In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of 'Judaism
Kutrrva ins tk-cunU-Cuwt Mall Mailer ou JttuuHr; 27, UKU »t I'nRinfllop HI Itinnhn. Nebraska mifipr the Arf of Mnrrh 3 . 1879"
VOL. IX—No. 27
Unmentioned in GENERAL MOTORS, Jews to Disprove SIR ROBERT MONO TO Sterilization i l l Hitler's Jewish Descent FORD DENY GIVING Law ZIONIST ELECM 7 f HfHER DONATIONS
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—No specific reference was made to Jews in the press f % A. (J. T. A.)—A challenge Nazis in Polna, Czechoslovakia, have summary of the new law for the ster^sr i authorities to prove that made •unsuccessful attempts to pilfer World Zionist Congress to Be Ad 5 • er i3 not of Jewish origin the records of the Jewish community Refute Charges Made by Steel ilization of undesirables which went into effect under a government decree Held in Prague Later Part wai . - shed in leading Austrian there. The paper promises to publish in "Hitler As Frankpromulgated throughout Germany tonew. ' . , including Die Reichspost,. a further chapter in the revelation of of August enstein" day. org&crci"th"e Christian Socialist (Gov- Hitler's Jewish origin, substantiated The cabinet accepted the law yes- NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—American ernment) ! party, following the sensa- by a grocer of the Leopold Stadt, in NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—Alfred P. terday. It provides for a purifying Zionism will be represented at the tional story in the Oesterreichische the Jewish district of Vienna, and who Sloan, Jr., president of General Mo-forthcoming World Zionist Congress Abendblatt, H e i m w e h r newspaper, claims he is kinsman of Herr Adolf tors Corporation, and the office of race "process to be carried out through an operation that "is not dangerous," to be held at Prague on August 25 by that the Nazi chancellor has Semitic Hitler in Berlin. Henry Ford, Dearborn, Mich., both intwenty-nine delegates chosen by. the blood in his veins. The papers here Proof of Hitler's descent from Jews formed the Jewish Telegraphic Agenfive parties that had tickets in the pointed out that "in cass no con- on his grandmother's side, together cy that they had made no contribuLondon.—Further conferences for further conference in London the first tradiction is forthcoming from Ger- with facsimiles of gravestones of his tions to the Nazi party's coffers in field. the purpose of coordinating activities week in October, of which I shall be throughout the world directed toward the chairman," Sir Robert told the The United Labor party, which led many we will be forced to accept the Jewish ancestors before they were Germany, as alleged last week in Lona boycott of Nazi Germany will be Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The in the balloting, has chosen J. Pilch, fact that, the world's greatest anti- baptized in Vienna was published in don by "Johannes Steel," in a sensaheld here in October, Sir Robert London conference will be held as a of Chicago; J. Shapiro, of Cleveland; Semite is himself of Jewish origin in the Abendblatt. Comparing extracts tional book, "Hitler as Frankenstein." Mond, noted industrialist and brother continuation of the Amsterdam conS. Schmitt, of Cincinnati, and Chaim the third generation." from birth and death certificates kept Mr. Sloan stated in a letter which of the late Lord Melchett, revealed ference. Greenberg, M e y e r Brown, David Austrian political circles fear dip- by the Jewish community in Polna he wrote personally to the Jewish in an interview with the Jewish TelWertheim, E. Erenreich, Rachel Ru- lomatic reverberations as a result of with.' certificates from a lower Aus- Telegraphic Agency: "It is against World Jews Compelled to Act egraphic Agency. bashow, S. Siegal and Louis Gantz, the Heimwehr paper's, revelations in trian parish, the Abendblatt claimed the policy of Ganeral Motors Corpora"The economic situation created by Mashie WieHers to Play 36 all of New York, to represent them both this country and Germany. A it has sufficient proof that Herr tion to make contributions of- any Sir Robert, who gained world re- the unexampled behavior of the GerHoles Sunday to Decide at the Congress. The United Labor protest from Berlin is ostensibly on Adolfs ancestors were Jewish until kind,.directly or indirectly, of a poliknown for his chemical researches, man government in its treatment of Championship party is entitled to thirteen delegates its way to Vienna, and at the same 1850. After that time, the paper as- tical • character, therefore no contrihas become chairman of the executive Jewish nationals," Sir Robert said, and the other three Labor representa- time the German embassy here is T&T serted, Hitler's family tree sent cut butions have been made to' the movecommittee of the World Jewish Econ- "has compelled the Jewish community The battle of champions for the omic Federation. He, has been widely tives will be chosen at a meeting of ported to have demanded that the roots in Christian soil. ment in question.''r in other parts of the world to take the Central Committee of the party. Austrian government take steps to Mr. Ford's office in Dearborn in- Highland Country <Jlub golf gonfalon known for his interest in archaeology concerted action for the protection wIH be held this Sunday at the HighThe General Zionist Coalition ticket suspend the Oesterreichische Abendand has been active in the establish- and assertion of their rights and for formed the J e w i s h . Telegraphic will be represented by Morris Rothen- blatt's publication in order to satisfy LONDON PRESS . Agency by telegTajn: "We have no land links when Julian Milder and Abe ment of a Palestine museum. He is the relief of the terrible distress berg, Mrs. S. W. Halperin, Louis Lip- Germany's honor for the "insult" to FEATURES STORY record of any contributions such as Brodkey will travel the thirty-six hole president of the Egypt Exploration which prevails." route in the: title match. sky, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi the Reich's chancellor. LONDON—The entire EngEsh press you mentioned." Society. Referring to the forthcoming conSolomon Goldman, Mrs. Edward JacThe morning eighteen will start at featured the Oesterreichische AbendHeimwehr Field Day. On July 24, following announceSir Robert said he would keep in ference, Sir Robert proposes to limit obs, Judge William M. Lewis, Judge 9 o'clock, and the afternoon play at blatt's revelations in -Vienna that The Heimwehr press meanwhile has ment of the publication of Steel's volclose touch -with Samuel Untermyer, its membership to one or two signifJulian W. Mack and Elihu D. Stone. been having a field day in reporting Chancellor Hitler of Germany is of ume in London, the Jewish Tele- 2 o'clock. Rabbi Meyer Berlin, Rabbi Wolff Gold, aftermaths" of the sensation. The]Jewish origin. No editorial comments graphic : Agency's office h e r e ; dis- . Young Milder is the defending noted New York-lawyer, and presi- icant representatives of each country dent of the federation, and that the Isidore Epstein, Mrs. Adele Goldstein, Abendblatt reported, today that the'have been made as yet. patched telegrams to Mr. -Sloan, Mr. champion, having wen from Brodkey October conferences, in effect, would whom it is proposed to select "not only for their representative characRabbi I. M. Kowalsky and Harry in the finals last year, Brodkey is a Ford and to the office -of J.-P. Morbe a continuation of the recent Am- ter and familiarity with the subject, Karp. former champion. gan stating that allegations had been sterdam parley under the chairman- but also for the personal activity Both semi-final matches. last Sun- ship of Mr. Untermyer. made in London under highly repuThe American Revisionists are enwhich they propose to devote to the table sponsorship that they had • con- day were dose. Milder entered the fititled to one delegate but according to "In order to coordinate t i e various subject. • nals with a 2.and 1 victory over Hertributed sums ranging from $50,000 officials of the organization, they will "The displacement, in the existing to $300,000 to support the Hitler man Goldstein, and Brodkey gained activities of the committees by which probably name one of six European movement in Germany. "Your answer the final .round by winning from Mar- world Jews are trying to attain their disorganized state of the world's emRevisionists to represent them at the object, it has been decided to hold a ployment marl&t, of several hundred A Jew meets an acquaintance to this charge is of paramount-impor- vin Treller by the same score. -Congress. thousand Jews, who, by ruthless exelimping through the streets, his In the second flight Paul Blotcky tance and interest to millions of Jews The official certification by the cution of the Nazi plan, are robbed of arm in a sling and his head swath- and non-Jews in the United Siates will meet Howard Wertheimer in the Shekolim Board shows that a total of all their possessions, creates a diffied in bandages. . finals. Blotcky defeated Ed Rosen, 6 and abroad," they were told. 21,323 votes was cast in the election, Faculty to Be Compossd Exclucult, dangerous situation for which - "For God's sake,r "what's hapand divided among the~ five parties Mr. Morgan did not answer the tele- and 5, while Wertheimer defeated united effort is required to find a pened to you?" ' sively of Refugees From participating, in the election in the fol-; gram becanse'he could not be reached. Morris Milder, 4 and 3. satisfactory solution. "Oh, nothing. J m just an atrocity The third flight finals -will find At present he is in the British Isles. lowing fashion: Reich lie, from head to foot."._ Maurice Micklin .matched with Morris Jewish Point of Honor Ticket No. No. Votes "As non-Aryans we can and do reNEW YORK (J. T. A.)—The UniLONDON—Henry Ford, automobile Ferer. Micklin won a close battle from 1. General Zionist Coalition-;- 6,477 ciprocate the Nazi desire to break off magnate, in a statement to the Lon- Louis Kulakofsky, 1 up on 20. Ferer 2. United Labor Party_ _ 9,395 versity , in Exile, sponsored by the intercourse with us and this attitude don Daily Herald, denied that he cave eliminated Harry Rosenfeld, 5 and 4. 3. Mizrachi ~__ ~ — 4,138 New School for Social; Hesearch arid Impossible, He Says, to Negoti- •will continue as long as and only as a "group" of distinguished American "one cent" to any foreign political 4. Revisionists _ ~ - . university presidents and scholars, will ate for United Revisionist organization, although he admitted he long as the Nazis desire tha^. it should 5. Democratic Revisioniste -— 396 open this fall with a faculty comhad been approached* for contributions last. It should be a point of honor Front at Prague to the National Socialist party. for each Jew faithfully to ' comply „ - 21,323... posed exclusively of German scholars H p professors who hate Ireen. disSteel, in "Hitler as Frankenstein," The Shekolim Board also announced Warsaw, (J-.T.A.)—An appeal by with this. desire expressed by the h Hitlerite' H i t l i t ' government, t charged that Ford made large conthat a committee of the board had missed by the Vladimir Jabotinsky for unity among Nazis and to facilitate this -task will tributions under the 45Jiise_ of,payment taken Tap the -various charges concern- -according to Dr. Alvin Johnson of the tire -Revisionist groups- and urging be ths principal preoccupation of the of salaries and bonuses to the Hohening' the - irregularities committed by New School for Social Hesearch.. them to forget their differences dur- conference. Harry. B. Milder, 46, passed away ing the Congress in order to fight tothe Mizrachi in Baltimore and had deGerman scholars, Jews and Liberals Paper Suggests It Would Pay to zollern prince, Ferdinand, who is emAlternative Supply Source " by him at his factories in De- Monday evening at his home, 401 gether for tbe chief Revisionist princided _io dismiss the charges. whose continued existence in Germany "The forceful disruption of the inBring Them East, Without ployed troit. Ford, denying this, stated that North Thirty-ninth street, after a ciples, was rejected by Meyer Gross- ternal and external trading channels Analysis of the votes received by has been made impossible by the Sending Students West Ferdinand received the same wages lingering illness of several months. the various Zionist parties all over Nazis, will constitute the staff of the man, leader of the Democratic Revis- which have been maintained for a He is survived by his widow; one ionists, despite the fact that in so far thousand years between the inhabias other Ford employees and no more. the world shows that of the 238 dele- new university, which will be a day Peiping, China, (J.T.A.)—China's son. Jerome, 16; his mother. Mrs. as it is possible to forecast, Jabotin- tants of Germany and the Jewish popgates known to have been elected thus graduate school for students who de- government was -urged to utilize the Mollie Milder; five brothers, Morris, sky's group has elected twice the ulation involve the creation of new far (the total number of delegates is sire to work toward an advanced de- opportunity afforded by Hitler's perBen, William, Hvmie, and A_ E., and number of,delegates credited to the trading channels and new machinery 279) the Labprites will control 117 gree. Fifteen distinguished Germans, secution of the Jews by. inviting a a step-brother, Harry, all of Omaha; Grossmanites. delegates, elected on several Labor the majority of whom are Jewish, yill number of dispossessed German Jewto deal with the situation. Moreover, and one sister. Mrs. Ben Taxman, of tickets. The General Zionists have tsach economics, sociology, political ish professors, to join "the staff of PeThe appeal issued by Jabotinsky as this cleavage is in racial lines, -a Kansas City, Mo. elected 57 delegates, the Mizrachi 27, science and public law. All the faculty king University in an editorial which calls upon all Revisionist delegates large number of facts have to be colHe Tetired from business a number elected to the Congress to participate lected before valid and wise instrucand the Revisionist groups will be members are coming to this country appeared in the Tu Li Ping Lun, imof years ago. He was active In politi- in the Revisionist conference to be tions can be j,iven how these objects represented by 37 delegates. on a two-year contract. portant Chinese daily.. The editorial The NBA program in Omaha is recal, civic, organizational and synagog- held in Prague on August 19 and to may be attainsd. Elias Ginsburg, chairman of the stated that "such an opportunity for ceiving the enthusiastic support and ual "activities. Financed by Contributions. central committee of the American form a united fraction in the Con"We can consider ourselves most The entire project has been financed China can present itself only once in co-operation of all citizens, all races, Funeral services were held Tuesday gress whereby a majority decision fortunate," Sir Robert said, "that we Revisionists, in a letter to the Sheko- so far by public contributions and, ac- a thousand.years." colors and creeds. afternoon from the family residence. would be binding upon the entire Re- enjoy the sympathy of the whole lim Board, contested the validity of cording to Dr. Johnson, the response "Due to Nazi cruelty, and oppresThe Committee of 15 laid plans Burial was in the Golden HIU ceme- visionist faction. the election of delegates to the World has been very generous. Many con\7orld in spite of the ruthless Nazi sion," .the paper declared, "famous Tuesday for Omaha's volunteer NRA tery. Zionist Congress and announced that In his answer to Jabotinsky, Gross- expenditure of money to break down tributions of $100, $50 and even sevGerman professors -who in normal 'army" of 1,200 workers. the Revisionists would bring the matman declared emphatically "as long as this sympathy. Its general recogniMorris Jacobs was named one of ter up before the Congress court at eral contributions of more than $1,000 times would never have agreed to prothe putsch and plebiscite are not re- tion is a fact sufficient to make it Prague. Mr. Ginsburg submitted a list have been received. Dr. Johnson sair ceed to a land as far away from home the three colonels in the local camcalled, it is impossible for us to ne- harmless and the many German credhe was especially gratified by the as China today would really accept paign. He will be in charge of the ccTitaining specific and general objecgotiate with Jabotinsky on the forma- itors may be well-advised to prevent publicity department, commissioned to tions to the manner in which the elec- large number of one dollar contribu- our invitation." tion of a united fraction." Grossman their assets from being frittered away tions that have been received. All the "mobilize and utilize the publicity faReferring to the government's systion -was conducted. He also listed a maintained that in any case only one in such futile projects. number of alleged irregularities com- work in connection with the Univer- tem of sending Chinese "youths abroad cilities of local writers, advertising Revisionist fraction will be at the 'But we must not only rely on the sity in Exile was done voluntarily and on scholarships, the editorial said: groups, outdoor advertising, street mitted by the other parties. Congress which is willing to submit i strenuous Nazi efforts at home to there were no organization costs. "Instead of the government annually car cards and motion picture the- VIENNA (J. T. A.)