August 11, 1933

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the - Ideals of Judaism Juuunrjr Zl, 11121. at Art of March 3. Ib7»

JEulercil nfc Scvuml t'/'iw Mull Mutl; I'OBtolttcc til Uiimli.i. Nthrnska. uncV




s-s Dangers of Using 1H Double-Edged Sword BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Judge Seligson, a Jew who became a convert to Christianity and changed his name to Soelig, who caused great trouble to German Jewry last summer, and participated directly in the anti-Jewish boycott of April 1, as well as helping to eliminate Jewish lawyers and judges from German courts, has himself been dismissed as a judge "because of his Jewish origin." An order to this effect has been officially announced by the ministry of justice.

Wins Highland IJriks Classic

Jewish Migration Into Bolivia to Possibility

VOL. IX—No. 28

Citizenship Re By Hitlerites International

BEELIN (J. T. A.)—The possibility that ^ Jews will migrate to Bolivia was indicated here by Dr. Julian Milder, 17-year-old niblick Fight for Jewish Settlement Anzesoria, Bolivian minister to Ger[Vicious Attacks of Press v. many, in a public talk to foreign wielder, added another brilliant chapThere Led by Dutch tinue Unabated as Jews diplomats and journalists. Dr. Anzester to the story of his "romance of Representative oria indicated that his government is Reverberations in Diplomatic Circles Expected Leave En Mass the links" Sunday when he retained ready to throw open the doors of its his championship of the Highland As Result of Germany Imposing GENEVA (J.T.A.)—A strong fight j country to emigrants from Germany Country Club golf tournament, annual Nuremberg, Germany. (J.T.A.)— for the right of Jews to settle in | prov ided that the German governblue ribbon classic of the club. Minority Status In sorrow and desperation, the Jews Milder repeated his last year's tri- Transjordania was put up at the-last j m e n t negotiates with the Bolivian of this old city on "whom the brunt umph by besting Abe Brodkey, a fco- session of the League of Nations government to effect this transfer. of the Nazis' ceaseless anti-Jewish Berlin, (J,TA.)—The right of the j tween Germany and Poland, has rner title holder, in the finals, 2 and 1. Mandates Commission, the Jewish "Scientists from Germany, and also agitation has fallen most heavily, Telegraph Agency learns, although artisans, will be especially welcomed Jews in. the plebiscite area of Upper j provoked much interest, especially Golf experts predict that young are deserting their homes and busi" The Milder is just entering on the thres- ™™tes of the session milt n not offi- by our country," Dr. Anzeroria em- Silesia are again coming to the fore- in Polish diplomatic circles. nesses en masse and Nuremberg will s n a ear convention obligated the German front in connection with the forthphasized. >*\ * hold of the golf horizon and that if | 2 w ?s P .soon be-a~city without Jews. coming law depriving German Jews Government to treat all minorities he continues at his present pace he jB*' " was conducted mainly by the ^ Leaving behind all. their chattels in Upper Silesia without distinction. of their citizenship rights. -representative, D. Van will be heard from ere long in "big i . , ^ * - . > . ' , , , . „ i and goods, the Jewish population, In the case of the petition of - Since, according to the official league" circles i ^ce-chairman of the Mandates Com- | quickened by the ever-growing menGovernment explanation, the new Franz Bernheim, an Upper Silesian Interwoven with the tale of Milder's | ™^on, **<> demanded an explanaace to their well-being resulting from •citizenship bill does not affect na- Jew who suffered as a result of The Talmud Torah will reopen rise through the ranks of the High- P 0 * * * the British government's opi0 the incessant incitement to anti-Jew- next Monday, August 14, at the land tional minorities, the question is Nazi discrimination against the golfers is much hard work, hours | ?°f ? to Jewish settlement of Trans-. ish violence in the local press, parr Jewish Community Center, and all again being asked how the Jews in! Jews, th^ Council of the League of jordania. BERLIN (3. T. A.)—Tne first inticularly in Der Stuermer, the news- pupils, old and new, are expected traversing the course again and again Van Rees emphasized that the stance of Chancellor Hitler's taking Upper Silesia are to be considered Nations earlier this year held that in overcoming the hazardous bunkers : paper edited by Julius Streicher, to be present. and traps, and hours of diligent study mandate does not exclude Jewish im- personal interest in the plight of a —on the basis of their Jewishnessj the Jews came under this protective Nazi chieftain, is frantically making This coming Sunday the annual and effoit. He is not a newcomer to migration in the Transjordanian area, Jew was reported in the Tilsiter Zei- and hence deprived of their citizen-i clause and ordered Germany to their every effort to find refuge in other Talmud Torah picnic will be' held at ship, or whether they are to be con-' former posts and accord them all the Highland jjreens, for he first took and he indicated that the population tung. A Jewish peddler, Max Berg- sidered cities. as a national minority, rec- their former rights in Upper Silesia. of Transjordania is in favor of Jewmam, lost his only horse, which made Elmwood Park. All pupils will remashie in hand when only eight Many are fleeing with but a small port at 10 o'clock in the morning at ayears ish settlement there. Van Rees point- the .continuance of his hawking bus- ognized by the League of Nations! Press Forestalls Complai-ntB. old. Eight years later he had amount of clothing, turning over the the Jewish Community Center and mowed down the Highland opposition ed out that Transjordania is double iness impossible. Since horses are as such, and remain German citizens! Foreseeing that the keys of their homes and shops to will be transported by automobile to win the club championship, teach- the size of Palestine, but h2s only very cheap in Memel, or in Klaipeda on a par with other national minor- depriving German Jewsproposed of their law cishipping offices with the hope that to the picnic grounds. tizenship rights mas* provoke coming the old maestros a thing or two 300,000 inhabitants at present, while Lithuania, which is across the border ities. these will obey instructions and pack plaints to the League of Nations and [from Tilsit in East Prussia, BergGames, races and other amuse- in the interim. And this year he add- Palestine has 1,000,000. Diplomatic Circles Interested. and ship their furniture and posses- ments are in store for all children at- ed conclusive proof that his win of possibly by that body, the ! mann wrote a letter and mailed it diLand Sales Prohibition. This situation, involving interna- German action sions after them. press has appeared with a rectly to Chancellor Hitler, asking tending. Refreshments will be serv- the previous season was not one of tional questions, since Upped Silesia "Besides, why prohibit sale of land Der Stuermer, which approaches ed by the Deborah Ladies Society, those "meteoric flukes" so prevalent there to Jews when the Emir Abdul- permission to import a horse from is a plebiscite area governed accord- semi-official interpretation of the Dr. Joseph Goebbels' Der Angriff in which is sponsoring the outing. in sportdom but that he had really lah of Transjordania desires it?" he Memel duty free in view of his im- ing to a convention entered into be- law. the pitch and intensity of its antipoverishment. This interpretation held that the The Deborah- Society is asking all "arrived." asked. Jewish violence, rejoices at this mass its members to participate. German Government, by depriving Bergmann enclosed documents in In winning Sunday, young Milder He also pointed out that many emigration of Jews from the city. the Jews of citizenship, is not violathad to show the calm judgment and Jews living in Palestine at present his letter to Hitler proving that he Under a headline, "The Jews Are ing any national minority rights. was a war veteran who had seen sersteady precision of a champion, for are not Palestinians, but are still Leaving Us," the newspaper today "The Jews are not a national minorvice in the front line trenches. Brodfiey was navigating the pellet in subjects or. citizens of countries betells its readers how "every day ity in Germany," they stated, "and In reply to Bergmann's letter, custhe neighborhood of par. But Milder longing to the League of Nations. another Jew house in Nuremberg is the real national minorities need not toms officials on the border between tightened in the pinches and came Considering the principle of equality fear because the new law is not evacuated," and, also, how busy the through at the crucial moments. for the citizens or subjects of all East Prussia and Lithuania received directed against them," transfer agencies are in transportinstructions from Chancellor Hitler to Julian is the son of Mr. and Mrs. countries -which, are members of the ing the posessions of Nuremberg permit Bergmann to import a horse Evade Lenpue Discussion. League, it would be impossible to Morris Milder. Jews to Palestine and other counprevent these persons from settling from Memel without charging so Foreign diplomatic circles here arc The second flight finals between tries. Berlin.—A fantastic story that awaiting with in Transjordania, Van Rees stated. much as a pfennig in duty. " great interest the dePaul Blotcky and Howard Wertheimer Jews abroad are organizing them- velopments ensuing The Nuremberg city council, as if the Jews was not played because cf the illness Los Angeles. (J.T.A.)—The situaThe British representative, Mark selves into military units and equip- of Germany will bewhen to give impetus to the Jewish migraofficially deof. the former. tion for the Jews today is more serAicheson Young, former secretary of ping themselves with arms and munition, is continuing to issue stricter ious than in 1492, when they were The Highland will hold its "payoff the Palestine Administration, replied third-class citizens of th* tions "to attack Germany's borders clared orders "making the life of a Jew in expelled from Spain, Dr. Adler stated stag" at. the club Wednesday, August to Van Sees by stating that the Eeich. In the opinion of- several of at the first opportunity" was related this city well-nigh intolerable. An here recently. "At least, in those 16. The winners will be awarded their British, government is not prepared this law will not be promulin Der Angriff, newspaper owned by them, order made public today prohibits days the Jew could be converted to trophies and the "auction money" on at present to permit Jews to settle in gated October in order to Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels, Nazi min- avoid, before Jews from entering the municipal Catholicism," he pointed out. "They the players will be divided among the the Tranjordan territory. There is a giving the Council of the ister of propaganda and public enstadium. . ' . ' • " • general feeling in that country that given three months' time within lucky holders. League of Nations any ground tot mainly to ; the activities of were DETROIT (J, T. A.)—Observance lightenrnexit. The newspaper gloated1 discussing the matter at' its Sepwhich to sell some of their belongsettlement at present is impracticable Streicher, who was the organizer of that it had obtained conclusive evi- tember session. and the rest of the world srias for reasons of security, he xonteztded. of "Deutscher Tag"_here was .marked •"dence" . .. . --,..,. the one-day boycott against the ings, from Nazi ""spies 'abroad' to by a declaration in which. Detroit open to them for colonization." Large Desert Arens. The official statement announcing Jews in "April and who is responsible prove this allegation. The British representative stated j Germans declared themselves in opthe proposed law revealed that Jews Now the world is closed to the for the recent arrest and parade The name of Herr Heltermann, born in Germany will be deprived that though it is true that Transjor-, P r o n t o raaal^nd regions bigthrough the city of 300 of the city's German victims of Hitlerism, he allegedly residing in London at presdania is much bigger than Palestine otry. The declaration stated that ent, was given by Der Angriff as of their citizenship rights and will leading Jewish citizens, the Jews of stated, and the worst part- of this phase of persecution is that the it does not contain as much culti- they look for political guidance to the commander-in-chief of these be considered only as residents o£ Nuremberg have had to suffer a the country. The statement did not vable land, consisting largely of des- Washington and not to Berlin. series of attacks and insults surpass- Nazis are not courageous enough to This sentiment, on which there was "Jewish Legions" which the news- specifj' whether their status would adopt a plan of open masacre of ert areas. The cultivable parts of ing in" ferocity those borne by most LONDON (J. T. A.)