formerly been much m o r e . . . automatic, fully insulated, perfect in every way. Come in now if you want a Hotpoint range at this LOWEST PBICE IN HISTORY.
helps build strong bones and iteeth.
Genuine Hotpoint
Roberts Dairy Go.
Who Else Is Jewish? The Nazi commanders have evidently never learned the necessity for moderation. Any extreme is dangerous, yet the Nazis in their anxiety to appease their following and leave all their vent out on a scapegoat continue to blame the Jews for anything and everything that fails to suit the overlords of Hitlerized Germany. J. P. Morgan, internationally famed banker, made some caustic remarks concerning the present-day Deutchland. Morgan is known the world over as a "pure Aryan"; yet in true Hitlerite fashion the Nazis condemn him bitterly, explaining his "preposterous utterances" by calling him "a Jew" and "a king of the Jews." The Catholics showed signs of insubordination, and sure enough the Nazi paper, Norddeutsches Voelkische Beobachter, tried to discredit them by "proving" that the Pope was a "vulgar Jew and the illegitimate son of a Dutch Jewess called Littman." And when Austria refuses to surrender her independence to Nazi dominance, Der Stuermer, Nazi Viennese newspaper, "scientifically" proves that the Hapsburgs, under whom Austria enjoyed six and a half centuries of power, are Jews and descended from the banker Lowenstein. And so continues the endless chain. By the time the Nazis get through any person of importance of the past or present will be "Jewish." And in their process of transforming everyone into the fold of Israel they are making themselves more and more ridiculous. By their failure to be moderate in any degree they have but added to the certainty that they are madmen in power, actually insane in the machinations of their "minds."
Mention The Jewish Press to Our Advertisers,
COFFEEi>nvji^ HOWARD *t 16th.
$8.00 Down
Mother-in- Law's Kiss Fresh, filtered, ice-cooled air makes a whale of a difference in the appetite these torrid times. Drop in at lunch, breakfast or dinner and find out again how. it feels to really enjoy a meal. 0PEN ALL NIGHT
Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Idaho .baked
proeeti I k n potato, dlcrf I Vj \t tomato, bread batter.
i I
1 !
A Suggestion for Any Night Served while • « «
on Easy
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BY THE WAY (Continued from Page One)
own agricultarlsts are prospering, NEW"FA1TH TO BE UNION OF Scarlet * * BARBARA STANWYCK IS DOT in Baby Face * * * GAMELand -we~hHve advanced so far in bur RELIGIOUS. AND SCIENTIFIC sociological scale as to insure the fact The state of the -world whert it ING SHIP * * "SHADY LADY * * * that a man will not be sweated be^ comes to the promulgation of the ab- PROFESSIONAL SWEETHEART * • yond his endurance. At the same stract ideas presumed to give us ANNOUNCING A NEW SPICY time one other headline comes to peace and haDtdness is reveale-l as GIRLIE REVUE FEATURING NUmind; EXPERT STATES UNEM- follows: PEACE MOVES A FAIL- jDITA, THE LEADER OF A HAMPLOYMENT NOT APPRECIABLY URE * * * LEADING P0WE3D AT BURG NUDIST COLONY. REDUCED. Theie is no comment to be made— IMPASSE IN LONDON * * * HITOf a more human interest -we find LER DENOUNCES JEWS * * * the headlines speak for themselves. the following- KIDNAP ALARM F R A N C E REFUSES FURTHER After all two hundred years ago LeibSTIRS POLICE * * * THREE KILL- ARMAMENT CUTS • • * YALE nitz; spoke the ultimate trufi when he ED IN LOCOMOTIVE BLAST * * * ^ER DRINKERS SET NEW ALL- said, "This is the best of all possible MOTHER TWENTY-TWO S L A IK-, TIME RECORD •..*••* RELIGIOUS •worlds." BATTLING INTRUDER * * * RACK- APATHY WORLD-WIDE STATES ETEERS BOMB CHICAGO BREW- NEW YORK PASTOR. ERY *•* * CCONNELL KIDNAPRegarding the cultural activity of PERS DEMAND NEW AGENTS NATIONAL AND MORE MONEY. And then as the-people of the United States I ACCESSORIES, Inc. a small reminder of the fact that aft- quo!, the foil wing from the ad'ls of er all life is most desirable we see amusements running currently in the EVERYTHING this rav of hope and sweetness "LIFE theaters, concert halls, and cinema For the Auto SWEET" TO MAN LOSING BOTH palaces of the country: RIOTS MAR 2031 Farnam AT. 5524 CONCERTS FOR UNEMPLOYED * * LEGS. THE WOMAN I STCLE, A Study in Today we 1 ~ow is an age of scientific progress. In fart in Chicago there s%ids a ten million dollar monument to scientific advancement in the figure of the gigantic World's Fair. Ths headlines of today reflect this tendency quite c'ten: WILEY POST AT IRKUTSK IN RECORD TIME *.-* * BALBO AND TWENTYFOUR PLANES SPANS ATLANTIC * * * LITHUANIA GRIEVES OVER FLIERS' DEATHS • * * COSMIC RAYS REVEAL POSITIVE CHARGES * * * DOCTORS LACK PSYCHIATRIC SKILL •• • * HOLMES SEES