—An author- to the discipline imposed by an eleccreate sympathy for us. We must atres" behind the drive. sending twenty-five Chinese students itative statement was issued by the ted executive and which does not ex"The University in Exile is essenEugene N. Blazer is a major in government denying the possibility of clude the possibility of collaboration broaden, strengthen and maintain this tially a graduate school," declared Dr. to American universities at an exsympathy and the best and most efJewish discrimination by putting into with the jabotinsky fraction or with fective method for accomplishing this Johnson. "Its object is not merely to pense amounting to $4,600 for each this division. Eleven majors for the "man-pGwer effect a numerus claosus law for any other fraction represented at the extend hospitality to distinguished student it would be more advisable will be one of the most important obscholars who have been dismissed for and more economical to invite instead division" were also named Tuesday. Jews. The statement assured Jews Congress. jects for all nations to study. Sam Rosenblatt, 40 years old. pass- preposterous and oppressive reasons, ten famous German Jewish professors Included among the majors in William equality with other religious classes "Finally," he said, "I wish to reitL. Holzman. ed away at his home in Council but is intended to be a positive addi- to Peking." in the country and pointed out that erate that the immense danger to These majors will choose one hunH is He is i survived survived id t i o n t Q 0 B r educational system. This Austrian Jews will enjoy the fullest The Tu Li Ping Lun expressed conE'mffs is last Friday. He This world peace due to the systematic inis widow; two daughters, Martha s c j , - o o l ^JU tj e s e t up as an indepen- fidence that if the ministry of educa- dred captains, under whom the one rights in accordance with this counLy his tolerance which is primarily directed thousand buck privates of the division try's constitution. and Gertrude; and one son, Norman; dent group, under its own dean and tion would arrange such a program toward Jewry extends to all whose The government, under the leaderhis father, Louis Rosenblatt of Oma- under rules it will establish. It will for Peking other universities in China will work in making a city-wide surexistence in any way limits the lust of Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Jews employed unha; and two sisters, Mrs. Max Frank represent, essentially, the sort of_ fac- —in Shanghai, Nanking, Hongkong, vey to determine employer and con- ship of Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, interruptedly in the state service since extension and domination which has sumer co-operation with the Presidoes not intend to change existing of Malvern, la., and Mrs. Jacob Fine ulty of political and economic science Canton and Amoy—would follow the German politics for the dent's plan, and to check up on tbe Austrian laws dealing with the treat- August 1, 1914, should not be dis- characterized that American students once went to example. of Boston, Mass. last generation and which was the missed from their posts according to proper use of the official insignia.^ ment of religious questions, according Funeral services were held Sunday Germany for. The teaching load of fundamental origin of the Great Volunteers for the survey division to the statement. The statement, an order of the Ministries of the In- War." at the Jewish Funeral Home in Oma- the professors will be Teduced to a terior and Finance circulated among are asked to enlist by telephone at which was in effect a denial of preha. Burial took place at the Pleasant minimum in order that they may have the Chamber of Commerce. vious semi-official rumors regarding government institutions, communities, full energies for building up an efHill cemetery. . • .. racial and religious discrimination state bank and railways. The order fective teaching and research institulaws being planned, was circulated by applies to officials, other employees tion." the official Austrian Telegraph Agen- and laborers. To emphasize the representative Although Jiis order spells relief to Mrs. Herbert Dubnoff, 60, of 3305 cy. It was observed, however, that the character of the undertaking, the New Q Street, died July 26 as a result of government communique was circu- but a very small number of Jews conSchool has sought the moral support The family picnic of the local lated only in foreign countries, and cerned, it is nevertheless important j New York, (J.T.A.)—Paul BaerThe Psi Mu Kittenball team won of two widely distributed groups of injuries suffered in an auto accident firms too, will un- jj wald was reelected p p president of the Daughters of Zion will be held this not within the boundaries of Austria. beca-use private the title of the Jewish kittenball educators, presidents of universities earlier in the month. ibi doubtedly follow the example set by | American Jewish Joint Distribution coming Sunday, August 6, at Hanleague by nosing out the Sample She is survived by her husband, four the government. The order d comes as Committee at the last meeting off the h Furs by a score of 5 to 3 in a six- and colleges, and scholars who have daughters, Mrs. Herman Smehoff of scom park, starting at 2: SO p. m. an official interpretation and clarifi- group's hoard of directors. At three o'clock all members are teen inning championship tilt Sun- contributed to the Encyclopedia of Chicago, i F R Db Fanny andd Rose Dubg the Social Sciences and their coir cation of the new labor law announcOther officers chosen were: Felix asked to congregate to have the day, at Elmwood Park. h noff, all of Omaha. M. Warburg, honorary chairman; ed last week. group's picture takenThe organisaThe pitching of Dave" Greenberg leagues. Funeral services were held Thurs- tion will also show at the picnic a Governor Herbert H. Lehman, vicePARIS (J. T. A.)—An anti-Semitic and the strategy of Captain Earl day morning. chairman; James N. Rosenberg, vicephotograph of a $500 check which is flourish by the Saarbrucken tribunal Siegal were features in the victory._ chairman; Marco F. Hellman, treasbeing sent by the local group to the created a painful impression in The Psi Mu will honor their vicurer; William A. Koshalnd, associate Jewish National Fund headquarters. France, for that city until now has torious team at a banquet soon. treasurer; H. E. L. Goldstein, compOne of the features will be the been considered free from Nazi domBerlin, (J.T.A.)—An order that troller, and Joseph C. Hyman, secdrawing for the breakfast nook set, ination dne to the fact that it is an Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Revocation of Atrocity Tales Declining, scientific libraries should not destroy retary. independent territory. the tickets for vrhich are being sold German citizenship from Eastern Notes Pleased Nazi Press An executive committee also was Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The Labor The Saarbrucken tribunal, however, books written by Jews was issued by BERLIN—The Nazi press reports Jews started when the political po- party here has agreed to I. Ben-Zwi, by members of the organization All chosen. Members include Dr. Cyrus the Prussian ministry of education. members who have stubs of the tried a local bookseller on the charge with.satisfaction that German^atroci- lice visited a number of Berlin Jews Palestine labor leader, as a new memThe order stated, however, that the Adler, Paul Baerwald, David M, tickets are urged to bring them. that he displayed in his shop window •who had been recently naturalized ty propaganda abroad is declining and ber of the Jewish Agency Palestine There will be games and prizes anti-Semitic literature, including the libraries should be careful not to loan Bressler, D. A. Brown, Harry Fisforeign public opinion is beginning to and took away their German pass- Executive. for all, young and old. Free lemon- well-known "ritual" accusation. The these books to applicants -unless they chel, Bernard Flexner,. Alexander ports. realize that atrocity stories are all ade and pop will be served. The fam- tribunal's president, Herr Messinger, proved they needed them for serious Kahn, Herbert H. Lehman, Dr. SolThe vacancy on the executive was In exchange they were given Nanlies. omon Lowenstein, James Marshall, the case and declared that scientific work. The papers urge the German gov- sen7 League of Nations passports, created when Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff ilies and friends of members are in- dismissed James N. Eosenberg, B. C. Vladeck, The ministry of the interior today "the Jewish ritual practice was not vited. •was murdered. Ben-Zwi, like the late ernment to continue to strengthen •which had already been made out in In case of rain, the picnic -will be an encitement of public disorder, but issued a similar order for all com- Felix M. Warburfi, Peter Wiernik and Nazi propaganda abroad in .retalia- their name. No reason was given Dr. Arlosoroff, is an outstanding lamunity libraries throughout Germany. Jonah B. Wise. was a fact." held the following Sunday. bor leader for this action. tion.
Lord Melchett's Brother Outlines Steps Neces« sary and Creation of Alternative Market
Typical Anecdote : From Nazi Germany
Omaha Receives "NRA" Program Enthusiastically
New Order Saves Positions of a Few
Psi Mus Capture Kittenball Title
MRS. a DUBNOFF, 60, DIED FROM INJURIES Daughters of Zion
Baerwald Head of Joint Distribution
Picnic This Sunday
Saarbrucken Tribunal Upholds Ritual Charge
Start Revocation of German Citizenships Ben-Zwi an Executive of Agency in Palestine
German Libraries to Keep Books hy Jews
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1933 did not bring any further develop, behalf. But his generosities go bements in connection with his acceptyond friendship. One of his most onance of a chair at the Hebrew Unifortunate traits is his willingness to vercity in Jerusalem, it is learned. forget ' hurts that have been done It had been believed that final arto him. Thus he is often made to rangements would have been made appear sychophantic, but inrealiy he Coq-Sur-Mer, Belgium, (J.T.A.) — on the visit as a result of which Dr. harbors no grudges. Professor Albert Einstein declared In he face of an extraordinary in connection with the reports which Einstein would have finally accepted depression; in spite of indifference represent him as accepting chairs the invitation. and hostility among those who should at numerous universities that he have assisted him; in spite of the would in; the future spend half of Agents Spy on Jewish abrupt change in t h e world Jewish every year, for Advanced Study, of situation which had made Jews an- which Dr. Abraham Flexner is the Refugees, Nazis Admit xious to avoid public displays of head, .at Princeton, N. J. Berlin, (J.T.A.)—An admission that writer himself, he "has an unsurpass- pageantry and festiveness, Meyer "To announcements that Profes- German agents are spying on Jews Weisgal brought together an assemed gift for doctoring the real and sor Einstein has accepted chairs at abroad was made by the Deutsche the meritorious in other writers. He blage of Jews that made history. Madrid university and the College de Woche, Nazi organ, in the course of He made a nation conscious of the is "quick to discover shoddiness on France, it is necessary to add that an article which tried to create the the part of Writers attempting to Jewish Day that had evolved in his Professor Einstein, a year ago, ob-impression that the entire anti-Germind. Through ballyhoo that was sponge on their own glories. Through ligated himself permanently in the man boycott in foreign countries is his effort there was brought into unequalled for its effectiveness and future to spend the winter half of being carried on at the initiative of being one of the finest groups of dignity, through a powar for organ- the year at Princeton," a statement j German Jews who fled their homeland Zionist writers the country had seen. ization, that overcame the charac- issued in the scientist's behalf de- under Nazi persecution. There was talw of the expense he teristic antipathies of Jewish organ- clared. "Professor Einstein will con- Reproducing saveral printed boyhad thereby incurred, but Zionists izations, he presented a pageant and tinue there his scientific activity in cott appeals which appeared in foreign seemed to forget that the purpose of brought to sea it a crowd that made the Institute for Advanced^ Study j newspapers, the Deutsche Woche their organization was to'create" in newspaper writers and newsreel com- newly-established by Dr. Abraham claimed that "this is the work of Jewpeople an intellectual zest for the mentators wander far for descriptive Flexner. ish industrialists and financiers from Zionist movement. It was also con- adjectives. This man made Jewish Germany, upon whom wo must keep "All other reports concerning Dr. veniently forgotten, though frequent i history. Hs will continue to make Einstein's acceptance of professor- J a watchful eye." reference was made to alleged defi- it. For he rises above those why ships also at other universities are The paper hinted that -if the boycott cits he created, that the large sums try to stifle Jewish life with their unfounded." continues the Jews still remaining in of money his efforts brought to- timidities and their petty jealousies. Professor Einstein's visit to Eng-«Germany will be made to pay a high gether were spent on other phases land, which he has just concluded, price for it. of .Zionist activity. When the nor- Aryanize Film Industry mal debts of his magazine went un- BERLIN—Not only Jevrish actors. paid, the false inference was spread!but also Jewish directors, producers, that his magnificent ideas had not! cameramen, authors ami conductors paid for themselves. j are to be dismissed from the German film industry, it was officially anIt is not posible to write of nounced. Weisgal without recalling the contro- In the future, anyone desiring a j versies in Jewish life of which he post in the industry will have to pre-j was a vortex. A disrespector of sent his birth certificate, his father's j authority, he darel to question its and his grandfather's, in order to sanctimoniousness and its meretri- provs freedom from the Jewish taint. ciousness. The animosities which were thus generated still shadow him; they indicate not merely the Announcement strength of his personality but the I wish to announce to the Jewflimsiness of those elders in Israel who nourish their grudges so me- ish people of Omaha, that effecticulously. tive immediately, they should— There is in Weisgal a generosity in buying dressed chickens from that is deep and never ulterior. peddlers and chicken stores—see The generosity is physical as well to it that the fowl has a proper as intellectual. It is easy to arouse seal stamped on it and has the j his compassion for any cause; his ticket with the name of the friends have reason to remember his shochet who killed it. willingness to do anything on their (Signed) Rabbi H. Grodzinsky".
