In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Knlritd ,iB SWUIHI-C'UU 1 Mull Mutter on Jnnunry 27. 11121, at I'ostolDce ni Uiunlin. Nehrnskn. 'under the Act uf March 3, 1879
VOL. IX—No. 29
Dutch Receiving Press of Nazis Vies Refugee Children World Zionist Con ' in Mate Propangda Convene in Prague Amsterdam, (J.T.A.)—Two hundred and twenty-five German-Jewish children, chiefly from the Rhine district, arrived in Holland to stay with Dutch Jewish families for the time being. The racial laws put into effect by the Hitler regime have worked hardships not only on the adults but also on the children. As children of The Jewish Welfare Federation is Jews they are , the objects of discriminations that make life very hard participating in the Federal Emergency Relief program for the unemfor tiiem. : Movements are on foot in many ployed, Federal relief is given where the countries by Jewish individuals and organizations to take the children cut major cause of dependency is unemof Germany and put them into a ployment. Allowance is made for food, fuel and clothing. All other wholesome environment. necessities which the family cannot meet must come from the organization's funds. These, however, do not include the many cases the Federation is caring for, where the cause of dependency is illness, widowhood, desertion etc.
(J. T. A.)—The spread of occupy Berlin, the paper warns its om propaganda against the Jews readers to heed the bishop's remarks. Hoping to Bring Five Outstandingassuming dangerous character and Under the pretext that these state' ine Personalities to f if?"portions throughout the length ments set forth the actual situation, f - ' ; breadth of the Reich as the entire the paper calls on the Germans to Omaha L.L-J1 press apparently is entering into paralyze the Jews and prevent furcompetition to see which of its mem- ther activities along these lines. Plans are being made to resume bers can go to the furthest extremes. The article, with the exception of the Community Forum series of lec- No government action has been taken the reference to the British prelate, tures under the auspices of the Jew- to check this campaign, which, since is strikingly familiar to an article in ish Community Center. it is pressed most strongly by papers a recent issue of Voelkischer BeoAccording to present arrangements, controlled by such high-ranking Nazis bachter, a newspaper owned by Hitler there will be a series of five lec- as Julius Streicher, organizer of the and the chief government organ. tures beginning in December and one-day open boycott against the Prague.—Labor will dominate in We expect the Congress to support Continue Seizing Hostages. ending in April. the sessions of the eighteenth World] the answer given by the Jewish Jews last April, must be assumed to The future course of the Nazis in Last year the program included have the tacit approval of the Nazi combating the opposition throughZionist Congress which opens Mon- Agency some time ago. There are lectures by Will Durant, Drew Pear- supreme councils. day August 21, and upon the labor other demands which the Congress ! out the world to the ruthless policies son, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and groups will devolve the responsibility is going to launch against the manSeeking to vie with a dozen other and program of Hitler is seen in the Philip La Follette. for determining the future course i datory power. The Congress will publications which have been fore- extension of the system of seizing of the Zionist movement. have to consider the problem of Unfortunately, the last speaker most in their anti-Jewish activities, hostages among the helpless populascheduled. Warden Lewis E. Lawes Die Warheit here recently came out tion here and punishing them for acts Over three hundred delegates from bringing to the League of Nations, of Sing Sing, was unable to fill his with a streamer headline on its first committed by others, over whom they all parts of the world are expected and to the forum of international date because of illness and there was page, "A Warning to Jews." to be present for the conclave. Prague public opinion, the situation created have no control. insufficient time to obtain an isde-* officials and the police are ready! i n Gei;"many» a n d t h e possibility that English Bishop Quoted. In many cases the relationship is a quate substitute. to deal immediately and effectively! Palestine absorb the Jewish refugees Berlin Jews, the paper insinuates, very distant one, and in the case of All who boucht Forum tickets •with any Nazi provocation which j from that country. The Zionist moveare secretly spreading rumors regard- some Jewish merchants who-have fled last year will be given a fiftymay be stirred up to mar the Zionist m e n t i s called upon to relieve this ing the anti-Jewish atrocities. It abroad, there is no blood relationship, Registration a! Jewish Commucatastrophic situation in Jewish life. cent credit on tickets purchased proceedings. nity Center Opens First of warns them of the consequences of the hostages being Jewish former emthis year, due to the cancellation their alleged action. Quoting from an ployees. Next: Month An innovation at this congress will \ We must work out a program of of the Lawes lecture. be the publication, in Hebrew, of i a c t i v i t y f o r t h e address in London by the Bishop of Refugees abroad are being closely The Forum tickets will sell for Gloucester, in which, according to Die watched by an efficient Nazi espiona daily record of events in addition must work out a program of actiThe School of Music at the Jewish the same price as last year—three Warheit, the prelate declared that age organization, particularly to learn Berlin, (J.T.A.)—No Jew will be to the daily record printed in Ger- vity for the nearest future. We must dollars for the series of five and one Jews fomented the Russian revolution whether they have taken any of their Community Center will open its sec- henceforth admitted to German citi- man, the tongue customarily employ- work out a program of activity for ond year of activity shortly. dollar for single admissions. the nearest future. We must work and asserted that what Germany capital abroad in violation of governzenship in the province of Baden, ed in the Congress deliberations. Registration will start at the Cen" The Community Forum series has really needs is for a French army to ment decree. Evidence of this proout a four or five year plan to settle according to new citizenship regula- j ter on September 1, with classes for been outstanding in city intellectual the largest possible number of Jewish tions promulgated by the Baden | vides especially fruitful grounds for both adults and children getting unLabor Statement. efforts, drawing huge crowds of both immigrants in Palestine. Government. The new regulations,, charges against hostages already d way on September Sb 11. der Jews and non-Jews. Prague Hospitable. New York. — The United States taken or against individuals marked will be emulated • The Music School is part of the PRAGUE (J. T. A.)—Czecho-SloAn open and free discussion of the as hostages in particular cases, to be the Reich. i expanded educational program ad-i vakia is proud of the fact that the questions involved will continue to be seized on the least provocation. No Jew, no Jewish descendants \ opted at the Center last year. Fees' cent 18th World Zionist Congress will be the policy of the Forum. no one married to someone of! will again be nominal, with classes' declared in a statement: held in its capital, Prague. The ZionJewish Series blood will be permitted to I American Protest. including among others, violin, piano, | ist Congress will bring many thou"We are not drunk with victory. According to present plans, the according to the Representatives of the American cello, voice, harmony and music ap-1 consfst S I On the contrary, we feel our res- sands of Jews from all quarters of Jewish Forum series, inaugurated and British governments acted Fri- preciation. | , j ponsibility towards the building up the globe to Prague, and the governthree years ago, will again be carday to protect the interests of the • , . , , „ I paragraphs. ment wishes to take advantage of this ' of Palestine in particular. ried out. steamship lines in the German trade for citizenship An advisory board prominent) Every applicant occasion in order to prove to its own instructors willofaid in the will Among the outstanding artists who Boston Physicians Describe Op- following the announcements that music "The forthcoming 18th Zionist Conhave to prove that he does not Jewish population, as well as to the school's activities. Mrs. Henry Moneration Which Lessens Load appeared on the Jewish series were all within any of these categories gress has many difficult problems to new restrictions on the shipping of included Abraham Binder, Marvin by Thyroid Action n order ot have his application solve. The political situation, though world at large, its good will towards foreign passengers in Germany would sky will again be music director. Those wishing information regard- granted. Lowenthal, and Louis Lozowick, and improved since the last Congress, I s j t h e Jevvs > a n d i t s sympathy for their be rigidly enforced. ing the courses and instruction may a symposium on Judaism by Rabbi BOSTON (J. T. A.)—The Annals very far from satisfactory. As a ! n , a t i o n a l a n d Zionist aspirations. At Uninterested in Non-Aryans According to the new German regAlbert G. Minda, Rabbi David Aron- of Internal Medicine will announce ulations, foreign . firms would be al- call Mrs. Monsky. Those wishing in"Our State is not interested in fied with the political situation the same time the government wishes son, and Prof. Moses Jung. this month a very important advance lowed" to remit to their home office formation regarding fees or regis- the growth of a non-Aryan popula- created by the mandatory power. to give official expression to its opin internal medicine,. the result of only $65.00 per passenger. The min- tration may phone Jacob S. Pearl- tion," the regulations proclaim. "We We fought the Passfield White position to the anti-Semitic propawork carried on in the research lab- imum for a one way fare from Ger- stien executive director of the Jew- do not want racial admixtures and Paper, the Stimpson report, the ganda that is pouring into the Geroratories of the Beth Israel hospital many to the United States is about ish Community Center. therefore refuse to accept more non- various restrictions against organized man parts of Czecho-Slovakia. The instruction \ and pedagogical Aryans even if the applicant is of Jewish immigration. We have opNot that all of this is entirely withof Boston. The report will tell the re- $102,50. . . . -. . . . • - " o u t methods of the School of Music will sult of thirteen operations performed „ posed the French Report, and we conselfish consideration. Czecho-Slqdistant Jewish descent. American shipping companies asked by Dr. David Berlin and Dr. Herman the State Department to instruct Am- follow the program of the best conThe regulations further demand I sider its publication, on the eve o f i v a k l . a r i S h t J y estimates the value of L. Blumgart, director of research at bassador' William J £ .Dpdd: to "ascer- servatories of music. that Jewish front-fighters, who were the Congress, as a danger signal. Jewish sympathy for the young democratic republic, and sees in the'--Zionthe Beth Israel. The operations were to have been b i Jewish tain the facts and-to take such'action ist Congress an excellent opportunity not performed -upon the heart itself, discriminations, will have to explain, as is necessary to protect American of furthering its own aims—political, nor does the operation actually alter why, if they are listed as having rights. • moral and economic. And so the Forthe abnormal condition of the heart, been conscripted into the army, they Basil Harris, president of the eign Office and the Ministry of Trade New Data Reveals Means He but effects, by complete removal of United States Lines, said that the had not enlisted voluntarily. and Industry are together preparing Pursued to Interest Highly the thyroid gland, a major decrease reasoning of the German government Non-Jews applying for citizenship for this great event. There will be ofPlaced in His Ideal ; The report in the Annals of Inter- was not clear to the American ship- Mrs. Mollie Brown, 71, who has will have to undergo a medical exficial government receptions to celenal Medicine will be under the sig- ping men, been a resident of Omaha for forty- amination and produce certificates brate the Congress, there will be demDrs. Berlin,, Blumgart, Josnatures of D . g , from the State doctors attesting to five years, died last Thursday at "It does not seem possible that a Vienna; (J.T.A.)