September 1, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Interests of the Jewish'Pern a s Sv«mil-tj>«iu» M I'OBlolHre nl Oumhn. Nelirns


tiu Jtiuuur> 27, U « l , at tbe Act Qf March 3. 1878



IX—No. 31

B^azilian Journalist nalysis of Reaction to Aid of the Jews Laborites to Anti'Hitler Drive Sao Paulo, (JF>T.A.) —The new Portuguese newspaper, Civilization, has created a sensation here by the publication of detailed reports of recent occurrences in Germany such as no other newspaper here has so far printed. The editor of Civilization is Dr. Silveiro Bueno, who has -consistently defended Jewry against both local and German anti-Semitic attacks, and is a prominent figure in Brazilian journalism. It is expected that Civilization will be a potent objective force in ' the fight against every manner of anti-Jewish activity. Collaborating with Dr. Bueno are a number of leading Portuguese journalists.

Steer Sessions of World Zionist Congress

Both the American Jewish com- ing board of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. . . , Normally, the American Jewish Congress is a pure paper organization. It represents nobody but itself. Policemen Can't son and Benjamin Stolberg entitled The Committee represents wealth, Even Look Jaffa, (J.T.A.)—An alleged con- "Hitler and the American Jew" in the which is real. The congress reprefession by Zvi Rosenblatt that he current issue of Scribner's Magazine. sents leadership—without followers. Jewish "Nobody doubts Rabbi Wise's sinmurdered Dr. Arlosoroff was intro- Discussing the activities of the AmBERLIN (J. T. A.)—Minister of duced into the examinations of Aba erican Jewish Committee when faced cere belief in the gospel of racial the Interior Wilhelm Frick issued Achimeir, Abraham Stavsky and with the problem of taking a stand on solidarity, of race consciousness, At" new regulations prohibiting the enthe absurd doctrine that every Jew Hitler's tactics, the authors charge the 2?vi Rosenblatt, the three Revisionist rollment in the police force not only extremists charged with the. murder Committee with trying to "soft-pedal who . believes • in assimilation is a of persons who are of Jewish origin things." ."It advised watchful wait- 'renegade.' But there can also be no of Arlosoroff. but even of those who do not look like Aryans despite the fact that they The. prosecution placed on the ing," they say. "It refused to par- doubt that the American Jewish Conigue—LThe Laborites have de- gress vote on the principle of equalmay be able to prove conclusively monstrated their control over the ity for all parties represented, but stand Moshe Cohen, a young worker ticipate in parades, demonstrations, gress saw in the'Hitler anti-Semitic that they are of pure Aryan stock. accused of theft. He had been protest meetings. It tried to get the outbreaks the chance cf a lifetime to policies of the Eighteenth World the L a b o r i t e s won in a test of placed in the same cell with Rosen- government to do something, but very, gather in some mass following. The The announcement by the Minister Zionist Congress in session here, by strength. The Mizrachi was omitted Ari blatt and pretended to be a Revis- ery quietly. Hush, hush, was the rank and file of^ American Amc J declared that all applicants for the clearly having their will in the pro- after they had officially declared Jews that they would not participate in \ ionist. He testified that he had word. In short, while the stress of wanted to protest. ^Doctor Wise was police force must, in addition to the ceedings. the praesidium unless the all-party gained Rosenblatt's confidence and ;he situation demanded leadership, the very glad to lead them. And to a certificates of origin (proving that Naturally, a great deal of the princijjjle was used. • that the latter had admitted to him: American Jewish Committee offered large extent the reaction of the they are of Aryan stock) now deExecutive Report "1 shot Arlosoroff for political rea- restraint. It did nothing, most diplo- American Jews to Hitlerism can be manded, also, submit to a physical Co£gress' concern to date has been The development of Palestine has sons. Stavsky was connected with matically." examination which will establish their over the German question. studied in the relations of the AmerThe Congress decisevly rejected a definitely emerged from the experithe murder but not Minz. Had Ar- But the -"•»--. continue: "Whatis ican Jewish Congress with the Jewracial antecedents. Only true Aryan resolution committing the Zionist or- mental economic stages into the prolosoroff's widow known that I am bad for the American Jewish Commit- ish masses." types will be enrolled as policemen or . A large crowd paid their last reganization to the boycott of Germany ductive and profit-bearing stage, acthe murderer, she wouldnt have tee, is good for the American Jewish "The Jewish workers," they write, spects to Jacob Katleman, 70, at fun- as police officers in the future. Jongress, which is entirely the sound- "who with their families make up after it had been proposed by Vladi- cording to the report of the execulooked straight into my eyes." eral services held at the B'nai Israel mir Jabotinsky, leader of the Re- tive of the World Zionist Organizamore than half of American Jewry, j synagogue' Sunday morning. While Cohen was testifying Rosenvisionist Party. tion. The 375-page report presented end to stick to an old fashioned scblatt and Stavsky rose from their Katleman, who was prominent in The Zionist stand was instead a detailed analysis of the political ialism in theory, tKough they are local Jewish community work, passed places in the dock and shouted down settled by adoption of a resolution of and economic factors Zionist activi>oth in fact and psychology and in away at a local hospital Thursday the witness, crying that he was a "solemn protest" against the persec- ties in furthering. their mode of life a part of our evening, following, a ten-day illness. liar. Referring to the Transjordan, the ution of German. Jewry and an ap;rade-union movement. The Jewish Upon the conclusion of Cohen's He was a resident of Omaha for report contrasts the widespread dispeal to the nations of the world for petit bourgeoisie' simply believes in half a century. A native of Russia, testimony the courf was adjourned tress there with the prosperity of assistance. * ... . * » American d e m o c r a c y . Both of until September 15. he came to Omaha in his youth and As usual, there was mild rioting Eastern Palestine and describes af- ~* hese groups, which constitute about remained in business for over forty During the course of the examinaBasle, Switzerland, (J.T.A.)—Parand disturbances during the sessions. fors on the part of some Transjor0 percent of our Jewish population, years. He was one of the organizers tion the prosecution read to the court Registration for the School of wanted ticipants in the first World Zionist Police occupied strategic p o i n t s dan leaders to induce Jewish settleto voice their protest in paof the Wise Memorial hospital and Congress, which took place in 1897 througout the visitors' section of the ment there. % passages from Achimeir's diary, let- Music at the Jewish Community Centers and notes purporting to have ter begins today, and all children and rades, mass meetings, demonstrations. its first treasurer. He was many times in this city, and who are taking part hall and ejected partisans who inReporting on Zionist activities in some bearing^ on the murder of Ar- adults who wish to avail themselves Unfortunately our organized labor president of the B'nai Israel syna- in the eighteenth Congress in Pra- terrupted David Ben-Gurion as the 42 countries, the report notes a delosoroff and attempting to justify of the facilities of the school are movement does not think' it neces- gogue and was one of the builders of gue, Czechoslovakia, will give testi- Laborite began his long speech de- crease in Zionist activity and memsary to protest in behalf of their the present structure at 18th and Chi- mony in Prague concerning the napolitical- murder in general. that Palestine be built on bership in the United States and in asked to sign up at the .Center. lerman comrades. Unfortunately the At the time of his decease he ture and contents of the so-called manding One of the notes in Achimeir's It is planned to start the actual iberal. forces in America, though not cago. the principles the Laborite party. receipts from the £ale of "shekolim." one of the seven commissioners. Protocols of the Elders of Zion, This followed of the disturbance which diary read to the court allegedly classes on September 11.' This is the silent, seem unable to demonstrate was Plea to U. S. Government was also president of .the "Chevra which testimony will then be for- occured the previous evening in the state: "On Thursday, in Petach second year of the school as part of their disapproval of the fascist ter- He An appeal to save the Jews of e Kadisha." warded to the Swiss authorities. l<^K)g °f the congress hall when Germany was contained in an adTikva, there was held a meeting of the educational program of the J. C. Surviving are his widow, Fanny; This is the first time since these someone jostled the wife of the Re- dress by Dr. Arthur Puppin, agrithe Revisionist Council. Group A C, and its sponsors are hoping for •or. Jewish masses would have four sons, Michael, Omaha; Maurice, "Protocols" have been used by anti- visionist leader, Vladimir Jabotinsky, cultural and colonization expert. He "The favored murder, but Weinshall pro- another successful season. referred, avowedly, to march under Carl and Jake of Los Angeles; his Semitic propagandists to give coun- and provoked a mild riot. pleaded with the United States to reposed to postpone the resolution un- On the advisory board which will he banners of American labor and mother, Mrs. Rebecca Katleman, Om- tenance to their claims that leaders lax its immigration laws to permit til after the Zionist Congress. He supervise the instruction and peda- democracy. Of course, a sore spot in the the American Jew- aha; four sisters^ Mrs. D. Blumen- of world Jewry are knit in a con- convention sessions was-the proposed the entrance of German Jewish refleft when his proposal was rejected.'" gogical methods are included out- ish CongressSince was the only organiza- thal, Mrs. M. Zalk, and Mrs. B. M. spiracy against the Christian world, agreement permitting the export of ugees and with the League of NaAnother note reads, "Saturday eve- standing music teachers, as Martin tion which was willing to lead them, Brown of Omaha, and Mrs. J. Katle- that their authenticity will be made three million marks from Germany tions to place at least 50,000 German ning a party was held at the house Bush, Cecil Berryman, Jean Duffield, they did for a brief time, from early man of Council Bluffs. a matter of court record. The tria.1 in the form of any kind of goods, in Jews in different countries outside of Achimeir on the occasion of the August Borglum- and Harry Bravir- March to the end of May, rally rouna Burial was in Golden Hill cemetery. here is in conneciton with the con- addition to a thousand pounds of cap- of Palestine. 'great vicjtory'." Great victory was off. The board also includes Mrs. Uri Miller officiated at the ser- fiscation by Swiss authorities of 750 ital which every German Jew will A belief that the Roosevelt adminplaced in .-inverted quotes and the Henry Monsky, Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, ;he congress. But friction soon de- Rabbi vices. . . ' , . ; ' • ' copies of the "Protocols" in Basle be permitted to take to Palestine. eloped." istration will actually improve the prosecution' placed-particular empha- Irvin Stalmaster and-Jack Marer. • bookshops and the banning of adverThis friction was caused; Miss economic situation was also expressPraesidium : sis on this fact. •,.;— -•• :•"; j.included;^ instruction_m Thompsorr-and _ The, _._..._ tisements in the Swiss press of the Mr.' ~St6lberg -believe, ed by Dr. Ruppin in the course of A vexing problem was disposed of i harmony h piano, violin, cello, voice, andd brochure issued by the Hammer Ver- as regards a praesidium when one his address during which r»e disdiary,; Achjriieir.:idiscusses the differ- music appreciation. Further classes by the fact that the Congress protest lag of Leipzig which claims to prove was selected without Mizrachi and cussed the possibility of America's ence between political and non-politi- will be formed if enough express a against the atrocity campaign of the that the Protocols are not forgeries, without Revisionists. Ine Mizrachi absorbing a hundred thousand GerHitlerites was in terni3 of religion cal crimes, stating tha* political desire for any particular phase of inbut were the program for world had moved that that the full con- man Jews over a period of several while the Jewish mass desired to crimes are for the accused and their struction. domination adopted in connection years within the existing immigraprotest in the name of social justice. friends positive acts. "Mrs. Henry Monsky.will direct the They maintain that the "masses of with the first Zionist Congress. tion quotas. Achimeir cross-examined Zwi Ro- musical activities of the School. Jacob American Jews against The veterans of Zionism who were Sokolow Speaks 1 Hitler on sen, 'tne Hebrew interpreter for thi S. Pearlstien, executive secretary of J. J. Greenberg, president of the present at Basle in 1897 and are Dr. Nahum Sokolow, prseident of criminal investigation department o: the Center, is in charge of the other many grounds besides his anti-Jew- Conservative Synagogue, announces now at Prague include M. Ussishkin, the World Zionist Organization, callthe Palestine police who read the ex activities of the school. Further in- ish background. They are for democ- that services for this year will be- head of the Keren Kayemeth (Jewish ed on Jews everywhere y e for enerv cerpts from AcEtmeir's diary to the formation may be obtained at the racy. They are for civil rights. They gin next Friday, September 8. National Fund); Dr. Leo Motzkin, h are against war. They dislike militargetic, emphatic protest" against the court. One of the outstanding events of "The Conservative Synagogue," deCenter. ism. They are against a system in clared Mr. Greenberg, "is looking chairman of the Actions Committee the year is being planned by the Sis- anti-Semitism unleashed in Germany • At one point in the proceeding All fees will be nominal. which a secret police can arrest and forward to another year of growth. of the World Zionist Congress; Hes- terhood of Temple Israel, when they and pointed out that "the fate ofthe : Achimeir produced a copy of Chazi chel Farbstein, member of the ExGermane Jews shows us cJearly the hold anyone without trial. They are ,We feel that the synagogue will ecutive Ha'am, extremist Revisionist news of the Jewish Agency govern- sponsor a "Keno Night" in the Indian necessity for the creation of a Jewfor free education." .". . Grill Club room of the Hotel Fontencontinue to be a center of influence paper, published after the murder o: Redecorate Beth ing Palestine; Dr. Meyer Ebner, Wednesday evening, September ish national home." and inspiration for our community. Dr. Arlosoroff, mourning for th< leader of Roumanian Zionists, and elle In his opening address to the 6, at 8:30 p. m, , "Rabbi Goldstein is making plans HamedrosnShfile murdered man, whereupon the prose Berthold Feiwel, Austrian Zionist Congress Dr. Sokolow urged that for a , year of educational, social leader and for many years director A lunch will be served from the cution produced a copy of an earlie be made the concern of the 'and religious work, and the members in London of the Keren Hayesod bar at midnight. Admission is free. Zioiiism issue dated June 16 the very day of Jewish people and that Palare determined to carry on their en- (Palestine Foundation Fund). The Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synMrs. Sam Herzberg is chairman of entire the murder, bitterly, attacking David estine be "a land of fulfillment ileavors for a greater synagogue." the affair, and her committee includes instead ofmade Ben-Gurion, leader of the Palestin- agogue, 19th and Burt streets, has a land of promise." Mrs. Sa^i Wertheimer, Mrs. Molly CoThe . ; Board of the _ Conservative been redecorated for the High Holyian workers, and Dr. Arlosoroff, who In other addresses, Zionist leaders, hen, Mrs. Morton Degen, Mrs. JeanSynagogue held its first meeting of day season. had just returned from Germany. as Dr. Selig Brodetzky of Great ette Arnstein, Mrs. Sam Appleman, the "season Tuesday evening at the Cantor J. Malek, who was formerly Yehuda Minz, 19-year-old member Mrs. Joseph Weinberg, Mrs. Bert Britain and Dr. 'Stephen AVise of J. C." C,. a large and enthusiastic of the Brith Trumpeldor,' Revisionist cantor in Omaha and who has chantHene, Mrs. Carl Furth, and Miss Haz- New York made dramatic, impassyouth organization," was freed yester- 3d services in some of the largest The new season of activities of the group' attending. ioned appeals to the League of Nael Degen. ; The annual Mid-West District consynagogues in the world, will conduct Admission i J the High Holyday serday • following a" sensational and unUnited Orthodox Synagogue, the tions as representative of the conference of the Workmen's Circle will "Remember Wednesday, September science of humanity, and a plea to expected announcement by the public the servicescluring the Holydays. He Vaad H'Oehr, will begin with the op- vices will be by ticket only. Tickets be held Sunday and Monday, Septemwill be assisted by a personally6," states Mrs. Herzberg. "The comprosecutor that siew evidence in his ening of Friday evening services on will be issued to members. the great powers of the world for The synagogue has decided to wel- ber 3 and 4, at the Elks Club under mittee is living up to NRA rules by the Jewish people. Dr. Brodetzky possession had decided him to with- trained choir. Friday, September 8 at 8 p. m. the auspices of Branch 664 and the working forty hours a week to make draw the charges against Mim.. Ho The sale of seats by the synagogue asked that the doors of Palestine The services- will be held in the come strangers who happen to be in this the outstanding card party of the should be opened wide, so that the left the court room after snaking will begin the week of September 5 B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Omaha. They will be admitted free. Ladies Auxiliary of the branch. Should there be anyone wishing Mr. Irving Hill of Lincoln, Neb., year. We assure you of a good time." Holy Land be the land cf the future hands with the other three defend- They may be obtained at the syna- Chicago, and will be conducted by to come to the Conservative Syna- will be the principal speaker at the gogue from 7 to 9 p. m., evenings. The general public is invited. ants. . Jewish nation. Rabbi Uri Miller and Cantor A. gogue and yet cannot afford to pay banquet. His subject will be, "What SchwacaMn, with the B'nai Israel for a membership, may apply to American Jewish Youth Can Do for choir. Services will be held every Fri- Rabbi Goldstein forhe tickets of ad- the German Jew." day evening at 8 p. m. * The present officers of the District mission. Saturday morning, September 9, at Committee includes: M. Crounse, 10 o'clock, the Junior Congregation of president; L. Witkin, treasurer; and the Vaad will meet at the B'nai Is- Young" People Forming S. Lipp, secretary. rael synagogue in its opening service. These services are conducted with the Synagog for Holydays No-Hit, No-Run PRAGUE—The proposition of widBerlin, (J.T.A.)—How the Ameri- ious of the motives of. the Jews out- co-operation of the City Talmud TorThe agreement was concluded after est interest to Jewish circles to yet two months of negotiations on Augcan Government can afford to permit side Germany in seeking to settle ah and every child is welcome to atA group of young men from the A. Game by come before the sessions of the EighAmerican Jews to export eight mil- German Jews in Palestine and sees no tend. Regular teachers of the Tal- Z. A. chapter 1, feeling the need for 10, when Dr. Kurt Schmitt, Nazi | teenth World Zionist Congress is the ust lion dollars of the nation's capital to hidden purpose in a desire to remove mud Torah are in attendance. religious services of appeal to the Korney Minister of Economics, signed it, acNorman Korney, star twirler of the the German-Jewish hostages from reported Zionist pact with Germany. Palestine deeply concerns Dr. Alfred On Sunday, September 10, the re- young Jewish people, have taken the This is supposed to be an agree- cording to Sam Cohen, philanthropist Rosenberg, Chancellor Hitler's chief Germany before a new'and vigorous ligious school of the Vaad will hold initiative under the advice and guid- Xi Lambda kittenball team, carved a niche in the hall of fame Sunday when boycott is begun against the Reich. ment permitting the export of three and attorney, a former resident of adviser, on foreign policy and editor ance of Rabbi David A. Goldstein to its opening sessions in the school he hurled a no-hit, no-run game million marks from Germany in the Vienna, but now residing in Tel Aviv, of the Hitler, organ, the Voelkischer , "The attitude of the German Gov- rooms of the B'nai Israel synagague. organize a "Young Peoples SynaSunday morning. The XL's defeated form of any kinds of goods, in addi- who conducted the negotiations with ernment to the Jewish problem will A competent staff of teachers under gogue." Beobachter. Nogg's team, 8 to 0, thereby increas- tion to a thousand pounds of capital the German government. In an article in the publication dis- largely depend on the results of the the supervision of Rabbi Miller and The first project of the congrega- ing their lead in the Big Four soft- which Zionist Congress and the behavior of every German Jew will be per- I The agreement was strongly decussing the Eighteenth. World Zionist Mr. I. Morganstern is in charge. All tion will be to conduct services for ball league to two games' nounced at the Congress as meaning Jewish leaders the world over," Rosmitted to take to Palestine. Congress in session at Prague and the regular pupils are asked to come and the coming High Holydays. These a break in the Jewish world-wide anli* Babich for the winners also accomGoods must be shipped only to PalJewish, problem generally, Rosenfeerg enberg threatens. bring their friends. will be held in the lodge room of the plished a noteworthy feat, handling Nazi boycott. Meer Grossman, leader "Naziism raised the Jewish probestine, not to any other country, the refers to the project to settle 250,000 History, customs and ceremonials J. C. C. The services will be conGerman Jews on the land in Palestine lem deliberately, but it was fated that and current events are the subjects ducted entirely by members of the thirteen chances at third base without agreement provides. The Anglo-Pales- of "the Democratic Revisionists, speaktine Bank will handle all transactions ing in behalf of his party, attacked at a cost of §25,000,000 of which Am- the problem arise. If the Jews wish stressed. The music department is congregation, including the chanting an error. to start their own home, that is their until a special, mixed committee can the plan as "against the moral and erican Jews are to raise $8,000,000. of the traditional Hebrew prayers. u n d e r the supervision of Cantor be set up to handle the affairs. economic interests of the Jewish naHe promises that the Nazi Govern- affair." High Holydays at Rosenberg advises however, that Schwaczkin. The school meets every The committee in charge of prelimAs soon as the three million mark tion-" ment will carefully watch developinary arrangements consists of Harry Chevra B'nai Israel sum is exhausted, the German govern- "We consider this agreement harmthe Jews bear in jnind the different Sunday at 10 a. m. . ments in this direction. Weinberg, chairman; Israel Bercovici, The Chevra B'nai Israel synagogue, ment will renew the agreement for an Various other activities of the Vaad mentalities of the nations and the Rosenberg is pessimistic over the Chudacoff, Erwin Wezelman 18th and Chicago streets, announces additional or larger sum. The German ful and against the interests of the suitability o£"German Jews for work structures of European states; other- and affiliated groups are under way; Irving and Ernest: Friesman. "This young that the sale of tickets for the High government will decide in each case Jewish people," Grossman declared, The Hebrew Class of the-Jr. Vaad wise, he warns, the Jewish home will • on the soil and ls.tertain that once Peoples Synagogue," they state, "pro- Hclydays will be held at the syna- the amount each immigrant is to be "We demand an urgent explanation Auxiliary meets every Thursday at 8 sustain a complete failure. German Je#s are permitted to export from the executive, especially sines poses to fill the need of those Jewish gogue on Sunday, September 3, from permitted to export. p. m. and the class in Talmud meets their capital from Germany they the congress voted against public deyoung men and women who are inevery Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the PORTLAND, Ore.—Dr. Lena Ken2:30 p. m. until 9 p. m., and during The provision for the establishment would rather proceed to France or terested in attending and taking part the week from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. of a trustee corporation to thus liq- bate on Germany. America, or: even Russia, rather than in; Portland physician, has been ap- Beth Hamedrosh synagogue. in traditional Jewish services conduc"We ask an immediate reply in or« The various organizations will meet pointed resident physician of the deCantor A. Schwaczkin, well-known uidate Jewish possessions in Germany to Palestine; . ; chazan who has chanted services at was announced to the Congress by Dr. der to enable discussion on this sub« "They will prefer to remain in Ger- partment of Obstetrics and Gynecolo- in the same sequence as last year. ted with reverence and dignity." An organization meeting was held the B'nai Israel synagogue for a Arthur Ruppin, agricultural and col- ject." many even under the Nazi regime, gy at Johns Hopkins university, Bal- The opening date of the cultural group of the Auxiliary will be anlast night to formulate permanent number of years, will again conduct onization expert of the Jewish Agency timore. RJ">' is the first woman to It is expected that a reply will b« . than go to Palestine," he claims; nounced later. for Palestine policies. . . the services aided by his choir. Hitler's_,right-hand mag is isuspic- hold the post. made later in tho dorurress i