Viewing the Creator
Meyer Weis_ To Stage "Romance of a People" By HENRY MONTOR
The man of the hour in Jewish years may profess to ses; exaggera- W. Weisgal? Of medium height, America today" is Meyer W. Weis-' tion in thecc words: 'of prbpHecy. with deeply-lined face, protuberant •gal, the personality who -conceived But the few who have' been privi- nose and jutting'jaw, topped by a .the idea of Jewish Day at the Cen- leged to work l y the side and in the mass of bristly, dark hair, he is an tu~r of Progress , Exposition, and presence of TSTe-sgal, as well as the ideal subject for a caricature of the V/*% brought to the Chicago Soldier tens of. thousands who have - suc- Jew. Without an extensive academic Field 125,000 people, the greatest cumbed to his influence, can attest to background, he iff nevertheless sensi.crowd'1 of Jews in modern history.' the " magic of: his " energy - and the tive to those values which constitute j cultude .Even though strangers, at This intimate sketch describes in pervasiveness of his courage. .outline the man who foresaw success Simplicity is the keynote of Weis-1 a superficial glance, put him down as a rough boor merely because he •when tens of thousands were swamp- gal's character. Hs v.«>Ritaf*>s tn to trfi! as tries to muffle his shyness with a ed in the mood of depression. no one that after hard years as a The Editor boy when he had to earn his own braggart's insolent manner. Weisgal When one hundred and twenty- living, he launched upon a genteel is identified by his brusqueness, his five thousand Jews streamed into life in a menial position with the profanity and his violent manner of that giant saucer known as Soldier Zionist Organization of America. He speaking. He is not a person to in"Field in Chicago on July 3rd history watcher others and he worked and spire first confidences. He has not •was made. The eager muttering of he made steady upward progres, yet acquired the poise which comes countless throats was stilled in awed imtil finally he achieved the Secre- of an inner feeling of sure power. -silence as a mighty voice issued from taryship of the Organization after But most of his rudeness is defensive mechanism; none of it is studied. the mysterious reaches of a myriad j fifteen" years. "sensitive amplifiers. " T h e Romance? •*,„,. -j,^ -r^-,- -r, •• J^ « - J * It is as an executive that Weis. T, • i 5 . . v m. •. ' in But was notfor destined to remain thatheposition long, for Weis- gal distinguished himself. He has of a People" had begun. Through gal made demands upon those about none of tho fears of the mentally created and scenes that hrough backrea him. His boundless capacity for incompetent who surround themmusic tableaux flood of memories tothere tSose were intimate work made him an irritant. Unable selves with men who wil never over•with their Jewish history. In the to endure the atmosphere, he left! shadow them. In whatever position darkness of the vast outdoor auditor- for an editorial position in Canada, Weisgal has been, he has always ium, tens of thousands struggled with created what was then one of the been able to choose from his environtheir tears as the stirring voice of liveliest Jewish papers anywhere, and ment those people who would most the narrator challenged history forj then went to Chicago as director for advance the purpose he hal in mind its indifferencs to the tragedy of the the Jewish Agency for Palestine. It [through their individual gifts. WritJew. was not restlessness that spurred j ers, organizers, administrators have Never before in the history of the these changes but a desire to en- been molded in Weisgal's field labmodern Jewry, on this or any other large the opportunities for his cre- oratory. Never has he suppressed continent, had there been brought ative ideas. His ability to bring one their personalities or tried to cloak into so small a space so many hundred and 'cwenty-five thousand their gifts. He has always been the membars of the House of Israel. It Jews to Chicago from evary part of first to give unstinted praise for was as though a secret but inexor- the United ' tates is testimony -o the achievements of those assisting able call had gone forth summoning to the validity of his ideas. or asociated with "him. He has althese men, women .and children to f ways made people anxious to work assemble in Chicago! and to see ttn- And lest it be forgotten, it should with him, because of the exhilarfolded a pageant t M t would re^j bjl* said that Weisgal was univers- ating quality of his own mind and mind those who had forgotten and ally ridiculed when he first broached his readiness to acknowledge their strengthen those who rememSered. the idea of Jewish JDay at the Cen- contribution to his accomplishments. Those!] When Meyer Weisgal was editor p The event which ensnared one tury of>4Progress Exposition. of<;the bank iwere hundred and twenty-five- 'thousands of The New Palestine, official-orJews was a planned, calculated re1 gaiyjof ArtKjrican Zionists, it Ji_ sult of labouious effort apd^no porrfStandingb periodical of its Jo! Jewish Bay, there could chance product of racial chauvinism. the world. Not only leaders of Zioh-quently heard in New York as well There were countless individuals who ist thought but the most competent have claimed credit; for, this unpre-. as in Chicago-critical references to of Jewish writers were brought withWeisgal's hardihood and lack of apcedented feat of showmanship. Isaac in the sphere of the paper. It was Van Grove, the director, has had preciaiton of the spirit of the times more than a desire^ for imposing and the poverty of the people. Even lavished upon him glowing words of names that characterized his editorial praise for his participation in the his friends could be heard speaking ability. Though merely an ordinary : caustically of his foolish.daring, parexecution of he project.' But neither tiie director, whoce ability, though ticularly when such large sums of sincere could not encompass the ter- money were involved. His enemies MR. WOLFSON rific import of his story, nor titular looked forward eagerly to the day 1709 North 24th when thew might sayr I told you leaders of the planning committee Opening Store for Killing Those who had sufficient concan actually share in the ungrudg- so! Chickcna ing appreciation that must be ac- fidence to help him could be counted Teaching Hebrew Lessons at on the fingers of one hand. corded for the convening of the reHome—2011 No. 20th St. Who and what is this fellow Meyer1 cord-breaking assembly. •• - .•;' The finger must he pointedT at one individual, not merely, because the achievement is exclusively his, but-~ more essentially—because he is it personality in American . Jeyry* whose vision and . energy . and • selfconfidence are destined, to makeV a mark upon the life of the country. Those who think of Meyer. Weisgal merely in terms of his thirty-reight
Omar wonder
have not raised their prices. on these 360 FUR CO ATS that were bought before the rise and offered Monday IN OUR AUGUST
Nebraska Power Go. Has Safety Record The Nebraska Power Company has just completed its second consecutive year of operation without a lost-time accident, establishing a safety record unequaled by any large utility unit in the United States, according to an announcement by J. E. Davidson, president. A lost-time accident is one in which the employee is so seriously injured that he is unable to resume work at the beginning of the next regular period. ••. . .. This record, recognized by the National Safety Council with-headquarters in Chicago, as the most outstaifiling in the utilities field in the United States, is the result of a" program launched 10 years ago by the Nebraska Power Company, in an effort to reduce the then too frequent accidents. To reduce the accident toll a safety organization was formed, embracing all employees of the company, together with those of the-Citizens. Power & Light Co., of Iowa, with operating headquarters in Council Bluffs. Prior to 1923 the average toll of the Nebraska Power Company was one fatal and 75 lost-time accidents an nually. The complete elimination o: 1 fatal and lost-time accidents in thi last two years, and a reduction of 5( per cent in minor accidents also made has been the result of these safety efforts. Mr. Philip Stein of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, expressed his most heartfelt sympathy to the widow and family of Mr. Abraham Monsky upon their recent bereavement..
New 1933*34 Fur Coats atL&sThan Today's Wholesale Cost.
Others to $298.00 . . . Gorgeous combinations of golden, silver stud natural nraskrats in every new style. Kne Quality Bonded Northern Seal trimmed •i ' ,ln elaborate contrasts of Jap Mink, Ermine, [ Kolinsky, Fitch, etc. Also Johnny and Ascot effects in Swagger Lengths.
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0The Burlington has on exhibit one of the world's finest passenger trains and cordially Invites you to make it your World's Fair headquarters—to make use of its comfortable, soft-cushioned Beats . . . magazines to. read . . . a good place to relax, rest, or meet friends. J. W. SHABFE, General Agent 16th ana Farnsm .Chan* ATUutie «8M
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i !" J.
SMALL-TOWN MEMORIES I recall when I lool: back to the younger years of my life—and I believe my experience at the time was fairly typical — having experienced very little of anti-Semitism. Here and there were to be seen evidence of vague hostility, but even that, it seams to me, was offset by a great deal of good will, increased by the very fact that I was a Jew; - I do not remamber, for instance, to have encountered in any of my school days, taacbers who were anti-Semitic —nor any school children who snubbed Jews. Now and then one heard such ominous words as "Christ-killer" etc.,-yet I remember as offsetting that the wild, applause for instance I received ' at the Confederate Veterans' Home when I delivered one of the staple declamations of that period. Nor did I at the time react any differently to it than probably the ordinary Gentile boy, for I felt completely as one of them. ;. . : ; ' • In fact,"there was,it seems to me, . at the time, much more of a" chasm between the German Jews of the "city , and the Russian Jews, to whom I belonged, than between the "goyim" and i
m y s e l f .
. " . . . /
' - • • / • ; - . • . ' • ; : : ••••"'••"''
and who decided to-become a rabbi. real estate which he had bought for After a year in - the theological sem- him was situated. , inary, I remember his returning an Akiba led him to the college, and avowed atheist. showed him a little boy, who recited for them the 112th Psalm. When he I remember another "pride of the reached the ninth verse, 'He distribtown" who went north to become a uteth, he giveth to the needy, his learned teacher in Israel and later righteousness endureth forever!' — "There," said AMba,-"thy property was confined to an insane asylum. is with David, the king of Israel,- who I remember another who was one said 'He distributeth, he giveth to the d'" of "the disgraces' of the town who needy'." was wont to be seen only in pool "And wherefore hast . thou - done rooms, and who now earns a salary this ?" asked Tarphon., 'fKnowest thou in the movie industry said to be in the not," answered Rabbi Akiba, "how neighborhood of $100,000 annually. Nakdimon, the son of Guryon, was punished because-he gave not accordI remember when "schule" wed- ing .to his means?" dings were something' in the nature -"Well," returned the other, "why of a public show as movies are today didst thou not tell me this; could I —when the'whole town trooped to the not have distributed my means withsynagogue to see the bride aisle it to out any aid?" the tunes of Mendelssohn. "Nay," said Akiba, "it is a greater virtue to cause another to give than I remember the President of the to give oneself." synagogue, a dynamic type, and of the death and burial of-his favorite son. MAKE GIVING A JOY Some day, I thought, I would like to " contribute to Philanthrowrite expansively the story of: that pies, contribute from ths heart. You funeral, which seemed to me, to pos- will thus give more than the actual sess a dramatic note equal to the best dollars and cents. fiction.
• I remember when the Governor of the stata in which I lived then—a great, husky six-footer, -who at one ;time was a member of: Cleveland's cabinet—came to visit our "schule" and the President of the little "schule" a peddler, of course, crying out to everybody "shteht auf all.'? (Rise up, everybody). I remember, the Jewish bartender and quasi-politidan Vho intervejjed in , behalf of some Jew arraigned m the ;Municipal court. . / - • "Well," said his honor, "He can spay $5.00. He has got that much." ("Got $5.00, judge? Judge* he's got »| boils on his hecfcl" (Translating the Yiddish idiom).. I remember the later invasion of town by the less religious Russian Ijewish type, and of the seandals they Icreated by holding balls on Yom Kip| pur to annoy the pious Jews.
The son had partaken of the same ARABS DENY RIGHT energetic qualities as the father. He OF GOVERNMENT TO was alive to the tips of his being. He was handsomely built, eyes that flashRAISE LARGE LOAN ed with a friendly cleverness. He had gone the ^scarlet way of many young
men of those days in small towns, Jerusalem, (J.TJL)—The right of where outlets for. lsss dangerous the Palestine Government to proforms: of expression were so. limited. ceed with a loan without consultHis body "weakened, he had contracted ing the inhabitants of the; country tuberculosis and went on to Denver. w a s challenged by Abdul Hadi leader The doctors there told him the gamei o f the extreme Arab party, who dew a s u p . : ' - • ;•" s . • •• • •• clared that the Government has no "Then I'll go home to die." right to proceed with its plans for " "No use," the doctors told him. a proposed loan of 2,000,000 pounds, "You won't live long enough to pet although Palestine will profit ecothere." > _ - '•••",. nomically by it. . "Fll go," said the young man, posThe Arab leader said that the sessed of the same determined spirit Arabs are unable to discuss the as his father. . French report with the Government He came home and died. since the Government does not recThe father was a broken man. The ognize the report as official. light of his life had gone put. At-the The French report with, the govfuneral the whole town was present. ernment -since the government does The rabbi rose to console and eulogize not recognize the report as offithe departed youth. cial. The.father was bent and weeping. The French report on the developAs the rabbi finished, he arose -and ment of Palestine, which, if adoptbegan to weep and speak. ed,- would have -the effect of cry/"My son," he' declared, "wasa rake stallizing development • of a Jewishand a roue. Possessed of' great prom- national home in Palestine,- at r its ise, he wasted himself.'. Let his death present.; level has been attacked by be a warning to all you young men." the Arabs-as not going far enough Then sobbing, he burst forth in the to meet-their demands. Kaddish.
Jew, who spoke of Spencer and Darwin and such things and who wanted to become a rabbi so that as he said, he could "expose" Judaism. :
I remember the old man in-uniform, who didn't look like a Jew, who used to be seen once a/year in the synagogue. He would take a free seat in the back on Yom Kippur. He was a Confederate veteran and his conception of Judaism was about as hazy as Stonewall Jackson's. > '
This Talmudie story is for those who hesitates to enlist as workers in philanthropic drives. ' '. Tarphon, though wealthy, was not charitable, according to his means. One time Rabbi Akiba said to him: Shall I invest some money for real estate in a manner which will be very profitable?" Yarphon, agreeing, brought Rabbi I Akiba four thousand denars in gold, to be so" applied. Rabbi Akiba distributed the'same among the p o o r .
, J A •!
New York.—A Nazi newspaper, Die Bruecke (The Bridge), to promote the cause of Hitlerism in the United States has been started here. The headquarters of the publisher is given as 308 East Eighty-sixth Str. The purpose .of the .paper, is to combat the boycott .:• movement diStress Racial Differences rected against Germany and "the In Schools, Prick Orders propaganda of falsehoods which has Start Palestine Works Berlin.—The significance of racial yet ceased." JERUSALEM—A government comdifferences and the rooting out of no munique announces that work on the the influences of alien blood should water supply system for Jerusalem be. stressed in German schools, Dr. Schechita Threatened Holland -. %; . . will be started at once. :Wilhehn F. Frick, minister of the In : interior declared. ' Amsterdam*—The future of sche- "As the funds of the Palestine Loan He ordered teachers of Garman chita, Jewish ritual for the slaught- will not be available at once, the first history to take note of his statement. ering of animals,.was endangered as expenditures will be met from the the Dutch Association for the Pro-' Palestine government's surplus," the tection of "Animals released its re- communique stated. Cantor Heads Jewish Guild New York.—Eddie Cantor, noted port following an extensive inquiry Organize Congress Branch stage and screen comedian, has been into this ritual. Among the veterinarians who took SALT LAKE CITY—A branch of elected president of the Jewish Theatrical Guild of America for the part in the investigation, 511 voted the American Jewish Congress has that schechita be abolished, while been organized here by leading Salt coming year. " Other officers.were George Jessel, only four were in favor of its con- Lake City Jews. Sime Silverman, Julius Tannen, Sam tinuance. —Shop from our Service Guide— H. Harris, William Morris, Jr., Dr. Hugo Cooper, Loney. Haskell, William Amsterdam Gives Chair D. Weinberger,. Dr. Leo Michel, Ja- to Refugee Professor cob L. Weiner and Rabbis B. A. Amsterdam, (J.TA.)—The Univer- v Tintner and A. Burstein. sity of Amsterdam has determined to establish a chair of Labor Law to be
WORLDAfraid of Jews? . Tel Avil, (J.T.A.)—Germans may deny that Jews have anything to complain about, in Germany, but here in Palestine, they are more candid. In a reply to a summons to appear at a court here a Hamburg firm has written to the Magistrate protesting against this city as the seat of the trial in view' of "the severe' boycott being waged at present in-Tel Aviv against everything r German . . . and as there is every reason to believe the judge will be of Jewish descent." The defendant asked either that the case be heard in-Germany or elsa that it be "tried by "an impartial British judge." ' " - - '
"Palestine Bright Spot In-Jewish Life? Providence, K. I.—Eretz Israel is without a doubt the one "bright spot in the Jewish world today, stated Mrs. Archibald. Silverman, . of this city, who has ;just returned here from a five-month-visit to" Palestine. There is a shortage of labor and building materials in. Palestine, she declared. Hundreds of, houses are in the process of construction in Tel Aviv and Haifa to - accommodate the" thousands of new Jewish settlers in Palestine. ' ' _
"My Struggle"— By Berr Hitler
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The Nurnberg Stuermer declared in its issue of yesterday that "the present Pope, Pius XI, is an illegitimate child of a Dutch Jewess named lippman." The paper also reported that the Hapsburg royalty descended from the family of a converted Jew named Petrus Leonis, subsequently Loewenstein.
Seize Einstein Vessels
New York.—-The Houghton Mifflin Company, of Boston, is preparing to bring out this fall the American edition of Adolf Hitter's "My Struggle." The Times of London has completed publication of a series of extracts f rom tiie same book.