—The Rheinhold The first annual picnic of the local onstrations of sympathy for Jewish ll off government which is apparently in- the, home of her son, Samuel Brown, their pure Aryanism. eph Riseman and David Davis, all publishing house of Vienna has just Vaad will be held Sunday afternoon, rights in general and for Zionism in terested in developing friendly rela- 3715 Dodge, where she had been, ill released "A Nation Under Way—To- the Beth Israel staff. August 20, starting at 3 p. m., at Fon- particular; in short, everything will Private report of the success of the for eleven months. tions with the United States and wards Peace", by Dr. Tulo Nussenbe done to make the delegates feol tenelle park. new technique has resulted in great whose commerce is definitely tied up blatt, Herzl scholar. She is survived by four sons, Samthat whatever the attitude of their Members of the Vaad H'Oehr, the response from surgeons in this counwith the United States (83 per cent uel of Omaha; Israel and Bert of Important but hitherto unpublished neighbors might be, Czecho-Slovakia, Ladies Auxiliary of the Vaad, the try and even an inquiry from Engof the trans-Atlantic trade is known Norfolk, Nebraska; Dr. L; H. Brown, documents from various archives are Junior Vaad Auxiliary, the Young at any rate, is well disposed toward incorporated into the book, throwing land, it is learned. In addition to Beth to be American)' would attempt to of Memphis, Tenn.; two daughters', Men's Vaad and the children of the the Jews. Israel it has been performed at the limit the transfer of an American Mrs. Sam Block and Mrs. Zelda Richnew light upon the work of both Masaryk Reception. Vienna, (J.T.A.) —Limitation on religious school are invited to attend Herzl and Baroness Berta von Sutt- Massachusetts General hospital, Peter ship line's funds in this manner," he ards of Los Angeles; two sisters, Mrs. The Czecho-Slavakian government the number of foreign students aland to bring their families and Bent Brigham and elsewhere. It calls said. ner, a friend. M. Marcus of Council Bluffs and Mrs. is very serious in its desire to bring for extreme delicacy owing to the sitlowed to study at Austrian univer- friends. Clara Agrant of Sioux Falls, S. D.; Details of Herzl's attempt to obabout a happy solution of the Jewish uation of the thyroid gland, closely sities owing to the shortage of faciliAs a feature there will be given two brothers, Wolf Lebovitz of Countain an audience with the Czar are problem. One of the chief reasons for surrounded by the recurrent larynties and to enable the maintenance away a round trip ticket to Chicago cil Bluffs and Isadore Lebovitz of told in a letter from the League of this, is the fact that this young regeal nerves in the lower throat which of order has been officially anor its equivalent in cash. Cards anBoston. Nations archives (Suttner Collecpublic has a population consisting of govern speech and breathing. Damnounced. Every foreign student newnouncing the picnic are being sent to tion) . The letter, which was written Funeral services were held . i n ly enroling will be notified in Oc- members of the Vaad organizations several distinct national groups and age to these nerves may result in parat Geneva, also reveals the hitherto The "Safar Hachaim" or "Book of Council Bluffs Friday afternoon. alysis of vocal chords leading to grave tober whether they are to be ad- and a number is stamped on each card feels that for a peaceful and demounknown fact that Herzl participated Life" is already made and is in the mitted. Telegraphic Agency The drawing will be held at the picnic, cratic development it is essential that in the first peace conference held complications. Talmud Torah office at the Jewish The Jewish The technique of complete removal understands that the restrictions and the winning number must be the Jewish population, which forms at the. Hague (in 1899). It reads one of the most patriotic groups in of the thyroid gland is the contribu- Community Center in the case doare aimed to prevent the entrance present. as IOIIOWS: the state, should be happy and connated by N. S. Yaffe. It is dedicated tion of Dr. David Berlin. of German students into Austria to On the program will be included tented. 12.XII.99. to the City Talmud Torah of Omaha strengthen the Nazi movement here. games, prize contests, snd variou? Highly respected Madame Baroness! which will perpetuate in it, if deThe first act in this official pronovelties. There will be an indoor I come to you with the repetition sired, all family events of the Jewish New York, (J.T.A.) — American Semitic policy took place recently Numerus Against Jews baseball game between the Senior 0% a great request. It concerns the population in the city, such as births, leaders of the anti-Nazi boycott will when Prof. Masaryk, president of the Some newspapers here have voiced Vaad and the Young Men's Vaad. intervention in favor of Zionism at Bar Mitzvahs, confirmations, wed- meet here on September 12, to pre- the belief that this numerus causus republic, received a large Jewish deleMembers are requested to bring: Baron Muravieve's. Since you were dings, memorials, etc. pare detailed plans for the enforce- will also be directed against Eastern gation, and freely and openly, distheir own lunches. The picnic is fres. good enough to do that, I have succussed with them the Jewish question "An event in the family—of joy or ment of the boycott throughout th Regina, Sask., Canada, (J.T.A.) — European Jews and therefore, the At 3:30 p. m. the Auxiliary will ceeded in getting the Czar to speak Five hundred and fifty-seven thou- sorrow—is worth while perpetuating country, it was announced by t h Jewish attitude toward the new Gov- hold a meeting at the picnic grounds. as a whole, and the wishes and hopes in direct favor of- Zionism. One of of the Jewish population of the Resand Jews in eight countries engage and occupying a permanent place in American League for the Defense o: ernment measure has been reserved. Mrs. A. Brookstein is chairman of my high aides has within the last public in particular. Prof. Masaryk is in agriculture, according to the sta- the forever living cause of teaching Jewish Rights. The Peasants' Union and the Christhe committee on arrangements. few days sent him an exposition not only a statesman but a philosotistics which the Jewish Colonization Torah to the children of Israel, beThe conference will not be open to tian Socialist elements "which form which I wrote in French, after the pher as well. He told the delegation Association (ICA) has prepared for cause Torah and Israel are to live the public. It will be concluded by a the backbone of the Dollfus GovCzar had already expressed himself that he thought Democracy would the World's Grain Exhibition and eternally and thus give eternal testimonial dinner to Samuel Unter- ernment's support have been agitatorally, in generally favorable terms, come into its own again eooner than meaning to the event," states the myer, noted New York attorney wh Conference. ing for the establishment of a racia! about the matter. Now the problem was generally expected, and that with Talmud Torah in urging Omahans to is head of the World Jewish Econ quota for the Jews in all fields of A total of 5,410,760 acres are culis to dispose of Muraviev in similar it would disappear the terrible wave inscribe events in the book. Anyone omic Federation. tivated by Jewish agriculturailsts, Austrian life. fashion. I therefore request that of anti-Semitism that has swept over wishing more detailed information is you write him as soon as possible, and among the products raised are asked to call Dr. Philip Sher. so many countries. He assured their, various grains, nuts, oranges, raiGeneva, (J.T.A.)—A program for to tell him that the Czar has althe development of the Institute for that Czecho-Slovakia would not be inready udged Zionism benevolently, sins, tobacco, almonds and St. John's bread. Jewish Studies at the Hebrew Uni- fected by this disease. It would stand and that a nearer approach to the In addition to the numerous proversity in Jerusalem was adopted up for democracy and Jewish rights, matter now obviously depends entireducts of the Jewish colonies in Palhere at a meeting of the govern- and would see to it that Nazi antily upon him (Muraviev). You know, estine, those of the colonies in ing council of the university under Semitism should not spread over the that we are pursuing a good, high frontier of the Republic. The governLVOV, Poland (J.T.A.)—After the disturbances in which Jews were at- the chairmanship of Chief Rabbi ment, Prof. Masaryk went on to say Warsaw, (J.T.A.) — Satisfaction end, otherwise you would not have Canada, the Argentine, the United 5 States, Soviet Russia, Poland, BraJ. H. Hertz of London. with the large-part played by Polish court verdict in the Grotkowski mur- tacked. co-operated in such a friendly fashwould do its utmost to bring about s zil and Roumania were shown at the Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of Following the murder, a series oi Jews in the upbuildings of Palestine der case which sent one Jew, Moses ion. If you will also add Bourgeois' peaceful understanding and to build was expressed by Professor Tgnacy Kotz, to prison for four years and riots swept over Lvov and other Po the university, presented a detailed up a fiiTn friendship among the citiutterance at The Hague, it will make exhibit. Statistical " charts of the annual report of the Institute's expansion Moscicki, president of the Polish eR- which freed the other two defendants, lish towns in which many Jews lost the best possible impression upon zens of the State, whatever their nahim. At the Hague I also made Canadian Jewish farmers produce a public, in the course of an interview N. Schmer and Isaac Tune, for lack their lives and hundreds of Polish in order to provide facilities for and tionality. total of 500,000 bushels' of wheat a to utilize the services of famous with Heschel Farbstein, Polish mem- of evidence, crowds of hooligans ran anti-Semites are apparently using th< some attempt to aid your peace cause, and Bloch was to have ac- y ear —enough to provide. bread for ber of the Executive of the Jewish through the streets of Lvov beating verdict to stir up new attacks on the Jewish scholars who have suffered as the entire Jewish population of Agency for Palestine. a result of the Hitler persecution of up Jewish passersby, several of whom Jews. knowledged my efforts. . Canada. In other words, the Jews of the Jews in Germany. required medical attention. Three of President Moscicki told the Zionist Your respectfully devoted Canada produce their own bread. New professorships vrere created leader that he was following Jewish the attackers, non-student rowdies, Theodor Herzl. I. Eisenberg and L. Rozenberg of development of Palestine with much were held by the police despite the in Hebrew and Jewish philosophy To this letter Herzl received a the ICA have charge of the Jewish Paris, (J.T.A.)—The Committee of with the establishment of a new chair cordial answer from Baroness Sutt- exhibit and were largely instru- interest. On being told that the work fact that they attempted to find refJewish Delegations announces thst likely, and chairs in ancient Israelituge in the dormitories of Polish stuwas-being accompanied by great difner, and, among other things, a con- mental in making it a success. ish history, and the literature of the a "black book" will be issued, edited dents. ficulties, the' Polish statesman said, firmation of his important intervenAn open forum on the '-"NRA" will second Jewish commonwealth were by Dr. Leo Motzkin, containing », "You are inspired by an ideal which In view of the attacks strong police tion on the occasion of the Peace concompilation of the anti-Jevrisli legisfeature the meeting of the Omaha determined upon. will overcome all obstacles." patrols were maintatined on the Lvov ference at the Hague. Berta von lation and actions of the Hitlerite The council decided to make every Hebrew Club at the Jewish Communall night. Suttner wrote to Herzl: "About .your government in Germany. The Psi Mu kittenball team, BERLIN—An ordinance putting the streets possible effort during the coming This is the second time that the ity Center Sunday afternoon, startintervention I have heard from him. champions of the American KittenCopies of the book v'iH be sent tr> month to raise a fund sufficient to ing sX 4 p. m. Fred White will speak Grotkowski case, which began last It really saved the situation then." ball league, will be honored by thefinal "touch to the expulsion of Jewish cope with the present crisis and to all the governments of the world and Dr. Nussenblatt's book contains a organization at a banquet Saturday doctors from the sick benefit associa- November with the murder of the on the interpretations of the NRA provide new facilities for teaching to all members of the League of Naforeword by Miss Dugdale, niece of at the Rome. A number of prom- tions was promulgated by the minis- student, Jan Grotkowski, in the course program and will lead the discussion and research. tions. , of a drunken street brawl, has led to which will follow. try of labor. Lord Balfour. .
Jewish Federation in Federal Relief
Labor Elements to Dominate When Sessionsof Eighteenth Congress Begin Deliberations
Czechoslovakia Very Hospitable
Vaad Picnic at Fontenelle Park Sunday Afternoon
"Book of life" for City Talmud Torab
Boycott Leaders to Meet in New York
Canada Jews Raise Their Own Bread
Polish Head Praises Palestine Upbuilding
Polish Jews Beaten in Riot After Verdict in Murder Trial
Omaha Hebrew Club Open Forum Sunday
Banquet for Titlists
inent local athletes will speak.
"Black Book" of Nazi Edicts Being" Compiled
Jewry's Forgotten Man
cial annoucement by the Fair manage- end in Grand Island, Nebr., where he ment stating that non-Aryans will be visited Louis Leibovitz. admitted to the exposition. Jewish firms in Germany are also promised Mrs. Irving Rosenberg and small that they will not be hindered in dis- daughter, Alice, of Chicago, and Mrs. playing their goods although there John Baird Quigley and daughters, will be a "Brown display" of goods Joan ami Ruth, of Hutchinson, Kans., made in Germany "by Germans only" i have returned to their home following in which the Jewish firms will not:a month's visit here at the home of be allowed tojparticipate. [Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks, parents of "The establishment of the Brown j Mrs. Rosenberg and Mrs; ;QuigIeyV : display gives no reason to assume! . 'J —4—-f( that" Jews will be eliminated alto-} Miss Freda Bernstein of Kansas i gether froin the bazaar," states the: City, Mo., spent the past week-end here visiting at the home of the Missmanagement's communique. es Dora and Tillie Markovitz.
Speculation Upon Future of Jewish German Grants Berlin. (J.T.A.)—The question of what 'will happen to Jewish endowments in German Universities which have barred.' Jewish professors, continues to provoke great interest hi American circles in Germany, su,ce most of the endowments were made by American Jews. In this connection it was pointed out that the University of Frankfort had several chairs established by Jewish endowments, including one of a quarter million marks, on physiology, from the alte Jacob Schiff; one million marks, from Mathilde Rothschild, on advanced scientific studies; a quarter million marks from Katherine and Moritz Oppenheim, for natural science (it will be recalled that these two venerable Jewish philanthropists committed suicide recently declaring that they could no longer live in Nazi Germany.) Chemical Insttiute Among the other endowments listed are: three hundred thousand marks for various purposes from the Georg Speyer Foundation; one hundred and fifty thousand marks from Charles Hallgarten for a therapeutic institute; eighty thousand marks from Theodore Stern for pharmaeoogy; the Otto and Ida Braunfeld "endowment of one hundred and seventy-five thousand marks for the Roman Seminary and thirty thousand marks annually for an economic institute from Wilhelm Merton. In addition there are also institutes fully endowed by Jewish funds, such as the dental institute which received its funds from Carl Rothschild and the neurological institute endowed by Ludwig Edinger.