hundred." One of the Senators asked Kahn what- arm of the government service he would prefer to function, These hot summer days the labor if he were in public service. of writing a column becomes more ar"I'd like to be a United States duous than ever. The bugaboo of Senator," said Kahn. repetition looms even more threatenMARK LIVES A PLOT ing/than ever before and the flow of Mark Hellinger, columnist of the Words necessary for the concoction of York Daily News, has really a reputable column seems to be comdone something as colorful as some pletely damned up. Of cours e one of the stories he writes. | ANNOUNCE BIRTH could spend the entire column beANNOUNCE BIRTH He was divorced last year from moaning the fact that there is nothV Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lazer announce Mr. and Mrs. Abe Handleman .an: the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, July nounce the birth of a son on-Monday, bis wife- in Mexico or perhaps it ing to write about or one could do what so many columnists and essay(4th, at the Lutheran Hospital. The July 10th, at the Nicholas Senn Hos- was his wife who divorced him.. At any rate, he has just remarried ists since Mencken have done, pick 'daughter has been named Beverly Ann pital. her. out some particular foible of the Am• Lazer. ' It is our bet that Mark will make erican scene or in contemporary civIN CHICAGO MOTORING HOME Mrs. R. Kulakofsky is attending the a story of it now. It's got a good ilization and spend a column or two maligning said foible and wind tip Mr. and Mrs. H. Richlin and son, International Congress of Women at plot. with a heroic blast upon the general Morris, who were accompanied by;Mrs. Chicago. While there she 'will visit THE RHOADE TO status of the American citizen in the J. Kaplan and Mrs. Okun on a two- with her sister, Mrs. L. Ziev, former- HAPPINESS complex; scheme of things. But this months' motoring, trip through -New ly of Omaha. This column wants to dD something has been done l>efore too often and York and the east ,are on their way that it ordinarily does not indulge in too well to permit. an amateur to ;home- En route they .will stop in Chi- ENTERTAINS FOR r —that is extend personal felicita- try it. jcago to attend the World-Fair, -. MISS FRISCH tions, but ths o c c a s i o n of Max ; Eva L. Konecky entertained at -a. Rhoades f i n a l l y deciding to say Rather I would let the -great Amer^RECUPERATING lingerie shower for Miss Ruth Frisch. "Goodbye to all that" and get mar- ican public speak -for itself; this } Mrs. Max Jackson' is recuperating MIES Frisch will be married t<5 Dr. O. ried, deserves it. Rhoade is the suc- week's column I devote to headlines : after an operation at the Tiome of; Belzer in August. cessor of Simon Wolfe at Washing- culled from two reputable newspap'/her "mother, Mrs. K. Lazer. Mrs.iJackton. If a Jewish organization wants ers. Both of these papers are leaders 'Bon, whose home is in Hastings,'Neb.; TO VISIT IN CHICAGO to get in touch with the White House in their respective communities and was formerly Lillian Lazer of Omaha. can easily be said to be expert mirThe Messrs. Louis Iipp, Sam Zach- —there is one Rhoade to it. May your Rhoade, Max, what- rors of the temper of their respective aria, and. Dr. David Platt will spend : AT SPIRIT LAKE ; • , two weeks in Chicago visiting the ever wedded life is, be one of happi- cities as well as the temper of the : Mrs. David R. Cohen and children, World Fair. country at large. Their editorial polness! Jerry and Cecille, are spending the WANTED icies are of the finest and both papers THIS AND THAT '•week at Templers Park, Spirit Lake, disdain" what we have come to know Experienced sales manager to take VISITING IN OMAHA Dr. Weizmann is not the inventor as "yellow* journalism." They will I Mrs. Abe Blatt of Hollywood, Cal- of T.N.T., all the reports to the give, I am sure, a complete resume full charge of auto accessories store. is here visiting her nieces, Mrs. John contrary notwithstanding. He did of the Threes that are of interest to Unexperienced need not apply. MOTOR TO SIOUX CITY Faier and Mrs. Abe Cohen. AMERICAN AUTO PARTS CO. discover something in the way of ex- the reading public of America and in! The Messrs. Harry Levinson, Aaron Sioux City, Iowa plosives, but it was not T.N.T. And cidentally an insight into the status iPerlis and Julius Bisno spent the Weizmann is always angry when he FROM MOTOR TRIP of the civilization prevalent at this •week-end in Sioux City", visiting with RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Max Riekes have re- is referred to in connection with moment in the United States. But friends and relatives. turned from a three weeks' motor trip T.N.T.. to our headlines.: But the most interesting thing is through Colorado and Wyoming. They FOR RENT WHEAT FUTURES REACT AS {VISITORS FROM LOS ANGELES will 'leave the early part of August that an explosives expert should be NEW PEAK REACHED * * * * 5-Room, all-modern newly-dec) Mrs. Mary Coltoff Gurewitz, for- for Des Moines, la., "where"they will regarded by the Revisionist Zionists CLOTHING CODE SETS FORTY orated house.—$16 per month. as being entirely too peaceful in his jmerly of Omaha, and her spend a few week's.HOUR WEEK • • * AMERICANS Zionist strategy. )Mrs. Mary Gurewitz Coltoff, are here 2524 Seward GET OIL CONCESSION IN AKCAD(from Los Angeles, Cal., for a two RETURNS HOME Call Ja. 0536 IA * * * SOVIETS NEED AMERIMiss Esther Goldware has just re| months' stay as guests of Mr. and Those German delegates to the CAN MONEY TO I N C R E A S E turned from an extensive trip to the {Mrs. A. Coltoff. Many affairs are London Economic Conference found east. She visited relatives and friends themselves a little disconcerted, TRADE * * * DOLLAR WHEAT • planned in their honor. in "New York, Boston, and Detroit. On •writes T&ilton Bonner of the N.E-A. MAKES FARMERS HAPPY. So TRY OUR her trip home she stopped off at Ni- syndicate. At what? Well, the head much then for our economic situation; we are