July 28, 1933

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Kuterttf nb Sii-unit-Cusp Mull Uuttet ou Juuuarjr I'nulnlHop nt Onmhu. Np|irn»ka. tinder ffae Ar» nt ;""



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Fritz Kreisler Not to Play in Germany

IX—No. 26


From Berlin comes the news that Paris, (J.TA.) — Arnold SchoenFritz Kreisler violinist, stated that he berg, the famous composer who abanwould continue to refuse to appear doned the Jewish faith in 1921, was in Germany despite the announceofficially readmitted into the Jewish ment by Hans Hinkel, Prussian State SoL H* Rosenblatt to Assist in Non-Jews Not Permitted to religion. The ceremony was held at German Author Charges Mor"For Protection of People and Commissioner for Culture, that ini National Recovery Witness Performance by the Liberal synagogue here with Rabgan, Ford, General Motors State" Is Reason Hitlerite Germany "the free artistic • " : Program bi Louis Germain Levy officiating. Hitler Decree Financed Hitler activities of foreigners and non-AryGiven Dr. David Marianoff, son-in-law of ans (Jews) shall in nowise be -hindWord was received in Omaha, last J.TJL)—The Union of Orthodox Professor Albert Einstein, and Marc ered." London, (J.T.A.)—Startling reve •week of the appointment of Sol A. Berlin. (J.T.A.)—The Berlin bureau Rabbis of the United States and Chagall, the noted painter, acted as lations regarding financial suppor1 of Jewish Telegraphic Agency was Mr. Kreisler who since his return Canada (Agudath Harabonim) sent witnesses. Rosenblatt Omaha boy now resideing from the United States has been of Adolf Hitler's National Socialis closed by secret state police and all in New York, as assistant to Hugh a telegram yesterday to General Schoenberg, a native of Vienna, is party in the flooded with requests to appear in years before it came in furniture and equipment confiscated. Johnson recently apointed adminisHugh S. Johnson, Recovery Adminis- 59 years old. He has conducted masThe daiy bulletin published for Ger- concerts in Germany, said he would trator, in Washington, asking him to ters' classes in the Berlin Academy of to power in Germany are contained trator of the National Recovery Adman subscribers by the bureau was wait until these words of the com- take into consideration the thousands Arts and has written works for or- in the book, "Hitler as Frankenministration. This position will bestein," which will be published here also suppresssed. The foreign ser- missioner were followed by deeds. of Jews who cannot work on the chestra, chorus and chamber music tomorrow. stow upon Mr. Rosenblatt the reThe book is by Johannes "I appreciate Commissioner Hinvice of the Jewish Telegraphic AgSabbath, when mapping out nation- ensembles. sponsibility of personally supervising Steel, the pseudonym of a German kel's announcement, but before I apency is not affected by the suspenwide plans for shorter working with Mr. Johnson the details of formknown to have had intimate Nazi pear, I must see it established beyond sion of the German service. hours. ulating and enacting the many codes contacts. Professor Harold J. Laski; preadventure of doubt that all my The telegram sent to General Johnprovided for under the rulings of A letter over the signature of colleagues in the musical world, irnoted political scientist, has written g said: the National Industrial Recovery the preface for the volume. Herr Ludwig Di Diels, chief of the respective of nationality, race or son"Being the Industrial Recov-1 Act. Prussian state police states that "for creed, are not only tolerated but ac- ery Act isthat In his preface, Professor Laski also interested in regulat- J Omahans in particular have reason the maintenance of public security tually welcomed," he declared. confirms Steel's exceptional access to ing labor, conditions which include J to be proud of this honor bestowed and order and for the prevention in sources of Nazi information ordinardistribution of working hours, and i upon one of their own young men, the future- of State-endangering acts ily unavailable and emphasizes the as thousands of -Jewish citizens are j for Mr. Rosenblatt was born and Would Establish Medical School such as may be expected, the Jewish seriousness of the matter if the as Part of Hebrew : directly interested in this distribution raised in Omaha. The son of Mr. Telegraphic Agency is closed down i greatest international financiers are University in connection with observance of the and Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt he atby the police and all effects there! With Julian Milder and Abe Brod- subsidizing a movement such as HitSabbath which they may be comtended the Omaha public schools and A decision to organize branches placed under police arrest in accordpelled to violate with Government key leading the scorers with a 77 ler's. Omaha Central High School where ance with article 14 of the Presi(Hebrew of the Harophe Hoivri consent of the Sabbath will also be and a 78 respectively, contenders forj "It is a serious matter for Jews he distinguished himself as an outdent's ordinance of February 28, included in the working days, may the club championship in the annual • everywhere, if true, that Henry Ford, standing debater and journalist. He Physician) country, ^ 3 3 f o r &e p r o t e ction of the people i-nysician; throughout xnrougnout the uie counir^, made at the group's latest c o n f e r r , , £ . ,„,•. « , / * , , we therefore apeal to you to set a Highland Country club tournament j having stopped his anti-Semitic camcompleted his education at Harvard Rtnfa ft tll nf five-day week so that Jews may were preparing to sharpen their j paign in America, proceeded to encollege and Harvard Law School ence in Chicago, is being put into order, the Jewish Telegraphic AgAmsterdam, (J.T.A.)—Plans for have the privilege of observing the mashies and niblicks for the semi-' dow a similar campaign on a wider graduating from both institutions effect, Dr. Moses Einhorn, editor of ency publication is prohibited until intensifying the world-wide anti-Ger- Sabbath. We assure you that nun- final matches which are to be played scale in Germany," Professor Laski with a degree of Cum Laude one of t i e Hebrew Physician, ^announced ffath£ notice> man boycott and esablishing an in- dreds of thousands of religious Jews off this Sunday. The feature of last points out the highest honors that the institu- Dr. Einhorn, who "was chairman ofj 1 In the conference, stated that expansion ; _" accordance with article 4 of i 1 ternational secretariat to coordinate of the United States will be highly Sunday's play was young Milder'si tion can bestow. Following his gradPaid Commissions uation from Harvard he moved to of the organization was necessary! ^ e ^ a m e ordinance, any acts con- the boycott activities in all civilized appreciative of this ccooperation of victory of Richard Hiller, 5 and,3.| revealing that the Nazi Abe Brodkey, runnerup in last year's | Steel, New York where he became associat- in order to stimulate the interest! dieting ^with the above order are countries were mapped out here to- the Government. play had an easy time -winning over j movement spent 350,000,000 marks in day at a preilminary session- of- the "The making of this appeal was ed in legal practice with Nathan j of doctors in the Hebrew Univer- punishable." Harold Farber, 8 and 6. j t h e five y 6 * 18 proceeding its assumpJewish Economic Conference at the No action was "taken against any decided upon at a special well-attendBurkan ,well known legal figure .in ] - * * • » ; P a l e s t i n e ^ d * ^ The winners in their respective! *«» of power, proves convincingly members of the staff of the bureau Carlton Hotel. Dr. A. Coralnik, ed meeting of the Union if Orthodox that it was impossible to raise this chairman of the American League Rabbis of the United States and I1 !gP ts a F e : amount in Germany alone despite At tne Germany, of the Jewish Telegraphic i Championship Flight —Julian Milfor the Defense of -Jewish Bights, Canada held in Far Rockaway. A] conference in Chicago Dr. achievement and this recent honor' Einhorn presented the fact that Nazi collectors work oh der defeated Richard Hiller, 5 and 3; Agency's service. The service from opened the session in ;the presence of similar appeal was made on June 17 a paper on "The comes as a justified climax to a Germany operates independently of thirty delegates fronumany different in a letter to the President of the Herman Goldstein defeated Hymie a commission basis, receiving as much Modern Conception and Treatment brilliant career. _ Ferer, 3 and 2; Marvin Treller de- as 30 percent even for street collecof Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers," | the bureau through correspondents, countries, including tfiree Americans, United States." Mr. Rosenblatt is married and lives the feated J. F. Heyn, 1 up on 19; Abe tions made with the swastika boxes. purpose of which, he explained, j most of whom are American citizens, Dr. Coralnik, Samuel Untermeyer The telegram was signed by Rabbi in New York. His mother Mrs. Mollie was not only to introduce the medi-j It is not affected by the order ag- and J. George FreSman. The author circumstantially desL. Silver, president of the organisa- Brodkey defeated Harold Farber, 8 cribes Rosenblatt and brother Herman live cal topic but also to reveal the great! ainst the Berlin bureau. how Hjalmar Schacht. present and 6. The conference will last two days tion, and Rabbi L. Seltzer, secretary. in Omaha at the present time. Two strides in the advancement of HePresident's Flight — Paul Blotcky I Reichsbank president and chief Nasi and will conduct its session secretly. U. S. Consul to Protest sisters, Ann and Lee Eonell both of J defeated Bernard Wolf, 3 and 2; Ed authority on financial matters; HerAt today's session, delegates listened j whom have made enviable records in brew medical literature. The fact i George Messersmith, American to a report from ten countries on I Rosen defeated Manny Handler, 1! mann Goering, present premier of their respective fields live in New that it was possible to present a consul-general, visited the . head- how the boycott was,being conducted! up; Morris Milder defeated Al Wohl- J Prussia; Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi York. ner, 5 and 4; Howard Werthheimer 1 propaganda chief; the Hohenzollern scientific paper in the Hebrew tongue, quarters of the political police this in these lands. The reports also des- j defeated Mickey Katleman, 2 and 1. j princes and others who now have he declared, proved his contention afternoon to -inquire into the clos- cribed efforts being! made to orgaYice President's Flight — Morris i positions of authority in the Nazi regarding advancement of the Ian- ing of the bureau. It is understood nize facilities for the interchanging guage. that Mr. Messersmith is deeply -con- of prdoucts between, different counMicklm defeated Morton Hiller, S \Government were engaged in canmember at the conferAnother cerned at the establishment of a and 2; Al Kulakofsky defeated Davei vassing funds abroad to support the ence -was Dr. A. Lightstone, who precedent- making American invest tries in order to pc-sh, out German Cohn," 5 and 4; Morris Fere* de-1 Nazi party activities. Financiers, read a papeT disctissitig the ^neces- m e n t s s goods. feated Abe Goldstein, 5 and 4; Harry i particularly in America, constituted of opening a medical school i n j ? f?"™*..*****e. *Sdd ™fll Rabbi Wise Attacked Hebrew University. He stressed communicate with _the State ^DepartRosenfeld defeated L Chapman, 5 j their chief field of operations, Steel Dr. Stephen S. Wise, who has bit- London, ( J.T.A.) —Thirty thousand and 4. ment at Washington regarding the • J asserts. the importance of eradicating the making of representations to the terly opposed this preliminary con- men, women and children marched Results of Ladies Day j The Nazi fund emissaries used as discrimination which now handicaps nmKing oi rcpraei here this afternoon in an impressive ference, was attacked today by SamLow gross honors for ladies day their chief argument the dicta that •uel Untermeyer, who in a statement j demonstration of protest against Hitthe Jewish student at the gates German Government on this score. o{ Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Permission to espersecution of the Jews in held Wednesday goes to Mrs. Mann- the Hitler assumption to power would that barsand him places from! puzzlement Mr. Messersmith expressed at the reason given his for called Dr. Wise a "trouble maker." lerite tablish a German Opera and Theater many hospitalcolleges, appointments Germany. From the London East ing Handler with a score of 53. Thej mean a return to prosperity and im•where the actors, singers, musicians obstacles in his way even when he the. closing of the office, namely the Mr. Untermeyer challanged Dr. Wise Side to Hyde Park, where the.march- approachmg and patting contest was ] plied: the protection of American into decalre openly whether he was for fear that future actions of the Jewand theatrical staff will be exclusive- does succeed in graduating. won by Mrs. Lester Simon. teresis in Germany and the thawing ish Telegraphic Agency may be dan- the anti-German boycott or against j ers, whose numbers were augmented ly Jewish -was granted by the governMedical School at University of capital frozen there. it. He added that Dr. Wise does not by several thousand spectators, heard ment under" the condition that nonThis discrimination, Dr. Light- gerous to the State. He professed represent the American Jewish Con- ] the persecutions denounced, adopted Morgan Contributor Jews will not be admitted to the stone pointed out, inflicts great in- to be unable to understand why the gress, ninety percent of whose mem-j resolutions of protest and pledged The only American banking organJewish Telegraphic Agency -was beaudience to watch the performances, | justice not only upon the Jew but bers "enthusiastically favor actively | themselves to boycott German goods, ization named by Steel is the House The staff will embrace all the best- upon humanity as a whole. A medi- ing punished for some future event- supporting the boycott." ! Jewish stores and shops were closed of Morgan, which he asserts, conknown artists ousted from German cal school in the Hebrew University, ualities. Authorities of the Amsterdam] all Along the route, in a gesture of tributed $50,000 in three installopera companies recently because founded by Jews, open to all the municipality and Dutch Government i support of the protest despite the An all day picnic for the Vaad ments. Another American bank, whose they were Jews. world, irrespective of race or creed, j Hollywood to Welcome Exiles adopted an attitude of strict impar fact that tie British Board of Jewish O'Ehr, Orthodox Synogogue organiza• The establishment of the new com- would be a fitting answer to these: _, ... , - ,-, „ , -r, tiality toward the conference, but the Deputies, influential organization of j tion of Omaha, will be staged at Fon- president frequently visited Berlin, followed suit, he says. Most of the discriminations, he assserted. Medical i j h e film colony in Hollywood will pany will be aided by the Central fact that the sessions are veiled in leaders of British Jewry disapproved j tenelle Park on Sunday, August 20th checks by which it paid its contribuJewish Relief Fund. The theater knowledge, said Dr. Lightstone, would 5 * * ™ * ? ™ £ *£%??