—Fascism in asserts exist everywhere in be that of staatcnlose (men withopt the Jews in Germany. What the Great Britain would mean a far dif- Transjordania are as densely popu- no division in the vast throng assem- paper of the Jews of the Eeich. ••.. Europe outside Germany. bled at the Detroit Creamery Park, citizenship in any country) or want is not to kill the Jew ferent state of affairs from that pro- lated as the larger part of Palestine, Reports that the storm troopers . Nazi near Mt. Clemens, was expressed by Anns and Uniforms "whether they will enjoy German probut. to degrade him, to oust leading Mr. Young declared. were plundering Jewish homes hi physicians from their . positions and duced by so-called Fascism in GerJohn M. Bischoff, president of the Der Angriff stated that these tection. It followed announcement of Lord Lugard, British member cf many, Sir Oswald Mosley, head of the Nuremberg and had clashed with pomake them scrub the floors of British Union of Fascists, an organi- the Mandates Commission, asked Mr. Unhabhaengiger Buerger-Bund (Inde- Jewish units are being carefully a law depriving Eastern European lice and Reichswehr guards who had .to drilled in closed halls and armories, Jews of citizenship conferred on them the where they formerly zation which asserts it is not anti- Young to define his government's at- pendent Citizens League). sought to maintain a semblance of werehospitals Stand Behind Roosevelt. and that they possess a big quantity since the outbreak of the war. the chief medical authorities, titude toward Arabs from Palestine Semitic, declared here in the course order were semi-of f icially denied he said. "Whatever may be the political of arms. They even have specially settling in Transjordania with the of an attack on Germany. Wednesday. Nuremberg is to be the tendencies which today sweep over designed uniforms, the newspaper deseat of this year's National. Socialist j In discussing the work of the "I give my assurance that under assistance of Jews in Palestine. Mr. dear Fatherland across the ocean, clared. Young replied that the British govAmerican Jewish -Committee, i Dr. AdParty convention. Fascism, Great Britain's traditional we, Detroiters of German descent, The armies, according to Der Anler said that long before Hitler be- policy of religious and racial toler- ernment would not object to this so came chancellor of Germany the com- ance would be preserved," Sir Oswald long as the number of Arabs immi- stand united politically on the gen- griff, are being maintained by funds mittee had already been communicat- said. He stated that in his opinion the grating falls within the absorbtive eral principles of democracy behind contributed by international Jewry, ing by telephone and cable with the attacks against the Jews in Germany capacity of Transjordania. He claim- President Roosevelt. It is to Washing- and the Jews have already succeedton, not to Berlin, that we are lookBERLIN (J. T. A.) — Non-Jewish eaders of the German Jews. are not connected with Fascist prin- ed that the Transjordan area does ing up for political guidance and ed in establishing military ware- physicians will be penalized if they houses as a base for the projected in"World opinion so far has had ciples but are "a manifestation of an not contain large unoccupied tracts leadership," he declared. have any association at all with Jewvasion of Germany." of land suitable to support a big Eealizing the ever-growing import- but little effect on Germany's atti- inherent quality of the German char- wave "Neither do we, Americans of Gerof immigration. The paper, of course, forgot to ish doctors, according to the ruling ance of the Jewish National Fund in tude toward the Jew," Dr. Adler acter." man descent, wish in any way to re- state specifically where these ware- put into effect by the commissariat stated. "The German Government the upbuilding of a Jewish Homeland Mosley said it was foolish to blame flect the racial and religious conflicts houses are located or where the for medical association. The penalties the Omaha chapter of Hadassah is has disregarded the opinion of offi- Fascism for something due to the of the old country. German societies supposed Jewish armies are concen- will also be applied if non-Jewish phycial England. Mussolini has turned going to make the National Fund one mentality of the mass of a particular in Detroit, now as in the past, extend trated, but it expressed surprise that sicians treat patients under the care his back on the Nazi representatives. of its major activities this coming nation, or at least of a considerable membership alike t» Protestants, "the different foreign governments, of Jewish doctors. year, according to Mrs. M. F. Leven- Iii. America Hans Luther and Dr. section of that nation. Catholics and Jews; to Slav, Semite especially Holland, are tolerating The decree issued Tby the commisSchacht have been told in no unson, president of the chapter. "We have no quarrel with the Jews sariat prohibits the substitution «f such Jewish actions." terms what this country The week's NRA activities, di- and Magyar. Donations to the National Fund certain as Jews," he asserted. non-Jewish for Jewish physicians and "We do not for a moment wish to thinks of the persecution of the Jew. rected by Gen. Paul Martin, presimay be made, through the Golden And yet all of this pressure has The British Union of Fascists is the vice-versa, the recommending by nonforsake the German ideals. But it is Book inscriptions costing $100, plant- done little to alleviate the lot of most important of the three Fascist dent of fhe Chamber of Commerce, the ideals of German philosophy, lit- German Question on Jewish doctors of patients to Jewish show that Omaha is rapidly falling ing trees in the memory of loved the Jew in Germany. groups existing in England at pres- into line in the national recovery erature, music that we wish to upmedical men, and the treatment by enes or in honor of the living, or ent, though, like the others, it wields march. More than three thousand em- hold and pass on to our children. This Zion Congress Agenda non-Jews of patients recommended to "It is up to us in America to help through contributions in the blue little power and is looked upon mainthem by Jewish doctors and the asis our heritage. It is the contribution boxes with the white Mogen David. financially. Here in America we do ly as a political plaything by the ployers already have qualified to dis- of the German people to the civiliza- LONDON (J. T. A.)—A solution of sociation of non-Jewish doctors with During the past club year, Hadas- not yet feel keenly the terrible greater part of the population here. play the blue eagle and the list is tion cf the world, in return for what the gTeat problem raised by the dis- their Jewish colleagues in consultfimounting daily. ee-h collected over $350 for the J. N. plight of th3 German Jew. But we, as Germans, derive from location of the Jews"frein the life of tions. An intensive publicity drive has been benefits F., including two Golden Book in- England does, and with its handful Grossman-Jabotinsky Break the civilizations of other nations and Germany as a result of'^the program of Jews has contributed more money launched by Col. Morris E. Jacobs, scriptions. The children of "Mrs. of the Hitler regime, along Zionist head of that committee. In outlin- races." Goldie KuiakofsTcy inscribed her name than the four and a half million Stressed lines, and the settlement of German Warsaw.—A definite break with Jews in this country." ing the program he said that eduin the Golden Book, and Rabbi and Jews in Palestine, are featured on the Jabotinsky Revisionists wasj cation and reasoning—not coercion— Barred Frcia Style Show Mrs. David A. Goldstein inscribed the agenda of the Eighteenth World Berlin.—The Deutschen Modeamt, Warsaw.—Polish Jews living in stressed by Jacob K.ahn, Meyer Gross- would be the chief weapon used in the name of_ Mrs. Goldstein's father, Zionist Congress which will convene recently-created German fashion ofman and other leaders at the Polish the campaign. German Upper Silesia have subAlexander Berman. The balance of in Prague, on August 21. fice, announced that Jewish firms conference of the Democratic ReJust what the recovery code means The sudden death in Los Angeles of the. money came in as donations mitted a complaint to the arbitration Tha agenda was made public at Simon will not be permitted to participate visionists. tribunal at Beuthen against the proand what Omaha business firms as Neveleff, 50, former Omahan, through the gift fund of which Mrs. hibition of schechita in the plebis- Delegates from 62 towns and cities well as individuals are expected to in the style exhibition of men's and the offices of the World Zionist Or- came as a shock to his many friendR Morris Friedel was chairman. ganization here. women's wear. in this country attended. do in complying with it was told by liere. Burial took place in Los AnThis year Mrs. J. J. Friedman is cite area. four speakers in radio addresses. geles Sunday. the gift fund chairman, and a new The speakers were General Martin, He is survived by his widow, Elizacommittee is being formed to collect Colonel Jacobs, Secretary of War beth; two brothers, David and Nathan, from J. N. F. boxes, the new acRaymond Young and Assistant Secof Chicago; one sister, Mrs. Sylvia, tiviey of the organization. retary of War Raymond Crossman. Fink, of Los Anjrcles. Mrs. I Dansky, who belongs to a NRA, with headquarters in the pioneer Zionist family is taking Chamber of Commerce, will need charge of this work. She will be Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Following close1 be permitted to enjoy Germ; German pro-1 IRS. EMTIE fUJMSIY Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Nazis have ter- Henceforth we shall put the names 1,000 volunteer workers next week assisted by Mrs. E. Weinberg as tection has not yet been indicated fey on official revoking of the citizento make a house-to-house canvass and photographs of such women on orized the minds aiid blinded the eyes vice-chairman and a committee of of young Germany, but now for the our blacklist. If their blood refuses of the city to have the customer's ship of Eastern European Jews, the the government. However, the statetwelve. government has announced in ment made it clear that only Jews, The necessity for aiding German first time they are striking fear in- to revolt against Jews, public fury pledge signed. This card is to be Nazi an official statement that Germs.ii- and no other national minority, will signed by housewives, pledging they perhaps will prevent them from asimmigrants to Palestine makes the to the hearts of Reich womanhood. Mrs. Hattie Gilinsky, 72, died at br.r will not patronize any business not born Jews may also expect soon to be affected by the new law. work of the J. N. F. doubly im- A hunt for non-Jewish girls keeping sociating with Jews." home, 310 South Fifty-sixth street, be deprived of their citizenship "The law is still in preparation cooperating in the NRA movement. company with Jewish men has been Der Stuermer's announcement folportant at this time. The more land and therefore details have not ye' Wednesday. She had been a resident, Persons having first-hand inform- rights. the Jewish people acquire in Pales- started throughout Bavaria by Julius lowed the publication of the first been established," the government! of Omaha 44 years. The statement announced that a ation regarding violations of the Streicher's fanatical Hitlerite newstine the firmer the foundation upon list of names and addresses. WarnSurvivors are her husband, announced. "However, a which the Homeland rests; the ac- paper, Der Stuermer. ing was also given' to the women in code are asked to notify the NRA new citizenship law will be promul- statement line cf demarcation -will be man; one son, David, Omaha; R:V quisition of" land is essential for The paper has stated the publica- violent language: "Imagine what will headquarters in the Chamber of Com- gated shortly which will declare non- certain permanency in the reconstruction of tion of a blacklist, printing the happen to you if you are seen again merce by letter. Sign it or not, Aryans are "Reichsangeherige" (as- drawn between persons who na-j daughters, Mrs. Harry Brodkey, Tows sociated with the Eeich) instead of turally belong to the German order j City; Mrs. Charles Betts, Omahrk; as you choose. Palestine. names and addresses of German with Jews." Reich citizens, thus converting them and persons who at present are only j Mrs. M. L. Schwartz, Omaha: Mrs. TX young women seen in the company Pasadena, Cal.—The Friends of from citizens into residents no longer legally citizens cf the Eeich. This | B. Goldberg, Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. V,\ of Jewish men. Nazi Chemists Expel Jews will follow the usual racial policy jN. Brown, Omaha, and Miss Berlin.—William E. Dodd, Amer- Germany, a local Nazi organization, enjoying the rights of citizenship. "There are still German women Berlin.—The Asociation of German Whether their status will be si- of the government, distinguishing be- Omaha. Chemists, following the lead of sim- and girls who cling to Jews," the ican Ambassador to Germany has was refused permission to stage a Funeral services will be held Fritween Aryans and non-Aryans.* ilar associations of lawyers and paper stormed. "Propaganda alone leased the Beriln home of Ferdinand torchlight parade on August IS, the milar to that of the Staatenlose The day st 3 p. m. at the residence. Burnew law will not concern other (men without citizenship in any physicians, passed resolutions to ex- has not succeeded in persuading Warburg at Tiergartenstrasse 27, as anniversary of the granting of a state ial will be in Pleasani Hill cemetery charter to Nazi groups in California. country) or whether they •will still national or political minorities. these -women to take the right path. his residence.pel all Jews from membership.

