August 25, 1933

Page 1

ln the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of 'Judaism.

Euien-U as S*N, --1- V. ••» Mail Mutier uu Janunry 27,' 1SXSX, at I'uslolHce nt 01. ** ^ -<rasLa. under the Act of March 3. 187»


VOL. IX—No. 30

Palestinian KAREN Jewish Congress Appeals Large Surplus Revenue How Reunion Effected AT CENTER \ ABLE Directly to Hindenbvrg Between Sistett Brothers BE FORM POPULAR APPEAL

JERUSALEM (J. T. A.)—A large government surplus from Palestinian NEW YORK —President von Hin-that the heinous torture of some 3,000 revenue during the years of 1932 and The story of how Pesia Bairatsky of hearing, she omitted revealing this enburg of Germany, in an open letter Jews for no reason except the blind 1933 is revealed in the report of the of Lithuania was able to again see herfact for fear of being unable to enter. Five Speakers to Appear Here, :rom the American Jewish Congress, hatred of the National Socialists for Palestine treasurer. brothers in Lincoln and Omaha is the That omission almost cost her the op- Two-Year Report Made to Zions asked to use his prerogatives under the so-called non-Aryan; that the arDecember to ist Congress at The report showed a surplus of story of how official "red tape" was portunity of seeing her relatives. For ;he Weimar Constitution to "rescue rest of thousands of Jews and their 1,230,296 pounds. Local bank deposits conquered. when they found out about the hear* April Prague From certain extermination the 600,-incarceration in prison camps on spur- totaled seven million pounds and an- She is the brother of William By- ing, the officials detained her at Ellis Progress is being made in formu- )00 Jews of Germany who look to you ious charges; that the deprivation of other three million were being held ron, 1523 North Twentieth street, and Island for "observation and suspicion PRAGUE (J. T. A.)—The concepthe citizenship rights of the Jews on abroad to Palestine credit. also has two brothers, Abe and Phil- of mental deficiency." lating the program for the Com- :or succor." tion underlying the work of the Keren The letter, which is signed by Ber-the ground that they are non-Aryans; munity Forum for this coming season The report declared "the unprece- lip Byron, in business in Lincoln. Miss The HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Hayesod (Palestine Foundation Fund) nard S. Deutsch, president of the or- that the withdrawal from them of dented favorable economic conditions Bairatsky lived with her brothers in Society) maintains a permanent bu- based upon the collections for nationAs in previous years, this series Lincoln and attend school there from reau there. HIAS informed the Byron al purposes, has fully retained its vi* •will be under the auspices of the ;anization, points out that the Wei-means of livelihood, their ostracism show no signs of abatement." 1908 to 1912. brothers in Lincoln. They frantically tal and pressing appeal despite poliJewish Community Center, -with the mar Constitution has not been for- as a pariah caste; their excIuEJMi The Jewish role in the creation of educational committee in charge. mally abrogated and that the prerog- from the political, social and cultural this huge governmental surplus was In 1912 she grew homesick, and de-"burned the wires" in a vain effort to tical and economic hardships, accordof the country; the espionage ex- not mentioned. termined to return to Lithuania to secure her release. Finally, in desper- ing to the report of the organization It is hoped to again bring to the atives of the President of the Repub- life ercised against them; the expropriavisit her parents. Just when she wasation, they communicated with their which is being presented at the Eighlocal rostrum outstanding personali- lic, which include the right to dismiss tion of their property and the refusal teenth World Zionist Congress. The ready to come back to the United brother in Omaha. ties in the public eye. According to the Chancellor, have not been im- to permit them exit from the States the World War broke out, and The latter came to the Jewish Com- report covers the two-years period present arrangements, there will be paired by the enabling act of last country, constitutefree contravention of she found herself stranded in Europe. munity Center and Welfare Federa- from April 1, 1931 to March 31, 1933. five lectures, one a month beginning March. It expresses the view that in the Constitution ofa the ReHe education stood ner in good stead, tion for aid and told the story to "The past few years have liccn hard in December and ending in April. conferring dictatorship powers oii public and inexorably callsGerman for the inand she was able to make a living by Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive direc- ones for the Keren Hayesod," the reLast season the Forum presented Adolf Hitler, it was not the Presiof the President of the teaching. tor. port points out. "In most countries lectures by Will Durant, Drew Pear- dent's intention to "defy the founda- tercession Reich," states the preamble to the In the interim, her parents passed Pearlstien took the matter up with the receipts have declined considerson, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and tions on which the German republic letter. ; away. Years passed. She was about to Senator W. H. Thompson of Grand ably. Only with the utmost difficulty Phillip La Follette. was built" or "to vanquish every prinbecome wedded and move to Palestine Island, and between the senator, Pearl- could expeditures be adjusted to the Jewish Veterans Not Exempt. Lewis E. Lawes, warden of Sing ciple of humanity in relation to the The Social Service Committee of permanently. But before that she stien, and the HIAS, arrangements changed conditions, and no one can • "Not even the Jewish veterans of Sing, was scheduled as the last Jews." the Jewish Community Center and wanted to visit once again with her were made for a six-month permit to say whether the economic crisis which the war are spared from this inquisispeaker, but due to illness he was Constitute Contravention. Federation is calling a con- brothers, possibly for the last time. Miss Bairatsky. has borne particularly heavily on the forced to cancel his appearance. An "We submit that the killing of some tion. To them as to their co-religion- Welfare ference for Sunday* morning, August ists, in every walk of life, every So she obtained her visa and set She is at present visiting her broth- Jewish people, is a passing phenomeffort is being made to have him ful-three hundred Jews and more for no 27, at 10:30 a. m. at the J. C. C. for enon, or whether we have entered into fill the engagement this season. other reason than that they are Jews; means of substinence is denied. CiV the purpose of discussing ways and forth for these shores. A trifle hard ers in Lincoln. a longish period of capitalistic retroDue to the fact that Warden means of initiating a citizenship camgression with the resultant adverse Lawes was unable to appear, all who paign among the residents of Jewish effect upon money collections, more bought Forum tickets last year will faith who are not yet citizens. particularly those of an interterritorbe given a fifty-cent reduction on Organizations among whose memial kind. Under these circumstances, their purchase price of a Forum bership there are likely to be a large optimistic forecasts are out of place." ticket this year. number of non-citizens have been exNumber of Contributors. The price will again be three tended a special invitation to be repdollars for a season ticket, with The report notes, however, that the resented. Among these are included single lecture admissions one dollar. BUCHAREST (J. T. A.)—The Nazi Basle, Switzerland.—(J. T. A.)— number of contributors has not dethe Omaha Hebrew Club, the Jewish The first annual Vaad picnic, which London, (J.T.A.)—"Alien control The Forum will continue its policy and was to have been held last Sunday, Women's Wc*Jare Organization, Ha- insistence that anti-Semitism in Ron- The authorities here confiscated 761 creased in anything like the ratio of influence in national affairs," of having open discussions following is one of the objects which the was postponed because of bad wea-dassah, the two Workmen Circle mania is growing by leaps and bounds copies of the "Elders of Zion" pro- the amount of contributions. In seveach lecture. instanced by the introduction of a tocols from the headquarters of the eral countries, there was no decline Shirts of Ireland are bound by ther and will be held this coming branches, the Vaad, and the National as numerus clausus in the universities of reactionary, anti-Semitic National at all in the number of contributors. The Center is also making arrange- Blue Sunday afternoon, August 27, at Worker's Alliance. their constitution to oppose, reports Roumania was flatly denied here by ments for a continuance of the Jew- the London Daily Herald in an inter- Fontenelle park, starting at 3 p. m. This organization, it was Reviewing the situation in PalesOthers, like the Council of Jewish Undersecretary of the Ministry of Ed- Front. ish Forum series. discovered, had been engaged in dis- tine, the report notes that the "first view with General O'Duffy, ComThe picnic is for members of the Women, are being invited because of ucation Pandrei. tributing the spurious protocols. phase of Jewish colonizing: effort in mander of the National Guard, the Vaad H'Oehr, the Ladies' Auxiliary immigration work being a- vital part Since according to Swiss law only Palestine is gradually nearing its end. blueshirted organization which Pres- of the Vaad, the Junior Vaad Aux- of their program. Still other organi- In an interview with the press lie ident de Valera is contemplating out- iliary, the Young Men's Vaad and zations, like the B'nai Brith, are rep-stated that there was no intention of the insulted party could bring action, The majority of the settlements eslawing. the children of the Teligious school, resented through the Social Service discriminating' against the Jews. He Julius Dreyfus Brodsky, president tablished by the Keren Hayesod (Jewinsisted that Premier Voida-Voivod, in of the Jewish community, and Dr. ish National. Fund) land will start General O'Duffy was asked to give together with their friends and fami- Committee. view of the shortage of space in the Marcus Cohn brought action against presently to pay interest and part of lies. a definition of the organization's atThe members of the Social Service university laboratories was limiting the National Front in their names. the capital invested . . . The feature ' -will be the drawing Committee titude towards the Jews and reinclude Dr. Philip Sher, the number of students. This, how- They charged this group with dis- "The Yishub is gradually assuming for a round trip ticket, by train, to ferred to the second rule in the orchairman; Max 31. Barish, Eugene ever, would be exclusively governed ganization's constitution which is as Chicago or its equivalent in cash. The Blazer, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Eabbi by the viewpoint of the student's ca- tributing outrageous falsifications li- some of the tasks hitherto shouldered belling the Jewish people. winning party must be present. There by the Keren Hayesod. The latter's follows: David A. Goldstein,-Rabbi Uri Miller, pabilities, not the religion the student The trial is expected to be held position will thus be eased once it has Classes to Begin at Community "To oppose Communism and alien is no charge for the tickets to the Philip M. Klutznick, Leo Kosenthal, belonged to, he declared. discharged the vast obligations it uncontrol and influence in national af- -drawing nor to the picnic in general. Isadore Abramson, \ and William L. At the same time Undersecretary shortly. Center on SeptemMeanwhile a mass meeting called dertook in order tc expedite rural and Novelties, prize contests and games fairs, and to uphold Christian prinHolzman. ber 11 Pandrei paid a tribute to the Jews, by the National Front proved a dou- urban settlement in previous years* ciples in every sphere of public act- will be included in the afternoon's declaring that the Roumanian people ble-edged sword. Fifteen hundred The past two years mark a definite program of activities. The Senior ivity." who themselves had been oppressed persons attended the meeting, but step forward in this direction." Registration for the School of Mu Only Irish-born Christians are Vaaad and the Young Men's Vaad for centuries, should have known bet-, shortly after their arrival they moved sic at the Jewish Community Centra eligible!, to membership iiu.the. or=- -will engage in ah^ndbor baseball ter than to permit the development of that a resolution be passed ever- The fund-raising efforts have: also •wili open at" the "Center nexk" Fri- "ganizataon which is directed against game. anti-Semitism in their country. He throwing the chairman, and they a strong: propaganda and educational day. At 3:30 the Auxiilary of the Vaad Jews, General O'Duffy admitted, bedeclared that anti-Semitism was the appointed their own chairman in his value. "The history of the Palestine ; This is th§ second year for the cause "the Jews are the instigators will hold a meeting at the picnic greatest danger that Roumania faced place. The latter proclaimed amid movement, and more especially of grounds. • .. Mrs. Lena Deiches passed away at today. Music School, and its sponsors hope, of Communism." ork since the generous applause that the meeting to repeat its success of last yeai. her home, 3S20 California street, last When the occasion arises, he dethat the most effective propaganda would be held with the devotion to Classes for both adults and children clared, the guards will demand arms Sunday afternoon. While returning the principles of democracy upper- consists of gaining regular and adehome with her husband from a party, •will get under way on September for defense. The organization has quate contributions for Palestine purmots in everyone's mind. she was suddenly stricken ill and died 11. been declared illegal by the Northern poses and in this way forging a pershortly thereafter. ,. sonal bond between the individual and Fees for the various classes are Ireland Government. She was a resident of this city for Palestine," it states. nominal. Included in the curriculum "We are an anti-Communist organwill be classes in piano, violin, cello, ization," O'Duffy asserted. 'Hft'e have TORONTO (J. T. A.)—The state- twenty-two years. She is survived by The economic situation in the voice, harmony and music apprecia- adopted the Fascist salute, not be- ment of Mayor Stewart of this city, her husband, Maurice; four sisters, VIENNA (J. T. A.)—A silent antiUnited States during the past two tion. | cause it is Fascist, but because it forbidding display of the swastika Mrs. Maurice Meyer, Mrs. Sam Wells, Jewish boycott by municipal banking years caused the severest blow to the institutions in Austria was revealed Those wishing any additional in- is distinctive and has removed us here as a result of the week's serious Mrs. Carrie Bendheim, and Miss Sarfund, the report reveals. ah Strauss, all of Omaha, and one here when a Jewish invalided war vetformation concerning the courses and; from the British Army salute/' rioting follows: Eeferring to the German-Jewish siteran, proprietor of a newspaper shop, brother, Benjamin Strauss, of Hous-instruction may call Mrs Henry MonINNSBRUCK, Austria (J. T. A.)— uation, the report notes the large• "From recent occurrences in our suddenly noticed that his business was ton, Texas. sky director of the musical activities city it must be apparent that the dis- Funeral services were held Tuesday declining considerably because the Jews in the province of East Prussia scale emigration to Palestine and the of the school. Those wishing inforplay in any form of the 'Swastika' at the Hoffman Mortuary chapel, neighboring municipal office and a have been informed by the local au- relief collections throughout the world, mation regarding the fees or. regisnearby bank had suddenly discontin- thorities that mail addressed to them including Palestine. It notes that alemblem is provocative and tends to with burial in Pleasant HilLtration may call Jacob S. Pearlstein, will no longer be delivered. Nazi post- though these funds are not being- colued all orders. incite riotous conduct and a disturbexecutive director at the Jewish Commen will therefore not have to be hu- lected under the Keren Hayesod flag, ance of the peace which is not at all An organized effort through silence munity Center. they are following the methods develBERLIN (J. T. A.X — The r State in keeping with the good name of our Sisterhood of Temple was thus revealed to induce the pop-miliated by being of service to Jews. oped by the organization. An advisory board consisting of government of Mecklenburg-Schwerin city or for the public good. Instead, Jewish residents will have ulation to boycott Jewish trade. many local prominent musicians will has dissolved the Russian Nazi group "I therefore wish to warn all citi- to Sponsor Keno Night to call at the postoffice personally, The United States, in the past two The Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung deaid in the school's activities. composed of reactionary monarchist zens that such use of this 'Swastika' manded vigorous intervention by the after six o'clock in the evening, -when years gave 1SS,545 pounds as comThe School of Music is part of the elements and former members of the emblem will render the person so usA "Keno Party" will be given by government in order to stop this dis- there is no danger that they will pared to 162,062 pounds for the two expanded educational program adopt- infamous Black Hundreds, ^Russian ing same liable to prosecution to the the Temple Israel Sisterhood at the crimination against Austrian Jewish mingle with Aryans. This arrange- years previous. In the twelve years' ment is already popularly known as existence of the Keren Hayesod, the ed at the Jewish Community Center anti-Semites who led the pogroms full extent of the law. Fontenelle Hotel on Wednesday, Sep- citizens. the "Judenpost." United States has given a total of against the Russian Jews. At the last year. tember 6, at 8:30 o'clock in the Indian same time their proper'jr -was ordered "I also wish to warn all persons Grill Room. Admission is free. Jewish parents throughout East 2,409,392 pounds, approximately half Palestine Settlers Sail These former Russians against taking the law into their own Prussia are being compelled to •with- of the total raised throughout the WARSAW, Aug. 16 —Three hun- draw their children from the public world in that period which was 4,821,Beobachter "Explains" confiscated. have been conducting the strongest hands, or taking, part in an unlawful Mrs. Sam Herzberg is chairman £nd anti-Jewish propaganda, even outdo- assembly. Peace, order and good gov- assures everyone that "this will be a dred Polish Jews, including a group schools because the Christian children 510 pounds. Anti-Semitism Growth ing the German Nazis in their bitter- ernment is my desire, I invite co- fine and peppy party." Lunch will be group of 140 chahitzim (settlers) left are unwilling- to share their benches operation." served from the bar at midnight. here for Palestine. ness against the Jews.' with them and because of the insultBERLIN (J. T. A.)—The growth of ing behavior of the teachers. It has The closing down of their organizaanti-Semitism throughout Europe is tion by the German authorities can be become a popular pastime among- the featured in the Voelkischer Beobach.- traced, however, to the protest lodged Nazi school teachers to confront ter, Hitler organ, which declares this by the Soviet ambassador in Berlin, classes in which there are Jewish chilanti-Semitism is not based on coinci- who claimed that the Russian Nazis dren with such questions as "What is Moses Cohen, SI, of 1811 North 15th dence, "as the Jewish press would like were fomenting plots against the Sothe difference between a human be- Street, retired merchant and resident to explain it," but "on the general de- viet regime. ing and a Jew?" of Omaha for fifty years, died Wedsire to free ourselves spiritually from Rather than have their children nesday morning in 51 local hospital. Jewish monetary domination." constantly insulted and humiliated by He is survived by four sons, Archie "European anti-Semitism," declaims Jewish Council Votes being asked such questions, Jewish and George of Omaha, and Hymie and the Beobachter, "is the reply of proud for Boycott parents in large numbers are with- Robert of Los Angeles; two daughdeavor. nations to the Jewish International, NEW YORK—Approval of the boydrawing their children f r o m the ters, Lena and Bess, of Omaha. The purpose of organizing the fund which believes in inciting nations, one cott movement was voted by the exschools and in many cases, for want Funeral services were held Wednesis "to accept any gift, grant, devise against the other, to make good bus- ecutive committee of the Jewish Counof another school to send them, where day afternoon from the Jewish Funeror bequest in trust for educational, cil of Greater New York. iness in war time." they will receive better treatment, are al Home, with interment at Golden charitable, religious or benevolent i Hill cemeterv. The active committees for the Haruses or purposes of Jewish character." keeping them at home. ry' Lapidus Community Trust Fund The powers are flexible, so that the have been appointed and begun func- Jews Less Than 2 purposes of the trust fund may be tioning, according to announcement Percent in changed to meet changing conditions made by.Harry B. Zimman, president The officers of the Fund are: | Russia of the Fund. Harry B. Zimman, president; Harry The committees: J. Kulakofsky, vice-president; David MOSCOW (J. T. A.)—The Jewish Goldman, treasurer; NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—There is a community recently raised a fund to Committee on Public Relations: Blacker, Henry Monsky, chairman; Philip M. population of Soviet Russia numbers secretary. shortage of Jewish women in the aid German Jews. ALLENTOWN, Pa. (J. T. A.)—power. He returned to Germany shorty f South American republic of Colombia The mixed marriages as a result of Klutznick, Dr. Philip Sher, Harry two and one-half million souls, or 1.7 The affairs of the fund are being Everything that -was written in rep-ly after the persecution of Jews had of the total population, according to administered by a board of trustees begun. and Jewish men, both Ashkenazic and the shortage of Jewish women have Trustin. created a religious problem for the Gifts Committee: William L. Holz- the electrified map of Soviet nations of seventeen, ten life members and utable newspapers in America about "Our stay in Marburg brought us Sephardic, are intermarrying with community conditions in Germany, affecting the up-to-date with German events very which appealed to the man, chairman; Dr. A. Greenberg, J. and nationalities at the exhibit of seven elected for a two-year term. women of other religions, the Hebrew HIAS for a decision. The question is J. treatment of Jews in that country, is quickly. Then it was just a question Peoples of Soviet Russia, arranged in Greenberg. Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has whether men who have married out- Investment Committee: David Gold- connection with the tenth anniversary The life members are Sam Beber, true, Eev. Donald M. C. Englert, of of keeping' quiet, of writing nothing: been informed by its affiliate, the side the faith may be buried in the man, chairman; Abe Goldstein, J. H. -of the promulgation of the Soviet Abe Goldstein, Dr. A. Greeaberg, WI1- Allentown, a Lutheran minister, who at all in our letters home, since our Iiara L. Holzman, Harry J. KulakofJewish Aid Society, at Medellin, Co- Jewish cemetery. Constitution. Kulakofsky, Irvin Stalmaster. sky, Henry Monsky, Dr. Philip Sher. returned here from a year's stay in letters were being opened, and o£ lombia. The HIAS here submitted this ques- Distribution Committee: Harry A. The statistics are taken from the Irvin Stalmaster, Harry A. Wolf, Har- Germany, declared in an interveiw. waiting: until we were safely out of The Jewish community has a pri- tion to the Union of Orthodox Rabbis Wolf, chairman; Max Barish, Sam Be- last census, but cannot be taken as ry B. Zimman. Rev. Englert, who was in Ger- Germany before discussing what was vate synagogue and a cemetery, but and notified the community that the ber, Harry Malashock. final, since a number of Jews were Those elected for two years Include many on a Princeton Alumni Fcllow- going on in that country. It suffices it has no rabbi nor schochet, and is decision was that these men could be The Trust Fund is part of the per- registered as Russian, White-Russian Max Barish, David ^Blacker, David ship in New Testament scholarship, to say that everything that was writ* somewhat concerned over the difficul- buried in the Jewish cemetery but manent memorial of the community to or Ukrainian. Goldman, J. J. Greenberg, P h i l i p and who was accompanied by his wife, ten. in the reputable newspapers it; ties of preserving its Jewishness in that their graves should be set apart the memory of its departed leader, Actually, the number of Jews in Klatznick, Harry Malashocfci Harry spent a short vacation in Italy during America about conditions in Gerthe face of its small numbers. The from the others. Harry Lapidus, who during his life- Russia approximates three million. the period when Hitler came into many was true," he declared. < Trustin.