%£ fSl the demonstration. beginning at 3 p. m. The committee tions were drawn on other banks. of the noted Jewish artists who secrecy has simulated great interest of Alarming will be under the directorship of spread from such an institution and hsible rumors that British Fas- in charge has arranged a diversified in the Dutch press. a v e be en lrom The largest contributions from the Kurt Singer, former director of the Urtth that knowledge a broader and d u s t r .m ***** the fflm »-. cists and Nazi sympathizers intended program for all members and their Berlin Municipal Theaters, and t h e | m o r e tolerant spirit would spread, j y Germany according to a United States, however, came from to cause trouble during the demonfamilies. London, July 13, (J.T.A.)—The opera will be managed by Josef Ro- D r . L . B. Schwartz was another i statement by Samuel Goldwyn, pronon-bankers such as Ford and the Herald has said that the British stration brought out hundreds of j The feature of the picnic wil be a senstock, former director of the who presented a paper at the Con- ducer, who said that he has the coop- Daily London mounted and foot police who beauty contest for young ladies Secret Service has learned of the Nazi Mannheim Theater and ior five years ference. His topic was "The De- eration of many otlfer magnates in scheme place German secret police accompanied and closely guarded the ing from the ages, 18 to 30 inclusive, j contributed $200,000 because of cerwith the New York Metropolitan velopment and Advancement of the finding places for actors, directors, agents to in various capitals of the two-mile-long procession. Special in- The event wil take place in the eve- tain labor interests in connection with Hebrew Medical Terminology and! executives, and other Jews who have Opera Company.. structions were issued to the march- ning And a cash prize of ten dollars j been world, including London. ousted from the Reich. The German Theater will function Literature." He mentionel the fact j ers to ignore any provocations and to j be awarded the winner. Judges its purchase of the Opel automobile daily and will be permitted • to issue that medical terminology in Hebrew behave calmly. No disorders of im-j for the contest have not been chosen concern in Germany. its own theatrical publication, the has been discovered in the Talmud i The first contribution from Ford portance resulted except that city . a s yet. authorities announced. but due to the advancement and dis- j traffic was considerably interfered The climax of the day wil be an in- amounted to S40.000 following suscoveries in biology, physiology and Form Cultural Union with. formal dance to be staged at the ppark pension of the Dearborn independent which Ford published in the United Huge crowds, far outnumbering the A '• special cultural union, «the bio-chemistry the creation of a Hemarchers, lined the route of the pro- pavilion. The various chairmen of the States. Steel says. He asserts the De "Deutscher Juden,, 193 " has been brew Physician, he declared, in asaffair are: Mrs. A. Brookstein and formed, to back the venture. Oscar sociation with a group of physicians Awards for the various honors won attorney and first president of Phi cession and cheered all sections of Mr. Harry Marcus, general chairmen; contribution was given to a Nazi publisher to spread anti-Jewish literthe parade which took three and a Wasserman, former director of the in Palestine, has under taken the by members of Phi Beta Epsilon, Beta Epsilon. Ben KazloTvsky, athletics; and Ida ature throughout Germany. half hours to pass. German Bank and member of the work of creating, simplifying, mod- Creighton University social fraternWinners of Campus Activities Hundreds of banners urging a boy- Bercoviti, Orchestra. general council of the Reichsbank, ernizing and harmonizing the He- ity, were presented to the winners by Other honors won by members of Ford declined to furnish additional brew medical terminology to present cott of German goods waved over the was appointed president. On the funds, following his initial grant, the Nathan E. Gilinsky, president of the the school campus were announced heads of the demonstrators. Scores board of directors are Max Lieber- day needs. author reports, but the young Hohenalumnae association, at a banquet by the committee composed of Max A donation of $5,000 was made to of automobiles bore placards and niann, well-known artist; Dr. Leo zollern prince, Ferdinand, who went held last week at the Fontenelle hotel. Resnick, chairman; Leo Diamond, and Baeck, Berlin rabbi; GeorgHermann, the Hebrew University by Dr. Light- Plaques, silver loving cups ,and cer- Arthur Adler. The honor for the signs to the same effect and boyto Detroit to work in the Ford plants, stone in memory of his wife. It will cott slogans were roared out through artist; Martin Buber, former instrucwas intsrumental in the resumption tificates were the prizes given . most active man on the campus this megaphones by hundreds of the detor of philosophy'at the University T>e known as the "Dorothy Lightof relations which had been terminPerlis Wins Activity Award year goes to Edward J. Solomonow, Highland Country club women vir- ! ated because of the manufacturer's of Heidelberg, and Franz Oppen- stone Memorial Fund." The award given for the most ac- vice president of the fraternity, who monstrators. The most popular slogan was the tually completed arrangements for ; disappointment at the sale of his heimer, former professor at Franktive men in fraternal affairs this besides winning the Corpus Juris Law their open day golf competition at a ;j book^ -f urt-amrMain. 1 year was given to Aaron Perlis, pre- Prize valued at $350.00 held the dis- demand, "Restore German Jewish meeting Tuesday morning. The opi?r. Rights—Protect the World from HitThe members of the new society medical student in the College of tinction of being the only Jewish In breaking down this feeling held day will be held on Tuesday, August were forced to sign an application Arts and Science and past pledge- member of the "varsity debate team. lerism!" by Ford, Steel reports, the young 1, according to Mrs. M. E. Handler, A particularly impressive section declaring themselves Jews. The master of the fraternity. He was He also holds the honor of receiving prince used the same arguments who is in charge of the event. of the parade was a section of beNazis also demanded that photopresented with an embossed certifisuccessfully used by Nazi agents races, swimming, and cate and gold medal emblematic of the highest office ever held by a medalled war veterans including hun- Competitive events planned are low with graphs of all members acccompany With games, : other financiers and industrialJewish boy in the R. O. T. C. regiboating on their all-day outing held that honor . dreds of disabled ex-soldiers headed gross on 18 holes for local and outtheir application. ment, having been appointed major by a crippled veteran in a wheel- j of-town players, low net on 18 holes. ists and in addition appealed to his at Linoma beach on Sunday, July 23, of the corp in 1930. The organization eventuality hopes the Thorpian Athletic club announced Freshman Honors to Rosenbaum chair. This section bore a banner local and out-of-town, low gross on 9 prejudice against the Jews and to to enroll more than 10,000 Jewish the winners in the various events. To The freshmen scholarship bronze Julius Bisno and Morris Blacker which drew resounding cheers from holes, low net on nine holes, longest his desire to avoid members. Mrs. Flo Brookstine goes the honor of plaque, presented for the highest were cited for being the only two the spectators—"1914, We Defended drive, least putts a blind event, and i Ford German plants. winning the ladies' slipper-kicking grades received by the incoming Jewish men on the campus to have Freedom from the Huns—1933, We an approaching and putting contest j Steel expresses surprise that Ferto enter the contest, while Sam Stern, running true members of the fraternity, was won their articles published in the school's Must Defend the Jews from Hitler's Mrs. Handler is anticipating a large j Gmanci was States outside the quota alTh article by b Atrocities." group of women from other local club? [ to form, was declared the individual this year by Edward Eosenbaum, literary magazine. The he came ostensibly as a workand from several ontstate and Iowa ij e 2 hero of the track events, winning the pledgemaster for the coming year. Morris Blacker on the life of Dr. This year's winner was also cited for1 Herman von W. Schulte, late dean of 50-yard dash. cities. Lakewood women will postpone! 'Fo r d,,s E f t s subsetheir regular ladies dar frcm Tuesdav .. ' .. The baseball games in the men's and receiving one of the highest average the College of Medicine, was re- Nation Proposes Bringing on the Creighton campus. Past winto $300,000 paid Dr. Leon E. .Fellman will give ladies' divisions were won by the Feldprinted in book form and is to be 200 Ousted Scholars Here gently amounted Ferdinand under cover of an esa series of radio talks on "Dental The full sum of $120,000, desired to Wednesdar in order to attend the I to . _ . _ , respectively^ Other *ers of the plaque include: Morris sent to all the leading universities in pecially large salary and bonuses as for the new University in Exile, has meet Hygiene" over radio station W. O. . . _ _ of prizes in various events Blacker, 1928-28; Joe Felman 1929- America and Europe. an expert engineer, Steel says. W. every Thursday morning at 9:45 were Mr. and Mrs. Shin Friedel, Mrs. 30; Aaron Perlis, 1930-31; and Wil- Max Resnick, honor student in the been pledged to provide employment Ferdinand and August Wilhelm, College of Commerce, was cited for for two years for fifteen German pro- ! Kipling Orders Swastika Cut a. m These talks are being spon- g- a m Z-w i e b a c k , m d Mrs. Harry Nees— — "am X. Resnick, 1931-1932. sored by the home economics de- man. The day's outing was ended with honors won in journalism. He was lessors dismissed by the Nazi govern- The swastika, which has been the Auwi," who were popular in ChiScholarship to Morris Blacker partment of the "Woodmen of the a fried chicken dinner. used on the books of Rudyard i cago society, Morris Blacker, senior in the Col- presented a cash award by a leading ment, according to the current issue symbol y y y succeeded in. raisingg World radio, station. lege of Medicine, and president of national trade magazine for an ar- of The Nation. The magazine made Kipling since that novelist began | large sums there for Hitler, which Part of the allotted broadcasting Jew in High Federal Post the fraternity, was presented with ticle written last winter. He is also a plea for a further sum of $1^00,000 writing, "has been ordered removed j were forwarded to Germany through to extend the proposed uufTersity from future editions of his old time will be devoted to answering Washington, (J.TA.)—The appoint- the "President's Scholarship Cup" for a member of the Creighton staff. ld andd jj f different banks, according to questions on any phase of dental ment of Isador Lubin, as commission- the highest- scholastic average ob- The banquet was concluded with a work for one year and to secure posi- new books, his literary agent has an- ] Steel. care. The first of these-talks will er of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tained in the fraternity. The cup resume by Julius Bisno of the ac- tions for the entire membership of 300 nounced. It is believed that the gesPleasure lies rather in tranquillity be on "The Development of Babies has been announced by Secretary of was donated to the fraternity by tivities participated in by the fra- scholars whom the Hitlerites have dis- ture is intended as a rebuke to the placed. , anti-Semitism of- Nazi Germany. . i than in activity.—Aristotle. Teeth." .. : i i Labor Perkins. . > j Phillip M. Klutznick, assn«Aant city ternity. • • • fRomance T;j| ' 'eople," pageant depicting the h • '" *of Jewish life, will be staged in'. - 3 York Y k at the Polo Grounds on j 14 for the benefit of German Jewish relief in Palestine, it was announced yesterday by Louis Lipsky, national chairman of the American Palestine Campaign. Governor Herbert H. Lehman will act as honorary chairman of the pageant. The pageant, when shown at the Chicago World's Fair, this month was witnessed by more than 100,000 persons.