Talmud Torah to Reopen on Monday


-I Wonder of ;l{ Hitler Helps a Jew






Hadassah Undertakes National Fond Work

Omaha Cooperating in "NRA" Program


German Girls Seen in Jewish Company Blacklisted by Nazis

Nads to Revoke Citizenship ews Born in

PAGE SJ-^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1933 are tryinjritd press too hard for socialist and communist ideas in" PalesGEMS of the BIBLE tine at this time. I should like to see them stop land speculation, for, oband TALMUD viously, if land, jjrjce becomes prohibiPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By 0. O. DASHER tive, that's the :6nd of ^further settleTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBI4ISHING COMPANY ment. But ,fcfejswnfl:•', let *ell enough alone:' There' are those who want to make Palestine into a small • Righteousness exalteth a nation, [Subscription Price, one year - - ; - - - - •; - - $2L5O , \ Russia. After' all, from the latest re- bat sin is a reproach to any people. Advertising rates furnished on application ' ports, they are eating a good deal more in Palestine jttian in Russia. As ;In the mouth of the foolish i* a 1 '• • Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building, ' : • long as this continues, let private in- rod of pride, but the lips of the wise shall preserve them. itiative in Palestine alone. • i Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street / ; ' ' ' The one man who came forth a vic' £ Sioux,City Office—Jewish Community Center tor out of the recent London Econ- A scorner seeketh wisdom, and DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor omic conference was Maxim Iitvinoff, findeth it not; bat knowledge is FftANK R. ACKERMAN - - - -••- - - - -..„• •'.' Editor the Russian delegate. He came forth easy unto him who hath discernment. FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent after arranging with Moley to buy a billion dollars worth of American He who spareth his rod hateth. goods, and besides that, it seems, he his son, but he who loveth him laid the foundation for a French-Rus- chasteneth him betimes. sian alliance, and, I should not be surprised, also for an American-RusTalmud sian coalition as far as the Japanese Rabbi Ben Mechasia said: "A man question is concerned. shall always try to make Bis resiwhere Fascism and allied doctrines Germany, I am convinced, is done dence in a city of recent settlement, have raised their hands against free- for. Those statements which you because' being a new-formed comMeaningless Promises Palestine Land Problems dom. Even those liberals who for- have seen that Hitler is of Jewish munity it has progressive municipal e s e a merly set so great store by it seem descent, are, I believe, entirely unwar- government.'' When the International Olympics committee at Vienna agreed i The two-million-pound Palestine loan announced by; the Col- to let the next Olympiad ranted. I do not believe a Jew could be held as scheduled in Berlin in 19361 onial secretary in the House of Commons ffollowing lli the latest Yconditional upon the promise of the German representatives thai; be quite as crude as this man Hitler. Rabbi Chana Ben Chanilai, emFrench report is upon analysis more of a burden upon the Jewish ] conditional tHe It is not a question of culture, •which ployed sixty bakers' during the day people than a benefit. I.German Jews would be aUowed to participate .unmolested, it was | The only creature which sings is the of course, Hitler completely lacks. and sixty bakers'- during: the night •why—because he is the most There are many people without educa- to bake bread for the poo* and needy. This latest plan seems to be far less favorable than the one | generally agreed in the Jewish press throughout the wqrld that j bird tion and culture who make splendid He always had his hand in his re mentioned in the debate on the White Paper. Two hundred and! these were mere empty promises at which the Nazis are so adept, j ^ o u hzst pr&m5sed> j ^ t o sead . leaders. Take r. man like Al Smith purse, for he thought a respectable fifty thousand pounds is to be used to resettle "displaced Arabs," j This view of the Nazi attitude is being borne out. Last week 'Elijah again for the coming of the | for instance. Or the Mormon leader, poor man might come along, and Young. His grammar was while he would put his hand in his without giving any compensating reward to the Jewish popula-j Fritz Rosenf elder/Jewish, leader who organized and for years di- j great and terrible day. Lord, the great JBrigham bad but even Wm. H. Seward thought parse (to take out a coin) it might tion. The "displaced Arabs" problem has been magnified far be-; rected the Berlin sports club, committed suicide as a result of j t ^ d a ^ ' i n fact/in^hkh the* tem- him the greatest statesman America cause the poor man shame (for beyond its natural proportions and has been made an important fea- being ousted from his work. Der Stuermer newspaper stated the perature has hovered near the hun- had produced. But all, it seems to ing compelled to apply for charity). Every corner of his house had a mark. Nearby, in New Jersey, me, that Hitler has, is a big voice. ture of the land policy of the future for Palestine. I t ignores that Nazi view in declaring: "Jews are Jews and there is no place for dred the a e r s sa a door to admit the poor and needy. It reminds me of the story they tell w«» a r e o-lad of T?n««pnfplrlpr'<? i r t V n i P P y> thermometer burst. the Jews have paid liberally for every parcel of land acquired and them in German sports . of the late Senator Pettigrew, Popu- In times of depression he left food we are giaa will ot Kosenieiaei s action. in Nthis follow his example.' e x t hot t o b eweather, i n g o n e ofit tis h a best t f r e etos ebe c t a list Senator from South Dakota. One outside, so that those who were that the Arabs are nomadic by nature and have actually rarely We will not object if all his co-religionists ashamed to receive help openly durbeen dispossessed. I t ignores the vast benefits to Palestinian land Despite the promise in Vienna, Jews have not been permitted to woman. They have freed themselves senator representing the conservative ing the day might come and take to such an extent from the burden of wrought by Jewish money, Jewish labor and Jewish industry. Such participate in any German sport events. Prehn, German tennis clothes. Poets sing of the barefoot during the night. (Continued on Page 6.) promulgations do nothing but encourage squatting on t h e part of champion, was barred from representing his country, Jews were boys with cheek of tan, but what of the Moslems and the creation ofvaried artificial claims whenever barred from swimming meets, wrestling matches, boxing, and so the young lady who just passed me stockings and with back alon down the line. They are even barred from being managers of without and wherever Jewish land development is in question. V most completely nude. Too much of any good thing is bad medicine. And such athletes or promoting athletic events. Barefoot lady, with exposed back, Worthy of thought is the last paragraph of Rosenfelder's Believe me, kid, you're on the right seems to be the situation in this case—there has been just too suicide note to members of the sports club: "Do not mourn me track. much examination and investigation of our work in Palestine. The but try to bring out the truth so that justice may conquer, The Zionist Congress is meeting Shaw Report, the Hope-Simpson Report, the White Paper, the soon at Prague. It seems to me the thus will you come to honor." French Reports all did damage to the Jewish cause in Palestine. Zionists are missing their great opThrough them seemed to run the thought that Jewish work in portunity. They talk of Zionism as the solution for the Jewish question. Palestine must be hai-mful to tlie Arab interests. Play Needed, Too But it is much more than that. It is In this latest Palestinian development scheme, the two-milBasket ball is the latest sport added to the athletic curricu- the solution of the problems of the lion-pound loan, it would be .well for the Mandate government to lum of the Hebrew University at Jerusalem. The basket ball whole world. For it is a back to the remanher th^t. v^ TpKrt *nf it will be repaid out of British pockets field is, of course, not the polished floor seen in the various Amer- land movement. What we all need, Protestant and CathoJie, as wei. as but that Palestiiiisiis must bear the entire brunt. Entirely out ican colleges, tfieii^ld having been made by the young men and Jew, is to go back to the land. Espeof proportion with their numbers, the Jewish residents now pay women who clewed a; piece of land strewn with rocks and building cially in this hot weather. The farmer may be down, but there are no over forty per cent of the public revenues and by the time the material, granted fortheir* use by the University authorities. bread lines on the farms. issue is out they will be paying more than fifty per cent, i n lieu In making the announcement of the basket .ball f.-id, "Dr.. A. I was recently browsing through of this, it is not unreasonable to ask t h a t at least half of the de- S. W; Rosenbach, president of the American office of the Hebrew the diaries of Theodore Herzl. What velopment fund be-for the benefit of Jewish agriculture and^ Jew- University, points out that the students of^the Hebrew University an interesting study he was. A bit mad perhaps, with the madness allied ish urban centers. - -• ' ""~r~*"-. are riibre vividly interested in problenii|bf cultural growth antf to genius. Moses, he wrote, did not The Jewish contribution to the upbuilding and flowering of social welfare prising from their environment than in public out- take the fleshpots of Egypt with him. Palestine is recognized even by the British statesmen. But the door undertakings, although they do have their.sporting associa- "We will not make that mistake when we go to the Promised Land," he adds. progress of the past cannot be expected to be continued if the tions and athletic gymnasium work. f A daring statement. He wanted the British persist in placing obstacles in the path. We are giving of Direction of student activities to channels through which they Jews to make their entrance in PalesSTORE HOURS: 9 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. ON SATURDAY— our time, of our wealth, of our energy and enterprise, of our gen- can derive the greatest spiritual and economic benefit is praise- tine in evening clothes and "stove9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ON OTHER DAYS pipe" hats. He liked the trappings of ius, in fact of our very life, that a real Jewish National Homeland worthy in a University, but it is nevertheless gratifying to learn luxury and aristocracy. I am not sure may be rebuilt in Palestine. In return, we have the right to de- that sport and athletics have their place in the life of these stu- that he was entirely wrong. Luxury mand that the Mandate government stop playing politics and co- dents. It requires grit and perseverence to struggle through the and the aristocratic mode of life have been too generally condemned by moroperate in their sworn duty. University on the meagre funds With which iriost of these schol- alists. There is a good deal to be said of Nebraska Clothing Co. Value-Giving in ars must be satisfied, and it,is a human axiom that there must be for them. I remember a girl who the Face of Rising Prices . . . physical and mental relaxation and play if one is to withstand once said to me wisely, "I do not care Revoking Citizenship for the rich because of their wealth, Don't Miss This! terrific strain. but-those who have been accustomed The Hitlerite government is running true to form in promulto wealth have better breeding, as a gating a law depriving Eastern European Jews who came into Gerrule." Say . . . . many of their citizenship. And these Nazis are fulfilling their They Weizmann wants to develop a large "Adventurers and criminals who seized power in Germany are peasant: sinister pre-power promises by.their forthcoming law revoking class in Palestine. Herzi ; ; the citizenship of all Jews in Germany, regardless of how or when not so easy in their-^'^eyd like 'us to believe they are. thought the peasant type -was doomed They are particularly anxious to give the ubpressipn abroad to extinction. Weizman, by the way, they obtained their citizenship. was one of the first to challenge some ; The Hitler government already suffered one severe diplomatic they're noble, selfless patriots scorning to do an unkind pr dishon- of Herzl's views and also opposed setback when Franz Bemheim, the Upper SUesian Jew, carried orable act. They know, of course, what the world thinks of them. Nordau, probably helping to keep .the in a lower position in the Zionthe discrimination against him to the League of Nations and won And they are most anxious to conciliate the English-speaking latter The Suits You Want for Year-Round ist world than he would otherwise a signal victory. Although the Nazis would not openly admit it, world/'—R.D, BlumenfeJd; fjomierlychairman of the Broad, and have attained. Well, it is always so. Wear—Semi-Dress Wear—Business they were perturbed by this public "spanking" "and are making Editor for thirty years, of the Daily Express of London. Weizmann himself had to stand aside at the last Congress before those who Wear certain that the League will not discuss the revokation of citizenchallenged him. Perhaps he will re"The German^government has stopped all revolutionary mea- gain his post of leadership at the comship of Jews in Germany at its September meeting by waiting sures. But it is continuing its war against the jtews with redoub- ing Congress. I do not know. Peruntil October until making the official pronouncement. led energy. Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, fanatical minister of pro- haps after all in the present situation, When the Jews in Germany, even those born there, are made he may be the best fitted man. The third-class citizens of the Reich, we may expect another diplo- paganda and public enlightenment, has declared that it is still the time factor is the important thing, not matic war between the forces of Jewry in other countries and the German watchword that Jewry must perish."—^Dr. George Bern- the general views of the man. Lincoln was a poor spokesman for the antiNazis. For, the Hitler government is flagrantly and purposely hard; slavery movement before the Civil violating the code of the League of Nations when it so violates the War, but for the period he served he •• /'Vienna, birthplace of political Zionism, the town in which was ideal. rights of the Jewish residents within its borders. •* - '•? f Herzl created the Zionist political movement an4 all the-most im- I do not sympathi.e with those who