Citizenship Drive By Social Service Group Planned





Lenalfeiches Died EasSrSiincJav



Jewish Residents of East Prussia Ends

Russian Nazis i Germany Dissolved

Harry Lapidus Community-Trust Fund Committees Are Appointed Board of T m s t e e s i l ^ — ^ Actively at Work

Jews in-Colombia Seeking Jewish Women as Mates

Moses Cohen, 81, Die'd Wednesday

to Departed Leader

stories True, Southern Minister States


Nazism Is Described By Actual Observer Newspaperman Tells of Some Horrors Perpetrated by Hitlerite Sadists

and the tramp of heavy boots. The Dark Ages once morel I have seen men scarred and bandaged, the results of Nazi visits. I was in tne home of a once prominent Jew in Ludwigshaven when a high Nazi called upon him, telling him he and his family would be subject to terrible violence if he did not attempt to halt the boycott. What is happening in Germany is a nightmare, inconceivable to citizens of the great democracies of Western Europe and America. To say the least, it is an outrage against twentieth century civilization -and an awful blot upon Christianity. (From American League for Defense of "Jewish Rights.)


boxes are asked to communicate -with Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19tK Mrs. Dansky and one will be de- and Burt. The next meeting will be At a special meeting of Hadassah livered. held September 13. held at * the J. C. C , Wednesday, P Officers include: S. IJavit^, presi-t plans for the coming season were ^ vice-president; J5. 4ent;_M. outlined. . . Bloch, secretary; Abraham Cohen, A program of activities for the com- treasurer. The first meeting of the year will be held October li^.^according to Mrs. ing season was formulated at a meetA membership p drive is being M. F. Leyenson, ^president, but actual ing of the local Mizrachi held at the •work is already under -way. B'nai Israel synagogue Tuesday eve- planned for the near future. i The committee chairmen who 'will MONTEEAIr-Hitler's agent, HerA feature will be a banquet to he guide the iorganizatibn's activities for the coming year are: administrative held daring Succoth. ' Meetings will bert Heil, is expected here to foster fund, Mrs. A. D. Frank; community De held by the Mizrachi every second the Swastika movement here and take co-operation, Mrs. Dave Sherman; Wednesday of each month, at the Beth an active part in its work. educational committee, Mrs. O. S. Belzer and Mrs. Jacob S. Pearlstaen; editor of Hadassah bulletin, Mrs. Irvin Levin, assisted by Mrs. Louis Sogolow; financial, Mrs. B. A. Simon, assisted by Mrs. Dave Epstein; gift fund Mrs. J. J. Friedman; hospiOMAHA'S SITU CENTER . . . NTH AND HAXNEY tality, Mrs. A- Romm; luncheon hostess, Mrs. Sam Cohen; linen shower, Mrs. J. Goldware; membership, Mrs. J. Abrahamson; motor corp. Mrs. Sol Novitsky; national fund box collections, Mrs. I Dansky, assisted by Mrs. E. Weinberg; parliamentarian, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky; program, Mrs. DaviA A. Goldstein, assisted by Mrs. Maurice Franklin; publicity, In New Fall Mrs. Allen Kohan; school luncheon, Mrs. A. Theodore; senior-junior relation^ Mrs.' Max Fromkin; social Mrs. T. A. Tully"; sick visiting, Mrs. R. A. Blekher; telephone Mrs. A. S. Whether you choose satin, crepe, Rubnitz; medical fund, Mrs. Julius velvet or wool — look to the Stein," general chairman; rummage shoulders of your new fall frock sales Mrs. L Grossman; ads, Mrs. for its fashion. In numerous and Jack Kaufman, versatile ways the soldierly,