Rabbi Barbakow
? Crandic-Nevin lines
Pope a Jew—Nazi Paper
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—A large Renn motor boat and a sailing yacht belonging to Professor Albert Einstein were confiscated by Nazi authorities at Caputh, near Potsdam, and were proclaimed as government property. Both vessels were gifts to the noted scientist.
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1552 No.; 20th WE." 5450 15 \eors Experience in
Some "time after this Tarphon met Rabbi Akiba and asked him where the . I remember the first rabbi that our "schule" had who knew some:JEnglish, and his penchant for using the words "dignity and - degradation," which Were probably the most high-; falutin' words he knew.
Europe" and Omaha
I remember my father's search every Friday evening in schule .for some stray wanderer to the "city to" take home with the Shabboth meal. He had a" weakness for picking the queerest types, and we children, with very sensitive risibilities, were generally forced to flee to another loom, unable to refrain from laughing.
• . So.iihe arQ these coats, so sure are "we . that, prices like this cannot last that we recommend without hesitation that you take advantage.of an opportunity that is suce.topass.
A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Coat—Free Storage Until Nov. 1
I-remember the coming of Jacob de Haas to our town to lecture on Zionism, and how I was "inebriated with the exuberance of his verbosity," as Disraeli was wont to express it. I remember what a "sucker" our tr<*m was for impostors of all kinds. Every now and then someone would tarn up and announce he was Rudyard Kipling or Israel Zangwill (a Kttle exaggerated, perhaps) and for two or three months, until the error was exposed, the visitor was sustained and entertained by the town without labor. I remember the time when I first came to school.. with one of these adult, detached collars, and there were smiles, because I. had forgotten that a collar needs a tie. / I remember the pride of the town— a young man—of the German Jewish element, who revolted against the «un-Jewishness" of the German Jews
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^PRAGUE—Dr. James Franck, fa-~ moiis Nobel-prizef winner, and former professor of physics at the'University of Goettingen, has been invited to be= a guest professor at Johns Hopkins university, in Baltimore, Md. For Carefulness and "Efficiency i n ' Tour Mobel Specialist;. Can
occupied' by Professor Hugo heimer, formerly of Frankfort University, who escaped to Holland following the Nazi seizure of power in Germany. Professor Ginzheimer, known as one of Europe's outstanding authorities on Labor laws, is the author of the labor paragraphs in the Weimar constitution of the Second Reich.
Nazis Start New Paper Here
Johns Hopkins Invites . Prof. Franck
CAUSING ANOTHER I remember the., young. Russian TOjGIVE
PAGE £ - T B E JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 193a culture, biology and medicine through the forgotten man and woman are dustrialists and capitalists. Also, the small merchants and busihis books "Hunger Fighters,* "Mic- coming into their own, that eventually ness men who thought they would be given alleviation from the robe Hunters'* and "Men Against some unsung hero or heroine or rathoctopus of "big business" have the feeling of having been forDeath" and take off our hats and ac- er a Homer of the forgotten heroes claim our friends, neighbors or ac- within our midst will, by his creative saken. The "socialist" part of the National Socialist party is just Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by quaintances whose lives, struggles, imagination and brilliant pen, pay SOT ornament. The promises of Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY defeats and victories, while ont spec- homage to the unsung heroes and By Harry Mendeteon Frick that the economic hell of Germany would be turned into an tacular and sensational, are as color- heroines for which my business friend ful, dramatic and as inspiring as those with the soul of a poet so sincerely economic paradise have proven to be empty, meaningless promises. $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - » - - - » of recorded and publicised heroes and and eloquently pleads? This week's column I feel I ought Meanwhile, power has tempered many of Hitler's ideas. He Advertising rates furnished on application heroines. Now drama is struggle, and to dedicate to the man that suggested finds that he must deviate here, must compromise there, must the contents of what I am to write— triumphal struggle is a source of incater to this interest or that; he finds, in general, that some diplo- 3 business man with the soul of a spiration to man in his upward climb GEMS of the BIBLE Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building; Excelsior. macy is needed, and in trying to accede where necessary he is poet. We happened to be talking towards Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street and TALMUD If we use this phase as a criterion, men and women, who are tryantagonizing his own followers. Hence it is not difficult to under- about "What we want to inspire other men ing to save the .world and in the By O. O. DASHER Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center stand why many predict that a further revolution will break out meanwhile neglecting their own fam- to be is heroic, not spectacular," then DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor ilies, and he exclaimed, "We talk many of our so-called heroes of the in which Hitler's followers wiH seek to wrest control from him. FRANK B. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor There is he that speaketh like the about heroes and heroines, bat howhour would be found wanting, and FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, lows, Cora .j/Ondent piercings of a sword, If such an outbreak occurs, the Jews in Germany will be far ANN PILL - - - - • • • • - • • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent about the millions of unsung- heroes many in our own circle, whom we from beneficiaries. The cross-currents in German life give the all around us of whom the poet, the would never consider worthy of the But the tongue of the wise i s health. of Fame, should, if we were only various elements certain strength of resistance, but the one per prose-writer and the press seldom Hall A man shall be satisfied with good make mention?" Continuing' along more thoughtful and sensitive, recent of the population constituting the Jews are a line of least this strain, lie elicited the following ceive our homage at least once in a by the fruit of his mouth, resistance and the other ninety-nine per cent find no difficulty in note: "The average hero and heroine while, for their lives and achieve- And the doings of a man's hands are certainly as gripping- and shall be rendered unto him. giving vent to their feelings by "letting out their wrath" upon the are usually the product of a tempor- \ ments ary, passing critical moment—same- j as meaningful as many a hero or The ways of a fool are straight Jewish population. Those who look for an immediate change in one endangers his or her life to save | heroine found between th« covers of in his own eyes, the German political situation to the betterment of the Jewish one from a fire, from drowning or books. But he who is wise hearkeneth unto some other catastrophe, but how about Nazi Sterilization residents there will in all probability be disappointed. The change Primitive man defied the great counsel. the numberless men and women who forces of nature which he feared or The desire of the righteous is only Sadists are wont to be possessed of diabolic cumuBgr. The will come, but not immediately. carry on their tasks and duties day in admired; then he transformed his good, Nazis in Germany—so often analyzed as having a psychologically and day out under trying ciream- kings and rulers into semi-divine beBut the expectation of the wicked stancesj the business men who are ings; still later he ascribed super-nasadist complex—have from the very start of their, rule demon- Among the Notables is Wrath. bearing tremendous burdens in the tural powers to his heroes and herostrated their slyness in working outcruelties and maltreatments The names of forty-four outstanding Jews in many foreign face of economic uncertainties, the ines. And now we begin to hear (as Our Rabbis taught: "Four things reupon those they deemed inimical to their interests. lands, representing the communal, professional and business lead- parents who are exerting every ounce yet isolated) voices demanding that quire fortitude in their observance— However, in our estimation the most Hellish scheme con- ers in their respective countries, are listed in the annual "Who's of energy to provide their families the unsung heroes and heroines within the Torah, good deeds, prayer, and sothe necessities of life—are they our midst be given recognition in cial duties." ceived by the distorted Hitlerite brains is the latest, providing for Who" roster of Jews abroad, in a recent issue of the American with not also heroes to whom we ought to poetry, in drama, in novels, etc. AlBen Zama said: "Behold how much, sterilization of those which a commission shall deem unfit. The Hebrew and Jewish Tribune, New York weekly. sing songs of praise? Let these mil- ready sectional literature, that is, lit- labor did Adam, the first man, have lions of unsung- heroes lie down on the erature portraying- a particular sec- until he got bread to eat — plowed, commission would, of course, be Nazi controlled. And in, the eyes It is noteworthy that the German group of notables is al-job and our very world would stop!" tion of the country, has burst forth in sowed, reaped, heaped together in. of a Nazi anyone who disagrees with the Hitlerite principles or most 50 per cent smaller than last year, and that no honors at Yes, the poetic business man is ab- a big way. Sections and states of our sheaves, threshed, winnowed, cleansed, anyone who is a socialist or anyone who has any Jewish blood— all have come to Jews in Germany since the advent of Hitler. solutely right. I believe he is fitter country, little known before to the lit- grounded, sliced, kneaded, and baked. of the world, have found a Only after all these labors was he able just to mention a few categories—is unfit. Many of those compelled to leave the country have since then to write a song of praise to the un-erature place in the geography of world cul- to eat bread. But I rise in the mornsung heroes than I am, for he, himNo law could be more dangerous in the hands of an irrespon- received scholastic and scientific recognition in other lands. , self, is one of the unsung heroes in ture through the recent meritorious ing and find all this done and presible body. Even in a liberal country like the United States the Among these foreign Jewish notables are: Sidney Solomon our midst, one who has gone through work of some native of that state or pared for me. How thankful I have sterilization of mental and physical misfits has been vetoed be- Abrahams, Chief Justice of Uganda, Africa; Dr. Alfred Adler, more than one Waterloo and still con- section. As soon as each section to be for that." forth its spokesman so soon it cause of the possibility of fraud or irreparable damage to innocent Viennese psychologist, appointed to the chair of medical psych- tinues to carry on with his chin up; brings one whose struggles have not made will have its portrayer and its Homer. parties. What, then, can be expected in Nazi-mad Germany with ology at Long Island College of Medicine; Dr. Desider Friedmann, him calloused; one whose defeats have Recently we have heard a great deal NATIONAL a Nazi-controlled body determining who is fit and who is unfit? Zionist leader of Vienna; Prof. Ernst Peter Pick, Dean of the not robbed him of the milk of human about the forgotten man. No doubt ACCESSORIES, Inc. What can be.expected when the Deutches Aertzteblatt, organ of Medical College of the University of Vienna; Dr. Erik Warburg, kindness and one whose soul has not we will hear more about him in the been seared or crippled by the ruth- future. Also we have heard such EVERYTHING the German Doctors' Association, suggests that the new govern- Professor of Internal Medicine at Copenhagen University; Baron lessness of contemporary economic phrases or expressions as "America For the Auto ment sterilization law apply also to mixed marriages, where Jew Joseph Duveen, the only Jew named to the House of Lords in life. One who still is able to add to Comes of Age," "Woman Comes Into 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 others a word of encouragement, Her Own," "The Chad Is Coming Into and Gentile have been united in marriage? King George's New Year list; Professor Harold Laski, political friendly advice and a measure of His Own," etc. Isn't it possible that Inside reports from Innbruck intimate that the law is aimed scientist, of London, who is to lecture at Yale this year; Neville healthy humor and sagely wisdom. primarily against the Jews, the government feeling that the Jew- Laski, Manchester attorney, elected President of the British How about this unsung hero? All ish adults will not want themselves and even more especially their Board of Jewish Deputies; Lord Melchett, honorary president the medals in the world would not be sufficient to show our appreciation of children sterilized and will accordingly do anything to flee the of the World Maccabee Union; Andre Maurois, French writer, him. Of such it can be said—he is country to avoid such action against them. If the sterilization who was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters at enjoying the immortality of achievelaw is meant to be a whip to be held over Jewry's head, the Nazis Princeton; Jean Schlumberger of Paris, recipient of the North- ment right here on earth through daily heroic acts in the face of Hercuwould do well to recall that centuries ago a certain Pharoah at- cliff e prize; Otto Klemperer of Berlin, who is to be conductor of lean tasks. tempted to stop the propagation of the Jewish race ordering all the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra; Prof. Max Iieberman, Paraphrasing Preserved Smith, who male sons to death. The power of the Egyptians deteriorated internationally known artist; Dr. Richard Willstaetter, Nobel I believe, it was said, "The Bible is and decayed, while the Jewish race—condemned to death—has Prize winner in chemistry, awarded the 1933 Willard Gibbs Medal; not the divine account of man, but account of the divine," I would grown in strength and beauty. That lesson of history has been Leo von Buday Goldberger, industrialist, appointed to the Hun- man's say that history is not the account of repeated again and again, and the blundering fanaticism of Nazbut the heroic account of man. garian Senate, to represent industry; Abraham Bey-Kebir, ap- heroes, in general, the aseumulaied heroic ism will cause it to be repeated yet once again. pointed finance councillor to the Iraq Legation, London; Guido acts and achievements of TniTtinps of Jung, made Finance Minister of Italy; Leopoldo Maggia, named unsung' heroes and heroines since men down from the trees. No doubt The Zionist Elections first Judge of the Turin Court of Appeals, Ifely; Lt. General came for every recorded hero throughout The returns from most of the balloting for delegates to the Angelo Modena, President of the Supreme Tribunal for War, history there have been hundreds, if World Zionist Congress in Prague the latter part of August fore- Rome; Leonard B. Franklin of India, knighted by the King; aot thousands, of unrecorded, anonycast the return of Chaim Weizmann to the helm of Zionism, with Robert Polak and Leo Sirota, who have been appointed professors mous ones. historians of this the more moderate elements in the movement in control. at the Royal Academy of Music, Tokio; Chaim Nachman Bialik, ageThemayoutstanding disagree completely with the The results of the voting by the shekel-holders in. Omaha. dean of Hebrew poets, who was honored by Jews throughout the theory of "Heroes and bero worship," showed 84 for the United Labor ticket^ 22 for the General Zionists, world on his 60th birthday; Jacob Gamarnik, second in charge as propounded by Carlyle more than, a half century ago in which the writer and 8 for the Mizrachi. This in general was the trend of the elec- of the Soviet army; L M. Maisky, new Soviet Ambasador to attempted to prove that all great histions throughout the country, the Labor parties rolling" up <5reat Britain, and Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet Minister of Foreign toric changes were due to the sole efforts of great men, exceptional inditween 40 and 50 per cent of the entire votes with the General Affairs. " ' viduals or heroes. Be that as it may, Zionist coalition ticket the closest competitor. An analysis of the if we include among the heroes whom votes received by the various Zionist parties throughput the world :i Carlyle had in mind also the millions of unsung heroes'and heroines, it canshows a similar trend. Two hundred and thirty-eight delegates A Fake Cheer Robert Bernays, member of the House of Commons, writes not be denied that all these w o e a out of the total 279 delegates have already been elected, and of factor in human progress and these the Laborites will control 117. The General Zionists have in the News Chronicle in London an ironic account of a visit to potent advancement.' elected 57 delegates, the Mizrachi 27, and t i e Revionists 37. . . a German concentration camp. His guide was the famous Heines, We might take an example front As has been true in the past, the results brought about much prefect of Breslau, chief of the Nazis of Eastern Germany and the historic-making period of the prophets. Of what avail would have been * bickering. The controversies in the main center about Weizmann herb of the Munich putsch of 1923. the reforming efforts and social visand his policies, and despite the charges and counter-charges flyIn this camp Bernays saw pacifists, liberals, communists ions of the prophets without lite mising through the air our opinion as expressed before the elections and Jews all nicely tamed down, working at th,e transformation sionary zeal and proselytizing- fervor of the bnai ha'neviim, the sons of the was that Weizmann was the popular choice of the masses of a swamp into a municipal swimming pool. When asked what prophets, the disciples of those great seems that the election results bore this out. The Labor party they had to eat they reply with an examplary diet. If they bear religious reformers who were num(During August) has undoubtedly led in the pioneer work in Palestine; they sup- marks of brutal treatment and inquiries are made about the bered in the thousands and of whose rather little mention i s port Weizmann, and in coalition with the liberals among the Gen- cause of their injuries, they say, "an accident." Their evening activities made. And to get closer to our own. eral Zionists, also supporters of the erstwhile president of theentertainment is from Hitlerite journals aniS from Hitler's age—thousands may have heard of $ World Zionist Organization, will form a majority in favor of what speeches over the radio. No one smiles in the entourage of the Darwin, whereas only tens have heard of the great poputarizexs of the thewe think will be a constructive and progressive administration of prefect of Breslau when these humorous details are proffered. ory of evolution, such as Huxley and the Zionist affairs. The way toward this is paved by the fact that Evidently no one realizes that they are humorous. Twenty thou- Haeckel, without whom the theory :©f the Revisionists and the General Zionists who opposed Weizmann sand people, all oyer Germany, are in such cam^s, learning their evolution would have remained within jthe walls of learning or within the lost ground so heavily in these last elections. lesson of Hitler." . . "Heil _ _ . . __. . The writer finally v^ited the offices icovers of a few books. In our own From this, however, it is not to be deduced that everytihng of the prefect of allSilesia. Upon bis desk stood the photo- generation and among us Jews, how is rosy-hued for the Zionists. On the contrary, they have many graph of the five young men who at Benthen, without authori- many do you, find for every hundred If you want this wonderfully' that know something about important policies to decide upon; they have many imposing tasks zation, beat a Communist to death. It is ironic jtbat they should people Special Offer Herzl to have 'some conception or at efficient and handy Thor to do. How to curb land speculation in Palestine, the problem of be the heroes of the gaoler of the "kindly",concentration camps least to have heard about the hunCombination w a s h e r and Two drain tubs included with German refugees, sincere aid from Great Britain in rebuilding the of Silesia. dreds of unsung heroes who sowed ircnaer, buy during August the purchase of this Thor seeds of the Hebrew Renaissance Combination. Jewish homeland, co-operation with the Arabs—these are but a Ton gave ?24 and get one of either long before the appearance of the most reliable washers few of the problems which must be faced. • A23 a task which canHerzl on the Jewish horizon, during md ironers on the market not be overemphasized is the reconstructing of Zionist member- Co-Religionist Hitter his glory, and long after his passing . . . the best bargain in laanJews canhardly be happyrto have proof accumulating that labored for the realisation of his ship. The total vote in the United States, for example, in the last <ry equipment that we have dreams? I should say no more tian election was a trifle over 21,000, and in this number are included Adolf Hitler, arch-enemy of the Jewish people, and reincarnation two or threa. And yet the history of ever offered. The two drain such groups as Hadassah, Pioneer Women, and to a measure Jun- of Torquemada, is of our own flesh and blood. There is something the Hebrew Renaissance would be intubs which come with this purchase are marvelous valior Hadassah. The rebuilding of the Jewish National Homeland appalling in the thought that this man who has caused despair and complete without Lillnblum, Moses Hecs, Leo Pinsker, Achad Ha'am, ues. destruction to countless thousands of Jews stems from the very cannot be accomplished by the silent acquiescence of the majority Eliezer Ben Yehudah, Mas Nordau, people whom he is seeking to exterminate. of the Jewish people. The task is so mighty, the cause so great, Schmarya Levin and nasny otiser*. These two famous Thors . . . On reading the news that even reputable newspapers are be- But this business man with, the soul and success so vital that each and every Jewish individual must of a poet, "without in the least minimto one unit,;. . cost yon thiv ginning to credit the reports that Adolf Hitler's grandmother was izing- the achievements of the heroes do his share if the seeds we have planted are to bear fruit month less than you former a Jewess, one's first thought is that this may mean a death blow of the past or of contemporary times, tj paid tar s. good washe.