The Week in Review

ated sphere of influence ? No. All have their different spheres, sometimes overlapping. Are they "radical?" Most of them are "liberal," but the fountain source of the most "advanced" political philosophy is rather among officials with Anglo-Saxon names. Do By DAVID SCHWARTZ they have material "influence?" No, not much. They aren't particularly strong in the party organization. -Very few of the political-influence lawyers of Washington are Jews. Do they have in- MID-SUMMER MUSINGS What: was that sect in ancient Istellectual influence? Yes, a lot of it, mainly as advisers, but so rael called which valued freedom do many who are not Jews. Most "have high intelligence, high above all things? Why do I ' say technical ability. Many have poor lay judgment of people, and of sect? I should say party. We always think of those divisions in Israel popular mass psychology. , : ~ : i as being1 theological whereas' more ofSignificance of Jewish influence in Roosevelt administration: ten they were social and economic'. We see non; perhaps you can. But anyway, I am referring to that The mere fact that such a service writes the above article is group to which Elijah, the prophet, Primarily, they wanted to sad proof of the deplorable fact that the idea of Jewish influence belonged. be free from the mortgaga burden and on governmental affairs is entertained quite freely. Individuals so they lived in tents, and refused to who have achieved prominence because of their ability are being burden themselves with anything that unjustly made the target of attack because of .their Jewishness, might encumber their freedom. Send us another Elijah, Lord, to but all fair-minded individuals of course ridicule the preposterous teach us freedom; for never was he idea of a sinister Jewish conspiracy. needed more than he is today. Every-

By the Way


ar wonder


SUITS >•••*

portant political and financial instruments of Ihe World Zionist has long lost its^significance as a center of Zionist Naziland, source-spring of so much anti-Semitic falsehood and Organization, activities."—M. A. Tennenblatt. propaganda, is naturally the polluted fountain from which has emanated a "whispering campaign" concerning Jewish influence "The Fascist movement has many Jewish "participants and in Washington on the Roosevelt administration. The German officials. All Italians are Fascists now. And Mussolini is a sinnewspapers give columns to the Jewish power in Washington, "one cere and intelligent man. He knows people and he knows his link in an international chain." Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, they country. And in spite of general belief, he is not a reactionary; charge, is the advisor of the American government on foreign policy. Baruch, Morgenthau, and Straus are especially bombarded his sympathies are always with the workers."—Rabbi Angelo Sacerdoti, Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome. by Nazi propaganda fodder. That these rumors are not confined to Germany is evident from "whisperings" here and there. In a recent issue of the KipHebrew Calendar 5693 1933 linger Washington Letter of Washington, D. C, a financial service, ._____Tuesday, Aug. 1 a fair and impartial treatment of this subject is given. Quoting Fast of A B _ Rosh Chodesh ___Tuesday, Aug. 22 from the Kiplinger Letter: 5694 1933 Jews. We have many inquiries from this country and abroad Rosh HashonaK .„ -^Thursday, Sept. 21 on Jews in the new government, indicating widespread whispered —Saturday, Sept. 30 rumors of a "situation." FACTS: More Jews occupy influential Yom Kippur . .. ™__Thursday, Oct. 5 positions in relation to Roosevelt administration than in any pre- 1st Day Succoth „ Shemini Atzereth Thursday, Oct. 12 vious administration. Example: Baruch (outside), whose ideas Simehath Torah _ —.—Friday, Oct. 13 influence Roosevelt, Moley, Johnson, Peek and others. Frankfur-... Saturday, Oct. 21 ter (outside), whose ideas influence a score of aggressive young Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan .... . Wednesday, Dec. 13 lawyers here and there in government service,—some Jews, some 1st Day Chanukah Tuesday, Dec. 19 not. Morgenthau, who has equivalent pij cabinet position. Straus, Rosh Chodesh Tebeth.._ Fast of Tebeth». ..Thursday, Dec. 28 ; Warburg, Ezekiel, Wyzanski, Frank, Wolman, Sachs, Swope, Schneiderman, Hillman, etc., etc. i f Do they hang j together? Do they form any single coordinOur Advertisers Solicit Your Patronage.

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1933 the arrival of ner-Ttncfc and atmt, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stine, of Hollywood, Florida, who are motoring here. ; En route the Stines will be joined by Mrs. Henry Marx of Alexandria, La., and Mrs. Abe <3ondchaux and children of Big Cane, La.

of Bill Woolfson, Joe Goldware, and Mel Sommers.

Iron Guard May Be Rabbi Uri Miller will speak this Suppressed in Saturday morning at the Adass Yeshurim synagogue, 25th and Scw-Roumania the Vaad

ENTERTAIN AT HIGLAND The Alpha Theta chapter and Omaha Grad club of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity entertained f o r active members and alumni at Highland Country Club Wednesday. Randall's orchestra played.

A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth.—Shelley.

PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ard, on the Bible portion of the week. Next Wednesday evening^t 8 BUCHAREST (J. T. A.) — The o'clock, the Chevra Sha'as will re- government ergan, Dreptatea, resume its studies at the Beth Hamed- ported the likelihood that the gov- I would like to accompany BRIDGE PARTY i ;. rosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th andernment will suppress the anti-Semone or two on Miss Ida Mandel. of Minneapolis, Burt. Refreshments will be served. itic* Iron Guard, the Cuzist military Minn., who is spending two -weeks BENEFIT CARD PARTY organization, following the discorerjThe B'nai Jacob synagogue is spon- All interested in joining the group that the Iron Guard leaders have with Mrs. Pauline ELrizelman and soring a benefit card party- at- the are invited to attend. sons, Max and Sol Krizelman, was been counterfeiting Roumanian curWill share expenses. honored Tuesday evening at a Paxton Hotel Wednesday afternoon, rency. PHONE JACKSON 2265, bridge party given by Mrs. Hyman August 30, at 2 p. m. "We always wondered how they Gerber. Twelve guests were present. p MARRIAGE All proceeds will go toward : the between 8 a. m. and 5 p. i2u., MILLER-COHEN ENGAGEMENT obtained their huge funds," the orMrs. Krizelman gave a dancing erection .of a chapel at the Pleasant Word has been received here of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Cohen announce gan stated. The "Saf ar Hachaim" or "Book of le marriage of Miss Sarah Dinion, the engagement of their daughter, party at home Saturday evening for Hill cemetery. life" is already made and is in the twenty guests to honor Miss MandeL Prizes will be given at each table, ' New Haven, Conn., to David Maybelle, to Mr. William Miller, son and .refreshments will be served., The Talmud Torah office at 'the*-.Jewish iellman of this city in New Haven of Mrs. Lena Miller, of Rock Island, public is urged to plan their tables Community Center in the case do\ Sunday evening, August 6. Rabbi 111. No definite date has been set IN LOS ANGELES nated by N. S. Yaffe. I t is dedicated jarry Jolt of Lincoln acted as best for the -wedding. Mr. Ephraim Marks is in Los Ange- •now. to the City Talmud Torah of Omaha an. les, Cal., where he was called by, the which will perpetuate in it, if desired, sudden death of his brother-in-law, JFellman, who will continue with HIGHLAND "PAYOFF" all family events of the Jewish popMr. Simon Neveleff. .. •' . 5 studies, is taking political science The Highland Country Club "payulation in. the city, such as births, •aduate work at Yale, having won off stag" will be held at tlie club on Bar Mitzvahs, confirmations, wedHOWARD «f 16th. A regular meeting of the Bikur dings, memorials, e t c Sterling fellowship. He is a Wednesday, August 16. The golf RETURN HOME aduate of the University of Neb-winners will be awarded their trophies Mr. and Sirs. Al Hoster. of, New; Cholim Society will be held Monday The f i r ^ family event to be perska. and the money of the "players pool" York City are leaving;for their home afternoon, August 14, at the Jewish petuated in this "Book of l i f e " is the this week following .a two months' Community Center, starting at 2:30 sudden trag5c jiassrng away of Ezra wfll be divided among the winners. HWARTZ-REBECK visit here at the home of their ancle p. m. Very: important business Sidman several weeks ago. {GAGEMENT and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman discussed. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS 'An event in tbe family—of joy or dr. and Mrs. IS. Yoselbwitz of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katleman an- Meyerson. sorrow—is worth while perpetuating jo announce the--engagement of nounce the birth of a daughter, Feme and occupying a permanent place m dr daughter, Miss Sylvia Rebfcck, Rae, born Sunday, August 6, at the FROM DENTAL CONGRESS the forever living cause of teaching Why envy the Eskimos these blisMr. Phil Schwartz, son of Mr. Clarkson Memorial hospital.' Mrs. :: Dr. M.L'Gordon "will return Sun- A regular, meeting of the Daugh- Torah to t i e children of Israel, bei Mrs. D. Schwartz, of this city. Katleman -was formerly Miss • Rose day, August 13, from Chicago, ^wnere ters of Israel Aid Society will be held tering days? Just get into the4es^ Torah and Israel are to live Wo definite date has been set for Wilfson. lightful habit of eating your meals August 15, at the Old Peo-eternally and thus give eternal mean-: Jbe has been attending the Chicago Tuesday, • wedding. -'••'.. Centennial Dental Congress. gr tp the event;" -states the Talmud ples1 Home, at 2504 Charles Street, at at the Jack and Jill . . . where it's ilr. and Mrs. Schwartz entertained urging Qmanans'to inscribe 2 p. m. Please attend. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Barbokow^anas cool as a polar bear's kiss. their home in honor of the young nounce the birth of a daughter: July FROM OKLAHOMA CITY events in the book. Anyone wishing pie on Saturday evening, Aug- 28 at the Covenant hospital. Mrs. Milton L. Gaspar and Mrs. iriore detailed information is asked to Delicious menus . . . adding zest to (5. .. ' . . . . . . . .. • , - / Tz Caspar* of Oklahoma City axe call Dr. Philip Sher. your appetite . . . served at reasonvisiting here "with friends and "relajr. and Mrs. Shames, uncle and SURPRISE PARTY able prices . . . in a qnamt, sooth; The Pioneer Women's "give or get" * of Miss Rebeck, and her mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. Schsrartz were tives. ./ -:-.•-,'• -'• • • : . ...•-.• • • ing atmosphere. '. Ypselo-vTitz, all of Chicago, who honored at a surprise parry at their Mrs. Milton L. Caspar, was the luncheon was held a t Elmwood PaTk, £ present for the engagement home by friends and relative's ~<m former Rose Gimple of this city, July 25, -with the members enjoying A meeting of the Hatikvoh was Held Morning . . . noon . . . or night August 2 at the home of Mrs. Charles y- Saturday, have been the guests the occasion of their twenty-fifth and Mrs. Iz Gaspar was formerly an afternoon of entertainment. meet*your friends at the Jack Mrs. M. Mendelbaum of Chicago, a Hermanson. Mrs. Paul Nerenberg, Mr. and Mrs. D. Schwartz. Louise -Goldstein of Chicago. wedding anniversary. and Jill member of the club, spoke on "Thewho was elected president to succeed Seven Pioneer Clubs of Chicago." Mrs. Abe Brookstein, presided. Mrs. AT DENTAL CONGRESS VISITOR FROM PHILADr."Leon E . Fellman has been . The organization has expressed its Meyer Goldberg was unanimously A Suggestion for Any Night DELPHIA . Visiting Mr. arid Mrs. A^ Green- attending the Chicago . Centennial appreciation to Mrs. Sam Nitz and elected secretary, succeeding Mrs. Jack & Jfll Sizzling Steak u youths, from three to twenty- span is Mr. Greenspan's sister, Mrs. Dental Congress and World's Fair her committee, -who were in charge of John Alexander. Idaho naked S«rvr«J while A raffle for a 42-piece set of sflveT)are invited to attend try outs for Harry J Weiss of Philadelphia, Pa. t this", past. week. Dr. Felhnan will the affair. pntutn. «llr»<t tn Thi* |irar<-i.f loRUifa, #»rv*«<f ware was held for members only, Mrs. of fiifciwie • . juth's Revue, which will be given xesume nis Thursday morning dental I>UH*T. drink. Dplne hot. John. Alexander being the winner. month. The tryonts will take RETURNS FROM TRIP i a l k over WOW on August 17 a t Plans were discussed for a benefit Sunday afternoon, August 13, at Miss Ethel Stoller has just re- 9:45 a." m., with a discussion on" the Definite plans nave been com- bridge to be held in the near future. p. m. at 2318 Dewey, the home turned from a two-months. trip out convention -and the dental exhibits pleted for the annual : summer out- The next meeting will be held August Iss Dorothy Marco, who assisted east. She visited relatives and friends at the of the ^chapter, which will be 16 at the home of Mrs. Phil Harris. 'Jes Fellman, TAHI direct the in Brooklyn, N. Y., where she was neld Sunday afternoon, August 20, VISITING IN KANSAS CITY the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sam purpose of the revue, according Goorevich, and a cousin, Miss Julia Miss Frances Lee Kort has been at Lirioma Beach. Plans are being formulated for ss Marco, is to give an opportu- Samilbwitz. She stopped at Chicago visiting in Kansas City for the -the annual Achar Hataunis dance, bf expression to those who have en route to visit the World's "Fair. past three weeks. which will be held on the eve followjad an outlet for their talents in ing Yom Kippur. t, dancing, ballet, pantomime," VISITORS HERE VISITING i N'ATJOVAi utics, singing, music, and the Miss Elenor Horwich of Chicago, The Misses Esther and Billie Shaf- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS L ©AIRY" JQL, is visiting her grandfather, Mr. ton of New York City are visiting |one -wishing further informa- Avrum Singer/ and her uncle and .here -with their parents, Mr. and Malted Mrs. A. Shafton. call Miss Marco, Harney aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kort. . MiSk She. will remain here until afterMllf 3"EA DANCE CHOCOVAtE The Creighton 'University chapter of Pi • Lambda" "Phf/nationril" social , smash musical romance, With Marie Dressier as Annie, re- fraternity, wiH entertain at a tea [light and Pretzels" will hold the doubtable feminine skipper of Puget dance. at the chapter house Sunday t at the Orpheum for the week Sound, and Wallace Beery as the ir- afternoon, August 13, from 2 to 5 p. eg; Saturday along- with Soiner- responsible but irresistible Captain m. About fifty guests wfll attend. Nlaugham's thrilling drama, Terry, "Tugboat Annie" much her-1 The. committee in charge consists Good for Kiddies and pw Corner" with Doug Fair- aided filmization of Norman Reillyj Grown-ups too. Eaine's Saturday Evening Post rilight and Pretzels" is her- stories, is now playing, at the ParaA picture so ottt of the beaten s the outstanding film, musical j : l n D U n t . • • . • • • • " : • '.;. .•-''• . ' . . • ; ' * • '-'~/-.-:'.season and features thVgreat- ' ' T h i s picture marks the first -. co- path, so extraordinary in its concepemblage of stage, screen and starring appearance of Miss Dressier tion and portrayal that- it will shock ;ars ever seen in one motion and Beery since the memorable "Min the spectator "with-its grim revelaand Bill". Robert Young and Mau-tions,, comes to the World Theatre names as Alexander Gray, reen O'Sullivan are in the support- Friday, August 11, under the startling title of "The Mayor of Hell." arrillo, Mary Brian, Lillian ing cast. for Roger Pryor, Bernice Claire, The picture is directed by Mervyn with James Cagney in the stellar t Rawlinson are in the cast, LeEoy, who directed "Gold Diggers role. The picture deals with an inCONFIKMANTS, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND 'enny and his Waldorf-Astoria of 1033," "Little Caesar," and other stitution ruled by cheap politicians and honeycombed with graft GRADUATES ra, Frank and Milt Britton j notable hits. On the same program -with this ^d, the four Eaton boys, all! The story tells a -vivid tale of CURRICULUM: Essence of Judaism—ethics, ceremonies, rituals,-folk* most of the musical back-i Northwestern waterfronts with the powerfully dramatic feature, the tore, l i t , ' o f the Bible—Current Jewish Events—Jewish History— i_ of the show. Many more two central figures cast in inimitable World is offering "Storm at DayHistory of Zionism and the Modern Hebrew.Renaissance—Contribu£es are included in the show. roles. Laughs, thrills, tears and tense break," starring Kay Francis, Nils tions of the Jew to modern and ancient culture. \ Narrow Corner" with Doug drama all have their share in the Asther and Walter Huston. In this-picture the triangular connks, jr. is a gripping drama! narrative. HARRY MENDELSON, B. Sc and Pedagogy jSonthseas and reveals a man Extras will be "The Three X Sis-flict of a man ^wbo falls in love -with 3509 Dodge HA- 0582 taves the dangers and hard- ters," radio favorites; "Throttle the -wife of his best friend is treated Sf this primitive country for! Pushers," sport thrills; and screen from. a new angle. i of a native girl. j souvenirs. . .;