j Mizrachi


SHOULDERS are the newest thing

with a rubber hose untiLhe bledj the their relatives taken away and returnnewspaper was suspended for three ed in coffins, always with' the explanmonths. The courageous young doctor ation that the dead either had committed suicide or died from natural had to flee Germany for his life. The suffering of little-Jewish chil- causes, yet always with the condition Iren is indescribable. One little boy that the coffins must not be opened came home whimpering :frbm school. In one magazine I e7en read an artiOne/of his Nazi "schoolmates" had cle—and this in_a medical journal— thrown a heavy steel inkwell at him, saying the following should be sterand the teacher—a man fh Hitler uni- ilized: mental defectives, epileptics, form—had actually approved of the physically unfit, mentally diseased, lead. It is still worse for the Jewish criminals and Jews, Negroes, Mongols 'oung men and women. I ran across and similar people. Mr. Hitler has an leveral instances where Jewish girls, executive named A c h i m Gercke, Plans are progressing smoothly for to support their families, once fairly known as the minister for race hyDuring my seven weeks' trip to well to do, but whose business had giene. Dr. Gercke stated: '"Bhe prob- Demands Entry Into Palestine the box collection program for the Jewish National Fund under the Germany, I visited, among others, the for the Jewish Young lem of the Jews must not be treated leadership of Mrs. I. Dansky. All following places: Frankfort-on-Main. been taken from them, had to sell like any other disease." Folks in Naziland Hadassah. members who do not have Heidelberg, Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe, their bodies to support their people. In one little town I have a cousin. Neckar, Mannheim, Ludwigshaven, Once respectable girls, they had to PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (J.T.A.) Kaiserslautern, L a n d a u , Nainstaat, take to making trips to week-end re- The fact that my cousin's father died —The conference of the Women's Insorts with German men . heroically in the war and that a monBuchen, Wurzberg, Hardheim, Benzheim, and approximately twenty oth- r One Jewish girl had worked for five ument was erected by the township in ternational Z i o n i s t Organization er towns and hamlets, most of them ears as secretary t o ' a Protestant his honor, has not helped the family closed here after adopting resolutions small communities where tourists do msiness man in a little town in the one wit. On the day I visited him his demanding the emigration of German not generally come, and where; there- Ruhr. About two weeks ago Nazi hands were bandaged. Several days Jewish youth to Palestine. The conference also demanded a fore, the Nazi government has made troopers demanded that the man dis- before the Nazis had invaded the synnO attempt to put on a false front for charge the girl. With courage seldom agogue during the morning services. greater middle class immigration, 408 Paxton Block ihown in the face of Nazi commands, They threw the sacred scrolls of the more certificates for girls and equal the benefit of visitors. rights for all women. he refused. The next day he and the Torch into the gutter and compelled' I found conditions, insofar as the A budget for the next two years persecution of Jews, Liberals and girl were paraded through the streets. the women to wash the city hall in totaling 47,000 pounds, including the Catholic opponents of Hitler was con- About her neck the girl carried the their Sabbath finery. The male wor-| National Fund quota, was adopted by cerned, to be infinitely worse than T following sign: "I have been this shippers were lined up in front of the the Zionist Women, for all work in in imagined they could be. The boycott man's Jewish whore for five years!" synagogue, and at the point of rifle?, Palestine. In some of the more rabid German forced them to hold Communist flags i of Jewish stores, so far from being During the debate on the resoluended, is still going on. I know of one newspapers was printed, while I was hile the Nazis set fire to them. The specific case where a city employee, a there, the statement that Jewish boys act that the flags burned down to | tions and the new budget, all men Protestant, was summarily discharged are taught in Sunday school that they the men's hands was all the more fun guests, including world famous Zionist leaders, were asked to leave the because his wife patronised a Jewish can sleep with German girls aa soon —hence my cousin's bandages. room and were excluded from the sitas soon as the latter are five years I met countless Jews who were hardware establishment. ..About two weeks ago when' I was .on a.visit to Id. It has been impressed upon the thrown out of employment. I met tings of the Zionist Women's confer.,.••'• Hainstadt, new boycott posters we're hoi polloi. of Germany that Jewisb countless other who employed people, ence. A new executive consisting of 12 pnt up, urging the people not to pat- men are peculiarly attracted to blond and were going bankrupt slowly, beronize Jewish shops, and promising erman girls and that it is natural cause the government has forbidden representatives in London, 11 in Pal$ severe retribution to those who dis- 'or them/to rape them. A health mag- all Jewish establishments to discharge estine and 10 representatives from the azine, against nudist . colonies since obeyed. single person—unless they hire a various countries of Europe was •; Hitler's edict, said Jews founded the in their place. Thus while their elected. On the same day in thq small4jam- nudist cults so they could see the GerMrs. Vera Weizmann was elected lusiness has decreased about 60 per let of Buchen, two miles away, "Hie man girls naked and Tape, them! Yet Little Hats Big Hats president of the,,organization for a books of such prominent Jewish au- very few Jewish men ever entered a :ent owing to the boycott, they canin Felts, Velvets and Crepes term of two years. reduce their personnel. So they thors as Ludwig and Feuchtwanger, . . . in all head sizes and and a collection c of Old .Testaments nudist colony, investigation showing ilawly •-become.insolvent.^ colors.* 1 There is no»iebancein results. It is •horrible to watch- t£e complete were burned while the populace danced most of the people therein .being now -<£t- :-;i> —Emerson. ; anhihilation, economic and spiritual, about like savages, shouting • "Dirty- adherents of Hitler. Systematically, the Jews are being of a whole people. One cannot realize ugly Jews!" Included in the destruction were the works of American lib- eliminated from everything. • While 1 it until he actually sees it. Tourists, erals like Jack London, Upton Sin- was playing tennis with several Jew- who visit Germany, do not see the clair and John Dos Passos. The books ish boys we were run off the courts. persecution of the Jews at its worst. of these authors were burned because In Mannheim there was recently en- In the places frequented by them the their views sit" well with Adolf Hit- acted a law that Jewish men can swim government is attempting to hide the ler. Propaganda is;being assiduously i$ the public pools only on the night ugly facts from the visitors. However, spread that Mr. Sinclair- and the oth- of Friday, which is the Sabbath. With one has to go to the small towns and equally cruel purpose, the Jewish hamlets in order to obtain some idea ers are Jews. " - - • women may swim only! Tuesday night of the horrors in which the Jews of A particularly revolting instance of Nazi brutality came to my notice dur- when the pool, is cleaned, thereby pre- Germany are compelled to liye. I have Try a Bag Today ing my visit to a small German town. venting them from doing so, and fur- sat with Jewish families in darknesa thermore insinuating that J«ws are it night, watching them tremble every One night, a troop of Nazis knocked on the house door of a small Jewish too dirty to swim with other people. time some one plodded down the lane family consisting of an old mother I It is very difficult to reconcile the without fearing a knock at the door and her two sons, one a- lawyer and undertaking made by Germany at the the other a physician, and ordered the resent session of the International Extwo sons from bed. They, were taken ecutive Committee of the Olympic off to a concentration camp, and two Games in 1936, scheduled to be held Lord's, a ladies 'ready-to-wear store days later the distraught mother. re- n Berlin, with the policy of exclusion ceived -word that her boys had died practiced against the Jews in the field with a complete line of accessories in from tuberculosis. They had been well of athletics in Germany. It will be addition to a children's. department, and healthy when they left their recalled that all athletics in Germany opened in Omaha Thursday. take place in club3'and organizations. The store adds considerably to the home. The poor old mother could not get Since the Jews are forbidden to join: beauty of Omaha's downtown business clubs, they are unable to train district. It has a modernistic front the bodies for burial until she signed these : a. paper saying that she /would not for the forthcoming games.•_ In sev- with a terrazo sidewalk.' " The owners are Walter Kirschner, open the coffins. The. undertaker,was eral schools I visited I saw teachers compelled to sign a similar statement. forbidding little Jewish children from Mrs. Martha Robinson, and L. Allen But in the community was a young taking gymnastics, with the explana- Harrison, all of New Xork. Mrs. RobJewish doctor of courage. At night he tion that if Jews were not healthy, inson is a well-known woman stylist opened the caskets. He told me he they would soon die out and every- in New York. Kelvinator - Grunow - Ice-O-Matic The local manager is Harry Branfound the bodies within a mass of thing would be all Tight. broken bones, not one major bone unI visited many Jewish families who bier. broken, and the skulls fractured and had been bereaved by -the Nazis — mutilated—characteristic cases of Na zi -' tuberculosis. When the two boy; A VERY INEXPENwere buried, the rabbi preached- a touching eulogy over their bodies. His Mrs. Florence McEeynolds WilSIVE SELECTION OF sermon was nrinted in a 'local paper. liams, home economist and food speCARDS ON HAND For this perfidy, the rabbi was beaten cialist, will conduct an electric refrigeration food preparation school FriBUY NOW for the day and Saturday of this week and AND SAVE will feature the advance fall showing of electric refrigerators at the SchBefore Prices moller and Mueller Piano company, The eleventh annual campaign o: 1516 Dodge St. Admission" is free >.'" Advance the Omaha Community Chest wil and the women of Omaha and Council I have served the Jewish Combe held from October 31 to Novem Bluffs are invited to attend. munity of Omaha for 25 years Attend Our ber 9, according to an announcemen Everyone attending the Schmoller in a creditable, honest and upmade by W. F. Cozad, chairman o: and Mueller refrigeration show wil right manner. the 1933-34 campaign to raise i i funds fd for the social welfare ancjL relief receive a valuable souvenir. New modWhy not place your order for New Year cards or other printOmaha Matic refri er ampaign group meet-i g *tors will be on display ing matter with me? ings have already started, , Cozad You are assured of high class said. workmanship and charges with needs of the 30 Community "The The picture "Voltaire" in •which in reason. ". Chest agencies will be as great dur- George Arliss is starred by Warner ing the next twelve months as they Bros., is based on a single dramatic have been during the past year," incident in the life of the grea< A gift *o every adult who comes fo ecr itort said Cozad. "The feat must be em- French poet, philosopher and fire driB9 fWf greet foil display phasized that Federal Relief funds brand "whose inflammatory writing! ar§ only available for relief of fam- almost precipiated a French revolu ilies suffering from unemployment. tion. It is playing at the Orpheum. These federal funds cannot be used .This picture concerns itself with th for cases of dependency resulting Calas; case; the injustice'; of which from illness, desertion, old age,, chil- caused Voltaire to interest himself .in dren without homes, community it for almost eight years. Between Douglas and Dodge health -work, character building and on Seventeenth Street Doris Kenyon. has. the role of Madi$s importance in keeping up com- ame; Pompadour and Margaret Lind .118 So. 17th St. munity morale, and the many other say that of Calas' daughter. Phone JAckson 0770 objectives of a community-wide socThe. other- featee js,- "The Secret i a l welfare program." ' of the Blue Room," a mystery drama. The author of the. following article is an 'American newspaper man of German origin. He recently returned from a seven weeks' trip to Germany, where he made a thorough study of the conditions prevailing- in that country under thn rejjime of the Nazis. He submitted the results of his investigations to Mr. Samuel. Unternueyer with a request not to divulge his identity for fear that it may lead to reprisals against his relatives living in Germany.—Editor.


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the damage Germany has done by the for the introduction of a fascist T&> gime among us . . . We want a dis-< National Socialist persecution of the ciplined, energetic and m o r a l l y , Jews in Germany. cleansed nation and a prolific fatherThe Jews of the world, though they land." have the very best of intentions, are The call, which was sent to all innot able by their own efforts and their tellectuals of Brazil, is signed by own funds to master the problem of "Brazil Social Action." There are no German Jewish emigration. Whether other signatures on it, and it is thereit is to transfer 40,000 or 50,000 Jews to Palestine, to transfer and settle Anonymous Plea-Causes Bitter- fore impossible to determine its source. It is evident, howe\'cr, that it German Jews in other countries, or to ness Among Jewish originated among the local Hitlerites distribute the doctors, engineers, artColonies and their Brazilian exponent, the Inists and others who have been hunted" tegralite party, which is very insigniout of their professions in Germany, it can be done only with the aid of EIO DE JANEIRO (J. T. A.)—Aficant and has not been heard from moderate the application of their ac- man Jews by the National Socialist the governments and nations, and "group of journalists and people of for some time. The most influential tivities, the pace at least, if not thegovernment is an internal German af- their leaders must realize this situa- liberal professions" have addressed an newspapers made no mention of the actual fact. But no fundamental trans- fair. It is as little an internal German tion, and grasp the fact that the fate appeal to all intellectuals in this coun- appeal, but the local Hitlerite paper formation in National Socialist men- affair as would be combating of an of t i e German Jews makes the Jew- try, asking for aid" in establishing a grabbed at "the awakening to contality with regard to the Jews will be epidemic in any particular country. ish question a political world ques- fascist state in Brazil. The appeal sciousness of the Brazilian masses." Nor did it spare the Jews, who "came achieved in this way. Nevertheless, No country can be allowed to take tion. It is necessary to keep public reads in part: the efforts made to bring up the prob- measures in its own country which opinion constantly roused on this sub- "The nation is slowly dying out, di- to Brazil to rob the poor Brazilians." lem of the German Jews constantly must result in burdening other coun- ject vided as it is into as many father- In the Jewish colonies of the counbefore the forum of world public opin- tries with refugees. For," after alL (Copyright 1933 by the Jewish Tel- lands, each organized to protect its try the appeal created a great deal of France, Holland, Switzerland and the ion must not cease. own interests, as there are groups in bitterness. The local Folkszeitung caregraphic Agency, Inc.) There must be an end once and for other countries adjoining Germany the country. We must "be concerned ries a very sharp attack against these all to the conventional lie that the good in one way or another some of with Brazil as a whole. We must cre- anonymous "protectors of the BrazilRiches are not an end of life, but question of the treatment of the Ger- must, by absorbing the refugees, make instrument of life.—Beecher. ate a Brazil for Brazilians, fighting ian nation.