Cellmate Says Accused Made mittee and the American Jewish Con; Confession of Guilt gress come in for their share of criticism in an article by Dorothy Thompto Him

German Situation Discussed As Delegates Meet in Prague, Tackle Zion- „ ists* Problems






Conservative to, Start Services on September 8

Sisterhood Keno Night Wednesday


m m Venomous Anti-Semite Speaks About Zionism

I-: i6I-:'--""


Vaad to Start Activities of Season Friday

Workmen Circle Conference Here

Zionist-German Trade Agreement Reported



of a man shattering wine glasses by the sound of bells." Judaeus: "Well, Socrates, is that such a new thing? Indeed, the Jews have a record of the walls of the whole town of Jericho falling down merely by the trumpeting." Socrates: "Yes, Judaeus, you are quite right. It has long been known that'sound is a mighty force. In a similar way, for instance, that great tenor, Caruso, demonstrated it by breaking glasses with his song. But it seems to many, Judaeus, that -while this fact has been known, it is generally only demagogues who take advantage of it, and capitalize it, so to speak, to their purposes. As a philosopher, I am interested in seeing this great power, which is going to waste as much as the power of the tides or the power that resides in the wind or in the humble atom used for beneficent ends. And it seems to me, Judaeus, that it should be the main reliance of the Jews now in their efforts to recover Palestine." Judaeus: "Do yen mean to imply, Socrates, that you are a Revisionist, that you favor Jabotinsky's wild gesticulating , and .arrogant strutting .-and attacks on England and all that?"