still securing valuable properagara Falls and Chicago. of the Belgian delegation was Paul ties in foreign countries, our dollars Huymans, a Jew. The head of the axe still eagerly sought after, our [ . Kay Francis and Lyle Talbot are at IMPROVING FROM ILLNESS delegation was Guido Jung, •;the Orpheum for the week starting 10 70c Mrs." Meyer Friedel who has been Italian •• • /Saturday in "Mary Stevens, M. D." seriously ill at Lord Lister hospital is a J e w . ': 'along with Bebe Daniels in!"Cocktail improving now. \ "r /Hour." FOR RENT f :"Mary Stevens, M.D." reveals Kay ; Francis as a young physician who I/ovely furnished room for The chapter held its regular busifinds it difficult to compete in a world young man, lady or couple. ness meeting June 19th at the JewMr. Ronald Gladstone has recently ; of professional men. A misfortuneate Good location. ish Community Center. Dan Lintzman opened the Dundee Rent-a-Bike Acadvlove affair adds to her difficulties and WEBSTER 2556 '{the supreme climax of her profession- emy at 50th and Dodge Streets. Mr. gave a report of the International con• al career comes when she sacrifices Gladstone says, "The fad of ridhig vention held in Omaha. Several out| the life of her baby, as a mother, to bicycles has been taken up quite of-town visitors were present -at the \ save the life of another woman's child, strongly in Kansas... City, Omahans meeting. Harold Miller of Hollywood, will find it a source of amusement and Cal., newly elected Grand Aleph Godol, as a doctor of medicine. at the same time a pleasant form of gave a short talk. Several temporary "Cocktail Hour" pictures Bebe Dan- exercise." committees have been named. iels as a successful magazine illusI trator of Broadway, who parties along the gay white way until a certain . young man comes along and she falls FROM THEIR WIYiS \ in love with him only to find that the AND 'simple quiet life is the more sane .and Sheautiful. She was strictly a man's ^Randolph Scott, Sidney Blackmer woman Any man's. The land Barry Norton are in support of $» kind men regret. \Bebe Daniels.
I At the Orpheum
THRIFTY 6 c SMrts 8 c
A.Z. A^lOO
In Bicycle Business
Starting Today iljiH:
:!ij;!!l: ;|!!|!i u u ' "
another week of this great picture! Others want to see it over again! It's Great! I
GOLD Stars! Girls! Song HUs! Comedy! PTever^tking!
Sff€ K€PTM€H
Regrouping and Repricing
I At the Paramount J "Baby Face,** a Warner Bros, pro{duction, starring Barbara- Stanwyck, /is the current picture playing at the j Paramount Theatre. Hollywood pre\ view critics have been unanimous in ', declaring it Barbara Stanwyck's most jdaring role. The star herself acclaimed (this role as the best part she has played. i George Brent, whose rise to popularjity has been sensational since he jointed the ranks of Warner Bros, featured flayers, has the leading role opposite Miss Stanwyck. Others in the cast incdude Henry Kolker, Alphonse Ethier, {Douglas Dumbrille, and James Murray." -' • ' • " It is the dramatic story of a girl born and reared in the squalor of the slums of a steel town who begins life in poverty and gradually emerges into the wealthy class through her ruthless jrabbing of "everything she can tret."
This Ad and $1 Will Entitle You to a Riding Lesson.: Regular Price $2. LA PETITE STABLES 9202 N. 30th KE. 5310
N o w • • • Brings
Greater Reductions
Dresses Many of you have been waiting for these increased reductions . . . so come-early to get the dress you have been wanting 1 "Washable erepes", prints and dark erepes . . . in sizes 14 to 44.
Dresses Orig. Priced to $19.75
For Information Call or Write
Private Wire Connections With JAS. E. BENNETT CO.
In. Clearance l a s t week at $12.05; NOW reduced to.... .;«£
In Clearance last week" at $18; NOW reduced to ....... .,-. Z. Sixth Floor
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bide OMAHA
Dresses Orig. Priced to $29.75
Dresses Orig. Priced to $49.75
The Sign of Good Workmanship JA.16U
f U S a Ureot Arraj at Screen VaodevlII
On Herzbergs
In Clearance last week at $8; NOW! reduced to ..-....-.
731-722 Omnlm Grain Exchange Bids JA 3403—AT 3008
Tiiis GAS Refrigerator will probably last you a Lifetime • No Moving Parts '• Nothing to Wear Out Hie GAS Refrigerators that were first installed in Omaha homes, years ago, are still delivering low eost refrigeration, day in and day out. Their owners expect them to be working just as well, many years from now. There's nothing to wear ozt on a GAS Refrigerator, nothing to replace—no service required except an occasionl fiee inspection by the gas man. That's the secret of its long life. Naturally, that brings dovm the cost, for depreciation is counted cut. A lifetime of service—a low operating cost (less than 4c a day)—these are the reasons why the GAS Refrigerator is Omaha's cheapest refrigeration.
r ; >- *
SLASH COTTON PRODUCTION FOR UNCLE SAM—Georgia farmers are plowing under a part of their cotton in accordance with the U S. government's: plan to slash production in order to increase the price of the staple This view shows, left to right, Charlie Keith, Huiet Robinson and J H. Jackson, plowing under cotton near Palmetto, Ga. A MILITARY INNOVATION IN JAPAN—Women of Japan gaze upon a military display at Osaka—the first time women ever have been permitted to view army maneuvers in Japan. Members of the Osaka Young Women's association are pictured on parade ground.