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_ _ J _ _ : I





Vaad to Stage Outing at Park


Awards to Honor Students


Thorps Frolic at Linoma Successful

Dr. Leon E. Fellman To Give Radio Talks

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1933 government members, led by campus, the Jewish fraternity man worship must have light and sun-from Premier Tsaldaris and M. Dragoumis, might be able to wield a healthy inshine.) Governor General of Macedonia. The fluence towards counteracting antiGEMS of the BIBLE declarations from the government also Semitic propaganda. At any rate, so Rabbi Elazar said, "He that wrongand TALMUD large a group of young men should fully accuses his friend must appease assailed anarchistic acts against the Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By O. O. DASHER not be overlooked by the Anti-Defhim, and bless him for accepting his State and placed them in the same . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY category with anti-Semitic moveamation League in their efforts on the apology. campuses of the various educational ments. For several thousands of years, the institutions. After all, the college man Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate The organization, Mellas, m o s t $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - Rabbi Jocharian kaid, "As long *s fierce of all anti-Semitic groups, Jews of all lands have "been the ob-just ready to start out in life i3 thethee. Advertising rates furnished on application Reprove a wise man, and ho will the Temple wsts in ^existence the altar" which was responsible for the fire in jects of persecution and discrimina- ideal person to contact if the errors was the means of atonement for Is-the Campbell Jewish quarter here in tion. It seems to have invited the in undersanding and prejudice of the love thee. rael, but now since the destruction of June; 1931, is almost certain to fce hatreds and bigotries of all peoples. elders are to be corrected. Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis.Theater Buflaing. In the multitude of words there the Temple each man's table is the closed down by the government beThe reasons offered are various and Again, the B'nai Brith maintains in ' ' : Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street sometimes ridiculous. No more ade- a number of institutions the Hillel wanteth not transgression. But hemeans of atonement. (By inviting cause it is undermining governmental poor and needy to his table). quate a reason has ever been offered Foundation. This serves to provide a that refraineth his lips is wise. Sionx City Office-rJewish Community Center authority and leading the country to than that justification an ancient cultural and religious unit to which DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor anarchy, it was said today by states Egyptian pharoah offered for his per- the young Jewish boy or girl may ad- The lips of the righteous know what To Prohibit Anti-Semite PRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor spokesmen. is acceptable, F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent secutions of the Jews. He said, "There here. If in addition to their cultural Organizations in Greece A N N PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent But the mouth of the wicked is all are a strange people in cur midst and religious activities this organizaSalonica, (J.T.A.)—The intention whos'-. customs and whose manners we tion made part of their program the frowardness. of the government to prohibit antido not understand. Let us rise in ourdevotion of some activity and a good e m i t i c Nationalist organizations A virtuous woman is a crown to her S might and smite; them before they be- deal of effort to counteracting antiOpen Epistle to Jehovah which of late have developed in contoo powerful for us." Semitism, a large group might be en- husband, junction with the fierce anti-Jewish Dear Jehovah: . . . come But she that doeth shamdully is as It has been the fact that the Jewlisted in a worthy cause. Hillel should campaign in Greece was revealed by You will pardon this informal greeting, but You see the Rys- possesses a culture and a religion dif- be extended to include all of the east- rottenness in his bones. open declarations in this direction kinds—Your records will confirm this—have been Jews for good- ferent from any other people, that has ern schools, where perhaps the subtle Talmud ness knows how many centuries, and I always think of You as one made him the object of discrimination. manifestations of anti-Semitism are Rabbi Jochanan said, "A man shall He stands out a man apart, a man to more noticeable than elsewhere. If, in NATIONAL of the family. Your name has been a byword in our household for be watched. It has made the life of addition to this, enlargement, the guid- not pray in a house where there are ACCESSORIES, Inc. generations and, although You haven't been around lately, they the Jew far from an easy one anding powers of B'nai Brith were to no windows." (Because a house of still talk of the times You used to come around and visit the mes- conversely has intensified his adher- map out a constructive program for EVERYTHING ence to those very items that bring the combating of anti-Semitic propa- make, will write the same to me; any pocha. My late grandfather, one of Your more fervent admirers, about For the Auto such communicatio i will be given sehis persecution. ganda for this group to follow, I am never got tired telling me of the days You went walking with Idealistic as it may seem, it strikes sure that they would have an effec- rious consideration. 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 Noah and the long talks You had with Moses; and niany's the the mind of Spectator Junior that tive unit at their command. laugh (reverent, understand me) we had together over the time there are a number of methods to be What procedure they are to follow used at the present time that would I do not feel at liberty to suggest. Abraham beat You down from fifty righteous to ten. Of course effectually combat the presence of There is, of course, much to be conI realize that Abraham didn't really get anything out of it because, anti-Semitism amongst the American sidered in the problem of combating as I recall the story> You went right ahead and destroyed the people and facilitate the spreading of anti-Semitism from within. And again good-will between Jew and non-Jew. there is much to be considered along cities. Nevertheless I liked the principle of the thing. One of the most fertile fields for de- the line of fostering good-will organI could go on like that forever, but it would just be an oldvelopment is the American college and izations and understanding with powSend for story to You. I just wanted to make it clear that Your works university. Here is an atmosphere erful Gentile units. It is greatly to be should be a liberal one, much can hoped that the B'nai Brith before the have left a distinct impression on the Ryskinds. And when I say that this be done to enlighten the student that opening of the colleges in the fall, 1 your works, I mean Your works and none of this New Testament arrives with a preconceived notion as will see their way clear to concenAnd the con*stuff. Oh, I'm not denying that occasionally one of the boys would to what Jews are. Much that he hastrating their efforts in this direction. fortable vray! already in his mind is inherited or Youth, after all, for all its rash en; turn agnostic, but—so far, at any rate—there hasn't been a Re- learned Cheaper, too, at home, where the parents thusiasms and prejudices, is pliable inthelongrun! formed Jew in the bunch. And that's a pretty good record for the themselves may never have had theand the ground seems to beripefor Plan to spend maximum time) opportunity of becoming enlightened the sowing of the seeds of understandChosen People if I do say It. on the grounds, including everegarding the subject of Jews and ing. The American college prides itning hours when • million Mid* And, speaking of the Chosen People, that's what I wanted to their ways. self on its liberal atmosphere, an atway lights are gleaming. talk to You about. What I mean is, I'm wondering whether it The Anti-Defamation League of the mosphere conducive to just such efYou'll enjoy every minute, if wouldn't be possible for us to keep on being Jews and still not be B'nai Brith could do much worse than forts and certainly so fertile a field you go the carefree vray. The story of the World'* Fur . . . inconcentrate a good deal of their ought not to be overlooked. ttrestlufjy told and beautifully Hlu*> Let us welcome you. Rock Island the Chosen People. Please don't misunderstand me, Lord. I'm to trated with actual photographs. Really efforts and money in an attempt to exhibit—Travel and Transport » *• • handbook of what to sec and do. deeply appreciative of the honor you conferred on us. And it spread amongst the colleges the the- During the *month Building. of August, SpecErery pace is oewsy, entertaining, ories of good-will between Jew andtator Junior will not appear. The colwould have been all right if You alone had chosen us. helpful... hut the kind of i nformatioa FOUR TRAINS DAILY entile. They could and should do umn will be continued in September. yonwill want as your firstintroductioa But You know what happened. After You chose us, it got much to the Bit Show. Sendforthis booklet toward creating a more friendly I earnestly wish that any reader who VERY LOW ROUND TRIP PARES DAVID R. COHEN today . . . it's FREE. to be the vogue. The first thing we knew, everybody was choos- spirit of understanding amongst Jew- has any constructive suggestion to About 1 cent a mile erery Saturday asai Sunday. 10 day return limit. MAIL THIS COUPON ing us. There was that time in Egypt when the Pharaohs needed ish and non-Jewish students. One of make regarding the subject matter Special Representative Far details amd illustrated folder ;he mediums they have not yet tried contained herein or any criticism to R. THOMSON. Passenger Traffic Mgr. call on, phowte or writ* some slaves—so they chose us. And then the Babylonians and :hat might be used to good advantage Chicago & North Western Railway Pacific Mutual Life A. D. MARTIN 400 W.Madison St.. Chicano.IU, «"» the Greeks and the Romans air chose us, And the Spanish In- s to enlist the aid of the various Jew•i Crn'I Agt. P i n ' r Dee*. Please send me, without cost or obliFor Carefulness nnfl KffieifTirv In Rock Island Limea ish social fraternities for this purpose. quisition. And then the Russians. And now.it's Hitler. Ins. Co. gation, your new booklet, "A Century of Your Mohel Specialist Call 701 Woodrarnafths TRAVEL nearly all state universities and at Progress Exposition." World Bid*. Of course we don't mean to be rude and: we're deeply grateful At By Omaha, Nebr. a, good many endowed schools campus Non-Cancellable Disability Rabbi Barbakow Jackson 6556 s* to all these people, but all these social functions cut into our work activities are conducted by the fraterTRAI N Phone Name 308 So. I5th St. 522 No- 20th YTE. 5150 Life insurance and Annuities Phono Atlantic 9888 nities on a system of equitable ex\3Q terribly. There's always so much to be doner-especially in these Address change. 15 \cars Experience In days—and a fellow simply can't do his best work when he's been Coming in contact daily with men 712 First Nati Bk. AT. 7168 i and Omaha * TOWO.« ..a...*....^'M»......... | out late to a pogrom the^ night before. I don't want to be narrow- 'rom all classes on ^tbe'^university








niuGinfree Way



Book of




minded about i t : I'm not saying'that a pogrom once in a while isn't a good thnig, but right now it's two and three pogroms a week—andhowlpng can anybody keep that up? So if You could find it'convenient to just lay off for a little while—say a century or IWJCK—we'd be very much obliged. If You could choose some goyim fpifachange, we could probably get some things done in this cock^eyBd world. Andwhen I say goyim, I don't mean just schvrarze, either. They'ye got in tough enough



' . - . ; • • • ;


":;• •





Supporting the Recovery Act

An appeal has been issued to Jewish religious bodies, as. as to other groups, to organize sentiment that will speed the exe-; cution of President Roosevelt's recovery program. No special injunction is needed to make the Jewish citizens of America conscious to their responsibility, together with their fellow countrymen, of bringing about economic equilibrium in this country. Jews as Jews cannot bring any pressure to bear upon any particular phase of the reconstruction program, and yet there is unavoidable obligation upon every individual Jew who is concerned with commerce and industry to exert his influence in the direction of sound and socially desirable recovery. We refer to Jews who are in a position to draw up codes of hours and wages. The standards being established by these codes under General Hugh Johnson's direction will determine the economic and social health of the country for years to come. In a number of industries, the presence of Jews among those who have obstructed social justice programs of industry has been disheartening. Rabbis, lay leaders and all those who hold positions of influence in the community must throw the weight of their prestige into impressing Jewish manufacturers and employers of labor with their responsibility toward the great masses of labor..—The Jewish Criterion. 5693 Fast of AB 1 Kosh Chodesh Ellul 5694 Rosh Hashonah Yom Kippur 1st Day Succoth Shemini Atzereth Simehath Torah Rosh Chodesh:Cheshvan — 1st Day Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tebeth —„... ! Fast of Tebeth -_.