German Jews See ace in Ibis article was written by a Ger-the Jews. The Zionists are seeking to man Jews who has for many years work out the theoretical foundations been, active in a leading position in of a new order, so that the Jews the principal Jewish organizations. ~ should be provided -within the frame—EDITOR. work of the National Socialist State with a legal status. On July 1st, the laws affecting non- • "What will be the use of all these Aryan doctors and certain other pro- beautiful plans of national or cultural fessional men came into force in Ger- autonomy, of Jewish agriculture, or of many. But the date is only a matter an organized concentrated Jewry, if of form, for in reality a great num- the economic basis, the possibility of ber of Jews were deprived of their earning a bare subsistence are lacklivelihoods, months before that date,,' Ing-? People envy those Jews who and the anti-Jewish boycott had made, h a v e a i r e a d y left Germany, even the economic situation impossible for though the reports from them are not tens of thousands of German Jews/ particularly "encouraging. No one can During the first few weeks, the say how many Jewish German refuself-help of the German Jews found gees there are now abroad. There may vigorous expression. There was a de- be 40,000 or 45,000 scattered in all the termination to do something, and in countries adjoining Germany. Without many towns collections were made to minimizing the good will of the Jews assist the Jewish members of the pro- >in thase countries, and the sympathy fessions. ' In Breslau, for. example, of most foreign governments, we must enough money was raised to pay theface the fact, however, that these refrent that had fallen due for the homes ugees already constitute a heavy and of the -Jewish- lawyers and doctors in almost unbearable burden for these . the city. But the next month, this Jewries and for these governments, spontaneous; movement had already and we are only at the beginning. How slowed down. Many people who still will it be afterwards had some money must have reflected It is a terrible question, and^ it opthat they themselves were facing an : presses the mind, particularly when uncertain future, and had better save ; we realize the stream of Jewish their money in order to stave off the emigration that from Germany will have to dreaded day. . . .•_ _''„ continue for years. It is a possibility It is incontestable that-the stabili- that amounts almost to a certainty, zation of the National Socialist gov- and we must take it into account in ernment has put- a stop- to isolated all our actions and interventions by actions by individual members of'. the governments and international bodies, National Socialist party. There are like the League of Nations, the Interstill arrests here and there, hut on national Lais or Office, the Inter-Parthe whole things are quiet, especially liamentary Union, etc The importance in the big cities. of all these manifestations and decBut for that very reason, the proc- larations must not be minimized. ess of eliminating everything Jewish They serve to keep awake the pubfrom every branch of social and eco-lic conscience of the world. They may nomic life in Germany is the more make the National Socialist rulers horrible in its cold and calculated more cautious in carrying out their ruthlessness. In the declarations made anti-Jewish plans, and to some extent by the government in the country and abroad, it is claimed that apart from the officials' law, which affects civil servants, lawyers and doctors, and •which is intended to bring down the excessive numbers of Jews employed in" these professiens, there are no restrictions-against Jews inj&e economic field. These declarations are deliberately hypocritical. The government has unrestricted power, and nothing happens in Germany today without Dismissed Jewish Scholars and Professors to Obtain the government's benevolent toleration, if it does not actually foster it. Refuge If the government did not • wish it, these things could not happen. Pick ZURICH (J. T. A.)—A statement up any Jewish newspaper from"Ger- issued by the Academic Coandl of the many and zee how numerous are" the Hebrew University has proposed the acts in this bloodless pogrom against establishment of a medical faculty in Jewish livelihoods. There is no pro-the. Hebrew University as part of the fession and no class which, is left un- extension plan to enable the employscathed. Jewish market traders are ment of the dismissed Jewish profeskicked out, exactly in the same way sors and scholars of Germany and in as are Jewish Nobel prizemen; Jewish order to allow them to continue their commercial travelers are degraded as studies and research projects. :" less than Jewish "cultural Bolsheviks." American . and European universiThere is an abysmal inhuman hatred ties can offer only a limited number of everything that is Jewish. Past ex- of positions, the statement continued, perience has taught us that it is not and any effort to go beyond these limso much the letter as the spirit that itations may produce ill will and fricdecides the application of legislation. tion in those countries. And the spirit of all the measures The statement was signed by Dr. •which the Hitler government has tak-Chaim president of the en till now against the Jews is en- Hebrew Weizmann, L. S. Ornstein,gendered of a feeling of h a t r e d chairmanUniversity; of the Academic Council, against everything that is Jewish, and and Chiaf Rabbi J. H. Hertz, of Engthat has been preached for years. land, chairman of the Institute of And since life in such an atmos- Jewish Studies. • • phere has become an unbearable tor- Dr. J. L. Magnes, chancellor of the ment, particularly for Jews who_ areHebrew University, made an appeal sensitive, they take refuge in illusions. for the raising of an annual minimum They make themselves believe that sum of fifteen thousand pounds and conditions will improve, that the good over and above the regular annual old times will come back, at _ least budget of forty thousand pounds. partly. But what are we to do if the The new medical faculty for which existing conditions in Germany do notthe additional money is being asked is offer a particle of solid ground for considered by the signatories as a most urgent measure since the Uni- any such hopes? And yet the organs of the Liberal versity already posesses well-equipped Gr^man Jews, issue after issue, keep medical laboratories, qualified reon publishing the same old declara-. search workers and the Hadassah tions and affirmations addressed to Rothschild Hospital which will become th2 present German rulers.. They en- the nucleus of a clinic. gage in apologetics—they repeat ad It is also proposed to add more labnauseum all what the Jews have done oratories, chairs of pathology, radifor German culture and German eco- ology, gynecology, internal medicine, nomic life, how many sacrifices they dermatology and surgery. This will have made for Germany. People de- enable the university^ to absorb a conceive themselves by imagining that siderable number of Jewish scientists such proclamations will touch, the of outstanding merit and provide faheart of their enemies. Several of cilities for hundreds of students in these articles endeavor to produce Palestine and abroad. . conclusive evidence that the Jews ia In the Humanity faculties, where it Germany are'a very harmless lot; and s-proposed to" create .a large number that the all-powerful • Hitler governr of. additional -chairs,'the. curriculum ment ought to he above paying any will be broadened so that the degree attention to them. of master of arts may be granted. The most active croup among the The statement repeats last week's German Jews, the Zionists, who have announcement concerning the enlargenever deceived themselves abcut the ment of -the Institute of Jewish situation, are seeking a way out byStudies and the unification of the extaking refuge in illusions of another isting departments of science into_ a sort. They are drawing up schemes comprehensive faculty of science, with on the lines of the national minority new departments of physical chemisrights in the various countries of east- try, theoretical .mathematical experiern and central Europe. It is admir- mental physics, pure mathematics, able to see with what energy these physiology, and pharmaceutics. proposals are worked out in the clos- The appeal for funds was directed — est detail. All the logic, all the argu- chiefly to- Europe since the regular ments of political reasoning are used budget of the" Hebrew University to urge the government to abandon comes mainly from the United States. its purely negative attitude in regard "It is no longer a question of vague to the Jews and to establish a funda- schemes," the appeal concludes, "it i mentally new system to regulate.the today a problem of providing for a relations between the Third Reich and grave and very urgent matter."




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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PBJESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1933 inations. Jews are not human beings, but scorpions dangerous to humanity. They are seeking to conquer the world and especially to destroy Germany as they destroyed Russia. There are two Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by .,'.:. Mnds of anti-Semitism: one, the higher kind, which is effected by limiting Jewish power by passing restrictive laws. The other THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING C O M P A N Y ^ : kind, the lower kind, is b^ killing Jews. The latter is perhaps Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - -.-. « $2.50 terrible but the results are better. The way definitely to end the Advertising rates furnished on application Jewish question is to annihilate the Jews. Such an order always comes from the masses, but leadership comes from above, from Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Buflding. GodHimsalf." Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Righteous people are outraged by such demonical poison, and Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center consider it blasphemy to link the name of the Lord with such DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor vitriolic, unjust utterances. To thinking people it is another iota FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - " Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent of the piling up evidence of the dangerous Nazi type.



- - - - - - -

Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

The Palestine School System

The Week in Review Ambassadors of Propaganda Dr. Hans Luther, ambassador of Germany to this country, has returned after a two months stay in his Fatherland, with the surprising news that "The Jewish question is only a very small part of the questions faced by the German people." The general people in Germany, not the government, states HerrLuther, are responsible for any anti-Semitism, and the entire situation has been grievously magnified. This type of propaganda for the consumption of the American public is similar to that issued by the various Nazi consuls throughout the country. While before Germany sent consuls, now the Hitlerites send Nazi propagandists. It is reminiscent of the news carried in the non-Jewish papers that the government of Holland was somewhat perplexed to-find'a-large number of Germans migrating into Holland and buying up and operating gas and oil stations on the highways. Then they discovered that these station attendants were merely agents of the Nazis sent in disguise to spread Hitlerite propaganda. The American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the League for the Defense of Jewish Rights have been doing all in their power to counteract this vicious means of poison^ ing the minds of Americans to the 'true facts. When agents like Luther brazenly attempt to minimize the Nazi broadsides aimed at their Jewish citizens, they are calling the myriad of foreign magazine and newspaper writers—for the most part Aryan— 'lying atrocity propagandists." The intelligent readers, when they weigh the repute for ;veracity of the foreign correspondents and outstanding writers against the type of Nazi leader, will of course, consider as ill-advised Nazi attempts to whitewash their government. If Herr Luther is right in claiming that the anti-Semitism of Germany is not the doings of the government, we wonder how he can account for the admitted facts that seven of the twentyfive points of the National Socialist Party call for the exterminakm of the Jews—preached bitterly and vitriolically by them for thirteen years. Or, that each point of their program has been inscribed into the official law of the land. If the ^anti-Jewish program of Hitler and his renegades is such a smali item on the Nazi program, why does it-occupy the major portion of the time and energy of their program?

Escape for Refugees When the devastating and demoralizing Hitlerite storm hit Germany, the bordering countries most eagerly extended a hand of help and a haven of refuge to Jewish and non-Jewish victims— moved partly by the spirit of liberalism and democracy and partly by an inbred hatred of Germany. However, the novelty has by now completely worn out. The number of refugees is increasing instead of decreasing- And the .communities bordering upon Germany, having absorbed the biggest part of the refugee migration, are beginning to complain bitterly. Further, it must be admitted that there is some justification to their plaints. When the refugees first came they were given subsistence and sustenance, the communities did all in their power to dissipate the nightman they had escaped- But, for such a condition to continue indefinitely, they point out, is too heavy a burden to shoulder . . . the economic absorptive-capacity cannot cope with the problem. •;" It is, accordingly, out of the question to expect the communities bordering upon Germany to permanently care for refugees already there, let alone make provision for new numbers fleeing the sadistic Nazis. In addition, present indications unmistakenly point to the necessity for a continual stream of refugees for a number of years to come. How, then, can we solve this problem ? Countries like the United States, Canada, England, and so on have long ago closed down the bars to immigration. The only places available are lands not fully developed. From the Jewish angle, it again stresses the necessity for bringing about Jewish settlement in Transjordania, next to Palestine. As many visas as possible are being obtained for Palestine for German Jewry, but these will be insufficient at best. Transjordania can absorb many thousands, to the mutual benefit of the Jewish settlers, the Moslems, and the Mandate country. Outside of unsettled parts in Africa, Transjordania seems the only present logical possibility.

Wkat, Ho—Colombia Girls of single blessedness who wish to escape from that heavenly state have their big opportunity . . . Colombia, the HIAS (Hebrew Immigront Aid Society) informs us, has a scarcity of Jewish girls. And, the letter states, the small Jewish community there would be quite contented and happy if only there were better opportunities to preserve Jewishness and the seriousness of intermarriage could be averted by alleviating the paucity of Jewish girls. So there you are, girls—Colombia invites you. >

By One's Enemies A man is known by hia enemies, goes an old saying. The mentality and temperament of the present enemies of Israel reflect ill on none but themselves, for on every side they persist in giving evidence of sadist, ignorant, uncouth and uncultured degeneracy. Who but a barbarian and an ignoramus would over the official government emblem (the Hitlerite Hakenkreuz) litter the streets of Germany with such tripe as this: "Get rid of Jews once and for all. The League o fNations is a product of Jewish raach-

The Hebrew educational system in Palestine continues to have its troubles. Strikes by teachers, failure to obtain the full budget, and conflict with government recommendations are only some of the obstacles confronting the Vaad Leumi, which has now been in charge of the Vaad Leumi for almost a year since transfered by the Zionists. In this regard recent developments in Palestine have emphasized the danger of allowing children and youth to become prey to the influences of the street and to propaganda of political factions. Further, Christian -education in Palestine is generously supported from abroad, and the missionary schools are open for those who find no place in the Jewish schools. To understand this, one must understand that the poor child in Palestine does not have anything like the educational opportunities offered in this country. Not many children there receive a full eight-year course of elementary education. One-third drop out before the end of the third elementary grade; many children do not attend school at all, and only about one-fourth complete the full course. The Jewish Agency must solve the task of obtaining the necessary $100,000 which will insure the school system being adequately maintained.



uage would only require -about as much time as seeing a show a t Eoxy's—or two shows at the ordinary movie house—it seems to me there is much to commend the idea.

OH YEAH? I don't understand how some of our liberals get that way. Take our distinguished friend and popularizer of liberalism, Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes. Writing in the New York World Telegram, the other day, Dr. Barnes, declared that the world has misjudged Hitlerism because of secondary things. Secondary things—forsooth! Does Barnes presume to say that the barbarous treatment of six hundred thousand Jews which has no parallel in history is a secondary thing? And what are those first or primary things, which Hitler has done, which Dr. Barnes thinks so good?

German newspapers, according to the New York Times, deliberately ignored the world convention of Esperantists, -which took place recently in Berlin, despite the fact that 1,000 delegates, representing 32 different nations, were present. Obviously, this was to be expected, in view of the Nazi regime. Esperanto is a link for internationalism, for world brotherhood, and to a government committed to war and Aryanism, Esperanto must appear odious. Indeed, it is surprising that Mr. Hitler's famous executioner, the gentleman, who cuts off heads while dressed in evening clothes, did not STERILIZATION Dr. Barnes goes on to say that cut off some of the Esperantists' heads.

They Say . . . "Our women have achieved prominencl^^^recognition in several directions, but no woman has yet coijfe forth from our ranks who has exercised any noteworthy influence on world thought or action."—Estelle M. Sternberger, secretary, Conference Committee of National Jewish Women's Ofganizations. "There is no such thing as the Nordic race; and very soon there will be no such thing as a race in the world except the race of the greyhound after the electric hare. What there is, and probably always will be during one epoch, is the solid fact that out of every hundred persons only five at the most will be capable of making decisions and giving directions."—G. Bernard Shaw. "Mike Gold is "the kind of a fellow who, when he was invited to a 'dress' party, pulled a herring out of his pocket and nibbled at it. And not because he was hungry."—-George Joel.



Zangwill some years back declared that "Yiddish incorporates the essence of a life which is distinctive and unlike any other." Despite much approbation heaped upon Yiddish and much opposition to its development, including many predictions that it would soon disappear or become a living corpse, Yiddish continued to thrive. The Yiddishists are continuing to press the language forward, as evidenced by the conference to meet,at Czernowitz in September to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first Yiddish language conference. In a sense Yiddish is an international language. It has been a great help to the Jewish people in the Diaspora and has aided in crystallizing and organizing Jewish life in many countries. It is not yet a corpse, for according to the 1930 Federal census 1,222,658 Jews gave Yiddish as their mother tongue in this country. And regardless of its future, its past is wrapped with a historic dignity.