i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen are nrairist regime* he returned to France spending1 the week in Chicago where where he became prominent in the 'they are attending the National AsFrench and Jewish labor movement. sociation of Retail Clothiers ConvenFor a while he was president of the i tion and also the World's Fair. BY P. R- K. Jewish Ex-Serviee-Men of France and after a- visit to Palestine had • Bar Mitzvah Mrs. Harry Kubby entertained at a thoughts of settling there as a chalThe Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Perl- luncheon at her home Thursday in utz. He also devoted some time to mutter, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Perl- honor of Miss Lyl Steinberg, whose writing, being the author of three vol- mutter, will take place Saturday marriage to Mr. Joe Raduziner of umes of poetry and prose in Yiddish morning, August 19, at the Chevra Omaha will take place Sunday. and numerous articles in the Freie B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 MynArbeiter Stimme under the nom dester street. On Saturday afternoon he Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krasne, acplume of "Baal. Chalomoth" (tba will entertain a group of his young companied by Mr. Krasne's sister, dreamer). friends at a theater party at the j Miss~Ruth Krasne, left Monday eve. But Schwartzbard is no dreamer. Strand theater. ning f o r Chicago, III., for In "the last six years- be- has devoted where they will attend the World's himself to preaching the go^pet of T^e Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Fair. Jewish self-defense while he has eke.1 of the B'nai Brith held a meeting By Bernard Postal out a modest livelihood selling insur- Monday evening at the Eagles hall. ance. His visit-to the United States Mr. Cyde Krasne spoke on the NRA Weiss Disbarred BERLIN — Bernard Weiss, formeT / Sholom Schwartzbard, the Jew who ties" and then, meeting; the former we must- die at the bands of the Hit- will no doubt do much to strengthen plans aid the organization pledged vice-president of the Berlin police and the movement for Jewish self-defense itsel' as being one hundred per cent shot down General Simon Petlura, in- Ukrainian" separatist chieftain on thelers and their ilk, let us die like Samone of the Nazis' most hated oppobut above all it will serve to reintro- in favor of xYst NRA movements. stigator of the bloody .Ukrainian pog- Boulevard St. Michel, cried out: "Kill- sons." nents, has been formally disbarred as duce to Jewry, much against his will, roms of 1918-20, is now in this conn- er of my people, defend yourself 1" Citing a biblical passage to prove Mrs. L. Ch«»n»;«»vk left Sunday for an attorney. His name headed a list try for his first visit. In this inter- and then fired six shots into his brain. that the Jew must prove his right to its forgotten man. Los Angeles, Cal., to be gone about of more than a hundred Jewish atview, Mr. Schwartzbard explains what Pocketing his gun he gave himself up freedom and existence by more than torneys forbidden to practice. two months. to the police and awaited his fate. Be believes Jews should do to defend culture and intellect, Schwartxbard Finkel to Open Dr. Weiss, who is now in exile, was For 18 months, while the French outlined a proposed plan for Jewish -themselves against pogroms. one of the few Jews who held a high Miss Dorothy Handler of OskaStudio in Omaha loosa, —THE EDITOR. courts proceeded with their lengthy Self-Defense Corps in every country position in the Second Reich. His dela., arrived here last Thursday preliminary investigation, Schwartz- where physical anti-Semitism was a Mr. Al Finkel, former Omahan, has for a visit at the home of hex uncle termination to maintain order in Ber•- A" fortnight ago, the S. S. France bard languished in prison and hisproblem. As president and founder, of returned to.this city to make his per- and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mey- lin and his refusal to yield to threats steamed into New York harbor with counsel, Henri Torres, scoured the the International Jewish Self-Defense She wit! also visit relatives in of Nazi leaders earned for him their a delegation of 230 wounded French world for witnesses to and evidence of Corps, Schwartzbarrf has worked to manent home here after an" absence erson. bitterest hatred. Omaha during her stay. of seven years. "war veterans who had come to the the Ukrainian massacres. Schwartz- establish such corps everywhere in He will open a studio for piano and 'United States to return the visit of bard finally came to trial on October Europe, and there are now branches Miss Marian Katelman returned -the American Legion to Paris in 1927- 19, 1927, and, after six days he wasin France, Poland, Roumania, and home today following a two weeks' One of this delegation was Sholom honorably acquitted by a jury which Palestine. These self-defense corps THE visit in Chicago and Milwaukee. While Schwartzbard, Jewry's forgotten man. took but 32 minutes to remove the are an outgrowth of his experience in Chicago, she visited the World's •The man whose name was on every stigma of murderer from Schwarta- during the Ukrainian pogroms when Fair. 'Jewish tongue less than a decade ago bard and place it where it belonged, the terror-stricken Jews of the Ukand who was acclaimed as a national on the head of Petlura and his pog- raine stood helpless before the fury Seymour Conn spent the past week-Jewish hero, arrived in the United rom bands. of the pogromists until several hunof Nebraska Women States for his first visit, friendless The jury was charged with the dif-dred Jewish soldiers of the Russian, and without being welcomed by cheer- ficult task of deciding from a mass Hungarian, French and .German armFor Remittances Try a Ba? Today ing throngs. It was only an accident of evidence and documents whether ies banded together to defend the Joe Radinowski, who has had years that led to his discovery on board the or not Petlura was responsible for the Jewish population. ; of experience in remittances to forS. S. Paris by a delegation of the pogroms, and it found that Schwartz- Schwartzbard also recalled that at eign countries, is giving personal ser'Jewish war veterans of the United bard acted in self-defense in that he the height of the Ukrainian pogroms vice to those wishing to send Torgsin States who had come to greet Samuel was avenging his murdered people. the one hope that kept tens of thoudrafts to Russia or money orders t t Untermyer. And when he was found No attention was paid by the jury to sands of Jews from suicide was the Poland, Lithuania, Roumania, Latvia, -among a group of his French com- the charges of the prosecution that rumor that Jewish battalions from Palestine 'lades-in-arms, Schwartzbard -quickly Schwartzbard had been hired by theAmerica'were coming to defend them. Mr. Radinowski deals through the •showed that he preferred to remain Soviet government to kill .Petlura. "If that illusory hope could prevent Amalgamated Trust and Savings "Jewry's forgotten man. This French jury bespoke Western thousands of Jews.from taking their Bank of Chicago, and is proud of the - But despite his understandable mod- Europe's belated condemnation of the own lives what courage would come fact that he has "not lost one single esty and reticence, the man who wrote Ukrainian pogroms and freed the- first to the Jews of the world if they were remittance." •finis to one of the bloodiest chapters Jew in modern times who has ever organized for their own defense," he His Address is 1434 No. 18, and his ;in Jewish history cannot remain for- taken justice into his own. hands and asserted. ^Today," he pointed, out, phone Webster 1642. gotten. It was Schwartzbard, then an avenged the massacre of -rhis people- *?the Jews of Europe axe again lookrnnknown 38 - year - old watchmaker, As quickly as he had flashed across ing to America, and particularly to Twho startled the Jewish world on May the Jewish horizon just so quieklyr did such organizations as the Jewish War '25, 1926, by assassinating in the Schwartzbard disappear. He sought Veterwis for protection^ defense and Mr. Al Finkel •streets of Paris General Simon Pet- no honors and no glory. He was con- s a l v a t i o n . " ',;• ; '••••;• ,.. harmony in the7 Lyric building on lura, the instigator of the savage tent to be a watchmaker. And JUOW he August 28. ; ^Ukrainian pogroms of 1918-20, which is in the United States and seeks to More he could not and would not Mr. Finkel completed a course in say for Schwartzbard is sincere in hu•took the lives of 60,000 Jews and re-avoid publicity, attention and notorpiano and theoretical musical sub'sultetl in permanent injuries to 70,000 iety. As a war veteran Schwartzbard, desire to be left alone.- Be is nowjects at the Damrosch Institute and making a quiet tour of the various 'others. For six years Schwartzbard however,, did permit one public funcJewish communities in the United has been conducting a studio in New "brooded OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER TTf 16TH ANO HARNEY over the Ukrainian brutali- ;ion in his honor, a testimonial by theStates, probably with the intention of York for the past six years. Jewish War Veterans of the United organizing a Jewish Self-Defense corp Before leaving* Omaha Finkel won States. It was at this dinner that I in this country. "Before I" bade him many'laurels for fas sparkling: tennis: ^Paramount Theater managed to corral him for a few min- farewell I did prevail upon him toHe is a former city and state singles • , Marlene Dietrich is said to have utes while he was surrounded by a give me the highlights of his thrill- and doubles champion. In New York 'given her finest acting performance in mob of autograph seekers and mening life, vwhkh has been in great he has been No. 2 man on the New "The Song of Songs," now playing at and women who sought to kiss ills measure devoted to fighting for Jew- York city tennis team, competing in : the Paramount Theatre. hand as he squirmed about uneasily. ish rights. His life story reveals that Herein she plays a new and far Physically, he is a small man, with he is speaking not as a novice but as intercity matches. more human and understandable hair rapidly turning white. He is one who has faced death of ten and characterization. Love enveloped this quick and laughs heartily and easily. courageously. Invite Foreign Jews '; beautiful w o m a n , consumed her, He speaks Yiddish, Hebrew and drove her to the arms of many men French with equal ease. With'me he Born in Smolensk, Schwartzbard to Fair at Leipzig: •.__but it could not erase the memory preferred to use Yiddish. The onelost his mother when he was 9. A ;of the one man! Berlin, (J.T.A.j—Jews from outthing he would not discuss was him- year later he entered his father's bus] At the start of the story she is a self, but he would and did talk about iness. In 1905, when he was 17, heside of Germany are invited to palyoung orphan peasant girl who goes the Jews. As one who witnessed the was arrested for participating in rev- tronize the Leipzig Fair in an offito Berlin to live with her aunt. Here pogroms in Ukrainia and for three olutionary activities. The curious "she is ill-treated, but a young, strugg- years let! a battalion in the Jewish thing is that he developed radical beling sculptor starts her on her life's Defense Corps which fought a guer- liefs independently of any Socialist of NATIONAL pathways when he asks her to pose. illa war against Petlura's bands, Bundist organization and without ACCESSORIES, Inc. 'She falls in love with the artist, but Schwartzbard has become •" convinced ever having read Karl Marx. Isaiah a rich baron connives to arrange that the only hope and salvation of and Amos were his inspirations. Even EVERYTHING "matters so that the girl marries the Jews in his youth he held himself aloof in pogrom-stricken lands is'selfFor the Auto laron. But in the end, everything defense. from political parties and for that straightens out and a rosy future is 2051 Farnam • AT. 5524 reason he 13 not an active Zionist. He "Jews," he.- declared emphatically, came to Paris in 1910, and when the assured. . The supporting cast includes Brian 'are always ready and willing to shed World War began he joined the Aherne, Lionel Atwill, and Alison their blood for all the nations of the French army with his four brothers. Skipworth. The picture was directed world but never for their own people. Thrice wounded, he was awarded the by the gifted Rouben Mamoulian, I cannot understand the meekness and Croix de Guerre for bravery. When the theatrical genius of the New'the turn the other cheek' philosophy in 1915 a Russian colonel suggested of the Jew at a time when pogromYork stage. confront him and his loved ones. that the Russian volunteers in the ; "Wild .People," a technicolor m ists If Jews must be victims of anti-Sem- French army return to enlist in Russical novelty, and Tom Howard in itic butchers and if they must die, as sia, Schwartzbard's characteristic re"The Detective" are featured shorts they are dying in Germany and else- ply was "the ungrateful fatherland on the same program. where in Central Europe, let them at will not have my bones." least die like men, defending them- After the outbreak of the Russian i Theater The Sign of ~ selves to the last breath, and not like revolution in 1917, Schwartzbard with Clive Brook, George Raft and Helen cowards and weaklings. Even a pog- three years of front line fighting to Good Workmanship Vinson head a great cast in "Mid- romist respects a brave and courage- his credit, volunteered for service JA. 1614 nifeht Club," the screen attraction at ous Jew. It is about time that the with the French Mission to Russia. Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg When the pogroms broke out in the Orpheum theatre starting Satur- Jews took their fists out of their OMAHA Ukrainia he hastened to visit his faday along with "The Devil's in Love' pockets and showed that the brave who died later of natural causes. with Loretta Young and Victor Jory. men of Israel • were not myths, that ther At the height of the slaughter, "Midnight Club" deals with an the present breed of Jew is the equal worked feverishly to American detective who goes to Eng of the Maccabeans. But above all, ifSchwartzbard organize the Jewish Self-Defense land at the request of Scotland Yards Corps of which he became an active to break up a gang of internationa! member. In the course of the pogrom Valley Queen jewel thieves. He finds his peopl< AVicle s h o u l d e r s » . . slencfer, his two uncles and ten cousins were but falls in love with the girl friend Thanks to Skipper A. A. Powell slain. Despairing of success in coping youthful waistlines . . . striking of the mastermind of the gang. Then and his good ship "Valley Queen," with the wave of pogroms, SchwartzTo Russia complications arise which lead to a Nebraskans no'longer" need be known bard joined the Red Army as comContrasts . . . alluring details . . . startling climax. and as "landlubbers." Omaha is now the mander of a regiment which saw hsIn a word, the most fascinating "The Devil's in Love" shows Lor- Port of Omaha, the port itself being roic service against the Petlura and .•fashions you've seen in many etta Young as a young girl who falls located at the foot of Douglas street. Denikin White armies. in love with a doctor of the foreign For the past week the three-deck, jeasons. In satin, in crepe t in legion who is a refugee from military 180-foot pleasure boat has been ply- Becoming dissatisfied with the Com.Wool, youVe sure to be h authorities of Morroccb, being accus- ing nightly up and down lb>» Missouri, ed of killing an-officer. loaded to the gunies with sight-seers fashion. Millinery Shoppe to Poland, Lithuania, How she guides him back to facing and merry-makers. The first few Rose Bialae' and Bertha Weiner the situation and aids him in regain- trips have been confined mostly to Latvia, Palestine opened the Bialac-Wemer Hat ing his lost courage and pride is told mere jaunts upstream and back, but have Shoppe at 408 Paxton Block, featurCarman's Second Ffobr. in a story of unusual action, romance Business, Manager Ray. Ttfarr said ing the latest millinery creations from and intrigue. Wednesday that the river channel is New York. : ," w David Manners, Herbert Mundjn, deepening so rapidly that a cruise of "The price range of their hats.will Vivienne Osborne and C. Huntley 18 or 20 miles is on schedule for thebe from $2 to $5. The latest and most 1434 No. 18. WE 1642 Gordon are in the cast. fweek-end customers. chic hats are being offered.