ill to Live

Europe. Suicide has in some places become almost a mass phenomenon, reminding- one of the frightful- epidemics of the Middle Ages. Disillusion, hopelessness and bankruptcy are still the lot of the Jews of Central Europe and consequently suicide has continued to present a major problem. It is, let us hope, only a temporary phase which will pass when economic and social conditions become stabilized. It is significant that in America, where life is easier, there has* been relatively l i t t l e suicide among the Jews. In New York City, for example, the rate in 1925 was Socrates': "Yes, Judaeus, in answer lower in this group than for the pop-to the first-part of your query, I ulation as a whole. Only under ex- will say, that I am a Revisionist, but By Louis I. Dublin treme provocation and difficulty, when also I am a Laborlte, believing in the life becomes almost unbearable to "a importance of labor's welfare, and The author of this article is statis- in the post-Biblical. era there were as it is said: 'And surely your blood sensitive person, -does the Jew kill deeming the spiritual also important. tician and third' vice-president of the evidences of the readiness of the Jew of will-I require.'. (Gen- himself. There is, therefore, reason to I am a Mizrachist, and of course, I Metropolitan Life Insurance company. to die for his convictions. During the esis ix:5). "Also for the sake of the believe that when readjustments have am a General Zionist. They are not He is the author of a book, "To Betime of the Maccabees, Bazis, a pa- individual was the world created, thus taken place, the traditional attitude contradictory*but rather complemenor Not To Be" from which this bril- triotic elder of Jerusalem, preferred he who destroys one soul is as though of the race towards self-preservation tary things, and one does not preliant study was culled. We present to.die by his own hand rather than he had destroyed the whole world, will once more '•'-,reassert itself and clude .the other, though many would this article through the courtesy of be slain by his enemies, as is re- therefore one should neither rend -the that suicide will again be regarded seem to jrive the contrary impresSmith & Haas, publishers. corded in II Maccabees XIV :46. But garment nor mourn for him who had as it has throughout all past ages— sion. JBut it seems to me that now is —THE EDITOR. the most striking instance was that destroyed himself, nor should a fu- an act which the pious Jew looks the time to make a supreme effort to catch the world's attention, for of Eleazar Ben Jair, the courageous neral oration be pronounced on his upon with extreme horror. have you noticed, Judaeus, the amount leader of the Zealots, who with al- behalf. He s h o u l d , however, be Throughout the long history of the most a thousand men, women and of space the New York daily papers' dressed in shrouds and burJewish people,, until very recently, children, took refuge* in the fortress cleansed, have been giving the Congress? It) ied, and with regard to the saying suicide has teen extremely rare. This of Masada on the western shore of of Kaddish the ecclesiastical authormeans that the Jewish question is is surprising in view of the hardships the Dead Sea. When he saw that cap- ities should, be. consulted. . now on the mind of the world as and persecutions •which have followed ture was inevitable, he urged his folperhaps naver before. It has become the race ever since the dispersion and lowers to kill themselves rather than "2. When one who had been killed a question akin to the Polish corrithe destruction of the Temple in Jer- fair into the hands of an unmerciful was. discovered, as far as possible the dor, or the Balkan problem, or, rathact of killing should be regarded as usalem in 70 A.D. The facts do, how-enemy who would slaughter the comer, Judaeus, I should say, that events ever, lend conviction to the statement batants, attack the women, and, sell the deed of another person and not have so worked as to make it posas his own deed. of William James that "sufferings the children into slavery. It is stated Byt DAVID SCHWARTZ sible that it can be presented . in and hardships, do not, as a rule, that 960 persons killed themselves "3. If a child committed suicide, it such a guise, and unless it is eleabate the love of life; they seem, on upon this historic occasion. With the is considered that he had done the vated to that category—to the catthe contrary, usually to give it a fall of this stronghold in 73 A. D., deed unwittingly. Likewise, if an WITH APOLOGIES TO egory of statesmanship rather than keener zest. The sovereign source of the conquest of Judea by the Rom-adult killed himself and it is evident MR. PLATO philanthropy, what can we hope of that the act was prompted by madmelancholy is repletion. Need and ans was complete. Zionism?" Judaeus: "Ah, Socrates, I see you ness or through fear. of terrible tor- are up very early. this morning. The struggle are what excite and inspire us; our hour of triumph is what During the Middle Ages there were ture, he should be treated as an or- cock has barely ended his crowing Judaeus: "Well, Socrates, this man, brings the void. Not the Jews of the few,cases among the Jews of indi- dinary deceased person." and you are already in your garden." Jabotinsky, attacks the English govcaptivity, but those of the days of viduals committing suicide. T h e r e The rigidity of the law and its Socrates: "Yes, yes, Judaeus, I ernment. Sure'y as a philosopher, you Solomon's glory are those from whom were, however, sporadic outbursts of strict observance by pious Jews have not sleep, and all because I do not approve of that?" the pessimistic utterances of the Bi- mass suicide when persecution reach- resulted in very low suicide rates could Socrates: "Yes, Judaeus, I do apwent to the newsreel last night." ble come." Our everyday observations ed a hideous intensity. There was, for among this race. Even well down into Judaeus: prove of it. Not that I think that at the point the same way. Suicide is not example, a suicide epidemic of large the 19th century relatively- fewl Jews newsreel! I "Yotif.:So:rates,. England .is all malicious, or any should'Jjiot think that a particularly prevalent among people extent in France in 1095, when many took their own lives. In; spite"of' ex- philosopher. w o ul.d, permit himself worse than the rest. Perhaps, and inwho have suffered most. As we have Jews killed themselves in order to treme provocation and almost con- such an evil indulgence as the news- deed very likely, she may be better already shown, there are many more escape torture; over 500 died by their tinuous persecutions, the Jewish will than most countries, but a little pullpeople committing suicide per million own hands in York in 1190; and dur-to live was rarely broken. Compar- reel." • • : ' i • Socrates: "Have I not repeatedly inhabitarits in England than in Ire- ing the Black Death, in 1348 to 1350,ative rates for recent times among land. It is not the poor and half- when the Jews were accused of caus- communicants of different religious said that the Kabfealists are right, , starved Slav peasant, but the well- ing the epidemic by poisoning the faiths prove that"'• generally speaking Judaeus ? That there is no such thing .i fed Teuton who is much ;more likely wells,. many in .all parts •• of Europe suicide rates among Jews have been as evil, only great^ojand lesser good? rthe vdioice •' of several burned themselves to death to escape lower than • those of- the peoples And,,between, • : to take his own life. Prosperity often the other things,' it may very well have popular fury. In connection with brings suicide in its train. The poor persecution, according to a ruling of among whom they lived.- As Fishberg been that the newsreel was the greatpoints out, in eastern Europe and the beggan holds on to1 life while the mil- Maimonides, •'•. lived from 1135 toOrient, where Jews follow the reli- er good." .•'•'••••'• • lionaire whose fortune has collapsed 1204, a manwho Judaeus:-"So you have, Socrates, is considered a suicide destroys himself. The Jews who have if he is not willing to break the di- gion of their fathers fervently, sui- and I am minded that you are right, cide is very rare; in some cities-in been "driven from pillar to post for etary laws and the regulations rebtst what could have been shown at centuries have been little given to garding the Sabbath rather than for- Russia, Galicia and Roumania, more the newsreel to have thus caused 1'he Sign of than ten years often pass without a your awakedness ? -Perhaps you saw self-destruction. • feit his life. The advice is also givGood Workmanship single Jew taking his own life. In The explanation of this interesting en: "Run away, if you can." Liketerrible pictures of an airplane crashCracow, Lemberg, and Budapest, the JA.1614 phenomenon Is', found in the attitude wise, one may disguise one's religion, ing, or the devastation of an earthof the religious Jew towards life, and but not perform any "overt act pro- rate among the Jews was lower than quake or the horrors of war?" Offices BrahdeV Theatre Bldg in the philosophic outlook of Judaism. hibited by it. One may commit a among the' other religious groups. In OMAHA Socrates: "No, ^Judaeus, it was Suicide is unthinkable—and it is un- transgression in secret to save one's western Europe, however, in recent 'none of .those things. I saw a picture times the picture has been different. thinkable because throughout the Old but not in public. This point of In Germany, during the 19th cen' Testament runs the theme of the life, view, ,was not generally ac- tury, suicide rates among the Jews sacredness of life. Human life is re- cepted.however But in regard to suicide, increased more than in other denom• garded as so holy that a Jew may Maimonides upheld the rules laid inations. In Bavaria there was a 200 . . . Another Shipment of transgress every religious command- down in the Semachot and accepted per cent increase in 55 years, and. in ment to save his life with the excep- the principles in it almost verbatim. Prussia a ninefold increase, between tion of three things—murder, the de1849 and 1923. In late years the rate nial of God, and incest or other We will close this discussion of has been even higher among German forms of prohibited sex relationships. Jewish law by referring to the latest Jews than among Protestants, and The sin of Onan, one of the most ab- codes, which date from the 16th cen-four times' as high as among Cathhorred in the Bible, as described in tury and later. Dr. Friedlander has olics. Undoubtedly, the demoralizing Rebuilt the thirty-eighth chapter of Genesis, summarized them in his interesting effect of anti-Semitism, the emphasis compilation, which has a section enwas that he destroyed his seed, an on individuality, the weakening of react so displeasing to God that the titled, "Concerning Suicide and-'a ligious authority and traditions, and Lord slew him. With this emphasis Wicked Person's Death." Though dat- the far-reaching changes in family at a FRACTION of their Original Cost on the value of life it is not strange ing from the very beginning of mod- life have . contributed to the prevthat religious Jews have always con- em times, • these rules remain the alence of suicida. sidered suicide a deadly sin. Their present- day practice of orthodox Jews If you neeH an electric cleaner get usual attitude is expressed by Job, and so we will quote them in full: The late war and its aftermath of a Hoover IJOW at this low price. wl.o, when his wife wished him to "1. There is none more wicked widespread economic distress had a give up the struggle against adverse than one who has committed suicide, devastating effect on the Jew of Every one:of these machines has fortune and bade him "curse God and been gone over and remodeled by di»," answered in the true spirit of the Hoover company. submission: "Thou speakest as one of WEbster 2420 3527 JEWISH BOOK STORE Secatur St. the foolish worrierr speaketh. What! Each has been equipped with a Shall we receive good at the hand of ball-bearing beating-s w e e p i n g We want fo call to the attention of the Jewish publir that we nre getting in now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Machzeirlm with JewGod and shall we not receive evil 1" brush and has a new bag, cord ish and English translations, prayer books, Toleosim, silk and wool of the best And naturally the temperament whose kind, efc. and belt. All parts are in perfect faith is strong enough, when beset condition. A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English • with trials and tribulations, to maintain, that "the Lord gave, and the Remember our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers I ordered the following articles of pure silver and plate silver candle stictR, Lord hath taken away; blessed be Kidnsh cups, Hadeses. etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them the name of the Lord" is not one inshould be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready for them. clined towards suicide. It is not sur• prising, then, that we can find only I have just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most beaufour instances o f suicide described in tiful Esrogim and IiUlovim for Succoth . . . Anyone desiring to boy one will the Old Testament. " :• please Jet me know so that I can have It ready for him for Yontif. TWe extreme rarity of the act is, probably the reason why there was no explicit prohibition against suicide in the Old Testament. Nevertheless

Rarity of Suicides inJewish History Exemplifies Their Immortality

ing of John Bull's tail is always beneficial. Consider the just announced British loan for Palestine, coming a t the same time as the publication of the French report. Now the French report was written two years ago, and was withheld from publication. Now whatever the reasons were that caused it to be withheld, there were still better reasons why , it should haye been withheld: a t the tfabe i t was published: Surely, the time of the Nazi disturbances was no time to present it. No ministry with any developed sense of decency could have published this report at this time, when the heart of Jewry was brsken and Palestine seemed the one last ray Of hope. And the British loan that was announced at the same time appears to be about 90 per cent concerned with Arab development. Now as you know, I am not opposed to Arab development, but after all, Britain has a mandate for the development of the Jewish national homeland, and moreover, the money that is to pay for this British loan is to come in predominating proportion from taxes on Jewish enterprise." Judaeus: "Well, Socrates, what can we Jews d o ? " Socrates: "They can Tioller,' Judaeus, that's what they can do. And as we have seen, noise is a force. Some too, could fast as the Irish did,



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Judaeus: "Yes, S o c r a t e s , Jews should be very good at fasting. I remember my father, may his soul rest during the year, and my grandfather fasted every Monday and Thursday." Socrates^ "TJie chief tiling now is to get as large an immigration into Palestine as-possible." Judaeus: "But this man, Jabotinsky, even urges illegal entry—urges that Jews smuggle themselves into Palestine when barred." •. < Socrates: "As an American Jew, Judaeus, I am a little, surprised at you—for your objection to smuggling. You recall from year history that, the American Revolutionists also in 1779 smuggled their goods into Boston, when it was^against the British'law, and these smugglers are now .-regarded as the first American patriots." Judaeus: "So you think the road of the Revisionists the right one?" Socrates: "There you go, mistaking me again. I merely say that we must not be satisfied until we have aroused the nations and obtained our objective, and the questions of methods of doing this, should not be determined (Continued on Page 7)




and though the Irish did not get national independence, they got the next best thing. And Jews should be very .good at fasting." «®

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Menachem Ussishkin Is Active at Seventy

Mrs. Phil Trochtenberg entertained twenty children at the H. Trochtenberg home last Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Davida, who celebrated her ninth birthday. The afternoon was spent playing games and dancing, followed by refreshments. A color scheme in all the pastel shades was carried out. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman, accompanied by Mrs. Joe Gilinsky of Woodbine, la., are expected home today from Chicago, where they attended-the World's Fair.

the World Zionist Organization Us, A-year ago Menachem Ussishkin sishkin's personality had stamped1 spetit the past two weeks at Camp Mis3 Dorothy Handler of Oskaloosa, celebrated the Jubilee of his associa- itself ineffably on" Jewish life. • ' Dodge.; Jack Steinberg, who' is at la., left Wednesday for her home, folMorris Judelson is expected home tion with the Zionist Movement and In the early days of the Move- Camp. Dodge also, is expected home lowing a three •weeks' visit in Council today following a short visit to ChiBinyan Ha'aretz. . . . . . • ' ment, Ussishkin had led the great Sunday. I ' , Bluffs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cago. i .-Today the great-veteran-of Jewish fight against Herzl, but-how.-touchHerman Meyerson, and in Omaha, nationalism celebrates his 70th birth- ing-was* his .reference to our lament•where she visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Abe Markowitz, who ^underwent an BERLIN—A bazaar created from "day; at the Zionist Congress whose ed leader; when, speaking on the oc. one of the closed department stores platform bears' ample testimony" to casion "of Herzi's Yahrzeit "he said appendectomy last week at the Jennie Perimeter. has opened in Frankfurt. This bahis oratory and fighting.qualities for "A- wave of-memory- descends on-all Edmundsbn Hospital, is now convalzaar, the first of its kind, has many more than a generation. "At the very of us when we stand in this place escing and is expected to return home individuals responsible for their own first ' Congress. Ussishkin /was thetoday, a ijroup which includes col- the first part" of-next week. Miss Helen Steinberg is expected -- leader, at the subsequent" Congresses leagues who, had the historic" privilhome today" following a ten-day visit specialties. Frankfurt Jews have been officialhe fought passionately for coloniza- ege of working- with the Creator of in Cedar Rapids and Chicago; While Sam Lincoln returned home Saturtion in Eretz. Israel, /for the . estab- World - Zionism. For the younger day from Chicago, where he spent a in Chicago, she attended the World's ly forbidden to become storeholders in these co-operative bazaars. lishment of our financial institutions ones present Herzl- is a legend;-and' few days at the .World's Fair. Fair. reminiscences of-him derive from departed.- generxitionsj".. with ,• all ". the beauty 1 of.'. things . long -gone. - But for us,- the passing generation, this is a fragment of life, with all the pleasure,, all the pain all the beauty and "at times all the ugliness which life - contains. 1 His work- must, -be continued by us and .by Qur children till the third Temple, in its fullness will be built. When-that day" comes, men will understand-what Herzl was for us,_ and the part he played in the history of our: people." It is difficult to believe that Ussishkin, possessing all the powers of yore, wielding mighty influence, the central, figure of the Yishub enters an age which will entitle him "Elder Statesman." Jews throughout the world will unite in devotion "and sincerity to wish-him Ad-Meah Shana CLEANERS BEAUTY PARLORS ACCOUNTANTS to carry on his passionate fight for the Jewish nation, the Jewish land Menachem Ussishkin CLEANERS and the Jewish culture. LAKE STREET AUDITS (Copyright, 1933, by the Jewish DYERS BEAUTY SHOPPE Jhid for Hebrew culture. Ussishkin SYSTEMS Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) HATTERS missed the sixth Congress where the 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX famous Uganda question was disMrs. Lou Farber, Prop. TAILORS • cussed for he was in Palestine laying and Curtain the foundation of Assefat HaniwCleaners Abramson Tbo New Dnart VrixoT ^charim. On his return from PalesUpholstered Double Carter Permanent "tine however, Ussishkin began his Audit Go. Furniture , W»TB "" great fight against Uganda which Certified Public Accta. $3.00 was carried on until the Bazle ConBand Box 852 Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship gress in 1905. This was the last BIdg. Cleaners jtime Ussishkin' was to .differ, from AT. 4111, M23 Farnam St. " Hexzl for he shortly, followed Herzl's Plans" are almost completed for the Tears Present Location . JA.4811 funeral procession stricken by grief first "NRA" dance to be sponsored by and sorrow at the passing of the the Council Bluffs chapter of the A. leader. At the seventh Congress Us- Z. A. which will be given at the Hotel sishkin's campaign for Palestine as Chieftain on Sunday evening, SeptemDRUGCHTS BEVERAGES AUTOMOBILES the only. land, ended triumphantly ber 10. Joe Solomonow is in charge of and from that .time began the real this/affair-and tickets may be obpractical work of the Zionist Or- tained from him or any other memUREGO DRINK! New and Used ganization. It was at the eleventh ber of the A. Z. A. Hospital Remedy for Gas, Heartburn, Indigestion, Zionist Congress that Ussishkin toGolden Spike Gars Constipation gether with Weizmann declared their The Ladies' Auxiliary of the TalPale Dry Gingerale We Sell and Guarantee intention of founding a ^Hebrew Uni- mud Torah will start the fall season Ideal Lime Rickey This Kennedy versity. The University today occu- with their, first meeting, to be held Where Price, Quality, Heal Sods Waters WE OEI.IVEK pies a warm spot in Ussishkin's-heart next ••••-. and Service-Meet Wednesday afternoon, SeptemQnality and Scrvlca and he is one of its Governors. Hannf>stared and ber 6, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra Ussishkin next appeared on the B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 MynMORTON'S Distributed by Kozak's Drug stage of world Zionist politics when ster street. GARAGE Ideal Bottling Co. Company in 1919 he visited the Peace ConSTUDEBAKER . ference with Weizmann - and Sok'oN. E. Corner 20th and WE. S04SSALES arid SERVICE low and delivered his unforgetable The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Lake 1808 North 20th St. 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 oration in Hebraw. For the first Society will hold a meeting next AT. 8727 time after some 2,000 years the Thursday evening, September 7, at Hebrew language was heard at a 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. conclave of the nations. After • reENGRAVERS BODY t FENDER linquishing the leadership of thePal- -.. Sam Steinierg, accompanied by his' AUTO PARTS sister, Mrs. David Kubby, have re^thine Zionist Executive, Ussishkin Auto • Bod/ and Fender devoted himself mainly, to the work turned home from a week's stay in New and Used Repair Repairing; Paintlns of the Jewish National Fund and toChicago, where they attended the Parts and Accessories for Complete Cpholsterine World's Fair. Cars and Tracks at a the Vaad Leumi. When he assumed and Glass Service Saving the. office of Chairman fo the Board Wicker Furniture Merchandise Guaranteed of Directors of the J. N. F. the Na-i Miss Sylvia Ross returned to her Painted and Bepaired home Sunday, from the Mercy hospitional Fund possessed 20,000 dunams GttYbu* Cuts and of land; today the Fund possesses tal where she had recently undergone Paul Brodrick 350,000 dunams as the inalienable an appendectomy. 2118-22 Cuming Star Auto property of the Jewish people'. Miss Charlotte Tamon of Los AnAT. 6208 When the history of the Zionisi Parts Co. movement is written the greatest geles, Cal., will leave Saturday night Since 1922 S. M. CLAYMAN, Mgr. period in Ussishkin's life may well for her home, following a two weeks' Soliciting Quality Thone Ot.4626 be Teckoned his Keren Kayemeth visit here at the home of her /uncle Work AT. 9309 period. In the teeth of opposition and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooler. 17th and Chlraco St. he bought dunam after dunam—the Miss Tamon is known on the stage as Emek, Haifa Bay, the Sharon—the Charlotte Lane" and appeared in scenes of our pioneers' greatest hero- "42nd Street" and "Gold Diggers of ism. These surely constitute the 1933," motion pictures recently. Miss BUS L I N E BATH PARLOR hallmark of Ussishkin's own achieve- Tamon will stop, in Denver for a short ment for the Jewish National Fund visit en route to ehr home. Standard Home. MAISAGE There are few figures ' in our Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson reMEDICATED BATHS Hat Works midst who make such a strong ap- turned home Monday following a Round Trip $7.95 peal to us by reason of strength of week's visit in Chicago, where they Special until Sept. 1 FRANK MEAKES personality and by reason also of attended the World's Fair. Denver 7.50 Reduced price of $1.50 the historic link associating him Knows How to Clean for full treatment in Round Trip 11.00 •with the destiny of the Jewish peo- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Seldin of New ladies department. . . Hats Los Angeles20.00 ple in . Eretz Israel. He was a lead- Ramer, Colo., have returned to their Work Done While You Round Trip 35.00 er from the beginning when in 1882 home following a week's visit here Re-Nu-Health Wait at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Selhe organized the Moscow Bilu. DurFREE DELIVERY BUS DEPOT Baths ing the ten years of struggle when din, and other relatives in Omaha. DOWNTOWN old Hibath Zion was supplanted by Edwards Hotel BIdg. AT. 3911 Dr. Isaac Sternhill returned home 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481 306 N. 16th HA. 5000 Elks'BIdg., 3rd Floor '.oday from Das Moines, la., where he