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Why Envy the Eskimos? Why envy the Eskimos these blistering days ? Just get into the delightful habit of eating your meals at the Jack and Jill . . . where it's as cool as a polar bear's kiss. Delicious menus . . . adding zest to your appetite . . . served at reasonable prices . . . in a quaint, soothing atmosphere. Morning . . . noon . . . or night meet your friends at the Jack and Jill

ZAMENHOFF, A ZIONIST It is an interesting fact that the world "Esperanto" in its own language means hope. And it will be recalled that the Zionist "Hatikvah" also means hope. And the connection does not end there, for Dr. Zamenhoff was a Zionist.

A Suggestion for Any Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak

ZAMENHOFF'S AIM Zamenhoff was a Lithuanian Jew, living in Bielestok. He was troubled in spirit, he once said, by the seeming failure of the various groups in his town to understand one another. They spoke various languages, Russian, Polish, Yiddish, etc And it was the thought that a simple languaga which all could easily learn would dissipate this misunderstanding and mistrust that set him to work creating an international language.

Served while in I lip prorof of rooking . . Piping hot.


Idaho baked potato, attrrri tomato, ttrrad l»utler. drink.


EASILY LEARNED Esperantists tell me that the grammar of their language can be learned in about five minutes, and that indeed, after an hour or two, one can have a reading knowledge of it, and aften seven or eighc hours, one can carry on a conversation in it fluently. The vocabulary, it appears, consists only of 2,000 root words. Other words are made by suffixes and prefixes. And most of these root words are already familiar to those who know the principal international words of an ordinary modern language. The Esperantists do not propose to replace any languages. They merely want Esperanto taught as a supplementary language in each country, so that anyone visiting any foreign land, for instance, may immediately have a medium of intercourse. Inasmuch, as the learning of this Jang-


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Go from the presence of a foolish Jnan^for thou wilt not perceive the lips of knowledge. The desire accomplished is sweet t"» the soul, and it is an abomination to fools to depart from evil. He who is slow to anger is of great understanding. But he who is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.

A tranquil heart is the life of the flesh. But envy is the rottenness of Ahd^now Hitler has the bones.

Napoleon overestimated his strength. repeated that same mistake . . . he has overestimated his strength. Just because he was able to bowl over right and left such opposition as mere communists, socialists, Jews, labor unions and the like, Herr Adolph evidently began to consider himself omnipotent. For lo and behold, he has issued a decree that no women in Naziland can be admitted to meetings or entertainments if they use artificial beauty. Lip stick and powder puff is to be taboo. When archaeologists opened the tomb of King Tut they found evidences of women having used "drug-store" preparations to enhance their beauty. It will be interesting to note whether Handsome Adolph will be able to curb the vanity for beauty aids so inherent in damsels the world over.

(Continued on Page 7)


That Esperanto in this late day can attract 1,000 delegates is a phenomenon which attests to something very vital in it. If I am not mistaken, Dr. Zamenhoff's Esperanto made its appearance about the same time as Herzl's Judenstaate. Perhaps a few years earlier. That it has survived this long period and is seemingly even gaining strength means something. In Japan, the New York Times reports, there is in particular a great deal of enthusiasm for it. Perhaps, some day, it will travel from Japan to China and replace the terribly complex dialects of that oriental land. If it could do so, it would seemingly be a boon to civilization. How is it possible that civilization in China should not be retarded when the average Chinese dialect has ten to twenty thousand characBlustering Audacity ters in its alphabets. The problem Irony at its heighth is contained in the announcement by of the printer must be terrific.

Pastor Loerzen, acting leader of the German Christian group which controls Nazi church reorganization, that missionary activities among the Jews in Germany will continue. So-called percentage Jews in Germany with very little Jewsh blood in their veins as well as Jews converted to Christianity have no more rights in the land of Hitler than do the unconverted orthodox Jews. Yet, the Nazis wish to convert these unconverted Jews to a "Christianity" of Nazism, a "Christianity" which violates every worth-while tenet of the true Christian religion. According to Loerzen's inimitable plan, the entire land will embrace the Nazi brand of Christianity, with the Jewish Christian communities completely separated and isoalted from the German communities. This-insult to the intelligence of human beings is just another exhibit of Nazi scatter-brain "thinking."

Hitler has done a marvelous thing with his sterilization proposal, to eliminate the inebriates, the idiots and the unfit* But just imagine for a moment Hitler of all men exercising this powerful prerogative! Ask Einstein, ask the seven or eight Jews out of German's total of twelve Nobel prize winners, who should be the first to be sterilized—• Hitler or the Idiots, and they will tell you a chorus—Hitler! He is by

TALMUD Our rabbis taught: "A man shall always be as patient as Rabbi Hillel, and not excitable as Rabbi Shammai. Once it happened that two men had a wager, that whichever would succeed in putting Hillel out of patience should receive four hundred zouzim. On Friday afternoon when Rabbi Hillel was busy preparing himself for Saturday, the man appeared three times within an hour interval and asked Rabbi Hillel foolish questions. Rabbi Hillel answered them very politely and told him to ask all the questions he wanted. 'Art thou Hillel,' he asked, 'who is called Prince of Israel?' •Yes,' answered Hillel. I f thou art the one then I pray there may not be HEBREW CALENDAR many more in Israel like thee.' 'Why 5693 1933 is that, my son?' asked Hillel. 'Because,' replied the man, 'I have lost •Rosh Chodesh Ellul_ ..__ -..^Wednesday, Aug. 23 'four hundred zouzim through thee.' Kosh Hoshnnah __Thursday, Sept. 20 *Be cautious with thy temper,' said Hillel, tetter is it that thou shoulflst lost four hundred zouzim than Hillel should lose his temper.'" Our Advertisers Merit Your Patronage.

After these are gone you cannot buy this quality, this finish, this tailoring in fine shirts at this price! All production costs have risen tremendously from the raw material to the finished product. It's a wise move on your part to stock up. We're holding idown the price until these are gone— and they're going fast. WHITE




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Sigma Alpha Mu 'Annual Round-Up ThisWeek'Erid The annual fall "Round-up" of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity will be held this week-end, climaxing the summer activities of the fraters. The Round-up is sponsored by the University of Nebraska chapter and by the Omaha Alumni Club. For Saturday night, August 26, an old-style picnic and outing is scheduled. Sunday evening, August 27, the KATLEMAN-KOOPER WEDDING Hyman H. Eiklin, who is at present members of the fraternity will be enMr. and Mrs. Jacob Kooper an- stationed at the C. C. C camp*" at E tertained at a dinner dance to be held nounce the marriage of their dangh- tacada, Oregon. in the ballroom of Hotel Paxton. Muter, Celia, to Mr. Morris Katleman. sic will be furnished by Art The ceremony took place Sunday ANNOUNCE BIRTHS and his orchestra. morning, August 20, at the bride's Mr. and Mrs. David Goldman anThe week-end round-up will m-ing liome, with Rabbi David A. Goldstein nounce the birth of a daughter last to the city many members from far officiating. Thursday at the Immanuel hospital. and near. Among the visiting fraters The couple left for Chicago for a will be W. Zolley Lerner, instructor brief honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. J.; Crounse announce in dramatics at the University of Nethe birth of a son August 14 at the braska; Hyman, William, and David Sosenberg, Jacob and Louis FinkelImmanuel hospital MARKS-BROWN MARRIAGE stein, David and Morris Zolot, EtaThe marriage of Miss Pansy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. I. Plotkin announce anuel Wishnow, Morris Poaster, Jacob daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Browfl, to Mr. Samuel Marks, wa^ solemnized the birth, of a daughter on Tuesday and Paul Marx, Irving and Leo Hill, Joseph J. Ginsburg, professor of law, on Thursday afternoon, August 17, at at the Lutheran hospital. all of Lincoln; Karl Braverman of the home of Rabbi Goldstein in the Grand Island; Fred Sherman, Philip presence of the immediate family. ENTERTAIN The couple left for a honeymoon in Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Osheroff enter- Dubrofsky, Jules Mosow, Gerald P. Colorado Springs, and will make their tained last week for Dr. Leah Sinai Cohen, and Abner Sadofsky, all of home in Tulsa, Okla., after Sept. 15. and her family, of Chicago, where Dr. Sioux City, Iowa; Max Glazer of Fort Sinai is in charge of the women's div- Dodge, Iowa; Henry Rosenstein, Jerome Diamond, Lee S. Biespiel, and ision of the state hospital. VISITOR HERE Louis Jessie Diamond, all of Chicago; Mrs. Ida Barr of Minneapolis is-visand Sidney Daskovsky of Minneapolis, iting here with her parents, Mr. and AUXILIARY'S BENEFIT Minn. Mrs. Henry FriedeL. CARD PARTY WEDNESDAY Omahan, Jack G. Epstein, son One of the largest and finest bene- of An Mr. and Mrs. S. Epstein, will head fit card parties of the season is prom- the active ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT chapter for the coming ised by Mrs. Joe Goldware and her. Mrs. Anna BL Daimond of 5240 year. Sheridan Rd, Chicago, formerly of committee for the affair to be held -Arrangements for the round-up are Omaha, announces the engagement of the afternoon of August 30 at the being made by Max Kramer, chairPaxton Hotel under the. sponsorship her daughter, Carolyn, to Mr. David man, Sam Fleishman, William Flax, Schaeffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. A- of the Ladies' Auxiliary of th' P ' j i and Alfred Fiedler. Jacob synagogue. Schaeffer of Chicago. Miss Diamond Harry B. Cohen of Omaha is rePrizes will be awarded at each tais a member of the Sigma Delta Tau gional advisor of the fraternity. le, and refreshments will be served* sorority. A large number of reservataoas have already been made. Those wishing tn will be delegates to the National JunSIX-WEEK TRIP make reservations are asked to call ior Hadassah convention in Chicago Mr. J. Riklin returned last weak Mrs. Goldware, Market 2871. next week are the Misses Ida Fine, after a six-week visit on the Pacific Dora Freshman, Minnie Frohm, Anna coast. ".'"•• .-•.--/ Hahn, and Miriam Greenberger. While there he visited with Mr. Ar- FROM CALIFORNIA thur Rosenblum and Mr. H. Sbeanin. Carl C Katleman and Jake Katieas well as with a number of other man of Los Angeles, CaL, former res- FOR CHICAGO Miss Anna Hahn is leaving Sunday former Omahans. idents of Omaha, arrived here last He also visited with his son, Dr. Friday to visit their father, Mr. J. for Chicago for a ten-day visit with Katleman, who underwent an opera- relatives. While there she will attend the National Junior TT»nfag«a»Ti convention at the Nicholas Ssnn hospital. tion and also the World's Fair.

travich, and Mr. Harry Dworsky left vacation in Chicago and at Lake MinSunday on a four-week motor trip to ne tonka. Chicago and New York. RETURN TO CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. J. Green, parents of HONORED AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Epstein enter- Mrs. Joe Rice, have returned to their tained at a family dinner at their home in Chicago following a ten-day home Saturday evening in honor of -visit here. Mrs. Epstein's brother, Mr. Morris Katleman, and Miss Celia Kooper, RETURNS TO DENVER Mr. Harry Rubenstein of Denver, who were married Sunday morning. Colo- visited in Omaha last week. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Abe Katleman of St. Louis; Mrs. Morris Pickus and Mrs. Jack RETURNS TO ST. PAUL Mr. Sam Wiener of St. Paul left Rose of Chicago; Messrs Carl, Jake Saturday after visiting here with his and Belden Katleman of Los Angeles, brother, Mr. Victor Wiener. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hockenberg of Des Moines, la.

JUNIOR H A D A S S A H VISIT PARENTS DELEGATES Mrs. J. Rosenbaum, formerly Rose Among the members of the Omaha chapter.of the Junior * » _who • - - . Bezman, and son, Jordan, and Miss

WorldTheater Smart Designing Latest Styles in

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Claudette Colbert, Eichard Arlen, Mary Boland, Wallace Ford and Lyda Roberta are starred in the story of America's "looniest famfly.i'Three Cornered Mcran," now ^playing* at the World Theater. The title tf tiae picture is based upon the old superstition that anyone sleeping or exposing himself to the light of the moon •went crazy—became a luna-tic. Since the Rimplegar family of Brooklyn are unusually batty, their moon also is unusual—a three cornered moon. Meet the family of nit-trots, the maddest gang that ever crossed Brooklyn bridgeAs an added feature the World is offering Jean Parker and Willard Mack in "What Price Innocence?" It deals with the old question of •whether parents should acquaint their children "with the facts of life, particularly sex life, and -warn against the dangers that lie in the path of youth, or let them find out for themselves and take the chance that they may come through, the experience unscathed. It is a heartbreaking drama of love, told "with rare delicacy, startling beauty and a depth of undersfemdrng.

Sylvia Bezman, of Chicago, are in Omaha visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bezman.

MOTOR TRIP Mrs. Sam Manvitz, Miss Edith Os-

RECUPERATING Mr. Meyer Grossman is recuperating at his home from a recent illness.

Kitchen Chats Mrs.

By David M. Newman

AT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Pineapple Delight Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky One cup crushed pineapple, 1 cup are at Excelsior Springs for a three- marshmallows, 1 cup whipped cream, week stay. 1 cup macaroons, 1 cup dates. Mis pineapples, marshmallows cut in small pieces, macaroons crumbled, dates j RETURNS WITH VISITOR Mrs. Sam Green has just returned pitted and cut in small pieces. Let from a two-week trip to St. Joseph stand several hours in refrigerator, and Kansas City. Miss Adelaide ! th<- fold into the whipped cream acd Goldman returned with Mrs. Green | c" . again. Serve in parfait glasses g i cherry and d as her guest. d top with a maraschino chopped pecans. VACATION IN OMAHA Prune Whip Pie Miss Sophia Raskin of Sioux City, Line pan and bake pastry. Soak one la., is spending her vacation in Omaha as the guest of the Misses Bess pound prunes overnight. Simmer till soft. Remove stones, chop fine, add Rubenstein and Dora Freshman. % cup sugar (% cup chopped walnuts, if preferred), fold in two eggVISITS SISTER HERE whites beaten stiff. Pour in baked Miss Shirley Ruback of Chicago, shell, return to oven and bake 20 minformerly of Omaha, is visiting in Om- utes. When cool, decorate with one aha with her sister, Mrs. Jack Selin- cup whipped cream to which has been sky. added two tablespoons sugar and % teaspoon vanilla. STOP OFF HERE While en route to Los Angeles where they will make their future home, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohen of j It is Patriotic to New York visited here last week-end, at the home of their uncle and aunt, Patronize Y o u r Mr. and Mrs. L Klein. A family reLaundry now. union party was held Sunday.