GENERAL BALBO FETED—Chicago is feting General Italo Balbo, following his epochal flight from Italy to Chicago. He is shown here at one of the fashionable clubs, chatting with Mrs. Harold Strotz.
GWYNNE PICKFORD EMERGES—Gwynne Pickford, Mary Pickford's 17-year-old niece and adopted daughter, made her debut as a grown-up when she emerged from the shelter of the Pickford estate and sailed on the liner Lurline for a month in Hawaii Left to right, Gwynne, Mary, and Lucile Fairbanks, niece of Douglas Fairbanks.
INCOGNITO—Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, is snapped arriving in Quebec while on a two weeks' vacation from the White House. Mrs. Roosevelt later proceeded to the Roosevelt sumnTer home at Campobellor N. B»
SPEED WORK FOR WORLD'S LARGEST SPAN—Huge caissons and forms for concrete give evidence to the fact that the world's largest span, the San Francisco-Oakland bay bridge, soon will rear its way . across San Francisco bav.
FOLLOWS HUSBAND'S FLIGHT—ON MAP—Lee Tremholm, man-, a.ger of Wiley Post, is shown pointing out to Mrs. Wiley Post, in New
York, route followed by flyer around lU^<*\>A '
REFORMATORY HOUSES THREE GENERATIONS—Three gen* erations in one family are represented by these inmates in the Kentucky state reformatory at Frankfort. They are an infant of 6ve months, his mother, Mrs. Daisy Wright, 28, and his grandmother. Mrs. Grace Chapman, 43. The baby, named Danny Lee Wright, was born a few hours after his mother reached the institution—but saw the light of day in a hospital outside, to which his mother was rushed. Mother and grandmother were accused of buying dresses allegedly stolen from a store. They will be paroled in August.
PRESIDENT'S SON HITCHES UP THE WAGON—John Roosevelt, youngest son of President Roosevelt, now ia serving as a councillor at a pplo ranch near Whitefield, N. H. Young Roosevelt is pictured
up % pony cart.
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY,'JULY.21,. 1933 backward Oriental land reeking with been decided to show the full length malaria and medieval ignorance. picture for another week. What a strange trick of history ? A fitting sequel to the sensationally The Jewish community, which gave popular picture^'j^nd Street", which the- -smallest number" of" chalazim," started new styles in screen fare, By O. O. DASHER now looks to Palestine for a place "Gold Diggers of 1933" according to of refuge. Those coming may not Hollywood information excels its great By Harry Mendelson - o n l y fructify--Palestinian- culture predecessor in beauty; in catchy tunes through the university and other cul- and "whistling" music, in comedy and Who so loveth knowledge, loveth correction; ; ;*"When the Hebrew University /was tural institutions to which they will in its story values. Its list of stars is officially opened in the spring of be welcomed but exert a : noticeable even more imposing; the chorus en- But he who is brutish hateth re1929 at which were present repre- influence upon the life of the Near proof. sentatives of the leading universities East. The Hebrew University may, sembles, directed; by Busby Berkeley, are more spectacular; its songs by g y It is as sport to a fool to do wickedin the world no one then could have without indulging in Utopian dreams, H A Bubin, B Warren will apforeseen the coming of the plague of become to the Near East what Ox- Harry ness, • i Hitlerism with its blithing effects ford, Harvard,- Yale or Columbia are peal to even wider audiences. And so is'wisdom to a man of disThe names of Warren William, Joan on German Jewry. Certainly no one to the West.' • . ' • . cernment. could have foretold the forced exile Blondell, Ruby Keeler (Mrs, Al JolAs the Jewish settler succeeds in of thousands of the best German growing three tons of produce when son), who sprang to screen fame over A gracious woman obtaineth honour, Jewish minds nor the economic pro- the Arab grows only one, breeding night in "42nd Street"; Dick Powell, And strong men obtain riches. scription, reminding one of the Span- cows; of 4000 to 6000 liters milk a Aline MacMahon, Guy Kibbee, Ginger ish inquisition. Who would have year instead, of native cows of less Rogers and -Ned Sparks head the suAvery Hopwood story adapted by Erdared to predict at that time that than 1000 liters,-the influence of little Palestine would becoma the these facts and many others spread perlative cast ensembled by Warner win Gelsey and James Seymour. haven from Nazi terrorism and in- more irresistibly than a n e w form of Bros, for "Gold Diggers of 1933." MerThe chorus featured throughout, is sanity for many thousand of German government or are . . . But the im- yyn LeRoy, who directed "I Am a Fua collection of beauties gathered from gitive From a Chain Gang" and "ElJews as it has been for many East pact of modern science upon, the mer the Great," directed from the the whole nation. European Jews since the war? hoary tradition must eventually proReports have come that Prof. Ein- duce deeper and more subtle results stein has consented to head the Phy- than the improvement of agriculture, sics Institute at the Hebrew Uni- health and standard of living. When, versity. And simultaneously Prof. two thousand years ago, Hellenism Heinrich Leve, librarian at the Ber- entered Palestine,- the main. imports lin University has been invited to ance of that event to mankind arose, the position of librarian of Tel Aviv. not from its direct influence on the No doubt many other world famous spot, but from the fact that a new German Jewish intellects will find type of thought and feeling