gram with an outstanding orchestra will lend color to the affair. <

The Habonim, an international club for boys between the ages of 13 and A. Z. A. 100 20, was organized in .Omaha last Thursday by Rabbi Uri Miller. The next meeting «f this young A regular meeting of the Century men's organization will be held Thurs- Chapter was held August - SO. The day, September 7, at S p. m. at the meeting was preceded by an executive 18th and Chicago street synagogue. meeting at which the chairmen of sevThis will be a charter meeting and eral committees grave committee reall Jewish boys between the-ages of ports. 13 and 20 are welcome to attend. A "rush smoker" is to be held September S at the home of Hymie Jacabow. Twelve prospective members A. Z. A. 1 have been invited to the smoker. , The A. Z. A. Chapter I will be rep- The chapter is also sending Herman resented at the district A. Z. A. ten- Blumenthal, chapter tennis champion, nis tournament in Kansas City this to represent the chapter at the Misweek-end by Lou Riklin in the singles souri Valley Alephs Association tenand Al Rimmerman and Massie Baum nis tournament in Kansas City, this in the doublesweek-end. In the finals of the chapter golf tournament Sam Rosenstein defeated ATLANTIC CITY — Nazi propaErnie Nogg. gandists are at work throughout the The annual Achar Hataunis dance of the organization, to be held the United States, Judge Leopold Glass night following Yom Kippur, prom- of Philadelphia declared at a conferises to be the most successful in theence of the third district of B'nai chapter's history. An excellent pro- Brith here.


Council Bluffs







• •


Acquainted "Keep your garments clean, fresh and crisp and give them longer life by allowing the Capitol Snow White Laundry to~ launder them," s t a t e s Mr. T. H. Dowd, proprietor of the Capitol Snow White LaundryMr. Dowd has had twelve years of experience in the laundry business, and his rapidly expanding business because of a satisfied clientele in • ample proof of the type of work they do. He has found that giving his patrons the best service and workmanship possible pays. The C a p i t o l Snow White Laundry is adhering strictly to the NRA and to the laundry code. "We are doing our part toward the welfare of the community as a whole, and we only ask that you co-operate," Mr, Dowd states. The public is extended a cordial invitation to visit the plant and see how their work is turned out. The C a p i t o l Snow White Laundry is located at 1518 Cass street. Their telephone number is Jackson 4883.

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Orpheum Theater

Leslie Howard holds the screen at the Orpheum for the week starting Paramount Saturday "Captured," a dynamic - The handsome Gary. Cooper is starwar-time drama with Margaret Lind- red in a role that fits him like a glove say, Doug Fairbanks, Jr., and:Paul in "One Sunday Afternoon,", which Lukas^ "She Couldn't Say No" with now playing at the Paramount. Frances Fuller, feminine lead, is a Loretta Young, Lyle Talbot, Regis Toomey and Winnie Lightner will be new screen "find." She was recently recruited from the New York stage the second feature of the week. "Captured" pictures Leslie Howard and in her the Paramount Studios as an English officer captured by thehave a combination of Helen Hayes • ... Germans and placed in charge of the and Janet Gaynor. • ~ In this; whimsical story of love, and allied prisoners of the camp in which he is prisoner.- Complications arise romance interwoven w i t h "golden when he learns that a fellow officer threads of humor and song, there are thousands of colorful: costumes and and his wife have fallen in love. "She Couldn't Say No" is rather hu- equipages of the early 1900's against morous and bright in comedy drama. a background of thirty lavishly deIt reveals Loretta Young as secretary signed sets. - -.'••• Special shorts are Laurel and Har of a New York wholesale manufacturing company, who is requested to actdy in "Me and My Pal?'; "Noah's as a social hostess after working Ark," a technicolor silly symphony, and a news reel. hours to out-of-town buyers. "

"Omaha's-Most Beautiful H b m ^ f o r Funferals" • -'•.; \ j--', -1 Funerals To Fit Aniy : 'Pur^::V^;;.;;:^g^ Phone HArney 1226£^•" ' Thirty-third

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We are happy to be the first to offer onehalf price on dinners and luncheons for children. We are doing our part.

HAMILTON CAFE Mrs. Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam. JA. 8278

We are doing our part by complying with the NRA code. You do your part by helping us.

Capitol Snow-White Laundry JA. 4883

1518 Cass


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THE JEWISH PRESS • Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - . - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - " * ' - .-Edrt« FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

In the schoolroom and the

cerning the persecution of Jews in Germany and that he is being home he is following the ideals of his held incommunicado in his own land. elders, he is doing the filings he is told to do. He is not acting from inEmphatic substance to this rumor is lent by the reply from ner impulses or following the leadings the Chancery of the German Embassy in the United States which of his own spirit. The number of stated that the Embassy refuses to transmit to Von Hindenburg choices are few, and these are accom: By Harry ment. It is only in his play that he the Jengthy memorial of the American Jewish Congress setting is doing the things that he really forth the disabilities imposed upon the Jews by the Hitler governwants to do and is acting from the Soon millions of children will be ment and appealing directly to the German president for aid. The trodding back to school and many a inner law of his own being. The perreason given by the German Embassy for its refusal is that "The mother w31 heave sighs of relief. Un- panied with little emotional arouse"oWy m a n y son who goes forward into mature German Ambassador regrets to have received a letter of such parents still retain life carrying into his work this same content and does not see his way to transmit it to the addressee." the notion that the spirit of play will be a poet, a mechVon Hindenburg's past record clearly indicates that he would months of playing anical or business genius, etc., for have been so many these are all essentially grown-up not willingly tolerate such inhuman treatment of a part of his \ months wasted and children who have preserved into mapeople. What has occurred indicates that Von Hindenburg is ", therefore naturally tare years the simplicity and spontaneither in ignorance of the happenings in his own country or else ' welcome the return eity of the child. Through these spontaneous activi, to the schoolrooms he' is imprisoned by his "government aides."

The Human I Panorama..


The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright, but the moam of the fools poureth out foolis«ir.css. He who despiseth his neighbor sinneth, but he who is gracious unto the humble, happy is he. In the house of the righteous is much treasure, but in the revenues of the wicked trouble.

A merry heart maketh a cheerful and the books. like ties the child learns the essentials" of countenance, but by sorrow of the the Puritans, who genuine democracy. The constant heart the spirit is broken. and take of the playground, tfa? looked down upon give Talmud insistent demand that "You have to anyone w h o enI t has been oft repeated that the Jewish people carry a treRabbi Juda said: "School children deliver the goods" and play the game life, like our Ghetto-ancestors should not be withheld from school mendous burden because, unlike other people, the entire race is joyed right regardless of your parent's posand' their progeny, who long after the even by reason of the building of ition, the continuous rubbing of shoulcondemned for the actions of the individual Jew. .A great Jewish Ghetto walls had disappeared, scorned ders with his .contemporaries—all the Temple (because the Torah is everyone who occupied his leisure scientist is known as an Englishman or a Frenchman, but the time, away from meditation in the these socialize the emotions and in- essential to the existence of Israel A local newspaper last week carried an interview with an criminal Jewish Englishman is condemned as a Jew. Law, to the signing of the beauties tellect; and plant in the child loyal- and the Temple is of secondary imOmaha minister who just returned from a short trip to Germany, Such, i t seems, is the case with Magda Lupescu, world-famous of nature or giving play to the emo- ties, interests and patterns of behav- portance.) Raba said: "Jerusalem would not in which the minister reported that the persecution of the Jews titian-haired mistress of King Carol of Roumania. The London tional side of man's nature or like the ior that will prove indispensible in adult life. have bden destroyed were it not bework-obsessed pioneers of this counhad been tremendously exaggerated. That only one Jew had been Express reports that she is now to be accepted into the Greek In reaction to the morbid Puritan- cause of faith ceased to exist, as it try, many parents unconsciously reMlled, and he by accident, and that the Jews who had been ar- Orthodox Church and adopted as the daughter of a Roumanian tain the old prejudice against playing, ical attitude came forth the expres- is said. (Jer. 5. 1) Roam about rested were Communists and were arrested for thai; reason only. prince so as to pave the way for her to become the bride of the although not to the same extent as sion "All work and no play makes through, the streets of Jerusalem and Jack a. dull boy." However, now one see now, and notice, and search in Further on, he states that the Jews in Germany are treated as Roumanian king. But, continues the Express, all this has been previous generations. is already hearing every once in a its broad places, and if you can find It might surprise many parents and they are because seventy-eight per cent of Germany's business is kept very secret because Madame Lupescu, a Jewess, is strongly even teachers to learn that the nature while the remark "All play and no one man who executeth justice, who in their hands. disliked and with anti-Semitism increasing in Roumania is was of play during the last fifty years has work makes Jack a dull boy." Still I searcheth for truth, then I shall parreceived more intensive study and am confident that at least some of our don it. Let us pass over the fact that if the Jews are so overwhelm- feared that such disclosures would have far-reaching results. than ever accorded to it be- contemporaries in acquiring a greater ingly in control of Germany's business then it would be inconsis'Therein is irony. In what way is the Jewish population of thought We are taught that Rabbi Jose fore; that play has received more in- margin of leisure for themselves will tent for them to be Communists. From the minister's own words Roumania responsible for the actions of Madame Lupescu. She telligent appreciation as a result of find the golden means between work said: "If thou seest a generation in and. play for themselves and their which many troubles come, try and can be deduced what should be an obvious truth to even a thick- has nothing to do with them, partakes in none of their activities such study than ever came from its children. investigate the judges of Israel" (bejoyful but unconscious acceptance. We skulled Nazi—namely, that some Jews are industrial saints, some or their life. Yet, because she may become queen of Roumania it have learned that CHILDREN MUST cause it is due to lack of good judgment and leadership) * Jews are socialists, some Jews are Communists, and so on. As the is feared that -widespread anti-Semitic outbreaks may occur. Yes. PLAY, if they are to develop satisgreat English statesman, Burke, immemorially stated, a blanket indeed, George Eliot was right when he said that ignorance gives factorily, and this from a social and Rabbi Assi said: "The reason moral point of view no less than from indictment cannot be made against a whole race or people. us a large range of probabilities. why the scholars of Babylon are so a physical, intellectual and emotional extraordinarily well-dressed is that Let us further pass over the rather perplexing question of point of view. they are not so well versed in the Various theories have been prowhere this minister who whitewashes the Nazi regime obtained BERLIN (J. T. A.)—The prohibi- Torah as the Palestinian scholars." pounded as to what is the nature of the information from which he speaks so authoritatively. One against residence by Jews in (therefore they try to make up in Looks may be deceiving, but the Hitler government in Ger- play. Spencer's theory of surplus tion certain districts of Germany, similar would think from the way be positively states that only one Jew- many is not going to take any chances. energy says that if any time the con- to the creation of the Pale Settle- their dressing for their inferiority.) ditions of life becomes easier, so that ment in Czarist Russia, is seen here ish individual was killed in the Reich, and he by accident, that at The result? Nothing less than an order issued in Berlin that To Aid Social Service animal does not need to expend least this minister had lived in Germany for some time and had the policemen must not only be 100 per cent Aryan but they also the all its energy in getting a living, it in the unanimous decision of the MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—Mrs. Arthe opportunity to personally observe every arrest by a Nazi, every must not even look Jewish. Thor himself could apply for the job* uses this surplus in play; that play is municipality of Gross-Groebach, in thur Brin has been named by Mrs. Franken, forbidding Jews to enter Franklin D. Roosevelt as a member beating, every torture, every murder. A great number of German of being a "cop" but if the powers that be in Naziland decided he this surplus of the boy or girl. He the district. has to find and escape for it, or the of the national women's committee of citizens themselves do not know what is going on, but here is an had Jewish-looking features, he applied in vain. This is one of the first decisions 52 to aid social service work. boiler will blow up. But no one today of its kind even in Nazi Germany. Omaha minister who does not go there to live but only to make a Mrs. Brin is president of the NaThe laugh comes in when we recall how Goebbels, right hand will accept the theory as an explanational Council of Jewish Women and short visit who finds himself in the position where he can authori- man to the one and only (thank God) Herr Hitler himself, is pan- tion, for while surplus energy is a favorable condition of play, it cannot Shohan Heads has had wide experience in the field tatively state that only one Jew has been killed and that the entire ned considerably in Berlin because of his Hebraic features. explain the form of it, since most of of- social service. Wider Scope Fund persecution has been tremendously magnified out of proportion to have observed that the child will The story is told of Goebbels' arrival in Weimar for a con- us the facts. Offhand, we would presume that during his sojourn in vention. He ordered the cab driver to proceed to the convention play until he is exhausted and long CINCINNATI, Ohio — Abraham former overseas field execuNATIONAL Germany his guides were "capable" individuals in sympathy with halL With a sympathetic glance, the driver looked back and said, after his surplus has been used up. Shohan, The next theory to attract general tive of the Joint Distribution ComACCESSORIES, Inc. the Hitlerite regime. No one else dares open his mouth in present "Say, listen Buddy. If I was you I wouldn't go hanging around attention was the theory advanced by mittee, has been appointed national EVERYTHING Professor Groos of Gorlitz, Germany. field director of the B'nai Brith WidGermany. And also offhand, it would be fair to presume t h a t this afternoon. The Nazis are meeting there/' ^er Scope Fund, according to an anHe held that play was an instinct that For the Aoto when hundreds of Jews in Germany were tortured to death in t h e Came into the world to:serve the pur.7 nouncement by Dr. L M. Bubinpw, 2951 Farnara AT. 5524 concentration camps and in their private homes and in the forests, pose of education. He says that the secretary of B'nai Brith and national animal does not play because it is Wider Scope director. the Nazis did not invite foreign visitors such as this Omahan to Welcome news is the information that the League of Nations young but it rather has a period of be a witness to the spectacle. will again subsidize for the forthcoming yeiar the Malaria Re- infancy in order that it may play, and To whom, then, are we to give credence? To a visitor who search Station of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Tne Uni- that in play may be prepared for its was able to see little if anything of the "inside happenings" during versity Malaria Research Station is* a t t h e great Huleh Swamp, life activities. This theory of play in part best incorporated in the a short visit to a foreign land, or to the myriads of bereaved wid- the largest in the world. The league has selected the Hebrew Uni- has progressive schools where the child ows, sonless fathers, grieving brothers, escaped refugees and, most versity as one of six institutions throughout the world to carry on through, playful activities learns the fundamentals of activities he is to important, the impartial foreign correspondents for t h e leading malaria research. j carry on as an adult. newspapers in every country of the world. These correspondents The progress made by the Hebrew University and its great In the lower forms of life the anihave risked their jobs, their very lives in order to report what renown in the world despite its comparative infancy gives thought mal can do the first day of its existTry a Bag Today they have . . . and men do not risk beatings at the hands of Nazis to unlimited possibilities . . . dreams which may easily be made to ence anything that the adult animal can do, and among these lower forms in order to create lies about the persecution of the Jews. come true. The land of Ehrlich, Wasserman, Henle, and hundreds there is no play. As we go up the biBut, we do not have to speculate as to whether the Jewish of other outstanding scientists in t h e realm of medicine has seen ological scale, the conditions become persecution in Germany is exaggerated. We need only to refer to fit to drive out its leading medical professors and practitioners, more and more complex, and it becomes impossible for the animal to do the actual official government decrees issued against the Jewish Jews in whose numbers are included the names of men who are without training things that life reresidents since the advent of the Hitler regime. The entire list of and when that occurs in the world-famous. For years many who wanted to be up-to-the-min- quires; animal series (which is longest in the these has been compiled and fills a book. It will suffice to point out that by official decree the Jews are being deprived of their ute in medical science went to Central European colleges to study. child), there play comes in as the method of education. The little girl citizenship, the civil rights, their professions. Non-Aryans are The names and science which attracted these students are seem- in her play at keeping house and carbeing co-erced out of their professions. Doctors, lawyers, all pro- ingly not wanted now . . . why not build up the Hebrew University ing for her babies, is getting no less fessional men who are Jewish are officially discriminated against. personnel so that i t would become a beacon for those wishing the preparation for her future life as wife and mother than learning the three By decree, the Jews are excluded from the political, social and best in medical training. Why not bring there these famous pro- "R's. The Indian boy plays at tag and cultural life, not to mention being denied the educational advan- fessors and men of science. It would take capital, but its results hide and seek, and so he learns to tages of the rest of the country. They are barred from living in would be far-reaching and beneficial for years to come. Herein catch his game. He shoots and throws at a mark, and so he learns to kill it. ( certain districts and are being ghettoized rapidly. Both Jewish lies a dream which can be fulfilled. His play is dirsctly preparatory to and Gentile agencies have proof of .over three hundred Jews killed the life that is before him. And observe carefully our coming technicby Nazi torture and over three thousand cruelly tortured. Nobody ians, mechanics and engineers in their Well-deserved was the honor paid to MenachimjM. Ussishkin, dead-serious and passionate absorpknows how many such cases were never even reported, forever veteran Zionist leader and hero of the Jewish National fund, last tion in mechanical aDpliances and buried in graves which will forever be silent. aeroplane building1. Here we have How, then, a visitor to Germany for a brief visit can exoner- week on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. ''< elevated to the highest level of Devoting his life's strength to the purchasing of land as the play ate the Nazi government and insinuate that the Jewish persecucreativeness. Shall we say that these tion is a myth of Jewish imagination is a trifle difficult to com- inalienable property of the Jewish people, Ussishkin has been in a youngsters are experiencing less the ecstacy of creation and achievement prehend. Of course, proof has been obtained of millions being large measure personally responsible for making Jewish coloniza- than the artist, engineer, writer or spent for Nazi propaganda, of foreign papers being started and tion possible. In appreciation of his great work, the Zionist Exe- statesman in their creative moments? subsidized to boost Hitlerism, of agents under various guises cutive will establish a special colony in Palestine named Ussishkin. Dr. Stanley Hall, the eminent AmWe hope with the venerable Ussishkin that "The coming gen- erican psychologist, has supplemented spreading Nazi venom and poison. But we have yet to obtain an the theory of Groos by saying that all eration will obtain full possession of Palestine." explanation of such remarks as made by an Omaha minister in the games are remnants of the earlier aclocal interview. \ tivities of the race that have come down to us in a somewhat modified form. The activities of savage man Those strong adherents of the observance of the Sabbath have and woman form the constructive play additional cause to rejoice in the NRA promulgations, since it of children at the present time. NearGenerally, in both Germany and abroad, Von Hindenburg is opens a vast potentiality for the masses to observe the Sabbath as ly every child loves to hunt and fish, to build a camp fire and sit about in considered a rubber stamp president, a doddering old man whose a day of rest. They're more comfortable than any felt hat the woods, to make bows and arrows, you ever owned. They're made of fine qualdays have passed. It was too much of an economic burden, amounting in many pottery, etc For rest and play we ity felt that answers your every whim and *• One of the leading "gags" about his senility and his acquies- instances to loss of livelihood, for the masses to observe the Sab- fall back upon earlier activities, bemood. And for lasting service they'r* cause these have become more or less cence to t h e wishes of the Hitlerite wishes is about a visitor to«the bath as a day of rest, in the economic set-up existing heretofore. instinctive and done with least effort, FIRST—Ask to see the Nebraska's president's mansion who threw, away a scrap of paper as he Now, however, with the five-day week seemingly destined to grow and we seek the environment in which weight felts. emerged from the home of the so-called chief executive. A ser- mightily, the masses will be able to adhere more closely to the these activities were developed. More can be said about play than vant immediately snatched up the paper and handed it back to dictates of their desires as regards the Sabbath. MALLORY STETSON can be encompassed in one column. the visitor. "Oh, that's all right/' smiled the stranger. "That's KNOX VIMENET Yet this must be said of play. That just an old scrap of paper I'm throwing away." "You don't underthere is no real difference bet%yeen and play except in the spirit in Nebraska Special Light Weights, $ 3 . 5 0 stand, sir," the servant explained, "if Von Hindenburg saw this' Rosh Hashonah Thursday, Sept. 21 work which it is done, for the play of our Borsslino Imported Light V/eights, $ 8 . 5 0 piece of paper lying here, he'd come toddling down those steps Yom Kippur ... -Saturday, Sept. 30 children was the work of our ancesBaia—Slain Floor after it. He's got into the habit of Signing every paper he runs 1st Day Succoth ._„ ..—Thursday, Oct. 5 tors. It is an activity that we carry on for its own sake without any ulShemini Atzereth . • —Thursday, Oct. 12 terior aim. Play is its own reward. across." ...Friday, Oct. 13 In all good play there is complete abThis rather severe anecdote is uncomplimentary and probably Simehath Torah .... _„.. —Saturday, Oct. 21 sorption* in the thing at hand, entire •unfair to the aged president of Germany, who has been relentless- Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan CORRECT AFFAKEL FOR MEN AJMD WOMJSN forgetfulness of self, and that intui-Wednesday, Dec. 13 tive following of the spirit which leads 1 caught in the political maelstrom over which he has no control. 1st Day Chariukah ~——.Tuesday, Dec. 19 to the largest result with the least of T deed it has been common gossip for many weeks now that the Rosh Chodesh-Tebeth . Fast of Tebeth ..Thursday, Dec. 28 effort. In play the child is a free