Junior Hadassah

Council Bluffs A. Z. A,

The Junior Hadassah will start the new season with a big meeting to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday evening, September 7. Plans are being made for a dancing party to be given at Peony Park on September 14 for members and their guests. This affair win take the place of a membership drive and all new members will be honored guests. Miss Anna Hahn is chairman in charge of this affair and is being assisted by the Misses Rose Abramson, Dora Freshman, Lorraine King, Gertrude Lewis, Sara Ann Noddle, Jeannette Resnick, and Ruth SwengiL Reservations may be made with any member of the above committee.

Joseph Solomonow is in charge of ithe "NBA dance" which will be given by the Council Bluffs chapter of the A X. A. on Sunday evening, September 10, at the Hotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs. Art Randall's orchestra will play.

Latest New York PIANO Methods in Classical and Modernistic Music


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Where Omaha Shops With Confidence


The Fashion ot the Shoulders On Parade The old-fashioned — new-fashioned Goats and Dresses have the 1890 shoulder idea of width done in the 1933 way—waistlines are narrow and bodices trim—skirts are straight and slim hat are comfortable to walk in.

RETURN FROM VACATION Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldstein and family have returned from a three-week vacation near Orr, Minn. RETURN FROM VACATION Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn returned last Friday after a two-month


Paramount* Theater "This Day and Age,** the first great spectacle of modern times by the master of spectacle, Cecil B. DeMflle, is now showing at the Paramount, In the large cast are Charles Biekford, Richard Cromwell, Eddie Nugent, Ben Alexander, Harry Green, Fuzzy Knight, Bradley Page, and Gsorge Barbier. Miss Judith Allen is a new discovery of DeMille. DeMille has also brought to the films in this picture the sons of screen stars of today and yesterday, including Wallace Reid, Jr.; Eric von Stroheim, Jr.; Carlyle Blaekwell, Jr.; Bryant Washburn, Jr.; Neil Hart, Jr.j Frank Tinney, Jr.; and Fred Kohler, Jr. The story concerns the battle of the youth of an average community against a city's subversive influences after all efforts of Uie adult community have failed. There are many obstacles to overcome, but in the end success is theirs.

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i frock with dash and origina&ty in every detail! Wear it with or w i t h o u t the pique {rim, as you Eke . . . buttons off and on the ascot tied This way or That . . . this beathertone but b outstandingly smart! NRLY DON fit . . . NRLY DON finishing . . . and NELLY DON'S superlative value!


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NEWS CENTER OF BRITISH EMPIRE—This view of Fleet street, London, England, shows the modern buildings of the laigest newspapers in Great Britain.

RETURNS TO WORK—Prof. William A. Ogburn. who resigned as a member of the NRA's consumers advisory board because of a difference of opinion with Mrs. Mary Rumsey, chairman, is pictured hard at work in government statistical research at his desk of the University of Chicago.

MOVIE STAR FINDS NAMESAKE—Ronald Colman, Hollywood

FARMERETTE GOES MODERN —Miss Helen Cox of Pomona, Cal.. discards the old conventions of the farm to wear this modern garb at the Los Angeles fair. She is shown preparing her prize pig for the annual festival.

GEISHA GIRLS AT PLANE DEDICATION—Geisha girls of Japan are shown gathered around a plane at the Yoyegi parade ground in, Tokio, which was dedicated as part of the presentation ceremony to the army. Planes, guns, searchlights and information signal equipment were included in'the ceremony.

LOVE FIGHTING—Perhaps the only thing members of the Foreign Legion have in common is a love of fighting-. Because of language difficulties, they are unable to converse freely, but understand tie meaning of the word "Charge!" The photo shows some of the legionnaires with their native aides atop a rocky fort as they battled the wild tribesmen of Morocco.

ROYAL RUSSIAN.TOY COMES TO AMERICA—Little Bruce Bailey, of New York, is pictured with the toy ship, made of pure silver and 14-karat gold, once owned by the unfortunate Czarevitch


Conspiracy to Slay Arlosorcff Charged Against Aba Achimeir

WORLD-WIDE Brown Sh>rt Disorders in Poland

Revisionist Leader, Stavsky Boom" mate, Transferred to Jerusalem Jail.

Reign of Terror

WARSAW—A meeting of the Polish Brown Shirts held in Bendzin, near Polish Upper Silesia, was closed down by orders of the government. The participants- in the meeting began to molest Jews in the streets of the town but were quickly dispersed by the police.

Filming of Zweig Novel BERLIN — Film production of a scenario based on the well-known book, "Amok," by Stefan Zweig, has been prohibited by the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment for reasons of "home and foreign considerations."

SAN FRANCISCO — New stories reaching America of the atrocities and barbarities in Germany are only tiny segments of the whole tragic story, according to Rabbi F. R. Reichert of Temple Emanu-El, who has returned from an official visit to the land dominated by Hitlerism.

Boycotting Naziland NEW YORK —'. Simon Ackerroan, prominent New York'clothing manufacturer, sailed for Europe on the United States liner Manhattan determined that he would buy no materials in Germany, where he had previously made the bulk of his purchases for his factories.

In Roumania

Conservative Services in Seattle SEATTLE—Seattle's first Conservative Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur services will be held at Herzl synagogue, only Conservative house''of worship in the state, September 21 and 22 and September 30, Rabbi Philip A. Langh announced.

BERLIN — The Bucharest correspondent' of the Voelkischer Beobachter, in a dispatch insists that despite denials "issued Under Jewish influence,"- anti-Semitism is growing" in Rcumania. . The government realizes this, the correspondent asserts, but is making efforts to avoid public conflict on this score.

Will Boycott Even German Films if Jews Aid Making

World Hebrew Convention

BERLIN—Threats! that even German-produced films would be boycotted if even one Jewish actor or director participated in the making of the film, are made by the Deutsche Film-

PRAGUE—The world Hebrew convention opened here with an impressive address by the celebrated Hebrew poet, Jacob Kahn. The main topic discussed was that of convening a Woricl Hebrew Congress.

s c h a u .







• : • ; : - ' ' . , y : ^ : : , . - . \

JERUSALEM ( J. T. A.)—Aba Achimeir, arrested Revisionist leader has been charged with conspiring to murder Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, noted Zionist Laborite. As yet Achimeir has not been questioned on the charges which are based on evidence, contained in documents seized during the;July.searches conducted by] the Palestine policed ': Dr. Jacob Weinshall, leader of the Tel Aviv Revisionists, Was also interrogated by the police. Aba Achimeir has figured in the Arlosoroff murder case from the very beginning. He was a room-mate of Abraham Stavsky, who has been: under arrest since J u n e , formally charged with the> crime. When was arrested, Achimeir was arrested for interfering with the police and later released. He was one of the Revisionist leaders picked up by the police in the series of raids made on the Revisionists who \?ere accused of

years gone by,Jhfite wooH have been no George Beraaj&fShaw; for his father was a drunkard. There would have been no William Lloyd Garrison, for his father "was a drunkard. There would have been no Jonathan Edwards, regarded by some as the greatest mind America ever producUrge Aryan Lawyers ed, for his family, along with its Proclaim Their Race geniuses, bore some of the most BERLIN—The Anwaltsblatt, official amazing examples of depravity that organ of the lawyers' association, rec- this country has ever seen. ommends to its Aryan membership WHAT A PROGRAM! that on their door-plates land letterSecondary things, Dr.. Barnes, forheads they have the phrase "German sooth again! What economic pro-; lawyer" inscribed. has Hitler offered? That womIt further urges that all Nazi law- gram , should go back to the home and yers use the .swastika watermark on en breed children for soldiers and that their notepaper. , men shall be given employment on a near starvation diet, as has been recently revealed—in soldier camps. Is that an economic program? .'](Continued from Page 4) DR. ANTHONY EXPLAINS And then there is that other great liberal, Dr. Anthony of the Federal far the greatest menace of any.of Council of the Churches of Chris Commission on Good Will Between the idiots. Christian and Jews. ^DANGEROUS POWER ' Dr. Anthony, according to the JewThe power of sterilization should ish Daily Bulletin, recently expressed only be -entrusted to^the wisest -and himself to the effect that it is no sanest of statesmanship. Even then, wonder that common people are irritated at Jews, seeing that Jews so it is questionable. ; Suppose they sterilize alcoholic in- frequently talk about Jewish nationebriates, for instance as they pro- alism or Zionism. :;pbse. . If they had done that in That any intelligent person in this belonging to an illegal terrorist organization, r' •".- This,: however, was the first- time that Achimeir has been definitely involved in the murder.-

^ t o

The paper pointed out that a number of films have'.been released -in California Legion Germany recently which were made Denounces Hitlerism under the direction of .Jews. > 'PASADENA,'"CaL—The California department of the American Legion, holding its annual state convention Bears Fruit BRESLAU — The decision of the here, adopted resolutions condemning League of Nations Council on the pet- persecution of the Jews in Germany ition of Franz Bernheim protesting by the Hitler regime. discrimination against the Jews of the plebiscite area of Upper Silesia,, bore Refugees Start fruit when the ministry of the inter- Vienna Theater ior was forced to intervene to over- VIENNA—A number of prominent rule discriminatory regulations of the Jewish actors have united in order to local authorities against Jewish work- create a German theater in Vienna, composed of actors -who are refugees men. from Germany. Various Jewish organizations in Vienna are supporting the Youthful U. S. Attorney effort of the Jewish actors. CLEVELAND — Emerich B. Freed, prominent Jewish attorney, was sworn in as United States district attorney here. Mr. Freed, who is 35 years old, For Carefulness sind Efficiency In is the youngest man ever to hold the Your Mohel Specialist Call post here and is believed to ba one of the youngest United States' attor- ; Rabbi Barbakow neys now in office. ; 1552 No- 20th WE, 54o&


IS \ ears Experience In -'^ Europe and'Om'aba » * - - ' **-

Portuguese Jewish SAO PAULO, Bsaail t ^ w J W i

newspaper in Portuguese? -:has- been projected here-by a group headed by u— _ Frankenthal Abovsky and Gaz."" The newspaper" is expected link the local Jewish community with, the outside world and to unite the Ashkenazim and the Scphardim on all movements: which concern world Jewry,1 and in particular, the. German Jews. The publication group are known for their knowledge of' Portuguese, and are leaders among the Jewish students in various faculties in Brazil*

day and age can fail to have sympathy for the Zionist ideal is to me unintelligible. What, Dr. Anthony,for'instance, are the Jews of Germany to do? Where are they to go? Would you deny these and other oppressed at least the little loophole of refuge that Palestine affords? From the plague and from Commissions on Good WQ1 between •ews and Christians headed b3 Dr. Anthony's, good Lord, deliver us!

PALESTINE AND THE 18TH AMENDMENT The repeal of prohibition may prove a stimulus tto Palestine. Wine production, which, in latter years, has greatly decreased there, with everybody taking to oranges, may obtain a new lease of life. Palestine can produce good wines, and if you'll take my word for it, and other good Jews, such as Saint Paul, who recommended "a little wine for your health's sake," wine is the ideal drink. Wine is the happy medium. It gives you a glow and sometimes makes you write poetry, but doesnt make you beat your wife.

cent since Hitlerism began. I haw heard other reports that it has fallen off twenty per cent. These reports lend sz££a.nce to the statement of Edward A. Filene, the noted Boston merchant, who has just returned from Europe, that a second "radical revolution" will soon come off in Germany. I think Filene is right, that ultimately the Communists will rise to power in Germany, but it does not seem to me that it can come as quickly as Filene expects it. For, after all, the one thing that the Hitler forces do know is the business of soldiering and shooting, and a revolution now must face a terrific amount of bloodshed.

DREAM HOUSE 4002 Dodge Sfe- Barbecued Ribs, - Sandwiches Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Barbecued Ribs, Ib. 35c Free Delivery Service Phone JA. 8006

ANOTHER REVOLUTION IN GERMANY Walter Winchell quotes someone to the effect that the foreign trade of Germany has fallen off ten per

"V. ft

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TAYLOR GRAIN CO. 721-722 Omaha Grain Exrlnoge Bids. JA 34O3—AT S008 \ Private Wire Connections With 4A8. E. BENNETT CO.

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Conversion ©f €ensan Jews Will Continue

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Large Bottle




6^ ; Whistle Vess Beverages

This, Despite Fact That Converted Jews Without Rights

WE. 2131 : BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Despite the ; fact that Jews who nave embraced Christianity do not, enjoy any _ more rights than the unconverted-Jews, missionary activity among the German Jews will continue, Pastor Loer. zen, acting leader , of .the German Christian movement announced. The German Christians are the Nazi group within the German churches that has just gained control and "co-ordinated" .the church with Hitlerism. Pastsr Loerzen declared that "the aim of the German Christians in their policy towards the Jews was to establish a religious ghetto for the Jewish Christians. He urged complete separation of the Jewish Christian communities from the German Christian communities. . . •'; He stated that the Jewish Christian faith would be fully respected, but said that Jewry must adopt the new German spirit which requires the strictest separation of the different Christian churches along radical lines. This separation would lead to reconciliation between all the churches and create a feeling of brotherhood, he declared. At the same time the Keich.Union, of non-Aryan Christians issued a dramatic appeal urging all-Christian nonAryans to unite and deploring their complete isolation and helplessness and pointing out that the German Jews have been helped to a large extent by world Jewry. It is significant that a special point on the race question has been placed on the agenda of the Nazi Congress which meets in Nuremberg, following the address of welcome - by Julius Streicher, notorious Jew-baiter and editor of Dec! Stuermer, Nuremberg anti-Semitic sheet.