Minnesota Fishing Trip

"Book of life*

Bikur Cholim


Why Envy the Eskimos?

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HOLDING THE FORT—Although her ex-husband. John I* Walker of Pittsburgh, Pa., after winning a divorce from her, removed all furniture from their homo, Mrs. Mary Walker refuses to evacuate. Making herself, comfortable with the aid of a mattress and two chairs smuggled in by neighbors, Mrs. Walker studies shorthand to •while away the time.

WAVED OUT OF COURT—Sally Rand's pretty plea that larger fans would spoil the beauty of the dance which she has been doing for the edification of Chicago theater crowds had no effect upon Judge Charles A. Williams. He refused her request for an injunction to keep police from interfering with her dance. Here is Sally, in court, with her attorney, Nat Ruvell, to tell the judge about her almost nude dance.

REPORTS TO CHIEF—Cordell Hull, U; S. secretary of state, tells the inside story of the world economic conference, at London, to President Roosevelt, at the summer White House, Hyde Park, N. Y., upon his return to the United States. Secretary Hull headed the American delegation.

ROOSEVELTIAN INTEREST—Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the president of the United States, finds time to pour milk for some of the children at the Vassar school of euthenics, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. To this unique summer school come mothers from all parts of North America, with their children to study child training.

CODE CONVERSATION—Gen. Hugh Johnson, boss of the national —' ' • "• •' -——~; . M . tUl% TT ,» reforestation army are getrecovery act, discusses important developments, in Washington, with "ARMY" LEARNS NEW DUTIES—These youthful members of the U. * y ™ £ " £ ™ u ^ \0T u s e in ' CoL Robert W. Lea of Chicago, who is a deputy administrator in, ting practice in battling forest fires, at Hemlock, Wash. Iwach carries a__pacR-wi ' 'charac of the NRA code for automobile manufacturing * • ' checking small blazes.j

^ LULLABY OF THE WIND—If you prefer being rocked to sleep by the wind here is the home for you. It is built within a circle of giant redwood trees in the Redwoods Mill valley, California, near the Golden Gate.

COMPACT, NOT CONTACT!—Making up his nose and face tor a theatrical appearance probably terrifies Jimmy Mattern more than any nose dive during his hazardous attempt to make a solo roundthe-world flight. Jimmy isn't deserting the air for the stage permanently. He is appearing for a short time in New York.

LIVE WIRE OUTFIT—Calls from all over the United S t a t e ! rate of several thousand a day, are handled through tl board at the headquarters of the NRA, in the Commtrc Washington, i Notice the tangle of wires, which indicates R busv t»me for the onfirators.

PAGE 5—THE JEWI&I PRESS, JEKIDAYi AUGUST I I , 1933 sical cowardice, which, where it is not actual fear and trembling branded into their hearts by .the experience of centuries, represents nothing more nor less thai; a libelous expression: vof•• the. fact that the Jew shuns violence; and, finally, their inability to become assimilated in a larger .community—as if an oportunity for -this had ever been offered them sincerely, without intent to humiliate them and without ignominious stipulations. ' (Even in Napoleon's negotiations with the French Sanhedrin the reluctant Emancipaism, which is the fruit of a thous- tion Edict was motivated only by and-year-old pressure, of their total greed for power and ill-concealed spiritual isolation among the na- self-interest.) tions, their sole salvation having lain in meditating upon the meaninglessNo exception is admitted here. ness of life while facing death; their With every other people on the globe conspicuousnes, their industry and a few noble and outstanding individshrewdness and that radicalism trans- uals are taken as the criterion of lated into action by their ancient the merit and culture of the group; fear and desperation, which runs the only in the case of the Jews are all gamut from petty impudence and judged by the basest. And the hotinsubordination to the destruction of bed of these machinations, the focus the existing order; iheir alleged phy- of infection has been and' is Ger-