_ • -/ ' :

Play Golf During This

Ideal Weather


Such a moratorium might give Einstein a chance to work out something in science. Furthermore it might stop Ludwig Lewishon from writing about the Jewish problem. Ludwig is a brilliant writer, but we all have begun to wish he would find himself a new theme song. If that's all we got out of it, it would be worth while. . Hoping You can see Your way clear to comply with this re, quest, I beg to remain, , • '•; Yours respectfully, ' . { MORRIE RYSKEND. !

Hebrew Calendar

...When You

,1933 Tuesday, Aug. 1 Tuesday, Aug. 22 1933 ..Thursday, Sept. 21 ....Saturday, Sept. 30 ..Thursday, Oct. 5 Thursday, Oct. 12 _„ -Friday, Oct. 13 ..„ Saturday, Oct. 21 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Tuesday, Dec. 19 ^.Thursday, Dec. 28|

•If you make friends, their friends are your;friends!, j

Instead of my regular job pulling the AK-SAR-BEN to and from Omaha; I am over at the Century of Progress Exposition* in Chicago. t the head of the Burlington's crack 6-car World's Fair ; exhibition train in which some of •our"regular Ak-Sar-Ben equip' ment figures prominently. *We are located south of the great gravel and Transport Building and are in excellent company, sharing the same platform as the famed British train, the ROYAL SCOT—and without boasting, we are cutting quite a dash.


1 i

767,853 people visited us and walked through the train in the first 54 days of the Exposition.

i i1


$9.75 to $13.85


Come and see us. Make our train your world's Fair headquarters. Relax and rest in our comfortable, soft-cushioned seats. Write your letters and cards aboard the train and see them post-marked in the postal car "while you wait.'- Make this your- meeting place with relatives and friends.

Tee off without worrying about the evening meal. Let it cook in the Everhot . . . cooks perfectly , . . needs no watching. It's all ready to serve at dinnertime . . . and how delicious! Daily demonstrations in the Electric Shop. Come in!

Another Burlington Exhibit

. . . or Electric

Inside the Travel and Transport Building; the Burlington has another exhibit that is attracting much attention . . . four miniature model relief map*—Yellowstone National Park; Glacier National Park; the Black Hills of South Dakota; and Colorado from Pikes Peak to Estea Park. Each area embraces about eighty square feett ik done approximately to seal* and shows the principal topographical features. They art fully animated . . . Yellowstone geysers; Pikes Peak •eg road; rivers and lakes of real water; inch* loqg motor coaches plying over the mountain highways.

See the boys at the Burlington office in Omaha-— 19th and Farnam Streets? about the exceedingly lota, rates for the Wdrld's Fair, including] ^frfid fours — all-expense plan, < phone tiumber is Atlantic 9831*


CASSEROLE Yon can serve a delicious hot dish from the casserole for dinner. Let it cook while you're playing golf . . . won't burn . . . needs no watching. A casserole dish, salad and beverage makes a balanced summer meal.

ZE'S YOUR SERV 7.15 am 6.15 put 8.30 pm

7.45 pm 7.05 am 8.30 am



JULT 28,33EB

CHICAGO home after spending a few «ayB vistS. Omaha, Barold 3&n?t,"3j«esident aif ^fiie fraferniry; Mj Sirs, Priedlander a n d iting in Sioux City, l a . T i e , "Chi chapter xfi. ¥i Xianibda testeni, Morxis SRsner, and <3oe GieeBdaughter, have .returned Iram : rnrty fratGrnrt Chicago where they attend t h e "World TO OKOBOJIE Btone; an a r t ikit % Milt Wolskj-v; ixniverjisiiy "will ^hold f& xfcsg and singing and music by several Fair. Miss Marjorie Kaplan left for a two ~a*no> 'wuiiermellon TT**PV a t the ^oisoter "WEfiks stay at l a k e Okobojk. house on Sunday July 30th. IJ.A.T3ES POE CAMP and smofeeE were served. fifty a r e expected for t i e ilisB 3Betty Jtirramson left Monday "The committee in charge of the morning "to spend seven 3HVE :at 'Canip smoker were Bill Osheroff and Art T h e regular 'business aneeting of Maha, ,girl fictmt camp, temp 38a. 4 . Ws&nex, xo-'thairmen; Myron Tarnoff 22LA. -was supplanted by a. jomt and Slornmn "Wohmer. sneetmg of -Qte -executive <committee J&T333KDING WJ3B. The fifth anniversary of t h e 3 a and of fee diairman of the Trarions IHrs. :SatahiKdfan "is im Chicago Lambda J"raterrih^ -will be -celebrated committees. tending1 i h e EWorld iFam Th fifflowing committeeB 3nd their by '.s. summer formal rHrmpy dance -will be -held a t t h e Blackstone chairmen "were ^appointed: 3HemberWO on Sunday^ 3nly 30th. Auxiliary of tiae Bhip, Arflrar;Gefber^ ^FiiiHiHa, 3SIyron Pleasant Wtsdl CronnsE left Jftrr ISncohi, !Nebw Tarnnff; Initiation, LouiB Baumer, -A. limited ammber of bids have "been -Jacobs Synagogue bas :been announcOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF to spend ;a ~week -with "Ife -xmde and Pjugrume, Isadorre "Hittleman; So- sent out t o quests. The coHimittee in ed for the xoming term. Those apx. and Mrs. X Hosenthal of "New BABY DAUGHTER aunt, Mr. \and Mrs. 32, k, formerly of Xincoln, Keb., an- Mr. and TVIrs. J. A. Solomon cial Service, Sciloinon JDnTgriff; and charge of t h e affair is composed of pointed are Mrs. J . Hosenblatt, Mrs. Art OHCTT M Mey~ice "the engagement of their Tiounce the hlrth of a baby girl on A l G I"roperty, CNatiian Cronnae. CHICAGO |hter, Ceil, to Mr. Barry Handel Saturday, Holy 1 , at the Jfethodist . Joe 3BlumtuXthal -was i^ven charge erawicTi, I r a n "Wfi'/elinan, and Harry (few Tork, formerly of Omaha. hospital. The daughterlias beenaiamed JJrs. iSam Hosenberg and chflflren, of -all arraiigementE if or at joint out- " W i l SEIHarB :and Dorothy, are an Chicago ing to be held Tsifli A 2 A 1 a t i>ibby Sfaaiamos. attending fe World Wmr. fcRTED SUNDAY TLmama .Beach. 15s Lee Chesneau, formerly of JiNNGtINCE 1EIB3M iha, was married last Sunday The Seta Alpha Gamma Soroxity Hfix. and TVt.TS; "Mauri ce ^Bernstein •ait2Jessa Gradriik -of MinneapDlis, iing in .New York City atlhelomehucomce the 3ciirih of i haby Jhoy on initiatsd s!x new jnembers last -week ^ -visifing i e r e with JMr. anil ier mother, TVlVg. TEetta Chesneanv fEriday, July -21,:at t h e ILnthexan Ihos*Raggles rand Mary Boland at toe litnnE of Miss Stmia Saks of jHrs. William Soasnerg, 3Ess Gxadnik on ^!Mama lioves 5r. Sidney Xowenstern. Council IBlnffs, "la. Tb-ose initaated jntaL:.. -Eapa" iisS ^ffien^extensively entertained and ^Gene Jiaymonil i n *jtan 'Carver's -were -Sara Uifkin, "Mnrra-n KiischenIIBT ^arrival 3m Omaha. IFKOM CHICAGO " JOGSOTINCE mEETH 3Krofessian" are the screen •features bantn, X^illian ^Euora, Ida Blacker, ass Sophie Oland 3ias :retQni£d. Mr. and .lirs. IBen i a z e r the "week starting :Saturaay, July Gertrude Qrnch and "Ethel Gt«en. The jiext aneeting "will be held a t the AT iCENTURT OF PIIOGKESS a. a ten-day visit' -in 'Chicago.: the birth iff &. dangldaer, TEneaday, 29, af-tfae-Orphemn theater. home of Ida Blacker. le there she "visited -with :her BIS-;4, :at the H^ttEheran lioEpliaL The JHrs. ^dDy ^ernsfine and «mall *Mama Inoves Tapa" is 'heralded a s 1 and brother-in-law,Dr. and JSIrs. daughter has been -named IBevefly Ann iEddfe, are 'in dhlcago attending tht "the jnost iumarons faxce comedy pre1. "Ravitz. ; •..'•-," sented on the screen Biis season, con•JLazer art tfhe Jewish Gannnnnity laughs :iof sqphistieHted com- The "Beta Tau 3£appa, Jewish fragogne 3>y lEabbi IDavid fGoldstein. y TOR TACA33ON SEEE throughout. 3lever l a s Charles ternity a t Omaha University, held a ir. and Mrs. H . TL Milder and son, it. 39«w IZork. i a d such am xipjiurliinity to smoker at the Tontenelle Hotel, on Mrs. tin, Heft Sunday far a. short stay; Urs. IDarad dhesnean and 3>aby portray .his -subtle touches of humoT, Thursday evening, July 2D, for its UErs, TZe& IDxnxker of Chicago. Ihey -were accompanied aanghter, iMarlene iSiclney,, are -visit-' 3nd., "Mrs. IK. X Xoppelman nX satire, and iroad comea.y ^ B -in tiiis xnshee. -About J g attended the aftthe trip by Mr. ing tin 35ew SorkiCity with 3Iis. IXetta iBatfle C ;Segall. IHiclu, ^^and Mrs. -5amrpictnre. is »a suburban Imsband fair. T i e program .consisted of Max XS S t . ^Toseph, IBIn^ 'iave 3»en -wife i s incest -with the desire Altsular as imaytgr of ceremonies; p jygfgiltMtlf>lK:.IlTr<Tif CUlffire--witlt their ^parents, JOIN M 3 B L I short talks 3»y Dr. Paine of &e 13m±ure-and have himjadopt it. ISJrs. -A. IH. <r. David 31. Cohen "will join TUB PEIR SIOUX Wabier Catlett, ILDyan Tashman ily ^at Templars Sar, Spirit Helen Stein, daughter rrf George Baxbier a r e included in RETDKNB and iMrs. M. Ston,lhas ' FDSU1TNT ^BLarblB Eatleman returned the indDiant svrppartrng rast. City for ;B^±WD weeks' ;stay rguest One or two lovely furnished •^tay and Eene -Raymond m of -Miss -Kate Tiaplan. irooms for single persons or SMONT T7ISHOES HERE ; "J&nn CaTver'i 3Rrofesaori" i s an direct cr. !and -Mrs. J. -Befbrn aoif iErexnonl, contrast -to "Mama. Xoves -Papi" in | i, 'were t h e ^week-end guests jof' as it i s tense drama The j 3ianel ^Barrymore, long jremembered land 3IIrs. 3Iiidmard jGreenberg. story xoncernB .a j o n n g conple who Max ^3EaCe,-violinist iwifli -the'Omaha- far i i s ^portrayal of ]Basprttin 3n tthe after being picture '^Rasputin", i t e 3Iad Honk of symphony-orchestsa, lias j u s t jrtnrn jragtiees his -ths ^ from a fonr-ihausand anile dour wiin ^Russia, "being shown "in fiie -picture marry, -Return" a t t h e 3»ara- jprolession of architecture ^wiiile the 1'Week, Starting TErioay, Jifly:.-28j •Henry Haktead and. ihls Sollywoo: fescribed as a. ^gUttering janoramaj orchestra. :The xirchestra was lieard an mount fEor the current -week. Co- girl becomes a housewife and .discards , few Ttork Sife from IBattery 3Eafk; the ipxinclpal ^cities of t h e south .and starred with 3$arTymare i s .-Miriam; •her profession of law. Hisfortune Etarlem, 'fMade on ^Broadway" west ;coast, : climaxing -their "trip with Mopkins, -wi^acions blond of the stage comes to them .and the girl lakes up Iher ^practice of law ^nd -soon Tdses | J tto t h e ^World Theater 2or ime a one -week's stay a t t h e Gacoannt and screen. 1 :above her husband in -pmfessional Iln this pictnre t h e character actor Grove "in Hollywooa, CaL IKr. lEaffe c starting ^Pfiday, , July "-28, with >rt Uontgomery and -Sally filers, -will Tejoin t h e orchestra in the fall. is cast a s •flie -85-year-61d farmer .who prestige. S e becomes disheartened arefnses t o die nntil i i s house "is in and rquits his ;professian and after a of t h e screen's anost ipqpular order. ZMiss Bopkins, seen as 3fe!series of stormy experiences winds up ig -pbiyers, co-starred for t h e first VISITIN city-bred granddaughter, is superb in j-as a night dub entertainer. There he L 3n this .attraction 3Hontgamery r Mis. PJiilhp !Levey is - visiting in Dethe "xcile of a debonair -meEKabont- troit, Midi., rwith :her 3ffiter-in-!law,:5 "her anterpretation of a r d e •exacting il>eaomes involved in the death of a 1 girl entertainer and his -w3e xomes to i who is actually the power be- Mrs. 'George Xevey, Mrs. Iievey ^will: ~TTI jtu demands. his aid -with a sensational legal dethe city's political scene. The be away for a "month and wlD ^visit! Tone, the screen's mew TOmantic hiero, xarries t h e love theme fense. picture, crammed wath thrills .and ± h e World's Fair before ^returning -with Miss Sopkms and prxxves a valu"wise-cracks, affords a tour -of HJew able acquisition t o the castf o r k ' s most exclusive night sprits, iiome. Also on t h e .^arne program 5s **Inand a true story of a beautiful girl's fbation)M a short Bubject in -whicn -the HEAVE TOE TRIP -rise from jiowhere 'to sudden fame. Deal" 'is pictorially .and inter-: Mrs. David M. ^Newman 3s leaving; Or. the same program the "World g Estingly explained. Ted Seally sand d Saturday for a ttwD-week trip t o The i Tffji offeringg ZLandi, Tffarjorie Dells i n "Wisconsin. "Before aeturnmgj His IHoogBs, IHoward E n e -an.3 Howard Bambeau and David Manners in "The present a technicolor musical "novelty-' •Warriar's Husband." I t is :a iilar- home Mrs. "Uewman There i s also a Mickey MOUSE ;earioup comedy-Tomance of women who friends in Jffilwarikee and "toon and the Paramount JJews t o ?noma week In Chicago attending t h e are the -warriors and .providers—of ' plete the program. en who have all the Tights, .and "World Tair. id lefts with -which to enforce in—of women who do the woning,I .men the .washing, i n this !pic£ it's the -women who do the King—and the men who are ete. TCETU-KK