(Council Bluffs News
An Interview with Avenger of the km Pogroms
-M^-- wonder
t lour
Shoulder Your W a y Into Fashion
Cftbose S A T I N
cfcoo* CREPE aoo.eWOOL
Money Remittances JOE RADINOWSKI
Eco n o m i c JDeggar By WILLIAM ZUKERMAN (Noted Foreign Correspondent)
Jewish employees a full year's salary- growth of a Jewish, wage earning And it is to this painful struggle In some firms the dismissal proceeds class in Germany has been one of the of a people to free itself from disslowly, and is spread over a period most hopeful signs of this movement abilities which centuries of persecu. William Zukerman, distinguished of weeks; in others, the Jews are dis- for economic regeneration. Even the tion have put upon it that the Nazis collaborator, to the Seven Arts, con- charged wholesale and all at once, propensity of German Jews for the have chosen, of all else in Jewish life, tributes this revealing- article on the as recently in the case of the "E. P. professions, which is the chief argu- to deal, a death blow. The exterminacold pogrom, carried out by the Nazis A." chain stores. Some do it curtly, ment of the Nazis for their present tion of Jewish labor in Germany is without interference from any civil- brutally; others politely, with re- anti-Jewish campaign, is also an ex- more than an individual tragedy of ized agency inside or outside of Ger- grets; some even with tears; (there pression of the same general Jewish several scores of thousands of Jewish were even cases of banquets having urge. It is but another manifestation men and women; it is the collective many^—THE EDITOR. been given to the dismissed Jewish of the flight of the modern Jew from tragedy of a people whose choice ideal The Jewish wage earners in Ger- employees.) But the result is every- business and finance to more useful is "being smashed. In a sense, it is probably the most poignant and pitimany . have been confined mostly to where the same. Thousands of Jews and productive occupations. Jewish business enterprises; very few are left without work and bread; Jewish workers were engaged in Ger-thousands of men are thrown upon man enterprises even under the pre-charity; thousands of women thrown vious liberal regime. On the other into the streets, and all are doomed hand, most German-Jewish enter- to swift and sure starvation. For the prises, such as the department stores, German dole lasts only • for twelve chain' stores, newspapers and publish- weeks; Jewish charity cannot cope ing offices, small workshops and with an unemployed army of such ditrading establishments, • readily en- mensions, and the reserves of these gaged Jewish labor. Official statistics people, like those of most laboring issued by the Jewish community of humanity, are too low to enable them, Berlin in 1932 show that approxi- to keep the wolf from the door even mately 75,000 Jewish breadwinners for a short time. Unlike the persein Germany were so employed, and cuted Jewish business and professionthey eked out a poor but honest liv- al man, the Jewish workers cannot retire until the storm is over, nor can ing by their labor. they leave the country. They have noWith the advent of the Nazi regime where to go and nothing to do except the ordeal of these people has begun. to swarm around the dole and relief The word has. gone out that these offices for several weeks, and then to •workers must all be "cleaned" out of go down swiftly and surely into the German business and replaced by the abyss of beggary and starvation. new Aryan aristocracy. The first to BEAUTY PARLORS ACCOUNTANTS be dismissed were the comparatively few Jewish workers employed in mu- There is yet one other aspect of LAKE STREET nicipal or state positions; then fol- the tragedy, one "which is not generAUDITS lowed the.slightly bigger percentage ally known in the non-Jewish world, BEAUTY SHOPPE SYSTEMS of those who worked in German en- but which is of utmost importance to 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX terprises, and lastly, the big drive has Jews. Mrs. Lon Farber, Prop. > begun for the dismissal of the Jewish The centuries of Jewish discrimina• •workers from the Jewish enterprises tion and ghetto life have led to the Abramson The New Dnart Vrtxor as well. creation of a one-sided; abnormal Doable Carter Permanent Audit Co. The procedure is for the Nazi "cell," Jewish economic life in many counWave which operates in every business en- tries, including : Germany. Having Certified Public Accts. $3.00 terprise now, to demand the dismis- been forbidden for centuries to en- Best Workmanship " 852 Brandeis Theater sal of the Jews on the general ground gage in "agriculture, industry, and Bldg. of "cleansing" German industry and other' forms of productive labor, Jews business and make it "judenrein." No have been forced to engage primarily 9 rears Present Location JA. 4811 other reason is advanced. Even the in finance and trading^ As often hapblanket-accusation of "Communism1" pens, the disability has become a haband "Marxism" is not deemed to be it; the habit, a special talent, and necessary. The mere fact of a person this talent has led to tragic conseBEVERAGES AUTOMOBILES having been born a Jew is sufficient quences for the Jews. The fact of the reason for his being deprived of the large preponderance of the Jews in privilege of work and making a liv- business and trading has been used DRINK! New and Used ing. The Central Government" seldom by anti-Semitism throughout the ages interferes officially in these acts, but as pf&of of Jewish non-productivity Golden Spike Cars Jewish employers know very well that and has served as the only plausible Pale Dry Gingerale it is not healthy for their business to basis of all anti-Jewish movements. . Ideal Lime Rickey Where Price, Quality, oppose the wishes even of the unoffi- Anti-Semitic propaganda has revolvand Service Meet Ideal SoSc Waters rial Nazi "cells,", and. to their shame. ed almost wholly around the -exploitait must be said, that they largely ion character of Jewish occupations; Manufactured and MORTON'S Distributed by yield to this cruel demand without the most vicious anti-Jewish pogroms GARAGE resistance. Only one honorable excep- were led to the cry of Jewish economIdeal Bottling Go. tion is known to the general rule of ic parasitism. STUDEBAKER WE. 8043 abject cringing on the part of this The emancipation of the Jews from iSAt.ES and SERVICE 1808 North 20th St. Jewish big business before this par- the religious and political disabilities 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 ticular manifestation of Nazi force. of the ghetto which began in the nineThis is the case of Tietz and Co., the teenth century was almost from the famous German department store beginning accompanied by a parallel owners who courageously informed movement within Jewry itself for a BODY I FENDER their Nazi "cells" that they would reconstruction of its economic life by AUTO PARTS close down their business entirely changing Jewish occupations ' from Auto Body and Fender rather than dismiss their several thou- business and finance to agriculture New and Used Repair Repairing. Paintlne Parts and Accessories (ox Complete Upholsterins sand Jewish shop girls and clerks. and labor. This great urge for ecoCars and Trucks at a and Glass Service Most other Jewish employers were nomic productivisation is, probably, Saving Wicker Furniture only too ready to sacrifice their Jew- the most powerful manifestation of merchandise Guaranteed Painted and Eepaired ish employees for their business and modern Jewish life, and has contribsome, like the Mosse Verlag —the uted more toward the real, inner Paul Brodrick publishers of the "Berliner Tageblatt" emancipation of the Jews than all the 2118-22 Coming —were so eager to ingratiate them- decrees of Parliaments and acts of Star Auto AT. 6208 selves with the new mastors that they revolutions. Every great Jewish social Parts Co. were more sweeping in their. dismis- movement of the last fifty years, Since 1922 sals than even the Nazis had de- from Zionism to Jewish colonization S.M.CLAYMAN, Mgr. Soliciting Quality in Soviet Eussia, has striven primariznanded. Work AT. 03G9 ly toward this economic reconstrucAnd thus one of the most pitiful Uth and Chicago St. tragedies of present-day Germany has tion. Every conscious and unconscious bogun, and is still going on. Men^and effort of modern Jewry in every counwomen by the thousands are being try in the world has tended in the dismissed from their positions which same direction. The rise and the BUS L I N E some of them have held for decades. BATH PARLOR Tens of thousands of poor family breadwinners are being deprived of MA1SAGE the only privilege to work which they A Very Inexpensive MEDICATED BATHS v/ill ever get in Germany and of the Selection of Cards ^Viy opportunity for earning an honRound Trip $7.95 Special until Sept. 1 est living. A new army of unemployon Hand for the Reduced price of §1.50 Denver 7.50 ed is springing up, an army not only for full treatment in Round Trip 11.00 v^thout work, but also without hope ladies department. Los Angeles. 20.00 of ever getting work-no matter what Round Trip 35.00 prosperity comes to Germany again. Re-Nu-Health For German firms seldom engaged Jewish workers in the past, and Jews BUS DEPOT Baths will not dare to do so in the future Edwards Hotel Bldg. AT. 3911 The dismissal, therefore, spells pracI have served the Jewish Com306 N. 16th HA. 5000 Elks Bldg^ 3rd Floor tical elimination from honest work munity of Omaha for 25 years, forever. in a creditable, honest and upright manner. In most cases the people thus thrown cut of employment are. not Why not place your order for even paid for the usual period of not- New BATTERYISEIMCE Year cards or other printice which is legally required in Ger- ing matter with me? many. For in a recent test case of We Are Distributors You are assured of-high class We are happy to be 115 Jewish employees of the "Berlinfor the Well Known workmanship and charges withthe first to offer oneer Tageblatt" who appealed against Omaha Manufactured in reason. half price on dinners the arbitrary dismissal on the ground and luncheons for chilof race and religion, a Nazi court of GRANT dren. We are doing our "Justice" in Berlin ruled that not only part. had the firm a right to dismiss the BATTERY workers because they were Jews, but And Guarantee AH that it did not have to pay-the usual Sales legal compensation for dismissal. Batteries Serviced Mrs. Margaret Berraan, As yet there are enough employers National Tire Shop Prop. in Germany whose sense of justice 17th and Capitol has not been Nazified, and the dis2406 Farnam, JA. 8278 AT. 6427 missed Jewish workers as a rule get Between Douglas and Dodge on several weeks' compensation/and even 17th St. 118 So. 17th St. more. There is on record the case of the Sehrl Verlag • (the publishing Phone JAckson 0770 house of the Nationalist leader, Herr Hugenberg), which paid its dismissed :
• ' - .
Chicago $5.00
Jewish New Year
ful thing happening in Germany at all economically; back to the med-Nazis' Propaganda present. There may be events more iaeval occupations. The Nazi movement lays claim to spectacularly cruel in Nazidom, but Into South Africa nothing more mean than this meanest labor sympathies and to a certain revJohannesburg, So. Africa, (J.T.A.) olutionary spirit. There are some peo•of all the Nazi acts. —Nazi propaganda against the Jews ple who even take this claim seriousThe history of Jewish persecution has never knovm anything more per- ly, and think and speak of the Nazis spreading to the far corners of the verse than this. The least useful part as of misguided but sincere revolu- world, has reached even the small of Vryhcid, in Natal, acof the Jewish community is privi- tionists with. Labor inclinations. The community cording to the Vryheid correspondent pitiful tragedy of Jewish labor in leged, the most useful persecuted;.the of the Natal Mercury of Durban. Germany, more than anything else, rich and ostentatious, who more than A "scurrilous pamphlet broadcast once brought shame. upon their peo- exposes the fallacy of such a belief. ple, are exempted, the poor and hum- What people .with the remotest Labor in town praising Germany's lead in the campaign against the biggest ble, who always worked and suffered sentiment, let alone a healthy Labor menace in the world—the Jew," was instinct, could be guilty of such a in silence, are stricken down; the Jewbefore the town council by ish finance is spared, and labor is up- dastardly crime against working men brought Councillor H. Ellis, the correspondent and women? What movement with rooted; big business is tolerated, and with the suggestion that the professions are exterminated; all that the slightest affinity to social prog- reports, council express its abhorrence at this is non-productive in Jewish life is left ress, let alone revolution, could go so call to racial prejudice. completely back to mediaevalism ? undisturbed, while the most inhuman After several members of the counattack is directed against everything which is non-parasitic Whether the Let us have faith that right makes cil had spoken on the subject, it was decided to ignore the pamphlet as Nazis are conscious of the underly- might, and in that faith let us dare "beneath contempt." to do our duty as we understand it. ing principle" of their Jewish policy, —Lincoln. or not, it is a concentrated effort tc A precedent embalms a principle.— drive the Jews back to the ghetto, not Disraeli. only politically and socially, but above Rest is for the dead.—Carlyle.
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That Same i have your shees
Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - <* Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center , . DAVID BLACKER - . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . - . - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
The Week in Review The Economic Policy The World Zionist Congress convenes in Prague next Monday. This mighty conclave will be crucial, since the Zionist program seems undeterminedly hesitating at tiie crossroads. Many a preplexing problem faces the delegates assembled. Not the least of these is the reintegration of the organization from within to regain lost prestige and lost strength. Almost imperceptibly, almost unnoticed, the Zionist movement has lost ground at a time when its ideals and purposes stood the Jewry of the world in good stead. Paradox though this may be, the motivating force behind Zionism has grown stronger while the organization itself has grown weaker. The labor groups will come to the congress in a stragetic position, able to do almost as they will. During the past few years Palestine has boomed economically. But that boom has with it many dangers, Speculation has been rife. Real estate booms have been initiated. Employers of labor have been pressing every advantage and the new middle class investors seemingly have been smitten with the profiteering fever. Such symptoms' point to an eventual collapse. Such policies are not in keeping with the spirit of social idealism upon which-the new Jewish life in Palestine was supposed to be built. The wholesome simplicity of Jewish life in Palestine, the accomplishments of the Jewish Kvutzoth with their Chalutzim have immeasurably strengthened the self-respect of the Jewish people outside of Palestine. It is up to the labor groups who shall now control the world Zionist organization to see to it that Palestine should be one corner of the world where the Jew might build a social order worthy of the best Jewish traditions. Productive industries and enterprises must bethe; country's mainstay, and not investments for unproductive and purely speculative intents.
He is busy working on a commentary General Simon Petlura, instigator of the bloody Ukrainian pogon the Bible. GEMS of the BIBLE roms of 1918-20. The case was one of the most widely discussed A son of Israel Zangwill lives in and TALMUD and the press and populace in general warmly applauded the quick Mexico. By O. O. DASHER action of the French jury which freed him of "murder" for avengBy DAVID SCHWARTZ ing his people. At first, when those savage and brutal pogroms broke out, (Copyright 1933 by the Jewish TeleIn all labor there is profit, but the the Jewish people in the Ukraine were entirely helpless before the talk of the lips lendeth only to pengraphic Agency, Inc.) ury. bloody onslaughts of the sadists. But later, Jewish self-defense units began to function, and these self-defense groups did heroic WOMEN AND MICE Women are afraid of mice, Or is it BERLIN (J. T. A.)—An all-Ger- The thoughtless believeth every work. Indeed, Jewish self-defense corps have done heroic work that they pretend to be afraid of man national exhibition, in which the word, but the prudent man looketh propaganda for racial purity will be well to his going. wherever called upon. Thus, in the Palestinian riots of '29 once mice. I have a feeling that this mice particularly stressed, is officially ancomplex is largely a trick of the the Jewish self-defense body got into action they gave more than nounced, as part of the Nazi cam- A wise man feareth and departeth women to flatter and snare the men. paign in inculcating the "ideal" of from evil, bat the fool behaveth overthrice what they received. It's like the old business of fainting Aryanism. bearingly, and is confident. Schwartzbard, convinced that the only hope and salvation of away to show the girl's weakness and It will ©pen March of next year, appeal to man's instinct to exhibit the Jewish people in pogrom-stricken lands, has this to say: "Jews under the slogan "The German Na- A good man leaveth an inheritance himself as a strong man. are always ready and willing to shed their blood for all the nations Whether this fear is an affectation tion—German Labor," under the pa- to his children, and the wealth of the of the world but never for their own people. I cannot understand or not, the reader will agree with me tronage of President Hindenburg and sinner is laid up for the righteous. lie honorary presidency of the minthe meekness and the turn the other cheek' philosophy of the Jew that the average woman would sooner ister of propaganda and public enof holding a box of chocolates TALMUD at a time when pogromists confront him and his beloved ones. If think lightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels. in her hands than a mouse. Raba said: "He who loves scholars Jews must be victims of anti-Semitic butchers and if they must But, ladies, you won't get far that According to the public announce- shall have children that are scholars. die, as they are dying in Germany and elsewhere in General Eur- way. Look at Walt Disney, the Jewish ment issued yesterday, the exhibition He who respects scholars shall have who made good with his Mickey will be on the scope of a world's f air sons-in-law that are scholars. He ope, let them at least die like men; defending themselvs to the last bdy MJouse cartoons. Look at Walt Dis- exposition and will manifest to the who fears scholars shall himself be breath, and not like cowards and weaklings. Even a pogromist ney, girls, and quit running from the world the achievements of New Ger- a great scholar." (Because he will many in industry, agriculture and in study hard in order to overcome his respects a brave and courageous Jew. It is about time that the mice. handicrafts. It will include also a inferiority complex.) Jews took their fists out of their pockets and showed that the CONSIDER HICKEY complete review of race hygiene and brave men of Israel were not myths, that the present brand of Disney, it is said, while a youth, exhibit the deleterious effects of inRabbi Jose said: "I never acted Jew is the equal of the Maccabeans. But above all, if we must die used to make friends of mice. He ter-racial mixtures. At this exhibition contrary to the words of my colwould throw them bits of bread and new department of racial origins at the hands of the Hitlers and their ilk, let us die like Samsons.' other edibles and while they were eat- the will be functioning under the direc- leagues. Although I know I am not a priest, still when my colleagues tion of race experts. With Sehwartzbard taking the lead, Jewish self-defense units ing, he would draw them. had asked me to go upon the Thus, he laid the foundation for have been established in France, Poland, Roumania, and Palestine. Mickey Mouse, and today while bank platform I did so, and I never said The International Jewish Self Defense Corps, with Schwartzbard presidents are going to jail and real A pledge is the daughter of injury, a word that I had to repent afterwards." at the head, is making rapid progress in developing such units, estate dealers are thankful for a good the daughter of loss.—Epicharmus. square meal, Walt Disney draws a and we predict that in the future they will be the greatest deter- salary of boom time dimensions. rent to pogroms. The make-up and mental attiude of any pogrom- So again, I say, ladies, quit runist is that of a bully, and bullies are known to lose much of their ning away from mice. "bullishness" when the victim refused to submit to bullying. Self- SWOPE AND GREEN defense units should be created not only in those countries in The other day, one of the New York in the Famous which the Jews are in jeopardy but also in those countries in dailies carried a story f roin one of its Washington correspondents, to which which there is the least question as to Jewish security, for in the it devoted but little emphasis in the latter we never know when a storm will break and when it does, way of headlines or position. It was the story that Gerard Swope we should be prepared.