The Week in Review

Madame Lupescu Again

Beyond Speculation

Shades of "Pale" Settlement Bars

What Price Physiognomy

Men of Science


FAVORITE of Nebraska Women

Omar ^jp, wonder


Honor to Ussishkin

A Help to Many


Ignorance or Compulsion?

Hebrew Calendar

'dentof theBeich has been kept in ignorance of the facts coa-

New Light Weight




Chesed Shel Ernes

at the dance. A prize "will be given to arms. the who brings in the most - Bridge followed and luncheon was A regular meeting of the Chesed The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club new member served. Miss Lil Miroff was chairmembers. Shel Ernes will be held at the Chesed will hold a very important meeting man of the installation program. A report of the National Junior Shel Ernes building on Monday after- Tuesday evening, September 5, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. All Hadassah convention, -which was held The picnic of the Vaad O'Oehr, noon, September 4, at 2:30 p. m. Ridicule is the stifler of all energy members are urged to attend. A re- this week in Chicago, will also be postponed last Sunday because of the given at this meeting. Miss Ida Fine, amongst those she controls.—Bulwerport will be given by the delegates to funeral of Jacob Katleman, will be Conservative Auxiliary the district conference held in Sioux new president, will also announce her Lytton. held this Sunday afternoon, SeptemA "get-together" dinner will be held committees for the coming year. ber 3, at Fontenelle Park, starting at by the Conservative Synagogue and City recently. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Also, on September 7, a bridge-bun3 p. m. Auxiliary'on Wednesday evening, Sep- co party will be given by the organAll members of affiliated groups tember 13, at the J. C. C, it was Pi Tau Phi and their families and friends are in- decided at a board meeting of the ization, admission being twenty-five Latest New York PIANO cents. Prizes will be awarded at each Formal installation of officers of vited. The round trip train ticket to Auxiliary Wednesday. Methods the Pi Tau Phi Sorority was held at table. Chicago, or its equivalent in cash, will The new officers and the new com- Mrs. Louis Bailen and Mrs. Sam"Ye Korner Kubboard" Inn Sunday, in Classical and Modernistic be awarded to the holder of the mittee chairmen for both the congreMusic lucky number. There is no admis- gation and Auxiliary will be intro- Nitz constitute the arrangements August 20. ALFINKEL TO CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The new officers are the Misses committee. Mrs. S. Yaffe will act sion to the picnic duced at that time. Studio—Lyric Bldg., Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levin will be "at home",on Sunday afternoon, Sepas hostess. Refreshments will be Sylvia Jonisch, president; Sadie Wolk, Games and prize contests will feaThe new members of the Auxiliary served. 19th and Farnam Ja. 4023 secretary; Rosalie Rosenberg, reporttember 3, from 3 to 7 o'clock, at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, ture the afternoon's entertainment, Board are Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mrs. er; and Bertha Colick, sergeant-atMr. and Mrs. William Boasberg, 715 North 58th Street, in celebration of along with an indoor baseball game Nathan Green, and Mrs. Harold Fartheir fiftieth wedding anniversary. between the Senior and Junior. Vaad. ber. Junior Hadassah An Auxiliary meeting will be held The children of the Levins, from Plans for the coming season were at the park at 3:30 p. m. • various parts of the country, will be ENTERTAIN FOR VISITOR The Junior Hadassah will hold their outlined by Rabbi Goldstein. ' These Where Omaha Shops With Confidence present for the occasion. They are: Miss Kate Kaplan of Sioux City, include • an interesting educational first meeting of the fall season next Mrs. Harry Marks, Omaha; Rose Le- la., was the guest of Miss Helen THREE-WEEK STAY program, which the Auxiliary will Thursday evening, September 7, at 8 vin, Hollywood, Cal.; Mrs. William Stein for a week. She was entero'clock at the J. C. C. Mrs. S. H. Singer and son,. Bob, sponsor. Boasberg, Omaha; Max Levin, Holly- tained by the Misses" Sally ;Pollayi and nephew, Willard Schullman, have Plans will be. completed for the The October meeting was set for wood; Dr. H. M. Levin, Sioux City, Minnie Seiner, Ruth Meyers, Pearl returned from a three-week stay in Monday, October 9, and will be in the Membership Dance which will be givSIXTEENTH AT FARNAM la.;. Mrs. Lewis Podrofski, Chicago, Marcus and Ethel Bloom. Chicago after visiting with relatives form of a Succoth tea. Mrs. Sarah en at Peony Park on the following 111. With-Dr. Levin will be Mrs. LeThursday night, September 14, for all and friends and at the fair. B. Bennan, mother of Mrs. David A. vin and their daughter, Harriet, and GUEST ENTERTAINED Goldstein, will speak on her visit to members and their escorts. Miss Anna with Mrs. Podrofski will be Mr. Pod- Miss Edith Skolnik of Muscatine, TO WORLD'S FAIR Palestine and Russia. The members Hahn is chairman for this affair and Tofski and their son, Chaddy. Six of la., has been the house guest of her Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer and daugh- of the various Jewish women's or- reservations may be made by calling the eight grandchildren .of the Levins cousin, Ethel Bloom, for the past few: ter, Mrs. A. R. Muskin, are leaving ganizations will ba invited to be the her, Webster 1540. will be present. This affair is expected to increase weeks. She has been entertained at Saturday for Chicago to spend ten guests "of the Auxiliary. the membership of the chapter, as all Mr. and Mrs. Levin have been" resi- bridges parties given by Miss Bloom, days at the World's Fair. new members will be honored guests dents of Omaha for the past forty- Gertrude Guss, Shirley Fellman, arid Watch the new silhouette with its wider six years. Rose Katskee, and she shared honors PHYSICAL DIRECTOR RETURNS Daughters of Zion shoulders? slightly sUmmer sleeves, longer No invitations have been issued, but with Miss Jane Gordon of DavenMorris - fl. Sogolow, physical direcThe first meeting of the season for all friends are cordially invited. port, la., at a luncheon at Paul tor of the J. C. C, has returned from the Daughters of Zion, Jewish Nalengths—before you buy your dress or coat Et is Patriotic to Spor's. A house party was also given 'amp Strongeart, Wise, where he tional Fund auxiliary, will be held for her by Rose Bloom and Ruth CoWEINER-SHARMAN MARRIAGE here or anywhere. directs d the camp's activities for the.Tuesday, September 5, at 2:30 p. m. Patronize Y o u r •' : ' Word has been received here of the hen.': : .: .'••^.:-: summer. at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synmarriage of Mr. Morris Weiner, forMissSkolnik is leaving for home agogue, 19th and Burt, according to Laundry now. merly of Omaha and now of Los An- Saturday. GRADUATE WORK announcement made by Mrs. J. Goldgeles, Cal., to Miss Blossom Sharman, Mr.' Julius Bisno returned Tuesday ware, president. also of Los Angeles. BRIDGE PARTY from Chicago, where he has been takAs this is an important meeting, all The wedding took place on the eve- i: Miss Rose Katskee entertained at a ing graduate work in the School of members are urged to attend and tc iiing of August 26 at ' e Weiss Vien- bridge, party, at her home Tuesday Social Service Administration of bring their friends. Ho cards are being nese Cafe, in Los Angeles. evening honoring a guest, Miss Edith Chicago University. set to members for the meeting. Mr.Weirier is a nephew of Mr. and Skolnik of Muscatine, la., and also Mrs. William Weiner of this city. 2*15 FARNAM AT 2815 Ethell Bloom's**" engagement to TO VISIT IN OKLAHOMA CITY A good name is better than riches. Miss Ross Davidson left WednesMr. Max-Stein, both of Omaha. ,:--•'•':. —Cervantes. day for a several weeks visit in OklaAPPROACHING MARRIAGE homa City, Tulsa and Wichita. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lincoln, 2212 ENTERTAINS Charles St., announce the approachMiss Helen Stein entertained at ing marriage of their daughter, Eona, luncheon at Club Araby Saturday for RETURN FOR VISIT We have interpreted Paris newto Mr. Phil Smith. The ceremony Miss Delia Shiloff of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs-Marcus Krasne are visiting here with relatives and friends. will be held Sunday, September 10, ness in these Franchon Frocks. ' Krasne, who was formerly physical at the Medical Arts Tearoom at 5 MEET AT CEDAR RAPIDS p. m., with Rabbi TJri Miller officiatMr. and Mrs. Jake Mendelson and director at the Center, is now physiexclusive frocks are still off ered at the ing. children, together with Mr. and director of the Akron Jewish old prices—^though we canrat guarantee the Hyman Noddle, Robert and Sara. Center. Mmsement, Where Quality Is Low-Wrtced revfetcemeat of similar fashions at this price. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Ann Noddle, motored half way to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weissburg of Chicago Sunday to meet their .broth- RETURNS FROM TRIP 5540 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111,, er, David, of that city and Jus wife Mrs. David Newman has returned Shmdders gB far to determine tfee degree of announce the engagement of their and small daughter. The Tamily met from a threes-week trip. She spent m m n of a fan Ares*-it Is the most Imdaughter, Harriet, to J. Louis Dia- outside of Cedar Rapids, la., and two weeks in The Dells in Wisconsin portant fashion of the season sad originates mond, son of Mrs. A. H. Diamond spent the day at Uncle Tom Camp, and a day in Madison. On her refrom fashions of the gay W's. Sixes 1 to ft of 5240 Sheridan Road, Chicago, for- returning Monday morning. • turn home she spent several days in When, the fit is not perfect, merly of Omaha. Milwaukee and some time at tie there can be no smartness. Widths: Narrow hipUaes give that slim straightness FROM LANSING . J World's Fair in Chicago. Particularly is this true of and the new lengths add dignity. AAAAAA ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Miss Erma Gross of Lansing, Mich., shoes! . . . You'll find style toEEE Mr. and Mrs. Jack L Fleishman is spending her vacation visiting Eva HERE FROM DENVER and perfect fit in the new Fafl Haay fabrics and varied -Miss Lucille Marcus of Denver is, announce the .birth of a. son. Monday, -and Rose Gladstone.. . ,'. " n - ^ n r this season—the new ribbed sUbs visiting her sister and family, Mr. and August 28, at the Emannuel hospital. and satms add richness—hte crapes aad Mrs. Jack Sterhberg. •taw waoieiw acquire added smartness Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub anKitchen Chats STAG PARTY through the roe of rich tainnbtgs. nounce the birth of a daughter AuThe Phi Beta EpsOon fraternity of gust 22 at the Methodist hospital. By Creighton University will hold a Mrs. David M. Newman stag get-together at the . home of VISITING RELATIVES Maurice Stalmaster on Sunday, SepMrs. Sarah Kohn is visiting relatember 3. Graham Cracker Refrigerator tives in Chicago. On September 4, an informal party Cake Others 1235 to 79.75 will be held at the Omaha Woman's One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 3 teaspoons cream, 1 cup crushed Club. The fraternity -wffl act as host World Theatre members and xushees. SixThird Ttevr -You Need "Big Executive," starring Ricartla pineapple, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 2 Vi to alumni couples are expected. Ernie No Longer Be Cortez, Richard Bennett and /Eliza- cups graham cracker crumbs. Cream ty Priesroan's orchestra will furnishthe Told That beth Young, is one of the two fea-butter and sugar. Add beaten egg, music. You Hare an ture pictures being shown at the cream and pineapple- Line an oblong Expensive World Theatre this week. The private bread pan with waxed paper and .place Foot" alayer of crumbs % inch deep in the, life of the modern big business man Xi Lambda has long been a matter of specula- bottom. Over this pour 4 tablespoons Erwin Wezelman was elected presof pineapple juice and one-third of tion with a curious public ident of the Xi Lambda at a regular N« matter which of The doors have been torn down and the pineapple mixture. Sprinkle with election held Tuesday night. He sucthe many new fall patchopped walnuts, add second layer oE the spotlight turned full blast on the terns you prefer, well seeds Art Lapp, crumbs, pineapple and nuts, and comsee that they are fitmost intimate phases of an" execuThe other officers: Milt Himelted to your feet! Corns tive's affairs in this fast-moving plete by adding third layer. Cover and stein, vice-president; Harry Lipp, secin soon and leant what drama of America's big money lane. let stand in box 24 hours—cut in thick retary; Ralph Nogg, treasurer. ^ nat foot c o m f o r t • To insure a perfectly balanced and slices with whipped cream. means. The fraternity plans to usher in the entertaifting program, the World is fall social season with a treasure hunt Apple Fritters offering: as their other feature "The very shortly: Vampire Bat," with Lionel Atwill, One cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking Fay Wray and Melvin Douglas in powder, 2 tablespoons sugar, % teaspoon salt, % cup milk, 1 egg, tart, the featured roles. If you are one of those strong, si- apples. Mix and sift flour, baking lent men, or women, quite without powder and salt, add milk and beaten nerves, you might sit through this egg—pare and core apples. Cut in picture without a chill or a shudder; sections. Dip each in batter and fry but if you are an ordinary mortal, in deep hot Crisco until brown. Drain we'advise you to take a friend along on unglazed paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar. f»r support. r.