Pi Lambda FM


2L Jacobs, 3fe;. S. Baliior, TSrs. "S. , Eite M « 3er3 IBte. X SEingte, MTB. y, and Mrs. 3. Stirwitz.

Junior Hadassab The Junior Hadassah will hold A summer outing on Sunday afternoon, August 6th, a t iPeony Park. Hiss Sarah Ann Noddle i s in charge.

Xi Lambda

1 K B AS ana $1 Will Entitle You ±o a Biding Lesson. Ilegnlar liice $2. STABOS LA S310 iS202 K .

Beta Alpha Gamma

Beta Tan Kappa



at Eerzbergs of

185 Better Di 3fow . . ^ BDHIE of ^fhs very ilresses -flnct -were $15 last

The Sign-of Good Offices Brandsis 'rheatre OMAHA

-wsek sreTsctnced tD t h e ?1D ^ n n r p ^ . . somfi fErnm t h e SID group t o t h e $ 5 grmip, -etc... . » lorjy xegnrapiiig' h silks. ilk pg of "better j1} h .. b b rii n g s ffi ffiwgra vHH'rBttfp*fl


75 Dr

To Close Ouf af Ifcresses "that "were -oTagTnally priced, to ^19.75 reeeSifljin elearance at $8 and $10 - - IQrars&ay , » , your dhoiee a t

Always two unrivalled screen features on one program

Starting Saturday Tlie smartest faTce on marital life you have ever seen!



BAE8TM0RE "THE inPhflStong's



"Ann Carver's Professiori" CABMAN'S FUR FASHION REVUE

Meet the Smartest Guy on IBroadway! liOBEET

^Ebrposing Mad Manhattan

Explained! ^

EUSSA LAXDI Slarjorie Rambeau

More Tim


^!Nerteery Rhymes"


SSictey Mouse


60 D To Close Out a* Dresses that Tvei'e origi- $ naUy priced to $35 . . Tecently in clearance a t $15 » . . Thursday your choice a t »„-.... ,-




Miriam Hopkins Franchot Ttmfi Stnart3Brwin EXTRA!

in Grand Poyer 2:30,7:30, 9:00 Daily



with -SAIXY


lama L©?es Papa



The Xaugh Hit of ~&LC Season



When women do t h e wooing—and Tppri the Trashing

To Close Ouf Dresses oTiginaDy pTiced to $49.75 - , . recentlT in elearanee at $18...Thnrsday your choice at Sizes X2 to 44

Sixth Floor

Charge Purchases I*ayable September lKh.

• Sporf ^.$!Lf5io $2.95 • S w m Trutib •Swim Surte. • Stiorte and SKnts. . • AtWe+lc Union Stills 55c +o $2iOO • Breezy tfeclcwsar 50c and $1.00 • C o o l tvtesh S\Ms $W5ite$il^5 •Washable Robes $235 and $3.B5 •Sporf Safe . ..... SDc and $1.00 • Harrow Suspenders 50c to $1.50 • White Sport Sox... 35c and 50c Ths 3febraska's great s u m m e r laber&ashery store invites you 1a> cod comfortable wearables— all strictlj standard goods—all Deal for canform to tiie

e Sure Aboirf- fhe Origin of Hje Nebraska^ Merchandise!


IN AQUATIC PAGEANT—These pretty girls of Newport Bay, CaL, are shown grouped around a hi* tone wheel, which they decorated for the Newport Bay Tournament of Lights. Many beautifulfloatsare annually entered in the pageant. OIL TJR^W SETS FIRS-. TO TOWN—This airplane view shows t h e wreckage and damage done when 25 oil and box cars of the Milwaukee railroad were derailed at Gladwin, la. An oil car exploded,.setting fire to the general store and railway station of the town. Three persons were killed.

REPUTED TO HAVE STARTED NUDISM—Dr. Henry S. Huntington, named by the Watch and Ward society as leader of the nudist movement in America,, is photographed p g a p e d with with Miss Miss Gertrude Gertrude von von H b Hausmann, member of the nudist colony, at Otis Mass Thirty sun disciples are said to be alreadyy assembledd at the camp, while state tryin to t findfid f stopping i them h police have been trying ways andd means of

CONGRATULATIONS!—General Italo Balbo,, right, g , leader of the la *-P ne armada which flew from Italy to the United States, is shown i nNe w Y o r k .. congratulating Wiley Post, the Oklahoma "space-meltee rr the globe globe in in a afraction fraction o over seven days. General General " wwhhoo spaced the even days Balbo and Ms armada later took off for. 2

DRIVE AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT—Leaders in the U. S. national recovery act program benew international re-employment drive endorsed by President Roosevelt. Left to right: U. S. Seery of Labor Francis Perkins; William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor; Lady lltlgfrfBtAI* Bondfield, former British minister of labor, and General Hugh S. Johnson, recovery act

LIVING COPY CAST AS STATUE-^What were the classic arms of Venus De Milo doing? This question, which for many, years has kept art critics guessing, disturbed chiropractic circles, also. Los WOULD WEAR GA& MASKS—These fair strikers oi Rochester, H. Y., appealed to the United "Angeles chiropractors have decided that the original"model of the" government for gas masks to protect them against tear gas barrages used to d.sperse them when famous statue wore black gloves as presented here by Ruth Wil- f. they appeared in the vicinity, of factories concerned. Photo show, strikers with banners. U. S. arbitramodel

TWO AIK-MINDED MEN—Professor % fa s e e n


Pictard, stratosphere concerning

PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1933 •where tehy are visiting, at the home to see him saddle a hundred and of their uncle =nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs.twenty victors or more during the Henry Madnff. year. "This Jacobs is the red-headed kid" Beebee discovered in Cuba a few BY F. B. K. years ago and introduced to his friends as the greatest young trainer The Ladies Auxiliary bf the Tal in the world. For making such a mud Torah have postponed their reg- RED JACOBS, TRAINER declaration Beebee was branded as ular monthly meeting, scueduied iur EXTRAORDINARY an insane man. Almost all horsenext Wednesday afternoon, until A few weeks back I wrote a piece men and hundreds of racegoers ridSeptember 6th. about Hirsch Jacobs, young trainer iculed him. Jacobs had been a piof horses and told you how he was geon man; had raced pigeons and The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim compiling an enviable turf record- had been with thoroughbred horses Society \nH hold a meeting next His exploits are getting more at- only a year or two and in the opinion Wednesday evening, August 3rd, at tention from race track fans. Here of most turf experts it was impos8:30 o'clock at the Eagles HalL is what Henry V. King of the New sible for him or any one else to York Sun has to say about the learn the horse business in so short H. Saltzman, who has 'been ill at little red-headed Jewish boy. a time. the Jennie Edmundson Hospital for "Hirsch Jacobs, the youthful trainEven after he sent winner after the past six •weeks, was removed to er who has charge of the thoroughwinner to the post, other trainers his home Tuesday. breds belonging to the B. B. Stable, refused to admit he was a good saddled his sixty-sixth winner of the horseman or that he knew how to Leo Unger left Saturday night for season when The Heathen ran away Chicago, Illinois, to attend the World from a big band of cheap platers-in prepare a horse for a race. His Fair. He expects to be gone for the fourth race at Empire City last success, they said, was due to luck; about two weeks. week. The victory made his record a wonderful one. No other horseman that he claimed ready-made horses The Chevra B*nai Yisroel Society in America has sent forth, so many will hold a meeting next Wednesday winners. In fact, he is so far ahead evening, August 2nd, at 8 o'clock at of all other trainers that it is not the synagogue at 819 Mynster street. likely any of them will overhaul him this year, and there is a chance he Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks have as will establish an all-time record. their house guests their daughters, With a fair share of luck in his Mrs. Irving Rosenberg and her small stable i t would not be surprising daughter, Alice, of Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs. John Baird Quigley and children, Joan and Ruth, of Hutchinson, Kansas, who are spending a month here.

Council Bluffs 'News


Mention the Jewish Press to our and had an able horseman as his will not thoroughly understand a an shops and trade and commerce was advertisers. passed by the Chamber of Artisans in race horse. He asserts he learns assistant. "Jacobs knew his fellow trainers something new about the business Chemnitz. The resolution demanded were casting all sorts of aspirsions every day and that the way to \rin that Jewish artisans be prohibited on him and his ability. But he did- races is to run horses when they from employing Aryan apprentices n't become worried or excited or are ready to run. He doesn't be- and Jewish merchants Aryan salesannoyed. He continued to work hard lieve in racing them to death, but men. By this method the Nazis in neither does he believe in permitting Chemnitz eventually hope to bring and mind his own bnsiness. 4002 Dodge St. Jewish activity to a standstill. *^Now all the racing world is haft- thoroughly fit stock to remain in Barbecued Ribs, ing him as a wonder, and he is one their stalls when there are contests in which they can compete. of the most popular horsemen in Sandwiches WHEAT, CORN. OATS America. Hundreds of men and Soft Drinks For ID formation Call at Write women wager on his charges irres- Hitler to Issue Book Here and Ice Cream Adolph Hitler's gospel of anti-Semipective of their past performances TAYLOR GRAIN CO. Barbecued Ribs, 1b. ...._35c and are being well rewarded. While tism, his autobiography called "My 151-752 Omaha Ormln E%<hi»nCe Bids. he is not loquacious or a show off Battle,** win be available to the readFree Delivery Sarvice JA 3403—AT 8668 he is not secretive. Everything that ing public of the United States, as an Private Wire Conawttana With Phone JA. 8006 English edition is to be published here goes on in his stable i s public propJ.4S. E. BENNETT CO. erty. He does not bet on the races in the fall by Houghton Mifflin Co. and every lime he sends a horse Outside of chronicling the story of the to the post the horse is fit to run National Socialist Movement, the Gerand his jockey receives instructions man Chancellor expounds his theories on why the Jew should be eliminated to try to make him win. "Omaha's MostrBeautifu! Home for Funferal^" from the German body politic. "Despite his success, Jacobs is a Furierals To Fii Aritf Pjiir^, : modest fellow. He admits he knows Berlin, (J.T.A.)—A resolution to very little about a thoroughbred Phone H/Vrney 1226 ; Farnam at^Thurty-thifd and that if he lives a century he expel" all Jewish members from artis-



VESS Beverages

Sam Shyken left Tuesday for Chicago, Illinois, to attend the World's Fair., He expects to be gone for about two weeks.