By the Way
Unheard of Bargains
Boycott Hero
The widely enthusiastic reception tendered to Samuel Untermyer, leader of the world boycott movement against Germany and president of the newly-created World Jewish Economic Federation, upon his return to New York from his trip to the continent, left no doubt but that in the eyes of New York Jewry (and probably in many places elsewhere) he is a real hero. Placards hailing him as "our leader" and vociferous cheering left no question as to how the mammoth crowd felt about the work done by Unterlnyer in boycotting the Nazis. ; Printed here in part is an interesting excerpt from a radio Ground for Suspicion? address he gave upon his return: Alfred Williams Anthony, founder ofLihe Federal Council of • I have seen and talked with.many of the terror-stricken refuChurches of Christ Commission on Good Will Between Jews and gees who have had the good fortune to escape from Germany, Christians, writes in an article in the Christian Gentury that the though forced to leave their property behind ifiem, and I want to persistency of the Jews in maintaining their "peculiarities and racsay to yoifthat nothing that has seeped through to you over the ial isolation" and their "dual relationship to two distinct nationrigid censorship and lying propaganda that are at work to conceal alities" are the grounds for suspicion of the Jew as some one alien and misrepresent the situation of the Jews in Germany begins and foreign. to tell a fraction of the frightful story of fiendish torture, cruelty The "peculiarities" of the Jewish people must surely be cate- and persecution that are being inflicted day tijy day upon these gorized the same as the "peculiarities" of the Irish, or the English- men, women and children, or the terrors of worse than death in man, or the Italian, or any other group. A distinct set of "pecul- which they are living. ' ' iarities" is associated in the common mind with each type; each The Hitler regime originated and are fiendishly prosecuting group has its own characteristic idiosyncrasies and each takes a boycott to exterminate the Jews by placarding Jewish sops, pride in those distinctive features which set theni. apart. And, warning Germans against dealing with them, by, imprisoning Jewthe "racial isolation" of the Jewish people is only a natural outish shopkeepers and parading them through the streets by the growth of conditions as they existed. When they were for cenhundreds under guard of Nazi troops for the sole crime of being turies barred from various occupations and enterprises, when they were Ghettoized and condemned by "yellow badges" because they Jews, by ejecting them from the learned professions in which steadfastly adhered to the tenets of their religion, is it small won- many of them Tiad attained eminence, by excluding their children der that their race has been to a measure"isolated." The isola- rom the schools, their men from the labor unions, closing against them every avenue of livelihood, locking them in the vile concention, analysis will show, has been through the ages compulsory. tration camps, starving and torturing them, murdering and beatThe "dual relationship to two distinct nationalities" is not a ing them without cause, all solely because they or their remote ground for suspicion, if any intelligence is applied. The Jew, ancestors were Jews and all with the avowed object of exterminatwherever he may be, is bound to his fellow-Jew by the tie of joint ing them. . suffering because of his Jewish religion. The individual may not As against this the foulest boycott in the annals of time, we even be religious; yet, he is discriminated against, because of the are appealing'toallmankind to enforce a counter-boycott That Jewish religion. Catholics the world over have a common tie; appeal is meeting with the conviction that idealism and justice are 3huddists have a common tie; Mohammedans have a common tie; still alive. : : and so on. But it does not follow that therefore a Catholic in the United States is not a good citizen of .Nor does it logically follow that because the Jew wishes to see the rehabilita- They S a y .- ~ i tion of Palestine as a Jewish homeland for a refuge to his co-relig"Not only is -there no Jewish unemployment in Palestine but ionists that he is therefore not as good a citizen of the country of there is no Arab unemployment J Indeed, there is a shortage of his citizenship. ; both classes of labor. Well may the Near East and India, semi: The records of the various countries, whether the United official publication of the British Colonial Office, assert 'the fact States, France, Germany, Russia, or any of a score of others, will remains that the Arabs are becoming increasingly conscious of give living testimony that the Jewish citizens have scored excep- the economic benefits that Jewish immigration has brought them tionally high in loyalty to the country on the battlefield, in the and are fitting themselves to make more use of their opportunities, arts and sciences, in politics, and in every field Gf endeavor. to the general advantage of the country."—Israel B. Brodie, President of the American Economic Committee for Palestine.
the big electrical magnate, who incidentally is Jewish, had agreed with Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, that he would permit unionism in his industry, but on the condition that it be a union of the whole industry, and not a number of craft unions. The story continued that Green was enthusiastic about it and had taken the matter up with the various craft union leaders, who had immediately killed the idea. They feared that if craft divisions were abolished, they would lose their jobs. And so the plan fell through.
IN DE LEON'S DAYS I could not help thinking what a fuss the one-time labor and Socialist De Leon, who, incidentally, was the one American who influenced Lenin spent his whole life fighting this crafl division of unionism. He wanted th one big union, and there, industry itself had offered it, and labor unions had turned it down. How De Leon would have shrieked and cursed. Yet today, the inciden passes without even being commented upon. De Leon incidentally was the scion of Marrano Jews, and a distant rel ative of Ricardo, the economist.
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I see by the papers that Charles Michelson has besn called in by President Roosevelt to help put over the publicity for the Recovery Act. What an interesting story this Mi chelson could write of his activities For the past four years, he has been the publicity ace of the Democratic party. Before that, he was for years head of the Washington Bureau of the New York World. Personally, Michelson still owes me about sixty cents. I remember that while working for the Washington Herald some ten years ago, I took up a long story to the World Bureau, which I had dug up and which I flattered myself Michelson would use in toto. _ He praised it and told me to leave it. I saw it several days later, incorporated in about three sentences of his regular Washington letter. Was my face pale?
abroad. As much as any other German we should resent foreign nations boycotting our goods. The effect of boycott would be to arouse the ire of the man on the street; and we Jews would suffer more than ever. I have a feeling that the government intends improving conditions here for Jews very shortly."—Dr. Max Naumann, leader of the Union of National German Jews.
Sam Goldwyn, the moving picture producer, is very proud of his young boy. Goldwyn is especially proud < the boy's aptitude for mathematics. A prominent visitor was at the Goldwyn home the other day, it is said, and Mr. Goldwyn suggested ti' he try his boy with a mathematical problem. The celebrity says to young Goldwyn: Back to the Land "The first technocrat was a Jew—Joab, of Biblical fame, who "Sonny, if you had ten cents and The week's news includes stories of movements in two wide- lived 1500 years before the Christian era."—Harpld Loeb, trans- lost three cents how many would you apart countries, Brazil and Jugoslavia, for agricultural colonies of continental lecturer. have?" urban Jews. Quick as lightning Sonny replied "Why should I lose three cents ?" When these two movements are put side by side with the "We German Jews dd not want protective measures from A chip off the old block, eh?
many similar movements which have been initiated for Jewish colonization in various parts of the world in recent months, it gives heart to our repeated prediction that a large percentage of the Jewish people can find much salvation in going "back to the soil." The future of the Jew in the Diaspora will, we reiterate, depend in a large measure to what extent he. can transfer from the non-productive to the productive fields of human endeavor, and no better productive field can be found than farming. Despite the trying times through which the farmers have en (lured of late, they still have not been the economic slaves that th< .Urban working men have been. The stronger the back-to-the-soi movement among the Jewish people the stronger their future position.
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FELT HATS The most useful—most practical—most attractively styled hat that any man can own —Nebraska Featherweight Felts. They're good for more months of comfortable wesx than any other hat made.
A movie will soon be out called The Mad Dog of Europe," featuring
t h e activities
of our friend, Adolf Hit-
ler. Samuel Untennyer was born in Virginia.
"All over the world the middle class is not only impoverished; j The famous Zionist clown, Choneh, it isnot only discouraged but shell-shocked. It has lost inner vi-$ T ^ S t ^ l e ^ tauty and belief in itself. Under successive moral and material; remain there at least three years, now crises it has finally permitted its clamorous foes to invade its very is threatening to come back. It has suggested that the World Zionconscience."—Ludwig Lewisohn, in article defending the middle been ist Congress take up as one of th' classes. major matters of its agenda the fi
Nebraska Special Featherweight Felts9 $3.50
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nal disposition of the irrepressib! Choneh.
Jewish Self-Defense
"Of all the bigotries that savage the human temper, there is The visit to this country of Sholom Schwartzbard has given none so stupid as the anti-Semitic. Eabbi H. Pereira Mendes, rabb emeritus of the Spanish and Porta Considerable impetus to Jewish self-defense. Schwartzbard guese synagogue, well in his seven'gained international recognition in 1926 when he assassmate<
Mention TheJewish Press to Our Advertisers.
ties, has not a eray hair on his head-
PAGE 5-rTHE JEWISH PRESS; FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1933 RETURNS TO HASTINGS Miss Helen Shryer, niece of Mr. and Mrs. H. Soskin, has left for her home in Hastings, Neb., after visiting in Omaha for four weeks. During her stay here she was honored at several affairs. In Hastings she is residing with another uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 6. Colton, while attending, junior high school.