Ladies Labor Lyceum


Your Fashion Responsibility Rests on Your Shoulders







Now Showing!!




. HOWARD «f 16th.

MADE...NOT BORN Appetites are m a d e . . . not born. The delicious menus at the Jack and Jill . . . served unexcelled in a most quaint and soothing atmosphere . '.. will add zest to anyone's appetite. Build up a "whale of an appetite" . . .make the Jack and Jill your eating headquarters . . . morning, noon, night . . .after the show. A Suggestion for Any Night

Jack & JiU Sizzling Steak Served while In I he prorekf of cooking > Piping' hot.

Idaho , baked potato, sliced tornalo. bread • batter, drink.

25c till 6:30 daily Two war prisoners of Germany— in IOTO with, the same woman— cancht In the maelstrom of 10.000 love-Starved mea!

LESLIE HOWARD "CAPTURED" DOUG FAIRBANKS, JR. MARGARET LINDSAY PAUL LUKAS She waa beautiful—and a secretary—and paid to be nice to outof-town buyers!



A picture ajter your own heart . . . Tender—True—Romance


Gary Cooper "One Sunday Afternoon" A Paramount Picture with FAY WRAY NEIL HAMILTON FRANCES FULLER ROSCOE KARNS See It With Someone Ton i/ove. Made for Lover* . . . Younc and Old."

Richard Bennett Elizabeth Young





SEK THE KISS OF DEATH! PLUS SPARKLING DIYEJtTISESEBNT LATTREIi and HARDY in "ME AND STK PAX." "NOAH'S AuK"—Technicolor Silly Symphonies World's Greatest Thrills—Newsreels Thrilling Films




FLEET'S IN!—Click goes the camera, shooting over one of the main batteries of the flagship U. S- S. Pennsylvania as the battle fleet returns to southern California, waters at Los Angeles, after six weeks* cruise of Pacific coast waters.

T O R THE PRESIDENT'S ENJOYMENT—John Verardb, inventor, • is shown demonstrating the uses to which the unique boat: he has constructed will be put by President Roosevelt when the tatter uses it at Warm Springs, Ga.' The craft is hand-propelled and maneuvered and can be used either sitting up or lying prone. President Roosevelt gratefully received the boat from VerardO.

SHADES OF BRYAN!—Charles L. Wheeler, of Salt Lake City, Utah, is firmly behind the silver movement, especially at Utah leads Bilver producing states, and makes payments of his accounts in that metaL Wheeler, head of one of the largest hardware stores in the Sate, is shown with $7,000 in saver, weighing 406 pounds, which he ns&d in payment of an account. t ._

TRAINS PILE UP ON TRESTLE—This is a general scene on the trestle over Pine creek, near Cedar Run, Pa, after two freight trains met in a rear-end collision. Seven members of the two crews jumped into the creek prior to the crash and thus avoided injury.

DANCING IN THE OPEN—Using the greensward of the Hollywood Bowl, in Hollywood, Cal., Barbara

Greenwood, left, and Dorothy Straiter, dancers, are snapped in a remarkable action shot.

— .'. ~~~ elevator in Camden, N. J . sent 11,000 bushels of REDUCING THE SURPLUS—Fire sweeping a grain __ i . . : u : . ~ kainHins hlova nnd(>r COntroL r wheat and corn up in smoke. Photo shows firemen on building bringing blaw under controfcy

DISCUSSING MANCHUKUO—General Sadao Araki. right, Japanese minister of war, is seen in the garden ot his official residence in Tokio, with General Takashi Hish Kari. newly appointed ambassa^ dor to Manchukuo and commander of the Kwantung army. They | discuss future military, diplomatic and social plans in the republic of Manchukuo.

TRAINS GAME BIRDS—Mrs. Betty Porter, of Los Angeles. CaL, who has been training tamed canaries, has turned her attention to quails. Miss Porter has succeeded in teaching the game birds to do tricks, which is evidenced by this photo.

TAKES UP OLD JOB AGAIN^-Marvin H. Mclntyre, secretary to President Roosevelt, is photographed, seated at right, as he assumed once more, the duties of city editor of an Asheville, N. C , paperJ Mclntym, on a short vacation, took op his old job for but one boo*' ' Pjimui* m.amrfeer< a m m n n n H fihnnt him. *r*_groaped^bouthim %

•t : : r > 1 * •

^^^pS : §=lpS^S^S;;«5?Sw : i*' i 7S^S"; "S^*?~:tf:^fX«".:^,?".:>'i^^

••-•':• r

Page 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,19S3 and all other acts and things and t« he teas a nephew ^ the great Jew- «ay horts, at an anti-Nazi; meeting held Conference Promotes the Hebrew University. exercise any and all other powers which • eo'Dartnership or natnral person could ti» ish statesman, Adolphe Cremieux. tmder the auspices of the Los Angeles Canadian-Polish Trade Hie League of Nations has selected a»S exercise and which now or hereafter Council of the Veterans of Foreign the Palestine university as one of six may be atrtfcorttwl by inw. The Hnthorizcd WARSAW.—A project for the esthroughout the world to ffitler's organ, the Voelkischer Beo- capital stock snnll be J10.000.W d»^<^ "^ Wars. . tablishment of an institution which institutions 100 shares of the pnr vnlue of $KK>.<X» bachter, in the issue just arrived in to each, to be fully pnirt for and non-nssosswould facilitate trade between Poland carry on malaria research. Iraq Disorders this country, says that there is some able when issued. Fifty shares of the capstock of UiiB corporntioi! shiul be p:uu LONDON — An anti-Jewish cam- and Canada was seriously discussed dissatisfaction about the lack of work rtal 'or liefore the corporation shnll commonre paign is also involved in the Iraq sit- here at a conference of., the Central in Germany, but urges t i e Germans business. The corporal ion shall , c o " i n i p n ^ business upon the filing of the Artoles of uation, reported the London Sunday Jewish Merchants* Association. to be more patient. Incorporation in the office of the bounty the part of several of the members Referee fin dispatches from Bagdad Representatives, of export and imClerk of Donglns Comity. Nebrnska. and that thechib^ clarify its stand in order on this imassacre of hundreds of As- port companies and several Canadian. There is a book now out on Co-shall continue until January 1. 198;i. nnloss dissolved by a mnjorltv vote of the delegates were present, a t the consulthat :they might know whether or not syrians : by Kurdish irregulars. By DAVID SCHWARTZ lumbus, which declares that most of sooner outstanding capital stock. The h'^'Rt ••••'/..• : .. • to retain their membership in it. When The' • Arab majority in Iraq has tation. the letters of "the discoverer have the nmount of indebtedness to which ">lB ^r" shall nt any time subject Itself a vote \ was taken Hitlerism was voted started ;on a course of Hitlerite per- Who Was Your Hebrew letters Beth Heh, which is porntion (Continued from Page 2) Shall not exceed two-thirds of Its capital down hy a count of 286 against 26, secutions against the Jewish commu- Grandparent? i ;: '• •-•.•"' an abbreviation of the H e b r e w stock. The affnire of the COTP 0 ™^,"^^"" be administered by a Board of WJ e < l o r ^ and several Jewish members of the nity-[which has been settled in Babyphrase, rPraise the Lord." BERLIN—According to an order ronsiRtlnir Of not less than two nor more club were elected to the executive com- lonia snce the days oil than five members. issued by the: Minister o£ the Interhy an theoretical allegiance to parmittee. ; PAVID B. KATLEMAN zary tb£ ;Eeferee stated. ABKAH8ON, Att ior, Eta*. WShelm Prick," Bot only-sal- ties. The Jews, must, asNordau said, K KATLBMAN SB Braodels Theatre B M. KATLEMAN aried public employees,^ bat also hori- it seems to me, become a "muscular Relief Fund Palestine Bequest in 8-25-33-4t. Incorporators. NOTICE OF OfCOKPOUATlON OF brary officers of the government, Jewry/. that is to say,, not in the ; '•,:] > ; DULTJTH, Minn.—The United Jew- Rokeach Will"-; STANDAKP COAX COHfANX must prove i&eir Aryan descent and sense that we go Emashing one an- Notice Is hereby jriven thnt the underish Social Agencies has requested NEW YORK—More than $30,00ft' of their 'wives. other's nose, but in the sense that ice slgned have associated Ihemnelwe togeUier ?12,500 as its share of the 1934 bud- from the estate, of Israel Kokeach, that ; to farm a corporation nnder the laws of get of the Duluth Community Fund. manufacturer of kosher products, is : . Public employees "who wish to mar- are not humble abject apologists, but the state of Nebraska. The same of the ry , must, in addition, submit docu- determined, as Dr.~Sokolow said, to corporation Bh«U be "STANDARD COAL to be used for a Palestinian founda- mentary proof that their fiancees are make the Promised Land the Land Company." The principal place of TransSpanish War Commander 4002 Dodffe St. acting business shall be In the city of to provide loans for hoinebuild-- Aryan and of Aryan descent .includ- of Fulfillment." Urges Anti-Nazi Boycott •> tion Omaha. Donglns comity. Nebraska, but ers, it was revealed when Mr. Eok- ing both grandparents. business may be transneted in any other Barbecued Ribs, LOS ANGELES, Cal.—Maintaining each's will, disposing of the Bulk of city, county, or state. The general nature League Research Subsidy of the bnsiness to be transacted by this THIS AND THAT Sandwiches that an international boycott against his estate to his family, was filed. corporation shall be: To nniiitaiii and opFor Hebrew University Germany was the only solution to pre- More Franconian Bars Max Lowenthal has been one of the erate a Keueral coal and nnilding rantcrial Soft Drinks _ NEW YORK—The League of Na- chief confidential aides of Pecora in bnsiness and in connection therewith bny. vent the flow of Nazi propaganda into seU and deal eenerally at wholesnle and BERUN—Following the example tions will again subsidize for the and Ice Cream ) the United States, A. P. Entenza, forthe Washington banking investiga- retail in any and all materials pertninloRn to coai or bnildine material: to engage » mer national Commander-in-chief of of ; Grossgrundlach, three other vil- coming year the malaria . research tion. Barbecued Ribs, 1b. — 3 5c anything reaeonnbly incident to the carrythe Spanish War Veterans, delivered a lages, in the same province of Fran- station of the Hebrew University in ing ont of the powers herein enumerated; Free Delivery Service Herman Metz, who recently visited to mats and porforin eontracti of every stinging rebuke to Hitler and his co- conia displayed illuminated signs at Jerusalem, according to an announcethe entrances of the villages prohib- ment made by Dr. A S . Rosenbach, Germany with the Ridders and waskind and description, nnd in carrytnK on Phone JA. 8006 business or for the pnrposeof nttainiting Jews from entering. : president of the American Friends of received by Hitler, used to say that its inc or furthering nny of its oh]ects. to tin SH.VKKMAN & ZACBAKIA, Attorneys

WORLD-WIDE Premier Asks South African Jews to Stop Boycotting JOHANNESBURG, Sonth Africa.— An appeal to the Jews a£ South Africa to refrain from boycotting. .German goods was issued, by Premier Hertzog. Declaring that the boycott wotOd injure South Africa, the pxemier asked the Jews not t o forget the country's interests. He explained that Germany is now in the "throes of a revolution in which the innocent suffer with the guilty."