Large Bottle 10c

Mrs. Sam Laderman of St. Paul, Minnesota, who was called here last week due to the death of her mother, Mrs. L Cherniss, returned to her home Monday.

Whistle Vess Beverages

Beverley and Darlene Marcus are spending the week in Anita, Iowa,

WE. 2131



The New Onart Velxor Doable Curler Pefmaaeat

Certified BubUe Aects.




kelps build strong bones i. and teeth.

Good for Kiddies and

Roberts Dairy Co.

Harding Creamery Co.


orders enable your relatives in Soviet Russia to purchase all sorts of domestic or imported articles at low prices. For orders on Torgsln apply to your local bank, companies listed below, or their authorized agents.

Amalgamated Bank, New York Am-Derutra Transport Corp. American Express Co. Gdynia-America Line Hias Manufacturers Trust CoPostal Telegraph-Cahle Co. Public Nati Bank & Trust Co. R.C.A. Communications, Inc. Hudson Co. Nati Bank, Bayonne, N. J. The Pennsylvania Co, Phila. Union Savings Bank, Pittsburgh Amalgamated Trust & Sav. Bank, Chicago

In Soviet Russia there are Torgsin stores in over 1,000 localities. Torgsin orders may be sent to anyone, in any quantity. To cities that have no TOEGSIN stores, Torgsin mails your orders by parcel post.



261 fifth AvtowficctNev VbrLJtV. (20th Floor)


New and Used Cars • Where Price, Quality, & ano7"Serv!ce Meet


AUTO PARTS New and Used Repair Farts and Accessories fa* Cars and Tracks at a Savior Merchandise Guaranteed

Star Auto Parts Co. S. M. CLAYMAN, Mgr. AT. tan 17th and Chicae* St.


Our August Sale of

FURNITURE Starts Monday, July 31 Never in the history of the furniture business has it been possible to secure such well designed, well built, well finished furniture as within the past year. Values have been almost unbelievable. Our purchases in May and June were unusually large in anticipation of advances.

Hardly a single piece of furniture in our store can be duplicated today at the price it is being offered.


Best Workmanship 9 Tears Present

• • • •

CLEANERS DYERS HATTERS TAILORS Rug and Curtain Cleaners Upholstered Furniture

Band Box Cleaners AT. 4111, 5423 Farnam St. V



2004 Lake St. Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop.

Abramson Audit Co. 852 Brandets Theater Bldg.

Malted Milk *we*r


Special until Sept. 1 Seduced price of $L50 for full treatment in ladies department.

Re-Nu-Health Baths AT. 3911 Elks Bldg, 3rd Floor

BATTERY SERVICE We Are Distributors for the Well Known Omaha Manufactured

GRANT BATTERY And Guarantee All Sales Batteries Serviced

National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol AT. 6427


DRINK! Golden Spike Pale Dry Gingerale Ideal Lime gickey Ideal Manufactured and Distributed by

Ideal Bottling Co. " WE. 36*3 1808 North SOtit St.

BODY t FENDER Auto Bod/ and Fender Repairing. Painting Complete Upholsterinc and Glass Sen ice Wicker Fnra1t**e Fainted and Kepalred

Paul Brodrick 2118-22 Cumins AT.€20S Since 1922 Soliciting Quality Work


Chicago $5.50 Chicago $5.00 Round Trip 7.95 Denver 7.50 Round Trip 11.00 Los Angeles- 20.00 Round Trip 35.00

BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bldg. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000

CAFE Let Oar Cateress Plan Yonr Next Bridge Dinner or Luncheon Party in Our Private Dining Room.

HAMILTON CAFE Mrs. Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam. JA. 8278



Hospital Remedy for Gas, V •artborn. Indigestion. Constipation We Sell aj»d Guarantee This Remedy Quality and Service

Kozak's Drug Company N. E. Corner 20th and Lake AT.


Best Resulti

ijMlbtw Cuts and UlW*

Located away from the hustling and bustling of down town traffic, the Hamilton Cafe is able to serve you a meal in an a t m o s p h e r e which is quiet, peaceful, and serene. That isn't the sole recommendation for the Hamilton Cafe—stronger than this is the tasty meals served under the supervision of Mrs. Margaret Berman who has been in the restaurant business for the past ten years and has held a responsible position in one Df Omaha's l e a d i n g Cafes. A feature of the Hamilton Cafe is their private dining room which Mrs. Berman is devoting solely to bridge parties, luncheons and banquets. Many of the organizations who have held luncheons, parties or banquets there have ejqsressed their •isaitigfoction and delight in the beautiful surroundings and the -wholesome, delicious food. Mrs. Berman extends a cordial invitation to the subscribers of the Jewish Press to visit her cafe and get firsthand information ahout the cool private dining room. Sunday Specials include a 50c diner with a choice of either fried chicken or choice U. S. T-Bone steaks Remember the place! Hamilton Cafe 248S Farnam St. Ja. 8278. ..

Thonc Ot.4626 '•

FRANK MEARES Knows How to dean Hats Work Done While Yon Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481



G.A. Steinheimer Company 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Punting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public Bldgs.


JA. 4883, lblS Cass

Best Photographer

7c Each

Volz Will Keep You Nattily Attired

THEODORE VOLZ &SON FASHION TAILORS JOHN VOLZ Rooms SSfl-iSSS Securities BldC 18th and Farnam. JA. !7«6



Contracting Painters

The Best Portrait

Shirts Finished in Bundle


EE. 0061-62

Sunshine Laundry • Semi-Rat, 5c lb. 75c Minimum

1406 Dodge St.

We Take Time to Do It l by Belnr Stow Careful

*• omRHO *

Standard Hat Works

Corey-McKenzie Printing Co.


cncitfivinG co.


We Solicit Taitr Printing and Office Supply Need*

BLUE LINE Transfer Co. 314 S. 10th

AT. 6405


Requires the


you have your repaired at the


Cleveland Studio 1612 Dougla- St. Phone JA. 3366


To Sing Return Engagement

^^frs A "y-g»*&'-"^w-fl*'Ti^^^ t t ^' i ° a ^^

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent there was Frank M. with Sidell H. and we can understand that, too. Leon D. was there with a very charming young lady from Lincoln, Gertrude Ellis by name, and that one was a : \ Solomon Small of New York City, little harder to figure out. • Sol S. poet and composer, will offer a re- with another Lincoln lass, Sylvia Evcital here next Tuesday evening, Aug- non, both under the watchful but ust 1, in the Jewish Community Cen- twinkling eye of Sylvia's sister, Mrs. J. W. S. while J. W. himself clung ter, at 8:15 o'clock. | Mr. Small, perhaps better known by closely to the last bottle of 3.2, orhis Hebrew name, Scholima Smule- dered just under the deadline. That vitz, has composed for thirty-five one had us going for a while, too. years. His "A Brevele der Mama" (A Maxie K. had Ida L. but there's nothLetter to Mother), is perhaps one of ing wrong in that. What had us comhis best known and popular selections. pletely baffled was the complete and Mr. Small has completed the ninth unprecedented absence-of "old reliedition of a book of Jewish poems- and ables." We mean couples that had songs. He has composed more than grown to be bywords in local social 300 piano compositions and has writ- cicles. (Try saying the last three ten a manuscript of 200 riddles in words fast). Another rendezvous of Jewish and English, four musical com- lovers of the nite-life revealed Harold edies and a drama. E. just back from Camden, N. J.j ; His recital Tuesday evening will in- on a vacation, with Charlotte R. (I clude a number of his own selections. guess it was Charlotte) and Frances Mr. Small has made records for the E. with some stranger, with a black Victor and Columbia phonograph com- mustache. panies and ha sbeen featured over the Benn B. was just geeting started radio in New York on Jewish hours. when we Saw him and so we don't know .much about what he did, but we do know that M. B. left his girl sitting in the car while he ran up stairs to get a breath of fresh air and came down with a breath like the Blatz Brewery. While we were there We knew it all the time. When the "roundoleers", the four of them, Euthie got back from Iowa City, she beer drinkers, crapshooters and ticket told just two of her closest friends, fixers deluxe, came up for a nightcap. and altho' we weren't one of them, we That's enough for Saturda ynight, found out from our third maid ? ? who now to tell you a little about people has a sister that owes a dentist some that live RIGHT. money, that buys his groceries from a second cousin of the lady that does Vic M. and Ben R. have gone on a the washing for an aunt of one of the fishing trip, way up in northern Mintwo people that first heard the secret. nesota. We don't know about Ben, but this is Vic's first attempt, and the That's how we found out. smart money is being bet on the fish. It must have been the weather, yes . . . Aaron P. of Omaha canie all the that must have been it, anyway, every- way to Sioux City to see Frankie R. body that has ever "made the rounds" (S. C. always did have prettier girls on a Saturday nite, was out kickin' than Omaha) • . . . T h e Al F.-Ruth B. the three two around until the wee romance that had both the F's and hours of Sunday morning last. In the B's on edge, (all of Omaha, we one place we saw Duke U. with Flo might add) has finally come to an H. but we can understand that. Then end. It all happened like that. You inow, a burst of temper, a slapped, face, a sheepish grin and finis! ' We could go into an intimate dis-J — 0 ANC-E— ^ cussion of the N. I. R. A., but we'll leave that to. "Spectator Junior." Justsome more cabbages "arid ldngs stuff.STONE PARK -Beautiful-New Dance.{"lour Pleasant Surroundings Good Music It's Cool Enjoy Our Table Service at the Without Cover Charge •--. We Have STARTS TODAY YOUR FAVORITE BEER


Wed., Sat & :Sun. ;

A -NITES •' \-



All Kinds of Insurance

Leonard Barricks 435 Ins. Exch. Bldg. JA. 85210

MR. WOLFSON 1709 North 24th

Opening Store for. Killing Chickens Teaching Hebrew Lessons at Home—2011 No. 20th St.

Shoe Shine 5 c (WHITE SHOES 15c)

Best Shine in the City

4 — BIG DAYS — 4 Two Big Features Marion Dayies


Society News Miss Helen Friedman ,an August bride-elect ,has been.the charming inspiration for a number of parties the past week.; • . . Tuesday Mrs. A. B. Friedman, 1722 Jackson St., entertained fifty guests honoring her daughter,- and her sister, Mrs. L. Uroff of Los Angeles. The bridal colors of peach and green were carried out in the table appointments and decorations of the luncheon, which was held in the Elks club. The afternoon hours were devoted- to bridge. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. M. Brodkey arid Mrs. Ruth Sterling of Omaha, Mrs. A. Silver, Mrs. N. Pessem, and Miss Tola Dobrofsky of Los Angeles, Mrs. H. Lazere of Chicago, Mrs. Victor Nufeld of New York ,Miss Gertrude Ellis of Lincoln, Neb.,iand Mrs. Harry Belkin of Grand Rapids, Mich. " r . . . . ! •


FROM U A. M. TO 3 P . M.