TKe Human Panorama....
The Week in Review
BEFORE prices 30 up
PriceWitt Be $9$J0 Sept.!
The Internal Struggle
t 0public Itr
anti-Semitism in Germany. av
What will be the next step in the Nazi revolution?" This que&-1 ™ constitute the tickle that will set a whole nation laughtion has been the subject of much discussion by political writers mg^at i t s foll y- "& is inconceivable that, the Nazis can go on with and thinkers, and strangely enough a good many of them look to' ^ e i r ludierous rigmarole of Aryanism when they find that the a struggle between Hitler and the more reactionary of his fol- chief proponent of this anthropological jest is himself tainted by lowers. " . what he claims is irrevocably injurious. Hitler himself has declared that the Nazi revolution in GerWhatever may be the outcome of this revelation of Hitler's many is ended, but that is only for publicity ballyhoo. Actually, Jewish ancestry, there is cause for self-pity in the knowledge that things are still in turmoil. The labor elements never did really out of the Jewish people there can spring so violent a repudiation trust the Hitler program and in its operation they have been be- of all that Jewish history has meant.—The Jewish Transcript, trayed, for the present regime has-turned strongly toward the in- Seattle, Wash.
is pleading not so much for the reeog*nition of the satelites who moved around the hsroes of their times -and who were to the men of the hour or of the moment as oxygen is to t i e flame or fire to the engine, but rather for the forgotten men and women around us •whose day in, day out struggles without flinching entitle them to a place in mauJaRd's roH of honor. Ee weald have C3 go even further than Paul De Kruif, whose fame has become v/crld-wide by his panegyrics to many an unsung and anonymous hero in the fields of agri-
alone. Buy. this month, Terms Arranged!
Services and Concert
mobilize 16,000,000 Germans living in and the 'American Observer' on the America to boycott American firms. ground that they are the insidious inDr. B. T. Friedman -will leave SatCantor Joseph Malek, former OmaThe paper publishes a blank asking struments of a foreign government, urday evening for Chicago, -where lie ha cantor and well-known to local aufor the names of such American firms seeking only to set one section of the will attend the Chicago Centennial diences, will conduct services at the as have not strictly advised their em- population against the other." Dental Congress, to be held from Aug- Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue ployees 'to disregard the appeal of ust 7 to August 12. leaders of American Jewry to boycott Saturday morning. ExpeUed for Reading German goods.' Sunday evening, August 6, starting TO ATTEND DENTAL at 8 o'clock Cantor Malek will give a "To boycott goods made in Germany Yiddish Paper CONGRESS concert at the synagogue. Warsaw—Isaak Koprowski, a Poas a result of a great moral spiritual German Financed Paper Begins Dr. M. L Gordon leaves Saturday lish citizen, has been expelled from wrong-doing is one thing. For Nazis Drive to Boycott Amerinight, August 5, for Chicago to atin America to attempt to create the Germany because he subscribed to a tend the Chicago Centennial Dental can Firms same divisions in America as exist in Polish Yiddish newspaper. The court Congress. He will return August 13. Germany is nothing short of treason- interpreted his subscription to the from a visit in Chicago, will address Charges that German organs, repre- able and should be nipped in the bud. paper as support of the "atrocity Rabbi Uri Miller, who has returned TO CELEBRATE ELKIN-SCHONBRUN senting Nazi cells in this country and ON EXTENDED TRIP "I think it behooves an organiza- propaganda" of the Polish press. in Yiddish, the B'nai Israel congrega- financed by the German government, BAR MTTZVAH ENGAGEMENT ~ Bernard Chapman, son of Mr. and tion such as your own to have the tion, 18th and Chicago streets, at serMr. and Mrs. Phil Jackson will celMrs. Rose Schonbrun announces the Mrs. M. E. Chapman, has left for are propagating for a boycott against truth concerning the situation in Gerengagement, of her daughter,. Goldie, Chicago -where he will visit the Cert- ebrate the Bar Mitzvah of their son, vices Saturday morning. American business firms, -were pre- many presented to its membership by to Mr. Ben Elkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. tury of Progress. He then intends to Ira, Saturday morning, August 5, at ferred today in a communication ad- an impartial representative in the posThis Ad and $1 Wffl Entitle dressed by the American Jewish Con- session of the facts. Joe Elkin. No definite date has been spend several days at Camp Indianola, the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and You to a Riding Lesson. gress to tiie Kiwanis Club of New set for the wedding. Madison, Wise., which he used to at- Chicago streets. Ira will entertain "I think it eminently fitting that twelve of his friends Saturday afterYork, protesting against the invitaRegular Price $2. tend. He will also visit his sister, tion extended by the club to a rep- your organization take the lead in reANNOUNCE BIRTHS Heltai Jane, who is attending Bprr noon at a matinee theatre party folLA PETITE STABLES •The regular annual meeting of the resentative of such an organ to ad- questing the postmaster-general to lowed by supper at King Fong's. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cohn announce Oaks Camp in Mukoonago, Wise prohibit the sending through the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery dress it. 9202 N. 30th KE. 5310 the birth of a daughter on July 23 Improvement organization will be The communication, signed by Ber- United States mails of organs of-live RETURN TO LINCOLN at the Immanuel hospital. TWO WEEKS IN COLORADO character of 'Amerikas Deutsche Post* Mr. and Mrs. Irving Perimeter and held on Tuesday, August 8, at 2 p. The Misses Dora Freshman and daughter, Corinne, accompanied by m. at the B.ELEL synagogue, 19th nard S. Deutsch, president of the Mr. and Mrsl Sam Weinberg an- Bess Rubenstein recently returned Mrs. Perimeter's sister, Miss Rebecca and Bart, according to announcement American Jewish Congress, and addressed to Charles L Klein, the Kinounce the birth of a son on July 24 from a two-weeks trip to Colorado. Klein, returned this 'week to Lincoln by Mrs. Harry Trustin, president. wanis president, expresses astonishat the Methodist hospital. Important business will be trans- ment that an American patriotic busafter a two-weeks vacation at the RETURN HOME Chicago World's Fair and in Omaha. acted, and officers will be elected. iness men's organization could receive Mrs. Dave Bernstein is home from They drove tar Chicago with Mr. and GUEST ENTERTAINED as its guest and expect an impartial' the hospital with her baby daughter. Mrs. John Ferenstein of Omaha. WHILE HERE account of conditions in Germany Mrs. George L Klein of Cleveland, from the representative of an organ Ohio, who has been the guest of Mr. TO ATTEND SORORITY whose sole function is to sow hatred VISITS IN CLEVELAND HOWARD «f 16th. By if. H. Sogolow and Mrs. Henry Pollack for the past CONVENTION Miss Sarah Levine has returned to D O N ' T DO THESE IF YOU'D and discord in this country. few weeks, returned to her home TuesThe reference is to the address deMiss Zerline Somberg left last week Omaha after spending several weeks SWIM WITH SAFETY day after being extensively enter- for Chicago to attend the Alpha Ep- in Cleveland, Ohio, where she visited The first and most important of livered by Josef Vogl «f the "Amertained here. She was accompanied east sflon Phi conclave to be held at the with Miss Ruth Slutsky, formerly of the list is "Don't go in swimming' ikas Deutsche Post" which the Amerby Mrs. Pollack. They -will stop in Chi- Stevens hotel. While there she will Omaha. She also spent a few days in alone." \ isan Jewish Congress charges is a cago before continuing east Chicago at the World's Fair. visit at the World's Fair. The other twelve are: i Nan organ .financed by the Nazi govAmong the Omaha hostesses for Don't swim on a full stomach—: ernment, and propagating boycott Mrs. Klein were Mrs. Abe Somberg, wait until at least two hours after against American firms. AT CENTURY OF PROGRESS ON TRIP Mrs. Louis Sommer, Miss Bertha NewThe communication, in part, read: Miss Bertha Newman is in Chicago eating. Why envy the Eskimos these blisman, Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs. Sam Miss Grace Levin, daughter of Mrs. visiting at the World's Fair. "May I point cut to you that 'AmerDon't go swimming if over-heated i lightful habit of eating your meals Sommer, Mrs. Harry Sommer, Mrs. Ida Levin, 519South 55th Avenue, is ikas Deutsche Post* is one of the oror tired. i spending a month visiting friends and tering days? Just get into the deFreda: Cherniss, Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Don't continue swimming when ex- gans of the National Socialist party at the Jack and Jill . . . where it's in America; that it is financed byMrs. Abe Greenspan, Mrs. A. Mos- relatives in Detroit, Mich. Previoushr, VISITS WITH PARENTS hausted—rest on the back and then she had visited for several days %» Mrs. Stanley F. Levin left Tuesday as cool as a polar bear's kiss. Nazi government funds, and that its kowitz, Mrs. I. Berkowitz, and Mrs. A. Windsor, Canada. to spend two weeks visiting her par- swim ashore. sole purpose is to sow discord and Bolker. Don't swim if you have heart While motoring back to Omaha, ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Light of trouble. Delicious menus . . . adding zest to hatred among various sections of the Miss Ruth Pollack will join her Miss Levin will visit at the World's Minneapolis, Minn. They will vacation your appetite . . . served at reasonpopulation. mother in Cleveland in September for Don't dive without accurate knowFair in Chicago for several days.; - at Lake Minnetonka. able prices . . . in a quaint, soothan eastern trip. ledge of the depth of the water. "If you will consult the July 1st ing atmosphere. Don't struggle if caught in a issue o fthe paper you will find it reFROM OKOBOJI RETURNS FROM LOS ANGELES RETURN swift current or undertow—keep cool plete with boycott propaganda against VISITING IN OMAHA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ackerman and —the force of the current will bring Morning . . . noon . . . or night Miss Rosa Gentis has returned from Miss Ida Mandel of Minneapolis, Mrs. Aaron Rips have returned from you to the surface; then work in American firms. meet your friends at the Jack Los Angeles, California, where she has "Page two of the edition carries a Minn., is spending a two-weeks' vacaa two-week stay at Lake OkobojL toward shore. and Jill subscription blank which is captioned tion in Omaha with Mrs. S. Krizel- spent the past two months. Dont wade into the water with with the inscription: 'Deutsche, kauft man and son. • the arms above the head—you will nur bei Deautschen!' ('Germans buy A Suggestion for Any Night not be ready to stroke if you step in- of Germans only!'). to a hole. Jack & JQU Sizzling Steak "Moreover, 'Amerikas Deutsehe At a special meeting of the Alpha Don't lean backward when wading Idaho bakrd Serrcd wtill* A well-balanced screen program of Post* has an English version of its Beta Rho at the home of the newlytMtat*. mlttr* la the ware** into the water. Always be ready to propaganda in the 'American Observtwo stellar features will be the atelected secretary, Belle Rudderman, ttmixta. hmd nf TCMMJIIC A Youth's Revue wil lbe held the Artek. Pi nine hot. traction at the Greater Orpheum The- early part of" September under the di- definite plans were made for a moon- fall forward. er' for which it is the agent. The latDon't fight or struggle to swim if ter organ is making an attempt to atre for the week starting Saturday. rection of Miss Dorothy Marko, as- light hayrack party which is to be Lew Ayres and Ginger Rogers in sisted by Charles Fellman. given by the sorority. The committee you swallow water—clear the windpipe of water first. "Don't Bet on Love" and Slim SumTryouts for youths from 3 to 21 chairmen are the Misses Alta Elkin Dont get excited. merville and Zazu Pitts iin "Her First and Lillian Monovitz. About eighteen will be held, at the Marko home, 2318 Don't fail to learn Red Cross life Mate" are the pictures. couples are-expected. Dewey, on Sunday afternoon, August saving and resuscitation methods—be "Don't Bet on Love" finds Lew 13, at 2:30. Those wishing further incapable of saving yourself or your Ayres as a young ambitious plumber formation may call Mus Marko at companion. who has luck playing the: ponies and Haroey 0114. Don't cry for help in fun—you soon becomes a big-time ; gambler, The Junior Hadassah 'will hold a may some time, need help, and not much to the dislike of his parents and The purpose of the revue is to give summer outing Sunday afternoon, Auan opportunity of expression to:; those get i t his sweetheart. Later he finds him-6;-at -Peony ^Park.- Miss Sara r«Water is av6ooaf±riend to tiiose self taxing his courage to .theoutmost who have not-had^an outlet for. their, gust talents in acting, dancing, ballet, pan- Ann Noddle is chairman in charge of who understand how to master it; to undo the mistakes he has made. tomime, acrobatic, singing, music, e t c this affair and is being assisted by but a deadly enemy to thosa who do "Her First Mate" reveals Zasu Pitts l i e Misses Sarah Baum, Lillian Ep- not." as. the wife of a boatman, played by stein, Jeannette Resnick, Elizabeth "•—M. H. Sogolow Slim Summerville, who unknown to Xadman, Rath SwengiL Bertha Sluthim buys him a new boat with their Helen Hayes and Hobert Mont- skin, and Mildred Whitman. savings. Then what fun, lighthouses gomery are starred in "Another LanReservations may still be made New Hebrew Yeshiva start sinking, stars stop blinking, all guage," which is now showing at with any member of the committee. . Jerusalem.—The cornerstone for the mermaids wiggle; giggle, and the Paramount Theatre. Louise Clos- The group will meet at 2 o'clock on the new Yeshiva in Hebron was blush, and even the sad sea waves ser Hale and Henry Travers also Sunday afternoon at the east end of laid in the presence of representalaugh aloud. have important Toles in this story the dance Peony Park. Swim- tives of the Palestine government and which is taken from the clever play, ming and games will be the after-, prominent Jewish institutions. "Love Speaks Another Language." noon's diversion, followed by a box Its story concerns the • oppressive supper. TRY OUR The melodramatic career of a New effect of a middle-class family upon York tenement girl who come3 peri- the happiness of the young girl who lously close to the electric, chair is marries into it, a stranger to the depicted in "Midnight Mary," the customs of the household. thrilling crook-draina now playing at At a regular meeting of the A. Z. A. 10 LBS, 70c In the end, the young couple start the World Theatre; with Loretta anew in a new future, away from 100 chapter Wednesday at the Center, Young, Ricardo Cortez and Franchot meddlesome; in-laws. final plans were discussed for the Tone in the leading roles. As a special attraction the Natel- weiner roast to be held the middle of Anita Loos, who adapted for the son Fur Coat Revue will be shown this month at West Center. screen Katherine Brush's "Read Head- in the lobby, featuring six models Rabbi Uri Miller and Mrs. L. Neved Woman," has written this amazing wearing the newest styles in coats eleff addressed the group. Betty Felldrama of a girl so alluring that men and furs. man, piano, and Myron Cohen, violin, would not let Tier live her own life— "Three Little Pigs", a technicolor played. so beautiful that her victims become silly symphony, and "Krakatoa," 2815 PABBAM AT 2815 her captors! flaming volcano, are featured shorts. —Shop from our Service Guide— A story of the romance between a beautiful stage star and the private detective hired by a jealous "sugarA new incentive adds its weight daddy" to protect her from rivals is to the many reasons for select"Her Bodyguard," the second feature ing in this important event . . . at the World, starring Edmund Lowe end Wynne Gibson. and that is the daily rising of
At Saturday Services
B. H. H. Cemetery Improvement Group
K and
Dontfs for Swimmers
Why Envythe Eskimos?