which' a congenial abode in the Holy Land. was thus created swept back westSuch valuable and creative talents ward through the Greek-speaking cicoming to reside and carry on their ties of the Mediterranean, and uitfruitful labors no doubt will bring imately conquered the barbarians of about at least in part the reali- Europe. The civilized world is again zation of the intellectual and cultur- waiting humbly enough, for • some al role the Hebrew University will new channel along which. the stream play in the world- of thought as of human hope reverence and creset up by the spokesmen at the his- ative expression may flow. Where toric opening nine years ago. They; is it most likely to appear? Bialik, saw in that historic event the be- the greatest Hebrew poet since Yeginning of the realization of. the an- hudah Halevi and the modern heir BEAUTY PARLORS cient dream, "From Zion shall come of the prophetic style described the ACCOUNTANTS forth the Torah and the word of pioneers in these warm words, "The God from Jerusalem." This forced chaluzim work with such holy zeal LAKE STREET AUDITS exile and exodus of men and women that the soil, fertilized with it, must bring forth a new prophet." ' BEAUtY SHOPPE •who occupied key positions in the SYSTEMS 200* Lake St. cultural anii scientific life of GerThe higher synthesis of all of INCOME TAX Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop. many and immigration into Palestine, these factors and forces must bring • tragic as it is, may cause intellectual forth a marvelously potent, or new repercussions as mighty and as last- Torah, Bible of perhaps a new theory The Mew Dnart Velzor ing as that started with the Roman of relativity of human relations in Daoble Curler Permanent dispersion of the Jews or the ex- harmony with the 20th century, or "Wave pulsion of Greek scholars from Con- open our eyes and minds to a way of Certified Public Acrts. $3.00 stantinople in the latter part of the finding the correct relations between 852 Brandeis Theater Beet Workmanship 15th century resulting in the Ren- the cold automaton, the machine— Bide. aissance/ creation of the. cold reason—and the JA. 4811 • Tears Present Location For millenia Palestine has been the subtle, warm, pulsating spiritual forbridge between world powers and ces of the heart. cultures; in ancient times between Egypt to the south and Babylonia, 'Assyria, Persia and Sumaria to the AUTOMOBILE5 "Gold Diggers of 1933" which has north. Later it became the bridge just completed a week's run at the between the Orient and the Occident not only in a physical but also Paramount Theatre, has been booked in a spiritual sense. May not the for the World Theater for this week. Golden Spike fact that the Jew lived and created Popular demand has been so great in on the border between two world receiving this performance that it has Pale Dry Gingerale philosophies explain at least in part Ideal Lime Rickey his cosmopolitanism and "world-conWhere Price, Quality, Waters Bciousness,"... as._Max Reinhartr I be-, and Service Meet lives, recently called it. U&autecturetl and MORTON'S DWtrlbuted by With the Roman exile of the Jew GARAGE became the interpreter of the East Ideal Bottling Co. STUDEBAKER to the West Now with the HitlerWE. SMS SALES and SERVICE ite dispersion and the influx of some Large Bottle 1808 Kerth SOtn St. 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 of the leading western culture-bear 10c ers into Palestine the historic process is reversed and the, Jew may again carry on his age-old task of in terpreting one cutlure to another; BODY I FENDER this time—the Occident to the Orient, a task begun a half century ago with Auto Rods and Fender the first immigration of chaluzim in New and Used Repair Repairing, Pulnttwc Farts . and Accessories for Complete Upholstering to Palestine fleeing from exaristic - Cars and Tracks mU» and Class Service pogroms and persecutions and the WE. 2131 Saving Wicker Furniture bringing of w e s t e r n technology, Merchandise Guaranteed Painted ^nd Repaired icience and weltanschaungen info s
The Human
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The: thoughts of the righteous are gives with a frown. He gives much who gives with a smile." right, But the counsels of the wicked Are deceitT Mention the Jewish Press to our advertisers. Talmud "A pot that belongs to partners is neither cold nor warm." Rabbi Acha said "It is revealed and known to Him who spoke and created the world, that there, was none like Rabbi Meir in his generation (in wisdom and learning). Why then did they not determine the Halacha (law) according to his opinion? Because his associates were unable to fathom his ultimate conclusion. We were taught that his name was not Rabbi Meir but Rabbi Mehorai, but he was called Rabbi Meir, because he brightened the eyes of the wise with his words—(Meir means bright). The Tamud with its great wisdom says: "He gives little who
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Semi-Flat, 5c Ib. 75c Minimum
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Shirts Finished in Bundle
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7c Each
. If yen have your shoes repaired et the
Gereland Studio 1612 Dougla. St. Phone JA. 3366
i Repair Co. . KBAOt Prop. Faro am 8t.
.Your Messenger of Jewish News
ANN PILL Correspondent Phone 8-8453 SIOUX CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1933
Hokka Chynilc
Society News
Sara, to Leo Karasick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Montrose of this city. No date for the wedding has been set.