Hadassah •
To Conduct Services
A special meeting of the board of Cantor Joseph Malek, former Omadirectors has been called by Mrs. M. ha cantor, will conduct services at the "". Levenson, president of the local Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodol synagogue, Hadassah chapter, to be held Wed- 19th and Burt streets, this Saturday nesday, August 23, at 1:30 p. m. at morning, August 19. the J. C. C. The purpose of the meetCantor Malek will also conduct sering is to formulate plans for the vices for the High Holydays at the year's activities. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, assisted by a large choir. Mrs. I. Dansky, chairman of th© National Fund box collection commrt- orate plans for the annual Achar RETURNS FROM VACATION is organizing an en- Hataunis dance, to be held the eve Miss Rae Borsky returned Friday ee of Hadassah, group of workers to can- following Yom Kippur. morning from a two-week vacation at thusiastic vass every home having a National Lou Riklin won the chapter tennis the Edgewater Beach hotel, Chicago. Fund box, beginning September 1. tournament. The golf and cr J tourWhile there she attended the World's BELZER-FRISCH WEDDING FRIEDMAN-DAVIS Boxes will also be delivered to those neys are in the quarterfinal:. Announcement was made this week Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis an- Fair. requesting them. of. the marriage of Miss Ruth Frisch, nounce the engagement and approachMrs. E. Weinberg is vice-chairman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ing marriage of their sister, Miss Ann TO VISIT IN LOS ANGELES if the group, and those assisting inChevra Sha'as Frisch, to Dr. O. S. Belzer, son of Freeman, to Mr. Arthur Friedman, Miss Sara Tuchman, daughter of clude: the Mesdames Simon Bordy, The Chevra Sha'as will meet WedMr. and Mrs. Frank Tuchman, leaves Mr. Sam Belzer, on July 10, at the son of Mrs. Anna Friedman, of Chi'hilip Klutznick, Simon Pizer, Horace home of Rabbi David Goldstein. cago, formerly of Omaha. The wed- Sunday, August 20, for an indefinite Rosenbloom, Julius Abrahamsen, J. J. nesday evening at 8 p. m. at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. Rabbi stay in Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Pearlstien ding will take place the middle of SepFriedman, A. L Kulakofsky, Harry Uri Miller is leader of the group. and Dr. A. Greenberg were the at- tember. Malashock, O. Fox, Sol Novitsky, RETURNS WITH VISITOR tendants. Morris Joseph Goldware, J. J. Miss Shirley Barish has returned Frieden,Fox, The couple will make their home at ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mizrachi Nathan Yaffe, Abe Pradell, a six-weeks visit with relatives ake Blank, S. Handler, 1013 South Thirty-fifth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Forbes an- from R. Bordy, A. A re-organization meeting of acin Chicago. While there she visited nounce the birth of a son on Monday, the World's Fair. Jomm, J. Rosenberg, Dave Epstein. tive workers in the Mizrachi will be PAPERNY-REGAN MARRIAGE August 14, at the Evangelical CovThis is the first time in the history held Tuesday evening, at 8 p. m. at Miss Rochelle Mendelsohn of ChiMr. and Mrs. H. Delrogh announce enant hospital. cago returned with Miss Barish and if Hadassah that an organized at- the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and the marriage of their sister, Miss is visiting here as Miss Barish's guest. tempt will be made to collect J. N. F. Chicago. Minnie Regan, to Mr. Max Paperny Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zeligson of wxes. Mrs. Dansky is undertaking on Sunday, August 13, at the home of Tulsa, Okla., announce the birth of a the work because of the urgent need RETURN FROM CHICAGO Rabbi N. Feldman. daughter, Carol Ruth, on August 1. t the present time for the buying of New York's Jewish Mrs. J. Cohen and son, Donald, 5605 and The couple left for a short honeyPalestine. The land thus Delinquency Drops Emile street, returned Sunday from a soughtinalways moon trip to Chicago, and upon their FROM CHICAGO remains the property return they will make their home in Miss Pearl Spizek of Chicago is vis- three-weeks stay in "Chicago, where f the Jewish people and is used for New York, (J.T.A.) — Communal Omaha. iting in Omaha with Miss Anne Tret- they visited the World's Fair. all public buildings and to establish welfare and character building activiak until early autumn. lew colonies for the Chalutzim. ities were credited with a percentage GILLER-WIENZVEG NUPTIALS Miss Spizek motored in Tuesday IN HOLLYWOOD decrease of one-third in Jewish juThe marriage of Miss Esther with Mrs. J. Tretiak and her daugh- Miss Gertrude Oruch, daughter of venile delinquency as compared with Wienzveg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ters, Anne and Sara, from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oruch, is visiting in Junior Congregation CaL, for an indefinite stay Sam Wienzveg, to Mr. Sam Gfller, where Anne attended the summer ses- Hollywood, Edwin Milder was named president the total of such delinquency, in an as the guest of Miss Ethel Brooksion of Northwestern University. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Giller, took of the Junior Congregation at an announcement made here. The destein, formerly of Omaha. place at the bride's home on Sunday. election held by the seven newly- crease was reported by Dr. John Slawson, executive director of the August 13, at noon. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE elected commissioners Wednesday. Jewish Board of Guardians, on the The ceremony was followed by a Miss Cecelia Martin entertained at EXTENDED TRIP Other officers are: Ephraim Gcrdinner for relatives. After a honey- a bridge party Thursday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen have re- shater, vice-president; Dorothy Katel- basis of an eleven-year survey of moon in Chicago, where they will vis- her home in honor of Miss Ida Brink- turned from Denver, Colo., where thf.y man, secretary; Leonard Goldstein, children's court arraignments. spent their vacation visiting Mr. and treasurer; Irving Charney, memberFrom a peak of 22.^7 per cent in it the World's Fair, the young couple man of Waco, Texas. Mrs. Frank B. Madison. They also ship chairman; Carl Milder, pub- 1922, the first year of the survey, will make their home at 2222 Miami motored to Cheyenne, Wyo., to attend licity chairman; Martin Steinberg, delinquency among Jewish minors fell street, Omaha. • ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON A luncheon was given at the home the "Frontier Days." While there shammos. Leonard Goldstein and to a low of 14.6 per cent last year, of Mrs. Sam Reiss Thursday in honor they visited their father, Mr. Abe Ephraim Gershater are co-chairmen the statistics showed. While the toSTEIN-BLOOM ENGAGEMENT of Miss Esther Wienzveg, a bride of Shapiro. of a committee to obtain sponsors. tal number of arraignments revealed Mr. and Mrs. H. Bloom announce The latter is also activity chairman. an increase of 1,392 during the the engagement of their daughter, this month. BENEFIT CARD PARTY Guests included the Mesdames L. The Junior Congregation will hold period of the study, Jewish cases Ethel, to.Mr. Max Stein, son of Mr., and Mrs. H. Stein. No definite date Witkin, L. Bailen, E. Sellz, S. Temin, The benefit card party of the B'nai services every Saturday morning at were reduced by 437. M. Rosenstein, A. Brown, C. Merritt, Jacob synagogue will be held at the 10 o'clock at the B'nai Israel synahas been set for the wedding. S. Zernovsky, L. Melcher, and S. Paxton hotel on Wednesday after- gogue, 18th and Chicago, starting A river is the coziest of friends. You must love it and live with it benoon, August 30, starting at 2:30 September 9. Wienzveg. RETURN FROM TRIP p. m. Business meetings will be held fore you can know it.—Curtis. Mrs. Max Fromkin and son, Bob; All proceeds will go toward the twice a month. who spent the past three weeks at BRIDGE-PAJAMA PARTY Elkhart Lake, Wise, have, returned Miss Rose Mandel entertained fif- erection of a chapel at the Pleasant home. En route they visited the teen girls Saturday evening, August Hill cemetery. A.Z.A.1 World's Fair in Chicago for a few 5, at a bridge-pajama party in honor Refreshments will be served, and Final plans have been made for prizes awarded at each table. days. :-/,}. '- • •••/ of Mrs. Mary Gurewitz, and. her sisthe outing of the Mother chapter of WE DO OUR ter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Coltoff of Los A. Z. A., to be held this coming SunAngeles, who are guests of Mr. and SORORITY MEETING BRIDGE PARTY K PART Miss Ruth Slobodisky was hostess day, August 20, at Linoma Beach. Miss Lillian Fmdlander entertained Mrs. A. Coltoff. A baseball game, swimming races to the Phi Omega Delta sorority at a at a bridge party at her-homeThursr meeting Sunday, August 13. The af- and various contests are on the proday, honoring her guest, Miss Betty ternoon was spent in playing bridge. gram. Lincoln Chapter No. 3 has Burnette of Sioux City. Kitchen Chats Prizes were won by Miss Goldie Seid- been" invited. The committee in charge consists man and Miss Gaye Wezelman. w of Sam Turkei, chairman, Lou RikWorld Theater^~^ * lilrs. David M. Newman 2SIS PARNAM AT 2815 lin, Sam Rosensteini Because of the tremendous success Ladies Labor Lyceum The organization is making elabof "Tugboat Annie^ at the ParaThe Ladies Labor Lyceum will hold Nut Bread mount last week, it has been moved Three cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 4 an important meeting on August 22 to the World Theatre for another big teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon at 8 p. no. All members must be w e e k . - ' • v .,-.-• Refreshments will be Marie Dressier takes the part of .salt, 2 eggs, 2 cup milk, 2 table- present. Annie, redoubtable feminine skipper spoons melted butter, 1 cup nuts. served. of Puget Sound, and Wallace Beery Beat egg3 with sugar, stir in milk is the irresponsible but irresistible alternately with flour, salt and bakA. Z. A. 100 Captain Terry, in this much-heralded ing powder sifted together. Add meltThe Century Chapter of A. Z. A filmization, of Norman Reilly Raine's ed butter and chopped nuts dredged sponsored a successful weiner roast with flour; pour in a greased pan. August 12 at Doc Johnson's farm on Saturday Evening Post stories. 7 The picture marks the first co-star- Allow to stand 15 minutes before West Center, with about 35 couples ring appearance of Miss Dressier and putting in oven. Bake 40 minutes in attending. Beery since the memorable "Min and moderate oven. The committee in charge consisted Bill." Robert Young and Maureen of Joe Blumenthal, chairman, Isadore O'Sullivan are in the supporting cast. Date Muffins Mittleman, and William Rosenbaum. The picture is directed by Mervyn : One-fourth cup sugar, 4 cup butLeRoy, who directed "Gold Diggers of ter, 3 to 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour, 1933," "Little Ceasar," and other not- 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaRev. A. Diamond spoon salt, I cup chopped dates. able hits. Cream butter and sugar; add beaten Recognized as The story tells a vivid tale of the north-western waterfronts with the egg. Stir in inilk alternately with PRACTICAL MOHEL two central figures cast in inimitable sifted dry ingredients. The mixture Phone 1059 roles. Laughs, thrills, tears and tense should mix easily. Add dates last. COUNCIL BLUFFS drama all have their share in the nar- Bake in well-greased muffin tins in a hot oven, 15 minutes. : rative.
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COLOSSAL CARVING—Gutzon Borglum, noted sculptor, is shown gazing on one of the largest sculpture projects ever attempted by jnan. The work, being executed by Borglum, is the Mount Rushmore National Memorial carved from solid granite in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Giant figures of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt comprise the gigantic memorial.
>11OOT FOR EAGLE—Fostoffice employes of New York give three rousing cheers after Postmaster General James Farley and Grover C. Whalen, former official greeter of Gotham, unfurl the NRA Blue Eagle over the general postoffice.
VISIT GRANDAD'S SHIP—Mac, Juanita and Bill Moore, grandchildren of the late Admiral William A. Moffett, U. S. N., dress Up in naval uniforms to visit the U. S. S. Arkansas, first commanded by their-distinguished grandfather, while the ship lay at anchor at Catalina Island, Cal.
CHIEF EATS WITH C C. C.—President Franklin Roosevelt has his lunch at Big Meadow Camp, Mad* ison county, Virginia, during a 180-mile auto trip through the Shenandoah valley. The chief executive visited five Civilian Conservation Corps camps in the course of one day.
U. S. FINANCIAL CENTER—Here is an unusual \iew of the financial heart of the United States, Wall street, New York, as seen from the air. Trinity church, famous old landmark, is included in the view.
BUILT BY JOBLESS—Constructed entirely by unemployed labor, the Soldiers' Memorial bridge over the Catawba river, between Charlotte and Gastonia, N. C, is dedicated before a large crowd. The bridge, costing $175,000, is said to be the widest span of its. kind between New York and New Orleans.
MOB RULE IN HAVANA—Just after the resignation of President Gerardo Machado of Cuba, frenzied mobs swept through the Cuban capital's streets looting and searching for Machado henchmen. This photo, snapped during the height of.the,rioting shows a mob cheering a truck loaded with Cuban soldiers.
PALACE WRECKED BY MOBS—Cubans celebrating the resignation of President Gerardo Machado stormed the presidential palace in Havana soon after Machado took flight by airplane to Nassau m the Bahamas, wrecking the furniture and carrying off everything on which they could lay their hands. The picture was snapped in front of the palace after the mob had done its work.
coast guardsmen, as well as disabled war- veterans, during the Bosh Ha.. . Berlin.—The first course in racial shonah and Yom Kippur holidays problems opened at the University this year. of Halle in the presence of more than Nazis Suspend Magazine five hundred doctors, one-third of for Pro-Jewish Remarks all the doctors in Saxony. Berlin.—The son of Mrs. Rosine In his opening speech, state com- Speicher, a non-Jew&ss, has been armissar, Hainan declared that, laws rested and their magazine, the Haus•will be isssued for all Germany re- frauen Zeitung, has been suspended quiring every doctors to prove in the by the authorities here. Reason for course of a year or two that they the action is believed to be because have passed the special jfaeial course, Mrs. Speicher, a venerable women's without J which," BC» ©net will be per- leader and president of the NueremiJrt^d to praxrtl^e^ ^ J f V<-'Vcberger. Women's Asociation, permitted herself to make several remarks faRacial Affairs Dictator h ,.; Berlin^ ^ Dr. Achim Goercke, vorable to the Jews. Eeichs-Cojntnisar of Racial Affairs, was ;6ffieially proclaimed dictator in complete;charge of racial problems. Christian Araps Go His jwbrd makes binding any de- In for Fascist: cision on ; racial issues reached, es' pecially with reference to the racial Shirts origins of those whose 100 per cent Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—A few young Aryanism is held in doubt. Christian Arabs ^living in the adGovt. Grants Furloughs joining towns of Bethlehem, have deto Jewish Service Men cided to copy either Mussolini or HitNew York.—In response to the ler, but they are-not sure which. requests of the ;; Jewish Welfare They are going to found a Fascist Board, the Unitaed^rStates; \ Govern- Party iit Palestine and wear colored ment, through i^^va^plis! depart- shirts .under the galabeahs and rosments,, has issued orders granting ettes in the sheik's headgear, but the furloughs to facilitate, the homecom- exact hue has not been decided upon. ing of. Jewish soldiers,1 sailors and Some of them think their d
Racial Problems Course for German Doctors
WORLD-WIDE Wagner Group Bars Jews
Maccabee Asks Damages
BERLIN—The all-German Richard Wagner Association now holding its annual meeting at Bayreuth in connection with the Wagner festival, de~; cided to amend the by-laws of th£ association so as to exclude allnonv' Aryans. The branches all over 'GerM many were instructed to expel all; their Jewish members.
CZERNOWITZ — The Maceabee sports organization submitted a claim for one hundred thousand lei as: compensation for cancelling the' M^ccabiade, the Jewish Olympiade,'lwhich was supposed to have been held" in Czernowitz and .which the Roumanian government forbade. ., ; i , The municipality appointed &; finance committee to investigate the claim, which has now been recognized : as -legitimate-
No Avenue of Escape BERLIN— Jews in jBreslau are again prevented from leaving Germany. An order previously in force in Breslau has suddenly been renewed and the local authorities'are refusing to grant visas to rJewa about to leave the country. ' : ; > The Frankfurt police; ^instituted a new form of procedure when they began to stamp all passports belonging to Jews with the word "Jew."
Istamboul Makes Bid For Einstein's Services
Yiddish Warsaw? Daily BERLIN—The sale of the Warsaw Yiddish daily> Der Moment, anywhere in Germany was officially prohibited by the German authorities. The Warsaw paper joins a long lisx of foreign newspapers whose circulation in-Germany-is strictly forbidden by the Nazi regime. / :
Ban Breslau Jewish Paper Berlin.—The Breslauer_i Jugedmeindeblatt, of Breslau, was closed down following the arrest of ;.the newspaper's editor last week by-Nazi of; ficials.; : "> The order shutting down the paper was issued by the state president, "in the interest of public security."
AUGUST 18; 1933 ought to be Mussolini's dictatorship, and they vote black; • others want brown, because Hitler has an antiJewish policy they like. So it's a toss-up between Benito and Adolf.
SOVIET PLANE NAMED AFTER JEWISH COLONY "Biro-Bidjan" Machine Used in Propaganda Drive for Building "Maxim Gorki." - Moscow, (J.T.A.)—The fleet of propaganda planes being formed here in connection with the: building of the giant plane "Maxim Gorki" has been augmented by the plane named for ^Biro-Bidjan, Jewish autonomous region in Siberia.; Other planes in the, fleet are already active hi propaganda work. This new addition, the "Biro-Bidjan," was Irailt about two years ago with money raised by voluntary contributions of Ozet members all over Soviet .Russia. Its name is painted in large' Yiddish characters which arouse the curiosity of the non-Jewish population. When this happens the crewT has an opportunity to tell the frr>" "1 ""Moli E^if***— "^xint the
plane when it lands concerning the work of the Ozet and the destruetiveness of anti-Semitism. This often results in the formation of Ozet groups where formerly the people knew nothing about Jewish colonization. Michael Koltzov, famous RussianJewish feuilletonist, and another Jew named Feldman are" in charge of the escadrille.