Orpheum Theater
Youth's Revue to Be Given in September
Alpha Beta Rho
Junior Madassah
o rests
*• *
will save you $15 to $75 onyour Jur coat, _ because present low prices must give way before the oncoming higher prices of the "Recovery Era!"
World Theater
During Herzbergs?
A. Z. A.108
& 6 c surts 8
Fur Prices! Our low August prices . . . plus the Herzberg reputation for superior quality pelts . . . perfect matching . . . exclusive fashions . . . and beautiful linings . . . make it doubly important for you to see our
HELEN HAYES ROBERT MONTGOMERY Always two unrivalled screen features on one program
Die Sign of Good Workmanship JA.1614
Starting Saturday
the comedy team that never disappoints . . . in their funniest laugh riot!
from the clever stage play "Love Speaks Another Language" with
Louise Closser Hale Henry Travers
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA in
"Her First Mate"
a spectacular drama . of romance and ponies
Flaming Volcano and .
'Three Little Pigs" Technicolor SQly Symphony
FEATURES Beautiful!!!
Good for Kiddies and Grown-ups too.
Harding Creamery Co.
|^*f Ricardo Cortez Franchct Tone Una Merkel
Plus Natelson's Fur Coat Revue
with Hundreds of movie-goers know that an Orphenm show is always good to -its-last minute!
. . . . But she killed a man! ANITA LOOS' Strangest Novel
LOWE Wynne Gibson
*68| 88 —Herz
— *1
NO WELCOMING ARMS FOR PRINCES—Princes Serge and David Mdivani of Georgia, now a Russian republic, are not w£lcomed back ,to Hollywood with open arms by their estranged spouses, Mary McCormic and Mae Murray, respectively. At left, the princes are. pictured arriving at Los Angeles to look after their oil interests. Between them is H. E. Wallis, in charge of their oil interests. Prince Serge is at left. While at the right we see Mary McCormic, opera star, and Ma'e Murray, screen star, in jovial (but unforgiving) mood.
s7zr->. *
GOVERNORS' WIVES VISIT PICKFAIR—Governors' wives, daughters and other relatives, following governors' convention in California, visit Pickfair, home of Mary Pkkford. Left to right, rear row: Mrs. M. F. Cox of Virginia, Miss Mary White of Ohio, Mrs. Paul G. McNutt of Indiana; front row, Mrs. F. H. Cooney of Montana, Mrs. I. C. Blackwood of South Carolina, Mary Pickford, Mrs. James Rolph of California, and Mrs. C. Ben Ross of Idaho.
• . , ' ,
BERTHS ON NIGHT TRANSPORT PLANES—Airplane passengers now; can sleep several thousand leet up in the cool air in a comfortable berth. Airlines are equipping their transport planes with berths. A plane can accommodate six sleepers. Heavy curtains cut off the sleeping quarters. ' "' '•
SOCIAL WORKER IN MINE REGION NEARLY HIT—Miss Elizabeth Wight, Philadelphia social service Worker investigating conditions in company-owned mine towns for the Pennsylvania Security League, talks with George Kifer, 19, one of four pickets wounded by gunfire in Fayette county. A mine superintendent was arrested for the shooting. Miss Wight was standing with pickets just five feet from Kifer when he was struck. Governor Pinchot ordered state troops to displace sheriff, deputies and mine guards, and to permit picketing •> ,
CONGRESSMAN OBTAINS MOTHER'S RELEASE-Congressman Marion Zioncheck of the state of Washington is seen with his mother, Mrs. Frances Zioncheck, in court in Seattle, after he had obtained her release an bail on a charge of having kidnaped her granddaughter, 12-year-old Dorothy Kneeland. .
SECKETARY OF U. S. TREASURY RESTS—U. S. Secretary of the Treasury ixcajuij and »i»w Mrs, « i » . William iiiiuaui H. xi. Woodin nuuuiu are are passing passing the me summer summer at at _^ • their estate at Easthampton i th b i tofficer ffi Easthampton, L L. II. E Ever since the cabinet re- READY FOR THE HURRICANE—The U. S. weather bureau is co-operating with natives of Puerto turned to New York some months ago from Washington for thtoat R i c 0 i n broa dcasting future hurricane warnings. Bulletin boards are ereeted in the busy sections in" - treatj»ent3 there have been minors that he would resign, dicating the approximate time of a prospective storm. Photo shows stores in San Juan, P. R., barn••••;""••. caded for a hurricane warning which did not materiaUze.
PASSENGERS FROM RECUPERATING T>i — WRECKED i . . . u c i u / u SHIP oiixx iwiiUUr.fcJKATlNG passengers of of the the wrecked wrecked Alaska Alaska liner liner Northwestern N r t h f V passengers are recu • J£f * ^ e r t h r e e a n d one-half hoars in open lifeboat Left to riTt* lile Mlsses Ethel Darbi n and Dorothy Reickleman of Cincinnati 1 Robert Harvey of Berkeley, CaL
Peoples Party GERMAN SHIPPING IsAustrian Fighting Against FEELING EFFECTS Anti-Semitism OF THE BOYCOTT
Edwin Milder, Stanley Silverman, Donald Zernovsky, Ben Miller, Arnold VienerT Edwin Gitnick, Bobby Batt, Lorraine Lesser, Ann Bergman, Margaret Zeigler, Shirley Fox, and Merriam Fiedler. Junior Life Saving classes are to be held Friday morning from 9:30 to 10:15 for girls and 10:15 to,li:QO for boys. * :": '
York City . . . . Engfish jtevinsky and Ms sister, fondly called Leaping Lena, the Loud litvak, hold by forth each Saturday night at LevDavid Chesneau, Physical Director insky's Cafeteria where they entertain their friends. The restaurant The innovation of party and mixed Vienna, (J.TX ) —A country-wide is one of Lena's investments. I swimming will continue throughout offensive against anti-Semitism is suppose she figures that no matter being carried out by the Austrian the swimming season, having started what happens to the King, at least ' ; \ ; Wednesday,'August 2nd. Our "first there will be food around . . . Maarie Philadelphia, (J.T.A.)—The Phila- People's party. party swim held in June was a grand Throughout the country Christian Rosenbloom took •,• $ ; thorough lickdelphia Record, independent daily and we are iendeayaring to ing from a gentleman of color in a newspaper, recently published an edi- speakers are organizing and address- success The Noon Healfli d u b "Volley Ball : make this a real live Center .activity torial pointing out that resentment ing mass meetings. The government fur bur members. ' Sign uprar<all .the team is all set t»-cfcalhinge any other recent bout. The title- was not at against Germany has made itself felt party and the Heimwehr are sup-basket room. group to a set of games. Sam Gilin- stake. Maxie claimed he bad a toothr -^t; spontaneously, even though a formal porting the People's party. in comsky's ^ifting^-ttf IDr. Ellis is a sure ache . . . Julie Tavalin i& devoting propaanti-German boycott has not been bating the Nazi race hatred point—for ;which side? Come up some most of his time to the coaching of r; young"* tennis players. He has a ganda. . : . ' • • . - . . Anytime the gentlemen have doubts time and have a . noon-day tussle. started. The editorial stated: Hundreds of Christian students are as to the ladies enjoying themselves •; Ask about swim classes for'girls, little "stable right now which will be "The Hamburg-American Line and the North German Lloyd, now com-distributing among millions of Aus- in Gym classy a glimpse on Mon-matrons and business women. Call heard. from . . . Mr. Tavelin, a bined under one management, •with- trian peasants -brochures attacking days or Wednesdays will: convince the Center or come in and see me serious young man, says however, that he does not intend to devote drew their advertising recently from Hitler and pointing out the fallacy them otherwise. Ambitious girls are personaly. his life "to tennis—law is his goal. and stupidity of anti-Semitism, taking up the fundamentals of swimthe Record. ming and mastering them welL "Action -was taken because this - Chatterings newspaper did not hesitate to attack Aryan Declaration A pledge is the daughter of injury, Sammy Cohen, one of the more A number of. Junior Boys and the Hitler government, and to "warn the daughter of loss.—Epicharmus. Needed in Nazidom recent additionsto Jack Curley's girls Jhave passed their beginners that it would prove harmful to Gerstable of wrestlers is spending the tests within the last two weeks. Those many. ••...-•-.: Berlin, (J.T-A.)—While Jews are include Jack Saferstein, Pete Milder summer saving-lives a t - a beach in PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS "Despite the truculent attitude tak- excluded altogether from membership en by the American office of the line, in the labor unions, a new order isi t seems that the general manage- sued provides that Germans, too when ment of the Hamburg--American and joining professional organizations or North German Lloyd agrees with, the transferring from a dissolved labor Record. :.;;. union to the. Labor Front, will be "The entire executive board of carefully watched for traces of nonHamburg-American has resigned as a Aryan descent. They will be forced result of the line's 'coHjrdination' with to> sign this declaration: "I declare I the Reich's muddle-headed Nazi re- am of Aryan descent and my parents and grandparents are not of non-Argime. > . "And Dr. Max von Schinkel, a mem- yan stock." ber of the board since 1897, its chair- A footnote to -^fite declaration exman since 1910, not a German-Jew, plains that "non-Aryan descent means but a <Nor»5c',—whatever that may when either of the parents or grandparents is non-Aryan or belongs to be—declared: " T h e uiiaifection in the world to- the. Jewish religion." ward Germany and the boycott movement are making themselves strongly Jewish School Children felt. This has severely hurt the Hamburg-American's business and is con- May Observe Sabbath CLEANERS tinuing to hurt it and German shipBEAUTY PARLORS ACCOUNTANTS Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The action of inping generally. The volume of busidividual Gorman schools in refusing ness is constantly falling back.' CLEANERS LAKE STRElET Jewish pupils the right to stay away AUDITS "In a civilized world, the Nazis can- from classes on Saturday and in some DYERS BEAUTY SHOPPE SYSTEMS not hound 600,000 fellow Germans cases compelling them to write on the HATTERS 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX out of existence because they happen Sabbath was corrected by an order Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop. TAILORS to be Jews without arousing interna- from the ministry of education. The • and Curtain tional indignation. order stated that religious liberty still Cleaners Abramson The New Duart Telx»r "Resentment makes itself felt— exists in Germany's schools. Unholstered Dgnble Carter Permanent and rightly—in a widespread refusal Jewish children should ha excusec Audit Co. Furniture •Wave to buy goods or travel on the ships from school on Saturday, if their parCertified Public Acrts. $3.00 of a great nation lapsed into ugly bar- ents insist, the order stated. Children Band Box 852 Brandeis Theater Best Werkmanstalp barism. also should be excused from writing Bldg. Cleaners "And this happens spontaneously— on the Sabbath if they so desire, the AT. 4111, 2*28 Faraam St. before any formal boycott has gotten ! order further declared. t leant "Present JA. 4811 ! The ministry of education added, under way." I however, that as a result of the granting' of religious liberty the schools would not be held responsible if JewDRUGGISTS BEVERAGES AUTOMOBILEl ish children fall behind in their work*
New and Used Cars ': Dodge St. Barbecued Ribs,
Soft Drinks . and Ice Cream Barbecued Ribs. 1b. 35c Free Delivery Service ' Phone JA. 8006
VESS Beverages Large Bottle 10c
A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth.—Shelley.