••' ':'
A former operator of a general Mr. I. Rivin and daughters, Esther, merchandise store, Aaron Chasen, 61, Not because it's news, and not beReports of the local delegates to the Nettie and Lillian, of Chamberlain, Mrs. Sam Pickus and Mrs. Emil Dr. Lewis Dimsdale has returned to Syracuse, Neb., died Tuesday in a :ause we think that you haven't heard Sioux City and opened his offices at S. D., are guests at the home" of Mr. Rosenstock presided at a 12 o'clock National and District A. Z. A. Convenlocal hospital chortly after being ibout it,. but just because it smacks and Mrs. Sam Marsh, 506 West 14th breakfast Saturday, in the Sioux City tions, which was held recently in Omabrought there in an ambulance. He if the sensational, we are printing the 432-33-34 Frances building where he Street. -. Country club, honoring Mrs. M. Sil- ha, will be heard at the meeting of news that Solly Goldsmith and Mary had been ill for some time. verman of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Pres- the local chapter of A. Z. A. at their ; Final arrangements for the picnic Berkowitz, both former Sioux Cityans Mr. Chasen was born in Russia, Miss Ida Yousmen of Omaha was a ton Heller of Chicago, an.d.Mrs. Ray meeting next Monday. sponsored by the Senior Hadassah, and came to Sioux City in 1898. and now of Los Angeles, were marguest in Sioux City last week-end. White of St. Louis, guests in the city. Plans have been made to hold biwTiich will be held next Sunday after- He was in business here for thirty ried last Sunday after a whirlwind roCovers for 25 guests were arranged monthly meetings during the summer noon and evening in Riverview park, years. Retiring in 1928, he moved mance cf a few. weeks. It all started Miss- Gloria .Polaykoff, Miss Ann at long tables, effectively, appointed months. have been made, and according to the to Syracuse and lived there till his with an innocent invitation to dinner, Gerelick, Max Cohen, Morris Fleish- with summer flowers. Several hours of Stanley Herzoff, president of the reports of those in charge, the plans death. . . and Solly has never turned one down man, and Abe Polaykoff, all of Oma^ Sioux City chapter, was elected Junior bridge followed. include entertainment for everyone He is survived by two sons, Ben et. Anyway, it's all over but the ha, visited over the week-end with sergeant-at-arms of the District. Marwha will attend, both young and old of Syracuse, and Max of Fremont, ihouting, but I still think he should Miss Ann Marsh, 506 West 14th Street. Mrs. Hyman Fishgall entertained at vin Klass headed a committee in the alike. have accepted the telegram of conNeb., and two daughters, Mrs. Gene ^ a luncheon recently, honoring Mrs. National Convention. The committees are planning to take Wolf of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. gratulations, that we sent him, even Libbie Olensky visited last week Heller and Mrs. White. After the care of an unusually large attend- Esther Kentsler, New York City. if it was sent collect. with friends in Yankton, S. D. luncheon at the Country club, the New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Coheri ance. Mr. Joe Singer ,in charge of the Funeral services were at 10, a.m. Jimmy Sacks, another local boy that guests adjourned to bridge. - • : program of sports and games, has an- Wednesday at the new Jewish plot made good in the city, is not only a will motor to their home in Los AnMiss Sadie Shulkin visited last week nounced the following for the after- of the Independent Farane at Grace- ery successful barrister in Minnegeles from Sioux City. in Sioux Falls, S. D., with Mr; and . Mrs. Sigmund Schulein was hostess noon: . • - • . . " • . land Park Cemetery. apolis ,but also finds time to conduct to ten friends last Friday evening, in IPeanut race for boys up to nine Mrs. Morris Miller. Miss Ann Fellman of Omaha was.a a column in the Business Weekly, a her home, honoring Mrs. Heller and guest this week at the homes of Miss years. .•:"'" egal paper of that city. He also goes Hopping race for girls up to nine Brodkey and Goodsite Ruth Rifkin and Miss Dorothy Sovel Heshelow spent the week-end Mrs. White. n for a little lyric writing. Here is years. '• stein. in Sioux City with his parents, Mr. ne that appeared in his "Sidelines." Add Optical Dept. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sol SilverTied-f oot race for boys, ten to sixand Mrs. William Heshelow. I thought 'twas mere talk man of Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. Mike tsen years old. Mr. and Mrs. Falk Stumes and chilThat love would blind ya. Brodkey and .Goodsite, "Sioux Skalovsky entertained 55 guests at a dren, Allen and Karlyn ,of Sioux Falls, Rope skipping contest for girls, ten But that ain't all; Miss Mary Goldstein of Indiana City's Credit Jewelers" announce the garden party in theeir home, 3301 visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to sixteen years old. • ; Twill absent-mind ya Harbor, Ind., and Mr. Max Kroloff • of Jackson addition in their store, of a new DR. LEWIS DIMSDALE Street. Potato sack race for men. Fred Foreman over the week-end. •—If- you let it seize ya. Chicago will arrive in the city Sunday Gaily colored lanterns decorating Baseball throwing" c o n t e s t for optical department. Equipped to diagSaturday evening they were guests to visit with the latter's parents, Mr. will engage in the general practice of nose, treat and correct faulty vithe rock garden enhanced the pleas- at a bridge party in - the Foreman women. The effects, on me and Mrs. Sam Kroloff. medicine and