Hails NRA for Giving Back Sabbath to Jewry NEW YORK—Bernard Semel, honorary secretary of the Jewish Education Association of New York, declared that the NRA, in establishing a five-day week, has made possible the restoration of the Sabbath as a "great spiritual force" among the masses of American Jews. .• ; '

Sign Barring Jews From Berlin's Seaside Removed

BERLIN—The inscription' prohibiting all Jews from bathing at the Wannsee resort near Berlin-has been removed. An official communication explained that the prohibition had been issued without the "sanction of competent authority." Originally the order had been issued, the authorities claimed, when ATyan bathers complained that the swarming Jews offended the delicate sensibilities of Aryan bathers.

Germania Club Votes Out Hitler

SAO PAULO, Brazfl. —The local sports club "Germania" has openly renounced all connection with Hitlerlsm.

By the Way


768 Brandeis Theatre ttldg. Omaha. Keb. PKOBATJE AOTICE In tlie Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL COHN. Deceased. NOTICE I.S HEREBY GIVKN: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said Comity, on the 9th day of October, 1933, and on the Olh day of December. 1933. at 9 o'clock A. SI., each day. for tbu purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the Olh day of September. 3933. BUTCE CRAWFORD, S-lS-33-3t County Judge. CAM, C. KATLEJIAN, Attorney Omaha, Nebraska

The denial followed the demand on

NOTICE OF AI>MINISTKATIOJT In the County Court of Douglas County. IKVEN C. XEYIIC, Attorney Nebraska. 301 Electric B U d l In the Matter of the Estate of JACOB KATLEMAN, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are NOTICE OF DfCOKPOKATlOX OF OMAHA TAKL.OR FBAHE COMPANY hereby notiffed thnt a petition has been Notice is hereby given that the under- filed In said Court alleging that said designed have associated themselves together ceased died leaving no last will and prayand have organized a corporation under ing for administration upon his estate, and the laws of the. state of Nebraska. The that a hearng will lie had on said petiname of this corporation is OMAHA PAir- tion before said Court on the 23rd day of LOR .FRAME COMPANY. The principal September. 1933. and that if they fail to place of business shall be lit Omaha, Ne- appear at said Court on the said 23rd day braska, and the general nature of the bus- of September, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.. to iness to be transacted, shall be lo own and contest said petition, the Court may grant operate one or more manufacturing; plants the same nnd grant administration of said and to manufacture, .sell. aud. deal gener- estate to Michael Katleman or some other ally in the wholesale antt retail of nil suitable person and proceed to a settleforms of lumber, furniture frames, etc.. also ment thereof. in like miinuer... :to:.> Jnaniifacture . and BRXCE CRAWFORD. deal generally in and '-with all kinds of D-l-33-3t. County Judge. materials, tools. :.machinery, accessories, appliances and equipment in connection with said business and to -manufacture, purchase or otherwise ^icquire and JEWISH NEW YEAR deal in and with- goods, wares -and; merCARDS chandise and perEcnal property "of every class and description and to" deal in land "With Tour Name, Address, City to the same extent as natnral persons and State Printed. might or could do, to borrow - money, to issne bonds, deiH-ntures. and id ..hold and 25 Cards—75c sell stock of this and other .corporations and to do anything insofar as the same Smith Bros. Printing Co. may be useful or necessary in connection 'with the conduct of the business and to do WE. 486L 20th and Charles any and all tUngs^to-the same extent as natural personB&jaichf-J'-or- could tlo -nnd' the foregoing specific powers shall not be held to limit or restrict in any manner the powers of this corporation. The authorised capital stock is JIOIOOO.OO divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each. The corporation shall commence bnsiness on the 25th day of August. 1933, and shall Recognized as terminate on the 2~>tli day of August. 1J1S3. unless its life be extended l>eyond that PRACTICAL MOHEL date by an amendment to these articles. The highest amount of any indebtedness .or Phone 1059 liability to which this corporation Is nt any COUNCIL BLUFFS time to subject itself is not to exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors of not less than two nor more than five, and the following officers: a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, any two of which offices For -Carefulness and Efficiency in may be held by one and the snme person. TXour Motel Specialist Call SAM KRAFT PAUL KATZMAN ISRAEL KATZMAX; Incorporators. 1552 No. 20th WE. 5450 In the presence of: 15 lears Experience in IRYIS C. LEVIN. 8-1-33-41. Europe and Omaha

Rev. A. Diamond


Rosh Through the Columns ofthe

Rabbi Barbakow

ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys, 400 Brandels Theater Bide. KOTICE OF IKCOKPORATION OF CEJJTttAL DAII1T PRODUCTS, Inc. . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of tue corporation shall lie CENTRAL DA1RX PRODUCTS. INC. The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall be the €Hy of -;j?u.ha, Douglas County, Nebraska, l.ut busu f ss may be transact'1,! in any other city, county, or state. TU..* genernl nutnrn of the business to be transact:'! by this corporation shall be: To -)uy, sell, omj JO;3,E'orf; handle and generally: deal ia nuil wiih cutter, eggs, chi'cse, ui'ik, c.ri!ani. icu cream, ices, dairy products of nil tinils. ami auv other product;; or commodities which .-may be conveniently' handliil in c:>.ii:«.ft^or with si-ch liusii-r-ss, :md any :ii:il al! kin1s. «f maieriais. piip;ili-is, or equipment u^ed or useful in couurUicii with KISI-U business; to-aeqoiiv. hold. srll. flitoiiile or -encumber real aud personal property of every kind and description wheresoevvyr *>lt tinted, including the stocks, notes',' bonds,' ..debentures,-or other e v i d e n t of iiuli'bli-uness and obligations of any - corporation^ aiid to Issue in payment or exchange ch-.'rrfor its own stock, notes, bonds, debentures, or other obligations; to ac«iuir3 . the good will, rights and property ^t all tiiiils, and to take over the whole or any vurj-of the assets and liabilities of a;iy percent', firm, association or corporation engaged in a similar line of .business, and to pay for the same in cash, stock, notes, bonds, debentures, or other obligations of this corporation;to borrow money and to secure the payment thereof in any lawful manner, to make and perform contracts of every kind and description, nnd to do auy and -nil other things for the purposes of the corporation which a natural person could do. and may now or hereafter bo authorized by law. The authorized capital stock of the corporation is ?10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the par value of 100.00 each, all of which .Is. common stock and when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation shall, commence business upon the, filing of these Articles in the office of the County Clerk nnd shall terminate upon the first day of August. 19S3, unless sooner dissolved by a majority vote of the outstanding capital stock. The highest amount of indebtedness to •which this corporation shall nt any time subject itself shan not" exceed -two-thirds of its capital stock, -The affairsiof this corporation shall be conducted:by-a Board of Directors of not less than -two nor more than five, the number to be fixed by the By-Laws. The officers shall be chosen by the directors and shall Ire FrJesideni, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, any two of which offices-may DeUield by one person. These Articles-may be-amended at any annual meeting of the stockholders, or at any special meeting of the Btockbolders called for that purpose by a majority vote In amount of the stock then outstanding. The corporation shall have ' BeaL ' J. HARRY KULAKOFSET. LOUIS KULAKOFSKY, MILTON E. ABRAHAMS, 8-18-33-it ••• •; Incorporators.

WHEAT, CORN. OATS For Information Call or Write

TAYLOR GRAIN CO. 721-722 Omaha Orain Exrtiance Bids 4 A 8403—AT 2038 Private Wire Connections With JA8. E. BENNETT CO.

VESS Beverages Large Bottle 10c

Whistle Vess Beverages WE. 2131


IYOUT greeting

problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy NewTear . . .no danger of the embarrassment of forgetting someone . . . no trouble . time and money saved.

Styles Mr. and Mrs.—'• wish their friends' both 'f»f and near A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. and family extend to their friends sincere wishes for A Happy New Year. -and Mr. and Mrs.r* family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Mr. and Mrs.-take r« this means of extending Kreetings and hearty Rood wishes for A Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far and near. - .

.These greetings will be published in our Bosh Hashonah edition, Septentbr 20. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting—mail any of these forms, or phone your Greeting to the— iL



» *""-*i




helps build strong bones and teeth. -

Roberts Dairy Go.

ATlantic 1450

490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.

Page 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1933 i H O I W E I X , MOPJSKY, G R O D I N S K X VANCE, Attorneys "; ."37 Omaha National B a n k Bldff.. 1 ..'••%"*"".", Omaha, N e b .


where. Bernice will enroll in the University. : . ' ; ; :

Large Following for Young Entertainers

Doris and Betty Marx will return home this week after spending the Three Sioux; City youngsters have summer with relatives in Detroit. built up a following of over 3,000 Mr. Monies Pill accompanied by boys and girls, in and around station, KSCJ. The three entertainers Alice and Bobby have returned to are Teddy Skalovsky, son of Mr. and the city after visiting the Century Mrs. Morris Skalovsky, 3018 Jen- of Progress in Chicago. nings Street; Joseph Rosenblum, son Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosenblum, 3264 Jackson Street, and Sidney ,ondon entertained for them at a Kalin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake "no host" dinner party Wednesday evening. After dinner at Hattie Ealin, 3620 Jackson Street. The three boys are heard in a Brown's, the guests adjourned to skit .called "Adventures of Tim and itone Park for dancing. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ted", and have organized the Tim and Ted Club. The program for each iondon, which took place last May, days broadcast is written by Miss was a recent announcement. Mr. and Mrs. London will depart this month Helen Herzoff of the KSCJ staff. Hundreds of boys and girls who for Iowa City, where they will both are members of the Tim and Ted continue their college studies at the Club held a parade through the down University of Iowa. town streets, Tuesday morning, and Mrs. J. L. Levitt entertained at a were guests of the Orpheum Theatre and Mickey Gross, following the par- dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota, Tuesday evening, honoring Mr. .Meyer ade. •: evitt on the occasion of. his birthday. Mrs. Levitt, accompanied by Daand Lois will return to Sioux Acting Superintendent vid !ity this week after spending the of Community Center summer at the lakes near St. Paul. Miss Dena Baron assumed charge of the activities of the Federation of Jewish Social Service and Jewish Community Center during a month's 4 leave of absence, granted to Miss Rose Lipman, Superintendent of the Federation. Miss Lipman departed Tuesday evening for a trip to New York City, where She will visit with friends. Enroute to New York, she .will stop in Chicago to attend the Century of Progress.

ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship. and make such other und further orders, In the County Court of Douglas County, allowances and decrees, ns to this Court Isebra&ka. may seem proper, to the end that all mat- In the Matter of the Estate of HARRY ters pertaining to said estate may be liFREEMAN. Deceased. na!ly settled and determined. All persons interested in said matter are jereby notified that on the 30th day of BRYCE CKAWFORD, August, 1933, David A. Freeman filed a 8-18-33-3t, County wtition in said Couuty Court, praying thnt lis final administration account filed hereFKADENBUKG, STALMASTEB ft BEBER, " " settled and allowed, and that he be Attorneys , .J rBed from his trust as administrator 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. and that a hearing will- be hnd on snid petition before said Court on the 23rd day NOTICE. OF ARTICLES OF of September, 1933, and that fail to appear before said Court on the said 23rd INCORPORATION OF <iay of September, 1933. at 0 o'clock A. M_ SMITH CONCESSIONS, INC. Notice is hereby given that the under- and contest said petition, the Court may signed have formed a corporation pursu- grant the prayer of said petition, enter a ant to the laws of the state of Nebraska, decree of heirship, nnd make such other under the name of SMITH CONCESSIONS, and rurther orders, allowances and deINC., with its principal place of business Tees, ns to this Court may seem proper. at Omaha. Nebraska. The .general nature " the end that nil matters pertaining to " be finally settled and deof the business to be the acquisition nnd operation of concessions and restaurants and to do any and all things incidental to BRYCE CRAWFORD, the carrying on of said business, including 0-l-33-3t. County Judge. the right to own arid hold real estate. The authorized capital stock shall be $30,000.00 and all of said stock shall be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share and all of said stock shall be fully paid for when issued nnd non-assessable. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of SO years from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation may subject itself shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of not less than two Directors. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the second Tuesday of January of each year, at which time the Board of Directors shall hold its annual meeting and elect a President, a Vice-President, n Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of twothirds of all of the outstanding stock.

"Mrs. Joseph Gorchow was hostess to a group of friends, as a courtesy to Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Eivin, last Cantor Pliskin will conduct ser- week. The afternoon was spent at vices at the Jewish Cemetery every bridge, and followed by refreshments. Sunday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock, until Eosh Hashonah, beginMr. and Mrs. I. Marsh gave a ning with Sunday, September 9. family dinner in their home honoring Those wishing to have Cantor Plis- Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Eivin. The kin conduct the service on other days, after dinner hours were spent at other than Sunday, are asked to ridge. call him for an appointment. Miss Dorothy Gelson spent the last week visiting with relatives in BresMany Attend Junior ford, S. D.

To Conduct Services

IN WITNESS WHEKEOF. the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands this 23rd day of August. 1933. HARRY SMITH DAVID SMITH Incorporators. In' the presence of: WILLIAM STALMASTEtt. 0-l-33-4t.