Whistle Vess Beverages
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STUDEBAEEE SALES and SERVICE 3141 Faraam, HA. 2260
AUTO PARTS New and Osed Repair , Fart* and Accessories tot Can and Txncks at a Savlnr Uerchandlse Guaranteed
Star Auto Parts Co. S. M. CLATMAN, Mgr. AT. 9369 Mth and Cnicacn St.
Re-Nu-Health Baths AT. 3911 Elks Bldg, 3rd Floor
Hospital Remedy for Gas, Heartburn, Indigestion. Constipation We Sell and Guarantee This Ketnedy WE UKLIVTCK Quality and Serric*
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Special until Sept. 1 Reduced price of $1.50 for full treatment in ladies department.
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BUS 1-1NE Chicago $5.00 Round Trip $7.95 Chicago __.L.$ 5.00 Round Trip 7.95 Denver 1_ 7.50 Round Trip 11.00 Los Angeles. 20.00 Round Trip 35.00
BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel BIdg. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000
Best Result! Get Your Cuts and
HULSE a RpPEN ^s MbsJ^autifui ;Hwne Tor'Funferais Phone H"Arhty 1 2 2 6
"Watch yonr personal appearance," is the timely advice of L J. Schoenwald, owner of the B&nd B3x Cleaners, 2423 Farnam street. Mr. Schoenwald points out that if you keep yonr garments cleaned and pressed often, they will wear longer and look neater. He recently returned from traveling extensively studying new cleaning methods and opened the Band Box cleaning establishment to serve his old patrons with the latest cleaning methods. Mr. Schoenwald caters to those who want to be assured of quality work at most reasonable prices. Accordingly, he has obtained and kept a satisfied clisntele ever since he started in the cleaning and dyeing "business in 1911. The Band Box Oean^ra.Jbave built ujx an en3jLable r e p xi t a tTon'as cleaners, dyers, hatters,' tailors, rug and curtain cleaners, upholstered furniture cleaners, furriers. Mr. Schoenwald will be more than glad to give his patrons the benefit of his many years experience in this business by telling i t e m how to preserve their garments. Just phone Mr. Schoenwald and ask Mm whatever informa t i o n you desire about cleaning or dyeing.
FRANK MEARES Knows How to Clean Bats Work Done While Ton Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481
PRINTERS We Solicit Your Printing and Office Supply N d
Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dodge St.
Volz Will Keep You Nattily Attired
THEODORE VOLZ & SON PASftlOtf v TT AILORS JOH3S VOLZ Rooms 5Sft-5~2 Been titles Bide;. 16th and Farnam, JA. 5106
We Take Time to D« It Right by Bei«R Slow and Careful
1%(MU> O t . 4 6 2 6
Standard Hat Works
art Thirty-third
one ftf ray latest novels." Toller gave further details. "In addition; several irresponsible Nazi sadfcts, all of whom were youths, poured castor oil down my throat" - He said, however, that two storm troopers treated him with consideration and helped him to secure his releaser TcEterls visiting Hungary at present. His plans for 13ie future are uncertain, he Said. ,.';:.
BUDAPEST (J. T. A)—Gruesome details of how he wax tortured -in a Nazi concentration camp were given here by Ernst Toller, German Jewish playwiigjiht and one of thfc most dis-; tinguished. jyounger /writers in. that country until Hitler came 'into power. Toller, as a writer, "was;W«11 known A precedent embalms ii principle.— for his radical tendencies, and tha Disraeli. "1 Nazis clapped him into prison at their earliest1 opportunity. "It was terrible and inhuman,? Toll- —Shop from our Service Guide— er said. *The guards forced me to swallow almost a complete volume of —Shop from our Service Guide—
JERUSALEM (J.-'T. A.)—The Official Gazette has. promulgated an ordinance for the ^protection of cultivators of the soil..Tghicti connect with Sir-Philip Cuhliffe-Iis-ter's statement in London recently;, in regard to the Palestine loan. The ordinance for protection of cultivators is mentioned in the colonial secretary's loan statement. The chief feature of the new ordinance is the creation of "a statutory tenant," meaning that if a tenant: occupies land for no less than a year he can in no -case be ejected from the land thereafter without being supplied with subsistence in an area approved by the High Commissioner. The subsistence area must be in the vicinity of the area from which the tenant was ejected, . the ; ordinance rules. There are numerous restrictive provisions in the ordinance, making _ it practically impossible to purchase lands already occupied by tenants.
KE. 0061-62
G.A. Steinheim«r Company
Contracting Painters 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Painting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public Bldgs.
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I Utetbemodern «UpstickW*f * Umder-Arm Frtsbmm
BATTERY SERVICE We Are Distributors for the Well Known Omaha Manufactured
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Moil Orders Riled
Endorsed by Good Housekeeping lor Purity, Safely, end Effectiveness
And Guarantee All Sales Batteries Serviced
National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol AT. 6427
CAFE Let Our Cateress Plan Your Next Bridge Dinner or Luncheon Party in Our Private Dining : Room.
CAFE Mrs. Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam. JA. 8278
Sunshine Laundry
The Best Portrait
JA. 4883, 161S Cass • Semi-Flat, 5c Ib. 75c Minimum Shirts Finished in Boadle
Requires the
That Same
Best Photographer
Shoe Comf©rt
7c Each
W yoa have your sh»ce
Cleveland Studio 1612 Dougla. St. " Phone JA. 336G
\SJioe Repair Co. 1C1P Fnroam Si.
Council Bluffs News i
By F. R. K. Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The Kerren Kayemeth (Jewish National Fund) has set aside 1,000 dunams of land in the Wadi Hawareth area for settleThe Jewish National Fund has friends in Los Angeles, spent the Employee of Nazi Government ment y^Wyy^Wy^T^ff^^fS?^!?^^ by German Jews. called an important meeting for Fri- week-end in Council Bluffs visiting at States Everything in The allocation of the land was made day evening, August 4, at 8 o'clock the home of her brother-in-law and ' ' Good Order possible by a recent decision of the at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Syna- sister, Mr. and Mrs. ;Saul Suvalsky. courts here, settling a long drawn-out gogue at 618 Mynster street Rabbi She left Monday for her home in ChiA severe • attack on the statements land dispute in favor of Keren Kaye- S. Mintz of New York City will be cago, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. made by Dr. Felix Aber, allegedly meth. the guest speaker. Representatives Suvalsky, and her children, Selwyn chief rabbi of Bremen, who on his ar- Fifty German Jewish families, new- of all local organizations are urged and Everybody is • feeling patriotic! Marvin, who expect to remain rival in the United States recently ly arrived from Germany, are expec- to attend this meeting tonight. Blue eagles in every shop window! there for a two weeks' visit. : Wires, and wires and wires to F. D. Urging the audience to support the aboard the North German Lloyd ted to be able to settle on the new . The program of games and sports promising co-operation. And even National Industrial Recovery Act by steamer "Columbus" declared "every- land. The Council Bluffs Talmud Society to be held at the Hadassah picnic next IR. Mrs. Morris Yudelson and sons, the Chynik Hokker signed a card last patronizing only those co-operating thing in Germany is in good order* will hold an important meeting next Sunday afternoon and evening, will Tuesday Collman, Robert and Jerry, returned and that he had no personal knowledge evening promising to "cq- with the act, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewliegin at 2:45 o'clock, according to Joe operate." And Monday evening, August 7, at 8 home Tuesday following a two weeks' of the persecutions of the Jews by the while speaking of that is, principal speaker at the NIRA Hitler government, was issued in a Singer, chairman of the events. The o'clock at the synagogue. All mem- visit in Chicago with relatives where picnic, which was, to have been held NIRA meeting last Tuesday, if you meeting Tuesday evening in the Cen-statement by the American Jewish bers are urged to be present. they attended the World's Fair. missed it you missed something worth July 23, has been postponed until next tral High School was' received with Congress. Sunday, August 6, and -syill be held in while. The thunderous applause that thunderous applause and cheering by Among those who spent the past Abe Saltzman left Monday evening The statement charges that Dr. :Riverview Park. Th'ere will be no ad- rocked, the ceiling of ye olde Central the many thousands who attended the week at Camp Gifford were Henry for Rochester, Minn., for treatment High was all for our own Rabbi Lew- meeting. Aber is in the employ of the Nazi mission to the picnic grounds. Mendelson. assistant scoutmaster of at the Mayo Bros, clinic. is. So was the cheering that could government of Germany, for whom ha .' The program of events will include Rabbi Lewis commended the act and is now acting as a propagandist and BERLIN (J, T. A.)—Over 180 fam- the local Boy Scout Troop, and the have been heard blocks away. And the following: those responsible for it, saying that ilies of eastern European. Jews living following members of his troop, HarMorris Grossman is spending the • Peanut race for boys up to nine buhlieve me, brother, he told 'em, andonly by following the rules of the excoriates him as a "betrayer of the in Breslau are in despair'following the old Bernstein, Irving Cohen, Paul week in Chicago on a buying trip, Jewish people." told 'em plenty . . . AND THEY Krasne, Bennie Kutler, Arnold Linyears.; sudden order by the Nazi authorities where he will also visit the World's LIKED IT! A few might have besn maximum hours and minimum wage Aber," says the statement, "is that Hopping race for' girls up to nine' uncomfortable for a minute or two,could the country be brought out of in "Dr. they leave Germany. The order, coln, and Eugene Telprier. Fair. the employ of the North German years. . but they cheered with the rest. which technically withdrew unexpired the depression. Lloyd, a government subsidized steamThe Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 Tied foot race for boys, ten to six- The column seems to have become a Other speakers at the meeting were ship company, for whom he supervises residential permits from members of Mrs. Ben Kooler and sons, Douglas r of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting teen years old. • .-••';• these families, in reality means that Lawrence' Davidson, Jules Martin, the Kosher kitchens. This fact can be they must depart from the country next Thursday evening, August 10. and Harry, left Saturday evening for question and answer box, lately. QuesRope skipping contest for girls, ten tion confirmed in the newspaper files of at once. No. 1 came clear from Winni- W. D. Hayward and Mayor Hayes. Plans will be completed for a Treas- Chicago to visit relatives for a couple to sixteen, years old. this city, where his visit to New York peg, Betty Kaplan, former Sioux Cityure Hunt to fce held on Saturday of weeks and also attend the World's Potato sack race for "men." A large number of the Jews af- night, last year was recorded, and by inquiry an, and now writing for the Jewish August 12, when all members Fair. Baseball throwing c o n t e s t for Western at the offices of the North German fected by the order are staatenlose and their guests will meet at the News in Winnipeg. The queswomen. ' ' (persons without citizenship in any Lloyd. and answer wouldn't interest our Hotel Chieftain. Miss Sonia Saks will leave SaturBaseball game between men and tion readers, but she did say she liked the "The very fact that Dr. Aber is re- country) and as they will be unable to day for Chicago to spend a couple of Miss Helen Friedman, daughter of women. • secure either passports or visas for Wish some of our local read- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friedman, 1722 tained in the employ of the German Miss Rose Goldberg of Chicago, weeks visiting relatives and visit the Refreshments and drinks will be Press. ers would enthuse a little more. subsidized company at a any other land in such a short space who spent the past two weeks visiting World's Fair. served on the picnic grounds. Plans Jackson, will be married to David government of time they are in a sad predicament time when the wholesale ouster of are being made to accommodate over And now for Question No. 2. Oh Brodkey, son of Mrs. M. Brodkey of Jews from every form of employment and do not. know which way to turn. boy, oh boy, wait till you hear thi3 a thousand people. Mrs. D.'-L. Rodin Omaha on August 6 at high noon in "s being rigidly enforced in Germany They are in danger of being put into is in charge of the arrangements. one. Sarah W. wants to know if Sam the Chieftain hotel at Council Bluffs, eaves but one inevitable conclusion, Nazi concentration camps, as punishWine is married. She says she's ask- Iowa. Mrs. Morey Rubin, sister of the ment for not obeying orders to leave ing for a friend! Anyway, we're wait- bride, and Ed Brodkey, brother of the and that is that Dr. Aber is in the the country. ing for the answer, so we can relay groom, will be the attendants. There service of the German government. This is a painful statement for any Polish Consul Acts. it to Sarah. will ba a wedding dinner immediately Jewish organization to make of a fel- The Polish consul in Breslau has XOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE ! FRADEN'BURG, STALMASTER & BEBEB Fourteen queries from as many following the service. O. T. DOEUK F . M. KLITZNICK • A U S ••-• low Jew. By every fair-minded Jew made efforts to intervene on beha]!f Notice is hereby 8 given girls, names omitted by .special plea thnt on the 10th Attorneys The A. Z. A. chapter made plans of said damsels, want to know how Continuing the prenuptial parties and Christian it will be conceded that of Polish citizens among the Jews day of August. 1933. at the hour of 10 •50 Omaha National Bank Bide. A. M., at 2514 Lenvenworth Street, for their annual summer outing, at long they will have to wait before for Miss Friedman was a. luncheon Dr. "Aber has read himsalf out of the who were ordered to leave Germany, o'clock the undersigned' will sel] to the highest KOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Jewish community which he is attheir meeting Monday, evening in the Dave Albert calls them. Come on, Tuesday in the Martin hotel, when but so far he has achieved no results. bidder for cash- the following: SALE. One metal bridge lamp ,1 oak leather Jewish Community Center. Marvin Dave, answer that one. Mrs. Sam Snovsky entertained a tempting to betray. Leaders of Breslau Jewry cannot ap- seat Notice is hereby given thnt on the 28th nrm rocker, 1 mahogany davenof August, l!)3;t, nt 30 o'clock A. M., Klass was named chairman of the For three days now we have seen group of friends. The bridal colors of •The persecution of the Jews by the peal to the state authorities because port table. 1 oak table model Columbia day at the office of the NATIONAL ACCESgrafonoln. 1 8-3X10-G Axminster rue. 1 committee in charge, with Max Levin certain members of Sioux- City's peach and green were accentuated m German government is a matter of they fear revenge at the hands of w.ilnnt SORIES. INC., 2051 Farnnm Street, Omabow end bed. springs and matNebraBkn, the undersigned will sell at and Milton Lehman assisting him. The younger set eating their lunch down- table appointments. record. It is part o fthe legal code of storm troopers if they did. The local ' tress, 1 walnut vanity, 1 walnut chif- ha. public auction to the hiphest bidder for 1 8-3x10-6 Congoleum rug. 1 sns- cash, date set for the outing is August 13. town at lunch counters STANDING the following chattels: Miss Friedman was guest of honor the land, which has read the Jew outauthorities in Breslau are strongly . fonier. itary cot. 1 walnut dresser. 