•." . ;'.' •-:••
The "Maxim: Gorki," one of the fleet, will be the!, word's largest plane, and willbe .equipped with a printing press, a loudspeaker and a small electric power" station: The plane will be used for agitational and propaganda purposes, and during political and economic campaigns will tour the country. Handbills and newspapers will be printed on the plane and dropped by it en route. At times the plane will land and the crew will hold "flight meetings."
Jewish Colonization in Jugoslavian Province
onization movement on the ground that the economic crisis has rendered a large number of Jews destitute. Jewish financing of the movement is assured, the Belgrade press added.
Palestine Colonies Preparing Schools Berlin, (J.T.A.) — Palestinian schools in the various color, ies are ready to absorb 653 German-Jewish children, educating and caring for them, the education department of the Vaad Leumi (Jewish National Council) declared after taking up the matter with the various colonies es-r tablished by the Keren Hayesod (Jewish Foundation Fund) the Judische Rundschau reports. Colonies such as Nachlal and Enchai are ready to absorb 203 German children, the paper states. Settlements such as Ein Charod, Beth Alpha and Chefzibah are willing t*> accommodate 450 children.
You will be worthy of respect from VIENNA <J, T. A.)—Jewish col- all when you have first learned to onization of the Macedonian part of respect yourself.—Musonius. Jugoslavia started when "the first fifty families set forth for Bitolj, the The plea of ignorance will never Belgrade press reported. The Jugoslavian minister of agri- take away our responsibilities. —Ruskin. culture has approved the Jewish col-
ISTAMBOUL — Professor Albert Einstein has been invited by the University of Istamboul to accept a chair at the university. Professor' Einstein has declined the offer of a permanent post but agreed to deliver a series of lectures here next year. The offer of this post-is the latest in a series of offers made him by Orloff May Be Released universities all over the world. Berlin.—Hope that Walter Orloff, Cuza Planning Parley young Brooklyn, N. Y., medical stuof World Anti-Semites dent who has been under imprisonVienna. — An international anti- ment for the past: month on charges Semitic congress is being planned by of communist activities,-would be reProfessor Cuza, head of the League leased soon was expresed to the of Christian National- Defense' in Jewish Telegraphic Agency by George Bucharest, the newspaper Neue Freie S. Messersmith, American Consul Prese reported here. General here. Mr/ Messersmith's The congress will take place either statement came shortly after he had in Bucharest or Munich, the paper had a conference •with the Nazi authorities. declared.'
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490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
» . V
ing in violent political activities and FKADENBURG, STAL3USTER * BEBEB CARNAZZO * KAZLOWSKY, Attorneys ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys 400 Bramleis Thrntre Blilff. O. T. DOEKU P. M. KLtfTZNICK 424 Insurance Building putting their would-be friends in a Omaha, Neb. Omaha, Neb. 850 Omaha National Bank Building, false position. I think the refugees Omaha, Nebraska. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION understand. Their plight is very serithe County Court of Douglas County, In the County Court of Douglas County InNebraska. ous, and many of them are in great NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE Nebraska. SALE. the Mil tier of !)>«» Estate of JAKE S. distress about their families left in In the Matter of the Estate of MOSES InSHRAGO, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the 28th JACOBSOX, also kuown as M. E. JAGermany." All persons iiiirr-sn'il in snid estate are day of August, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M, COBSON, Deceased. Berlin, (J.T.A.) — Eastern Eurohereby notified thr.t a petition has been at the office of the .NATIONAL ACCESAll persons interested in said estate arc Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent pean Jews who will be deprived of SOKIES. INC., 2031 1'arnam Street, Oma- hereby notified that a petition lias been filed in said Court alleging that said deJERUSALEM (J. T. A.)—The new their citizenship in the Reich if they ha, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at filed in said Conrt alleging that said de- ceased died leaving no last will and praypublic auction to the higheat bidder for ceased died leaving no last will nnd prny- ing for administration upon his estate. were naturalized since the WOT Id harbor at Haifa has been opened to cash, injr for administration upon his estate. and that :i hearing will be had on said the following chattels: all commerce and shipping, it was War, in accordance with a recent and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 9th day One Lisle Kefaeer, One U. S. Greaser, One Beueh Grinder, One Model A MKK) petition before said Court on the Oth day of September, ]!).'>:>. nnd that if they fnil Government decree will be given the officially announced here. of September. 1033, iiurt that if they fail to to appear nt said Court on the said !>th 3/4-inch Van Dorn Drill, Serial 1SS405; The harbor will make the approach status of Staatenlose (men without One Ascho Car Heater, and One Crowe appear nt said Court on the said Oth day lay of September, lira, nt 0 o'clock A. M., of September. 15)33. at 0 o'clock A. M.. to to contest s:ii(l petition, the Court mny citizenship in any country) accord- to Haifa one of the finest among the Valve ltefacer. Model No. 20004, by a chattel mortgage in favor of contest, said petition, the Court may grant grant the same nnd grant administration ing to an official explanation issued famous of the Mediterranean ports covered the same and grant administration of said of said estate to M::x Khraco or some othe National Accessories, Inc., and signed The Federation of Jewish Social here yesterday by the Government. to Molly .Tneobson or some other er suitable person nnd proceed to a settledominated by "Carmel, the Majestic." th by Chevron Motor Company, by Lloyd L. estate suitable person and proceed to a settle- ment thereof. King, said mortgage being dated January Service and the Bnai Brith Lodge Improvements installsd will greatly The announcement of this was acSioux City Zionists, no matter what BRYCE CRAWFORD. 18, 1933. uiid having been filed in the of- ment thereof. -lS-33-3t. . County Judge. of the County Clerk of Douglas CounBUXCE CRAWFORD. their group affiliation in the city, sponsored a meetin Tuesday eve- companied by estimates that 10,300 facilitate the loading and unloading fice County Judge. ty, Nebraska, on tte :3rd day- of January. S-lS-33-3t. will . meet next Wednesday evening, ning in the Community Center, in Eastern ' European Jews had been of cargo at the harbor. 19IJ3. Said sale wiil be for the purpose of FltAnENBtRfi. STALMASTER * BEBER August 23, in the Jewish Community the interests and advancement of the naturalized in Prussia alone from SHOTWELI, MONSKY, GKODIXSKY & foreclosing said mortgage for costs of gale OSCAR T. DOEliK, P. M. KLUTZNICK, National Recovery Act. nud for all accruing costs, and for the purABRAHAMS t O'CONNOR, Attorneys, 1922 until this year. The total numAttorneys Center, to celebrate the opening of VANCE, Attorneys poseof satisfying the amount due thereon, 400 lirandeis Theater Bldg. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, president of 050 Omr.ha National Bnnk Bldgr. ber for Prussia, according to the of737 Omaha National Bank Bid?. the Eighteenth Zionist Congress in to-wit: One ThousawT Ninety-one Dollars Omaha, Neb. the Bnai Brith, and Mr. A. M. Davis, ficial estimate, from 1919 to 1931, and 09/100 ($1.0!)].99): that no suit or othOF INCORPORATION OF CENPrague. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALB er proceedings at law bave been instituted NOTICE president of the Federation, presided TBAL UAIKIL rKOIJUCTS, Inc. reaches 15,500. This does not inNotice is horoliy civen that l>y virtue of NOTICE UT PUBLICATION ON PETI- to recover said debt or any part thereof. The meeting will ba sponsored by Notice is hereby given that the underohnttrl morfcfi-re rt.nfprt SpptemlKT 29. TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL NATIONAL ACCESSOUIES. INC. signed have associated themselves together 1032. nnd duly the Poale Zion Branch of the Nation- over the meeting, at which a repre- clude the members of the families of fil(-;l for record in the office ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT 8-4-33-3t. Mortgagee. to form a corporation under the laws of of sentative audience of Jewish families the individuals affected by the citithe County dork of Donplns County, In the County Court of Douglas Countj". al Workers Alliance. However, every the State of Nebraska. The. name of the Stnte of Nchri'Slin on the 1st day of Octowas present. Nebraska. zenship decree. shall be CENTRAL DAIRY member of all Zionist organizations er 11)32; snid chnttel morfK:irre executed Tn the-Mntter of the Estate of WILLIA5T SH.VER3IAN & ZACHARIA. Attorneys corporation PRODUCTS, INC. The principal place of Speakers of the evening included by Clarence Haver 15. W. Haver to se768 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. are urged to attend, as well as anyWeeding Out Process. T.LACK. licensed. transacting the business of this corpora- cure the payment oftoOni> Thousand No-100 Omaha. T»eb. Rabbi fH. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi TheoAll persons In said matter are hereby tion shall be the City of ";, Douglas one unaffilliated in the city. A strict examination of the lists notified <$l,(XM0(>) Dollars, there lieinp: due nt the that on the 10th day of August. County, Nebraska, l.ut iv.iEirtsK may l>c dore N. Lewis, and Mr. Barney present time (lie sum of Tlioiisnna of all those who obtained citizenship 1033. Harry K. Cohen filed a petition in PROBATE NOTICE Mr. Mason will be chairman of the transacted In any other city, county, or Fifty nnd No-100 ($1,0.-0.0(0One l>ollnrs, beCounty Court, prayine that his final In the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL state. Xhi gener.-il naiiu'R of tht business meeting. Mr. N. Eisenstadt, a new- Baron. The speakers urged those since the war, it was announced, is said nuse of default hnvinp lieen made under COHN. Deceased. administration account filed herein be to be transact :rt by this corporation shall he terms of th«- transaction I am selling comer in the local Zionist circle will present to back the N. R. A. whole- already under way with the purpose settled and allowed, and that he be dis- NOTICE IS H'KUEBT GIVEN: be: To iiiy, sell, own uoid, e'ore, handle property therein described, to-wit: from his trust ns administrator That Jhe creditors of said deceased will <!e.-tl Li ami with butter, he speak on "Problems facing the Zion- heartedly, and give those heading the of weeding out the "undesirables" eharjred 2 show ensi-s. 2 flat top desks. 5 typewith will annexed and that a henrinj: will meet the executrix of said estate, before and generally cheese,.milk, t m m , ice cream, ices, writer 1 double letter filing cabinet, ist Congress". Mr. Eisenstadt is an local administration committee, their for cancellation of their papers. No be had on said petition before said Court me. County Judge, of Douglas County. iggs, dairy products of nil hint's, nnd au> other 2 curdtables, files. 2 swivel chairs. 3 straight the Oth day of September, 1933, MidNebraska, at the County Court Room, in prodnct;; appeals from the decisions reached on or commodities which ii.ay hv instructor in the Hebrew School, and co-operation. mct chairs. 3 work benches. 3 parts cabif you fail to appear before said said County, on the 9th day of-October. h:>Kil)nl in awuUor with inets. 1 electric air compressor, 1 electric A great number of firms owned by in this examination will be accepted. that an authority on Zionistic questions. Court on the said Oth day of 1933. and on the 9th d»ry of December. sconveniently r c h hii8ii'i"-s.s, .-iiul any «it:il al! k r i l s of motor and buffer. 1 electric fan, 1 cnsollne at 0 o'clock A. M.. and contest snid 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day. for the piip;>li»s, or (•iuii»iu.-nt ustd or blow torch, 1 lalhe. tools and other shop The process of withdrawing citi- 1033. Mr. Abe Stillman, who is recog- Jewish individuals were represented petition, the Court may Kraut the prayer purpose of presenting their claims for ex- materials, in co uifUicu willi FIII-U business; equipment, stock of typewriter nnd adding nized in the city as a Zionist leader in the NIRA parade Wednesday eve- zenship from Jews who have been of said petition, enter n decree of heirs)>fp. amination, adjustment nnd nllowamv. useful to aciiuir..'. hold. sill, rlii'iiiiie or eiu'umber mnchine parts, stock of typewriter nnd make such other and further order* Three months are allowed for the crrdHnnd personal property of every kind naturalized in the Reich, has already and will speak on "The Platform of Poale ning. : mnchine supplies, stock of milling allowances and decrees, as to this Court ors to present their claims, from the. Othreal and description •wheresoever Mtnnted, in- iiddinc Rabbi Lewis spoke Monday evening been started and several who are may mnchine typewriters, check writers and seem proper, to the end that all mat- day of September. 1933. Zion at the Eighteenth Zionist Concluding the stocks, notes, bonds, delH>nnccounlf together with any and at Yankton, South Dakota before a residents of Berlin have had to sur- ters Dertaininc to said estate may be fitures, or other evlden-cs of indebtedness il other receivable BRICE CRAWFORD. gress." equipment located on the premnally settled and determined. and obligations of any corporation, imd to 8-18-33-3t. County Jndge. meeting for the N. R. A. ises nt 21.. Karbach Hlock at public nuetfon render their passports to the politiMr. Mason, chairman of the meetissue in payment or exchange Uit'rel'or its for ensh nt 210 Knrbneh Hlock BUYCE CIJAWFORP. in the Olty own stock, notes, bonds, debentures, or cal police, receiving in return, Naning, will address the audience on of Omtihn. County of Hondas. State of Ne- County Judge. 8-lS-33-3t. FRADEXBURG, STALMASTER * BEBER otlier obligations; to acquire the good braska. on the 2nd dny of September, 1033, sen, League of Natinos passports. "Poale Zion as an* Organization". Mr. Reunion for Sigma 650 Omaha National Bank will, rights juid property of all tii.rts, and nt ten o'clock A. M." FRANK R. ACKERMAN, Attorney to take over the whole or any part of the 8-ll-3t-33 H. Mirowitz will sing a group of apAccording to the decree, this proE. W. TIAVER. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS assets and liabilities of any person, firm, 490 Brnndels Theatre Bids. Alpha Mu Members cess of withdrawing citizenship can propriate Hebrew Folk Songs. Other Notice Is hereby given that all existing association or corporation m^nged In a Omaha, Neb. debts of M. Vender &. Sons, Inc.. on the similar line of business, and to pay for the features of interest will be included continue until July 15, 1935, by 31ist day of December, 1032, amounted to same in cash, stock, notes, bonds, debenPROBATE NOTICE Members of the Sigma Alpha Mu which time, it is hoped, the authori- In the Matter on the program. the snm of Forty-Seven Thousand. Two tures, or other obligations of this corporaof the Estate of BETTY Hundred Thirty-Seven and 12-100 Dollars, tion; to borrow money and to .secure the The meeting is scheduled to begin Fraternity of Lincoln, Nebraska, held ties will have had sufficient time for SILVEHMAN. Deceased. ($47,237.12). payment thereof in any lawful manner, to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN": an informal reunion Saturday and a thorough "cleansing" of the Reich's at 8:15 o'clock. make and perform contracts of every kind MAX YENGER, That the creditors of saiil deceased will Sunday in Sioux City. After a stag citizenship lists. nnd description, nnd to do any and all V resident. meet the executor of said estate. In-fore other things for the purposes of the corMAX VENGEIt. M. A. VENGER, 4002 Dodffe St. me. County Judge of Douglas County, meeting Sunday afternoon, the guests Commenting on the decree and Nebraska, poration which a natural person could do. Being a Majority of t i e Board of at the County Court Room, in attended a Dance at Stane Park. and may now or hereafter be authorized Entertain Pupils Directors. he Government view, Ministerial said County, on the 9th day of Oetol>er, Barbecued Kite, by law. The authorized capital stock of Guests from other cities included Director Herr Hering, on: behalf of 1933 and on the Oth "day of December, the corporation is $10,000.00 divided into 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M.. each ilay, for the Sandwiches FRANK R. ACKERMAN, Attorney of Talmud Torah Jack Epstein, Fred Epstein, Harry the UN) shares of the par value of 100.00 each, Government' explained that it purpose of presenting their claims for exall of which is ~ common stock and when Soft Drinks 490 Brandei* Theatre Bids. Rosenstein, Henry Schwartz, Bill was necessary in order "to make amination, adjustment and allowance. 1 issued shall be fully paid nnd non-assessOne hundred and fifty pupils of Flax, Carl Osheroff, Al Fidler, and Three months are allowed for the creditOmaha. Neb. and Ice Cream nble. The corporation shall commence ors to present their claims, from the OtbNOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETI- business" upon "the filing of these Articles the Talmud Torah were guests of the Milton Moskowitz of Omaha; and the German nation clean." 1033. TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL in the office of the County Clerk and shall "The naturalization laws in the day of September.BRYCE Barbecued Kibs. Ib _35c Hebrew Mothers' Association, last Eddie Rosen and Max Kramer of CRAWFO'tn. ' ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT terminate upon.the first day of August, past fourteen years," he asserted, 8-18r33-3t County Judge. In the Connty Court of Douglas County. 19S3, unless sooner dissolved by a majorweek at a picnic in Riverside Park. Free Delivery Service Council Bluffs. ity vote of the outstanding capital stock. Fifty prizes were awarded for com- Prospective members of the Frat- "have suffered from a laxity which 'RADENBURU, STALMASTER * BEBKK InNebraska. th«» Matter of the Estate of SHOXJL Phone JA. 8006 The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time petitive games during the afternoon ernity were guests at the meetings enabled a large number of Eastern O. T. DOERR i P. i t KLXJTZNICK RIPS. Deceased. European Jews to become a part of subject, itself shall not. exceed two-thirds AH persons interested In said matter arc Attorneys and refreshments were served by the held. hereby notified that on the 12th day of of its capital stock. The affairs of this 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. the German body, although they are women in charge. Augnst, 1833. Bessie S. Rips filed a peti- corporation shall be conducted by a Board in said County Court, praying that of Directors of not less, than 1two nor more foreign body." NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETI- tion Mr. Aaron Tabai and Mr. N. Eisfinal administration account filed here- than five, the number to be fixed by the TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL her enstadt were in charge of the games. Auxiliary Card Party in be settled and allowed, and that she be By-Laws. The officers shall lie chosen by ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT discharged from her trnst ns administra- the directors and shall be President, Vice The committee in charge of the arIn the County Court of Douglas County, trix, and that a hearing will be had on said President, and Secretary-Treasurer, nny Nebraska. rangements included Mrs. Ben Sheron Tuesday Evening petition before said Conrt on the Oth day two of which offices may be held by one In the Matter of the Estate of ERIC A. of September, 1933. nnd that if yon fail to person. These Articles may be amended man, Mrs. L. Guttleman, Mrs. S. ANDERSON. Deceased. before said Court on the S*th dny at any meeting of the stockholders, All persons interested in snid matter are appear Broscow, Mrs. F. Gorchow, Mrs. A, of Kepteml>er. 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M.. and or nt any special meeting of the stockhereby notified that on the 13th day of contest Raid petition, ..Members of the Ladies Auxiliary the. Court may grant holders called for that purpose by a majorMazie, Mrs. S. Greenstone Mrs. S. August, 1933, Amanda Anderson filed a the prayer of said enter n decree of ity vote in amount of the stock then outpetition' in said County Court, praying heirship, nnd makepetition, Falk, Mrs. Abe Stillman, Mrs. I. of Shaare Zion Synagogue will be such other and fnrther standing. The corporation shall have a that her final administration account filed orders, allowances nnd decrees, hostess at a Card Party, next Tuesto this Merlin, and Mrs v B. Shindler. herein be settled and allowed, and that Conrt may seem proper, to thens end that day evening, August 22, in the social she be discharged from her trust as execu- all matters pertaining to-said estate J. HARBY KULAKOFSKY, hall of the Synagogue. LONDON (J. T. A.)—The Home rix and that a hearing will be had on be finally Bet tied nn<i rtetenniped. may ^• LOUIS KCLAKOFSKY. said petition before said Court on the 9th Office is inclined to take a helpful MILTON K. ABRAHAMS, Members and their friends and BRTCE CRAWFORD. Moslems Hail C day of September. 1033, and that if yt;u S-18-33-4t Incorporntors. S-18-33-3t. Connty Jndge. "all to appear liefore said Court on tho husbands have been invited to at- view of the position, of the hundreds said Jewesses' Conversion of September. 1933, nt 9 tend, and make up as many tables as of Jews who are in this country at o' M., and .contest said petition, JERUSALEM — According to A1 possible. Mrs. Lester Heeger is chair- present as refugees from Germany, he Court, may grant the prayer of said petition, enter decree of heirship. and Islamia, Mohammedan newspaper, man of the affair. ' , ', says a brief item appearing in a num- make such othern^ and further onlers. alfour Jewish women of Acre have ember of English dailies. lowances and decree?. *s to this Court may Refreshments will be served and seem proper, to the! end that all matters braced the Mohammedan religion. prizes awarded during the evening's "The law is wholly against the ad- pertaining to said estate may- be finally Sheik Heidar Abdul Hamid acted as play. mission of aliens to this country if settled and determined. godfather for the newly-converted BRYCE CRAWFORD, they intend to take job? in competi'Jewesses. Cases of this sort, although County Judge. tion with British subjects," it con- S-lS-33-3t. they are rare, attract a great deal of tinues. "But the case of these Jews, attention in the Moslem press and are many of whom bear names famous hailed as triumphs by the Arab Naover half the world, is recognized to Charming visitors from away have W E S S ., tionalists. been the incentive for a number of be in many respects different; from that of the casual immigrant, and the parties during the past week. Beverages Mr. and Mrs. M. Blank entertained question arises whether some concession can be granted in their favor. So twenty young people at a dinner Large Bottle party Tuesday evening in their home, long as they do not earn their living honoring their niece Miss Regina here and are on holiday they can re10c Just home from a most delightful Heller, of Columbus, Nebraska, who main under the preset law. "It may be found possible, however, party, given by Mrs. B for a most is their guest. The after dinner to permit them some means of makWhistle charming niece Reggie Heller, the hours were spent informally. ing a livelihood while not interfering name Reggie being somewhat inforVess with the prior rights of our own peomal, but who wasn't after two or Miss Lillian Dobrofsky entertained ple. I am assured that the Home Ofthree trips to the kitchen with the a group of friends at a Barge Party Beverages •Doc. Lester was there and ate three aboard the Franklin D. Roosevelt, fice is approaching the matter with every desire to help the victims of encores of chicken spaghetti, being last week. Miss Tola Dobrofsky of WE. 2131 out done only by Edwin B (there California, was the guest of honor. circumstances. "It is important, however, that they are so many Eddies) who ate four The hours were spent at dancing. should help themselves by not engaghelpings and then went on to the , next course. Max S told three lousy Miss Mazie Kaufman was Miss the week visiting -with friends in jokes and nobody laughed, of course Well fake ft QS DOWN PAYMENT on they didn't laugh at mine either but Dobrofsky's hostess recently when Omaha, Nebraska. it wasn't because they lacked humor, she entertained eight intimate frineds they just wouldn't give me the sat- at a bridge party. Miss Dobrofsky Mrs. Ida Friedman and children isfaction. Found Miriam quite grown shared honors that evening with Miss have returned from San Antonio, Norma Vogel of New York, a guest arid quite entertaining and Ida G. Texas, where they visited* with relaslapped Solly's face (or doesn't that in the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Rab- tives. inowitz. make sense). ivc grown children who The Achdus club, (what ever AchMiss Eose Boshefkin, of Yankton The Achdus Club held its anniver- South Dakota, is visiting- her grandlive in widely separated dus means) had a party on the Take the item of furnace repairs out of the Franklin D. and everybody had a sary party," Sunday evening aboard parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chesen, of parts of the United States family budget this fall. You can turn in your good time but the guys that own the the Franklin D. .Roosevelt Barge. Sioux City. arranged a surprise birth. old furnace on a GAS heating installationboat. To start with it took Rose R. The hours were spent at dancing and day celebration for their a half hour to pull the handle on the followed with a chicken dinner at Miss Charlotte Borshevsky left for use this as the down payment—and pay n<? father. One offer another slot machine and wheels stopped Scribbins Maple Lawn. Out of town Chicago to visit with friends and remore money until October 1. they called Lira by long rolling, four dollars worth of nickels guests included Ben Dimsdale and latives and attend the Century of bounced out and hit he- in the face Harold Katelman, of Omaha. Progress Exhibition.. . distance telephone . . . You can forget about repair expense and (that will give you an idea of how helps build strong bones talked with him as though service charges from then on. A GAS furnace big she is). By way cf adding inMrs. J. Jacobson has returned from Mrs. M. Silverman and daughter they were in t h e same and teeth. will last almost indefinitely, and the Utilities sult to injury, all the girls won Sally Lee, of Baltimore Md. are a visit wtih relatives in Chicago. Acroom. money on the chuck-luck game. You spending several weeks here visiting companying her to Sioux City was District services it, free of charge, as long as see when they lost they grabbed in the home of her parents, Mr. and Miss Naomi Alpert, of Chicago. Miss Long Distance connects . Roberts Dairy Go. it is in use. their money and when they won they Mrs. M. Skalovsky, 3301 Jackson Alpert will remain in Sioux City for yon «znickly will?, anyone, hollered till they got paid. Boulevard. A number of social cour- a visit at the Jacobson home. anywhere, at finy time* While we're on the subject of tesies have been planned in honor of Rates are low. sending one dollar out after twenty Mrs. Silverman. five we might warn all the ladies 1,015 Omaha Homes are Heated t>y CAS that if hubby happens to come home Mrs. Dobrofsky is visiting at the bringing a box of candy or wearing home of her son Jack, in Grand »• big broad smile, he's probably Rapids, Michigan. A Ten-year old there are Torgsin stores in been down town throwing two afriorder* enable TOOT relative* In Soviet can requla+e a can dominoes at a felt covered bank Leon Dobrofsky, Jack Lipman, and Russia to purchase all sorts of domes- over 1,000 localities. Torgsin board and yelling bloody murder for Joe Givot, of Sioux City, are leaving tic or imported articles at low prices. orders may be sent to anyGAS FURNACE For orders en Torgsin apply to your To those who understand for Chicago, Saturday nigM to visit a seven. local bank, companies listed below, one, in any quantity* ICs as simple-to regulate a GAS 5th and Nebraska pig latin, "heat's friends and to attend t h : • r.fury of or their authorized, agents. furnuce tzs it it to turn on the Progress exhibition. To cities that have BO TORGSIN radio. One Hide touch of the Amalgamated Bank, New Yorli stores, Torgsin maila your order* We haven't heard one good gag shermoslat in your living t&om Am-Derntra Transport Corp. The weekly meeting of the Debra yet about NIRA . . . . At writing idlers the fiow of heat, upward American Express Co. • -*-•£? by parcel post. or doumtoord* time we had passed the _ hay-fever club was held Monday night at the Gdynia-America Lino ' "-'.''-M*' Hias " / ^ ' deadline 'and not one sign of a home of Marie Osheroff. A report M Lou L. can drink any was given by the treasurer at the sniffle FREE HEATING ESTIMATE FOR AN ENTIRE SEASON amount and stay sober . . . . but, he meeting and plans were made for a Public NaW Bank & Trust Co. doesn't guarantee that-he won't go swimming party to be held at RiverR.C.A. Communications, Inc. crazy . . . . Georgie Givot, now of side Park next Tuesday. Hudson Co. Nati Bank, Bayonss, Metropolitan radio and movie fame, was here N. J. . three years ago and had holes in the Miss Bess Zelingson is visiting The Pennsylvania Co, Phila. . .. [EfeAL C E P 5 E S E N T A ; V E J Union Savings Bank, Pittsburgh. bottoms of his shoes. (We saw 'em) this week with friends and relations "ORTHWESTERH BELL Amalgamated Trust & Say. B l : .26) Fifth Ave.u0nf.ocriNewYork.NY . t . And because he didn't grab in Minneapolis, Minnesota. TELEPHOKE COMPARV Chicago ;«sjt& one check, vre coined tke phrase, Miss. Mildred: Plotkin is spending "give it t o GivoW"
Society News
Hokka Chynik
a %uu CAS Furnace a cavd: urtfiiL
In Soviet Russia
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