Sorrow and Tears By JAKOB WASSERMAN age, may, possibly, make no differ-.] are interpreted as indicating the Author of fThe World's Illusion, etc. ence five centuries later, or even degeneration of the group: their antwenty years later. Some derive archistic stand, -which goes back to This article by Jacob Wassennann, comfort from the consideration that their exclusion from the law; their the distinguished German Jewish nov- mankind is beyond all cure and help. consanguinity and solidarity, which elist, whose works were burned in Yet every occurence is preserved in go back to the social barbed wire the Nazi bonfires, was written on the group and tribal memory and that "bars them off; their preponderthe occasion of his sixtieth birthday. constitutes the experimental nucleus ant commercial and mercantile inWasserman has traveled a long road of history and mythology. terests, which go • back to the censince he wrote "My Path as a GerTo this constant confrontation with turies of prohibitions and special man and a Jew." Today he has come measures that permitted them to act to the conclusion that the path is the past the Jews were • more ex- only as money-lenders and as the posed than any other nation, for" one of sorrow and tears, because he their, entire spiritual has always bankers of princes; their intellectualis a Jew. " had its sphere in the region between The Editor. law and legend. Now picture to yourself these centuries of accumuIndubitably, said my. friend, the lated criminal fury ruthless, maswork of .every outstanding author sacre, spiritual andr bodily ravishcan bev.idewed as centering about ment, malicious slander, systematic one dominant idea. In my case the blood-baiting mitigated by no scruples dominant idea is that of Justice. He whatsoever, fanatical persecution to even suspected that my early passion the point of utter exhaustion of the for Don Quixote was symptomatic of victims, orgies of greed and cruelty this. And, he added, that immediate- under the cloak of religion and with ly suggested the question of what in- the ulterior motive of removal of: fluence the Bible, th<* Old Testament, business competition; truly, only a had had on me. Of course he could dullard can live on without realizing not know, and I probably would not that this Ghristian Europe represents be able to say either, to what extent a shambles dripping with human conscious cognizance of events and blood. Of expiation and compensademonstrable experience or inherent tion, however, there is not and never tendencies had determined that at- was any sign; the miserable alms titude toward life and that spiritual granted in a brief period of humanaspiration. He concluded .with the ization are too insignificant for conhope that I would not resent his ar- sideration; The fathomless hatred has dent insistence. never ceased to smoulder—the Jew That would take us far afield, I had to tell him, so far that I was drew a deep breath whenever it did AUDITS afraid" of exhausting his patience. not actually scorch him. The means SYSTEMS To begin with we would have to of persecution have become more reINCOME TAX agree upon our definition of justice. fined. The charges no longer cite Evidently it represents a balanced well-poisoning and the crucifixion of • state of soul, guilt being placed on the savior but go much farther: they undermine life itself, human and civil one scale and expiation on the other; or the crime on one and the punish- ights as such and, when they carry ment on the other; or suffering on matter to its logical conclusion, exCertified Public Aceta. one side and on the other relief of tend the anathema to the person of suffering. Besides, the suffering or the savior himself. They are brought 852 Brand eis Theater the guilt may be mine or my fellow forward in the exultation of military BIdg. victory; they are brought forward man's, so that my participation in JA. 4811 the amending of it might be direct or when a war is lost, for some one indirect; that would determine the must bear the guilt—and who can nature of the case, the judgment and bear it better than the Jew? The transgressions of individuals the pain caused by absence of adjustment, to which one can never AUTOMOBILESbecome reconciled. In any case the question is one of the yardstick used, and connected with the. inner composition of the individual, his feel4002 Dodge St." ing for the world and for God, his confidence . in the imminent order Barbecued Kite, . ...„_. ™ . of things. It is dependent on the Where Price, Quality, Sandwiches light in which one sees matters; our and Service Meet Soft Drinks life is blessed with light or conand Ice Cream . demned to darkness according to the MORTON'S conviction we Teach — empirically, Barbecued Ribs, lb. . 35c GARAGE from personal or extra-personal exFree Delivery Service STUDEBAKER perience—concerning that spiritual Phone J A. 8006 SALES and SERVICE quality which we call justice. The 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 standard of justice employed in any community—be it the state or the family or humanity as a whole—determines the sum total of the joy, inspiration, willingness, service and comfort, of all the happiness, in short, which that community is capable of producing. In this my friend New and Osed Ilepalr Farts and Accessories foe agreed with me? Very welL . Cars and Tracks at a Large Bottle None can deny that justice—not 10c merely as an abstract idea, as the Merchandise Goannteed incarnation of deity, but as a moral • and legislative, political and religious fundament of Judaism. Can sixty generations delete this mark so deeply branded on the heart and soul of a people? I think not. And is it not logical to suppose that such a S. M. CLAYMAN, Mgr. command, uttered in hoary antiquity WE. 2131 AT. 9369 —such an idea, operating in the 17th and Chicago St. dawn of history—grew out of a long memory of suffering, a tortured path of suffering? More than the result of past suffering, it represented a spiritual bulwark against pre-sensed future agonies beyond which stood he who would deliver them from all MA3SAGE wrong, the great equalizer who would MEDICATED BATHS bring them compensation—the Messiah. Special until Sept. 1 I asked my friend to follow me Reduced price of $1.50 through the last twenty centuries of for full treatment in Jewish history. Or we could consider ladies department. only ten, i;he last ten; that would be enough. It; is a road of sorrow and tears unparalleled since human deeds and sufferings have been re-J eorded. People forget this,. erase it AT. 3911 from their minds. How else could Elks BIdg., 3rd Floors they continue to live? The individual kelps build strong bones wants no share in the misdeeds of his contemporaries, nor posterity in those and teeth. of its ancestors. Whether a hundred or. a thousand or thrice a hundred BATTERY SERVICE thousand men perished at the stake or at the, hands of murderers inWe Are Distributors stead of dying in their beds of old for the Well Known Omaha Manufactured


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(Copyright 1933, by Seven Arts , Feature Syndicate).

GET ACQUAINTED F. J. Kozak operates the Kozak Drag Company on the northeast corner of 20th and Lake streets. Mr. Kozak has been a r e g i s t e r e d pharmacfct for eight years, and has been in his present legation for two years. Quality and service have been the keynotes to his business success. One of the features of the Kozak Drug Company is free delivery service. Mr. K o z a k recommends very strongly the use of "Urego, a hospital- r e m e d y for gas, h e a r t burn, indigestion and constipation. It is also good for sunburn." "Health," states Mr. K o z a k , "is happiness. Health is the most essential thing in life. You •will find our prescription department the m o s t important and most upto-date feature of the store. And in maintaining this great feature we are the next 'step in aiding the doctor bring you good health." The Kozak Drag Company is doing its part in the NRA recovery plan and hopes that the community will give its support to the neighborhood druggist. "Give us the opportunity of being of service to you by calling us for a trial," states Mr. Kozak. Their telephone number is Atlantic 2727.


Standard Hat Works FRANK MEARES Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While Ton Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam. AT. 8481

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JERUSALEM (J. T. A.)—A new immigration bill, replacing that of August 1, 1932, was contained in an extraordinary issue of 3he Palestine Gazette. The bill retains the provisions giving Transjordanians free entrance into Palestine and also gives unlimited power to consular and ojher passport control officials to impose conditions governing the ordinary cases of immigrants. In the main, the bill is the same ns last year's and its importance derives from its codification features.

PRINTERS We Solicit Tour Printing and Office Supply Needs


Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dodge St.

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New Immigration Bill Is Issued in Palestine


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many. That hurts. This wonderful country, this incomparable nation! It would not let me rest even if I were no Jew; I am sure I would not be able to rid mysetf ^6f' the sting, the reproach, 13ie call of conscience, the. feeling of a festering wound in the body-«f • the nation. But fate has made me a Jew—that is, a man who will give all his powers, his blood and his soul, his life and his future life in order to reach a state of balance. Can you, then, wonder that the idea of justice hangs over him like an empyreal flame?

KE. 0061-62


G.A. Steinheimer Company


Contracting Painters 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Painting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public Bldgs.


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Cleveland Stai® 1612 Dougla.. St. Phone JA. S366