surgery. ant atmosphere of the evening. Baseball game between men and sion. Dr. E. V. Coughlon registerhome. Have been most strange. Dr. Dimsdale is a graduate of Cened optometrist will be in charge. •women. I eat a letter, Miss Ida Krasne of Council Bluffs, tral High school,'where he was active Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mitchell, Belle: Refreshments and drinks will be J ) r . Coughlon says "now while school Mail an orange. Mrs. P. Riaff, 1111 Virginia, an in journalism. During his high school la., visited at the home of Mr. and vue apartments, departed Saturday for served on the picnic grounds. There j! is out, we urge all parents to bring Leave my car, nounces the e n g a g e m e n t of her Mrs. Sam Sampson this week. years he acted as. advertising and busToledo, Ohio, to visit their parents, will be no admission to the grounds. their children in fr a free examina: Don't know where I park it, iness manager of the Central High Mr. and Mrs. P. Weiner and Mr. and daughter, Miss Tessie Lipschutz, to Mrs. D. L. Rodin is general chairman tion, so that if their vision is faulty Forget to sell Ken Katnox of New KO.K City. Miss School Record and Annual. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg have Mrs. J. Mitchell. for the picnic. and glasses are required, the condiOn a rising market. Lipschutz departed Wednesday for departed for a ten-day visit in ChiThey will attend the Century of His pre-medic work was taken at tion can be remedied and the child I tie my belt around my neck New York and will be married there One package strawberry jello, 1 pint can go back to school, without the Morningside college, where he was cago. Before retunuW home they will Progress exposition in Chicago before in the fall. She is a graduate of Even pay up bills boiling water, one-half cup cream handicap of imperfect vision. Imperspend some time at the Minnesota returning home. business manager of the Collegian ReBut forget my check. Central High School and took a whipped fresh strawberries. porter and other college publications. lakes. —Have I got amnesia? fect eyesight is the cause of more business course in New York. Mr. Dissolve jello in boiling water, chill poor grades and failures in classes . ; He received his doctor's degree from Miss Tola Dobrofsky of Chino, Cal., Ratnof is a graduate of Columbia • • " • ' • #..• • ' • until cold and syrupy, place in a bowl than any other reason known." ;he University of Iowa, where he was Mrs. L. Uroff.has returned from and Miss Helen. Friedman, a bride of While we're talking about him well president of the Phi Delta Epsilon Chicago where she visited with her next month, shared honors at a pa- University. of ice water and beat until thick, fold tell yo uwhere he learned about medical fraternity, and secretary of sister, Mrs. Henry Roder. in whipped cream. Place berries in jama bridge party Wednesday eveMrs. Lester Heeger is visiting women. He; grew a Van Dyke beard the Iowa Inter-Fraternity CounciL sherbet glasses, pile whipped jello on ning, when Miss Lillian Dobrofsky this week in Omaha with friends anrf and gave lectures, in conjunction with berries. Keep in cold place until ready Dr. Dimsdale interned at the Lu- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shiloff, 1005 entertained a group of her friends. • relatives. Coney Island exhibit of the cmbry- theran Hospital in Sioux City during West Sixth Street, announce the birth to serve, add whipped cream on jello nic stages of a baby. Here is the- rib- 1931. During the years 1932-1933 he of a son. and nuts chopped. The Phi Deb sorority met with the iuster. He gave private and confiden- interned at the Creighton Memorial Misses Kate and Ann Raskin this After a two-week vacation, pupils tial advice to puzzled young ladies af- SL Joseph Hospital, where he was Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher, 2923 Jen- week. Bridge and refreshments folof the Talmud Torah have returned to ter each show. Of course, that was be- awarded Dr.Adolph Sachs prize, nings Street, announce the birth of a lowed the usual business meeting. AT their classe sto resume their studies. bre he was a lawyer or a married given to the the interne excelling in the son on July 14, in the Methodist Hos- Guests of the evening were Miss Ann Classes begin at 9 o'clock and con- man. department. While intern- pital. Fellman of Omaha, and Miss Totka STONE PARK tinue throughout the morning. Ses- Herm Braverman is in town after pathology ing, Dr. Dimsdale was given a comEpstein of Brooklyn,.N. Y. Beautiful New Dance Floor sions are held'every day but Satur- a successful year as manager of a mission .of First Lieutenant in the e Mr. Jack Halpern, and Misses Sarah • Pleasant Surroundings day and Sunday. tfeisner store in Detroit. here medical unit of the U. S. Army. Miss Hose Simons of Omaha visited Good Music and Frances Halpern, have arrived in just long enough to find out why it is Enjoy Our Table Service the city from Fort Dodge, la., to visit in Sioux City on Sunday, with Miss Without Cover Charge that he likes Detroit so well. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hal- Roma Wigodsky. We Have Raymond Kier of the New Orleans JEBY RETAINS MIDDLEpern. YOUR FAVORITE BEER Kiers visited here this week, after at- WEIGHT TITLE Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Cohen -visited Miss Rtima Lee Baird 816 West Ben Jeby, Eas^fc Side New Yorker, ;ending the A. Z. A. convention'in Fifth Street, left Tuesday for Chicago Mr. and Mrs. L. Koolish this week en Wed., S a t & Sun. He's got a drawl like "an East was able to hiirdle the first ob- and New York City for an indefinite route to their home in Los Angeles, Featured on the program of the Omaha. stacle in his journey along the chamstreet pigaboo, and a way with NITES stay. She was accompanied by her after a wedding trip which included a meeting :o f the,Daughterhood of Teph- 7th he women, R. K. in particular, or pionship path by defeating Young uncle, Mr. S. Baird and Miss Rose boat trip from the Panama Canal to ereth Israel Synagogue, last Wednes- are Terry in a fifteen round bout held we just jealous? Even so, he's Zinich of New York. day, was the raffling of a' set of sil- O. K., it's only too bad that more of at Newark last , week. This has verware. not been a good year for champs; girls didn't get to date him, or The winner of the set-was Mr.- Rob- is;hethat in all fields of Lsports crowns have Marvin Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. SIOUX CITY'S SUMMER PLAYGROUND a dig at somebody ? I. Marsh was released from a local ert B. Huddar of the Haley-Neely been knocked awry with abandon. So many people have been telling us Shazkey, Vines,, Canzoneri, Fields, hospital Tuesday, after a minor opercompany. ;:'. '•'---'• •'.>'.: Fairmont Ice Cream has that creamy Proceeds of the raffle will be turned what they would put in the column if and -many other title-holders have ation. over to the work of the Daughterhood. they wrote it, that we've decided to in- found themselves shorn of their honsmacking goodness that made tho rite our readers to send in anything ors. Word has been received here of the .. phrase, "give me Fairmont's please." :hat they thin kwould make good on CRYSTAL LAKE marriage of Miss Mary Berkowitz, Fighting before a crowd of some Hokka copy. Then if we're both of 15,000 The rich taste indicates the blend daughter of Mrs. D. Berkowitz, to Soi Jeby retained his title after "Hell Below" at Iowa he same opinion you'll see it in print. of pure cream and real flavors. Swimming Fishing severest kind of fight. Cut and Goldsmith, son of Mrs. L. Goldsmith, .Now playing at the Iowa theatre, We have done everything in this the of this city. bruised about the head and body Refreshments Picnic, Grounds for four days, is the greatest sub- olumn from giving out favorite cook- Terry finished with a fine spurt The wedding, which was an event marine drama of the decade. "Hell ng recipes: (Oh pul-leeze) to calling but of last Sunday, took place in Los too late. Jeby. had —A Safe Place to Bring the Kiddies— Below" is the stirring story of life people nasty names iand now we turn piledheupstarted Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. a commanding lead in the below the sea in the most thrilling movie critic. DON'T MISS the picture Goldsmith will make their home in of all war weapons, the submarine. 'Be Mine Tonight" which starts at the earlier rounds and was able to coast Los Angeles. to a win. Walter Huston supplies the drama, Granada tomorrow. You'll go out singIt was a goodfight, as fights go. Robert Montgomery the light humor, ng to yourself and with a smile on and Mrs. J. Goldberg announce The most exciting round was the sev- theMr.engagement and "Schnozzle" Durante, the genyour face a mile wide. "Golddiggers of their daughter, Vfo'Peak of Quality uine belly laughs. A feature comedy enth when Jeby xeached his climax. of 1933",is a good picture, too. He battered Terry around the ring starring Charley Chase completes the the New Jersey boy wobprogram. It is a man's sincerity and depth of and had The Methodist No one thought the bout would vision that make him a poet.—Carlyle. bling. go any further but Terry came back Hospital took the fight away from eJby. Mention the. Jewish Press to our andThe 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. East Side boy fought like TAKE A MOONLIGHT EXCURSION advertisers. the champion that he is and he had Auto Phone 8 3567 On the Beautiful Soo River Aboard the New G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Supt. plenty of competition. Two years ago in the same ring he had been FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT It's Cool outpointed by Terry but since then Leaves KiverHlde y p . M.—Grnbbes Fark 10 P. SI.—Stone Park U P . M. he had improved. This time he was at the DANCING—25c—Every Nite—25c—REFRESHMENTS smarter and faster.
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Cost is the father and compensation is the mother of progress.—Holland. KITCHEN CHATS —Shop from our Service Guide—
Leonard Barricks
"Sioux City's Summer Playground"
AETNA-IZE 435 Ins. Exch. Bldg. JA. 85210
Big Musical Hit at Granada
Fourteen weeks in Minneapolis,. a record never before equaled by any movie in that city, is the distinction gained by the latest Universal hit "Be Mine Tonight." You've never heard of its stars: You've never read the plot
This Clearly Without Straining Your Eyes?
All Rinds of Insurance
Swimming Dancing Fishing Golf
lioir-stitin tuiy t u i y m i i i g AittGxt J.*I"Sire v**^-.
It's different, and as enjoyable as anything you have ever witnessed. Playing for the last time today is a big double feature,' "Rome Express" and H. G. Wells' famous novel sue cess "Island of Los Souls."
S-IN. OSCILLATING FAN With Robt. Montgomery Jimmy Durante ADDED Chas Chase Comedy Organlogue News
Ea. 2.95 Fish Poles Fish Line Reels ED'S
500 Jackson St.
10c 10c 59c up
Phone 56595
Don't let the heat get you! Come to Beautiful, Cool CRYSTAL LAKE
10c Till 2 P. M.
You'll find that the water is great! Fishing is good! If you enjoy golfing or dancing you'll like Crystal Lake too!