Well's Eskimo Fles -". to all Children SAT. & SUN.

Ea. 2.95

Pish Poles _ _ _ . _ 1 0 c Pish Line ____..._1.0c Reels . __._—....59c up ED'S

5C0 Jackson St.

403 Nebraska St. .

The Methodist Hospital 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. .Auto Phone 8 3567 G. T. NOTSON. D. D., Supt.


Phone 56595

TAKE A MOONLIGHT EXCURSION On the Beautiful Soo River Aboard the New

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Leaves Riverside O P. SI.—Grnbbes Park 10 P. M.—Stone Park H

P . SL


10c Till 2


H.OHSHEIH OXFORDS SalsPANTS SALE Job lot of men's fine of $3.50 UnFlorshrlm and Walkover Oxfords. Special for Saturday. Sizes are C to IX. Sale price






pasts. All lizes, for—


Fres Alteration













father house and street

For men and 700a; men In 2-tone combinations and plain colors.

Gaps 10c

Straw Hats 29c

in 706 4TH STREET.

Miss Florence Major is in Chicago this week, visiting "with friends and attending the World Fair.

Miss Norma Vogel of New York City is spending the summer in Sioux City with her uncle and aunt, Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz. Mrs. Abe Berger and daughter, Goldie, of Sheldon, are visiting this week with the ~ former's mother, Mrs. M. Glickman.

Hadassah Picnic to Be Held Aug. 6 The Senior Hadassah picnic, which was scheduled for last Sunday afternoon and evening at Riverview Park, has been postponed because of the rain that day, and will be held on Sunday, August 6, at Riverview. The same schedule of sports and games announced previously will be held.- Mrs. D. L. Rodin is chairman of the affair.


Stock of Sumner, la., selling at 50c on the dollarl



City is a guest in the home of her father, Mr. H .Feldnian, 1117 Seven-[ teenth Street. ' ~


Trick for Trick' 10c

The Lind Quartet

Mrs. A. Rich departed for Chicago last Saturday, evening, to visit with Wednesday evening, .Mrs. I. Mirken, relatives. While in Chicago Mrs. Rich 1625 Villa Avenue, was hostess to will meet her son of New York City. fourteen guests at a- dinner • in - her home Wednesday evening, as a cour- Amon gthe many Sioux Cityans who tesy to her niece, Miss Helen Fried- are spending this week in Chicago, man. The after-dinner hours were attracted by the Century of Progress, are Ernest Epstein .George Evelyn, spent informally^ .Sarah Kuntz, and Miss Rose Finsod. Mrs. John Brpdkey, 3244 Jackson Street, was Miss Friedman's hostess Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and son, Charles, at a luncheon in the Maryginia Tea- accompanied by Mrs. Shulkin's brother, Louis Pearlman, have departed for shop, Wednesday noon. a month's vacation at Pickerel Lake, " Announcement Jhas been made Tues- South Dakota. day of the marriage of Miss Ruth Falk, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Jake The Misses Sylvia Evnon and GerFalk, 2401 Riverside Boulevard, to trude Ellis of Lincoln, Neb., are guests Lionel H. London, son of Mr. and Mrs. this week at the home of Mrs. Joseph M. N. London, 1923 Grand view, on Sawislak. May 6. The wedding took place at Cedar Mrs. A. L. Gartner and children, Rapids, la. Both Mr. and Mrs. London Gladys Eae and Phyllis Jean, left Satare graduates of Central High school. urday evening fo rtheir home in ToMr. London has been attending the peka,'Kansas .after a month's visit at University of Iowa and will return the home of the former's parents, Mr. this fall to complete his course in the and Mrs. Philip Bonus. school cf dentistry. Mrs. London, who has been a student at Morningside col- Miss Rose Pill Spent this week in lege ,will complete her last year of Chicago ,visiting with friends and atcollege work this fall at the Univer- tending the Century of Progress. sity of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rubin have reMr. and Mrs. E. E. Baron, and chil- turned from Omaha, where they visdren, Ethel and Sandy, have returned ited with friends. home after spending several weeks in Chicago, visiting with relatives and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin was hostess to attending the! Century, of Progress ex- a group of 'friends Thursday noon, position. honoring Miss Helen'Friedman, at a luncheon in the'Sfoux' City. Country Mrs. William Gilinsky and son, Club. The aftemoo^f hours were spent George, are spending this- week in at bridge. '• Chicago at the Stevens hotel, while attending the Century of Progress ex- Mrs. Ben Pill returned home last position. , _ . week from-Kansas City, where she attended-the funerar-of Ike Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. H.;Kozberg, and Mrs. who died in Kansas City after an illIsadore Marsh of St. Paul, visited in ness of several months. Mr. Goldman Sioux City while enroute from a west- was a cousin of the Pill family. ern trip, to their home in St. Paul. Mrs. William Lazere and sons have Mrs. J. H. Kroloff of; Phoenix, Ariz., returned home from Omaha, where accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Sam Mrs. Lazere was called by the illness Mosow of this city, are visiting this and death of her father, Abraham week at the home of Mrs. Arnold Monsky. Mr. Monsky was well known Bramson in Des Moines. in Sioux City for a great number. of years. He conducted the services at Miss Rose Feldman of New York the Tiphereth Israel synagogue here on.the High Holy Days, for a number of years. . •


LEGAL NOTICES j S H O T W E L I , MOVSKV, GKOD1.VSKV VAXCE, Attorneys ?3~ Omaha National liank

1'KADEXBIKG. STALMASTEll Si BEKER, Attorneys 650 Omaha Xat'l Bank Bid?.

Notice is hereby Riven that on the 1st



looted Composer I to Give Recital



London. — (J. T. A.).— The London Daily Herald -notes with anxiety the recent rapprachement between the Japanese and German delegations "at the London Economic Conference, the unusual attentions with which the Japanese representatives to Berlin have been received, and the growing.popularity of Japan in Berlin, where her defiance of the League of Nations _for. "national" • reasons is in complete harmony with the Nazi mood. The" projected entente with Japan is, of course, a concoction of Alfred Rosenberg, and forms a part of the pan-Germanic'plan which Hugenberg so inopportunely revealed at the London Conference, to breeak up Soviet Russia and "colonize" Eastern Europe for German industry.

Notice is hereby plveu tbnt Michnol J. day.of January. 1033, the total outstanding Cantor Joshua Lind and his three Kenny and Thomas K. Shafcr, doing busi- indebtedness of DAV1CXPORT REALTT sons, Maurrie, David, and Pinchikel, ness as a co-partnership under the firm COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, with of Keuny and iShnler. have dissolved its principal place of business in Omaha, who appeared in concert recently at name (heir partnership, and that Michael J. the Jewish Community Center, have Kenny will continue in the business nt was Jf2iJS.«0. LOUIS J. UlNGI-E, North 24th Street, Omnhn, Nebraska; President. been persuaded to return to Sioux 3222 notice is further given that Michael J. SARAH MNGIvK City for another concert. The date set Kenny has assumed nntt agreed to pay nil LOUIS J. 1UNGLH indebtedness of the said part- .Attest: LOUIS J. KINGLK, for the concert is Wednesday, August outstanding nership of Kenny and Khnfer. tjecretnry. 2. The concert will be held at the city Dnttd at Omaha, Nebraska, this 5th day auditorium on Seventh and Douglas of July, 1933. FRANK R. ACKER3IAX, Attorney M. J. KENNY. Streets, at 8:15 o'clock. 490 Brandels Theatre Bid p. THOS. E. SHAFKK. Tickets for the concert are fifty NOTICE OF PROBATE O F W U X • cents and can be procured at the Jew- SILVERMAN & ZACIIAKIA, Attorneys In the Comity Court of Douglas County* 768 Brandeis Theater Bid*. ish Community Center and. at the Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of BETTX Sioux City Bakery. The concert is beNOTICE OF PROBATE OF SILVEltMAN", Deeensed. the Couuiy Court of Douglas County. ing sponsored by the Tiphereth Israel InNebraska. All persons interested in snid estate are . . synagogue. , ; In the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate COHN, Deceased. • Renowned throughout the country All persons Interested in said estate are Of a certain instrument now on file In said Court, purporting to be the lasr will and for its interpretation of Hebrew mel- liereby notified that n petition bns been in said Court, praying for the pro- testament of said deceased, and that n hearodies, the quartet will bring another filed bate of a certtaln instrument now on file ing will he had on snid petition befoc* program, rich in religious and histor- in said Court, purporting to be the last said Court on the 12th day of August, and testament of mid deceased, nnd 1933. nnd that if they fail to appear nt Bald ical significance to Sioux City. An en- will that a hearing will be had on said petition Court on the said 12th day of August, tirely different program from the one before said Court on tbe 12th day *t Aug- 1033. at. 9 o'clock A. M., to contest the pro1933, and that if tbe yfail to appear bate of said will, the Court mn.r allow oud given before in Sioux City .will be ust, at said Court on the said 12th clay of probate snid will and grant administration offered. August, 1933. nt 0 o'clock A. M.. (o contest of said estate to Irving Jnncer nnd Helen probate of said will, the Court may Jnnger or some other suitable person, and The father, Cantor Joshua Lind, has the allow and probate said will mid grant ad- proceed to a settlement thereof. become famous through his splendidly ministration of said estate to Sarah Cobn BRYCE CRAAVFOItD. some other suitable person and proceed 7-21-St. County Judge. trained tenor voice and,his great un- or to a settlement thereof. derstanding of the Hebrew language. Notice is hereby given that on the 19tl^ BUXCE CRAWFORD, day of August. 1038. at the hour of 10 County Judge. He has held positions in some of the] 7-21-3t. o'clock A. M., nt 2514 Lenvenworth Street, largest synagogues in the United the nnderslgned will sell to the highest 8HOTWKM,. MONSKY. GKOPINSKY & for cash the following: States and Europe. He is also known YASCE and HARRY B. COHEN. Attorneys bidder On<> mer.nl bridge lamp ,1 onk leather as one of the greatest composers of ~S7 Omaha National Bank B i d s . seat nrm rocker. 1 mahogany drtven-" port table. 1 oak table model Columbia Hebraic chants, and his unselfishness NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEX: • grafonoln. 1 8-3x10-0 Axminster rug.- 1 in teachinsr others has given him thej That the isi;dersigne«l have formed a cor- walnut bow end bed. springs and matporatior. pursuant to the laws of Nebraska. tress. 1 wnlnut vanity. 1 walnut chif-" name of "Father of Cantors." The name of the corpora thin is GENEItAL fonier, 1 S-3xlO-0» Congoieum rug. 1 sanThe eldest son, Maurrie, 20, has j THEATKES CORPORATION, with its itary «ot. 1 walnut drpsser. 1 bronze principal place of business in Omahn. NeSimmons bed. springs and mntrress. 1 been singing since the age of six. His braska. The corporation shall hare power 4-burner Beliable gas range, 1 oak bufunusual voice has attracted the atten- mid authority to own. lease, operate or . let. 1 onk dining table, 0 oak leather deal in theatres for Ihe exhibiseat diners. 1 fiQ-lb. Sanitary refrigertion of a great number of producers, otherwise tion of movins pictures and/or the presen- • ator, 1 metal floor lamp. 1 reed center* but he prefers to travel with his fa- tation of shows i r ]ierrormniKcs t)f any table. 1 oak library table, 1 mohair' other character and to deal in generally overstirffcd davenport. 1 mohnlr overther and brothers. and contract for generally moving piefnre stuffed armchair. 1 0x12 Velonr rn(r,' with reference to the production, dis1 oak chiffonier. 1 f>O-lh. refrigerntor, 1 David, 18, is known as one of the films tribution ur exhibition of the said moving t. kitchen table. 1 kitchen tnble. 6 world's youngest cantors. At the age picture films. The corporation shall have Pkitchen chairs, 1 d. 1. i i t c h e n table. 1 power to own. lease, or otherwise acbronze Simmons bed. springs nnd matof ten," he made a singing tour of the the quire, and t o deal in generally, such real tress nnd all dishes, linens, silverware, United States, and at the age of 13 and personal property as i t may reijutre- bedding nnd kitchen utensils. sange for the American Legion con- The corporation shall hnvc the power io Covered b r chattel mortgan-o executed by borrow money and fo issue evidences of in- I>slie J. Wright nml Ir<*ne Wright on Ocvention in Chicago, before an audience debtedness therefor. The total authorized tol»er 29. Ift32. to F. E. TYSON, doing buscapital stock is S10.000.00. all common, par iness as the Omaha T-onn Compnny. and of 50,000. value S1OO.O0. being fully paid when is- having heen filed for record in the office The youngest son, Pinchikel, 15, has sned and non-assc§£ahle. The corporation of the County Clerk of Douglas County, shall commence business when the Articles Nebraska. sung and acted with many well-known are flletl with the County Clerk of Douglas Rnid sale will bo for {he nnrpose of foreJewish actors, including Ludwig Satz. County. Nebraska, and when $1,000.00 of its closing said mortgnge and to twHsfy the capital stock shall have b<vn siMiseribo'l B o r i s Thomashefsky, M a u r i c e for. nnd sliall continue until May 1st. MS".. .•vmoiinf iluc fherpnn. tn-n-it: T"*" TTi«n<lr«Kl Eighteen nnd Cl-100 Dollars ($218.01) and Schwartz and others. His humorous The highest amount of indebtedness shall accruing costs. exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. selections and delightful recitations not F. K. TVSOX. flo|r<r hnRlTM»<jg The affairs of the corporal ion shall IK? adns OMAHA I.OAX COilPASX. fill his audiences with laughter. ministered by a Board of Directors, con- T-2S-3t. sisting of not less lhan two nor more than The quartet has-just completed en- five in nnm!x»r. The stockholders Klmli gagements at Omaha and Des Moines, el<>ct Directors at the nnnn.il meeting -to "br STAI.MASTEIt * BKBEK. held on the second Monday jn Mnv of each where they were most enthusiastically year. • • O.: T. ilOEIili, P . 51. KtVTJENICK Thereafter, the Directors sh.-.U elect GSO Ontoha National Bank B i d s . received. the officers, viz.. President. Vice-President.