1 : bronce - One Lisle llefneer, One II. S. Greaser, Reports of the recent district and UP. We figured that prosperity was Wednesday at a bridge luncheon in of citizenship and out of every phase anti-Semitic. Simmons bed. springs and matrress, 1 One Bench Grinder, One Model A R900 Reliable gas range, 1 oak bufnational A. Z. A. convention were back and the lunch counter was prob- h-> Ji>;rvfrinia teashop v when .- Mrs. the economic, political and cultural On the other hand, if no appeal is 4-hnrner 3/4-inch Van l>orn Drill, Serial 188405; 1 oak dining table. 0 oak leather . One Ascho Car Jienter, :in<l One Crowe made by Marvin Klass and Stanley ably crowded, with standing room only. Gale Friedman and Mrs. Ben Fried- life. The Nazi government, contrary made and the action of, the Breslau fet. Seat diners. 1 fiO-Ib. Sanitary refrigerVnlve Ilefacer, Model No. 20004, 1 metal floor lamp. 1 reed center Herzoff. But we were all wrong. They are rid- man entertained/and-today Mrs. J. H. to refuting this, will be the first to authorities is - carried out unchal- ' ator. covered by a chattel mortgage in fnvor of table. 1 oak library table. 1 mohair the National Accessories, Inc., nnd signed, enged, it may stimulate other towns overstuffed ing fans. And if you don't believe it Greenberg will."be her hostess at Iff proclaim this as fact. davenport. 1 mohair overby Chevron Motor Company, by Lloyd L. armchair. 1 9x12 Yelour rug, just drive out to Stone Park some twelve o'clock breakfast in the Sioux "Nor can anything that Dr. Aber is to similar undertakings, and a mass 1stuffed King, said nibrtRape being dated January dak chiffonier, 1 50-Ih. refrigerator. 1 18. 1933. nr.d having been filed in the ofexpulsion of Jews from Germany may able to adduce, alter this fact. If he Sunday morning, or ask Sammie E., City Country Club. , p t. kitchen table. 1 kitchen table. 6 fice of the County Clerk of Douglas Counkitchen chairs. 1 d. 1. kitchen table, 1 has not seen anti-Semitic persecution result. Ann W., or" Serretta K., or others Nebraska, on the "Joril <lny of January, bronze SimmonR bed. springs ami mnt- ty. 1933. Said sale will be for the purpose of (names furnished upon request) or Mr.: and Mrs. M. Turchen announce in Germany 4t is only because he has tress nnd nil dishes, linens, silverware, foreclosing said mortjraRe for costs of sole bedding nnd kitchen utensils. ^London, (J.T.A.)—Due to the re- better still, ask the horses. They prob- the engagement of their sonij Max deliberately closed his eyes to it. nnd for all accruing costs, nnd for the purCovered liv chattel mortgaee executed by pose of" satisfying the amount due thereon, "It is part of the record, too, that Tarchen, to Miss .• Hazel .Zavett* of strictions' against the. Jews in Ger- ably, feel as bad as the riders. l>slie J. "Wright nnd Irene Wright on Oc- to-vrit: One Thousand Nlnety-OK« Dollars tober 2). 1D32. to F. E. TYSOX. doing bus- nnd flfl/100 (Sl.uOi.flfl) : thnt no Jew dares speak against the govmany, numerous donations from AmOmaha, -Nebraska. - • '-;. - •:. no suit or othiness ns tlie Omnhn T^oan Compnny. nnd ernment lest he and his family be er proceedings nt law have been instituted erican Jews to educational, medical The date for the wedding has >not having heen filed for record in the office to recover Raid debt or any part thereof. penalized. Dr. Aber had only to reof the County Clerk of Boujflns County, and other institutions will be contest)een set. : ! NATIONAL ACCESSOEIKS. INC. Nebrnska. . . main silent. Obviously a, job is more ed on the grounds that the donors did Berlin, (J.T.A.)—In accordance Said sale will be for the Purpose of fo>"«»- 8-4-33-St. Mortgagee. not.intend the funds for institutions said mortgage nnd to satisfy the .Miss Ina- Leah:Kroloff entertained, important id hiin than 'honor.' Every "with Chancellor Hitler's directions closinsr due thc-poTi. to-vit: Two H"ndri'ii practicing anti-Semitism; according • Plans have been begun by members a group of friends^ Tuesday as a cour- intelligent reader" of his statements for the reestablishment of economic iiniount Eighteen and 01-100 Dollars <$21S.<n) and FRADENBITRG STALMASTER * BKBER, • to reports current in Germany. O. T. DOERR. I \ M. KLITZNICK peace within Germany, the Nazi accruing costs. of the Junior Hadassah for a member- tesy to a' -numbar of out-of-town will understand this." 690 Omaha National Bank Bide. F. K. TTSON. doine btiBipess works council, •which was responsiGerman officials have emphatically ship drive this month, which will cul- guests. The evening hourg were deas OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. ble for placing most of the Nazi 7-2S-3L stated that they cannot make excep- minate in a "Rush" party the last voted' to bridge, after which the NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE commissars in Jewish-controlled bus" SALE guests adjourned to a buffet supper. tions in regard to the treatment of week in August. SILTERMAN * ZACHARIA, Attorneys iness and industry, declared it would Notice is hereby given that on the 12th Jews in such institutions even when • Miss Roma Wigodsky is in charge Among those from out-of-town were "68 BraadeU Theater Bldr. . day of August, lilXi, nt ten o'clock A. M. immediately withdraw all its reprethey enjoy extensive financial sup- of the membership committee. The Miss Mary Goldstein, of Indiana Harat 2514 LeiiYenwortn Street, Omaha, Nesentatives who had forcibly " been brnskn, the umlersiprnea will sell nt public NOTICE OF PROBATE O F ' f f l l L membership drive is being held earlier bor, Indiana, who is a guest••at the VIENNA.(J. T. A.) — Admission port, from Jews in foreign lands. auction to the highest bidder for cash the the County Court of Douglas County, following this year, because of the District con- Kroloff home; Miss Tola Dobrofsky hat: anti-Jewish violence in Austria placed on the boards of the vari- In Nebraska. described property, to-wit: bed springs & mattress; 1 mahogvention, which will be held in Sioux of Chino, California, and Mrs. Henry has been carried on at the instruc- ous concerns. In the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL 1nnyivory upright Monarch piano. No. 122747 nnd Deceased. City in November. It was learned that the Hamburg- COHN. Mushkin of Chicago. bench; 1 mahogany vel s cane back davenions of the secret Nazi directorate All persons Interested in said estate are port: 1 mahojrnny s cane back nrm notified thnt a petition hns l>ee> rocker; 1 mahoganyvelvel was made by nine secondary school American Lines, the entire board of hereby s cane b arm filed in said Court, praying for the pro- chair; which resigned recently to be re2 met:il bridge lamps; 1 mahogany Miss Fannie Cohen entertained tudents who were apprehended by bate of a certain instrument now on file floor lump; 1 red smoker; 1 S-panel mirplaced by a management pledged to in said Court, purporting to he the last police breaking windows in Jewish members of the Epsilon Phi- sorority ror: 1 ivory vanity dresser nnd chair; 1 will and testament of Enid deceased. ancT conduct the line's operations in acivory dresser; 1 S-0xlO-(i Ax n i g ; 1 sgle Tuesday evening at the Up Town stores and homes. thnt a henring will be had on snid petifioi bro Simmons bed, springs <& mattress; snid Court on the 12th day of Aus Ax throw rugs; 1 melnl bridge lamp; 21 Despite energetic police action, Nazi cordance with the spirit of Hitler before Cafe, as a courtesy to-Miss EtheL'Har1933, nnd thnt if they fail to appear and Nazi precepts, is negotiating o«t, mirror; 1 wnl buffet; 1 wnl dining ow, of Chicago, who is in the city i o r attacks on the Jews are continuing, with. at said Court on the said 12th day of 3-pnnel table; G wnl lea s diners: 1 bro iron tiny; the Government to make good August. 1033. at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest a two-week visit. :%•' ' \ ; . articularly in the health resorts. bed & pad; wal cabinet 8-tube elec MaNew York, (J.T.A.)—Albert D. the probate of said will, the Court may jestic radio 1comp; the terrific losses sustained by the allow 1 S-3xl0-0 Ax rug; 1 Among the victims of attacks are said and probate said will and grant adLasker, former chairman of the UniCONSTANCE chiffonier; 1 oak lea s arm rocker; line as a result of the anti-Nazi ministration of said estate to Snrah Cohn oak 1 8-3x10-6 Ax r u p ; 1 bookcase; 2 onk ted States Shipping Board, has been Members of the Phi Deb sjorority o be some American citizens. some other suitnble person and proceed lea s (liners; 1 oak woak abroad and the depreciation or s arm chair; 1 onk elected to the executive committee of held their meeting this week j at- the The Reichsppst, government organ, boycott to a settlement thereof. lib table; 1 wal dresser; 1 poly mirror; 1 BRXCE CRAWFORD. the American Jewish Committee, Mor- home of the Misses Ida and Mildred referring to Nazi activities in the of the dollar. portable elec Singer sewing machine No. 7-2l-3t. . Coanty Judge. C7G2741G; 1 Eureka elec sweeper; 1 direct That the line had suffered sehealth resorts, declares that these atris D. Waldman, secretary of the Plotkin. A report on the Penny RafAction pas stove; 1 onk dining table; 1 body, has announced. Mr. Lasky is fle, which has beeri in progress for tacks on tourists have been carefully verely was admitted- by Max von FRANK R. ACKERMAN, Attorney blue chiffonier; 2 ;.it chairs; 1 7.ilb. refg; 1 Automatic elec. washer; 1 10x12 Ax rug; - 490 Brandeis Theatre Bids. an advertising executive in Chicago. a week, was made. Plans were also planned in order to increase the diffi- Schinkel, retiring head of the lines, 1 1928 Chevrolet Coach Motor Xo. 1021048 PLUS '. The- American Jewish Committee, formulated for a cabin party to be culties under which the government is at a meeting "of the concern's shareKep;. No. l-23.ri77 and all dishes, linens, NOTICE OF PROBATE TTILI, silverware, beddinc kitchen utensils, composed of leading Jews "in com-given this week-end in Crystal Lake. aboring and to bring the tourist traf- holders at Hamburg, earlier in the In the County Court of Douglas County. covered by n chatteland mortgage in favor of GEO. KAY ~ Nebraska. week. • . • • ; fic to a standstill in order, to turn the munities throughout the country, is Tyson, doing business as Omaha In the Matter of the Kstate of BETTI F.LoanE.Company, signed by Carl A. Harms taking a leading part in the pro- Mrs. S. Rosen of Sioux Falls has opulation against Chancellor. EngelSILVERMAN. Deceased. and Daisy May Harms: thnt said mortAll persons interested in snid estate nro tection of the civil and religious departed for her home after a visit jert Dollfuss. —Shop from our Service Guide— hereby notified that a petition hns been gage is dated February 20, l!)-*>2 nnd is recorded in the office of the County Clerk rights of ews anJd in combating anti- with her mother, Mrs. M. Levich. ; m filed In snid Court, praying for the probnto of Douglas County, Nebraska. of a certain instrument now on file in snid Jewish prejudice. Court, purporting to be the last will nnd Said sale will be held for the purpose of testament of snid deceased, nnd that n hear- oreclosing Dr. Cyrus Adler of Philadelphia The Debra Club will give a! dinner said mortgage for the costs of ing will be had on snid petition before PLUSis president of the Committee; Judge and slumber party for its members he sale and all accruing costs nnd for the said Court on the 12th day of August, purpose of satisfying the nmount due 1933, nnd thnt if they fail to appear nt snid hereon, to-wit: Irving Lehman and Abram I. Elkus, next Tuesday evening. Dinner!will be THE BOSWELL SISTERS ?170.00 plus interest; thnt Court on the snid 12th dny of August. no vice-presidents; Samuel D. Leides- a progressive affair, held at various suit or other proceedings nt nlw hnve 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest the probeen instituted to recover said debt or any bate of said will, the Court mny nllow nnd dorf, treasurer, and Judge Horace members' homes, with the slumber probate snid will and grant administration part thereof. TOMORROW Stern of Philadelphia, chairman of party at the home of Miss Rose Alof said estate to Irving Jnncer nnd Helen F. E. TYSON", doing business as Omnha the Executive Committee. Jnnger or some other suitnble person nnd Loan Company, bert. Wednesday morning the guests proceed to a settlement thereof. RANADA T I L L 2 By FRADENBURG, STALMASTER & will go to "the home of Miss Dorothy BRTCE CRAWFORD, DEBER, His Attornevs. 7-21-3t. County Judge. -21-33-3t .nmnt'jnn* Gelson for breakfast. IF YOU'RE WISE YOU'LL nnjruw wo Mrs. Joe Dimsdale, 2123. Pierce COOL — COMFORTABLE Street, is in Chicago this week, visit5693 1933 .All Kinds of Insurance ing with friends and relatives. « BO"? Fast of AB „_ -Tuesday, Aug. 1 .isnnjnc lyp'nB Rosh Chodesh Ellul .. Tuesday, Aug. 22 W3M3 ny* Mrs. Jack London and daughter, 435 Ins. Exch. Bldg. JA. 85210 "1KB T 5694 Esther, have returned this week from nnn IKE 1933 11 A. M. Chicago, where they visited with Celia w Rosh Hashonah —Thursday, Sept. 21 3 P JW. and May London, and attended the JJS»»I Yom Kippur —Saturday, Sept. 30 Century of Progress.
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Hokka Chynik
Society News
A. Z. A. Chapter Planning" Outing
American Jews May Recall Their Gifts
Jr. Hadassah Plan Membership Party
Look at This Program
Lasker on Executive of Jewish Committee
"OURBETTERS" Brent & Francis "KEYHOLE'
Hebrew Calendar
Leonard Barricks
Starts Friday
The Methodist Hospital 29TH and DOUGLAS STS. Auto Phone 8-3567 G. T. NOTSON, D. D., Supt.
Miss Mary Lass of Chicago is in Sioux City, visiting with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. A. Lass.
Beautiful New- Dance Floor Pleasant Surroundings MusicService Enjoy Good Our Table Without Cover Charge
Wed., Sat. & Sun. NITES
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finsod, Miss Rose Finsod, and Miss Rose Magilevsky, motored to Chicago to visit with friends and attend the Century of : Progress. .
Jewish Agency Council to Meet on August 31 London, (J.T.A.) — In accordance with a decision of the Executive of the Jewish Agency, the third regular session of the Council of the Jewish Agency will open August 31 in Prague. The session will be preceded by a meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Jewish Agency, to b t held August 30.
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By:>*a 19* cjrt
,n*i nfa«tt vs.
.in 13
,13»«o * tin naiyu it UP'*
II J3U1 •
1st Day Succoth .„ Shemini Atzereth. Simehath Torah Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan .1st Day Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Fast of Tebeth
Thursday, Oct. 5 ..Thursday, Oct. 12 ..Friday, Oct. 13 Saturday, 21 y, Oct.21 Wednesday, Dec. 13 Tuesday, Dec. 19 ...Thursday, Dec. 28
"Even if Hitler should himself be able to pass our immigration literacy test, which is not quite certain, in view of his ignorance even of German grammar, he clearly could noc qualify as sufficiently literate to pass our New York State law for first voters."—Mas J. Kohler. "Rembrandt drew inspiration and the materials of his art from the Old Testament and the Jews of Holland." Rudoioh p Kayser. *
If you make friends, their friends are your friends!