Hadassah Rush Party

Over 75 young women attended the Junior Hadassah "Kid Party" last Tuesday evening in the Temple Annex, honoring prospective members of the chapter.. Kid games were featured during the evening, and a Pot Luck supper was served. Miss Sandra Woskoff was chairman of the committee on arrangements. r. : ;


NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there has been incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska, a corporation as follows: The name of the corporation shall lie the NATIONAL AJ1USKMKXT COMPANY. The principal place of transacting its business shall be at Omaha. Douglas Coun;y, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by it, shall be the operation of any and all kinds of amusements, contests, entertainments, races, and whatever else may . be classified as relating to the show

Mr. Ed Stillman left this week for Houston, Texas, where he will make an extended visit with his brother. Miss Ethel Bergen left Tuesday evening, for New York City, where she will make her home.

par in cash or property; provided, however, that when stock is issued for anything else than money it must meet approval with the laws of the state of Nebraska. This corporation commenced business immediately upon the issuance of the certificate of incorporation by the Secretary of State and atter the amount of capital stock in the sum of Throe Hundred Dollars (5300.00) had been issued and paid for, which was on ihe- 22ml «lny f>f August, 1933, and continue for the period of twenty years with the right of renewal, unless sooner dissolved by a two-thirds vote of all capital stock subscribed at a stockholders' meeting. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation may at any time subject-itself shall not exceed two-thinls of its capital stock, except ns authorized now or hereafter authorized or permitted by law. The affairs of this corporation are to be conducted by a board of directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five, who shall elect a President. Vice-

Misses Ann Cohen and Sadie Shulkin will return this week from ChiMr. and Mrs. Sam J. Slotskyy 217 cago where they attended the Na- Twenty-ninth street,, announce the tional Junior Hadassah Convention. birth of a son on August 28, at the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Anna Herzoff of Sioux City announces the engagement :of her Miss Sonya Broscow and Miss daughter, Louise E. Herzoff, to Mr Eutstein motored to Omaha last week Nathan E. Gilinsky,' son of Mr. and end for a visit with friends. .' ~ • Mrs. A. Gilinsky of Council Bluffs, _ Iowa. MlSS .Sarah Woskoff Visited with I President, Secretary and Treasurer, and the Mr. Gilinsky is a graduate of the in T)PO Mninos loot -macAr I officers to lx» as follows: President, Casier in U e s MOineS, last week stein. Postoffice. Sionx City. Iowa: Vice-. Creighton University School of Law. end. President. John Weinstein, Postoffire. Mrs. Herzoff will receive in honr Omaha. Nebraska; Secretary, easier Siein, Postoffice. Sioux City. Iowa: Treasurer of the young couple at her home Samnel Swartz, Postoffice, Omaha, NeMrs. Harry Belih and son David, Sunday afternoon. braska. - - -1 ' . Dated at. Omaha, Nebraska, this 22nd day No definite date has been set for left Saturday night for their home in of August, A. D. 1033. Washington, D. C, after spending By CASLER STEIN, the wedding. the summer with the former's- parPresident. CASL.ER STEIN. Miss Jessie Shiloff, daughter of ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Klass.' Secretary. 0-l-33-4t. E r . and Mrs. M. Shiloff, 2415 Pierce Street, has set the date of her mar- Mrs. Abe Agranoff and daughter NOTICE OF SALE riage to Harry Lavine, son of Mr. have returned home after visiting Notice is hereby given that on the 10th and Mrs. Lavine, of Lincoln, Neb- with her parents in Hibbing, Minn. day of September, 1933, at 10 o'clock A.M.. raska, as Sunday, September 10. at 1H01 Ciimlng Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the FERRIN VAN & STORAGE COMThe wedding, ceremony will take PANY, will sell for cash to the highest Mrs. William Lazere and son Hasplace at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, bidder, the following described articles to Hen for storage and other and will be followed by a dinner for kell have returned home from Chi- satisfy-its ngainst those persons named cago, where Haskell underwent an charges the members of the family. herein: F. B. KEEGAN—Box bedding, box toys, operation for Appendicitis. sled. Miss Louise Eisman of New York IV. F. PCNMEIER—Two mattresses, roll rugs, 5 rockers, 11 cartons. 9 chairs, ironCity, a former Sioux City resident, Mrs. Jack Robinson and children ing ice-box, dining table, center will b e c o m e the bride of Milton will return home this week from^ a table,board, 4 boxes,' dresser, library table. Vlctrola, kitchen base, iron' bed and Greenwald Adams, on September 10, visit with relatives in Des Moines, spring, 2 carpetcabinet sweepers, dnst mops, curin New York City. The ceremony and in Chicago. tain rods, clothes rack, step ladder, 6 -wash tubs. 2 wash boilers. 2 grips, Morris chair, •will take place at Sherrys in New kettle, davenport, wheelbarrow, typewriter, York. Miss Eisenian will be attendpictures, wringer, shovel, iron cot, Miss Freda Albert will return this clock, tn, l hl ed by her cousin Miss Frances Fri carton bouxg, and Mr. Dan Adams, will act week from Los Angeles,~~where she SIRS. MARY FLETCHER—Buffet, desk, spent the summer, visiting with 3 wash stands, 5 dressers, 4 mattresses, 15 as groomsman. Morton Howard will has chairs, 2 folding chairs, .4 bed springs, 4 friends. -••'•'.-' play the wedding march. beds. 4 boxes household goods, bundle of curtain shades,. 2: bundles rods, medicine After a northern trip by iroto: cabinet, end table, carpet sweeper, floor STAIMASTER & BEBER lamp, card table,. 2 barrels and. contents, and boat, they will make their hcmi FRADENBCRG, O. T. DOERB & F. M. KI.UTZNICK library table, cabinet top, 4 rolls linoleum, Attorneys in New York. 7 pictures, large carton and contents, din650 Omaha Nntional Bank BIdg.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fribourg an< daughter Barbara will return hom< this week, after a visit with - 1 tives in Chicago. ^ r g ; ' j . ' Levy and son Lawrenci will leave for their home after spend ine the summer with the former's parents, Mr. and ^Mrs. A. L. Galinskv Mrs. Jacob Courshon and children will arrive in the Galinsky home next week for a visit with the for mer's parents,


NOTICE BX PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLE3IENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of ERIC A. ANDERSON. Deceased. AH persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 15th day of August. 1033. Amanda' Anderson filed a petition in: said Couuty Court, praying thnt her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and thnt she be discharged from her trust as executrix nnd that a hearing will be had ou said petition before said Court on the Oth day of September, 1033,-and that if yon fall to appear before said Court "6n the said Oth day of September, 1033, nt 0 o'clock A. M.. and contest said petition, the Court may-.grant the : prayer of. said

••«•- and Mrs. A. J. Gilinsky wi: petition, enter a decree of nelrsmp, nnd *'• next week for Chicago, t make such other and further orders, al-

the Century of Process. The;

be accompanied by Milton anc e. Following their stay in Chxthey WUI go to Champlam

NOTICE OF ADMIMSTKATIOX In the Couuty Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of JAKE S. SHKAOO, Deceased. All persons interested in said estnte nrc hereby notified tliat a petition has been filed in snid Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no lust will and i>niy-. ing for administration upon his estate. and thnt a hearing will be hnd on snid petition before snid Court on the 9th dny of September, 1933. nnd thnt if they fail to appear nt snid Court on the said 9fH day of September. 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court, may grant the same and grnnt ndministrntion of snid estate to Mi:x Shrngo or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD. 8-18-33-3tCounty Judge.


CAUNAZZO S: KAZLOWKKY, Attorneys 124 Insurance BuHdinff Omahn, Neb. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of UonKlns County Nebraska. Ill the Mutter of the Kstnte of MOSES JACOUSOX, nlso known as M. E. JACOBSOX. Deceased. All persons interested in said estate ««e herpby notified thnt n petition hns been filed in snid Court alleging that said decensert (iiert leaving no lnst will nnd praying for ndministrntion unon his estate, ami that n henriiiK will be hnd on said petition before Rnid Court on the 8th day of September. 10.'13, niul thnt if-they fall to nppenr nt snid Court on thp snid 9th dny ot Septomlxjr. J933. nt 9 o'clock A. M.. to

contest snid petition, the Court may grant

the same and grant administration of Bald estnte to Molly .Tncobson or some other suitable person and proceed to n settlement thereof. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OS PETIBRYCE CRAWFORD. TION FOR SETTLKMENT OF FINAL County Judge. FRADENBUBG. STALMASTER * BEBER, 8-18-33-3t ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Attorneys In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL FRANK R. ACKERMAN, Attoracy In the Matter of the Estate of SHOUL In the Couuty Court of Douglns County, 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldff. RIPS. Deceased. Ne'/rnskn. Omaha, Neb. All persons interested in said matter arc In the Mntter of the Estnte of HARRY B. hereby notified that on the 12th day of MILDER. Deceased. August, 1933, Bessie S. Rips filed a petiPROBATE NOTICE ' All persons interested in snid estate are tion in said Counly Court, praying that her final administration account filed here- hereby notified that a petition hns been In the Mntter ef the Estate of BETTT in be settled and allowed, and that she be filed in said Court, praying for the proSILVERMAN. Deceased. discharged from her trust as administra- nate of a' certain instrument now on file NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: in snid Court, purporting to be the last trix, and that a hearing will be had on said That the creditors of snid deceased will petition before said Court on the Oth day will and testament of said deceased, and of September, 1933. and that if you fail to thnt a hearing will be bad on snid peti- meet the executor of said estate, before appear before said Court on the 9th day tion before said Court on the 10th dny of me County Judge of Donglns County. of September. 1933, at 9 o'clock A. RL. nnd September. 1933. nnd that if they fail to Nebraska, nt the County Court Room. l» contest said petition, the Court may grant appear nt snid Court on the said lfith dny snid Connty, on the 9th day of October, th? prayer of said petition, enter a decree of of September. 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.. to 1033 and on the 9th day of December. heirship, nnd make such other and further contest the probate of snid will, the Conrt 1933. nt. 1) o'clock A. If., ench dny. for tue orders, allowances and decrees, ns to this may nllow and probate snid will nml grunt purpose of presenting their claims tor e i Court may seem proper, to the end that j»dministration of snid estate to William sminntion. adjustment nnd ""owiinc*nil matters pprtnining to said estnte may Milder or some othor suitable person nnd Three months nre allowed for the « « « « proceed to s settlement thereof. be finally settled and determined. ore to present their claims, from tfte w» BRYCE CRAWFORD. BRYCE CRAWFORD. dny of S e p t e m b e r . ^ C R A W p o K D , 8-25-S3-3t. Connty Judge. 8-1S-33-3t. Connly Judge. 8-18-33-3t. County Jndge.



* As Exclusive Distributors in Omaha and Douglas County for the Famous

BAYMOND S. HILI* Attorney 438 Frances B i d e Sioux City, Iowa.

Mrs. J. Schwidelson and daughter. Bose, have moved to Omaha, Nebr., borrowSinoney,CnnU0ac<|ulre.'1purcLasi? con" vey, lease, sub-let, contract for and deal where they will make their home. in leases for real property necessary for its business. Mr. Abe Sadoff motored to New The amount of capital stock authorized is. Ten Thousand Dollars' ($10,000.00) diYork City, where he will spend sev- vided into One Hundred (100) shares of eral weeks on business and visiting One Hundred Dollars (iflOO.CO) each. No stock shall be issued until the corporation riends. has received payment in full therefor at

Society News

ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attornpyg 400 Brand?!* Theatre B1I Omaha, Neb.

ANNOUNCING: the Appointment

Mrs. Julius Cooper of Cleveland, Ohio, was a guest of honor at a uncheon and bridge, given recently bya group of her friends • in the Warrior Hotel. She is a guest in the i Silver home. Mrs. D. Ginsberg, 1514 Virginia Street entertained recently at ^n afternoon of bridge, honont.; £Irs. J. Sweet of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mrs. I. Eivin of Chamberlain, South Dakota.

MEXICO CITY, Mex.—The antithe Matter of the Estate of LUCIA Semitic agitation in Mexico this week InALIANO, Deceased. took a turn away from the openly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN! Thnt the creditors of said deceased will G e r m a n "defensive" propaganda meet the administrator of said estate, beagainst the alleged boycott of the fore me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Iloom, in Israelite Chamber of. Commerce and said County, on the 23rd day of October, developed a Mexican "nationalistic" 1933, and on the 23rd day of December, 1933. nt 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the tinge which some observers believe purpose of presenting their claims for exto have been inspired in non-Mexican amination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditsources.'. ors to present their claims, from the 23rd

B Y Jft'BMCATION ON P E T I TION FOR SKTTLEMENX OV I ' l N A L A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACCOUNT In tlie Cuuuly Court of D o u g l a s County, Nebraska, l u the Mutter o l t o e Estate or WILLIAM u i ^ a c i i , .Deceased. • -».i persons in EUIII matter are hereby notified that ou the 10th day of A u g u s t , 1U33. Harry JB. Cohen filed a petition iu s a i d County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be day of September, 1933. settled and allowed, and that he be d i s BRYCE CRAWFORD. charged from his trust a s administrator FRADENBURG, STALSIASTER & BEBER, S-l-3?,-3t. County Judge. with will annexed and that a hearing will Attorneys • : bo had on said petition before said Court 650 Omaha National Bank ou the 9th d a y o l , September, 1833, nnd l i i A N K R. ACKER3IAN. Attorney that if y o u fail to appear before said 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldff. Court on the said Oth d u r of September, NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIOmaha, N*ett. TION FOR SETTLESIENT OF FINAL 11*33, a t 0 o'clock A. M., and contest said

Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent ax*

KAZLOWSKT & CARNAZZO, Attorney* 421 Insurance Building-

Nationalistic Tinge


The ^ifeon^l.Tire Shop, noted for the quality of its products and service, now offers to the inotaring public the "Best tire in America Today"—the Mohawk Tire! When you buy Mohawk from us, you buy also the name of National Tire Shop and it's a double guarantee of quality and satisfaction of knowing you have purchased "the best from the best"


4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 525-18 5.50-19




Heavy Duty

7.60 $6.00 750 630 8.40 '..: 6:70 1 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . 8.10 11.50 9.40

Tire prices are on the up and up--prices advertised today may be history tomorrow. So'if you are thrifty, and wise—buy your tires now and BEAT THE RISE!

Expert Vulcanizing We employ only factory-trained men in our Tire Repair Department, making repairs and vulcanizing by the same methods employed by tire manufacturers. Tires vulcanized by us are guaranteed not to "blow out." We know how to vulcanize.

We Know Tires!

Road Service


Drive in and let us check over your tires— ifs dangerous to drive on worn casings. For the safety of yourself and your family, buy new tires today—and save money.


ing table, davenport, dnvenport table, dny >>ed, piano bench, 2 chiffoniers, Ji Kiddie Knrs. 6uitcase. ironing board, mirror, trunks. 2 rockers, carton books. 2 cabinet bases, gas stove, upholstered chair, sewing machine, hat rack, 3 rolls rugs, basket. ANDREW C. and XAURA EASTON— Vanity dresser, sanitary couch, smoking stand, magazine rack, gas stove, lamp, occasional table, wood bed, spring, mattress, pad. chest drawers, telephone stand and chair, rug, Congoleum rug. Ice box, dropleaf- table, child's rocker, 2 high chairs child's table, end table, child's chair, J chairs. TVIT,MAM Bf. MURRAY—Library table, trunk, carton clothing. •.'• LOUIS OARDENTA—Three cartons nn< contents, tmrrel of dishes, box of household goods, sewing machine, Vlctrola, picture, enrton ship. 9-l-33-2t.

MONTREAL —An editorial attack lowances and decrees, as tq this Court may on efforts to organize swastika clubs seem proper, to the end that all mntteis pertaining to said estate may be finally in Canada was made here in the influential Montreal Star under the capsettled and determined. ;• BItYCE CRAWFORD, tion, "No HMerism in Canada." 8-18-33-5t. - COnnty Judge.


Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. OMAHA, NEBR.


Phone AT. 6427


Hoberman Bros* Proprietors ' DAVID HOBERMAN



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