BRITISH JOURNALIST SEE CLOUDS ON NAZI HORIZON London, (J.T.A.)—The disappearance of thousands of well-to-do Jews lias had disastrous consequences upon the economic life of Germany, writes J. C. Segrue, Berlin correspondent of the News-Chronicle. Eents have fallen steeply in the -• betterclass districts where Jewish families resided, the restaurants they frequented report poor business, an army of maid servants and other domestics of Jewish households, have been thrown out of work at a most unseasonable time. More and more do Nazi economists recognize that the campaign against the Jews has brought Germany more harm than advantage, he states. An unexpected effect of the one-day boycott of Jewish businesses has been the permanent loss of trade to many non-Jewish shops. It appears that Jews, who formerly were indifferent as to the shops they dealt with, now only go to "shops owned by ±heir co-religionists. "Non-Jewish professional men ' reprot the -same experience. A dentist tells me that he has lost nearly all his Jewish patients. They now go -to Jewish dentists and I can hardJy blame them," he commented. "Whilst its position still remains unassailable, the Nazi regime is passing through a somewhat troublesome time," he continues. "After lasting for nearly six "months, the phase of sheep-like dociilty on the part of the German people seems to be drawing to a close. The Nazis are having to face criticism. Clouds, at present of no great dimension, but symptomatic of a changed atmosphere, have arisen on the political horizon. Nazi leaders display, a nervousness ill befitting the men, who claim to have at least 70 per cent of the German nation at their backs. There is much grumbling by the public and doubts and misgivings are voiced in many quarters. People wonder why the promised trade revival is so slow in appearing. The present restlessness of a large number of Germans suggests that the regime is less popular, and that force will always have to be used to bolster it up."

German Press for Zionist

London.—A startling declaration expressing endorsement of the Zionist movement appeared in the Voelkischer Beobaehter of Berlin, chief National Socialist party organ. Referring to reports in II Popolo D'ltalia, Italian newspaper, regarding increased Zionist activities in Germany as a result of discriminations against the Jews there, the Hitler organ expresses satisfaction with Zionist activities in Berlin. "We only hope the numerous Zionist meetings in Berlin will increase Praise from another is far better the Jewish emigration to Palestine," the paper remarks. • than belf-praise^Dernoititaa. " f

Secretary "nnd Treasurer. With the consent in writing or pnrsuant to a vote of the majority of the outstanding stock, the Directors shall have authority to sell, lease, exchange, assign, transfer anil convey or otherwise dispose of the whole of (ho property of the corporation upmi su^h terms nnd conditions nml for sn'-h cons'ilfrat'on as >o them may seem expedient anil for tbe best Interests of the corporation. The Art-id e s u»av lie nmended: unon th* votp of K0 per cent of th» ontsfandin" stock nt any rugnlitr or special meeting. The corporation shall hnrc a S M I . Dated June 22nd. 1!)S3. TTATfTIV TV II. MAKQUAIiDT 7-7-33-lt. SHOTWT3I.I* MOXSKY. C.RODINSKY YANCK and HARKY B. COHEN, Attorney* "37 Omaha National Bank ld

NOTICE IS HKUETIV <J1VEN: That the undersigned have formed a cor poration pursuant to the laws of Xebraskn. The name of the corporation is COMMONWEALTH THEATKES CORPORATION, with its principal place of business in Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation shall have power and authority Io own. lease, operate or otherwise deal in theatres for the exhibition of moving pictures nnd/or the presentation of shows or performances of nny other character nnd to deni in generally and contract for generally moving picture films with reference to the production, distribution or exhibition of the saiil movins picture films. The corporaton sliall have the power to own. lease or otherwise acquire, and fo deal In generally, such renl and personal property as it may require. The corporation shall have the power to borrow money nml to issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is S10.000.00. all common, par vnlue $100.00. heirs- l'nlly paid whon issued and non-asspssalilc. The corporation shall commence business when the Articles are filed with Ihe County Clork of DoucHs County. Nebraska, ami when S1.0(M1.00 of its capital stock shall have boon subscribed for. and shall continue until May 1st. 10S3. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of I he corporation shall be administered by a Hoard of Directors, consisting of not less than two nor more than five in number. The stockholders shall olwt Directors at the annual mooting to l>e held on the second Monday in May of oneh year. Thereafter, the Directors shall elect the officers, viz.. President. Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. With the consent In writing or pursuant to a vote of the majority of the outstanding stock, (he Directors shntl have authority to sell, lease, e x change, assign, transfer and convey or otherwise dispose of the whole of the property of the corporation upon Fitc-h terms nn'l conditions and for such consideration ns to them may seem expedient and for tlio best interests of the corporation. The Articles may be amended upon the rote of fiO TT cent of the outstanding stock nt any rr>gular or special meeting. The corporation shall have a seal. Dated April 23th. inrtf.




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SA "• AL L ££ Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of August. 1933. at ten o'clock A. M. at 2514 Iienvrttworth Street, Omnhn. Nebraska, the undersigned.will sell. nt. public auction, to the highest bidder for ensh the following described property, to-wit: ;, 1 ivory lied springs & mattress; 1 mahogany upright Monarch pinno, No. 122747 and bench; 1 mahogany vel s cane back davenport: 1 mahogany vel s cane back arm rocker; 1 mahogany vel s cane b nrm chair; 2 metal bridge lamps; 1 mahogany floor lamp; 1 roil smoker; 1 3-panel mirror;. 1 ivory vanity dresser and chair; 1 ivory dresser; 1 S-3x10-fi Ax rxig; 1 sgle bro Simmons bed. springs & mattress; 2 Ax throw rugs; 1 metal bridge lamp; 1 3-pnncI mirror: 1 wnl buffpt; l wal dining fa Me'; 6 iv.il-lia s diners: 1 bro iron <invbed & pad; 1 wal caliinpt S-tube elec Majestic radio conip; 1 S-SxlO-ti Ax rug; 1 oak •chiffonier; 1 oak lea B nrm rocker; 1 8-8x10-0 Ax n i g ; 1 onk bookcase; 2 onk lea s diners; 1 oak w s arm chair; 1 oak lib tnble; 1 wal dressor; 1 poly mirror; 1 portable elec Singer sowing niachine No. G7G2741G; 1 Eureka elec sweeper; 1 direct Action gas stove; 1 oak dining table; 1 blue chiffonier: 2 li\t chairs; 1 ?r>-lb. refgt 1 Automatic eloc. washer: 1 10x12 Ax rug1 1929 Chevrolet Coach Motor No. 102KM8 Keg. No. l-2."."i"7 nml all dishes, linens. silverware, bedding and kitchen utensils covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of r. K Tyson, doing business ns Omaha Loan Company, sienprt by Cari A. Harms and Daisy May Harms; that said mortBaffo is ilat<Hl i-Vhiuuiry 2fi. 1!»:>2 nnd is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Douglsis County, Nebraska. Snid sale will be held for the purpose of foreclosing said mortgage for the costs of the sale and nil accruing costs nnd for the purpose of satisfying the nmount due thereon, to-wit: $170.1X1 plus interest; thnt no suit or other proceedings at nlw have been instituted to recover said debt or nny pnrt thereof. * F. E. TYSON, doing business as Omaha Itonn t ompniiy. neys.



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All persons intcrost.-O in said estate are lurotij not if u<.l that n iviicton tins bwo. filed In st,l«l Court allovrVip thnt snid <U* censed <lio.l leaving ,„> last will mnl ing for ndministraiiou upon Ms nnd t -at n hetirinp ,vi!l l v lu-i,! ,»n srti,| titlon bvtorv s;.i,l court on tho .Vh «1»T

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pear at snid Court on tho K:il,S Kh itsy August 1!V«. at !> ,VI,vk A. ,\i. ,<> oon snmo nml r M m ndmluisirnnoi, „{ " j ' tato to Ancvio lM.volo or s , , m o o


on, County Judge.

Coimiiiee Membership Committees for the coming year were announced by N. S. Yaffe, president of the Omaha Hebrew Club, The members of the various committees are Membership, Max Fromkin, Chairman; Barney Feltmsn, A. Richards, H. Shrier, Sam Altschuler, M. Brandeis, L. Morgan. J. Feldman, M. Civin, M. Potash, aud Goodman Meyer son. The Judiciary committee is headed by Joe Tretiak and has for its membership H. Steinberg, Harry Marcus, M. Polonsky, and M. Bercocovici. Initiation comittee: Albert Kaplan, M. Bercovici, and Ben Handler. Intellectual advancement:. Irvin Levin, chairman, Mark Lorig, Max Barish, H. Shrier, M. Civin, M. Fromkin, and I. Morgenstern. House committee: J. J. Friedman, chairman, Sol .Rosenberg, A. Richards, and L. Morgan. A Resolution Committee: Sam Kla-I

ver, chairman, Sam Swar, J. Pearlstein, Dr. A. Grccnbcrg, and Dr. A. Steinberg. Ways raid Means Committee: Mark Lorig, chairman, Max Fromkin, Dr. A. Grccnbcrg, I. Levin, Louis Lipp, Dr. M. Margolin, J. J. Friedman, H. Shrier, End Ben - Kaslowsky. Sick Committee: Dr. A. Steinberg chairman, Sam Altschuler, J. Freed H. Dvrorsky, M. Ecsnick, H. Oruch and A. Richards. Talmud Torah: Ben Handler chairman, John Feldman and M. Potash.

CaSed Balbo Jew—Jailed Berlin, (J.T.A.)— For publishing a report that Italian Air Minister Italo Balbo, who lead his air armada from his native land to Chicago, is a converted Jew, the Deutsche Zeitung was closed down for three months yesterday at the personal command of Aviation Minister Hermann Wilhelm Goermg. _ The editor of the newspaper was immediately arrested and shipped to a concentration cafrip,. V

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