(Continued from Page 2) interests once arose in the Genate and remarked of Senator Pettigrew, that he had never heavd him say anything Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent flattering of :any of his brother Senators. Pettigrew arose and said: "Well, Senator, I will say something flattering about you. You have a big voice." I see that some Jewish physician in Paris has made something of a senMr. and Mrs. Sara Bass announce sation with the statement that for the engagement and approaching marof the Poale Zion brancii people having stomach trouble, wine of Members riage of their son, Abe, to Miss Shirthe National Workers' association is better than milk. Now that's the have begun plans for an evening's ley Russrnan of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are theoretically and practically re- kind of a physician I like. I hope he program, celebrating the opening of pudiating. In a hundred manifestoes will come out for pickles too—my fav- the Eighteenth Zionist Congress in Mr. Bass, whose home is now in one hears again and again the sum- orite vegetable. I am expecting that Prague. The celebration will be held Cedar Rapids, is a graduate of the mons to be "hard!" "We must once to happen any day. University of Iowa, and is practicing imagine if you on Tuesday evening, August 22. more learn to punish!" is the slogan could talk to a pickleI he law in Cedar Rapids. would comof the new ministry of justice. So plain: "Why is it that everybody likes Details of the program will be one can well imagine the fate of those worked out in the next week, and will Mr. Hy Hoffman of Chicago visited thousands of republicans and liberals me but nobody respects me." include musical numbers and ad- in Sioux City last week with friends. and socialists who are crowded in the A paper, modeled after the Ameri- dresses appropriate to the occasion. concentration camps. To be hard on can Spectator but devoted to Jewish Miss Dorothy Epstein was hostess principle in the name of one's own matters, will soon be issued. Editor to the Phi Deb sorority at the Tegis to be Dr. Brill, editor of several madly and neurotically conceived suular meeting last Wednesday. Bridga periority, to take delight in punish- Jewish publications in the past. The was followed by refreshments and a paper will be called Jewish Spectator. ment, to be unashamed of insane social hour. Seems to me American Spectator is Any time that you find the column pride and the cruelty that it engenquite Jewish in itself, but I fear me, a -wee bit below standard, you'll Miss Ann Woskoff,. entertained By LUDWIG LEWISOHN ders—is that not a pagan revolt that most of the Jewish articles it has that your regular Hokker, (did twelve guests at a slumber party, last against the whole inner meaning of 1 V ['Ludwig" Lewisohn's brilliantly racial strain. All the ills of Germany death of battle, ruthless to others by Western civilization, however imper- had are full of nonsense. Take the Hokker?) didn't write'it. We S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g : . - ••••-' ' 'written analysis of the German- are due to the biological and spiritual the divine right of their Germanic fectly, however haltingly that mean- recent one by George Jean Nathan on can't be called conceited for saying ' Jewish problem, in the August is- contamination of this race by alien, purity, will set out sooner or later to ing has been wrought out by us in Hitlerism, in which he attempted- to so either, because you see, a con- Mrs. Ralph Glick and Miss Fannie show that America was c'.oing the ceited person is some body that sue of Harper's Magazine is the specifically Mediterranean races, and ronquer and to save the world. Cohen entertained a group of friends The repercussion of Germany's pa- practice? Is it not an unbearable re- same thing towards its Jews and THINKS they're good. keenest comment on the Hitlerite their slavishness of soul. According an Thursday evening at a dinner in the relation of all that constitutes the ran revolt against civilization in the j r therefore could not rebuke Germany. philosophy ever written. The Ed- to certain extremists of the neo-NaA couple of weeks ago we asked Warrior hotel, as a courtesy to Miss e a ii n n tt e a 'phere of practical politics and world! : phere world { ld °* hope of humanity For Which is the sheerest nonsense. The tionalist movement, such as Hielscher, itors of. Harper's Magazine have m aa d very clear. l Th jj tt hhu aa tt hh oo PP ee m y be be said said to to have have arisen arisen things that Germany is doing to its that our readers send in anything Ethel Harlow of Chicago, who is visauthor of Das Reich, the Mediterran- eace is already Those y graciously, consented to a publicathat they might think good material iting in the city. Following the dinwhen the unknown scribe recorded in tion of this extract from Lewi- ean Judaeo-Christian contamination vho were most profoundly convinced Leviticus the words: "Thou shalt bear Jews have no comparison vith any- for the column. The following is ner, the guests attended the theater. thing that history records, except pos- a letter received at Kastle Koz from and corruption of this Germany of >f the utter stupidity and wickedness sohn's article.—THE EDITOR. today have gone so far and are so 'f the provisions of Versailles are love unto thy neighbor (I translate sibly the case of Amalek, mentioned California. We thought that it -was the dative of the Hebrew text) as to Mrs. Eugene • Cooper and son, of My friend, a blond and blue-eyed hopeless that it were best to plunge ow afraid to propose or support re- thyself." And this became the in Scripture. What Germany is doing funny enough to print so here tiz. Omaha, are visiting at the home of ision. Wbo could dare to place one is the work only of a group of sadists, the land into war after war, to make specimen of the Nordic race, had Los Angeles Calif. the former's sister, Mrs. Isadore Borground work of the prophets from come back from a three-weeks visit to it the battleground of the world, so dditional Pole or Jew under the Nazi Tmos of Tekoa to Jesrj of Nazareth the sadism probably nothing but one Wednesday shevsky. his-native Hamburg. He walked up that in "nine times one hundred thou- eel? Who would dare to favor equal- And all the sages of the Talmud and of the frequent accompaniments of My dear Dopes: ,ty of armaments for a nation fanatihomosexuality. sand years" the pure German "suband down clasping his head. "The Just to inform you that I was Miss Ida Heshelow has returned all the doctors of the Catholic Church Letters which I have read from Eu- married last Sunday, NOT BURIED. from frontier of Europe and of civiliza- stancs," preserved in a few specimens, :ally convinced that it would be help- and all leaders of Protestant revolts Lake' Okoboji, where she spent ropeans indicate that the stories Thank Jerry (that's me) for the a week's tion," he said in a voice harsh with may come into its ultimate triumph ing to save the world for the savior all republicans and liberals and vacation. . horror and grid, "has been shifted and apotheosis. (Please understand: race of the Germans to "gas in" (ein- humanitarians and whosoever in all printed in the papers about Germany charitable way in which we were zugasen) foreign provinces and exterI am not caricaturing, but soberly reare mild compared to what is really from the Vistula to the Rhine. My treated in his column? I notice that Dr. Frank Epstein, accompanied by our Western civilization had any vispeople is poss3ssed by a demon." He porting' and translating). The most minate life where inferior races live ion of goodness and the good life, any happening. The sensible thing for.the he recommends t w o ; shows to the his brother, Sam, departed last Satdid not know how aptly, using a com- serious philosopher of the movement, nd then replace them? German pol- hope of better things for mankind— nations to do is to partition Germany public and he is wrong as usual, in urday evening for Chicago, where mon phrase, he had chosen his sym-the late Professor Friedrich Wolters, ticians, even Hitler, will not use such all, all, whatever differences divided off to the various powers. A .mad both cases. I also noticed (with my they will visit the Century of Progwho taught at the universities of anguage. T.fcywill repudiate with country has no more right to be al- eagle eyes) that he requests letters ress, and Dr. Epstein will attend the bol. certain superficial sincerity the ex- them, united on this fundamental lowed to run loose than a mad dog. or notes and that he encourages Vox International Dental convention. The demon by which the German Marburp, Frankfurt, and Kiel, who principle of the duty of love, of merPopping. See if he will print the people is possessed is no night fear was the personally appointed chief tremes to which their own mad myths cy, of forgiveness between man and Mrs. J. Cooper of Cleveland, Ohio, of the Middle Ages. To say, as has disciples of George and who wrote lead. them. They will even plr.y the his brother. It is this foundation that following —.—.—: -—-———~—of international politics when t h e been done, that National-Socialism is two enormously influential books, „.:„_ „...„..„„ Censored .. .—_...._ is a guest in the M. Silver home this suits their their purposes. purposes. But But it it will will be be neo-nationahsts repudiate a throw-back to medievalism is to Herrschaft and Dienst and Vier Re- itt suits .„„.__„. „„..„.„ :. Censored. week. ,, German s ekto d den ueber das Vateriand, stopped N ill h l h d f ^ ? ?stroy They must meet s e k t o d misunderstand the movement. The Mary is now making me a grey a game. Nor will the cool heads of ^ unbroken ? , ?stroy meet Manny Herzoff was elected presifront of They moralmust resistance demon is the old pagan, demon .which short of Hielseher*s epileptic contor- the party—and there must be such— an tweed two pants suit, with vest to dent of the Sioux City Photographers* in which all civilized men, irrespective BY F. R. K. tions. He was the more dangerous in be able to restrain the-terrible forces the Christian Middle 'Ages sought to match and t h e new puff shoulders, Association, at their meeting recently, nation, race, or creed, wholeheartexorcise and to drive .ojjt : forever. that he proposed definite aims: "We of fanaticism which they have first of so smart this season you know. edly unite. Miss Lyl Steinberg, daughter of The bodice is snug but full and has German"nationalism today'.is: a revolt are and shall be forced again to en- fed and next unleashed. It is posI)aily social courtesies have been Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg, has arm holes to match, OT did I say that extended Mrs. David Silverman- and against Christianity' m its broadest gaga in a "combat for life or death, sible, of coUTse, that the whole regime MORTGAGE chosen Sunday, August 20, as the date once. This creation is gathered at Miss Minnie Silverman of. New York as well as.inits deepest sense; it is a survival or annihilation, with those will crash through economic catastro- NOTICE OF CHATTEL SALE for her marriage to Mr. Joe Radu- the sides and has large pink and City, who are gueats in the home of pagan. revolt against the whole of barbarian Gaults, whom Caesar des- phes, Meanwhile we are dealing with ziner of Omaha. Among the affairs blue bows. I t is of the English their daughter and sister, Mrs. Louis Christian.civilization; it.dreams, spin- cribed and overthrew, that people a people which has indeed (this was Notice is' hereby siren that en the 10th given in her honor was a luncheon at ning like a dervish, of Nordic armies which for some centuries has eaten not true,.in.1914),made both a philo- day • ' at the e hour of 10, the Paxton Hotel when l l r s . David drape or garden variety. By adding S. Goldberg. y of AAugust, g ,u at ,t 1933, 'lk . M £U £f JJ^eaTeiiwortb eb e i b S overrunning the earth, of barserker away the Roman and Germanic ra- sophical doctrine and religious duty of o'clock a small dash of water cress and Street-. A. M., at tindersigiied, will sell to the highest Kubby of Council Bluffs and Mrs. H. allowing to come to a sharp or pin »• - • the Miss Rose Davidson of New. York rage in battle, of the ecstasy of death cial substances, has wasted it in its ruthlessness.. th d icash; i d fhc following: bidder for Izenstat of Omaha, sisters of the head boil, you can serve eight guests City, who is spending the summer snd blood. To think of the Nazis revolutions and now seeks to hurl itOne metal bridge lamp ,1 oak leather It is this fact that constitutes the arm rocket.. 1 mahogany davennisrely as hoodlums and fools stung self upon its flourishing neighbor revolt against civilization. Take quite seat bride-to-be, were hostesses to fifty f and still ha%-e room enough for a with her parents in Omaha, visited port t»l>le. l:oato,tnl)Iu model Columbia with friends in Sioux City last weekinto action by hunger and dem- with all the yengefulness. of subject dispassionately .the economic aspect grafonola, 1 8-3X10-U Axminster r u s . 1 guests. Mr. and Mrs. William Radu- bird cage in the solarium. bow end bed, epri»j»s an4 mat- ziner of Omaha are entertaining at a end. -" . . agogues is gravely to underestimate and inferior races, with all the blood of the\ Jewish question,. Five hundred walnut When business is dull "and when tress. 1 jvalnut vanity. 1 walnut chifboth the force and the menace of the thirstiness of. re-barbarized Celts." thousand German citizens are being fonier. Club isn't i t ? " we go to the beach which 1 8-3x10-0 Concoleum rus. 1 snn- dinner-dance at the Sixty-six Mr. Max Goldman of New York cot, 1 wahiut dresser. 1 bronze movement, which has its made but This insane facial arrogance, it will gradually, but mercilessly forced, out itary Saturday night in honor of Miss is just like going in the country Simmons bed, springs and mnlrress, 1 City visited with friends and relatives —' be observed, is directed ' not only highly articulate prophets, which has Steinberg and her fiance. Mrs. Wil- except that when you go to the beach of the economic life and. structure of 4-burner Keliable; fras rango.J oak bufat the .core ofrits~ inner circle as its against the Semitic \or the colored the country. Nakedness .and hunger fet, 1 oak dinins table. G oak leather liam Singer of Omaha will entertain you know how much you are going to in -Sioux City this week, diners. 1 SO-Ib. Sanitary refriserultimate leader' (Fuehrer),../>•£whom peoples, but against Latin and Gelt as are already very close to thousands seat at a bridge party Sunday afternoon lose. ntor, 1 metal floor lamp. 1 rred center Mr. and Mrs. B. Rifkin and children table, 1 oak library table, 1 mohnir the HJtlefs arid Goebb;els',are only vul- well..; at the Tudors Arms tea room compliof them. The-question was raised: • overstuffed You will see from the above that have returned home after a six weeks davenport, 1 mohair overgar echoes, that extra'bidjnarjly .gifted mentary to Miss Steinberg. ' ' :' •we are living what is called a do- visit with relatives in Los Angejes, Now the first, step toward these "But what, even on your own ground, stuffed armchair. 1 9x12 Velonr XUK, poet, Stefan' ieorge. ftSahy years ;ago wars and tumults and conquests must do you expect these people to do?" 1 oak chiffonier, 1 QO-lb. refriRenilor, 1 mestic life which is quite different California. t. kitchen table. 1 kitchen table. C The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 from t h e H a Cha or Kozberg varGeorge prayed for Sicilian Vespers;'in be the re-purification of the -German The Voelkischer Beobachter of Mun- . chairs. 1 d. 1. kitchen table. 