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L ^ v ^ i r friends b o t i f a r T a n d . hear, A Happy anid Prosper' : ous New Year. •; ; ; ; ft .\ Mr. and Mrs.————r—-and «•; family extend to their friends "•: sincere wishes for' A Happy . : New Year. . ; k » Mr. and Mrs.—-———and } • family wish their . friends healthy happiness 'and proa" perity in flie coming year* Mr. and Mrs. — ; take this means.- of extending greetings and hearty /good wishes for A Happy and -Erpsperous Year- to 'their friends far and near.. • •=; ".

•These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, Septembr 20. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greet- , ing—mail any of these forms, or phon^f f your Greeting to the— V' ?-.'



The Sign of Good Workmanship J A. 1614


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490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.






Foreign Jewish Papers Are Barred in Germany

week visiting, here: Other out-of-town ing in Chicago, where they will attend ^ guests included Mr. and Mrs. Keith the World's Fair. Peltz of Manning, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan, la. Joe Gotsdiner and son, Yale, are spending the week in Chicago, where Jack Steinberg left Sunday for Des they will attend the World's Fair. Moines, la., where he will attend Camp ITodge for two weeks.

ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorney* 400 Brar.deiH ThcHtre lildp. Omaha, Neb.

traces World Bigotry j> Bsonnr.!''; Depression

NEW YORK—The economic depresNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION sion is responsible for the racial, re- In the County Court of Douglas County, ligious and national bigotry rampant Nebraska. In the Mutter of Uie Estate of JAKE S. ail over the world at present, Man- SHIIAGO. Deceased. hattan Borough President Samuel All persons interested in Rfiicl estnte nre notified that, n petition has beea Levy declared in a radio address over hereby filed in said Court nllecinc that snid destation WMSG. censed died Icarins no liist -will nnd prny-

BERLIN (J. T. A.) — All Jewish newspapers from other countries of Europe, America and Palestine, no matter what language in which they Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Objects to Competition i ^ are printed, are prohibited from cirof Refugees culation in Germany. Libraries of Mr. and. Mrs. George Roffman inp; for administration upon his estat». STAUHASTER * BEBEU and thnt n henriiiK will be hnd on said Jewish communities were ordered to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roffman, who left PARIS — Considerable dissatisfac- FKADEKBCKG, £ P. 31. KZ.CTZNICK petition before snid Court on the 9th dny remove all foreign Jewish periodicals Sunday for Cedar Rapids, la., to at-tion with the settlement of German O. T. DOEKIi Attoriiej-» of September, 1J)33. nnd that if they fnfr to appear nt snitl Court on the said J!th 650 Omaha National Bank Bldp. from their rooms. tend the State Grocers". Convention, Jewish refugees in Eastern France is day of September. 1!>3:%». nt 0 o'clock A. NL. This order is in line with scores of motored on to Chicago, 111., where expressed in resolutions and letters to NOTICE BT PCBUCATIOy OX PETI- to contest Mid petition, the Court may the press from local chambers of TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL Rrnnt the same nnd prnnt administration Over two hundred members and others aimed to break up all contact they will attend the World's Fair. ACCOCNT of said estate to 5Ii:x Shrnpo or some othcommerce. According to these groups In theADMINISTRATION friends of the Ladies* Auxiliary of among the German Jews and to keep County Court of Doujjlas County, er suitable person nnd proceed to a settleThe Junior Hadassah Club will open forty thousand German refugees have ment thereof. Nebraska. Leo Fonarow of San Antonio, Tex., its fall season next Tuesday evening, Shaare Zion Synagogue, attended the them from having any knowledge of In the Mnttor of the Estate of ERIC A. ERTCE CRAWFORn. invaded the district. Most of the refannual Mid-Summer Card Party, givwhat is going on in their behalf in arrived here Saturday for a month's •with a "Bad Party" for prospective ANDEKSON. Deceased. S-18-33-3t. County Judge. ugees are Jews. en by the group, Tuesday evening, in the outer world. AH persons interested in snid matter are visit at the home of his uncle and members in the Temple annex. Guests •hereby notified that on the 15th day of It has been only through perusal of aunt, Mr. and Mrsi W. Solomonow. of the evening will be young women the social hall of the synagogue. Aagnst, 1933. Amanda Anderson filed a FBADEKBCSG, STAtHfASTEB £ BEBEK. Attorneys petition in snid County Court, praylnu ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys, •who are prospective members of the Mrs. Lester Heeger was in charge newspapers printed outside of Gerthat, her final administration account filod 400 Brandeis Theater Bldg. chapter for this year. Appropriate of the arrangements. Assisting her many that the Jews of the Reich were Mrs. Jake Krasne entertained the herein be settled and nllowed. nnd that OF PROBATE OF WIM< be rtischareed from her trnst as execu- In NOTICE games will furnish the evening's en- were the following, who also contrib- able to obtain a comprehensive picture members of her afternoon club at a NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CEN- she the County Court of Douglns County, trix and that a • hearing -will he had ou tertainment, and a pot luck buffet uted towards the refreshments of the of what has been going on through- luncheon and bridge party Tuesday TRAL DAIRY PRODUCTS, Inc. said petition before said Court on the 9th Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate of HARRY B. Notice is hereby given that the under- dny of September. 1933, and that If you InMILDER, evening: Mesdames A. Greenstone, out the country beyond the confines afternoon. supper will conclude the party. signed have associated themselves together fail to appear before said Court on the All personsDeceased. I. H. Levin, M. Mushkin, B. Epstein, of their own experience. ' . in said estate are to form a corporation under the laws of said Oth day of September. 1933. at 0 hereby notifiedinterested The committee in charge of ar- Max Friedman, Max Heligman, A. M. that a petition hns been State of Nebraska. The name of the o'clock A. M.. nnd contest said petition, filed in said Court, Miss Sonia Saks returned home the prnyinjr for the prorangements is headed by Sandra Wos- Herzoff, the Court, may jrrant the prayer of said corporation shall be CENTRAL DAIRY Lasensky, J. H. Mosow, Sunday following; a two weeks' visit PRODUCTS, INC. The principal place of petition, enter a decree of heirship. and Bate of n certain instrument now on file koff, and includes Eose Reznick, Roma M. Seff, M. snid Court, purporting to be the last H. Sherman, S. Weiner, H. transacting the business of this corpora- make such other and further orders, al- in in Chicago, where she attended the tion 'Wigodsky, Mary Greenbaum, Mildred Levin, A. Slutsky, J. Kaufman, R. will nnd testament of said deceased, and shall be (he City of vintha, Douglas lowances and decrees, as to this Court, may that a henrinp will be hnd on snid petiWorl4's;Fair.- - . ; .. . County, Nebraska, l.ut basirtsfi may be seem proper, to the end that all matters tion before Sirken, Ethel Bergen, and Ann Shul- Miller, R. Sacks, D. Mazory M. Lipsnid Court on the 10th dny of pertaining to said estate may be finally transacted in any other city, county, or kin. September, 3f>33. nncl thnt if they fnil to state. XUj general nature of the business settled and determined. shutz, J. Levin, D. Ginsberg, R. Kutanpenr nt said Court on the snid ICth day ; Mrs. Frank Krasne and daughter, to be trnnsnet:*! by this corporation shnll Plans were made at a Board meet- cher, and M. A. Levich. BRYCE CKAWFOUn. of September, ]0o3, nt !) o'cloek A. M., to be: To ouy, sell, osvn iioid. E'.ojf, handle 8-18-33-3t. BY F. R. K. Lucille, are spending, the week visitCounty JudRe. contest the probnte of snid will, the Court ing of the Hadassah, held recently, and generally «ieal i.i -lud with Gutter. mny nllow nnd probntp snid will and grant tegs, cliwsc, KiUk, cream, ice rream, ices, for the Junior Hadassah Regional rdministrntion of snid estnte to William dairy products of all kinds, and any other FUADENBCRG. 8TALMASTER * BEBEK Milder SHOTWEU., MONSKT, GRODINSKY some othor suitable person and convention, which will be held in Sioux product;; or commodities which lr.ay be : OSCAB T. DOERB, P. M. KXUTZNICK, proceed or RADUZINER-STEINBERG VANCE, Attorneys to a settlement thereof. conveniently ii.indMl In cri.ictrt.'op with : City. The date for the convention was WEDDING 737 Omaha National Bank Bid*. . Attorneys arch busiw-ss, and :my jnul .-ill ki;i1s of BRTCE CRAWFORD. set. for November 11 and 12. Omaha,. Neb. materials, fiui;ill?s, or equipment un-d or The marriage of Miss Lyl Stein650 Omaha National Bank Bide. 8-23-33-3t. County Judge. 1 useful in oo uti'Uicii wilh. hi.vli business; Miss Sadie Shulkin was appointed berg , daughter of Mr. and Mrsto neqiilr.-. fcold. »s;ll. iilu-iKile or eiu'umber NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BALK NOTICE B r PUBLICATIOX ON PETIchairman of the September Member- Morton S., local "man about town" George Steinberg of Council Bluffs, to TION IOK SETTLEMENT Ol' FINAL real and personal property of every kind Notice ig hereby given that. by. virtue of FRANK R. ACKERMAN. Attorney and description wheresoever sltunted. In- • Chattel mortgage dated September 20. ship tea, which is scheduled for theand lover of night life, will be out of Mr. Joe Raduziner, son of Mr. and A1>MIXISTUATION ACCOUNT 490 Brandeis Theatre Bids. the stocks, notes, bonds, deben- 1932. and duly filed for record in the office In the County Court of Douglas County. cluding Omaha, Neb. second Sunday in September. tures, or other evidence* of indebtedness of the County Clerk of Douglas County, circulation temporarily while Doc Ep-Mrs. J. Raduziner of Omaha, took - Nebraska. obligations of any corporation, and to State of Nebraska on the 1st day of OctoMiss Shulkin and Miss Anne Cohen stein replaces eight teeth lost by Sunday morning, August 20, at In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM and issue iu payment or exchuuge chord or its ber, 1932; snid chattel mortgage executed NOTICE BT PUBLICATION ON PETIDeceased. are delegates from the local chapter S. during his last Saturday night's the home of Rabbi and Mrs. David A. BLACK, stock, notes, bonds, debentures, or by Clarence Haver to E. W. Haver to seFOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAI, All persons In eaid matter are hereby own other obligations; to acquire the good cure the payment of One Thousand No-100 ' TION to the National Convention, to be held carousal. It seems that Morrie M., af- Goldstein in Omaha, in the presence notified that on the 10th day of August, will, AimiNISTRATION ACCOUNT rights and property ft all kinds, and ($1,000.00) Dollars, there being due At the In the County Court of Douglas County. this month in Chicago. They will at- ter much persuasion, finally took Mor- of only members of the immediate 1933. Harry B. Cohen filed a petition in to take over the whole or any part of the present time the sum of One Thousand ; Nebraska. said County Court, praying that his final assets nnd liabilities of aay person, firm, Fifty and No-100 ($1,030.00) Dollars, betend the sessions in Chicago. ton out for a ride and then proceeded families. administration account filed herein be association or corporation engaged in a cause of default having been made under In th« Matter of the Estnte of SHOUIi RIPS. Deceased. settled and allowed, and that he be dis- similar line of business, and to pay for the the terms of the transaction I nm selling to fall asleep while driving. Through The young, couple left immediately charged All persons interested in said matter are from his trust as administrator same in cash, stock, notes, bonds, deben- the property therein descriiied, to-wit: swollen lips and bleeding gums, Mor- on a honeymoon trip to Denver and with will annexed and that a hearing will tures, or other obligations of this corporahereby notified that on the ]2th day «f 2 show cases. 2 flat top desks, 5 type- August, 1933, Bessie S. Rips filed a petiton could only mumble, "I knew I Colorado Springs. Upon their return, be had on said petition before said Court tion; to borrow money and to secure the writer tion in snid County Court, praying that tables, 1 double letter filing cabinet, the Oth d a y of September, 1033, andpayment thereof in any lawful manner, to shoudn't have had anything to do with they will make their home at 102on final administration account, filed herethat if you fall to appear before snid make and perform contracts of every kind 2 card files, 2 swivel chairs. 3 straight her in be settled nnd nllowed, and that she be back chairs, 3 work benches. 3 parts cabsuch people." Court on the said 9th day of Septetnl*>r, and description, and to do any and all North Thirty-sixth street, in Council 1933, discharged from her trust ns administrainets, 1 electric air compressor, 1 electric other things for the purposes of the corat 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest snid nnd thnt a henrine will lie hnd on said which a natural person could do, motor and buffer, 1 electric fan, 1 gasoline trix, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sperling anounce In true family style, and in keeping Bluffs. A reception will be given In petition, the Court may grant, the prayer poration petition before said Court on the 9th dny blow torch, 3. lathe, tools nnd other'shop said petition, euter a decree of heirship. and.may now or authorized the engagement of their daughter with the family tradition, D. fell off their honor on Sunday, September 10. of stock of typewriter nnd adding of September. 1933. and thnt if you fail t» and make such other and further orders. by law. The authorized capital stock of equipment, appear before snid Court on the 9th day machine parts, stock of typewriter nnd Hannah to Morris Slotsky, of Chicago, the much-prized mount, "Stumble allowances and decrees, as to this Court the corporation is ?10,000.00 divided into adding machine supplies, stock of adding of Septeml>er. 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., and 1(K) shares of the par value of 100.00 each, may seem proper, to the end that all matson of Mr. and Mrs. A. Slotsky, Bum I I " last Sunday, and when we The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 68Sters pertaining to said estate may be fi- all of which is common stock and when machine typewriters, check writers and contest said petition, the Court mny grant prayer of said petition, enter a decree of issued shnll be fully paid nnd non-assess- ac-ountf. receivable together -with any and th? 2407 Jackson Street. The wedding say "fell," we don't mean "was of the Independent Order of the B*riai nally settled and_ determined. and make such other and further able. The corporation shall commence all other equipment located on the prem- heirship, BUYCE'cTtAiVFORD. Brith, will hold a meeting next Monorders, allowances nnd decrees, ns to this date has not been set. thrown." Our readers will recall an business upon the filing of these Articles ises at 21J Knrbach Block at public auction Court may County Judge. 8-18-33-3t. seem proper, to the end that for cash at 210 ICarbach Block in the City in the office of the County Clerk and shall Mr. and Mrs. Slotsky were at home tern a few months ago,., in which we' day evening, August 28, at the Eagles matters pertaining to snid estate may terminate upon the first day of Angnst, of Omaha, County of Douglas. State of Ne- all HalL be finally settled and determined. braska, on the 2nd day of September, 1033. SILVEllMAN & ZACHAKIA, Attorneys 1983, unless sooner dissolved by a major- at ten o'clock A. M. to their friends at an open house, revealed the fact that the muchity vote of the outstanding capital stock. 768 Brandeis Theatre Uldg. BttYCE CRAWFORD, touted filly was "enciente." (Look last Sunday afternoon, honoring their E. W. HAVEU. The highest amount of indebtedness to 8-ll-3t-33 8-18-33-3t. County Judge. Omaha, » b . Among those who attended the that up in your French dictionary.) which this corporation shall at any time son, who is visiting here, and his subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds PROBATE" NOTICE She certainly should have known bet- State Grocers' Convention at Cedar fiancee. of its capital stock. The affairs of this the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL corporation Rapids the first part of this, week InCOHN. ter. shall be conducted by a Board Deceased. Miss. Sperling is a Central High of Directors of not less than two nor more were Sam Greenberg, retiring state IS HEREBY GIVEN: than five, the number to lie fixed by the School graduate. Mr. Slotsky is One fast fox-trot with a partner president, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg, NOTICE That the creditors of said deceased trill The officers shall be-chosen by also a graduate of Central High and that weighs over a hundred pounds Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson, Mr. meet the executrix of said estate, before By-Laws. the directors and shall be President, Vice me,' Couuty " Judge of Douglas Couuty, President, and Secretary-Treasurer, eaves us flat-footed and gasping for any attended the University of Iowa. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in two of which offices may be held by and Mrs. Sam Roffman, Mr. and Mrs. one air. Imagine, then, our ghoulish pleassaid Couuty. on the Oth day of October, person. These Articles may lie amended Sam Gross, Mr. and Mrs. George 1933. and on the 9th day of December, at any annual meeting of the stockholders, ure in watching the dancers in the Miss Ann Shulkin returned recently Roffman, Mrs. David Kubby, Mrs.1933. at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the or at any - special meeting of the stockof presenting their claims for ex- holders called for that pnrpose by a majorfrom Chicago where she visited with marathon at Grabbes park who have Sam Sacks, and Messrs. Leo Fitch, pnrpose amination, adjustment and allowance. ity vote in. amount of the stock then outdanced continuously for nearly two relatives and attended the Century Three months are allowed for the credit- standing. Tha corporation shall hare a hundred hours. I know that ifs notJoe Gotsdiner, Max Simon, Jake Men- ors to present their flaims, from the 9thseal. . of Progress. day of September. 1933. the highest type of entertainment in delson, end Sam Lincoln. BRl'CE CRAWFORD, the world, but it's sure lots of fun. J. HARRY KULAKOPSKY, County Judge. -Members of the Debra Club held a Morrie Ryskind, author of the com- Lawrence Krasne is spending the 8-lS-33-3t. LOUIS KULAKOFSKY. MILTON Ii. ABRAHAMS, Hiking Party to Stone Park Thurs- edy, "Of Thee I Sing," and creator of month in Manitou, Colorado. FRANK K. ACKEK1IAX, Attorney 8-18-33-4t . Incorporatorg. day afternoon. The weekly meeting Vice-President Throttlebottom, makes 490 Brandels Theatre Bide. Miss Flora Marks is in Chicago, HI., •was held Monday in the home of the Maix Brothers' funniest gags Omaha, Neb. visiting at the home of; her brotherPROBATE NOTICE Miss Ethel Shindler. sound like a dirge, in his newest book, in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Irv-In the Matter of the Estate of BETTY. SILVEUMAN. Deceased. Diary of an Ex-President." While IS HERKUY GIVEN: The Misses Rose and Delia Shi- we're on the subject, we will give any- ing Rosenberg While 'there, she will NOTICE That the creditori^of said deceased will attend the World's Fair.Ioff, and Serretta Krigsten, visited body three guesses as to. who the vicemeet the executor 1Of said estate, before me. County Judge ' of Douglas County, with friends in Omaha, last week president is right now. Mr. ThrottleNebraska, at the County Court Room, in Mrs. Herman Marowitz returned said on the Oth day of October, end. bottom and John Nance Garner must home Tuesday from Los Angeles, Cat, 1033 County, and on the Oth day of December, be one and the same man. 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day, for the following a ten-week stay, where she of presenting their claims for exMiss Sophie Raskin is visiting with Paraphrasing the words of a fa- was called due to the death of her purpose amination, adjustment nnd allowance. friends in Omaha, this week. Three months are allowed for the creditmous philosopher, "Every man has a father. ors to present their claims, from the 9th right to make a fool of himself, but day of September. 1933. Mrs. J. Levitt, accompanied by Hitler seems to be abusing the privBRYCE CRAWFORD. Mrs. George Roffman entertained 8-18-33-3t. Helen, David and Lois Levitt, spent ilege." And from Vanity Fair's imCounty Judge. thirty guests at her home last Tuesthis week at the Edgewater Beach possible interviews, this remark, "The XEO ABRAMSON, Attorney Hotel in Chicago, where they visited big Nanzi!" . . . M r . and Mrs. Fred- day afternoon in honor of her son, 852 Brandels Theatre Build.n^ :wi>i';SS •With friends and attended the Cen-die Merkin of Tulsa, Okla., celebrat- Milton, the occasion being his seventh and also in honor of her sis- NOTICE OF IJfCORFORATION OF tury of Progress. ~ng the arrival of a baby girl. . . An birthday, STANDARD COAL COMPANY ter, Mrs. Fred Schwartz and two sons, Notice is hereby given that the underDELIVERED old gag, on Rudy Vallee this time, Albert and Sheldon, of Chicago. Mrs. signed have associated themselves together i .Mr. A. M. Davis departed this concerns his receiving a wire as folto form a corporation under the laws of Schwartz and children returned to •week for Charlevoix, Michigan, where ows: TO YOUR state of Nebraska. The name of the their home in Chicago following a thecorporation shall be "STANDARD COAL he joined Mrs. Davis and the chil- Dear Mr. Vallee:: Company." The principal place of transmonth's visit here. DOOR dren, who have spent the summer acting business shall be in the city of Since you have been making Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, btlt there. may be transacted in any other records for the Columbia PhonoYou'll never know how convenient an Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron Dav- business city, county, or state. The general nature extra lamp is until one of your present Oar Lamp Wacoa ta at graph Company our. sales have of the business to be transacted by this id, of Leavenworth, Kansas, arrived / M i s s Ann Kanesar of Milwaukee your service at no rost. lamps goes "blooie." A carton on the Onr corporation shnll be: To maintain and opincreased 100 per cent. li lightingg expert will p Sunday for a visit at the home of Mrs. erate a general coal and building material ' i s visiting in Sioux City at the, hoine d i s yon n oa aay ner shelf will keep yon from robbing the advise nerVICTOR RECORDING CO. l i business and in connection therewith buy. ll«atlnc problem* Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius of her "cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sam A big SURPRISE party is being hall light for the kitchen . . . etc . . . etc KSS TOO may y nave. sell ard deal generally nt wholesale nnrt Katelman. Gutterman, 2515 Boies St. retail in any and all materials pertaining planned for the newly married Lionel to coal or building material; to engace in reasonably incident to the carryMr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman enter- anything i Miss Ida Heshelow visited this Londons, and includes a dinner at ing out of the powers herein enumerated: to make and perform contracts of every Week with friends and relatives in Hattie Brown's and dancing at Stone tained thirty guests at their home kind nnd description, and in carrying on Park. We suppose that a secret like Tuesday evening in honor of Maurice its business Chicago. or for the purpose of attainthis makes us eligible for membership Peltz, of Chicago, who is spending the ing or furthering any of its objects, to do any nnd all other acts and things nnd to Miss Fanny Harlow will leave for to the Caterpillar Club, but nobody exercise anr and all other powers which a co-partnership or natural person could do *ier home in Chicago-Sunday, after a is ever surprised at a surprise party, CAItNAZZO & TCAZtOWSKY. Attorneys and Modified Rates exercise and which now or hereafter • 424 Insurance Building POUNDS Only two week visit with her family here. anyway. may be authorised by law. The authorized Omaha. Neb. What young Sioux City post-deb capital stock shall be $10,000.00 divided inon all Classes to 100 shares nf the value of $100.00 The Depression Bridge Club metmakes Minnie the Moocher look like NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION each, to be fully paid for and non-assessa philanthropist? (See next week's of Rooms In the County Court of Douglas County able when issned. Fifty shares of the capWednesday evening at the Elks club Nebraska. ital stock of this corporation shall be paid for dinner. The after-dinner hours column.) In the Matter of the Estate of MOSES for before the corporation shnll commence 4OO JACOBSON, also known as M. E. JA-business. The corporation shall comrnpnep . were spent playing bridge. COBSON. Deceased. business upon the filinc of the Articles of

Hundred Attend Hadassah Planning Auxiliary Card Party Membership Paiiy

Council Bluffs News

Hokka Chynik

P" Society News

for Carton of





Miss Eva Gordon has returned Celebrate Opening homej after spending a. month with of Zionist Congress friends and relatives in Los Angeles. Abe Braverman has departed for New York, City, where he will n&ke an extended visit with frieni3 and relatives. -

All persons Interested in said estate arc Incorporation in thp office of the County hereby notified that a petition has been Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and filed in said Court alleging that said de- shall continue until January 1. lOSo, unless ceased died leaving no last will nnd prsiy- sooner dissolved by a majority vote of the tng for administration upon his estate, outstanding capital stock. The highest and'that a hearing will be hnd on said amount of indebtedness to which this corpetition before said Court on the Oth day poration shall at any time subject itself Sioux City Jewry joined other Jew- of September. 1SI.3.'!, and that if they fail to shnll not exceed two-thirds of its capitnl at snid Court on the said Oth dny stock. The affairs of the corporation shall ish communities throughout the coun- appear of September, 1033. at 9 o'clock A. M.. to be administered by a Board of Directors, try in celebrating the opening of the contest said petition, the Court may grant consisting of rot less than two nor more same and grant administration of said than five members. -,,,»x T World Zionist Congress, with a meet- the to Molly Jacobson or some other ing held Wednesday evening at theestate suitable person and proceed to a settleDAVID B. TCATLESIAN Jewish Community Center. The meet- ment thereof. S KATLKMAN M. KATLTIMAN BRYCE CRAWFORD. ing was sponsored by the Poale Zion 8-18-33-3t. R-2."-33-4t. Incorporators. County Judge. chapter of the National Workers Alli-

Miss Gladys Weinberg has returned home after an eight week trip which included stops in Chicago, New York City, Niagra Falls, Washington, D ance, and was attended by an interested audience. C. and cities in Tennessee. Mr. M. Mason was chairman of the Miss Frances Jacobson left this meeting. The program included talks week for Chicago where she will by Mr. N. Eisenstadt, Mr. Abe StilU visit with friends and relatives, and man, and Mr. Mason. Mr. Herman Mirowitz and Mr. attend the World Fair. Aaron Tabai presented a group of Miss Ethel Bergen, and Miss Eose musical numbers. Lipman will leave for New York City early next week. Miss Bergen Call for Boycott plans to make her home there, and LONDON—A call for the boycottMiss Lipman will remain for a ing of Alexander Kipnis, Jewish artmonth's visit. ist who appeared in the Wagnerian Festival at Beyreubh, is made editorWord has been received here of ially by the London Jewish Chronicle, the birth of a daughter to Mr. andinfluential Anglo' - Jewish publication. Mrs. Fred Mirken, of Tulsa,- Okla- Kipnis is expected here shortly to behoma. Mr. Mirken was a former gin a concert tour in England. Sioux Cityan. Kipnis, although a-Jew, participated inijthe Beyreuth festival, while many • How many people live on the rep-non-Jewish musicians refused to perutation of the reputation they might form in Germany as long a3 present conditions continue, have madel—Holmes. ,

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Here's an iron that won't wear you down poshing it back and forth. Weighs only 3 pounds . . . yet it does the job. It's the HEAT of an iron and not the weight that gives yon better ironing.



Toss that old relic Iraa of yours oat the wl»<low and bos' en* • ( these fine Strabcara irons. It's Jost what you need.

**SPLMT, SECONB" CdftlEECT TIME FROM ¥§US WILL Electric clock is such a convenience. Always on the d o t . . . never Tories. Alarm clocks, chimes, kitchen clocks and olhcrs now on display. • • and at fair prices, too.

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Dine and Dance Din» and Janco to famous bands in Ui* beaub'ful Italian Room. Enjoy Nebraska's most succuUnt food in th« popular Indian GrilL

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