1 1922 he called to his disciples'that it race from foreign blood and foreign ich, the official organ of the Nazis, bronze Simmons bed, springs and mat- of the A. Z. A. held a meeting Thurs- iety and in case you are wondering Mrs. B. H. Freidman and daughter tress and all dishes, linens, silverware, day evening at the home of Meyer what we live on I shall quote some returned home recently after a visit was too late, according to the decree faith, specifically, from the Jews and replied .blankly that it was nobody's .bedding and kitchen utensils. of heaven, for "patience or potion." from Christianity. The churches, business, and that these accursed "No- Covered by chattel mortcace execnted by Raben. Complete plans were made startling prices. California of •with friends and relatives in Chicago. J. Wright and Irene Wright on Oc- for a Treasure Hunt to be given SatNo. Ten thousand must the holy mad- keeping the superficial traditional no- mads" would manage, as they always Leslie Mrs. Morris Schwartz of Omaha course. tober 2ft. 1U32, to F. E. TYSON.. doinK busness seize, Ten thousand must the menclature, are reorganizing from did. But what is actually happening iness as tlie Omaha Loan Company, ami urday night for members and their Oranges—9i doz. for 2 i c ; Lin- visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro been filed for record In the office sacred pestilence slay. And tens of this point of view as Aryan, as Ger- is this, that Paris and Amsterdam and having Plans were also made for o l e u m _ 2 7 qts. for .07c; Avocados— in Sioux City last week. the County Clerk of DouRlns County, guests. their second annual fall dance to be 16 for ,09c; Wash Boards— 1 for thousands more the holy war. Well, manic churches. Tuis is inevitable, Znerich are flooded, with penniless fu- ;©f Nebraska. Mrs. J. Korz is visiting with friends we are witnessing the "holy madness" since the Nazis openly repudiate the gitives, men, women, and , children, - Said sale will he for the purpose of fore- given on Sunday night, September. 10, .12c; Clothes line—37 ft. for .06c; and relatives in San Francisco, Cal. closins Faid-mortcqKe and to satisfy the at the Hotel Chieftain. The chapter and the "sacred pestilence," are we ethics of their pagan ancestors. Thu: and that, all. these countries, amount rt«e thereon, to-tvit: Tira Hundred Caviar (imported)—13 lbs. for .17c Eighteen and Gl-100' Dollars (?21S.G1) and has also accepted an invitation to par- Insurance per wk.—.74c. Total $1.27i not? Let us beware of the "holy the speech tha, Franz von Papen as well England .and America— accruinc Mrs. M. Silverman and daughter, costs. ticipate in the Missouri Valley Tennis made at Muenster the other day, and Jews who are integrated with the war.' In as" much as we live on the John Sally Lee, of Baltimore, Maryland, P. K. TYSON, doinff business tournament to be held in Kansas City Hancock budget plan we are able are visiting in the home of Mrs. Sil'••• as-OMAHA LOAN COMPANY: • I am not one.of those who blankly which rather horrified readers of economic systems in which they l i v e next month. . •..-.-.• to save about two quarts of lin- verman's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mike • ... . • assert that there was no Jewish prob- newspapers everywhere, was nothing are forced in this poverty-stricken 7-2S-3L. but a frank popularization of current time to give and give again and give • lem in Germany. Both Jews arid FBAlJEXBUKG,-SXAXMASTEK * BEBER The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688oleum each week. Trusting- that all Skalovsky, 3301 Jackson street. She Gentiles . had made - mistakes. But Nazi doctrine: "Pacifist literature . . . more than they can afford to help • Oi. Ti DOEUIt "? P . M. K1.VTZXICK of the Independent Order of the B'hai this leaves you as dizzy as it has me was Miss Edith Skalovsky. Attorneys there was no problem that decent and bes not understand the ancient Ger- their_ stricken brethren, both within Brith will hold a meeting next Mon- ? shall go back to my ironing which Miss Sara Rifkin of Omaha was a intelligent co-operation could-not have manic horror of death in bed . . . The Germany arid without. . In brief," the : CM Omaha National Bank Bid?. day evening, August 14, at the Eagles 1S tegmmng gg to make brown pat- guest in the home of Miss Bernice gradually solved.., The ,"holy , _ mad-: representatives of the national revolu Nazis are forcing the other economic NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE terns" on my white shirts. : hall. Liberman. • :. •- - . • -SAI.E. • . -ness," however, the demon of pagan :ion_ are men and soldiers who are systems of. the world to pay for. their "Notice Love and regards from Mary Is hereby- Riven that on the 2Sfh revolt, had, to wreak itself upon an physically and morally warriors." In jamboree. For since help is brought day of August. 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M., Robert Hoffman returned home Miss Inez Leaf has returned home at the office of the NATIONAL, ACCES- Tuesday following a two weeks' visit so far as perhaps they are not ye by civilized people' to. earthquake" sufand this from me immediate and accessible object. And after a month's visit with friends in SORIES. INC.. 20ol Farnam Street, Omathat object had to be, however un- '.11 "morally" warriors, it will be seen ferers in Japan and famine-stricken ha.- Nebraska, the undersipned will sell at with relatives in Chicago where he at- (Editors note) Milwaukee, public' auction to the Inchest bidder for to it that they become so by racial coolies "in China, it is clear that .we * This being a cartoon the mean- and Omaha. Chicago, Fremont, Neb., consciously, a symbol of all that was tended the World's Fair. cash, the-following chattels: ing of which is generally looked down to be destroyed; it had to be the sym- purification, by re-paganization, by cannot let a,group so.highly civilized, -• Onp Lisle Refnoer. One V. S. Greaser, bol of peace, and forgiveness; it bad conditioning their reflexes through so close to us iii habit, speech, sensi- One Bench Grinder. One Model A fWK). Mrs. Abe Leibovitz entertained at upon. Miss Libbie Dervin will return home 3/4-inch Van Corn Drill. Serial 1SS4OJ; three tables of bride at her home on Well that finishes the column with this week from Chicago, where she to be. the symbol of the free person- blind obedience into the militarization tiveness, taste, and culture a s ' the •-One Ascho Cnr Heater, and One Crowe Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. out the least bit of mental effort has spent the last two weeks visiting Valve Refaeer. Model Xo. 200W, ality alone, with'its'God; it had to be of a whole people until the Germanic j German Jews simply die of hunger. by a chattel mortgage in favor of H. Kosenthal of Chicago, who is visit- on our part, and the reading- of with friends and relatives. the symbol of the critical intelligence, ecstasy of death in battle is the high- ' But precisely this order of sen- covered the National Accessories. Inc.. and sipned which the "holy madness" holds in est ideal of every German. Chevron Motor Company, by Lloyd L. ing her sister, Mrs. Sam Leibovitz of which will require equally as little. timent, it is precisely this great class- l>y K5np. Kaid mortprajje bein™ dated January Omaha. Now maybe you'll understand why Miss Rachael Ginsberg is,In. New How' very deep this pagan revolt ical tradition of the Christian world 18. especial abhorrence; it had to be non1933. and ha vine been filed in the ofpagan, anti-pagan, non-Germanic. It with, its worship, of brutality .goes is that the neo-nationalists of Germany fice of the County Clerk of Poufrlns Coun- Harry Colien of Council Bluffs, ac- we • encourage contributions to the York City, where shfe' is visiting with friends and relatives. ty. Nebraska, on the 23rd day of January. column. had to be the Jew. It had to be Jes- illustrated by the fact that the uni1933: Said sale will be for the purpose of companied hy his "brother-in-law, Wil| us, the Jew. They could not crucify versities of Germany, once the strongforeclosins said mortKajre for costs of sale liam Eaduziner of Omaha, who spent Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. RabinowitS and for all accruing costs, and for the purJesus. They crucified the Jews. And holds of research and intellectual have taken up residence at 2207 Mcpose of satisfying the amount due thereon, the past ten' days on a 'fishing trip that is the reason why Jews are not freedom, have been swept by a new to-wit: One Thousand Ninety-one Dollars Donald avenue, having moved there and 90/100- <$1,001 .flO); that no suit or oth- at the Minnesota Lakes, returned permitted freely to leave the hell that theory'of knowledge which justifies this Vreek from 210 Twenty-first er proceedings at law have been instituted home Tuesday. They made the trip is made for them. If the Jews were all the-outrages of the Nazi student to recover said debt or any part thereof. by motor. street. A large number of people attended NATIONAL ACCESSOEIES. I N C not there to be tortured, upon what organisations and automatically elimthe Senior Hadassah picnic last Sun- Mrs. Leon Marx and daughter, of symbolical object could the "holy mad- inates all that has hitherto been The growth and popularity of Torg- 8-4-33-3t. Mrs. Max Steinberg and sons, LawMortgagee. ness" wreak its self-justificatory pag- known as either thought or science. sin is, illustrated by the following figrence and Edward, are spending a day afternoon in Riverview Park, Omaha, were guests in the home of an rage? Let no one say that I am According to this theory, there are no ures submitted to us by the Office of FKADENBrkG. STAT.MASTEU * few weeks visiting relatives in Chica- making this annual affair of the or- Mrs. M. Marx, 1608 Jackson 'street. T. DOEI5R, T. M. KWTZMCK, go and attending the World's Fair. ganization both, a financial and social being fantastic. The Catholic Church objectives criteria of truth. Truth is the General Representative of Torgsin OSCAK 850 Omaha National Bank Building, success. Mr. and Mrs. William Baron and is profoundly aware of the pagan arrived at by feeling, specifically by in the United-States. .: Omaha, Nebraska. e n son, Bernard, former Sioux Cityang, Sam Edward Steiman of Port Ar™ *f *™° £ * / J n e s ^ i t h raf" character of the' German revolution the feeling of uncontaminated Ger0 s The number of cities in the Soviet thur, Ontario, Canada, arrived h e r e , ^ ' d b o o t ^ s o c c u ^ g ' t h e a t t e n . arrived here recently from New York and of its symbolical re-crucifixion of mans. Reason is to be "strictly in the Union that have Torgsii stores have NOTICE OF FORECLOSrBE SALE City, and have taken an apartment at is hereby given that by virtue of Christ. It was ffot for nothing that service" of these Germanic intuitions. been increased from 150 in July of O Notice spend a turn o fmany. Mrs. D. L. Rodin was the Sioux Apartment Hotel, where chattel mortgage dated September 29, the Prince Bishop of Cologne pleaded Woe to him who sets up his reason last year to 1,000 in July of this year. 1932. nnd duly filed for record in the office visiting at the home of his uncle and in charge of the arrangements. they will remain for an indefinite the County Clerk of Pousrlns Comity, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner. for the Jews up to the last possible against the Germanic intuition of his The number of senders, in the U. S. A. of State Of Nebraska on the 1st day of Octostay. moment; it was not for nothing tha 'leaders." And, indeed, it is a fun- who have, availed themselves of the ber, 1932; said chattel mortgage executed Mrs. Harry Cherniss and son, Edby Clarence Haver to E. W. Haver to sethe Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris damental principle of "the redoubtable Torgsin services in sending orders to cure the payment of One Thousand Np-lOO ward, left Su*.lay for Chicago to visit Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Bailin of AtkinWolters and his disciples that the new commended the persecuted Jews of their relatives in the Soviet Union, ($1,000.00) -Dollars, there being dne nt the relatives and to attend the World's Miss Bertha Heshelow has returned son, Nebraska, announce the birth of present time the sum of One Thousand Germany to the prayers of the faith- Germanic relation of absolute obed- have increased four times u the same Fifty and No-100 (fl,0."0.00) Dollars, be- Fair. to the city from St. Louis, where she a daughter on August 6, in the S t ful of his diocese. These prelate; ience to absolute command excludes period. has been a student in the summer Joseph hospital. cause of default having been x made under nm elIin the terms of the" transaction ?. £ were motivated by no shallow human independence of thinking. Tha Council Bluffs Agudas AcMra school1 of the Washington university. The reason for this enormous the property therein described, to-wit: itarianism. They protested in the That completes the picture of the growth is attributed to the fact that 2 show cases, 2 flat top desks, O ,fype- Society will hold a meeting next During her stay in St. Louis, Miss name of the.human catholicity of the results of the "holy madness" by the Torgsin stores carry a greater se- writer tables. 1 double letter filing cabinet, Thursday evening, August 17th, at Heshelow specialized in normal train- • ^ In NRA Work card files, 2 swivel chairs. 3 straight ing work, in music. Prior to her going Word has been received here by Church against.the pagan-racist par- which Germany is to be delivered and lection of various merchandise, not al- 2back chairs, 3 work benches, 3 parts cab- the Eagles Hall. to St.'Louis, she received a teacher's friends and relatives that Miss Franticularism-of the Nazis; they protest- the Avorld to be redeemed'. Germans ways obtainable in the regular stores inets, 1 electric air compressor, 1 electric motor and buffer, 1 electric fan. 1 gasoline certificate in music from the Sioux ces Friboi3F£, a former Sioux City resed: against the: symbolical pagai> at quite the sense of the old-fash- in the U. S. 3. R., and also to the fact blow; torch, 1-lathe, tools and other shop City Music School. t a c t upon the very roots of .the Jud ioned British colonizer, the only really that merchandise i? sold in the Torg- equipment, stock of typewriter and ident, who has been residing in* Neww r t eadding r n Rev. A. Diamond machine parts, stock "of t y P t i , r t 1 3 Miss Heshelow will open her' studio York City, lias accepted a position in aeo-Christian ethical and humane tra "white men." Well, the Christian- sin stores at very reasonable prices. adding machine supplies, stock of adding in her home, giving class and private the correspondence department of the Mediterranean corruption is to be Torgsin in the U. S. S. R. also main- machine typewriters, check writers nnd • . Recognized ss ditibn. .-. accounts receivable together with any ana lessons. She will specialise in theory NRA m Washington. Miss Fribourg - Now "let us examine the specifii "cleaned o u t " The Germans, the tains a. parcel service for the benefit all PRACTICAL MOHEL other equipment located on the premand rhythin for younger children. was prominent in musical circles here '.'white men/' the conquerors, welded of recipients who live in localities that ises at 2to Karbach Block at public aoctioa ' content of .the "holy, madness", ofihis Phoae_1059 : cash at 210 Karbach Block In the City Enroute home from St. Louis she in the city. She moved to Washington pagan revdlt. The chief article of its together into an indistinguishable have no Torgsin stores, by which mer- for of Omaha, County of Douglas, State or jNeCOUNCIL BLUFFS visited - in Chicago and attended the last week to take over her duties on the 2nd day of September, creed is the fanatical belief in the mass of heroes with but one impulse chandise is delivered to them by par- braska, at ten o'clock A. M. __ _.v~n-o Century of Progress. there. superiority of the Aryan-Germanic and but one will, glorying in the cel post.


Society News

A Severe Combat in Naziland for Survival or An•.•.K:-'..-..---

• . : nihi

Hokka Ghynik

Council Bluffs News







Large Attendance at Hadassali Picnic

Returns From Studies



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